Bulgarian research teams

Working on


4th Call for Proposals

Staytcho Kolev National Contact Point Priority 6.3

National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology Blvd. Tzarigradsko Chaussee N°66 1784 [email protected]

Organization details; address; contact information: National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, BAS, branch Address: 139 Russki bul. , 4000 Plovdiv , Bulgaria Telephone +35932265511 Fax : +35932622389, e-mail : [email protected]

Thematic priority and sub-priority of interest: preliminary data control, sorting and archiving of agrometeorological information, agro meteorology, Software Application for Processing Agrometeorological Information

Instrument preferable: automatic station, soil moisture measuring instrument

Short description of the experience & potential, supporting the concrete sub-priority

Institute Place From/To Subjects Degree studied Secondary High school Plovdiv October 1986 corresponde diplom school of foreign to June 1991 nce, a sec. languages French educat language ion Vocationa College of Plovdiv Nov.1992 to Agrarian diplom l school Agriculture Nov.1995 economics a Academic High Plovdiv Nov.1995 to viticulture, master degrees: Institute of Nov.2000 horticulture, ’s First Agriculture engineer degree From 1996 I started in National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, BAS, branch Plovdiv. From 1996 to 2002 I worked as an agro meteorologist in agrometeorological station near Plovdiv. Using a standard methodology my dally job was to collect some traits parameters: (plant height, crop density, components of productivity, main development stages, damage caused by biotic and abiotic factors); registration of agricultural practices used (plugging, sowing, fertilizer application, irrigation, etc.); measuring the parameters of land surface cover (snow depth and density), soil temperature, soil moisture dynamics to 200 cm depth, measured at 10 cm intervals to the 100 cm depth and at 20 cm from 100 to 200 cm. From 2002 I am the head of agro meteorology in South Bulgaria. Now my work is: control of information from the whole agrometeorological stations and phenological sites in South Bulgaria.


Organisation + addres: Department of Bio-Indication & Environmental Assessments Department of Functional Ecology Central Laboratory of General Ecology 1113 Sofia, 2 Gagarin Street Thematic priority and sub-priority of interest II.2; III.1 and III.4 Instrument preferable: Depends on the project coordinator

Short description of the experience , potential, etc. supporting the concrete sub-priority: See the attachment

CENTRAL LABORATORY OF GENERAL ECOLOGY BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 1113 Sofia, 2 Gagarin Street, phone (+359-2) 717 195, fax (+359-2) 8705 498 E-mail: [email protected] , http://www.ecolab.bas.bg

The Central Laboratory of General Ecology (CLGE) was established on January 1, 1996, as a successor of the former Commission of Nature Protection (1956-1974), Scientific & Co-ordination Center of Environmental Protection (1974-1979), National Center of Ecology & Environmental Protection (1979- 1989) and later – of the Institute of Ecology (1989-1995) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. During these years, this permanent academic institution was the only scientific center devoted to the studying and science-based decision making of the nature protection policy in Bulgaria. Establishment of the national network of reserves, including 17 biosphere reserves listed by the UNESCO (1968- 1995), affiliation of the Pirin Mountain National Park and the Srebarna Lake biosphere reserve to the World Heritage List (1984), publication of the Bulgarian Red Data Book (1985), designation of several Ramsar sites of international importance (1978-1996) were among main achievements within this period. The present Central Laboratory of General Ecology (CLGE) is an autonomous scientific body (legal person) for research and development and post-graduate (PhD) education. The main scope of the Lab’s current works is in the fields of Bio-Cenology & Ecological Modeling, Bio- Diversity & Nature Conservation, and Bio-Indication & Ecological Assessments. The current activities cover large scale of natural and man-made ecosystems and habitats of all kinds (marine, freshwater, terrestrial, forest, agro-systems, etc.). The Lab applies various methodical approaches and numerous methods for studying the ecological and environmental issues and problems. Wide range of analytical devices and facilities belong to the CLGE’s chemical, hydrobiological, microbiological, cytogenetical, parasitological, and other laboratories and research groups. The administrative structure of the Lab is correspondent to these basic directions of studies: the Departments of Functional Ecology, of Biodiversity & Nature Protection, of Bio-Indication & Environmental Risks Assessment, and a functional group of Applied Ecology are the basic research units of the CLGE. The Lab has three permanent filed stations which support on site the scientific and applied studies in various fields of the biodiversity and ecosystems structure and functioning. The Ecological Station of the Srebarna Lake is located on the one of the most prominent Bulgarian biosphere reserves. The Marine Ecology Lab is located on the Black Sea coast (Sozopolis) and its activities include coastal zones management, marine water quality modeling, pollution impact on the eutrophication, etc. The third station, located on another reserve, also a Ramsar site – Atanassovsko Lake on the Black Sea coast, is among the basic sites for studying the birds’ migration and biodiversity and functioning of hyperhaline coastal wetlands.


Totally one Correspondent-Member of the BASc, 12 professors and 18 PhD researchers are associated to the scientific staff of the Lab. Of them 16 are licensed by the Ministry of Environment & Water as qualified experts in various fields of the environmental protection issues. The Lab is available to use the expertise of number of external consultants, most of them also licensed, in order to meet different requirements of the research topics and commissions made by the governmental bodies and business companies. The CLGE is also experienced in numerous international, bilateral and/or national projects, especially through inter-academic scientific and EU cooperation activities. The Lab provides a flexible team of experts, including invited consultants, collaborating with the local NGO’s and/or relevant governmental environmental authorities. In parallel, the Lab is in the position, if necessary, to provide additional measurements of the environmental components by its own analytical capacity in compliance with the adopted and/or accepted standards for sampling and measuring the environmental components and factors (soil, water, air, biodiversity, solid/liquid wastes, etc.).The Lab is the winner of 1999 National Award of the Henry Ford EuropeanConservation Awards for development of Management Plan of the Srebarna Lake Biosphere Reserve.

The CLGE is the winner of the 1999 National Award of the Henry Ford European Conservation Awards for developing the Management Plan of Srebarna Lake Biosphere Reserve.

List of selected national and international projects implemented by the CLGE (name of the commissioner and/or the partner is in brackets)

2004-2007: The role of the invasive species on local mullet communities in the Mediteranean: a parasite community approach [EC/INTAS] 2004-2006: NaturNet-Redime New Education and Decision Support Model for Active Behaviour in Sustainable Development Based on Innovative Web Services and Qualitative Reasoning (6th FP, Proposal/Contract No 004074, in negotiation procedure)[Iniversity of Jena, Germany] 2004-2006: Setting up the system of biological monitoring in compliance with the requirements of the Annex V of the Framework Water Directive 2000/60/EC (Project 563/2004/EEA)[Executive Environmental Agency] 2004-2005: Identifying important herpetological areas (for tortoises and snakes) with European significance in Bulgaria for the purposes of Natura’2000 [Ministry of Agriculture, the Netherlands] 2004-2005: Reference & Intercalibration Sites and Selection of Biological Parameters Relevant to the Framework Water Directive 2000/60/EC (Project 508/2004/MOEW) [Ministry of Environment & Water] 2004-2005: Development of guidance for designation of water bodies supporting fish and shelfish life (Contract No 3979/2004/MOEW) [Ministry of Environment & Water] 2004-2005: Ecological risk assessment of manganese mining – Tzarkva & Obrotchichte - NorthEast Bulgaria ["Albena" Holding]


2003-2005: Interrelationship models of neighboring lotic and lentic ecosystems in the processes of recovery and development of aquatic communities in wetlands of the Lower Danube terrace (Project B 1307/03/NSF) [Minsitry of Education & Science] 2003-2005: Metabolic activity of Chlamydomonas as modulator of heavy metals in vascular plants (Project B 1306/03, NSF) [Minsitry of Education & Science] 2003-2004: BIOFORUM: Conflicts between human activities and the conservation of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, grasslands, forests, wetlands and uplands in Europe (5th FP, EVK2-CT-1999-20006/BIOFORUM-ACC)[CEH] 2003-2003: An improved monitoring of environmental cancerogenes – a principally new test. Application of bacterial tests for assessment of toxicity/mutagenecity of various environmental pollutants (Project NATO 977977328 CDW) 2002-2005: Comparative studies on the species diversity, morphology and systematics of cestodes of suborder Acoleata in the North Eurasia (joint research project of CLGE and Institute of Systematic and Ecology of Animals, Novosibirsk) [BASc/Russian Academy of Sciences] 2002-2005: Electronic database for the species diversity of tapeworms (cooperation with University of Connecticut, Storrs) [National Science Foundation, USA] 2002-2004: Complex Monitoring of the Srebarna Lake Biosphere Reserve in Support of the Decision-Making and Management (Project No MOEW) [Ministry of Environment & Water] 2002-2004: Radio-adaptation of microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Project K 1204/02, NSF) [Minsitry of Education & Science] 2002-2003: Protection of Waters against Pollution Caused by Nitrates from Agricultural Sources, Directive 91/676/EEC, for Bulgaria (EC/PHARE BL-0081.00-12.0/LDK1) [Ministry of Environment & Water] 2002-2002: Protection of Waters against Pollution caused by Nitrates from Agricultural Sources: Directive 91/676/EEC for Bulgaria (EC/PHARE BL-0081.00-12.0/LDK1-Greece) 2001-2004: Assessment of the dynamics of structural and functional parameters of chestnut ecosystems in South West of Bulgaria [Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry] 2001-2003: Needs Assessment and CHM Establishment in Bulgaria (Joint UNDP BUL/98/G3/USAID LAG-I-00-99-00013-00) [Ministry of Environment & Water] 2001-2002: Development of Program on Setting the Military Activities in Compliance with National Environmental Legislation [Ministry of Defense] 2001-2002: EIA for the Second Set of Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Black Sea Basin (EU Framework Contract IB/AMS/45)[AGRIFOR-Belgium] 2001-2001: Standardization & Rationalization of Reports on the Implementation of Certain Directives Related to the Environment Directive 91/692/EEC (EC/PHARE Project No DM.BL.16.01, URS Corp.) [Ministry of Environment & Water] 2000-2004: Development and implementation of the network BULBIONET for biological diversity of the Republic of Bulgaria (Project No 176/1999)[National Trust EcoFund] 2000-2003: Monitoring of Nutrients in the marine coastal zone of the Southern Black Sea [Ministry of Environment & Water] 2000-2002: Systematics and evolutionary biology of the species of the genus Biuterina from the Old World [Royal Society, London] 2000-2000: Preliminary EIA of the Danube River Harbor at being under Reconstruction [Ministry of Transport] 1999-2001: Development of Methods for Assessment of Minimum Water Flow Protecting the Biodiversity and Ecological Quality of the Running Waters in the Republic of Bulgaria (Project No 788-2239/1999/MOEW) [Ministry of Environment & Water] 1999-2000: Molecular approach for assessment of species diversity of trematodes from the genus Echinostoma (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) [Systematics Association, UK]


1999-2000: Development & Implementation of the Management Plan for the Srebarna Lake Biosphere Reserve [Ramsar Convention Bureau & Ministry of Environment & Water] 1999-2000: EIA of the “Orgachim” EAD (paint, lacquers, resins production factory) - Russe, including past environmental damages and soil remediation [ERM-Belgium] 1998-1999: Environmental Audits on the Electronics and Metalworking Engineering Sector being under privatization, in (PHARE BG 9702-01-03)[cooperation with Roland Berger & Partner, KPMG and Dames & Moore] 1998-1999: Environmental Audits on the Plastics, Rubber & Fibers Sector being under privatization, in co-operation with RES & Co, ERM etc. (PHARE BG 9702-01-02) 1998-1999: Environmental Audit of the Russe Ship-Yard being under privatization, in co- operation with DFC, etc. (PHARE BG 9702-01-02-05) 1998-1999: Past Environmental Damages Assessment and Remediation Plan of the Russe Ship Yard being under privatization (PHARE BG 9702-01-02-05)[cooperation with DFC- Spain] 1997-1997: Program CAST –Sustainability of Mediterranean Chestnut ecosystems (ЕС- ЕV5V-CT94-0427) [CNRS & EC, France] 1996–2000: Complex cytogeneticall studies under experimental bifactorial simulated pollution – a stage of the ecosystems’ genetical monitoring (Project K 622/1999/NSF) [Minsitry of Education & Science] 1996-1997: National Program for Biological Monitoring of Bulgaria (PHARE BG 9310-04-03- 01) [Ministry of Environment & Water] 1995 – 1998: Study on biological diversity and ecological cjaracteristics of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate fauna within the river Struma basin aiming at its protection and rational use“(Project B-505/95, NSF) [Minsitry of Education & Science]


Organization details; address; contact information: INSTITUTE OF PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES 4122 , Plovdiv district, Str. Drujba 2, BULGARIA Tel/Fax: +359/32/62 90 26 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Thematic priority and sub-priority of interest: Research institute for introduction, maintenance and preservation of Plant Genetic Resources (PGR) – cultivated species and their wild relatives, breeding and seed production of new cultivars of wheat, rice, peanuts and sesame. 1. Research, practical and service activities in the field of PGR – collection, evaluation, conservation, and sustainable utilization of wild and cultivated plant species • Enrichment of the genetic diversity – species with economic importance and genetic potential (old cultivars, local populations and wild crop relatives); endangered and rare species; endemics • Complex evaluation of PGR – core collections • Conservation of PGR – ex situ, in situ, on farm • Sustainable utilization of PGR - prebreeding and screening, crop improvement programmes, plant breeding and seed production 2. Breeding and genetic investigations for creating new cultivars of wheat, triticale, peanuts, sesame, rice etc. 3. Applying biotechnology in the breeding work

Instrument preferable: IP, STREPS

Short description of the experience & potential, supporting the concrete sub-priority There are the National Genebank and botanical garden available in the IPGR- Sadovo as well as computer center, practical-experimental equipment and specialized laboratories for: seed knowledge, plant protection, technology, plant physiology, agro-chemistry and plant biotechnology. The Institute has at its own disposal 3 563 dka agricultural lands from which 1 550 dka as experimental fields and 1 968 dka for seed production. The total staff in the IPGR counts 153 persons, from which 82 are involved in the scientific field and 66 – in the practical- experimental sector. A total of 51 000 accessions belonging to 2 670 plant species are maintained in the National Genebank. The National Genebank activities include long- and medium- term storage of seeds under controlled conditions, preservation of germplasm identity, national registration and statute of national representative in the world net for free exchange of PGR. A total of 320 accessions are preserved in the established botanical garden mainly wild plant species with a definite protective status. Methods for conserving plant diversity were elaborated both in cultivated and wild species aiming to establish the most effective approach for preservation: ex situ methods - monitoring in the genebank, field collections, botanical garden; in situ methods - monitoring and protection of natural ecosystems; on farm - monitoring and protection of agro-ecosystems. The IPGR-Sadovo possesses the certificates for a total of 33 cultivars as follows: 14 winter wheat cultivars, 2 eggplant cultivars, 2 winter forage pea cultivars, 4 tomato cultivars, 5 rice cultivars, 3 peanut cultivars, 1 sesame cultivar, 1 beans cultivar and 1 chick-pea cultivar. The IPGR-Sadovo is the executor of the National and co-executor of the International Wheat and Peanuts Breeding Programmes. The IPGR’s researchers are members of expert councils to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Environment and Waters, Executive Agency for Variety Testing and Seed Control and also participate in the International Working Groups on different crops to the IPGRI-Italy.




Organization details: National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Address: 66 “Tzarigradsko chausse “, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria

Contact information: Dr.Snejana Dakova

Thematic priority and sub-priority of interest: 1. Hydrology and climate processes 2. Development of advance methodologies for risk assessment 3. Estimating methods of sustainability and externalities. 4. Developing tools for integrated sustainability assessment and for the incorporation of sustainability in decision making processes

Instrument preferable: anywhere it is possible

Short description of the experience & potential supporting the concrete sub-priority: • Short description of the experience Senior Scientific Research Fellow in National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology into the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, with about 30 years of experience in Hydrology, specialized mainly in fields of low flow, environmental equilibrium of the rivers water’s ecosystems, drought, water resources, assessment of human impact on the streamflow, impacts of water management on the river’s ecosystems etc. That includes scientific researching, publishing, and designing, expertise table etc. Participation in interdisciplinary research programs and designing projects in national and international level. and projects related wi8th the natural protection and sustainable environmental development in Bulgaria. Secretary of the Bulgarian NC of IHP in UNESCO. Languages: English, French, Russian

International coordinator of the theme: “Low Flow” in project H-5-5 of UNESCO - FREND - AMHY to 1996. Method of assessment of the Minimum river flow required for stream flow Biodiversity Protection, 2001- Scientific base for preparation the legal obligations of Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water - team leader ”Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on the Elements of the Hydrological Cycle on the South-Eastern Europe” – funding by UVO-ROSTE. On going project.

• Potential supporting the concrete sub-priority : II.1. Hydrology and climate process II.3. Integral management strategies and mitigation technologies. III.1. Relation between society, economy, biodiversity and habitats III.3. Integrated assessment of drivers affecting ecosystems functioning and biodiversity, and mitigation options III.4 .Risk assessment, management , conservation and rehabilitation options in relation to terrestrial ecosystems VII.2. Development of advanced methodology for risk assessment.


Organization details; address; contact information:

Laboratory of Transfer Processes in Liquid Media Institute of Chemical Engineering Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Acad. G. Bontchev Str., Bl. 103 1113 Sofia Bulgaria

Contact person: Prof. L. Boyadzhiev Tel.: + 359 2 71 00 29 Fax: + 359 2 870 75 23 E-mail: [email protected]

Thematic priority and sub-priority of interest:

Global Change and Ecosystems

Sub-area: VII.2. Appraisal of environmental quality, population health and monitoring tools -Title (optional) “Products for human life improvement derived from medicinal plants”

Instrument preferable:

Joint research; European network

Short description of the experience & potential, supporting the concrete sub-priority

The Institute of Chemical Engineering is the principal national research centre for chemical engineering and bioengineering. The Institute is engaged both in fundamental and applied researchs. The main achievements are in the development of new industrial techniques, novel equipment and process technologies, creation of methods for optimized industrial design, control and renovation of chemical and biochemical engineering systems.

The main research projects of the Laboratory are related to detailed study of the mass transfer mechanisms in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems, extraction, liquid membranes separation and other methods of treatement of natural processes. The research team comprises qualified staff with long and worldwide recognized experience in the field of extraction and recovery of valuable or toxic sustances from waste waters and natural sources. One of the principal interests of the laboratory team is targeted on the manufacturing of valuable natural products for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and nutritional uses extracted from botanicals or vegetal wastes. Low energy consuming separation processes with harmless, non-pollutant and non-toxic chemicals are developed. The project deals with all principal steps of a complete scheme of process research and development on products recovery from raw materials in order to develop selective, efficient, and optimized processes for extraction, isolation, and refining of targeted products; development of corresponding technological schemes; design and realization of appropriate equipment; experimental production of samples and tests for biological activity and toxicity. The purpose is to obtain natural extracts with identified active substances and confirmed biological effects. The final objective is to invent access way to natural active substances helpful to human health and improvement of quality of consumption goods. The laboratory team invents technology for natural products able to replace successfully the synthetic ones, which is believed to be an important contribution to quality of consumption products.


EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO BE PARTNER IN SUBPRIORITY “ Global Change and Ecosystems” for the 4th Call NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF METEOROLOGY AND HYDROLOGY (NIMH, BAS) 1784 Sofia, 66 Tzarigradsko shaussee Blvd.; Fax:: (+359 2) 88 44 94, (+359 2) 88 03 80 URL: http://www.meteo.bg

Director The activities of the National Institute of Meteorology and Konstantin Tsankov, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Hydrology are incorporating scientific investigations and operational Tel. 975 39 96 functions in the monitoring of the atmospheric processes, agrometeorology E-mail: [email protected] and hydrology. During the last years new software, equipment and modern Deputy Director information technologies were applied in the scientific and operational Georgi Kortchev, Ph.D.,Assoc. Prof. activities of the Institute. New important results were achieved: the Tel. 975 39 96 development of modern methods and equipment for observations; analysis E-mail: [email protected] and forecasting of the atmospheric and hydrospherical processes; Act.-in-Charge Petio Simeonov, Ph.D. investigations of space-time characteristics of the climatic and water Assoc. Prof. resources; investigating and forecasting the processes, the content and the E-mail: [email protected] changes of natural and anthropogenic origin in the atmosphere and the hydrosphere on regional and global scale; specialized hydro-meteorological Deputy Director services over the country and the Black Sea provided for the governmental Valery Spiridonov, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. institutions, public sector and industry, including the safety and life Tel. 975 39 96 prevention of the population and the property in case of natural disasters E-mail: [email protected] and industrial accidents; representation in the World Meteorological Organization and providing international data exchange for the “World Deputy Director Weather Watch” in South-East Europe and the Middle East by the national Dobri Dimitrov, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. and regional telecommunication centre. Tel. 975 39 96 • The contemporary priorities of the scientific investigations are: E-mail: [email protected] • Validation and optimization of the observing networks; development and optimization of the methods and the observing equipment, base of Scientific Secretary data processing and data transmission. Staycho Kolev, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. • Assessment of the hydrometeorological resources - climatic, Tel. 875 10 18 agroclimatic and water resources, their variability over the country and E-mail: [email protected] their utilization in the different sectors in the national economy. • Applied researches on the atmospheric processes (electricity, solar Assistant Director radiation etc.) and climate variations. Margarita Petkova • Investigations on the content and variability of natural and Tel. 975 35 99 anthropogenic origin in the atmosphere and the hydrosphere on a E-mail: [email protected] regional and global scale. Investigation and numerical modelling of the transport processes of pollutants. Chairman of the Scientific Council • Improvement of the methods for short and medium range-forecasts Vassil Andreev, D. Sc., Prof., with application of satellite and radar observations and numerical Corresponding Member regional medium range forecasts and nowcasting. Development of Tel. 973 38 31 methods for long-term forecasts. Cloud physics, cloud resources, and E-mail: [email protected] aerological studies.

Chief Accountant METHODS, TECHNOLOGIES AND EQUIPMENT Jana Gorcheva In the scientific and operational activities traditional and new Tel. 87 38 08 int. 525 equipment and methods of observations are used as: automatic system for E-mail: [email protected] meteorological communications “TRANSMET” ground “METEOSAT” Office Tel. 975 39 86 int. 349 receiving station; application of radar observations and automatic meteorological stations; low-level laboratory for determining alfa- radionuclides in the environmenmtal samples; wide application of numerical methods of forecasting the atmospheric processis and the transport of pollutants. DEPARTMENTS HEADS Petio Simeonov, PhD, Assoc. Prof. METEOROLOGY General meteorology, meteorological and agrometeorological Dep. head Vesselin Alexandrov, Ph.D. database and service, climatology and agrometeorology. Methodical Assoc.Prof. support to the meteorological and agrometeorological networks. Expert Tel. 975 35 85 service to users by meteorological, climatic and agrometeorological E-mail: [email protected] assessments and products. Investigation of climatic and agroclimatic [email protected] resources; renewable energy resources; spatial and temporal variations and change of meteorological and agrometeorological elements. Risk assessment of extreme weather events. Study and experiments in the field of building (technical) climatology. Analysis and prediction of agrometeorological conditions and related impacts on agrotechnologies


applied as well as crop growth, development and yield formation. Investigation of climate variability and change on agriculture.ГОТОВО Todorina Bojkova, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. HYDROLOGY Tel. 975 33 45 - Investigations of surface water resources, groundwater studies, E-mail: [email protected] spatial variation of river runoff, extreme hydrological events, mathematical modeling of the fluctuations of surface flow and groundwater, short-term and long-term hydrological forecasting, hydrological data base management, service of data base, storms forecasting, hydrological data base, water balance and assessment of climate change variability and it influence on the hydrological elements, low flow, minimal discharge, assessment of ecological minimum, tendencies in development of river runoff, establishment of phases, cycles, sediment phase in the river runoff, derby high flow, temperature and ice regime of river bodies, river ecology et. ct.ГОТОВ Hristomir Branzov, Ph. D. COMPOSITION OF THE ATMOSPHERE AND HYDROSPHERE Assoc. Prof. Meteorological aspects of the air pollution; Hydrological Tel. 975 35 91 aspects of the water pollution; Theoretical and experimental studies E-mail: [email protected] of the relations between pollutants’ concentrations in air/water and the meteorological/hydrological parameters; Meteorological/ Hydrological factors for air/water pollution; Atmospheric boundary-layer physics; Pollutant transport and dispersion modeling in the atmosphere and the Black Sea at difference time and space scales; urban climate, microclimate, solar radiation and human comfort; Monitoring of the radioactivity background and chemical composition of the air, surface and ground waters in the whole country, solar radiation observations, total ozone measurements; Analysis and assessments of the data, expert opinions and consultancy regarding air and water pollution, urban climate and microclimate.ГОТОВО Plamen Neytchev, Ph.D. WEATHER FORECAST Assoc. Prof. The weather forecasting department provides short- and medium- Tel. 88 23 08 range weather and sea wave forecasts, as well as long-range prognoses. It E-mail: [email protected] monitors and issues early warnings of dangerous weather conditions, thunder storms, storm surge waves in the Black Sea, provides weather- related news and in-depth explanations of weather situations. Data from surface observations, upper air soundings, radar and satellite remote sensing, and numerical weather prediction models are operationally used for ensuring these forecasts.ГОТОВО НЕ Е ДАДЕНО НА БЪЛГ HEADS DIVISIONS Valery Spiridonov, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. CENTER FOR METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION Tel. 975 39 96??? Objectives: E-mail: [email protected] Producing of actual information based on numerical meteorological and marine models for different users; expertise for various meteorological phenomena; consultations for utilization of meteorological information in the activities of customers; maintenance of operative meteorological data base; maintenance of WEB pages of NIMH. Structure: Operational numerical models Operational data base WEB Information for customers ГОТОВО Mariana Grueva TELECOMMUNICATION CENTRE Tel. 973 38 21 The basic structural teams are: E-mail: [email protected] • Regional (RTC) and National Telecommunication Center; • Telecommunication and Networks. The sector performs operational and scientific-appliance activities in the area of hydro-meteorological telecommunications, according to the requirements of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The RTC is one of the 15th Regional Telecommunication Hubs (RTH) on the first level of the WMO’s Global Telecommunication System responsible for countries of Southeast Europe and Near East. RTH-Sofia and National Telecommunication Center support real-time access to the world (over 187 countries) and national hydro-meteorological data and


products. They support, process and distribute selectively over 400 MB daily national and international observational, processed, prognostic, aerological, radar and other type of information requisite for meteorology, hydrology, agrometeorology, oceanography, ecology and so on. The scientific-appliance activities are associated with the development and implementation of the up-to-date information technologies. Petko Boev, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. CENTRAL METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY Tel. 975 39 86 int. 743 Investigations on physics and the connected events with clouds. E-mail: [email protected] Creating of a methods for estimation of hydro- and meteorological resources, for warning about risks and dangerous events and for weather modification. Technological providing of the measurements in surface network at NIMH. Comparatively investigations of data measurements. Daily upper-air sounding (st. Sofia 12.00UT, system DigiCora III- VAISALA); observations and measurement of meteorological elements and events in st. Sofia and in the four high mountain observatories over the territory of Bulgaria. Providing of@@@ consumers with aerological and meteorological information.ГОТОВО Staycho Kolev, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Sections: Tel. 75 10 18 information activity and printing office; E-mail: [email protected] international cooperation and library.

Jana Gortscewa Chief Accountant Tel. 975 39 86 FINANCES/BOOK-KEEPING E-mail: Jana [email protected] Margarita Petkova Tel. 975 35 99 ADMINISTRATIVE E-mail: [email protected] DIRECTORS REGIONAL CENTERS Peter KONSTANTINOV Regional center PLOVDIV Tel. (+359 32) 26 52 99 4000 Plovdiv, 139 Ruski Blvd. E-mail: [email protected] The Regional Center – Plovdiv is located on an area of 56 000km2 covering the catchments region of Maritza river and Arda and Tundja rivers. The Center maintains the following networks: 69 meteorological, 71 hydrological, 129 hydrogeological stations and points and 102 points for rainfall measurements. It observes the radiation and chemical air pollution in 4 points, as well as the chemical pollution of river and underground waters of the rivers Maritza, Arda and Tundja. The Center disposes of ten years regional data bank, possesses a laboratory for radiation control satisfying the standard EN – 45000, a weather center with a synoptic station, automated system DRONA, a numerical model ALADIN, daily radar observation and a laboratory for research of ice forming qualities of pyrotechnical compositions for the hail storm protection. Ivan MATEV, Ph. D. Regional center Tel. (+359 64) 2 70 57 5800 Pleven, 60 Hadji Dimiter St. E-mail: [email protected] The regional center Pleven realyzes efficient management of the observing network, servicing with agro- and hydrometeorologycal information in the area of North-Central and North–Western Bulgaria, control and archiving of stored data. Structural units: 5 observatories, 8 synoptical, 21 climatic, 72 rainfall, 8 agrometeorolgycal, 50 hydrologycal and 16 hydrogeologycal stations. Activities: 1. Regular synoptical, climatic and rainfall observations. 2. Agrometeorological stations – observing of the growth of the agricultures and some insects and birds, soil moisture samples. 3. Measurement of the capacity of the springs and surface waters. Support and building of rail and rope bridges on the rivers in the hydrometric stations. 4. Making of short-term and medium range forecasts and Specialized forecasts for the parts of our area , or for the all of our area. Forecasts for the private and government institutions and mediae. Aerosynoptical analyze and forecasts for the Agency For Preventing of the Hailstorms. 5. Laboratory for the radiation control measures β and γ - radioactivity of samples of water fallout, dry fallout, air, river


water and radio-nuclide content of the precipitation. 6. Chemical laboratory analyzes pollution of atmospheric air, surface and ground water and the chemical content of the precipitation. 7. Communication services – support of our local computer network, regular receiving of the data from our stations, forwarding of the stored data to NIMH - Sofia. Communicational support for the clients of our informational products. Radoslava MANIAROVA Regional center VARNA Tel. (+359 52) 30 22 56 9005 Varna, 10 Sveti Nikola St. E-mail: [email protected] The regional centre in Varna is the largest one and is spread over east part of Bulgaria. Regular meteorological, hydrological and agronomical observations take place here. Chemical and physical characteristics of atmosphere and water are observed and a data bank has been created. The center in Varna possesses its own Telecommunication Centre submitted to Sofia. The Regional center in Varna works out meteorological and hydrological forecasts and also specialized forecasts for the needs of the agriculture. The short and medium range meteorological forecasts serve the economy in general. They serve in particular the transport, recreation system, building industry. They are broadcasted by the media and so the forecasts reach the society as a hole. In Varna specialized forecasts and analysis could be made due to the needs of different users. For that purpose we have available specialized data banks. And finally, due to international agreements the regional centre in Varna has the important obligation to issue regular forecasts and wind and sea warnings for Bulgarian shipping In Varna we twice a day work out meteorological forecast for area JULIETTE in Black Sea in the frame of the program NAVTEX. Tzvetan GRIGOROV Tel. (+359 78) 3 34 88 Regional center NIMH, P.B. 79 The center supports the network of 215 stations and posts as four of them are weather-watch stations: 25-climatic stations, 65 rain-gange stations, 48 hydrological stations, 54 hydrogeological stations and 20 agrometereological stations and posts. The number of voluntary observers with labor contract is 53 and that with public contract to the Ministry of the Environment and Water is 113. Purpose: - composing of metereological, agrometereological and hydrological information, data and issues about the chemical and nuclear pollution, which we supply to our numerous consumers. - short-term, middle-term and monthly weather and water forecasts and development and forming of the agriculturing products’ crop. - providing by scientific researches , investigations, works and methods for different activities in the agriculture, building tourism , water economy, trade, ecology, public defense, industry, power engineering and other research works in - the sphere of the natural and engineering sciences. - investigational assessments and investigations for the meteorological, hydrometeorological effects and variations of the climate. “Hydrology” Sector is an administrative section to NIMH – Branch Kjustendil and it is methodically and operatively subserviented to the Department of “Hydrology” to NIMH - Sofia. The main activity of the sector is concentrated on the functionary of the main hydrological and hydrogeological networks by stations and posts for South-West Bulgaria ,which are a part of the National system for monitoring on the perfunctory and underground waters. To the purpose the sector organizes and manages: The running, the managing and the supporting of the networks. Composing and control over the special information about the perfunctory and underground sewage water. Editorship of the primary information and formation of temporary and final (complete) annual key curves for the water quantity. Service for the consumers with a hydrological and hydrogeological information. Sector “Administration – economic” to NIMH - Branch Kjustendil includes the following sections: - financial - accountance activity;


- computer communications; - help - supporting activity. Financial-accountance activity of the branch includes: - Editorship of primary accountancy documents and registrations; - Making read of the monthly pay-roll ledgers and registers for recompenses for the voluntary observers; - Editorship of accountancy reports and analyze; - Primary financial - accountancy control; - Keeping the accountancy documents; - Making inventories in stations and regions; The Computer communication activity Is organized by the base-data administrator. By INTERNET – connection the necessary verifications are delivered to NIMH–Sofia. In the same way the connection is made (realized) to the other branches. The Help - Supporting activity includes: - Making read contracts, orders for holidays, drawing up records of service, etc. - Purchasing goods and materials as well as their entrance in the warehouse registers, and writing out for purposes. - Transformation for servants and materials. - Sanitary - hygienic activity. INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION The Institute represents Bulgaria in the World Meteorological Organization of UN. It participates in several projects of WMO as: World Weather Watch; Global Telecommunication System; modernization of the regional center Sofia; creation of National Meteorological Centers of Macedonia and Albania; forthcoming upgrading of the NMC of Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia; regional projects for upgrading of the observational network along the Black Sea coast and in the Mediterranean region - Med-Hy-Coast; Non-real-time monitoring of data of the Global Telecommunication System, etc. Specialists from NIMH are involved in almost all commissions of WMO. The Institute takes part in the following projects of EC: “Regionalization of anthropogenic climate change for the purposes of climate change modeling”; “Ecological problems in karst waters caused by over-exploitation and contamination”; “Human capital and mobility”; “Danube alarm model”; “Meteorological measurements for air pollution in urban area - MEDCAPHOT-TRACE”; “Central European Study on Air Pollution and Respiratory Healt”; “ETEX - European Tracer Experiment”; “Bulgarian contribution to EMEP”; “Ecological risk assessment of pollution by heavy metals and organic micropollutants in the Danube catchment area”. With the Royal Society, London, a joint research project “Atmosphere electricity” has been developed. Projects with other international organizations: “Drought processes in South Eastern Europe - FRIEND AMHY” under IHP- UNESCO; regional program for the Black Sea of IOC-UNESCO; “Marine environmental assessment of the Black Sea”, regional technical co- operation program of the IAEA for the Black Sea; “Environmental aspects analysis of electricity generation options in Bulgaria”; “Med Hycos”, regional program of WMO and World Bank, etc. Projects based on bilateral agreements: “Validation and preoperational evaluation of a fine mesh spectral limited area numerical weather prediction model used in dynamical adaptation mode - ALADIN”; “Operational system for marine numerical forecasts for the Black Sea” agreement with METEO-FRANCE; “Construction of remote telecommunication hubs at TRANSMET system”, agreement with METEO-FRANCE; “Improvement of the meteorological telecommunications in the zone of responsibility of the Regional Telecommunication Hub - Sofia, based on inexpensive technologies in heterogenic transfer media”; “Studying of the prevention of the risk of forest fire and its spreading”, agreement with METEO-FRANCE; “Screening of renewable technologies and determination of renewable energy available to specific technologies”, Ministry of Energetic, USA; “South-East European limited area model (SEELAM)”, bilateral project with the Romanian Meteorological Service. НЕ Е ГОТОВО PUBLICATIONS Bulgarian Journal of Meteorology and Hydrology


The NIMH (since 1989) was established as SRIHM and HMS in 1962 as a part of the BAS.


Organization details; address; contact information: Regional Centre of Scientific Applied Service Address: 6600 Kurdzhali, 1, Minyorska street, Bulgaria Contact information: tel. +359 361 6 18 84, +359 361 6 50 01, res. Ass. Dr. Magdalena Nikolova mob. +359 361 889895210; fax +359 361 6 49 89 e-mail: [email protected] and [email protected] Thematic priority and sub-priority of interest: Tobacco growing: variety supporting selection, oriental tobacco growing technologies. Filbert culture: diverse methods of filbert growing, engrafted filbert planting material. Walnut culture: Comparative study of the American & Bulgarian walnut varieties and the selection improving work for establishment of new varieties. Instrument preferable: outdoor culture methods, field testing, statistics Short description of the experience & potential, supporting the concrete sub-priority:

- development of tobacco hybrids, lines and varieties of two tobacco origins Krumovgrad and Djebel basma with a complex resistance to the economic most important tobacco diseases, resistant to burning, with high technological taste qualities corresponding to the variety subgroup; - development of the initial plant selection /IPS/ and the comparative progeny test /CPT/ stages of the variety supporting selection of the most wide-spread tobacco varieties from which is obtained a seed material for the pre-basis and basis seed production; - development of the oriental tobacco cultivation technology for the origin Krumovgrad at the optimum rates of mineral fertilization and irrigation. - parallel test of various methods in the filbert tree cultivation: bushy, single-stemmed on its own root and through the rootstock grafting on the Turkish filbert; - development of the production technology of the filbert planting material grafted on the Turkish filbert rootstock in an open-air nursery; - comparative study of the biological and economic qualities of the best American and Bulgarian walnut varieties at their adaptation to the specific ecological conditions of South Bulgaria; - accomplishment of the selection improving work on the establishment of new varieties responding to the increased requirements of the European Union.