the grand








1535  The Grand Canon  2018

Copyright © 2019 Earle E. Spamer

Raven’s Perch Media Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

EXTRACT RETRIEVED FROM https://ravensperch.org

A Raven’s Perch Digital Production





The Grand Canon, produced in digital format, renews and updates the monographic presentation of out-of-print inkprint editions of the Bibliography of the Grand Canyon and the Lower Colorado River by Earle E. Spamer (Grand Canyon Natural History Association, 1981, 1990, 1993). It complements but significantly elaborates upon on the online, searchable database (www.grandcanyonbiblio.org) sponsored by the Grand Canyon Association 2000–2019 (since 2018 the ). The bibliography presented in The Grand Canon is the definitive version. This is not a commercial product and is not distributed by sale. The author receives no remuneration or services for the preparation or distribution of this product. Neither the Grand Canyon Conservancy, the National Park Service, nor any of the bibliographical contributors, are in any way responsible for the production or distribution of this work. Citations or remarks that mention ®Registered Trademarks, ™Trademarks, SMService Marks, or other protected names and identifiers are not here endorsements of those products or services. The inclusion of a citation in this work documents only its existence; views expressed therein do not necessarily represent the views of the author or any of the bibliographical contributors. Quotations from works are made as critical analyses for bibliographical identification, to corroborate and elucidate for users the pertinence of the cited work to the bibliography or to confirm subject placement within the scope of this work, and as aids for users to identify the whole of a published work that may be pertinent to their work or interests. Ascertaining the availability or accessibility of cited items is the responsibility of the user.

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Poetry and verse about or which includes the Grand Canyon or the lower Colorado River region



OVERVIEW. This part contains individually published poems and verse and citations from collections and anthologies. Publications that are a substantial combination of prose and verse are listed here as well as in PART 2. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS.

RELATED MATERIAL PART 3. THE NEW YORK TIMES for additional items that relate to this part of the bibliography

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. . . From the floor of Hell to the roof of the sky Roaring and howling, happily I Made out of Chaos a thing that never Never, never, can die. — LEYLAND HUCKFIELD “Death-Song of the Mad God Who Made the Grand Canyon” The Trimmed Lamp, Vol. 5, No. 10 (March, 1916), p. 160




1899 8.391 [Verse.] In: Woods, G. K. (compiler), Personal impressions of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado River near Flagstaff, Arizona, as seen through nearly two thousand eyes, and written in the private visitors’ book of the world-famous guide Capt. , guide, story-teller, and path-finder. San Francisco: Whitaker and Ray Co., for G. K. Woods, Flagstaff, Arizona Territory, p. 103. [Signed “Kansas Tourists.”]

1899 8.393 The Cañon. In: Woods, G. K. (compiler), Personal impressions of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado River near Flagstaff, Arizona, as seen through nearly two thousand eyes, and written in the private visitors’ book of the world-famous guide Capt. John Hance, guide, story-teller, and path-finder. San Francisco: Whitaker and Ray Co., for G. K. Woods, Flagstaff, Arizona Territory, p. 112. ______

1915 8.420 Where runs the Santa Fe. Santa Fe Magazine, 10(1) (December): 82. [Verse by “inmate No. 9921 of the Iowa State Prison at Fort Madison”. Includes stanza mentioning Grand Canyon and El Tovar.] ______

1994 8.1 Merry Christmas. O’ Pioneer (Grand Canyon Pioneers Society), 5(12): 2-3. ______

1995 8.2 Moonlight on the Colorado River. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 8(3): 23. (“—as heard on A Prairie Home Companion”.)

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Anonymous (continued)


1997 8.3 At the Canyon. The Ol’ Pioneer (Grand Canyon Pioneers Society), 8(8) (Fall): 17. [Submitted from John Turnbull, from the papers of Art Metzger.] ______

1999 8.161 Merry Christmas. The Ol’ Pioneer, 10(4) (October/December): 10. [Dated April 9, 1947; “(this was sent to Fred Witteborg, Mgr., El Tovar by a guest of the El Tovar)”.] ______

2001 8.211 [Haiku verses, “by passengers and crew on a trip last summer”.] Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 14(1) (Spring): 2, 7, 12, 13, 19-21, 46, 47, 53.

2001 8.480 Pacific visions. “Brawley, the World’s Largest City Beneath the Level of the Sea” [1946]. Pacific Historical Review, 70(3) (August): 534. [Square brackets are part of title.] [“This song was cited in David E. Bess, ‘Songs of the Cities: the California Experience,’ paper presented at the eighth biennial Conference on Planning History, Washington, D.C., November 1999.”] ______

2007 8.296 Saints of the Colorado. Grand Canyon River Runner, (4) (Spring): 13.

2007 8.300 Egg day. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 20(3) (Fall): 13. [“Ode to female swampers by male motor guide, ‘anonymous’”.] ______

Multiple Authors

1980 8.652 La fuente : an anthology of poetry by Imperial Valley poets. (Preface by Harry Polkinhorn.) Calexico, California: San Diego State University, [46] pp.

1995 8.4 Junior Ranger haiku. Nature Notes (Grand Canyon National Park), 11(4) (Winter): 5, 6. [Haiku by Graham, Gwyn, Mariya, Jade, Katie, Kimberly, Anna, Rebecca, Carolyn, and Kaveh.] ______


Ackerman, Diane

1985 8.5 Grand Canyon. Michigan Quarterly Review, 24: 289-291. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-11| ______

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Aigla, Jorge H.

2003 8.323 The cycle of learning. El ciclo de aprendizaje. Tempe, Arizona: Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingúe. ______

Akvik, Ak

1956 8.218 Servant of the people (tribute to Hoover Dam). Arizona Highways, 32(3) (March): 3. ______

Alden, John Carver

1920 8.361 Chuckles : this idiocy by John Carver Alden : illustrations by B. C. Hilliam. Boston: Marshall Jones Co., 85 [87] pp. [See p. 62, “In the Grand Canyon (an alleged rondeau)” (no accompanying illustration).] ______

Alkalay-Gut, Karen

1985 8.279 Death, order, and poetry: “The Presentation Copy” of Adelaide Crapsey. American Literature, 57(2) (May): 263-289. [See p. 277, “The Grand Canyon”.] [Analytical passage.] ______

Allen, Dick

2003 8.737 The day before : new poems. Louisville, Kentucky: Sarabande Books, 115 pp. [See “Below Hoover Dam”.] ______

Allen, Paula Gunn

1987 8.809 Porivo: Chief Woman. The Creative Woman (Governors State University, University Park, Illinois), 8(3) (Fall): 10-11. [Mentions , in passing.] ______

Ammons, A. R.

1997 8.162 Glare. New York: W. W. Norton and Co., 294 pp. [See “72”.] ______

Anderson, Anna Morgan

1920 8.423 To the Grand Cañon. Santa Fe Magazine, 14(9) (August): 29. ______

Anderson, Peter, AND Kempa, Rick

2015 8.656 (EDS.) Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, 144 pp. ≡ REVIEWS AND NOTICES Lago, 2015, ITEM NO. 30.1145 ______

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Angelou, Maya

1995 8.614 A brave and startling truth. New York: Random House, [unpaginated]. (“Read by the poet at the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the United Nations[,] San Francisco[,] 20 June 1995”.) [Includes note of Grand Canyon.]

2014 8.612 Vale Maya Angelou. United Nations Association of Australia, Queensland, Newsletter, 10(6) (June): 5. [Memorial to the late Maya Angelou. Includes the text of “A Brave and Startling Truth”, an original poem first read at the 1995 50th anniversary commemorations at the United Nations, which includes note of Grand Canyon.] ______

Aragon, Margo

2002 8.233 Storms. Hidden Passage (Glen Canyon Institute), (9) (Summer), p. 8. ______

Archer, Lou Ella

1930 8.6 Sonnets to the Southwest. (Illustrated by George Egbert Burr and Lillian Wilhelm Smith.) Los Angeles Times Mirror Press, 33 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon”.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5|

1931 8.7 Sonnets to the Southwest. (Illustrated by George Egbert Burr and Lillian Wilhelm Smith.) Los Angeles Times Mirror Press, 2nd ed. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5|

1931 8.8 Canyon shadows. (Illustrated by Lillian Wilhelm Smith.) Phoenix: [no imprint], 32 pp. [Poetry and watercolors; includes Grand Canyon.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ11:16 FQ14:5 FQ16:5 FQ17:22 FQ19:37 FQ21:3 FQ24/1:36 GUIDON 17 ______

Austin, Mary

2015 8.720 The Grand Cañon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 124. [From The Children Sing in the Far West, 1926.] ______


Baranow, Joan

2002 8.321 Grand Canyon. Paris Review, 44(164): 84.

2015 8.658 Grand Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 24. [From Living Apart (Plainview Press, 1999).]

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Barbieri, Rhonda

1995 8.9 [Untitled.] Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 8(3): 25.

1997 8.10 [Untitled.] Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 10(1): 13. [Issue “Winter 1996-1997” mailed February 1997.]

1997 8.11 Columbine Falls. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 10(4) (Fall): 18.

1999 8.12 Homesick. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 12(1) (Winter 1998-1999): 13. ______

Barker, Robert S.

1960 8.219 Grand Canyon. Arizona Highways, 36(6) (June): 36. ______

Barker, S. Omar

2015 8.665 Grand Canyon cowboy. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 35. [From Rawhide Rhymes: Singing Poems of the Old West, 1968.] ______

Barminski, Robert

2003 8.260 Red Wall dawn. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(4) (Winter): 27.

2003 8.263 The music of the canyon. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(4) (Winter): 29. ______

Barnes, Joel

2017 8.785 The river in you. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 30(2) (Summer): 29. ______

Barone, Dan

2011 8.463 Thoughts leaving Diamond Creek. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 24(4) (Winter 2011- 2012): 8. ______

Bartlett, Linda

1982 8.541 Morning canyon. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 33. ______

Barton, John

2015 8.664 Sunrise, Grand Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 31-34.

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Bartschi, Darel P.

1982 8.524 Grand Canyon. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 16. ______

Bass, William G.

NO DATE 8.13 The Grand Canyon in poem and picture. Wickenburg, Arizona: William G. Bass, [20] pp. [Poems by the author’s father, William Wallace Bass.] [Ca. 1970.] [See also William Wallace Bass for an earlier printing.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 2: page 15| FQ7A:1-LA FQ9:50, 51 FQ9A:4 FQ10:27 FQ11:37 FQ13:41A, 41B FQ19A:5B FQ20:33 FQ23:34 FQ24/1:65 FQ26:33 ______

Bass, William Wallace

NO DATE 8.14 Poems. [No imprint], 8 pp. [Ca. 1910-1916.] [Five poems on the Grand Canyon and Colorado River, in whole or in part.] [4⅜ × 7¾ inches.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ11:35A FQ13:37 FQ20:30

NO DATE 8.15 Poems. [No imprint], 8 pp. [Ca. 1920.] [Five poems on the Grand Canyon and Colorado River, in whole or in part.] [4 × 7½ inches. Five Quail Books—West Catalogue Eleven (p. 5) states, “This edition is very similar to the circa 1916 edition.” (i.e., ITEM NO. 8.14).] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ11:35B FQ12:27

1909 8.17 Rhymes and jingles. Los Angeles: Arroyo Guild Press, 48 pp. [October, 1909.] [NOTE: Five Quail Books—West, Catalogue Eleven, p. 5, states: “W. W. Bass published several poem books. The oldest copy known to 5QBW is dated 1909, entitled Rhymes and Jingles. All editions are scarce to rare, except the circa 1970” (i.e., William G. Bass, no date, ITEM NO. 8.13). OCLC cites date ca. 1909-1925, Library of Congress cites ca. 1925. See also other eds., ITEM NOS. 8.18, 8.19.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ16:15 FQ23:33 FQ24/1:66

1909 8.18 Rhymes and jingles. Los Angeles: J. F. Rowny Press, 33 pp. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ12:28 FQ13:38

1915 8.19 Rhymes and jingles. Los Angeles: J. F. Rowny Press, 32 pp. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ14:11 FQ16:16 FQ17:45 FQ32:27 GUIDON 45

1925 8.20 The Grand Canyon in poem and picture. (Arranged and illustrated by W[illiam]. G. Bass.) [No imprint], [16] pp. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ11:36A, 36B

1940 8.21 The Grand Canyon in poem and picture. (Arranged and illustrated by W[illiam]. G. Bass.) [No imprint], 2nd ed., [16] pp. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ11:36C

1941 8.22 The Grand Canyon in poem and picture. (Arranged and illustrated by W[illiam]. G. Bass.) [No imprint], 3rd ed., [16] pp. [Also accompanied by mailing envelope on

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which is printed, “The Grand Canyon in Poem and Picture”. Title-page indicates “Copyrighted 1909-1925”.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ11:36D, 36E FQ12:26A, 26B FQ13:40 FQ19A:5A FQ20:31

2009 8.477 Rhymes and jingles. [No place]: BiblioBazaar, 52 pp. [An on-demand publication.]

2015 8.680 A winter day at Grand Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 54-55. [Credited to The Grand Canyon in Poem and Picture, 1909 (sic).] ______

Beath, Mary

2015 8.663 Grand Canyon/West. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 30. [From Refuge of Whirling Light (University of New Mexico Press, 2005).] ______

Behn, Giles

NO DATE 8.23 The Grand Canyon : an ode. [No imprint], 9 pp. [150 copies printed.] ______

Belanger, James

1982 8.554 Colorado. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, pp. 46-47. ______

Benignus, Wilhelm

1911 8.504 Winter am Grand Cañon von Arizona. Verbands Deutscher Schriftsteller in Amerika, Jahrbuch (New York), 1911: 112-113. [In German.] ______

Benninghoff, Diane Brown

2008 8.316 Boatman. Grand Canyon River Runner, (7) (Fall): 7.

2008 8.318 After two weeks on the river. Grand Canyon River Runner, (7) (Fall): 15.

2009 8.335 Span of ages. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 22(2) (Summer): 27.

2009 8.336 The pinch. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 22(2) (Summer): 27.

2009 8.337 The National shimmy. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 22(3) (Fall): 45. [National Canyon.]

2009 8.338 Men who wear aprons. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 22(3) (Fall): 45.

2012 8.487 Anticipating more: Poetry of the Grand Canyon. [No imprint], 28 [31] pp. [An on- demand publication.]

2013 8.605 Like a moth : more poems of the Grand Canyon. [No imprint], 33 [35] pp. [An on- demand publication.]

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Bennion, Louisa

1998 8.24 Leaving the Colorado. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 11(4) (Fall): 15. ______

Berger, Bruce

1970 8.783 Glen Canyon, 1970. Western Humanities Review, 24(4) (Autumn): 406.

1973 8.784 Reaching Rider Canyon. Western Review, 10(1) (Spring): 60.

1982 8.521 Leafing through Eliot Porter. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 12. [First published in Stoney Lonesome.]

1982 8.536 One cottonwood. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 28. [First published in The New Salt Creek Reader.]

2015 8.683 Ballad of the Bright Angel. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 61. [From The Geography of Hope: Poets of Colorado’s Western Slope (David Rothman, ed.; Conundrum, 2005).]

2015 8.686 Reaching Rider Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 66. ______

Bergman, Sam

1955 8.725 The Grand Canyon. New York Times, (February 23): 26. ______

Bernheim, Beatrice B.

1917 8.467 Impressions. New York: The Vail-Ballou Co., 62 pp. [See p. 43, “Grand Canyon”.] ______

Bigham, Michael F.

2014 8.619 “Groover” blues. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 27(3) (Fall): 20. ______

Bird, Julie

2010 8.617 Tony. Passageway Newsletter (Passageway, Des Moines, Iowa), (March): 5. (“This poem was written when she was 19 years old.”) [Grand Canyon, in passing.] ______

Blankenship, Heidi Elizabeth

2015 8.699 Fence Fault. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 86.

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Bliss, Paul Southworth

1939 8.25 Grand Canyon. Arizona Highways, 15(7) (July): 31. ______

Bloch, Chana

2015 8.661 The colors of darkness. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 28. [NOTE: The “Acknowledgements” for the volume indicate (p. 139) for Bloch only the poem, “‘The Grand Canyon’ from Blood Honey . . . (Autumn House, 2009).”] ______

Blumenthal, Michael

2015 8.690 The geologist. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 70. [From The Wages of Goodness (University of Missouri, 1999).] ______

Bodeo-Lomicky, Aidan

2015 8.772 Poems by Aidan Bodeo-Lomicky. In: Bodeo-Lomicky, Aidan, The vaquita : the biology of an endangered porpoise. (Illustrated by Aidan Bodeo-Lomicky, Cooper Bodeo- Lomicky, and Skylar Bodeo-Lomicky.) [No imprint], 2nd ed., pp. 41-47. ______

Bolin, Rose Ann

2016 8.741 Right to Risk. In: Aronson, Jeffe, and Steiger, Lew, Jeffe Aronson and Jumping Mouse [oral history interview]. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 29(3) (Fall): 35. (“By Rose Ann Bolin (cerebral palsy) for David Schaefer (youngest participant; cerebral palsy)[.] From Right to Risk (KTSP ‘On the Arizona Road,’ Ch. 10, Phoenix, ca. 1994).”] ______

Borlase, Jack

1915 8.385 Message of the Grand Cañon. The Literary Digest, 50 (March 27): 705.

1915 8.506 The message of the Grand Canon. Improvement Era, 18(8) (June): 679. [Preceded by editor’s introduction under the title, “A Utah Poet on the Grand Canyon”.] ______

Botsford, C. B.

1902 8.439 The Grand Canyon of the Colorado River. Our Paper (Massachusetts Reformatory, Concord Junction), 18(35) (August 30): 556. [From Boston Transcript.] ______

Bowen, JulieAnne

2009 8.790 Grand Canyon. Scope (Ouachita Baptist University, Arkadelphia, Arkansas), 2009 (Article 3), 1 p.

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Boyer, Marion

1999 8.26 Ballad of Bessie Hyde. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 12(1) (Winter 1998-1999): 12.

1999 8.27 Grand Canyon lullaby. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 12(1) (Winter 1998-1999): 13.

1999 8.28 The ballad of Bessie Hyde. Paddler, 19(3) (May/June): 36.

2000 8.163 Grand Canyon lesson. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 13(1) (Winter): 17. ______

Branch, Beatrice

1987 8.191 Sunrise at Grand Canyon. Ideals, 44(4) (June)”: [72-73]. (Ideals Countryside issue.) ______

Brenner, Ed E.

1915 8.416 Go to Frisco and see the fair. Santa Fe Magazine, 9(3) (February): 52. ______

Breskin, David

1997 8.29 Grand Canyon; a brief history of the river. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 10(2) (Spring): 14.

1998 8.30 Fresh kills. Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 82 pp. [See “Dark Canyon: A Brief History of the River”, p. 63.] [NOTE: The credit in this printing, “for Factor Grua”, was omitted in the Boatman’s Quarterly Review original printing (see Breskin, 1997, ITEM NO. 8.29). Reprinted here with slightly different title.] [“Factor Grua”, or “The Factor”, was .] ______

Bronson, Gretchen

1941 8.573 Storm on Salton Sea. Desert Magazine, 4(11) (September): 16. [Accompanied by photograph.] ______

Brooks, Dorothy

2015 8.681 Sentry duty at the Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 56. [“[P]ublished in 2012 in a slightly altered form in The Eleventh Muse by Poetry West.” (p. 140).] ______

Brooks, Eula D.

1933 8.486 Desert blooms. In: Boulder Dam souvenir and cook book : from members and friends of Grace Community Church. Boulder City, Nevada: [Ladies’ Aid of Grace Community Church], p. [first series] [28].

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Brooks, Fred Emerson

1894 8.350 Old Ace and other poems. New York: Cassell Publishing Co., 208 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon of the Colorado”, p. 167.]

1895 8.456 The Grand Canyon of the Colorado. The Magazine of Poetry (Buffalo, New York), 7(1) (January): 57.

1901 8.351 Old Ace and other poems. Boston and Chicago: Forbes and Co., 208 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon of the Colorado”, p. 167.]

1914 8.352 Old Ace and other poems. Boston and Chicago: Forbes and Co., 208 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon of the Colorado”, p. 167.] ______

Bryan, Alfred

1921 8.31 Grand Canyon. Los Angeles Evening Herald (newspaper), (September 26): 1. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5|

1969 8.220 Grand Canyon. Arizona Highways, 45(3) (March): 1. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 1-57| ______

Brzeski, Ben [Brzeski, Benjamin Howard]

2000 8.164 The Grand Canyon Semester. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 13(1) (Winter): 12-13. [Four poems, “Time and Canyons”, “Genesis”, “Faces in the Muav”, and “River”. With photographs by Michael Collier.]

2000 8.192 River poetry. The Waiting List (Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association), 4(2) (Summer): 19. ______

Bukowski, Charles

1977 8.165 Love is a dog from hell : poems, 1974-1977. Santa Barbara, California: Black Sparrow Press, 307 pp. [See “sexpot”.]

1992 8.166 The last night of the earth poems. Santa Rosa, California: Sparrow Press, 405 pp. [See “transport”.] ______

Bullard, Christopher

2015 8.639 Grand Canyon : poems by Christopher Bullard. Cincinnati, Ohio: David Robert Books, 90 [91] pp. [“Grand Canyon”, pp. 89-90; see also cover illustration.] [An on-demand publication.] ______

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Byars, Betty

1984 8.32 Poem by Betty Byars. In: Beus, Stanley S., and Carothers, Steven W. (eds.), Colorado River Investigations II : July/August 1983. Flagstaff, Arizona: Northern Arizona University, for U.S. National Park Service, Grand Canyon National Park, p. 175. ______

Bynner, Witter

1917 8.459 Greenstone poems : a sequence. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co., 307 pp. [See “The Circus”, pp. 25-33. See also color frontispiece for volume, by Spencer Baird Nichols, “‘It was true that he had lived in the silent places, beside the Grand Canyon.’—Page 9.” (error, should be page 29)] ______

Byrn, David L.

2003 8.244 On the canyon’s rim. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(2) (Summer): 19. ______


Cabot, Elsie Pumpelly

1919 8.426 Arizona and other poems. New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 110 pp. [See Part II: Grand Canyon, pp. 25-31.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ20:71 FQ22A:494 FQ24/1:129 FQ30:56 FQ31:7 FQ32:61 ______

Cantu, Rita

1982 8.528 Canyon dance. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 19. [“©1981 Rita Cantu”.] ______

Carpenter, Carol

2013 8.597 Photography and poetry by Carol Carpenter. Your Country Neighbor (Peru, Nebraska), 14(12) (December): 15. [Includes poem, “Grand Canyon”, and photograph of Grand Canyon.] ______

Carpenter, Caroline

1899 8.394 [Verse.] In: Woods, G. K. (compiler), Personal impressions of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado River near Flagstaff, Arizona, as seen through nearly two thousand eyes, and written in the private visitors’ book of the world-famous guide Capt. John Hance,

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guide, story-teller, and path-finder. San Francisco: Whitaker and Ray Co., for G. K. Woods, Flagstaff, Arizona Territory, p. 113. ______

Carpenter, Everett M.

1946 8.645 The Grand Canyon of Arizona. The New Age Magazine (Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Supreme Council, 33°), 54: 708. ______

Carr, Kate

1982 8.545 Homecoming. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 37.

1982 8.550 River song. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 42. ______

Casartelli, A.

2011 8.484 World soul : poems. Volume Four : Collection of poems. [No place]: World Love Poetry Publishing, 99 pp. [See pp. 52-53, “Closed In Silence. Grand Canyon”.] ______

Cassard, Rick

2017 8.774 Down in the Canyon again. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 30(4) (Winter 2017-2018): 17. [Song lyrics.] ______

Chappelle, Zoe

2009 8.599 Grand Canyon. The Paddle (Mason-Dixon Canoe Cruisers, Hagerstown, Maryland), (Spring): 2. [See also p. 3, photo, “Zoe and her mom, Sheila”, taken at overlook.] ______

Chidester, Brook

2005 8.272 Tapeats, August. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 18(1) (Spring): 5. ______

Clark, Edward A.

1958 8.33 Grand Canyon. In: The song of our national parks and flowers. Rock Island, Illinois: Augustana Book Concern [printer], pp. 16-17. ______

Clark, Leslie Savage

1962 8.221 Grand Canyon in Winter. Arizona Highways, 38 (February/March): 58. ______

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Clark, Rona Levein

1982 8.546 Introductory note [to Part Three]. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 39. [Title from Contents, p. 4. In verse.] ______

Cobb, Alice S.

1979 8.472 A vision. In: Poetry [SECTION]. Black American Literature Forum, 13(4) (Winter): 149-150. [In part, and in passing, envisions “. . . steel rails running / underground / zipping straight from / the Grand Canyon / to Tombstone in a day.” (p. 150)] ______

Coker, Adelaide

1958 8.602 Inner Gorge: Grand Canyon. Desert Magazine, 21(9) (September): 18. ______

Collins, Chet

1997 8.34 Matkatamiba. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 10(2) (Spring): 14. ______

Collins, Helen Fletcher

1973 8.182 The Wind Blows From the West and other poems. Eureka, California: Halvorsen’s Business Aids [privately printed], 58 pp. (American Primitive Original.) ______

Comrie, John W.

1939 8.35 A sonnet on the Grand Canyon at sunset. Nature Magazine, 32(6) (June/July): 346. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 2: page 118| |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5| ______

Conley, Cort

1985 8.754 (COMPILER) Gathered waters : an anthology of river poems selected by Cort Conley. Cambridge, Idaho: Backeddy Books, [vi], II, 112, [1] pp. [See p. 56, “At the Confluence of the Colorado and the Little Colorado”, by William Meredith.] [NOTE:

There are two states for this title, each of 2,000 copies. State 1: [No date (preface, p. II, dated 1985); title-page verso notes only, “Copyrights for individual poems appear on the permissions pages, which should be considered an extension of this page.”; perfect-bound in blue wraps, ink color on covers 1 and 4 graded dark to light from top to bottom, “Gathered Waters” in white, “An Anthology of River Poems Selected by

Cort Conley” in blue.] State 2: [Title-page verso indicates, “Copyright 1985 by Cort Conley[,] All Rights Reserved[,] ISBN 0-9-3566-8-0[.] Copyrights for individual poems appear on the permissions pages, which should be considered an extension of this page. Distributed by Backeddy Books[,] Box 301, Cambridge, Idaho 83610[.] Printing limited to 2,000 copies. No.______[with enumeration hand-written]”; perfect-bound in white wraps, title and subtitle in blue ink; with dust jacket, laminated on outside, blue-gray ink color graded dark to light from top to bottom on front and rear, “Gathered Waters” in white, “An Anthology of River Poems Selected by Cort

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Conley” in blue; front gatefold includes price, “$9.95”; spine of wraps and dust jacket

both include the Backeddy Books colophon (absent on wraps spine in 1st state).] Page [113] provides identical production information for both states.] • [The following information fide Cort Conley to E.E.S., January 2, 2017: First printing (i.e. 1st state) with printer’s errors (rules at page tops not aligned) and shipping damage. Second printing (i.e. 2nd state) at the printer’s expense, with errors corrected and dust jacket added. The balance of the imperfect 1st state was sent to Conley, who has distributed them gratis over time. Conley added: “I’d given each poet a sheet of the same text paper and asked them to sign their autograph three times. Once collected, they were pasted into three special copies that were bound in pale green goatskin with a watch crystal in the cover that had tiny river pebbles in it.” These copies were given away.] [See also William Meredith.] ______

Conrard, Harrison

1902 8.386 The Grand Canyon. Catholic World, 75 (July) (448): 486-491. [Includes a paragraph introduction from Catholic World, December 1899.]

1907 8.383 Quivera. (Illustrated with original drawings by Charles C. Svendsen and W. E. Rollins.) Boston: Richard G. Badger, The Gorham Press, 117 pp. [Verse. See “Arizona” (p. 22), with illustration of Grand Canyon by Rollins (facing p. 22); “The Grand Cañon” (pp. 32-34), with photograph taken in Grand Canyon (facing p. 32).] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ30:71 FQ32:69 ______

Coolbrith, Ina H.

1892 8.399 In the Grand Cañon. Lippincott’s Magazine, (September): 407.

1892 8.635 In the Grand Cañon. The Grange Visitor (Lansing, Michigan), 18(18) (102) (September 15): 6. [Credited to “September Lippincott’s” (1892, ITEM NO. 8.399).]

1895 8.373 Songs from the Golden Gate. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., (The Riverside Press, Cambridge), 159 pp. [See “In the Grand Cañon”, p. 44.]

1899 8.398 In the Grand Cañon. In: Marble, Annie Russell (ed.), Nature pictures by American poets. New York: The Macmillan Co., and London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., p. 16.

1900 8.407 American poets of to-day: Ina Coolbrith. Current Literature, 28(1) (April): frontispiece, 16-17. [Selected poems, with an unsigned editorial introduction. See “In the Grand Canon”, p. 17.] [American poets of today.]

2000 8.408 In the Grand Cañon. In: Miller, Susan Cummins (ed.), A sweet, separate intimacy : women writers of the American frontier, 1800-1922. Lubbock, Texas: Texas Tech University Press, p. 170. ______

Corbin, George

1995 8.36 The toilet trail. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 8(3): 25. ______

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Counter, Barbara Cort

2010 8.405 Describing the indescribable. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 23(2) (Summer): 13. ______

Cox, Nellie I.

1988 8.37 Sky high and canyon deep : ballads and legends of the Arizona Strip in rhyme. (Illustrated by Cher Griffin and DelRae Scott.) [No imprint], 130 pp. (Printed by Kreyling Brothers, St. George, Utah.) [With errata slip.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ12:94 FQ13:108 FQ15:101 FQ17:106 FQ19:154 FQ21:52 FQ23:85 FQ24/1:177 FQ26:74 ______

Crapsey, Adelaide

1915 8.38 Verse. Rochester, New York: The Manas Press, 95 pp. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5|

1919 8.483 The Grand Canyon. In: Untermeyer, Louis, The new era in American poetry. New York: Henry Holt and Co., p. 319. [See Untermeyer’s chapter, “Others” (quotation marks thus), which includes a critical discussion of Crapsey’s “Cinquains”, “a new form, reminiscent of the hokku; a five-line verse invented by this short-lived poet” (p. 318).] [“The Grand Canyon”: “By Zeus! / Shout word of this / To the eldest dead! Titans, / Gods, Heroes, come who have once more / A home!”]

1921 8.503 The Grand Canyon. From [Dedication] To the memory of Adelaide Crapsey, scholar and poet, who, being dead, yet speaketh. In: Crapsey, Algernon Sidney, The ways of the gods. New York: International Press, p. [v].

1922 8.39 Verse. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 107 pp. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5|

1934 8.40 Verse. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., new (3rd) ed., 132 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon”.]

1977 8.167 The complete poems and collected letters of Adelaide Crapsey. (Susan Sutton Smith, ed.) Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 288 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon”.] ______

Crawford, Jack [Crawford, John Wallace]

1910 8.357 Whar’ the Hand o’ God Is Seen and other poems. New York: New York Lyceum Publishing Co., 152 pp. [See “God’s Anteroom; The Grand Canyon of Arizona”, pp. 18-19.]

1911 8.789 John Wallace Crawford. The poet scout. “Whar the Hand of God is Seen, and Other Poems.” In: New Publications [SECTION]. The Caledonian (New York), 11(3) (June): 139-140. [Notice of publication of Crawford’s book of poetry (see Crawford, 1910, ITEM NO. 8.357). No commentary, but three poems are reprinted, including “God’s Ante-Room. (The Grand Canyon of Arizona.)” (p. 140).] ______

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Crouch, Nina

2016 8.735 Redwall. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 29(2) (Summer): 24. ______

Cumbers, Barbara

2014 8.638 Grand Canyon. Poetry Salzburg Review (Salzburg, Austria), (26) (Autumn): 84. ______

Curran, Edwin

1917 8.397 First poems. Zanesville, Ohio: Edwin Curran, [33] pp. [including title-page]. [See “Grand Canyon”, p. [31].] ______

Currey, CoCo

2014 8.607 2014. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 27(2) (Summer): 17. [Verse commemorating 2014 Guides Training Seminar.] ______


Daingerfield, Elliott

1913 8.473 The Genius of the Canyon. In: Pattison, James William, Some important picture sales. Fine Arts Journal, 28(3) (March): 184. [Regarding Elliott Daingerfield’s canvas, “The Genius of the Canyon” in the collection of Mrs. Chauncey J. Blair, of Chicago, which is illustrated, p. 164.] ______

Dancis, Dale

1984 8.41 City vagabond. In: Beus, Stanley S., and Carothers, Steven W. (eds.), Colorado River Investigations II : July/August 1983. Flagstaff, Arizona: Northern Arizona University, for U.S. National Park Service, Grand Canyon National Park, p. 176. ______

Dauthendey, Max

1910 8.368 Die geflügelte Erde : ein Lied der Liebe und der Wunder um sieben Meere. München: Albert Langen, 547 [548] pp. [A travelogue in verse. See “Grand Canon im Colorado- Gebirge” [sic], pp. 511-513, which comprises the following sections: “Station Williams”, p. 511”, “Die Cowboy-Station Williams”, pp. 511-513; see also the following parts: “Am Weltabgrund”, 513-516; “Sieben Schaukelstühle”, pp. 516-517.] [In German.] ______

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Davis, Hanna Friel

1938 8.181 The Colorado River. Improvement Era, 41(6): 358. ______

Davis, Sandy

2002 8.500 Hike Havasupai: Notes on the physical experience. Continuum (LLLI Alumnae Association, La Leche League International, Schaumburg, Illinois), 15(5): 6-7. [Regarding group hike into Havasu Canyon.] ______deBuys, William

2018 8.799 El corrido de Joe R. In: Sadler, Christa, The Colorado. Brooklyn, New York: National Sawdust, in association with This Earth Press, Flagstaff, Arizona, p. 210. [Ballad from the Imperial Valley; in English.] ______

DeLaurentis, Louise Budde

1990 8.292 Janus Days: Fortieth anniversary reflection. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 11(2/3) (Spirituality, Values, and Ethics): 26-29. [Arizona Grand Canyon?, in passing, p. 29.] ______

DeLong, Margie

2003 8.265 Grand Canyon, Colorado River boating. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(4) (Winter): 44. ______

Deming, Alison Hawthorne

2005 8.330 Genius loci. New York: Penguin Books, 95 pp. (Penguin Poets.) [See “The Enigma We Answer by Living”.]

2005 8.331 The enigma we answer by living. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 11(12) (December): 1927. [Reprinted from Genius loci.] ______

Denison, T. S.

1902 8.381 The Old Schoolhouse and other poems and conceits in verse. Chicago: T. S. Denison, 128 pp. [See “The Grand Cañon of the Colorado. White City Club, Oct. 14, 1902.”, pp. 76-77.] ______

Detering, Hank

2005 8.277 River rats. Grand Canyon River Runner, (1) (Fall): 6. ______

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Dimock, Brad

1990 8.42 Havazoo. Grand Canyon River Guides [newsletter], 3(4) (October): 6. ______

Dings, Fred

2015 8.659 At the Grand Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 25. [From Eulogy of a Private Man (Triquarterly Books/Northwestern University Press, 1999.] ______

Dixon, Maynard

2015 8.675 The Grand Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 48. [From Rim-Rock and Sage: The Collected Poems of Maynard Dixon (California Historical Society, 1977).] ______

Donaldson, Bob

1999 8.43 Fall launch. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 12(3) (Summer): 3. ______

Douskey, Franz

2011 8.769 West of midnight : new and selected poems. New York: NYQ Books (New York Quarterly Foundation, Inc.), 125 [127] pp. [See “Grand Canyon”, pp. 86-87.] ______

Dow, Hannah Elizabeth

2017 8.771 The body mends itself. Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern Mississippi, 48 pp. (“The following poems were completed by the author between September 2014 and April 2017.” (p. ii)] [See “Postcard from the Salton Sea”, p. 31.] ______

Dunlap, Laura W.

1958 8.595 Old plank road. Desert Magazine, 21(1) (January): 4. [Algodones Dunes area.] ______

Dye, Eva Emery

1891 8.502 In the Grand Canyon. The Oberlin Review, 18(26) (March 31): 381. [“Mrs. Eva E. Dye was ’82’s class poet.” From the Oregon City Enterprise, the February “West Shore poetical contest” first-prize winner.] [The verse seems that it was written after a reading of Powell.] ______

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Eberling, Georgia Moore

1943 8.576 To the Grand Canyon. Desert Magazine, 6(4) (February): 4. ______

Effinger, Christy

2010 8.495 Upon visiting the Grand Canyon. EarthSpeak Magazine, (4) (Summer): 1-2. ______

Eigner, Janet B.

2015 8.716 North Kaibab Trail. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 119. ______

Eigner, Larry

1977 8.168 The world and its streets, places. Santa Barbara, California: Black Sparrow Press, 180 pp. [See “cress”.] ______

Eilender, Edie

2002 8.229 Tuweep. The Ol’ Pioneer (Grand Canyon Pioneers Society), 13(2) (April/June): 4-5. ______

Eldridge, Maury

2001 8.227 September 2000; river trip poetry. The Waiting List (Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association), 5(3) (Fall): 27.

2002 8.230 Canyon perspective. The Waiting List (Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association Quarterly), 5(4) (Winter 2001-2002): 9. [Distributed March 2002.]

2006 8.288 Blacktail Narrows. The Waiting List (Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association Quarterly), 7(3) (Spring/Summer): 11.

2006 8.289 Canyon perspective. The Waiting List (Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association Quarterly), 7(3) (Spring/Summer): 33.

2006 8.290 Trinity Camp. The Waiting List (Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association Quarterly), 7(3) (Spring/Summer): 33. ______

Elliott, Rob

2001 8.212 There is this wave. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 14(2) (Summer): 11.

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2003 8.236 Before you met the river. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(1) (Spring): 14.

2003 8.239 Hidden until now. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(1) (Spring): 41. ______

Elson, Cynthia

1957 8.800 An ode to Arizona Indian youth. In: Brooks, M. L., Jerome, Delbert R., and Sizemore, Mamie, We Look at Indian Education : a summer workshop : 1957 : Arizona State College, Tempe, Arizona. Phoenix: Arizona State Department of Public Instruction, Division of Indian Education, pp. 7-8 [original unpaginated, pagination from stamping in volume posted to ERIC database (U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences)]. ______

Elwell, Martin

2010 8.493 My sister’s poems. Evening Street Review, (2) (Spring): 65-71. [See “Buttered Popcorn”, p. 76, about “Brady Bunch” television actors in Grand Canyon episode.] ______

Emblen, D. L.

1943 8.578 Sailor remembering the road to Yuma. Desert Magazine, 6(9) (July): 4. ______

Esposito, Keith

2011 8.460 [Untitled.] In: Watters, Kate, Volunteer stories from the field; transforming lives and landscapes. Colorado Plateau Advocate, (Winter/Spring 2011/2012): 19. [A “poem from the perspective of the California Condor.”] ______

Euwer, Anthony

1918 8.44 We’ll stay at home. Leslie’s Weekly, 124 (May 25). [Poem illustrated by views of Grand Canyon and Yellowstone. “Stay at home” refers to U.S.A.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 2: page 118| |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5| ______

Every, Gary

2008 8.761 Salton Sea army. Chiricú Journal (Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures) (Indiana University Press, Bloomington), 2008 (Edición Especial de Arte/Edição Especial de Arte/Special Art Edition): 36. [Regarding a toy factory in Mexicali, making “little green plastic army men”, dumping malformed products into “the creek” that floats them to the Salton Sea.] ______

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Fairchild, Hurlstone

1950 8.45 An artist’s notebook: Selected sketches from studies made at the Grand Canyon. Hollywood, California: Homer H. Boelter, 32 pp. [Includes poems by the artist.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-11| ______

Fallon, Berlie J.

1968 8.46 Grand Canyon. Arizona Highways, 44(6) (June): 1. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-11| ______

Favián Méndez, Ramona

1998 8.733 Silence. El Silencio. In: Castañeda N., Kenia, Teachers get soaked in the Reserve. Maestros se empapan en la Reserva. CEDO News / Noticias del CEDO (Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans, Tucson / Centro Intercultural de Estudios de Desiertos y Océanos, Puerto Peñasco, Sonora), 8(2) (Spring/Summer): 5. [Reserva de la Biósfera Alto Golfo de California y Delta del Río Colorado.] [Parallel English and Spanish texts. (Original in Spanish.)] ______

Fedullo, Mick

1985 8.320 (ED.) The eye of a white dove : poems. Supai, Arizona: Havasupai Bilingual Program, 23 pp. (By students of Havasupai Elementary School.)

1990 8.478 (ED.) A tree full of leaves which are stars : an anthology of Indian student poetry. Ogden, Utah: Mountain West Educational Equity Center, Weber State College, 21, 133 [i.e. 3] pp. ______

Felipe Gaspar, Luis

2017 8.759 Poema dedicado a la aventura de venir de Coahuila a Mexicali. De las familias Gaspar, Sánchez Quevedo y Faz. In: Sánchez Ogás, Yolanda, Comandante Gustavo Sánchez Quevedo. El Río (Sociedad de Historia “Centenario de Mexicali”, and Universidad Autónoma de Baja California), 10(36) (April/June): 66-68. [In Spanish.] ______

Ferrell, Andre

1993 8.47 Grand Canyon. In: GeoKids write about the earth. GeoNews (Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia), 1(1): 9. ______

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Feu, F. du

1977 8.608 The holiday. Spelling Progress Bulletin (North Hollywood, California), 17(2) (Summer): 8. [Written in Eurospelling. Notes Grand Canyon, in passing.] ______

Field, Ben

1904 8.354 Poems and poems of California and the West. Boston: Richard G. Badger, The Gorham Press, 87 pp. [See “The Song of the Siren of Rio Colorado”, pp. 85-87.] ______

Finkbine, Bob

1993 8.48 Mosi-Oa-Tunya (smoke that roars) : poems of the Grand Canyon. [No imprint], 124 pp. [Includes prose story of a river trip.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ10:105

2000 8.250 Smoke that roars : stories and poems about the Grand Canyon. [No imprint], 197 pp. ______

Finley, Harold M.

1906 8.380 The Grand Canon. The Yale Monthly Magazine, (February): 9.

1910 8.409 The Grand Cañon. The Pacific Monthly, 23(4) (April): 422. ______

Fisher, Ralph A., Sr.

1951 8.587 Grand Canyon trail. Desert Magazine, 14(5) (March): 26. ______

Fletcher, John Gould

1921 8.355 Breakers and granite. New York: Macmillan Co., 163 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon of the Colorado”, pp. 95-99.]

1938 8.49 Selected poems. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, Inc., 237 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon of the Colorado”.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5|

1955 8.650 The Grand Canyon. Du (Schweizerische Monatsschrift) (Zürich), 15 (May): 54. [In English; serial in German.] ______

Fly, J. Mark

2007 8.332 Spaces, now places. National Parks Conservation Association, Southeast Region, Field Report, 5(1) (Spring): 4. [Mentions Grand Canyon.] [NOTE: Also a professional biographical sketch of Fly on the same page (“Meet the Southeast Regional Council”), which mentions his presentation of this verse at the National Park Centennial Initiative in 2007.] ______

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Flynn, Keith

2013 8.496 Colony collapse disorder. San Antonio, Texas: Wings Press, 103 [106] pp. [See p. 28, “Grand Canyon, Arizona. Election Day at the Grand Canyon”.] ______

Forbes, Lydia

2009 8.341 [Untitled verse.] Daponte String Quartet Newsletter (Maine), (October): 4. ______

Forrester, Cheri

2016 8.729 On returning from the canyon. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 29(1) (Spring): 16. ______

Foster, Hugh Molleson

1910 8.371 Santa Fe. (With apologies to Rudyard Kipling’s “Mandalay”.) In: Among Our Poets [SECTION]. Santa Fe Employes’ Magazine, 4(6) (May): 73-74. ______

Franso, Katie

2005 8.275 Writing the Waves; a poem from the “White Water Writing” program. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 18(3) (Fall): 19. ______

Frazier, Pam [Frazier, Pamela]

2007 8.301 Shoshone Point. Sojourns (Peaks, Plateaus and Canyon Association), 2(2) (Summer/Fall): 48. ______

Friedrich, Gerhard

1945 8.50 Grand Canyon, Arizona. Horn Book Magazine, 21 (July): 247. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 2: page 118| |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5|

1953 8.51 Grand Canyon. Nature Magazine, 46: 456. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 2: page 118| |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5| ______

Fritts, Stewart W.

1996 8.52 River ranger’s soliloquy. Nature Notes (Grand Canyon National Park), 12(4) (Winter): 4. (“Paraphrased from William Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet.’”) ______

Fullerton, Dolly S.

1960 8.222 First sight of the Grand Canyon. Arizona Highways, 36(6) (June): 36. ______

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Garber, Pat

1991 8.53 Canyon wall. The News (Grand Canyon River Guides), 4(2) (Summer): 18. ______

Gardner, Claudia

1982 8.529 Grand Canyon. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 20. ______

Garesché, E. F.

1927 8.54 Grand Canyon of the Colorado. Catholic World, 125: 586-587. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 2: page 118| |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5| ______

Gargulinski, Ryn

2010 8.616 Death in the Grand Canyon. The Wormwood Press, (3) (October/November): 13.

2015 8.666 Death in the Grand Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 36. ______

Garrett, Erwin Clarkson

1916 8.494 Army ballads and other verses. Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co., 282 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon”, p. 120.] ______

Garrigue, Jean

1973 8.169 Studies for an actress and other poems. New York: Macmillan, 85 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon”.]

1992 8.170 Selected poems. University of Illinois Press. [See “The Grand Canyon”.] ______

Gaskin, Jefferson Arthur

2005 8.324 A rain of dust. Master’s thesis, University of Alaska at Fairbanks, 56 pp. [See “Driving from the Grand Canyon after a near accident” and “Lake Mead”.] [Author’s M.F.A. thesis; poetry.] ______

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Gatlin, George

1920 8.632 Rhymes of a tropic tramp. New York: James T. White and Co., 85 pp. [See p. 19, “Yuma Town”.] ______

Gavin, Thea

2011 8.600 Fall dispersal; for Grand Canyon’s North Rim seasonal crew. CNPS (California Native Plant Society, Orange County Chapter, Irvine, California), (November/December): [1]. [Poem pertaining to aerial dispersal of spiders.]

2015 8.653 To be pierced by the canyon : poems from the Grand Canyon. [Orange, California], Thea Gavin, pp. [i], 1-28 [p. 28 is inside back cover]. [Privately published.]

2015 8.657 Introducing others to the edge. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 23.

2015 8.670 Fall dispersal. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 41. [Pertains to aerial dispersal of spiders.] ______

George, Diana Hume

2015 8.671 Eating fruit at the Grand Canyon—A song to make death easy. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 42-43. [From Written with a Spoon: A Poet’s Cookbook, 2nd ed. (Nancy Fay and Judith Rafaela, eds., Sherman Asher, 2002).] ______

Gerdes, Hank

1998 8.55 Dude rafter. The Waiting List (Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association), 2(2) (May): 13. ______

Giesea, Jeff

2006 8.287 Larger than time. Grand Canyon River Runner, (3) (Fall): 15. ______

Glass, Melody

1982 8.56 [Poem written in Grand Canyon, August 1982.] In: Colorado River Investigations I : July/August 1982. Flagstaff, Arizona: Northern Arizona University, and Museum of Northern Arizona, p. [iii]. ______

Gleason, Hollis T.

1949 8.583 In memoriam; Norman and Doris Nevills (victims of an airplane crash September 19, 1949). Desert Magazine, 13(2) (December): 12. [In verse.] [Norman Nevills, Doris Nevills.]

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Goldman, Peter

1998 8.57 The Grand Canyon. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 11(1) (Winter 1997-1998): 5. [Issue mailed late January or early February, 1998.] ______

Gonzales, Ray

1993 8.58 Easter Sunday, 1988, The Grand Canyon, Arizona. In: McNamee, Gregory (ed.), Named in stone and sky : an Arizona anthology. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, pp. 169-170. ______

Goodman, Paul

1974 8.171 Collected poems. (Taylor Stoehr, ed.) New York: Random House, 465 pp. (Copyright 1973.) [See “At the rim of the Canyon.”] ______

Gould, Henry

2010 8.507 Dove Street. Providence, Rhode Island: [No imprint], [unpaginated]. [See “Letter to Emily D.”] ______

Graber, Kyle

2018 8.787 My Grand Canyon. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 31(1) (Spring): 9. ______

Graham-Clark, Charlotte

1999 8.59 A river runs through it. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 12(3) (Summer): 11. ______

Gray, Robert

2006 8.598 Poems mostly without names. [No place]: Acrobat Publishing, [69] pp. [See p. [7], poem noting Grand Canyon in passing.] [Pagination count includes cover.] ______

Grissom, Irene Welch

1940 8.60 Grand Canyon. Desert Magazine, 3(9) (July): 21. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5| ______

Guiterman, Arthur

1911 8.400 Quivera. In: Wallington, Nellie Urner (ed.), American history by American poets. New York: Duffield and Co., pp. 27-30. [See p. 28, and editor’s related note, pp. 392- 393.]

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Gunther, Emma D’Arman

1921 8.410 The child on the Santa Fe. In: Among Our Poets [SECTION]. Santa Fe Magazine, 15(11) (October): 43-44. [Grand Canyon, p. 43, in passing.] ______

Guthrie, Joseph

2013 8.509 Once upon the river. Grand Canyon River Runner, (15) (Spring): 9.

2013 8.510 Twoday on the river. Grand Canyon River Runner, (15) (Spring): 9. ______


H., J. F.

1911 8.384 At the Grand Cañon. Public Libraries, 16(6) (June): 260. ______

Hadley, Drum

1994 8.193 Grand Canyon. In: Dofflemyer, John C. (ed.), Maverick western verse. Layton, Utah: Gibbs Smith, p. 41. ______

Hall, Sharlot M.

NO DATE 8.183 Cactus and pine : songs of the Southwest. Prescott, Arizona: Sharlot Hall Museum Press, 3rd ed., 250 pp. [Actually a reprint of the 2nd ed., 1924.]

1906 8.468 Arizona. Out West, 24(2) (February): 67-69.

1908 8.488 The song of the Colorado. Out West, 28(4) (April): 272-275. [Includes two Grand Canyon photos by Putnam and Valentine.]

1911 8.184 Cactus and pine : songs of the Southwest. Boston: Spearman, French and Co., 204 pp. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ21:319A

1913 8.435 The song of the Colorado. Santa Fe Magazine, 7(7) (June): 62-63.

1915 8.457 The song of the Colorado. In: Stevenson, Burton Egbert (compiler), The home book of verse : American and English, 1580-1912 : with an appendix containing a few well- known poems in other languages. Volume VI. Poems of patriotism, history, and legend. New York: Henry Holt and Co., pp. 2475-2477.

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1924 8.185 Cactus and pine : songs of the Southwest. Phoenix: Republican Print Shop, 2nd ed., 250 pp. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ15:227 FQ17:187 FQ21:319B

2011 8.441 The song of the Colorado. In: Newman, Lance (ed.), The Grand Canyon reader. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, pp. 93-94. [Reprinted from Cactus and Pine (Hall, 1911).] ______

Hallowell, Patti Auguste

1993 8.61 River ride. The News (Grand Canyon River Guides), 6(4) (Fall): 5. ______

Hamilton, Franklin Robert

1929 8.223 Pictorial poems of the scenic West. Denver: Miles and Dryer, 123 pp. (“Illustrated with photographic studies from the best artists.”) [Numerous illustrations tipped in.] [See “The Colorado River”, p. 17; “Grand Canyon (Arizona)”, pp. 30-31; “The Forest (Kaibab National Forest)”, pp. 44-45.] ______

Hannig, Afton

1967 8.625 St. Thomas. From: St. Thomas [SECTION]. In: Hafner, Arabell Lee (compiler), 100 years on the Muddy. Springville, Utah: Art City Publishing Co., p. 124. ______

Hanson, Rachel

2017 8.766 Ode to a Grand Canyon boatman of thirty-six-years. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 30(3) (Fall): 18-19. (“This poem is for Ray Pope, who retired June 20th, 2017 from a 36-year career as a boatman in the Grand Canyon.”) ______

Harbraugh, M. D.

1935 8.340 The Grand Canyon of Arizona. Frisco Employes’ Magazine (Frisco Lines, St. Louis), 13(9) (September): 19. ______

Hardesty, Betty

1958 8.596 Plank road in the dunes. Desert Magazine, 21(1) (January): 4. [Algodones Dunes area.] ______

Hardy, Minnie J.

1937 8.649 Great Lake Mead. Reclamation Era, 27(11) (November): 270. ______

Harris, Ron

1991 8.62 Lees Ferry. The News (Grand Canyon River Guides), 4(4) (Fall): 9.

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Harshav, Benjamin

1990 8.422 The meaning of Yiddish. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and Oxford (England): University of California Press. [See p. 168, regarding Yiddish poetry in America; includes passing mention of “Zishe Vaynper’s Grand Canyon”, with others, that “are as American as anything written in English in that period.” See in this bibliography Zische Weinper (1947, Beim Grand Canyon, ITEM NO. 8.190).] ______

Hart, Denise

2003 8.240 A river guide’s ride. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(1) (Spring): 42. ______

Hart, James

2000 8.722 Entering temples of silence: Grand Canyon, July 21, 1999. The Chariton Review (Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri), (Fall):.

2015 8.676 Entering temples of silence. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 49. [First published in the Chariton Review (Fall, 2000).] ______

Hasenbuhler, Patrick

1984 8.63 The desert. In: Beus, Stanley S., and Carothers, Steven W. (eds.), Colorado River Investigations II : July/August 1983. Flagstaff, Arizona: Northern Arizona University, for U.S. National Park Service, Grand Canyon National Park, pp. 177-178. ______

Hathaway, Ves Q.

1908 8.414 The Grand Canyon. Santa Fe Employes’ Magazine, 2(11) (October): 935-936. ______

Hauselt, Eleanor

1994 8.64 Sonnet. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 7(2) (Spring): 15. ______

Havice, Marcus Hill

1907 8.499 The Grand Canyon of the Colorado. [No imprint], [32] pp. (Privately published, Sun Printing and Binding Co.) [Verse and photography.] ______

Helin, Nancy Coker

2008 8.311 Flash flood. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 21(2) (Summer): 2. (“For a Deer Creek Cottonwood”.) ______

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Henderson, C. B.

1918 8.475 Ode to San Francisco Mountain. In: Among Our Poets [SECTION]. Santa Fe Magazine, 12(5) (April): 57. [Includes Colorado River and Grand Canyon, in passing.] ______

Henkenius, Anna

2017 8.784 [Untitled Colorado River verse.] In: Wharton, Emma, Grand Canyon Youth update. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 30(2) (Summer): 6. [Writer is a Grand Canyon Youth participant, aged 13.] ______

Henrie, Carol

1985 8.65 A coyote runs across my path at midnight in the Pine Loop campground at Grand Canyon. The New Republic, 192 (June): 38. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-11|

2015 8.672 A coyote runs across my path at midnight in the Pine Loop campground at Grand Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 44-45. [From The New Republic, June 1985.] ______

Herbert, L. M.

1948 8.66 A day at the Grand Canyon. In: Winslow Literary Society (compiler), Shifting sands : an initial collection of grains. Winslow, Arizona: Winslow Literary Society. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS GUIDON 660 [volume] ______

Hewes, Charles Edwin

1922 8.417 Songs of the Rockies. Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado: The Egerton-Palmer Press, Hewes-Kirkwood, 295 [296] pp. [See “Grand Lake”, pp. 212-213; ends with passing notice of Colorado River passage to the Pacific.] ______

Hey, David

2007 8.297 Canyon withdrawal. Grand Canyon River Runner, (4) (Spring): 14. ______

Hilberry, Jane

2009 8.333 Grand Canyon. Canyon Views (Grand Canyon Association), 15(3) (Fall): 10. ______

Hilton, Jane [Gregory, Zoe Evalyn, pseudonym]

1931 8.758 Saga of Hoover Dam. New Reclamation Era, 22(3) (March): 63. ______

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Ho, Son Jong [손종호]

2006 8.746 그랜드 캐년 외 1 편 [geulaendeu kaenyeon oe 1 pyeon]. [Grand Canyon and 1 other.] 서정시학 [Seojeongsihag] [Lyric Poetry and Poetics] (Seoul), 16(2) (June): 215-217. [In Korean.] ______

Hoàng, Phủ Cương

1995 8.482 Ở Grand Canyon. [In Grand Canyon.] Tạp Chí Thơ [Poetry Magazine] (Garden Grove, California), (Spring): 20. [In Vietnamese.] ______

Hobbs, Greg [Hobbs, Gregory J., Jr.]

2005 8.309 Colorado : mother of rivers : water poems. Denver: Colorado Foundation for Water Education, 190 pp. [Verse and prose.]

2010 8.463 Colorado River poems; by Justice Greg Hobbs, Colorado Supreme Court[,] written on Hatch Expedition motorized trips 2000 and 2007. Grand Canyon River Runner, (10) (Summer): 14. [“A Colorado River Journey”, “The Great Return”, and “Mother of All Canyons”.]

2010 8.427 First light. Grand Canyon River Runner, (11) (Winter): 13.

2014 8.621 Good morning, Grand! Grand Canyon River Runner, (17) (Summer): 9. ______

Hobbs, Will

2017 8.765 Roll on Colorado (to the tune of Woody Guthrie’s “Roll On Columbia”). Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 30(3) (Fall): 14. ______

Hodgson, R.

1916 8.450 From the Shanty-ites to Jim and Jamie. In: [Putnam, Marian C.], Memoir of Frances Cabot Putnam : a family chronicle. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Riverside Press, pp. 52-53. ______

Hoffman, Robert

2015 8.757 15 Salton Sea poems and a lament. [No imprint], 44 pp. [An on-demand publication.] ______

Holland, Al

2006 8.293 [Untitled.] Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 19(4) (Winter 2006-2007): 39. ______

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Holm, Bill

2015 8.673 Grand Canyon of the Colorado. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 46. [From The Dead Get by with Everything (Milkweed Editions, 1991).] ______

Holtzin, Rich [Holtzin, Richard Kerry]

1998 8.67 Call me “Grand Canyon”. The Ol’ Pioneer (Grand Canyon Pioneers Society), 9(2) (Spring): 3-6. ______

Honchariw, Nick

2007 8.298 Lets go boating [sic]. Grand Canyon River Runner, (4) (Spring): 14. ______

Hood, Charles

1990 8.186 Red sky, red water : Powell on the Colorado. Tucson: SUN/gemini Press, [unpaginated]. (A Sun Lizard/Desert Southwest Book.) [Dated verses, following the narrative of John Wesley Powell’s Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Tributaries (1875).] [1990 date indicated on title-page and in Library of Congress Cataloging-in- Publication Data (title-page verso). Title-page verso also indicates, “copyright 1991 by Charles Hood (Introduction, Text, and Notes).”] [Cover painting in oil, “Horizon”, by Rose Mary Mack, 1978. Calligraphy by Barbara E. Nielsen, based on the handwriting of Samuel F. Dellenbaugh. Drawings by Charles Hood.] [Paperback (stiff gatefold wraps), hardback, and “Special Signed Edition” states (from the fly leaf). “Of an edition of 500, 50 are trade bound and 25 are specially bound, signed, and lettered.” (last page).] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS THOMAS 1052

2015 8.707 August 16, 1869. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 98. [From Red Sky, Red Water: Powell on the Colorado (SUN/gemini Press, “1991”).] ______

Hopka, Shirley

2005 8.278 Back to civilization. Grand Canyon River Runner, (1) (Fall): 9. ______

Hopkins, Frances

1943 8.498 Grand Canyon. Desert Magazine, 7(1) (November): 19. ______

Howard, Benjie

2003 8.245 Prayer. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(2) (Summer): 23.

2003 8.249 Waking. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(3) (Fall): 41.

2003 8.264 An old man. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(4) (Winter): 44.

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2006 8.281 Waking. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 19(1) (Spring): 11. ______

Howard, E. C. “Hap”

1967 8.626 Our Moapa Valley. From: Overton [SECTION]. In: Hafner, Arabell Lee (compiler), 100 years on the Muddy. Springville, Utah: Art City Publishing Co., p. 253.

1967 8.629 Howdy, folks! In: Hafner, Arabell Lee (compiler), 100 years on the Muddy. Springville, Utah: Art City Publishing Co., pp. 371-372. [Lake Mead fishing.] ______

Howe, Ryan

2013 8.559 Pontificating deep space frog. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 26(4) (Winter 2013- 2014): 30.

2017 8.767 Pachamama. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 30(3) (Fall): 26. ______

Huckfield, Leyland

1916 8.358 Death-song of the mad god who made the Grand Canyon. The Trimmed Lamp (Chicago), 5(10) (March): 160.

1922 8.359 Rough trails and silver meadows. Glennie, Michigan: Midland Press. [See “Death- Song of the Mad God Who Made the Grand Canyon”, pp. 2-3.] ______

Hughes, Ted

1972 8.172 Crow : from the life and songs of the crow. London: Faber and Faber, 94 pp. [See “A Bedtime Story”.]

1998 8.173 Birthday letters. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 197 pp. [See “Grand Canyon”.] ______

Hun, Lee Sung [이심훈]

2005 8.747 그랜드캐년에서 외 2 편 [geulaendeukaenyeon-eseo oe 2pyeon]. [Two at Grand Canyon.] 열린시학 [Yeolrin Sihak] [Open Poetry] (Seoul), 10(4) (December): 208- 210. [In Korean.] ______

Hunter, Irma Jean

1953 8.804 My little sister. From: Colorado River Indian Tribes [SECTION]. In: The new trail : 1941 : revised 1953 : a book of creative writing by Indian students. Phoenix: Phoenix Indian School (Phoenix Indian School Print Shop), p. 80. [Author is aged 17.] ______

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Hunter, Will B.

1899 8.388 [Verse.] In: Woods, G. K. (compiler), Personal impressions of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado River near Flagstaff, Arizona, as seen through nearly two thousand eyes, and written in the private visitors’ book of the world-famous guide Capt. John Hance, guide, story-teller, and path-finder. San Francisco: Whitaker and Ray Co., for G. K. Woods, Flagstaff, Arizona Territory, p. 93. ______

Hurt, W. C.

1982 8.518 What do you say. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 8.

1982 8.539 A hot summer sun blazes overhead. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 31.

1982 8.544 In the distance. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 36. ______

Hwang, Sehyun

2008 8.630 The Grand Canyon. Warped Willow (A Journal of Art and Writing by the Students of Willett Elementary School) (Davis, California), 3(1) (March): 15. [Author is in the 4th Grade.] ______


Ingram, Linda

1982 8.520 Raven. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, pp. 10-11.

1982 8.534 Enclosure. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 26.

1982 8.551 Lava Falls. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 43. ______

Innes, Laurence Edward

1921 8.349 Several California, western and other verses from the writings of L. E. Innes. [Los Angeles: L. E. Innes], 14 pp. [Cover title: California and western verses.] [See “A Moment at the Grand Canyon”, p. 8.] ______

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Irwin, Mark

2015 8.684 Grand Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 62-63. [From Quick, Now, Always (BOA, 1996).] ______

Iverem, Esther

1993 8.174 The time: portrait of a journey home : poems and photographs by Esther Iverem. Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press, 85 pp. [See “Desert Chant #2”.] ______


Jackson, Katherine; Hunter, Harold; AND Wellington, Bell

1953 8.808 (TRANSLATORS) Walapai circle dance. From: Elementary, Junior High [SECTION]. In: The new trail : 1941 : revised 1953 : a book of creative writing by Indian students. Phoenix: Phoenix Indian School (Phoenix Indian School Print Shop), p. 157. [Music, with lyrics in . Translators are aged 15, 17, and 17, respectively. “Sung by: Robert Jackson, Age 14. Elwood Hunter, Age 11. Wilbur White, Age 11.”] ______

Jacobson, Donna

1982 8.535 The one who listens. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 27.

1982 8.540 Erudition from the canyon. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 32. ______

Jefferson, Mark

1982 8.537 As I descend. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 29.

1982 8.542 Voices in the wind. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 34.

1982 8.549 The river plunges on. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 41. ______

Jensen, David

2012 8.471 Quiet time. Grand Canyon River Runner, (13) (Winter): 13. ______

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Jewtuschenko, Jewgenij Alexandrowitsch [Yevtushenko, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich] see also Yevtushenko

2013 8.648 Wer bist du Grand Canyon. (Translated from the Russian by Ulrich Bergmann.) Dichtungsring (Zeitschrift für Literatur) (Bonn), (42): 42-47. [Translation of Who are you, Grand Canyon?] [In German.] ______

Johnson, Worth

1999 8.68 Canyon morning. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 12(1) (Winter 1998-1999): 12. ______

Joseph, Easy

2018 8.786 [Untitled.] Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 31(1) (Spring): 8. ______


Kabotie, Michael see also Lomawywesa

2011 8.443 Grand Canyon National Park. In: Newman, Lance (ed.), The Grand Canyon reader. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, pp. 175-176. [Reprinted from Migration tears : poems about transitions (Lomawywesa, 1987, ITEM NO. 8.210).]

2015 8.667 Grand Canyon National Park. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 37-38. [Reprinted from Migration tears : poems about transitions (Lomawywesa, 1987, ITEM NO. 8.210).] ______

Kanter, Carol

2015 8.693 A Grand Canyon suite. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 74-76. [In six stanzas: “Moon”, “Walls”, “River”, “Tributary”, “Rocks”, and “Agave”.] [NOTE: Although the poems in this volume each are placed on separate pages, not running in with the poems of other writers, the final word of stanza VI is included on the top of p. 76, which page contains the next poem.] ______

Kaufman, Cynthy

1997 8.69 Revealing the river. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 10(2) (Spring): 33. ______

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Kauffman, U. Milo

2010 8.611 The strangeness : poems in seven sections. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio: Open Latch Publications, 72 pp. (LATCH Collection Series, Volume 2.) [Grand Canyon, in passing, in: “Turtles” (pp. 30-32), “A Suitable Prejudice” (pp. 32-35).] ______

Keech, Roy A.

1944 8.579 Moon over Grand Canyon. Desert Magazine, 7(10) (August): 16. ______

Kelly, Eric

1945 8.70 The inexpressible. Horn Book Magazine, 21: 365. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 2: page 118| |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5| ______

Kelly, Robert

1975 8.175 The loom. Los Angeles: Black Sparrow Press, 415 pp. [See “To find a place”.] ______

Kempa, Rick

2011 8.508 What the canyon teaches. [No imprint], broadside. [“Drawing by Sharon Dolan. Printed at Littoral Press, Oakland, CA in an edition of 150, September 2011”. Signed by Kempa, and numbered. Text and drawing printed in different colors.] [Accompanying informational slip indicates: “‘What the Canyon Teaches’ is printed from handset metal type with a 100+-year-old platen press on dampened handmade St. Armand paper, in an edition of 150. The font is Della Robia. ¶Lisa Rappoport at Littoral Press in Oakland, CA designed and printed the broadside. * * * ¶[Broadsides] are available in three colors: gold, terracotta, and sand-brown—or, in Canyon parlance, Coconino, Redwall, and Tapeats.”]

2015 8.714 Nightwalk, Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 116-117. [From Ten Thousand Voices (Littoral Press, 2013).]

2016 8.730 After the river trip. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 29(1) (Spring): 25. ______

Kemper, Don

2013 8.561 Grand Canyon run. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 26(4) (Winter 2013-2014): 31.

2013 8.562 Canyon moon. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 26(4) (Winter 2013-2014): 31. ______

Kenney, Stephen

2011 8.462 River people. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 24(4) (Winter 2011-2012): 2.

2015 8.654 Walking away (a guide’s reason why). Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 28(3) (Fall): 11.

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2015 8.655 A state of grace (for Bronco). Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 28(3) (Fall): 17. ______

Kleinman, Bertha A.

1929 8.194 Ode to the bridge. Improvement Era, 32(10) (August): 793. [Navajo Bridge.] ______

Knapp, Gunnar

2017 8.764 Canyon dream. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 30(3) (Fall): 7. [Dated October 2016.] ______

Knibbs, Henry Herbert

1914 8.455 Songs of the outlands : ballads of the hoboes and other verse. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co. (The Riverside Press, Cambridge), 74 pp. [See “Sunshine Over Yuma”, pp. 12-14.] ______

Knies, Scott

2000 8.195 Bass camp. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 13(3) (Fall): 46.

2001 8.213 Inside. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 14(2) (Summer): 5. ______

Koehler, Bart

1981 8.590 Were you there when they built Glen Canyon Damn? Earth First!, 1(4) (Spring Equinox, March 20): 1. [Untitled. Title here from first line of verse.] ______

Koenigsberger, Stephan

2012 8.615 The Grand Canyon. Enigma (The Summit School, Jamaica Estates, New York), 2012: 35. ______

Kolb, Emery C.

1998 8.71 The brave ones. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 11(3) (Summer): 32. ______

Komunyakaa, Yusef

2005 8.469 The same beat. Callaloo, 28(3) (Summer): 476-477. [Grand Canyon, in passing.] ______

Konings, Mark, AND Spaulding, Travis

2018 8.810 The Ballad of the Santa Ana. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 31(4) (Winter 2018-2019): 46. [Colorado River dory.]

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Kron, John

1992 8.72 Matkatamiba. The News (Grand Canyon River Guides), 5(4) (Fall): 24. ______

Kula, Ann

1982 8.525 A rim crowd gathers. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 17. ______


Laciak, Ondrej

1986 8.411 Ondrej Klokoč : stranicky funkcionár, štátnik, publicista (1911-1975). Martin: Osveta pre Gemerskú vlastivednú spoločnosť v Rimavskej Sobote, 228 pp. (Edícia Gemerské vlastivedné pohľady, čís. 72.) [Verse. Grand Canyon, in passing, see p. 159.] [In Slovak.] ______

Lamb, Sheila

2003 8.252 Good enough. Flagstaff Live! (December 24-30): 18. ______

Lambert, Larry

1982 8.552 Sediments. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 44. ______

Landsiedel, Emma

2014 8.633 From Emma Landsiedel. In: Grand Canyon Youth Update [SECTION]. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 27(4) (Winter 2014-2015): 14. [Untitled verse and remarks from a Colorado River trip through Grand Canyon with Grand Canyon Youth’s “Grand Inspiration” (or “GRIN”) program. Also illustrated with two watercolors by the author, aged 19.] ______

Lauck, Zeke

2010 8.360 Whirlpool waltz (Mile 157, October, 1992) in 3/4 time. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 23(1) (Spring): 4. ______

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Lauter, Ken

2011 8.447 Grand Canyon days : poems. Lexington, Kentucky: Xlibris Corporation, 87 pp. [An on-demand publication.]

2015 8.679 This world. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 53. [From Grand Canyon Days (Xibris, 2011).] ______

Law, Steven Wesley

2015 8.732 Polished. Bloomington, Indiana: WestBow Press (Thomas Nelson and Zondervan), 118 [122] pp. (Printed by Bookmasters.) [Cover title: Polished : poems.] ______

Lawton, Rebecca

2015 8.691 The Great Unconformity. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 71-72.

2015 8.710 Swimming Grand Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 102-104. [Georgie White.] ______

Lee, David

2015 8.677 Field trip: Grand Canyon, North Rim. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 50-51. [From So Quietly the Earth (Copper Canyon Press, 2004).]

2015 8.721 Bright Angel Point at sunset. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 125. [From So Quietly the Earth (Copper Canyon Press, 2004).] ______

Lee, Evelyn Lewis

1939 8.196 The call of the west. Boston: Bruce Humphries, Inc., 59 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon”, pp. 28-29.) ______

Lee, Helen S.

1967 8.628 Kaolin in the Muddy Valley; year 1910-1932. From: Kaolin [SECTION]. In: Hafner, Arabell Lee (compiler), 100 years on the Muddy. Springville, Utah: Art City Publishing Co., pp. 289-291. ______

Lee, Jane

1998 8.73 This body of water. In: Ryan, Kathleen Jo (photographer, producer), Writing down the river : into the heart of the Grand Canyon. Flagstaff, Arizona: Northland Publishing, p. 40.

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Lee, Katie

1982 8.547 River. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 40.

1982 8.548 The Colorado to his captors. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 48. ______

Lefebure, Stephen

1997 8.74 The Grand Canyon. In: The wilderness year : 1996. Washington, D.C.: The Wilderness Society, p. 41.

1998 8.75 The Grand Canyon. In: Daniel, John (ed.), Wild song : poems of the natural world. Athens (Georgia) and London: University of Georgia Press, p. 67.

2013 8.497 Rocks full of sky. Tucson: Anaphora Literary Press. [See “Grand Canyon”, p. 61; “”, p. 62. See also cover image: “‘Grand Canyon National Park’ by Grand Canyon NPS, in Desert View, Arizona, June 2010” (Watchtower); legend on title-page verso.]

2015 8.682 The Grand Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 57. [From Rocks Full of Sky (Anaphora Literary Press, 2013).] ______

Levering, Donald

1996 8.291 The western wilderness calendar: September. Callaloo, 19(1) (Winter): 157-158. [“Boulder Dam” noted, p. 158.] ______

Levine, Suzanne

2016 8.744 Grand Canyon Older Than Thought : poems by Suzanne Levine. Simsbury, Connecticut: Antrim House, 74 pp. [See “Grand Canyon Older Than Thought”, p. 2.] [Based on a New York Times headline.] [An on-demand publication.] ______

Lewis, Bernice

2015 8.715 Hiking out. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 118. ______

Li, Hongzhi [李洪志]

1995 8.343 洪吟 [Hóng yín]. 益群 [Taibei Shi]: Yi qun shu dian gu fen you xian gong si, 83 pp. [In Chinese.]

1999 8.344 洪吟 [Hóng yín]. Xianggang: Fa Lun fo fa chu ban she, 83 pp. [In Chinese.]

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2007 8.345 洪吟 [Hóng yín]. Gillette, New Jersey: Yih Chyun Corp., 2 volumes. [In Chinese.] [See “On the Journey”: “February 22, 2001 In the United States, at the Grand Canyon”.] [NOTE: Two versions of English translation located online 2010: 1) Hong Yin Volume II The Grand Verses (English Translation Version A) www.falundafa.org/book/eng/pdf/HongYinVA.pdf (see “On the Journey”, p. 16), and 2) Hong Yin Volume II The Grand Verses (English Translation Version B) www.falundafa.org/book/eng/pdf/HongYinVB.pdf (see “On the Journey”, p. 15). Both URLs last accessed January 1, 2019.] ______

Liepman, Wendy

2008 8.339 Last flight. Chatting with Immigrants (Vancouver, British Columbia), 3(31) (February 1): 5. [In Arabic and English.] ______

Lippman, Bob

1994 8.76 Deep ecology in the Grand Canyon. In: Perspectives on the Glen Canyon Dam Environmental Impact Draft Statement. Flagstaff, Arizona: Grand Canyon River Guides, p. 26. ______

Lively, W. Irven

1916 8.187 Colorado : a legend of the Southwest. [No imprint], [19] pp. [Lower Colorado River.] ______

Lloyd, J. William

1904 8.490 Grand Canon of Arizona. The Conservator (Philadelphia), 14(11) (January): 164-165. [“Written at Point Eternity, October fifth.”]

1906 8.781 Grand Canyon of Arizona. From: “Comments” section. In: The Grand Canyon of Arizona : being a book of words from many pens, about the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. [Chicago]: Santa Fe, Passenger Department, p. 119. [Credited to The Conservator.]

1909 8.77 Grand Canyon of Arizona. From: “Comments” section. In: The Grand Canyon of Arizona : being a book of words from many pens, about the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. [Chicago]: Santa Fe, Passenger Department, p. 119. [Credited to The Conservator.]

1911 8.188 Songs of the desert. [No place]: Berryhill Co. [privately printed], 23 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon of Arizona”, pp. 22-23.] ______

Lojko, Frank B.

1984 8.78 Thoughts upon observing a milennia [sic] of time. In: Beus, Stanley S., and Carothers, Steven W. (eds.), Colorado River Investigations II : July/August 1983. Flagstaff, Arizona: Northern Arizona University, for U.S. National Park Service, Grand Canyon National Park, p. 179. ______

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Lomatewama, Ramson

1993 8.444 Drifting through ancestor dreams : new and selected poems. Flagstaff, Arizona: Entrada Books, 68 pp.

2011 8.445 They told stories. In: Newman, Lance (ed.), The Grand Canyon reader. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, pp. 237-238. [Reprinted from Drifting Through Ancestor Dreams (Lomatewama, 1993, ITEM NO. 8.444.]] ______

Lomawywesa (Kabotie, Michael) see also Kabotie, Michael

1987 8.210 Migration tears : poems about transitions. Los Angeles: American Indian Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles, 54 pp. (Native American Series, No. 7.) ______

Loring [Loring, Frederic W.]

1872 8.516 On the Rio Colorado. In: Etc. [SECTION]. Overland Monthly, 8(2) (February): 192- 193. [With editor’s introduction. Item only notes the author as “the lamented Loring”; this was his final work.] ______

Loveland, H. D.

1909 8.79 [Verse in “Comments” section.] In: The Grand Canyon of Arizona : being a book of words from many pens, about the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. [Chicago]: Santa Fe, Passenger Department, p. 118. ______

Lowes, Paul

1982 8.538 Grey blue. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 30. [“©1979 Paul Lowes”.]

1982 8.543 North Tonto. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 35. ______

Lynch, Ciwa

1931 8.80 Forest fire. Grand Canyon Nature Notes, 5(11) (September): 118. [No direct reference to Grand Canyon.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 2: page 119| |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5|

1932 8.81 Chipmunk. Grand Canyon Nature Notes, 6(3) (January): 29. [No direct reference to Grand Canyon.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 2: page 119| |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5|

1932 8.82 Canyon-storm. Grand Canyon Nature Notes, 7(5) (August): 49. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 2: page 119| |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5|

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Lysiak, Oleh

1997 8.83 Three poems. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 10(3) (Summer): 27. [“CFS”, “Current”, and “Women”.] ______


Magdaleno, Rita Maria

2003 8.235 Marlene Dietrich, Rita Hayworth, and my mother. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. [See “Meditation on a Walk under the London Bridge in Lake Havasu City, Arizona”, pp. 72-73.]

2006 8.283 River run. Arizona Highways, 82(12) (December): 15.

2015 8.695 River run. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 81. ______

Magneson, Moira

2008 8.313 Green Room, Havasu. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 21(4) (Winter 2008-2009): 21. ______

Maier, Craig

2005 8.273 Variations on Spring. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 18(1) (Spring): 24. ______

Mainone, Robert

2010 8.736 Canyon Grande. Frogpond (Haiku Society of America, Journal) (Nassau, New York), 33(3) (Fall): 38. ______

Majenty, Hazel

1953 8.806 At home. From: Elementary, Junior High [SECTION]. In: The new trail : 1941 : revised 1953 : a book of creative writing by Indian students. Phoenix: Phoenix Indian School (Phoenix Indian School Print Shop), p. 148. [Author (on the Hualapai Reservation) is aged 10.] ______

Mangiapane, Victoria

2008 8.317 Ode to our boatmen. Grand Canyon River Runner, (7) (Fall): 15.

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Marcelle, J. R. Kurt

2013 8.564 Spiritual poetic insights. [No place]: CreateSpace, 50 pp. [An on-demand publication.] [See “The Grand View”, pp. 23-25.] ______

Marjańskiej, Ludmiły

2015 8.745 Wąwozy. In: Jentys-Borelowska, Maria, Piękna jasna pani; przypomnienie Ludmiły Marjańskiej (1923-2005). Migotania (Fundacja Świaltło Literatury, Gazeta Literacka, Gdańsk), 2015(1) (46): 15. [Poem, “Gorges”, from 1987; notes Grand Canyon. Memorial by Jentys-Borelowska, p. 14.] [In Polish.] ______

Martin, Terry

2015 8.706 What you think about rafting through the Grand Canyon on the eighth day of rain. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 96-97. ______

Marx, Oscar “Chip”

2003 8.256 Two worlds, one foot. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(4) (Winter): 4. ______

Mason, Lorna

2002 8.231 The River: A journal entry. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 15(1) (Spring): 31.

2003 8.242 The river: A journal entry. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(1) (Spring): 47. ______

Masters, Edgar Lee

1935 8.84 Invisible landscapes. New York: The Macmillan Co., 163 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon”.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-5| ______

Mathisen, Kirsten Marea

2017 8.773 Grand Canyon. In: Paper Poetry [SECTION]. Flagstaff Live!, 23(46) (November 9-15): 8. [Also with text.] [Verse “Made from words found in ‘Art of the Land: the Kane Ranch Artist Retreat gives voices to the Colorado Plateau,’ which appeared in issue 45 of Flag Live!” (see Granillo, 2017, ITEM NO. 2.26346).] ______

Mayfield, Karla Linn

2000 8.197 Mile 75.5: SOS. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 13(3) (Fall): 14. ______

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McAllister, Mick

1982 8.517 Introductory note [to Part One]. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 7. [Title from Contents, p. 3. In verse.] ______

McCarthy, John Russell

1923 8.356 At the Grand Canyon. The Personalist (University of Southern California, Los Angeles), 4(1) (January): 28-30. ______

McCloskey, Gordon

1982 8.519 Heritage. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 9.

1982 8.531 They can try. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 22. ______

McCool, Daniel Craig

2016 8.749 Goodbye ole river, goodbye (an ode to the Colorado River). Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 29(4) (Winter 2016-2017): 28. ______

McCray, Sherrita

1993 8.85 At the Grand Canyon. In: GeoKids write about the earth. GeoNews (Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia), 1(1): 4. ______

McDaniel, Judith

2015 8.717 Coming back out. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 120-121. ______

McDonald, W. T.

1916 8.419 Grand Canyon of Arizona. Santa Fe Magazine, 10(3) (February): 56. ______

McIntosh, Bonnie

2003 8.257 Mud dwellers. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(4) (Winter): 7.

2003 8.258 Dawn. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(4) (Winter): 7. ______

McLean, Chauncy

1999 8.176 [No title.] Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 12(4) (Winter): 18.

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McMillan, Carol

2014 8.723 White water, red walls : rafting the Grand Canyon : poems, paintings, and photos. Bellingham, Washington: Village Books, 53 pp. [An on-demand publication.] ______

Melville, Bob

1993 8.86 A boatman’s love affair. The News (Grand Canyon River Guides), 6(3) (Late Summer): 25. ______

Meredith, William

1972 8.751 At the Confluence of the Colorado and the Little Colorado. The New Yorker, 48(10) (April 29): 105.

1980 8.752 The Cheer. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 62 pp. [Dust jacket title: The Cheer : poems.] [See “At the Confluence of the Colorado and the Little Colorado”, p. 20 (dedicated to Lee and Stewart Udall (p. [vii]). Reprinted from The New Yorker (1972, ITEM NO. 8.751).]

1985 8.753 At the Confluence of the Colorado and the Little Colorado. In: Conley, Cort (compiler), Gathered waters : an anthology of river poems selected by Cort Conley. Cambridge, Idaho: Backeddy Books, p. 56. [NOTE: This is the only poem in the volume that is pertinent to this bibiliography.] [There are two states to this volume; an imperfect first state, no date [1985], and a corrected second state, 1985. See Cort Conley (1985, ITEM NO. 8.754) for full information.] ______

Merriam, Eve

1946 8.177 Family circle. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 74 pp. [See “The Wonderful Whale”.] ______

Merrifield, Karla Linn

2000 8.198 Mile 95.5: I do. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 13(3) (Fall): 17.

2000 8.199 Mile 213.5: Stranded. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 13(3) (Fall): 52.

2003 8.243 One hard lesson. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(2) (Summer): 12.

2013 8.501 Lithic Scatter and other poems. [No place]: Mercury HeartLink, 87 [89] pp. [See in “Walkabout Rivers”: “I. The Colorado”, pp. 41-44, comprising “Mile 0: For Starters”, p. 41; “Mile 75.5: SOS”, p. 42; : ”Mile 166: Canyon Colors”, p. 43; “Mile 213.5: Stranded”, p. 44.] [An on-demand publication.] ≡ REVIEWS AND NOTICES Anonymous, 2013, ITEM NO. 30.898; M. G. Smith, 2013, ITEM NO. 30.912 ______

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Metcalfe, Sadie Bowman

1906 8.87 Grand Canyon of the Colorado. Overland Monthly, New Series, 47(2) (February): 164. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 2: page 119| |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-6| ______

Michaëlis, Sophus

1920 8.770 Blaaregn. København and Kristiania: Gyldendalske Boghandel—Nordisk Forlag, 193 [196] pp. [See “Kæmpekløften; Grand Canyon i Arizona”, pp. 94-96.] [In Danish.] ______

Miller, Joaquin

1875 8.565 The ship in the desert. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 205 pp. [Said to be based in part on the legend of the Spanish-era ship lost in the Salton Sea, stories of which had appeared in California papers of recent time.] ______

Miller, Steve

2007 8.299 Day 21, Mile 225. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 20(2) (Summer): 3.

2017 8.768 Mile 225. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 30(3) (Fall): 27. ______

Mnookin, Wendy

2015 8.712 The river scrapes aganst night. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 109. ______

Moeckel, Thorpe

2015 8.696 Erosional. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 82-83. ______

Moloney, M. F.

1979 8.88 Grand Canyon. In: Foster, Jack, The sound of silence. Arizona Highways, 55(6) (June): 15. ______

Monroe, Harriet

1902 8.89 Out in the open. From: Its ineffable beauty. In: The Grand Canyon of Arizona : being a book of words from many pens, about the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. [Chicago]: Santa Fe, Passenger Department, p. 54.

1906 8.776 Out in the open. From: Its ineffable beauty. In: The Grand Canyon of Arizona : being a book of words from many pens, about the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. [Chicago]: Santa Fe, Passenger Department, p. 54.

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1906 8.780 Temple of Vishnu. From: “Comments” section. In: The Grand Canyon of Arizona : being a book of words from many pens, about the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. [Chicago]: Santa Fe, Passenger Department, p. 118. [Credited to Atlantic Monthly.] [NOTE: Misattributed in this ed. to William T. Patchell.]

1909 8.777 Out in the open. From: Its ineffable beauty. In: The Grand Canyon of Arizona : being a book of words from many pens, about the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. [Chicago]: Santa Fe, Passenger Department, p. 54.

1909 8.90 Temple of Vishnu. From: “Comments” section. In: The Grand Canyon of Arizona : being a book of words from many pens, about the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. [Chicago]: Santa Fe, Passenger Department, p. 118. [Credited to Atlantic Monthly.]

1914 8.372 You and I. New York: The Macmillan Co., 236 pp. + advertisements. [See “The Temple of Vishnu. Grand Cañon of Arizona.”, p. 147; “At the Grand Cañon”, p. 208.]

1922 8.415 Notes of travel. Poetry, 20(4) (July): 188-193. [See “At O’Neill’s Point; Grand Canyon of Arizona”, pp. 189-190.]

1924 8.91 The Difference, and other poems, including the Columbian Ode. Chicago: Covici- McGee Co., 123 pp. [See “At O’Neill’s Point”.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-6| ______

Montano, Ursula

2001 8.214 Dam the lava. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 14(2) (Summer): 45. ______

Moreland, Tamie

2008 8.314 Rivers hardly ever. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 21(4) (Winter 2008-2009): 20. ______

Morgan, Jeff [Morgan, Jeffrey]

2005 8.276 Lure. Grand Canyon River Runner, (1) (Fall): 3.

2011 8.464 Will. Grand Canyon River Runner, (12) (Spring): 14. [2003.]

2012 8.470 Poetry. Grand Canyon River Runner, (13) (Winter): 11. [“The next run; 2003”, “I am a Boatman; 2007”, “Postcards; 2003”, “Fear; 2009”.] ______

Morris, Madge see also Wagner, Madge Morris

1893 8.795 To the Colorado Desert. In: Cummins, Ella Sterlling, The story of the files : a review of Californian writes and literature. San Francisco: Co-operative Printing Co., for World’s Fair Commission of California, Columbian Exposition, pp. 283-284. [In Cummins’s chapter, “Later Golden Era. 1882-1893.” (refers to the period of the serial, The Golden Era, when under the editorships of Harr Wagner, E. T. Bunyan, and Madge Morris Wagner); specifically, pp. 281-284, remarks on Madge Morris Wagner, including a reprinting of her “to the Colorado Desert”, there reprinted over her birth name, Madge Morris.]

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1917 8.505 The Lure of the Desert Land and other poems. San Francisco: Harr Wagner Publishing Co., 122 pp. [See “To the Colorado Desert”, p. 3.] [See also second frontispiece, photograph of Colorado Desert, with inset, “Photo taken of author at the time of writing poem ‘To the Colorado Desert.’” First frontispiece is a formal portrait of the author.]

1917 8.796 To the Colorado Desert. Pacific Short Story Club Magazine (San Jose, California), 10(2) (August): 29. (“Harr Wagner, S. F., Publisher.” ______

Morrissey, Jenifer

2016 8.738 Lookin’ at Lava : poems inspired by rafting the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. [No place]: CreateSpace, 70 pp. (Copyright Jenifer Morrissey and Willowtrail Farm.) [Five poems, illustrated with photographs. Title-page verso notes, “With thanks to Tom Morrissey from whom I learned to have a photographic eye making it possible that both our works could illustrate this book.”] [An on-demand publication.] ______

Muller, Seth

2013 8.589 Poems about interactions with animals in Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon River Runner, (16) (Winter): 14. [“Ravens”, “California Condor Dreamin’”, and “Bighorn”. Poems “will be part of a poetry book about Grand Canyon and the Colorado Plateau called Heart in the Bony Middle, to be released by Vishnu Temple Press in early 2014.”]

2014 8.594 Heart in the Bony Middle : poems. Flagstaff, Arizona: Vishnu Temple Press, 64 pp. ≡ REVIEWS AND NOTICES Jay, 2014, ITEM NO. 30.994

2015 8.698 Sanctuary. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 85. [From Heart in the Bony Middle (Vishnu Temple Press, 2014).] ______

Munger, Julie

1998 8.92 Why am I here? In: Ryan, Kathleen Jo (photographer, producer), Writing down the river : into the heart of the Grand Canyon. Flagstaff, Arizona: Northland Publishing, p. 12. ______

Munsell, Steve

2000 8.200 Blacktail. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 13(3) (Fall): 39. ______

Murillo, Ernesto

1995 8.326 Vértigo en el Cañón del Colorado : poema en cinco actos, escrito en Arizona USA, en abril de 1991. Vertigo at the Grand Canyon : a poem in five acts, written in Arizona in April 1991. (Illustrations by Carlos Bolton.) Santiago, Chile: Ediciones Ala Antigua, 13 pp. (UCB Chile Linkages Project, Biblioteca Nacional de Chile.) [In Spanish, with parallel translation in English by María Isabel Murillo.] ______

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Nabokov, Vladimir

1943 8.280 On discovering a butterfly. The New Yorker, 19(13) (May 15): 26. ______

Nelson, Wayde

1984 8.93 Canyon emotions. In: Beus, Stanley S., and Carothers, Steven W. (eds.), Colorado River Investigations II : July/August 1983. Flagstaff, Arizona: Northern Arizona University, for U.S. National Park Service, Grand Canyon National Park, p. 180. ______

Nesmith, J. E.

1894 8.363 Philoctetes and other poems and sonnets. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Riverside Press, 111 pp. [See “The Grand Cañon of the Colorado River”, pp. 62-71; “Point Sublime, Colorado Cañon”, pp. 103-104.] ______

Newkirk, Garrett

1895 8.94 Arizona. St. Nicholas, 22 (September): 962. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS GOODMAN 2692 ______

Newman, Lance

2007 8.756 Come Kanab : a little red songbook. [No place]: Dusie, [24] pp. (“Printed in an edition of 150”.) [Rear cover with graphic labeled, “dusiechaps”, “a kollektiv”.] [Imperial Valley region locales noted on pp. [3]-[4]. Jacob Lake, “Echo Cliffs” (Vermilion Cliffs?), and Badger Creek bridge crossing referred to on pp. [21], [23].] [“These poems track Joe Hill’s ghost as he wanders the modern West.” (p. [24]). “Most of these poems were said into a microcassette recorder while commuting from Atlanta to Carrollton, Georgia in a 1970 Chevy C10 with a stock straight six 250 and no air conditioner. Some of them appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal and Pemmican.” (inside rear cover).] ______

Nies, James S.

1899 8.392 [Verse.] In: Woods, G. K. (compiler), Personal impressions of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado River near Flagstaff, Arizona, as seen through nearly two thousand eyes, and written in the private visitors’ book of the world-famous guide Capt. John Hance, guide, story-teller, and path-finder. San Francisco: Whitaker and Ray Co., for G. K. Woods, Flagstaff, Arizona Territory, pp. 109-110. ______

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Nizalowski, John

2015 8.718 Origin in depth. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 123. ______

Noble, Bill

2015 8.705 In Blacktail Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 94-95. ______

Nopah, Gloria, AND Tex, Ione

1953 8.807 (TRANSLATORS) Mohave bird song. From: Elementary, Junior High [SECTION]. In: The new trail : 1941 : revised 1953 : a book of creative writing by Indian students. Phoenix: Phoenix Indian School (Phoenix Indian School Print Shop), pp. 154-155. [Music, with lyrics in Mojave. Translators are aged 16 and 17, respectively. “Sung by: Jimmie Evanston, Age 8. Morton McCrown, Age 8. Benjamin Simms, Age 8. Gardner Van Fleet, Age 8.”] ______

Noteman, Laurali

2007 8.312 Song of the canyon wren. Grand Canyon River Runner, (5) (Fall): 11. ______

Noyes, Alfred

1925 8.479 The book of Earth. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co., 328 pp. (The Torch-Bearers— II.) [See “The Grand Canyon”, pp. 1-10; “Epilogue”, pp. 325-328; and by poetic inference, elsewhere in the same work.]

1942 8.201 Poems of the new world. Philadelphia and New York: J. B. Lippincott Co., 134 pp. [See The Grand Canyon, pp. 64-71.]

1955 8.651 The Grand Canyon. Du (Schweizerische Monatsschrift) (Zürich), 15 (May): 54. [In English; serial in German.] ______


Oakes, Christine, AND Bojorquez, Christina

2006 8.284 Ode to the river. Grand Canyon River Runner, (3) (Fall): 2. ______

Obermiller, Rick

2003 8.237 Transform me, oh River. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(1) (Spring): 23.

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2003 8.241 Faces in the stone. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(1) (Spring): 42. ______

O’Connor, Stephen

1989 8.775 Rescue. New York: Harmony Books, 180 pp. [Dust jacket title: Rescue : stories by Stephen O’Connor.] [See “A Current in the Earth” (pp. 127-171), a prose and verse rendition of the Powell expeditions.] ≡ REVIEWS AND NOTICES Verderese, 1989, ITEM NO. 30.265 ______

Oleson, Helmer O.

1955 8.726 The Grand Canyon. New York Times, (July 7): 26. ______

Oliver, Etta J.

NO DATE 8.591 Arizona, sun kissed land. In: Ross, Margaret Wheeler (writer and compiler) History of the Arizona Federation of Women’s Clubs and its forerunners. Forerunners, 1889 to 1901. Federation history, November 18th, 1901 to April 12th, 1944, inclusive. [No imprint], p. 344. [Verses by Oliver; to the tune of “America, The Beautiful”. “Introduced at the Northern District convention, held in Clarkdale, October 14-15, 1930.”] [Volume cover title: The Tale is Told.] ______

Olson, Charles

1951 8.642 Charles Olson : selected writings. (Robert Creeley, ed.) New York: New Directions, 280 pp. [Also paperbound ed., 1967, as New Directions Paperbook 231; numerous printings.] [See start of “Letter 6”, reference to Bright Angel Trail, Grand Canyon, Colorado River, in passing.]

1968 8.643 Maximus poems : IV, V, VI. London: Cape Golliard Press. (Jargon, 24.)

1983 8.644 The Maximus poems. (George F. Butterick, ed.) Berkeley: University of California Press, 652 pp. ______

Oppenheim, James

1907 8.251 In the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. New York Times, (December 22): (New York Times Magazine), p. 3. ______

Osthoff, Alec

2018 8.788 Lost seas. Western Confluence (University of Wyoming, Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources, William D. Ruckelshaus Institute), (8) (Winter): 10. [Salton Sea.] ______

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Otis, Eliza A.

1905 8.402 California : “where sets the sun” : the writings of Eliza A. Otis (Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis, long with the staff of the Los Angeles times) in poetry and prose : assembled, arranged and edited by her husband : in two parts under one cover : 1876-1904. Los Angeles: The Times-Mirror Co., 280 pp. [See “At the Grand Canyon. (Grand Canyon of the Colorado, June, 1901.)”, p. 71.] ______


Palmer, Parker J.

1993 8.95 Grand Canyon. The News (Grand Canyon River Guides), 6(1) (Winter 1992/1993): 21.

2015 8.702 Making all things new. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 89. [From Weavings: A Journal of the Christian Spiritual Life, 1989.] ______

Parker, K.

2015 8.637 Our personal poem for a Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon River Runner, (18) (Winter): 13. ______

Parry, E. H.

1912 8.364 Sunrise at the Grand Canyon. Overland Monthly, 59(6) (June): 531. ______

Patchell, William T. [error]

1906 8.779 Temple of Vishnu. From: “Comments” section. In: The Grand Canyon of Arizona : being a book of words from many pens, about the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. [Chicago]: Santa Fe, Passenger Department, p. 118. [Credited to Atlantic Monthly.] [NOTE: In the 1909 ed. this is correctly attributed to Harriett Monroe (ITEM NO. 8.90).] ______

Pattee, C. R.

1899 8.96 The Grand Cañon of the Colorado. In: Woods, G. K. (compiler), Personal impressions of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado River near Flagstaff, Arizona, as seen through nearly two thousand eyes, and written in the private visitors’ book of the world- famous guide Capt. John Hance, guide, story-teller, and path-finder. San Francisco: Whitaker and Ray Co., for G. K. Woods, Flagstaff, A. T., pp. 129-130. ______

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Patton, Lee

2015 8.704 The solace of geology. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 92-93. ______

Paulson, Beth

2015 8.697 from Canyon Notes. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 84. [Fropm Canyon Notes (Mt. Sneffels Press, 2012).] ______

Peattie, Donald Culross

1994 8.97 [Line from “The Road of a Naturalist”.] In: Nature : the beauty and the wonder. Kansas City, Missouri: Ariel Books/Andrews and McMeel, p. 43. ______

Peck, Helen M.

1939 8.98 Grand Canyon of Arizona. Desert Magazine, (August): 37. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-11| ______

Peirce, Emma

1916 8.425 At the Grand Canyon. The Guide to Nature, 9(5) (October): 162. ______

Pendleton, Shawn

1993 8.99 My poem about the Grand Canyon. In: GeoKids write about the earth. GeoNews (Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia), 1(1): 1. ______

Peters, Peter

1923 8.374 Twilight at Hopi Point; Grand Canyon, Arizona. Santa Fe Magazine, 17(11) (October): 17. ______

Peterson, Nancy

2006 8.286 Some thoughts on exiting the Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon River Runner, (3) (Fall): 11. ______

Petrillo, Rick

2011 8.428 Cliff edge. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 24(1) (Spring): 21.

2011 8.429 Waterways. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 24(1) (Spring): 29.

2011 8.430 Sticks. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 24(1) (Spring): 29.

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2013 8.555 By seasons. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 26(4) (Winter 2013-2014): 19. [“Rick Petrillo ©2010”.]

2013 8.556 Local reports. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 26(4) (Winter 2013-2014): 25. [“Rick Petrillo ©2010”.]

2013 8.557 Tongues. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 26(4) (Winter 2013-2014): 30. [“Rick Petrillo ©1972 Catching It Whole”.]

2013 8.558 North Rim camp. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 26(4) (Winter 2013-2014): 30. [“Rick Petrillo ©1985”.] ______

Phelps, Charles Henry

1882 8.100 Yuma. Californian Illustrated Magazine, 5 (March): 263. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS GOODMAN 2711

1901 8.454 Yuma. In: Stedman, Edmund Clarence (ed.), An American anthology, 1787-1900 : selections illustrating the editor’s critical review of American peotery in the nineteenth century. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co. (The Riverside Press, Cambridge), p. 549. ______

Porter, Charles Arthur

1947 8.581 This Grand Canyon. Desert Magazine, 10(9) (July): 9. [Illustrated with photograph of Grand Canyon by Ben D. Glaha.] ______

Potter, E. C., AND Atkinson, Charles T.

1907 8.234 On the road called Santa Fe. [No imprint], 6 pp. [including wraps]. (Song; words by E. C. Potter, music by Charles T. Atkinson. Copyright Charles T. Atkinson.) ______

Potts, James Henry

1910 8.366 My gift to thee : present time verses. Cincinnati: Jennings and Graham, and New York: Eaton and Mains, 235 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon”, pp. 47-48.] ______

Proctor, Edna Dean

1892 8.101 The song of the ancient people. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 69 pp. [With “Commentary” and “Notes” added.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ30:243 [1893]

1916 8.378 The Glory of Toil and other poems. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co. (The Riverside Press, Cambridge), 68 pp. [See “The Tryst By the Grand Canyon”, pp. 15- 20, 65.] ______

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Purcell, Roy E.

1976 8.739 On the Banks of the Mother River. In: Paher, Stanley W., Colorado River ghost towns. Las Vegas: Nevada Publications (hardbound ed.), pp. [64]-[80]. [Art work and running verse, which includes Grand Canyon.]

1976 8.740 On the Banks of the Mother River. In: Paher, Stanley W., Colorado River ghost towns. Las Vegas: Nevada Publications (paperbound ed.), [16] pp. between pp. 24/25. [Art work and running verse, which includes Grand Canyon.] ______


Quayle, Amil D.

1992 8.102 Stairways. The News (Grand Canyon River Guides), 5(2) (Spring): 15.

1992 8.103 The Grand Canyon. The News (Grand Canyon River Guides), 5(4) (Fall): 28.

1999 8.104 Shawn. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 12(2) (Spring): 6.

2003 8.246 Go there. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(2) (Summer): 46.

2003 8.261 Sons and rivers. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(4) (Winter): 27.

2006 8.294 Old boatmen. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 19(4) (Winter 2006-2007): 40.

2009 8.329 Grand Canyon and other selected poems. (Foreword by Brad Dimock.) Lincoln, Nebraska: Black Star Press, 112 pp. (Distributed by St. Anthony, Idaho: Black Star Press, Henry’s Fork Division, St. Anthony, Idaho.) ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ28:134 ≡ REVIEWS AND NOTICES Pratley, 2009, ITEM NO. 30.596; Sadler, 2009, ITEM NO. 30.597

2011 8.440 Grand Canyon. In: Newman, Lance (ed.), The Grand Canyon reader. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, pp. 9-10. [From Quayle (2009, ITEM NO. 8.329).]

2014 8.593 Poetry by Amil Quayle. In: Quayle, Amil D. [BIOGRAPHICAL FEATURE]. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 27(1) (Spring): 38-41. [“[F]rom Amil’s book Grand Canyon and other Selected Poems, Black Star Press” (2009, ITEM NO. 8.329). Selected poems relating to Grand Canyon include: “Grandson and Grand Canyon”, “Ode to Shorty Burton and Upset Rapid”, “Brautigan Farewell 1985”.]

2015 8.701 Grand Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 88. [From Grand Canyon and Other Selected Poems (Black Star Press, 2009).]

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2016 8.748 Grand Canyon. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 29(4) (Winter 2016-2017): 6. [From Grand Canyon and Other Selected Poems (Black Star Press, 2009). Appended as part of memorial notice for Quayle, by Bruce Quayle and Robin Fox.] ______

Quill, Gypsy

2012 8.742 The canyon’s shadow : based on a true story. [No place] Xlibris, 472 pp. [Partly memoir, focused on a work of historical fiction about the Ives Expedition of 1857- 1858, and which also includes some original verse.] [An on-demand publication.] ______


R., T. E.

1913 8.432 The trip to ‘Frisco. The Postal Record (National Association of Letter Carriers), 26(10) (October): 314. [Grand Canyon, in passing.] ______

Rafferty, Charles

2005 8.328 The man without passion arrives at the Grand Canyon. Painted Bride Quarterly (Painted Bride Art Center, Philadelphia), (55/56): 15. ______

Randall, Margaret

1997 8.270 Hunger’s table : women, food and politics. Watsonville, California: Papier-Maché Press, 109 pp.

2001 8.268 Coming up for air. Santa Fe, New Mexico: Pennywhistle Books, 306 pp.

2002 8.269 Where they left you for dead : halfway home. Boulder, Colorado: EdgeWork, 102 pp.

2015 8.660 The lens frames this image. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 26-27. [From Into Another Time: Grand Canyon Reflections (West End Press, 2004).]

2015 8.711 Bass Camp, Mile 108. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 108. [From Into Another Time: Grand Canyon Reflections (West End Press, 2004).]

Randall, Margaret, AND Byers, Barbara

2004 8.266 Into another time : Grand Canyon reflections. Poems by Margaret Randall, drawings by Barbara Byers. Albuquerque, New Mexico: West End Press, 96 pp. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ22:303 ______

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Ray, David

2015 8.719 Origin in depth. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 122. ______

Raymond, Rossiter Worthington

1906 8.379 The Grand Canon. The Yale Courant, 43(1) (November): 67.

1913 8.731 The Grand Cañon; Colorado [sic]. In: Howard, John R. (compiler), The changing year : a book of nature verse. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., p. 228.

1916 8.382 The Grand Cañon. American Institute of Mining Engineers, Bulletin, (117) (September): xiii [also facing illustration, p. xii].

1916 8.401 Christus Consolator and other poems. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 81 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon of the Colorado”, p. 68.]

1919 8.438 The Grand Canon (1889). In: Boalich, E. S., An appreciation of Rossiter W. Raymond. Engineering and Mining Journal, 107(8) (February 22): 362. [Boalich, pp. 362-363.] ______

Reed, Tennessee

1996 8.178 Airborne : poems, 1990-1996. Juneau, Alaska: Raven’s Bones Press. [See “An Adventure in Romance Form”.] ______

Reichhold, Jane

1992 8.793 A dictionary of haiku classified by season words with traditional and modern methods. Gualala, California: AHA Books, xxxvii, 353 pp. [Grand Canyon, see: two verses under “vacation”, one verse under “sunset”, “sight-seeing”, “traveling”, and “moon snow”. Salton Sea, see one verse under “sight-seeing”.] ______

Rice, Cale Young

1916 8.646 Mountains in the Grand Canyon. The Bellman (Minneapolis, Minnesota), 21(535) (October 14): 517.

1916 8.513 Mountains in the Grand Canyon. In: Voices of Living Poets [SECTION]. Current Opinion, 61(6) (December): 419.

1917 8.514 The chant of the Colorado. (At the Grand Canyon.) In: Voices of Living Poets [SECTION]. Current Opinion, 62(5) (May): 354.

1917 8.512 Trails sunward. New York: Century Co., 144 pp. [See “Mountains in the Grand Canyon” and “The Chant of the Colorado. (At the Grand Canyon.)”] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-9|

1920 8.515 The chant of the Colorado (at the Grand Canyon). In: Rittenhouse, Jessie B. (ed.), The second book of modern verse : a selection from the work of contemporaneous

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American poets. Boston, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco: Houghton Mifflin Co. (The Riverside Press, Cambridge), pp. 96-97. (Volume: Riverside College Classics.)

1925 8.106 The chant of the Colorado (at the Grand Canyon). In: Kane, John Francis (ed.), Picturesque America : its parks and playgrounds. An illustrated volume with special articles contributed for park and playground sections and numerous selections from the works of well known authors expressing the varied appeal of out-doors in America. New York: Resorts and Playgrounds of America, p. 126.

1937 8.107 The chant of the Colorado (at the Grand Canyon). In: Kane, John Francis (ed.), Picturesque America : an illustrated volume designed to perpetuate the beauty of the American landscape and preserve appropriate selections from well known authors expressing the varied appeal of out-door life in America, with particular emphasis on government parks and playgrounds. Garden City, New York: Garden City Publishing Co., Inc., revised reprint, p. 88. ______

Rich, Steven H., Sr.

1991 8.325 High desert testament : herdland eco-poetry: what we had, how we lost it, how we can get it back, and a vision of a world beyond bull. Jacob Lake, Arizona: Buckskin Mountain Press, [ii], 56 [60] pp. [Verse (pp. 7-40), with notes (pp. 40-56) and leaves for “Personal Notes” (pp. [57]-[60]).] ______

Richardson, Rachel

2003 8.254 Who painted the sunlight? Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(4) (Winter): 4. ______

Rieseberg, Harry E.

1916 8.418 Grand Canyon of Arizona. In: Among Our Poets [SECTION]. Santa Fe Magazine, 10(5) (April): 65.

1918 8.476 Sunset at El Tovar. In: Among Our Poets [SECTION]. Santa Fe Magazine, 12(5) (April): 57.

1926 8.108 The Grand Canyon of Arizona. Progressive Arizona, 2(6): 5. [Facing page (p. 4) has photo by Kolb Brothers.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-11| ______

Riley, William Wendell

1906 8.365 Poems of love and home. Los Angeles: Commercial Printing House, 156 pp. [See “Silence of the Canyon”, p. 89; “Beauties of the Grand Canyon”, pp. 153-155.] ______

Rist, Samantha

2005 8.274 [Untitled.] Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 18(1) (Spring): 44. ______

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Roberts, Kim

1997 8.109 John Wesley Powell. Standing Wave, (1) (Spring): 72-77. ______

Roche, John

2011 8.609 Road ghosts. Big Bridge, 4(3) (15) (Spring). [Grand Canyon, see “Simple Twist of Fate”. Concurrent publication of Road Ghosts in Big Bridge.]

2011 8.610 Road ghosts. Palmyra, New York: theenk Books (printed at Canandaigua Quick Print), 89 pp. [Grand Canyon, see p. 45, “Simple Twist of Fate”. Concurrent publication of Road Ghosts in Big Bridge.] ______

Rockhold, J. C.

1910 8.424 Watchdogs of the Santa Fe Coast Lines. Santa Fe Employes’ Magazine, 4(11) (October): [58-59]. [Corporate biography in verse for roadmasters of different sections of the Santa Fe Railway; includes Charley Johnson from Sweden at Williams, Arizona; Grand Canyon, in passing.] ______

Roeder, Lynn

1996 8.110 Bridge Canyon. Hibernacle News, 1996: 3. ______

Rose, Anthony J.

1982 8.111 Rio Cañon. In: Colorado River Investigations I : July/August 1982. Flagstaff, Arizona: Northern Arizona University, and Museum of Northern Arizona, p. [iv]. ______

Rosen, Danny

2015 8.685 Going down Grand. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 64-65. ______

Ross, Andrea

2001 8.224 Grand Canyon Life Zones. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 14(3) (Fall): 17.

2015 8.687 Upper Ribbon Falls. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 67.

2015 8.708 Bessie’s honeymoon, 1928. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 99-100. ______

Ross, Laurie

1992 8.112 [Untitled.] The News (Grand Canyon River Guides), 5(4) (Fall): 19.

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Ross, Margaret Wheeler

NO DATE 8.592 Arizona baby star. In: Ross, Margaret Wheeler (writer and compiler) History of the Arizona Federation of Women’s Clubs and its forerunners. Forerunners, 1889 to 1901. Federation history, November 18th, 1901 to April 12th, 1944, inclusive. [No imprint], pp. 347-348. [Volume cover title: The Tale is Told.] ______

Rukkila, Jean

2015 8.669 Along the Widforss Trail. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 40. [From Mountain Gazette, (83): 15.] ______

Russell, Loretta

1953 8.803 Home on [sic] the Hualapai. From: Colorado River Indian Tribes [SECTION]. In: The new trail : 1941 : revised 1953 : a book of creative writing by Indian students. Phoenix: Phoenix Indian School (Phoenix Indian School Print Shop), p. 68. [Author is aged 14.]

1957 8.801 Home of the Hualapai. From: Elson, Cynthia M., The Hualapai. In: Brooks, M. L., Jerome, Delbert R., and Sizemore, Mamie, We Look at Indian Education : a summer workshop : 1957 : Arizona State College, Tempe, Arizona. Phoenix: Arizona State Department of Public Instruction, Division of Indian Education, p. 120 [original unpaginated, pagination from stamping in volume posted to ERIC database (U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences)]. [Author is aged 14.] [Credited to The New Trail.] ______

Ryan, Arthur J.

2014 8.584 Canyon don’ts. The Ol’ Pioneer (Grand Canyon Historical Society), 25(1) (Winter): 11. [Dated December 6, 1905. “From the ‘Impressions’ book at El Tovar submitted by Carol Naille”.] ______

Ryder-Smith, Roland

1941 8.724 Grand Canyon. New York Times, (May 10): 14. ______

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S., G. H.

1912 8.613 The Grand Canyon. The Notre Dame Scholastic (University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana), 46(3) (October 5): 35. ______

S., H. M.

1926 8.647 The lower Colorado River. In: Poems [SECTION]. Mugwump (University of Tennessee), 6(6) (March): 13. ______

Sadoff, Ira

1996 8.113 At the Grand Canyon. Kenyon Review, 18(2): 149-150.

1998 8.307 Grazing: poems. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 72 pp. [See “At the Grand Canyon”.] ______

Saldago Dávilo, Yolanda

1998 8.734 This Afternoon.... Esta Tarde.... In: Castañeda N., Kenia, Teachers get soaked in the Reserve. Maestros se empapan en la Reserva. CEDO News / Noticias del CEDO (Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans, Tucson / Centro Intercultural de Estudios de Desiertos y Océanos, Puerto Peñasco, Sonora), 8(2) (Spring/Summer): 5. [Reserva de la Biósfera Alto Golfo de California y Delta del Río Colorado.] [Ellipses thus.] [Parallel English and Spanish texts. (Original in Spanish.)] ______

Sandlian, Darah

1991 8.114 The Canyon. The News (Grand Canyon River Guides), 4(4) (Fall): 9. [Aged 13.] ______

Sandburg, Carl

1922 8.115 Slabs of the Sunburnt West. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 76 pp. [See “Slabs of the Sunburnt West”, pp. 67-76.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-6|

1928 8.116 Smoke and Steel. Slabs of the Sunburnt West. Good Morning, America. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 3 volumes in one, [xxii], 268, [iv], 76, [xvi], 251 pp. [See “Slabs of the Sunburnt West”, and “Many Hats” in “Good Morning, America”.]

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1938 8.117 Smoke and Steel and Slabs of the Sunburnt West. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., separately paginated, 268, 76 pp. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-6|

1942 8.118 Smoke and Steel. Slabs of the Sunburnt West. Good Morning, America. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., separately paginated, [635] pp. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-6|

1950 8.119 The complete poems of Carl Sandburg. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World.

1970 8.120 The complete poems of Carl Sandburg. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., revised and expanded ed.

1989 8.121 Scrapers of the deep winds. In: Harmon, David (ed.), Mirror of America : literary encounters with the national parks. Washington, D.C.: National Park Foundation, and Boulder, Colorado: Roberts Rinehart, Inc., pp. 85-92 [with introduction by the editor, p. 84] (see also pp. 182, 185, 187 of volume). [“Many Hats”. Library of Congress catalogue indicates editor’s name shown on dust jacket.]

2015 8.678 from Many Hats. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 52. [From Good Morning America (Harcourt, Brace, and Jovanovich, 1928, copyright renewed 1956).] ______

Sandford, Grace

1949 8.582 The Grand Canyon. Desert Magazine, 12(7) (May): 26. ______

Saneleuterio Temporal, Elia

2006 8.348 De cómo ya no duermo sola. Murcia, Uruguay: Editora Regional de Murcia (Consejería de Educación y Cultura, Secretaría General, Servicio de Publicaciones y Estadística), 79 pp. (XX Premio Internacíonal de Poesía, 2005.) [See p. 68, “Las Vegas, 24 de agosto de 2004”. Includes Grand Canyon and Colorado River.] [In Spanish.] ______

Saner, Reg

2015 8.689 Tonto Plateau, Grand Canyon. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 69. [From Quarterly Review of Literature, 1993.] ______

Sansone, Marie

2006 8.285 The Grand Canyon prayer. Grand Canyon River Runner, (3) (Fall): 5. ______

Savard, Jeannine

2005 8.346 My hand upon your name. Los Angeles: Red hen Press. [See “Grand Canyon”.] ______

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Schlapp, George

1908 8.412 Erzählende Dichtungen : Gedichte und Aphorismen. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: C. N. Caspar Co., 526 [527] pp. [See in: “Auf der Pumajagd”, pp. 66-74; “Im Labyrinth der Steinwelt”, pp. 157-171; Auf der Fahrt”, pp. 163-171; “Nach Amerika”, pp. 248-257. [See also “Berichtungen” (errata), p. [527].] [In German.] ______

Schneck, Dan

1993 8.122 The mountains and me : a collection of poems and memories. (Illustrations by Nancy Cogburn.) [No imprint.] [“Expense for this publication has been partially underwritten by Air Star Helicopters, Inc., Grand Canyon, AZ 86023.” (title-page verso)] ______

Scott, John

2009 8.396 Grand Canyon. In: Scott, John (ed.), Dawn of a new discovery : inspiring world poems. Also: Poetery of, for, and by children and youths : how-to guide for aspiring poets and students. Selected poems from William Blake, Walt Whitman, Robert Louis Stevenson, Christina Rossetti, Rabinadranath Tagore, John Milton, Emily Dickinson, William Shakespeare, Sara Teasdale. Newark, New Jersey: Unique Art and Gifts, pp. 252-253. [See also illustration, p. 236 (credit, p. 360); and see notes, p. 352.] ______

Scott, Sharon

1983 8.755 Grand Canyon splendor. In: Scott, Donald C. (as told to Annette Nesbit Scott), Eighty years in Arizona. [No imprint], p. 79. ______

Scott-Graham, Elizabeth

2001 8.215 Reflections. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 14(2) (Summer): 19. ______

Scruggs, Thomas

2013 8.606 Grand Canyon magic or mysticism. [No place]: Hobo Publishing, 40 pp. [An on- demand publication.] ______

Sexton, Anne

1981 8.179 The complete poems. (Foreword by Maxine Kumin.) Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 622 pp. [See “The Big Heart”.] ______

Seymour, George

1920 8.624 Moonlight on Salton Sea. In: Kennedy, Thomas, Seymour, George, Starrett, Vincent, and Thompson, Basil, Estrays. Chicago: The Bookfellows, second revised ed., p. 25. [300 copies of this volume.]

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Sheperd, V. W.

2014 8.622 Unbound magnificence : poems. North Charleston, South Carolina: CreateSpace Indpendent Publishing Platform, 166 pp. [An on-demand publication.] [See “Grand Canyon”, p. 1. See also wrap-around cover photo, view upstream at top of Hance Rapid.] ______

Sheppard, Dorothy

1967 8.627 Mormon Trail. From: Overton [SECTION]. In: Hafner, Arabell Lee (compiler), 100 years on the Muddy. Springville, Utah: Art City Publishing Co., pp. 270-271. ______

Sherman, Laura

2008 8.315 [Untitled.] Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 21(4) (Winter 2008-2009): 20. ______

Shields, Tom Robert

2000 8.322 Grand Canyon colors. In: Hopkins, Lee Bennett (selector), and Alcorn, Stephen (illustrator), My America : a poetry atlas of the United States. New York: Scholastic, Inc. ______

Short, Vaughn

1978 8.123 Raging River, Lonely Trail : tales told by the campfire’s glow. Tucson: Two Horses Press, 159 pp. [Verses, with narrative preceding each poem.] [Hardbound and paperbound states.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 1-73, 12-11| FORD 212 FQ9:543 FQ9A:86 FQ10:311 FQ11:368 FQ11B:151 FQ12:414 FQ12B:174 FQ13:402 FQ13A:163 FQ15:459 FQ16:183 [reprint] FQ17:417 [reprint] FQ18:343 [reprint] FQ19:547A [1st], 547B [8th printing] FQ19A:50 [8th printing] FQ20:374A [1st], 374B [8th printing] FQ22:332 [8th printing] FQ24/2:783 [9th printing] ≡ REVIEWS AND NOTICES Moore, 1980, ITEM NO. 30.197

1991 8.124 A boatman’s prayer. The News (Grand Canyon River Guides), 4(2) (Summer): 14.

1994 8.125 Two worlds : recollections of a river runner. (Illustrated by Joanna Coleman.) Tucson: Two Horses Press, 166 pp. [Harbound and paperbound states.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS FQ10:312A, 312B FQ11:369A, 369B FQ11B:152 FQ12:415A, 415B FQ12B:175 FQ13:403A, 403B FQ13A:164 FQ15:460A, 460B FQ17:418 FQ18:344 FQ20:375 FQ22:333

1994 8.126 The ballad of the one armed boatman. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 7(2) (Spring): 18-19. [From Two Worlds. Followed by notice of availability of newly published Two Worlds and Raging River, Lonely Trail.]

2014 8.636 Seldom Seen and his macho crew. In: Alario, Celia, and Ham, Martha (compilers) Ken Sleight’s allies and accomplices. St. George, Utah: [Martha Ham], pp. 39-41.

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[See Alario and Ham (ITEM NO. 2.22259) for bibliographical details pertaining to the volume.] [Verse reprinted from Raging River, Lonely Trail (1978, ITEM NO. 8.123).]

2015 8.709 Lava Falls. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 101. [From Songs and Stories from the Grand Canyon (produced by Hal Cannon; see Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, 2005, ITEM NO. 27.147).] ______

Sibley, George

2009 8.334 “Stilts and Redtails on the River”—for John Presley. In: Back of the Boat—The Whale Foundation News Bulletin. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 22(2) (Summer): 24. ______

Sibyl [Sue, Marie Joseph; Sue, Eugène; pseudonym]

1881 8.569 The wandering Jew : or the fulfilment of prophesy : in XII cantos. New York: Atlantic Publishing and Engraving Co., 132 pp. [See p. 132: “The ships that went to pieces on Arizona’s sands,*”; with footnote, “*See Joaquin Miller’s poem of the ‘Desert Ship’” (i.e., “The Ship in the Desert”; see ITEM NO. 8.565).] ______

Sill, Louise Morgan

1901 8.448 The Canyon of the Colorado. Harper’s Weekly, 45 (May 4) (2315): 465.

1902 8.778 [Verse in “Comments” section.] In: The Grand Canyon of Arizona : being a book of words from many pens, about the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. [Chicago]: Santa Fe, Passenger Department, p. 114. [Credited to Harper’s Weekly.]

1903 8.449 The Canyon of the Colorado. New York Observer, 81 (February 5): 162.

1906 8.451 In sun or shade : poems. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 226 pp. [See “The Canyon of the Colorado”, p. 61.]

1909 8.127 [Verse in “Comments” section.] In: The Grand Canyon of Arizona : being a book of words from many pens, about the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. [Chicago]: Santa Fe, Passenger Department, p. 118. [Credited to Harper’s Weekly.] ______

Simmerman, Jim

2016 8.760 The Blood and the Bone and the Flesh of It All : new and selected poems. (James Jay and Miles Waggener, eds.) Los Angeles: Gorsky Press, 160 pp. [See “The Flood”, pp. 106-111, which notes Grand Canyon (not by name), p. 107.] ______

Simpson, William Haskell

1929 8.128 Along old trails, poems of New Mexico and Arizona. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co. (The Riverside Press, Cambridge), 89 pp. [See “Primal” and “Grand Canyon Again”.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-6|

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Sipple, Regina Spencer

1982 8.553 Through the jagged rock walls. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 45. ______

Sirch, Charles William

1899 8.389 [Verse of eight “impressions” or stanzas.] In: Woods, G. K. (compiler), Personal impressions of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado River near Flagstaff, Arizona, as seen through nearly two thousand eyes, and written in the private visitors’ book of the world-famous guide Capt. John Hance, guide, story-teller, and path-finder. San Francisco: Whitaker and Ray Co., for G. K. Woods, Flagstaff, Arizona Territory, pp. 95- 96. ______

Skeel, R., AND Skeel, E. E. F.

1899 8.395 [Verse.] In: Woods, G. K. (compiler), Personal impressions of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado River near Flagstaff, Arizona, as seen through nearly two thousand eyes, and written in the private visitors’ book of the world-famous guide Capt. John Hance, guide, story-teller, and path-finder. San Francisco: Whitaker and Ray Co., for G. K. Woods, Flagstaff, Arizona Territory, p. 126. ______

Skelton, Leslie

2009 8.601 Emergence to migration. Amerind Quarterly (Amerind Foundation, Dragoon, Arizona), 6(3) (Summer): 3. [Hopi and Grand Canyon.] ______

Skinner, Vernon

1993 8.129 The Grand Canyon. In: GeoKids write about the earth. GeoNews (Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia), 1(1): 6. ______

Smigelski, Seth

1996 8.130 [Untitled.] Nature Notes (Grand Canyon National Park), 12(2) (Summer): 6. ______

Smith, Fidel

1953 8.805 Summer time. From: Elementary, Junior High [SECTION]. In: The new trail : 1941 : revised 1953 : a book of creative writing by Indian students. Phoenix: Phoenix Indian School (Phoenix Indian School Print Shop), p. 144. [Swimming and fishing in the Colorado River. Author is aged 13.] ______

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Smith, Jo Johnson

1982 8.532 Description. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 23. ______

Smith, Paul

1997 8.131 River magic. The Confluence (Colorado Plateau River Guides), 4(3) (Winter): 7-8. [No specific geographic locale.] ______

Smith, Steve [Smith, Steven]

2008 8.303 The river. Grand Canyon River Runner, (6) (Spring): 2.

2008 8.306 The journey. Grand Canyon River Runner, (6) (Spring): 12. ______

Smith, T. Jefferson

1915 8.421 The Grand Canyon. In: Among our Poets [SECTION]. Santa Fe Magazine, 10(1) (December): 75. ______

Solomon, Maudie

2011 8.465 The last night. Grand Canyon River Runner, (12) (Spring): 14. [2007.] ______

[Spamer, Earle E.]

1993 8.132 [Untitled.] In: Spamer, Earle E. (compiler), Bibliography of the Grand Canyon and the lower Colorado River, from 1540. Grand Canyon Natural History Association, Monograph 8, Supplement 1, page [x-2]. [May also be cited with title derived from first line: “Dawn”.]

2015 8.640 The Grand Canyon: They say it’s indescribable. A poem. In: Spamer, Earle E., The Grand Canon : Second Edition, 1542-2014. A bibliography of 65,000 published items in printed and other media about or including the Grand Canyon and lower Colorado River regions—Arizona, Nevada, California, Baja California, Sonora—southwestern United States–Northwestern Mexico. Philadelphia: Raven’s Perch, p. 2660. [Publication on DVD.] [Verse-free.] ______

Spaulding, Dolly

1998 8.133 River song. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 11(1) (Winter 1997-1998): 12. [Issue mailed late January or early February, 1998.] ______

Spence, John R.

1996 8.134 Untitled. Nature Notes (Grand Canyon National Park), 12(3) (Fall): 5. [Title thus.]

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Spero, Schuyler Colfax

1912 8.437 Morn at the Grand Canyon. In: Among Our Poets [SECTION]. Santa Fe Employes’ Magazine, 7(1) (December): 95. ______

Splake, T. Kilgore

2007 8.342 Being. Oragami Condom, (1): 2. [Marginal.] ______

Staley, Alice

2000 8.202 Rapids. Metamorphosis. Vishnu. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 13(3) (Fall): 49. ______

Steiner, B. [Steiner, Bambi]

2009 8.728 Immersion : a Haiku journey through the Grand Canyon. Gualala, California: AHA Books, 150 pp. ______

Stephenson, Thomas E.

1933 8.485 The desert church. In: Boulder Dam souvenir and cook book : from members and friends of Grace Community Church. Boulder City, Nevada: [Ladies’ Aid of Grace Community Church], p. [first series] [13]. ______

Stafford, Kim

2016 8.762 Water braids a rope : at Ha Tay Gam, the River Colorado. Santa Cruz, California: Peter and Donna Thomas, [unpaginated]. [9⅜ × 11⅞ × ⅝ inches. With verse text leaves facing illustrations. Description from website http://www.baymoon.com/~peteranddonna/4-water.htm (last viewed 2 September 2017): “Six watercolors painted in the Grand Canyon. Hand-drawn initial letters. Cover: squirrel-skin tanned by Donna, enamel-over-copper abstract landscape frontispiece. Clamshell box[.] $1850.00”.] [Unique?] [Regarding Peter and Donna Thomas see also “Peter and Donna Thomas [firm]”.] ______

Starr, Michelle

1999 8.135 Mother Canyon. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 12(1) (Winter 1998-1999): 13. ______

Steet, Edwin

1944 8.580 To the Salton Sea. Desert Magazine, 7(12) (October): 4. ______

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Sterling, George

1912 8.308 Three poems. Poetry, 1(3) (December). [See “At the Grand Cañon”, p. 76.]

1913 8.436 At the Grand Canyon. Santa Fe Magazine, 7(2) (January): 70. [From Poetry.]

1914 8.377 Beyond the Breakers and other poems. San Francisco: A. M. Robertson, 141 pp. [See p. 25, “At the Grand Canon”.]

1917 8.376 Thirty-five sonnets by George Sterling published by the Book Club of California [ornamental title-page thus]. San Francisco: Taylor and Taylor, for The Book Club of California, 54 [56] pp. [See p. 10, “At the Grand Cañon”.]

1928 8.136 Sonnets to Craig. New York: A. & C. Boni, 120 pp. [See “At the Grand Canyon”.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-6| ______

Stevens, Jafer

1994 8.137 [Untitled.] The News (Grand Canyon River Guides), 7(1) (Winter 1993/1994): 16. ______

Stimson, Saxe Churchill

1921 8.481 Blue Lakes to Golden Gates. Milwaukee, Minnesota: The author, 36 pp. [Travelogue in verse; Grand Canyon noted but not visited. See p. 21: “To the southwest lies the Grand Canyon of The Colorado, / One of the master-wonders of the world! / Travelers tell how other sights are but a shadow, / Towards its awesome brink our party now is lured. / But a thousand miles of travel intervenes, to be endured . . . .”] ______

Stone, Ivy Williams

1920 8.489 In the Kaibab forest. Young Woman’s Journal, 31(9) (September): [539]. ______

Stover, Dean

1985 8.138 Grand Canyon poems. Tempe, Arizona: The Nomadic Press and Almond Tree Press, [19] pp. (Distributed by Nomadic Press.) [225 numbered copies only—200 in Arabic numerals, 25 in Roman numerals.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-11| FQ24/2:840 ______

Strachan, Elsie McKinnon

1954 8.588 Canyon artist. Desert Magazine, 17(6) (June): 26. ______

Strauss, Joseph B.

1921 8.563 By-products of idle hours. [No imprint], 42 [44] pp. (Printed by Severinghaus, Chicago.) (“These By-Products of Idle Hours during anotherwise busy life are not intended as a contribution to literature but are merely gathered together for those of

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the author’s friends who might consider them a personal souvenir.” (p. [1])) [See p. 40, “Grand Canyon”, signed as “Grand Canyon, Arizona; March, 1919”.]

1923 8.375 Grand Canon. Santa Fe Magazine, 17(8) (July): 36. ______

Streeter, N. R.

1913 8.434 On the road that suits me best. In: Among Our Poets [SECTION]. Santa Fe Magazine, 7(11) (October): 53. ______

Stuart, V. L.

1982 8.527 The Grand. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 18. ______

Stube, David

2014 8.618 Swamping Grand Canyon. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 27(3) (Fall): 19. ______

Sturla Friðriksson

1995 8.811 Mikla Gljúfur (Grand Canyon). (Kvæði.) Skjöldur (Reykjavík), 4(4): 19. [In Icelandic.]

1995 8.812 Mikla Gljúfur (Grand Canyon). (Kvæði.) Freyr (Reykjavík), 91(12): 474. [In Icelandic.] ______

Sullivan, Holly

2016 8.750 Reclamation. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 29(4) (Winter 2016-2017): 29. (“On behalf of the Colorado and all the other rivers”.) ______

Sylvain, Diane

1991 8.139 The Grand Canyon. In: Dark and wild [letter from Larry Holland]. High Country News, 23(8) (May 6): 15. [“A poem found in an essay written by Diane Sylvain.”] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-11| ______

Syndergaard, W. P.

1982 8.522 First impressions. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 13. ______

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Taggett, Mike “Vasquez”

2005 8.271 Ode to my friends. Hibernacle News, 2005: 36. ______

Taks, Melvin I.

2011 8.474 Our American wonderlands : poetry. [No imprint], 20 pp. [Poems about national parks and monuments the writer has visited. See “Grand Canyon, Arizona”, p. 12.] [An on-demand publication.] ______

Tallant, Mildred C.

1951 8.585 Storm at Grand Canyon. Desert Magazine, 14(4) (February): 4. ______

Taylor, Edward Robeson

1904 8.452 Under a pine at the Grand Cañon. Out West, 21(4) (October): 325.

1904 8.387 To the Grand Cañon. Out West, 21(6) (December): 542.

1906 8.453 Into the Light and other verse. San Francisco: Stanley-Taylor Co., 156 pp. [See “Under a Pine at the Grand Canyon”, p. 116; “To the Grand Canyon”, p. 117; “To the Grand Canyon of the Colorado”, p. 123.]

1907 8.403 Selected poems. San Francisco: A. M. Robertson, 159 [161] pp. (“This book was printed by the Stanley-Taylor Company at San Francisco in the month of March and year nineteen hundred and seven. Six hundred and fifteen copies were printed of which sixty-five are on Alton Mills hand-made paper and contain a signed photograph of the author. Only fifty of these are for sale.” (p. [161]).) [See “Under a Pine at the Grand Canyon”, p. 52; “To the Grand Canyon”, p. 53.]

1909 8.140 Bass. In: Bass, William Wallace, Rhymes and jingles. Los Angeles: Arroyo Guild Press, pp. 3-6. [Dated June, 1904. For other printings of Bass’s book, see under Bass.] ______

Taylor, Gene

1977 8.189 Golden thoughts of Arizona : poems, legends and ballads. [No imprint], pagination front wrap, [i-ii], 1-43 [44] (43-44 is back wrap). (Printed by The Print Shop, Farmington, New Mexico.) ______

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Taylor, Jan

2003 8.255 Grand Canyon. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(4) (Winter): 4.

2003 8.259 Green. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(4) (Winter): 19.

2008 8.304 Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon River Runner, (6) (Spring): 7.

2008 8.305 Green. Grand Canyon River Runner, (6) (Spring): 7. ______

Teague, Alexandra

2015 8.641 Ofelia has not seen even one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and people keep making new lists. Missouri Review, 38(1) (Spring): 53-. [Includes Hoover Dam, in passing.] ______

Thayer, Dave

1987 8.141 Paradise. Hibernacle News, 1987: 2. ______

Thomas, Charles F.

1941 8.572 To a mudswallow at Parker Dam. Desert Magazine, 4(3) (January): 21.

1941 8.574 The mudswallow’s return to Parker Dam. Desert Magazine, 4(12) (October): 16.

1943 8.577 Lake Mead. Desert Magazine, 6(5) (March): 4. ______

Thompson, Phyllis Hoge

2015 8.674 The silence, the sun. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 47. ______

Thompson-Dalegowski, Sharon

1988 8.203 Grand Canyon. Ideals, 45(4) (June): [14-15]. (Ideals Summertime issue.) ______

Thorum, Reho R.

1982 8.142 (ED.) Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. (Illustrated by Larry Powell; cover illustration by Mark Jefferson.) Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, 48 pp. [With poems by W. C. Hurt, Gordon McCloskey, Linda Ingram, Bruce Berger, W. P. Syndengaard, Randy Waltrip, Darel P. Bartschi, Ann Kula, V. L. Stuart, Rita Cantu, Claudia Gardner, Nye Thuesen, Jo Johnson Smith, Donna Jacobson, Mark Jefferson, Paul Lowes, Linda Bartlett, and Kate Carr.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-6| FQ17:471

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1982 8.533 Introductory note [to Part Two]. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 25. [In verse. Title from Contents, p. 3.] ______

Thuesen, Nye

1982 8.530 A view from the North Rim. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, p. 21. [“©1982 Nye Thuesen”.] ______

Tinney, Steve

2010 8.404 Ode to Ted Hatch. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 23(2) (Summer): 4. ______

Tohe, Laura

2015 8.668 Sometimes she dreams. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 39. [From No Parole Today (West End Press, 1999).] ______

Trainor, Greg

2006 8.431 Four poems by Greg Trainor. The Confluence (Colorado Plateau River Guides), (28) (Winter): 22. [See “Poet’s Lyric”.]

2011 8.464 Blacktail Canyon. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 24(4) (Winter 2011-2012): 15. ______

Tull, Jewell Bothwell

1938 8.319 Kohonin katchinas. Arizona State Teachers College, Bulletin, 19(4) (December): 4. ______

Turner, Sam

2013 8.566 Gathering piñon nuts. In: Quail Run Writers, Hatched : an eclectic collection from the Quail Run Writers. [No place]: Quail Run Writers, p. 335. [See also related story by Turner (ITEM NO. 2.19811).]

2013 8.567 Bright Angel newsstand Grand Canyon: 1952. In: Quail Run Writers, Hatched : an eclectic collection from the Quail Run Writers. [No place]: Quail Run Writers, p. 349.

2013 8.568 Nathan. In: Quail Run Writers, Hatched : an eclectic collection from the Quail Run Writers. [No place]: Quail Run Writers, p. 371. ______

Tyrell, Sally

1997 8.143 Sheep like popcorn. The Waiting List (Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association), 1(3) (April): 11.

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1997 8.144 20 X 20 blue flower. The Waiting List (Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association), 1(3) (April): 11. ______


Underwood, John Curtis

1921 8.634 Trail’s end. Santa Fe, New Mexico: New Mexican Publishing Corporation, 79 pp. [See “The Alcove”, pp. 18-19. Includes Grand Canyon.] ______


Van Dyke, Henry

1913 8.367 Daybreak in the Grand Canyon of Arizona. Scribner’s Magazine, 54(3) (September): 275-278. [Author’s name given as “Henry van Dyke”.] ≡ REVIEWS AND NOTICES New York Times: Anonymous, 1913 October 26, ITEM NO. 3.789

1914 8.145 The Grand Canyon and other poems. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 78 pp. [“The Grand Canyon”, pp. 3-8.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 2: page 119| |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-6| FARQUHAR 67 FQ5:210 FQ6:263, 263a FQ7:270 FQ8:432 FQ9:605 FQ10:350A, 350B FQ11:417A, 417B FQ12:473 FQ12B:198 FQ13:466 FQ15:515 FQ19:634 FQ24/2:908 GUIDON 617 ≡ REVIEWS AND NOTICES Anonymous, 1914, ITEM NO. 30.914; Beesley, 1915, ITEM NO. 30.650; Firkins, 1915, ITEM NO. 30.1098

1914 8.204 The Grand Canyon and other poems. Toronto: Copp Clark Co., Ltd., 78 pp.

1921 8.458 Poems. Volume One. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 183 pp. (The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Avalon Edition, Volume IX, Poems, I.) [See “The Grand Canyon”, pp. 61-66.]

1922 8.205 Songs out of doors. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 139 pp.

1924 8.206 Songs out of doors. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 139 pp.

1924 8.146 The poems of Henry Van Dyke, now collected and revised, with many hitherto unpublished. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 467 pp. [See “The Grand Canyon— Daybreak”.] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-6|

1927 8.207 Songs out of doors. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 139 pp. [Two states noted.]

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1931 8.208 Songs out of doors. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 139 pp.

2010 8.413 Grand Canyon : and other poems. [No place]: General Books. ______

Van Peenen, John

1986 8.147 Colorado River memories. (Pen and ink drawings by Toni Evins.) Wildwater, 7(2) (April/May): 36-37. [Poems: “Leaving Havasu” (p. 36), “Blacktail Canyon” (p. 36), “Excerpt from The Lay of Lava Falls” (p. 37).] ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-11|

1987 8.620 Thunder River. Wildwater, (Summer): 21.

1997 8.148 Kilroy. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 10(2) (Spring): 15.

2001 8.216 Cryptogamic soil. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 14(2) (Summer): 35. ______

Vogelsang, Arthur

1994 8.225 The nose, the Grand Canyon, and the sixties. Antioch Review, (Winter):.

2001 8.226 The nose, the Grand Canyon, and the sixties. Antioch Review, 59(2) (Spring): 195. [Reprinted from Vogelsang (1994).] ______

Vonnegut, Kurt

2005 8.295 A man without a country. (Daniel Simon, ed.) New York: Seven Stories Press. [See “Requiem”.] ______


Wagner, Madge Morris [Wagner, Harr (Mrs.)] see also Morris, Madge

1896 8.797 To the Colorado Desert. In: Wagner, Harr (ed.), Pacific nature stories. Volume II. San Francisco: The Whitaker and Ray Co. (Inc.), pp. 44-45. (Western Series of Readers.)

1906 8.794 To the Colorado Desert. In: James, George Wharton, The wonders of the Colorado Desert (southern California). Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., Volume I, p. vii.

1917 8.798 To the Colorado Desert. In: Western Verse [SECTION]. Out West Magazine, 44(1) (February): 24. (“Republished.”)

1940 8.571 To the Colorado Desert. Desert Magazine, 3(10) (August): 28.

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Walka, Ann Weiler

1993 8.149 Legends. The News (Grand Canyon River Guides), 6(4) (Fall): 11. [About endangered fishes of the Colorado. “From Waterlines to be published this fall by Red Lake Books.”]

2015 8.694 Alchemy. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 76. ______

Walker, Charles

2006 8.282 The final run. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 19(1) (Spring): 21.

2007 8.302 The final one. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 20(4) (Winter 2007-2008): 26. ______

Wallace, Ronald

1994 8.180 Time’s fancy. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press, 75 pp. [See “Mrs. Replogle” in “Teachers: A primer”.] ______

Walsh, Dennis M.

1984 8.150 The river trip. In: Beus, Stanley S., and Carothers, Steven W. (eds.), Colorado River Investigations II : July/August 1983. Flagstaff, Arizona: Northern Arizona University, for U.S. National Park Service, Grand Canyon National Park, p. 181. ______

Walsh, Thomas

1914 8.511 The forges of the sun. In the Grand Cañon of Colorado [sic]. The Bookman, 38 (January): 514.

1915 8.461 The Pilgrim Kings. Greco and Goya and other poems of Spain. New York: The Macmillan Co., 130 pp. + advertisements. [See p. 79, “The Forges of the Sun. The Grand Cañon of Colorado [sic].”] ______

Walthall, Stuart

2003 8.253 The canyon’s heart. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(4) (Winter): 4.

2003 8.262 Desert maw. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(4) (Winter): 27.

2013 8.560 Living walls. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 26(4) (Winter 2013-2014): 30. ______

Waltrip, Randy

1982 8.523 Inversion. In: Thorum, Reho R. (ed.), Canyon voices : a selection of poetry about the Grand Canyon. Fredonia, Arizona: Reho R. Thorum, pp. 14-15.

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Warwick, Ioanna-Veronika

1992 8.347 Grand Canyon. Parting Gifts, 5(2) (Winter 1992-1993): 37. [Title typeset as “fGrand Canyon”, which seems to be a typographical error.] ______

Wasson, J. Curtis

1899 8.390 [Verse.] In: Woods, G. K. (compiler), Personal impressions of the Grand Cañon of the Colorado River near Flagstaff, Arizona, as seen through nearly two thousand eyes, and written in the private visitors’ book of the world-famous guide Capt. John Hance, guide, story-teller, and path-finder. San Francisco: Whitaker and Ray Co., for G. K. Woods, Flagstaff, Arizona Territory, pp. 96-97. ______

Watahomigie, Philbert, Sr.

1995 8.743 Ba:j. Indians. In: Watahomigie, Lucille J., The power of American Indian parents and communities. Bilingual Research Journal, 19(1) (Winter): 193-194. [In parallel Hualapai and English verses.] ______

Weigand, John D., AND Dyan, Penelope

2010 8.433 One big hole in the ground : a kid’s guide to Grand Canyon, USA. Jamul, California: Bellissima Publishing, LLC, [49] pp. (Photography by John D. Weigand. Poetry by Penelope Dyan.) [Text entirely in verse. Young-reader title.]

2010 8.446 Take a dam tour! A kid’s guide to Hoover Dam, Nevada. Jamul, California: Bellissima Publishing, LLC, [48] pp. (Photography by John D. Weigand. Poetry by Penelope Dyan.) [Text entirely in verse. Young-reader title.] ______

[Weinper, Zishe] [וויינּפרˎ ז.] .Weinper, Z

Beim Grand Canyon]. [By Grand Canyon.] New York: Yiddisher] דוערגםייב יועק א 8.190 1947 Kultur Farband (YKUF), 143 pp. [The transliterations of the author’s name and the book’s title and imprint are from English text on title-page verso.] [Other title variants transliterated from Yiddish are noted in library catalogues: Baym Grand Kenyon; Baym Grend Kenyon; Beim Grend Kenyon. One Hebrew-language record also transliterates author as Vaynper and publisher as Iḳuf.] [Weinper’s preface (p. 7, translated here) notes that “one should not look in these poems for descriptions of the Grand Canyon . . . [but] they are variations on emotions and reflections from my trip to that magical wonder.”] [In Yiddish.] ______

Wellborn, Terresa

2003 8.791 Grand Canyon, North Rim. Dialogue (A Journal of Mormon Thought) (Dialogue Foundation, Salt Lake City), 50(1): 166. ______

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Wergeland, Agnes Mathilde

1914 8.369 Efterladte digte. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Free Church Book Concern, 175 pp. [See plate facing p. 137, and “Rosen; paa randen av Grand Cañon”, pp. 137-142.] [In Danish.] ______

Wern, A. W.

1913 8.362 From the last to the first : a collection of beautiful poems, descriptive of gems in America and Europe. Los Angeles: Glass Book Binding Co., 148 pp. [See “Grand Canyon”, pp. 43-44.] ______

Wheeler, Kasim

1993 8.151 Grand Canyon. In: GeoKids write about the earth. GeoNews (Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia), 1(1): 2.

1993 8.152 The Grand Canyon. In: GeoKids write about the earth. GeoNews (Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia), 1(1): 5. ______

White, Mary Gerry

2000 8.491 Shades of old chaparral : events in verse with illustrations from Nevada Test Site, Arizona, New Mexico, and Lake Mead, Nevada. Cedar Crest, New Mexico: RIO Branch Co. (printed by Alpha Graphics), 66 [68] pp. + 23 leaves illustrations. [Illustrations include China.] [“First Printing, 300 Review Copies; April 2000 Second Printing, 2000 copies; April 2001”.] ______

Whitney, Orson Ferguson

1918 8.492 Love and the light : an idyl of the westland. [No imprint], 128 pp. (“Copyright 1918 Joseph F. Smith, Trustee-in-Trust, Salt Lake City, Utah”.) [Grand Canyon, see p. 38 (verse), and corresponding interpretive remark, p. 124.] ______

Whitt, Laurelyn

2015 8.713 Rim. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 115. [First published in The Windsor Review (Fall 2012).] ______

Whitworth, Tim

2002 8.232 At Boucher Creek. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 15(1) (Spring): 15.

2003 8.238 At Boucher Creek. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(1) (Spring): 23.

2003 8.248 The man in the maze. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(3) (Fall): 41. ______

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Wiegandt, Dan

2008 8.310 1. “The Groover Experience”. In: Footnote [SECTION]. Outside, (September): 22. ______

Wildaiua [pseudonym]

2017 8.763 A Grand scout. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 30(3) (Fall): 2. (“[I]nspired by Horn Creek at 6000 cfs, May 1, 2017”.) ______

Wiley, Harley R.

1905 8.623 Salton Desert. The Raven (San Jose, California), 6(3): 162. ______

Willard, G. M.

NO DATE 8.153 Gathered along the trail. [No imprint], 63 pp. [Poems; also old photographs of Lees Ferry, House Rock Valley, and Buffalo Ranch.] ______

Williams, Daniel

2015 8.662 Thomas Moran paints. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 29. [First published in Imagination and Place: An Anthology (I & P Press, 2009).] ______

Williams, Wilburn Ray

1974 8.802 Arizona. In: Clayton, Roberta Flake, Pioneer men of Arizona. [No imprint], p. 501. [Lines include mention of “Colorado River” and “fertile Yuma valley”.] ______

Willoughby, Otis

1993 8.154 A night a river and a friend. The News (Grand Canyon River Guides), 6(2) (Summer): 11. ______

Wilson, Steve

2015 8.700 Along rockfall. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 87. ______

Winn, Travis

1997 8.155 River fog. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 10(2) (Spring): 14.

1998 8.156 Havasu. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 11(4) (Fall): 9. ______

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Wofford, Philip

1972 8.157 Grand Canyon Search Ceremony. New York: Barlenmir House, [unpaginated]. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 2: page 119| |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-6| FQ24/2:987

2015 8.688 Walk all day. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 68. [From Grand Canyon Search Ceremony (Barlenmir House, 1972).]

2015 8.703 In the river. In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, pp. 90-91. [From Grand Canyon Search Ceremony (Barlenmir House, 1972).] ______

Wood, Henry Cleveland

1903 8.406 The Grand Canyon. The Four-Track News (New York), 5(4) (October): 261.

1906 8.782 [Verse in “Comments” section.] In: The Grand Canyon of Arizona : being a book of words from many pens, about the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. [Chicago]: Santa Fe, Passenger Department, p. 119. [Credited to Four Track News.]

1909 8.158 [Verse in “Comments” section.] In: The Grand Canyon of Arizona : being a book of words from many pens, about the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. [Chicago]: Santa Fe, Passenger Department, p. 119. [Credited to Four Track News.] ______

Woodbury, Ralph

1946 8.217 Norman Nevill’s [sic] expedition. [Portland, Oregon?]: [no imprint], [8] pp. (on double). [Norman Nevills.] ______


Yantos, David A.

2011 8.603 In dream I dive—a poem. Pinyon Press (Xanterra South Rim, L.L.C., Grand Canyon), 2011(25) (December 14): 8. [Mooney Falls.]

2012 8.604 Coyote howls. Pinyon Press (Xanterra South Rim, L.L.C., Grand Canyon), 2012(15) (July 25): 9. [Includes verse.] ______

Yarrington, Liz

2004 8.267 Not in the Grand Canyon blues. The Waiting List (Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association Quarterly), 7(1) (Fall): 42.

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Yarrow, Ruth

1984 8.209 Down Marble Canyon. [No imprint], [20] pp. (A Wind Chimes Minibook, no. 7.) [First ed. of 200 copies.] ______

Yazzie, Darien

2003 8.247 [Untitled.] Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 16(3) (Fall): 17. ______

Yearick, Mark

2011 8.466 Goodbye canyon. Grand Canyon River Runner, (12) (Spring): 14. ______

Yevtushenko, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich [Евтушенко, Евгений Александрович] see also Jewtuschenko

1972 8.159 Who are you, Grand Canyon? New York Times, (May 7, Section 10): 1. ≡ CROSS-LISTINGS |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 2: page 115| |CITED» GCNHA Monograph 8: page 12-6|

1987 8.727 Almost at the end. (Antonina W. Bouis, translator.) New York: Henry Holt and Co., 146 pp. [Poetry. Includes “Who Are You, Grand Canyon?”]

2000 8.586 Who are you, Grand Canyon? From: [Liner notes.] In: Karchin, Louis, American visions. New York: New World Records. [A musical piece by Karchin, with the same title, is based on Yevtushenko’s poem (see ITEM NO. 27.234). The text of the poem is reprinted in these liner notes.]

2015 8.692 from Who are you, Grand Canyon? [sic] In: Anderson, Peter, and Kempa, Rick (eds.), Going down Grand : poems from the Canyon. [Fruita, Colorado?]: Lithic Press, p. 73. [Item title typographically as shown. Credited to Almost at the End (A. W. Bouis, translator) (i.e., Yevtushenko, 1987, ITEM NO. 8.727).] ______

Yost, Marian Bruce

1942 8.575 Salt—Salton Sea. Desert Magazine, 5(9) (July): 39. ______


Zinke, Alex

2018 8.792 Don’t forget our red, white, and blue. Sound Off! (Hargrave Military Academy, Chatham, Virginia), 18 (May): 14. [Grand Canyon, in passing.]

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Zonge, Lynn

1997 8.160 A solstice wish for Whale. Boatman’s Quarterly Review, 10(2) (Spring): 15.