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Fargesia dracocephala - Plant

Sacred , Heavenly Bamboo, Nandina

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Fargesia dracocephala Plant

Description for Fargesia dracocephala

Plant height: 9 - 15 inches (22 - 39 cm)

Plant spread:

Sacred Bamboo is a woody shrub, native to and Japan, often used in landscaping. Its distinctive double-compound or triple-compoud leaves which have lance shaped leaflets are held on multiple nonbranching stems.

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Common name(s): Sacred Bamboo, Heavenly Bamboo, Nandina

Flower colours: Green

Bloom time: May-July.

Max reachable height: 9 to 16 feet

Difficulty to grow: Easy to grow

Planting and care

An accurate soil test will tell you where your pH currently stands. Acidic (sour) soil is counteracted by applying finely ground limestone, and alkaline (sweet) soil is treated with ground sulfur. If you order roses from a mail-order company, shipped in the spring as bare roots when plants are fully dormant, well before they have leafed out

Sunlight: Full Sun

Soil: Well-drained soil

Water: Medium

Temperature: -

Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer

Caring for Fargesia dracocephala

Start with pruning shears for smaller growth. Use loppers, which look like giant, long-handle shears, for growth that is more than half an inch thick. A small pruning saw is handy, as it cuts on both the push and the pull.

Typical uses of Fargesia dracocephala

Special features: The plant tends to form ever larger clumps. In spring, there are large panicles of small white flowers at the end of stems followed by green berries which ripen to bright red that are held for many months (unless eaten by birds).

Culinary use: leaves

Ornamental use: The plant is used for ornamental purpose.


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Reviews Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Good packing. Plant is very healthy and also I received free seeds offer & cashback . Happy :-)

rashmi choudhary

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

How often should i water it and does it come with soil or should i get my own soil?

Jolly Joy Monteroyo

Saturday, 16 November 2019

Very much happy with the product and service. On time delivery with product being in perfect condition.

Kapil Yadav More reviews

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