植物研究雑誌 J. J. Jpn. Bot. 75: 75: 191-212(2000)

Taxooomic Taxooomic Notes 00 of South VII

Noriyuki Noriyuki TANAKA

Department Department of Education ,School of Li beral Arts ,Teikyo University , 。tsuka 359 ,Hachi 句i,Tokyo ,192 -0 395 JAPAN (Received (Received on April 12 , 1999)

Ophiopogon intermedius D.Don occurring in south Asia is taxonomically reinvesti- gated. gated. Ophiopogon clarkei* , O. grandis* , O. lushuiensis* , O. zingiberaceu ♂, O. merr i/- lii* ,O.α caulis (=Chloopsis acaulis) * , O. wallichianus (=Fluegge αwallichiana) , O. bodinieri , O. indicus and jacquemontian αare treated as synonyms of O. intermedius intermedius (new synonyms are asterisked). All the varieties of O. intermedius and O. wallichianus wallichianus described by Hooker (1892) are also treated as the same taxon as O. intermedius. intermedius. Don's O. spicatus may also be conspecific with O. intermedius , as reported in in some previous papers. Ophiopogon intermedius is an exceedingly variable species with an an extensive r加 ge of distribution in Asia. (Continued from J. Jpn. Bo t. 75: 127-136)

Key words: distribution , Ophiopogon intermedius , south Asia ,

(14) (14) Ophiopogon intermedius in south- right individual on this sheet , the upper part ern Asia of most are lost) [1 examined only Ophiopogon intermedius was described by one sheet of 5139A preserved at Kew (Fig. D. Don (1 825) based on Wallich's specimen 1). A photograph of another sheet of 5139A from Nepa l. In Wallich's Catalogue (1 832) , (K) is reproduced in Bailey's paper (1929). entry entry number 5139A is registered as O. Hara (1966) noted that in the Wallich japonicus japonicus from Nepa l. Bailey (1 929) sug- Herbarium at Kew there is a specimen (no. gested gested that O. intermedius had been founded 5139A) COllected by Wallich in Nepal in on specimen 5139A ,and the specimen pre- 1821. The leaves of this specimen 紅 e re- served served in the Kew Herbarium is probably its ported by Hara to be 4-7 mm wideJ. If the type type or cotype. However , as Hara (1966) has leaves of O. intermedius are just like the pointed pointed out ,Don' s description (1825) of O. above passage by D. Don ifolia palmaria...) , intermedius intermedius includes some points which are O. intermedius must be a very small inconsistent inconsistent with specimen 5139A at Kew. with leaves about 8 cm long (= palmar In In Don's description , there is the following width). As the scape of this species is also passage passage on the leaves of O. intermedius: described by him as half as long as the “ Folia palmaria ,angusta , vix lineam lata." leaves , it must be about 4 cm in heigh t. This This passage is not consistent with the leaves Following the above passage ,Don also noted of of specimen 5139A at Kew (Fig. 1) , since in the difference between O. j, αponicus this this specimen most leaves are longer and (Thunb.) Ker Gaw l. and O. intermedius. wider wider than those described by Don , reaching According to him , O. japonicus is a smaller about about 45.5 cm long and 8 mm wide (in the plant than O. intermedius. Therefore , O.

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Fig. Fig. 1. Ophiopogon intermedius from Nepal (N. Wallich 5139A , K). This species is re- garded garded as having been founded on Wallich's specimen 5139A (Bailey 1929). However , the the original description by D. Don (1 825) is not fully consistent with the specimen here shown (see 悦 text). The arrow indicates a stolon which is shortly trimmed. August August 2000 Journal of Japanese Vo l. 75 No. 4 193 japonicus japonicus must also be taken as an extremely O. intermedius on Wallich 5139C. But his small small plant with leaves shorter than about 8 , view has been negated by Bailey (1929) , cm long. However ,this is rather contradic- since 5139C is regarded as not from Nepa l. tory tory to the fact known for O. j, αponicus , as 1 have not seen specimen 5139C as ye t.1t ap- the the latter is really not such an extremely pears that we still need to search for the small small plant; its leaves are reported to be 10 specimen(s) on which O. intermedius was -20 (-30) cm long by Ohwi (1 965). In 住ac- really founded. According to the result of the ing ing the cause for this contradiction , the present survey , O. intermedius is an exceed- above above passage by Don ‘作 lia palmari α…" ingly variable species , so it seems likely that seems seems noteworthy , since it accords to some W allich' s collection of specimens from degree degree to the leaves of O. japonicus. For ex- Nepal (5139A) includes some different ample , the leaves of O. japonicus are de- forms of O. intermedius. The relatively scribed scribed by Thunberg (1 784 , under Con- small-flowered form of this species has often vallaria vallaria japonica s) as: F olia... palmaria narrow bracts with slightly serrulate vel vel ultra , semilineam lata. This description (-scabrous) m 訂 gins and has a few resembles resembles that by Don for the leaves of O. with a style nearly equalling the perianth intermedius. intermedius. Because of this similarity (be- (e.g. ,Long et al. 949 ,Sikkim , E; Chand tween tween the two descriptions) ,there seems to 7838 ,Assam , L; Polunin et al. 4509 ,Nepal , be be the following possiblity: the above pas- E) , just like the plant described in the sage sage by D. Don ぴolia palmaria...) was really protologue of O. intermedius. So it is pre- not not for the leaves of O. intermedius , but for sumed that the exact specimen(s) on which those those of O. japonicus. The passage was e町 0- O. 仇inten 附? neously neously inserted by him in the description of moωre ぽ0 r less like this form. Even if speci- O. O. intermedius. If this assumption is correct , mens 5139 A at Kew are not the types of O. there there is no necessity to regard O. intermedius intermedius , they can be identified as O. as as such a very small plant with leaves about intermedius , since they are not so markedly 8 cm long. distinct from the original description. In Meanwhile , in D. Don's description of specimen 5139A shown in Fig. 1 ,at least the Ophiopogon intermedius ,there are also some left individual has relatively large flowers other other points which are not exactly consistent and a stolon which is shortly trimmed. So with with specimens 5139A at Kew. For example , this specimen appears to be very close to or the the bracts of this species are described as lin- virtually identical with the form called O. ear ear and scabrous on the margin. But , in the clarkei Hook.f. , which is reduced to a syno- specimen specimen 1 examined (Fig. 1) they 紅 e rather nym of O. intermedius in this paper (see lanceolate lanceolate and entire. This species is also de- below). scribed scribed by him as having a few-flowered ra- Don (1 825) recorded Ophiopogon spicatus ceme , but especially in the specimen shown in his Prodromus Florae Nepalensis. True O. in in Bailey's paper (1 929 ,Fig. the 12) spicatus (Thunb.) Ker Gaw l. is now usually are are rather many-flowered. Because of these treated under [e ふ Wright 1903 , contradictions , there is a good possibility Wang and Tang 1951 , Dai 1978 (cf. Chen that that the exact specimen(s) on which O. et al. 1993 , for the authorship) , Hara 1984] , intermedius intermedius was founded [i ム type spe- and according to Wang and Tang (1 951) the cimen( cimen( s)] is neither the sheet 1 examined co 町'ect name of this species is Liriope (Fig. (Fig. 1) nor that quoted in Bailey's paper pla η phylla F.T.Wang & Ts.Tang. Don's O. (1929) (1929) (both Wallich 5139A at Kew). spicatus is from the higher altitudes of Hooker (1892) thought that Don had founded Nepal , as he noted. But , so far there has been 194 194 植物研究雑誌第75 巻第4号 平成12 年8月

no confirmative evidence for the spontane- eastern Bangladesh). ous ous occu 町 ence of Liriope in Nepa l. 1n D. Kunth examined Wallich' s specimen Don's Don's descriptions of both Ophiopogon and 5139B in the Herbarium at Berlin. O. O. spicatus , there are several points which Unfortunately this specimen is not extant are are inconsistent with true Liriope. For in- there now (Prof. Dr. P. Hiepko , former direc- stance , he described Ophiopogon as having tor of the Herbarium of ‘Botanischer Garten cernuous cernuous flowers and very short filaments , und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem' and and O. spicatus as having a style which is (B) , informed me of this in his letter dated 17 longer longer than the perianth. These descriptions Sep t. 1993. Probably the specimen was de- are are highly discordant with the facts known stroyed in 1943 , as he wrote). However ,its for for Liriope , since in the latter the photograph is reproduced in Bailey' s paper flowers flowers are not drooping , the filaments are (1929). Another sheet of 羽Tallich 5139B is relatively relatively long (nearly as long as or longer preserved in the Kew Herbarium , and 1 have than than the anthers) , and the style is shorter than had an opportunity to examine it. Judging the the perianth. Therefore , in his description of from these materials ,Ophiopogon wallichi- Ophiopogon any species of true Liriope is anus seems not to differ significantly from virtually virtually not included , and his O. spicatus is O. intermedius. Accordingly , these two spe- no doubt a species of Ophiopogon in the cies are regarded here as conspecific. The strict strict sense. Both Baker (1879) and Hara same treatment has also been made by Hara (1978) (1978) reg 紅 ded Don' s O. spicatus as (1978). conspecific conspecific with O. intermedius (Baker Both Flueggea jacquemontiana and F. treated treated this species under Flueggea). 1t also dubia were described by Kunth (1850) from seems seems to me that they are the same species. eastern 1ndia. These two species have often Don' Don' s Ophiopogon spicatus agrees in been reg 紅白d as synonymous with many respects with the two specimens of Ophiopogon intermedius (e.g. , Baker 1879 , Wallich Wallich 5139A at Kew mentioned earlier under Fluegg ω; Hooker 1892). Judging [one [one is the sheet 1 examined (Fig. 1) and the from the original descriptions of both F. other other is that quoted in Bailey's paper jα cquemonti αna and F. dubia ,it is likely that (1 929)]. However , the following point is not the two species are synonymous with O. perfectly perfectly consistent between Don's descrip- intermedius. However , in the description of tion tion and the two specimens at Kew; the F. dubi αthere is one passage which con 住a- scape scape of O. spicatus is described by D. Don dicts our knowledge of Ophiopogon. That is , as as often longer than the leaves. But , in these F. dubia is described as possessing extrorse specimens specimens the scapes are rather shorter than anthers. But , as f;紅 as 1 know , any species of the the leaves. Ophiopogon has introrse anthers. This con- Flueggea Flueggea wα llichiana described by Kunth tradiction must be solved in the future by ex- (1850) (1850) was later transferred by Hooker amining its type specimen. (1 892) to Ophiopogon. Hooker (1 892) Ophiopogon clarkei was described by thought thought that this species had been founded Hooker (1892) from Sikkim. It s typical form on Wallich's specimen 5139A. But , as (Fig. 2) has stolons ,relatively short scapes , pointed pointed out by Bailey (1 929) ,this specimen several comparatively large flowers which from from Nepal (cf. Wallich's Catalogue , 1832) are usually solitary in the axils of bracts , and cannot cannot be the type of F. wallichiana ,since it relatively long staminal filaments for the is is explicitly indicated in the protologue of F. genus. 1n the material available , the speci- wallichiana wallichiana that this species was founded on mens assignable to O. clarkei 紅 e from Nepal Wallich's Wallich's specimen 5139B from Silhet (now (e.g. , Kanai et al. , T1 723532) , Sikkim August 2000 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 75 No. 4 195

Fig. Fig. 2. A syntype of Ophiopogon clarkei (Sikkim , C. B. Clarke 12184 , K).

() (India) [e.g. ,Cl 紅 ke 12184 ,syntype ,K (Fig. 17613 ,BM) , (e.g. ,Kingdon-Ward 2); 2); Gamble 10421 , K; Hara et al., TI69623] , 22293 ,BM) and Tibet (Xizang , China) (e.g. , Darjeeling Darjeeling (India) (e.g. ,Hara et al., TI Ni et al. 113 ,702 , PE). This species is also 69624) , eastern India (e.g. ,Ki ngdon-Ward recorded from Bhutan (Noltie 1994). 196 196 植物研究雑誌第75 巻第4号 平成12 年8月

It It is true that the typical form of many respects (e.g. , Hara et al. 3053 , TI; Ophiopogon clarkei (Fig. 2) looks distinct Hara et al., TI 69636). From these observa- from from the other species. But , in fact , the de- tions , O. clarkei and O. intermedius seem not marcation marcation between O. clarkei and O. to be clearly delimited. Accordingly , O. intermeidus intermeidus (Don 1825) is rather unclear. clarkei is treated here as conspecific with O. Hara Hara (1 978) reported that the two species intermedius. differ differ in floral size; viz. , in O. intermedius Ophiopogon grandis was described by the the tepals are 4.5-6 mm long , while in O. Smith (1 921) from (Fig. 4) ,south- clarkei clarkei they are 7-8 mm long. However , in east Tibet and northem Myanmar. This spe- the the material at hand , the tepals (perianth cies is characterized by the relatively large lobes) lobes) of O. intermedius vary from (2.5-) 3 flowers (in the material at hand the tepals are to to 10 mm long (including those of O. about 5.2-10 mm long; in the protologue of parviflorus parviflorus which can be reduced to O. this species they 紅 e described as 11-12 mm intermedius , as stated below) , and those of long) ,by the elongate rhizome which is often the the specimens assignable to O. clarkei v紅 y stout , and by the leaves which 紅 'e often from from about 5.5 to 10 mm long. So the tepals many and long (to ca.88 cm). The typical of of the two species overlap in length with form of O. grandis (Fig. 4) may look some- each each other; in other words , the flowers of O. what distinct from the other species , but in clarkei clarkei are not necessarily so large [e.g. , the fact this species seems basically identical tepals tepals of the specimens Ni et al. 113 and 702 with O. clarkei in many respects. The stolon from from Xizang are ca.5.8-6 mm long; those of of O. clarkei is often described as slender the the left individual on the sheet of Starling et (e.g. , Dai and Chen 1978) , and a syntype of l. al. 5 from Sikkim (K) (Fig. 3) are ca.5.5-6 this species (Fig. 2) also bears such a stolon. mm longJ as compared with those of O. But ,actually O. clarkei often has a stout intermedius. intermedius. Also in the specimens assigna- stolon (e.g. ,Treutler 425 ,Sikkim ,K) (cf. ble ble to O. clarkei the number of flowers in the Noltie 1994) like that of the typical O. axils axils of bracts varies from 1 to 3. That is , the grandis (Fig. 4). It seems that the typical O. inflorescence of O. clarkei is not necessarily grandis represents a robust form of O.

few-flowered few-flowered or loose [e.g. ,Starling et al. 5 clarkei. At this stage of my research ,1 can 回 from from Sikkim ,K (Fig. 3); Hooker s.n. from not find any significant difference in both Sikkim ,6-9000 ft ,no date , KJ. Hooker floral and vegetative characters between O. (1 892) reported that the filaments of O. grandis and O. clarkei , so 1 regard them as clarkei 紅 e one-third the length of the anther. the same species. As aforementioned , since But ,this proportion is not always constant in O. clarkei seems not clearly demarcated this this species; it is often below one-third [e.g. , from O. intermedius , O. grandis is ,conse- in in Ki ngdon- W ard 22293 from West Central quently , treated as a synonym of O. Myanmar (BM) , the proportion is less than intermedius. one- fourthJ , as in many specimens of O. In the meantime ,there is a wide range of intermedius. intermedius. Hooker (1 892) also described variation in the width of the specimens the the leaves of O. clarkei as slender , being 1/ 8 assignable to Ophiopogon grandis [e.g. ,Pa inches inches (= ca.3.2 mm) in width (cf. ,Fig. 2). 17402 ,N Myanmar ,K (Fig. 5); Kermode But But actually they v紅 y in width from about 17207 , N Myanmar , K; Ki ngdon-Ward 2.5 2.5 to 9.5 mm. So the leaves of this species 20983 ,N Myanmar , K; Kee I1 an et al. 3155 , are are not constantly narrow. Further ,there are 3232A ,N Myanmar , K; Forrest 7961 , 18319 some specimens which bear no stolons , (Fig. 4) ,24484 ,all from Yunnan , E; Wu though though they look very close to O. clarkei in 6780 ,W Yunnan ,KUN; Nu サiang Exped. August August 2000 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 75 No. 4 197

Fig. Fig. 3. Ophiopogon intermedius from Sikkim (B. N. Starling et al., A. G.S.E.S. 5, K). At least the left individual has an elongate rhizome or a stolon. This specimen may be identified as O. clarkei , but the latter is not clearly delimited from O. intermedius intermedius (see the tex t). 198 198 植物研究雑誌第75 巻第4号 平成12 年8月

Fig. Fig. 4. A syntype of Ophiopogon grandis (Yunnan , G. Forrest 18319 ,E).

Team 1811 ,791884 ,NW Yunnan ,KUNJ. Yunnan (e.g. ,Nu ・jiang Exped. Team 1811 , Of these , the narrow-leaf form from northem 791884 ,KUN) corresponds to O. lushuiensis Myanmar [e.g. ,Pa 17402 ,K (Fig. 5); S.C.Chen (1988) ,described from northwest- Kermode 17207 , KJ and northwestem em Yunnan. According to Chen (1 988) , O. August August 2000 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 75 No. 4 199

Fig.5. Fig.5. Ophiopogon intermedius from northern Myanmar (N. M. Pa 17402 , K). This specimen specimen corresponds to O. lushuiensis described from northwestern Yunnan , China. China. But , O. lushuiensis can be reduced to O. intermedius.

grandis grandis (Fig. 4) and O. lushuiensis (Fig. 5) leaf width (viz. , in O. grandis the leaves are can can be distinguished from each other by the broad to 7-11 mm wide , whereas in O. 200 植物研究雑誌第75 巻第4号 平成12 年8月 lushuiensis lushuiensis they ぽ e 2-3 mm wide) and oy 69629; Clarke 26821A (lectoparatype) , some characters of bracts (viz. , in O. grandis 26998C (isolectotype , Fig. 6) ,KJ , Bhutan the the lowest bract is 2- 4 cm long ,purplish in (e.g. , Hara s.n. , Ritang Valley , TI; Noltie 12 , the the median p紅 t and pale and membranous at E) ,Assam (Kh asi Hills) (Chand 7100 ,7102 , the the margin , whereas in o. lushuiensis it is 1- L) , southern India (Schmidt 31 ,BM) and 1.5 1.5 cm long and pale green or pale greenish Myanmar (e.g. ,Ki ngdon-Ward 22381 , in brown after drying). In the specimens refer- p制, BM). able able to o. grandis cited above , the leaf width According to Hara (1978) ,Ophiopogon varies varies almost continuously from 2 to 10 mm , parv 抑orus can be distinguished from o. and and there is no significant difference in the intermedius in the following floral charac- bracts bracts between the wide-leaf form and the ters: in O. parviflorus the 旬pals are 3-4 mm narrow-leaf narrow-leaf form. For example , specimen Pa long and the anthers 1-1.5 mm long , while in 17402 17402 (K) (Fig. 5) has n創 TOW leaves which O. intermedius the tepals are 4.5-6 mm long 紅 e 2-3 mm wide , but its bracts 紅 e pu 中lish and the anthers 2-4 mm long. However , in in in the median p紅 t and sc 紅 ious at the m 紅- my observation , the gap between O. gin; gin; i. e. , the bracts of the narrow-leaf form of parviflorus and the small-flowered form of O. O. grandis (= O. lushuiensis) 紅 'e not neces- O. intermedius is rather unclear , due to a sarily sarily like those described by Chen (1 988) continuous variation in these characters. In for for o. lushuiensis. The lowest bract of this addition ,some other species like O. scaber specimen specimen is about 1.9 cm long. While , in the Ohwi (Ohwi 1934 , 1943) and O. merrillii two syntypes of o. grandis [Forrest 7961 , Masam. (Fig. 9) ,which 訂 e reducible to o. 18319 18319 (Fig. 4) , both from Yunnan ,E] , the intermedius [0. scaber was reduced to o. lowest lowest bracts are about 1.2-1.5 cm long. intermedius by Dai and Chen (1978); for o. That That is , the lowest bract of O. grandis is not merrillii see belowJ ,also have small flowers necessarily necessarily 2-4 cm long. Further , Smith [in O. scaber the perianths 紅 e3 -4 mm long (1 921) reported in the protologue of O. and the anthers 紅 e sc 紅白ly 2 mm long ,ac- grandis grandis that the lower bracts are 10-12 mm cording to Ohwi (1 934). In o. merrillii the long. long. tepals are 3.5-3.7 mm long and the anthers 2 From these observations , Ophiopogon mm long [Santos s.n. , Bureau of Science no. lushuiensis lushuiensis seems not so distinct from o. 32070 ,L (Fig. 9); in the protologue of O. grandis. grandis. Ophiopogon grandis is also re- merrillii (Masamune 1937) ,it is reported corded corded from , China (Dai and Chen that the tepals are ca .4 .5 mm long and the 1978). 1978). anthers ca ユ5 mm longJ. Ophiopogon Hooket (1 892) described Ophiopogon xiaokuai Z.Y.Zhu , which was described from intermedius intermedius v紅 . parviflorus from Sikkim , ,China , and seems to be close to o. Kh asia and Manipur (Munnipore). Later this intermedius ,also has relatively small flowers variety variety was treated in specific rank by Hara [the tepals are 3.5 mm long and the anthers (1965). (1965). Hara (1978) reported that this spe- 2.5 mm long , according to Zhu (1994)]. cies , O. parviflorus (Hook.f.) H.H 紅 a,occurs From these observations , o. parviflorus in in the Himalayas from Nepal to Bhutan and seems not to differ so markedly from O. in in Assam (Kh asia). 1 confirmed in the mate- intermedius. These two species are ,accord- rial rial available that the typical form of O. ingly , treated here as the same species. parviflorus parviflorus occurs in Nepal (e.g. , Kanai et Noltie (1 994) reduced o. parviflorus to o. l., al., TI 723525; Hara et al., TI 6304386; wallichianus , but in my view the latter can Polunin Polunin et al. 4509 ,E) , Sikkim (e.g. ,Long et also be reduced to o. intermedius , as men- l. al. 949 ,E) ,Darjeeling [e.g. , Hara et al., TI tioned earlier. August2000 August2000 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 75 No. 4 201

Fig. Fig. 6. Isolectotype of Ophiopogon intermedius v訂 . parviflorus (Darjeeling , C. B. Clarke 26998C , K). A. Habi t. B. Close-up of an inflorescence. Scale bar in B = 5 mm.

Ophiopogon zingiberaceus described from 1978 ,Zeng 1991 ,Yang 1997). It is regarded Sichuan Sichuan and Yunnan also has relatively as a unique feature that this species has a small small flowers with tepals 3-5 mm long and knobbly ,ginger-like stout rhizome. How- anthers anthers 2.5-3 mm long (cf. Dai and Chen ever , in my observation , O. parviflorus also 202 植物研究雑誌第75 巻第4号 平成12 年8月 tends tends to have such a knobbly stout rhizome reduction. Further notes on O. bodinieri will almost almost comp 紅 able to that of o. be given elsewhere. zingiberaceus zingiberaceus [e.g. , Kanai et al., Nepal , TI Ophiopogon merrillii was described by 723525; 723525; Hara et al., Nepal , TI 6304386; Masamune (1 937) from the Philippines. Polunin Polunin et al. 4509 ,Nepal ,E (Fig. 7). Some Until then its had often been assigned living living plants from Bhutan (Sinclair & Long to O. } αrponicus (Thunb.) Ker Gaw l. (e.g. , 5027 , E) and Darjeeling (India) (Cave s.n. , Merrill 1923). Ophiopogon merrillii (Fig. 9) E) , which are now cultivated at our univer- has n紅 TOW leaves ,a slender long scape with sity sity (the plants were gifts from the Royal a short terminal of a few flow- small Botanic Botanic Gardens ,Edinburgh) ,also have such ers , and slender stolons. In many respects knobbly knobbly sωut rhizomes J. In both floral and this closely species resembles o. formosanus vegetative vegetative characters , there seems to be no Ohwi (Ohwi 1934 , 1943). At the same time , significant significant difference between O. zingibera- O. merrillii appears to be not so distinct from ceus ceus and O. parviflorus. Ophiopogon zingi- the small-flowered form of O. intermedius. beraceus beraceus is therefore reg 紅白d here as Therefore , O. merrillii is treated here within conspecific conspecific with O. parv{ 月orus. As stated the range of variation of O. intermedius. earlier , O. parviflorus is also not clearly de- Although Jessop (1979) reduced O. merrillii marcated marcated from O. intermedius , O. zingi- to O. japonicus , the roots of the fonner are beraceus beraceus is consequently reduced to O. significantly more slender than in the latter , intermedius. intermedius. and in several other respects also (e.g. , the Hooker (1 892) also described several shape of styles) the two species are markedly other other varieties under Ophiopogon inter- distinct from each other. medius medius and o. wallichianus (c f. the synon- In ‘Flora Malesiana' , Jessop (1979) enu- ymy list below). As he noted himself , each merated the following two species of variety variety seems not to be clearly delimited. So , Ophiopogon , O. japonicus and O. caulescens in in this paper these varieties 訂 e reduced to (Blume) Backer. He recorded o. japonicus synonyms of o. intermedius. from the Philippines. But , as f: 訂 as the wild Noltie Noltie (1994) recorded ‘Ophiopogon cf plants 紅 'e concemed, his O. japonicus is

bodinieri bodinieri H. Lev.' from Bhutan. 1 examined nothing but o. merr 似 ii , judging from his ac 国 several several specimens of it [e.g. ,Ludlow et al. coun t. As aforementioned ,o. merrillii and 19619 , E; Grierson & Long 1019 ,E (Fig. 8); O. japonicus c如 be regarded as hetero- Ludlow & Sherriff 3188 , E; Nakao 443 ,709 , specific , and o. merrillii is reducible to o. KYO; Kanai et al. 1473 , TI; all from intermedius. In this sense ,it can be said that Bhutan]. Bhutan]. These specimens are assigned to o. O. intermedius occurs in the Philippines. 1 bodinieri , according to the taxonomic ac- have seen no specimen of the spontaneous O. count count by Dai and Chen (1 978) , and 1 also japonicus from the Philippines and from the think think that they can be identified as O. other Malaysian regions. As for O. bodinieri bodinieri in some respects (e.g. ,these speci- caulescens , Jessop reduced O. wallichianus mens have slender stolons like O. bodinier i). to it. But these two species can be regarded However , the basic habits of these specimens as distinct , and O. wallichianus is reducible seem not to be so distinct from those of O. to O. intermedius , as stated earlier. In my ob- intermedius. intermedius. Accordingly , these specimens servation , in the Malaysian regions covered or or O. bodinieri is assignable to O. by Flora Malesiana (cf. van Steenis 1985) o. intermedius. intermedius. The reduction of O. bodinieri to intermedius occurs not only in the O. O. intermedius has already been made by Philippines but also in Sumatra and J ava McKean (1986) ,加d1 agree with him on this (Fig. 10) , and it also occurs in the Malay August August 2000 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 75 No. 4 203

Fig. Fig. 7. Ophiopogon intermedius with a knobbly rhizome (Nepal , O. Polunin et al. 4509 , E). This specimen corresponds to O. intermedius v訂 . parviflorus (= O. parviflorus) parviflorus) or to O. zingiberaceus , but these taxa can be reduced to O. intermedius. intermedius. 204 204 植物研究雑誌第75 巻第4号 平成12 年8月

Fig. Fig. 8. Ophiopogon intermedius from Bhutan (A. J. C. Grierson and D. 1. Long 1019 , E). This specimen may correspond to O. bodinieri , but the latter can be re- duced to O. intermedius.

Peninsula Peninsula of Thailand (c f. specimens cited Ophiopogon acaulis (Blume) Rid l. J de- below). below). Chloopsis acaulis Blume (1827) [= scribed from Java may also be identical with August August 2000 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 75 No. 4 205

Fig. Fig. 9. Ophiopogon intermedius from the Philippines (J. K. Santos s.n. Bureau of Sci. 32070 , L). This specimen corresponds to O. merrillii , but the latter is reducible to O. intermedius. intermedius. This specimen has a stolon which is trimmed shortly.

O. O. intermedius [from Java ,Blume (1 827) Ophiopogon) ,C.αcα ulis and C. cα ulescens. described described two species of Chloopsis (= In my observation , two species of 206 206 植物研究雑誌第75 巻第4号 平成12 年8月

Fig. Fig. 10. Ophiopogon intermedius from Java (T. Lobb s.n. , K). Chloopsis acaulis de- scribed scribed by Blume (1 827) from Java may be conspecific with O. intermedius.

Ophiopogon occur on this island , O. stand fully its features. But , judging from its intermedius intermedius and O. caulescens. Blume's di- specific epithet ‘acaulis' ,this species seems agnosis agnosis of C. acaulis is too short to under- to be equivalent to O. intermedius , since the August August 2000 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 75 No. 4 207

latter latter is usua11y rather acaulescen t. In con- f.l ,2 (1 978) ,p.m 司j.p.; Mckean in Notes trast , O. caulescens is caulescent , as noted Roy. Bo t. Gard. Edinb. 44: 189 (1 986) ,p.p.; below below J. In these regions O. caulescens also S.C.Chen in C.Y.Wu , F 1. Xizang. 5: 584 , occurs , and can be distinguished from O. t. 310 ,日(1 987); W.Z.Zeng in J. M.Xu , F 1. intermedius intermedius by having prop roots , an elon- Sichuan. 7: 315 ,t. l04 ,f. 1-3 (1 99 1), p.maj. gate gate rhizomatous stem [O~ intermedius from p.; Noltie , F 1. Bhutan 3(1): 53 (1994). Sumatra Sumatra often has a short stolon; e.g. , Wilde [Figs. 1-10J & Wilde-Duyfjes 14244 (K) , 15921 (K ,L) , O. spicatus auc t. non (Thunb.) Ker Gaw 1.: 16090 16090 (L) , 16763 (K ,L) , 16871 (K) ,M 吋er D.Don ,Prodr. F1. Nepa 1. 47 (1 825). 6429 (L) ,Bunnemeyer 10129 (L)J , and Chloopsis acaulis Blume ,Enum. Pl. Jav. staminal staminal filaments which are more or less 14 (1 827) , syn. nov. united united latera11y (cf. Tanaka 2000 , for O. Flueggea intermedia (D. Don) Schult. & caulesce n. り. In addition , the anthers of O. Schult 工, Sys t. Veg.7: 310 (1829) ,‘ Fluggea'; intermedius intermedius from the Malay Peninsula , Kunth ,Enum. P1. 5: 306 (1850) ,'Fluggea'. Sumatra Sumatra and Java 紅 'e longer than those of O. auc t. non (Thunb.) caulescens caulescens from the same regions (3.2-5.2 Ker Gaw 1.: Wal 1., Catalog. 179 , n.5139 mm long in O. intermedius ,1. 7-2.5 mm long (1832) , saltem quoad 5139A , 5139B & in in O. caulescens). 5139D; Koord. ,Exkurs. 曜日. Java 1: 296 Koorders Koorders (1911) recorded Ophiopogon (1911) ,p.p. , quoad specim. ex Sumatra; japonicus japonicus from Sumatra ,citing a specimen Me 町., Enum. Philip. Flow. P1. 1: 207 (1923); co11ected co11ected there (Pringo Atmodjo 536 , L). 1 Jessop , F 1. Males. 9: 227 (1979) ,p.p. ,‘ (L.f.)' . examined examined this specimen and found that it can O. indicus Royle [111. Bo t. Hima 1. Moun t. be be identified as O. intermedius. It is also 1: 382 (1 839) ,nom. nud.J ex Wight ,Ic. P1. highly highly likely that his O. japonicus includes Ind. Or. 6: 26 ,t. 2050 (1853). O. O. caulescens , judging from his description ? O. minor Royle , 11 1. Bo t. Hima 1. Moun t. (cf. (cf. Tanaka 2000). 1: 382 (1 839) ,nom. nud. In In China ,Taiwan and Japan ,Ophiopogon Flueggea wallichian αKunth ,Enum. P1. 5: intermedius intermedius an d/ or its closely a11ied species 303 (1850) ,'Fluggea'. (0. (0. formosanus Ohwi , O. scaber Ohwi , O. F. jα cquemontiana Kunth ,Enum. P1. 5: planiscapus planiscapus Nakai ,etc.) occu r. The results of 304 (1 850) ,‘ Fluggea'. a taxonomic survey on these species wi11 be ? F. dubia Kunth ,Enum. P1. 5: 305 reported reported in my subsequent paper. (1 850) ,‘ Fluggea'. Ophiopogon jα ponicus (Thunb.) Ker Ophiopogon intermedius D.Don , Prodr. Gaw 1. v紅 . intermedius (D. Don) Maxim. in 1. F1. Nepa 1. 48 (1 825); Royle ,111. Bo t. Hima 1. Bu11. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb. 15: 88 Moun t. 1: 382 , 384. 2: t. 96 ,f. l (1 839); ; (1 870) , p.p. , exc 1. syn. O. umbraticola Hoo k.工, F1. Bri t. Ind. 6: 269 (1892) , Hance; L.Rodr. in Lecomte , F 1. Indo-Chine p.maj.p.; p.maj.p.; H.Hara , F 1. E. Hima 1. 409 (1966) ,2 6: 662 (1 934) p.p. ?, auc t. speciei ‘(L .f.)' • : 166 (1 971) , Photo-Alb. P1. E. Hima 1. 11 , O. japonicus (Thunb.) Ker Gaw 1. var. f.96 f.96 (1 968) , in H.Hara et a1., Enum. Flow. P1. wallichianus (Kunth) Maxim. in Bu11. Acad.

Nepal Nepal 1: 75 (1 978) ,p.maj.p.; Char. in Thai ‘ Imp. Sci. St. Petersb. 15: 89 (1 870) ,p.p. , Forest Forest Bu11. Bo t. 8: 92 (1974) , p.p.; auc t. speciei ‘(L.f.)' . Anonym. , Icon. Corm. Sin. 5: 528 ,t. 7886 Flueggea japonica (Thunb.) Rich. var. (1 976); L.K.Dai & S.C.Chen (cf. Chen et a1. intermedia (D.Don) Baker in J. Linn. Soc. 1993 , for authorship) in F. T.Wang & Bo t. 17: 501 (1 879) ,p.m 司j.p. ,‘ Fluggea' , Ts.Tang , F 1. Reipub. Pop. Sin. 15: 158 ,t. 53 , auc t. speciei ‘(L .f.)' . 208 植物研究雑誌第75 巻第4号 平成12 年8月

F. F. japonica (Thunb.) Rich. var. walli- intermedium (D.Don) Farw. in Amer. Mid l. chiana chiana (Kunth) Baker in 1. Linn. Soc. Bo t. Na t. 7: 42 (1 921) ,auc t. speciei ‘(L .f.)' • 17: 17: 501 (1 879) ,p.p. ,' Fluggea' ,auc t. speciei M. japonicum (Thunb.) Farw. var. ‘ (L .f.) ,• wallichianum (Kunth) Farw. in Amer. Mid l. Ophiopogon wallichianus (Kunth) Hoo k. Na t. 7: 42 (1 92 1), exc l. syn. Chloopsis f. , F l. Bri t. Ind. 6: 268 (1892) ,p.p.; Rid l. in caulescens B l. & O. longifolius Decne. ,auc t. 1. 1. Fed. Ma l. St. Mus. 8: 118 (1917); speciei ‘(L.f.)'. Anonym. , Icon. Corm. Sin. 5: 528 ,t. 7885 M. dracaenoides (Baker) Farw. vぽ. (1 976); Noltie , F l. Bhutan 3(1): 52 (1 994). clarkei (Hook .f.) Farw. in Amer. Mid l. Na t. o. o. wallichianus (Kunth) Hoo k. f. var. 7: 42 (1 921). pauciflorus pauciflorus Hook. f., Fl. Bri t. Ind. 6: 269 M. bodinieri (H.Lev.) Farw. in Amer. (1 892) ,‘ pauciflora' , syn. nov. Mid l. Na t. 7: 42 (1 921). O. O. intermedius D.Don var. occidentl αlis Ophiopogon acaulis (Blume) Rid l. in 1. Hoo k. f. et var. gracil 伊es Hoo k. f. , F l. Brit. Bo t. 63. Supp l. 122 (1 925). Ind. Ind. 6: 269 (1 892) , syn. nov. Mondo intermedium (D.Don) L.H.Bailey O. O. intermedius D.Don var. m α cranthus in Gen t. Herb. 2: 25 , f.12 (1 929). Hoo k. f. , Fl. Bri t. Ind. 6: 269 (1 892) , M. wα llichianum (Kunth) L.H.Bailey in ‘macrantha' , syn. nov. Gen t. Herb. 2: 21 ,f. ll (1 929). O. O. intermedius D.Don v訂 . parv 抑orus Ophiopogon merrillii Masam. in Bull. Hook .f., Fl. Bri t. Ind. 6: 269 (1892) , Soc. Bo t. Fr. 84: 90 (1937) ,‘ merrili'; Jessop , 'parviflorl が, syn. nov. Fl. Males. 9: 226 (1979) , pro syn. sub O. O. O. 的i. 'ntermediu ωlS D.Don va 紅r. pαω UC{ 抑florus japonicus (Thunb.) Ker Gaw l.,‘ (L .f.)'; syn. Hook. 工, Fl. Bri t. Ind. 6: 269 (1 892) , nov. 'pauciflora' , syn. nov. O. parviflorus (Hook.f.) H.Hara in J. Jpn. O. clarkei O. clarkei Hook.f. , F l. Bri t. Ind. 6: 268 Bo t. 40: 21 (1 965); Fl. E. Hima l. 409 (1966) , (1 892); H.Hara , F l. E. Hima l. 409 (1 966) , 2: 2: 167 (1 971); in H.Hara et al., Enum. Flow. 166 166 (1 971); in H.Hara et al., Enum. Flow. Pl. Pl. Nepal 1: 76 (1 978). Nepall: 75 (1978); Noltie , F l. Bhutan 3(1): O. zingiberaceus F. T.Wang & L.K.Dai in 54 (1 994); syn. nov. L.K.Dai & S.C.Chen (c f. Chen et al. 1993 , O. O. bodinieri H.Lev. in Mem. Pon t. Acad. for authorship) in F. T.Wang & Ts.Tang , F l. Rom. Nuov. Linc. 23: 343 (1 905); L.K.Dai Reipub. Pop. Sin. 15: 154 (sine descr. latin よ & S.C.Chen (c f. Chen et al. 1993 , for author- 252 ,t. 51 , f .4 (1 978); W.Z.Zeng in J.M.Xu , ship) ship) in F.T.Wang & Ts.Tang , F l. Reipub. Fl. Sichuan. 7: 315 (199 1); syn. nov. Pop. Pop. Sin. 15: 162 (1 978); S.C.Chen in O. caulescens auc t. non (Blume) Backer: C.Y.Wu , F l. Xizang. 5: 584 ,t. 310 ,f.3 ,4 Jessop , F l. Males. 9: 226 (1979) ,p.p. (1 987); W.Z.Zeng in J.M.Xu , F l. Sichuan. 7: O. lushuiensis S.C.Chen in Acta Phytotax. 319 (1991); Noltie , F l. Bhutan 3(1): 53 Sin. 26: 141 ,t. l, f.3 (1 988); Y.P.Yang in (1 994) ,ut ‘ O. cf. bodinieri H.Lev.'. C.Y.Wu , Fl. Yunnan. 7: 679 (1997); O. O. grandis W.W.Sm. in Notes Roy. Bo t. S.C.Chen in W.T.Wang , Vasc. Pl. Hengduan Gard. Gard. Edin. 13: 171 (1921); L.K.Dai & Moun t. 2: 2475 (1994); syn-. nov. S.C.Chen (cf. Chen et al. 1993 , for author- Glabrous perennial herb. Rh izome highly ship) ship) in F. T. Wang & Ts. Tang , F l. Reipub. variable in form; short , sometimes strongly Pop. Pop. Sin. 15: 149 ,t. 50 , f .l, 2 (1 978); knobbly and stout , or elongate to various ex- S.C.Chen in W.T.Wang , Vasc. Pl. Hengduan tent , to 22 cm or longer , 1-8 mm in diame- Moun t. 2: 2475 (1994); syn. nov. ter. Roots slender , to ca.2 mm in diameter , Mondo japonicum (Thunb.) Farw. var. usually much branched , often forming small August August 2000 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 75 No. 4 209 fusiform fusiform tubers. Leaves fasciculate on apical 8000 白, Ju 1. 29 , 1874 , fl. , W.J.Treutler 425 (K); part part of stem ,linear , acute at apex ,tapering to Sikkim ,without precise locality ,6- 9000 白, no date ,fl. , base base which tends to be vaginate with J.D.Hooker (K); Si 地 im ,Y oksum to Bald 】im , ca.2000 m ,Jun. 19 ,1983 ,fl. , B. N.Starling et al. 5 (K); Sikkim , sc 訂 ious wings ,serrulate on m 紅 gins , often 7000 ft , Jun. 3,1875 ,fl. ,C. B. Clarke 26686A (K); Da glaucous glaucous beneath ,5-12-nerved , to 88 cm mthang-Tendong , Jun. 29 ,1969 ,日., H.Hara et al. (TI long ,2-10 mm wide. Scape more or less 69623); Da りeeling ,7300 白, Aug. 15 , 1875 , fl. , complanate complanate with two edges , 7.5-50 cm long. C. B. Clarke 26998C (isolectotype of O. intermedius Inflorescence Inflorescence racemose ,0 .4 -17 cm long. var.parviflorus , K); Darjeeling ,7000 ft , Ju l. 18. 1875 , Flowers Flowers 1-3 in axils of bracts ,secund , fl. , C. B. Clarke 26821A (lectoparatype of O. intermedius intermedius var. parviflorus , K; Da りiling ,no date , cernuous. cernuous. Bracts lanceolate to linear- Griffith 5891 (K); Darjiling ,7000 ft ,fl. , J.S.Gamble lanceolate , entire or minutely serrulate 3172A (K); Darjeeling ,G.H.Cave s.n. ,cul t. at Bo t. (-scabrous) (-scabrous) on margins in upper part , Gard. Edinburgh (221040: HAEM 172: 953) , Ju l. 9, 1986 ,fl. (E); Darjeeling , Peshok Road-Ghum , Ju l. 7, sc 紅 ious at margin , to 3.2 cm long. Pedicels (inc l. basal stalky part of perianth) 1-16.5 1969 ,fl. , H.Hara et al. (TI 69624); Da りeeling ,‘Ub ay uri-dani' ,2250 m , Jun. 23 ,1969 ,fl. , H.Hara et al. (TI mm long (true pedicels excluding perianth 69636); Darjeeling , East Birch Hill Road ,2200 m , Ju l. part ,0.6-8.2 mm long) ,articulate usually in 24 ,1969 ,fl. ,H.Hara et a1. (TI 69629); Darjeeling , or or around middle (sometimes in lower or Tiger Hill ,2500 m , Ju l. 30 ,1984 ,fl , H.Hara et al. s.n. upper upper part). Perianth lobes 6,ovate ,ovate- (TI); Assam ,Kh asi Hills ,Mawphlang , ca.6000 ft , Jun. lanceolate ,elliptic or ovate-oblong ,usually 22 ,1953 ,日., T. R. Chand 7838 (L); ibid. , Ju l. 8,1953 , fl. , T. R. Chand 7100 (L); ibid. , Ju l. ι12 , 1953 , obtuse obtuse at apex ,(2.5-) 3-10 mm long ,1.2- T. R. Chand 7102 (L); ibid. , Aug. 30 , 1954 , fr. , 5.5 5.5 mm wide. Stamens 6. Anthers lanceolate T. R. Chand 8090 (L); Assam , Khasi Hills ,Mawphlang , to to linear 開 lanceolate ,usually cordate at base , ca.6000 ft , Ju l. 6,1953 ,日., W.N.Koelz 33279 (L); 1.3-6.5 1.3-6.5 mm long. Filaments short , 0.2-1.3 Khasi Hills ,Laitlynkot ,6000 ft , Ju l. 9, 1949 ,fl. , mm long. Pistil 1. Style subulate ,occasion- W.N.Koelz 23 日3 (L); Khasi Hills ,Schillong ,5 -6 000 ally ally relatively thick , 2.5-9 mm long. Seeds ft., Ju l. 12 ,1949 ,fl. ,F.Ki ngdon-Ward 18642 (BM); Khasi Khasi Hills , Schillong , 5000 ft , Ju 1. 8, 1949 , fl. , covered covered with sarcotesta ,ellipsoid , blue to F.Kingdon-Ward 18630 (BM); Kh asia ,3500 ft ,Oc t. somber somber blue. 23 , 1871 ,仕., C. B.Clarke 16586 (type of O. Distribution: Distribution: India , Sri Lanka ,Bangla- intermedius var. gracilipes , K); Kh asia ,4- 6000 白, no desh , Nepal , Bhutan , China , Myanmar , date , J.D.Hooker & T.Thomson s.n. (type of O. wallichianus wallichianus var. pauciflorus , K); Assam , Lushai Thailand , Cambodia , Vietnam , Indonesia Hills ,7000 ft , Jan. 1928 ,fr. ,N.E.Pa ロy 572 (2 sheets , (Sumatra ,J ava) and the Philippines. Also re- K); K); Lushai Hills ,Sangao ,4000 ft , Feb. 7,1953 ,fr. , corded corded from Pakistan and Kashmir (Stewart W.N.Koelz 32647 (L); Assam , Delei Valley ,5000 自, 1972). 1972). Ju l. 24 ,1928 ,fl. ,F. Ki ngdon-Ward 8449 (K); Sirhoi (India (India ?), 7-8500 ft , Jun. 5,1948 ,fl. ,F. Ki ngdon-Ward Representative Representative specimens examined: 17613 (B 乱1); Bombay , 1000 ft ,fr. ,L. J. Sedgwick 7212 India. India. Himachal Pradesh , Trella Chamba Distr. , (K); Orissa , Dev Mali mountain , near Pottangi , 2400 m , Ju l. 23 ,1964 ,N. C. Nair 32820 (TI); Simla , Koraput distr. ,4000 白, Oc t. 15 ,1950 ,fr. ,H.F.Mooney 7000 ft , Ju l. 13 ,1878 ,fl. ,H.Collett 6286A (K); Hima l. 4157 (2 sheets , K); Nilglimis ,no date , Schmidt 31 Bor. Bor. Occa. ,5-9000 ft , 1847 (?), fl. ,T.Thomson s.n. (BM); Madras ,Nilgiris Distr. ,7000 白, Sep t. 1886 ,fr. , (type (type of O. intermedius var. macranthus , K); J.S.Gamble 18091 (BM); Madras ,Nilgiris Distr. ,7000 Kumaon ,no date ,fl. , N.Wallich 5139D (K); Sikkim , ft , Sep t. 1886 , late fl. , J.S.Gamble 18153 (BM); 6-9000 ft ,日., J.D.Hooker s.n. (K); Sikkim ,7000 ft , Nilagiri , late fl. 一f仕r. ,R. F Jun. Jun. 3,1875 ,fl. ,C. B. Clarke 26686A (K); N Sikkim , India , Pulney Hills , upper lake road and track to Doct Kabi , north of Gangtok , 1770 m , Ju l. 31 ,1992 ,fl. , or' s Delight ,日., R. M.Thackeray s.n. (BM); Malabar D.G.Long et al. 949 (E); Sikkim ,Rungbee ,6000 白, Concan ,no date ,fl. , Stocks et a l. s.n. (BM); Peninsula l. Ju l. 21 ,1870 ,fl. , C.B.Clarke 12184 (syntype of O. Indiae Orientalis , Shevagerry Hills , Aug. 1836 ,fl. , clarkei , K); Sikkim , 10000 ft , Ju l. 1882 , fl. , Wight 2820 (K , L); N Kerala ,Palghat ,Silent valley , J.S.Gamble J.S.Gamble 10421 (K); Senchul ,Si はim Himalayas , al t. ca.lOOO m , Jun. 28 ,1976 ,日., A .J .G.H.Kostermans 210 植物研究雑誌第75 巻第4号 平成12 年8月

26224 26224 (L); India , without precise locality ,日., Pesrottet sample on the sheet is O. intermedius) (BM); M t. 1142 1142 (K). Victoria , eastem ridge , ca.9000 ft , Jun. 18 ,1956 ,日., Sri Sri Lanka. Without precise locality , 3000 ft ,f1., F. Ki ngdon-Ward 22381 (E); West Central Burma , Gardner Gardner 904 (BM); Hakgala , Jan. 9, 1932 , f1., Mindat Ridge , ca. 7500 ft , May 26 , 1956 ,日.,

N.D.Simpson N.D.Simpson 9065 (BM); no precise locality ,fl. J F. Ki ngdon-Ward 22293 (BM); N Burma. North J.Macrae J.Macrae 197 (BM); Ceylon , without precise locality , Triangle (Hkinlum) , Kachin st 剖e,4500 ft ,Ju l. 29 , M 訂 .12 ,1819 ,f1., A.Moon 440 (BM); Horton Slains 1953 ,日., F. Ki ngdon-Ward 21208 (BM , C); North (?), (?), ca.2000 m , Apr. 8,1969 ,fr. , Kostermans 23066 A Triangle (Camp 2,Tama Bum) ,5 ー7000 ft , Jun. 16 , (L); (L); Nuwara Eliya ,surrounding hills , 1850 m ,Sep t. 16 , 1953 ,F. Ki ngdon-W 制 20983 (BM); N Burma , Kachin 1969 ,f1., C. F. & R .J .Beusekom 1392a (L). State ,Sumprabum subdivision , eastem approaches Bangladesh. Bangladesh. Silhet ,no date ,fl. , N.Wallich 5139B from Sumprabum to Kumon Range , Janrawng Bum on (type (type of Flueggea wallich 加na , K); East Bengal the banks of the Hpuginhka river ,7-8000 抗, Jan.1962 , (Bangladesh (Bangladesh ?), no date ,Griffith 5893 (K). J.Keenan et al. 3232A (K); ibid. , Janrawng Bum ,7- Nepa l. Phulchoke ,SW of Kathmandu ,6500 ft ,Ju l. 9000 ft , Jan. 7,1962 ,fr. , J.Keenan et al. 3155 (K); 23 ,1965 ,f1., A.D.Schilling 565 (K); Nepalia ,no date , Myitkyina , 1 rnile from Kangfang ,Sep t. 5,1938 ,臼乱., 日., N.Wallich 5139A (K-probably not the type of O. N intermedius); intermedius); Bhurchula Lekh , near Jumla , 12000 ft , 8初∞0∞0Oti 負t, Apr. 22 ,1938 ,buds ,C.W.D.Kermode 17207 l. Ju l. 10 ,1952 ,f1., O.Polunin et al. 4509 (E); Tolo (K); Maymyo Plateau distr. , 3000 ft , Aug. 8,1925 ,fl. , Gamja Khola ,3100 m , Ju l. 16 ,1953 ,fl. , S.Nakao 195 Forest Botanist ,Burma 1765 bis (2 sheets , K); (TNS 128622); above Dhorpatan , 10000 ft , Ju l. 13 , Maymyo Plateau , 3500 ft ,Ju l. 28 ,1911 ,fl. ,J. H.Lace 1954 ,日., J.D.A. Stainton et al. 3491 (TNS 128623); 5375 bis (2 sheets , K); S. Shan States ,Momg Pawn , Okhaldhungagaon , south of Dhorpatan , 10000 ft ,May Laikka (?) border , 6000 ft , Ju l. 10 , 1911 , fl. , 1,1954 ,fl. ,J.D.A.Stainton et al. 368 (TNS 128624); W.A.Robertson 362 (K). Phucha ,9500 ft ,May 24 ,1952 ,日., O.Polunin et al. China. Tibet (Xizang). Bomi ,2050 m , Jun. 20 , 4160 (TNS 128625); Chauke-Tinjure Phedi-Ti 吋ure- 1980 ,f1., C.C.Ni et al. 113 (PE); Xizang ,Chayu ,2100 Dor , Ju l. 6,1972 ,f1., H.Kanai et al. (TI 723525 , m , Ju l. 24 ,1980 ,日., C. C.Ni et al. 702 (PE); Yunnan. 723532); 723532); Bl 吋u,Kathmandu , 1300 m ,Jun. 16 ,1967 ,f1., Laktang ,700 0- 8000 白, Jun. 16 ,1919 ,f1.' F. Kingdon- H.Hara H.Hara et al. 3053 (TI); Minoshin Dha p- Mul Pokhari , Ward 3222 (E); Hills to the east of Tengyueh ,6ー 7000 near near Tapl 司ung ,Oc t. 29 ,1963 , H. Hara et al. (TI ft ,May 1912 ,f1., G.Forrest 7961 (syntype of O. 6304386); 6304386); Topke Gola-Shewaden , Jun. 28 ,1972 ,fl. , grandis , E); Jang-tzow Shan , Shweli-Salween divide , H.Kanai H.Kanai (TI 723531); Godavari-Phulchauki-Kathman- 7-8000 ft , Aug. 1919 ,fl. ,G.Forrest 18319 (syntype of du , Jun. 23 ,1967 ,日., H.Kanai et al. 3089 (TI); O. grandis , E); Shweli-Salween divide ,9000 ft , Jun. Kathmandu ,Godavari ,May 28 ,1969 ,日., H.Hara et al. 1924 ,f1., G.Forrest 24484 (E); W Yunnan ,Tengchong , (TI69630). (TI69630). 2600-2800 m ,May 21 ,1964 ,buds ,S. K. Wu 6780 Bhutan. Bhutan. Ha ,Dzong ,9200 ft , Aug. 17 ,1949 ,日., (KUN 0224704); NW Yunnan ,Lushui , 2850 m , Aug. F.Luglow F.Luglow et al. 19619 (E); Thimphu Chu below Taba , 2, 1978 ,fr. ,Nu サiang Exped. Team 1811 (KUN ca.2300 ca.2300 m ,May 14 , 1979 ,日., A.J. C. Grierson & 0224697); NW Yunnan ,Dayou to Mashiding ,1930- D.G.Long 1019 (E ,TI); Ritang , 8500 ft ,Jun. 5,1937 , 2500 m , Ju l. 31 ,1979 ,f1.' Nu-jiang Exped. Team (col- fl. , F.Ludlow & G.Sherriff 3188 (E); Ritang Valley , lected by Q. Li n) 791884 (KUN 0224700); Guizhou

2000 m , Apr. 11 ,1967 ,cul t. at Univ. Tokyo , Ju l. 28 , (Kouy- Tcheou) ,Mon t. de Lou ・tsong..:koan , Ju l. 12 , 1967 ,日., H.Hara s.n. (TI); Thimpu Distr. ,Dotena ,al t., 1897 ,f1., E.Bodinier 1667 (lectotype of O. bodinieri , 2750 m , Ju l. 20 1991 , fl. , H .J .Noltie 12 (E); E). Sankepong ,2580 m ,Ju l. 8,1958 ,f1円 S.Nakao 709 Thailand. NE distr. ,Phukradung ,Loei , 1040 m , (KYO); Dukye Dzong ,2400 m , Ju l. 8,1958 , S.Nakao May 7,1951 ,f1., T. Smitinand 313 (P); Phukradung , 443 443 (KYO); Upper Mo Chu ,Gaza Dzong ,2940 m , Loei , Deca. 24 ,1971 ,仕., C.F.van Beusekom et al. Sep t. 15 ,1984 , I. Sinclair & D.Long 5027 ,cul t. at Bo t. 4575 (L); E distr. ,Nakhon Ratchasima ,Khao Yai Gard. Gard. Edinburgh (841797 , LILI 178 ,3239) , Aug. 31 , National Park ,Kh ao Ki eo , 1200 m ,Oc t. 17 ,1969 ,合., 1987 ,f1. (E); Forest slopes between Sengor and C.F.van Beusekom & C. Charoenphol 1680 (P); Kh ao Sheridrang , ca.2980 m , Ju l. 6,1979 ,fl. ,A .J .C.Grierson Kh ieo ,Saraburi , 1000 m ,Jun. 8,1979 ,f1., J.E.Vidal & & D.G.Long 2545 (TI); Dotanang- Tabab- Thimphu , Y.Vidal 6367 (L , P); Doi Hua Mok (?), ca.1430 m , May 28 ,1967 ,fl. , H.Kanai et al. 1473 (TI). Jun. 8,1933 ,fl. , H.B.S.Somett 799 (L); Kh ow Din Myanmar. West Central Burma , M t. Victoria , near Sgiracha (?), ca .4 0 ft , Dec. 10 , 1927 ,fr. , northem northem ridge and Ranchi camp , 8-9000 ft , Jun. 7, D. J. Collins 1813 (K); Kao Kuap ,Kr at. May 24 ,1930 , 1956 ,日., F. Ki ngdon-Ward 22362 (in part; only the left f1 .or fr., Pu t 2999 (BM ,ABD); Penisular ,Nakhon Si August August 2000 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 75 No. 4 211

Thammarat ,Kh ao Luang; ca.1700 m ,May 24 ,1968 , References fl.or fl.or fl.-fr. ,C. F.van Beusekom & C.Phengkhlai 990 (See also those cited in the text) (L , P). Bailey L. H. 1929. The case of Ophiopogon and Cambodia. Cochinchina ,Camchay ,Kampot ,900 Liriope. Gentes Herbarum 2(1): 1-37. m ,May 1874 ,L. Pierre 6679 (not O. pierrei , P). Baker J. G. 1879. Flueggea (inc 1. Ophiopogon spica- Vietnam. Dalat , Jun. 10 ,1921 ,日., B. Hayata 219 tus ,p.501). J. Li nn. Soc. 17: 50 0- 503. (TI); (TI); Chapa , Jun. 27 ,1917 ,B. Hayata s.n. (TI). Blume C. L. 1827. Chloopsis acaulis , C. caulescens. Indonesia:Sumatra. Indonesia:Sumatra. Korinchi Peak , Jogg at Attah , In: Enumeratio Plantarum Javae , p. 14. J. W. van 7300 ft , Apr. 29 ,1914 ,fl. & fr. , H.C.Robinson & Leeuwen ,Lugduni Batavorum. C. B. Kloss (K); Gajoe en Alas Landen , Ju 1. 15 ,1904 , Chen S. c., Li J. L., Zhu X. Y. and Zhang Z. Y. 1993. fr. ,R.Pr ingo Atmodjo 536 (2 sheets , L); N Sumatra , Bibliography of Chinese Systematic Botany. G 司u & Alas Lands , M t. Kemiri ,1500-2000 m , Mar. 6, Science and Technology Press , 1937 ,日., C.G.G.J.van Steenis 9530 (L); N Sumatra , Guangzhou. 1750-1900 m ,Nov. 14 ,1929 ,fr. ,J. A. Lorzing 15670 Dai L. K. 1978. Liriope. In: Wang F. T. and Tang Ts. (L); (L); W Sumatra , M t. Kerintji ,Pesisir Selatan Kerin りi, (eds よFl ora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 15: ca.1800 ca.1800 m , Ju 1. 31 ,1956 ,日., W.Me 討er 6429 (L); G. 123-130 ,25 1. Koerintji , ca.2200 m ,May 6,1920 ,fl. ,Bunnemeyer 一一一 and Chen S. C. 1978. Ophiopogon scaber , p. 10129 10129 (L); N Sumatra , Gunung Leuser Nature 158. O. clarkei , p. 163. In: Wang F. T. & Tang Ts. Reserve ,Atjeh ,W.J .J .D.de Wilde & B. E.E.de Wilde- (eds.) ,Fl ora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 15. Duyfjes Duyfjes 13800 (L) ,14204 (L) ,14244 (K ,L) , 15921 Hara H. 1984. Comments on the East Asiatic plants (K ,L) ,16090 (L) , 16763 (K ,L) , 16871 (L). Java. (13). J. Jpn. Bo t. 59: 33 -41. Without Without precise locality ,no date ,fl. , T. Lobb s.n. (K). Jessop J. P. 1979. Ophiopogon. In: Steenis C. G. G. J. Philippines. Philippines. Luzon. M t. Pu log ,2350-2450 m , Jan. van (ed よFl ora Malesiana ,ser. 1, 9: 225-227. 22 , 1968 ,fr. , M.Jacobs 7045 (C , K); M t. Pu log , Ohwi J. 1934. Mondo formosanum (Ophiopogon Benguet Benguet Prov. , Feb. 24- 27 ,1925 ,fr. ,M.S.Clemens formosanus) , p. 45. M. scabrum (0. scaber) , p. 46. 5164 (UC); M t. Data ,Lepanto , Nov. 1905 ,日., Repert. Sp. Nov. Fedde 36. E.D.Me 町 ill 4601 (K); M t. Data ,Lepanto ,Sep t. 1921 , 一一 1943. Ophiopogon formosanus , O. scaber. Acta fr. ,M.Ramos & G.Edano s.n. , Bureau of Sci. 40244 Phytotax. Geobo t. 12: 113. (K ,UC); M t. Data , Bontoc Prov. ,7000 ft , Dec. 25-29 , 一一一 1965. Ophiopogon japonicus. In: Meyer F. G. 1928 , fr. , M.S.Clemens 18713 (UC); M t. Data , and Walker E. H. (eds よFl ora of Japan (in Dec. Dec. 24- 31 ,1925 ,fr. ,M.S.Clemens 16261 (UC); M t. English) ,p. 309. Smithsonian Institution ,Washing- Data ,2000 m ,May 14 ,1961 ,M. L. Steiner 2174 (L); ton , D.C. t. M t. Santo Tomas , Benguet Prov. ,Sep t. 1925 ,仕., Steenis C. G. G. J. van (ed.). 1985 (reprint; 1st ed. in F.A.McClure 16040 (UC); M t. Pinatubo , Camp 1950). Flora Malesiana , Ser. 1, 1. Koeltz Scientific Stotsenburg , Pampanga Prov. , May 1927 , fl. , Books ,Koenigstein. A. D.E.Elmer 22346 (UC); Benguet Prov. , Dec. 24- 31 , Stewart R. R. 1972. Ophiopogon intermedius. In: An 1925 ,fr. ,M.S.Clemens 16449 (UC); Pauai , Benguet Annotated Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of subprov. ,Apr.-Jun. ,1918 ,fl. ,J. K. Santos s.n. , Bureau West Pakistan and Kashmir , p. 60. In: Nasir E. and of of Sci. 32070 (L); Pauai , ca.2100 m , Benguet Prov. , Ali S. 1. (eds よFlora of West Pakistan. University Jun. ,1909 ,buds ,R. C.McGregor s.n. , Bereau of Sci. of Karachi ,Karach i. 8429 (L). Tanaka N. 2000. Taxonomic notes on Ophiopogon of South South Asia V. J. Jpn. Bo t. 75: 69 ー79. 1 am most grateful to the directors and cu- Thunberg C. P. 1784. Convallaria japonica s. Fl ora rators rators of the following herbaria for access to Japonica , 140 ー14 1. In Bibliopolio J. G. M ulleriano ,Li psiae. their their specimens: ABD ,BM ,C ,E ,K ,KUN , Wallich N. 1832. Ophiopogonjaponicus Ker. In: A nu- KYO ,L ,P ,PE ,TI ,TNS and UC. 1 also merical list of dried specimens of plants in the East thank thank the director and staff of the Royal India Company's Museum , p. 179 , n. 5139. Botanic Botanic Garden Edinburgh for providing me London. with with some living plants of Ophiopogon from Wang F. T. and Tang T. 195 1. A new Liriope , long in cultivation cultivation but hitherto confused , with a key to spe- the the Himalayas. cies of the genus. Acta Phytotax. Sinic. 1: 331-334. Wright Wright C. H. 1903. Liriope. In: Forbes F. B. and Hemsley W. B. (eds よ An enumeration. of all the 212 212 植物研究雑誌第75 巻第4号 平成12 年8月

plants plants known from China proper ,etc. 1. Li nn. Soc. 205. In: Some new taxa of Ophiopogon from Bo t. 36: 79-80. Sichuan. Guihaia 14: 205-208. Zhu Z. Y. 1994. Ophiopogon xiaokuai Z.Y.Zhu , p.

田中教之:南アジア産ジャノヒゲ属の分類学的検 討 VII Ophiopogon intermedius D.Don は,植物体の全 いないし,同地にそれが自生するという確証は今 体的な大きさや各部の変異(花の各部の大きさや のところない.また, Jessop は同文献 (1978) に 形,葉の長さと巾,地下茎の形状など)が大変大 おいて , O. wallichianus と O. caulescens とを同種 きい種である.これとは別種として記載されてい としているが,前者は上記のように O. intermedius る種でも,広い地域から得られた多くの標本を比 と同種として見なすことができる一方, O. 較検討してみると,本種と変異が連続してしまう caulescens とは別種と見なせる.筆者の観察では, 場合や,本種との差異があまり顕著でない場合が O. intermedius はフィリピンの他, Fl ora Malesiana 少なからずある.本報告では新たに次の 6 種を O. が扱っている地域では,スマトラとジャワに分布 intermedius と同種として扱った: O. clarkei , O. し,その隣接地のタイ領マレ一半島にも分布して grandis , O. lushuiensis , O. merrillii , O. zingiberaceus , いる.これらの地域には , O. caulescens も分布し O. O. acaulis. O. wallichianus , O. bodinieri , O. indicus ている. また, Koorders (1911) の言う O. および Flueggea jacquemontiana は,本報告以前に, japonicus には一部スマトラ産の O. intermedius が O. O. intermedius と同種として扱われたことのある 含まれていることが分かつた. 種であるが,筆者もこの扱いに賛成である. なお , Ophiopogon intermedius の原記載 (Don Flueggea Flueggea dubia と O. minor (nom. nud.) (これら 1825) には一部事実と合致しない箇所があり,こ も O. intermedius と同種として扱われたことがあ のことについて若干の意見を述べた.また , O. る)も O. intermedius と同種の可能性が十分ある. intermedius の基準標本は Bailey (1929) が指摘し

Ophiopogon parv 抑orus (Ho ∞ok.心 H. Ha 訂r悶a (= O. ているように, Wallich の標本5139A [Wallich's i仇nt 蛇ermediu 附s D.Don va 訂r. pαrvifi 抑lorus Ho ∞ok. 工)は O. Catalogue (1832) の同番号に相当する標本]であ i的ntermediu 附S と同一分類群としてここで、は扱つた. る可能性は極めて高いが, Kew にあるその標本と

Hooker (1892) によつて記載された O. 的intermedi 加附uS 原記載とは一致しない点がある . O. intermedius “4 と O. wα all 恥i比chi α仰nu 凶,f, S の他の変種も, O. intermedius の記載の元となった基準標本の確定については今 と同一分類群として扱った. D. Don の Prodromus 後さらにキ食言すを要する. しかし, Kew にある Florae Florae Nepalensis (1825) にある O. spicatus も, O. Wallich 標本5139A は, O. intermedius の原記載と intermedius と同種であると思われる(これらを同 格別大きな差異(別種としなければならないよう 種と見なす見解は既にある). Fl ora Malesiana (se- な差異)があるわけではないので , O. intermedius ries ries 1,vo l. 9 , part 1; 1978) において, Jessop は, として同定しうる. 本属の種として O. japonicus と O. caulescens の 2 O. intermedius はインド,スリランカ,バング 種を挙げている.彼はフィリピンから記載された ラデシユ,ネパール,ブータン,中国,ミャンマー, O. O. merrillii を O. japonicus と同種として扱い , O. タイ,カンボジア,ベトナム,インドネシア(ス japonicus がフィリビンに分布するとしているが, マトラ,ジャワ) ,フィリピンに分布することを O. O. merrillii は上記のように O. intermedius と同種 今回確認した.標本はまだ検していないがパキス と見なすことができ , O. japonicus とは別種と見 タン,カシミール地方からも報告がある.中国, ることができる.従って, フィリピンには O. 台湾,日本における本種あるいはその近縁種につ intermedius が分布していると言える.フィリピン いての検討結果は別の機会に改めて報告したい. 産の(野生の) O. japonicus の標本は筆者は見て (帝京大学文学部教育学科)