■I » 1 J-:• -* -■■ " / ■ * . V ’.: " v . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1952 ATcrate Dally Net Press Run The Weather ' If a g e TWENtY-ElGHT For the Week EoHIof iManthgatgr iEopnitta Ijpralii F9,rs^ o^v.,l,,w^th,f 4'------4 '"’ “ r'A nrlt •I’iti'- -le S l'"-’'" 1 0 ,4 9 4 7 dear with allglit .chaafeo te> ai*lrt sM Frwsjr, - y ------Member of ^be Audit BurtAQ of Otreolftttonji MancheUer——A City of Village Charm ,

c’;vAx*e»e?t ■w»rr5»r3'5VW »»Atw»*i-j»«,'i.-»«»»"a •nrhg^vtrfjfrr. v$ :-.*wrci«»e«ufvt-> VOL. LXXl, NO. 169, (Clawlfled AdvertUln|r on Psgs !*>■ ' MANCHESTER, CONN.* THURSDAY, APRIL' 17, 1952 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE iaiN T S r>Vj.W'' -rsiflijsiyrT-^xfitrb-onniuM w »»M'l*aw!»k«jk*T ii j iulVrfliiailiWMW fmsasi. ^■f- A Three Day Sale Starting Thursday,. April 17. DOUBLE Green imps s'i'S Thursday Calls Big 4 T o Talk bn 31.5 Foot Missouri SLIGHT IRREGULARS -. zaxzav:; I ■: r.xx.yttnaM.x.-b, iw> raarjieuutang,^*.^.-jii*«aa IJ,,.S,;:Pay ■<.HifeT»i;»ggAxt»>3rawSwreiagFA7i/.«a)rTawa'xj-wtA‘*e'L'jire*JuAsf'iTrr< .Famous Brand Sheets and ^ter2^Eoster^D nsa?lion t Payr^Prices

W ashin^n, April 17 — (/P) — Philip Mutray’s €10 stMl IVasMngton, April 17^fl^ Pillow Cases At Low, Low CANNON TQWEI. ENSEMBLE workerB were reported Rrowinjf restive today under pay acales —The Senate Banking; corn- ...... , put" niTo"cfTSrT7''i^^^^^^ ago anrt'the government WBR- her mlttee will heat the" ‘‘ Btg; lieved about ready to give them* a raise, How rnuch and how’ ' Four"...... pf the admini-stration's SofePriiei^ ^ R^aucea4ijr Su aoon were questlona Seo^tary of^.~ mobilization and stabilizatioli ...... - A REG. 69c 16x28 SIZE . ... . 49c C’ommerce'Sawyer w^^ avsawer- program'beTiiha closed "doors" Ing. ' ** ■ - # * tomorrow; , Tree of Disaster .. R eg. 35e First Q uality Fiacc^Cloths . ... 2 9 c .'•Sawyer, l>b** of tha seized In- Chairman Maybank ID., . C.l, TYPE 130 dURt ry, had a tentati ve -date today 8 68 Convicts , ill' HMM High Water knilo'uncin'g this oh ' The Sehati'. Values: from .. „ .wlth. Murray .and .aenjaroin , F.».!r-, j. m l ..floor today;-*aid - the -commlttiee , pMthqnT'fioowf leas. President of thfc .» . .S. Steely ha* no Tnijehtloh. oflatihchlhg' an Corp. Sawyer met eeparately with'a. g a o a a .L k.k.vFW.aX^ investigation of the ateel sltuation, Ask Ouster Leans Hard^ the two men yesterday—preaum-' REG. $2.98 72^108 ...... •..• * 2 . 4 9 but aa|d 'Sve want to get the four ably to lay the groupdwork for-a together and rind out what they gdvemment-lmpoaed wage boost. REG. $3.29 81x108 ...... • • • • *2.69 SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF J8.9S '' 125^95 to 46^95 There wa». every indication, think." Of Warden Thoae called to the closed-door OnLevees meanwhile. That Murray would REG. 69c 42x36 P ltiP W CASES . . Ea, 5^^^ ■ ' |**h- the I Indust ry • In a. talk-ached,, aeaal.o.n jirq .Jpjyi R. Stepl.qiijinj i*ct-. uled before the National Pre»* Dy The Atooefated Presg Ihg mobniiatioh director since fli«j Trepton; ^7. J., April i f — OmKbB, l^eb., April Wonderful Cannon quality 'Ujat will laat f o r year*. ■ PATCHfORK ^ realgnatlqn of Charles R. Wilson; Club. (JP)—Officials at Trenton There appeared a mild note Roger L. Putnam, aiabllizatioh di­ — T.«vee8- strait-jacketing the fhargea I,l« State prison tod4y watched monstrousiy high Missouri $6.7^ . , Murray ha* done no more than of optimi.^m today aa negotia­ rector; Ellla Arnall, price admin­ ^Jiiafie a abort statement In nn- tors made new attempts to istrator, and Nathan P. Felnaing- for signs of a break in a re­ river along Omaha and Coun­ This 1* a wonderful /value! Th# trrejrulartUea are very all*ht— ,.tk- er'ohtiinnan'of the 'Wage Stabili­ volt by 68 convicts barricaded cil Bluffs; il.v, still held the ueually In the atUrhlnR. Two pattern*—floral baaket and all. over ""asver to isat week's sttark from settle “*'dispuleR involving Clarence Randall, president.of In­ sation Board. in the prison printing shop. upper hand today but the TYPE 14« LADY PfePPERELl floral In rose, blue and green. thousands of striking com­ Delay Decision land Steel The- prison administration la situation was touch and go. ■ Rendall said Preeldeht Trii- munication workers. ; Shortlv before Maybank’* an­ ."waiting It out" in an effort to In- - Peace talks -In the --at-rtko -of- River forecasters-continued ihah'*'Velsure' pT' the' sTeeV Tndlis- nouncement,- -the-hanking com mit­ "aure the "aafefy o f four empFoyea' .-— 7 ...tlJXORY MUSLlN:--“‘‘- “ try v.a» a corrupt Real "that dis­ 16,000 CIO communication work­ tee, because of the absence of a held a* Ireetagea by the rtotera to predict a crest "sometime .95 ers against the Western EHectric charges a. political ' debt to the quorum, put off for a day at least alnce a', m. Tueaday, when the tonight” in this metropolitan REGULAR lOc MORGAN JONES Company were to be resumed In 10 REG. $3.59 72x108 ...... $2.79 CIO." He s^td that If any man any decision on what to do obout revolt began. New York. Although several m^ the government's wage-control area of sdme 366.000 persons. threatened IT. S. troop* In Korea lioetagew Unharihed Round-the-clock and almoat for lack of steel "that nmn'a name Jor Issues remained In. dispute program. • ' ^ REG. $3.79 81x108 ...... $3.19 there appeared some progress In,. Report* ao far indicate the hos­ Inch-by-lnch vigilance waa being DISH CLOTHS, 6 FOR 49c la Phil Murray,:’...... Sen. Capehart of Indiana, Senior negotiation sa::~ : RepubliOa^ oh tlW comthiU^, said tages; two of .Whom h*ve heart maintained along • the 33 -mile* *f — REG. 79c 42x36] » ^ 69c. Soft AbsorBpht dieh clolhil by Mbf^aS * Jbnei. JTurray" raniiia-KSndair* state-, Wt'Talks Set trouble, have not been harmed by )fimafy-live«r whicn BO tar Wn* ment "a deliberate and malldoua there was "a o diacuaston' of the Extra thread* for extra.'wear. Beautiful quality lady Pepperell But there were no sign's of early, sultation at all" at today's brief the convicta and have even been (apt the raging watera from the • lie." luxury mualln for year* of aervlc*. . aettlcment o f the. tw o weeks 'old, aeealon. -■ ■.■.•v.-v:/.--.---.-. fed and i>«rrotuad to aecur* medt.’ two cltlea. ' . ' The CIO chief was fully ex. strike of 30,000 AFL Commercial cine from the outside. Sahil boll* ''developed'Inie'^w 1.95 1.95 peeled to expand on that In today's "W e had no quorum ao we re­ Telegraphers Union workers ceased until ton^orrow morning," Late yesterday afternoon ■ the quickly choked Oft as the tremen­ REG. 39c 25% LINEN ' . ■ ■ . ' off-the-cuff speech. against the, .Western Union com­ four men all were permitted to dous pressure kept Increasing. The Chairman Nathan P. Felnsinger Caoehart added. ' ------...... pany. A federal mediator in W'ash- The Issue has become ao deeply telephone, the prison'a central water crept abdvN the ' original of the Wage Stabillsatidn board ington called top official* of both office and report that they were flood wall height in apota to puSh (W’SB). whose , steel pay recom- ensnarled in the steel wage dis­ t y p e 180 LADY PEPPERELL MARTEX DISH TOWELS sides to their first meeting since pute the committee, twice has alt right. . agalnat. flaahboarda which hg* ■xmendations were accepted by the the strike started oh April 3(...... Since ye'iilerday rhorrilng, when been‘ rt-eSied in recent daysl Blit iJnion but vigorously protested .by recessed work on a btU to con­ Both strikes in the communica­ tinue the program, lest angry- a message from Inatltutlona and pump* lifted the apllled water the"h^u*try. said today the WSB tions Industry stemmed from wage agenciea Commiaaioner Sanford COMBED PERCALE / 29c Each public Tnembers were readying a legistatora do something thwt back Into the channel. disputes. _____. . Bales ■;va* sent in to the muttneers, Long weaHiig ahanrbent Martex dl»h towel*. 2S% linen, with ■ reply tb'''.7 *currlIou8 charges" might wreck it; ■ " ------" ...... Tnp* IB81 Record REG. $3.79 '72x108 ...... $ 2 9 9 (.95 'The 11 :., Electric installers In 43 states has Law E*irira* 3iliie alio’n haa rerhained Onrhangea?= ‘ AkKANTitf MAINAGC 39 1-3 foot mark. H ood atajps la Randall's .spe'eisl}^ quoted Rep. made idle thousands of telephone Before, the Comnhttee is. a; hlil Ah observer at the priaon aaid feet. The previoUa record high. In REG. $3;98 81x106 ...... $ 3 . 3 9 Glinn (R-N'Vl 'ss hdvjng.lisid that workers who, having refused to to continue the D{fenae Produc-' the ahop reaembled a tomb—"No some of the public meha^rs "had 'cro.sa plcketTlnes. tion Act! Which provide* authrir- O BED tXAINACE , 1881, waa 24.6 feet. 'n»e c r e a t ^ noiae, no faces, no light—nothing. expected tp_meaaure 81 fert REG. 95c 42x3RVi PILLO^I^ GASES Ea J 5 c^ actirslly themseWea at >yarloua "ftnlm lyockont —" ity-for wage, prtee.-rent and credit 1-2 ANOTHER SHIPMENT! "AA'tlliout Food lean time, the" pattern of fai'dJ?'" Bxtra fine combed yarn, percale . by Lady Pepperell that will ; times In the past been on th?T>Ry- eWA officials in Portland, controls and the. rationing of The rioters have been without O LOWtl MISS. MAINAGE •rolla of the CIO and the AFL.'^'^ ^ r e . . Inst night ordered a strike scarce materials to industry. The land flooding, evacuation*, and. wear for yeara and year*. , fopd, water or electricity since, levae ralalng work which the river SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF S12.RS Ask* I'nlon IJnks py..^lephone operators in Qregon. existing law expires June SO, and they took over the two-at8ry atone ( 0 OHIO IMAINAGE : TEXAS act earlier upstream was belffg Juniors'— Misses'— Women's , Ban Moreell. president of .Tones shop, one of a group of industrial . (^bntlnued on Page Foqr) (Oontlnned on Page Four) . repested along reaches southward and Laughlln Steel Corporation, buildings near the prison’* 'wall. almost' to Kansas City. 100% WOOL LEBANtp^ O UflE” DBAINAGE was reported to have sent tele­ The building haa been aurround- Farmers all along the valley grams to the piiblic members ask­ ed with guard* since the disturb­ have moved llveatock,- maehinafy WASHABLE QUILTED ing thcra to disclose all their past ance atarted. During the night and household goods to higher BLANKETS $8, floodlight*' covered all prmlble Resemhilag grotesque tree, tlwi heavy blach lloee on NewamAp abotw Inuw the courses ef the Mis­ ' ' . * "connections" with labor unions. ground. At least a dozen towM mean* of exit. souri and Mississippi Rivers, now swqUen with flood waters, and their most Important tributary “hraneh- ...Our third. *hlpmenl, ,Pf ..theae \vondyi|t“. wool Lebanon G abardm es, ^Checks,.. Wors^^^ ....F-elnainmr., teatilled.. Ihhf, week,j..HeratdxGain s Hon o r s ' Blacit arrows show how sprtng rabis Mril niettlng atrows'in Montana; the •Dahotos and-other upland and ' .■oULaa' - In . . Mabsaaka, . Lo««|*r- — MATTRESS PADS blanket*. The irregularltle* are mqatly slight oil apota. Colors; tSivo' Hce" 3epa'rt'metit'puinpers' that public members had worked areas are oarried by one river attar another tat* th* overburdened Mlssleatppt and Misaourl malnatems. Kaniga and Mlaaouri—below Oma­ Roaediiat, blue, green, hunter grfJen and wine. on disputes In the past, their pay atood ready to pour'water at th* ha -were lighting the water in REG: $3.98 39x7 leave. Diagonally shaded lines enclose the six major arena that |MUr water down Into the. Misaourl and Mis­ being shared equally by union and In Typo^aphy Contest sissippi valle'y*. Not Indicated are the nqrrtad twig-llhn hroohs and leaf-llke awampa, pond* and anme faahlon or another. Soma a* Bate* ' spoke to the rioters targe as Elwond, Kaa- lpopulatiop Ribs, Combination Suits, management. ' ^ through a window of th* shop m anhea that feed—^t a n with dlaaatroua raaulta— Am erica’s elx Mggeat river baalna. REG. $4.98 54x76 FILL BED SIZE • $3.79 President Truman aelsed the In­ 1'.300) had breh aha.ndoned almost Tuesday afternoon. • . Hi* message completely to the relentteaely Real qballty by Monument Mill* that wlU give you year* of dustry eight days ago. when re­ The Herald once again han been judj^ed among the top 15 offered to listen to and de*I wUIl climbing water, peated attempts to reach agree- their gtievaneee.lf. they would Wr ...,WS«t.------, ...... --'--"•■'V I . .ment .on-ajieiy;..iT,rAnlrict wpj« rall- small town daily newspapers in theCnitotTSta^tes in the field Douglas . Backs Auditors Rap Pilot Slay-down The atory waa • the aama ,aa-U' .. Fabrics , l«ase^-th*-,hostage* and-MUint -X». Ti W Ixtah' Wt al mb*i' I'D dkili'a'*.' tlSe ed. The union's scheduled strike Of’tS'pbgfap'hyrThfe r&tfilg esthbliNh^d lh^^rkhnual TS their cell*. was Immediately called off. hibition of Newspaper Typography in the, Ayei^allerie.s. Misaourl. gorged by the rapid . There, ha* been no. answer. , :maU4Bg o f heayy- wtatar :anows- in ■ - TAllilRED RAYON ...... The linlodirdeiiwnding a three-' Philadelphia, the “derby of lournal^^ ' Pflifiin‘ official* ia y lHie'y believe K ef auYcr for Expenses o^ Teapot S t or installTinent 17H c e n t ; an - hour. ■ ISm." The annonneement -was made " thr revolt-w ar led 'by"' convhrted t ^ .Dakota*.. bi«*n. aendlng Ha „ . EXTRA HEAVY QUALITY \ WAge boost, fringe ben*nts worth last night in Philadelphia. b^a;;rm;T iartiaan- State auditors today ■Gen;'Hoyt'S.-Vahdenberg said' to-; '’“ TWo'' IMe In' 'FMbde" ' " REG. $4,29’«'ITH RUBBER B G TT O N ^.69 4rx.74" . . $1 !> 9 P r.- 42"x63'’ . . $1.79Pr. Those are the settlement terms clas* entered, to survive the com­ the inStltutiolK^ an outaide body. BALL POINT DENS finish, chartreuse color. Nylon tricot, check, green, black. petition. today throw hi* support behind fashed the State Board of Educa­ dsy the "so-called" stay-down The Miasouri. the MtiStaaippl. suggested by the WSB, which Bate* ha* aatdNhc would "atand Three quarter sleeves. Reg. $5.98. Sale price. $ 4 . 6 9 . The Judging thla year'was done Just for Thrill Estes Kefauver ot Tennessee as tion of the Blind for "aerioua In- strike o f fliers It a "tempest In a the MUk in Montana; the Red REG. $44» WITH ZIPPER . ( v : , . $ 3 . 9 8 42"x72 ” .. $1.95 Pr. - 42”x8t” .. $1.95 Pr. studied the dispute for three by" Carty. (JoverHOt, Driscoll said on issues published on the date of he had “complete cohfldence" In ‘Uho best available candidate of adequarles" iti handling It* buat- teapot." . River of the North in Minneaota ' Made of. heavy weljght unbleached co'tton wlMi aeame all bound. 29c Each months. March e: 19!S2. ness-affarrs. . ‘ The Air Force Chief of' Staff and the Minneaota river all have RAYON CREPE, long sleeves. Dark shades. Reg. $A-9,8. The industry's highest offer Is Loa Angelea, April 11—(*9 The the way Bate* waa hanoHt^ the our party"' for the Democratic In 1941, The Herald received,first altuation. ' ...... presidential nomination. In a report on the board's actlvl- told newsmen the publicity given hit with punishing blows and have Sale price ^ jR)’. The riot mark* the third Douglas' announcement 'rame lles over the past two years. tor'Tafatge* Brought a^Iiat A' a i « left to dear oiitr— ------am .,..-..a^ni.n.h.t.T h. "amail" number of airmen ‘ * not !«■ ___»m■ . i. AX;, i-*’'o °’ '* '’ d-run iniper who has I!'. -Just 24 hours after Gov. Adlai Auditors Joseph B. Downea and 1 At least two person*.had died u a l it y Raymond I. Longley, sharply Indicative of. anything a* great as In the floods. FINE Q (Continued on Page Three) -liL .ilX i— -L •‘ 111**! ode woman, and wounded (Continued on Page Four) Slbvenson of Illlnola declared he EXTRA WIDE RUFFLED circulation or under to- coulTnijt accept top place on the riiticized the .agency for falling to aeema to appear on the aurface." The Miaaisslppl created at SC, U TE X FOAM RUBBER Give* (h-edit "uiai year, i Your, gave aheVlff's deputlea thla , -CLEARANCE ^ptanatloh for-hi* acta: Democratic, tlckot^ Douglas bad correct aloppy. procedurea. pointed Aod, .he.jaW. .he-doee. noi be-.: . B sul4c#sterdsj|>utiujtt.l-i6Ste..-Kir ly Tho'maia F, ■ F er^aon , co-pub- been aupportiqg Stevenaon. out In a previous audit. lieve the trouble will continue be­ today Army ^niriii«era sAid it I llaher and managing editor of The "When I shoot at women I get cause the Air Force stopped re­ RAYON MAROUISETTE e.vclted and get a |hrill out of It." At a new* conference, Douglas Specific Charge* peered to be falling all^tly.' lED PlLLOfS ' Medium and long lengths. Colora: White, navy, maize. Value to Ridgway Seen ^ Herald, credited the high standing Claim Russians calling reservtita involuntarily GABARDINE JUMPERS ■ Evan .Charles Thomas, 29, also repeated wnfct he has said Specifically, the auditors The misery dealing Misaourl, 1 achieved by tw* paper to the out- before-that he would.p“t accept charged the agency, wblch. spent a fiva montha ago.. having sent thousands of famlllas With Sanforized Zippertd Covers Ea. $4.99 standing work on 'makeup done by husky, sun-tanned railroad switch­ • .'UURTAINS’ ■ the . party nomination flic. Presi­ quarter of-a-milUpn dollars dur­ Concern^ on Shortage hiking for high ground in one J|f 111 ike’s NATO Wire 'Editor Loui* Mahdell. Make- man, was arrested yesterday after Top U. S. Plane The Air Force I* nonethelea* dent. ' , "N... ing the past two years, with: its worst rampages, was beating 'Wonderful latex foam bed pillows that will give you years of aleep- SPECIAL $1.39 Pr. AND DRESSES [,up Man Peter Flynn, Press Fore­ a shot Ih the night narrowly •oncerhed about the possibility of WITH i - RUFFLES # 00 IPS missed' a woman In the Los Nietos ani In Kefauver'* arm' Making^ separate and "addltlon- at the metropolitan OmaHa-Oou^- - Ihg comfort. Pink and white 'sanfortzed eovera with zipper., Also few washable crepe. Brown, green, gray, gold.-Reg. $7.98 man Joseph McQonigal and to the a serious shortage of fliers to man EXTRA SPECIAL Command Post fine cooperation of all of the com­ district. Output 1^ »3-l DougWs said. "I am enlisted tor' the nation’s military planes. 46 " wide each aide by 73 " long,-These curUlna w*re $4.91 a Short the duration." (Coattaued on Pag* _.Four). . (Coattnaed on Page Fra) . positors and pressmen Oh ' The Mumbling and' nervous, Thomas, trafidenberg niff* three eauM*' time ago.'For livlhg, dining and bedrOOma,' Herald staff. father of two children and whose "■The Illinoii Senator aald he he- for the iltuattafi4 . San Fraaclaxo, April 17- - 1*’)—; Weehtngtpn, April. 17 — W -p_ llevea Kefauver baa a very good $2.98 PLAS’n C CALF, PLAS'HC SALE PRICE $3 (10 "Original efediUfor The Herald's wife. Harriet, is expecting a third, i T - ii------■ » — *— i ' 1 . A~r(»lng defttJi' rata in mili­ Gen. Matthew B. Rldgway, Su­ Two member* of the House Atnfr rbance to be nbminated. ' a n o th e r SHiRMENTi sizes 13 to-4$- Some half sizes. excellent make up," he aald, "goeS told deputlea this story; tary flights. preme Commander of United Na­ ed services committee said today Could Be'at T aft . PATENT AND FAILLE of course to my father, the late Eight months ago he bought a 2. Inauffirient "hazard" pay foi; tions Force*. In the Far East, ha* "the Soviet is outproducing iw In However... Pouglaa said be .. did .... .SLIGHT IRREGULARS Op: FAMOUS be.en recommended by the Joint Ronald H. Ferguson, who- designed .22 rifle which he-kept under tfie plfmes by three or four to; on?"'and aimfanr...... Bulletins I "REG. 59c YARD our present style.” hack seat, o f hia c a r.' Tlla depreda­ not know whether Kefauver could 3. Reserve officer* recalled to Chief* of Staff In IVaahlnglon to demanded an investigation. defeat Gen. Dwight D. Elsenhower -HANDBAGS succeed' G.en. Dwight D. Eisen­ The Judging ia done on the baala tions began one* night when his Culled from duty claim they are being aaked from the AP Wirra In a joint statettent, Represen- in the November election, if Eisen- WAMSUTTA LUXURY DUALITY - Top handle, and.over.the Shoulder styles. Colors: Black, navy. re A.B.C. AND PUNJAB green, etc. ,...... ;— ' ...... , aald today.In a copy righted, story mother and be fell "at loose ena*." Nelson suggested that •Ui* Dark plaids. ■Values.tn $8.98' . . type, and Whjte spl^'e'to" create a ■■’Tjet'a- 1 let thp"-people deride ; Avtlllam $1. Fenn. $ ; New Lon­ ROBBKRS NET «U,«ge ' ’TtMKlSH'roms ANDWt* from it* ^Washington correspond­ 9J remember the first time I House Armed Service* committee 1 ported at Bigg* and Bandotph' Xtr ent, Vance Johnson. . • feeling of criap authority. pulled the trigger," Thomas said. that,” :DougIaa said. idon, Is found dead in his auto near Basea in Texas and at Mather -Leaksvllle, N. C.. April 17—Iff) PERCALE PRINTS $2.29 Each The judges added thst almost inquire, into “ the extreme lag In put he said„ - J'l mpat ... certainly j . . Waterford-New London towm line —Two armed bnndlto held up a- In Tokyo, Rldgway’* public in- "I waa driving past this little cof- Ia” v*i* Field In^ California. One filer haa , ^ .4Q%’i;O45%0Fr REGULAR PRICES., . ail.!)(.: the, pews^pere,'-tft-3-‘ . Stoppea' 'erty Inn to replade’j? one ' tairned duty'hy 'a coiiri'’martIal and *en-“ ttid Confpaay -tadayr'an*-" comment. Col. if Taft win* the OOP nomination, I Tieg.'^29 24x46 LSrge Batli Size $1.29 I ' 49cYd.’ line* within one or two type fam­ about ROD yards aWBV and went .ln- 'dowm Feb. 12 approved by N PA . tenced to priaon. enraped with about $59,000 la Welch reported; said, "bi t certainly something l» Douglas' announcement brought ,.B.C- and ilies,-resUl.flng in an. appeqranoa .tp.ah alley with.tba rifie- !___ . ; TY,- lOtrOduicril In Denmark . VaWlehbetr. In teatimonyvbefora caali..' ...... a-'.-.S, '4.'aeuv.5li«Mc’»-«wFV**q4i’>>d 2!Oito«Ei^i$ldgwaF-baM;*eit,«». ofikttsiaih^ Tihff-«dl';--m*y;ihtlt-t!cfnr»’^^ S9e.. -I. beHaifHiKt*; a 'Senat'e 'A f medf' Sa n d iil'' iliSSSife fe'. state the personaT ranyTctlpn Jumbled • effect. • Soviet t* out-produeing us In planea with the controversial Civil Right* 'Dane* don't like It well'enough to DEUVERS EDEN BIE88AGE ’ :: IVEt SHIPMENt OF GIRLS^SWEATER^ " by which he Is uniformly guided. T aimed at It. TWanted to knock mittea yesterday, said that allfof- 1 , ,.Ree. 49c Eace Clolhs,.;....'29c I, --.-.;s-Wbee'.W>“ tagraph* the.«up, out of;,)iec hand,.But F'htt by. three, or .taur .one Uaiift pa*f .for-aeta and Jlcanaa.feaa -..jc-.i * . .nw--, --.Ootaa;-, April 47— lA7.-rhw,.. , '■ lR ^ .^ B a :ta i$4JAc':mfpriia;,*kPtt ahtavto^ Car-di)^eiJong..8laes«.«. ]<• avxA ^TMot^-pFetagT* Jtaw'tlmn' eriser,'biii» •'"'’''Cliriiwriia**’‘b*!«B‘lha^.4iiiiftli'gh*« -.•I'Aoltaaeadtathar'WXait-ltieTaaflnrt; [• I. : When you sec Uieae iiaft'iluffy heavy luxurlpua >V*«iauita towel* L-, ; ; . __ —--->■•■,-^ -.'-' ahouid. exprea*. no- penanaLitaUft-. ';*<■' Aw- i*'a.va- -wkiAa*. :$»«»-ia»»re6's*fti Im ->44ta-AA>vf>tKaii*t9-’Bt«t'jia P'i .wlU be :'tri*d by-eouirt inarUal;. nuM TlahjW I TTiicn ^uu occ juicoo *»*♦«****“• 7 ' BEMBERG PRINT MESSES ffflware Ap'^atfnlU’qn front ^ge*,- Joint .CbfeT' Of Mve erred ity-gioup* In tte northern atatoa' basaaddr 'ta E g y ^ ' deHveiied'w^ aat. in. conjecture assignment* riiOmaa attribuTea Ihr shining* Irmy* tenter IntelUgence agem^ taca priaofi .tanna and-loiaiand-loiaa o f com.* i ' I vouyou WUi-want Will-want dozen*.dozens. NotNot all all color*colora lA ih each each size. size. Wine,Wine, hunter hunter according to the Judges,-and these to an unnatural urge, but Said be In tbeir future vachednHngr",that eehtencerf to •Ight'- year* mesaage today to Prime Mlnla- -freen, aqua, copen blue,'white, yellow, gray and pink. , V-necIc, Scallop Dress, Notcli CoHar ' ' SALE $4JMi and $2.00 ~ •ubsoquent to their present duty. mlaalona... REG. 69c WASHABLE He believes that officers' should passing Antarion secrets to Rua- He recommended that Congress ter -Abided Negulb Hllaly Roll Collar, A.ssorted Color-i. Sizes 16’ • to 24’/*. (Oonttaued on .Page Poor) (OontlniMd op Page Poor) (Continued on Page Five) (Conttaued on Page Five) «lan*. . . GenerarWilliam Hes- Paaba froin Foreign Secretary’:'. willingly accept and faithfully, dis­ pis* legislation that would pro­ kath. state director of CD, leave* Anthony Eden, but' did not dlsr ; . charge any assignment • decided vide higher ^ z a r d pay for filers for Nevada for view of- A-bomb close the eontenta. AMERITEX WAFFLE PIQUE upon by superior authority." •• to (five them a greater Incentive to SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF 44c- a 9 8 Johnson said that Ridgway's taota. ■ COTTON AND RAYON man their planer. YUGOSLAV TBIES SUICIDE name had been suggested to the. Figures show more Connecticut Vandenberg noted, too, that Rui- 57c Yd. ; ether 13 North Atlantic treaty na- people paid more income tax this Belgrade, Yngoelavta, April year than ever before. . '. John A former Yugoelav WAMSUTTA FINGERTIP Ten smart ..colors in ever popular waffle pique. (Contlnued On Page rou t) BLOUSES $1.00 (Oonttnued' on Page Five) Lupton, candidate for Republican Foreign Ministry. official og RAYON CREPE SLIPS ■ Bleevelese, cotton. Long ileeyea, rayon-cotton. Size* 7 to 13. ■ nomination for U. 8. senator, saya trial as a spy fqr thp Soviet TERRY TOWELS New Haven, April 17— (dh— Con­ New 'York, April 17 — (/P) — Aj GOP .should do more to attract Union tried to kill idiiiaelt to- - A special buy of AildaAlida slip. ■ L-ace Laice trim top 1 and bottom* Sizes necticut Democrats Were offtcialiy Democratic d.lnner tonight honor-1 young voters. Malan Foes Join day. While being' led froBt hla 32 to 40. Pink, or white. Reg. $3.98. Reds Pro^aa€a, tkiHa, draperies, STRAW HATS REDUCED Mu’naan, April 17— (ff)—Commu- North Island erupts with roar 17—WP»—T h r e e angry political 4500 HOMES BURN ^ nia( truce negotiators pressed It was not merely a routine “fa-; be guest of honor at th* $100-a- and awe-inspiring burst of red 'etc. ' ' ‘ •• Reg. $1.98* to $3.98. vorite aon", endorsement or a, plate affair sponsored by the New groups formed a united front lost Tokyo, Friday. April IS—or», again. today - for Immediate 're­ smoke. _ ptght against Prime Minister Dan­ —A ragtag, wiad-faimed fira sumption , of the off-the-record smokescreen to ease him. Into the York State Democratli) commit ' ft. ■ ■ ' ' NOW $1.49 to $2.98 Reports show American people iel Malan’e plan to keqp courts destroyed at least 4>00 koauta NYLON BRIEFS talks on how to exchange prison­ nomination for Vice President, but tee. from upsetting hla stringent white ta Tottari. left 1E$M pereuaa T HEAVY QUAUTY ' The dinner reflect* strong sup­ saved IS billion last year, Increase ers of the Korean war, an all-out effort to put the Nor­ supremacy program. The groups bomelras, and was stlD burning A special buy ofif all nylon brief*. Nile, yellow, blue,1 white pink. port among the committee’* mem- from savings of only 1<$ billion in The Reds *made a similar sug­ walk lawyer In the White House. asserted they wHI uae force. If early today, Kyodo News Agen­ $1.50 QUALITY FULL , Sizes Q. B, 7 SLACKS-AND OVERALLS gestion Sunday. The UN- Com- Democratic : State' Chairman Wuhlp to give Harriman the l9S0. . . Phyaictana at St. Vincent’s CANNON TOWEL ENSEMBLE Hospital, Bridgeport, announce- .Malan does. cy reported. For spring ai\d summer. Reg. $1.19 to $3.98. . mand has, not replied. John M. Bailey, after presiding state’s 94 vote* at the Democratic SPEaALAT69c The talk* were recessed April 4 here laat night at the State Cen­ Presidential convention ' In Chica­ new drug, Methium, used in exper­ Together In the new front were REG. $1.19 22x44 BATH SIZE ...... 84c FASHIONED 60 GAUGE iments In treatment of high Mood th* United party. Malan's biggest ATTAOES H088ADBGH ao both .sidea could explore sepa- tral committee meeting which go. Tebraa, April 17—4/P>—N e w !/. NOW 79c to $2.79 - rateiy possible way* to break the unanimously approved a resolution Tomorrow .the state's 62 Demo­ pressure. legislative foe, the Ldbor party, REG. 59c 16x28 HAND SIZE...... 44c BbeperU on ocean study say* and the Torch Cbmmandoi, an or­ riectad meoMtera of the JMaJUa, . SHEER NYLON HOSIERY deadlock over prlsAier exchange. endorsing McMahpn; planned' to cratic county leaders meet here to or lower heuee ef Parlkuaeag. The Oommunlata want all prison­ meet the Senator in New York to­ discuss . "the Presidential altua- whole new continents may spring ganization intent on knocking BLOUSES up on face of earth .In billion years. Malan'* Nationali*t government were reported to have held a REG. 29c FACE CLOTHS...... 22c er* returned. The Allies Insist day to start the ball rolling in tlon"—fiill of more party queatioh- secret' meeting today aad a p » SPECIAL 94c Pr. Short and long sleeves.' Reg. |i,9g toi $2.98. that no one should be repatriated earnest. marka since Gov. Adlai Stevenson Mystic American Legion Post out of office. What '* value! All first quality beav^uality Cannon towels and adopts resolution calling for ta- The three groups proclaimed tacked the govermneat of P t w > 2 ;(aee cloths that will give years of wear. Flamingo, aqua, green, All new'spring shades with reliiforced heel and toe for extra CO. agelnst hla will. 'The..firat step, he told newimen, of nilBbia said yesterday he ."could mler Mohaimaed " ' ' mBMUKmaWk COMM'I NOW $1.79 Th* new propoaal to reaum* would be to get in touch with Dem- not accept the nomination for any vestigation of long priaon terms their front at a maaa meeting In '-^raQow .and peach. , / wear. Sizes 8H to 11. im post laat year on two aoldiers the greoada ef W. AVMtiHil. BAMMOtAH from thU area-by a Oeorgta court (Oedttamed aa' P m « Shiad) . «* (OeahbMMd M Page 'n v e ) BRIEN MeMAHON (Ooftttaaed oa Page TUrteea) ' (Ooatiaaed aa Pag* Tare)

7$ \.

M i \ ■■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,, CONN, THURSDAY. APRIL 17. 1952 ■\'- \ FAOBTWO ’ ist* ’“FrankHn- Delano-RooMtett- ----— /-.>se4e8u-'.-1 the 32nd president of these United MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, APRfL 17* 1952 PAGR THREE Cancer Carrmt Cheap J a rv i8 S e c u re s Rag Collection Set H eaili Coiinty States of Am*rtc«, wlll be revered For this Saturday lA.meniory and . Wstory “ . tj" Qf ,.'yilND% oh the 'Kallot ' by sendlhg cbhtHbU': A statistic minded member greatest hunranltarian of all times, the Elsenhower ni'ovem’eht, . will New Interest Th* townwide rag collection Political Bbdy along with George Washington, report on these conference* to- tions to the club. Ail such **- I 5e c o y a % g of the cancer drive committee ..for .the. teqeRt ot the ,,Canwr, -J- Hejnber iQi’ive iilstahce 'ran''be' addreiiswi to' Bo* tdday * qtrt««d Parker Roren, the Father of qur_ Country*^, *no. nftht:'"''"' drive will be Held Saturday Abraham Lincoln, the GreSy Keis% Flew into Red Area ' RtuMell M, Smith, publicity 230, Post Office. Manchester. mSPSWr.. .ql,,.tbe ., Man(*(en^^ mornlTig,' starttitg-at .8 o'eloek Democrat Women Select „..TOXUriL...... AdjHceiit W Brad­ Emahcipatdi'. Be ih iNaolved' s>le* epea *:** TtetnTmTrf(iT.'tte'Mimi Eisenhower Division of the Connecticut from the Army and Navy Club. Rally Featiire group, who krinounced Rockwell'* ^ n d itSngpregatioiial . the.coUccUon wiU O ryk.y^r*. Pascal Maatraagalo ciub'a rally tonight - at ,. Center dmtii shortly before .‘ the affair hi .laat a y tn ^ . 4nUlgu*d.t^ dents who have a iow kliowatt pany on Route Y5 between Elm )ie poatpohed' until‘ the fdUbw- the Community T in Manchester. rat* because of the use, of cer­ She succeed* M r *. ^Katherine andjitrs. Philip Bayer. 'p'ark'tHat'will feature arm-bandeii to begin. .... Swinber* and gueata '^ t h W* dls- street and Half-way Houie road, Ing Saturday. B£RLIN TURNPIKE 56 Pilot Missions : and clip-board' carrj'lng member­ Slay of glamoroua fabric* In tain electric appliances the cost Bourn of this town. ‘ /■ i— i •' . . Preceding the affair, which 'n1Il wilt be about a quarter of a adjacent to 1 Bradley .Field. ^ Other ofRcers elected at the ROUTES NEVVINGTON ship solicitors, women distributing get underway at 8. a parade fea- aUqu* aaUn,, cottoaa.-chtnt* tor Although no- apeclifle plah*;h*ve Korea’s weather originates In Eisenhower boiiquels and a -sotind rape*, aUp cover* and otheruse*; cent, he ealimafed." meeting last liighl included. Miss' Vernon Methodists tiirlhg ■ the "Kittle"' band' ah'd led been made by Mr. Jarvie, tt la Mary Lawlor of Wetherafteld, flrtt Siberia Slid Manchuria wher^ the tnick that will begin touring the by baton-twirling majorettes, will nd after hi* Ulk the women Despite this low cest, how- town about 4 o'clock this after: .«vep,--cancer • 4>fflciala- qul4!kly understood that the land, which vlca;prealdent; Mr*,J^apqy .lwd.“ ,: mds.are. ln. control. '___ .head ,up Math, street, from Educa-^ aed. a'ronnd htm for a d eee-up la one of jlhe few Urge piarcei* Plan Smorgasbord noon, urging It* itsteners-to come pointed out that soilcttora will -^ e d d i n g B When the armed forces weather tional Square to the rally alter of the fabric* and the hew zoned for builneaa in town. Will to the. rally,...... stsrting-at 8:30. .j^ Ip a p er*. and to aak que*tlon»: gladly call at any house ,dis- be utilized for the construction of men found their predictions went E .. WllUam. HBc.RetL.. itimteL-, .playing..any..kind.bf ."welcome'.! The .ladies .of ihe..Vwi«m. Meth: V'-At'-the- -meeting Isst-ntghr, Bat-: '♦■'■Mr;'Adam* caribonedhle-hearer* a aiftppiHg center - which - wtil all 'askew" because they had hb ship chairman, announced plans at. son also gave S financial report light, be it electric; gas or odist Church are sponsoring an­ %galnst copying “room enaemble* service euch eurroundlng town* Cafro-Backus ground observation stations in . the the eiub’s meeting laat night for and invited-all EiaenlKiwer sup­ that appealed to them In the merely a lantern. Spring flowers formed the se-b- other of their famous smorgasbord* dispatching Eisenhower worker*, as East Granby, Granby, Poquon- Communist territory, they decided porters to aid the club in Us, cam­ ...varioua bou»ehold„ inaKMlpet, 4ick, Windsor,. Suffleld. Agawam, ting, at fit. Bridget’s Church, fiat 'Baturday night from 8 to 7 at th* wearing .distlngjilshlng *rm bamls paign to-put ^the-general'* name " ’{p move the statibni to alrpla'nes, and.carrying . clip., board, jxwters, They may look deelrable, on paper Warehouae Point *nd -other sur­ urday morning a t 6. o!dock for the .Church, The menu jncludea baked, bu t may.not be aultabl*^fqi: -them the' oeunJtiy 4^ «ijy “ .40, while tiow, rounding' -tosni*. ;: Hr *I»d 'rtey took' B-28* ' and stripped ihto>. tbe area Up .circulate among .^.Hnininiiiiiiiis weddlng” df 'Miss 'Margaret' Adele iiam With ratsih sauce as the main personally. it is in the thousands, ' provide ample parking. dish, escalloped potatoes, various them of armaments except for the the crowd and sigri :ip new mem-' He gave them many valuable Mrs. Alfred Lalng, who Intro- Mr, Jarvla said today "That wa Backus, daughter of Mr. ahd Mrs, kinds of salads, fish, cold cuts, tail gulls. In the space the guns bers. Houseworii ' Jhlnta. For inttance. it i* alwayi 'duced Mr. Adams at . the close of are certain that the development Adam C. Backus of 36 Marble Tellshes, cake and coffee. .took up they placed intricate Hsekett termetl this "a trick ilmportant to line draperies for hla Ulk expressed gratsful apprt- of this property will be a cre4llt to street, and Pasquale Cafro of 125 The committee in charge of the weather forecasting . 'equipment. never performed before In ’town." . 'windows; also that a north light elation for the time and effort he the backere, the Town of Wind­ ChaHer Dak street, son of the late supper are Mrs. Eldna Johniton, Then they manned the planes with and stated that "we believe the Easy Without U almost a* hard on them a* the had taken, to enlighten the women. sor Locki, and the exteneive de- Mr.' and Mrs. Edward A. Cafro^ chairman; Mrs. Doris Madden. crews of .10 and sent them on daily results will be terrifle." - 'briftit’aiuMliiaei' •-.■m .-v.:-.-,..... '.Xh*. proigram-waa, preceded. by-A VelopmanU at-BTadlsy Ftekk-tha Rev. .Theodore, Guhal.*.....offl.clatpd 'Mrs. ■Grace- ^Smith;- Mrs.•.■Mary- - fligbU-toi-take .reatUngfr. *t->.ths Tto-«.VSUie bride had aa'ber maid of C. Kclsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred organized a group of "bouqiiel” a* itrMo and atraln, fauMM this important and everyone had choice af a fa- not been worked out. according to honor Mis*. Arljui* Moske of 50 B. Keish of 40 Clinton, street, a worhen who Will cover the streets funetion tnokvw dawn.manr foiko-otiffarnave'. -engage them to avoid pitfalls and Bint kMirkarht->fa«i minarakW. Minor blad> in reality save money In the long vorlta variety. Tea, coffee and Mr. Jarvis, but will ba announced North street. Edward Paganl of veteran 0 10 years in the Air surrounding the'park, distributing dcr irritation* diM to cold or wronff di»t majr mlnU-were servedr; — —------Elsenhower bouqnefx...... — mm. -OoUegea-and technical -sdiools te ireen a* more deflnttiB-plsn* are i28 -C7iarter,oak- street;-coosm of Forces; most of them- spent flying- : - - - . , —Ileratd phai». ' 'ftiiM iwttlnf up nfiVt* dr fri^VenipaMaffM.' ~ are constantly inquiring what the The memibera and guesU re­ made. - the bridegroom, was best man, and CIRCLE and fighting in the Pacific area. Mesnwhlle, it was announced Don't n*BMt jrdur kidntyra if thma candi* Captain Frederick C., Keish, recently returned from duty, »n * tion* bother rau. Try Doan'a rUla->a mlW requirement* are for a profes mained seated at tha tables during - Mr. Jarvla wa* represented in ushers were John Backus, brothsr STARTS TOMORROW "Buzzard King!’ WB-28 flying weather mlsaions over 'enemy territory in Korea, Is this morning that Horace E. Rock­ diuretic. Died auccaaifully by millioii* for Mrs. Heim FItspatrick well, a prominent Hartford attor­ orior BB yaar*. It** amatlnt how many tlm*a ' alonal decorator. the program, which also included the transaction by Herinan Rome, of the bride, and Ralph Cafro, For more than 18 months Keish shown here ■wiOi his family, who have lived with him in Japan for OH brother of the bridegroom. ney and one of the Elsenhower Doan>fira happy roliaf from. th*M diacom* As ikn illustration of the growth marimba selectior* by Edwardr Hartford real estate agent, and of Hertford, second vice president flew the “ ‘Buzzard King” over a nearly two years. Capt. Keish has been visiting his parents, Mr.-zmi forti'-haip th* IB milMof kldnay tub** and fll* o f the profession, the American Rtlles, son of Past Leader Mrs. Edward Condon of the Hartford The bride was attired in a gown Mrs. Mary Brecklln 6f New Brit­ movement'* first supporters In Ura duih out waaU. G*t Doan'a ritt* lodart "weather track" which took him jMrs. Fred Keish of 40 Clinton street, before reporting for duty tt Connecticut, will also sddress the, Institute of Interior Decorators, George StUee of the group, and Realty firm of Dow and Condon of white Skinner satin, made with ain, third vice president; Mrs, ■/ Into enemy territory under con-1...... Carswell Air Force Bsse'in Fort Worth. Tex, Mrs; Keish is the for- which has always tried to set a acrobatlc_ dances executed by who acted aa broker* for the pur small . beaded .Peter .Pan collar, James Glynn of Hartford, fourth rally tonight. slant threat of attack by enemy! met ileanne Rhea Tournaud. Their youngest - son, 13 months old, Mrs. Alice .K. I^eopold. secretary ~ high s tandard; when organised -had Donn» Park, daughUr of Mr. and "Chstetv—— ------^ ^ ^ ^ — - button up neckline, long sleeves vice president; Mr*. James Gray­ aircraft and'gto\ind fire. Ever;' was bom tn'Japan. Mr*. Gilbert Park of Oakland terminating In a point at the of state and Mrs. Florence Raddall a membership from all parts of son, corresponding secretary; Mrs. 100 miles a weather expert aboard vice chairman of the Republican come to street, accompanied oh the piano wrist, basque waistline and a long Richard Rosa of Manchester, re­ Eating Out Is Fun the planx radl'oed. information by ter aunt, hfr*. - William A.. train. Her veil of imported llhuion cording'secretajT, Mr*. q*i-i Town committee of M*rlb4m>ugh, Harriman Boom and back to Tokyo in special weather Malait Foes Joiii Hbspitaf Notes have already accepted Invitations n Park. ■ was edged with satin with a crown Berg, treasurer. code. The information enabled of orange blossoms. She carried Try It Tonight to speak. Elecled to the Board ot Direc­ meteorologlats to forecast condi­ Rockwell, who has rtce.nlly re­ B o s t o n i PLOWINB AND ASKS 18 HOUR WSBK To Start in N, Y. praycebook with or.chid marker tors were Mre. Edward McGann On Racial Issue Patient* Today . 128 It’s fun because the food tion* welt ahead and to plan mil­ turned from a trip to SHORT Slav* and white atephanotis. of Glaetonhury, Mr*. T. M. Sulli­ itary operations accordingly. ADMITTED YESTERDAY; Torrlngton, April “ 17—(dVr The maid of honor wa* attired 4* ~~ ^ - Wa.shlngton where he con­ (Continued from Page One) van of Hartford. Mr*. P. McCrann is excellent'and we do all . Although Keish was often sub­ (Continued from Page One) Mrs. Catherine Carey.- 144 Lenox ferred with nBtionail leaders in S s t'S O N O A Y Mamber*' df l-flcel 1648, Tofring- In a heavenly blue nylon net gown of New Britain, .Mrs. Raiph Rus­ jected to ground .fire, he cbmpiet- street; Edward Fish; 104 Chestnut with a nylon lace cocktail Jacket. _ the work! No waiting for A. SU M S ton Metal Pi;oducU Workere, other office this summer." sell of Manchester. Mr*. Allan ed 56 missions without any trou­ Capetown Cit.v Hail, where .1. G. N. street; William Clark, 78 Helalne SPORTS ■ SHOWS And a Democratic spokesman She carried a cascade bouquet of I Bourn of lilsncheater, Mrs. R. Ry- tables. Plan to have (hat ble and is now visiting his par* road; Mrs. Jeanette Schfeldge, or T«L ^&S43 or 3314 United Automobile Workera Strau**, parliamentary leader of said ysaterday that, if Harriman pale pink carnations, and wore d*r of PlalnvlUe and Mrs. William enta here in Mancheater before South Cioventry; Harry .lackaon. PINE PHARMACY HISTORIC SPOTS (CIO) at the Excelsior plant of matching fiowers In her hair. favorite dish of yours the United pyty,.declarf(Lthey-ln- were namsd,-he would be an Saunders of Hartford. leaying for Carswell Air Force T62- srapie"Stre«^^ Adam SchaefecT 664 t!KK'TER“8Tc-:.TEL. 2-88U Visn fRKNOS IM —Torrlngton Company, 'have hounced m T V fuir-nedgeff eandt: - A t-A -dlnner .for .aOO -g4m plant, Ruaao lald. .T'apan, al.*o will move , to Fort cuac government use of forbe to DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; f ' 7 e x a £ C Russo said the company left the ert S, Kerr of Oklahoma, and Sen a pink rose corsage. Worth. • Keish's wife is the for­ strengthen the Nationalist griup Ronald Mason. 458 Porter street; ORMHNAl See niir large »elertliin of smart declelon up to the union when It Herbert H. Lehman of New York When leaving on a wedding trip mer Jeanne, Rhea Tournaud, They on the country. Mr*. Nancy Warren and daughter, MANCHESTER new pnalel nr dark shade* in FRIDAY, APRIL 18 became apparent that a shortage Sen. Richard B. Rus*ell of Geor to Florida the bride chose a tan have a 4 year old son and another "Our struggle Is against self- Bolton; Mr*. Minnie Lehmtan, quirk-drying, moth-proof Nylon gla la .the only announced Demo spring wool suit with light brown or f(K)7o pure virgin wool*. All t:00 A. M. of work would necessitate either Richard BASEHART 13 month old boy who waa bom seeking, politicians who arc abus­ Glastonbury; Susan Shaw, 158' t a x a layoff of many employe* or a crat candidate not expected to at accessories. After April 28 the ing their powers'. . . in a desperate |4%,45 first quality,. Sizes 84 to 40. Gene EVANS ' MichMl O'SHEA in Japan. Avery street. Shortened work week.. tfindr young couple will -be at- home at ' w n F1.V B-S8 " attempt'to entrench themselvesdn- -ONLY ^ INC. EMANUEL CHURCH 'a J— Harriman, known to be highly the residence ^6f the bride's par­ ...... PLUS^...... power,” said the declaration es­ DTSCMARGEtt TODAY: Darcte . -- - At Carswell Air Base, which Pricketl. 116 Lockwood street; Oiildren under It—Half Fare M Church Street regarded by President Truman ents on Marble street., The Sierra Nevada range la one tablishing the united front. Children under 6—Free of the snowiest spo^a in North worked closely with the late Pres-1 A graduate of Manchester High Keish B a y s was named for a major Richard MaZur', 160 Loomis street; DOBCA8 BOCIUTY In his outfit in China who received The declaration followed ad- Mriu Marguerite Pierce, 126 North America. Ident Rooeeelt and attended Inter­ School in the class of 1848, Mrs, Joiirnmtnt of a h'bt parliamentary Sunday train leaves Manches­ national conference! with him. Cafro graduated from the Hart­ riJesB the-Congressional Medal ,q( Honor, School street; Nancy Sltek, Elling- -J^sthnmously, he will fly-the big (Rebate-jm..M:alan'* . intention, to ter at 9 iSfi Af M. Mr. Truman has publicly ex- ford Hospital'School of Nursing give his legisVatlve ' majority au­ tan; Mr*. Maude Wood.brldge, 485' preiMed no preference for * possi­ with the class of 1851 'Sh'd i* at B-36—the intercontinental bomber Middle turnpike east;' Mr*. Jacque­ WILLIE'S thority over the nation’s courts. TWO IDENTICAL REXAll which costs 3 million dollars and Return train leaves South Sts* ble Democratic auccessor. But it present a member of the nurs­ His. NftWon.aliaU.,hold JJtl.,.4»f.. the.- line Doscher and daughter, Rock: la known that h# liked -Oo. S.lev- ing staff at the hospital. Mr. Cai­ ' :;ta equtpp'e.dyrit'h Pb* tiimj Boston, «t P. ;M; • *' -—- 207 seats-in the Senste and House ' viTle; -iSiirit,' Nan' We'iizel ahd"'Sbn','' PRODUCTS FOR THE PRICE ITAinRH UNWAHTEO HAIR FOREVER ehsoh ihd that H4 ha* teW luk *- ro ■' giiattaft'd 'from' ■ -MaheiiasWr and four jet engines. 85 Middle turnpike west; Mrs. Keish thinks he may stay in of Assembly, but the court.* h:u’c Now T/ea*ue Baseball warm toward Sen. Kefauver. High SchE)OI in the class of 1844. ruled; :th*t' South" Africa'* - basic! JMrab*rP4)ters6n,"28 West! {jardiftr OF ONLY I 4- y c Wg Why let UBsIgbtly hair 41a yewr fane van ynar. • Kefawver ..ha* . been. barreling, 'served. In.the :U. S.,N*vy,..subB3*3:i,- ENDS T01)iICHX zervlre until retirement age, iuit street; Arthur 'Brown, 83 Laurel ~ Every Stindajy'In Boston TO---"— ... :.. adds that he ip tired "of getting law^ can be changed only by,, 6, .food-loelia. Let me free you etf (hit Koolal tendl-.. along .ln.JD*mP9rario . Pre|ldent«l rine division, for three and a^hslf twb-thl'rds ' 'majbrily of both street; Mr*; yaTehlite' Kacehov: cap forever. My medically approved metted I* primarle*. Some obaerver* think * years" during -World War ll',"'ah'd |" “RdOil ^^E MORE* phot at,” skif. 708 Main street; and Mrs. » HfiVE TttEVISlOH^^^^^ 7 A s.a mattte.r.of fact he has a hoiises sitting together, not Just aafe, pemaBent, and ndil not mar the aMn- "Boom Harriman" offenalve will is now employed at Clayton Mo-1, a afmple majority, '"' •' A'nna TWible; 36 Whitney road. FINE PHARMACY m W HAVlN have the effect of a "Stop Kefah- tors in West Hartford. PLUS : “ STEEL FIST” right to be. Beside duty on the -weather -pisne. -irts combat.- -experl- , fi).*!. .i?9.t!ti?.,.,i?.?.C,n,r>,.,.l?,-?.t ...fbunth. 864 Clij^TER J,Tj—TEI,. 2-8814.. 84; It 8 0 AD "VW"' drive'.' ‘ ..... after the ap^'als 'court,' South 'nie bee's vaiue~ as a pollinatp'f te HAVE SIZZLINB STEEKS ertce ihc1i:des a stint as an opera- rMARY CROMEN WAE An organized campaign f o r Africa's highest bench.- knocked is 20 times greater than it* value ------— ceidtnea EiectMiegiat Harriman itarted la»t- Seturday -tion officer In the Cn»lna-BwrmaT out a ■ Jfalan raw 'to TreStflcf the as'a horiey prt^ucer...... - at Harriman. N. ,Y. The town, ★ HAVE PRESENTED THE India Theater during World War voting rights of .50,(XK) Cape Prov­ 876 MAIN STREET TEU 2-2667 about 60 mile* north of New York, EASTWOOD II. The niuch decorated flyer had ince coloreds (persons of mixed ia named for hi* family. NOW PLAYING the Di.sting'Uished Flying Cross blood,! * ' AU Work By Appointment—Free ConaultatlonB BOWERY SHOW with an Oak Leaf Cluster, the Air = Happy Hom*r soys: StlU Not m OSndIdate' STATE SMASH TWIN-HIT BILL! Angered. Malan said' he would i Medal with six Oak Leaf CTuslers inleoduce a bill ta make 'parlia-j Tl?* ''Harriman for Prealdent" .and the Asiatic-Pacific Medal with l^SHOWS DAILY— MATINEE 1:4^ EVENING 7:30 "Bugleaih tHe. menl suprbhie over the courts. His ccunmlttee ThTfoduced’ Its favorite “ My Sti 4r HAVE A SEAFOOD BAR seven Battle Star*. In a cottage on the former Harri­ "QUO VADI8” p r e s e n t e d MATINEE 3:20. EVENING fl;08 C/onvlct*” Afternoon” bill has not .vet been introdiicPd, man estate, presented by the fam­ SATURDAY CONTINUOUS IMMEDIATELY AFTER JohR Beftl Ray Mljltsd Missing In Ai-l1on but its foes have in.feried debate ily to Columbia UjUverslly, ..:.,__ THE KIDDIE SHOW 4.25—"QUO VADIS" AT 5 and 8:80 Gilbert Helen* CsVter 4r NOW RIVES YOU THE . . But the two,wars he has fought on it into parliament's bjidget dis-1 I Cafl A:C for ...... PRICES TOR THIS EXOACESIENT ONLY cussidns...... ^ . - The 60-.v*ar-old Harriman, *1111 ...... Ii«-l':t4'.... In has not been enllreTy matters MATINEE BOc-A E ^N IN O 81.25—CHILDREN ALL TIMES ,50o UROESTTySETINTOWti of decorations and glory. He was Formation of 1he united front not an announced candidate, for ^ (Tax Inrlude'G FAMOUS FOR THEM EAST HARTFORD wide radio network, while the Johnny Weismuller gear. A mobile control trth’er had MQDIL 4Q1A .. American Broadcasting Company TECHNICOLOR Cmrto4Hi»—Gmnedy ;— been InataJJed (n the C-47 to "talk” . the- crippled craft into, a ■TfLEPHONE 8-3231 O N i r Witt; teievloe the dinner over lU DAN aN G SATURDAYS TO OUBALDO'S ORCH. New York state network. BRUNO DUBALDO, GUITAB—S. HENEVENTO, VIBRA HARP safe lagding. As the ersft de- PLUS SHORT SUBJECTS—LATEST NEWS • SUN.: "A STREETCAR •cended and pased to the ground, Filipatrick aald bot»- broad- NAMED DESIRE” DANNY MIKALOWSKI, ACCORDIAN I ewlA AW a?fee'i'il^ J9'3° , SHOW STARTS AT Mr. r SATURDAY DOORS OPEN “AT t:3tj ■•tS lScks the mlnute-by-mlnute condition ANOTHER of the gear and the balance of the huge.etaft. A r e remilt of the tXnn* 'COir-^^t#Sim‘ie'fim «U 'A m ^ rseeptlim and - KIDDUESHQM ■' ■■■ ■ ‘•Whed''«Wt!' W -Keitev ■ the -xlrdwa, 4 .ara yours with this «3cceptionaliy compact, * a ^ to install . and the craft's pilots,' the plane! .:.. wait. iR.8ts.peatlr h*hla*s. dash roopirol teod-odsplablo.t - The* ;|5yee SPapnlax- • COM iaYlA^iSElL vv. X-:- 6* (he ptnaL S ^ «en la in ^ Afauea.y.stw*k*r,. patented.-motor: w,..- .TLUS.:TB)W -.T- *» Pridayto fltOO’P .M . . 1 7 0 PEARL STREET PHONE 2-8151 t mitte*.

1 " •-*' -H V- »«-Svh^»FCl.ir‘ .1 f .Vu- ,^'i, .-z',7 "-x>s>At.'xw.>'>a.<3e...*,«s » » < . ' " * * » w > v x e B V r v r »«-•'•»w«y*es.'Vf?«dT--rr»'artem«rT)»,wttissx'»ee.wr4v,xv-»t«*W 94«ri"SWr('!'>»*• fjfjxxov.i*»ff9rr'nF*e.»»*««»,-.•rtx»«.* (KT'V*—T»r'»^»v.--s»,i'ies’i'-«i-w.,,T)rst»v»H-w»JWsv*>,'»XfeK*amt?*.-»*pti>j.“.'rtxi wrtrnr:^W')e.-,\*.«;Ti'*~-wi;K‘-.;-_'VJr4r»ws6vcv*r>-Vrvurtsnv’rt'»''i7'j»*e»»*I"” e'V-*r'i'uT)fte.'«vrrT7ef vmv. - h- . • •* ^ _

: . , .. . . . ' ' ■ - ■ • ■ " X . . ' . . >1 V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C0NN„ THURSDAY, APRIL 17,4952 ... PAGE FIVE'

'STJ- day Tilfbt, AnoUisr Suptr^ort hit iUdgwiijr Seen This B oy^ Srt" for O Clainr ^ Russtaitd <;(imnnflilit tirwp awl itipptjreoiJ*' Drivei^’s “Fines ! - ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.,_THURSDAY. APRIL 1952 0ouglRs Backs centrattona along the battle, line. ,;.vlSi.v- i-r. IT, B-38 light bombers used >«ada« " f X G E W D U & •in .iwwiHnx K^faU¥ei for in ik e ’^ m r o chon. (Hhar B iW 'prota riiimrtea^ to About To wn Soldiers WTHT— 1280 31 Red'trucks destroyed on North Feign Atomic Radio and TV w n o — 1080 Koraaii., Wghwayg. ------, ,, ,., , ^Sforiarty ScHs j bniy |[*rtiitfce' SWdfeB W H A T— 010 Democratic Bid Command Post Output by 3-1 , In apectacular ground action Ohmnbisnb Fouftd-Cruiltf Department R T -a*! d-a-w t Mra. R c t 'U F I l ,WCCC-rI?»2, ' EUtiWS' ‘Slwifixrd T4m*" W NHG—Gh,- 8 Wednesda^y, a!bout 3D AillecI tank* Alice Bender of Bridgeport will be W K N B -rS M ,TwoJ^^ . Courts / Effect (Conttnned from Page One) (C!ontincMI from P i^ Ode) ' (iviiiaiiiita fWMi -w m * o i 8> " » rtiiatsrt Red 'Ilitt» ;'wear; Kransong '■-^'^Broaa St Plotj' a guest at the. - meeting • o/ the on th* central front. 0£ Vehiclri ViolaUons AmeftoAh Legldh *f»fl- d .lii« —WTHT—Aialhit the Storm, .rtfpUe4 that they' "appairenUy tlons.-andaUhTOgh approval i* ex-., i#Sro li'iiir lieenlaisk'of " ' A'i'Tf.'ff. Eighth Army- staff -bffl- .-j'. day evening in the. Legion hall. Thirteen' from Town, |.|»„WDRC—8 *.. "wONS^i'U' LwnWflo ' Bthp' cer said 12 Red* were killed, 78 Robert J. I^ambers, 68, of .183 RadiolofKicilil Problfiin I* 'WTHT—Msxesine .nf the Air. were ready to, support Gov. Ste­ peeled iq the near future, the an­ ated funda; thsit factory produc- ‘"Property at Corner oT She will be accompanied by her Crosby. trobably killed and 154 wounded. School atreet, waa found giitlty of Fpur Roclsville Men WHAT—News; Open House H :00-^W(5cC—1J Hundred and »0 Hits. tlon'iehedulee are lax; .that atrtkei Believed t First Such sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. Ann Cap WTIC—BsclteUse WDRG-rArthur Godhrey. venson" and that "Kefauver goes nouncement of the selection might The taiikera reported they shot up two charge* in two town courts Middle Turnpike Pur- roll of Fairfield and a.6Slstaht WKNB—Tanks vs. Athletirs. . have hampered eaeentlal compon­ 85 blinkers, 39 buildings, 39 rom- W"i inbduHfi from Europe WONS—Jack Downey a Miiale Shop. WKNB—Ne»-a: S4fl Club. furthef than' Stevenson” regarding be Helayed until , after General and fined a Total of >305. Ha was Attempt in Country sergeant Mra. Frances DeCarlo of WONS—IJidlea Fair. ent parts; that there are material miinleatlon trenches, one artillery ■ chaiied by Broman Co. lilA-WTIIS—WTIC-^tella Drilaa. _ WTHT—Lone Journey. civil rights. Elsenhower departs In June from Invpived in two accidents Tues­ Stratford. M.rs. Emma McMahon ,VOfjjl_jark Dowrfey'a Music Shop. ahortage* and a half dosen other piece and sight’ machln’egun posi­ Thirteen Manchester-men and %VON.6—jars uc..... w n c —Strike It Blrh. Stevenson has said he feels the hi* North Atlantic treaty forces day, April''8, In Miridletovm and ' A radiological monitoring prob-' of Rocky Hill, president of the WKNB—New*; Reaue»t M*lin»e, WHAT—Italian Newa; Music. ■■ , Civil Rights matter is one for the reaaons. tions. Two tanks ware damaged. East Hartford. **■ Matthew M. Moriarty haa aold four Rockville youths sre listed WDftC—Carl Smith. , I1.|5_WTHT—M'hen a Girl. Marrica ' comjnand. "It semi to US that' It Is high The raiders hit a . Red battalion lem, which is believed to be the first district will also be a gues^. WTHT—Thy Netthbor • Vnlc^ states to handle, but that if they .Middletown police arrested V property at the aoulhweit comer 11 ise—WDRC—Grand Slam, v Field .Marshall Viscount Mont­ time to And out jtisV wherein lie* at qne point and a company at an­ Mrs. Noella Fuller, music chair­ among the 3,113 troops aboard the 4:H—WDBC—Radle Hyris: News, WCCC—News; 12 Hundred ft 90 Hlla. did hot tapkle it, the federal gov­ (Thambers in East Hartford on a 'Middle tUTMlke weat end Broad first sucl^ problem attempted ,by man of the local unit- will play and 4 t»a—WDBC--Tsnk« Kltc^n- . gomery of-^GreSt Britain; deputy the fault and to correct it If poa- other. The Commuhlats hurled ar- D.-8 , N.-*. Oatieral Hersey, due-ln .WTIC':3oh. snd Ray;. . ernment should step in. :Warrai)t.fi>r_*vadlng. rasponatblUty. h»‘atreet to theBrdmah Really Cor- a civil defense' organisation, will sing tradltlonap. Cvibsn music, as' WTIC-Trtunjr wictllr Brows. WHAT—MklStno" Program. Allied Sup're'lwe' Commander, will alble. Neither ouriwiWfMt nor the onet'yr Wicketli. mortar shtiTla Hid e fporatlon for 130,SOO. arcordtn/t to New York from Germany Satur­ WTHT—Bob Lloyd Show. W'odid SoppoiT FEPO He ■ was accueed of a(rtklni| a Cuba Is one of the Pan-American WONS—Queen for a Day. assume the NATO., commifttd for American people like to think that even ineffective amall arm* fir* at •'♦*E warrantee deed recorded yeater- he held here tonight at 6:30 by the day morning, The men are return­ WCCC—Governor Lcutge. WTHT—Break the Hank. Kefauver has said he Is against parked car pwned by William C. countries being studied by the na­ iisa—WTIC—Woman In my Hoiiso. II :4ft—WDRC—Rosemary. _.such proposals as a Complllsory. the Interval betweejn Eisenhower’s our flyers are not |flven a; proper tha rumbling armored vehlclea. i i - »' day in the town clerk'a office. local unlti CD Director Herfhan 0. ing h o m e - oh rotation from Ger­ ■.- r - • S------. Wartf of 4 Craacent atreal. Middle- tional. organisation thla year.' Mrs. WONB-Piayttm* tof, .Ch*'?"!;' WTIC—Dave Carroway. ~ Fair Employment Practice Com­ departiire and RldgyAy'S Arrlvarin number of planea lh Korea of thaV S The purchaae price waa Indlcat- Schendel announced today. The many and will go directly to Camp SiSa—WDRO-New*; Old Record Shop. WKNB—Music Out nf the 'West. town. Chamber*, police said, evad­ Anthony Squlllacote will be chair­ WHAT-Story Queen. , ■ mission, but he also has said he Europe, the story aqid. as planes ars shot down this great • '■•d by Federal atampa amounting move-la-dsalgned. to.test the ef­ Kilmer, N. J...... , . WHAT-RonionI Program. .1 ... Bresent plans-4>t Th«..JolnL chtsfs, ed a road block In btiddletown but ~'“t.ttb '|33:Wr' y.‘hicti were ittached- t100 In ■Slble,-a-radiation degree pattern U n o R. Flano,. three brothers, frojn WDRO—Memonr I*?*.- ' • McrnB—Bing-CTOSby.. — • Chlef' W. Averell Harrinian, Sena­ 4i«w Chief of staff to Elaenhower, - ' Oj^ahwd to deal in Teat eatate In phliadelphia attendln)!: the na­ WTHT—Tom (jorbett Spare Cade.. 90 Cambridge atreet announce the Ihing arranged!'and at a package Middletown' Glly Court yasta'i'diy'' " I and tiO conduct a garage aervtce map for Ih* town, so thst "dan: Birch Mountln road; Sgt. Alfred g,(g_WDRC — Xurt. MASaei'-Martha WTIC—Down Hom'ri. tor Humphrey of Minnesota, Sec- in Europe, to replace Clark. Grurn- tional oil heat exposttion.- G. Hsgenow, 104 Cooper street; WO.NS—K...B. JBaukhage, cngage.rnent and comingjnacriage rjcs.'la brijig aet-UP hy the Wfw for evading responsibility. Thla '..;aad gaaotine atatloh And to aell ger" areas can be quickly deter- Tilton. " " WTHT-Victor H. Lindlahr. ■ Tetary-of Interior Oadar t^ihapman, ■Uter waa ; Eisenhower'* .personal Sgt. William Reichert, 9 Eldridgb of their - dhvgltter, iJiss Dorothy choice for the top NATO com­ avert hailroad for the;, comlrtg m'nrrtlHg he' w U found gtil^y-(if ^.,^troleum prqducta. mlnAl. Allen L. Beaverstock, Wyman WHAT—Sporja. IJ.'JS—WONS—tVomen'a Page. , Mayor Kennelly of Chicago and Keds Prod street; Sgt. Harold W. Haberern, 5,jft_WONS—Cecil ■ Brown; News. IJ:Sft- WDRC-Rnmare of Helen Trent. Marie Duffy,' to NeWton George holiday week erid. The package operating a motor vehicle while Included among the observers WTHT—World Ftlcht Reporter. former Senator Scott Lucas of Il­ mand. H. Griggs, Jr., and Clifford J. Wil­ 97 Blasell street; Sgt. Emil A. WKNB.^M*n on the Street McLean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Twb Reasons pries for the four will Include under, the Influence, In,.The .Shut will, he State Police Cspt. William liams, all of Rockville, -were In , RTeafai ' WTIC—Marjorie Mtlla. linois. McLean of Glastonbury. On Prisoner Talk round-trip rail transportatiort; Hartford Court and .fined >108, Schatsman, CD Area Director Schulz. 147 Spruce street; Sgt. *;»A-WDRC—News. WHAT—La Rosa Program. Luca.* has been unfriendly to­ Johnson reports that in "author­ ducted Into the Marine Corps WHAT—New*. The wedding Will take place hoi el accommodations; dinner,- William Lake and Unlveralty of Robert J. Hilderbrand, 77 Ridge WPOP—Vf w*. ward Kefauver since he (Lucas) itative military ctrclea,” which Is through Selective Service yester­ street: Pfc. Robert Monsegllo, 80 WTIO-New*. _ ■ , WTHT—l^hM Brrk^r. Saturday, May ,17, in St. Bridjget’s dancirtg, flhor show and tips -at a ■^ghW ater XtonnscUcut:„ptpfea«ors. who, .h'ave day and- left immediately--for, Par­ — WXNS—News:-apqiia„ .J!tuf,!e, , U t4*-.,WDSG,7^ monitoring. In at the Hartford Marine Recruit­ The Rockville soldiers are S. F. filS—WTIC—Bob Steele. WCCC—Mui*ic for Milady. participating In thia week end may —Il.rel.i Photo. The problem, which has been de­ WONS—Sports. by the Senate Crime InVeatlghtlng prompted the . selection of Ridg- minute seaalon of th* aubcommlt- ing Station. C. Edward J; Otto,-12 Webster WO.VS—Crt'nn Patterapn. leave on any convenient train. Play Spousors Leans Hard signed -by Dr. Harold S. Barrett WHAT—Supper Serenade. 1;0«-WDRC—N^wa. committee's hearings in the Chica­ AboutTown way over Gruenther to carry’ on lee on truce aupervlalon. Billy Prentice. 10-year-old am- street:' Sgt. Albert J. Elderkln, WDRC—Jack Smith. . WTHT—W# tha Wflm^nT Nawi. go area ahorlty before the electlofl. Elsenhower'F work. The meeting waa far longer than Thursday, May 29, and return on Mra. Florence Wooda. Teacher of. 120 Lakewood circle south, has . Mrs, Dorothy Pagan!, and Mrs, -pttUe, trtghtl..returned to bta 4514 East street;, Cpl. John Forta-' WTIC-rN*^*- w One facto.r is .the, desir.e of Eu­ tha alx. previout subcqnunittge aes: any train, Humlay, June 1. and puptla both believe that Billy been purposely set' for 6:30; a Evelyn Tiirkington are co-chair­ " WCCC—Manch*#ll<‘r Kefauver. headed the commlttpe. ~"'A': puh1lc military 1*111*1? will be —in. addition. To' the .llaL of., patixwa deak In the fifth grade at Man- ns, 33 Talcott evenue and Pvt. Ijia—WONS—Mualc, for America. Asked whether there was any ropean NA-PO members for a com­ alona, which lasted a Total of only Dmibilea* aifime'wh^ Take Bfl- will be auceeaaful in hla bid to heavy traffic hour. So that actual men of the military whist of, St. WKNB—Tha PatUea. held in the social room of and patroneBseg for th* Oommu- cheater Oreen School yealerday Edward C. . Barrows, 12 Grove WTHT—Sereno Gammell. WONS—N<»wp. mander who is as well known In four minute* and 20 second*. vantags of this week end will be make up hla achool work and are disaster conditions may bo simu­ Mary's Senior . Girls' Friendly So­ likelihood that Lucas might agree nlty’ Players' presentation of and la determined to make up )ila streeL WTIC—Tour Senator from Connectl- WHAY—Npw», the Buckingham Congregational Europe aS in Ame.rlca and the No progress was made, however, Interested In taking In on* of the (OoBthiwd fwan Pago 0«a> ready to -give. him . all. the .help lated as- closely as possible, -Hchenr ciety-, ■ scheduled .for Monday - eve­ to serve as vice presidentUl fiin- Church tomorrow night at 8 "Bom Yesterday" at the Bowers work lii a‘ few weeka'... ■ MW Claaa-- I:lft-WDRC—Mt P<*rklni». othar- is that Gcuenthec. ..vvbo. la. the. Tow*rd breaking Tha—twin-dead­ -hall -gamea. as tbe,re :ia. a double-:, they can del said. Timothy Horan, head ning In the parish house. 'Tickets '. vt^^C ^uV I.,omhardo;----- ' WTTC— ■ Bnjt JtnRlfii. - rvlng- mate To -Kefauver,.-Douglas, School- on - April 35 -and 36 which - mate at the adjoining deak la ij4SJ-WTIC—Three Star Bxtra. b’cIdcR tinder' the' ftUsplCej pf' the newest four-star general, has PluHo. lock over Red nomination of So­ header between the rhlladelphla '■ 'e ll Bluffa area, the higgcat aeg- Local organlraliona and towna- chemist at Cheney. Brothers snd may be obtained from them or WTHT—Paul Harvey. laughed and aald that in the past Eaalbury (Jlvic League. The pro­ was released recently, the. follow­ John Haakell of 18 Jon.lt afreet. WDRC—LoWell Thorn**. WONS—Yankee Food Show. "there have been some incongruous never had a mqjor field comman d. Thomas Felice, »on of Mr. and Mrs. Sathuel Felica of 144 High­ viet Russia as a neutral truce In Athletics and the Yankees on Billv who waa abaeht from ; people are currently engaged In a head of the CD rsdlologlesl divi­ from any of the group or at the WTHT—Stock new*; Sport*. ceeds will be used to help defray ing have agreed to Se patrons and ■V''inent of humanity It haa had a WHAY—Beltv IClmball, The State Department’s desire land street, checks over the door prize he wort In connection with th* apector and an Allied demanfl for Decoration Day, and single games achool for nearly four montha, la ; drive for funda to-buy the^young- sion, will have charge of the door. Mrs. Viola Trotter will' Pilot Stay-down *;Si—WONS—New*. i:W~WDnC—Younc Dr. Majone. combinations." the expenses of the youth pro­ patronesses for thla production. ■ ' 'Chance to hit In thia outpouring of 1:0*—WDRC—BeuUh. to have Ridgway elevated to a opening of the Center Springs Sports store on (jbpter street. Jhe a ban on airfield construction’ dur» between the Cleveland Indiana ami Ihe hardeat working pupil In the ater an nrtlflclal leg and help de- operation. conduct the games which will be­ wcx:c— Mancheeter .Matinee. grams which the league sponsors. Til* play is under the aponsorahip t''rwrath. WHAT—Symphony H*I1. WKNB—Keyboard Kap#r«. command of great lm)iortance, so pre.9entatlon was m-ado ye.sterday by Stuart Monroe.'* manager of the log an armlatlce. the Yankee* on Mav 31 and June oo’ It waa a vigil fought with unccr- claaa” according to hla teacher, I fray hoapital expenaea 'The problem will be conducted gin St 6 p. m. Door snd playing WTHT—tVeather; .Imirnaf of the A'r Everett Tomlinson will direct the nf the Manchester Registered WTHT—County N^wa; Muiie Hall. as nqt to "lose face" in the Orient; store. Tommy should ^ all set for opening day Saturday, because Some observer* have predicted 1. while at Ebbeta Field there will through four mobile unit teanis. prizes will be awarded - and re- Teapot Storm, WONS—Fulton Lewi*. Jr. l.^«_-WDRC—Guif.lna Llfht. play. a* u.siial and refreshment* Nurses Association for the beiieflt __ ■' talnty .Uiat.the hugejpr.ee of Army WTIC------' Irene Dunn A Fred, Mac-. Big ‘Show of ’52’ after the :Japane*e_. occupation that prize Includes a fly'rod, reel and line, flics, hooka and a plastic Tbat the .a^faemat* ■wUl eonllniie be a single .game mq May ^ and a Each team - will - consist of o'ne freahmenta served, —---— ,----- WKNB—Basfhan ,Mattree:._...... will be served...... of the. Btudent .nur«« Jufid;.. -—'^""’'Henghteera who built the walla and .' Murray,... . ' WO.VS—Just Jenklna; N—WDRC—Second Mm. Burton. Miss Gwendolyn Glenhey, daugh­ eases are: Or. and Mrs. Ntcholaa at Maakato. Mlnm^and aa Mlnne- wnRC^Jack. Smith. . WCCC—Mujilct ptii- on ,by,a Ki'oup of ladle*, from Weatbeir Slows W ar - Another attraction available Mostronai’dr, Dr. and Mr*. Frank ■■’'’ orfgtnal height, were Keeping. estimated . that th* • ■ operation en. Mrs. Ford Crosby, leader, will usa—w o i^ —aahriri ircstter. WKNB—BaiiebAll Special. ter of'Mr. anil Mrs; • Christopher Meanwhn*; Allied alrmeii -rtlwl apolla where It jolna the Mlsalaa- (Continued from Page One) Oslo. Norway, Anrll 17—(,75 Cnb Head Ttlls the North MethwliSl Chtirth, urt thkf week end'WDI 'he the -Mg -New. Horton, -Df. ' and ' Mfti.'-TheodOf*' ‘• '"There waa nothing they could do would lake about two hours. hold a 'food sale Saturday morn­ WTHT—silver Eazle. W'ONS—Connecticut Ballroom. The Cliocolalecrs, who will ap­ Glcnney of North Coventry, a jun­ down their plane* tn the teeth of ■fl 1pm. On Bond Plan Headquarters for the problem ing at 9:30 In Hale’s store. Mem­ WTIC—Np->v* nf th« Worlt.'. WTHT—Marv MarKaret McBrida. ior at Jackson College, department Norway's foreign office .said today iler the chalfmanahlp of Mrs. York fair of Italian mamifartiirers. Rouen,- Dr.-' and Mr*. Howard ’‘."'but wait— one of the hardeat Joba igb the Mlaaourl'a flood WDRC—Pegav Lee. pear with "The Biggest Show of roaring winds sweeping down from Tl will be the "ham” radio set-up in bers who wish their donations sia is luring its beat youths into 2;l?i-WDRC—Perry .Mason. for women at Tufts College,■ Med­ that this A.tlantlc Dact, signer ha.s James Pickles.._____ ... "Italy. Today," w'hich .will be held LocKwaird,. Dr..and Mrs. :Donald there la. --^a aimed at Council Bluffa 1145-WDRC—Fd IMrrow. WTIC—Doctor’s Wife. ’.52" at the Coliseum, West Sprinp- PTA liiiporlanee North Korea.' at Grand Central Palace. punch-' the basement of the police station called for should notify Mrs. Er­ flying duty by offering slmost dou­ WONS—ratti Pace. ford, Mass., is in charge of the received no official American sug­ Tickets for the banquet may'be Morrison, Dr. and M ra Harold They had built thoac walla and an>l^maha, the high watera driv­ ?t2^WKNB—Yanks vs. Benatora. fleld, this .Saturday,. April 19 have Only a few weather recortnal* Rates frorn Hartford for th* Sheokey, iBBelle, Mar­ building. Messages from the nest Bengston of 110 Benton ble psy and other benefits. WTIC—One. Man'a Family, WDRC—Nora Drake. been a show atopping act for 15 bacteriology exhibit of the biology gestion that Gen. Matthew Ridg­ obtained by nicmbera Of the Ladles JLehmua, Dr. and Mrs. John 'Al­ » ^.levcea Originally to aland a 26.6 ing many mllea ahead of the creat g-oo—WDRC—FBI In Peace and Iv ar. way succeed C!en. Eisenhower ss Of Scout aance nlsnea flew...... week , end vary ■ frorn >33.02 tO mobile linits will be cleared Street, chairman of the committee. The Air Force Chief of Staff WONS—Modern Ad\-entiiree of Caaan- W'TTC—Cinderella Weekend. years, It was cxpcU.y 15 yefirs ago open heitise to be held'nnThe Tufl* Aid from Mrs; Paul Erickson of lison* Eir- and M r*.. Robert Hay- 'Vfool Croat of the river, a couple of- .had already dlaplaced 6,033.74 per perann depending on burn, Mr. and Mra. John Eurke, through this point. said:' hva! W'KNB—Yanks vi^. Dortaers. that these boys— Al ,Gib.«on. Paul campiLS April 23. Miss Glenney la 26. Alton street nr Mr.*, ttlarenee “•'‘"'feet over the beat the wide atr?*fn, aona from Rulo, Neb., to .Kanaaa WTIC—Tn Be Announced. Europe. a aerie* of light jab* *t Allied choice of hotel. Reservations, Mr. ami Mr*. Thomas Coils, Mr., r.had ever recorded-before. / •Finances in Boston Every attempt will be made. "The Increasing risk Is dampen­ WTHT—Dick Wall a M\iaic Hall. Black, and Harold West got to­ a member of Lambert-KingSley Organizations who sponsor Boy Peterson of 76 We.stmlnster road, line* on th* western front. All • M- City. Smashing through a levee WHAT-Polish National Home. WON.S—Sam Hayes. Conn. Ballroom. Socle.ty, Tufts' honorary biology "We have had no comnumlra- and by members of the Dorcas Which mijat be made tn advance, and Mra! George. I,«aaner, Honor­ High on the hllla of the two Schendel said, to create the obsta- ing the enUiuriasm for flying. I WTHT-The Redhead. gether in California and formed Scouts should_' be proud since were hurled back. V near Tarklo, the flood waters 1;J*—WUjnCr-Plai'houae. 2;45-WDRC-rBrl«M^r Day. group which !*;_ sponsoring t ^ Tlon to that effect." a Foreign Soeiety from Mrs. Arthtir Hoag* may be made at the railroad ticket able and Mra. John .8 . .G.:'Hottner, : ^^^«Ulaa,.inoat of the ctoA to 10,000. apread-over 99,t)«0 aeree --of- farrn Acting-General Msnsger-James 0.1e* tiM)t...might exist, , should an would not like to give the impres­ WDRC--ltimx»|v-4Iys arena on either aide, both north Pay, Prices Boston was Alden K. Bailey, rep- (Continued from Paige One) company with locking out opera­ gation of the base and the entire noon for' a group of 18 German post. the Scouts; then the boys had In­ 10 Drive D announce the engage­ tlon indicated th* Red* were using tors, returning to their jobs' after 10:IS—WONS—Jack a Waxwnrka. went to London with Danny Ka.ye Gnienlher. who has himself been |=,.. . - J . And south of the two ctly area. reaenUng.the Board of Directors, A'r. Forte j-taerve program. l*;ie—WTHT—Treasury Band. and became the toast of the con­ student.*!, who were expected at spection. They told some interest­ ment and coming marriage of modem fire control equipment," SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1952 are liein^ better handled, hut .they Withdrawal of picket Hnea, were mentioned aa a pomblc , 8ucffa- So the forrea of man and the (Oontlmiwl from Page One) Acting General Manager Sh*e- They said the base was seething wO'NS—JicVa Waxwork*. tinent. They have worked for maj­ the . University of ConaecUcut to ing facts about the hialory of their daughteri . Jean Lorraine Allijed warshipa , poundalr tha- pointed out that some of the pa­ told their job* had been filled. WDRC-Presidential Proftlea. sor to the command of NATO forcea of nature appeared to be key said this morning that a pro­ or cafes and theaters and their hil­ spend the coming week. Notice Scouting and cited the ability to Onvello, lo Lewis C. Brookshcar, Norfh Korean east- coast Wednes­ pers winning *honorahle mentions Company spokesmen denied a with discontent. WTIC—News; Hollywood .Music Bo*. Ghost Gunman forces, said with reference to the alalng eich other up. The river- imleaa Congress votes an extension posed resolution which will be The eight were quoted as aay- arious slapstick, mad. crazy rou­ has been received bj' Rev. Erich take care of one's self and one's EN3, son of Mr. and Mra. Lewis day. Carrier baaed plane* hit Red did not use front-psge photo­ lockout. They said service Is con­ (0:is—WONS—Jack's Waxworks. Ridgivay report: men were fairly Confident • they placed before the-Board of Direc­ ing there was deliberate discrimi­ 11:0*—Newa on All Stations. tines are recognized as the funni­ Brandt from the college at Stores fellow man as one'of lh« original G. Brookshcar of Whlleaboro, positions southwest of Chinnampo with It would' go tumbling the graphs. tinuing despite picketing at Port­ that the boys will not arrive In "It It is to be that wa.v, Tm a alms of the. Scouts. Knot-tyiiig ad the Miaaourl licked In thla city tors calling for a referendum on nation against reservists in the 11:15—WONS—Jack's Waxworks. Bares Slaying est in show business. Texas. on the weat. rea, and that downatream the whole controls stnicture. the appropriation of money neces­ H. A. Bstfen, chairman of the land and 13 upstate Oregon cities. ^ ■ • — pro WDRC—Public Service Program. thi.s country until a later date. soldier, and I will be de1ighte- party-tonTOiTow -erenlng day for a speaWrtr'trtnr-wbieh in­ With the ttfi:m:4 'dri«ihAr i< ed by LsBehe, will be referred to WHAT—.Night Watch. (Continued from Page One) c h i l d r e n 65c li. Milk; ;.ih. Atontaiw and the .Bed door meettijff.rk*, wtwU raalat imjr Improvement of the nation'* jiewa- Rark In 8 t. IxmU. Union aleotrl-, j fleers' and- Instructor* wer* send- In the: parish house, with games, cludes a Friday evening address boys hummeff taps whlTc one oT ADULTS $1.25 thev„c bank'sw—.n . bonding attorneys,, 'i y Z .- Zaa paper*. Many fsaders are con“ cliha 'Who dperati the Il(fhtlng|ing reservists in Ktvrea to fight ... . , . ... Temorrow Plan Card Party '• River of the North In Minnesota, further delays. , «:8*-:W.TI.C—Newa; Frank AlwocH.' liad "n o '.'tbynie o r' reason for prizes and surpriees.. Members are : to ..the American .Soclety.of. News­ their-■ number recited the. .Scout H has already put tn- the hhrtory ■•We should mot -allow this un^ !.» lacloua of the .way: newspapers aystem at the park aald they would i but staving at home themselves, reminded to bring box lunches and paper Editors. ..0 ».t.h,. maWng^ a moving firarte to plishge ■with iwiid req'ulfemen'tg as i improve their new* cov- . . W.UAT—News: .Rural RouiMttK.. choosing -victim*." • ...... )L.booka the alory of one of the fortunate situation (the steel dis­ respect the picket line .However,'| "-We think." said one of the of- i 4:sa—WONS—Bill Jenkma Show. Police, and Firemen will hold coffee and' punch' will' be served. their demohslraiidri. sdt forth In the chyter I biU not ‘*o many realize WDRC—Tawn Patrol. . Deputies said the coffee stand ““ greatest flood dlaaalera of record, pute) to be used.aa a device to let the picket line retired when West- , fleers, "all regulars should make a Their Third Annual Setback Party The committee in charge Includes No flgurss W!*te Include^ In the , Juat'iia mucji work la devoted , ern Union supfcrvisors, who were ; combat tour before We-go back the tVTIC—'Weather; Frank Atwood. victim was Mrs. Nina Mart* Bire. Robert Leyden, Cub acoutnvastet • ,100,000 tMaplacrd time run out on the anti-lnflallon WCCC—ProdurWon Newsreel. Saturday night at Hoi-e Company Mr. and Mrs. Mervj-n Blnodgood, pippo. operate ;thc.Ayes.tarp.J Second tUne.',''.. _25 jijotfter., of ..P),ey, said of Troop 112. gave an interesting '{«»- '-The-RedOroii(t eatimatwthart 4i»- fawr'Modffy' raid' k"rept)ftw; “i --AVH-AT—Chapet -Tim*:' ■ ...... "Ch'e'oS'-piMe "sTT'e'et:-A'ctivltteF'Will■ Mr:- and - Mrs. Oiarlea- Govy, Mr, Passes Red liigkli question* on appropriation* fot i making 11 more Union facilities at thk park, left —The sentenced------^ flier — is First Lt. WTHT—Morning Devollona. ''Thomas also' Impllcaled' hlmsel? talk ■ on- Gubbing,, -which,.ha .asid, *“ the, flooded areas of the four shall oppose,another recess.';^__ .begin at 7__o^c!pck.JFlremcn__will and Mrs. Norman Reuter and Mr. -marauding atreame there-are HBOr- Xour .piojecta,; since All .the plans attract We- and «*»l»r to. read. at the request of St. Louie club.Of- Verne-Goodwin. . 30.. .pf. .Peabody, »!L'b-:1VTHT^,Bccal'« WliAT—Fred waring. ■ put oh a buffet iunch while the ana Mrs.-Elmer Kirey;' ." ------— Catiees -Aeeident parents as well as the boys. Each J 000 persona dlaposaeaaed.'thc rfia- ... Ai^lnat Cohtrola--- and specifications of the proposed Newspapers deserve great credU flclala. Mas*. He refused to co-pilot, f. tails May Kreutzer, 21: Ellen Bry­ Sen. Bricker (R-Ohlo), who had 7:**—WDRC—Newetime. '■ month The Cubs wo'ik an.,* theme ’ In need of rehabllltnlfon project* are'not yet complete and for their work along these lines." Parties In the Western Electric , C-124 to England last December WTIC)—Boh Steele. ant, 10; Mrs, Irma Mcgrdle, 40, Garden Grove has donated chowder' announced previously he is ready th* amount of money that the pro­ afternoon saying he feared he wmiW .be WTHT—Breaklast With Ben. and Mrs. Audrey Murdock, 42. for the affair. A highly successful which is Ibrbad enough tn hold and many more to be In the strike held a four-hour , WON.S—Weather; Bill Jenklna. Bryee K. Carpenter. 26. of same need if the Mlaao\irl to can vote for abolition of the wage gram will cost has, therefore, not A prominent New York spoke.*- i yesterday, and federal me- murdering" hi* unborn child If he Mrs. Kreulzcr was shot In a tele­ ' event the past two years, it is ex­ Rockville VFW Columbia will face a charge of thelV interest and give them a K and price controls feature of the WKNB—Phil Hale Show. phone booth. Mrs. Murdock In her variety of things to do at the meet­ break the 'Cmahn-Councll Bluffa yet been determined. msn for national advertising and Walter A. Magglolo said: made the flight. WCCC—Good Morning Htialr, pected to attract another fine diTCgardlng a. traffic signal Sat­ home, Ihb others In front of their ing and at home,..... defehae behind which three-quar- law, said he has not changed hla However; Sheekey sattl' that journalism ' clrcre* expressed In­ ■ Goodwin'S' father-in-law; Parker WHAT—News; Coffee Club. crowd from the town's two .service urday morning In Town Court. He "A number of Issues have been home.*. To Seal- Maizon tera of the population of the BlUffa mind. these figures will be available for terest here today and extended Cullom. of Las Cruces. N. M.. told ; Musir departments. Prizes will be award­ was arrested following an acci­ An attractive display of the settled but there are still several reporter* (Sooawln's wife waa uji-' " CCCtr?""! "'"•"'"F Thorna.s was arrested after feel the needle of fear- "If they're going to nin these inclusion In the resolution before hearty commendation to the Man­ major laaue* In dispute. 7!»e—WCCC—News; Good Morninf ed. dent at -Main street and Middle work done by. the boys on these So ft waa watch and wait, the controls the way they are doing, It Is submitted tp the board. He chester Evening Herald on learn­ dergoing a difficult pregnancy and ■ Mimic. deputies noticed him hnVerlng Rockville, April 17— (Special) — projects waa arranged by the den It was reported that the com- WTIC—Bob Morninir Watch. turnpike yesterday by Patrolman I patrbl night and, day, in the Mid now. we might as well get rid of also aald he believes the .fesolu-. ing that the Nutmeg, Slate dally that twice prevlmi'aly she had been close *s they investigated the fir­ mothers and Inspected by the audt- ; -- 'pan.v cam* up a few cents In Its WDRC—Old Mualr. Box: N«wa. ing of a, .22 bullet Into the hoitie of Edward Maizon will be InstaUed Walter J. Pyka. The officer report­ * west. them," he told a reporter. lion, wiilch he expects to he re- had earjirtl a finalist merit rating | wage offer. A company spokesman forced to go under a doctor's care WKNB—Npwh; Thllc H%U. eoo* after The meeting. Mr. .Lz:y-. -?l. Mrs. Joan Hlle*. 22, his neighbor. as edmrnan'der of Frank Badstueb- ed Carpenter Was travelling south And while thla war of attrition Sen. Maybank (D-SC). the com? turned from the bank wlthlIri^twq _ in the 22nd annual exhibition of | gave no figunes but said Western when her husband flew. WONSt-BIII Jenhinx Show. den complimented the den moth­ 7:U—wfiJT—Wfathfr. The shot rra.shed through a win­ I^^R^soiial Notices - j on Main atreet. Carpenter told went on. there were two demanrfa mlttde chairman, 'stood oh hla week*, could be placed before the newspaper typography conducted i Klectiic had "revised its wage pro- Cullom aald "The Air ForC*..has ner Post. No. 2090. V.F.W., at In­ ers on the time and hard work i;^_\VDRC—Worid Ne«*i Roundup. dow while she watched television Patrolman Pyka he saw the light for speed. Speed that brought prior appeals to avoid hasty, dras­ board "th* second or third week made an example of my son-ln WTIC—New*. stallation ceremonies to be held they give to these boys. He also by the N. W. Ayer and Son gal­ posals." and missed her by less than three In Memoriam but had somsthlhg else on his Prealdent Truman, Senators, COn- tic action. He predicted the com­ in May.’' because of the other sit-down ’KNB—New?: Sport? Dlr?»L Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in reminded the PTA of the bottle leries. The CIO communications work­ WT^T—Phil Bcokcr. N«wi. , ' feet. ■ mind and failed to stop. .As he gretamen and Oovemdra hustling mittee would recommend a tight -n\e Boston bank, which has .Stiff ('ompe.lltlon ers of America is asking a 23- pilots." th'e G. A. R. rooms in the Town drive the Cubs are having, April. . He s’ald'he Intends tcappeal the WCCCNJClddle Corner. He was hooked on suspicion of in lovJiiB mi'nior.v « f Mrs; John proceeded through the red light, a Into Omaha to talk about the new. checkretn on powers of the,; .handled maqy bond issues for . The Manchester Herald was an- cent an hour raise. \VONS- Vl'elr. whn (issscd swav one ye*r ifto Hall. - - • ' ’ 20. j needa for atopping these ram- wage_ Stabilisation board. May- court martial action all the way murder, attempted murdftr and today. April 17. 1951. car. travelling east on the turn­ Leonard Taylor, vice, president, Manchester in the past, will aid nouheed as one of the chosen 15 Present wage* average >1.64 to WUAY Other officers to be installed I pagea In the future and need for bank-haa-been aharply critical of up to President Truman. "I expect i: 15—WDRC—Sho^ppr* Sp^Ul. felonious assault. A district attor­ pike and driven bv Fred F. Corbin prc.slded at the business meeting. th* town in aelling the bonds ne­ outstanding newspapers among , >1.77. The company has offered a Tour memory la aa dear toda.v. Saturday night Include: -Frank aiding thoae whoae homes In the the board's handling of the steel the President' to *ct iinlc*a other ^VTIC—New?. ney'*, aide said formal charges will of Hartford, smashed Into hi*' right Vincent,-Ramizi, principal of the cessary for paying the cost of the the entire 334 entered In * special) lO-to-16-cent boost, but a source W-THT—Martin AiJfmv Aa Ul Ihe. hour,j'DU pass.'d awaj . Batale, senior vice commander; VARIETY STORE cities or whose farms are already, high official* right this wrong." be filed later. . side, doing >300 damage* to the school, announced that Dad - and dlspute.- program, provided the appropria­ clas* of standard size daily news- ' outside th* company aald the offer WKNB—PhUe H«|p. \ Russell Kloter, junior vice com­ or -are to be, scenes of miserj’. ___ B. I'lmailile Action cullom said. WONS—Bin Jenkln? Show. Mr». Harry Blevoneun and family. door and fendgr. TO? front end of Daughter,, Night, which has been T02 WEST M AIN ST. _ ROCKVIUE tion is- approved hy. the voters lo. I now has been lnereased to 12 to 17 mander; 'oOharles HIrth, quarter; The president flew' over the Maybank hntllned these possible pSperr under TO.OQO circulation in Meanwhile, the De* Molne* WHAT—J^iitlhr with Wamp. tqe Cnrbin car siifferrt damages planned by thfi.gtris of .iVit.sblng- the referendum. the corltest which auccesafully sur­ cents. - 5:9a—WCCC—Newa Breakfaat News- In Memoriam master; Theodore HIrth, adjutant: area where the Missouri has rip­ action by hla committee: The projects Included in the res­ Register quoted Mr*. Robert U estimated at >1.50. ton School will be held Wednesday ReekviEn’t g r M liit sol* iflH going on. SnNIng out ped and tom at the land and sum­ vived the stiff competitive elimi­ The afternoon talk* began after Hesbrook a* saying her son. Lt. Bo v. Auditors Rap Walter Neff, cost advocate; Fran­ 1. A further recess, to await olution in its present'*form are the a previous 15-hour session hsd WTHT—Bob Llovd. In I'tvinK nifniorv of our dfer wife Joseph C. LaShay of North Fair, at 6 p. m. After a spa.ghettl sup­ med It' up "It's worse than 1 nation to reach.,the final merit Robert P. Hasbrook. of Sioux (^ty. W.TrC—Radio Bazaar. < cis M.ilzon. chaplain; Dr. Francis per the girls haye, arranged a our ontirn stock. Hundruds of itoms at cost, many more definite action toward aettle- 1'8-room Vernon and Lydall street broken up at daWn to let negotia­ *fv1 molher who x-ie4-April T7.. I960.. Burke, surgeon; Chris Lee, officer field street. leaving a parking Uipughl It. would be.” . placement. .. la., one of the stay-down pilots at a:55_WTHT—John Conte. varied . entertainment propxam nient of the steel dispute. eleraentxry school, the two-room tors get some sleep. • WDRC—Newa. of day; Joe Fetko, service officer; apace on 'Hartford road near Mc» b o l^ cost. Scaing Is boliuving. ~ Then- he appealed to the seven A- total of 800 English language Randolph, la "a nervous ■wreck" Expej^es of If *11 the world was ours tn slve, which incliidos lap and sqiiare 2. A broadscale investigation to addition to the South School, the Optimistic Note WCCC—12 Huncl-ed and 90 Hite. 5Vr d slve II, >-e», and mor,'. . Luther Trouton.' trustee for one Kes atreet, failed to give a hand II Midwest Governors who were here daily -newspaper* throughout the jindJ.'very sick."_____ WKNB—Newe; Polonla. dancing, accordion playing, sing­ determine, whether .President Tru-. seven-room eddlUon to. the Bow- A* they slept, a somewhet opti­ Tn-cUsp .ths hand Qt. mother .d.c*r., year';- • Richard McLaughlin,■- trua- signal yesterday, police reported ] to.Jdlri In j|. fight for flood control; man . was. . Justified . in.; declaring: Unfied Slatiqi' Submttted entries WONS—News. _ , .And jee her emlle. eoc.e jnor.'s______ing, sia <1-a.punpfd-,BhoW!<.:z:.-:::j.=ir.::5;..*- eiV-Schodi and the-moderntsatloiv in the cbmpetlUon «rhl'cTt'over the mistic ■ note -came from Cleo P; 'WTHT^i^'Bi^altniarCUlb; * ...... - -tee -for two years; ' Alex' Jonear -eausirtif a-iwo^iar-accident-at the . . 08EN THUBS. IR L SAT. 9 A. K r I isrojecla he said were thfeaienad' when he, seised the steel plants, SehoonS^rd . . sccne. __... n.ft..e..lw*>M Patfolinan \XT(11t.am WHl'am TlAasa^.-'nri Pear.'on A letter from Dorothea Smith’s . I • of the Manchester Green School. year* ha* assumed the classic Craig', president of American Tele­ WTIC—Theater of Melody. And those who have .a mothsi trustee for three years; Horace I by k CJongroaalonal "e c o n o m y that the owmers could afford pa.v. Plans for these four projects ''are WHAT—Italian Prof ram. Treasure her with care, said John L. Orgott, 19. of South first grade, thanking the PTA for i«< I _ aspect, of an annual ''JournaHam phone and Telegraph Co., Western Tcll-Cliiircli Work West, guard; Charles Hirth,. na- HEkE ARE SOME OF OUR l ARGAINS: 7 > , Thi, 'architects- irwwinf (tabSesr UUr-xWDRCe-TIUa-la Hartford._____ .JTm you.jaever_kjiQ*..ii!it. value. Ooventryr was forced to stop q:—iiiick . last month's . attendance_ a.\taj:d. fmponant pyx))«ite he w tfe \iithcn)t li ootnpenlon •SpeWd'S -parem firm. -..ctS/ - ■ ------■•*"'" tar/,- •Tdro.- ' -The resofullbh will be presented Craig tpid an annual stockhold­ »!SS—WKNB—Hsll.n KoUl-. Boni-'post'TOlor heam'.- a m ftlehe i r U>'wiifa etrtking rta8*i^5a ejifj Tecommended for thla control. increase in steel pHcea. Hailed B.t B A P IiVTiijia Mislims al" monthly payment* to blind John AVelr. Sr,. *nd family. fiaymond Donahue.'' -'tlie 'cash to the board for action at a public . Ampng those extending personal ers meeting: WONS—Crean Pattereon. ard McLaughlin, publicity officer. apd OrCutt'a iuto was struck In The President., the Senators and, . a. Jk d9^h-'*ndor^)iea't)> GttT-JWaSaell --road, ;wl>0 ''t«wld'..not 4.$S NOW S3.9li '’b f”i|aapW««M'‘Et."G'eHr ■ ‘t m a ' iurM»#r--:>.*«ort-. < to-.,w4Mik-, out ..-tbo tng what changes In the presenL Jjtfoved by the .directors and at a •many problem*, but I firmly be- Kolar Gold Fields, .'India, who aUft-oWDRC—ninit Crosby.. . . Welfare departmenL .jnuA..jA con-_ menta sfervefl at the V. F. W. Home stop In time. Pick' state: that It. the 1W 6 plana jdirtg fat hfy tfeq.general pjanagMt. Showing was JeSies Wright Brown? WTICr-Victor ft. Llndl.hr. trary. With State Welfare policy were served In the school cafeteria Nicrb Stolnloss Stool 12 Cup Voeuum - ■‘taiitmwwWiMMd:" ‘"tgdr-iiBgtnBift.'; pres'idW xff' ■‘RaR'hF kkff , ._on,..Elrn fltre.et,^^ '* 1' vottrtgi the eiecVors bun either teach-'...... fore The tMijheran WohaeWi! Mis- ; W ,«« ,*U:-ta •.i^)i*ttOn.,:nOW'jtl»Sae( if-;'6i R r * j ^ W i y ‘i>f'wH-' of->.fh*- 4uC?i'0ld**tsad35 bond for his ap- es against those of the- big city signs of,optimism th* strike was and Concordia Theological Sem­ cieties -of the Emanpel Lutheran M ahort, Prealdent Truman ex- Mra. Leonora. M. Carter, .widow In addition th it* study of the and Integrltijr of clienta or their BOLTON L A K E ~N ew weUTbuilt on the' Korean confobL;;Monday pearanee in Town Court .Saturday Durowaro Enamol Covorod Pots newspapers it 1* remarkable ahd a inary ,‘ St.. Louis. Missionary and CTiirch are plenning to have- a 'presaed hla position aa “ 1 want to of Joaeph C. Carter, died at her resolution, the Boston bank will nearing an end. • - - , relatives has been responsible for single 3 large rooms, tUe bath,, evening in the armorjti.JMb--Mnr- morning. get the job done. There la po home, 38 Strong street, at noon credit to thoa# responsible that Mrs. Lang have served In India fireplace, cabinet kitchen-, full F r ^ ‘^ . Contessa;' 32rbr'Sdut1V’hmHf"TiiOthfT . and dAUghter -ben p H. $2^88 WOW J l .75^ make an economic survey of the their ordinary daily effort* are for 25 yeara. ' . • the collections," the auditor* ob­ tin was tile first Battaliori'\Eiiec- ■enae in fooling - lubun'd ' with it. today following a ' prolon^d Ill­ town' to gather Information neces­ served in calling for a definite col­ cellar! .oil. burner,- artesian well, utive office, with 200 mefctownter Coventry, will appear In Court qifet at the church on Friday. May Thla is the'breaa-baaket of the ness. : able to bring applause from th* Bank's Foundation Guests were present last night •tomi windows, ecresns, includ­ Saturday also to ansv’er a speed­ 9, at 6:30 p. m. .The dinner.will be Extra Hoovy Aluminumuminum 8 CupCuD sary for the.advertising of ita sale experts. Congratulation* to The from Glaistonbury, Rockville and lection procedure. Korea in the summer ofTBSO. The nation and this bread-baaket Mr*. Carter waa born“iri South No detailed classification of op- ing additional separate - build­ ing charge lodged against him this of Manchester bonds. This survey Manchester Herald and . those fel­ Lebanon, and all were interested In experience and knowledge gained Porcoiator $3.95 ...... NOW Sl.W ; ahould be protected." . Windsor on Dec. 8, 1864, . the la- expected to be completed in -erating expenses of the depsrt- ing-suitable for store. Now. well' during the early retreat, the ad­ morning by Patrolman Samuel low contestants who are ijnca more To Be Ponred’Soon hearing the story of of these ml*- On the MiaaiuippI the new daughter of Lamed and Mary Ann, about a month. meht is maintained. equipped. Large lot zoned . for vance to the Yahi river and the Maltempo when he. arrested Oon- Don’t Neglect Slipping danger- point appeared to be W i­ (Freenian) Brown. She came to proving that they are thire right sionsriea snfd their work. In which P M. tessa on Middle turnpike west. * Durawaro H^cmy Enamol the Lutheran demonlnatlon, Mis­ 4:00^Kete Smith Show. Travel expenaea for «Xaff mem­ business, >13,600 complete. Wm. Chinese Intervention- have made nona. - The “Or -Misa’ " had creat­ Mancheater with her family when on tha ball." Fnrms for the foundallo,n. of. the 5:OO..The World'Wt Ldvt In. bers, totalling >8.888 last; ytar. ■Goodchild, Sr,, Realtor, Office 15' him one of the' best Informed and Joseph SaaielB, 34. of 178 Birch ’’Broil-UndGr-Glaff Toa Kottio $2.75'...... NOW $1.74 ed at SL Paul where 5,000 were '4 year* old.' Her brothers were TOIJ-XM) North' Branch of the Manchester souri Synod, has been engaged for S;t5—Gebbv Htycl. street, will be presented on intoxi­ FALSE TEETH 58 years, particularly. In South were probably higher than they Forest street. Call 7925 anytime. most interesting speakers on the T)o felee tcpth -'drop. , ellp or wobble homeless and damage ran up- the late Alvin L. Brown, noted cit­ The regular fneeting of Tolland -Trust Company are about half 5:30—Howdy. Doddy, cation and breach of peace counts. The only range of it* size offering the . . . $4.35 and Up Indis, where -the native# live In $:05— Show. should be. Korean situation. Official U. S. when you talk, cal, laUfh. or enerze? Dotocto Hampors .... . 'warda of >10,000,000. Little fur­ izen of this town, who died April Grange was held at the Commu­ completed and th* constructor* ex­ 5 ;2i—Weather Forecaat. Although it is . cheaper to use EAST. HARTFORD, 131 Whiting Army. Signal Corps films will be He entered a local grill last night, Don’t annoyetd and i*mbarraea«d by luxury of true smokeless broiling with ther damage wae expected in the PubKc Records small hut* and raise rice. Kaffir euch handicane. FASTBETII.. an aJka- 17, 1943; and William Xj. Brown nity House Tuesday evening at 8 pect the foundation will be poured l;3(^Worid New* Today. state cars, several employes "have Road. Open house daily 4 to 7 p. shown. Patrolirtan Robert Turootte repor­ ...... 59c $gt,'J big city and crewe hastened down o'clock with about 30 members eerly next week. coVn, mllo and sugar cane. Of d:45—^!e Week In Sport*. lln«* (Tion^arld) powder to aprlrkl« on •'Bfoil-under-Glaas” . Equips even the 4 Pc.'Canistor Sot . . ^ . who died April 2l, 1941. Mr. Car regularly used personally owned m. Sunday 1 to 7 p. m. Qualified Lt. Co). Fobicn E. Johnson, ted. imd waa refused service by your plitea. keepa falac tfMh more stream to Winona.- The Job there present. During the lecturer's Ground 'breaking ceremony fpr aorae 340 million only about eight 7:00—KukU. Fran k oUle. smallest kitchen to do a full-size cook­ ter, formerly a leading coal dealer -Warraatee Deed 7:1.1—<.*re*t Amerlrmn*. motor vehicles for considerable veterans accepted. 25 year F.H.A. president of the Manchester A r­ the bartender because he was In- flrmlv eel. OlvfTi cojifldetit^feellrR of ee» was to hold a dike, which, ir p'rugram Miss Johnsoji.: a guest, the new brimeh bank we* held million are Christians, .^ d all of rurity and added 'comfort.* No nummy, 78 WEEKS Dust Perns 39c ...... NOW 2 4 e \ in the norlK.aectlon of the town, Cheney Brothers' to Towm of 7:30—Sp<»rt*men'j* Club. mileage.. .many vouchers showed _ mortgages available! >100 deposit mory'Association and commander foxicated. Saslela, police said,' ing job. Fast. Easy to cook with. Easy breached, would; flood a third ol passed away- on Aug. 26, 1946. gave an Interesting talk on her March 31. them are Very poor. Wages for 7:4$r~^T*mcl New* C*r*T*n, yuopy. nae.ty laete or„fceUn|f. Get FAS* Manchestsr, property on Comstock personal car coats averaged over “will hold. Come early to avoid of the local troops In the State caused a disturbance because he TEETH today at anFdruff atore. to keep clean. And a terriAc value. TO FAY ijthe city. i visit to a 4-H Club meeting In the men are'about 40 .cent* a day and 8:00—Stop The Muiic; PARTS FOR PYREX. SILEX AND They observed their golden wed­ road. 9:00—R-ea Skelton. * >100 per month.” The state pays disappolntmeiiL Turn off Sliver Guard, is extending an Invitation was rtot serVisd and was taken in­ i| Further downstream, both Wla- West. Miss Johnson gave great women get half that amount. ding anniversary, Jari. 17, 1944., Building Permit* 9:30—Amo* 'N' Andy. ■I-cents a mile whenever private Lane on Mercer Ayenue and take to several guests to attend this to custody on complaint of the PRESSURE COOKERS REDUCED ■ conain -and Iowa 'points got set ■ Mrs. Carter had been a member credit to 4-H work on her western To A. F.' Squlllacote Company 68 Cottvicts Ask ■ Mra. Lang wore the native gar­ 10:00—Mertln K*ne. ment, a sari, and both-answered 10:30-T-WlnrheIl“M*honey. cars are used to do state busi­ flfst,.right. Builder’s agent, 2-3151. special event Monday starting at bartender. jfor expected cecord river-, heights, of the Second Congregational visit in the many place* viaited. for Boland Oil Company, altera­ Raymond J.' Zlra, 19, -of Rock­ TERMS o r BALE j The Red River of the North's questions which gave much gener­ 11:0O—Fnrelien Tntrlifue. ness. 8:30 t). m. • Church since young womanhood. Albert Gray, c5ounty Club Agent tions and additions to garage , on Ouster of Warden ll;30_Robert MontKomery Tbe«ter. "The use of deparliuent ,o'r pool COVENTRY L A K E —TWO bed­ ville and John N. Wadsw.orth, 18, I neatest drive was against ^ e She leaves one son, Earl B. Carter, for Tolland Copnty 4-H clubs, al Information and showed motion l3:30-rrN#wii L«gal BeYeraget NO IJMIT ON AMOUNT OF Pt)RCHA8E8 Broad alreet, >750. cars would have resulted In *ib- room home, two years old. , In­ Ditcher Joe Nuxhall of the Cin­ of 23 Cumberland street, were ar­ ALL 8ALE8 FINAL—NO REFUNDS j Fargo-Moorhead area in . North- and a daughter. Mr*. W’alter R, urges all boy* and girls Interested For one-car detached garagfa, pictures. T*B«rr*w AT LOW PRICES BENSON’S, INC. stantial reduction* In this ^ex­ sulated. Nicely decorated, large cinnati Reds holds the distinction rested for violation of rule* of the I Dakota and Minnesota. Here a Hall; two grandaona, Walter'R. and in raising. market pigs as a 4-H After the program all adjourned A. M. FACTORY GUARANTEES—NO EXCHANGES to Albert J. Breault at 84 Helain'e . (OantiBtMd from Page Q M ) 7:00—Todaj-. living room, full basement, school of being the youngest play ever to road by PatroUnan Milton Strat- RADIO X TELEVISION — APPUANCES ijltard fight was being waged to Donald C. Hall, all of whom reilde project to purchase their pigs to the vqatry whe'fe a committee pense," the report noted. road, >600, and to Colla Conatruc- f^OO—Morning Theater. The auditors said these and bus route. In dCBlrable aedtipn perform ip the. majors. He played •Jon last night. The officer reported I Arthur Drug Stores EVERYBODY WELCOME tiaave the Fargo veterans' hospital, in Manchester. soon. Th* Connecticut Swine lurbainca at the prison In less than fAm the Women's Missionary 10:00—Breakfest Pirty. tlon Company for Charisa Hamil-: other faulty procedure* when con­ with beach righfa; >8,500. Private with the qieds in 1944 when be these youth* riding side' by aide HOCItS 8 A. M, to 11 F. M. I 713 MAIN STREET-- TELEPHONE 3535 iinokr housing some 200 patients. In Funeral services will be held at Growers Aaaoctatlon is cooperating a month. On March 30, some 29 I-cagu* under the direction of Mra. 10:30—Winner Take AIK ton,‘at 14 Helalne road, >950. 11:.70-dtrike It Rich. sidered as a group “Indlcata seri­ owner. Coventry 7-6601. in their cars dowq) Main atreet. M tte^ba-th e Red Cross said moTt the Carter home Saturday after­ to help mak*. plga available. Mem­ of tha prUon'a meanast mmates Franklin Hill served party sand­ .was only 16 yeara old. To Alfred B. Parka for Eliza­ P. M. , ^ ous deflcienclisa In th* internal persons hsd either f l ^ noon at 1 :30. ReV. Leland O. ber* of the sasoclatton wlU sell beth Parka, chicken coop at 433 seized control of aegregetlon wing wiches, ' a ' variety of home made 13:00—Ruth Lyon** 60 Club. , from hoiije or were living on sec- cakes,, tea and coffee at a-table t2:lA—tsOTA or Ufe. control of the financial transac- Hunt, mlniater of the Second Oon- on* pig to a 4-H member at a North Main atreet. >75. end. held'out for 46 hours. About 13:30—Se*rcluFor Tomorrow. 97td floora of threatened dwellinga. ational. Church, will officiate speiclal >10 pricet Proof , of 4-H -g wash latar, soma of tha men In eentered with a cake in the form tlona of the dep*rtm «t." To Joaeph Roaastto for fiv* aix- 13^40—Fun ToftA, Stetaon K. RnOi I* executive Th«.m lA in Montana had c a u ^ burial will be In the family plot memliberahip' must be subwitted to rooffl, two-atory dwellinga on Jo­ volveid startad a rumpus In thalr tif a lamb, and daffodils and other Dodger* r*. Gl*nU. dftiinaCM |3,M1,000 dantif*. BuckUad Ometaiy. the pig breeder. aeph. atraat, lU.OOO aaeh- cans, but wars q(ule|dy quailed, / spring now ei»-*.i_ 4:00—K*U Sinllh Show. .■eefeU^ of I \ T \ 1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. kANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY^ APRIL 17, 1952 PAGE SSX operation to confirm his dlagnoala xdrolnistraUoa will to ri»c above .. C A LL . of his owm Illness, word gdt six chlfdran on Iha street. *I1m mestic relations, Albert B. Bouf- Augustus M.: Burke, J. Arthur Timothy P. Hollpran, Georgia H. tonight at. 8 o'clock in Wesleyan of six men and six .women hear­ w u A r a ’m s r e a l v o io b prOVM 8110UIW, whatever hUi own flrat time in many years, April the lowest level of political Old Doc Ervin around he was low on cash. Chorics W. Lallirep Margaret Dorrihelm, school nuraC fSrd vs. Alice V. Bouffard; Stella Drayton, Arthur O. Vincent and Williams, Harry N. Pinney, Mau­ Hall, having for hla aubject, ing the four caaea to be 'tried ON rotm aoitinr •ohition o f any pirtlculM conflict h** opened a proper quou of warfare in order to, reach for ■Money rolled in. A coupi*. of Rockville rtported 610-.'qtaiidran ‘ware Kotogy-Dymerskl, Jr„ va Stanley Connecticut Bomethlng good, doca hot ehter P a § 8 e s a t 7 5 FO R - Lsither A . VVhHe. These members, rice -L. Hpurling, Raymond .E, "Votes, Delegate*, Oonventlons." Jointly. The selection of the Jury ntlfltt be^. Uite^ Indmaual showers. davs later,' his patlen'tg and friends ...BIJKOIAIIY. IN.SURANCE— weighed and measured last month, D^^rmeraki, Jr.;,Dora Lanzaho Dar- together'with those in attendance Hunt. Lawrence M. Dillon, Ray- A business meeting will be held at was started Tuesday and compie** Toaffl flgd o«r tote the tWaklng of ttMiim gave hfm |2;000'tor ^tk>t.to’(mey; ■iPMrst AbS '-vitoa bVm ojniact vritii ttie funaifrtentiit' be leader* of revolt. ■ nn'miEAL ESTATE tto-'wrlitomr'’ w 6 ' ^fuiiiflid;;w«w ■^hVOfiS ' C:"' R'6Uiw, PorthF Bmin,' t6a''y,toI»'fdSy'''atteWahw;'''W^^^ hohest green, an open covenant By WUXJAM CRIDER And when newapaperd told of were excluded from school. stone va. Albert J. Stone- 30 year pins, Including the follow- William A. Barron, Henry T. Open In the-public. A social period peeled that the case itiH take two help yon. principle involved 1* inevlUble. In AU they know is that If they ,Ea#.t.,,Cj»tor .S t, 2.-0884- Again block between '■earth «nd''S«n and. drip­ s'-'fiivme**,-■■'Mtss;-,-''Aprii-’Tf"-*-!#! tha,, pbyaiclaiv w ho. didn’t . bqtkff.. auparintendent-nt.Schoola '-•"■■Aii ....1 tng, .iFrank .G.', Balknerc -Oacar CL. North .and. Samuel- SU ver-bera. - to . -. .W.1U.XoUow,.-.-.-,,,-,..1 4v.; Weeks. .The antion-la..the,.result -of. ?1M^1 til* eha.' milttttr ’•® ' .... had been rn’iik iW i'm ' '-dW with bUIa. letters came from every Chatterton reported members {of Old Timers Night was ohoerVatl. Peterson, John P.-. Coleman, Wll- Meeting Tonight Tr*Umon.V to Steft a Ikimera accident in Octobei;, "" 'RiMnefbtttt^rteeto M'" »Unth«t«r. Cftnn. ping sky openly arrived at and -Caiicet of the liver is an ago,n- great a niaeter bringe oppreeeion there would have been no dual Job state in the union. :p •' / the State Department of. Educa- by the Rockville Lodge of Elks hjm F. pa.yls,- Michael,^J. Cos- .Krvlng.Pniyjj,. .stqte.iymfsenta- Tlj?. j^qst(.m»• If.**''. *’5'L Mjl'ii...... State Comptroller Chbrlea P. Har­ than had ori^nally been, asked. Dr, L.' Ervin died of cancer panle# alone for .thla. They have There are some -locaiions where. gro woman in Louisville, Ky, Grade Np. * *2.00 cu. yd. Rockville, April 17-- Rockville Junior year was discussed and it ’81* Mnntht by ...... , . ^ per of MIddiebury, one of the There' is. a general proposition of-v th e ^ y e r at his home here was the consensus that this could On» by MUl ...... Im the word of the railroad union In the midst of bare earth, there yesterday ftt the age of 75, There’s probably not much that Delivered In Truck youngsters will again have an op­ leaders in the ctlll struggling they Ighore. too. It is the prop- old Doc wo'iild change if he could not be done under the present fe r fb " / ciW eV::;;::::;::: leader for it. too. are long thin lines of green ahoota osltfnn that there may be some And after Sa^ears there weren’t Load L ota-^rder Now portunity to fish for trout on ^helr crowded conditions. Bub*' ^HvgrM. On* *>■» llS.w .effort to formulate a party revolt many in thls'sectlon, of Sunflower live his 75 years over again. He from whteh,. l^uiow-.or .hadn’t liked being-a country-doctortthe “ ; « N « » D 0 R F " ...... The Yftsu# Won’t Be Corked They look auaplcionaly like what erehipr 1» not* much to go on in aald. Liuetjen pond oji Mountain road Board of Finimce IhtOrmOd the the narrowest and most elemental treated - or "blrthei board that the *27,000 voted at they are boasted be—A climb­ explaining why there is such' an .party_"|pt.erests. It la the prop­ He rarely sent blllki,, A lot of ■"Beat people in* the world down CON ST. C O . has been stocked for their enjoy­ tn W M t* ttib UM « f Sr - If AmericAn diplomacy thlnka.lt instinct toward revolt, but it la ment...... — ----- :— ~ the town meeting WiW to be need *U fiftwft CppditSd to lit Or ing annual Jegiimlhdus hSfb hav;- osition that one way to be a hTs patients couldn’t p W snyhow here, black and white.''— -I— - ran ■ defend cpIonlaKsm and free­ enough. * Funer^ servicee were at- th'e Phono 8408 Chairman of the Recreation for teachers’ bonUs only, and not not othonrftb rt»dU*« ing pinnate leavea, fighting" party ’ is to fight for —unless it be in commeaL hsms for other empioyea of the Board of ■«nd »lin **>• 'O '*' "5?!.* dom too, the ftrat because such a . For It la poaalble toj deacribe and sorghum. Methodist iChurch here today. Board Richard Graf made the an­ POPULAR good 'government. Jill ritht* of rtpubllcolloB of 1/ that ia what they are, they nouncement today. The pond this Education. A letter is to be written diip«tcn*» bortin » « »i»" r*»*rv*d- strategy s e ^ a expedient in the what the party critics ; of the Tltcre Is no guarantee that Not long ago, however, 'When by the board secretary explaining atand aelf-convicted of aliaplcloua Lodge-Baldwin lead'erihlp mesn You can lead a coW to water, year is under state regulation, but defense^ of th"e second, -it Is riding this' proposition will work. Even old Doc had to go to Mempnl just who was include in the 90 ruVl •♦moo cllMit of N. If. A. 8( origins, ’^ e y must have been when they accuse that leadership 140'miles north of here, for 1 lut you can’t make her beef. the Recreation Board will have an -for-*-,itor*giO"fallp--~™------*-~- - ...■ now.,otn-Ionaty. .Iftere.lAA.thrtst. -attendant -at- the pond;"Ronald .peraona..for-.wbani„the .*309 tor ^bftbofo'*' * ' TW- plani'ed ‘ i^en'lthe'''gardeheM^ of -)UJt''"ng1it1ng;"' • '“It-ts -posstble rising against ■■ It. But the It la riding toward diaaater be­ to locate and describe the apecifle Badstuebner, on Saturdays and each was requested. queation were suppoaed to be Ih source of this threat reveal* one A letter was read from School cause It persists in ■ discounting Inslanvea in which the Lodge ad Sundays. Youngsters up to 16 bed,, nourished hy_ pccult fertlllzs- constant and predictable factor. .years of age may. start fishing at Library Advisor Rheta A. Clark ER MARKETS something ail Americana should ministration did...not .-‘.'tight", as Any regime Which trie* this ap- tlons, and warpied by aiin-Iampa. some Republican leaders would Threw Them . Away the pond at 6 a. m. on Saturday, of the' Departiiieht of 'TCduCatlbn kpow very, .well—the persistence npoach to public scrv*lce Is al- StUl.plenty of WHW left ta. the.first day of fiidiitlg season. , in connection with the libraries at Aa for -usv we-aVe proud to claim want it-'to. . ,nrssi,- ■wsy* WMacked.- hrst and' most and Intanaity .of peoples who'have One of the most prominent of shoes repaired hero. Council Meet* the schbols. Tti fcommlintlng oii the •eiuinek no fln»nc(»t .refpon«iblIlty for none of this kind uf green dis­ violently, by the "poUHc* at benefit of a school library, the W EIUY MEAT BY THE OPEN THURS. WONT YIL MIPEN FRt. aiirf SAT* H U P. M. fvBorrtpblctl. error* ♦ppoarin* -In •J' not yet won their own national in­ Such instances lies In the realm of ususi" element* of It* own All members of the Common T»rtl** a. m. to inaugurate a, atandard of pub­ tion of the State Welfare laws Is A communication was received which need replenishing and teach­ _y . Of PUBiicBuon excrpl Saturday— Asian and African nations on this lic relations in which decency, re­ slated for next Tuesday in the hall from the Rockville Chaipber of ers who are winning to administer * a *”■ question would die down and that The Ellington Friendship Class straint and the atmosphere of of thf House, of Repreeentatlves. Commerce asking that- a commit­ this progranx on. an extra-time ifrahde woiitd he given an oppor­ will hold another card party in statesmanship 'were dotnl-nant. tee -meet with Herman OlsOn of basU. Until a regular school li­ ' Thuraday, April 17 The hearing, will' deal with' the - DEL MONTE FANCY tunity to enforce its own will, with their ■erles on Friday night, May Accordingly when the Demo technical aspects of the laws and the chamber, to discuss parking brary . teacher can be’ employed, In the Ellington Town Hall at crate tried to resume the pattern theae people should be given extra SLICED OR HALVES lenient cdncesalona of course, "in will be conducted by two subcom- meters in the business areas in T?he Umpire WWds' The Bat 8 o'clock. .Mrs. Marjorie Hoffman of invective, Lodge Ignored it. The .mlttoos. of. th« .late. logisletiye RockvlJle. Upon the motion of compensation for this work.” Tunisia. That tr the way the prob parly disridehta say Tie' should An Interesting report on ' the and Mrs. pdris Helhti . will be council. Alderman John Doherty, this was ' Underneath the eelfleh Intereet lem might have been handled, sue co-chairmen of arrangementa. Fol­ have returned invective for Invec: referred to' the Police committee. school lunchrooms was presented: LAROE NO. t/z CAN o f the iteel companle*. there la a cessfully, even a few years ago, lowing the game refreshments will live, have slandered .the Demo­ A communication was received At the Vernon Elementary School, crats every tirne they slandered for February and March, 7,895 real laaue at atake in the preeent But the movements for Indc- be aerved and a abclal hour will from Robert Bartholomew in re­ be enjoyed. him, and been a ''fighting'* Gov gard to injuries received in a fall meals were served with a total in­ aetaure altifation. pendence and equality in the world Vincent Cafaaao, third grade ernor. Thfisie di.saidents will not on Dec. 28. 1951. It was report­ come of *1,830.30. After payment Perhapa the beet way to look today are not going to be .snuffed teacher liv the F.llington Center admit, because it is not In their RAG DRIVE ed this had already been turned Of bills, this cafeteria show* a bal­ SLICED OR HALVES at ■ the tieue tnvoived i« to -*ee it out of'existence; The more they School will roach —the basebail nature* to-- understand it; the- fact over 16 ‘ th'e"Tiiailtahce cbWpaiiy.' ance of -*1-23,-90 for the iwo- "SATURDAY months. For three months, at — TALE'CANT Ml a parallel situation where it ar* repressed, the more violent team thia year. He will be assist­ that In a propaganda contest it Is Meeting Tonight-. ed by Frank Enright and William not the loudest adjectives, but tha Maple street, 10,555 meals were iilao exiata, thla time in conflict they will become. The more they In connection with the installa­ Cpuntaway, a atudeqt teachv fropi nltlipate .ylctdryj which counts. HELP FIGHT CANCER^ tion of ' ft ' grade hchpdl baseKalt served.' a cash balance of - *28.18 DEL MdbiTE l-T ' urith the ii«f1ah Interejit* of linlone. are 'reiHsted, the moir tragic will Springfield College. Will I'n {be Jud'gmeh'l of'bther ob­ diamond at Henry Park, Chairman being on hand and a large stock of ■•ThiB parallel altuatlon exlete in be the. process by which they try The- school band, under the di­ servers. the Isidge strategy baf­ Richard Graf of the. Recreation Inventory; at the East school 9,724 e- the railroad ihauetry,' which the lb win what they are after. But rection of Qei-ald Morin,- is plan­ fled and exposed the Deroocratic Bosrd announ'ced a meeting to­ meals were served and there is a FRUIT COCKTAIL strategv as nothing else could balance of *94.12. ftverhmenl eeiecd, on Aug. 27, the one thing certain is that no ning a.aeries of noon-hour practice night at the Town Hall of man­ aesSlons. Baton fwlrlers and. inem- have done, Wheri It did not agers, coaches, and grade school Home Nursing Classes DEL MONTE «l»o for th* purpose of avotd- body ,1s gotng tp put ihern back b*ra will practice..niarching during achieve-a response In lU : owir pupil* to make plans for a grade Ti^'o Home Nursing cCursea. ip JAR lig e nation-wide strike. into the bottle and cork It again. the next few weeks. Miss Lousnn kjrid, the Democratic campaign of school baseball league. home care of the sick are being On Tuesday, in Cleveland, the Because _ we feared to offend Parsons, mualc supervisor, has invective fell flat. , Board of Education sponsored by the Rockville Chap­ FIGS-KADOTA But the Republican dlsaldenta ter qf the American Red Gross for ^vernment appeared in court;^ in Erance, we acted, in the. Security been condiirtlng tha organization John Gotttor, chalrmati of the of the band. '- would have preferred a donny- high school pupils. The classes are DEI. MONTE operator of.-the rall- Council, tq, deny the Tunisian case B'jlldlng committee, presided at brookr - ...... : ' , ------last -night’s meeting of the Bosrtt taught by Mrs. Jeanne Lakinskl. roada, and obtained a court iiijunr- ..... "fit ■ ' i i . Another grievance of theme even s heaTing. of Education in the ahrence of RN. certified Red Cross instruc­ im ER R IES tlon forbidding three railroad Has that quelled the contro Deaths Last Night who would like to lead a party tor at the Rockville City Hospital. res'oll slems front the fact that Chairman John G. Talcott, Jr., Thirty-seven high school .girls are lihlAna to carry through ' a versy? Has it put the Crtrtf bSCK who has been ill. Bills totatlhg *5,- HEL MONTE the Lodge leadership aceepted enrolled. ______^___ l. __ threatened atrlke. Ih the bottle? ------and passed a Democratic ver­ 418.54 Were approved for payment. 8hort Calendar .Session - ’' By THF, ASSOCIATED PRESS Earl Krause asked permission of Moat students of American To the contrary. It has 'oh •ikis Angeles, Calif.— Max Stein- sion of the dual Job bon bill. The following cases are sched­ PURPLE PLUMS Ipbor trouble! can remember when vtously added to the pressure be This, to their minds, was an the board to speak, and stated that uled for the short calendar session eke, B4. credited with research the attention of the Parent Teach the injunction was the "wicked" Ing generated by the Arab and that led to the discovery of oil in nli|ect and foolish surrender of of the Tolland County Superior DEL MONTE the natural patronage rights of er Association, has been called the Court tomorrow, at 10 a. m. with weapon useH by "unscrupulpus" Aaian-championa of Tunlala'a case Saudi Arabia, and a member of . t ... „,u jth e American..Association of Pe- Itepnhllcan legislators. This, traffic and safety problem caused Judge Edward J. Daly presiding: management in order to kill off Now. taking a leaf out of '"*»■-f^-ouum Oeologlsta. to their minds, was a decision by high school pupils who drive Niciiolas DeFilippo et al, applica­ STEWEU PRUNES tpe power and influence and even own book, which haa featured Pittsburgh- Earl K. Collins,. 64. tiiUlng away the very basis on automobiles to ■ echool and park tion for change of name; Francis tke existence of unions. Strategy of going to the ItN Gen registrar at Cafncglc Inatitute of whioli the Rcpiibllcah party them on School street. The board Edward DeFilippo, et al, applica­ d e l m o n t e -W h o Is using this notorious in- cral Aasembly with questlona Rua- Technology alnce- 1949 and asso­ coiild develop a "fighting" party voted to send a letter to the Po­ tion,for change o*name; Irene C. ciated with the . school ainee 19X2. ordge admin­ ' Ing this' traffic hazard. liam Prucha, Sr., vs. G. Albert DEL MONTE thii? They like it Jkst as weil as sembly, where we ouraelvea won't tional physicians who advised as istration, that if answered long Mrs. George Brookes of the Hill, highway commissioner; do­ 2 POUND PACKAGE niihllc agitation for swch a re­ tha atiel companies like what the pc able to veto dlibuasioil. W'hatber liHle doctoring aa posalble and Teacher’s committee stated that urged wine drinking and ifood form', that It revealed the I.i>dge PRUNES gKvernment la doing to, them. In due to Illness of regular Irtstructors LEAN RIB LB. QUAUTT SKINLESS LB. DEL MONTE the bloc will obtain the apeclal eating. Died Tuesday. during the past months, an un­ f^-W thc ia n g i^ e in which Jam.'js aeasion It demanda remalna to be Des Molnea,. Ia.-—Mrs. Florence usually large number o f spbaW NEW CROP OF rOTTNG 12 OZ. 'fmiWde; 'istahd 'tht«T 'engtheef- Se^ii .'"Tf lt''floer not; the’ ' iCmtuiit T^tmsmiTy^^' SS; trife (M--Charies'E teacher* bad' beeli heces'sary; "She PORK CHOPS ^ FRANKFURTS WHOLEKERNELGORN ....TA'CUTTM'CAN' o f the Brotherhood of Locomotive Nations will hsve twice tcjected a Lounsbury, editor of the Dcs j O ^ MARK OF told the board that many nearby CHICKENS SHOULDER FRESH BY THE PIFX7E LB. Moines JRegUitti: .Arid. .Trlbupe .Syn- L UM Butfff ouAUTV iftjttheera, attacked • the 'gmTrh- ronsroercd move' by an important totvn* had raised the pay for sab** FRYERS-^S6c lb. dlcate. Bom in Denvfr. etitutes; and"upon her recommen­ ment la exactly the same kind of group-of its OMm -member*.'If it Gievisiiind-wmiatn' v . -eoycgin. VEAL CHOPS VEALLOAF dation it Was voted to raise the ROA^RM Yc lb: language the steel magnates are doea, the queation which m igh t 82, 'who ratlrcd,:in,j. 194,8 after 30 LOIN CUT SPRING LB. years as mechanical superintend­ pay of substitute teachers from CAPONS—88c lb. DEL MONTE using. ” have been made a rather "minor *10 to *12 per day. ent for ^he-Clevelspd News, and Special Prices For Freezers SWECT of, ltem.ljv„sac}irtly Otuncll JjusipHia,, once-with-newapapera. in Ohicago- Mra. .Brookes, announced..a.plan LAMB CHOPS . LUXURY LOAF . .for..."ia.service .tcminmg"-'wbich,had, D elivery In H anclieater' 4ecialon.’!„ said. Shielda. the. .wilt-hayasbacom*. tha alugln.issue an Stevonaon Pl8c8fi His B«l course for teachers of the first to In both Instancea of government FOOD SALE ft*V* of fifth grades to be given next fall Republicans, even after New seizure—the one which . offends FRIDAY. APRIL 18. 9:30 by Instructors from the New TABLE Jersey, niey still harbor some un- COOL SUMMER! CHROME KITCHEN SETS Britain Teachers College. private enterprise--the other QUAJJTY Oert'slnty *s lb the identity of HALE'S STORE - Reporting for the Building com­ which is drawing the bitter criti­ RUMMAGE their candidate for Presi'denl this Group A at CootPr COMFORT ' Best quality, Chrome and Formica—AT LOWEST PRICES mittee, Hr- Cottier called atten­ cism of iakor itself—there'ik a tion- to tl)e death of Cornelluli year.. But one strategically placed Church Women ANYWHERE. See our grand selection of Tables, and Chairs in fundamental prtnclpla involved. WITH ATTIC Murphy, who had served the Democrat obviouiiy • thinks that- your favorite color. ' SALE One of the best expressions of schools as Janitor for '35 -years IhS odds arc on the nomination of INSULATION He said the other Janitors express­ the principle at stake,' and the ed their gratitude to the board FRIDAY. APRIL 18 General Elsenhower. 9:S0 POPUUR MiflKEL principle which ought to govern, That ia^ the elemental interpre­ that school sessions were delayed has come from General Diyight SPECIAL VALUE onfy tation of the refusal of Governor FRESCRIFTIONS until 9:45 on Wednesday, in order OfferSx Eisenhower, who said,’ in his cele- ThcWG.GLENNEYca that all Who wished might attend Adlai .Stevenson of to con­ Carefully Compounded ,healed "middle of the way" speech TABLE AND 4 CHAIRS the fimeral service. He announced OdI Fdlldwt Nair sider ^the Demoeratlc Jiom'Ination BUILOING MATERIALS it St. Louts ln,lS4B. the folldwingv that William Aborn will continue Tor President. The'most personable l Arlluir Drug Stortti LUMBER FUEL 'aif Jahitor at the high school, with e miserably fall to challenge M^'stlc Review, No, t and eligible Democrat bp the hori­ I36N.I4AJN Sr. KWItlltSTEH »-4V4■»*.T*'-3y»-*V?' wrijtvJfx^icnr^i-'t—i wn.—.i had he looked into hfs, cryatai bail' || • blindness of .those who, protesting aituatlon. “ ilLOMINOTI FREE ENTRY BLANKS AT tUlkS-naniipaWoii jot;- JdeM!-; ; >>7 .Truant, • 0 &icer,7WlUiaia-, Sadlak- . J-T-, ,.'.v V*..- -■ CfiUopk*. .1 HSb- -liit like!j" ■w'fiiiiif,iiaVt-'V t'like'ai'' aid l«;ii4»»'-:'(;.^.-.-. IPQMATOES , tiiti , only.. Govern-. • .4. ..-.-WX 8 U x -£ e r t i f i e d .-7^-• fmtW 'Itvo^.cdinpfiling. ;rea*ffliKifer; tratielr camp- canto and' questoined bitarior odd.r»»1»t—• . ■ —.-'t ’ “g — ■ ipent •"■«*«■ ■ bring -tis ■' - happiness, making the run. TTie first would be Fiiitahed Monuments and STORM wimbw$ POWILAR MARKET ^ * Utoliiod, eUU forim eni Q - . security and opportunity. /■ * TkrHly n*to-Wod mH hla view that duty demanded -a'de- Markers In Our Display ‘The American eystem.-ln line ^YOU'LL LIKE IT — SEED POTATdES fense of the internationalist' posl- PINE PHARMACY -Any site J j ' with Its principles, can and does.' Yard To Choose From! tion against a Republican isola­ AT CENTER PARK To t.i govemmentiU action, prevent or •64 CENTER ST— TEL. . 2-9814 .95 tionist randidate. The second The Finest In KLEENWAY rj - correct abuse springing, frorri the *6 X 66 would be his estimate that a Frame SANDWICH BAGS BOSCO ] ' ' linregulated pcacticea of a pri- (popadjoA SupcA TyicViksdA Democratic rietory would b* no*- Design irate economy. But we will not ac- _ THURSDAY, APRIL 119 PIL aiftf. SA V E NOV 40 Count Pkg. ;; cord to the-central Qavernment ' ‘ ' / ' 10c 12 Oz. Jar 3 0 c Governor Stevenson's decision Wdirkmanship All Aluminum 974 MAIN STREET—FREE PAKKING NEXT TO STORE Ihllmited authority, any more DURING THE not to run, then, amounts to his ihan we -will ^ w dur necks to own bet on the outcome of the Re­ KILTY M n D T^MARCH AND PLAY Material : Jt* dictates of the uninhibited CombiRation Doors CASHMERE I publican race. PALMOLIVE SOAP SUPER SUDS VEL ,gePkg3dc bclIlGON SOAP leekers after personal power in ORteiNAL BOUQUET : There is a certain luxury In the' Cut^g done in our own SPECIAL c l e a n s e r ; c n If* Inancci labor'or'any other field REGULAR 2 Bars 1 5 c position for him. If hli bet goes ahem from the rough-stone B an /..-A.-, ' -.-.-itn Instead of a government limlt- GUEST SPEAKERS: ' ' REGULAR 2 15c‘ wrong^and . it ia Taft who it to M e finished memorial. Lge. Pkgs. i ng itself to tha role by wipch it 2 5 5C FAB Lge. Pkg. 30c 3 Bara 2 3 c actually nomlnated-^there w*ill ob-1 BATH SIZE 3 B an 3 2 c BATH SIZE 3 B an 32C ' j nay "prevent or correct abuses' Mrs. Fiorenua Roiidtlj ______r 1 1 ?: ' vhat do we find today? We. die- vibusly be a reaaseaament of the [ $ entire Demoicratic situation, 'with 59-95 SUNSHINE n ;a*’er,' .by the teatimony of "both ‘‘CASE FOR EISENHOWER” MANCHESTER PEANUT BUTTER BUMBLEBEE . nanagement and labor, that it le the nomination suddenly more at­ KRISPY CRACKERS WESSON OIL Bon Oil tractive and the'■ Democratic Na­ 7 MEMORIAL 36 MONTHS TO PAY in Serv-KHtjiy Pak BIG TOP FANCY UGHT TUNA - 4 Oz. Bottle government fUelf which is the Pints 33c ipthor of abuses, that- it ia ;gov- tional Convention likely to resort Mrs. Aiie« K. Leopold, Soeroiary of Slate to draft tactics which might give COMPANY TWO IDENTICAL REXALl C A U 2-0346 irnment, itself which Is claiming ( l^ L b . Pkgr. 2 6 c 11 Oz. .Tumbler 3 9 c ' Quarto 04c Can ind exerciain^ roughahod power, both Stevenson and Truman secr A. AIMETTI. Prop. 3 8c 19c ond refusals. HEADQUARTERS OPEN TO PUBUC PRODUCTS FOR THE PRICE hat it is the presumed umpire COR. FEABL and HARRISON; NASH .SALES : vbo is doing both the pitching and STREETS OF ONLY I + |C BAB-O LA CHOY CHOP SUEY That Illegritimate Green , DISTRIBUTOR FOR PHILLIPS Gortort'St , I be batting.. Wcrfeli for the committoMwii cmd wemta on Opposite: East Cemetery New Wonder-Sudsing REALEMON Whether an individual citizen ia We don't ever recall having seen stTMt tonight dbtributing corwgns, buttons on TELEPHONE 77*7 Or «0 F EXCEtUM Delicious Soups . CODHSH CAKES CHOW MEIN 12 Oz. Unsweetened : or management, or ia for labor, the lawns turn quite so complete­ signing up now mombors. Open Sundays PINE PHARMACY TRIPLE TRACK Can 12c 1 rbeUiA' he approves one Instance ly green quite so promptly. That Boy S nod Get One 1 _ Meat. Stocks g C Meatleaa Buy and Save M oasj 664 CENTER 8T— TEL. S-M16 ..ExtraFor 1C Can • j t government aeiaure and diaap- ia, ws auppoqe, because, for tha w in d o w s " IDC 10 Oz. Can 21C C a n d le Bottle 2 5 c

T - 'b L - . _ 4t ■ / jxatsMunrv^.'/■■■■•'A'.: WlMj|||)»^>wl-lil**P|?'.V^*.Vr*FW*-/-:\-. lii^V* • ■ . !• * >*lg|Mirpi|-|-H#4inlp** f¥n-*‘\-


OOFY CLdstifQ TIME ..f’' ..4, MON. XIlKD EBL aknrw-/.. 7 mCH ^UT - U. 1 CH O ICE 10'.80 A. M. to FttY OR BROIL C M sifled 8ATDRDAT 0 A. M. r •tnrt'wjTi’rtA .-•• .t%rK,vn^ tr.j ^ cxcJm ADVS; ON PAGE 16- - •'r-* Apartments— Plats—* P O R K R O A S T HUILIHNa -’’ LOTS. Fine - residen- v - i- • fHw*'* -- vdaa'.if.LiiA; XELiVOiAfOtt RetHgentot. I6ni OUTSTANDING' fAEUES liM IdealT^i. lUabbiiiabTy pH£ed. 'First' NahoRal- Pork-i$4®an,'.t|snd®i'-, ricti in.;.dw(aous flivoL ,.Rr$tN .Buyers'ialacf onfy yellow «nd green gM etove, one A THREE ROOM apartment- Suburban Realty Co., Realtors, younger, lighter Pork because it is more.tdndeir;.. packs M ORE meAl* LESS waste per pound' Mtofaen table, one parlor Uble, large rooms, $188 a month. A 4- SIX ROOM CAPE COD 641 Main street Phone 8215. two radio®, nne Singer ■ aewlng roomi apartment, $110 a mohth. on hot watOr heat, fireplace, LB That is why you get MOREBETTER Pork for your mbney at First Nafionall machine, three-bureaus, two beds, Includes fieat, hot water, refrig­ shower, combination storm win­ TWO LOTS, southwest corner of 2-3'A lb AVG . one vnriUng desk.. InqulM 78 erator, electric atoyo. Central lo­ dows and doors', Bendix automatlo Ifvlhg street nnd WIndemere tjnden street. cation. Use of beautiful grounds. washer. House is iii excellent con­ atreet. Inquire 270 Oak street. ; RIB^END UP TO 6 LBS Adults only. James J. Rohan A dition and priced at $13,800. 12 CU. r r . f r e e z e r — A v e ra « BLOOMFIELD, Juniper- Rise, washes clothes Son, Realtors. Tel. 7433. family slae.. Storage flwgb^ty SEVEN ROOM DUTCH wooded acre' lot on Simsbury, CHIHE-' AX.':-SSZ•: ::.^g .and- Business Property $12,300, small down payment Hastings. Phone 2-1107. wHb tabi Musical Instruments 52 For Sale 70 needed. Schwarts Real Estate. SELLING YOUR Property? Con­ 8274, 01* Hartford 8-5138. JOAN CAROL REGULAR PRICE Z 3 c NEW USED, Rentals Reeds, tact the EllEWorth Mitten Agen­ A940, YOU CAN STOP RINSING f FLO R IDA - JUICY Strings;'mutes, stands, acoaa- t a v e r n f o r Sale. Potentially MANChfcSTE;R-r^A lovejy slx- cy,. or any Manchester Real Sla- if you prefer moi to T>eM« Fab sivea SPIO A l f O ^ • O'CB BAG A Q - best location In town. New kitch­ aortes. Repairing. Certified in­ room house, four years old. On tate concern because It stands to jou the cieaoeat poNible, iweeteit- Bran & Cdrh Miiinm PKG OF 6 I T * en equipment. Priced right. lot 84 X 145. Large living room reason that they know Manches­ smelUoB oo>rioM wash! struction. Music for all occaa- Phone 2-2282. alona, Ward Krause, 87 Walnut with fireplace, dining room, bed­ ter property best. Call the EUa* Apples WINESAP WESTERN room, kitchen, dinette and' lava­ worth Mitten Agency. 6936 REGULAR. PRICE 3 9 c 538®- ______. JOAN CAROL Farms and Land for Sale 71 tory on first floor. Upstairs two SPECIAL 2 ^ 2 9 ‘ BALE! HOME Show planoa. Rald- twin slse bedrooms and bath. Hot WANTED — By private party, wln Acroaonlc and Leater "Betsy WAPPING—An excellent 29 acre water oil heat, ample clojiets, threetbedroom ranch home or Raisin Cluster EACH good size Cape Cod. Write Box western ... Boas" .KPtef ts, SAye.,up Sp $2W on .iarm with a ^ eqmiilna.tlqn (tlqs^num -acccens, tbasa beautiful liurtruments. They ed nine room house. Barns and ’and doors, excelleht Ib'callon. Ex­ “X,' 'C/b "Herald.' wera pla 'ed only 8 days (In -our tobacco sheds. Land can' be split clusive with Frances K. Wagner, “ Ot«f'i>b«rth) during the rwseot Up If'SO desired: Lbeated tma-good' ReaHop.' PKo«b'84)038; ------7 ^ Z: Home Show In West Hartford. road, near school Reasonably ao«iDA.T0WG^-:J’“ Bach calTles a new piano warran­ priced. T. J. Crockett, Broker.' ty direct from the factory. Good Phone 8416 or residence 8781'. VALUES ON PARADE WHITE BREAD aelectlon of styles and finishes *' '!f your-hin-ty.' Ahw-S- BaWwin FIVE ROOM HOUSE -—ba^-grands. Terms, and. tUliloa. Honsdi for Sale " 7^- 18-OZ LOAF Rural. Large lot. Nice-con- N O W ! - TH IN SLICED If desired. Qo.ni Plano Company. MXiST BE SEEN 817 ’Asylum Street, Hartford 5- TO RE APPRECIATED dition. Improvements. Full 8896. Open Monday also Thurs- Excellent home cbnslstlng of five price $5;800. day evenings. Park free next door. beautifully decorated rooms with tile bath .on first floor and two bod- Wesrlng AppareP-i|T^^ rooma on second floor. Two car at­ M A N C m S T E R tached garage, oil burner, enclosed J? P?.PKG 4 5 e GIRL’S RED spring- coat for 6 porch, automatlo dlshkraaher, Vene­ Large home, all improve­ nr 7 year o\d. Also cotton dresses. tian blinds, awnlj^s, storm E n ­ ments. Barn, 3 car garage, 45 _T%one.2:0J198. dows and Bcreena and many other 10-pZ PKG 2 3 * extras. Ijocated on quiet residen­ acres o f land. Plenty of front­ tial atreet. age. How about that? This Wanted—To Buy 58 ARTHUR A. KNOFLA one is > y appointment only. Realtor WANTED—Used furniture, liv­ 875 Main St.—Kst. 1921 TELEPHONE 2-8370, MANCHESTER ing room, bedroom, kitchen or Phone Dfftce 5440 340 Ma in STREET (Next To State Armory) entire households. 1 ^ us make Evenings 2-5938 or 2-4278 MANCHESTER Not Connoetod W ith Any Otfaor Pouitty-Storo in Monchnttnr. Of1i*r StisTM in WiHimanfic and Windham vou an offer. . The Woodshed; Homo Listings Wanted 6 room hbme, all improve­ / .Phone 2-8164. SEVEN ROOM single. Four bed- ments including oil heajU Nide c : Just Reduced! w a n t e d t o Binr — H-Toh roohfs. Large -lot Tw^.esr ga­ condition. One car garage. TSvo THIS STORE FEATURES STRICTLY FRESH LOCAL DRESSED POULTRY, OF ALL Chain Holst and one electric port- rage, About 20 years old. Imme­ chicken coops, workshop, large aWaliand A-rinderr- rPhone 2-8504. diate occupancy. Price $18,000. DESCRIFriONS,"24 HOURS FROM THE FARM TO THE TABLE" FOR QUICK MEALS FINAST GRANULATED f f j J K James J. Roha'h and Son;’-Res.1- strawberry b^ and several SWERL 5c SALE! A A A Z O L A o r WANTED—Small upright piano. tora Phone 7438. * fruit trees. Approximately 3 DURING SPRING CLEANING DAYS Good condition. Call 4714 after 6 acres o f land. And what do M wPNrL \ ' Buy one pkg il regular ir-c R* MOVE RIOHT IN—Five rooms, 4 S O A P i== t r a 25' W E S S O N O IL - : p. m, - you know. Full price $10,500.' 30eprice-GelIphg jjr 5 ^ * three down, two up. Good loca­ 99 FREE - Clothespini in each package . tion, good condition. Immediate SPECIAL SALE H i k v x m x Canned Meats .WANTED—. Used., sandbox and -ocouMnoy, , $H>i500, ■ - Suburban ------' ■ ' '' ' -QT BTL 59 C --ELITL C'/f ■ play yard fencing. Phpne 3*0524. - — 3 “ THUREDAr, FEIDAV, SAniROAV Realty Co., 'Realtors, 841 Main C allT h e T R O T T E D m e A T " WANTED—Play pen. Inquire to street. Phone 82,18. ELLSWORTH MITTEN O N E W H O L E . w iu n t# PRooocis.. ;' - WsMdict-.... 315,. NEW I]I8TH48jYtet9ide**-Sroi»n -- '-r JU RIIITIJ^ street. Gape Cod, 'S-finished, flreplacei 1 % rtk to i.tR . 9 8 c Mop 29c •— car^ garage, terrace with awn- Phone 6930 L U N C O O N G ^ Noxon „„,polw KJi'iTt 23e PROTlaS ^ x V C E \ ^ r a t e 4 l M Hoonm W itb o o f . Bog|i|;^59 . inga,. May 1st occupancy. Asking , A m m o m a j^arson's ” k - 2 ? t - r ’‘•Eo.'’ 'Tioz-iiN .:v^o.-.4sLASS'-P^ HOUSEKEEPING ROOM .»or 44o9. . J ^ Excellent new custom. built colo- reEf'sPiSNGt -,iwalfliaaai^sL.;.AJW»ome^c«n«ol», :rU|i ,.|atcge ^... y w ..V iz* .gsrige, . porch, lavatory 'first ’ ■■■ Ch'eney^B.' -S^SSfi; - three bedroo'ins, Ule bskth; .fire­ bO iilATieoiRariiy-^’ place. Nice location. - Price- |lh,- ilqdr.- Tbriced at; $19.1^. 5ub-: atantlal down payment. jNew Wahert’h " 900.. About $6,000 down payment D e v d e d R m JHOZT1N 16 c ROOM FOR RENT. Tel. 3-OlSl. J Jamies J. Rohan A Soti. Rcaltora! alx-room Cape Cod, five finished Renutt »> “ "«> O'™ 39^ rooms, hot water heat, quiet L A R G E Choose Cloth of*"2°yos 19c No*rub n-oonwAX 7433. ' . . street. $12,606. Down payment :1b C h o p p e d H a m ■A 12*OHlN s i c FURNISHED ROOM—Near hos BOLTON—We have six homes for for O.I. $960. Howard R. Haat- 73^ Whisk Brooms ** 49e QT 73 * 41* D t e n e cl* . - " * ^ COMSIOOC • to . QUAUTY pLtal and but line. Phone 8422 sale in suburban BoIUm ranging tngs, Manchester 2-1107. Sani Spaed S|i«iget» 21c ~ g SUOD APPLES 20-OZTIN 1 8 c after 1 p. m. from $9,000 to $16,000. Some WITH HOUSEKElEPiNG MAbST Brooms *>’ 1.29 SMALL LB. TREET new, some old. To inspect call T. EASY and cost of upkeep at the Pin CnMt'*>^AST-TENDER aAKY-2P-OZPKGS29c LARGE ROOM—Next to bath, for J. Crockett, office 8416 or resl- mlhimum—this spacious ranch two gentlemen or working 'couple. type is an ideal aelectlon. H. 'B. Quick Easy. ‘ 12-OZ Hollywood section. Telephone' .1,“l^i^75569:------Dinner - Anytime . TIN , ~ ~ m Oinesn Food fina^t-a u purpose 2-ulo af8 9 c T397; Lb. 6 5 c NECKS-BACKS MANCHESTER — Attractive 8 StCRRS, CONN. — Adjoins The CAPONETTES FIRST r n a t i o n a l STORES l b f u r n i s h e d ROOM, for gentle­ room Cape Cod. (Mean as a whis­ Untveralty of ConnectldUt. Two- ALL POULTRY man, Hot water, garage,' park­ tle. Conveniently locaited — near famUy house with oil heat, barns. ing place. Phone 7865. bus, school and stores. Fhll base­ -77, acres, suitable for housing de­ BROILERS Lb. 5 5 c ment, Oil heat. - automatic hot velopment or farming. Ckll Storra SOLD 3 2 5 ' TWO SWOLE RbOMS — Garage water, combination storm win­ 9884. \ tZcnie^fZjucj! . available- - Inquire 143 Hollister dows and screens, SO day occu­ Lb. 6 1 c ^udt l^educed — Soap Powders street between 7 and 9 p. m. pancy, Full price, $11,800. Alice FINE LOCATION, five finished ROASTERS EVISCERATED l^ecentf^f^JuceJl ^ o a p rooms Additional room partly Clampet, Realtor, 3-4543 or 2- Ivory Flakes - Ivory Snow - tux Flakes WIDOW HAS nice pleasant room 0880. finished fireplace. Generous Borden's Cream Cheese 2rau 3^< for egnt also garage. Nice neigh­ closets. Hot water oil heat, alum­ FOWL Lb. 5 9 c 2 LG E b a r s 2 5 * borhood. CaU 2-2651 after 6 p, m. GIBLETS • 23< B & M Beef Stew 2ooztin 59c Ivory or Swan Oxydol - Rinso - Super Suds NEW—FIVE ROOMS inum doors and ecreeni. Large SILVER LANE lot Price $18,200. Madeline Smith, - - Kirkman Flakes-- Hot Dog Relish 2 *^^-*^*s25* Realtor, 2-1642 or 4679. Ivory or Swan 2 M ED BARS 1 5 * ROOM FOR Rent to respectable This attractive home fea­ ALSO... Free Parking Kraft's Veiveeta hupkg33« gentleman. Phone 3-41T1. tures twa bedrooms with Chicken Liver » ' M AIN STREET, New listing, old­ 98 2 l a r g e P A C K A G ES 55c Tomato Paste' - 2*«?''«19« spacious closets, tile bath, din ROOM With Kitchen PriVBege^ er seven room single; excellent FOR OUR Pillsbury's Cake Mixes ^6o ip29< Venetian blinds. For infoima- anytime. GIANT PACKAGE 7 5 . ROOM OR RENT, CaU 6609 tion call ' " Statler Tissue 2 23c 3 B A TH BARS 3 2 . 2 R EG BARS 15* I;;- i days. COVENTRY— Modern 4 room BORNHElM and SM ITH home op comer lot -OU heat, p l e a s a n t Fumiiiied room with Sales Agents artesian wall, electric hot water, LOCATED NEXT TO THE ARMORY - DAILY DELItERY SERVICE u oooldBg privileges.' Ons block fireplace. Partly furnished. Phone Phone 694$„or 6716 Ctoventry 7-7066. ■ f i ..t- . -1 . . \ y -7 " - y ■ ■4- .t---. . ■'i;/ ‘ • • ■ ' ‘’"s

. i ,*r^ PAGE ELEVEN V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, At»Rm .l7, 1952 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. C0NN„ THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1952 mitim ',TPAGE t e n V ■‘N-; Mr. SchuUhelss Should be called have their annual banquet Tuesday the'Iodiil Scouts is reqiiested td'call for further information or for ap* at 7' p. m., at the Nathan' Hale Luclu! A: .PetUugUl or Thomas W. Stalin Can Modes’ fl^5 Gift Hotel -In Wllljmantlc.- Reserva- Killer for: pldj^up acrylce,. If..poi- Soiltk__: . *Cdveutrv- __ ^ ^ pointments. H i t -telephone Is U.S. Soldiers i»]EV 'T;roo9r’'” ...... ‘...:.... tlbia mtiM be made byKriday^wltK Bible tW fiK p m qrr tolFP ttBJt wltTr Tea Bejgggi at DtnnGr A id s C a n c l^ fv P riv e . Airs. Paallne Little ’ Three new members Robert Mra. Robert Helms. She may also a strong strinK or rope -for con­ wvr-.' w •; venience -in ■ - handUiig.— Norman -.■...•r ■ ...... - 'CDventrV -T^ffSSl ' " FrfinWaiid. E ff g aY ' Wennetbetg' b e• ’called 'abont.- tratisportatlnri: Getting Fundi to Stoke and Charles Lowery were , admit­ The banquet committee. Is com- Rlcarddt River road. South Coven­ A.,CQJ>t)r(butl.9n of »125J Get GaUtioiis Welcome pritedof Mrs. Heims, Mr.s.KUu.ard try,,wlU.provide, a trucK. Yor. the •' Fo'ur'pacKi'g'es of'clOthlilg ' baVc ted -during ■ Cioventry ■ Volunteer Miahchester Modes marked Fire Company 1 meeting at their Scliulthelss, Mrs. Clarence . A. drive on Sunday. The Scouts will' By OHARLEH C. LANE been received from as mqny states Bradfteld and Mrs. Milton Zur- meet Friday at 7:30 p. m. at’ the Fires of Comm^ Initial, returns .from local _indus^ France over Omaha Beach as a tow«rd.-.,tho, -futb. ..MtrnatLonsV firehouse rMonday night. The qom- Natimm Hsie G(»n^r^unUyvCJ6hter.>- DOES THE ~ headquarters' bdmmuhfcal(dria 'Wrtein'ahron'’ D-Day,''JDHe TS,' 1944'.- pffny hfts'^i^MIWd $T2' d6tiat«r«T nmWen'.-»**-“'^'''‘"'-— try . to. .tlie .CMncer /u i^ it was Frlcnrfship party, under the alls­ Mrs. Richard Usher of Route 31, •f>v.awii Price ttoiige . , .buj'ning pitiJecLs,, Fire CJllef E.rn-r ldr8, . Robert. Wanagel .ahd Mrs. ahnounnced today b y -w v e <5>alr- v-'-s.'irto-a’T-'j Zone, UrS. Army, Orteans, France,- pices ot the -4-H Town c.ommiUe* South doVeifl,ry ha* an African .Robert HTirsl will allCffd the CoK-' out so much as a wince from the 'The (j Is complain that a glass of And headed by Gilbert H: Storrs cst J. Starkcl reported 12 fires and (Editor'! note; ni* bl!ck inM*j man Attorney Phlll’p Bayer. C u s t o m e r s April 17— —How are the thou­ beer sometimes-costs much more One drowning during March. Total violet -with 77 blossoms. The plant nect icvlt Parent-Teachers. A*»octa- bank. "This Initial gift from Industry as chairman. The clothing esti­ Is In a four ami . one-half Inch tlon convention In, Milford op ket «nd * eubiidlzed p re »—these sands of 'soldiers in the growing for them than for the Frenchman mated 'by Mr: Storrs oiv Wednes­ property damage was estimated at ere among the w eapoiu^f Com- In addition, large' sums corns has given us a most encouraging flower pot, Mrs.- U.sher said Tueif- Thursday of this week. The con­ X p r u e r American armed forges in France standing beside them. , days weighs about 150 lbs. Friends $700 which Is considered very low munlsm. Here la an ‘m P ^ f "‘ “ 5 from countries of eastern Europe, ■tart," Bayer stated. He Indicated IN YOUR FAMIIY Soldiers living oft ba.se with uccordlng'lo the company officials, day that she has had the plant vention is a I’L^-day affair,. either through transfer to the getting along with the Frgnch? of ’E. Hem'v Soften, a former Tol­ for two ycariuLast summer she 'revealinK atory on the Cold War, that the Industrial committee, their families complain- the French land County 4-H Club agent of A soft-ball league has been form­ giving a hew Insight Into the way Banque Oommerciale Pour I'Eu- headed by Joseph WltkdW,rke, will Surprisingly well, considering charge them about three times the ed with the local company as a kept It In the shade to rest. When rope du Nord'or through the trans­ ■Rockville, now with the U. S. De brought out In the. fall It soon be­ Moscow operates. The Information have completed Its solicitation by the thorns ever present in grarrl* legal rent for a hou.se or an apart.-' partmoht of Agriculture in Wash* member. The other five teapis par- #aS gathered by William J,. Ryan, port of gold undar diplomatic the snd.'of thU week.r;s::." ..i■.■.i'- I ment. Mere, again, the -soldiers are- gan. Momtiingshd has .CQhtlnuihT t.o. sonihg-a 'fbrMgn army it» ;a nation; hi'gion,' D: ' C;', sent ■ th*"2Srtic7ei •MttpBiting AVltt -b«- from WilUman- ever siheer in'-March xho counted AP Foreign news analyst. In a cover, ■ Th• chairman, also reported the eyei^d o th e even a friendly one, in peacetime. just getting the usual treatment from Montana. Tennessee, Kansas tlc, Eagle.vllle, Scotland,- Windham two-month tour of Europe. This Millions for PreiM given to all foreigners since the 68 blossome. According to an Olid receipt; of the following contribu­ In-a recent 1.000-mlle tour of 13 and \Vashlhgton, D. C. .Center, ahd Hfcbrdn-Xmston. The authority on. plants thlais a'Tnost Dtlicious Rtfrosking article Is the third of a series of Moreover, the Cbmmuntst party tions from clubs and organiza­ U. S.-Army'and Air Forte basest war. season Is .ncheduTed To iregln May M spends millions on its press In the In central and southeattesn French opinion of American sol- The pirly will take place April unusual number of bYoasdrris on four). ■ ' - . • tions; Rotary Club, »25; Knights 1 23 at 8 p.'nl., at the Church Com­ 12. The Ailing Rubber Company of this tj-pe plant. • 'bltles and the provinces. Again of (Columbus, »W : Colombo So­ Trance, talked .with scores of diers also has'Its extremes. At ope Hartford has donated a- trophy to OIL SERVICE end are the Communists calling munity House.In North Coventry. Mrs. Ina Beebe of -Prospect By WIUJAM U BVAN wlth-I^ance as the example: There ciety. *2; Tall Cedars, $10: (Chap­ American GIs, officers and French­ The public Is invited. The only the league. Fire companies from street has expresAed her thanks to 841 BROAD ST. are som'e.JIO 0>mrounist dailies, 83 man (Court No. 10, Order of the Americans "occupiers," paint­ South Windham, gave a demon p^ris—(iP)—Rtahn waits for the men about French and U. S. sol- ing "U. S. Go Nome" in their cars admission will be one or more her many friends and the women weeklies ahd.26 roagaslnes. The Amaranth, $10; Soroptomlst Qub. articles of. good.useable.,RD(1.clean Stratton in South Coventry and time of conquest to ripen, and the j -.,..dier. relalions. - ...... ^______and -slnshlTTg-ttres;------— ESgieVllte ih'm iTn C^vBWtry Moiir ofihe... F ,l i s A....iCongr RgaUonal ^ U EI. AND Rightist. 'nswreaBM. 1'Aur.ore. has $6;-Temple-Chapter: No.-63,- Order clothing, to bB sent to Germany Church for the shower of Easter tnohe^""fenr IK'rfor hla ieghms estimated the Rid.^ Bellwether The bulk of the opinion lies-be- The Yanks at the- Chateauroux day night on the two-way radio of Eastern Star, $10; Women's So­ tween two extremes, illustrated by Towns in Tolland Courtly are.'ln and, get-well cards sent her during Fm li Sea Foods W w In Si^^ paper, rHumanite, need; more X Air Depot will not forget Stalin’s equipment set-up with a base sta RANGE OIL . abroad. , ciety of Christian Service, $5; a general's glowing, report of of- vlted to contrlbLite and attend the her recent .Illness at her home. Her It ^keiinonBy—much money— than Sd million.franea-a mKmth for Mlantonomoh Tribe No. 38, lORM, No'wadays the Ttion who brlnoft. birthday, last Nov. 21. Tires on 50 party. All articles given by aueh tipn in.... Willimantle. -Company . daughter Mrs. Victor Snyder and FISH AND CHIPS >yiTH OUR FRIALATOR 6dal cooperation and a private's American soldier..' cars were Ice- . ' ★ - -A ★ to feed Stalinism. printing and editing. Aura're "Says $8; UonsCIiib, $5, and King David townspeople .will be sent i.n ‘ the hps ordered one unit and a corn- two sona of Greenfield, Mass, have home the .bacon often brii)gB .report,of being spit on, ,picked. - . -...... , . Our new sanitary process (fives you * delicioua, crinK '■•: Where - dpea tlm n ^ rHumanite- runs OB a-deflelt’^-. o f :i;,^ke/ic)oiP^: $2 :30. names of »thelr towns, Afi:.. Slorra, mittee.ia UiyesUggilng the .*dvl*a.-. beetL'WlthMtw, Beebe for ,ihe past, 5 millions monthly, and .the Com­ home the iamily.food supply os Brig. Gen. Joseph. H. Hicks, of Vandalsm to private automobiles and Uie -00011011106 hopes this blllty p f purchasing a walkie-talk­ ten day*. They left for their home. OIL HEATING ffdldOii brown food — Seal* In the.fUTOTl Come m a*w of GIs is common on a rhuch small­ munist Ge Soir loses even more. well. If that's the case In-your Lander, Wyo., commanding gen- year’s contributions ' will exceed ie or another unit. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Llriwood EQUIPMiENT trv them! FRIED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKED (Communists In various countries •--erai of the big U. S- Air Force er scale evcryrvhere. However, no 'those of last year from Coventry Robept Wiley of High street Is a Bearce formerly, of Dexter. Maine,' from? X ...... sabotage to U .. S. Army or Air TO 'TAKE HOME. CALL 2-8003. did well by themselves during the family, remember — there's n o. supply depot at Chateauroux tees tntnliltg about 700 lbs. (Jlolhlng patient at Hartford Hospital \vlth are»now making their home with ■ Even the aiflarles of (Communist the rosy side. He points out the Force installation., oi* eqijlpment .sent through the four previous, an eye Injury received last week Mrs.'Beebe. EBtimatefi On Reqaent IS members of Parliament are tappedwartime resistance to the Nazis. better place for your "better has been reported. ' ' Often they seized large sums of French'- turned over the $15i000,- drives totaled about 3.600 lbs. Any­ I while he. was working at Coventry Troop 57 Boy Scouts -with the ^ 2 to swell the party poffers. half" to .shop than at A&P. He's Keeps Reds Busy ’ one having articles to contribute 1 Garage. He Is not expectfd hPJ' fSxplpyer jPost/vHl. cpD,di«:t,p p.anor lx . COMNUNItY BI5T4BR«W^ .. ■ From Communist Journalistsmqncy ap the ..aermsns .withdrew^ 000 La MartInerle Air Base whidi ALL -aNX and cohveHSd the money Y6 ffielr sure to go for A&P’s huge Toriiis' parf of iKe'C?harc8QrSIiX de-' ' 'lli'aydr tt'friie Cbfver df 'OrTcans' may learr'thern -at the- homes 'oft'Uhfn hex€'Wciifc''hrs mc'fher Mi drive -Sunday In Sbiilh O venlry 143 NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER and professionals come .fegular re- the town committee or may con- Floyd N. Wiley said Wednesday, and Eagleville. Anyone' "having i 2 -1 2 5 7 mlttancea^the member's income own purposes. pot to the U. S. rent. freO for only said he well understood the Ameri­ variety of fine foods, each with, the $3,.300,000 it cost to move the cans would prefer to be horbe'and tact Mr. Storrs or Mrs. Winthrop The Young Mothers Club will paper and not contacted by one of I leas ' a' lli^hg SY loi^c'e' , In France—and probably else­ Merriam, 4-H Town Committee where, since France U the proton the price plainly marked on it, French to other quarters. that the necessity of a common de­ scale of a skilled worker. fense brings them to France. He chaUman, for. further information. From constant subscription kypcT^every Co'mMUhist.dftUty In each sold with a money-back, • He emphasized, that the rent of' ths National Assembly must pay r HIAVY STIft Blip BLOCK-STYII keeps the clghfCpihmuntsfs on hl.s drives on behalf of the Corhmunlst $100,000 per year for the former 37-man city council In line and receivers is requested t-o put their press Pdth*. the, francs .and IlWrapd Into party coffers the difference guarantee. And you're sure to nationalized aircraft factory build­ name and address pinned on or in­ betweeff.hli salary and that of a his street department busy paint­ marks of working people per^ approve the many man-size ings at Depls, the other;part of ing out the "U. S. Go Home" signs. side clothing sgnt. suaded that their lot icah be bet­ skilled worker of the metal trades. buys he'll get. So next time the the Chateauroux base, is about 25 Most of the French have a cau­ 'iaking part in the program Mr. tered. '*■ This also applies to members of Chudk Roast cents a square foot, compared to tious middle-of-the-road attitude Storra- said Wednesday will be the Most From Moscow municipal governments and de-- head of the house goes market­ $2 per square foot for similar tow'ard the return of the Ameri­ following; Carl Joerg, local ad­ puirtmental assemblies. ing, why not suggest that he space In the United States. Hicks can foi;ces. They sit tight. ministrator of the German con­ But from Moscow comes the From salsrlea paid to Rod rep­ OR CHOPPED BEEF- bulk of operating revenue. Comln- ; AND LIQUOR VALUES Boneless Chuck^oast " further noted that the French No one, for Instance, with whom sulate In New York, who is a resentatives In the Notional As­ head for A&P? make land, for alrfield.s available | i talked had seen a “welcome' former police chief In Kempton. form couriers scurry about Europe sembly alons, the Communists re­ with remittances doled out to •SUP«-R10KC‘ I rent-free. sign. . Germany; Miss Ruth Hoffman of parties according to their needs ceived In I960 a total of 166 mil­ Porterhouse Steak Cl6»s-Trinw>*d LB ” “ " ..‘:Except for... some. Commupist. JeAn ParUge-on,. editor, of. ihe the. .Tcachon? ^College ^ Berlin lion -francs.. Tbesa saiarlea-.-w« and Importance. Some parties. In -SUPESRIGHf'' ■ 1 A A agitation, the people and the sol­ C3iateauroux daily newspaper, ex­ who is now on a nine-months tour- II: Bcahdtnaria for Instance, get virCollected by the party fund. Tne Whiskies Sirloin Steak ClOiSE-TRIWMED IB • • V Q diers get along fine," the general plained much of thia,when he’ said study of the United States and Is ,i^-tually, a othlng. Others,- particular,National Assembly . memhe^coA- AT REDUCED PRICES •said, "The presence-of -these yoimg- "The -penple -are -gene'taUy (Iriendt.v presaqUy akaying at. Uie-WUliman- .j. cerned receive only th e / salaiy to the American Army. However, tic State Teachers College dorral- ■ ly In France and Italy, are liberal, C e n t e r IB’ SidiBA, J la n ifi • VEGETABLEILE 1 LB t f j C 3 1 and vigorous Americans-has lifted ly. aided, so. ;long. as, Moscow, secs equivalent to that o f-/f skilled COLONIAL PRIDE the spirits of the people,” ■they sometimes hesitate to show tory; Werner Vetter of Kemp- i metal worker—with a'few excep­ Q 6 X 0 SHORTENINGNG CAN X # results forthcoming. And more of it-^ustom The other extreme of U; S. sol­ friendliness because of th^ pres­ ton. Germany,-.Who. la -itaying. at j tions In the uppei/levels. This BOTTLED IN BOND L a m b C h o p s - - - SHOUIOERCUT IB' ence of the Commuril.sts.” the home .of Captain and Mr?. ' A Soviet diplomat. Immune STBtUOHT BOUBBON A&P dier opinion of the French Is ex- If----- from cpstoms regulations, trans system also Is /Extended down . Ground A&P Coffee is Walter S. Keller and studying at through Jounjallsts and profes­ 100 PINEAPPLE SLICED -pressed-by. Pfc- John F. Cahill, an ports gold to be tuind to buy francs ""SMBtl-RICHT" CLOSi-fRIMMiD air pollceroan from Dedham, Manchester High School; Mlssi or lire or marks on the black sional amrk^ nOO f SOT"" 3.99 ynuA . Ssi& t S i u f l NABISCO Barbara Juniver,,. a! atudenl. a t. the of IJteraturn blSmiED IN KENTUCKY Mass , stationed at the Chateau­ T 0 P Q U A U 1 V market. roux base;, M anchester University of Connecticut, who The black marketer In -Paris or In another way the Frenurces yMIdes 8o>tetpf .fhe. party Resdity .dpmes-. PUREIARD Z r divldnals.” Powless came Into ‘’Lights On" canvass of the France and Italy. This Is a fund town for the cancer campaign. 7 about a year ago. He also received ' V. There is a striking example of assessed against workers, nomi­ lYNNBROOK AT REDUCED PRICEI NAB­ an album of pictures .showing ih^ j BONE IN thh^. In an addreai to the French nally to pay for such things as en­ p. m. BLENDED WHISKEY SHREDDED WHEAT ISCO 2 p k o s 3 5 ‘^ Monday, April 21 dlstri'oution of packages in a National Arsembly, In November, tertainment. showers. and other school tn Kempton. The four boy's j GRAPEFRUIT 1048, Jules MoCh, then Interior facilities for the workers. But It is B6 Golden Loaf Mrs. Harry Conover 'Open meeting of Booster C3ub, * : 3 . 2 3 JANE PARKER O Verplanck School, 8 p. m. who spent quite some time in Cov- . Minister, gave this explanation: controlled at the top. The enter­ PROOF BOT' FRESHLY GROUND MAReARINE 2 PK% SSc Huts On Blue Bonnet entry whl'd they were In the -••The French ,C7om,muntat.i>arty,, prise fimd at.yfie .Renault plant in FORWERLY34C NOW -JfcO .April 25 and 26 CHUCK ROAST • 4 0 HAtP-^W O *) Nikoa, Allsweet, Parkay, Blue Bonnet, Good Luck',; tolrich. Conimufnty Havers -tn “Born United States thr.^ugiL. the ..Inter-,t JA C K FROST khd kta- vartd^ have the- Augiwt, lUriyOMd a million francs {•AI'/.TA- FLAVORFUL — LB —Appreoiatos F;N.E.! national Farm Youth Exchange! to send iW-Prench Workers to the ____^ Yesterday" at Bowers School, .iL great advantage of having ac- caramel ;. 12 OZ 4 Brogram.apoJiAoced ..by Mr,:_Se.ftgn.: RIB dlJTS^JFTO 5 LBS. youth fMHvalJn .^ytetrcony^Ucd WHISklES IN THIS fRQpgCT 5 5 7 3 . ! sponsored by Manchester Regiater- .J;„-counts..at. one sin^e. instiuaion,. - - ■■ ■4 AND s m B f eiij ■ ■ . AiADt-Tb-tobic' ' '" ’ efiy Nurses Assoc. and James Case, aisiated with the 1 tjL the'Banqiie (Commercial PoiiF l'Eu- EaaVBerjin...... ' ...... O niw h Chicken^ 214-2)4 LBS Pecan Roils NIBIETS “ t ' r ' 2 CANS R In thSwaltlng game Stalin plays fKG 29' Saturday, .April 28 distributing of the clothing in • lb . b a g ': rope du Nord. A peculiarity of this EQUIVALENT TO 45e REGULAR ROUND DRESSED JANE PARKER a VLB 1 OZ< Merry-Weds spring semi-formal their native land. This brings to a j ft bank, which Is a French limited InNEdrope, money Is Important. PINE CREEK READY-TO-COOK 5 OZ n r e CANS 1 dance,- Masonic TenipLe, 8 p. m. total'of between 60 and 70 thanks j company, Is that its capital, is Moscow is not profligate with Its D r a w n L a r g e F o w l p.„,,Mi,kF«i L »w a , GREEN GIANT PEAS PORK dlaburftmenMi^ ..but ,,y;lie,n, 1^ .,|T1li,!9,HT IPWIAON', Fancy Milk-Fed Potato Chips PKG AJ Wednesday, -April 30 letters .Mr. Storrs has received .divided-. Into‘ I(KM!'06-'elwir«iri.07v(K)0. .... ; •lOOtVAtENr-TO aSt REGULAR-ROUNO'ORESSEO - VLB I ' Dram'attd' ptesehtatimT -'br ’The' through laSl’''yVai''a ctblhlhg'dTltV6..i NABISCO I* LB. BOX [ of which belong to two Soviet gpv- an Immealate or long-range objec­ B6 "WKiE PAAKtR" '" ...... SWIFTS PREMIUM SMOKED ...... CANS,. Robe," South Methodist (jhurch, The American Red Cross Blood- ' |. ernmentsl fisnke, the National tive to be gained, money Is no ob- PROOF ■___ _ .,?SL* ” 3.32 A&P APPLESAUCE: 2 ,j*ct------i™-..—...... i------r-:' link Sausage.. Vanilla Wafers- '8 -p.- m r - ....- ••-- ■- ■ ■ mohile Unil ’wilf h'e at' The' 'Nalh'Stt’i ■BahK ana tittTdfeigh-rraarBfthk; DISriuED'lN TLtINois -May 2 and 3 Hale Community Center, South j ■j The remaining 3,000 shares are SOPHIE MAE' .. Center Church Co-Weds' musi­ ft (Tomorrow What the West Can Skinless Frankforts S S .lodb' BISQUiCK MIX , PKG * Coventry, May 2 from 12:45 to I *' distributed among various French Do.) Peanut Brittle cal comedy, "Fiddle Faddle," TZer- 5:4S p. m. Children of the upper ] {„. and foreign Communist leaders. BREAKFA*;! 12C)Z planck School. four grades of the George Hersey | WELL TRIMMED .Jj;. -‘!T7'IS-_Fr!®ch_facade,^ the^^ Brandy WHITEHOU5E A4P BUYS NO 1 GRADE FISH EXCLUSIVELY TO ASSURE TOPS IN QUALITYI WHEATIES GEREAt : ' 2-PKGS--' TTob'ertsefi "School'wtll'-asslst -with- ] s w n r LIFE SDOZTtN r Is hiding a purely ^ v let reality." Urges Dog O ^ ers D fp iliH i WILL PROBE DROWNINO the signing of blood.donot pledge j FRESHLY KILLED LARGE j The bank U still - operating, Fresh H addock Flliets COAST TO COAST LB , A. cards. Royal O. Fisher, principal, { : French ' government -sourcea say ANN PAGE ■ FLORIDA-FULL OF JUICE New Haven, April 17—(Ah—‘Cor­ has given permlasioh for pupils to , ■ - ’the total accounts of Communlrt To Purchase Tags oner James J. Corrlgsn yesterday CALIFORNIA UANOY Fresh Sea Scallops Tomato Soup ^ participate in the program. Cards , ft ofgantxatlonsAre overdrawn by 13 6 years old LB Mrs. Harry Cono-ver puts on Bltjh ordered a complete- investigation were tent home with the children V .mlUioh francs :i42.B00.000. In. one ORANGES Bonnet Ma^Hne for P.N.E.— 1 84 ANN PAGE . . of the drowning of 14-months-old Wednesday as a means of quick month, August, 1948, the total town Clerk Samuel J. Turklng-’ Sliced Sw ordfish Flavor, Nutrition, Economyl Like Michael McDermott which oc­ ton today again urged Manchester PROOF i ; ‘; 3 . 6 9 IB 12 o r EXTRA LARGE coverage of .the town. I overdrawn was 68 millions, with­ Feonut Butter JAR 33' the noted iieauty apd TV person­ curred Tuesday ih Milford after, PLM CITY SLICED SKlNLliSS _ dog owners to buy tags for their SIZE 126 D O zO y ality, you will love the_ delicate, police sa:id, tw’o small boys had Edward Schulthelss Is chairman , ALL FLAVORS— ROYAL pets before the June 1 deadllnr. sunny-sweet taste Blue' Bonnet taken the baby out of the carriage of the Wood program. He urg^s 1 lb. Although residents atj|) liave OLD FAIRFAX 90Z IftC adds to any food! VouTl appreciate all eligible residents to donate FRANKS fi9e N o tic e Pillsbury Pie Crust PKG > » into Which he had been strapped BACON 49c about six weeks In which to license APPll BRANDY Its nourisntnent, too. No other for a nap. The baby fell into the blood to sign the cards and return their dogs, 'Turklngtoh Issued his IOC spread for bread is'richer iii year- them to the school. The approxi­ ‘ Iri)7Ugtion to Bid 6 YEARS OLD Old Dutch Cleanser SILVERBROO.K GRADE A ASPARAGUS 2 ,^ 45^ Wepawaug river from a bridge warning in an effort to avoid a PKG • * round'Vitamin A! And you’ll Like mate time of appointment .aljould I M IM CED H AM or l “- Three Fire'Trucks and Pumps. B4 5TH where the two boys were playing 3 repetition of last year when 277 CRISPO 10OZ A|C LB its real economy. Tiro pountLs of with him, police said. They have be indicated. All unused cards are Sealed bids win be received by PROOF ^ BOT 3.70 Blue Bonnet cost less than one people were fined $1 for hot tag­ Cookies BLACK walnut PKG * I BUHER PRINT termed the drowning "entirely ac also to be returned. O rd s must | Lb. {■ the Commissioners of. the Vernon 81 SNOW WHITE MUSHROOMS lb49'= pound of high-priced ^read! So re­ be baek by Friday because o f the j BOLOGNA ___c;\- F in e-S trict, P. J!>. Hnx. 98, Ver- ging their dogs before the dead­ •cldentali'’ ‘ ------; line.' ’ member the letters.. ,'F.. . N .. E. f vacation next week. A -total Y>f 200 ' i ■ non. Conn., until April 29, and will New low Soap Prices! Buy All-Vegetable Blue Bonnet donors will be needed to meet the ' be opened and read at the month- The Town Clerk said that of the Gins TUCUMBERS S 2 fo. 25' Margarine and get "all three” — A total eclipse occurs .when the approximately 2,4(K) dogs In Man­ 9 IGE 9 5 c •moon comes between the earth quota. There were 126 pints dona-1 Ig . p k g . FANCY TENDER j ly meting of the Commissioners iUNNYBROOK FRESH GRADE A Flavorl Nutrition! Econom-e-el ted in South Coventry Jan. 22. I.' Jilay i. at 8:00 P. M. at Company chester, tags for only 80 have been Ivory sw°AN Soop ^ CAKES ^ J and the sun. purchased so f a r ...... MED f CC Lorge Eggs ^oz . . BISQUICK 1, Vernon Fire District. POLO CLUB 55' GREEN SWEET PEPPERS 25'= SUMMERSQUASH Lb...... fc,,,.. The. trucks.are:, • A tag- for a male or spayed fe- sw^ Soap 2 CAKES ■V malls chats $2,' and' for am'- im-^ KRAFJ.'S 9KILADELPH1A, (1) Ford '37 truck with 500 3 OZ I CC "RIPE FIRM ■■ ;. g. p. m. pump (old company 2 spayed female, $5.25. w oof BOT A( SPINACH r u i ' - 2 ' ” ?A- tn. 'pump i( Old fAEr^SUNKTSf LEMONS I r=- until 7 o'clock. Shorp Cheese ^b • lb ; FANCY WASiaDD ^BUl ■, truck). 90 STH A ! (3) White 1920 (approx.) truck Turklngton also said that he Bright Sail Groins 2 47" -I* ..rt .'f"4. - - - '••iJiJ'/,' wdW keep, hla -Afflceiopen/ until, 9 PROOf , ...... „,801 A' 2 '.I A K - v 2 9 c I”; with. 800 g. pj.m. pump (old Oon^.’ # 1 YEttOW CORN teS - 4 eoe3 9 ' S P M 4 C^ H ^ iefr<^*"-W7TtrsTL?jST'.'V Jltiih r Soil .P ■ •nie pumps art. removable from nsnermen who have not yet pur- HAMTANTSeUPS 8 FANCY FRESH GREEN e : ■ - \. t- Ihh-:‘|^!U9r.-tW— A 5TH 15 OZ 9QC C A R R O TS 2 19c I truck with pump attached. Bids so,-year-old New Haveii man la ' BOT.2.78 or Super Suds 2p^os55' Onion GAN AW Roasters, Fryers, Broilers Lb. 48c ASSORTED SWEET. JUICY VALENCIA i ■ ^ charged with telling three L4 euoct CAS 19^. ICE CREAM . eta sul - UNIT or 4 25° ‘ U MNCI CAS 45* . rAC«ACt 3 0 ' ROASTERS, BROILERS, COsb WINGS, BACKS, NECKS, IVORY SOAP LAKOE b a r 2 FOR 25c OLD SPAR 4 02 W(C '|2* Li Kt 3 2 ' C O C O N U T S Emch ■ 15e NIW.INOUND RUM FRYERS...... Lb. GIZZARDS AND LIVERS MED. BAR 3 FOR 23c — PERSONAL 6 FGR 31c PINT 29c t' 90 PROOF BOT 3.30 S YEARS OLD UPTON'S TEAS FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, FRUITS GERBER'S BABY FOODS LIBBY'S BABY FOODS RENUZIT . SHC'NSPAN . Dry Qeoner T M 1 W Larsaij' Str^fied Strained VEGTABLES, COLD CUTS, BEER AND SODA m a n y n a t i o n a u y k n o w n b u n d s Super Deodorized No wiping AVAIUBII AT AtP ilOUOR STOBIS TeaBags ‘ 21* jAss 3 9 ' rACXAtt 2 4 ' 4 j***39' 1.29 2 J 9 TecBagSf wcofagj' PUNTS, FLOWERS, 8ARDEN SEEDS, TOOLS, i, ' OTHER BARDEN NEEDS, HUMUS, FERTILIZER, LAVA SOAP m Xz o u o i l COD FISH CA K B WESSON OIL KARO SYRUP UW N ORNAMENTS, KNIGK-KNACICS CU1 9 *;— ‘‘ For Cooking and Salads Gorton's ready-to-fry Liquid - ehortei^g * Red or Green Label j STORE OF MANCHESTER, INC. Ori tnliv U*.ln WMi C«.,iri* Ori - FREE DELIVERY — OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY fioT ® ouAtt ' “ '« » 2 .1 6 ■ it'si m 2 1 * : 3 3 4 4 IUiaZS8T23* tails M l Practri asj Osstbls', Me 7 DAYS A WEEK ^ OPEN THURSDAY EVENING TIL 8 P. M.— OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TIL 9 P. M. CmH fttliMiri Offtr. * M- 847 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST ’ TELEPHONE 2-0065 646 CENTER STREET ^ PLENTY O F FREE Pi ECONOMY 1 i.Tyn*>*'.V S....L Tt'icv;^. j« •- » -x “:r‘>»M .K*.' ~ >-j»*-'^ .-. .’%fl»yHM'*-t’V.’'l^j’-"AfVi£ii. .1 <', ■ T.ftif.'f’S?, • v.",*,>j_'v.« sSEssat^. • - - ::------TTTt-- Jh- r - 7 ^


V',“- publicaria won the six major state jjij > . ■' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 195Z McMahon Bpom office# and four of thf six con­ TAGE TWELVE Taft Leads All Caiididqtesp fer asst# In the Hows* of In * Opens in State ireaentatlyes, McMahon dt- hla Republican oppbnent by J^ o f s q n ^ ^ k 44.5()0S®tes, He, .rah., ' r i f e OHi^ voles ikfifcT oT his coKfaif^^ Ran- Senator Tage Pes^rion of Wilton, «,'*uccea# of Taft’s campaign iri .H- ator WllllST!l*'.,^nlon‘, who won * AcraUo..leaders.lnk..tbs. . iZ—vbUter. sp«s:4al...e.l*ctien;i«^-'gqneun:®<)Uirii, d irects Afof Tiff'(riirh*Taft aub* in ihiitatethe state,, to the enthualaatlc Taft states. In person or by mall, to Ballsy was askNMibout reports -v.;.-v/w *«ftitaT3r,«».j;rJK vr -LiriS- who addressed the Manciiester Re- [ In New Hay#A i*nd WilU- urge them to support McMahon. that, .the cetnpe'K'', IpSs.Mr.M^bon publiOan Women’s Club yesteidiiy i-mantle. He also'gave incident*. In ' a McMahrfri-foT-PreWHerit' com­ actually waa irilendeid Wspi'it Kim Miss Helen Estes^^ Faculty Adviser, at -Uu» tX)P. headquacUe*,,,*ta.tad 1 big ,ow;n town of Wilton and other mit fee will be foimed.ia hesdquar- In a good position to get tl Comtiikd by Studenta High Sciobl ^ that senator Taft li ahf ad ot any f Xectioria Of : Cbririecticut’ to Show ters.-opened th Chirago;- site ot-the thattoh for'’Vlee-Preekient;' THURSDAY, APRIL 17 of the other candidates as far a* the trend of public opinion. , Democratic National convention, ” We are not talking about rOL. Xrit, NO. 80 and McMahon literature will be being nominated, and H e le c ts { Not Isolationist ' Vice Presidential nomination." the Taft will make the best president; Taft la acCtised of being an iso-, distributed throughout the coun­ state chairman replied. •'McMahon Six Students of any of them., : j istionUt—“ Not by any stretch of try, , is definitely. a candidate for the Girls’ Slate Legion of Honor Science Club Visits He said it Is the job of the Re- thef imagination can he be accused The nuclrlis of the McMahon top position.” publicans to give a* much Infor- of that,” declared the speaker. for President committee \rill he in seconding the McMahon reso­ FANCY BRISKET In PTA Panel m*:tlon a# possible to show that Taft believes in an over-all foreign the 72 member#' of the .State Cen­ lution, which had been introduced Election Held U. S. Submarine Base Taft’s record I* a good one, and i poljoy for the whole world, and tral co'rnmitfee plus the DemO-. .by Mayor Thoma* V. J. Quigley It will take a great, deal of work 1 Psariion urged the wome,n to reaU cratic chairman and vice chairman of Stamford, John M. Golden of CORNED In all U>c -Iqwrj* Inr CtonnecUcut. New . Haven declared that the .«n- Talents of Students “ r MeftlberB “-'^of "'Current tm . the part .of ■. Ih#. Republican.j Tan‘s?book;«n-.Foreign'Polbcy;:Ha Two Juniortirls Pickecl " '25*'C Iuh ^Mehiher8''"ahrf^ • party to win the next election | *ald Taft has been accused of be- CVinnecttcut Democrats,' who doi'kemerit wits riot 6f thi “TlfYbtlte SERVE BURSAOK’S FJNE Affairs DiscusH Activity Sophomores Give Sena'tor .PeAraon :,«TecaUed what In'g against the Marshall • plan,, .laid all along they Xavbred Mc­ son” variety, but was proirilsed by Mrj AHbrio Tour Base* Mahon for President If President a belief that the Senator was of BEEF ^ n A n « V i^ S h o w ! pl»y« To Represrnt MHS at happened in 1940 when, hs said, which la also untrue. FOODS AND YOU WONT j C o u n c i l s p o n s o r s a n o w i ^ppiauge. .. At High School^ _ _ _ Triiman derided not to he a can­ ’’presidential calibre.” - Television Sho^^^ Inspect Submarines, the R^ubllcana felt, they must Senator Pearson said In conclu­ T o r o m m e n c e A n n u a l The very talented Dottle Marino June Convention have a popular and; a handsoriie sion Ihst It is his belief that ** the didate, assarted both In their-reao- In frequeht trips to Washington, Golden said, he had been ” tre- RONKIsFaHR PJaATIC WAIT LONG FOR THE GRAVES” * , ■ - , . Tk • ’ .exhibited her, extraordinary dance Parents and teachers of Lin­ Visit Chapel and Halls man, and no'mlnated Wendell W11-. convention drawer closer people liitjon apd in tal'k* «t the meeting N a v a j o I n d i a n U r i v e j ^itepi aa ahe rhythmically tapped Margaret Rogers and Mary Ann It will take a good deal of kle. who was wUhng to go along will rind Taft is a gregt deal m'ore that he w«* or preatdentlal mendoualy Impressed by the place !| coln School enjoyed hri enlighten­ McMahon haa.made for himself in. r _ r»« ;__ •■' to the tune* of "How High the Martin hava been elected to tepre- brain* on behalf of the Junior Hi- , The U. S. Naval Submarine with them. Peoj)l« could hardly popular in this part of the coun­ atatiire,well and favorably known DONALD o rt’K ^/'liOO' . -D ia iia ^ - •< I ju ie r w l^ ; Me(0h'V«nd“''8 t e ^ « ' Oul VVith-Jly asitt Mawheater High at the- an­ ing- panel. diacusaipD .oL the. .spei gl. ■ teir the dttferenee betweewRoosei' try than 'people-'think.— He- said Hiroughmit the-eo»m(1-y. ------—7...... Washington.And An. Ute,. fjiee„d.t. Ift® y'''td' b e 'a t iie 'fo '' "butsfi'ilie the [Base'at'NeW J^ri'dbrirw'aa •'rialtaa country." ------^ ! Baby.” Dottle excelled In aeveral nual Laurel Girls’ Stale conven­ studies and extra-curricular ac­ veil’s plans and promise*, and Wll- that whoever ■ the Reptibllcan* rite* Kerprri With .\FA’ GRAPEFRDIT nilCE _L Jent Council, waa held during Both girls have proven them- Using "Children in the .World ers sponsored by "Wonder Soap 194S they lost ■with Dewey, he said. tosh proposed that the elub take wide-open scramble, and Mc- Hartford, April 17—- — 29c Children of Mary. Mary Ann Uvea hi# nobby. year, but It wa-s- mighty hard lege. He stressed especially that of the Navy’s huge floating dry- Eilsworlit Coveil: chaplain, Eu­ : r 4 0ozeS 99c Muditoriiiro.' - Miss Doris Klbbc, faculty ad­ "Be My Life's CJompanion" to the • drive, netted a total of 11,305.26, gene Thompson; gate keeper, visor. totaled the jiolnts and has on Cedar street with her parents, Bob’s intere.sLi around MllS choice out of her subjects of Short­ ft-sa,v qligallons and note-taking docks, and "mother" ships, 'which PINEAPPLES i / a Three member* of the band, hand II and transcription, English, are a groat asset for collegiate audience. the largest toUl'for the three Howard Stanley; Ceres, Olga Llnd- muzzy Loveland, Steve Belllnghori, released the following Hat of new Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin. have been. Boys’ Choir, Jr. Hl-Y carry supplies for small fleeta of towns to date. The previous high PARTAL . Jean Rogers ’■’13' for two years, soecer for two business machines, and A Cappella study. He also said thatlthe dis­ "What cute little big kids they holm; Pomona, Ann Van Deusen: FIRM RIPE find Beldan Ham. presented a members: seniors, C.ynthla Bene­ make," waa the remark about the the iinderwaler craft. A tour ot collected this year was 11.080 00. years. A Capclla Choir, Intgrclas* Choir. cussions and debates held rri' class­ the waterfront included. seeing Flora. Margaret Yeomans; ladies' FANCY “’•bop", selection which waa very dict, Mary Jo Brennan. Bessie girls ranging from 4 to 7 years Bv towns the receipts were aa fol­ assistant steward, Doris Hutchin­ !>opular with the audience. The In­ Carnmbelas,. Robert Carlson, Bar­ basketball and for two , years Where Bessie finds the time to rooms was an excellent method some of the navy's new snorkel lows: Andover, 1286.2.5; Columbia, :e l r y Science Cliib, on which he recent­ old who were on "Juvenile Jury. " son; and executive committee, TOMATOES dividual talent# of the member* of bara Eaten, Eleanor Field, Con­ join "Captain Connie's" ■ cheer- for training students to think and •’killer" subsl who.ie only function J657.35; and Hebron, 1361.66. This Wlnlhrop White and Frank Hamil­ RADISHES or RARERIPES Coiiiicil Propbseg ly served as chairman of the Master of ceremonies for the skit js to detect and destroy enemy this jazz trio Were .displayed In stance Olenney. Eric Hohcnthal, leading squad, we’ll never know, expre.is themselves. was Priscilla Hill, while the young­ report 1» complete except for ton. The second degree will be con­ ' heir' act. Buzay, who dlaplnya Slieldoa Jaffe, Sue Keegan, Rob­ Science Fair pvibllcity committee. but find It she does, and really The president of Student Coun­ submarines. few possible late returns. ferred by a ladles’ degree team. 2 BUNCHES New Aoieiulmenl Another of his out of school ac- sters on her program were Cyn­ Bch. 1 0 c qual agUlty on the drum* and the ert Keller, Robert Kelley, Faye yells her lungs put for us. Girls’ cil, Albert Grossman, explained to Seeing the "Chapel-on-the- Sunday nighL AprU 20, Is. the Candidates for these degrees in­ Pkg. 21 c Uvitlea had been hla participation thia Dickson, Lorrie HeUsjremi Thames.” the beautiful church in iax. delivered the melody, while kmulson, Marilyn Loyzlm, Diana Loaders, and Current Affairs Club the PTA the workings o f the Stu­ Linda ■ Longten and ' Marilyn date of the aupper to be. served clude: Mr. and Mrs, Roy Darwin, k . Beldan and Steve on the has* fid Motycka. Allison Olmstead, Pa­ in the Luther League, a church round off the ll^t of school activi­ dent Council, He pointed out how which services for the base are by the church Youth Fellowship Clifton Goodsle, Mrs. Harold Cbr- The approving of an amendment young people’s group. Last sum­ Rogers, who substituted for Nor­ held, and the Marine Railway fin­ C-ome to Picky* for: 'Fancy New Potatoes, Fresh Plneappl^ FIRM, RED ile and drums, respectively, pro- tricia O'Hara. Paid Paige, George to the ^udent Council constitu­ ties. Outside of school Bcs.sie'likes every student Is represented, there In the social room at the church. thell, Mr. and Mr*. David.Calkin, Ided the Intricate background ac- mer, along with 10 other members ma La ,Clair. That bash|ul little ished the educational visit at ex­ Fresh Strawberries, Prenc/Endlve, Fancy Curly Endive. Avocado PazianoB, Henry SzompUnakl, Pa­ tion yeas the principal business of basketball and football . games, arid how a small scale government girl, Judy T*likaitis, gave a selec­ A film strip win be shown during Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nicholson, Pears, Fresh Washed lOKe, Hubbard Squash, Fresh Asparagus, ompanlmept. "Castle Rock’I was tricia Taylor, and Mary Wilson. the, April 10 meeting of the coun­ from Manchester. Bob went to a .dancing, Johnny Ray. and German actly "1600” (Navy time term the evening. Tickets may.be pro­ Mr. and Mr*. Origin Kingsbury. RIPE TOMATOES 19c ronventlori at Colorado Springs, is actually run. In enumerating tion on her aceordian. Summer Squanh, Battijrtiat SquaRh aiMl Dea Molne« Sqaaah. he number Interpreted by the Juniors. Charles Cronin, Janet cil,' This concerns qualifications Sheplterd dogs. the various accomplifhments of for 4.) cured from any member of the Miss-Anne Miller and Richard C. nuatcian*. For five day* the group discussed "Hit It Rich” wtis the next act, Roger Turklngton, '54. ^ Doyle, Elizabeth Frazier, Nancy for council representation. It reads Such a varied life our legion­ the Student Council, Albert stress­ and seeing it dealt with money Fellowship. Osborne. A quartette entitled the Har- "A Candidate for representative problems and enjo.ved various en­ naire leads, but, "variety L- the McCauley. James Moriarty, Kath­ tertainment with the some 6,100 ed that the -itudents 'were' learn­ one can understand Vr’h y /t went The first*!# a series of fundi oattag and made up of Gail..Mc;. leen Olmstead, Jean Reed, Alfred must,' durtog the previous year, spice of Hfel^ and Beasle has plenty raising projerts for a new organ | _in, Jean Roger#, Claire Jnnasen. other • triembers of the Luther ing how to become competent cit­ over big with the audience.'Peggy Tarlcco, and Priscilla Torrance. have passed each subject with an of that spice. for the church will be held In the FRESH BEETS nd Jeanne Whltehlll, contributed League. izens. Wollcradorf waa the "chuckling ■ SoplwnwraA'-- Andrew. Ansaldh average .not Jow,er..than. .’C .and ...■--Beaslft J»a» »pegntly.-b,?e.ri: • The benallcial gains ,of , the Der . ToumJiall on .Friday.. April.,18, iveet harmony hi their two select ■ TBdb’s "Tikes”'" are"' htariy'" 'and annonneer). ztnd Wlnnifrlcdi'sisth'b-i FRESH GANDY Barbara Field, Donald McComb, have fulfilled citizenship ' require­ cepted at Hillycr College, where bating society and Current Affairs 8 p. m„ in the form of a variety Jons, "Tea For Two” and "April. ments aa determined by the eoun- mistress of ceremonies, was Janice j >IariI)Ti Rogers, James Tatro and varied to include basketball, foot­ she will take an executive secre­ Club were, pointed oiit by Allison Fogg. .Some of the special guests Whitman, Sobraft, P. ft 8. ahow. Admission tickets may be Showers." The girls, dressed In ball, baseball, and ping pong as ^ lo rfu l gowns, showed remark- Roger Turklngton. «*>•” . . . . ■ tarial course. Your future looks Olmstead. Learning to. think, to of "Winnie's”' program were K6p1 In Refrigerated Cases . procured from any member of the If approved by ^ vote of the his fAvorlte activities. The Red lable ability and much promise for These, new members will be In- mighty bright to ii.s here at'MHS, express oneself and.do listen to the Ezekial,. Diane Culver; Elvira, choir. aiihtea Into'toll membership early atud'en.^.,bpdy, in, a 3.ox„tAkc.hls.. baacljAU honpra., .the., B«rsie. Much .auocesa -in. yemr Sixty persona attended the East- 'tjie ■ taken and to be ahhbunced adbn' other- fellow's viewpoint, .seemed, Peggy. Eclukaoiv aad .Hcnry, the.too I Arthur Drug Store! 1 5 * 4 ; a * : s i s i 'j - u w v r r m x -T t ^ ■ "YpU Bet Your Wife,” a comedy in May. The sophompre members Giants, suit hli pro-football stand­ chosen fipld. to he .the mfil.n achievements gain­ too sophisticated movie star, Bct^ #r sunriae-service at the church the amendment .will, replace ArtU ards" and-thc' Celtics- are- his "baa-, - Sunday at 6 a. 'm ;-TMs year; for ' " •act. vfas preaenVeS by thrii#' ShTc' will be 'oh probatlbii afi'd will b'e- cle II, section II of the constitu­ Bessie' 'Is fhe' daiigTiler A f "Ml-, ed by debating and current events ly'AMctti.’ Of course' the program aeniors. Featuring Chuck eome fiill.membera IMhey continue ketball choice. and Mrs. Stephen Carambelas of wouldn't have been, complete with­ the first time since this custom of tion Which reads "that a candidate discCBsion. sunrise services' ha* been observed, ",Qroucho" Woodhouse. It delight­ to remain eligible. Bob's siibjects this year Include: 54 Parker street. Elinor Hussey, vice president of out a word from lha sponsors, so for student council must have not English,, Physics, A Capella Choir, the service was of necessity held ed the audience, and the antics of Albert Guay ‘53 Jeon Han-'cn, '52. the club, told the audience about out came Flabby, Flatty and Gori- received more than one ‘3’ for un­ Modern Problem* and Solid Geo­ In the church auditorium. A heavy the contestant*, Mary Jd Brennan satisfactory citizenship." nU a had the Foreign Policy Association baldi, .ethcrwlse known as, Joan and blclt Day, further added to metry and. since he.is one of those RAG D R IV r rain locally prevented the usual A seven^carmtd: boy-received * to be amended since "a new citizen­ and how It plans many worthwhile Daniels, Rose Frechette and Judy tponaportallon of the little organ the amusement. watch for his birthday. The fare ship grading system Is now used who gets along vvith mathemattes, irreetings and activities. Elinor de­ Plikaitis. Accordion playing Werner Vet- he picks ‘solid’ as hla favorite. Thanks of Wales SATURDAY to the hill where, as a matter of waa marked ■with Roman numcr- on report cards. The purpose of scribed the mock UN, which will The fifth act w:as e.ipecially te ■ thrilled with hi* playing of the As for the future. Bob combines fact, particlpanta in the service la. When asked by hla teacher if this Is to meet any future report' be held on April 22. arid she spoke good since the horse trainer, Bar­ popular '"Blue Tango," He al*o his math interest with hla hobbies would have experienced a "drench­ p U i l ho could tell what lime l^ w'aa on card changes. Sent lo Art III of the serious studying that goes bara Field, showed the audience in plans to be an Aeronautical HELP HGHT CANCER ing.” A breakfast of fruit juice, m j t his watch he remarked; "Not yet; Next year’s system cannot be Into such a wonderful experience. what really talented people Ann acrambled eggs with hsm, liot engineer. After studj-lng at the 'Choice Native Poultry' my Dad hasn’t had tlrqe l<}, teach determined yet, but If this'amend­ Bill Slover, who Is the president Alvord and Nancy Cole were at cross bun* and coffee was served ment is passed by the student vote, Univer.rity of Pennsylvania, he A letter of thanks for paintings portraying the part of a horse. Two-in-One me Italian yet." '' sent by Art III to Wales has been of the Current Affairs Club, com­ In the social room at 6 o’clock. "f birect From The Farm To You" this resolution will go into effect hopes to design and fly the future pleted the talks by relating the "This is Show Business" wms this year:'"A candidate for repre­ wonder* of the air received by Miss Hope Henderson, Sunday guests at the home of For Summer art Instructor, from Hugh Prit­ educatltinal information which was last on the program and Janice Mr. and Mr*. Frank Hamilton sentation, during the previoua Bob is the son of Mr. arid Mrs. absorbed by eight studenfa who re­ Murphey acted'as mistress of Core- POODLE CUT! were Mrs. Arnold Flyd.all, East Classic Grape year, must have. been assigned a Leroy Carlson of 198 McKee chard, ■ headmaster of the Aber- conwy Secondary School. (their cently journeyed to the United Na­ monies. Her experts who helped Hertford; ,5Q’. and- Mr*. Francis From CARR A’S sum of less than 12 hour* of de­ street. high school) In ConwAy, W’alea. tions. advise people were Ava Garbor, POODLECUT! Holden and children William and Doily tention for purpose* other than AI Grossman After the discussion was over, Betty Trotter, Miss Beech, and tardlne** and unexcused absences, ^ e s e were paintings depleting ,'llfe In this coimtry, especially in many members of the audience Nat Germ, Valeria Layox, sidwina Regularly $1.50 WHERE YOU FIND THE BEST IN FOOD VALUES and FINE MEATS and must not have received more remarked how. well these students Saunders and Nancy Wclr. Dur­ WHOLE than four check* by two or more New England. Mr., Pritchard said EACH the paintings had been put up In expressed themselves. This meet­ ing this program each guest was teachers In any one of these three ing not oril^ gave the'students an _ SP E aA L sections: ’fpllowa dlrectloiy,’ 'pro­ Floor and Field A hall and "I can assure you that answered 'a qUestiori arid' m " re­ TO BROIL OR FRY . they were all very much admired opportunity to look back on their turn she displayed a talent. TRUSSE8;BR.TS OUR OWN CUBED BONELESS BRISKET POLANER BETTER ceeds Independently,’ ‘courteous, ELAS’n c STOCKINGS pleasant to work with,’ and ’works Spring's in the air and with it and talked about. The local paper four year* of schooling, but it also Beverly Bolino danced as ex­ gave future high school parents $ EXPERT FITTERS ^ well with other pupils.’ ’’ the girls’' gym classes have been sent up a reporter and an account pertly as usual; for the biggest 1.00 GRAPE JELLY Jan. Jimmy Farrell, Bruce Anderson, slipping out for Mftball between of our Intercommunications • toi an opportunity to learn about the laughs of the night Priscilla Hill with the purchase of any CORNED BEEF ib 89c I Priscilla Torrance, and Jean the shower* and cool ■weather. gether with a reproduction of ‘A programs at MHS. and Peggy Woltersdorf held a home permanent refill. Arthur Drus Storis Aogers. . *U juntora, were chosen New -Ehigland Scede’ by William “grape vine conversation" with BRmiERS, mERS, ROaSIERS Grlmarion, appeared in" the week's theiriselves.' Of c.ourae the show ■ ^Limited Time Only. ■ • by President A1 Grossman to at­ The anticipated cb-rec night be­ There Is a good deal to be said StICED BACON 49c i NESCAF£^^^^^^^^„_ tend a conferenee of Student-Ooim- Issue. Gur hall looks all the wouldn’t have been successful tween the Girls' Leaders and brighter for these paintings which. for the suggestion that there without Doris Beyer as Denise ALL POUIJRY CLEANED AND DRAWN READY TO COOK CHOICE SHORT CUT RIR yAfAto MjWj}l .ba_ArPril,.2L Relays, slKWld. ba uolforpd.ty..nt..algna and .clla, -grsKt: deti .ot :es.AnS .thff. JJIfl ■School on, .April. i.T- - ...... vo,l.l,eybAll. ,.plpg....pDng„ ^ w lln t; .‘traffic ■ 'markiligs •tri-’; «ecs."T l ’ "1* MY-J-FINE; - ™ 2 for -and- cotor-iAto our cather-dra^Uvies -Gold Oanqers, Pat -Campbell and -148 Main St>-TeL - • ...... •'LEMON 8nd CHOCOf]S?nfT»fc*fc‘ It Wax announced that tne cam* pool, arid, of course, reiresbmcnts under the austerity, regime." confusing to’ be' e’xpe'ctirig to see a Dolores Dubonowakl. S E R V I C E S ^ ROASI^BEEF 79c paign for the presidency of the fill out the evening's program. « This Is a school which Miss Hen- stop" . sign 6r other - sign . In a ccr- * Following the show, Ice cream Buy Your Choice Parts CA-Ml’BELL’H . . I _ , .Jd t"' ^datatm^'Arialtad .-affitiiilft Walaa. JuiK. It, ja .and t eup> eakes-'Were.. sslYiMl;. wtd- ThRt firt«i»Yrt ‘ fliie WislttB Si 1952-1953 the week of May 5 to 9. Four'girls from New Britain summer. - somewhere else 'a'Koge'lKer. even though everyone had been N ATI VE BROILERS i.kA 9c Fresh Frum Ihe Farm. Cans OnV May 9 will be . the aasembjy . ’Wtb-Piay-• the MHS badminton teased,, including the teachers, . Df'-Tbft ,Familr_. :« , :««aiejij>odFImiRe . dh . good'; M E iitf tSr iEG S, W^^ and tha eltcllon.on M*y 1^. m h s playara are now being spirits thanks-to Joan Boyle.'Pbria ^AITERTION A b u n dance will take the.Jdace. tj^termiried by ■* round robin, Spanish Ctas^^s S^e Beyer.and Betty Ann, Trotter, who Biby^eirLIVER Lb. 'i! of the usual sport dance, on May • were in charge-qf ^ e evening. MHS SEHIORS JOHN B. BURKE" W HITE TUNA- ■■ -Cta 2 7 € ” 9 or. 23. It waa alio voted by the Connie Moriarty '54 LIVERS, BACKS AND NECKS ^ .council to give the May 16 sport "1, 2.. 3—and the pyramid falLi." O A V D E T JEWELERS n r » niNEZAt HOME Lb. SU.MUSK dance night to Sock and ■ BusfctiT Those are fatnillar words to Ibe About ^Peoples of Chile again anarding handsome Bill* SCOTCH HAM 85c tumbling enthusiasts as'they prac­ for their annual prom. ova watchea to tjiyo lucky grad­ n Bsist Center S t Tel. 6868 No. 2^1 Cen 2 9 C Donald McComb, '54. tice pyramids, cartwheels, head uating Bcnlora. PEACHES and hand stands, and Indian wrest­ The Spanish-classes o f Miss 9 tlona and secret ballot. The people AMBULANCE SERVICE MELTING TENDER! have social security and free edu­ ling. This sport, Hewty -initiated Beulah Todd recently saw a film THIS IS HOW IT’S DONE. ( c n s Fresh Fruits and Vegetabler into the girls’ program, has rapid­ cation, which is compulsory for Names of all seniors who regis­ Ixym Pardon Hio mofophor, but hor* oro Frying Chick* BISQUICK tse. Pkf. 4 5 c entitled "Peoples o f Chile.’? slx years. Each summer the chil­ Soph. Swimmers ly become a favorite with the girl*. ter at GAUDET’S will be placed e u r & e s ~ *k % Chile, like Ametlca, Is a land of dren from the' crowded cities have I f ^ on the dial of the Big Clock •ns fhot will molt in your mouth! Dolieiout, fin*- PASCAL WAiJMiRr Receive Hoiiona An enthusiastic group of girls many races who have Immigrated a two weeks vacation at thq which will appear In our win­ P 4 5 5 ' took the Girls’ Leaders test last there throughout the ages. -x_ beach. !Lr dow. The Clock will be wound. t«xtur*d, dolightfuily tondor— f*rv#d hot'from tiho I)bl. Bch. TISSUE 3 Rolls 2 3 c 11-16 Magellan waa the first ex­ Chile Is mainly an agricultural Eight days later when It comes CELERY Friday. Here’s hoping all you girl* country but It does have industry. WANTED Honors were bestowed on swdm- make the club. plorer to see Chile; Pizzaro was to a stop, the hands will point fryor thoy will provid* o mod worthy of boeoming mers and coaches of the sopho­ next. For years the country was a It Is famous for Us nitrate com­ out the lucky boy and glr! to Sw ift's C leanser 3 Cans 2 5 c Yeu aew two attractive outfits colony of Spain, but in 1810 It pounds and copper. whom the beautiful Bulovas will' CARROTS atth just one pattern when you more Intramural swlmmiffg team | well, that's all until after va- The north central section of oxeitfd oboutl A.dlsh v*ry oosily proporod too. at their meeting at the Rec on i nation when there'll be mors news won its Independence. be awarded. MeINTOSH MOONCREST . i ’ nake the sundress and jacket pair. The Andes, thri highest moun­ Chile is fairly dry, and must be Manchester $ Pitmo Man fo rfrivn fniek and Year the dresa alone for sunfilled Here is an enchanting dolly with April 7. The sophomore team took about the spring sports’ schedule. irrigated, ^but it is good farming THIS IS WHAT YOU DO. Sim­ high honor* in the meet. tains In the Western Hemisphere, And rooHy ’oosily prieod,' at this Shop! lours; brief) bolero turns into ever popular grape motifs ericlri- Fenna Lee Fisher, '52. country and Is covered with large Distributor for ply register your name at OAU- work In sfeck room. COFFEE Lb. 7 3 c wcomlng street costume. . clirig a delicate center. This de­ Medals were awarded to the fol­ « border the cast coast of Cfiille. APPLES For yesrri! these mountains were farms or haciendas. DET’S before May 1. Good Noun,- good pay lightful' design may be complete lowing swimmers apd student The south .central section of •SOHMER Pattern No. 8456'ia a aew-rite in just a few evenings. ' coaches: swimmer*. Jack Volz, an- impassable barrier; but now HE.\RT DEATHS INCREASE there is a railroad connecting Chile has heavy rains, which cause and rogulor rofoil Bforo larfarated. pattern in sizes 11, 12, Don Roy, Ken Fontaine, Mason 'dense forests to" grow. These for­ •GULBRANSEN REGISTER BEFORE 8, .14, 16, 18. Size 12, dress 3j4 Oiile with Argentina.) Pattern No. 2117 contains com­ Markham, Hale Bartley, and Bob ests are burned to clear the land hours; 0 ifuila of 36-lnch; bolero, 1 yard. plete crocheting instructions, ma­ Glasgow, Scotland—(IP) — More •WURLITZER MAY 1 Brown: coaches, Tom McNamara Scot'sriien are dying from heart Santiago, the capital, is just like for the many small farms in the FARM FRESH EGGS DAILY terial requirements, stitch Illus­ and Ed Spence. any other large city, with a .com­ region. For this pattern, send 30c trations and finishing directions. disease, but the tuberculosis death •H A R D M A N ‘ joins, jrour name, address, size de- Only two first* were captured rate shows S'substantiat drop. bination of old and new archi­ The extreme'south of Chile is a Apply -Pred, and the Pattern Number to Send 25c In Coins, your name ad­ by the '54 fishes, the 40-yard The Scottish Health Services tecture. wilderness, sparsely inhabited. The ae Burnett (The Manchester dress and the Pattern Number to freestyle by Ken Fontaine and the Council reported that in'the last Streets and monuments are Strait of Magellan, which paases Maiiebtsttr Cffutir • Next Door to Soart Roahuok, 505 Mala Sti vening Herald) 1150 Ave. Amer- Anne Cabot (The Manchester Eve­ 160-yard freestyle relay by Bart­ 20 lyears there has been a "real, named after O'Hlgglns, a revolu­ through, is almost barren because KEMP'S ms. New York 36^ N. Y. ning Herald), 1150 Ave. Americas, ley, Brown, Fontaine, and Mark- substantial, arid progrekalve in­ tionist who helped (jhllc get Us in­ of the bad weather. BUSH HARDWARE PHONE 4920 New York 36, N. Y. ' haiTi. Other swimmers were Doug crease in coronary heart dlaeaas,". dependence, ' , , Punta Arenas, the southernmost Incorporated G ^ i It's ^ * Tf laphoao 2-0098 — Opaa ThunAay T II9 P. M. 14 SOUTH M AIN STREET Send 25 cents today for your Nelson and Ronnie Stephens. and particularly In the number of TheipoUcemen In the cities work city of (Jhile, is practically Isolated Furniture and Music COMPANY opy of Basic Fashion '52. It shows Anne Cabot’s New Album of Through the hard workJind fine deatlta It causes at ages under 60. for the national government, not from the rest. how to maket your wardrobe Needlework Is chock-full of grand coaching of Tom McNamara, the ' Coronary hear^ disokse account- for local governments. Add 1—Spanish Ctaoses See Film 891 MAIN ST. ubla duty .with economical, designs, plus exciting features amt intramural swimming season e


S t r e ^ LOCAL ' I ersin American Little League Scores T h ird . LaSalle Camera Rate ,. ’i ■-v(.-.•vwb.e^-Siw^bjinJrz'.c . .. i . ' SPORT CHATTER •sreeir Wtr59*tri1T *• UlL. .... Purcell Over Clyd* Baseball Tryouts Simday By FBANK ECK ^ By Reimoit For Slow Time Optratlon Coo Proyefi vv-, .WWW,:-. -e-Commisatoner-'Brnlfr'-i'Dowd- - R o u i i d ^ .( ,w?®77EARL'W7 YOST C rush P hils;,. ;.. ■ Nothinii-^^^ Dud , -r.'Phiigd^piiilar^"^ ■ " • of the American Leaguei divi­ New York — Hitting In S6 Eyidently the" 40 points All; sion o f the Little League- an­ ' . Sports'Editor Arkadelphta. Ark., April IT '’ ’•traight fwnen In 1941 was Joe America Clyde ■ Lovellette Connfectidut’s Inland , Trouf ■ (>Pi—-Offtclels at^a college Raschi H urls Venbura, Calif., ' April IJ - scored against LaSalle In the nounces that the first tryouts O v e r R o c k y (JV-Operatton COO WE» ' t tlud.'- DlMaggio’a blggMt baaebsll thrill. • Ns wYork, Ap'rir l7WfP>— Many ^ the ^ le a He couldn’t afford to be fob the coming season will be track meet yesterday, wondered Olympic . ■ ’Trials, Impressed -i,.—■■— ^ VIC TAGGART, journeyed to.. ,\LVMNI LITTLELEAOl’Eofl- Radio satation KVEN. ar­ The retord hM never- been ap- a we'ek-end golfer must have read heldv Sunday afternoon a t 2 why thn time in the 126-y*rti _ preached and may never be beat- everybody but the National In­ Some newcomers to the . trail Chicago, April- 17—(45—Middle­ Braves Field in Boston for Tuea- dais will hold a meeting tonigpi Season to Start on Saturd^ .hurdle* w»* *o'*low. Yanks to W in ranged to fly baseball result* vitation Tournament cham- with a feeling bol-derlng qn dis­ o’clock Jat the Charter Oak of *n exhibition game between • were shocked by what they saw. Lots. All boys who- not at­ weight Champion Sugar Ray Rob­ day’s baseball opener between the at 7:30 al the West Sl(Je Rer. Any- Then thfjr discovered an ex­ piona themselves. • belief that two Buch sesLTOned-pro­ win Braves and Brooklyn Dodgers. Vic one interested in cbachlng or man- the Ventura-and Fresno teem* *"b n the way to the record Joe We recall a Aight in Clearwater, tain the agff'Of 13 yeara before tra hurdle had been arcidental- 'paased the great George Slaler’a inson, 32 but still a ring klllar with • reports Ernie Johnson was heating aging ia, welcome to attend. ^Hartford, April 17—-aji .raaay:, rof ^ "*t- hi* : “ittningi: hut. was hot: he*a«d M ? aguo record f fellow must have . VHJOH W A TE R , diaperae* the Brooklyn,.14. .J^Fion It. . iy kept dates -with thetr- girl catcher; Notice. DtMagglo'e wrist action and how his knee simoat tWo'-stroker for using hia Angers chosen profession. He since has SUGAR R A V Confessed h « went mortal Field for several years and hard hv the Brooklyn Dodgers Iri New York rhlladelnbl* 2. Manager Leo- fbirocher ahouted ' every break In the book to enjoy N C A A Lauii'clies planted 'fish," Montgomery , ex­ frlrndi in Cucamonga.and way- X r ic lt a Tun of'good fortunei- Man— touches- the ground on ihe..foilow ibr.QUgh...... to impart spin to a ball as he made the P.G.A. an excellent offl '■head-hunUn; carty’’ , to puly.f rizg : the -venture was not aticcessftri-. his 1952 pitching'debut with the 8t. LouI» K riUFburgh 5. "He’ll he my craat^r,” Now .thp plained. "O f cofurae it make* them Only FuheduUd. (in e know what Leo meant...... points.,At any.jate,.Ut*y.didn't, ’“ ig a f Jw McCarthy' aniTniy Warm- dropped It-over hia-ahodider;- thus ■cer.- ■ ... -— Graaiano in .a brjef buL blisrtering- Thus, it’* hack'to Mem(irial Field Boston Braves yeaterda.v. Ernie a bit more difficult to find, bnt if "AmeTlf.aii'' " ...... Ne»* York 8. PhUadelphla 1. FIR.ST A h o m e r u n (ieep Into become ln\’olved tn the strike ; matea gave md plenty of help that nally came In Henrich hugged and hit the next day and the next and achieving a better lie than he Many stories have goqe -the F o u T l3a y M e e t bout which paid *82,208 to Robin­ this jeason. A year ’ ago eight was tsgged for six hits in two -and they remain where they ere plant­ might otherwise have had. son and *68.6’07 to Graziano. one-third innings in a relief role. 8t. IjOuU 5. DetroH .4.* the upper left field seats In the o f Weatern Union employe*, yean" kissed me. before they stopped him he had rounds of the locker rooms, some teams comprlaed t h e Church ed, you mlght .es well go fishing Cleveland I. Chlrago .0. fourth Innlng-Ihen-No. 2-lnio the whose faciittiei; the radio eta-' DiMaggio didn't need a time at "You couldn’t help but sdmlre. Complied another streak, this one The ■ average week-end player of them really funny. One, player "Ah' figured that again.st a • League membership. In in aquarium.’’ WanMngtnn 4. BoiHnn 8 (lU. Hot Springs, Va., April 17-^145 laternatiaaal right field seat* In the eighth. El­ lion ordinarily would uee. j bat in extra innings to keep his men like McCarthy, Rolfe and for 16 games. In the meantime his has known all along that you can’t was asked please to keep hia wife fighter like Rocky, you gbt to hurt PRESIDENT RUM PAUL of Thus Montgoipery said he saw liott *pra.\’*d new optimism into streak going but he often went do either of these things, and It off the course, after several of his —The National Association of Pprlngrteld 10. Rnchaater !. Fortunately, KVEN paed I Henrich fo r their desire to help a roommate. Lefty Gomes, presen­ 24 years In National League him quick to keep him from geK EO K O V I S a nd Nino Bngglnl the Manchester Uttlie League at- a distinct benefit" in the high _TorontA 10. flalUmore 1. Ih*. Giant "cattae. «. up for his final turn at bat before is imderatandable that he wonders wayward drives had wound up In Collegiate Commissioners opened waters that will greet the horde of Montreal 3. 'Syraruae 1. telephone faculties •* a atwd- teammate.. J t ..was. one,.Wg. happy. ted hiin, yith a. humidor on behalf^ , ..Question: JacIc .D.anl..e I s..,th«. ting cocky," said Robinson. "You - hava- been secured aa head, coach.-, tended, the.th)rij.annual banquet of Just.a Je.w .hour!!, Before'.JSUl'j.tt, ftXgVitVng'a'm ------how In the ’world,, pf’ofeiiSton’SIS speclacTilaHy’ faVdCAbTiT’ po-sltlohs. toy wdt'k~a’ slugger l|]^’’him'"' 6h'(T ■ opening' day YnklSHt, expected t» • ftoffalo 'll. ■‘Htawa -9,— ... -h y and-had- all -the ■ - resttlte family playing with the Yankees.’’ of aji the ’Yankees; He stlli has’ Braves' new outfielder, waa an-all- ia four-day annuaJ meetin fiefe ea of tw-o o t the four Alumni Lit­ the Connecticut U ttle League last mined opening night for Robin i " I remember one road game,” could have made such mistakes. Another was asked by. his playing number upwards of .50,000, STAN niN U B . promptly, Ventura won the DiMaggio got a big break the the humidor on which appear all around athlete at Prospect Park, today in an atmosphere of peace later ^ e n you clqui him, ■ he tle League baaeball teams in Man­ night in New Britain. .The state ' Aiperlraa Roberta, the doctor* aewed to­ •j recalls DiMaggio. "I went into the the 104l Yankee, signatures). We would like to at least attempt companion not to lift and mark his thinks Tt’s accidental. So I sailed On "opening day" Itself and per­ game, 9 to 3, day he lied Keeler’s 44-year-old Pa., H I g h- a n d and harmony—but members were chester for the coming aeaaon. tournament will be held the- week \V. L. (IBL. gether Moot* Irvin’* torn Ilga- ! • ’ final inning without a hit. and record 44-game streak. He singled TOMORROW: That Bos'l’bn come­ Pennsyl V a n i a an explanation and. In a way, to ball on-the green, but just to let Into him on eyrty opening." of August 10-17 in Naugatuck haps for a week longer, the over- St. l-eoula ...... J 0 1.000 -r menta. 'They aald the 1951 nma mindful of a storm cloud on the Kovla is a former minor league rieteland .... 2 0 1.000 ___...three Yankees had to bat ahead' off “Black Jack’’ Wilson of the. back in 1949. - • Military College, lea^-en any crlticlam of-the. two him putt around it- The. point we I t was %xlihUcalcuU.Uoii .. that with the 1963 ataU tourney in fl(iwlng stream* ■will prevent ang­ batUd in ohainp might be. ready . of me. I f they all went out the h’orizrin. that'w as apt to break baseball -pitcher ■while BoggtnJ Near ThYk . .r.T;*;r.:.: *t A I.OOO Red Sox in the first inning. The but did h6t "com­ players Involved. are-making is that many of the dropped the curtains on- gager, Bridgepoff. ' ler* from getting to- the more pro­ Waihlhkl^n . T T '.TiOO * to pinch hit in late .ttily; Btltott’s be-a !'go«d fl*j(j;--n(r hit'-’ iban, wctt--~ itiwak was over. (ipen at any time. played at Ne\V York TThIversIl'J- game was called after five innings plete Wa school Let us begin by saying that for present crop of.pros were brought wild-swinging Graziano. ductive pool* in the 63 stream* BnatAr...... 1 ..1 .500 perf(«-mance and thl# bpUmialic a night gam* for Washington witii ! "Rod Rolfs opened with s Chief among the knotty prob­ and last season served as aastst-* rhlladelphta ...... 0 I .000 — rain. c a r e e r in alh- i a period of 15 years or more, and, up in a rough school. See. I bounced off the ropes in . under state regulation— and the report,on Irvin restored some of a basPB-loaded alngls- off Boston’s » alngle. The next batter filed out Ski Club Plans ' There has been evidence before lems expecteed to come before the ant coach with the Little League t h e r e i s a POSSIBILITY Chlrata ...... ft 3 .000 The next day against Heber letlps. Why? in fact, until quite recently, the the middle of the third round and others which are hot regulated but Detroit ...... 0 3 .000 the glow of the miracle of ’51. (Cllls Kinder with two out In the - McCarthy -game Tommy Henrich this that, under the circumstances, meeting is the set of controversial Yankees. The two other cqschea that the National League t fallUe are fishable. Then the water will Ne’waome, a rookie who waa to Answer: Dan­ artists who played the big winter clouted Robinson, good w-ith A ...... Naflaaat- - -Eltintt’a ■home ran*- pitta ateady -clcventb -4-8,; - Irv-Npren'*~ 4lou- ■ - . r- the bunt iHgn. The only reason it-was easy to for.zet some of the recommendations of the special will be announced at a later dale. League) may play at the softball start to drop and before the sea­ St. l«nula ...... a 1.000 ble and two walks loaded them up. win 19 games for the 1941 Boaox Dinner Meeting iels played bas­ money trail through the South right and down he goes," grim- four-hit pitching hy Sal Maglia . for a one-out bunt was to keep simplest rules— that is, honestly to committee on athletic policy of field at the Charter Oak Lota in­ son is hslf gone some streams will Ba«>oklyn ...... a 1.000 Julto Moreno went all th* way for DiMaggio broke all existing rec­ ketball at Penn | fe.. more or leas made their own rules the American Council on Educa­ maced Graziano in his dressing stead of Robertson Park as pre­ Chlrago \M\\, made Netv York's flrif night open- the inning alive so that Fd get Military a fter forget them. Lloyd Mangrum have been reduced to a ’ mere New York, . i.ann' .er a aucces* with a 'S-.I win over the Senator*. ords for hitting streaks by smash­ as they, went along. The local tion. room. Robinson went down for ho- viously announced. A final de­ .non ' up again.. I f the batter had hit ing a home run. But just, before ’Wednesday night at 6:30 the aignlng ■ a baae- threw away his chances at an trickle. PhllaCelpma the ’Phillies. It wa* Sal Ihe Bar- The Indian* continued to get |iway . there was the possibility sponsors and the fans wanted low Asa Biishnell. president of the coiint midway in the third round. cision will be made at the next Clnclnnetl * .00(1 that blast his brother Dominic and Manchester Ski Club will hold its b^l C O n t r a ct, Open title two yeara ago at Merion INTO THE 63 8TRE.\MS and .non her’i ninth straight over the Whla super pitching wRh'Lemon doing of a game-ending double play. scores, no matter how poor the commissioners group and Eastern' "So a little later, he drives me meeting of the N. L. managers. PItaburgh Stan Spence had made spectacular waa a high acor- b y lifting his ball to Wow o ff a LAND SURVEYING and some of the 80 ponds tinder state Rniton ...... non Kids He atnick out eight and re-; the job but’ had to depend o.n a - "Henrich nodded Joyously at the ahmial dinner meeting at the ’Ver- playing conditions, and they got College Athletic Cofiference Com-( to the ropes with a left to the Inirraatinnal catches -ttr-rob him of- hits,------nn...until.- r.l. YA.I. hug. It waa an instinctive, natu- cegulstlon.- about.. J125JH10...legal atrlcted his trouble to the three- rnokls from Daltas to do the hlt- ' ’ "X w m m ahdi and "drop 'His hunt.' ’h’o'h "Gfahge Tn " Vemnn, Center. *sm: ■ it ■ wah what you might- cail rat tlttle actioh’ whirh- would otBy mlssionec, Inditat’ed-. the- a c e . rec:' body and -1 - figure- to -bounce - off- CIVIL ENGINEERING - NATlbN AL " LEAGUE TLiUI* SirringOHd* , .’ r V . ; • i ~ O ■ -1 -tWO---- - UHg.' ' ' ~~rytaiey’'i^'~-- »eeend -ffi^ The streak Anally ended In a schools objected ommendattons ' may become the trout have been placed, half of the Md^nitr^al rr .r.v,*,*;* 1 ‘ O-LOtia-. — ...... He was thrown out but I got my Since is inception several yeara careless golf, and the U.S.G.A. have drawn laughs in a money a^Ih' and give it to hlm^^bd.'But. League) will hold tryoula Satur­ total season plant of 250.000. In BufTalo ...... 1 0 1 000 — homer ruined Joe Dobson’s four- . chance. I managed to hit a double. Cleveland night -game against A1 to his profeasion- B^ana Reardon principal toilic of conversation be­ If Elliott keep* it up,'the Brave* ago this, event has always, been aii-, al. a-I a I u a and...... frowned upqn.it, . .. tournament...... , ...... wham, he .blasts that .rig,ht and j,I , d a y , afternoon at the West Side addition, large numbera of fry and Toronto .i ...... r 0 1.000 — hit job ^ You'would have thought Avis’ had Bmith' and Jim- Bsgby. DiMsgglo It wasn't a case o f ’cerlal’ri' im fore t1ie heads o f the irlajor ath­ Edward U Davis, sir« Sv'raruaa •. 0 -'4:— •000. r.-.X.-*.-'- Brhbably,, .w-iR, .,*WM,r. ....trgtiipg hit three on the nose that night college athletic participation came N ow that the P.G.A. boys have catches me right on the button and Oval for bo.vs eight and nine years fingefllnga have bein' IlBerati'd. Db: BhbhV' Bi^Wrt.''right; 1* back In Yankee' tintfnrm lisady tu ...... 0 1 .000 1 Horraitby" got'*' rome ■ just won the pennant. tlclpaled with great delight, ea dlviduals cutting corners, though letic cbnfelrences leave for'hom e Registered Civil Engineer and Ottawa .4. with the Giant*. They gave’ them but Ken Kultner, playing third peclally during those long lean to a halt. agreed to play by the book, it will the fight Is over.” old from 1:30 to 3:30. From 3:30 The flah have a *l-.46-apound price pInch-hIt and alternate at third base with Andy Carey until called up Baltimore ...... 0 1 .000 1 Al Dark and Bddi* Stahky, the Tommy Byrne, th»t good hitting . "Rolfe. on crossing the plate, .there undoubtedly were a few who Sunday. Land, Surveyor ...... n 1 .000 t base,: msde two mlracuioua -atopa winter* of no-snow. The ladies of Q. Who signed Robin Roberta be some time before the effects of Sugar Ray, who still considers to 5:30 there will be practice for on them. After opening day. plant­ by the Arm y Medical Corps. ’ (N E A ), ______nocheeter minings, of a pennant,winner.. And pitcher, for the Brown*’ second'-.. ■ " threw’ his'cap high into the ’air; excell'ed at it. Large money-was al their old carefree days wehr off X A n d one of the early arrivals. TOI>AV*B e A M B H - ..... Kratgbtwm. ' HornBbyTlttBtrtwir and Shortstop Lou Boudreau also the Grange have always put on a for the Phiiiies? himself the welter^s-elght king (he IS Proctor Road. Manchester ten year olds' Sunda.Y afternoon at ings will be made periodically un­ now Elliott, who 66’aa holding out, The players on the bench danced, stake, and a player didn’t get hia Snead and 'Wall will not be the Who declined use of his name, took automatlcolly vacated that crown 2 o’clock at the Oval there will be (leaM year a .Tiron and loat rernrda regulars for plnchhlttera in the came in with a great play aoul aatisfylng meal topped off A. Scout Chuck W'ard. former due note of Bush'nell'.s remarks. til the end of May. In p*renlhefiAe>. comes to life in a new uniform. - whistled and hollared. When 1 II- National League ahortatop and share by eitllng up nights reading last to get their fingers rappe^ ' when he heat Jake LaMcHta for Tel. 7019 tryouts for boys H and 12. Any Brown trout are being stocked seventh inning butlet, Byrne .lill. , The tension-was over. The next with delicious apple pie and coffee. He, to(?. said he xuiticlpaleU a lot NatUaal IronicalVi_tha Braves atagger^. hoy who lives on or ea.st of Main more extensively this j-ear than —PhttirtPlphtu (Churr^ at - N ^ for ■'himself Tommy doubled day. the Yankees begged him to A fter a brief meeting to elect Rutgers roach. of talk on the ace proposals— and the 160-pound title) as well a,« Th'rntigfr "a niggetT ’aHeiniioiiir^ ab- street is eligible to try out. Boys elthzF brook trout or -rainbows Lakers Stall Knicks^ - York (JinF^n 2a,-U>- home tb* first run aa St, Louis start another break. He just look new officers. Charles Brewer, club Q. What -were the full particu­ Mnrte.v ...... 106 71 2W he, didn't care to predict- what the middlrwelght champion, re­ Chlr«iin ClJicInnatl artrblng a ti-R- pasting from the photograpner, will ahow his movie Starkweather ...... 96 ,d0.1 66’ho have pot registered aa yet since, it Is afid, they are better rallied with three to He. They ed up and said "H eyl" lars prompting Umpire Bill Klem B. Chappell ...... JX' 3.T inb,dgerB.. ...The. (Editor's Note: DiMaggio did SA FAR A SK I. picturing some of to sky; "Vnung iftan, if that bat Bowling dleweight title defense May 06 al may do so st anv of the practice suited to the late season high tetri Brooks flattened Max Surkont in wbb 3vltb"^two m " the eighth'’on in the (absence of Biishnell. due ft-A or 3-6). Tom Wright’s single, a triple by the.rlub’a activities on ski orillngS comes down, you’re out of, the Tolala, 1373 New York against Paddy Young to BALCH Is Your aeaaions tHia week eml. peraturea of Connecticut streams. .Brooklyn (firhmlU 3*6) At Bo»*.«n Ihe first inning .and kept It up all to arrive today from New York, With three exceptions; the orfl- Take Lead in Series rookie Georg* Bchmeee and dou­ The evening's entertainment will gam e?” the spokesman didn't care tb say take on Maxim. (Conlry 0.-01. (jay for 20 hits,, including five by JamPH » . 2 M) cial start of the season will be at Amrrlran ble’ by Hank A rfl. Advertisement— close with square, dancing prompt­ A. The.old Arbitrator made the any more. He .did say, though, THE INTERNATION.AL Boxing MEN IP7TERBSTED In umpir­ mike Snider and a homer, dbtible LaRivipre ^ ...... Ill 99 m 30T| 6 a. m...... The exceptions, are the Krw York (Lnpal 21-9) at rhlla«l**l- and. aingla by Rny-^^^CompansUiu , .,Cln.plnn*U a.nd Chicago had, an ed by a profeaelonal-<-ailer.---- remark to -Al Lopez, -now -manag- r. Acpfo,<^ .:nfi * 97 m - m that "a'riy ’ aiich topics probably Citib-which- la.st night had a bard ing Little- Leagu(* baseball gatiies blew York, April 17 " m "They i imTk'~T8fTwnTrT8^im:...... ; — - . Ttie” Manrhealer Ski Cl;(h under compensating Reservoir, Bark- of gam* tonight, and that one- THAT MAN from St. l.oiit*— open date m,'the Halloh^^^ M A T S M W : : ..h'K. Clvyclar.d. when the latter A. A<*5tu ...... 9fi 95 ?» 2S0 woiildn’L come before any of to­ time gue.ssing-the 'actual attend-, this.season and who attended, the can’t run- 1f they hav;n't got the ■ 8t. J.sOula (Cain 13-13 or rillrtt«i 6-14) the direction of President Gordon flung hia hat high in the air pro­ -X/'J Awn ..'T7;;iv. W lOS- hamsied, 5 a. m : Cream Hill Rond; gam’s ailvahtageTa a big b at XjFtrnn fK^whmirrr 6HIL i — Stan Muaisl-'- got hot vrtth'the bat Twaronlt« ...... 1(W 133 132 373 day’s ses.sioris. a"hce at the tauV which "was tele­ uriipires’ clinic last night at the hall." rirrrUnft (Oarrla 20-18) at Chicago Fllblg has enjoyed a moat auccesa- testing a called third strike. West Side Rec included Gordon Cornwall, 7 a,, m. and Babcock For the moat part, the game to drive home three riinif, with a IN FISH ING M6.st of today Is expected to be vised nationally, with Chicago Pond, Colchester, June 1. That, In a nutshell, sum* up the ; (OrtMom (M». , 741 to (•o m p e te * ful season during the winter 1051 Q. How did Pee Wee Reese pick TnlaU ...... S29 .629 6.15 169.1 taken up with organizational mat­ blacked out had- nothing offlelal Todd, Mert Gay, Jim Tierney, Wal­ wa* give-and-take. Only once--r Roaton <8carho^ugh 12-1) At WAah* homer and double in the Cardi­ ,52- Monthly meetings hav# been South .Methodist No. I lOt Waters not tinder special regu­ Minneapolis I.akers' 62-77 vi-.tory during the second period—were ington fjohpaon 7-11) nals' second straight night VlctoVy For All MakM Of Cor* up his nickname ? CHVRCH LE.\Gl’E ters, moat important of which ia to say about Robinson’s future ly Fortin, Manny Solomon^ Bernie ' IntcrntHoKAl * \ TACK LE fully attended and Carl Kehicr'a STANOIKOS B rn »-n ...... 96 1(16 96 296 lation may be fished at any hour ovar the New York Khlckerbock-; the. Knicka able to unfurl their oyer Plitabtirgh. 6-5, The Cards III UCofin Relays A. The hiatchlo.ss Brookljm nlrhmnnd ...... 9(1 91 89 2 600x16 the ninth when ’they aCored five June 16 op the rnurta of the U. S, asphalt track in the country. Schmidt, Pacific Coast; Howard held them at the .same. time. tefs, ,i.;arap)egi,7a .and other (Jls yoped to win' the ';WqrId Serie.*’’ fenae -Of lta_ Yiinkee Conference tied. 32._.^.^ _ ...... r.upa. and hopeted their hit total to Schools have been broken down 770 Main St. Tel. 4.107 Street. Sportsman’s Club Member­ ,36:Kole, .CaJculiA . lo be. eUgekl lU. GriilHis."'-SoMthwestern; .Kenneth ships , aoid here. - ' ’Htniary' Academ'y at iv'esl Point. WhltPhin ,L . SO 99 105 2R4 - Armstrong aimuUaneoualyr.held . ableil vets unaltle ’ t(i ’ wade, of profrissicihaT baaketbair. The chi’hipfoh’afiip,'’ caihe from ’ beMiVd 14, t'hree. fcy Mlrkey ’Wanli^^ into three cittegDrI«t=rWri«’r nte- the. Country’ Club Saturday and L. Wilsop, Western: and Reaves the fe.alherweighl, lightweight and i H BabIpv ,, R5 107 97 289 .95 .fitr^aoi...... ■...... iduxUi...gftme..6yUL .he played. here_ .ybJtf.r.dfiy. .for ,a..9.-3. ylctory pyet; 'Jim Hirach, 19-year old second CleyeUnd and the aurprialng dlum and email. Each of the dlvl- S*nhloV -will -take plare-tomorrow QuUitr-h’ .’ .95 . -OIs 285 'B.-Peter*,- -Big-Jleven...... - 6ve)t4H>w4»ight erowna.- a -morropoly— b a r g a in flo w rw n r naire ’em riw tn th r-to s'' X gfe ino 100 288 - A WHILE THEY LAST A warden will be oitr fulltime Friday night, with the team* going Masaachuaetta University. biise'nuui for 'Ihe 'Unlye’raIfy"’'or BL ’ toi’iis’^ B’fowm»"'k’iipfc'"stijp'’' In flight at 8 o'clock at- the club. Carl Snavely,. North Carolina that prompted boxing commissions event program \vhlch Includes ■v Members' desiring dinner should Mirror duty for the first week of the sea to St. Paul, Minn., for No. 5 on Moaa. ..••102 000 000—3 6 1 Florida baseball team, 1* the only their two-way tie for the Ameri­ ToIaIj! .. 444 618 489 1461 football coach whq heads the to ordain that only one title cetuld son and thereafter on weekends Sunday. Conn...... 000 1,30 OlX-^5 6 1 freshman in lb * atartlng linsup. can Leageti. lead. Th* Indians high Jump, broad Jump. . dlacue, notify the kitchen at once. American College Football Coach­ be held at a time. ahot. Javelin, 440-yatd. 880-yard, X- Entries can still be made by Today a Year ■ Ago—Leon C. BRAKES RELINED S12iS and holidays. Playing by far hia beat game of O trkum . Krlck, (5l, Swanson nipped Chicago, 1-0, on rookie Jim Zion fl.athpraa ,l exams for football round by’ a shade, IxJoming a two- . JOHN RyNDI,,A. Minneapolis -'.y. nament who want to start; before Sk'orth. .MrthodiAt .-No-.2. 111 Five Years Ago—The Montreal '.River. exclusively . , tor.. .womeil alFipal a. perfect jcame yesterday varalty-tennis coach, -C D e-L a Hanjia ...... 117 IIR 329 and basketball officials. fisted attack to the surprise of SERVICE coach, is confident that his hoy* noon are asked to .submit, .their Canadlen* defeated the Toronto angler*, and have restricted La a* th* Stevens Tech baaeball team Menardlere, la a former flying Cb«npMl ...... Hi 117 105 357 moat experts Who ext^cted him to will go all the- way to win their At Our Manchester Pontiac Dealership nanies to the committee so that Bonnam ...... 119 13.S KJO 344 Maple Leafs, 3-1, in the SIsanley fayette Pond and aertiona of the swamped Wesleyan 9 to ft. Tksc, a hero with the French A ir Force. Barton ...... !t,6 92 272 retreat until Graziano ran out of STRTIOn Harnmonasaett, Bantam. Yantic third N BA title tn four year*. Six-foot, right hander, faced only necessary nrrangemeiits' can be Cup finals, which Toronto leads ga.s. ^ ? \V A N S STSTIOn Sloan ...... 103 113 98 312 3 games to 2. and Saugatiick Rivera to fly fish " I think we’ve got th('m now," 29 men, two Cardinals reaching Herman Wehmeler, pitcher for made. . Village Charmers The second round was pretty said Ktindia. "W e played our kind Tbc.se two early season Calcut- Totala ...... MS 584 483 1634 Ten-. Years- Ago—Bob Pastor, Hartford Rd. Manchester,Conn. ing. first''on walks.. Steven* collected, the Cincinnati Red*, waa: on*e a much of a standoff, aUhoiigli its nine, runs on six hits and five UGHTS ON N A TIO N A U Y a d v e r t is e d tas have 'been- planned by the 183, was floored twice in the Dine and Dance Graziano started clubbing with his star football player for Cincinnati committee to get some competi­ Rt. Mary*"# (4> first round but rallied to outpoint Wealeyail'.errors, Western Hilla High School...... 89 wicked right untfl Robinson hasti­ Steven* Tebh— tive scores from members, and Cllffor-I ...... 96 78 273 Jimmy Bivins, 176 1-4, in a ten IRANDS — NRST W. Rlnofijfond ...... 91 9.T 88 373’ ly hack-pedaled. ii ...... 96 10% 87 .286 trophy for the bowler with "the self and Uien squaring off for mur­ New Haven, April 17 (/F)—The Carolina where the college la locav ANOTHER BEHER BOY AT BALCH’S the event can be finished In a O’Nrlll ...... 94 105 9.5 294 Batting, Bob Elliott.^Olanls and highest average. Second place derous range,* pumped the left- Yale baseball team is still without ted. tttonth...... - - ...... Roy Campanella, Dodgers— Elliott was won by Penny Heistand and 'TMaTf, ; .„rr.TiV J-’ -* -900 H!3 .l.ijRht ,,cqtTiblna,,tlon tJ)B.t...Eut, the .'Jtome vi4riory and has only .twn FACTORY ...... hit two- homer* -In gia n ts --8-S -win iTilrar b’jt' Gert 'Erickaoh’’. ■ Wlrthlhg tights n. .ttoe.-K«V,year..are .Jity 43iIihore; bad-^miuhCeSI'IOX-, ■lOSCv'''■ DUT-OF-UWE CarlJton ...... 99 94 113 3p6 Pitching, Bob Lemon, Indian’s— Bprtnjfflelfl' the ij'lnnfng ■Hrti;' •' ...' 14.55 Shirley Holmes, president; Bar­ The IBC, jtrior t’p the scheduled Springfield Shut out’Chicago White .Sox with bara Rohrback, vice pres Went; Joe TgUla :...... 4S2 .39^ 519 a w 15-round championship bout, ;an- . jQlO a In 19i7 Bob FfUer of thg Cteve- HAS ADDED A ,, ■three hits,- IK>, -to win- on rookie Feezer. 'aecretnry; Janet Holinetr, 000 010 -^ 2 2 i CAM X nouheeff a fecdrd ihdoor CTm^ of Clark ...... 102 122 108 372 Pelcher and Smith; Bjorii, Ellis game winner In the American licjty.^_^ . do\^ throng; lof, 22,264 waa an- ■Leagu*., ...... , . , , - .7b0xl&.-.w.- ..18)55:.., CUT TIME U F E ^ . • . .. _____ j 8aaie!r "iVTsV m e tia-- tao t95^.--Kentucky , DMby --w a*..!^ - ,la . Fiarida’*;-tehni*’team' I*'com-' ■Bill Reed, roolye Inflelder for 700x14 r 28-50 ’ ' 19.00 J " matf, owned by "K B. .Bw/smln!* of .the American LMgue, waa bora 1932 when Jack DCTbaeV boxed ■TiAail • ;tt I*, i Trri r 664 . ^’K s m i S ■posed erf she Flortdhi'na.’’ (tme Ken­ ■the Boston Bravtt; ivaO' the -Wte- Starmbuht'Srable. "" "■ in Manchester, England, Kin^iah Levinaky. " bONT THMW it AWAY 470x15 AT ROY MOTORS tuckian and a freshman from II- ronsln-efate tennis-singles cham 22.05 14.70 • Xt. Joha'. (1) -f- Itnqta. plon in 1939, '40 and '41. THURSDAY'S • L. Ruh.cha 113 312 .H. Rnvb .... 91 .119 DONATE i t to OUR . , >10x15 24.45 14.30 S. Grs.vh . ., 12(1 316 Zawl.tnw'.kt • 102 -282 440x15 21.00 14.00 A Itub^cha . 104 230 1950 DeSOTO CUSTOM 4-DOOR OPENING9 ' SPECIAL! ToUU ...... ,603 .626 .6,10 1569 740x15 .xbatii M.tliAdift No. 5 (3) 24.75 17.85 Locmis ...... 129 97 1 26 352 1950 DODGE MEADOWBROOK 4-DOOR Famous Make Towl...... ,,.. SO 91 92. 263 REMEMBER '800x15 29.35 19.40 Hsiiah-...... ,... 86 99 121 306 AMESITE DRIVEWAY SPORT SHIRTS MulHn ...... 121 101 103 326 Johr.on ...... 114 111 102 327 1948 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS COUPE SUCKS 820x15 30.45 ,20.45 SAVE 10% BY CALLING NOW MAY 17th, 10 A. M., CHARTER OAK LOTS' IN m r n c h Rs te r it s VALUE UP TO 10.95 ■YotaH 640 . 489 641 1673 1947 DeSOTO CUSTOM 4-DOOR 84. Bridget**N a. 1 (S) - DIAL ONE OF THE FOLLOWING NUMIERS: With Exchange Of Your Old Tire Here’s what we do: G^nnveil ...... 88 IM 109 308 MACHINE SPREAD WORK GUARANTEED AUfutt ...... 92 87 14t 320 4047, 2-3095, 2-9021, 7100, 48U ^ < • Pius Tax 1. Correct caster ...... tiSS llA lOS .378 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE 4-DR. $ C 9 5 Wltkowfkl ...... 101 101 101 308 Sale Limited To Present Stock 2. Correct camber < AtxrHiA ...... 115 107 133 355 FREE 8RADING TERMS ARRANGED DONT WAIT! CALL NOW! S. Correct toe-in or toe-out MALONEY’S Tout...... 651 517 .689 HM 1946 DiSOTO 2-DOOR (Above are chief causes Temple Befh Sholom (1) A UON WILL PICK UP YOUR DONATION of-tire wear) Le\*Ut ...... 98 m 95 294 FREE ESTIMATES EXPERIENCE FOR RADIO AND TELEVISION Gabs, Sharkskins, WelM ...... 95 134 99. .318 4. Inspect, tighten, adjust Cohen...... 89 105 95 289 Gabs, Teccas, Tropical Tropicals ateerlng. Kovenkky ...... 9» 121 9} 306 POWER ROLLED SINCE 1920. ■ALCH‘ MANCHESTER Omrineky ...... 99 a 14 98 300 All Proceeds To Be Used Fen SALES AND SERVICE 158 CENTER ST. Totale ...... 473 587 476 1SI« For BALCH Oater rongregatiAMat » . I


ObLl < u e e itiftslB A FLAIR i MANCHESTER EVENING HEKALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 17. 1952 Answar to Fraviout Fuiil* Sense Nonsense?*; .GE SIXTEEK rW eopons age BoS--Why'don't you take your A lady of raahiiWi was out air­ b o o u o ffT ing . her ; Piktngaaa when . Mw., Automobilte for'Sale Automobiles for Sale Automoblles for Sale H O M tO N iA it' ‘'kfittiter" Jeff- RecisuM i don't want to •topped,to ioo)c down Into an sr- f r e s h g o t o f b e a d -. himt my toa whaq i I kick tha cavatlon where men were working, BUY t h e B i^ T LESS A S IS s p e c i a l s 1947 PACKARD 2-DR. / WEAVING...ot burna, moth holes V40RK.<,ALL.X CA»4 ■ ,.4riraam -.:'.:-.*S^^.- ...... ,• bucket . - A traetor w m . togging w a y wtth^ ' ■ '■■■■CLUB^BEDAN-:":-7‘:’~ WE NEED' THU ROOM and tom clothing, hosiery run's, <5AVlS.'to0'0 BBTTei^ 4 Cet'a weapon , out euccesa, trying to haul a gtant Radio, heater, ove|;drive, 1950 Studebaker Champion 2- handbags repalied, rip^r. re-, ^ f O R T H f r r„.8herr-What .doaa ..an.-.arUat. Ilk* crane out of the hold, : i93S Buick Scdan-.-,^75. •.,- sST t • SyKhette ;M«erti»menb nlitr plastic seat A ex* D f. Sedan— Equippied. placement,' bintirellaii' repairlM, - bSr'tttt.’THe; to draw beat? 1941 Chevrolet Tudor-r-$195 iden's shirt collara reversed and -HU aatary. proached tha woman and aakad:! CLASSinED ADVT. ceilent tires, gas 1* • Roman poet , replaced..Marlow's Little Mending- ^PASSBS.Ji Fbreman—l^ y , oould wa bpr-j DEPT, HOURS t mileage about 2 y with over­ 1949 Studebaker Commander 1941 Dodge Sedan— $195 WANTED—Waitress, nights?^lo row your Pekingese ? i , 4-Dr. Sedan— Equipped. Shop. Sundays. Inquire 840 Maln'atreet. Bathing girls and goUara saam • 8:15 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. drive. 0 . P. Sy^|l,110.‘ OUR 1941 Oldsmobile Tudor— $100 UStupWlty Woman—Whataverfort 1 to have The same ambition to go Foreman—Wa'It hitch Mm q n ! p r i c e $975. / 1948 Studebalcer Champio"n 4- FLAT FINISH Holland window W ANTED — Experienced sales- 4 8 Bean wltneM 2FAdvanta|cs 43 Bed around In aa little as posstbla. 1941 Oldsmobile Tudor— $250 shades m'ade to measure. All ITMiatreet and pull out that crana. COPY CLOSING TIME clerk. Good houts and good 2).i-^P . JQHNSON— $105 20 Burdene is Consumed 31 RepresenU' 44 Counsel 1947 PACKARD CUSTOM Dr. Sedan—‘Equipped. 1942 Studebaker Sedan— $295 metal Venetian blinds at 'a new Woman—What T H e up thla| wages. Apply' In person only. 21 Fold ttva 46 Period of poor little dog to that big crana 7 j IhoR CLASSIFIED ADVT. low price. Keys made while yo.u 7.9 c M m PION 50—$135 . 13 Dens Jack Didn't aha let > SUPER 1947 Studebaker Champion 4- 1941 Plymouth Station Wag­ Paris Curiain Shop, 829 Mein WILLIAM H. SCHIELDGE 22 Cloth 24 Church recess $> Aslan antelope office her? It'a; impossible. { wait. Marlow's. 2.5 LAUSON— $50 measures -MON, THRU FRL- withPeW 1952 custpin 166 H.P. Dr. Sedan-r-Equipp^.-, - on—$165 , — — street., 25.PUtfoim.. ;38.Man’s tltla .._47 Float B ob.-O h . heavena Dol Sha ia b t Foraman:~Th«i'a.*ll right, lady.i - :;U'-V SPRUCE ST, , MifllraiKetb 40 Dried - 'that'-hlml.-' - -■fwe--»av*'-wbliia.--' ■■-/- »■:. A , M*";" ifttotor. Whai » car, t»W lor 1939 NHsh .SSIani-$96 ' WAJ i /> , BUTLDER-‘Carpenter-;7FHrst class Power Co. 34 Small saai twilight. Radio, heater. IT* married but didn't have Urn* light.s, rear arm rest, 6 excel­ work. New homas. Blueprints WANTED—Carpenters arid help­ $5Rals#d - couiage' 'to 'pop'“the' "qu'eetlbi^: DIAL 51211 373 Main St., Manphester ■WANTED—Part -tlms woman for . , Your, headquarter? for new lent tires; Themotorcoat: $487. 'svallihle.""A1»0>iR'ertt16B*; 'tb- er*. Call 2-0253 after 5 p.,m'i' 36 Worm r ~ Too many drivers carry their Rvety time He tried to propose he 1947^ iPord 4-Dr.— Radio, heat­ general office work. Apply 80 Chri.s-Craft, Mercury, Scott- __ E II 0 . P. S. says no increase on Tel. 2-944!3 pairi, garuek, etc. Phone Cov­ "jiTHiUFMS Been iNSOL'JEKrri 37 JtwaU antl-ffeeze , under their beItJL ob- got cold feet. So -fthally one day he. ' er. New engine. Waddell road. DUMP TRUCK driven* ..'wanted. Atwater and Champion mo­ SINCE MRRCH IS > w r serves Joe .Kerf. told hie faUiar about IL - vi . Lost and Found new motor. Our_complete sell­ entry 7-7857. SSWoaa 1949 MERCURY Convertible, New WANTED—Capable woman to as­ Apply CoHa .-Construction, - 249 tors with service. New and BORM THIgTV v e a g g TOO SOOM {’40 Hindu r" Father—Why non, how' do you ing price $995, top, overdrive, radio and heater. LL flnlah your unOnished 108T—WWU Bird Dog with Studebaker Salea and'Service sist with housework In modem Broad 'street. used hoats from $25 up. Dlas- " f " garment 1 4*..- aaleaman--These are eapeclaUy « 9 ppee '1 managad when- X got Excellent condition. .Can ba .aeen. so you can have more Easy Does It ! BY LANK LEONARD strong shirta, madam. 'They aim- Mack- hud ^reund black «pot BRUNNER'S PACKARD home. Phone 5647. tercraft trailers. M ICK EY; FL\N ’ 41 Sw*gsteem~ m arried? r at 249 Broad eireet. ■oom for yourself and more value M AN—Experienced * in concrete R f r r r ply laugh at the laundry.-r . Son—Well, I reckon thet'a difl- kt bMC'Of apthc: name Jlp. Han­ work, bulldln" forms and finish­ 42 French cep dicapped chtld’a pet. Phone 358 I* st Center St. for your home. Phone 2-0726. FULL TIME SALES CLERK 700 7MWW 7HA7 Cuatomer: 1 know that -kind. I ferent. You-marrted Mother, butX- CHORCHES MOTOR SALES 1941 PONTIAC Club Coupe, ing. Apply, 249 Broad street. eswtuxung; BT $ 1 *-6844. . Open E ven in gs'T ir 9 WANTED for children's depart­ M cINTOSH BOAT CO. U$T ONE 700 HARP, Johann —— had acme which came back with gotta mhrry a. stranger. -■* 80 Oakland Street er, radio. Good condition, 'good CARPENTER WORK ntN.; 7AKE IT EA$7 their ildea split. > 1 ■ All Day Saturday 'Til 5 ment, Apply In person only. 41 (Rear) Ibimell Place Fou* a»N$£CU7ivE 1 r r u BE/ HeWW7 4B Gorged i Manchester 2-9483 tlrae. jBmall down payment, bal REPAIRS and Burton’s, 841 Main street. S7gmES'THCaE'S jM ie«T y« tHflTUr,^ -AMP JUST LET i r » Lsoturer: "Of course, we ait;, Personals 3 See The New '52 Packard ance $6 weekly. <^ no Service Situations Wanted— THE 6RM» PO 17/ 51 My — - Sal Marriage U an institution that know what the inalda of a corpui- ALTERATIONS 38 MOPOUBTAIOU7ITS^OkE*0* 1E8GEAMT/ 52 Broad PETE DANZIGBR^S paraonally d85t CHEVROLET Tudqr deluxe, . Center,..2T0fl8P.. - ...„ DENTAL, Receptionist. KnoWlWJge. NtW-irfi THE fiWP/)«$-F HE :*»$LUaT IT ... i»; i teactaas -a -man thrift,- .- regularity olala-Uka.!.’---...... , j -r -.'v- PRQSPEOt nni school fdr ...... BUILT-RITE " LIGHT METAL rowboat; also Stj 6$ In this piece ’ selected used-cars. 1949 Oldsmo- fathom green. PoWergllde. Radio; of bookkeeping and typing. Write h. p. motor. Both $75. Call 2-2258. ' ahoithouchtit/ keeps W{\ p and many other splendid virtues he dielrman of Meatlng: "Moat 4 young children. Pre-Kindergarten, 1941 OLDSMOBILE sedan. Radio, 84 Huny blle "76" convertible, green, white heater, fully equipped. Low mile CONSTRUCTION Box S, Herald. wouldn't need If he stayed single, ua do, but perhapa you had battar Kindergarten. Uonday through heater. 1942'Dodge 2-door. Radio, WILL CARE for child In my home 55 Snow vehicle walls, hydramatlc, radio and age. Like new. Call 2-0538.' Phone 2-:8727 L claims Philo. sxplaln for the benefit of them aa Friday. Tranaportatlon fumlsh- heater. Honest Douglas-for honest WANTED—Woman for work on days. Call 8174. 86 Waapona « II P ITB heate'r. Excellent conditloiv. 1949 Diamonds— Watches— has nevar been Inside one." . ad. lira Lala Tybur, . director. 1651 MERCURY Four-Door Se­ valunsCDouglaa Motors. 333, Main. Evening.? 2-0059 . garment, press,- shirt presses, flat •$7 rurUve.^j-:,. i F o r d . i-door. custom. ."iT‘ . ftAdlii, REtJABLE, EXperWhOed-Baby J e w e l r y - 48- II H Som a -farmera.,have - .radloa i& Phone 2-678T. dan; Two-tone green-, w im Merco- w'ork Iroher and folding." Apply H their hen hobees, hut how do they There wouldn't be near aa many healer, beautiful maroon. Local 194^1 NASH,.One owner car. Me- CARPENTRY — Bhtperlenced In •Sitter desires job while mother ' v n n c A L .malic drive.. Nylou aeat covera construction of small homes, In person. Maple Dry Cleaners LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ geL atatloni to play iMttlng axar rich men If folk didn't profit bjr BLa.LLAKD'8 Driving 8(dioo1; Man- owmer. 1948 Pontiac .ct'ub sedan ^chanlcally sound. Rconomtcal works. Vicinity of Pine Acres. 1 Ftrtivt B" u Radio, heater and bumperett^ garages, dormers. Alterations and Ijaimderers, 72 Maple street. pairs, adjusts watches expertly. cteee? the. mistakea the real o f ua mak#. ‘'6“ cylinder, radio, heater, gra.v. transportation. Must sell. $200. Call 2-2775. . 30na ehelter'i oldeat Thoutanda of ac- Call 2-1200. , and Jobbing. _Luck and Peterson, Reasonable prices. Open dally. ... Extra nlce.- l947 Chevrolet, radio, Call 2-0233:------...... - 3 Young tointa H" A n -;«ldent free Inatruetton hours. phone 4026. HOOKk EEPING, typirig, general "Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce || Hundred! o f latlsfled atudenta. heater, blue. This l» a bargain WANT A PATRICIAN WANTED--Cleaning woman for « Hold tightly CARNIVAL BY DICKTURNKjk priced car and we have many 1948 FORD club coupe. Radio office work. 9 to 3. Call 2-8102 street. Phone 2-4387. T o r appointment telephone 3- Fridays, Call 8138. CUSTOM PACKARD heater, black. Nice condition between 9 and 10 mornings. 9248. more. Clarke Motor Sales, 301 Roofing— Siding 16 Broad street. T d . 2-2012. at the price of a New Deluxe throughout. Excellent tires. Doug. CAPABLE Women—Start earning T h eld ea BY EDilAR MARTIN Garden— Firm— Dairy BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES BY GALBRAITH INTED—Rldera to Hartford, Packard ? las Motor, 333 Main. GUARANTEED Roofing end roof vacatlort money now by servic­ SIDE GLANCES YOUmE MONEY AHEAD Dogs— Birds— Pets, 4^ Products 50 lour* 8:16 to 4:30. Call 2-2805 repairing. Gutters and conduc­ ing an exclusive Avon territory ©WAV ,WOWbV.M 6Wt). .Vll'-s 6 0 0 0 toOBtblWa'. MAN \ VOOW yoo KHOW M A tV R - IF YOU BUY YOUR CARS 1951 4-DR. MODEL 400 BARGAIN! tors. Coughlin 7707. ft.er. 6 o’clook. __ .Houra.....at . - your. _... convenience BF.AUTIFUL COLLIE Pup, hou.^- WELL RO'TTEp OT W^ i^^^ for TByLYf . A 0 CAtiViOY AVVOM : ‘ A t BARLOW'S ...... ■ Ma'rdon. ’ Oitly 8,6.50 rtllVe.i 1949 PACKARD CUSTOM" broReri, ■'F'<‘rifiale. We must seif to W E SPECIALIZE in rooOng and Write Mr.s. Frank Frawley, North your lawns and gardena. Order if A M V STDOtVST 5ERS WANTED Into Hartford please landlord. Reasonable. efore 8 a. m. Going through 1952 Dodge—Radio and heater, 2- f^n^^car guarantee, never reg SUPER siding. Highest Quality . , ma- Branford, Conn. * now— $10 a load delivered. Phone 1 0 S V t doop -deluxe;. 1.0W mileage. A* Wg (-maredi Ultramatic driva, un­ Phone-2-9100: 7405! Pieia Brothers. ' (Stto-ivtio te r streets. Retitm •6:80. C bH Car sold fo r $4,200. Electro tertaTs; ' 'Workmanship,'’^ gtiaran WATTRE.SS Wanted. $30 per wee'k. M ISS ^ saving. o m o E SIOOtKil'S 1-9744. dercoating, radio, rear apeak ma'tic clutch, heater, defroster, teed, A. A. Dion, inO.,'299 Autumn ph'-* tips. C ill Rainbow Club, 2 / ■ 1 1981 Plymouth Cambridge—With er,-heater, dual mirrors, peli street. 'Phone 4860. Live Stock— ^Vehicles 42 « tO O R O * . ■9.000 miles. Like new. radio, wheel rings, overdrive 802.1. “ Household Goods 51 Automobiles for Sale can, fendershield.s, hub .ahell.s. oil filter, etc. O. P. S. $1,710. 1950 Plymouth Special Heliixe 4- BOY! OH BOY! WHAT A ■ Dr. Sedan Radio .And heater. windshield washer, directional Roofing 1 6 -A GIRL WANTED ifeCHEVROtiBT four door style SALE PRICE $1,299. What a SMALL PIGS for sale.- Pella BARGAIN MR. ALBERT ■Vci-y fine car- .signals, new white wall tire.s. huv! Brother*. 384 Bidweli street. HAS WAITING FOR ybU! ^ e deluxe. -Beautiful Brewster 1950 Plymouth Dbliixe 4-Dr.—Ra? ROOFING. Specializing In repair­ SALE $3,199. Sold for $4,286 IN LOCAL INSURANCE Just returned from green fl'nlsh. Excellent tires. A dill and heater, very clean, low BRUNNER’S PACKARD ing roofs of aH kinds. Also new % al true Value. Another local one new, like new, ,See today. _ 3-58 E to CeRter St. roofs. Gutter work. ^Ijnneys "MEADbWBROOK " MODEL mileage. Poultry, and Supplies .4,3 ...... r — -HOM E - owner car at Center Motor Sales, 1950 Wmiu! Jeep—With snow plow. Onen Evenings ’Til 9 cleaned, repaired. 26 years' ex OFFICE...... 461 Main alreet. 1949 M ercury 443r.' 8edatS-;-Radln -B R U N N E R ’S PACK AR D periance. Free estimates.- Call BROAD Breasted bronze turkeys. 3 ROOMS FURNITURE All DawSaturdav: Til 5 WITH 7'- \ and heater. Beautiful condition. 358 East Center Street Howley. Manchester 5381. Fresh frozen. Ready anytime. "PHILCO" ELEC. REF. / K 1946 Chevrolet Two Ton Chassis Sep The Now ’52 Packard MUST H AVE Schaiih’ s Turkey Farm, ISS Hills- 1^2 .8TUDE8AKER. ..*136. Call Open Fivenings ’Til 9 '■Ca. tt 'M and Cab—Extra clean truck. fJOUGHLIN ROOFS stay on In ■tmvn Road. ' ” .."'BENGAL” GOMBINA'nONT^^- '^-2840. All Day Saturday ’Til 5 Wanted Aiifos— any kind Of storm! For guaran' RANGB Beady ffir_.wfirk^.______,...... See The. New '52 Packard - KNOWLEDGE OF - NORGE " WASHING-MACHINE Dividing The Spoiis BY V. T._HAMLINl 1947 Plymouth Bualnesa Coupe. Molorcyclea teed roofing;' call CoUighllh,; M'ah- A L L E Y OPP 1851 MERCURY two-doM /sedan. 12 Articles for Sale 45 EMERSON" TELEVISIOtf' SET 1946 Dodge IH Ton C h a ssis- Chester 7707. AN* COllECT TH" ! TELL TOO WHAT..,WE'a -----<,YEZaR .SHERIFF, THAT ^aded. This oiieone Is yearly new. 1951 BUICK Special sedan. Radio, WANTED—Good, clean, local used Also includes 3 Pc. bedplom set. VEH, FOOL BALL JONES NOWONPER RIGHT, 9 0 TURN i J one owner Original In every respect. An ex­ healer, Dynaflow. Like new. We BOOKKEEPING USED LUMBER — 4" ' matched REWARD FOR ( all TARE 'IM IN AN'/ 3H, Vm.L\VOU KNOW, WHEN Only 8,000 miles. cars. Clarke Motor Salea, 301 Pc. living room set. 5 Pc. dinette 18 A BAD HOMBRE... / HEYlLIW UUreed. Save real ceptionally good truck— $895. Resting— Plumbing 17 WHAT WE DONE?V SPLIT TH'REWARD/ A THIRD OF \ IT TOTALS THREE | Qges„\lnUl T p .. M abd gundays_ tractor. Repaint .alterarionA. new BY RUSS"WlNTERBOTHAMT 0i»«. Fd Wt* •dry*—. ^ t *'And th W w M lh ie tiw gutomttld tlKut^WWilh - ■ t^ -^ibevrrtet---Stylellne' -4-Dr,— -$2;79&,' sarin g orer $860. ■ Let'.s ■copied '«*euum'-clMireni,'''-^'4nnu: •f'ONBTTlDNS " No'.’ T, $3 cu! 'yard. Gfade'.Nb. 2 - AND-DETAILS-:-EVENING ' •'•' CHRIE WEt.KTN;;l*lantteer' T fib ’T K rta l Phone 6404 work. 24 hour service. Manches­ tho cooks tho ggint tMng too oftonl** Heater and aeat covers. Extra guns. stL., rspairsd. Shssrs, $2 cu. yard. I>Hvered 1/1 truck APPOINTMENT trade today. ter 3636. ■ A N D P AY Phone Mr. Albert "A l9t of our fritnds who viait ug m*k« him.norvout, but nice., 1950 CHEVROLBT8, tudors, for- knlvss, mowers, etc put Into con load lots Orde'r npw..y:^ussdorf h THE RADIO WMAT^ THE PITCH, $f)tCE PLATFORM TO 'lOUUAVENOCNOKB BRUNNER’S PACKARD Hartford 6-0358 ROCWDFTHE ’4PACE PLATFORM? whoW' you drop In Wo Otn rolikl'* dore, deluxes. Radios, heaters. All ditibn for coming needs. Bralth' PLUMBING and heating, special- Construction Co. Phoi)6 3408. EARm.-RADRUNE BUT TO DO HE 1951 Plj-mouth Csmhrldge Club tn extra nice' condition. Fiilly 358 East Center St, . welt# 52 Pearl street. APPLY IN PERSON A fter 7 P. M. 46-4690 Apace pla t ­ WE'VE BEEN CALL- HA«TAKEN OVER... COAWAMO^l ■ ;v BOGS BUNNY. -----«oupe— Heater-Extra, clesin. Juow. triog In. repairn iamofleJing-cop­ fo r m : ‘ mef’K3049immcS'^ aitiM N m tK x fK m tf ' gffa'rsmteed:' Dotiglas M otow , 333 »f)pen Ei’cnings' ’Til 6 • ™ PEAT'HUMtJS, Fhc'celtirii sbll 'c)jm NEW G. E, RefrtKeretor niQdel N. mileage. LINOLEUM Reinnente 50c square per water piping, new construc­ wiTMOirrAREPLy. < ARE CONNECTED AND FUNNY BUSINESS Main. All Dav Saturdnv ’Til 5 ditloner—top deeatiag. Phon'e B. 8., wa* J249; now $179. Five BY HERSHBERGER ..yard, 'Asphalt tUe, wall covering tion.. Tim e .ptym erits, . arranged.. -BOLAND MOTORS - l»?OMEnilNDIM!ON6T OGAVITY POWER PLANT TV«4 14 TM*F»MT 1949 beS oio DeTuke Cliih'Cdope-::- Seif The'New '52 Packard ' 6515. I T s r gaarante'e on; se'aled unit. :OVER 18 IN OPERATION. OASAR OF TM* DILLON'S GUARANTEED Done by reliable, well-trained Edward Johnson. Phone 6979 or Radlo, heater, new seat covers. 369 CENTER ST. Colla Con.struction and Appliance «RA40N.f«rr 1947 MERCURY FOUR-DOOR— men. A ll jobs guaranteed. Hall 5044. R C A. p o w e r Amplifler. High OUT TVHBKS USED CARS Co., 249 Broad atreet. Open eve- AMR W M .r 1946 Dodge Custom 4-Dr.—le t Black. Radio, heater. A real sharp Linoleum Co. 58 liottage street. quality. 2V^atts for mike and nlng.r. • black. Heater end seat covere. 1951 Fbrd Tudor , 8 Cj’l;-=^Heater. local car. See Bob Oliver , today Phone 2-4022, evenings 6166 or Moving— ^TrueWng-— BAKER WANTED, Full Ikhe phono, i ^ a .$.98,75....Sscriflce JTor Center Motor Sales, 461 Mala 8109. . $48. Krah’ s, 367 Main atreft. Four 1941 Chrysler 4-Dr. Town Sedans 1961 Ford Tudor 8 Cyl.— Radio and Storage ; 20 work, six days a week. Apply VVE BUI and sell good used fumi- street. Federal Bake Shop, 885 Main bloekr north of Post Office. tufi, comblnstlon ranges, gas Radio, heater. New seat covers. heater, Fordomattc. WINDOW SHADES made to order MANCHESTER- PACKAGE Deliv- street. ranges and heaters. Jones Furni­ 1951 Ford Tudor 8 Cyl.-- Radio and 1949 .MERCURY 4-door sedan. and Installed. Venetian blinds ery. Local light trucking and ARISTO-BILT, unpainted book­ 1940 Plymouth-Deluxe 4-Dr.—One heater. ture Store. .16 Okk. Phone 2-1041. owner car. Radio, heater. Radio, heater. New Urea. Ex- and curtain rods. 24 hour service package delivery. Refrigerators, WANTED-Dishwasher. Apply cases. chests'and bookcase head 19.50 Ford Club Coupe 8 Cyl.—Ra­ ceptlohally clean car. Fine me­ Estimates gladly given. Fagan washers and._,stove moving a In person. Center. Restaurant, ;'hoards. The Woodshed, 11 Main dio and heater, overdrive. chanics! condition. Price $1,295. Window Shade CSn., Route 44 at specialty. Phone 2-0752. •499 Main street or call 2-8172. street...... ; ' ■..... FUORENCk Combination stove, Barlow Motorr, Wapplng, Conn. Bolton Notch Phone 2-4478. ¥ f ^ - BROWN-BEAUPRE, Inc. i.950 Mercury Sport Sedan--Radlo oil and gas, 4-4. Phone 2-8854. and heater, overdrive. Manchester 5404. AUS'HN A. CHAMBERS C6„ local W A N T E D - Roofer's Hglper. hWat LOAM FOR SALE, $10. per load . A-lli so Bleee9 St. ' Phone 7191 ANTIQUES Reflnished Repairing delivered Call 7196 between 9 1949 Ford Fordor—Radio and heat- and long distance moving, pack­ be able to climb. Start at $f.l0. Do yqii like ,to see the latest ■ C LE A N CARS done on any’ furniture. Tiemann ing, crating and storage. Service Call 7707 after 5;.10. and 5, 7831 after 5; PRISCILLA’S POP Now You See It-r- BY AL VERMEER] 1940 CHEVROLET GOOTE,~g«od • er. oyei-drive. in. furniture, ranges and ap- 1949 F-ord Station Wagon—Radio 189 South Main atreeL , Phone to all parts of the U. S. Call condition. W. J. Webster, 1075 PRICED LOW DEPENDAB(jE, Emergency elec­ , Middle tumplke esst,. , ,snd heater. 5643. 5187. Hartford 6-1423. G ood Humor Salearnen’.s pliance.s. Visit our salesroom LOOK, 1949 Fhrd Tudor — Radio and Written Guftrantees tric power. Attention home own for .savings. All merchandise " L E S T E R A REAL BUY — The automatic ers. poultry men, dairy and tobac­ Ri WHA.T’4 Tt-r IPRA A SAFE PLACE TO BUY heater. . - 1950 Chevrolet Club Coupe— Painting—Papering 21 0 bjective? are $B ld$ A HAIR OhJ . stainless steel ball-bearing clothes co farmers, and contractors. A new. JCame'brands. M V C H B Sr/. O'FOLLERVS' AAR USED CARS 1947. Chevrolet Sedan—Radio and 7.000 miles— $1,425. OUT WITH h e a t e r . __ . _ line requiring, no clothes pins. INTERIOR AND Exterior pajnt- O penings Available. factory engineer will be at our 1949 Chevrolet Tudor — 48,- Btretoh-proefs rust-proof wire— Top.s In Quality THWJI8!4«0W>MU M birm rs one ow-ner, low mllexge 1946 Mercury Tudor — Radio" and Ing-paperhanging. Prompt serv­ store lihucidey 2 p. m. to 9 -p 000 iftiles— $1,095. product of the United S.teel Co. I) eveloped routc.i, unlimited ears. Previous owners name on re­ heater. ice. Good workmanship. Reason­ m. to demonstrate the outsUnd- Lo-w In Price V quest. 1948 Ford "Didor 6 Cyl.— Radio and F'amous Make Power Mower.a For free demonstration without able price. . D. E. Frechette-. earnings. ing features of Onan Stand-By ' w h a t heater. Brigga and Stratton Motor obligation rail 2-0968. Phone. 7630.' Generating Plants. Sizes .500 CHAMBERS FTTRNITURE -JVl I'AA DOIN'.., 1950 Nssh Rambler.Conv,—Radio, H ealthy outdoor work. 1946 Ford Ttidor 6 C y l.R a d io and Save Up To 15% 4attts to 35,000 watts, Mbntgom- A t The Green heater, green. Price $1,395. This healer. COMPLETE Repairs by Stuart R. PAINTING. Paperhenglng. No erv Ward, 824-828 Main street. W olcott on washing mschtnee, job too small. Ekitimatea on out­ ear will be $10 less each day un- 1936 Ford Tudor—Heater. COLE MOTORS— 4164 U ncM^iparable products and Tel. 5161. , Open 9 :30 to 5 , , v« sell It,..„ ..i „ vacuum cieqper8*.;,'b°WCT,. amaU sid e J>Alnting<'9«U ;3rt>726,-■ . 1*48. Fond .n a tfom v B od y 1 H Ton ' r rAl5O^-0980 quipment.- ----'-- — New tires, new paint. . apriiances. Pick up and delivery. FERTILIZER— VlgOro, 100 lbs 1950 Buick Riviera, 4-Dr.—Black, Evening.s 7:3 0 to 8 :3 0 i959„Ford. Platfor.m Body.. 1 li.Xon,. 91 and 436 Center St. A-1 repair. Sales. J.80 Main Repairing 23 $4.55. Drlcotiure lawn, $2..50 50 'radio,' heater.' Original 20,000 ■'Phone'SSbr:------'~- -flUleA':Pete«T 8a;ftM::'. - m r i 6 W '»«tH iS »ek ■ ■BaXON'BittJae.AiM'AE XJ !p ^ rj6 in T £ y iS; lie oe^ ^ 'G R ^ ^ - «te£trte‘refH((efilhf, 'ln good "run­ St9-Main Street POWI9R BimNERa and Range sterUlted end' lrefriiidS'' ' Rke L m«. V. e. e*. 1949 7>6dge Coronet 4-Dr',—Gypsy IT. lim^’T .V 50 lbs. Grass seed, 59c ning order, $35. Call 3414. Cyf, twi bt Wi* Bofmee. Telephone 5185 Burners expertly cleaned and Call Jonea Furniture; and Flow lb - 5 /lbs. $2.59. Plastic garden green. Radio, heater. Price $1,496. serviced. Let up service end re- Covering. 36 Oak. TW.' .2-1041; hose 50' 7.95. Gladiolua bulbs. 1ft s p i n e t in perfect condi- BY I.KSI IE TURNER M ii 16M CHEVROLET four doors; Ultramatic, radio, heater, ■Mlr vqurJvashlnB, machine or R easBure yourself, no in- CAPTAIN EASY \ Uimiasking - “ l -nivor mist « f tmW no mattor what I’m doingl-' ^$$4$ likidge .kB«t ■4ot 4*0. .pahHar bulb*' 3:.Ior. MhL 41.00,«Bl4hagany„..fl«lt>b .saqtiflca.. jfNuafaaM fi' AN D -W B FR IE N I^ • > ” - -1^ heater, black, white, wall Urea. ' ■«mre,'''en*r:*-wnjpM;*'Ta!W ■ m gefitd r.' Me'fffO S4'r^'ce.''2-688S. NOW WiArt A Miuure, i m . 7HEW models to choose from. All are Bairiboo Rake 24” , $2.98. Garden for cash. Write Box P, Herald. '7 MR. tKlon { / ripicvlovsi dr. iqiRiBk (g1 Bur rpKNow .Fiice $1,295,,,: ...... OnJjv 10,00.0, milbs. Sold'Jor .TMM" flCOUNORU. i m'^OKHumu THERE'4 AMRIUB^RElNVABOUt, .yOULCMIEME .qwpaj‘;:‘i‘gra, .:.F*c«ilJiwf WfWMtW*; An* :a0'iUCtiuntE .^^eseT^lanM,-roller $%.- -per.- .day.. r'JWEIBUSnRWId . 1948 -Plymouth -SpeGial Deluxe -4 copdUipn, 'Fully-, equlpp«d,ar and .Ecpalting.,,, Cornices . made to - tong: qhecabfriet sink, eo'Inch es’^ (jOHNA REPCIRT TROUBLE l B $ 4 1 «4 j. 10 KhWE V IMreSTISATeo WORE TOBBSlOEraJ; COiMB.IOUlHiavJ guarantee. Beihitii ul. greehl’ • Diaston spring steel lawn -rajee, Tmogb NbW DfESBAS c o m b thru MERE TOO DURN FAST! WEARY IMATIOU / Radio, -healer, gray. Price fully guaranteed. For the . vary order. Phone 2-9533. lorig, double dfain arid spray hose TT tW T tN A R rM V m HIM TO 7M' F.M., ^ n e» M NO POBinON HIRE WE 9NIP you AUV MORE PARTfli nECAROUETiy, - r e ? $1,025. best fn values SeF'^Boh, bltver^ 1952 looks good for Y O U $2.98. Phone We will deliver. S AND TAKE THE WANTA "L FIRST AND Second mortgages ih S V AN' ME 6 0 r AH' 7HEYa UMtM'- IN KMS!5 H. Green Stamps. Houseware «'»o Easy Spin WHEEL! \ Center Motor Sales, 461*’ Main bought for our own account. Fast. type wa.sher. All in good edndl- HIM CONUICTEPl 1950 Plymouth 4-Dr. Special. De- street. BRUNNEK’S PACKARD ALL TYPES o f carpenter work', Up to 2 5 % Commis.sion ■ Dept. J. W. Hale Corp. 4123. - l u x e — Blue, Radio, heater.'— 358 F'.ast Center St. including repairs. Phone 2r4848 conOdential wrvlce. Manchester tioh. Call 2-1614 or 47‘ Cottage $1,495. Investment Corp., M7 Main BABY CARRIAGE — English street after, 5 p. m. ■1942 CHEVROLET platform dump Open Evenings ’Til 9 Upon receipt of your letter or ■At-- tnick. 12' body. Call 3206 aftei;6 TYPEWRITERS and adding ma street Phone 5416. telephone call. Mr. A1 Torello, of coach type; also baby scale.. Call All Day Saturday ’Til 5 STOVES, Refrigerators, washers, 1947 Dodge 4-Dr.—Radio, beater, p m . chines repaired and overhauled. Good' Humor Corp.. 25 Jamea St., 4866. green, cuatom—$995. See ’The New ‘52 Packard Work guaranteed. Wione 2-3418. New Haven, Conn., wUl'contact you bed* arid other good used furni­ Business Opportunities 32 BOLENS POWER-HO Hand Trac-: CLEAN lmmedi|UeIy at your residence.' ture. The Woodshed, 11 Main 2949 Dodge 4-Dr.—Radio, heater, EXTRA 1939 N a s h opera,. coupe, good 'RUBBISH And ashes removed. Im­ tor with 30'' lawnmower and 42' street. •■ ' two-tone gray and red. custom, transp'prtation, • $8.5. Inquire 192 mediate serviOli. Reasonable rates. sno'S’ plow. Used three, seasons. USED CARS GROCERY and GENERAL WANTED—Two nien with grad' white wall tires— $1,195. Hollister rtreet. or Tel. 7557. Call 2-9273. 2-9706. • ing experience. Must be able to In good operating condition. Save SEWING MACHINE sale,. Save up B Y BR0WN%BEAUPRE ’ handle wooden end Iron rekee $i00 on new price. R. E. Beach, to $60. Portables and consoles SOLIMENE, Inc. GET BETTER RVALUE ON PELEVISION and radio servicing, STORE i Full or part time. Phone 4523. 143 Boulder road. - Phoqe 2^4495 with all the latest features. Guar­ Dodge-PIymouth Cara 1951 Plymouth Cambridge Club A BE’TTER USED CAR sgiss and Installations. AH work after 7 p. m. or Saturday. anteed 20 years, Krah’s, 367 Main i Coupe— Heater. Extra nice. Be'- guaranteed. Phone 2-0110. ■ Growing Suburban Area street, 4 blocks north of Post Of­ Job-Rated Trucks •WANTED GOOD, CLEANflow manure. Four low ceiling price. AT Ha RDWOOD Floors laid, sanded fice. VIC F U N T BY MICHAKI. O’MAL' '634 Center Street loads. No delivery. 113 Nqjth Perfect? BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. -and flnis'hed. No job too smaH Good opportunity for right MAN TO WORK Phone 6101 qr 5102 1951 Chevrolet Sfylellne 4-Dr.—Jet "S'ehbbI street, Manchester. VACUUM Cleaners drastically re­ VHa RAM lO R fO /A FOIC^^eR BHkLLBT Call 2-072‘6.______party. Can be purchased for IN SERVICE STATION ooM,Avy TpeS'-T-ey ac SVEN 9 0 , IT CAM& OFF COWE ON,ALt-WgGdn; Je Place To Buy Used Cara black, heater. Save. duced. Tank and upright. $29.75 CVJSJCfiC/ HAfr U4CD M K OANCINO X HA'VttNT PONB THAT PERFECTLY. TMERE A R E . TMATS RIGHT— EIGHT 1951 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan— PLo 'W Yo u r own garden. We value of stock and fixtures KEEP A » i ] A N D GARAG E MUST SACRIFICE and up. Krah’s, 387 Main street. SKILL TO eOMVUT A »p»KPBCTCRm6.' BALANCINO TRICK IM A"1 ONLY TUP'S FOOT PRIMT5 O'CLOCK/ X WAMTtJ BLIND 1950 Chrysler Windsor 4-Dr.—Ra- Powerglide. APOLOGIZC for MAKNG-el - T A U J iy B y iM i V - . PL'YMOUTH FOURrDOOR— rent and rell Rotary tiUera. power (about $5,000). Favorable 1950 MERCURY 2-DR. SEDAN LONO "TIMB. ON THAT MUPI7Y FLOOR. Good running condition. Price ' dio, heater. Extra nice. YOU WALK HOME THE ' " CRuesiORe/. 1950 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan—r and hand rollers, spreaders, lease and options. Owners have Radio and heater, overdrive CAPEHART AM-FM Radio. 3- t h e p o l ic e w ill n e v e r . $250. 31 Lockwood street. Phone sweepers, sickel bars, rotary References required. Steady OlHER EVENING/ 1950 Dodge '» Ton Pickup—Heat­ Hydramatic. good reason for selling. white wall tires (7) many other speed phonograph. Waa $289.95, le u o w h o w s« © o r a 7252. mowera; Igwn carts, chain saws work and good pay for a good er. Just like, new. 1950 Buick Special 4-Dr. Se­ extras; ' now $239.95. Krah's. 367" Main m m B M H it mActe/i and poat hole diggers. Call 7958. manWho is not afraid of work. street. Four blocks north of Post LOOK THIS OVER! dan— Dynaflow. Tel. 5054 For Appointment 1949 DeSoto Deluxe Club Coupe-r,,- Capitol Equipment Co., 38 Mein See Van for intendew a t' TWO WHEEL CAMP TRAILER. Office. 1949 Pontiac Sedan Coupe. street. • WITH HITCH AND 1948 PACKARD 4-DR. Radio, heater, white Urea. Save. SPARE TIME 1948 Chevrolet Conv. Coupe. FLOOR PROBLEMS solved wttlr SPARE TIRE G;E. w a s h i n g Machine with 1949 PonUac Chieftain 'Deluxe 4- V A N ’S S e r v i c e s t a t i o n automatic drainer and skirt. Ex- DELUXE 1948 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan. ■ Hnoieum, asphalt tUe counter. OPPORTUNITY FLAMBEAU OUTBOARD Dr.-rHydramatic. radio, heater. A N D GARAGE cellant condltibn. Phone 4919 . One owner clean car, Ehepert workmanship, free esti­ ' MOTOR Radio, heater, defroster, over­ L ow COST mates. Open evenings. Jones Fur­ Small route for Sale. W hite’s after 7 p. m. drive, electromatlc clutch, fender- m 427 Hartford Road Hardly Used. 214 H. P. ^ A ' , • „ 1947 Pontlgc Club Coupe— Radio TRANSPORTA’nON niture. Oak atreeL phone 2-1041. Comb Vendors on location in FREEZERS—16 cu ft. Automatic •hields, spotleaa black, no dents, and heate'r. Jet black. SALESMAN, Experienced only; A 14' ROVVBOAT no marks. Looks and drives like Hartford Area. For details llghL thrifty double llda. No c o n -, •A''. •'•'•4' 1942 Hudson 4-Dr. ASHES AND RUBBISH RE- man who can sell new and used (Newly Painted) new car. Sold for $2,950. Priced at 1941 Chrysler New write Box D, c q Herald. deneatlon on humid days/ Con­ '.~ ¥ ' ,i ‘ A - n ^ s J i Yprker 4-Dr. 1938 Buick Club Coupe. MO'VED. Telephone 2-4997. cars and appraise used cars. Must $1,295. Yes, only $1,295.' — Ebrtra clean. Inquire 157 Pine Street venient etorage baakeu and di­ be 'aggrenive and willing. A ■»■’**» wan viders. Save hours o f tlreaomri - i S BJttJNNER’S PACKARD Household Services^ Help Wanted— Female 35 . good opportuaity in a small shopping. Fully protected with BALCH PONTIAC. Inc. dealership. Salary and commis­ 358 East Center St. Your Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer Offered 13*A Boat* and ‘Accessoriea 46 M. W. W a rra n t. Regular price 6. 155 Center St. —< Manchester WOMAN WANTED for housework sion. It not enable, of earning $429.95; Sale $395.ro. Montg«m- C^n/Evenlngs Til 9 6RQAN10V Oirtalne laundered by Ail Day Saturday Til 5 > Phone 2-4645 ’ -and care of children, 9 to.12, three over $6,000 yearly do not apply. SPORTSMEN Note! 11 foot lea ery Ward, 828 Main street. W IO W N -B E A U P R E . Inc. hand. Will can for and deliver. morningi a week. Writ# Box M, •led, transportable on-t ear top. • W The New '53 ^ k a r d 30 BisaeU S t Phone 7191 McClurt Auto 373 ' Main Open Evenings Until 10 P. M. Phone 2-0643. •Herald. ^■t'raeL. 192 HoUlster, or Tal. 7587. OlHER ADVS. ON PAGE S PAGE EIGHTEEN Hanrlifatpr lEpenlnfl TSeraUi Rag Collection to Aid Cancer Fund Will Be Held Tomorrow

The Mtsiriqnary Circla of the A b o u t T o w n ■BftMuiuel .Uithcfaa-C3utrchJg..gp

Girl Bcouta q( Troop 4 and I MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. APRIL 18. 1952 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE nVE CENT^ CHOPPED BEEF Brownlca o( Troop 30, which meet | G£T FAMOUS at the Emanuel Lutheran Church, j Ye*, everv pound of Pinch urst chopped beef i* not only EKCO; anil their mothcra and leadcra are 11 freshly Rround, but it’s FLAVOR-RICH. Only absolutely Invited to he giicata of Girl Scout fresh government inspected Iwef is used in our ground Tropp 10 and Brownie Troop 26 meaU . . and in. either - the 65c Hamburg or T9c lean’ FLINT KNIVES of Sl.^Mary’a Church at a get-to- | cctijrt^and Smped Veef y^iu Rrt wonderful night' fr}>m to 9 (TClOck n t St. 'I This week end we feature the 65c hamburg at a special NOW . .. at These Mary's Chjirch. Movies w£ll he I nrice . . . use it for meat loaf. For hamburgs or meat Special Prices! shown and refreshments served. '1 baDs, we suggest our leaner 79c LEAN (iROUNO BEEF, , A daughter Waa born at the Can be prepared from the Food Values at Hartford ,Hosp|tal''‘ Moriday to M r-!. hPIWeMURST ItlW tA R 7------and Mra. Alexander Penny of 14 Short..8treflt,.„,.„ ______lb. COOK'S KNrt An Important meeting of the anniversary committee of Mian- Rtf ulbr PrUt $1.95' H A is E ^ ir NOWONLY 'tonomoh Tribe, IROM, wlll be held- JMU4a from fresh meat , . not ground > h r^ , but r h o p j^ freoh tomorrow night at the Red Men's at frequent lnter\-al*. dlchif ond chop|ilBB Social. Club at 8. o'clock,, :...^ ^wicb and oaiy. 9St Made Record Bombing Flight ( I f you want cube ateSk* or round ateak ground, aeleet a cut Trends and we wtll gladly grind or cube for you), CbnviGlg .u* Li'Jl'WS eiNIHUaST IIA N GROUND »EII= ...... lb. 7tc d r e on HALE'S CUDAHY’S SUNLIGHT GRANDMOTHER’S \ rum umiTr.sTtAK f t o m w T mva PURE JELLIES Textiles To Remain Price PINEHURST FRESH POULTRY Rift^fprteii ir.ts ^ Headquarters .wa-vj - NOW ONlYi BUTTER 'AP~Pii: AND RA8PBF.RRY'' Tony Buyssee had just better be careful when he cuts FOR ' APPLE AND GRAPE 2 I Uk M >8 a btoidfAd • APPLE Dips in N. E. For Days those f(vwl up and makes them ready for you to fricassee. I ways. Yau'H waul o Rahway, N. J., April 18— itl of ibi or MOr». (yp)— Rioting convict* staged They comeFAHM FRKSH from Tony’s Coventry poultry 79( 1 Lb. ; XQuvM:L|,(e«4«er -Washington, April 18— (fP) it iH .' 'Jars Poston, April 18-^/Pj-—The a major rebellion at Rahway Giraih*, Neb;, April 18—HouiiCware» Dept. t a r o e ing ,o L t ^ ..wacflqn .apd-a revamp-, amt H*t|pt TH E H P>IE .0F WILSQ.N * C P,. SNOW iSNOW 2 FOH the Democrade noroinailhg conven- to Kansas-City. I *8" FOR ■'.tawrent'e' ITJIOO- down - -to- -3;300. flii*..itad..jet.-wa*. ah0i.-4p.w2i . AAd •mea- the. buU>z**lL,ot th *. JCocniii.... and powdPra tnriuding: tlon at Chicago. ‘‘‘-^•Doctore-,- -flawyer*. -• bwstwesa--ex- STANDING RIB ROAST . . Lb. 75e 3 Cans Pkg’...... 5 9 g Lowell 10,600 down 100. eciiUves, students, newspapermen three were damaged. wer. COI.OATE New' Bedford 7,200 down 2,800. "Tills is not a gesture; nor a Allied losses, if any. are report­ Th* Capehart amendment re­ 55c •holding operation," Sen. Herbert and- other volunteer* took, their' CHI,OKOnRNT BLOCK CHUCK POT ROAST ...... Lb. 7Se I Fall River 8.700 down 4,200, turn heaving sandbags on the ed weekly. quire* OPS to -show .manufactur­ LiChman said. Somewhere in AMM-I-DF-XT Harriiltoh W. "Thayer, general _ , _ ^ I-dikes'to strengthen them against ’ One MIG was shot down amd ArmyMai^s Cost ers to lisa prc-Koresn price* and BONELESS CHUCK POT ROAST Lbe «9 c . manager of - the .Draper .Corpora? I.,ehman said that Harriman’* two were damaged In one of five add all coat increases up to last - T,TONs — ■ ■ TA'me 'woina " be' piisbe’d tn other tlon at Hopodale, Maaa.,.nianufac- Southern Calif.* sour! valley h f* ever known.^ moriSlllif' batne's wHIbh' iilAtched 'a' juryzs.""...... ;...... r--- I'EPSODRXT CAMAY turers of textile niachlnery. gaye ... Fahlaatlc. Volume.. ------. *0.^'“L- T . l j L ; - .Waahlngton,-Apra ll?ivM1---‘rhe,;fl)fac*rji »ere h«» Am all said that th* uniform 16------tr,\NA--...... - ■■ •AHCuf Prgm-WesterB Steer Beef fi diial vi'ica.siirc of encouragement Tnade-eo obtain- the Presi- The great battle was to get alah-(ype'MtGa.' coat of house maids and butlers reported. cmaae mi'gii't iie'ahgKtTy raorelH Ii 3 FOR 2 FOR Loe Angeles, .April 18— (81— ^5rr Grade, U. S. Good and Choice by forecasting- Civilian .lo th .pro^ the crest of the river safely past The third MIG waa damaged In for U. 8. soldiers and their fam i­ ,T1»e armed force* have con­ some steel firma would b* entitled after .A nnn-srheduled C-46 plane duction wUj incrcg.se and declaring .. the narrow Omaha channel an afternoon dogfight involving 50 lies In occupied Germany, headed tended the aervants war* among to. BuC he added: 1 State's Democratic bigwigs 23 c 59c his plant will not leave. New Eng­ missing more than six hours through which the water Is flow- Sabrea and about 80 MIGi. texlay for Senate scrutiny. banefita provided, by the German "Even I f some companies ihouM SHAVING NEEDS honored the foreign aid chief at a wns, reported by police to hnve Fifth Air Force flghler-bomberi. FRESH GROUND BEEF .. Lb. A7e land. . ing-at the fantasttc rateof 286 The Senate _____ and coat U. 8,.tax?_ aoply: f or and gat a calling At more SUGAR H E A R I TENDER s u n Gr e s t - Thayer .said textile nianutac.- dinner which wia* attended by era«hed and burned today at billion gallon* per day. , hampered all w'eek by bad weath- committee ordered the study to payera "nothing, twugtai told the than-thme doTliN. T doubt If they Wllllama Shaving Craam CUT-UP BEEF FOR STEW Lb. 84e attackttq; enemy rail SMC turing will -swing upward when other asnlrantif for the Demoersi Mihurban North Whtttter North of Omaha, the Missouri show whethar occupation forces aubeommUtee the United Sutea would want to pUt the hlgher'priM tVtIllama Ulidcr ORANGE ftHD CAMftYl! tic presidential nomination. The Heights, Calif. facilities five mllea north of live so extravagantly they -have supports the West German econo­ Into a ffe c t It would, diaturb prioe and Kwakaon, about 4? mllei from the AVIlllama Aqua .Vpiva Lb. 87c BATH S IZE (Continued on Page Ten) dinner was conaldered .the Mart (Conttnued on Pago Ten) aroused resentment among the my, and Utat money drained from ralationahlpe between companlee BABY BEEF LIVER ...... SWEET PEAS GRAPEFRUIT Spic' of a boom for Harriman by the Loa Angelea, April 18— i'/P>—A Manchurian - border, when five people of .West Germany and other th* German government to pro­ and those with the higher pria* SPAN flighta of MIGa appeared. ~Pick up titesD Hair Heeds. nnd moat other nattonttllj-.iMlv, ELM CITY SLICED BACON- Lb. 49e » FOB „ ... 2 p-OR .state .c o m m itte e ..^ __;...... ____ hon^seheduM C?46 a I t p l a n a .occupied, areaa.,Including . Auttrla. vide ’'luxury living" and “admptu- m ight, not he. .«d»la. to. .•a.h t h w . ahaving prpparatlona. SECTIONS Sp» Primary Tuesday ~ with 28 persona reported aboard 'Oh the ground., Coih'nnmtat pa- and Japan. Chairman H u n t.(D - diis blUeti" ftir UT 8, aervlc* man steel In competition." They're rationally advertised New York will elect 90 delegales was :mi*slng In smiihem Califor­ trola continued to leal out Ifnited Wyn.T laid th r spotlight ia on t)ie haa lo be replaced by U. 8. aid. No. .503 Ike Supporters French Attack Netlona defensea. They' concen­ Ope company Official told'S 'riif LinLE LINK SAUSAGE ...... Lb. A9c 23c 47c at the primary next Tuesday. nia today, coats In Germany. Hunt said he also would like to porter after th* aeaaion With Saw­ in McCall's. TOW N HOFSR 2 Cans Eight other delegate* at large, Starch A ir Force Baae at trated on the western snd central Sen. Douglas (D-III.). urged the know more about report* that WE MAKE OUR OWN SAUSAGE tdEAT : Lb. 69c froiita. yer that to him the sttuatiOB Conti Caatllp Shanipis) 2 CANS each with one-half vote, will be RIveralde said the plane waa en- Vietminh Reds inquiry In teatimpny before the Aiperlcana on varli^ua government looked aa.blaick a* ever. SMALL LEAN FRESH SHOULDERS...... Lb. 45c Call Voters to route from Phoenix, Arts., to Intermittent enemy artillery fell mtaalons In Germany acquired val- llalp Shampoo elected later By the state com­ aubcommitte* yeatierday In whieh The steel executive* were head* Craekeri d e p a r t m e n t mittee. Lna .Angeles. Friday along aectora wea.t of the he Bald, "W e can't defend the ■uabte helrloonM from financially Brprk Shampoo LEAN AND MEATY SPARERIBS Lb. 53c MEAT 'Pukhan river In the Center of the ed by Benjamin F, Fairies*, preal- The action of the county chair­ It- last reported at S;17 si m. - world against Communism on a pinched'. Gertnana ' at diatresa iPenii. Primary to the Riverside airport, and at 111 Vital Sector prices, caiudng'ill will on th* part Toni _C'rpmr Shampoo 21e and 35c A nice change from the holiday fare could be: man will, be conveyed t.o Harri- Waldorf-Aatoria iq:*le of living." (Cbatlaned ea Page Tea) Tonl WhltP Knin Shampoo that time waa cleared for an ap­ (Contimmd on Page Tea) (Keck osi Valet* Of many German*. Philadelphia,. A-P r I L I t . : proach and Isadlng-at I.aa Ange­ ■ With French Forces at Phy Lu. . ,Hs aald the'teatimony will come . .. —- (Contlnued 'on Page Ten) Hunt, announcingthls-group.wUL SMOKED MEATS Republican backers of' Geri. les International airport. North Viet Nam. April IlY-(d1- - go Ihtft th* 'queatiwn, ■probably from Brig. Gan. J. • E. BInna, 100% I’urp Caatllp Shampoo Dwight D. Eisenhower whooped There has been no report slnee French Union troop* wading knee Comptroller for the Army'* Euro­ •tSr and 79r NEW TUIXTIE Chuck Pot Roast some time next week, said he SPERRY & BARNES up today a final "get out the Ike Treasury Balanfe from the plane. deep through rice (lelda and pro­ wants to know more about the pean Command, and Brig- Gen. l.uktrp Crpmp Shamp COOKIES 34e vote" drive for Tuesday’s. Pennsyl- Afareh AF B sent an amphib­ tected by an umbrella of heavy "house . maids, butlera and- other Uoyd P. Hopgood, Chief of Air SHANKLESS SHOULDERS ...... Lb. 53c artillery fire launched a new of­ News Tidbits B u lletin s and othor popular uiakoa BLOCK ROAST Boneless Boll Yonia primary election. Washington, April 18—(jP) T h e ian aearefa plane aloft at- aun- servants" Douglas ha* heard wer* Force Parsonnel • Planning., GROTE & WEIGEL COTTAGE ROLLS . .. Lb. 85e In atark contrast, since the bal- position of the Treasury April 16; rl'se. Two Coaat Guard splanea fensive at dawn today. , provided for. servicemen and , their ‘The BubcomrhtUee Is looking from thfl AP WkM SHI’RFIXE PRESERVE* Culled from 'AP Wire* fERRIS. HICKORY * . Frozen Food Special lottlng will help choose most of N et hudoet receipts, 3150,593,- and others from ^the Xiril Air They hoped to wipe out Com- .families In Genn*nV' Hunt said he the members of the third largest 792.01: hiidget expenditure*. $287,;' patrol and the ' IAS Angelea munlat-led Vietminh troops in this would ^.inquire, whether yalett for (Cantlniied on Page 'Pda)-- i-mportant sector -of- the -vital -R-ed- STRAWBERRY SMOKED WHOLE HAMS ...... Lb. 69c SNOW CROP delegalioh to' th'e GOP 'riatlohSl 287,538;60;'; cAkh~ Balance. 23,671',- M o t o r Vehicle Department DEctm n txmBoatT *r I t t . convention, Sen. Robert A. Taft of 848,104.99. river delta. FORST FORMOST BONELESS ROULEHES Lb. 73c lb. (Conttnned on Page T e n ). ready to crack down, on aervlce _ J!V.#eWiMrto»i. A p r t H ( f i j - . .,,.9hto,., ailkec .{OP^Iflcails^th.gt^^^ •■nie Freneh, attacking the Vlet- The W hite Hm se decided teday^ ‘ jP "'|E'A 'O H -ES ■■■1? ctz';'<2'5€' . qi-g. nbtTBmlpt for him. Tliey'co.uld, mlhii In a' V-ahafetf'dred tsitieden-' AlaDoAa.,-6(hish,.atsU. -,teiiiaric which IfMjiad be ROASTING CHICKENS 8e9 LB; AVG, ... 1^; 63c the. election, no cOheeftM. effort BYracs Lashes aaaft Chptured a numlmr ' ’V-'TT* • - - ' - I ■' LARfiF., TENDER, .SWEET FRESH DRESSED ‘)!>F‘idHagwr*hnd': Twmded 'hp-'liBitv ■■■» r - m -r'-- -oa- 'jaaa'-'Aw.'arit'g -NATI\NF''“CAPONS-v-rY'i'ier*-t: ‘r'-i’-, 4^1-’ -S U C C .Q T ” ■ w flz:;24c - ^-it- any' htnd waa be*nr-*"«d*^"t" iMilldlng tn Hol]^ke, Maaa. SHURPINE FANCY "obtain write-in votes for any of dreds of suspected Vietminh aol as be Kd tb* eteel Indml^. H , 2 Forj EVISCERATED TURKEYS 11*13 LB, Lb. 79c . SNOW 4Sc Hunt Seveii Fliers conference—right after Truman though R li^ter waa convinced he - jhiifl if th* father cooperated, today » • * 80 Or. Pkg I8c CUCUMBERS For James 'F. Byrnev today accused and a nurse at^hiladelphla Gener­ KHI'RFIXF. • became President— to Russian oc­ was buying" hla aon’e safe return. V High quolity**-prepared by RATH President Truman .of spreading al Hospital. "H e said, Thla M purely a bual- W A KE D . .. III cupation o f ' East' Poland and Against Diff. Gibson While poUce and the FBI mar- neaa deal and will, require 350,000 Matthew B. PANCAKE SYRUP„ GRAPEFRUIT You always' receive 10% off when you buy 12 or Atlantic Ocean falsehoods about him and of sub- Michigan now forbids Com­ to soeesed QOLVslflht-D.jgyc Polish occupation of Germany EAst- ahal'led forces to meet what they in diamonds and $5,000 In cash for VERMONT MAID O J im WHOLE SECnoNS HALE'S GOOD atitutthg ‘'fiction fbr hlatory" tn. . _. munist party place oa It* election -ealMwer ee Sopee— ABIedoasto^ mere poekoges of frozen fruits or vegetables. Save Bridgeport. April 18—(IP)— Dr. thought wa* a genuine kidnaping,- you -to get your boy back’,” Rich­ i : Oz. Battle flCOC 16 Ox. Can ROCKTURNIPS Halifax, N. S.. April 18—(dV- describing U. S.-Ruaaian relations , ballot,. . . U. S. High Commlaaion the child waa riding In a Uxicab mander la Muiape. your money and buy d l your meats and frozen Planea and ahipa doclged freqkiaH 3— He denied that the U. 8. waaDonald F. Glbadn of Redding, who decidea to chop o ff 45 rollHOn dol­ ter reported. CALIFORNIA In the dangerous months o f ' the from a private school at Miami la 'aoprenw Cemawadw GROUND BEEF u 65c weather o ff the Nova Scotia coaat eager at Potsdam to get Russia in­ In the past four months haa faced lars annually la frill* In Germany, Vetllle* Staty Usltod Natleae T o rtm la tha- fruits and vegetobles at the developing Cold War. a manslaughter trial and* hearing ^ach to Doctor's Hospital In today searching for possible aur- The South Carolina Governor, to the war against Japan. Bymea despite Army protest*. Coral Gables, a distance of about llie caller warned Richter the Fhr E ai^ by the State Medical Examining - I . Bch*.. CORNED vivora from two Canadian Navy said he hoped the Japanese would Robert R, Church, 45, once con­ boy’s life woUld be in danger if ■■■• ■ _____ ..5'. GRAPEFRUIT For CARROTS who was Truman’* Secretary of bSard. I* now the defendant In a 12 mllea. . planes that apparently collided and State from 1945 until early 1947, surrender before Russia could en sidered one O f OOP's moat la- Unwilling Dupes. police were notified, and gave him BJBOPEN LE N TS DASM_ GOLDEN CAUFOfeNTA LARGE SIZE FLORIDA ter the war. Truman, he said, "lad $25,000 damSge suit. crashed during Fleet A ir Arm replied in a scathing article pub­ nuebtial Negroea, dies of heart Police aai'd the ploturs used the five minutes to verify the story. maneuvera-laat night me to believe he shared my view.” It waa filed against him here BerilB, . April IS SPARE RI6S7 u49c lished In Cblller'a magazine to ailment In Memphis, Tenn. . . . school, the taxi company and the Richter qutclUy callpd the There were no' Indications that 4— Bymea deniad quitting asyesterday by the Danbury Nation­ authoriOas Bch. Doz. statements Truman made about Dense locust swarm cover* area j hospitid a* unwilling ,dup4a in school, learned hla son was gone, CARROTS 9c ORANGES You’ll find a good variety of ocean foods in Hale’s Sea­ any of the seven men aboard the Becretuy o f State because o f any al Bank, of Danbury, executor of then decided to notify police. MefeasOUd. him In the recent book "M,r‘ Presi­ the will of the late Samuel A. two by four mllea near Addis their ahakedown. favelrts atevle' food .supply— FISH TO BAKE, BOIL. FRY OR BROIL. planea survived. "One search ship sprap with the President He said the While DetecUves It. H. Wiggins dent;” Schwak, * Danbury grocer. It ac Ababa. As police reconstructed aharaM ef.Q M Also FRESH OYSTERS, STEAMERS, LITTLENECKS reported finding- wreckage but no ha resigned solely because he suf­ Pravda say* U. S. is willing to crime. It happened thla way: and E. A.' Taunton Were enroute W a hova 10 lb. sacks df Green Stamp* Given With Caah Sales' ' Denlea, Call Down cuaes Dr. Glhaon of non-payment Westt Derka ea# 4 L T. WOOD a l^ o f life. fered from a heart ailmeat And he spend blllioD dollari for new atom A man who said he was "Dr. to Richter’* jewelry etore, hi* and QUOHOGS. Byrne* went beyond denying— of three loans made to him’ - by^ Th* Wahe boking pototoos. The air search was hampered by said thatrtor at least tv^o year* bomb plant but unHlIllBg to spend Hendaraon” called the Yellow Cab' phone fang a ^ ln . as he haa don4 before— that he Schwak,. tojallng 321,000; IPtC s waa ceiling zero conditions in early after hit reaignation he and Tru funds for flood control . . . Count Co;, at Miami Beach and asked "H e gave me inatructlona to Abe'^waNfrertss, cucum* As previously announced. Mrs. Albert Conlon re­ got a peraonal dreaafng down from In December, Dr. Gibson wa* fleatlsa eaort Locker Plant and Meat Hoase morning hopra but when the cetl- man remained on cordial terms. on . military, draft deferment poli­ them to pick-up Ricky Richter at take the Jewels snd money to a Truman right after- the' Moscow In addition to the ColUer’i arti­ tri^ in Superior Court here on bars and Califflimia as* ceived rhe Big Bunny given oway last week In Hale's Ing.Jift^ both Canadian A ir fyree Coburn school and drive him to phone booth In the Ponce de Leon year ago, bat 51 BISSELL STREET TEL. 8424 conference . of 1945. By Truman’* cle, Bymea made public a medical charge of manslaughter |TO«1ng cies to remain same through U>ia tfeay bib »A porogus. meat department in connection with our highly suc­ and Navy planea were thrown lilto year and next, aaya Dr. Arthur 8. the hospital, purportedly to be Hotel,” Richter related. "I told Th«iik(HAUeo the hunt.' accouht,' the Preside.nt read record o f 'hia heart conditton— de- out of the death of M iu Elizabeth M with kit “gravely lU’ mother. ^ ■■aMAiiofm Coil Byrnei a memo saying he. was Flemming, assistant to director of SEE YOU SO O N cessful promotion of top guolity Easter hams. defense moblUsation. Almoet elmultsneouely, a wom- (Cealiaasd aa N g a Toe) (OoattnMd «a Faga Tiuw) tired of "babying the,, Soviet*." (OaaUaned «■ P*C* F««r) (CoaHaoed on Pag* Itoee) ^ r : ■ "'>1 V ■ ■ iA ' • , ; I.J. 'I ■ i I