Species When Where Rare or Endangered Species Common Birds

Least Tern (Sterna antillarum) STARLINGS of Smallest member of the tern __European Starling (b) (i) Y TF,UP family, these birds are but a remnant of the population that WOOD WARBLERS once occurred along our Naturalist Checklist __Orange-crowned Warbler W FW Southern beaches. __Yellow-rumped Warbler W TF,UP __Common Yellowthroat (b) Y TF __Wilson's Warbler S,F UP Belding’s Savannah Sparrow (Paserculus sandwichensis beldingi) SPARROWS Nesting occurs in high marsh habitat __California (Brown) Towhee Y UP around the edges of the bay and on the __Savannah Sparrow, islands. The 1986 Upper Newport Bay Belding's (b) Y TF,SM population was estimated at 245 pairs. __Savannah Sparrow, (other sub-species) W UP __Song Sparrow (b) Y FW,UP Light-footed Clapper Rail __Lincoln's Sparrow W FW,UP (Rallus longirostrus livepes) __Golden-crowned Sparrow W UP In 1992, over 70% of the remaining __White-crowned Sparrow W UP U.S. population of this bird occurred and bred here at the Bay. BLACKBIRDS & ORIOLES __Red-winged Blackbird (b) Y FW __Western Meadowlark (b) Y UP Brown Pelican Including six rare or endangered __Brewer's Blackbird (b) Y UP (Pelicanua occidentalis) species that use the Upper Bay at __Brown-headed Cowbird (b) Y UP This bird lost much of its population least part of the year due to eggshell thinning from the __Hooded Oriole SU UP effects of DDT. Happily numbers are

FINCHES recovering.

__House Finch (b) (i) Y UP Peregrine Falcon WEAVER FINCHES (Falco peregrinus) __House Sparrow (b) Y UP The fastest bird in the world, the peregrine falcon was another victim of DDT pollution.


OW = Open water TF = Tide flats SM = Salt marsh, Black Rail Fw = Freshwater Marsh, Up = Uplands (Laterallus jamaicensis) (b) Breeds at reserve or nearby, (i) introduced Sightings of the black rail are rare. It is believed that the wetland S = spring (Mar - May) SU = summer (June - Aug) restoration projects within the reserve A Newport Bay Conservancy Publication F = fall (Sep - Nov), W = winter (Dec - Feb) have created additional habitat. Y = all year Population status is currently For further information (949) 923-2290 unknown. A donation of $0.50 is suggested Species When Where Species When Where Species When Where

GREBES RAILS & COOTS SHRIKES __ Pied-billed Grebe (b) W OW __Clapper Rail, Light-footed (b) Y SM __Loggerhead Shrike (b) Y UP __Eared Grebe W OW __Sora W SM,FW __Western Grebe W OW __American Coot (b) Y OW,SM,TF PIGEONS & DOVES __Clark's Grebe W OW __Rock Dove (b) (i) Y UP PLOVERS __Morning Dove (b) Y SM,UP PELICANS __Black-bellied Plover Y TF,SM __Brown Pelican W OW __Semipalmated Plover W TF HUMMINGBIRDS __White Pelican W OW __Killdeer (b) Y TF __Anna's Hummingbird (b) Y UP

CORMORANTS STILTS & AVOCETS SWIFTS __Double-crested Cormorant Y OW __American Avocet (b) Y TF __White-throated Swift Y TF,SM

HERONS & BITTERNS SANDPIPERS TYRANT FLYCATCHERS __Great Blue Heron Y TF,SM __Willet Y __BlackFW,TF Phoebe (b) Y TF,SM __Great Egret Y TF,SM __Greater Yellowlegs W TF __Say's Phoebe W SM,FW __Spotted Sandpiper Y FW,TF __Snowy Egret Y TF,SM __Whimbrel Y FW,TF __Green-backed Heron Y TF,SM SWALLOWS __Long-billed Curlew Y FW,TF __Black-crowned Night-Heron Y FW,TF,SM __No. Rough-winged Swallow __Marbled Godwit W TF (b) S UP __Dunlin W TF DUCKS __Cliff Swallow (b) S UP __Western Sandpiper W TF __Green-winged Teal W SM,TF __Barn Swallow (b) S FW __Least Sandpiper W TF __Mallard (b) Y SM,TF,FW __Short-billed Dowitcher W TF CROWS & JAYS __Northern Pintail W SM,TF __Long-billed Dowitcher W TF __American Crow (b) Y FW,UP __Blue-winged Teal W SM,TF,FW __Common Raven (b) Y UP __Cinnamon Teal (b) Y SM,TF,FW

__Northern Shoveler W SM,TF,FW VULTURES BUSHTITS __American Wigeon W SM,TF,FW __Turkey Vulture Y UP,SM __Bushtit (b) Y FW,UP __Canvasback W OW,FW

__Lesser Scaup W OW HAWKS WRENS __Surf Scoter W OW __Northern Harrier (b) Y SM,UP __Marsh Wren (b) Y FW __Bufflehead W OW__Red-shouldered Hawk (b) Y SM,UP

__Ruddy Duck W,S FW __Red-tailed Hawk (b) Y SM,UP KINGLETS, GNATCATCHERS & THRUSHES __Osprey (b) Y SM __Ruby-crowned Kinglet W UP GULLS & TERNS __California (Black-tailed) __Ring-billed Gull Y OW,TF FALCONS __Gnatcatcher (b) Y UP __California Gull Y OW,TF __American Kestrel (b) Y SM,UP

__Western Gull (b) Y OW,TF __Peregrine Falcon Y SM,UP MOCKINGBIRDS __Caspian Tern (b) Y OW,TF __Black Shouldered Kite Y SM,UP __Elegant Tern (b) S OW,TF __Northern Mockingbird (b) Y UP

__Forster's Tern (b) Y OW,TF OWLS __Least Tern, California (b) S OW,TF PIPITS __Great Horned (b) Y UP __American (Water) Pipit W TF __Common Barn Owl (b) Y UP SKIMMERS

__Black Skimmer (b) Y OW,TF see reverse side for Legend