Arrange the words in alphabetical order worksheets grade 2 Arrange the words in alphabetical order

Q. Arrange these words in the order in which you would find them in the . a. Cat, Joke, Ball, Dog. . Flag, Zoo, Goat, Sun. . Ear, Box, Horse, Coat. d. Yard, Ice, Note, Boat. . Mouse, Kind, Owl, Can. Arrange the words in alphabetical order

(Key) a. Ball, Cat, Dog, Joke. b. Flag, Goat, Sun, Zoo. c. Box, Coat, Ear, Horse. d. Boat, Ice, Note, Yard. e. Can, Kind, Mouse, Owl. Arrange the words in alphabetical order

Q. Arrange these words in the order in which you would find them in the dictionary. a. Pen, Park, Rat, Gold. b. Sea, Hot, Game, Town. c. Rope, Rain, Train, Bear. d. Solid, Round, Bold, Arm. e. Red, Rose, Out, Cow. Arrange the words in alphabetical order

(Key) a. Gold, Park, Pen, Rat. b. Game, Hot, Sea, Town. c. Bear, Rain, Rope, Train. d. Arm, Bold, Round , Solid. e. Cow, Out, Red, Rose. Arrange the words in alphabetical order

Q. Arrange these words in the order in which you would find them in the dictionary. a. Chair, Jug, King, Bat. b. Jam, Run, Oak, Lot. c. Candy, Hut, Soap, Band. d. Pole, Car, Van, Well. e. Doll, Soda, Lamp, Loaf. Arrange the words in alphabetical order

(Key) a. Bat, Chair, Jug, King. b. Jam, Lot, Oak, Run. c. Band, Candy, Hut, Soap. d. Car, Pole, Van, Well. e. Doll, Lamp, Loaf, Soda. Arrange the words in alphabetical order

Q. Arrange these words in the order in which you would find them in the dictionary. a. Pig, Man, Giant, Fox. b. Silver, Jam, See, Kite. c. Hand, Iron, Bone, Bolt. d. Duck, Hen, Scale, Care. e. Pear, Onion, Sandal, Camel. Arrange the words in alphabetical order

(Key) a. Fox, Giant, Man, Pig. b. Jam, Kite, See, Silver. c. Bolt, Bone, Hand, Iron. d. Care, Duck, Hen, Scale. e. Camel, Onion, Pear, Sandal. Arrange the words in alphabetical order

Q. Arrange these words in the order in which you would find them in the dictionary. a. Lilly, Window, House, Plate. b. Glass, Bench, Saw, Tape. c. Go, Done, Sell, Ant. d. Arrow, Nail, Fish, Bell. e. Hunt, Love, Nut, Four. Arrange the words in alphabetical order

(Key) a. House, Lilly, Plate, Window. b. Bench, Glass, Saw, Tape. c. Ant, Done, Go, Sell. d. Arrow, Bell, Fish, Nail. e. Four, Hunt, Love, Nut.