Senate of the Philippines
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Senate Pasay City Journal SESSION NO. 34 Tuesday, October 12, 2010 FIFTEENTH CONGRESS FIRST REGULAR SESSION SESSION NO. 34 Tuesday, October 12,2010 CALL TO ORDER With 18 senators present, the Chair declared the presence of a quorum. At 3:52 p.m., the Senate President, Hon. Juan Ponce Enrile, called the session to order. Senator Marcos was on official mission abroad. PRAYER Senator Defensor Santiago was on sick leave. The Body observed a minute of silent prayer. Senators Angara and Lacson were absent. SUSPENSION OF SESSION Senator Trillanes was unable to attend the session as he was under detention. With the permission of the Body, the Chair suspended the session. APPROVAL OF THE JOURNAL It was 3:53 p.m. Upon motion of Senator Sotto, there being no objection, the Body dispensed with the reading of the RESUMPTION OF SESSION Journal of Session No. 33 (October 11, 2010) and considered it approved. At 4:00 p.m., the session was resumed with Senate President Pro Tempore Ejercito Estrada REFERENCE OF BUSINESS presiding. The Secretary of the Senate read the following ROLL CALL matters and the Chair made the corresponding referrals: Upon direction of the Chair, the Secretary of the Senate, Atty. Emma Urio-Reyes, called tbe roll, to BILLS ON FIRST READING which the following senators responded: Senate Bill No. 2561, entitled Arroyo, J. P. Lapid, M. 1. M. Cayetano, A. P. C. S. Legarda, 1. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A Cayetano, C. P: S. Osmefia III, S. R. MANDATORY NATIONWIDE Drilon, F. M. Pangilinan, F.
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