Sheltered Housing - / Housing Support Service 26 Road Bellshill ML4 1RE Telephone: 01698 332341

Inspected by: Morag McHaffie Type of inspection: Announced (Short Notice) Inspection completed on: 8 July 2013 Inspection report continued


Page No Summary 3 1 About the service we inspected 5 2 How we inspected this service 6 3 The inspection 10 4 Other information 19 5 Summary of grades 20 6 Inspection and grading history 20

Service provided by: North Council

Service provider number: SP2003000237

Care service number: CS2004069090

Contact details for the inspector who inspected this service: Morag McHaffie Telephone 01698 897800 Email [email protected]

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This report and grades represent our assessment of the quality of the areas of performance which were examined during this inspection.

Grades for this care service may change after this inspection following other regulatory activity. For example, if we have to take enforcement action to make the service improve, or if we investigate and agree with a complaint someone makes about the service.

We gave the service these grades Quality of Care and Support 5 Very Good Quality of Staffing 5 Very Good Quality of Management and Leadership 5 Very Good

What the service does well Sheltered Housing Bellshill/Viewpark delivers support in seven purpose-built and varying styles of sheltered housing complexes to vulnerable people who reside in the Bellshill/Viewpark area of .

The care service has daily contact with the people who use the service, which is delivered 365 days per year and supported by personal alarm technology to offer out of hours emergency contact. Those persons who were interviewed or completed the questionnaires spoke highly of the care service received.

Those people interviewed during the inspection feel that the quality of the care service delivery is good and spoke highly of the "Wardens" who are accessible on site during specific hours.

What the service could do better The service should continue to provide the people who use the service and their carers the opportunity to take part in the development of the content of the self assessment document by communication and consultation regarding their service in line with National Care Standards, inspection quality themes and statements and all appropriate legislation.

Sheltered Housing - Bellshill/Viewpark, page 3 of 21 Inspection report continued What the service has done since the last inspection This service was on the Care Inspectorate frequency cycle of three yearly inspections and since the last inspection in 2010 North Lanarkshire Council has rebuilt Clay Road complex after a fire.

The environment of the other sheltered housing complexes, Central Park, Moray Quadrant, West End Drive, Woodlands Grove, Kew Gardens and Unitas Court continue to be refurbished and decorated by the provider, where and when required. The exterior hard and soft landscaped garden areas are maintained by tenants and the provider's gardening services.

Conclusion The service has continued to score grades that are indicative of a well managed care service.

We will be looking for:

- the continuous development of person centred care and support - continued communication and information sharing with the people who use the service and their relatives or advocates - the ongoing imaginative participation in meaningful activities offered to the people who use the service to fulfil their potential.

Who did this inspection Morag McHaffie

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1 About the service we inspected

The Sheltered Housing service Bellshill/Viewpark is provided by North Lanarkshire Council and was registered by the Care Commission in 2004 - 2005.

Criteria for people who use the service is that they must be over 60 years, their current accommodation is unsuitable for their needs and who would benefit from the support services that sheltered housing offers. There may be a charge for this service depending on the individual's circumstances.

The Bellshill/Viewpark locality is served by seven complexes offering a variety of styles and layouts of accommodation, houses or self contained flats with direct street or communal corridor access.

The service employs Sheltered Housing Officers, previously known as Wardens, for a set number of hours per day. The people who use the service are also supported by the 24 hour Community Alarm Service.

A number of complexes offer communal lounge and kitchen facilities, car parking and landscaped grounds.

Based on the findings of this inspection this service has been awarded the following grades:

Quality of Care and Support - Grade 5 - Very Good Quality of Staffing - Grade 5 - Very Good Quality of Management and Leadership - Grade 5 - Very Good

This report and grades represent our assessment of the quality of the areas of performance which were examined during this inspection.

Grades for this care service may change following other regulatory activity. You can find the most up-to-date grades for this service by visiting our website or by calling us on 0845 600 9527 or visiting one of our offices.

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2 How we inspected this service

The level of inspection we carried out In this service we carried out a low intensity inspection. We carry out these inspections when we are satisfied that services are working hard to provide consistently high standards of care.

What we did during the inspection Social Care and Social Work Improvement (SCSWIS) is the new regulatory body for care services in Scotland. It will award grades for services based on the findings of inspections. The history of grades that the service was previously awarded by the Care Commission is also available on the SCSWIS website.

We wrote this report following an announced inspection visit, by one Care Inspectorate Inspector - Older People Team, on 1 & 2 July 2013 between 09:30 - 17:00 hours. Feedback was given to the Service Delivery Manager and Service Delivery Co- ordinator - Support on 8 July 2013, 13:00 - 14:30 hours.

As requested by the Care Inspectorate, the service sent us an annual return. The service also sent an electronic self assessment form.

The service provider was supplied by the Care Inspectorate Questionnaires "How satisfied are you with this care service"? for distribution to service users.

Twenty five responses were received from people who use the service and their friends or relatives prior to writing this inspection report.

In this inspection, evidence was gathered from various sources, including the relevant sections of policies, procedures, records and other documents, including:

- Activities - Aims and objectives - Accidents and Incident recording - Complaints Log - Minutes of Relatives, Service Users and Staff meetings - Participation Strategy - Registration Certificate - Insurance Certificate - Service Users Care Plans

We visited Central Park and Unitas Court and participated in and observed activities,

Sheltered Housing - Bellshill/Viewpark, page 6 of 21 Inspection report continued interviewed tenants and staff.

Discussions with various people:

- Service Delivery Manager - Service Delivery Co-ordinator - Housing Advisor - Support - 2 Sheltered Housing Officers - 17 tenants

We shadowed the Service Delivery Co-ordinator to meeting of Sheltered Housing Wardens held in Moray Quadrant. Also in attendance were a Housing Advisor - Support and a member of admin staff.

Grading the service against quality themes and statements We inspect and grade elements of care that we call 'quality themes'. For example, one of the quality themes we might look at is 'Quality of care and support'. Under each quality theme are 'quality statements' which describe what a service should be doing well for that theme. We grade how the service performs against the quality themes and statements.

Details of what we found are in Section 3: The inspection

Inspection Focus Areas (IFAs) In any year we may decide on specific aspects of care to focus on during our inspections. These are extra checks we make on top of all the normal ones we make during inspection. We do this to gather information about the quality of these aspects of care on a national basis. Where we have examined an inspection focus area we will clearly identify it under the relevant quality statement.

Fire safety issues We do not regulate fire safety. Local fire and rescue services are responsible for checking services. However, where significant fire safety issues become apparent, we will alert the relevant fire and rescue services so they may consider what action to take. You can find out more about care services' responsibilities for fire safety at

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The annual return Every year all care services must complete an 'annual return' form to make sure the information we hold is up to date. We also use annual returns to decide how we will inspect the service. Annual Return Received: Yes - Electronic

Comments on Self Assessment Every year all care services must complete a 'self assessment' form telling us how their service is performing. We check to make sure this assessment is accurate. We received a fully completed self assessment document from the service provider. The service provider identified what they thought they did well, some areas for development and any changes they planned.

The service provider told us how the people who used the care service are consulted to give their views and opinions about the support they receive.

Taking the views of people using the care service into account The outcome of the face to face discussions with sixteen (16) people who use the care service and the feedback from the twenty-five (25) Care Inspectorate questionnaires completed by both service users, their friends and relatives received prior to writing this report and are reflected below:

Overall, I am happy with the quality of care and support this service gives me. Strongly Agree = 68% Agree = 28% Disagree = 4%

"Husband and I lived locally and moved in 5 years ago to a lovely bungalow We are situated beside shops and transport services".

"We have a good warden"

"I am satisfied with the care and attention I receive".

"I have a bungalow with garden. I'm right beside the shops and everything I need. The

Sheltered Housing - Bellshill/Viewpark, page 8 of 21 Inspection report continued complex is good and there are things going on that I'm interested in".

"Wednesday Club is good for company, soup and sandwiches and blether".

"They always give me a buzz in the morning to check I'm ok. They're always their to help me".

"Musical events - B is a really good singer and two of the tenants come along and play musical instruments".

"All the tenants know what's on and are welcome in the Tia Chi exercise, Silk Painting, Bingo, visits to local social club and at the weekend a cuppa and chat in the lounge".

Taking carers' views into account The following quotes are from people and their carers who receive support from both Sheltered Housing Officers "Wardens" and "Home Support Services" from either North Lanarkshire Council or one of their authorised providers.

"Wardens deal kindly and patiently with my relatives multiple problems. They continue to support her through increasing dementia. Home care package with a regular carer worked very well because a working relationship went back several years but now relative cannot remember the names of other carers or relate to these new carers".

Question - The service check with me regularly that they are meeting my needs = Strongly Disagree.

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3 The inspection We looked at how the service performs against the following quality themes and statements. Here are the details of what we found.

Quality Theme 1: Quality of Care and Support Grade awarded for this theme: 5 - Very Good

Statement 1 We ensure that service users and carers participate in assessing and improving the quality of the care and support provided by the service. Service strengths During office hours there is a receptionist located at the foyer of Bellshill first topS Shop to deal with enquiries and make appointments for tenants with the Housing Offices. In the of yer are folders of information for visitors and North Lanarkshire Council (NLC) tenants.

The publications included:

* Participation Strategy * Tenants Strategy * NLC Performance Outcomes 2012 * Posters

Banking Facilities are also available at the Bellshill First Stop Shop.

The provider has communicated through meetings, surveys and questionnaires to involve all parties in the assessment and improvement of the service received and a Suggestion Box is available in the foyer of both the office and the sheltered housing complex.

Each sheltered housing complex has their own Newsletter to keep the tenants informed and involved, meet the needs and interests of those who reside in each of the seven venues.

The complexes offer a communal room and/or, the office of the Sheltered Housing Officers (SHO). On the noticeboard were posters for external and in-house activities,

Sheltered Housing - Bellshill/Viewpark, page 10 of 21 Inspection report continued Thank You cards, brochures and leaflets orf information including Participation strategy and policy and the Complaints policy and procedure.

People who use the service are supplied with a Welcome Pack and are supported by a SHO. There was information available about their roles and responsibilities of the SHO and other NLC support services to assist the tenant to sustain their independence.

Service User Forums are held regularly and minutes were available for attendees and those who were unable to attend. The minutes recorded that the meetings were informative, guest speakers representing the Fire and Police service had been invited recently to take about safety.

The complexes all have a Tenants Group of Committee run by people who use the service and they arrange the social activities and fundraising events. Minutes were available of these committee meetings and the Locality Link Worker offers support to the group and those who attend the activities.

Each tenant has a support plan which is kept securely in the SHO's office and there were minutes of the reviews that had taken place clearly stating the date of the review and who were in attendance. Areas for improvement The methods of regular review, communication and information gathering from people who use the service could aid the recruitment and employment of staff, future development of the specific service and the self assessment document for the service.

We noted that questionnaire returns were not dated to allow for an appropriate history trail by the service or other scrutiny bodies.

The support plans and review records sampled indicated that the individuals review meeting did not always take place within the six monthly timescale set by legislation. (Please refer to Theme 1, Statement 3)

Grade awarded for this statement: 5 - Very Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 0

Statement 3 We ensure that service users' health and wellbeing needs are met. Service strengths We visited 2 complexes which offer various styles of living accommodation, sampled care plans, record keeping by the SHO, observed activities, interviewed tenants and 3 SHO. We found this service to be performing well in the areas covered by the

Sheltered Housing - Bellshill/Viewpark, page 11 of 21 Inspection report continued statement.

The Provider has a published Aims and objectives for the care service and a number of policies and procedures including Adult Support and Protection Act and Complaints Procedure.

The people who use the service are consulted by the SHO after they move in to gather personal information to aid their continued support. The individual's support plan is stored in a lockable cabinet in the SHO's office within the complex.

The support plans sampled were informative and contained personal detail and those of next of kin or advocate; medical history and medication and safety matters. The individual makes use of the local primary health services for GP, District Nurse, Oral Healthcare and other agencies that meet the support needs of the person.

The support plans also record if the tenant wishes the SHO to make a daily welfare call, normally of a morning, to confirm all is well.

The file also contained the minutes of the review meetings and a copy of the signed service user agreement.

Tenants are able to choose if they wish to participate in the social life of the complex through activities such as arts and crafts, Bingo or outings and accessing events in the community. Activities and events are supported by the SHO, the locality link worker and the tenants committee.

The attendees at the activity groups were from both the complex and the community. Those people interviewed and observed taking part in the activities were noted to be thoroughly enjoying meeting and chatting with friends and sharing their skills, be it embroidery, silk painting or card making or discussing the visit to Harry Ramsdens for a fish tea with the ednesW day club.

"This is a dream" "I go to different clubs during the week" "No clubs in and go to Motherwell as well" "Don't know what I would do without the craft group" "Glad I can come here" Areas for improvement The service should review the competency levels of staff to meet the record keeping standard of the provider with regards to the outcome notes from the review process. For example written records sampled read "no change" or "as before" which does not clearly identify the discussion that took place or the decisions made by the parties present.

Sheltered Housing - Bellshill/Viewpark, page 12 of 21 Inspection report continued The support plans and review records sampled indicated that the individuals review meeting took place in excess of a minimum of six monthly which could compromise the health and wellbeing of the service user. (See requirement 1)

Grade awarded for this statement: 5 - Very Good Number of requirements: 1 Number of recommendations: 0

Requirements 1. The service must ensure that each individuals care plan review takes place a minimum of six monthly or sooner where required to adhere to the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010.

This is to comply with SSI 2011/210 Regulation SSI 2011/210 Regulation 5 - Personal Plans

Timescale for improvement: To start immediately and be completed within 8 weeks from publication of this report.

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Quality Theme 3: Quality of Staffing Grade awarded for this theme: 5 - Very Good

Statement 1 We ensure that service users and carers participate in assessing and improving the quality of staffing in the service. Service strengths The care service makes use of questionnaires and forums for people who use the service as well as the opportunity to express their views during individual care review interviews.

People who use the service in general indicated they were very happy with the quality of the Sheltered Housing Officer. Quote:

"Wardens deal kindly and patiently with mum's multiple problems" "We have a good Warden" Areas for improvement The staff and management must strive to include people who use the service in the recruitment of new employees who will manage or directly support their care. Consideration should also be given to how more people who use the service can participate in the recruitment and induction process. (See Theme 1, Statement 1)

Grade awarded for this statement: 5 - Very Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 0

Statement 3 We have a professional, trained and motivated workforce which operates to National Care Standards, legislation and best practice. Service strengths North Lanarkshire Council has recruitment and selection policy and an induction policy and programme. New staff receive support from an allocated mentor and shadow an experienced member of staff prior to being in post.

Sheltered Housing - Bellshill/Viewpark, page 14 of 21 Inspection report continued They have a training department and there is an annual training calendar available and accessible to employees.

The provider holds all staff training records in a central location. There are courses accessible to meet the roles and responsibilities of the individual employee covering topics delivered since the last inspection include:

* Health and Safety, Fire and PAT personal electrical equipment testing * Adult Support and Protection * First Aid * Dementia, Palliative Care * Welfare Reform * Record keeping, IT systems

To equip employees to meet the requirements of registration with the Scottish Social Services Council the following courses are delivered in-house and by external agencies:

* Scottish Vocational Qualification level 2, 3 and 4 * Higher National Diploma and Post Graduate courses * Degree in Housing Studies * Higher National Certificate in Social Care

Staff completed evaluation forms at the end of training courses. Areas for improvement There were no requirements or recommendations generated from the inspection of this theme and statement.

The management team should continue through supervision and personal development meetings to identify the training requirements of staff to meet the dependency needs and positive outcomes for people who use the service and the services continued improvement.

Evidence could be clearer to indicate that staff competency levels were monitored by their line manager, through peer group support or the supervision process especially with regard to appropriate usage of the training received.

Grade awarded for this statement: 5 - Very Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 0

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Quality Theme 4: Quality of Management and Leadership Grade awarded for this theme: 5 - Very Good

Statement 1 We ensure that service users and carers participate in assessing and improving the quality of the management and leadership of the service. Service strengths The provider has identified that the development and consistent use of tenants group meetings and service user forums may be a suitable method for collecting opinions and suggestions of people who use the sheltered housing service. Other methods for gathering opinions and views are the provider's in-house questionnaires and surveys; compliments, comments and complaints pro-forma on back of the leaflet.

Please refer to Theme 1, Statement 1. Areas for improvement Please refer to Theme 1, Statement 1.

Grade awarded for this statement: 5 - Very Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 0

Statement 4 We use quality assurance systems and processes which involve service users, carers, staff and stakeholders to assess the quality of service we provide Service strengths Consultation and communication is part of the ethos of this provider and it influences the outcomes for people who use the service, which is reflected in the grades.

The provider makes policies and procedures available to employees and people who use the service through a number of communication methods, written, online, posters and publications.

The provider has a framework and structure of meetings in order to facilitate the flow of information and to aid communication. Minutes and action plans are in place for each meeting.

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The staffs were supported by monthly team meetings for office based staff; diary meeting held on a Monday; monthly meeting for Sheltered Housing Officers; continuous improvement group meetings as well as regular individual supervision with line managers and annual appraisal.

The people who use the service have access to Service User Forums; Tenants Meetings and support from the Locality Link Worker and consulted about the service they receive.

The views and opinions are collated from a variety of techniques such as survey, questionnaires, telephone survey and mystery shopper.

On an individual basis the tenant participates in the creation of their support plan and it is audited by the service through the review process to assess the information held is accurate and the individual's dependency needs are being met.

The provider's policies and procedures, risk assessments and other audit tools to protect the health and welfare of all stakeholders were supported by policies and procedures from Health, Fire, Environmental Health and other best practice guidance

The provider and the complexes keep records of accident and incidents; complaints and health and safety matters. The provider communicates with the Care Inspectorate through notifications, annual return and self assessment with regards to staffing matters, incidents, accidents and reportable events.

The provider is a recipient of Investors in People award.

The provider recognises the input of staff through the "Staff Awards" scheme and they are proud that through training and staff support there is clear evidence of a promotion structure. The provider offers both health and personnel support to their employees to enable their mission statement to be met "Service and People First" and quality services delivered to the people who use the service to ensure the sustainability of their independence. Areas for improvement Minutes of meeting in one of the housing complexes recorded that hot water temperature is too hot and likely to cause injury and not able to be regulated. There was no record of what action the provider took after the event was recorded at the meeting. (See requirement 1)

The Service Delivery Co-ordinator - Support has recently been appointed to post and will re-establish formalised supervision meetings with staff in the latter part of 2013.

The service should continue to evaluate the housing support service through its

Sheltered Housing - Bellshill/Viewpark, page 17 of 21 Inspection report continued continuous improvement agenda, quality assurance systems and consultation process and record the outcomes for people who use the service.

Grade awarded for this statement: 5 - Very Good Number of requirements: 1 Number of recommendations: 0

Requirements 1. The provider must ensure that there is a process that when highlighted hot water temperature checks are outside the best practice guidance that all necessary action is taken to prevent injury to people who use the service. The accident and incident record of such an event where a tenant sustains injury should be notified to the regulator.

This is to comply with: SSI 2011/210 Regulation SSI 2011/210 Regulation 4(1)(a) - Welfare of Users.

Timescale for improvement: To be completed within 8 weeks from publication of this report.

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4 Other information

Complaints No complaints have been upheld, or partially upheld, since the last inspection.

Enforcements We have taken no enforcement action against this care service since the last inspection.

Additional Information

Action Plan Failure to submit an appropriate action plan within the required timescale, including any agreed extension, where requirements and recommendations have been made, will result in the Care Inspectorate re-grading a Quality Statement within the Quality of Management and Leadership Theme (or for childminders, Quality of Staffing Theme) as unsatisfactory (1). This will result in the Quality Theme being re-graded as unsatisfactory (1).

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5 Summary of grades

Quality of Care and Support - 5 - Very Good

Statement 1 5 - Very Good

Statement 3 5 - Very Good

Quality of Staffing - 5 - eryV Good

Statement 1 5 - Very Good

Statement 3 5 - Very Good

Quality of Management and Leadership - 5 - Very Good

Statement 1 5 - Very Good

Statement 4 5 - Very Good

6 Inspection and grading history

Date Type Gradings

30 Sep 2010 Announced Care and support 5 - Very Good Staffing 4 - Good Management and Leadership 4 - Good

15 Sep 2009 Announced Care and support 4 - Good Staffing 3 - Adequate Management and Leadership 3 - Adequate

27 Aug 2008 Announced Care and support 4 - Good Staffing 3 - Adequate Management and Leadership 3 - Adequate

All inspections and grades before 1 April 2011 are those reported by the former regulator of care services, the Care Commission.

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To find out more about our inspections and inspection reports Read our leaflet 'How we inspect'. You can download it from our website or ask us to send you a copy by telephoning us on 0845 600 9527.

This inspection report is published by the Care Inspectorate. You can get more copies of this report and others by downloading it from our website: or by telephoning 0845 600 9527.

Translations and alternative formats This inspection report is available in other languages and formats on request.

Telephone: 0845 600 9527 Email: [email protected] Web:

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