HR16D00008-Provision of 02 No Water Bores UC BS Khasher Khan

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HR16D00008-Provision of 02 No Water Bores UC BS Khasher Khan District Project Description BE 2017-18 HARIPUR HR16D00008-provision of 02 No water bores UC BS KhaSher Khan. 450,000 HARIPUR HR16D00012-Pavement of path at village Dheenda. 26,079 HARIPUR HR16D00023-Boring of H/pump/ pressure pump & ext:of pipeline 200,932 in different village in DW Panian HARIPUR HR16D00034-Extension of pipeline of WSS in DWBareela. 24,000 HARIPUR HR16D00037-Boring of 05 No. H/pumps/ Pressure pumps& Ext: of 24,780 pipelines of WSS in DW Mankarai. HARIPUR HR16D00038-Boring of 09 No. hand-pumps/ pressurepumps & 976,911 Ext: of pipelines etc in different villages/ Mohallahs in DWMuslimabad HARIPUR HR16D00040-Construction of Tube well for DWSSVillage Nartoppa 450,000 (remaining work). HARIPUR HR16D00041-WSS Village Kundi. 59,449 HARIPUR HR16D00044-Construction of Path Village Dul Mohat. 88,790 HARIPUR HR16D00065-Construction of Path Village Phula Gali 39,300 HARIPUR HR16D00074-PCC of path/ Pavement of street in DWHattar. 303,496 HARIPUR HR16D00076-Construction of paths/ streets indifferent village / 197,107 mohallahs in DW Muslimabad HARIPUR HR16D00093-Leveling and dressing of Play Ground atVillage 500,000 Guhmawan HARIPUR HR16D00096-"Additional Work in Community Centre at 60,000 village Gharri Maira" HARIPUR HR16D00099-"Rehabilitation of sewerage system ofdifferent 630,000 wards of Women & Children Hospital Haripur." HARIPUR HR16D00101-Pavement of path from h/o Khalid to h/oSajid at Fort 131,289 Road. HARIPUR HR16D00103-Extension of pipelines/ DWSS in 36,100 MohallahRoshanabad and Qaziabad DW South. HARIPUR HR16D00105-Pavement of Road/Street/Drains at EssaModel 33,518 Village. HARIPUR HR16D00111-Pavement of street village Hassanpur. 31,582 HARIPUR HR16D00113-Pavement of street Darwaza Thalikot 11,373 HARIPUR HR16D00119-Const: of Road/ Path/ Street in DW Beer. 119,792 HARIPUR HR16D00120-Constn: of Road Sheikh Choor. 17,499 HARIPUR HR16D00123-Const: of Ghari Maira road Dozer work. 23,090 HARIPUR HR16D00128-Construction of Paths etc in Roshanabad. 34,869 HARIPUR HR16D00130-Leveling & dressing of playground at GHSJhamra. 118,898 HARIPUR HR16D00131-Leveling & Dressing of different grounds at tehsil 2,000,000 ghazi HARIPUR HR16D00132-"Improvt of Playgrounds at Village kachi" 500,000 HARIPUR HR16D00135-Construction of Road from Chajian toSarril, Phase-1 807,961 HARIPUR HR16D00136-WSS at DW Khalabat. 1,500,000 HARIPUR HR16D00140-street pavement in union council Bagra 677,000 HARIPUR HR16D00148-Const: of Water Channels at DheriSikandarpur 150,000 HARIPUR HR16D00149-Pavement of PCC Road at Moh: Ghora atVillage 50,000 Nallah HARIPUR HR16D00150-Pavement of PCC path at Village Nallah 52,805 HARIPUR HR16D00151-Pavement of PCC Road Mohallah Basotavillage Bandi 30,000 Kiyala HARIPUR HR16D00152-Pavt: of PCC Road at village BandiKiyala 30,000 HARIPUR HR16D00153-"Improvement of existing roads / paths/PCC / Street 62,183 in Village Talokar, Pandak." HARIPUR HR16D00160-Pavements of Streets/ Road at VillageSikandarpur 214,434 HARIPUR HR16D00161-Pavement of path Village Jaulian 76,800 HARIPUR HR16D00162-Pavement of path Village Sultanpur 66,800 HARIPUR HR16D00163-Pavement of path Village Tofkian 66,800 HARIPUR HR16D00164-Pavement of path Village Pind Gakhrra 43,880 HARIPUR HR16D00165-Construction of Causeway / R.WallVillage Marchabad 31,800 HARIPUR HR16D00167-Protection wall of Graveyard Moh:Khandak. 50,000 HARIPUR HR16D00168-Const: of Boundary Wall of Jinazah GahSikandarpur. 78,560 HARIPUR HR16D00170-Provision of hand pump/ pressure pumpsin DW Ali 451,001 Khan. HARIPUR HR16D00173-Boring of 2 Hand Pumps/Pressure Pump atVillage 31,360 Gheba Town HARIPUR HR16D00175-Boring of 1 Hand Pump/Pressure Pump atVillage Nika 28,275 Pah HARIPUR HR16D00176-Construction of Open Well at VillageMirpur 200,000 HARIPUR HR16D00178-Boring of Hand Pump/Pressure Pump atVillage Pind 150,000 Gakhrra HARIPUR HR16D00179-Construction of Play Ground at SokaPandak 105,210 HARIPUR HR16D00182-"Const: of Link Road Moh: BehterKair-cum-Seri, Moh: 224,801 Phagarri Halli and Phagarri Seri" HARIPUR HR16D00188-Construction & widning of Path ofgraveyard Nariyan 28,999 Kalinjer HARIPUR HR16D00189-Construction of Culvert / Path VillageWasrain 75,000 Kalinjer HARIPUR HR16D00191-Construction of Path Village Kalinjer 200,000 HARIPUR HR16D00192-Pavt: of PCC Road at Darya Doga to Roh. 157,273 HARIPUR HR16D00193-Pavt: of PCC Road Kariplian to MairaKhairi. 135,636 HARIPUR HR16D00195-Pavement of PCC path at Village HalJadal 76,865 HARIPUR HR16D00196-Pavement of PCC Road at Bandi Labialpain. 145,322 HARIPUR HR16D00199-Purchase of Land for graveyard VillageChaur Sharif. 2,000,000 HARIPUR HR16D00200-Const: of Community Centre at villageDoyan Aabi 1,000,000 HARIPUR HR16D00202-WSS at Kalinjar 78,435 HARIPUR HR16D00207-WSS/ Pipeline & Motor at Bandi Labial. 148,515 HARIPUR HR16D00209-Boring for pressure pumps (03 No) indifferent 27,000 villages in DW Darwesh. HARIPUR HR16D00212-Installation of Street Lights in DWNorth Haripur 211,446 HARIPUR HR16D00213-"Const: of B/wall at Type-D Hospital,Khanpur." 110,590 HARIPUR HR16D00214-WSS at BHU Tofkian. 114,787 HARIPUR HR16D00215-Const: of additional room with venrandaat SHC 228,017 Qazipur. HARIPUR HR16D00216-Repair/ improvement of THQ HospitalGhazi. 238,487 HARIPUR HR16D00217-Const: of B/wall for GHS Ghazi. 20,800 HARIPUR HR17D00002-Pavement of Agri water channels KhoiNara. 70,000 HARIPUR HR17D00004-Lining of Civil Channels at DW Mankarai. 147,635 HARIPUR HR17D00005-Construction of R/wall at VillageCouncil Mang. 61,250 HARIPUR HR17D00006-"Pavements of Civil Channels at VillageDarwesh, 359,082 Meelam , Doyan." HARIPUR HR17D00007-Levelling /dressing of play-ground atGMS Magri and 187,642 GHS PH Khan. HARIPUR HR17D00008-Construction of Boundary Wall for PlayGround 25,000 Mankarai Road Sikandarpur. HARIPUR HR17D00009-"Const: of Basket Ball Court, TanisCourt & B/Wall at 139,549 Village Sheikh Choor." HARIPUR HR17D00010-Purchase of Land for Playground TehsilGhazi. 898,000 HARIPUR HR17D00014-Balance work of WSS Talokar. 55,830 HARIPUR HR17D00015-Boring of 02 No. small bores atSanjiala. 40,000 HARIPUR HR17D00016-Boring of 1 Hand Pump/Pressure Pump atVillage 34,500 Shah Maqsood. HARIPUR HR17D00017-Boring of open well at Village AkhoonBandi. 200,000 HARIPUR HR17D00018-Provision of 8 No. Water Bores at Moh:Eid Gah Sarai 337,131 Salah. HARIPUR HR17D00023-WSS /water Tank at Scattered Area of V/CKupri. 16,489 HARIPUR HR17D00024-Repair of WSS at village Banda GulBahadur Bela. 14,029 HARIPUR HR17D00025-WSS /water Tank at village Dindh V/CKalpalar. 7,883 HARIPUR HR17D00026-Providing and fixing of Different sizepipe at DW 114,042 Bagra. HARIPUR HR17D00028-Construction of drains/ streets indifferent villages of 36,937 DW Darwesh. HARIPUR HR17D00030-"Provision of 50 KVA T/former, motorpumpfor DWSS 105,418 village Nartopa." HARIPUR HR17D00034-Pavement of PCC Road at village Darkot. 62,103 HARIPUR HR17D00035-" Const: of road /pavement of steet at DW Kholia 154,200 Bala." HARIPUR HR17D00036-Improvement of existing roads / paths/PCC / Street 270,000 in DW Mankarai. HARIPUR HR17D00038-Const: of PCC path at village Cham. 49,502 HARIPUR HR17D00039-Const: of PCC path at village Sanjiala. 87,655 HARIPUR HR17D00040-Pavement of Road/Streets at VillageMohri No. 1. 170,000 HARIPUR HR17D00041-Pavement of path at Village MohraKholian Kalawan. 176,900 HARIPUR HR17D00042-Pavement of path & Sewerage at VillageMohri No. 2. 60,000 HARIPUR HR17D00043-Pavement of path Village Utmanabad. 30,486 HARIPUR HR17D00048-PCC of road Moh: Sanga at Village Bandi. 16,500 HARIPUR HR17D00051-Const: of Path & Sanitation Work V/CKupri. 15,133 HARIPUR HR17D00053-PCC of Road Moh:Charngi Karwala. 124,430 HARIPUR HR17D00054-Repair of pulley and path Moh: MorraKarwala. 93,129 HARIPUR HR17D00055-Const: Of pulley at Shorag. 29,310 HARIPUR HR17D00056-Repair of pulley Karlan. 20,000 HARIPUR HR17D00060-"Construction of road from chajian toSarril, Phase-II." 394,292 HARIPUR HR17D00078-Const: of P/wall at Moh: Allah NoorBanda Gali. 9,586 HARIPUR HR17D00092-Construction of Balance work of Bridgeat Todu and 691,893 pavement of paths in DW Panian. HARIPUR HR17D00094-Pavement of street Chohar SharifRehmanabad 1,000,000 Chohar Colony / Kalas. HARIPUR HR17D00097-Pavt: of street/ path in DistrictHaripur (Phase-II). 272,250 HARIPUR HR17D00129-Provision of Water Bores / WSS inDistrict Haripur 1,200,000 HARIPUR HR17D00130-Provision of Water Bores at Sarai Saleh 384,744 HARIPUR HR17D00131-"Dozer Work at Tehsil Ghazi, Phase-1" 2,000,000 HARIPUR HR17D00132-"Dozer Work at Tehsil Ghazi, Phase-II" 1,400,000 HARIPUR HR17D00133-Pavt: of path Bin Nazar to Moh: KhalidMehmood. 179,100 HARIPUR HR17D00134-PCC of street at Moh: Shakot Komal. 600,000 HARIPUR HR17D00135-Provision of 06 Nos water bores for DWDingi 900,000 HARIPUR HR17D00136-Provision of Water Bores in DW Hattar 531,475 HARIPUR HR17D00140-"Provision of 04 No.water bores/Pressure pumps/ GI 238,200 Pipe at VC Soka Pandak, Talokar." HARIPUR HR17D00142-Construction of Water Tank Plasi Maira. 59,432 HARIPUR HR17D00143-Provision of Pipelines in DW SaraiNaimat Khan. 74,191 HARIPUR HR17D00145-Const: of Sewerage Line/ Pavement ofstreets at Gali 37,215 Khalo Hujra. HARIPUR HR17D00146-Consruction of sewerage line Naqarchian. 28,994 HARIPUR HR17D00147-Construction of R/Wall Village QazipurEbrat Ali 56,631 HARIPUR HR17D00148-Construction of Sewerage Line VillageQazipur 25,031 Shakeel Ahmed HARIPUR HR17D00150-M&R / Sewerage Line at Hassanpur. 33,181 HARIPUR HR17D00152-"Pavement of streets in DW Bareela,Phase-I." 801,678 HARIPUR HR17D00153-Const: of Pulley/PCC of path Moh: KangarChanjiala. 26,700 HARIPUR HR17D00154-PCC of path Moh: Zareen Karrach Kakotri. 130,258 HARIPUR HR17D00155-Const: of well Moh: Dilawar Shah Chathi. 300,000 HARIPUR HR17D00156-Pavement of streets Moh: Chapri Maira 29,500 HARIPUR HR17D00157-Pavement of streets Moh: Samir Chappra 19,500 HARIPUR HR17D00158-Pavement of streets Moh: Negar 19,500 HARIPUR HR17D00160-Pavt: of path/street in DW Kholian Bala(Phase-II). 268,700 HARIPUR HR17D00161-Pavt: of street/path/drains in DW KotNajibullah. 5,000 HARIPUR HR17D00171-WSS Dheri Sikanderpur, Phase II 600,000 HARIPUR HR17D00172-Pavement of Path / Streets in DW Sirya(Phase-I). 326,086 HARIPUR HR17D00175-Const: of well Kiya Jandar Gala ShehzadaKhan.
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