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Par Barry Greenstein audiobook | *ebooks | Download PDF | ePub | DOC

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Détails sur le produit Rang parmi les ventes : #338969 dans eBooksPublié le: 2012-01-23Sorti le: 2012-01- 23Format: Ebook Kindle | File size: 27.Mb

Par Barry Greenstein : Ace on the River (English Edition) before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Ace on the River (English Edition):

Commentaires clientsCommentaires clients les plus utiles0 internautes sur 0 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. Pas très instructifPar Yves MartinJe pourrai résumer mon avis en disant que le livre à trop le cul entre deux chaises : Il reste trop dans le descriptif (avec trop de distance), l'énumération de faits et la philosophie de jeu pour être un livre technique sur le , et B.Greenstein manque pour moi de passion, d'humour et de mordant (ou alors il n'en met juste pas assez dans son livre, il ne s'implique pas de façon assez personnelle peut-être dans ce qu'il raconte) pour en faire un bon livre d'"experiences de vie" sur le monde du poker et vraiment nous faire voyager avec lui.Au final ce livre ne m'aura à la fois pas appris grand chose qui me serve (ou alors il s'adresse vraiment à des joueurs semi-pro, qui prévoient d'aller écumer les poker-rooms de Las Vegas) et ne m'aura pas non plus vraiment fait voyager ou rêver.0 internautes sur 0 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. contente de mon achatPar APc'était pour un cadeau, mon frère est ravile livre est très intéressant, et acheté d'occasion il était en très bon état0 internautes sur 1 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile. livre de qualitéPar lc62Excellent livre, très bien écrit qui nous en apprend aussi bien sur la technique que sur la vie.Le livre est en plus très agréable à feuilleter : papier glacé, plein de photos en couleur s'il vous plaît et surtout des tonnes de bons conseils pour les joueurs intermédiaires à avancés. Le joueurs débutant se réjouira tout de même de l'expérience de Barry Greenstein. Définitivement l'un de mes livres de poker préféré

Présentation de l'éditeur'Ace on the River' is no ordinary poker book. This is the first truly "advanced" guide aimed at improving your game. Written in an easy-to-read, bare bones conversational style and designed to help anyone interested in increasing their understanding of the game, this book is ideal for those new to the game or winning professionals. The fundamental philosophies presented go beyond the green felt and can be applied in all competitive ventures. While most poker books focus on basic rules and strategies, the book's advanced perspective addresses elements that effect both game play and the player. Focusing on a variety of subjects, such as the psychology of poker, money management, family issues, and sex, this book gives the reader a rare chance to look beyond the cards to see the poker world through someone who lives it. The unique you-make-the-call-play by play section will challenge the reader again and again. This is a review and guide to the world of high-stakes poker as seen by one of the most well- known and well-respected players of all time. From the beginning of 2003 until the middle of 2004, Barry Greenstein won seven poker tournaments and came in second five times, including winning a event and a bracelet. Known as the Robin Hood of Poker, Barry has donated nearly three million dollars of his tournament winnings to charity.Présentation de l'éditeur'Ace on the River' is no ordinary poker book. This is the first truly "advanced" guide aimed at improving your game. Written in an easy-to-read, bare bones conversational style and designed to help anyone interested in increasing their understanding of the game, this book is ideal for those new to the game or winning professionals. The fundamental philosophies presented go beyond the green felt and can be applied in all competitive ventures. While most poker books focus on basic rules and strategies, the book's advanced perspective addresses elements that effect both game play and the player. Focusing on a variety of subjects, such as the psychology of poker, money management, family issues, and sex, this book gives the reader a rare chance to look beyond the cards to see the poker world through someone who lives it. The unique you-make-the-call-play by play section will challenge the reader again and again. This is a review and guide to the world of high-stakes poker as seen by one of the most well-known and well-respected players of all time. From the beginning of 2003 until the middle of 2004, Barry Greenstein won seven poker tournaments and came in second five times, including winning a World Poker Tour event and a World Series of Poker bracelet. Known as the Robin Hood of Poker, Barry has donated nearly three million dollars of his tournament winnings to charity.

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