~~ \ifrr -~Ufrrr, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~+Jr~~ CENSUS OF ,1951

,...... , '\ljel-~l( qft ~if-apJI;:n ~'t ~~



GWALIOR GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PRESS 1955 Dhar CONTENTS Pages PART-I .short Note A-General Population Tables Table A-I-Area, Houses and Population .. I Table A-II--'Variation in Population during Fifty Years J Table.A,-III-'-Towns and Villages classified by Population 2 Table A-IV-Towns classified by Population with Variation since 1901 2 Table A-V-Towns arranged Territorially with PopUlation by Livelihood Classes 8 , Table E-Summary Figures by Tahsils and Tracts 4 B-Economic Tables B-l-Livelihood Classes and Sub-Classes .. 5 B-II-Secondary Means of Livelihood 6 Statement showing number of persons dependant on unproductive sources 12 B-III-Employers, Employees and lndependallt Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-Divisions 14 Small Scale lndustries-Table-II-Employment in Textile Establishments .. 22 Small Scale lndustries-Table-III-Employment in Non-Textile Establishments 24 Index of Non-Agricultural Occupations 28 Primary Census Abstracts List of Displaced Persons by Villages 38 List of Displaced Persons by Towns and Wards 39 District Primary Census Abstract-Rural and Urban Statistics 40 Primary Census Abstract-Rural Statistics- Tahsil 4: Primary Census Abstract-Rural Statistics- Tahsil 7~~ Primary Census Abstract-Rural Statistics- Tahsil 110 Primary Census Abstract-Rural Statistics-;-Dhar Tahsil .• ' ISS Primary Cens:..s Abstract-Rural Statistics- Tahsil 162 Primary Census Abstract-Urban Statistics .. 17~ ,,PART_.-Il" "

C-I-Household (Size and Composition) 176 C-II-Livelihood Classes by Age Groups ..... 178 Fly-leaf to Table C-IlI-Age and Civil Condition ',' 180 Fly-leaf to Table C-IV-Age and Literacy 181 C-IlI-Age and Civil Condition 182 t-IV-Age and Literacy 1B2 C-V-Single Year Age Returns 184 D-Social and Cultural Tables D-I-Languages.- ( i) Mother Tongue .. IB5 (ii) Billingualism IB7 D-Il-Religion 190 D-III-Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 190 D-IV-Migrants .• ./ .. , 191 D-V-Displaced Persons.- ( i) Displaced Persons by year of arrival 19, (ii) Displaced Perso}" by Livelihood Classes Ul2 D-VI-Non-Indian National~...... 19.2 D-VII-Livelihood Classes by Educational Standard .. I9S F-Change in the means of Livelihood during the last ten years 196 APPENDIX--I-Alphabetkallist of Villages:- Kukshi Tahsil· 197 MaIiawar Tahsil 19B Sardarpur Tahsil 201 Dha; Tahsil 202 Badnawar Tahsil ... 205 ~-~~tfRi, '

q - Z-:,ftfffi ~ ~1]P:rt ~ct \31P.nllfm Gf - ~ -;;rTfCfCfiT

f~qcr al!fCffilrT

+ni1-~ g~ ~ ~ Ii ". C"lfl ~) ~ - ~ -li~~ (tIl'm: a?fT qrrrcrc) .. . . ~IS~ -«-~~~'fiT 'fiT ~fUrm~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ 1St; 'R?J1.T ffiq; rrID ~-~-~ arT"< q~'fi ft¥ncr .• ~c;o 'qm'q ~fq;;;m ~.¥-~ ~.,.( m~"

~-~-ll'Nn:t:- (n 'IlC! ~rqT ( ~) f~rqT ~qm i'-~-erq g-~-~1~ "'rfCflli ~qt{ ~1~f:qa mf~11 ~alit 6-¥~~~slIfCRT .. •• .. g-v..-~ OllfCffi:- ( ~) f~rPrn slIfORf ~FTlf'l ~ ~~ H.~ ( ~) f~Wrn alTf.Rl ~ 'fiT ~f1JflrT ~ iI'iI«R ~t~ S-\-~rmllf f~ ~. ij'~ ~qOfi ~ 'fiT ifT,{ ria Cfl1IT, ~ WfiR ~ X m+r 1" ~ ~ fJrn if ~ W!m: ~.-- ,. ~4T-- ~(,*q<::",~ ":{ ~~ ~ ~t; ~ Cfi"T ~I$C ~ m f\if<;ff ~a CfT~ ~', ~ 'fi~r;t ~T ~, ~Iif f\i('~ "ff m Wq-~ ~ ~ ~;lI1qf~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, ~ 9;~~ 't rn-i:1~ "fiT"(~;f m"( z;f'!T f.,q)'r~;f cpr 'fiH€ITi'fT ~ ; ~T~-~~ 'J;A" fu ~~~ ~ 'J" ~ ~T Cfi"T Sf~ ~;f ~ ~er ~ mwr 'fiT 'l;fT"( ~ SfIlC., \iff'.T ~, ~Iif~ ~ crt ~ ~ cT. OfT. f1" ~ m:ft ~ ~ if ~T ~ I ,Jr~" fCfi"IT,{;~ m ~ if ~ ~ 1fm ~ CfCRl (~~) r~cr ~ t, ~ 'q'R 00 ef; ¢!ter ;;f~ ~ Sf

1941 1931 1921 1901 H_'t~ ~1" ~ ~M. 130 villages transferred from former Ma- 41,799 21,208 20,591 39,640 20,086 19,554 30,042 15,294 14,748 21,679 10939 i10,740 17,855, nawar Tahsil of Sardarpur District of Gwalior dtate. ~ ~ 0 m+r wi rcrrfw:r< -u;;nr et? ~­ ~ f~'fiT ~ ~ ij' ~~'. 99 villagestransterred from former Nisar- 39,696 20,023 19.673 32,534 16,514 16,020 26,700 13,440 13,260 22,513 11,160 11,353 19,400" pur Tahsil of District of State. t t m'+I" 1.ci ~ u;;nr ~ f~ f~ 'fiT 'fl~'(~'( ~ ~ ~~. Total .. 117,389 59,222 58,167 102,589 51,781 50,808 83,659 '42,165 [41,494 68,776 [34,343 (34.433 57.78&: ~);r Dedrat.- ~. 33 villages transferred from former 13,264 6,653 6,611 10,916 5,459 5,457 10,155 5,111 5,044 9,009 4,510 4,499 7.524~ Kukshi Tahsil of Dhar State to present Manawar Tahsil. ~ ~ iTlf ~ ;m ~ ~"t ~~"t ~ ~ CffilITif~ ~mCfiT W6fur~. lvillagetransferredfromformerKukshi 530 273 257 376 201 175 263 139 124 261 124 137 219' Tahsil of Dhar State to present Tahsil of District. t IDlf ~ ~ ~ <1ft' ~ ~~~ ~ ~ CR(lfFf ~~CfiT~~. Total .• _ 13,794 6,926 6,868 11,291 5,660 5,632 10,418 5,250 5,168 9,210 4,634 4,636 7,743\ liFT Total adjusted population 103,595 52,296 51,299 91,297 46,121 45,1'16 73,241 36,915 36,326 59,506 29,709 29,797 50,045. ~ (1'il4if,jfd Gi'hi~T. Population in ijjilij~1 ~... ---"' 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 H¥~ HH ~~~~ ~~n ~\o~ , ~ Composition of the Tahsils P. M. F. P. M. F. P. M. F. P. M. F. Po ~RT 'fiT ¢{'ifCfG SlTf.rn ~!f f~~ ozrfcfcr ~ ~m- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fu;r~t ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

:12. MANAWAR TAHSIL.- ~~. Add.­ ~:-- Former Manawar Tahsil of Sardarpur 93,801 47,732 46,06~ 83,512 41,827 41,685 67,518 34,070 33,448 54,338 27,294 27,044 44,753 District of Gwalior State. ~ rcrrf~ ~ ~ ""'6 "-:(~I'T'I(:l'T$"""'( f;;ffi CfiT If'fm ~m. 104 villages transferred from former Ni- 28,151 14,252 13,899 24,439 12,275 12,164 21,457 10,806 10,651 19,376 9,710 9,666 12,274 sarpur Tahsil of Nimar District of Indore State. to'6 lJllf ~ ~')-( ~ ~ f~ fi;ffi CfiT;;~ ~R ~ ~­ f\cf rt· 33 villages transferred from former 13,264 6,653 6,611 10,916 5,459 5,457 10,155 5,111 5,044 9,009 4,510 4,499 7,524 Kukshi Tahsil of Dhar State. ~ ~ lJTlf ~ em: ,(~Glf CfiT ~

4. DHAR TAHSIL.- m~~.

Add.- iiIWT,

Former Dhar Tahsil of Dhar State ., 76,509 38,964 37,545 77,732 39,799 37,933 78,075 39,184 38,891 60,505 29,872 30,639 69,394 1t qn: U~ 'flT em: ~. ormer Mandu Tahsil of Dhar State .• 2,707 1,445 1,262 2,238 1,211 1.027 1,645 892 753 1,782 901 881 1,260 ~ em: "(tmi CfiT ~ ~m.

Former Bhumia Estates of Jamnia, 7,823 4,127 3,696 7,293 3,810 3,483 4,472 2,304 2,168 5,439 2,785 2,654 3,497 Nimkhera and Rajgarh. ~ \jf1+tf'1~, 'ft+t~"¥T, Iffi: ~ ~f;rlrr... ~.

3 villages transferred from former Khasgi 2,149 1,097 1,052 3,025 1,578 1,447 3,219 1,598 1.621 1,874 926 948 1,895 Tahsil of Dhar State. ~ mlf ~cr m "(pil:f

1 village transferred from former Bad· 225 111 114 301 143 158 430 209 221 247 124 123 210 nawar Tahsil of Dhar State. ~ IDlf ~ em: U~ ct'r ~ ~ ~ 0Rifur piT.

1 village transferred from former Dha- 140 71 69 104 51 47 23 13 10 28 16 12 23 rampuri Tahsil of Dhar State. ~ IDlf ~ em: Wlf CfiT ~ ~~~pr.

79 villages transferred from former Sar- 20,797 10,537 10,260 20,676 10,338 10,338 25,276 12,633 12,643 18,817 9,484 9,333 15,498 - darpur Tahsil of Sardarpur District of Gwalior State. 1St 1fllfT'. ~ ~~f'ilI' Cfi" ~ {It I ~( f~'!ft~{~I(~} ~ ~ OA- fur~.

Total .• 110,350 56,352 53,998 111,369 56,936 54,433 113,140 56,833 56,307 88,692 44,108 44,584 85,717 zrm-

Deduct:- 'ElGT3fr

1 village transferred from fonner Dhar 366 170 196 ' 334 162 172 270 140 130 321 161 160 336 Tahsil of Dhar State to present Depul- pur Tahsil of Indore District. ~ ~llf ~ 'tTR: 'F~ ctT m ~~ ~ ~f~'flT ~~~~ Cfft~~.

17 villages transferred from fonner Dhar 5,410 2,742 2,668 5,964 2,989 2,975 7,235 3,501 3,734 5,233 2,585 2,648 5,478 Tahsil of Dhar State to present Bad- nawar Tahsil. tIS 1ff+t" ~ em: U~ CfiT em: cr~m ~ cRflWf ~ ~~ e¢T ~ ~.

Total 5,776 2,912 2,864 6,298 3,151 3,147 7,505 3,641 3,864 5,554 2,746 2,808 5,814

,Total adju~ted population .• 104,574 53,440 51,134 105,071 53,785 ..51,286 105,635 53,192 52,443 83,138 .41,362 41,776 79,903 • ....f, • ~ ~+tll(( ..;rQ \jf~~i@lil. Population in ~;:ffim ~... '- 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 H'l{~ ~t~~ H.~~ ttn Hot r- , ,,- ,- ..A. ,---J- Composition of the Tahsils P. M. F. P. M. F. P. M. F. P. 1\1. F. P .. ~rnT

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

.5. BADNA WAR TAHSIL.- - ~~. Add:- ~T. Former Baunawar Tahsll of Dhar State. 54,257 27,370 26,887 51,466 25,982 25,484 56,643 28,278 28,365 44,916 22,333 !:!2,583 38,08£; ~ t-m: ~

MADHYA BHARAT CENSUS, 1951~ :wc:rifUl;ry, ~''"'~ I-Dhar District Census Hand Book Part I--'rftCf ~t1; ~'. A-II-Variation in Population during Fifty Years 3f-,-fqmr q-:q'r~ ~ if 'ifif~ 1{ 3Rf'\

Tahsil and year Persons Variation Net Variation Males Variation Females VariatioR 1901-1951 ~m(? ~~T cri om-Cf~ arrcr, ~ 3Rf'\ f~l!t OFCI'<:: ~~ 3Rf'{ ~~o ~-~.tt...~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

District Total.- Rirm lim.- 1901 293,861 .. 1911 344.143 + 50.282 171,702 172,441 .. 1921 394,595 + 50,452 198.599 + 26,897 195,996 + 23,555 1931 433,600 + 39,005 219,052 + 20,453 214,548 + 18,55l 1941 474,946 + 41.346 240.907 + 21,855 234,039 + 19,491 1951 505,268 + 30,322 + 211.407 257,455 +16,548 247,813 + 13,771 1. Kukshi 'J)cf~T '" 1901 50,045 .. 1911 59.506 + 9.461 29,709 29.797 1921 73,241 + 13,735 36,915 + 7,206 36.326 + 6.529 1931 91,297 + 18,056 46,121 + 9.206 45,176 + 8,850 1941 103.595 + 12.298 52,296 + 6.175 51,299 + 6,123 1951 113,682 + 10,087 + 63,637 57,803 + 5,507 55,879 + 4,580 2. Manllwar ~ 1901 76,205 ... 1911 98,022 + 21.817 49.379 48.643 .. 1921 105,954 + 7.932 53.352 + 3,973 52,602 + 3,959 1931 123,499 + 17,545 61,685 + 8.333 61,814 + 9,212 1941 141,891 + 18,392 71,963 + 10,278 69,928 + 8,111& 1951 153,478 + 11,587 + 77,273 78,430 + 6,467 75,048 + 5,12t a. Sardarpur rnT<':H 190i 42,934 1911 52.133 + 9.199 25.742 26.391 1921 43.277 8,856 22,052 3.690 21,225 5,166 1931 55,290 + 12.013 27.970 + 5,918 27,320 + 6,095 1941 64,060 + 8,770 32.542 + 4,572 31,518 + 4.198 1951 59,961 - 4,099 + 17,027 30,623 - 1,919 29,::J38 - 2,180 ,. Dhar 1;fT<:: 1901 79.903 .. 1911 83,138 + 3,235 41.362 41,776 1921 105,635 + 22.497 53.192 + 11,830 52,443 + 10,667 1931 105.071 564 53,785 + 593 51,286 - 1,151 1941 104,574 497 53.440 345 51.134 152 1951 ,,"2,139 + 7,565 + 32,236 57,289 + 3,849 54,850 + 3,716 5. Badnawar ~ 1901 44.774 .. "1911 51,344 + 6,570 25,510 25.834 1921 66,488 + 15.144 33,088 + 7,578 33,400 + 7,566 1931 58,443 8.045 29.491 3,597 28,952 4,448 1941 60,826 + 2,383 30,666 + 1,175 30,160 + 1,208 1951 66,008 + 5,182 + 21,234 33,310 + 2,644 32,698 + 2,531 2 A-III-Towns and Villages classified by Population

Total Total Population Towns and villages with less than No. of ~~qr 'fiT ~ inhabited _____--"-- ____..__ a:r ~ ?r

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

DISTRICT.- 1,470 505,268 257,455 247,813 1,445 206,504 199,835 1,212 115,263 111,310 191 63,645 61,798 ft;rt;n l. Kukshi 256 113,682 57,803 55,879 252 49.785 47,914 190 25,365 24,174 50 16,988 16,432 ~ t. Manawar .. 442 153,478 78,430 75,048 437 6tl,~52 66,556 350 36,802 35,503 75 24,243 23,458

11-. Sardarpur .• 181 59,961 30.623 29.338 175 21,861 21,136 151 12,196 11,811 20 6,895 6,773 'EI<~I<,:!< 4. Dhar 427 112,139 57,289 54,850 423 -!I,5S4 40,256 391 28,{67 27,235 25 8,482 8.214 ~ 5. Badnawar 164 66,008 33,310 32,698 158 24,422 23,973 130 12,733 12,587 21 7,037 6,921 «;:nq~ A-IV-Towns classified by Population with Va{-iation since 1901 3f-'l{~T 'fiT m~ ~ 31'ifID"<.. crtr1~1Jf ~:n WI'. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ar~ Net Variation Town and yeat Persons Variation 1901-1951 Males Variation Females Variation ~ ~ Cftt oqffir 3Rf< ~uf ~ ~tf 3Rf"{ ~ ar;:cr~ ~to Z-~\'-\~

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

DISTRICT- L 1901 30,074 1911 22,062 8,012 11,172 )0,890 1911 32,271 + 10,209 16,441 + 5,269 15,830 + 4,940 1931 35,736 + 3.465 18,603 + 2,162 17,133 + 1,303 1941 40,494 + 4,758 20,964 + 2,361 19,530 + 2,397 1951 42,907 + 2.413 + 12,833 22,136 + 1,172 20,771 + 1,241 1. Dbar- Class-III-20,000-50,000 ~T-~-~ 0,0 0 0-,-\0,0 0 0 1901 17,792 9,063 8,729 1911 7,472 -10,320 3,850 -5,213 3,622 5,107 1921 16,041 + 8.569 8,353 + 4,503 7,688 + 4,066 1931 19,607 + 3.566 10,509 + 2,156 C),098 + 1,410 1941 22,015 + 2,408 11,496 + 987 10,519 + 1,421 1951 23,652 + 1,637 + 5,860 12,275 + 779 11,377 + 85!!

J. Kukshi- Class-V -5,000-10,000 l!iurT-,-\-,-\,o ° o-~ 0, 0 ° 0 1901 5,402 2,686 2,716 1911 6,248 + 846 3,098 + 412 3,150 + 434 1921 6,377 + 129 3,117 + 19 3,260 + no 1931 6,621 + 244 3,281 + 164 3,340 + 80 1941 7,114 + 493 3,571 + 290 3,543 + 203 1 q51 7.603 + 489 + 2,201 3,858 + 287 3745 + 202 Badnawar- 1901 3,755 , 1,815 1,940 1911 4,774 + 1.019 2,409 + 594 2,365 + 425 1921 6,191 + 1,417 3,112 + 703 3,079 + 714 1931 5,197 994 2,652 460 2,545 534 1941 5.863 + 666 3,078 + 426 2,735 + 240 1951 6,286 + 423 + !Z,531 3,241 + 163 3,045 + 260 Manawar- 1901 3,125 1911 3,568 + 443 1,815 1,753 1921 3,662 + 94 1,859 + 44 1,803 + so 1931 4,311 + 649 2.161 + 302 2,150 + .347 1941 5,502 + 1,191 2,819 + 658 2,683 + 533 1951 5,S66 IS6 + 2,241 2,762 57 2,604 19 Towns and villages with a population of 2,000 population Towns and village.> with a. population of 2,000-10,000 10,000 and above m- 6"IT lJ Pi -=<,0 0

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

42 27,596 26,7:l7 24 38.676 36,601 21 28,815 27,207 3 9,861 9,394 1 12,275 11,377 1 12,275 11,377

12 7,432 7,308 4 8.018 7,965 3 4.160 4,220 3,858 3,745

12 7,807 7,595 5 9,578 8,492 4 6,816 5,888 2,762 2,604

4 '2,770 2552 6 t',762 8,202 6 8,762 8,202

7 4.935 4,807 3 3,430 3,217 3 3,430 3,217 12,275 11,377 1 12,275 11,377

7 4,652 4,465 6 8,888 8,725 5 5,647 5,680 3,241 3,045

A-V-Towns arranged Territorially with Population by Livelihood Classes ~-'-\~, Sl'ifrtT-fcnum it; ~ ~ ;;rifCfcliT CfiT ~T it; ar-tm Cf ~T ;;r;;a~

Livelihood Classes ~T Cfft ~~t ~.------~------.------Non-Agricultural Cla-llses Agricultural Classes 0lWf1l ~fuprt ~~ ~------~------~------~r_------~------~ Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means IV I-III of livelihood from:- Non-cultivat­ Cultivators, 'iR ~ m'e'A"T ~ ~r 'SfTtQ CfiBCfT~ ~ att~ '3'ffi mf'mr:- ing owners of cultivating land, Agricul- labourers ~------V VI VII VIII tural rent re- and their ~"ame of Town Population Production Other services ceivers and their dependants i51",ijqqf other than and miscel- dependants ~'liTifTlf Commerce Transport ~ mcni cultivation laneous sources iifir ~ rn~ ~it;~~ it; OlfP1T~ atTllJl1Tlfl '!iPr arf<:tfuRr ap:r ~ ~-mtfr, ~ ~

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 0li'f'Rl' ~f{ f~lI'i' ~Il ~~ ~Il ~t ,!(lll mr ~ ~ ~(l" mnrt ~ ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

DISTRICT 42,907 22,136 20,771 4,536 4,150 4,049 3,798 704 518 8,917 8,278 211 222 3,719 3,805 f,m;rr

1. Dhar 23,652 12,275 11,377 2,212 2,013 2,065 1,942 556 395 6,301 5,838 108 125 1,033 1,064 ~

2. Kukshi 7,603 3,858 3,745 904 811 929 886 53 44 1,146 1,115 7 7 819 882 ~~T

3. Badnawar 6,286 3.241 3,045 534 504 498 419 71 ,'1 774 684 80 74 1,284 1,281 ~

4. Manawar 5,366 2.762 2,604 886 822 557 551 24 8 696 641 16 16 583 518 ~ 4

E-Summary Fig,ures by Tahsils and Tracts ~~ij"~ aJn: f'lll11TT it; ar;;m\ ~fe1t~ ~ '" Livelihood Classes

Percentage ~------.----~~.------~ Population variation Density Agricultural Classes ~~ ~ aim: 'EAT'FI" Area in ~,_-_---___ ~-_-_. ___"""\~--_..A.._-----.. ,..--__'__""""\ I II square Cultivators of land Cultivators of Tahsil and Tract mIles wholly or mainly owned land wholly or ~q;w and their mainly unowned and ~lw ~ f.NrtT dependants their dependants ~ 1951 1941 1941-51 1931-41 1951 1941 3N

E--Summary Figures by Tahsils and Tracts-"{~~ ~ fcfmlfr eF aq~rn: ~f~(f ~ ;;rffCfC(iT Cfif ~un:rt _-"------~ 'lifrr ~fur~crT~ ~PH ~~ arrf?.T<:l I:!; 3,316 3,477 182 226 2,801 2,510 1,649 1,543 58 33 2,545 2,164 ~~~<::('f~~ 3,316 3,477 182 226 2,801 2,510 1,649 1,543 58 33 2,545 2,164 ~TlfTur '1'Jllf<::Cfi 9,873 698 4,97:~ 4,506 2,937 2,711 7.K)7 9,349 661 615 419 3,784 qH~~~ 9,146 9,590 590 536 2,761 2,493 872 769 59 24 2,483 2,019 mlffur 203 283 108 125 2,212 2,013 2,065 1,942 556 395 6,301 5.R38 .,rm<::9i 5,353 6,342 754 881 2,763 2,382 1,402 1,282 103 100 2,657 2,286 ~<::cr~ 5,054 6,016 674 807 2,229 1,878 904 863 32 29 1,883 1,602 ml'tfur 326 80 74 534 504 498 419 299 71 71 774 684 ;:w.f~ ar-Z-~Tfcfcm Cfif ~urlft ~ '311-~fup:rt Rural Tract Urban Tract 1IlllTur.~ '1'Jllf~-~

-'------~ S. C (i) S. C. (ii) S. C. (iii) S. C. (i) S. C. (U) S. C.- (iii) Self-supporting Non-earning Earning Self-su pporting Non-earning Earning Total persons dependants dependants Total perions dependants depf'ndants lfm '311-~f (~) '311~lJff (~) '311~f (~) lff;r '311~f (~) '311-~ (~) '311-~f (~) 3lWf-f;:nh ., Cfi+1I~ClI~ Cfil'tI~ClI~ a:rRlr-f;:nh ., Cfil'tI~ClI~ Cfillm~ clff1ffl arrf?.T'a' arrf?.T'a' olffcm arrf~ arrf?.T'a' ___---.~_-.:A----. ,-__-"-----~ r---..A.---., ,------"-,------. ,--__.A..---v----"---~r----..--....., P. F. M. F. M, F M. F. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 0lffcRr mr ,!~q f~lft ~q ~lft ~ mr ~ ~ mr ~ mr ft?f~ ~ f~ 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ~ 26 27 28 462,361 235,319 227,042 118,956 55,127 102,350 141,991 14,013 29,924 42,907 22,136 20,771 10,841 2,107 10,343 17,112 952 1,552

400,230 201,821 198,409 100,875 52,147 88,869 119,587 12,077 26,675 7,957 3,930 4,027 1,849 612 1,751 2,602 330 813

292,971 148,824 144.147 71,794 32,412 67,768 92,434 9,262 19,301 4,013 2,037 1.976 989 222 855 1,285 193 469

29,558 15,532 14,026 8,066 2,981 6,612 8,853 854 2,192 1.444 741 703 292 38 383 534 66 131

72,816 35,143 37,673 19,778 16,226 13,559 16,515 1,806 4,932 2.067 941 1,126 497 335 392 587 52 204

4.885 2,322 2,563 1,237 528 930 1,785 155 250 433 211 222 71 17 121 196 19 9

62,131 33,498 28,633 18,081 2.980 13,481 22,404 19,36 3,249 34,950 18,206 16,744 8,992 1,495 8,592 14,510 622 739

25.748 13,786 11,962 7,538 1,218 5,373 8,914 875 1,830 8,686 4,536 4,150 2,352 308 1.875 3,464 309 ~78

12,594 6,659 5,935 3,442 415 2,830 5,280 387 240 7,847 4,049 3,798 1.868 205 2,073 3,523 108 70

506 299 207 176 8 108 175 15 24 1,222 704 518 355 5 329 496 20' 17

23.283 12.754 10.529 6,925 1,3::19 5,170 8,035 659 1.155 17,195 8,917 8,278 4,417 977 4,315 7,027 185 27. I( 6 B-II--Secondary Means of Livelihood District Total-(colltd.) Number of persons deriving their ;a;:r &ff'1ffi7.TT 'fiT ~ fi;J"".;c¢l' Cultivation of owned land Cultivation of unowned land arq;=fT ~ 'fiT ~ If w~ 9i'VIT ~ 'fiT lfIf~T "'T +rfir If wf'l ~ Livelihood Classes ~'------~~------~~ - __--A ______'" ~ Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Earning Total persons Dependants Total persons dependants zrFr ~-fi:r'lh~ Cfil1l~ql~ anfl!«!' l['f;r am+r-~~ Cfil1l~ql~ anfl!«!' ~---"'--, r--__.J.__~ ,----A-__"""-\ ,-__..I\.,._~ ,.--____..A..~ ..--_--"-___ -""\ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~~~f~ ~~~~~~~f~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13

ALL CLASSES 3,038 7,584 793 59 2,245 7,525 2,679 2,087 1,810 275 869 1,812

A.GRICULTURAL CLASSES 2,425 7,505 286 45 2,139 7,460 2,013 2,013 1,283 2(>6 730 1,747

I. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned 2,012 7,064 2,012 7,064 !,755 1,657 1,184 248 571 1,4G9 II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. • 218 344 127 4 91 340 105 204 105 204 III. Cultivating labourers 177 91 146 ;;9 31 52 126 139 87 14 39 125 IV. Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural 18 6 13 2 5 4 '27 IS 12 4 IS 9 rent receivers

NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES 613 79 507 14 106 65 666 74 527 9 139 65

Persons who derive their Principal Means of Livelihood from:­ V. Production other than cultivation 20] 42 152 8 49 34 231 31 178 6 53 25 VI. Commerce •• 140 8 1 t'1 29 8 183 7 145 2 38 5 VII. Transport 17 2 ,13' 4 2 Il 8 3 VIII. Other services and miscellaneou!O !'Oollt'ces 255 27 231 6 24 21 241 36 196 45 35

B-II-Secondary Means of Livelihood District Total (concld.) Number of persons deriving their :a;:r olffOfal['T ",1 ~ f~T Production other thith cultivation Commerce wf'l ~ &lfdf

ALL CLASSES 7,393 3,633 4,087 447 3,306 3,186 3,886 2,055 2,290 246 1,596 1,809

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES 6,003 2,519 3,432 363 2,571 2,156 2,784 1,691 1,617 195 1,167 1,496

I. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned 4,530 1,804 2,614 168 1,916 1,636 2,330 1,309 1,276 151 1,054 1,158 II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. 507 148 302 23 205 125 318 310 239 23 79 287 III. Cultivating labourers 897 543 474 163 423 380 63 63 47 16 16 47 IV. Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural 69 24 42 9 27 15 73 9 55 5 18 4 rent receivers.

NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES 1,114 655 84 735 1,030 1,102 364 673 51 429 313

Persons who derive their Principal Means of Livelihood from:-

V. Production other than cultivation 925 911 368 61 557 850 366 156 251 16 115 140 VI. Commerce 167 57 99 13 68 44 594 157 331 18 263 139 VII. Transport 4 8 3 8 7 3 6 1 3 VIII. Other services and miscellaneous sources 294 138 187 10 107 128 135 48 85 17 50 31 Note.-A few slips of st"lf-supporting persons of livelihood classes I to IV were found to contain identical entries against questions 10 and 11. '


ar--~->TlfCf'fiT CfiT ~ m;;r;:r secondary ,means. of livelihood from:--; 'lfTf1'lfiT

Employment as cultivating labourer Rent on agricultural land _ iifq-

11,713 16,788 6,136 2,383 5,577 14,405 810 1,905 676 134 134 11,771 ~ ~

9,916 14,515 5,014 2,118 4,902 12,397 556 1,876 456 128 100 1,748 iifl!f '.olf1l11ri

7,446 9,980 4,209 1,886 3,237 8,094 494 211 415 112 79 99 1,039 1,456 673 119 366 1,337 25 5 17 2 8 3 1,236 2,765 1,236 2,765 28 1,644 24 14 4 1,630 195 314 132 ll3 63 201 9 16 9 16

1,797 1,273 1,122 265 675 2,008 254 29 220 (j 34 23 ~ ~fur;rt

Olif'ffl f~r ;;r1forcf;r ~ ~ CfiT ~~ m~;:r t:-

936 1,250 619 160 317 1,090 71 11 66 3 5 8 ~-wflf ~ '>Ifdf«RI Wlf ~ 85 117 47 29 38 88 42 10 39 1 3 9 ~~ 14 20 8 6 20 I 1 1 - 1S-">II"'I·ltt"i 762 886 448 76 314 810 140 s 114 2 26 6 <::;-~ m«t (NT f


478 18 332 2 146 16 .4,494 1,216 3,402 264 1,092 952

395 11 282 113 11 3,231J 646 2,553 173 685 473 lift'( ~fvp:rt

328 1 232 95 2,252 397 1,762 88 490 309 Z-wAT ~ ctr ~ if ~

83 7 50 2 33 5 1.256 570 849 91 407 479 ~qfam

~'ffl ~ ,;ftf<.fGfif ~ \3'!fT~;:r

41 2 13 10 2 225 62 147 3 78 59 x-~ ~ '>Ifijf«k1 ~ ~ 14 4 12 1 2 3 184 17 130 3 54 14 ~~ 10 1 10 23 8 15 a 8 1.9 '1'41.141'" 18 7 11 824 483 557 as 267 398 t:;-~ ~ ~ ferfeN mt:Ff

As this was an obvious mistake sucll slips were not taken into account, while preparing this table. "(Ri tf~ ~ ~ ~ 3Rf: ~'ij' 'ff~ 'Ifl' ~!liU ~ ij'1f1:[ ~ ff

B-II-Secondary Means of Livelihood Rural Tract (contd.) Number oi persons deriving their ~ Ci1' mIlT f~FrifiT Cultivation of owned land Cultivation of unowned land 3T11

ALL CLASSES 2,843 7,404 646 41 2,\97 7,363 2,524 1,895 1,736 274 788 1,621

A.GRICULTURAL CLASSES 2,347 7,331 246 27 2,101 7,304 1,914 1,827 1,262 266 652 1,561

I. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned 1,977 6,910 1,977 6,910 1,695 1,574 1,167 248 528 1,326 II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned.. 208 342 117 4 91 338 71 185 71 185 III. Cultivating labourers 151 73 120 21 31 52 121 55 83 14 38 41 IV. Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural 11 6 9 2 2 4 27 13 12 4 IS 9 rent receivers.

NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES 496 73 400 14 96 59 610 68 474 8 136 60

Persons who derive their Principal Means of Livelihood from:- V. Production (other than cultivation) 186 42 137 49 34 222 29 169 5 53 24 VI. Commer<;e 115 8 89 26 8 170 7 132 2 38 5 VII. Transport 13 2 9 4 2 10 8 2 VIII. Other services and miscellaneous sources 182 21 165 6 17 IS 201> 32 165 1 43 31

B-II-Secondary Means of Livelihood Rural Tract (concld.) Number of persons deriving their ~ ~1 CfiT .r~l:fr f::ifi1CfiT r------·------Production (other than cultivation) Commerce------~ ~ atfaf

ALL CLASSES.. 6,864 3,337 3,894 428 2,970 2,909 3,568 1,808 2,106 216 1,462 1,592

A.GRICULTURAL CLASSES 5,906 2,492 3,389 358 2,517 2.134 2.697 1,574 1,556 190 1,141 1,384

I. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned 4,472 1,802 2,592 168 i,880 1,634 2,276 1,231 1,237 151 1,039 I,U80 II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. 490 139 294 20 196 119 296 275 223 20 73 255 III. Cultivating labourers • . 877 528 463 161 414 367 60 59 46 14 - 14 45 IV. Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural 67 23 40 9 27 14 65 9 50 5 15 4 rent receivers.

NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES 958 845 505 70 453 775 871 234 550 26 321 208

Persons who derive their Principal Means of Livelihood from :­ V. Production (other than cultivation) 640 702 305 55 335 647 321 116 221 14 100 102 VI. Commerce 118 35 78 7 40 28 458 100 263 11 195 89 VII. Transport 1 3 1 3 3 2 3 2 VIII. Other services a.nd miscellaneous sourcls 199 ,105 122 8 77 97 89 16 63 26 IS 9

secondary means of livelihood frOIn:- mf;r~ ili ~$r Oflr ~~T ~p'Fr ~:-

Employment as cultivating labourer -~ r------Rent on agricultural land ~ OflT ~T

11,444 16,295 6,010 2.342 5.434 13,953 761 1,901 629 133 132 1.768 ~~

9,744 14,214 4,940 2,092 4,804 12,122 549 1,874 449 128 100 1.746 lIff{ ~fGflfi

7,346 9,814 4,157 1,865 3,189 7,949 488 209 409 112 79 97 ~-~ +tTfucIij- 1' ~ it ~'T Cfi<'iCfI« l,(llO 1,385 634 116 356 1,269 25 5 17 2 8 3 ,,-~ ctT +tTfucIij- ctT ~ if wflSl' ..,.~ 1,201 2,711 1,201 2,711 27 16,44 23 14 4 1,630 ~-%iflSl' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 187 304 129 111 58 193 9 16 ~ 16 '(-~fl'f if 'fl{<1CjI

1,700 2,081 1,070 250 630 1,831 212 27 180 5 32 22

872 1,132 583 151 2&9 981 67 11 64 3 3 8 4.1iff{ ~ >;(fdf<"td ~ ~ 82 113 44 28 38 85 33 10 30 1 3 9 ~~ 10 15 7 3 15 1.9411"11'1+11 736 821 436 71 300 750 112 6 86 1 26 5 c;-wlf OO~ ~ fqfCf'OT ~

secondary means of livelihood from :-

___~~~---h--- ____ C!!iT'~.______~~:-- .__ __ ~;n+itlJf w.r-- (~) Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources 31i

422 18 303 2 119 16 3,9f.8 903 3,057 201 911 702

379 11 269 110 11 3.147 580 2.495 167 652 413

318 225 93 1 2.200 390 1.723 86 477 304 ~ -wr-iT +tTfucIij-

43 7 34 2 9 5 821 323 562 34 259 289


33 2 26 7 2 122 a5 83 3 39 32 ~-~W ~ tffdf

Cultivation of owned land Cultivation of unowned land 8JlA"I" ~I" EIll" ~flr ~ iif~ ~ ~

ALL CLASSES 195 180 147 18 48 162 155 192 74 1 81 191

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES 78 174 40 18 38 156 99 186 21 78 186

I. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned •. 35 154 35 154 60 83 17 43 83 II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned 10 2 10 2 34 19 34 19 III. Cultivating labourers 26 18 26 18 5 84 4 1 84 IV. Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural 7 4 3 rent receivers, ,md their dependents.

NON-AGRICULTURAL. CLASSES 117 6 107 10 6 56 6 53 1 / 3 5

Persons who derive their Principal Means of Livelihood from :­ V. Production (other than cultivation) 15 15 9 2 9 1 VI. Commerce 25 22 3 13 13 VII. Transport 4 4 1 1 VIII. Other services and miscellaneous sources 73 6 66 7 6 33 4 31 2 4

B-II-Secondary Means of Livelihood-( concld.)

Urban Tract-(concld.} ~umber of persons deriving thei r :a-;; o

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES 97 27 43 5 54 22 87 117 16 5 26 112

1. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned 58 2 22 36 2 54 78 39 15 78 II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned 17 9 8 3 9 6 22 35 16 3 6 32 III. Cultivating labourers 20 15 11 2 9 13 3 4 1 2 2 2 IV. Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural 2 2 8 5 3 rent receivers

NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES 432 269 150 14 282 255 231 130 123 25 108 105

Persons who derive their Principal Means of Livelihood from:­ V. Production (other than cultivation) 285 209 63 6 222 203 45 40 30 2 15 38 V 1. Commerce 49 22 21 6 28 16 136 57 68 7 68 50 VII. Transport 3 5 1 2 5 4 3 1 1 ~. [ I • Other services and miscellaneous sources 95 33 65 2 30 31 46 32 22 16 24 16 11

secondary means of livelihood froIl!.:- ~ off ~


269 493 126 41 143 452 49 4 47 1 2

172 301 74 26 98 275 7 2 7 2

100 166 52 21 48 145 6 2 6 2 ~-=wr.fT ~ cpl- ~ if ~f'f CfI(ij.n~ 29 71 19 3 10 68 ~-~

15 45 177 42 2 40 2 97 192 52 1 ~ftS( ~fUTlfi


64 118 36 9 28 109 4 2 2 x-wRr ~ t1f~f<

8 econdary means of livelihood from:- -;;rTfC[CfiT ~ ~ql*r CfiT ~ ~ ~ :------. Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources &1(4«(+1"1 ..A-______-.. ,-______aRf~ ~fcrm~.A ______----. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Earning Total persons depen~ants Total persons dependants lfltr am+f-~~ iifl¥f«'i4({'5 anf~ ~ am¥f'~rnn: 0lff.Rr CfI¥f (;1 4 (

56 29 27 526 313 345 63 181 ~50

16 13 3 91 66 58 6 33 60 liftS( ~fQ'P:ri

to 7 3 52 7 39 2 13 5 ~-~ ~

40 16 24 435 247 287 5'7 148 1[iO


8 5 3 103 27 64 39 27 ~-wftr ~ ,,&(f<

DISTRICT DHAR f"fm m~ ..A..-.- ---,""", Occupations Total Rural Urban vi~ lfN l1T1iTur ifJ1'lft:;;p ( ( Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

NON-PRODUCTIVE SOURCES 1,195 918 277 879 652 227 316 266 50 3l'!~ ~T'

I Persons living principally on income from Non-agri- 17 4 13 2 2 15 2 13 cultural property.


2 House rent IS 2 13 15 2 13 ~+(~T. 3 Money Lenders 2 2 .. 2 2 ~IRCfiI()

II Persons living principally on pensions, remittances, 189 ]78 11 10 7 3 179 171 S scholarships and funds. 0lffcffi;;iT ~: f.:r

1 Pensioners 188 177 11 9 6 3 179 171 8 ~-~~. 2 Gratuity. ~fq

3 Scholarships 1 1 1 1 ~'a" - ~ 4 A1l0w1.nc_;;;. +r~.

5 Munsabdars. lfi'UOf~

III Inmates of Jails, Asylums, Alms-houses and Recipients of doles ~, <::&IT-~, ~ ~({ If ~ crre- ~~ ~-crffi tfA


_____.A.. ______~ Occupations Total 1< ural Urban $T iitiT VT1ftqr ~ , ___--A. ___ --.. r ___..A___~ ,. ___-A___ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females ~

IV Beggars and Vagrants 987 736 251 861 '?24 120 93 27 ~ aiR m

V All other persons '.living principally on income derived from non-productive sources. 2 2 2 3Ftf ~~ arrr.r~ ::iTT l{~6~ a:r.'f~ m1:l;:fT ~ ~~ ~t3fllf~f~m~·. ~

1 Prostitution 2 2 2 •• ~'!ffi 2 Speculation. ~. 3 Social Service. ~«cil. 4 Unemployment. ij ('\iiI' II ~ ;) Honorary Councillers. arclaf.r

District Total f\if#

ALL INDUSTRIES AND SERVICES 30,353 26,155 4,198 1,815 251 8,140 1,074 16,200 2,873 P 'iVTIT-, ~~ atlt ~.

DIVIS lOS O-Prlmary-Industries not elsewhere specified 2,448 l,1l7 331 88 5 318 18 1,711 308 f~,,,1'f" o--mtf~-~UTIT f~~ ~~ ~~~ if ~an ~ Sub-Divisions ;;q-fCf'l:rTq'

0.1 Stock raising 1,606 1,386 220 49 171 14 1,166 201 If5J 01 f1i '3j if if.

0.3 Plantation Industries 6g 4 65 qemlqvr~. ~

0.4 Forestry and Collection of Products not elsewhere specified 470 380 90 9 !4-! 4 '1.27 86 «-fcrrn ar1"t \Jij'em q~rcm: 1:!1fif~ tf)''toTf f-Jl"'f'PT 3f~ ~RiI8 if garr ~T.

0.6 Fishing 300 283 17 30 17 ~~.

DIVISION I-Mining and Quarrying . . . . 31 29 2 1 l8 2 ter4lm t~ ~ atl'{ ~ " ~ ~;n. Sub-Divisions ~-m-rr

1.5 Stone-quarrying, clay and sand pits .. 31 29 2 28 2 ~ ij' ~ f~, ~ ~ q ~ ~ tfi"{;rr.

DIVISION 2-Processln~ and M~nllfacture-Foodstuffs, Textiles, 5,173 4,t89 63' 59 686 193 3,560 Leather and Prl)ducts thereof. Rfq(il :t-~nr 4fqN atR' iPI'TCf!' 'fI1' ~, ""'ff ~ ~~ qtrff ~ ~ ~ f;rqfGf-Rf~. Sub-Divisions ~-~

2.0 Food Industries otherwise unclassified 521 467 54 32 ,> 31 11)4 51 mv ~ t ~, ~ ~ qIM(O( if gatT ~).

2.1 Grains and Pulses 249 221 2R 10 87 2 124 26 OI'

2.2 Vegetable oils and dairy products 1 .. 496 453 43 25 5 294 37 ~~ ~ ;:prr ~ f.:rt1ra- ~.

~.4 Beverages 21 19 2 16 3 q-q.

13 t12 II 2.5 Tobacco , 2.6 Cotton Textiles .. 1,270 9iO 33 374 111 ¢¢.

2.7 Wearing apparel (except footwear) and made up textile goods 975 858 117 43 2 17 114 ~ 'fiT mm;l (~~ ~) q ~ 0fiT m mq'R.

2.8 Textite:> Industries otherwise unclassified 61 61 61 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

2.9 Leather, leather products and footwear 1.567 1.,4,;8 109 100 13 91 ~, ~ "" ~ ;:prr ~. 15

in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub·Divisions.-( contd.) ~ t=~ cprqrn, f

Rural Tract Urban Tract mqrur ~ ~~ -J.-______~ .r---"------"'------__ ~ Independant Independant Total Employers Employees Workers Total Employers Employees Workers liFT ~~ ~ ~ mm ~ ~~ .nom: ~ Cfir4i.fi~' ,-----"--_--"""\ ,...----A----.. r-----A.--.. r--- Jo.,__-. r------"----, r- __-J.- __ ---.. .____ ..A.. ---...... r-----.A. __ ""'\ P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. P. M. F. M. F. M_ F. M. F. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

20,182 17,429 2,753 1,652 2~9 4,710 772 B,067 1.742 10,171 8,720 1,4<&5 163 12 3,430 304 5,133 1,131

l,91H 1 661 5 IS 1313 111 .:;43 456 87 11 ,:;7 338 87

1,264 1,079 1.45 44 5 149 14 &1(\ 166 :>42 307 35 22 33

52 14 14

9) 32~ 4; IIO, 4 168 43 14~ 43 6 43

255 311 217 8 45 9

31 1 28 2

2 .,

3,886 3.32~ 558 110 57 471 180 2,M7 321 1,287 1.161 126 33 1 215 13 913 111

291 248 43 16 2 10 222 41 230 219 11 10 21 I.'!:! 10

(j -, 141 1:l5 16 46 73 15 11)8 96 12 4 -II ,) , II

~-81 348 33 25 5 89 234 28 lI5 II), IU 45 to 9

18 1\, 2 16 ;, ;{ a

:{ 3 3 10

967 6SS :?~2 2~ 36 2i'6 17S :170 68 303 2.55 48 4 88 5 hi:{ 43

68'~ 593 RY 41 2 5 547 87 293 265 :8 2 12 251 27

45 45 45 16 Hi 16

l,:l58 1,:!f5 93 S3 11 H 1,153 81 209 H3 16 7 2 7 4 179 W 16 B-III-Employers, Employees and Independant Workers ;r-~-~ am ~l if ~J ;or~

District Total f~ rtiTlI'N ..A._ Independant Divisions and Sub-Divisions Total Employers Employees Workers ~ atn: itr-f.o:rpr m ~ ~ ~~m r----.-"------. r-----''---___ r---__..A-----, ,--__.A.--_ P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~ ~'f w.rm- ~ f~ ~ W-rlI't ~ ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

DIVISION 3-Processin~ and Manufacture-Metals, Chemicals and pro­ 677 644 33 27 2 21 2 596 ll) ducts thereof. ~~ ~-'1~J mnqf.N; ~ ~ a~ ~11Fr ~ at"'tt f;rqfur-f~.

Sub-Divisions '311-fcnwT 3.0 Manufacture of metal products, otherwise unclassified 610 583 27 23 15 2 545 23 ~ ctr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q.ffct;

33 Transport Equipment 36 6 29 ~~.

3.7 Medical and Phamaceutical Preparations 31 25 6 3 22 6 $f)1:N")l(' ~ f,rfifi~~T ~.. 'tft f.;f;rf~

DIVISION 4--P.rocessin~ and Manufacture-Not elsewhere specified. 3,087 2,611 476 118 16 100 13 1,387 447 ~m ~-f",~-fqf'1 at1"( Aqtur f~ ~ ~ ;r pn ~.

Sub-Divisions '311-fcNFr •.0 Manufacturing Industries otherwise unclassified 748 714 21 47 646 34 f,:rl:ri1Jr ~! ~ ~ CI1T~ il gOTT ~).

4.2 Bricks, tiles and other structural Clay products such as Bricks, Tiles. etc. 647 553 94 37 9 12 507 82 ~, ~ am: ~ ~ f.:I+rfor it 'fiTlf "# awicut">l ~ ctr :;ft;jf.

4.4 Non-metallic mineral products 566 370 196 15 13 17 338 183 ~ ~ ~ ~ GAT gi Cffilt:t

4.6 Wood and wood products other than furniture and fixtures •. •. 1,080 928 152 45 3 18 865 148 ~ w.rr ~ iFT ~ ~ ~ ijtfT at~qlw~ ~fAjfwe ~~.

4.7 Furniture and fixtures 18 18 18 ~ w.rr at~ql1!fcffl.

4.9 Printing and allied Industries 28 28 15 13 ~1If ~ttT ~~'ii{""'T ~.

DIVISION 5-Construction and Utilities 1,597 1,316 281 31 1 668 160 617 119 ~Tq ~-f~ ~ ~)tr Sub-DIvisions '311- fcI1n

5.1 Construction and Maintenance-Buildings 614 554 60 3 82 9 469 51 ~ ~ f.:n:rTur afr{ W-WTCr.

5.2 Construction and maintenance-Roads, Bridges and other Transport 229 221 8 221 6 Works. ~~, ~ at'R ~ ~ f.:n:rTur-

5.S Works and Services-Electric Power and Gas supply. 15 15 15 ~~ ~f"a q ~hr ~li ~~ !!iTl[ afr< ~.

5.6 Works and Services-Domestic and Industrial water supplies•.. 14 14 14 '!~ a~H ~VT

in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub~Divisions-(contd.} ar)"( ffil';;r m~, fcrlrFrl ~ ~-fGf"llrrl ~ ~.- (a,ijlITCij".)

Rural Tract Urban Tract V1+T'fur ~ ;;r

531 502 29 25 19 458 25 146 142 4 2 2 138 4 ,

491 468 23 22 2 14 2 432 19 119 115 " 1 113 4

9 9 5 4 27 27 25

31 25 6 3 22 6

2,403 2,018 385 111 16 31 1 1,876 368 684 593 91 7 75 511 '19

521 500 21 17 14 469 21 227 214 13 4 33 177 12

590 532 58 37 7 488 58 57 21 36 2 12 19 24

400 226 114 13 13 8 205 161 166 144 22 2 9 133 22

R92 160 132 44 3 2 714 128 188 168 20 16 151 20 - 18 18 - - 18 28 28 15 13

1,114 928 186 31 2 487 78 410 106 483 388 95 181 82 207 13

401 344 57 3 69 9 212 48 213 210 13 191

219 211 8 211 6 .2 10 10 10

15 15 ..• 15

14 14 14 -

494 373 121 28 2 207 63 138 56 231 139 92 129 82 10 10 18 B-I1I-Employers, Employees and Independant Workers ~-~-:a-wFr aih: ~ ~ ~, if~

District Total mCfiTlI10r ~------~ r------Independant Divisions and Sub-Divisions Population Employers Employees Workers fcnwr ~ ~-fcnwr i;f~T ~ ~ ~ "fI14"f1t1V ,..--__ ___,J.__-__.....,,..----....._ __ ,.-----"--_-. ,..-_----"---. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 0lIf.Rr ~~~f~~f~~~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

DIVISION 6-Commerce 5,930 5,310 620 1,137 157 175 4 3,998 459 ~+nil ~-:cnfIJf~ Sub-Divisions ~-fcnwr a.o Retail trade otherwise unclassified 1,860 1,700 160 411 61 79 4 1,210 95 ~ Ol:ff~ ~ ~ :>r:cl',rflff:"'",,-:r1,(uI1TI ., ~ ~).

5.1 Retail trade in foodstuffs (including beverages and narcotics) .. •• 3,046 2,697 349 507 68 59 2,131 281 ~-!f(W.Tl

6.5 Wholesale trade In commoditieds other than foodstu1fs 29 29 29 ~'lT q-~Nl CfiT ~9cn<: ~ ~m CfiT I!lTCfi ~. 6.g Money lending, banking and other financial business •• 359 307 52 8S 17 17 202 35 ~, ~'fi'

DiVISION 7-Transport, Storage and CommunicatioDs 625 612 13 20 2 375 1 217 10 Fer+l111 19~, ""er Sf"~ ~~. Sub-Divisions ~-fcnwT 7.1 Transport by Road 528 515 13 20 2 289 216 10 ~ iITU~. 7.4 Railway Transport 16 16 15 ~~iIT'(T ~. 7.6 Postal Services •• 78 78 78 ~~. 7.8 Telephone Services 3 3 3 ~~;;~. DIVISION 8-Health, Education and Public AdministratloD 4,018 3,810 208 2 3,640 158 168 5. ~if ~~!Q:I', f:mu SfR ~fq smt«i{. Sub-Divisions ~-fcnwr 8.1 Medical and other Health Services 245 162 83 2 112 39 48 44 f..."f

S.7 Employees of State Governments (but not including persons classified under 1,443 1,415 28 1,415 28 aBy other division or Sub-Division.) "(l\ilf ~

8.8 Employees of the Union Governments 154 154 154 \if:{ «~~ 3I"lf

Rural Tract Urban Tract ~~ ~w.r ,----_ ------~------'~r------~'------~ ._------, Independant Independant Total Employers Employees Workers Total Employers Employees Workers l1W ~ ;ft;m: ~ CWrQCfittY ~ ~ ~ ~ Cfil4CfittY .------"------.. ,..___..______,----"---~ ,----"----..... ,-----"---..., rr---"---...... ,----"-----, ~ P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~ ~ ~ ~ f~lIt ~ ~ ~ m-llt Olffcfcr~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

3,857 3,4.:12 415 1,043 147 97 4 2,302 264 2,073 1,868 205 94 10 78 1,696 195

1,318 1,182 136 399 54 52 4 731 78 542 518 24 12 7 27 479 17

1,918 1,725 193 445 65 21 1,259 128 1,128 972 156 62 3 38 872 153

43 8 35 2 4 5 31 32 30 2 2 27 2

335 320 15 112 7 13 195 8 221 217 4 14 5 198

4 1 3 3

29 29 29

242 206 36 85 17 10 111 19 117 101 16 3 7 91 Ii

233 225 8 14 2 142 1 69 5 392 387 5 6 233 148 5

171 163 8 14 2 81 6S 5 357 352 5 6 198 148

13 13 12 3 3 3

49 49 49 29 29 29

3 3 3

1,974 1,868 106 1 1,768 64 99 42 2,044 1,942 102 1 1,872 94 69 8

130 87 43 71 6 15 37 115 75 40 1 41 33 33 7

431 402 29 356 24 46 5 273 228 45 192 44 36 t

246 242 4 242 4 328 328] 328

598 587 II 549 11 38 87 87 87

80 78 2 78 2 133 127 6 127 6

471 454 17 ,454 17 972 961 11 961 11 -

18 18 18 136 . 136 136 20 B-I1I-Employers, Employees and Independant Workers or-~-~Fr arT<: ~ctTaif if ~WJfi, ill~

District Total f~~ cpr lfm --"----- Independant'"""' Divisions and Sub-Divisions Population Employers Employees Workers f

DIVISION 9-Services not elsewhere specified 6,767 5,217 1,550 149 8 2,150 525 2,918 1,017 fEt+rm Q.,~tt f~~ ~~ ~~ ;r ian ~. Sub-Divisions '3'q'-fcr+rrr 9.0 Services otherwise unclassified 3,540 2,344 1.196 6 1,142 403 1,202 787 ~~ ~ ~ Cl1T~ il g3lT ~. 9.1 Domestic Services (but not including services rendered by members of 958 783 175 520 104 263 71 family households to one another). ~,~~ (~q-ftcm: ~ ~T iUU

in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-Divisions- (coneld. ) ~ m~ "liTzfm, f

Rural Tract Urb'ln Tract ~T+rTUf ~ iiFIf~ ~ r------~------·------~r------~------. Independant Independant---­ Total Employers Employees , Workers Total Employers Employees Workers lfFr ~ ;:r1cf;1:: ~ Cfllzlifl'df ~ +rTfucp ;:r1Cfl"<: m~ ifll'lim ~-----, ,--'------1 ,-__.A.._.., ,------"------. ____ ,---.A.__--.. ,---~ __...... r-----"---"' P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. am1ffi ~q W;ir1lT ~q ff'llft ,!~I!{ ff'l~ lJ,~q ~ 0I:ff.fij' ~W f~ 'I~q ff'llff ~q ft:'JflfT ~~ f~~lft 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

4,248 ~:3,428 820 140 8 1,433 424 1,855 388 2,519 1,789 730 9 717 101 1,063 629

2,106 1,502 604 6 872 360 630 238 1,434 842 592 270 43 572 549

541 418 93 204 50 244 43 417 335 82 316 54 19 23

519 519 25 58 436 111 111 11 99

178 150 28 23 16 4 111 24 122 82 40 82 40

301 297 4 67 187 2 43 2 107 107 7 51 49

319 254 65 6 62 186 65 114 107 7 26 81 7

33 33 7 26 gO 80 13 67

1 1 6 6 5

250 224 26 19 2 27 8 178 16 128 119 9 29· 4 89 S 22 Small-scale Industries TABLE--II Employment in Textile Establishments

Total l1Fr No. of persons employed Total No. ell of Estab. ~ -q: ~ ~ fcRtifi ctT ~~ lisillments ,- ~ Industry Group (Code No. and Name) Males Females «t"tlqill~1 ~UFr !!luff (CfiT:S Cjif ~ <:r~ i'fTl1) ~ f~ .A. ctT~ ~ ~~ Total Total Boys Men Total Girls Women zrFr lim CfTWcfi ~ lJlor ~li ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Total 570 1,642 865 115 750 777 40 737 lfllr

2'61 Cotton ginning, cleaning and pressing 23 124 52 6 46 72 2 70 ~ ~, mtfi 1fiW ~ ifio ~.

2'62 Cotton spinning, sizing and weaving .. 418 1,125 591 90 501 534 30 504 WI' ifiRAT, ~ ~r;:rr ~ ~ ~ ~.

'Z'63 Cotton dyeing, bleaching, printing, preparation and sponging 59 163 98 3 95 65 65 wIT ~ ~, ~1m,~, ~hm: !fi'~ Cf ~T mrrrrr.

2.. 81 Jute pTessing, bailing, spinning and weaving 21 65 30 3 27 35 2 S3 \jfC ctT ~ ~, 1fiTCfFIT ~ ;sr;r.rr. ~ ~

2'82 Woollen spinning and weaving .• 38 114 64 9 55 50 6 44 a;TR 'fAT.

2'83 Silk Teeling, spinning and weaving S 21 16 4 12 5 5 ~ 1fiT t},1I:S'T ~, Cfiffiill ~ 'fAT-

2-84 Hemp and Flu spinning and weaving 30 14 14 16 16 ~ ~ ~ ifiRAT Cf ¥iff.

2'85 Manufacture of rope, twine, string and other related goods from cocoanut, aloes, straw, linseed and hair. i'!1fu:ffi, ~, ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ ~, ~m Cf ~ ~~. 2'80 All other (including insufficiently described) textile industries •• .. .. wq ~ (~~ -q: ~ ~) ~ ~ (\kliTfHt ;am. 23 "fA

~ qf"{lfT'lT ~ ~


Cfl!f ~Fr ~ (1~ilf..EjEl mrrT'll8TT ~ ~il ~1:!;

Rural Tract Urban Tra.ct w:rTar ~

435 1.2~4 648 83 565 586 25 561 135 408 217 32 185 191 15 L70

13 91 36 2 34 55 55 10 33 16 4 12 17 2 15

346 930 485 69 416 445 20 425 72 195 106 21 85 89 10 79

30 73 49 2 47 24 24 29 gO 49 4tS 41 41

12 18 38 3 15 20 2 18 9 27 12 12 15 15

29 81 44 3 41 37 3 34 9 33 20 6 14 13 3 10

5 21 16 4 12 5 5

.. , 6 30 14 14 16 l(

- 24 Small-scale Industries


Employment in Non-Textile Establishments

Total lfllf ,.- Total No. of No. of persons employed ~'r if t;iT ~u: 0lTf.m<:ff

~~lq"'I"Il ~---_----'-----., ~ ~ (w C!\f "l\~~ ~

3,082 Grand Total ~~aT

1'5 Tobacco 4 8 8 8 ~~~fI"'''11 2'00 Other Food Industries 154 432 321 49 272 111 16 95 ~ ~ ~ (fl1onp;rt) 2'12 Millers of cereals and pulses 69 218 196 17 179 22 4 18 w=rRr Cf mn ~ m ~ 2'13 Grain purch",ers and makers 01 blended and prepared flour aDd 6 22 11 3 11 3 8 other cereal and pulses preparations. ~'#~. " (NT C;:f~ ~rofu if'lT;r~ , 2'21 Vegetable oi~ pressers a~d ~finers . i 245 726 423 59 364 303 40 q«lfqfd't> ~~ f.:"Wil"'

2'71 Tailors and dress makers and darners 328 797 530 56 474 267 29 238 ?{Jl1 ~r qtm'fo ;;;;r;T~ 2'74 Hat-makers ancl makers of other articles of wear a.nd Textile 4 6 1 5 2 2 c:)cr, C:TMpair of railway equipment, motor 20 40 39 7 32 Vechicles and bIcycles , ~ Cf lflc~ iif::rr~ Cf ~ ~Cfi'7':(;1:r.Cj~r~a- 3-34 Coa.ch builders an 1 makers of carriages, PalM. rikshaw etc 7 12 12 2 10 ~, ~, ~T q f~m ~~ ~ ~ 3-5 Machinery (othol than electrical machinery) including 2 2 2 Engineerin~ Workshop. ~~T crqr ~;::j{Tf.:t<:rft;r ~mqr 3'6 Basic Industrial chemicals, Fertilisers. a.nd Power Alcohol 6 6 1!_i'? a:rT?f~ q'

Rural Tract llflft'ur ~ Urban Tract ;:'1Frf~ ~'lf r - ____---A. -, r------_..A. rotal No. of No. of persons employed ~1tr if ~iT ~l:; ~fiffilff if>1' ~~'l.fT Total No. of No. of persons employed Establish-ments ,..-______..A. ______Y . Establish­ ments ------.~ [~1 Males ~ Females f~ ~;;raif Males TfIiI' Females f~ r-----"-----~ ,-~~ ~----..... _____ r------..)~ ---~ 1' ~uT Total Total Boys Men Total Girls Womell ~~ lim lfm iifTWcIi ~Il ~ iI1f~ f~1ft ~~ lfFT lfm ~ ~~'l ~

2,569 6,802 4,600 537 4,063 2,206 208 1,994 513 1,898 1,212 207 1,005 686 156 530

4 8 8 s

100 242 180 26 154 62 2 60 54 190 141 23 118 49 14 35

47 U9 141 8 133 8 8 22 69 55 9 46 14 4 10

4 10 5 5 5 5 2 12 6 3 3 6 3 3

179 455 275 25 250 180 17 163 66 271 148 34 114 123 23' 100

6 18 11 3 8 7 2 5

7 6 8

3 11 11 11

2 19 18 18 1

'276 637 415 38 377 222 20 202 52 160 115 18 97 45 9 86

4 8 6 1 5 2 2

1 2 2 2

21 53 26 2 24 27 27 14 56 32 6 26 24 3 21

696 1,715 1,117 137 980 598 53 545 38 109 97 97 12 1 ,

176 443 361 37 324 82 4 78 34 190 115 37 78 75 23 52

2 4 4 3

7 18 15 2 13 3 3 9 37 23 3 20 14 5 9

1 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 1

4 7 7 2 5 16 33 32 5 27

6 10 10 2 8 2 2 2

2 2 2 ...

2 2 2 2 4 4

2 6 6 6

19 254 237 5 232 17 17 10 30 14 2 12 16 11 26 Small-scale Industries


Employment in Non-Textile Establishments

Total lI11r

Total No. of No. of persons employed Industry Group (Code No. and Name) Establish- ments Males , ~ ~ufT ( '1il6 'liT ~ cr'1f ;;r1f) ~~lq'lI\101l ~l!f Females f~ ,- ~

"'03 Repair and maufacture of watches and clocks 3 5 5 5 ~ 0A"l'l q If'{l=l1CI' ~crnr 4'04 Workers in precious stones, precious metals and makers of jewellery 152 477 326 58 268 151 56 95 and ornaments ~ tTR!3lT (:-::r\il=cUr::l~""'(Ir.:rd) 'liT mm;r iI<'I I~q I~ "'09 Toy makers 2 3 3 1 ~ "'iI=<'I"";I"l~qrrl';"1 " "'2 Sturctural clay products such as bricks, Tiles, etc. 153 506 282 51 231 224 21 203 ~, "*i Cf¥IT ~iT ~ lfCPFIl if (1'I"lql{ij WlI" ~ iI<'II"Icll{Wf 4'40 Makers of other miscellaneous Non-metallic mineral products 5 15 9 9 6 6 ~ ~<1"\i'f q-~~ <# ~ irrtT;Jcm;f "'41 Potters and makers ot earthenware 324 1,037 545 84 461 492 62 430 ~31:h: fff~ <# iRf<1" "l<'llijql~ "'43 Glass bangles makers 2 5 2 2 3 3 ctiR ""'" ~ "'''l=<'I''';I''l;''qrrl'';'~ "60 Other industries of woody materials including leaves but not 145 403 186 32 154 217 21 198 including furniture or fixtures. ~ 3l"R qfU'if <# ~ "'iI<'I:nI~~q::nI-=-'" "'62 Carpenters, 274 579 519 64 455 60 15 45 ~ 4'64 Basket makers 117 387 248 23 225 139 7 132 ~ iI<'Il~ql~ "7 Furniture aud fixtures 13 30 29 3 26 1 1 Ifi(.;'HH '1<'1 l"lq I~ "92 Book-binders and stitchers. 2 2 2 ... ~iIT 'til' ~ ~~ 27

~ qf~l1TlIT qf; ~Ttt


cw.f ~ ~ *I'-iii f.."

Rural Tract ~Tl1""t11T &l>;Sf Urban Tract rrFTf~ ~>;Sf .A. ~ "Total No. of No. of Persons employed ~Fr if ~~ ~Q; o~T ctt ~~ Total No. of No. of persons employed ~Fr if ~ ~ o

1 2 2 2 2

132 421 243 38 205 178 7 171 21 85 39 13 26 46 14 32

4 8 5 5 3 3 7 4 4 3 3

283 907 478 83 395 429 62 367 41 130 67 66 63 63

2 5 2 2 3 3

137 366 162 27 135 204 20 184 8 37 24 5 19 13 1 12

263 541 497 59 438 44 10 34 11 38 22 5 17 16 5 11

101 334 223 23 200 111 7 104 16 53 25 25 28 Z8 12 26 2~ 3 22 1 1 4 4 4 - - 2 2 2 - - 28 Index of Non.. agricultural Occupations

Population POpUlatiOb . Occupations ~llT Occupations \5j"ijfij, Gft fq cflII( ~~ ~,------~------~ r------'---. P. M. F. P. M. F. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

ALL INDUSTRIES AND SERVICES 30,353 26,155 4,198 Sub-division O.4-Forestryand wood-cutting 470 380 90 ~~~R~ q;:r f

O.llI-HeJdsmen and sheph~rds 219 219 Sub-group- crm cr ~ {#~ crCfiU:crn;f 0.422-Contractors of 'rest produce 13 13 q qR;~). ~~T<::~.... 0.1 13-Herdsmen 477 305 172 0.423-Grass-cutters .. 38 14 ~ ~T ITYT:I

GROUP O.12-Breeders and keepers of cattle l.nd 908 880 48 O.424-Labourers in forest 162 162 [)ufialoes. ~,ll ~ Cfl«1ql~. Y1\l ~R ~T ifiT lffi1'IT if :oro;:rr. O.427-0ther forest produce collectors .. 2 2 Sub-croup- ~ ""~ q~~ ~t'T O.121-Breeders and keepers of goa.ts 3 3 CfiBc:mr. and sheep. ~ cr1.fifu:rt q I

Sub·group­ SIIb-livisio" O.3-Plantation Industries 72 68 4 ~rUqur~. O.eOl-Fishing 300 283 17 ~fwm q

O.303-Growers of fruits 5 5 GROUP 1.51-Digging of caly and ochre etc. 2 2 ~ q.~r ~crri?i flr¢ m-< q~ ~(lfT~ ~.

Index of Non-agricultural Occupations.-(contd.) ~ i1~a1t ;tT ~.-(3ffitfr:cr)

Population Population Occupations ~lfT Occupations Gj'1'Ei~1 "f'TfcrCfi I~ ,-______J.._ "f~ P. M. F. P. M. F. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w.m

Dlyl.lon 2-Processing and manufactllce-Food­ GROUP 2.23-Makers of butter, cheese, ghee and stuffs, textiles, leather a' d products other dairy products. . . 79 77 2 therE'of. 5.173 4.489 684 q;:fJ-{ +fCRCrrr Cf 'EfT, ';fi')l:r ~lfTf~ ~ ~ ~~ ."fI1'lc cf.T~, ;;r;::rr;:rr. 'i:flm' Cf~T a;rwlf w~1 'fiT f.:rtrtur ~h- f.rl1T1l]-fcf~. Sub-group-

.s"b-division Z.O-Food Indust,ies otherwise un- 2.231-Makers of ghee 79 77 2 clas!'Iified 521 467 54 '

GROUP 2.03-Slaughter. preparation and preser- q-lf \Wrif. vation of meat 50 50 \ ~~,~~

2.001-Hall£lai (Confecti'mersl 459 405 54 GROUP 2.51-Manufacture of Beedies 13 12 1 ~t ;;rT~T a-rrT"'fT. 2.003-Chat Makers 11 11 :;;rTc iif~. Sub-division 2.6-Cotton textiles 1,270 940 310 2.004-Bakeries & biscuit factories 1 wrT~~~. 6;;f1<.'1'1 cr mq; CfiVI

Population Population Gt·Hi~lIl GF'Ie\

StIb-diflision Z.?-Wearing apparel (e:x:cept toot- GROUP 2.92-Cobblers and all other makers and C wear) and made up te:x:tilegoods. 975 858 117 repairers of boots, shoes, sandals ~

Sub-group- Sub· group- 2.722-Patwagiri 5 4 1 2.902-Horse saddlers I qc

GROUP 2.74-Hat makers and makers of other 9 9 articles of wear and textiles. Db-Islon 3-Processing and Manufacture-Metals, -el'q", -enq

2.741-ca.p make~s , 2 2 iNr 0Ii11'1C11{1. Sub-dif}ision 3.G--Manufacture of metal products, otherwise unclassified .. 610 583 Z7 2.742-Turban dressers 7 7 ~loalllr"1Cf1 'T-e:N ~ ~ ~

GROUP 2.70-Makers of other made-up textile GROUP 3.01-Blacksmiths and other workers in goods, including umbrellas 1 I iron and makers of implements .• 491 468 23 ~ ~(~ OJ"i'fTifT. ~~~~~~~ a~ 3lT~ 0I"'1T'lcrre-. Sub-group- 2.701-Umbrella Factory Workers 1 1 fiub-group- ~rcIT cpr ~r ~ CfiT1f rnm. 3.011-Manufacture ,of i~plements 484 461 23 SIIb-4if1ision 2.8-Textile Industries otherwise un­ tliiiJn: CSJi1Ii1C1I{1. classified 61 61 3.013-Horse shoe-makers ;;r;;rqc cf; ~Fr ~ ~ 7 7 ~~. - '" qoffcfi"{1Jj" .... ~ ~. GROUP 3.02-Workersin copper. brass and bell­ GROUP 2.82-Woollen spinning and weaving 61 61 metal .. 62 58 3il'f CfiRAT or ~. am, tftm=r ~ ~

Index of Non-agricultural Occupations.-(contd.) ~ ~I!filait IlfiT ~.-(~)

Population Population Occupations \i1'1 'Ei

StW-division 3.3-Transport Equipment 36 36 S.b-division 4.2-Bricks, tiles and other structural clay products. ~~. 647 553 94 ic:, ~ ~)-{ ~ cf; f.:!+rTIIf I GROUP 3.32-Manufacture, as~embly and repair 11 CfiT11 ~ ~T q1 mllR. of Railway equipment, motor vehicles and bicycles 36 36 . GROUP 4.21-Brick kiln workers and brick­ ~ ~, ;r)c~ ~~ QiIT

GROUP 4.03-Repair and manllfacture of watches 10 10 GROUP 4.61-Sawyers .. 15 15 and clocks. ~. i{f~ ;ro:ll~ CfiViT q q;;r;:rr. Sub-group- 4.611-Sawyers .. 15 15 Sub-group- lRTU "Cj{1I;1cllc?i. 4.031-Watch-makers. 10 10 GROUP 4.62-Carpenters, turners and joiners 667 643 ~T W'l1<'1~I~'. ~ CfiT CfiTlf, ~ Cfi<'1T QiIT \ij"~ ~. GROUP 4.04-Workers in precious stones. precious metals and makers of Sub-group- jewellery and ornaments 606 603 3 4.621-Carpenters 667 643 ~T ~~, ~ cr ""\i1""'Cjlr.:l~""'

Index of Non-agricultural Occupatlons.-(cOfftd.) ~ ~)fu

Population Population Occupations Oc~upatio~s 'Sj.,:ij'@'41 'Sj·Hi~I ;onf"lCflIQ; ,-----'------, ~nt ------~------, P. M. F. P. M. F. &ff.Rr ~ &ff.Rr ~ mm ------~

GROUP 4.64-Basket-makers 341 229 112 GROUP 5.IO-Other persons engaged Ln the con­ struction and maintenance of ~lit GA'RT. buildings other than buildmgs made of bamdoo or similar Sub-group- materials 331 276 55 4.641-Fan and basket makers 341 229 112 lfCfll.,'f ~ frrntur a~r '3"fcf; w­ # ~'tt GTiiflf"ii OJ., I"'U~. "rks and Services-Electric Pow­ ~~R~~. er and Gas supply. . . 15 15 fcrwcr l[f..Rr "I" iT(!' ~ ~ GROUP 4.9l-Printers, Lithograpbers, Engravers 28 28 ~, ~ Q¥:fT ~CfiT

5.121·-Sculpters 48 46 2 Sub-diflision 6.Q-Retall trade otherwise ,un- t{'(Q7 cnr CfiTlf Cfl <<1<11 l' ~ ~. mical stores 21 21 ~ q'lIT 71

Population Populatien Occupations ~lIT Occupations ", ... 4~1 ;:jf~ ,------"-- \ ;sfTfCjifll~ ,------,~------,~ P. M. F. P. M. F. Oll'fCfCf ~,~ ~ ~ W:m.

GROUP 6.03-Publishers, Book-sellers and Sta- GROUP 6.ll-RetaII dealers in grains and pul­ tioners / JO 9 1 ses; sweetmeats, sugar and spices, dairy products, eggs and poultry; ~ 5I'rnW~, of""AT cr animals for food; fodder for ani­ ~-q~~ 1fiT ~ of:q.:rr. mals; other fOOd-stuffs, vegetables and fruitg. 2,541 2,236 305 Sub-gr up- ~, ~T~) f~T~lIt, ~<.fifl'"{ ~'h' lfm#, ~er, ~T, lfCRl' ~u

Index of Non"aaricultural OccupatiODs.-{cOfftd) lRtit1r ~~ait ~'T ~.-(~,

Population Population • Occupations Occupations i31'~ '~lfT i31''Tfcrifint i31'''tfcrcl;Ttt ,-----"----~ P. M. P. M. F. otrf.ffi ~ ------~ ~ WlrJU

GROUP S.IS-Retail dealers in pan, bidis and ci­ 249 240 9 s.IHIivision 6.S-Wholesale trade in commodities garettes. other than foodstuffs 2!1 29 ~T'a '1~T¥if ~ ~fuf~~ Wlf 'Wf I ~T ~R ~ 'fiT ~Ui3I' Olfllm. ~;q-T CfiT I!fT'f) Ci~.

Sub-group- 6.S6-Cotten merchants 25 25 6.ISI-Retail dealers in betel, bidis and WI" 'fiT Cilfr'1r~. cigarettes. 249 240 9 'Wf, ~ ~R fu"rm: ~ 6.57-Wholosale dealers in lime, sand, cement and clay 1 'fIT, ~~ I ~l"lR: Of fl;c~T CfiT Stlb-divuion 6.2-Retail trade in fuel (including ~ CilfT'1T~. petrol) .. 75 3S 37 teFf 'fiT q;~ «rrm: 6.58-Cattle merchants 3 3 (%ri mm~~). ;rcff~T CfiT ~.

GROUP 6.21-Petroleum distributors 1 1 SfIb-ilivision 6.S-Money-Iending, bankmg, and other ~'fiTQ~. financial business .. 359 307 ~T, ~ 'fiT 'fiTUat"~ ~1!fT 3f.'lf Sub-group- 5I''PR CfiT anfl!f'f) ~-F[.; 'f)T Cfi1it~ \ji1or. t:t;;;fc. 6.201-Retail dealers in firewood 73 36 37 ~~~~. Division 7-Transport, Storage and Communi­ 6.202-Coal Shops 1 cations 625 612 13 ~rnOfT~. qfu-~, ~~ 31'R ~.

Sub-livision 6.3-Retail trade in textiles and leather S.b-division 7.1-Transport by road-Owners, mana­ goods 556 S37 19 gers and employees connected with mechanically driven and other <{iq ~ ~R ~ 'f)T ~ 'fiT vehicles (excluding domestic ser­ ~~ «rrm:. vant), palki, etc. bearers and owners, pack elephant, camel, mule, ass and bullock owners and GROUP 6.31-Cloth merchants 502 487 15 Jrivers, porters and messengers, ~CfiT~. persons engaged in road transport not otherwise classified 528 511 6.32-Traders in woollen cloth 7 5 2 ~'f)e:ro~. ~ ~ 'fiT «rrm:. 6.34-Leather Sellers 3 3 GROUP 7.11-Palledari and Ramali 110 107 3 ~ 'fiT i3lf"TIm::. ~rUOf~r. 6.3S-Boot and shoe merchants 22 22 7.12-Bullock-cart owners and drivers .. 139 130 9 orc: ~R mif Cf.T 0lWIR. " " ~T :qm;:rr. 6.38-Retail dealers in leather 13 12 1 7.14-Loading of asses 6 5 1 ~ 'fiT ~ ~. ~~. 6AO-Cap sellers 9 8 1 ~TCfiT ~. 7.16--Ekka owners and drivers 43 43 milT :qm;:rr. Stlb-division 6.4-Wholesale trade in food-stuffs 5 2 3 7.17-Service in Government Roadways 183 183 ~ qzyt 'fiT ~ ~. ~ "ffir if CfiTli' CfiVIT. GROUP 6.41-Foodgrain stores 3 7.18-Truck owners and drivers' 36 36 .. ~'fiT~. ~m-~. 6.43-0il dealers 1 1 7.19-Loading of camels 3 3 ffi;r 'fiT omm. ~~. 6.46-Ghee and other dairy products 1 1 7.20-Private drivers etc. .. 8 8 ... 'eft ~~ i" ~

Index of Non-agricultural OccupatioDs.---(cOfJtd.) ~ :l1RiEfifait ~ ~.-(~)

Population PopulatlOD ~~ '3A~ r------~------~ P. M. F. P. M. F. 0I:IfcRr ~~------~ ~~ Stlb-difli.io1t 7.4-Railway transport-Railway em. Sltb-4iflision 8.2-Educational Services and Research 704 630 ployees of all kinds except those fum'~ ~ a"fT "ii1'€i r qli1. employed on construction works. 16 16 " m4ldl4ld. GROUP 8.21-Professors, lecturers. teachers and research workers employed in Uni­ GROUP 7.41-Railway employees .. 16 16 versities, Colleges and Research m~;:r~. Institutions • . . . 20 20 tJl?~T, fcmR4T, ~TFcrm-­ '5Nb-diflilion 7.S-Postal Services 78 78 ~T d'~ ~"T~T... ~ S'fCfi ~. CflTzf ~"T.

GROUP 7.61-Employees in Postal Services 78 78 Sub-group- m>fcNm~~. 8.211-Professors, lecturers .. 20 sr~oo q ~\ ~;lcrr~.· Sub-diflirion 7.S-Telephone Services 3 3 GROUP 8.22--All other professors, lecturers and 485 &7 ~mq)'l ~

DiYislon 8-Hea1th, Education and Public Admi- 8.221-Teachers in schools 485 418 67 nistration . . . . 4,018 3,810 208 ~, fmTr ~i<: ~lci'31f01on ~. ~T~~.

GROUP 8.20-Managers, clerks and servants of Sub-dillisiOfl 8.1-Medl::al and other Health Services 245 162 83 educational and research institu­ f~fcflc'€il ~W

8· ] II-Doctors 8.201-Employees in Education Depart­ 36 32 4 ment 199 192 7 ~. f~&TI fcnTm if CfiTll' on (~Cj IcPi • GROUP 8.12- Vaids, Hakims, and other persons practising medioine without StIb-iillis1on 8.4-Police (other than village being registered 44 43 watchmen) 574 570 ~\114~'"'€tCjI

Sub-group- GROUP 8.41-Police employees 574 570 ~~mro. 8.121- Vaids, Hakims, etc. 43 1 ~,~,~. Sub-dillision 8.5-Village officers and servants, in­ cluding village watchmen 685 GRUOP 8.14-Midwives .. 46 46 ;nf CflT 'liTlI'. m+r ~ "1"'\1: ;:r~ ~ m+r ~ 'ifTcf;')m: ~'T e fAj f(1 d ~. 8.] 5-Vaccinators 4 i'rCflT ~ CflT m. GROUP 8.51-Village officers 437 433 ~TlT ;f; "iN"I C( I <. 8.17-Nurses 16 16 iff'€tlT

Population Popuhtion Occupations ~ Occupations \if'1'Ei(@U \JJ[fCl"!iI~ , r------A-______~ \jflf~ ~. ______-A-_____ ~ P. M. P. P. M. P. Ql{fcRr ~ ~ ~ ~ w.rIIt

Sltb-divisi"" 8.7-Employees of State Governments GROUP 9.10-0ther domestic services 758 621 (but not including persons classifi­ 137 able under any other division or :q;:lf 'Cf~ ~. sub-division} 1,443 1,415 28 ~ ~

GROUP S.7l-Employees of P. W. D. 9.101-Domestic servants /35 611 124 qT. ~~1{. it.

9.102-Watermen .. 23 10 S.72-0ther State Government employees 1,406 1,378 28 13 'UiTlT ~ ifNf ~. tff

S.77-0ther State Revenue Department 23 23 SIIb-tlivision Y.2-Barbers and beauty shops (Barbers, ~of~ form-if ~ ~;;rn::T. hair dressers and wig makers, tao tooers, shampooers, bath houses. 630 630 8.79--Court Emplovees 1

GROUP 9.21-Barbers •• 630 S80 8.84-J ail employees 12 12 ;;fC'f R'llFT ~ '1»f"fTU. ;;r{

S_-divtsion 8.8-Employees .of the Union Govern­ Sub-division 9.3-Laundries and Laundry services ments (but not including persons (Laundries and laundry services, classifiable under and other di­ washing and cleaning) .. 300 232 68 vision or sub.division) 154 154 ~er m::CfiT<::

S.SS-Other Union Government 154 154 GROUP 9.31-Dhobies 300 232 68 ~er ~<::CfiT<:: ~ ~ "lI'U. ~T

Dlvl.lon 9-Senices not elsewhere specified .. 6,767 5,217 1,550 Rnt~~~1T ~~ ~T ~ ~T. GROUP 9.01-0ther Miscellaneous services 1,007 569 43S :q;:lf fcrmr ~. Stlb-tlivisi01l 9.5-Recreation services.-(Production 9.02-Labourers and distribution of motion 2,510 1,752 758 ~U. pictures and the operation of cine­ mas and allied services, Managers and employees of theatres, opera 9.03-AstrOlogers .• 23 23 companies, etc., musicians, ~m~ or ~lfulf

Population Population Occupations \il"Hi€ll1 Occupations \jfif~ ,-_____..A-, ______;or')fCl'nni :oi1fClCfiI~ r------~------~ P. M. F. P. M. F. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ft:'I7rt

SlIb-division 9.6-Legal and business services 113 113 GROUP 9.73-Photographers 3 3 f~fer-~T ;am &rrcrnrflrcl; lfiTc-TlATlfi.'r. Ucmt. Sub-group- 3 3 GROUP 9.61-Lawyers of all ktnds. including 9.731-Photographers 'lazis. law agents and mukhtiays. 77 77 al:'cft"~ ~crr~. ~ 5l'fiR 91 ~,~, ~$c: Cf 'fiT\lft. Sub-division 9.8-Religious, Charitable and Welfare Services 378 343 36 Sub-group- errf+rCfi", ~ Cf'1T ~~­ 9.612-Lawyers 77 i7 'iiTU Uw{. ~. GROUP 9.62-Clerks of lawyers. pet'ition writers, GROUP 9.81-Priests, Ministers, Monks, Nuns, etc. 35 35 Sadhus, Religious mendicants 3;J"~~~;am m$rr­ and other religious workers 55 54 ~~, ~~TR. ~, Ti?J"T, ~, .,.,'S,....rl"I... l.4=f~;.,. ... ij, Sub-group- mer , ~;am;q;:lJ" errflrct; .. ~ " 9.622-Petition writers 35 35 CfiTlf 'fi"{i'fT. SiNrfr -q?J' ~. Sub-group-

GROUP 9.65-Managers. clerks. servants and 9.811-Sadhus, Monlts, religiou~ propagan­ employees of Trc.de Associations. dists, and Pope, etc 1 Chamber of Commerce. Board of ~-~ ~ Trade. Labour Organization and mer, WCfCflT"( a~ F:r"fCPT'{. GROUP 9.83--Managers and employees of orga· Sub-group- nisations and institutions ren­ 9.71 I-Artists 1 I dering charitable and other 1 I Cfl'~ICflH. welfare services ~ ~T \lcrN mOO ~ sr~ GROUP 9.72-Authors, editors and journalists .• 3 3 ~mCfiW. ~~ W-~ ~ ~@Cfl'. Sub-group- Sub-group- 9.721-News Agents 1 1 9.831-Orphanage and charitable 1 I 3;J"@CIT{ al~. - Institutions •• aw;J"lf 9.722-Writters 2 2 ~ ~ ~ mraif f~'€I<1"'I~. ~. 38

LIST OF DISPLACED PE~SONS BY VILLAtiE5 ~~~~ O?tfq:ij~ epl !:ll'fcfR ~ DISTRICT DHAR. ~~T ~

Rural Tract iTqf1Jf ~ ,----__..A.. ___, 3erial No. Code No. Name of Village Name of Tahsil Persons Male Female ~~ m CfiT;iji1fAi VTl1 'fiT ;:n+r ~A 'fiT Ofllf 0lIfCffi' ~ ~

District Total 72 49 23 f~ 'fiT lfTtT

Manawar Tahsil 22 15 7 ~Q~

.L 388 .. 9 6 3 '

Dhar Tahsil 31 20 11 ~~

1 48 Nawasa 3 2 1 t ;rcm:rr '2 50 Tajpur 6 4 2 ~~ 3 68 Karodiya 2 2 ~~

4 181 Sindh Kuwa .. 2 2 fut;r~GfT 5 260 Dehari 13 6 7 '~U 6 274 Sagor 4 3 1 ~

7 392 Mandoo 1 ~~.,

Badnawar Tahsil 19 14 5 ~~~

1 I Borda 4 4 iIlw '2 41 Pitgara 4 2 2 fu:trro 121 3 Nagda 11 8 3 ;:nor~T 39

LIST OF DISPLACED PE~SONS BY WA~DS fq~(f'ffl 0<4 {ffiqr cGr ~T;§-~{ ~


Urban Tract ifF1'ft:cfi ~ Serial No. Code No. Name of Town Ward. Name of Tahsil Persons Males Females 'lfillicIi. ctirs ~r~. ~~Ofr crri CfiT

14 District Total 174 97 77 f~~1:f~

4-11 Kukshi Tahsil 4 3 1 ~T Cf@"m 1 14-1-130 Kukshi 4 3 1 ~'ffiT ward 7 4 3 1

14-4 Dhar Tahsil 160 87 73 'Cf~ O~T~

14-4-111 Dhar 160 87 73 'Cf~

Ward No.1 11 6 5 a:ri;:t.Z· Ward No.2 m

14-5 Badnawar Tahsil 10 7 3 ~~ 3 1-4-5-44 Badnawar 10 7 3 ~ Ward No. I 1 I ::rri if. ~ Ward No.6 3 3 crri ;:t. ~ Ward No.7 6 3 3

Rural and Urban Statistics DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRAUT - District No. 14-Dhar

Agricultural Classes A Area r------I II of Occupied Houses Cultivators of Cultivators of Tahsil ~ ifOIil'ii Land wholly or land wholly or Code No. in Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned acres ,-~-----­ Total No. of persons of Name of Tahsil No. of No. of enumerated (including and and their and their S. Tahsil and ~~rn Houses House- inma.tes of institutions houseless dependants dependants population N~. ~ Tract CJiT W holds and ~~ f.t;m;r f.t;m;r house less persons) ~T1T'~­ 'IilI'f'CI; !fiT ~ ~~ ~ 'fil" ~rr Literates m m ~T~ flR ~ ~fcRrlrl 'fil" crrn- WiT f"I'TI ~ ~~ ~ 'fil" f~-~ ~ mfSSRf ~ mf"16' CfiTiIllr ~ ~ ~~~'RT ,-______..A. ______-., r--A....------., ,---~ r--..A.---______r---'------.. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~cffi" ~1Sf f~ ~ ~l!t ~ ft-;p:rt ~ ~ ~ W-rllt 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

14 District 2,029,060 96,721 93,826 5:)5,263 257,455 247,813 8,151 7,228 35,453 6,390 150,861 146.123 16,273 14,729

Rural 2.027,000 87,708 89,612 462,361 235,319 227,04~ 7,656 6.976 26.720 3.467 148.824 )44.147 15.532 14.026 Urban I 2,060 9.013 9.214 42.907 22.136 20.771 495 252 8.733 2.923 2.037 1.976 741 703

1 14-1 Kuksbi Tahsil 425,101 20,112 20,440 113,682 57,803 55,879 324 143 6.026 934 38,340 36,708 3,810 3,756 , Rural 425.004 18.557 18,851 106'()79 53.945 52,134 276 140 4,648 663 37,831 36.216 3.781 3.724 Urban 97 1.555 1.589 7.603 3.858 3,745 48 3 1.378 271 509 492 29 32

2 14-2 Mnawar Tahsil 540,001) 28,976 29,8B 153,.73 73,H() 75,048 376 180 8.438 1,098 48.706 47,437 5,995 5,318

Rural 539.757 27.715 28.566 148,112 75,668 72,444 356 176 7,579 894 48,434 47.201 5.842 5,147 Urban 252 1,261 1.317 5,366 2,762 2,604 20 4 859 204 272 236 153 171

3 14-3 Sardarpur TahsU.. 313,260 12,474 12,719 59,961 30,623 29,338 1,113 998 4,872 1,023 17,489 17,167 2,583 2.218

Rural 313.260 12,474 12.719 59,911 3J,6Z3 29.:338 1.113 998 4.872 1,023 17.489 17.167 2,533 2,218 Urban

4 14-4 Dhar Tahsil 478,877 22,2!B 22.557 112,139 57,239 54,850 3,417 3,012 10.618 2.600 27.620 26,669 2,313 2.154

Rural 477,219 17,231 17,467 88,487 45.014 43,473 3.223 2,992 5.229 449 27,071 26,136 2,032 1,906 Urban 1,658 5,052 5.090 23,652 12.275 11,377 194 20 5,389 2.151 549 533 281 248

5 14-5 BadaawarTahsil, • 271,8B 12,876 13,2l7 66,003 33,310 32,698 2,921 l,895 5.499 735 18.706 18,142 1.572 1,283

Rural 271,760 11,731 12,009 59.722 30.069 29,653 2.683 2.670 4,392 438 17.999 17.427 1.294 1,031 Urban 53 1.145 1.218 6.286 3.241 3,045 233 225 1.107 297 707 715 278 252 ~nfrar- ~ ~ WtIt( fQf ~Ai""~ ¥-'tr{ ~~ Non-agricultural Classes Small scale associated ______------.r------A. ------. Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means 'of ~~~ C IltJlTating Non-~ultivating livelihood from:- r- labourers owuers of ;fi';fT"{ \3'~ iifif ;f;=rJ ~~. ifh cw.r ~ ern &T'lf 'liT ;;nr ifW,;rcr W!.f ~ , , ferfcrcr ~ \3'dtoT

3:',l-t3 37,673 2,1 ~2 2. ,33 13,736 11,962 6,633 5,935 233 217 12,751 10.529 2,569 435

:Jll 1.l~; 211 22~ 4.53) 4,1 i) 4.0t9 ~l,79l 7ill 51"! S,H7 8,278 513 135

6.337 i,U3 H8 327 ~3.12) 2,850 2.002 1.920 117 112 3.23' 2.91)3 401 95

6,0)6 d,9-l; 281 320 2,222 2,03) I,On 1,034 64 68 2,087 1.788 293 63 281 358 7 7 904 811 921 8n 53 It I, H6 l.l15 110 27

1.11,179 H.80-l 611 6')0 ".65') 3,%4 2,718 2.277 11) 61 4,451 3.H7 665 255

1,1.011 11,615 595 67. 3,77! 3,042 2,161 1,72., 83 53 3,756 2,956 593 212 183 158 159 16 16 886 822 557 551 2t 8 691> 641 72 43 24

3,3\6 3,-P7 182 226 2,801 2,'HO "50 5i 33 2.H5 2,l()4 84 95

3,316 3,477 182 226 2,1'101 2.510 U;49 1.543 5'1 33 2,545 2.1'" 518 1'4 95

'9.349 9.873 698 661 4,973 4,506 2.937 2.711 615 .. 19 8.73& 909 92 83

<9.146 9,590 590 536 2,761 2,493 872 709 5d 24 2,483 2,019 643 46 48 203 283 108 125 2,212 2,013 2,065 1,9~2 553 393 6,301 5,838 l66 46 35

6353 63U 7St 881 2,763 2.38J 1,4)2 t.2~2 103 100 2,657 2,286 587 44 41

6.016 807 2,229 1,878 904 863 32 29 1,883 522 25 21 326 7' 5H Sot 498 419 71 71 774 65 19 20 THE PRIMARY CENSUS AB.STRACT Rural Statistics , • ~ 'I . , District No., 1"4-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-1-Kukshi AgrIcultural Classes ,-______oA. I II Cultivators at Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned Total No. of persons Area Occupied Houses and and their and their enumerated (including Code No. of ~~ houseless dependants dt'pendants S. of inmates of institutions population Village r----"------. and mf~ f.fim;:r fO~T r---J-~ am~ CfiT

GRAND TOTAL 425,004 18,557 18.851 1.06.079 53,945 52,134 276 140 4,648 663 37,831 36,216 3,781 3,724 1 14- 1- 1 Dhogadadi 2,466 55 55 296 156 140 156 140 Dhogadadi (M.) Akhadi Phalia (M.) Tadvi Phalia (M.) Ka vachha Phalia (M ) 2 14- 1- 2 Hansalbad 614 31 31 159 83 76 83 76 3 14- 1- 3 Piprani 1.354 52 52 328 168 160 168 160 " 14- 1- 4 Kakadkuwa 1.027 37 37 208 102 106 96 103 5 14- 1- 5 Tirsinga 624 27 27 231 113 118 42 38 6 14- 1- 6 Nirwali 1,199 45 45 320 159 161 2 105 104 Khada (M.) Na!!awala (M.) Jambra PhaIia (M.) 7 14- 1- 7 Gurha 667 23 23 124 58 66 58 66 8 14- 1- 8 Khali Amba 4,425 38 38 353 176 177 92 92 Khada (M.) Naka (M.) Patel Phalia (M.) 9' 14- 1- 9 Ukala 2,126 43 43 259 117 142 4 87 64 Borwani (M.) 10 14- 1-10 JaJi 1.924 41 41 259 137 122 ' 113 98 15 21

11 14- 1-11 Bhuaja 874 32 32 179 92 87 74 67 IS 26 12 14- 1-12 Kalidevi 1,157 44 44 242 120., 122 94 94 8 11 13 14- 1-13 Amba Soti 1,927 58 58 300 160 140 1 121 102 25 25 14 14- 1-14 Badada 1,028 61 61 329 159 170 2 2 86 107 49 48 15 14- 1-15 Dobni 2,525 42 42 285 150 ' 135 150 135 Bhandana (M.) 16 14- 1-16 Jamla Tanda 677 20 20 III 58 53 2 58 53 17 14~ 1-17 Kodada 537 28 28 147 82 65 67 52 18 14- 1-18 Tanda 620 192 229 933 482 451 26 2 255 62 27 23 42 Rati Kiraya (M,) 19 14- 1-19 Karanpura 781 10 10 51 30 21 21 II 9 10 20 14·1· 20 Banki Tanda 878 31 32 176 92 84 2 80 73 9 11

21 14-1- 21 Kharwali 394 20 20 140 68 72 4 68 72 22 14-1- 22 Magdi 1,032 37 37 254 144 110 16 141 108 3 2 23 14-1- 23 Makundpura 303 16 16 97 54 43 54 43 24 14·1- 24 Jetgarh 1,023 22 22 121 62 59 62 59 25 14-1- 25 Badkachha 2,3::9 52 52 331 170 161 157 149 13 12 Kalikhetar (M.) 26 14-1- 26 Geta 1,687 70 70 455 238 217 234 210 Jhabapura (M.) Patel Phalia (M.) Bhuriakuwa (M.) 27 14-1- 27 Gardi 1.489 40 260 119 141 119 14t 28 14-1- 28 Gatla 544 20 116 61 55 2 5 42 36 16 9 J9 14-1- 29 Chhatwani 967 22 130 72 58 29 19 43 Sf 43

Qrl\'l1rr ~ f\jf~ '~~ I t¥':"\m; ~~f\;r '!f,~ i ·~~.t~ Non-agrkultural Classes ~ ~fllTtrt Small scale &IISOCiated ------....., ,- -.A.______Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~~~Cfi~)Tr Cultivating 'Noll-cultivat- livelihood from:- ______'::.A... ___-, labourers ing owners of if~ f~ mti-rT ~ \if')fCfciiT sr]'tq CfiBcmf cttf.Rr 3Th ::r<;i.f; anf~ No. of and their land, agricultural ______--' ______Non· No. of dependants rent r~vers V VI VII VIII ---. Textile Textile iiPf ~ ~ and their Production . Estab· Estab- No. 01 ~ dependants Commerce Transport Other serVIces lish- 'Other than lish· Hand Oft... ~flf ~ lfrf~

\8 17 ~n 8 9 6 4 ~ 15 13 \ifTlfm em t ~ 11 15 2 108 99 125 134 'li~ tIS 169 120 4 em t' mfT~(~.). , 2 ~ t'. ~ en-r ~o

~ - ~ 1fCP~tm' ., ~... ~" \Jf~ ~

30 14-1- 30 Ghor 1,247 31 31 217 114 103 114 103 :n 14-1- 31 Paretha 1,133 34 34 23fi 123 113 41 31 S2 82 32 14·t- 32 Singachori 660 19 19 128 69 59 54 47 15 12 33 14-1- 33 Barud 904 26 26 159 86 73 81 71 5 2 34 14-1- 34 Gadravda 790 19 19 146 71 75 51 53 20 22 3S 14-1- 35 Guradiya 434 18 18 141 73 68 73 68 36 14-1- 36 Pipal Dalia 590 19 19 105 55 50 55 50 Bawalia Phalia (M.) 37 14-1- 37 Jhanie 1,082 '25 168 84 84 84 84 S8 14-1- 38 Jhad AmI! 461 20 20 144 82 62 82 62 39 14-1- 39 Karchat 646 20 20 164 92 72 92 72 14-1- 40 Kakadwa to 1,349 54 5

l,fi03 54 '51) 44-1- sO Cheejwa 54 169 149 I fi:! 148 ," Malpura (M.) Bahedipura (M.) Khadelapura (M.) Patelpura (M.; 6t 44-1- 51 Gt.atbori I 113 114 616 312 9 287 283 Moripura (M.) Sastiyapura (M.) ~adipura (M) lmlipura (M.) Dentkiya Kuwa (M-) Unt Barda (M.) Patelpura (M.) 52 (-4-1- 5Z Banada 1,624 72 72 393 2)6 , t89 188 IH Bahedipura (M.) Semalpura (M.) Nadipnra (M.) Malpura (M.) Tadvipura (1\1.) 53 .4':1- 53 Chhotya Dev 61 61 179 169 113 Malpura (M.) Patel Phalia (M.l , ~~~ ~r ~ ~¥-"lR ~~ ~'t-~--~ Non-qricultural Classes Small scale associated Industries '. III IV Persons (including dependants) who- derive their principal means of ~~~ Cultivating Non-cultivat- livelihood from:- , labourers ing owners of ift:if ~ ~ ~ ~ S('I'C(f lfi<'iql~ azrf.Rr at'R m arrf'lfO No. of and their land, agricultural ,-______; __ ...__.A-~ ______, Non- No. of dependants rent receivers V VI VIII Textile Textile m~~ and their Production Commerce Other services and Estalishb- Estab- No. of dependants _!. __l1n_ - lish- Rand- ."+:"::r ~ other than oznqT( ~so_.... ,.!l°US ments ments looms an.: ft,+I..,· +ilion.... cultivation ... ~ marrf~ '" am: wN ~ .,.fdf(iRI 3FlI" Wmt at'R ~- ~- r~ ~ arrf~ ~~ fcrr.N~ ~~ ~ __-.A.._" ,.----"----, r---"------, ,-_-A._--, ,--_-"--_--., ,-_---"-____at R1 f<

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

OfP;: ~ 0 tRoT ~,t f~mr ~~ ~~ ~, ifS'~ ~'1 ..ror~ ~'\ fcr~"~f~ ~\ Ofr'ff'1lff 'lif~llT (If.) mf ~It H:S W{'<;Jr ~~ ~ ~,

Cf.T~ 'I. ~~~ 'tt 3 '

". I! :;;r~ ". ~~ (If.) "I~4'l2l<1 (if.) (.itl¥"1I,!<1 (If.) '12:~ (if,) 21 2 ' 'ble.rru ~" +m:~ (if.) ~~ (if.) ~fT"r (if) ~~~ (if.), i' c:fGfi11f CfiW ( if, ) -u ~r (if.) cR~ (if.)

14 " ~ .. " 18 ...... ~ ~~ ~~~ (if.) ijiji1:t<1 (ij'.) ~ (ij'.) llT~ (ll.) , "~T'!'U ( if. ) 1 .' ~r ~"f '" , . lfI~ (if.) ~ 1fif;::n:rr (IT.) 46 Rural Statistics 'nIE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRAar District No. 14-Dhar TahsIl No. 14 -1-Kukshi

Agrictlltural C~ ,- I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area OCCllpiecl Houses land wholly or land wholly 01 lnatiaationaJ. mainly owned mainly ulUrirnMd CadeNo. of arRR' 'AiR Total No. of persons enumerated (including ad and their and their of V~e houeIeIJs dependants dependants S. Village In inmate. of institutions Name of Village No. of No. of population qTI~ fct;m;:r No. nq It)T acres and fcpm;r or Houses HOUle- houseless persons) ~if~- Literates ~ Town/Ward in1 holds 8tT<: am: ~ ~T ~ ij''fT fir.:rr f~~ IDlf lit 'fiT ~ f~ "'" oarliFro ~ '3'<1'~ arrf!!l<1" ~~ ~ ~ ~/qri rnw .. ~ ~ ,,~iti~ mr r- __....,,--..A .,... r---.A..-----.r-----"-----. 'fiT ;n1f ~~ll ~ P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 0tff.Rf ~.. ~ ~" ~ ~ ~lft ~~ ~ ~ W-flli' ._-_._---- ;) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

54 14-1- 54 Bawadiya 1,227 44 48 250 127 123 127 123 55 14-1- 55 Jhirpanya 1,704 47 55 319 169 150 140 136 16 II i6 14-1- 56 Dilwani 1,643 48 49 280 139 141 1 139 141 Moti Dilwani (M.) Chhoti Dilaw&.ni (M.) 57 14-1- 57 Dhumiya 920 25 25 146 75 71 66 62 Patel Phalia(M.) Kheda (M.) 58 14-1- 58 Piplya Pani 2,205 75 75 426 207 219 185 115 59 14-1- 59 Mahesra 1.245 40 40 240 124 116 114 98 Mahesra Khas(M.) Khad Morgadia(M.), 60 14-1- 60 Akhada 3.262 83 87 453 253 280 8 1 It 192 liS Akhada Khas(M.) Khasra Amli (M.) Satwilia (M.) Bhuri Bardi (K ) Dhan Bardi (M.) Raj Ghata (M.) 81 14-1- 61 Chikapoti 2,690 56 56 3111 163 155 2 129 1ft .4 Ii- Kadwal (II.) Kanta Bari (M.) _ Mal (M.) 62 14-1- 62 Chitavara 886 28 28 215 107 1011 92 13 Mal (M.) Star (M.) Takari .. 1,121 54 54 296 15. 142 1 143 I is 14-1- 63 I. Morl Phalia (M.) Dabaria Phalia (M.) Bhil Phalia (M,) 84 14-1- &t Ghoda 1,601 33 33 17" 89 85 74 77 3 • Mal (M.) Rohawala (M.) Akhalia (M.) 313 163 1. 1 S 185 12.& , 65 l.f.:.l- 65 Kherwa 2,860 57 83 • Patel Phalia (M.) Ojhar (M.) Mathni (M.) 66 14-1- 66 Karkara 1,909 69 7. 4"5 228 2lf • ! II 1811 112 UgamDia Pha1ya (K.) Wichla PJaaUa (M.) Budwania Phalya (M., ti7 14-1- 67 Jhaba 2,258 87 88 .t ISS 171 165 141 Nigwal Phalia (II.) - Patel Pbalid{M.) Khariya (M.) I;Irlfivr ~ mr '!fi1IT~ rt-~· ~~ '!fi1IT~ ~'t. ~-~ '" Non-agricultural CIaases ~ ~'ft Small scale associated Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of' ~ ~f~ ~t;r Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- ,...------"----, labourers owners of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<;1<41~ 0lI'fcRf aft"{ ~ anfisffi No. of and their land, agricultural ,--______"-- ______----, Non- No. of dependants rent receivers V VI VII VIII Textile Textile and their Production Commerce T rt Oth . d Estab- Estab- )1"0. of ~~~ dependants ranspo er. sel'Vlce5 an Ush. lish- Hand aiR .m:;.. ~ ~ other than ~ 01 1<4 1.1 +i"1 IDJSCesourcesllaneous ments menta looms '1..'''' Cfl '111 <1?Cfl cultivation ~~ aft"{ §flr ~ OIrnF<'RI ~ nrtt aft"{ ~ q~ ~- ~ am~ aplf ~ f.:rf

is11 .. f-liilfl ,\Y 5 5 m-~ " f;g~qr;ft '\ , lfR;f f6~

Agricultural ClaSIM

I II Cultivators of Cultivator. of ."rea Occupied Houses land wholly or land wholly OJ: Institutional ~r ~~S!fT~ ::fiT 'Wr 'l>r o~ To=(cji- 3frP.:ri1 ~ ~rf~ ~7 m;:;r ~~T '

1. 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17

68 14-1- 68 Padlya 3,016 48 53 335 181 154 181 152 Patel PbaJia (M) :'I-Ialpura (M,) Bhadakla (M.) Tadvi Phalia (M.)

69 14-1- 69 Jamnyapura 1,5~8 44 285 153 132 152 132 Patel Phalia (M.) Bhadakla (l\1.) Gangakui (M.)

70 14-1- 70 Raisingpura 599 4U {.) 217 104 113 87 til Tadvi Phalia (M.) Kudal Phalia (M.) Talab Pbalia (M.)

"I 14-1- 71 Risa"ala 672 20 20 1I2 56 56 56 56 Tadvi Phalia(M.) ,.l\lata Phalia (M.) Ch.or Khodra. (M.)

~: ,Bumku\va (M.)

7']. \4-1- 7'1. Borkui 887 27 27 146 65 81 1 47 41

73 14~1- 73 Bag 1,220 ~95 2,7;'1 1,390 1,361 68 20 641 161 243 24' 3 Thiki Bardi 1M.) Dhohipura 1M.)

74 \4-1- 74 yfuhankalpura 550 45 45 266 127 139 2 1 I'll 131

75 14-;1...,.75 Nimkheda 1,555 35 218 III 107 108 107 '," . ,< Im1ipura (M.)

516 14-1- 76 Agar 2,478 101) 653 332 321 2 2 322 321 Gadariyapura (M.) Awalikheda (M.l Udiyapura (M.l Tadvi Phalia (M·l Motla Phalia (M·l Golpura (M.l i7 14-1- 77 Beklya Bag 1,tO\) 305 159 146 151 141

7S 14-1- 78 Kadwal 2,257 233 117 116 106 112 Chomelipura(M.) Kachhalapura (M.) Imlipura (M.l Bherupura (M·l

79 14-1- 79 Lbnki Bag- 1,306 27 162 77 85 76 85 Kundalpura (M.) - !ll) 1~-1- S(\ ","aibel 1,988 292 149 143 l4l 130 Amlyapani (M.) Choll'elipura (M.) Kundaipura (M.) Malpura (M.) 49

YTIJ)ur «~ f;;r~T "filJTifi t '6' --",n: ~~m~ 'lfiqfcf; t '6'- t~ Non-agricultural Classes 8T'liN ~ Small scale associated Industries ------, """"' III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~~ffi"ifr~~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- r- labourers owne.rs of ;:fr", f;;r~ ffi"'fifT «"ftf-rCfiT sr~ rn~ &ffcm am: ~ anfll«f No. of and their land. agrIc~ltural ,- Non- No. of dependants reut receIvers V VI VII VIII Textile Textile dand ~hel~ Production Commerce Tranaport Other services ~~~b- Estab- No. of m ~+l\iI"

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

2 ~ \~ ~~ tfifW;rr ( ~. ) ~"U (17.) ~ (17.) ~ tQf~ltT (If. ) 1 1 "fTll~ " ~ q;ft;r

8 3 3 1 1 ~ IS~ . :qiii\1'):!

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-1-Kukshi Agricultural Classe s

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area land wholly or land wholly or of Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned Name of Village Village Occupied Houses Total No. of persons and enumerated (including and their and their Code No. or in ~ lfCIiR houseless dependants dependants of Town/Ward acres inmates of institutions population Literates S. Village and ~f~ ~ r.rm liT m+r No. of No. of ~ "' No. houseless persons) ~11l~ -~ OfR IDlr'FT ~;;rr/m CfiT Houses House- am: 'li~ 'lin tffi

81 14-1- 81 Kurdu Jeta 2,125 59 59 376 201 175 197 173 Motlapura (M.) 82 14-1- 82 Pipri Bag 3,717 63 63 390 217 173 2 210 173 Gadariyapura (M.) Pitri (M.) Amlyapani (M.) 83 14-1- 83 Bagpura 603 30 30 167 87 80 84 16 .. Bagpura (Malpura) (M.) Khadia Bardi (M.) Abaria Ph alia (M.) 84 14-1- tw Bandhanya 2,719 104 104 580 302 278 3 1 16 256 241 1 Badi Surani (M.) "' Chhoti Surani (M.) Madu Khodra (M.) Bandhaniya (Moripura) (M.) 85 14-1- 85 Tol 624 22 22 118 51 61 57 59 86 14-1- 86 Berkhedi 782 40 40 213 99 114 84 90 .. Nadipar (M.) Masanyapura (M.) Khadiapura (M.) Hadvalyapura (M.) 17 14-1- 87 Kanheri Mujavpur 1,583 79 79 382 201 181 1 182 155 Malpura (M.) Lepariyapura (M.) Patelpura (M.) II 14-1- &8 Me1:ti' 2,093 82 83 477 239 238 10 225 221 Gulariya hhodra (M.) - Batiyapura (M.) Patelpura (M.) Imlipura (M.) DongariyaPhalya(M.) I;iard~pura (M., Bhuria (M.) Bhainsmaria(M.) It 14-1- 89 Bhamori 2,167 106 107 565 280 285 10 219 267 .t Badlipura (M.) • Su'lyapura (M.) Saljapani (M.) . j'l1wanya. (M.) l>evjhiri (M., 14-1- t() Jam.1a Bag 2,222 82 82 540 274 2f6 I 267 254 II It • KbadapunL (H.) Mahulipura (M.)

It {4-l- Itl Devdha 1,71U 61 II Ito 173 a 171 1st 17 15 NeeDtkheda (~.) Salyapani {K., - Devdha KIl... (M.) 51

UTlTTur ~~ ~T ~+rtCfl rlS'-m <:r~ ~l1tq-; ~o'-~~

Non-agricultural Classes ~ l!{fuprt Small scale associated Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~ ~~ ~Fr Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- ,------"-----, labourers owners of ~ ~ mcA"r ~ mfCfefiT ~ Cfl~C1 (~ ~ 3fT~ ~ anfl>;ffi No. of and their land, agricultural ,.-______--A.______Non- No. of dependants rent receivers V VI VII VIII -, Textile Textile 'lift;{ it; ~ and their Production Commerce Transport Other services and Eslitahb- Estab- No. of dependants other than::::>'1'TrTn" miscellaneous s - lish- Hand­ 3TR "ll'fn-:::'" ~ ..... ", , aHCI(~(+('" ments ments looms '~I" 9"> '111 <."19"> cultivation sources ~3flf~ 3TR wtrf it; 31 fd f<;ffi ~ ~'f f1" Cf>1" M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. m-rr- mr:r- ~~ ~~~~~ ~lIt~~lIt~~r~~rmt

4 Cfl~~ ~<:rT t; t lfTc~~ (If.) 3 4 m.:T ~ t;':{ ~~f~lfTrU (+T.) fl:T'r~r (If.) ;J;fT~ qr;fT (If.) 2 3 ~1'11U t;~ ~ (~)(lf.) ~f~T ~~ (If.) ~'Q:IT 1iR;rlfT (If.) 9 11 24 19 5 2 7 1 OJ"trAT r::;'t ~T ~ (If.) titiT ~ (If.) ~ ~~ (If.) Gl'mf.flfT (~­ TJ) (+T.) 2 itw l;~ 15 24 ~~T c;ft ~ (If.) lf~ (;:t( (~~r (+(".) ~~~ (If.) ~ .. ("ql~(r (If.) 18 24 1 ~ '11311"12)< t. +rT~~T (If.) rn~ (If.) qi~ (If.) 10 14 2 2 1 ." iroft " ~~(~.) ali rC!4(2l~ (if.) ~(~.) '(It ~12l~J (+(". ) ,iY.(f<41 ~ (+(".) ii<4'l2)U (If.) ~ '(4.) " *« qifurr (~.) 6 2 - - ~ ~, ...~2)

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-1-Kukshi

Agricultural____ Classes .A. ,-- I II Area Cultivators of Cultivators of of Occupied Houses land wholly or land wholly or mainly owned mainly unowned Code No. N arne of Village Village arT Badipura (M.)

lOS 14-1-102 Banki 1,723 146 146 795 S91 404 16 3 209 218 2 Kundalpura (M.) )03 14-1-108 JAudi 1,162 48 48 282 145 137 5 117 110 .. .04 ,14-1-104 Khargon 1,225 71 71 350 186 16' 166 136 3 3 ; ¥ori Phalya (M.) Piplapura (M.) Khodra Pat (M.) 105< 14.-1-105 Jharda 855 36 S6 214 120 94 III 88 ~ri_Phalya (M.) ~otra.pura (M.) Babarpura tM.) 53

.T~')vr ~T1:( ~~ ~¥-m ~ =;fi1iTcy; t ¥ - t-ifiimr.. Non-asncultural Clallllea Small scale aslOCiated Industries ---,,------A-- ~ ~" ~ III IV.. Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal meall8 of '611(;. ~ 1"l1~'1' Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- ,- laboure~s owne~ of ~ ~ mtRT ~ ~ 'SIT~ Cfi«1cl1~ 0lff.Rr aiR ~ anf"-'Kr No. of and thea land, agncultural Non- No. of dependants rent recei~ra r V VI VII VIII Textile Textile ..,.G. ~ ~ and thea Pr . . Eatab- Estab- No. ef '4'1~ "-'<'1' dependants oduction Commerce Transport Othe~ BerVlCes liah- lish­ Hand­ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~!f:~~~~ orrrm 80<1141+1'1 and m:~e~neous ments menta looms ~ '-«f orR ~ ~ arfufffif ~ ~ orR ~... ~ ~ m arrfism Wll' ~~ fcffq!iJ ~ ':l"'lI'1 Cfi' ~m ~T __A.. __-.. ____ r--.A..__ -.. ,--.A..__ -.. 8If~r«R1 ~ ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~_ mw- m ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fWrt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W-Prt;:rn:t

24 17 4 ~ffi' ,~ 21 9 ~m ~~ - ~RT~ (~.) ~n:~u (~.) 15 16 4 3 - .. ~r 'v fCf~T (~.) ~T (~.) 17 12 - 3 5 ;srf \\ ;;rR:s~~ (~.) iiflT~T (~.) ~')~ (~.) ~T~ (~.) 4 7 2 - :I;f~r " UCffiT:T (~. f ~CfT qj~T (~.) ~~ (~.) ~1i'll<1<.>ffi (~.) 5 5 4 2 ~;;r~ ifl"W ,~ ~~T~ (~.) 19 20 3 5 5 5 ~ ~~ ~U (~.) ~iu (~.) ~~T (~.) ~ (~.) l!"fT~ (~.) 8 10 1 2 ~r arm " ~CTfuniT (~.) a1~ (~.) 1 3 2 ~~T too ij'lJ~lfT~U (11.) ~~~ (l1.) f~~

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTR,t\CT District .No 14-·Dhar Tahsil No. 14-1-Kukshi Agricultural Classes

Area I II of Occupied Houses Cultivators of Cultivators of Village Land wholly or land wholly or Code No. Name of village ~~ Instituional mainly owned mainly unowned in ,---"---, Total No. of persons of or acres and and their and their S. Village Town/Ward. No. of No. of enumerated (including houseless dependants dependants No. 'IT+f Houses House- inmates of institut<:lns popUlation 'lnl 'fiT , liJl1 ~T holds and +rrfucf; f.f;m;r f'RTf'i '!filfTCfi 'PT '6f<::T Literates

106 14-1-106 Teki 1,438 119 119 613 297 316 11 258 279 2 3 Khodra. Par (M.) 182 196 1

D(,vdapura (M) I Bardipura (M.) Khedi (M.) Dharvapura. (M.) Patelpura (M.) 319 15 202 203 42 42 108 14-1-108 Luhara 1.864 114 114 645 326 Bara.diapura (M.) Imlipura (M.) 446 398 359 325 109 14-1"109 Badgyar 4.330 169 169 844 Bedyapura (:M.) Kalya Khodra (M.) 2.137 116 132 679 ' 345 334 17 304 300 110 14-1-110 Aspur Bhavanipura (M.) Patelpura (M.) Masanyapura (M.) Gavlipura (M,) 63 357 174 183 174 183 111 14-1-111 Thuwati 998 58 Chokhlapura (M.) 42 46 234 134 100 3 122 92 112 14-1-112 Nengaon 1.677 75 83 440 214 226 5 202 210 113 14-1-113 Beerlai 1.710 Gopalpura (M.) Bedya Phalia (M.) 67 80 419 202 217 202 217 114 14-1-114 Kundara 1.774 Bardipura (M.) Pate1pura (M.) Semalpura (M.) 2 106 94 1,668 40 47 234 125 109 115 14-1-115 Rampura Uparka Phalya (M.) Mah~ala Phalya (M.) 2 93 106 520 261 258 235 223 2 116 14-1-116 Khandlai 2.418 Pl!.telpura (M.) Matlapura (M,) 6 7 54 58 368 191 177 173 160 117 14-1-117 Jogdadi 1,756 Metyapura (M.) Gavlipura (M.) 162 10 139 128 Kanhairl Bhatyari •. 2.220 62 64 332 170 118 14-1-118 Khadapura (M.) Kanasyapura (M.) Malipura (M.) 5 26 26 140 70 70 62 65 119 14-1-119 Baman Bard! 1,513 Mal Phaliya (M.) f iif<.?T ~ ~" Q~r~ ~l1i'Cfl i\. Non-agricultural C~es ~ ~1Iflrt Small scale associated ...... ,-______.A..-______Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~ ~~Cfl ~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from!- r- labourers owners of

Cfl~m t tV

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

316 46 304 291 s 7 120 14-1-120 Talawadi 1,695 97 106 659 343 Selli Bardi (M.) Talavpura (M.) Neem Phalya (M.) Awasya Phalya (M.) Khada Phalya (M.) 152 156 132 8 4 121 14-1-121 Khedi Bag 2,265 62 62 337 185 Sonya Kheda (M.) 2 5 166 151 122 14-1-122 Mogra 1,853 59 59 371 193 178 Mal Phaliya (M.) 376 14 300 300 52 U3 14-1-123 Anwali 2,549 128 128 762 386 Patel Phalya (M.) Talavpura (M.) Pipli Bari (M.) Baodipura (M.) Mal Khodra (M.) Melanyapura (M.) 414 440 19 3 324 360 22 22 124 14-1-124 Kurdu Digpura 4,()64 162 162 854 Gad Basda (M.) Patel pura (M.) Bilali Phalya (M.) Sernal Khodra (M.) Babariyapura (M.) Donglyapani (M.) Junakheda (M.) Khadapura (M.) Udi Khodra (M.) 170 151 162 145 125 14-1-125 Jugtalai 1.390 50 50 237 225 212 203 2 2 126 14-1-126 Kawdyakheda 2.266 81 81 Talav phalya (M.) Khariya Phalya (M.) Waskalya Phalya (M.) Bardi Pura (M.) 265 270 1,306 678 628 96 4 407 337 19 25 127 14-1-127 Kapsi 4,720 Chilwa (M.) Pum (M.) Kala Dagad (M.) 344 3 3 16 6 10 128 14-1-128 Gorda 2 2. 10 3 7 129 14-1-129 Dhanora 972 2,944 Please See Urban Statistics 130 14-1-130 Kukshi 43 43 250 135 115 60 4S 2. 181 14-1-131 Dongargaon 954 74 74 434 220 214 17 186 190 16 IS 182 14-1-132 Talanpur 1.875 2,440 159 159 1,034 529 505 46 6 458 "29 59 60 lSS 14-1-133 Ali 1,903 S5 85 610 302 308 1 274 278 3 134 14-1-134 Roja Piplya Phalya (M.) " (M.) Talwadia Phalya (M.) Malpum (M.) 57

~r;rTur ~~ ~T~rl{-m ~r~ ~t'f, rl{-~-~ '" Non-agricultural Classes "fifiN ~ Small scale associated ~ Industries III IV r-Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of -, '31i ~TlJf~'f. ~~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- r- _"'" labo~ers owne~s of ;:I'R" f~ mcrifT ij" ;;ftfCfOliT srrca ~;l~ G. of and ~ir land. agncultural ...... _ Non- No. of dependa.nts rent receiyers r- V VI VII VIII Textitle Textile ~~ ~<: and theIr p od t' Co' T t 0 h . Estab- Esta1>- No. of dependants r uc 10n mmerce ranspor t er serVlces }ish- lish- Hand­ aft~ &; '" other than &fTt:tn: atTOfrrr.:M' and mIscellaneous ments ~I~ Cji ~TI~'f. cultivation sources ment~ looms anf~ m "arT~ ~ ~ arfm~ a:r"'f ~qr~ 'A~ _:;;::, cF~ ~~- ~ 3nf~cr .ar;:lf \3'ffi?:if fcrfcr'Cf ;J::j'f'Cfif ~'elI'1 Cji ~T~ 9'i

13 9 12 9 6 ~Tn· ~~~~ (If·f miT~ (If.) ;ftlr ~ (If.) ~~ 'liFllT (If.) m~ 'li<:"llT (If.) 15 8 6 8 m ~l1T n~ ~lI'~T ·(If.) 14 13 9 12 4 2 1 +fFr<:r n, ~re-llr (If.) 14 11 20 20 1 1 ~tU qi~~T (If.)

rr"=~ iil:M''''''6'''''~ T ( +f. ) q'a-~ (If.) ~~r ~lI'T(~.) m~u (~.) arTiilf~~ (If.) :Sl'I{4:jIQ,;f! (If.) ~~ (If.) ~TTJ (If.) ~ ~"'R<:r (~.) 8 6 23 20 ~~a<;T~ t~\ Cfi

72 72 1 Cficmr n. 14 11 1 3 1 ~icrtH 11 14 ~n~ 1 2 5 9 9 15 1 1 8 13 ~Tffi' tH 1 1] 00 nV ftmll'T ~ (If.) ~cw~r (~.) ~7,fT lW'<'lI'T( If.) lfT~r (~.) 58 Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 1-i-I-Kukshi AgriCUltural Classes ~------~ I II Cultivators of Cultivators of land wbolly or land wholly or Institational Area Total No. of persons mainly owned mainly unowned of OccupIed Houses and and their and their enumerated (including houseless dependants Code No. Name of Village Village arr~ ~ inmates of institutions dependants population infu

135 14-1-135 Girvanya 4,421 178 178 1,205 589 616 5 570 601 Bediya Pbalia (M.) Dabar Phalya (M.) Amli Pura (M.) Phatla Mhow (M.) Kanasya Phalya (M.) Muhal Patla (M.) Khedli (M.) Lipanya Bari (M.) 136 14-1-136 Haldi 2,649 135 135 821 455 366 14 316 252 97 84 137 14-1-137 Bhimpura 1,569 71 7t 390 192 198 3 153 149 31 41 Bhura Ghata (M.) Patel Phalya (M.) Bhawri Phalya (M.) 138 14-1-138 Chichali 1,327 91 91 512 276 236 17 232 207 36 19 Bediya Phalya (M.) Waskalya (M.) Patel Pbalya (M.) 139 14-1-139 Rampura 630 24 24 122 72 50 56 38 16 12 140 14-1-140 Dholya 2,966 172 172 1,055 557 498 9 3 521 461 31' 35 Talan Murad (M.) Patel Phalya (M.) Mowadi Pbalya (M.) 141 14-1-141 Palasi 1,564 74 74 390 188 202 166 171 4 7 Solyapura (M.) Patelpura (M.) Bhawariyapura (M.) Luharpura (M.) Mawadipura (M.) 142 14-1-142 Kalwani 2,145 84 84 548 291 257 226 209 35 Patelpura (M.) Davnapura (M.) Nalwala (M.) 143 14-1-143 Umarkuwa 1,752 60 60 416 218 198 191 180 15 10 Patelpura (M.) HoJi Balapura (M.) 145 122 I.U 14-1-144 Digvi 1,362 45 45 279 154 125 Bhakkui (M.) Bhanwarpura (M.)

245 246 235 2 US 14-1-145 Kalmi 1,541 78 78 507 262 2,079 77 77 441 225 216 211 201 .. 146 14-1-146 Umrali - Cbirakhadi (M.) Ppotli Phalya (M.) 1,069 31 31 191 100 91 100 91 .. 147 14-1-147 Khayadi 59

rivr~ f-;r~ "'t"~Pfi t'l-IIT'( ~\if ~ t'lf-~-~ Non-agricuotural Classes ~ ~ Small scale associated Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~ ~~ \31I);r Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- r------"-----, labourers owne!s of ;:fRo ~ ~T ij' ;;r1f

lO 12 3 3 2 fu<:crr-~ ~ '" oi~ ~T (~.) ~~(~.) m~ (~.) qrrcm iJR (~.) ~~T (If.) ~~ q-rc~r (~.) ~~r (~.) m.'1T il"m (If.) :to 19 10 11 2 3. 3 ~ n, 6 2 2 6 2 2 ~T t~\t ~U 'lj r (If.) ~ 'flfu~ (IT.)

~TlTTT n, 5 2 7 ~ t'io ~q~ (If.) ~~ qj(.>ZfT (IT.) lf~r ~~r (IT.) 10 10 8 14 r.r~ t'it ~~ (IT.) ~~r (~.) ~Tcrf~T (~.) ~~ (~.) ~q4'l$U (~.) 5 12 8 3 'fl~T;ft t'i~ . r.ri~ (~.) ~~ (~.) ;:rr~~T (~.) 10 7 1 \3'J:R:~ t'i' ~~$'T (If.) ~ iI"rn~ (~.) 9 3 ~ fN +r~ (IT.) *'Wr (~.) 15 8 ~'T tv" 11 13 3 2 \3'lfmft tV, f~r (~.) ~~(lT.)

~ t~. 60

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-1--Kukshi Agricultural Classea

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Land wholly or land wholly or Area Occupied Houses Code No. Name of Village of Institutional mainly OWlled mainly unowned of or Village ~ li'fiTft Total No. of persons and and their and their Village Town/Ward in ~ enumerated (including houseless dependants S. acres No. of No. of inmates of institutions population mfu;ffi ~anf~ ~ 'fiT -_-..... ~1"ij M. F. ~ P. M. F. M. i'. M. F. M. F. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fro.rt ~ ~ ~ ~ 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

379 337 4 2 148 14-1-US Arada 2,658 141 141 765 410 355 Dagdi Phalya (M.) Bajar Phalya (M.) Bho, r Ghati (M.) J amla Ghati (M.) Madawali (M.) Piprani (M.) Walya Phalya (M) Wat Phalya (M.) Gawal Den (M.) 127 117 149 14-1-149 Palwat 1,162 36 36 244 127 1\7 Nadi Phalya (M.) Melya Phalya (M.) 152 172 22 2& 150 14-1-150 Kharwat 1,016 55 55 378 180 198 248 209 2 :t 151 14-1-151 Nalwanya 2,898 100 100 536 295 241 Bhukni Phalya (M.l Madya Phalya (M.) Maklya Phalya (M.) Patel Phalya (M.) 163 131 152 14-1-152 Kotwa 1,191 50 50 297 165 132 Rojwanya Phalya (M.) 264 249 153 14-1-153 Rangaon 1,844 100 100 540 278 262 Nab.ar Kadi (M.) Man Phalya (M.) 303 330 154 14-1-154 Fifeda 3,005 III 111 688 337 351 Umadiya Phalya (M.) Patel Phalya (M.) Kuslya Phalya (M.) Katlya Phalya (M.) Bediya Phalya (M.) 200 213 161 174 12 10 155 14-1-155 Babbli 1,2S0 71 71 413 Lakhad Khai (M.) Ambapura (M.) 550 554 75 4 373 391 23 156 14-1-156 Badada 2,679 214 214 1,104 2" Bhabhanpura (M.) Bhurakuwa (M.) Markadya (M.) 250 259 2 220 223 10 let IS' 14-1-157 Kalwani 1,465 87 87 509 Dabariya Pha1ya (M.) Manak Phalya (M.) Juna Patel Phalya (M.) Devdya Phalya (M.)

218 1 153 ISO 158 14-1-158 Rebadada 1,749 61 81 414 198 Kakad Phalya (M.) Hanuman Phalya (M.) Mafi PhaIya (M.) 122 661 829 832 IS 2 266 270 159 14-1-159 Badwanya 2,062 122 '" 61

~~ f~~ ~'l{-~ ~re ~ ~'l{-~~

Non-agricultural Classes ~ Small scale associated arm Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~ ~~ ~);r Cultivating Non-cultiva ting livelihood from.:- r-----"----"""\ labourers owne~ of ;fR ~ m"tofT ~ ~qcpy ~ ~~ Oltfcm am: m anf~ No. of and their land, agricultural N on- No. of dependants rent receiv.ers V VI VII VIII Textile Textile !)N if; +4"~ and theIr Production Commerce Transport Oth~r services ~~~~- Estab- ii~~: 3fT<: e- .J:Pe~d~ other than omm

18 3 1 3;J'1~ ~¥~ ~ ~T (+4".) q~ ~T (+4".) ~~~~T (+4".) ~1'CfTiT (+4".) +4"~r~T (+4".) fllq<:f;;T (+4".) <:ftilff Ili~

•• 1:f"5

45 56 .. ... ~

I II Culti vators of Cultivators of Occu pied Houses Institutional Code No. Name-of Village Area land wholly or land wholly or of 3fT~ qcri"f'f and mainly owned mainly unowned of or Total No. of persons houseless VIllage Village r-----J.----, enumerated (including and their and their S. TownfWard in No. of No. of population Literates dependants dependants No. m11 CJiT l;fl1f inmates of institutions lIT acres Houses House- mf~q; fctimCi fctililT'i ~ holds and ~31'lii ~- ~-~

160 14-1-160 1,358 57 57 335 166 169 2 156 163 .. j Khada Phalya (M.) Patel Phalya (M.) Choki Phalya (M.) Mali Phalya (M.) 181 14-1-161 Atarsuma 1,655 80 80 587 298 269 206 202 Patel Phalya (M.) Mali Phalya (M.) Rajput Phaiya (M.l Kheda Devlipura (M.) 162 14-1-162 Chhediya Pipal 345 21 21 160 81 79 54 59 12 I. 163 14-1-163 Narjhali 3,401 58 58 438 210 228 123 154 .. 1 Patel Phalya (M.) 164 14-1-164 Babhli Khurd 719 28 28 202 105 97 105 97 165 14-1-165 Gajgota 3,256 184 184 1,125 558 567 434 462 43 42 Katawali Phalya (M.) Kaman Phalya (M.) Nenla Phalya (M.l Panchwanya Phalya (M.) Lala Khadi Phalya (M.) Kutya Kadwal Phalya (M.) 186 14-1-166 Khatami 1,667 50 50 308 152 156 2 1 118 117 2 Patel Phalya (M.) Panchwanya (M.) Bodya Phalya (M.) Palaikhedi (M.) Dagma Phalya. (M.) 167 14-1-167 Panhal !,662 69 69 880 205 175 177 158 18 U Kakariya Phalya (M.) Nadt Phalya (M.) Khakha Ph.lya (H.) Patel Phalya (M.) \88 14-1-168 Karajwani 1,863 47 47 267 145 122 123 log 14 8 Patel Phalva (M.)

Kuwa Phalya (M.) ;, " ,'J~ Kakariya 267 \6 \6 \()2. 5'7 45 43 34 9 6 169 14-1-t69 I '" 170 14-1-170 Malpura 1,783 60 60 360 180 180 .. 154 155 12 12 171 14-1-171 Bodgaon 1,400 63 63 420 212 208 ~.:. 145 149 42 41 172 14-1-172 Chaklya 720 34 37 231 130 101 1 116 92 2 2 278 236 6 173 14-1-173 Temariya 2,087 ... 82 84 566 310 256 1 5 174 14-1-174 Jalwat 803 30 35 ~54 142 112 2 IS5 108 Patel Phalya (M.) Neklya Phalya (M,) 142 140 175 14-1-175 Gangpur 982 36 39 299 152 147 trT11rvr ~~tt fi;f~ ~11tCfi t¥-'CfT~ ~ffr~ "timer. rl(- z-~... ~ ~ Non-agricultural Classes 31CfiN ~ Small scale associated ~ Industries III IV ---'\I-Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means ot £9'1i ffil!.f~Cfi ~]1r Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from;- '"'"' labourers owners of rrW f~~ ~T ~ i;fTfGfcliT 'SneCl' "fi1:.tqr~ OlJfOfCl' 3fR ~ 3fTf~<:f No. of and their land, agrIcultural Non- No. of de[jendants rent feceiyers'- V VI VII VIII""" Textile TextIle ",.fh %~.,.. and theIr Pdt· C T rt Oth . Estab- Estab- No. of ~I"'''' .,v,,,,, dependants fO uc Ion ommerce ranspo e! serVlces lish- lish- Hand- ~R" +:' ~ other thaa OlJTq"T~ arrOfFTlf

4 5 4 2 'iffiirT t , • ~ ~ (fl.) ~~ ~ (fl.) :qTCfiT ~ (liI".) lfreT q;~ ( fl. ) 85 60 3 3 3 2 2 ~r t,t ~ ~ (If.) "+fT'1iT ~ ( "+f. ) ~TiJf~CI' ~r ( If. ) ~~~r (fl.) I" 9 1 1 - ~llT~ t~~ 83 73 -

22 10 9 28 - ~WJT t~~ ~ ~ (+r.) qt:qorr;:lfr ( if. )

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area Land wholly or land wholly or Name of village of Occupied Houses Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned or Village ~~ Total No. of persons and their and their Code No. Town/Ward and in ,--_.....A...----.. enumerated (including houseless dependants dependants of mli lIT acres No. of No. of inmates of institutions Village and population ~f

176 14-1-176 Kawada 1,917 74 78 53() 271 259 254 238 9 8 Patel Phalya (M.) 177 14-1-177 Ghana. 895 39 42 257 144 113 117 90 10 9 178 14-1-178 Sindhyapani 871 4 4 26 11 IS 8 12 3 3 Patel Phalya. (M.) 179 14-1-179 Dabhani 2,367 13 13 119 55 30 40 15 13 Patelpura (M.) 180 14-1-180 Katarkheda. 3,158 36 36 260 141 119 113 100 19 11 Barchha Khodra (M.) Mankarpura (M.) Patelpura (M.) Charanpura (M.) 181 14-1-181 Chhanchkuwa. 2,236 10 10 89 48 41 45 38 3 2 182 14-1-182 Dasana 3,982 34 34 305 159 1"6 159 146 183 14-1-183 Kasta 5,166 17 17 190 106 84 106 84 Kuda Khocira (1(.) Dhanwipura (M.) 184 14-1-184 Thengcha 1,871 49 49 472 230 242 202 207 Patel Phalya (M.l Khedya Phaly. (M.) 185 14-1-185 Piphlct 2,175 56 56 430 235 195 2 220 180 5 8 Ba.tlipura (M.) Arjunyapura (M.)

186 14-1-186 Cbichwanya. 1,675 7 7 45 28 17 28 17 187 14-1-187 Basnali 866 20 20 143 77 66 62 54 - 188 14-1-188 Dahl 1,882 269 272 1,481 757 724 20 19 115 19 357 335 20 21 Pura Susli (M.) Dasera Kt'da (M.) Patel Pbalya (M.) 189 U-1-189 Ummedpura 280 21 21 137 65 72- 615 72 190 14-1-190 Bhaganwa 919 60 60 423 226 197 186 166 5 -$ 191 14-1-191 Pendharwani 447 24 24 184 96 88 83 78 13 10 192 14-1-192 Devdba 1,950 71 71 501 254 247 244 2~ Bad Phalya (M.) Mal Phalya. (M.) Bhawariya PhaIya (M.) Patel Phalya (M.) Bbadwi Phalya (M.i Bedya Phalya (M.) 193 14-1-193 Sidadi 1,894 68 68 50S 262 246 6 Ahirnya Phalya (M.) Tal Phalya (M.) Amba Jholya Phalya (M.) Pati Phalya (M.) 194 14-1-194 Jamda 1.780 59 59 446 211 235 5 133 204 65

f;;rm ;ifilITCfi ~ ¥-~ Q~~fr~ ~ ~¥_~_~ Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~ Small scale associated ~ Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who deriv$ their principal means of ~ij"Jlf~~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- labourers owners of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ srJ1=a "h

3 5 5 8 Cfi"em N~ 15 12 2 2 ~ ~lfT (Jf.) 'Sff1lTT ~ \3" ~Tqy.:rr ~\3t; ~~T (Jf.) 10 11 G"OTT;:ft ~ \3 \ 5 3 4 5 ~~ (Jf.) Cfim~ ~t;. an:W ~ (l1.f l1~"(r (l1.) ~ (Jf.) 1 ~"(f (l1.) ~'fT ~t;t ~ ~t;~ ~T ~t;~ ~r ~"'tGU (l1. ) 19 7 9 It 17 CR'fr~ ( l1. ) ~1RT ~cl( ~ q;~r (If.) 10 7 ~'qf q;~T ( l1. ) ~ ~t;,", ~~ (Jf.) ~. ;:lf~"(f (l1.)

1 15 11 f'if'lCIT

3 8 8 q:(H~Rr ~'t ~~ t'~ ~~ (l1.) l1T~ ~T (l1.) ~r~ (Jf.) qc:~ tmllT (l1.) ~r tmlfr (l1.) ~~T~(Jf.) 6 12 10 7 .. f~,~ t~~ 3l~R--m ~T ( l1. ) ~ ~T (If.) mGrm)~T tmlfT (l1. )

mt~T {fT.) 7 16 14 13 2 2 ~r ~'?t 66 Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRAOT District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-1-Kukshi Agricultural Clastes ,- ---A. I II Area Cultivators of Cultivators of of Occupied Houses land wholly or land wholly or Instit>ltional mainly owned mainly unowned Code No. Name of Village Village 3ITom{ Total No. of persons of or in li"fiT'f and and thei, and their r----A---, enumerated (including S. Village Town/Ward acres inmates of institutions houseless dependants dependants No. No, of No. of population m+r "fiT ml1 'IT ~r+r Houses House- and Literates lfTfWfi fCfi~T

195 14-1-195 Dharamrai 8,261 240 240 1,770 884 886 8 9 47 22 581 564 41 42 Khodri Phalya (M.) Kheda Phalya (M.) Pipal ka Phaly a (M.) Patel Phalya (M.) Kuwara Har (M.) Dhanvi (M.) 196 14-1-196 Kikarwas 2,830 85 85 474 257 217 9 4 148 116 70 • 62 Hanuman Phalya (M.) Koti Phalya (M.) 197 14-1-197 Makadwani 2,657 70 7(1 415 207 208 159 165 27 23 Kaka Phalya (M.) Patel Phalya (M.) Gawan Phalya (M.) Bhuria Phalya (M.) 198 14-1-198 Ajgaon 1,795 41 41 265 137 128 117 113 6 7 Kakad Phalya (M.) Devdiya Phalya (M.) 199 14-1-199 Padiyal 3,439 234 234 1,214 580 634 22 422 ·4-47 24 11 Pipripura (M.) Ajnyapura (M.) Patelpura (M.) Talaipura (M.) Bhuriyakuwa (M.) Randapura (M.l Kharpura (M.) Bardipura (M.)

~OO 14-1-200 Amlal 3,094 171 171 958 484 474 5 360 352 18 20 Sirvipura (M.) Balaipura (M.) Badipura (M.) Kolipura (M.) Kabarpura (M.) 201 14-1-201 Peethanpura 1,256 28 28 193 99 94 5 64 58 202 14-1-202 Duganwa 1,730 138 138 797 427 370 45 18 71 341 292 61 62 Solyapura (M.) Bhilpura (M.)

203 14-1-20& :Konada 3.283 171 171 871 434 437 69 7 340 174 55 128 SirviplH'1t (M.) Keti Kund (M.) PatelplJra (M.) Padiya Khodra. (M.)

Z().4 14-1-204 Dehar 3,185 124 124 762 362 400 8 297 326 40 74 Modipura (M.) Awar (M.) Gaonkhedi (M.) Godad Bardi (M.) Plpar Pura (M.) 67 VTlftar W,zmt [fiiIWT "lim ~)(-~ ff~ '3fi1ft'ti ~)(-~~ Non-agricultural Classes 3IiiN ~ Small scale associated Industries ------~ ~------A------~ ~mv~~ III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of 'CI'IG. , ... ,,'~"'I' " .... 1·1 Cultivating Non-Cultivating livelihood from:- ;-. _____ labourers owne:s of rrW f~ ~1 ~ ~ s:rrca 'fi(;1c:lliiS 0lffcRr aitt ~ anfl!ffl No. of and their land, agncultural -"-. ______--, Non- No. of dependants rent receivers r--V VI VIII Textile Textile tif'i ~ ~ and their Productiol;1 Commerce Other services E~tab- Estab- No. of ar~ depe!_ldants other than ~ and miscellaneous lish- lish- Hand­ ~f11 'ti lfTfuCfi' cultivation sources ments ments looms ~ anf"-la" - aitt iiN ~ 31 fdf

213 247 25 21 7 12 17 er~llf H. y. ~r~r (11.) ~r ~r (11) fq-q~ 1nr ~ (11. ) qi~ qwn(11.) ~~ (11.) 'CfolCfr (11.) 25 21 13 16 1 2 f~

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area Occupied Houses Land wholly or land wholly or Name of Village of Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned Code No. or Village amn

205 14-1-205 Chandankbedi 1.849 63 63 440 218 222 3 203 206 Navpati (M.) Kelyabari (M.) Kheda (M.)] 2.06 14-1-206' Navadpura 875 28 28 148 68 80 1 33 36 207 14-1-207 Malwadi 1,104 12 12 87 44 43 1 35 25 208 14-1-208 Molkhand 562 12 12 59 28 31 7 6 209 14-1-209 Bhilsur [606 27 28 174 76 98 51 64 210 14-1-210 Bhawarya .. J 3.293 183 184 865 416 449 53 5 204 245 67 70 Heladad (M.) 211 14-1-211 Amaljhuma 1.662 89 89 541 278 263 231 228 Futla Talab (M.) Kastarbari (M.) Herlapura (M.) 212 14-1-212 Babulshya 1,912 16 16 104 53 51 3 5 213 14-1-213 Susari 2.314 512 512 2.642 1.298 1.344 349 60 282 305 131 126 Magchulgali (M.) Bharadpur (M,) Mundaseti (M.) Patelseti (M.) Kodwapura (M.) Guwalbardi (M.) ;s, Motipura (M.) 214 14-1-214 Silkuwa 835 90 90 424 216 208 9 39 11 47 69

215 14-1-215 Bharadpur 937 42 42 219 104 115 1 6 216 14-1-216 Kharajna 1,069 58 61 310 145 165 12 2 35 35 32 35" 217 14-1-217 Goganwa 972 218 14-1-218 Barud 906 219 14-1-219 Loni 2.608 173 173 858 423 435 6 5 76 2 201 196 42 40 Chor Bavdi (M.) Bedipura (M.) 220 14-1-220 Salkheda 740 51 54 346 175 171 5 169 168 Beclipura (M.) Chakdyapura (M.) Mawlipura (M.) Patelpura (M.) 221 14-1-221 Dhukni 946 56 56 362 190 172 2 188 168 Dabaryapura (M.) Mahulipura (M.) Masanyapura (M.) Patelpura (M.l 222 14-1-222 Ambada 1.331 102 122 638 323 315 27 ,202 207 19 11 Semalpura (M.) 223 14-1-223 Aaloda 774 40 40 230 128 102 96 76 9 Pachhlya PhaIiya (M.) Kichar Phalya (M.) Patel Phalya (M,) Deodya Phalya (M.) 69

~~~ ~ ;;p~ rl{-f:TT~ ~f~ "fi+ficfi ~ '(- ~ -~Cf~ Non-agricultural Classes 3liifi;r ~fIrr:rt Small scale associa.ted Industries r- ~~~ III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of 'ClI1c:. ''''l.'!:.?'' 'I:I~ 1'1 Cultivating ~on-cultivating Iivelihoood from:- ,-----"---_ labourers own~rs of ;ft: ., II \"I,. cUltivation sources looms ~arrf~ aft~ 'liN ~ Offdf«a ar;.;:r ij-qrct :l;fR: ~~=>- =- ~F1 ~ anfl>Rf 3Rf ~ NRf:T ~ 'I:I~ 1'1 or> ~"" I't ~l r-----'----"'\,-- -_.A..~,--._.J. \ r---..A..~ r---_-A..--~ r---.A-~arf<1fum ~ OfiT ~. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~~_ ~~_ ~ ~ W-r:rt ~ w.rrt ~ ~ ~ fmt ~ f~ ~ ~;:mt ;:mt 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 27 29 30 31 32 33 34

15 16 .q~':R46( ~.'\ ~(+r·f c#~T (+r.) 32 44 ~sT (+r.) 9 18 i'fCfR~'U ~ 0 , 22 24 +rWcfM ~o" 25 34 ~ ~o~ ~"( ~o\ 84 75 34 31 6 8 21 20 1~U (it.) +r

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14--Dhar Tahsil No. 14-I-Kukshi Agricultura.l Classes ~.------~ I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area Occupied Houses land wholly or land wholly or Code No. Name of Village of Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned of or Village arr

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

224 14-1-224 Talwada 1,216 83 86 411 216 195 48 111 99 6 7 225 14-1-225 Bhainslai 1,333 67 67 368 191 177 149 145 22 17 Nawapura (M.) Modipura \M.) Wasklapura (M.) Patelpura (M.) Kothdapura (M.) 226 14-1-226 Chibhrata 1,163 74 74 432 215 217 5 188 193 6 Nadipar (M.l 227 14-1-227 Ghatgaon 810 32 32 249 118 131 113 125 228 14-1-228 Badgaon 1,985 57 57 328 160 168 158 166 229 14-1-229 Tana 865 27 27 188 90 98 86 94 230 14-1-230 Luhari 2,362 257 257 1,008 542 466 134 4 297 286 17 231 14-1-231 Sulgaon 1,747 71 79 385 198 187 1 164 156 J ainagar (M.) 232 14-1-232 Dhulsar 2,239 122 126 639 310 329 66 5 119 136 233 14-1-233 Nanoda 2,339 127 152 1 693 353 340 48 143 145 38 Masanpura (M.) Mankarpura (M.) Balaipura (M.) Bedipura (M.);

234 14-1-234 Kolgaon 1,417 69 77 383 184 199 14 103 125 15 9 235 14-1-235 Deshwalya 1,430 179 179 920 456 464 45 48 107 8 218 216 \ 3 2 236 14-1-236 Rekti 1,394 17 17 144 73 71 72 11 237 14-1-237 Raswa 1,151 24 U 10 n ~ 64 64 8 7 238 14-1-238 Katnera 1.902 44 44 223 119 104 2 73 57 11 12 239 14-1-239 Nisarpur 2,036 581 581 2,987 1,472 1,515 21 9 638 147 406 444 119 125 240 14-1-240 Kotbada 1,705 68 73 354 174 180 2 14 53 53 14 15 Koteshwar (M.) 241 14-1-241 Rohana 307 242 14-1-242 Karondiya 1,173 53 53 298 156 142 3 8 97 92 13 12 243 14-1-243 Khaparkheda 1,867 95 98 504 243 261 25 2 106 110 19 13 Khaparkheda ka Pura (M.)

244 14-1-244 Amla Baodi 1,005 245 14-1-245 Bajdi 483 246 14-1-246 Kalmad 1.148 50 50 230 116 114 23 2 81 83 12 8 247 14-1-247 C:rehalgaon 1,510 23 23 115 58 57 6 16 17 10 8 248 14-1-248 Piplya 2,035 242 242 1,276 613 663 121 12 40 57 308 298 Chamarpura (M.) Mankarpura (M.) Bedipura (M.) 249 14-1-249 Dahod 1,260 13S 13S 723 376 347 79 5 191 171 Pura (M.)

250 14-1-250 1,757 140 140 605 303 302 29 1 131 122 30 28 251 14-1-251 Limbol 2,161 137 139 6551 326 333 53 12 123 126 29 21 252 14-1-252 Bedwalya 775 110 116 530 266 264 2 1 33 1 109 95 71

l1nr)Qr ~~ f-;rwr ~ ~¥-m iJ~~ ~ ~¥- ~-4!m Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~ Small scale associated Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~)i~:am. Cultivatinl1 Non-cultivating .ivelihood from .- labourers owners of ;ffif ~ ~ ~ ~ S(1'CQ Cfi<'1ql~ ozrf.Rr am: ~ anf~ No. of and their land. agricultural,-______---" ______.. Non- No. of dependants rent receivers V VI VII VIII Textile Tt:xtile and their . Estab- Estab- No. of ~~~ dependants Production Commerce Transport Otht;r seTVlces and lish- lish- Hand- ar'h: ~ '~ other than oz:rrtI'R at 1"1 1.1 'i"l Inlscellaneous ments ments looms ~ 1+j Cfi '111 <.'?Cfl cnltivatio:c sources ~ arrf~ "am: ~ ~ atfa f(CR( aFlf ~ aiR q", ~ :,';!:(f ~ anf~ ~~ f~~ ~Cfi mr ~...... J.-- -.. '-'__ ..A.._--,,----"---.. ,---..A..__...... r----..A..---. ,..----.-J----,at Fd f(CR(

76 71 4 2 6 3 3 4 10 9 ~~ ~~'t 20 15 ~~~~ ;:r~ (l{.) ~WT~ ('1.) "I f'€l"fl

8IlreT ~ ~¥'t ~~¥~ 17 16 5 6 1 ~~¥~ 28 30 1 1 2 if~ ~¥" 197 52 46 16 15 154 43 50 ~ ":(,¥c; =::q.... 'i ~I <.... ~TO

A- I Il Cultivators 0 f Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Area Occupied Houses Institutional of Total No. of persons mainly owned mainly unowned Name of Village amrR~ and and their and their Code No. or V~ge enumerated (including inmates of institutions houseless dependants dependants of Town/Ward m No. of No. of population S. Village acres and ~ flf;m;r flf;m;r ;;mr lfT Houses House- mroffll~- Literates No. ;;mr cpf mt:r holds housel~ It~lns) 3Th: am: ~/

253 14··1-253 Masanya 2,634 35 3S 196 94 102 2 68 77 Bedipura (M.) Patelpura (M.) Wlchlapura (M.) 254 14-1-254 Lingwa 1,148 180 180 78~ 417 371 136 7 140 115 9 4 Helgya Bakhal (M.) Patelpura (M.) 255 14 -1-255 Chari Mand wi 101 256 14-1-256 Chari Ganpur 84 257 14-1-257 Pura 1,093 258 14-1-258 Chikhalda 2,083 195 195 882 436 446 2 2 172 20 174 189 44 36 259 14-1-259 Batgaon 747 14 14 54 28 26 260 14-1-260 Seesgaoll 493 87 87 403 193 210 38 5 41 41 55 62 261 14-1-261 Kheda 1,128 26 26 117 57 60 11 42 41 262 14-1-262 Babulgaon 507 25 25 110 53 57 2 1 28 26

268 14-1-263 Malwada 1,311 69 69 304 163 I·n 19 1 57 46 2 264 14-1-264 Bodhwada 427 25 25 117 60 57 9 27 21 265 14-1-265 Pavlledi 123 -4 ~ . Non-agricultural ClaIIes \IfIfi'flr ~ Small scale associated 'a'1~ . HJ • Industriel ------~r------~ III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~ ID1!f~Cfi am Cultivati:qg NP~J;.~!!,·ro'f~' livelihood from:- labQuferi ' u ...."... ;fr.l ft;r@' ~ ~ ~ SI'JC- E N of 'III~'''' ~ d nd ts Production Commerce Traoaport Other services and . ta liSsh~b- HOan' d' ~ - epe , ~~ other than -~' . -;scellaneous lish- lIT =rzo ,,~ , .....:..t: iifjC4j.lffif.... ts ts 1 ...rR _;: ...., "\.!"1 Cfi +j II~ cultivation .. sources men. me~. ooml il'1I~ ~R ~ ~Ci ~ arf~ftcRr !ifNf ijcrr~~~ cmr- Cf~- ~)l:f- ilTf~ iI"rlf ~ fcfm ~i'f ;a'~ ~ ~ ~ ,-~ ,----"-----, r------''--'---' arfufua- Cfi'T cfll" M. F. M. F. ~. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. mN. mrq- mr ~ f~lft ~ ~~lIt ~~ ~lft 'l~ f~ ~ fmrt ~ f~ ~ ;:mt 18 19 20 21 22 23 2. 25 26 Z1 28 29 30 31 32 33

22 25 4 ~~t,,\ - ~ (If.) , ~ (If.) f",:qwl:!{j (If.) 165 154 58 19 15 26 19 ~ ~v.y - ~lIT 'ifN\'? (If.) ~ (If.) :q-(f ;{tscrT ~ v. ~ =ortr ~ ~'\, ~ ~,\\t &5 84 58 49 25 35 10 53 mffi ~'\~ 27 26 1 iiI~ ~'\\ 90 tS 2 5 5 9 ~~,. 11 16 4 3 ~ ~ftt 24 31 1 ilij.w·jier ~,~ 5 3 1 1 3 88 ~~~~ M 1 ~~ ~,'1 ~~~~ 74

Rural Statistics THE PRM~RY (JENSUS ABSTRACT 'District' No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-2-Manawar Agricultural Classes

I n Cultivators of Cultivators 01 land wholly or land wholly or Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned Area Total No. of persons of Occupied Houses enumerated (including and and their and their dependants dependants Code No. Name of Village Vill ~ +fCfiT<41'fCl 8T;;q;~ cp '" ~ ,--___../0.- ___--.. ,---"'---., ,-----A----. ~-. ,--.A.-----", ;:n:

GRAND TOTA,L 539.752 27,715 28,566 148,112 75,668 72,444 356 176 7,579 894 48,434 47,201 5,842 5,147, i ,14-2- 1 India 1.495 27 27 144 73 71 64 62 5 S Imlipura (M.) 2 14-2- 2 Chunpya 7,322 120 120 602 320 282 1 279 247 20 24 Ambapura (M,) .Jeerat (M.) Junapani (M.) Adanpura (M.) Helamar (M.) Dehripura (M) Dehalghata (M.) Chunasa (M.) Bhuriya kuwa (M) S" 14-2- S Holi Bardi 76~ 30 30 '174 95 79 94 79 Chauhanpura (Mo) .. 14-2- 4 Bhutya 1,505 21 21 146 71 75 71 75 5 14-2- 5 Motimali 557 5 5 26 12 14 12 14 & 14-2- 6 Kundiya 813 9 9 61 23 38 22 37 '1 14-2- 7 Jambu Khodra 448 Dhobdiya (M.) Ghata (M.) 8' 14-2- 8 Keli Khurd 683 16 17 101 57 44 51 41 9- 14-2- 9 Keli Kalan 1.096 30 32 203 115 88 93 is 13 9 37 96 83 Ie' 14-2- 10 Ratakot 848 35 179 87 78 4 16 17 94 52 42 Ii 14-2- 11 Jamda 2,088 46 33 "6 9 1,229 13 73 36 37 l~ 14-2- 12 Kawadkuwa 13 35 35 1 2 39 13 14-2- 13 Pantha 1.190 15 15 71 32 27 21 12 11 97 96 1.4 14-2- 14 Baledi 1,534 33 33 193 2 93 94 1 24 150 71 79 15 14-2- 15 Garwada 1,0~2 24 60 73 11 6 67 16 14-2- 16 Beed Bhopawar 390 18 18 121 54 1 66 53 Guwal Magari 1.195 47 47 215 116 99 103 88 111 1-\-'2- 17 7 5 18 14-2- 18 Bhati KhodIa 1.195 13 14 79 44 35 37 32 3 2 2,541 41 42 259 129 130 2 19 14-2- 19 Lalgarh 112 127 6 3 20 14-2- 20 Jamnyapada Am­ 1.268 24 24 125 64 61 62 60 jhera 21 14-2- 21 Gyanpura alias 2.499 43 43 258 142 116 105 87 28 21 Pancbpipliya. 22 14-'2- 22 Kalmathiya 1,785 11 11 53 29 24 16 11 8 1,967 31 31 197 102 95 • IS 14-2- 23 Kadada 91 93 3 I 21 !U 14-2- 24 Luharpura 436 9 9 41 20 20 19 21 IS '14-2- 25 Bawd; Khodra 1,055 9 9 50 29 21 29 23 24 26 14-2- 26 Nan Khodra 190} 8 8 47 .23 24 30 100 87 27 M-2- 27 Piplya 517 30 187 100 87 85 49 36 28 14-2- 28 Panpura 264 13 13 49 36 8 42 24 l8 - 2t 14-2- 29 Bharuda 343 8 24 18 10 14-2- 30 Virpurpada 271 11 11 89 51 38 51 38 .1 1..... 2.... 3.1 Ratanpura 301 4 4 34 17 17 17 17 75

~mrTor ~mt! fJ[~ ~~ ~'){-tf~ Cf~'ffre ~~Tlii' ~'){-';(-11;:rr'R'

Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~f Small scale associated Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~m~IJ~lii'~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- labourers owne~s of .,W f~ mer." ~ GfTfOfcllT ~ ~-l~ 0lif"Rr m ~ arrf~ No. of and their land, agncultural Non- No. of dependants rent receivers'- V VI VII VIII ...... Textile Textile No. of and their Esta- Esta- Hand- '~ef~ dependants Production Commerce Transport Oth~r services blish- blish- looms 31'1<:: .. ~:frr ,,;: ...... += other than ~qn: anct'lll+T., and mlScellaneous ments ments 2T"" lJr+r 'liT '1fl:r ,,:!, ., ,. '111 'OJ,' cultivation sources Q ..., ~ arrf~i'f 31'R 'liflf $ arfomi'f aFl.l ~~ '-TR CWJf ~ ~'.l lii'~T \3"i'fef anf,,_;r;:r ~ aFl:T ~1~rr fcrf<.fCT mer., ~lif 'li \3'ar-r 'liT ~ ...... r--.-A._--.r ---"- -..,-~ ,-__.A. __ -, r--.A.______a;f-1f~i!fa "liT ~~T M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~~I!fTq_- ~~I!fTq-_ ~~ f~ ~lf fHlfT ~lf f0flft ~"(!lf fhlft ~~lf r~~ ~~ f;t'!flft

~------~ I II Cultivators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned, Aorfeil Occupied Houses Total No. of persons and and their and their enumerated (including houseless dependants dependants Code No. Name of Village Village arr~ lfCfilii inmates of institutions population .;:t. , liTf0'1i ~Tif f~m;r S. of or in and;,. Litl)latl)s No. Village Town/Ward acres No. of No. of houseless persons) ~~~.3I'I +1 ~'!'- a1h ~lf Houses House- fir,t ~ OlffEfQllT ~T ~ ~ fGAT fw~-~ 3f'~ 'limifi ~r+r 'tiT ~

82 14-2-32 UmarkuwaKhurd .. 1.117 10 11 63 34 29 34 29 83 14-2- ~3 Umarkuwa Kalan .• 459 7 7 29 18 11 18 11 34 14-2- 34 Baba Khodra 825 85 14-2- 35 Ramgarh 934 23 24 142 67 75 66 75 36 14-2- 36 H'l-thip<:.nwa 43ti 7 7 34 17 17 17 17 87 14-2- 37 Tankjhiri 506 38 14-2- 38 Madan,qt 323 39 14-2- 39 GUltVal Bardi 402 8 8 48 24 24 24 24 40 14-2- 40 MlI-ltVlI-d 808 41 14-2- 41 GlJngidevi 321 11 11 60 33 27 33 27

42 14-2- 42 Golpura Pada 453 13 13 75 33 42 33 42 Amjhera 43 14-2- 43 Kparcha 56 10 10 39 18 21 18 21 44 14-2- 44 Malgtrh 245 14 14 60 29 31 29 31 45 14-2- 45 Kalukhedi 176 6 6 36 17 19 17 19 46 14-2- 46 ]hiknya Bard 95 22 12 10 12 10 47 14-2- 47 RukW Bawadi 599 "'4 "' 25 13 12 1$ 12 48 14-2- 4~ Bhooriya Kund 897 16 16" 98 50 48 50 .8 49 14-2- 49 G~~~r~ra 764 9 9 49 27 22 27 22 SO 14-2- ~O Chandodi 704 8 8 54 31 23 31 23 '1 14-2- ~I Ambajhari 743 15 15 '13 27 46 27 46

52 14-2- ~2 J alokhya 1,273 18 18 85 36 49 36 49 53 14-2- 53 Machhlai 9 9 54 25 29 25 29 14 14-2- ~4 169 11 11 48 21 27 21 27 .. 55 14-2- 55 ~J>alpurapada 1,053 16 16 65 36 29 35 26 Sultanpur 56 14-2- 56 Keshawi 2,904 54 54 155 125 1 135 110 I Jhamkya (M.) Plldhya (M.) .Thad Khodra tM.) ,.. 7 14-2- ~7 DI)q.li 2,231 61 &2 391 202 IS9 176 166 12 15 Amlyapani (M.) Gadariya Khodra (M.) Molya (M.) 118 14-2- 58 Roja Behadiya 683 19 19 100 55 45 50 43 1 I Bedya (M.) 59 14-2- 59 Jheeran 819 29 29 143 68 75 53 62 5 60 14-2- 60 Virpur Balwari 1,430 31 31 206 100 106 99 108 ~n 14-2- 61 Rodada 2,509 91 91 549 283 266 247 244 12 Dagdya (M.) Salyamal (M.)

14-2- Kamta 62 62 1,209 36 36 211 110 101 108 97 6S 14-~- j.)3 Chotiyakhedi 460 27 27 156 85 71 76 66 ·64 14-2- 64 edgya 874 84 34 165 90 75 84 66 '65 14-2- 65 Sironj 2,139 40 40 238 117 116 1 100 107 3 iJ6 14-2- ~6 Dhamakhedi 1.666 24 24 144 79 65 72 58 <67 14-~ 01 Dhola Hanuman 3,294 41 41 .204 101 100 82 82 s 5 77

~nftur ~~ f~T ~iIt

Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~ Small scale associated Industries ------,r------~------_.. ~ ~. _,..,.;,._ III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of '<:lI,e. '" 'l'I::l." ~';;I ,., Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- ,..-___-J.- ___-, labourers owners of ;::f'R'f~~~ mFcrctinntij' ;i""IJi 0lIf.Rr aftt ~ arrfll.l'Q No. of and their land. agricultural Non- No. of dependants rent receivers V VI VII VIn Textile Textile ~ ~ l1\if~ and their Production Commerce Transport Other services Esta.- Esta­ No. of dependants th th and ~;scellaneous bhsh- blish- Hand­ , ~ 0 er an ~ OII""I.lili1 ~ 3Th 'ij'flf

\ilf~ ta~ '" ~ ;a=ill'TC{T:

~r ¥~ lfT~ W

2 3 1

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT. District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-2-Manawar Agricultural Classes' r------~ I II , Cultivators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Area Occupied Houses Institutional Total No. of persons mainly owned mainly unownedl Name of village of ~ lfC!i'A' and and their and their Code No. or Vil~age ,---A.-_ ___, enumerated (including houseless of Town/Ward inmates of institutions dependants dependants S. 1U No. of No. of population No. Village acres Houses and ~~ ~ l;fTl1 ~T House­ ~if~. Literates 'lfi;rtcJi l;fTlT CfiT holds houseless persons) 31'R am: Cfi«T/qri 'tfU fu;f~~TctT qW;~~ f~-~ ~ CfiT "f1l{' OfiT ~ ~ anf~ ~ anfmY ~ 'ef~ Et; 0lI'ffir ~ '"*r •____ A..- ___...... r----"--~ ,.----A..--....., r---_,'------, ~ .... P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 0lI'ffir ~ w..

68 14-2- 68 Khar Bardi 3,795 74 74 460 224 236 203 210 10 15 Chhapri (M.) 69 14-2- 69 Katarpura 1,102 21 21 131 66 65 59 60 ... Bawadipura(M.} 70 14-2- 70 Jamli 3,861 99 99 607 306 301 4 286 276 Ambapura (M.) 71 14-2- 71 Amghata 2,258 9 9 60 32 28 32 28 Karo'ldiyapada (M.) 72 14-2- 72 Badipura 642 21 21 113 60 53 55 51 2 2 73 14-2- 73 Peethanpur 986 42 42 253 125 128 122 128 74 14-2- 74 Kokri 511 24 24 158 84 74 79 70 75 14-2- 75 Kodi 1.113 11 11 54 31 23 31 22

76 14-2- 76 Khedli Hanuman 1,633 42 42 215 113 102 ~. ~ 110 96 3 Dand Ghalya (M.) 77 14-2- 77 Kolya Bad 993 8 8 41 20 21 14 20 6 1

78 14-2- 78 Ghardi 3,321 153 153 946 475 471 3 398 404 37 Deopura (M.) Gerda (M.) Badwi (M.) 79 14-2- 79 Kuradada 509 23 23 159 79 80 3 69 68 3 80 14-2- 80 Pura 1,494 34 35 217 114 103 106 96 Jhira Khodra (M.) Piplya Khodra (M.) Jogya (M.) 81 14-2- 81 Jamal 871 14 14 92 43 49 38 49 I Guwadi (M.) 82 14-2- 82 J ogya 166 13 13 99 48 51 47 50 Dholya Mhow (M.) Talbipura (M.) 83 14-2- 83 Mujalda 981 12 12 79 41 38 37 37 2 B4 14-2- 84 Rehadada 1,861 29 29 178 93 85 4 70 67 6, Chunarkbeda(M.) Nadlpura (M.) Patel Piplya (M.) 85 14-2- as Kadwal 534 7 7 46 25 21 25 21 S6 14-2- 86 Shadi 1,022 22 22 113 64 49 61 49 87 14-2- 8'1 Bordabara 792 17 17 106 57 49 49 46 - 8f 14-2- 88 Kota 1,405 38 54 263 146 117 1137 III Chimlipura (M.) Jhadi Khodra (M.) 89 14-2- 89 Pipalda 1,563 50 50 255 140 115 123 105 10 Singapur (M.) 90 14 -2- 90 Dhawadada 1,388 26 27 193 96 97 95 Khidkya (M.) 91 14-2- 91 BUda 1,828 66 66 346 181 165 2 167 151 9 Chunadipura (M.) 92 14-2- 92 Sagi Bawdi 162 5 5 18 9 9 7 7- 93 14-2.- 93 Achar Kunda. 768 20 20 90 49 (1 42 a3 3 79

m)1Jr ~~ f~WT '!fi'ficl; fi-"lTt ~~'Tw '!filifcti ~¥-~-~ Non-agricultural Classes aret5flSl' '-'lfUrtrt Small scale associated __--.,______--"- - Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~ mlJ.fEr'fi' \3'Wm Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from: - r-- ..... labourers owne~s of ;;R fw~ tI1l3I''Rf No. of and their land, agncultural Non- No. of dependants rent recei,?ers V VI VII VIII -.. Textile Textile and their Pd' - Esta- Esta- No. of ~tf~~ dependants ro ucbon Commerce Transport Othe.r services blish-1 blish- Hand­ 'J;(R I': "'+: other than Olf11:fT~ atlqHIl"f;; and mIscellaneous ts' ments looms 'Ill"(" 'fi' l111~ cultivation sources men ~~ manf~ arh: wftT ~ arf~Cfa- ar;:lf ~GfTtt ~h: ~ cw-r ~T arrlf fcrfCfli ~~ anf~ '3"ffi~;; ~;; ~m ~ ~Of

6 'fi'~T .:;. • 'ifTl1{'5"'T:!u ( l1. ) if~ ~~r (q-.) 7 6 fq-tJffi" c; \ f~~ (1T.) 2 2 ~JCfffi to ~ (l1.) 5 ~~T " • ~'T:!U (l1.) I 2 ~'T ~T ,~ , aR\~~ ,~ " 80 Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRAar Dstrict No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-2-Manawar Agricultural Qasses

I II Area Cultivators of Cultivators of of land wholly or land whoUy QI' Code No. Name of village Village Occupied Houses p,Total No. of persons Institutional mainly owned mainly unoWlled in ~ ffCliFf and and their and their of or enumerated (including houseless S. Village Town/Ward acres ,.-_.A.--, inmates of institutions dependants dependants and population Literates +rTfucfi~ f.m;:r No. m+r

94 14-2- 94 Bildari 1,200 23 23 113 51 62 40 47 5 9 Chistipura (M.) 95 14-2- 95 Hirnya Bardi 386 15 15 82 41 41 1 34 35 86 14-2- 96 Balwari Kalan 411 23 23 106 56 50 4 38 40 3 1 97 14-4- 97 Dhobadiya 314 9 9 34 21 13 21 13 98 14-2- 98 Bhutyapura 398 21 24 103 49 54 27 31 3 41 99 14-2- 99 Balwari Khurd 1,141 43 45 202 109 93 2 101 88 5 21 Rawtala (M.) )00 14-2-100 Raipura Balwari 1,253 29 29 163 85 78 77 72 Semlipura (M.) ) 01 14-2-101 Behadada 1,050 41 53 296 147 149 117 117 11 15 )02 14-2-102 Borda 415 23 24 137 76 61 76 61 Bardipura (M.) 103 14-2-103 Dhanora 1,229 65 66 397 205 192 198 187 5 3 I )04· 14-2-104 Beklya Balwari 1,6~2 90 97 251 233 207 200 17 Rathyapura (M.) Jhirpanya (M.) Anajhera (M.) )05 14-2-105 Borghata 829 18 21 126 57 69 57 69 )06 14-2-106 Ghudsal 1,4~5 57. .62 296 164 132 18 .U5 103 Rati Talai (M.) 107 14-2-107 Jirabad 1,412 54 57 313 143 170 1 136 164 11618 14-2-108 Khedi Balwari •• 883 41 48 272 144 128 2 127 10<:0 Mujaldapura (M.) Rawatpura (M.) ,09 14-2-109 Atar-Sumba 843 15 23 120 ll8 52 68 52 ] ambu Kbcdra (M.) 110 14-2-110 Karondia 1,231 57 62 361 175 186 161 168 6 Mohanpura (M.) " Bardipura (M.) llll 14-2-ill 1 Badiya 951 26 29 147 72 75 57 66 3 1'12 14-2-112 Soyala 1,950 46 53 308 148 160 1 128 144 6 Mal (M.) " U3 i4-2-113 Dhantalab 655 18 20 140 76 64 1 73 60

114 14-2-114 Sali 1,740 99 107 601· 305 296 296 291 Haran Chapda (M.) Gadariya Khodra (M.) Dabariyapura (M.) Temriyapura (M.) US 14-2-115 Khedi-Buzurg 1,991 100 102 569 291 278 249 245 Sasatyapura (M.) Sotyapura (M.) :ns. 1"-2-116 Bariya 1,094 48 59 240 115 125 3 54 54· 5 111 14-2-117 Godrapura alias 928 63 64 358 180 178 11 173 174 5 1 Ambapura Bhandaria (M.) 118 1-l-2-118 Bansli 530 37 40 258 ' 119 139 6 109 126 1 ... 81

lAr~ «~ f;;r~ "filfi

N on-agricultural Classes ~ ~lIi Small scale associated Industries ",-- -~ ~~~ III IV Persons (including dependants} who derive their principal means of '<:PIG 'U''1,'Q.'' -.s~ I"' Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- ,- labourers owners of ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ CfI(~ClI~ ~ oW: ~ onf~ No. of and their land, agricultural Non- No. of . dependants rent receivers V VI VII VIII Te:lCtile Textile !iN~ ~ and their Production Commerce Transport Other services Es.ta- Es~a- No. of dependants other than and miscellaneou blish- blish- Hand- OIR ':ll''''ft' :... ~ otilm a{1

1" 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

6 6 fiif~U ~'t :;:im;T~T (-q.) 7 6 ~lfT ~iT \'-\ 8 8 2 5 ~cm:r Cfiffi V~ ~~rzrr ~" 19 19 ~~ 't:; :3 3 iI'~ ~<:: " 'U~r ('1.) s 6 ~flI'1!~r oror~ ~ 0 0 ~-q~~'U (-q.) 12 12 6 5 ~r to~ il'Tw to~ iifsl1~ ( 11'. ) 2 2 $fro to~

19 8 5 of iMlfT ~n-'T ~ 0 't ~~T (-q.) fiR'~lfr (if.) ~fi~T (If.) iif"'rom-r ~ 0 ~ 5 2 14 4 13 11 6 2 11 10 'I':sm:5' ~ 0 '­ ~rift

10 12 Cfi~Tf<::lfr ~ t 0 If)~if,!~T (If.) ~ (If.) 9 6 3 2 iiff~zrT ~ H H 12 ~)zrm H~ '1T~ (If.) 3 ~ifa<'fTiif t ~ ~

9 5 IDi?r ~ r~ ~'{1JT 'iWl~T ( If. ) ~'(IH ~T(lf.) STiiRrlfT~ ('1.) ~m~~ (If.) 16 13 26 20 ~sT "!~;f ~ ~ ~ ~~~zr~~T (If.) ~T~zrT,!~T (If.) 29 35 24 31 arrro:rr H ~ 2 .. "'T~,!~T ~tt at~iifT~~T n \9

lTSTn:lfT (if,) 4 3 9 iifi'~r ~ ~t; 82 Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRA.CT District No. 14--Dhar Tahsil No. 14-2-Manawar Agricultural Classes

I II Cultivators of Cu1tivatort of land wholly or land wholly Of Institutional mainly owned Code Nc­ Total No. of persons mainly unowned of ~;a Occupied Houses enumerated (including and and their and their Village inmates of institutions bouseless dependants dependants S. Village 1\.\ffie of Village ~;rem;; population No. l;fTlf 'f>1 or in ,----.-J-.. and Llterates lfTf~ fct;~Ff fCfiw.i ~;rr

119 14-2-119 Gandhwani 1,559 352 366 1,798 917 88l 287 68 279 252 '),-, 33 Pipripura (M.l AwIipura (M.l 120 14-2-120 Garwal 254 29 34 254 136 118 III 91 121 14-2-121 Satumari 789 32 35 239 121 118 112 114 122 14-2-122 Mohanpura 2,333 77 90 504 250 25. 219 232 12 7 G3.lwaspura (M.) Bhurighati (M.l Nadipat (M.) Imlipura (M.) 123 '14-2-123 Chheekli (Balwari) 1,026 29 38 175 93 82 91 80 Banskalyapura (M.) 12. 14-2-124 ]{heda 566 29 32 134 70 64 50 47 12 6 125 14-2-125 1{hod 1,325 36 42 198 97 101 86 91 Z Cbbemlya (M.) 126 14-2-126 Bakhtala 2.070 75 89 527 28Z 245 118 61 145 176 Chorkhoba (M.) Sankariya (M.) 127 14-2-127 Malhera 1,419 52 55 323 167 156 1 133 117 24 27 Bardipura (M.) Munjaldapura (M.) ]{undipura (M.)

128 14-2-128 Moripura 2,559 92 101 55t 271. 2 131 25() IS 13 ]{amad (M.) ]{alya Kuwa (M.) Nargawan (M.) Batadipura (M.) Viskyapura (M.) 129 14-2-129 ]{undi 531 13 16 87 45 i2 16 9 28 33 130 14-2-130 Khoja Kuwa 1,830 70 84 506 260 246 245 225 8 Kamad (M.l Junakheda (M.) Nadipada (M.) Malpura (M.) 31 14-2-131 Kosadana 1,677 73 80 462 230 232 95 56 115 165 Hanumanpura (M.) Kanasyapura (M.) 132 14-2-132 Anjantad 781 40 55 274 145 129 48 3 83 117 133 14-2-133 Balwari 1,068 32 33 193 94 99 2 36 42 32 29 Kanjardabra (M.) 134 14-2-134 Dhegda 1,007 79 82 -427 227 200 62 35 138 135 135 14-2-135 Badnera 1,015 50 62 278 152 126 1 43 21 98 94 Hanumanpura (M.l 136 14-2-136 Tongaon 1,231 61 70 358 185 173 64 46 118 123 83

«Tl{')1Ir ~.mt f;;rm '!IilJicti ~ Y-'iR ~~ri1 :fiJl'i;ffi No. of and their land. agricultural Non- No. of dependants rent receivers r---V--- VI VIII -, Textile Textile ~ ::i:- If\iI"lIT and their· Pdt' Commerce Oth . Estab- Estab- No. of ~I~ .,•. , -'''' ddt ro uc IOn er serVlces I' h lish- Hand- aft1: _...t::epe~ ~s other than ~ and miscellaneous 1S ' ments looms m::r 'fiT;:m:r -=rio:r +1111 Cfl +l11~ cultivation sources ment s .... .".,. ~ anfl>;ffi "am: ~ ~ ~ 3lflr Wmt OfT<: Cff"f '" q~ ~ m anfl>;ffi arn:r ~ fcrm- ~ ~ Cfl ~ ~T ,-__ A.-___ .~----"--"' ,-_ __..J._ __-.. ,-----"--__ "' ,-__..A.._---., ,-~ __...... 31faf

IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34

211 217 119 97 2 257 16 11 8 9 261 5 6 5 T[erofFfT ~ ~ ~ qT'1-:1~'T (if.) arrcr;;rr~<:T (::r.) 27 25 'n:-;;mi ~~o 8 3 "rm~l1<:r ~ ~ ~ 10 12 2 8 liT~tIU n~ 'T\7,Gfm~T (if.) 'p:rqrcr (JI'.) i."ftqrc (11.) ~ ::rBT",!<:T (11.) 2 ') m~ (OlBcrl<:T) ~ ~ ~ "fr~l";~l{T",!<:T (::r.) 11 I.if~r n't 10 ~T~ ~~~ ~JI'C;ItT (11.) 2 2 2 13 6 "f~ffi1T n~ "fT<:@T

10 8 3 2 9 7 l1T'{l~ ~ ~ C; 1filiR (11.) ~lfT~OfT (If.)

3 3 cRmcr ~ ~ ,_ 84

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14--Dhar Tahsil No. 14-2--Manawar Agricultural Classes

r------~ I II Cultivators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Institu tiona! mainly owned mainly unowned Area Occupied Houses Total No. of persons and and their and their enumerated (including Code No. ~ riO1 f 3fT..------. ,----"------

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

137 14-2-137 Panwa 3,473 151 185 983 505 478 18 419 404 56 51 Polpura (M.) Manakarpura (M.) Achwariyapura(M.) Malpura (M,) Bargawanpura (M.) Re!ya (M.) Ka!ya Kuwa(M.) 136 14-2-138 Lakhankot 1,455 67 71 382 198 184 I 51 39 138 138 139 14-2-139 Kabarwa 1.253 73 84 458 227 231 1 86 81 103 115 Pate!pura (M.)

Dachhwariyapura (M.) 140 14-2-140 Dedla 1,072 49 54 248 126 122 34 7 76 101 Patelpura (M.) Nadipura (M.) 141 14-2-141 Brahmangaon 777 29 31 163 83 80 2 17 15 55 56 Nadipura (M.) Bardipura (M.) 142 14-2-142 Sendla 1,394 72 74 410 201 209 2 100 72 74 106 Patelpura (M.) Gadariyapura (M.)

Solyapura (M.) 143 14-2-143 Julwanya 843 2 2 7 4 3 3 2 144 14-2-144 Pipli 1,980 187 197 919 451 468 2 38 2 167 187 3S 40 Dhobadiapura (M.) 145 14-2-145 Songaon 1,617 102 102 546 265 281 16 183 202 10 6 Ambapura (M.) Bardipura (M.) 146 14-2-146 Khand!ai 1,095 78 78 369 173 196 155 162

147 14-2-147 Ranta!av 1,930 106 108 526 254 272 236 258 148 14-2-148 Ajanya 884 32 32 181 97 84 84 73 3 2

149 14-2-149 Bhensawad 1,151 51 51 251 )26 l'!5_ 5 60 96 89 4 150 14-2-150 Banediya 2,544 109 115 738 370 368 3 337 330 7 5

151 14-2-151 Bhagyapura 1,460 92 92 445 238 207 219 185 13 13 152 14-2-152 Kalwani 1,928 132 132 630 303 327 23 151 169 14 21 153 14-2-153 Chikhli 1,806 58 68 298 153 145 138 132 154 14-2-154 Balipur 3.071 342 344 1,615 821 824 92 10 416 399 31 20 Dabarpura (M.) 155 14-2-155 Bidpura 584 47 48 256 126 130 101 106 156 14-2-156 Gopalpura 632 37 39 167 80 87 57 60 2

157 14-2-157 Kastli 631 14 71 35 36 2 3 158 14-2-158 Jagannathpura 905 740 382 358 21 20 159 14-2-159 :Vlanawar 1.426 Please see Urban Statistics 160 14-2-160 Jajamkhedi 876 97 109 535 264 271 30 2 128 129 10 lJIli1ur ~~r~ f~T ~1rt'!i' ~¥-'In~ mrifm ~~t'!i' ~¥-~-;r;rICR:

Non-agricultural Classes dfWfq Small scale associated ~fur- --+'= other than ~ a:n

22 20 3 2 5 qr.;qT n'-' cft<1'IU (11 ) l1R;P~U (if.) ~:"IcrHlrrrU (11.) ifT


~T~~T'j_~ (If.) 1 1 \if

14 11 3 2 ~ij'

19 31 2 S 4 ~~ ~¥~ 5 4 3 14 19 6 7 10 10 ~~TlfT ~'-\o 5 8 ~,~'{ ~~~ 124 122 6 5 8 10 2 7 7 ~r;;T. ~If~ 15 13 ~.~~~ 210 236 89 91 30 40 4S 38 3 25 25 ~ ~'-\'t m~u (Jr.) 23 23 2 ~'lU ~~~ 20 '1.7 1 ~'U ~~~ 33 3 30 ~~', t~\9 100 III 139 113 30 31 16 11 76 72 IiFJW~T' t ~ c: ;iFTf~'fi ~~ ~ lfo1Tq~ ~~\ 90 61 31 19 17 2 9 ~~: t,· 86 Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-2-Manawar Agricultural Classes ~------~ I II Cultivators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Occupied Houses Area Total No. of persons Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned Code No. Name of Village ~ if

161 14-2-161 Gulati 1,750 121 HI 707 365 342 55 5 231 228 22 22 Temaryapura (M.) 162 }4-2·-162 Kurada Khal 789 85 100 530 275 255 12 13 13 191 179 18 14 163 14-2-163 Dedla 1,738 66 82 473 222 251 4 2 39 110 132 13 8 164 14-2-164 Guradiya 897 11 l4 89 50 39 4 43 35 7 165 14-2-165 Dasbi 1,626 87 93 444 23~ 210 14 130 116 15 15" 166 1-1-2-166 ]hapdi 1,047 69 7~ 356 IG4 192 5 41 47 45 42 167 14-2-167 Singana 3,243 504 548 2,652 1,348 1,304 418 80 349 354 73 57 168 14-2-163 Brahamanpuri 1,569 82 82 369 IS4 185 10 102 109 33 IS 169 14-2-109 Budyakhedi 603 34 34 158 78 80 17 36 33 14 19 170 14-2-170 Palasi 88: 33 33 164 86 78 84 74 4

171 14-2-171 Koswada 910 51 51 236 122 114 23 41 35 18 19 172 U-2-172 Dongargaon 355 97 98 472 230 242 54 3 117 148 48 37 173 14-2-173 Mandwi 1,433 95 95 570 272 293 109 3 156 162 25 18 174 14-2-174 Ganpur 1,190 104 104 511 255 256 54 4 130 135 9 19 175 14-2-175 Sirsi 869 145 148 744 , <159 385 71 10 165 166 29 31 176 \4-2-176 Jaune alias ~48 29 29 175 91 84 18 1 59 55 3 1 Gopalpura. 177 14-2-177 Gangli 2,414 107 108 502 240 262 22 92 96 12 14 173 14-2-173 Deogarh 1,800 101 101 503 258 245 45 5 150 148 7 6 179 14-2-179 Pipal Tonka 380 11 11 59 28 31 180 14-2-180 Kundi 738 17 17 81 45 - 36 3 3 7 " 181 14-2-181 Ajandi 3,003 125 125 646 324 322 12 7 97 4 ISO 150 38 42 182 14-2-182 Kavthi 1,983 75 75 335 163 172 17 1 112 106 10 8 Bijabardi (M.) 183 14-2-183 Ekalwara. 2,336 164 1640 729 370 359 83 4 146 161 34 Juna.kheda (M.) 184 14-2-184 Karauli 784 HI 142 656 326 340 41 3 155 153 Bardipura (M.) " Gugli Bardi(M.)

185 14-2-18$ Lan~oor 4,555 117 118 945 467 478 101 12 200 217 2 Nespura (M.) Bamanpura=(M.) Moripura (M.) 186 14-2-186 Sala 642 34 38 172 94 78 14 54 40 8 7 187 14-2-187 Khumanpura 426 188 14-2-188 ,KaTondiya 1,621 80 410 199 211 3 155 167 Bagpura (M.) 189 14-2-189 Mehtakhedi 1,626 51 56 228 111 117 16 74 86 2 2- 190 14-2-190 Sirsala 1,541 69 70 394 194 200 3S 2 12-1 132 9 11 Nawapura (M.) 191 14-2-191 Bhogdarh 1,011 21 21 119 60 59 2 33 31 l() .i> 192 14-2-192 Pachkheda 1,906 106 107 532 273 259 24 209 J81 5 JJllwanya (M.) •

100 1'4-2-t9~ Borud 1,995 147 157 689 322 367 68 3 193 208 Bardipura (M.) • 87

vrtf'tlf ~nnTl( f;;n;n- "fi11t

Non-agricultural classes ~fq ?~fllFrt Small scale a5Sociated ______A. ______---.. Industnes III IV ---"'-Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~)l ij"1l!f~

91 85 10 5 11 2 2 ~GT t,t ~11f~lf~U (if.) 59 53 3 6 4 3 1 ~~T ~T~ ~~, 61 87 26 21 1 11 3 8 8 ~~r ~'l "~r ~,Y' 66 5S 7 :3 12 15 4 3 " ~ ~,'\ 55 86 4 9 17 5 2 3 5 5 ~r~r ~~, .371 387 9 9 209 192 151 128 7 4 179 173 59 17 16 f~rrT ~ '" 35 54 11 2 3 2 1 3 3 ;;r~iU ~~c:; 14 21 10 5 4 2 1 ,!~f~r ~,\ '1mij"T N0

58 51 3 4 2 2 Cfi~T ~'3t 59 :i3 5 4 :ST'T~t;t6 if)q-l"{i~U ~ '3 ~

11)2 109 18 19 7 15 9 9 7 IlfJfm ~'3\! 71 77 6 4 7 4 3 3 14 3 ~ar'T~ ~'3C:; 21 21 7 10 flTq~ ?:TCfiT t '3 \ 28 22 3 2 .. 5 1

104 109 3 13 9 4 2 15 7 2 2 ~;~T ~c;t 38 46 11 3 CfiCIOT ~ C; ~ ilr\lTm~r (11.) 149 155 34 12 6 2 1:!;~ ~c;l ~~T (ll".) 149 153 5 6 4 5 8 3 3 3 CfiUi?T ~ C; 't ~fttru (11.) tt~T Gf~r (11.) 237 2 13 9 13 7 5 4 4 ~~ tc;,,\ " ;f~T (11.)'" GITlt~U (ll".) ~ftft'!U ('If.) 26 28 6 3 ~Tm ~c;, ~~r ~C;\! 33 32 2 2 7 9 1:J'iiTf~lfT ~ C; I; Gf11rl7.:T ( 11. ) 23 20 11 S if~~r~T ~ c;\ 51 48 1 1 8 6 faumrr ~\o ~U (11.)

17 9 ~~~ t\t '57 74 1 1 !f~ t\~ ~r

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-2-Manawar Agricultural Classes

------~ I II Cultivators of CUltivators of land wholly or land wholly or Area Occupied Houses Institutional mainly owned mainly unoWDeci Total Noo of persons and and their and their of ~ ll'fi'1'f Name of Village enumerated (including houseless dependants Code ","0. or Village -.. inmates of institutions der;~~~nts population ~m fcr;m

194 U-2-194 Borli 2,263 57 60 280 147 133 71 f'o7 8 11 Godadpura (Mo) 195 14-2-!95 Devla 2.456 100 106 539 254 285 36 3 67 77 5 2 Kumharpura (M.) Bhilpura (M.) Semlyapura (M.) 196 14-2-193 Wagliya 1.533 114 122 658 352 306 8 t08 187 4 1 Pura (M.) Kundia (M.) 197 14-2-197 B:tyal 2.682 91 98 441 228 213 38 100" 93 SO 39 198 14-2-198 Khedi Haweli 810 77 77 434 204 230 47 152 184 6 4- Bardipura (Mo) 19. 14-2-199 Mardana 417 200 14-2-200 Badgaon 967 45 45 217 111 106 39 2 47 47 201 14-2-201 Bachhoda 1.503 51 51 2S;l 123 129 18 2 52 63 37 Kharpura (Mo) 202 14-2-202 Semalda 1.737 111 114 454 228 226 28 89 90 55 40, 203 14-2-203 Perkhad 1.305 SO 53 281 141 140 85 79 ~16 29

20~ 14-2-204 Uradana 2.142 36 37 209 112 97 79 76 18 17 205 14-2-2U5 Karayanpur 184 206 14-2-206 Jotpur 931 157 157 765 385 380 4 97 3 187 181 14 15- Bardipura (:M.) 207 14-2-207 Aajanda ~,749 26'3 263 1,185 592 593 164 11 285 280 48 32 Kharpura (0'>10) Chatranpura (l\I.) Subhanpura (:\1.) 208 14-2-208 Shankpura 748 45 47 218 109 109 8 46 44 12 11 Bllilalapura (Mo) 209 14-2-209 Badada 3.213 211 233 '1.147 570 577 20 20 149 15 259 282 37 27 210 14-2 -'Z10 Malangaon 905 80 8~ 346 175 171 28 67 76 19 18 211 14-2-211 Ratwa 1,187 31 32 149 79 70 12 77 70 Pipliyapura (Mo) 212 14-2 -212 Dagadpura 416 14 14 91 48 43 40 38 1 213 14-,!-213 l'atwar 998 56 57 310 150 160 11 98 114 3 7

Samjipura (Mo) 214 14-2-214 Jctapura 287 22 22 169 85 84 4- 69 72 5 215 14-2-215 Mirzapur 987 113 122 596 325 271 117 23 294 259 2 Piplyapura. (M.) 216 14-2-216 Bilkuwa 300 217 14-2-217 I{uw.:lli 1.522 69 69 326 167 159 8 125 122 ;;!O 19 218 14-2-218 jalkheda 1.120 72 72 336 172 164 5 4 14 33 41 !7 16 219 14-'!-219' B \jatta Khurd 837 55 55 314 166 148 2 2 142 134 :il 1& Piplyapura (Mo) 220 14-2-220 Limbi . 1.395 60 60 297 155 142 1 120 114 23 u. Kesharpura (1\1.) 221 14-2-221 Pipri (Bakaner) 1.613 84 84 430 212 218 23 82 94 1 Kasmalyapura (M.) - Kusm~lyapura (M.) 89

Non-agricultural Classes ar~ ~ Small scale associated Industries ------~~------~------~ III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of mi~~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- labourers owners of ;:fr:;;i ~ ~ ~ ~ mta' Cj)(~"II~ 0lff.Rr ~ ~ anfl!lCf No. of and their ., land. agricultural Non- No. of dep~ndants rent recei_vers ~ V VI VII VIn Textile Textile No. of tif!Sf Cj)' ~ dand ~e~ Production Commerce; Transport Other services ~~- tr~~: Hand­ 9;f~ ...rt;ep~n..:g s other than CilfI'11R d{1"I141+i'1 and miscellaneous s t- ments ~ .. -...... t: ,,!,If Cj)' -111m cultivation sources men s looms ~

, ,l, • ~ , .:. ,I 65 54 3 3 3

3 4 2 f~T ~t' 17 13 ~T~h 6 9 3 7 4 7 7 103 88 2 3 ~~~t·c:; 1 1 1 2 1 5 4 2 I ~~T ~t :,t'~ ftrw:r~r (If.) 3 1 9 13 .. - f~ ~,. _, ~U :(If.) :: ;_ ..1 9 7 1. .... 21 12 104 ' • .'.' , ~r (Gfl'CfiR~) ",' Cj)ij¥iI~l!I,! (T (If.) i1:ij+iI~~ (if.~ gO

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY OEN8US AB8TRMlT District No. 14-Dhar Tthsil No. 14~2-Manawar Agrieultaral a..-

I tl Cultivators of CultiyatCllW of bnd wholly or land whollt or InstitUtional maiilly owned mainly unOWlleCl Area Occupied Houses Total No. of persons and and their and their Code No. Name of Village ,of atm't~ enumerated (in<;luding houseless dependants s. of or Village inxnates of institutions ,-~ populirtion No. Village Town/Ward in and ~~ dT£ts No. of No. of Lit~tes tRA; tl1f !fiT \Wf lff acres HouseS House- houseless persons) mmll~- ~ VN ~ i:Prr fiAT rnt~ ~ f ~ ~ IR-ifR: ~ ~ ~ .~ ,-~ ~ tP. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. Y. F. ~if "" ~ ~ fW f~ TI" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s- Wlm 1 % 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 18 11

122 1"-2-222 Ahllledpur alias 1,141 52 52 306 144 18S 5 121 137 .i Bajada • Xheda (M.) Charanpura (:M.) Mhowpura (M.) 223 1"-2-~23 Killyanpura aliaa 827 28 23 121 IS 8. 40 5. 3 2 MUdiyakheda Nagajhiri (M.) 224 14-2-22. RaJtgaon 833 40 40 241 114 127 98 109 2 t l3hatiyapura (M.) Bhadiyapura (11.' S25 14-2-225 Bhud& 948 58 51 294 144 150 125 130 7 Alavpura (M.) • Whiskipura. (M.) 226 11-2-228 Bakaner l.933 111 tl6 2,,67 1,642 1,025 2'5 .S 224 ab 116 12' Bidpura, (M.) Bhagwanpure (M.) Sunderpura (M.) 227 1"-2-227 Ajandi 1,784 118 118 619 3GB 311 2 1 14 261 277 Kolipura (M.) Dabarpura (M.l Acllhalyapura (M.) Sadakpura (M.) Bardipura (~I.) Bhanwarpura (M.) 228 14-2-228 neencha 620 44 44 229 116 118 3 99 96 1 229 14-2-229 Khedi (Manawar) .. 568 1 3 2 1 230 14-2-2SO Hanmantya 518 31 31 161 63 98 11 1 2. 53 4 3 231 14-2-231 Bharadpura 1.144 S95 212 183 Sa 11 44 sf

232 14-2-232 Loni 986 57 57 230 115 115 105 104 Bardipura (M.) 233 14-2-233 Jatpura 1,498 85 85 443 218 225 .. 30 139 lSI Dabarpura (M.) Waskalyapura (M.) Badwapura (M.) Moripura (M.) 234 1+-'2-234 Piplya 1,379 50 51 '134 129 101 111 93 9 to J amnyapura (M.) Mahuwapura (M.)

235 i4-2-235 Londi Rajpura 397 238 '4-2-286 Dh8.nkhedi 9'0 55 58 305 154 151 3 122 117 10 ; ]tlniharplira (M.) Bedyapura (M.) ,,. 217 14-2-~3'I Khargon 1,20B 47 41 260 137 123 &5 7~ • KoliplIra (M.) Monpura (M.) Non-agricultural Classes 8f1iN ~ Small scale associated Industries ______.~r------~------~ III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of U')i~~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from labOiIters ownetsof ;:fR"~~~~~Cfi

15 20 ~~ri;;(~ ~~~

~ (~.) ~I~$~I (11.) ~ ('1".) 1 1 ~~';a'qi ~':n ,!~aal~~1 Of~ (~.) III 10 I ~·HY ~rf~~ (11'.) -srl~~ (~.) 10 16 2 l{SIm 'n~ "..... (1:niJ~rm. '7'1(1 (11.) ,fft·q :(I (ll.) wtir~ ('T.) ~I~~J"!~ (~.) ~~ (11.) ~"U (ll.) ~ (~.) lit 17 1 iFf;u -ric; 2 1 '" ~ (lVtT

aural Statistics THE PRIMARY OENSUS ABSTRACT District' No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. ·14-2 Manawar Agricultural Classes ,- I II Cultivators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned, Code No. Name of Village Area. Total No. of persons C)f Occupied Houses and and thdr and their of or enumerated (including houseless dependants dependants Village Town/Ward Village ~lJCIiFf inmates of institutions population ~-., and Literates ~ fct;m1" ~ ~ for.rr 1" r-___...A.------, ,-_--"-______,---A._ ____.._ ,-~ ~ ~ .. ~ P M. F. M. F. M . F. M. F. M. F. mr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w.m 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 t38 14-2-238 ~anIllj\ntya 612 27 29 126 60 66 .. 45 .8 8 .8 1,. ! (Bakaner) t89 14-2-239 Bhiknakhedi 906 79 80 403 207 196 6 164 1.8 3 C,2 Dabarpura (M.) Parbatigura (M.) Bavdipura (M.) Marghata (M.) ~ Iahulipura (M.) Madarirra (M.) 140 14-2-240 :Kherwa .. l,OIl 9. 9. 578 28. 29. 4 239 23. 6 7 M

241 14-2-241 K1;l'W ilod 2,959 133 134 721 372 '49 12 1 312 300 11 1~ .Kali~iray (\1.) Dongripura (M.) Junakheda (M.) Khidipura (M.) Jogadi (M.) Bahadarpura (M.) 242 14-2-242 Banlan 1.197 42 42 238 133 106 3 104 71 12 1& Bardipura (M.)

2~ 14-2-24;J Sond"l 1,351 85 86 447 230 217 20S 196 Achhalyapura (M.) - Alawapura (M.) Godadyapura (M.)

1"4 14:..2-244 Nigarni 1,587 S9 59 815 148 167 1 04 123 142 10 1. Bardipura (M.) Banjarapura (M.) Kolsyapura (M.) patelpura (M.)

145 14-2-245 . Badgaon 1.550 6~ 82 288 138 150 1 112 126 8 t- Patelpura (M.) Bhagwanyapura (M.l Dagdyapura (M.) 248 14-2-246 Tonki 2,032 245 247 1,232 622 610 230 3Z l'31 188 21 11 125 101 247 14-2-24~ Temarni 1,276 47 47 264 1.(2 122 14 IS.

Patelpura (M.) Rawatpura (M.) 148 14-2-248 Murad 1,707 llS lIS eso S39 311 2 m 301 Nadiwala (M.) - Sinyapura (M.) Patelpura (M.) D",byapura (M.) Pahsinghpura (M.) ) .' 1,186 36 36 211 110 101 1'10 101 249 14-2-24.~ ,Golpura - -' 260 14-2-250 Ambada ""6 93

<;frfrJr q'~ f~ ~ ft-m ~~ "lim'li ~'1-':(-~ Non-a.gricultural Classes ~ ~~ Small scale associated Industries III IV~.r- Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of-- ~ m~~ ~)q Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- ,-.-__.A-- __---, labourer~ owne~s of ;ft:;f f~ ~T ~ ~ 'Sf1t~ tfi(~cll~ ~ '3Tft ;a'~ anf~ No. of and therr land, agncultural Non- No. of depe~dants rent receiyers r- V VI VII VIII -, Textile Textile ~ ~~ lf~ d:;e~:~:s Production Commerce Transport Other services ~:: ~~~_ NHOa·nOdf_ 311<: -.mr.' ~ oth~r tJ::an 0lfTtm: an~141'li'j and miscellaneous _ :a;:r:f. arrf,..;rcr o. '!l c~tivation sources ments ments looms aft~ ~ ~ anm<:cRf 3FlT Wmt arT<: ~ ~ ~- ~~ anf?;f~ 3Fl:l' «~ WON ~ iroN cfi' ~N ~T ·~J'-F -- ~M -.. .----'------, ,---..A---., r-- -"---" A.. __-, arfm"{CRf q;T '*T . . . F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F . . ~T ~ ft=;{~ ~ w.n:rt ~ ~ ~ . f~ ~ ~ qm ~ m:~- ~l?~'l- ~ '" ;;nt;:mt 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 6 10 1

16 17 17 16 17 13 f~~iT ~~\

l~ II J fI

Agricultuul Cla~ses

I II OccupIed Houses Culuvators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Area amTT~ ~rr Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned .A.---, Total No. of persons of ,-__ and and their and their Vi!lage No. of No. of enumerated (including S. Code No. houseless dependants dependants Name of Village ..:,n Houses House- inmates of institutions population No. of or l11f~f'l'imrr ,...res 'fU holds ruld Literates f'PB1'1 ~ Village TownfWard houseless persons) ~~lT'~~;l­ 3TT~ Vfif ~rcf-~ 3T'R: mli 'fiT m+r ~ 'PI' ~+ofl flJ'if ~ Olff";p:rql 'lil' ~ Cf1lT forifT IfiT 'PI' ~~ 3fTfl!oTa ~~ anfll«f 'fire 1firo/ crri &l!fq)

215 14-2-251 Jalkhan 2,191 93 93 508 261 247 221 217 14 Patelpura (k.) Malipura (M.) Bhilpura (M.) Dondwapura (M.) Bodadyapura (M.)

25% 14-2-252 Muhali 1,279 75 75 397 217 110 193 155 12 11 Patelpura (M.) 1'loripura (M.) Ghumdayalapura (M.) Dabarpura (M.) Bbilpura (M.)

US 14-2-258 Brahamanpuri 704 206 121 85 108 78 Semlyapura (M.)

21-4 14-2-254 Bagsul 414 30 30 165 7. 41 17 11

255 14-2-255 Sanmod 426 35 S6 11M IN 10 89 Patelpura (M.) Nadipura (M,)

25& 14-2-256 Lonara 2,687 201 203 1,089 532 sn 31 5 406 .4 Julwanya (M.) Borjhiri (M.) Iskyapura (M.} Solmal (M.) Kheda (M.)

217 14-2-257 Bapdud 864 51 53 257 136 121 11 77 28 Patelpura (M.) Dabarpura (M.) 258 14-2-258 Jehadi 712 52 53 285 141 144 1 12. 31 17 Patelpura (M.) Sirvi (M.) 269 14-2-259 Bhamori 1,040 2. 53 140 70 70 4 1 49 7 Patelpure (M.) Kakad~a(M.)

280 14-2-260 Khadkl 1,675 112 117 517 264 251 . 141 172 Pipl:yapani (M). Khodrapar (M.) Bardipura (M.) Lamtyapura (M.) Chaugadpura (M.) Khedapura (M.) 95

llrllA ~liil"ffii f;;rm 'lti;rt~ r~ - '1.fi<: a-~il=I't? 'ltil4T

Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~ Small scale associated -..,- .....)... Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~ m'lf!~ ~ Cultivating Non-cultivat- livelihood from:- ,- labourers ing owners of ;:f'M' ~ mer.:rl ~ ~ ~ 'f>

19 17 7 4 ;;:r~t -=<'-',~ q~~~~T (iT.) iTr

11 12 1 iT~T

8 ;1Tl=~UfT1 ~ '-', ~ ij-qflflT"T (iT.) 23 24 qTlT~

22 1 2 24 qTq~~ ~'-\~ qi~TT (If.) ~rq<:_~ (If.) 8 2 2 3 ~~ ~'-\c; qi<1~ (If.) f~r (If.) 2 13 12 ~RT ~'-\\ qC~<1~<:r (If.) ~~<:r (If.)

1 26 31 7 ~T ~,. fqqc.lfrqr.:fj- (If.) l3~rtm: (If.) ~f1!<:T (If.) ~ctm,!<:r (If.) :qTtr~<:r (iT.) ~~~r (If.) 96

R.ural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABTSRACT District No. 14--Dhar Tahsil No 14-~--Manawar Agricultural Classea r- ---Jo.. I II Cultivators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Area Institutional of Total No. of persons mainly owned mainly unowned Occupied Houses and and their and their Code No. \:" ~ llle of village Village enumerated (including houseless or in a:ITOIT~ t:f9iT'1 inmates of institution dependants dependants of population acres r------"'-- .., and s. Village Town/Ward Literates ~~ ~ No. No. of No. 0: houseless persons) ~~if ~;{- lAm f3T/Cfri ;;fff -a-rr.t arrf~ '01<:T zf~ ~~~~ ~ 'f.T "IT+r ?T~ 9'iC~T

scn 14-2-261 Avalda 3,363 209 214 1,222 625 597 9 516 503 45 SG Nakapura (M.) Patelpura (M.) Mudkarya (M.) Bardipura(M.) Dandghalya (M.) Kotisandya (M.l Badkhodra {M.} Jamantalai (M.) Neprikhodri (M.)

H2 1,078 51 51 242 131 14-2-262 Chakdud HI 125 107 4 Patelpura (M.) Kundya (M.) Khada (M.) 2f3 14-2-263 Sitapuri 1,538 71 71 358 178 180 176 178 Phootli Bavdi (M.) 14-2-264 Khedi Khurd 250 .. Devra 775 40 40 202 101 101 115 14-2-265 .1 90 II , Udyapma 1,228 63 63 308 151 14-2-266 157 128 128 13 11.7. * Machkyapura. (M. 1 Bhimpura (M.)

2,IQI 107 107 247 14-2-267 Khandlal 495 243 252 ~6 S 168 188 :n Dabarpura. (M.) 2' Rawatpura (M.) Bardipura (l\f.) Ill) 188 14-2-268 Borlai 1,9QS 109 552 295 257 182 174 ., Malpura (M.) "2 Madya pura (l\I.) Solyapura (M.) Patelpura (M.) 269 14-2-269 .\."ral .CJ )1 46 48 285 151 134 Uti 109 21 ,. Saklipura (M.)

270 14-2-270 Andlyab K58 29 29 140 76 6f 57. m.'49 4 4 Ratadiya (M.)

-.} 291 14-2-271 Chirakhan 1,765 ;)- 53 '2.75 159 116 140 le3 10 10 ::-

27.2 14-2-272 Temriya 1,306 102 102 516 270 246 254 235 II LOharpura (:\1.) Dharwapura (1\1.) Bhilpura (M.l Dhawaliyap'.lra (M.) Thanapura (M.) Mahudipura (M.l 273 14-2-273 Pipliya Khuru 846 - 97

irTlfTur mTtt fGrm "fi11TCf\" rl{-~ ~T~ ~ ~'II'-~-4"~

Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~ Small scale associated Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~m+rfi"~ ~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- ,------"-,----. labourers owners of ~ ~ meAT ~ ;;ftf'C(CfiT ~ Cj\Ji

0&1 34 17 18 2 3 4 3 ~ ~"t ""'=T=Cj\I'"'~-T (4".) qi~ (If.) ~'liTfufT (If.) ~JtrU (4".) m~T (4".) Cf\lc:T ~t'lifT (4".) ~~~U (If.) iifTlf...,. ~~ (4".) olqU ~)~T (4".)

~~~~ qi~~r (4".) Cfj;~ (4".) ~~ (If.) 2 2 f@I~{\ ~~~ ~T~~ (If.) ~~r~ ~~'t 2 4 ~ ~~'\ '12 12 ~fl!~ ~~~ lTFfCfliflIU (4".) +r~U (4".)

22 9 9 7 6 5 7 W6~J{ ~~'" 6~~T (4".) ~r

;12 10 3 ;q;:~Tl;fTGI" ~II 0 Uo~lfT (4".) 7 3 'ifT~ ~"'~ ""'Tlf~ (If.)

to ~~T 'i\9~ ~)~T<:ru (If.) 'Iif~T (4".) ~ (4".) 'liflClfwlll'3,<:T (4".) oTirT'!U (4".) 4"RmU (4".) ~T~ ~"'~ 98 Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14--Dhar Tahsil No. 14-2-Manawar

Agricultural Classefl"\

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area Land wholly or land wholly or Name of village of Occupied Houser. Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned or Village 3TT

!74 14-2-274 Rajukhedl 1,114 75 76 353 167 186 3 115 124 2 Patelpura (M.) Bardipura (M.) Walipura (M.) 275 14-2-275 Sala 1.062 43 43 279 146 133 120 121 ... BG.hadarpura (M.) H ameerpura (M.) 176 14-2-276 Dongh 480 21 22 127 68 59 62 58 .. .. Patelpura (M.) 177 14-2-277 Padlya 813 S3 38 289 153 138 140 125 S S. Patelpura (M.) 178 14-2-278 Amsi 1,517 72 72 449 239 210 190 170 ·18 ISo Patelpura (M.) Bardipura (M.) Kalalpura (M.) 179 14-2-279 Malpura 509 280 14-2-280 Boharla 1,875 92 94 514 254 260 213 227 10 It Patelpura (M.) Malpura (M.) Tadwalapura (M.) 81 14-2-281 Kherwa 1,444 66 66 370 189 181 1"8 140 1. 100 Mankarpvra alias Ghubadya pura (M.) Badlapura (M.) Patelpura (M.) Badlipura (M.) Tadvipura (M.) 182 14-2-282 Dasid 1,082 58 58 293 149 144 1'-41' 152 Kheda (M.) Patelpura (M.) Bardipura (M.) Mankarpura (M.) Moripura (M.) 283 14-2-283 Patlawad 1,302 105 105 575 287 288 259 250 12 11 284 14-2-284 Bhanpura 1,145 35 35 178 90 88 64 69 Sadakpura (M.) Jhandapura (M.I Kha'dkya Ghat (M.) 285 14-2-285 Sulibardi 2,314 62 155 316 156 160 1 I· 139 143 4 Patelpura (M.) • Ambapura (M.) Kheriyamal (M.) 288 14-2-286 Kalalda 1,153i 62 62 286 112 154 127 152- .... Patelpura (M.) Gatapura (M.) Bardipura (M.) Jhiniyapura (M.) 99

~~~ f~ "IilficJi ~)(-m ~ ~ ~)(-~-WI'TCA! Non-agricultural Classes 3l'Wfq ~ Small scale associated ______--..,-- ______--'~ ______. Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~ ~~ \3'?lFr Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- . ,----""---'--.. labourers owners'of "fR tmW ~;:ft ~ ;srIfCfclif ~ 'ti'vfcrr~ ozrfifCl' a:!h: ~ anf~ No. of and their land agnculturalr--______--'~______Non- No. of dependants rent receivers V VI VII VIII Textile Textile and theIr Production Commerce Transport Other services Estab- Estab- No. of ~ iii if~ lish- Hand- 3Th: ~pe,nd.:i.' oth~r th.an ~ atICjI~I&Ft and miscellaneous n1~~t ments looms ~I'" Cfi "'II~ cultIvatIOn sources ~ anf~ C\ ifh: 'lif~ C1i' atfdf

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

32 48 4 4 4 10 10 "u\;'fmr ~19't qi~-:T (;j-.)' ~l,!-':T (if.) cr01,!~T (if.) 26 12 ~~T ~19~ or~r

~<1I'T~T (if.) qi<1l"!"U (ll. \ ~~ (If.) ~f'!"U (ll.) 7 9 1 3 ~~ ~t;~ ~ (if.) q~~T (+[.) cr~

I II Occupied Houses Cultivators of Cultivators of Code No. Name of Village Area Institutional land wholly or land wholly or of 3fT~ qCfiR' of or Total No. of persons and mainly owned mainly unowned S. Village Town/Ward Village ,----'----. houseless and their and their in No. of No. of enumerated (including population Literates dE'pendants dependants No. , m"11 iFr lAr;r lIT iumates of institutions acres Houses House- ~ " mf~Cfi f.1;m;:r fcfim;:r ~lficIl holds and ~~lii ~- -~ 'fiTS' ~/m lAm 'efU houseless persons) Cfi'!HfT crre a~r f01ifr ~h am: ;::n:;r( 'FT ;:rr;r om 'fiT fu;l ~ ~fCf~lfT ~ "'~T 'ef~R iiti o'llf'ffl ~ anfl!lG ~ arrfp.«!" ~"I'q;~ ~~ ij'~ m~ ~~ ,-----~--""'\ ,---" ,r----l'----..,----"------, ,.-----A.~ ~ • 11 P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 0l:IfcR:r .Ff ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W-Rt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17

281 14-2-287 Ralamandal 870 76 79 414 211 203 184 178 Patelpura (M.) Bhadyapura (M.) Nikampura (M.) Mujaldapura (M.) Z88 14-2-288 Beladi 597 10 12 54 32 22 32 22 lskyapura (M.) 2S9 14-2-289 Kachhadad 1,531 49 49 278 142 136 134 120 4 10 Patelpura (M.) Sindhipura J (M.) Bedlipura (M.) 290 14-2-290 Bechkuwa 1,506 34 34 183 94 89 94 89 Chaparyapura (M.) Badlipura (M.) 291 14-2-291 Ukhalda 2,092 79 86 453 219 234 3 188 187 6 Charanpura (M.) Patelpu.a \M.) Anwalipura (M.) 2.W 14-2-292 Pharaspura 521 12 12 77 41 36 41 36 293 14-2-293 Umari 909 38 38 186 87 99 70 81 10 -a Patelpura (M.) Hete ka pura (M.) Bhilpura (M.) 294 14-2-294 Dhanora 1.221 69 69 350 180 170 5 156 148 12 14 Patlepura {M.) Nikampura (M.) 2'96 14-2-295 Jhoriya 919 26 27 141 67 74 60 69 Domdipura (M.) Chauhanpura (M.) Dabarpura (M.) 296 14-2-296 Chauki 1,045 77 77 374 199 175 1 171 140 13 Ii Patelpura (M.) Mahulipura (M.) Domdipura (M.) Kalalpura (M.) , 297 14-2-297 Bhamod 491 20 20 115 51 64 38 49 1 1 298 14-2-298 Madawada 1.394 84 89 549 290 259 262 237 20 14 Petelpura (M.) Chandyawad (M.) Pemanpura (M.) 299 14-2-299 Badwa [1,221 9& 90 512 261 251 242 239 19 12 Patelpura (M.) Naipura (M,) Satpura (M.) goo 14-2-300 Bhaslawada 539 3'7 37 214 102 112 79 95 301 14-2-301 Savlakhedi 359 28 28 133 72 61 57 51 5 3 302 14-2-302 Ala Barda 283 13 13 95 50 45 30 33 13 tl) 101

vr;fivr ~ ~~r ~i'Cfi r't-~ ~\>T ~i9; ~'(--~-if~ IJfir itfUflri' N on-agricuotural Classes ~ ~ Small scale associated ______-----l-.--.. Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means oj ~ ~~ '3tiFr Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- ,----__._----.. labourers owne!s of ifR f~ «ft:TifT t i3ftfCfCtiT ~

14 3 ~T\>TrlR~ ~ C; It '1~U (if.) ~lfl~ (if ) ~~ (if.) ~({~ (if.) ~ ~I;C ~

S03 14-2-303 Piplya 1,002 75 75 403 201 202 176 186 16 8 Patelpura (M.) Badwapura (M.) Chhitar ka pura (M.) 304 14-2-304 Jarnnya '34 18 18 86 41 45 25 43 15 Badwapura (M.) 305 14-2-305 Amdad 3(16 14-2-306 :\Iorkhad 8 46 25 21 16 14' 7

307 14-2-307 Karandiya Mot 42 42 206 100 108 93 94 108 14-2-308 Patha Chhoti 2 1 1 109 14-2-309 Chikli 3'10 14-2-310 Tekli 12 12 70 40 30 27 20 10 :J 11 14-2-311 Girgulda 4 24 13 11 9 5 4 312 14-2-312 Patha Moti 10" 10 50 31 19 29 19 SIS 14-2-313 :Madbihar 20 20 111 54 57 40 44 7 J 314 14-2-314 Umarban Khurd 529 S2 52 249 122 127 78 55 34 64 115 14-2-315 Umarban Kalan 1,123 115 115 517 266 251 3 77 70 S3 If Mvalpura (M.) Badbpura (M.)

316 14-2-316 Khari Moli (Forest) 18 18 5. 36 23 1 31 20 1 317 14-2-317 :Vlebadapura 318 14-2-318 Lawani 3,242 74 74 369 191 178 124 107 52 51 Bhandariya (M,) Kesherpura (M.) :\lolyapura (M.) S 19 14-2-319 Dholi Bawadi 602 22 23 114 62 52 50 49 3 20 14-2-320 .Nilda 402 33 33 174 89 85 82 77 7 Sanglyapura (M.) 321 14-2-321 Surani 872 55 58 284 144 140 3 114 113 3 322 14-2-322 Tiwardiya 276 18 18 131 64 67 60 65 123 14-2-323 Jamnya 726 29 30 210 104 106 1 92 100 Gawali Pantha (M.) 324 14-2-224 Saklda 1,076 66 67 :J42 170 172 5 3 12 148 160 1 Kalalpura (M.) Chidipura (M.l 325 ~:l_-4-2-325 Pan l riya 906 39 39 160 91 69 61 2 Gadariyapura (M.) Sahibapurcy (M.)

326 14-2-326 ~rondiya 1,~6S 82 62 341 177 164 167 158 Toi',_Ghati (M.) Whisk;",~oura (M.) Badlapura (~'I\f.) 327 14-2-327 Lunhera Bl1zurg 1,995 188 189 1,051 523 528 1 16 350 3U Patelpura (M.), Bajarpura (M.) Bhuriyakuwa (M.) 103

r.miriJI l'f€lI'rit f5f~T '5fil1T1ii r~-m<:: ff~l1~ "f.l1T=r. ~,,-";( -l1;:non:

Non-agricultural Classes ~f" ~fUT<:rt Small scale associated ______... Industries III IV'-Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of -, ~li ~QOf, ~TlT Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- ,- --"------""" labourers owne~ of ;:fr'.1i:f N(). of and their land, agncultural .A. Non- No. of depe,?-dants rent receiyers'- V VI --VII VIII -, Textitle Textile ~ :;p ~<:: :nd ~elrt Production Commerce Transport Other services E~thb- Estab- No. of aft.". ~pe!! a~ s other than "'"''IT 3fT

8 1 8 fq-Qc;1:fr ~ 0 ~ q-i" '1 ,:!~:r (+l )

:1;nl'f~~ ~ o~

.in:l.9s ~ 0 ~

7 12 Of,~lf~1:fT 11 Ti:f ~ cit qrm ~Tcr ~o~ f,,!Of,"-'T ~ 0\ 1 ~1fi~T ~~. f IT<:lT;;G"T ~ ~ (' t: 2 q-r~T ~Tc.T ~ ~ ~ 7 10 . l1T~f~r<:. ~ Z ~ 3 6 5 7 '3"11~

2 2 lWr~T +1"t fr (tfin:1C~) H ~ ii'Q~I~(l ~ \:; 15 20 ~:;rrIJfT H~. ·.rj; rf~1.{T (q-.) ~~<:',:!~r (+l.) +lWtr~~T (11.) 7 1 1 tciT;;'5'T

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area Occupied Houses land wholly or land wholly or Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned Name of Village of ~iPlir.; Total No. of persons Code No. or Village enumerated (including and and their and their S. of Town/Ward in I -"------. houseless dependants -lependants No. of No. of inmates of institutions No. Village acres and population 'Ant lIT Houses House- Literates mfw-Cfi fCfimir flfiw.i tt;lficI; "T+r

Banjari 128 14-2-328 778 40 42 246 121 125 109 107 Mujaldapura (M.) Panapura (M.) Jamarapura (M.) 14-2-329 Utawad HI 2,088 79 81 512 255 257 240 243 Patelpura (M.) Motlakapura (M.) Bheciyapllra (M.) Bhamarpura {M.) Kawdyapura (M» Nodarpura (M.) Kemapura (M.)

1-&-2-380 Ramadhama 3,618 150 155 158 431 423 7 187 t71 11 Dhanapura (M.) l' - Bhaydiyapura (M.) Kalampura (M.) C11andariyapura (M.) Nakapura {M.l Chamariyapura (M.) Banslipura (M.) Indari Muwad (M.l hi 14-2-331' lbrahimpura 378 15 20 134 66 68 62 65 I l4-2-332 Dabhad 2,751 179 179 1.001 489 a2 512 8 12 8 4® Manakpura (M.) • '51 10 2 Cbandpura (M.) Cbamelipura~(M.) Rawatpura (M.) Solyapura (M.l Talavpura (M.) Bamdawad (M.) 333 14-2-333 Balipura l,080 28 28 139 611 70 Patelpura (M.) 69 70 Nalavpura (M.ll

334 14-2-334 Salepurkhedi 355 37 37 187 lOS 84 Kamalpura (M.l 66 Patelpu~a (M.) Balaipura (M.) 135 14-2-335 Rehmanpura 947 II 11 87 40 47 IIaslanpura (M.) 43 Bhoi ka pura (M.)

336 14-2-336 Birampura 927 48 50 214 142 142 Patelpura (M.) 120 112 9 .. Balalpura (M.) Moripura (M.) Katya ka pura (M.) 105

~ il')1IT flIfT~ f;;r,?;T ;:pilTCfi ~'t-tif{ ~.qr~ ;:pmOfi ~'t-~-lATCR:

Non-agticultural Classes ~N ~ Small seale associated .. Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~)i ;m1{f~Cfi' ~frr Cultivating Non-cultivating Uve1ihood from:- labourers own~rs of ;:f~ fw~ ~ « \jf'TfCfCllT SfTCQ ~;l~ azrfCfa 3fR ~ 3nf~ No. of and their land, agrIcultural Non- No. of dependants rent receivers"" V VI VII VIII Textile T~ile iifl':'f and their Production Commerce Transport Other services E~tab- E~tab- No. of Cf1 ~-.:: Hand­ dependants th . c ella. neous lish- hsh- 9;fh " ~T'-TT ,r TT~ other 3Jl arr:rT<:: 3frcrflT:Ji., and msolSurces ments ments looms .,1.., '1' ..,I1\'1"{l cultivation '3';:r

12 18 cf'lfR')' ~~~ l!;;rffi~-'::T (:Ji.) q-Rr~T (:Ji.) ;;r:Ji-.::r~T (:Ji.) 9 \3"Wf~ H\ q-t-~TJ (:Ji.) :JiTc~lCfi~<::r ( :Ji. ) ~f~T~T (:Ji.) mlf~ (:Ji.) ~l:fTTJ (:Ji.) ;:r)~~T (:Ji.) ~~T (:Ji.)

22 20 4 13 3 6 ~TlfT~I1fT ~ ~RI~ (If.) +rl:ff?l;fr~~r (If.) ~<::r (:Ji.) '

3 3 ~;~T:Ji~T ~~t .53 50 17 9 ~T+r~ H~ ~U (:Ji.) m~ (tr.) :;pfw')'TJ (:Ji.) 'UCffi:!<::T (:Ji.) ~~l:f~<::T (:Ji.) m:JfCf1!U ( :Ji. )

5 5 14 13 fTT~~ ~~¥ ~~~<::T (:Ji.) q-~~T (:Ji.) iSfB1~~T (tr.) 2 ~tfT'1:!U ~ _'\ ~~~r (tr.) ~)~

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRAT District No. 14--Dhar Tahsil No. 14-2--Manawar Agricultural Classea , .A. I II Occupied Houses Cultivators of Cultivators of Area land wholly or land wholly or Code No. Name of Village of ~~ Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned of or Village ,.--~ Total No. of persons and and their and their Village Town/Ward in No. of No. of enumerated (including houseless dependants dependants S. acres Houses House- inmates of institutions ~n:r 1' -~ ~ 'fiT i'fT11 "~ f1R ~ ~T'fi1 ~~~ ;a-~ arrf~ ;a-~ arr~ ~ mr ~~~ ~ ~ ~lif ~ ..... ,-__.A.._--.. r""'----'----., ,----"---_. P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~. clfffir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ffW ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

337 14-2-337 Isakpurkhedi 3,201 59 59 349 169 180 139 148 3 Radwapura (M.) Imlipura (M.) Dhaplapura (M.l Solyapura (M.) Jatarpura (M.) 388 14-2-338 Baykheda 1.603 90 90 525 263 262 251 250 4 7 Malpura (M.) Alavpura (M.) Chavanya (M.) Khedapura (M.) Patelpura (M.) Saldara (M.) Rawatpura (M.) Bhabarpura (M.) - Kiradyapura (M.) 33~ 14-2-339 Thangaon 581 49 50 263 133 135 3 113 124 4 Dabar ka pura (M.) Pura (M.) 340 14-2-340 Jhirwi 2,191 141 153 8U3 432 431 114 343 352 21 II Salyapura (M.) Billipura (M.) Goya (M.) 341 14-2-341 Kisanpur Khedi ,220 43 50 276 113 153 97 126 342 14-2-342 Amlatha 514 46 46 239 123 116 117 113 343 14-2-343 Rajpura 545 8 8 65 33 32 4 33 32 344 14-2-344 Sarasgaon 1.326 29 29 211 102 109 3 84 96 Bhamlapura (M.) 345 14-2-345 Kothada 1.894 135 136 595 308 287 12 9 11 230 195 346 14-2-346 Tavlai Khurd 883 41 41 195 96 99 9 56 54 8 11 347 14-2-347 Tavlai Buzurg 931 111 111 570 276 29! 52 12 160 158 35 4& Rawatpura (M·l Patelpura (M.) Godadpura (M.) 348 14-2-348 Devalra 1,370 94 94 529 287 242 56 4 226 181 8 9 Kheryapura (M.)


022 34 35 195 94 101 87 94 869 35 36 191 106 85 I 6 61 40 6 3 41 48 48 228 114 l14 3 8 62 73 3 6 01 47 47 240 124 116 1 48 55 ~! 41 42 217 101 l16 78 85 5 5

44 44 230 120 110 61 46 27 23 63 63 330 168 162 5 117 114 1~ 11 107

QTlftur ~'lITIt film '3!i~

NOll-agricultural Classes ~1Sf ~fUf1:ft Small scale associated Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their princip:l.l means of' ~ ij'f'1!.f~ ~~)if Cultivating ~o!l-cultivating livelihood from:- ,---___.A. ____ -, labourers owners of ;fT~ fm[ ~T ~ ~TforifiT 'SITCCf Ofi~~ Q1:fft" 'I> l1Tlm cultivation sources \3'~ 3frf?.l(1 "3f~ wflSf if; 3ffuf1:crcr ~ ~ am: cw-f or~'f \jrfif; 3Tlf?;RT 3jr"[.f ~ forforer ~ rntf ~ ~mtf ,... ___ ....A.. __ ~ ,___ / ___, ,.----~.... __\ ,,----"'---, r-----"---, r---"--~arfcrf\Cffi' ctT 1\1. F. }'1. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~~cr- ~~Tcr- ~~ ~ ff?fm ~1Sf f~ ~QQ' f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ omt omt 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ------33 34 24 26 3 3 2 ~~¥T~sT ~ ~ \). ~orf1!U (If.) S:lf~,!"{T (If.) ~f'rU (If.) ij"~~ (If.) ~~"{T (If.) 8 5 ':' amr~~T ~~C. ~ (ll.) "~'-1~U {If.} :q~RT (If.) ~r (ll.) q?;~ (II.) m~

Rural Statistics TH PRIMARY CNSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14--Dhar Tahsil No. 1-1-2-- Manawar Agricultural Classes r- .A. I II Area Cultivators of Cultivators of Occupied Houses Land wholly or land wholly or Code No. Xarne of \ illage of Institutional of or Village an~n~ lI..Rr ~3TTf~~ ~~~T

l:356 ' 14-2-356 Dedgaon 1,640 78 85 451 234 217 192 185 11 .. Patalpura (M.l Dabarpura (M.) Raimalpura (M.) Balaipura (:\I.) '357 14-2-357 Jamnya 986 74 74 415 196 219 180 186 2 4 Patelpura (:\T.) Manakarp'llTa (M,) Bhandaryapura (M.) ..... SS8 14-2-358 Sadikpur 541 S59 14-2-359 Pagara 698 100 102 464 239 225 70 4 ISO 137 IS 18 Banjarapura{M,) 60 14-2-360 Sarhll(labad J.l86 17 17 100 48 52 1 5 S a 4 -361 14-2-361 Hatnawar 817 62 62 362 )82 l80 31 9 96 100 10 14 S62 14-:>362 ShahpnrA 698 2 2 8 6 2 ,363 14-2-363 Khunj,lwa 823 76 77 333 170 163 51 10 75 68 9 9 ·364 H-2-364 Futyrtpura 722 7 7 34 17 17 11 11 ,365 14-2-365 D.l~au

S.68 1 J4..,2~t}g Piph'a Kamin 814 60 60 371 187 184 2 2 ~S i62 7S 5 'Patelpllra (M.) 50rajipura (M.) 1.foripura (l\L) Jamrapura (l\L)

',569 14-2-369 l),tlipura 1,879 141 141 737 351 3'80 to S 2 146 283 153 24 }bandapura (M,) l(avanyapura (M.) J\Iuchrapura (M.) La;.;dilpura (M).) Hawatpura (M.) Banjar

~~~ ~ ~ ~'t-"l'A ~ 'ltill'fCfi ~¥-~--t:f;:r~ Small scale associated ,------''------., Industriea ------.III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of 9)t~m- Cultivating Non-cultivat· livelihood from:- labourers ing owners of ~ ~ mtAf ~ iif')fcr!m' 3FJtCf' cri(ifC!miS aqf1Rr Brlt ~ ani1m No. of and their land, agricultural Non- No. of dependants rent receivers -----V-----VI----"--VI-I----VI-I-I--. Textile Textile ~T ~ +r~ and their Production Commerce Transport other servicea and ~b- Estab­ No. 01 ,,-r'- de1)endants other than...... ft ...... ~J ...-.... lish- lish­ Hand­ ",1'1. ~~ .... .,...... I:::...... 1"11' aliCli.I'0101 ...... ---- ts ~ __s:; ft 1ft lfi +111 (.')"1> cultivation sources men ments looms ~~lfi Of IIIl«J '" Sf'R ift\{ !f1 at fd f<'RI a:r;qr ~ erR ~-, ~­ ~­ ~ anfl!oRf a:r;qr ~ f.mN ~ ~ lfi ~ ~ ,,---.A-______r-- _-A--_-, r--~ ~--. ,--_-"-_-., r---.A---,atfdf\fkI "1ft orft M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. mN- mN- mr ~lSI' ~lft ~lSI' ~~~lft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ omt omt 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

26 29 2 2 ~~iftq ~'\, qi~~T (~,) sT~~r (t:f.) ~lJ+I'~TJ (+1'.) iF1'T~~r (~.) 29 14 ;jfP:r;:l/T ~ ~ \! q-~~9,

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area Occupied Houses Institutional land wholly or land wholly or Code No. Name of Village of Sf'IiT'f or arrcmr Total No. of persons and mainly owned mainly unowned of Village ,-----"----. houseless and their and their S. Village Town/Ward enumerated (inclu~ing population in No. of No. of inmate. of institutions Literates dependants dependauts No. ;;n"11 'Fi lA~ ~ acres Houses House­ and m-arl if~­ ~~ ;nf~ ~;r fililWf ~ llllr ~ holds m:; ~Jqri houseless persons) ~ ff~ far.rr aftr ai\1: ;P:'R 'tiT ifl1:r 'In '1l1 ~i:OfT m;l ~ O1ifIf.:FfT ctft

171 14-2-371 ~anada 930 84 84 418 227 191 2 206 53 2 Patelpura (M·l Bardipura (M,)

372 14-2-372 Partabpur Dabhya 560 62 62 306 164 142 120 101 11 6 Tmlipura (M.) Patelpura (M.) KaJalpura (M.)

373 14-2-373 Gali Bawd! .. 1.817 210 210 1,068 574 494 13 5 96 9 324 256 16 21 Bardipura (M.) Niche ka pura (M.) Satipura (M.) Singadpura (M.) .7. 14-2-374 Chhi,ari 907 26 168 38 15 3 41 39 2Z 12 Gadyapura (M.) Balyapura (M.) '75 14-2-375 Flasanpur alias 687 23 24 102 56 56 46 Kalapani 376 14-2-376 Anuppura Behadara 2,383 39 89 196 102 89 84 7

377 14-2-377 ~asulpura Bandhav 1,487 18 18 85 46 2 44 39 378 14-2-378 Abdulpur alias 289 5 6 23 14 8 9 Phoota Talab (M.) 379 14-2-379 Koyla Bav 408 7 7 33 17 16 15 IS 380 14-2-380 Tarapur 3,842 195 195 1,005 516 489 5 403 399 49 34- Patelpura (M.) Lalmarya (M.) Katar (M.) Gawlya Badi M. Kalikirai (M.) Bllilpura (M) Bamanpuri (M.) S81 14-2-381 Chandawad 1,342 73 73 335 180 155 12 2 125 108 Bhilpura (M.) 382 14-2-382 Mundla 862 98 96 527 27-' 253 19 6 237 2:7 8 6 Panya ka pura (M.) Tadvipura (M.) Manglya ka pura (M.) 383 14-2-383 Bhawanya Buzurg •• 1,361 105 106 579 309 270 30 7 207 177 5 Nawadapura (M.'

384 14-2-384 Bhawanya Khurd .• 268 25 26 139 71 68 I ;i9 55 385 l4-2-385 Ghegada 969 53 53 259 126 133 9 70 80 Bardipura (M.) 386 14-2-386 Pedv~ 1,686 55 55 241 117 124 8 88 85 387 11-2-387 Deganwa 630 55 55 317 156 161 2 148 153 6 7 Mahupura (M.) PateJpura (M.) Sadyapura (M.) 388 14-2-388 Dharampuri 863 893 894 4,559 2,871 2,188 34 7 849 106 16 458 412 111

llTJftlJfmr~ fiil"ffi' ~ ~¥-tlfT:t. ~ 'JIil1tcii Z¥- ~-'IRrcro NOD-agricultural Classes arm ~ Small scale associated ______.....,,,- ______--- ___,.______~ Industries m: IV Persons (including dependalllts) no derive their principal means of ~ UT"f~ >3":rrr Cultivating Non-CUltivating livelihood flOm:- ,,----_:_...__---__ labourers own~ of ;ft"~ f~@" m''i;ft a- ~m srrq:r Cfi'~~ OllfCffi aft~ '3";:r~ anf~ No. of anel their land agricultural ,,-______--"-- ______---. Non- No. of dependa.n.ts rent receiv~rs V VI VII VIII Textile Textile liN ~ ff~ and thell" Production Commerce Transport Other services Estab- E~tab- No. of depe",ndaats other than 0tfI'qT( ~


83 2 55 57 5.{ 45 55 32 22 2

Rural Stati:,tics THE PRlMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT {)istrict No. 14--Dhar Tahsil No. 14-2-Manawar Agricultural Classes

I II Culti:vators of Cultivators of Area Land wholly or land wholly or )J arne of village of Occupied House& Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned or Village amn<{ l10fiFf Total No. of persons and and their and their Code No. Town/Ward in enumerated (including ,--....A.~ houseless dependants of lAPt lIT acres inmates of institutions population No. of No. of and 4i~~;~ ffln;; S. Village ;rn:r Houses House­ Literates No. Cfl~T/q~ houseless persons) mraffif~­ lAPt t 'fiT CflT ~T holds f~-~ am: 3fR !6filftCfl 'fiT iiTl1 fiA ~ ozrf.RrlIT 0fiT CM'T fiif'iT

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

'389 14 c 2-389 J~athora 353 'S90 14-2-390 Glliethi 753 32 32 165 83 82 68 66 ·391 ,14-2-39·1 Bhalgaon 715 22 22 102 45 57 18 21 392 . 14-2-392 Rampllra 758 113 113 540 276 264 4 212 1b8 20 12 '393 . 14-2-393 Bag~i alias Sagdi 845 37 37 139 83 56 7 20 118 95 .'394 ,14-2-394 ~i1l1ola 1,544 62 62 280 157 123 8 . 395 14-2-395 Pi paJja Garhi 670 46 51 199 95 104 18 4 33 39 2 3 '396 14-2-396 Bagdlpura alias 1,021 72 72 402 185 217 32 11 112 119 6 Khusrabad

-i97 14-2-397 ~agjhlri 327 >391'1 14-2-398 Lllnl1era Khurd 639 48 48 235 118 117 10 67 75 47 7 103 104 11 7 .' 399 14-2-399 Sala 1,206 79 85 418 206 212 27 34 39 9 -400 14-2-400 Gazlpura 319 133 133 606 328 278 32 90 13 1.401 14-2-401 [{hal Khurd 734 143 149 703 359 344 25 4 163 32 124 133 :36 419 392 :19 3~ 1402 14-2-402 Sundrel 2,265 390 415 1,979 1,026 9S3 11 4 248 141 122 42 64 403 H-2-403 P"tlawad 1,017 98 112 617 305 312 83 130 15 158 170 8 404 14-2-404 Jhakrud 1,352 182 182 768 39:! 376 2 62 405 14-2-405 Dongargaon 1,064 49 49 198 95 103 H 67 6 14 2 66 75 406 14-2-406 Lohari 1,049 38 44 207 101 106 2 3 167 133 '407 14-2-407 Semalda 645 SO 82 370 204 166 47 239 200 8 ,408 14-2-408 ~Iehgaon 1,566 123 123 578 316 262 Ekla Bayadi (11,1.) 1~4 207 2 144 157 13 12 .409 14-2-409 Umartya 2,357 86 86 391 ChilarYdpura (M.l 148 146 7 5 .410 14-2-410 Shahpura Kakadada 736 66 fi6 348 175 173 2 -411 14-2-411 TaJakpura alias 5"4 Bhuri Ghati 74 60 2 '412 14-2-412 Hirapura 789 24 28 137 76 61 104 138 63 .413 14-2-413 Sarjapura 1,792 69 72 345 173 172 :tt 3 340 362 61 18 .414 14-2-414 Bagwanya 3,016 145 155 807 421 386 Bawdipura (M.) Bardipura (M.) Gadadagad (M.) Talavpura (M.) Banjari (M.) 269 2 254 252 8 ~ 15 14-2-415 Kushumala 1,565 89 89 545 276 Dagipura (M.l Awanrpura (M.) Mohadpura (M,l Silodyapura (M.) Baydipura (M.) Awaripura (M) ~andapura (M.) l(J(i 112 '{ :1 ''''16 14-2-416 Thapala 817 61 l 1 330 157 Bhilalipura (M.) Banjarapura (M.l 113

in "fTIlT mJ1:t f::;rm 'tiGtCfi f'i-"1R ~~ "filiT'P ~ t-~-lf;:lFr{ Non-agricultural Classes 3'fiiN ~ Small scale associated Industries -,r- ~~, ~ III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of 'CIIC ""1,'~'1' '::1...,1"1 Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- r---_....A.. ___-. labourers owne~s of if~ fu~ ~T ~ ::;r'TfcrCfiT ~ Cfi~ «Jf'Rf aiR ~ifi arrflSffi No. of and their land, agnc?ltural ,- -"-______---, Non- No. of dependants rent recel~ers V VI VII VIII Textile Textile and thetr Pr d· C T Oth· Esta- Esta- No. of wfq- ifi ~ ddt 0 uctlOn ommerce ransport er services br h br h Hand- m~ "1;:~ • ~!~~~!t~~ 6lfTm: ancIT;n:r;r and ~~~~~~:neous m~~t~ me~~ looms m anflSffi 3TR WN ifi 3Tftrfum 3fo'lf ~ ~1~ ~ ~ ~" m arrflSffi 3fo'lf ~ fcrfCft:T mlifif ~ ifi;ro)1r II r--_J....---~ r--..A..---, ,-_~~..A..----." I----''-----....r-----A---~ ( ___ .A.. __~ arfafure" ~r ~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~- ~ftf- mr ~. WPrt. ~. WPrt. ~. ~. ~. f~lft. ~. f~lft. ~. ~lft. rrnt ;mt

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

'liOT<:T ~ G~ 14 It) \ .. lT~T ~~o '" 27 "ij'~lTtcr qQ, ~ 7U 2 :2 2 4 59 UI1'1u ~\~ 43 ~n 17 9 2 3 4 ~T ~ WT~T ~9,~

30 8 3 fill1T<1T ~ Q, 't 53 58 4 3 fq~ ~ ~9,~ 66 1'5 3 4 3 crll~~<:T ~tt ~ 9, ~ ~fTUarTG ~Tllfir<:T ~ 9, \! 45 40 6 2 ;::5";:27T ~~ ~ 9,G '"

21 21 3 3 7 3 6 6 ~~ 'to\,) 9 11 4 4 2 S4 39 ~~mcr '(OG ~~T~T (q,) 2 18 22 S 11 2 2 3 7jqf"{tlT 'd' 0 \ f~T<:'irT~T (If.) 20 2 19 ~'!U Cfil'r.~ '(~ 0 ~T<1

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Land wholly or land wholly or N arne of Village Area Occupied Houses Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned or of an16 'fiT ~ Cf¥IT fiAT \rn~ anf~ ~arrf~

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

417 14-2-417 Kachhwanya 1.448 62 62 409 193 216 162 186 27 28 Dookanpura (M.) 418 14-2-418 Ahmedpura 588 17 17 96 52 44 51 44 419 14-2-419 Hanmantya 426 R 8 21 10 11 7 7 420 14-2-420 Gujri 658 176 180 938 491 447 242 31 62 70 10 9 421 14-2-421 Deharya 385 22 22 94 46 48 2 4 27 25 4 4 422 14-2-422 Simrali 2,082 48 48 264 138 126 22 20 5 70 70 21 H 423 14-2-423 Pharaspura 120 15 15 76 40 36 35 32 5 .. 424 14-2-424 Masidpura 1,046 12 12 58 27 31 18 15 3 7 425 14-2-425 Sadrabad 353 19 19 99 58 41 2 51 39 426 14-2-426 Jahangirpur 693 50 50 237 135 102 21 23 104 71 427 14-2-427 Bhanda Kho 763 22 22 105 52 53 47 48 I 4Hl 14-2-428 Fanch Ghati 1,115 25 25 120 58 62 58 62 4~9 14-2-429 Tatapani 787 12 12 45 23 22 23 21 4:'0 14-2-430 Piplaj 459 33 33 136 70 66 67 63 2 431 14-2-431 Bharndpura 847 21 21 58 29 29 20 20 432 14-2-432 Chauki 615 26 26 117 66 51 29 4 23 24 19 7 433 14-2-433 Utavali 513 23 23 100 53 47 46 41 6 3 .. 34 14-2-434 Bheusa Kho Khurd 281 I 7 4 3 4 3 435 14-2-435 Lalgarh 202 4 4 14 4 10 4 10 426 14-2-436 Bhensa Kho Buzurg 243 11 11 76 40 36 38 36

1,,7 14-2-437 Kothida 1.465 29 29 143 71 72 5 59 64 5 2 438 14-2-438 I mlipura 361 30 30 122 59 63 1 55 61 2 2 439 14-2-439 p,ugni 625 38 38 198 94 104 2 89 100 3 4 440 14-2-440 Chiktya Bad 1.544 123 129 601 323 278 41 13 246 2'1l 25 23 Dhani (M.) Banjarapura (M.) 441 14-2-441 Sirsodiya 1,686 100 109 6R5 367 318 17 7 5 288 255 22 19 LalBag (Moo) .·42 14-2-442 Bans!i 756 25 25 132 68 64 8 64 64 3 ..~43 14-2-443 Balwari 1,595 95 114 563 297 266 9 253 223 17 18

Khakarpur (M.) Khokarya (M .. ) Na;pi (M.) '" ~4 14-2-444 :Lodhipura 1',136 43 43 171 63 65 5 8 I. Bardipura (M.) BanjaTa Tanda (M.) 445 14-2-445 jetpua 979 17 17 63 33 28 4 15 16 5 3

~l.fTlJf ~~ f;;rm ~ ~¥-erR ~r~ ~lfiet; ~¥-,~ Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~~ Small scale associated --. _.J. ,Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of mt ~lll~:f~fi ~T~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- r------"----, la.bourers owne~s of ~ f~~ mer.rl ~ ~CfCfiT ~ ", +t II cultivation sources ~anf~ ~ iift ~ arfufuRr aR" ~ 3TR

@T'ii(.$"{ (If.) l"itmzrr (Jr.) "1'JtfT ( Jr. ) to 9 5 4 m~$'U ¥'N ;r~f$(f (;r:) ;f~ em (If.) \0 8 1 1 1 1 ~ 'If¥~ U:~"{f~;t ¥'t~ '" 8 10 3 3 ~~ 'lS"t.., ~~r ('T.) ~it~~ W~ 7 2 ~T 'If¥~

7 7 'ii;:~ )('\0 40 48 6 3 ~\i ¥"\t izrrn$"{~~ 'If,,\ ~ 22 22 3 5 tR"

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

454 14-2-454 BikhroD 1,456 182 187 891 472 419 94 2 307 251 4 455 14-2-455 Guljhari 619 456 14-2-456 Guljhara 1,161 211 211 912 448 464 3 6 110 24 123 U9 13 10 457 14-2-457 Palasya 1,750 53 53 335 180 155 3 158 129 12 12 4S8 14-2-458 Dahiwar 1,148 90 91 506 251 255 3 183 181 34 30 Mang Bayada (M.) 459 14-2-459 Nimrani 1,379 12 12 65 35 , 30 32 25 460 14-2-460 2,181 592. 592 2,826 1,455 1,371 10 7 46'Z 76 480 461 24 22 Buti Nala (M.) Rampura (M.)

~61 14-2-461 Khal Euzurg 1,233 135 141 667 333 334 124 9 80 62 2 4 462 14-2-462 Morgadi 988 59 60 318 163 155 46 1 78 74 463 14-2-463 Balwada 1,370 53 53 251 125 126 17 1 74 82 7 6 464 14-2-46'1 Beganda 1,162 161 162 742 384 358 lOa 1 173 163 7 1 465 14-2-465 Bhatpura 426 10 10 57 28 29 5 466 14-2-466 Uchawad 1,096 - aon 469 8 8 37 20 17 2 10 9 - 467 14-2-467 Lasang 117

YT'rTur ~~. f~T 'lfi+rTcp ~'(- ... er~ ;;~1(1 "f;11i

18 1~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

132 • 131 2 24 26 6 6 9 fq~U-l '('\'(, ~(1~U "4". 2 43 49 25 19 20 18 217 23S iT~r '("\~ 9 13 1 .rnnmrr ",,\"IS 9 2 25 35 6 ~~ '(,,\1;:. +rTiT ~r' (ff. )

3 5 f.,q~Fft '("\ \ . 498 520 2 147 115 118 105 4 3 176 137 57 2 er11f'iT~ '(~ 0 . 'er.cT~i?iT (If.) ~U (+r .. ) 6t 72 111 131 13 21 62 44 22 ~~ m '(~~ 72 69 6 6 7 6 2 l{)~~1 ¥~~ 4 2 2 37 25 2 7 ~ ~r''(\~ 62 58 3 2 3 1 24 3 109 101 27 26 itrr;:~ '('f,'t

27 24 mq~r '(~, ~¥~~ 3 2 2 3 2 mTiflTfor ¥~\t 118

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-3-Sardarpur Agricultural Classes

r------AI II Area. Occupied Houses CUltivators of Cultivator9 of of Land wholly or land wholly or 3nr~ f1fi~r;; f~ ~1fi ~ ~ifTJOfTt '!iT it

lQ 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17

Tahsil Total .. 3U.2()O 12,414 12.71 'J i'iIJ,961 33,(123 2'),333 1,113 998 4,872 1.0293 17.489 17.' 67 2.583 2,218 14-3- Rasanyapada. 303 S 8 41 25 16 25 16 2 U-3~ 2 KachaDara 1.114 16 16 56 28 28 28 28 Magaripada Vdalipada (M.) 3 14-3- 3 Nawapada 192 1 1 1 1 4 t 4-3- 4 Bakiyapada 534 3 3 3 3 3 5 14-3- 5 Imlipada. 460 '2 2 2 2 6 14-3- 6 Rajghat 716 6 6 16 8 a 8 7 14-3- 7 Khedipada 96 2 2 8 4 4 S 14-3- 8 Gulripada 7Q 1 1 '" I 1 9 14-3- 9 Gholgarh 5a 17 17 75 42 33 U 21 21 l'O 14:··3- 10 Deogarh 280 '2 2 Z 2 2 492 493 2,393 1.249 1.147 17 13 328 54 S80 532 23 2Z ~l 14-3- 11 Rajod 5,433 2.1 7 25 27 12 IJ.-3- 12 Aua.udkhedi 450 1I 11 56 2:l 51 iH 81 93 3 6 62 91 7 4, 13 14-3- 13 Jatn)tl

VT#)1IT ~,antf f~ "filrt'ii ~¥-'i:'f'T~ i'f~fit~ ~lfr li Z¥ - ~ - Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~t Small scale a~~Oclateo --, r------"- -. Industries III 1 V Persons (Including dependants) who derIve theIr principal means of ~ ~rr~r~ ~~f;r Cultivating Non-cultivat'ng bvehhood trom:- ,..'--_-"-,___ "' !Olbourers own~rs of ;:fT~ f~ ~ ~ "'"~ 5{Tq ~~ O<:ffur 3fT,\ ~<# ~ N? of and their land, agncultural 1\on- ::-~G. of rlependants rent receiyers'" V VI VII VIII -. TextIle Textile and tdhelrt Production Commerce Transport Other servic€'s Eb'.lstah- Esta- No. of ~~~ depen an S tl th d - 11 IS - blIsh- Hand­ _,+; -..l7' 0 ler an O'lITm 3flCrT1f11- ~ ~ mfS>..Rr 3RI' ~ f;l~I'1 cp -.::s~I·1 ,___-"-_-, ~----__''- ___ r----.A.--, r-_"';""'___ r---.A.--~r---.A.--~ 3ffufuRr Cfft M. F. ;vL F. [\l,. 1:'. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~f<1Pl- ~f~fq-. ~ ff"l'lfT ~!i!f fflflfT ~Q!f ft:"I'lfT ~~tt ff"l'lfT ~ ff'lP:rT ~I'f ff"l'lft ~ ~

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

3.31S 3,477 182 226 2,801 2,5~() i.S19 1,543 58 33 2,545 2,1S4 518 84 95 lI'T" '{~~ t . Ofi:;:r.;ro ~ ~~((l4t~r (~.) ~~ (If.)

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14--Dhar Tahsil No. 14-3-Sardarpur Agricultural Classes ,- I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area Land wholly or land wholly or of Occupied Houses Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned Village Total No. of persons Kame of village amrr~ lfCfIR and and their and their Code No. or in enumerated (including houseless dependants dependants S. of Town Ward acres r----"---. inmates of instituions No. of No. of population ~~ No. Village ;TTl=]'

26 14-3- 26 Devikheda 643 21 24 102 56 46 54 43 J hinjhapada (M.) 27 14-3- 27 Sandia 1,706 82 82 358 193 165 43 13 139 126 2 Todipada (M.) Bardipada (M.) 28 14-3- 28 Saroti 1,701 13 14 62 28 34 1 23 29 Khedadipada (M.) Nayapada (M.) Timkikhedi (M.) 29 14-:'1- 29 Nandana 773 17 20 95 49 46 45 43 4 3 Kachnar Kunda (M') Dhardiya (M.) SO 14-3- :10 Salwa 3,975 82 90 459 229 230 21 11 170 166 36 41 Hatiyapao (:\r.) l\Iotikhedi (M.) Khakariapada (M.) Chbotikhedi (M.) Lalgarh (M). Chhatripada (M.) Bakiya (M.) Ku odal Pada {M}. Bag PJpliya (M.) Ambapada (M.) 31 14-3- 31 Han "IlJ.utiya Sigeshwar 1,161 22 22 72 41 31 3 32 28 • Timrip .. Ja (M.) BhamariYa (M.) 12 14-3- 32 Condlkheda Cluran 1,447 60 60 236 126 110 31 2 61 52 KundarpaJa (:'IL) Khaj'lrpada \),1,) 33 14-3- 33 Labariya 796 309 309 1,508 794 714 ~ 117 19 675 621 .,. Kali Kiray (?If.) Gaogatalai (M.) Junwania (M.) Bardi Chhoti (M.) BaTdi Moti (M.) La Ijipada (M.) Satsui (M.)

-34 14-3- 34 Dhuliyakhedi 602 15 15 77 35 42 ~8 37 14-3- 35 Akoliya 1,286 49 49 35 176 107 69 3 93 62 12 7 Nad;;.rpada alias Kahya (M.) S6 14-3- 36 Sinduriya 1,780 49 53 203 96 107 72 86 12 10 Salrundi (:11.) Thikripada (M.) Bodiyapada (M.) Kachnariyapada (M.) Panchmudlya(M.) 121

flTJfruT ~~~: f;:;r~T ;r.llTCfl" ~ ¥ --crT'~' a-~'h? ';f.lltCfl" ~¥-~--~\~m:~~

Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~ Small scale associated Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~~~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood frolJ':- labourers owners of ~ ~ mer.ff ~ ~Tfcrct;r srTt(f Cfl<4;;H~ 0l!'f.Rr m ~ anf~ No. of and their land, agricultural ,-______-.J.______Non- No. of dependants rent receivers V VI VII VIII ---. Textile Textile ~tft Ef; ~ and their PrOductl'on C T Oth' Estab- Estab­ No. of ddtp ommerce ransl'ort er serVIces I' h lish­ Hand­ •...c. e ;:: ~s other than ~n: ~

2 3 ~~~r ~~~ ~l~rq-T~T (If.) 21 17 10 8 5 2 6 17 10 ~;~~T ~\3 it~1qT~T (If.) ~r:rr~T (If.) 5 ~roir ~t; ~~rr:rJ9T ('I". ) ~~T (if.) fv!Cf:r~~1 (+T.) ;:rt~·n ':( \. Cfl"'9 ~rfulfTq'R (+T.) l1lc:1~T (+T.) ~'Pt'(lfTqT~ (+T.) ~Tc~??T ('1".) ~:rT~HTt:? (+T.) mRTr:rf?T (if.)

''IT'1;;!, q~T (1. j .) ~ICJ~~ (.,.) 7 5 , 'i:lf

i11~~qr? T ;:s qj Cfl"rf~[ff (ll.) 2 8 7 3 f~~fl[{T , '" l' ~im {ll.), f5Cfl"<:r'1 ~ {11.) -rrfu:lfrqrs:r (11.) 'l''Cf'fn.: £J q T~T (11.) qt~l!f~lfT (if \, 122

Ru.ral Statisti,es THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No 14--Dhar Tahsil Ne. 14-3-Sardarpur Agricultural Classes

I Area II Cultivators of Cultivators of of Land wholly or Occupied Houses land wholly or t{ame of village Village Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned in Total No. of persons or 3TM~ l1ef;Ff and and their and theu­ Coue No. Town/Ward acres enumerated (includmg ,.--.....A..~ houseless dependants inmates of institutions dependants of lIFr '1fT m+r No. of No. of population and If!fucIi f'fimOf f.!;m;:r S. Village Houses house- Literates No.

..•' 14-3- 47 Semalkhedi Khurd.. 641 3 3 22 11 11 11 Bhagwanyakhali (M.) :,48 14-:1- 48 Paduni Kalan 950 32 32 156 76 80 6 71 78 49 14 ·3- 49 Baramkhedi 1,683 52 52 233 118 115 114 110 Khedi (M.)

50 14-3- 50 Pachrundi 313 55 55 307 166 141 28 100 ~, 13 9 51 14-3- 51 Dedala 3,955 97 97 536 262 274 3 219 217 20 28 Phuladipada (M.) J unwanya Khurd(M.) J uDwanya Kalan (M.) Phulkipada (M.) Ratakpt (M.) Beljipada (M.) t{;angapada (M.) 115 122 5 . I 52 '1i4-{4- 52 IBodiya 3.655 78 78 29~ J46 148 1. Dolilpada (M.) Lalsingpada (M.) piplyapada (M.) Borkhali (M.) Gularipada (~l.) Mdchharpada (~J.) 182 161 7 124 125 24 17 :53 ,14-3- 53 Molana 3,0.'4 71 71 323 I

'iI rlftur mlffft f~ r '!filfTEJ; ~ ¥ - tfl"{ <'I~~m ~ ~-t-;-lI~H~~

Non-agricultural Classe<; Small scale dssociated -, Industrie~ III IV Persons (including dependants} who derive their princip"l means of ~l~ ml1fuOli", ;rotlT Cuiti,-atinr; Non-culti,-a(- livelihood from:- '-----1 labourers ing ow.ners of ;:flit f~~ '1T"'RT ~ :~ftr:r't;T !{{q ~~ o-~ No. of No. of and tlIeir land, agncultural Non- Textile ,dependants rent rcceiv.ers r-- V VI VII VIII Textile: Estab- Xo. of and theIr Pr d t' Co T t 0 h . d Estab- !ish- Hand­ 'l<"fqof.~ dependants 0 ue lon mmeree ranspor t er serVlces an lish- ments looms 3fT<: __.c.; -...... +:: oth~r t~an 0!fT'1n: 3l 101 I"l i1 if mIscellaneous ments '1111 Cfi" +jll~ cultivatIOn source! cw-r­ m 3frfl'.1'1 "'3lR ~Il if; 31fufteRr 3f<1l ~crnt afTl: ;:- _ '3"i'IT'T ~ "3ITfl)ffi 3l"lf «lR'1 f

(tW1~st. ~" ¥~ ~iT"IT~~Tt'l'r (11.) 2 ~f~ ¥~ 3 3 iI,{lT«Ttt .. \ ~~ (.1)' 4 7 ..2 40 q:q~it ~o 2 17 7 3 6 6 17 ~~m ~t ~~~r (1T.) ,rrcrFqr ~t (1T.) ~if"I"l~T ~ (1T.) ~~ (1T.) 1:~ \~.) ~~(tf.} q~r (if.) 14 14 7 3 2 3 3 2 if)f1'qr " ~ ~~f~ (11.) ~~~~~ (11.) fqq':lIHT~r (If.) .it~ (If.) ~'I~I (If.) ll~~r \11.) 6 6 8 10 1fu;rl"11 ~ \ Cfi"rCT.lfl ('l.) TfT~ (If.) 124 Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14-Dhar Tahsi1 No. 14-3-Sardarpur Agricultural CI&8llei

Area I II of Occupied Housel Cultivators of Cultivators of Village Name of village 31T

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

54 14-3- 54 Jolana 709 256 256 1,308 667 641 33 11 538 513 24 29 Kalikaray (M.) Krishnkund (M.) Nawapura (M.) Naharpura (M.) Pachpiplyapada (M.) Balagarh (M.) Bhaskarnagar (M.) Raghunathpura (M.) Ramsagar (M.) Richhikhodra (M.) 55 14-3- 55 RupakJ->eda 3,861 27 28 121 68 53 11 61 47 56 14-3- 56 Bodla 9,193 73 74 313 149 164 11 1::!9 129 57 14-3- 57 Kotda Kal"n 2,863 34 34 125 64 61 1 64 60 Chakliya (M.)

Kundalpada (~.) Billikhodra (M.) 58 14-3- 58 Ch tiya Balod 5,395 106 106 545 267 278 6 4 28 5 142 154 44 Chotia CM.) J aimatimata (M.) Naharkhodra ( .) Nawapada (M.) Retikhodra (M.) 5~ 14-3- E9 Ral100mantya Pildampura 1,~57 66 66 273 157 116 11 7 105 85 20 Moghj pada (M.) Nagjipada (M.) Roda (M.) Bhopchandpada (M.) Bhoori Mahudi (M.) Padampura (M.) 60 14-3- ()O Tand .khpda 3,503 54 54 !!80 126 154 118 140 5 6 DILlrd'ya (M.) Garwada ('\1.) 61 14-3- (;1 l\olcb Khurd 2,818 32 32 149 72 77 6'l 72 62 14-3- fl2 l~am;1nkhedi 1.135 16 16 86 44 42 39 38 2 63 14-3- 63 Dant(Jll 1.455 40 40 145 73 72 2 45 49 5 4

64 14-3- 64 Ghatoda 1.647 50 50 288 133 155 16 17 7 95 l1u 5 65 14-3- 65 SemlJkhedi Kalan .. 588 13 13 51 78 23 111 14 ee 14-3- 66 Dlsai 4,123 578 585 2,944 I,Mlf> 1,458 ~8 is 338 53 75!s 727 55 65 67 14-3-67 Bl111gun 860 22 22 150 68 82 24 35 1 42 47 68 14-''-68 Bharawada 1,852 69 69 369 18" 187 24 25 18 93 103 69 14-3-69 Sonyakhedi 176 17 17 100 50 50 14 9 2 40 43 70 14-3-70 Talorda 420 5 5 43 23 20 5 12 13 14 71 14--3-71 Galonda l,a03 12 12 56 24 32 1 2 22 30 72 14--3-72 Ralamandal 2/)79 68 68 401 2{)2 199 7l 59 10 1 126 122 6 73 14--3-73 ~a 'wal 678 99 160 831 409 4n 164 186 68 10 219 221 8 "6 74 14-3-74 Kesharpura Teli 1,4:t6 24 24 165 92 73 25 18 2 33 26 s 75 14-3-75 BaJoda 1,297 48 48 276 1.. 13:1 23 19 1 124 107 2" 2 125

m)1Jr~ f~T '!fifItlt ~ ¥-'-I'f( (f~T~ ~'f\" t¥~ ~-«W~

Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~r Small scale associated _-.,- ""' Industries III I~. Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~T2" ~11i.~ ~ Cultivating Non-cultivatmg livelihood from:- ,------"------. labourers owne~s of ;rW ~ ~;:ft ij- Gi1"fcrCfiT 'SffC6" rn~ 0lff.Rr orR '3

8 69 69 4. 5 22 14 9 11 'll)<;5-ro:rr '\'t !fi1~r'f\"Ulf ('If.) CfJ:&ar~ (11.) i1

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Area Occupied Houses Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned Code No. of alTGfR ltCfir;:r Total No. of persons and and their and their of Village r~ enumerated (including houseless dependants dependants S. Village Name of Village in inmates of institutions No. or acres No. of No. of and population lITf~'fi fCfimif f'fi~T;:r '111f 'fir Houses House- :ri=n-r:a'">: iJ rcr.r_ Literat.es 'liltf.F Town/Ward IDl1 houseless persons) '" ,"I ,vi I ... 'I;!" atT<: , aIT~ m 'ER:T holds. fur{ if If 0lff'RICiT !fir crrn !;MT fir'lT ~-q~. IDlf lfT !fiT '3'f~ OlTf~(f '3''fcti" atrfl!la "I+Gr'= 'fir 'ER:·GIT<:: lti 'fi~T/m ~r:n~ ~'fi~1 ~~ o

76 14-3-76 Kapasthal 2.735 80 80 376 186 190 13 16 4 138 141:! 6 Barda (M.) 77 14-3-77 Kharj uni 819 24 24 104 51 53 47 45 18 14-3-78 . Lehadgaon 4.752 176 176 770 398 372 91 10 206 211 32 26 Daulatpura (M.) Anandkhedi (M.) Govindpura (M.) 79 14-3-79 Gundikheda Amjhera 704 25 25 119 64 55 5 56 48 Banjaripada Khurd alis Kundalpada (M.) Banjaripada Kalan alias Khajuriya (M.) SO 14-3-80 Hanumantya Kag 2,018 63 63 2~1 14; 146 6 2 3 106 112 9 11 Hanumanpada(M.) Khedi (M.) 81 14-3-81 Maya Cheda 1,033 55 55 299 136 163 2 16 98 130 9 9 82 14-3-82 Pasawada 1,252 32 n 183 87 93 77 83 83 14-3-83 Bola 2,470 121 122 542 278 264 7 32 197 178 6 10 Mahudipada (M.) Pirpada (M.) 84 14-3-84 Ahmad 1,559 35 35 138 69 69 14 4) 48 85 14-3-85 Bhangarh 5,333 180 199 981 496 485 2 5 27 311 304 75 55- Kumarkhedi (M.) I{hedi (1\1.) 86 14-3-86 Timayachi 7,936 254 254 1,323 620 5 [1 36 2 620 518 38 46 Kumar Rundi (M.) Gaonghat (M.) .:­ Talaopada ~(.M.) Bidpada (M.) Limdipada (M.) Lalpura (M.) Sardarpura (M.) fr1 14-3-87 Songarh 2,65& 87 93 395 217 178 2 51 50 6 101 129 Khedi (M.) .8 14-3-!:S8 Mahapura 4,051 89 89 416 226 190 69 68 155 120 Undakhal (M.) Gularipada (M.) Panpura (M.) 9 14-3-89 Karmadipada 23:> 90 14-3-90 Dattigaon 1.460 104 104 425 223 202 14 2 127 1(6 20 It Nawakheda (M.) Vijaigarh (M.) 91 14-3-91 Timaripada 333 14 14 56 30 26 24 23 Ramola (M.) 92 14-3-92 Sampura Dattigaon 257 9 9 51 23 28 19 21 4 5 93 14-~g3 Junapani 421 12 12 85 41 45 41 45 94 14-3-94 Khakariya Jhadi 334 17 17 98 53 45 50 41 3 .. 95 14-3-95 Amba 1.301 32 32 161 73 88 62 77 9 10 Gundirela (M.) 127

\If;r-iJUT~ CfiT SIlq~ ~~1'Jf mlftor ~T1t f;:;rnT ~ rt-~ ~~ ?fillt'fi' ~'(-~-~

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY C&NSUS ABSTRACT District NOr 14--Dhar Tahsil N o.l4-3-Sardarpur Agricultural Cla9ses ~------.------~ I II Cultivators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned Area Occupied Houses Total No. of persons and and their and their of =r.:rT>I' = enumerated (including houseless dependants dependants Code No. 1'1 ame of Village Village "l''''''' "'1"" inmates of institutions S. of or in ,------A---_-, and population +rrf~ ~ f~ No. Village Town/Ward acres No. of No. of houseless persons) ~li''lfTarr 1T ~- Literates arT<: ai'- lfi

2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 8 9 13 14 ------._------15 16 17 96 14-3-96 Bhandariya 46 8 8 44 22 22 12 10 10 12 97 14-3-97 Mac!lhaliya 1,3!6 1/) IV 49 28 21 lD 9 17 12 98 14-3-98 Jha.i 569 9 9 4D 15 25 10 13 5 12 99 14-3-99 Bna.mti 1.164 35 35 187 92 9,; 24 23 68 72 100 14-3-10D Mirga Rundi 101 14-3-101 Doodhi Kanch 776 13 I'3 94 H 45 t7 2~ 32 23 102 14-3-102 K lshalpura 1,181 15 15 79 39 40 39 40 103 14-3-103 Bardipada 1,230 34 34 159 82 77 n 70 10 7 104 14-3-10" Lalpura 282 24 24 151 72 79 4S 54 24 25 105 14-3-10.5 Gotya Am 78

106 14-3-106 Siyawada 627 107 14-3-107 Karnawad 1,303 86 99 2.35 123 112 25 10 5 81 86 15 16 J08 14-3-108 Batiya. Ea.rdi 855 26 26 189 90 99 74 82 10 14 109 14-3-109 Ambedi 748 110 a-3-WI Tikamjhiri 201 111 14-3-111 Pipliya Bhan 482 112 14-3-112 ICakarpada 654 6 6 24 14 10 14 10 113 14-3-113 Suhana 560 13 13 82 39 43 22 29 16 a 114 14-3-114 Saroda. 1,481 19 24 121 69 52 s 6 44 30 20 19 .uS 14-3-115 Gurada 579 11 11 47 27 20 23 17 3 116 14-3-116 Amjhar 419 13 13 52 22 30 14 23 "7 6 117 14-3-117' Chalnimata 730 27 27 193 95 98 73 65 20 3l 118 14-3-118 Inchur 471 8 8 51 25 26 25 26 119 14-3-119 Rl.hnpura 183 120 14-3-120 Umariya Khurd .• 183 11 11 50 30 20 :0 20 121 14-3-121 Mangarh 271 2 2 9 5 4 5 4 122 14-3-122 Semlya 2,176 55 55 299 156 143 148 138 Bhandi Khali (M.) Am KhOdra (M.l 123 14-3-123 Keriya 1,008 It 69 39 30 34 28 Karondipada (M.) 1'24 14-3-124 Chhadawad 3,740 195 195 802 4D4 393 2() 100 340 244 2: Daulatpura (M.l Dang (M.l Sajlya (M.) 125 J~-3-125. Urnariya Kalan 296

126 16-3-126 Fhoottalao 248 S 5 45 21 24 20 24 127 14-3-127 Chunarpa.da 108 4 4 22 13 9 13 9 128 14-3-128 Nawapura 172 17 17 78 42 36 23 33 129 14-a-129 Tirla 1,596 51 51 287 154 133 4 147 127 130 14-3-130 Khajuriya 379 131 14-3-13l Manasia 359 27 '1.7 171 83 83 88 83 132 14-3-132 Sigodiya 457 8 8 43 22 21 22 21 133 14-3-13:J Sunariya 112 6 7 26 12 14 1 12 14 134. 14-3-134 Sukhi Imli 422 19 19 106 59 47 34 34 25 IS ,SS 14-3-135 Itawa 970 38 38 156 84 72 50 57 3'1 15 Ka.likiray (M.l ,:: >Vf:j'lot -¥tr f~~T :.'1' t 4li; ~~)1i ~~r.~:~~ j t¥rr':;t~~~~ Non-agricultural Classes @l!f ~f1Jfllt Small-scale associated Industries III IV: . -, r Persons \including dependants) ~o derive their pnncipal means of""""\ ~T~ ~~'i) :a~iTrr Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- r ___ labourers owne~s of iir-T(,;" ., Off( J.N ~ 3Tf~ ~ ~ m~ crt'lf __ crtl ~r~­ i3"ii3"clflGil fcrfcrer ~ :a~TlT Cfi :a-mlT Ofi~'tfT' r-----A..--___._ r--"---______r-~ ,-_--"-___-. ,..-__..A.. ____ ."' ,------A.____ 31fcrf~ OfiT Ofir M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. . M. F. M. F. fifqr'T- ffl!JP1- ~zrT 9;Q"tf f~rrt '_!Qli f~1:fT ~~lT f~lft $Q"lT ~'lfm- $!iq" :'ftW '_!Ii"i ff'lfrrt iint rrr~ --.----'8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

j ~irf~~T \~ 1 6 ·if~'1i1T ,~ 2 . . :: IffTi :; ',to, . 'irif~'): ,~ . . , ,i1~,'{i~~r , 0 ~. 2 ,!'1:TJ

t 1 ~~T~T nl!, 2 2 mlfm: n\ ~'hmfT tt\9 ~ He; ~Cf'll!u ~ t ~ \slffurr ~~ t~o 8 5 l1 Jij"i[if t ~ ~ ~~zrT t~~ ~t'iRIT nt" ~fw no if;:lTf~T t ~ t 'f~Fi't~lfT t ~ ~ ~i'fIfl:J.:TT tn W::

186 14-1-l36 Lakkadkhai 531 3 3 15 8 7 8 7 181 l4-3-131 Ambapada 466 14 14 76 41 35 21 34 14 I \38 14-3-138 Bherupada 2,131 14 14 81 3S 43 'l2 38 16 5 139 14-3-139 Choubara 2,211 8 9 55 25 30 4 5 25 30 140 14-3-140 Mor Pipli 181 141 14-3-141 Amlya Alias 1,480 18 18 114 61 53 37 50 24 3 Doulatpura (M.) 142 14-3-142 Amba Mal 339 3 3 19 10 9 10 9 143 14-3-143 Khedi' 343 144 14-3-144 Taraghati 518 145 14-3-145 Poshya 541 3 3 13 6 7 6 7

146 14-3-141l Anjclnmal 809 5 5 U 15 9 15 9 1f1 14-3-141 Nawapura 351 Z5 25 125 69 56 65 52 2 2 'I.S 14-3-148 Kcsharpura 175 149 '14':'3-l49 Bag I'iplya 259 25 25 152 66 86 61 79 2 2 150 14-3-150 Bhilkhedi 176 12 12 59 32 27 30 25 2 2 151 14-3-151 Rangpura. 80 11 11 43 20 23 19 22 1 Uaalgarh (M.) 152 14-3-152 Gumanpura 8,645 167 169 856 443 413 13 1 269 281 50 27 Maudi (M.) Salwa (M.) Chirakhan (M.) Bhurighati (M.) Plplyapada(M.) Surai (M.) Dakanwali Khurd (M.) Dakanwali 'Kalan (M.l Rani Salar (M.) Nalltapada {M.) Phuljhar (M.) Poshya (M.) 153 14-3-153 Bimrod 2,584 97 97 523 288 240 2 151 131 65 Holatalai (M.) Madhopura (M.) Pariya Kua (M.) 154 14-3-154' Kanjrota 1,632 137 137 542 280 262 2 197 166 9 .. 155 '14-3-155 Piparni .. 1 2.922 102 102 342 180 162 140 129 10 .. Hanumanpada (M.)

370 25 16 3 200 205 156 'l4-3~156 Dhillet 4,414 190 190 764 394 3. 1 ..' Ratimali (M.) '. r; Unda Khal (M.l 210 62 I 57 53 151 '14-3~t57 Oa.lpura 2.136 103 }f14 423 213 5 .. 158 14-3:_158 Amodiya 3,334 119 119 422 209 213 31 105 III 34 28 .. ., '.. Todi (M.)

\ .• ., I '. Raolibld (M.) 8 1 40 41 5 159 1~·-3:"'5g· Narsigh Deola '-•• 1,234 31 32 95 49 r46 3

. ( .', I ~,afSighpura (M.) L$l ar.:r-TtlJIijT ~ ~:p ~~~ IjfllTIJT d~lfI~ nr~ 'lIif1'Tl> ~){-'fR o~~fr~ 'lIi1fT'ti ~¥-~-~\~t Small scale associated liN ~f1J}'ltl' Non-agricultural_A Classes______~ ~f1Jrltl' --...... Industries III IV Persons (including dependlnts) who derive their principal means of ~~ ~~'Ii ~)IJ Cultivating Non-cultivat- livelihood from,- ,_. labourers ing owners of .n-~ fcn~ m'fiff ~ ;;ftforilii ~ ~~~:fr~ Olff'lCf aIT"{ ~ 3tTf~Cf No. of and their land, agricultural Non- No. of ...... ~-- Textile Textile dependants rent receivers V - - VII and their VI , Estab- Estab- No. of '5N c6' if~ dependants Production Commerce Transport Othe~ servIces and !ish- lish- Hand other than 0lf1'1n'1: an

~~r~ t¥\ 2 2 2 ~ t't.. c6'm'J"{T t 'tCC 3 5 il-rq f'M'(ilfT t'lt - m'~~'T t'\. ~~T t'\t ~f(q,) ·89 !!I7 4 :l 23 12 8 3 6 ;rlfAlf'U t'\~ Jl'a-ft( 'I' 1 ~~"r('f.) ~(.

r------~ I II Cultivators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned Code No. Aorfca Occupied Houses Total No. of persons and enumerated (including and their and their of Name of Village dependants dependants VIllage or Village ~ ~ lllmates of institutions houseless in r--_.A._-...... and population ;rITWcfi f~ S. 'fTlT CfiT Town/Ward Literates ~ No. m;r lIT acres No. of No. of houseless persons) ~qrarl if ~ f~-q'~ ar~ ar~ ~6 'fTlT Houses House- fu;l ~ C'lIf.Rr:iT ctT ~ G1fT f.r.rr 'Illffcf; Cfitan/qri ~ arrfP.ffl ~ arrf"-«f ~ ifiTi'fIlf ifiT trU ::~1 ~ ~~~ ~ ctT ,,,. ,--____...A.. ____ ---, ~---'---___.. ,----"'----...... --"---...... r-____'_____ I:t~ it ~ ~ P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. U'-"'" 0Q'ffir. ~. f~. ~. w.ro-. ~. f~. ~. w.ro-. ~. ~W. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 , 14 15 16 17

160 14-3-160 Rajgarh 2.872 919 926 4.255 2.243 2.012 2 851 307 264 197 38 53 Ward No. Ward No.2 Ward No.3 161 14-3-161 Sardarpur 2.193 430 478 2.129 1.134 995 27 539 225 57 8 92 101 Ward No.1 Ward No.2 Ward NO.3 162 14-3-162 Badbeli 2.640 89 91 401 215 186 3 1 37 110 27 87 150

163 14

169 "-3-169 Govindpura 711 16 16 73 40 33 3 6 8 12 8 170 14-3··170 Kumarpath 731 8 8 46 25 21 6 17 18 8 3 171 14-3~171 Patlawdiya 1.761 87 91 363 178 185 28 91 98 25 25 Nawapura (M.) Abldi Banjara(M.)

172 14-3-1,72 Bh lpawar 3.645 126 144 43~ 2JG 238 13 115 137 47 54 Ganeshpura (M.) RawJipura (lVt.) Sultanpura (M.) 113 14-3-173 Ringnod 14.1S9 550 557 2.53> 1.280 1.255 320 96 565 575 110 106 Undeli (M} Karondiya (M.) Gudha (M.) ChhotaBarda(M.) Junapani (M.) Mota Barda (M.) Mahudi (M.) Ratanpura (M.) Limdipada (M.) Hadiyakhodra (M.) Madhopura, (M.) Billipada Alias Phat talao (M.) 174 14-3-174 Bichhiya 1.686 99 10\ 455 236 219 8 177 165 Khcdi (M.l 175 14-3-175 Da jodiya 1.264 127 128 668 :l26 340 3 191 1 252 260 176 14-3-176 Khamaliya 1.327 54 54 246 114 132 10 2 75 79

177 14-3-177 Borkbedi 1.036 65 65 317 160 157 5 3 9 87 88 55 56 Ruparel (M.) 133

«1+f'rJr ~lfTlt f~r '5filfT'fi ~ ¥ -ern.: ~T~ '5filft'fi ~'t-~-m~T<';'( Non-agricultural Classes ~ m11flit Small scale associated Industries ,- ."..+;;:.~ ~ III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of 'C9,c. t1'1.'~ -:S'el'" Cl!IUvating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- ,------"---- labourers owners of ;:fFr ~ meRT ~ ~ ~ 'fi~ '3lIfCRr m m anf~ No. of and their land, agricultural Non- No. of dependants rent receivers V VI VII VIII Textile Textile 'li~ ifi ll~ and their Production Commerce Transport Other services and ESli~hb- Estab- No. of dependants other than ~ 311"11<11"1'""1 miscellaneous s - lish- Hand- 31n: ~fll ifi +rrfucI; cultivation sources ments ments looms m anfssra- ~ ~l-: \roN CR"9T ,--.-A-_, ,------"----, r---"---. r---"---. ,--"---. ,------>--., arRrfteRr 'fiT ctfr M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~~- m~- ~ ~ f~lfT ~ ft;r;rt ~ ft;r;rt ~ ft;r;rt ~ ft;r;rt ~ ft;r;rt ;:mt ;:mt

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

41 7 22 664 594 750 709 35 16 436 380 45 45 55 ~r;jflT'f ~ \­ crri;:to ~ cHi;:to ~ qri;:To ~ 16 J 2 122 84 180 177 4 654 606 25 <:ft~r~~ ~\ t crri;:To ~ crri rio ~ "I:Ti;:fo ~ 5 5 4 11 ~~~T ~~, ~tcr ~q 8 1 ID~m~T ~~~ ~fllm~T ~\, 7 2 2 4 :;ft:;;ft~lfT ~ ~ '\ qf'fll1!-:T ~ ~ ~ 18 20 27 29 1 14 12 Cfi~lTfq~T., . ~ \ r; 22 17 lTTf~u ~~t

~l1mro ~\9. 37 54 3 3 10 2 6 3 q-c;nHf~ ~\31

57 65 10 7 3 8 4 6 Gf~T~ ~\S"

39 53 ~I1Tfum t\3~ 3 14 10 4 ii('T~~T ~"" 'liqrt~(+r .) 134

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No.14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-3-Sardarpur

Agricultural Classes r------~ I II Area Cultivators of Cultivators of of Occupied Houses land wholly or land wholly or Institutional Code No. Name of Village Village m l1

1178 14-3-178 Golpura 1,412 69 69 356 177 179 153 160 11 11 Bherupada (M.) Mahudipada (M.)

Wi 14-&-179 Mindha 3,341 106 108 521 234 287 33 127 154 27 41 Khagrod (M.) Sa"apllft (M.) .0 14-3-180 Chhipapllra 161 19 19 115 59 56 45 44 9 6 Dholi Baodi (M.) 181 14-3-181 Kbareli 3,179 50 so 325 165 160 165 160 Ruparel (Y.) )82 14-3-182 Imlipura 40 40 220 120 100 1 105 89 6 113 14-3-183 Undeli 1,521) 41 41 196 88 108 80 92 J84 14-3-lIW Bodha 1,188 21 21 105 55 50 51 45 b85 14-3-185 Morgaon 1,773 120 120 567 281 286 18 15 &3 176 187 8 JB6 14-3-186 3,866 156 158 792 419 373 31 37 56 308 264 23 15 Nawapura (M.) Khedi (M.) Madat (M,) 1117 14-3-187 Kesharpura alias •• 1,063 Nipanya

];88 14-3-188 Chalni 2,861 116 116 641 33R 303 14 9 9 154 129 100 99 Sunedi (M.) 4,939 586 596 2,705 1,370 1,335 7 17 544 140 203 202 ,-- 189 14-3-189 Amjhera 119 104 Ward No. Bid Dhudal (M.) Ward No.2 Rati Talai (M.) Kolibakhal (M.) Ward No.3 Bid Nawapura (M.) 190 14-3-t90 Idariya 1,498 32 35 196 108 88 3 :; 94 77 7 Udabarda (M.) IiI 14-:J.-191 Rajpura 1,868 117 126 (62 228 234 23 2 113 114 7 Nawapura (M.) 192 14-3-192 Mangod 1,067 20 20 ]44 73 71 23 21 54 42 Dak Bungalow (M.) - iS3 14-3-193 Bandedi 1,700 97 104 587 288 299 36 48 50 188 199 9 Mangod Custom Naka (M.) • 194 14-3-194 Antedi 701 30 30 288 139 149 68 69 82 96 - 195 14-3-195 Bankedi 345 9 10 140 79 61 50 43 36 21 - 196 14-3-196 Khankedi 895 44 45 376 186 190 90 85 8 69 74 - 1,261 49 49 414 202 212 103 83 9 65 87 - 197 14-3-191 Marol - 198 \4-3-198 Dandoor 1,121 13 13 67 36 31 !?5 23 11 8 ]35

~Tl1'T1Jf ~~lt f;;mr '!filjtop ~((--t:TT~ ~ :;r;l=ficf; Z((-~~

Non-agricultural Classes ~ lllf1Jfl!T Small scale associated Industries. III IV r- Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of -. ~ ~l+J~ ~Fr Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- r--A------. labourers owners of ;ft~ f~ ~rt:T'fT ~ ;;ftfCfcfiT mCQ op~CfT~ ~f

10 8 3 ~~ ~."C; ~~T (If.) l1~~Jq~ ('I. ) 69 22 18 2 2 8 4 l1'RT t'" @~~ (~.) 0{Cf~(~.) 5 6 f~ tr:;o w~m\f~""'IITI::J1q~iTJT (". ) ~ tr:;t ~qrt~(~.)

oj 7 ~11~ tl;~ 8 16 ~ tc;~ 4 5 CifT'!:1m ~I;'t :a9 49 29 32 15 10 14 8 15 l1RtJTq ~c;~ .32 30 7 4 19 24 29 36 5 ~ ~c;, ~ ('I.) l#:sr ('I.) If;rn ( 'I. ) ""~t <'1)~T ~ c;..., f;:r:rr;:m

83 75 :qrwft' tc;c; ~'T(11. ) 106 122 18 43 420 381 165 196 16 12 303 275 47 1 m~T tc;~ cni;:fo ~ ~ ~~~(lf.) mrio ':? ~:n=rlwrri ( 'I. ) tfi~i!fmM (Ii. ) ant;:fo ~ ~arrru(l1· ) "7 11 ¢~T ~~o \Rrm(~.) S7 25 18 16 15 8 ~~ ~\t ~(11.)

liS 13 16 ~ t'~ 6Ri oim:rr(Ii.) 6<.: 25 18 17 16 9 ~ 1'~ ~~ ""'ifi,...,ft"'q""'",""'ICfi"'1 (q'. )

50 .044 7 9 4 ~T ~\Y 43 40 ~:s'T "" 107 lOll 10 3 ~ t\,

129 120 7 5 1 1W~ ~\I! .. f"" "' .. m~ ~\I; 136

Rural Statistics ~THE PRIMRY CENSUS ABSTRACT' District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil N o.14-3-Sardarpur Agricultural Classes

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area Land wholly or land wholly or of Occupied Houses Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned Total No. of persons N arne of village Village ~ ll'fi"T

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 it9 14-3-199 S ultan pur 4,246 191 193 923 458 465 31 1 276 292 53 54 Gondlkbedi (i\1.) Imlipura (M.)

Nimphliya (~.) Bherupura (M') Nawapura (M.) Chunabhati (M.l Khokarymal (M.l Sukhiter (M.l Semalyapura (M.) R Impura (M·l Ambapura (M.l 137

4lJ1TflJf ~'lfr r:t f'il"'>f ~lftifi r~ -~'{ 'iQ:IlT

Non-agricultural Classes ~fq ~f1Jr:rt Small scale as~oclated Industries ______~r------~ III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~1i ID~~ifi ;rmfr:if rn~ &ff.fa- 3fT<: ~1ji- 3l"I'P-1cT No, of and their land, agricultural ,---______.A. ______--., Non- Ko. of dependants rent receivers V VI VII VIn Textile Textile Estab- ),"0. of ~ lf~~ and their Production Commerce Transport Other services and Estab- wfq dependants' other than ' II li~h- lish- Hand­ 3l'T"<: 'Hfrr ~ +I'ff<"7j'fi cultivation om 3ITCfllTl1rr mls~~u:~e~ous ments ments looms ~ ant9.=t-il "aiR ~ ef; a:rfcrfum ~ Wfrci 3fT<:

Eural Statistics THE PRIMARY SENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14-Dh-er Tahsil No. 14-4-Dhar

Agricultural Classes

J II Cultivators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Code No. Name of Village Area . Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned of OCCUPied Houses Total No. of persons of or enumerated (including and and their and their Village Town/Ward Village amtltt ~ inmates of institutions houseless dependants dependa.nts popUlation S. tAll!" lfiT l11lr lIT in r-___.A.~ and Literates ~ fcrnr.; fcrnr.; No. acres No. of No. of houseless persons) ~1f~­ .1fiIrtiI;

GRAND TOTAL .• 477,219 17,231 17,467 88,487 45,014 43,473 3,223 2,992 5,221) 449 27,071 26,136 2,032 1,90jJ I 14-4-1 Lohari Kh'lrd 1,126 27 27 129 68 61 6 45 43 3 1 2 14-4-2 Dhamaoda 1,843 91 91 348 182 166 48 7 III 97 2 3 14-4-3 Akoda 868 31 31 141 70 71 11 1 41 46 4 14-4-4 Chhatya 900 30 30 126 65 61 8 48 48 5 14-4-5 Baloda Khurd 470 7 7 31 16 15 2 12 14 6 14-4-6 KharsoJa 858 45 45 191 96 95 18 45 45 13 11 7 14-4-7 Osra 742 32 32 147 73 74 6 52 59 I 8 14-4-8 Utawada 1,058 54 54 231 107 127 8 73 80 4, 9 14-4-9 Simla""ada ].936 66 66 320 151 169 14 75 69 28 33 10 14-4-10 Sindodi 537 24 24 144 66 78 20 24 6 24 alJ

11 14-4-11 Sindoda 781 28 28 139 68 71 10 9 30 30 10 12 12 14-4-12 Chandwada 1.050 40 40 164 81 83 21 17 4 5 13 14-4-13 Ahu 1,986 ISS 158 1,162 597 565 222 177 126 8 217 200 12 19 14-4-14 Siloda 14 4f15 3 3 14 6 S 4 6 15 14-4-15 Cardawad 4,258 135 135 752 370 31'12 108 116 19 2 1 65 23· 16 \4-4-16 Khadi 1,957 53 53 301 167 134 54 41 10 113 102 4 1 17 14-4-17 BiloJa 2,160 124 124 712 362 350 84 60 35 251 225 9 3 18 14-4-18 l'injaraya 1,604 72 72 311 148 163 16 18 18 69 88 2 2 19 14-4-19 Berchha 1.011 29 29 115 59 56 4 29 29 20 14-4-20 13akurli 6()7 31 31 151 86 65 9 7 54 43

21 14-4-21 Chhapar 296 9 9 67 29 38 7 4 19 30 22 14-4-22 Karadya 91'19 53 53 239 116 123 2 52 (i6 23 14--4-23 Chidawad 828 21 21 91 43 48 16 17 24 14-4-24 Kanawal 53~ 11 11 36 24 12 19 10 1 Kalsada Buzurg 25 14-4-'25 2,181 85 85 346 158 188 19 73 98 7 9 26 14-4-26 Plplya 1,121 64 64 :~06 164 142 19 94 ill 13 8 3,307 27 14-4-27 Kherod 122 122 964 477 487 211 238 83 116 107 13 12 28 14-4-28 Tisgaon 2,009 98 98 589 267 272 44 51 53 9 128 109 9 12 29 14-4-29 Saktali 1,225 68 68 314 159 155 93 SO so 14-.t-30 Anarad 1,938 80 80 499 251 248 54 45 70 3 97 90 12 8.

31 14--.t-31 Umrya 1,602 92 92 495 257 238 70 56 21 100 97 3Z 14-4-32 Malgaon 648 42 42 201 96 105 3 61 63 33 14-4-33 Lasudya 1,722 72 72 307 157 150 23 82 81 34 H-4-34 Pachalana' 1,702 86 86 606 297 309 56 70 27 2 155 142 5 2 35 14-4-:~5 Guradya 458 36 14-4-36 Singawa 328 37 14-4-37 Labrawada 2,448 105 105 884 453 431 226 152 15 3 13 16 10 12 38 14-4-38 Kalukhedi 1,039 37 37 210 ]12 98 6 67 57 39 14-4-39 Kilachipura 842 40' 14-4-40 ~ogaon Buzurg 4,342 Included in Dhar Town

41 14-4-41 'ipura 632 Included in Dhar Town ~2 14-4-42 -~ 137 Included in Dhar Town 43 14-4-43 Jetpu~ 3,212 114 111 496 244 252 12 18 57 3 102 98 14 12- 44 14-4-44 Jamanda 1,534 56 56 300 153 147 12 16 9 80 66 16 21 45 14-4-45 Tornod 3,116 140 140 1.138 582 556 278 248 80 4 212 238 .. 139

~T1fTlJf ~'€!fTtf ~ ~fc1; ~'(--CJR ~m;;r.'f'icfi r(-'(-q~

Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~t Small scale associated Industries '--U-I-----I-V---, r--I->e-rs-o-n-s -(i-nC-lu-d-in-g-d-e-pe-n-d-a-nts----')w'-h-O-d-e-ri-v-e -th-e-ir-p-ri-n-ci-p-al-m-e-a-ns-o-f--' ~)i ~ ~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- r------"-----, labourers owners of ;:rW f~ ~T ~ ;sftfCf1fiT SIlt(f CflT CfiT M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~_ ~-~ ~~l'f f~ ~ f~~t ~ ff'llfT ~ f"~t ~ ~ ~ f~

9,146 9.590 590 536 2,761 2,493 872 769 59 24 2.483 2.0!9 643 46 48 ~m 18 15 2 2 ~)~ru ~~ t 32 25 26 33 4 5 8 4 3 tTTqo:~ ~ 21 20 4 :~ 4 2 arr'fil~ ~ '.5 8 3 2 5 2 ~qr 'I 3 1 GfffiT~r {q<{ :( 33 32 4 7 ~1H~)~T ~ 15 13 4 1 ~)~U 1.9 33 43 ;a-c:mr to 44 63 3 3 f~m?rCj"'=T t 39 46 2 2 ~)~'T ~o

27 27 2 f~~1 ~~ 56 61 :q;:G:Cft~I ~ ~ 16 12 70 69 8 4 274 261 6 an ~ ~ 2 2 R fu~T.n r t 232 299 29 17 43 43 ~~TCj"~ ~Y.. 49 31 l..HT ~.'ic 87 114 2 9 5 5 4 fG[i?T~r ~1.9 57 58 13 11 5 3 2 fi:r'iRI~r ~ r:; 23 24 4 2 2 1 ol~~r Zt 27 17 4 4 1 1 ~TCfl'~1 ~D " 3 4 1 \) 4 ~'{ ~t 36 30 17 16 3 5 8 crm'q'T ~~ 21 30 5 1 1 :q~~ ~~ 4 1 Cfl'

140 132 8 5 8 4 ';3'l=f\~r ~.~ 25 31 8 8 2 3 ~iltl H 44 44 19 15 12 10 ~~,~."ilr ~:~­ ]06 124 20 ZO 3 7 8 14 q';:r~'1r ~ ¥ m:T'6'l:fT ~ l{ f~

erT'{ ~m: if ~f1:1ff'1(f q.,.~\r ¥~ tTn: ~:rr'{ if ~f1=1ff\1a ~f'i TCf.~~'t ... ~ 108 116 14 l7 1 5 5 4 1 ~u 't~ 57 60 \ ~n:t;~r '1'1 357 301 9 16 4 2 .. a-)"{~T~ ¥l{

• 140

" I ,Rurat Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-4-Dhar Agricultural Classes

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Land wholly or land wholly or Area Occupied H~uses Institutional mainly owned mainly unoewned ot Name of village 31'~ lfCfiTrf Total No. of persons and and fueir and their Code No. or Village ,--_-A.___ --. enumerated (including houseless dependants dependants in of Town/Ward No. of No. of inmates of institutions population S. Village acres and ~f

01'.ffcm ~q' f~ ~q' I f~ ~ fh'lIt ~ ft;rlIt ~ ~t

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

46 14-4- 46 Snnarkhedi 1,060 33 38 139 70 69 2 39 35 47 14-4- 47 Nipawali 939 29 29 111 54 57 36 34 48 14-4- 48 Nawasa 1,252 40 40 177 91 86 6 54 57 49 14-4- 49 Eklara 846 13 13 53 26 27 12 14 $0 14-4- 50 Tajpur 1,050 48 48 241 lIS 123 7 85 81 51 14-4- 51 Samar 8i2 49 49 291 142 149 3 96 110 7 7 52 14-4- 52 Bhidota Khurd 1.491 39 42 263 137 126 7 59 56 3 53 14--4- 53 Rampura 1,798 76 76 432 218 214 29 23 '20 116 123 2 54 !4-4- 54 Baloda Buzurg 1.008 25 25 280 139 141 79 89 13 118 124 7 3 55 14-1- 55 Tlwadi 552 30 30 212 104 lOS 39 39 13 76 73 2 4

56 14-4- 56 Akolya 564 24 24 121 61 60 9 6 5 47 7 4 57 14-4- 57 Badodiya 584 18 IS 88 39 49 24 36 2 4 ';8 14-4- 08 Govindpura. 696 30 32 177 87 90 11 22 8 55 58 3 5 59 14-4- 59 GavIa 429 16 16 44 22 22 14 15 1 1 60 14-4- 60 Khiledi 936 37 37 124 66 58 5 56 55 2 61 14-4- 61 Antrai 1.755 57 57 433 229 20-1 70 71 229 204 ~2 14-4- 62 Musavda 1.104 27 27 150 66 84 66 84 ·63 H-4- 63 Chauki 300 64. U-4- 64 Sewara 930 65 14-4- 65 Bagadi Taj 962 37 37 1:;0 75 75 51 53

66 14-4- 66 Molani 695 27 27 134 67 67 9 43 16 13 3 67 14-4- 67 Sarvanya 464 32 32 151 77 74 17 23 2 1 6R 14-4- 68 Karadya 1.619 74 74 370 195 175 8t 70 66 411 5! 69 14-4- 69 Kesur 4.452 448 451 2.294 1.166 1.128 72 279 266 48 43 147 72 70 14-4- 70 Bijur 5.630 171 171 1110 547 563 158 280 288 29 36 6 71 14-4- 71 Juhawada 628 24 24 126 66 60 9 3 n. 14-4- 72 Sangesara 378 7 7 40 22 8 19 15 14 73 14-4:- 73 Sadalpur 639 97 100 417 225 192 89 87 5 5 7 74 14-4- 74 Harsora 912 59 61 423 212 211 70 162 165 10 9 75 14-4- 75 Bodwada Khurd.. 316

76 14-4- 76 1Iachakada 1.057 44 44 204 106 98 5 56 4:1 77 14-4- 77 Lohari Buzarg 578 17 17 64 36 28 19 15 18. 14-4- 78 Bhidota. Kot 1,083 43 43 195 87 108 4 53 65 9 11 3 7fJ 14-4- 79 Chhadoda 566 18 18 77 39 38 20 16 3 3 80 14-4": 80 Kundarsi 251 9 9 45 21 24 13 15 28 81. 14-4- ~1 Hapsikhedi 303 13 13 56 28 19 15 5 12 82 14-4- 82 Kadola Buzurg 657 20 20 111 52 59 3 30 35 9 13 , 61 83. 14-4- 83 Sirsoda 1.679 64 64 270 133 137 23 27 18 67 9 5 84. 14-4- 84 :;-{yamatkhedi 427 13 13 72 31 41 3 29 39 8S 14-4- 85 Kadola Khurd 899 26 26 143 76 67 13 13 2 26 27 17 9 49 8 5 ~6 14-4- 86 Daulatpura 582 33 33 235 .118 117 83 87 6 f?7. 14-1- 87 Mendikhedi 513 11 11 45 21 2-1 10 13 10 8 S3 14-4- 88 Utawad 3.587 157 160 797 396 401 82 96 26 167 187 6 5 Pipalkheda (M.) .• ~9 14-4- H9 Khamla 674 18 18 89 38 51 29 43 2 9) 14-4- 90 Kalamkhedi 994 41 41 191 95 96 1 1 64 61 8 II) 141

vrQf1JT ~~~ f-irm '!!i1ri'q; r'i-"IR {f~~ ~lltCfi ~ 't-'t-~ Non-agricultural Classel arn;N l!ifVn;rt Small scale associated Industries ------,~r_------~------~ III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of §R:~f~~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:-- labourets owners of ;:ft~ f~ ~l ~ :;r'lfCfCfiT mea- Cfi~~ &IfcIcr aft~ \3'~ anf~ No. of and their land, agricultural Non- No. of dependants rent receivers V VI VII VIII ~ Textile Textile ~~~~ and their Production Commerce T t Oth Estab- Estab- No. of dependants other than ~ ranspor and ~cse~~~~~s liSh- lish- Hand- 3fh +if+!' ~ mf~Cfi cultivation ancrr~l1i'f sources men ts ments looms :a;rcf. arrfP,lCf ~ 3fT<: ~I'f *aITaRCfa 3f~ ~crnt 9;1"1<: ~ ~ :;fi ~~ 3nf~ ap;r ~if fcrfCf'6f m'6fif ~1

22 28 6 3 3 3 11 17 4 2 ~{ 4 18 19 9 6 2 1 8 8 2 1 11 9 1 3 17 24 6 8 4 2 6 8 80 29 5 1 2 2 2 56 51 16 14 3 5 86 73 16 16 13 14 1 13 17 8 9 5 5 2

10 9 3fCfi~f ,,\, 9 7 3 1 ~lftlfT "'IS ,18 18 11 9 iftcf~ "\~ 2 5 6 tJCf~f '" \ 1 4 2 2 ~ ~o ~ \t ~mcro ,~ .. ~ ~~ ~cru ,¥ 20 20 2 1 2 iflT~'f (fl'\;f ~ \

4 6 1 5 5 1{t~T.rr ~, 48 39 3 3 2 6 6 ~qF

'25 34 11 6 14 15 ~f"iICfi~ ,,' 12 8 5 5 ~ q\llll "" 10 27 7 4 2 6 1 4 mTor~~ ,,~ 14 19 1 1 . §~'m 13\ 8 9 Cfi~... r;;. 4 1 {Tq~ r;;t 9 3 3 1 Cfi11m "!~ r;; ~ ~4 13 12 2 1 14 12 9 f~T r;;~ 2 .:~u+ta(.q~'f r;;¥ 25 1 3 5 4 2 2 ~T~ 1:,\

7 7 1 15 16 1 ~~'ro r;;\ 1 5 ~T~~ r;;" 130 141 12 13 5 5 76 50 10 I 2 \3CTCR t:;r:; cft.~.~T (~) 6 ~ r;;\ 16 11 8 1 ~<.'1q"i~ ". 142 Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. h-Dhar Tahsil No 14-4-Dhar Agricultural ClaSlIeS r------~. I II Cultivators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned Area Occupied Houses Total No. of persons and and their and their Code No. Name of Village of ~lVfiFr enumerated (including' of or houseless dependants dependants Vil~age ,-~ inmates of institutions population. S. Village Town/Ward and Literates mfuop f.tim;:r fCf;m;r ac~~s I No. of No. of houseless persons) N~. w:r CfiT ~T1:r lIT Houses House­ ~~~­ ~-~ 3Th: 3Th: 'RTCf> V"llT -:+ holds fu;f ~ CilIfcRrrif ctT ~ O'IT fir;:rr m-

91 14-4- 91 Jamburkhedi 496 15 15 70 33 37 1 8 It 11 7 92 14-4- 92 TJttarsi 1,252 29 29 115 56 59 1 41 46 1 93 H-4- 93 Bagdi Turk 1,2H; 58 58 320 167 153 88 84 23 26 Bangarapura (M.) 94 14-4- 94 Dedla 6,522 276 278 1,452 759 693 34 88 256 11 375 343 25 36 Ranipura (M.) 95 14-4- 95 Dharawara 2,114 48 52 343 172 171 45 46 21 105 104 12 8 i6 14-4- 96 Delmi 2,900 51 51 258 132 126 14 75 79 9 3 Balapura (M.) Bhllpura (M.)

97 14-4- 97 Bagdya 2,144 90 90 409 201 208 6 tal 128 Patlyapura (M.) 9R 14-4- 98 Padlya 2,010 83 83 412 . 192 220 1 127 161 3 Bhilpura (M.) Banjarapura (M.) 99 14-4- 99 Sitapat 941 45 192 105 87 67 56 Bhulyapura(M.) Banjarapura (M.l 100 14-4-100 Bad Pipli 780 32 32 165 80 85 2 54 58 101 14-4-101 Khandan Khurd 714 21 21 120 59 61 59 61

102 14-4-102 Mohanpur 1,802 70 70 347 178 169 177 167 PateJpura (M.) 103 14-4-103 Musapura 1,361 104 14-4-104 Mi1fipura 1,302 53 53 234 120 114 117 112 105 14-4-105 Himmatgarh 1,214 15 15 63 36 27 25 24 106 .H-4-106 Khanpura 344 Included in Dhar Town 107 14-4-107 Rata:p.agara 728 -do- -do- 108 14-4-10H IsJampura 449 -do- -do- 109 14-4-109 Shahpura 163 110 14-4-110 Maliwada 1,063 Included in Dhar Town

111 14-4-111 Dhar Please see urban statistices 112 14-4-112 Athar 534 113 14-4-113 Mat1abpura 601 Included in Dhar Town 114 14-4-114 Gyanpura 1,517 70 70 266 131 135 12 87 83 115 14-4-115 Omkheda 1,113 24 24 100 48 52 22 27 116 14-4-116 Tirla 3,655 288 288 1,239 610 629 131 4 316 3Z3 11 117 14-4-117 Chiklya 2,581 153 153 672 350 322 42 181 157 18 118 14-4-118 Borda 965 56 56 334 165 169 51 38 24 1 105 107 8 119 14-4-119 Kharampur 1,751 55 55 255 126 129 17 8 27 2 74 81 3 120 14-4-120 Raipura 789 32 32 187 85 102 10 46 56 8

121 14-4-121 Bodwada Buzurg .• 1,572 63 94 404 198 206 69 70 15 128 133 9 122 14-4-122 Chilur 2,218 96 110 515 268 247 28 29 40 159 179 6 123 14-4-123 Nalavada 1,412 55 70 301 149 152 23 26 12 111 111 124 14-4-'24 Nandanwasa 749 35 48 185 93 92 24 25 5 69 66

125 14-4-125 Nand~nkheda 1,363 80 93 363 192 171 28 20 9 lIS 96 126 14-4-126 ~ratpur 1,248 29 35 177 68 109 11 21 6 2 44 66 143

I,m:rror ~~lmt f\jf~T '!fi~ ~¥-'1:fT~ cmrm ~;rtCji ~¥-¥--'Cn~ Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~ Small scale associated --. Industries III IV Persons (including dependents) who derive their principal means of ~li~~~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- .A. labourers owne~ of ;::fRt ~ ~1 ~ ~ srrttr Cfl'<'1C110 ~ am: m anf~ No. of and their land, agncultural Non­ No. of dependants rent receivers r- V VII Textile Textile VI VIII Estab­ Estab- and their Production Commerce Transport Other services and No. of "tiT ~ ~ dependants other than miscellaneous lish- lish­ Hand­ • ...Q... =+- ~ otrrtm:

;;wf~Cji ~~lin:t ~~ '1:fT~ nt arrq~ ~ n t:T~ i=f4R ~ ij'fl:11f~cr ~m;

Rura1 Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 1 l-4-Dhar A griculturaI Classes

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area Occupied Houses Land wholly or land wholly OJ' of mainly owned mainly unowned Code No. N arne of village merr<{ +rCfi'T"f Total No. of persons Institutional Village ,--__-"-----. enumerated (including and and their and their of or in dependants dependants S. Village Town/Ward No. of No. of inmates of institutions houseless acres Houses House- and population lTrfu

.) '{ 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

127 14-4-127 Ranipura 400 25 25 87 43 44 5 19 22 5 7 128 14-4-128 Ganganagar 467 24 29 84 43 41 11 7 8 3 3 129 14-4-129 Arnba Patdi 38 ISO 14-4-130 Juna Golpura 129 5 4 1 4 131 14-4-131 Pernipura 76 2 2 7 3 4 1 2 4 132 14-4-132 Naharchhaja 385 4 4 16 10 6 6 5 4 133 14-4-133 Amlya Bheru 299 10 10 56 29 27 23 26 4 134 14-4-134 Chaklya 412 24 24 107 56 51 51 43 4 5 135 14-4-135 Bhuti Baodi 345 15 15 80 39 41 35 37 2 3 136 14-4-136 Ambapura 273 13 13 59 23 36 22 35 1 1

137 14-4-137 Baldipura 372 13 13 56 31 25 26 19 3 5 138 14-1-138 Mawadipura Kalan 67 9 9 46 22 24 19 24 139 14-4-139 Bhurirnal 351 7 7 33 16 17 5 6 11 11 140 14-4-140 Chamarkuwa 187 5 5 25 14 11 14 11 141 14-4-141 Ghodabav 681 36 36 167 79 88 1 68 77 8 9 142 14-4-142 Suradevi 717 143 14-4-143 Arnba Kundya 646 12 12 64 32 32 25 28 2 2 144 14-4-144 Kokaljhiri. 961 15 15 70 35 35 35 33 145 14-4-145 Mada 160 146 14-4-146 Badlipura Kalan 194 5 5 18 7 11 7 11

147 14-4-147 Andibeda 318 4 4 19 10 9 10 9 148 14-4-148 Bori Kundal 111 5 5 44 24 20 24 20 149 14-4-149 Dhola Hanurnan 416 11 11 48 24 24 24 24 150 14-4-150 felipura 498 3 3 11 7 4 7 4 151 14-4-151 Baklj Kalan 290 13 13 73 41 32 41 32 152 14-4-152 Bakli Khurd 252 2 2 11 5 6 5 6 153 14-4-153 Mandali 473 4 4 22 13 9 13 9 154 14-4-154 Siyari 1,860 31 31 157 81 76 78 75 3 155 14-4-155 Khidkya Kalan 1,045 9 9 51 28 23 28 23 156 14-4-156 Khidkya Khurd 572 5 5 17 8 9 8 9

157 14-4-157 Kundi 531 158 14-4-158 Badlipura Khurd •• 169 4 4 17 9 8 9 8 159 14-4-159 Dandiyala 188 7 7 30 8 22 8 22 160 14-4-160 Garh 756 7 7 37 21 16 21 16 161 14-4-161 Parwatpura alias •• 718 26 26 160 85 75 84 74 Bagatpura 162 14-4-162 Satipura 232 12 12 66 34 32 31 29 163 14-4-163 Guwadi 544 14 14 86 48 38 48 35 164 14-4-164 Aula 1,789 5S 5~ 312 167 145 3 150 130 165 14-4-165 Min3,khedi 544 23 23 131 64 67 64 65

166 14-4-166 Badlipura 69 10 10 67 32 35 1 31 35 167 14-<1-167 Gadaghata 278 14 14 90 54 36 54 36 16S 14-4-168 Golpura 419 11 11 68 36 32 36 32 169 14-4-169 Kachhawada 448 51 51 245 124 121 3 87 78 170 14-4-170 Nisaniya 86 171 14-4-171 Sangwi Khurd 328 9 66 33 33 33 145

it-rror «~ - -~T ~+rt~ ~ ¥ -'1:fI~ ~iw ':fi~if, Z¥-¥ -\,:n~ Non-agricultural Classes 3'IWN ~ Small scale associated Industries ---.. - ~~~ III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of '<5J1e. '-"1..'~'1' 'O~I'I Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- r-___..A. ___""'\ labourers owners of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sflt:a' Cfi (;1'''1 I~ ~ atR ~ arrflSffi No. of and their land, agricultural Non- No. of dependants rent receivers V VI VII VIII Textile Textile and their Production Co T rt Oth . d Estab- Estab- No. of ~'f ~ lf~ dependants other than mmerce ranspo e: selrvIces an lish- lish- Hand- ~T~ " ~~ + _..r; ozrm~

6 4 I 2 12 9 3 Wf'f'];U Z~ \9 12 2 3 10 6 1 17 11 ;j~~ Z~t:; w;rr~ nt '!"IT lJ~<:T ~ ~ 0 'i~~ n~ ~TGfT ~~~ 2 ~~.{~ ZH 1 3 ~ n't 2 1 ~r arr~1 Z ~u. aforl'gU n~

2 qr~~ Z~\9 3 ~ Cfiffi" nr:; ~flfrn Z~~ ;;(lfT~CfT ~¥o 2 2 vn~r;rf h'~ ~<:~

ar.i'rifsr ~ lS'\9 ;j"-r~T tr~t ZX~ flJ~Rr ~X'6' f~~ m t'\X R«if

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DiS'ttict No. 14-Dhar Tahsil ?\o. 14-4-Dhar Agricultural Cla9888 ~------~ I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area land wholly or land wholly or mainly owned mainly unowned, Code No. Name of Village v~ge Occupied Housel Total No. of persona Inltitutioaal in ~ ~ enumerated (including and and their and their of or ,...--...... dependants dependant. S. Village Town/Ward acres ____ inmates of institutions h~ No. of No. of Literates ~ f.t;m;:r f.t:;m;r No. ~ 'liT I'm ~ IDlf and • poe!.::I ~ Houses House- houseless ~.n8) mrart Of ....I:t,'l- 1Ii~ ~~ am: am: ~ ~T/m 'fiT ~ holds "1(,,1 ~ fu;f ~ ~ ctl' ~ ijtlf tim ~anf~ ;t;;n: 'fiT ;:mr ~ ~anf~ lift "'_:'h. ~ ~ ct1 0lff1m' ~Tif ~ .." F. ~.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17

172 H-4-172 Bhur Kuwa 1,097 15 15 85 49 36 49 36 173 14-4-173 Khanpura 241 8 8 49 27 22 1 27 22 174 14-4-174 Devipura 301 9 9 46 22 24 22 24 175 14-4-175 Bhuwawada 954 41 41 215 114 101 11):; 93 176 14-4-176 Nimtoka 202 11 11 54 28 26 28 25 177 14-4-177 Rehtia 250 178 14-4-178 Juna Pani 2,513 45 45 209 107 102 1 104 97 179 '14-4-179 Sadadya Kuwa 1,910 37 37 173 89 84 2 66 58 12 16· 180 14-4-180 Kundala 1,411:1 12 12 46 27 19 22 , 13 3 S 181 14-4-181 Sindh Kuwa 838 7 7 52 30 22 2 28 22

182 14-4-182 Kharwari 854 9 9 48 21 27 21 27 183 14-4-183 Sangwi Kalan 553 21 21 127 71 56 65 51 184 14--4-184 Kamta 850 24 24 140 83 57 71 51 12 6- 185 14-4-1H5 Ajnai 548 18 18 112 61 51 1 54 43 6 T 186 14--4"-186 Bhasamgarh 176 7 7 37 22 15 22 15 187 14-4-187 Sodlya Kburd SI 188 14-4-188 Nimkheda 479 16 16 84 44 40 1 33 32 189 14-4-189 ShlvsinghpuIa 263 6 6 37 20 17 20 17 190 14-4-190 Bada III 13 13 45 24 21 18 20 191 14--4-191 Mawandipura Khurd 435 12 12 45 24 21 22 21

192 14-4-192 Bedya 151 9 9 68 36 32 36 32 193 14-4-193 Path Bhoga 218 11 11 71 38 33 36 32 194 14-4-194 Sevripura 839 14 14 80 45 35 45 35 195 14-4-195 Pitbyapura 106 5 5 31 13 18 12 15 196 14-4-)96 Surajpura Khurd .. 199 15 15 81 37 44 37 44 197 14-4-197 Dinglipura 48 1 10 6 4 6 4 198 14-4--198 Devipura 96 1 8 4 " 4 4 199 14-4-199 Miyapura Pahad .• 4,024 4 4 22 13 9 11 7 6 200 14-4-200 Khirad 40 2 2 13 6 7 7 201 14-4-201 Jodwa 964 8 18 98 46 52 46 52 91 202 14-4-202 Bori 1,679 35 55 197 99 98 93 13 10 203 14--4-203 Pipal Khunt 613 3 3 23 13 10 204 14-4-204 Dhavli 855 2 2 12 6 6 6 6 39 43 205 14-4-205 Bardipura 650 18 18 98 45 53 2()6- 14--4-2.06 Suli Bardi 456 207 14-4-207 Semlipura 707 208 14-4-208 Cbor barda 983 15 20 209 14-4-209 Kereni 220 8 8 35 15 20 2 1G 14-4-210 Nanagbata 562 211 14-4-211 Suwar Khodari 378

212 14-4-212 Sadya Mau 252 3 3 15 9 6 9 6 213 14-4-213 Khardan Buzur, •• 2,187 75 75 389 202 187 201 187 2. 14 14-4-214 Bichhu Bardi 98 6 6 36 22 14 22 14 215 14-4-215 Borkheda 712 20 20 112 54 58 54 58 216 14-4-216 Devi ka mal 167 ;" 17 14-4-217 Dad 182 6 6 27 11 16 10 16 147

~T1lf ~ f~ ~jCfi ~'l(-t~Tt a'~ ~ ~'l(-'l(-~R Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~ Small scale associated Industries ------,.------"'------"""' ::iTT ~ __;::...,. III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ..",<.0 ""~'I:(" ~~I'I Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- ,-___....J-- labourers owner.s of ~W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4«1<110 or:rfeRr aft,: ~ arrfllfa" No. of and their land. agncultural Nou- No. of dependants rent receivers '--,- VI VIII --- Textile Textile m ~ ~ and their PICOd:ction Commerce Tra~!!ort Other services E~ta- Esta- No. of orr...... dependants ..... her than and miscellaneous bhSh- blish- Hand- ""1'<, sources men s ments looms ~~"II +j "fl~ ...... c...... +j II on"fl cultivation 0ll""rtR

'[{~CfT ~1.9~ ... ~Fr~r ~1.9~ ~

~'n s:n- ~ ~~ 1 ~ii~~if ~ n f;;r~ CR~T ~ ~ ¥ q'h~r ~~!t ~) 'fir m<:1' ~ Z~ ~ ~~~ 148 THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Rural Statistics District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14~4--Dhar Agricultural Classes

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area Land wholly or land wholly or Occupied Houses mainly owned mainly unowned Code No. of Institutional ~ l1oIil'l Total No. of persons and their and their of Name of Village Village and r--'----, enumerated (including dependants dependants Village or in houseless acres No. of No. of inmates of institutions popUlation ~ fct;m;r -qm 'Fj TownJWard and Rimrf Houses House- ~if~­ Literates lJr+r

'218 14-4-!!18 Gidkiray 128 26 172 87 85 87 83 219 14-4-219 Clwlay 1,105 26 18 10 8 10 6 220 14-4-220 Phiparipura 117 5 5 69 33 36 31 35 2 1 221 14-4-221 Chamari 344 17 17 64 32 32 31 32 222 14-4-222 Surajpura 347 IS 15 122 48B 242 246 40 139 143 4 .223 J 4-4-223 Dilawara 2,685 113 Kunda (M.) Nawapura (M.) Koltpura (M.) Patliya Toli (M.) 28 185 86 98 3 68 78 3 224 14-4-224 Arbi 841 28 993 523 470 49 56 103 3 334 285 225 14-4-225 Salkanpur 3,464 173 173 Bhilpura (M.) 225 1!7 108 3 83 5 3 '226 14-4-226 Miyapura 1,030 41 41 15 62 37 25 2 29 17 2 5 .2.27 14--1-227 Magajpura 593 15 125 540 258 282 12 10 52 1 132 140 8 10 :228 14-*-228 Talwada 3,080 124 10 48 26 22 3 25 21 229 1.-*-229 Ktlanpura 525 10 10 74 37 37 10 13 2 29 2\1 230 14-4-230 Borda 477 10 77 469 238 231 54 47 58 149 148 5 '231 1 \-231 Billod Khurd 1,810 77 ~- 8 26 il3 83 453 224 229 6 158 161 232 1 i-4-232 Kathodya 1,407 25 1 203 118 122 618 317 301 214 6 7 '233 H-4-233 Gulba 1,622 4 6 113 B 198 175 8~S 93 93 56,., 283 zao :234 1 ~_1-234 Ratway 8? 91 418 207 ZIt 51 26 26 150 152 '235, H--l-'!35 Diglay 2,016 Daulatpura (M.) 6 78 39 40 198 107 91 67 .236 14-4-236 Ujjaini 1,552 Madhopur (M.l 8 35 210 105 105 6 7 65 72 '237 14-4-237 Karoda 1,451 Laxmipura (M.) 21 178 4 486 74 l'16 436 214 222 6 IRS 3 '238 14-4-238 N aranpura 4 17 ]7 85 40 45 16 22 239 14-4-239 Najik Baroda 1,093 4 102 99 1,33:~ 53 232 116 116 240 14-4-240 Banedya 7 77 87 1,645 41 41 211 109 102 241 H-4-~~1 Baykheda 5S 58 240 132 108 6 88 61 '242 H-{-2!~ Karanjwa 12 49 33 3 3 1,234 34 34 139 76 63 243 Il-.-243 Mjrjapur 47 52 4 206 2,~4 2S 29 2,949 H:! 142 767 371 396 46 244 1 tA-244 GanaIVad 30 68 96 13 20 1,771 91 91 372 157 215 245 U-4-24S Pipalda 75 7 62 62 258 13') 120 25 58 9 246 14-4-246 Kalsada Khurd 1,938 67 67 293 147 146 9 10 46 4 59 60 40 32 '247 14-4-247 Lebad 1,362 1 2 18 1 III 106 25 28 1.881 87 87 447 220 227 248 14-4-248 Baggad 67 70 ]3 8 $6 66 266 137 129 5 '249 14-4-249 Sukheda 940 13 8 38 ,t4 10 7 1,236 47 47 202 }Ol 98 5 '250 14-4-250 Nekpur 75 4 1~5 ISS 20 26 2,849 105 105 545 283 262 25 25 '251 14-4-251 Akaldoona 58 63 14 12 49 49 221 lOS 113 25 :252 Kiloli 879 14-4-252 10 49 60 8 7 862 40 40 183 ,,4 99 253 14-4-25~ Ruglya 5 47 57 737 43 43 202 -14 lOS 254 H-4-254 Bad Chhapar 43 29 19 104 62 42 '255 14-4-255 Gayasabad 493 19 149

m+iTur ~~lfT-t ~T 'P+rteP ~ 't -eH,,{ aafJ'Ji;> ?J;llfCfi" ~y-·t-qr"t

Non-agricultural Classes ~1IJ'11t Small scale associated ----.r- 3I'ffof __ Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) w~o derive their principal means of ~~~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- labourers oWDe:s of ~ f~ ~ ~ Gf1f.rcF;r Si"Jtij' ifi(01,,,l{ii ~ am: ~~ 3Trfwr No. of and their land, agn~u1tural,- __ Non- No. of dependants rent recelv.ers V VI VII VIII Textile Textile No. of ~ ~ and theIr . Esta- Esta- Hand- ~I"I Cfi" ~ dependants. Production Commerce Transport Other servIces blish- bEsh- looms G"R c.: ~ ~ other than ~ at 1",('1 fI'1 and mIscellaneous ments ments <1'""'_ ~Ilf ifi +111~ cultivation sources '!'..., m auf"-lCf "3lR ~ ~ 3lfu'fuKr ~ ~ 'lJ'~ ~ ~ cr~ ~ ,..._.A ____,,~~,- 3Flf m .... ,--A-____ , fcITq~~~ ~ :rr M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~_~_ ~tr ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ w.rzrt ~ w.rm ~ f~ ~ ;:m:t 18 19 20 '21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 '------~fRf'l>'\rlt ~ Zc:; '2 ~~T

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14~Dhar Tahsil No. 14-4-Dhar

Agricultural Classes

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of land whollv or land wholly or Area Occupied Houses Total No. of persons Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned f and and their and their 'lolage arr.n~ ~ enumerated (including houseless dependants Code No. Name of Village Vl inmates of institutions deoecdants S. of or in r-~-.A.--..... and population lfTf~!fi f~ Literates fcfi'«R No. Village Town/Ward acr("s ~~~s~~ ~~~~!_ house[ess persons) ~~1 it ~;l- aIR iSl'f( 1IJJ'Ai JI' r+t' 'fiT WilTr f~~~ ~rJ1 'lff

256 14-4-256 Dangotha 716 29 29 162 92 70 8 53 46 7 4 257 14-4-257 Ahirkhedi 463 16 16 71 36 35 30 27 ~58 14-4-258 S3j way <: 1,912 58 58 316 166 150 29 2G 39 90 89 10 6 259 14-4-259 Upari 367 32 32 178 99 79 9 9 21 39 37 10 6 260 14-4-260 Dehri 238 55 55 291 148 143 19 18 74 23 29 Pankhedi (M.) 261 14-4-261 Sejwani 935 :>7 38 187 93 94 9 44 45 14 19 262 14-4-262 Rkaldoona 2.285 108 108 440 22i 216 24 2 117 !;I9 22 IS 263 J 4-4-263 Karadya Kumar 797 S8 38 190 93 97 71 81 3 3 264 14--1-264 Umrya 405 19 19 93 50 4;j 45 41

(:'5 14-4-:::65 Bagoda 283 16 16 80 46 2 44 Nawapura (M.l ~l?6 H-{-26tj Bakshana 1,387 63 63 338 169 169 24 28 12 2 145 136 261 14-4-267 I3hiicholi 904 34 35 164 72 92 2 3 10 52 59 261:1 14-t-Z61J Cnambal Baroda].. 939 51 51 24() 119 121 2 51 61 269 14-t-26~ Achana 1.535 77 77 416 211 205 163 170 6 4 ZlO 14-.t-27J Sulawad 3.372 136 136 629 331 298 36 35 47 5 195 194 18 18 271 14-4-271' 1I!andlawad 1,523 52 52 254 134 120 18 116 93 3 8 272 14-4-272 Bagdoon 1,399 36 36 165 92 73 3 5 2 73 60 273 14-4-273 Agarakhedi 477 .. 1.124 28 164 21 417 363 6 4 27' 14-4-274 Sagor 4.571 471 471 2.338 1.214 20 302 4: 9 48 2 60 110 118 6!} 275 14-4-275 Kheda 2,442 133 133 642 340 4 42 38 4 5 273 14-4-276 Jamodi 597 23 24 118 61 57 178 7 10 9H 10~ 3 2 1.71 14-4-277 Akoiya 994 72 72 345 167 309 30 27 37 155 156 6 7 278 14-4-278 Bardari 3,022 127 127 644 335 3() 26 23 279 14-4-279 T arpura 355 15 15 61 31 9 9 20 61 42 280 \4-4-280 Dhannad I(hurd .• 843 36 36 181 103 78 33 110 M 56 14 50 51 281 14-4-281 Silotya 671 33 \ 93 115 3 12 4 63 81 2 3 28Z 14-4-282 G'lwla 1.329 41 41 208 .. 3tH 6 '} 41 120 126 10 11 283 14-4-':83 Plthampur 1,949 148 148 724 363 30 28 27 24 28-1 14-4-284 Bhediya 1,012 16 16 58 131) 702 343 359 31 210 Z3~ 28S 14-4-285 I{hanclwa 1.748 130 53 39 39 4 6 28(; H-4-'2?6 Madh.()pur 805 20 20 106 53 7 1 287 \4-4-287 Kalyansikhedi 567 4 4 14 7 222 122 100 9 106 75 2 3 2SS 14-4-288 Godgaon 598 48 49 171) 84 86 18 63 64 200 14-4-289 Ansookcledi 6U 32 32 290 H-4-280 Odali 431 62 28 34 5 10 2 5 '1.111 14-4-291 Suhagpura 562 15 15 137 11 64 60 '!92 14-4-292 Chandankhedi 1.191 55 55 276 139 ... 5<:1 307 170 137 8 4 120 94 4 2 93 14-4-293 ~Iundana 1.410 59 46 41 38 34 294 14-4-294 Radhanagar 318 12 12 87 113 564 289 275 16 34 220 213 :3 2 t95 14-4-295 ~unwarsi 2.'377 113 Krishnapura (11.) 134 148 2S 82 94 296 N-4-296 Pipliya (Sagor) 1.320 64 282 ;,2 149 77 72 14 55 53 6 5 'Z97 14-4-297 HupaUa 360 258 139 119 25 75 78 7 2 29& 14-4-293 Jalway 1.864 64 151

mq"rlJf ~!fTct f;:jf~ '!fillTi.fi ~ ¥ -'Err-.: Ci~T~ ~lffe!i ~ ¥ -'6 - ~~ Small scale associated __-, ,-______Non-agricultural Classes'-- artfQ'______~flJf

22 11 1 9 9

1 2 2 2 ifszrT ~t;¥ 100 102 22 17 10 6 14 ~5CfT ~ t;'\ 9 8 1 ll"T~-': ~~, 6 6 ~Tur ~lT'~~ ~ t;19 9 II 6 5 5 ~r~~i

6 3 2 4 -.:r'

Agricultural Clasts

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned Code Xo. Name of Village Area Occupied Houses Total No. of persons and of or of enumerated (including and their and their houseless Village Town/Ward Village 3TTif'R lfi'fiT'f inmates of institutions dependants dependants in ,--..A.__ --. and population ;nf~cp fcpm;:r lJTlf m ~pr l:fT Literates fCfim;; acres No. of No. of house less persons) ~p1T3f1 ~ ~ fIef - f~~.. q~ 3fi~ ar~ ~ Ifiro/a:ri ;;rr;r Houses House- flfif qif ~T cpT qr~ a~ fGAT m ;m:r '

299 14-4-299 Govindpura 180 10 11 89 49 40 1 45 38 300 14-4-300 J had Baroda 1,083 36 36 177 90 87 9 66 68 301 14-4-301 Billoll 2,145 105 113 507 258 249 26 193 189 CIldudrapura (M.) 302 14-4-302 Rayan 2,507 59 61 295 148 147 6 7 21 104 109 303 14-4-303 Mangrol 1,478 42 38 218 III 107 20 17 13 58 50 304 14-4-304 Sarfaraj 668 27 26 143 83 60 I() 8 1{1 53 40 305 14-!-305 Siloda Buzurg 555 15 15 81 44 37 8 11 1 13 9 3 2 306 14-4-8013 Bachhadawad 3,006 92 93 400 207 193 '1) 3 69 170 153 5 4- 307 14-4-ll07 !'hzarnpura 498 9 9 37 16 21 2 12 16 2 2 S08 14-4-308 Digthan 3,889 356 356 1,750 882 868 12 2 357 91 367 347 15 12 Shankarpura (M.) Patlya (M.)

S09 14-4-309 Piplya (Digthan) 925 73 75 3~0 192 188 49 7 126 122 SU) 14-4-310 Abukhedi 218

311 14--I-311 l\faharajkhedi I 1,404 54 61 299 165 134 39 113 96 2 312 14--1-312 Siloda Ehurd 747 28 28 148 64 84 6 10 13 45 54 313 14--1-313 Bachhanpur 1,847 73 77 444 262 182 79 81 94 77 5 314 14-4-314 BangIa 806 28 29 1 .. 6 78 68 29 46 38 19 17" 315 14-4-315 Nai Baroda 1,"41 5Q 61 249 131 118 25 67 73 8 9

316 14-4-316 Kunjrod 798 4~ 46 191 97 94 23 3 27 3t 4 3 317 14-4-317 Bhern Piplya 558 4 4 14 8 6 8 6 318 14-4-318 Kaneriya 835 1 Mazra Kaneriya 319 14-4-319 Sllotiya 777 51 51 287 135 151 19 95 104 4 320 14-4-320 Mundla 698 28 28 148 78 70 12 10 13 60 55 321 14-4-321 Bhilkhedi 738 35 35 173 81 92 1 66 84 3 Bhilkhedi (1\1.) 322 14-4-322 Sagadl 1,588 99 100 455 239 216 5 3 17 1 165 146 4 323 14-4-323 Bagadi 40(j 2,242 410 2,015 J ,050 965 121 701 634 324 14-4-324 Kunda 956 17 17 58 30 28 3 J9 18 325 14-4-325 Ali 1,762 48 48 247 122 125 3 112 115 326 14 -4-326 L unehra 1,166 67 67 313 153 160 7 126 133 1 PatIyapura (M.) 327 14-4-327 Kagdipura 461 40 40 215 120 95 99 76 4 328 14-4-328 Jirapura 1,041 32 32 183 91 92 2 70 75 7 5" S29 14-4-329 Kakalpura 1,0:0 51 51 241 121 120 1 72 74 15 Is. 330 14-4-330 Gugli 601 33 33 185 92 93 78 76 9 12 331 14-4-331 Ballgred 1,410 34 35 169 84 85 71 68 8 .. 332 14-4-332 Kachhal 772 15 16 92 50 42 45 40 4 2 551 333 14-4-333 Gaumal 4 4 20 9 11 9 11 334 14-4-334 l\[anasV3. 48 1 4 3 3 335 14-4-335 Bada I3arkheda 201 336 14-4-336 Kidiya 100 337 14-4-3:~7 Patadi 799 8 8 49 25 24 24 24- 33S 14-4-338 Shikarpura 1,126 30 30 141 77 64 4· 58 51 153

;;fr·fl'crr ~~~ f'ifm "Iilff'F ~"--.-rr~ d'@'Tw ltllT'F r&'-)'-.-r~

Non-ngricultu(al Classes afiif'i ~fUT!IT Small-scale associated ______.-,,- _ ___.A- -.. Industries - III IV Persons (including dependa.nts) who derive their principa.l means of ~T~ tfTl!f~ ~)4r Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- ,. _.I<...-----, labourers own~rs of ;:ft."f f~ ~ ij- ,;nfCf'fiT 5ffC(f cHRCjH~ &rf

4 2

30 33 17 13 19 13 2 ~;;r,{T~ ~ ~ ~ #~ (qq-c;~ ~ ~ \9 1 cr.rl'h~r ~ ~ l; cp.ff'{~r (11.) 22 24 4 6 9 6 2 6 2 fli!

5 7 € 3 1 Cfi'~ ~ ~'i 9 10 1 1 ;qT~T ~,\ 22 24 4 ~~\T ~" lC:~lfT,!rT ( if. ) 16 14 1 'FT1r

r,:a-fH~ ~ H 1l'1T~r H'i ~ Of~tim- ~ ~ " ~Tzrr H, qrc:~ H\9 , 8 f~r~'Fr ~~~ 154

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 1-1-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-4--Dhar Agricultural Classes ------~ I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area land wholly or land wholly or of Occupied Houses Institutiona 1 mainly owned mainly unowned of Code No. N arne of Village Village 8flGtR :qcpr;:f Total No. persons and and their and their enumerated (including of or in ,-----I'---.. houseless dependants dependants S. Village Town/Ward acres inmates of institutions population No. of No. of and Literates mf~ fcpm;f ~ No. 1Wf'IiT ~T1f ~T Houses House- houseless persons) ~ii~­ ftRcf-!f~ arR am: 'Ii lftc!; ~l~ ~/'ni tRy holds. flA~ ~y <1ft ;;rre av:rr f.rrrr ~anf;m ~ orrfP.aT«'

339 14-4-339 Ealya Deh 338 5 5 28 15 13 14 13 340 14-4-340 Karondiya 695 8 b 39 23 16 22 13 341 14-4-341 Baniari 23 6 6 17 9 8 8 8 342 14-4-342 ~1eghapura 99a 41 41 199 102 97 84 80 1 343 14-4-343 Jamny« 259 12 12 47 25 22 25 22 344 14-4-344 Kherpura 222 4 4 25 13 12 13 12 345 14-4-345 Kisan Khodara 123 5 5 21 II 10 11 10 316 14-4-346 Dhukni (Khalsa) 217 ]3 ]3 76 40 36 3 3 !l6 31 317 14-4-347 L:Jbhanpura 222 11 It 54 23 31 1 1 2 11 21' 348 14-4-348 Dhukani Mafi 336 7 7 28 15 13 15 12 (Bada Barkheda)

349 14-4-349 Pipli Mal 379 3 3 14 P 6 6 4 350 14-4-350 Bardipura 167 7 7 34 17 17 11 13 351 14-4-351 l{othada 938 29 29 164 85 79 68 50 6 352 14-4-352 Dundi Bardi 1,054 24 24 117 63 54 33 25 5 353 14-4-353 Kunda 646 22 22 92 48 44 29 24 354 14-4-354 Gumanpura 313 19 19 114 57 57 57 57 355 14-4-355 Daulatpura 663 13 13 74 37 37 37 ~17 356 14-4-356 Mejal 296 5 5 35 19 16 19 16 357 14-4-357 Mortla 421 10 JO 32 18 14 18 14

358 14-4-358 Urnarya 44 44 238 124 114 107 lOS 2 (Chh )ta Barkheda) 359 14-4-359 Amla_wra 1,092 17 17 112 5S 56 53 54 360 14-4-360 MemdJya 149 6 6 28 14 14 14 14 361 14-4-361 Chor B 1Tdi 58 862 14-4-362, Ukala 865 37 37 239 131 lOS 129 107 863 14-4-363 Adbeli 59' 334 14-4-364 Kuwa 1,847 24 24 149 73 76 62 66 4 365 14-4-365 Khedi 30'/ 31 31 160 85 75 4 78 70 3 366 14-4-366 Lata Amli 2,026 50 50 235 132 103 5 119 93 4

367 14-4-367 Bandhav l{alan 707 13 13 70 36 34 29 26 368 14-4-368 Jamla 604 29 29 173 94 79 4 69 57 7 369 14-4-369 Jamanpati 954 28 28 176 97 79 1 85 68 " 370 14-4-370 Soilya Kalan 471 371 14-4-371 Barukho 2,553 872 14-4-372 Mohanpur 986 10 10 63 32 31 32 31 373 14-4-373 Rangaon 1,685 18 18 83 39 44 33 86 374 ] ~-4-374 Hcdari 3,703 26 26 157 78 79 78 79 375 14-4-375 Pipli Mal 1,287 17 17 76 43 33 43 33 376 14-4-376 l{aram Talai 748 14 14 71 38 33 38 32

377 14-4-377 Chhota Barkheda •• 450 19 19 90 43 47 43 47 37::1 14-4-378 Nanklpura 19.1, 8 8 41 23 18 22 18 379 14-4-379 S;lmriya 740 11 11 53 28 25 28 25 380 14-4-380 I<.'mdH 101 3 3 6 2 4 2 4 .. 381 14-4-381 Bilod 391 8 8 3S 23 16 23 16 312 14-4-382 Bhit Talwada 3,851 35 35 liS 87 88 87 8& 155

~n li')-ar ~~lfllt fi;{m "tiqt

Non·Agricultural Classes 3lWf~ ~,iffi No. of and their land. agricultural ~------____------"------Non- No. of dependants rent receivers V VI VII VIII ~ Textile Textile and their Production Commerce T t Other services Estab- Estab- No. of 'lifli it ~ dependants ranspor lish- lish­ Hand­ am: ~~ ~ ~ other than ~ 811"11'141'1 and miscellaneous ments ments looms ~,I '1 "" '111 cultivation sources ~i'fit' arrm ~-A.... ~~~~ =::>.- . -or...... "I~ ~ ~­ ~I', 'l'1'1 "" ~1C11""I\l "'~:..,.

1 cl'iWn~ ~~~ 3 'fI(jf~ljl ~¥o of\ifRl" ~ 'If t 15 13 2 2 ~'tf~U ~'If~ urrlFllT ~ y~. ~~~ W'i fiRfif W~ W'\ 2 11 .... ~ifi

2 tft-rnl 1fT;n ~'If~ 6 4 ~~ ~,\o 11 21

7 8 ;;f'qfCj"

,------~ 1 II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area Occupied Houses land wholly or land wholly or Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned Cod~ No. Name of Village of ~ If'fiTii Total No. of persons and and their and their of or, Village ,___ -"- ___ _, enumerated (including house less S. Village Town/Ward in inmates of institutions dependants del::~~ts. No. acres No. of No. of and population +nf'WCfi f.t;mrr l;Il1i 1 '" ~ ~ -erom: cfi Olff.rcr mr ,----_.A----~,______J__-. ~ ---"-----. ,----"----. ,-----'" ~ P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~~f~~f~~~ ~f~ ~li f~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11

383 14-4-383 Undakho 3,266 13 13 64 28 36 27 35 384 14-4-384 Chikhali 1,500 4 4 29 15 14 15 14 18S 14-4-385 Budhi Manclav 104 386 14-4-386 Ramgarh 451 18 18 92 52 40 51 40 381 14-'-387 Titipura 641 27 27 147 76 71 66 66 388 14A-388 Badiya. 1,269 13 13 79 37 42 36 41 389 ,14-4-339 Ka.lghati 605 15 15 71 33 38 30 33 330 14-4-390 Bhati Khoclari 569 391 14-4-391 Suli Bardi 1,188 36 36 172 90 82 16 63 3 2 392 14-4-392 Manclav 4.2~5 96 99 113 398 315 82 15 69 14 95 118

193 14-4-393 Songarh 228 ,:U4 '1'4-4-394 Sagar 872 73 78 314 170 144 141 121 28 23 .335 14-4-395 Nandlalpura 370 26 26 99 52 47 26 29 24 18 396 14-4-396 Jamnya 661 32 32 168 82 1'16 2 61 66 19 20 397 14-4-397 Kanacllpura 792 57 57 253 129 124 113 108 16 16 398 14-4-398 Jhabari 540 31 31 )28 65 63 53 54 12 9 3~H H-4-399 Bandhav 998 7 7 25 11 14 8' 11 3 3 400 14-4-400 l\Ialipura 1.344 19 19 91 37 54 36 54 401 14-4-401 Sakaltod 834 402 14-4-402 Ambapura 1,648 20 20 60 30 30 29 26

403 14-4-403 Rati Talai 1,158 ~8 28 125 56 69 56 69 40' 14-4-404 Aboo Ghati 220 405 14-4-405 Umarpura 4,795 53 .~3 258 129 129 121 125 4 2 406 1'4-4-41}6 Hema Bardi 341 14 14 16 37 39 36 31 401 14-4-407 Mendikhedi 1,IS8 20 20 92 4" 46 39 42 4 408 14-4-408 Mograbao 2,0~8 15 15 7:- 38 34 18 19 20 15 409 14-4-409 Bhil Barkheda ~,180 65 65 352 175 177 143 153 23 18 410 14-4-410 :\lawaclipura 333 4. 2 2 2 2 Ul 14-4-411 Amkho 1,989 38 38 160 76 84 65 77 9 5 412 14-4-412 Sod pur 1,6HO 101 101 460 235 225 21 6 8 10 162 160

413 14-4-413 Kothi Sodpur 470 17 17 83 44 39 44 31 414 14-4-411 Gyanpura 420 23 23 146 72 74 13 13 49 50 415 14-4-415 Panala 41;; 4() 40 182 97 8'5 11 7 2 62 5" (16 1"4-4-416 Nalcbha 3,467 389 389 1,891 958 933 6 337 81 300 292 50 52 Chaidipura (:\1.) Anwlya (M.l Kunjdakhoclra (:\1,) 411 14-4-417 Golpura 217 3 3 11 6 5 6 5 418 14--4-418 Bhilkunda 765 24 24 121 50 71 50 419 14-4-419 Bakankheda 296 16 16 86 45 41 37 35 8 6

420 14-4-420 Gunera 1,155 19 20 90 46 44 39 31 1 9 4'Z1 IIl-t-4'lt Dhed Bardi 550 14 14 77 40 37 35 30 4 7 422 14-4-422 Kalikiray 532 8 8 43 20 23 16 15 4 8 423 14-4-423 Gaond'l. 384 21 21 85 42 43 31 29 ]0 10 424 14-4-424 Charghati 184 1 6 3 3 3 3 .. 425 14-4-425 Kuradya 2,483 18 78 545 268 277 208 21. .. 157

~f ·irlJf~~r( f\ifi1T 'ifj;rT;i ~ 'i-'1Tt ff~r;:;r 'ifj~ ~'(-'(-'l:'IT,(

Non-Agricultura.l Classes ~ ~ Small scale associated Industries ----I-n-----I-V------. Persons (including dependants) ~hO derive their principal means of .... mi ~ ~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:-- ____..A....__,______labourers owners of ;;W ft:m ~ ~ ~ 'SfTtij' "fI<'1<:j(~ ~ am: ~ arrf~ No. of and their land. agricultural ..A... -. Non- No. of dependants rent receiverlil - V VI VII VIn Textile Textile ri.?~f'i lrnr?7 and their Productl'on Commerce T t Oth . Esta- Esta- No. of ." " .. -,

~mT ~t;~ :;;ft~;:;r1 ~ c; 't Gfift ~ ~ c; ''\ 1 "'. U+f"T~ ~ C; ~ 7 5 1 2 a-rijT9:~T ~ I:; \3 1 ~r ~C;t; 5 3 CfireT'ilTCT ~ t; 0,

~f.:PF~ ~ 0 ~ ~f"T~ ~~'( 2 ;:fqm;:;r~u ~~'J. 2 Gf( IirllT ~ ~ '<. 0, ~')q~T. '" ~ \~ !Hr~r ~~':::; Giencr' ~~". ;rT;:;r~U ¥oo m"fl~CfT6: 't 0 ~ 3 aiGf11l'U '(0 ~ '" 'UffT m:rr~ ¥ 0 ~ arr~ ~ri\' '(0 '( 3 2 ~'1WT 'tot 1 ~qT ~T 'to~ 2 4 lf~T~ '(0\9 "TiJ~ 'toe; 7 6 2 ~~~~r ¥ot.. W-I~~'U '(~o 2 :1 arTIi~T '(t ~ 33 32 17 15 15 8 ~~ ¥F( 2 CfileT ~'{ ¥ t ~ 10 11 omol'fU 'tft 10 12 15 13 3 4 qom:rr 'tt ~( 95 102 33 31 198 221 70 62 16 178 157 45 2 ~T '(~~ :;rn:.. r~u (~.) ~~(~.) cti~r \CfT~T (~. ) ;ft~'U 't~~ ~~.~ ¥~C;

3 iiTCfiTif ~~r '( t ~. lTi'J''U ,,::1;> ~ ~"f~T 't~ t 4 EfiT~ 1flTu~ 'I' ~ ~ ~rCRr 't~. 16 9 11 "In: 'i:l'TiT is' ~ 't 32 37 ~<~f ~~~ 158

Kural Statistic:; THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14--Dhar Tahsil No. 14--4-Dhar Agricultural Classes r------~..... I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Area land wholly or land whQIly or mainly owned mainly unowned Vi~~ge Occupied Houses Institutional :'-..J.~ .:.~o. Name of Village Total No. of persons and and their and their of or in 3ffCiT ~ 111fiT if enumerated Ilncluding bouseless dependants dependants Village Town/Ward acres inmates of institutions population l1Tf~'fi f~;;'ITif fCfi~r=r ' and 'fTl1' 'lir ~r;r ~ Literates No. 01 No. of houseless persons) ~P-TraIT if ~ 3fT' 3fT<: 'fi1? 'fifOJT jorri Bousts House­ f'l't ~ &l'fCffi11T <:fir Cff~ ;;l!:IT f q'TI f~-'1~ ~anf~rr ;j.f~ anf~ .,~Cl7 Ff{f holds 'fiT ;:m:r '9"{qrT ~ om-Cfi'f OfiCRJT ., ,-_----A.___ , 'fiT ..,,," r- r--_____.A..--__ r----"----~ r---...A---_. ~~r 'fiT p. M. F. M. F. M. F. .\1. F. M. F. mr '3lIfofCf ~ f~"f

426 14-4-4::6 J amang I1a ti 316 22 22 99 49 50 44 46 ~27 14-4-427 Awalya 440 8 38 20 18 20 18 428 14-4-428 Bhadkya 1,418 48 48 249 132 1I7 125 114 429 14- 4-429 Sewari Mal 1,561 3f) 30 143 72 71 71 68 430 14-4-430 ]hirnya 273 5 5 4! 22 19 22 19 431 14-4-431 Saray 4,624 102 102 559 282 277 271 269 432 14-4-432 :\lewas Jamnya 18 18 88 44 44 35 30 433 14-4-43 j Kothdapura .. 434 14-4-434 Sat mahudipura "J 435 14-4-435 Bhimgarhpura -,,)5 7 5 2 4

430 14-4-435 Chip Khodrapura .. } 25 25 IH1 60 50 49 16 ahas Chunadipura 437 14-4-437 Bhanwarkundpura •• 438 14-4-431:; Samarghatapura ••

439 14-~-439 Durgapura 2S{J lO 10 49 23 26 21 13

440 14-~-HO Anwahpura 1.1J:!9 11 11 45 22 23 19 6 441' 14-4-4-1! Bllerughatapura ~03 3 3 17 9 8 3 442 14--I-H2 :'lahudipura 1 :)5 443 14--I--I.rJ ] hikd yapura 4 4 28 12 16 ]2 16 4\4 14--1--114 Dndhi Kundalpura 254 1 5 3 2 3 2

445 l4-~-4-15 BanJaripura 297 1& If) 54 22 32 22 18

446 1~-4-H6 Patadarura 17 17 98 48 50 48 30 447 14-t-447 Bhojapura -t:H 1, 12 6 6 4 3 2 3 448 14-4-44S Ghugaripura 224 '2 2 10 4 (; 2 2 449 14--1-4-19 (hor Sandi 577 17 17 98 52 46 39 14 9 \ 450 14--I-I§O Uhor :\Iaryapura .. } 5 25 15 10 2 451 14-4-451 Prithvipnra .. 58:; 452 14-4 -~S2 S,tlya :\£alpl1ra 458 10 10 56 27 29 22 IS 453 14-4-153 Kalya Ghatpura 255 12 7 5 3 454 14-4-454 (;uljharipura 21) 20 78 41 37 36 18 455 14-4-455 Mor Kiraypura .. 952 456 ]4-4-456 Hatwadapura "}

457 14-4-457 Chuna ~latipura :134 4SR 14-4-458 Bima Gbatipura IS9 7 7 25 11 14 It 14 459 14-4-4S'l Adhasariya Baripura 424 32 19 13 19 13 460 14--t-460 PIr Ghatapura '2 8 6 2 5 2 26 461 14-4-461 Bedyapura 340 10 10 47 26 21 21 3 462 14-4-462 Ambapura IS4 :l 3 4 3 1 21 463 14-4-463 Jmlipura If) 10 40 21 19 19 464 14-4-464 Aria Baydapura 2 2 2 15 465 14-4-465 Bhnorakua 26 15 11 11 " } 466 14-4-466 Bbaglyapura " 424 16 12 467 14-4-467 Hirapura .. } 7 7 28 16 12 458 14-4-468 Tipkyapura .. 1,2'1-1 43 41 30 469 14-4-469 Jamnya Khurd 78~ If' 76 43 14 II 470 14-4-470 Bhuri Ghatipura "l 45'1 7 7 25 14 11 471 14-4-471 fnclhar Baodi .. f 159

~TlftuT mr~ ~~~ ~'t--m ~~ ~ ~'(-I{--'1T\: Nou-agricultura.1 Classes 0I'ii'N ~ Small scale associated -,,- A.._.______..... Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means 01 ~~~ Cuitivatlllg Non-cultivating livelihood from:- _..A. __~ labourers oWlle~s of ;:ft:;i' f~ ~ ij" ~ Sfltij" ..,<;fClI~ 0lJfcRr am: ~ arrfl!iRf No. ,of and their land, agn<:ultural ,-.______~'______Noit- No. of dependants rent receIvers V VI VII - V~- Textile Textile and their ProductlOn Commerce Transport Other services E~tab- Estab- NO.oi iifff~ ~ dependants th h lish lish- Hand- '111"<: ~..+ft, ::r ~= ° er t an Q~ dI ICI 1.1 ... "1 and miscellaneous ts- "'1"1 '1' "111~""" cultiyation sources men ments looms ~ anf~ "a{~ ~'al'''! ifi dlfuf<1ffl 3li'lf ;r...... ;.!1'~..,,~ 'ij' ~ ....,.,+,.,.~ '" ...... ;:._~ m arrf~ Wlf ~ fcrfcN ~ \':I~ ,", 'Ii \':1'61,", _--.)\..---,,-.---.1'-----; ,---A._____, r----.)o...---, ,----"----, r-----"----, 8fref(CRj ;fr- .'1 F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F ~ 'Zi=rrTr ~ ~~ W-r;rt l~ f~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ W-flft ~ f~ "'~..,- "'~~r ,,~, 22 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34

4 3!Tifrr'f1r~'r ¥~ ~ ifrCfi:'rrr 1{7? \3 7 3 +r:S~T '( ';( c; 2 mT~rB' '(~'. f~\:rlI'T ¥ ~ • 8 5 3 8 ~ ¥~~ 1 3 13 ijln~ \jnif;:~:n ~ ~ ~ { Cfi13'-gT,!~r '( ~ ~ ~ffi l1R~'!U ¥l¥ 2 +rTl1'T~2;U '(~ ~ 'll 3" ""'q ~l~fI!U ¥~, ~ ~'Tq~l ~"{ ~·giU ¥~" " " ~T'if<: 'CfTCT 9;<:T '~~ c; .I. U 1w~<::r '(~'.

3 17 ariCf~'U '6'( 0 6 7 ..r~ 'CfTcr!<:T '('( ~ ifR~rr<::T ':'(~ f[f'fi~lITq-u '('( ~ ~'tfT ~~f'i~1 '('('( .., ~ ..:, 14 ~<:T '('(~ 20 q-e~rq<:'T '('(, +rT~"T'r,{T '('(" 2 4 ,,!'T~r'l~r '('(c. 13 32 :qT~ iilTCfWT '( l{ '. 6 8 i:R lIHlJ'r~T 't~., q''

5 19 m?S'f"<:rqU '6"'¥ 1lh ~T~Tlfiu ¥~ ~ ~~T'Fr ¥~, :qiff 11lcTFT ¥~..,

.... " ~,{T9j':;rT '(~ ~ +rT'T~t:!<:T ¥~, ~ro~ '(,IS f~!IT'2u ¥~ c; \ifT11rlJ'T ~ I{ ~ t .. { '!U 1rrc~ '(\3. t'tfT~ 'f!"r:sr 't\3' 160 Rural Statistics. THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14-Dbar. Tahsil No. 14-4-DhaI. Agricultural Classes

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or mainly owned mainly unowned Occupied Houses Total No. of persons Institutional Code No. Area and and their and their of ~ liCfiR enumerated (including dependants dependants of inmates of institutions house1ess Village r-~ population Village Name of Village and l1Tf~ f~ fCfim., or in No. of No. of Literates lJr~ Cf>T houseless persons) ~roaif if~­ 3fP: 3fT-­ Town/Ward acres Houaell House- f~-~ 'Ef,(T holds fijif ~ 04 filfJlfi 'fiT qffi (NT 11m 'flre m:q- lIT lJfll ~ arrf9.>T~ m anf9.>T~ ~~m ~~iti;;oo ~l=q~ 'tir "l~T ,-__ J __...... 'fi~/qri 'fir ,,--___.A.. ___ -. ~--, ,__...A.-, ,--.A...__, ~;mt P. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. sllfc.Rr ~I!f ft;rlft ~ ~lfi' ~ ft';rlft Tit{ ~tIT ~ ft:;rtti' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

472 14-4-472 Pardhyapura 457 5 5 23 15 S IS 8 473 14-4-473 Chuna Panipura 79 11 11 45 23 22 22 22 .. 474 14-4-474 Sodlyapura 459 21 21 108 58 50 53 47 475 14-4-475 Karodiya Pahadipura 778 2 2 10 8 2 7 2 476 14-4-476 Kothdapura 477 14-4-477 Klkoda Malpura •• 478 14-4-478 Galla Mavdipura. •• 353 3 3 8 4 .. 2. 479 14-4-479 Rajgarh 23 480 14-4-480 Beklya 85 14 14 63 31 32 29 30

481 14-4-481 Dhal 3 12 13 39 20 19 4 18 19 482 14-4-482 Palasmal 129 7 7 33 15 18 14 16 483 14-4-483 J unakheda. 484 14-4-484 Jum Dbal 150 5 5 22 11 11 11 11 485 14-4-485 J amande! (In Palas) 5 5 14 7 7 6 6 486 14-4-486 Devjhiri (In Palas) 2 2 9 .. 5 4 5 ... 487 14-4-487 Jamanjhlri 1,619 12 12 60 35 25 35 25 488 H-4-4BB Kalibel 386 19 1-9 78 40 38 1 36 36 161

I1lfivr ~ ~~ t~-'m ~~m t~·~- A Non·agricultural elalSO. ~ ~ Small scale associated Industries III IV Persons (including deptludants) who derive their principal means of m!' ~ ~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihoood from:- r-_____.A.._-- labouren oWD~rs of ift;l ~ m;ft ~ ~ ~ Eji(~clie ~ aiR~ ~ No. of and their land, agncultural Non- No. of dependants rent recei~ers r-- V VI VII VIII Textile Textile tf't it; ~ and theIr Production Commerce Transport Oth~ services ~~:~- Estab- No. of dependants other than...... -.,. and muoellaneous m nts lish- Hand- ~~ ~ iti lfrf<.;rcp cultivation ..."" '- "" .. "''''''' sources. e ments looms ~~ m<: !ifif if; blmf(Cf6 ~ ~ ~ _::;:;.. ~ ::1 ~arrf'-ffl ~~ ~~ -::!"I"''1l 'Q~'" ,---..A.._--,r-- - - ..... ___r-----A....- ...... ,-__-"- _____ , __ --A._ __..... ,--_..A.._----.arraf{lfe! 'Ifr em M. ~. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~~_ ~_ ~ ~~~~~~~W-rlrt~mt~~;ntiomt 18 19 20 21 23 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

~r~ ~,,~ 1 ~ 'CITift~ "t,,~ 3 1 2 2 ~~ V\t~ 1 ifi'{)f'tlfT ~U VIt\ ~~ ~r~ ~'" ~lf~ ~"" 2 3 ~ +tq"'~<, Yl!~ u~ ¥"t 2 2 ~~ ¥~.

2 i~ ¥r::,t 1 2 ~l~ftr ... ¥.:;~ ;;J;{t."r ~I:; ~ ~;fti~ ¥r::,¥ 1 1 ;;wf~ "ie;, tcr~-q 'ie;' '3TJ1r.ff~ ¥c;\t 2 .r.ntii'f V~C 16'2 R.ural Statistics THE PRIMARY .CKWfiUS ABSTQ.AeT District No. 14..;.._Dhar Tahsil No. 14-5--Badnawar

Agricultural Cla~.

I n Cultivators of Cultivators of Name of village Area Occupied Houses. Land wholly or land wholly or or of Total No. of persons Institutional mainly owned mainly unowned ~~ and Code No. Town/Ward Village enumerated (including and their and their of in --, houseless dependants dependants lJ Pi l:fT No. of No. of inmates of institutions S. Village acres and population lfrfu9:; ~ feRrr.=r No. ~/qrt Houses House- ~OO~~- Litera.tes m+!" '!if ~l11 'holds houseless persons) arT<:: arT<:: 'li~ 'fiT rrn:r ~ FA~~T 'lft crW; ~T f.r.rr W'-~ 'li~ 'fiT

GRAND TOTAL l71,760 11,731 U,009 59,711 30,069 29,653 1,688 :1,670 4,391 438 17,999 17,427 1,294 1,031 H-5-1 Borda 3,488 103 103 .30 218 212 32 1 186 183 Lalmata (M.) • • Dubkya (M.) Dhanna ki rundi (M.) Bhadkya Talai (M.) Bid pada (M.) PatkiPada (M.) Dhawarkho (M.) Dungarpada \M.} Phu1iya kho (M.) 2 . 1.-5-2 Bordi 6,016 139 13~ 720 368 352 2 3.7 329 7 Bhagatya rundi (M.) Khardipada (M,) Khedi (M.) Gunipada (M.) Manasapada (M.) Piplipada (M.) Amlipada (M.) Mandve ki rundi(M.) Rawatpada (M.) Sigarpada (M.) Tankanyapada (M.) Tilganpada (M.) Handyakundya (M.) , Sayanyapada (M.)

3 14-5-3 Tilgara 6,195 324 ;)25 1,552 810 ,742 110 651 592 21 2f. .. 14-5-4 Karanpura 1,445 66 66 305 152 153 10 110 113 ::; Z 5 14-5-5 Jabda 3.134 99 99 476 250 226 .7 199 169 6 3 ~ 14-5-6 Bhimpura 516 19 19 71 37 34 28 'J/ 3 7 14-5-7 Naharkheda 575 21 21 113 56 57 2 3 3 52 ;4 14-5-8 8 Rupakheda 1,022 95 103 436 21R 218 49 197 H6 9 Piplipada (M.) 9 14-5-9 Jharkheda 486 10 14-5-10 Khimakhedi 488

11 14-5-11 Bhuwankheda 892 ~ 62 63 32l 174 147 27 .. -_ 12t 96 5 7 12 14-5-12 Multhan 7,600 432 440 2,085 1,013 1,072 282 71 33t 297 42 28- Bandinal (M.) Raisagar pada (M.) Undwapada (M.) Rayanpada (M.) Chawarya wad(M.) Sat Runda (M.) Nahar Khodra (M.) Nanjipada (M.)

13 14--5-13 Dhamana .2.309 95 95 443 214 229 31 26 170 191 14 14-5-14 Kalyanpura 755 2l 21 96 56 40 2 ' 52 87 15 14-5-15 Beganda 1,171 29 29 138 71 67 6 46 43 5 3 163

14Tl'it 1)' f('§lntt f~r ';fiBT-f. ~'6-!:{l1: ~T~ ';fil'fT'P ~ 6-~--~

Non-agricultural Classes 3l'Wf1f ~

I 2 4 ~~T'· t~ 42 39 2 ~ . 195 332 34 38 118 96 71) 62 2 217 217 21 ~I!ffif ~ ~ ilt~"'H" (If.) ~ijl~I«!I'ljlT (If.) ~"~T (+r.) <111.,411111 ( if. ) "fCf\lITGf~ (l!f.) ~T (1f.) 'filIOOHT (IT.) ;n;

16 23 7 1 s 2 2 11 11 ~lfAT t~ 4 3 ~$'U t'i 14 16 2 2 4 2 ~lf<{f t" 164

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRAOT District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-5-Badnawar Agricultural Claaeea

I II Cultivators of Cultivat0I8 of land w holly or land wholly or Inltitutional mainly owned mainly unowned Area Occupied Hou_ Total No. of persons and and their of enumerated (including h and their Name of VIllago dependants dependants Code No. or Village . arTiifR l1'PTif inmates of institutions po;~:!?~~ +rTf

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

16 14-5-16 Kachhi Badoda 3,515 242 258 1,225 650 575 68 47 162 23 248 208 40 35 17 14-5-17 Katoda 1,724 136 139 680 332 348 47 51 42 200 217 1"2 10 18 14-5-18 Sundarabad 2,196 96 104 679 359 320 81 83 86 2 233 205 6 10 19 14-5-19 Jalod Khanjar 2,401 94 97 624 306 318 88 113 4 245 259 3 3 20 14-5-20 Siloda 754 23 23 111 ~3 58 7 9 2 3,( 33 4 2 21-- 14-5-21 Jaw&liiya 964 43 43 21Q IV4 106 15 10 27 70 72 5 5 22 14-5-22 Mayakhedi 548 10 10 53 29 24 5 13 10 4 23 14-5-23 Khairwas 1,533 49 SO 323 150 173 47 63 15 78 84 6 5 24 14-5-24 Kathoaya Char 1,164 36 42 214 115 99 33 14 12 65 67 25 U-5-25 Pali Ba.doda 1,342 87 38 166 83 83 22 68 69 - . 26 14-5-26 Dholana 2,919 192 198 1,078 532 548 72 68 154 8 288 293 28 27 14-5-27 Bamansuta 2,108 60 62 350 170 180 21 28 10 lIS J25 28 14-5-2R Panchakwasa 1,057 42 42 290 150 140 31 25 8 86 66 1 3 29 14-5-29 Kankraj 1,068 70 72 423 226 197 11 12 3.'4 108 99 10 .l4-5-30 Baloda 3,986 181 )81 789 404 365 4 I 49 217 187 10 15 .1 14-5-31 Dangikhedi 1,:Hl 39 39 201 91 110 27 26 11 43 58 7 6 32 14-5-32 Bulgara 1,431 39 39 208 J02 106 19 21 8 68 74 33 14-5-33 Panrlunya. 1,110 66 66 306 145 161 7 ·95 105 19 14 14-5-34 Kanwasa 1,481 53 ,4 195 92 103 13 60 56 3 35 H-5-3S Kathodya 1,323 116 116 ; 526 251 275 20 195 202 7

It 14-5-36 Bokadawadakll.edi •• 933 30 38 168 89 79 10 61 57 .7 14-~37 Bo~ali 1,681 62 62 303 158 145 26 112 99 3 .8 14-5-38 Ghatgara 2,098 155 160 823 :~99 424 12. 10 258 199 32 20 Madat (M.) • 14-5-39 Mal1glya 1,563 43 43 194 99 95 12 67 81 7 5 Chamunda Khedi 678 99 99 110 57 53 51 31 22 3 2 Peedgara 2,661 22 22 488 2,n 247 5 132 139 I 4 K~eda 5,264 Dokalyapacla {M.l 4J 14-5-43 Makundpura 2:59 •• 14-5-44 Badnawar 6,218 PI•••• S .. Urt..o Statl.tlcs 45 14-5-45 Chandwadya Khurd 572 16 16 82 39 43 1 3i1 43

46 14-5-46 Chandwadya Kalan 656 IS 18 83 39 44 37 41 .1 14-5-47 SandIa r,847 Z50 263 1,141 561 58~ 67 14 339 365 63 58 .. 14-5-48 Titipada 665 5,1)04 49 14-5--4P Dotrya 225 225 1,077 554 523 80 20 :~+3 309 15 16 50 14-5-5() Bakha.tpura 1,172 95 ~5 440 233 207 16 201 177 51 14-5-51 Kabarpada 136 5 S 20 9 11 8 7 52 14-5-52 Semalkheda 809 48 48 227 120 107 3 110 98 3 53 14-5-53 BhenlOla 4,891 IS3 202 937 485 452 95 347 329 31 54 14-5-54 Khedi 13~ 20 20 90 44 46 25 32 5 55 14-5-55 Garhi 1,331 10 24 100 50 50 3 11 l4

56 14-5-56 Dharsi Kheda 1,625 128 14'2 294 250 19 3 179 52 48 57 14-5-57 Gardawdya 492

58 14-5-58 Mungela 5,102 31 33 164 79 85 11 3 46 56 8 9 59 14-5-59 Khardya 786 45 45 203 104 99 99 93 165

llTl1TUT ~qT~ , fijf~ ~m ~ 't-"lr~

~ffi~ "liJ:Tief; Z't - 'J, ---0l~'1 TGf~

Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~f1Jflli Small scale associated Industries .---~------, III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~)i ~nr'li ~)

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3',! 'f

46 61 105 25 35 82 49 16 104 105 'liT~T q~T~T ~ , 24 21 1'1 III 7 64 81 3 8 'liT<:T~T Z\9 71 10 3 5 18 16 18 13 3 b~ ~;:(f'(r$f,

') ~'lfT n 17 29 4 5 7 1 3 ifl;rcmrr ~¥ 39 53 1 9 6 1 4 5 CfiOr:S!iT ~ It" HJ 13 5 5 4 4 iilT'fi~rffi@~T ~,' 28 80 8 6 7 7 i{(<:I

Rural Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14--Dhar Tahsil No. 14-S--Badnawar I\gricultural Classell

r------~ I II Cultivators of Area Occupled Houses Cultivators of Land wholly or land wholly or of ~ 1fCWT Institutional Code No. Name of Village Village Total No. of persons mainly owned mainly unowned ,------A----, and and their oi or in enumerated (including and their S. Village No. 9f No. of houseless dependants dependants Town/Ward acres inmates of institutions population No. Houses House- and 11Tfuef; f.f;m;:r f.f;m;:r m-li 9'if mll lfT m+r ~ holds Literates houseless persons) mmaffll~­ ~ , ~m"fi 'fi)~ arR arR ~_;ffi ~3fffl>_;ffi "fKf<:: 'liT ifl+f ~ mr ~~ "fR ~ om

'2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

60 14-5-60 Lilikhedi 1,520 77 77 286 150 136 5 136 119 ;.; 3 61 14-5- 61 Chhayan 3,446 148 143 642 330 312 27 4 265 240 16 13 Imli Pada (M.) RodIi Pada (M,) 6!l 14-5- 62 Partabpura 200 63 14-5 - 63 Sangwi alias 125 11 11 52 24 28 24 27 Daulatpura 64 14-5- 64 Sangwi 493 22 22 134 74 60 71 58 65 14-5- 65 Rayanpada 157 14 J4 56 25 31 23 30 66 14-5- 66 Bamnya Rundi 248 12 13 52 27 25 1 19 19 67 14-5- 67 Hanmantya 408 15 15 76 :n :,9 3 36 38 68 14-5-- 68 N awapada 365 69 14-;;- 69 Jhinjharad 234 13 90 49 41 10 4 37 33

70 14-5- 70 ;\lachhamagari 124 71 14-5- 71 Chirakhan 494 14 15 61 34 27 25 22 72 14-5- 72 Harkajhar 871 \:I 11 38 17 21 2 15 20 73 14-"- 73 Sardarpura 280 12 15 61 27 34 :) S 21 24 2 2 74 14-5- 74 Sagtali 1,338 57 60 384 178 206 48 59 9 10 125 :~ 8 75 14-5- 75 Bakhatgarh 2,696 442 455 1,891 950 941 401 96 290 254 45 54 56 14-5- 76 Batwadya 153 15 16 74 40 34 37 30 3 4 77 14-5- 77 Batwadya Khurd 193 6 8 42 21 21 20 19 78 14-5- 78 Khamlipada 546 4 16 7 9 7 8

79 1 ~-5- 7'd . Gularipada 595 10 17 14 3 2 10 2

80 14-5- 80 Nindwanya 768 24 26 130 71 59 61 51 5 4 81 14-5- HI PJpalkhunta 412 1 82 14 -5 - 82 Tlkillpada r'9 5 5 17 9 8 9 8 83 14-i- 83 Bawadya 173 III II 41 22 19 17 17 84 14-5- 84 Ajnakhedi 267 20 26 12 7 5 7 5 8S 14-5- 85 Gundikheda 1,401 5 69 47 22 43 21 86 14-5- 86 Delchi 1.829 32 33 126 70 56 2 63 44 5 87 14-5- 87 Cilandwadya. I. 70) 31 41 166 90 76 1 56 60 88 14-5- 88 Derkhan:alias :3.299 53 57 292 147 145 4 122 105 5 11 Bharatgarh So 89 1 ~-5- 89 Plplya 2097 33 122 62 49 42

1 ~o 14-5- 90 Bamakhedl 729 34 37 155 76 79 51 56 16 10 91 14-5- 91 Kalola 716 34 34 163 79 84 8 38 38 92 14-5- 92 Ratanpura l,1i6 68 71 323 171 152 14 110 96 2 2 93 14-5- 93 Reshamgara 1,2:{6 47 47 177 99 78 12 73 55 5 5 94 14-5- 94 Jalod Kheta 1.:281 34 34 110 63 47 3 8 40 32 5 95 14-5- 95 Bulgari 539 21 21 77 43 34 9 29 20 96 14-5- 96 Ralayata 1,:{96 9 9 37 17 20 8 6 97 14-5- 97 Nagajhari 30 :{o 116 57 59 1 36 25 3 98 14-5- 98 I{od 4,403 492 492 2,435 1,234 1.201 36 15 287 37 554 633 163 99 J 4-5 - 99 Shlvgarh J ,3~9 25 93 51 42 4 39 37

100 14-5-100 Shergarh Kumedi .. 11 11 36 14 22 10 18 45 4 199 196 12 101 14-;-101 Sher~arh lOt) 100 526 273 253 2 167

«TlrJ1Jr ~~lfrtt f\ifm ~lit'fi ~ 't--!:'f~ ~~ ~¥-~.-~ Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~ Small!M:ale associated ,------,,..- -, Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~~~~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- labourers owne~of ~f~~~~srr:aCfi(;{cU~~~ ~~ No. of and their land, agncultural Non- No. of dependants rent receivers r------'---VI-I-----VI-I-r----, Textile V VI Textile ~ffi ~ ~ and their Production Commerce Transport Other services Estab- Estab- No. of dependants other than and mis ellan lish- lish­ Hand- 31T<: .~ ~ ~ ~ 3tjClj.j1Ol'1 c eous ments ,.1+1 'fI~::I<.")'fI cultivation sources ments looms «Tlr "liT ifl1f ~~anf~ "11" ~ ~ arRrKcRr ~ iIcmt aiR Wi ow-r ~~ ~ aml!ffl 3PJ ~~ fqfoN ~ ~ if; ~ ~ __ --A------.. ,.---A----, r-'----. ~ ~ r----"--, 3lfdf«R1

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

8 11 8 1 ~~r ~. 22 32 17 14 7 6 6 5 ~Tlf'1' ~ t ~~ qr~l (lJ.) ~~ m.l (li.) fH~~ \~ ~tTqr ~ ~~ {~~U 3 ~mT \V I 1 ~~T ,,\ 7 6 1 ifT~T q.:tf , \ I ~ \13

5 ~TlI1TU ~. ;'f')~r~ .. , ~~ ~, 5 3 3 ~T~ "" 40 56 4 3 15 9 6 10 ~~r ~'t 40 68 23 26 136 US 152 157 9 9 255 227 31 3 2 iR

Rural StatIstics THE PRIMAi{Y CENSUS ABSTRACT District No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-5-Badnawar Agricultural Classes

------~ I II Cultivators of Cultivators of Land wholly or land wholly or Area Occupied Houses Institutional mainly owned mainly unown&d of Total No. of persons ~ If'fiA' and and their and their Code :\0. Name of Village Village ,-__A..--, enumerated (including houseless dependants dependants in inmates of institutions of or of population acres No. No. of mfucr. f.t;m;; fcfim;r S. VIllage Town/Ward Houses House­ and Literates houseless persons) ~1i~­ No. ~Pi "fiT IDl1 lIT OfU holds ~-~ m 3fR If,m'f. ,r.,. f~ lJ;ffi 1"S ~/qri ~ "'eMIT m "~ ~~ ~it~ ",r "I1'l=I" ~(i) ~~ ~T~ mr P. M. F. ~ ~ ~

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

102 !4-S-11~:L Klsilanpura 810 47 47 230 112 118 106 115 2

lOJ 14-';· !O~; ::;'ant.lhwada 1,178 36 36 174 83 91 79 ~5 3 2 104 14-5-lU4 Beedwal 3,626 499 500 2,309 1,166 1,143 21 22 296 43 519 482 48 50 105 l i·' 11)5 Kadod Badi 5,096 525 530 2,319 1,120 1,199 149 11 689 719 17 l~ ::;ahabnagar (M) IU(; t 1-' -106 BorJlld.di 976 17 17 83 36 47 28 39 107 14-5-107 Cillrah:han 2,571 93 93 397 209 188 12 179 156 108 14-5-108 lndrawal 2,764 73 73 420 214 206 2€ 31 3 103 121 40 6 109 14-,-109 Panda 1.593 48 48 259 119 140 12 11 3 92 93 1 31 1111 ,4-,~-1111 Ktuledl 3,803 159 164 761 382 379 30 22 125 224 205 7 5 I II i * :; .; II Pana 1,404 53 54 263 128 135 32 87 86 6

I U 14- ,-112 Phulet.li 1,479 29 29 167 84 83 9 5 9 44 31 1 , 113 14-5-118 Takrawada 1.958 85 85 525 255 270 69 79 21 128 153 4 3 114 14-5-114 :5lloda khurd 2,011 59 59 349 185 164 18 19 16 102 83 10 4 115 14-5-115 Tarod 1,421 49 50 215 110 105 9 5 I 45 51 12 10 116 14-5-116 Be"anda 909 34 36 224 117 107 49 33 8 3:! 34 1 117 14-5-117 Panchmukhl 819 ~{6 36 239 121 118 45 35 7 98 93 2 1 118 14-5-118 \.;opal Khedl 526 17 18 212 98 114 69 77 :3 61 70 17 15 119 14-5-119 Chhayan 383 17 18 154 75 79 31 3,) S 50 53 2 5 120 14-5-120 Kathwada 813 ;{O 34 170 91 79 20 10 1 51 46 6 9 121 14-5-121 ~agda 1,984 'l47 260 1.153 558 1.. II 193 32 140 155 39 42

Daulatpura (M) 122 1.. -5-122 Kadod Khurd 1,742 28 181 96 85 28 13 53 64 5 1 123 14-5-123 Bamanda Kalan 1,233 46 394 190 204 94 12 147 15(; 6 S 124 14-5-12 I Bilmanda Kh ur ,\ 884 38 253 121 132 38 32 8 91 102 125 14-5-125 Dattigara 1.794 Gl 430 218 212 55 22 137 138 2 7 '26 14-'-121; Ba<:wai 1.463 40 18t-> 95 93 8 7 63 59 'Z 2 127 14' 12; Osar 16 62 34 28 2 7 4 128 14-5-12S ~Iosar 1,1)41 15 61 32 29 14 13 129 14-5-129 Khaju~iya 909 29 221 11)6 115 41 41 8 ~2 lOll 130 14-5-130 Sanoli 1,835 43 361 178 183 gO 83 10 2 119 135 131 14-5-131 Khandlgala 1,603 GO 584 286 298 150 168 15 224 229

132 14-5-132 BhOinda I,HZ 37 37 196 91 lOS 18 21 7 55 58 6 7 133 14-5-133 Kanwan 4.308 H7 447 ~,17l) 1,114 l,n65 12" 115 103 4 504 503 39 34 I3.! 14-5-134 .\IakkakheJi 5tH i .~ " 6 23 II 7 5 Kesarpura 135 14-5-135 759 4 4 I " 3 5 136 14-5-136 Gainod 2,'}53 1:!7 127 593 a07 291 12 148 112 2 137 14-5-137 Amot.liya l,O!:H 41 ·n 174 80 94 3 31 47 6 2

138 14-5-138 FUtoda 581 16 19 139 ~1 58 20 13 49 37 139 14--5-139 Semlya 929 47 47 242 11" 127 3 6 63 65 10 17 140 14-5-140 Chhou Kalan 1,298 57 59 243 140 103 17 90 67 6 3 141 14-5-141 Chhou Klmrd 1.063 :'il 51 221 10:; 116 2 68 73 10 10

142 14-5-142 H.itodi 7lS 22 22 57 39 4 52 37 143 14-5-143 Chhangara 936 42 47 214 100 114 11 87 76 Madat (M.)

4.1 14-5-144 Dudhwa] 867 22 90 42 48 31 29 3 169 lfllrTllT mtt ~~ r't-m ~ ~;rAi r(-'"\-~"{

Non-agricultural Classes ~ ~ Smallscale associated Industries ~------~ ~~ ~ ~ III­ IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principalmeans of 011<:' "'1--'1;(" Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- ~ ___.A. ___ - .. labourers ownr~ of ;:f'R fri ~T ~ ;;ftf'C(lTif 'S1'\'ca Cfi~ 0l:I'f.Ri ~ ~ =mf~ ~~:f No. of and their land, agncultural ---"-______--, dependants rent receivers ~ V V VII VIII Textile Textile and their I Eata- Esta- No. ot mcf;~ Production Commerce Transport Other services and r h blish- Hand. dependants other than m'scellaneous b IS - ment looms ".if~ ~ ~ =='"'1'" '" "11"1,1,+11 1 ment ~m '1--1'1 "'. '111~"P cultivation sources mf~ m<: ~ ~ cf; ~fUfURf ~ ~ ~ ~,,=- !7qr mfP;."ffi ~ ~ fcrfcrer ~ ~I'I Cfi ,,,"OJ I" ,,- __..A._--. .------'-_-. ,..----"------. ~___..A._--. ~ __.A.-, ~ __"A..---. :qfuf~ Cfil' otT M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~- ti"~rr- tf~ ~~f~~f~~f~~ftW~f~~ f!;~

, 4 ~"U to~ 4 1 ~ ~o' 4 1 134 157 17 33 203 176 97 105 148 140 53 ~~ ~oY 217 250 36 62 75 74 28 31 58 51 31 ~~T ~o~ ~r~

34 47 4 1 ~tT n~ 95 98 20 14 1 7 2 ~Tn~ 60 72 :8 3 2 4 fuffi~I ~~ ~ ~'t 43 40 8 3 2 1 CTn:)~ t ~~ 75 67 2 5 4 3 sTif~~T n~ 11 21 1 .. 5 3 q:q1!~T HI$ 19 29 if~r ~~c; 7 3 15 1~ I •• wzr;; n\ 24 21 8 3 2 CfiG~T

22 33 3 3 5 3 <1T~~T -~~~ 204 204 10 161 137 73 66 128 111 47 EfiT;;Q'1 n ~ 1 2 5 lfCfEfi~~ Z~ 't 1 1 2 1 ~tn:T\T ~ ~ '\ 11 6 9 65 78 21 27 51 50 12 12 8 11

Rllral Statistics THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DIstrict No. 14-Dhar Tahsil No. 14-5-Badnawar Ag ricultural Classes "'''''---II---.A.. Area I of Occupied Hous. ~ Cultivators of Cultivators of Village anGTT~ II Cfi1<'1' Land wolly or landwbollyor in 1nstitutional mainly owned mainly unowne Code ,----"'-----... Total No. of persons N . acres and and their and their Name of village No. of No. of enumerated (includin~ of 1 ous, less dependants dependants or ~Tll' Houses House- S. Vlllage inmates of institutions population" Town/Ward and mf~ flfimif fCfiBT<'I' l' ( . ~Iif ir.T ir.T ~<:1 holds Literat, ~ houseless persons). ~~'fT~T II ,~;t­ 9;JT<: '!ifificr. Cf>1~ ~W lIT ~~Tf.~ cr.r ~~lGfI f~~-~ ~ cr.~G[T / erri f1r;t ~if &ff.!~trT ;(~ .,lOl<: ttcr.¥T II ~~~T Cfir ~~ ~

4 5 6 7 8 9 14 1:i 16 17 ------2 10 11 12 13 145 14-5-145 Bhat Bamanda." 913 45 50 440 222 '218 66 79 16 2 157 161 2 146 14-5-146 Bhat Khareli 580 32 34 159 78 81 4 51 52 4 147 14-5-147 Kachanariya 944 69 70 373 185 188 27 36 8 131 134 148 14-5-148 Badodiya 394 21 21 142 78 64 11 17 3 58 45 149 14-5-149 Diwanya 9-14 27 2~ 166 85 81 22 12 7 56 57 150 14-5-150 Masanya 606 19 19 98 56 42 4 3 31 24 4 151 14-5-151 Karadiya 754 37 37 204 96 108 27 23 4 55 61 1 152 14-5·-152 Beed 944 39 39 135 61 74 55 67 153 14-5-153 Dhanya Khedi 592 13 13 124 67 57 27 23 8 61 46 154 14-5-15-1 Jalod 1,873 60 64 280 144 136 13 18 13 44 51 20 II

155 14-5-155 Barnasa 973 37 37 194 101 93 12 13 4 38 40 5 156 14--5-156 Golawada 526 28 30 185 92 93 17 18 1 43 40 17 tJ 157 14-5-157 Bhimpura 426 16 16 57 23 34 I 5 6 2 1 158 14-5-158 Rangara Khedi 1,218 40 46 260 122 138 18 20 8 87 99 6 2 159 14-5-159 Palwada 3,404 160 160 825 424 401 40 36 78 2 259 241 12 22 160 14-5-160 Sanawada 1,959 56 60 509 251 258 127 134 ~ 9 144 145 13 12 161 14-5-161 Makani 958 47 48 388 188 200 78 77 12 1 115 117 8 6 162 14-5-162 }danasa 2,268 91 91 723 364 359 130 151 66 1 226 232 20 18 163 14-5-163 Kusawada 2,481 104 104 498 248 250 6 7 32 142 132 11 9 164 14-5-164 Siloda 2,031 60 60 641 300 341 176 195 23 194 221

165 14-5-165 Nagora 1,732 87 90 488 235 253 19 14 21 126 89 166 14-5-166 Nogawan 1,324 52 56 357 165 192 27 24 9 99 99 5 10 167 14-5-167 Paikunda 2,016 90 90 450 209 241 4(1 93 63 8 12 168 14-5-168 Khachroda 2,014 122 122 542 283 259 93 10 126 107 8 2 169 14-5-169 Mundla 1,214 47 47 193 96 97 26 49 43 2 170 14-5-170 Babarda 833 39 39 217 118 99 15 70 63 171 14-5-171 Dholana 1,028 25 25 121 67 54 '9 45 36 172 14-5-172 Muradka 3,819 167 171 780 384 396 27 27 56 2 176 185 20 18 173 11-5-173 M~:latpura 918 32 32 180 81 99 6 6 7 47 59 2 '1 171

vrlfrcrr ~ ~T ~lltOfi ~'(-ef1"{ ~l~ 'l\iqR. ~'(_to\ ~T,",

Non-l',gricultural Classes ~ ~Uflft Small scale aasociated Industries ------~~ ~ III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of ~mI{~~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from labourers owners of

21 21 6 4 24 2Z 5 3 Of~rn[ ~~~ 11 12 8 13 2 6 11 13 q)~T ~~~ 13 2 7 2 3 6 4 6 lfrl1~r Z~ " 23 30 1 5 7 ~'fTrU~~T ~~ c; 96 96 2 33 23 9 7 - 13 11 17 ~~T Z~~ 64 73 5 9 14 13 5 4 4 2 6 ~I~r ~\O 36 49 22 20 6 7 10 iIT'P"·fr ~ \ t 90. 89 3 1 15 10 3 4 7 5 6 11

Agricultural Clas"es

I II Cultivators of Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or Area Occupied Houses Institutional Total No. of persons mainly owned mainly unowned To~n ~ li;;ffi ~arrfl>;;ffi 'ef~ ~ 0lI'fur ~ ~,.

1 14-1- 130 KukShi 97 1.555 1,589 7,603 3,858 3,745 48 3 1,378 271 509 492 29 32 Ward No.1 191 191 993 484 509 7 198 29 104 112 3 Ward No.2 244 244 1,259 634 625 281 35 125 118 Ward No.3 279 279 1,233 629 604 1 273 56 62 59 Ward No.4 231 231 1,063 528 535 112 31 181 179 3 5

Ward No.5 241 241 1,265 664 601 24 238 69 21 9 22 24 Ward No.6 190 190 888 465 423 230 32 12 12 Ward No.7 62 95 320 160 160 3 46 19 4 3 'Nard No.8 117 118 582 294 288 13 2 4

2 14-2- 159 Manawar 252 1,2~1 1,317 5,366 2,762 2,60~ 4 859 204 272 236 153 171 Ward No.1 2,240 1,158 1,082 233 179 125 152 Ward No.2 2,097 1,088 1,009 1. 3 14 5 Ward No.3 1,029 iilB 513 38 54 14 14

3 14-4- 111 Dhar City 1,658 5,052 5,090 23,652 12,275 11,377 194 20 5,389 2,151 549 533 281 248 Ward No.1 717 735 3,590 1,900 1,690 194 20 623 136 224 240 133 107 Ward No.2 309 309 1,656 834 772 444 90 5 4 Ward No.3 195 195 847 449 398 280 142 9 9 Ward No.4 420 420 2,188 1,101 1,087 120 118 12 11 Ward No.5 414 423 2,083 1,053 1,030 681 323 47 48 1 Ward No.6 675 676 2,949 1,526 1,423 685 ~64 13 10 40 34

Ward No.7 336 336 1,597 822 775 547 325 9 7 9 7 Ward No.8 693 696 2,958 1,547 1,411 483 143 30 25 14 8 Ward No.9 459 459 2.094 1,098 996 547 207 73 62 19 21 Ward No. 10 448 451 2.002 1.022 980 462 146 133 _ 132 13 23 Ward No. 11 3S6 390 1.688 873 815 517 257 10 36 32

4 14-5- 44 Badnawar 53 l,US 1,218 6,286 3,241 3,045 233 225 1,107 297 707 715 278 252 Ward No.1 214 214 1,398 700 698 202 223 121 17 331 354 40 32 Ward No.2 198 203 880 453 427 201 83 40 43 34 29 Ward No.3 95 95 450 223 227 93 16 5 7 7 4 Ward No.4 159 159 733 371 362 4 119 10 25 21 47 45

Ward No.5 107 126 1,000 537 463 166 35 55 45 10 9 Ward No.6 126 175 653 350 303 27 271 78 58 53 2 Ward No.7 122 122 558 299 259 136 58 19 20 8 6 Ward No.8 124 124 614 30R 306 174 172 130 H1 173

'l'Prftif.' ~~ (\;rm 'filficli r\{-¥-'fR

Non-agticultural Classes Small scale associated Industries III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their plincipal means of ~~~Cfi~ Cultivating Non-cultivating livelihood from:- labourers and owne~s of ~ fu1i mer.=iT ~ :jf~ SITt(f Cfi«1cli~ ~

281 358 7 7 904 811 92«) 886 53 44 1,146 .,!15 110 '27 4 62 65 107 9S 17 11 190 222 crri -t, ~ 4 183 153 144 14 2 147 6 166 197

96 95 338 342 4 6 183 125 IJ " 5 9 2 2 169 159 96 79 8 8 173 154 11 IJ 4 6 42 24 8 4 1 100 122 151) 170 61 55 79 62 " " " "

822 557 551 24 8 696 641 72 43 24 158 159 16 16 886 iJ~ 146 152 8 14 161 159 175 176 3 307 250 cni;t, t 5 4 2 575 515 203 191 20 8 266 284 "" ~ 6 4 15(1 148 179 184 1 123 107 7 "" ~

103 283 108 125 2,212 2,013 2,065 1,942 556 395 6,301 5,838 266 46 35 125 170 305 232 166 133 111 83 836 72(1 25] 46 35 19 17 1 6 111 96 226 204 83 59 439 386 7 12 88 8e 164 119 181 178 197 170 296 316 92 78 503 512 27 31 155 146 299 293 29 24 495 487 7 5 292 262 211 208 48 34 915 870

1 1 22 29 143 135 223 236 15 21 400 S39 20 1,046 919 13 " " 28 43 353 359 31 37 45 268 218 266 250 67 29 :;97 394 " " 8 22 ,I " 480 2 29 52 21 5 181 172 113 102 30 14 502 " " to 15 15 119 143 70 44 36 28 587 553 ... II " "

65 19 299 326 80 74 534 504 498 419 71 71 774 684 20 ~ifTCf{ 1I 56 44 IS9 167 32 23 74 73 5 3 3 2 cni ii. t 5 3 190 155 •• cni ii, ~ 63 69 11 9 40 42 70 77 - 97 19 27 22 26 38 36 37 30 100 cnj oj. l 28 31 115 114 33 26 9 8 114 117 cni ;t, ¥

112 108 2 3 130 120 202 154 26 24 m;:;.,., J'Z€ !O2 5 2 7 7 40 42 98 88 14 s clJi ri, \­ 75 60 20 21 8 9 97 77 58 41 14

PART-II 176 C--Household and Age (Sample) Tables C-I-Household (Size and Composition)

Sample Households

Size of Households ~C;GfT

56 276 136 140 Agricultural Rickward 15 38 32 156 6 48 3 34

22 93 47 46 Agricultural Non-Backward •• 11 2R 8 37 8 2 21) •

3 7 5 2 Non-Agricultural Backward .. 2 3 4

19 93 42 51, Non-Agricultural Non-Backward. 6 ]3 8 40 5 40

Rura] .. 89.612 417,729 217,663 210,066 90 412 207 215 ALL CLASSES 31 77 44 211 10 80 5 1'4 vJ1ftvT

56 276 136 140 Agricultural Backward 15 38 32 156 6 4~ 3 34

22 93 47 46 Agricultural Non-Backward .. 11 28 8 37 1 8 2 2&

2 3 2 1 Non-Agricultural Backward .. 2 3

10 50 22 23 Non-Agricultural Non-Backward 3 8 4 18 3 24

Urban .. 9,214 42,t60 21,641 20,519 10 47 2J 24 ALL CLASSES •• 3 5 5 26 1 16 ;nm'{tfi .. - - Agricultural Backwllrd

.. Agricultural Non-B'l.ckward .. ..

1 4 3 1 Non-Agricultura IB.tekward .. 4 ..

9 43 20 23 Non-Agricultural Non-Backwllrd 3 5 4 22 2 18 - 177 1'(

~-~~~a: <;lefT 3,lTI! ~ i'f

~-~~ (m

___.A. _____

Composition of household ~ CfiT il'ol'fC1'!

Other Other Infants, non-adults and adults Male Female in households Civil conditions rela- rela- ~1 ~ f~, Of'6~ ~qr ~crr ci"~f~~fa--J--______.... c' tions of tions of Jons H d H d ,------,,- of Daughtprs ea s ea s Adults Widowed Heads of ~ of of or households Hea.Js of Heads house- house- (age 21 of of house h ld holds years and divorced and their house- holds 0 ~ ;:,: Infants (age Non-adults over) wives fCfCf~, holds 'tj,~+q I ~1=Of1 less than (age 1-20 [{C('r lipc1=Of if; fmr "", ~1'>flIT W'lI" Wlf M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~ f~~r ~'Sf ~q t~w 9;'fJ1':f f:fll"f ~'l f~f ~ f~ ~ f~ ~ ft~f ~ f~ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3: 32 33 34 35 36 37

92 8J 10~ 85 34 65 8 13 106 106 116 120 112 90 109 115

52 54 64 50 19 36 6 9 65 66 65 65 70 57 63 70

22 15 12 12 12 19 3 15 16 31 27 15 12 27 25 5

3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2

15 18 24 23 3 10 24 24 17 26 25 21 11 18

84 80 8) 74 32 61 8 12 92 95 107 108 97 79 101 107

52 51 64 50 19 6 9 65 66 65 65 70 .57 63 70

22 15 12 12 12 19 15 16 31 27 15 12 27 25 5

2 2 1

s 10 13 12 12 13 9 15 12 10 10 11

9 11 2 4 14 11 9 15 11 8 8

1 2 2 2

8 11 'J 12 11 11 13 II 7 7 178 C-II--Livelihood Classes by Age Groups

Livelihood Classes

Agricultural Classes

I II III Cultivators of land Culrlvators of land Cultivating labourers wholly or mainly wholly or mainly and their dependants owned and their unowned and their Age group Sample population dependants dependants - __~,_--_-..A----__. ,-___-"-- Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ~Cffi ~ f~ ~ f~w T!"f f~~i ~ f~;rllt 2 4 5 6 7 8 10

District Total 50,399 25,754 24,645 15,75S 15,009 1,484 1,290 3,477 3,742

0- 1,856 8H 1007 504 652 75 f7 129 138 1- 4 4,667 1,943 2,724 949 l,7l!'! 171 143 365 380 5-U 1,2615 6,192 6,423 3,543 4,003 377 345 935 887 15-24 8,852 4,534 4,318 2,821 2,592 242 221 608 667 25-34 9,152 4,7S6 4,366 3,077 2,638 256 231 624 710 35-44 6,231 3,583 2,648 2,273 1.542 180 ]37 . 476 471 45-54 3,579 2,052 1,527 1,3,~5 898 91 75 183 235,

55-64 2,352 1,287 1,065 877 603 62 49 _1~2 171 65-74 826 420 406 304 222 20 22 25 60 75 and over. 256 101 155 41 R7 ]0 9 10 23 Age not stated 13 7 6 ..

Rural Total 46,171 23,615 22,556 15,545 14,820 1,418 1,215 3,382 3,62()

0- 1,738 794 939 496 646 73 55 ]23 188 1- 4 4.244 1,735 2,509 930 ],715 164 138 358 365 3-14 1,1567 5,625 5,942 3,484 :'l,980 358 327 914 860 15-24 8,092 4,170 3,922 2,791 2,553 235 207 594 655 25-34 8,471 4,452 4,019 3,039 2,647 246 215 607 693 35-44 5,731 3,333 2,39S 2:~46 1,501 170 128 462 452 45-51 3,219 1,841 1,378 1,317 877 85 70 172 224 55-64 2,11') 1,187 929 865 592 59 45 118 158 65-74 758 386 ~l72 303 221 18 20 24 58 75 and over 228 85 143 40 85 10 9 10 23 Age not stated 12 7 5 4 3 1

Urban Total 4,228 2,139 2,089 213 189 66 75 95

0- 123 55 68 8 6 2 2 6 1- 4 42.3 208 215 19 4 7 5 7 15 5-14 1,048 567 481 59 23 19 18 21 27 15-24 760 364 396 30 39 7 14 14 12 25-34 681 334 347 38 41 10 16 17 17 35-44 500 250 250 27 41 10 9 14 )9- 45-54 360 211 ]49 ]8 21 6 5 11 11 55-64 100 136 ]2 11 3 4 4 13 65-74 68 :34 34 2 2 2 75 and over 28 16 12 2 !\.ge not stated ..

I 179

ij"--~~ otT 55I"rwm, ~ of; ~ ~ ~~

~ 'fiT ~vr:rr

Non-Agricultural Classes ~ ~ ~--~r------IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their j)rincipal means of livelihood from;- Non-cultivating owners of ift:if f~ mer;:ff ~ \j,')fcfCfiT ~ ~

209 241 1,791 1,512 992 907 103 55 1,940 1,889

10 56 4:) 2; 35 4 46 70 0- 103 102 10 7 169 17 20 159 165 188 ~-'6' 242 69 61 484 398 231 26 17 518 481 ~-rl( i6! 18 38 46 287 242 177 18 356 355 ~~-':('t 25 31 291 271 171 134 27 7 312 294 ':('\-1'6'

20 34 250 152 122 92 10 2 252 218 ~y"-'6''6'

13 18 141 10:; 94 66 4 161 129 '6'~'-Y..'( ,) 5') 14 81 72 47 4 2 S2 107 ~~-~'t

6 8 25 46 II 18 29 30 ~~-~'( 2 :~ 14 11 10 ,) 11 17 ~ ~ qi

188 22Z 1,295 1,066 593 537 32 15 1,162 1.055

9 5 43 32 U 17 2 3t 46 0-

15 19 113 121 57 52 3 98 96 ~-'6'

65 55 358 293 J39 130 8 2~9 291 Y..-~'(

31 42 203 164 94 103 6 5 216 190 ~'\-~'(

25 29 219 199 111 84 10 195 151 ~IJ.,M~'(

19 30 195 104 $5 60 2 154 123 ~,-\-'('(

10 16 87 56 42 2 82 77 '('-\-~'(

8 14 52 41 27 30 2 56 49 ~lt.-\)( 4 8 13 31 6 13 15 21 \It.-\3'( 2 9 9 4 3 10 tI \31J.,~a{R ~~arPi­ 3 m,~f~~

21 19 496 446 399 370 71 778 834

11 17 11 18 2 1 12 24 0-

2 46 44 46 10 4 71 92 ~-'(

4 6 126 105 103 101 18 !l 217 190 '\-~'(

7 4 84 78 70 71 12 13 140 165 ~~-~'6' 2 75 72 60 50 17 6 117 143 ~'\-l'(

1 4 55 48 37 32 ~ 2 98 95 ~~-'Ir'lr 3 2 54 33 38 24 2 79 52 '6'~-~)( 29 31 23 17 2 26 58 ~~-~'(

2 g 15 5 5 14 9 ~lt.-\9,( 5 2 6 2 4 6 \3 ~ crt am: ~~ ~f1;c~!IW{ cn~; mI! "Itt ~~ 180 c-nI-Age and Civil Condition ~-~-mq 3fj~ ffif~

Total Rural Urban lI1

Total 17 15 2 17 15 2 lim

0 0

1- 4 {- ¥ 5-14 y.-t¥

15-24 3 3 3 3 ~'-\-~t

25-34 3 3 3 3 ~,-\-l¥

35-44 5 4 1 5 4 1 ~~-¥'g'

45-54 4 3 1 4 3 1 'g''-\-~'g'

55-64 1 1 1 1 ~X-\¥

65-74 1 1 1 1 \~-\9'g'

75 and over ' ..• ... \9 '-\ err.{ ~)1,: 3ff~'ti 3ulffn, Age not stated •• 3f11! ;:ri!T fffiilf 181

C-IV-Age and Literacy m-'¥-mq, ~ m~1JI'T Figures in columns 5 and 6 do not include partially literates, the details of which are given below:­ ~ ~ ~j:~ X Of ~ if ~~ m~l~ OlI'fCffi m ~~ ~,f~ ~ 'fR f~ OflfT ~:-

Total Rural Urban lfm ID1ftur 'fT~ , ______.A. _____ ~ ,.--___.A. _____ , , _____..A... ___-----. Age Group ml{ ~Q' Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females o!jfifq cll"fe:a- ~ ft~r ~~q- W-P:tt oll"fCRf ~H W-flfT 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Total 823 629 194 665 543 122 158 86 72 q)1J

0- 4 .. 0- '¥

5- 9 .. 141 110 31 102 87 15 39 23 16 x- €.

10-14 .. 17° 131 39 147 118 29 23 13 10 ~o-r~

15-24 .. 186 143 43 156 127 29 30 16 14 ~'\-~'¥

25-34 .. 147 109 38 129 99 30 18 10 8 ~lI,,-~¥

35-44 .. 83 62 21 65 52 13 18 10 8 ~'\-¥¥

45-54 .. 53 41 12 35 32 3 18 9 9 ¥lI,,-,\¥

55-64 .. 33 23 10 2~ 19 3 11 4 7 lI"lI,,-~¥

6.5-74 .. 8 8 7 7 1 ~~-\9¥

('5 and over. 2 2 2 2 \9l1" m~;rn~ arf1'::'fc1i !!iT~"l\il'

Age not sta~ed ~T'1~~rt 182 C-m-Age and Civil Condition

Total Sample Population ~ ~

TOTAL 50,399 25,754 24,645 12,065 10,075 12,576 11,927 1.113 2,643 46,171 23,615 22,556

0- 1.856 849 1,007 849 J,007 1,733 794 939

1-4 4.667 1.943 2.724 1.943 2.724 4.244 1.735 2,509

5-14 12.615 6,19Z 6,423 6.090 5.871 98 546 4. 6 11,567 5,625 5,942

15-24 8,852 4.534 4.318 2,617 431 1,852 3,851 65 36 8.092 4,170 3,922

25-34 9.152 4.786 4,366 325 25 4,273 4,010 188 331 8,471 4,452 4,019

35-44 6.231 3,583 2,648 97 J 1 3,276 2,164 210 473 5,731 3.333 2,398

45-54 3.579 2.os2 1,5~7 92 2 1,7~6 879 234 646 3,219 1,841 1,378

55-64 2.352 1,287 1,065 38 ~i \ 1,005 366 244 696 2,116 1,187

65-74 826 420 406 5 301 92 114 314 758 386 372

75 and over .. 256 101 155 2 45 18 54 137 228 85 143

Age not stated 13 7 6 7 1 4 12 7 5

C-IV--Age and Literacy

Total Sample population ~ ~ ctfT 1iI014'€l11 Rural ______-A ______~ r------Total Literate Illiterate Total Age Group ~ ~-ft:r~ f.AT ~-ft;m liFT r-,------~""------__. ~_---..A..-----"""' ~_---,..A..-,---_. ,..------"-______Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Persons Males Females ClJfcR:r ~ ft:snTt ~ f~ ~ f~ Olfferq ~ fi~( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

'fOTAL 50,399 25,754 24,645 1,258 632 24,496 24,013 46,171 23,615 12,556 , 0-4 6,523 2,792 3,731 2,792 3,731 5,977 2,529 3448

5-9 6,953 3,254 3,704 65 72 3.189 3,632 6,444 2,973 3,471

10-14 5,657 2,938 2,719 196 144 2,742 2,575 5.123 2,652

15-24 8,852 4,534 4,318 293 189 4,241 4,129 8,092 4,170 3,922

25-34 9,152 4,786 4.366 234 118 4,522 4,248 8,471 4,452 4.019

35-44 6,231 3,583 2,648 195 67 3,388 2,581 5,731 3,333 2,398

45-54 3,5"79 2,052 1,527 151 28 1,901 1,499 3,219 1,841 1.378

55-64 2,352 1,287 1,065 64 8 1,223 1,057 2,116 1,187 929

65-74 826 420 406 21 6 339 400 758 386 372

75 and over 256 101 155 9 92 155 228 85 141

Age not stated 13 7 6 7 6 12 7 183

Urban if111f\cti .A._ ------..,-----Widowed or ------~------Widower! or Unmarried Married divorced Total Unmarried Married divorced m~ fCliJllftfd fCf~"{, fcre1crnt zn.r ~fcrcnf~ ~ f~'{, f~ ~ m~ fcrom

10,950 9,172 11,652 10,798 1,013 2,586 4,228 2,139 2,689 1,115 903 924 1,129 100 57

794 939 123 55 68 55 68 o 1,735 2,509 423 215 208 215 208 ~- ¥ 513 5.528 5,423 94 3 6 1,048 567 481 562 448 4 33 ~-~¥ 3,622 35 760 2.387 265 1. 723 60 364 396 230 166 129 219 5 ~~-~¥

22 3,988 3,670 3 293 171 327 681 334 347 32 285 340 17 4 ~~-~¥

90 9 3,041 1.924 196 465 500 250 :.l50 7 2 229 240 14 8 ~,-\-'lI'¥

85 2 1,551 742 205 360 211 149 7 175 137 29 12 'lI'~-~'lI'

26 93~ 3 252 228 674 236 100 136 12 72 114 16 22 ~~-~'lI'

4 278 64 104 308 68 34 34 23 28 10 6 ~~-\9'l1'

38 10 46 133 28 16 12 7 8 8 4 \9~ c:rrt ~ ~ m'Cf!fi ~qffl

7 4 1 ~~ fi;nIrrf

Urban ;::rmf~ ------,------~r_------~------Literate Illiterate Total Literate Illiterate ~·fu@ ~ ~-fm[ lim ~-fu@ ~ ~-fu@ ,..-____..A. ___-. ,.-_----"-__---., r_'------..A.-,------. r_--A. r-----A.-----.. Males Females Males Females Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females ~ f~ ~f'1 f~:;r.rt ~ ~ ~ ~f'1 f~ ~ ff=;r;rt 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 --- 352 314 23,263 22,242 4,228 2,139 2,039 906 318 1,233 1,771

2,529 3,448 546 263 283 263 283 0- 'lI'

17 35 2,956 3,436 514 281 233 48 37 233 196

43 74 2,609 2,397 534 286 248 153 70 133 178

71 91 4,099 3,831 760 222 364 396 98 142 298 ~~-~¥

85 54 4,367 3,965 179 , 681 334 347 64 155 283 ~~-~'lI'

62 34 3,271 2,364 500 250 250 133 33 117 217 ~~-'6'l1'

44 15 1,797 1,363 360 211 149 107 13 104 136 'lI',-\-,-\¥

22 6 1,165 923 42 236 100 !36 2 58 134 ~~-~¥ 5 5 331 367 68 34 34 16 18 33 ~~-\9'l1'

3 82 143 28 16 12 6 10 12 \9~ crt ~ ~€r ~~ 7 5 1 1 mt! ~1fQri 184

C-V-Single Year Age Returns ~-~-:sr~

Age Age re­ re­ tur­ tur­ Age Total Rural Urban ned Total Rural ned Total Rural returned ~ m+fT rr "iFTf~ ~ lim m+ft1Jf f~~ lfTrr ~ f~~ ,--__..A.. __~ r--___"_-~ r----.-A---, ~ ,-___ ...A.. ___-.,. r-----"---~ r----"---~ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ~ f~

TOTAL 25,75! 24,645 23,615 22,556 2,139 2,089 39 139 179 132 175 7 4 79 3 12 12 o 849 1,007 794 939 55 f8 40 1.086 637 994 546 92 91 80 33 32 30 29 3 3 1 443 644 397 608 46 36 41 105 144 96 134 9 10 81 2 2 2 477 785 430 729 47 56 42 318 189 297 179 21 10 82 2 2 3 471 744 41l 6,0 57 64 43 101 136 96 130 5 6 83 2 4 552 551 494 492 58 59 44 109 133 99 133 10 84 1 1 5 680 951 616 903 64 48 45 676 360 606 310 70 50 85 10 4 9 4

6 702 856 644 815 58 41 46 145 133 135 123 10 5 86 . I 7 E88 733 640 682 48 51 47 81 115 74 113 7 2 87 1 8 768 779 710 721 58 55 48 123 149 112 146 11 3 88 1 9 4 6 38; 363 347 53 38 49 83 103 74 100 9 3 89 2 ') 10 863 688 793 635 70 53 50 639 393 556 327 83 66 90 6 5 4 5

11 380 493 336 447 44 46 51 82 48 74 41 8 7 91 12 926 642 811 574 85 68 52 III 135 lOS 126 6 9 92 13 363 323 326 ~80 37 43 53 33 33 28 31 5 2 93 3 3 14 406 573 356 E35 50 38 54 79 58 77 5, 2 2 94 1 15 626 674 572 635 54 39 55 319 242 295 206 24 36 95 2 6 4 2

16 558 566 512 497 46 69 56 50 85 43 82 7 1 96 17 260 391 240 374 20 17 57 27 58 24 57 3 97 18 544 559 502 490 42 69 58 52 51 48 50 4 98 19 262 298 246 284 16 14 59 21 60 21 60 99 20 876 76g 806 663 70 106 60 580 356 534 272 46 84 100

21 348 307 325 296 23 11 61 133 32 134 26 5 6 22 536 394 484 351 52 43 62 71 55 65 53 6 2 23 215 198 193 183 17 15 63 14 26 11 24 3 2 7 6 7 5 24 309 162 285 149 24 13 64 14 100 12 99 2 1 25 1,213 1,120 1,128 1.015 85 105 65 177 182 160 169 17 13

26 387 523 368 505 19 18 66 33 13 31 12 2 1 27 265 362 249 348 16 14 67 17 14 17 12 2 28 488 390 457 360 31 30 68 28 14 25 14 3 29 148 223 139 213 9 . 10 69 9 5 9 5 30 ],363 805 1,249 690 Jl4 115 70 110 156 100 140 10 16

31 131 244 117 234 14 10 71 7 6 6 6 32 510 3,2 483 325 27 27 72 20 13 20 12 33 117 186 104 174 13 12 73 6 5 3~ 164 161 158 155 6 6 74 13 3 13 2 35 1,044 632 970 536 74 96 75 27 73 23 67 4 6

36 301 222 287 210 14 12 76 8 4 5 3 3 37 129 169 123 160 6 9 77 2 38 251 207 239 195 12 12 78 7 7 185 D--Social and Cultural Tables ~~iSfCfi tzci" ~:~ ~rf~fVprt D-I-Languages (i) Mother Tongue ~-~-~ (0 lfT~

Total Rural ~ m+IT1Jf Language r------, ,-----_..)~------. ,------"------. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females &lf1fO ~~ f~':iflI"t &rf1fO ~~ f~':iflI"[ 0lff.Rr ~ f~t

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------, --""""-" DISTRICT TOTAl.. 505,268 257,455 247,813 462,361 ~35,319 227,042 42,907 22,136 20,771

t. (Western) 226,028 115,230 110,798 203,470 103,418 100,052 22,558 11,812 10,746 f~T (qf~).

1. Antervedi atCf~~r. 2. Bhadauri 430 216 214 430 21(1 214 1Jqmr. 3. Brijbhasha 97 57 40 72 43 29 25 14 11 ~. 4. Buudelkhandi 262 122 140 217 III 136 15 11 4 ~~. 5. Hindi 225,042 114,716 110,326 202,606 102,977 99,629 22,436 11,739 10,697 f~cft. 6. Hindustani 189 111 78 108 64 44 81 47 34 ~r;ft. 7. Jatwari 7 7 7 7 ~T~.

~. Hindi (Eastern) 298 156 142 112 68 44 186 88 98 ftr~r (~).

1. Awadhi 298 156 14 ~ 112 68 186 88 93 ~.

3. Urdu ,. 7,628 3,966 3,662 2,377 1,240 1,137 5,251 2,726 2,525 ~. '"

4. Rajasthan! 82,544 41,104 41,440 74,626 37,101) 37,520 7,918 3,998 3,920

1. Banjari 1,233 660 573 1,194 641 553 39 19 20 ~. 2. Gujari 61 37 24 61 37 24 ~. 3. Harauti I J 1 1 im.ffi'. 4. Jaipuri 15 5 10 15 5 10 ~. 5. Malwi 58,298 2il,097 29,201 53,287 26,557 26,730 5,011 2,540 2,471 ~. 6. Marwari 6,632 3,399 3,233 5,595 2,858 ,2,737 1,037 541 496 ~~. 7. Mewari 300 15:) 141 279 145 134 21 14 7 W~. 8. Mewati 26 16 10 26 16 10 *-miT. 9. Nimari 15,920 7,710 8,210 14,154 6,846 7,308 1,766 864 902 f;:p:rr~r. 10. Rajasthani 53 21 37 It 1 13 H 20 24 'U~P:rr;ft.

5. Bhili 171,041 87,919 83,122 169,701 87,273 82,428 1,340 646 694

1. Bhili 76,966 39,424 37,542 76,564 39,22tl 37,338 402 198 204 2. Bhilali 94075 48.495 45,580 93,137 48,047 45,090 938 448 490

6. Gujrati ., 11,269 5,788 5,481 9,53) 4,934 4,S96 1,739 854 885 \ 1. Gujrati 10,97R 5,636 5,342 9.239 4,782 4,457 1,739 854 885 If\il<:R'fr. 2. Kathiawari 291 152 139 291 152 139 ~lfrqr~l".

7. Sindhi 149 108 41 83 65 18 66 43 23 f~T. 8. Marathi 5,362 2,686 2,676 1,863 891 972 3,499 1,795 1,704 'fUOT. 9. Koknl 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 ~~"T. 50 10 45 45 15 5 10. Ben~ali 60 10 ct~. 9 1 11. Bibari 10 9 1 10 fq~T. 12. Punjabi 308 156 152 129 64 65 179 92 87' ~T. 2 13. Nepali 2 2 2 ~. 46 62 14. KanJari 108 46 62 108 lfiilU. 3 15. Tamil 3 3 3 a'",m. 1 1 16. Malayalam 1 1 2 1 17. Kanarea .. 3 2 1 3 ~. 186 D-Social and Cultural Tables ~~ ~ ~t~ mfUiJr~ D-I-Languages (i) Mother Tongue 6"-~--~~ (0 lfT~-.rm

Total Urban ~Fr ;:wrf~ Language r------"------, r---- .A.-_----, r------"----...... Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Ol£fCRf ~I!f f~'lIf~t cm'16" ~ f~m cm~6" 2.~ f~m 2 3 4 5 6 ------.7 8 9 10 11 18. Telgu 3 3 3 3 ffi=srr. " 19. Gondi 2 1 1 2 1 1 ~'h'T. 170 87 83 145 77 68 25 10 ~. Bar~undi 15 ~. ~ Jl. Dun~ari 257 126 131 136 69 67 121 57 64 6"tRT. "' 22. Bagri 2 2 2 2 'fI1T(T. 23. Sanskrit 1 1 1 1 ~T. 24. Goanese 1 1 1 1 m('f. ~ 25. Pashto 2 2 2 2 ~T. 26. Chinese 1 1 1 1 '"fllf;ft. 27. Persian 1 1 1 1 tRf~ 28. Arabic 2 2 1 1 1 1 smiT. 6 29. Germany 7 1 6 7 1 .. ~. ao. Spaaish 2 2 2 2 - ~. 187

D-I-( ii)-BilIin~ualism ~-~-(~)-mwrr mNcr M. T.-Mother-Tongue. 'IT. ~.-iI'RI~llIT ~ Total Speakers Total Speakers Mother Tongue if; ~ef~T Cfi""nr~~1lT ~~lfr Mother Tongue Gf~~T

Bhili M. T. 171,O·U 169,701 1,340 Punjabi M. T. .. 308 129 179 mffi" ~ liT. m. Subsidiary languages 15,600 14,691 909 Subsidiary languages 237 105 131 ~'fl~ ~fl1Cfi ~rlWt Hindi (Western) 217 98 119 Hindi (Western) 8,996 8,088 908 f~~T qf~qr ~ (qf~) Urdu 18 5 13 Rajastham 6,510 6,509 \j( ~~~ Gujrati 1 Gujrati 15 15 ~~T('fT n-~ Smdhi ~ DUIlgri 79 79 f~qr ~'lT<:T Nepali M. T. 2 2 C\ Gujrati M. T. .. 11,269 4) 530 1,739 ;tqT~T liT. m. 2 2 ~~Tar liT· ~T. Subsidiary languages Subsidiary languages 6,613 5.178 1.435 ~Tlf'fl ~ Hindi (Western) 2 2 ~TlfCti ~rlWt f~ (~) Hindi (Western) 4,738 3.466 1,215 3 3 (~) Tamil M. T. ~ ('fr~liT.m. Urdu 213 51 162 Subsidiary languages 3 3 ~ Rajasthani 1,584 1,584 ~Pl'Cfi ~ Hindi (Western) 3 3 ~IGt~Ar f~GT (qf~T) BhiH 76 76 Konkni M. T. 3 2 I +freT CfiTCfiifT liT. m. Marathi I Subsidiary languages 1 t ~ ~~TlfCfi ~ 1 Sanskrit Marathi 1 *~ li~TOT Sind hi M. T. 149 83 66 Bengali M. T. 60 68 f~ liT. ~T. cf'!"lm Subsidiary languages 78 53 25 Subsidiary languages 15 15 ~lf'll ~J1lTrt ~lfifi ~ Hindi (Western) 15 15 Hindi (Western) 65 41 24 f~~T (q-f~T) f~) (qf~'iflfr) 170 145 Urdu Bargundi M. T ... 25 Of~~r liT. ~r. ~ Subsidiary languages 82 62 26 Ra jasthani .. 10 10 ~~lfCfi ~rQ'Tt:t ~Tiif{q-Ar Hindi (Western) 62 42 28 1 1 Gujrati f~r (qf~r) ~Gt'{mr Rajasthani 20 20 Punjabi 1 1 UiifP1AT qiif'!Ofr Kanjari M. T. 108 108 MaratlJi M. T . . . 5,362 1,863 3,499 tti'~T liT. m. ~liT.m. Subsidiary languages 96 96 Subsidiary languages 3,602 1,237 2,365 ij'QJl:fifi ~ TQ'r~ HIndi (Western) 95 95 ~lf'll mlifyrt f~r (qf~'llfr) Hindi (Western) 3,324 965 2,359 Marathi f~~r (~) +rooT Urdu 1 Bibari M. T. 10 10 '3{ ~Hr liT. m. 270 270 Rajasthani Subsidiary languages 6 6 ~,~ ~lfCfi ~ Gujrati 6 5 Hindi (Western) 5 5 .. iJ.~I('fr ~ (~) Koltani 1 Sanskrit 1 1 ..

1)-1--( il) -Billingualism s-~-(~)-fifmlSlT .mqffi"

M. T.-Mother-Tongue. 1fT. m.--1frcr~rQT ~ Total Speakers Total Speakers Mother Tongue ~T~(n~r '!iT ~+tfut ~~!fT Mother Tongue .f'(~~T ~ ~l:\l and ,- -, and ,- Subsidiary Languages Total Rural Urban Subsidiary Languages Total Rural Urban +mpnl'fT d~T ~~r:rCf\ .,rl'fT~ mq ~T1TTur 'WT~ +!'rq:lTIQT d~ ~rlf'fi .,rlSlTO; ~FT ~T1:ft1Jf ;wrftc1l

Pushto M. T. 2 2 257 136 121 DungriM. T. q~:fr m. m. i"mT +fT. m. Subsidiary lan~ua~e 2 2 53 Subsidiary lan~ua~es H6 63 ~nITlfCfl ml'fTt:t ~~rlf'fi ~ Urdu 2 2 Hindi (Western) 53 53 ~" f~ifr (q~JfT) Chinese M. T. 1 1 RaJasthani 11 11 "fT1:I1iT m. m. ~~~~RT ')ubsidiary langua~es 1 1 52 52 Bhili ~~rlfcfi '+fTl'f rtt .,rm Hindi (Western) Matayalam M. T. 1 1 f~

D-II-ReUgion ~-~-~

Total P~pulatfon Rural Urban ~~!ff ID1frJT ~ 'CPt Religion r------A-- r------"-- --., Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females ~ ~ ffW $~ cqfU f~t &TfCfCr ~ f~t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

All Rellalons 505,268 257,455 247,813 462,361 235,319 227,042 42,907 22,136 20,771

Hindus 473,060 240,525 232,535 44l.105 - 224,141 216,964 31,955 16.384 15,571

Sikhs 439 254 185 310 185 125 129 69 60 f~.

Jains 6,007 3,229 2.778 4.315 2,255 2,060 1,692 974 'i18 ~.



, , Muslims 25,406 13,237 12,169 16.559 8,690 7.869 8,847 4,541 4,300

Christians 354 208 146 71 47 24 283 161 122


D-llI--Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes ~-~ ""1~f"'d ~~~~ Total.Popul~tion Rural Urban ~ 'SA~~I ~ ~ ~r~~~ Castes and Tribes ,- ,- ,- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females ~ ~~ W-f'lT GOO ~q- ffW ~ ~ f~""fll'r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Total Backward Classes .• 309,120 157,060 152,060 299,469 152,177 147,292 9,651 4,883 4,768 lffrr fq~ C{1i

Scheduled Castes 36,199 17,567 18,632 33,453 16,211 17,242 2,746 1,356 1,390 WJ:~f:qcr ::;rrfulrt

Scheduled Tribes 231,734 118,539 113,195 229,76.! 117,477 112,285 1,972 1,062 910 ~:qo mf!::~ iififtrlfi'.

Bhils 112,947 57,099 55,848 111,133 56,146 54,987 1,814 953 861 'Sf~

Sahariyas 118,738 61,412 57,326 118,581 61,304 57,277 157 lOS ':9 ~~7.~

Gonds 6 6 5 5 ~~.

Korkus 43 22 21 43 2~ 21 ~. '" Other Backward Classes 41,187 20,954 20,233 36,25 , 18,489 17,765 4,933 2,465 2,468 ~ f~¥t iiITfu

D-IV--Migrants ~-'t-~ ~ clff'ffi Total Population Rural Urban tI1= ~uT ;;y;:ffi~r llPfrur ;:rmf<:

2 3 4 5 6 7 9 ------~ TOTAL 505,268 257,455 247,813 235,319 227,042 22,136 2U,771 lfl1 241,372 220,666 221,690 201,667 19,682 16,999 (~) f~( en~. (ii) Other District, of Madhya Bharat 35,701 21,321 23,389 10,793 20,526 1,519 2,863 ("~. ) W'lr f~T ~. I, Bhilsa 37 IS 19 13 12 S 7 ~.~. 2. Bhind 23 18 5 14 3 4 2 ~.~. 3, Dewas 468 159 309 94 17-1 65 135 ~. ~9m 4. Gird 1,944 1,05S 8S6 913 756 145 130 "'t.~. 5. Gaona 60 42 18 34 10 8 8 Y,.. • "IT. 6. Indore 8,384 2,311 6,073 1,840 5,140 471 933 ~. ~;~~. 7. Jhabua 11,287 4,698 6,589 4,532 6,302 166 287 \3. ~:F5!m. 8. Mandsaur 437 140 :'97 106 231 :H 66 t:; • 11 ;~ e'T"{. 9. Morena 20 19 1 13 6 1 t.~ 10. Nimar 6,428 l,f98 4,530 1,666 3,946 232 584 ~o. ~. 70 26 44 16 11. Rajgarh 10 12 32 n. u;;r~. 12. Ratlam 2,940 977 1,963 811 1,697 166 266 n·~· 60 17 43 21 22 13. Shajapur 14 3 n. ~T;;r,~ 14. Shivpuri 43 20 23 3 22 17 1 ~"'t.f~. ~"'" 15. Ujjain 3,493 ,911 2,582 730 2,195 181 387 ~y.. ~. II. Total States in India beyond Madhya Bharat. 7,157 3,531 3,626 2,712 2,817 819 809 ~-~-~l~ ~ ~ ftT«f If1 amr ~~l q.­ ( i ) A dj acent States 6,669 3,239 3,430 2,510 2,686 729 744 (0 ~ of. ~

Total pOpulation of Displaced persons Tract f~~f>m ~'!f 0l:!f2."a-m g~ ~f'ffi -'------,. ::jj'l'e~1 ,--19-4-6----19-4-7--- 1948-,..A.._-1-9-4-9--1-9-50----1-95-1--.. r- 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 r-----"-~ ~ ,---"----.. ,-_..A._--.. ,---"----.. ,---"---. ,.--"'---., r--..A..---.. ,---"------... r-~ ,-___.A.._--.. ,----"---.. ,-_""""_--"\ P. M. F.:tIl. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 1\1. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. &1". 1· ff'lf. 1· ff'lf. 1· ff'lf. 1· f~'lf. 1· f~. 1· f~. 1· f~. 1· f~. 1· f~. 1· ff'lf. 9;. ff'!f. 1· f~. 1· f~. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Total 246 146 100 5 2 91 78 40 17 7 2 3 1 Ill" Rural 72 49 23 .. 23 12 17 8 l' 2 3 1 ;;rllftllf Urban 174 97 77 5 2 68 66 23 9 ~ D-V-(ii)-Displaced Persons by Livelihood Classes ~-x-('~)-m~rf>m ~f'ffi ~GfCfiT

Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes

~~ ______ar'liflSf .A._ ~fUfzrt ,------~---.., I II III IV Persons (including dependants) who derive their ,----"--- ,....._ ,----'------, ,-_ _,A.----, ,-_.A.__ ., Principal means of Livelihood from:- Total popUlation CultivatOls Cultivators of CultIvating Non-Cultiva- ;;W f~ flTeAT # ;;rlfcrCfiT 'SI'TCQ m olff~T and their and their ~lSf

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Total 2-16 146 100 2 4 2 3 40 26 79 53 23 14 lI1tr Rural,. 7'2 49 23 14 2 26 16 9 5 'IDlfTITf Urb"r. 17 .. 97 77 2 4 3 26 2« 53 37 14 9 ifTtTf<:'Ii" City ~ D-' I-Non-Indian Nationals ~-~-~Ict'l<:r

Total Populltion Rural Urhan Nationality ~Jj' ;Jf'lmr lJl11TUf

D-VII-Livelihood Classes by Educational Standard

Agricultural Classes

Total Population Edllcational Standard ~ \1I'Hil@4i Total Backward Non-Backward Total ~ f~Cfit RifT fq~ crit ~Fr

~------~------~ .---"----.. r------"-----. r---'----.-A.------. Persons Males Females Kales Females Males Females Persons Males Females oq-m • ~ ~lir ~ ft:5flff ~ f~lrt Olffotcr ~ fnlft ------2 3 " 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 District Total 46,697 39.820 6,877 5,281 216 34,539 6,661 21,000 19,495 1,505

Literate 43,800 37,145 6,655 i.2W 212 31,935 6,443 20,592 19,113 1,479 Middle School 1,889 1,747 142 62 3 1,685 139 299 279 20 Matricillate or S. L. C. Higher Secondary 625 571 54 6 565 53 81 76 5 Intermediate in Arts or Science 122 108 14 lOS 14 9 S 1 Degl'ees 01' Diplom:zs. Graduate in Arts .>r Science 71 64 7 63 7 5 5 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science 4 3 I 3 1 Teaching 7 7 7 Engineering .• 15 15 15 Agriculture 5 5 5 1 Veterinary 3 3...... 3 Commerce 4 4 4 Legal 50 50 I 49 3 3 Medical 22 20 2 20 2 Others SO 78 2 77 2 10 10

Rural 33,506 29.801 3,705 -',381 137 25,420 3,568 19,821 18,858 1,263

Literate 32,453 28,806 36,47 4,:US 135 24,45S 3,512 19,546 18,300 1,246 Middle School 734 693 41 30 2 663 39 208 193 15 Matriculate or S. L. C. Higher Secondacy 200 187 13 2 185 ]3 47 45 2 Intermediate in Arts or Science 23 23 23 3 3 Degrees or Diplomas.­ Graduate in Arts or Science 11 11 11 3 3 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science Teaching Engineering .. Agriculture 2 2 2 1 Veterinary Commerce Legal 9 9 9 3 3 Medical 7 5 2 5 2 Others 67 65 2 64 2 ]0 10

Urban 13,191 10,019 3,172 900 79 9,119 3,093 1.179 937 241

Literate 11,347 8,339 3,008 800 77 7,477 2,931 1.046 813 233 Middle School 1,155 1,054 101 32 1.022 100 91 S6 5 Ma.triculate or S. L. C. Higher Secondary 425 384 41 4- 380 40 34 31 3 Intermediate in Arts or Science 99 85 14 85 14 () 5 1 Degrees or DiPlomas:­ Graduate in Arts or Science, 60 53 7 1 52 7 2 2 post-Graduate in Arts or Science 4 3 1 3 Teaching 7 7 7 7 Engineering .. 15 15 15 Agriculture 3 3 3 Veterinary 3 3 3 Commerce 4 4 Legal 41 41" 40 Medical 15 15 15 Others 13 13 13 ,195

Non-Agricultural Classes ~ ~funrt ,__ ---. r-~------'-..A.. ---'------.. :~---

Backward Non-Backward Total Backward Non-Backward f~ cmsT for;:rr f~T q~ l1Tlf fl:r~~r em fOfrrT fl:r~ Cf~

____..A.-----, ,-__---"------., ,-_----A._____ ---, ,-~ ,----"------, r-Males Females Males Females Persons Males Females Males Females Males Femals ~ ft;r

Total Number of Previous means of Livelihood of Persons who have changed their means of Livelihood in the previous ten reus, persons who have fUA'~;fmr~crt if ~ ~

District Total 1.521 1,234 287 82 28 219 107 152 77 8 12 125 24 125 17 22 1 491 21 ~ffiT;im ,I Culth'ation of Owned Land. 438 337 tOl 70 65 34 25 4 24 3 40 5 3 162 2 ~'fIT~~ II Cultivation of Unowned Land 167 143 24 12 6 51 16 3 17 6 53 1 ~'fIT~~ III Employment as Cultivating 134 91 43 10 8 29 15 5 10 7 5 1 37 7 Labourer, ~ Cfft ~ IV Rent on Agricultural Land .• 67 60 7 877 5 7 32 ~-lI1nr ~flr CflT ~ *"i V Production o'ther chan Culti- 237 194 43 9 11 33 4 24 19 2 10 81 6 vation. wRl of; ~:r \W'.-ij' \3(~ VI Commerce 121 105 16 32651 10 8 4 77 4

VII Transport 90 89 1 2 10 6 15 7 49 1 mOl ;'J'lffl VIII Other services and MisceJIa- 267 215 52 45 73 15 25 16 6 44 5 24 9 neouS sources. ~ #cmt Q~T ~ ~ Rural Total 1,063 836 227 34 16 149 102 119 53 8 6 81 14 84 11 12 349 15 '1Il{tvt l{"\1t J Cultivation of Owned Land 360 262 98 54 65 32 23 4 20 2 33 5 1 118 2 ¥f1fu tft Cfft ~ ~ II Cultivation 01 Unowned Land •. 146 127 19 12 6 12 3 14 5 49 1 ~

VII Transport 17 16 3 5 7 7;1T iiflr'i • VIII Other services and Miscella­ 165 142 23 3~ 49 7 9 6 31 14 6 2 neolls sources. ~ ~

qRl~! ~ ;ph ~;rr~~ !lrm qft ~ f~ ~,~ ;\'0 t~ ~~ ~m i(o ~~-t f."fio lJ Tif '!iT 'fTif '!its if. !f1S5 ;:to q.~o fITif 'liT 'fIlf i:lits if. ~o;f. ar.~. fIf11 'iii 'fIlf !fits if. if. c. .. 11>0

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