The Samuels Family Latino and African American High School Internship Program

Annual Report 2012-2013

A “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt

A Table of Contents

Meet the Samuels Family LA-HIP ...... 2

A Message from the Director ...... 3

2012 Program Highlights ...... 6

Mentor Bios ...... 8

Student Abstracts ...... 11

Carlos Aguilar and Silvia Trevino...... 12

Jacqueline Hernandez and Stephanie Leyva ...... 14

Arturo Muñoz ...... 16

Maria Perez ...... 18

Karina Samuel-Gama...... 20

Matthew Valenzuela...... 22

Ana Chavez...... 24

Dominique Fernandez...... 26

Carolina Herrera...... 28

Jasmine Lopez...... 30

Lucia Ortega...... 32

Raphael Reyes...... 34

Roxana Rodriguez ...... 36

Maria Zarate...... 38

College Matriculation, Class of 2012...... 40

Special Thanks...... 41

Samuels Family LA-HIP Advisory Board...... 43

1 Meet the Samuels Family LA-HIP Staff

Program Director Emil Bogenmann, PhD, EdD, is an associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics and holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern (USC) . His laboratory research focused on the biology of neuralcrest-derived tumors such as retinoblastoma and neuroblastoma . Over the last two decades he has been involved in the training of high school students, undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows . Since 1995, Bogenmann has been the director for Research Education at The Saban Research Institute of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles .

Bogenmann completed his Doctor of Education degree in 2008 with a subspecialty in educational psychology from the Rossier School of Education at USC . He established the Samuels Family Latino and African American High School Internship Program (LA-HIP) in 2005 . Bogenmann is also a director for the National Institutes of Health-sponsored Short Term Education Program for Underrepresented Persons (STEP-UP) research training program for undergraduate students .

Program Coordinator Mercedes Gonzalez joined The Saban Research Institute of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in 2008 . Mercedes received a Bachelor of Science in Human Services from the University of Phoenix . Her previous experience includes a position as case manager for the City of El Monte where she focused on high school students from inner city schools . Mercedes is responsible for the organization and coordination of research training programs, including the Samuels Family LA-HIP .

Gonzalez also acts as program coordinator for the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases-funded Short Term Education Program for Underrepresented Persons (STEP-UP) program for Children’s Hospital .

2 A Message from the Director

Another successful year of the Samuels Family Latino and African-American High School Internship Program passed quickly; this unique research training and college prep program for high school seniors at The Saban Research Institute of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles is already in its eighth year . The program has a bright future thanks to our many committed donors, sponsors and supporters, led by an incredibly generous gift from Lori and Theodore (Ted) Samuels to establish an endowment fund which will guarantee the longevity of the program . The program is now called the Samuels Family LA-HIP in recognition of their past and future support .

It seems like yesterday that the interns of the Class of 2012 had their recruitment interviews and nervously talked about their lives, their academic accomplishments and their future goals and career dreams . Now they are at the conclusions of their high school education and have received many letters of acceptance to some of the nation’s most elite and selective colleges and universities . It fills me with great pride to see that they all have successfully completed the program and are excited about their next chapter in life . For many it will be their first time far away from home when they move into their dorms in fall of 2013 . Every year I wonder whether they will be ready to compete with the best and brightest young students the nation has to offer . Yet, every year, Samuels Family LA-HIP students stand tall in their freshman year, manage to compete and move on with their new lives .

The Samuels Family LA-HIP has become a cornerstone of the research training programs at The Saban Research Institute . Every year our interns carve out their place in the laboratories and in the hospital cafeteria where they share lunch . Their white lab coats carry their names and the signature of the program, so everybody recognizes them as the “new interns on the block .” While they arrive with shaky knees, they always quickly immerse themselves in our institution and by the end of the summer they are firm members of the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles family .

The Class of 2012 was no exception . They got to know each other at a bowling event before the internship where they also mingled with the alums of the Class of 2011 . Although some had difficulty with the bowling ball, they had no problem handling pipettes, performing DNA extractions and running protein gels during “Hell Week .” This training week has become one of the highlights of the program and acclimates them to the unfamiliar laboratory environment . It also helps to assess the science content knowledge of the students; this year we included “biology boot camp lectures” to specifically address knowledge gaps in biology . The students really appreciated this effort and enthusiastically participated as facts they had learned at school finally made sense, and they were able to connect their new understanding to their work in their mentor’s laboratory .


3 A Message from the Director (continued)

2012 also included other novelties . Alejandro Sanchez, PhD, Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at the Stowers Institute, generously provided us with planaria flatworms, which students used to study the power of stem cells . Using simple manipulations, students were able to observe and document the complete regeneration of an injured worm thanks to the regenerative capacity of immature stem cells . With the help of genetic tricks that disturbed the process of regeneration, students were able to study the role of specific genes in the healing process . These experiments were a lively demonstration that a simple biological system can teach great insights into complex processes and needless to say, students had a blast .

Another new activity was daily morning “chalk talk” presentations by interns about their projects . Students used elaborate drawings on a white board to illustrate their research and learned how to present complex biological concepts . These talks also helped prepare them for their presentations at the Science Symposium .

Parents of current interns met with parents of alumni to discuss strategies to overcome anxieties and fears about the upcoming separation when their child leaves for college . Parents discussed their very personal feelings, and we learned that we only support half of the family if we do not consider the parent’s needs . This workshop also uncovered the need to teach Samuels Family LA-HIP parents about modern communications technologies like Skype, to help them keep in touch with their child in college .

As in the past, college and financial aid workshop for students and their parents provided essential information about the application process . Alumni participated via web-based videoconferencing, providing helpful insights and shared their experiences . Theses workshops also offered networking opportunities for current students with their peers in college .

Educating a group of high school students in modern laboratory experimentation requires dedicated scientists willing to teach these novices complex research methodologies . Each year I am amazed how our mentors and their laboratory personnel embrace our interns and provide guidance with a personal touch . I would like to thank all of the scientists at The Saban Research Institute for their contribution to the lives and careers of our Samuels Family LA-HIP students .

The Samuels Family LA-HIP also experienced a burst of media attention in 2012 . The Spanish-language TV network Univision interviewed Cheryl Saban, PhD, who named the Institute with her husband, Haim, in 2003, thanks to a generous $40 million gift . She spoke eloquently about the program and its effect on the interns . She used this opportunity to encourage the students to work hard for their future and to hold onto their career dreams . The Los Angeles Times highlighted the program, while ABC News featured some of the 2012 interns and hailed their scientific accomplishments .

4 A Message from the Director (continued)

In addition to the Samuels family’s generous gift, the program continues to receive strong support from many donors and benefactors, including The Rose Hills Foundation, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Leonetti/O’Connell Family Foundation, Achieving America Family Foundation, Mary Adams O’Connell and Kevin O’Connell, The Fletcher Jones Foundation and Marianna and David Fisher . The Honorable Justice Arleigh Woods also committed a very generous estate gift to support the program . I would like to thank the many individuals working at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and in our local community who have supported this program . It would not exist without your dedication .

I hope you enjoy reading this report .

With warm regards,

“Dr . B .” Emil Bogenmann, PhD, EdD Program Director – LA-HIP

A5 2012 Program Highlights

Feb . 3, 2012...... Online Application Due May 12, 2012...... Program and Class Orientation June 27, 2012 ...... Farewell Dinner, Class of 2011 June 29, 2012 ...... Start of the Summer Program 2012 (“Hell Week”) July 9 to Aug . 10, 2012...... Mentored Research Aug . 13, 2012...... Science Symposium Nov . 29, 2012...... Scholarship Fundraiser Dec . 19, 2012...... Holiday Luncheon June 26, 2013 ...... Farewell Dinner, Class of 2012

Application and Selection Summer Program of the Class of 2012 The 2012 program included a new bio-quiz to Students applied online this year, submitting their assess content knowledge in fundamental concepts personal and academic information, describing of biology . The survey indicated students needed their extra curricular activities and providing a additional in-depth teaching, which helped them personal statement about their career interests . A to better understand concepts in biology and total of 88 applications were received and the their research project . selection committee, made up of Emil Bogenmann, PhD, EdD, Barbara Driscoll, PhD, Cara Esposito, New in 2012, interns presented morning “chalk Alexa P . Margalith, Mercedes Gonzalez and talks” about their laboratory research projects . Charlene Liebau, interviewed 36 applicants to Students used elaborate drawings on a white identify 16 interns who were invited to participate board to illustrate their research and by doing in 2012 program . As always, the selection so learned how to present complex biological was based on the applicants’ academic concepts to their peers . The talks prepared them strengths, interest in science and the quality of for their presentation at the Science Symposium the recommendation by a high school teacher at the conclusion of the summer program . The or official . students really enjoyed these chalk talks . They received valuable feedback from their peers Class Orientation about their presentation skills, learned to answer scientific questions and heard more about each The program begins with a class orientation where other’s research . students, parents and members of the Board of Trustees of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles meet A week-long training course introduced interns to the program staff, and get a glimpse of The basic laboratory skills and provided an opportunity Saban Research Institute, an environment very for students and the program director to get to unfamiliar to most of them . Students learn about know each other . Most of the students had the programmatic details and expectations and never performed routine experimental procedures have a chance to visit some of the laboratories in school . Following an experimental procedure, in The Saban Research Institute . Co-chair of the keeping records in a lab notebook and Board of Trustees Ted Samuels greeted the new understanding the underlying concepts are a class and reminded the students that participating few of the challenging aspects of the training in the program is a privilege and that interns week . By the end of the course, everybody was have an obligation to do everything they can laboratory-savvy and they all expressed satisfaction to succeed . with their personal accomplishments . However, they were nervous about the upcoming five weeks, spending their time in an unfamiliar research lab under the guidance of an unknown mentor . Mentored research is different from a laboratory

6 2012 Program Highlights (continued)

course of tried and tested experimental procedures . Learning about the scientific background of the research performed in the mentor’s lab, reading primary literature where every other words is something to be looked up on the web and understanding what a hypothesis is can seem overwhelming . Additionally, students knew they were performing experiments with precious biological material, which only added to their anxiety . Yet, they all quickly learned the ropes of research and at the end of the program expertly presented their research . The Science Symposium in the auditorium of The Saban Research Building is the highlight (and the most nerve-racking) event of the program and attendance was near capacity . Hospital leadership attended the presentation and Brent Polk, MD, director of The Saban Research Institute, personally handed out the well-deserved certificates .

As in previous years, the program provided professional SAT-prep classes, a writing workshop, college and financial aid workshops and a visit to the Claremont Colleges . These activities substantially increased the students’ understanding of the college application process and highlighted the importance of choosing the right college for them . Students saw an average increase of 130 points in SAT scores, and several interns boosted their scores by more than 250 points, making them competitive applicants for elite schools . These additional college prep activities resulted in college acceptances on a level of which many of the interns never dreamed .

Emil’s Pottery Scholarship Award Many of our interns come from low-income families, so financial support for college is vital . Emil Bogenmann has a passion for creating beautiful ceramic pieces and his annual pottery sale has become another cornerstone of the Samuels Family LA-HIP . An online scholarship application was developed and all current and past interns were eligible to apply . Three interns received scholarship awards of $2,000 at the Class of 2011 Farewell Dinner on June 27, 2012 . Emil’s Pottery Scholarship Fundraiser 2012

A7 Samuels Family LA-HIP Mentors

Denise Al Alam, PhD School of Medicine of the University of Southern Denise Al Alam, PhD, received California . His research is directed toward her master’s degree in understanding pathogenesis of neuroblastoma, biochemistry from the Lebanese medulloblastoma and Ewing’s sarcoma . His University in Beirut and her research involves identification of molecular doctorate in immunology from the University of features associated with cancer development and Reims, France . She continued her education as a identification of risk groups using microarray and postdoctoral fellow at The Saban Research Institute next-generation sequencing technologies . He of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles under the received his bachelor’s degree from Northwestern direction of Saverio Bellusci, PhD, and she was University in 1992 majoring in Biomedical recently appointed assistant professor at the Keck Engineering with specialization in genetic School of Medicine of the University of Southern engineering . He pursued his medical degree California . Her research focuses on the role of from University of Illinois, followed by training specific growth factors in the development of the in Pediatrics at the University of Chicago . He gut and lung . Al Alam has been a dedicated completed his pediatric hematology-oncology mentor since 2008 and has helped as an instructor fellowship program at Children’s Hospital during “Hell Week” as well . Los Angeles prior to joining the faculty of the University of Southern California in 2005 . Grace Aldrovandi, MD Azgharzadeh has been a mentor since 2010 . Grace Aldrovandi, MD,is a pediatric infectious disease Sebastian G. Bouret, PhD physician-scientist with an Sebastian G . Bouret, PhD’s interest in the biology and research laboratory focuses transmission of HIV . She received her medical on metabolic programming training at McGill University and completed her and the neurobiology of fellowship training at University of California, obesity . His research has directly led to several Los Angeles . She has developed a research breakthroughs in the understanding of the complex program at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles that hormonal signals and neurodevelopmental studies the interactions between maternal and substrates responsible for appetite regulation . child health . Her research also focuses on the Bouret received his scientific training in France microbiota in the immune development of children . and joined The Saban Research Institute in 2007 . Aldrovandi has been a mentor since 2006 He has mentored three graduate students and three postdoctoral fellows . He has also acted as Shahab Asgharzadeh, MD a mentor for minority undergraduate students . He Shahab Asgharzadeh, MD, has been a mentor since 2008 . is a physician-scientist in the Cancer Program at The Saban Research Institute at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and an associate professor of Pediatrics and Pathology at the Keck

8 Samuels Family LA-HIP Mentors (continued)

Yves DeClerck, MD Mark Frey, PhD Yves DeClerck, MD, is a Mark Frey, PhD, is a researcher pediatrician, taking care of in The Saban Research Institute children with cancer and and assistant professor of blood diseases at Children’s Pediatrics and of Biochemistry Hospital Los Angeles, and a professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Biology at the Keck School of and Biochemistry at the Keck School of Medicine Medicine of the University of Southern California . of USC . DeClerck is from Brussels, Belgium, He performed his graduate studies at the University where he completed medical school . He developed of Buffalo, followed by postdoctoral training at a career as a physician-scientist, combining Vanderbilt University, and joined Children’s Hospital clinical care with laboratory research to find new Los Angeles in 2010 . His lab, housed in The treatments for children with cancer, in particular Saban Research Institute, studies protein growth neuroblastoma . His laboratory focuses on the role factors used by the intestine to repair itself after of the tumor microenvironment in the progression injury or inflammation . These repair-inducing of tumors and uses this understanding to develop factors are often altered or lost in chronic treatment strategies for various childhood cancers . inflammatory disorders such as Crohn’s disease DeClerck has been a mentor since 2010 . or ulcerative colitis, and thus may be good targets for therapeutic intervention . Frey has Barbara Driscoll, PhD been a mentor since 2011 . Barbara Driscoll, PhD, has focused for much of her Charles J. Gomer, PhD scientific career on Charles J . Gomer, PhD, is a understanding the mechanisms professor of Pediatrics and of cell and tissue regeneration . Her graduate work Radiation Oncology at USC at the University of Arizona using DNA tumor and vice chair of Pediatrics (papilloma) viruses, and initial post-doctoral for Faculty Development at Children’s Hospital Los work at USC on the regulation of the pRb tumor Angeles . He has served on numerous National suppressor protein, laid the foundation for inquiries Institutes of Health grant review committees and into the molecular mechanisms that control stem has been elected president of the USC faculty for and progenitor cell function . Her later post-doctoral the 2013-2014 academic year . Gomer received work at USC enabled her to become immersed his doctorate in radiation biology and completed in lung cell biology and lung physiology, which a postdoctoral fellowship at the Los Alamos interested her so much that she decided to focus National Laboratory . His laboratory investigates on stem/progenitor cell queries on the process of the effects of radiation and laser induced oxidative lung regeneration . Her laboratory is particularly stress on tumors . Current studies are examining interested in the mechanisms that underlie lung mechanisms and procedures to improve treatments progenitor cell turnover and the exhaustion of for retinoblastoma, a pediatric eye tumor . Gomer the regenerative capacity of lung, either through has been a mentor since 2009 . disease or aging . Driscoll has been a mentor since 2006 .

A9 Samuels Family LA-HIP Mentors (continued)

Ching-Ling (Ellen) Lien, PhD by bacterial pathogens . The focus of his research Ching-Ling (Ellen) Lien, PhD, is is to understand the underlying mechanisms a developmental biologist with involved in the pathogenesis of theses diseases, an interest in heart regeneration . and to combine this knowledge with applied Her favorite model is the technology to develop therapeutic or preventive zebra fish, which can fully restore an injury to the strategies . His lab studies the molecular interactions ventricle of the heart . Understanding the molecular of bacterial ligands and their cognate receptors . and biochemical mechanisms underlying the Computer simulations are used to model these regenerative process might provide clues to interactions in order to develop small molecular potential treatment of patients with myocardial therapeutics, delivered by nanoparticle technology . infarction . Lien received her training in Taiwan Nemani has been a mentor since 2006 . and at the University of Texas . She joined The Saban Research Institute in 2005 and has been Brent Polk, MD a mentor since 2007 . Brent Polk, MD, is a pediatric gastroenterologist with a William May, MD research laboratory focused William May, MD, is a on the regulation of growth graduate of the University and development of the intestinal cell as it relates of California, Davis and the to ontogeny and disease . His laboratory uses Saint Louis University School molecular, cellular, genetic and mouse models to of Medicine . May is a pediatric oncologist working understand how these processes relate to human on Ewing tumors at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles conditions such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative and an associate professor in the department of colitis, necrotizing enterocolitis and other types of Pediatrics at the Keck School of Medicine of USC . intestinal injury and disease . Polk is also chair of These childhood tumors are addicted to aberrant the Department of Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital oncogenic transcription factors of the EWS/FLI1 Los Angeles and director of The Saban Research class . May’s lab and others demonstrated the Institute . He has been a mentor since 2012 . importance of Hedgehog-GLI (HH-GLI) signaling pathways in Ewing tumor biology and he is Kasper Wang, MD currently elucidating the mechanisms of the interplay Kasper Wang, MD, is a between EWS/FLI1 and the Hedgehog-GLI pediatric surgeon with an pathway . May has been a mentor since 2009 . interest in liver diseases . His laboratory research focuses Prasadarao Nemani, PhD on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of liver Prasadarao Nemani, PhD, is regeneration following injury with an emphasis a scientist with broad expertise on liver stem cells in the regenerative process . in biological and chemical Wang received his medical training at Johns sciences, and his interest is in Hopkins University and joined the faculty at finding solutions to combat neonatal meningitis, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in 2004 . Wang pneumonia and necrotizing enterocolitis caused has been a mentor since 2010 .

10 Student Abstracts

11 Carlos Aguilar and Silvia Trevino Doris Duke Scholars

Carlos Aguilar is a senior at is a potential treatment for Rb that has fewer side Fremont High School . “I have effects than current chemotherapies . In fact, PDT been inspired . I have been uses a photosensitizer and laser-generated light moved . My eyes have been to produce cytotoxic oxygen species within the opened and my life, changed . irradiated area causing tumor cells death with For the past six weeks, I have minor damage in the surrounding normal tissue had an opportunity I could have only dreamt of . and minimal systemic toxicity . Previous studies in Working in a professional laboratory, doing actual Dr . Gomer’s Laboratory showed that PDT induces research has taught me countless lessons about the expression of two pro-survival proteins, myself . From that moment on, I knew there was survivin and Cox-2, in mammary carcinoma and more I could do, and I guarantee there is more sarcoma cells . The aim of our research was to I will do .” Carlos will be attending Stanford determine if PDT induces survivin and Cox-2 in University in Stanford, Calif . Rb cells . If induced, survivin and Cox-2 can be targeted to improve PDT effectiveness . Silvia Trevino is a senior at the California Academy of Math Hypothesis and Science . “I may get into PDT induces survivin and Cox-2 in Rb cells . an Ivy League or I might end up at a Cal-State . That is of little Method importance to me, because I Retinoblastoma Y-79 cells were treated with PDT know that no matter where I go, I will succeed . at light doses of 150, 300 and 450 J/m2 . Cells What is important to me is that I will try to create were harvested and lyzed for proteins . Western relationships with professors at my college like immuno-blot analysis was used to examine the the ones I created with my mentors this summer .” expression of survivin, Cox-2 and actin . Densitometry Silvia will be attending Cornell University in was used to quantify protein expression and collect Ithaca, NY . data for statistical analysis .

Research Abstract: Result Expression of Survivin and Our results indicate that Rb cells treated with PDT at light doses of 150, 300 and 450 J/m2 Cyclooxygenase-2 in Retinoblastoma showed increased levels of survivin expression . cells following Photodynamic Therapy No significant induction of Cox-2 in PDT-treated cells was observed . Mentors: Angela Ferrario, PhD Marian Luna Conclusion Natalie Rucker PDT increased the expression of survivin in Charles Gomer, PhD retinoblastoma cells while no increase of Cox-2 expression was observed . Our results suggest that Key Words: Retinoblastoma, Photodynamic targeting PDT-induced survivin using a specific Therapy, Survivin, Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor of this pro-survival protein may improve the therapeutic outcome of the treatment . Problem Each year in the U .S ., 300-400 children are diagnosed with Retinoblastoma (Rb), a malignant tumor of the retina . Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

12 Retinoblastoma Survivin Cyclooxygenase-2

Photodynamic Therapy 13 Jacqueline Hernandez and Stephanie Leyva Doris Duke Scholars

Jacqueline Hernandez is a the surface of the bacteria called outer membrane senior at Aspire Pacific protein (OmpA) and the other on the surface of the Academy . “Being passionate human brain endothelial cells called glycoprotein about education does not 96 or gp96 . This interaction allows bacteria necessarily mean to study to enter and invade the brain . Pathogens such all the time and get good as viruses and bacteria are generally host- or grades . Being passionate towards education to species-specific and it remains to be determined APEC me means not giving up even when not only the whether avian-specific E . coli (APEC) known to material is difficult but also life . I believe I am one cause intestinal infection in birds are capable of unique individual .” Jacqueline will be attending invading human brain micro vascular endothelial Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md . cells (HBMEC) and thus could represent a risk of avian pathogens causing meningitis in humans . Stephanie Leyva is a senior at the California Academy Hypothesis of Math and Science . “My We hypothesize that APEC strains will not experience with my LA-HIP invade HBMEC . peers was the very best . We were able to bond very quickly Method because we all have similar dreams and goals . To test our hypothesis, we used different However, the best thing is that this was not a methodologies . We used an in vitro invasion competition between all of the LA-HIP students to assay to quantify the invasive potential of various see who was better; instead we all helped each bacterial strains including APEC strains using other succeed in the program .” Stephanie will be HBMEC, the cells that are the primary target of attending Yale University in New Haven, Conn . invasive bacteria in the brain . We used flow cytometry to determine the amount of surface Research Abstract: expression of the gp96 protein on endothelial cells Assessment of Potential Virulence before and after invasion with the APEC strains . of Avian Pathogenic E.coli (APEC) Result Strains in Humans APEC strains effectively invaded HBMEC and induced the surface expression of gp96 to an Mentors: Subramanian Krishnan, PhD even greater extent than human specific bacteria . Prasadarao V. Nemani, PhD Conclusion Key Words: Meningitis, APEC, gp96, OmpA Unexpectedly, APEC strains invaded HBMEC more than human E . coli K1 . However; the APEC Problem strains seem to use a similar molecular mechanism Meningitis is a bacterial and viral disease that to that of the human bacterial strain by exploiting infects the human brain . Although viral meningitis HBMEC receptor gp96 for invasion . Therefore, is not lethal, bacterial meningitis is detrimental to identification of potential inhibitors of gp96 might infants with consequences of cognitive impairments serve as possible therapeutics to prevent E . coli or death . Bacterial meningitis by E . coli K1 is infections in humans . caused by the interaction of two proteins: one on

14 Meningitis APEC


OmpA 15 Arturo Muñoz Doris Duke Scholar

Arturo Muñoz is a senior at Hypothesis the California Academy of We hypothesize GLI interacts with EWS-FLI1 to Math and Science . “Every day increase transcription of the EPHB3 gene . By brought me new knowledge mutating the GLI binding sites on the EPHB3 and now here I am . I have promoter, GLI and EWS-FLI1 interactions will completed an abstract and not occur, lowering the overall transcription presentation of the research that I did in this rate of EPHB3 . six-week biomedical research program and the feeling of accomplishment is quite overwhelming . Method Walking into this program, I expected a challenge . My lab work was geared towards producing the Well, what a challenge it was .” Arturo will be mutant EPHB3 promoter . I cloned the plasmid DNA attending Tufts University in Medford, Mass . containing the mutant and non-mutant EPHB3 promoters using culture dishes . I digested my Research Abstract: non-mutant EPHB3 promoter with the enzymes Ewing’s Tumors— Xho1 and Bgl2 to remove the GLI binding sites through gel purification . I extracted the larger Aggressive Tumors of the Soft band of DNA to use as my vector . I repeated Tissue and Bone in Adolescence that process for my mutant EPHB3 promoter and I isolated the mutant GLI binding sites for use as Mentors: Laura Christensen, BA an insert . After, I ligated my vector with my mutant William May, MD insert to create the construct . Then, I performed a bacterial transformation of the ligation to clone Key Words: Translocation, EWS-Fli1, and screen it for the vector and insert . Oncoprotein, EPHB3 Result Problem I screened my construct for the presence of the Ewing’s tumors are the second most common vector and insert through gel electrophoresis . The primary malignant bone tumors in children and gel showed that both the vector and insert were adolescents . The driver mutation in these tumors present . Ultimately, the ligation was successful . is the translocation of the FLI1 gene, found on chromosome 11, onto the EWS gene, found on Conclusion chromosome 22 . The result is the fusion oncoprotein I concluded that the EPHB3 promoter can be EWS-FLI1, which causes a Ewing’s tumor to form . mutated to remove the GLI binding sites . As such, The five-year survival rate of Ewing’s tumor patients future studies will be done to investigate whether is approximately 60 percent and even half of the removal of those sites indeed lowers the that for patients who have metastases at the transcription rate of EPHB3 . time of diagnosis .

16 Translocation Oncoprotein

EPHB3 17 Maria Perez Doris Duke Scholar

Maria Perez is a senior at Hypothesis Fremont High School . “The We have established a hypothesis that the most beneficial part of this immune micro-environment plays a key role experience was being able to in the proliferation of neuroblastoma . connect with peers that were interested in the medical field, Method myc Oncogene and that with the opportunities provided, they like To address this, we have co-culture NBT2 cells me, were able to succeed and defy expectations . (deriving from a transgenic mouse model), used In my opinion this is what made our year so flow cytometry to measure the growth after 48 special, it was the bonding and the low level hours, and from there we looked specifically of competition .” Maria will be attending Smith at different levels of gene expression within the College in Northampton, Mass . genes of cMyc, Peroredoxin 1 and a-actin by conducting qPCR . Research Abstract: Role of Macrophages in the Result Overall this information will likely impact the design Proliferation of Neuroblastoma to create a drug that targets the macrophage’s developmental pathways . Tumor-associated Mentors: Long Hui macrophages (TAMs) have increased the Shahab Ashgarzadeh, MD proliferation of tumors . Between NBT2 cells (control) and NBT2 cells with macrophages Keywords: Macrophages, NBT2 Neuroblastoma we have seen an increase from a 12 percent Cells, myc Oncogene, Peroredoxin 1 to a 36 percent .

Problem Conclusion Each year the U S. . receives an average of In conclusion we analyzed that NBT2 growth 650 new cases of neuroblastoma, making it increases when co-culturing with macrophages . The the most common extracranial solid tumor of expression of PRDX1 is increased in macrophages infancy . In our case we are emphasizing on during co-culture and the expression of cMyc identifying the molecular mechanism between increases in NBT2 cells . the roles of macrophages in the immune system in order in future procedures to create a drug that targets macrophages .

18 Macrophages myc Oncogene

NBT2 Neuroblastoma Cells Peroredoxin 1 19 Karina Samuel-Gama Doris Duke Scholar

Karina Samuel-Gama is is important for immune protection and digestion . a senior at the California Further exploration of the mother’s influence on Academy of Math and the infant microbiome can help us understand Science . “The time has past infant levels of immune protection . where someone holds me by the hand and leads me Hypothesis to where I need to go . My future hasn’t been The infant’s microbiome is similar to the written and I admit that it’s a little daunting . I mother’s microbiome . am not afraid . This summer I had the amazing opportunity to meet a group of amazing people . Method I know I can draw strength from my new friends Samples were obtained from HIV-negative mother and my mentors . This summer I learned the and infant pairs . A full sample set includes a left importance of responsibility, trust, determination, and right areolar swab, left and right breast milk strength and friendship .” Karina will be attending and stool . DNA is isolated from samples and Stanford University in Stanford, Calif . quantified using a nanodrop and Qubit assay . The samples are then sent for sequencing of the Research Abstract: 16S rRNA gene, which will determine the type Characterization of Infant of bacteria present . The levels and type of bacteria can then be compared among and Mother Microbiota sample types and sample sets .

Mentors: Adrienne Rollie, PhD Result Grace Aldrovandi, MD Using the sequenced bacteria, comparisons are made between mother and baby, baby-to-baby Key Words: Gut Microbiota, HIV, Breastfeeding and mother-to-mother . The data suggests that the younger the infant is, the more closely stool Problem samples resemble breast milk samples, meaning HIV is a retrovirus that attacks the T-cells of the the mother and the infant share similar microbiomes . immune system . The immune system is eventually This observation needs to be further confirmed destroyed as the virus progresses . The virus can by more data sets . be transmitted from mother to infant at one of three points: pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding . Conclusion In advanced countries, doctors recommend that The long-term goal is to find connection between HIV-positive mothers do not breastfeed . In other bacteria present and immune protection levels, so countries not breastfeeding can result in death as to make better recommendations for prenatal/ due to gastrointestinal problems . These problems infant care with the use of prebiotics and probiotics . arise because of a lack of exposure to gut microbiota via breast milk . The gut microbiome

20 HIV Gut Microbiota


21 Matthew Valenzuela Doris Duke Scholar

Matthew Valenzuela is a Method senior at Roosevelt High We tested four NBL cell lines: SKNSH, CHLA-255, School . “The LA-HIP journey CHLA-42 and SH5YSY . Then we split the cell lines has been a long one; long and treated them with IL-6 for different durations: in the sense of feeling and untreated, 6 hours, 12 hours and 48 hours . We not in time . It’s sort of like when used cell fractionation to isolate just the proteins you run up a hill really fast . You take powerful inside the nucleus where DNMT is found . Nuclear strides to get to the top and when you’re up there, protein concentration was measured with a protein with your legs feeling shaky and your muscles assay . Western blot analysis was used to test the tired, you look down on what you just conquered presence of DNMT under different test conditions . with a smile ”. Matthew will be attending University The protein is tagged with florescent antibodies of California, Los Angeles . that attach to the specific protein . We used PCNA as a loading control to make sure we added the Research Abstract: same amount of protein into each well . We used Role of IL-6 in DNMT Expression HeLa and HCT-116 as positive controls since they are known to express DNMT . in Neuroblastoma Result Mentors: Bhakti Mehta, MD, MPH DNMT1 expression is high in all conditions in all Yves DeClerck, MD four cell lines including the untreated cells . When we compared untreated cells alone, SKNSH was Key words: Neuroblastoma, Methylation, noted to have the highest DNMT1 expression . DNMT, IL-6 Treatment with IL-6 did not significantly increase DNMT1 expression in the cell lines over time . Problem DNMT3b was expressed in each of the treated Neuroblastoma (NBL) is the most common extra cell conditions (and not present in the untreated cranial solid cancer in children with over 650 condition) and increased over time . children diagnosed in the U .S . every year . In aggressive cases, neuroblastoma becomes Conclusion drug-resistant after treatment . It has been shown From this experiment we can conclude that in colon cancer that IL-6, a protein that is secreted since DNMT1 is normally found in cells it is not by healthy cells, increases expression of DNA significantly changed due to IL-6 . DNMT3b on methyl transferase, an enzyme that speeds up the the other hand, which is expressed during locking down of gene expression by a process abnormal states, was found to be expressed called methylation . This allows the tumor cells most with prolonged treatment with IL-6 . to grow and avoid cell death . Whether this phenomenon is a result of methylation has not been tested in neuroblastoma cells .

Hypothesis IL-6 secreted by human white blood cells, increases levels of DNMT in neuroblastoma tumor cells .

22 Neuroblastoma DNMT

IL-6 Methylation

23 Ana Chavez

Ana Chavez is a senior at Method Francisco Bravo Medical To quantify cell shedding, we used MDCK cells Magnet High School . (a well-characterized epithelial cell culture model), “Thanks to this mindset and either with or without HRG treatment (100 ng/ml) . also confidence that I gained Shed cells were collected from the culture media during LA-HIP I know that I over time, labeled with a fluorescent dye and can face difficult challenges or situations head-on quantified by fluorescence microscopy . To identify without being afraid .” Ana will be attending cellular signals which might be involved in HRG’s University of California, Riverside . effects, we collected cellular protein lysates and tested the activation of ErbBs and downstream Research Abstract: signaling targets by Western blot . Heregulin Suppresses Result Epithelial Cell Shedding HRG-treated MDCK cultures showed decreased cell shedding . This response was detectable as Mentor: Mark Frey, PhD a trend toward fewer shed cells by 30 minutes, and by 4 hours of HRG exposure there was a Key Words: Inflammatory Bowel Disease, statistically significant decrease in cell shedding Heregulin (HRG), Epithelial Cells, Receptor (43 percent reduction with HRG, p=0 .0012) . Tyrosine Kinase In our signaling analysis, HRG activated ErbB2, ErbB3 and ErbB4, as well as the downstream Problem signaling intermediate ERK . An estimated 1 .4 million Americans, including many children, suffer from inflammatory bowel Conclusion disease (IBD) . There is currently no cure for IBD, HRG activates ErbB and ERK signaling and and the causes are poorly understood . One suppresses epithelial cell shedding in vitro . Future possible contributing factor which we are studies will use selective inhibitors to determine studying is dysregulated shedding of epithelial which receptors and downstream signals are cells from the intestinal lining . If we are able to required for reduced shedding . As IBD has been understand how cell shedding works, we might linked to an increased rate of intestinal epithelial be able to apply this knowledge in treating IBD . shedding, these results could point toward a new therapeutic avenue for this currently Hypothesis incurable problem . Heregulin, a growth factor that activates ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases, inhibits epithelial cell shedding .

24 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Herugulin (HRG)

Resceptor Tyrosine Kinase

Epithelial Cells 25 Dominique Fernandez

Dominique Fernandez is a Hypothesis senior at West Adams High αSMA- and SM22-expressing cells will gradually School . “I have never been become associated with endothelial lining of more grateful for Mercedes coronary vessels during zebrafish heart development . and Dr . B, for treating the youth of Los Angeles like Method their own kids . LA-HIP has assured me that there Heart Collection; fish were culled by Arthela are so many things that I have yet to learn and and hearts were harvested I become eager at the fact that I still have time to learn things ”. Dominique will be attending Confocal Imaging: view epicardial structure for University of California, Berkley . any expression under a confocal microscope

Research Abstract: Cryosectioning: sliced into thin sections and Alpha SMA and SM22 mounted with DAPI to view the structure and expression inside the heart . Expression in Juvenile Zebrafish Heart Development Imaging: sections were imaged to analyze expression in the endocardium and myocardium Mentors: Arthela Osorio under a confocal microscope . Ching-Ling (Ellen) Lien, PhD Result Key Words: Alpha-Smooth Muscle Actin (αSMA), SM22 was expressed in cardiomyocytes, which Smooth Muscle Actin 22(SM22), Mural Cells is confirmed by sacromeres in the myocardium and potentially, a different population in the Problem epicardium/subepicardium . αSMA looks to be In the , about 1 5. million heart attacks expressed in cardiomyocytes as well, localized occur each year . Whereby, when heart injuries in the myocardium and it does not overlap with occur in humans, the result could possibly be death . coronary vessels outlined by the Flk gene fused However, after an induced injury, the heart of with GFP . zebrafish has been proven to be able to regenerate damaged tissues and retain normal function . Conclusion Studying the regenerative processes of the At juvenile stage, αSMA and SM22 do not zebrafish heart may bring insight to the failure seem to be expressed in mural cells . The two of the human heart . Furthermore, heart regeneration genes show a different pattern from coronary reutilizes molecules and signaling pathways are vessels, suggesting that they do not surround important for developmental processes . In his study, the endothelial lining . Instead these genes are the two transgenic reporter lines, αSMA(RFP) and expressed in cardiomyocytes and other cell SM22(GFP), will be used to decide whether the types that have contractile capability . However, genes are expressed in the mural cells of coronary this expression may change overtime and vessels in zebrafish . become specific to mural cells .

26 Zebra Fish Cardiomyocytes

Alpha-Smooth Muscle Actin Smooth Muscle Actin 22

27 Carolina Herrera

Carolina Herrera is a senior Hypothesis at Warren High School . “This We hypothesize that MIG-6 suppresses EGFR program has encouraged me activity in colon epithelial cells by degrading and is going to continue EGFR protein and preventing its signaling . helping me plan to attain my goals and monitor my progress Method by Dr . B pushing me to be the best I can be . We transfected mouse colon epithelial cell siRNA He has inspired all of the interns to continue our molecules targeted against Mig-6 mRNA . Cells MIG-6 education by telling us that the only thing limiting were treated with EGF for 0, 1 and 3 hours . Total us from attaining our goals is ourselves .” Carolina RNA and protein were isolated from the cells will be attending University of California, Irvine . and used for RT-qPCR and Western blotting . We examined the expression of Mig-6 mRNA and the Research Abstract: proteins EGFR and pAKT, a downstream signaling The Role of Epidermal Growth Factor molecule of EGFR . in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Result After 3 hours of EGF exposure, pAKT protein levels Mentors: Cambrien Liu, PhD were higher in cells treated with Mig-6-targeted Phil Dube, PhD siRNA compared to the non-targeted controls . Brent Polk, MD EGFR protein levels were increased after 1 hour in Mig-6-targeted cells compared to the non-targeted Key Words: Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), controls . The RT-qPCR showed that Mig-6 mRNA MIG-6, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), was reduced 4 times more in Mig-6 targeted Epithelial Cells samples versus the non-targeted controls .

Problem Conclusion Inflammatory bowel disease results from a The siRNA was mostly effective in knocking chronic immune reaction of the body against its down Mig-6 . Our results support the hypothesis own intestinal tissue . About 1 .4 million Americans that MIG-6 inhibits EGFR activity by enhancing suffer from this disease . There is currently no cure . its degradation and inhibiting its signaling Current treatments temporarily alleviate inflammation . capabilities . MIG-6 may be a drug target We are interested in understanding how epidermal to amplify naturally protective EGFR growth factor (EGF) heals intestinal wounds responses in IBD . associated with inflammation and how EGF may be used as a new therapy for IBD .

Epithelial Cells 28 Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) MIG-6

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Epithelial Cells 29 Jasmine Lopez

Jasmine Lopez is a senior at Method the Ambassador School of Fourteen day DDC treated models analyzed Global Leadership . “I know were wild type (WT), inhibition of FGF signaling that this experience will change (dnFGFR), Fgf10 over expression (Fgf10) and my academic performance Wortmannin inhibition of AKT in the presence of because I’ll know that there Fgf10 over expression, disrupting downstream FGF are people out there who believe in me . This signaling . Quantification of immunofluorescence internship has made me sure of my career choice staining of the A6+ cell population number and in the future, I know that the medicine/science periportal, mid or central vein location was field is where I belong .” Jasmine will be attending performed by hand using Image J (NIH) . Statistical Pomona College in Claremont, Calif . significance was analyzed by ANOVA with Fisher’s post-hoc test (p<0 .05) with StatView (SAS) . Research Abstract: Fibroblast Growth Factor Signaling Result We demonstrate that the Wortmannin model has in DDC-induced Liver Injury Regulates less non-ductal A6+ cells compared to all other Hepatic Progenitor Cell Expansion treatments . Wortmannin showed a statistically significant increase of ductal A6+ cells compared Mentors: Sarah Utley, PhD to WT (p< .0411) . DnFgfr had no significant Kasper Wang, MD affect in the expansion of β-catenin dependent A6+ progenitor cells compared to WT . Fgf10 Key Words: Fibroblast Growth Factor 10, over-expression induced a statistically significant Hepatic Progenitor Cells, Liver Injury increase in A6+ periportal cells compared to all other treatments (p< 0001). . Wortmannin Problem inhibition of downstream FGF signaling led to a Biliary atresia (BA), an idiopathic disease in which significant decrease in A6+ cells located near the the bile duct between the liver and the small central vein (p< 0192). . The A6+ cell population intestine is blocked or absent, is the leading in Wortmannin-treated livers was found to be cause for liver transplantation in children . located in the periportal and mid regions due to Understanding the pathways regulating hepatic the disruption of FGF signaling (p< .0192) . progenitor cells (HPCs) may provide an insight into postnatal injury and liver regeneration . A6+ Conclusion cells are an established HPC population in the Our findings indicate that FGF signaling regulates liver, which is regulated partially through β-catenin the A6+ cell population through AKT signaling signaling . Previous study established that fibroblast which regulates β-catenin activation . growth factors (FGFs), such as FGF10, regulate HPCs during hepatogenesis .

Hypothesis We hypothesize that FGF signaling in postnatal DDC (3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine) induced liver injury regulates HPC expansion .

30 Hepatic Progenitor Cells

Liver Injury Fibroblast Growth Factor 10 31 Lucia Ortega

Lucia Ortega is a senior at Method Fremont High School . “I have The Telomarase mice had a phenotype to age never met a group that had prematurely . The mice were either treated with 3 the same goals as me: go to doses of stem cells or 3 doses of PBS Vehicle . Mice college, help others and have treated with the PBS vehicle were the controls a better life . It is amazing to for the experiment . I started my experiment by think how 16 students went from being strangers embedding the fixed lung in paraffin . I then cut to becoming a family .” Lucia will be attending the lungs into thin slices and put the slices on Wellesley College in Wellesley, Mass . slides . I did H&E, collagen and elastin staining to compare differences between mice that were treated Research Abstract: with stem cell or PBS and immunohistochemistry Analysis of Stem Cell Treatment of staining in order to analyze changes in specific cell populations in stem cell-treated lung . Aged Mouse Lung Result Mentor: Barbara Driscoll, PhD Even though there was not a change in collagen content in lung tissue treated with stem cells, the Key words: Immunohistochemistry, Staining for results from the H&E staining showed that tissue Collagen, Elastin, and H&E treated with stem cells had a stronger structure than tissue that was given PBS . The elastin staining Problem showed tissue treated with stem cells had an There is no therapy to prevent lung aging . 1 in increase expression of elastin than the tissue 10 premature babies will develop a lung disease treated with PBS . The immunohistochemistry because the lung is one of the latest organs to staining showed there were slightly more alveolar fully develop in a baby . 400,000 Americans die epithelial type 2 (AEC2) in the tissue that was each year from lung diseases . treated with stem cells than tissue treated with PBS, though the difference was not quite significant . Hypothesis My hypothesis was stem cell treatment of Conclusion Telomrase(F3) mouse lung will slow down the We concluded the use of stem cells in lung may aging process . be effective to slow down the aging process . Even though the change in lung tissue treated with stem cells and PBS is small there is something stem cells are doing to delay lung aging .

32 Stem Cell Treatment Aging


33 Raphael Reyes

Raphael Reyes is a senior Hypothesis at Bravo Medical Magnet The interactions between cells involved in lung High School . “I really don’t repair changes with age . want this program to end . I think that nowhere else will Method I be able to have fun but The methods I used to test my hypothesis were also be learning . I was scared once of college culturing lung fibroblast, immune cells and epithelial and the future but not anymore . I am confident cells . The next step was setting up a migration and know what I want to do with my future . This assay using inserts in a 24 well plate . The insert program made me feel that I can do anything I had 8-micron pores that allowed cells to migrate set my mind to even if there are obstacles waiting only if something was attracting them and in ahead .” Raphael will be attending University of this experiment we used young and old immune California, Riverside . and epithelial cells to attract fibroblasts . Then we quantitated the amount of cells that migrated Research Abstract: through the membrane . In addition to quantitating Comparison of Lung Fibroblast the amount of cells that migrated toward old and young immune and epithelial cells, we also stained Migration Towards Young and Old the migrated fibroblast for the expression of collagen . Lung Macrophages and Epithelial Cells Result Mentors: Jooeun Lee The results from the data show that fibroblast Amber Lundin migrated towards both young and old immune Barbara Driscoll, PhD and epithelial cells . Although, we can see that more fibroblast migrated towards the immune Key Words: Fibroblasts, Macrophages, and epithelial cells from old mouse lung . Our Epithelial Cells, Collagen results from the collagen staining showed that only fibroblast migrating toward macrophages Problem expressed collagen and they expressed more Currently, there is little information on the cell-to-cell when migrating towards the old cells . interactions in the lung . Although, it is known that cell-to-cell interactions are needed for lung Conclusion repair and as age progresses it becomes more From our results we are able to conclude that difficult for the lung to repair . This is important macrophages and epithelial cells from old mouse because pulmonary diseases have become the lung are more chemo-attractant than the young third leading cause of death in the US . In order for cells . We can also conclude that fibroblast us to analyze the process of lung aging we could express collagen when migrating towards only look at the cell secretion based communication macrophages and express more collagen when between specialized cells in young and old migrating towards macrophages from old lung . mouse lungs . Collagen 34 Macrophages Fibroblasts

Epithelial Cells Collagen 35 Roxana Rodriguez

Roxana Rodriguez is a senior number of ovarian hormones, including estrogen . at Bravo Medical Magnet Despite these observations, little is known about High School . “It was so the coordination between feeding hormones encouraging to be around and reproductive hormones, especially at the people with a similar back- central level . ground as me . I know that together, we can all achieve what we set our minds Hypothesis to . For me, this means having the confidence to We predict that hormonal signals controlling apply to a four-year university; to feel independent food intake and reproduction, such as leptin and enough to apply out of state; to use the tools I estrogen respectively, can act on the same neuron have been given to become something great .” within the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, a Roxana will be attending Williams College in brain region involved in both energy balance and Williamstown, Mass . reproductive function .

Research Abstract: Method Neuroanatomical Basis for a Transgenic mice that selectively expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP) on leptin Convergence of Reproductive receptor containing neurons (LepR-Cre Rosa-GFP and Feeding Hormonal Signals mice) were used . The appropriate genotypes in Hypothalamic Neurons were verified through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) . Immunohistochemistry was performed on Mentors: Coupé Berengere, PhD brain sections derived from these mice using Sebastien G. Bouret, PhD specific antibodies against the estrogen and leptin receptors . Confocal and fluorescent Key Words: Reproduction, Obesity, microscopy was then used to visualize neuronal Hypothalamus, Arcuate Nucleus colocalization between the estrogen and leptin receptors . Problem Obesity, a medical condition that affects more Result than 40 million children under 5 years old and Confocal images indicate that leptin receptors and 1 .4 billion adults worldwide, is defined as estrogen receptors were expressed in the arcuate having a body mass index higher than 30 . It is nucleus of the hypothalamus . Colocalization well known that hormonal factors play a key role between these two receptors was often seen in weight regulation through their action on the within the same neuron . central nervous system, and particularly a brain region called the hypothalamus . One of these Conclusion key signals is leptin, a hormone produced by Our data indicate that both estrogen and leptin can fat cells in proportion to fat mass . It is also act within the same neuron in the hypothalamus . widely accepted that food availability is the They suggest that feeding and reproductive most important factor influencing mammalian hormonal signals can be coordinated at the reproduction . The reproductive cycles of sexually central level . reproducing animals are also influenced by a

36 Reproduction Arcuate Nucleus

Hypothalamus Obesity

37 Maria Zarate

Maria Zarate is a senior at Hypothesis New Technology High School: FGF10 treatments can decrease cell death in Student Empowerment bacteria infected MSIE (mouse small intestinal Academy at Jefferson High epithelial) cells when treated with FGF10 for School . “Dr . B mentioned different time variants . time after time, that we were a special group, that he had never encountered Method quite a group of students as we; but we would After passaging MSIE cells, we extracted DNA have never met one another without this program . in order to run a PCR on a gel electrophoresis This program not only gave me the opportunity to for FgfR2b and our control B-Actin to determine meet some of the most important people in my life whether MSIE DNA samples were receptive but also the ability to believe in myself .” Maria toward Fgf10’s receptor, FgfR2b . After our results will be attending University of California, Berkley . were conclusive, we proceeded to plate our cells on a 8-well slide and starved them for 24 hours . Research Abstract: After starving the cells we treated the cells with Effects of FGF10 Treatment different variants of Fgf10 and infected some wells with bacteria . Finally, we TUNEL stained our on Bacteria Infection in slide to take photographs and analyze our results . Necrotizing Enterocolitis Result Mentor: Denise Al Alam, PhD Our PCR results concluded that our MSIE cells were receptive toward Fgf10 allowing us to Key Words: Fibroblast Growth Factor (Fgf10), further our experiment . The TUNEL staining on our Apoptosis, MSIE cells indicated the effects of Fgf10-treated bacteria infected cells . In comparison to the slides with Problem higher concentrations of Fgf10, natural death and Necrotizing enterocolitis is a gastrointestinal simultaneous treatment, there was no change . disease where portions of the gut undergo cell The TUNEL stain demonstrated the decrease in death . It affects one in 2,000 to 4,000 premature apoptosis when cells infected with bacteria and babies a year and accounts for 1-5 percent of pre-treated with Fgf10 when compared to our neonatal intensive care unit admissions . FGF10 pretreated 24hrs Fgf10 without bacteria well and is a growth factor gene that is required for the the wells that were simultaneously treated with development of the GI tract . FGF10 also enhances Fgf10 and infected with bacteria . survival and proliferation of cells in the colon as well as protects mice from colitis . Understanding Conclusion how FGF10 can potentially decrease the cell Fgf10 decreases bacteria-induced apoptosis in death within bacteria infected MSIE cells can intestinal epithelial cells (MSIE) . Fgf10, with further enhance our understanding of apoptosis in the study can potentially be used as a therapeutic . small intestine for future study and treatments . In the future we will elucidate the molecular pathways by which Fgf10 protects from apoptosis .

38 Necrotizing Enterocolitis MSIE

Fibroblast Growth Factor (Fgf10)

Apoptosis 39 College Matriculation LA-HIP Class of 2012

Intern High School College

Carlos Aguilar Fremont High School Stanford University

Ana Chavez Bravo Medical Magnet High School University of California, Riverside

Dominique Fernandez West Adams High School University of California, Berkley

Jacqueline Hernandez Aspire Pacific Academy Johns Hopkins University

Carolina Herrera Warren High School University of California, Irvine

Stephanie Leyva California Academy of Math and Science Yale University

Jasmine Lopez Ambassador School of Global Leadership Pomona College

Arturo Muñoz California Academy of Math and Science Tufts University

Lucia Ortega Fremont High School Wellesley College

Maria Perez Fremont High School Smith College

Raphael Reyes Bravo Medical Magnet High School University of California, Riverside

Roxana Rodriguez Bravo Medical Magnet High School Williams College

Karina Samuel-Gama California Academy of Math and Science Stanford University

Silvia Trevino California Academy of Math and Science Cornell University

Matthew Valenzuela Roosevelt High School University of California, Los Angeles

Maria Zarate New Technology High School: University of California, Berkley Student Empowerment Academy

Graduation Day 2012 40 Special Thanks

Mentors Denise Al Alam, PhD Grace Aldrovandi, MD Shahab Asgharzadeh, MD Sebastian G . Bouret, PhD Yves DeClerck, MD Barbara Driscoll, PhD Mark Frey, PhD Charles Gomer, PhD Ching-Ling (Ellen) Lien, PhD William May, MD Prasadarao Nemani, PhD Brent Polk, MD Kasper Wang, MD

Lab Personnel Coupe Berengere, PhD Laura Christensen Soula Danopoulos Philip Dube, PhD Angela Ferrario, PhD Long Hui Jooeun Lee Class Orientation 2012 Cambrian Liu, PhD Marian Luna Bhakti Mehta, MD Selection Committee Sol Moon Emil Bogenmann, PhD, EdD Arthela Osorio Barbara Driscoll, PhD Veronica Placencio, PhD Cara Esposito Raghava Reddy, PhD Mercedes Gonzalez Adrienne Rollie, PhD Charlene Liebau, MA Natalie Rucker Alexa P . Margalith Krishnan Subramanian, PhD Sarah Utley, PhD Donors Achieving America Family Foundation Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Marianna and David Fisher The Fletcher Jones Foundation Leonetti/O’Connell Family Foundation Mary Adams O’Connell and Kevin O’Connell The Rose Hills Foundation Lori, Theodore, Ben, and Bobby Samuels

Samuels Family LA-HIP Alumni 2011 41 Special Thanks (continued)

Special Thanks Denise Al Alam, PhD Hayden Betts Emil Bogenmann, PhD, EdD Richard Cordova, FACHE Wesley DeVoll Barbara Driscoll, PhD Cara Esposito Mercedes Gonzalez Miguel Gonzalez Wendy Kellaris Charlene Liebau Alexa P . Margalith Jessica Medina Jason Meloni Mark Mobilia of Carl Zeiss Matt Morrish Kirra Moses Gabe Newstadt Science Symposium 2012 Brent Polk, MD Leo Rangel High School Supporters Lori and Theodore Samuels David Cho, Lead Science Teacher Ben and Bobby Samuels Ambassador School of Global Leadership Dafne Sanchez Anand Upadhyaya Hilda Cruz Kevin Walls and The Princeton Review Coordinator, Categorical Programs Andrea Zuniga New Technology High School Student Empowerment Academy CHLA Departments Catering Department Millicent Dypiangco Commuter Services Magnet Coordinator Employee Health Services Bravo Medical Magnet High School Foundation Department Marketing Communications Dr . Janet Filer Parking Office Principal The Saban Research Institute California Academy of Math and Science Volunteer Services

Honey Koletty College Counselor Carson High School

Diane Panossian Principal Belmont High School

Tabitha Thigpen Magnet Coordinator King Drew Medical Magnet High School Dr. Polk presenting Roxana Rodriguez with her Certificate of Completion 42 The Samuels Family LA-HIP Advisory Board

Mary Adams Bogenmann has been the director for Research O’Connell, MBA Education at The Saban Research Institute of Mary Adams O’Connell Children’s Hospital Los Angeles . has been a member of the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Bogenmann completed his Doctor of Education Board of Trustees since 2002 . She serves on the degree in 2008 with a subspecialty in educational Audit, Investment, First Families Legacy Program psychology from the Rossier School of Education and The Saban Research Institute committees . at USC . He established the Samuels Family Latino Adams O’Connell is a member of First Families . and African American High School Internship She is also a former president of Las Madrinas . Program (LA-HIP) in 2005 . Bogenmann is also a Mary is president and CEO of Adams O’Connell, director for the National Institutes of Health-sponsored Inc ., a family investment management company Short Term Education Program for Underrepresented serving several generations of Adams family Persons (STEP-UP) research training program for clients . She founded and chairs HealthyCity .org, undergraduate students . a project using innovative data analysis and GIS mapping techniques to provide services for the Gus Dalis, EdD underserved and to support policy, research and Gus Dalis has spent his career planning efforts for collaborating organizations . in education with emphasis Healthy City expanded statewide in February on health education . His 2010 . Adams O’Connell graduated from Smith interest was in developing College and serves on the President’s Council . new instructional approaches to teaching people She received her Master in Business Administration health-related topics . Dalis has been an associate from the University of Missouri . professor in the Department of Health Science at California State University, Northridge and Emil Bogenmann, he served as a member of the Curriculum PhD, EdD Development Writing Team of the national Emil Bogenmann, PhD, EdD, School Health Education Study . He served as is an associate professor in chair of the State of California Department of the Department of Pediatrics Education Curriculum Development Commission and holds a secondary appointment in the and he is the past president of the American Department of Molecular Microbiology and Association for Health Education . Immunology at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (USC) . His Dalis received his bachelor of science degree laboratory research focused on the biology of from the University of California, Los Angeles in neuralcrest-derived tumors such as retinoblastoma physical education and his Doctor of Education and neuroblastoma . Over the last two decades degree from the same institution . he has been involved in the training of high school students, undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows . Since 1995,

43 The Samuels Family LA-HIP Advisory Board (continued)

Joe Duardo on issues related to leadership and schools of the Joe Duardo spent 24 years future . Gothold is clinical professor emeritus at as a research scientist at the the Rossier School of Education at the University Xerox Corporation in Pasadena of Southern California where he teaches courses where he specialized in the in leadership and school governance . He leads field of laser technology . His experimental and research teams of doctoral student in education theoretical research advanced the understanding of studying performance of urban schools . the physics of lasers and lead to the improvement of their design . He also served as evaluator of Gothold graduated from Whittier High School the application of lasers in government space and earned a Doctor of Education degree from and defense projects . Duardo also was principal the University of Southern California . investigator of a research project funded by NASA . Charlene Liebau, MA Duardo pioneered Xerox’s Social Service Leave Charlene Liebau, MA, is Program, serving as volunteer for a year at currently the director of Lincoln High School in Northeast Los Angeles . College Counseling Services His exposure to the world of education prompted after a 20-year career in him to serve as a board member of the admissions . Most recently she served as School District and as a member of the California director of Admissions at the California Institute of School Board Association . Technology (Caltech), and prior to that, as dean of Admission at Occidental College . Professional Duardo grew up in East Los Angeles, graduated activities include service on committees to select from East Los Angeles Community College and National Merit, corporate and foundation scholars, completed his graduate studies at the California and as a panel member at regional College Institute of Technology . Board and Western Association for College Admission Counseling (WACAC) seminars Stu Gothold, EdD and conferences . In addition to her extensive Stuart E . Gothold, EdD, experience in college counseling and admissions, served for more than 20 she is a certified career counselor . Liebau is well years as school district known for her years of dedicated service on and Los Angeles County many community, foundation, independent school superintendent . This leadership role connected and university boards of directors . Her leadership Gothold with local, state and national educational role in these organizations is noteworthy . Charlene leaders and he continues to this day to serve has served as college counselor to Samuels as consultant and advisor in many different Family LA-HIP students since 2008 . organizations . He is an executive coach for the leadership team of a large group of Leibau holds a bachelor’s degree from University California charter schools, and consults with of California, Berkeley, and a master’s degree in school organizations and corporate leaders counseling from Stanford University .

44 The Samuels Family LA-HIP Advisory Board (continued)

DeAnn S. Marshall, MHA Master founded the ACME Animation Virtual DeAnn Marshall serves as Training Network while he was director of Artist senior vice president, chief Development at Warner Brothers Feature development ad marketing Animation . Master has worked extensively with officer at Children’s Hospital young people while at various educational Los Angeles . Prior to her joining Children’s Hospital, institutions including Cal Poly Pomona and she served as the chief marketing communications Rowland High School where he established the officer for Health Sciences at University of California, DaVinci Project, a collaborative student-centered San Diego . Marshall served as executive vice learning program for math and science . Master president and chief development officer for the continues to be active in education and lectures Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation, on the topic of animation as a tool to educate providing executive leadership, strategic planning and teach . and operational direction for the $300 million private foundation . She also served as director Bonnie McClure of Public Relations (1995-99), executive director Bonnie McClure has been of Public and Government Affairs (2000-02) and a member of the Children’s finally as vice president of Public and Government Hospital Los Angeles Board Affairs (2002-04) for the 235-bed Children’s of Trustees since 2005 . She Hospital of Pittsburgh . serves as chairman of the Associates and Affiliates .

Marshall was named Communicator of the Year McClure chairs the Associates and Affiliates in 2003 by the Public Relations Society of America, Advisory Committee and the Chaplaincy Advisory and received the Touchstone Award from the Board . In addition, she is vice-chair of The Saban American Hospital Association . She received a Research Institute Committee, and serves as a bachelor’s degree in journalism (1988) with a member of the Development Advisory Campaign minor in business administration from Duquesne Cabinet, the Executive Committee and the Safety, University in Pittsburgh . She received a Masters Quality and Service Committee . in Health Care Administration (2012) from the University of Southern California . McClure is a member of First Families and the Emma Phillips Society . She is a former president of Dave Master Childrens Chain . She also oversees the hospital’s Dave Master has probably tour docent training . In 2001, McClure helped guided more young coordinate Children’s Hospital Los Angeles’ people to careers in the Centennial Celebration . arts than anyone else alive . Internationally recognized as one of the premiere educators in the world in the field of animation, he has lectured throughout the world and has served on numerous educational advisory boards .

45 The Samuels Family LA-HIP Advisory Board (continued)

Cheryl Saban, PhD Dr . Saban is also affiliated with the Board of Cheryl Saban, PhD, has Overseers of the Keck School of Medicine of the authored several books about University of Southern California, The Saban Free self-worth, community service Clinic, The Nathanson Family Resource Center at and personal involvement . the University of California, Los Angeles and The But she doesn’t just talk about these issues— Everychild Foundation . she lives them . She contributes to other domestic and international Along with her husband, Haim, Dr . Saban is a charitable causes, mostly geared toward the longtime supporter of our hospital . In 2003, welfare of women, children and families . the Sabans generously donated $40 million to the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Research Theodore (Ted) Institute—now named The Saban Research Samuels, MBA Institute—to support pediatric research . They Theodore “Ted” Samuels is are founding members of the Children’s Fund a senior vice president and 100, a core group of donors who support the director of Capital Guardian hospital’s mission-based giving program, the Trust Company and co-chair of the Children’s Children’s Fund, with pledges of $100,000 Hospital Los Angeles Board of Trustees . He has or more . Dr . Saban is currently an honorary been a member of the Board of Trustees since member of the Board of Trustees of the 2004 . He received his bachelor’s degree and hospital and serves on The Saban Research Master of Business Administration from Harvard Institute Committee . University . He is vice chair of the Board, vice chair of the Finance Committee, chair of the Dr . Saban has a doctorate in psychology and is Governance Committee and chair of the Virtual a member of the American Psychological Financial Investment Community Campaign . He Association . As part of her training, she had is a member of First Families . The Samuels Family the unique opportunity of seeing Children’s made a gift to endow the program, naming it Hospital “at work” when she participated in the Samuels Family Latino and African American an externship program at the Children’s Center High School Internship Program and ensuring for Cancer and Blood Diseases . She has also its longevity . volunteered as a “cuddler” in the hospital’s Newborn and Infant Critical Care Unit .

46 Silvia Trevino (left) and Matthew Valenzuela during Hell Week

A Angels Flight; Ride to the top.

Samuels Family LA-HIP Mission Statement: To inspire change and self-determination by igniting a passion for scientific discovery.

4650 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90027