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Bee Gee News August 4, 1937

Bowling Green State University

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Klein, Dean Mrs. Swanson who have so *4 The Board of Trustees at Completed OPEN FORUM CLOSES of the College of Education, their meeting on Tuesday, patiently guided, encouraged, and made us love the folk Ohio State University, will August 3, deferred action on A large group of graduates In discussing conservatism (lances of all nations. speak on "Education" at Com- the selection of a new presi- and former students of Bowling versus radicalism in America The year Dr. Swanson join- mencement Friday morning. dent until August 11, in order Green State University who arc today in the Open Forum meet- ed our faculty they started this Aug. 6, to 103 graduates in the to investigate further the on the Ohio State University ing Monday evening, Dr. Kohl group and the enthusiasm has Men's Gym. qualifications of the candidates, campus this summer met for would ascribe an overthrow of steadily increased. It is hoped Dr. Klein received his mas- and to ascertain the founda- dinner and an informal meeting our government to any or all of that those who have so earnest- ter's degree and his doctorate tion of various objections made on Tuesday, July 20. Tables and these three inequalities: proper- ly attended will continue their from Columbia university. He by letters and petition. Carl places were reserved at Pome- ty ownership, income, and the interests by organizing similar has taught at New York Uni- Hawver and Archie King, rene Cafeteria for the six o'clock residence of wealth and econ- versity and College of the City dynamic graduate leaders, at gathering. groups elsewhere. omic power within a few large of New York, and is the author the request of Mr. Montgom- The pleasure in seeing old corporations in the United of a book on the reign of Queen ery, Tiffin, gave their views classmates again was evident, Looking Back At The States. Elizabeth. and what they considered to be but the permanent interest of First Summer Session Tracing the influence of the In his service with the the general student opinion on all Bowling Green students in capitalist class in our country, 1 Federal government during and the question of the new presi- their Alma Mater was even Tin firs! summer session was he stated that 64 per cent of immediately following the dent. more apparent. held here at the then Bowling Congress and 80 per cent of all World War, he developed meth- The Board also made Mr. C. Mr. Jordan, one of our own Green Stall' Normal in the sum- boards of elders of our churches ods for training reserve officers, J. Biery Professor Emeritus faculty members, presided at nvi of 1916, following the first are capitalists. The leading and other elements of civilian in recognition of his 22 years the meeting. He explained that wintc i' term. An enrollment of educational institutions, Uni- military service. of valued service to the insti- the assembly had materialized 815 followed a winter student versity of Chicago, Harvard, tution. Mr. Biery is retiring on as a result of the many requests body of 304. While Dr. Wil Yale, Columbia, and Princeton Commencement Program August 31. made by different alumni during Hams had been appointed in are endowed by the wealthy. Processional at 10:15 a. m. The old faculty was reap- the past few weeks. February, 1912, as president of There are over 2,000,000 stu- Invocation—Prof. J. W. Car- pointed as is, except Dr. Rose, Those who were present mani- the college, not until 1014, af- dents in the private high schools michael who is leaving to do research fested a desire to express, as a ter he had completed his work securing private training. Our Solos: "My Sweet Repose", work. body, their appreciation to for the doctor's degree at Co- course of study in the public Schubert Funds were set aside for ob- President Williams for his lumbia, could he give full time high school has always been "I Know a Lovely Garden", taining ten or twelve new in- many years of service and his to the new work. dominated by the capitalist class. d'Hardelot structors next year to relieve fine contributions toward the On tin' present university The cost of the finest surgery (Continued on page 4, col. 1) (Continued on page 1, col. 1) (Continued on page .'!, col. 5) (Continued on page' 2, col. 5) (Continued on page 2, col. 4) SUMMER SESSION GRADUATES OF 1937

Eighth Row—Anna Miller, Jane Webb, Helen Neuman, Rosa Brant, Marcella Schwartz, Lucille Webb, Helen McClung, Ilah Scott. Seventh Row—Maybelle Hineline, Bertha Sanders, Vivian Schnur, Florence Lambert. Sixth Row—Grace Westenbarger, Louise Westenbarger, Grace Shanks, Hazel McMaster, Julia Backus, Marguerite Young, Esther Waesch, James Synnamon, Mary Fitzpatrick, Adelaide Franks, Myron Long. Fifth Row—Elda Albring, Grace Short, Ruth Winzeler, Ruth Girdham, Kathyrn Busch, Alden Allensworth, Irene Davidson, Edwin Stienmetz, Gerald Underwood. Fourth Row—Dorothy Claggett, Jane Miller, Rachel Ballard, Carlotta Smith, Dwight Laffin, Dorin Gordon, Carroll Cole, Laura Jones, Don Simmons. Third Row—Wanda Stock, Dorothy Wolfe, Juanita Carter, Dorothy Blatchford, Dale Kei.ser, Ruth Weisz, Betty Coale, Muriel Young, John Parks, Dean Burget. Second Row—Edna Esselbach, LoDema Spiess, Ruth Muir, Irene Link, Freda Meyer, Connie Ryman, Okey Fleschcr, Edgar Emerson, Lillian Russell, Ross Cox, Catherine Snyder. Bottom Row—Eunice Bavin, Ella Fraser, Marjorie Reed, Jane Wright, Edna Radabaugh, Arlene Yates, Dorothy Kolbe, Henry Stauffer, Mary Alice O'Dell, Helen Gilmore, Virginia Pendleton.

» PAGE 2 BEE GEE NEWS BEE GEE NEWS COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Kohl Contrasts (Continued from page 1, col. 5) Two-Year Diploma in ANNOUNCEMENTS Published Every Wednesday of College Year is determined by the same Elementary Education -^ By The group, and even recreation is Thursday, Aug. 5— STUDENTS AND FACULTY Ballard, Rachel Estclle made to fit the upper strata Recitations end; final exams. of Bavin, Eunice Belle of society, to say nothing of the Friday, Aug. 6— BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Blatchford, Dorothy Ellen great Hearst, Scripps-Howard, Burrcll, Edith L. are Paul Block newspapers. Final exams. Commenting on the under- 10:15 Commencement in gym- Dorothy V. Wolfe This Week's Editor Busch, Kathryn M. Carter, Juanita G. privileged classes, he gave the nasium Ray Hoods Assistant Editor Cole, Carroll P. following facts: there are 33,- Speaker—Dr. Arthur Klein George C. Beattie Adv. Manager Dixon, Eloise M. 000,000 alien born and of for- Monday, Aug. 9— Carl Hawver .Features Esselbach, Edna E. eign-born parentage here to- Post cummer term begins. day, 10,000,000 colored and 3,- 9:00 P. M. leave B. G. on Holt Archie King Features Fish, Mary N. Fraser, Ella Boysen 500,000 men who have served tour. REPORTERS Frysinger, Garnette in jails and penitentiaries and Homecoming— Geyer, Catherine at present are at large. Tentative plans set date for Lloyd Mizer, Martha Lee Harris, Paul Cramer, Fern Sharp, Gilmore, Helen Discussing the question: how Homecoming November 12 Betty J. Shirk. Girdham, Ruth H. sensitive are people to the con- and 13. We'll be looking for Prof. G. W. Beattie _ Advisor Gordon, Doris E. ditions of the underpriviliged, you. Groll, Helen P. and would it be possible for a Hartenfeld, Lillian leader to mobilize the lower one- To A Record Unique . . Hineline, Maybelle third of our population, Dr. First Summer Session Immel, Virginia Warren Kohl stated that our middle- (Continued from page 1, col. 4) From abondoned city lots and open fields to our present Jackson, Helen M. class feeling clings around the faculty are several members of beautiful campus shows clearly the great progress by our Keiscr, Dale R. tradition of success, and the the 1915 summer faculty: Prof. university under the guiding hand of President H. B. William:!. Kolbe, Dorothy Mary feeling that everyone can get G. W. Beattie, Dr. Rea McCain, Laffln, Dwight K. ahead if he saves and makes the The development has been gradual, conservative, safe and Dr. James R. Overman, Prof. Lambert, Florence Mildred right kind of investments has sane in all lines—campus buildings, equipment, curriculum, K. L. Most ley, and Prof. C. J. Link, Irene Louise permeated our whole civilization. Biery. The names of the other scholastic standards, extra curriculum activities, such as social Lucal, Ilo This is totally different from faculty members include Ernest program, athletics, debates, dramatics, The Key, Bee Gee News, McMusler, Hazel I. the philosophy of the peasant G. Hesser, Ernest G. Walker, band, orchestra, gee club, W. A. A., Student Council, Student Meyer, Freda M. classes which Marx and Henry | Leon L. Winslow, J. F. Leach, Miller, Anna B. George knew. Forum and literary societies. Elfie Alexander, Margaret Sue Miller, Florence Leora Then, too, we have an almost May we take this opportunity to congratulate President Burner, Lucy Meacham, Grace Mizer, Orrin J. complete faith in our impres- Williams upon his unique record of a marvelous accomplishment PoorlMU£h, and R. W. Solomon. Muir, Ruth E. sive government. "This govern- and express our appreciation for his faithful co-operation with The fii>t tuition was free, O'Dell, Mary Alice ment will not let any man or the Bee Gee News staff. To his successor we extend heartiest and laboratory fees were small. Patterson, Ruth L. woman suffer for the necessities greetings and fullest co-operation, that our university may con- The total expenses for the Pendleton, Virginia M. of living," said Franklin D. tinue its high standards and rapid growth for greater service to oight-wc« l< term were $35. Radabaugh, Edna L. Roosevelt in three successive the young people of northwestern Ohio. Registration took place in the Russell, S. Imogene fireside chats. basement of the old high school Ryman, Connie Louise There are many evidences building, and in the terrific DOWN MEMORY lien's Gym, and the P. A. build- Sanders, Bertha Erma that people are seeing the in- heat, students sought first one ing were erected . . . When the Schnur, Vivian A. equalities in our living con- LANE piofes-or and then another and old Country Life club went Shank, Grace Marie ditions as shown in the increas- strong in the summer and Prof. finally fell to their own re- Bob Wy.ndt Short, Grace ing numbers of new books and sources in deciding their proper Beattie used a yard stick to Simmons, Donald Gale the growth of such movements With due respect to all the course- <. measure the distance between Smith, Carlolta as Huey Long's, The EPIC, The writers who have used, "Do Dr. McCain's classes as well the dancing couples . . . When Spiess, LoDema Jane Townsend, the Coughlin, the you remember when." as most others were held in the there were no bleacher seats on Steinmctz, Edwin M. Pclley Christian Commonwealth, Armory, and unless the chairs This is a resume of twenty- the field and no running track . Stock, Wanda L. and now the Alfred Law.son wc *e placing verv carefully, one years as a student in and When the college band ha.I il Underwood, Pauline F. Direct Credits society. some of the ninety-five mem- out of Bowling Green State first meeting and the effects Weisz, Ruth The deepest Leftist thinking bers of the grammar class over- Normal College, Bowling Green thereof . . . these are some of Weslenbarger, Grace is developing out of the exist- flowed into the doorways, and • * State College, and Bowling the old do you remembers. Fond ing labor difficulties, but Westenbarger, Mildred Louise halls scribbling notes between Green State University. In memories I call them. neither this dissatisfaction nor Winzeler, M. C. peeks. other words a swan song. Almost a quarter of a century Winzeler, Ruth B. that from the Communist groups Dr. Overman served as lib- I have heard repeated gossip of plain, unadulterated pleasure Wright, Jane will be sufficient to bring re- rarian in odd moments, his concerning the deficiencies and has been mine for having had Vates, Arlene G. volution because of the lack of headquarters being the library inefficiences of the institution the opportunity of being count- Young, Muriel Ruth a solidly knit organization un- in the basement of the Methodist this summer, but these don't ed a student of Bowling Green. der a competent leader to Degree, Bachelor of Science Church. And speaking of mean much to me. We of the As time draws near and the mobolize an army and navy. in Education churches, had it not been for the old "deadpan" who are not in- post gruduatc course is almost "Every American citizen General kindly women who provided terested in the fairer sex and completed I can but feel the Should understand the dawning Allensworth, Alden E. C. numerous church suppers, the don't take them on picnics are deepest sense of gratitude for of the resentment towards In- Brant, Rosa students would hardly have had certainly a bunch to be pitied. what I have received as I ming- equality. If we do not, every enough to eat. There are some who think we led with those of greater know- Burget, Dean piece of groundwork is laid for There were many students have lost the art of living, but, ledge and intent. Rurget, Russel L. an outbreak," Dr. Kohl says. Cox, Ross Marion from the old Toledo Training as I look over the "deadpans" To Dr. Williams we owe our "Our democracy has something Fitzpatrick, Mary K. School who were able to finish I find about ninety-eight per- deepest gratitude. He hus not —that principle of freedom of Flesher, Okey Jay their diploma work that first cent of them to have been only built Bowling Green on the self-determination—that no other Franks, Adelaide summer, so that Dr. Charles happily married for a period rock figuratively but also liter- government in the world has Long, Myron E. Judd, of the University of varying from two to twenty ally. To him we bow in humble ever had. With vision and en- Newman, Helen M. Chicago, talked to graduates in years. What scandal had we; submission and take off our hat ergy we can save ours." O'Brien, James F. the now-abandoned Chidester Oh, why finish! in due consideration for the en- Two very important points Scott, Ila Theatre. Now the rambling is over. ergy he has spent in making were brought out in the discus- Snyder, Catherine Mr. K. V. Whaley, one of Do you remember?: Bowling Green State University sion from the floor: that en- Stauffer, Henry H. our present faculty members, When the cement sidewalks second to none in the state. trance of the U. S. into a war Stevens, Robert E. and member of that first sum- ended at the railroad and you would set free these diverse To the instructors, who have Elementary Education mer student body, remembers had to empty your shoes of antagonisms, and also that the labored to enrich our lives, Adler, Eleanor distinctly his personal hygiene sand before you went to class- teachers of the social science we leave our heartfelt thanks Alhring, Elda M. course from Prof. Moseley, and es, and then again going down subjects are the least active and sincerely hope they con- Backus, Julia A. a course in elementary psy- town for lunch . . . When the citizens of our country. tinue in their active service for Claggett, Dorothy Lucille chology from Prof. Tapy. He grounds on which the library a long time to come. stands were planted with corn Davidson, Irene states that there was no Phys- If you find anything wrong Attention Lacking and tomatoes and kept hoed by Ford, Helen M. ical Education department, and yours truly . . . When it was with the University don't blame Johnson, Mary Jo I don't know why one realizing the need for organ- necessary to take a scythe along it; it's not the institution—it's Jones, Laura F. should be so critical toward ized recreation, set about man- to the baseball field to mow the you. McClung, Helen I. the Southland Jubilee Singers. aging and captaining the first weeds back of short to find the These are the musings of a Miller, Alice Jane It was one of the best programs baseball team here. Among ball if it got past the short stop green country boy, from a small Park, John we have had this year. the former students were Floyd . . . When it was unsafe to play country town who has yet to Reed, Marjorie Beryl The person who did not en- Coller, at present prosecuting football because your head of- erase the Alger finish. Russell, Lillian E. joy this program must have attorney of Wood county, How- ten came into contact with Journey's end is almost here. Swartz, Marcella been asleep in the back row due ard Cochrane, in the History • huge boulders on the field . . . I am glad that I have had the Waesch, Esther Marie to lack of interest or perhaps department in Fremont High When the cyclone blew the water privelcge of attending the Uni- Webb, Jane E. cramming for a test after School, Lloyd Harmon, profes- tower into Prof. Schwarz's room versity, and of sitting at the Webb, A. Lucile chapel. sor of Bible in Parson's College, and demolished the smoke stack feet of her noble professors. Wolfe, Dorothy V. We can never hope to be en- Iowa, and a Mr. Hutchinson, on the power house . . . When May she carry on in the work, Young, Marguerite tertained without first giving head of the Industrial Arts the training school grounds so nobly done in the past, that Special in Commercial Education the performer our attention. divibion and in charge of build- were broken for a new building those who leave her portals C.'ague, Julia Let's put those books away and ing of the Rehabilitation School and the Library, Shatzel Hall, may live a fuller, richer life. (Continued on page 3, col. 3) enjoy a good program. (Continued on page 3, col. 1)


"The Next 100 Jest a Jester BUD AND LUKE'S NAMED Negro Singers Former Students (Continued from page 1, col. 3) Many Bowling Green students Did Not Fail Years" Reviewed welfare and advancement of the Two more days will bring to and resident! familiar with school. A motion that these While most people say that Either last week's chapel a close this summer-session and Bud & Luke's restaurant will sentiments be expressed to him they "simply never find time to commentator who was so ill- this mud-slinging column. Sure be inti rested to know that it in the form of a letter signed read daring summer", they per- disposed toward our negro en- lucky for some of you birds by all attending was unanimous- haps forget, the countless un- was one of the three establish- tertainers of July 21 had risen ly carried. realized moments when they are there is such a thing as ments described in a section on thi' said morning on the without something to do. It is censorship. There is no such called "Dining Out-of-the Or- wrong side of the bed or he Mr. Jordan then told about the many improvements being astonishing how pleasant and thing as "freedom of the press" dinary" in the current issue of fails to appreciate real artis- relaxing an hour or two's read- try when it knocks at his front made on the Bowling Green you lucky people. Here's the the Readers Digest. The Toledo ing )f even the "heavy" type door, exceptions must be taken campus. The alumni showed daily-dill, but filtered. *♦ can be even after doing re- Restaurant was noted by Ernie to the statement that they were keen interest and pride in them. quired reading. The social G. S. has the "on-her" this Pylc of the New York World 'undoubtedly the worst group The efforts of the committee round soon becomes a groove week of heading the black-list. Telegrair because of its "re- of negro musicians to appear for the dinner were recogniz- here foi many years' as the re- and almost a discipline. In Jilts are things you read about, verse english" in the treatment ed. The committee was compos- reading something of our own ception accorded them far out- ed of Vivian White McCarter not practice, G. S. your stock of patrons choosing, because of our own weighed that for any of the and Dorothy Bachman Carni- curiosity, we can fulfill that seems to have "watered."—Talk- Do people get sore? "Yes," negi • performers which yours com. desire. Strangely enough, ed with the boys from Wesleyan says Bud, "once in a while. But truly has ever heard within Those remaining for the se- •rood non-fiction with its new at the beach. Oh yes, they know more people get sore because lice - Cole Cinches Second "Next Hundred Place Years" Reviewed (Continued from page 3, col. 1) Team Standings on what we read more clearly. It does not matter how long it W -L Pet. takes us to finish the book if it 0 Frey 7 1 .876 was worth starting. | Cole 5 3 .626 In this connection, summer Gwyn 1 7 .126 is a good time to try to reach McBride 3 5 .376 new viewpoints and re-adjust ourselves to the changing Last Tuesday when the last scene. One excellent book is C. ball had been breezed across the C. Furnas' "The Next Hundred home plate and the runs had Years". Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at Yale, been tallied the stellar softball he includes in 400 pages an team lead by Frey was found excellent resume of where we to be in undisputed possession now stand and a fair forecast of A GOOD JOB of the league title for the B. G. what to expect, and, most im- BEHIND THE EIGHT BALL S. U. summer school for the portant of all, an insurpassable Ray Hoops pattern of suggestions as to We built a car in our garodge year 1937. All summer long how best to proceed. There's going to be a hangin' "That ain't no bird, mister. 'Twas partly hodge and partly with unceasing energy this team The book is divided into sec- on the campus if a suitable place That's the trees. They're whist- podge, has managed to put a full team tions on Biology, Chemistry, can be found. All week a search ling for your dog." Now if this We found a chassis in a pit on the field each day. In so do- Physics, Engineering, and Soc has been made, first a space ending to last week's bit o'humor Which really was the start of i.t ing this team has piled up an iology. He stresses particularly large enough wasn't available finally gets printed we may pro- We bought an engine slightly enviable record of one loss to the significance of this last in the "Ad" building, next the ceed to our choice at hand. This section/ His information is al- cracked seven wins. It is all the more air in the Science building was week's "joke to end all jokes" ways accurate and telling. He too thick for such an occasion. And other things our project remarkable when we recall that centers about a guests who was writes spectator-fashion, hum- Hut don't be mislead—we're lacked they have won each of their orous and common-sensical in otdy talking about a suitable lo- met at the door of the new home And Tom said, "Golly, gee what last seven starts. his observations. cal Ion for E. L. Moseley's por- by the host. fun If we can get this thing to run" Another orchid must be hand- The book is begun, approp- trait as recently finished by R. "Hello, old pal, how do you Which was enough for Tom and riately enough, with some ob- M. McKelvey, u former student find it here?" asked the guest. ed to the Cole softball aggre- me servations on Chicago's Century at Sandusky of our Professor gation that cinched second "Walk right upstairs, and of Progress Exposition. He looks Emeritus. Perhaps by the time To strain our engine-u-itee. place in the league with 6 wins beyond the brilliant chromium then two doors to the left," came this is printed this most com- the non-chalant reply. and 3 losses, which is also no and glass exterior into what mendable portrait will be on We started out the road to burn small victory. Their brand of had been really accomplished. exhibition. Then something happened at a He docs the same for whut we What is more interesting turn . . . ball has also been quite con- are to expect in the future. than murder, than yesterday's Poor Tom has two more weeks sistently good all summer long, The book was published in Right here and now we want game, than a love nest, than a to stay as one would expect after learn- 1936 by Reynal and Hitchcock. to take this opportunity to war, or a bathing beauty, or But I'll be home by Saturday. ing that they won undisputed check this malarious gossip that the weather? You've guessed it —Hanemann in Westways is going the rounds about "Ye possession of the number two —it's that certain somebody we Old Bight-Bailer". It seems been "hounding" over in the spot. the ii'nr ni>r'it a huge rone tied wood-ihop these L'iFt few .wi TOP... PUHfOKMAMCE Third place was won by the firmly with a gigantic knot was This week after having been with . . team lead by McBride with 3 found encircling his bed. Odd- threatened, we've promised not BLUE SUNOCO ly enough all those already in • •l wins and 6 losses to their credit. to breath a word about how this' at regular price . . no bed were instuntly wide awuke somebody caught his fingers in' second grade, no third An attitude that varied greatly ciic.iijTli to attest that "Ye Olde the band saw this week. It grade. from day to day was responsible Kin!;! Bailer" must have been seems that every week-end hel in a large way for keeping this fervently praying because he went home all his wife would. I team in third place. There was was kneeling half-way beneath 'nave to do would be to read the J an end spurt, however, that the bed and at the same time, BEE GEE NEWS and she kept them out of a tie with the words something about the Diety would know just what he'd done The Bank of "Denizens of the Cellar" as the and oilier people in general each week. Okay pal, mum is Gwyn team was appropriately were plainly audible. the word! Wood County I tagged. This latter team was challenged for the cellar only once when they shared it one Somebody wants to know why Coma and see my BROWN the grove behind the dorms week with the McBride outfit. COUNTY POTTERY . . MEMBER OF THE Darn decent of them, doncha' Interesting Sidelight isn't made an integral part of Other inexpensive gifts think? Or do you? On a Popular Prof. our campus. With the crop of too FEDERAL DEPOSIT All in all we may look forward weeds out cf the way it never Mrs. HARRINGTON INSURANCE CORP. } did look more inviting. Who to an even better race at B. G. Superintendent Whaley or- 325 North Prospect St. ■ knows, perhaps a shady wind- - - i «. _. !. - -a S. U. next summer. Incidently, ganized our first baseball tenm ■■ ■ ■ ing path with inviting benches the winners have received during the summer term of 1915. placed along the way would do their treat. Several games were played—the wonders to relieve the monotony score we better not mention. Expert beauty work if of the formal layout of our WE WISH TO THANK Board Defers Action One game was quite a success. campus. As some one has said, of all kinds done Students vs. Faculty. Whaley "Give us liBEERty or give us THE SUMMER STU- piloted the students to victory (Continued from page 1, col. 2) death." Yowsah. DENTS FOR THEIR here. by a score of 18 to 16 for the congested conditions in the faculty. PATRONAGE class room and to enlarge the chemistry and business admin- The faculty provided a real Bicycle Tirei . . Part* The istration departments. The hir- stiff game. President Williams Accessories Kay-Ann ing of the new instructors and swatted two homers, running Whitehouse the bases in Jessie Jones stylo. P. L. B1NKLEY formation of the College of DRIVE-IN SERVICE Phone 468 Business Administration was Dr. Overman, a snappy first 242 South Main Street P baseman, while Prof. Biery was delegated to the new president, # at the suggestion of President every where but on second base a when he should have been. •:•• Williams. ■ If the students hud only giv- THREE BIG DIPS OF CREAM en the faculty one-half the sup- BLUE BOOKS TWO DIFFERENT SYRUPS Commencement port they gave the ragged WHIPPED CREAM AND NUTS Whaleyites the score would have 16 page . . 3 for 5c (Continued from page 1, col. 1) been 30-0 for the faculty. MARASCHINO CHERRY Merril C. McEwen 32 page . . 2 for 5c —THAT'S WHAT MAKES OUR BANANA SPLIT Marcella McEwen, accompanist THE BEST BUY IN TOWN. Address—"Education", Dr. GIBSON'S HOME Klein RESTAURANT 15c Presentation of Diplomas Butler's Conferring of Degrees 25c LUNCH SERVED Benediction DAILY Drug Store HOLLAND ICE CREAM STORE Recessional V I.