Thriving Places / update noted.

7 There was submitted a report by Ola Pawluk, Community Connector of Thriving Places providing a report on the progress and of the main project activities carried out to support the local community, advising

1) that 12 in depth phone interviews with local community members including those on the shielding list were conducted which resulted in a better understanding of how people’s lives had been affected by the ongoing pandemic and what services would be needed to move forward;

2) that Thriving Places had supported a number of new community groups and initiatives such as The Leafy Garden in Greenfield, a festive window trail in Springboig/Barlanark and Easter Egg trail in and Barlanark;

3) that the importance of outside and green space during COVID 19 had raised concerns with community members in relation to anti-social behavior in parks, litter and other issues resulting in social media engagement and that a group set up called the Greenspace Group, to explore clean well-maintained green spaces, food growing, community events and activities;.

4) that in the Wellhouse and areas Thriving Places activity consisted largely of promoting existing services, activities, referring local community members to existing organisations and that the BIT Collective had been introduced to organisations within Wellhouse and Easthall to support them with making connections to Artists in Residence; and

5) that Thriving Places Springboig Barlanark and had co-designed a survey to gather views of residents about local priorities with 198 responses and that a report would be provided at the next meeting.

After consideration and having heard Ms Ola Pawluk, Thriving Places, the Partnership

(a) noted the report and thanked Ms Ola Pawluk for the update;

(b) raised a number of concerns and questions in relation to boundaries which were addressed by Ms Ola Pawluk who welcomed input from members on how best to support Wellhouse and Easthall given gaps in engagement with the community and advised that progress would be made to address this.