THE PERIOD of the CHAIRMANSHIP in the ECONOMIC COOPERATION ORGANISATION PASSED to TURKMENISTAN President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Participates in the ECO Summit

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THE PERIOD of the CHAIRMANSHIP in the ECONOMIC COOPERATION ORGANISATION PASSED to TURKMENISTAN President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Participates in the ECO Summit 6 March 2021 № 10 (479) THE PERIOD OF THE CHAIRMANSHIP IN THE ECONOMIC COOPERATION ORGANISATION PASSED TO TURKMENISTAN President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Participates in the ECO Summit On the invitation of the President of the ities have received a qualitatively new impetus Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, due to the accession of seven countries – Turk- the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly menistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Berdimuhamedov took part in the 14th Sum- Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The date mit of the Economic Cooperation Organisation of the expansion of the Organisation to its cur- (ECO), held in direct videoconference mode. rent composition, November 28, is celebrated Taking into account the current situation as ECO Day. in the world, the agenda of the Summit made According to the relevant Resolution ad- a special emphasis on the development of re- opted in 1995 at the 50th session of the Gen- gional economic partnership in the period after eral Assembly of the United Nations, ECO was the COVID-19 pandemic. granted observer status at the UN. This struc- The Summit was also attended by the ture also has a similar status in the Organisation President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, the President of the Over the past period, Turkmenistan and Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the President the ECO have accumulated solid experience of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani, of joint work, which creates a solid basis for the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan effective cooperation in the long term. Under Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, the President of the the leadership of the head of state Gurbanguly Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov, the President of Berdimuhamedov, our country makes a con- the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, the crete contribution to building up mutually ben- President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat eficial partnership in a multilateral format and Mirziyoyev, the Prime Minister of the Islamic Re- also successfully develops friendly and good- public of Pakistan Imran Khan and the ECO Sec- neighbourly bilateral relations with the ECO retary General Dr Hadi Soleimanpour. member states. The Secretary General of the Turkic Council The main tasks of the ECO are to create Baghdad Amreyev, the Secretary General of the favourable conditions for the progressive eco- Energy Charter Urban Rusnak and others were nomic development of the region, to stimulate also invited to participate in the Summit. integration processes and to strengthen the Wide and multi-format interaction with solidarity and cooperation of the Organisation’s authoritative international and regional organ- member states and their positions in the mod- isations is defined as one of the key vectors of ern system of world economic relations. The Turkmenistan’s foreign policy strategy, based formation of an appropriate functional infra- on the principles of peaceableness, positive structure and new mechanisms for intensifying neutrality and constructive cooperation with all regional and interregional interaction that meet interested foreign partners. Taking a proactive the realities of the time and also the imple- position in developing balanced solutions to mentation of joint projects in priority areas of pressing issues of our time, our country regu- partnership are the key goals of the ECO, the larly puts forward initiatives on realising the achievement of which is also aimed at solving potential of these structures in ensuring peace urgent social issues and improving the level and and security and developing fruitful economic quality of life of peoples. and humanitarian ties, which meets the goals The participation of President Gurbanguly of common wellbeing. Berdimuhamedov in the Summit is another Turkmenistan has been a member of ECO confirmation of the commitment of the neu- since 1992. It should be reminded that this tral Motherland to the course of constructive large regional interstate association was estab- cooperation in the format of international -or lished in 1985 by Pakistan, Iran and Turkey with ganisations, including the ECO and the active the aim of closer partnership in the spheres of and proactive position of our country in solv- economy and trade. Since 1992, the ECO’s activ- ing priority regional and global tasks. 2 ¤¤¤ for two months of 2021, held un der the mot­ nis tan and the Uni ted Na tions: Coo pe ra tion Kyr gyz Re pub lic and the Re pub lic of Uz be­ Pre si dent Gurbanguly Ber di mu ha me dov to “Turk me nis tan – the Ho me of Peace and for Peace and Trust”, ti med to coincide with kis tan Zey nal Ha jiyev. con ducted a regu lar sit ting of the Cabi­ Trust”, we re sum med up. the 29th an niver sa ry of our count ry’s acces­ ¤¤¤ net of Mi nis ters in videocon fe rence mo de, ¤¤¤ sion to the UN. The next sta ge of the electi on cam­ at which prio ri ty is sues of public li fe we re Rep re sen ta tives of the Mej lis to ok part ¤¤¤ paign, the no mi na tion of can di da tes for discus sed, and draft documents we re con­ via video link in a mee ting of the Par lia­ One of the prior i ties of the sta te po­ mem bers of the Halk Masla ha ty of the si de red. men ta ry As semb ly of the Or ga ni sa tion for licy, con sis tent ly fol lo wed by Pre si dent Mil li Gen gesh, has be en comp le ted in ¤¤¤ Securi ty and Coo pe ra tion in Eu ro pe. For the Gurbanguly Ber di mu ha me dov, is the pre­ Turk me nis tan. Pre si dent Gurbanguly Ber di mu ha me dov first ti me, this an nual event was held in the servation and po pu la ri sa tion of the na tio­ ¤¤¤ con ducted a re gu lar wor king mee ting via An on li ne mee ting of specia lists­phy­ videocon fe rence for mat, brin ging to get her LATEST NEWS nalo his t rical and cul tu ral he ri ta ge in the di gi tal video com mu nication with the par­ siot he ra pists of Turk me nis tan and Ger ma­ about 270 par lia men tar ians from 57 count­ world. An im por tant as pect of the lar ge­ ticipa tion of so me De pu ty Chair men of the scale work car ried out in this area is the ny was held at the Int erna tio nal Educatio­ ries. Cabi net of Mi nis ters and the hya kims of ve­ ¤¤¤ nal and Scien ti fic Cent re of the Mi nist ry of ¤¤¤ develop ment of the bree ding of Turk men layats and the capi tal city. A mee ting of the Cent ral Com mis sion for ala bays and the further imp rovement of Health and the Me dical In dust ry. ¤¤¤ A mee ting of the In ter govern men­ the Hol ding of Elections and Re fe ren da in this unique breed. ¤¤¤ The Pre si dent of Turk me nis tan, Sup re­ tal Turk men­Be la ru sian Com mis sion on Turk me nis tan, devoted to the pre pa ra tion ¤¤¤ Rep re sen ta tives of the Mi nist ry of me Com man der­in­Chi ef of the Ar med Econo mic Coo pe ra tion was held via for the electi on of mem bers of the Halk An on li ne mee ting was held bet ween Ag ricul tu re and Environ ment Pro tecti­ Forces of the count ry, Ge ne ral of the Ar my video com mu nication in the capi tal city, Mas la ha ty of the Mil li Gen gesh, was held. the he ad of the Fo reign Mi nist ry of Turk me­ on to ok part in a two­day on li ne mee­ Gurbanguly Ber di mu ha me dov con ducted it was at ten ded by heads and lea ding nis tan and the Re gio nal Coor di na tor of the ting of experts from the mem ber sta tes a regu lar sit ting of the Stat e Securi ty Coun­ specia lists of secto ral mi nist ries and de­ ¤¤¤ In ter na tio nal Or ga ni sa tion for Mig ra tion for of the Com mon wealth of In de pen dent cil, at which the activities of the securi ty, part ments, as well as the bu si ness circles Thet Mi nis ry of For eign Af fairs hos ted an Cent ral Asia, Chi ef of IOM Mis sions in Turk­ Sta tes, or ga ni sed by the CIS Executive de fence and law­en forcement agencies of the two sta tes. In ter na tio nal Con fe rence en tit led “Turk me­ me nis tan, the Re pub lic of Ka zakhs tan, the Com mit tee. 2 Saturday 6 March 2021 THE PERIOD OF THE CHAIRMANSHIP IN THE ECONOMIC COOPERATION ORGANISATION PASSED TO TURKMENISTAN President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Participates in the ECO Summit 1 And, looking ahead, it should be noted that during the At the same time, the head of Turkmenistan stressed the con- At the same time, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Summit, the period of chairmanship in the ECO was passed to solidating essence of the ECO as a form of economic interaction expressed his belief in the need for additional energy routes both Turkmenistan.
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