Entered SeconI Vol. XI as Class Matter, April 29, 1927, at Post- Saturday, February 1930 Published Every Saturday at 800-801 Warner Bros. Down- office, , Calif., under Act of March 3, 1879. 1, town Building, 401 West Seventh St., Los Angeles, Calif. No. 5 LATIN-AMERICANS PROTEST SPANISH-LANGUAGE PICTURES



III MASS MEET ONE RESULT Highly optimistic reports were Hollywood's attempt emanating this week from the to capi- talize the great Latin- meetings of the Actors’ and Pro- American market for talking pictures has ducers’ branches of the Academy aroused a bitterness Latin- of Motion Picture Arts and Sci- among Americans ences concerning the proposed which will culminate this new contract for picture players, week in a formal protest filed by official representatives in first news of which was printed Los Angeles of the 21 exclusively in Inside Facts last Spanish- week. speaking republics of North and South America,* A subcommittee of the main These representatives committee met again this week, in have got together a private room at the Roosevelt and framed a protest to Hotel, and with members sworn the talking picture producers of Hollywood for to absolute secrecy concerning presentation at an some phases of the discussions. early date, according to authen- tic information to Inside Facts. This subcommittee will meet As a result of Hollywood’s again next Monday for a final present trend and decision, it is ironing out of several points, and stated, there will be aroused “an then, it is planned, the proposed inevitable resentment of the Span- new contract will be presented to ish-American audiences,” with a a mass meeting of Plollywood ac- resurrection of “political and so- tors to be held in some large hall, cial differences of long standing possibly the Hollywood stadium. and fruitful of acute controversy,” This meeting, it was stated, will and which may, if persisted in, be open to all picture actors and “result in disaster, financial and actresses, irrespective of whether artistic” and “create a situation or not they are affiliated with the difficult of solution and perhaps Academy, with Equity, or with impossible of reconcilation.” any other .organization. Influenced by Actors Hours of Work The trouble arises over the No definite date has been set language used by actors in these for the meeting, as the framers of Spanish versions. Influenced, it the new document wish to have is claimed, by the legitimate it in absolute shape and with ab- school of Spanish actors who use solute accord among themselves what, is known as “Castillian before anything is submitted for Spanish,” Hollywood has decreed public approval. that Castillian shall be the stan- To date the main work has been dard language for talkies. This on minor points, largely of a de- is the official court language of finitive nature and with a view to Spain, used by a small minority solidifying contractural practices in of Spanish people in Spain it- Hollywood by specific terms. All self and used, it is said, not at this work, it is said, has gone off all by Spanish- Americans, offi- with an unbroken smoothness and cially or otherwise. accord. This ruling has the effect not The main point proposed for the only of shutting out from em- new contract is a limitation on ployment a host of Spanish- the hours of work per week for American talent speaking in the freelance players, which, of course, VAL VALENTE’S MUSIC idiom used by their peoples for regulate would the hours of work 400 years, but also stirs up pre- for contract players in the main. Roof Garden Cafe, judices that have been rife al- of Some the members of the sub- niost as long, respect for which are committee known to be ad- is of real importance to Holly- verse to such a clause, but it is COMEDIANS CLOSE FILM PREXY HERE TO BUILD THEATRE wood producers, diplomats aver. the general feeling that the ma- Amedee J. Van Beuren, presi- Rodriguez Explains jority will approve it. Various re- Brunks Comedians closed their dent of the Van Bueren Enter- Listed in the spring building Acting for the large group that ports in were circulation that the season in San Bernardino last prises, arrived this week from New program of Fox West Coast Thea- has taken the matter vitally to majority view was for a 60-hour week, most of the company hop- York with Hiram S. Brown, presi- tres is a new 2000-seat theatre for heart, Jose Rodriguez, well known work week, but several sources in- ping into L. A. dent of the RKO studios. Van writer and musician associated directly San Luis Obispo. This company intimated that this report Bueren Enterprises catalogue in- with Earle C. Anthony and his was amiss. is already interested, VIRGINIA IN CAST cludes “Topics of the Day,” with W. B. two National Broadcasting sta- Committee Personnel Aesop’s Fables, Smitty and His Martin, in the Elmo and Obispo tion KFI and KECA, has framed The main committee, which met Virginia Bruce, Paramount con- Pals, and Sportlights, all distrib- theatres there. Policy a joint letter of protest which is dinner will be at in the Roosevelt Hotel a tract player, has been assigned the uted through Patber, and Walter to be presented to the producers talking pictures with the installa- week ago last Tuesday, had pres- role of the siren in Charles Futter’s Curiosities distributed immediately. ent Jack Warner, Irving tion of projecting equipment to Thalberg, “Buddy” Rogers’ Paramount pic- through FBO. “This matter is not entirely con- Sol Wurtzel, Mike Levee, Fred ture, “Safety in Numbers.” Three care for Grandeur (large size) fined to talking pictures,” com- Beetson, Conrad Nagel, Lawrence girls other assigned to the picture “Montana,” M-G-M starring ve- film and building plans will in- ments Rodriguez. “Radio is also Grant, Sam Hardy, Mitchell Lewis, are Kathryn Crawford, Carol Lom- hicle for Joan Crawford, has been clude facilities for the handling concerned, and I feel sure that (Continued on Page 2) bard and Josephine Dunn. changed to “Montana Moon.” of stage presentations. (Continued on Page 2) ;


The finesse of directorial touches, which rose to a great height in the days of the silent pictures, is rapidly gaining ground in the talkies. During the past week three pictures were on view which had direction of superior merit in certain of their sequences. This is noteworthy, as just now are the talk- MAJESTIC THEATRE ies beginning to show that straightaway direction is inferior to deft handling of conversation angles, much as the silents

: ' 1^^ ' were subject to deft handling of camera angles. The three pic- The first week of “New Moon” MwHHBilMBWIfci w- tures are “The Rogue Song,” “Anna Christie” and “The Love : at the Majestic, Louis O. Macloon

^ Parade.” MMjBgi " - i and Lillian Albertson’s finest musi- Ernst Lubitsch, director of “The Love Parade,’” has brought cal production, broke all records a new technique to the talkies, and one which, until overdone, as it no doubt will be, is extremely engaging. It is for this house, topping $18,000. At used in the - picture several times, but one instance will suffice to show its no performance during the week substance. Mr was there any vacant seats, it was The queen (Jeannette MacDonald )and a courtier (Maurice said. Chevalier )are supping together. Lubitsch was faced with is , the ieillglili« The Mason, with the Chauve- necessity of getting over a love interest, not too rapid in devel- opment and not too slow in footage. —I— Souris in its second and last week, Showing the ordinary evo- lution of love would have been a tedious process, so the direc- llliillisa also d i d phenomenal business, ” tor introduced a sort of EBBR m reaching the $18,000 mark. This Greek chorus, compounded on the one part of cabinet .. house* is now dark with nothing ministers and on the other of two servants. scheduled for the next several Shots of them were played for comedy, keeping the picture weeks The Biltmore, now show- bright, and yet at the same time their comments on what was ing a picture, will open in three happening in the queen’s chambers, switching the scene amid weeks with George M. Cohan in the three points of the choruses and the room itself, got over “Gamblers.” with extreme rapidity the gradually devfeloping love. And all with laughs. Most excellent At the Mayan, “Oh, Susanna” talkie finesse. , director of “The Rogue Song,” likewise grossed $16,000 and is now in its pioneered with angles of sight and sound. In final week. Next week, “Bam- one scene the story called for bina,” a locally produced musi- to strangle the heavy, played by Ulrich Haupt. Such a scene in cal show which clicked resound- sight and sound threatened to be unpleasant. But Barrymore ingly for three weeks in San solved the difficulty by having at one side of the Francisco, will be the attraction. scene a window through which came the modified light of night. The rest of the It is featuring Nancy Welford, scene, the major por- tion of it, was in darkness. Al St. John and Marie Wells. Haupt is in the room, Tibbett en- ters, seizes him by the throat and they fall together The El Capitan has been go- into the darkness, where the slaying is done. Not at all ing strong with “The Boomerang” horrible, as would have been the case had it been handled otherwise, ’and getting $5800 last week. It is a marked tribute to Barrymore’s directorial shrewdness. now in its closing chapter. Next No such striking example as either of these in Sunday Mary Boland in “Ladies was “Anna Christie,” but the picture had many touches which a of the Jury” is the attraction. showed marked subtlety and understanding of the possibilities of the At the President, Henry Duffy new medium. and Dale Winter close with “The Cat and the Canary” next Sat- urday giving way to Kolb and Dill who open Sunday in “Give RADIO PICTURES GET Meyer Golden’s Dance Fables and Take.” The present show got SET FOR BIG START Featuring $5800 last week. Fine takings for this house. George K. Spoor and P. J. Ber- The Hollywood Playhouse is tram, wide screen experts who re- ESTELLE MATTERN still going very strong with “It cently brought the first Spoor Pays to Advertise” starring Robert equipment west for BE TOLD and use at the Ra- MEETING McWade. They box-officed $5700 dio Pictures’ studios, have left last week and are in for an in- again for New York. The equip- (Continued from Page 1) definite run. ment is now being installed at the Stuart Farrington Robert Edeson, Lloyd Hughes, The Belasco is still playing wide screen theatre recently built Richard with “Journey’s End” to fair returns, on the lot. Tucker and Rod La Lucile La Verne at the Rocque. opened The 'two experts will return for Vine St. last Sunday and reports Fred Taggart—George Spanover start of “Dixianna,” which will be On the subcommittee which met have it that she is drawing fine Radio’s first big screen offering. at the Roosevelt Dolly O’Brien houses. Last Monday the Holly- Monday night, This will probably start late in wood Music Box opened with and which is drafting the pre- R. K. O. Circuit February, as Bebe Daniels, the Now the Civic Repertory Theatre liminary report for star, has another picture to do submission to showing “And So Bed.” To first. Hollywood’s acting professionals are Irving BOB MURPHY OPENS A FOX BUYS Prospects are that it will be Thalberg, Mike Levee, SAN BERDU shot on the new mammoth stage Lawrence Grant, Conrad Nagel, ‘GOOD-EATS’ CHOP HOUSE THEATRE FROM McKEON now under construction at R-K-O. Sam Hardy, Jean Hersholt and IEFII The first division of the stage is Wallace Beery. Bob Murphy, first of the m. c.’s Fox West Coast Theatres has already completed. There will be and a big name on the Keith- purchased from the San Bernar- four such divisions, all capable of BERT DE VORE DIES H dino Theatre Holding Company, of handling companies for big screen II TALKIE PROTEST Orpheum time for years, is open STEELTON which John McKeon is president, shooting. FROM CANCEI ing a restaurant under the name the in San Berdu. of “Bob Murphy’s Chop House,” Bert DeVore, age (Continued from Page 1) The amount involved is said to SERENADE SICK GIRL 46, died Jar 17 at Steelton, broadcasters will see the wisdom on Robertson Boulevard, midway approximate $600,000. Pa., of cancer." De between Culver City and Beverly Vore will be remembered in th of giving careful and intelligent Beside a theatre of 2000 seats As a compliment to Joan Ar- Hills. Thursday of early days of the Opening was capacity and considered the finest tell, musician and prima donna Mack Sennet study to this far-reaching situa- this week., with lot, where he two sittings, the in the Orange Empire, the prop- who is convalescing at the French was a comic. H was injured tion.” first from 5 :30 to 7 :30 p. m., and erty contains seven stores and Hospital from an appendix opera- in a fall and force* the other to retire as a motion The following is the text of from 7 :30 on. seventeen offices. tion, Pierre Carta, violinist, who picture actor He then : joined Says Bob “There will be no Lew in ; the communication , framed for Fox West Coast Theatres have was former head of music at Worth pigeon’s eyebrows, no filets of blackface act and teamed with hin signature by the . consuls and other been operating the theatre on a Paramount and J. Marc, French for 10 years after Spanish- American leaders: hummingbird’s tongues, just the rental basis since its opening on cellist, both of whom are at pres- which he wen on the road as field “A question of the utmost im- good old substantiate headlined by Sept. 20. ent on the music staff of Fox man for th Bert Levey portance confronts all Spanish- that New England favorite of Studios, brought their instruments vaudeville circuil In 1926 he bought speaking workers whose liveli- favorites, Ham and Cabbage.” DENIES MARRIAGE STORY to the hospital last Sunday eve- the Rainbov Theatre in Great hood depends on their employ- Says Bob, furthermore: “To the ning and entertained the patients Falls, Mont., am the following year ment by producers of talking pic- professionals we promise you that SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30— with a concert, playing from Miss opened a vaude ville exchange in tures in Hollywood. good old personal service.” Eddie Barton, stage hand at the Artell’s room. The concert lasted Sioux City Iowa, and in Omaha, Denied Employment Casino, rises to deny a recent half an hour, the program consist- Neb. During the early part of 192‘ is from and story in Inside Facts to the ef- ing of both classic and popular “It reported many fications of idiom and pronuncia- he went on fect the road for the clul authoritative sources, that Holly- tion. that he was recently married numbers. department of the R-K-O in wood producers of Spanish talk- to Fay Childs, show girl. Only Chi Other Points cago where he was to employ an idle rumor without foundation taken ill h ing films have decided “3. The total population of PREMIER PARTY August and or truth, says Barton. sent to a hospital, h only actors and actresses who Spain is 21,000,000. the Actors’ Fund, for an operetioi speak the official court-language “4. The total population of the Dedication ceremonies will mark from which he never fully recov of Spain, the so-called ‘Castillian Spanish-speaking the formal opening of Premier American re- abama; nor the Irish brogue for ered. He is survived by a Spanish.’ As a result of this al- Pictures Corporation’s soj publics is 60,000,000. pictures which depict life in Dor- new studio and two brothers. Interment wa leged decision, thousands of ac- “5. on Glendale The chief market for Amer- setshire. This is elementary com- boulevard next week. fn Steelton, Pa. native tors and actresses whose ican-made films is in the Span- mon sense. Joe Rock, president, will hold a speech is not that of the Span- ish-American republics. Result In Disaster “house-warming” which will be JUDELLS denied WITH “SUSANNA ish court have been em- “There are other points, not “No producer of intelligence, attended by more than one hun- ployment. susceptible to munfericaj dred motion picture celebrities and refer- and no producer who wishes to Charlie Judells has been signe “Assuming a ground of truth ence, which should be consid- avoid executives, city officials, newspaper bankruptcy, would use Cas- as stage director for “Oh, Si in these reports, we, the nation- ered by producers who wish to tillian folk and others. actors in a film portray- sanna,” now playing at the Maya als of the Spanish-speaking re- turn out authentic and acceptable ing life Mexican and intended for and soon to go to San Francisc* publics of North and South Amer- pictures for the Spanish-Ameri- Mexican consumption; nor would KAYE IN FIFTH WEEK The play was directed for il ica, desire to present these facts can market. These include: The they use Chilean actors who could opening and first two weeks b for the. information and consid- inevitable resentment Span- of the not assume the Castillian dialect Eddie Kaye, formerly with the George Rosener, who recently n eration of the Hollywood pro- ish-American audiences at hear- for a picture depicting a story in vaude act of Manning and Kaye, signed from the post to return t ducers of Spanish-speaking films. ing in talking films nothing but Burgos and intended for Castil- and who completed the picture Pan time directing and writing, fc “1. Only .a portion of natives what is to them a dialect from lian consumption. just before the sale of the Pan- which he was brought west b of the Spanish peninsula speak the Iberian peninsula; a dialect “We feel, therefore, that any tages_ Theatres to Warner Broth- M-G-M. the so-called Castillian. There furthermore, which brings up po- attempt to impose upon the talk- ers, is now in his fifth week as are several distinct languages in litical and social differences of ing-pictures in Spanish any one master - of - ceremonies at Coffee LOOKING FOR DANCER Spain in regions where Castillian long standing and fruitful of acute dialect, idiom or language, would Dan’s here. is not the language of the people controversy. result in disaster, financial and The Earle Wallace Studios notably Basque, Catalonian, Ga- “The producers Spanish- — of artistic; cause irreparable mis- WILL GO TO S. F. Stage Dancing has begun the licia, Asturias, and even in An- speaking films, we urgently re- understandings between Ameri- lection of a unit of 16 girls to : dalucia, Estremadura and other commend, should follow in all can producers and Spanish-speak- Bud Murray, who staged the pear in motion pictures at one parts. cases the same procedure which is ing audiences; work hardships on dances and ensembles of “Oh Hollywood’s leading studios. / “2. All Spanish-speaking re- followed in English-speaking talk- actors and actresses of both Span- Susanna,” operetta plicants now at the will have to be five fe publics of North and South Am- ies. No one uses actors addicted ish and Ibero-American origins, Mayan Theatre, and Bakaleinikoff, four inches high. No beginn* erica speak and write a gener- to Scotch burrs for pictures of and create a situation difficult of its musical director, will go to San will be considered. Those who ally uniform language< Castil- Texas locale; nor the Oxford ac- solution and perhaps impossible Francisco with selected the show for the will be placed under frc liart in written form, cent with modi- to portray the speech of Al- of reconciliation.” opening. one to three-year contracts. SATURDAY, FEB. 1, 1930 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN PAGE THREE NEW LINDEN RADIO CHAIN SOON



SEATTLE PLIED \% mmmik SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— Rumors recently printed in In- side Facts that Adolph Linden, former head of the now defunct American Broadcasting Co., was about to make a re-entry into the radio field were apparently near confirmation this week. Seeming- ly authentic reports from people “on the inside” claim that Linden has promoted sufficient capital in the East to pay off the majority of claims against A.B.C. and will again start his ether activities. Linden is expected in Seattle this week where he will begin preparations for a chain of sta- tions made up of KJR, Seattle; KGA, Spokane; KEX, Portland; KYA, San Francisco; KGER, Long Beach; a new station at Agua Caliente to which call letters have not yet been assigned and one other in Los Angeles. Ac- cording to the reports the plans are to tie KGER in Long Beach in with the Los Angeles station to allow the. new network two broadcasting channels. Telephone companies handling transcontinental programs for the A.B.C. have been paid approxi- mately ,$90,000, the amount due them for past services. With this and other obligations wiped off Linden bids fair to make a bril- liant re-entry into the field, but probably on a much more modi- fied scale than when he offered Gene Gary, Dick Jewel and such high-grade programs over Kathryn Irwin A.B.C. and ran into debts over his Eddie Pope head. With “Odds and Ends,” RKO Ihis Week

With “Odds and Ends,” RKO This Week Miss Irwin is a coloratura soprano with quality based on unlimited training in the best art schools, coupled with experience gained on Those bookers who choose the talent for talking pictures would the operate stage in such roles as Inez in “II Travatore,” with the well to interview and try out The Harmony Trio, whose picture do Boston Opera Company, and with the valuable experience which appears above. They are a trio of unusual merit, each member Frank Cambria gave her in his “Undersea” ballet which toured the possessing valuable stage experience, having played juvenile roles at Publix circuit. No wonder, then, she is acclaimed by the critics various times in the East and on the Coast. Probably the most E 1 TALKIE everywhere. Her popularity increases by leaps and bounds from sea- noted critic in the Northwest spoke of them in the highest regard, son to season, and talking motion pictures should take advantage of saying that this was undoubtedly the best harmony trio he had ever the opportunity to record her voice while she is in California on her heard, playing a special compliment to their stage appearance as well Aimee Semple McPherson is go- present trip. as to their vocal ability. Each member is a soloist. ing to enter pictures, hallelujah! The Angelus Pictures, Ltd., is WARNER BROTHERS BUY SOLOMON’S BALLROOM the name of the new company un- OF W. C. AGAIN RUMORED TO OPEN AS NITE CLUB der which the making of talkies EXECS OF PATHE U STARTS OH 12 by the blondined actress-preacher A story printed exclusively in Solomon’s Ballroom on Grand will operate. J. Roy Stewart and Avenue changes to a night club Inside Facts in the issue of Jan- Victor Emden are to be connected this week under the name of Solo- uary 11 in which it was stated E with the mon’s Jungle Room. project. that Warner Brothers were seek- The usual penny dance will no The first feature will be a super- ing to purchase the West .Coast Pathe has brought its shorts Universal has started produc- longer be in session, the new pol- super, so the Angelus people say, Theatres chain from William Fox department executives from the tion of 12 two-reel all-dialogue icy including a floor show of six- called “Clay in the Potter’s teen girls, with Brooks’ was again to the fore this week and sound pictures with foreign Sonny Hands, ’’ and is to be a story of New York offices to Hollywood, Eleven Masters. will speaking casts. Music There Aimee’s life “with variations,” from when it was revealed in the re- but the transplanted department in be four hours of free dancing and The pictures will be made a scenario and dialogue being pre- ceiver’s suit in New York by Fox’s has not yet been straightened French, Italian, Spanish and Mex- a free buffet lunch served nightly pared by Harvey Gates. The parts attorney, Untermeyer, around to definite form. with a thirty-five cent admission. Samuel ican, and will be short dramatic of Steve and Rose have not, it is Matinee admission will be 25 cents. pleading for an extention of time The transfer was in plans prior sketches and musical comedies fea- understood, been cast. Nor is it nights will to the recent fire at the Pathe turing foreign stars. Paul Kohner Saturday be ’49er mentioned whether a part will be before Judge Frank J. Coleman, nights, with forty-nine shooting headquarters in the East, is supervising the productions. cents ad- written in for Ormiston, nor that had a plan for reorgan- Fox but the disaster hurried the move. A musical picture, with singing mission. whether wdll the high-light be a izing his corporation and raising William Woolfenden, who was in Italian, will feature Renee De Solomon is redecorating the ball- desert swim. enough money to satisfy his cred- casting director in the New York Loiguora, concert pianist. There room, following the general design The feature will not be made office, has charge of the depart- will be three musical pictures in of the Cocoanut Grove at the Am- immediately, however. Last week itors. ment at Pathe now, with Arch Spanish, in which Andre Segu- bassador Hotel. Aimee appeared at Tec-Art studio According to Mrs. Susan Dryden Heath, formerly in charge of shorts rola, opera singer, will be fea- and made some film and voice Kuser’s attorneys, who filed the for Universal, also here. tured. BEN OPPOSITE BEBE tests. She appeared in her well action against the film magnate, Ben Lyon, Bebe Daniels’ The first of a series of two- The picture in Mexican will- fea- known white robe with its silver it was stated that negotiations fiancee, has been selected for the reel music and comedy westerns ture Tirado, Mexican comedian; cross. She went through a series were under way to dispose of the leading masculine which Pathe is to make has al- Lupita Tavor; Nancy Torres, role opposite of gestures and spilled plenty of West Coast Theatre properties for her in “Smooth as Satin,” at Ra- ready been started, but no start- singer and dancer, recently signed dialogue, and did it well, so it is a sum said to be $20,000,000. dio Pictures’ Studio. It will di- ing date has as yet been set for to a long-term contract by Uni- be said. rected by George Archainbaud. the second of the shorts. When versal; Delia Megana, and Laura It is further said that Aimee’s the program gets into full swing, del Puente. daughter, Roberta, will have a plans are to make 52 a year at As a feature, each of the for- prominent part in the cast. ' Saw ‘Bat/ He the rate of one a week. eign language pictures will be in- Before making the feature, how- Val Valente Various writers are now work- troduced by a Universal star, ever, Aimee stated that she would Is Now Full ing on the forthcoming pictures. speaking that particular language; make a couple of short sermon- Laura La Plante, John Boles, Jo- And Band Ace ettes which would be presented in seph Schildkraut, Glenn Tryon, her temple for an audience reac- Fledged Critic Mary Nolan, Hoot Gibson and Drawing Group tion some time when she was not Ken Maynard. present. If they go over, they will E All of the series will be filmed be used in the Temple while SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.— strictly in a foreign language and Acclaimed by San Franciscans Aimee goes to Palestine. are getting a chuckle played by actors and actresses of as an ace band, Val Valente and still out of an incident of the trial a PUBLIX PERSONNEL that nationality. his organization current^ are one STEPIN WITH GANG here of the “Bad Babies” cast, of the biggest music hits in San trial wffiich resulted in an acquittal NOW PLAYING SOLID Francisco. Valente, whose picture Stepin Fetchit, colored; com- by a jury in seven minutes—but Jerome Zigmund, former assis- appears on the front page of this edian, singer and dancer, whose further raids by the police. tant manager at the Publix United Solid time, with no layoffs, is issue of Inside Facts, is at the fa- contract with Fox expired about A doughty police officer was on Artists Theatre here, was trans- now in effect in Southern Cali- mous Roof Garden Cafe, an out- two months ago by failure to re- the stand, so they’re telling it, ferred this week to the Publix fornia for Fanchon and Marco standing spot among the Bay city’s new the option, has been signed and the defense attorney asked Avalon Theatre at Grand Junc- “Ideas.” The “Trees Idea,” which many night clubs. for ,a featured part with the Hal him if he thought himself a com- tion, Colorado. closed at Loew’s State Thursday, As a result of his excellent mu- Roach Gang. Stepin Fetchit was petent judge of the drama. Clayton Long, former treasurer is the first to get a consecutive sic and attractive personality, Val- to do a part in a Columbia picture, “Sure,” was the answer. at the Paramount, replacing Usher. five weeks. The solid time was ente’s Band is accredited as being but this was called off. It is “Did you see ‘The Strange In- obtained by acts opening on one of the best draws in night understood billing of the Roach terlude’?” he was asked. PERFECTING TRANSFER Thursdays at and club circles. picture is to read “Our Gang “No.” The Producers and Technicians Long Beach, and by adding five In addition to its popularity at With Stepin Fetchit.” “‘The Command to Love’?” Committee of the Academy of Mo- days at the Fox West Coast The- the Roof Garden itself the band “No.” tion Picture Arts and Sciences are atre in the latter city. Until the is a big favorite over KFRC, Val’s W. C. BUYS HOUSE “‘Lulu Belle’?” to meet Thursday night to per- new arrangement was in effect, greeting of “This is Val Valente’s “No.” fect plans for the taking over of acts lost a day between Los An- music” being known from San Di- Fox West Coast Theatres have “‘The Road to Rome’?” the Technical Bureau heretofore

geles and San Diego, where they ego to Vancouver. purchased the Hippodrome Thea- “No.” - run by the Association of Mo- opened on Friday, and five days Valente expects, to. announce a tre, Joplin, Mo. The Hippodrome “Well, what have you seen?” tion Picture Producers and Dis- after doing in is the largest theatre two ; Long Beach, recording contract with one of the in Joplin, a “‘The Bat.’ I went to that ’un tributors. The Bureau is being prior to going into Graurnan’s major companies in the near, fu- city of 30,000. The house has a ’cause it had a detective angle, transferred to Academy manage- Egyptian, Hollywood. ture. seating capacity of 1500 seats! see.” ment. PAGE FOUR INSIDE FACTS OF STACF Awn sruirw SATURDAY, FEB. 1, 1930

Picture “Reviews ^ Previews ** Shorts By A. H. FREDERICK

‘THE LOVE PARADE’ ‘ANNA CHRISTIE’ DANCE HALL’ Paramount picture M-G-M picture THE ROGUE SONG’ Radio Pictures picture (Reviewed at Paramount) (Reviewed at Criterion) M-G-M picture Borrowing (Reviewed at RKO Theatre) the words of Abra- Greta Garbo makes her talking (Reviewed at Chinese) ham Lincoln, Take the sex out pf a those who like this debut in this O’Neill story Vina Lawrence Tibbett brings to the with Delmar story and kind of a show will find it just the same vibrant, what is left is talking screen a singing voice vivid emotional not the kind of a show they like. It much. And what was left in which power she has shown in the sil- without question is the is an operetta, strongly Delrriar’s “Dance Hall” when the most reminis- ents. Her voice is of an alluring splendid yet heard in this cent in everything but Radio Pictures studios made the new plot of musical quality which throbs easily medium. He fills the house "The Chocolate Soldier,” necessary courtesies to the censors with and laid and naturally in the more stress- an inspiring baritone which in a Graustarkian was badly marred by very poor kingdom. The ful sequences and which never rings with a clarity and fullness casting of the two principal Maurice Chevalier personality, fails to be of a most pleasing and parts. that thrill to a point where the some of the Arthur Lake has the male assign- tunes and one sol- impressing timbre. It goes through audience, shadow only though the dier ment and Olive Borden the ensemble are the outstanding a wide range of tones, occasion- fern, singer be, cannot help but ap- elements, the and between them they failed plaud. story interest being ally hitting very low notes, but to It’s that kind of singing. hold any interest nothing but a skeleton upon which far from unpleasantly. whatsoever in .1 ibbett tops the male singers Her por- their long to hang the Frenchman’s audience VayM of sequences together. to date in this respect. the Anna Christie role is Lake And appeal and a lot of well was up to his old trick of there is done distinctly a triumph. It is easily another in which he also laughs, some of which sacrificing naturalness to his desire bids for are very one of the best things yet done in top honors, and that is as broad. to scintillate exuberantly (which an the talkies, more nearly like the actor-singer. He goes into the he also failed to do), and In the field of screen musical tense artistry of Jeanne Eagels Miss requirements of his role with a Borden was far from convincing full fire of operettas it takes good rank, and, than any other actress has sincerity and never is as a dance hall jitney dancer. he so content as before indicated, where such achieved to date. While some of Nor to rest upon his did a blond wig help her any laurels as have a drawing power it should her adherents may feel a penetra- a singer that he tosses either in looks or in character. off the fare nicely. The story is a much tion of the Garbo silent mysticism histrionic demands care- There was in less considerable a bad thing, this picture a lessly. Whether he will matter than was doubtlessly she will marvelous be an- that of “Innocents win a reception opportunity for some other great lover of the screen of Paris” and from the others one re- of Hollywood’s juveniles who mains to the punch of some of Chevalier’s and from new fans which will far be seen, but certainly it would enter the part with sincerity songs, in that picture outshines offset this. In this reviewer’s pre- would be a tremendous surprise and a sympathetic understanding. anything musical here, despite that diction as to the future, Miss Gar- if he fails to become very big Eileen Mercedes 1 here were some unusual there are some good tunes. bo will be rated among the sym- boxoffice. great pathy scenes, and emotional some touching The picture is distinctly The picture serves to introduce actresses of all time. Favorite ones a new in the script. But by the type of screen Jeannette MacDonald, who brings Certainly, her portrayal here will entertainment. The time Arthur Lake did his burlesque from the rate a high place among the ten Stage and Screen Beauty numbers are never of the “popu- stage a highly pleasing walk, his overdone best performances self-conscious lar” variety, coming closer, personality and an ability to act of 1930. New York Morning as de- Telegraph awkwardness, and his parroty head livered, to which As in all opera than to musical meets all demands of her things Miss Garbo fol- says: slants all sympathy had fled. De- comedy. The story lays claim role here, and an excellent and lows no beaten trend. There is spite “Miss Mercedes, tall blonde, un- that the heavy (played by to being one which clear-miking singing voice. not readily brought to would be ade- mind an- usually beautiful, Ralph Emerson) was pictured was made to or- as a quate without the music, and its The story opens with Chevalier, other actress who could have han- villain der for pictures. Sings well and of standardized depravity, director, Lionel Barrymore, an attache at Paris for the court dled this role with so much re- what has dances charmingly. There are not sympathy there was in the given a full of the mythical Sylvania, straint, so much sincerty meed of consideration ordered in avoid- too picture apart from a many girls available who can major share to seeing that it moves along home for explanation of some of ing pyrotechnics and yet so im- gleaned with do all the things she does and do by Margaret Seddon was due speed and his amours. Ushered into the pressively. interestingly. them well.” divided between him and Miss presence of the queen, 1 ibbett is the whole picture, his he brings Her accent of course the Borden. This is — role the second time acting his personality into play, and when is. over-topping by far any- with a Swedish accent in the Management within a short period that this thing turned in she reads the charges against him O’Neill play is reviewer by the rest of the — not so noticeable has seen Arthur Lake in she is cast, and his voice intrigued to an extent where as those of most of Hollywood’s JIMMIE BURNS the final love topping any- fadeout, and it just thing she invites him to dinner that foreign colony, doesn yet done in the talkies. Baclanova, et al. t click, he having too ir- night. This is a matter of great Her words are readily radicably The story is laid in followable. this is a winner. And it is the stamped himself as a Russia, with interest to her cabinet, which long The most “movie” clown Tibbett a leader of a thing in the same where the Garbo to warrant h i band of has draw is m being urged her to marry but with- picture is the placed in Russian Robin Hoods. In his work of Marie in effect. In such places it may any romantic situation pil- out success. fering Dressier, playing the role of the be looked to as a record-breaker, whatsoever. meanderings he meets a The attache so impresses her frowzy old prostitute. or princess (Catherine Dale Owen), And be- thereabouts. In other spots But there were bright moments majesty that he becomes her cause it is the most “movie” thing, than these who is vastly fascinated by the the wise exhib will m the picture, contributed by that prince consort, many of the rogue. So much is the wedding cere- measure-by-standard look this one over before booking. estimable Joseph Cawthorn, she intrigued fans will who that she warns mony showing a reversal of the consider that she comes It’s anything but typical musical ea'sily stole the him of an impend- film; and there was ing usual situation in that the queen near stealing the picture. As a yardage. danger when the Cossacks the neatly-done mother role by is enjoined to protect and cher- matter of fact she does some close in on him, and thus insures tre- PRODUCERS’ VIEWPOINT: Miss Seddon. And also Melville ish. whereas the bridegroom must mendously able work, but she mars his escape. Clarence Brown has turned out an Brown directed the picture for a promise to be docile. This scene this by an insistence upon getting Returning to artistic triumph here, and the pic- maximum considering the script his home the is very funny. in some of the Dressier hoke at rogue discovers that ture moves along full of the sym- and the cast he had to work with. his sister has After the marriage the points where the best total re- The story been betrayed by Prince prince pathetic treatment he put into it. relates how Lake is Serge, consort finds sults call for quite a different a and,, his sister having himself a nothing, The only movieized touch is the dance hall fan, being committed treatment, lacking drawn she, from her position sincerity very there by his suicide, he sets out to kill being the Dressier over-play, and this is, love for dancing and the of badly at these times. But the for noble. He trails man the family, and he having from a boxoffice standpoint, a Miss Borden. Between them him to a big naught “movie fans,” who, so the general they reception and there to do but eat and pass the neatly done sop for the less dis- dream of becoming profes- discovers that time opinion goes, are not educated up the Prince is the in idleness. How he changes criminating patrons. Brown did sional dancers, having won prizes brother of the the to straight O’Neill, will get their in Princess whom he situation furnishes the balance well in sticking close to the contests to bolster their assur- has now learned of guffaws from the Dressier antics, to love. Nevertheless the plot. O’Neill play, and this, with ance. he carries both the his Ernst Lubitsch, the consistent and the incon- able through his revenge, strangling director, directorial touches and the But there comes a heavy, has sistent ones, and consequently Di- a flier the Prince and brought a subtle touc hto the Garbo characterization, hold inter- who makes love being discovered rector Clarence to the girl. This after direction of the picture, and ex- Brown did well in est up to the deed by the Princess. a splendid point through- flier gets a chance to try a non- pands letting them stay in. She expresses the situations gracefully, out. stop flight across amazement that he the country, and a easily and for full value. There I he O’Neill play is followed commoner, should have The adaptation was by Frances upon the eve of his departure, dared are lots of with faithfulness, kill a noble for any laughs, cropping up with the addition Marion, Lake discovers that reason what- and was discerning in the girl’s love soever. unexpectedly as well as expected- of the sea vistas and exteriors is The rogue, angered by keeping the salient points to the for the airman. ly, and, all which the this insult to his in all, the direction is screen permits. In this The flier dead sister, kid- fore with atmosphere effective but flies and crashes, and naps as. well done as has yet been con- it betters the play, bringing more the girl and carries her sufficiently short not to interrupt Miss Borden faints. Lake takes to- tributed in clarity to the ward a mountain fastness, the operetta division environment which story flow. her to his home for making changes his mother’s her wait upon of the talkies. the girl and which has so care during her him in all menial CASTING convalescence. chores. EXHIBITORS’ VIEWPOINT: affected the life of the old Swed- DIRECTORS’ VIEWPOINT: As above re- Then the flier returns and Chevalier’s draw and the neat ish seaman. goes Comes a storm, and marked, Greta to housekeeping with . with it a manner in Garbo is . to be another girl, night which this picture has “Anna Christie” is laid in drab of love. But meantime the rated in all reckonings as to film- without the formality of marriage. been filmed are sufficient, Princess is one or surroundings and has much drab Lake discovers plotting to betray him the dom’s premier talking actress. this and his at- other or both, to bring in good about it as compared to to the Cossacks, and the pic- Charles Bickford, tempt to keep the knowledge _ succeeds in boxoffice to houses of “Dyna- from doing so. where one or tures which are usually fed out With her consent, he is mite” and “Untamed,” does Miss Borden causes her to the other or both are factors. from his accuse taken to a castle Hollywood, and as a result best him of treachery. and severely work to date in the role op- So Lake goes flogged, PRODUCERS’ VIEWPOINT: the biggest applause for it but up to the is to posite her, putting to bring the man 'to moment full the ' Ernst Lubitsch proves himself a be expected from life into girl by when he faints under those who wel- the blatant and force, and gets vastly the pain he child-minded Irish- _ pommeled most able master of operetta di- come something keeps singing his more than an- man of the play. tor his pains. Then songs, ad- rection, and the It is difficult to the girl dis- dressed to good points of the other version of “Burlesque” or covers the Princess. At last film imagine this role better cast from it is Lake whom she has are in no small degree to be another standardized she can stand it treatment of among always loved, the no longer and accredited to Hollywood’s roster. dance hall pro- makes him. the college boy, the whoopee girl them carry the unconscious George Marion plays his prietor gives them a professional Victor Schertzinger wrote the or the domestic stage man to her boudoir, tangle themes. role of the Swedish dancing contract and where he music, and among them has The father of that’s it awakens in her a discerning will rate it very Anna, EXHIBITORS’ arms. number of and does it for full effec- VIEWPOINT: .Then extremely catchy tunes. high; the undiscerning, allured comes the ending, with tiveness, making the most of each Lukewarm but adequate for a pro- '‘Dream Lover” is outstanding,, thereto by the education the im riding away with the polly- and every chance. very grammer. words with “Let’s Be Common,” another' anna movies A good that some day the have given them, will portrayal. PRODUCERS’ fictitious bar- which should find VIEWPOINT: riers of rank wide use and express an opinion with reserve or Melville which separate them Marie Dressier, as before Brown’s direction is popularity. Others, all of re- bet- may be swept them else will remember the picture for marked, ter than the aside and he will good, are could, with somewhat total of the product return. , “My Love Parade,” the belly-laughs they got As the story out of more sincerity, have turned out. He did much opens in “Paris,” “Anything to Please the the Dressier made a clas- to over- tyiU one may happily characterization. sic out of the come the handicaps conjecture Queen” prostitute role, a under which it one and “Nobody’s Using It EXHIBITORS’ VIEWPOINT: he cares to, that the bolsheviks fact which is evidenced by the labored, and, with better leads Now.” Clifford Gray did the In any house which draws them brought this to pass. many fine sequences she turns in. (Continued on Page 15) (Continued on Page IS) in for artistically done pictures, But putting her trade-mark into the picture whenever the chance offered made the part more Dress- ier and less O’Neill, which was 19 SEASON PRICES not any improvement e EARLE except for SO0 n CAST T ** **„ W so 7sc f,oo WALLACE 1 P K.».„ I*1ac the guffaw brigade. Lean as frayjuniperoserra M Always Busy Developing Dancing Stars but Never ev&YAFTaiixm-excepTMomAv&s- 5 Too Busy lee Phelps does a smooth bar- wea/MosAj*evt tt‘ to Create and Produce tender. Original DANCE ROUTINES and REVUES That Sell Belmont Theatre Bldg., First and Vermont SEITZ TO DIRECT Phone Exposition 1196 Los Angeles, Calif. George B. Seitz has been signed MARCAL MARQUIS to direct “Hawk Island,” the New Hollywood Blvd. at Gower Melrose at York stage play, for Radio Doheny Dr. Pic- HO. 8069 OX. tures. William LeBaron bought 2208 ASSOCIATES- the screen SUN., MON., TUES., WED., » rights BU& MURRAY to show on his SUN., MON., FEE 2-3 February 2-3-4 6’ last trip back to New York. Bert- JOAN CRAWFORD in ram Milhauser will supervise. Beu- “LITTLE JOHNNY JONES” “THE UNTAMED” lah 4 DAYS STARTING Marie Dix has been assigned With EDDIE FEB 4 3636 BEVERLY BLVD. — Los Angeles — Tel. DU. 6721 BUZZELL JOHN BARRYMORE to do the adaptation. The play, “GENERAL in PRACTICAL STAGE TRAINING which is a society murder mys- CRACK” THURS., FRI., SAT., FEB. 6-7-8 SAT. ONLY, FEB STAGE TAP DANCING fin All Its Branches) tery, is understood to have been 6 ERNEST TORRENCE in bought originally for PAULINE BALLET Richard Dix, FREDERICK in “THE UNHOLY NIGHT" Technique > By SIGNOR G. V. ROS1 but it is not thought likely he will and do it. “EVIDENCE” l- 6 ACTS OF RKO VAUDEVILLE : ; :



PEOPLE REHEARS1G The way of justice is a straight road which any man’s eye may follow, but the GRETA GARBO 10 intricacies of legal twists and turns is another matter, and one which to the layman is onerously confusing. FOR L ft. OPEN! A case in point has been reviyed during the past week as one big topic of conver- mm oo TRICK sation in Los Angeles and Hollywood. Of course we refer to the case of the State of Roger Grey, late of the “Oh, Three California vs. Alexander Pantages, a case which, filed upon the complaint of Aileen picture house records Susanna” cast, is co-producing a went down to defeat last week Pringle, resulted in a long penitentiary sentence for the multi-millionaire showman. revue for a Los Angeles or Hol- and this. as to forget that the turning lywood opening. Date is tenta- Public memory is short, but it should not be so short Lawrence Tibbett, singing hero tively set for about three weeks point, apparently, came when Miss Pringle announced through the public prints that: of M-G-M’s “The Rogue Song" but the house has not yet been drew in "1 do not want a cent for myself; all I want is to see him punished for what he did to me.” $37,243 to the Chinese selected. with the first week of “the pic- This writer and various other members of the staff of Inside Facts talked to Cast, which is now rehearsing ture which will make motion pic- sensational at the Knights of Columbus hall many people about the Pantages case at the time Miss Pringle made her ture history.” A record. in Hollywood, includes Charles charges. On the first flash of the news the case stood: Greta Garbo’s first talkie, who divided, top McNaughton, Miss Pringle charged she had been wantonly and inexcusably attacked by “Anna Christie” opened to sensa- honors with Beryl Mercer in U. tional business Pantages at the Criterion, A.’s “Three Live Ghosts,” Pert Alexander the first two days being the big- frame-up. Kelton, the Aber Twins and Roger Mr. Pantages counter-charged that the whole thing was a gest in the history of the house Grey, the latter also being stage The public’s opinion, insofar as Inside Facts could ascertain, hovered in the balance and more big ones following for director. A report was that nego- a week’s between believing the one or the other story. Pantages had just culminated a lifetime house record. It looked tiations were under way to have like a $36,000 to week. acumen by disposing of the bulk of his vaudeville houses $40,000 Leatrice Joy also in the cast, but of endeavor and business Will Rogers' Fox picture, “They whether this had or had not come for an amount reported to be up in the many millions of dollars. Certainly a fair tar- Had to See Paris” was- the third definite result was not to any get for anyone who was seeking his or her financial advancement and was not overly in the trio of record breakers, stated. taking a $13,060 gross for the scrupulous about how it was done. Stories circulated, true or otherwise, of strange Total of people in the show Boulevard, where the customary could not have been better set to entrap the theatrical magnate. will be between 30 and 35. coincidences which intake is around $6500 to $7500. Walter Wills of the Wills-Cun- Public opinion hung in the balance, and not even the most zealously inclined law- The Parisian Revue was in sup- Dancing, is ningham School of yer, dry-as-dust in the search for precedents and legal sanctimony, but will admit that port. to furnish the chorus ensemble, All of these were Fox houses, the public opinion, in cases played large in the press, has quite a bit to do with the which will be between 12 and 14 but Paramount also had cause for dancing girls, no boys. outcome of certain cases. rejoicing in the second Maurice Then came Miss Pringle’s statement Chevalier picture, “The Love Pa- rade.” "l do not want a cent for myself; all I ivant is to see him punished for what he did to me.” This picture packed ’em in to. the tune of which That statement swung the balance of public opinion. Certainly, it was reasoned, $41,000, New Reason is within a couple of thousand if person charged so to be inclined charges of a frame-up fall of their own weight the of the house record, the personal For Duck-Out refuses absolutely to consider any personal financial gain through the happening. And, appearance week of A1 Jolson be- with the case standing thus, Alexander Pantages was tried and convicted. ing excepted. This picture will be held over for three On Egan Show everything else in law, is given a technical weeks. Now, we suppose, “new evidence,” like Warners Drop only in the realms of justice and not in and precedental interpretation. But reckoning “Show of Shows” took a big the deciding fact Some funny reasons are given those of law, it seems vastly unfair that, with this big fact—perhaps drop at the Warner Brothers' Downtown Theatre, for various crimes of commission —changed, Pantages should not have a new trial. Without doubting Miss Pringle’s doing $21,200 but in its third week, after a good or omission in show business statement that she has been persuaded to the action to sue for an amount for which the hottest alibi for ducking out second week of $31,700. would risk their lives many times over, and an amount. which has been an Second on a production was presented to many men week of Marilyn Mil- still fact ler Tom Kress, manager of the Egan alchemy in which to dissolve human nature for generatipns, the remains that in “Sally” at the Warner Bro- thers’ Hollywood house I heatre, by William Thornton this girl who “didn’t want a cent” for. herself is now asking $1,000,000, and also that was also who had engaged the theatre to down at $23,700, following an . a friend of hers is suing Pantages for another $500,000. production of the Irish opening week of $31,100. make a , certain in the beginning against Pantages, and those things comedy “Playboy of the Western Now there were things Following up a good $11,239 World.” remain .though not of legal admissibility as weighing factors. For generations there week of Gloria Swanson’s U. A. picture, “Th,e Treispalsser,” the The cast had been tentatively has been a feeling among lay people which easily fires into wrath against show peo- Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood engaged and rehearsals were ple. again, Pantages a multi-millionaire, albeit not of Los Angeles select group And, As topped it on the scheduled when Thornton got following stanza of millionaires and multi-millionaires. But even with these facts against him, Inside by having George Bancroft’s Par- cold feet and in order to bolster obtainable in the County of Los Angeles or in the State amount picture, “The Mighty” to his courage submitted the man- Facts doubts if there is a jury a boxoffice tune of $12,800. This uscript of the play, which is now of California which would find him guilty if the defense, upon a reopened case, were is the two best consecutive weeks having a vogue in New York, to allowed to ask this house has had for some Catholic priests to ascer- some time. “Miss Pringle, you said at one time that you did not want a cent for yourself, did “Rio Rita” Radio Pictures, did tain if there w;as anything ob- a good tenth at the jectionable therein to the adher- you not?” week Carthay Circle, taking $9453, a pickup of ents of that faith. The priest, “Yes.” about a thousand over the pre- after a careful perusal assured “You said so many times, did you not?” vious week. Thornton that he saw no rea- Announcement of “Yes.” closing date caused son why the play should not be the spurt. are you not?' “Devil May Care” opened presented. “And now you are suing him for $1,000,000, Wed nesday. sought the ad- “Yes.” Thornton then Other Figures vice one Frane Williams, said fact incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial, we do not know. of Legally this may be “Hot For Paris” Fox, finished producer of semi-pro and to be a But in the realms of justice it is certainly most pertinent, and in our opinion, and also its run to the moderate boxoffice amateur plays in the small towns. in the opinions of all to whom we have talked, certainly it not only justifies but actu- of $5910 at the Criterion, being Frane advised him not to do the followed it to take its rightful place in by the Garbo taikie. because and here it. comes: ally calls upon the district attorney’s office to permit piece — Lenore Ulric in the Fox picture — would object to verdict might be the same, of this we again “Irish people the panorama of the Pantages case. The “South Sea Rose” dropped some- play performed seeing an Irish do not know, but we do know that there was a mighty weight added by that “I do what under the William Haines by American actors.” not want a cent for myself,” and a conviction secured when this weight was pressing M-G-M picture of the previous When Thornton reneged on his period. Gross for “South Sea down will always leave a mighty question in the minds of Californians as to whether agreement with Kress, Tom ob- Rose’’ was $30,871. It was sup- when the weighty fact was so soon to be served: “I never thought of that or not a most grave injustice was done ported by the Fanchon and Marco one before. Perhaps that’s the diametrically reversed with a declaration, “I want $1,000,000 for myself.” “Peasant Idea.” so reason the Engilsh objected Norma Talmadge’s first talkie, strenuously to American actors “New York Nights” did only the playing Shakespeare.’’ REYNOLDS BACK NEW HAINES TITLE TO GO IN “IDEA” fair opening week’s figure of $23,- 200 at the United Artists The- Haines' pic- IN TIFFANY PICTURE William M-G-M atre, compared to pictures which Born and are Harrington Reynolds is back in ture shot under the title of “Fresh Lawrence to go have recently played there. It Pauline Garon ha,s been signed gives Plollywood from a trip which in- From College” will be released as into Fanchon and Marco’s "Idea way Saturday to “The role in “Sunny Skies” at for a In Green.” Locked Door,” which is booked India in its itinerary. “The Girl Said No.” Tiffany. cluded in for one week only. “Hit the Deck,” Radio Pictures offering, held up to the neat in- take of $12,500 in its fifth week. The other RRO house, the Dress Your Theatre or Your Act With RKO Theatre, went down to the very poor figure of $15,500 with RKO’s “Dance Hall,” of which Arthur Lake and Olive Borden The Finest and Most Artistic bead the cast, and with a vaude bill.

New and MAY DO “GLITTERS” “All That Glitters” is under Curtain* Drop Unique consideration by Belasco and Cur- ran for presentation Picture Screen* Scenic Effects in their re- spective houses here and in San Presentations For Stages Francisco. It is not yet set but decision, yes or no, is expected to Cydoramas and be made this week. Vaudeville Unusual Acte Fabric* EDDIE KAYE DESIGNED - RENTED - PRODUCED NOW Master of Ceremonies By the Largest and Best Staff of Scenic Artists AT In America’s Most Beautiful Studio COFFEE DAN’S LOS ANGELES SCENIC STUDIOS, Inc. Los Angeles Who Is This Guy Frank Shaw?/ 1215 Bates Ave.. at Fountain. Near Sunset Hollywood, California Phono OL. 2914 ! :

PAGE SIX INSIDE FACTS STAGE OF AND SCREEN SATURDAY, FEB. 1, 1930 ACTS Legitimate TEL-A-PHONEY S(SIP(§QVQ, THE NEW MOON’ MAJESTIC THEATRE Irj) JAMES MADISON Published Every Saturday LOS ANGELES (Reviewed Jan, 22) One Year $4.00 Foreign $5.00 Hello, Charles Lindbergh. Hello, Pat Dowling. Lillian Albertson and Louis O. Advertising Rates on Hello, James Madison. Application Macloon have stepped right out Hello, James Madison. As a after another record. With this What’s new? bi-monthly publication : Entered as Second Class Matter, No- My brains are very mellow. vember 17, 1924, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under musical romance of the Spanish We are deserting the the Act of March 1879. eagle No wonder, they’ve been 3, Mane by Oscar Hammerstein II, for the stork. 'aged in As a weekly publication: Entered as Second wood. Class Matter, April Frank Mandel and Laurence 29, 1927, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act Schwab, with music of March 3, 1879. by Sigmund Romberg, they have topped their Hello, A1 Smith. Hello, Nat Carr. “Desert Song” which, as everyone Published Hello, James Madison. Hello, James Madison. by knows was the only money-mak- Inside Facts Publishing Company, Inc. ing musical to have played the What do you think of an Why is almond brittle like 800-801 Warner Bros. Downtown Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. coast in years without number. individual who believes this the Napa Asylum? Telephone TUcker country 7832 Seemingly, anything “New should be bone dry? Both are chock full of nuts. Moon” hasn’t got, it doesn’t need, Pie has mental dandruff. JACK JOSEPHS - - - President and Editor and if the customers don’f fall ARTHUR WM. GREEN Vice Pres, and Counsel over themselves to buy it they de- WILLIAM C. OWENS - - Secretary and General Manager serve the punishment of missing Hello, George Yeoman. Hello, this most tuneful, colorful and ex- Sid Marion. Vol. Plello, XI Saturday, February 1, 1930 No. 5 cellently cast James Madison. light opera. Hello, James Madison. The story is based on an inci- Why are old maids refrain- dent that happened during the How is it that France won ing from using cold cream? The actor is a patient individual, so patient indeed that it French Revolution in one of the the navy parley? ceases to be a virtue. French colonies. The plot is in- They do not care for finitely better than is either found They know how to parley chapless Let the city lawmakers or the city law-enforcers do dirt winter. or expected in most musical shows. vous. to a retail merchant and up rise the retail merchants to de It hangs together, is slightly melo- mand justice, forming organizations for the purpose. dramatic and entirely probable Hello, Congressman Oscar Let the realtors withal, having plenty of laughs, be touched, or the store owners ,or the Hello, Lon Chaney. de Priest. scenic effects of unusual grandeur Main Street peddlers, or what have you, and up to the city and proper costuming. Principally Hello, James Madison. hall parade Hello, James Madison. delegations and representatives telling their vot- the latter, for nudity and sugges- ing strength; and things go better for them. tion are conspicuously absent. Has increased salary induced President Hoover declares And while on the you to finally desert silent that all But, perhaps from his itinerant life of past times, the subject, the laws should be obeyed. chorus is deserving of more than pictures? actor has always been aloof from politics, casting his vote, Then passing mention. It is one of the why not also observe when he Money talks. the did vote, individually and taking' what the law- best both vocally and terpsi- fourteenth and fifteenth . amendments? makers and the law-enforcers handed him without so much chorically seen here in — well, as a feeble protest. since the “Desert Song” anyway. The male chorus in the “Strong- Hello, Will Rogers. And what has the result been? Why, just what was to hearted Men” number are inspir- Hello, Mary Boland. Hello, be expected, to-wit, that of all classes "of people the actor ing, and throughout their voices James Madison. . gets least consideration of his legal rights. dominate the robust character of Plello, James Madison. What’s the latest news about the situations in a Suppose that a publishing house publishes a book which fine manner. the arms conference? The girls too are extraordinarily What is your description of is barred from circulation for alleged indecency. Do the po- Watts? well trained and they actually Ireland, Switzerland and lice go down and arrest the linotype operators, the make- dance. The dancing of both boys Jerusalem have agreed to sink A town where they still up men and the pressmen? and girls is of the sort that was their navies. They do not. Not by a jugful! wave at passing trains. fast becoming a lost art among Suppose an artist paints a pictures which the purists ob choruses. The intricate after-beat ject to, do the giggle-getting police run around town and find all of the steps and machine-like movements talent. Her eccen- IS NORMA’S DADDY models who have posed for it and cart them off to jail? They together with the smooth manner tricities won her a full mead of do not. in which the numbers were done deserving congratulations. She George Irving has been cast as was a treat. Suppose a minister The credit goes to dances very well and chooses to read from the Bible the George Cunningham. sings not ’s father in M-G- story of Lot and his badly, M’s picturization of “Divorcee,” daughters, or of Jacob and his wife’s The honors of the show go to which Robert Z. Leonard is handmaiden, or of Sampson and Delilah, Charles Boyle in the role of David Reese also deserves much di- do the police cart a recting. comedy bond praise the choir and the altar-boys off to prison? They do not. servant. This nice for his singing as well as looking young lad, without seem- Or if some multi-millionaire for his acting. He was a decided chooses to steal a few mil ing to try, kept his audience con- asset lion dollars’ worth of oil to the cast. Others who had wells from the government, do the vulsed with a style of work all parts were Howard police arrest all the station men who dispense the oil? Of his own. He doesn’t mug broad- Nugent, Edd ly, LETTERS course not. his slapstick is delicately per- Russell, John Wagner, Dee Lo- formed, retta, his lines come over strict- Violette Derbeck, Jerry Jar- There are letters at the Los Carry on the examples as you will, you will find that the ly in character. In our opinion, tette, Wally Phelps and William Angeles office of INSIDE actors j are the only hired employes in the world who are ar- he’s the comedy find of the year. Wagner. FACTS for the following rested for the alleged legal The acting of John Merkyl was f the infractions of the employer. ° musical number that BIDMEAD Bros. also something to brag about. He scored heavily What an absurd thing it is that actors are forced to he the outstanding hits BUCK, gave a very striking performance were “Marianne,” Guy the judges of plays which later on may result in jury “The Girl on deci- in the heavy role which he played the Prow, Gorgeous COLLINS, Harry sions of a Alexander,” hair’s breadth. Consider “Bad Babies.” Arrested with a swagger typical of the pe- Int U ed Love Sons’’ “Stout- EDWARDS, Chas. H. in riod. Garry h f3 K „ San Francisco, the play is acquitted by a jury in seven Breckner, too, found hearted Men,” “One Kiss,” a more “Lover GILLETTE, Bobby minutes. Another jury might pleasing part than that in Come Back To Me,” have found it guilty in ' “Ladies of seven which he was recently MacDONALD, E. Jeanne minutes. Or another seen. If the Jury" and “Wanting You” might have found it guilty in seven for nothing else, his “Interrupted The direction of Miss Albertson MAHRA The Great hours, or have acquitted it in seven Love Song” specialty hours—and the actor is would give was exceptionally well done The MASON, Marvel supposed to be some kind him high rating in any man’s music under of a prophet whereby the burden the baton of Cecil PARSONS, Ruth how. Stewart was is upon him to fortell just what will happen long before the one of the features of TAYLOR, Perry Askam was still Perry show. Slade (Mike) show is even produced Askam. This lad has a splendid TIFFANY, Jacobs. Owen Consider the thing a moment. It is hardly safe for an voice and a fine figure with an ingratiating actor to sign a contract to appear in any of Shakespeare’s personality that is favored by the .women. He looks plays. If the producer decides to present them exactly as imposing and sings very well, but written ,why then off goes the actor to jail. And “Anna when the role calls for a bit of Christie, why an actor puts his liberty on the toss of a acting Perry is nowhere around. card In one, however, singing HERBERTS when he signs for that. Or “Strange Interlude,” or “Lover, Come Back To Me” as a solo, he The Front Page,” or “The Captive,” or any one of a hun- Good Food With Courtesy reached his highest point of excel- dred others. So there stands the actor, if he lence, doesn’t sign he but that was enough to OPEN ALL NIGHT may lose a part in a play which will be a sensation and satisfy anyone for one night. unmolested if Josephine Houston, the new 745-749 South Hill he does sign he may go to jail. And he, a Street Los Angeles p prima donna, was charming. She hired hand, is forced to be the judge of this. Brothers, there is the most pleasing sight the most is no other class of people in the world who would stand for critical bald head could ask. She such an has outrageous infliction of the the laws except the grace and verve. Her voice, Bachelor Thespians. while thin, was particularly true Hotel & Grill and sufficiently well-timbred to be 151-159 Recently Inside Facts, carried an exclusive story of Powell Street an thoroughly satisfying. Myrtis Crin- San Francisco actors political organization which was being formed, with ley as the maid, had the soubrette role. Charles Miller, Coast Equity representative, as one of the This young lady is full of prime movers. Such an organization is a most worthy move and one which every actor should support. For let it be known far and wide that when the actors’ voting power is SHOW congealed into a solid weight, as is the case with other B.B.B. Says: groups of men and women, then the actor will no longer be The CAMPUS TRIO the poo-bah of the law but will have equal rights with other were down — real good PRINT men, including that of not music. PETER B. KYNE ME.ALLES being hauled off to jail on the 4872—224 E. 4th St., Los Angeles— whim of each and every reformer spent an enjoyable eve- ME. 4873 who has a little political ning. drag or a case of indigestion. • • •• WHEN IN TIJUANA SIGN OPERA SINGER REPORT FIG. LEASE Visit the Rendezvous of the Profession P. S. — The CELLAR is at Cosmo Street and Hollywood Grace Moore, soprano with the It is reported that Marjorie Boulevard . . . between Vine Metropolitan Opera Company, and Cahuenga . . . the phone ALEX has BAR Rambeau and Hampton and Del Ruth numbers are GRanite 8 3 8 2 been signed by M-G-M. Getting and HOllywood have taken a lease on the Fig- 9 159 . . . her signature followed signing on parking is free at the lot ueroa Playhouse where they are across from the CELLAR . . . RESTAURANT a long-term contract of Lawrence the CHRYSLER and SAM- to present a series of plays fea- Opposite the Foreign Club Tibbett, lead SON’S are there. of “The Rogue’s turing Miss Rambeau. Miss Ram- Song,” now FRENCH AND ITALIAN CUISINE PAR EXCELLENCE showing at the Chi- beau recently concluded a very FINEST nese, and public reaction Thank IMPORTED LIQUORS AND WINES show- successful engagement at the Vine You. ing a warm reception to operatic Street Theatre in Hollywood Proprietors Alex Cardini and Johnnie Montepagno screen signing. where she appeared in three plays. .



THEME GROSSES SSUES STATEMENT No Written BETTER WEATHER VANCOUVER Contract For By A. K. MacMARTIN 1 JENSEN IT Eddie Peabody 7 GET B!Z Practically all down town houses in this city are now wired. The SEATTLE, January 30.—One ACT IN PAST WKS, last two to go talkie being the , G. Globe, on Granville street, oper- of the most unusual arrangements between a producer and headline SEATTLE, Jan. 30. — The past ated by Bill Brown, and the SEATTE, January 30.—Earl R. SEATTLE, Jan. 30, — Even six or eight weeks in this town Royal on Hastings, which is con- Crabb, northwest manager for artist, which bespeaks for the though the bad w%ather let up, a rapidly changing trolled by W. P. Nichols. The have witnessed Fox West Coast Theaters, Inc., confidence of the latter in the with the thermometer climbing a barometer of theatre grosses. last named operator has also issued a special statement to In- former, came to light this week few degrees, business with the ex- Many stellar attractions have been taken over a small house on Gran- opening at the Fifth Avenue, where offered the public, of which sev- ville street south, called the Fair- side Facts regarding the suit filed with Peabody’s ception of the Fifth Avenue Theatre here. opened to a smashing eral took a husky wallop from the view. He is having it enlarged, a last week by the Jensen Invest- Peabody first remained at a low ebb. frozen fist of old king winter. marquee erected in the front and ment Co. and Mary £. von Her- It is understood that there is no week, installed. berg, holders of preferred stock in written agreement between Mrs. A brand new stunt, credited to Throughout the period, of all Western Electric wiring Northwest Theaters, dimin- Charles Kurtzman, of the Publix the houses, possibly John Ham- These are second and third run the Pacific Eddie Peabody, wdio is the policy. Inc., when the former filed suit banjo-artist’s sole represen- theatres on the coast, tied the rick’s two 800-seaters, the Music Box houses with a grind utive * * * against the latter and the Fox Marco, the producer, papers up with a daily editorial and Blfle Mouse, have best weath- tative, and Theaters Inc., asking strictly verbal. and free ads on a “Come Down- ered the storm. Opening War- The Maurice Colbourne Com- West Coast all details being either be paid certain town Week.” ner Bros’, all-color classic, “Show pany closed at the Vancouver that they return alleged due as past divi- All local sheets went heavy of Shows,” on Xmas day, the Mu- Theatre, after playing a moneys RENAME BAND the 25.- dends or that a receiver be ap- for the stunt, which also assisted sic Box continued to stand ’em on engagement, Saturday, January pointed. 30. Arthur the hybernated lo- the sidewalk for three consecutive They put over three bills in their SEATTLE, Jan. — in bringing out theatre . Seattle Orchestra cals to the business and weeks. It must be granted, though, last week, in an extra effort to “I have just Received a wire Clausen’s Grand that the intake would have taken a attract patronage but without re- from Jeff Lazarus regarding a was recently refhristened by Man- district. sult. opening Monday ager Bob Blair of this Publix Peabody at the Fifth Avenue 25 per cent tilt, had not a blanket On the telephone conversation held be- cream of the long- of snow which later froze solidly night, two women’s clubs filled tween M'r. H. B. Franklin and stand, the Seattle Serenaders. The took the their of the band is up hoarded dough to the tune of over all streets and sidewalks the house as guests but even Mr. von Herberg. personnel made one a for his first week here. throughout the city, fallen. Fol- boosting failed to bring any busi- “Application for dismissal of of capable men, each mas- $19,000 Star Ranger” was the lowing this at the Music Box, ness. The three bills were “Arms the suit by Mr. von Herberg will ter of his instrument. Arthur “The Lone leader, is heard at fre- screen feature. Credit Marco’s came John Barrymore’s first all- and the Man,” “John Bull’s Other immediately be made following an Clausen, as intervals, in pleasing violin “Black and Gold Idea” with some talker, “General Crack,” currently Island” and “Man and Superman.” explanation by Mr. Franklin re- quent as concert of the gross. Peabody brought in and holding up well, consider- This company of English players garding dividend policies in the solos. John Barbour, and puts ing the elements. At the Blue is a strong aggregation of clever past and for the future.” master, heads the string section. ’em in. Nice business Mouse across the way, the popular troupers. Their productions are Internal Differences The remainder of the personnel the house well out of the red. impresario has showed, successive- well staged and should draw big Crabb also stated that the suit includes Grant Kuhn, William The Publix Seattle did $14,000 Kirchner, Barney with “Sally.” Good business. ly, “Tiger Rose,” “Wall Street,” patronage but for some reason the was one of purely internal differ- Haine, George the “Footlights and Fools,” “The Lost fans failed to deposit at the b. o. ences and has absolutely no con- Goodman, Herbert Taylor, Otto Tough to get ’em to go up here. his sym- Zeppelin” and “The Aviator,” * * * nection with the actual manage- Lorbeer, Floyd Smullin, Ed Carey, hill Clausen and orchestra, also Ron and mediocre attractions, but the popu- Instructions have been issued by ment of either the Pacific North- Jr., Bid Haw, Thomas Cubbfn and phony (Continued on Page 10) larity of the house kept them the Famous Players Canadian Cor- ( Continued on Page 10) Lou Jepson. coming. poration to their architects to pro- Liberty Opens ceed with the plans for the new The greatest furore during this half million dollar theatre they will period was caused by the reopen- erect at Broadway and Granville. ing of the old Liberty Theatre on Another new house they will build First avenue. The Liberty was will be at Rossland, B. C. This included in the deal when Jensen will be a much smaller one costing & Von Herberg sold to North only $40,000. Both theatres will be American which was, in turn, later equipped with the latest type talkie absorbed by West Coast. Through apparatus. (Continued on Page 9) (Continued on Page 9)

My Dear Marco:-

In Justifying Your Showmanlike Faith In My Engagement My Thanks .... and Reply Is ...


In All Sincerity EDDIE PEABODY

Indefinite Engagement FREELANCING Fifth Avenue Theatre, Seattle



THREE MOSQUITOS BIG TOM OLSEN, LOCAL BOY, IN AFTERNOON DRAW L Orchestra WITH FOX MET HOUSES SEATTLE, 30.— January Those Reviews SEATTLE, Jan. 30,—Word has with the idea that the radio audi- just reached Seattle of Tom Ol- E IS ence is small in the afternoon sen’s affiliation with the Fox Metropolitan houses in upper New Pill AUTO SHOW would have that belief shattered TEX HOWARD’S BAND York State. Tommy is a local SEATTLE, Jan. Establish- if they' were to the TRIANON BALLROOM 30.— work “Musi- lad who got his first introduction SEATTLE, Jan. 30.—Not to be ing an enviable record, Bebs Mal- cal Side with the “Three SEATTLE to Show” the theatrical biz here some six outdone by San Francisco, whose (Reviewed Jan. 25) years loy and his girl revue, currently Mosquitos” at KOL in Seattle ago under the sponsorship committee on this year’s auto Tex Howard and his of A1 Finklestein, at that film in at State Theatre, are enjoying each afternoon. eleven time show has scheduled Maurice Chev- “Tigers” opened their buyer for Jensen and von Her- alier for a series wide popularity with local tans. From the first day of the Musi- engagement of personal ap- berg and now an executive of the cal Side Show requests began to at the Trianon Ballroom here to a pearances during the body and The unit, comprising Malloy as Fox-Pacific Corporation. Finkle- pour in from listeners. Within spark plug exhib in the bay city, nice reception. The big dance spot stein sent the Para- hoofer and comic; Les Randall, four weeks after the beginning of Tommy up to the local automobile association was packed to the guards this mount Theatre manager’s school straights and songs, and six gals, the program there were so many has sent H. E. Stimpson, its presi- night, with long lines patiently in New York, from which he is now in .its thirty-fourth week requests that the “Mosquitos” dent, to Hollywood to personally awaiting at the b. o. to buy their graduated along with such now at the stand. Malloy is a new- couldn’t begin to handle them. proffer Paul Whiteman, king of tickets. Tex takes his men through well-known figures as Harry comer to local show biz, having This offering is very informal and jazz, an offer of $1 0,000 to bring their routines in smooth, showman- Wareham and Perutz. After only broken in less than a year takes the dialer right into the Steve his band here for the annual auto like fashion. A drummer by trade, his graduation, Olsen was sent ago. He showed, from the start, circle. All three lads are comed- and transportation pageant. The Tex has long forsaken the sticks out to Salt Lake City from much promise with his feet, and, ians and vary their entertainment Seattle Automobile Association will- and tom-toms for the baton, and whence he went to Denver. His by using his head and the glean- to the extent that there is never hold its show in the civic audi- he wields the latter like he knows next to Orleans, ings from experienced troupers, too much of anything. move was New torium here the week of February what’s it all about. And he does. where he handled publicity the Malloy has continued to click It has been rumored from quite on 23, and the desire of the sponsors Paul McRea, Randy Ball and Saenger chain of suburban from the start. authentic circles that scouts for spots. is to have Paul and his boys play Jimmy Murphy make up the sax In November of Olsen left Prior to taking over the shows NBC have cast an eye over the 1929, daily at every session. section. This trio wields thirteen the Publix organization enter at the State, Malloy produced a trio and pronounced their work to different horns between them, and the outfit. a small show for Universal TheaTres quite acceptable to be broadcast Fox After few months their playing, whether a hot fox in and around SYL HARPERIN BAND at their Winter Garden here, for a larger circle of listeners. New York City, he trot or a soothing waltz, is clear, received the promotion WINNING which was his first pro try. He Pinkerton Day, baritone; Ken which BIG FAVOR melodious and powerful. netted clicked with the fans untown, and Stuart, tenor; and Ivan Ditmars, Crom. him his present spot, with Owens and Sid Johnston handle headquarters at the Avon The- SEATTLE, Jan. 30. had no trouble when Uncle Carl pianist, make up the trio. —Under thf the trumpets, and leadership unloaded to land at the State. emit some hot atre, Utica, New York. of Syl Halperin, whc notes from their instruments. Gor- recently left Vic Meyers’ Malloy stages a routine of line PROJECTIONISTS organ' INSTALL don Green toots the trombone ization to numbers, that have the girls look- with JOINS CAMPBELL assume the helm of Me NEW OFFICERS OF NO. 11 clarity, resonance power. Elroy’s ing sweet, mixed in with some and SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.— Columbia Recording Or- Green’s unmuted chestra, this new and snappy black-outs that work on the bal- Reginald Tompkins, former Los unit at C. J. “Pops’ 30. ban- lads is especially pretty. McElroy’s get the laughs. The gals include SEATTLE, Jan. —At a Irv An- Angeles trade paper man, has local emporium o: quet held in the quarters of the tes tickles the ivories. terpsichore Evelyn Ruth, Evelyn Kelly, Alice Mace joined the local offices of Lloyd has molded itself intc Ben F. Shearer Co., the officers Charmberlain is on the one of the Lee, Anita Mitchell, Jerry Dean, banjo, and Campbell Publications as assist- most formidable danc< of the Vancouver, B. C., Chapter his strumming aids materially bands in these Goldie Hall and Revay Howard. in ant to Campbell. In addition to parts. The elever No. 11 of the gaining the lads play American Projec- rhythm for which Tex Tompkins here, Campbell has plenty hot rhythm, anc tionists’ Society installed the offi- Howard’s boys have become their local following includes MYRTLE STRONG NOW placed Billy Moss in Chicago. th< cers of the newly organized Se- known. Harry McAllister is fast majority of the bunion-busting ad IN 7TH MONTH AT ORPH attle branch which will be known and accurate on the diets. drums. Harry MOROSCO OUT The orchestral offerings art as Chapter No. 17. Reid plays bass, and his work on enhanced by the song interpola- SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.— SEATTLE, Jan. 30.—A grad- Officers of this new organiza- this difficult horn is ever outstand- tions of Ted Mullen, who has beer Oliver Morosco has left the San uate of the Chicago Conservatory tion are Richard Crist, president; ing and of material worth to the with the band for several years Francisco-New York Productions. of Music and a pupil of Milton George Kalushe, secretary; E. A. band. and who continues to click wit! Robert Warwick remains head of Charles, Myrtle Strong, featured Clark, treasurer, and P. A. Snider, Jimmy Murphy, Gordon Green both the ferns and their escorts. the theatrical organization. organist at R-K-O’s Orpheum sergeant-at-arms, with additional and Mace Chamberlain trio up for Theatre here, is now in her sev- charter members in Chas. Crick- song interpolations. Two tenors BUSINESS GOOD enth month at the giant console more, Harry Lampman, Frank and a baritone, their voices blend Know?” and “Pagan Love Song.” of this popular vaude house. Myers, Elmer Blicken, Harold well, their diction is flawless and Charley Gould, a stand-by per- SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.— Myrtle brings into play all her Simpson, Fred Jacky and Fred their crooning is a treat for sore former, warbled a chorus on “How Returning from a two weeks 1 technical training, together with a Jienecke. ears. Among the numbers which Am I To Know?” and Elsie Jew- trip to Denver, Earl Craven, head creative genius all her own that Meetings will be held bi-month- the boys rendered tonight, and ell, house soprano, crooned the Pa- of the American Music Co., re- never fails to sell her concert ly, with attention paid to the new which went into the encore class, gan number. Elsie has a nice ports gooid business condition? numbers to the assembled throngs. technical details which arise from were “Song of the Nile,” “Singing voice that carries well through the there for his firm. Miss Strong varies her stuff from time to time in the matter of In the Bathtub,” “Chant of the big hall, and her several numbers classics to late popular numbers, sound and color projection. jungle,” “Wonderful Something,” during the evening brought plenty VIOLA LEACH DIES oftimes using the themies of a Lockslev Clark, Marvin H. “Nobody’s Using It Now” and of applause. coming picture attraction. This Thoreau, John R. Foster, Will “Should I?” An outstanding or- Tex’s band is a natural for any SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.- miss has plenty of personality, Tenney, J. Hank Leslie and W. chestra offering was Robbins’ late- ballroom on this coast. The boys According to Eastern advices, Vi looks mighty sweet on the organ E. McCartney were the officers ly compiled medley which includes have plenty of personality, wear ola Leach, former player at thi stool, and to sell knows how her of the Vancouver chapter who- “Just You, Just Me,” “Singing In their clothes well and know how Alcazar here, died in New Yorl stuff. came down for the installation. the Rain,” “H o w Am I To to sell their music. last week. THE MUSICAL SHOWMAN OWEN SWEETEN GREETINGS SWEET TONIC FOR ANY BOX OFFICE TO THE NOW—GUEST CONDUCTOR OF N. W. OFFICE VIC MEYERS ORCHESTRA AT THE




(Continued from Page 7) DO UP ID DOWN The Capitol led the parade this Route List of “Ideas” TO OPEN FEB. 18 week with the biggest b. o. tak- ings of any house in town. Ron- in “Bulldog ald Colman Drum- Following is the Fanchon and Marcos MILWAUKEE (31) IN PAST IS. mond” and Alfredo Meunier and Ideas route schedule, with the opening Wisconsin Theatre ‘ m ’ his Capitolians being the draw. dates, all of the current month, in pa- ‘Far East’ Idea next with renthesis besides the name of the town Frank Stever 2 Jacks & 2 Queens (Continued from Page 7) The new Orpheum was Helen Fachaud Ruth Kadamatsu SEATTLE, January 30.—The a five-act bill of vaudeville head- PASADENA Sanami some litigation that no one could (30) M. & Co. Joan Hardcdstle Columbia Grand Opera Company lined by Healy & Cross, and Colorado Theatre understand, and V. got the DETROIT, MICH. (31) J. Paramount’s “Half Way to “Zeppelin” Idea will open at the Metropolitan on house back. They put a pile of Fox Detroit Heaven.” The Strand had Billie LOS ANGELES (30) “Accordion” Idea February 18 for seven erforrn- dough into it for new seats, car- in “Painted Angel,” and Loew’s State Burt & Lehman Theo. & Katya Dove the ‘ ances, following a long engage- pets, drapes, complete projection ‘Eyes’ ’ Idea Nat Spector Mary Price their last F. and M. revue, “Jazz equipment, a Western Electric Wells and Winthrop Six Candrevas Arnold Hartman ment in Los Angeles and at pres- Temple.” The Dominion had Fox’s Bob and Ula Buroff sound installation, etc., and opened “Lucky Star” with Janet Gaynor SAN DIEGO NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. (1-4) ent playing in San Francisco. the house following the greatest (30) Strand Theatre split Fox Theatre ‘ The chorus, under the direction and Chas. Farrell. The Pan ‘Kisses’ ’ Idea barrage of publicity that has ever “Trees” Idea the week with “4 Devils” and Mabel and Marcia Joe & Jane McKenna of Alberto Conti, who recently preceded a theatre opening in this Shapiro ond O’Malley Nayons Birds Mitzi Mayfair Will Cowan “Behind That Curtain.” At the from the Royal Theatre, end of the country. Full page Keo, Toki and Yoki Wallen and Barnes E. Flat Four came Vancouver Maurice Colbourne and LONG BEACH (31) ads, in two colors, were run daily Dave Hacker Helen Aubrey Lisbon, is said to be assembled his English company played three West Coast Theatre for two weeks prior to the open- “Peasant” Idea UTICA, N. Y. (3) from the southern opera associa- different bills to poor business. ing day, January 4. The house Diehl Sisters General Ed Lavine Gayety Theatre ‘ tion said June Worth ‘Kisses’ ’ and to be one of the clicked from the opening gun, Bert Prival Idea Belcher Dancers Joe & Jane McKenna finest found in a grand opera with & V. capitalizing on their EXCHANGE CHANGES J. HOLLYWOOD (30) Will Cowan Mabel & Marcia personalities and throwing up the Egyptian Theatre E Flat Four Mitzi Mayfair chorus. 30. Recent Helen Aubrey Dave Hacker slogan, “The Liberty Has Always SEATTLE, Jan. — “Manila Bound” Idea The company is under the di- Wallen Barnes Had a Good Show.” changes at United Artists Ex- Romero Family Stella Royal & Harry and Frank Seamon rection of Alexander Bevani, whose change here include th^ following: BUFFALO, N. Y. The opening of this house was (31) D. McNerney goes to the San FRESNO (31-2) Lafayette Theatre principals include Myrna Sliarlow, the signal for a lively price war. J. Wilson Theatre “Types” Idea ‘ Francisco office, Fred Gage comes ’ Tina Paggi, Louisa Caselotti, El- Showing, currently, first run Pathe ‘Ivory’ Idea Carlena Diamond to Seattle from Salt Lake, Fred Betty Lou Webb Hy Meyer Trado Twins Harold Stanton sie Lee Wilson, Edith Mackey, and RKO quickies, the Liberty Four High Lind is still covering Washington Hatters Goetz and Duffy opened heavily ballyhooing its Christel LeVine and Ted Reicard WORCESTER, MASS. (31) Alicia Mums, Giuseppe Barsotti, territory and Fred Talbot is still Palace till Theatre Mario Fior,ella, Nino Piccaluga, “popular prices”—15c one; 25c SAN JOSE (3-6) ‘ ‘Drapes’ ’ Idea supper. handling Oregon. California Theatre Gennaro Barra, Galileo Parigi, till six, and 35c after Frank Melino & Co. Jerome Mann Local second runs charging two- “Ivory” Idea Dorothy Kelly Enrico Spada, Claudio Frigerio, Betty Lou BUSHON IN N. W. Webb Hy Meyer Carlo Scattola. bits in the afternoon, were forced FourHigh Haters Goetz and SPRINGFIELD, MASS. SEATTLE, January 30.—David Duffy (31) to come down a peg, and even John Christel LeVine and Ted Reicard Palace Theatre Bushon, Western sales manager of Hamrick’s Blue Mouse, which has SAN FRANCISCO (31) “Columns” Idea BETTY SHILTON THREE Artists Corporation, Rome & Gaut Billy Rolls retained a straight half buck pol- the United Fox Theatre has been in Seattle for the past “Overtures” Idea Niles Marsh Maxine Evelyn YEARS SEATTLE FAV icy since it installed Seattle’s first Dorothy Henley week. He left last Thursday for Toots Novelle Harry Rapee Vitaphone three and a half years Edison and Gregory Huff and Huff HARTFORD, CONN. 30.- Los Angeles where he expects to (31) SEATTLE, Jan. —Close to ago, is now plastering its ads, bill- Helen Hille Capitol Theatre three years ‘ now have Seattle thea- stay for about ten days. ’ boards and lobby with a 25c till OAKLAND (31) ‘Gobs of Joy’ Idea Pat West Scotty Weston tregoers been hearing Betty Shil- six snipe. Fox-West Coast, in an Fox Oakland ‘ Bailey and Barnum ‘Desert’ ’ Coley ton, popular young organist at the Liberty, Idea effort to combat ments. Ronald Colman in “Con- Ed and Morton Beck Muriel Stryker Cook Sisters Loma Ruth Fox’s big Fifth Avenue Theatre changed its policy for the Coliseum demned,” did fairly, while Maurice Cropley and Violet Manuel Lopez Billy & Elsie Lewis Dolly Kramer Moore and Moore Johnny Ashford here. Due to the fact that the meeting the V. prices and Carla Torney Girls by J. & Chevalier in “The Love Parade” Jones and Howett Wanda Allen Fifth Avenue houses the Fanchon setting in only first-run all-talkies. and Marilyn Miller in “Sally” un- SACRAMENTO (31) Henry Aguirre Senator Theatre and Marco stage units, Betty does It appears that the local show- profit. two doubtedly turned in a The “International” Idea NEW HAVEN, CONN. (31) not have the opportunity to play men are out to give the opposish would un- Palace Theatre last two productions Frederico Flores Osaka Boys concerts, but she is heard daily, the Billy Carr Markel and Faun “Hollywood Studio Girls” Idea a strenuous race. They have questionably have brought another ' Mignon Laird Three Gobs Miles & Perlee morning and evening, over radio public behind them, it seems, as five grand apiece had there been SALEM, ORE. Chas. Rozelle John Vale station KOMO, the town’s leading the big Liberty sees long lines of break. The fans found (1-3) Lorris Fermine a weather Elsinore Theatre & ether occupier. ‘ standees. ’ outside it tough battling the icy pavements ‘Hot Dominoes’ Idea BRIDGEPORT (31) Requests running into the thou- Bucks Weather up those five hilly blocks. Les Klicks Pall Mall Palace Theatre W. C. “Screenland Melodies” sands annually pour into Betty’s Legit, Did Well Dexter, Webb and Diaz Idea West Coast have withstood the Vaud David Reece Lucille Iverson mail box, coming from every state The legit field, including vaude- PORTLAND (30) Sherry weather calamity fairly well since Broadway Louise Everts & Lowry in the Union, from Maine to Theatre Karavaeff Franklin in ville, wasn’t hit quite as hard as * ’ & Warner the holidays. Joan Crawford ‘Uniforms ’ California, and from Alaska to. Idea. Lamberti Jack & Betty Welling “Untamed,” her first squeakie; the pictures. Duffy at his Presi- Armand & Perez Joy Brothers Florida, not excluding the Ha- Sylvia Shore Helen WATERBURY, “Romance of the Rio Grande,” dent, has done consistently well, & Ruth Hamilton CONN. (31) waiian and Philippine Islands Fox Theatre and billed as a sequel to “In Old Ari- while Maurice Colbourne in a SEATTLE (30) the Orient. Fifth Avenue Theatre “Jazz Cinderella” Idea zona” and possibly one other opus repertoire of Bernard Shaw plays Mae Usher Albert “Carnival Russe” Idea Hugo When the occasion calls, Betty and Gordon McLeod in “The Roy Rogers Billy Randall kept the Fifth Avenue in the Countess Sonia Sam Linfield Co. also serves to enhance the worth & James Gaylord Pauline Alpert black. But the big bolster for this Ringer” at Erlanger’s Metropoli- Alex-SherBekefi of the Adair & Stewart house orchestra’s . concerts house came last week when Marco tan both showed a little in the Russian Sunrise Trio and overtures. shoved Eddie Peabody in for a black. RKO’s Orpheum didn’t GREAT FALLS, MONT. (28-29) BROOKLYN, N. Y. (31) Grand Theatre Fox Theatre limited stay as M. C. Eddie im- slump much, and had a whale of “Black and Gold Idea” “Gardens’ ’ Idea BOOKER right after Year’s SHIFTED mediately proceeded to smash the a week New Four Kemmys Maxine Hamilton Slate Bros. Vina Zolle existing week-end record, "which when Olsen and Johnson appeared. Arnold Grazer Lee Wilmot Moffa and Mae Cliff Nazzaro SEATTLE, Jan. 30.—L. Carl- he himself held, and has brought Rudy Vallee’s first screen at- BUTTE, MONT. (30-2) WASHINGTON, D. C. (31) son, assistant booker at the Pathe plenty of profitable activity to the tempt, “The Vagabond Lover,” Fox Theatre Fox Theatre “Black and Gold” Idea “Watermelon Exchange here, 'has been trans- Fifth in his first two weeks there. held up fair, but took a wallop Blues” Idea Four Kennys Maxine Hamilton Mammy and Her Ted Ledford ferred to the San Francisco office. other Coast stand, the from the ice man. The West Arnold Grazer Lee Wilmot Picks Louise & Mitchell Fox, took a new lease on life with But one real bust was registered Southern Steppers DENVER, COLO. (30) the booking in of “Sunny Side during this period, and that by Tabor Grand , GA. (31) Up,” together with Vic Meyers’ Jack Russell and his musical com- “Jezz Temple” Idea Fox Theatre radio dance band replacing Joe edy troupe which folded up after Wally Jackson Nora Schiller ‘ ‘Sweet Cookies” Idea GREETING Sampietro’s aggregation. Follow- but four weeks at the Pantages. Gus Elmore Sylvia Dorse Eva Mandel Roy M. Loomis from Temple Beauties Jones & Hull Bobbe Tomson ing “Sunny Side” the new Fox The initial price scale m^y be at- had “Hot For Paris” for two tributed as one of the direct causes ST. LOUIS (31) TULSA, OKLA. (31) Fox Theatre mighty profitable stanzas. Owen of the flop. The show was well Orpheum Theatre “Idea In Green” “Speed” Idea OLYMPIC is currently in this enough, but this town is too dime Sweeten at Doris Nierly Franklyn Record Black Cat Four stand as conductor of Vic’s band| conscious, and that 65 cent night Moran & Weston Cal Norris Way Parker & Mack Watts & Arminda > Publix, due to its geographical tariff scared the natives the first Greyhounds Helen Burke FILM STUDIOS location, five blocks up the hill two weeks. And after that, it was from the whirl of traffic, was, too late. The opening week was PLAY TO OPEN BAND RE-SIGNS 2419 2nd Ave., Seattle possibly, hardest hit by the ele- heavy and profitable.

:— SEATTLE, January 30. “The SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.— Makropoulos Secret,” by Karl Ca- SLIDES—TRAILERS NOW—40th WEEK—STATE THEATRE The Laughner-Harris, orchestra, pek, will be seen at the Metro- headed by Carol Laughner and INDUSTRIAL FILMS SEATTLE politan Theatre on Friday and Phil Harris has re-signed at the Saturday, February 7 and 8, when Hotel St. Francis and will re- the Moroni Olsen Players offer main there for another six months. The Largest and Best BEB MALLOY -EVELYN RUTH Since this organization opened their second visit to Seattle for Equipped Plant in there several months ago business SINGING and DANCING FUNSTERS current is the the season. This play has picked up to an appreciable Northwest new to Seattle audiences. degree. We’re Proud of Our Union!

SEATTLE LOCAL No. 154 Motion Picture Operators With

OUR CREED Consideration OUR AIM IS UPWNRD Six-Day Week! T71 ®ur Members A Living Wage! for the &r 11 8\ Our Employers Fair Working Conditions! w iv The Public Employer PAGE TEN INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, FEB. 1, 1930

RADIO ANNOUNCER HAS RETURNS TO HOLLYWOOD JOINS KVI POST NOTICES RISKS BUT STICKS ON SEME SEATTLE, Jan. 30.—Dick Rick- SEATTLE, Ja-n. 30.—The Presi- SEATTLE, Jan. 30. — Evelyn — ard is SEATTLE, January 30. “Hold- Hayes, daughter of George Hayes, the latest addition to the dent Theatre, home of the Henry by-hold” radio descriptions announcing by stage hand at the Fifth Avenue, staff at KVI, E. A. Duffy Players here, have posted Ken Stuart, versatile an- Barnard, TO HAVE BIG YEAR sports returned to Hollywood this week manager, announces. their two weeks’ notice to close nouncer Dick comes north from at for KOL in Seattle, have after spending the holidays with KHJ with the opening of Guy Bates Los Angeles, where he handled SEATTLE, Jan. 30.—With W. been accredied with building up Post in her parents. Evelyn, after gaining many of the big yesterday a two weeks “Bill” radio events of J. Douglas back at the the audience less 100 quite from than a rep in these parts as a the year. He is a graduate of the engagement. helm of local No. 76, A. F. of M., fans to 3500 cheering .patrons of dancer, landed in the movies and Queen Anne High school Musicians’ Association of SeaTtle, and the returns to fulfill contracts. University of Washington, local followers of this strong or- the weekly wrestling bill at the class TIBBETT IN CONCERT of 1927. ganization look for the outfit to Civic Auditorium. Ken knows the ORGANISTS SWITCH make rapid strides during the game and holds his listeners with SEATTLE, January 30.—Law- coming year. CHEVALIER SECOND RUN a colorful account of the thrills SEATTLE, January 30.— Stan- rence Tibbett, famed baritone Douglas, after serving Local and spills on the canvas. He has ley Malotte, featured organist at SEATTLE, Jan. 30. — Publix whose M-G-M picture “The Rogue 76 for fifteen years, resigned last become a favorite among sport the Portland Theatre, Portland, opened an extended run of Mau- Song” is a sensation in spots spring to enter the employ of the followers. Not that the announcer will open at the Publix Theatre rice Chevalier’s “The Love Pa- where it has been released and American Broadcasting Company, does not have his own thrills February 7. The switch is made rade” at the Metropolitan after a who is a member of the Metro- now defunct. At the recent elec- when sitting close to the ring with with Ron and Don who will re- nice week’s biz at the ace house, politan" Opera Company, will open tion of officers he was again in- his “mike.” Ken has been slapped lieve Malotte in the Portland the Seattle. The return showing in concert at the Metropolitan stalled to the secretary’s office, in the face by wrestlers diving or house. is proving profitable. Theatre Tuesday, February 25. and already members of the local being thrown out of the ring, but are noticing renewed activity. he has gone down protecting his Henri Pelletier, for many years broadcasting apparatus with a president of the Musicians’ Asso- wrestler on top of him, seldom ciation, continues in the capacity, failing his audience when there is and he, with Douglas, are planning a mat contest scheduled for the THERE IS great things for the local. Among .evening. plans already formulated and set for early execution is the erection of a new, modern home for the union. The organization is now IT NO GREATER housed in an old residence in the heart of the business district which is conceded to be worth much more as business property than as T of ORGAN the home the union. The mu- ENTERTAINMENT sicians stand to realize a big (Continued from Page 7) chunk of profit if they elect to west or Fox West Coast The- sell their present abode. atres. • • THAN • • “The matter of whether divi- dends have been declared or not is not essential. Our board of di- BEmTIilER rectors, representing all of the stockholders, has approved the tak- ing of dividend moneys and put- ting them back into the business IT GET BIZ in the form of additional the- atre holdings, of which many have been added in the past two years.” (Continued from Page 7) The Pacific Northwe|t The- Don on the program due their aters, Inc., is a Nevada corpora- share. tion, with 5000 shares of pre- Close behind came the Fox ferred stock, of which the plain- Theatre the all-colored with tiffs own all that have been is- picture, “Hallelujah” M-G-M and sued, and 200', 000 shares of no par Owen Sweeten’s opening week value common stock, which car- with Vic Meyers’ orchestra. Word- ries the voting rights. of-mouth brought plenty in to see The locals treated the above the latter after opening day. while suit rather lightly, and those in the former gets its share for the the know along the rialto figured gross. $12,500 the publicity garnered did not jus- The Orpheum didn’t fare so well tify elaborate statements, figures, for the first time in many weeks, etc., given the press. doing only an estimated $10,000 Re-Open Liberty with William Boyd in “His First Jensen and von Herberg re- Command” and five acts of vaude- cently re-opened the Liberty The- ville. Lowest gross for some atre here, hitting some of the dail- time. ies with a splurge campaign, with John Hamrick’s Music Box did Seattleites figuring the pair of northwest over $9500 with Barrymore’s first show-men on their way to their week in “General Crack” in for former pinnacle in north- west three weeks. Across the street at theatrical circles. Aside from the Blue Mouse, “The Lost Zep- re-opening the Liberty they have not pelin” did $5250. as yet made any move towards their former stand, except for this Duffy Players did their usual suit, which Don Graham, counsel fair business with “Broken Dishes” for Fox West Coast Theatres to the tune of $3000. openly characterized as spite work, “Kibitzer” did a little better than asserting that competitive inter- $3250 for five days at the Met. ests were intending to hurt Fox enterprises. HENRI LE BEL Graham also declared the Fox FOX THEATRE Theatere earnings here have been SEATTLE more than satisfactory, with (Reviewed Jan. 26 ) amounts running into six figures Le Bel choses “Somewhere a -being used to finance expansion. Voice Is Calling” for his concert this week, and does with this CIRCUS SAILS semi-classic. With the house in darkness, Le Bel announces his SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— number over the amplifiers from a The F. A. Clare Circus sailed mike on the console. As he rises, from here on the S.'S. Sierra last and the lights come up, he em- week for a tour of the South Seas ploys a heavy combination of the and Australia. John Aasen, 8 foot, bass and vox humanas. He shifts 9 inch giant who was with Harold gracefully to the trumpets on the Lloyd in “Why Worry” is the _ chorus, bringing in some pretty featured side show attraction with and effective bells. On the second the circus. chorus he uses a nifty combina- tion of deep bass, intermingled W. C. EXECS IN CRASH with the chimes. A beautiful blending of trump- SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.— ets, strings, vox and tremulas. Charles Forbes, superintendent of with plenty of sock, for which construction for Fox West Coast Henri is known, and which he Theatres, was killed and Charles does well, furnishes the finale. The Buckley, legal advisor for the number is short, but it takes a same company, was injured as the powerful lot of applause. result of an auto accident near Bait. Bakersfield last week.

GREETINGS Sole of The Baby from Originators Console Myrtle Strong Note; THIS IS FULLY PROTECTED! ORGANIST SEATTLE R-K-0 SEATTLE THEATRE !


KRESS BLDG. Harold J. Bock Manager FRANCISCO 935 Market St., 2213 SAN PHONE DOUGLAS Office Suite 504



SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29- dent was very weak, drawing only SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— Wagnon’s Embassy tapped the bell Opening of Taylor Holmes in $3200 for its seven days. Hale Once internationally noted for its A run of nice weather helped+with a figure of $15,000 for its “Your Uncle Dudley” at Duffy’s Hamilton and Alice Joyce in “Her liberality and broad - mindedness, boost picture show shop receipts first seven days and still there. Alcazar and the sudden closing Friend the King” opens Sunday. San Francisco, by virtually raid- during the past week with the The Marion Davies with "Skinner of “Bambina” at the Curran and In Oakland at Duffy’s Dufwin ing “Bad Babies” out of town, Fox benefiting most by the change. Steps Out” did $8500 and Tif- “Bad Babies” at the Capitol were Kolb and Dill opened big in seems heading for a reversal of Fox’s “Hot For Paris” with Vic fany’s “Peacock Alley” now in. highlights of the legit week. “Give and Take,” doing $5600. its former reputation. After Po- McLaglen and Fifi D’Orsay and Casino excellent with “South The Holmes show did nicely “Bambina,” which opened nicely lice Judge Sylvain Lazarus had Fanchon and Marco’s “Internation- Sea Rose” doing a near record of for Duffy at the Alcazar, receipts the week previous at the Curran, acquitted the cast and producers al Idea,” master-of-ceremonied by $12,000 aided a stage for the initial stanza totalling closed at the end of its second by show. on charge of presenting an im- Walt Roesner, drew in approxi- $5800. On the other hand, “The week preparatory to jumping into “Night Ride,” looks big now. moral and indecent performance, mately $50,000. Present show has Ferguson Family” at the Presi- Los Angeles where it opens. Sec- civic virtue, impersonated by Capt. Marion Davies in “Not So Dumb” ond and final week’s figures were NEW NUMBER Arthur D. Layne and the grand and the “Desert Idea.” $14,000. House dark until Feb. 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.— jury reared up on their hind legs “Sunny Side Up” in its third when “Oh Susanna” in. Geary A number “When I Take You and formally requested the show stanza at Loew’s Warfield okay also dark, as is the Capitol. Home” has been written by An- to leave town. at $17,000. One more week and There was much legal hubbub son Weeks, orchestra leader at After constant harassing by then “Hallelujah” in for a short concerning “Bad Babies” at the the Mark Hopkins Hotel, and some authorities, Producer Lee stay. Capitol. First week of this show Larry Yoell. The tune, to be pub- Armes gave up in disgust this Paramount’s “Lady Lies” with opened lightly to $8000 and by the lished by Lloyd Campbell, is CO. CHIEFS week. Equity got on the job by Ruth Chatterton at Publix’s Gran- RECORD end of the second week there was played as a closing number each long distance phone at p. m. ada did $21,000, nice word-of- nobody around the house to give 11 night by Weeks. Saturday night and made arrange- mouth helping. “Kibitzer” there SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— a figure on the business. ments to ship the majority of his now. At Publix’s California, sec- The Pacific Coast Record Corp., Columbia still holds the Colum- TO REOPEN STRAND cast back to Los Angeles where ond week of “Sally” did $17,500. featuring "Elexo,” a new pro- bia Opera Co. doing good business. _ the show was originally staged a Sixth week of Chevalier in “Love cessed record, has been incor- Sid Goldtree opens “The Peep- SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.— number of weeks ago and also Parade” at the St. Francis okay porated here with a capitalization hole” at his Green Street Theatre National Theatres will reopen the ran into legal tangles. at $9000. House bringing in Lil- of Max and Louis Graf, Jan. 29 and will feature a mid- Strand in Modesto on Feb. 15. $250,000. lian Roth for personal appearances head the com- night matinee every Saturday in The house been picture producers, FILMS CHARITY next week. has closed since pany. The firm's plant, now under addition to regular performances. FOR March. Second week of U’s “Broadway” way, will have complete equipment SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— at the Orpheum average at $10,- for recording, plating and pressing CHEVALIER AT SHOW IS DOORMAN During 1929 the local Film Board 000. Radio’s “Love Comes Along” of records. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— of Trade, through its members, holding the screen now, and “Hit Associated with the Graf Bros, SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— J. W. Roscoe is stage doorman at supplied gratis film to approxi- the Deck” set for next week. in the technical department is J. Preceded by anextravagant fanfare Ackerman and Harris’ Casino mately 30 charitable institutions, it Warners’ “Show of Shows” at Warner, formerly of St. Louis, of publicity, local motor dealers Theatre. J. was revealed in the annual report where he has spent approximately open their annual auto show at recently issued to Rowena Foley, 20 years in experimenting with the Civic Auditorium February 1 secretary. There were about 5,- JACK DELANEY’S “Flexo,” a flexible material on for one week. Under an agree- 121,000 feet of film in the entire DANCE ORCHESTRA which the new company will make ment with Paramount the motor INVEST In addition to men have lot. In Its Second Year at all its recordings. borrowed Maurice Chev- Your Earnings Wisely “Flexo” Warner also has a port- alier who is nicking them $18,000 ABE BLOOM BACK ALABAM CAFE able talking picture equipment for for a week of personal appear- For Conservative Investment standard film which the firm will ances. Harry Elliott is handling OAKLAND FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.— Consult manufacture for home talkies. The advertising and publicity for the SAN Bloom, local representative equipment uses standard 6 mm. show'. Abe for Irving Berlin, Inc., has re- width film and will have disc re- THE NEW-pJSENSATION Wm. J. Kreuz turned from a two-week tour of cordings made in the plant. OPEN AT LIDO De Fremery the Northwest territory in the “JUST ONE— & Co. Advertising film, short subjects, his firm. THAT’S ALL” recording and radio SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— interests of 947 Russ Bldg. personal A Comedy Mock Ballad broadcasting are among the other The Big Three, vocal trio composed San Francisco varied departments to be con- of Harry Morton, Heine Klotz NEW CHORUS OPENS AMERICAN MUSIC CO. kkess bldg., san tained in the Pacific Coast Record and Ron Jonson, opens an indefi- francisco Phone Sutter 3300 nite SAN FRANCISC, Jan. 30.— Corp. when the organization soon engagement at the Lido . Cafe In addition to her regular lineup starts its schedule full blast. this week. of sixteen girls at the Fox El Capitan here, Peggy O’Neill has REMOVAL NOTICE INVESTIGATE THIS NEW PROCESS! a second line alternating between We Make the Wilson in Fresno and the California in San Jose. New THEO. M. NEWMAN’S PHONOGRAPHIC RECORDS chorus opened Monday in Fresno TALENT OF YOUR OWN for four days and opens Friday in 602 Kress Bldg. 935 Market San Jose for the balance of the Phone Kearney 5083 San Francisco week. THEATRE DRAPERY STUDIO NOW LOCATED ON CIRCUS TO OPEN THE SPACIOUS GROUND FLOOR 283 GOLDEN GATE AVE. SAN FRANCISCO HOTEL GOVERNOR SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.— Phone: Market 1830 JONES The Al. G. Barnes circus is slated TURK AT to open its 1930 season March SAN FRANCISCO 10. Staff for the show includes STAGE CURTAINS — THEATRE DRAPERIES — LOBBY AND THE HOME OF ALL THEATRICAL PEOPLE Ben Austin, advance; Ed F. Max- STAIR ROPES — PIANO AND ORGAN COVERS —GROUND well, contracting agent; R. C. CLOTHS — PIANO CARRIAGES — COMPLETE COUNTER- PLAYING SAN FRANCISCO car manager Allen Les- SPECIAL RATES TO PROFESSIONALS Morgan, WEIGHT SYSTEMS INSTALLED ter, press agent; Cliff McDougal, WOLFENDEN, Prop. FRANK RATCHFORD, Mgr. JACK contracting p.a. and Jack Austin, auto manager.




LOS ANGELES Robbins’ “Chant of the Jungle,” GAYLORD CARTER By JACK B. TENNEY leaves a catch in the throat of she mis s. o:s themie from M-G-M’s “Untamed,” UNITED ARTISTS rhythm musicians. He was an The musical tramp differs from continued to lead the song sales in LOS ANGELES SEATTLE, 30. the wandering troubadour, inas- originator and an inspiration to town during the past week, with Jan. — Continuing (Reviewed Jan. 26) far as the their struggle with John Dariz, lo- day of the troubadour most of the early devotees of jazz their “Should I?” continuing to Gaylord Carter, in as the new cal non-union is passed and a new terminology show an increase. theatre magnate, featured organist after two years and set the first standards for the Local 154, Operators’ is in order. The musical tramp, The ten best sellers were; Union, re- as relief organist at the Paramount

; port however, may be a development, modern dance orchestra. He leaves progress in their efforts to Theatre, 1. “Chant again demonstrated that of the Jungle,” enlighten the public or, at least a direct descendant considerably more than footsteps on the sit- he is a real student of the organ. Robbins. uation. of the celebrated minstrels who upon the historical sands of mu- He presented the numbers from 2. “To Be Forgotten” Berlin. The State brightened the festive boards of — of Washington Su- “The Love Parade,” closing sic. His influence will be felt with 3. preme Court has feudal barons. I do not know “I’m Following You”—Ber- recently decided accompaniment to Jeanette Mc- in every baton that marks a dis- in Danz’ favor whether to feel sorry for him or lin.. on the suit to for- Donald’s record of “Dream Lover.” tinct rhythm. Art Hickman is bid pickets patrolling to be keenly exasperated at him. 4. “Should I the sidewalks Although buried gone, but what he created lives on. ?”—Robbins. in the pit till At times I am moved by both near the Columbia and Winter * * * 5. “Love, Your Spell now, he showed ability to meet Is Every- Garden Theatres, which . Danz emotions. . . He is here today where” ac- an audience with poise and per- The American Locomjotive —Berlin. quired from Universal . . last spring. . gone tomorrow. He is us- sonality, and sold himself for good 6. “Love Me” Feist. ually a good salesman and has Works have gone into the saxa- — Danz has not been so successful in returns. phone manufacturing business. To 7. “A Year From Today”—Ber- keeping the sign carriers from the talent, but he is a gypsy. Carter looks set for a good run. start with, they have produced lin. walks adjacent to the Somehow the musical tramp Colonial Woody. the world’s largest saxaphone. It 8. “What Do I Care?”-—Sha- and Capitol Theatres, the misses the “breaks” in the gilded men be- stands six feet and seven inches piro, Bernstein. ing permitted to walk a heat pro- Temples of Music . . . and many in its stocking feet and takes a 9. “That Wonderful Something viding they do not I’ve known might well have scin- come within reed thirteen-sixteenths of an inch Called Love”—Robbins. 100 feet of either entrance of tillated there. For some reason either at the lip. The rod operating the 10. “Singing In the Bathtub”— theatre. E they always get lost just around low C sharp key is said to have Witmark. James McNabb, the corner from Broadway and business agent a length of thirty-nine inches. The Recordings of the Operators, and spend the rest of their days in Jay G. rod for the side C key is thirty- 1. “Chant of the Jungle”—All Brown, business agent of the local aimless . wanderings. . . Mean- recordings. AGAINST seven and one-half inches long. theatrical federation, firmly be- IB time they pipe their tunes and 2. The pitch is not mentioned, but “Should I?”—Paul Whiteman lieve that the concerted effort of sing their songs, travelling on in (Columbia). it is reported that the tone is organized labor is having its ef- SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— pursuit of elusive Fortune . . . “sonorous.” We know quite a few 3. “I’m Following You”—Paul fect on Danz’ boxoffices. Opinion After waiting several weeks for They are quite as careless with Specht saxaphone players who would en- (Columbia). around town among the trade and the American Society of Authors Dame Fortune as the fickle god- 4. “Singing joy owning one of these instru- In the Bathtub”— public is divided on this situation, and_ Composers to take action is . . dess with them. . The first Ben Bernie ments, inasmuch as the present (Brunswick). with the majority possibly agree- against the sale of a bootleg mu- in weeks . . . easy money come, 5. “Love, size saxes are entirely to modest Your Spell Is Every- ing that, should Danz cease his sic sheet called “Songland Her- easy go. where” All , and can barely be heard above — recordings. seven-year battle with the labor ald” on San Francisco streets, lo- They are usually good fellows 6. “That the other instruments in the or Wonderful Something unions, his b. o.’s would take a cal music representatives, acting and companions, these good mu- chestra. Called Love”—Roy Ingraham nice spurt. upon authority of their eastern of- sical tramps, and not infrequent- * * * (Brunswick). Under existing conditions at the fices, are proceeding legally to ly, excellent musicians. But they 7. “Little Joey Starr and his Musical By Little”—Guy Lom- Danz houses, all men work seven- halt the peddling. can’t remain long in place. bardo one Stars, an eight-piece orchestra, (Columbia). day weeks and shifts An injunction is being sought in _ that average . . . Distant fields appear so 8. “Your much open in the Rendezvous Ballroom, Fate Is In My Hands” about 20 per cent more time than local courts to prohibit sale of the greener. Something calls and they Ariz., —Paul Whiteman Mesa, Saturday, February (Columbia). the union allows, with the pay sheets, music men claiming it to make haste to answer. No- 9. “What I ... 8, replacing the Rendezvous Com- Do Care”—All re- check declared to take an even be a violation of the copyright madism is still strong in their cordings. manders who have had a success- greater per cent cut. law. Sheet music sales fn stores blood. . . . They’ll probably have 10. ful run since last September. The “You’re Always In My here, they claim, has dropped off a devil of a time in heaven. Arms”— personnel of the new band is Bebe Daniels (Victor). to a considerable degree as a re- * * * GREEN AND STEPT SELL “Stew” Aspin, reeds; Ted Wells, SAN FRANCISCO sult of this new and heavy com- Max Bradfield, M. C., is prov- reeds; Bill Macauley, banjo and “When the Sun Goes Down” PUBLISHING BUSINESS petition. ing popular at the Wisconsin The- violin; Gene “Tiny” Hardesty, and “Chant of the Jungle” had the atre in Milwaukee. We wonder trombone; Ralph Menard, piano; biggest sales increases of the week, Green and Stept. music pub- EGGERT DEAD IN CRASH how Max is enjoying the ice and M. A. Bradley, hass, violin and other tunes holding quite steadily lishers, sold out their interests snow. to their this banjo, and Joey Starr, drums and previous pace. week to De Sylva, Brown - Jimmie Eggert, well known * * * Leaders leader. are: and Henderson. Billy Burton, who around the music offices in Chi- Reg Code opened recently at 1. Aren’t We All?”-—DeSylva, was local representative for Green cago, was instantly killed this Brown and . the Athens Athletic Club in Oak- ON “REVELS” and Henderson. Stept, is out, but no other week in an airplane crash at Kan- land, after 2. a very successful year Sunny Side Up”—DeSylva, changes have been announced. sas City. Eggert was making a at Brown Tait’s-at-the-Beach in San Louis Gottschalk has been and Henderson. business trip from Wichita to _ Francisco, playing to excellent signed by Radio Pictures to as- 3. “Chant of the Jungle”—Rob- ARNHEIM ON AIR Kansas City when the plane business. (Coakley bins. followed Reg sist Victor Baravalle, musical di- crashed just before making its in to the 4. Code Beach spot.) The rector, on musical numbers for “Talking Picture”—DeSylva, Gus Arnheim, whose jazz band landing. Eggert was Chicago of- Brown orchestra has been enthusiastic- “Radio Revels.” Gottschalk has and Henderson. was a former favorite in Los An- fice manager for the firm of Ager, ally received and is going big. been in Hollywood 10 years and 5. “I’m Following You”—Ber- geles, goes on the air regularly Yellen and Bornstein, music' pub- * * * lin. has worked on a number of high- beginning next week over KFWB. lishers. “Slim” Martin, Master of Cere- ly successful pictures, among them 6. “When the Sun Goes Down” monies Lloyd and the trombone, has “Broken Blossoms,” for which he — Campbell. MILTON CHANTING PLUGGING IN S. F. been transferred from the Col- arranged the musical score. 7. “Singing In the Bathtub”— Witmark. orado Theatre in Pasadena to the During the three-week run of SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.— Boulevard Theatre in Los An- G. S. M. HERE 8. “Your Fate Is In My Hands” “The Love Parade,” Milton Charles Tubby Garron representing Sant- Santly geles. They still miss Slim in Bros. is using Robbins’ “Chant of the ly Bros., and Bobby Gross repre- 9. “Turn Long Beach and now they’ll miss Billy Weimann, general sales On the Heat”—De- Jungle” as his organ solo. senting Remick, are in town this Sylva, him in Pasadena. manager for E. B. Marks Music Brown and Henderson. week plugging their firm num- * * * 10. Company, arrived in town for a “You’re Always In My BIG STAGE NEARLY DONE bers. Arms” The passing of Art Hickman few days this week. Weimann is —Leo Feist. making a general tour of the Radio Pictures’ big new sound IT’S A HIT! country. HAS NEW NUMBER stage, the largest in existence, will * AT LIBERTY be in operation within the next “I MISS YOU” LONG BEACH, Cal., thirty days. The building DICK BURNS NEW WITMARK OFFICE Jan. 30.— is (When the Day Is Done) George Broa.dbent, popular organ- 500x150 feet on the ground Fast drummer; fine outfit; Vibra- and Slow Fox Trot ist and soloist five stories phone. Read anything. Union. Age .Witmark, Inc., music publishers, for the Fox-Wbst high. Four motion AMERICAN MUSIC CO. 35. All requirements Xylophone solo- will open their Coast Theatre, has written picture companies can new offices in War- a song work there KEESS BLDG., SAN FEANCISCO ist with large rep. of solos. Dance or ner Brothers Hollywood Build- called “Sweetheart Mine.” The at one time. Hotel. All answered. Go anywhere. ing Monday, number was featured last Care of Inside Facts, 801 Warner Feb. 3. There will week at Brothers’ Downtown Bldg., Los Ange- be no gala opening, but all the the local house by Herb Kern les, Calif. theatrical profession is invited to and his orchestra, with Broadbent attend during the day. on the Wurlitzer. “AT THE END OF THE ROAD” ======ORGANISTS SHIFTED It’s OWEN Always “Open House” in the SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE OF SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— In a shifting of Fox West Coast IRVING BERLIN, Inc. organists, C. Sharpe Minor comes into Loew’s Warfield soon from FALLON Again Managed by San Diego. He will be featured in daily concerts. Jamie Erickson AND HIS ABE BLOOM moves from the Fox Senator in Sacramento to the California 300 Kress Bldg. in 935 Market San Diego, with no definite suc- CALIFORNIANS “I’M FOLLOWING YOU” cessor named for the Sacramento job. NOW IN SECOND TO PLAY CRUISES YEAR WILL, PRIOR SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— Lou Miller and his band have CONDUCTOR been signed for the S. S. Dorothy AT NEW STATE THEATRE. SYDNEY. AUSTRALIA Alexander’s fortnightly cruises to Mexico the first of which begins February 2. Raquel Torres, pic- WILSON'S ture player, will act as hostess. Miller’s organization formerly was at Tahoe Tavern and the Apollo BALLROOM Cafe. TED HENKEL (Formerly Cinderella Roof) QUILLAN TO START MUSICAL LOS ANGELES, CALIF. PRESENTATION Eddie Quillan was due to get CONDUCTOR and into DIRECTOR production this week on his Hear Our Latest Recordings next for Pathe, an original by CIVIC THEATRE Tay Garnett titled “Great Guns.” “Shanghai Rose” and “Till I Kissed You” Jimmie Gleason and Garnett did Phone Auckland, New Zealand the dialogue and the latter will Your Favorite Radio Station direct. It is a western comedy, During the Recording Periods Pit Orchestra of 30 - : - Stage Band of 20 with Eddie Quillan being the main laugh-getter in the role of a dude who goes West to -be a cowboy. THIRTEEN' SATURDAY, FEB. 1, 1930 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN PAGE REVIEWS CHATTER COMMENT MADIOLAJVD NEWS By FRED YEATES


That the nation likes to listen “Please tell the world we need A weekly radio frolic is to be Broadcast executives are invited CROSS-SECTIONING featured in the near to film people is proven by the no more uke players, pianists, so- by KFWB tremendous audience attracted by to study our cross-section of radio- RADIOLAND future. pranos, tenors or juveniles,” says the “Voices of Filmland’’ origi- land this week, taken last Satur- THUMBNAIL REVIEWS The Jambonees, Merrymakers, Florence Israel, program arranger nating in Hollywood studios every day afternoon. It provides food LOS ANGELES Lion Tamers, and so on have Monday and released over the for KFWB, “but we do want January 25 rushed into enormous popularity for a lot of thought on the part Columbia network. It is said to something unusual. KMIC (12:50 p. m.) Hoarse with radio listeners, and the War- attraction that has of those who are really anxious to be the biggest “We give auditions every Thurs- voiced man answering questions ner station is the newest to go ever been produced on the Paci- increase their audiences. Do the soliciting day afternoon from two to four, about the future and $2 after their share of this audience. fic Coast for continent-wide air programs invite the attention of putting them on our monitor sys- for forecast. Followed by dance The program is to include gags, consumption. record program. skits and music, planned to a workers who may want to sit tem, and no previous appoint- continuity, and a contest will be The Don Lee Filmland Or- around ments are necessary. Performers KGER (.1:10 p. m.) Dance rec- the house on their Satur- with chestra under Raymond Paige, have something novel will be ords. held for a suitable name, day afternoon who and Earl Burtnett’s dance band holiday? Are they cash prizes as an inducement. heartily welcomed.” KFOX (1:30 p. m.) Cheerio of a quality to sell advertisers and vocal trio furnish the musical on Boys. This duo good entertain- setting. the attention-holding potency of IS MUSICAL DIRECTOR ers of pop variety. Can sell a Billboard advertising all over radio? Would you listen to them song. Plugging furniture store. 30.— Gets Short the country directed initial atten- yourselves? LONG BEACH, Cal., Jan. Followed by Tom Mitchell sing- tion to the feature, and it is stated Dick Dixon, formerly organist at ing pop numbers. He plugs a One might go on asking ques- that this is the first national ad- the Capitol Theatre, has been ap- healing institute and is heard over History of tions, but the answer would be vertising campaign ever launched pointed musical director of KGER several stations. Is a consonant the same in ev.ery case. And no- in which radio has been the cen- along with being featured daily on singer. These U. S.s body needs to be told what that tral the studio organ. Dick has se- attraction instead of a sup- KGFJ (2:00 p. m.) Dance mu- answer is. cured several musical combina- plementary advertising stunt. sic remote from the Orange Grove * * * tions and soloists for the air and Cafe, Carol Londoner’s Orchestra. Taking his cue from Calvin The Paramount - Publix hour if you should be an artist or want Coolidge’s assignment to write a ] Announcements plug night show. broadcast over the Columbia net- radio work get in touch with Dick history of the United States in KNX (2:30 p. m.) Regular Sat- He’s Got a work every Saturday night is noth- Dixon. He’s looking for talent. 500 words, Jose Rodriguez has urday afternoon feature, broadcast- ing but a stage revue, using the asked KFI listeners to try their ing complete opera from records, stage and pit talent of the Para- INVENTS BEAT SCRIBES hands at the pastime. FanLikeNo Eddie Albright telling the story mount Theatre in New York, and The first received left 486 words between numbers. “Die Walkure” very little is done to promte the According to technicians at KFI unused. Grafton C. Allen, of Los Other Could Be this time; great entertainment and picture angle or the all-talk policy and KECA, it is a waste of time Angeles, contributed th’e follow- has big audience. Always seem of the Publix houses. It makes for control men to read technical ing: to be noises from this station, one wonder if there is anything in publications. Developments in im- “Conceived in rebellion; pre- SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— sometimes nerve-wracking. the idea that the broadcast is used provements and new gadgets come served by the brotherhood of There have been fan letters and as a thermometer to determine just so fast, they say, that publications KFVD (4:45 p. m.) Dance rec- man; destroyed by abuse of pow- fan letters but the brass medal for how much the public cares for that cannot keep up with them, and ords. Plugging radio store. er.” the strangest one goes to Eddie kind of entertainment, conclusions they believe it will be five years KFWB (4:50 p. m.) Charlie Which does not say much for Holden who, during working hours to be used in deciding whether or before they can hope to cover the Davis singing pop songs, uke ac- the brotherhood of man. is “Frank Watanabe” over KFRC not to go heavier on stage shows field and catch up. companiment. Even if the voice

of the , Don Lee and Columbia in their theatres. js not of conspicuous quality his Maurice Chevalier is billed for chain. * * * BIG DOUGH IN KIDS words can be heard; not unpleas- radio appearance over the Don In Eddie’s mail the other day ing. Ad plug for a gland food. Lew Cody spilled himself all Lee chain, February 2, 7:30 to there a letter signed by came over the ether on last week’s M- Baron Keyes, who broadcasts a Another ad plug for restaurant. 8:30 p. m. “Midnight” who, according to the G-M hour, reciting the poem children’s program from KFI daily, Boswell Sisters, harmonizers. Girl letter, is a jet black dog owned “Fleurette.” His voice is not beau- is reported about to sign a new carrying melody too strident, oth- by a local listener-in. tiful in quality, but he certainly contract with his sponsor at a sal- ers can hardly be heard. One Aphrodite-Godiva, Lord Ashcart, Every Tuesday, Thursday and went heavy on the histrionics. ary of $25,000 a year. song, then three more ad plugs, Mocha and Madame Odle-de-Pok- Saturday at 10 p. m. when Wa- * * * one for furniture store, one for er, with Professor Succotash m. tanabe comes on the air, “Mid- “Maker of successful men and wo- c.’ing. Subjects treated, “Making Lionel Barrymore broadcast night” stands alert before the an men,” then one for a finance com- the Arm More Attractiv e,” appeal for a ten-year-old boy with loudspeaker waiting for his favor- On The Air pany selling repossessed cars. “Three Musketeers” and “The a perfect English accent for a role ite. When Watanabe’s Japanese Rustling of announcer’s copy can Theatre in 1950.” Just goofy and in a Dickens picture, brogue is heard the dog pricks up “Oliver be plainly heard. too exaggerated to be humorous Twist,” now casting, but so far Happenings his ears, wags his tail and listens KFQZ (5:05 p. m. A woman at first hearing; like a comic strip, the right one has not intently. appeared. interpreting vibrations and fore- something to be followed from There are millions of actors And no other radio entertainer in 29.— casting events for inquiriers. Or- week to week. Ad plug was sell- Hollywood, except SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. will do. the ones they gan music background. ing radio artists for personal ap- want. KFRC has many outstanding mike artists of its superior or- KELW (5:15 p. m.-) Man talk- pearances. * * st and one MIKE FASHION SHOW ing through his nose about as- KFI (6:30 p. m.) Walter Dam- Oscar Strauss ganizations is the Modern Melo- arrived in New trology, answering questions and rosch and Orchestra on NBC from York Sunday morning and was dists, an excellent musical group Hollywood film fashions are to directed by Mahlon Merrick. In selling an astronomical hour clock. N. Y. Up to usual high standard, shoved on the NBC program of be broadcast every Wednesday their few short months of exist- Also bawling out what he called classic music. Damrosch’s com- evening the Atwater Kent Co. that even- over KHJ, and are to be ence this combination has built “hooey artists with Oriental ments always most interesting and described from actual ing. His remarks were interest- well gowns mod- up nicely with its symphonic ar- names.” presented. ing. He said he had come to this elled in the same studio. Public KMTR (5:30 p. m.) Announcer country to rangements of popular hits. And is invited to the studio for an eye- make talking pictures telling of ginger ale label while it hardly seems enough, the contest, TUNE IN ON and was happy to full if an earfull is not enough. appear on the organization has among its mem- then plugging fried chicken place. radio, as they were practically the DUD bers seven arrangers, all of whom Record, “Who,” then ad plug same thing, many of them being MERRYMAKERS SOLD contribute to the group. about blankets and another ad WILLIAMSON glad to appear on radio programs MASTER OF CEREMONIES Personnel includes Merrick, di- about free airplane rides. for the mike experience, and many and STAFF ARTIST “The Merrymakers,” hour of va- rector; Walter Kelsey, violin and KECA (5:45 p. m.) “Mister” radio artists have talking pictures riety originated and developed by voice; A1 Zohn, trumpet; Richard Williams in piano selections, KYA SAN FRANCISCO in the back of their minds. the KHJ staff as an experiment, McAffery, trumpet; Joe Zohn, “Don’t Want Your Kisses,” “Year * * * has been sold to a gasoline com- trombone; Earl Eastman, Mickey From Today,” “Song I Love” and pany and is set as a weekly Pacific The Philco hour of last Thurs- Gillette and Meriam Worthington, “Aren’t We All?” Good average, RUSS Coast broadcast for a year. day featured Belle Baker. Pier reeds; Ray Jarnigan, piano; Tony and sounded better than with a voice miked well, especially when Freeman, bass; Paul Worthington, poor voice. If you like it at this COLLER she talked her lyrics. She sang banjo, and Bill Ames, drums. time of day it takes the place of HERB And His “Old-Fashioned Lady” and “Have * * * daughter playing in the parlor while gets supper. a Little Faith In Me,” said she To its daily schedule N. B. C. mamma CELLAR SHAKERS KERN p. m.) just loved her radio audience, and has added “Meet the Folks,” a KHJ (6 “Nit-Wits” pro- Organist- Master of Ceremonies gram over Radio Station plugged for her picture “The Song program that is an innovation in CBS from New York. Thirty minutes of goofy, FOX WEST COAST of Love.” But it was stage stuff radio entertainment. Through KGO burlesque KFWB Long Beach, Calif, and had little appeal for listeners listeners-in are introduced to mem- by characters known as Gabriel, to whom her name meant nothing. bers of the artist staff daily ex- cept Sunday from 9 to 9:30, with Madonna Todd, of the N. B. C. FOX WEST COAST THEATRES publicity department, interviewing PRESENT WM. (Billy) KNOX the artists. SOLO ORGANIST AN EGOTIST * * * is a person who cannot In a short time Cotton Bond Fox Oakland Theatre has risen from the rank of a new- PETER BRESCIA his make “I’s” behave. I comer to KFRC to a valuable . J> — member of the artists’ staff, his AND HIS am no egotist but never- latest achievement coming this theless FRANK insist that my week when the Custo company se- CONCERT ORCHESTRA HIPSLEY services on a picture are lected him for their programs over that station. Bond, with an And His a definite FOX T. & D. THEATRE economy, assisting group of artists, will be Personality Band whether they be utilized heard Friday afternoons between OAKLAND, CALIF. Balconades Ballroom 5:30 and 6. San Francisco on plot construction, * * * comedy relief or dia- Oh, Fred Yeates! You said something on your page last week logue. about believing Doby and Lou to be in San Francisco. Well, you WALTER KRAUSGRILL were right. They blew in from AND HIS MUSIC Jay Seattle recently and have been do- EL PATIO BALLROOM MARKET AT VAN NESS ing some nice work at KjFRC. * * * SAN FRANCISCO drower JAMES MADISON Max Dolin, musical director on the coast for National Broadcast- (An Author and a Showman) ing Co., is featuring on his pro- Master-of-Ceremonies grams a new instrument, the 465 South Detroit St. Theremin, played by simply mov- Los Angeles FOX EL CAPITAN ing the hands in front of two PETER PAUL LYONS (Phone ORegon 9407) metal antennae protruding from a AND HIS CONCERT ORCHESTRA San Francisco wooden cabinet. One of these antennae controls tone, the other, LOEW’S WARFIELD SAN FRANCISCO volume. PAGE FOURTEEN INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, FEB. 1, 1930 Vaudeville and ^Presentations

R-K-0 ORPHEUM with the able assistance of Myrtle CHINESE THEATRE some nifties among them, and she pair of hula dancers, one of whom SEATTLE Strong at the organ, preceded the HOLLYWOOD deservedly took a good hand at faw down at this show; a cocoanut the conclusion as well (Reviewed Jan. 25) vaude with selections from the (Reviewed Jan. 25) as applause palm with that ace adagio pair A1 Norman steps out of the moments along the route. Mavis and Ted, and “Trail of the Here is a pip of an all-round next opus, “Hit the Deck.” This Abe Lyman Orchestra with a Finale was another fast number Lonesome Pine,” with a pair of vaudeville bill, with the next-to- gang of syncopaters got their usual limber-leg dance to offer which is by the band, with individual mem- girls dressed mountaineer. Then shut act sharing honors with the big hand. great stuff, and thereby A1 saves bers of the group interpolating came the girls of the line in a featured opener for the heavy hand music Bebe Daniels’ “Love Comes the whole proceedings, entitled moments. The best of flash number, costumed in palm “The Kit Kat Club,” from being these were the playing of two headdress and bark tights. that each act grabbed off at the Along” was the opus, and had ’em clarinets by one member, and the opening show. standing in line for the early show. just another jazz band program Specialty interlude presented old standby blatancy of the Jean. without an outstanding moment. trom- Jimmy Fawcett, who hoofed a fast The Alexander Sisters, Ann, bone. Abe The girl dancer with the outfit, Lyman apparently has stepping acrobatic routine that won Gertrude and Rose, started things improved Lucille Page, is both good and in the art of catching hearty applause, then followed in the opening spot. Ann and RKO his tossed-about with some new steps, rating, well drumsticks since Walter Brower in his perennial Gertrude did their Apache and LOS ANGELES he was at the Uptown here, miss- above average, but without Al’s dance number. He does it well, Russian numbers in whirlwind (Reviewed Jan. 24) ing only every once and limber-leg stuff she alone wouldn’t awhile but it’s about time he developed style with Rose clicking on violin Vaude bills here have been above at this pull it up above a routine affair. matinee instead of constant- a new routine. and solo dance work. The trio par for the past two weeks, and One thing is certain, the con- ly, as used to be the case. opened and closed w-ith as neat a the current bill of five acts will Georgie Stoll then stepped up on clusion being warranted by the There is one extremely weak dance offering that’s been seen contribute more prestige and stage with his violin, taking with ac- applause given Norman and Miss point about the presentation, and here for a little while. The act cordingly pull in future dollars him his drummer, Lou Erickson; Page, and that is that the pic- that is the lack of a master-of- has improved considerably since quicker to this house. his bass violinist, Vic Delorey, and ture audiences are hungry for ceremonies. Such a functionary, playing Pan and merits a better Tillis and LaRue opened. Flash his pianist, Walter Ruick. They stage entertainment of the right brightening up as he does what dished spot. act, and better than good. Five up “’Tain’t No Sin” and sort. These two took very nice otherwise develops into a mere rou- Ken Christy, assisted by Bar- dancing cuties and okay. Billed “Love, Your Spell Is Every- hands indeed, and lesser but still tine of offerings, is badly missed, where,” bara Bronell, Helen Huntington team scored nicely with some well- vocalizing choruses. They warm applause was accorded other and the chill with which he house and an unbilled bell-hop, offered delivered dancing. won a great hand. interpolated solos and duets. The received the orchestrations was due a domestic comedy skit that had Fritz and Jean Hubert in deuce Next scene was the land of band numbers were the least en- no doubt in part to this fact. The plenty of laughs to it. They threw spot landed in double forte style. gnomes, butterflies and birds. thusiastically received of all the lack was especially noticeable A in a little hoofing that landed It’s a sure antidote for the Vol- pair of girls came on with a big offerings. without a leader in front upon nicely. stead Blues plus a flock of laughs. Fairy Tales book, delivering a tap The curtain went up on the one whom one’s eyes could be cen- Healey and Cross, in the trey Curly Burns offered a skit titled routine, then gave way to the line, setting of the presentation, a very tered during the numbers, as the spot, knocked ’em over with their “Chicago” and clicked in cyclonic which dazzled the fern part of the neatly arranged black and white gesticulations of such an individ- harmony songs, with Healy at the tempo. The black-face comic was audience in rose-colored costumes. set, with the not uncustomary ual always relieve what otherwise piano. Here is a sweet musical capably assisted They gave a pleasing, by a duo of as- becomes a well-bal- staircases to right and left. Open- matter for restlessness. bit, and the boys can hold their sistants and his laugh vehicle is anced routine of formations. ing number A cracking good m. c. with a places with the rest of ’em. was “Chant of the just that. pleasing Next, Terrell and Hanley in Jungle” with Phil Neeley, a mem- personality and a gift of The next-to-shut act had Jesse Eddie Pardo, delineator of songs their ber of the humor, would do much to build dumb comedy-acro act, Block and Eve Sully billed. band, singing a chorus Due and some comedy, had everything this (Continued on Page 15) of it through a megaphone. up outfit. to the fact that the former’s moth- his own and could way have stayed The feature picture was M-G-M’s er died a few days ago, Allen longer. A good bet on any bill. Ted and Jack Dale, also from “The Rogue Song,” starring ve- Cross of the previous act stepped Beehee and Rubyette among the band boys, then did a Company hicle for Lawrence Tibbett, and to the breach and with A1 Boas- sold their strength and agility xylophone and p’iano duet, follow- the house was capacity, as has ing it berg’s material and the heavy as- wares for full value. A fitting up with the piano and a PAUL been the case since its opening and MALL sistance of Eve Sully, brought out closer. vocal rendition of “That’s Her as, so it looks, will be the case “HOT DOMINOES” Idea belly-laughs in rapid succession. “Dance Hall” (Radio Pictures) Now.” Their comedy was not for some time to come. Elsinore Theatre, Salem, Ore. Boasberg can take a bow together on the screen. overdone and they rated the time given A. H. F. Thanks to Fanchon and Marco with the clever pair, for this house Business excellent as is consis- them. hasn’t laughed as much since Ol- tently the case. Lucille Page then came on for sen and Johnson were here and in Eddie Meredith. her first number, arrayed in a cos- LOEW’S STATE some cases more. Put this one in tume, the what-there-was-of-it be- LOS ANGELES next-to-shut any place. CONTRACT FOR SPARKS ing silver. Pretty and shapely, (Reviewed Jan. 24) SYLVIA DOREE Howard’s Shetland ponies and Ned Sparks has been signed to Miss Page had on tap some con- The “Trees Idea” used the well dogs closed the bill in fine style. a long-term contract by Radio trolled kicks and acrobatic stunts known musical composition of Featured in Tinj' Burnett and his Orchestra, Pictures. which had a delightful element of that name for its theme, and Fanchon and Marco’s newness and were well sold, mer- opened in one before a black iting her a good hand. drop, the center figure of which “JAZZ TEMPLE IDEA” was a luminous tree. Abe Lyman then took the spot- On each Tabor Grand, Denver, Colo. side were light by doing a drum number panels which were un- veiled at intervals GEORGE and FLORENCE with the piano for accompaniment. to show various BALLET MASTER and varieties of trees. MISTRESS Then came the highlight of the Australia’s Largest Theatre stage show, A1 Norman’s limber- The band was in the pit, under — THE STATE, SYDNEY— leg dance. This boy has a per- the baton of m. c. Georgie Stoll. MURIEL PRODUCING WEEKLY CHANGE NOW 34TH WEEK sonality which he sells admirably, Georgie, however, made no an- nouncements in And Still Going Strong and the unaffected and easy man- this “Idea” except STRYKER ner in which he offers the ludi- for his own specialty. Acting as Address—State Theatre, Sydney, N. S. W., Australia Fanchon and Marco’s crous moments of his a sort of non-speaking m. c. was dance, com- DESERT IDEA bined with real ability, mark him Frieda Sullivan, costumed as a for a bet sure to please. The cus- woodsprite, carrying bow-and-ar- tomers demanded row. She whistled bird-calls. PHIL and got an en- SYLVIA core and would have liked more. Ted Reicard, tenor, and Christel Phil Neeley followed, singing LeVine, soprano, registered good TOOTS NOVELLO WHITE and NOIR “Love, Your Spell Is Every- voices and personality when they Fanchon and Marco’s where” in a nice baritone, and appeared to sing the themie. The TENOR SOPRANO “Overtures” Idea Miss Page came back in Dutch panels revealed “Shade of the Old Direction Booked Solid Over R-K-O Circuit In “Songs and Steps” pantaloons and waist and with Apple Tree,” with a couple dressed W m. Morris some more new steps. There were 1900 style; a banana tree with a






east, with lots of rehearsal slated died in a manner which keeps in- Kate Price, H. A. Morgan, Burr for the line. At present it’s pretty terest moving at a rate far better Macintosh and James Bradbury, weak. than, it is to be guessed, was in- i r - Peabody started out early with dicated by the script. credits and his specialty, doing a violin solo Other are “Based upon the operetta frequent cut-ins, the with one of the boys at the piano, ‘Gypsy Love' by have doing (Continued from Page 14) Lehar, Dr. playing and singing Berlin’s Franz A. M. Willner same kind of stuff they usually scoring big in the laugh percent- "Love,” theme song of “The Tres- and Robert Bodansky; Story l)y do but this time in Russian skillful, and John Colton; ages; a well-oiled routine. passer,” topping it off with “Rio clothes. It is not up to their av- Suggested Nayon’s Birds, a performing Rita” in which Joe Woodbury, by Wells Root; Music erage for laughs, and the casting ‘LOVE PARADE’ by Franz Lehar and Herbert of this duo of ace comedians in parrot act, came next, in a tropic Billy Barrett and Ralph Meyer from Stothart; Clifford joined together in a novelty quin- (Continued Page 4) Lyrics by the picture is questionable. They woodland setting. A gorgeous Grey.” tette of strings and song to a nice lyrics. have become so firmly established feathered display of numerous response. The story, which is quite ade- CASTING DIRECTORS’ and familiar in their own two-reel, birds, , for operetta purposes, was many of which performed Eddie fitted in later with his quate VIEWPOINT: Lawrence Tib- modern-day field that their pres- with the libretto very clever tricks. The customers banjo specialties using “I’m A by Ernst Vadja, bett has firmly taken his place as ence could not help but jerk the liked it. Dreamer,” “Talking Picture of by Guy Bolton. a screen star, so long as music audience out of the illusion of Opening the finale, the girls of You” and “Sunny Side Up,” CASTING DIRECTORS’ lasts at the least, and possibly reality whenever they appeared. Maurice Cheva- the line came on in pastel shaded starting these off with the sextette VIEWPOINT: much longer. The Ballet had his usual fern chiffon costumes, then everybody from “Lucia.” lier has added to Catherine Dale Owen, in the a very pretty toe dance to offer, appeal a chance to display himself on, many of the girls going up Peabody’s banjo work was the fern lead opposite him, is again in exceedingly well shot as to angles. ropes, taking parrots up, Mavis outstanding offering of the presen- in various uniforms, and to put a part which calls for iciness of personality in several and Ted making adagio center tation and naturally garnered the across his manner and considerable hauteur. CRISP WITH R-K-O well thought out to this stage, all for a good flash finale. most applause. sequences In these roles she is consistently The picture was M-G-M’s 1929 purpose. All of which should Irrespective of the quality and in character and excellent. It has been signed Hollywood Rveu.e please his fans. length of the stage, offering, the would be interesting, however, to by Radio Pictures to direct “Cook- Jeannette MacDonald is a most public laid their dough on the line see her for once in a more emo- ing Her Goose,” which will mark pleasing leading lady for him, be- FIFTH AVENUE to see and hear Peabody smack tional part, just to see what she the reunion of the popular silent ing pretty, appealing, convincing SEATTLE the old banjo. It’s what they could do with it. day team of Mary Astor and and a real singer. (Reviewed Jan. 23) come to see and hear and if they Next to Tibbett’s acting, the Lloyd Hughes. William Sistrom, Lupino Lane contributes no The “Let’s Pretend Idea” was a don’t get it, or enough of it, they neatest work is done by Florence who recently went from the post small share of the comedy, his al- weak follow-up to the gorgeous go out mumbling. Lake. The part, that of the of the Pathe general manager to lotment being the lower portion of “Black and Gold Idea” seen here They want anywhere from eight rogue’s sister, is very small in that of associate producer for R- it, and his comedy falling prowess last week. It started out like a to ten numbers from Peabody in- footage, comparatively speaking, K-O, will have this as his first comes in for good response. million, with a finale that had less cluding the “St. Louis Blues,” but being only one sequence of dis- supervisiorial assignment under his Opposite him is Lillian Roth, kick to it than the worst of ’em. he’s finally got ’em to lay off the tress at her betrayal, and another new contract. Starting date is ten- who does her part in good stand- The opening scene, a huge latter, for a while anyway, but one of her death. But it stands tatively set for February 12. ardized stage fashion. pumpkin with the orchestra seated they’ve got to have plenty banjo, out. There is a Greek chorus of cabi- in the center and 12 line girls and whoever is at fault can take Judith Bosseli is exceptionally IN “BRIDE” net ministers, among them being NEW YORKER with pumpkin heads doing the this tip if Peabody’s stay here is well cast as a haughty countess; Lionel Belmore, Eugene Pallette usual routine that was highlighted to be as successful as his first Ulrich Haupt plays a short but ac- Arthur Hammerstein has with- and Albert Roccardi. when Rita Lane, a little blonde week. ceptable heavy; and Elsa Alsen drawn Robert Chisholm from the Edgar Norton is well cast as the soprano, put the necessary kick The screen feature was “The takes fullest advantage of the cast of the York, play, “Sweet chamberlain. lim- New into the theme number “Let’s Bishop Murder Case.” ited opportunities of a mother role. Adeline,” and assigned him to a Pretend.” Jean. Satisfactorily doing other minor featured role in “Bride 66,” mu- George Green, colored skate DANCE HALL’ parts are Nance O’Neil, Lionel sical production which he will artist, although not fitting in with KEN DAILEY WEDS (Continued from Page 4) Belmore, Wallace MacDonald, make for United Artists. the Idea in any way, shape, or it is to be believed that he would form, more than overstayed his Ken Dailey, general Jnanager for have had some touching sequences the Bert offices, limit on the skates, but neverthe- Levey was mar- to his credit. less, to his credit, got a deservedly ried Thursday, January 23, to Ara- Jane Murfin and J. Walter Ru- good hand. Shorten this up with belle Wiles, a non-professional. and ben did the scenario and dialogue. PATRICK MARSH less repeats and he’d go even bet- The ceremony took place in the CASTING DIRECTORS’ (AOEN0Y) ter. Saint Augustine Church. Dailey VIEWPOINT: Arthur Lake did VAUDEVILLE—ORCHESTRAS A couple of hoofers, George is 35 years old and his bride 26. the same as he always does, un- Tillyou and George Rogers, had The wedding culminated a a romance pleasantly-pitched voice and all. comedy dance offering that could of two years. Not so good. WANTED! been have cut short to better ad- Olive Borden’s voice registers ACTS SUITABLE PICTURE vantage. This one dragged FOR HOUSE PRESENTATION con- NANCY DUE BACK clearly, but her performance was AND CLUBS siderably due to its length, and one of those one-two-three emote for no reason whatsoever Ed SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.— procedures. WHITE—WIRE—CALL Chaney, co-producer of the idea, Nancy Carroll, star, Paramount Joe Cawthorn, if any one doesn’t 807*8 Majestic Theatre Bldg., 845 South Broadway, Los Angeles also did some hoofing. is expected here this week on a happen to know it, is a comedian Phone TUcker 2140 The girls did a semi-Tiller return voyage from Honolulu that the talkies can use as often number that registered fair and where she has been vacationing as they want without fear of over- they were entitled to what they her with husband. Jack Kirkland. doing it. Into the frequently dull got. Kirkland returned several days footage of this picture he burst The outstanding bits on the bill ago. like Old Dutch Cleanser to was Rita Lane’s singing and Flor- brighten and sparkle. The picture ence Forman’s high kicking. SUPPORTING DIX was all his. Walter Trask A couple of the line girls in a Henry Armetta, Italian actor Margaret Seddon was natural- specialty acted like WANTS STANDARD ACTS and for they hated each with 16 years’ film experience, ness itself in the mother role, and ENTERTAINERS other, which offset their otherwise will enact a supporting role in easily took credit for bringing to THEATRES, CLUBS, LODGES and SMAROFF-TRASK fair offering. This one needs Richard Dix’s second radio star- herself the major portion of the PRESENTATIONS jerking up badly before it hits ring vehicle, “I Love You.” audience’s sympathy. WALTER TRASK THEATRICAL AGENCY Ralph Emerson’s recitation of 1102 Commercial lines was just recitation, but ndt Exchange Bldg. nearly so much so as that of 410 West Eighth Street Los Angelas Helen Kaiser, who was not un- Telephone TUcker 1680 Meiklejohn Bros. reminiscent of a Saturday night’s entertainment at the little Red ASSOCIATED VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS Schoolhouse. Lee Moran was well cast as a WILLS-CUNNINGHAM 7016 Hollywood Fourth Floor, Spreckels Bldg. soda-jerker, and completing the Boulevard Studio of Dancing Gladstone 9502 Professionals Taught by Professionals cast were Tom O’Brien, Natalie Phones: 714 So. Hill St. Routines Created and Perfected for Single, Double and Ensemble Joyce and Patricia Caron. Dancing Acts TRinity 2217, TRinity 2218 LOS ANGELES Walter Wills Theatrical Employment Agency VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURE HOUSE ‘ROGUE SONG’ Talent Booked for Pictures, Vaudeville, Production, Clubs ENGAGEMENTS AVAILABLE (Continued from Page 4) FOR STANDARD ACTS EXHIBITORS’ VIEWPOINT: If you have any ability whatso- ever at exploitation, this is a sure- fire cooking for any first run Ackerman & Harris house, either for a run or for a EXECUTIVE OFFICES WANTED—Acts Suitable for Vaudeville, Picture week or two. All you have to sell is Tibbett’s voice and the new THIRD FLOOR, PHELAN BLDG. House Presentations, Clubs and Talkies type of screen entertainment for the opening shows, and word-of- THEATRICAL mouth should do the rest. Ella Herbert Weston, Booking Manager AL WAGER AGENCY PRODUCERS’ VIEWPOINT: Lionel Barrymore has scored a (Artists’ Representative) distinct triumph in the direction Market, Grant and O’FarreU Sts. SAN FRANCISCO 221 LOEW’S STATE BLDG., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. of this picture. His .neat balanc- LOS ANGELES—20 Film Exchange Bldg. Phone: ing of the Tibbett voice with the VAndike 3619 Washington and Vermont — Telephone: story interest is splendid, and BEacon 7966 many of the scenes have been han-

Artists and Acts Register For 206 Majestic Theatre Building Theatrical Bookings, Orchestras and IRA F. GAY AGENCY 845 South Broadway Club Entertainment FA 3421 Los Angeles — |


Youngstown Vindi

ator said

At the Palace, N. Y., Zits said—“Carries all the comedy and puts a

kick into the * show !’’ where it needs it

“Billboard” skid — “Stands out as the strongest personality. Tough moll number is several pegs “Persona higher than a classic.”

" a, e cley- Variety, State Lake, Chicago “Loop,” said—“Stood out as the in- dividual hit of the show.”

Jean in “Inside Facts,” Seattle, W ash., said “Reaped a harvest of Detroit, laughs. Her tough number topped off, in great shape, her clever interpretations.”



HEADLINING l0s\£g?Les WEEK OF JANUARY 30th PERSONAL DIRECTION:-JIMMY MURPHY Scanned from the collection of Karl Thiede

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