Square Time is Spring step in the pattern. No larva becomes Late fall was once the beginning of a butterfly without sojourning in the the new square dance season, when pupa stage; no child walks until he has graduates of ten-lesson classes tested crept. We can apply the examples in new-found skills at their area clubs. nature to our experiences with gradu- Today, with lessons extending twenty ate dancers. We — dancers and callers weeks and longer, from early Septem- alike — should make these dancers feel ber through the winter months, spring welcome at their first club dances, in- becomes the time for the cultivation sure that their fledgling flights into the of "seedling" dancers. new "level" are smooth and fun, and It's been warm here this week, and pave the way for natural progression the garden beckons insistently. All over into strange and more advanced figures. the yard, there is evidence of growth We should also encourage the gradu- as daffodil buds appear, crocuses show ates to be well-oriented to club dan- their colors, dogwood and lilac trees cing and develop confidence in their flash a hint of green. ability and dancing skills before they Several years ago (November, 1969) progress to more advanced workshops this magazine featured, "Growing Dan- and challenge groups. Skipping steps cers Step By Step." Its basic theme will only lead to frustration and in- bears repeating, since this is the season creased drop-outs. for the nurture of newer dancers in the Gardens are work, hard work, and club gardens, as well as for the rose- a good crop is never raised by neglect. bushes outdoors. Let's keep this in mind as we cultivate Everything that grows has a pattern; the spring 1972 graduates into well nothing in the natural order skips a rounded club dancers.

2 AMERICAN * VOLUMEMAY, 1972 27, No. 5 SQUARE * DANCE -)E "THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE WITH THE SWINGING LINES" Publishers and Editors Stan & Cathie Burdick Workshop Editor Willard Orlich Easy-Level Editor Bob Howell Record Reviewers Doug Edwards Phyl & Frank Lehnert Feature Writers 2 Editors' Page Harold & Lill Bausch 4 Grand Zip Dewey Berry 6 Meanderings Fred Freuthal 9 Mood Music 11 Single Square Dancers Myrtis Litman 12 One Night Stands Editorial Assistants 15 Caller-Leader Directory Mary Fabik 16 The Problem At Hand Mef Merrell 19 Round Dancing Is Fun 20 Feedback National Advisory Board 21 Sketchbook Commentary Edna & Gene Arnfield 22 Puzzle Page Bob Augustin 25 Mix 'n Match Al "Tex" Brownlee 26 Dancing Tips Louis Calhoun 27 Calling Tips Orphie Easson 29 Straight Talk Jerry Helt Phyl & Frank Lehnert 32 You Know You've Goofed Melton Luttrell 34 Square Line Singin' Sam Mitchell 36 S/D Record Reviews Ken Oppenlander 38 News Vaughn Parrish 39 Challenge Chatter Dave Taylor 41 Easy Level Page Bob Wickers 42 Dandy Idea 43 Best Club Trick *, 45 Workshop AMERICAN SOUAREDANCE magazine is 52 Steal A Little Peek published monthly at 216 Williams St., Hur- 54 Product Line on, Ohio, by Burdick Enterprises. Second 55 R/D Record Reviews class postage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy deadline first of month preceding date of is- 56 Events sue. Subscription: $5.00 per year. Single co- 61 Bookshelf pies:50 cents each. Mailing address: Box 788, 63 Sign-Off Word Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Copyright 1972 by 64 DoCiDo Dolores Burdick Enterprises. All rights reserved. -x- 3 Please send me this issue, if possible, and determine if I am scheduled to receive the remaining issues of my subscription. A. Gene Spence Greenville, S.C. ED NOTE: Notify us whenever this occurs. A replacement copy will be sent by return mail. Dear Sirs: Enjoyed reading a copy of your square dance magazine, so would like to have a subscription to SQUARE DANCE. I belong to Seminole Square Dance club of Miami, Florida, and just received a pin for ten year mem- Wow! I sure didn't expect anything bership. like that. Ever since Billie and I have Am enclosing a check for 55.00 been square dancing, it has been one for a year's subscription. pleasant surprise after another. We feel Dorothy Schneider that having an article printed in a top- Miami, Fla. flight magazine is a highlight of our ED NOTE: Since a special rate of $3.00 is square dance life. Thank you for the now offered to all new subscribers, those honor. I have one correction that sending $5.00 are given a 17-month sub- could be made, but probably would scription. Renewals continue at the regular be noticed only by Washington State rate of $5.00 per year. people. The line "notes from a speech Please put me on your subscription given at the 1971 Seattle Seminar" list starting with the March issue. I've should have read "notes from a speech seen your magazine at Lincoln Center given at State Leadership Seminar at Public Library and have hurriedly sent Cle Elum." this note off to you. We feel that square dancing is the Harry Tartell friendliest, most wholesome activity New York, N. Y. there is and wish that more people There has been a big change and could get a true picture of square improvement since you took over the dancing. Most people see it as done on magazine. Keep up the good work. TV by an exhibition group of cloggers Do you still have the "Binders" for or as the old barn dance type of yester- a year's worth of the magazine? I have year. These people say, "Oh, I can't do ten years of American Squares and that," or "We don't want to be part of Square Dance and would like some anything like that." We get people in more binders. Do you have them and our classes that just don't believe that how much? Please let me know. square dancing is anything but a local George J. Gargand Jr. fad, and are real surprised to find out Hibbing, Minnesota differently. ED NOTE: Binders are not available at the Keep up the great work on a won- present time. We do hope to offer them to derful magazine. readers at a future date. Watch for a later Joe Secor announcement. Spokane, Wash. Enclosed find check to cover my I did NOT receive the March issue subscription for two years I never of SQUARE DANCE magazine. I con- thought my picture would make the sider it very important to have all issues cover of SQUAREDANCE. It was of the magazine as it is a valuable quite a thrill. Johnny & Janie Creel resource to my square dance activity. Metairie, La.


IN AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, FIJI, AND HAWAII AUSTRALIA is big, bold and beautiful. Some • people look upon it as a vast agricultural lab- a oratory. Some find fascination in its newfound • mineral wealth and the surge of industrial activity • a that has accompanied it. Some consider it the world's most active sportsland. Some think only of AMERICAN • its dynamic. cosmopolitan cities. Some describe SQUAR EDA NC E it in terms of "The Reef"— that great mass of MAGAZINE coral that sweeps for more than a thousand SPONSORED • a miles along the northeastern coast. TOUR — JULY, 1973

a HAWAII is a many splendored place of lush HOSTS: green mountains, azure seas and dazzling Stan & Cathie Burdick a a Harold & LA Bausch beaches. But its particular treasure is its people Phyl & Frank Lahnert a a and the spirit of aloha they extend to their visitors. a a The lively action, the relaxed atmosphere, the COST: S1250. ea. (est.) romantic scenery will enchant you. 4 4111.—,r a A tour for square S dancers and friends. Dancing and sightseeing • FIJI is 300 islands in the sun, scattered over 50.000 square miles of the warm, blue Pacific. in each location. • Of these surf-ruffled coral atolls and river-laced volcanic islands. only 100 are inhabited. CONTACT HOSTS In Fiji, and especially on its largest island. Viti OR WRITE. P.O.BO% 788 a Levu, the romance and unspoiled beauty of the SANDUSKY. OHIO 44870 a South Pacific spring to life a ■ New Zealand is a vitally exuberant country as a a modern as today. set against an ancient tableau a of scenic beauty untouched for centuries before a the arrival of the Maori and European. The tradi- a tional informality and hospitality of the South Pacific mingle with the British heritage of custom a and occasion to make this land as fascinating....., gib S as its legends

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tiCa. el.i.ND 0 r'''''''"'" by STAN BURDICK

how the wheels of the little car dropped into a muddy shoulder and went out of control. I remember saying, "Oh, no...." and it was all over and I got out of the steaming pile of steel and chrome, holding my stomach and try- ing to catch my breath. My friends call me "Crash" .... Those of you who have been through I take the jibes and smile back this moment will recall the sensation. weakly. I'll conclude the episode by saying That's the appellation with which I simply that I was able to call my next got dubbed after my early March auto dance two nights later, in fair shape (square shape, of course) and I came collision. It's a smileable nickname, out of it determined that I do not want all right. But it conjurs a mighty to turn in my membership card in the sobering recollection. human race for a long, long time! The memory of that crushing event brings into focus three important facts CONFUSION SAY: to me: "It is easier to SUBTRACT the 1. A power pole can be awfully hard memory of unhappy event, if, when when it comes at you going 45 miles ADDING up the value of your friends, per hour and your brakes aren't holding you find you've got at least TWO TO the car as it slides unerringly toward CARRY you." the inevitable immovable destination, on skids of mud. 2. Truly, I must have a guardian angel watching over me when I can Flying to far cities in these varied walk away from an accident like that United States can be both informative one with only a few scratches and a and grossly exciting. And the experi- sore stomach. The car was a total ences thus encountered can add a little wreck. It had been a little red 1971 zipidedooda to any humdrum life style. two-door Opel sedan. Now it looked I enjoy sitting for a while in airport like a little red 1571 Tudor accordian lobbies as I travel, such as O'Hare, hanging on a coat rack. Kennedy, and Hopkins, just watch the 3. People everywhere who drive people parade, especially in the colorful anywhere ought to drive as if they were spring time of the year. All day long driving to church Sunday morning. the maxi's and the mini's and the Otherwise, someone might end up minks and the mod modes march by. driving them to church some Monday How clothing has changed in the past morning. ten years! A few years ago we bought Those things happen so fast it is a pair of pants. Today we buy a pair hard to remember the details. I was of pants that has to be flared and driving to Chillicothe, Ohio to call a fringed, and sanforized and double knit dance on a sloppy winter night. Some- and perma-pressed and wash 'n wear!

6 Somehow, I believe I prefer the changing seasons we have in Ohio, with a good old-fashioned snow storm thrown in once in a while for variety. It is probably not unlike the old adage that even a "perfect" marriage needs a couple of stormy disagreements now and then, to sweeten the reconciliation. The other day as I touched down in Wherever I meander, square dancers Tucson, Arizona, the pilot almost really love to boast and boost their apologized as he blurted out over the beloved bailiwicks. Provincial pride — intercom: "Folks, there is seldom any isn't it a grand concept' rain here, but today it is raining. It I was treated royally in Wichita hasn't rained here in three months. But driven around the city two hours cheer up, it will be gone in a few that Century II domed convention hall minutes." downtown is magnificent part of Sure enough, it was, it hadn't and it the colorful downtown redevelopment did. The storied dry climate returned thirty clubs in the area offer fine in the blinking of a sun under the grey square dancing tied together by a eyebrow of a cloud, and the tempera- League the area magazine is "Happy ture quickly soared to its customary Tracks" well done. 80 degree mark. The scenery out there is magnificent in the spring. Azure sky meeting copper mountains which roll forward and flatten to orchard-like bush and plains country is a welcome eye-full sight. Here and there the little ground-hugging cactus redeems its thorny, formidable exterior by producing spectacular bright pink blossoms, and the great sentinel cactus, towering thirty, forty Mary Krotzer of Sierra Vista may and fifty feet high, boasting an age in be about the only member of the the hundreds, seems to be holding its "Rattlesnake Club" and she has a arms high in an old Osage Indian badge to prove it. To he a member of greeting. that club you have to have been bitten They say out there that if one stays by a rattlesnake while walking home more than two days in that country from a square dance. Any other he'll be "hooked" forever and never applicants? come home. Lucky for me I only had two dances to call (Sierra Vista and And still the memories, all less than Tucson) or I might be still there, 30 days old, come flash flooding penning these lines. through the alleys of my mind Clay Organ of Sierra Vista, really drove a "second mile" and a two hundred and twenty second mile to show me the Arizona scenery Ft. Huachucha, the sprawling military base the leg- endary town of Tombstone, alive with ghosts of the past Tucson, with its DID-IT-OURSELVES square dancehall (this whole story to appear in a month or so)...-Jim Stogsdill, who has given a start to some of today's leading callers

7 Len Watson, who goes on and on, brightening his corner Bill William- son, who can fix anything, including a broken square Omaha, site of a recent "National" where Harold and •Records Lill, fellow ASD staffers, have a good thing going and arranged such a fine subscription dance DEALERS ARIZONA My trips-of-the-month club also Clay's Barn took me to New York City again, P.O. Box 2154 where I had a pow wow with two Sierra Vista 85635 astute colleagues, Charl ie Baldwin (New Dancer's accessories, caller's equipment England Caller) and Bob Osgood (Sets CALIFORNIA in Order, and the many-faceted ASDS) Nancy Seeley's Records for Dancing and some golden nuggets were mined P.O. Box 5156 from those fertile minds (not mine!) China Lake, Cal. 93555 I rediscovered Times Square, Radio Also flags, books, shoes — All by mail! City, and all the old sights and sounds. ILLINOIS Muggers have replaced the huggers in Andy's Record Center Central Park, as you know. And the 1614 N. Pulaski Rd. streets are more choked with yellow Chicago 60639 cabs than ever. Squint your eyes a bit Ask about our bonus plan and you can imagine yourself tip-toe- INDIANA ing through a sunny field of daffodils, VVhirlaway News & Records CALLERS DREAM with the exception that those "daffys" 13261 Chippewa Blvd. sure can flatten you if you don't watch Mishawaka 46544 out sharply. MASSACHUSETTS In conclusion, I want to relate an Jerry's Record Service 48 Grove St. incident that happened as I came to Springfield 01107 the end of my air trip and neared the NORTH CAROLINA Cleveland airport. My seat mate, a Raybuck Record Serv.& Callers Sup. hearing-aid specialist from Portland, Route 1, Box 226 Oregon, said, "You know, I've got a Advance, N.C. 27006 funny feeling about the safety of this OHIO particular trip and I've had it all day. I F & S Western Shop almost didn't come. But I took out a 1553 Western Ave. special hundred-thousand dollar insur- Toledo 43609 ance policy at the airport this morning. Belt & Buckle Western Shop At least my family will be well taken Lee Gervais care of." 1891 Mapleview Dr. Gosh. What a sure-fire way to put Oeveland 44131 your traveling companion completely WASHINGTON at ease! But I landed safely in Cleveland. Riley's Aqua Barn 15227 SE Maple Valley Highway Finally, as I park my pen and Renton, Washington 98055 migrate with my "mike," I'll pass on a good slogan that sums up some Kappie's Record Korral 10400 Renton Ave. So. feelings that, if passed on by all of us, Seattle, Wash. 98178 might cause a pleasant epidemic: Tango Bongo available. SMILE....TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!

8 MOOD music

by Helen Springer Boise, Idaho

It happened at an "Up With People" concert. Most of the seated crowd had because the younger one, probably in been there for a long while and was her early twenties, was one of the growing restless waiting for the pro- saddest looking girls I have ever seen. gram to start, bored expressions on This girl's entire body seemed to sag their faces, their feet shuffling about with despair. Her feet sort of shuffled in an itchy fashion, irritation increas- along, as if she didn't possess the ingly apparent in their long drawn-out energy to lift one after the other. sighs. Everything about her was down at this Late-corners were still sifting in, fit- "Up With People" concert, her eyes ting into the empty seats here and were focused somewhere near her feet there. As two women approached the and her head was bent. Her brown line I was in I thought, "I hope they hair, with a hint of a soft wave in it, don't want past me. I don't want to framed a pasty grey face. She wore no have to stand up, tuck my feet under make-up. One arm hung limply at her my chair and pull my stomach in to side while the other was raised some- let them by." I became interested in what to allow her to clutch her com- them, though, as they drew closer, panion's arm. The woman with her was

9 probably in her thirties, a look of side of her just looked at her silently patience in blue eyes that had deep, and helplessly. After the woman with dark circles underneath them. I won- him leaned over and whispered to him dered what her relationship was to the he spoke to the girl. She lifted her arm melancholic figure beside her. just enough to let his through. No As I stood to let them through, I other part of her body moved. Even heard the older of the women tell the though ner arms were raised slightly other, "We're going by some people her hands hung limply on the ends of here." It was then that I realized the them. girl was blind and I wondered whether "Allemande Left, Right and Left those glazed eyes had ever had the Grand," called out the boy from power of sight or whether she'd been Japan. A stunning black girl, in a born that way. I glanced at her, seated brightly colored costume, swayed her beside her sister or possibly a friend. body as she played the piano while a Her head was bent, her hands were tall boy with long blond hair stomped laying listlessly on her lap. I thought his foot as he strummed his banjo. about the deep pain she must have Four couples square danced on the suffered to look so bitter and de- raised stage. "Head Ladies Chain pressed. What stories must lie behind Across." The eight dancers whirled and those unseeing eyes, hurts that I prob- circled, the boys whistling and yelling ably couldn't even conceive. Was there as they clomped around in their boots, anything anyone could do for her? I the girls, feminine in their full *ill. wanted so much to talk to her, but and lace pantaloons, laughed gaily. I what would I or anyone say? How could feel the excitement of the crowd would you even go about getting a mount, the easy laughter tumbling out young girl to cheerfully accept sight- of parted lips. This time when I glanced lessness? at the nameless girl her pasty skin had The program, beginning, interrupted taken on a slight pink tone and her my thought, pulling my interest from head was lifted just a little. As I this sad girl to the vibrant young watched her she slowly came to life, people on the stage. Occasionally, like a butterfly emerging from a co- though, throughout the program, I coon. Her face looked as if someone glanced at the sightless girl, each time had put a lighted bulb in back of it. thinking possibly I might detect a sign Her head and body seemed to lift as of joy in her face or body, but the she rocked to the music. "Promenade bitter look of resignation remained. All - Swing Your Partner," the young The theme of the program was "Up caller chanted. The crowd, including With People" and their songs were the blind girl, were clapping their hands built around it. The performers vi- now and stomping their feet. brated with enthusiasm. When I glanced When it was over the girl looked at my husband and daughter, their vibrant and alive. She was really quite eyes were shining with joy, but the pretty, with the soft pink glow to hit blind girl remained dejected. skin. I watched her as she left the hall. Toward the end of the evening, a She didn't shuffle her feet then, she boy from Japan took the microphone lifted each one. And I may have just and called out, "Everybody join arms imagined, but I don't think so, that and rock with the music. Get into the she wasn't clutching her companion's spirit of the next few pieces with us." arm quite as tightly as she did when I looked at the girl I had no name for she came in. to see if she would join in this merry- I had just seen Square Dancing do making, hoping so that she would. Her something that I don't think doctors companion lifted the girl's arm and slid could accomplish. There are many hers through but the man on the other kinds of therapy.

10 Singie Square 2ancer3 S

discussed the subject, feels that a Single Square Dancers, U.S.A. will national organization with planned and hold its second annual convention in hosted single square dance get-togeth ers Oklahoma City, September 1-3, 1972. would aid in attaining recognition The brainchild of Joe B. Ellis, the both at local and national levels. initial event attracted dancers from Square dancing for single people is ten states. This year a turnout of more of a necessity in many instances delegates and visitors from over 30 than for married couples, since they states is expected. have a vital need to mix and socialize It is the purpose of this event to with other single people. Square danc- give singles an opportunity to attend a ing provides an opportunity to express nationwide gathering especially suitable mutual interests and become aware of to their dancing and social needs; to one's fellow man (or woman), to ob- exchange ideas for future organization serve and participate. and plan future such events; and to Problems confronting single dancers discuss the specific problems which are during the past have been many. They encountered in single square dancing. have been excluded from attendance Joe Ellis became interested in singles at seminars because of the fear that leadership and organizational work in irresponsible singles might bring some 1963, after serving in official capacities measure of moral or personal disgrace in various square dance clubs. Follow- to the general square dancing public. ing his initial work in organizing singles It has since been proven to all, with on a small scale in Oklahoma City, the the interest and understanding of many first national event for singles was held, married couples, that "responsible" and then Joe was tapped again to be adults are not necessarily married general chairman and executive secre- adults. tary for the second annual Dance-A- In the case of large dances or Rama in 1972. conventions, it would seem beneficial Divorced, widowed, or never-mar- to singles in general, if other singles ried adults have a specific need for were appointed to handle all arrange- good, clean entertainment such as ments for the singles attending such square dancing. They also need dances events, as they would be more aware as a place to meet other singles. A of their needs, such as opportunities to large percentage of the world's popula- gather as a group in designated areas tion is single, but there are very few to exchange dances and circulate more organized single square dance clubs to confidently. accommodate them. In some instances, One aim of the organization of there is a lack of opportunity for a Single Dancers U.S.A. is communica- single person, or a pair of singles, to tion and channeling of information join or participate in other square between all single clubs. Any interested dance organizations on either the local, dancers should write Joe B. Ellis. He district, state or national levels. This plans to prepare a national listing of problem is improving steadily, but singles clubs, dates they meet, and there is still a great need for recognition contact persons. His address is 3926 of this problem area. Ellis, as well as S.E. 11th, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma many other singles with whom he has 73115.

11 One Aright \ \ Stand:

by Jim Teal Columbus, Ohio

• Part 2

or third tip, and there are times when Although the "Square" or "Half it is better to call an entire dance and Half" dances are not quite as without calling a Left Allemande. It is numerous or popular today as they an exception rather than a rule when were 30 years ago, there are still a caller cannot call a Left Allemande enough of them to keep many callers during the first tip, but a caller must busy every week-end. These dances are be able to analyze the groups and conducted by churches, lodges, PTA's, know what he can or cannot do with social groups etc., for the prime pur- them. pose of giving those who attend, an With a little practice, a caller can evening of uncomplicated enjoyment. substitute for Allemande Left, Grand People may attend this type of dance Right and Left by using Circle Left just once or twice a year or perhaps and Right, Swing corner, Swing partner only once in a lifetime. Sometimes, it etc. instead of the Allemande Left. depends on how the caller performs at Do not spend a lot of time at the that first dance, whether they ever start of an evening trying to teach want to attend another. Most of the everyone how to square dance. Show people who attend these dances have them how to form the squares, the had no previous square dance training, number of each couple in the square, and the caller must be prepared to who is their corner, keep girl on right provide an evening of entertainment side, circle right and left, etc. If it for participants who are completely appears that it will take considerable inexperienced. time to teach them more than that, It is imperative that the caller gets get them moving to music right away. the people moving to music as soon as Tell them to relax, listen to your calls, possible and to keep them dancing for and do just what you tell them to do. the entire evening. Depending upon Then, using a good Hoedown record the group, it is sometimes not ad- (I like "The Devil Jumped Up" SIO visable to teach Left Allemande and No. 2141B), start calling something Grand Right and Left until the second directional such as:

12 OPENER: Bow to your partner, your corner too Circle to the left is what you do (half way round) Now circle to the right, go the other way When you're home swing your corner, the lady on left Now right back home and swing your own. FIGURE: Ladies to the center stand back to back (faee out girls) Gents (face to your right) march (or walk) around that outside track Pass your partner right on by, swing the next one on the sly Repeat three times until each man is swinging his original partner. Repeat opener. Gents to the center stand back to back And the girls march round the outside track Pass your partner right on by, swing the next guy on the sly Repeat three times until each girl is swinging her original partner Repeat opener.

For the second half of the tip, any good visiting couple singing call may be used with circle left, circle right and swings being substituted for Left Alle- mande, Grand Right and Left. Follow- ing is an example, using Red River Valley, (Records — TOP-25184 or JEWEL — JIDSA)

OPENER-BREAK Join your hands and circle to the left now You circle to the left till you get home Now swing that corner lady, the lady on the left Right back home and swing your own sweet gal. FIGURE: The first couple lead to the right and circle (with couple No. 2) Circle to the left and then the right Swing with that girl in the Valley (opposite) Now swing with your own Red River gal. Lead right on down the valley (to couple No. 3) Circle to the left and then the right Swing with that girl in the Valley Now swing with your own Red River gal. Repeat for couple No. 4. Repeat FIGURE for couple 2,3, and 4. (Note: Records are not long enough for all couples. Start record over after second couple completes figure.)

13 ONE NIGHT STAND FIGURE USING "LONG LONESOME HIGHWAY" Use Wagon Wheel 309 or any 64 beat record OPENER-CLOSER Join your hands and circle to the left now Just keep on walking round that ring and then Allemande left your corner, come back and swing your own Swing that pretty little lady round and round Allemande left your corner, and a grand right and left When you meet that pretty little gal, you promenade the set Welkin down that long lonesome highway (or verse to fit record used). FIGURE: First couple lead to the right and circle four hands round Put the bird in the cage and the cage goes round and round and round (No. 1 lady in center and circle three hands round her) Bird steps out, crow steps in, cage goes round and round again (No. 1 lady joins ring and No. 1 gent goes to center and circle three hands around him) Now the crow steps out and circle four hands round Dive thru to the next two and circle four hands around (No. 2 couple make arch; No. 1 couple dives thru arch to couple No. 3) Repeat figure for couples 3 and four. End figure for couple No. 4: Dive thru and home you go, now everybody swing Swing that pretty little lady, then promenade the ring Just a-walkin down that long lonesome highway (or other verse). Repeat FIGURE three more times with couples 2,3, and 4 leading to the right and progressing around the square.



sox 54 110X 54 NIWYONVIllf L NFWTONVIlll MIW VOI, 17 , 7i HOW YORK 7171

NEW RELEASES JK-132 You Are The One PIL-1011 Perfect Harmony Caller: Joh11 Hendron Caller: Carl Hanks

RECENT RELEASES JK-131 False Hearted Girl PIL-1010 Red Roses For A Blue Caller: Dick Jones Caller: Randy Anderson Lady NEW LONG PLAY JK-1201 10 Great Singing Calls — 6 Great Callers SIDE 1 SIDE 2 REAL TRUE LOVIN— Ken Anderson RAINDROPS KEEP FALLIN— Ken Anderson FOOTBALL HERO— KID Garvey SANTA CLAUS— Dick Jones RING OF FIRE—John Hendron AVERAGE PEOPLE— Phil Adams ME AND BOBBY MCGEE— Red Bates L.A. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT—J.Hendron WHEN THERE'S FIRE—John Hendron PUT YOUR HAND IN THE HAND—K.Anderson at your dealer or order direct NEW ROUNDS JK-508F FOR THE GOOD TIMES JK-508R RHYTHM IN THE RAIN Howard and Phyllis Swanson Dick and Marlene Bayer PRODUCED BY: J—B—K, Boa 54, Newtonv,Ile, N.Y. 12128

/4 CALLER—LEADER &ogi•---3-6 DIRECTORY CONTACT THESE CALLER-LEADERS FOR THEIR AREA DANCE INFORMATION AND FOR BOOKINGS AT YOUR CLUB OR EVENT CALLERS, LEADERS, BOTH Bob Beau 59 Sycamore St. "LOCAL" Millbury, Mass. 01527 AND Now booking 73-74 "NATIONAL" Don Beivin ARE Gene Maycroft 1002 Oak Drive 947 West St. (773-3783) INVITED Manchester, Tenn. 37355 Muskegon, Mich. 49442 Caller for H.A.T. records TO Available for dates NOW! Stan Burdick INQUIRE Ken Oppenlander 319 S. 6th St. Box 788 ABOUT Sandusky, Ohio 44870 Manhattan, Ks. 66502 LISTING Bringing the HI and HO from OHIO Festivals, Clubs, Workshops NAMES Louis Calhoun Russ Perfors 635 Suthard Drive AND 992 Tioga Trail Willoughby, Ohio 44094 Madisonville, Ky. 42431 ADDRESSES Calling tours Rustle your bustle with Russell ON THIS Mal "Pikes" Cameron Bill Ryan 6 Laraway Ct. Apt. 3C PAGE 138 University Derry, N.H. 03038 Buffalo, N.Y. 14214 Calling on TOP Recording on TOP, tours Charles Trapp (Yodeling) Jack Cloe 107 Spring St. 3507 Drumm Independence, Mo. 64055 Hull, Mass. 02045 Traveling full time —booking for 72 & 731 Now booking 72-73. Gordon Densmore Shag Ulen (384-3222) 2451 Haines Rd. P.O. Box 92 Madison, Ohio 44057 Wellston, Ohio Clubs, workshops, clinics Hash or song you can't go wrong Jim Duckworth Maurice Warner R.D. 5, Warner Rd. 3404 Colson Court Rome, N.Y. 13440 Louisville, Ky. 40220 Weekends, write for open dates. Tell your corner, for fun call Warner! Ed Fraidenburg Gene Webster 1916 Poseyville Rd., Rt. 10 1803 Heather Lane Midland, Michigan 48640 Port Clinton, Ohio 43452 Recording on TOP, tours Open dates — western style Bob Wickers Willie Harlan P.O. Box 338 714 La'Marite Dr. Vinita, Oklahoma 74301 Manchester, Mo. 63011 For the best in square dancing Traveling full time anywhere Dave "Hash" Hass Deuce Williams P.O. Box 5 3955 West Point Ave. East Hampton, Conn. 06424 Dearborn Hts., Mich. 48125 NOW booking for 1973-74. The Rhythm Dealer — Hash & Songs Frannie Heintz Web Witter 27 Flynt Ave. 2904 Northeast Dr. Monson, Mass. 01057 Austin, Texas 7 8723 Dance with con-fer-dance! Square Tunes recordings for fun Dick Kenyon Francis Zeller 598 Mayfield Dr. Box 67 Lansing, Michigan McCracken, Ks. 67556 Hash, sings, anytime, anywhere 72-74 Calendar available— vinyl cover

15 There are a finite number of bed- Squaredancing is in trouble. You rock-fundamental maneuvers that are don't believe it? Well, whether or not the "electrons, protons, and neutrons" you believe that, it is a fact that every of squaredancing. They are more ele- single week several thousand people mentary than basics in general. They cease dancing. Now don't misunder- themselves constitute part of the ba- stand. I am not prophesying gloom sics, and the remainder of the basics and doom. Squaredancing is not facing are composed of small packages of extinction. No social activity that pro- certain ones of them. vides people with as much enjoyment, Since all more complicated figures and as inexpensively, as squaredancing are made up of combinations of basics, does, is likely to die out anytime soon. it can thus be seen that every maneuver Nonetheless, squaredancing is in and figure in squaredancing is com- trouble. It is true that the attrition posed of strings of the "indivisible already mentioned is in good part particles" called fundamentals. offset by the influx of new blood. What does all this have to do with People are learning to dance all the the price of putty in Patagonia? This: while. Here is the thing we must be At last count, there were approxi- aware of, though: The attrition rate is mately 247,962 "basics" (so called, much higher than it ought to be or anyway). Next week there may be has to be. The mere fact that square- 2,000 more. People stop squaredancing dancing is surviving does not mean because they eventually despair of re- things could not be better — a whole membering 249,962 and more "basics." of a lot better. But there are exactly 73 funda- Right now, though, let's go back mentals, two of which are currently and examine the problem. Why are so dormant. Five years from now there many leaving this activity that so many will be just about 73. Ten years from enjoy so much? Obviously they no now there might be as many as 75, but longer are enjoying it, else they would it is rather doubtful. not drop out. But why aren't they In effect, the squaredancer who enjoying it enough to stay with it? learns these 73 fundamentals can do There is no need to conjecture about anything in squaredancing. But he will the matter. We can get the straight not be able actually to do so until a story "right from the horse's mouth" different brand of calling is practiced by asking some of them. What do they generally. say? Descriptive calling employs nothing The answers vary, of course. But but basics — true basics. Dancing to thru them all one common complaint such calling, a person who knows the is voiced over and over, and over again: 73 fundamentals and the relatively "It's too complicated!" "It's too much few simple packages making up the of a hassle to keep up." "If you stop remainder of the true basics can in to tie your shoe, you fall so far behind fact do anything in squaredancing, in- that you can't catch up." "We can't cluding the most intricate and involved remember all the new basics; there's of figures. no end to them!" All these remarks can But if the caller calls those same be expressed in one phrase summarizing figures in the manner most prevalent the average ex-dancer's view of mod- today, our "true-basics" dancer won't ern-day squaredancing: "Too much do very well at all. Because the almost complication." universal practice today is to string And in one way he is right. But together a number of fundamentals here is the point of this whole dis- and give the giant package (which I cussion: THE COMPLICATION IS call a grabbag) a flashy, catchy title ONLY APPAR ENT, NOT REAL. What that gives no hint whatever of its do we mean by that? I will explain. contents. 16 Consequently, the poor dancer has to memorize the contents, and their order, of each such grabbag — of which there are over a thousand right now, and more being hatched every day. As soon as the poor, bewildered dancer reaches the limits of his "memory bank," then goodbye, Mr. Dancer. All that has to happen to put an end to this deplorable and ridiculous situation is for callers to do a couple of easy things. (1) Educate themselves in regard to what a fundamental is, what a basic really is, etc., and (2) Stop calling grabbags and call their contents instead; that is, call descriptively. The caller still can call exactly the same material he has been calling all along. The only difference is that he will call each component (basic) of each grabbag, thus providing the dancer with a string of activity units small enough (and self-descriptive enough) to cope with. No one loses anything, and everyone gains. Is there anything impractical about such a plan? Am I some sort of dreamer for proposing it? If so, please show me why and how. No one can do anything about a problem before he becomes convinced that the problem exists. After he is convinced it exists, he is unlikely to have much inclination to do anything about it before he becomes convinced that it affects him. Then he can't do anything about it until he finds out the source, cause, nature, etc., of the prob- lem. He learns those vital facts only by careful study of the details of the matter. A once-thru-lightly investiga- tion is little better than none at all. A lot of people have become weary of beating the bushes in an attempt to find replacements for those who drop by John Jones out of their club and out of square- dancing. Why not try a different ap- Glendale, California proach for a change? Find out how to alter squaredancing's presentation, but All these concepts not squaredancing itself, so as to make are explained in utmost detail in the it far more enjoyable for everyone and four appendices to my book Square- thus induce the potential dropouts not dance Fundamentals, available for to drop out, but to keep right on $7.50 ppd. from Frontier Publishers, enjoying this wonderful pastime that P.O. Box 44; Glendale, Cal. 91209. offers so much to so many for so little. 17 Newest Rounds GF? 14158 PANTOMIME WALTZ by Jim & Ethel Sudborough

WABASH RHYTHM by Bill & Jean Filbert

Newest GR 15013 WALTZ - A-ROUND R/D Drill Basic Waltz by Francis & Violet Kimble

FOXIE Basic Foxtrot by Frank & Ruth Lanning TOP Newest Flip Top 25256 I'M JUST ME Squares by Mike Litzenberger, Slidell, La. Top 25257 BY AUSTRALIAN MOONLIGHT by Wally Cook, Melbourne, Australia Twel g renn (Dealers Only)

WE STOCK DANCE ACCESSORIES: "Slo-down- & "Spee-dup- Plastic record sleeves Dividers for records (set of 60) for floors Conical turntable center (for 45s) Diplomas (square and round) Decals (square and round)



Odds And Ends For Round Dancers


Round Dancing— Many new round dancers have dif- makes a conventional dance seem ficulty doing a routine because they boring. take steps that are too big. Always makes it impossible to keep your take small steps when round dancing feet still when you hear one of your and you will find the dancing more own numbers being played on the relaxing and smoother too. Dance erect radio. and on the balls of your feet. On any makes you venture out on a night point or kick be sure the toe of your that you wouldn't even send a dog foot is pointed down, not up. out on. You will start turning-two-steps to makes you attend an all-day square the side, but waltzes either straight and round dance, and then drag your back or straight ahead. When ladies weary feet out on the next night be- back up and men go forward in closed cause you hate to miss the new dances position the man should step straight at club. ahead and not straddle step (you won't gives you not a minute's rest on step on her foot). square dance club night - after all, who Now, these tips are generalizations; wants to sit out a "round"? you could find exceptions to all of YES, WE PROTEST: them. For example there may be cer- tain dances that will have a large step, If we hadn't gotten involved in all this, or waltz balance when you step to the we'd have never— side, but generally speaking, these tips had so much fun! will help. made so many good friends' from the Reporter, Leigh, Nebraska gotten around so much! kept ourselves active! and added that spice to life that CONFUSION SAY: "What world needs now everyone talks about! is more PLAYING A ROUND and less from Tip Topics, Cleveland, Ohio PLAYING AROUND."

19 t7QAU;;;; April 1971 issue: Use the "Australian Round Up" (which is a way of mixing the couples into scattered sets by coincidental arrangement). Tom & Chick McGrath Sydney, Australia Just received your April issue and Another add-on idea to the Callers' Jim Teal has a great article on One table featured in the November maga- Night stands. He is only telling things zine. Instead of letting the bare table I have experienced for over eighteen show, velveteen drape (removable) can years. The current "hot shot" caller easily be fabricated by the spouse to who looks in disdain on the one enhance the stage setting, hide the night stand caller (and many of them clutter and provide advertising space do) are strictly unable to handle this for the caller and/or notices by the type of a square dance party. I am tell- club. The drape may be attached to the ing you the truth when I say that I get table by drapery type hooks (eyes more kick out of a one night stand affixed to the table) or by snaps. I job than a club date. It's a very reward- prefer the snaps as the shifting of the ing and real thrill to have people come table during transit will occasionally up and tell you what a wonderful time bend an eyelet on the table. The drape they had. "I just didn't think I could can probably be stored inside the table. square dance. Gee, I didn't know this Alton L. Douglass was so much fun. I didn't want to try APO San Francisco, Cal. it, but you couldn't keep me off the floor after the first dance." In your December issue, Harold Marvin Labahn Bausch asks the question, "Isn't it a Chicago Ridge, Ill. shame that we don't have some system where by we can take some of the dancers who don't dance so often and those with less experience and mix them in with the more experienced dancers?" He has the answer in the


P.O. Box 5008 — Long Beach, California 90805

Presents Don Shotwell Bill Martin

May Release- LR 012 RAY OF SUNSHINE, called by Don Shotwell April Release: LR 011 MAY THE CIRCLE BE UNBROKEN, called by Bill Martin March Release: LR 010 SMILE IN YOUR STYLE, called by Don Shotwell Dec. Release: LR 009 RHYTHM VAMP, called by Wayne West


fatittWatilaMtattittli Sketchpad Commentary "Face right — walk around the right hand man— face left — seesaw your handsome man — face right — allemande left your corner man face left — do a right and left grand — meet that man — pick him up, girls, and promenade him "


21 le page MIAMANI NAOMI M UMEMMB LAST MONTH'S PUZZLE =MEAM= aammm WM AMMWM.= amo All around the left hand lady. Forward and back am AIM= MOM Shoot the star Circle to a line dM ammo 2MMM1 Separate and go around one ammm mom Spin chain thru Do-ci-do amim NIMM aa Spin the top ammm ammm j Triple duck Crosstrail JMM ammo am• Sweep a quarter AM ammo 2OMM

amammammo 0 um= wmom

ACROSS 1. "---- Weather" 7. ---- thru 12. "The Dance" DOWN 13. Do - ----ler whit') ( 2 words) 1. "It Happened At A Dance" 15. Russian mountains 2. --- --d que 16. Contribution to a potluck 3. Ohio, Indiana And Detroit area (abbr). 18. --sado 4. Relative (abbr.) 19. Wheel --- deal 5. "Teton --. Stomp" (abbr.) 20. More pleasant 7. Caller Merrill of Michigan 21. Santa's Swingers, Al---a club. 8. A great distance away 22. Egyptian sun god 9. Rural Route Delivery (abbr.) 23. Refreshing drinks for summer 10. - star thru dances 11. --n (two words) 24. "Ring of ----" 14. Subway fare 25. Printer's measure 16. go forward and back 26. He and she 17. deucey 27. Summer TV show 20. Old Testament prophet 28. So 21. Tunes 29. Initials for a ship 24. If the squares are full - take the last 31. Capricious Idea letter of each word in the phrase. 32. "I Love You ---- And ---- 26. " Old House" Every Day" (same word) 27. Countrified 33. Hospital department (Abbr.) 28. " Land Is Your Land" 35. Spring flower 30. the dishrag (plural) 36. Center: point 32. "New World In The ---- Ing" 37. "--, --, Nora" (same word) 33. Eight people (2 words) 38. Relative, for short 34. A couple 39. Shade of orange 35. International Square idiots 40. Not dry Association (abbr.) 41. Ends turn 36. Henry and Edsel 42. thru (plural) 39. Led a round dance 43. Name for a hoedown call 40. Dry river channel 44. Thought the same 42. One square plus two 46. Ends 43. "-bone" 48. Mails 45. Concerning 49. Give off 49. "--d River Valley"


BOB & CAROL — Now that we've all learned to LUCKY — GOT A HOT TIP FOR YA.It's Square Dance — Meet us at MSDLA Festival — Lansing — May Twentyfoist — a 1-10 Shot Lansing, Civic Cntr. — Sun., May 21 — 1 P.M. going in the MSDLA Festival. Pick up the We'll bring tickets for ya from our MSDLA duckets from one of them 50 MSD LA Caller CALLER. Only 3 Bucks per couple — TED Fellaz. A guaranteed WINNER — ROCKEY. & ALICE. A PERFECT GIFT FOR MOTHERS DAY — TRAVEL — by car, bus, plane, boat, chopper, Take your Wife (She's the kids mom, ya know) bike (tandem, i.e.) or shanks mare to Lansing to the MSDLA FESTIVAL, Sun., May 21, Civic Center May 21 for MSDLA Festival (That's a week after Mother's Day) Treat her — only 3 buckses per couple. to Dinner while you're there. You can get Tickets from MSD LA Callers. YOUR WIFE. DON'T BE MISLED by false rumors— There are still plenty of tickets avail- WILLIE . . . COME HOME -- All is for- able for this Festival. Simply send a check or M.O. for $3.00 per couple, given and I promise to go to the MSDLA (made out to Michigan Square Dance Festival with you in May, in Lansing Leaders Association) plus a self-add- — BOOTSI E. ressed stamped envelope to Bob and Mary Brennan, 28899 Westfield, Livo- FOR SALE — WHALE of a good time to be nia, Michigan 48150. Tickets and Map had at MSDLA Festival May 21 Lansing Civic of Downtown Lansing by return mail. Center. Dinner Res. optional. Contact your nearest MSD LA Caller for tickets. Advance Sale Only.

JOE — Meet us Lansing Civic Center, Sun. May 21 — 1:00 P.M. Object — S.D. 41 Good time. Only 3 bucks a couple. B & M.B. ONE COUPLE — desires to join 800 others for 9 hrs. dancing and fun at yearling and WEIGHT WATCHERS SPECIAL — Lose club level — object GOOD TIME. Bargain 350 Cals. per hr. for nine continuous hrs. rate — will go to Lansing, Sun. May 21 sq. dncg. Lansing Civic Center, Sun. May - 50+ callers. 21 begn. 1:00 P.M. No Sweat suits — 3150 calorie meal optional. See MSDLA callers NEW MODEL (Yearling type) or Vintage for tickets. dancers will all enjoy the MSDLA Festival in Lansing, Sunday May 21 Open 1-9.

FOUND — Fifty plus callers calling at club and yearling level — Lansing Civic Center May 21 — 1-10 pm. MOTHER — Please baby-sit for your twelve darling grandkids, Sun., — May 21, — We REWARD — Good time for all, For info. con- want to go to the Sq. Dance Festival — YOUR tact your friendly neighborhood MSD LA caller. LOVIN SON. P.S. The Twins have "troop" arid the four youngest have the chickenpox.




r:, I A week at Round Dancing with the Chalices No additional stall will be added Melton Luttrell Dale Cassiday Jack & Darlene Ben Coleman Dean Hood lack & Darlene Jack & Darlene al this lime Fort Worth, Greeley, Colo. Chaffee Denver, Colo. Wheatridge, Chaffee Chaffee Texas Aurora, Colo, Colo. Aurora, Colo. Aurora, Colo.

MAY 28 TO JUNE 3. JUNE 4 TO JUNE 10: JUNE 11 T017. •


Bill & Joan Don Franklin Ernie111 Kinney Dingie & Dorothy Gaylon Shull Johnny Mathis Bob & Wilma ALF Harper Smith Johnny LeClair Dighton, Ks. San Antonio, Anton Celina. Tex. Riverton, Wyc. Montney Arvada, Colo. Cantua Creek, Wheeler Texas Kinsley, Ks. Yuma, Ariz. Calif. Madera, Calif.

From June 18th to August 20th we do not have institute dancing. We will have an open square dance every night. Write us for information concerning our mid-summer program.


J 4 i9 Cliff Smith Paul & Edwina Ion Jones Sleepy Charles & Fran Cal Golden Chuck Bryant Ernie & Naomi &UNf rancis Zeller Gsa vette Arlington, Tex. Browning Maris Hot Springs, San Antonio, Gross McCracken. Kan Littlefield. Tea Dayton. Tea Hurst, Tex. Ark. Texas Syracuse. Nebr. Oklahoma City

SEPTEMBER 17 TO 23 SEPTEMBER 24 T030: SEPTEMBER 10 TO 16: 44 it Don Franklin Jerry Thole Tom & Kay Lee Swain Mary Lindner Art & Evelyn Bob Parrish Dick Parrish Bud & Shirley Arvada, Colo. Wichita, Ks. Pell Arlington, Lakewood, Johnson Rawlins, Wyo Hobbs, N.M. Parrott Wichita, Ks. Texas Calif. Long Beach, Ca Albany, Ore.

Fun Valley is a square dance resort owned and operated by Mack & Jean Henson. The motel rooms are large and modern, the cabins are 2 or 3 bedroom & will accommodate 2 to 4 couples. The trailer park has complete hook-ups and a clean modern bath. Our prices will remain the same as 1971.

For reservations or a free Nov. 1st to Mack & Jean Henson May 1 at to Mack & Jean Henson colored brochure with May 1 at 2050 Elmwood Oct. 31st Fun Valley complete information write: Abilene, Texas 79605 South Fork, Colo. 81154

24 Mix & Match

Edited by Fred Freuthal Once in a while a caller needs a real challenging figure to use in a singing call for that "special" group, and with this in mind, Fred has come up with a couple of tricky ones. These aren't to be used at the open club dance, unless that club can "breeze" through most anything the caller can throw out.

Allemande left, allemande thar, go forward two and star Men wheel in with a right hand in, you've got a back-up star Head men with the girl you've got, trade — but keep the thar (Now two girls are in the star, backing up.) Four boys turn around, a right and left thru, and turn the lady fair Barge thru, go cross the square, your corner you will swing Swing that girl around, then promenade the ring. Tag Here's another with an interesting use of curlique: Two and four you pass thru, then heads lead to the right Centers in and cast-off thru-quarters round tonite Pass thru with a wheel and deal, the girls pass thru and then Curlique to a wrong-way thar and turn the star my friend. Shoot that thar (star) to the corner, swing that girl around Left allemande new corners, promenade the town.


Because so many inquiries come to the WW 211 magazine asking for callers' credentials, addresses, etc., we are establishing a new file, which we call BABY'S COMING HOME CALL-DEX and that is a fancy name for a special file by JERRY HAAG containing a short biography and photo of all 'participating callers. and the WAGONMASTERS WE WANT YOU in our file. Simply send a small photo, paragraph biography and plan to insert your ad on our Caller-Leader page for at least 3 months annually (cost $15.1 We'll circulate P.O. Box 364 Arvada, Colorado your credentials any time we get an inquiry for the CALL-DEX list.

25 entertainment, etc. and then the book- let is ready to hand to the printer. The Jamboree Callers Committee is busy sending invitations out to area Dancing callers, inviting them to call on the afternoon program. Ticket Committee Tips members are busy visiting area clubs and offering tickets for sale. Advance sale tickets usually sell about 25t less per person than they do at the door. by Harold & Lill Bausch The day of the big event arrives and The word "Festival" means to a quite early the decorating committee square dancer what "Mardi Gras" is there to put the finishing touches means to the people of New Orleans! to the decorations. They usually start It is something special, exciting, and a the night before. About an hour before refreshing change from the ordinary. the afternoon program starts our ticket For what it is worth; here is our idea committee arrives to sell tickets. The of a festival from the planning period hospitality committee is there to greet to its conclusion. each dancer as they come in, give them The date is set and the Auditorium a program, thank them for coming, spoken for at least a year in advance. and to wish them a lot of good and We book two callers as "featured happy dancing. The banner committee callers" for the evening program, one is there to take care of the displaying or two round dance leaders, and special of the various club banners. intermission entertainment. All dancers The afternoon program starts at are encouraged to help on one or more 2:00 with a Callers Jamboree. About of the committees. By the way, these the middle of the afternoon this is are all on the volunteer basis, no forced interrupted while the Round Dance help, please! Committees consist of: Teachers teach one or two new rounds, Ticket, Publicity, Advertising, Hospi- then the jamboree continues until 5:00. tality, Decorating, Banner, Jamboree This is the "Dinner Hour:' Callers, Souvenir Booklet, and Finance. One of the Round Dance leaders The advertising committee solicits will M.C. an Impromptu Round dance ads to be in the souvenir booklet and session from 6:30 to 7:15, after which these ads pay for the booklet. The the Grand March is formed. After the banner committee invites area clubs to Grand March and before we spread out bring their banners for display during into squares the colors are advanced by the festival and during the festival a a Boy Scout troop. There is a breath- drawing is held to see which lucky club less silence as a recorded version of the will win a cash award. This is not a National Anthem is played. A repre- competition, just a drawing. sentative of one of the local community Now our committees are working! organizations extends a brief welcome Publicity goes to American Square- to all, and away we go! Dancing to the dance, Sets-in-Order, and Round best calls of two fine callers for the Dancer at least two months prior to rest of the evening, interrupted only by issue date. Handbills are printed to be the fine entertainment we have ob- inserted into our local square dance tained for our intermission. During this publication and large posters are hand break we rest our feet, get our breath made. back, and enjoy just being entertained. The souvenir booklet committee Then we are out there dancing and takes the ads as handed in from the twirling again. As we leave the hall advertising committee, assemble them, at the end of the Festival, tired and along with pictures and articles of the happy, we are already making plans featured callers, round dance leaders, for next year.

26 .*••••-•-••-•••••-•-• That membership also includes a monthly choreography note service and other benefits. Write to Ted. calling LOOKING FOR BOOKINGS? JUST WALK AROUND THE CORNER tips - Getting those first few bookings as a brand new caller is terribly difficult, isn't it? But too often new callers think the only kind of bookings are TAKE A FULL CHURN club dances, and overlook a huge po- One caller we know moves couples tential market for their services among to other sets as a routine procedure be- groups who want to sponsor a square fore he starts to call each tip. There is dance a couple of times a year, or once some complaining about the practice a month, or occasionally. There is still now and then, but, strangely enough, a wider group that needs a little "sell- the dancers keep coming back to that ing" job to become "believers," and club year after year and it is the biggest often it is surprisingly easy to "sell," club of dozens in the area. Best of all, if one is willing to invest the time for a there are never any prearranged squares personal contact with key organiza- and both the newer dancers and the tional people. veteran dancers are mixed happily with I'll never forget the actions of a happy results. The caller certainly has program director of a Senior Citizens a "balanced floor" as far as gauging Center, many years ago, who responded his material, instead of "front-hall" to my inquiry about calling dances for levels and "back-of-the-hall" levels her membership by throwing her arms that so often occur. We think the ad- around me (a total stranger) and ex- vantages in this system should be care- claiming: "This is the millenium! fully considered by other callers. You're the answer to my prayers!" A PREVENTIVE MEDICINE monthly program was arranged that Did you ever consider that you proved valuable to both the guy be- could be held liable, as a caller, for hind the mike and those who danced. certain accidents that could occur at How many situations like that are your dance, such as a speaker falling waiting for you to uncover right now, on a dancer, etc.? For a very low in your own "backyard?" charge you can buy a "big chunk of peace of mind," says Ted Wegener, of LESS FLACK IF YOU SNACK 16404 Ardath Ave., Gardena, Califor- AND THEN YAK nia 90247; He is the guy to contact Let's ponder this idea from the for the Square Dance Callers Associa- Norfolk, Va. area where Jim Horton tion of Southern California, who, with calls for the Riptides in Va. Beach. the cooperation of the Nash Insurance Every other month (not too often, Agency, can offer a liability policy to not too seldom) the club has a de- any caller and leader in the USA, its licious, bountiful potluck meal to- possessions and Canada. Coverage is to gether, followed by a short business a maximum of $50,000 to one person; meeting, followed by a dance. They $100,000 to more than one in one oc- never run into a multitude of sticky currence and $10,000 property dam- personality and organizational prob- age. Regardless of judgment for or lems in their short-and-sweet meetings, against the insured, legal fees, court such as some clubs do. Why? Well, if a costs, etc., are covered. The rate is only body is that well fed just previous to a $4.00 per year; however, applicants business meeting, who in the world must be members of the association, feels like crossing swords? Think about which is open to all at $15.00 per year. it!

27 7th ANNUAL SHINDIG, June 30, July 1,2, places DiLido Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla., Beryl Main Gary Shoomake, George Hinkel, Les Linn & Beatties. Write Dot Schmidt, 200 NE 169th to dance St., North Miami Beach, Fl. 33162.

Would you like to visit and dance in exciting CAMP AND DANCE— POTATO HILL— Hawaii, New Zealand and Australia on a 2-3 Boonville, N.Y. (North of Utica) Club level week tour in July, 1973 with Burdicks, Leh- dancing every Fri. & Sat. all summer. Holi- nerts, Bausches, as hosts. Sponsor: Square day weekends. Ed Fraidenburg, Mon. Aug. Dance Magazine, Box 788, Sandusky, Ohio. 14. Write J. Uebelacker, Buskirk, NY 12028

FOUR GREAT WEEKS OF DANCING Oquaga 1972; 4th Annual Calendar Square and Fun Fest, Swap Shop, Rebel Roundup, Round Dance Weekend: June 23-25,1972. Accent on Rounds w/Squares, Spring 8 Scott's Oquaga Lake House, Deposit, N.Y. Fall 1872. Write Fontana Village Resort Contact: 31 Squares, 136 Seeley Ave. Fontana Dam, North Carolina 28733 Syracuse, N.Y.

PROMENADE HALL CARIBBEAN HOLIDAY Jet-cruise, Oct. 8, 7897 Taft St. 1972, 14 days; $559 up from L.A. includes Merrillville, kid. 46410 35+ meals, deluxe hotels and sightseeing. S/D For information, call 219-887-1403 enroute in New Orleans & Miami. Write John TOTAL SQUARE DANCE PROGRAM! Campbell, 1040 Golf Ct., Mt.View, Cal 94040

2nd Azure! Event for Single Square Dan- SPRING GULCH BARN- dance every week- end, June, July, August. Write for complete cers, U.S.A., for all square dancers; All 50- states expected. Oklahoma City, Sept. 1-3. schedule; Spring Gulch Barn, R.D. 2, New Write Joe Ellis, 3926 S.E. 11th, Oklahoma Holland, Pa. 17557. Special S/D Week, dif- City, Ok. 73115. ferent caller every night, July 22 - 28.

4th ANNUAL SEPTEMBERFEST Sept. 23-30, 1972 Dancing in two air-conditioned halls at Kentucky Dam Village State Park Write: Box 190, Murray, Ky. 42071

CAMPER/DANCER VACATIONS-1972 in the Blue Ridge Mts. 11wks. & 4 wknds. Top callers, good hall, shady sites, boats, swim, near golf. ROUND-dez-Vous Lodge, AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE subscription Rt. 7, Box 688, Asheville, N.C. 28803. dances. Write for details about organizing one. Madison, Kentucky; Monday, May 15 6th Annual PEACH BLOSSOM FESTIVAL, (Contact Louis Calhoun) May 27, 1972. Canajoharie, New York Highland, Michigan; Wednesday, May 24 Top calling staff and special Iroquois Dancers (Contact Audrey & Norm Brown) Write: C. Everett Oievendorf, 92 Reed St., Jackson, Mississippi; Saturday, June 3 Canajoharie, Now York 13317. (Contact Emanuel Duming)

Square & Round dance: Memorial Day to Asheville, North Carolina; Sunday, June 25 L4bor Day. Top callers — 50 square hall. (Contact Infantinos' Round-dez-Vous) Campsites, cabins, lodge rooms. Private lake, Jacksonville, Illinois; Sunday, July 30 boats. Write for brochure: Cherry Ridge (Contact Lynn Dieterle) Vacations, RD 3, Honesdale, Pa. Minerva, New York; Wednesday, August 9 FAR WESTERN S/D CONVENTION, July (Contact Bill & Mary Jenkins) 13-15, 1972; Memorial Coliseum, Portland, Toledo, Ohio; Sunday, September 10 Oregon. Write Shep & Bev Sheppard, Gen. (Contact Jim & Mary Batema) Chmn., 12730 NE Rose Pkwy,Portland,Ore. Kansas City, Missouri; Wednesday, Nov. 8 Go Far West Where The Dancing Is Best!!!!! (Contact Jack Cloel

28 $TRIdeiii TALK Readers are invited to send opinions, suggestions and thoughts for publication in this new regular feature. Opinions expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect those of the editors. by VERONICA McCLURE torque. The time needed to completely Taken from the NEW ENGLAND CALLER put one's foot down is much less than The enjoyment of the geometry of a second. Not only will you not lose square dancing patterns and their com- time, you will not lose the rhythm or binations (sometimes hair-raising) is become "behind the beat", an unhappy thoroughly legitimate. Some dancers feeling of not being able to catch up enjoy them more than they do the to the music. Of course, this assumes dancing part of square dancing. That is that you listen to the music to find its fine, as long as their personal pref- rhythm. When the floor is squaring erence does not interfere with the up, the music is usually playing. Take community effort of the square. Also, a second to consciously listen to it and some people are just more mechanical find the beat. Furthermore, a good than others, and either cannot or will caller knows what he and you are not take the time to find out what doing and has planned the number of makes graceful dancing. As long as beats, the rhythm and the calls to go they know the essential basics and, together. If you ignore the rhythm, you again, don't interfere with the com- won't be "on the beat," and two-thirds munity effort of the square, it doesn't of what the caller is trying to do will make that much difference. Then there be lost. are those who like to be graceful, So walk, just a nice, plain, steady, fluid and smooth in their execution of shuffling walk. No matter what hap- square dance patterns. It is to them, pens, keep walking. Lengthen or whether accomplished or just learning, shorten your stride to cover more or that my remarks may be most interest- less distance, but keep walking. Walk ing. They are not given with any in place if necessary. But don't change "authority" behind them other than the rhythm. Keep it steady. The turns, that of a dancer whose enjoyment goes arm placements and inter-weaving of up proportionately with the smooth- persons inherent in the calls will pro- ness of the particular square she hap- vide the choreography, but the basic pens to be in at the'time. step is always a walking one. In order to dance gracefully and Jumpy, jerky dancing obscures the smoothly, rather than run around in geometric patterns, needlessly tires the vaguely geometric patterns, respond dancers, and is aesthetically unpalat- to the tempo of the music in a steady, able. A more practical and immediate shuffling (not sloppy or stooped) walk reason for smooth walking steps is that in the same tempo. Don't break this all snapping, jerking, yanking, bounc- tempo. For instance, if you are circling ing, skipping and hopping actions seri- left and the call left allemande comes, ously impede the dancer's ability to deliberately finish the step circling listen to the caller and his instructions. before turning into the left allemande. No wonder, he has all he can do to Don't try to turn in between when stay upright. And even if one does neither foot is firmly on the floor to enjoy snapping, jerking, yanking, etc., turn against. If you do try to turn, it the people who dance with such a will be an awkward yank of body person will be snapped, jerked and 29 yanked everytime he comes near. tion of the call before adding anything Sometimes it hurts, and it is always to it. One who does all sorts of uncomfortable. It doesn't make a favo- flourishes but doesn't know a star rite partner. through or where to look for his If you learn to dance in a smooth corner is not a dancer. If you are ever and graceful manner from the begin- in doubt, don't flourish, just keep up ning, it will be easy to expand your that steady, rhythmic walking. If you dancing when the space and/or the are an angel, be especially certain to spirit indicate it. And it will be easy keep walking. Not only will flourishes to contain your dancing again when it confuse the beginner and take his at- is necessary. But if you start off tention away from the caller, it will set jumping around in wide circles, run- a very bad example. No one, no matter ning to catch up, and otherwise con- how experienced, should dress up a suming space and time not meant for call until he is absolutely sure of its it, you will find it very difficult to basic form. It is always correct to change these bad habits when the walk simply through it; it is not always tempo speeds up, or the calls become correct to add to it, and sometimes more difficult, or the hall becomes doing so may stop the square. more crowded. So, no matter what happens, just All dancers in ecstasy add flourishes, keep walking. That nice steady shuffle even jumpy ones, but only when there will see you through every imaginable is time for them, as with the various situation. It will provide a good base to balances and acknowledgements at the add appropriate flourishes and it will beginning of a grand right and left. conserve your energy. It almost sounds Badly placed flourishes can bring a like an old-fashioned medicine doctor's square to its knees. A dancer must first all-purpose remedy — only this one be concerned with the correct execu- works.

at .0 If) gL.m..4411 Ott 01.1011 PROM

'Otis ,1 • • G PISRS Iwo Nit•vs tO 111.1_00 Ott". For ()dick Berate On ■ Current and Past Refuses yy., NOW SSSSS Phone 914 462.2348 Day of N1251 • OWN rCuR OWN RECORD AN HURST'S TAPE & RECORD SERVICE STORE oR 2 SUBSCRIBE TO NANNUPST'S PO BOX 5265 POOGNKEEPSiE.N 5.12603 TAPE a RECORD SERVICE U

P O BO X 788 SANDUSKY, OHIO A M E RICAN SQURRE DRNCE 44870 Please start my subscription NOW. My check (or money order) is enclosed_ [1.] One Year at $5. [I] Two Years at $9.00 Canadian and Foreign add 60c a year [1] One Year at $3. for postage. U.S Funds. (FIRST TIME SUBSCRIBERS ONLY)








Mid-Summer Hoedown July 30.8/4 DIAMOND JIM YOUNG & GENE TIDWELL

Autumn Kolorama W/End Oct. 27-28 DIAMOND JIM YOUNG

DANCE WEEK PAK Saturday P.M. Is an Open Dance—$1.50 per ($39.50 Per Person): Person. Children (ALL " Campsite for 6 Days ages) accompanying pre- registered adult dancers • ROUND-dez-Vous staying at Campground Badge —50c each per day. No • Refreshments After children permitted at Evening Dance dance hall — parents must provide their own • Top Square Dance babysitting. We suggest Caller you bring your sitter with Diamond Jim Young • Round Dance Leaders you, giving her a vaca- tion as well. Indoor • Square Dance Work- games are provided; a shops fee is charged for swim- • Round Dance Work- ming, boating, and fish- shops ing. • Hot Hash Sessions From Festival Dance Each Aar- 'TO GET HERE: Evening Municipal Golf Course (Jct. 74 & 81), go East • Wed. Amateur Show 5 mi. on 74. From 1-40 After-Party IllOr or on Blue Ridge Pkwy, • Hiking, Scenic Drives exit Jct. 74, go East 4 mi. =WM From Greenville, S. C., Horseshoes, Badmin. Gene Tidwell go North on 25 to Fletch- ton, Croquet er, turn rt. at Fairview A/D Leaders Sing-A-Longs, After- Rd., go 9 mi. to 74, then Parties for ALL FESTIVALS turn left, go 3 mi. to us. Aline 6 Jim Infantino


Jim Young Gene Tidwell RESERVE NOW R.R. 2 229 Fanwood Lane Ss. Anne, III. 60947 Hillside, Illinois 60162 1972 31 you knowp 're

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33 motels and good eating places. Contact: Jane and Bill Peterson, Williamsburg, Iowa. Fort Madison, Iowa, June 20, at 8:00 p.m. MC Jess Pennock with guest callers. Contact: Shirley and Dave Aeschliman, R.R. 1, Montrose, Iowa 52639. ..• When you join the 7551 square dancers already registered for this event, you can plan on good dancing of all kinds, to old favorite callers and We've been thinking of taking our new ones from across the country. vacation at the National Convention Added attractions are always avail- this year. What will we do and see in able: Iowa? There will be a Style Show on both First of all, there are "trail-in" Thursday and Friday afternoons, June dances for you to visit on the way to 22nd and 23rd, from 2:00 to 4:00 Des Moines: p.m. at the Riviera Theater, right next Omaha, Nebraska, June 20, South- to the Veterans Auditorium. The theme roads Shopping Center on Highway of the Style Show this year will be 73-75. Contact: Glenn Lapham, 4971 "Everything's Coming Up Roses" and So. 42nd St., Omaha, Nebr. 68107. we are expecting models from all over (731-5761) the United States, both gals and guys Williamsburg, Iowa, June 20, Star- to model western style square dance lite Roller Rink, Dell Trout calling. clothes. Shirley and Andy Anderson, Plenty of space for campers and trailers North Liberty, Iowa are the commen- overnight, just one block away. New tators, and the two shows on Thursday Welter 10e4tenf Wear 104 WEMPE DRIVE — CUMBERLAND, MD. 21502 — PHONE 1301) 724-2925 "CLOUD NINE" COMFORT by Coast Ballet PRINCESS — An unlined pump with an elasticized throat. full 1/4 " foam cush- ioned innersole and a 1/4 " heel. WHITE or BLACK . S7.98 GOLD or SILVER $9.98 PLUS POSTAGE RINGO — Unlined with an elan ticized throat, an instep strap mined by an elastic ring. Cush ioned innersole and 1/2 " heel. WHITE or BLACK $11.98 GOLD or SILVER .. $10.98 PLUS POSTAGE

ALL COLORS Tapered Rounded ADD 51 .00 FOR POSTAGE, Colors. RED - PINK - HOT PINK - INSURANCE AND HANDLING ORANGE - YELLOW -LAVENDER - LT. BLUE-BROAN-LIME GREEN NO C.O.D.'S. -BONE-NAVY BLUE avalloble on 24 Hour Service. SPECIAL RATES FOR Price of Colored 59.95 NEW CLASSES. plus Postage Charge Specify ROUND or TAPERED TOE Please ware F., Deio.I.. as shown.


34 and Friday will be identical. For more Martin, Marty and Byrdie Martin, information, contact Elaine and Larry Clancy and Betty Mueller, Charlie and Quayle, 133 Emerson Hough Drive, Bettye Proctor, Mary and Marge Tetz- Newton, Iowa 50208. laff, Tommy and Geneva Thomas, Leonard and Eileen Goodrich, Lin- Charlie and Nina Ward, John and den, Iowa 50146, are the Directors of Wanda Winter, Wayne and Norma the Sew and Save Seminar to be held Wylie. Thursday and Friday, June 22nd and Last, but not least, it has just been 23rd, at the Veterans Auditorium in announced that there will be a big Room "B". Some of the things they Country Music Show and Beef Barbe- have planned for you are a Fashion cue, Saturday Night, June 24th, right Special, and a Sewing Machine Dem- at the Veterans Auditorium. The fol- onstration. Georgia of Georgia's Square lowing Country Music Stars will be Dance Fashions will show designs for there: Waylon Jennings and the Way- your figure, how to make accessories lors, Sammi Smith and her Band, Little such as a tote bag and cape, knit Jimmy Dickens and the Country Boys, trousers, pettipants, a pillbox and purse and Stonewall Jackson and the Minute- to match dress, stoles and ponchos. men. The following nationally known This show will start at midnight Round Dance Leaders have agreed to after the Square Dance is over. Tickets help with our Round Dance Program: will be available in advance and can be Gene and Edna Arnfield, Charlie obtained by contacting: Advance Reg- and Marge Carter, Jack and Darlene istration Director, P.O. Box 2624, Chaffee, Blackie and Dottie Heatwole, S.W. 9th Street Branch, Des Moines, Frank and Phyl Lehnert, P.J. and Toni Iowa 50315.

foR WORLD COVER TALK OF FUN Square Time is anytime. And since 111C0111L A 1111107411•13 square dancers so often check the Travel 100 rn,lee clock as they prepare for the dance, each w o y (on • why not depict a real "square" clock square or more) to attend club or open for that purpose? Thanks to the Ander- dance. For applko- sons, E & B Specialty Co., P.O. Box non town write: 5881, Asheville, N.C. 28803, who de- WASHINGTON KIVOTHEADS I 0 Bo. 245 Gq Herb., WIWI signed our cover clock.

... B. & S. SQUARE DANCE SHOP Billy and Sue Miller MAGNET, INDIANA 47555 Phone: (8121 843-2491 Stretch Pants cotton • rnecilum and knee length The shoe most square 9 rows of 1'4' lace dancers wear. V," heel on knee length and 8 with elastic binding rows on medium length. around shoe. Strop White, block, pink, yet. across instep. low, orange, b'ue, red Black and White $8.95 and multicolor. Yellow, Pink Sizes: S-M-L-Exl. and Orange $5.99 no 2 Pr. $11.00 Silver and Gold $10.95 Med. Sissy Pants- 6 rows face- Sizes 4 to 10 — • ' 1 $4.00 plus 35( postage. and Narrow Dealer inquiries welcome on petti-pants & slips Postage paid. Immediate delivery. Indiana residents add 2% sales tax

35 The break In the club level dance is the Grand Sweep. FIGURE: Heads square thru four hands, spin chain thru, girls double circulate, boys circulate, turn thru, left alle- mande the corner, come home and swing, promenade. JUST WILD— MacGregor 2102 Caller: Bob Dawson Bob is a busy feller these days, recording for both Pulse and MacGregor. Last month ALL RECORDS ARE REVIEWED AND Bob had a good one on Pulse and this month he has a good one on MacGregor. FIGURE: WORKSHOPPED BY DOUG EDWARDS. Head couples star thru and frontier whirl, THEY MAY BE PURCHASED FROM: do-sa-do the corner, swing thru and boys run, tag the line, both face right and wheel and EDWARDS RECORD SERVICE deal, pass thru, turn back, swing, promenade. P.O. BOX 538 DON'T CALL ME SWEETIE— Square Tunes 143; Caller: Bob Wickers Park Ridge, (Ilinois 60068 And this record is a sweetie. The old favorite The only new hoedown to be released this tune that was on J Bar L, and still Is a good month is: one. We note that Bob Wickers has moved from HiHat to Square Tunes. Rots of Ruck. Gold Star 401, ORANGE BLOSSOM SPEC- Bob. We hope you make all million sellers. IAL, Key A, and BIG VALLEY, Key C FIGURE: Heads promenade half way, Into Both have fiddle leads and BIG VALLEY the middle, right and left thru, flutter wheel has a lot of melody in It while ORANGE sweep a quarter, pass thru, do-sa-do, make a BLOSSOM SPECIAL does not have much wave, swing thru, boys trade, swing, left melody. Callers who like fiddle may go for allemande and promenade. this record, but callers who Ilke beat Just will not give It much of a play. RAGTIME GAL— Windsor 4991 Caller: Don Gibson A new LP was released this month: Very good music and a good dance. FIG- Jay Bar Kay 12-01, with 10 singing calls on URE: Heads up and back, flutter wheel, it by Jay Bar Kay callers. This ought to be a sweep a quarter, right and left thru, full natural for basement dancers as all of the turn to the outside two, make a right hand great JBK records are on It by the original star, heads to the middle, left hand star, callers: Real True Lovin, Football Hero, once around to the same two, pass thru and Ring Of Fire, Me And Bobbie McGee, When trade by, pass thru and trade by, right and There's A Fire In My Heart, Raindrops Are left thru, dive thru, square thru three quar- Falling, Santa Claus Is Coming, Average ters, swing corner and promenade. People, L.A. International Airport, Put Your Hand In The Hand. SI SENOR — Grenn 12134 Caller: Dick Leger Here are the singers: The world still needs a good 5-cent cigar, FLAT FOOTIN' IT— Wagon Wheel 702 but what square dancers need Is more be- Caller: Gary Shoemake ginner level dances like this one. Our trouble A really fine record. The music Is Wagon is that most of the callers do not have Wheel good and during the promenade the enough easy level singing calls for class work caller says "Let's hear that guitar (or drums and as a result, the dancers graduate with- or trumpet or piano), so just push up the out much experience with singing calls. volume for the promenades and the record They are used to the caller-Instructor giving will do the rest. The dancers just loved the them ample time to complete a figure, but record. The figure Is pretty good also. FIG- when they get out Into the cruel club level URE: Heads pass thru and cloverleaf, every- dance, the caller has to call the singing calls body double pass thru and cloverleaf, centers to the beat, and newer dancers find they pass thru, swing corner, left allemande and cannot keep up. if more labels would pro- weave the ring, do-se-do and promenade. duce more records like thls,one, we would SMILE IN YOUR STYLE— Lucky 010 see more dancers coming out of class with Caller: Don Shotwell the ability to dance. FIGURE: Head ladles Really fine music to an old favorite. Has a chain, heads promenade half way, side la- standard figure and an alternate figure with dies chain across, sides promenade half way, an all four couples flutter wheel In It. FIG- allemande the corner, weave the ring, do-sa- URE: Heads promenade half way, sides right do and leave her there, swing corner and and left thru, heads lead right and circle to a promenade. line, up and back, pass thru, bend the line, JOY JOY JOY — Dance Ranch 605 star thru, pass thru, swing corner, allemande Caller: Frank Lane new corner and promenade. ALTERNATE This is a good record but not a great one FIGURE: All four ladles chain, all four cou- like "Don't Let The Good Life Pass You By:' ples flutter wheel, heads right and left thru, his first offering on his own label. FIGURE: sides pass thru and partner trade, allemande Heads slide thru and spin the top, slide thru the corner, do-sa-do your own, swing the and circle four, break to a line, up and back, corner and promenade. swing thru and spin the top, pass thru, swing EVERYTHING BUT LOVE— Top 25252 corner, left allemande, come back and Caller: Joe Prystupa promenade. With Top music that Is very good, the dance HONEY ALL I EVER NEED IS YOU— has two versions; club level and easy level. Windsor 4990; Caller: Nate Bliss 36 The tune is very pretty, music is beautiful, boys run, tag the line, face right, couples but It lacks a good beat. The dance has the circulate, all eight back track, promenade. Grand Square for the opener, Grand Sweep MY REASON FOR LIVING— Longhorn for the break, and Grand Spin for the closer. 192; Caller: Bob Bennett The figure has some alternates in It, so the FIGURE: Heads square thru four hands, caller has a little leeway to call what his corner do-sa-do, swing thru. boys run right, dancers prefer. FIGURE: Four ladies chain wheel and deal, face tnose two, right and across, heads promenade half way, down left thru, dive thru and square thru three the middle and do-sa-do, star thru, right and quarters, swing corner and promenade. left thru, substitute, pass thru, swing, prome- nade. WALK ALL OVER GEORGIA— Lightning S 5005. Caller: Dewayne Bridges MY MEMORY SURE GETS AROUND— Ka- FIGURE: Heads promenade half way, sides lox 1130, Caller: Vaughn Parrish do a right and left thru, square thru four Good music and a good dance add up to a hands, eight chain thru, corner swing and good record. FIGURE: Heads rollaway, pass promenade. thru, both turn left, sides pass thru, circle four, break to a line, up and back, square TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY— Windsor thru six hands, swing corner and promenade. 4989; Caller: Tommy Stoye FIGURE: Heads promenade half way, into WHEN I'M ROLLING— Longhorn 191 the middle right and left thru, rollaway, up Caller: Louis Calhoun and back, star thru, right and left thru, dive The music Is good. The figure is good and is thru, pass thru, swing corner and promenade. easy enough for beginner dancers. This re- cord could be used in class work to advan- NIGHT OF LOVE— Red Boot 127 tage. Club level dancers may want something Caller: Richard Silver a little more advanced. FIGURE: Heads FIGURE: Heads lead right and circle to a promenade half way, lead right and circle Ilne, up and back, star thru, do-sa-do, ocean to a line, up and back, right and left thru, wave, scoot back and boys run, bend the square thru four hands, swing corner, left line, star thru, pass tnru, swing, promenade. allemande and promenade. HAPPY HEART— Flutter Wheel 502 ECHO FROM THE HILLS— Top 25255 Caller: Mack Plpkin Caller: Reath Blickenderfer The music is adequate and the dance is good; This record arrived too late to workshop certainly the best of the Red Boot offerings and get on this analysis, but the figure Is so this month. FIGURE: Heads promenade good and the music so fine with a great beat half way, down the middle with a right and that we did not figure it should be held over left thru, square thru four hands, do-sa-do a month In reporting. FIGURE: Heads pass with the outside two, swing thru and the thru and separate, round one to a line, up boys trade, turn thru, allemande corner, and back, pass thru and tag the line, clover- promenade. leaf, square thru three hands, swing corner, EASY LOVING— Flutter Wheel 503 left allemande, do-sa-du, promenade. Caller: Don Williamson WHEN YOU SPY LOVE— Top 25254 The music is good and the dance Is about as Caller: Mal Cameron easy as you can get. FIGURE: Heads square Another record that arrived too late for the thru four hands, do-sa-do around, eight workshop, but the music and dance are very chain thru, swing, promenade. good. This Is Top's new music with the big FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE— MacGregor 2103 beat. The tune is the Budweiser song "When Caller: Kenny McNabb You Say Bud, You've Said It All." Why not, FIGURE: Four ladies chain, sides square the Coca Cola song is going wild with the thru four hands, swing thru, boys run right, round dancers. Hold on while I go pour my- couples circulate, wheel and deal, pass thru self a slug. FIGURE: Four ladies chain, and trade by, corner swing, promenade, heads square thru four hands, spin chain thru, boys run right, bend the line, right and EL TIGRE— HIHat 413 left thru, star thru, pass thru, swing corner, Caller: Ernie Kinney promenade. FIGURE: Heads promenade half way, then square thru, do-sa-do, doubje swing thru, DADDY FRANK— Mustang 141 Caller: Curtis Thompson boys trade, girls trade, right and left thru, square thru five hands, trade by, swing cor- The music has a good beat. The dance Is ner, left allemande, do-sa-do her and prome- Cidnceable, but our workshoppers did not nade. seem too interested in the story of Daddy Frank. FIGURE: Heads promenade half way, sides right and left thru, square thru NEWS BULLETIN! four hands, do-sa-do the outside two, swing thru, boys trade, turn thru, left allemande, At press time it was learned that promenade. Singing Sam Mitchell of Lansing, Mich- SOMEONE WRITE A PERFECT MELODY— igan has been stricken with a heart at- Bogan 1244, Caller: Lem Gravelle tack while calling in Pennsylvania. De- This is a real good dance. Although the mu- sic was good, the tune sounded a little mono- tails are not available but he will be tonous and the dancers agreed that perhaps hospitalized for some time. Sam is a a better tune could be chosen. The break fea- tures the flutter wheel. FIGURE: Head la- member of the Advisory Board of this dles chain right, heads up and back, half magazine. We wish him a complete and square thru, right and left thru, swing thru, speedy recovery.

37 Gold Vault. There will be refresh- ments, door prizes and souvenir gold pins. Be sure and mark your calendars and maps for June 26th, Fort Knox, Ky. on your way home from the National. Call Ray Bohn, Louisville, 447-8177 for info. FUN & FRIENDSHIP IN CHICAGO The Chicago Area Callers Associa- tion sponsored a 2nd Fun and Friend- ship Frolic on Jan. 23, 1972 for the MEMBERSHIP INCREASE new dancers. Dances were held simul- The Northern New Jersey Square taneously at Gage Park on Chicago's Dancers Association held its Mid-winter South Side and at the Boy Scouts of Delegates meeting on January 23. The America Building (former Square Dance Association membership was increased Center) in Arlington Heights on the to thirty-three member clubs with the Northwest Side. Twenty-three squares acceptance of the See Saw Squares of danced at the Gage Park while another Pearl River, New York. Jules Pozar is 32 squares were swinging their way their caller and instructor. Plans for an through the "first 50 basics" at the Association dance are underway featur- Boy Scouts Building. Forty seven caller ing the calling of Ron Schneider on and round dance leader members of the May 8. Frank & Lorraine Mooney Association participated in the total programming. Square Dancing's looking up in the Chicago Area. Edna & Gene Amfield

ALASKAN DANCING Square dancing is on the upswing in the Anchorage, Alaska area. The largest beginners hoedown ever was SUCCESS STORY held in February with twenty-seven A new square dance club was formed squares. A teen group has been formed in February at the Clearwater Garden under the leadership of Gordie and Club, Clearwater, Florida. Phyllis Main, called the "Bunny Officers and committee chairmen Bumpers." The state convention, to be were chosen to serve until the first held in Valdez with Ken Bower calling, official election in November, 1972. (July 2-4) will be hosted by the Sour The club name selected was Suncoast Docees, a small club with approxi- Cardinals and the club color chosen mately two sets of dancers. Plans are was bright red and white. The charter already made for the 1973 festival in members total almost 100. They will Fairbanks with Jerry Haag featured, be joined by another group of 100 in and 1974 in Anchorage with Beryl October to round out the total mem- Main and the Stotlers. In spite of the bership. Cliff Hendricks, caller great distances, dancers from the major TRAIL HOME DANCE cities visit the special events planned The Tank Town Twirlers square in each one, such as the Fur Ren- dance club at Fort Knox, Kentucky dezvous in Anchorage and Spring Fling will host the third annual Gold Brick in Fairbanks. Alaskan dancers live up Dance, Monday, June 26, 1972. Special to the slogan "Square Dance Cheer on features include tours of the post, in- the Last Frontier." cluding the Patton Museum and the George & Gladys loanin

38 live dance, and in the past two years have had Jack Lasry, Ed Foote, and Deuce Williams, among others. We certainly envy those who have an op- portunity to dance to live challenge calling regularly in their own areas, and look forward to the day when a caller in our area becomes interested in challenge. There is a square working challenge tapes in Hendersonville, North Carolina and another square in Aiken, South This month we can add one more Carolina, and some of these dancers star to the challenge square dancers come to Durham when we have a live map, Durham, North Carolina, is the caller. The nearest challenge group to place, and the Spinning Reels is the us is in the Washington, D.C. area, and club. Welcome aboard. Bruce Umstead some of us have visited there. of the Spinning Reels tells of his club, Betty Esk ins continues to lead our and their leaders, Tom and Betty group. She gets tapes of different cal- Eskins. We will feature an article by lers, learns how to do new calls in Betty Eskins in the next issue of advance so she can teach them to us, AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE. It runs a weekly tape workshop, books in promises to be a good one. Don't miss guest callers, and in general holds our it. group together. The challenge dancers Challenge dancing in Durham began here are very appreciative of all the in 1968 and was organized by Betty work she does so that we can enjoy and Tom Eskins, who had been exposed challenge dancing. to high-level dancing in New Jersey. In the coming year we hope to The group began with five couples expand our group and expose new working the Jack Lasry challenge lesson people to challenge dancing. tapes. Bruce Umstead Since then the group, named Spin- The National Challenge Convention ning Reels, has expanded to 21/2 squares is coming up June 8, 9, and 10th. at covering a radius of 30 miles. Since Niagara Falls, N. Y. You can write to no callers in the area have indicated an Ed Foote, RD. 3 McCandless Drive, interest in calling challenge, all our Wexford, Pa. 15090 for information. challenge dancing is done to tapes. Callers for the weekend will be: Ed About once per quarter we bring Foote, Lee Kopman, Keith Gully, in a recognized challenge caller for a Jimmy Davis and Dewey Berry. CAZZEAr 867/Dal AL BRUNDAGE EARL JOHNSTON JACK LASRY JIM MAYO Institutes of Leadership Training

August 21-25 and Caller Development August 27-31 Experienced Newer EAST HILL FARM, TROY, N.H. Callers Callers } or information and brochures contact: Earl Johnston, P.O Box '"3, Vernon, Conn. 06086 Tel. 203/87S-9602


Sept 1, 2 and 3, 1972

This convention, which



Fees Per Delegate:



Sat. Sept. 2 @ $1.75 Sun. Sept. 3 @ $1.00 Address



Souvenir Badges @ 35c each

Souvenir Programs @ 75¢ each


Please complete entire form and return to JOE



@ $1.00




Check where applicable

(Indicate dates attending, enter fee and total.)


was founded by Joe B. Ellis, is in its 2nd Annual Event.

Single Square 2jancer3 q. S


over 30

All Square Dancers Welcome!!!


(Please type or print clearly)




r #

Our colors are red, white and blue.


ELLIS, 3926 S.E.




$ $





1 1 th , Okla.




Oklahoma City, Okla


your Souvenir Badge.

USE NAME you wish on



General Chairman.

Make check or Money

Order payable to

DEADLINE for refunds.

No confirmation by mail after August 1, 1972.

July 10, 1972 is the

City, Okla. 73115





0 TO FIND PARTNERS: (Use "Turkey In The Straw," Sunny Hills AC 148 S-0) If the group is small, one couple is sent to the center. If the group is large, send two, three or four cou- ples to the center. As the remainder of the group circle left around the outside, those in the center do a buzz step swing. The words follow the music as follows: Oh, we all join hands and we circle round the ring, while the couple in the center does a right smart swing. Then we stamp our feet and clap our hands and turn ourselves about, and smile real pretty until someone picks us out." The outside circle does the actions to suit the words: stamp, clap and turn. Put hand on knees and smile until one of the center people picks them out.e asy e by Bob Howell


RECORD: Any good schottische music. FORMATION: sets of three, holding hands and facing around the floor in a counter- clockwise direction. The odd boy or girl is between the other two. 1. All the dancers touch their left feet to the floor twice. 2. All take three walking steps forward, moving diagonally to the left, leading with the left foot. 3. All touch their right feet to the floor twice. 4. All take three walking steps forward and diagonally to the right, leading with the right foot. 5. Complete schottische forward, moving around the circle. Dancers face forward, leading with left feet, walk three steps: left, right, left, hop on left. 6. They take three more walking steps forward, right, left, right, hop on right foot. 7. Four step hops, continuing to move forward. Dancers step on left feet, and hop on the same foot. Step right, and hop on it. Step left, hop. Step right, hop. The dance is repeated from the beginning as many times as desired. After the dance is familiar to the dancers, the center dancer (middle one) advances to the next group each time, moving on the step hops 171.

CLAP HAPPY RECORD: MacGregor "Summer Sounds" POSITION: Open position. Skip introduction, start dance on the same beat that the square dance would start. The cueing may be "hammed up" a little, i.e. Fwd, 2,3, uhhh" and get the crowd to join in.

1-4 FWD,2,3, KNEE; FVVD,2,3,PIVOT; FWD,2,3,KNEE; FWD,2,3,FACE; 1. Walk forward 3 steps (L,R,L) raise R knee and point it away from partner. 2. Walk forward 3 steps, pivot 'A RF on R (woman LF) to end facing RLOD; 3. Walk forward in RLOD (L,R,L) raise R knee and point it toward partner. 4. Walk forward 3 steps, touch L to R and turn Y. LF to face wall in open facing pos. 5-8 SIDE, CLOSE, SIDE, TOUCH (CLAP); SIDE, CLOSE,SIDE, TOUCH (CLAP); APART,2,3, TOUCH (CLAP); ON TO NEXT, 2,3, TOUCH; 5. Step to side in LOD on L, close R to L, step to side, touch R to L (clap); 6. Step to side in RLOD on R, dose, step to side on R, touch L to R (clap); 7. Step back toward COH 3 steps (L,R,L), touch R to L (clap); 8. Step diagonally right toward new partner 3 steps (R,L,R), touch L to R and turn to open position to face line of direction (LOD); ENDING: FWD,2,3, uhhh; FWD, 2,3, FACE AND BOW. Dance originally written by Jack & Helen Todd, Lexington, Kentucky; adapted by Fred Hartwell, Denver, Colorado, to the record given here.



A ticket is easy to carry in a billfold or purse. It is a good reminder of the time and place of an event. And it is a good conversational device both for the one to whom it is given, and for others to whom it is shown later. If the ticket is clever- ly designed, such as this one is, it can produce surprising results towards its pur- pose of introducing square dancing to newcomers. Why not try this idea for your next class recruitment program. Thanks, Whirl And Twirl Club (see Best Club Trick, April '72, p. 33).

Recordings by • RI I) BOO I I LUTTER WHEEL - STARDUST •1 ROUTE 8, GREENEVILLE, TENNESSEE 37743 •1 PHONE (615) 638-7784 • • 4

RB127 NIGHT OF LOVE by Richard Silver 4 FIN502 HAPPY HEART by Mack Pipkin . 4 FW503 EASY LOVING by Don Williamson • 511 ?i PRETTY WORLD TODAY by Bill & Elizabeth Sloop • 119/D) MAKE THE WORLD GO AWAY by Bill & Cathi Peterson • • Pb, AAP.,


I ravelers along Highway 19-23 at Erwin, Tennessee are greeted, coming and going, by the signs above, designed and erected by Mrs. Bill McFarland, the artist, and Ralph Garland, a former president of the Circle Left S/D Club. The club has been dancing since 1961 with Don Williamson of Greenville, Tenn. as caller, and members enjoy both rounds with Ted and Nell Harrison and squares. They dance at Willow Park Club, a privately owned club accom- modating about twelve squares, which also has a swimming pool and putt-putt golf course. The club sponsors a class a year, has a special anniversary dance in October, and a Christmas benefit dance for the Rescue Squad and their program for under-privileged children. Visitors to this picturesque town nestled in the edge of the mountains between Johnson City, Tennessee and Asheville, N.C. are always welcome to "join eight hands round" with the Circle Left S/D Club, according to Glen Swofford, president. How many other clubs are as promotionally-minded as this club?

:,'-' 578 A FIVE TIER T4 : ----,, % • .. 7..-..-- PETTICOAT ? 1.0"-.1-'-.

$7.98 r'. ":-4- plus $1.00 Postage 1 . . oi- ' '''' 1,, s ...,A, , ; It. All time favorite tricot , .. •N ' k . 4. 4, V.._ ..., - yoke. Outer skirt of ,,,,,,s, . .., ; : ... \ -, • crisp "nylon baby horse- , . hair," underskirt of nylon_ ,•1 sheer to prevent scratchl- RUTH 8 REUEL DETURK ness. Self-colored binding 1606 Hopmeodow Street on each tier. White, red, black, pink, blue, maize, or- Simsbury, Conn. 06070 chid, hot pink, apple green, gold, orange and royal. SEND FOR OUR MAIL ORDER CATALOG P-S-M-L and XL Pre• CONVENTION SPECIAL

A 30% Changeover From Two Years Ago (1970) (Regular Price $3.00 Each)

(To Be Released In May)

!ARKV SQUAR Complete Manual with Figure, E for DANCING and Rules Advanced Club Lev (Regular Price $5.00 Each) el Programs Pertaining To Position Dancing. Cliib Challenge Figures


A MUST for CALLERS' and DANCERS' REFERENCE BOTH BOOKS for only $5.95 ppd. ($8.00 Value)


44 WORK shun vii ieriiiiii ORL CH

planned, this type of figure presenta- ZP,Pt-kNi tion in general at the advanced club level has to be updated every two years in order to keep our square dance 7075-1-k leadership informed as to what is being used around the square dance world. When Flare the Star was reported in Complete with figures for each move- the March issue of AMERICAN ment, it is a barometer to indicate the SQUAREDANCE magazine, the author ebb and flow of "new" ideas used at was given as unknown. We can't ex- the advanced clubs around the country plain the slip-up but we do know that as they come and go in current popu- Ted Frye of Knoxville, Tenn. had sent larity. The information was gathered the idea to us back in January of 1971 by your workshop editor through a so the credit should be his. A good written poll taken from callers around movement has a way of hanging around the square dance world the first of the long after its authorship has been for- year. Something like this of course is gotten. Everybody knows a square highly controversial but it is SOME thru - a wheel and deal - a Dixie Chain - indication as to those new things being but how many know who wrote them? tried and those others being dropped Unfortunately, many who call these from the tabulated group of the 1970 movements are remembered long after edition. An excerpt of the results as those who invented them, so we guess released in National Callers Report, it's best to concentrate on good dance March issue, is as follows: programming rather than on "new Roughly, there has been a turn over ideas" if you want to be "famous" in of about 30%. Some movements are the square dance picture. now a permanent part of the square This is the month that AMERICAN dance picture (Tag the line variations, SQUAREDANCE releases the new trade by, etc.). Some have slipped back 1972 edition of the "Plus 50" Experi- into the glossary of additional terms mental Basic booklet. As originally only (no figures( such as Fan Thru,

45 Round off, Suzy Q, Lines Divide, etc. Still others have been dropped entirely such as Spin a Web, Pair the line, Square turn thru, etc. Added experi- mental movements (with figures) in- I clude such ideas as Flutter Wheel, CALLERS:\, Sweep '4, Scootback and variations, 7 etc. Of course many of those previously QUESTIONS listed have been repeated, some with new figures added for the callers' use in the next two years. All together, some 53 movements are listed with detailed explanations AND figures while another 25 terms CHARLOTTE HORN, L.J. N.Y. : are only explained in the glossary. The I teach, after half sashay, that you have more currently popular new ideas such a new partner. When does one know as Relay the Deucey, Spin Chain the the difference? When is she yours and Gears, Revert the tag, etc. have been when is she the next fellow's? included with detailed figures. As a ED NOTE: This is indeed a "sticky" whole project, the "Plus 50" booklet will be a valuable supplement to the question! The one definite way to 50/75 Basic manuals of the other two establish new partnership after a half plateaus of dancing now being offered. sashay is from a circle of eight and Surely no one can now complain that ALL couples half sashay. Then each there is no place that a Square Dancer man has a new partner on his right, a (or Caller) at ANY level of dance new corner on his left. When a definite frequency can feel comfortable in their partnership isestablished (seeSMOOTH participation in the activity. The big DANCER booklet for rules of partner- job now is to practice this theory, ie, ship), the half sashay position can advertise and hold each dance at the better be understood. For example, the square thru rule is right to op- indicated level keeping the program posite, pull by, face PARTNER and within the perimeter of these suggested give left hand and pull by, etc. So square dance basic limitations. Many from a static squared up set, if the who DO follow these suggested out- head couples were told to box the lines are very successful and have halls gnat, the man's partner is now on his full of happy dancers. Perhaps you too left side, yet these same four people should try it — you'll like it! will square thru from here using the Callers and dancers interested in this rule above. Or, from the same couple type of advanced club level choreo- set-up of heads box the gnat, pass thru graphy information are urged to take and PARTNER trade, there is no advantage of the special Convention question with whom you trade to face offer in May and June offering this back in toward center of set. "Plus 50" booklet and the club level The FACING direction of the AR KY Square Dancing manual for "partners" enters into each situation future reference at a fraction of the when half sashayed. Ex. Head couples normal total cost. See ad page and box the gnat and square thru to face order from your workshop editor or the side couples in an 8-chain thru from AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE set-up. If all pass thru, two couples are magazine while the offer lasts. normal and two half-sashayed but ALL can partner trade without question. A following command can explain new partnership also. Ex. Head couples half sashay and circle up eight. All

46 four MEN/LADIES go forward and Head couples pass thru back. Or, side couples wherever you Separate around one are, pass thru, etc. Or, those who can, Into the middle and pass thru right and left thru, others swing the Right and left thru the outside two opposite and face those two, etc. Dive thru and SUBSTITUTE Probably the best way to handle a Right and left thru half sashay is to be explicit with the SUBSTITUTE NEXT command, ie, head gents and Square thru % to the corner NEW partner do something because Left allemande the ONLY time your rule holds up is Heads lead right circle to a line in a circle of eight and ALL couples Pass thru, wheel and deal half sashay at the same time to give Double pass thru, SUBSTITUTE ALL new partners and corners. And First couple left, next couple right how about that left allemande com- Pass thru, wheel and deal mand when the corner is on the man's SUBSTITUTE, double pass thru RIGHT .side (while facing OUT from First couple left, next couple right center of set) or when she's in FRONT Star thru, square thru 3/4 of the man? To the corner, left allemande CALLERS CLINIC QUESTION: Why Head couples star thru, SUBSTITUTE do some callers use the command terms Peel off, wheel and deal of Boys/Girls instead of Men/Ladies? Double pass thru, SUBSTITUTE We believe this to be in poor taste Cloverleaf all eight of you especially when senior citizens are Girls turn thru and star thru participating. Boys circulate ED NOTE: The reason the term BOYS Girls fold and turn thru to is used instead of MEN is to insure a Left allemande minimum of confusion. So often the Head couples crosstrail thru term "men" and "end" sound alike, Separate behind sides, star thru ie, men (end) run or men (ends) trade, SUBSTITUTE, partner tag etc. Of course, "girls" is used as an Separate around one and line up four opposite of "boys". No harm is meant Pass thru, wheel and deal other than good directional calling. Double pass thru, SUBSTITUTE Incidentally, the term "box" should California twirl (new lead couple only) be used with "BOX the gnat," a Slide thru, pass thru right-hand movement. "SWAT" the Wheel and deal, SUBSTITUTE flea should be used to fore-warn a Square thru % to change of hands rather than "Box" Left allemande the flea. Dancers appreciate a slight Heads lead right circle to a line warning at least as to WHICH hand Pass thru, wheel and deal goes into action first. SUBSTITUTE, partner tag Separate around one and line up four Pass thru, wheel and deal REVIEW SUBSTITUTE, partner trade Star thru, slide thru SUBSTITUTE Square thru 3'4 to From two couples facing in the same Left allemande direction with one couple behind the other, on call to SUBSTITUTE, the Head couples square thru four hands lead couples will arch and back over Swing thru, centers run the trailing couple without changing Couples circulate, SUBSTITUTE facing direction. Trailing couple dive California twirl (new lead couple only) thru and then take the next command Pass thru, bend the line as the new lead couple. Wheel and deal out

47 SUBSTITUTE Head couples square thru four hands California twirl (new lead couple only) Swing thru double, trade the wave Pass to center, California twirl Left RELAY THE DEUCEY Left allemande Left allemande Head couples star thru, Head couples spin the top and SUBSTITUTE, all partner tag Turn thru, circle four Wheel and deal Head gents break and line up four SUBSTITUTE, all peel off Right and left thru Wheel and deal Same two flutter wheel Partner tag, wheel and deal Slide thru, RELAY THE DEUCEY Square thru % to the corner Swing thru and turn thru Left allemande Left allemande Head couples curlique, boys run Curlique, scoot back 4114, t Ow- • RELAY THE DEUCEY 4,40 Boys run, star thru Do-sa-do to ocean wave NE ,tji DEA Trade the wave to Left allemande Head couples square thru four hands Box the gnat, RELAY THE DEUCEY Again RELAY THE DEUCEY Step thru, U-turn back RELAY THE DEUCEY Swing thru, centers run From two parallel ocean waves, ends Wheel and deal swing half, centers swing %. The two Left allemande ends facing OUT move up to join a six- hand ocean wave while the two ends facing IN move along the line. The six-hand wave does a grand swing thru, these new ends move out around the ocean wave while the two lonesome ends join the six-hand ocean wave and again all swing half. A fan the top at this point will again reform the two parallel ocean waves causing the lone- some ends to rejoin them with one short step onto the end of the waves. NOTE: One big Zero; each dancer will be adjacent to the same neighbor in by Cliff Long, Mars Hill, Maine ocean wave across the set. Heads slide thru, do a partner trade EXAMPLES by Will Orlich: Swing thru, boys fold, peel off Head couples square thru four hands Wheel and deal, pass to the center RELAY THE DEUCEY (14 counts) Centers pass thru, swing thru Swing thru, centers run Boys fold, peel off Wheel and deal Bend the line, flutter wheel Left allemande Star thru, pass to the center Head couples square thru four hands Centers pass thru, swing thru Swing thru, RELAY THE DEUCEY Girls fold, peel off Pass to the center Bend the line, flutter wheel Square thru % to the corner Slide thru, swing thru Left allemande Girls fold, peel off

48 Wheel and deal, roll away half sashay Girls hook right, make a two-faced line Pass thru to a right and left grand Turn the line 34 around PALO-MAR (Parallel two-faced lines) by Wes Wessinger, San Diego, Cal. Wheel and deal, dive thru, pass thru Star thru, crosstrail Heads square thru, swing thru Allemande Turn and left thru, sweep '/4 Two ladies chain, flutter wheel CRAZY CUE Crazy flutter, curlique Head ladies chain right All eight circulate, cast off % New side ladies chain across End girls trade, boys together trade Heads right and left thru Center girls trade, turn and left thru Full square thru Flutter wheel, curlique Curlique the outside two, ocean wave All eight circulate, boys run Swing by the right halfway Left allemande All eight circulate, curlique To an ocean wave, boys trade by Jack Lasry, Miami, Florida Box the gnat, right and left thru Heads lead right, circle to a line Dive thru, swing thru, box the gnat Right and left thru, flutter wheel Square thru % Sweep '4 to a two-faced line Left allemande Couples circulate, girls scoot back CAST OFF FROM PROMENADE Boys circulate, bend the line As the designated couples execute the Slide thru, left allemande cast off, the trailing couples, immedi- Heads lead right circle to a line ately following, will continue the pro- Right and left thru, menade, passing the active couples, en- Dixie style to a wave abling them to re-enter the promenade Boys scoot back, girls circulate path out of sequence. Trade the wave, scoot back CAST AND SPIN Boys run, boys circulate Side ladies chain right Girls scoot back, wheel and deal Everybody promenade Box the gnat, grand right and left Heads cast off full around by Eddie Gaut, San Diego, California Sides wheel around, spin the top Go right and left grand CUE BALL CAST AND BARGE All four ladies chain, heads square thru Four ladies chain, everybody promenade Curlique the outside two, boys trade Sides cast off full around (All face out), centers arch, ends turn in Keep promenading, Right and left thru, pass thru Heads cast off full around Curlique, boys trade (all face out) While the sides wheel around Centers arch, ends turn in Right and left thru, half sashay Square thru 3/4 Barge thru, go right and left grand Left allemande CURLY COLLIDER by John Frerichmann, San Ramon, Cal. Four ladies chain %, heads square thru ONE SQUARE Curlique the outside two, swing thru Four ladies chain 3/4 Centers trade, boys trade Couple 1 half sashay Turn and left thru One and three square thru, spin chain thru Square the barge four hands, Ends circulate, swing thru, spin chain thru Curlique, swing thru, centers trade Centers run, hinge and trade Boys trade, square the barge four hands Centers square thru % Walk right in to a right and left grand... Left allemande CAST AND DEAL TWO SQUARE Head ladies chain right Couple 2 half sashay Everybody promenade, heads cast off 1/2 Two and four square thru, spin chain thru 49 Spin the top, one big wave Bend the line, star thru Center four swing thru, all step thru Centers pass thru, swing thru Two lines of four, bend the line Turn thru, left allemande Just the ends star thru Heads curlique, cast off % Same two right and left thru Fan the top, pass thru Circle eight, those who can half sashay Circle to a line With lady on right California twirl Curlique, triple scoot With lady on right half sashay Eight circulate, boys run With lady on right California twirl Clover and square thru four Allemande left Pass to the center by Al Mason, San Pablo, California Square thru % Four ladies chain, heads star thru Left allemande Heads California twirl by Ed Fraidenburg, Midland, Michigan Do-sa-do to ocean wave Heads pass thru, separate round one Boys circulate, star thru To a line, pass thru, girls turn back Left allemande Centers trade, cast off % by Sparky Sparks, Clearlake Highlands Girls square thru 3/4, men pass thru Sides right and left thru, Fold in front of the girls Head ladies chain Star thru, girls circulate twice Heads star thru, do a U-turn back Men turn back, left allemande Swing thru, spin the top Head ladies chain, Spin it again, ladies U-turn back Head men take corner forward and back Bend the line, crosstrail Box the gnat and circle up eight Left allemande Four men square thru DANCING THE BASIC 75 Split two and line up four by Jack Lasry, Miami, Florida Centers square thru % Heads square thru four, swing thru Split two and circle up eight Boys run, couples circulate Those who can right and left thru Girls trade, boys run Others forward and star thru Boys circulate, boys run Split two and line up four Bend the line, crosstrail Ends box the gnat Left allemande Centers star thru, everybody pass thru Heads spin the top, turn thru Left allemande Circle to a line, slide thru, swing thru Head ladies chain right, Boys run, boys circulate Head gents take corner and partner Girls trade, tag the line Forward and back, circle six half way Girls partner trade, star thru Side men pass thru, turn right 1. Wheel and deal, dive thru Around three and line up four Pass thru, left allemande Pass thru, bend the line 2. Couples circulate, wheel and deal Ends star thru, centers box the gnat Left allemande Crosstrail, left allemande Heads lead right, circle to a line Head ladies take corner and partner Square thru four Forward and back, pass thru Centers square thru 3/4 U-turn back, men half square thru Centers in, cast off % Circle three, men break Pass thru, tag the line To a line of three, pass thru, Lead two California twirl, slide thru U-turn back, circle eight Left allemande Allemande left go forward three Turn thru, left allemande Heads lead right, circle to a line Pass thru, boys run right Heads square thru, centers in Swing thru, boys trade Cast off 3/4, ends fold Girls trade, centers run Double pass thru, 50 Lead two California twirl Head couples square thru four hands Centers in, cast off 3/4 Swing thru, turn thru Ends fold, double pass thru Clover and partner trade Men run, eight circulate, Partner tag, star thru Men trade, eight circulate, girls run Wheel and deal out, California twirl First couple left, next right Centers square thru Flutter wheel, pass thru To left allemande Wheel and deal, substitute Head couples right and left thru Square thru 3/4 Swing thru, turn thru Left allemande Partner tag, circle up four Heads star thru, California twirl Head gents break to a line, turn thru Outsides in, cast off % Partner tag, partner trade, star thru Centers fold, double pass thru Wheel and deal, double pass thru Peel off, right and left thru Centers out, bend the line Star thru, outsides in, cast off 3/4 Half square thru, partner tag Centers fold, double pass thru Partner trade, star thru Lead two turn back, left allemande Double pass thru, first couple left Heads swing thru, men trade Next couple right, turn thru Star thru, swing thru Partner trade, partner tag Men run and bend the line Partner trade, square thru 3/4 Pass thru, wheel and deal To the corner, left allemande Outsides in, cast off 3/4 Heads lead right circle to a line Star thru, centers out, bend the line Pass thru, partner trade Centers square thru, ends star thru Partner tag, centers trade Pass to the center and pass thru Peel off, pass thru Left allemande Partner trade, partner tag by Will Orlich, Bradenton, Fla. Centers made, peel off Star thru, eight chain three PARTNER TRADE AND TAG To left allemande Heads lead right circle to a line by Jack Lasry , Miami, Fla. Pass thru, wheel and deal Double pass thru, partner trade Heads lead right circle to a line Partner tag, wheel and deal Right and left thru, flutter wheel Double pass thru, partner trade Slide thru, swing thru, boys run Partner tag, wheel and deal Tag and spin right, girls circulate Double pass thru, partner trade Girls run, girls trade Partner tag, cast off 3/4 Right and left thru, dive thru Crosstrail thru to the corner Square thru % Left allemande Left allemande Head couples turn thru Heads lead right and circle to a line Partner trade, partner tag Right and left thru, flutter 'Wheel Turn thru, partner trade, Slide thru, swing thru, turn thru Partner tag, California twirl Left allemande Right and left thru, Heads lead right circle to a line Partner tag, partner trade Right and left thru, flutter wheel Box the gnat and change hands Slide thru, do-sa-do to a wave Left allemande Eight circulate, relay the top Head couples go forward and back Swing thru, turn thru Partner trade, partner tag Left allemande Partner trade, double pass thru Heads square thru four hands Peel off, bend the line Curlique, scoot back Partner tag, partner trade Relay the top, boys run Pass to the center, double pass thru Star thru, do-sa-do to a wave Peel off to a right and left grand Trade the wave, left allemande...... _... 51

Steal a Zeetle Peek

It is always a distinct pleasure to attend a Dave Taylor dance, and Dave (one of today's most popular callers) always pleases the dancers from one end of the country to the other with a Taylor-made performance. Just before press-time, your editors were able to check his latest offerings:

SINGING CALLS: Every Street's A Boulevard - Blue Star All I Ever Need Is You - Blue Star Help Me Make It Through The Night - Sq. Tunes Joy, Joy, Joy - Dance Ranch Gonna Build A Mountain - Blue Star Pride (to be released this month) - Blue Star HOEDOWNS: Mountain Dew - MacGregor Something Else - MacGregor Yakitty Yak - Kalox 8th Of January - Kalox Puttin' On The Dog - Blue Star Polk Salad - Blue Star Tomball - Blue Star

Heads square thru, slide thru Scoot back, boys trade Right and left thru Girls circulate, balance Dixie style to a wave Eight circulate, boys run Eight circulate, trade the wave Bend the line, curlique, boys run Fan the top, grand swing thru Left allemande Boys run, triple trade Boys run, boys trade SQUARE DANCE magazine WORK-I Spin the top, slide thru SHOP features original material sub-: mined to the editor. New ideas are Square thru 3/4 presented each month. Mail new and Left allemande creative material and questions to Willard Orlich, Workshop Editor, Heads lead right circle to a line SQUARE DANCE Magazine, Box Slide thru, do-sa-do to a wave 788, Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Girls trade, boys circulate

52 BLUE STAR CARTRIDGE TAPES: 8 track: 56.95 each plus 14e postage (12 dances on each tape) 1023— Marshall Flippo calling the Kirkwood tape in stereo 1022— Al Brownlee calling the Fontana tape in stereo 1019— Al Brownlee gold record tape 1016— Marshall Flippo calls in stereo MERRBACH


BLUE STAR ALBUMS: 1023— Marshall Flippo calling the Kirkwood LP in stereo 1022— Al Brownlee calling the Fontana, album in stereo, half patter, haft singing 1021— Marshall Flippo calls the 50 basics 1020— Bob Fisk calling on Blue Star BLUE STAR 45 RPM RELEASES: 1923— World Mixer (Author Unknown) Round Dance 1923— One More Dance, Clark & Ginger McDowell, R/D 1922— Monte Carlo Or Bust, Caller: Marshall Flippo' 1921— Maybe, Caller: Al Brownlee• 1920— All I Ever Need Is You, Caller: Marshall Flippo• 1919— Happy Heart, Caller: Jerry Melt* DANCE RANCH RELEASES: 605— Joy Joy Joy: Caller: Frank Lane, • 604— Sweet Misery, Caller: Barry Medfort' 603— Everybody's Reaching Out For Someone, Frank Lane• 602— Help Yourself To Some Tomorrow, Caller: Frank Lane* 601— Don't Let The Good Life Pass You By, Caller: Frank Lane` BOGAN RELEASES: 1244— Someone Write a Perfect Melody, Caller: Lem Gravelle• 1243— Pave Your Way Into Tomorrow: Caller: Lem Gravelle• 1242— Take Me Home Country Roads, Caller: Lem Gravelie- LORE RELEASES: 1132— A Girl Like You, Caller: Art Galvin• 1131— I'm Gonna Write A Song, Caller: Johnny Creel' 1130— Knock Three Times, Caller: Don Whitaker• SWINGING SQUARE RELEASES: 2357— West Texas Highway, Caller: Ken Oppenlander• 2356— Charlotte Fever, Caller: Jack Winkler' ROCKING A RELEASES: 1356— Broken Hearted Me, Caller: Mal Minshall` 1355— Countryfied, Caller: Earl Wright' • Flip Instrumentals MERRBACH RECORD SERVICE 323 West 14th St., Houston, Texas

53 Product Line


Nancy (Mrs. Don) Nielson of Port Clinton, Ohio submitted a sample of this colorful gift wrap and asked where she could obtain more, if any is available. The sample shown was sold by a door-to-door salesman years ago, and a company address for the product is not available. Perhaps one of our readers will recognize it and can pro- vide a source. Otherwise, perhaps some enter- prising square merchandizer reading this will be inspired to redesign some square dance gift wrap, make it available for sale, and let us give it a promotional plug at some future date. Get out your sketchpads, product de- velopers

Alugang anb ILiglinung ICLUBS CALLERS LEADERS AL DANCERS BADGES THAT SAY HELLO—Any size, shape or design, 50 colors in stock. -s Can copy any design or motif, or de- sign a new badge for you. Send in LIGNTNINE7 sketch for free club samples. Write for new free 284 goofy saying and MUSTANG 296 fun qualifying badge booklets, just re- MS 144— PLEASE HELP ME, I'M FALLING leased. Badges: standard $1.10; deluxe $1.35. Caller: Chuck Bryant New and used sound equipment—all MS 143— YOU BRING ME SUNSHINE makes and power sizes, featuring Bo- Caller: Dave Smith gen, Califone and Newcomb. Mikes: MS 141— DADDY FRANK AKG, Electro-Voice, Norelco, Shure; Caller: Curtis Thompson MS 140— BILOXI Sony and Vega Wireless Mikes. Sony Caller: Larry Jack tape recorders. Recording Tape Audio- New MUSTANG HOEDOWN Sony - Reel - Cartridge - Cassette. MS 142 RIDIN' ON/ MUSTANG SPECIAL Other equipment: sound columns, mo- LIGHTNING "S" nitors, mike and speaker stands, 7" re- LS 5007— TONIGHT CARMEN cord envelopes: clear plastic & green Caller: Lem Smith stock, Speedup & SloDown for floors. LS 5006— FIND A PERFECT MOUNTAIN S/D Boosters bumper strips, auto an- Caller: Rex Coats tenna flags, decals, license plates. LS 5005— WALK ALL OVER GEORGIA PLASTIC ENGRAVING SERVICE Caller: Dewayne Bridges - -S LS 8001— BACK TO LOUISIANA BOB ROTTMAN 11041 So. Talman Ave. Caller: Henry Thompson Chicago, Illinois 60655 1314 Kenrock Dr.,San Antonio, Tx 78227 Beverly 3-5527 or 233-5527

54 "Stranger Step Into My World" vocal by Engelbert Humperdinck; intermedi- 171:1 ate-plus waltz routine.

APRIL BUCKEYE POLL ROUND DANCES 1. Third Man Theme by Frank & Phyl Lehnert 2. Flip Side 3. For Me And You SWEET MEMORIES— Grenn 14157 4. Pink Champagne Choreography by Ann & Andy Handy 5. Roses For Elizabeth Nice music and a good flowing inter- 6. Waltzing Easy mediate waltz. 7. Moonlight And Roses WINE AND ROSES— Grenn 14157 8. Nevertheless Choreography by Ray & Elizabeth Smith 9. Eyes Of Blue Familiar music; fast moving interme- 10. Dancing Shadows diate including quickstep with a reverse fishtail no less. Flip Singing Call BRIGHT EYES— Windsor 4532 BROTHERHOOD Choreography by Phil & Norma Roberts by Roger Morris Good "With My Eyes Wide Open" mu- Blue Ribbon 213 sic and a good flowing high intermedi- ate two step with interesting combina- New Hoedowns tions. KISS AN ANGEL — RCA 0550 WASHINGTON & LEE Choreography by Jack & Kathy O'Leary IDA RED Current popular tune (Charlie Pride Hi-Hat 620 vocal); easy two step. DANCE I LOVE YOU BECAUSE— Telemark 1936 Choreography by Roy & Lynn Bollinger HI-HAT RECORDS Very pretty music and good comfor 6wWW.liame •••. •• •. .0..- % tab easy two step. THE REAL THING— Metromedia 231 KALOX- Choreography by Gordon & Betty Moss Iti N I U Good music to "I'd Like To Teach III■ • s Longhorn The World To Sing;" easy intermediate New on Kalox: U four-part two step with a couple of • ■ ■ K1131 WAIT FOR THE LIGHT N Moss specialities. ■ U Flip/Inst. Caller: Harper Smith SNAPPY TIME— HiHat 898 ■• o Choreography by Buzz & Dianne Pereira w New on Longhorn: s Snappy music and a flowing easy in o •• LH 193 FREEDOM termediate two step with.a "foxtail." I U. N Flip/Inst. Caller: Bailey Campbell UNTIL IT'S TIME— HiHat 898 U. Choreography by Norma & Wayne Wylie U. New Rounds On Belco: "Time For You To Go" music; a flow- • • B250A TRY IT YOU'LL LIKE IT • ing peaceful intermediate waltz routine. In • Two-step by Art 'n Evelyn Johnson is ■• SUGAR CURED— Mega 615-0052 • B250B GOOD LOSER • Choreography by Ben & Vivian Highburger Two-step by C.O. & Chris Guest • Bill Black Combo music; a good easy •• ■• PRODUCED BY intermediate cha cha. ti KALOX RECORD DISTRIBUTING CO. • MY WORLD— Parrott 40059 2832 Live Oak Dr. Mesquite, Texas • Choreography by Rick & Joyce McGlynn •:%?•••••••••••%%%vm. • •

55 Bo 0 ks I Of coj. so .. dr fill ;ET-UP AND GET-OUT: 5 1-- -)-i , manual to help callers WILL OPILICII reate original choreogra------illy with infinite varia- +—: EVENTS ''.—+ ions. $6 ppd. Order from :_----a- Fc.. 11111 Orlich, PO Box 8577, ==:- -- 3radenton, Ha. 33505. AFTER PARTY FUN, $2.50 plus 15¢ mail- ing. Contains two books combined into one, with new material that will put life Into your club or festival. Edited by the man who ori- MISSISSIPPI— 17th Ann. Central Miss. ginated after party fun at dances and festivals. Order from Ray Smith, Star Harbor, Mala- Festival, Heidelberg Hotel, Jackson, koff, Texas 54148. May 5 & 6. Callers: Gary Shoemake & Harper Smith. Write Ed Drummond, STEP-CLOSE-STEP ROUND DANCE BA- SICS, (64 exercises) $3.25 ppd. 10 week dan- 538 Beasley Ct., Jackson. cer proven basic course, dance positions, R/D TEXAS— Yellowrock Festival, May 5, terminology, mixers, basic styling hints and and helps on teaching. Order from Frank 6; Sam Houston Coliseum, Houston; Lehnert, 2844 S. 109th St. Toledo, Ohio. Bob Fisk & Mary Lindner. Write Joe & CHALLENGE & ADVANCED CLUB DAN- Ruth Molenda, 5118 Hialeah, Houston. CING: A pocket size (3' x41/4 ) 66 page refe- WEST VIRGINIA— 20th Ann. Webster rence book of the rules for the 150 most popular high level calls. Starts where the ex- S/D Festival, Camp Caesar (Webster tended 75 club basics end and contains the Springs) 4-H Camp, May 12-14, with new "Experimental 50" and the next 100 most used calls of high level dancing. A must Robert Bennett, Bud Bleau, Andy for club dancers, for these are the calls fil- Walmsley, Herbert Zickafoose, Jack & tering down from challenge into club dan- cing. If it's called at a dance, you can bet it Pat Gill. Write the Gills, Rt. 8 Box 36, is one of the 150 calls explained in this book Morgantown, WV 26505. or you already know it. The pocket size and hard gloss cover make it perfect to take to VIRGINIA— 2nd Spring Festival, Fle- the dance for that extra confidence. ming High School, Roanoke, May 13, UPDATED 1972 EDITION— 52.00. MODERN SQUARE DANCING SIMPLIFIED with Bill Claywell, Ray & Bea Dowdy. The "How To" Book for today's complete Write the Dowdys, 100 Marion St., club dancer. Pocket size and similar to "Chal- Beckley, WV 25801. lenge" book above, but covers the rules and explanations of the first 75 basics and ap- OHIO— 13th Annual Buckeye Conven- proximately 60 other calls and commands tion, May 19-21, Cincinnati Conven- encountered in club level dancing. Ideal gift Price only $2. Both books only 53.50 from tion-Exposition Center. Write P.O. Box JIMCO, 6210 S. Webster, Dept. 2G, Ft. 1313, Cincinnati, Ohio 45201. Wayne, Indiana 46807. .1, CALIFORNIA— State S/D Convention, CALLERS NOTEBOOK— 250 original S/D May 19-21, Anaheim Convention Cen- figures, all written and workshopped by Ed ter. Write Ed & Jessie Ames, 3318 Pa- Fraidenburg. Dances every caller can call. Order from ELF Enterprises, 1916 Posey- radise Rd., Modesto, Cal. 95351 ville Rd., Rt. 10, Midland, Mi.48640 $2.50pp. MICHIGAN— 13th Tulip Time Festi- . val, May 20, West Ottawa School, Hol- ri h land; Kick-off Dance, May 19. Jerry Haag, Sam & Thelma Nay. Write Hol- ion land Tulip Time Festival, Civic Center, 150 W. 8th St., Holland, Mi. 49423. SEW WITH DISTINCTION, published by Toledo Callers Association, Ohio. Easy to MICHIGAN— 17th Ann. NW Michigan follow instructions for dresses, petticoats, S/D Festival, May 20-21, Louis Cal- and all kinds of western wear. Order from: houn, Bob & Shanty Darby, Ken Bow- Paul Plehn, 534 Maple Blvd. Monroe, Michi- er, Jim & Lois Coy. Write the Coys, gan 48161. 133 S. Maple St., Bowling Green, 0.


NEW YORK— North Country Squares Apple Blossom Festival, May 20, St. John's School Gym; May 21, Burell S/D Products Orchard, Peru, NY. Caller will be Allan SQUARE DANCE SEALS— Colorful and Ogilvie. Write North Country S/D Club, eyecatching seals on your correspondence Box 305, Plattsburgh, NY 12901. are an invitation to square dancing. Order MISSISSIPPI— Square Dance for Can- from Bill Crawford, Box 18442, Memphis, Tenn. 38118. Samples on request. One cer, May 20, Miss. State Univ., Stark- sheet (501— 501; Three sheets (1501— $1; ville. Caller: Eurie Williams. Write Bill Ten sheets— $3; Twenty— S5; Special dis- & Alveda Kelley, PO Box 2296, State count on 100 sheets for club resale. College, Ms. 39762. GREETING CARDS FOR DANCERS PENNSYLVANIA— 1st Ann. Spring GET WELL — BIRTHDAY — GENERAL Carnival, May 21, Waldameer Park, $2.00/ box of 12, plus 2% tax in Indiana Erie, with Ken Anderson, Ron Schnei- Please specify all Get-well or Assortment der, LaVerne & Doris Reilly. Write Ly- CADOBR AN D, 3002 Schaper, Ft. Wayne, Ind. man & Mary Austin, 1176 East Gore Rd., Erie, Pa 16504. OHIO— Campers Capers, Camp Yukita, Catawba Island, Port Clinton, May 26- 29, with Glenn LeFever, Jim & Lois Badges Coy. Write the Coys, 133 S. Maple St. Bowling Green, Ohio 43402. LUDLOW TROPHY & BADGE NEW YORK— Peach Blossom Festival, Tom Curto & Sons 116 Sewall St. May 27, Canajoharie, with Earl Johns- Ludlow, Mass. 01056 ton, M.O. Howard, Bob Jaffray, Ed LLORRY'S Joyner, Ken & Carol Guyre, Dick Le- 10790 West 66th Ave. ger. Write C. Everett Dievendorf, 92 Arvada, Colorado 80002 Reed St., Canajoharie, NY 13317. Activity & Club Badges FLORIDA— 19th Ann. Florida S & R/D Convention, May 27-29, Diplomat Hotel, Hollywood, Fla. Write PO Box 2504, Hialeah, Fla. 33012. •Record• INDIANA— Reel Squares 9th Ann. "500" Dance, May 27, at Promenade Hall, Merrillville. MC Bob Ford; all guest callers invited; rounds by Esther DISTRIBUTORS OHIO & Jim Cheverton. Write Louis & Glad- TWELGRENN ENTERPRISES ys Crundwell, 3780 Calhoun, Gary, In. P.O. Box 16 ONTARIO— Summer dancing Wednes- Bath, Ohio day nights; May 17-August 30, gradu- WASHINGTON ate level; Saturdays, club level. Write A & K Record Distributors Bob Jaffray, R R 1, Ennismore, Ont. 10400 Renton Ave. South (292-8063). Seattle, Wash. 98178 A clipping from the "Daily Sun Post" of San Clemente: "RIGHT NOW, that social group hereabouts least apt to harbor snobs, ecords • drunks and felons is the square dance MODERN ALBUMS FOR INSTRUCTION club. It's said, 'If I were a head doctor, "The Fundamentals of Square Dancing" treating down-in-the-mouth personali- (SIO Label) Level 1; Level 2; Level 3; Write ties, I'd prescribe square dancingl" for descriptive literature to Bob Ruff, 8459 Edmaru, Wittier, California 90605. from "Palostar"—California 57 C, v.-7JA LET'S LET'S SQUARE SQUARE DANCE! ' L'o I .



These five albums are designed to be a "How-to-do-it" series in square danc- ing. The series is a graduating one, varying in difficulty from album to album, and also from selection to selection within each album. Each album includes one selection without calls, thus permitting the instructor or one of the dancers to obtain experience in calling. Each album contains fully illustrated instructions, and is available separately at 45 rpm. The series was edited and recorded by Professor Richard Kraus, Teachers College, Columbia University.

ALBUM No. 1 (Ages 8 to 10; Grades 3 aid 4) Shoo Fly; Duck for the Oyster; Red River Valley; Girls to the Center; Take a Peek; Hinkey Dinkey Parlez-vous; Divide the Ring; The Noble Duke of York; Little Brown Jug (without calls) EEB-3000 (45);

ALBUM No. 2 (Ages 10 to 12; Grades 5 and 6) Skating Away; Life on the Ocean Wade; Swing at the Wall; Nellie Gray; Form an Arch; Uptown and Downtown; Double Sashay; Bow Belinda; Angelworm Wiggle (without calls) EEB-3001 (45);

ALBUM No. 3 (Ages 12 to 14; Grades 7 and 8) Sicilian Circle; Right Hand Star; Captain Jinks; Lady Go Halfway 'Round; Down the Line; Coming 'Round the Mountain; Pass tne Left Hand Lady Under; Virginia Reel; Four and Twenty (without calls) 6E83002 (45);

ALBUM No. 4 (Ages 14 to 16; Grades 9 and 10) Pattycake Polka; Swing Like Thunder; First Girl to the Right; Grapevine Twist; Dip and Dive; Texas Star; My Little Girl; Going to Boston; Ragtime Annie (without calls) EEB-3003 (45);

ALBUM No. 5 (Ages 16 to 18; Grades 11 and 12) Shake Them 'Simmons Down; When Johnny Comes Marching Home; Wearing of the Green; Quarter Sashay; Hot Time in the Old Town; Four Bachelor Boys; When the Work's All Done This Fall; Haymaker's Jig; Miss McLeod's Reel (without calls) EEB-3004 (45);

$3.49 each album $13.00 complete set (5 albums)


"Chic F,•noillest Reco.d Tro ,e -


58 *Air IT the RHUMBA

FOR BASIC DANCE STEPS For the beginner student, or students who have difficulty keeping time or dancing to music. On these wonderful records we have recorded, over the music, the electronic "beep" signal which gives the student the correct rhythm of the basic step of the dance. Record has three separate bands, regular tempo, slow and very slow. Beep signal on very slow tempo only. The description of basic step is printed and illustrated on back of each record jacket. Beautifully packaged in color jackets. Available for Cha Cha, Rumba, Lindy, Waltz, Foxtrot and Samba. This is the ideal way to learn the basics of social dancing 45 RPM $1.50 Each 74

1614•NORTH PULASKI ROAD CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60639 A/C 312 2211012 OPEN MON & THUS EVE 59 Ikme, WWIONO 1.....41k orb 111.00.o.41ro'rl ONO arroVat,. 6.41..111a;1•11.;111,..4 1,40'4 r;r!;4 lolt-.46;Nd t.1;116;2;•- ka;11•1t;i1V.:;411.6.416;411b.....16;21:1111r• A -*A P.,...1.rn••• .:6 •7,7.• • riNeir!,111171.!, .11,17,"!•711' ,"1 trriNt!r• 0!": -g qua,* wice CLOTHING

FLORIDA CHEZ BEA for square and round dancing CREATIONS 650 N.E. 128 St. (759-8131) N. Miami, Fla. 33161 NEW YORK Qualm, Western Shop (446-8791) 1894 Drew St., Clearwater 33515 IRONDA Square Dance Shoppe "Florida's Oldest & Best" 759 Washington Ave. (266-5720) Mail orders invited & GUARANTEED Irondequoit, Rochester, N.Y. Everything for the square dancer , SQUARE DANCE CORNER (565-3781) 2435 No. Dixie Highway OHIO Wilton Manors, Florida BELT & BUCKLE Western Shop YOUR FRIENDLY ONE-STOP SHOP 1891 Mapleview Dr. (216-524-8970) Cleveland, Ohio 44131 INDIANA S/D Clothing, Jewelry, Records ALLEMANDE SHOP (219-663-2476) HE RGATT'S WESTERN SHOP 250 North Main St. 50 N. Linwood Ave. Crown Point, Ind. 46307 Norwalk, Ohio 44857 OUR BUSINESS— S/D CLOTHING EVERYTHING WESTERN B-BAR-B SQUARE DANCE APPAREL 1538 Main St. (Speedway) M & H WESTERN FASHIONS Indianapolis, Indiana 46224 13002 Lorain Ave. (216-835-0354) Everything, plus Fabrics, Trims, Patterns! Cleveland, Ohio 44111 THE WESTERN BOOTIQUE MAIL ORDERS WELCOME 531 Woodpecker Road SQUARE TOGS Hagerstown, Ind. 47346 11757 U.S. 42 Appropriate, appealing apparel Sharonville, Ohio 45241 KANSAS RECORDS AVAILABLE, TOO! THE SQUARE DANCE SHOPPE THE WESTERN SHOP 2319 S. Seneca (316-263-5532) 33 South Main St. Wichita, Ks. 67213 Miamisburg, Ohio 45342 Everything for the Square Dancer Will ship anywhere same day. KENTUCKY PENNSYLVANIA Preslar's Western Shop Inc. Ed & Marea's Western Wear & Records 3111 S. 4 St. 3749 Zimmerly Road Lousiville, Ky 40214 (Corner Love & Zimmerly) All S/D supplies; Newcombs & mikes Erie, Pa. 16506 LOUISIANA SOUTH CAROLINA BETTY-JO Enterprises (504-729-7182) Marty's Square Dance Fashion P.O. Box 73065 404 Cherokee Drive Metairie, La. 70003 Greenville, S.C. 29607 Petticoats for Adults, Teens, Pre-teens S/D Clothing for men & women MASSACHUSETTS TENNESSEE Peg's S/D Shop (413-442-9335) Nick's Western Shop 47 Weller Ave, Off Rt. 7 245 E. Market & Cherokee Pittsfield, Mass. 01201 Kingsport, Tenn. 37660 Mail orders; free catalog; fashion shows. WILL SHIP RECORDS & CLOTHING, MICHIGAN TEXAS RUTHAD (313-841-0586) Jacque's Originals 8869 Avis P.O. Box 8134 Detroit, Mich. 48209 Corpus Christi, Texas 78412 Prettier, perkier, petticoats, pantalettes Petticoats & Pettipants— 2 week delivery NEW JERSEY WEST VIRGINIA The Corral, John Pedersen, Jr. BUCK & SANDY'S WESTERN WEAR :11:: 41 Cooper Ave. Route 3, Meadowdale 7 w. West Long Branch, N.J. 07764 Fairmont, West Virginia 26554 Aft S/D APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES Complete I ine for Square Dancers IWO laalloto.41.1116411e;•••••••.4%116aid 11Wir;•;41. 611;4 OWI OW/ N2.• 11.a.411;LI 0;1;10:64.4 If*

60 B 0 51-I EL A .1i• by MY RTIS LITMAN


rigged up to a man's belt with him saying, "This mirror enables me to see if I'm two-stepping or waltzing." Besides the enjoyment found in this collection of cartoons, the book has other possibilities for the dancer-reader. The pages could be used as printed for decoration in a hall or recreation room; applying some color would make them even more attractive. Matching the captions with the pictures could be a

ARE WE MOviNIC., AGATHA ? nice game for breaks or after-parties. If one has the heart to take scissors to This is a book of 51-plus cartoons them, the cartoons could be cut into depicting various situations round two pieces for mixing partners, or into dance couples encounter as they par- eight pieces for dancers to find their ticipate in the activity. Very cleverly set for the next square. done with an excellent sense of humor, Whatever purpose they are put to these cartoons get some points across they will provide a nice relief for those that could be difficult to do otherwise. of us who tend to take ourselves too By making use of exaggerated posi- seriously. tions, goofy gadgets, and hilarious sit- Myrtis Litman uations, dancers can readily identify Order from: with the cartoons and laugh at them- ROUND DANCER MAGAZINE selves — a wholesome attitude. For 1250 W. Garnette example, one cartoon shows a mirror Tucson, Az. 85705



How 9: DEir sold D•tpre to tar a %%SQUAW POKERS SMOOTH Square Dancer I


FOR CALLERS: S2-00 TEACHING AID S/D CARTOONS A Smooth Dancer S2.00 $1.50 $3.00 copy or quantity prices


TLS SPECIAL CLOSEOUT S/D DIPLOMAS ADAPTATIONS: $2.00 COMPLETE: $5.00 WHILE THEY LAST R/D DIPLOMAS 1970 eclItion—$2. each I0c ea. or quant. or $1. for 10 or more! rates


Christmas cards HASH S/D CARTOONS S2 GREAT NEW BOOK SYSTEM S2 (Buy 'em early) S3.00 $1. pkg.of 10 with envelopes


Order from this magazine ASK ABOUT P.O. Box 788 QUANTITY Sandusky, Ohio 44870 PRICES

62 I G—INT— F" F" WORD * * * • * *

You can carry a pack if it's strapped to your back; You can carry a weight in your hands. You can carry a bundle on top of your head, As they do in other lands. A load is light if you carry it right, Though it weighs as much as a boulder; But a tiny chip is too heavy to bear If you carry it on your shoulder. From the Iowa Square And Round Dance News.

r ja.\ \J y i) 17 Recording Artist on Jay-Bar-Kay Records

5 LAWRENCE STREET SI1REWSBURY, MASS. 01545 Phone (617) 756-9821


W— CAL SQUARE DANCE TOUR Cal will be calling in the following cities: JJL J 6VAN MAY JUNE 1 Wksp, Hot Spgs. 2 Shelby, N.C. RECORDS 2 Class, " , Ark. 5 Wksp, Hot Spgs. FLIP SIDE SINGING CALL 3 Club, Hot Spgs. 6 Class, Hot Spgs. 6 All Night, Win- 9 Erie, Pa. GS 704 LOOSE TALK Called by CAL chester, Ind. 10 Joliet, Ill. HOEDOWN 8 Wksp, Hot Spgs. 11 Bondville, Ill. 9 Class, Hot Spgs. 13 Class, Hot Spgs. GS 401 BIG VALLEY/ 10 Club, Hot Spgs. 14 Club, Hot Spgs. BLOSSOM SPECIAL 12 Phoenix Cty, Ala. 17 Kalamazoo, MI. ORANGE 13 Huntsville, Ala. 19 Wksp, Hot Spgs. For open 15 Wksp, Hot Spgs. dates and 20 Class, Hot Spgs. rates, write: 16 Class, Hot Spgs. 21 Club, Hot Spgs. 17 Club, Hot Spgs. Sharon Golden 23 Perry, Fla. Fest. P.O. Box 2274 18 Andrews, Texas 24 Pensacola Fest. 19 Deming, N.M. Hot Springs, 26-30 Intantlnos', Arkansas 71901 20 Albuquerque Asheville, N.C. 21 El Paso, Texas 27 Abilene, Texas CAL GOLDEN CALLER COLLEGE 29 Wksp, Hot Spgs. August 20-25, Hot Springs, Arkansas * * * 4 4 * * *44( 63 I'M HALF SICK WIT SPRING FEVER, AND ALL OUR CALLER CALLED ALL NIGHT WAS "CALIFORNIA, HERE I come"' °pixie; "TAHITIAN +IOU A1," "PEEK-A-800 MOON': "OLP AND"CHINATOWN"!

POSTMASTER: If unable to deliver, notify publisher. using Form 3579. 13 From P 0 Box /88 Sandusky, Ohio 44810 scope records TRY 'EM, THEN DECIDE See your favorite dealer Latest Releases Hoedown: SC 311 RUBY/ RUBY'S FIDDLE One Side with fiddle— one side without DON'T MISS IT FLIP-INSTRUMENTAL: SC 555 TEACH THE WORLD TO SING Caller: Ted Wegener, Gardena, California

SC 556 TODAY'S TEARDROPS Caller: Jeanne Moody, Salinas, California Two great callers — two great dances!

P.O. Box 1448 San Luis Obispo, Cal. 13 1:1 64