THE GAZETTE, AUGUST 27, 1937. 279

for the Administratrix, to whom Letters of Ad- NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST. ministration were granted forth of the Principal In the Good-; of HARRIETT LUCINDA FULTON, late of Registr}* of the King's Bench Division (Probate) 87 Ardenlee Avenue, Belfast, Spinster, of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ire- Deceased. land on the 6th day of August, 1937. And Notice is hereby further given that after NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute the said 1st day of October, 1937, the said Ad- 30 and 31 Victoria Chapter 54, Section 19, that the ministratrix will proceed to distribute the assets above-named deceased by her Will, dated 28th day of said deceased, having regard only to the claims of September, 1932. made the following Charitable of which notice and particulars shall have been Bequest:— given as above required. To the Reformed Presbyterian Church at , Dated this 18th day of August, 1937. in the County of , the sum of £100. J. \V. McNINCH & SON, Solicitors for the The said deceased died on the 25th day "of Administratrix. 2 Wellington Place, Belfast; December, 1936, and Probate of her said Will was and Larne. granted forth of the Principal Registry at Belfast on the 3rd day of May, 1937, to George Frederick Martin, of Ashill, Aughnaskeogh, Dromara, , Farmer, and Moses Alexander Martin, of 87 Ardenlee Avenue, Belfast, Electrical En- THE BELFAST CAR LAUNDRY LIMITED. gineer, the Executors therein named. At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Dated this 20th day of August, 1937. above-named Companv, dulv convened and held at the Offices of Messrs. Hill, Vellacott & Bailey, JOHN W. T. WATTERS & SON, Solicitors Coates Buildings, Castle Street, Belfast, on the for Executors, 10 Donegall Square South, 19th day of August, 1937, the following Special Belfast. Resolution was duly passed:— To the Ministry of Finance, , and "That the Company be wound up voluntarily, all whom it may concern. and that Mr. John Bailey, F.C.A., of Coates Buildings, Castle Street, Belfast, be and he is hereby appointed Liquidator for the purposes of such winding-up." Dated this 20th day of August, 1937. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST. G. L. MILLER. In the Goods of ANNIE SAVAGE, late of Quilly, in Chairman. the County of Down, Spinster, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute 30 and 31 Vic. Cap. 54, that the above-named died on 26th of March, 1937, and by her Will, dated THE BELFAST CAR LAUNDRY LIMITED. 9th November, 1932, she appointed Andrew Cromie, (CREDITORS' VOLUNTARY WINDING-UP) of Dromore, Caunty Down, Solicitor, sole Executor, NOTICE is hereby given that the Creditors of and made (inter alia) the following Bequest:— the above-named Company, which is being voluntarily To the Parish Priest for the time being oi the wound up, are required on or before the 5th day Parish of Dromore, and to the Curate for the of October, 1937, to send their names and addresses time being of the Parish of Dromore, including ar.d the particulars of their debts or claims to Mr. Ballela, I leave to each of them the sum of John Bailey, F.C.A., of Coates Buildings, Castle five pounds, said respective sums being for Masses Street, Belfast, the Liquidator of the said Com- for the repose of my own soul and those of my pany, and if so required by notice in writing from deceased parents and of my brothers and sisters, the said Liquidator, are to come in and prove the fee for such Masses to be the sum of five their said debts or claims at such time and place shillings each. a^ shall be specified in such notice, or in default Probate of the said Will was on the 6th of May, thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of 1937, granted to the said Executor forth of the any distribution made before such debts are Principal Registry of the High Court of Justice, proved. Northern Ireland, King's Bench Division (Probate). Dated this 21st day of August, 1937. Dated this 21st of Ajugust, 1937. ROBERT WALLACE, Riddels Buildings, HUGH HAYES & SON, Solicitors for said Donegall Place, Belfast, Solicitor for the Executor, 15 Mayfair, Arthur Square, Bel- above-named Liquidator. fast; and Lurgan. To the Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Stormont, Belfast; and all others concerned. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST. In the Goods of ELIZABETH PERRIE, late of 28 New- ington Street, in the County of the City of Belfast, Spinster, Deceased. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute In the Goods of WILLIAM DUNCAN, late of 2 Glen- 30 and 31 Victoria Chapter 54, Section 19, that the ford Place, , in the County of above deceased, who died on the 18th day of May, Down, Secretary, Deceased. 1937, by her Will, dated the 3rd day of May, 1937, bequeathed :— NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute To the Cairncastle Non-Subscribing Church, the 30 and 31 Vic. C. 54, that the above-named de- sum of Three hundred pounds, to be invested ceased, who died on the 25th day of May, 1937, by the Trustees and the income applied towards by his last Will, dated the 24th day of March, the Stipend Fund of the said Church. 1937, bequeathed to the Royal Victoria Hospital, Probate of the said Will was granted forth of Belfast, the sum of £1,000, and Testator directed the Principal Registry of the King's Bench Division that said legacy should be paid in priority to all (Probate) of the High Court of Justice in Northern other pecuniary legacies bequeathed by his said Ireland on the 16th day of August, 1937, to Janie Will out of such part of his estate as could be Hunter Wells, of Mossbank, , County legally applied for charitable purposes. Down. Married Woman, the sole Executrix therein And Testator declared that for the purpose of named. perpetuating the memories of his late mother, Martha Duncan, and his late wife, Sarah Duncan, Dated this 19th day of August, 1937. a bed in said Hospital should be named after each O'RORKE, MCDONALD & TWEED, of them. Solicitors for the Executrix, 40 Victoria Probate of said Will was granted on the 22nd Square, Belfast; and Larne. day of July, 1937, forth of the Principal Registry To the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland, of the King's Bench Division (Probate) of the and all other persons concerned. High Gxurt of Justice in Northern Ireland to