NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY Procurement & Contract Administration Section 28 MauueArea, G-9/1,Islamabad I 051-9032727,E 051-9260419 lRifrro'vri$r.a.Ars No.6(415)/cM (P&cA)/NH^l16l ru} I December.2016 Director General Public Procurement Regulatory Authority lst Floor FBC Building near State Bank, SectorG-512, Islamabad.

Subject: ANNOUCNEMENT OF EVALUATION REPORT (PPRA Rule-351: Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study & Detailed Design for Construction of Farooqabad Interchange on Motorway M-2 in NA- 134 District .

Reference: PPRA RuIe-3 5

Kindly find attached the duly filled and signed Evaluation Report along with Bid Evaluation Criteria (Annex-I) pertaining to the procurement of subject services in view of above referred PPRA Rule-35 for uploading on PPRA website at the earliest, please.

(Muhammad Azam) Director (P&CA) Encl: Evaluation Report along with Annex-I

Copy for kind information to: - Member (Planning), NHA - Member (Engineering-Coord),NHA - General Manager (P&CA),NHA - S.O (Tech.)to Chairman, NHA 1 Nameof ProcurinqAqencv: NationalHiqhwav Authoritv 2. Methodof Procurement: SinqleStaqe Two Envelop Procedure Titleof Procurement: ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy & Detailed DesignFor Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on MotorwayM-2 in NA-'134District Sheikhupura.. 4. TenderInouirv No.: 6(415) PPRARef. No. (TSE): TS293709E '15"' h Date& Timeof BidClosino: November,2016 at 1130hours local time 7. Date& Timeof BidOoenino: 15"'November,2016at 1200 hours localtime 8. No of Bids Received: Six (6) Proposalswere received q Criteriafor BidEvaluation: Criteriaof BidEvaluation is attachedat Annex-l 10. Detailsof Bid(s)Evaluation: As below

Marks Rule/Regulation/SBD*/Policy Nameof Bidder Evaluated / Basis for Rejection/ Technical Financial Cost Acceptanceas per Rule35 (if (if of PP Rules.2004. applicable) applicable) (PKR) Topscoring firm in combined 1) M/sNESPAK (Pvt.) Ltd. 584 200 2,776,234 evaluation(PPRA Rule 36(b) (ix)) 2) M/sPrime Engineering & 574 161 3,444,614 2no TestingConsultants (Pvt.) Ltd.

3) M/sEA Consulting(Pvt.) Ltd. 621 97 5.742.896 3to

4) M/sRepublic Engineering 538 PPRARule (v) Corporation- REC (Pvt.) Ltd. 36(b)

5) M/sAsif Ali Associates(Pvt.) Ltd.(Lead Firm) in JV with M/s AA Associatesand M/s 530 PPRARule 36(b) (v) EngineeringConsultancy ServicesPunjab (Pvt.) Ltd.

6) M/sNew Vision Engineering Consultants(Lead Firm) in JV 453 PPRARule 36(b) (v) withM/s CECON

Lowest Evaluated Bidder: M/sNational Engineering Services (NESPAK) Pvt. Ltd.

11. Any other additional/ supportinginformation, the procuringagency may like to share: The Procurementwas carried out in linewith PPRA Rules & Regulations.The biddingwas done on QCBSmethod with 80:20 Technicalto Financial Proposals ratio.


Official Stamp: * ai*iuitto*go,Pacat. Stand a rd Bi dd i n g N{nAnieWnffiplufrtotitv Islamabad NationalHighway Authority

Annex-I Criteria FOq" Bid Evaluation

ConsultancyServices for Feasibility Study & DetailedDesign for Construction of FarooqabadInterchange on Motorway M-2 in NA-134 District Sheikhupura

Decembero2016 I Letter of Invitation I

I GOVERNMENT OF I NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY 27-MauveArea, G-911, I PostBox No. 1205. t ISLAMABAD -,1:,'1i;r,,\ I ,Y::;utu,':1i::{i" LET TER OF INVITAU.6AI.:ft,O I To, All prospectiveconsultants t Gentlemen! We extendwarrn welcometg,you and invite you for participatingin this project. We hope that you will live up to your repufdtibnand provide us accurateinformation so that the I evaluationis caried out 'Just and traniparent".Please understand that the contentsof this RFP, where applicable,shall be deemeda,g,A&S,thecontract agreement. An exampleto this affect can be the contentsof your work plan and mefhodologywhich you shallbe submittingin your technical I proposal.Since that is the bapisq! the selection,therefore, it shall becomepart of the contract agreementsubject to approvallfg_v$ionsof the sameby NHA duringthe negotiations.Similarly, all other servicesand the.,c.opie4Ldontributing to services shall be deemedpart of the contract I agreementunless it is specifiedfor any particularitem up-front in your technicalproposal which obviouslywill makeyour pioposala conditionalproposal whereby, authorizing NHA to may or may not considerto"9v'8.{yate your proposal.Please understand that if no suchmention appears up- t front (i.e. on fronq:4gd"ti'?...1,1echnical proposal) then it shall be deemedthat the consultantis in 100% agreementto the abo*e Y6u are alsoadvised to kindly readthe RFPthoroughly as it can drastically affectthe pric_q.structurefor variousservices which may not be appearingdirectly in the termsof I reference.Ih t{9 end,we appreciateyour participationand hopethat you will feed a good proposal to meritconsid6ration bv NHA. I GeneralManager(P&CA) I Telephone: +92-5 I -90327 27, Fax:+92-51-9260419 E-maiI : gmpga.4ha@g$!q, I Website:www.nha. t ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy andDetailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I MotorwavM-2 in NA-134District Sheikhupura I t I ATTACHMENTS

Instructionsto Consultants(Annex A)

Data Sheet(Annex B)

TechnicalProposal Forms

FinancialProposal Forms

AppendixA (Termsof Reference)

AppendixB (Person-Monthsand Activity Schedule) I

=,1 AppendixC (Client'sRequirements from the Consultants)=

Appendix D (Personnel,Equipment, Facilities and other servicesto be providedby the Client).

AppendixE (Copyof Model Agreement),... 4

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jv":4:- 1tl ",:4 \lr. li == '{;i;

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ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and DetailedDesign for ConstructionofFarooqabad Interchange on MotorwayM-2 in NA-134 DistrictSheikhupura ^/l::: '::::::,\.,. I lnstructionsto Consultants



t.l You are herebyinvited to submita technicaland a financialproposal for consultingservices I requiredfor the assignmentnamed in the attachedData Sheet(referred to as "Data Sheet" hereafter) annexed with this letter. Your proposal could form the basis for future negotiationsand ultimately a Contractbetween your firm and the Client namedin the Data I Sheet.

t.2 A brief descriptionof the assignmentand its objectives^;&^ in the Data Sheet. I Details are provided in the attachedRFP for designservie€S:'.3ftvided in the Documents, andwill becomepart of agreementsubsequently =,(#

: .:::!:i I 1.3 The assignment shall be implemented in accordag€'Ola#drthe phasing specified in the DataSheet. ,orp*rj! 'ti 'tl * . I t.4 The Client has been entrustedthe duty to implementthe Project as ExecutingAgency by Governmentof Pakistan(GoP) and funds foliftrezp;ojectshall be anangedby the Client.

1.5 To obtain first-hand information on=rfr$urrigfr..nt and on the local conditions,you are I encouragedto pay a visit to the Clien{before submittinga proposaland attenda pre- proposalconference if specifiedin the.ubataSheet. Your representativeshall meet the namedofficials on the date and time spEcifiedin the Data Sheet. Pleaseensure that these I officials are advised of the f+iiilh,+:inadvance to allow adequatetime for them to make appropriatearrangements. Yoii 00I$tfully inform yourselfof local conditionsand take them I into accountin preparingyoiiftproposal. I 1.6

1.7 Pleasenote that:ii. .,i lt iili itrii:iiii:, t ,j i. Th,pco$J of preparing the proposal and of negotiatingthe Contract, including a visit to the Client, are not reimbursableas a direct cost of the Assignment,and illl:'r I _,.,i ii. Th€"' ient is not bound to accept any of the proposals submitted' I 1.8 The names of the invited consultantsare given in the Data Sheet. T t.9 We wish to remind you that in order to avoid conflicts of interest: a. Any firm providing goods, works, or services with which you are affiliated or associatedis not eligible to participate in bidding for any goods, works, or services (other than the services and any continuation thereof) resulting from or associatedwith I the project of which this assignmentforms apart; and t b. Any previous or ongoing participation in relation with the project by your firm, its ConsultancyService;.fg1_f.gasibiiity Study and Detailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on MotorwayV-Z,rn$frJ:Sf Pits.Fict Sheikhupura 3 I ff',Y-"*"{(*il, I ol I I Instructionsto Consultants

professionalstaf{ its affiliatesor associatesunder a Contractmay result in rejectionof I your p.oposal.You shouldclarifu your situationin that respectwith the Clientbefore preparingthe proposal.

I ., DOCUMENTS t 2.1 To preparea proposal,please use the Documentsspecified in the DataSheet. 2.2 Consultantsrequiring a clarification of the Documentsmust notify the Client, in writing, not laterthan twenty one (21) daysbefore the proposalsubmission date. Any requestfor I clarificationin writing, or by cable,telex or tele-faxshall be sentto the Client's address specifiedin the Data Sheet. The Client shall respondby cabfe,utelex or tele-fax to such requestsand copies of the responseshall be sentto all invited ants Qdtf3-r4l

I ^a whetherat L.J At any time beforethe submissionof proposals,the C!ipnt.:.{l *, for anYreason, its own initiative or in responseto a clarlficationreqg.gsted bf an invited consultingfirm, modiff the Documentsby imendment. The amenOm.re1rj.s!r,...t be sent in writing or by cable, I telexor tele-faxto all invitedconsulting firms andwill'be bindingon them. The Clientmay at its discretionextend the deadlinesfor the submisg proposals.


I 3.1

3.1.1 The Technical proposal should U.lteb*itt.d using the format specified and shall include I duly signed and stamped forms'aplended with the RFP. This is a mandatory requirement for eval-uationof proposalYnd needsto be filled up carefully. :,;:::.. :. I 3.1.2For Technical Proposal,lhe general approach and methodology which you propose for you carrving out the servic€-sCqvered in the TOR, including such detailed information as de"nr ,ieuunt, togethf"*. your appreciation of the Project from provided details and I t. a. A detailed;bv',9iittwork programto be providedwith timing of the_assignmentof eachexprrt oi1th". staffmernber assigned to the project.This will alsoprovide the t CI ienl',g[ o pportunity to effectivelymonitor work progress' .. ir perTOR' b. .J&q|numder of man-monthsand project duration as 'tf""..,*:i,ri . "lll:13 I description of the responsibilities of each expert staff member within the derall work program. I d. The Curriculum Vitae (CV) of all Key Staff members and an affidavit that proposed staff shall be availabli zu ttt. assignment during the project duration and their present place of duty may also be specified. The Consultants are advised to suggest I iuch namesthat shall be availablefor the Assignment. The technical proposalshall include duly filled in forms provided with this RFP. to The name, background and professionalexperience of each expert staff -member I be assigned to tf,e project, with particular reference to his experience of work of a nature similar to that of the proposedassignment. I Current commitmentsand past performanceare the basic of technical peaiiUitity Designfor Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I C*r"ttr*y Sb^*es tor Study andDetailed I t I Instructionsto Consultants

proposal.You arerequired to providethe detailsof presentcommitments/on- going I jobi as referredin the Form A-10 of technicalproposal. Further, the basisfor the past performanceis the report from Design Sectionand ConstructionWing of the I Client. 3.1.3 In preparingthe technicalproposal, you areexpected to examineall termsand instructions includedin the Documents.Failure to provideall requestedinformation shall be at your T own risk andmay resultadversely in the scoringof your proposal.The proposalshould be preparedas per RFP and any suggestionor review of staff etc. shouldbe clearly speltout in I form A-4. This will be discussedat thetime of negotiationmeeting as and when called. 3.L.4 During preparationof the technical proposal,you must givgrrp'a4icularattention to the following: ,.,,0"* I ,...,,,, a. TheFirm needsto be registeredwith Pakistan-B*gd Council(PEC). -'- l'€; I b. If you considerthat your firm doesnot have*,,gllttl"'' p".tite for the assignmentyou may obtain a full range of experiencebyr assocl"ating with other firms or entities. You may also utilize the servicesof e.*p.g1iie"'6xperts but only to the extent for I which the requisiteexpertise is not availaUiein any Pakistanifirm. In caseof Joint Venture,the proposalshould state ciearly partners will be "Jointly and Severally" responsiblefor performattceund$i' the Contract and one (Representative)partner I will be responsiblefor all dealing$withthe Client on behalfof the JointVenture. Its ,,Powerof Attorney" on thfs accbuntis to be enclosed.The representativepartner shall retain the responsibilityfoi ttre performanceof obligations and satisfactory t completionof the consult4llqcyservices. PEC registersa foreign consultingfirm for servicesin Pakistan,which is based on issuing license to "gr,ov=!.,.{ejconsultancy formaiion of JV *iTh tn"%ondition that the foreign consultingfirm shall provide I only that shareof.c,,o,,psultancy services by the JV for which expertiseis not available with Pakistanicansultlng firms. A copy of JV agreementto be providedat the time of finalizinsi6e*8ntru"t documents with specificresponsibilities and assignments to I be looteJa?ffi eachPartner. 'ti - c. Subq.o@ting part of the assignmentto the other Consultantsis not discouraged I anOsnfFiitist Sub-Consultants may be included'

'll .:." the firm unless A. +",*Fhe,i<$yprofessional staff proposedshall be permanentemployees of tu!1n.r*ire t specified in the Oata Sheet. The minimum stay with the firm for such personsis Six months.No alternativeto key professionalstaff may be proposedand only one CV may be submittedfor each position.The minimum required experience t of proposedKey Staff is specifiedin the Data Sheet'

e. The training shall be imparted during the currency of the contract if specified in the I Data Sheet.

Consultant's 3.1.5 The technical proposal shall not include any financial information. The I comments, if any, on the data, services and facilities to be provided by the Client and I specifiedin the ToR shall be inctudedin the technicalproposal. Interchangeon C""r"lt"*y S.trt"* tot E"*iUitity Study and DetailedDesign for Constructionof Farooqabad MotorwayXA-Z in_\j-;ffi strictSheikhupura I Jl:,:1r,15 T lM, I I Instructionsto Consultants I 3,2 FinancialProposal 3.2.1 The financialproposal should be submittedusing the format specifiedand enclosedwith I this RFP. This is a mandatoryrequirement for evaluationof proposalsand needsto be filled up carefully.The total costis to be specifiedin the FormA-17' I 3.2.2 The financialproposal should list the costsassociated with the Assignment.These normally cover remuneration for staff in the field and at headquarters,per diem, housing, transportationfor mobilizationand demobilization, services and equipment (vehicles, office t equipmentfurniture and supplies), printing of documents,surveys and investigations. These costsshould be brokeninto foreign(if applicable)and local cos-ts.Your financialproposal shouldbe preparedusing the formatsattached as forms A-t I tqgAitZ. . I ..4;ia,ill'1.,.-"' 3.2.3 The financial proposal shall also take into account the piofes-sionalliability as provided under the relevantPEC Bye-Laws and cost of insuranoq"fspeCified in the Data Sheet. I ": 3.2.4 Costsmay be expressedin currency (s) listed in the D,..ata=rSheet.

3.2.5 The evaluation committee will correct u* Uftputational errors. When correcting I computationalerrors, in caseof discrepancybetyyeen a partialamount and the total amounl or betweenword and figuresthe formers,-1yi:'[,tr6vail. In additionto the abovecorrections, activitiesand itemsdescribed in the TechnicalProposals but not priced,in the Financial I In case proposalsshall be assumedto be $ciudeCin'ttre prices of otheractivities or items. an activity or item is quantifieOifltne $nancial Proposaldifferently from the Technical Proposal,the evaluationcommittee ihaff'conect the quantificationspecified in the Financial t Proposalso asto makeit consistei*qyiththat specifiedin the TechnicalProposal. ?l*.r='j'Y t 4. SUBMISSIONOF PROPOS.AI'S 1;lfiz+::,. 4.1 You shallsubmit onr ptiginultechnical proposal and one original financial proposal and the numberof copie.g,*psneactiipecified in the Data Sheet.Each proposal shall be in a separate t be placed envelopeindicxift$-, iginal or copy, as appropriate.All technicalproposals shall in an envelope..pleariimarked "Technical Proposal" and the financialproposals in the one marked"Finaq"&bl Proposal". These two envelops,in turn, shall be sealedin an outer I enveloDeSearrine ihe addressand information specifiedin the Data Sheet.The envelope shalt Le marked, "DO NoT OPEN, EXCEPT IN PRESENCE OF TFIE I EVALUATION"i;d;t COMMITTEE.'' .r,=:]i:$i 4.2 In the event of any discrepancy between the copies of the proposal, the original shall t govern. The original and each copy of the technical and financial proposals shall be preparedin indelible ink and shall be signedby the authorizedConsultant's representative. The representative's authorization shall be confirmed by a written power of attorney I accompanyingthe proposals.All pages of the technical and financial proposals shall be initialed by the personor personssigning the proposal'

4.3 The proposal shall contain no interlineations or overwriting except as necessaryto correct t by the egori made by the Consultantsthemselves. Any such corections shall be initialed t personor personssigning the proposal. C"r*tt*.y S"*ices for f"*iUitity Study andDetailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I MotorwayM-2 in N Sheikhupura I t I Instructionsto Consultants I 4.4 The completed technical and financial proposals shall be delivered on or before the time, date,and the location specifiedin the Data Sheet. I 4.5 The proposals shall be valid for the number of days stated in the Data Sheet from the date of its submission.During this period, you shall keep available the professionalstaff proposed for the assignment.The Client shall make its best effort to complete negotiations at the I location statedin the Data Sheetwithin this period' PROPOSAL EVALUATION

T The 5.1 A Single-Stage-Two-Envelopeprocedures shall be adoptedin ranking of the proposals. technical evaluation shall be carried out first, followed by qle fmancial evaluation. The Consultantsshall be rankedusing a combinedtechnical/finanpigl score. I .!it, ::: .n; 5.2 Technical Proposal t for all the 5.2.1 The evaluation committee appointedby the Clien1 shullca.ty out its evaluation projects as listed in Para 1.1, applying the evaluaifon-criteriaand point system specified in I the Data Sheet. Each responsive proposal sh'bll be given a technical score: St' The Consultants scoring less than seventy (70) percent points shall be rejected and their financial proposals returned un-opened. .,,,,,=

I ;iil!r*2" 1i'*i? 5.3 Financial Proposal ia S,; .':ij 5.3.1 The financialproposals of the threetop-ranking qualifying Consultantson the basis of I evaluationof tecrr-nicalpropos...als shall bb openedin the presenceof the representativesof theseConsultants, w6o itrait be invitedfor the occasionand who careto attend.The Client shallinform the date,time iiA#ress for openingof financialproposals as specified in the t Data Sheet.The total"-Sostand major componentsof each proposalshall be publicly announcedto the presentativesof the firms.

,,rt,rr t,rn..,,,,j,lrt, and I 5.3.2 The evaluation cor4pittee shall determinewhether the financial proposalsare complete given a without compr{.ationalerrors. The lowest financial proposal(Fm) among all shall be financial 5go!"jS_fof 1000 points. The financial scoresof the proposalsshall be computed I as follows:- "+= ,.4u- s/: (1ooox Fm)/F |1',t ;u' (F : amountof ipecific financialproposal) I ll' " be ranked 5.3.3 propos[ii,'in the Quality Cum Cost BasedSelection (QCBS) shall finally acc-rdingto theircombined technical (St) and financial (S1) scores using the weights(T- the I weight given to the technicalproposal, P : the weight given to the financial proposal,and T+P:l) statedin the DataSheet: I S : StxT o/o+SfxPYo I 6. NEGOTIATION 6.I priorto the expirationof proposalvalidity, the Clientshall notiflthe successfulConsultant who submitted^the higheit ranking proposalin writing, by registeredletter, cable telex or t facsimileand invite it to negotiatethe Contract' Interchangeon Cor"*frr*V Servicesfo. f Studyand Detailed Design for Constructionof Farooqabad "*iUility I MotorwayM-2 inNA-134DisF ra I I I Instructionsto Consultants I 6.2 Negotiations normally take from two to five days. The aim is to reach agreement on all points and initial a draftcontract by the conclusionof negotiations.

I 6.3 Negotiations shall commencewith a discussionof your technical proposal. The proposed methodology, work plan, staffing and any suggestionsyou may have made to improve the TOR. Agreement shall then be reached on the final TOR, the staffing, and the bar charts, I which shall indicate activities, staff and periods in the field and in the home office, staff months, logistics and reporting.

I 6.4 Changes agreed upon shall then be reflected in the financial proposal,using proposedunit rates (no negotiation of the staff month rates). = 'E= I 6.5 Having selectedConsultants on the basis of, among other tlrings,qbnevaluation of proposed ta key professional staff, the Client expects to negotiate conlftt on the basis of the staff named in the proposal.Prior to contractnegotiations, the Client shall require assurancesthat t the staff members will be actually available. The Client shall not consider substitutionsof key staff except in cases of un-expected delays itarting date or incapacity of key lttsthg'tt.,. I professionalstaff for reasonsof health. 6.6 The negotiations shall be concluded with g.*leview of the draft form of the contract. The Client and the Consultants shall finq,,lizl the contract to conclude negotiations. If I negotiations fail, the Ctient shall invite,,,the{onsultants that received the second highest sc&e in ranking to Contract negotiations.-Theprocedure will continue with the third in case t the negotiationprocess is not successfulwith the secondranked consultants. 7. AWARD OF CONTRAC'T ::!.iiiO 'tl-;. . .' 7.1 The contractshall be award"ed.aftersuccessful negotiations with the selectedConsultants I and approved by -the.' competent authority. Upon successful completion of negotiaii^ons/initiali,ngog tft" draft contract,the Client shall promptly inform the other Consultantsthat theii proboialshave not beenselected. I .iir. 7.2 The selected Consiiitant is expected to commence the assignment on the date and at the location soecifibd in the Data Sheet. ,.,i..t :::::.r I I 8. CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT '' t 8.1 PleaseihfOrm the Clientby telex/facsimilecourier or anyother means: {H*-iii- (i) That you receivedthe letterof invitation; I (iD Whetheryou will submita proposal;and (iii) If you planto submita proposal,when and how you will transmitit. I I I Designfor Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I Co.*ttun.y Servicesfor FeasibilityStudy and Detailed I I t Data Sheet T Annex-B DATA SHEET T DESCRIPTION OF CLAUSE

I The name of Assignment is:- Consultancy Servicesfor ooFeasibilityStudy and Detailed Design for Construction of Farooqabad Interchange on Motorway M-2 in NA-134 District Sheikhupura". I : The Client's Name is:- National Highway Authority ,i,i,=='

I The descriptionand the objectivesof the assignmentare; As per TOR :::l tf l::=. Phasingof the Assignment (if any): Nil ,; '= ..:"i1,;t,! I ii,', . ;, The Consultant shall commence the assignnlent::.uBonsigning of Contract Agreement between NHA and the successfulConsultant. I ,itjl:,. "::'j Pre-ProposalConf,erence: Yes _r/_ No (are): I Thename(s) and address(es) of the ' ''':Official(f is GeneralManager (P&CA) I NationalHighway Authority 28,Mauve Area, G-9/l lslamabad . . I Date,Time andVenue foi Pre-proposalConference: .. .,,.,ji4ii,iu,. Date:]ll Qctoner,20t6 I Time: 1130hourS venue: NHfii-dfiftorium(HQ) National,Hi ghwayAuthority I 28, MauveArea, G-9/1

I fhe Ctientshall provide the followinginputs: I A;$ir TOR and Appendix D. Followingsub-clauses are added: I iii. The Consultantmay pleasenote not to suggestnames of key staff already proposedin other proposalswith the Client or awardedrecently. This will affectadversely marking of theseprofessionals in evaluationof the technical proposal.Their securedpoints are liableto be reducedby50%o if their name I appearsin morethan I previousproposal in whichthey areranked No.1. Also the existingload of work with a firm shallbe consideredas oneof the factors I for the considerationin the awardof thework. ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and Detailed Design for ConstructionofFarooqabad Interchange on t MotorwayM-2 i istrictSheikhupura ?;\ \ c$.\ I 'l>\< 'ng/ I I ! Data Sheet I iv. Form A-4 is meant for commentson provision contained in RFP and Terms of Reference(TOR) and unless the observationsare noted in this particular form, anything written elsewhere on this account including financial implications, if any, shall be considered of no consequencein the evaluation I process.

I 1.8 The InvitedConsultants / Eligible Consultants are: Any firm meetingthe following requirements:

I (a) Valid RegistrationCertificate of PakistanEngineering Council. - (b) Affidavit in original bearingthe subjectwith project",npm0n'onstamp paper I duly attestedby the OathCommissioner to the effectthai the firm hasneither beenblacklisted nor any conuactrescinded in the pastfor non-fulfillmentof contractualobligations (By all partnerfirms in caseof JV, associationand/or I sub-consultant). (c) Facilitiesavailable with the Consultant19 lerfonn their functionseffectively I (properoffice premises, software, hardwfiie, record keeping etc') (d) Client's satisfactioncertificates.Gtqg! *ce Reports)for the last three relevantassignments from the'respqitive Clients.Moreover any adverse I reportregarding performance of Consultanton NFIA projectsreceived from NilA's any relevuntquarter may becomebasis for its disqualificationfrom the servicesabove named in s'adCe 1.1. I Man-monthsof staff arld'.,,PdectDuration as per TOR. t\\+t t 2.1 The Documentsare: :* (a) Letterof lnv-itation(LOl). ',.; '.;: (b) Instructionsto Cqnsultants(fTC). t a1i1,1.,. (c) Data S!reet.=-,. (d) ProposalForms. T Technical.+ (e) F$fli l hoposalForms . !.'Appendix (.ft - A: TOR andBackground Information' I (g) -A.ppenOix-B: Man-Monthsand Activity Schedule (h) Appendix- C: Client'sRequirements from the Consultant' I (i) Appendix- D: PersonnelEquipment, Facilities and other servicesto be Providedby the Client. (t) Appendix - E: copy of Model Agreement/Draft Form of contract & I Appendicesetc. ft) Form of Contract(For Consultantsto perfo I )', The words"Twenty one (21)" is deletedin its entiretyand replaced with "Five I (05)" FeasibilityStudy and Detailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I DistrictSheikhupura I I Data Sheet I The addressfor seekingclarification ls: GeneralManager (P&CA) NationalHighway Authority I 28, Mauve Area,G-917, Islamabad I E-mail: [email protected] 3.1.1 Add following:

I The proposals should be bound in the hard book binding form to deny the possiUitity of removal or addition of page(s).All the page$j$4gopo_salmust be signeaund ,turnp.d in original by authorizedrepresentative ofthe firm/fV. All I th-epages must be numberedstarting from first page to.lait.,Any proposal found not adf,eringto theserequirements will be reiected at the tirne opening. ::-;+ ::1,.,. T 3.1.4 r-udai+ilttv".t whoare employed prior to sufiinissionof Proposal. with the consultantsat leastsix months -et :,r. ==' Yes No t -{- - .,,,,,,1,'t I The minimumrequired experience o{ d Key staffis givenbelow: FOR KE

Team Leader/ Sr. vtinifrfimiB.Sc. (Civil Engineering)with minimum t Engineer twentv(20) years'relevant experience (proven fifteen Highway (15) years''experience as Highway/ Geometric Design I Engineeton NationalHighways design projects) .:::''r"A -oR- 1b...r.,1,,',rn$M.Ss. (Transportation Engineering) with minimum eighteen (18) years relevant experience (proven I w?tu,_..,@_ thirteen (13) years' experience as Highway/ Geometric Design Engineer on National Highways design I projects). a'. .ll',t :'': He/she must also have performed as Team Leader for .::,::):;;* :::: l' .' .+ . at leastthree (03) major Highway Design projects' Iiq I i.!::i:::::::::::' *t ...... ,.lj" Pavement Specialist/ Minimum B.Sc. (Civil Engineering)with minimum fifteen Traffic Engineer twenty(20) years'relevant experience (proven I (15) years'experience as PavementSpecialist/ Traffic Engineeron NationalHighways design projects) -oR- t M.Sc. (TransportationEngineering) with minimum eighteen (18) years relevant experience(proven thirteen(13) years' experience as Pavement Specialist/ I Traffic Engineer on National Highways design t projects) Interchangeon Consultancy f* e.*trttty St"ay and DetailedDesign for Constructionof Farooqabad l1 Motorway istrictSheikhupura I e)_N \q I ls. I I Data Sheet

I Material Engineer/ Minimum B.Sc. (Civil Engg./Geo-TechEngg') with Geo-TechEngineer minimum fifteen (15) years'relevant experience [proven twelve (12) years' experienceas Material I Engineer/ Geo-Technical Engineer on major Highwaysand Bridges design Projectsl; -oR-

I M.Sc. (Geo-Tech Engg.) with minimum thirteen (13) years' relevant experience [proven ten (10) years' experience as Material Engineer/ Geo-Technical I Engineer on major Highways and Bridges design Projectsl

DAE (Civil); preferablyhavifi$,:gBbchelor's in Civil t Quantity Surveyor =' Engirreering. .=-.( , In caseof DAE havingniinirnum eighteen (18) years t post-qualificationexdbiidnCe in Highway Sector which includesprov.e-n- (10) years' experienceas QuantitySurveyolpn, Fi= ighwaV Proj eots. I -OR- =, "&,, In caseof acheior'sDegree having minimum fifteen I (15) yrears'-p-o9l-qualificationexperience in Highway Sector inc,ludingseven (7) years' experienceas I quantiryLuiveyor on Highway Projects' I with t f CVs Techni e. Trainingis an iriipoalrntfeature of this Assignment:

t Yes No If Yes,&Jaits of trainingare given in TOR t ---':*.------3.2.1 The last.lift of ifrisPara is deletedin its entiretyand replaced with following: i r., t tn"-t":lit cost is to be specifiedin the Form A-17 and accordinglyalso in Form A-fT- - I 3.2.3 Professionalliability, insurances(description or referenceto appropriate documentation): I i. The Consultantsshall be responsiblefor ProfessionalIndemnity Bond of the requiredamount at their own cost.This bond shall be in the joint nameof Consultantand the Client.

I ii. The Consultantsare required to insuretheir Employeesand Professionals for Hospitalization/Medicil, Travel and AccidentCover for the durationof the I Contract.The detailsprovided in Para3.5 of SpecialConditions of Contract Service iUitityStuay and Detailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on Consultancy t2 I Motorway M-2 iqt Sheikhupura I I I DataSheet I in Model Contract. 4.1 The numberof copiesof the Proposalrequired is: t TechnicalProposal: OneOriginal and Three copies with CD (softform of completeTechnical Proposal in PDF Form) in sealed I envelope. FinancialProposal: One Original with CD (soft form of complete FinancialProposal in PDF aswell asMS Word/Excel I Forms)in sealedenvelope. .i, I The addressfor writing on the proposalis: GeneralManager (P&CA) NationalHighway Authority 28, MauveArea G-9/1 Islamabad I Telephone:+92-51 -9032727 I Facsimile: +92-51-9260419 4.4 The dateand time of proposalsubmission is:

Novernber.20l6 Date: 15"' a:a= ' I Time: 1136.hou$*5 Locationof Submission N44 Ual" Auditorium Naiidhal'HighwayAuthority t 27.MauveArea G-9/1 Islamabad.

,, :..:,:. !..;t 4.5 Validity periodof the proposalis: 180days I The bid shallremain valid upto l4th May,2Al7.

::.-:::ta.l:litt. The locationp.r nO.gotj'btionof proposal is: I '{::li:l ..-..;:;.,,....-....'.'' GeneralManager (P&CA) ''':.:;,,,r NationalHighway Authority I ,ii;i, 28, Mauve AreaG-9ll Islamabad Facsimile:+92-5 l-9260419 I 5.2 The,,evaluationof technicalproposal shall be basedon followingcriteria: ':,:irrIll:t I Description/ Items Points i. Qualificationof the Firm 125 a) GeneralExperience (25) b) SpecificExperience of theFirm (100) I ii. Approach& Methodology 180 Understandingof Objectives(20) Qualifyof Methodology(50) I Innovativeness/Commentson TOR (20) Work Program(40) I StaffinsSchedule (40) ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and Detailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I Motorway NA- I 34 DistrictSheikhuoura IJ I I I Data Sheet

Conciseness,clarity and completenessin I proposalpresentation (1 0) iii. Qualification and Experience of the Key Staff 550 iv. Presentcommitment of the Firrn 025 T v. Pastperformance of the firm 120 Total 1000 Points: I Minimum qualifying technicalscore: 700 The pointsearmarked for evaluationsub-criteria (iii) for suitabilityof Key Staff t are:- Points(%) Description/ Items ,l,l!,!.1r,.,,ti" ${,4.jr::,,-.z 30 I i. Academicand General Qualifications "'? Professionalexperience related to theProject t,, 60 ii. "*,'' iii. Statuswith the firm (Permanent& durationwith;,.* 10 Firm asper LOI Clause3'1'4 (d)) t Total Floint-s: 100 I 5.3.1 Followinsis added: :, Thewords "three top-ranking qualifyir"rg.eonsulting firms" is deletedin its I entiretyand replaced with the words"qualif.;4ing consultants"

::t: lt:: After evaluationand approval of technicalproposals (To BE INFORMED I LATER).

.ti .- 5.3.3 als are: T tt=r.:-::. Technical: 80' '':' . . ru-- t Finaneifill-==. 20'h

6.3 Ad.._{,.,,..lowing at the end of this Para: I & fhe finajlperson-monthsof eachexpert are subjectto adjustmentat the stageof . .;, -i, oontf.aotfiesottatlon in line with detnonstratedapproaches methodology and need I bases. .iiL-t-i::1 t 1J The assignmentis expectedto commencein: Janutryr2Dl7 I 8 The Clauseis deletedin its entirety. t I tudyandDetailedDesignforConstructionofFarooqabadInterchangeon t4 I Motorwaylv.a.irt NA: I 34 D istrictSheikhupura ,dd9etS.;,r"1:t;\ \'::< I f\) I I I I I I r I .r I r r r fD r I I I rII



Max. Firm 1 Firm 2 EVALUATION CRITERIA Weisht* Rating Score Ratins Score I. Firms Experience t25 a) GeneralExperience ofthe firm 25 b) SpecificExperience ofthe firm 100 II. Approach and Methodolog5 180 Yr, "it[ a) UnderstandingofObjectives a0 "{x; b) Quality of Methodology i"-.50 :' c) Innovativeness/ Commentson TOR "?o d) Work Program 40r e) Staffing Schedule trt40 f) Conciseness,clarity and completeness in proposal-g: nresentation .. -ll t0 : III. Personnel(Areas ofExpertise - Qualification and CompetenceofKey Staff) 1.r : 550 a. Team Leader/Sr. Highway Engineer 70 b. PavementSpecialist/ Traffic En{ineer 40 c. MaterialEngineer/Geo-Tech€ngineer 40 d. Quantity Suwelror 00 IV. Present commitment of th€ firm ?i V. Past performanc€ of th€ consultant in last three assignments 120 The basis for PastPerformance of the consultantis the report from vai!o..1:.q'quartersin NHA particularly Design Section. The Client's satisfactioncertificates are be attached for iast three tt, dsoii,L.equLed'io'i. completedprojects of comparablemagnitude. '.;,. The currentcommitments are to be assessedas per,rwor.ksin haudU{ the consultant. TOTAL 1000

Exccllent-100"1,VcryGood-90-99'2, AboveAvelage-80:89'% Average-70-79"A BelowAverage-1-69"1,Non-complying-0%, Score: Maximum Weight x rating / 100. _.*,-n,.. Minimum qualifring scoreislOY" or 700miirk. ' ,,. 44ttlir;.1t:a ): I


ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and DetailedDesign for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on Motorway M-2 in NA-134 District Sheikhupura 15 INI ,r r II T II = I r I .I ,r II r r I,III



Academicand General Projectrelated OVERALL RATING POSITION/ AREA OF Statuswith the Firm** Name Experience (Sum of Weighted EXPERTISE Qualification* t0% Weieht30% Weieht60% Ratines) Percentage Weighted Percentage Weighted Percentage Weighted (Show all expertsto be evaluated) (A+B+C) Ratine Ratine (A) Ratins Ratine CB) Ratine Ratins 1C) a. Team Leader/Sr. Highway Engineer :t "t; b. PavementSpecialist/ Traffic Engineer n

c. MaterialEngineer/Geo-TechEngineer i d. Quantity Surveyor +"'iir, 1

- - It - -697o - Rating: - Excellent - 1007" Verygood 90-99%r Above Average 80-89Yo Average=,7,!1;i9,Vq. ' ,,,, Betow Average I Non-romplying 07o Score: Maximum Weieht X mting / 100.

ForTeamLeaderlSr.HighwayEngineer,Pa!ementSpecialisVTraffcEngineer,MaterialEng,i'egr/Gqo.Techngineer: - - - '. M.Sc. 90%;B.Sc. with additionaltrainings/ courses relevant to assignment80%; B.Sc. 70% ..,.,: For QuantitySurveyor: B.Sc. with additionaltrainings/ courses relevant to assignment-1007q; B.Sc. - 800/o;DAE -70o Full time - 100%;Part liRle rvith previous association - 50%' Pan timeonly for thisassignment - 096


{+;.7*':',1, ':); i, li

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ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and DetailedDesign for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on Motorway M-2 in NA-134 District Sheikhupura T6 TechnicalProposal Forms

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@StudyandDetailedDesignforConstr.uctionofFarooqabadInterchangeon MotorwayM-2 in NA-134 DistrictSheikhupura I TechnicalProposal Forms


I {Location, Date} I To: fName and addressof Client] DearSirs: *e&

I We, the undersigned,offer to providethe consultingsgwi-ces for [Insert the Project Name] in accordancewith your Requestfor ProposalsOatgp@ltniert Date]. We are hereby TechnicalPropos4l'frh{, u Financial Proposal sealed in submittingour Proposal,which includesthis ' a separateenvelope. , I ,il' [{If the Consultantis a joint venture,insert the foilowing: We are submittingour Proposal I in a joint venturewith: {Insert a list with full namean'd, the legal addressof eachmember, and indicatethe leadmember). We haveattached a copf' {'insert:"of our letterof intentto form a joint venture" or, if a JV is alreadyformed, "of the f,V,agreement") signed by every participating member,which detailsthe likely legal structureo"f ana tne confirmationof joint and severable I liabilitv of the membersof the saidioint o.dtfit..'"'u''"'

t1+.,..= I OR i' If the Consultant'sProposal includes{Sub-consultants,insert the following:We aresubmitting our Proposalwith the followingfirm(s)as Sub-consultants:{Insert a list with full nameand country of I eachSub-consultant.)l

We herebydeclare that: t ,,1:i:: (a) All the information" d statements made in this Proposal are true and we accept that any '.... misinterpretationor misrepresentationcontained in this Proposal may lead to our t disqualificad'6 d\!lor may be sanctionedby the Client. jj - /.1"11.1,' (b) Our ProposutinAt be validand bindingupon us for the periodof time IN I the DataS"l,reet, Clause 4.5. :t::'Si"'f ! (c) We have no conflict of interestin accordancewith LOI Clause (d) We meetthe eligibilityrequirements as stated in DataSheet Clause I (e) Neitherwe, nor our JV Partner(s)/sub-consultant(s)or any of the proposedexperts prepared the TOR for thisconsulting assignment.

Within the time limit statedin the Data Sheet,Clause 4.5, we undertaketo negotiatea I Contracton the basisof the proposedKey Experts.We acceptthat the substitutionof Key Expertsfor reasonsother than those stated in Letterof Invitation,Clause 6.5 may leadto the I terminationof Contractnegotiations. ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and Detailed Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I MotorwayM-2 in NA-134District Sheikhupura I I I TechnicalProPosal Forms I (g) Our Proposalis binding upon us and subjectto any modificationsresulting from the Contractnegotiations. I We undertake,if our Proposalis acceptedand the Contractis signed,to initiate the Services relatedto the Assignmentnot later than the datementioned in Data Sheet4.5 (or the date extended I with the written consentof Consultantin caseof delay in procurementprocess) We understandthat the Client is not boundto acceptany or all Proposal(s)that the Client recelves.

I We remain, ,:i' 4t ,s-in -=, E:l::i..'"::::::. Yourssincerely, :*sr. t :::l ;1 '.., ::::' AuthorizedSignature {In full andinitials}: f+ Name and Title of Signatory: - I Name of Consultant(company's name or JV's name): In the capacity of:

I Address: Contact information (phone and e-mail):

representativemember, in which case I {For a joint venture,either all membersshalttig,,.il.or,''b"ly 11." tir. po*"r of attorneyto sign on behalfof all mefibers shall be attached) I ''(Xir.,


I ' .l {t'", I :lUill?|t:r=,.,. .::a:.1. I t I t t I Interchangeon C"r*lt.rr*y S. rt"is for peasiUitityStudy and Detailed Design for Constructionof Farooqabad 19

s) t Q)l I TechnicalProposal Forms I Form A-2 I CLIENT'S REFERENCE Relevant Services (as per RFP notice) Carried Out in the Last Ten Years I Which Best Illustrate Qualifi cations Using in the format below, provide information on each reference assignment for which your firm, eifir individually as a corporateentity or as one of the rnajor companieswithin a consortium, t was largely contracted. \ l I Assignment Name: Country: . -i I Location within Country: P,,rofessionalStaff Provided by I YOUr f lrm: Client: No of Staff: I Name of ".';,.,, No of Staff Months: I Address: ,^;-i

StartDate (Month/Year): C6ipieiionoate Approx.Value of Services(in I :.:,(Yonth/Year): Curent US$/Rs.) B I Name of Associated No. of Months of Professional Firm (s), if any: Staff Provided by Associated I Firm(s)

I ffiofProject I Descriptionof ActualServices Provided by Your Staff Consultants'Name: I I t on ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and Detailed for Constluction of Farooqabad Interchange MotorwayM-2 in NA-134District Sheikhupura I :L $l iq t 0J I tV;7ryi) I TechnicalProposal Forms I Form A-3 APPROACHPAPER ON METHODOLOGY PROPOSEDFOR PERFORMINGTHE t ASSIGNMENT I I .ii:i-.,,.t:::: ,)i... ''' 1.1,,,. '=:r.,. ,,.,..:\ I -{} tu-_,it .-

I ,ir' ,,,i *t ur', I i'ii' ,i:r. ' ili'r I ,,.,,.,,,,,,,,r, *:"i't;u t,i1.,:.-

I ,rrr" "'''" t t I I I t I t I ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy andDetailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I MotorwayM-2 inNA-134Di t'-T $r--] t?' \O Ir I I ::_ I TechnicalProposal Forms

Form A-4


On the Terms of Reference (TOR)



-+;, J, 4.i.* r i! ?: w 4. .t|,,:..

5. F = ,.,,,. 6. =. tii ,,,,,,i:::'"t= ;i:; .r:, ,.': Etc. -n. \l:r:' l:,r't,:: ' !:) :.4:..;- ..* i1,,. ;= On the data,services and facilities to be prffieffiitre Client specifiedin the TOR. ' ;,,,,r,r,.r,rti! 1.

I ltiL 2. ,

3. 'tl*t , ' :;:." ..:. : : ,. A T. t' . ,"_:::=.,.- _.,.::.litl 5.

,;t::,:,: Etc. :. iF'{l .i: ili'.,.-'lil""'-#'

@itystuayandDetailedDesignforConstructionofFarooqabadInterchangeon 22 TechnicalProposal Forms I Form A-5 t FORMAT OF CURzuCULUM VITAE (CV) FOR PROPOSEDKEY STAFF I ProposedPosition: Nameof Firm:

I Name of Staff:

Profession: :a?1!)l,i{-= I i.' :i ,o Dateof Birth: I Yearswith Firm: I Nationality: N.I.CNumber: I Cell Number: Membershipin ProfessionalSocietid$: I (Membershipof PECis Mandatory) "li\t"'::- DetailedTasks Assigned on tft.,9 F...1,j,9 : t .i::::::::= l' I l. KeyQualifications: t .:::,\ an outline of stalf tfrBrab.t'. experienceand trainingmostpertinent to taskson assignment. [Give and give bescribedegree of reifunsibilify held by staff memberon relevantprevious assignments I datesand locations--':UBei1.:Upto one page]. .i *$.tL iiti 12. Education .fl I ; "i. and other specializededucation of staff member,giving namesof [Summarize"Ot "nrniversity I institutions,dates attended and degrees obtained]' 13. EmploymentRecord held with presentposition, list in reverseorder every employment held. I'ist all positions [Starting positions I fy stafimembersince graduation, giving dates,names of employing organrzations,title of of activities held and locationof a-ssignments.Foi experiencein last ten years,also give types I performedand Client references,where appropriate]' I 14. Languages dyandDetailedDesignforConstructionofFarooqabadInterchangeon ZJ I MotorwavM-2 in NA-134 DistrictShei \::: | <'r I Q; I TechnicalProposal Forms

flndicateproficiency in speaking,reading and writing of eachlanguage: excellent, good, fair, or I poorl. I 15. Certification I, the undersigned,certi$r to the bestof my knowledgeand belief that

l (D This CV correctlydescribes my qualificationsand experience (ii) I am not a currentemployee ofthe Executingor the ImplementingAgency (iii) In the absenceof medical incapacity,I will undertakethis assignmentfor the durationand in I terms of the inputs specifiedfor me in Form A-9 providedteam mobilizationtakes place within the validity of this proposal. (iv) I was not part of the team who wrote the terms of reference I assignment (v) I am not curently debared by any department/organizatiofil / autonomous) bodiesbooles or suchsucn likellKe institutionslnsUruUons inrn Pakistan.raKlstafl. ,i/rfu-:..,:] tle f"T th3,,q, CV in the.Proposa|for th; I (vi) I certify that I havebeen informed by .my assignment {nameof projectand contract}. I confirmthat I will pbl,availableto carryout the for which myCV hasbeen submitted in accordance..wrt\lheimplementation arrangements and I scheduleset out in theProposal. +..:1' If CV is signedby the firm's authorizedt"pt",p.*o-Tati, lli != I (vii) I, as the authorizedrepresentative of the firm su6mittingthis Proposalfor the {nameof project andcontract), certify that I haveobtained the consent of thenamed expert to submithis/her CV, and that slft will be available to caf,py out the assignment in accordancewith the t implementationarrangements an.d.;$edule set out in the Proposal, and confirm his/her compliancewith paras(i) to (v) above.;: I (viii) Latestcolored attested photografi'h,stapled attached with the CV. I understandthat anY will' l ent described herein may lead to my disqualification or I dismissal,if engaged...=-r--3 t Signatureof expe$.orauthorized Date: representative oflllti-firm DaylMonth/Year I ,,"Ji ' r':t':,lliili" t Full nameof authorizedrepresentative: Note: copy or scanned siqnatures are not allowed I I I Coiln.yS'.ui'"'ro.neu.iuitiiyStudyandDetailedDesignforConstructionofFarooqabadInterchangeon 24 I MotorwayM-2 in NA-134District Sheik \ c)-\ \ {.1. I \-/ I .l n) I ITI

TechnicalProposal Forms


Reports Date

I 2. a J. t1",.."'+j 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . 9. s lI'W,,,iii

ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and DetailedDesign for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on Motorway M-2 in NA-134 Disttict Sheikhupura 25 I r I r !I I I r II I II r r r r I I I-r

Technical Proposal Forms

Form A-7


l+, 1. Technical lManagerial Staff ,. :1::.

,:i::i : Name of Name Position Present assignment location involved and clients name :l' "ii #' {'u'

'q "{41

l, ;,+,. -.:;,':ii::iL::

.l 'r;:i:' : i

(-;li liii.

ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and DetailedDesign for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on Motorway M-2 in NA-134 District Sheikhupura 26 II 5'IIITITII rI ITII

TechnicalProposal Forms

Form A-8


)i)'ri-!:' Items of Work/Activities Monthly Program from dateof assignment{irliith6Tfprmof a Bar Chart) g, I J 3 4 f, 6 7 8, ', t0 l1 t2 l3 t4 15 _..-"rLLlr*r, \+ ;:z\, "z


. -li l\ "#

tt t9 ilfi.J Surr', ,J ,|'ili'w "li!,!,,t,'w

ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and DetailedDesign for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on Motorway M-2 in NA- 134District Sheikhupura II IT,Ir_rI rI ITIIIII

Technical Proposal Forms

Form A-9


Full Time: PartTime: Actr;;ties Duration

:il Yours faithfullv.

Signature t, (Authorized Representative)

Full Name Designation Address

ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and DetailedDesign for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on Motorway M-2 in NA-134 District Sheikhupura IITIII rI ITIITIT

TechnicalProposal Forms


(List MUST be comprehensiveincluding projectsfrom clientsother than NHA aswell)

Expected date of Name of project Single or JV Task Assignment completion

' ::l;: I

' tlt;. r: | ":ta 1 t):::;':;7.':i; ":i

iiu'+aaa:.. liii -ri.tA+@itl r)'i I li. :l ':'',,t::iLf l::,."",+,

ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and DetailedDesign for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on Motorway M-2 in NA-134 District Sheikhupura I I FinancialProposal Forms I t I I

I FINANCIAL I I I I # o''l.l* t I I t I I I I ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and Detailed Design for ConstructionofFarooqabad Interchange on I I I FinancialProposal Forms I Form A-11 FTNaxCTALPROPOSAL SUBMISSION FONVT I {l.ocation.Date'} t To: fNameand address of Client]

I DearSirs: We, the undersigned,ofl'er to providethe consultingservices for flnsert the Project Name] t in accordancewith youi R"questfor Proposaldated [Insert nate] aiO o,,y,,echnical Proposal. Our attachedFinancial Proposal is for the amount t+a $oun, in words and figures), "f includingall Federal,Provincial & Local taxesapplicabk aWer taw of the land. {Pleasenote that I all amountsshall be the sameas in FinancialProposal Form$1ft).

If;r . Our FinancialProposal shall be binding uponus subjectto the modificationsresulting from I Contractnegotiations, up to expirationof the validity peiioAof the Proposal,i.e. beforethe date indicatedin Clause4.5 of the DataSheet' ,i I We confirm that we have no conditisrto=Statfthatmay have financial implications over and above the amount quoted above. ..i:.r,i,,11i$rlj,ji,r I we understandyou arenot bouq-d-toaccept any Proposalyou receive. . ':r", :,r{ ".i; - remain, I We .__.:::,:/! Yours sincerely, ,l:l lr AuthorizedS i gnature,{iFl-ful I andinitials): T Nameand Title of$ignatorY: In the capacity3l: Address: 1i),::::.::::._.=... I E-mail: :r-r'i ;ii::i.""': "": or only the rePresentative {Fo,ir,r"safbint venture, either all members shall sign I membe.r/eijnsultant,in which casethe powerof attorneyto sign on behalfof all members I shallbe attached.) I I I on C*ruttun.y S.iuicesfor feasibilityStudy and Detailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange I Moto.wavM-2in NA-134 District tt''li*fi*o"q* 3l {: I c} T t FinancialProposal Forms I Form A-L2 I BREAKDOWN OF RATES FOR CONSULTANCY CONTRACT Project: Consultant: I t I t Notes: ,,,,:,,i-"",,;':' ,r,a:i!! Item No. 1 Basicsalary shall include actual gross salary befoie deduction oftaxes. Payroll sheet I for eachproposed personnel should b. t,,y,$1itt.dat the time of negotiations. Item No. 2 Social chargesshall include Client's{fuffi'bution to social security,paid vacation, averagesick leaveand otherstandqpd benefits paid by the companyto the employee. I Breakdownof proposedpercentag6B.chaiges should be submittedand supported(see FormA-13). Item No. 3 Overhead shall include gen

Form A-13


Sr. No. DetailedDescription As a Toageof Basic SalarY


\' ll

.fr. I

#" ":::=


'n I**ts]



@tystudyandDetailedDesignforCorrstructionofFarooqabadInterchangeon FinancialProposal Forms

Form A-I4


As a o/oageof Basic Salary and Detailed Description Sr. No. Social Charses

tt";?] "tqi ::.:.i:!:t:.


;:; .2. 4 ....,:.,... :jlt -"f :::i:r:'::::; "rrtOr"'

d"-"''*it. ,,,:,,:1i:1,ug,lj



:a:.aili i:i

on C""*lt*.y S."rt..r tor EeasiOitityStudy and Detailed Design.f-or.Construction of Farooqabad Interchange Motorway irA-Zin NR-t:4 District Sheikhupura ,. ;'rt,l?li'l'''''5 t FinancialProposal Forms I Form 4.-L5 Page1 of2

I ESTIMATED LO CAL CURRENCY SALARY CO STS/REMUNERATION I I I I I t I t I t I I I t I ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and DetailedDesign,ggflon of Farooqabad Interchange on I MotorwayM-2 in NA-134 DistrictSheikhupura I I I FinancialProposal Forms I Form A-15 Page?of 2 t ESTIMATED LOCAL CI]RRENCY SALARY COSTS/REMUNERATION

I Monthly Billing Total Estimated Staff-Months Sr. No. Position Rate Amount (Rs.) I II. Non-Key / Support Staff u*il, I ,,"

t' I ;

I a,l

':?" I Sub-Tota!r-=:;r;= -'a-,,-s Note: The biddersare requiredto quotethF?Ei6s of Non Key/ SupportStaff given in the TOR in I abovetable. The biOder(s;ma){ prqpose Non Key/ SupportStaff Person-Months in addition to those given in TOR; howevqr;iiinsuch a casetenable reasons must be given in the TechnicalProposal Submisiion Form A-4 "Commentson TOR". The Client's negotiation I committeewili detiber4f€;olthe requirementof additionalstaff during negotiation meeting. It is alsoto be notedthat the Client is not boundto agreeto the reasonsgiven in Form A-4. , '"illro. I .w;::=";t'

'41 ' -':i:! I 4i.riilii:.a 'tl' ;l ,:r.i;". F '. I -i .r: I I I I on C"r*tt"".y S.-ices for FeasibilityStudy andDetailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange 36 I MotorwayM-2 in NA-134District Sheikhupura I I I FinancialProposal Forms I Form A-16 I DIRECT (NON-SALARY) COSTS

Sr. Nomenclature Unit Qty Unit Price Total Amount t No. (Rs.) (Rs.) I Rent for Office Accommodation L.S I 2. Office UtilitiesCosts L.S -€ J. of Furniture/ Furnishings Cost/ rental L.S ;a.,

lti I (rentals)of Office/Other L.S - 4. Cost :i):; Equipment .. -:a:;' ''itlii i. Computersand accessories .r.,-.!;a. tiii,t)t,' \:li::ii ",,.r:jr, I ii. Photocopy machines 4l equipment iii. Communication ::rl:,, iv. Drafting / Engineering I equipment v. Surveyinginstruments(rentals) vi. TransportVehicles (Rentals) E andMeetings in t: I vii. Site visits ,,r,,r,,, ..,,;,+i Islamabadduring currencY Sf Proiect I 5, Communicationexpenses Per .E month 6. Dr aftinglReproduction of R€,b....6i'r' L.S t Office/ DraftineSupplies L.S 8. SupportStaff as needed for KeY Professional Staff aloftg.wi th numbe r, L.S I charserate and cates6fr for review 9. Rieht of Way Markeis PS 50,000 10. Othersnot,,-e-?above to comply L.S t with TOR*requii6 ent* I Total * Any additionalitem/ cost quotedagainst this line item must have providedsolid/ tenable jusiification(s)detailed in TechnicalProposal Submission Form A-4 "Commentson TOR" I without indicatingfinancial value therein. The Client's negotiationcommittee will deliberateon the requiremento1additional item/ cost in casesuch Firm standstop ranked.It is alsoto be noted I by the Consultantsthat the Clientis not boundto agreeto thereasons given in FormA-4. I t on C.r*lt"*y Sbt"tr"r f"t f *titlflty Study andDetailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange t MotorwayM-2 in NA-134District Sheikhupura JI I I I FinancialProposal Forms

Form A'17


Amount (Rs.)

SalaryCost / Remuneration

Sat"s f"" O 160/oon item I abovewhich shallbe keptas Provisional Sum in the

., i-.i;-1 Direct Q.{on-Salary)Cost I ot'*'''h",., I Grdndr;i"i, is left blank Note: 1- This costis supposedto be built up iil"uiaprice and if anything I deemedto be includedin the,#t"Fu time and not later than 2-- Thedues and salariesof staff are payableby the consultantin do so Client shall i0it oi,f.. following month positively.In case of failure to and recover I interveneand pay th"es-9...... ,'du$and salaiies of the concernedPersonnel amount'This from the invoice G;4..4,.$.ultantat actualcharges paid plus 1% of the "f Consultantin the will also be accountedfoi adverselyin makingassessment of the of suchdefaults' I next evaluationplOo,ess for selectionof consultantswith report and Local taxes. 3- The erandtotaG,i*'Jiuriu. of all the applicableFederal' Provincial quoted rates and I All tiese taxes (bxceptthe SalesTax) are requiredto bebuilt in the not be mentl'dire,dseParatelY' in enteringthe amount 4- Any Or-nissionor arithmeticalerror madeby the Consultants berectifiedduring evaluationof the FinancialProposal' I *u:n:,, $erir"t(a) shallalso I :: ;' t I t I petaited oisign for constructionof F:::-o..g*udInterchange on a 38 I MotorwayM-2 in NA-134 DistrictSheikhupura I Termsof Reference I APPENDIX-A t I I ''q +,," ,,Lja1l'l'1' I ',ti:. t,i' I =lf. -;!:. ul*, . I .i ..,1.t,.

TERMSOF{EFERENCE '2; I t'-:::t::{nt' ': l- ul ,..:a:::.aa::;.;=

I r;l ,i (ToR) I 'tt|i ':':::"":1i" I I

to .,::::,.:. i.ll

''::: ,:i1.S' r-" t ,= .:,-4.. I I I t @SildyandDetailedDesignforConstructionofFarooqabadInterchangeon I Motorway M-2 in NA-134 District Sheikhupura I I I Termsof Reference I CHAPTER NO. 1 I I1\TRODUCTION

t 1.1 Background PrimeMinister's Office PublicAffairs Unit vide letterno. PM Office's U.O No' F.3AJA- l34lz1lslPAU-I/Punjabdated 02-12-2015enclosed a self-explanatoryletter from Sardar I Muhammad Irfan Dogar, MNA (\lA-134), District Sheikhupuraaddressed to Prime Minister of Pakistan for Construction of Farooqabad(Chpha,g, Kana) Interchangeon MotorwayM-2 in NA-134 District Sheikhupurafurther it hasbeen desired that the subject I requestmay be considered for appropriateaction strictly as,"Sr ruies/policies.

J'{-,- ..' The subjectproject has been included in the PSDP20i6;-)1 at 117with an allocation I of Rs. 50 million. The Farooqabadcity situatedin District Sheikhupura.Farooqabad is famousas a rice market.There are number of Rige processingplants/factories at different locationsin suroundingarea of FarooqabadeyAjab folice ConstabularyHead Quarteris I also situated.Every year considerablenumber'of Sikh Yatariesfrom cometo Sacha SodhaFarooqabad (3 km awayfrom proposed'i changeto proformareligious customs.

The proposed Farooqabad iCfrpffif+.EKana) Interchange on Motorway I (M-2) islocated at Km 66-6i in betweenthe Hiran Minar Interchangeand KhanqahDogran at Km 55.56(10 km) andKm 81.82;(15klh) respectively.

I National Highway Authority -in{qds to appoint consultantfor feasibilrty study, detailed design,tender drawings/do,c"q"ment#EtA and preparation of PC-I' t'

, I 1.2 Need Assessment #r7,= The constructionofiheib{a,p sedFarooqabad interchange on M-2 will facilitatethe traffic to I approach =Is,l,aabad Motorway (M-2) coming from Gujranwala/Sheikhupura/*.hrrun Virkan,.qlrdHafrzabadroad. Presently this traffic has to travel about26 l

I t.4 Project Objectives With the constructionof subjectinterchange, Rice transportationfrom the rice market I of Farooqabadto main marketswill be facilitatedto greatextent. Sikh Yatarieswill usea safeand nearestfacility to approachM-2 Motorwaythis will increasethe traffic numbers. I Employmentopportunity for the localpeoples will be provided. Savingin vehicleoperating oost and time' I Heavytraffic for Oil depots(PSO, Shell, Attock etc. locatedat Lahore,Sargodha Road)

will be facilitated. l: ;..-

.:i:41:),',,.-,i: T ;i. 1i.. : :t-6r ' I '=

,,.',r-];:' I -..tia.:4. A.i'. .,.:t:::., si{; ' 't:.r- , I I 'lk. I i::::: ::;: :. -:: ft I 7:lt,,..

I i :tt::::::::::;;i\,{, I ;il;j

'ri'+" -.- 'r- I - - ,t:it;::::::' stl .li tt;'' I '::::,,,.....,2lr;l I T I I on C**lt*"V S.."t.* for FeasibilityStudy and DetailedDesign for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange t MotorwayM-2 in NA-134 DistrictSheikhupura I ,4n/' t I Termsof Reference t CHAPTERNO. 2 I DESCRIPTIONOF PROJECT I 2.1 Locationof Project The proposedFarooqabad (Chohar Kana) Interchangeon Motorway (M-2) is locatedat Km 66-67in betweenthe Hiran Minar Interchangeand at Km 55.56(10 km) I andKm 81.82(15 km) respectively

A flyover alreadyexists at the said location.The flyover g$c,,gtriting the traffrc coming I from different routs on Farooqabad-Gujranwalaroad. Thil'constructionof Farooqabad interchangewill provide safer,quicker, comfortable ?L.4i4.oretbfficient passage to various cities of PunjabPiovince. The FarooqabadInterchang-e, *ill"ponnect the traffic comingfrom I the North to Farooqabad& surroundingareas and., furthbf to the N-5 traversingthrough Jibraanvillage locatedon Gujranwala/Sheikhupura/NowiheraVirkan andHafizabadroad in the projectvicinity. Howevei,presently, this link fronioJibraanVillage to Farooqabadvia I M-2 Flyoveris not traffrcablebecause of Kacha/Dirt Track. I I I ," Propose I I \ Hafiz I abad Jibra n I Villa t oo I I @i1ityStudyandDetai1edDesignforConstructionofFarooqabadInterchangeon I MotorwayM-2 in NA-134 DistrictSheikhupura I I tu, Tetms of Reference

T 2.2 Project Works The scheme envisagesthe constructionof Farooqabad(Chohar Kana) Interchangeon t Motorway }lir-Zat km 66-67. Therefore,construction of loops, ramps,toll plaza, weighs stationalong all otherallied facilities as per NFIA standard,specifications is requiredon the existingflyover at proposedlocation (other requirementgiven in the remainingchapters of I TOR andPC-II). The scopeof work andthe Termsof Referencewhich broadlycover the following but not I limitedto the followines. Feasibilitystudy and detailed design for an interchange;=''''' 21stTWP-II meetingdecisiorvdeliberations should b-e'-'.Qpnsld"ted /fulfilled' I ' " d€\"n fr Landr ^-,{ Acquisition A ^^,,i..i+in- andonr{ utilities',+ilificc detailedrlpfoilerl ando..l estima{il\,,,.cfimcfe:L Trl&;3,,, Tenderdrawings and documents I EnvironmentalImpact Assessment ,U1A) +ri PC-Ipreparation .,riii,.

2.3 Time of Start

The services shall be commenced.aAttiidmediately after the of the contract

:i:i agreement. :jt :.: ::.:: i: ,.4::::. * t 2.4 Time Period The servicesspecified in t-b,-e-tORshall be completedand all relevantreports submitted in the form and format acceptableto.Fthe Client, within one andhalf (1.50)month from the date I of signingof theContract Agreement. I I I I I I I on C.*"tt*.y S.^** for FeasibilityStudy and DetailedDesign for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange Motorway M-2 in NA-134 District Sheikhupura I t I Termsof Reference I CHAPTER NO. 3 I SCOPEOF WORK I 3. SCOPEOF WORK The Scopeof Work for the PresentTerms of Referencecomprises of following but not I limitedto: . Detailedtopographic survey . Axle Load andCondition survey ,i!,{:""" t ' Traffic survey,Traffic mapping/modeland CapacityAnalysis','fifiun.tion ' Preparationof Conceptualplan With Recommendations.- ,;'*''o-:..: 'ritr I . Presentationand Approval of conceptualplan .,,,:,," 1: , Ll,lu" '' ' Soil Investigation *t.. I . Material surveyand testing . DetailedDesign -a' . Preparationof PC-l "' #. I . Preparationof Tenderdocuments afd*Dffi,wings ':. I 3.1 DetailedTopographic Survey (Pre-Requisites) Topographicsurvey forms tne badisfor the detaileddesign. Poor quality of surveywork producesnot only incoruectC*ignt but also resultsin post constructionproblems with I variationsin costand claims.Ituffitt be ensuredby NHA that the Surveywork is of top most order. It is thereforere,pomfnended that consultantshould use the latesttechnology for the topographic survefg- tii,4cfr include GPSDF (4-5 in number) for establishmentof high accuracycontrq{,.::,.p nfuln case the consultantdoes not have the requisite number of I GPSDF,he is adVitedto hire servicesof professionalsurvey companies having the required expertise.The..GPSDF shall be simultaneouslyused on SOPBench Marks as well as BMs I establishedfor,1,$ ects(Start and End). Beforemobilizins to for Survev"the Consultant submit to the Client detailed topographlg t survey.+-program with acTualhuman resourcesplanned I to be deployed. PermanentGround Monument made of The consultant Concrete1:4:8 with 75 mmsteel nail shall specify the embeddedat centre.Using spray paint and time line of survey a stencil,the monument number shall be I painted. program. Total number of Thesize of monumentshall be 150mm equipment with squareat topand 300 mrnsquare at bottom. I Theheight of monumentshall be 900mm. models and Outof which 750mm shall be buriedin the c0libration nrorrnd t certificates ConsultancyServi llity Studyand Detailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on MotorwayM-2j Sheikhupura to; I 5; t I Termsof Reference t more than 6 monthsold shall be produced.The nameand qualfficationsof surveyorsshall also be submitted.NIIA reservesthe right interview the surveyorif required.Upon request, the consultantshould changethe surveyor.If consultantwants to outsourcethe Survey t work, it will be mandatoryto talreprior approval of the Client. NHA will ensurethat the surveyfirm is not black listed andhas sufficient resources. I 3.2 General Detailedtopographic survey shall be carriedout over anareaof 1.5Km. x 1.5km. centred on the proposedflyover adjacentto the existingflyover. The locationof all buildings, I utilities, irrigation/drainage structures, side roadson either side shall be picked up and recordedon surveysheets. Longitudinal section and centrelinepofl$e proposed loops, links andclimbing lanes shall be shownon the sheet.The curves,lcidaiorof bridgesand culverts shallalso be indicated.All electric,telephone poles, undergfdUnd cable (Power/ telephone), I ,t>.1;intof gas,water and sewerageline shouldbe indicated fhp" the surveyas given in the iolLowing paragraphsmay be adjustedas per ttre sit$.i6.g,'4ions and requirementsof the lll"u!"liili,,. I design office. ll,+.. ;;.. '*,'' 3.3.I SurveyMonuments .-.1 : -.1L:... I The type and dimensionsof Surveynronuments to be installedat site is shownhere. Besidesstart and at the end, it is,,g,-egu!edthat thesemarkers shall be fixed in the traverseline at an intervalof aboirt:OO'to 400 meters.These shall be fixed at such I locationsthat theseare lea$"t"Siisc!5tit5teto disturbance and damage.The consultant shall fill out a proformafor eachti:averse station as attachedin AnnexureT1' -rr.4!j t 3.3.2 Controlfor Traverse iio?.,,, *. -.' The control for trlvirse shall be establishedwith the Survey of PakistanGrid I Lambert Conical..Projdd=iionwith Everestdatum. GPSDF sets shall be used to connectthe Tra#bis€,.withthe SOPBM. I 3.3.3*o*rry**=j The det4iled'topographicsurvey shall be canied out within a strip of 100m' At locatio@f crossingiiuers, nullas the detail of surveyextent is given in respective I segl aa t 3.3.4 accuracyof the Traverseshould not be less1:20,000. During levelingcontrol of all traverse stations, double circuit leveling shall be carried out. The datum of all I reduced levels is mean sea level and shall conform to Survey of Pakistan Bench mark levels.

Vertical disclosureswithin the leveling net and between Survey of Pakistan I Benchmarksshall not exceedthe lesserof the following: I a. +16mm b. ! (20 lK) mm where K is the sum of the distances leveled in kilometers. I 'lrlitllz;1;' on Consultancy Study andDetailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange 45 I Motorway NA-134Di ikhupura I I I Termsof Reference I The SurveyDepartment Benchmarks which exceedthese tolerances shall be omitted from the adjustment.The Surveyor shall inform to the Client and the Survey I Departmentwhere the SurveyDepartment Benchmarks are found to be damagedor not in order. l All levelingshall be donein sectionsof approximately1 km in length 3.3.5 Mapping(Unit of Measurement) I Metric unitsshall be usedthroughout. 3.3.6 Scale I ;:''"j:a.\tll;:, Besidessoft copy,mapping of drawingsshall be ploH'fo a scaleof 1:1000. i ttI:' , *"* 3.3.7 Grid andDetailed Accuracy ': I . Mappingshall be basedon the grid ryrt.m J6ftopdabove. Gridlines and Permanent GroundVtarkers shall be drawn using plottei"'W€ll definedpoints of detail shall be I plotted in their true positionsat map.qc--41,eto'i 0.3mmroot meansquare eror when coordinated scale off the map frdqr th. nearest grid line are compared with coordinatesdetermined by measyreiifenton the ground from the nearestPermanent GroundMarkers (90Yo o,f a r*presentativesample of well-definedpoints shall be I '; within + 0.5mm). 4u,". ,.!:r. : ::::at 3.3.8 Detailsto be Shown t :t,r*V :,:i ll1: The horizontaland vprtic,aFcontrol established shall be usedfor topographicsurvey of the requiredarelt: Acquisitionof field data such as natural and man-made t featureslike roads;..buildings,utilities (overhead/ underground)along with type, sizes & he.ig|1rQ_1;ioadcrossing) if exist at the time of field survey and spot elevatioqs-islj ni"i25 ^ grid plus at changeof slopeshall be collected/ takento I snow tfteieffifi'c'ondition within the projectarea. Most of the datashall be recorded electroqjcaliflllMoreoverin caseof trees in the survey corridor,the surveyorhas to assigna.g,odedefining the girth of the tree.Trees with varyinggirth as specifiedin I tn"""C-$nfor paymeni shalibe in respectivelayers, Terraced slopes, Borrow pits / and switchboxes,n"taining wall, Rock outcrops,Electricity sub-stations point at sag and at -: .15ounauryfences only),Pylon lines (indicatelevels at lowest (nameto be indicated), T "t.bo1on'Sit"u-r,towers),Manholes lcircular and square), Lakes, Rivers Swamps,Slope conventions shall be drawnas nearas possibleto indicate I the actualshape of theilope face,i.e., all bermsand terraces shall be detailed' Any other featuresnot listed,which arerequested by the Client shallalso be shown I 3.3.9 SpotHeight Spotheights shall be shownon the final drawingsat spacingnot exceeding20 m at I the followinglocations:- - At salientpoints such as hilltops, bottoms of depressionsand saddles. I on Consultancy andDetailed Design for ConstructionofFarooqabad Interchange 46 I MotorwayM- khupura t I I Termsof Reference

I - Along the center and edges of all roads and public accesses,at road intersections and signifi cant changesof gradient. - At water level at the time of survey along river, streams,major watercourses I and ditches. - On bed levels of rivers, streams,canals and other watercourses. l In flat areas,where the horizontal distance between contours generally exceeds40 m Supplementaryspot Height shall be shown at intervals not exceeding20 m parallel I to the contours. 3.3.10Bridge details (if required) .,,i.''\ The bridge details shall be shownon a separatedrawing"srdray"g-$\$r eachea< bridge The bridge I observationsin form of coordinatesshall include thqfollowing:- ol,: - :' a) The coordinates and levels of the fourt''E6l,I.t f the bridge (points shall be I on the adjacent road surface), the tw,qedgps-' of the piers, abutment and wing walls. -t I b) The coordinatesand levels of the briiige deck to the intermediatepiers (if any)ofthe bridge. f' c) Length,width andtype of*eon5] ction of bridge. I d) Thetype and location of sEr+Gsadjacent to thebridge' e) The coordinatesand,,&"g1i of the centerlineand the road on the bridgeat I approximateintervali of5" *. overpassridge 0 The cross-sq.tidufglearance envelope at the two sidesof an (with respeci.ltJthe road centerline passingunderneath) showing all the I relevantl-erryls, offsets and skewangle' 3.3.11eulyg4.dr1qrlj ..:=. I Details Of.$dfifii:fulvertare to be shown on the survey plans and a separatesheet (annexqre-ff'.,:tabulationof the following information is to be submittedwith the plans:-% .=:==ii,lti.ii I a)g ..:::;;:+ L$, rflffi'ffiffitr1"ffi"ffi.*fu€ I # Skewangle of the culvert from the centerline. d) Length"tf,W"ffinw "€n€*"W.d t e) lnvertlevels of theinlet 6hd outlet' f) A sketch of the inlet and outlet structuresincluding all visible dimensionsto a scale I of 1:200. For major culverts(dia.>2.Om) the outlet structuresare to be properlymeasured t enoughpoints shall be recordedso that the culvertcan be modeledin CAD. I tudy and DetailedDesign for constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on Consultancy A1 I MotorwayM-z'ii ikhupura I I I Termsof Reference l 3.3.12 ExistingRoad/ Embankment

I In casealignment runs along the existingroad, sufficient points should be taken across the existingroad to fully define the cross-section. Beloware minimum pointsshown for the existingroad way cross- section.For the existingcarriageway, the widthof carriageway,inner T andouter shoulders should be clearlyidentified and coded. T t ,, I 3.3.13Details ofjunctions and existing roads (if reqEired) The Surveyorshall survey all junction, ,o *uUt" the designerto designthe junction properly.A corridorwidth of 70m takenfor a distanceof not lessthan l 150meters up anddown the proposedintersection of the roador as requiredby the client. ;:-r,"q;:= I main roads and to"fpaths or tracks having the width greaterthan All pavedroads, j::iffi I Itr*tl#ll*$"ffiH.W#,?r:i.#iffiffi:#d'*x as slip roadq,islands, etc' featuresuch F T Levelsorrhe -ud-o**rih# r@o@E".&&"'$"'ff l.@ ndu widthssreater than 6.0m.fne-$iin destinationof th&oad from thejunction shallbe recordedby the Surveyo??+'rp\F,J I ,,1:.:;=_,;ii*iifi.:;z Where nrEe*.6_ptyto survey along an existing road, the Surveyorshall follow the markedr?,chainagesalong the centerline.In additionto the road edgesconsecutive points.:efr.4,....!Sthe edges of tn" carriageway(i.e. alongthe edgeline marking on both t riOes)ehafl-bepicked up and shallnot exceedi0 m. More pointsare generallyto at curvesections. ..:',.., defineiuper-elevation changes ii..o,,"':t'-'7 I 3.4,G$ound Models (DGM)

The product of the filed survey data, after processing shall be DGM' The accuracy of DGM I shali depend upon the accuracy of the digital data collected in the field. Before processing z the dati, it is important to run the data filtration. All data points with incorrect x, y or values shall be removed. It is also importantas well to properlyidenti$ the break lines like road, I nullah edgewith naturalfaults. Void areis like buildingsshall alsobe marked.The topographyshall be fully labeledfor everyobject recorded. 'strings'. All survey feature lines will herein be referred as The data shall be presentedby T software to be used for generation of DGM. the Surveyor in a form suitable for input to the ground over the I Using the recorded data in x, y, z format on data logger, the surface on Consultancy iity Study andDetailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange 48 I Motorway M-2 Sheikhupura I I Termsof Reference t requiredarea shall be simulatedby stringsof coordinatedinformation along characteristic lineson theterrain. The modelsshall consist of threedimensional (3D) contourstrings. I The existing road surface over the required area shall be simulated by 3D strings of coordinatedinformation along characteristiclines on the existing caniageway.Any other stringsthat do not affectthe accuracyof the groundsurface may be assigneda null level.

T The Surveyorshall obtain prior approval from the Client for any strings that are to be digitizedbut that do not absolvethe Surveyorfrom the subsequentaccuracy and definition T of the model. TIN (Triangularirregular network) shall be developedby ,usingsoftware. Using TIN, Contourgeneration stritt Uedone. Since the NHA usesEagle P-dint tsrr vefting, same shall be usedby the consultant. I ,,, J- ';*t 3.5 Grid .i,:

! I Thecoordinates of the DGM shallbe referredto theg.iidpystem as describedin the Section 3.4. The coordinatesof theDGM shallbe in Easting,i$otffiiig andelevations. I E"Ati 3.6 String Labelling ft:!:-:'r,,, The groundfeatures including break linqshail-be labeledwith the exactdescription shown I underAUTOCAD LAYER f'laVn,.,,,ortfrtl, oCAD or compatibleformats' Any additional labelsmay be consideredand the Stiiveyof=shall submit the list for approvalprior to theirusage in t the DGM. il-,f . . I .'.\ 3.7 Property Model iffin41lii' This modelshall be stimuidiblmy a seriesof 3D null level strings and text strings and t includesthe follow\ng:-n;1 I a) Stringsg,,,.=l loti (null levelstrings) b) Land useaiid",,,fype (Text Strings) Attributesto lfurd type and use shall be appendedto in the AutoCAD format. Such I informationshall be uied by the Surveyorwhen preparing Land Utility foldersat theend. .€i,,rf,,,,jLr,io,lLi 3.8 Contouri t atei=Affil datacollection of surveypoints at site,the contourgeneration shall be doneby using coinputersoftware. The interval shall be 1 m. The smoothnessfactor to be definedin the softwareshould be suchthat it shouldnot distortthe groundcontour representation. The I contoursshould be well labeled.

During datacollection, break lines on the groundshould be very well pickedthat affectsthe I contourgeneration. If in the project,where steepslopes are likely to be encountered,the surveyoris requiredto I use the iaser equippedtotal stitions that does not require and prism to record the co- ordinates. I on ConsultancySe andDetailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange 49 I Motorway M-2 i hupura I I t Termsof Reference t Contours shall be shown by continuous lines with a thicker line for every fifth contour (Prominent Contour). Contour and spot heights shall be differentiated from other detail. The value of each contour shall be indicated along the contours at intervals not exceeding 200 I mm and / or the edges of the Mapping area. Where because of undergrowth, on-going earthworks, swampy areas, or other obstructions, the ground surface is obscured, or access is restricted, and provided the Client prior I their accuracy agreement is obtained, contour can be shown by broken lines to indicate that cannot be guaranteed.

I 3.9 Longitudinal Profile and Cross-Section

The longitudinalprofile plan shallbe plottedin A1/A3 sir" 1asiEquested by Client) to a t scale of 1:1000Horizontal and 1:100 Vertical with chainag!'.ntervalof 25 m unless otherwisespecified or instructedby the Client. The closs*s,gctionalplan of the existingroad shall be plotted in A1 size to a scaleof 1:200 Uoi@fir.,proontaland verticalwith 25 m I interval. The plan shall show the chainageintervfias....fficified and the existing ground profile and all fhe existingfeatures. , t1 =: t 3.10 Original Drawings& Preliminary Copieg+. , .* preliminary copiesshall be submittedin of stablebased paper. Every sheetof the "qgO-e:rir drawingsshall be markedas preliminarl$opy, until the final approvedcopy which shallbe I markedas "Final TenderDrawings??. Eac.frdrawing shall be stampedand signed.

-!;;:;,.- ll! I 3.11 Soft Submissionof Data and Di'6'wiii€s The Surveyorshall supply Oigitatground model data,All Drawings,Reports suitablefor "11re inputto the computer.TherGD-R and hard copy shallbe suppliedwith an indexscheduling I thl contentsand referencing andshall remain the property of the Client' 3.12 FieldBooks and necorO €Y:;::===-5 I All field books ana..comiluterdatamust be properlykept and shall recordtruthfully all the surveywork cariedbtrt.'TheSurveyor shall do all workingsin properbooks, adequately in practice.All field books shall be done in ink' good style "-a..ql according to best I ilnrutirfug'$ works andirrors shall be struck off and there shall be no superimposed wntl.AgFof!'E{.a,jure. I All hfuoks andcomputer data shall be certifiedby the qualifiedsurveyor' 3.13 SurveyReport I Report on The Surveyorshall submit the requirednumber of copies of Final lyrveV completionof all surveyworks in a format as approvedby the client. All photographsfor all the copiesshall be oiiginal copiesand any diagramsor planspresented together with the t reportshall be in a cleanand neat form and in scannedsoft format. t 3.14 Interchange(1:1000) MaP Extractionof featuresshall be done& pointsshall be takenbeyond the ROW of 100m and I insidethe minimum Regiondefined for Interchangeto create1:1000 map. The minimum and DetailedDesign for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on Consultancy '-134 I MotorwayM-2 Di I I Termsof Reference

I length of existing road to be included in topographic survey (for interchange ramps merging) should not be lessthan 250m. I 4. TRAFFIC STUDY & CAPACITY ANALYSN Collection of data from concernedagencies and to carry out 24 hours traffic volume count on the road. The traffic count should be taken at all important junctions and shall be taken I thrice at an interval of one week. Following shall be consideredfor traffltcdata:-

a) Presentstatus of traffic i.e. Passengertraffic, Goods traffrc, AverageAnnual Daily I Traffic on the existing road. Traffic counts for 2 days shall be carried out at appropriatelocations. b) Diverted Traffic. d$,-. il ll:'k : I '' ft c) GeneratedTraffic (if any) :=. 1in o,r# d) Traffic volumeat countstation to be forecartlo" }O:V"arsdesign period. Various I alternativegrowth ratesfrom relevantdepartSeii{(if available)and otheragencies or basedon historical increasesin fuel consuqnftffi, vehicle registrationetc' shall be :: utilized. I suan,F e) After review of the variousgrowth ra*8b'rgpJlesultingtraffic volume,the Consultant will recommendthe growth rateto bj--:adopiedas basis for design' i:i)"'/:'=':= I fl The traffic forecastwill be madein$ividually for eachvehicle category including cars,buses, wagons, dual aiie andifiiilti-axle trucks and trailers according to NTRC format. a=-.,,,,,.,,u,, I g) On the basis of trafficlount including present,diverted and generatedtraffic, axle loadsshall be comRytld. "*- h) Perform capacityunitl)*ig-of the junction and recommend the mostsuitable solution and I X-sectionsfor loopslinks , rampand Flyover Bridge' ' 4,1 JourneyTime L r-*-:,,-" I For with andwitfitiutProject scenario,thejourney time surveyof variousclasses of vehicles in peakhours aqd offieak hoursshall be done.It shallbe usedin economicanalysis. s*. ,,.,:-d;k's, I 4.2 Origin &'D.e-stThationSu rveY - r"+EI /F lf required,itliEO&D Surveyshall be carriedout to identiff the traffic like to be divertedto I the interchange. .,.#s 4.3 Axle Load Survey

I Consultantshall undertakeaxle load surveyusing portable weighing machine. Consultant shall confirm in his technicalproposal the availabilityof suchequipment (ownership / rental basis).Sufficient samples of all axlegroups shall be weighed.In additionto axle load,tyre I pressl.rreshall also bJ measured.Data shallbe annexedin the final reportand usedin the pavementdesign. t 4.4 Traffic Diversion Plan

During the construction of the Interchange the consultant shall fully defrne the T methodology truction sequence,diverting traffic and maintaining the diversion ConsultancyServi and DetailedDesign for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I Motorway M-2 in lupufa I t t Termsof Reference

I roads. A separatebill is to be developedfor construction/maintenanceof diversion roads.( Consultantshould state the exactscope of work in the InceptionReport). I CONCEPTUAL PLAN OF INTERCHANGE Basedon the topographicsurvey, axle load surveyand traffic co.unts,consultant shall study variouspossible alternatives for conceptualdesign interchange in orderto give accessto the I GarmentCity.

Keeping in view engineeringand socio-economicrequirements, consultant should select I bestpossible option* for final design.Land acquisitionaspect shall alsobe kept in mind while finalizing the conceptualplan. If required,consultant pay.. discuss various options with NHA before finalizing his recommendations.Details of:i,:-v-ari6usoptions studied and I final outcomeshall be presentedto NHA in the form of Preserlgti;onto NHA and Inception ' Report. .. :' , '' 1" lriJ'i{ I 6. DESTGN STANDARDS -''::'rr" 6.1 DesignStandards and Criteria for Highway a:ndStructures ' 't'*'i I a. DesignStandards (Highways)

Straight Loops/Ramp Description I ,,:;.!..:t= 4-Lane a. DesisnSpeed (kph) 80 50 ''4. Road CrossSection I (1) LaneWidth (m)**. 3.65 3.0 (2) No. of Lanes ,1" 4 (3) PavedShoulder t t + (a). Outer(m) == 2.5 1.0 t (b).Inner(q) I 2.0 +, 1'::r1 i.t c. CarriagergyCross I Slopie(out&lside) 2% 2% (1). Pd$b.pent (2$houlder 4% 4% t ""'?'|iii'!l';x . ..{'' r length d.:;- '= Minirurn Acceleration 460m I r=..'' ,S for entrancecurve

e. Minimum decelerationlength 170m I for exit curve

Sffeets Above standards are derived from "A Policy on GeometricDesign of Highway & I 2003".AnyDesign elementnot mentionedabove should conform to the samedesign guide for Rural Arterial standard. I 6.1.2 Standardsfor Structures T Codesand Standards: ConsultancyServices for DetailedDesign for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I Motorway M-2 in NA-l I I T Termsof Reference I For analysisand designof structuresfollowing codes,standards and loadswill be adopted. T i) AASHTO-(LatestEdition- 2002)t' For analysisand design for all loadsand load combinations, t ii) PakistanHighway Codeof practicefor Bridges 1967r Forvehicular loads, their spacing & impactfactors. I iii) UBC/IBC 2003:- For seismiczoning in additionto therevised seismic,.ri$k map of Pakistan.

.1iir,!iir;-.,, I iv) ASTM:- i,!. 'j For materialspecifications & testing =....2trlti..tttitt;a: il','111, I v) ACI:- 'r.ii:,.- -L ..r:::: For analysis,design and detailing,,oiiiy=.i se such details are not specified in AASHTO. I ,, l t,' ' ' vi) Vehicleslive load:- n WestPakistan Code ot prflitiidnfor HighwayBridges 1967 (WPCHB) specifies I moresevere loads toij$€%o -iddied in combinationwith otherloads such as dead loadetc. As follows:,ii1l,u....'.

,; a:a:aa::.::.. t vii) ClassAA loading+q The 70-Ton+lacked rfrititary vehicle to be placedin accordancewith WPCFIBto t givemaximurh Stresses,

viii)' ClassA*[oading:-'+i - .;. axle loads)to be placedin accordance firg fl#f,in train of trailers(with different I give maximumstresses. with--WPeHB-_.,.r*,,, to

ix) Check Deck Slab for Punching Shear: t bridge deck slab shall be checkedin PunchingShear for a Wheel .- .".,,AOdltionally the " -l' .Loadof ZtpOOPounds [95 KN]'on 0.25 x0.5m2tirecontact area. ^iii:::,7 t x) =i Other loads:- xi) Side walk live load I A toad of 5 KN/m'z(100 psf) of walkway betweenside barrier/railingand shoulder, to producemaximum stresses in the memberunder consideration. T xii) Horizontal live load on railing/posts of side barrier:- These depend upon the configuration of the railing/posts/ banier system. The position andth" magnitudeof the horizontalloads are taken accordingb Article2J I of AASHTO. xiii) Impact load:- I trnPj:l|13$;1_1..-g_"nthe bridge superstructure is taken in accordancewith WPCHB' ConsultancyServices for iled Designfor Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I MotorwayM-2 in NA-13f1{ I I I Termsof Reference

I xiv) Wind loads:- Wind loadsare taken in accordancewith the provisionof WPCFIB'

I xv) Seismic design:- Intemational Building Code (IBC-2003) and Earthquakeforces are calculated accordingto article 3.21 of AASHTO, keeping in view the recent earthquakeof I October8,2005,1he earth quake zones will be consideredaccordingly. I 6.1.3 StructuralAnallzsis Structural Analysis shall preferably be performed using,-SlaadPro or Staad III' All input files shall be provided in the design report.

t i!,|.t. 1 INVESTIGATION ,i; = SOIL & MATERIAL -',t:=.' .. rNd :::,::i 'alll. Soil & Material is shall be doneto ascertainthe index ait{-engineeringproperties of soil & I rock encountered.The consultantis requiredto see.K'-iffuifiretand evaluatesubsurface and surfacedata in orderto predictthe behaviorof the+"o-'i1b4frdthe so,ilb4l materials along, and adjacentto, the alignment. The r"rultingresulting informationinfbrmation should,beshould bbelpresented ,Sresented inm a logicalloglca and intelliintelligible t manner so that it can be used correctly and effiCieriii$rby the non-specialist. ='& The consultantis requiredto carry out fol'l'ovr-i steps: I .i"t# t Determineneeds of thedesign ' u I ) Carryout completeground inveitigadibns I Carryout completelaboratdy testing I r Evaluateresults for finil d.%9" As per fixed horizontalantl verticalalignment, identiff the areasof deepcuts and high fills. Studyprecise geoni'dtry of tfie roadwaystructures and developdesign requirements. ..i+. I Field investigatioffis ll be carriedout in threemain areas. ]. - Investigatj.g$;plongthe lengthof the proposedalignment and to determinethe pavement I pojdiitial the subgradesoils support'i offeredby - lnvestigationto determinethe sourceand quantity of naturally-occurringconstruction t 'foateiidls - B"ai$"e specific sites such as deep cuts, retaining walls and culverts etc' I Following table shows the guidelines for the quantity of roadway pits or borings and testing required for the Final Design Report. The values given are avetage investigation requirements for normal highway work and that actual scope will depend upon the t complexity of the problem. For testing of materials,following codesand standardsshall be followed:

I a) ASTM - AmericanSociety for Testing& Materials' t b) AASHTO - American Associationof StateHighway andTransportation Offrcials. on ConsultancyServices for F andDetailed Design for ConstructionofFarooqabad Interchange 1:i-- I MotorwavM-2 in NA-l ct Jnel I I I Termsof Reference I 7.1 Material Investigation Every effort should be made to locate sufficient quantities of naturally occurring I constructionmaterials at regularintervals along the alignmentand as closeto the alignment as possible.In caseof potentialquarry sites,test boringsare likely to be necessaryto confirmthe quantityand quality of materialavailable. Bulk samplesfor qualitytesting may be obtainedfrom adjoiningbedrock outcrops provided that the samplesobtained from such t sourcesare truly representative.Test resultsfrom any nearbyoperational quarries should alsobe included.

I Considerableamount of water is likely to be requiredfor the proper compactionof earthworks,and water points will be necessaryat frequentinterval6llong the alignment.An assessmentshould be madeof the likely sourcesof water from?gny=.€xistingwells and from I the geologicalformations underlying the route.Samples fol iaStlt assessthe suitabilityof waterfor concretewill be necessary. '.,;'1 I 1) SoilClassification ''s Soil descriptionis necessaryfor all test pits and bq#ng logs.The descriptionsshould be standardizedso that the main characteristi-qiare:'given in the same order i.e' Mass I Characterisrlcsshall include field strengthr,,moisture content,bedding state if applicable discontinuities and state of weathering-Mateiiat Characterislrcsshall cover Colour, Composition,and grading.Particle shdie, ioil name and soil group. Both Unified and I AASHTO classificationshall be us$d.' t-* '=*'*"" 8. PAVEMENT DESIGN I rd4i- The followingDesign Stan$3rds shall be followed: -"'.+,. t For Geometricand Pave-ry,,,,,.9,, D€6ign -= :t; o AASHTOPd?emtnt,Frign Standard (latest edition) I . BritishRdffite No-31(latest edition) o Mect:l-# Ddsignstandard t 8.1 EmbankmentDesign

I In ar[as-o-fhifth watertable, filter cut-off layer shall be providedto protectthe pavement I tt*oto.". Thi! should include provision of day-lighting drainage gallery at bottom of pavem$ntiver subgradetop. The consultantmay allow the filter cut-off to function both as u puu.-"nt subgradeand filter cut-off layer. Surfacedrainage should also be designed I properlywith defineddisposal points with specialconsideration in the built up area.Design bgR for the embankmenishall not be basedon NHA specificationof 5Yoif potentiallyhigh strengthmaterial is availablewithin easylead of the projectvicinity. In caseof paddyfields, I grunulu,sand to appropriatedepth shall be providedto arrestthe seasonalwater ponding. 8.2 Asphalt Concrete I The asphalt layer thicknessshould in no way underminethe structuraladequacy of the pavementfollowing optimized approach' I ConsultancyServices fl ility DetailedDesign for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I MotorwayM-2 in NA ct Sheik t I I Termsof Reference

I 8.3 Basecourse Combinationof crushedaggregate base course and asphaltlayers shall be adoptedfor I pavementstructure. It shallbe specifiedin the contractthataggregatebase course shall be laid with a mechanicalpaver. I 8.4 Sub base Sub-baseif providedshall be day lightedfor effectivedrainage. Only granularsubbase with I zefo or minimum (<4) PlasticityIndex shallbe usedin the pavementstructure' 8.5 subgrade .r{;^rurv I The subgradeCBR shouldbe determinedfrom in-depthst_,-q.dy;;.te$Jing, characterisation and evaluationof potentialborrow sourcesavailable within the,,,pqiect' vicinity. Due diligence shouldbe given to assigningappropriate CBR. ;ri . I *.t, AND UTILITY INFRASTRUCTUNN.\tl;:|._ REPORT 9. LAND ACQUISITION , - L.: r!t!r uat :i:;:t1

'; -rl The consultantshall identify land and propeqtyfullihg in the right of way (ROW) to be I acquired,if available.The consultantsshall submii now plansshowing the alignmentwith 5 cbpiesthereof to NHA to facilitatetimely acti6hfor acquisitionof land to definethe right of way. ROW permanentmarkers shall,r6e t.q] by the consultant.The numberof ROW "p T Markersshall be calculatedby the G.sasuita1l,nd cost is to be includedin the bid underthis heading.The Consuttantshall also prepareestimate for acquiring any additionaland removal of structuresand utilities, narticutartyin the built up areas'Folders shall be I submittedin soft format in CAD...,..ryithreference to grid coordinates.List of all the structures, in tabularform property,trees, orchards, and uiiii -er falling in the ROW shallbe depicted I in theLand acquisition an@ilities. T ASS E SSMENT 10. ENVTRONMENTAL .IrviPAC': : l:. The Consuftunt.rhai bofor1n pm study of the project during and after construction.If t major environmentai-,lLeAraOationis expected and then detailed environmental impact study ur p"t EPA euidelin$sstratt be undertaken.The EIA reportshall be reviewedby Director (EALS) andf,ayrnent shall also be processedupon his/her recommendation. I ri, 11. STAKE OITOf"iNTERCHANGE AND INSTALLATION OF ROW MARKER i,i I The tant shall stake out the centerline of the Interchange at the interval of 25m on loops 6fid"'rampsand 50m on the centerlineground in consultationwith Project Director. The centerlinemarkers shall be fixed on ground at25 m interval. A 1.5m long "Bamboo I stick" with orangecolor cloth lm x 0.5 m shallbe fixed at eachpoint. The stakeoutshall be supervised/verified by the concemedProject Director/ I)irector (Maintenance). I t2. FORMULATION OF PC-I The consultantshall prepare PC-I for the projectroad sections including economic analysis on prescribedproforma of pC-f by PlanningCommission. Separate PC-I for landacquisition I shallbe preparedand submitted (if required). I ConsultancyServices for DetailedDesisn for ConstructionofFarooqabad Interchange on I Motorway M-2 in NA-l I I t Termsof Reference I 13. TENDER DOCUMENTS TenderDocuments shall comprise of the following:-

I a) Volume-I

Instructionsto Bidders. I Conditionsof Contract(Part-I) (General Conditions) Conditionsof Contract(Part-II), (Conditions of ParticularApplication). I Conditionsof Contract(Part-IIf, (SupplementaryConditions) 1i...,.. - Formsand Appendices

I b) Volume-Il ,,i r!q - General Specifications. _,,,,,,,,,1,,...'' I ,.',,.. '','1''= c) Volume-III ''t :i ,,t t - ParticularSpecifications, Special Provisions and Bills of Quantities. ,,::= .,= d) Volume-IV o'.-, i"

. t..' . t - Drawingsas per thg':folloying detail: i;* - Title Sheet , d - I SheetIndex 4:::::;-'+ . ',:" - Key & Loca+1ojl=,,Mnwith conceptualplan of the partial cloverleafof the -::i interchange. I a,' .6- - & SYmbols SheeJ";+"'hrof.,J-e$.gnds .F - Tray*e.ff-gr,,BEnchMark andDesign alignment data including curve data I ''d]r::...-.q-., .., - fyp'iU Cross-sectionswith locations of applications

': Slrper-elevationdetails - I and approach roads - .,,t=,,,5tiEcturalplans and Design Drawings for structures - Details (Guard rails, Pavementn - -,-L Markingsrt^--1.t.^^^ &O-']. Traffic -^Cf signs t- .-11;;1;:,,..,,1Road Furniture etc) I -f tiiXis'ir'' :' For Road furniture, location tables t - Retainingwalls with locationtables - Soil investigationlinear Plan I - Intersection Details - Drainage plan for surface runoff and urban areas - Mass Haul Diagram t - Plan and Profile Drawings - General Notes for Structural Drawings I - Drawin $all drainagestructures ConsultancyServices for Feasibi Designfor Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on MotorwayM-2 in NA-134 Distri khupura

.\1,.o I "t-*J! I I Termsof Reference I - Drawingsfor Large structures - Drawingsearth retaining structures I - Landscapingdetails - MiscellaneousDetails/ Ancillary Works including training works. - Detail drawingfolders of Utilities/Infrastructurefor Land Acquisitionand t removal of all utilities/ infrastructureetc., having all the requisite information. I - Drawingsrelated to EnvironmentalMitigation Measures NHA hasstandardized Volume-I (Part-I) and Volume-Il. Cons.Ultants shall study and adopt thesedocuments after carefulscrutiny and modification wh$ffi required. I ii .,?:. I e) Contract Conditions (Lesal Part) ll:::+ ":.:;:::: I NIIA hasprepared Standard Tender Documerts iections on instructionsto Bidders' Conditionsof Contract,Bid Forms etc. an{*hagused them for similar project in the past.Consultant shall studythese standatdize4 contract conditions and amendthem project. The Special Conditions of I in accordancewith the requirements".$Frthiii'the Contract can be added pertaining, project as supplementto the General Conditionsof Contract. ,:.*, - I oi ; Technical Snecifications :

The consultants shall studfWlie NHA Specifications and prepare particular I specification for the .pr6ject for specified items not covered in the General " Specifications. :;, :r..i _.,::::.:.:.:7 t g) Bill of Quantities.*q u Consultant ,,r',p*Epurecomprehensive Bill of Quantitiesto be calculatedto t u5,9;enco-passing all the itemsof work, properlycross referenced to theTechnical,$pecifications. Standard format ofBill of Quantitiesshall be adopted.

h) En I 'r:: i#*Y.+, Consrriiantshall prepare the Engineer'sEstimate of the projectbased on the detailed -desien,drawings and final Bill of Quantities,using NHA's LatestSchedule of Rates. I j",tif projectvalue based on fair localmarket prices, materials, work methodology, iliachineryand equipmentrequired and on the basisof 90% managementefficiency shallalso be workedout. For itemsnot specifiedin NHA's latestCSR, rate analysis I shallbe providedbased upon market price'

Note: The following shall also be submitted/provided by the designconsultants as an I integralpart of theBill of Quantities/Engineer'sEstimate: * CompleteBOQ takeoff sheets I .|. Bar BendingSchedule(s) I ConsultancyServices for Feasibil ledDesign for ConstructionofFarooqabad Interchange on MotorwayM-2 inNA-134 Di ilr I t! -. ilt.) :; ll-rr ) I t I Termsof Reference ('C" I * FactorBackup Calculations * Non-CSRitem RateAnalysis I * SpecialProvisions (SP) item Specifications 14. SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS

I All the Reportsassociated with eachTask shall be submittedas stated in respectivesections. In the technicalproposal, consultant shall develop a Work ProgramTask wise with submissiondates. Failing to providethe same,the proposalshall not be evaluated.However I list of documentsto be submittedby the Consultantis hereunder: 'ff'+".- r,,;i. \ Staee-I(Feasibilitv Staee) ,rrru+.1 I f "== i. ,, + l. InceptionReport ,,,03ht-id 0l softcopy I ii. Conceptualplans of the interchange 03 Hard + 01 soft copy iii. SurveyReport - q F Hard+ 01 soft coPY Traffic StudyReport including complete ?='0; Hard+ 0l soft copy iv. Traffic model - I Note: StageII and StageIII will be undertarpert&ii[,the approval of StageI. The soft copy wilt atsobe submitledin theforyy*t:.compatible with documenti.e. Word,Excel, CAD, etc. Onecopy in PDF y;tysrbibroiided alongwith. I ,sri : t::r Staee-II(Detailed Desien) lt I Soil andMaterials Rep..Q.{d.. 04 hard +Olsoft copy PavementDesign Rqport 04 hard+01 soft copy StructuralDesign Report and Drawings 04 hard+0lsofl copy I includingToll pl*q.zas,weigh stations Land AcquisitSii''8a,,UtilityFolders 04 hard +Olsoft copy ROW ptari$r,g,trFw,i+iEthe alignment and total 03 hard +01softcopy t areato hg.acq+'ired Traffic M&agement Plans 03 hard+Olsoft copy Note: Thesoif.,eopy witl be submittedin theformat in which documenthas beenprepared I i.e. word,-Excel, cAD, etc. In addition, one copy in PDF must also be provided aliing withfor eachdocument. .:; :::: r',::!ari!t:li. I s! I.'' Final DesignReport (includingdrawings 10hard +Olsoft copy i. And detailedStructural/Pavement I calculations) TenderDocuments (Volume I-IV) (Volume 15hard * soft copy ii. I-III : PDF file & VolumeIV : PDF+ CAD I file) iii. Engineer,sEstimate along with c-Factor 05 hard+01soft copy BreakdownCalculation 01 hard+Olsoft copy i' BOQ Quantity t Report v. PC-I Performa 80 hard+Olsoft copy +Olsoftcopy I vi. C-factoralong with backup calculations 05 hard ConsultancyServices for Feasibility Designfor ConstructionofFarooqabad Interchange on t MotorwayM-2 in NA-134 District n)t I r I -I

Termsof Reference I Note: All documents/drawings shall be subjectto reviewand checkingby DesignReview Consultant.Consultant will incorporateany comments/modifications made by the Design Reviewconsultant (if agreed,The Responsibilityfor correctnessof design I lies with the Consultant); Consultantswill provide two additionalsets of the tenderdocuments and reports to the Clientat a laterstage at no extracost to the Client.Additional number of sets(if I required)shall beprovided at a costofRs. 5,000/-per set.

I 15. PROVISION OF DATA ON COMPACT DISCS The Consultantsshall submit complete set of documentsand drawings listed above on three (03) digital CD-ROMs.Files (Word,Excel, Auto-Cad, Grap.b oal Images,and Photographs I etc) shall be properlyindexed/ cataloged for recordp-urdise"Sand use/ reproduction at a later stageby NHA.


t s. ..,.'1..Y*,-*'d "h age of No. Descriiitiornr Total H Amount ,,,.l!1\'*.=* l A. STAGE-I ,urr,r# InceptionReport 5% r.1+e I 2. SurveyReport 5% J. Traffic StudyReport incJuding Traffic mapping/plan 5% 4. Conceptualetan of tnie-i-h-frgewith presentation 5% I Sub Total (A) 20Vo

B. STAGE-II r*d€ trnrl I I So i I Invep$getitlh..:Report 5% 2. Materigl inVEs-tigationsreport 5% 3. Pavg-m(i DesignReport 5% I 5% +. 5= Land Acquisition andutility infrastructureFolder 5% 5% I 6;!-::::ir ROW Plans 7, EIA and SIA Report r0% I Sub Total (B) 40'h C. STAGE-III Final TenderDocuments (volume I - IV Volume I-Iil : PDF file & Volume I 10% I IV :PDF + CAD file) includingDesign of Toll Pllzas Final DesignReport (including detailed Structural and Pavement Design 2, t0% Backup calculations) quantitiesand c- EngineersEstimate as per latestcSR alongwith backupof 5% t J. Factor

A 5% I a, Stakeout of alignment ConsultancyServices for Feasibili Designfor Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I MotorwayM-2 in NA-134 Di I I I Termsof Reference

oh t S. age of No. Description Total Amount I 5. Draft andFinal PCI t0% Sub Total (C) 40o/" I TOTAL(A+B+C) t000h I .,,,,

..t:/ii, ,-,'''{: ] t ''::.,'..' ..".',:..: liY ':.- :l*. I :::-,r. t1:= llr .'"*.+..-- - .;? Irinj I ri:::i:: iF' ":::::r: ill - . \iill,ttt. '. ; I ....'..' '-$


T -'l df''tta,.ar:w# {It: tltlA T "+,,:t; I I I t I t I ConsultancyServices for DetailedDesign for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I MotorwayM-2 in NA-134 I t Terms of Reference t AnnexureTl I'nlbrmat i on .for .fixed Trav e r se Slat io ns I Name of TraverseStations I Northing I Easting .,4i"'\:r,., Elevation Affix Photosraphof Traverse I JJ t station ti{r I

\ ".ih. J a:i I :! I I I I

I SKETCH OF FIXED TRAVERSE STATION I I I I ConsultancyServices for Feasibility gn for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I MotorwayM-2 in NA-134 District I I I Termsof Reference I ProposedMan-Months

Duration Total No. Position No. I S. (months) Man Monthsl Key Personnel I I Team LeaderlSr. Highway Engineer 1 1.5 1.5 2. PavementSpecialist/ Traffic I I I Ensineer

a Engineer/Geo-Technical T Material I I I Ensineer OuantitySurveyor I l.5,il, 1.5 \i 4 ) I Sub-Total ,i'slir. Non Key Personnel t" I Surveyor I 1.5 I 2. CAD Operator 1 1.5 1.5 Sub-Total )"'1 3 Support Staff I a I Survey Helpers 4 1.5 ) ',.,, a 2. Office Boys ,$t'"@ 2 1.5 J t Sub-Tti'tal 4 6 rof.hl 10 l4 I L 'Fs I $i "+' 2j.. , .

:r. : I -':i+,.'..... "ll t -j,,= '1 1 : I ' T I T

I The proposedman monthsare as per ClientsAssessment. These may vary but the Consultanthas tojustifu the variation ifany. In I is not tenable,Client may calculatethe costas per abovestated. casethe iustification ConsultancvServices il{y Studyand Detailed Design for Constructionof Fa|ooqabadlnterchange on I Motorway M-2 in t I