The Mosaic December 2020

The Millennium Garden (Gwyn James)

Unfortunately, the Millennium Garden Working Party, planned for the 7th November had to be cancelled due to lockdown restrictions.

However, if you have visited the garden lately, you will have noticed that some basic tidying has taken place. This was desperately needed before winter, so a few of those who regularly keep an eye on the garden have spent time clearing back the undergrowth and tidying paths and grassed areas. As much as possible, we follow the guidance from the National Allotment Society to ensure the safety of those concerned. We hope to continue with the general upkeep of the garden until it is safe to plan another Working Party Day, hopefully in the spring. Planning for next year is still underway and it would be good to hear from anyone interested in contributing, either in practical terms or with ideas to further develop the garden as a facility for the village.

If you have any information, questions or suggestions please contact: Gwyn James: 473034, 07903280644 ([email protected]). Liz Collins: 07377389453.


We have eight windows overlooking the street from which we have the greatest pleasure seeing these Amazing Creatures riding by. They certainly brighten up our days in these strange times. We wish you well and much success in the future.

Thank you Alastair and Jill ,Seymour Cottage.

Monthly update on The yard (Alice Fox-Pitt)

November is always a quiet month at the stables. Kazu headed back to Japan to spend some well earned time with his family. His three horses are in the field having a break and will start to slowly build back up into work from the beginning of December. We will look forward to Kazu coming back to Wood Lane stables around the second week of January. The rest of the team are trying to have a break within the covid restrictions, which has been frustrating for them. Jacky’s family are isolating in Manchester, Adam can’t head back to Newcastle and Belle is finding it tricky to get home to Wales. We are recruiting for next seasons gang. William has been busy coaching and training. He has also been sourcing new horses for owners and has found a gorgeous new four year old in Germany for a fantastic and enthusiastic syndicate. So all in all not much to report but things will certainly rev up come December.

Services at St Peter’s December 2020

As these details are published, we are still waiting to hear about when and how we will come out of lockdown. If any changes to these details become necessary, they will be published on the Church noticeboards.

Date Service

Sunday 6 December 9:30am Morning Prayer

Sunday 13 December 9:30am Morning Prayer

Sunday 20 December 9:30am Morning Prayer

Christmas Eve 6.00pm Listening Carol Service

Christmas Day 9.30am Holy Communion for Christmas Morning

There will be no service in St Peter’s on Sunday 27 December - if you would like to attend church, you can join us at St Mary’s for Morning Prayer at 9:30am or at St Thomas’, for their Patronal Festival at 11am.

Please note that booking is essential for services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, as we are very limited in how many people we can accommodate under the existing restrictions. Please call 01258 475469, from 14 December, to book - you will be asked to provide a contact name, contact e-mail address or phone number and the size of the household or bubble.

Online services for the Christmas period

From Sunday 20th December Churches Together Carol Service From Christmas Eve Christingle and Crib Service

Both of these services will be available via the menu on the St Mary’s website,

If you would like to make your own Christingle this year, packs containing everything you need to make your very own Christingle will be available, please contact the Rev Philippa Sargent on [email protected]


All you need to do is decorate a window or door in a festive fashion and have fun! Please make sure your window or door is visible from the road. Entries should be finished by the end of Sunday 20th December as Katie will be judging the following week.

Maybe post a picture or let us know you have completed an entry on the Hinton St Mary Facebook page.

The winner will be announced in the January Mosaic.

Parish Council Meeting

The Parish Council Minutes from 3rd November can be viewed in written form on the notice board by the White Horse and online on the Hinton St. Mary website. The Hunt Paul McNamara

Walking out of the village on the path next to the main road towards the cricket pitch late afternoon on Tuesday 3rd November I was greeted with the site of a huntsman (red coat), cantering down the main road past me with his followers speeding behind him in their car towards Sturminster Newton. His horse promptly slipped on the road surface and he came off just before the cottage on the right-hand side opposite the cricket pitch: rider and horse straddling the road and the path. The car following him skidded to a stop. The followers simply gave him a leg up and off they went. They were then followed by another huntsman, in a black coat, cantering at speed on the road despite being able to see what had gone on ahead.

I appreciate that some may feel it was a jolly wheeze – but on a serious note these were avoidable, reckless and dangerous incidents witnessed within the space of 10 minutes. Both riders and their followers showed a total disregard for the safety of pedestrians, and other road users (or their own horses). Mosaic update

The matter was discussed at the Parish Council meeting on the 3rd Nov. It was recommended that Mr. McNamara takes the issue up with the Estate Office, Fox-Pitt Eventing and the BV Hunt. Councillor Carole Jones will contact the police. In the interim we believe a representative of the B.V.Hunt has contacted Mr & Mrs McNamara to apologise.

North Womens Refuge (Robin Gibb)

We will be collecting Christmas gifts for the women and children in the Refuge. Due to Covid, we have been asked to consider some elementary changes this year.

Obviously any and all donations remain appreciated and welcome but, as used toys pose a potential risk, new would be preferred. Tinned/sealed food items remain popular as do ladies toiletry items etc. They apparently are always in need of sheets and duvets.

Any items can be deposited in the Church, which is open during daylight hours, from Monday 14th December to Tuesday 22nd December , when they will be collected for gift wrapping by a Refuge Volunteer. Any gifts received after this, and at the Christmas services, will be delivered to the Volunteer on or after the 26th, by arrangement.

If anyone wishes to make a cash donation, which is always welcome, please put in an envelope marked ‘Refuge’ and post in the wooden offertory box. The Church Warden will routinely check and transfer to the safe until it can be passed to our contact.

Update from the Practice Covid 19 Vaccine As you will have read in the press or heard on the news, several potential vaccines for COVID-19 are in various stages of trials, to ensure that they are safe and how effective they are at reducing an individuals’ risk. The Practice is working closely with the NHS both nationally and locally to prepare to deliver the vaccine, when it becomes available. Meanwhile please do not call the practice regarding Covid 19 vaccinations. They will be in touch with you to make an appointment, as soon as a vaccine is available for you.

Patients who are experiencing Covid 19 symptoms and who need to be assessed face to face, will be asked to attend our Hot Site at . We have a separate section of the building that is Covid secure with a separate entrance and two suitable rooms for managing patients.

If you are asked to attend Marnhull surgery and you have Covid 19 symptoms, please wait in your car until we call you to let you in. We need to keep to one patient with symptoms at a time. This allows clinicians to ensure they have the correct equipment on and for cleaning and disinfecting the rooms when finished.

Flu Vaccine The government has announced that Flu Vaccinations for people aged 50-64 will start on December 1st. The Practice has now started to source and order vaccines and arrange for this major logistical exercise. If you are in this group, please do not ring the Practice for information or to book an appointment for a flu vaccination. As soon as vaccines are available and if you are eligible for one, then the Practice will contact you. You can also find out about the current situation on the website,

Turks Garage

The garage was started by a Mr. Turk, an ancestor of Peter Strong, who ran it as a garage and taxi service. There are some great old photographs in the office now – showing it as it was then. It was subsequently owned by Dennis Coffin, still remembered by a number of people in Hinton. When he retired, it was taken over by 2 lads, who left rather hurriedly, leaving one of their cars at the garage and the other at Heathrow Airport! Steve Chatfield took over in 1988 so he has been looking after us for 32 years. He had been foreman at Olds of Yeovil. At that time there were 2 filling stations in Sturminster, 1 in Lydlynch, I in Todber, 1 in Marnhull and 1 in Hinton. Now there is just ours in Hinton. There were 3 pumps then – 2 petrol and 1 diesel, until an elderly gentleman from Cutt Mill, turning right to visit the garage, was hit up the back by someone coming from Marnhull. He shot across the road, demolished the first pump which fell, demolishing the second pump which also fell, causing the 3rd pump to fall and embed itself into Nigel and Wendy King’s car which, was standing on their forecourt. Steve has done a wonderful job in keeping us on the road. He does 10 – 15 MOT tests every week. He and Christine are really helpful in many ways to anyone in the village needing assistance. AND they are the collection point for the new Blackmore Vale magazine – alternate Thursdays.

Nicholson’s Yard

 Hinton Motorcycles

Hinton Motorcycles is owned by Anne & Mike, who live in the village. Hinton Motorcycles has been trading for over 20 years, originally trading from The Old Estate Yard HSM. 18 months ago, we moved across into Unit 1 Nicholson’s Yard. Hinton Motorcycles manufactures parts for veteran and vintage motorcycles, many 100 years old, specializing in Triumphs. Although this forms the bulk of our business, we do occasionally get involved with other strange protects such as the restoration of a Traction Engine and veteran cars.

 MB Classic Cars

My name is Martin and I’m the owner of MB Classic cars. We are located at unit 4 on the industrial estate opposite Lower Cross Cottage (the estate with the two pigs!), often quietly beavering away until the later hours on various classic cars, or quite often delving into the hazy area of ‘modern classics’. I’m not even in my 30’s yet but undertook my first restoration when I was 14, an old Series 2a Land Rover. This then led me on to work for a couple of reputable classic car restorers until I finally took the plunge in running my own business at the beginning of 2019, and then moving my business to the village in the November of that year.

We undertake (well, I undertake, it’s just me) various tasks on classic cars including full restorations, maintenance, major or minor repairs and sympathetic upgrades at the owners’ request. Now the question I am usually asked is “What qualifies as a classic?”. Well the answer to that is, nobody fully knows. In my view, anything made before 1980 is almost certainly a classic, and then after that it gets slightly complicated. However, I look after a lovely early 90’s Mercedes 500SL which has certainly gained classic status over the years. I also look after a 1998 MK3 VW Golf GTI which has certainly gained the ‘modern classic’ status, but this is probably the absolute limit.

The current projects are a 1968 Downton tuned MGC Roadster, which is undergoing major body restoration and includes cutting out rust and seamlessly replacing it with new metal. Eventually the shell will be painted and built up, exceeding the mass- produced MG factory standards. One of my skills does include paint spraying, but while this is currently outsourced due to space and lack of facilities, there are the beginnings of plans to bring car body spraying in-house.

I also have a Land Rover series 1 in for a full wiring loom, a Morris Minor which is waiting for a restoration (the one parked outside!) and then I have my own projects which I sometimes get round to plugging away on. The first of these is a 1978 Saab 99 Turbo five-door, in right hand drive. Only 100 of these five-door turbos were ever made for the right-hand drive UK market, with only a handful left on the road. The normal three-door turbo is already highly desirable, dubbed as the first turbo-charged passenger car for the mass market and which is said to have caused everything in the subsequent 1980’s to have ‘TURBO’ stamped on them. Literally everything, from washing machines to sunglasses. My car unfortunately was in a very sorry state in terms of rust and previous bad repairs, but we are 50% there on the body repairs now.

Another little project I’m just rounding off is a modern-day MG TF, which are renowned for fragile cylinder head gaskets. Of course, that was exactly the problem mine had, but once this is sorted, they are actually really fab little cars. I also have my little red MGB GT which I finished a full restoration on in 2018, yet like all these cars it sometimes needs an odd bit doing to it. Finally I also have a 1987 Renault 11 Turbo which needs brake pipes and some welding on the doors. These are extremely rare now with only six currently on UK roads.

So there you are, in case you were wondering what was going on in the unlabeled Unit 4, it’s all of the above! I’m usually there all the time, but in ‘normal times’ I tend to take Friday’s off to go for a seaside walk and have a social, then work weekends. If the door is closed it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m not there. It just means I’m cold and have the heating on!

Martin Bennett MB Classic Cars Dorset 01258 471763 [email protected]

 Silicone Hose UK

The business was originally established in Germany in 2013 by Simon & Kathy Andrew and was relocated to the UK in 2017 when they decided to return home. Having outgrown previous premises in Ferndown and Henstridge the Company relocated to a unit in Nicholsons Yard in 2019.

Specialising in the supply of high-grade hoses made using high grade pure silicone with polyester reinforcement providing a durable and longer lasting hose. Silicone hoses offer a more reliable alternative to rubber and plastic hoses. Suitable for use with water, Coolant and air and have a wide variety of uses in: Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Plant Machinery, Drainage and many more.

The business is run predominantly as Mail Order however personal and trade enquiries are always welcome - current Covid Regulations permitting of course.

Unit 3 Nicholsons Yard, Stearts Lane, HSM Web: Phone: 07957 664404

18lb Pike – Caught at Fiddleford on 22nd November

Well done Oli Fox-Pitt and Friends!

The White Horse Pub

The White Horse is unable to offer a takeaway service during this second lockdown as takeaways will not generate enough income to pay the rent. Matthew has therefore taken a job as a delivery driver for the duration of the lockdown. However, the plan is to re-open on the 2nd December as normal.

Thank you for your continued support. The White Horse

Lin Adams, 3 White Horse Lane

It is a sunny, clear blue sky day, early fog soon dispersed and our garden trees and shrubs reappeared in all their glorious autumn colours. The leaves are falling fast, uncovering birds nests once hidden and secretly built in the springtime. As the weather is turning colder with strong winds and frosts, we bought a bird feeding station, filled it with fat balls, peanuts and various seeds, creating a multiple choice menu for our garden birds.

The blackbirds continue to dislodge the decaying leaf piles for grubs, blue tits and great tits find insects on shrubs and trees ...... robins dig for worms in the still warm earth but we know that soon they will all find the feast which we have put before them.

Our only concern is that the greedy squirrels which have been eating and burying hazel nuts all around the garden will get there first!

The shops have closed again, the roads are quiet , we can hear the wind, all we have to do is wait and watch ...... the birds will come.

Anne Garfit – (borrowed)

No Nativity this year because the 3 wise men face a travel ban. The Shepherds have been furloughed. The Inn Keeper has shut under Tier 3 Regulations and has had a slump in bookings. Santa won’t be working as he would break the Rule of Six with Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Donner and Blitzen. As for Rudolph with that Red Nose, he should be isolating and taking a test.

DECEMBER QUICK QUIZ Anagram: MUDDLING PUP (4,7) Dingbat: NIGMASSHT I am 3/7 of chicken, 2/3 of cat and 2/4 of goat - What Am I? ANSWERS TO NOVEMBER QUICK QUIZ Anagram: Marines, Remains Dingbat: Unfinished symphony Ditloid: 9 Lives of a Cat Riddle: A deck of cards

Please let us have any articles, notices, celebrations,, information, items for sale, trusted traders etc you would like to have included in next month’s Mosaic. Deadline 24th of the Month. Thank you. Janet, Jo & Nigel. [email protected] [email protected]

Keep abreast of all things ‘HSM’ on the village facebook page: Hinton St Mary Village Group and the Hinton St Mary Website: where all previous copies of The Mosaic are also available.