CENSUS OF , 1991






Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is con­ tinuing since then with some innovations/modifications after each decennial Census. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organisation on behalf of each State Govt.lUnion Territory administration. It inter-alia provides datalinformation on some of the basic demographic and socia-economic characteristics and on the availability of certain important civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of the respective districts. This publication has thus proved to be at immense utility to the planners, administra­ tors, academicians and researchers.

The scope of the DCH was initially confined to certain important census tables on population, economic and socia-cultural aspects as also the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the district. The DCHs published after the 1961 Census contained a deSCriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and Village and Town Directories including PCA. Atter the 1971 Census, two parts of the District Census Handbooks (Part - A comprising Village and Town Directories and Part-B comprising Village and Town PCA) were released in all the States and Union Territories. The third part (Part-C) of the District Census Handbooks comprising administrative statistics and district census tables, which was also to be brought out. could not be published in many Sta~eslUTs due to considerable delay in compilation of relevant material. In 1981, some new features along with the restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were introduced in the DCHs. These were published in two parts for each district after the 1981 Census. WhHe Part-A comprised Village and Town Directories, the PCA of villages and towns (ward-wise) including Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe PCA up to tehsiVtown level were provided in Part­ B. To illustrate, all the amenities except electricity, were brought together in the Village Directory and if an amenity was not available in the referrent village, the,distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such amenity was given. Information on some new items such as adult literacy centres, primary health sub­ centres and community health workers in the Village were provided so as to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Similarly, information on approach to the village was also provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give an idea about the number of inaccessible villages in each district. In case of Town Directories also, keeping in view the requirements of the Minimum Needs Pre: gramme, a Statement IV-A on slums was provided so as to enable the planners to chalk out the programmes for providing better civic and other amenities in the slums. In this statement details on civic and other ameni­ ties were reported for the slums of class I and class" towns. Apart from this, one column on the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population and another on adult literacy classes/centres were added in State­ ments IV and V respectively.

The manner of presentation of the DCHs for the 1991 Census is by and large the same as followed in 1981. However, the format of PCA has been restructured slightly in the 1991 Census for the benefit of data users. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers has been given as against four-fold industrial classi­ fication presented in the 1981 Census. In addition to this, the sex-wise population in the 0-6 age-group has also been included in PCA for the first time with a view to enabling data users to compute more realistiC literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age have been treated as illiterate at the time of the 1991 Census. It is expected that the above mentioned modifications will help the planners in chalking out more effective developmental programmes.

One of the most important innovations in the 1991 Census is the Community Development Block-level presentation of data in the Village Directory and PCA instead of the traditional TahsillTaluklPS level presenta­ tion. It is expected that the presentation of Village Directory and PCA data at C.D. Block level will help the planners in formulation of micro-level developmental plans, as the C.D.Block is the lowest administrative unit for developmental planning.

( I ) ( II )

In order to facilitate the task of administrators, planners and researchers intending to use Village Direc­ tory/PCA data, either from the magnetic tapes/floppies or from the published records, both the computer and manual codes for each village have been provided for the 1991 Census along with the corresponding codes of 1981.

This publication is a joint venture of the State Govt./U.T. Administration and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled under the direction (,f Shri R.N. Senapati, Director of Census Operations. Orissa on behalf of the State Govt. which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning, designing and coordination of the publication was initiated by Dr. K.P. Ittaman, former Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) and Shri M.M. Dua, Joint Director. Fer the sake of uniformity in presentation of information/data and for preparation of analytical note depicting the salient features emerging from a micro­ level analysis of Census/non-Census data, a model Distrir::t Census Handbook from each State and Union Territory was thoroughly scrutinised in the Social Studl0s Division under the guidance of Shri M.K. Jain, the present Deputy Registrar General (S.S.). This task was carried out by Shri AK. Sing, Deputy Director who was assisted by Shri N.S. Soam, Assistant Director and his staff, Technical guidance in the preparation of the maps Wfl.S initially provided by Dr. B.K.Roy, former Df>puty Registrar General (Map) and later by Mrs. Minati Ghosh, the present Deputy Registrar General (Map).

I am thankful to all those who have contribu~ed to this project.

New Deihi A.R.NANDA June 11, 1992 Registrar General. India PREFACE

The District Census Handbooks constitute an important set of Census Publications brought out by the us Organisation immediately after each Census indicating demographic profile in as detailed manner as cen~ble. These publications are widely used by the State Government functionaries at the district level as po~,sas other levels for planning, development and administrative purposes in addition to a large cross-section :,edata users, academici~ns: scholars, researchers and other non-governmental agenctes who derive maxi­ mum utility of these publications.

As per the existing instructions the Director of Census Operations has the responsibility for providing data whereas its publication is the responsibility of the State Govt. In 1951 and 1961 it was published in one volume and in 1971 it was presented in three volumes for each district. But in 1981 two volumes for each district were presented. During 1991 Census it has been proposed to publish the District Census Handbooks in two parts :

Part - A - Village and Town Directory; Part - B - Village and Town Primary Census Abstract.

Taking into account of the increasing need of developmental and other welfare measures undl~rtaken by the government in recent years, the scope and the content of the data in these publications have been considerably enlarged and improved to meet the requirements of the planners and various data users. In particular, the persons engaged in nine-fold indus~rial categories have again been reintroduced though it was limited to four categories during 1981 Census.

One of the most important aspects during 1991 Census is the Community Development Block level presentation of data in the Village Directory and Primary Census Abstracts instead of the traditional tahsil/P.S. presentation. It is hoped that it will help the planners in formulating Micro Level Developmental Planning as the C.D. Block is the lowest administrative unit for developmental planning.

District, Police Station and C.D. Block maps, presented in this volume give the administrative units up to the village level and town level. Besides, certain inset tables have been presented in this volume for facilitating the use of the planners and administrators.

Part A Of this volume gives the statistical information relating to each town and an array of statistical data relating to landuse and various other amenities available in each village.

Part B of this volume consists of district level village/townwise Primary Census Abstract followed by Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Information on amenities for village directory has been collected from the Tahsildar and Block Develop­ ment Officers. The Executive Officers of the Municipalities and Notified Area Councils have provided the information on towns. The collection and compilation of such a huge data was a formidable task. Though all possible care has been taken through check and re-check for removal of discrepancies in the figures, the possibility of error still cripping into them cannot be altogther ruled out.

It is hoped, the mass of the statfstical information presented in the District Census Handbooks come handy and prove useful to the government, local bodies, scholars and other data users.

I specially owe my depth of gratitude to Sri A.R. Nanda, I.A.s., Registrar General, India, Shri K.P. Ittaman, the former Deputy Registrar General (S.S.), Shri M.K. Jain, the present Deputy Registrar General

( III ) ( IV)

(S.S) and other officers of the Registrar General's office for the advice and valuable suggestion for preparing this volume.

I am grateful to the Departments of the Govt. of Orissa, Hea~ of Departments, Collectors and other District Officers, Tahsildars, Block Development Officers, Executive officers of the Towns who have extended their active cooperation and help for collecting such voluminous and useful data.

Shri Md. Sarwar, Shri S.N. Padhi, Shri K.B. Kar, Shri B.C. Patro, Shri N. Mohanty and Shri P.K. Patnaik from the Orissa Administrative Service Class - , who worked as Deputy Directors in-charge of Regional Tabulation Offices and the staff in the respective Regional Tabluation Offices deserve sincere thanks for timely scrutiny, compilation and tabulation of Primary Census Abstract.

I must thank my colleagues, Shri S.K. Swain, Deputy Director, Shri B.N. Rout, OAS (I), Deputy Director, Shri C.R. Mohanty, Asst. Director, Shri J.P. Rout, Research Officer (Map), office staff engaged in the compilation of District Census Handbooks and the concerned staff in the Map and Printing branches for their diligent and tireless efforts to bring out this publication.

Bhubaneswar R.N. SENAPATI September, 1992 Director IMPORTANT STATISTICS


POPULATION TOTAL Persons 31,659,736 1,337,026 Males 16,064,146 677,480 Females 15,595,590 659,546

RURAL Persons 27,424,753 1,170,152 Males 13,794,955 588,129 Females 13,629,798 582,023

URBAN Persons 4,234,983 166,874 Males 2,269,191 89,351 Females 1,965,792 77,523 DECENNIAL POPULATION GROWTH RATE 1981-91 20.06 19.95

AREA (Sq.Kms.) 155,707 8,303

DENSITY OF POPULATION (per Sq.km.) 203 161

SEX RATIO (Number of Females per 1000 males) 971 974

LITERACY RATE (excluding children in the Persons 49.09 44.73 age-group 0-6) Males 63.09 59.04 Females 34.68 30.01


PERCENTAGE TO TOTAL POPULATION ( i ) Main Workers Persons 32.78 32.91 Males 52.86 51.92 Females 12.10 13.37

(ii ) Margin~1 workers Persons 4.75 5.91 Males 0.93 0.98 Females 8.69 10.98

(iii) Non-workers Persons 62.47 61.18 Males 46.21 47.10 Females 79.21 75.65

BREAK UP OF MAIN WORKERS Percentage among main workers I Cultivators Persons 44.31 47.68 Males 48.42 51.84 Females 25.84 31.11

II Agricultural Persons 28.68 24.52 labourers Males 22.82 18.99 Females 55.06 46.59


~ fR-). (VI)


III Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Persons 1.86 1.60 Hunting & Plantations, Orchards Males 2.10 1.81 and allied activities Females 0.79 0.80

IV Mining and Quarrying Persons 0.98 6.98 Males 0.98 6.31 Fen~ales 0.98 9.65 V Manufacturing. processing, Servicing and Repairs

( a ) Household Industry Persons 313 2.32 Males ;~.66 2.18 Females 5.21 2.87

( b ) Other than Household Persons 3.51 2.82 Industry Males 3.91 3.24 Females 1.70 1.12

VI Constructions Persons n.B? 0.72 Malos 0.98 0.80 Females 0.37 0.40

VII Trade and Commerce Persons b.38 3.52 Male<; 607 4.21 Females 2.25 0.74

VIII Transport, Storage and Persons 1.74 1.58 Communications Males 2.08 1.86 Fpmales 0,9 0.47

IX Other Services Per~ons 9.54 8.26 Males 9.98 8.76 Females 761 6.25

PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED CASTES Persons 16.20 11.49 POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION Males 16.16 11.47 Femcdes 16.24 11.51

PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED TRIBES Persons 22.21 44.52 POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION Mi'lles 21.87 43.98 Female5 22.S? 45.07





Foreword (I) Preface (III) Important Statistics (V)

Analytical Notes: Census Concepts 1 District Census Handbooks 7 Scope of the Primary Census Abstract 9 Analysis of Primary Census Abstract Data 11

District Primary Census Abstract 19

1. Primary Census Abstract of Kendujhargarh C.D. Block (a) Alphabetical list of villages 31 (b) Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 36 2. Primary Census Abstract of Harichandanpur C.D. Block (a) Alphabetical list of villages 63 (b) Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 68 3. Primary Census Abstract of Patana C.D. Block (a) Alphabetical list of villages 94 (b) Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 98 4. Primary Census Abstract of C.D. Block (a) Alphabetical list of villages 116 (b) Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 120 5. Primary Census Abstrar.t of Saharapada C.D. Block (a) Alphabetical list of villages 138 (b) Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 142 6. Primary Census Abstract of C.D. Block (a) Alphabetical list of villages 160 (b) Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 164 7. Primary Census Abstract of Banspal C.D. Block (a) Alphabetical list of villages 182 (b) Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 186 8. Primary Census Abstract of CD Block (a) Alphabetical list of Villages 205 (b) Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 208 9. Primary Census Abstract of Hatadihi CD Block (a) Alphabetical list of villages 223 (b) Village wise Primary Census Abstract 228 10. Primary Census Abstract of Ghasiapura CD Block (a) Alphabetical list of villages 254 (b) Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 258 11. Primary Census Abstract of C.D. Block (a) Alphabetical list of villages 280 (b) Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 284 12. Primary Census Abstract of CD Block (a) Alphabetical list of villages 302 (b) Villagew;se Primary Census Abstract 306

( VII ) (Vttl )

Page 13. Primary Census Abstract of CD Block (a) AJphabeticallist of villages 325 (b) Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 328 14. Primary Census Abstract of Villages not included in any CD Block(Forest Villages) (a) AJphabeticallist of villages . 347 (b) Villagewise Primary Census Abstract 348

Town Primary Census Abstract 353

Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled·Castes 363

Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 369


Appendix - I - Details of CD Blocks included under various Tahasils/Police Stations 377 Appendix - (1- Tahasilwise PCA Totals showing Total, Rural and Urban 378 population in the District Appendix - 111- Total Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe population urban Block wise 390 LIST OF MAPS

1 Kenduihar1)istrict Facing page .. 1 2 Kendujhargarh C. D. Block 29 3 Harichandanpur C. D. Block 61 4 Patana C. D. Block 93 5 Ghatgaon C. D. Block 115 6 Saharapada C. D. Block 137 7 Telkoi C. D. Block 159 8 Banspal C. D. Block 181 9 Anandapur C. 0. Block 203 10 Hatadihi C. D. Block 221 11 C. D. Block 253 12 Champua C. D. Block 279 13 Jhumpura C. D. Block 301 14 Joda C. D. Block 323 15 Telkoi Tahasil 16 Barbi! Tahasil 17 Champua Tahasil 18 Kenduihar Tahasil 19 Ghatgaon Tahasil 20 AnandapurTahasil 21 Hatadihi Tahasil 22 Telkoi P.S. 23 Kanjipani P.S. 24 Nayakote P.S. 25 Joda P.S. 26 Barbi! P.S. 27 Champua P.S. 28 Baria P.S. At the end of the book. 29 P.S. 30 Patana P.S. 31 Kendujhar Sadar P.S. 32 KendujharTown PS. 33 Pandapara P.S. 34- Ghatgaon P.S. 35 Harichandanpur PS. 36 PS. 37 Sainkul P.S. 3B Ghasipura P.S. 39 Anandapur P.S. 40 Nandipada P. S. 41 Soso P.S.


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Census Concepts Urban Agglomeration Although the data users are tamiliarwith impor­ The concept of "Urban Agglomeration" intro­ tant concepts and definitions frequently used in Cen­ duced during 1971 Census has also been adopted for sus, it is necessary to brietly explain some of these 1981 Census as well as 1991 Census to take care of concepts and definitions given in this publication with the continuous urban spread of a recognised urban a view to facilitate better understanding and a com­ area. Very often, large railway colonies, university cam­ parison of the 1991 Census data with those of the puses, port areas and military campus etc. come up earlier Censllses. around the statutory boundary limit ot the city or town Village having distinct urban characteristics. Such areas may A village is taken as the basic unit for presenta­ ot by themselves qualify to be treated as towns, but tion of data relating to rural areas. form a continuous spread with me town as 'out-growths' A "Village" refers to any tract of land recognised of the town and deserve to be treated as urban. Such as a village by the local administration in the revenue town(s) together with their out-growths have been records. The revenue village mayor may not have a treated as urban units and are calied "Urban definite surveyed boundary. An ulllnhabited vlliage is Agglomerations". Thus an Urban Agglomeration may one which does not have any population In the entire comprise: area. (a) A city with continuous urban out-grovvth ( the There are some recognised forest villages lo­ part of the out-growth being outside the statutory cated inside reserve forests which have been taken limits but failing within the boundaries of the adjoining as villages for the purpose of census. Simi larly, some village or villages) or un-authorised clusters of habitation located inside the (b) one town with similar out-growths or two or reserve forest were also recognised as villages by more adjoining towns with their out-growths as in (a) taking forester's beat as village. or Town (c) A city and one or more adj(llning towns with A town is universally accepted as the basic unit their out-growths all of Which form a continuous spread. of urban areas. For the purpose of i 991 Census in Accordingly, nine Urban Agglomerations have been India, an urban area has been defjned as: formed during 1971 Census througholl! the State. (a) All places with a Municipality, Corporation Building or Cantonment Board or Notified Town Area and (b) A "Building" is generally a Single structure en all other places satisfying the following criteria :- the ground. Sometimes it is made up of more than (i) A minimum population of 5,000; one component unit which are used or likely to be (ii) Atleast 75 per cent of the maie working popu­ used as dwellings (residence) or establishments, such lation engaged in non-agricultural (and allied) as shops, business houses, offices, factories, activity; worksheds, schools, places of entertainment, places (iii) A population density of atleast 400 per sq. km. of worship, godowns and stores etc. It IS also possible (or 1000 per sq. mile). that buildings which have component units may be Similar criteria were also, adopted during 19"71 used tor a combination of purposes such as shop­ and 1981 Censuses. cum-residence, workshop-cum-residence, office-cum­ residence etc. Usually, a structure will have four walls Classification of Towns and a roof. However, there are some areas where the In Census it is a practice to classify the towns very nature of construction of house is such that according to the size of their population. For 1991 there may not be any wall. A typical example of this Census the classification is as follows ;- may be found in the Nolia habitation at , where Class Population the house does not have wall, but an entrance and I 100,000 and above the conical roof which almost touches the ground. " 50,000 - 99,999 Such structures are also treated as buildings. III 20,000-49,999 Census House IV 10,000-19,999 A "Census House" is a building or part of a V 5,000 - 9,999 building having a separate main entrance from the VI less than 5,000 road or common courtyard or staircase etc. used or

1 2

recognised as a separate unit. It may be occupied or 9. Basar, Burud vacant. It may be used for a residential or non-resi­ 10. Bauri dential purpose or both. 11. Bauti An "Occupied residential House" is a census 12. Bavuri house which is partly or wholly used for the purpose 13. Bedia, Bejia of residence at the time of census enumeration. 14. Beldar Household 15. Bhata A "Household" is a group of persons who com­ 16. Bhoi monly live together and would take their meals from a 17. ChaGhati common kitchen unless the exigencies of work pre­ 18. Chakali vented any of them doing so. There may be a house­ 19. Chamar, Mochi, Muchi,Satnami hold of persons related by blood or a household of un­ 20. Chandala related persons or having a mix of both. Example of 21. Chandhai Maru unrelated households are boarding houses, messes, 22. Cherua, Chhelia hostels, residential hotels, rescue homes, jails and 23. Danciasi ashrams etc. These are called "lnstitutional House­ 24. Dewar holds". There may be one-member households, two­ 25. Dhanwar member househOlds or multI-member households. For 26. Ohoba, Dhabi census purposes, each one of these types is regarded 27. Dam, Dombo, Duria Dam as a household. If a group ot persons who are unre­ 28. Dosadha lated to each other live in a census house, but do not 29. Ganda have their meals from the common kitchen, they would 30. Ghantarghada, Ghantra not constitute an institutional household. Each such 31. Ghasi, Ghasia person is treated as separate household. The impor­ 32. Ghogia tant link in finding out whether there is a household or 33. Ghusuria not is a common kitchen. 34. Godagali Uterate 35. Gadari A person is considered to be literate if he is 36. Godra able to read and write in any language with under­ 37. Gokha standing. A person who can merely read but can not 38. Gorait. Korait write is not literate. It is not necessary that a person 39. Haddi, Hadi, Hari who is literate should have received any formal edu­ 40. lrika cation or should have passed any minimum educa­ 41. Jaggali tional standard. All children of the age of 6 years or 42. Kandra, Kandara less have been treated as illiterate, even it the child 43. Kal"'Ja is going to school and may have picked up reading 44. Katia and writing a tew odd words. 45. Kela Scheduled Caste 46. Khadala The Scheduled Castes are specified in the 47. Kodalo, Khodalo Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes orders 48. Kori (Amendment) Act, 1976 of Government of India. As 49. Kummari many as 93 Castes have been notified as Scheduled 50. Kurunga Caste for this State; 51. Laban SCHEDULED CASTES LIST FOR ORISSA 52. Lahari 1. AdiAndhra 53. Madan 2. Amant, Amat 54. Madiga 3. Audhelia 55. Mahuria 4. Badaik 56. Mala, Jhala, Malo, Zala 5. Bagheti, Baghuti 57. Mang 6. Bajikar 58. Mangan 7. Bari 59. Mehra, Mahar 8. Bariki 60. Mehtar, Bhangi 3

61. Mewar 12. Birhor 62. Mundapotta, 13. Bondo Poraja 63. Musahar 14. Chenchu 64. Nagarchi 15. Dal 65. Namasudra 16. Desua 66. Paidi 17. Dharua 67. Painda 18. Didayi 168. Pamidi 19. Gadaba 69. Pan, 20. Gandia 70. Panchama 21. Ghara 71. Panika 22. Gond,Gondo 72. Panka 23. Ho 73. Pantanti 24. Holva 74. Pap 25. Jatapu t15. Pasi 26. Juang 76. Patial, Patikar, Patratanti, Patua 27. Kandha Gauda n. Rajna 28. Kawar 78. Relli 29. Kharia, KHarian 79. Sabakhia 30. Kharwar , 80. Samasi 31. Khond,Kond,Kandha, 81. Sanei Nanguli Kandha, Sitha Kandha 82. Sapari 32. Kisan 83. Sauntia, Santia 33. Kol 84. Sidhria 34. KoJah Lo.laras, KoJ Loharas 85. Sinduria 35. Kolha 86. Siyal 36. Koli, Malhar ta7. Tamadia 37. Kondadora " 88. Tamudia 38. Kora 89. Tania 39. Korua 90 Tiar, Tior 40. Kotia 91. Turi 41. Koya 92. Ujia 42. Kulia 93. Valamiki, Valmiki 43. Lodha 44. Nadia ScheduledTribe 45. Mahali A person is taken as Scheduled Tribe, if he 46. Mankidi belongs to anyone of the tribes specified in the Sched- 47. Mankirdia uled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amend- 48. Matya ment) Act, 1976 of Government of India. 62 Sche- 49. Mirdhas duled Tribes have been notified for Orissa State. 50. Munda, Munda Lohara, Munda Mahalis SCHEDULED TRIBES LIST FOR ORISSA 51. Mundari 1. Bagata 52. Omanatya 2. Baiga 53. Oraon 3. Banjara, Banjari 54. Parenga 4. 55. Paroja 5. Bhottada, Dhotada 56. Pentia 6. Bhuiya, Bhuyan 57. Rajuar 7. Bhumia 58. Santal 8. Bhumij 59. Saora, Savar, Saura, Sahara 9. 60. Shabar, Lodha 10. Binjhal 61. Sounti 11. Binjhia, Binjhoa 62. Tharua 4

Workers Q .16B. If 'Yes' in 16 A, have you ever worked The definition of working population has before ?Yes (1)/No {2} changed from census to census and as a result the Emphasis has also been given to elicit infor­ definition of working force has rarely remained un­ mation on participation of women and children in work changed between two censuses till 1981 Census. At as accurately as possible so that their status as work­ the 1981 Census it was considered desirable to ob­ ers is recorded fully by taking into account the unpaid tain as detailed a profile of the economic characteris­ work on farm or in family enterprise. tics of the population as possible without losing the "Work" has been defined as participation in any possibility of some comparability with the 1961 and economically productive activity. Such participation 1971 results. may be physical or mental in nature. Work participa­ Basically during 1981 Census, questions were tion involves not only actual work but also effective formulated so as to attempt a division of the entire supervision and direction of work. In all these ques­ population into two groups. i.e. those who have worked tions the reference period is one year preceding the any time at cJI during the last year and those who date of enumeration. Some work viz. agriculture and have not worked at all. After classifying the entire household industry are carried on either throughout population into these two broad groups i.e. the work­ the year or during a particular season or part of the ers and non-workers, the next attempt was to divide year depending on local circumstances. In such cases the workers into two categories such as Main work­ the reference period has ben the broad time span of ers and Marginal workers, Those who have worked the agricultural season preceding the enumeration. for 183 days or more during the last year preceding Attempt has been made in this publication to the date of enumeration are categorised as Main work­ present data relating to "main wokrers", "marginal ers. Those who have worked for less than six months workers" and "non-workers" separately. The main are categorised as marginal workers. Finally an at­ workers have further been distributed among work­ tempt was also made to determine the number of per­ ers of nine industrial categories. sons either seeking or availab!e for work from among The main workers are those who worked for a the non-workers and marginal workers. During 1991 major part of the year preceding the enumeration. Census the same definition has been adopted with "Marginal workers" are those who have worked slight modification in case of non-workers. 1991 Cen­ any time at all in the year preceding the enumeration sus envisages an attempt to find out the number of but have not worked for a major part of the year. The persons seeking or available for work from among type of work in which marginal workers were engaged the category of non-workers only and at the same have been elicited through question 15B. time it has been attempted to find out if they have "Non-workers" are those who have not worked worked any time before. any timf' at aU in the year preceding the enumeration. The questions relating to these characteristics Main activity of workers has been classified embodied in the Individual Slip canvassed at the 1991 Into the following nine broad categories: Census were as follow: (i) Cultivator I. Q.14A. Did your work any time at all last year? (ii) Agricultural labourer (Including unpaid work on farm or in (iii) Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and family enterprise) Plantations, Orchards and allied activities Yes (iv) Mining and Quarrying No (H/ST/D/R/BIIIO) (v) Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Q.14B. If 'Yes' in 14 A, Did your work for major Repairs part of last year? Yes (1)1 No (2) (a) Household Industry II. Q.15.A. Main activity last year? (b) Other than Household Industry Yes in 14B (C/ALlHHI/OW) (vi) Constructions No in 14B (H/ST/D/R/B/I/O) (vii) Trade and Commerce Q. 15 B. 'Yes' in 14B - Any other work any time (viii) Transport, Storage and Communications last year? Yes (C/AUHHI/OW) (ix) Other serllices 'No' in 14B- Work done any time last I. Cultivator - C year? (C/AUHHI/OW) For purposes of the Census a person is work­ III. Q.16A. If 'No' n 14 A, seeking/ available for ing as a cultivator if he or she is engaged either as work? Yes (1 )/No(2) employer, single worker or family worker in cultiva- 5 tion of land owned or held from Government or held sand pits, precious and semi-precious stones, mica, from private persons or institutions for payment in gypsum, etc. money, kind or share. Cultivation includes supervi­ V. (a) Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing sion or direction of cultivation. and Repairs in Household Industry A person who has given out hislher land to an­ It covers persons engaged in manufacturing, other person or persons for cultivation for money, kind processing, servicing and repairs in Household Indus­ or share of crop and who does not even supervise or try. Household Industry (HHI) is defined as an indus­ direct cultivation of land, will not be treated as culti­ try carried on by the head of household himself/her­ vator. Similarly, a person working in another person's self and or by the members of the household at home land for wages in cash or kind or a combination of or within the village in rural areas and only within the both (agricultural labourer} will not be treated as culti­ precincts of the house in which the household lives in vator. case of urban areas. The workers in a household Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing and har­ industry generally consist of members10f the house­ vesting and production of cereals and millet crops hold including the head. The industry should not be such as wheat, paddy, jowar, bajra, ragi, and other run on the scale of a factory which would qualify for crops such as sugarcane, ground-nuts, tapioca etc., being registered under the Indian Factories Act. LasUy, and pulses, raw jute and kindred fibre crop, cotton, a household industry should relate to production, etc, and does not include fruit growing, vegetable grow­ processing, servicing, repair or making and selling (but ing or keeping orchards or groves or working on plan­ not merely selling) of goods. It does not include pro­ tations like tea, coffee, rubber, cinchona and other fessions such as a pleader, doctor, barber, musician, medicinal plantations. dancer, waterman, dhobi, astrologer etc., or merely II. Agricultrual Labourer - AL trade or business, even if such professions, trade or A person who wor~s on another person's land services are run at home by members of the house­ for wages in money, kind or share should be regarded hold. as an agricultural labourer. He or she has no risk in V. (b) Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing the cultivation, but he/she merely works on another and Repairs in other than Household Industry person's land for wages. An agricuturallabourer has It includes persons engaged in manufacturing. no right of lease or contract on land on which he/she processing, servicing and repairs (other than House­ works. hold Industry) III. Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and VI. Construction Plantation, Orchards and allied activities It includes persons engaged in construction ac­ It covers persons engaged in rearing of live - tivities such as maintenance of building, roads, rail­ stock such as goats, horses, pigs, ducks, bees, silk ways, telegraph, telephone, waterways and water worms, etc. and production of wool, raw silk etc.; plan­ reservoir, hydro electric projects, industrial plants, tation and conservation of forests, felling and cutting activities allied to construction such as plumbing, heat­ of trees, production of fuel, gathering of fodder, gums, ing and air conditioning installation, setting of tiles, resins, etc.; sea, coastal and inland water fishing, marbles, bricks, etc. construction of electrical instal­ pisciculture, collection of pearls, conches, shells, lation etc. sponges, etc.; hunting, trapping and game propaga­ VII. Trade and Commerce tion for commercial purposes only; plantation such It covers persons engaged in wholesale and as tea, coffee, rubber, tobacco, edible nuts, fruits, retail trade of any type like cereals, pulses, food stuff, ganja, betel nuts etc. including orchard farming; and textiles and textile product; wholesale trade in ani­ other allied activities such as pest destroying, opera­ mals, straw and fodder; in medicines, chemicals, fuel tion of irrigation system, animal shearing and livestock lighting products, porcelain, glass utensil, crockery, services (other than veterinary services,) grading ag­ etc; in all types of machinery, equipment including ricultural and livestock products, soil conservation, transport and electrical eqUipment, trade in furniture, soil testing etc. rubber and rubber products, building materials, clocks, IV. Mining and Quarrying eye glasses, medical and surgical instruments, pre­ It includes persons engaged in mining and quar­ cious metals, stone, jewellery, etc.; in grocery, rying activities such as mining of coal, lignite, crude vegetables, fruit selling, meat, poultry, bakery prod­ petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, manganese, gold, ucts, dairy products, pan, bidi, aerated water etc.; in silver, copper ore, and quarrying of stones, clay and readymade garments, retail trade in books and sta- 6 tionery. It also includes' restaurants, cafes and other such as infants or children not attending school or a eating places, hotels, rooming houses, camps and person permanently disabled from work because of other fodging places. illness or old age. VIII. Transport, Storage and Communications (iv) Retired person or Rentier - A retired per­ It includes persons engaged in transportational, son or a rentier or a person living on agricultural or storage and communicational activities such as rail­ non-agricultural royalty, rent or dividend or any other ways, tramways, motor buses, bullock carts, ekka, person of independent means for securing which he tonga, etc., ocean and coastal water transport, inland does not have to work, comes under this category. water transport, air transport, services rendered to (v) Beggars etc. - This covers beggars, or va­ transport such as packing, crating, trave! agencies, grants or such cases as independent women without etc. It also includes activities like storage, warehous­ indication of source of income and those of unspeci­ ing, communication such as postal, telegraph, wire­ fied source of subsistence and who are not engaged less, telephone etc. in any economically productive work. IX. Other Services (vi) Inmates of Institutions - This includes con­ It includes all other persons engaged in vari­ victs in jails or inmates of a penal, mental or charita­ ous types of economic activities who are not covered ble institution. under industrial categories I to VIII. (vii) Other non-workers - All non-workers who Non-Workers may not come under any of the six categories above Non-workers have also been divided into but are seeking work are included in this category. following seven categories. Area Figures (i) Household duties The Surveyor General of India provides the area (ii) Students figures for the State and District level. The area fig­ (iii) Dependants ures of the units down below the district level, viz., (iv) Retired persons or rentiers C.D. Block, Tahasil, Police Station, towns have been (v) Beggars, etc. given in sq. km. The total area of all villages of the (vi) Inmates of institutions district does not add up to the corresponding area of (vii) Other non-workers the district because the former represents the land (i) Household duties - This covers all those use area and is derived from the figures (in hectares) persons basically engaged in unpaid home duties supplied by the local revenue authorities. But the dOing no other work, or even if such a person may total of the village area will tally with total rural areas also be participating in some other work, it is not to of the C.D. Block. the same extent as a whole time worker and if the Density person has returned his or her main activity as at­ The density (population per square kilometre) tending to household duties. When a person whose shown for the State/District/C. D. Block/Police Station/ main activity is attending to household duties, also Town have been worked out using the area figures engages oneself in some other economic activity such corrected up to two places of decimals. as helping in family cultivation or preparing cowdung Spelling of administrative ul1jt cakes at odd times for sale, etc., that economic ac­ The spellings of district names have been tivity is covered as marginal work. adopted from the Survey of India. However, the spell­ (ii) Student - This refers to those whose main ings of lower units, viz., Community Development activity is returned as a student. This will cover all Blocks, Police Stations, Villages, Towns are in con­ full-time students' or children attending school. Even formity with the spellings available in the State when such persons participated insome work but not Government records. to the same extent as a full-time worker, by merely 0-6 age group population helping casually as an unpaid family worker in family . An attempt has been made during 1991 Cen­ cultivation, household industry, trade or business, they sus to present the sexwise population in the 0-6 age are treated primarily as students, since that is their group in Primary Census Abstract for the first time for main activity. computation of more realistic literacy rate. (iii) Dependant -This includes all dependants DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOKS

Among the traditional documentation of the Cen­ statistics were provided in the District Census Hand­ SUS, the fairly comprehensive and uniform publica­ book. The Primary Census Abstract was given under tion of District Census Handbook (D.C.H.) consisting the heading "Village Statistics". However, the infor­ of town and village directory and town and villagewise mation on villagewise list of displaced persons and Primary Census Abstract (P.C.A) has been found to information on small scale industries were presented be very useful and are constantly referred to by the in the 1951 District Census Handbook volume. planners and data users. The District Census Hand­ Similarly, 1961 Census publication was pre­ book is the only publication that incorporates the data sented in one volume. This volume was divided into 3 down to a village level in rural area and up to ward parts. First part contained the census tables and the level in the urban area. The data published in these official statistics was given in the third part. The infor­ volumes are of. immense value to the planners, schol­ mation given in the Village Directory and Town Direc­ ars and administrators for ~he purpose of village level, tory for 1981 Census was not given in the 1961 Dis­ block level and district level planning and studies. It tiic.l Ce!lSUS Handbook. The villagewise Primary Cen­ is a publication of the State Government. The cost sus Abstract was given in the second part under the thereof is borne by the State Government. However, heading of "Village Directory", The information on the Director of Census of the State is responsible to villagewise list of industries and tables on fairs and the extent of providing necessary data which are ob· festivals were presented in 1961 District Census Hand­ tained through Census. book publication. This document was first published as an auxil­ According to the 1971 Census publication pro­ iary to 1951 Census consequent upon the request of gramme, the District Census Handbooks were pub­ the Government of India to State Government to pub­ lished in 3 volumes - Part - A containing the data on lish District Census Handbooks containing statistical amenities, Part - B incorporating Primary Census information relating to villages, towns, C.D. Blocks Abstract (P.C.A) and Part - C giving administrative and Police Stations etc. of the districts. The State statistics and census tables, District Census Government agreed to this and decided to bring out Hanbooks, Part-A and Part - B for the 1971 Census District Census Handbook as a priced publication to could be published quickly. Both these volumes were be published in the State Government Press. This in great demand by the data users, as they contained publication since then is continuing with unbroken a vast mass of data on amenities available in the chain. Apart from giving the rural statistical informa­ Village/town along with demographic features. In re­ tion, it readily gives a complete list of villages con­ gard to the District Census Handbook Part-C we faced tained within a police station and district. It will not, difficulties in collecting administrative statistics from however, be out of place to mention here that in some various offices and our progress in publishing the re­ of the districts, complete list of villages is not main­ port was considerably delayed. After obtaining tained properly and the present list is the result of necessary statistics, much difficulty had to be en­ extensive enquiries and contacts with different agen­ countered in printing of the Part-C which was pend­ cies and can be regarded as exhaustive. ing in the State Government Press at for a To make the data component more illustrative pretty long time. Under compelling circumstances the maps of the district, tahasil, CD. Block and police manuscript could be printed in the private presses station are also published in the publication. The po­ located at Cuttack and elsewhere. In view of the inor­ lice station maps with C.D. Block boundaries show­ dinate delay in collecting administrative statistics ing the villages as per the population SIze, having dif­ which would in any case be available to the data us­ ferent amenities represented in approved legend will ers in the publications of the respective statistical bu­ help the readers in easy appreciation. reaus/departments of the State Government there According to the 1951 publication programme was re-thinking in the matter to drop the publication the District Census Handbook was published in one of Part-C of the District Census Handbook for the volume and did not contain information given in the 1981 Census. village and town directory. Apart form this the brief During 1981 it has been decided to publish the introduction of the district, general features, density 1981 District Census Handbook in two parts - Part map, prescribed tables for general population, eco­ 'A' was confined to village and town directory, whereas nomic tables, social and cultural tables and village Part 'B' confined to village and townwise Primary Cen-

7 d sus Abstract including Scheduled Castes and Sche­ under each Police Station under a C.D. Block have duled Tribes Primary Census Abstract up to, Police been shown separately. To make comparability of data Station/ Town levels. Despite the fact that publication with previous censuses the TahasillPolice Station/ of both the parts in one volume would have enhanced Town-wise Primary Census Abstract figures have been the value, it would not be helped in respect of the presented in Part 'B' volume. bigger districts comprising large number of villages Both manual and computerised location codes and towns. Therefore, the publication has been bro­ for each village has been shown separately for 1981 ken up into two volumes (Part 'A' and 'B'). and 1991 Census in the alphabetical list for conve­ By and large, the contents of the Village and nience of the data users. Town Directory are almost similar to those adopted Besides the Tahasil and C.D.Block maps, Po­ for 1971 Census, barring a few changes necessitated lice Station-wise maps showing the village and town by requirements of the planners and data users. boundary has been presented in these volumes with During 1991 Census it has been decided to C.D. Block boundary for facilitating the readers and follow the pattern of 1981 Census by publishing the data users etc. D.C.H. volumes in 2 parts, Part 'A' would contain Similar to 1981 Census total population and statistics on village and town directory and Part 'B' number of households for each village has been shown would give data on village and town-wise Primary in the village directory to ascertain the co-relation of Census Abstract including Scheduled Castes/Sched­ the amenities with population and number of house­ uled Tribes Primary Census Abstract. On demand of holds they serve. the data users, planners and State Govt. for the first Both the village and town directory and objec­ time in census, the villagewise information for both tives of various columns thereunder along with the the parts of District Census Handbook volumes have connotation of various observations used therein have been presented C.D. Block-wise. The villages coming been explained in the relevant sections. SCOPE OF THE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

Primary Census Abstract is the basic table sus abstract has been presented in 43 columns compiled manually on full count basis from the infor­ whereas the primary census abstract for district and mation collected in the Individual Slip and Household C.D. Blocks and district, tahasil, P.S. and town P.CA, Schedule. It is adjunct of the A-series census tables have been presented in 60 columns. By and large the which gives basic demographic information on area proforma adopted forthe present operation is almost of the unit, number of occupied residential houses, similar to the proforma adopted during 1971 Census number of households, total population by sex, popu­ as all the nine industrial categories presented during lation of age group 0-6 by sex. population of Sche­ 1971 have been presented during this operation also. duled Castes and Scheduled Tribes by sex, literates But during 1981 Census the main workers were clas­ by sex, main workers classified into nine industrial sified and presented in four categories. categories by sex, marginal workers by sex and non­ One of the novel features of the primary cen­ workers by sex. sus abstract of 1991 Census is the presentation of The information on each village under a C.D. data of the population of age group 0-6. It will help the Block and each of wards under a town has been pro­ data users in better analysis of literacy data. vided in this volume. In case of villages which are not The concepts and definitions used in the col­ covered in any C.D. Block has been shown separately umn heading have already been explained in the pre­ under the heading "Villages not included in any VIOUS paragraphs. C.D.Block (like forest villages etc.}.". Area Figures For the first time on demand of the data-users, The area figures supplied by local revenue au­ scholars and different authorities of the State Govt. thorities of the district in respect of tahasils, P.Ss and etc, the Primary Census Abstract data has been pre­ by the local bodies in respect of towns are given in sented for villages C.D. Block-wise. Relevant extract sq.kms. The area figures of the villages supplied by from Primary Census Abstract showing the summary the Tahasildar in acres have been converted and shown figures for the C.D. Block and the town within the dis­ in hectares. The area figure of the C.D. Block is the trict is given at the beginning of the primary census total of the village areas coming under each C.D. Block. abstract. After it to maintain comparability of the data The area figures for the district supplied by the Sur­ the primary census abstract data forTahasiVP.S.lTown veyor General of India have been adopted to maintain has been presented in this volume (Appendix-ii). Map uniformity at the national level. The total area figures of tahasil showing the P.S. boundaries, location of of all the tahasils/C.D. Blocks within the district may town and more populous village etc. followed by the not tally with area figures of the district because former administrative map of the P.S. showing the boundary represents land use area only. Similarly, the total of of the villages with location code numbers and towns all the villages may not tally with the entire rural of situated thereunder have been presented at the end P.S.lTahasil. The difference may be due to the fact of the book. Besides, other details similar to the dis­ that the area covered by hills, forests and rivers etc. trict and tahasil maps, different population size viz. have been accounted in the Tahasils and P.S. level less than 200,200-499,500-999,1,000-4,999 and 5,000 whereas the same may not be covered under the area and above in the villages are also presented through of the villages. Apart from this it may also differ due symbolic representation in the P.S. maps. The unin­ to varying methods of computation adopted at differ­ habited villages are shown by cross mark (X). The ent levels. shaded portion of the map represents the urban area After presentation of the village wise primary within the P.S. The boundaries of each· C.D. Block census abstract of all the C.D. BlocksfTowns an ap­ has been shown within the P.S. map, for identification pendix has also been furnished showing urban enu­ of village coming under each C. D. Block. meration block wise particulars on population, Sche­ The list of villages within a C.D. Block have duled Caste population and Scheduled Tribe popula­ been arranged in an alphabetical order within each tion along with sex break up for each town. P.S. which are coming under the concerned C.D. Like 1981 Census the primary census abstract Block, along with their location code number of 1981 for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for and 1991 Censuses. The town/village primary cen- each C.D. Block/Town have also been presented to-

9 10 wards the end of the book. These primary census 3. U for Urban abstracts have represented in 52 columns. Concepts 4. C.D.Block for Community Development Block used in different columns of the proforma have been 5. P.S. for Police Station explained in earlier paragraphs. 6. M for Municipality Abbreviation 7. NAC. for Notified A~e~ Council The abbreviations used in this report are ex­ 8. C.T. for Census Town . plained below: 9. O.G. for Out-growth 1. T for Total 10.N.A. for Not available 2. R for Rural 11.U.S. for Unsurveyed ANALYSIS OF PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DATA

Presentation of inset tables in the District Cen­ analysis of each such table is given below for facility sus Handbook is the developed way of providing the of data users. Primary Census Abstract data to the planners, re­ Table 1(A) presents the C.D. Block-wise popu­ search scholars, data users etc. A brief and short lation and number of villages of 1991 Census.

TABLE-1 (A) Population and number of villages, 1991

SI.No. Name of C.D. Block Population of villages No. of villages Persons Males Females Total inhabited 2 3 4 5 6 7 KendL1jhargarh 116,724 58,732 57,992 225 216 2 Harichandanpur 98,948 50,056 48,892 212 201 3 Patana 81,221 40,239 40,982 153 149 4 Ghatgaon 87,826 44,164 43,662 142 140 5 Saharapada 70,902 34,950 35,952 139 137 6 Telkoi 74,210 37,601 36,609 149 143 7 Banspal 70,647 35,196 35,451 163 162 8 Anandapur 83,731 42,276 41,455 122 121 9 Hatadihi 121,757 61,733 60,024 207 205 10 Ghasipura 123,727 62,743 60,984 176 169 11 Champua 80,105 39,776 40,329 149 144 12 Jhumpura 83,445 41,742 41,703 154 151 13 Joda 74,670 37,794 36,876 118 114 14 Not in any C.D. Block (forest viiI.) 2,239 1,127 1,112 18 15 District Total 1,170,152 588,129 582,023 2,127 2,067

It is seen from the table that 1,170,152 per­ lowest population of 70,647. The highest number of sons live in 2,067 inhabited villages of the district in inhabited villages is found in Kendujhargarh C.D. Block which the males and the females are 588,129 and as against the lowest number of inhabited villages in 582,023 respectively. Among 13 C.D. Blocks of the Joda C.D. Block. district Ghasipura C.D. Block has the highest popula­ Table 1 (B) provides the population of all the tion of 123,727 whereas Banspal C.D. Block has the towns of the district.

TABLE-1{B) Population and number of Towns, 1991

SI.No. Name and civic administration Population status of town Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 1 III Anandapur town NAC 30,278 15,883 14,395 2 II (Bolani) town CT 11,370 6,315 5,055 3 III town (M) 42,032 22,705 19,327 4 V Champua town CT 5,746 3,062 2,684 5 VI Daitari town CT 4,434 2,364 2,070 6 III Joda town (NAC) 31,069 16,280 14,789 7 III Kendujhar town (M) 41,945 22,742 19,203 District Urban Toal 166,874 89,351 77,523

It is seen from the table that the urban popula­ 89,351 and the females are 77,523. Barbil NAC. tion of the district is 166,874 where the males are possesses the highest population (42,032) as against

11 12 the lowest population (4,434) of Daitari Census Town. Census. Champua Census Town being a new town of 1991 Table - 2 shows the towns newly formed, towns Census records only 5,746 population which is much declassified and towns merged with other towns in higher than that of Daitari Census Town of 1981 1991 Census.

TABLE-2 New towns declassified/merged in 1991 census

Name of the town Population 2 (a) Added-Champua town (Census) 5,746 population (1991 CeIlSUS) (b) Declassified - nil- (c) Wholly merged with other -nil-

It is quite clear from the table that only one district. town namely Champua Census Town has been cre­ Table 3 displays the percentage variation of ated in the district during 1991 Census having popu­ population between 1981 and 1991 Censuses of all lation 5,746. The village Champua was declared as a the seven tahasils of the district. It can be pointed town by the Director of Census Operations, Orissa in out that Ghatgaon Tahasil registers the highest growth conSUltation with the State Govt. basing on the urban of 22.68 per cent and 23.60 per cent in total and rural characteristics of the village. With the creation of this population respectively whereas Champua Tahasil town the total number of towns in the district reached shows the lowest growth of 16.48 per cent and 11.89 at 7. per cent in these respects. But in case of urban popu­ Table - 3 demonstrates the decadal change in lation the reverse is true which implies that Champua distribution of population of all the tahasils of the Tahasils shows the highest growth (100.00 per cent)

TABLE-3 Oecadal change in distribution of population

Populatioo Percentage decadal Percentage of Name of Tahasil 1981 1991 variation (1981-91) urban population Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1981 1991 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Telkoi 100,163 100,163 121,084 121,084 +20.89 +20.89

2. Barbil 151,845 82,997 68,848 182,988 98,517 84,471 +20.51 +18.70 +22.69 45.34 46.16

3 Champua 125,007 125,007 145,613 139,867 5,746 + 16,48 +11.89 +100.00 3.95

4 Kendujhar 271,389 243,330 28,059 320,211 278,266 41,945 +17.99 +14.36 +49.49 10.34 13.10

5 Ghatgaon 167,930 163,086 4,844 206,013 201,579 4,434 +22.68 +23.60 -8.46 2.88 2.15

6 Anandapur 189,764 165,159 24,605 228,148 197,870 30,278 +20.23 +19.81 +23.06 12.97 13.27

7 Hatadihi 108,524 108,524 132,969 132,969 +22.52 +22.52

District Total 1,114,622 988,266 126,356 1,337,026 1,170,152 166,874 +19.95 +18.40 +32.07 11.34 12.48 whereas Ghatgaon Tahasil shows the negative growth ages. That is because Barbil Tahasil includes three (-8.46 per cent) having less population than 1981 Cen­ towns namely, Barbil NAC, Joda NAC and Balagoda sus population. As regards the percentage of urban (Bolani) Census Town with 42,032,31,069 and 11,370 population to total population in 1981 and 1991 Cen­ population respectively whereas Ghatgaon Tahasil in­ sus, Barbil Tahasil shows the highest percentages cludes only Daitari Census Town with only 4,434 popu­ whereas Ghatgaon Tahasil shows the lowest percent- lation. 13

Table - 4 depicts the C.D. Blockswise percent- ranges of 1991 Census. age distribution of villages according to population It is found from the table that the percentage TABLE-4 Percentage Distribution of Villages by Population Ranges, 1991

Name of No. of percentage No. and percentatt of villages in each range C.D. Block of inhabited villages (Figures in parenthesis indicate percentage of villages in each range) Less than 200 200-499 500-1999 2000-4999 5000-9999 10000 or above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Kendujhargarh 216 34 97 83 2 0 0 (100.00) (15.74) (44.91) (38.42) (0.93) (0.00) (0.00) Harichandanpur 201 58 74 67 2 0 0 (100.00) (28.86) (36.82) (33.33) (1.00) (0.00) (.00) Patana 149 24 52 72 0 0 (100.00) (16.11) (34.90) (48.32) (0.67) (0.00) (0.00) Ghatgaon 140 15 54 70 1 0 0 (100.00) (10.71) (38.57) (50.00) (0.71) (0.00) (0.00) Sahjarapada 137 16 67 53 0 0 (100.00) (11.68) (48.91) (38.68) (0.73) (0.00) (0.00) Telkoi 143 37 55 48 3 0 0 (100.00) (25.87) (38.46) (33.57) (2.10) (0.00) (0.00) Banspal 162 38 77 46 a 0 (100,00) (23.46) (47,53) (28.39) (0.62) (0.00) (0.00) Anandapur 121 18 41 58 4 0 a (100.00) (14.88) (33.88) (47,93) (3.31) (0.00) (0.00) Hatadihi 205 48 76 74 6 0 (100.00) (23.41) (37.07) (36.10) (2.93) (0.49) (.00) Ghasipura 169 20 59 84 6 0 0 (100,00) (11.84) (34.91 ) (49.70) (3,55) (0.00) (0.00) Champua 144 19 64 59 2 0 0 (100,00) (13.20) (44.44) (40.97) (1.39) (0.00) (0,00) Jhumpura 151 24 69 55 3 0 0 (100.00) (15.89) (45.70) (36.42) (1.99) (0.00) (O.OO) Joda 114 ._. 15 40 56 3 0 0 (100,00) (13,16) (35.09) (49.12) (2.63) (.00) (0,00)

Not in any C.D. Block 15 13 (t 1 0 0 0 (forest viII) (100.00) (86.66) (6.67) (6,67) (O.OO) (0.00) (0.00) District Total 2,067 379 826 826 35 ° (100.00) (18.34) (39.96) (39.96) (1.69) (0.05) (0.00) of inhabited villages is more in the population ranges The highest percentage (50%) of villages i~ (200-499) and (500-1999) of the district as well as all found in Ghatgaon C.D. Block under the population the C.D. Blocks of the district but the percentage of range (500-1999) as against the lowest percentag3 villages is very less or nil in the highest population (28.39%) of villages in Banspal C.D.Btock but in case ranges (5000-9999) and 10,000 or above. Only one of population range (200-499), the highest percentage village namely Bangura (or Bangore) in Hatadihi C.D. (48.91%) of villages is noticed in Saharapada C.D. Block comes under (5,000-9,999) population range Block whereas the lowest percentage (33.88%) of with 5,236 population. villages is seen in Anandapur C.D. Block. 14

Table- 5 shows the distribution of villages by It is seen tram the table that the sex ratio i.e., density. (females per 'I ,000 males) is more in four C.D. Blocks TABLE-5 of the district namely Patana, Saharapada, Banspal Distribution of Villages by Density and Champua. The highest sex ratio is recorded in Saharpada C. D. Block whereas the lowest is noticed Range of Total No. of villages Percentage of villages in Hatadihi and Ghasipura C.D. Blocks. The sex ratio Density in each density range in each density range for rural population of the district is 990 whereas the (Per Sq. Km.) sex ratio for total population of the district is 974. The 1 2 3 sex ratio of the State is known to be 971 which is 0-10 7 0.34 lower than the district sex ratio. 11 ·20 7 0.34 21- SO 102 4.93 The table - 6 (B) presents the sex ratio for towns 51 - 100 230 11.13 of the district in 1991 Census. 101 - 200 666 32.22 TABLE· 6 (8) 201 - MO 489 23.65 Sex Ratio for Towns 1991 301 - 500 323 15.63 501 + 198 9.58 SJ.No. Name and civic administration Number of temales Not Known 45 2.18 status of town per 1,000 males Total 2,067 100.00 2 3 1 III Anandapur town (NAG) 906 It is seen from the table that the highest 2 II Balagoda (Bolani) town CT 800 percentage of villages is found in (101-200) density 3 III Barbil town (M) 851 range where density implies the population per square 4 V Champua town CT 877 kilometre area and the lowest percentage of 'Villages 5 VI Daitari town CT 876 is found in (0-10) and (11-20) density ranges. Further 6 III Joda town (NAC) 908 it is observed that the percentage of villages increases 7 III Kendujhar town (M) 844 upto the density range (101-200) and decreases at District Urban total 868 the increase of density range. It is evident from the table that the sex ratio Table - 6 (a) provides the sex ratio of all the (Le. females per 1,000 males) in all the towns of the C.D. Blocks of the .District having rural population only district varies betVtJeen 800 to 908. Among 7 towns as per 1991 Census. of the district, the sex ratio for Joda town is found to be the highest (908) as against the lowest sex ratio TABLE -6 (A) for Balagoda (Bolani) Census town (800). Sex Ratio for rural Population of C.D. Blocks, 1991 Table -7 delineates the villages with their per­ 81. No. Name of C. D. Block Number of females centages according to percentage rate of Scheduled per 1,000 males Castes. 2 3 TABLE -7 1 K endujha rgarh 987 Proportion of Scheduled Caste population 2. Harichandanpur 977 to total population in the villages 3 Patana 1,018 Percentage range of No. of Villages Percentage of Villages 4 Ghatgaon 989 Scheduled Caste in each range in each range 5 8aharapada 1,029 population to total 6 Telkoi 974 population 7 Banspal 1,007 1 2 3 8 Anandapur 981 Nil 748 36.18 9 Hatadihi 972 0-5 493 23.85 10 Ghasipura 972 6 - 10 233 11.27 11 Champua 1,014 11 - 15 180 8.71 12 Jhumpura 999 16 - 20 114 5.52 13 Joda 976 21 - 30 119 5.76 14 Not in any C.D.Block (forest viii.) 987 31 and above 180 8.71 District Total 990 Total 2,067 100.00 15

It is revealed from the table that the highest be mentioned here that the villages with Scheduled number (~48 or 36.18%) of villages have no Sche­ Tribes population are preponderant in the district. duled Caste population at all. It is further seen that TABLE-a with the increase of Scheduled Caste percentage Proportion of scheduled tribe population to range upto (16-20), the villages or the percentage of total population in the villages villages decreases but when it increases further, the villages with their percentages increase for the last Percentage range No. of villages in Percentage of twO ranges. The lowest percentage of villages is found of Scheduled Tribe each range villages in each in (16-20) Scheduled Caste percentage range. population to total range population Table-8 describe the villages with percentages 1 2 3 according to percentage range of Scheduled Tribes. Nil 215 10.40 0-5 127 6.14 The Table indicates that, there is no Scheduled 6 - 15 147 7.11 Tribe population at all in 215 villages in the district 16 - 25 120 5.81 and the highest percentage (51.09%) of villages is 26 - 35 162 7.84 found·in the highest percentage range (51 and above) 36 - 50 240 11.61 of Scheduled Tribes. The next highest percentage 51 and above 1,056 51.09 (11.61 %) of villages is found in the 2nd highest per­ Total 2,067 100.00 centage range of Scheduled Tribes. Lastly, the lowest Table - 9 depicts the Scheduled Caste and percentage of (5.81%) of villages is found in (16-25 Scheduled Tribe percentages of all the towns of the percentage range of Scheduled Tribes. Thus, it can district as per 1991 Census.

TABLE - 9 Percentage of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in towns 1991

Name and Civic Total Population Total SC Total8T Percentage of Percentage of administration status of Town population population 8C population 8T population to total population to total population 2 3 4 5 6

Anandapur town (NAG) 30,278 5,153 2,554 17.02 8.44

8alagoda (Bolani) town CT 11,370 1,363 2,620 11.99 23.04

8arbil town (M) 42,032 5,530 11,904 13.16 28.32

Champua town CT 5,746 385 808 6.70 14.06

Daitari town CT 4,434 543 1,566 12.25 35.32

Joda town (NAG) 31,069 5,432 10,617 17.48 34.17

Kendujhar town (M) 41,945 5,690 10,482 13.57 24.99

District Urban Total 116,874 24,096 40,551 14.44 24.30

Table - 9 reveals that the percentage of Sche­ Champua Census Town. Similarly the highest percent­ duled Castes to total urban population of the district age (35.32 per cent) of Scheduled Tribes is recorded is 14.44 per cent, whereas the percentage of Sched­ in Daitari Census town as against the lowest percent­ uled Tribes to total urban population is 24.30% which age (8.44 per cent) of Scheduled Tribes in Anandapur proves that Scheduled Tribes exceed Scheduled Town. In comparison between Scheduled Castes and Castes. It can be pointed out further that highest Schedule Tribes in all towns of the district, it is seen percentage (17.48 per cent) of Scheduled Castes in that the scheduled tribes exceed the castes except recorded in Joda town whereas the 10WElst percent­ Anandapur town. age (6.70 per cent) of Scheduled Castes is seen in The Table-10 (A) shows sex-wise literacy 16 among rural population of all the C.D.Blocks of the age group of (0-6) are excluded. district as per 1991 Census where the children in the It is observed from the table that the literacy TABLE - 10 (A) Literacy rates for rural population of C.D. Blocks by sex, 1991 (excluding children in the age group 0-6)

SI.No. Name of C.D. Block Percentage of Literates Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 1 Kendujhargarh 43.29 59.89 26.47 2 Harichandanpur 35.79 51.26 19.98 3 Patana 41.92 56.81 27.44 4 Ghatgaon 41.13 57.79 24.34 5 Saharapada 37.76 52.75 23.35 6 Telkoi 36.50 51.78 20.76 7 8anspal 17.72 28.53 6.92 8 Anandapur 39.38 52.35 26.15 9 Hatadihi 57.08 70.58 43.19 10 Ghasipura 57.91 70.66 44.80 11 Champua 44.87 61.09 28.96 12 Jhumpura 40.00 55.34 24.75 13 Joda 29.96 44.04 15.39 14 Not in any C.D. Block (forest vii!.) 12.76 22.25 2.71 District Total 41.91 56.51 27.18 for rural population of the district is 41,91 per cent as it is seen that the same Ghasipura C.D.Blopck records against 44,73 per cent literacy for total population of the highest literacy of 70.66 per cent among males the district. The rural male literacy of the district here and 44.80 per cent among females. But the lowest is much higher than the rural female literacy which male and female literacy Le. 28.53 per cent and 6.92 proves that district is lacking in female education in per cent respectively are noticed in the same Banspal rural area of the district. Coming to C.D.Blocks of the C.D. Block. district, it is seen that Ghasipura C.D. Block shows the highest literacy (57.91 per cent) followed by The Table- 10 (B) presents the literacy for all Hatadihi C.O.Block with 57.08 per cent. The lowest the towns of the district as per 1991 Census where literacy (17.72%) is found in Banspal C.D. Block. As the children in the age group (0-6) are excluded. far as literacy among males and females is concerned, Table 10 (B) exhibits that the urban literacy of TABLE - 10(8) Literacy rates for towns, 1991 (excluding children in the age group 0-6)

SI.No. Name and civic administration Percentage of Literates status of town Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 III Anandapur town (NAG) 69.40 79.66 57.92 2 II Balagoda (Bolani) town CT 63.59 74.40 49.74 3 III Barbil town (M) 54.65 66.61 40.16 4 V Champua town CT 75.74 85.63 64.42 5 VI Daitari town CT 70.34 82.45 55.68 6 III Joda town (NAC) 55.47 68.84 40.65 7 III Kendujhar town (M) 73.47 82.73 62.24 District Urban Total 64.12 75.19 51.09 17

the district is 64.12 per cent where the urban male Barbil town obtain the highest and the lowest lit- and female literacy are found to be 75.19 per cent eracy respectively. In comparison with table 10(A) it and 51.09 per cent respectively. It is further noticed is understood that the urban literacy among persons, : that among the towns of the district Champua Cen- males and females is higher than the rural counter- sus Town heads the list with 75.74 per cent literacy part. followed by the headquarters town of Kendujharwith Table 11 (A) displays the percentage of main 13.47 per cent but the lowest literacy of 54.65 per- workers, marginal workers and non-workers for rural cent is found in Barbil Town where most of the inhab- population of C.D. Blocks of the district as per 1991 jtants are said to be the mining workers. Joda town is Census. also a mining town where the literacy is less I.e. 55.47 It is learnt from the table that the percentage of per cent which is just above Barbil town. As regards total rural workers to total rural population of the dis- male and female literacy Champua Census Town and trict is 40.06 per cent whereas the percentage of the TABLE - 11 (A) Percentage of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers for rural population of C.D. Blocks, 1991

SI.No. Name of C.D. Block Percentage of Main workers to Marginal workers to Total workers to Non-workers to total population totat population total population total population

P M F P M F P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1. Kendujhargarh 36.62 52.56 20.48 5.22 0.80 9.70 41.84 53.36 30.17 58.16 46.64 69.83

2 Harichandanpur 32.70 52.42 12.51 6.01 1.15 11.00 38.71 53.56 23.50 61.29 46.44 76.50

3 Patana 35.04 52.29 18.09 11.76 1.83 21.51 46.80 54.12 39.61 53.20 45.88 60.39

4 Ghatgaon 32.97 53.67 12.03 13.23 1.17 25.43 46.20 54.84 37.47 53.80 45.16 62.53

5 Saharapada 36.73 53.29 20.64 10.14 1.30 18.73 46.87 54.59 39.37 53.13 45.41 60.63

6 Telkoi 34.71 54.39 14.49 9.18 1.45 17.12 43.89 55.84 31.51 56.11 44.16 68.39

7 8anspal 34.72 53.09 16.49 9.35 1.97 16.69 44.07 55.06 33.18 55.93 44.94 66.82

8 Anandapur 28.94 52.30 5.11 4.88 1.05 8.79 33.82 53.35 13.90 66.18 46.65 86.10

9 Hatadihi 29.14 52.16 5.46 1.20 0.27 2.15 30.34 52.44 7.61 69.66 47.56 92.39

10 Ghasipura 27.47 50.40 3.88 1.21 0.54 1.90 28.68 50.94 5.78 71.32 49.06 94.22

11 Champua 39.18 53.26 25.30 7.72 0.98 14.37 46.90 54.24 39.67 53.10 45.76 60.33

12 Jhumpura 35.05 52.76 17.33 9.30 1.50 17.10 44.35 54.25 34.43 55.65 45.75 65.57

13 Joda 36.32 51.93 20.32 3.76 1.01 6.58 40.08 52.94 26.90 59.92 47.06 73.10

14 Not in any C.D. Block 36.40 55.46 17.09 5.36 1.24 9.53 41.76 56.70 26.62 58.24 43.30 73.38 (forest viiI.)

District Total 33.42 52.54 14.11 6.64 1.08 12.27 40.06 53.62 26.37 59.94 46.38 73.63 main and the marginal workers is 33.42 per cent and males than that of the females. Similarly the percent- 6.64% respectively. Coming to C.D. Blocks of the ages of non workers are more in females than that of district, it is observed that the highest percentage of the males. In comparison with the Table -10 (A), it is workers (46.90%) is found in Champua C.D. Block marked that Ghasipura C.D.Block having high literacy, Whereas the lowest percentage (28.68%) of workers possesses the low work participation rate. is found in Ghasipura C.D.Block. It is further marked The Table-11 (B) exposes the percentage of that the work participation rate is higher among the main workers, marginal workers and non-workers for 18 towns ot the district as per 1991 Census. ers of 0.80 per cent. The percentage of urban non­ workers to total urban population ot the district is 69.93 It is clear from the table that the percentage ot per cent. It is noticed trom the table that the highest workers in the urban areas to urban population of the work participation rate (32.80%) is marked in Joda district is 30.07 per cent which is constituted by the Town as against the lowest work participation rate main workers ot 29.27 per cent and the marginal work- (26.85%) in AnandapurTown.ln the reverse way the

TABLE - 11 (B) Percentage of main workers, marginal workers, and non-workers for towns, 1991

SI.No. Name and Percentage of civic administration Main workers to Marginal workers to Total workers to Non-workers to status of towns total population total population total population total population p M F P M F P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1. III Anandapur Town (NAG) 25.82 45.88 3.67 1.03 0.38 1.75 26.8f, 46.26 5.42 73.15 53.74 94.56

2 II Balagoda (80lani) Town CT28.86 46.82 6.41 2.91 0.62 5.78 31.77 47.44 12.19 68.23 52.56 87.81

3 III Barbil Town (M) 31.08 50.78 7.94 0.12 0.11 0.13 31.20 50.89 8.07 68.80 49.11 91.93

4 V Champua Town CT 27.18 45.62 6.15 0.35 0.07 0.67 27.53 45.69 6.82 72.47 54.31 93.18

5 VI Daitari Town CT 28.48 48.05 6.14 0.72 0.64 0.82 29.21 48.69 6.96 70.79 51.31 93.04

6 III Joda Town (NAC) 31.92 49.13 12.96 0.88 0.46 1.35 32.80 49.59 14.31 67.20 50.41 85.69

7 III Kendujhar Town (M) 28.45 45.96 7.71 0.76 0,<~8 1.33 29.21 46.24 9.04 70.79 53.76 90.96

District Urban Total 29.27 47.86 7.84 0.80 0.31 1.37 30.07 48.17 9.21 69.93 51.83 90.79 highest percentage of non-workers (73.15%) is found among males than that of temales of urban areas of in AnandapurTown whereas the lowest percentage of the district. It is clear from the table that among the non-workers (67.20%) is found in Joda Town. It is fur.. non-working class the females surpass males in all ther marked that the work participation rate IS tligher the towns of the district. DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 20

DISTRICT PRIMARY location Name of Total Area in No. of No. of Total Population (includ­ Total Populaiton Scheduled Castes Code DistricV Rural Sq.Kms. Occu­ House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number C.D. Block! Urban pied Re­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) Town :;idential Houses

p M F p M F p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

03 T 244,OSS 252.885 t937,026 677.480 659,&46 239,445 120,878 t18,567 153,639 77,705 75,934 R 211,076 219,006 1170.152 588,129 582,023 211,894 106,853 105.041 129.543 65,238 64.305 U 33,023 33,879 166,874 89.351 771f;23 27,551 14.025 13,526 2,4096 12,467 11,629 10 Kendujhargarh T 451.26 21.042 21,507 11.6724 58,732 57,992 20.414 10,260 10.154 11,306 5,739 5,567 C.D.Block R 451.26 21,042 21.507 116,724 58.732 57,992 20.414 10,260 10,154 11,306 5,739 5,567 U 20 Harichandanpur T 622.00 19,601 20.371 103,382 52.420 50,962 20,319 10,280 10,039 7,707 3,876 3,831 C.D. block R 622.00 18,745 19,314 98.948 50.056 48.692 19,567 9,944 9.643 7,164 3,595 3,569 U 1.056 1.057 4.434 2.364 2.070 732 336 396 543 281 262 Daitari (CT) (Shown Under Urban Component) 30 Patana CD. Block T 420.56 14.558 15,073 61.221 40.239 40.962 14.252 7.222 7,030 5,791 2.849 2,942 R 420.56 14.558 15,073 61.221 40.239 40.982 14.252 7,222 7,030 5.791 2,849 2.942 U 40 Ghatgaon C.D. Block T 461.65 15.841 16.507 67.826 44.164 43,662 16,466 8,345 8,121 5.021 2.528 2,493 R 461.65 15,841 16.507 87,826 44,164 43,662 16,466 8,345 8,121 5,021 2,528 2,493 U 50 Saharapada C.D. Block T 383.53 13.067 13,399 70.902 34.950 35.952 13,124 6,634 6,490 6,033 3,004 3,029 R 383.53 13.067 13,399 70,902 34,940 35,952 13,124 6,634 6.490 6,033 3.004 3,029 U 60 Telkoi C.D. Block T 559.29 12,705 14,051 74,210 37,601 36.609 13.899 6,998 6,901 7,947 4.027 3.920 R 559.29 12,705 14,051 74.210 37.601 36,609 13,899 6,998 6,901 7,947 4.027 3.920 U 70 Banspal C.D. Block T 1191.07 14,493 14,620 70,647 35,196 35,451 14,047 6,912 7.135 3,003 1.488 1.515 R 1191.07 14,493 14,620 70,647 35,196 35,451 14,047 6,912 7,135 3,003 1,488 1,515 U 80 Anandapur C.D.Block T 300.15 13,886 14,926 83,731 42,276 41,455 15.288 7,723 7,565 10,954 5.571 5,383 R 300.15 13,886 14,926 83,731 42,276 41,455 15,288 7,723 7,565 10.954 5,571 5,383 U 90 Hatadihi C.D. Block T 327.42 19,585 20,664 121,757 61,733 60,024 19.430 9,842 9,588 28.956 14,542 14,414 T 327.42 19.585 20,664 121,757 61,733 60,024 19,430 9,842 9,588 28,956 14,542 14.414 U 100Ghasipura C.D. Block T 365.03 20.017 20,969 12.3727 62,743 60,984 20,422 10,372 10,050 23.579 12,007 11,572 R 365.03 20,017 20,969 123,727 62,743 60,984 20,422 10,372 10,050 23.579 12,007 11,572 U 110Champua C.D. Block T 350.40 16,090 16,494 85,851 42,838 43,013 14.486 7,330 7,156 7.579 3,809 3,770 R 345.50 15,120 15,524 60,105 39,776 40,329 13,422 6,766 6.656 7,194 3,601 3,593 U 4.90 970 970 5,746 3,062 2,684 1.064 564 500 385 208 177 Champua (CT) (Shown Under Urban Component) 120Jhumpura C.D. Block T 484.33 15,671 15,831 83,445 41,742 41,703 15,206 7,731 7,475 5,665 2,802 2,863 R 484.33 15,671 15,831 83.445 41,742 41,703 15.206 7,731 7,475 5,665 2,802 2,863 U 21


S<.neduledTribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Workers (I) Labourers (I-IX) (II)

p M F p M F p M F p M F p M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 • 595,184 297,951 297,233 490,962 328,629 162,333 439,953 351,769 8,8184 209,789 182,356 27,433 107,879 66,793 41,086 554,633 276,856 2n,777 401,626 271,988 129,638 391,117 309,010 82,107 206,105 178,880 27,225 104,138 63,892 40,246 40,551 21,095 19,456 89,336 56,641 32,695 48,836 42,759 6,on 3,684 3,476 208 3,741 2,901 840 58,036 29,017 29,019 41,692 29,028 12,664 42,747 30,871 11,876 19,557 15,806 3,751 14,923 764,0 7,283 58,036 29,017 29,019 41.692 29.028 12,664 42,747 30,871 11.876 19,557 15.806 3,751 14,923 764,0 7,283

55,333 27,945 27,388 31,007 22,233 8,774 33,617 27,374 6,243 18,526 16,531 1,995 9,206 5,784 3,422 53,767 27,119 26,648 28,403 20,561 7,842 32,354 26,238 6,116 18.500 16,505 1.995 9.160 5,740 3,420 1,566 826 740 2,604 1,672 932 1,263 1136 127 26 26 46 44 2 (Shown Under Urban Component) 41,972. 20,772 21,200 28,075 18,758 9317 28,456 21,041 7415 17,117 13,694 3,423 7,082 3,605 3,477 41,972 20,772 21,200 28,075 18.758 9317 28,456 21,041 7415 17,117 13,694 3,423 7,082 3,605 3,477

55,122 27,464 27,658 29,350 20,701 8,649 28,956 23,702 5,254 17,469 15,187 2,282 6,613 4,216 2,397 55,122 27,464 27,658 29,350 20,701 8,649 28,956 23,702 5,254 17,469 15,187 2,282 6,613 4,216 2,397

39,732 19.521 20,211 21,817 14.937 6,880 26,045 18,625 7,420 16,474 13,080 3,394 6,466 3,136 3,330 39,732 19,521 20,211 21,817 14,937 6,880 26,045 18,625 7,420 16,474 13,080 3,394 6,466 3,136 3,330

37,915 19,178 18,737 22,012 15,846 6,166 25,756 20,452 5,304 13,810 12,198 1,612 8,711 5,404 3,307 31,915 19,178 18,737 22,012 15,846 6,166 25,756 20,452 5,304 13,810 12,198 1,612 8,711 5,404 3,307

56.013 27,743 28,270 10,030 8,070 1,960 24.532 J8,686 5,846 16,008 13,334 2,674 5,746 3,176 2,570 56,013 27,743 28,270 10,030 8,070 1,960 24,532 18,686 5,846 16,008 13,334 2,674 5,746 3,176 2,570

38.658 19,387 19,271 26,953 18,090 8,863 24,228 22,110 2,118 13,968 13,597 371 7,277 5,794 1,483 38.658 19,387 19,271 26,953 18,090 8,863 24,228' 22,110 2,118 13,968 13,597 371 7,277 5,794 1,483

20,673 10,513 10,160 58,408 36,627 21,781 35,480 32,202 3,278 17,575 17,398 7,608 6,619 989 20.673 10,513 10,160 58,408 36,627 21,781 35,480 32,202 3,278 17,575 17,398 7,608 6,619 989

23.693 12,066 11.627 59,824 37.006 22,818 33,991 31,623 2,368 17,429 17,166 263 9,797 8,351 1,446 23,693 12,066 11,627 59,824 37.006 22,818 33,991 31,623 2,368 11,429 17,166 263 9,797 8,351 1,446

37,601 18.567 19.034 33,464 22.304 11,160 32.950 22,583 10,367 16,748 12,705 4,043 10,447 4,749 5,698 36.793 18,137 18.656 29,918 20,165 9,753 31,388 21,186 10,202 16,661 12,625 4,036 10,280 4,643 5,637 808 430 378 3,546 2,139 1,407 1,562 1,:397 165 87 80 7 167 106 61 (Shown Under Urban Component) 40,438 20,156 20,282 27,296 18,823 8,473 29,247 22,021 7,226 15,911 13.408 2,503 8,228 4,222 4,006 40,438 20,156 20,282 27,296 18,823 8,473 29,247 22,021 7,226 15,911 13,408 2,503 B,228 4,222 4,006 22

DISTRICT PRIMARY Location Name of District! Total Industrial category of Gode C.O.BlocklTown Rural LIvestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing. Number Urban Forestery, Ashlng, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Hunting and Planta­ (IV) Servidng and Servicing and tions, Orchards lit Repairs in Repairs other allied activities Household than Household (III) Industry Industry (Va) (Vb) P M F P M F p M F p M F 2 3 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

03 KenduJhar District T 7,063 6,355 708 30,708 22,198 8,510 10,208 7,671 2,537 12,397 11,412 1185 R 5,664 5,107 557 23,028 15,615 7,413 8,942 8,657 2,285 5,708 5,181 m U 1,399 1,248 151 7,680 8,583 1,097 1,268 1,014 2S2 6,_ 6,231 458 10 Kendujhargarh C.D. Block T 717 670 47 234 176 58 914 676 238 1.140 1.050 90 R 717 670 47 234 176 58 914 676 236 1.140 1.050 90 U 20 Harichanctanpur C.O. Block T 556 502 54 1.131 1033 98 783 599 184 665 583 82 R 5'lJ 483 44 256 214 42 Tl6 592 184 659 579 SO u 29 19 10 875 819 56 7 7 6 4 2 Daitari (eT) (Shown Under Urban Component) 30 Patana CD.Block T 310 286 24 26 24 2 654 636 218 217 187 30 R 310 286 24 26 24 2 654 636 218 217 187 30 U 40 Ghatgaon C.D. Block T 529 509 20 19 19 1.014 816 198 216 207 9 R 529 509 20 19 19 1.014 816 198 216 207 9 U 50 Saharapada C.D. Block T 359 225 134 7 6 591 366 225 232 182 50 R 359 225 134 7 6 591 366 225 232 182 50 U 60 Telkoi C.D. Block T 355 327 28 19 17 2 678 497 181 188 177 11 R 355 327 28 19 17 2 678 497 181 188 177 11 U 70 Banspal C.D. Block T 598 463 135 675 484 191 174 136 36 77 71 6 R 598 463 135 675 484 191 174 136 36 77 71 6 U 80 Anandapur C.D. Block T 309 297 12 41 31 10 514 397 117 177 171 6 R 309 297 12 41 31 10 514 397 117 177 171 6 U 90 Hatadihi C.D. Block T " 646 23 5.267 3.632 1.635 493 380 113 340 322 18 R 669 646 23 5.267 3.632 1,635 493 380 113 340 322 18 U 100 Ghasipura C.D. Block T 421 '403 167 166 1.050 742 308 542 528 14 R 421 403 18 167 166 1.050 742 308 542 528 14 U 110 Champua C.O. Block T 290 281 9 63 59 4 819 555 264 422 405 17 R 261 252 9 61 57 4 739 489 250 320 303 17 U 29 29 2 2 SO 66 14 102 102 -Champua (CT) Jhumpura C.O. Block T 351 319 32 559 423 136 753 605 148 424 404 20 R 351 319 32 559 423 136 753 605 148 424 404 20 U 23

CENSUS ABSTRACT Main workers Constructions Trade and Transport, Other Marginal Non-workers (VI) Commerce Storage & Services Workers (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

p M F P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

3,155 2,803 352 15,474 14,823 651 6,955 6,543 412 36,325 30,815 5,510 79,073 6628 72,445 818,000 319,083 498,917 1,756 1,557 199 8,733 8,396 337 3,257 3,187 70 23,786 20,538 3,248 77,734 6,348 71,386 701,301 272,771 428,530 1,399 1,246 153 6,741 6,427 314 3,698 3,356 342 12,539 10,277 2,262 1,339 280 1,059 116,699 46,312 70,387 341 275 66 1,090 1,059 31 550 545 5 3,281 2,974 307 6,092 469 5,623 67,885 27,392 40.493 341 275 66 1,090 1,059 31 550 545 5 3,281 2,974 307 6,092 469 5,623 67,885 27,392 40.493

160 148 12 723 680 43 260 257 3 1607 1,257 350 5,982 589 5,393 63,783 24,457 39,326 146 134 12 611 589 22 248 246 2 1,471 1,156 315 5,950 574 5,376 60,644 23,244 37,400 14 14 112 91 21 12 11 1 136 101 35 32 15 17 3,139 1,213 1,926 (Shown Under Urban Component) 173 172 694 666 28 195 183 12 1,788 1,588 200 9,552 735 8,817 43,213 18,463 24,750 173 172 694 666 28 195 183 12 1,788 1,588 200 9,552 735 8.817 43,213 18,463 24,75Qo

173 153 20 765 746 19 241 240 1,917 1,609 308 11,622 517 11,105 47,248 19,945 27,303 173 153 20 765 746 19 241 240 1,917 1,609 308 11,622 517 11,105 47,248 19,945 27,303

50 49 293 276 17 97 95 2 1,476 1,210 266 7,187 454 6,733 37,670 15,871 21,799

50 ~9 293 276 17 97 95 2 1,476 1,210 266 7,187 454 6,733 37,670 15,871 21,799

49 48 516 498 18 141 141 1,289 1,145 144 6.813 546 6,267 41,~1 16,603 25,038 49 48 516 498 18 141 141 1,289 1,145 144 6,813 546 6,267 41,641 16,603 25,038

77 59 18 247 242 5 60 57 3 870 662 208 6.607 692 5,915 39,508 15,818 23,690 77 59 18 247 242 5 60 57 3 870 662 208 6,607 692 5,915 39,508 15.818 23,690

99 97 2 546 533 13 193 193 1,104 1,000 104 4,087 444 3,643 55,416 19,722 35.694 99 97 2 546 533 13 193 193 1,104 1,000 104 4.087 444 3,643 55,416 19,722 35,694

132 120 12 941 911 30 268 266 2 2,187 1,908 279 1,457 168 1,289 84,820 29,363 55,457 132 120 12 941 911 30 268 266 2 2,187 1,908 279 1,457 188 1,289 84,820 29,363 55,457

90 84 6 1,055 1030 25 336 336 3,104 2,817 287 1,497 338 1,159 88,239 30,782 57,457 90 84 6 1,055 1030 25 336 336 3,104 2,817 287 1.497 338 1,159 88,239 30,782 57,457

92 86 6 1,075 1025 50 341 338 3 2,653 2,380 273 6.205 392 5,813 46,696 19,863 26,833 82 76 6 668 627 41 258 255 3 2.058 1,859 199 6,185 390 5,795 42,532 18,200 24,332 10 10 407 398 9 83 83 595 521 74 20 2 18 4164 1,663 2,501

71 69 2 764 741 23 300 290 10 1,886 1540 346 7.757 626 7,131 46,441 19,095 27,346 71 69 2 764 741 23 300 290 10 1,886 1540 346 7,757 626 7,131 46,441 19,095 27,346 24


Location Name of Total Area in No. of No. of Total Population (includ- Total Populaiton Scheduled Castes Code District! Rural Sq.Kms. Occu- House- ing Institutional and in the age group Number C.D. Block! Urban pied Re- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) Town sidential Houses

p M F P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

130 Joda C.D. Block T 438.69 18.480 18.752 86.040 44.109 41.931 17.655 8.823 8.832 8.281 4.225 4.U56 R 427.27 15.920 16.192 74.670 37,794 36.876 15.845 7,876 7.969 6.918 3.480 3.438 U 11.42 2.560 2.560 1.1370 6,315 5.055 1.810 947 863 1.363 745 618 Balagoda (Bolani) (CT) ( Shown Under Urban Component) Total of 18 Forest Village : 426 429 2.239 1,127 1,112 492 228 264 12 5 7 Total Uban : 179.49 33.023 33,879 166,874 89,351 n,523 27,551 14,025 13,526 24,296 12,467 11,629 1 Barbil (M) 41.44 9.091 9.287 42.032 22.705 19.327 7.961 4.039 3.922 5.530 2.863 2,667 2 Joda (NAC) 22.46 6.651 6.782 31.069 16,::>RO 14.789 5.456 2.819 2.637 5.432 2.752 2.680 3 Kendujhar (M) 26.40 7.827 8.049 41.945 ~.742 19.203 6.009 3.042 2.967 5.690 2.963 2.727 4 Anandapur (NAC) 72.87 4.868 5.174 30.278 15.883 14.395 4.519 2.278 2.241 5.153 2.655 2.498 5 Balagoda (Bolani) (CT) 11.42 2.560 2.560 11,370 6.315 5.055 1.810 947 863 1.363 745 618 6 Daitari (CT) 1.056 1.057 4.434 2.364 2.070 732 336 396 543 281 262 7 Champua (CT) 4.90 970 970 5.746 3.062 2.684 1.064 564 500 385 208 1n 25


Scheduled Tribes Literates Industnal Category of Main Workers Total MaIO Cultivators Agricultural Workers (I) Labourers (I-IX) (II)

P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

52,426 26,106 26,320 23.704 17.170 6.534 30.403 22,585 7,818 5.270 4.557 713 2.056 1.235 821 49,806 24.720 25,086 17,625 13,176 4,449 27,122 19,628 7,494 5,176 4,478 698 1,994 1,205 789 2,620 1,386 1,234 6,079 3,994 2,085 3,281 2,957 324 94 79 15 62 30 32 (Shown Under Urban Component) 2,015 1,063 952 223 200 23 815 625 190 450 404 46 253 141 112 40,551 21,095 19,456 89,336 56,641 32,695 48,836 42,759 6,077 3,684 3,476 208 37,41 2,901 840 11,904 6,158 5,746 18,620 12,434 6,186 13,064 11,529 1,535 223 175 48 108 87 21 10,617 5.440 5,177 14,207 9,267 4,940 9,916 7.999 1.917 196 182 14 187 117 70 10,482 5,510 4,972 26,403 16,297 10,106 11,933 10,453 1,480 920 830 90 2,114 1,585 529 2,554 1.345 1,209 17,877 10,838 7.039 7,817 7.288 529 2,138 2,104 34 1,057 932 125 2,620 1,386 1,234 6,079 3,994 2,085 3,281 2,957 324 94 79 15 62 30 32 1,566 826 740 2,604 1,672 932 1,263 1,136 127 26 26 46 44 2 808 430 378 3,546 2,139 1,407 1.562 1.397 165 87 80 7 167 106 61 26

DISTRICT PRIMARY Location Name of District! Total Industrial category of Code C.D.BlocklTown Rural Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Number Urban Forestery, Fishing, Quarrying Processing, Processing, Hunting and Planta- (IV) Servicing and Servicing and tions, Orchards & Repairs in Repairs other allied activities Household than Household (III) Industry Industry (Va) (Vb) P M F P M F P M F P M F 2 3 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

130 Joda C.D. Block T 260 224 36 17,457 12.063 5.394 436 347 89 1,360 1,183 1n R 244 213 31 15.613 10,313 5.300 385 316 69 1,173 998 175 U 16 11 5 1.844 1,750 94 51 31 20 187 185 2 Balagoda (Bolani) (CT) ( Shown Under Urban Component) Total of 18 Forest Villages : 14 14 84 53 31 7 7 3 2 1 Total Urban : 1,399 1,248 151 7,680 6,583 1,097 1,266 1,014 252 6,689 6,231 458 1 Barbil (M) 253 198 55 3.046 2.560 486 166 127 39 3.650 3.392 258 2 Joda (NAG) 214 168 46 1.788 1.328 460 140 94 46 1.786 1.606 180 3 Kendujhar (M) 598 575 23 108 107 445 330 115 756 743 13 4 Anandapur (NAC) 260 248 12 17 17 377 359 18 202 199 3 5 Balagoda (Bolanl) (CT) 16 11 5 1,844 1.750 94 51 31 20 187 185 2 6 Daitari (CT) 29 19 10 875 819 56 7 7 6 4 2 7 Champua (CT) 29 29 2 2 80 66 14 102 102 27

CENSUS ABSTRACT Main workers Constructions Trade and Transport, Other Marginal Non-workers (VI) Commerce Storage & Services Workers (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

440 364 76 825 744 81 606 539 67 1,693 1,329 364 3,139 420 2,719 52,498 21,104 31,394 271 219 52 543 478 65 369 339 30 1,354 1,069 285 2,808 381 2,427 44.740 17.765 26.955 169 145 24 282 266 16 237 200 37 339 260 79 331 39 392 7.758 3.319 4439 ( Shown Under Urban Component) 2 2 1 1 120 14 106 1304 488 816 1.399 1,246 153 6,741 6,427 314 36,98 3,356 342 12,539 10,277 2262 1,339 280 1,069 116,699 46.312 70,387 366 327 39 1.661 1,566 95 1.272 1,223 49 2,319 1.874 445 51 26 25 28,917 11,150 17,767 376 294 82 1,112 1,034 78 1162 914 248 2.955 2,262 693 274 75 199 20,879 8.206 12,673 300 294 6 1,888 1,806 60 720 713 7 4,084 3,468 616 319 63 256 29,693 12,226 17,467 104 162 2 1.279 1,264 15 212 212 2.111 1.719 320 312 60 252 22.149 8535 13.614 169 145 24 282 266 16 237 200 37 339 260 79 331 39 292 7.758 3.319 4439 14 14 112 91 21 12 11 136 101 35 32 15 17 3.139 1.213 1,926 10 10 407 398 9 83 83 595 521 74 20 2 18 4,164 1.663 2,501



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Police St~tIO"

Vi~~ wlif; t(lcat(Q!\ cld.oe nurr.b(!r ~~-=-f_o===: .. ~J~~ FClresl Re~er"ed RF '" ~ \ ,-~. Headquarters CD Bleck { Pnllce- Slo! or • .. (I l/1\loglJl' wl1h Popu\atloTl Sl2t Bel"w 200, (0." tOO 499, 500-999, 1000-4999 J.. _ _ ___ --, .)~/~ a l)r!lnnotlte::l"I~(]QIIS ~lh rotation c.od.nlKnbill'___ ~3~ j Urbcrr. orea wlftl locoikln code rt(.llflO~ m:;71 NcIl1ol'lal Hll)hwoy --""_'-- '" Slole Hl9hw:J)' -~ ~ l1nmetalled pn",j ol.her rOoO$ A Ri'ler IJrd S'itQm c. ll· ~------­ • A o N P'llo51 01hu , "{I::" I;lf\d T-eIfl~tQph QUic. PO )' pTO

Hgh School

PrlmfJ1r HeaWl- Ce(llf~ VI$pf11'15(11j1, MD/erroly and CMd W!:H,fe Centre tc: No ?O~o1K.I'I(t.!Ib«SM':PS 1i~1fI'I" ..1sl6lortMn'lq)""

ImpOironl ~IIIQae Hot - .. CO ..",


Kendujhar Sadar P.S. - 0100

KendujharTown P.S. - 0110




CENSUS 1981 SLNo. Name of Village CENSUS 1991 ------.....,------~ _-_--- lOCATION CODE LOCATION CODE LOCATION CODE:: LOCATION CODE tCOMPUTER) (MANUAL) (COMPUTER) (MANUAL) ------~ ...... ---- -~ ...... ------_...... ------6 -- 2 3 4 5

POLICE STAT10N - KENDUJHAR SADAR - 0100 16/03/0090/00 10 161319110 1 Aharaposi 19/03/0100/0010 1913/11/10 , of 03/0090/0018 ~6!319/18 2 Alekhapada 19/03(0100/0018 1 'Ji3l11 '18 16/03/0090/0042 16/3/9142 3 Amrutapada 19/03/0100/0042 19J3f11/42 16/0310090/0040 16/3/9/40 4 Amunipur 19f03!O 100/0040 Hl/3f11140 16/031009010025 16/319/25 5 8adamuni 19/0310 100/0025 19/311-:125 16/0310030/0294 161319/294 6 Badapasl 19/03101 0010200 19/:-

S-'i)! 32



46 Dhanurjayapur 191031010010002 19/3111/2 16/0310090/0002 16/319/2 47 Dhatika 19103/01 0010 121 19/3/11/121 16/03/0090/0124 16/3191124 48 Dhatika 19/03/0100/0051 19/3/1 1}51 16/03/009010051 16/319/51 49 Dhenkikot 19/03/0100/0179 19/3111/179 16/03/0090/0240 16/319/240 50 Dhudulupala 19/03/0100/0155 19/3/11/155 16/03/0090/0168 161319/168 51 Dimiria 19/03/010010185 19/3/11/185 16/031009010246 16/3/9/246 52 Dimiridilla 19/03/0100/0081 19/3/11/81 16103/0090/0083 16/319/83 53 Dimirimunda 19/03/01 DOlO 177 19/3111/177 16103/009010238 16/319/238 54 Fakirpur 19/03/0100/0020 19/3/11120 16/0310090/0020 16/319120 55 Gangapatna 19/03/01 00/0214 19/3/11/214 56 Gobardhan 19/03/0100/0070 19/3/11/70 16/0310090/0072 16/319172 57 Gobindapur 19/03/0100/0199 1913111/199 161031009010260 16/319/260 58 Gopalpur 19103/010010201 19/3/11/201 16/03/0090/0295 16/319/295 59 Gopinathapur 19/03/010010120 19/3/11/120 16/03/009010123 16/3191123 60 Guhalachatua 19/03/010010178 19/3111/178 16/03/0090/0239 16/319/239 61 Haladharpur 19/03/010010183 19/3/11/183 16/03/0090/0244 16/3/9/244 62 Haladiaguna 19/03/0100/0052 19/3/11/52 16/03/0090/0052 16/319/52 63 Handibhanga 19/03/0100/0061 19/3/11/61 16/03/0090/0063 16/319/63 64 Hariharpur 19/03/01 00/0145 19/3/11/145 16/03/0090/0158 16/319/158 65 Harshapur 19/03/01 0010117 19131111117 16103/0090/0120 16/3191120 66 Hatikucha 19/03/01 00/0080 19/3111/80 16/0310090/0082 161319/82 67 Hundula 19/03/0100/0049 19/3111149 16/03/0090/0049 16/319/49 68 Jatichatar 19/03/01 00/0071 19/3/11/71 16/03/0090/0073 16/319/73 69 Jadipada 19/03/0100/0064 19/3111/64 16/031009010066 16/319/66 70 Jaganathapur 19/0310100/0149 19/3/11/149 16/03/0090/0162 16/319/162 71 Jagannathapur 19/03/0100/0187 19/3111/187 16/03/0090/0248 16/319/248 72 Jagannathapur 19/031010010046 19/3/11/46 1610310090/0046 16/319146 73 Jagapasi 19/03/0100/0184 19/3111/184 16/03/0090/0245 16/319/245 74 Jalabanga 19/03/0100/0118 19/3/11/118 16/03/0090/0121 16/3191121 75 Jamudiha 19/03/0100/0050 19/3/11/50 16/03/0090/0050 16/319/50 76 Jamunaposi 19/03/0100/0140 19/3/11/140 16/031009010153 16/3/91153 77 Jamuposi 19/03/010010032 19/3/11/32 16/03/0090/0032 16/319/32 78 Jhadapasi 19/03/0100/0011 19/3/11/11 16/03/0090/0011 16/319/11 79 Jharbelada 19/03/0100/0144 19/3/11/144 16/03/0090/0157 16/319/157 80 Jogimatha 19/03/0100/0097 19/3/11/97 16/03/0090/0099 16/319/99 81 Kadagarh 19/03/0100/0089 19/3/11/89 16/03/0090/0091 16/319/91 82 Kainsi 19/03/01 00/0023 19/3111/23 16/0310090/0023 16/319/23 83 Kajaleipasi 19/03/0100/1082 19131111182 161031009010243 16/3191243 84 Kalanda 19/03/01 0010041 19/3111/41 16/03/0090/0041 16/319/41 85 Kaliabeda 19103/0100/0148 19/3/11/148 16/03/0090/0161 16/319/161 86 Kaliabeda 19/03/010010195 19/3/11/195 16/03/009010256 1613/9/256 87 Kalisi 19103/0100/0006 19/3/11/6 16/03/0090/0006 16/319/6 88 Kamalabahala 19/03/0100/0193 19/3111/193 16/03/0090/0254 16/319/254 89 Kanaposi 19/03/0100/0065 19/3/11/65 16/03/0090/0067 16/319/67 90 Kandaraposi 19/03/0100/0007 19/3/11/7 16/03/0090/0007 16/31917 91 Kandarkala 19/03/01 00/0015 19/3/11/15 16/03/0090/0015 1613/9/15 s-,[)! 33



2 3 4 5 6

92 Kanipasl 19/03/0100/0152 19/3/11/152 16/03/0090/0165 161319/165 93 Kaniposi 19/03/0100/0024 19/3/11/24 16/03/0090/0024 161319124 94 Karanjiapada 19/03/0100/0017 1913111/17 16/03/009010017 161319117 95 Kasira 19/03/0100/0043 19/3/11143 16/03/0090/0043 161319143 96 K~thabari 19/03/0100/0189 19/3111/189 16/03/0090/0250 161319/250 97 Kathabaunsuli 19103/010010021 19/3/11/21 16/03/009010021 161319121 98 Kathakarnnjia 19103/0100/0115 19/3111/115 16/0310090/0117 16/319/117 99 Kaunrikala 19/03/0100/0060 19/3/11/60 16/03/0090/0062 161319162 100 Kemsada 19103/010010114 19/3111/114 16/03/0090/0116 16/3f9/116 101 Kendua 19/03/0100/0111 19/3111/111 16/0310090/0113 16/319/113 102 Kendupasi 19/03/0100/0086 19/3111/86 16/031009010088 16/319/88 103 Keri 19/03/0100/0147 19/3/11/147 16103/0090/0160 16/3/91160 104 Kesapanka 19/03/0100/0072 19/3111172 16/03/0090/0074 161319174 105 Khadengapada 19/03/0100/0057 19/3111/57 1610310090/0059 161319159 106 Khadiadiha 19/03/0100/0194 19/3/11/,94 16/03/0090/0255 161319/255 107 Khajuripanl 19/03/0100/0186 1913111/186 16103/0090/0247 16/3/9/247 108 Khaparakhai 19103/0100/0030 19/3/11/30 16/03/0090/0030 16/3/9/30 109 Khuntapada (Gal 19/0310100/0058 19/3/1115B 16/03/0090(0060 16/319/60 110 Khuntapada (Kha) 19/03/01 00/0119 19/3111/119 16/03/0090(0122 1613191122 111 Kunjarabahal 19103/0100/0004 19/3/11/4 16/03/0090/0004 16/319/4 112 Kusapada 19f03/0100/0113 19/3/11/113 16/03/0090/0115 16/319/115 113 Kusumila 19103/0100/0056 19/3/11156 16/03/0r,90/0058 16/319/58 114 Kusumila 19/03/010010083 19/3/11/83 16/0'3/0090/0085 16/319/85 115 Laxmipasi 19/03/010010190 19/31111190 16/03/0090/0251 16/319/251 116 Lunagudi 19/03/0100/0215 19/3/11/215 117 MacUtangajodi 19103/0100/0125 19/3/11/125 16/03/0090/0128 161319/128 118 Mahadebpur 19/03/0100/0112 19/3111/112 16/W10090/0114 16/3/91114 119 Mahadeijoda 19/03/0100/0088 19/3/11/88 16/03/0090/0090 16/319/90 120 Mahuladiha 19/03/0100/0110 19/3111/110 16/03/0090/0112 16/3191112 121 Maiclankela 19/0310100/0146 19!3111f146 l6103/D090/01S9 161319/159 122 Majurpasi 19/03/0100/0196 19/3/11 1196 161031009010257 16/3191257 123 Mangalapasi 19/03/0100/0048 1913111/48 16/0310090/0048 161319/48 124 Manoharpur 19/03/0 1OOrOl 04 19/3111/104 l 6103/0090101 06 16/319/106 125 Manoharpur (Bada) 19/03/0100/0158 19/3/11{158 16/03/0090/0171 16/319/171 126 Mathuramandali 19/03/0100/0107 19!3/11/; 07 16/03/0090/0109 16/319/109 127 Mukuna 19/03/0100/0098 19/3/11/98 16103/009010100 16/319/100 128 Murusuan 19/03/01 00/0034 19/3111/34 16/0310090/0034 16/3/9/34 129 Naigaon 19/03/0100/0008 19/3/11/8 16/031009010008 16/319/8 130 Naigaon 19/03/0100/0160 19/3/11/160 16/03/009010175 16/319/175 131 Narasinghapur 19/03/0100/0087 19/3/11/87 16/0310090/0089 161319/89 132 Nelung 19/03/0100/0143 19/3/111143 16/0310090/0156 161319/156 133 Nimirdapasi 19/03/0100/0075 19/3/11(75 16/03/0090/0077 16/3/9/?? 134 NlschlOtapur 19/03/0100/0202 19/3/11/202 16/03/009010296 16/319/296 135 Nuadlhi 19/03/0100/0036 19/3111/36 16/03/0090/0036 161319/36 136 Nuagaon 19/03/010010079 19/3111179 16/03/0090t0081 161319/81 137 Nuagaon 19/03fO 1OOfOO 12 19/3/11/12 16/03f0090/00 12 16/3/9112

S-'ifl 34



138 19/03101 00/0129 191<\/111129 16,'03/0090/0132 16/3191132 139 Nunjharana 19103/0100/0180 19/3/111180 i 6/03/009010241 16/3/9/241 140 19/03/0 100/0092 19/3/11/92 16/03/0090/0094 1613/9/94 141 Parasapanga 19/08/0100'0031 19/3/11/31 16/03/009Q/0031 161319131 142 Palashapokhari 19103/0100/0062 19/a 11fi2 16!03/0090/00ti4 16/:'1,9/64

143 Parjanpur 19,'O~/01 00/0038 1°~!l 133 16/03/0090100::<8 16/3/9/3B 144 Patana 19/03/01 00/0044 19/:, 11/44 16/03/003')/0044 16/319/44 145 Patung 19/03/0100/0035 19'.jJ 1/35 16/03/0090/0035 161319135 1415 Podacf:ha 1 Y 03/0100iDi56 1<1/31 1,1SG 161031009010169 16/3/9/169

147 Poipani 19/0:': fOl 00/009& 1 .... /3i i 1195 16!O3/0000/0097 1613/9/97 148 Poipani 19/03/01 0010082 1 zt/3;11/82 1 G!03/0090/oo84 16/3/9/84 149 Potala 19/03/0100/0106 19/31111106 16/03/0090/0108 16/319/108 150 Putulia 19/03/0 I 00/0073 18i3l11n3 16103/0090/0075 1613/9/75 151 Raghunathapur 19/03/0nO/0198 19/3/11/193 1 G/03/0090/0259 16/3/9f259 152 Raikaia 19/03/0 i 00/001 4 19/3/11114 16/03/0090/0014 16/319/14 153 Raisuan 19/ml01 OG I01 16 19/3! 11116 16/03/00901011 9 '1613191119 154 Ratanpur 19/0"1 ')100/CJT 1 <)'.jj 11J7j 16/03/0090/0079 1613/9n9 155 Rengalbeda 19103/01 00/0001 1;j/3!11/1 16/03/009010001 161319/1 156 Rukunadeipur Sasan 19/03/010010069 19/311116q 16103/0090/0071 16/319/71 157 Sadarapada 19/03/010010139 19/3/11/139 161031009010152 1613/91152 158 Sahadapur 19/03/0100/0101 19/3111/101 , 6103/0090/01 03 16/319/103 159 Salarapenlha 191('13/0100/01 ?fi 19/3111/126 16/03/0090/0129 161319/129 160 Sanamuni 191031() 00'0(1"6 lV3 11/26 115/031009010026 '6/3/9126 161 Sandhiapasi 19/03/11100/0028 19/3/11/28 16/03/009071')028 1673/9/28 162 Sankarf:./ur 1 9/03/01 OO!Ol~e 19/3111/138 16103/0090/0 151 16/319/151 163 Sankiri 19/03 1"11 It: 19/3/11/105 16/03/0090/01 07 16/319/107 ' 164 Sarasakela 19/03/01001003:::' 19/3111/'33 16/0310090/0033 161319/33 165 Sariapasi 1 ("J/03/0 1001001 ::1 19/3/11/19 16/03/0090/0019 16/3/9/19 166 Satikudar 19/03/0100/0U09 19/3/11/9 16/03/0090/0009 161319/9 167 Sendkap 19/03/01 nOlO068 19/;:\/11.168 16/03/0090/0070' 1613!9nO 168 Silisuan 1 9/03/01 00/0094 19/3/11/94 16/03/0090/0096 16/319/96 169 Silisuan 19/03/01 00/0005 19/3/11/5 16/03/0090/0005 161319/5 170 Singraisuan 19103/01 00/0122 '913/11/122 16/03/0090/0125 16/3191125 171 Sunaripasi 19/03/0100/0022 19/3/11/22 16/03/0090/0022 16/3/9/22 172 Talakampadihi 19/03/0100/0128 19/3111/128 16/03/0090/0131 161319/131 173 Talapada 19/03/01 nOlO 1 ?4 i 913/11/154 16103/009010167 161319/167 174 Tangarani 19/03/01 OOiO 108 19/3/11 '108 16/03/0090/0110 161319/110 175 Tangarani 19/03/') 1oo/On 13 19!3/j 1/13 16/03/0090/0013 16/319/13 176 Tangarnali 19/03/010010096 19/3(1 1 f96 16/03/009010098 161319/98 177 Taratakhamana i 9/03/01 00/0045 19/3/11/45 16/03/0090/0045 1613/9/45 178 Teranta ,:,/03/0100 J066 19/3111 166 16/03/0090/0068 1613/9/68 179 Tihadiposi 19/03:0100/0()29 19/3/11/29 16/03/009010029 161319/29 180 Tikarapada 19/03/01 00/012.3 19/3111:123 16/03/0090/01 :?6 161319/126 181 Tulasipur 19/03101 11/0003 19/3/11/3. 16/03/0090/0003 161319/3 182 Uparakampodihi 19/03/010010127 1913/11/127 16/03/0090/0130 J 6!...'V9/130 183 Uparjdiha '9/03/01 00/OOG7 19/3/11/67 16/03/0090/0069- 16/319/69

~-'Pl 35



POLICE STATION - KENDUJHAR TOWN - 0110 184 Alanapada 19/03/0110/0019 1913/12119 16/031009010235 1613/9/235 185 Atibudhipada 19/03/0110/0048 19/3112/48 16/03/0090/0266 16/319/266 186 Badabi! (Ka) , 9/03/011 0/0025 1913/12125 16f03/009010229 161319/229 187 Badudighar 19/03/0110/0058 19/3112/58 1610310090/0293 16/319/293 188 Baiganpasi 19/03/0110/0016 19/3112116 16/03/009010173 161319/173 189 Baitabeda 19/0310110/0026 1913112126 1610310090/0228 1613/9/228 190 Balabhadrapur 19/0310110/0050 1913/12150 16103/009010223 16131912.23 191 Baliagoda 19/031011010005 19/3112/5 1610310090/0147 16/3191147 192 Banpar 19/031011010011 19/3/12111 16103/009010182 1613191182 193 Basantapur 19/0310110/0010 19/3/12110 16/03/009010181 16/319/181 194 Belada 19/031011010029 19/3112129 16/03/009010225 1613191225 195 Dimbo 19/0310110/0015 19/3112115 16/03/009010174 16/319/174 196 Dimiribahal 19/03/011010049 19/3112/49 161031009010224 1613f9f224 197 Gutukeshari 191031011010023 19/3/12123 16103/0090/0231 16/319/231 198 Ghuturu 191031011 010009 191311219 161031009010176 16/3f9/H6 199 Gobindapur 19103/0110/0012 19/3112112 16/03/0090/0183 161319/183 200 Gopinathapur (Nuagaon) 191031011010002 19/3/1212 16/03/009010143 16/3191143 201 Goudunibeda 19/03/0110/0004 19/3112/4 16/0310090/0145 16/319/145 202 Gumura 19/03/0110/0006 19/311216 16/03/009010150 16/319/150 203 Hatadiatangiri 1910310110/0024 19/3/12124 16/03/0090/0230 16/319/230 204 Ichhapur 1910310110/0053 19/3112153 16103/0090/0264 161319/264 205 Jalangadiha 19/03/011010021 19/3/12121 16/03/0090/0233 161319/233 206 Jamunalia 19103/011010059 1913112159 16103/009010261 16/319/261 207 Jamunaha 19/03/0110,'0001 19/3112/1 16103/0090/0142 16/319/142 208 jenagadia 19103/011010020 19/3112120 16/03/009010234 16/319/234 209 Kandarapasi 19/03/0110/0027 19/3112127 16/03/0090/0227 16/319/227 210 Kholapa 19/031011 010018 19/3112118 16/03/0090/0236 16/3191236 211 Laxmipasi 19/03/0110/0003 1913112/3 16103/0090/0144 161319/144 212 Mandua 19/03/0110/0013 19/3112113 16/03/0090/0185 16/3/91185 213 Motitangara 19/03/0110/0051 19/3112/51 16/03/0090/0226 1613/91226 214 Muktapur 1910310110/0008 1913112/8 16/0310090/0177 16/3/9/177 215 Naranapur 19/03/0110/0022 19/3/12122 16103/0090/0232 161319/232 216 Ramachandrapur 19103/011010057 1913/12157 16/03/0090/0292 16/3191292 217 Ranki 19/03/0110/0030 1913112130 16103/009010189 161319/189 218 Saharaposi 19/03/0110/0054 19/3112154 16/03/0090/0263 16/319/263 219 Sarasa 19/03/0110/0028 19/3112128 16/03/0090/0188 161319/188 220 Sirisipai 19103/0110/0052 19/3/12/52 16/03/0090/0265 1613191265 221 Talankabahal 19/03/0110/0055 19/3112155 16/03/009010262 16/319/262 222 Tangarapalasa 19/03/011010014 1913112114 16/0310090/01 84 16/3/91184 223 Tenlulinanda 19/03/0110/0017 19/3112/17 16103/009010237 16/319/237 224 Tikaragumura 19/03/011 010007 19/3/1217 16/0a/0090/0178 161319/178 225 Tulasichaunra 19/03/011010056 19/3/12/56 16/03/0090/0291 16/319/291 36


Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age g~oup Number in Hect· Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

p M F p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Kendujhargarh C.D. Block T 451.26 21,042 21,507 116,724 58,732 57,992 20,414 10,260 10,154 R 451.26 21,042 21,507 116,724 58,732 57,992 20,414 10,260 10,154 U 0100 Kendulhar Sader PS 396.03 17,388 17,686 95,979 48,090 47,889 16,843 8,469 8,374 Rengalbeda 324.00 30 37 193 93 100 21 9 12 2 Dhanurjayapur 420.00 112 112 668 324 344 128 69 59 3 Tulasipur 83.00 99 106 583 273 310 126 53 73 4 Kunjarabahal 458.00 169 171 841 403 438 222 98 124 5 Silisuan 566.00 254 288 1,804 871 933 348 169 179 6 Kalisi 194.00 107 107 550 263 287 101 59 42 7 Kandaraposi 378.00 203 203 1,109 545 564 207 97 110 8 Naigaon 236.00 64 64 327 162 165 47 22 25 9 Satikudar 119.00 60 80 466 234 232 73 36 37 10 Aharaposi 153.00 68 68 342 173 169 52 28 24 11 Jhadapasi 246.00 98 99 514 248 266 103 50 53 12 Nuagaon 150.00 72 72 367 192 175 88 51 37 13 Tangarari 312.00 208 211 1.142 580 562 200 103 97 14 Raikala 491.00 218 218 1,244 627 617 210 115 95 15 Kandarkala 238.00 97 97 596 307 289 104 47 57 16 8aneikala 119.00 45 45 220 119 101 41 23 18 17 Karanjiapada 123.00 58 63 310 152 158 47 22 25 18 Alekhapada 90.00 33 33 186 91 95 22 8 14 19 Sariapasi 139.00 95 95 562 283 279 74 36 38 20 Fakirpur 104.00 46 46 240 109 131 25 10 15 21 Kathabaunsuli 502.00 269 269 1,340 645 695 226 114 112 22 Sunaripasi 221.00 86 86 406 188 218 50 25 25 23 Kainsi 612.00 162 162 854 394 460 166 81 85 24 Kaniposi 261.00 66 86 440 214 226 72 36 36 25 Badamuni 114.00 36 36 208 106 102 41 15 26 26 Sanamuni 123.00 36 39 209 106 103 27 12 15 27 Bhagabandha 90.00 45 45 246 118 128 37 18 19 28 Sandhiapasi 169.00 81 81 615 297 318 138 65 73 29 Tthadiposi 96.00 76 76 459 237 222 90 42 48 30 Khaparakhai 220.00 69 69 369 186 183 46 24 22 31 Palasapanga 168.00 192 193 1,028 532 496 169 83 86 32 Jamuposi 150.00 31 32 145 78 67 20 12 8 33 Sarasakela 195.00 166 166 837 414 423 160 18 82 34 Murusuan 254.00 137 137 711 555 356 110 68 42 35 Patung 270.00 159 159 749 363 386 135 63 72 36 Nuadihi 67.00 49 49 256 133 123 43 25 18 37 Deuladiha 87.00 48 48 257 121 136 45 18 27 37

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tnbes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

'. ? 5,739 5,567 29,017 29,019 29i4)28 12,664 30,871 11,876 15,806 3,151 7,640 7,283 5,739 5,567 29,017 29,019 29,028 12,664 30,871 11,876 15,806 3,751 7,640 7,283

3,271 3,216 24,642 24,707 23,335 10,052 25,565 10,598 14,122 J' 3,571 5,923 6,347 36 35 48 18 48 31 30 7 4 21 4 4 314 337 86 40 167 80 96 30 35 16 254 295 135 57 160 125 114 18 11 88 17 20 315 354 71 10 215 223 141 146 39 50 4 6 822 906 269 pO 504 383 380 242 78 139 11 11 227 244 83 29 147 5 52 2 93 3 75 96 438 439 228 73 269 177 113 60 93 96 109 110 73 41 95 21 58 21 21 7 6 28 34 103 42 135 21 53 2 15 19 34 26 104 49 101 4 58 3 24 2 83 100 142 77 124 32 55 11 18 20 7 8 129 120 85 37 68 10 16 5 3 165 157 294 302 228 98 304 102 82 6 113 88 11 12 309 309 303 130 317 64 232 38 42 26 59 59 146 140 196 67 175 22 152 6 6 16 23 18 23 24 71 17 58 13 48 4 5 8 58 53 97 33 91 18 59 1 21 15 5 2 69 29 55 5 40 4 3 23 20 204 198 185 40 149 151 81 71 51 80 17 25 74 3a 60 45 42 39 12 6 330 363 299 122 372 34 313 12 25 22 33 33 54 63 79 44 122 30 119 26 2 4 4 7 164 179 229 114 204 85 123 21 59 55 9 10 133 153 63 22 107 16 65 5 32 11 33 41 66 31 51 8 18 16 8 17 11 79 24 62 29 35 7 15 22 2 10 11 91 36 49 14 32 10 2 4 6 6 286 311 155 53 107 20 36 6 51 14 154 147 61 17 135 113 57 28 68 85 69 65 73 28 108 94 45 17 58 77 22 17 135 120 2~ 100 ~9 N 56 7 75 62 30 26 36 13 47 4 12 9 3 45 50 142 144 251 98 188 45 54 4 10 24 36 35 179 174 219 111 174 4 108 21 48 50 94 91 230 130 173 24 82 59 19 47 43 65 19 78 40 41 10 8 26 33 30 64 34 72 20 39 2 10 13 38

C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh VILLAGE PRIMARY Inaustrlal r!aregory Location Name of village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb) ----- M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Kendujhargarh T 670 47 176 56 676 238 1050 90 275 6~ C.O. Block R 670 47 176 58 676 238 1050 90 275 66 U 0100 Kendujhar Sadar PS 519 44 136 45 612 224 874 63 176 51 1 Rengalbeda 5 2 Dhanu~ayapur 5 12 18 11 14 3 Tulasipur 2 6 6 4 Kunjarabahal 30 24 5 Silisuan 11 6 Kalisi 7 Kandaraposi 2 8 6 9 2 4 10 8 Naigaon 2 9 Satikudar 50 7 10 Aharaposi 13 11 Jhadapasi 17 26 1 12 Nuagaon 42 7 13 Tangarari 7 3 60 7 5 14 Aaikala 6 4 15 Kandarkala 2 4 16 Baneikala ·2 1 17 Karanjiapada 2 5 18 Alekhapada 4 19 Sariapasi 2 3 8 20 Fakirpur -- 21 Kathabaunsuli 3 11 22 Sunaripasi 23 Kainsi 7 4 24 Kaniposi 2 2 25 8adamuni 4 26 Sanamuni 2 27 Bhagabandha 1 2 2 2 28 Sandhiapasi 2 12 2 29 Tihadiposi 30 Khaparakhai 31 Palasapanga 7 16 43 32 Jamuposi 10 1 9 33 Sarasakela 31 13 69 2 34 Murusuan 1 15 1 35 Patung 3 9 1 36 Nuadihi 13 2 4 37 Deuladiha 13 3

~-li)l 39

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh OJ FJam WorKers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

1,059 31 545 5 2,974 307 469 5,623 27,392 40,493 1,059 31 545 5 2,974 307 469 5,623 27,392 40,493

726 21 360 2 2,117 230 458 5,039 22,067 32,252 1 8 3 45 69 2 2 4 1 2 156 262 3 23 13 3 12 110 173 4 3 4 187 211 3 2 30 2 3 122 364 428 1 196 115 86 4 8 28 14 20 262 367 13 67 143 4 6 4 127 95 84 2 2 2 102 72 63 6 8 91 116 143 5 8 47 116 118 13 9 11 31 276 429 5 2 25 3 5 307 548 9 132 2'67 14 61 74 2 2 2 2 61 138 6 36 90 2 134 127 1 4 49 86 2 2 15 12 272 649 1 104 66 84 5 10 5 17 74 173 301 5 16 81 91 129 4 7 55 94 8 2 44 72 7 10 54 59 60 2 33 96 157 202 3 5 102 109 4 78 89 23 8 51 5 2 251 422 3 3 1 30 63 3 4 17 2 48 37 178 341 4 5 19 2 181 352 5 3 12 3 31 190 159 172 7 3 2 3 47 52 36 3 6 2 57 49 59

. S-li)! 40

C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House· ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect· Reside· holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntlal of Town! Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

38 Parjanpur 205.00 139 139 715 337 378 113 50 63 39 Bhalupahadi 75.00 10 10 59 27 32 12 5 7 40 Amunipur 150.00 53 53 251 118 133 34 17 17 41 Kalanda 218.00 109 109 534 266 268 96. 49 47 42 Amrutapada 73.00 67 67 339 157 182 67 28 39 43 Kasira 140.00 62 62 363 192 171 66 31 35 44 Patana 174.00 68 68 373 196 177 73 39 34 45 Taratakhamana 205.00 70 71 361 176 185 77 40 37 46 Jagannathapur 116.00 36 37 251 116 135 57 29 28 47 Bistapal 268.00 117 144 744 360 384 207 71 136 48 Mangalapasi 123.00 55 55 359 187 172 72 44 28 49 Hundula 154.00 77 87 473 249 224 72 41 31 50 Jamudiha 90.00 103 103 585 283 302 100 46 54 51 Dhatika 78.00 Uninhabited 52 Haladiaguna 235.00 40 40 255 138 117 43 25 18 53 Balisuan 107.00 72 79 410 202 208 49 20 29 54 Birabarpurpatna 19.00 5 5 32 19 13 9 3 6 55 Banua 163.00 97 117 618 297 321 127 63 64 56 Kusumila 163.00 75 75 457 215 242 62 29 33 57 Khadengapada 15.00 7 5 2 2 2 58 Khuntapada (Ga) 99.00 54 55 295 151 144 75 41 34 59 Baulamal 276.00 146 146 735 369 366 118 70 48 60 Kaunrikala 360.00 141 155 794 397 397 116 61 55 61 Handibhanga 192.00 129 129 673 329 344 88 44 44 62 Palashapokhari 92.00 57 59 336 1~ 164 43 24 19 63 Bajenitangar 248.00 61 61 274 136 138 57 32 25 64 Jadipada 392.00 183 194 967 467 500 151 84 67 65 Kanaposi 134.00 102 102 576 281 295 96 46 50 66 Teranta 127.00 61 61 330 170 160 34 17 17 67 Upardiha 124.00 53 53 270 123 147 42 15 27 68 Sendkap 515.00 235 240 1,427 728 699 225 118 107 69 Rukunadeipur Sasan 151.00 47 47 279 153 126 37 21 16 70 Gobardhan 358.00 337 341 1,928 1009 919 337 181 156 71 Jadichatar 98.00 58 58 302 157 145 55 35 20 72 Kesapanka 71.00 16 16 77 36 41 21 7 14 73 Putulia 273.00 88 93 518 266 252 86 48 38 74 Dabanka 103.00 54 54 314 168 146 84 49 35 75 Nimirdapasi 29.00 Uninhabited 76 Bankamaruni 74.00 26 28 168 80 88 29 16 13 77 Ratanpur 193.00 40 40 208 104 104 44 22 22 78 Birakisorpur 376.00 142 142 766 363 403 72 34 38 79 Nuagaon 372.08 195 195 1,133 588 545 219 120 99 41 fCENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

38 39 121 127 170 91 190 115 82 6 76 107 27 32 10 17 18 8 9 18 61 65 71 29 67 35 56 29 4 6 14 14 33 29 146 72 142 96 90 58 20 30 21 24 132 152 81 7 95 9 69 9 12 6 7 151 137 71 25 109 11 46 2 27 3 4 3 101 82 68 23 101 4 50 21 3 2 2 100 102 58 21 90 2 77 9 1 57 72 47 20 58 32 52 30 2 2 9 14 308 320 173 56 193 ·150 160 110 21 40 156 138 39 16 84 94 60 18 93 103 102 131 48 147 150 128 14 149 43 39 102 119 181 99 150 4 67 25 Uninhabited 7 4 42 37 44 9 74 35 48 26 10 9 74 63 134 61 104 28 55 9 25 19 8 5 9 5 13 1 5 25 26 130 139 117 66 153 81 68 42 35 32 8 8 105 99 122 86 77 7 40 5 19 5 2 3 2 2 137 130 43 7 65 6 32 5 3 82 79 139 151 237 102 190 157 143 151 14 4 44 44 131 119 159 83 175 6 109 2 38 1 21 28 203 189 153 63 182 175 94 67 52 104 4 2 62 53 70 28 107 112 89 96 9 14 95 103 30 14 ~ 70 64 61 10 9 25 30 359 397 205 79 2~9 143 228 76 18 45 13 10 136 152 161 71 157 37 112 9 27 19 9 7 61 57 111 64 97 7 76 2 9 4 20 16 61 86 56 34 73 49 45 27 25 20 90 78 232 235 434 167 376 55 216 3 93 46 11 12 67 45 83 50 100 31 39 7 44 24 55 46 407 402 629 357 455 71 124 11 147 44 142 134 52 7 83 24 62 7 4 17 32 39 9 18 2 8 3 1 9 8 83 74 158 89 132 12 42 4 23 5 168 146 40 6 80 21 45 17 19 Uninhabited 35 41 23 15 52 31 21 6 13 21 69 63 42 12 56 5 35 12 3 17 16 62 45 192 109 237 187 136 77 183 17 21 369 342 229 72 321 89 184 11 105 74 42

C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh VILLAGE PRIMARY lnoustrial ~ategory location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing. Con~lructlons Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing. Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied HousehOld Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

38 Parjanpur 4 7 39 Bhalupahadi 40 Amunipur 4 2 41 Kalanda 2 2 42 Amrutapada 14 43 Kasira 12 3 5 3 5 44 Patana 3 9 2 45 Taratakhamana 2 46 Jagannathapur 47 Bistapal 4 48 Mangalapasi 3 49 Hundula 50 Jamudiha 25 51 Ohatika Uninhabited 52 Haladiaguna 2 2 53 Balisuan 5 1 54 Birabarpurpatna 2 1 1 55 Banua 2 2 7 4 11 56 Kusumila 5 2 4 57 Khadengapada 58 Khuntapada (Ga) 2 3 10 59 Baulamal 12 2 1 60 Kaunrikala 7 6 61 Handibhanga 3 3 1 5 62 Palashapokhari 2 2 63 Bajenitangar 4 64 Jadipada 9 16 18 6 3 65 Kanaposi 7 7 2 66 Teranta 67 Upardiha 1 2 68 Sendkap 14 6 16 69 Rukunadeipur Sasan 2 70 Gobardhan 10 3 2 7 6 71 Jadichatar 9 72 Kesapanka 4 73 Putulia 4 5 6 74 Oabanka 3 75 Nimirdapasi Uninhabited 76 Bankamaruni 1 3 77 Ratanpur 3 2 78 Birakisorpur 2 79 Nuagaon 3 3 2 3

S-'i>l 43

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Kendujharga, 0' ~iln Workers ~argtnal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

5 3 13 2 2 147 261 10 14 1 49 51 49 3 25 6 2 66 122 106 62 173 4 6 6 91 77 69 3 12 6 72 89 101 2 86 183 1 2 1 9 51 49 52 2 -- 6 4 59 163 175 3 103 78 3 1 101 74 7 7 18 3 113 132 185 Uninhabited 4 7 5 9 59 73 6 4 7 98 18C 3 1 6 1~ 6 5 17 3 3 7 141 23~ 1 5 17 32 121 20~ 3 1 11 6 31 80 10· 2 17 9 179 201 2 11 1 222 391 5 2 18 3 3 146 16 7 65 5 3 55 6 5 14 4 2 207 166 15 8 2 2 124 25 3 9 1 91 73 € 2 50 3 4 30 179 352 4f -- 15 58 53 55 11 92 13 56 553 71 3 4 74 1: 2 1 4 18 12 8 30 3 134 2 4 9 1 88 Uninhabited 14 3 3 27 5 47 1 2 19 4 126 ~ 4 4 15 3 53 264 Il 44

C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh VILLAGE PRIMARY location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Populatlon(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House· Ing Institutional and In the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) «()'6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward In Sq. Kms.

p M F p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

80 Hatikucha 242.00 134 135 702 339 363 106 54 52 81 Dlmiridiha 261.00 94 94 493 236 257 105 48 57 82 PoIpani 80.00 69 70 416 205 211 74 34 40 83 Kusumlta 1,684.00 215 215 1.106 531 575 248 125 123 85 Baradapal 255.00 149 149 767 363 404 120 52 68 86 Kendupasl 36.00 29 ~ 1~ ro ~ 24 11 13 87 Narasinghapur 183.00 64 71 382 194 188 68 34 34 88 MahadeiJOCfa 438.00 286 287 1,455 742 713 228 124 104 89 Kadagarh 403.00 207 207 1.149 569 580 199 93 106 90 Badbil (Kha) 65.00 1 1 5 2 3 91 Bhatunis 222.00 140 140 807 442 365 151 74 n 92 Padmapur 288.00 261 261 1.407 762 645 231 132 99 93 Banajodl 181.00 149 149 819 424 395 132 71 61 94 SlRsuan 192.00 193 193 979 499 480 204 103 101 95 Poipanl 363.00 14 14 86 49 37 22 13 9 96 Tangarnall 64.00 1 143 97 Jogimatha 86.00 82 82 416 216 220 72 41 31 98 Mukuna 149.00 171 171 838 424 414 125 57 68 99 Bauripada 313.00 153 153 755 372 383 120 58 62 100 Danua" 156.00 46 46 247 121 126 57 25 32 101 8ahadapur 249.00 173 173 949 470 479 159 88 71 102 Banamallpur 66.00 42 42 242 118 124 37 21 16 103 Biswanathapur 86.00 35 47 253 130 123 39 21 18 104 MOOOharpur 117.00 64 79 434 204 230 80 37 43 105 Sanklrl 308.00 124 147 743 370 373 120 63 57 106 PotaIa 209.00 109 121 660 321 339 114 59 55 107 Mathuramandall 150.00 84 84 497 234 263 108 55 53 108 Tangarani 120.00 80 80 426 - 210 216 56 29 27 109 Belapasi 113.00 80 80 403 194 209 63 23 40 110 Mahuladiha 109.00 38 28 241 115 126 34 15 19 111 Kendua 145.00 126 126 671 347 324 112 58 54 112 Mahadebpur 95.00 71 71 403 218 185 83 41 42 113 Kusapada 174.00 82 82 440 224 216 81 49 32 114 K~ 406.00 265 265 1.533 740 793 240 108 132 115 Kathakaranjla 155.00 80 80 461 233 228 37 21 16 116 Ralsuan 536.00 628 628 3.808 1.995 1,813 650 353 297 117 Harshapur 112.00 110 110 604 314 290 106 58 48 118 JaJabanga 84.00 69 69 426 226 200 88 39 49 119 Khuntapada (Kha) 40.00 29 29 138 n 61 22 14 8 120 Gopinathapur 209.66 181 181 917 448 469 166 81 85 121 Dhatlka 164.00 59 59 354 175 179 70 25 45 122 Singraisuan 80.00 Uninhabited 45

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I • IX) (I) Labourers (11)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

18 13 111 120 179 100 215 204 127 131 83 73 38 45 198 212 79 32 134 98 79 56 16 31 174 179 69 23 98 55 59 41 15 11 7 12 510 553 173 28 286 126 121 11 141 .pa 50 49 208 232 204 46 204 63 170 13 54 35 40 35 33 31 7 44 40 33 31 6 9 9 10 183 175 68 13 113 115 85 70 19 44 47 42 279 287 372 140 391 n 183 11 94 53 40 35 370 376 301 126 314 72 197 9 60 60 2 1 7 4 435 361 227 64 238 180 85 1 110 178 70 75 277 235 412 213 371 93 144 5 84 81 4 8 304 278 248 105 200 58 94 15 61 41 30 29 445 429 198 62 260 135 153 6 63 124 49 37 21 2 27 21 22 19 1 2 3 1 1 1 132 117 77 39 127 65 50 18 62 43 104 100 220 218 240 100 248 186 70 22 96 139 6 10 220 241 197 81 203 46 92 7 62 37 90 86 61 27 69 5 35 21 3 148 148 342 186 203 63 80 5 81 58 15 15 62 32 57 15 33 4 17 10 31 16 69 33 71 14 33 3 25 10 142 164 115 64 108 16 85 7 12 8 41 45 107 99 169 68 222 109 145 5 55 102 51 49 115 108 118 42 168 156 185 201 129 71 113 100 72 58 38 42 39 44 19 11 132 73 107 57 69 39 26 17 10 11 55 69 102 44 109 18 60 4 37 14 88 63 65 7 33 2 5 5 58 44 167 168 218 98 179 39 124 35 38 42 27 100 94 130 41 107 52 43 7 23 44 29 44 14 12 132 46 118 135 57 3 49 132 167 157 251 273 446 186 391 125 241 74 93 50 125 118 145 71 102 24 42 7 23 16 226 205 663 625 1,212 597 992 300 292 124 259 155 166 155 137 86 188 115 31 116 111 164 153 81 44 140 91 44 75 91 74 57 19 50 38 15 8 32 29 3 267 274 226 148 254 181 61 4 124 166 2 166 172 54 6 102 58 86 48 11 10 Uninhabited

S·,i)! 46

C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh VILLAGE PRIMARY lilCIustrlal category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

80 Hatikucha 81 Dimiridiha 6 10 3 3 82 Poipani 1 7 7 83 Kusumita 10 2 4 15 85 Baradapal 2 2 3 6 ',86 Kendupasi '87 Narasinghapur 4 88 Mahadeijoda 19 10 3 11 2 13 89 Kadagarh 4 2 9 8 90 Badbil (Kha) 91 Bhatunia 1 3 3 7 92 Padmapur 8 12 4 93 Banajodi 3 3 2 2 94 Silisuan 21 2 2 95 Poipani 96 Tangarnali 97 Jogimatha 5 2 98 Mukuna 10 24 19 6 99 Bauripada 7 100 Danuan 5 1 101 Sahadapur 2 1 8 102 Banamalipur 2 103 Biswanathapur 3 104 Monoharpur 105 Sankiri 2 106 Potala .. 4 107 Mathuramandali 108 Tangarani 109 Belapasi 110 Mahuladiha 9 2 111 Kendua 2 112 Mahadebpur 25 113 Kusapada 2 114 Kemsada 3 4 4 3 '115 Kathakaranjia 6 1 6 116 Raisuan 22 3 15 9 21 13 117 Harshapur 3 4 '118 Jalabanga . 119 Khuntapada (Kha) 120 Gopinathapur 5 4 121 Dhatika '"122 Singraisuan Uninhabited

S-li)! 47

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh 01 gain WOn

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

4 8 123 151 4 2 13 5 2 102 157 8 2 8 38 99 118 2 6 245 449 6 4 5 159 340 1 4 26 33 1 3 81 73 16 9 35 6 6 44 345 592 4 30 255 508 3 11 2 16 13 203 172 46 10 61 6 391 552 3 2 7 25 3 74 221 263 7 2 11 2 2 66 237 279 2 21 16 2 2 6 4 6 88 129 15 4 23 6 176 228 10 3 29 2 169 337 2 5 4 52 117 10 5 16 266 415 2 3 61 109 8 10 59 99 2 8 89 96 125 4 3 13 2 10 136 138 128 8 195 153 144 2 121 163 3 7 103 159 3 5 9 84 182 2 13 50 119 4 13 168 285 15 a 111 131 9 106 81 5 3 35 42 349 626 4 8 12 1 131 204 118 2 36 213 9 7 72 996 1,441 7 4 22 4 126 175 1 19 86 109 2 27 23 30 29 11 2 193 286 73 121 Uninhabited

(\_... 1..... 48

C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect· Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

p M F p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

123 Tikarapada 850.00 277 286 1,738 873 865 373 194 179 124 Dalimbapur 271.00 52 52 271 131 140 43 18 25 125 Madarangajodi 196.00 77 88 372 188 184 70 37 33 126 Salarapentha 164.00 51 51 251 199 132 66 30 36 127 Uparakampodihi 297.00 43 43 216 99 117 41 23 18 128 Talakampadihi 356.00 87 90 476 227 249 103 46 57 129 Nuapada 132.00 46 53 252 128 124 55 25 30 135 Bhaliadihi 583.00 115 115 553 279 274 119 55 64 136 Danardanapur 358.00 178 178 993 488 505 180 81 99 . 137 Bodapalasha 303.00 236 236 1,257 642 615 203 100 103 138 Sankarpur 233.00 169 169 1,049 539 510 163 90 73 139 Sadarapada 71.00 47 47 256 133 123 40 20 20 140 Jamunapasi 50.00 10 10 61 34 27 9 7 2 141 Chandapasi 11.00 1 1 4 4 142 Bebartapasi 27.00 19 19 99 55 44 21 12 9 143 Nelung 482.00 301 301 1,761 938 823 321 181 140 144 Jharbelada 340.00 140 163 846 429 417 150 82 68 145 Hariharpur 193.00 43 43 266 131 135, 30 17 13 146 Maidankela 390.00 219 219 1,100 523 577 192 68 124 147 Keri 458.00 179 179 978 494 484 164 85 79 148 Kaliabeda 134.58 18 18 85 42 43 13 5 8 149 Jaganathapur 118.00 29 29 190 97 93 34 17 17 150 Deobandha 285.00 68 68 352 178 174 59 28 31 151 Barkhanda 145.00 19 19 122 e3 59 13 4 9 152 Kanipasi 125.00 38 38 227 120 107 40 26 14 153 Chhemandibil 239.00 62 62 345 165 180 60 25 35 154 Talapada 337.25 133 133 763 365 398 128 54 74 155 Dhudurupala 182.00 42 42 242 120 122 55 25 30 156 Podadiha 276.00 48 48 278 132 146 37 25 12 157 Basudevpur 180.00 64 64 350 177 173 61 32 29 158 Manoharpur (Bada) 185.00 32 32 183 89 94 27 12 15 159 Chaka 148.00 134 134 717 355 362 153 67 86 160 Naigaon 82.00 33 33 160 86 74 18 9 9 1n Dimirimunda 216.00 61 61 427 218 209 80 41 39 178 Guhalachatua 241.00 103 103 581 278 303 106 56 50 179 Dhenkikot 113.00 32 32 185 97 88 22 14 8 180 Nunjharana 91.00 27 27 180 91 89 32 16 16 181 Dhagotha 80.00 16 16 100 53 47 16 6 10 182 KajaJeipasi 84.00 30 30 132 69 63 24 13 11 183 Haldharpur 180.00 71 71 402 206 196 83 44 39 184 Jajapasi 231.00 83 83 470 235 235 73 33 40 185 Dimiria 382.00 96 96 571 282 289 94 49 45 49


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F F M F F F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

7 5 516 511 240 64 483 291 206 36 130 243 40 43 53 56 53 23 57 12 28 7 2 11 15 78 87 61 19 99 9 43 3 1 114 127 3 68 51 2 2 5 24 99 117 12 55 67 22 7 33 60 225 245 19 143 126 89 70 22 28 119 118 4 67 8 20 47 8 9 11 171 180 98 68 152 49 55 1 2 60 55 377 394 129 41 252 22 201 5 41 16 99 92 249 224 398 246 318 47 67 3 129 31 144 129 313 151 217 56 66 27 40 28 27 25 36 35 66 28 72 34 16 35 31 24 12 20 12 3 4 2 5 17 10 32 12 26 12 7 7 11 103 85 483 441 527 205 510 54 144 3 231 49 35 40 302 276 264 139 217 36 88 11 75 24 1 69 37 75 47 66 8 39 59 51 223 248 274 135 286 254 130 58 47 155 67 84 182 177 249 98 227 184 18 16 12 28 12 22 7 15 5 3 2 59 23 51 20 42 20 143 140 73 31 112 76 106 60 2 16 8 37 13 37 31 21 12 4 19 35 25 11 7 78 23 47 21 32 13 5 8 3 2 126 144 96 30 80 18 69 3 15 5 7 283 302 161 57 187 163 16 47 57 49 21 60 49 32 14 27 35 28 6 6 79 52 68 67 58 5 61 23 24 BO 31 91 71 85 71 11 6 51 24 47 16 35 9 8 7 6 7 252 251 141 42 201 121 32 119 119 56 43 15 22 57 18 47 24 25 9 23 9 9 51 39 90 39 107 41 74 12 21 29 15 11 117 126 79 48 170 110 106 19 58 90 17 15 52 19 52 7 40 12 7 16 17 43 14 53 13 52 8 5 20 7 33 31 33 22 9 24 18 22 24 30 9 44 15 2B 3 14 12 25 29 11 9 88 41 107 89 85 83 1 5 3 3 126 119 108 67 117 84 92 69 8 14 _ 9 5 23 25 148 84 147 17 87 35 15 50

C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh VILLAGE PRIMARY lilaustrl81 Cifegory Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

123 Tikarapada 14 4 79 7 3 124 Dalimbapur 11 5 2 7 2 125 Madarangajodi 8 6 38 2 1 126 Salarapentha 38 11 5 1 3 127 Uparakampodihi 128 Talakampadihi 16 9 6 4 10 15 129 Nuapada 135 Bhaliadihi 52 19 14 11 29 136 Danardanapl!f 1 1 1 1 137 Bodapalasha 5 2 2 2 6 6 138 Sankarpur 7 24 5 139 Sadarapada 2 140 Jamunapasi 2 141 Chandapasi 3 142 Bebartapasi 5 143 Nelung 6 2 11 10 3 144 Jharbetada 8 1 6 1 145 Hariharpur 1 146 Maidankela 11 39 29 9 147 Keri 2 148 Kaliabeda 149 Jaganathapur 1 150 Deobandha 3 151 Barkhanda 152 Kanipasi 2 153 Chhemandibil 4 154 Talapada 155 Dhudurupala 156 Podadiha 2 2 157 Basudevpur 158 Manoharpur (Bada) 2 159 Chaka 4 15 2 160 Naigaon 2 5 177 Dimirimunda 1 178 Guhalachatua 2 179 Dhenkikot 180 Nunjharana 181 Dhagotha 182 Kajaleipasi 183 Hatdharpur 6 4 184 Jajapasi 1 1 2 185 Dimiria 4 6 3

S-li)! 51

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh 0' ~aln WorKers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

4 3 37 8 8 15 382 559 2 16 2 58 126 2 2 89 175 15 13 51 81 44 50 2 83 121 61 116 1 11 2 47 126 178 2 4 6 235 477 25 3 18 58 6 16 163 308 405 17 11 47 1 37 61 285 393 3 3 13 2 61 89 3 \ 18 14 9

3 4 29 32 20 4 79 2 428 769 10 6 22 1 8 188 204 193 2 6 56 88 14 6 3 33 6 237 322 22 15 267 468 3 18 20 18 6 6 41 40 32 2 39 64 59 10 26 27 6 19 44 54 42 7 12 80 73 82 2 5 6 32 172 366 1 18 60 55 5 64 79 3 86 102 2 2 16 40 62 4 1 4 21 154 241 1 3 39 50 9 2 111 166 3 5 108 188 45 81 50 38 26 20 16 2 30 25 18 2 3 6 5 99 102 4 9 8 118 143 2 8 128 135 144


~ a 52

C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of No. of Total'Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town! Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

186 Khajuripani 170.00 57 57 315 152 163 51 26 25 187 Jaganathapur 263.00 99 99 530 255 275 106 47 59 188 Dhanurjayapur 194.00 61 61 361 170 191 77 34 43 189 Kathabari 485.00 186 186 '934 471 463 136 71 65 190 Laxmipasi 144.00 81 81 399 203 196 45 28 17 191 Barigaon 479.00 149 149 687 364 323 125 80 45 192 8hodabahaIi 100.00 40 40 183 89 94 36 18 18 193 Kamalabahaia 138.00 68 68 370 192 178 61 26 35 194 Khadadiha 305.00 93 93 563 275 288 111 59 52 195 Kaliabeda 116.00 57 57 319 155 164 67 33 34 196 Majurpasi 160.00 66 66 319 164 155 55 21 34 197 Chaka 236.00 113 113 532 276 256 104 52 52 198 Raghunathapur 283.09 58 58 270' 151 119 45 29 16 199 Gobindapur 230.00 72 72 370 190 180 66 40 26 200 Badapasi 241.00 93 93 470 236 234 90 48 42 201 GopaJpur 540.00 94 94 471 240 231 83 35 48 202 Nischintapur 138.00 26 26 136 68 68 31 15 16 205 BhaIIadaI 220.02 29 29 155 81 74 22 12 10 214 Gangapatna N.A 63 63 206 139 67 29 15 14 215 Lunagudi N.A Uninhabited 0110 Kendujhar Town PS 55.23 3,654 3,821 20,745 10,642 10,103 3,571 1,791 1,780 Jarnunalia 99.00 38 41 175 81 94 46 21 25 2 GopInathapur () 129.00 72 '76 320 167 153 64 29 35 3 Laxmipasi 11.00 Uninhabited 4 Goudunibeda 39.00 Uninhabited 5 Barl8goda 130.00 120 122 660 342 318 109 56 53 6 Gumura 183.00 188 188 1,019 519 500 205 106 99 7 Tikaragumura 66.00 85 85 458 240 218 94 55 39 8 Muktapur 70.00 38 38 206 108 98 42 22 20 9 Ghuturu 144.00 299 299 1,608 808 800 219 113 106 10 Basantapur 44.00 10 10 32 17 15 10 6 4 11 Banpur 82.00 38 40 203 115 88 33 24 9 12 Gobindapur 74.00 124 124 671 355 316 89 48 41 13 Mandua 56.00 82 111 524 271 253 87 50 37 14 TangarapaJasa 118.00 79 86 461 238 223 87 48 39 15 Dimbo 170.00 224 225 1,221 643 578 192 102 90 16 Baiganpasi 110.00 42 42 200 93 107 40 20 20 17 Tentulinanda 88.00 117 117 761 399 362 114 57 57 18 KhoIapa 143.00 82 86 449 230 219 86 45 41 19 Alanapada 112.00 43 48 256 126 130 35 13 22 20 Jenagacia 4.00 Uninhabited 53

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.O. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

54 65 66 33 n 14 63 2 12 12 4 213 221 103 38 153 SO 107 40 49 125 138 80 38 94 33 66 1 21 31 28 37 330 334 200 50 263 225 210 13 19 194 149 154 86 23 115 100 193 173 193 78 203 57 136 2 44 54 21 23 53 22 54 44 44 22 7 22 11 9 117 47 109 92 81 52 18 40 16 11 244 259 64 8 150 137 144 136 4 11 15 75 72 75 46 90 92 68 19 14 73 3 5 67 68 73 16 89 51 86 47 4 13 15 86 71 156 82 161 62 105 59 1 5 3 89 61 78 34 73 17 58 13 3 3 22 13 114 34 87 70 14 196 191 96 15 133 125 17 14 150 151 99 33 139 70 55 41 17 18 46 44 11 39 1 38 81 74 47 4 43 3 3 30 11 112 48 98 3 Uninhabited 2,468 2,351 4,375 4,312 5,693 2,612 5,306 1,278 1,684 180 1,717 936 63 73 31 16 42 9 29 9 7 73 63 85 79 59 25 83 18 51 5 15 9 Uninhabited Uninhabited 193 175 112 113 189 59 187 64 50 268 260 215 205 297 79 256 124 92 107 121 9 8 176 156 130 51 88 5 6 49 5 96 90 9 8 69 31 54 6 33 572 546 209 221 535 248 400 53 82 5 184 45 13 12 8 5 10 2 1 5 7 82 55 56 18 48 18 14 11 15 139 128 95 87 228 143 155 30 36 1 36 22 3 179 186 146 67 150 25 32 9 33 12 62 63 144 129 134 47 116 5 37 4 14 166 147 160 152 372 219 307 91 86 13 106 68 9 6 77 86 4 4 62 64 4 3 57 61 36 39 70 73 220 117 175 46 29 59 41 121 124 97 52 122 28 25 3 55 24 19 31 25 20 84 37 75 21 24 11 15 7 Uninhabited 54

C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh VILLAGE PRIMARY liiaustniil ~tegory Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servl- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (Ill) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 • 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

186 Khajuripani 187 Jaganathapur 1 188 Dhanurjayapur 1 3 189 Kathabari 1 10 13 5 3 190 Laxmipasi 4 191 Barigaon 7 1 192 Bhodabahali 2 193 Kamalabahala 4 194 Khadiadiha 1 195 Kaliabeda 6 196 Majurpasi 2 197 Chaka 41 4 198 Raghunathapur 1 199 Gobindapur 2 1 200 Badapasi 3 201 Gopalpur 5 6 2 7 6 2 202 Nischintapur 205 Bhaliadal 214 Gangapatna 56 3 215 Lunagudi Uninhabited 0110 KenduJhar Town PS 151 3 40 13 64 14 176 27 99 15 1 Jamunalia 1 1 2 2 Gopinathapur (Nuagan) 3 Laxmipasi Uninhabited 4 Goudunibeda Uninhabited 5 Baliagoda 8 2 2 6 Gumura 6 3 6 7 Tikaragumura 2 8 Muktapur 3 9 Ghuturu 11 2 2 39 10 Basantapur 11 Banpar 6 12 Gobindapur 2 13 4 13 Mandua 9 8 2 14 Tangarapalasa 4 15 Dimbo 6 2 11 2 3 16 Baiganpasi 17 Tentulinanda 4 15 5 18 Kholapa 8 2 2 19 Alanapada 2 20 Jenagadia Uninhabited

S-,i)! 55

~SUSABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh .D8ln Woi1(ers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport. Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

2 79 75 70 4 7 102 218 3 3 76 155 3 15 2 208 238 1 10 88 196 3 11 161 266 1 35 50 4 83 86 1 125 151 2 65 70 75 103 6 4 2 73 115 121 2 8 78 102 103 179 3 2 144 102 90 16 3 9 16 6 23 100 138 35 29 32 43 33 31 23 16 41 64 Uninhabited 333 10 185 3 857 77 11 584 5,325 8,241 9 39 76 4 12 4 52 84 83 Uninhabited Uninhabited 8 6 47 100 155 217 12 3 27 3 263 376 3 6 20 152 213 5 6 1 54 97 12 4 64 3 4 5 404 742 7 7 13 7 3 4 5 67 70 10 4 48 5 2 2 198 284 18 2 4 43 2 121 228 16 20 25 1 122 218 26 4 63 7 336 487 1 31 43 20 4 39 3 3 224 313 2 12 16 108 190 3 12 19 3 8 48 101 Uninhabited 56

C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh VlLUGE PRllli.-v Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ- Total p;;p;a Code Village Occupied House- iog Institutional and in the age glOUP Number in Heet· Reside- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town' Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

p M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

21 Jalangadiha 163.00 65 68 399 198 201 73 37 36 22 Naranapur 154.00 207 216 1,345 742 603 205 110 95 23 Ghutukesari 266.00 191 209 1,019 506 513 197 88 109 24 Haladiatangiri 76.00 63 64 390 207 183 68 38 30 25 Badabil (Ka) 67.00 48 52 271 138 133 38 18 20 26 Baitabeda 2.00 Uninhabited 27 Kandarapasi 32.00 28 29 172 81 91 42 17 25 28 Sarasa 115.00 88 98 511 246 265 76 31 45 29 Belada 61.00 55 56 296 162 134 41 24 17 30 Ranki 628.00 384 386 2,238 1,167 1,071 320 167 163 48 Atibudhipada 57.00 46 46 199 96 103 42 20 22 49 Dimiribahal 106.00 55 55 249 130 119 61 30 31 50 Balabhadrapur 93.00 19 19 99 51 48 18 6 12 51 Motitangara 106.00 115 116 5n 296 281 101 50 51 52 Sirisipal 379.00 219 229 1,298 662 636 238 119 119 53 Ichhapur 26.00 Uninhabited 54 Saharaposi 59.00 10 12 72 38 34 11 7 4 55 Talankabahal 215.00 115 144 782 365 417 161 64 97 56 Tulasichaunra 386.00 110 124 619 311 308 111 55 56 57 Ramachandrapur 314.00 49 50 327 164 163 67 28 39 58 Badudighar 167.00 39 40 217 102 115 43 20 23 59 Jamunalia 179.00 67 70 441 228 213 96 47 49

Kir-2 57

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.. D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Uterates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

2 70 79 118 58 96 9 16 28 4 68 58 231 162 516 270 356 39 65 5 47 21 67 83 301 291 143 77 284 56 60 148 55 25 24 158 144 115 39 95 4 26 30 4 79 74 59 59 81 40 78 11 43 3 11 6 Uninhabited 81 91 20 7 41 10 24 7 9 39 41 133 148 153 88 135 23 53 4 42 17 111 93 93 40 71 5 17 33 4 275 260 365 353 780 448 515 130 77 4 179 102 86 93 33 58 50 31 6 10 23 130 119 29 1 77 19 46 2 9 2 36 39 19 4 25 10 11 58 49 72 81 120 39 150 20 45 90 20 169 167 230 233 296 89 341 45 218 77 41 Uninhabited 18 15 18 13 16 16 159 212 162 63 197 71 114 3 59 63 133 132 108 30 174 150 69 33 45 98 46 56 60 17 92 86 60 63 22 20 41 42 45 24 52 4 31 13 3 18 15 98 106 125 44 121 5 48 21 4

Kjr-2 58

C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh VILLAGE PRIMARY lilausin81 ~tegory Location Name of Village livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, ServICing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry In other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

21 Jalangadiha 7 6 4 3 22 Naranapur 35 2 2 17 23 Ghutukesari 8 8 16 24 Haladiatangiri 3 1 1 25 Badabil (Ka) 3 5 4 26 Baitabeda Uninhabited 27 Kandarapasi 7 28 Sarasa 6 5 29 Belada 30 Ranki 11 3 13 17 7 48 Atibudhipada 6 3 6 4 15 49 Dimiribahal 4 17 14 50 Baiabhadrapur 51 Motitangara 1 52 Sirisipal 3 2 2 53 Ichhapur Uninhabited 54 Saharaposi 55 Talankabahal 4 3 4 56 Tulasichaunra 5 26 13 3 1 57 Ramachandrapur 6 58 Badudighar 3 59 Jamunalia 7 14 13 59

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Kendujhargarh of riilaln ',lJorKers Marginal N("m""'or~ers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

------_._-_ ------M F M F M F M F M F ------34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 .----~-

12 2 22 2 102 190 73 34 81 12 6 386 558 6 8 30 69 222 388 8 7 19 112 179 1 11 2 60 122 Uninhabited 2 40 81 6 ? 18 2 111 242 3 16 91 129 51 21 136 ~3 2 142 650 "r9g 4 38 ')3 17 5:3 83 3 26 48 2 3 8 146 2fi1 11 3 24 321 f;91 Uninhabited 1 3 1 15 20 18 2 3 11 2 112 168 234 IJ 5 2 11 ? 12 137 146 3 3 72 77 5 9 50 102 2 6 10 19 107 189 --.---



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8oundory,l)I,lnci CDE!lpck ) Police Si~U"n Vila,. with lotol1\o,1 "1111 nuftlber ~-_~E_-~5 rerelt·Re!.f:rw~d IIIlII, ~om~ ",*",/IF Htodquorfers CD lIock,~I)Hc~ StaliM • 0 VIIooe with pO!N~llon Silt Belew 200, .0 ••• '2.00-4~9, ~-S'99. 1OOC-4S~9

Un!!tcblltd ~lIIove w~lIlocatl(l1l cod~ numbtr [~~~~::J lKboo orfC wllb Iocchon code nlln'ltler ~ (q,t.uHf'owJ __l!!._ r._ ~rlanl""t.dRood , Unlnelaled and ot~er Roods

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MclelAlI~ D!1d CNkt Ylll!lote Ctfllre z LCNo'44Ic500I.lICtPownlltlw""IIIII~IIIIIer~ c , CJ)lIodiol~.rlPS II: 1'IIpo'!CfI! ~~I09.M""UI. Hal D

L"' .... 107.1Ot ...... 0III ...... CJllIItdI....." t.I. W...., u .... ItIM., tMIl @---_ .., PRDWARYCENSUSABSTRACT OF BARlCHANDANPUR C.D. BLOCK - 0020

Pandapara PS - 0120 Harichandanpur PS - 0140 Daitari PS - 0150




POLICE STATION - PANDAPARA - 0120 1 Alanapada 19/031012010039 19/3/13/39 16/031002010072- 161312.172 2 Badakamanddla 19/031012010032 1913113132 16/03/0020/Q033 16/312133 3 Baijapada 19/03/012010047 19/3113147 16/031002010037 161312137 4 Balanipasi 19/031012010002 191311312 161031002010002 16/3/212 5 BaHmunduli 19/031012010076 1913113176 161031002010066 161312166 6 Baxibarigaon 191031012010010 1913113110 161031002010016 161312116 7 Bhagamunda 19/0310120/0015 1913113115 16103!0020/oo18 161312118 8 Barahmanapange 19/0310120/0036 1913113136 1610310020;0075 161312175 9 Budhakhaman 19i03l012010091 1913113f91 161031002010085 16/312185 10 Champei 19/0310120/0001 191311311 16103/002010001 1613/211 11 Chheiapanka 19/03/0120/0080 19/3113100 16f03l0020iOO69 16'312169 12 Dadhibamanpur 191031012010033 19/3113133 16103/002010032 161312132 13 Dandasenapasi 191031012010019 1913113119 16103J002Oi0025 16/312125 14 Dhanabeni 19/031012010011 19/3113111 1610310020100 14 1613/2114 15 Dhanguru 19103/0120/0071 19.'3113/71 16f03/0020/0060 16/312160 16 Dhanurjayapur 19/031012010031 19/3113/31 161031002010031 161312.131 17 Dumurinali 19/0310120/0021 19/3113121 161031002010027 161312127 18 Gopinathpur 1910310120/0029 1913113129 161031002010078 161312f78 19 Hannota 19/031012010035 1913113135 1610310020/0073 161312173 20 Hoonda 19/0310120/0082 19i3l13182 161031002010087 1613/2187 21 Janghira 19I03I012010077 1913113177 16/031002010067 161312167 22 Jhumukapasi 191031012010028 19/3113128 161031002010076 161312176 23 Junga 19/031012010018 1913113118 1610310020/0022 161312122 24 Kaberipasl 19/031012010016 19f3i13116 16f03loo20Joo19 16!312/19 25 Kalimati 19/0310120/0045 19/3113145 161031002010023 161312123 26 Kantapada 19/031012010073 19/3/13173 16103,'002010064 161312164- 27 Khajuribani 19/031012010083 1913113183 161031'002010081 161312181 28 Khantamara 19/031012010087 1913113187 16/0310020/0096 16l3/219€ 29 Khediadihi 191031012010022 1913113122 161031002010029 161312129 30 Khudapasi 19/031012010041 19/3/13141 1610310020/0063 161312163 31 Khuntabandha 19/031012010030 19/3113130 161031002010030 161312130 32 Khuntapada 191031012010042 1913113142 161031002010061 161312161 33 Koya 191031012010075 19/3113175 1610310020/0070 161312170 34 Kuajharan 191031012010099 19f3113l99 161031002010095 161312195 35 Madhapur 191031012010043 1913113143 161031002010035 16/3/2135 36 Manipur 191031012010081 19/3113181 161031002010068 161312168 37 Masinabilla 191031012010072 19/3/13172 16l03l002010062 161312162 38 Misramal 19/031012010034 1913113134 16f03100201oo77 161312J77 39 Naizoda 191031012010020 19/3113120 161031002010026 161312126 40 Nalapanga 19f03f0120iOOlQ 19f3113f70 161031002010059 161312159 41 Nityanandapur 19/03(0120/0012 19r3'13!12 161031002010015 161312115 42 Ostapanga 191031012010046 19(3113146 16f03l002010036 161312136 43 Panasia 191031012010093 1913113193 16f03l0020l0093 161312193 44 Panpanga 1910310120/0074 19/3113174 161031002010065 161312165

Kjr-2 64



45 Patulikotha 19/031012010078 19/3113/78 161031002010089 161312189 46 Pichulabeda 19/0310120/0079 1913113n9 1610310020/0088 161312188 47 Rankanipasi 19/0310120/0038 19/3113138 161031002010071 161312111 48 Sahara Tangiri 19/0310120/0092 19/3113192 1610310020/0091 161312191 49 Salbeda 19/03l0t 20/0049 1913113149 1610310020/0038 161312138 50 Samagiri (Ka) 19/03/0120/0088 19/3113188 1610310020/0090 161312190 51 Samagiri 19/031012010089 19/3113189 52 San-nuagaon (Kothachasa) 19/03/0120/0013 19/3113113 16/031002010017 161312117 53 Sankamandara 19/03/0120/0044 19/3113144 16/0310020/0024 161312124 54 Suakat 19/0310120/0017 19/3113117 16/031002010020 161312120 55 Talanadam 19/0310120/0090 19/3113190 1610310020/0097 161312197 56 Tankajoda 19/03/0120/0024 19/3113'24 1610310020/0028 161312128 57 Taunlahata 19/03/0120/0037 19/311~7 1610310020/0074 161312n4 58 Tentalapasi 19/03/012010040 19/3113140 1610310020/0034 16/3/2/34 59 Tota 19/03/0120/0014 19/3113114 1610310020/0021 161312121

POLICE STATION - HARICHANDAPUR - 0140 60 Akhupal 19/0310140/0042 19/3115/42 161031012010014 16/3/12114 61 Alana (Alanga) 19/0310140/0015 19/3115/15 161031012010039 16/3/12139 62 Anlajodi 19/0310140/0067 1913115/67 161031012010021 16/3/12121 63 Badanuagaon 19/03/0140/0032 19/3115/32 1610310120/0025 1613112125 64 Badasiadimal 19/031014010088 19/3/15/88 1610310120/0079 16/3/12/79 65 Balipal 19/0310140/0066 19/3115/66 161031012010059 16/3/12/59 66 Balipasi 19/03/0140/0014 19/3115/14 1610310120/0038 16/3/12/38 67 Banabir 19/03/0140/0062 19/3115/62 161031012010083 1613112183 68 Bandhapada 19/03l0t40/0025 1913115/25 161031012010050 16/3/12150 69 Barigaon 19/0310140/0106 19/3115/106 1610310120/0106 16/3/121106 70 Baunar 19/03/0140/0055 19/3115/55 16/031012010093 1613112193 71 Bayapita 19/03/0140/0069 19/3115/69 161031012010058 1613112158 72 Bhagamunda 19/03/0140/0085 19/3115/85 16/03/0120/0076 16/3112116 73 Bhanarpur 19/03/0140/0048 1913115/48 16/03/0120/0054 1613112154 74 Bhuka 19/03/0140/0060 19/3115/60 16103/012010084 1613112184 75 Bilamudinuchasahi 19/0310140/0108 19/3115/108 1610310120/0108 16131121108 . 76 Billa 19/0310140/0102 19/3/15/102 16/03/012010073 1613112173 n Brajamohanpur 19/0310140/0038 19/3/15/38 16/0310120/0015 1613112115 78 Budhipada Santa! Sahi 19/03/0140/0110 19/3115/110 16/0310120/0110 16131121110 79 Chakradharpur 19/031014010002 19/3115/2 16/03/0120/0006 16/3/1216 80 Charichakia 19/0310140/0084 19/3115/84 81 Chasatangari 19/0310140/0063 19/3115/63 16/031012010055 1613112155 82 Chhutunga 19/0310140/0093 19/3115/93 16/031012010094 1613112194 83 Chilikidara 19/03/0140/0096 19/3115/96 1610310120/0099 1613112199 84 Deulahudi 19/03/0140/0087 19/3/15/87 16/03/0120/0078 1613112n8 85 Dhagotha 19/03/014010047 19/3115/47 16/0310120/0026 16/3/12126 86 Dhalpur 19/03/0140/0029 19/3115/29 1610310120/0029 16/3/12/29 87 Dhurudiama (Dhurudia) 19/03/0140/0079 19/3115n9 16193/0120/0068 16/3/12168

----- So'i>! 65



88 Dinabandhupur 19/03/0140/0045 19/3115/45 16103/012010020 1613112120 89 Dosamali i 9/Q3/0 140(0021 19/3115/21 1610310120/0044 1613112144 90 Durgamela 19/03:0140/0094 19/3115/94 16/03/012010097 16/3/12197 91 Godadharpur 19/03/0140/0004 19/3115/4 16/03/0120/0003 16/311213 92 Gaduana 19/03/0140/0105 19/3115/105 16/0310120/0105 16131121105 93 Gamharia 19/0310140/0043 19/3/15/43 16/031012010012 1613112112 94 Garagadabahai 19/03/0140/0051 19/3/15/51 16/0310120/0086 1613112186 95 Ghasnatangar 19/03/0140/0086 19/3115/86 1610310120/0077 1613112f17 96 Golabandt\a 19/03i0140fOO59 19/3f15/59 1610310120/0052 1613/12152 97 Gopinathpur 19/03/0140/0095 19/3115/95 16:03/0120/0098 16/3112198 98 Gounighasa 19/03/0140f009B 19/3/15/9S 16/03/0120/0101 16/3/121101 99 Harichandanpur 19/03/0140/0041 19/3115/41 16/03/012010009 1613/12/9 100 Haridagotha 19/03!0140f0074 19f3f15/74 16103/0120/0066 1612/12166 101 Hatikucha 19/0310140/0081 1913115/81 16103/0120/0071 16f3/12f11 102 Hayarapur 19/03/0140/0099 1913i15/99 16/03/012010102 16131121102 103 Jamuda 19/03/0140/0078 1913/15f18 16/03/012010067 1613/12167 104 Jamupasi 19/03/0140/0083 19/3115/83 16103/012010069 1613112169 105 Jamutodi 19/03/0140/0030 19/3115/30 16/031012010028 16/3/12128 106 Jaunlipokhari 19/03/0140/0073 19/3/15f13 16/03/0120/0010 16/3112110 107 Jhadapokhari 19/03/0140/0034 19/3115/34 16f03/0120/0023 1613112123 108 Jiranga 19/03/0140/0024 19/3/15/24 16103/012010048 1613/12148 109 Kaduadiha 19/03/0140/0035 19/3/15/35 '6/03/0120/0019 16/3/12119 110 Kalapata 19/03/0140/0010 19/3115/10 i 6103/012010035 1613112135 111 Kaliaduma 19/03/0140/0071 19/311 5f1"1 16/03/0120/0061 16/3112161 112 Kalimati 19/03/0140/0001 19/3/15/1 16/03/012010005 16/3112/5 113 Kamalangi 19/03/0140/0089 19/3115/89 16103/0120/0080 16f3l12180 114 Kandavarati 19/03/0140/0097 19/3115/97 16/03/0120/0100 16/3/121100 115 Kanheigola 19/03/0140r0054 19/3115/54 16/03/0120/0089 16f3l12189 116 Kantala 19.'031014010092 19/3/15/92 16/03/012010095 16/3112195 117 Kantalareservesahi (Tigiriasahi) 19f03l0140/0109 19/3/15/109 16/03/0120/0109 16/31121109 118 Kaptipada 19/03/0140/0076 19/3115176 16/03/012010063 16/3112163 119 Karadapal 19/03/0140/0080 19/3/15/80 16/03/0120/0070 1613112f10 120 19/03/0140/0009 19/3115109 16/03/0120/0034 16/3/12134 121 Kharaba 19/03/0140/0017 19/3115/17 16/03/0120/0088 16/3/12188 122 Khedapada 19/03/0140/0023 19/3115/23 16/03/0120/0047 16/3/12147 123 Khuntapasi 19/03/0140/0008 1913/15/08 16/03/0120/0033 16/3112/33 124 Kuladhankuni 19/03/0140/001B 19,3115/18 16/03/0120/0041 16/3112141 125 Kundalpani 19/03/0140/0007 19/3/15/7 16/03/0120/0032 16/3112132 126 Kusumjodi (Kha) 19/03/0140/0100 19/3/15/100 16/03/0120/0103 16/31121103 127 Laxmipur 19/03/0140/0037 19/3/15/37 16/03/0120/0016 1613/12116 128 Madhyapur 19/03/0140/0064 19/3115/64 16/03/0120/0056 1613/12156 129 Makasukhila 19/03/0140/0039 19/3/15/39 16/03/0120/0007 16/3112107 130 Manapur 19/03f0140/0006 19/3/15/06 16,103/0120/0001 16/3112101 131 Maniabindha 19/03/0140/0082 19/3/15/82 16/03/012010075 16/3I12f15 132 Manoharpur 19/03/0140/0044 19/3115/44 16/03/0120fOO18 16/3/12118

S-,j>l 66



2 3 4 5 6

133 Maragola 19/03/0140/0052 1913/15/52 16/0310120/0087 16/3/12/87 134 Medinipur 19/03/()14Q/OOO5 19/311 SIS 16/03/012010002 16/3112/2 135 Nakitipasi 19/03/0140100 j 9 19/3/~ 5119 16/03101200042 16/3/12/42 136 Nandara 19/03/0140/001 J 19!3115'13 16/0310120lO045 16/3112/45 137 Nipania 19!O3/0140/0090 1913115/90 16/03/0120/0081 '1 6/3/12181 138 Nola 19/03/0140/0056 18 ~{15/56 16rv3/0 12010092 1613/12192 139 Nuagaon 19/03/0140/0101 '9/3/15/1 01 16/)3/0120/0074 16/3/12174 140 Ostiapasi 19/03/014Q(0058 19/3/15/58 16/03/012010085 16/3112185 141 Palabani 18/03/0140/0104 19/3/1 5/104 16103/012010072 16!3/12172 142 Palabani Reserve Sahi 19/03/0140/0107 19/3115/107 16/03/012010107 16/3/12/107 143 Palasabani 19/03/0140/0111 19/3/1 b/111 144 Palasapal 19/03/0140/0050 19/3/15/50 16/03/0120/0051 16/3/12/51 145 Penthadihi 19103/0140/0027 1913/15/27 16/03/0120/0031 1613/12131 146 Pitapiti 19/03/0140/0003 19/3115/3 16/03/012010004 16/3112/4 147 Pltatangar 19/03/0140/0068 19/3115/68 16/03/0120/0060 16/3112160 148 Pithagola 19/03/0140/0016 19/3r15/16 16/03/0120/0040 16/3/12/40 149 Prahaladpur 19/03/0140/0049 19/3/15/49 16/03/0120/0053 16/3112/53 150 Raghunathpur 19/03/0140:0040 1913'15/40 16103/0120/0008 16/311218 151 Raidiha 19/03/0140/0075 19/3115175 16/03/0120/0064 16/3I12J64 152 Rampakote 19/03/0140/0020 19/3115/20 16/03/0120/0043 16/3112/43 153 Raniapada 19/0310140/0057 19/3/15/57 16/03/0120/0091 16/3112/91 154 Rohi 19/03/0140/0061 19/3115/61 16/03/0120/0082 16/3112182 155 Sadanandapur 19/03/0140/00~'3 19/3/15/33 16/03/0120/0024 16/3112/24 156 Sagadapata 19/03/0140/0103 19/3/15/103 16/03/0120/0104 16/3112/104 157 Saitipal (Satyapai) 19/03/0140/0046 19/3115/46 16/0310120/0022 16/3/12/22 158 Sankarapur 19/03/0140/0065 19/3/15/65 16/03/0120/0057 1613/12/57 159 Santoshapuf 19/03/0140/0028 19/3/15/28 16/03/0120/0030 16/3112/30 160 Saradhapasl 19/03/0140/0011 19/3115/11 16/03/0120/0036 16/3112136 1G1 Singbilla 19/03/0140/0072 1913115172 16/03/012010011 16/3112/11 162 Sunapentha 19/03/0140/0091 19/3/15/91 16/0310120/0096 16/3/12/96 163 Taladhihi 19/03/0140/0077 19/3/15/77 16/0310120/0065 16/3/12/65 164 Tambahara 19/03/0140/0022 19/3115/22 16/03/0120/0046 16/3/12/46 165 Tangarbahali 19/03/0140/0012 19/3/15/12 16/03/012010037 16/3112/37 166 Tangarpada 19/03/0140/0026 1913/15/26 1 6/03/0120/0049 1613/12/49 167 Tangarpasl 19/03/0140/0036 19/3115/36 16/03/0120/0017 16/3112/17 1G8 Tetutaiapasl 19/03/0140/0031 19/3115131 16/0310120/0027 16/3/12127 169 Thakurpada 19/03/014010070 19/3/15170 16/03/0120/0062 16;3/12)62

POLICE STATION -- DAITARI - 01 SO 170 Altunares8rvesah: 19/031015010035 19/3116/35 16/03/0130/0036 16/3113/36 171 Alutuma 19/03/0150/0024 19/3116/24 16/03/013010024 16/3113/24 172 ArJunchua 19/03/0150/0026 1913/16/26 16/03/013010019 16/3113/19 173 BadaJurnei 19/03/0150/0042 19/3/16/42 16/03/0130/0043 16/3113/43 174 Baghlrashi 19/03/0150/0038 19/3116138 16/031013010039 16/3113/39 175 Bahparbat 19/03/0150/0022 1913/16/22 16i03/0130/0030 16/3113/30

S-l[.>l 67



2 3 4 5 6

176 Bangurusuni 19/031015010005 19/311615 161031013010005 1613113105 1n Bareigola 19/0310150/0009 191311619 161031013010009 1613113109 178 Baut!a 191031015010040 1913116140 16/031013010041 1613113141 179 Brahmanipal 191031015010033 1913116133 180 Budhiapada 191031015010001 191311611 161031013010001 161311311 181 Budhlapada (Kha.) 19/031015010002 191311612 161031013010002 161311312 182 Daitari 19/031015010021 1913116121 161031013010029 1613113129 183 Dangadar 19/031015010043 1913116143 161031013010044 1613113144 184 Jantia 19/0310150/0031 1913116131 16I03I013010034 1613113134 185 Kaithatikri 19/0310150/0029 1913116129 161031013010021 1613113121 186 Kanjiapal 19/031015010008 191311618 161031013010010 1613113110 187 Kanjiapal (Kha) 19/0310150/0007 1913116n 161031013010025 1613113125 188 Khasapada 19/031015010025 1913116125 161031013010023 1«¥3113123 189 Kusumajodi (Kha) 19/031015010014 1913116114 161031013010013 1613113113 190 Mahabirapasi 19/031015010028 1913116128 161031013010020 1613113120 191 Mahabirapasitalabedasahi 191031015010039 1913116139 161031013010040 1613113140 192 Mahulapanga 1910310150/0006 19/311616 161031013010008 161311318 193 Masinajodi 19/0310150/0004 19/311614 1610310130/0004 161311314 194 Naradangipenth 19/031015010011 1913116111 161031013010016 1613113116 195 Palaspal 19/0310150/0003 191311613 161031013010003 161311313 196 Pancham 191031015010023 1913116123 1610310130/0032 1613113132 197 Panchamreservesahi 19/0310150/0034 1913116134 1610310130/0035 1613113135 198 Pangamal 19/0310150/0036 1913116136 161031013010037 1613113137 199 Pangarugudi 191031015010037 1913116137 161031013010038 1613113138 200 Pathuripentha 19/031015010012 19/3116112 1610310130/0007 161311317 201 Rasol 191031015010030 1913116130 1610310130/0022 1613113122 202 Revana (Ka) 19/031015010017 1913116117 161031013010026 1613113126 203 Revana (Kha) 19/031015010016 1913116116 1610310130/0014 1613113114 204 Sanajunei 19/0310150/0018 1913116118 161031013010027 1613113127 205 Sandhiaposi 19/031015010020 1913116120 1610310130/0017 1613113117 206 Sansiadimai 19/031015010010 1913116110 161031013010006 161311316 207 Suakati 19/031015010041 1913116141 161031013010042 1613113142 208 Talapada 19/031015010019 1913116119 0 161031013010031 161311313i 209 Tangirlapal 19/031015010027 1913116127 161031013010018 1613113118 210 Tentulipal 19/03/015010032 1913116132 16I03I0130/003.. 1613113133 211 Totapal 191031015010013 19131161t3 161031013010015 1613113115 212 Turkipada 19/031015010015 1913116115 161031013010028 1613113128 68

C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

2 Harichandanpur T 622.00 19,801 20,371 103,382 52,420 50,962 20.319 10,280 10,039 C.D. Block R 622.00 18,745 19,314 98,948 50,056 48,892 19,587 9,944 9,643 U 1,056 1,057 4,434 2,364 2,070 732 336 396 0120 Pandapara PS 159.80 5,008 5,059 25,232 12,665 12,567 4,621 2,348 2,273 ~ C~ampei 57.37 46 46 188 95 93 33 16 17 2 Balanipasi 327.80 209 209 1069 513 556 190 108 82 10 Baxibarigaon 644.68 239 244 1260 674 586 245 117 128 11 Dhanabeni 323.25 65 65 336 154 182 48 19 29 12 Nityanandapur 64.75 33 33 173 91 82 33 16 17 13 San-nuagaon (Kolhachasa) 204.37 32 32 196 97 99 45 23 22 14 Tota 79.32 5 5 37 19 18 4 3 1 15 Bhagamunda 174.42 74 76 365 181 184 70 38 32 16 Kaberipasi 67.18 17 17 93 46 47 24 15 9 17 Suakat 63.94 24 24 128 62 66 19 9 10 18 Junga 282.48 162 162 875 434 441 140 60 80 19 Dandasenapasi 199.92 72 72 389 191 198 52 25 27 20 Naizoda 104.41 45 45 196 112 84 27 19 8 21 Dumurinali 70.01 50 52 272 145 127 50 27 23 22 Khediadihi 65.81 Uninhabited 24 Tankajoda 37.63 46 46 220 115 105 35 14 21 28 Jhumukapasi 155.80 70 76 329 150 179 67 27 40 29 Gopinathpur 78.51 33 33 202 91 111 35 15 20 30 Khuntabandha 146.50 70 70 399 196 203 97 53 44 31 Dhanurjayapur 80.53 24 29 173 78 95 31 13 18 32 Badakamanddla 238.36 139 139 738 353 385 131 67 64 33 Dadhibamanpur 74.46 47 47 251 138 113 49 26 23 34 MisramaJ 108.86 90 91 521 264 257 111 48 63 35 Hatinota 218.13 84 86 533 258 275 93 46 47 36 Brahmanapanga 140.53 99 100 473 236 237 74 33 41 37 Taunlahata 90.56 55 55 310 167 143 67 26 41 38 Rankanipasi 14.67 Uninhabited 39 AJanapada 90.65 66 66 322 159 163 52 28 24 40 TentaJapasi 306.30 120 121 616 319 297 93 52 41 41 Khudapasi 98.74 47 47 222 105 117 43 14 29 42 Khuntapada 200.77 77 77 420 203 217 81 44 37 43 Madhapur 20577 49 49 278 142 136 66 31 35 44 Sankamandara 170.78 104 104 575 290 285 96 43 53 45 Kalimati 151.35 104 105 500 222 278 56 29 27 46 Ostapanga 538.98 155 155 811 386 425 124 - bl 47 Baijapada 409.55 101 101 557 278 279 133 67 66 49 Salbeda 281.26 6~ 61 290 147 143 42 26 16 70 Nalapanga 681.91 150 150 739 365 374 149 76 73

Kjr-2 69

CENSUS ABSTRACT C. D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

3,876 3,831 27,945 27,388 22,233 8,774 27,374 6,243 16,531 1,995 5,784 3,422 3,595 3,569 27,119 26,648 20,561 7,842 26,238 6,116 16,505 1,995 5,740 3,420 281 262 826 740 1,672 932 1,136 127 26 44 2 774 770 6,822 6,821 5,567 1,899 6,541 1,955 4,362 600 1,370 1,210 7 9 21 21 28 9 59 26 39 12 17 14 377 415 238 70 291 5 276 108 111 301 237 267 110 305 53 86 120 19 142 174 48 10 90 84 31 15 51 41 2 60 58 38 7 53 35 48 34 1 1 19 18 5 7 3 6 1 3 77 83 31 23 65 14 109 62 103 62 18 14 24 4 20 4 27 31 23 12 37 29 4 16 19 346 340 121 53 240 29 146 1 56 18 20 19 74 66 51 20 117 11 96 4 8 4 12 11 55 13 59 48 9 27 28 81 24 71 70 Uninhabited 81 75 11 2 72 72 46 66 46 16 90 88 1 8 9 33 47 41 16 50 41 6 3 6 44 55 95 32 88 69 52 40 33 28 16 21 65 14 37 34 34 34 5 5 45 59 216 36 173 157 129 101 37 55 ~4 14 67 59 48 7 74 3 51 2 2 117 122 91 22 156 38 105 20 25 16 9 15 74 68 115 21 123 109 8 13 10 170 186 96 19 39 26 6 111 13 111 83 26 Uninhabited 112 118 79 26 70 19 37 12 6 3 289 272 201 67 154 15 69 2 36 6 25 27 73 40 59 2 36 9 2 2 162 176 79 17 118 22 95 4 19 17 142 136 70 11 76 81 27 48 81 40 42 132 30 148 36 107 6 33 30 222 278 82 42 145 21 129 10 11 10 4 5 362 390 130 43 200 63 168 8 ~ 52 47 46 224 222 126 20 127 5 109 2 15 2 5 5 96 94 88 45 76 6 62 4 8 16 24 158 171 112 55 200 110 141 50 110

S-lj)f 70

C~D. Bl.OCK - Harichandanpur VILLAGE PRIMARY IndUStl1i1 Citegory "l.QCatIon Name of Village livestock, Forestry, Uiningand Manufacturing. Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing. Servicing Processing, Sarvi- (VI) ...... and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Househok:llndustry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

a HariohanctanpurT 502 54 1.033 98 5. 184 183 82 148 12 C.D. Block R 483 44 214 42 592 184 579 80 134 12 U 19 10 819 56 7 4 2 14 0120 P.ndapara PS 65 1 187 12 37 3 21 1 1 Champal 1 2 Balanipasi 2 2 10 Baxibarigaon 6 36 27 6 11 Dhanabeni 3 2 12 Nityanandapur 13 San-nuagaon (Kothachasa) -- 14 Tota 15 Bhagamunda 4 16 Kaberipasi 2. 17 Suakat 18 Junga 2 11 1 4 2 19 Dandasenapasi 9 9 2 20 Naizoda 21 Dumurinali 22 Khediadihi Uninhabited 24 Tankajoda 28 Jhumukapasi 29 Gopinathpur 30 Khuntabandha 31 Dhanu~ayapur 32 Badakamanddla 33 Dadhibamanpur 2 34 Misramal 1 10 35 Hatinota 2 1 36 Brahmanapanga 3 37 Taunlahata 38 Rankanipasi Uninhabited 39 Alanapada 4 3 4 40 Tentalapasi 11 8 1 5 41 Khudapasi 4 2 42 Khuntapada 43 Madhapur 44 Sankamandara 45 Kallmati 1 46 Ostapanga 2 47 Baijapada 2 49 Salbeda 2 70 Nalapanga S-'i>! 71

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur -a Main WOI'kers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport. Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

680 43 257 3 1,257 350 589 5,393 24,457 39,326 589 22 246 2 1,156 315 574 5.376 23,244 37,400 91 21 11 1 101 35 15 17 1,213 1,926 131 7 19 349 81 155 1509 5,969 9,103 2 36 67 4 2 4 5 1 221 550 20 2 28 5 148 368 385 64 182 7 5 40 n 4 44 64 12 15 72 122 4 22 39 4 25 6 5 2 3 11 5 194 412 6 74 187 2 53 83 74 127 Uninhabited 61 43 44 1 8 60 171 2 5 41 106 2 1 107 133 1 3 15 38 46 2 5 2 2 178 226 19 64 110 2 13 2 108 219 2 135 275 3 2 195 237 13 56 130 Uninhabited 5 9 7 86 89 58 9 15 5 153 165 129 2 6 3 43 115 3 3 85 192 1 66 55 2 5 21 142 228 2 n 256 4 16 2 35 180 151 182 1 151 274 4 2 71 137 2 6 2 63 163 201

S·li)! 72

C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur VILLAGE PRIMAWi

Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total. Population(includ­ Total POPuiatior\1 Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group i Number in Hect­ Reside- holds Houseless Porulation) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

71 Dhanguru 270.90 42 42 225 111 114 44 22 22 72 Masinabilla 220.96 65 65 351 189 1'62 65 35 30 73 Kantapada 132.29 156 156 701 348 353 107 50 57 74 Patipanga 55.95 71 71 314 159 155 50 28 22 75 Koya 26.48 28 28 141 78 63 28 17 11 76 Balimunduli 26.91 Uninhabited 77 Janghira 427.76 374 374 1,711 933 778 272 141 131 78 Patulikotha 214.74 52 52 287 145 142 58 24 34 79 Pichulabeda 122.21 30 30 153 70 83 38 18 20 80 Chheiapanka 25.49 Uninhabited 81' Manipur 22.66 10 10 44 21 23 7 4 3 82 Hoonda 2,563.77 524 544 2.403 1.220 1.183 469 245 224 83 Khajuribani 447.85 80 83 483 243 240 91 55 36 87 Khantamara 428.74 29 29 152 77 75 33 22 11 88 Samagiri (Ka) 950.29 105 105 466 236 230 108 57 51 89 Samagiri 121.35 47 47 206 101 105 41 24 17 90 Talanadam 107.12 22 22 103 52 51 . 27 15 12 91 Budhakhaman 1,260.59 233 233 1,055 547 508 198 114 84 92. Sahara Tangiri 374.18 103 105 518 244 274 93 50 43 93 Panasia 727.43 129 129 666 330 336 151 79 72 99 Kuajharan 202.48 44 44 197 85 112 36 14 22

0140 HARICHANDANPUR PS 386.05 10,765 11,199 58,858 29,665 29,193 11,628 5,891 5,737 1 Kalimati 465.48 109 132 678 343 335 141 67 74 2 Chakradharpur 639.02 137 168 833 416 417 116 61 55 3 Pitapiti 564.41 232 236 1.255 614 641 203 88 115 4 Gadadharpur 115.13 24 24 121 63 58 25 11 14 5 Medinipur 64.70 23 27 140 66 74 25 10 15 6 Manapur 305.33 100 109 563 286 277 98 43 55 7 Kundalpani 287.02 113 113 532 256 276 89 48 41 8 Khuntapasi 216.99 91 91 522 257 265 110 56 54 9 Karanjia 330.42 89 100 481 237 244 81 43 38 10 Kalapata 343.52 137 158 788 386 402 133 69 64 11 Saradhapasi 291.66 62 62 328 156 172 54 24 30 12 Tangarbahali 184.47 84 84 438 223 215 69 34 35 13 Nandara 364.88 145 150 794 425 369 115 62 53 14 Balipasi 240.00 52 52 235 117 118 48 25 23 15 Alana (Alanga) 493.00 82 B2 343 169 174 65 29 36 16 Pithagola 912.08 259 287 1484 727 757 294 150 144 17 Kharaba 980.45 101 101 447 225 222 128 64 64 18 Kuladhankuni 227.58 65 72 424 206 218 114 59 55 19 Nakitipasi 60.00 Uninhabited

S-lj>l 73


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I· IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

111 114 39 2 69 17 57 11 17 2 2 67 51 93 24 104 1 69 34 1 3 3 94 104 195 84 197 112 72 19 82 89 19 22 82 75 99 41 92 3 79 2 33 17 29 30 52 18 38 32 Uninhabited 117 97 349 234 685 307 414 87 172 13 89 58 90 93 64 24 60 9 58 2 1 5 8 6 43 19 34 29 2 Uninhabited 13 5 11 6 2 193 205 660 626 473 194 626 169 335 13 167 135 166 169 91 29 106 85 16 50 47 7 3 30 29 162 170 91 19 127 115 64 26 59 88 4 31 38 37 18 55 55 32 26 20 29 49 46 14 1 26 27 11 15 27 486 456 141 41 294 230 99 6 187 223 7 5 175 183 118 53 134 44 85 29 38 13 13 10 182 182 116 49 173 152 139 117 31 32 85 112 20 3 52 23 47 2 5 21

2,463 2,498 14,611 14,397 12,343 5,065 15,575 2,950 9,572 1,064 3,808 1,515 27 26 202 193 110 46 187 4 127 49 17 19 228 233 177 74 239 98 107 7 88 74 82 90 173 197 327 154 302 54 165 2 86 36 4 2 28 25 16 6 32 13 9 22 13 12 20 32 10 36 12 19 14 12 38 35 158 160 136 71 160 48 92 58 46 31 32 15 I, 15 108 n 145 7 35 4 84 142 128 87 47 147 20 87 8 55 10 '59 58 24 25 127 74 122 11 79 24 8 34 47 253 256 184 84 231 13 208 10 9 1 88 90 84 29 84 5 67 2 117 3 ;, 23 16 109 _lOS 139 47 115 34 83 10 28. 22 ;34 32 190 167 289 125 226 29 ,·149 11 33 17 104 116 18 9 73 15 48 156 166 42 9 113 5 66 2 43 3 163 115 102 371 210 390 28 209 140 26 3 215 215 2 106 5 106 4 13 18 139 125 72 36 96 24 22 2 69 22 Uninhabited 74

C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur VILLAGE PRIMARY lnat:isiilil Cilegory Location Name of Village Livestock. Forestry. Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing. Hunting Quarrying Processing. Servicing Processing. Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations. (IV) and Repairs In cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 24 25 26 27 28 29. 30 31 32 33

71 Dhanguru 72 Masinabilia 73 Kantapada 3 7 2 74 Patipanga 2 75 Koya 76 Balimundull Uninhabited n Janghira 18 3 10 7 78 Patulikotha 79 Pichulabeda 2 80 Chheiapanka Uninhabited 81 Manipur 2 82 Hoonda 4 63 5 8 3 83 Khajuribanl 87 Khantamara 88 Samagiri (Ka) 89 Samagirl 90 Talanadam 91 Budhakhaman 1 1 92 Sahara Tanglri 1 93 Panasia 3 99 Kuajharan

0140 HARICHANDANPUA P.S. 334 9 55 4 365 117 148 14 97 5 1 Kalirnatl 3 2 Chakradharpur 3 15 9 1 1 3 Pitapiti 5 2 13 7 6 4 Gadadharpur 5 Medinipur 1 6 Manapur 4 4 7 Kundalpani 1 11 8 Khuntapasi 9 Karanjia 8 3 2 10 Kalapata 4 1 11 Saradhapasi 12 Tangarbahali 13 Nandara 9 14 Balipasi 9 15 Alana (Alanga) 18 Plthagola 1 9 17 Kharaba 18 Kulacllankuni 5 19 Nakitipasi Uninhabited

S-1j>f 7~

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur 01 gain WOiI(ers gargJri8I Non-woi'kers Workers Trade and Transport. Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

42 97 85 161 16 3 11 3 14 59 137 182 9 3 6 61 152 5 ·40 63 Uninhabited 34 4 80 12 25 79 494 612 2 7 30 78 103 "\ 36 83 Uninhabited 1 9 23 8 1 2 36 15 12 328 582 686 4 1 9 84 128 155 47 75 2 7 16 102 99 46 50 26 24 6 21 75 232 203 3 7 2 33 108 197 2 157 184 35 32 54

400 13 92 704 209 373 2,857 13,717 23,386 2 1 5 3 3 114 153 217 6 3 16 7 11 139 166 180 7 2 15 9 16 113 296 474 1 31 45 1 1 30 62 2 126 229 4 9 3 111 269 4 2 88 110 157 4 2 18 36 97 197 8 2 4 19 151 370 -- 72 167 3 2 108 181 10 24 4 199 336 44 118 4 "" 56 169 14 4 13 2 5 337 724 119 217 110 194 Uninhabited S-'i)! 76

C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

20 Rampakote 263.90 95 112 537 266 271 104 52 52 21 Dosamali 7.00 Uninhabited 22 Tambahara 397.90 138 185 944 472 472 177 89 88 23 Khedapada 189.17 60 70 316 147 169 72' 35 37 24 Jiranga 214.00 75 76 361 186 175 61 33 28 25 Bandhapada 97.02 19 22 105 56 49 29 16 13 26 Tangarpada 188.17 41 45 226 117 109 39 16 23 27 Penthadihi 183.62 43 43 230 117 113 40 20 20 28 Santoshapur 175.35 37 37 182 98 84 33 19 14 29 Dhalpur 93.62 18 18 90 45 45 18 11 7 30 Jamutodi 450.07 241 241 1251 651 600 246 132 114 31 Tetutalapasi 44.07 2 2 13 5 8 5 2 3 32 Badanuagaon 140.00 75 75 354 169 185 36 16 20 33 Sadanandapur 81.02 25 25 125 64 61 20 11 9 34 Jhadapokhari 196.55 68 68 423 212 211 74 36 38 35 Kaduadiha 350.40 124 124 734 376 358 135 61 74 36 Tangarpasi 50.45 6 6 33 15 18 2 2 37 Laxmipur 203.75 72 72 386 206 1,80 74 38 36 38 Brajamohanpur 120.00 55 55 313 154 159 74 37 37 39 Makasukhila 118.57 27 27 119 64 55 20 11 9 40 Raghunathpur 205.00 70 70 402 200 202 77 35 42 41 Harichandanpur 457.60 344 345 1,562 809 753 277 142 135 .42 Akhupal 89.08 92 94 463 230 233 82 37 45 43 Gamharia 41.02 7 7 39 22 17 5 4 44 Manoharpur 70.57 40 43 240 140 100 50 26 24 45 Dinabandhupur 97.47 25 25 139 67 72 27 14 13 46 Saitipal (Satyapal) 175.47 93 93 535 274 261 92 48 44 47 Dhagotha 291.55 91 91 488 247 241 69 35 34 48 Bhanarpur 612.00 213 232 1139 572 567 188 99 89 49 Prahaladpur 171.41 32 34 188 90 98 38 19 19 50 Palaspal 412.02 205 233 1141 618 523 161 84 77 51 Garagadabahal 609.13 175 178 986 504 482 217 116 101 52 Maragola 515.50 34 34 175 86 89 46 24 22 54 Kanheigola 668.66 60 60 327 155 172 71 27 44 55 Baunar 254.00 20 20 103 47 56 23 10 13 56 Nola 279.17 47 47 254 128 126 65 34 31 57 Raniapada 201.68 32 33 193 92 101 47 26 21 58 Ostiapasi 208.80 71 72 374 185 189 69 42 27 59 Golabandha 268.57 117 117 612 312 300 115 54 61 60 Bhuka 400.00 139 139 731 343 388 169 76 93 61 Rohi 187.69 68 72 363 178 185 84 41 43 62 Banabir 213.39 58 61 289 145 144 48 26 22 n

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.O. BLOCK - Harichandanpur Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I· IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F' M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

42 41 133 140 151 66 125 11 64 50 9 Uninhabited 36 32 196 197 294 174 239 52 192 43 5 91 102 39 23 76 15 38 31 12 26 22 114 112 100 45 100 23 59 10 12 26 20 19 18 15 3 26 15 26 14 21 17 24 14 62 22 57 36 45 31 3 4 2 5 29 23 44 22 65 50 61 44 3 6 38 34 15 7 52 10 41 6 6 21 13 25 1 20 2 81 89 208 188 431 199 316 16 169 79 8 3 3 2 5 2 2 3 3· 97 108 28 35 112 51 93 5 39 43 2 13 11 39 13 33 14 4 30 33 16 19 125 63 116 2 38 28 26 23 42 40 204 85 189 6 90 45 5 ·5 10 12 6 3 8 1 4 1 35 37 107 90 76 42 104 22 39 21 13 7 6 9 10 60 26 86 15 26 23 13 26 4 31 5 17 11 4 19 14 39 43 93 44 107 26 27 46 21 18 12 60 58 507 330 439 42 78 1 100 12 41 38 4 123 39 125 25 43 43 3 22 17 13 12 5 1 8 5 2 8 5 78 19 55 2 30 1~ 30 19 24 6 22 4 2 46 57 26 33 174 73 135 10 98 23 8 12 9 47 43 88 52 142 67 51 81 71 69 79 238 126 305 108 171 3 90 89 24 29 20 8 48 1 35 11 106 119 160 116 390 119 325 213 151 111 84 83 88 71 367 359 172 55 264 13 171 2 69 9 79 86 7 22 2 19 116 129 5 101 97 33 40 29 24 72 69 35 3 78 50 59 69 46 5 47 2 32 21 17 63 35 104 67 24 61 70 153 135 108 42 154 11 128 2 20 8 5 5 268 295 82 25 176 3 123 47 173 183 40 7 99 97 4 2 37 39 56 22 78 74 78

C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur VILLAGE PRIMARY lnousmil ~egory Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

2Q Rampakote 4 1 21 Dosamali Uninhabited 22 Tambahara 5 4 , 4 2 23 Khedapada 2 3 1 24 Jimnga 2 3 3 6 25 Bandhapada 26 Tangarpada 5 27 Penthadihi 28 Santoshapur 29 Dhalpur 30 Jamutodi 8 11 1 4 2 31 Tetutaiapasi 32 Badanuagaon 2 1 33 Sadanandapur 1 9 2 34 Jhadapokhari 2 2 23 3 3 35 Kaduadiha 2 9 36 Tangarpasi 37 Laxmipur 4 28 4 38 Bmjamohanpur 6 4 5 39 Makasukhlla 40 Raghunathpur 3 1 2 2 4 41 Harichandanpur 41 6 5 8 18 42 Akhupal 2 5 20 1 43 Gamharia 2 44 Manoharpur 2 4 45 Dinabandhupur 1 46 Saitipal (SatyapaJ) 3 3 47 Dhagotha 16 48 Bhanarpur 3 8 6 4 49 Prahaladpur 1 50 Palaspal 7 5 4 3 51 Gamgadabahal 7 4 1 3 1 52 Maragola 2 54 Kanheigola 3 55 Baunar 5 56 Nola 24 3 57 Raniapada 11 58 Ostiapasi 5 4 59 Golabandha 2 60 Bhuka 61 Rohi 62 Banabir

S-li)! 79

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur 0' ~aln Workers MargInal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport. Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

4 2 26 57 115 203 Uninhabited 10 3 14 7 16 169 217 251 4 71 154 8 3 10 6 86 152 6 30 28 2 1 4 60 69 1 7 52 56 1 46 84 3 20 44 7 36 7 24 89 311 495 2 8 1 2 ·3 3 76 180 3 31 61 1 1 15 2 96 209 9 3 30 187 352 1 2 7 17 2 3 6 4 102 158 16 6 68 144 1 2 4 33 46 12 4 8 3 2 91 175 80 2 12 96 22 8 61 362 650 15 5 11 2 105 208 1 5 10 7 3 4 2 85 98 1 10 . 16 33 50 4 2 . 2 2 6 3 133 248 2 5 33 104 207 11 17 8 8 267 451 1 2 42 95 21 4 4 50 11 17 32 276 278 3 5 1 6 217 234 252 15 17 49 70 6 54 166 18 56 50 126 2 45 99 3 81 188 3 158 289 4 3 167 385 79 185 3 67 144

S-li)! 80


Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

63 Chasatangari 347.12 143 143 728 380 348 137 72 65 64 Madhyapur 234.00 46 47 261 132 129 52 28 24 65 Sankarapur 70.45 13 14 68 33 35 20 11 9 66 Balipal 59.48 29 31 149 68 81 24 10 14 67 AnlaJodi 53.33 Uninhabited 68 Pitatangar 133.34 61 61 299 148 151 47 21 26 69 Bayapits 180.57 34 34 173 90 83 31 15 16 70 Thakurpada 155.31 41 41 252 128 124 57 33 24 71 Kaliaduma 118.Ql 51 54 306 150 156 54 20 34 72 Singbilla 310.34 160 172 792 407 385 126 64 62 73 Jaunlipokhari 84.40 35 36 180 101 79 40 24 16 74 Haridagotha 527.44 131 131 694 358 336 144 72 72 75 Raidiha 757.02 247 270 1483 784 699 283 152 131 76 Kaptipada 388.40 99 102 569 280 289 118 66 52 77 Taladihi 884.90 167 167 905 443 462 174 77 97 78 Jamuda 980.75 228 232 1187 576 611 254 134 120 79 Dhurudiama (Dhurudia) 886.58 197 215 1130 579 551 190 98 92 80 Karadapal 1120.50 202 211 1232 615 617 277 144 133 81 Hatikucha 681.35 98 98 559 283 276 119 61 58 82 Maniabindha 383.13 55 56 308 152 156 45 20 25 83 Jamupasi 471.36 49 49 241 120 121 37 17 20 84 Charichakia 237.14 36 36 189 93 96 44 24 20 85 Bhagamunda 2,547.75 604 609 3,559 1,859 1,700 709 365 344 86 Ghasnatangar 599.16 84 84 439 207 232 85 40 45 87 Deulahudi .2Q7.oo 22 22 124 61 63 35 18 17 88 Badasiadimal 1,038.86 272 282 1,516 756 760 334 174 160 89 Kamalangi 242.21 70 74 410 208 202 85 39 46 90 Nipania 171.45 43 43 301 150 151 70 36 34 91 Sunapentha 196.11 138 140 755 378 377 126 62 64 92 Kantala 366.81 273 290 1404 724 680 325 167 158 93 Chhutunga 58.30 31 33 157 84 73 30 16 14 94 Durgamela 125.73 38 38 192 90 102 45 19 26 95 Gopinathapur 81035 164 172 891 456 435 179 98 81 96 Chilikidara 714.14 174 174 990 509 481 195 106 89 97 Kandavarati 500.50 94 94 504 246 258 94 94 40 98 Gounighasa 549.48 172 175 927 448 479 213 105 108 99 Hayarapur 218.38 57 57 303 162 141 91 50 41 100 Kusumjodi (Kha) 157.76 55 55 290 149 141 95 49 46 101 Nuagaon 719.70 169 169 924 445 479 199 107 92 102 Billa 1251.70 253 255 1539 769 770 351 176 175 103 Sagadapata 1200.44 347 352 1930 953 977 457 236 221 104 Palabani 159.54 41 41 192 93 99 49 22 27

S-1i.>l 81

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

65 67 117 91 203 75 225 4 186 29 45 51 48 21 70 29 45 13 22 16 4 2 14 3 5 15 14 22 12 27 5 9 Uninhabited 20 17 16 26 80 36 61 11 34 9 7 12 11 38 14 39 28 10 9 14 33 37 45 21 55 1 28 17 12 13 43 38 73 36 75 5 33 27 97 97 58 55 229 111 255 105 117 25 73 72 9 10 47 13 57 56 1 1 354 333 16 7 237 188 ?-37 188 32 36 395 345 383 131 381 12 242 3 91 3 183 181 117 27 143 66 57 16 18 251 278 185 64 254 140 221 118 18 8 22 27 452 485 135 46 321 75 288 63 3 3 2 1 505 485 244 107 315 119 203 96 115 13 7 478 468 226 50 345 137 198 123 137 5 3 247 238 54 11 133 82 39 9 10 61 68 68 25 91 17 68 2 16 15 58 59 47 28 65 13 47 3 16 10 93 96 25 7 40 8 36 3 4 5 77 83 1,160 1,053 792 271 946 276 665 148 134 99 26 32 87 94 78 32 104 7 76 18 3 61 63 14 3 25 20 4 25 38 342 312 244 99 401 3 363 16 103 102 121 39 113 70 38 126 125 70 22 73 56 15 77 69 31 37 188 76 177 1 113 16 111 95 297 307 260 91 381 75 218 92 50 65 61 24 9 45 23 31 14 23 2 5 88 97 25 4 45 38 7 12 15 230 199 192 58 232 45 138 70 43 68 58 312 298 254 96 243 228 17 14 95 100 102 45 135 93 98 28 31 63 57 64 168 156 154 52 206 6 186 2 3 22 15 136 124 15 70 2 68 2 57 46 92 95 11 74 3 49 20 2 53 52 366 391 136 56 169 30 84 22 69 4 22 27 619 605 237 64 421 84 240 36 151 41 52 65 704 684 260 116 511 162 316 82 133 59 89 98 15 6 53 52

S-lj)1 82

C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur VILLAGE PRIMARY Inausin8llStegory Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in clog and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (lit) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

63 Chasatangari 64 Madhyapur 65 Sankarapur 5 66 Balipal 6 67 Anlajodi Uninhabited 68 Pitatangar 6 2 69 Bayapita 70 Thakurpada 4 71 Kaliaduma 3 2 72 Singbilla 17 5 2 73 Jaunlipokhari 74 Haridagotha 75 Raidiha 7 5 4 76 Kaptipada 5 77 Taladihi 3 6 12 78 Jamuda 11 11 3 3 79 Dhurudiama (Dhurudia) 2 2 80 Karadapal 17 1 81 Hatikucha 2 6 2 82 Maniabindha 3 83 Jamupasi 84 Charichakia 85 Bhagamunda 8 36 21 6 6 86 Ghasnatangar 2 87 Deulahudi 88 Badasiadimal 6 89 Kamalangi 90 Nipania 2 91 Sunapentha 1 29 2 92 Kantala 20 12 15 11 2 2 93 Chhutunga 94 Durgamela 95 Gopinathapur 10 96 Chilikidara 4 97 Kandavarati 3 98 Gounighasa 15 99 Hayarapur 100 Kusumjodi (Kha) 5 101 Nuagaon 2 1 5 102 Billa 15 3 103 Sagadapata 13 3 18 5 7 104 Palabani 1

S-li:>4 83

,.1." ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur 'iJ1IiiIii WOiker8 Uargiil8l /' Non-woi1

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

9 4 155 344 1 2 4 22 58 78 1 18 34 7 1 7 9 34 71 Uninhabited 10 2 2 9 22 78 118 1 51 83 2 2 73 123 4 2 6 3 75 151 17 3 21 7 56 152 224 51 44 28 121 148 10 5 17 6 125 402 562 6 6 1 137 288 6 2 189 322 5 6 4 100 251 436 3 7 4 6 34 258 398 4 270 480 150 275 2 7 61 132 2 17 53 91 29 53 59 21 4 66 7 8 180 905 1244 1 6 2 5 49 98 176 1 20 36 43 3 12 2 355 757 2 1 95 202 77 151 5 1 9 1 67 201 3(J9 6 2 4 10 9 40 342 565 39 50 24 45 78 2 12 224 390 3 6 14 160 252 321 3 2 2 6 109 159 19 236 223 237 5 36 87 103 6 51 69 87 6 2 38 100 238 349 5 1 8 4 2 3 346 683 9 3 11 11 52 103 390 712 3 50 37 49 S-'i)! 84

C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur VILLAGE PRIMARy Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total PopulatiOn Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and In the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ t101ds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms. P M F p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

105 Gaduana 133.86 78 79 415 215 200 64 33 31 106 Barigaon 490.05 179 184 924 476 448 186 90 96 107 Palabani reserve sahi 20 20 102 54 48 34 16 18 108 Bilamudinuchasahi 17 17 80 44 36 15 7 8 109 Kantalareservesahi (Tigiriasahi) 66 66 302 134 168 82 37 45 110 Budhipada Santa! Sahi 23 23 92 39 53 20 9 11 111 Palasabani Uninhabited

0150 DAlTARI PS 76.15 2.972 3,056 14,_ 7.726 7.132 3.338 1,705 1.633 1 Budhiapada 126.67 86 90 456 234 222 104 55 49 2 BucIhiapada (Kha.) 299.85 43 49 214 116 98 53 31 22 3 Palaspal 804.48 297 303 1,520 765 755 375· 190 185 4 Masinajodi 362.75 96 107 sn 282 295 124 55 69 5 Bangurusuni 641.03 141 141 792 393 399 200 103 97 6 Mahulapanga 255.17 75 75 394 207 187 n 42 35 7 Kanjiapal (Kha.) 156.35 34 35 183 91 92 40 20 20 8 KanjiapaJ 51.23 Uninhabited 9 Bareigola 663.98 123 123 673 323 350 170 81 89 10 Sansiadimal 303.56 64 74 381 197 184 82 48 34 11 Naradangipenth 130.24 44 48 217 112 105 54 29 25 12 Pathuripentha 70.86 14 18 83 39 44 14 5 9 13 Totapal 9.81 3 3 8 4 4 1 1 14 Kusumajodi (Kha) 498.02 74 74 391 194 197 97 38 59 15 Turkipada 390.89 24 24 118 58 60 41 11 24 16 Revana (Kha) 151.64 58 58 280 146 134- 79 42 37 17 Revana (Ka) 113.67 34 34 197 89 108 46 17 29 18 Sanajunei 16.06 10 10 54 28 26 12 6 6 19 Talapada 522.65 111 112 509 258 251 116 56 60 20 Sandhiaposi Uninhabited 21 Daitari Uninhabited 22 Baliparbat 370 383 1546 851 695 245 125 120 23 Pancham 110.90 37 39 173 91 82 39 22 17 24 Alutuma 172.66 58 58 299 148 151 52 30 22 25 Khasapada 57.76 101 101 579 299 280 74 38 36 26 Arjunchua Sn.14 145 145 891 471 420 209 112 97 27 Tangiriapal 461.45 55 55 365 182 183 91 52 39 28 Mahablrapasi 195.34 60 60 340 157 183 85 40 45 29 Kaithatikri 39.26 15 17 92 46 46 19 12 7 30 Rasol 110.61 65 65 378 207 171 72 38 34 31 Jantia 70.08 15 19 102 51 51 20 13 7 32 TentulipaJ 106.66 8 13 68 30 38 11 6 5 33 Brahmanipal 24.00 332 339 1221 713 508 278 150 128 85

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur Scheduled castes Scheduled Tribes literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I· IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

172 162 89 27 123 112 17 18 374 386 230 56 261 43 147 51 37 52 47 6 27 27 44 36 4 28 28 110 147 19 70 60 16 54 60 39 53 3 22 13 21 13 Uninhabited

358 301 5,686 5,430 2,651 878 4,122 1,211 2,571 331 562 695 2 84 80 97 19 130 97 71 16 34 80 2 1 104 91 11 2 59 50 36 6 17 40 58 49 572 586 291 103 396 245 280 43 60 190 2 6 181 178 118 22 163 88 71 12 8 319 326 115 20 225 230 162 155 58 68 122 110 88 23 108 37 104 35 88 90 56 13 41 41 Uninhabited 3 3 164 182 181 73 195 35 152 25 8 8 163 147 48 16 111 24 66 2 29 21 53 45 33 9 63 4 44 3 4 36 42 3 22 10 12 4 2 4 4 3 3 2 2 172 169 27 3 99 15 87 8 11 5 2 48 54 39 31 28 11 31 133 124 6 93 14 70 21 13 76 86 13 3 58 9 50 8 9 22 18 4 17 3 9 8 3 6 5 232 226 56 9 84 68 Uninhabited Uninhabited 105 87 412 359 430 210 412 31 1313 1 2 4 89 78 13 51 7 44 3 2 4 145 147 44 11 86 1 82 1 289 273 128 62 162 110 117 31 97 464 415 130 18 221 50 186 8 25 41 182 183 66 35 76 35 69 33 157 183 42 16 70 19 57 7 4 38 40 8 6 9 22 3 16 59 47 144 123 71 21 105 15 74 11 3 32 29 18 22 28 5 31 3 18 3 30 38 10 20 7 17 3 2 23 15 258 252 438 174 431 74 10 20 11

S-liX 86

C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur VILLAGE PRIMARY IndUStrial Cilegory Location Name of Village livestock. Forestry. Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing. Constructions Code Fishing. Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, ServI- (VI) Number and Plantations. (IV) and Repairs in clng and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

105 Gaduana 1 6 1 106 Barigaon 45 3 3 2 2 107 Palabani reserve sahi 108 Bilamudinuchasahi 109 Kantalareservesahi (T"tgiriasahi) -- 110 Budhipada Santal Sahi 111 Palasabani Uninhabited

0150 DAITARI PS 84 34 159 38 40 15 394 63 16 6 1 Budhiapada 12 1 3 2 Budhiapada (Kha.) 5 4 1 3 Palaspal 4 1 3 2 9 5 3 4 Masinajodi 2 5 Bangurusuni 3 5 6 Mahulapanga 7 Kanjiapal (Kha.) 8 Kanjiapal Uninhabited 9 Bareigola 6 7 7 2 10 Sansiadimal 7 2 11 Naradangipenth 1 9 12 Pathuripentha 5 7 13 Totapal 14 Kusumajodi (Kha) 3 1 15 Turkipada 16 Revana (Kha) 17 Revana (Ka) 18 Sanajunei 19 Talapada 16 20 Sandhiaposi Uninhabited 21 Daitari Uninhabited 22 Baliparbat 5 116 24 5 2 23 Pancham 2 24 Alutuma 25 Khasapada 9 11 5 2 26 Arjunchua 6 27 Tangiriapal 2 2 28 Mahabirapasi 5 13 1 29 Kaithatikri 2 2 3 1 30 Rasol 3 9 8 2 3 31 Jantia 11 32 Tentulipal 2 1 33 Brahmanipal 20 6 2 7 4 324 46 7 3

S-li)! 87

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur Of F.&ln Worl(ers Marginal Non-wol'kers Workers Trade and Transport. Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

3 92 199 10 3 4 214 401 27 48 16 36 64 108 17 40 Uninhabited

58 2 135 2 103 25 46 1,010 3,558 4,911 9 104 125 57 48 13 2 22 4 2 76 367 434 2 119 295 2 2 168 169 3 2 2 47 97 103 1 35 49 57 Uninhabited 4 9 2 2 181 126 134 2 4 94 86 66 5 58 49 43 4 17 30 3 1 2 12 95 170 19 29 3 78 50 42 59 31 40 12 11 11 174 250 Uninhabited Uninhabited 13 115 18 5 2 439 662 1 9 43 31 32 2 4 71 58 79 137 170 2 2 34 248 336 2 2 106 148 87 164 24 43 3 2 102 155 20 48 1 10 30 19 2 5 17 9 2 273 432

S-ll)! 88

C.D. BlOCK - Harichandanpur VILLAGE PfUIIAIIIf Location Ham.e of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ- Total Population Code Village Occupied House- Ing InstiMional and in the age group Number in Heet- Reside- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial ofTownl Houses Ward In Sq. Kms.

p M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

34 Panchamreservesahi 74 74 310 173 137 75 42 33 35 Altunareservesahi 49 49 167 99 68 28 12 16 36 PangamaI 40 40 169 85 84 36 14 22 37 Pangarugudi 54 57 232 121 111 69 38 31 38 Baghirashi 24 24 156 74 82 51 27 24 39 Mahabirapasitalabedasahi 20 20 125 64 61 36 12 24 40 Bavtia 27 27 122 71 51 36 18 18 41 Suakati 51 51 305 164 141 82 44 38 42 Badajumel 9 10 47 24 23 8 4 4 43 Dangadar 32 32 124 69 55 37 20 17 URBAN -1050 DAITARI (C.T.) 1,056 1,057 4,434 2,364 2,070 732 336 396 89 ceNSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (If)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

6 2 164 132 16 2 100 2 89 2 99 68 4 61 3 58 3 3 85 B4 16 2 57 51 116 109 21 5 66 3 51 61 69 4 34 3 29 4 2 64 61 9 35 25 35 25 71 51 5 39 3 34 5 3 164 141 8 81 2 66 15 1 24 23 16 10 16 10 69 55 12 40 28 11 281 262 826 740 1,672 932 1,136 127 26 44 2 90

C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur VILLAGE PRIMARY IndUStrIal Cilegory Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, SelviClng Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F !VI F !VI F !VI F M F 1 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

34 Panchamreservesahi 3 3 ",~ 35 Altunareservesahi 36 Pangamal 37 Pangarugudi 5 3 (5 38 Baghirashi 1 1 39 Mahabirapasitalabedasahi -- 40 Bautia 41 Suakati 42 Baclajumei 43 Dangaclar URBAN - 1050 DAITARI (C.T) 19 10 819 56 7 4 2 14 91

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Harichandanpur oi ~ain Workers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII) ---- M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

2 86 71 49 8 40 30 25 3 2 48 27 36 4 55 108 14 40 65 29 36 2 32 46 83 139 5 8 8 2 28 53 91 21 11 101 35 15 17 1,213 1,926


Krn b=:bh ."'"I

N ., I




C. D. B o

Boundary, Dlslr'ct •• tD Block

Police Station. Vllege with lo .. ol!on eode number


Heodquoriers CO Block) Poilce Stalkm

ViHQlJe~ witt! papulation size Below 200, 200-499, 500-9'39, IOOO-~ 999, o ••• Urinhoblltld villoljes wUtl location COcSlI number C~~~~==J N1ltlQnlll Hl9hWQ) ~ Important Metaled Road

UlV'\elalled and other Roads

River Clnd SIre

Po" OHlte I Post arid TeleorGPh Office


Hospital, PnmOfY Health Cantr., Olap..uory I MQterrutv and Ch~d Welfcn Centre Imporlont v.Roge Hal ( ...... / o c PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF PATANA C.D. BLOCK - 0030

Turumunga P.S. - 0080 Patana P.S. - 0090 Ghatgaon P.S. - 0130

93 94



POLICE STATION - TURUMUNGA - 0080 AnaJadiha 19/03/0080/0108 19/3/9/108 16/031010010191 16/3/10/191 2 Angikala 19/03/0080/0041 19/319/41 16/03/0100/0067 16/3/10/67 3 Badagahmaria 19/0310080/0104 19/319/104 16/03/0100/0198 16/3/10/198 4 BaJanipasi 19/03/0080/0086 19/319/86 16/03/0100/0204 16/3/1 01204 5 BaJiapasi t 9/03/008010024 19/3/9/24 16/03/0100/0053 16/3/10/53 6 BaJipokhari 19/03/0080/0054 19/319/54 16/03/0100/0039 16/3/10/39 7 Bandhanahara 19/03/0080/0023 19/3/9/23 16/03/0100/0052 1613110/52 8 Baradangua 19/03/0080/0038 19/319/38 16/03/0100/0068 16/3/10/68 9 BarucJipasi 19/031008010043 19/3/9/43 16/0310100/0071 16/3/10/71 10 Baunsuli 19/03/0080/0027 19/319/27 16/03/0100/0055 16/3/10/55 11 Belapasi 19/03/0080/0004 19/319/4 16103/0100/0007 16/3/1017 12 Bhalupahadi 19/03/0080/0079 19/319179 16/03/0100/0077 16/3/10/77 13 Bhanrapur 19/03/0080/0028 19/319/28 16i03/0100/0056 16/3/10'56 14 Bhogapasi 19/03/0080/0088 19/3/9/88 16/03/0100/0200 16/3/101200 15 Bhrungaraja 19/03/0080/0047 19/319/47 16/03/0100/0044 16/3/10/44 16 Bhulada 19/03/0080/0031 19/319/31 16/03/0100/0059 16/3/10'59 17 Bhudikapudi 19/03/0080/0005 19/319/5 16/03/0100/0006 16/3i10/6 18 Chakundapal 19/03/0080/0099 19/3/9/99 16/03/0100/0202 16/3/10/202 19 Changuapada 19/03/0080/0093 19/319/93 16103/0100/0082 16/3/10/82 20 Chemana 19/0310080/0021 19/3/9/21 16103/0100/0046 16/3110/46 21 Chilida 19/0310080/0042 191319142 1610310100/0045 1613110145 22 Dabarchua 19/03/0080/0032 19/319/32 1610310100/0061 1613/10161 23 Dalanga 19/0310080/0035 19/319/35 16103/0100/0063 16/3/10/63 24 Dasharathipur 19/0310080/0025 1913/9/25 16/03/0100/0054 1613110/54 25 Denua 19/0310080/0090 19/319/90 16/03/0100/0080 16/3/10/80 26 19/0310080/0057 19/3/9/57 16/03/0100/0038 16/3/10/38 27 Dhanurjayapur, 19/03/0080/0037 19/3/9/37 16/03/0100/0065 1613/10/65 28 Dharuapada 19/03/0080/0050 19/319/50 16/0310100/0075 16/3/10175 29 Oumurigoda 19/03/0080/0010 19/319/10 16/03/0100/0004 16/3/10/4 30 Gidhibasa 19/03/0080/0003 19/319/3 16/03/0100/0010 16/3/10/10 31 Godipokhari 19/03/0080/0036 19/'J/9/36 16/03/0100/0064 16/3/10/64 32 Hatibari 19/03/008010017 19/319/17 16/031010010047 16/3110/47 33 Hirapasi 19/03/0080/0030 19/319/30 16/03/0100/0058 16/3/10/58 34 Jadichatara 19/0310080/0100 19/3/9/100 16/03/0100/0209 16/3/10/209 35 JamunaJia 19/031008010084 19/3/9/B4 16/03/0100/0208 16/3/10/20B 36 Jamunapasi 19/0310080/0039 19/319/39 16/03/0100/0069 16/3/10/69 37 'Janheipasi 19/03/008010087 19/319/87 16/0310100/0201 16/3/10/201 38 Jharabeda 19/03/0080/0011 19/319/11 16/0310100/0011 16/3110/11 39 Kainda 19/0310080/0055 19/3/9/55 16/03/0100/0036 16/3/10/36 40 . Kakharuabeda 19/031008010056 19/3/9/56 16/03/0100/0037 16/3/10/37 - '. 41 Kantiapada 19/03/0080/0081 19/319/81 16/03/0100/0205 16/3/10/205 42 Kasipur 19/0310080/0105 19/3/9/105 16/03/0100/0197 16/3/10/197 43 Kerideipasi 19/03/0080/0098 19/319/98 16/03/0100/0199 1613110/199 95



44 ~enduapada 19/03/0080/0107 19/319/107 16/0310100/0192 16/3110/192 45 Kllajuriapasi 19/03/0080/0097 19/319/97 16/03/0100/0085 1613/10/85 46 Khireitangi'i 19103/0080f0034 19/319/34 16/031010010060 1613/10/60 47 Khuntapada 19/03/0080/0096 19/3/9/96 16/03/0100/0196 16/3110/196 48 Kiapada 19/031008010094 19/319/94 16/0310100/0083 1613110/83 49 Kimirdapashi 19/03/0080/0045 19/319/45 16/0310100/0074 16/3/10174 50 Kochilapada 19/03/0080/0091 19/319/91 16/03/0100/0084 16/3110/84 51 Kodadhara 19/03/0080/0053 19/319/53 16/03/0100/0040 16/3110/40 52 Kodakhamana 19/03/0080/0040 19/319/40 16/03/0100/0070 16/3/10170 53 Laxmlpasi 19/03/0080/0006 19/3/9/6 16/03/0100/0001 16/3110/1 54 Mahisamundi 19/03/0080/0106 19/319/106 16/03/0100/0195 .16/3110/195 55 Manapur 1 9/03/0080/0089 19/3/9/89 16/03/0100/0079 16/3/10179 56 Murusuana 19/03/0080/0078 19/3/9178 16/031010010076 16/3110176 57 Neudipaci 19/03/0080/0009 19/319/9 16/03/0100/0005 16/3110/55 58 Nmua 19/03/0080/0018 19/319/18 16/03/0100/0049 16/3110/49 59 Nischintapur 19/03/0080/0029 19f3/9f29 16/03/0100/0057 16/3/10/57 60 Nuagaon(6ada) 19/03/0080/0033 19/319/33 16/03/0100/0062 16/3/10/62 61 Nuagaonbalavadrapur 19/03/0080/0048 19/319/48 16/031010010043 1613/10/43 62 Nuakhamana 19/03/0080/0046 19/319/46 16/031010010073 1613110173 63 Padmakesharpur 19/03/008010044 191319/44 16/03/0100/0072 16/3/10172 64 Padmapur 19/03/008010080 19/319/80 1610310100/0078 16/3110178

~S ' " Panapasf 19/0310080/0002 19/3/9/2 16/0310100/0009 16/3/10/9 66 PatadhanurJayapur 19/03/0080/0083 19/319/83 16/03/0100/0207 16/3110/207 67 Patanaii 19/03/0080/0092 19/319/92 16103/0100/0081 1613110/81 68 Purandarpur 19/03/0080/0001 19/3/9/1 16/03/0100/0008 16/3/10/8 69 Purunia 19/03/008010085 19/319/85 16/03/0100/0203 1613fl 0/203 70 Putugaon 19/03/0080/0019 19/319/19 16/03/0100/0050 1613110,50 71 Raikala 19/03/008010049 19/319/49 16/03/0100/0042 1613/10/42 72 Rajanagar 19/03:0080/0052 19/3/9/52 16/03/0100/0041 16/3/10/41 73 Rengalabeda 19/03/0080/0026 19/3/9/26 1610310100/0066 1613(10/66 74 Sangahmana 19103/0080/0103 19/319/103 16/0310100/0212 1613110/212 75 Saradhapur 19/03/0080/0101 19/319/101 16/03/0100/0210 1613/10/210 76 Sarasapasi 19/03/0080/0020 19/319/20 16/03/0100/0048 1613/10/48 77 Shyamasundarapur 19/03/0080/0102 19/319/102 16/03/0100/0211 16/3/10/211 78 Silida 19/03/0080/0095 19/319/95 16/03/0100/0086 16/3/10/86 79 Talapada 19/03/0080/0082 19/319/82 16/03/0100/0206 161311 0/206 80 Tentala 19/03/0080/0008 19/319/8 16103/0100/0003 1613110/3 81 Tentalapasi 19/03/0080/0007 19/31917 16/03/0100/0002 16/3/10/2 82 Tentulikhunti 19/03/0080/0022 19/319/22 16103/0100/0051 1613110/51 83 Tribindha 19/03/0080/0012 19/319/12 16/0310100/0012 1613/10/12 84 Turumunga 19/03/0080/0016 19/319/16 16/03/0100/0035 1613110/35

POLICE STATION - PATANA - 0090 85 Ankura 19103/0090/0102 19/3/10/102 16/03/0100/0190 16/3/10/190 96



86 AsaAabahali 19/03/0090/0139 19/3110/139 16/03/0100/0247 16/3/10/247 87 Badadhanurjayapur 19/03/0090/0119 19/3/10/119 16/03/0100/0227 16/3/10/227 88 Badajamupasi 19/03/0090/0117 19/311 01117 16/03/0100/0225 16/3/10/225 89 Badapadiap~si 19/03/0090/0122 19/3/10/122 16/03/0100/0230 16/3/10/22,", 90 Badapatana 19/03/0090/0092 19/3/10/92 16/03/0100/0179 16/3110/179 91 Balibandha 19/03/0090/0107 19/3/10/107 16/03/0100/0215 16/3/10/215 92 Bhabisakudar 19/03/0090/0095 19/3/10/95 16/03/0100/0183 16/3/10/183 93 Bhaliadal 19/03/0090/0137 19/3/10/137 16/03/0100/0245 16/3/10/245 94 Bhalughar 19/03/0090/0126 19/3/101126 16/03/0100/0234 16/3/10/234 95 Bhimapada 19/03/0090/0103 19/3/10/103 16/03/0100/0193 16/3/10/193 96 Brahmanideo 19/03/0090/0105 19/3/10/105 16/03/0100/0213 1613/10/213 97 Dianali 19/03/0090/0128 19/3/10/128 16/03/0100/0236 16/3/10/236 98 Dumuridiha 19/03/0090/0116 19/3/10/116 16/03/0100/0224 16/3/10/224 99 Durgadeipur 19/03/0090/0090 19/3/10/90 16/03/0100/0178 16/3/10/178 100 Dwitiyasivanarayanapur 19/0~/0090/0 114 19/3/10/114 16/03/0100/0222 16/3/10/222 101 Erendei 19/03/0090/0138 19/3/10/138 16/03/0100/0246 16/3/10/246 102 Galaphula 19/03/0090/0108 19/3/10/108 16/03/0100/0216 16/3/10/216 103 Giliriduma 19/03/0090/0127 19/3/10/127 16/03/0100/0235 16/3/10/235 104 Girdhina 19/03/0090/0121 19/3/10/121 16/03/0100/0229 16/3/10/229 105 Guludipasi 19/03/0090/0112 19/3/10/112 16/03/0100/0220 16/3/10/220 106 Jhaliapada 19/03/0090/0106 19/311 0/1 06 1610310100/0214 1613110/214 107 Kamalabahali 19/03/0090/0097 19/3/10/97 16103/0100/0185 16/3/10/185 108 Kameswarapur 19/03/0090/0093 19/3110/93 16/03/0100/0181 16/3/10/181 109 Kantapasi 19/03/0090/0113 19/3/10/113 16/03/0100/0221 16/3110/221 110 Katabeda 19/03/0090/0140 19/3/10/140 16/03/0100/0248 16/3/10/248 111 Khamua 19/03/0090/0118 19/3/10/118 16/03/0100/0226 16/3/10/226 112 Kuapasi 19/03/0090/0130 19/3/10/130 16/03/0100/0238 16/3/10/238 113 Lekhana 19/03/0090/0131 19/3/10/131 16/03/0100/0239 16/3/10/239 114 Madhapur 19/03/0090/0109 19/3/10/109 16/03/0100/0217 16/3/10/217 115 Malipasi 19/03/0090/0125 19/3/10/125 16/03/0100/0233 16/3/10/233 116 Mangalapur 19/03/0090101129 19/3/10/129 16/03/0100/0237 16/3/10/237 117 Mirigikhoji 19/03/0090/0144 19/3/10/144 16/03/0100/0252 16/3/10/252 118 Musakhori 19/03/0090/0120 ,9/3/10/120 16/03/0100/0228 16/3/10/228 119 Musanali 19/03/0090/0124 19/3/10/124 16/03/0100/0232 16/3/10/232 120 Musapada 19/03/0090/0104 19/3/10/104 16/03/0100/0194 16/3/10/194 121 Nuapada 19/03/0090/0100 19/3/10/100 16/03/0100/0188 16/3/10/188 122 Putulia 19/03/0090/0098 19/3/10/98 16/03/0100/0187 16/3/10/187 123 Rathapada 19/03/0090/0123 19/3/10/123 16/03/0100/0231 16/3/10/231 124 Sadhupada 19/03/0090/0132 19/3/10/132 16/03/0100/0240 16/3/10/240 125 Saharapasi 19/03/0090/0110 19/3/10/110 16/03/0100/0218 16/3/10/218 126 Sanajamupasi 19/03/009010099 19/3/10/99 16/03/0100/0186 16/3/101186 127 danapadiapasi 19/03/0090/0096 19/3/10/96 16/03/0100/0184 16/3/10/184 128 Sarasakola 19/03/009010115 19/311 0/115 16/03/0100/0223 16/3/10/223 129 Sivanarayanpur 19/0310090/0094 19/3/10/94 16/0310100/0182 16/3/10/182 97



130 Suambirajayagovindipur 19/03/009010111 19/3/10/111 16/031010010219 16/3/10/219 131 Tainsira 19/03/009010133 19/3/10/133 16/03/0100/0241 16/3/10/241 132 Tangarpada 19/03/009010101 19/3/10/101 16/03/0100/0189 1613110/189 133 Tikayatpatana 19/03/009010091 19/3/10/91 16/03/0100/0179 16/3/10/179

POLICE STATION - GHATGAON - 0130 134 Badnuagaon 19/03J0130J0061 19J3J14J61 16/03/0110/0050 1613111/50 135 Baidabaza 19/03/013010059 19/3114/59 16/03/0110/0048 16/3/11/48 136 Banamahuldiha(Patulisahi) 19/03/0130/0069 19/3114/69 16/03/0110/0054 16/3/11/54 137 Chinamalipasi 19/03/0130/0055 19/3114/55 16/03/011010042 16/3/11/42 138 Dumuria 19/03/0130/0062 19/3114/62 16/03/0110/0051 1613111/51 139 Ghatbalijodi 19/03/013010064 1913/14/64 16/03/0110/0053 16/3/11/53 140 Godhirampara 19/03/013010058 19/3114/58 16/03/0110/0046 16/3/11/46 141 Jamuleibeda 19/03/013010065 19/3/14/65 16/03/0110/0047 16/3/11/47 142 Kalighai 19/03/0130/0070 19/3114/70 16/03/011010058 16/3/11/58 143 Ketanga 19/03/013010051 1913/14/51 16/03/0110/0065 16/3/11/65 144 Kothaghar 19/03/013010060 1913/14/60 16/03/0110/0049 16/3/11/49 145 Kumudabahali 19/03/013010057 19/3114/57 16/03/011010044 16/3/11/44 146 Mahuldiha 19/03/0130/0052 1913/14/52 16103/0110/0064 16/3/11/64 147 Nuapada 19/03/013010054 19/3114/54 16/03/011010041 16/3/11/41· 148 Palanghati 19/03/013010066 1913/14/66 16/03/0110/0045 16/3/11/45 149 Pichhulabeda 19/03/0130/0068 1913/14/68 16/03/0110/0055 1613111/55 150 Rohiniduma 19/03/0130/0087 19/3114/87 16/03/0110/0056 16/3/11/56 151 Rudhiapada 19/03/0130/0056 19/3114/56 16/03/0110/0043 16/3/11/43 152 Sadangabahali 19/03/0130/0067 1913/14/67 16/03/0110/0059 16/3/11/59 153 Tando 19/03/0130/0063 1913/14/63 16/03/0110/0052 16/3/11/52 98


Location Name of Village Area of No. ()f No. of Total Population (Inclu­ Total Population Code village Occupied House­ ding Institutional and in the age group Number in Hectares Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) & of Town/ ntial Ward in Houses Sq. Kms.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3 Patana C.D. Block T 420.56 14,558 15,073 81,221 40,239 40,982 14,252 7,222 7,030 R 420.56 14,558 15,073 81,221 40,239 40,982 14,252 7,222 7,030 U 0080 Turumunga PS 216.90 8,292 8,592 45,654 22,426 23,228 7,713 3,910 3,803 1 Purandarpur 247.00 113 113 578 279 299 100 45 55 2 Panapasi 93.00 25 25 126 60 66 19 11 8 3 Gidhibasa 284.00 44 44 229 108 121 44 24 20 4 Belapasi 277.00 67 67 339 172 167 71 38 33 5 Budhikapudi 338.00 89 90 631 . 297 334 94 47 47 6 Laxmipasi 188.00 42 42 242 117 125 32 16 16 7 Tentalapasi 92.00 23 23 125 72 53 11 5 6 8 Tentala 342.00 142 142 760 379 381 114 61 53 9 Neudipasi 145.00 58 58 289 137 152 55 31 24 10 Dumurigoda 146.00 33 33 139 79 60 10 6 4 11 Jharabeda 125.00 49 49 267 145 122 24 12 12 12 Tribindha 416.00 126 127 654 333 321 102 57 45 16 Turumunga 166.00 267 267 1,515 774 741 235 125 110 17 Hatibari 347.00 117 117 603 298 305 118 63 55 18 Ninua 334.00 101 103 533 251 282 90 43 47 19 Putugaon 303.00 107 107 547 263 284 96 47 49 20 Sarasapasi 153.00 54 54 277 126 151 25 13 12 21 Chemana 487.00 187 192 1,018 506 512 169 92 77 22 Tentulikhunti 218.00 53 53 330 170 160 54 30 24 23 Bandhanahara 140.00 16 16 112 49 63 18 6 12 24 Baliapasi 280.00 116 121 624 304 320 97 46 51 25 Dasharathipur 309.00 137 137 741 373 368 134 79 55 26 Rengalabeda 247.00 101 101 573 298 275 93 46 47 27 Baunsuli 904.00 305 329 1,678 818 860 254 133 121 28 Bhanrapur 203.00 87 87 446 212 234 75 31 44 29 Nischintapur 210.00 84 84 438 221 217 87 51 36 30 Hirapasi 207.00 84 84 503 255 248 120 60 60 31 Bhulada 933.00 298 298 1,579 762 817 298 144 154 32 Dabarchua 343.00 122 122 645 318 327 134 67 67 33 Nuagaon(8ada) 207.00 78 85 401 203 198 71 43 28 34 712.00 390 420 2,039 1,012 1,027 336 164 172 35 Dalanga 326.00 161 171 880 421 459 164 82 82 36 Godipokhari 373.00 150 150 785 3BO 405 124 63 61 37 Dhanu~ayapur 84.00 43 43 259 133 126 36 25 11 38 Baradangua 157.00 65 70 407 192 215 70 34 36 39 Jamunapasi 549.00 189 201 1.064 511 553 189 90 99 40 Kodakhamana 334.00 127 127 654 323 331 105 49 56 99 cENsU$ ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Patana

------~--~------~------Industrial category of Main Workers Scheduled Cast'*' Scheduled Tribes Uterates Total Matn Workers CUStivators A!JicuIturai (I-IX) {Il Labourers (II)


12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

2,849 2,942 20,772 21,200 18,758 9,317 21,041 7,415 13,694 3,423 3,605 3,477 2,849 2,942 20,772 21,200 18,758 9,317 21,041 7,415 13,694 3,423 3,605 3,477

1821 1930 11255 11638 11250 5631 11740 3330 7661 1195 1683 1798 46 48 116 118 131 55 137 10 104 7 3 7 o 15 7 29 2 28 19 15 28 28 50 33 62 19 31 2 6 8 87 90 63 20 92 6 80 2 1 6 4 11 54 41 142 87 165 140 75 54 138 49 28 68 66 47 18 66 38 13 45 38 38- 43 256 245 171 65 215 7 201 7 2 15 23 29 27 56 34 79 20 45 2 13 16 19 16 5 46 14 51 34 21 12 7 22 9 2 21 18 111 54 59 13 32 7 9 5 32 32 155 138 161 52 165 134 106 33 36 90 49 46 227 194 530 328 401 78 98 8 101 56 285 302 171 58 162 30 73 8 56 17 234 263 142 82 129 61 106 54 8 6 92 106 45 61 145 58 157 7 143 5 2 B6 41 59 4 45 4 56 57 93 99 269 156 236 101 129 28 37 40 103 98 65 22 97 94 12 12 29 17 27 8 16 6 8 6 4 231 244 136 47 160 143 8 39 43 87 86 143 75 206 35 147 24 33 41 30 67 74 176 64 119 72 75 2 22 63 40 43 401 424 456 253 413 101 234 56 86 35 7 8 66 75 112 60 133 9 109 3 2 6 12 10 124 123 83 42 122 9 97 3 7 1 255 248 lOB 15 133 25 112 8 21 17 45 58 494 518 338 168 412 55 276 14 63 36 32 '30 264 271 135 56 183 9 159 7 9 12 12 186 184 96 52 109 1 109 88 100 576 587 516 278 555 58 319 17 61 25 25 29 149 177 216 96 204 15 124 40 12 9 10 281 295 232 117 171 69 134 18 3 47 38 34 92 51 70 18 26 4 12 25 32 81 88 110 68 95 50 62 7 45 41 63 330 340 251 82 293 103 228 65 12 31 26 39 54 47 170 83 160 104 109 82 24 21 100


Industrial Category

Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing ProcesSing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs In clng and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (V b) M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

3 Patana C.D. Block T 286 24 24 2 636 218 187 30 172 1 R 286 24 24 2 636 218 187 30 172 1 U 0080 Turumunga PS 181 23 9 1 406 152 133 17 115 1 Purandarpur 6 2 4 2 4 2 Panapasi 1 3 Gidhibasa 1 7 8 4 Belapasi 3 5 Budhikapudi 2 6 Laxmipasi 7 Tentatapasi 8 Tentata 9 Neudipasi 5 2 7 10 Kumurigoda 2 1 7 11 Jharabeda 3 12 Tribindha 2 8 1 16 Turumunga 12 10 3 8 7 17 Hatiban 4 18 Ninua 19 Putugaon 3 20 Sarasapasi 2. 21 Chemana 2 22 29 3 22 Tentullkhunti 3 23 Bandhanahara 24 Batiapasi 25 Dasharathipur 21 1 26 Rengalabeda 4 1 3 3 4 27 Baunsuli 13 4 2 13 7 28 Bhanrapur 2 29 Nischintapur 7 5 30 Hirapasi 31 Bhulada 7 2 14 2 32 Dabarchua 3 5 33 Nuagaon (bada) 34 Khireitangiri 15 10 2 8 2 7 35 Dalanga 3 3 2 36 Godipokhari 6 3 2 2 37 Dhanu~ayapur 5 13 2 1 38 Baradangua 3 2 3 3 2 3 39 Jamunapasi 16 4 5 3 3 40 Kodakharnana 2 5 t

S-li>! 101

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Patana of Main Workers Trade and Transport, Other Marginal Non-workers Commerce Storage & Services Workers (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

666 28 183 12 1,588 200 735 8,817 18,463 24,750 666 28 183 12 1,588 200 735 8,817 18,463 24,750

421 14 117 11 1,014 119 474 5,592 10,212 14,306 4 7 3 17 126 125 163 1 8 31 23 33 3 1 11 50 45 52 5 3 85 79 74 3 3 28 2 6 130 188 2 49 59 6 35 27 18 11 227 164 147 1 1 4 5 13 73 58 59 6 2 4 4 7 24 19 3 12 11 50 75 59 3 15 2 9 66 159 121 73 16 76 11 4 372 659 17 3 10 2 26 147 110 128 1 12 12 86 110 135 9 106 277 7 4 19 93 48 54 9 33 4 15 133 255 278 1 73 159 5 6 22 49 7 4 159 140 161 3 10 1 150 167 183 8 6 23 6 6 79 143 124 10 5 40 6 15 112 390 647 3 17 3 79 222 9 3 3 96 205 87 121 136 14 33 5 117 350 645 2 6 2 135 316 1 5 29 89 168 38 2 10 87 9 21 532 436 437 5 3 24 2 10 155 207 289 21 2 4 207 332 16 5 1 2 55 61 53 4 2 8 1 6 68 91 97 3 2 21 2 1 116 217 334 17 3 75 160 152

!:-lpt 102


Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (Inclu­ Total Population Code viDage Occt4lied House­ ding Institutional and in the age group Number in Hectares Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) & ofTowni ntial Ward in Houses Sq. Kms.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

41 Angikala 429.00 133 136 683 325 358 120 51 69 42 Chilida 354.00 185 193 925 431 494 115 55 60 43 Barudipasi 235.00 86 97 512 255 257 90 47 43 44 Padmakesharpur 176.00 47 47 234 115 119 25 10 15 45 Kimirdapashi 111.00 52 !>2 275 143 132 45 20 25 46 Nuakhamana 287.00 155 163 796 388 408 149 71 78 47 Bhrungaraja 137.00 47 48 241 117 124 48 23 25 48 Nuagaoobalavadrapur 265.00 75 80 493 240 253 51 25 26 49 Raikala 320.00 50 55 287 151 136 49 24 25 50 Dharuapada 77.00 18 18 110 51 59 15 6 9 52 Rajanagar 270.00 274 277 1,341 652 689 196 110 86 53 Kodadhara 23.00 Uninhabited 54 Balipokhari 36.00 Uninhabited 55 Kainda 205.00 142 142 778 388 390 147 82 65 56 Kakha~uabeda 30.00 Uninhabited 57 Deogaon 73.00 21 21 133 61 72 23 13 10 78 Murusuana 252.00 200 219 1,291 638 653 228 107 121 79 Bhalupahadi 231.00 80 87 429 213 216 62 32 30 80 Padmapur ~52.oo 37 38 265 134 131 25 13 12 81 Kantiapada 594.00 240 260 1,282 603 679 290 139 151 82 Talapada 213.00 63 63 378 175 203 70 28 42 83 Patadhanurjayapur 179.00 65 66 356 171 185 53 25 28 84 Jamunalia 216.00 99 114 585 273 312 107 54 53 85 Purunia 110.00 59 59 300 157 143 46 31 15 86 8alanipasi 275.00 91 91 466 236 230 93 48 45 87 Janheipasi 119.00 36 36 182 84 98 28 11 17 88 Bhogapasi 67.00 27 27 170 89 81 35 23 12 89 Mana'Pur 315.00 101 102 589 276 313 94 45 .19 90 Denua 320.00 145 155 855 432 423 153 75 78 91 Kochilapada 32.00 11 11 66 34 32 10 8 2 92 Patanali 164.00 29 32 167 83 84 30 15 i5 93 Changuapada 66.00 18 18 104 S9 45 18 12 6 94 Kiapada 111.00 60 72 370 179 191 66 32 34 95 Silida 439.00 157 157 887 443 444 130 64 66 96 Khuntapada 327.00 117 120 650 323 327 92 51 41 97 Khajuriapasi 138.00 40 41 215 109 106 25 18 98 Kendeipasi 292.00 122 135 726 366 360 106 54 99 Chakundapal 308.00 159 175 963 461 502 177 80 100 Jadichatara 324.00 106 108 620 314 306 114 56 58 101 Saradhapur 356.00 92 93 508 247 261 75 39 36 102 Shyanasundarpur 155.00 40 42 208 106 102 34 17 17

S-Wi 103


Industrial Category of Main WQt1(ers

Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes literates Total Main Workers Cultivators AgricuHurai (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II)


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

25 25 190 208 150 73 189 169 139 136 14 33 39 33 146 179 232 126 244 168 122 95 11 31 5 2 250 255 121 62 138 108 120 98 4 9 26 25 67 65 62 24 75 58 11 5 3 82 88 50 10 76 45 63 43 5 9 8 295 309 195 101 183 79 60 7 90 69 67 74 43 18 70 56 60 53 4 3 139 156 130 66 131 114 103 55 14 5[\ 96 81 89 35 85 43 45 7 6 36 17 17 23 13 23 22 24 22 117 122 257 263 385 316 306 138 86 17 58 79 Uni'1habited Uninhabited 220 206 180 116 210 105 124 50 49 54 Uninhabited 48 57 20 24 35 25 7 3 16 17 75 72 209 223 376 245 327 65 123 8 91 49 21 19 96 57 126 94 11 66 57 46 32 73 62 5 116 116 398 457 307 138 306 67 186 9 46 44 164 190 92 34 71 2 63 1 2 56 63 84 36 82 2 64 2 176 208 115 36 153 2 83 20 16 13 69 27 64 1 58 3 17 18 33 35 124 41 123 103 88 66 29 34 56 67 42 18 54 33 51 12 2 21 10 ,8 73 67 36 20 43 31 28 17 8 14 15 15 11 6 101 51 157 148 8 12 155 147 207 99 224 167 84 5 92 149 22 18 20 15 3 3 3 13 10 58 21 41 2 29 4 2 3 6 4 43 19 31 2 20 1 16 17 137 149 106 34 87 5 23 50 4 187 195 146 148 217 95 256 70 156 7 68 55 106 107 45 45 195 104 157 16 9? 4 27 11 6 3 70 51 4'~ 16 34 8 5 7 56 62 247 232 182 110 191 23 132 1 21 8 46 53 380 413 174 94 198 7 170 5 36 39 227 210 130 61 120 26 100 14 2 6 14 13 226 242 96 53 146 11 117 5 18 3 60 31 50 39 104


Industrial Category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (Ill) (V b) M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

41 Angikala 11 8 42 Chilida 7 35 25 5 43 Barudipasi1 1 3 44 Padmakesharpur 1 45 Kimirdapashi 2 2 4 46 Nuakhamana 12 3 47 Bhrungaraja 48 NuagaonbalavadrapJ,Jr 1 1 49 Raikala 2 2 50 Dharuapada 52 Rajanagar 7 17 18 7 2 5 53 Kodadhara Uninhabited 54 BalipoJ

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Patana of Main Workers Trade and Transport, Other Marginal Non-workers Commerce Storage & Services Workers (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

2 15 24 136 165 16 22 6 26 9 4 68 183 258 1 9 6 58 111 91 4 75 40 43 1 1 5 6 62 81 2 1 17 13 89 192 240 3 3 1 26 46 42 12 109 139 24 1 3 66 93 26 37 26 2 5 95 19 346 551 Uninhabited Uninhabited 15 2 10 8 97 170 188 Uninhabited 6 3 5 26 47 21 5 55 2 4 79 307 509 4 2 9 3 118 84 98 3 1 49 60 81 5 5 2 20 164 2n 448 3 10 47 94 154 1 6 7 68 82 115 B 184 112 126 2 1 24 93 69 49 4 3 113 127 30 65 3 46 50 6 5 118 308 8 1 19 1 208 255 2 19 14 13 4 47 42 35 5 1 17 27 26 6 6 85 92 101 8 2 B 1 1 186 373 9 14 30 174 136 137 3 7 47 58 43 4 5 17 8 173 167 164 3 3 13 41 255 222 240 1 3 50 140 144 140 2 3 3 6 154 95 96 7 6 56 95 106


Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (Inclu­ fotal Population Code village Occupied House­ ding Institutional and In the age group Number in Hectares Reside­ holds Housele<;s Population) (0-6) &ofTownI ntial Ward in Houses Sq. Kms.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

103 Sangahmaria 279.00 80 90 44~ 211 232 85 46 39 104 Badagahmaria 310.00 114 131 619 316 ,j03 104 58 46 105 Kasipur 159.00 84 84 456 2D 237 101 51 50 106 "Mahisamundi 520.00 ~40 140 864 <4 440 169 91 78 107 Kenduapada 29f.0I) 100 ;00 546 '~63 283 108 54 54 108 J\flaIadiha 124.C'O 45 45 256 120 136 44 17 27 0090 Pablna PS 115.98 4,070 4,204 22,842 f 1 ,503 11,339 4,0~ 2,069 1,951 90 Durgadeipur 55.00 30 31 221 114 107 29 15 14 91 TIkayatpatana 9.00 29 29 207 108 99 23 12 11 92 Badapatana 12.00 87 93 494 278 216 97 49 48 93 Kameswarapur 110.00 105 110 532 278 254 79 47 32 94 Sivanarayanpur 21.00 20 20 135 60 75 23 11 12 95 Bhabisakudar 55.00 2 2 15 8 7 5 2 3 96 Sanapa


Industrial Category of Main Workers

S.;heduled Castes Scheduled Trtbes Llterates Tota! Main Workers Culbvators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (11)


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

67 72 80 33 115 28 92 15 28 38 161 146 126 64 181 95 68 5 87 90 198 209 120 46 119 5 98 7 5 24 385 407 208 102 225 180 35 245 273 94 18 124 5 10 :1 54 28 56 1 54 :n2 829 5,365 5,27& 5,253 2,668 ::;,822 2.430 3,411 1,097 1,357 1,213 2:: 19 33 3; 79 57 35 10 5 10 3 7 6 90 69 33 14 86 89 174 86 1(1 26 '1 123 125 149 86 1'2 61 9 4b 5.3 5 12 13 46 51 17 2 3 1 5 2 3

25 27 ., ~ 6 9 6 78 77 102 41 146 105 21 6 18 14 Hl 23 41 28 43 12 31 4 2 7 5 4 188 180 h8 09 198 120 122 75 56 36 34 365 349 401 206 412 1~4 152 8 204 102 . II 164 253 254 267 109 254 2\)'" 192 151 19 51 3 -.9 53 20 60 ')1 <;8 48 2 16 137 13~ 47 101 \:11 90 84 3 6 7 i 1 335 173 72 211 113 94 7 97 106 '5 6 ~ 19 86 38 95 75 1S 36 12 38 22 29 10 8 106 5r 119 75 88 64 21 9 2 3 275 268 113 32 130 78 39 3 243 218 150 68 168 7 138 20 5 119 117 84 39 57 5 33 3 188 205 157 121 169 91 64 3 86 8"_, 15 15 210 199 221 1 Or. 203 3 123 57 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 38 31 393 411 254 97 331 ?30 221 9 90 21£ 78 39 65 41 11 8 7 105 110 82 43 15/ 101 16 42 18 17 19 305 287 147 72 24-' 236 129 93 93 140 134 122 160 47 138 9 130 1 8 178 192 276 281 2G9 122 279 46 158 3 80 35 28 41 12 6 14 14 5 6 26 16 18 16 3 3 21 5 41 2 37 108


Industrial Category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code FIShing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, SeMcing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in clng and Repairs Orchards & allied HousehokIlndustry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (V b) M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

103 Sangahmaria 4 1()4 Badagahmaria 4 3 105 Kasipur 2 2 2 106 Mahisamundi 6 107 KencIUapada 108 .AnaIadha 0090 Patana pS 88 1 15 1 129 28 50 13 52 1 90 Durgadeipur 2 3 7 91 Tikayatpatana 1 92 Badapatana 7 5 5 93 Kameswarapur 7 94 Sivanarayanpur 1 95 Bhabisakudar 96 Sanapadapasi Uninhabited 97 KamaIabahaIi 98 PutuIia 5 5 99 Sanaiamupasi 5 1 1 100 Nuapada 2 2 101 Tangarpada 15 10 2 5 11 102 Anlun 3 8 1 3 2 103 Bhirnapada 1 104 Musapada 105 Brahmanideo 2 106 jha'apeda 1 107 BaIibaIKha 5 108 GaIaptUa 6 109 Madhapur 3 1 no Saharapasi 3 111 SuambirajayagcMn 1 112 G,*dpasi 3 6 113 Kantapasi 114 I>wiIiyasivanar 115 Sarasakola 1 3 1 2 116 Durnurklha 117 Badajamupasi 2 2 2 118 Khamua 3 2 2 119 Badadhanurjayapur 120 MusaIchori 4 3 1 3 121 GidWla 122 Badapadapasi 123 Rathapada 109

CENSUS. ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Patana of Main Workers Trade and Transport. Other MatVnaI Non-workers Commerce Storage & Services Workers (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

4 96 204 6 2 10 1 36 134 172 3 4 8 109 92 123 4 95 199 345 1 1 11 132 272 2 64 135 209 11 53 1 458 64 190 1.593 5,491 7,316 5 9 15 19 64 78 23 9 15 3 60 95 26 9 23 9 3 168 206 6 3 40 8 12 2 154 191 3 8 2 8 9 35 64 1 1 1 4 7 Uninhabited 16 21 13 11 92 204 4 38 72 6 1 43 160 192 22 1 5 '46 3 123 326 536 7 3 17 2 4 38 221 228 1 58 43 6 1 1 3 106 102 3 14 1 69 153 196 3 3 1 4 31 76 70 2 3 2 11 64 122 141 3 1 3 29 81 140 219 6 1 1 140 163 163 5 2 13 2 18 32 93 117 5 12 3 2 2 193 279 2 11 2 270 430

4 3 7 2 2 329 445 2 -,- 1 10 2 51 57 37 8 7 103 92 123 6 2 2 9 1 8 29 198 181 8 194 286 18 2 12 4 3 287 540 14 14 26 2 3 18 32 3 39 41 44 110


Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (Inclu­ Total Population Code viUage Occupied House­ ding Institutional and in the age group Number in Hectares Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) & ofTowni ntial Ward in Houses Sq. Kms.

p M F p M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1

124 Musanail 26.00 43 45 244 127 117 37 24 13 125 Ma!ipasi \61.00 126 ;26 737 386 351 131 81 50 126 Bhalughar 225.00 71 n 377 170 207 66 30 36 127. Giliriduma 83.00 15 is 74 35 39 'i5 9 6 12'3 Dianali 345.00 122 125 €3S 317 318 \ is 62. 56 129 Mangalapur 219.00 65 66 348 168 180 65 .\1 24 130 Kuapasi 91.00 ~~6 36 HO 90 39 20 13 '7 131 Lekhana 27.00 16 16 81 45 36 10 '1 3 132 Sadhupada 58.00 53 53 275 128 14'1 52 29 23 133 Tainslra 129.00 54 57 287 146 141 46 30 16 137 Bhaliadal 286.0') 60 60 347 181 166 61 27 31 138 Erendei 1180.00 321 323 1.724 860 864 306 148 158

1 ~9 Asanabaha1i 143.00 47 47 199 100 91:1 42 21 21 140 Katabeda 298.00 68 68 399 193 206 79 37 42 144 Mirigikhoji 422.00 169 171 897 443 454 155 89 66 0130 GhatgaoJ'l PS 87.68 2.196 2,277 12,725 6,310 6,415 2,519 1,243 1,276

51 Ketan~a 375.25 128 144 921 469 452 H31 99 62 52 Mah\lldiha 532.19 116 120 669 313 356 141 63 78 54 Nuapada 351.18 90 90 505 248 257 107 57 50 55 Chinamalipasi 772.44 161 1S6 1.016 527 489 207 108 99 56 Rudhiapada 523.23 123 123 702 361 341 145 61 84 57 Kumudabahali 1008.~0 182 184 1.054 520 534 221 104 117 sa Godhirampara 277.58 55 56 370 180 190 94 39 55 59 Baidabaza 290.42 81 87 468 235 233 132 77 55 60 Kothaghar 253.82 94 94 546 267 279 78 41 37 61 Badnuagaon 368.39 113 '116 680 325 355 134 68 66 62 Dumuria 581.48 213 219 1.112 553 559 180 89 91 63 Tando 599.10 178 178 960 491 469 172 95 77 64 Ghatbalijodi 368.79 76 79 420 204 216 61 34 27 65 jamuleibeda 325.23 77 77 428 209 219 85 45 40 66 Palanghati 418.56 116 116 640 308 332 131 56 75 67 Sadangabahali 565.64 92 93 471 230 241 108 47 61 68 Pichhulabeda 296.92 88 96 532 270 262 128 55 73 69 Bana mahuldiha(Patulisahi) 601.33 137 140 749 359 390 149 63 86 70 kalighai 97.42 34 34 206 99 107 38 17 21 87 Rohiniduma 171.33 42 45 276 142 134 47 25 22 111


Industrial Category of Main Workers Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Uterates Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (J-IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F ------13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

15 15 59 32 61 1 48 1 150 133 151 75 192 9 77 65 8 3 56 41 102 69 88 61 1 6 33 01 3 19 18 8 2 11 16 197 193 91 46 164 148 98 72 53 75 23 31 15 15 68 51 84 53 50 34 14 17 2 3 1 53 32 36 35 32 25 14 9 16 14 1 17 24 79 72 64 4 27 37 36 :3 7 86 70 72 11 4 5 99 98 75 27 103 78 64 44 25 31 100 115 423 421 320 181 467 241 303 154 78 63 47 40 34 22 59 58 40 38 18 20 33 34 104 57 110 76 81 58 10 16 16 18 192 176 ~17 113 249 9 161 2 43 .216 183 4,152 4,283 2,255 1,018 3,479 1,655 2,622 1,131 565 466 24 15 315 299 196 124 226 19 172 7 39 9 309 352 107 27 174 194 71 54 102 139 11 8 207 208 80 36 127 14 113 6 4 1 76 63 190 188 170 67 302 32 228 23 30 9 31 31 243 217 105 40 182 16 120 4 46 9 5 4 329 332 155 70 289 262 200 188 65 65 177 186 39 8 95 92 91 89 3 235 233 32 4 128 147 124 124 22 13 13 46 56 145 80 154 75 112 40 31 35 8 7 213 235 94 38 181 162 152 158 10 4 7 4 306 327 256 136 305 103 203 61 42 24 11 11 419 403 214 78 276 14 245 8 25 6 75 82 102 59 112 2 91 B 130 153 89 32 107 104 84 97 7 7 6 6 241 265 126 70 180 136 127 93 34 39 4 6 118 125 59 30 135 127 89 87 34 35 4 3 202 194 62 21 154 29 147 29 5 15 12 218 249 153 59 202 121 118 59 75 58 99 107 33 17 65 3 57 2 5 80 72 38 22 85 3 78 2 3 112


Industrial Category

Location Name of Village Livestock. Forestry. Mining and l\IIanuf~turing. l\IIanufacturing, Constructions Code FIShing, Hunting Quarrying ProceSSing, Servicing Processing, SeM- (VI) Number and Plantations. (IV) and Repairs in clog and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than aclvities (Va) Household Industry

124 l\IIusanaii 7 125 Malipasi 35 126 Bhalughar 2 127 Giliriduma 128 Dianali 2 129 Mangalapur 6 4 1 2 1 130 Kuapasi 131 Lekhana 132 Sadhupada 2 1 1 4 133 Tainsim 3 5 3 5 9 137 Bhaliadal 1 138 Erendei 4 19 10 4 9 10 139 Asanabahali 140 Katabeda 3 2 144 l\IIirigikhoji 11 8 3 0130 Ghatgaon PS 17 101 38 4 5 51 Ketanga 52 l\IIahuld!la 1 1 54 Nuapada 5 4 ·1 55 Chinamalipasi 4 22 56 Rudhiapada 6 4 57 Kumudabahali 11 7 58 Godhirampara 3 59 Baidabaza 1 1 60 Kothaghar 5 1 61 Badnuagaon 11 62 Dumuria 2 10 14 63 Tando 3 64 Gha1balijod 2 2 2 65 jamuleibeda 5 1 66 Palanghati 6 3 67 Sadangabahali 4 5 68 Pichhulabeda 2 69 Sana mahuldiha(patulisahi) 2 2 70 kalighai 2 87 Rohiniduma 2 1 1 113

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Patana of Main Workers Tmde and Transport, Other Marginal Non-workers Commerce Stomge& Services Workers (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

4 60 66 56 3 12 1 1 193 342 5 1 5 1 1 25 67 113 2 16 19 3 7 9 30 144 140 3 4 2 13 82 114 1 10 21 44 68 2 2 18 27 18 5 6 19 2 6 17 58 126 19 2 5 17 5 73 130 1 12 2 21 78 67 9 6 34 5 7 172 386 451 41 41 1 12 3 43 80 87 3 1 23 3 269 194 176 36 3 13 116 17 71 1,632 2,760 3,128 2 2 10 2 187 243 246 2 138 160 3 3 129 121 114 2 5 11 2 251 223 206 3 1 2 2 10 73 169 252 3 1 9 9 23 222 249 1 1 7 84 91 3 3 4 104 82 1 3 2 113 202 1 6 15 52 129 141 12 2 34 4 1 140 247 316 2 21 303 194 152 6 2 106 92 108 5 4 102 115 2 9 4 128 192 6 95 114 123 116 110 2 5 2 8 83 149 186 1 65 34 39 1 78 57 53

II Q , 9 '0 '0 ... :...... ors ..J m J Q ®


o .;-; I , , .1~1::: ,I ~ R ~ .(;>(f~ , I 0 c tI 0, ' ~,_., I Ii l; " PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF GHATGAOJl,CQ..-BLOCK - 0040

Pandapara P.S. - 0120 Ghatgaon P.S. - 0130

115 116



POLICE STATION - PANDAPAAA - 0120 1 Adakata 19/031012010098 1913113/98 16l0310020I0052 161312152 2 Ankalpada 19/0310120f0053 1913113153 16f031OO201OOO9 16131219 3 AsanabahaIi 19I03I012010057 1913113157 16l0310020I0045 161312145 4 Bad;tJi 19/031012010065 1913113/65 16f031'OO2Q(O()49 161312149 5 Balabhadrapur 19I03I0120/0008 191311318 16l0310020I0012 161312/12 6 Basantapur 19I03I0120/0004 191311314 16l0310020I0004 16131214 7 Binida 19I03I012010069 1913113169 16l0310020I0055 161312155 8 Dengana 191031012MlO63 1913113163 16l0310020I0056 161312156 9 Deobandha 19/031012010062 1913113162 16l0310020I0051 161312151 10 Dharpada 19I03I012010067 1913113167 16l0310020I0040 161312140 11 Fuljhar 19I03I012010095 1913113195 16103fOO201OO94 161312194 12 Gayalmunda 19103/012010058 1913113158 16l0310020I0047 161312147 13 Gohitangari 1910310120f0051 1913113151 16103I0020I0010 161312110 14 Jamupasi 191031012010060 1913113160 16l0310020I0048 161312148 15 Jharbeda 19I03I0120l0006 191311316 16l0310020I0006 16131216 16 Kamarboda 19I03I012010068 1913113168 16I0310020I0058 161312158 17 Kamamali 191031012010066 1913113166 16l0310020I0041 161312141 18 Kandasar 1910310120l0005 191311315 16I031002010005 16131215 19 Khurrtapada 19103/012010054 1913113154 16l03l002010043 161312143 20 Luduripada 19/0310120l0009 191311319 16l0310020I0013 161312113 21 Masinajocl 19/031012010094 1913113194 16l0310020I0092 161312192 22 Nischintapur 1910310120J0055 1913113155 16l0310020I0044 161312144 23 Nuagaonjodapokhari 19103/012010064 1913113164 16103I0020I0057 161312157 24 Pandapada 1910310120l0050 1913113150 16l0310020I0039 161312J39 25 patabari 19I03I012010059 1913113159 161031002010046 161312146 26 Patilo 19/031012010097 1913113197 16l0310020I0054 161312154 27 Pichhula 19103/0120l0007 191311317 16l0310020I0007 161312fl 28 Purumunda 191031012010056 1913113156 161031002010042 161312142 29 Rangamatia 19I03I012010096 1913113196 16l0310020I0053 161312153 30 Rutisila 19/031012010052 1913113152 16103I0020I0008 16131218 31 SanjiUi 19/03/012010061 1913113161 16103fOO201OO5O 161312150 32 Sonatangiri 19I03I0120/0048 1913113148 16l0310020I0011 161312111 33 Ukuchabeda 19I03I0120l0003 191311313 16l0310020I0003 16131213

POLICE STATION - GHATAGAON - 0130 34 Ambuapada (Badasahimahantasahi) 19/031013010020 1913114120 161031011010014 1613111114 35 ArjunbiJa 19/031013010106 19131141106 16I03I011010100 1613111/100 36 Asanabani 19/031013010023 1913114a3 16I03I011010025 1613111125 37 Badabarbeda 19/031013010026 1913114126 16I03I011010078 1613111n8 38 Badajamupasi 19I03I013010088 1913114/88 1610310110/0098 1613111/98 39 Badamasilabilla 19/031013010073 1913114n3 1610310110/0067 1613111/67 40 Baghaghar 19I03I013010037 1913114137 16I03I011010034 1613111/34 41 Baiganpal 19I03I013010086 1913114186 161031011010057 1613111/57 42 BaJijodi 19/031013010128 19131141128 16I03I011010107 1613111/1 07

Soli)! 117



43 BarIpOkhari 19I03I013010101 19131141101 16I03I011010124 1613f111124 44 Banachakulia 19J031013010121 19131141121 16I03I011010129 1613111/129 45 Banakanda 19103/013010094 1913114194 16I03I011010091 161'3111191 46 BankapatuIi 19103/013010010 1913114110 16I03I0110l0002 161'311112 47 Barhatipura (Patrasahi) 19J03101301OO97 1913114197 16I03I011010088 161'3111188 48 Bed1apaI 19I03I013010113 19131141113 16I03I011010114 161'31111114 49 Bhalukipalla (Bhadrisahi) 19I03I013010018 19131t4118 16I03I011010019 161'3111/19 50 Bhanjalipura . 19J03101301OO96 1913114196 16I03I011010085 161'3111185 51 Bharandia 19I03I013010014 1913114114 16I03I011010016 161'3111/16 52 Bholabera 19I03I013010031 1913114131 16I03I011010021 161'3111121 53 8idyadhaJ,i)Ur 19J03101301OO25 1913114125 16I03I011010077 161'3111m 54 Binajhari 19I03I013010124 19131141124 16I03I011010115 161'3111/115 55 Brundabanpur (Pal 118



89 Khuntapada 19/03/0130/0079 19/3114/79 16/03/0110/0083 16/3111/83 90 Kolipasi 19/03/0130/0122 19/3/14/122 16/03/0110/0117 16/3111/117 91 Kudhatangar 19/0310130/0090 19/3/14/90 16/03/0110/0096 16/3111/96 92 KUndapitha (Rengalibedasahi) 19/03/0130/0071 19/3114171 16/03/0110/0060 16/3111/60 93 Kusunpur 19/03/0130/0108 19/3114/108 16/0310110/0105 16/3111/1 05 94 Langalakanti 19/03/0130/0075 19/3114175 16/03/0110/0072 16/3111172 95 Laxmipasi alias Jarasadha 19/03/0130/0041 1913114/41 16/03/0110/0030 16/3111130 96 Machhabhandar 19/03/0130/0053 19/3114/53 16/03/0110/0040 16/3111/40 97 Madhupur 19/03/0130/0083 19/3114/83 16/03/0110/0095 16/3111195 98 Mahulgadia 19/03/0130/0047 19/3114/47 16/03/011010074 16/3111174 99 Manata 19/03/0130/0114 19/3/14/114 16/03/011010118 16/3111/118 100 Manoharpur 19/03/013010029 19/3/14/29 16/03/0110/0029 16/3111/29 101 Mathurapasi 19/03/0130/0007 19/311417 16/03/0110/0005 16/3111/5 102 Medinipur 19/03/0130/0084 1913114/84 16/03/0110/0062 1613111/62 103 Melan 19/03/0130/0129 19/3114/129 16/03/0110/0106 1613111/1 06 104 Mudrabera 19/03/0130/0035 19/3114/35 16/03/0110/0039 16/3/11/39 105 Muktapur 19/03/0130/0036 19/3114/36 16/03/011010035 1613111/35 106 Mukundapurpatana 19/03/0130/0125 19/31141125 16103/011010110 16/3111/110 107 Mundatangar 19/03/0130/0009 19/3/14/9 16/03/0110/0001 16/3111/1 108 Murgapahadi 19/03/0130/0107 1913114/107 1610310110/0099 16/3111/99 109 Nakajhari 19/03/0130/0111 19/31141111 16/03/0110/0112 1613111/112 110 Nalabilla 19/03/0130/0085 19/3114/85 16/03/0110/0061 1613111/61 111 Nimighera 19/03/0130/0027 19/3/14/27 16103/0110/0027 16/3111/27 112 Nischintapur 19/0310130/0095 19/3114/95 16103/0110/0090 16/3111/90 113 Nusuripasi 19/03/0130/00n 1913114m 16/03/0110/0086 16/3111/86 114 Paidapatana 19/03/0130/0078 19/3114178 16/03/011010084 16/3/11184 115 Panupasi (Gidhibasa) 19/0310130/0072 19/3114172 16/03/0110/0063 1613111/63 116 Parsurampur 19/03/0130/0022 19/3/14/22 16/03/0110/0024 16/3/11/24 117 Pauchhia 19/03/0130/0119 19/3/14/119 16103/0110/0127 1613111/127 118 Pipilia (Mundasahi) 19/Q3/0130/0011 19/3114/11 16/0310110/0004 1613111/4 119 Podadiha 19/03/0130/0004 19/3114/4 16/0310110/0011 1613111/11 120 Poipani (Pandasahi, Sahusahi) 19/03/0130/0001 19/3114/1 16/031011010007 161311117 121 Aaghubeda 19/03/0130/0045 19/3114/45 16/0310110/0080 1613111/80 122 Raikudar 19/03/0130/0019 19/3114/19 16/0310110/0020 1613111120 123 Rajapat 19/03/0130/0123 19/3114/123 16/03/0110/0116 1613111/116 124 Ramachandrapur 19/0310130/0034 1913114/34 16/0310110/0038 16/3/11/38 125 Sagadapata 19/03/013010100 19/3114/100 16103/0110/0122 16/3/11/122 126 Sagadia 19103/0130/0080 19/3114/80 16/0310110/0093 16/3/11/93 127 Sanabarabeda 19/03/0130/0074 19/3114174 16/031011010070 16/3/11170 128 Sanamasinabilla 19/0310130/0082 1913114/82 16/0310110/0068 16/3111/68 129 Sanjamupasi 19/0310130/0112 1913114/112 16/0310110/0113 1613111/113 130 Sannuagaon 19/03/0130/0081 19/3114/81 16/03/0110/0069 16/3/11169 131 Santarapur 19/03/0130/0076 19/3114176 16/03/0110/0082 1613111/82 132 Sarasapasi 19/031013010017 19/3114/17 16/03/0110/0017 1613111/17 133 Sarupata 19/03/0130/0024 19/3114/24 16/03/0110/0026 1613111/26

S-'l)! 119



134 Sitabinji 19/03/0130/0043 19/3114/43 16/0310110/0076 16/3111n6 135 Sunaripasi 19/03/0130/0099 19/3114/99 16/()3/0110/0120 16/31111120 136 Tandibeda 19/03/0130/0042 19/3/14/42 16/()3/0110/0075 16/3/11175 137 Tangartali 19/03/0130/0115 1913114/115 16/03/0110/0119 16/3111/119 138 Tara 19/03/0130/0103 19/3114/103 16/0310110/0089 16/3111/89 139 Tikira 19/03/0130/0049 19/3114149 16/0310110/0071 16/3111171 140 Toranipokhari 19/03/0130/0012 1913114/12 16/0310110/0013 16/3/11/13 141 Upardiha 19/03/013010127 19/3114/127 16/03/0110/01 08 16/3111/1 08 142 Vandaripasi 19/03/0130/0003 1913/14/3 16/0310110/0008 16/3111/8 120

C.D. BLOCK - Ghatgaon VILLAGE PRIMARY location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Populationfmclud­ Total Population Code ViBage Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (~) ares & ntial of Town! Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

p M F p M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 Ghatgaon C.D. Block T 461.65 15,841 16,507 87,826 44,164 43.662 16,466 8,345 8,121 R 461.65 15,841 16,507 87,826 44,164 43,662 16,466 8,345 8,121 U 0120 Pandapara PS 121:82 3,956 3,973 21,389 10,644 10,745 3,864 1,975 1,889 3 Ukuchabeda 374.45 109 109 569 291 278 99 52 47 4 Basantapur 821.54 293 293 1.630 790 840 315 164 151 5- Kandasar 536.63 120 120 649 325 324 121 62 59 6 Jharbeda 1,186.58 300 300 1.676 824 852 363 189 174 7 Pichhula 751.93 209 212 1.068 515 553 171 92 79 .8 Balabhadrapur 569.41 214 217 1143 565 578 207 110 97 9 luduripada 350.47 96 96 495 250 245 98 45 53 48 Sonatar9ri 516.80 194 194 l,O,f8 508 510 203 109 94 50 Pandapada 190.61 1.17 117 689 371 318 54 15 39 51 Gohitangari 324.97 74 74 428 194 234 71 35 36 52 Rutisila 482.89 151 154 785 376 409 116 52 64 53 Ankalpada 398.00 123 123 746 369 3n 147 70 n 54 Khuntapada 134.00 Uninhabited 55 Nischintapur 96.31 46 46 241 119 122 38 19 19 56 Purumunda 680.08 267 271 1.518 746 n2 258 119 139 57 Asanabahali 352.44 102 102 498 250 248 103 60 43 58 Gayalmunda 264.41 30 30 200 98 102 48 31 17 59 Patabari 438.06 151 151 752 376 376 153 82 71 60 Jamupasi 133.14 29 29 161 79 82 30 18 12 61 SanjUi 167.14 31 31 191 96 95 26 11 15 62 Oeobandha 257.79 102 102 484 238 246 97 49 48 63 Dengana 246.86 99 99 583 306 2n 81 41 40 64 Nuagaonjodapokhari 136.78 49 49 285 150 135 ;Jl 20 11 65 Bact(ji 85.39 65 65 325 161 164 70 36 34 66 Kamamali 232.29 63 65 393 195 198 69 32 37 67 Oharpada 184.80 90 90 463 224 239 92 42 50 68 Kamarbocla 501.82 176 178 932 467 465 169 81 88 69 Binida 834.49 302 302 1,627 816 811 267 132 135 94 Masinajodi 160.80 97 97 4n 266 211 101 61 40 95 Fuljhar 188.18 49 49 254 122 132 51 26 25 96 Rangamatia 105.22 34 34 183 97 86 30 17 13 97 Patilo 145.69 106 106 574 285 289 104 57 47 98 Adakata 331.96 68 68 352 175 1n 81 46 35 0130 Ghatgaon PS 339.83 11,885 12,534 66,437 33,520 32,917 12,602 6,370 6,232 1 Poipani (Pandasahi, Sahusahi) 571.18 225 225 1,215 656 559 215 131 84 2 Dwarikapasi (Dhobasahi) 88.46 81 81 389 194 195 87 50 37 3 Vandaripasi 34.05 27 27 120 61 59 21 11 10 4 Podadiha 59.07 24 24 125 64 61 21 10 11 121

CENSUS ABSTRACT C:D. BLOCK -Ghatgaon Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Tora! Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F IV! F IV! F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

2,528 2,493 27,464 27,658 20,701 8,649 23,702 5,254 15,187 2,282 4,216 2,397 2,528 2,493 27,464 27,658 20,701 8,649 23,702 5,254 15,187 2,282 4,216 2,397

546 537 7,668 7814 4,981 1880 5,844 2,049 4063 1063 1142 857 38 28 71 61 145 57 147 18 75 3 53 14 101 92 648 710 394 85 445 518 378 463 10 7 133 138 151 63 174 19 128 26 14 9 7 '782 819 366 124 422 149 364 100 37 44 467 512 219 87 271 3 215 45 500 499 250 84 299 160 127 42 136 115 8 6 220 215 151 42 131 4 119 378 365 184 62 282 58 In 2.7 66 31 23 28 64 39 290 157 180 23 50 6 7 3 174 212 116 39 115 9 101 6 1 2 9 6 267 302 160 57 226 16 200 9 17 5 1 4 317 330 184 55 156 43 127 17 22 26 Uninhabited 119 122 50 19 59 5 51 3 5 1 130 130 524 534 319 151 429 196 303 39 72 149 11 7 188 187 88 46 147 82 n 25 40 48 98 102 9 53 54 9 5 44 49 25 35 153 141 124 51 208 16 104 3 73 9 2 4 76 75 38 19 43 33 20 3 19 30 51 55 57 27 51 12 29 2 13 9 15 13 134 143 78 34 130 66 55 1 7 5 191 172 203 80 181 146 17 10 9 123 105 81 31 90 4 73 13 3 24 21 116 126 81 33 60 47 30 3 31 41 128 122 89 41 118 65 87 4 29 60 223 234 89 42 123 16 35 1 83 15 466 462 221 47 267 181 226 132 36 46 64 68 592 596 432 167 475 268 320 160 116 107 154 129 105 31 141 28 84 5 44 22 34 33 42 8 75 18 50 5 21 13 61 52 57 30 55 43 9 59 67 79 79 179 104 175 2 166 137 143 29 7 96 83 12 1,982 1,956 19,796 19,844 15,720 6,769 17,858 3,205 11,124 1,219 3,074 1,540 25 21 344 274 139 103 351 14 255 2 60 7 55 57 68 58 79 38 102 51 62 33 30 16 20 27 37 20 30 2 18 4 2 24 21 39 26 32 12 20 8 3 4 122

C.D. BLOCK - Ghatgaon VILLAGE PRIMARY Industrial Category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

1 Ghatagaon T 509 20 19 816 198 207 9 153 20 C.D. Block R 509 20 19 816 198 207 9 153 20 U 0120 Pandapara PS 49 6 3 190 64 22 2 19 3 Ukuchabeda 1 5 4 Basantapur 52 51 5 Kandasar 9 3 1 6 Jharbeda 2 2 7 PichhulE!_ 3 8 8aJabhadrapur 2 3 8 2 9 Luduripada 8 48 Sonatangiri 3 11 6 50 Pandapada 5 2 29 3 51 Gohitangari 4 4 52 Rutisila 53 Ankalpada 54 Khuntapada Uninhabited 55 Nischintapur 1 56 Purumunda 35 2 3 2 57 Asanabahali 16 4 3 2 58 Gayalmunda 59 Patabari 7 2 60 Jamupasi 1 61 Sanjluli 1 4 62 Deobandha 2 63 Dengana 2 64 Nuagaonjodapokhari 65 Badjiuli 11 2 66 Kamarnali 2 67 Dharpada 2 68 Kamarboda 69 Binida 2 4 5 94 Masinajodi p 95 Fuljhar 96 Rangamatia 97 Patilo 98 Adakata 0130 Ghatgaon PS 4£10 14 16 626 134 185 7 134 20 1 Poipani (Pandasahi,Sahusahi)1 13 3 2 Dwarikapasi (Dhobasahi) 2 3 Vandaripasi 4 4 Podadiha

Soli)! 123

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLoCK - Ghatgaon oJ Matn woncers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

746 19 240 1 1,609 308 517 11,105 19,945 27,303 746 19 240 1 1,609 308 517 11,105 19,945 27,303

84 3 13 1 259 53 141 2,060 4,659 6,636 13 1 144 260 2 1 10 3 345 322 4 6 2 151 305 6 1 11 4 61 402 642 1 7 3 113 244 437 9 11 74 265 344 4 4 148 119 93 2 17 28 240 198 212 31 4 53 8 3 9 188 . 286 1 4 3 87 76 138 2 6 2 5 183 145 210 5 56 177 157 157 Uninhabited 2 1 9 76 51 41 3 2 11 4 4 178 313 398 2 7 4 5 42 98 124 7 45 41 3 19, 4 2 216 166 144 1 2 6 34 43 3 3 7 42 76 7 150 108 95 3 11 125 276 1 2 60 131 3 2 10 30 71 87. 26 77 107 2 118 101 105 4 3 200 284 4 24 1 10 112 331 431 3 5 1 125 183 3 47 114 3 42 86 8 2 110 287 1 79 177 662 16 227 1,350 255 376 9,045 15,286 20,667 1 2 18 2 322 304 223 5 3 58 91 86 2 33 31 24 3 5 21 31 28

S-li)! 124

C.O. BLOCK - Ghatgaon VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Poputation(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ log Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ ResIde­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town! Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

5 Dhobapitna 354.00 110 116 656 347 309 159 76 83 6 Gopapur 318.15 80 80 382 188 194 68 39 29 7 Mathurapasi 335.98 120 122 632 323 309 136 75 61 8 Dandipasi 132.14 78 78 376 187 189 64 29 35 9 Mundatangar 182.19 77 77 361 199 162 53 31 22 10 Bankapatuti 422.60 146 146 834 414 420 158 81 77 11 Pipilia (Mundasahi) 934.95 276 284 1,463 709 754 239 120 119 12 Toral'lipokhari 331.48 139 152 885 500 385 146 77 69 13 Khuduputuli 62.95 33 33 243 141 102 33 15 18 14 Bharandia 202.55 74 74 403 199 .204 79 43 36 15 Gobarabeda 246.08 97 97 498 248 250 80 42 38 16 Brundabanpur (Patllan sail 164.08 69 76 401 197 204 59 26 33 17 Sarasapasi 171.66 73 76 397 198 199 65 34 31 18 Bhalukipatala (Bhadrisahi) 254.32 108 123 605 271 328 96 38 58 19 Raikudar 224.16 48 49 267 132 135 49 27 22 20 Ambuapada (BadasOOi,- 513.00 166 171 849 421 428 157 74 83 MaIlantasMi) 21 Chlkiniagovindpur 567.66 135 166 828 416 412 78 65 13 22 Parsurampur 171.25 65 65 351 164 187 64 26 38 23 Asanabani 211.39 90 90 446 212 234. 95 44 51 24 Sarupata 626.89 161 163 929 449 480 140 73 67 25 Bidyadharpur 180.02 61 64 362 175 187 65 33 32 26 Badabarabeda 474.00 86 90 533 260. 273 92 45 47 27 Nimlghera 104.90 12 12 64 33 31 12 7 5 28 Danguapasi 351.49 90 101 564 295 269 83 41 42 29 Manoharpur 502.80 124 144 786 376 410 153 69 84 30 Katarabera 680.08 123 133 638 318 320 129 65 64 31 Bholabera 1,005.38 325 350 1,788 871 911 315 143 172 32 Dalangapani 334.08 79 80 488 224 264 106 49 57 33 Ghuntijharia 152.12 42 42 219 111 108 39 22 17 34 Ramachandrapur 260.12 78 78 386 194 192 89 51 38 35 Mudrabera 340.00 90 90 433 220 213 72 38 34 36 Muktapur 346.08 114 124 654 303 351 113 45 68 37 Baghaghar 202.08 41 47 245 121 124 53 27 26 38 Kasibera 494.16 154 158 813 398 415 163 76 87 39 Khantaghara 458.08 105 111 520 246 274 90 47 43 40 Khajurijuani (Badasahi) 358.01 67 70 382 191 191 52 32 20 41 laxmipasi alias Jarasadha 246.14 29 35 190 99 91 38 27 11 42 Tandibeda 375.14 114 115 675 332 343 118 58 60 43 Sitabinji 312.66 103 113 587 292 295 132 62 70 44 Gandasila 188.83 57 68 404 199 205 87 47 40 45 Raghubeda 150.98 54 60 298 149 149 61 30 31 125

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Ghatgaon Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

13 13 161 136 193 67 180 25 88 6 42 15 169 180 88 40 109 71 78 23 14 29 7 4 109 102 130 44 189 40 129 3 47 36 187 189 69 24 110 107 34 67 105 5 3 26 23 141 78 117 51 21 3 27 43 13 15 315 340 214 n 217 4 161 22 1 22 18 484 514 419 242 380 17 265 4 34 4 24 19 271 217 294 94 308 24 116 49 10 17 37 49 55 27 102 43 41 42 199 204 95 30 105 5 99 2 5 2 33 37 114 117 132 '70 138 11 114 5 3 4 4 89 97 106 56 109 6 94 3 1 . 8 7 In 181 108 21 118 52 87 2 6 42 289 275 139 43 172 7 138 4 24 2 3 2 91 93 66 26 73 6 45 13 3 271 271 206 58 235 2 225 2

16 12 327 335 283 75 263 89 193 43 49 44 7 12 81 85 54 24 96 61 29 10 7 103 124 98 40 126 2 89 1 23 _:. . 3 4 372 396 195 28 260 153 235 70 5 79 175 187 n 17 115 2 96 1 15 2 8 223 238 152 49 163 2 144 10 33 31 15 2 18 18 9 6 262 238 147 49 166 56 151 50 3 5 9 6 304 337 195 93 203 67 171 58 19 14 182 197 210 106 184 5 152 2 62 67 695 747 399 134 529 22 308 2 111 15 171 195 111 55 112 89 11 60 55 63 29 66 2 60 2 190 185 56 9 103 99 150 155 83 27 129 1 121 250 307 119 60 172 48 126 27 17 15 91 100 52 14 61 25 54 22 3 3 53 55 248 249 223 74 204 18 151 13 11 3 28 27 203 230 126 . 46 138 8 118 8 1 7 5 149 151 109 69 115 17 99 2 7 5 4 94 87 37 18 57 3 49 6 3 7 10 218 232 175 72 176 83 130 34 28 46 5 4 215 223 112 42 176 45 168 41 4 3 2 6 151 157 59 22 107 16 70 2 19 12 138 138 41 8 85 7 63 9 6

S-li>! 126

C.D. BLOCK - Ghatgaon VILLAGE PRIMARY Industrial Category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing. Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs '" cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry In other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

5 Dhobapitna 10 6 6 Gopapur 2 11 16 7 Mathurapasl 7 2 8 Dandipasi 8 9 Mundatangar 60 2 3 10 Bankapatuli 3 2 17 11 Pipilia (Mundasahi) 6 13 3 5 12 Toranipokhari 18 15 7 3 4 13 Khuduputuli 14 Bharandia 15 Gobarabeda 3 4 2 7 16 8rundabanpur (Padhansai) 3 3 2 1 17 Sarasapasl 4 6 4 5 18 Bhalukipatala (8hadrisahi) _. 3 19 Raikudar 4 5 1 20 Ambuapada (Badasahi,- 1 3 Mahantasahi) 21 Chikiniagovindpur 9 22 Parsurampur 6 23 Asanabani 11 24 Sarupata 14 3 2S Bidyadharpur 2 26 8adabarabeda 4 27 Nimighera '-- 28 Oanguapasi 1 1 29 Manoharpur S 5 30 Katarabera 3 4 31 8holabera 6 46 2 32 Oalangapani 3 33 Ghuntijharia 34 Ramachandrapur 4 35 MLidrabera 36 Muktapur 18 3 37 8aghaghar 2 2 38 Kasibera 2 18 2 6 39 Khantaghara 5 1 40 Khajurijuani (BadaSahi) S 4 41 Laxmipasi alias Jarasadha 1 1 42 Tandibeda 10 2 43 Sitabinji 1 44 Gandasila 7 4 45 Raghubeda 13

S-lj>f 127

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Ghatgaon or ~aJO Workers ~argJOat Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

10 2 22 2 1 107 166 In 3 3 6 52 73 71 4 1 5 148 129 121 1 2 77 82 2' 2 2 82 110 2 1 7 2 22 261 175 155 21 8 28 6 6 387 323 350 7 3 95 4 6 215 186 146 4 56 1 3 13 36 46 1 1 108 94 91 7 2 151 109 88 2 3 2 96 88 102 5 4 4 68 79 79 4 3 5 187 100 134 6 2 78 59 51 3 2 226 186 200

2 50 3 2 171 152 152 107 68 eo 3 125 86 107 2 3 34 189 293 113 60 72 4 In 97 94 15 31 10 2 79 127 134 12 2 10 4 24 173 319 8 15 5 106 134 209 4 4 48 5 512 348 3n 2 6 S3 112 170 6 3 74 42 32 3 136 88 56 8 1 142 91 70 2 8 3 125 130 178 2 43 58 56 4 9 2 12 221 182 176 4 8 5 127 103 139 3 3 3 2 97 76 n 52 42 36 5 2 3 100 153 160 2 20 115 230 2 5 2 2 91 90 98 1 80 64 62

S-,j>4 128

C.D. BLOCK - Ghatgaon VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code ViDage Occupied House­ iog Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town! Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

46 Chhatia 510.81 158 165 978 491 487 197 106 91 47 MahuIgada 282.00 107 121 643 310 333 120 54 66 48 . Ohenkikote (Padlasahi. 301.08 325 345 1714 951 763 287 141 146 Patrasahi) 49 Tildra 362.00 149 151 844 456 388 164 88 76 50 Kapaspada (Badasahi. 374.00 145 145 811 402 409 136 88 48 Matiasahi) 53 Machhabhandar 240.08 66 66 369 181 188 79 34 45 71 Kundapitha (Rengalbeda- 818.19 184 192 1076 546 530 223 111 112 sahi) 72 Panupasi (GkIlibasa) 470.10 131 140 668 334 334 181 98 83 73 Badamasilabila 654.04 185 194 1,055 533 522 211 112 99 74 Sanabarabeda 202.00 73 74 411 215 196 76 38 38 75 langalakanti 188.04 78 78 374 185 189 65 29 36 76 Santarapur 812.43 388 440 2,362 1.164 1,198 479 242 237 77 Nusuripasi 522.52 177 200 961 466 495 202 100 102 78 Paidapatana 179.65 127 132 660 329 331 131 61 70 79 Khuntapada 276.43 93 94 536 265 271 97 47 50 80 Saga

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Ghatgaon SCheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I· IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

18 25 391 379 191 54 280 2 246 25 5 3 224 245 127 58 178 121 90 78 50 27 65 69 263 261 638 314 544 27 106 18

10 9 300 266 251 90 219 20 158 9 12 5 6 5 345 339 209 106 204 5 142 13

15 12 63 30 112 109 2 6 224 228 229 90 290 9 212 2 47 4

7 7 276 280 61 13 188 8 159 23 508 498 190 72 298 115 269 113 12 12 17 166 146 108 46 113 31 67 23 29 126 124 86 34 113 18 73 10 14 162 153 514 552 601 298 616 190 296 85 101 65 39 38 206 213 211 119 241 54 112 7 94 43 4 6 120 129 127 56 166 5 142 9 5 7 141 132 151 83 141 20 72 10 38 7 1 5 9 9 40 23 32 29 48 47 37 24 40 13 19 11 13 4 205 212 170 78 209 27 61 6 78 17 43 37 30 11 44 19 20 2 18 16 146 152 n 28 92 35 46 5 44 29 216 204 134 48 159 21 118 3 6 7 6 3n 368 212 73 320 27 231 4 75 19 3 3 320 317 237 72 286 12 232 7 19 20 9 302 212 223 93 183 10 143 1 21 6 Uninhabited 9 3 130 130 203 119 In 43 46 6 19 20 49 53 61 25 59 1 44 1 12 11 115 120 213 105 232 58 52 3 73 50 102 89 30 12 76 34 34 6 38 27 48 50 26 31 15 24 11 7 4 6 123 133 9 3 72 73 70 73 2 93 92 124 114 230 83 238 27 134 18 66 3 20 20 182 168 74 11 128 89 39 6 8 152 147 92 52 108 12 19 57 8 40 57 136 119 107 66 134 17 78 25 15 25 26 102 115 76 32 81 7 38 31 7 26 21 184 173 82 17 100 4 60 35 2 99 .98 275 268 443 216 434 41 269 16 51 17 10 7 83 105 101 53 96 1 48 34 130

C.D. BLOCK - Ghatgaon VILLAGE PRIMARY Industrial Category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manulacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in clng and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (ill) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

46 Chhatia 3 47 Mahulgadia 15 11 8 48 Dhenkikote (Padhasahi,- 16 5 21 14 4 Patrasahi) 49 Tikira 4 4 3 50 Kapaspada (Badasahi - 5 16 7 Matiasahi) 53 Machhabhandar 71 Kundapitha (Rengalbeda- 3 2 salli) 72 Panupasi (Gidhibasa) 5 4 73 Badamasilabilla 2 74 Sanabarabeda 2 2 75 Langalakanti 3 76 Sanlarapur 27 2 43 29 3 19 77 Nusuripasi 7 3 78 Paidapatana 79 Khuntapada 2 80 Sagadia 81 Sannuagaon 5 82 Sanamasinabilla 8 26 12 83 Madhupur 3 84 Medinipur 1 85 Nalabilla 1 21 15 86 Baiganpal 3 2 88 Badajamupasi 2 10 6 89 Dehuripasi 2 3 90 Kudha~angar Uninhabited 91 Gadadharpuf 44 5 6 15 7 3 92 Dhanurjaypur 1 3 93 Haladharpur 60 3 2 94 Banakanda 95 Nischintapul 96 Bhanjatipura 97 Barhatipura (Patrasahi) 2 3 98 Dehuripada 99 Sunaripasi 18 3 5 100 Sagadapata 7 15 101 Balipokhari 4 102 Hatinota 2 103 Tara 3 2 18 2 4 5 104 Khunta

S-li)! 131

CENSU$ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Ghatgaon Of fJliln WorJ(ers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

2 3 2 264 211 221 3 11 3 4 17 128 195 194 44 127 19 3 175 404 561

24 2 12 5 9 237 359 5 3 12 5 4 161 194 243

3 82 69 106 2 22 3 191 255 330

2 16 201 130 125 2 13 2 12 200 223 207 9 3 5 2 14 18 88 147 9 1 7 11 3 4 43 68 128 34 2 13 78 9 14 277 534 731 5 6 14 3 162 224 279 1 12 3 180 163 146 10 3 13 3 107 123 144 1 2 34 27 37 2 2 31 47 36 3 7 13 4 6 62 217 325 1 2 6 27 34 24 1 36 107 72 66 1 2 10 3 40 159 170 196 3 5 3 7 113 224 407 5 12 3 7 38 216 457 14 3 39 263 293 Uninhabited 17 4 20 7 3 54 137 226 6 4 66 56 52 16 7 22 2 3 189 344 4 2 5 68 97 22 19 55 66 7 25 6 6 221 416 115 90 92 5 2 7 6 126 214 1 8 2 87 119 163 2 5 3 69 152 1 2 2 4 26 106 164 5 8 69 6 10 266 401 471 5 8 4 110 212

S-li>l 132

C.D. BLOCK - Ghatgaon VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ- Total Population Code Village Occupied House- ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect- Reside- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town! Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

105 Harichandanpur 269.95 163 166 792 394 398 167 79 88 106 Arjunbila 271.53 103 104 561 269 292 121 69 52 107 Murgapahadi 337.66 119 119 697 349 348 121 62 59 108 Kusunpur 192.50 109 109 672 339 333 150 60 90 109 Golabandha 142.20 71 77 434 216 218 91 45 46 110 Dhuligarh 20.77 . 1 1 7 3 4 111 Nakajhari 135.35 96 101 516 265 251 96 51 45 112 Sanjamupasi 72.13 3 4 20 12 8 7 4 3 113 Bedhapal 272.53 81 92 471 232 239 97 45 52 114 Manata 380.05 163 179 928 461 467 198 108 90 115 Tangartali 58.40 62 66 355 178 177 70 37 33 116 Dubulabeda 127.42 30 42 206 104 102 34 17 17 117 Chhotraipur 295.05 65 67 391 200 191 105 53 52 118 Gopinathpur 137.25 54 58 287 153 134 67 40 27 119 Pauchhia 132.63 17 17 103 53 50 16 5 11 120 Dhangaddiha 298.75 145 167 857 439 418 161 77 84 121 Banachakulia 849.32 80 80 465 238 227 109 61 48 122 Kolipasi 183.76 75 81 435 224 211 63 31 32 123 Rajapat 81.10 12 13 78 42 36 19 14 5 124 Binajhari 193.86 131 135 694 366 328 102 60 42 125 Mukundapurpatana 275.65 216 238 1,274 655 619 208 104 104 126 Ghatgaon 246.54 319 324 1,439 739 700 238 115 123 127 Upardiha 447.46 272 288 1,582 835 747 332 171 161 128 Balijodi 516.14 129 131 819 422 397 145 70 75 129 Melan 970.42 241 248 1,430 700 730 309 144 165 133

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Ghatgaon Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

3 1 127 144 203 101 20B 63 88 24 44 33 29 30 181 211 75 39 133 93 53 34 59 50 20 20 310 310 82 32 121 2 110 5 174 169 163 87 155 . 51 41 63 49 76 74 122 133 95 36 100 6 43 43 3 3 4 1 43 34 102 101 135 71 130 1 40 63 12 8 6 4 6 4 57 55 149 163 119 49 108 31 41 42 26 89 89 216 226 209 111 250 142 147 73 50 53 51 42 59 59 106 43 84 45 34 4 3 65 21 53 19 48 15 3 3 179 166 76 17 108 54 67 33 24 20 140 126 55 9 78 26 56 3 12 22 8 9 30 11 28 2 24 2 81 73 91 91 239 95 215 57 98 13 72 40 226 219 52 6 111 6 105 4 5 134 123 135 47 108 9 69 25 4 28 25 17 7 22 5 7 14 5 45 54 80 62 201 96 231 23 129 1 87 20 154 153 77 72 377 191 320 49 111 4 99 41 50 62 231 203 530 342 421 39 127 44 14 29 25 414 366 409 254 386 147 114 15 138 121 18 12 370 343 136 27 128 8 109 11 7 32 37 612 646 144 20 323 8 199 4 92 2 134

C.D. BLOCK - Ghatgaon VILLAGE PRIMARY Industrial category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 1 '2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

105 Harichandanpur 7 10 26 6 106 A~unbila 6 6 107 Murgapahadi 108 Kusunpur 2 2 109 Golabandha 2 110 Dhuligarh 111 Nakajhari 2 6 2 112 Sanjamupasi 113 Bedhapal 6 3 2 3 4 114 Manata 16 14 3 115 Tangartali 116 Dubulabeda 117 Chhotraipur 11 4 118 Gopinathpur 4 5 119 Pauchhia 2 120 Dhangaddiha 4 2 8 4 121 Banachakulia 122 Kolipasi 123 Rajapat 124 Binajhari 2 3 125 Mukundapurpatana 12 2 13 2 126 Ghalgaon 34 3 6 4 11 4 127 Upardiha 26 2 2 5 128 Balijodi 3 2 129 Melan 5 8 10 135

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Ghatgaon of f:i1atn WorKers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

11 3 13 6 8 32 178 303 2 1 5 8 5 33 131 166 2 3 1 40 9 188 337 14 2 1 32 184 282 6 3 2 6 116 206 2 4 3 3 10 3 62 132 188 6 4 2 7 2 124 208 11 2 20 2 211 325 5 16 93 161 33 50 50 46 91 91 75 108 2 25 48 4 7 16 4 224 361 1 3 ~6 124 155 2 10 3 3 115 199 1 20 31 2 7 3 135 302 9 9 63 3 7 12 328 558 94 1 13 84 21 318 661 32 6 61 11 7 4 442 596 1 2 1 294 389 2 3 3 376 721

------~"- ...... ------,------_


K'l)' 0 I 4 5Km. k -/-:=1 =* =*==-1 N I


Boundary, District < CO Block

Police Station

Village with location code fII.Jmber o Headouorlers CD Block/Police Stotlon .., YIII0ges with population Size Below 200, 200-499, 500-999, IOOO-499Q r------, I X 14~ I Uninhabited \tIllages wdh location code number L.. ______-' NH 6

Important Metalled Road

Unmetolled and other Roads

River and Stream -==-=--~ Post Offke ,Post cnd leleqropl'1 OHlce PO/PTO

High School

Primary Health Centre, Dispensary, Maternity and Child Welfare Centre @+ ...

irfilPortant Village Hot £:,.

B'".d .,S.".y of indiO mop .,th the perm',,'o' of the Su,.eyo, Gen.fal .f India. © Government of 'rdlO C(mynqt-t, ''397 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF SAHARAPADA C.D. BLOCK - 0050

Turumunga P.S. - 0080 Patana, P.S. - 0090

137 138



POLICE STATION - TURUMUNGA - 0080 Arjunapur 19/03/0080/0064 , 191319/64 16/03/0100/0017 1'6/3110/17 2 Baikala 19/03/0080/0070 \ 19/319/70 16/0310100/0023 16/3110123 3 Batipasi 19/03/0080/0014 19/319114 16103!0100{OO14 1613110f14 4 Banamalipur 19/03/0080/0015 19/319/15 16/0310100/0034 1613110/34 5 Beguniapasi' 19;03/0080/0066 191319/66 16103J01oo/oo20 1613110/20 6 Bita 19/03/008010071 19/319171 16/0310100/0024 16/3110/24 7 Bininda 19/03/0080/0065 19/319/65 16/03/0100/0018 1613110/18 8 Deullapasi 19/03/ooB0/0076 19/319/76 : 6103101 00/0091 1613110/91 9 Duaghata 19/03/0080/0051 191319/51 16/03/0100/0032 16/3110/32 10 Ganiabarei 19/03/00B010063 19/319/63 16/03/0100/0016 1(';/3110/16 11 Harichandapu r 19/0310080/0073 191319173 '16/03/0100/0029 16/3110/29 12 Jamuda 19/0310080/0062 19/319/62 16/03/0100/0015 16/3110/15 13 Khajuriapala 19/03/00BO/0060 191319/60 16/03/0100/0028 16/3/10/28 14 Khunlapingu 19/03/008010061 19/319/61 16/03/0100/0030 16/3110/30 15 Lunga 19/0310080/0069 19/319/69 16/03/9100/0022 16/3/10/22 16 Malarpada 19/03/0080/0058 19/319/58 16/03/01 00/0033 1613110/33 17 Mangalapur 19/03/008010068 19/319/68 16/03/0100/0019 16/3/10/19 18 Mayurpankha 19/03/008010013 19/3/9/13 16/03/0100/0013 16/3/10/13 19 Muktapur 19/03/ooBO/0074 19/319/74 16/03/0100/0026 16/3/10/26 20 Padiapasi 19/03/008010059 19/319/59 16/03/0100/0031 16/3/10/31 21 Raghunathapur 19/03/OOBOI0075 191319175 16/0310100/0027 1613110/27 22 Ramachandrapur 19/031008010072 19/3/9172 16/03/0100/0025 16/3110/25 23 Surendrapur 19/03/008010077 19/319177 16/03/01 00/0090 1613110/90 24 Vagabandha 19/03iOOe0/0067 19/319/67 16/0310100/0021 16/3/10/21

POLICE STATION - PATANA - 0090 25 Aharapada 19/031009010028 1913110/28 16/03/0100/0116 1613110/116 26 Asanabani 19/03/009010063 19/3110/63 16/03/010010151 16/3/10/151 27 Badabalipasi 19/03/0090/0037 1913110/37 16/03/0100/0125 1613110/125 28 Badabil 19/03/0090/0080 19/3110/80 16/03/0100/0168 1613110/168 29 Badapasi 19/03/0090/0150 19/3/10/150 16/03/0100/0258 16/3110/258 30 BaJanipasi 19/0310090/0009 19/3110/9 16/0310100/0097 16/3110/97 31 Balavadrapur 19/03/0090/0026 19/3110/26 16/0310100/0114 1613110/114 32 Balilota 19/03/009010015 19/3110/15 16/03/0100/0103 16/3/1 011 03 33 Banabir 19/03/0090/0164 19/3110/164 16103/0100/0272 16131101272 34 Banapada 19/03/009010006 1913110/6 16/03/0100/0093 16/3/10/93 35 Barabeda 19/03/0090/0075 19/3110175 16/03/0100/0163 1613110/163 36 Barachhela 19/03/009010145 1913110/145 16/03/0100/0253 16/311 01253 37 Baratunia 19/03/0090/0073 19/3110173 16/03/01 0010161 1613110/161 38 Baunsanali 19/03/0090/0056 19/3110156 16/03/0100/0144 16/3/10/1'44 39 Begana 19/03/0090/0088 1913110/88 16/03/0100/0176 16/3/10117 6 40 Belasarei 19/03/0090/0157 19/3/10/157 16/03/0100/0265 16/3/10/265 41 Bhagabilla 19/03/009010043 19/3110/43 16/03/0100/0131 16/3/10/131 42 Bhaliadiha 19/03/0090/0032 1913110/32 16/03/0100/0120 16/3/1 01120

!;:-,j>l 139


43 Bhandaribila 1910310090I0078 1913110178 161031010010166 16131101166 44 Bhurupada 19l03l009010038 1913110138 16I03I010010126 16131101126 45 Buclhabana 191031009010040 1913110140 16I03I010010128 16131101128 46 ChadeIvoJa 19l0310090I0035 1913110135 16I03I010010123 16131101123 47 Chatarpanl 19103l0090I0018 1913110118 161031010010106 16131101106 48 Chuapani 19103l009010048 1913110148 161031010010136 16131101136 49 Chuliapasi 191031009010136 19131101136 16I03I010010244 16131101244. 50 Dalapaka 1910310090l0154 19131101154 161031010010262 16131101262 51 Damahuda 191031009010156 19/3(101156 16/031010010264 16131101264 52 Danuatangarpada 19/0310090/0022 19/3(10122 16I03I010010110 16131101110 53 Dasapada 1910310090/0082 1913110182 16103/010010170 16131101170 54 Dhanabeni 19/0310090/0089 1913110189 1610310100101 n 161311 011 n 55 Oigapasi 1910310090/0044 1913110144 161031010010132 16131101132 56 OObeipentl,a 191031009010017 19/3110117 16/031010010105 16131101105 57 Dudhanali 19/03/0090/0058 1913110158 16I03I010010146 16131101146 58 Fulapatuldi 19/03/0090/0143 19131101143 1610310100/0251 16131101251 59 Gainslrl 1910310090/0046 19/3110146 16I03I010010134 16131101134 60 Gajapathar 19/0310090/0151 19131101151 1610310100/0259 16131101259 61 G~beda 19/031009010021 1913110121 161031010010109 16131101109 62 Gayalakund 1910310090/0062 1913110162 16I03I010010150 161311 01150 63 Ghuntibeda 19/03/009010069 1913110169 161031010010157 16131101157 64 Godheinali 191031009010036 1913110136 16/031010010124 16131101124 65 Gojitangar 19/0310090/0014 1913110114 161031010010102 16131101102 66 Golakunda 19/0310090/0160 19131101160 161031010010268 16131101268 67 Gopinathapur 19/03/009010163 19/31101163 1610310100/0271 16131101271 68 Gorandijodi 19/031009010030 19/3110130 1610310100/0118 161311 01118 69 Gorasa 19/03/0090/0050 1913110150 1610310100/0138 16131101138 70 Govindapur 19/031009010005 191311015 1610310100/0094 1613110194 71 Gundurlpasi 19/031009010012 1913110112 1610310100/0100 16131101100 72 H~bata 19/0310090/0027 1913110127 161031010010115 16131101115 73 Haridagotha 19/0310090/0061 1913110161 161031010010149 16131101149 74 Hariharapur 191031009010076 1913110176 161031010010164 16131101164 75 Hinjalapadia 19/031009010064 1913110164 161031010010152 16131101152 76 Jaganathapur 19/031009010020 1913110120 161031010010108 16131101108 77 Jamuralia 19/031009010081 19N10181 1610310100/0169 16131101169 78 Jarakanibeda 19/0310090/0071 1913110171 1610310100/0159 16131101159 79 Jayipur 19/0310090/0147 19131101147 16103/0100/0255 16/3/101255 80 Jumei 1910310090I0001 191311011 161031010010089 1613110189 81 Kaliaduma 19/031009010055 1913110155 1eJ03I01 00/0143 16131101143 82 Kamaramara 191031009010158 19131101158 1610310100/0266 16131101266 &'3 Kantidiha 19/031009010059 1913110159 16103/0100/0147 16/3/101147 84 Kapundi 1910310090/0134 19131101134 161031010010262 16/3/101262 85 Karanjiapada 19/0310090/0135 19/3/101135 161031010010243 16131101243 88 Katupada 19/03/009010066 19/3110166 161031010010154 16131101154 If1 Kendujoda 19/0310090/0153 19/3/101153 1610310100/0261 16131101261

S.1l>I 140



88 Keshadiha 19/031009010065 19/3110165 16/03/0100/0153 16/31101153 89 Khadibeda. 19/031009010149 19/31101149 161031010010257 1613110/257 90 Khadikapada 19/03/oo90f0148 19/3110/148 16/03/0100f0256 16131101256 91 Khajuridiha 1910310090/0085 1913110185 1610310100/0173 16131101173 92 Khandeipada 19/031009010031 19/3110131 16103/0100/0119 16131101119 93 Khuntapada 19/03/0090/0011 1913110111 16103/010910099 1613110199 94 KuCheibeda 19/03/0090/0049 1913110149 16f03101oo/0137 16131101137 95 Kudabeda 19/031009010152 19(31101152 16103f01oo/0260 16131101260 96 Kumudabahali 19/0310090/0162 19/31101162 161031010010270 16131101270 97 Kundala 19/0310090/0146 19/31101146 16/0310100/0254 1613110/254 _8 Laxmipasi 191031G09Oloo08 19/3110/8 16f03IOloo/oo96 1613110196 99 Machhagarh 19/031009010053 19/3110/53 16103/010010141 16131101141 100 Matlagunl - anlas-GopalJ:"Jr 19/03/009010025 19/3/10125 16/03/0100/0113 16/3/101113 101 Maudipa 19/0310090/0002 19/3/1012 16/0310100/0088 1613110188 102 Mediflipur 19/0310090/0072 19/3110172 16103/0100/0160 16131101160 103 Nayajaganathapur 19/~10090I0047 1913110/47 16/031010010135 16131101135 104 Nischintapur 19/Q3/oo9010013 1913110/13 16f03/01 00101 01 16131101101 105 Nuabandha 19/03/0090/0142 19/3110/142 16/0310100/0250 1613110/250 106 Nuagaonbudhusahi 19/0310090/0060 1913110160 16/031010010148 1613110/148 107 Nuagaonkhilaripata 19/03/0090/0077 19/3110177 16/031010010165 1613110/165 108 Ostajodi 19/03/0090/0159 19131101159 161031010010267 1613110/267 109 Padhanapada 1 9/03/009010042 19/3/10/42 16f031010010130 1613110/130 110 Paitamaja 19!03tOO90/00S7 19/3110157 1610310100/0145 16/31101145 111 Palasapada 19/03/0090/0051 1913110151 1610310100101'39 16131101139 112 Pingupatana 19/03/0090/0033 19/3110133 16103l01oo/0i21 16131101121 113 Pipilia 19/03/0090/0010 1913110110 1610310100I0098 1,-lJl1 0198 114 Purunapani 19/03."'09010068 1913110168 16103l0100f0156 16131101156 115 Radhapur 19/03/0090/0034 1913110134 161031010010122 16131101122 116 Raidiha 19/03/009010067 1913110167 161031010010155 16131101155 117 Raipur 19/03/0090/0003 191311013 161031010010087 1613110187 118 Rasapada 19103/009010084 1913110184 1610310100f0172 16131101172 119 Sabaranibeda 19/03/009010041 1913110141 1610310100/0129 16131101129 120 Saharapada 19/03/0090/0029 1913110129 161031010010117 1613110/117 121 Sanabalipasi 19/03/009010052 1913110152 16I03I010010140 16131101140 122 Sandhanurjayapur 19/0310090/0023 1913110123 1610310100f()111 16131101111 123 Sankhasar 19/03/0090/0045 1913110145 1610310100f()133 16131101133 124 Sankhua 19,0310090/0039 1913110139 16I03I01 00101 ~ 16131101127 1913110186 16I03I010010174 125 Saraswatipada 19/0:.'\/0090/0086 16131101174 19i3l1 0170 16I03I0100/0158 126 Sialijoda 19/03/0090/0070 16r3t101158 1610310100J0095 127 Sl1ipada 19/03/0090/0007 191311017 16/3(10195 1913110187 16I03I010010175 128 Suagapur 19/03/0090/0087 fWt0l175," , 19/31101155 16I03I010010263 129 Sunapasi 19/0310090/0155 ,.,tlI263 1913110154 16I03I010010142 130 Sunaripasi 19/03/0090/0054 16131101142 19/3/10/141 16I03I010010249 131 TaJapada 19/Q3/0090/0141 16131101249 1913110174 16I03I0100101-62 1~(Y162 132 Talasarua 19/03/0090/0074 141


133 Tando 19/03/0090/0016 19/3/10/16 16/03/0100/0104 16/3/10/104 134 Tavasarua 19/03/0090/0083 19/3/10/83 16/03/0100/0171 16/3/1 0/171 135 Telipada 19/03/0090/0019 19/3110/19 16/03/010010107 16/3/10/107 136 Tendara 19/03/0090/0079 19/3110179 16/03/0100/0167 1613/10/167 137 Tllabeda 19/03/0090/0024 19/3/10/24 16/0310100/0112 1613/10/112 138 Uchatangar 19/03/0090/0161 19/3/1 0/161 16/03/0100/0269 16/3/10/269 139 Udayapur 19/03/0090/0004 1913/10/4 16/03/0100/0092 1613110/92 142

C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada. VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and In the age group Number In Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town! Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

5 T 383.53 13,067 13.399 70.902 34.950 35.952 13.124 6.634 8,490 R 383.53 13,067 13.399 70.902 34,9~ 35,952 13,124 6.634 8.490 U .t. 0080 lUrumunga PS 55.85 2,063 2,091 10,748 5,_ 5,480 1,846 966 880 13 Mayurpankha 132.00 53 53 294 135 159 68 31 37 14 Ballpasi 214.00 111 111 568 293 275 92 48 44 15 Banamalipur 245.00 88 88 459 220 239 72 35 37 51 Duaghata 264.00 136 136 608 305 303 98 69 29 58 Malarpada 309.00 106 106 552 272 280 83 38 45 59 Padlapasi 116.00 56 56 291 151 140 66 33 33 60 Khajuriapata 362.00 101 101 569 271 298 91 45 46 61 Khuntapingu 280.00 74 n 418 205 213 82 43 39 62 Jamuda 399.00 197 204 928 472 456 164 90 74 63 Ganlabarel 110.00 58 58 331 157 174 62 34 28 64 Arjunapur 74.00 43 43 251 119 132 48 23 25 65 Bininda 381.00 135 138 700 347 3S3 99 54 45 66 Beguniapasi 129.00 52 52 261 98 118 27 11 16 67 Vagabandha 53.00 6 6 29 13 16 5 2 3 68 Mangalapur 195.00 61 61 299 144 155 59 30 29 69 Lunga 378.00 127 127 612 283 329 118 52 66 70 Baikala m.oo 252 265 1,384 671 713 262 140 122 71 BIIa 246.00 58 60 334 175 159 47 24 23 72 Ramachandrapur 177.00 62 62 384 202 182 54 33 21 73 Harichandanpur 213.00 82 82 466 213 253 73 34 39 74 Muktapur 171.00 94 94 454 224 230 73 42 31 75 Raghunathapur 94.00 41 41 210 100 110 35 19 16 76 Deuliapasi 152.00 40 40 214 109 105 34 21 13 77 Surendrapur 114.00 30 30 ln 89 88 34 15 19 0090 PATANA P.S. 327.88 11.004 11,308 60,154 29,682 30.472 11,278 5,668 5,610 1 Jumei 309.00 1'42 147 665 329 336 101 47 54 2 Maudipa 216.00 137 140 684 331 353 161 85 7, 3 Raipur 211.00 72 72 362 165 197 45 24 21 4 Udayapur 1.928.00 687 714 3.788 1.864 1.924 590 299 291. 5 Govindapur 18.00 8 8 37 18 19 5 4 6 Banapada 81.00 Unlnhabtted 7 Sillpada 738.00 238 246 1265 643 622 181 100 81 8 Laxmipasl 297.00 79 79 422 191 231 87 36 51 9 Balanipasi 221.00 83 86 461 219 242 92 37 55 10 Pipilia 222.00 n 84 463 233 230 85 47 38 11 Khuntapada 367.00 114 118 701 336 365 185 97 88 12 Gunduripasi 168.00 70 70 396 198 198 74 42 32 143

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) labOurers (II)

M F M F M F F F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

3,004 3,029 19,521 20,211 14,937 8,880 18,625 7,420 13,080 3,394 3,136 3,330 3,004 3,029 19,521 20,211 14,937 8.180 18.625 7,420 13,080 3,394 3,136 3,330

538 541 2,509 2,592 2,643 1,333 2,701 807 1,880 365 410 374 10 13 81 90 41 11 82 14 71 7 11 6 59 63 173 164 154 58 149 34 123 11 12 19 8 9 199 219 116 53 12S 22 116 16 3 4 6 6 121 100 178 118 156 17 71 5 37 8 111 82 72 69 171 112 126 24 69 13 24 3 28 29 70 38 72 19 32 7 25 7 6 9 78 89 138 73 140 39 97 7 31 28 14 10 27 33 99 61 105 28 73 17 1 6 3 6 425 413 260 100 253 60 133 19 75 32 157 174 47 21 84 19 66 4 12 15 33 52 80 53 56 7 18 1 24 2 139 131 196 212 186 76 172 2 156 2 1 6 10 4 5 66 38 46 7 37 3 1 2 13 16 3 10 6 4 9 9 94 116 52 21 69 4 67 3 1 98 139 143 75 95 8 72 3 1 114 122 261 263 310 151 373 201 242 40 55 151 5 4 82 39 83 39 65 36 2 2 78 58 90 55 99 57 77 52 5 38 33 106 51 136 119 115 107 2 10 224 230 104 42 116 84 62 12 46 70 6 4 46 42 44 25 56 2 31 17 2 14 15 2 6 65 31 57 42 9 89 88 38 31 55 1 33 17 1 2,466 2,488 17,012 17,819 12,294 5,547 15,924 6,613 11,200 3,029 2,726 2.958 279 280 155 36 193 27 185 25 1 ,1 11 283 299 115 27 173 169 160 115 7 52 2 2 113 77 76 2 55 395 422 517 519 1000 623 987 394 524 116 187 229 1 7 4 9 2 7 1 Uninhabited 99 107 258 225 212 128 321 102 221 44 51 51 86 101 82 52 91 6 53 32 5 89 100 111 48 105 10 73 11 8 26 20 87 100 80 39 119 13 75 10 8 2 4 329 355 85 20 173 115 140 86 13 26 186 188 100 35 100 2 96

S-'i)! 144

C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada VILLAGE PRIMARY InCiustnal ~tegory Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi· (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F= M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

5 Saharapada T 225 134 6 366 225 182 50 49 1 C.D. Block R 225 134 6 366 225 182 50 49 1 U 0080 Turumunga PS 54 4 43 11 32 4 4 13 Mayurpankha 14 Balipasi 3 2 1 15 Banamalipur 8 2 51 Duaghata 2 6 58 Malarpada 1 1 59 Padiapasi 5 3 60 Khajuriapata 2 61 Khuntapingu 9 7 4 62 Jamuda 3 5 2 63 Ganiabarei 64 Arjunapur 65 Bininda 2 9 66 Beguniapasi 67 Vagabandha 68 Mangalapur 69 Lunga 2 1 2 70 Baikala 22 2 12 3 3 71 Bila 72 Ramachandrapur 2 2 73 Harichandanpur 74 Muktapur 3 75 Raghunathapur 5 76 Deuliapasi 2 77 Surendrapur 4 0090 PATANA PS 171 130 6 323 214 150 46 45 1 Jumei 2 Maudipa 1 2 3 Raipur 2 1 4 Udayapur 12 2 22 15 5 18 5 Govindapur 6 Banapada Uninhabited 7 Silipada 3 12 3 3 6 8 Laxmipasi 9 Balanipasi 13 10 Pipilia 18 2 11 Khuntapada 10 2 5 12 Gunduripasi 3 145

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada ·0' Qaln WOn

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

276 17 95 2 1.210 266 454 6,733 15,871 21,799 276 17 95 2 1,210 266 454 6,733 15,871 21.799

48 8 15 215 40 130 1,626 2,437 3,047 75 53 70 3 7 2 8 58 136 183 2 19 90 198 15 3 16 4 85 149 201 3 4 23 7 75 146 181 1 8 6 39 73 82 3 7 3 22 150 109 109 3 12 67 100 118 2 6 3 12 2 26 187 211 209 2 4 73 155 4 9 4 63 124 3 155 174 194 6 52 111 5 3 11 2 15 75 136 1 16 4 44 108 144 213 7 31 5 1 173 297 339 2 14 7 52 85 68 2 15 2 54 101 71 19 2 4 40 73 94 4 2 5 79 103 67 3 2 67 42 41 3 69 51 36 1 53 34 34 228 9 80 995 226 324 5,107 13,434 18,752 6 2 11 136 298 2 2 32 158 152 2 15 2 9 89 80 ·106 24 7 186 31 23 236 854 1294 8 9 9 Uninhabited 3 3 19 4 3 282 319 238 4 1 2 81 98 144 7 2 3 55 111 In 16 3 1 42 113 175 3 1 8 63 155 187 2 12 98 184

S-,i)! 146

C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total PopulaHon(lnclud­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ioo Institutional and In the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial otTOWnI Houses Ward in Sq. Kms. P M 1= P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 1 i ~------~------~~----~--~~--~--~----~--~------13 Nischintapur 254.00 78 78 444 218 226 64 31 33 14 Gqltangar 310.00 88 96 500 241 259 96 41 49 15 Balitoia 149.00 92 '00 550 264 286 86 44 42 16 Tando 658.00 241 253 1241 610 631 227 107 120 17 Dobeipentha 411.00 208 212 1058 492 566 234 116 118 16 Ctlatarpani 386.00 119 '23 are 3'\9 341 sa 44. 44 19 Telipada 356.00 107 110 617 284 333 118 49 69 20 Jaganathapur 178.00 50 55 307 156 151 73 41 32 21 Gandibeda 263.00 95 96 483 243 240 90 47 43 22 Danuatangarpada m.00 96 96 481 246 235 72 39 33 23 Sandhanurjayapur 230.00 70 73 356 167 189 56 27 29 24 TIIabeda 168.00 43 44 247 112 135 49 23 26 25 Matiagum-aJIias-Gopalpur 242.00 124 124 685 350 335 152 81 71 26 Salavadrapur 151.00 50 51 303 147 156 50 22 28 27 HaladbaIa. 94.00 12 72 409 187 222 61 36 45 28 Aharapada 353.00 114 115 559 274 285 102 50 52 29 Saharapada 230.00 120 121 527 268 259 73 35 38 30 Gorandijodl 500.00 281 295 1394 712 682 216 104 112 31 Khandelpada 171.00 45 45 277 138 139 76 37 39 32 BhaIiaIiha 256.00 81 81 487 233 254 93 44 49 33 Plngupatana 266.00 45 47 319 159 160 75 39 36 34 Radhapur 205.00 53 60 321 167 154 85 48 37 35 Chadeivola 331.00 41 46 212 143 129 75 37 38 36 GOIhIIflaIi 211.00 44 4S 275 142 133 54 30 24 37 Badabalipasi 120.00 41 49 230 114 116 31 21 10 38 Bhurupada 196.13 S1 60 278 143 135 43 27 16 39 Sankhua 362.00 170 170 833 400 433 187 85 '02 40 Budhabana 201.00 104 104 541 290 251 99 53 46 41 SabaranIIeda 205.00 65 65 285 135 150 48 23 25 42 Pacl'lanapeda. 193.00 69 69 340 173 167 54 28 26 43 ShagabIIa 216.00 50 50 253 126 127 43 22 21 44 OIgapast 412.00 . 140 141 166 382 384 138 76 62 45 Sankhasar ',",.00 20 20 108 54 54 20 9 11 46 Gainslri 228.00 65 65 384 183 201 89 n 42 47 Nayajaganathapur 142.76 34 34 162 82 80 29 21 12 48 Chuapenl 45.00 6 6 24 11 13 2 2 49 I(ucheIbeda 298.00 49 49 226 121 105 4S 27 21 50 Go..... 588.00 332 336 1729 849 880 365 185 180 51 Palasapada 325.00 153 153 835 385 450 193 94 99 52 ~ 182.00 34 34 181 BS 93 34 17 17 53 t.1aChhag8Ih 336.00 150 165 797 397 400 109 59 50 54 SIlR8ripUi' 108.00 41 42 197 100 97 33 19 14 147

CENSUS .~BSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12------~------13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

133 121 64 20 114 6 102 4 9 6 6 34 50 '140 87 125 120 114 119 178 192 182 64 150 23 108 15 5 1 36 44 481 496 291 100 350 95 178 22 93 55 43 31 361 437 292 87 275 92 210 22 23 54 138 158 168 81 166 165 127 140, 17 24 284 333 146 49 183 75 178 68 6 100 97 62 25 86 85 73 84 2 2 238 236 114 57 131 137 123 134 4 a 239 223 135 54 139 58 114 5 56 139 162 109 49 102 59 76 3 21 56 27 35 61 32 63 1 61 11 10 262 245 162 60 208 11 170 73 66 91 49 97 8 69 24 7 187 222 84 25 104 41 75 32 25 8 4 4 94 100 136 79 135 50 61 17 28 24 50 61 54 39 208 124 141 30 56 3 10 17 86 82 431 440 251 97 408 182 306 44 22 134 4 3 134 136 17 6 77 81 24 2 51 79 218 229 89 24 132 70 81 4 41 64 159 160 43 2 84 18 67 10 15 8 9 7 116 101 35 11 89 11 33 39 10 3 6 107 103 50 17 80 11 51 27 10 16 20 119 107 24 8 77 27 57 18 15 9 2 2 17 16 61 38 66 16 44 5 14 9 16 16 36 31 72 36 89 13 70 3 12 8 139 161 189 207 136 64 211 125 82 52 69 53 28 26 191 160 93 30 112 4 93 10 2 42 47 41 22 67 3 62 3 7 7 34 31 59 27 97 25 66 5 22 17 87 86 37 11 72 12 58 3 14 9 8 10 344 346 122 42 191 108 91 14 85 91 28 22 26 32 20 4 29 11 16 2 11 9 10 12 173 189 20 4 108 22 107 22 77 73 7 2 41 3 41 3 2 5 5 8 8 107 94 10 66 66 1 97 101 588 636 312 116 449 212 240 44 132 94 5 11 329 374 95 28 209 117 112 28 92 28 31 37 27 14 55 61 50 56 4 5 12 13 43 26 215 133 224 219 146 , 186 26 '}" 3 15 14 51 33 46 14 31 9 148

C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada VILLAGE PRIMARY liiaustnal ~ategory Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in clng and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

13 Nischintapur 1 14 GOjitangar 2 15 Balitota 5 5 , 1 4 16 Tando 13 21 15 9 17 Dobeipentha 1 8 5 12 18 Chatarpani 5 2 19 Telipada 2 20 Jaganathapur 7 21 Gandibeda 3 1 1 1 22 Danuatangarpada 4 2 2 23 Sandhanurjayapur 24 Tilabeda 25 Matiaguni-allias-Gopalpur 26 6 26 Balavadrapur 27 Haladibata 28 Aharapada 29 Saharapada 9 2 2 30 Gorandijodi 14 10 31 Khandeipada 32 Bhatiadiha 2 3 33 Pingupatana 34 Radhapur 10 4 35 Chadeivola 36 Godheinali 2 37 Badabalipasi 38 Bhurupada 39 Sankhua 1 35 17 40 Budhabana 2 41 Sabaranibeda 42 Padhanapada 7 3 43 Bhagabilla 44 Digapasi 5 45 Sankhasar 46 Gainsiri 47 Nayajaganathapur 48 Chuapani 49 Kucheibeda 50 Gorasa 59 1 2 9 6 51 Palasapada 4 59 52 Sanabalipasi 53 Machhagarh 7 54 Sunaripasi 149

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada of gain Workers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4~ 42 43

12 103 208 2 6 1 116 139 11 15 2 4 3 110 260 10 10 16 3 8 260 528 11 7 9 4 6 199 211 275 3 1 10 3 7 150 175 1 119 101 139 5 70 66 2 2 112 103 2 2 6 2 4 42 103 135 1 3 1 65 129 1 1 3 49 131 2 8 4 145 142 179 4 1 50 148 2 1 1 16 99 67 82 44 9 5 29 134 206 13 3 48 8 80 127 149 11 45 4 24 303 476 1 61 58 2 3 2 101 184 1 57 75 85 2 48 77 95 1 40 63 78 3 65 106 2 5 2 48 100 2 4 1 54 121 11 2 12 1 4 21 185 287 2 3 2 25 102 153 145 2 2 11 83 57 64 76 142 54 115- 2 6 3 4 39 187 237 2 25 43 75 179 41 77 3 13 55 104 8 2 55 7 2 222 398 446 2 21 113 155 220 1 33 32 2 11 32 11 16 173 165 6 4 42 50 41

S-,j>l 150

C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

55 Kaliaduma 187.00 65 66 223 120 103 43 21 22 56 Baunsanali 422.00 113 115 615 295 320 147 78 69 57 Paitamaja 243.00 80 81 445 228 217 77 45 32 58 Dudhanall 160.00 60 61 334 166 168 86 37 49 59 Kantidiha 186.00 42 42 236 117 119 49 20 29 60 Nuagaonbudhusahi 101.00 25 25 137 73 64 23 10 13 61 Haridagotha 157.00 57 57 343 164 179 66 28 38 62 Gayalakund 224.00 54 55 303 153 150 64 32 32 63 Asanabani 118.00 16 16 92 39 53 17 5 12 64 Hinjalagadia 90.00 30 31 158 81 n 29 17 12 65 Keshadiha 264.00 62 63 413 208 205 92 49 43 66 Katupada 126.00 61 61 313 169 144 48 29 19 67 Raidiha 413.00 153 159 979 466 513 194 91 103 68 Purunapani 383.00 62 62 325 165 160 56 28 28 69 Ghuntibeda 148.00 36 36 184 99 85 29 13 16 70 Sialijoda 411.00 112 117 698 333 365 117 56 61 71 Jarakanibeda 300.00 92 94 523 262 261 110 52 58 72 Medinipur 318.00 98 112 602 304 298 114 65 49 73 Baratunia 410.00 140 149 655 301 354 118 56 62 74 Talasarua 102.00 28 28 164 82 82 24 16 8 75 Barabeda 153.00 51 51 278 142 136 38 16 22 76 Hariharapur 178.00 24 28 154 73 81 38 17 21 77 Nuagaonkhilaripata 245.00 73 73 443 220 223 69 31 38 78 Bhandaribila 112.00 35 40 239 113 126 40 15 25 79 Tend:ua 348.00 159 160 900 454 446 172 85 81 80 Badabil 260.00 127 127 633 314 319 126 62 64 81 Jamunalia 270.00 103 105 598 280 318 99 50 49 82 Dasapada 172.00 49 49 278 133 145 52 28 24 83 Tavasarua 388.00 192 192 1108 523 585 214 100 114 84 Rasapada 169.00 34 36 186 100 86 30 . 15 15 8S Khajuridiha 147.00 37 37 188 95 93 23 13 10 dB Saraswatipada 173.00 65 65 316 152 164 57 29 28 87 Suagapur 160.00 60 61 331 163 168 59 31 28 88 Begana 719.00 243 252 1538 807 731 266 144 122 89 Dhanabeni 302.00 79 79 487 246 241 73 37 36 134 Kapundi 567.00 241 242 1053 562 491 191 106 85 135 Karanjiapada 145.00 85 86 530 249 281 114 52 62

1 ~6 Chutiapasi 464.00 133 133 787 396 391 156 78 78 141 Talapada 191.00 107 108 559 270 289 98 44 54 142 Nuabandha 126.00 37 37 223 111 112 46 22 24 143 Fulapahadi 378.00 134 134 756 360 396 164 81 83 145 Barachhela 38.00 Uninhabited 151

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (")

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

10 7 110 96 24 7 55 21 47 14 2 7 12 16 272 295 62 7 153 125 139 14 123 2 5 54 48 71 23 134 140 193 104 28 36 164 163 27 7 100 35 60 37 34 117 119 26 7 76 17 48 26 51 63 56 17 45 29 20 25 29 145 164 48 18 94 42 72 21 13 20 147 146 20 87 56 69 39 15 17 39 53 12 3 27 13 19 2 8 10 30 12 42 34 32 25 6 9 208 205 77 24 111 47 106 45 26 24 73 67 69 17 99 68 41 18 36 30 7 9 435 488 115 37 249 162 144 38 88 119 34 48 11 10 81 37 87 70 57 22 22 39 33 26 36 8 59 48 8 9 43 49 173 77 194 6 178 3 238 228 71 15 158 45 145 14 26 25 28 267 256 108 33 158 143 123 2 34 140 5 10 64 77 161 111 174 23 136 7 18 9 33 24 45 27 32 2 11 24 33 41 70 35 74 65 42 29 29 36 59 67 11 38 33 30 21 8 12 197 195 73 17 132 105 69 55 62 50 15 14 52 30 53 29 37 9 14 19 74 76 191 186 260 128 280 90 172 36 30 43 9 9 193 208 160 89 173 35 130 3 5 30 250 276 141 94 145 68 76 3 46 60 120 125 63 34 72 24 62 5 22 8 11 344 393 287 122 282 184 220 132 40 43 2 50 18 42 28 37 11 - 16 25 22 8 9 51 29 54 44 32 6 10 35 60 36 75 1 69 47 51 74 33 83 1 75 1 613 551 99 103 519 292 369 20 224 44 12 2 24 15 127 59 133 49 102 44 15 3 173 148 126 118 303 134 245 38 186 29 38 6 243 277 96 41 122 4 12 108 105 121 178 73 176 5 135 26 70 67 68 84 135 57 148 56 94 45 53 4 3 93 97 41 15 58 7 50 4 5 3 3 333 360 113 47 214 154 122 53 76 73 Uninhabited 152

C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada VILLAGE PRIMARY Inausfnal ~egory Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing. Constructions Code Fishing. Hunting Quarrying Processing. Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

55 Kaliaduma 6 56 Baunsanali 57 Paitamaja 1 58 Dudhanali 2 59 Kantidiha 60 Nuagaonbudhusahi 61 Haridagotha 62 Gayalakund 63 Asanabani 64 Hinjalagadia 2 65 Keshadiha 1 66 Katupada 15 18 67 Raidiha 8 2 68 Purunapani 1 6 69 Ghuntibeda 10 70 Sialijoda 2 1 71 Jarakanibeda 8 3 2 72 Medinipur 73 Baratunia 5 74 Talasarua 75 Barabeda 76 Hariharapur 77 Nuagaonkhilaripata 78 Bhandaribila 79 Tendara 8 2 23 4 5 80 Badabil 8 2 81 Jamunaha 3 7 82 Dasapada 63 Tavasarua 8 6 64 Rasapada 85 Khajuridiha 86 Saraswatipada 87 Suagapur 1 2 88 Begana 8 5 89 Dhanabeni 2 134 Kapundi 135 Karanjiapada 136 Chutiapasi 3 141 Talapada 2 142 Nuabandha 143 Fulapahadi 9 26 145 Barachhela

~-,i)l 153

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada Of min workers Marginal Non·workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

47 65 35 2 142 195 1 94 77 1 66 132 2 f 41 102 28 35 8 2 36 68 101 30 66 64 12 40 15 39 28 2 1 1 23 82 74 76 4 3 2 2 69 74 2 6 2 32 216 319 5 3 6 78 84 52 40 33 12 2 2 187 137 172 2 2 117 104 99 1 1 146 155 3 10 5 8 163 119 168 37 55 3 68 71 35 48 1 88 118 2 1 1 20 59 n 11 29 2 1 167 173 189 6 2 20 2 141 284 12 5 3 135 247 1 4 2 61 121 2 1 11 3 152 240 249 4 2 10 56 48 12 3 3 41 46 5 77 163 4 80 167 9 2 76 8 8 65 430 646 6 6 2 1 89 112 103 1 18 3 17 9 300 444 1 2 1 2 2 43 125 234 3 9 5 133 220 253 4 3 2 9 118 113 115 1 1 56 52 49 5 2 9 79 137 163 154

C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada VILLAGE PRIMARY location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Popuiation(includ- Total population Code Village Occupied House- ;ng Institutional and in the age group Number in Heet- Reside- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

p M F P M F 2 3 4 5' 6 7 8 9 10 11

146 Ku, _cola 634.00 228 230 1209 577 632 217 ' 107 110 147 Jayipur 335.00 51 51 320 158 162 71 41 30 148 Khadikapada 826.00 193 201 1038 527 511 166 97 69 149 Khadibeda 316.00 73 75 373 173 200 93 41 52 150 Badapasi 211.00 56 56 301 155 146 68 33 35 151 Gajapathar 158.00 50 60 287 141 146 33 14 19 152- Kudabeda 382.00 112 113 574 294 280 114 55 59 153 Kendujoda 284.00 70 70 376 184 192 72 37 35 154 Dalapaka 287.00 98 102 582 274 308 145 62 83 155 Sunapasi 230.00 62 66 367 180 187 98 53 45 156 Damahllda 320.00 79 80 521 262 259 102 47 55 157 Belasarei 192.00 90 93 463 229 234 81 36 45 158 Kamaramara 585.00 J77 193 1025 498 . 527 203 103 100 159 Ostajodi 366.00 186 189 1019 50S 511 184 107 77 160 Golakunda 395.00 111 113 569 280 289 141 78 63 161 Ucl1atangar 182.00 80 80 423 212 211 74 40 34 162 Kutlludabahali 199.00 58 58 347 174 173 56 25 31 163 Gopinathapur 297.00 53 53 334 177 157 68 32 36 164 Banabif 394.00 85 86 SOB 259 249 108 51 51 155

~ENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada Scheduled Castes Schcd'JlpO Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) labourers (II)

----- M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

29 30 359 402 231 88 294 74 186 73 53 122 126 30 23 91 28 80 11 10 17 21 17 179 189 229 129 289 103 175 26 81 73 3 2 160 187 28 ,13 102 89 98 83 3 151 144 34 17 85 58 70 46 11 9 3' 7 25 25 83 50 .75 11 39 3 22 7 33 33 141 123 96 35 164 6 103 1 51 4 4 2 110 130 40 10 120 100 116 99 4 1 6 11 99 105 85 55 139 33, 134 32 4 6 176 181 36 13 87 33 87 32 11 12 230 218 78 33 144 112 103 88 28 21 6 11 79 72 111 55 111 89 81 76 1 10 46 49 188 176 186 83 270 116 223 53 21 47 329 341 131 49 255 143 153 19 55 54 27D 278 77 39 139 23 133 20 4 6 191 192 93 33 121 87 34 5 1D 6D 55 85 36 94 43 75 32 14 10 177 157 30 4 9D 63 7~ 41 17 22 19 15 181 17D 89 31 136 80 103 43 24 33 156

C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada VILLAGE PRIMARY InaustriiJ category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, COnstructions Code Ashing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in clng and Repairs Orchards a allied Household IndustrY In other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F ----M F M F 1 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 --33 146 Kundala 8 16 1 147 Jayipur 1 148 Khadikapada 2 5 . 149 Khadibeda 4 3 150 Badapasl 4 3 151 Gajapathar 3 152 Kudabed8 2 2 153 Kendujoda 154 Dalapaka 155 Sunapasi 156 Damahuda 2 1 157 Belasarei 10 3 158 Kamaramara 11 16 159 Ostajodi 64 35 5 160 Golakunda 2 161 Uchatangar 162 Kumudabahali 1 1 163 Gopinathapur 164 Banabir S 157

CENSUS ABSTRACT· C.D. BLOCK - Saharapada 01 FJaJnWo;t(ers MarQlnal Non-workers Workers Trade and Trnnsport. Other Commerce Storage & SeNices (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

4 22 5 1 160 282 398 67 134 4 2 19 4 17 121 221 287 19 71 92 1 3 69 85 1 9 1 5 63 61 72 5 1 11 148 119 126 64 92 4 16 131 119 144 1 7 73 86 81 3 2 6 2 118 147 7 9 3 1 1 117 144 1 2 12 2 84 228 325 5 7 1 ~5 121 238 247 2 2 3 141 266 91 211 1 2 1 80 130 87 94 2 1 4 3 123 169



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~IQIN ur>d g!1lv r;p_

.. MCISINictJl PHI OtiC. j P.ul ortd TelevOJltI QUe. PO/PTO, I

...... f't"mar,.1iIatDI Catr., OI.p~Y • ...,..,.,- fN a.d Wtff •• _...... c..... T

-...... ""-" .. _-" .... @_ .. _ ._.,,1111. PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT , OF TELKOI C.D. BLOCK - 0060 Telkoi P.S. - 0010 Kanjipani P.S. - 0120 Harichandanpur P.S. - 0140

159 160



POLICE STATION - TELKOI - 0010 1 At)igoIa 19l03l001010068 19/3/1/68 161031001010057 161311157 2 Ajayapur 19/031001010133 191311/133 16l03l001010130 161311/130 3 Mula 19/0310010/0065 191311/65 16103/001010076 161311n6 4 A1luni 191031001010098 19/3/1/98 16103/001010143 161311/143 5 Badabil 19/031001010120 191311/120 16l03l001010113 161311/113 6 Badakhamana 191031001010075 191311175 16/031001010048 161311/48 7 Badakumuda 19/031001010053 191311/53 161031001010041 161311/41 B Baciamunda 191031001010141 191311/141 16103/001010126 161311/126 9 Balabhadrapur 19103/001010103 191311/103 16103JOO1010138 161311/138 10 Balabhadrapur 19l03l001010125 191311/125 16103/001010134 1613111134 11 Balangisahi 191031001010129 191311/129 12 Baleswar 19l03l001010058 191311158 16103/001010061 161311/61 13 Bali 19l03l001010140 191311/140 16l03l001010121 1613111121 14 Balijodi 191031001010097 19/3/1197 1 ~3IOO1 010086 161311186 15 Banabiharipur 19/031001010066 191311/66 1610310010100n 161311m 16 Banda 191031001010096 191311/96 161031001010085 161311185 17 ~jhari 19103/001010084 191311184 16l03l001010079 161311179 18 ~ gurupaI 19l03l001010048 191311/48 16l03l001010027 161311127 19 Banspal 191031001010023 19/3/1123 161031001010035 161311135 20 Bena' 19l03l001010069 191311169 16103/001010056 161311156 21 Benamunda 19l03l001010124 1913{1/124 16l03l001010104 1613111104 22 Betakholi 19m'OO1010071 191311/71 161031001010044 1"61311/44 23 Bhaliadal 191031001010047 191311147 161031001010026 161311126 24 Bhimakanda 19/03/001010063 191311163 161031001010075 161311175 25 BimaIa 191031001010088 19/311188 16'031001010096 161311196 26 Binjhabahal 1910310010l0001 191311/1 161031001010001 161311/1 27 Bimbarpur 191031001010127 19/3/11127 16l03l001010141 161311/141 28 Birida 19103/001010050 19/3/1/50 16l03l001010024 161311124 29 Biripal 191031001010135 19/3/1/135 16l03l001010129 161311/129 30 Brahmankansa 191031001010111 191311/111 161031001010107 1613111107 31 Budhaamba 19/03/001010083 19/3/1/83 16l03l001010081 161311/81 32 Chakradhar 19103/001010030 19/3/1/30 33 Chandrasekharpur 19/031001010022 191311122 16/031001010016 161311/16 34 Chhamunda 1910310010l0009 19/3/119 161031001010013 161311/13 35 Dandargouni 191031001010015 191311/15 1610310010l0007 161311f7 36 Danduamunda 191031001010045 19/311/45 16l03l0010/0029 161311/29 37 Deuladha 19103/001010025 19/3/1125 16l03l001010037 16/3/1/37 38 Dhanurjayapur 19/03Iod1 010019 1~1/19 16l03l001010019 16/3/1/19 39 Dimiria 19l03l001010021 191311121 16l03l001010017 16/3/1/17 40 Dimirimunda 1910310010/0062 191311/62 161031001010094 16/3/1/94 41 Dubulapal 1QlO3lOO1 0/0024 191311124 16l03l0010/0036 16/3/1/36 42 Dullavpur 1~ro!OO1 0/0057 191311/57 161031001010060 16/3/1/60 43 Gabagoda 19/0310010/0134 191311/134 161031001010131 lB1311/131 44 Galada 19/031001010143 191311/14!3 161031001010122 lB1311/122 45 Ghodabudasahi 191031001.;/0033 191311/33

S-'I>! 161



46 Godilinudi 19/031001010061 191311/61 16/031001010073 161311n3 47 Godikansa 19(031001010121 191311/121 16J031OO10/0110 1613111110 48 Godinarda 19/031001010077 19/3/1m 16lO3/001010050 161311150 49 Golabandha 19/031001010008 . 19131118 161031001010012 161311112 50 GoIagadia 19103/001010059 191311159 16103/001010062 161311/62 51 Gopinatlipur 19l03l001010091 191311191 16l03l001010089 161311189 52 Gudurijoda 191031001010054 19/3/1/54 1610310010l0040 161311/40 53 Gurum 191031001010078 1.1/78 161031001010051 161311151 54 Halpuri 191031001010040 191311/40 16J031OO1010032 161311132 55 Jagamohanpur 19103/001010007 19/3/1n 161031001010011 161311111 56 Janastanpur 191031001010014 191311114 1610310010l0006 161311/6 57 Jata 19l03l001010020 191311120 1610310010/0018 161311/18 58 Jenadar 191031001010026 191311/26 161031001010067 161311167 59 Jharabeda 191031001010102 191311/102 161031001010098 161311198 60 Kaduapada 1910310010/0034 191311/34 161031001010066 161311/66 61 Kakudlamba 191031001010004 19/3/1/4 161031001010004 161311/4 62 Kalapokhari 19103/001010012 191311/12 161031001010015 161311/15 63 Kaliahata 19/0310010/0139 19/3/1/139 161031001010120 1613111120 64 Kaliakudar 191031001010039 19/3/1139 161031001010034 161311134 65 Kalikudar 1910310010/0042 191311/42 161031001010039 161311139 66 Kalima 191031001010064 19/3/1/64 161031001010093 161311193 67 Kamalangi 191031001010046 19/3/1/46 161031001010028 161311128 68 Kanakadajodi 19103/001010110 191311/110 16l03l001010105 161311/105 69 Kantalasuani 19/031001010092 19/3/1192 161031001010088 161311/88 70 Kantalei 19103/0010/0037 191311137 161031001010063 161311/63 71 Karadangi 191031001010032 191311132 161031001010072 161311/72 72 Karamangi 19103/001010099 19/3/1199 1610310010/0087 161311/87 73 Karangapal 19/031001010112 191311/112 161031001010108 161311/108 74 Katarapali 19/031001010043 191311/43 . 161031001010031 161311131 75 Kateni 19/031001010118 191311/118 161031001010119 16/3/1/119 76 Katenipasi 191031001010132 191311/132 161031001010133 161311/133 77 Karanga '9/031001010145 19/3/11145 161031001010123 161311/123 78 Khajuria 191031001010067 19/3/1/67 16l03l001010078 ~61311/78 79 Khandabandha 19/031001010117 191311/117 161031001010118 1613111118 80 Khunapada 191031001010055 191311/55 1610310010/0059 161311/59 81 Kodabil 19/031001010101 191311/101 161031001010099 161311199 82 Koilisuta 191031001010060 191311/60 161031001010074 161311/74 83 Krushnapur 19103/001010094 191311/94 161031001010084 161311/84 84 Kuladera 1910310010/0056 19/3/1/56 161031001010058 161311/58 85 Kulanga 191031001010104 19/3/1/104 16l03l001010139. 161311/139 86 Kuliapal 191031001010073 19/3/1/73 161031001010046 161311/46 .87 Kundheihata 191031001010089 19/3/1/89 161031001010092 161311192 88 Laxminarayanpur 19103/001010142 19/3/1/142 161031001010125 1613111125 89 Upinda 1910310010/0082 191311/82 161031001010082 161311/82 90 Lokanathpur 1910310010/0011 191311/11 16f031OO1010014 161311/14 91 Malanda 19/0310010/0085 191311/85 - 1610310010/0090 1&.311190

S-lD! 162



92 Merda 191031001 010131 1913111131 161031001010135 16/3111135 93 Munclasahi 191031001010136 191311/136 1610310010/0128 16fJ11/128 94 Namakani 1910310010l0090 191311190 161031001010097 161311197 95 Nuagaon 191031001010126 1913f1/128 16l03l001010140 1613111140 96 Nuagaon 19/03f00l010138 19/311/138 161031001010132 16/311/132 97 Nuagarh 19103fOO1010038 191311138 161031001010036 161311!3a 98 Odhana 191031001010080 191311/80 16l03l001010053 161311153 99 Oriya 191031001010017 19/311/17 161031001010023 161311123 100 Padlapasi 19103f00l 0101 07 1913111107 161031001010102 161311/102 101 Panga 191031001010016 191311176 161031001010049 161311149 102 Patakelipur 191031001010115 1913f1/115 161031001010116 161311/116 103 PatakhaJi 191031001010108 1913fl/108 1610310010/0103 16/3/11103 104 Pitanali 19103fOO1010016 191311/16 161031001010022 161311122 105 Podanga 191031001010093 191311193 1610310010/0080 161311180 106 Porajoda 191031001010109 1913f1/109 1610310010/0106 16/3/11106 101 Purastampur 19/0310010/0086 191311186 161031001010091 . 161311/91 108 Purunapani 19/031001010018 191311/18 161031001010020 161311/20 109 Ragada 1910310010/0028 1913111'28 1610310010/0069 161311/69 110 Rals •.u:m 191031001010126 1913f11126 161031001010136 161311/136 111 Rarnchandrapur 19/031001010044 191311/44 161031001010030 161311130 112 Ramchandrapur 191031001010113 1913f1/113 1610310010/0109 1613111109 113 Ranibeda 19103fOO1010105 1913f1/105 161031001010137 1613111137 114 Ranki 191031001010081 191311/81 161031001010054 161311154 115 Rekuti 191031001010137 1913f1/137 16103f0010/0127 1613f1/127 116 Rugudidihi 1910310010l0005 191311/5 161031001010005 161311/5 111 Saleikana 191031001010013 191311113 161031001010008 16131118 118 Samakoi 19/031001010079 1913f1179 1610310010/0052 161311/52 119 'Samakuda 19103fOO101013O 1913f1/13O 1610310010/0142 161311/142 120 Sanakumuda 19/031001010052 19/3/1/52 161031001010042 161311/42 121 Sankalei 19/031001010095 191311/95 1610310010/0083 161311183 122 ~ankarpur 191031001010049 191311/49 16103f00 10/0025 161311125 123 Santeibhanja 191031001010027 191311127 161031001010068 161311/68 124 Sapalanji 191031001010029 191311/29 1610310010/0070 161311170 125 Sarei 19/0310010/0031 1913f1/31 161031001010071 161311171 126 Saroda 191031001010144 1913f11144 1610310010/0124 1613f1/124 127 SaruaU 191031001010002 191311/2 161031001010002 16131112 128 Sarupat 1910310010/0116 1913f1l116 161031001010117 1613f1/117 129 Sibinarayanpur 19/031001010051 191311/51 161031001010043 1613f1/43 130 Sikulabahala 191031001010006 191311/6 161031001010010 161311110 131 SimiUpai 1910310010/0072 191311172 1610310010/0045 161311/45 132 Similipal 191031001010122 19/3111122 1610310010/0112 1613fl/112 1330 . Siriabahala 19/031001010010 19/311/10 1610310010/0009 161311/9 134 Slrigida 19/0310010/0081 19/311/87 1610310010/0095 161311/95 135 Sirispal 19/031001010123 1913f11123 161031001010111 161311/111 136 Sridharpur 191031001010035 1913f1135 1610310010/0065 161311/65, 137 Sunduria 19/031001010106 19/311/106 1610310010/0101 161311/101 163



138 Talapada 19/03/0010/0074 19/3/1174 16/03/0010/0047 1613/1/47 139 Tangiri 19/03/0010/0100 19/311/100 16/03/001010100 1613111100 140 Telkoi 19103/0010/0041 19/3/1/41 16f03/0010/oo33 1613/1/33 141 Tempelei 19/03/001010114 19/3/1/114 16103/001010115 1613/1/115 142 Tenteinafi 19/03/0010/0070 1913/1170 1610310010/0055 161311/55 143 Tigiria 19/03/001010119 191311/119 161031001010114 16/3/1/114 144 Tungurabahal 19/03/0010/0003 191311/3 1610310010/0003 16/3/1/3 145 Udayagiri 19/03/001010036 19/3/1/36 16/0310010/0064 16/3/1/64

POLICE STATION - KANJIPANI- 0020 146 Kaliapani 19/03/0020/0034 19/3/2134 16/03/0030/0021 16/3/3/21 147 Sapalanji 19/03/0020/0036 19/312136 16/0310030/0101 1613i3/1 01 148 Tamanga 19/03/0020/0035 191312135 16/03/0030/0100 16/3/3/100

POLICE STATION - HARICHANDANPUR - 0140 149 Rangamatia 19/03/0140/0053 19/3/5/53 16/03/012010090 1613112190 164


Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Popuiation(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect· Reside· holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

6 Telkoi C.D. Block T 559.29 12,705 14,051 74,210 37,601 36,609 13,899 6,998 6,901 R 559.29 12,705 14,051 74,210 37,601 36,609 13,899 6,998 6,901 U 0010 Telko! PS 531.88 12,583 13,927 73,624 37,313 36,311 13,733 6,922 6,811 Binjhabahal 1,551.53 421 486 2,556 1,267 1,289 461 225 236 2 Saruali 551.01 190 203 1009 537 472 184 104 80 3 Tungurabahal 1047.04 180 182 970 492 478 158 79 79 4 Kakudiamba . 102.40 34 34 162 83 79 25 17 8 5 Rugudidihi 480.83 72 73 360 176 184 70 30 40 6 Sikulabahala 446.61 99 114 559 272 287 103 50 53 7 Jagamohanpur 338.59 157 161 839 467 372 147 83 64 8 Golabandha 714.60 206 236 1,300 675 625 190 99 91 9 C.,hamunda 1058.76 261 322 1,841 973 868 308 161 147 10 Siriabahala 998.12 166 197 1,212 578 634 242 112 130 11 Lokanathapur 194.32 40 47 298 152 146 65 36 29 12 Kalapokhari 187.42 39 48 278 132 146 63 26 37 13 Saleikana 747.38 166 171 823 428 395 160 90 70 14 Janastanpur 389.82 113 119 517 270 247 125 65 60 15 Dandargouni 781.27 159 160 794 386 408 174 92 82 16 Pitanali 416.86 43 44 200 97 103 45 18 27 17 Oriya 854.89 137 137 737 372 365 168 81 87 18 Purunapani 80.13 28 30 145 73 72 33 16 17 19 Dhanurjayapur . 248.72 58 67 316 161 155 54 29 25 20 Jata 406.83 137 159 922 465 457 165 83 82 21 Dimria 524.60 160 160 859 425 434 153 62 91 22 Chandrasekharpur 252.64 74 87 439 219 220 69 35 34 23 Banspal 323.05 61 64 313 162 151 69 35 34 24 Dubulapal 576.49 209 233 1,408 666 742 230 113 117 25 Deutadiha 623.89 296 365 1,741 904 837 307 161 146 26 Jenadar 102.76 73 80 330 154 176 49 25 24 27 Santeibhanja 309.00 51 60 285 159 126 39 29 10 28 Ragada 298.67 64 84 358 173 185 84 38 46 29 Sapalanji 180.52 25 33 144 69 75 30 20 10 30 Chakradhar 76.49 12 13 60 30 30 8 4 4 31 Sarei 340.19 86 110 570 271 299 105 46 59 32 Karadangi 2,221.13 389 423 2,242 1,136 1,106 427 213 214 33 Ghodabudasahi 90.34 23 25 93 47 46 17 13 4 34 Kaduapada 334.87 30 33 146 76 70 31 15 16 35 Sridharpur 104.28 24 31 103 51 52 8 3 5 36 Udayagiri 438.00 141 145 882 455 427 125 55 70 37 Kantalei 487.90 184 204 1,053 505 548 163 70 88 38 Nuagarh 944.95 241 249 1,190 586 604 218 96 122

S-li)! 165

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Telkoi Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers ( II )

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

4,027 3,920 19,178 18,737 15,846 6,166 20,452 5,304 12,198 1,612 5,404 3,307 4,027 3,920 '9,178 18,737 15,846 6,166 20,452 5,304 12,198 1,612 5,404 3,307

4,027 3,920 18,901 18,446 15,837 6,163 20,311 5,281 12,062 1,589 5,404 3,307 73 75 392 402 538 257 672 287 385 162 125 100 80 63 100 B3 210 72 259 48 166 19 48 20 13 14 283 270 228 81 260 2 124 82 43 31 24 27 39 46 1 43 4 5 142 147 66 112 3 100 2 4 3 228 243 131 52 157 13 109 4 12 8 22 21 349 290 226 56 237 66 86 2 71 60 55 52 392 365 291 94 390 113 204 10 122 100 35 39 479 398 400 165 538 116 349 61 104 47 29 37 484 527 203 57 344 182 269 130 54 45 146 140 68 9 80 44 31 130 145 56 5 71 17 53 13 10 301 275 92 22 253 202 107 73 125 124 8 7 235 228 66 5 148 128 373 383 100 21 181 84 109 18 70 65 72 73 28 4 54 31 22 10 10 305 292 205 64 204 89 99 72 72 15 4 36 2 18 17 2 41 32 35 31 63 36 89 33 22 54 33 48 68 126 109 220 103 243 71 121 10 89 eo 2 5 198 186 180 70 244 48 153 2 77 45 54 55 5 8 149 80 129 126 15 13 107 99 81 2 100 100 81 81 159 157 370 173 405 27 301 72 23 251 ".18 171 155 321 149 518 176 213 5 249 159 5 9 67 78 82 20 95 110 82 4 110 6 4 103 75 39 22 90 53 66 14 53 30 34 47 49 31 9 103 62 51 10 45 49 14 15 11 8 15 5 35 40 24 1 10 39 30 30 19 17 1 3 18 14 58 63 20 18 42 51 176 21 127 8 34 11 211 187 309 301 420 143 608 319 349 183 169 117 34 27 19 5 22 6 19 3 5 3 3 65 59 24 3 36 5 27 8 4 2 2 27 29 12 27 2 12 56 51 167 154 197 86 287 96 165 3 107 92 167 175 67 72 204 117 325 56 189 2 57 19 155 140 289 332 231 80 352 167 131 200 167

C;-ll)j 166

C.D. BLOCK - Telkoi VILLAGE PRIMARY Industrial Category of Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hurting Quarrying Processing, Processing, Servic- (VI) No. and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs in House- in other than House- activities hold Industry hold Industry (III) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

6 Telkol C.D. Block T 327 28 17 2 497 181 177 11 48 R 327 28 17 2 497 181 177 11 48 U 0010 Telkol PS 324 28 17 2 497 181 177 11 48 1 Binjhabahal 18 9 4 1 16 3 5 2 Saruali 6 2 3 3 3 Tungurabahal 2 20 4 Kakudiamba 1 5 Rugudidihi 2 7 6 Sikulabahala 26 2 2 7 Jagamohanpur 2 7 8 2 8 Golabandha 4 10 6 1 2 9 Chhamunda 4 20 4 3 3 10 Siriabahala 5 11 Lokanathapur 2 12 Kalapokhari 13 Saleikana 13 4 1.4 Janastanpur 1 15 Dandargouni 2 16 Pitanali 17 Oriya 2 18 Purunapani

19 Dhanu~ayapur 20 Jata 4 6 2 21 Dimria 8 22 Chandrasekharpur 23 Banspal 24 Dubulapal 3 4 3 25 Deuladiha 18 11 26 Jenadar 8 27 Santeibhanja 28 Ragada 2 3 29 Sapalanji 30 Chakradhar 31 Sarei 4 3 ·32 Karadangi 23 13 33 Ghoodabudasahi 34 Kaduapada 35 Sridharpur 36 Udayagiri 2 3 37 Kantalei 57 35 38 Nuagarh 3 14

S-,i}! 167

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Telkol Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII ) CommunicatIOns (IX) (VIII )

M F M F M F M F M F 34- 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

498 18 141 1,145 144 546 6,267 16,603 25,038 498 18 141 1,145 144 546 6,267 16,603 25,038

498 18 141 .:1,143 144 534 6,158 16,468 24,872 20 2 10 88 10 64 237 531 765 10 3 19 5 30 231 248 193 9 21 2 171 232 305 2 48 36 30 3 11 111 53 70 2 4 1 19 155 96 119 49 12 3 8 229 298 7 2 32 3 2 15 283 497 15 2 12 28 1 14 95 421 657 9 7 6 4 131 230 321 2 32 70 114 2 56 59 90 5 14 35 161 158 17 5 35 117 212 14 89 191 235 43 103 2 11 168 365 1 9 37 61 6 6 6 66 122 6 14 222 386 2 4 86 181 300 90 220 62 151 5 4 13 3 56 261 659 9 3 25 1 386 661 59 66 2 8 69 73 2 2 3 2 67 121 34 34 1 10 13 3 5 1 4 173 91 105 4 4 57 6 37 528 750 3 25 37 3 7 37 58 21 39 4 5 175 168 156 4 18 137 179 355 4 234 437 168


Locatiun N8me of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

39 Kaliakudar 2.93 Uninhabited 40 Halpuri 377.80 110 674 329 345 121 60 61 41 Telkoi 385.83 535 577 2,853 1,527 1,326 434 222 212 42 Kalikudar 20.35 Uninhabited 43 Katarapali 246.82 179 183 1036 523 513 199 90 109 44 Ramachandrapur 142.85 60 60 355 175 180 46 25 21 45 Danduamunda 104.87 33 33 173 85 88 34 19 15 46 Kmalangi 288.45 81 81 419 218 201 76 39 37 47 8haliadal 123.98 59 59 284 146 138 39 25 14 48 Bangurupal 173.22 8 8 39 23 16 5 3 2 49 Sankarpur 100.06 28 28 166 87 79 19 11 8 50 Birida 187.70 54 54 248 136 112 38 21 17 51 Siblnarayanpur 521.95 250 250 1,295 654 641 226 117 109 52 Sanakumuda 66.27 20 20 78 41 37 24 16 8 53 Badakumuda 84.11 27 27 151 73 78 31 15 10 54 Gundurijoda 733.07 142 147 696 364 332 160 79 81 55 Khul1tapada 516.77 211 309 1385 720 665 214 119 95 56 Kuladera 448.54 107 109 551 289 262 123 68 55 57 Dullavpur 184.12 73 77 476 221 255 82 33 49 58 Baleswar 404.11 96 119 619 305 314 116 60 56 59 Golagadia 373.05 66 80 481 240 241 83 38 45 60 Koilisuta 362.64 46 51 269' '126 143 62 25 37 61 Godhihudi 324.95 43 57 278 137 141 61 30 31 62 Oimirimunda 182.73 51 62 303 148 155 5CJ 26 33 63 Bhimakanda 728.93 171 256 1,348 663 685 247 l1G 131 64 Kalima 810.60 96 106 627 319 308 148 70 78 65 Akula 608.58 158 207 1,074 539 535 217 97 120 66 Banabiharipur 274.09 65 71 415 200 215 73 33 40 67 Khajuria 137.97 41 53 295 137 158 57 26 31 68 Ahigola 128.48 30 30 146 69 77 27 12 15 .69 Bena 307.39 79 81 440 220 220 51 29 22 70 Tenteinali 224.28 58 58 270 124 146 67 30 37 71 Betakholi 157.43 46 46 244 119 125 67 35 32 72 Similipal 125.14 33 33 143 77 66 22 13 9 73 Kuliapal 13.32 Uninhabited 74 Talapada 550.64 108 108 562 284 278 116 65 51 75 Badakhamana 235.93 42 42 247 129 118 49 28 21 76 Panga 390.33 65 65 384 200 184 38 21 17 77 Godinarda 1,023.94 41 41 237 114 123 28 20 8 78 Gurum 135.11 68 68 335 169 166 G6 32 34 79 S~Hnakoi 166.34 43 43 237 118 119 31 15 16 80 Odllana 63.22 11 11 62 28 34 17 5 12 169

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Telkoi Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural ( I - IX ) (i) Labourers (II)

M------F M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Uninhabited 16 17 111 130 180 93 179 43 72 79 40 238 220 251 230 951 481 852 139 208 16 170 79 Uninhabited 83 80 254 269 267 109 310 120 107 3 105 84 19 13 36 28 89 38 104 31 72 9 17 12 18 13 43 49 43 13 44 6 23 4 19 2 85 75 112 54 130 19 93 7 28 12 24 21 75 80 55 11 83 58 81 58 2 2 13 10 6 10 6 43 39 £1 30 47 44 41 43 6 124 100 48 14 68 49 57 49 9 56 59 338 352 282 129 354 125 175 32 125 83 41 37 2 20 6 20 6 6 2 36 2 34 5 2 322 300 166 45 166 13 133 13 12 194 175 131 128 355 172 423 211, 123 11 215 174 279 255 73 5 115 8 44 57 8 16 26 67 71 106 59 146 7 109 24 7 22 17 244 240 124 45 155 6 78 2 43 2 10 14 170 176 42 14 132 72 96 31 31 41 66 80 18 5 71 56 18 52 56 5 7 50 58 62 34 74 50 24 129 137 68 14 99 60 38 133 142 96 88 402 231 362 46 193 3 128 41 7 10 79 72 164 38 165 105 115 75 36 29 89 87 232 255 281 119 306 7 162 55 17 29 120 127 78 38 107 2 61 42 132 153 26 7 67 2 11 53 46 54 18 42 4 18 23 16 16 157 151 129 57 133 128 123 146 40 10 75 12 74 12 119 125 30 4 57 48 9 10 8 22 24 44 15 49 47 Uninhabited 27 22 60 68 157 86 171 161 83 84 55 17 68 67 63 64 14 14 124 48 122 116 112 120 40 11 68 12 67 10 1 2 34 39 78 73 52 25 106 56 92 47 9 9 9 11 40 44 65 43 70 7 65 5 2 28 34 6 22 18 4 170

C.D. BLOCK - Telkoi VILLAGE PRIMARY I ndustrial Category of Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Processing, Servic- (VI) No. and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs in House- in other than House- activities hold Industry hold Industry ( III ) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

39 Kaliakudar Uninhabited 40 Halpuri 3 4 41 Telkoi 47 26 20 22 11 42 Kalikudar UOinhabited 43 Katarapali 2 43 32 24 44 Ramachandrapur 5 5 4 45 Danduamunda 46 Kmalangl '1 47 Bhaliadal 48 Bangurupal 49 Sankarpur 50 Birida 51 Sibinarayanpur 4 4 ·2 52 Sanakumuda 53 Badakumuda 54 Gundurijoda 1 7 55 Khuntapada 6 17 17 5 5 56 Kuladera 8 3 3 57 Dullavpur 1 3 58 Baleswar 14 5 2 59 Golagadia 3 60 Koilisuta 61 Godhihudi 62 Dimirimunda 63 Bhimakanda 6 64 Kalima 2 3 2 65 Akula 14 26 2 3 66 Banabiharipur 67 Khajuria 68 Ahigola 2 69 Bena 2 70 Tentelnali 71 Betakholi 72 Similipal 73 Kuliapal Uninhabited 74 Talapada 3 75 Badakhamana 76 Panga 3 77 Godinarda 78 Gurum 2 79 Samakoi 80 Odhana 171

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Telkoi Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Tradennd Transpolt, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII ) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F ~ . F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Uninhabited 7 1 13 2 150 302 118 41 209 23 17 74 658 1,113 Uninhabited 7 2 20 1 213 393 2 5 3 71 149 1 41 82 3 4 88 182 62 80 13 9 40 35 2 68 63 8 13 23 9 22 33 278 483 6 21 25 37 76 11 19 47 179 272 14 37 8 2 10 295 444 52 115 122 139 4 5 146 75 102 6 2 7 6 147 144 161 2 108 169 2 54 85 2 63 138 98 49 57 10 3 21 3 301 636 4 3 1 25 44 129 159 19 24 4 246 233 282 4 93 213 3 70 156 27 72 2 155 87 65 74 49 60 62 125 24 28 42 Uninhabited 7 -- 2 113 275 1 61 118 3 78 184 3 3 43 108 2 63 110 4 2 48 110 14 6 20 172

C.O. BLOCK - Telkoi VILLAGE PRIMARY 10tal Population(inc!ud­ Tutal Popu1aUon Location Name 01 Village Area 01 NO.ot No.of in the age group Code Village Occupied House- ing Institutional and (0-6) Number in Hect­ Reside­ t101cJs Houseless Population) ares & ntial ofTownl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms. ------P M F P M F ------_-- __~ ______~2~ ______~3 ______4 _____ ~5~ ____~G _____ 7______~8~ _____~9~ __~1~O _____1~1_

81 Ranki 54.07 19 20 111 57 54 24 14 10 82 Lipinda 200.60 58 59 334 16G 168 71 3'1 34 83 Budhaamba 130.04 14 14 B2 36 46 19 9 10 84 13andhanjhari 150_22 20 26 167 82 85 27 20 7 85 Malartda 218.43 52 64 313 157 156 65 34 31 86 Pumslampur 345.1:3 33 35 168 82 86 32 17 15 87 Sirigi$ 561.47 251 275 1,486 756 740 272 135 137 88 Elimala 543.88 117 143 802 394 408 1<17 75 72 69~- Kundheihrua_ 2G7.59 68 87 459 246 213 71 37 34 90 Namakani 653.70 112 130 721 319 342 142 00 62 !H Gopinalhapur 180.61 49 52 250 129 121 62 34 28 92 Kantalasuani 140:39 6& 73 379 199 180 63 31 32 93 Podanga 449.43 158 185 1,056 522 534- 217 104 113 94 Krushnapur 1,207.10 132 159 814 408 406 164 80 84- 95 Sank-alei 13<1.10 30 34 173 84 89 31 15 16 96 Banda 46.31 16 19 86 35 51 18 8 10 97 Balijodi 345.86 78 94 513 261 252 105 57 48 98 Alluni 52 56 282 152 130 .56 30 26 99 Karamangl 312.36 46 ':.>7 316 156 'f60 47 19 28 100 Tangiri 377.88 51 51 255 132 123 39 22 17 101 I

Kjr-2 173


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural ( I-IX) ( I ) Labourers (II )

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

50 42 17 4 34 3 15 18 2 140 142 87 31 82 2 64 10 2 36 40 14 18 8 4 13 8 76 75 42 18 43 11 23 12 7 10 11 128 128 87 33 92 9 58 3 ,2 4 58 58 42 18 52 3 29 15 2 204 210 178 187 407 216 399 82 102 188 70

92 ~07 245 250 193 85 227 127 139 55 61 66 48 40 58 47 99 33 131 56 74 23 51 33 6 5 262 242 133 50 185 2 123 57 16 11 18 16 53 21 64 3 41 12 3 15 16 110 103 79 18 109 12 69 18 11 91 104 209 203 220 92 276 56 172 29 67 18 39 48 ... 14 341 150 16 176 61 164 58 2 2 24 27 51 54 28 14 48 6 43 6 35 51 4 19 19 3 2 222 215 67 18 109 1 105 1 133 115 20 9 94 3 67 26 3 2 4 154 156 67 37 104 81 21 87 84 40 20 88 80 7 17 14 31 11 58 15 36 6 19 9 38 35 139 128 115 35 143 75 90 54 45 20 49 41 22 3 35 27 23 16 10 11 38 34 155 159 111 46 113 7 107 4 21 22 288 282 246 86 288 68 200 47 62 40 53 259 237 209 77 241 89 159 4 62 85 14 17 156 166 138 57 120 34 90 4 18 28 11 9 307 273 130 49 141 28 105 94 101 233 194 261 91 235 16 209 12 13 3 1 3 49 60 22 9 38 11 17 155 138 2 86 1 83 1 2 70 71 6 35 4 34 3 8 7 54 51 7 24 5 17 2 4 2 101 100 1 2 45 1 36 4 4 • 5 77 81 7 47 3 34 8 86 79 26 4 51 6 37 4 6 68 54 21 1 67 4 51 11 3 5 4 101 100 9 53 3 32 17 5 3 14 9 6 1 18 6 10 14 9 118 108 62 18 108 75 28 Unintlibited 174

C.D. BLOCK - Telkoi VILLAGE PRIMARY Industrial Category of Locallon Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Processing. Servic- (VI) No. and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs In House- In other than House- activities hold Industry hold Industry ( III ) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

81 Ranki 82 Lipinda 4 83 Budhaamba 84 Bandhanjhari 2 3 85 Malanda 7 2 86 Purastampur 3 1 87 Sirigida 8 10 8 2 88 Bimala 8 3 6 89 Kundheihata 00 Narnakani 91 Gopinathapur 5 92 Kantalasuani 12 3 93 Podanga 3 7 4 2 94 Krushnapur 3 2 95 Sankalei 1 1 96 Banda 97 Balijodi 98 Alluni 99 Karamangi 100 Tangiri 101 Kodabil 2 102 Jharabeda 2 103 Balabhadrapur 1 104 Kulanga 1 2 3 105 Ranibeda 4 3 6 106 Sunduria 2 107 Padiapasl 4 108 Patakhali 109 Porajoda 2 110 Kankadajodi 3 111 Brahmankansa 10 112 Karangapal 113 Ramchandrapur 114 Tempelei 2 115 Patakclipur 2 3 116 Sarur'" 2 2 117 Khandabandha 8 118 Kateni 3 119 Tigiria 120 Badabil 121 Godikansa 122 Similipal Uninhabited 175

CENSUS ABSTHr·Gl C.D. BLOCK - Telkoi ._------Main Workers Maruinal Non,wOlkers Tradeatld Transport. Other Workets CommercE! Stom~le& S(Jrvi';cs (VII ) ComrYlun:cnlions (IX) (VIII)

---- M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 3G 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

28 23 23 3 92 54 74 1Q 18 19 2 3 33 39 41 6 6 2 85 65 62 3 51 30 32 20 2 4 57 9 2 3 355 655 2 4 10 7 48 160 233 3 3 115 157 ..- 5 194 340 2 4 6'),_ 65 56 4 3 2 94 88 74 3 7 15 5 7 95 239 383 1 4 55 1l"J 177 166 3 38 36 45 17 16 34 3 94 151 157 80 57 47 2 103 52 57 87 44 36 -1 4[- 32 32 4 6 62 81 75 6 21 48 18 3 88 192 3 1 23 2 13 141 244 319 1 2 13 2 224 367 8 2 47 122 180 7 2 14 231 307 3 8 113 202 274 3 2 14 31 60 68 77 72 26 36 42 3 5 35 48 10 55 89 4 39 82 41 39 35 1 70 62 41 2 3 2 55 109 3 23 25 4 73 95 117 Uninhabited 176

C.D. BLOCK - Telkoi VILLAGE PRIMARY location Area 01 No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institulional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds HouselGss Population) (0-6) ar('s & ntial oflownl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

p M F p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

123 Sirispal 55.Q2 Uninhabitc.'{j 124 Benamunda 956.22 198 206 1,165 605 560 278 144 134 125 Balabhadmpur 209.13 70 74 421 191 230 112 55 57 126 Flaisuan 528.62 100 700 409 291 115 53 62 127 13irabarpw 151.36 21 21 141 63 78 34 15 19 128 Nur-gaon 254.35 34 36 203 94 109 46 18 28 129 Balang:sahi 433.07 23 23 136 62 74 30 12 18 130 Snmakuda 761.01 76 91 520 252 268 GB 45 53 131 Merda 8G5.73 165 175 967 499 468 183 83 100 132 Katcnipnsi 2G3.fiO 95 511 270 241 118 63 55 133 Ajayapllr 189.72 36 40 214 100 114 60 25 35 134 Gabago,.J;.! 250.52 54 68 304 144 160 61 27 34 135 8iripRI 321.86 49 62 250 128 122 39 19 20 136 Murrda!"<:lhi 99.25 8 10 37 22 15 8 6 2 137 Rckuti ?05.69 48 48 239 123 116 45 24 21 138 Nuagaon 8D3.84 186 215 1,113 576 537 197 99 98 139 Kaliahata 431.16 216 227 1,127 566 561 210 107 103 140 Bali 358.18 75 75 398 214 184 83 49 34 141 Badlamunda 33.70 Uninhabit,-,d 142 laxminarayanpur 403.96 67 67 303 161 142 77 41 36 143 Galada 286.64 74 77 389 191 198 82 39 43 144 Saroda 237.24 17 17 118 61 57 29 12 17 145 Keranga 78.04 :19 40 219 113 106 41 19 22 002u Kanjipani PS 22.38 lGO 101 493 238 255 143 63 80 34 Kaiiapani 444.77 23 23 106 47 59 28 11 17 35 Tamanga 588.94 56 57 269 135 134 81 36 45 36 Sajpalanji 1,204.51 21 21 118 56 62 34 16 18 0140 Harichandanpur PS 5.03 22 23 93 50 43 23 13 10 53 Rangamatia 503.20 22 23 93 50 43 23 13 10 177


Scheduled Castes 5ctleduied Tribes Literates inuus!rial CatcQory \)1 Main 'Norl-ers ------Total Main Violkers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) l;:JboureJs (II)

M F 1\.1 F M F M F M F M F ------12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Uninhc,bited 52 39 411 412 223 81 288 8 8 lQ~ 230 .;:,7 9 100 23 U3 17 14 6

13 285 194 257 55 157 150 18 13~1

'~ ~v3 37 20 17 ::J9 14 22 11 14 3 2 2 22 49 27 48 2 2 G2 20 7 39 17 35 4 11 17 15 67 78 S3 15B 25 9 2'3 41 ?6 148 136 363 107 295 245 32 " 261' 239 &1 8 105 4 ,~ 182 42 :3 Bel 107 20 :3 51 112 41 10 41 39 44 16 16 68 22 77 38 38 35 38 12 14 -'8 70 58 5 G2 30 59 30 16 11 6 14 6 14 6 10 7 80 75 66 20 66 33 65 33 87 67 383 372 203 75 301 1)8 127 5 141 39 157 158 \ 118 111 285 161 283 101 140 3D 57 47 192 168 53 13 114 35 2 11 32 Uninhabited 161 142 5 1 67 46 67 9 9 155 153 60 9 105 G1 30 35 3 3 58 54 .4 29 25 14 12 13 13 111 106 57 4 58 19 47 9 11 10 230 250 8 2 126 20 124 20 46 57 :2 30 11 29 11 128 131 3 67 3 66 3 56 62 3 29 6 29 6 47 41 1 15 3 12 3 47 41 15 3 12 3 178

C.D. BLOCK - Telkoi VILLAGE PRIMARY Industrial Category of Location Nnme 01 Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufactllring, Manufacturing, Constructions Gode Fishing, Hunting Quarryihg Processing, Processing, Servic­ (VI) No. and Plantations, (IV ) Servicing and ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs in House­ in other than House­ activities hold Industry hold Industry ( III ) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3-"

123 Sirispal Uninhabited 124 Benamunda 5 29 5 2 125 Balabhadrapur 126 Raisuan 11 10 127 Birabarpur 128 Nuagaon 4 129 Balangisahi 130 SamafQJda 4 131 Mercia 2 132 Katenipasi 133 Ajayapur 134 Gabagoda 135 Biripal 136 Mundasahi 137 Rekuti 1 138 Nuagaon 5 2 139 Kaliahata 9 10 11 2 140 Bali 15 141 Badiamunda Uninhabited 142 Laxminaraynnpur 143 Galada 144 Saroda 3 4 145 Keranga 1 0020 Kanjipani PS 34 Kaliapani 35 Tamanga 36 Spalanji 0140 Harichandanpur PS 3 53 Rangamatia 3 179

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.O. BLOCK - Telkoi Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Uninhabited 13 27 211 316 341 2 23 91 184 3 20 252 140 1 24 63 8 46 107 2 23 55 5 2 3 3 94 240 5 10 291 204 175 165 198 49 72 2 67 122 5 14 61 78 2 8 7 9 36 48 47 5 19 4 275 489 17 5 42 4 3 283 457 1 2 6 69 94 80 Uninhabited 12 27 82 69 2 15 64 71 80 7 7 25 25 10 51 45 36 2 4 99 108 136 21 17 27 4 53 64 78 25 27 31 8 10 27 30 8 10 27 30


• ...... 1 '" .. -r .,. • ( •

fI ...... o

. ca_ --...... ~_.-- ...... ~ - ...... [::~::] o .,----- :: ...... :: - .... _1-- .. , ::-.,,~:.:-=-.-: JOo. I 0 ••• ...... ~- _____ .... [::!~~-J + ---...... -- _...... ,...... ~ • ...... ' ...... T ...... otPtea PO'fOTQ ""'_ o -. -"-'.-.. • + --.... 6 •

- ... ~II .... _ ...... - ...... '-'- ...... PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF BANSPAL C.D. BLOCK - 0070

Kanjipani P.S. - 0020 Nayakote P.S. - 0030 Joda P.S. - 0040 Kendujhar Sadar P.S. - 0100 Kendujhar Town P.S. - 0110 Pandapara P.S. - 0120

181 182



2 3 4 5 6

POLICE STATION - KANJIPANI- 0020 1 Anasuan 101031002010006 19/31216 16/031003010069 16/313169 2 Bal\aranl 19/03/0020/0019 19/312119 16/0310030/0077 161313177 3 Baltamm (Bhuyan) 19103/002010007 1913/217 16/03/0030/0071 16/3/3171 4 Bait 19103/0020/0037 19/3/2/37 16/03/0030,0096 16/313196 5 Bemdlhl 19/03/002010015 19/312/15 16/03/0030/0090 16/313190 6 Budllighar 19/03/002010027 19/312127 16/03/0030/0079 16/313179 7 Ernlfl 19/03/0020/(J012 19/312/12 16'03/003010088 161313/88 B Erada 19/03/002010011 19/312/11 16/0310030/0086 1613131B6 9 Gobtndapur 19103/0020/0014 19/312/14 10 Goltabandha 19'03/0020/0024 19/312/24 11 Gonaslka 1:)/0310020 10021 19/3/2121 16/03/0030/0073 16/313173 12 Guptaganga 19/03,0020,0022 19/3/2/22 16/03/003010074 16/313/74 13 Haladlp

POLICE STATION - NAYAKOTE - 0030 36 Adnl" 19/03/0030/0057 19/313157 16/03/0030/0054 16/313154 37 Ambadah 19/03/0030/0016 19/313116 16/0310030/0014 16/3/3114 38 I\nara 19/03/0030/0033 19/313/33 16/0310030/0032 16/3/3132 39 Badakuda 19/03/003010035 19/313135 16/031003010034 1613/3134 40 Balaral 19/0310030/0051 19/3/3151 16/03/0030/0046 1613/3146 41 Bahbeda 19/03/0030/0025 19/313125 42 Banspal 19/0310030/0060 19/313160 16/03/0030/0053 1613/3153 43 Baragoda 19/03/003010062 19/313162 16/03/0030/0063 1613/3163 183



2 3 4 5 6

44 Barbil 19/03/0030/0041 19/3/3/41 16/03/0030/0019 16/3/3/19 45 Bhagatpur 19103/003010018 19131311B 16f031003()/00 18 161313/18 46 Bhejidihi 19/03/0030/00 19 19/3/3/19 16/03/0030/0017 16/3/3/17 47 Birakala 19/03/0030/0013 19/3/3/13 16/03/0030/0013 16/3/3/13 48 Cilampajilara 19/03/0030/0066 19/313/66 16/03/0030/0067 16/3/3/67 49 Cllandapasi 19/03/0030/0040 19/3/3/40 16/0310030/0020 1613/3/20 50 Dalkinuagaoa 19/03/0030/0052 19/3/3/52 16/03/0030/0047 16f3/3/47 51 Dania .19/03/0030/0069 19/3f3/69 16/03/0030/0057 16/3/3/57 52 Deri 19f03/0030/0012 19/3/3/12 16/03/0030/0012 16/3/3/12 53 Dhaladilli 19/03/0030/0023 19/3/3/23 16/03/0030/0024 16/3/3f24 54 Dhanagadi 19/03/0030/0061 19/3/3/61 55 Dudllapasi 19/03/0030/0030 19/3/3/30 16/03/0030/0030 16/3/3/30 56 Gajipur 19/03/0030/0044 19/3/3/44 16/03/0030/0041 16/3/3/41 57 Gopapur 19103/003010053 1913f3/53 16f03/0030/0049 1613/3149 58 Gundala 19103/0030/0065 19/313/65 16/03/003010087 16/313/87 59 ltapokhari 19/03/0030/0024 19/313/24 60 Jaladilla 19/03f0030fOO54 19/3/3154 1610310030/0050 16/3/3/50 61 Jaladihi 19/03/0030/0034 19/3/3/34 16/03/0030/0033 16/3/3/33 62 Jambhiripasi 19/03/0030/0043 19/3/3/43 16/03/0030/0040 16/3/3/40 63 Jatra 19/03/0030/0056 19/3/3/56 16/03/0030/0052 1613/3/52 64 Kadakala 19/03/003010005 19/31315 16/03/0030/0005 16/3/3/5 65 Kadakala 19/03/0030/0006 19/3/316 16/03/0030/0006 16/3/3/6 66 Kadodlha 19/03/0030/0047 19/3/3147 16/03/0030/0044 16/3/3/44 67 Kalanda (ka) 19/03/0030/0038 19/313/38 16/0310030/0038 1613/3/38 68 Kalanda (kha) 19/03/0030/0039 19/3/3139 16/03/0030/0035 16/3/3/35 69 Kandeisahi 19/03f0030fOO 15 19/3f3l15 16/03/003010016 16/313/16 70 Kendughati 19/03/0030/0022 19/3/3/22 16/03/003010023 16/3/3/23 71 Kumudi (ka) 19/03/0030/0059 19/3/3159 16/03/0030/0056 16/313/56 72 Kusakala 19/03/0030/0037 19/313/37 16/03/0030/0037 16/313/37 73 Ladapani 19/03/0030/0028 19/313128 16/03/0030/0027 1613/3/27 74 Luhakala 19/03/0030/0004 19/3/3/4 16/03/0030/0004 16/3/3/4 75 Marusuan 19/03/0030/0002 19/3/3/2 16/03/0030/0002 16/3/3/2 76 Mayurdihi 19/03/003010008 19/3f3l8 16/03/0030/0008 16/3/3/8 77 Mayurnachuni 19/03/0030/0042 19/3/3/42 16/03/0030/0039 1613/3/39 78 Narasinghpur 19/03/0030/0007 19/3/3/7 16/03/0030/0007 1613/3/7 79 Nayakote 19/03/0030/0017 19/3/3117 16/03/0030/0015 1613/3/15 80 Nuasahi 19/03/0030/0048 19/3/3148 81 Panasuan 19/03/0030/0021 19/3/3121 16/03/0030/0021 16/3/3/21 82 Phuljhar 19/03/0030/0026 19/3/3/26 16/03/0030/0025 1613/3/25 83 Podadihi 19/03/0030/0029 19/313129 16/0310030/0028 1613/3/28 84 Raba 19/03/0030/0036 19/3/3/36 16/03/0030/0036 1613/3/36 85 Rakama 19/03/0030/0003 19/3/313 16/03/0030/0003 1613/3/3 86 Sagapada 19/03/0030/0050 19/3/3/50 16/03/0030/0048 1613/3/48 87 Sagapali 19/03/0030/0014 19/3/3/14 16/03/0030/0011 1613/3/11 88 Saharpur 19/03/0030/0070 19/313170 16/03/0030/0058 1613/3/58 Sankarei 19/0310030/0067 19/3/3167 16/03/0030/0062 1613/3/62 184



90 Sankari 19/03/0030/0031 19/313/31 16/03/0030/0029 16/3/3129 91 Sankarpasi 19/03/0030/0032 19/3/3132 1610310030/0031 1613/3131 92 Singapur (Ka) 19/031003010046 191313146 16103/0030/0043 16/3/3143 93 Singapur (Kha) 19/03/0030/0045 19/3/3/45 16/03/0030/0042 16/3/3142 94 Sudanga 19/03/0030/0009 19/3/319 16/03/0030/0009 16/3/3/9 95 Sukadala 19/03/0030/0058 19/313158 16/03/0030/0055 16/3/3155 96 Sundra 19/03/0030/0020 19/3/3120 16/03/0030/0022 1613/3122 97 Talabarada 19/031003010010 19/3/3/10 16/03/003010010 16/3/3110 98 Talabirikala 19/03/003010063 19/313163 16/03/003010064 16/313164 99 Taramakanta 19/03/0030/0049 19/3/3149 16/03/003010049 1613/3/49 100 Tilapasi 19/031003010055 19/313155 1610310030/0051 1613/3151 101 Tiriba 19/03/0030/0001 19/313/1 16/03/0030/0001 16/313/1 102 Tuladihi 19/03/003010068 19/313168 16/03/0030/0059 1613/3/59 103 Uchumadihi 19/03/003010027 19/3/3127 16/03/0030/0026 1613/3126 104 Uparbarada 19/03/003010011 19/313111 105 Uparbirikala 19/03/003010064 19/313164 16/03/0030/0065 16/3/3165

POLICE STATION - JODA - 0040 106 Baitarani A.F. 19/03/004010031 19/3/4/31 161031004010096 161314196 107 Bhanga 19/03/0040/0033 19/3/4/33 16/03/0040/0097 1613/4/97

POLICE STATION - KENDUJHAR SADAR - 01 00 108 Ambadahara 19/03/0100/0161 19/3/11/161 16/03/009010191 16/319/191 109 Amuni 19/03/010010084 19/3/11/84 16/03/009010086 16/319/86 110 Bayakumutia 19/03/010010210 19/3/11/210 16/03/009010279 16/3191279 111 Birinda 19103/0100/0134 19/3/11/134 16/03/0090/0138 16/3191138 112 Gondijoda 19/03/0100/0208 1913111/208 1610310090/0277 16/3/9/277 113 Gopinathpur 19/03/010010175 19/3/11/175 16/03/0090/0213 16/319/213 114 Icllinda 19/03/0100/0174 19/3/11/174 16/03/0090/0212 16/319/212 115 Kamagaon 19/03/0100/0167 19/3/11 (167 16/03/0090/0198 16/319/198 116 Kasada 19/03/010010173 19/3/11/173 16/03/009010207 1613/9/207 117 Khajurimundi 19/03/0100/0172 19/3/11/172 16/03/0090/0206 16/319/206 118 Khuntakata 19/03/0100/0207 19/3/11/207 16/03/0090/0276 16/319/276 119 Kumundi(kha) 19103/0100/0166 19/3/11/166 16/03/0090/0197 16/3/9/197 120 Lunaghara 19/0310100/0169 19/3/111169 16103/0090/0200 161319/200 121 Mamalapasi 19/0310100/0171 19/3/11/171 161031009010202 1613/9/202 122 Medinipur 19103/0100/0176 19/3/11/176 16/03/0090/0214 16/319/214 123 Mundala 19/03/0100/0211 19/3/11/211 16/03/0090/0280 161319/280 124 Nitigotha 19/03/010010130 19/3/11/130 16/03/009010134 161319/134 125 Pandadar 19/03/0100/0209 19/3/11/209 16/03/009010278 16/3191278 126 Pocladiha 19/03/010010131 19/3/11/131 16/03/009010135 16/319/135 127 Rugudi 19/03/0100/0206 19/3/11/206 16/03/0090/0204 16/319/204 128 Sapakanta 19/03/010010170 19/3/11/170 16/03/0090/0201 16/319/201 129 Suakati 19/03/010010204 19/3/11/204 1610310090/0275 1613/9/275 130 Talachampei 19/0310100/0213 19/3/11/213 16103/0090/0287 16/319/287 131 Talajagar 19/0310100/0164 19/3/11/164 16/03/0090/0194 16/319/194 185



2 3 4 5 6

132 Talakaisari 19/03/010010163 19/3/11/163 16/03/009010193 161319/193 133 Talaraiguda 19/03/0100/0132 19/3/111132 16/03/009010136 16/319/136 134 Tenluli 19103/0100/0203 19/3/11/203 16/03/009010274 16/3/91274 135 Upara~hampei 19/03/01 00/0212 19/3/11/212 16/03/0090/0284 16/3/9/284 136 Uparajagara 19/03/0100/0165 19/3/11/165 16/03/009010195 16/319/195 137 Uparralguda 19/03/0100/0168 19/3/11/168 1610310090101 !19 16/3/9/199 138 Uperkainsari 19/03/0100/0162 19/3/11/162 16/03/0090/0192 16/3/9/192 139 Urumunda 19103/0100/0133 19/3/11/133 16/03/009010137 1613/9/137

POLICE STATION - KENDUJHAR TOWN - 011 0 140 Badaraduana 19/03/0110/0040 19/3/12140 16103/0090/0286 16/3/91286 141 Balidiha 19/03/0110/0032 19/3112132 16/0310090/0215 16/319/215 142 Duarasuni 19/03/0110/0043 19/3/12143 16/03/009010288 16/319/288 143 Ghungi 19/03/0110/0042 19/3112142 16/03/009010268 16/3/9/268 144 Jamudiha (Kha) 19/03/011 010031 19/3112131 16/031009010221 1613191221 145 Kansa 19/03/0110/0037 19/3/12137 16/03/0090/0270 16/319/270 146 Kodiposa 19/03/011010038 19/3112138 16/031009010267 16/319/267 147 Kundei 19/03/011010047 19/3/12147 16/031009010289 16/319/289 148 Sanaraduan 19/03/0110/0041 19/3/12141 16/03/009010285 16/319/285 149 Sarukudara 19/03/011010035 19/3112135 16/031009010211 16/319/211 150 Sirishikhunta 19/03/011010036 19/3/12136 16103/009010210 16/3/9/210 151 Talakaipuf 19/03/011010033 19/3/12133 16/031009010216 1613/9/216 152 Talasumatha 19/03/0110/0044 19/3/12144 161031009010282 16/319/282 153 Tangarapada 19/03/0110/0046 19/3112146 16/03/009010283 16/319/283 154 Toranipani 19/03/0110/0045 19/3112145 1610310090/0281 16/319/281 155 Uparasamatha 19(03(011010039 19/3/12139 16/031009010269 161319/269 156 Upparakaipur 19/03/0110/0034 19/3/12134 16/03/0090/0217 16/319/217

POLICE STATION - PANDAPARA - 0120 157 Bankudadudhakhaman 19/03/0120/0025 19/3113/25 16/03/002010098 16/312198 158 Baragarha 19/03/012QI0086 19/3113186 16/03/0020/0084 16/312184 159 Dumuria 19/03/012Q/0027 19/3/13127 16103/002010079 16/312179 160 Hatisila 19/03/012Q/0023 19/3113123 16103/002010080 16/312180 161 Kapatdhiha 19/03/0120/0085 19/3113/85 16103/002010083 161312183 162 Nandambansdiha 19/03/012010084 19/3113184 16/03/002010082 1613/2182 163 Saria 19/031012010026 19/3113126 16103/0020/0086 1613/2186 186


Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.ot Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside- holds HOiJseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial ofTownl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

p M F p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 7 Banspal C.D. Block T 1,191.07 14,493 14,620 70,647 35,196 35,451 14,047 6,912 7,135 R 1,191.07 14,493 14,620 70,647 35,196 35,451 14,047 6,912 7,135 U 0020 Kanjipani PS 311.02 3,035 3,061 14,533 7,393 7,140 3,102 1,535 1,567 Mundatopa 279.83 25 25 115 60 55 24 16 8 2 Luniajhara 1,680.81 102 102 554 285 269 115 58 57 3 Rugudikasada 1,287.78 132 132 731 375 356 136 68 68 4 Padakasada 1,107.78 164 167 845 414 431 174 89 85 5 Karangadihi 656.93 87 87 465 218 247 91 33 58 6 Anasuan 455.40 52 52 243 124 119 48 28 20 7 Baitarani (Bhuyan) 631.36 57 59 315 159 156 65 32 33 8 Kantadash 417.08 41 41 233 120 113 61 28 33 9 Lata 1,473.40 108 109 539 259 280 111 50 61 10 Kuanar 2,653.55 257 257 1,198 615 583 229 114 115 11 Erada 834.70 85 85 371 186 185 68 28 40 12 Emiri 432.42 45 45 186 87 99 45 18 27 13 Tana 1,967.74 95 95 457 230 227 107 63 44 14 Gobindapur 265.83 91 91 412 186 226 78 38 40 15 Benidihi 1,662.88 127 127 581 295 286 170 88 82 16 Tangarpada 2,272.77 147 147 612 306 306 172 96 76 17 Kanjipani 789.50 158 161 743 443 300 172 84 88 18 Raidiha 350.73 47 47 236 113 123 54 20 34 19 Baitarani 214.02 47 47 190 96 94 45 25 20 20 Sinkulapada 495.95 55 55 294 150 144 66 30 36 21 Gonasika 975.50 122 122 703 468 235 100 59 41 22 Guptaganga 1,166.83 119 120 490 228 262 94 50 44 23 Talabaitarani 72.21 29 29 153 70 83 25 9 16 24 Goliabandha 400.60 47 47 196 84 112 41 17 24 25 Jantari 597.41 83 86 395 198 197 82 42 40 26 Kakdalibadi 282.85 51 51 208 101 107 42 20 22 27 Budhighar 551.82 57 58 267 131 136 60 26 34 28 Phulbadi 418.43 45 46 214 102 112 51 22 29 29 Talapada 717.16 103 103 517 249 268 121 59 62 30 Panasanasa 1,446.30 100 102 451 227 224 93 43 50 31 Nipa 467.45 78 81 350 189 161 66 36 30 32 Haladipani 1,171.08 73 73 308 152 156 75 39 36 33 Tentulikhunti 1,128.46 75 77 361 187 174 85 49 36 37 Bali 939.41 89 91 ;;85 181 204 82 36 46 38 Jamudiha 835.86 42 44 215 105 110 54 22 32 0030 Nayakote PS 542.02 6,577 6,635 32,434 16,043 16,391 6,204 3,075 3,129 Tiriba 908.87 79 79 372 184 188 81 40 41 2 Marusuan 1,052.84 107 107 498 247 251 91 44 47 3 Rakama 660.84 79 79 347 166 181 64 32 32 187

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Banspal Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F ------M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1,488 1,515 27,743 28,270 8,070 1,960 18.686 5,846 13,334 2,674 3,176 2,570 1,488 1,515 27,743 28,270 8,070 1,960 18,686 5,846 13,334 2,674 3,176 2,570

232 206 6,281 6,144 1,603 240 3,724 a77 2,979 354 428 474 60 55 4 32 34 29 3 34 2 2 239 225 41 2 160 130 128 30 130 3 323 304 121 11 187 37 119 3 60 30 22 29 337 335 79 6 226 17 188 6 15 10 2 185 219 69 32 119 11 108 3 10 120 113 44 16 67 13 59 7 13 . 159 156 17 88 77 9 120 113 28 61 52 7 2 233 253 23 12 168 161 41 29 543 528 64 20 315 11 218 73 5 186 185 6 105 109 105 109 86 98 7 54 65 54 65 211 215 36 2 134 112 102 82 25 30 3 98 137 45 13 106 106 54 62 is 29 270 277 47 3 164 16 110 10 22 2 302 300 30 150 26 150 13 13 12 5 269 180 207 33 177 31 23 71 26 68 74 18 60 57 66 72 9 3 49 49 143 142 18 84 70 4 68 49 329 143 277 18 58 4 9 10 1 38 40 142 170 67 7 114 3 103 2 32 41 18 25 22 41 39 82 107 6 3 48 3 47 2 5 192 191 21 3 102 5 95 3 1 82 85 26 5 48 3 43 2 2 3 110 113 7 1 66 2 66 85 92 4 53 52 216 238 8 119 117 221 220 84 19 119 4 77 38 4 186 158 79 14 94 2 64 30 152 156 35 13 86 86 187 174 34 2 103 103 2 156 181 20 2 108 85 106 84 110 59 47 59 47 836 913 12,132 12,506 3,873 860 8,972 3,104 6,749 1,700 1,292 ','53 178 181 14 115 26 75 3 40 23 3 5 164 159 2 168 17 88 3 74 14 ~,?8 38 127 129 27 6 122 58 87 45 27 13 188

C.D. BLOCK - Banspal VILLAGE PRIMARY ',' Inaustnal Category location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 7 B.anspal T 463 135 484 191 138 36 71 6 59 18 C.L?Blcok R 463 135 484 191 138 36 71 6 59 18 U 0020 KanJipani PS 76 6 12 6 18 7 6 19 1 Mundatopa 2 Luniajhara 3 f':~ugudikasada 2 4 pi.~dakasada 13 2 5 Kal'angadihi 6 Anas'{lan 7 Baitar~,ni (Bhuyan) 8 Kantada.'>h 9 Lata 3 10 Kuanar 13 11 Erada 12 Erniri 13 Tana 4 14 Gobindapur 11 6 13 7 15 8enidihi 14 4 16 Tangarpada 17 Kanjipani 8 2 4 18 18 Raidiha 2 19 Baitarani 20 Sinkulapada 5 21 Gonasika 2 22 Guptaganga 6 23 Talabaitarani 24 Goliabandha 25 Jantari .26 Kakdalibadi 27 Budhighar 28 Phulbadi 29 Tafapada 30 Panasanasa 1 {;1 Nipa 32 Ha!adipani 33 TentlJlikhunti 37 Bali 38 Jamudiha 0030 Nayakote PS 303 115 11 95 19 37 4 20 18 1 Tiriba 2 Marusuan 4 3 Rakama 7 189

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Banspal 01 fViam Workers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 242 5 57 3 662 206 692 5,915 15,616 23,690 242 5 57 3 662 206 692 5,915 15,818 23,690

52 1 6 2 126 27 117 1,157 3,552 5,106 28 21 2 125 139 5 4 187 318 2 6 13 127 175 287 5 28 99 208 21 57 85 98 71 58 61 59 52 3 149 91 131 8 4 3 182 297 390 81 76 33 34 2 7 41 89 74 3 6 2 8 39 72 81 17 9 43 122 227 156 280 12 3 36 4 49 266 220 37 53 86 32 46 61 2 2 58 66 86 7 29 1 70 13 340 218 2 2 114 259 2 29 B3 2 36 109 1 6 2 96 192 2 2 3 50 103 2 63 134 49 112 1 4 130 264 3 97 108 123 76 95 B3 66 156 B4 174 2 73 119 46 63 97 3 27 341 91 267 3,574 6,804 9,713 57 69 105 129 79 105 68 44 55 190


Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town! Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 Ll'hakala 1,365.59 137 139 677 343 334 131 56 75 5 Kadakala 3,363.04 80 81 331 157 174 74 34 40 6 Kadakala 1,391.91 211 211 1,162 637 525 197 95 102 7 Narsinghpur 560.41 82 82 442 211 231 112 45 67 8 Mayurdihi 854.38 18 18 98 45 53 13 6 7 9 Sudanga 1,908.45 157 157 701 353 348 173 83 90 10 Talabarada 760.31 40 40 188 83 105 29 10 19 11 Uparbarada 636.02 46 46 190 94 96 32 17 15 12 Deri 930.74 59 60 302 145 157 48 14 34 13 Birakala 141.15 21 21 90 42 48 11 5 6 14 Sagapali 1,018.09 90 90 435 224 211 77 42 35 15 Kandeisahi 103.22 14 14 89 42 47 28 12 16 16 Ambadali 137.92 74 74 307 148 159 43 14 29 17 Nayakote 386.33 108 109 477 235 242 65 43 22 18 Bhagatpur 111.89 63 63 267 143 124 41 15 26 19 Bhejidihi 793.78 129 129 669 338 331 131 67 64 20 Sundra 2,288.12 138 138 734 369 365 158 81 77 21 Panasuan 1,555.40 90 90 500 236 264 77 39 38 22 Kendughati 1,205.49 125 125 598 274 324 120 54 66 23 Dhaladihi 786.01 114 116 595 274 321 143 68 75 24 Itapokhari 562.96 101 101 564 261 303 115 65 50 25 Balibeda 150.14 34 34 164 81 83 26 15 11 26 Phuljhar 1,202.72 217 218 1,181 592 589 185 89 96 27 Uchumadihi 618.84 89 89 434 220 214 78 39 39 28 Ladapani 499.43 58 58 302 142 160 60 33 27 29 Podadihi 703.10 113 113 531 265 266 100 51 49 30 Dudhapasi 200.97 96 96 449 218 231 75 39 36 31 Santoni 508.13 76 76 425 202 223 73 31 42 32 Sankarpasi 90.64 61 61 331 155 176 74 29 45 33 Anara 232.49 85 91 494 261 233 100 47 53 34 Jaladihi 474.54 60 73 362 176 186 44 22 22 35 Badakuda 829.65 89 90 426 205 221 98 48 50 36 Raba 696.93 105 105 508 242 266 91 43 48 37 Kusakala 2,198.81 251 251 1,275 646 629 300 156 144 38 Kalanda (Ka) 72.01 28 28 148 73 75 19 16 3 39 Kalanda (Kha) 1,713.54 111 113 541 252 289 93 43 50 40 Chanclapasi 13.11 21 21 101 43 58 25 8 17 41 Barbi! 46.52 39 40 181 86 95 32 16 16 42 Mayumachuni 30.38 28 29 126 63 63 22 13 9 43 Jambhiripasi 142.84 ~O 80 386 188 198 70 40 30 44 Gajipur 933.70 100 100 475 226 249 94 49 45 45 Singapur (Kha) 1,257.47 127 132 704 353 351 130 63 67 46 Singapur (Ka) 87.42 33 33 141 74 67 32 21 11 191

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Banspal Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 308 296 38 21 207 111 207 104 7 151 165 11 4 113 70 110 68 25 12 479 393 276 22 274 50 208 17 44 31 5 6 175 191 39 4 127 3 12 108 2 45 53 6 30 14 16 331 326 21 186 20 185 13 7 75 94 17 6 55 43 46 23 9 20 94 96 1 63 44 63 42 2 142 153 34 5 100 61 94 32 5 29 42 48 3 24 9 20 3 3 6 13 11 191 173 6 133 25 117 9 16 16 41 44 25 12 18 6 11 147 159 69 44 94 23 78 4 8 9 38 36 106 106 143 65 135 29 67 12 12 5 8 82 71 53 16 81 57 18 62 56 2 6 116 117 143 44 175 102 42 64 99 14 11 267 263 52 4 210 4 113 87 3 223 242 19 3 141 22 114 16 26 6 11 15 250 299 47 34 159 34 84 9 65 17 12 11 192 237 28 3 138 13 107 20 7 250 294 19 145 23 144 23 25 25 46 49 32 11 41 13 37 13 11 11 478 494 144 25 302 15 242 12 34 2 4 201 201 19 3 134 112 124 100 7 12 128 143 36 8 87 10 74 9 7 1 11 11 239 239 33 2 144 104 139 101 2 3 26 37 7 5 143 24 128 123 111 113 10 9 201 220 40 2 131 121 131 121 5 7 136 152 28 2 92 5 76 12 5 20 18 46 40 124 27 137 2 123 8 2 175 186 6 99 97 1 5 6 173 187 6 123 116 236 258 59 1 139 83 131 72 3 3 18 22 555 556 165 28 341 84 217 31 37 17 5 4 29 7 42 23 39 23 5 11 229 259 30 7 161 142 125 82 19 50 43 58 3 28 23 21 14 5 9 15 18 5 7 35 11 47 36 42 18 3 12 63 63 3 39 39 18 22 82 85 64 16 91 86 4 4 190 213 35 4 109 37 76 7 13 19 18 26 327 319 89 8 193 43 160 23 37 31 3 41 36 2 192

0.0. BLOCK - Banspal VILLAGE PRIMARY Inaustnal Category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (ill) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 4 Luhakala 5 Kadakala 3 2 6 Kadakala 2 7 Narsinghpur 4 8 Mayurdihi 9 Sudanga 10 Talabarada 11 Uparbarada 12 Deri 13 Birakala 14 Sagapali 15 Kandeisahi 16 Ambadali 5 10 17 Nayakote 6 12 18 Bhagatpur 19 Bhejidihi 49 20 Sundra 2 21 Panasuan 22 Kendughati 2 2 2 23 Dhaladihi 3 24 Itapokhari 25 Balibeda 26 Phuljhar 27 Uchumadihi 2S Ladapani 29 Podadihi 30 Dudhapasi 31 Sankari 32 Sankarpasi 33 Anara 34 Jaladihi 35 Badakuda 36 Raba 4 7 37 Kusakala 70 32 38 Kalanda (Ka) 1 39 Kalanda (Kha) 9 6 3 40 Chandapasi 2 41 Barbi! 6 42 Mayurnachuni 43 Jambhiripasi 2 44 Gajipur 2 11 6 45 Singapur (Kha) 46 Singapur (Ka) 193

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Banspal of Kilain Workers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4 87 132 136 48 44 56 7 11 2 23 205 ~O 270 3 92 83 136 19 15 34 167 328 28 62 31 52 45 96 15 18 24 14 90 172 14 17 21 2 6 54 130 50 4 100 213 1 13 61 54 3 16 2 2 24 161 205 2 6 18 214 141 147 19 133 76 109 6 6 21 164 94 126 2 6 5 10 131 126 177 116 280 3 40 70 4 21 2 6 288 568 2 5 9 81 93 5 2 91 53 59 3 6 9 115 153 3 3 90 108 71 102 2 83 63 88 4 129 124 102 1 99 77 87 3 2 104 82 117 5 30 98 153 5 11 4 261 305 284 2 3 28 28 24 5 4 91 147 15 35 39 59 24 63 2 97 197 4 3 28 112 89 100 2 2 5 6 160 308 6 33 60 C.D. BLOCK - Banspal VILLAGE PRIMARY

Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect- Reside- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town/ Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 47 Kadodiha 170.47 33 33 173 85 88 53 28 25 48 Nuasahi 146.30 8 8 50 22 28 14 5 9 49 Taramakanta 526.87 200 200 988 494 494 220 110 110 50 Sagapada 172.17 41 41 193 85 108 28 11 17 51 Salarai 122.25 63 63 352 183 169 77 43 34 52 Dalkinuagaoa 92.93 24 24 149 69 80 36 20 16 53 Gopapur 463.41 97 98 503 242 261 86 43 43 54 Jaladiha 887.98 95 95 465 210 255 84 40 44 55 Tilapasi 85.45 69 73 373 183 190 68 38 30 56 Jatra 1,160.74 189 197 916 453 463 114 57 57 57 Adala 1,740.18 160 161 832 429 403 141 83 58 58 Sukadala 1,158.92 142 143 793 381 412 187 97 90 59 Kumudi(Ka) 157.76 71 71 395 203 192 63 40 23 60 Sanspal 2,000.62 291 294 1,270 607 663 277 134 143 61 Dhanagadi 459.30 67 67 297 150 147 38 18 20 62 Saragcda 1,383.03 153 153 655 323 332 115 53 62 63 Talabirikala 411.73 44 44 252 138 114 52 31 21 64 Uparbirikala 462.04 46 46 220 109 111 43 19 24 65 Gundala 2,422.55 173 173 790 406 384 175 89 86 66 Champajhara 754.28 38 38 197 103 94 36 17 19 67 Sankarei 1,077. ~2 107 107 493 219 274 89 34 55 68 Tuladihi 232.21 28 28 149 68 81 32 13 19 69 Dania 1,592.31 220 220 867 438 429 183 99 84 70 Saharpur 333.62 155 158 744 429 315 118 61 57 0040 Joda PS 50 50 164 87 77 44 18 26 31 Saitarani R.F. 50 50 164 87 77 44 18 26 33 Shanga Uninhabited 0100 Kendujhar Sadar PS 200.74 3,562 3,584 17,454 8,665 8,789 3,383 1,644 1,739 84 Amuni 527.00 109 109 495 237 258 79 34 45 130 Nitigotha 298.00 17 19 102 45 57 25 11 14 131 Podadiha 62.00 32 33 175 87 88 48 22 26 132 Talaraiguda 400.00 38 38 202 107 95 55 27 28 133 Urumunda 1,324.00 284 284 1,397 680 717 337 152 185 134 Sirinda 437.00 82 82 403 188 215 85 28 57 161 Ambadahara 1,160.00 73 75 368 187 181 67 36 31 162 Uperkainsari 112.00 34 34 167 85 82 30 10 20 163 Talakaisari 454.00 101 101 480 237 243 102 48 54 164 Talajagar 925.00 189 196 966 471 495 187 97 90 165 UparaJagara 602.00 136 138 616 310 306 141 73 68 166 Kumundi (Kha) 1,099.00 175 178 995 516 479 170 92 78 167 Kamagaon 423.00 65 65 364 178 186 90 38 52 168 Uparraiguda 1,200.00 218 218 1,100 580 520 209 116 93 169 Lunaghara 489.00 55 55 269 122 147 60 25 35 195


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes LIterates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) labourers (II)

M F M F ~A---_.-_---_. F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 84 85 14 50 49 12 13 6 1 13 13 79 83 193 179 224 69 282 31 147 45 3 13 12 63 85 10 2 54 38 16 9 27 29 3 3 80 16 98 25 51 14 8 9 62 73 15 2 32 14 20 2 4 7 86 91 126 135 70 28 135 58 81 5 29 40 64 73 133 159 68 19 131 67 59 5 51 53 28 27 53 17 91 13 72 2 12 8 14 8 332 359 151 22 279 192 217 30 37 157 10 13 392 368 99 23 255 9 191 7 12 355 381 31 2 214 198 185 69 22 126 97 99 109 32 101 17 79 12 15 3 42 60 507 571 186 36 350 248 262 138 61 107 134 130 2 93 2 85 17 20 290 301 93 29 199 58 147 11 34 31 3 118 94 51 8 73 64 65 60 2 109 111 14 63 63 61 63 2 397 375 22 5 223 13 222 9 3 103 94 7 57 49 57 49 216 273 11 58 14 43 66 81 11 18 4 12 34 44 390 365 49 10 237 13 206 8 3 1 30 15 278 217 260 62 197 97 93 77 9 2 4 67 65 7 59 38 4 67 65 7 59 38 Uninhabited 384 378 6,766 6,966 2,056 777 4,324 1,350 2,327 373 1,221 735 7 7 203 218 31 7 153 88 54 17 85 64 30 40 13 5 23 11 10 82 82 2 44 37 3 41 37 107 95 6 41 37 12 29 37 7 12 542 576 78 25 339 56 229 6 46 16 157 176 5 97 1 97 167 166 32 5 32 5 85 82 19 14 192 212 23 3 115 2 113 8 11 327 330 97 24 251 36 161 5 65 22 6 9 284 284 72 12 160 135 70 46 12 34 13 11 397 374 145 60 260 48 74 4 173 40 1 186 22 2 106 77 94 4 10 72 30 31 522 465 214 18 280 1 274 1 2 122 145 4 79 66 67 2 11 63 196

C.D. BLOCK - Banspal VILLAGE PRIMARY Inaustrial r:ategory Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry 111 other than activities (Va) Household Industry (Ill) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 47 Kadodiha 48 Nuasahi 49 Taramakanta 59 23 2 50 Sagapada 1 51 Salarai 21 2 52 Dalkinuagaoa 7 4 53 Gopapur 2 16 B 54 Jaladiha 9 6 55 TIlapasi 2 2 56 Jatra 12 4 57 Adala 54 7 58 Sukadala 6 2 59 KUr.1udi (Ka) 60 Banspal 8 3 61 Dhanagadi 2 62 Baragoda 3 2 8 2 63 Talabirikala 2 64 Uparbirikala 65 Gundala 66 Champajhara 67 Sankarei 68 Tuladlhi 69 Dania 3 3 11 70 Saharpur 4 6 0040 Joda P.S. 59 38 31 Baitarani R.F. 59 38 33 Bhanga Uninhabited 0100 Kendujhar Sadar PS 48 8 401 146 17 6 27 2 19 84 Amuni 11 5 130 Nitigotha 2 131 Podadiha 132 Talaraiguda 133 Urumunda 59 34 134 Birinda 161 Ambadahara 162 Uperkalnsarl 163 Talakaisari 164 Talajagar 9 2 165 Uparajagara 3 68 53 2 166 Kumundi (Kha) 5 167 Kamagaon 168 Uparraiguda 2 169 Lunghara 197

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Banspal of Mam Workers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VII\)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 35 88 9 28 5 2 ?1 5 2 96 210 367 10 1 31 69 9 2 4 2 12 85 132 2 37 64 3 3 5 2 16 105 187 3 9 2 2 79 186 3 3 92 177 2 10 174 271 9 233 173 161 167 214

"- 3 2 57 102 118 8 '3 4 3 18 88 239 327 4 2 57 145 12 4 4 83 120 191 2 :3 65 50

~ < 46 48 209 182 162 46 45 56 100 105 173 2 18 ?7 32 54 6 5 10 234 191 182 14 8 62 17 4 14 228 204 28 39 28 2t! Umnhabited 86 16 162 79 276 947 4,065 6,492 2 1 84 170 22 56 43 51 66 58 2 18 43 323 -618 2 12 89 20<: 42 47 113 129 69 57 16 25 122 241 12 6 30 227 190 232 1 2 2 2 148 169 6 3 58 227 1!~8 204 8 71 101 3 3')0 519 1 3 43 78 198


Location Name of Village Area of No of Noot Total Populatlon(mclud­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ Ing Institutional and m the age group Number In Hect· Reside· holds Houseless PopulatIOn) (0-6) ares & ntlal of Townl Houses Ward In Sq Kms

P M F p M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 170 Sapakanta 1,55500 153 153 791 363 428 163 85 78 171 Mamalapasl 3500 22 22 103 49 54 17 4 13 172 KhaJunmundf 35200 44 44 231 121 110 47 23 24 173 Kasada 664 00 92 92 430 208 222 86 43 43 174 Ichlnda 27400 71 71 379 180 199 66 36 30 175 Goplnathpur 12786 19 19 100 44 56 22 10 12 176 MedlnIpur 89300 74 74 328 166 162 57 26 31 203 Tentuh 1,15200 216 216 987 503 484 171 78 93 204 Suakatl 1,00600 563 567 2.566 1,305 1,261 413 218 195 206 Rugudl 14500 46 46 243 125 118 49 25 24 '207 Khuntakata 53000 71 71 379 176 203 70 29 41 208 GondlJoda 3900 27 27 107 49 58 17 8 9 209 Pandadar 80200 193 193 915 466 449 182 82 100 210 8ayakumutla 1,12300 181 181 933 441 492 148 68 80 211 Mundala 23800 35 35 179 85 94 42 19 23 ?12 Uparachampel 1,08200 57 57 235 111 124 43 20 23 213 Tarachampel 54400 90 91 449 243 206 105 61 44 0110 KendujharTown PS 7791 973 994 4,690 2,331 2,359 974 468 506 31 Jamudlha (Kha\ 82700 46 46 196 93 103 47 18 29 32 Balldlha 234 00 33 33 145 58 87 36 13 23 33 Talakalpur 47200 76 76 349 160 189 56 29 27 34 Upparakalpur 26200 48 52 258 133 125 53 30 23 35 Sarukudara 43700 59 64 276 144 132 55 27 28 36 Sinshlkhunta 284 00 48 51 228 117 111 50 25 25 37 Kansa 80200 54 54 238 122 116 51 31 20 38 Kodlposa 38000 103 105 608 355 253 105 58 47 39 Uparasamatha 23700 16 16 66 27 39 17 7 10 40 8adaraduana 31300 66 68 323 152 171 79 36 43 41 Sanaraduan 58500 29 30 106 43 63 16 5 11 42 Ghungl 37800 27 27 103 49 54 23 11 12 43 Duarasunl 28200 75 77 370 178 192 83 43 40 44 Talasumatha 51500 24 24 111 50 61 36 14 22 45 Toranlpant 51800 49 49 250 115 135 57 21 36 Tangarapada 57400 50' 50 228 112 116 32 15 17 47 Kundel 69100 170 172 835 423 412 178 85 93 0120 Pandapara PS 59.39 296 296 1,372 677 695 340 172 168 23 Hatlsrla 52887 54 54 248 124 124 69 34 35 25 Bankudadudhakhaman 117 23 8 8 33 15 18 7 4 3 26 Sana 1,00997 50 50 224 106 118 66 37 29 27 Dumurra 69829 43 43 216 98 118 47 18 29 84 Nandambansdlha 554 91 38 38 162 95 67 45 27 18 85 Kapatdhlha 92205 52 52 226 108 118 51 27 24 86 Baragarha 2,1072fi" 51 51 263 131 132 55 25 30 199


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Trib~s Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivatols Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 327 396 52 6 216 100 132 53 75 44 49 54 30 11 30 11 103 9" 34 6 67 18 41 20 16 199 214 33 2 113 47 79 32 47 2 158 180 28 4 75 6 23 49 4 44 56 16 3 15 3 3 6 132 139 12 66 2 51 2 2 407 400 98 27 202 9 59 4 97 1 212 199 618 616 745 431 602 137 113 2 99 43 85 89 14 7 68 3 14 51 2 5 4 121 139 51 13 117 36 18 88 31 2 33 15 29 3 18 1 51 50 401 388 74 16 263 222 231 202 11 17 15 15 326 372 100 79 242 75 134 5 66 58 73 80 5 48 26 19 9 29 17 109 122 5 66 54 14 7 51 45 2 3 220 195 60 12 124 10 90 21 7 32 18 1,915 1,977 456 74 1,242 334 921 125 229 189 78 90 6 55 22 46 12 5 8 58 87 2 37 18 5 8 1 4 17 15 116 146 37 7 72 27 52 10 12 1? 64 62 10 77 8 58 6 16 130 117 3 88 25 76 20 9 4 87 83 77 11 73 2 4 8 122 116 62 1 60 2 12 304 215 137 4 147 2 140 1 27 38 2 14 11 3 3 10 8 112 125 16 5 82 64 30 6 48 58 42 63 3 28 40 1 4 26 36 48 53 3 29 28 10 4 17 24 173 189 66 11 103 31 74 20 25 10 48 58 5 1 29 11 27 8 2 3 96 116 20 67 25 62 19 3 6 91 95 7 75 6 48 2 27 4 2 319 324 139 40 200 4 156 1 21 1 582 612 75 9 365 143 358 122 6 19 124 123 6 3 66 46 62 28 3 17 3 4 8 8 85 98 9 51 5 51 2 2 98 118 5 53 3 53 3 69 55 6 47 47 75 86 14 62 34 62 34 131 132 32 78 55 75 55 3 200

C.D. BLOCK - Banspal VILLAGE PRIMARY location Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi· Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Househo!cllndustry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26------27 28 29 30 31 32 33

170 Sapakanta 171 Mamalapasi 172 Khajurimundi 173 Kasada 174 Ichinda 3 175 Gopinathpur 176 Medinipur 7 203 Tentuli 13 3 .. 2 12 204 Suakati 9 246 51 3 6 5 206 Rugudi 207 Khuntakata 3 4 2 20B Gondijoda 2 209 Pandadar 3 210 BayakumutiR 11 4 4 4 211 Mundala 212 Uparachampei 213 Talachampei 2 0110 KendujharTown PS 36 6 8 4 1 31 jamudiha (Kha) 32 Balidiha 30 6 33 Talakaipur 2 4 34 Upparakaipur 35 Sarukudara 3 36 Sirishikhunta 37 Kansa 38 Kodiposa 39 Uparasamatha 40 Badaraduana 41 Sanaraduan 42 Ghungi 2 43 Duarasuni 2 44 Talasumatha 45 Toranipani 46 Tangarapada 47 Kunde; 2 0102 Panda para PS 23 Hatisila 25 Bankudadudhakharnan 26 Saria 27 Dumuria 84- Nandambansdiha 85 Kapatdhiha 86 Baragarha 201

CENSUS ABSTRACT C. D. BLOCK - Banspal of Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Slorage& Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

7 3 16 190 131 138 19 43 2 4 2 54 92 2 95 175 2 105 193 2 10 26 43 7 100 160 2 16 1 1 7 300 468 42 11 68 39 3 14 700 1,110 3 57 115 3 3 59 167 3 2 20 57 6 10 3 28 56 175 171 14 8 8 29 199 388 37 67 2 4 14 ,41 56 3 1 7 3 119 196 7 6 32 9 32 237 1,057 1,788 2 2 8 34 30 47 30 20 39 2 2 12 39 76 123 3 1 12 55 105 6 54 50 53 3 52 37 48 59 115 6 208 251 11 l3 17 2 2 70 107 15 23 20 26 2 75 '61 2:1 50 4 48 106 37 l1D 3 17 2 223 407 1 2 312 552 58 78 7 18 55 11;l 45 115 48 67 46 84 53 77


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Sainkul P. S. - 0160 Ghasipura P. S. - 0170 Anandapur P. S. (Portion) - 0181 Anandapur P. S. (Portion) - 0182 Nandipada P.S. - 0190





2 3 4 5 6

POLICE STATION - SAINKUL - 0160 19/03/016010073 19/3117173 16/03/014010076 16/3114176 POLICE STATION - GHASIPURA - 0170 2 Amaranga 19/03/017010012 19/3118/12 16/031015010055 16/3/15/55 3 Arjunbania 19/03/0170/0014 19/3118114 16/03/0150/0059 16/3/15/59 4 Badaektali 19/03/0170/0016 19/3118/16 16/03/0150/0061 16/3115/61 5 8adajodi 19/03/017010002 19/311812 16/03/0150/0036 16/3/15/36 6 Bailo 19/03/0170/0100 19/3/18/100 16/03/015010122 1613/15/122 7 8andha 19/03/017010013 19/3118/13 16/03/0150/0058 16/3115/58 8 8anlka 19/03/017010098 19/3/18/98 16/03/0150/0119 1613/15/119 9 8arigaon 19/03/0170/0101 19/3/18/101 16/031015010123 1613/15/123 10 Baunsapal 19/03/0170/0018 19/3118/18 16/031015010054 16/3/15/54 11 Belabahali 19/03/017010102 19/3/18/102 1610310150/0130 16/3/15/130 12 Bhalukuma 19/03/017010019 19/3118/19 16/03/015010064 16/3115/64 13 Daragudisila 19/03/017010001 19/3/18/1 1610310150/0022 16/3/15/22 14 Darakhola 19/03/017010005 19/3118/5 16/03/015010047 16/3115/47 15 DhakottJa 19/03/017010017 1913/18/17 16/03/015010062 1613/15/62 16 Guhalia 19/03/017010110 19/3!1-8/11 0 16/03/0150/0117 16/3/15/117 17 Haridapal 19/03/017010107 19/3/18/107 16/03/015010134 1613/15/134 18 Halibandha 19/03/017010109 19/3/181109 1610310150/0118 1613115J118 19 Jalasuan 19/03/017010105 19/3/18/105 16/03/014010073 16/3114173 20 Jalinanda 19/03/017010015 19/3118115 16/031015010060 16/3115/60 21 Kadabahali 19/03/017010003 19/3118/3 16/03/015010037 16/3115/37 22 Kamando 19/03/017010004 19/3118/4 16/03/0150/0046 16/3115/46 23 Kanlo 19/03/0170/0008 19/3118/8 16103/015010050 16/3/15/50 24 Khadibil 19/03/017010091 19/3118/91 16/03/015010126 16/3115/126 25 Kolimati 19/03/017010009 19/3118/9 16/03/015010051 1613/15/51 26 Kundakot 19/03/017010011 19/3118/11 16/03/015010056 1613/15/56 27 Mangalpur 19/03/0170/0108 19/3/18/108 16/031015010133 1613/15/133 28 Marsapal 19/03/017010020 19/3118/20 16/03/0150/0063 16/3115/63 29 Nahaguna 19/03/017010010 19/3/18/10 16/03/0150/0057 16/3f15/57 30 Nuapada 19f03/017010007 19/311817 16/03/015010049 16/3115/49 31 Palkchatra 19/03/017010106 19/3/18/106 16/03/015010135 16/3/15f135 32 Panchupalli 19/03/017010111 19/3/18/111 16/03/015010136 1613/15/136 33 Purunlan 19/03f017010099 19/3/18199 16/031015010131 1613/15/131 34 Salapada (A Block) 19/03/0170f0095 19/3118/95 35 Salukdahi 19/03/01701011 Z 19/3118/112 16/03/014010156 16/3/14f156 36 Siapada 19/03/017010104 19/3/18/104 16/03/014010071 16/3114171 37 Sudusudia 19/03/017010096 19/3118/96 16/03/0150/0121 16/3/15/121 38 Tikarapada 19/03/0170/0006 19/3/18/6 16/03f0150/0048 16/3f15/48 39 Tolankapada 19/03f0170/01 03 19/3/18/103 16/03/0150f0132 1613/15f132 40 Tukuna 19f03f0170/0097 19/3/18/97 16/03/0150/0120 16/3/15/120 41 Valisira 19/03/017010094 19/3/18/94 16/03/015010124 1613/15/124 POLICE STATION - ANANDAPUR (Portion) - 0181 42 Andhajhari 19/03/0181/0012 19/3/19/12 16/03/0150/00 12 16/3/15/12 43 Asanabani 19f03/0181/0011 19/3/19/11 1610310150/0011 16/3/15/11

Kjr-2 206



2 3 4 5 6

44 Badakusapada 19/03/0181/0007 19/311917 16/0310150/0007 161311517 45 Badapurunapani 19/03/0181/0028 19/3119128 1610310150/0029 1613115129 46 Badudighara 19/03/0181/0034 ,1 913119134 1610310150/0035 1613115135 47 Baigundi 19/03/0181/0006 19/3119/6 1610310150/0006 1613/15/6 48 Baladuan 19/03/0181/0065 1913119165 161031015010091 1613115191 49 Baniajodi 19/03/0181/0023 1913119123 16103/0150/0024 16/3115/24 50 Bankhidi 19/03/0181/0052 19/3119152 161031015010079 1613115179 51 Baruan 19/03/0181/0055 19/3119/55 16103/0150/0082 1613115/82 52 Baunsagarh 19/03/0181/0054 19/3119154 16/031015010081 1613115181 53 Beladiha 19/03/018110049 1913119149 16103/0150/0069 1613115169 54 Beida 19103/0181/0067 1913119/67 16103/015010093 1613115193 55 Bhalughara 19/03/018110040 19/3/19/40 16/0310150/0041 1613115/41 56 Biridiha 19/03/0181/0056 1913119156 1610310150/0083 1613115183 57 Budhikuda 19103/0181/0037 1913119/37 161031015010044 16/3115144 58 Chamarda 19/03/0181/0064 1913119164 16/03/015010090 1613115190 59 Chhatrakana 19/03/0181/0072 1913119172 16/03/0150/0100 1613115/100 60 Deojharan 19/03/01 81/0031 1913119/31 1610310150/0032 16/3115132 61 Dhabani 19/03/0181/0030 1913119/30 16/03/0150/0031 1613115131 62 Dumuridiha 19/03/0181/0002 1913119/2 16103/0150/0002 1613/15/2 63 Gayalmunda 19/03/0181/0032 1913/19132 1610310150/0033 16/3115133 64 Gendaliabasa 19/03/0181/0038 1913119/38 16/03/015010039 16/3115139 65 Gentubeda 19/Q3/0181/OO19 1913119/19 1610310150/0019 1613115119 66 Golabandha 19/03/0181/0048 1913119148 1610310150/0068 1613115168 67 Goudadiha 19/03/0181/0046 1913119/46 1610310150/0065 1613115165 68 Haradavol 19/03/0181/0017 1913119/17 161031015010017 16/3115117 69 Haribeda 19/03/0181/0041 1913/19/41 16103/0150/0042 16/3115142 70 Janghar 19/03/0181/0066 1913119/66 16103/0150/0092 16/3115192 71 Janjali 19/03/0181/0015 1913119/15 16/0310150/0015 1613115115 72 Jayantibeda 19/03/0181/0020 19/3119/20 1610310150/0020 16/3/15/20 73 Jogiabandha 19/03/0181/0060 1913119/60 161031015010086 1613115186 74 Kantala 19103/0181/0039 1913119/39 1610310150/0040 1613115140 75 Kantipal 19103/0181/0057 1913119/57 16103/015010084 1613115184 76 Kathakata 19103/0181/0059 1913119/59 77 Kathakata 19/03/0181/0058 1913119/58 161031015010085 1613115185 78 Khadipal 19103/0181/0068 1913119168 16103/015010094 1613115194 79 Kodapada 19/03/0181/0047 1913119/47 16/0310150/0067 1613115167 80 Kolidiha 19/03/0181/0027 1913119/27 1610310150/0028 1613115128 81 Kothad!ha 19/0310181/0013 1913119/13 16103/0150/0013 1613115113 82 Kumudabahali 19/03/0181/0016 1913119/16 161031015010016 16/3/15116 83 Mandapada 19103/0181/0042 1913119/42 1610310150/0043 1613115143 84 Mankadabeda 19103/0181/0026 1913119/26 1610310150/0027 1613115/27 85 Manoharpur 19/03/0181/0003 19/3119/3 1610310150/0003 1613115/3 86 Maranadihi 19/031018110029 1913119129 161031015010030 1613115130 87 Mochinda 19/03/0181/0070 1913119170 161031015010096 1613115196 88 Palabani 19/03/018110005 1913119/5 1610310150/0005 1613115/5 89 Panasadiha 19/03/0181/0010 1913119/10 1610310150/0010 1613115110

Kjr-2 207



90 Panasagadia 19/0310181/0018 19/3/19/18 1610310150/0018 1613/15/18 91 Panasijharan 19/0310181/0021 19/3119/21 16/0310150/0021 1613115121 92 Panchanga 19/031018110062 19/3119/62 1610310150/0088 1613/15/88 93 Pandua 19/0310181/0063 19/3/19/63 1610310150/0089 1613115/89 94 Potajhari 19/0310181/0033 1913119/33 161031015010034 16/3115/34 95 Ratuan 19/0310181/0044 19/3119/44 1610310150/0053 16/3/15153 96 Sadangi 19/0310181/0051 1913/19/51 1610310150/0078 1613115178 97 Salabani 19/03/0181/0069 19/3119/69 1610310150/0095 1613115195 98 Sanakusapada 19/0310181/0009 19/311919 161031015010009 1613115/9 99 Sanapurunapani 19/03/0181/0004 19/3119/4 1610310150/0004 1613115/4 100 Santospur 19/03/0181/0035 1913/19/35 1610310150/0038 16/3115/38 101 Sikabeda 19/03/0181/0024 1913119/24 1610310150/0025 1613115/25 10'2 Singanali 1910310181/0022 1913119/22 1610310150/0023 16/3/15123 103 Sunduria 19/03/0181/0053 1913119/53 1610310150/0080 1613115/80 104 Tanaipal 19/0310181/0043 19/3/19/43 1610310150/0052 16/3115/52 105 Tangar 19/03/0181/0061 1913/19/61 1610310150/0087 1613115/87 106 Tavakud 19/03/0181/0036 1913119/36 16103/0150/0045 1613115/45 107 Tulasibani 19/0310181/0008 19/3/1918 161031015010008 1613/15/8 108 UleikOndi 19/0310181/0025 19/3/19/25 16103/015010026 16/3/15/26 109 Ulibasa 19/0310181/0014 1913119/14 1610310150/0014 1613115/14 110 Vikaramada 19/03101811000 1 1913119/1 16/0310150/000 1 1613115/1 111 Vogapur 19/03/0181/0045 1913119/45 1610310150/0066 1613115166 POLICE STATION-ANANDAPUR (Portion) - 0182 112 8ahabaradanda 19/031018210076 1913120176 161031015010102 1613115/102 113 8aJakati 19/031018210082 19/3/20/82 16/031015010115 1613/15/115 114 Dudugaon 19/03/018210071 1913120171 1610310150/0097 1613115/97 115 Dumuribandha 19/031018210079 19/3120179 16103/015010104 1613115/104 116 Khamarnendi 19/03/018210074 19/3120174 1610310150/0099 16/3115199 117 Mathianendi 19/031018210075 19/3/20175 161031015010103 1613115/103 118 Purunaghati 19/03/018210073 19/3120173 161031015010101 1613/15/101 119 Rugudi 19/031018210077 19/3/20m 16103/015010107 1613115/107 120 Taratara 19/031018210081 19/3/20/81 161031015010098 1613/15198 POLICE STATION - NANDIPADA - 0190 121 Dankia 19/03l0Hro/OOOl 19/3121/1 161031015010106 1613/15/106 122 Malarpada 19/0310190/0002 19/3121/2 16/031015010105 1613115/105 208

CD :kOCK - Anandapur VILLAGE PRIMARY Ha,o'", of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(incJud­ Total Population COd'~ Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial ofTownl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 Anandapur C.D.'elock T 300.15 13,883 14,926 83,731 42,276 41,455 15,288 7,723 7,565 R 300.15 13,886 14,926 83,731 42,276 41,455 15,288 7,723 7,565 U 0160 Sainkul P.S. 2.64 106 106 741 366 375 120 54 66 73 Nayagarh 264.26 106 106 741 366 375 120 54 66 0170 Ghasipura PS 79.33 5,576 5,880 34,188 17,395 16,793 6,173 3',140 3,033 1 Daragudisila 257.38 50 52 283 139 144 47 21 26 2 Badajodi 90.65 33 33 178 95 83 23 10 13 3 Kadabahali 285.30 82 83 428 201 227 83 39 44 4 Kamando 699.70 150 152 759 388 371 86 47 39 5 Darakhola 344.79 60 60 295 148 147 62 30 32 6 Tikarapada 246.05 48 50 281 147 134 65 24 41 7 Nuapada 189.80 95 96 522 260 262 138 66 72 8 Kanto 358.15 155 162 819 426 393 129 71 58 9 Kolimati 564.54 290 300 1,477 737 740 313 161 152 10 Nahaguna 182.92 67 67 364 187 177 69 38 31 11 Kundakot 63.13 60 60 384 198 186 74 37 37 12 Amaranga 232.29 135 150 863 429 434 154 67 87 13 Bandha 89.03 70 70 357 174 183 71 30 41 14 Arjunbania 191.01 97 97 589 297 292 136 65 71 15 Jalinanda 139.60 141 141 685 356 329 140 54 86 16 Badaektali 356.53 281 284 1,422 728 694 306 171 135 17 Dhakolha 83.77 106 121 793 411 382 123 60 63 18 Biilunsapal 75.27 Uninhabited 19 Bhalukuma 187.37 137 148 825 418 407 140 75 65 20 Marsapal 250.50 151 151 931 492 439 190 112 78 91 Khadibil 133.55 78 107 623 327 296 115 60 55 94· Vatisira 190.61 96 128 736 383 353 114 56 58 95 Salapada (A Block) 220.00 45 45 218 118 100 33 24 9 96 Sudusudia 222.17 77 77 485 232 253 81 36 45 97 Tukuna 228.24 216 223 1,272 620 652 202 104 98 98 Banika 70.01 108 108 618 . 321 297 100 57 43 99 Purunian 250.10 148 177 1,119 568 551 155 78 77 100 Bailo 132.74 156 156 955 510 445 150 75 75 101 Barigaon 172.40 205 205 1,306 689 617 217 114 103 102 8elabahali 250.10 547 549 3,451 1,810 1,641 614 328 286 103 Tolankapada 115.74 289 292 1,718 877 841 307 151 156 104 Siapada 266.69 59 59 369 189 180 71 38 33 105 Jalasuan 214.08 225 225 1.330 686 644 212 111 101 106 Paikchatra 69.20 80 80 570 280: 290 192 98 94 107 Haridapal 59.89 82 82 531 266 I 265 108 54 54 108 Mangalpur 74.06 77 82 482 240 i 242 82 43 39 109 Hatibandha 78.91 86 93 767 371' 336 127 61 66

Kir-2 209

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Anandapur Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cuilivators Agricultural (I -IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 5,571 5,383 19,387 19,271 18,090 8,863 22,325 2,118 13,597 371 5,794 1,483 5,571 5,383 19,387 19,271 18,090 8,863 22,325 2,118 13,597 371 5,794 1,483

6 7 80 72 174 114 182 119 53 6 7 80 72 174 114 182 119 53 3,424 3,326 4,929 4,808 8,766 4,754 9,105 474 5,824 68 1,850 327 137 143 36 11 90 68 54 2 35 66 91 83 28 7 48 14 32 4 11 10 195 223 49 10 118 69 87 18 30 51 11 12 360 348 103 45 247 2 203 32 2 106 3 91 7 49 3 40 4 145 130 54 9 84 3 61 22 216 218 47 4 142 51 82 27 25 223 202 174 67 247 9 142 2 69 2 22 20 594 604 282 92 381 27 214 3 89 21 83 81 75 21 119 118 3 3 87 42 125 124 22 20 302 308 185 92 207 200 174 183 126 51 95 17 49 4 34 13 287 284 198 86 147 26 102 13 33 9 328 306 119 37 186 37 106 71 35 32 33 463 455 209 144 396 43 332 2 31 40 57 61 13 6 311 205 223 9 63 61 5 Uninhabited 85 89 7 7 106 42 237 200 29 6 10 434 385 280 119 199 54 180 3 15 51 298 274 142 46 177 1 28 131 129 127 3 212 126 198 2 81 58 5 5 15 13 54 36 65 19 6 4 31 10 61 70 62 67 124 78 101 11 43 7 19 2 222 231 64 76 352 254 317 15 226 3 12 321 297 145 48 167 43 122 114 110 16 7 348 244 293 2 181 47 288 269 341 178 271 1 177 3 30 24 393 248 375 6 171 80 3 101 101 159 150 1,087 615 896 9 628 92 177 183 2 529 259 436 4 230 83 114 87 84 2 44 24 254 222 -1 407 241 373 2 212 106 165 132 142 125 2 106 104 l 178 99 130 123 34 35 3 2 164 99 119 60 31 239 142 199 84 87 210

C.D. BLOCK - Anandapur VILLAGE PRIMARY Inaustrral ~ategory Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi· (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Hous'ehold Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F' 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 8 Anandapur T 297 12 31 10 397 117 171 6 97 2 C.D.Block R 297 12 31 10 397 117 171 6 97 2 U 0160 Sainkul P.S. 1 73 Nayagarh 0170 Ghasipura PS 165 6 154 12 102 4 52 Daragudisila 2 Badajodi 5 3 Kadabahali 4 Kamando 2 5 Darakhola 6 Tikarapada 3 7 Nuapada 8 Kanto 13 3 3 9 Kolimati 48 2 2 10 Nahaguna 11 Kundakot 12 Amaranga 13 Bandha 8 14 Arjunbania 3 3 15 Jalinanda 2 2 16 Badaektali 2 8 2 17 Dhakotha 14 11 2 9 18 Baunsapal Uninhabited 19 Bhalukuma 20 Marsapal 91 Khadibil 94 Vatisira 5 8 14 2 95 Salapada (A Block) 10 2 96 Sudusudia 6 2 97 Tukuna 7 5 7 98 Banika 99 Purunian 16 2 1 2 100 Bailo 34 5 5 101 Barigaon 17 8 5 102 Belabahali 10 4 2 22 3 103 Tolankapada 3 36 8 104 Siapada 3 105 Jalasuan 6 5 106 Paikchatra 2 107 Haridapal 108 Mangalpur 4 4 109 Hatibandha 5 1 4

Kjr·2 211

CENSUS ABSTRACT C. D. BLOCK - Anandapur 01 Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport. Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communlcallons (IX) (VIII)

- M F M F ~A F M F M F 34 35 36 37 18 39 40 41 42 43 533 13 193 <,000 104 444 3,643 19,722 35,694 533 13 193 1,000 104 444 3,643 19,722 35,694

8 184 374 8 184 374 272 6 134 546 55 121 1,439 8,169 14,880 4 12 45 64 12 28 35 41 10 57 73 101 2 4 3 222 140 147 37 56 103 37 63 94 7 2 109 116 153 7 12 2 1 159 178 225 4 2 20 28 179 328 534 68 177 73 186 2 5 222 434 2 1 4 33 75 133 3 2 2 5 60 145 206 1 1 2 20 128 150 164 7 2 12 332 651 26 13 24 4 9 21 179 352 Uninhabited 7 1 243 180 164 3 293 385 3 8 5 1 150 295 6 7 16 2 185 351 8 8 5 53 81 7 5 17 2 129 242 4 2 53 12 303 637 2 154 297 3 2 39 2 2 273 549 11 14 22 1 239 444 40 23 31 2 2 312 611 t)2 19 66 7 5 909 1,632 19 2 4 53 2 2 439 836 4 2 7 105 178 8 6 28 313 642 2 11 138 289 6 2 136 263 4 15 121 241 7 9 172 395

Klr-2 212

C.D. BLOCK - Anandapur VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing institutional and in the age group Number in Hect- Reside- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town/ Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 110 Guhalia 178.87 122 122 684 347 337 131 71 60 111 Panchupalli 118.35 623 742 4,426 2,192 2,234 747 366 381 112 Salukdahi 49 51 273 138 135 66 37 29 0181 Anandapur PS (Portion) 202.24 7,188 7,902 43,009 21,566 21,443 7,955 3,966 3,989 1 Vikaramada 466.60 77 77 392 184 208 110 51 59 2 Dumuridiha 140.02 20 20 97 53 44 17 9 8 3 Manoharpur 620.79 141 144 724 370 354 127 63 64 4 Sanapurunapani 250.10 44 44 261 146 115 53 33 20 5 Palabani 212.46 25 25 134 64 70 32 16 16 6 Baigundi 265.07 47 47 2G6 120 136 57 28 29 7 Badakusapada 402.26 60 60 388 202 186 98 51 47 8 Tulasibani 110.07 39 40 224 116 108 58 24 34 9 Sankusapada 118.17 10 10 73 35 38 8 2 6 10 Panasadiha 559.28 161 194 984 482 502 197 99 98 11 Asanabani 182.11 41 41 181 89 92 31 17 14 12 )\ndhajhari 108.46 36 36 174 91 83 41 22 19 13 Kothadiha 363.00 73 73 366 173 193 108 58 50 14 Ulibasa 361.38 65 65 372 192 180 73 34 39 15 Janjali 431.40 125 133 707 357 350 119 60 59 16 Kumudabahali 107.65 30 30 186 92 94 26 16 10 17 Haradavol 176.04 11 11 54 33 21 4 2 2 18 Panasagadia 231.48 40 40 230 134 96 17 10 7 19 Gentubeda 101.98 39 39 212 106 106 15 6 9 20 Jayantibeda 310.39 62 62 344 181 163 68 34 34 21 Panasijharan 434.63 134 135 706 360 346 148 75 73 22 Singanali 116.55 34 34 175 88 87 28 11 17 23 Baniajodi 743.00 136 136 721 352 369 165 69 96 24 Sikabeda 484.81 67 70 382 198 184 89 50 39 25 Uleikundi 214.08 49 51 268 123 145 63 22 41 26 Mankadabeda 131.12 14 14 80 41 39 12 5 7 27 Kolidiha 208.82 50 53 287 141 146 54 30 24 28 Badapurunapani 381.62 78 78 519 268 251 143 67 76 29 Maranadihi 310.39 61 61 288 155 133 60 29 31 30 Dhabani 450.82 123 123 729 373 356 1G1 71 90 31 Deojharan 118.98 28 30 166 86 80 36 19 17 32 Gayalmunda 427.75 214 215 1,089 538 551 259 122 137 33 Potajhari 263.62 51 51 294 141 153 68 28 40 34 Badudighara 371.10 47 47 306 148 158 74 40 34 35 Santos pur 407.52 103 103 538 275 263 101 54 47 36 Tavakud 140.00 39 39 238 119 119 61 27 34 37 Budhikuda 300.68 103 103 503 244 259 100 55 45 38 Gendaliabasa 78.51 14 14 85 45 40 15 8 7 39 Kantala 329.84 69 69 400 215 185 92 46 46

Kjr-2 213

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Anandapur Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M r M r M r M r M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

331 3~1 110 21 181 180 431 416 556 549 1,174 713 1,139 11 769 226 138 135 16 4 60 1 46 12 1,709 1,612 13,136 13,176 7,836 3,254 11,461 1,409 6,732 259 3,418 994 16 14 166 191 29 10 102 9 96 4 4 5 53 44 16 4 27 18 26 1 18 13 f,10 357 344 56 7 217 4 153 61 3 146 115 2 73 2 35 38 2 64 70 37 36 118 133 11 67 60 5 202 186 26 93 25 57 4 35 21 25 19 90 86 18 2 65 2 48 17 22 29 11 1 21 20 1 8 11 299 316 249 62 295 33 229 19 44 11 6 9 47 18 47 28 36 22 5 5 28 26 17 2 39 20 33 14 3 173 193 24 3 76 67 69 4 2 61 170 157 37 9 89 1 80 2 1 9 5 151 146 167 68 192 84 137 8 49 28 92 94 8 61 2 61 2 33 21 3 27 2 2 22 2 127 90 12 81 5 79 5 60 69 6 68 3 68 3 181 163 29 9 98 18 84 16 14 2 11 12 319 308 45 8 195 3 160 2 30 88 87 1 53 15 38 347 367 32 20 193 64 94 17 97 47 4 4 194 180 16 2 84 71 9 117 138 4 61 50 10 41 39 19 9 18 12 6 8 5 133 141 19 1 53 32 17 268 251 28 2 103 2 100 2 2 8 6 147 127 17 73 3 48 21 341 333 103 215 6 143 57 2 47 44 19 29 41 35 7 12 192 200 140 37 283 14 215 2 33 8 138 150 38 2 77 3 72 115 125 13 78 3 73 2 251 237 113 39 133 13 119 5 11 3 8 55 23 51 6 43 6 6 236 254 120 18 142 43 118 2 20 41 45 40 9 26 24 4 5 211 180 58 11 112 23 104 5 8 18

Kir-2 214

C.D. BLOCK - Anandapur VILLAGE PRIMARY Inaustnai Category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufactunng, Manufactunng, Constructions Gode Fishing. Hunting QuarrYing Processing, ServIcing Processing, Servl- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs In clng and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry In other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 110 Guhalia 111 Panchupalll 12 6 9 7 112 Salukdahl 0181 AnandapurPS(Portion) 120 5 7 227 99 58 39 1 Vlkaramada 2 Dumundlha 3 Manoharpur 4 Sanapurunapanl 5 Palabanl 6 Balgundl 2 7 Badakusapada 8 Tulaslbanl 9 Sankusapada 10 Panasadlha 3 2 11 Asanabanl 2 12 Andhajhan 6 3 13 Kothadlha 1 2 14 Uhbasa 5 15 janjali 6 48 16 Kumudabahall 17 Haradavol 3 18 Panasagadia 19 Gentubeda 20 jayantlbeda 21 Panasljharan 4 22 Singanali 23 BanlaJodl 2 24 Sikabeda 3 25 Ulelkundl 1 26 Mankadabeda 27 Kohdlha 3 28 Badapurunapanl 29 Maranadlhl 4 2 30 Dhabant 3 4 2 31 Deojharan 4 32 Gayalmunda 7 3 2 33 Potajhan 2 2 34- Badudlghara 1 3 2 35 Santospur 6 36 Tavakud 2 37 Budhlkuda 38 Gendahabasa 39 Kantala

Kjr-2 215

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Anandapur 01 Main Workers Marginal Non·workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 166 337 35 6 68 8 50 1,053 2,173 10 61 68 73 217 7 44 384 44 309 2.,072 10,011 17,962 82 199 26 26 3 153 350 8 36 65 77 27 70 1 53 135 3 9 106 152 33 51 73 13 13 25 5 2 10 2 237 185 232 4 9 41 55 52 63 3 2 97 124 103 179 63 121 102 145 31 92 15 6 4 53 91 38 103 72 83 73 19 119 146 224 41 35 45 19 98 140 207 113 184 57 62 88 23 39 88 146 165 249 82 130 2 5 186 153 164 2 45 80 7 15 3 255 537 2 64 150 4 70 151 2 142 250 68 113 3 12 117 90 99 19 40 103 162

Kjr-2 216

C.D BLOCK - Anandapur VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Nflme of Village Area of Nool Nool Total Populatlon(lnclud­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ Ing Institutional and In the age group Number In Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial ofTown! Houses Ward In Sq Kms

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 40 Bhalughara 43504 113 113 599 296 303 138 74 64 41 Hanbeda 10360 20 20 102 51 51 24 11 13 42 Mandapada 8741 13 15 88 50 38 16 11 5 43 Tanalpal 48927 80 106 619 309 310 112 60 52 44 Ratuan 27397 44 52 378 194 184 80 42 38 45 Vogapur 13112 134 186 865 437 428 159 85 74 46 Goudadlha 22015 75 86 543 290 253 89 46 43 47 Kodapada 29744 249 295 1,583 807 776 238 119 119 48 Golabandha 134 76 102 117 634 313 321 123 64 59 49 Beladlha 12262 22 30 154 76 78 24 10 14 51 Sadangl 14650 137 139 770 383 387 121 55 66 52 Bankh,dl 22015 229 262 1,365 678 687 225 115 110 53 Sunduna 97003 162 185 951 461 490 144 71 73 54 Baunsagarh 1,02426 336 373 2,066 1,007 1,059 393 188 205 55 Baruan 28854 138 138 715 365 350 138 68 70 56 Bmdlha 9672 158 237 1,329 667 662 229 117 112 57 Kantlpal 1,09225 469 624 3,405 1,702 1,703 584 300 284 58 Kathakata 35005 239 243 1,380 686 694 263 135 128 59 Kathakata 34026 80 87 443 213 230 93 49 44 60 Joglabandha 15297 70 75 414 195 219 86 44 42 61 Tangar 5463 62 79 451 219 232 70 27 43 62 Panchanga 3764 71 85 402 222 180 65 40 25 63 Pandua 8863 77 99 486 238 248 104 45 59 64 Chamarda 13962 85 87 417 214 203 57 34 23 65 Baladuan 17321 171 200 1,157 574 583 206 100 106 66 Janghar 31323 232 232 1,536 770 766 322 158 164 67 Beida 16997 146 146 703 362 341 127 67 60 68 Khadlpal 19020 204 238 1,218 591 627 226 121 105 69 Salabam 21813 292 293 1775 898 877 280 135 145 70 Mochlnda 34156 359 373 1,982 994 988 172 78 94 72 Chhatrakana 12343 59 70 346 174 172 59 34 25 0182 Anandapur PS (Portion) 15.17 962 981 5,507 2,808 2,699 993 538 455 71 Dudugaon 21732 222 222 1,250 645 605 216 120 96 73 Purunaghatl 26062 185 186 995 502 493 211 113 98 74 Khamarnendl 7851 49 49 259 144 115 40 25 15 75 Mathlanendl 8377 33 36 225 123 102 26 17 9 76 Bahabaradanda 39052 193 194 1,007 483 524 225 116 109 77 Rugudl 8579 47 47 239 123 116 46 24 22 79 Dumunbandha 8377 23 24 97 45 52 22 9 13 81 Taratara 13638 127 135 900 463 437 128 68 60 82 Balakatl 18049 83 88 535 280 255 79 46 33 0190 Nandipada PS 0.76 54 57 286 141 145 47 25 22 Dankla 1700 23 24 101 49 52 12 7 5 2 Malarpada 5868 31 33 185 92 93 35 18 17 217

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Anandapur Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 200 198 66 22 143 4 60 69 4 44 44 4 28 19 9 1 50 38 9 4 23 11 22 10 166 170 65 23 120 17 57 3 51 13 185 179 21 2 80 17 31 7 47 10 225 206 191 46 259 19 215 4 26 12 178 153 8 4 237 149 142 2 61 37 89 92 68 73 359 359 407 36 144 145 30 5 6 270 275 173 n 149 4 111 29 2 76 78 30 4 43 41 2 383 387 40 3 187 156 31 216 193 252 282 266 111 340 45 196 3 82 29 461 490 174 53 240 16 192 7 39 8 191 175 715 761 402 200 592 24 385 8 144 15 16 15 324 320 194 45 202 8 145 7 36 1 227 222 203 176 309 131 330 9 147 122 4 123 135 964 1,003 749 226 931 251 518 44 327 189 3 2 434 417 199 36 317 49 201 4 93 44 91 88 60 8 122 58 59 62 58 6 5 132 159 85 26 103 47 68 23 26 24 100 104 126 75 119 2 56 48 200 168 95 31 113 39 68 30 22 207 226 46 141 62 24 114 61 33 30 20 29 119 46 119 3 73 2 39 7 6 240 234 208 76 332 41 237 18 79 22 138 146 262 274 366 169 404 108 148 239 107 20 21 289 264 135 63 187 18 79 2 81 12 7 4 555 593 271 91 304 7 73 191 4 95 79 65 80 626 444 442 31 209 96 16 206 196 9 516 307 480 10 211 164 5 6 7 167 165 n 28 81 26 49 1 347 342 1,242 1,215 1,246 692 1,498 232 866 44 450 160 17 17 291 264 270 137 357 30 289 3 24 22 210 209 242 238 197 87 252 11 137 106 11 13 9 96 79 86 40 72 12 27 3 32 9 37 31 75 41 65 9 44 3 15 6 33 31 350 386 98 50 249 114 96 34 117 61 111 102 50 12 76 17 58 45 52 3 25 17 17 8 rT 67 66 65 61 348 255 247 36 147 50 34 7 10 5 2 119 70 155 3 92 40 85 96 68 49 79 2 56 23 2 49 52 20 9 31 26 5 36 44 48 40 48 30 18

Kjr-2 218

C.D. BLOCK - Anandapur VILLAGE PRIMARY industrial Category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufactunng, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrymg Processing, Servicing Processing, Servl- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs In clng and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry motherthan activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 40 Bhalughara 6 4 41 Hanbeda 42 Mandapada 43 Tanalpal 8 44 Ratuan 45 Vogapur 2 7 46 Goudadlha 3 4 5 47 Kodapada 2 2 29 6 4 48 Golabandha 3 49 Beladlha 51 Sadangl 52 Bankhldl 10 25 10 53 Sunduna 2 54 Bausagarh 12 3 55 Baruan 4 9 1 56 Blndlha 13 3 14 3 57 Kantlpal 9 24 17 1 58 Kathakata 6 2 2 59 Kathakata 60 Joglabandha 3 3 61 Tangar 3 62 Panchanga 63 Pandua 64- Chamarda 4 65 Baladuan 2 2 66 Janghar 67 Beida 7 3 3 68 Khadlpal 4 4 4 5 69 Salabam 10 11 3 13 4 70 Mochlnda 12 14 5 72 Chhatrakana 1 1 1 0182 Anandapur PS (Portion) 11 6 18 10 15 6 11 6 71 Dudugaon 5 3 4 73 Purunaghatl 2 74 Khamarnendl 2 75 Mathlanendi 76 Bahabaradanda 6 5 17 10 2 2 5 77 Rugudl 79 Dumunbandha 81 Taratara 2 1 2 82 Balakall 5 2 0190 Nandipada PS 1 Dankla 2 Malarpada

KJr-2 219

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Anandapur of ~am Workers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4 2 56 151 243 24 23 26 8 15 19 12 3 8 41 181 252 1 9 40 105 127 4 2 3 1 22 145 156 264 30 2 148 251 39 5 31 5 10 29 390 711 5 1 7 164 310 1 33 77 196 386 10 2 15 2 26 41 312 601 3 1 3 3 221 471 2 44 188 415 847 5 162 342 14 17 2 18 3 319 650 17 2 33 31 135 740 1,317 4 2 6 10 19 359 626 91 172 3 3 33 89 139 4 8 100 229 3 109 180 3 5 97 181 1 2 94 200 6 2 4 2 64 240 478 7 9 2 16 364 642 14 . 2 1 173 322 4 7 12 3 12 11 275 609 36 6 57 12 2 456 844 41 3 6 26 3 511 977 2 5 21 88 150 44 15 62 4 14 132 1,296 2.335 15 2 18 5 11 283 564 1 5 6 244 482 :3 7 72 103 3 58 92 4 40 234 370 1 3 78 44 38 2 20 33 17 6 21 1 216 401 8 2 6 2 125 252 62 143 18 51 44 92



,N I


III: () o ...I III

Boundary, D,st(l-ct CO 810d<

Villaqe with locotlon c'Ooe number 48 ..._. Foresl Reserved with flome Headouarters CD Block, Police S'ollOn y I a~~5 w Ih popu otlon sire 8elow 200, 200- (0 ••• e 49'30, 500-Q99 \GOO 4'3<2-!9 '5000 on.! otlcvd Jnu"ra:Jl!ed ""I'oges w Itl locatIOn tode numte

"rIpO ton' WeloUed ~ood Jnmeta led end ott>er Roods

Rve and 5trearn/Canal

Pml and TeJe~r(lph OHlef'

I-i q'l School

hosp tal Pr rnory Heol'h Certre Dispen~ory

j eN. 7.., I':> 7'''1 ",I Sf $0 P 5 ""purfan' I- / e.ge Hal

c (J ~ nde

~~~,~upon Survey of IndiO map ~Ith the permiSSion of lhe Surveyor Ge'lero PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF HATADIHI C.D. BLOCK - 0090

Anandapur PS (Portion) - 0181 Anandapur PS (Portion) - 0182 Nandipada PS - 0190 S050 PS - 0200





2 3 4 5 6


Singdova 19/03/0181/0083 19/3/19/83 16/03/0150/0116 16/3115/16 POLICE STATION - ANANDAPUR (Portion) - 0182

2 Adaghuria 19/03/0182/0089 19/3120/89 16/03/0150/0161 16/3115/161 3 Akarua 19/03/01 82/0085 19/3/20/85 16/03/0150/0113 16/3115/113 4 Ambagadia 19/03/0182/0084 19/3120/84 16/03/0150/0114 16/3/15/114 5 8alabhadrapur 19/03/0182/0091 19/3/20/91 16/03/0150/0163 16/3/15/163 6 8ancho 19/03/0182/0086 19/3/20/86 16/03/0150/0138 16/3/15/138 7 8aradi 19/03/0182/0099 19/3/20/99 16/03/0150/0171 16/3/15/171 8 Bareswar 19/03/0182/0100 19/3/20/100 16/03/0150/0172 16/3/15/172 9 Dadhibamanpur 19/03/0182/0087 19/3/20/87 16/03/0150/0139 16/3115/139 10 Ghosarapada 19/03/0182/0078 19/3/20/78 16/03/0150/0110 16/3/15/110 11 Hirapur 19103/0182/0094 19/3/20/94 16/03/0150/0166 16/3/15/166 12 Jasobantapur 19/03/0182/0093 19/3120/93 16/03/0150/0165 16/3/15/165 13 Kanthiadihi 19/03/0182/0092 19/3/20/92 16/03/0150/0164 16/3115/164 14 Kathiasara 19/03/0182/0080 19/3/20/80 16/03/0150/0112 16/3115/112 15 Mugupur 19/03/0182/0095 19/3/20/95 19/03/0150/0167 16/3115/167 16 Nilapur 19/03/0182/0090 19/3120/90 19/03/0150/0162 16/3i15/162 17 Panchugochhia 19/03/0182/0102 19/3/20/102 16/03/0150/0174 16/3/15/174 18 Sahanadpur 19/03/0182/0097 19/3/20/97 16/03/015010169 16/3/15/1 69 19 Sarbeswarpur 19/03/0182/0096 19/3/20/96 16/03/0150/0168 16/3/15/168 20 Sibanarayanpur 19/03/0182/0088 1913/20/88 16/03/0150/0137 16/3/15/137 21 Tikara 19/03/0182/0098 1913/20198 16/03/0150/0170 16/3/15/170 POLICE STATION - NANDIPADA - 0190

22 Abulpur 19/03/0190/0022 19/3/21/22 16/03/0150/0180 16/3/15/180 23 Adheidwar 19/03/0190/0080 1913/21/80 16/03/0150/0247 16/3115/247 24 Agiria 19/03/0190/0077 19/3/21n7 16/03/0150/0250 16/3/15/250 25 Aitpur 19/03/0190/0116 19/3121/116 16/03/015010270 16/3/15/270 26 Ambrutpur 19/03/0190/0113 19/3/21/113 16/03/0150/0267 16/3/1 5/267 27 Ana 19/03/0190/0018 19/3/21/18 16/03/0150/0158 16/3/15/158 28 Anam 19/03/0190/0087 19/3/21/87 16/03/0150/0229 16/3/15/229 29 Apasara 19/03/0190/0071 19/3/21n1 16/03/0150/0220 16/3/15/220 30 Asia 19/03/019010008 19/3/21/8 16/03/0150/0108 16/3/15/1 08 31 8adarampas 19/03/0190/0033 19/3/21/33 16/03/0150/0182 16/3/15/182 32 8adatira 19/03/0190/0006 19/3/21/6 16/03/0150/0141 16/3/15/141 33 8ahabalapur 19/03/0190/0026 19/3/21/26 16/03/0150/0175 16/3/15/175 34 8aharipur 19/03/0190/0052 19/3/21/52 16/03/0150/0211 16/3/15/211 35 8alavadrapur 19/03/0190/0110 19/3/21/110 16/03/0150/0234 16/3/15/234 36 8alipada 19/03/0190/0096 19/3/21/96 16/03/0150/0253 16/3/15/253 37 8aniari 19/03/0190/0068 19/3121/68 16/03/0150/0190 16/3/15/190 38 8aranga 19/03/0190/0051 1913/21/51 16/03/0150/0214 16/3115/214 39 8ardhanpur 19/03/0190/0037 19/3/21/37 16/03/0150/0154 16/3/15/1 54 40 8elabandha 19/03/0190/0088 19/3/21/88 16/03/0150/0237 16/3/15/237 41 8engatira 19/03/0190/0105 19/3/21/105 16/03/0150/0236 16/3/15/236 42 8etira 19/03/0190/0039 19/3/21/39 16/03/0150/0152 16/3115/152

Kjr-2 224



2 3 4 5 6

43 Bhagirathipur 19/03/019010073 1913/21/73 16/03/015010216 16/3115/216 44 Bhatakura 19/03/0190101}03 19/3/21/3 16/03/015010111 16/3115/111 45 Bhutapada 19/03/019010070 19/3/21/70 16/03/015010221 16/3/15/221 46 Biridihi 19/03/019010023 19/3/21/23 16/03/015010179 16/3/15/179 47 Bishnupur 19/03/0190/0102 19/3121/102 16/03/0150/0243 16/3/15/243 48 Bramhanikala 19!03/0190 10"n2 19/3121/82 16/03/015010222 16/3/15/222 49 Brundabanpur 19/03/019010106 19/3/21/106 16/03/015010235 1613/15/235 50 Chamartira 19/03/0190/0104 19/3121/104 16/03/015010238 16/3/15/238 51 Chandiabiranchipur 19/03/019010042 19/3121/42 16/03/015010183 16/3115/183 52 Chapundia 19/03/019010055 19/3121/55 16/03/015010212 1613/15/212 53 Chasakhanda 19/03/019010121 19/3/21/121 16/03/0150/0261 16/3/15/261 54 Chhenapadi 19/03/019010007 19/3/2117 16/03/0150/0142 16/3/15/142 55 Chorgadia 19/03/0190/0005 1913/21/5 16/03/0150/0140 16/3/15/140 56 Dankuri 19/03/0190/0019 19/3/21/19 16/03/0150/0159 16/3115/159 57 Danra 19/03/0190/0122 19/3/21/122 16/03/0150/0262 16/3/15/262 58 Dasarathipur 19/03/0190/0090 19/3121/90 16/03/0150/0240 16/3115/240 59 Dhaipokhari 19/03/019010095 1913/21/95 16/03/015010252 16/3115/252 60 Dharampur 19/03/019010059 19/3121/59 16/03/0150/0204 1613/15/204 61 Dihabhuinpur-alias Gedma 19/03/019010123 19/3121/123 16/03/0150/0263 16/3115/263 62 Dimiria 19/03/019010098 19/3/21/98 16/03/015010255 16/3115/255 63 Dudugaon 19/03/0190/0057 19/3/21/57 16/03/015010215 16/3115/215 64 Elakana 19/03/019010038 19/3/21/38 16/03/015010153 16/3/15/153 65 Elakania 19/03/019010092 19/3/21/92 16/03/0150/0244 16/3/15/244 66 Galigopalpur 19/03/0190/0011 19/3/21/11 16/03/015010143 16/3/15/143 67 Girigaon 19/03/019010054 19/3121/54 16/03/015010210 16/3/15/210 68 Gopa 19/03/019010016 1913/21/16 16/03/015010149 16/3/15/149 69 Gopalpur 19/03/019010004 19/3/21/4 16/03/015010109 16/3/15/109 70 Govindapur 19/03/01901001 0 1913/21/10 16/03/015010145 16/3/15/145 71 Govindapur 19/03/019010076 19/3121/76 16/03/015010249 16/3115/249 72 Habaleswar 19/03/0190/0099 1913/21/99 16/03/015010256 16/3115/256 73 Hatadihi 19/03/019010035 19/3121/35 16/03/015010156 16/3115/156 74 Ichhapur 19/03/019010066 19/3121/66 16/03/015010188 16/3115/188 75 Inchol 19/03/019010062 19/3/21/62 16/03/015010193 16/3/15/193 76 Isala 19/03/0190/0046 1913/21/46 16/03/0150/0196 16/3/15/196 77 Jagannathpur 19/03/019010041 1913/21/41 16/03/0150/0184 16/3/15/1 84 78 Jalakalanga 19/03/0190/0036 1913/21/36 16/03/0150/0155 16/3/15/155 79 Jalasarapur 19/03/0190/0112 19/3121/112 16/03/0150/0259 16/3/15/259 80 Jalasarapur 19/03/019010021 19/3121/21 16/03/015010181 16/3/15/181 81 Jambhara 19/03/0190/0097 19/3121/97 16/03/015010254 16/3115/254 82 Jaminipur 19/03/0190/0101 19/3121/101 16/03/015010258 16/3115/258 83 Kadambadihi 19/03/0190/0056 19/3121/56 16/03/015010213 16/3115/213 84 Kaithagadia 19/03/0190/0085 19/3121/85 16/03/0150/0227 16/3115/227 85 Kaligaon 19/03/019010086 19/3/21/86 16/03/0150/0228 16/3/15/228 86 Kameswarpur 19/03/019010119 19/3/21/119 16/03/015010264 16/3/15/264 87 Kanakampa 19/03/019010083 1913/21/83 16/03/0150/0224 1613/15/224 88 Kapundi 19/03/019010017 19/3/21/17 16/03/015010147 16/3115/147

Kjr-2 225



2 3 4 5 6

89 Karanjapadi 19/03/019010065 19/3121/65 16/03/015010187 16/3115/187 90 Khasipur 19/03/019010045 19/3121/45 16/03/015010197 16/3/15/197 91 Khetuali 19/03/019010063 19/3121/63 16/03/015010191 16/3/15/191 92 Madhupur 19/03/0190/0117 19/3/21/117 16/03/0150/0266 16/3115/266 93 Mangarajapur 19/03/0190/0100 19/3/21/100 16/03/015010257 16/3/15/257 94 Manohorpur 19/03/019010111 19/3121/111 16/03/015010233 16/3115/233 95 Mareigaon 19/03/0190/0040 19/3/21/40 16/03/0150/0151 16/3/15/151 96 Marua 19/03/019010074 19/3/21/74 16/03/0150/0217 16/3115/217 97 Matabaj 19/03/019010079 19/3/21/79 16/03/015010218 16/3115/218 98 Matha 19103/0190/0013 19/3/21/13 16/03/0150/0146 16/3115/146 99 Mudulipara 19/03/019010067 19/3/21/67 16/03/015010189 16/3115/189 100 Nandipada 19/03/0190/0043 19/3/21/43 16/03/015010185 16/3115/185 101 Nasirpur 19/03/0190/0094 19/3/2,/94 16/03/015010246 1613115/246 102 Nisankapur 19/03/019010034 19/3/21/34 16/03/015010157 1613115/157 103 Nuagaon 19/03/0190fOl i 4 19f3f21f114 16f03/0150/0269 16/3f15f269 104 Nuarampas 19103/019010044 19/3121/44 16/03/0150/0192 16/3/15/192 105 Orali 19103/019010064 19/3/21f64 16/03/0150/0186 16/3115/186 106 Pandado 19/03/0190/0014 19/3121114 16/03/015010148 16/3/15f148 107 Paramanandapur 19103/0190/0061 19/3/21/61 16/03/0150/0194 16/3/15/1 94 lOB Radhanagarpatna 19/03fO 1 90/01 09 19/3f2111 09 16f03/0150/0232 16/3115/232 109 Raghabpur 19/03/019010115 19/3121/115 16/03/0150/0268 16/3115/268 110 Raghunathpur 19/03/0190/0069 19/3f21 169 16/03/015010225 16/3115/225 111 Ratakana 19/03/019010124 19/3/21/124 16/03/015010271 16/3/15/271 112 Sadanga 19/03/0190/0093 1913/21/93 16/03/0150/0245 1 613/15/245 113 Sadanga 19/03/01 90/0048 19f3/21f4B 16/03/015010201 16/3f15/201 114 Sahapur 19/03fO 190/0 120 1913/21/120 16/031015010260 16/3/1 5/260 115 Salaniany 19/03/0190/0091 19/3/21/91 16/0310150/0241 1613/15/241 116 Salkania 19/03/019010089 19/3/21/89 16/03/015010239 16/3115/239 117 Samana 19/03/0190/0075 19/3/21/75 16/03/015010248 16/3/1 5/248 118 Sankhna 19f03fO 190100 15 19/3f21f15 16f03/0150f0150 16/3115/1 50 119 Sarala 1 9/03/0190/01 08 19/3/21/108 16/03/015010231 16/3115/231 120 Saramanga 19/03/0190/0072 19/3/21/72 16/03/0150/0219 16/3/15/219 121 Sarida 19/03/019010078 19/3/21/78 16/03/015010251 1613/15/251 122 Sasanga 19/03f0190100 12 19/3/21/12 16/031015010144 16/3/15/144 123 Similia 19/03/0190/0049 19/3121/49 16/03/0150/0205 16/3f1 5/205 124 Solapata 19/03/0190f01 03 19/3f21f103 16/03/0150/0242 16/3/15/242 125 Sulana 19/03/0190/0020 19/3/21/20 16103/015010160 16/3/15/1 60 126 Tampla 19/03/0190/0084 19/3121/84 16/0310150/0226 16/3/15/226 127 Tankagadia 19/03/019010118 19/3/21/118 16/0310150/0265 16/3/15/265 128 Telisinga 19/03/0190/0053 19/3121/53 16/03/0150/0209 16/3/15/209 129 Temala 19/03/0190/0058 18/3/21/58 16/03/015010203 161311 5/203 130 Thunigaon 19/03/019010009 19/3/21/9 16/031016010040 16/3/16/40 131 Tukuna 19/03/0190/0030 19/3121/30 16/03/0150/0199 16/3/15/199 132 Tumbamunipatna 19/0310190/0107 19/3/21/107 16/03/015010230 1613115/230 133 Vakidi 19/03/0190/0081 19/3121/81 16/03/0150/0223 16/3/15/223

Kjr-2 22G




134 AnaJagadia 19/03/0200/0067 19/3122/67 16/03/0160/0060 16/3116/60 135 Aturikana 19/03/0200/0050 19/3/22/50 16/03/0160/0024 1613116/24 1::16 ,Badaambagadia 1 9/03/0200/0036 19/3/22136 16/0310160/0034 16/3116/34 137 Balia 19/03/0200/0071 19/3/22171 16/0310160/0064 16/3/16/64 138 Balit"t"lrei 19/03/0200/0037 19/3/22137 16/0310160/0022 16/3/16/22 139 Bangura 19/03/0200/0040 19/3/22140 16/03/01.60/0014 16/3116/14 140 Baniapanka 19103/0200/0043 19/3122/43 16/03/0160/0011 16/3116/11 141 Ban tala 19/03/020010032 19/3/22/32 16/03/0160/0049 16/3116/49 142 Baranga 19/03/0200/0028 19/3/22/28 16/03/0160/0045 16/3/16/45 143 Bargadia 19/03/0200/0063 19/3/22/63 16/03/0160/0054 16/3116/54 144 Barigaon 1 9/03/020010059 19/3/22159 16/0310160/0033 16/3116/33 145 Belamala 19/03/020010057 19/3/22/57 16/03/0160/0030 16/3116/30 146 Berunapadi 19/03/0200/0068 19/3122/68 16/03/01 60/0061 16/3/16/61 147 Bhanara 19/03/0200/0008 19/3122/8 16/03/0160/0003 16/3116/3 148 Bhanrapur 19/03/0200/0058 19/3122/58 16103/0160/0031 16/3/16/31 149 Bidyadharapur 19/03/0200/0039 19/3/22139 16/0310160/0019 16/3116/19 150 Coup no.-1 19/03/0200/0007 19/3122/7 16/03/0160/0067 16/3116167 151 Dalki (R. F.) 19/0310200/0001 19/3/22/1 16/03/0160/0066 16/3116/66 152 Daneipur 19/03/020010053 19/3122153 16/03/0160/0025 16/3/16/25 153 Dhanurjyapur 19/03/0200/0041 19/3122/41 16/03/01 60/001 3 16/3/16/13 154 Dharampur 19/03/020010062 19/3122/62 16/03/016010053 16/3/16/53 155 Dhenka 19/03/020010035 19/3/22/35 16/03/0160/0035 16/3/16/35 156 Fuljhar 19/03/0200/0012 19/3122/12 157 Hadagarh 19/03/0200/0013 19/3/22/13 16/03/016010016 16/3/16/16 158 Jadabanka 19/03/0200/0044 19/3122/44 16/03/0160/0005 16/3116/5 159 Jambhira 19/03/0200/0029 19/3122/29 16/03/0160/0046 16/3/16/46 160 Jantalapadi 19/03/0200/0073 19/3/22/73 16/03/016010059 16/3/16/59 161 Jhanajhana 19/03/020010020 19/3122120 16/0310160/0036 16/3/16/36 162 Jhunabadi 19/03/0200/0046 19/3/22/46 16/03/0160/0007 16/3/16/7 163 Kahaliagadia 19/03/020010048 19/3122148 16/0310160/0009 16/3116/9 164 Kakharugadia i 9/03/0200/0055 19/3/22/55 16/03/0160/0028 16/3/16/28 165 Kanhupur (Kanpur) 19/03/020010070 19/3122/70 16/03/0160/0063 16/3/16/63 1E6 Kaniari 19/03/0200/0034 19/3122134 16/0310160/0051 16/3116/51 167 KanJei alias balipaJ 19/03/0200/0004 19/3122/4 16/03/0160/0071 16/3/16l71 168 Kantigadia 19/03/0200/0025 19/3/22/25 16/03/016010042 16/3116/42 169 Karanjabali 19/03/0200/0024 19/3/22/24 16/03/016010041 16/3/16/41 170 Khaparakhai 19/03/0200100'3 'j 19/3/22/31 16/03/016010048 16/3/16/48 171 Kurhadighasa 19/03/0200/0047 19/3/22/47 16/03/0160/0008 16/3/16/8 172 Kusatikiri 19/03/0200/0014 19/3122/14 16/03/0160/0015 16/3116/15 173 MadhoJban 19/03/0200/0016 1913122/16 16/0310160/0017 16/31,16/17 174 Mahulpankha 19103/0200/0045 19/3122/45 1fi/03/016010006 16/3/16/6 175 Malipasi 19/03/0200/0002 19/3/22/2 16/03/0 160/000 1 1613/16/1 176 Marichipada 19/03/0200/0069 19/3/22169 16/03/0160/0062 1613/16/62 177 Mauda 19/03/0200/0072 19/3/22172 16/03/0160/0065 16.'3/16/65

Kjr-2 227



178 Mayurnacha 19/03/0200/0006 19/3/22/6 16/03/0160/0002 16/3/16/2 179 Mithigaon 19/02.1200/0066 1913122166 16/03/0160/0057 16/3116/57 180 Motaragadia 19/03/0200/0061 19/3122/61 16/03/0160/0052 16/3/16/52 181 Naha 19/03/0200/0064 19/3122164 16/0310160/0055 16/3116/55 182 Nimadani 19/03/0200/0054 19/3/22154 16/03/0160/0026 16/3/16/26 183 NlJaragudi 19/03/0200/0042 19/3122142 16/03/0160/0012 16/3/16/12 184 Padarukha 19/03/0200/0065 19/3122165 16/0310160/0056 16/3116/56 185 Padhiaripalli 19/03/0200/0049 19/3/22149 16/03/016010010 16/3116/10 186 Podasingidi 19/03/0200/0023 19/3/22123 16/03/0160/0039 16/3/16/39 187 Purunapani 19/03/0200/0019 19/3/22119 188 Raghunathpur 19/03/0200/0074 19/3/22174 16/03/0160/0058 16/3/16/58 189 Raighati R. F. 19/03/0200/0009 19/312219 16/03/016010068 16/3116/68 190 Ramakrishnapur 19/03/0200/0051 19/3/22151 16/03/0160/0023 16/3/16/23 191 Sadha 19/03/0200/0033 19/3/22133 16/03/0160/0050 16/3116/50 192 .Sajanapal 19/03/0200/0005 19/3/22/5 16/03/0160/0072 16/3/16/72 193 Sanaambagadia 19/03/0200/0027 19/3/22/27 16/03/0160/0044 16/3/16/44 194 Sangam 19/03/0200/0018 19/3/22118 16/03/0160/0021 16/3/16/21 195 Sankatapalia 19/03/0200/0017 19/3/22117 196 Sankhana 19/03/0200/0015 19/3122115 16/03/0160/0018 16/3116/18 197 Saralapasi 19/03/0200/0022 19/3/22122 16/03/0160/0038 16/3/16/38 198 Saramundi 19/03/0200/0003 19/3/22/3 16/03/0160/0070 16/3/16/70 199 Sarukana 19/03/0200/0038 19/3/22/38 16/03/0160/0020 16/3/16/20 200 Siadimalia R. F. 19/03/0200/0011 19/3/22/11 16/03/0160/0069 16/3/16/69 201 Siadimalia R. F. 19/03/0200/0010 19/3122110 16/0310160/0004 16/3116/4 202 Soso 19/03/0200/0052 19/3/22152 16/03/0160/0027 16/3/16/27 203 Sundarapal 19/03/0200/0021 19/3/22121 16/03/0160/0037 16/3/16/37 204 Tentulinanda 19/03/0200/0030 19/3/22130 16/03/0160/0047 16/3/16/47 205 Tentulipadi 19/03/0200/0026 19/3/22126 16/03/0160/0043 16/3/16/43 206 Tentulipadi 19/03/0200/0060 19/3122160 16/03/0160/0032 16/3/16/32 207 Varadagadia 19/03/0200/0056 19/3/22156 16/03/0160/0029 16/3/16/29 228


Location Name of Village Area of No of No of Total Populatlon(lnclud­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ mg InstitutIOnal and In the age group Number In Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town/ Houses Ward In Sq Kms

p M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 '1

9 HATADIHI C.D. BLOCK T 327.42 19,585 20,664 121,757 61,733 60,024 19,430 9,842 9,588 R 327.42 19,585 20,664121,757 61,733 60,024 19,430 9,842 9,588 U 0181 Anandapur PS (Portion) 2.42 68 68 493 248 245 95 51 44 83 Smgdova 241 60 68 68 493 248 245 95 51 44 0182 Anandapur PS (Portion) 22.23 2,232 2,294 13305 6,782 6,523 2,144 1,086 1,058 78 Ghosarapada 7365 57 58 352 183 169 73 40 33 80 Kathlasara 6071 33 33 195 104 91 26 19 7 84 Ambagadla 9990 91 92 671 352 319 97 55 42 85 Akarua 14447 198 198 1,159 596 563 170 89 81 86 Sancho 79966 444 458 2,971 1,503 1,468 435 229 206 87 Dadhlbamdnpur 4816 126 126 653 343 3 1 0 133 74 59 88 Sibanarayanpur 25779 306 307 1758 893 865 333 174 103 89 Adaghuna 12383 132 135 727 369 358 93 37 56 90 Nllapur 6394 115 j 18 702 342 360 121 51 70 91 Balabhadrapur 10846 70 70 396 194 202 66 28 38 92 Kanthladlhl 445 32 32 140 73 67 24 10 '4 93 Jasobantapur 1578 139 141 834 418 416 128 54 74 94 Hlrapur 32 34 1 Gl 86 75 28 15 13 95 Mugupur 931 46 55 327 184 143 54 30 24 96 Sarbeswarpur 243 30 30 146 76 70 24 10 14 97 Sahanadpur 1255 23 25 112 53 59 20 10 10 98 Tlkara 2347 72 74 38C! 189 200 58 28 30 99 Saradl 5989 A8 68 356 180 176 59 28 31 100 Bareswar 7818 51 61 '325 172 153 50 28 22 102 Panchugochhla 23350 167 179 931 472 4"9 152 77 75 0190 Nandipada PS 16093 8,752 9,510 58,517 29,488 29,029 8,786 4,494 4,292 3 Bhatakura 4209 102 107 690 343 347 148 79 69 4 Gopalpur 9713 39 43 244 122 122 45 26 19 5 Chorgadla 2550 25 30 232 119 113 29 15 14 6 Sadatlra 3035 31 33 270 138 lS? 45 24 21 7 Chhenapadl 8013 94 97 530 270 260 75 35 40 8 ASia 16430 57 69 370 177 193 69 35 34 9 Thunrgaon 3683 41 44 218 110 108 20 19 10 Govmdapur 6232 24 28 155 86 79 25 11 ,,. 11 Gahgopalpur 1376 22 26 203 109 94 22 11 11 12 Sasanga 22784 179 189 1,039 510 529 160 77 83 13 Matha 23189 109 113 809 430 379 109 49 60 14 Pandado 28976 185 195 1,235 629 604 160 80 80 15 Sankhna 21853 120 135 768 380 388 88 48 40

K)r·2 229


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

14,542 14,414 10,513 10,160 36,627 21,781 32,202 3,278 17,398 177 6,624 989 14,542 14,414 10,513 10,160 36,627 21,781 32,202 3,278 17,398 177 6,624 989

248 245 91 13 144 12 132 248 245 91 13 144 12 132 2,076 2,020 177 150 4,233 2,399 3,414 100 1,963 32 720 34 75 74 9 10 86 49 98 26 68 71 50 42 1 28 213 186 61 58 233 104 195 3 87 64 359 357 248 84 318 215 92 335 334 39 31 1,157 808 704 37 403 26 158 318 289 175 61 170 2 98 58 2 90 91 446 220 457 8 347 2. 18 35 33 309 176 176 1 111 17 77 85 197 118 153 2 57 20 122 121 109 55 105 85 16 21 27 51 39 35 49 22 27 16 26 4 2 333 176 228 3 136 30 20 10 57 26 42 1 12 8 4 2 143 65 81 2 30 5 62 28 37 6 1 36 44 9 3 25 3 7 2 2 60 53 98 88 105 3 67 11 177 174 67 12 114 22 42 2 70 20 5 3 12 10 87 59 90 2 73 12 2 113 111 311 216 227 9 111 43 4 8,208 8,161 1,421 1,323 19,183 12,623 15,323 556 9,888 34 3,242 300 162 174 20 21 207 135 164 104 32 30 32 86 56 60 45 7 103 74 62 S5 109 84 72 53 6 227 211 63 23 141 S3 19 159 172 16 6 116 8 43 38 3 80 80 37 6 68 31 37 7 4 3 3 71 35 50 32 3 46 37 70 40 60 23 30 157 163 2 1 355 220 285 5 200 21 2 73 59 57 13 303 194 204 12 102 30 2 258 241 16 12 427 284 315 3 161 104 133 138 12 9 265 199 207 13 123 47 5

Kjr-2 230

C.D. BLOCK - Hatadihi VILLAGE PRIMARY Industrial Category of Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Processing, Servic- (VI) No. and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs in House- in other than House- activities hold Industry hold Industry (III ) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

9 HATADIHI T 646 23 3,632 1,635 380 113 322 18 120 12 C.D. BLOCK R 646 23 3,632 1,635 380 113 322 18 120 12 U 0181 Anandapur PS (Portion) -- 83 Singdova 0182 Anandapur PS (Portion)80 14 66 1 79 10 78 Ghosarapada 80 Kathiasara 2 2 84 Ambagadia 2 10 85 Akarua 1 86 Bancho 5 7 19 87 Dadhibamanpur 2 88 Sibanarayanpur 4 2 27 14 89 Adaghuria 3 2 2 90 Nilapur 3 27 91 Balabhadrapur 92 Kanthiadihi 93 Jasobantapur 7 4 94 Hirapur 2 95 Mugupur 12 96 Sarbeswarpur 6 2 97 Sahanadpur 14 1 98 Tikara 14 4 99 Baradi 100 Bareswar 102 Panch ugochhia 31 2 3 0190 Nandipada PS 197 28 227 80 156 10 40 7 3 Bhatakura 3 11 4 Gopalpur 3 5 Chorgadia 6 Badatira 7 Chhenapadi 2 2 8 Asia 3 7 3 9 Thunigaon 10 Govindapur 11 Galigopalpur 12 Sasanga 18 8 13 Matha 14 5 10 14 Pandado 8 3 5 2 15 Sankhna 2 2 6 6

Kjr-2 231

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Hatadihi Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII ) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

911 30 266 2 1,908 279 168 1,289 29,363 55,457 911 30 266 2 1,908 279 168 1,2'89 29,363 55,457

104 244 104 244 188 5 23 271 28 17 132 3,351 6,291 3 5 96 80 72 6 3 61 90 14 4 14 3 157 315 4 5 278 563 9 4 98 10 3 23 796 1,408 4 3 4 173 308 9 3 32 5 436 857 12 24 5 190 357 28 17 2 2 187 358 3 89 202 24 67 29 1 20 190 413 14 1 4 44 74 23 3 8 103 141 18 3 39 70 28 55 8 84 197 4 66 150 2 3 7 81 144 13 3 22 2 245 450 384 17 147 1,014 106 88 486 14,077 27,987 7 6 7 3 172 344 3 65 62 57 2 4 61 57 52 2 3 5 1 75 65 57 13 40 10 4 36 125 224 4 5 15 2 39 59 146 42 108 3 4 7 36 79 2 4 49 94 12 3 23 3 225 524 11 1 30 10 226 367 7 6 19 3 314 601 7 4 15 173 374

Klr-2 232

C [' h.,::.r .... - Hatadlhl VILLAGE PRIMARY

Local Ir t.am 1\llllage Area of No of No of Total Populatlon(lnclud­ Total Population Code Village Occupied HOuse­ Ing Inslltutlonal and In tl-Je age group Numb~r In Hect­ Reslde- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & nlla! of Town/ Houses "arJI'l Sq K;r,1S

P M F P M F 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

16 Gopa 141 2-1 i63 166 966 473 493 165 81 84 17 Kapundl 10481 98 98 629 315 314 110 b2 413 18 Ana 9429 6J 67 394 199 195 54 23 31 19 Dankun 15054 79 81 421 213 208 61 28 33 20 Sulana 21772 140 140 920 467 453 161 78 83 21 Jalasarapur 39052 85 103 618 310 308 122 60 62 22 Abulpur 13314 43 63 408 193 215 75 40 35 23 Blrldlhl 12950 60 72 486 260 226 69 34 35 26 Bahabalapur 1619 Uninhabited 30 Tukuna 10360 41 41 266 133 133 40 17 23 33 8adarampas 48968 306 344 2157 1,058 1,099 345 178 167 34 Nlsankapur 931 14 17 101 48 53 13 9 4 35 Hatadlhl 11776 225 235 1 236 648 588 200 100 100 36 Jalakalanga 13595 91 111 644 312 332 81 43 38 37 Bardhanpur 44 11 22 24 139 65 74 23 14 9 38 Elakana 8782 56 74 425 208 217 65 33 32 39 Betlra 11534 97 105 609 301 308 86 50 36 40 Marelgaon 27316 289 293 1,746 891 855 289 142 147 41 Jagannathpur 7649 64 68 426 219 207 73 44 29 42 Chandtablranchlpur 10643 121 121 634 313 321 110 52 58 43 Nandlpada 23998 117 130 771 398 373 133 66 67 44 Nuarampas 40104 180 187 1,108 573 535 176 96 80 45 Khaslpur 4856 7 9 33 14 19 9 4 5 46 Isa!a 116 15 32 35 193 104 89 25 13 12 48 Sadanga 13921 81 83 427 224 203 69 32 37 49 Slml"a 2671 28 36 245 130 115 50 32 18 51 Baranga 6961 34 38 229 116 113 31 18 13 52 Bahanpur 17078 104 104 690 345 345 96 45 51 53 Te"slnga 61 11 58 62 348 190 158 48 21 27 54 Glngaon 13517 144 150 894 449 445 126 60 66 55 Chapundla 10480 79 88 565 28, 284 79 43 3b 56 Kadambadlhl 9429 24 24 174 87 87 25 15 10 f:J7 Dudugaon 6313 61 68 400 214 186 50 32 18 58 Temala 11372 68 75 482 245 237 76 36 4r 59 Dharampur 2388 10 10 44 25 19 4 ? 2 61 Paramanandapur 6637 10 14 83 37 46 12 4 8 62 Inchol 40307 236 254 1 557 808 749 198 107 91 63 Khetualr 16390 84 100 615 301 314 99 52 47 64 Ora" 48724 257 285 1,717 868 849 233 119 114 65 KaranJapadl 3925 17 17 147 69 78 21 6 15 66 Ichhapur 3076 30 36 216 110 106 36 16 20 67 Mudu"para 7244 31 36 172 83 89 22 12 10

h lr 1 233


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

212 223 11 8 308 191 230 24 159 7 3 115 116 2 204 144 133 3 101 6 37 36 2 2 137 97 96 3 62 14 2 95 109 161 112 26 17 1 120 129 335 213 232 1 166 1 36 128 138 121 115 193 73 164 13 115 2 42 10 10 7 132 128 94 3 82 6 3 99 98 203 116 132 63 48 Uninhabited 16 14 3 6 92 65 63 3 23 22 327 337 2 4 572 403 565 5 344 180 2 17 25 29 23 16 12 270 249 10 4 411 244 310 57 68 55 8 61 61 5 5 251 202 139 4 81 8 49 39 36 32 1 90 103 94 77 106 1 48 50 139 120 1 196 158 162 16 81 64 15 248 248 7 6 633 363 479 14 290 84 67 66 9 2 149 134 116 13 38 4 6 203 200 207 133 176 8 122 16 6 223 201 30 33 266 158 201 16 127 46 12 118 104 13 18 379 208 303 3 240 38 9 11 9 5 7 2 4 3 1 65 31 51 33 16 74 84 12 10 139 60 129 61 64 81 50 68 6 31 9 9 9 81 69 46 37 7 138 140 207 131 180 92 74 28 15 125 73 97 8 61 17 8 174 172 246 141 250 3 153 58 15 14 222 164 148 136 1 69 45 53 48 84 61 128 67 121 52 62 73 81 17 19 168 108 139 21 77 48 21 21 8 29 1 11 37 46 16 8 29 20 9 163 125 4 7 614 401 415 14 360 2 22 10 76 76 13 15 214 141 171 99 56 303 306 40 44 564 366 439 27 190 172 16 9 13 47 36 32 2 27 1 2 67' 67 75 41 57 46 8 14 16 64 44 43 2 25 9 234

C.D. BLOCK - Hatadihi VILLAGE PRIMARY Industrial Category of Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Processing, Servic- (VI) No. and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs in House- in other than House- activities hold Industry hold Industry (III) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

16 Gopa 22 1,.:1 14 5 17 Kanpundi 3 16 Ana 4 19 Dankuri 2 20 Sulana 3 21 Jalasarapur 22 Abulpur 2 23 Biridihi 7 26 Bahabalapur Uninhabited 30 Tukuna 3 2 2 2 33 Badarampas 4 2 34 Nisankapur 35 Hatadihi 12 61 33 4 36 Jalakalanga 6 5 37 Bardhanpur 38 Elakana 39 Betira 1 1 40 Mareigaon 5 25 8 5 7 41 Jagannathpur 6 29 Chandiabiranchipur 2 8 2 2 43 Nandipada 44 Nuarampas 5 45 Khasipur 46 Isala 48 Sadanga 49 Similia 12 2 51 Baranga 52 Baharipur 4 53 Tehsinga 4 54 Girigaon 4 11 55 Chapundia 56 Kadambadihi 57 Dudugaon 2 58 Temala 59 Dharampur 61 Paramanandapur 62 Inchol 3 63 Khetuali 1 3 64 Orali 5 4 9 5 65 Karanjapadi 3 66 Ichhapur 67 Mudulipara 3 2

Kjr-2 235

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Hatadihi Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII ) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

6 18 2 242 469 21 3 182 311 3 12 103 192 4 167 208 1 4 21 235 452 2 4 146 295 2 16 99 196 2 11 128 226 Uninhabited 2 9 70 130 10 4 21 2 33 493 1061 4 32 53 46 7 10 54 9 3 4 335 527 12 25 4 2 171 328 29 74 7 , 102 216 2 12 1 139 292 24 2 6 33 2 412 841 15 5 45 9 3 103 191 15 8 12 136 301 5 4 17 4 197 357 20 2 3 267 531 7 19 53 89 4 95 202 15 2 1 2 62 109 1 2 68 112 2 7 165 345 3 2 9 93 150 4 2 18 2 199 442 4 7 133 284 3 34 87 3 1 93 186 7 2 3 106 216 13 19 3 8 42 10 2 18 2 393 734 1 11 130 313 7 5 41 11 5 2 424 820 37 76 3 53 106 3 39 87

Kjr12. 236


Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect- Reside- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town/ Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

p M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

68 Baniari 47.35 27 34 188 98 90 42 17 25 69 Raghunathpur 45.73 18 21 162 77 85 27 13 14 70 Bhutapada 64.35 32 32 218 107 111 37 15 22 71 Apasara 62.73 18 20 139 72 67 17 11 6 72 Saramanga 256.98 99 99 643 312 331 93 45 48 73 Bhagirathipur 23.88 9 15 108 60 48 3 2 74 Marua 88.63 37 37 254 142 112 25 18 7 75 Samana 392.14 160 192 1,205 601 604 173 80 93 76 Govindapur 178.87 46 48 318 158 160 44 23 21 77 Agiria 215,29 85 91 623 310 313 84 37 47 78 Sarida 146.90 47 47 339 163 176 43 19 24 79 Matabaj 168.35 77 77 475 248 227 66 40 26 80 Adhe;·dwar 218.94 82 90 488 256 232 80 44 36 81 Vakidi 16.19 9 9 83 40 43 17 12 5 82 Bramhanikala 215.29 86 93 666 336 330 94 54 40 83 Kanakampa 46.13 16 17 136 69 67 18 7 11 84 Tampla 226.22 114 141 698 344 354 85 Kaithagadia 13.76 18 21 150 80 70 23 11 12 86 Kaligaon 177.66 90 101 662 326 336 118 69 49 87 Anara 429.78 277 324 1,957 971 986 317 159 158 88 Belabandha 76.49 32 32 195 99 96 31 16 15 89 Salkania 125.86 73 76 422 217 205 63 33 30 90 Dasarathipur 46.54 25 32 188 89 99 32 17 15 91 Salaniany 192.29 164 176 1,064 520 544 161 70 91 92 Elakania 82.96 61 62 341 176 165 39 21 18 93 Sadanga 577.08 122 125 708 368 340 98 55 43 94 Nasirpur 151.76 141 161 870 450 420 111 64 47 95 Dhaipokhari 96.72 58 58 367 182 185 54 26 28 96 Balipada 42.09 14 14 88 42 46 18 8 10 97 Jambhara 362.19 128 135 993 498 495 154 84 70 98 Dimiria 219.34 137 157 1,119 573 546 193 104 89 99 Habaleswar 193.44 112 112 703 363 340 112 59 53 100 Mangarajpur 12.55 52 55 331 164 167 41 23 18 101 Jaminipur 48.16 69 71 448 228 220 78 42 36 102 Bishnupur 92.27 102 105 536 273 263 89 47 42 103 Solapata 75.68 51 51 257 135 122 30 14 16 104 Chamartira 21.85 7 7 57 30 27 5 3 2 105 Bengatira 71.63 9 10 49 20 29 12 5 7 106 Brundabanpur 52.61 24 26 156 69 87 22 10 12 107 Tumbamunipatha 36.02 14 14 94 37 57 13 5 8 108 Sarala 256.57 95 109 755 386 369 111 64 47 109 Radhanagarpatna 21.45 42 47 323 160 163 56 26 30 237

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Hatadihi Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agncultural ( I - IX ) ( I ) Labourers (II )

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

76 49 53 48 40 38 36 36 14 15 6 8 56 25 63 47 15 8 9 47 21 41 37 4 82 90 208 147 167 5 110 36 4 49 40 26 25 20 24 44 30 103 51 75 38 33 170 186 463 294 328 3 226 83 85 80 108 44 98 54 42 146 151 221 151 175 79 84 53 62 2 109 78 83 56 14 73 70 189 118 115 7 79 2 24 2 42 32 65 62 156 114 130 58 41 19 20 20 17 97 95 218 156 195 156 9 2 2 51 26 31 29 113 106 185 127 178 168 8 3 59 35 39 35 2 106 114 2 212 148 162 4 131 22 3 298 334 25 28 577 327 542 17 340 3 180 14 27 30 29 33 41 30 54 13 35 19 13 55 53 10 9 142 79 114 3 75 39 2 42 29 44 44 105 106 387 257 293 2 197 52 36 28 135 82 98 2 92 3 88 70 4 3 254 186 174 147 331 309 7 9 322 157 277 201 67 54 48 114 75 90 4 62 16 6 6 30 22 25 13 11 94 95 29 28 324 247 244 159 54 10 10 237 135 271 18 173 84 17 48 49 5 3 244 162 193 168 4 64 14 95 11 21 42 2 114 95 81 88 110 41 39 35 37 137 111 4 1 193 110 152 3 53 83 17 10 6 2 111 84 80 46 26 17 11 10 2 9 10 7 7 13 2 6 7 2 10 12 49 45 37 3 18 10 3 29 34 22 20 85 92 60 57 266 227 186 31 126 43 30 71 81 3 3 116 76 89 4 42 32 3 238

C.D. BLOCK - Hatadihi VILLAGE PRIMARY Industrial Category of Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Processing, Servic- (VI) No. and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs in House- in other than House- activities hold Industry hold Industry ( III ) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

68 Baniari 69 Raghunathpur 70 Bhutapada 71 Apasara 72 Saramanga 73 Bhagirathipur 74 Marua 75 Samana 76 Govindapur 1 77 Agiria 3 78 Sarida 7 79 Matabaj 3 2 80 Adheidwar 2 11 81 Vakidi 3 82 Bramhanikala 83 Kanakampa 84 Tampla 85 Kaithagadia 86 Kaligaon 87 Anara 2 88 Belabandha 89 Salkania 90 Dasarathipur 91 Salaniany 3 92 Elakania 93 Sadanga 3 3 2 94 Nasirpur 95 Dhaipokhari 6 4 96 Balipada 1 97 Jambhara 2 3 2 98 Dimiria 2 99 Habaleswar 6 1 100 Mangarajpur 2 29 9 101 Jaminipur 3 102 Bishnupur 103 Solapata 12 104 Chamarfira 105 Bengatira 106 Brundabanpur 2 107 Tumbamunipatha 108 Sarala 109 Radhanagarpatna 3

Kjr-2 239

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Hatadihi Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications ( IX) (VIII)

--_-- M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

3 45 89 41 85 44 111 31 67 11 10 145 326 34 48 3 67 112 2 4 10 3 273 601 1 60 160 3 5 135 313 5 35 79 141 4 5 133 220 7 10 126 232 20 42 3 25 141 330 38 66 2 166 354 1 1 41 69 2 6 164 332 18 14 415 968 8 6 37 77 10 17 93 185 45 99 17 3 20 5 227 537 1 2 78 163 2 4 12 194 340 3 5 173 420 5 92 181 16 46 3 2 19 254 495 1 2 9 2 300 528 11 170 339 7 13 62 143 3 11 1 9 12 109 167 2 11 3 121 260 3 18 54 121 18 27 4 6 23 5 4 32 80 15 57 17 200 338 9 71 159

Kjr-2 240


Locatior' Nama of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town/ Houses Ward in Sq. K~s.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

110 Balavadrapur 53.01 30 33 207 110 97 33 20 13 111 Manohorpur 620.79 40 46 2B9 139 150 38 22 16 112 Jalasarapur 390.52 96 1 06 824 435 389 125 70 55 113 Ambrutpur 168.35 40 40 335 1BO 155 61 38 23 114 Nuagaon 116.95 58 60 450 216 234 75 28 47 115 Raghabpur 127.48 67 75 558 286 272 77 42 35 116 Aitpur 59.08 72 75 440 219 221 55 24 31 117 Madhupur 13.36 19 19 115 60 55 16 6 10 118 Tankagadia 25.90 1 8 5 3 119 Kameswarpur 29.54 4 4 32 15 17 2 1 120 Sahapur 96.72 76 77 464 248 216 72 44 28 121 Chasakhanda 101.17 102 119 776 391 385 135 70 65 122 Danra 535.40 266 298 1,922 940 982 268 126 142 123 Dihabhuinpur-alias Gedma 218.94 147 1 63 924 440 484 134 69 65 124 Ratakana 11 B.17 76 79 491 235 256 77 33 44

0200 5080 PS 141.84 8,533 8,792 49,442 25,215 24,227 8,405 4,211 4,194 Dalki (R. F.) 135 138 78B 396 392 154 83 71 2 Mallipasi 1075.66 91 91 477 250 227 95 53 42 3 Saramundi 110.B8 27 27 159 71 88 39 16 23 4 i

Kjr-2 241


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural ( I • IX ) ( I ) Labourers (II )

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

110 97 78 45 51 43 2 56 66 91 92 77 6 51 9 46 45 119 100 239 164 232 145 73 15 10 108 69 92 83 5 30 33 161 136 114 2 80 17 26 27 181 140 151 131 28 25 53 62 137 77 125 28 82 3 38 24 14 15 43 20 35 2 26 9 1 4 3 2 2 14 13 7 6 81 78 146 85 131 72 47 1 76 89 297 177 176 12 114 2 38 8 178 185 9 11 650 487 485 2 413 22 167 178 2 2 259 214 216 6 145 25 93 103 147 102 130 122 4,258 4,233 8,667 8,442 13,120 6,746 13,321 2,621 5,535 111 2,530 654 279 281 11 216 17 77 84 17 232 211 37 1 147 111 35 3 4 64 82 18 3 37 3 23 7 151 128 2 95 3 76 2 19 Uninhabited 2 2 214 213 56 102 102 8 3 63 51 41 4 82 2 82 2 4 6 141 139 57 9 63 63 319 305 126 44 154 154 126 111 19 71 7 35 304 273 119 13 210 68 90 44 50 26 9 7 103 68 339 227 576 205 317 93 5 26 2 158 120 526 474 743 188 860 149 34 66 2 41 36 38 9 63 25 3 13 4 501 520 202 52 281 70 99 66 6 3 2 116 126 46 5 66 35 62 3 34 67 76 430 442 297 109 386 71 178 175 42 312 320 117 23 147 5 125 12 3 16 19 97 80 79 18 145 3 1 113 57 53 348 355 141 39 235 71 32 3 194 67 11 13 191 177 69 26 143 27 50 86 25 40 42 163 178 76 31 147 46 29 111 46 124 116 23 6 75 10 12 61 10 17 18 30 16 20 18 1 242

C.D. BLOCK - Hatadihi VILLAGE PRIMARY lndustrial Category of Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Processing, Servic- (VI) No. and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs in House- in other than House- activities hold Industry hold Industry (III ) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

110 Ba!avadrapur 2 111 Manohorpur 3 2 2 112 Jalasarapur 113 Ambrutpur 114 Nuagaon 115 Raghabpur 116 Aitpur 117 Madhupur 118 Tankagadia 119 Kameswarpur 120 Sahapur 2 121 Chasakhanda 4 2 122 Danra 6 6 2 123 Dihabhuinpur-alisgedma 7 9 3 124 Ratakana 1 0200 Soso PS 369 22 3,590 1,635 87 32 87 8 70 5 Dalki (r. t.) 54 2 Mallipasi 3 Saramundi 5 2 2 4 Kanlei alias bali pal 5 Sajanapal Uninhabited 6 Mayurnacha 7 Coupno-1 8 Bhanara 9 Raighati r. f. 10 Siadimalia r. f. 35 6 11 Siadimalia r. f. 118 68 12 Fu!jihar 10 13 Hadagarh 103 7 95 61 6 3 2 10 14 Kusatikiri 3 687 137 5 4 15 Sankhana 46 21 16 Madhu.ban 2 106 64 5 17 Sankatapalia 18 Sangam 4 13 25 3 2 19 Purunapani 5 2 20 Jhanajhana 27 3 21 Sundarapal 2 22 Saralapasi 2 23 Podasingidi 24 Karajabali 25 Kantigadia

KjT-2 243

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Hatadihi Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

3 59 97 11 3 16 62 128 2 11 10 203 378 1 2 88 155 3 13 102 232 2 18 135 271 4 94 193 25 53 3 3 1 8 17 8 117 214 8 10 2 215 373 7 2 29 455 980 6 4 17 4 7 223 471 7 1 105 255 339 8 96 623 145 63 671 11,831 20,935 2 180 373 90 103 137 34 85 3 85 149 Uninhabited 114 215 3 73 139 82 145 184 332 1 63 113 2 118 229 18 50 22 3 9 39 17 14 18 508 472 32 5 24 8 7 458 750 58 100 3 152 219 298 1 59 97 3 8 2 218 328 477 5 31 164 284 1 102 226 2 4 2 243 403 3 2 134 229 3 74 201 49 106 2 26 41

Kjr-2 ~ 13 244


Location Name of Village Area of No.cf No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ mg Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town! Houses Ward In Sq. Kms

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

26 Tentulipadi 65.96 47 49 330 160 170 41 19 22 27 Sanaambagadia 31.97 31 31 197 101 96 32 21 11 28 Baranga 69.61 130 130 740 375 365 110 56 54 29 Jambhira 156.61 137 139 969 470 499 94 51 43 30 Ten!ulinanda 92.77 55 58 309 155 154 43 23 20 31 Khaparakhai 101.58 48 48 295 133 162 54 29 25 32 Bantala 74.87 41 41 272 132 140 36 18 18 33 Sadha 604.20 317 332 2,086 1,022 1,064 320 166 154 34 Kanian 231.89 172 184 1,071 551 520 146 76 70 35 Dhenka 497.36 316 317 1,770 888 882 305 150 155 36 Badaambagadia 29.14 21 21 199 94 105 32 13 19 37 Balibarei 708.61 524 534 3,132 1,560 1,572 520 244 276 38 Sarukana 20.23 12 12 86 47 39 6 3 3 39 Bldyadharapur 393.73 341 345 1,980 1,008 972 381 186 195 40 Bangura 745.03 1,032 1,051 5,236 2,808 2,428 947 495 452 41 Dhanurjyapur 140.83 183 184 935 465 470 211 112 99 42 Nuaragudi 180.89 88 89 470 227 243 81 44 37 43 Baniapanka 261.43 236 249 1,341 657 684 220 85 135 44 Jadabanka 73.65 71 72 387 195 192 67 31 36 45 Mahulpankha BU5 34 34 208 110 98 43 26 17 46 Jhunabadi 83.77 15 15 92 43 49 17 7 10 47 Kurhadighasa 57.06 50 55 394 191 203 82 34 48 48 Kahaliagadla 94.70 54 59 402 204 198 78 43 35 49 Padhlaripalli 414.BD 168 178 1,012 510 502 i 68 87 81 50 Aturil


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tnbes Literates Industnal Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agncultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II )

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

138 102 86 81 52 43 70 58 59 51 152 141 12 15 238 140 195 189 117 132 286 195 223 8 138 4 52 2 3 2 124 103 83 9 48 3 43 43 66 49 77 5 47 20 3 8 6 95 74 78 54 7 261 267 26 19 673 424 551 39 346 155 36 194 188 71 75 379 192 290 34 206 4 17 4 138 125 276 267 444 282 520 134 293 132 123 6 6 79 73 47 39 351 357 342 351 868 540 830 184 176 188 24 2 37 28 27 10 2 291 268 398 404 348 123 518 179 152 5 133 16 489 469 985 929 1,536 741 1446 449 165 10 68 9 53 61 323 314 179 42 253 144 48 20 46 44 89 114 125 52 128 43 38 25 3 123 129 471 508 305 50 354 231 108 73 68 35 8 8 157 156 101 29 104 38 23 9 12 13 4 "1 12 38 53 20 5

38 43 26 12 28 4 16 "1 2 130 60 92 26 25 6 2 147 116 90 21 28 17 6 160 163 85 87 299 156 246 72 90 51 1 225 262 233 125 238 65 67 42 3 2 3 77 54 74 20 18 25 15 201 203 39 49 710 425 612 96 309 140 63 14 15 48 56 93 36 132 35 57 26 4 1 4 16 17 93 72 78 7 42 20 4 41 46 26 11 24 16 5 23 12 16 10 122 101 76 1 58 3 38 33 25 21 30 16 7 18 15 84 79 196 44 122 103 2 18 22 15 17 70 59 59 8 37 13 8 54 71 2 5 65 54 63 3 52 7 3 54 31 38 24 3 39 35 27 23 4 57 75 10 10 258 154 201 179 4 15 15 61 48 54 46 3 40 46 77 75 181 126 146 4 128 36 28 36 1 22 3 246

C D. BLOCK - Hatadlhl VILLAGE PRIMARY Industnal Category of LocatIon Name of VIllage LIvestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufactunng, Manufactunng, ConstructJons Code Flsnlng, HuntJng Quarrying Processing, Processing, Servlc- (VI) No and PlantatIOns, (IV) Servicing and Ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs In House- In other than House- activities hold Industry hold Industry (III) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

26 Tentulipadl 27 Sanaambagadla 28 Baranga 29 Jambhlra 1 30 Tentuilnanda 2 9 3 2 31 Khaparakhal 3 32 Bantala 33 Sadha 1 7 1 4 34 Kaman 2 30 25 3 6 35 Dhenka 2 19 6 2 8 36 Badaambagadla 1 37 Baflbarel 47 304 147 6 13 16 4 38 Sarukana 8 39 Bldyadharapur 30 2 153 152 2 1 40 Bangura 33 1022 412 2 19 2 41 Dhanurlyapur 181 144 42 Nuaragudl 1 58 38 1 43 Banlapanka 6 156 118 2 3 3 4 44 Jadabanka 70 38 45 Mahulpankha 6 1 13 46 Jhunabadl 5 3 2 47 Kurhadlghasa 20 2 31 17 1 48 Kahaliagadla 17 7 11 5 4 49 Padhlanpalll 5 79 66 1 50 Atunkana 119 62 51 Ramaknshnapur 15 3 4 52 Soso 5 65 17 3 5 1 53 Danelpur 12 13 34 4 54 Nlmadam 55 Kakharugadla 3 56 Varadagadla 4 57 Belamala 2 5 58 Bhanarapur 3 59 Bangaon 2 60 Tentuilpadl 3 61 Motaragadla 2 62 Dharampur 5 63 Bargadla 64 Naha 2 65 Padarukha 2 66 Mlthlgaon 11 3 67 Analagadla 5 6 247

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Hatadihi Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII )

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

4 74 170 7 42 96 2 2 180 365 8 22 3 3 244 491 6 13 6 72 145 6 56 157 15 2 54 140 6 2 29 3 471 1,025 11 3 12 261 486 25 7 31 5 368 748 4 47 105 21 7 52 8 4 61 726 1,327 4 3 1 20 38 24 4 19 4 489 793 55 20 60 16 12 27 1350 1,952 4 212 326 5 4 22 95 178 5 5 4 298 449 91 154 6 57 97 4 15 45 2 1 6 4 3 96 177 4 9 3 2 112 177 2 2 15 4 264 430 2 7 197 388 4 8 20 53 88 21 4 59 16 511 999 2 14 84 175 2 12 3 107 174 17 46 1 14 25 2 5 89 170 1 36 53 2 2 8 125 246 3 2 3 1 44 101 2 2 6 38 131 5 3 50 70 32 56 4 12 197 387 3 53 134 5 159 309 41 76

Kjr-2 248

C.:l._____ BLOCKo ___ - Hatadihi VILLAGE PRIMARY

L', # ..It,i);! ",-,,'r e of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ- Total Population CI,I'3 Village Occupied House- ing Institutional and In the age group Nu'nb"n in Hect- Reside- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward In Sq Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

68 Berunapadi ~ i 938 83 86 518 257 261 85 48 37 69 Marichipada 75.68 68 70 439 226 213 43 '22 21 70 Kanhupur(kanpur) 243.62 145 155 1,093 539 554 154 72 82 71 Salia 15.38 10 11 77 44 33 9 6 3 72 Mauda 189.39 139 141 898 457 441 164 98 66 73 Jantalapadi 38.85 11 11 80 38 42 15 8 7 74 Raghunathpuf 37.23 20 21 160 82 78 36 15 21 249

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Hatadihi Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II )

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

115 97 182 123 136 6 65 35 2 7 2 141 114 114 6 97 4 2 237 245 6 5 394 298 249 12 138 17 2 33 16 23 14 7 113 115 7 3 315 227 242 5 126 67 3 23 16 21 14 4 31 21 10 11 42 34 44 7 22 15 6 C.D. BLOCK - Hatadihi VILLAGE PRIMARY Industnal Category of Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufactunng, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Processing, Servic­ (VI) No and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and Ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs In House­ In other than House­ activities hold Industry hold Industry (III) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

68 Berunapadl 9 8 69 Manchlpada 3 70 Kanhupur(kanpur) 2 23 5 71 Balra 2 72 Mauda 4 2 73 Jantalapadl 74 Raghunathpur 251

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Hatadihi Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (Vill)

-_---- M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 48

7 10 4 121 255 10 4 112 207 8 4 52 10 290 542 21 33 25 17 2 215 436 2 17 41 3 38 71


N ...... ~ " JOllnflr:; N-

AT[I • <~ RESERveD FOREST . ~o ti t ~ "


III r" o

s T R

Boundary, District (I bol'! orea w Ih I ~t on loce n"rrt l

co Black State j-I q'lway Police StatIOn !-np rIa t Mel;Jlled Road

Village .... ,th laeohan .. ode nurnbel K ver Gnd Stream

Forest Reserved Vi II forne Post 011 ce Post and Telegraph Off,:e PO PiO C 0 Block boundary eJ.cllJdes statutorl Headquarters CD Bock Police Stol11 High Scnoal town

Vlloges with DOpJO'or SIe Beow 200 2:>0 Ho~pltol Pr mar)' Health Ce'1lre Olspe'1Sory L C No U3 10 115 o{ G~OSIDIHO P S hOlle 500, 500 999 000 49<:'9 ••• M prn ,/1 U Id rJf"fo f: (.tnlre ffi @ +.A not been shown In Ihe body of fMe IT'Dt: Unmhoblled VII ages w Ih locatIOn Lode nel llJe mPCrlf'nt v IloGe MarKel Hot

Based upon SJ'vey of 11d 0 nop wth the pe m s~ or. 0' '!'Il" S l"y ,-,cre 0 GI.'~" I'm!"'" )1 Ind 0 Copyr 0;1'1' 1997 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF GHASIPURA C.D. BLOCK - 0100

Sainkul P.S. - 0160 Ghasipura P.S. - 0170 Anandapur P.S. (Portion) - 0181 Anandapur P.S. (Portion) - 0182 Nandipada P.S. - 0190

253 254



2 3 4 5 6


Agarda 19/03/0160/0019 1913/17/19 16/03/0140/0088 16/3114/88 2 Alati 19/03/016010032 1913/17/32 16/03/0140/0115 1613/14/115 3 Aligaon 19/03/016010085 19/3117/85 16/03/0140/0148 16/3114/148 4 Angarua 19/03/016010043 19/3117143 16/0310140/0118 16/3114/118 5 Anjira 19/03/016010077 19/3117/77 16/03/0140/0080 1613/14/80 6 Atta 19/03/016010079 19/3117179 16/03/0140/0139 16/3114/139 7 Badapanda 19/03/0160/0057 1913/17/57 16/03/0140/0131 16/3114/131 8 Bahugadia 19/03/0160/0005 1913/17/5 16/03/014010103 16/3/14/103 9 Balibaruan 19/03/016010093 19/3117/93 16/03/0140/0152 16/3114/152 10 Bamphidi 19/03/016010017 19/3117/17 16/03/0140/0068 16/3114/68 11 Baniapasi 19/03/016010059 19/3117/59 16/03/014010133 16/3114/133 12 Baranga 19/03/016010039 19/3117/39 16/03/0140/0112 16/3114/112 13 Bato 19/03/0160/0075 19/3117/75 16/03/014010078 16/3114/78 14 Baunspal 19/03/016010042 19/3117/42 16/03/0140/0113 16/3114/113 15 Beguniadihi 19/03/0160/0054 19/3117/54 16/03/0140/0122 16/3114/122 16 Belada 19/03/016010081 19/3117/81 16/03/014010141 16/3114/141 17 Belasundari 19/03/016010045 19/3117/45 16/03/014010117 16/3114/117 18 Bhaganai 19/03/0160/0010 19/3/17/10 16/03/014010062 16/3114/62 19 Bhandaripada 19/03/0160/0031 19/3117/31 16/03/014010100 16/3/14/100 20 Bilabandha 19/03/0160/0035 19/3117/35 16/03/014010108 16/3/14/108 21 Bramhanda 19/03/016010088 1913/17/88 16/03/0140/0142 16/3114/142 22 Chandali 19/03/016010082 19/3117/82 16/03/014Q/O143 16/3114/143 23 Dantia 19/03/016010025 1913117/25 1610310140/0095 16/3/14/95 24 Dihakatina 19/03/016010066 19/3117/66 16/03/0140/0138 16/3114/138 25 Fatepur 19/03/0160/0067 19/3117/67 16/03/0140/0082 16/3/14/82 26 Gainthagodi 19/03/016010021 19/3/17/21 16/03/0140/0090 16/3/14/90 27 Ganpur 19/03/016010041 19/3117/41 16/03/014010119 16/3/14/119 28 Garhbandhogoda 19/03/016010004 19/3117/4 16/03/014010101 16/3/14/101 29 Gobargali 19/03/0160/0064 19/3117/64 16/03/014010136 16/3114/136 30 Godipatna 19/03/0160/0011 19/3117/11 16/03/014010063 1613/14/63 31 Gudiadihi 19/03/0160/0002 19/3/17/2 16/03/0140/0104 16/3/14/104 32 Guhaldihi 19/03/016010055 19/3117/55 16/03/014010123 16/3114/123 33 Haripur 19/03/016010050 19/3117/50 16/03/0140/0128 16/3114/128 34 Hasanpur 19/03/0160/0013 19/3117/13 16/03/0140/0070 16/3114/70 35 Janardanpurpatna 19/03/016010045 19/3117/46 1.6/03/0140/0126 16/3114/126 36 Jarak 19/03/016010006 19/3117/6 16/03/014010102 16/3/14/102 37 Jarda 19/03/016010056 19/3/17/56 16/03/0140/0124 16/3/14/124 38 Jenapada 19/03/016010024 19/3117/24 16/03/014010092 16/3/14/92 39 Kainsiari 19/03/016010028 1913/17128 16/03/0140/0096 16/3/14/96 40 Kaithapatna 19/03/0160/0092 19/3117/92 16/03/0140/0153 16/3114/153 41 Kanpur 19/03/016010009 1913/17/9 16/03/0140/0061 16/3114/61 42 Kantabanla 19/03/0160/0027 19/3/17/27 16/03/0140/0097 1613/14/97 43 Karadamali 19/03/0160/0003 19/3117/3 16/03/014010106 16/3/14/106 44 Karadapal 19/03/0160/0074 19/3/17/74 16/03/0140/0077 16/3/14/77 45 Karadapal 1W13/0160/0040 1913/17140 16/03/014010121 16/3114/121

}C~ .1 255



46 Katenikantal 19/03/0160/0044 19/3/17/44 16/03/0140/0120 16/3/14/120 47 Kendukhunta 19/03/0160/0084 19/3/17/84 16/03/0140/0149 16/3/14/149 48 Khadikasulabahali 19/03/0160/0023 19/3/17/23 16/03/0140/0067 16/3/14/67 49 19/03/0160/0020 19/3/17/20 16/03/0140/0089 16/3/14/89 50 Kolipal 19/03/0160/0037 19/3/17/37 16/03/0140/0110 16/3/14/110 51 Kothasahi 19/03/0160/0071 19/3/17/71 16/03/0140/0086 16/3/14/86 52 Krushanpur 19/03/0160/0049 19/3/17/49 i 6/03/0140/0093 16/3/14/93 53 Lunahar 19/03/0160/0063 19/3/17/63 16/03/0140/0134 16/3/14/134 54 Machhalo 19/03/0160/0015 19/3/17/15 16/03/0140/0074 16/3/14/74 55 Madanpur 19/03/0160/0012 19/3/17/12 16/03/0140/0064 16/3/14/64 56 Madhukesari 19/03/0160/0078 19/3/17/78 16/03/0140/0081 16/3/14/81 57 Mahuri 19/03/0160/0083 19/3/17/83 16/03/0140/0144 16/3/14/144 58 Malikatina 19/03/0160/0065 19/3/17/65 16/03/0140/0137 16/3/14/137 59 Mangalagadia 19/03/0160/0026 19/3/17/26 16/03/0140/0094 16/3/14/94 60 Mirjapur 19/03/016010068 19/3/17/68 16/03/0140/0083 16/3/14/83 61 Nahangi 19/03/0160/0053 19/3/17/53 16/03/0140/0125 16/3/14/125 62 Nandabar 19/03/016010036 19/3/17/36 16/03/0140/0109 16/3/14/109

63 Napanga 19/03/0160/0089 19/3/17/89 16/03/0140/0151 16/3/14/15 ~ 64 Narda 19/03/0160/0001 19/3/17/1 16/03/0140/01 05 16/3/14/105 65 Naukana 19/03/0160/0014 19/3/17/14 16/03/0140/0072 16/3/14/72 66 Nuagaon 19/03/0160/0022 19/3/17/22 16/03/0140/0091 16/3/14/91 67 Nuhamalia 19/03/0160/0038 19/3/17/38 16/03/0140/0111 16/3/14/111 68 Odapada 19/03/0160/ 0091 19/3/17/91 16/03/0140/0155 16/3/14/ 155 69 Padanpur 19/03/0160/0047 19/3/17/47 16/03/0140/ 0127 16/3/14/ 127 70 Padanpur 19/03/0160/ 0087 19/3/17/87 16/03/0140/ 0150 16/3114/ 150 71 Pahadpur 19/03/0160/ 0008 19/3/17/8 16/03/0140/ C065 16/3/14/65 72 Panchara 19/03/0160/ 0070 19/3/17/70 16/03/0140/0085 16/3/14/85 73 Pandua 19/03/0160/0072 19/3/17/72 16/03/0140/0075 16/3/14/75 74 Paramandpur 19/03/0160/0069 19/3/17/69 16/03/0140/0084 16/3/14/84 75 Patasura 19/03/0160/0062 19/3/17/62 16/03/0140/0135 16/3/14/135 76 Patilo 19/03/0160/0007 19/3/17/7 16/03/0140/0066 16/3/14/66 77 Purunabandhogoda 19/03/0160/0033 19/3/17/33 16/03/0140/0114 16/3/14/114 78 Raitola 19/03/0160/0048 19/3/17/48 16/03/0140/0116 16/3/14/116 79 Ramachandrapur 19/03/0160/0052 19/3/17/52 16/03/0140/0130 16/3/14/130 80 Rudranarayanpursasan 19/03/0160/0016 19/3/17/16 16/03/0140/0069 16/3/14/69 81 Sainkul 19/03/0160/0018 19/3/17/18 16/03/0140/0087 16/3/14/87 82 Sainpal 19/03/0160/0086 19/3/17/86 16/03/0140/0147 16/3/14/147 83 Saladei 19/03/0160/0090 19/3/17/90 16/03/0140/0154 16/3/14/154 84 Sanapadana 19/03/0160/0058 19/3/17/58 16/03/0140/0132 16/3/14/132 85 Suanlo 19/03/0160/0030 19/3/17/30 16/03/0140/0099 16/3/14/99 86 Suanpada 19/03/0160/0051 19/3/17/51 16/03/0140/0129 16/3/14/129 87 Tampo 19/03/0160/0076 19/3/17/76 16/03/0140/0079 16/3/14/79 88 Taruan 19/03/0160/0061 19/3/17/61 16/03/0140/0145 16/3/14/145 89 Tigiria 19/03/0160/0034 19/3/17/34 16/03/0140/0107 16/3/14/107 .90 Ujuni 19/03/0160/0060 19/3117/60 16/03/0140/0146 16/3/14/146 .91 Uliol 19/03/0160/0080 19/3/17/80 16/03/014010140 16/3/14/140

Kjr-2 256



2 3 4 5 6

92 Valuka 19/03/0160/0029 19/3/17/29 16/03/0140/0098 16/3/14/98 POLICE STATION - GHASIPURA - 0170 93 Amarkola 19/03/0170/0078 19/3/18/78 16/03/0140/0049 16/3/14/49 94 Analapal 19/03/017010038 19/3118/38 16/03/0140/0033 16/3/14/33 95 Asanbahah 19/03/0170/0035 19/3/18/35 16/03/0140/0001 16/3/14/1 96 Atasahl 19/03/0170/0089 19/3/18/89 16/03/0140/0060 16/3/14/60 97 Atasahlpatna 19103/017010088 19/3118/88 16/03/0140/0059 16/3/14/59 98 Balarampur 19/03/0170/0061 19/3118/61 16/03/0140/0025 16/3114/25 99 Bahpal 19/03/017010067 19/3/18/67 16/03/014010031 16/3114/31 100 Baramal 19/03/017010075 19/3/18/75 16/03/014010045 16/3/14/45 101 Banpal 19/03/0170/0044 19/3/18/44 16/03/014010010 16/3/14/10 102 Basantapura 19/03/0170/0036 19/3/18/36 16/03/014010008 16/3114/8 103 Bhandandlha 19/03/0170/0051 19/3/18/51 1610310140/0006 16/3114/6 104 Bholanuagaon 19/03/0170/0056 19/3118/56 16/03/014010022 16/3/14/22 105 Blragovlndpur 19/03/017010021 19/3/18/21 16/03/0150/0071 16/3115/71 106 Chamarpasl 19/03/0170/0031 19/3/18/31 16/03/0140/0004 16/3114/4 107 Champapal 19103/0170/0069 19/3/18/69 16/03/0140/0039 16/3/14/39 108 Chamuhln 19/03/0170/0058 19/3/18/58 16/03/014010024 16/3114/24 109 Daradlpal 19/03/0170/0076 19/3/18/76 16/03/0140/0047 16/3114/47 110 Deogan 19/03/0170/0084 19/3/18/84 16/03/0140/0055 16/3114/55 111 Dhahapasl 19/03/0170/0079 19/3/18/79 16/03/0140/0048 16/3/14/48 112 Dhaund,d,ha 19/03/017010063 19/3/18/63 16/0310140/0026 16/3114/26 113 Dhlnkla 19/03/017010086 19/3118/86 16/03/014010057 16/3114/57 11 A. Dlpapal 19/03/0170/0085 19/3118/85 16103/014010056 16/3114/56 115 Gohlra 19/03/0170/0027 19/3/18/27 16/03/0150/0073 16/3115/73 116 Gopalpur 19/03/0170/0030 19/3/18/30 16/03/014010003 16/3/14/3 117 Haladlakundl 19103/0170/0077 19/3/18/77 16/03/0140/0046 16/3114/46 118 Hatlsila 19/03/017010087 19/3118/87 16/03/0140/0058 16/3/14/58 119 Indupura 19/03/017010026 19/3/18/26 16/03/0150/0074 16/3/15/74 120 Jafasuan 19/03/017010080 19/3/18/80 16/03/014010050 16/3114/50 121 Jhadakhundl 19/03/0170/0057 19/3/18/57 16/03/0140/0023 16/3/14/23 122 Jhlnklplta 19/03/0170/0033 19/3118/33 16/03/014010002 16/3/14/2 123 Jugalk,shorepur 19/03/0170/0022 19/3/18/22 16/03/0150/0072 16/3/15/72 124 Kampura 19/03/0170/0059 19/3/18/59 16/03/015010125 16/3115/25 125 Kansa 19/03/0170/0041 19/3/18/41 16103/0140/0036 16/3114/36 126 Kantarohl 19/03/017010049 19/3/18/49 16/03/014010028 16/3114/28 127 KaranJlapal 19/03/0170/0072 19/3/18/72 16/03/0140/0042 16/3/14/42 128 Kathapal 19/03/017010043 19/3/18/43 16/03/0140/0032 16/3/14/32 129 Kendua 19/03/0170/0040 19/3/18/40 16/03/0140/0035 16/3/14/35 130 Kesadurapal 19/03/0170/0066 19/3/18/66 16/03/014010030 16/3114/30 131 Khadlkud 19/03/0170/0074 19/3118174 16/03/0140/0044 16/3/14/44 132 Khallo 19/03/0170/0039 19/3/18/39 16/03/0140/0034 16/3/14/34 133 Khalapal 19/03/017010068 19/3/18/68 16'03/0140/0038 16/3114/38 134 Khal,amenta 19/03/0170/0055 19/3/18/55 16/03/014010019 16/3114/19 135 Kochlanendl 19/03/0170/0082 19/3/18/82 16/03/0140/0052 16/3/14/52

K Ir·2 257



136 Kumunla 19103/017010025 19/3118/25 16/03/015010075 16/3115/75 137 Kurumpal 19103/017010073 19/3118/73 16/03/014010043 16/3114/43 138 Mahuiapasl 19103/017010062 19/3/18/62 16/03/014010018 16/3114/18 139 Mmglmundl 19103/017010053 19/3118/53 16/03/014010017 16/3114/17 140 Naduan 19103/017010090 19/3118/90 16/03/015010127 16/3115/127 141 Narangapur 19103/017010047 19/3118/47 16/03/014010013 16/3114/13 142 Narasmghapur 19/03/017010050 19/3118/50 16/03/014010014 16/3114/14 143 Nlpaman 19103/017010054 1913118/54 16/03/014010016 1613114/16 144 Nuabanpal 19103/017010037 19/3118/37 16103/014010009 16/3114/9 145 Nuapada 19103/017010064 19/3118/64 16/03/014010054 16/3114/54 146 Ostapura 19103/017010028 19/3118/28 16/03/014010021 16/3114/21 147 Padanpur 19/03/017010052 19/3/18/52 16/03/014010015 16/3114/15 148 Palaspur 19103/017010024 19/3118/24 16/03/015010076 16/3115/76 149 Panchugochhla 19103/017010029 19/3118/29 16/03/014010020 16/3114/20 150 Radhlkadelpur 19103/0170/0042 19/3118/42 16/03/0140/0037 16/3114/37 151 Raghabpur 19/03/017010083 19/3118/83 16/03/014010053 16/3114/53 152 Ralpur 19/03/017010046 19/3118/46 16/03/0140/0012 16/3114/12 153 Rekutla 19/03/0170/0081 19/3118/81 16/03/0140/0051 16/3114/51 154 Salapada block 2, 3, 4 19/03/0170/0060 19/3118/60 155 Samukanendl 19/03/0170/0032 19/3118/32 16/03/014010005 16/3114/5 156 Santra 19/03/0170/0045 19/3118/45 16/03/0140/0011 16/3114/11 157 Sarel 19103/0170/0092 19/3118/92 16/03/0150/0128 1613115/128 158 Satatlra 19/03/017010093 19/3118/93 16/03/015010129 16/3115/129 159 Slana 19/03/017010071 19/3118/71 16/03/014010041 1613/14/41 160 Talagaon 19/03/0170/0023 1913/18/23 16/03/015010077 16/3115/77 161 Tanmul 19/03/017010065 19/3/18/65 16/03/0140/0027 16/3114/27 162 Tavakud 19/03/0170/0070 19/3118/70 16/03/014010040 1613/14/40 163 Toraruapal 19/03/0170/0034 19/3118/34 16/03/014010007 16/311417 164 Tulaslpur 19/03/0170/0048 19/3118/48 16/03/014010029 16/3114/29 POLICE STATION - ANANDAPUR (Portion) - 0181 165 Gohlrabam 19/03/0181/0050 19/3119/50 16/03/015010070 16/3115170 POLICE STATION - ANANDAPUR (Portion) - 0182

166 Tarava 19/03/0182/0101 19/3/20/101 16/03/0150/0173 16/3115/173 POLICE STATION - NANDIPADA - 0190

167 Ambo 19/03/0190/0025 19/3121/25 16/03/0160/0176 16/3116/176 168 Antlra 19103/019010024 19/3121/24 16/03/016010177 16/3116/177 169 Begunlapadl 19103/019010029 19/3121/29 16/03/0160/0200 16/3116/200 170 Dhanaghar 19103/019010047 19/3121/47 16/03/0160/0195 16/3116/195 171 Karagola 19/03/019010027 19/3121/27 16103/016010208 16/3116/208 172 Kohpadl 19/03/019010032 1913/21/32 16/03/016010198 16/3116/198 173 Lalchhanpur 19/03/0190/0028 19/3/21/28 16/03/016010207 16/3116/207 174 Sankho 19/03/0190/0050 1913/21/50 16/03/016010206 16/3116/206 175 Sarala 19103/0190/0031 19/3121/31 16/03/016010178 16/3116/178 176 Syamabmdha 19103/019010060 19/3121/60 16/03/016010202 16/3116/202 258


Location Name of Village Area of No of No of Total Populatlon(lnclud­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ Ing institutional and In the age group Number In Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward In Sq Kms

P M F P M F 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11

10 GHASIPURA T 365.03 20,017 20,969 123,727 62,743 60,984 20,422 10,372 10,050 C.D. BLOCK R 365.03 20,017 20,969 123,727 62,743 60.984 20,422 10,372 10,050 U 0160 Sainkul PS 156.30 9,482 10,002 59,366 29,918 29,448 9,555 4,904 4,651 Narda 14528 70 71 459 262 197 76 43 33 2 Gudladlhl 6718 37 44 237 124 113 31 16 15 3 Karadamall 7365 39 39 212 107 105 26 15 11 4 Garhbandhogoda 62403 296 296 1,738 874 864 317 160 157 5 Bahugadla 7244 9 9 60 28 32 8 5 3 6 Jarak 5342 19 22 158 77 81 30 14 16 7 Patllo 20922 ~22 123 724 384 340 118 70 48 8 Pahadpur 10279 42 45 291 160 131 39 <>6 13 9 Kanpur 26952 112 116 699 347 352 101 44 57 10 Bhagar.al 11817 130 186 1,172 615 557 187 98 89 11 Godlpatna 5747 42 64 341 164 177 56 26 30 12 Madanpur 88990 229 330 1,976 1,006 970 376 193 183 13 Hasanpur 22784 36 59 355 193 162 59 34 25 14 Naukana 8418 27 27 170 80 90 30 11 19 i5 Machhalo 25698 262 269 1,657 791 866 269 123 146 16 Rudranarayanpursasan 11210 75 75 384 189 195 63 30 33 17 Bamphldl 19708 122 149 788 405 383 98 51 47 18 Salnkul 85874 626 645 3,734 1,872 1,862 533 268 265 19 Agarda 15424 88 91 557 275 282 85 28 57 20 Khalar,a 54511 478 481 2,587 1,254 1,333 401 214 187 21 Galnthagodl 6394 Uninhabited 22 Nuagaon 24038 260 279 1,690 834 856 311 148 163 23 Khadlkasulabahall 14892 105 105 658 338 320 114 64 50 24 Jenapada 17968 57 59 348 175 173 42 17 25 25 Dantla 15581 115 118 678 359 319 125 76 49 26 Mangalgadla 3926 23 23 99 52 47 11 7 4 27 Kantabama 7527 72 79 .158 217 241 62 35 27 28 Kalnslan 15742 45 46 356 186 170 55 33 22 29 Valuka 3440 60 75 467 227 240 65 35 30 30 Suanlo 18089 92 92 633 313 320 85 42 43 31 Bhandanpada 2347 19 112 56 56 17 11 6 32 Alatl 101 17 293 346 1,924 970 954 282 154 128 33 Purunaba~dhogoda 25617 140 145 723 350 375 113 50 63 34 TI9ma 10514 103 111 676 354 322 108 57 51 35 Bllabandha 15985 64 64 35;) 191 168 56 36 20 36 Nandabar 17725 142 142 891 450 441 181 89 92 37 Kohpal 11453 87 87 498 253 245 102 55 47 259


Scheduled Castes C;cheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II )

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

12,007 11,572 12,066 11,627 37,006 22,818 31,623 2,368 17,1&15 263 8,351 1,446 12,007 11,572 12,066 11,627 37,006 22,818 31,623 2,368 17,1~ 263 8,351 1,446

6,009 5,830 3,151 3,066 18,542 11,952 14,781 730 7,62,. 86 4,180 263 98 84 41 13 150 32 97 2 64 16 1 105 103 35 6 75 4 36 36 4 4 2 69 61 45 25 8 156 138 286 293 520 330 406 97 249 70 98 27 18 18 13 10 18 18 2 54 37 37 29 43 45 117 112 197 127 187 24 89 85 24 36 30 122 59 74 44 19 25 28 279 239 132 2 68 4 1 35 29 14 14 399 170 292 6 163 54 5 30 40 113 82 75 37 25 386 389 115 96 527 324 505 10 199 156 6 130 73 103 76 18 50 36 42 35 3 160 169 36 38 588 472 453 14 297 7 117 5 69 68 87 63 111 11 49 58 11 63 73 115 112 208 142 222 2 102 95 226 196 249 209 1,171 881 901 62 350 260 40 124 131 214 152 131 2 95 13 77 73 9 88 536 185 659 96 373 222 Uninhabited 129 120 392 157 480 402 26 6 4 7 2 163 85 167 3 66 2 2 19 26 54 43 115 76 96 6 39 30 174 141 7 7 245 141 183 2 158 1 2 31 25 26 20 4 149 148 143 120 74 2 56 24 25 125 95 76 53 13 83 90 17 24 150 133 73 6 6 31 108 112 119 179 144 34 76 51 32 29 18 27 12 8 140 138 53 51 611 405 465 3 227 123 52 45 264 201 179 5 94 22 69 51 228 135 171 4 103 38 89 93 65 44 53 27 104 41 58 300 269 52 74 212 106 198 79 115 253 245 125 74 131 29 96

Kjr-2 260

C.D. BLOCK - Ghaslpura VILLAGE PRIMARY Industnal Category of Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mmmg and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrymg Processing, Processing, Servlc- (VI) No and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and Ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs In House· In other than House- activIties hold Industry hold Industry ( III ) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

10 GHASIPURA T 403 18 166 1 742 308 528 14 84 6 C.D. BLOCK R 403 18 166 1 742 308 528 14 84 6 U 0160 Sainkul PS 169 8 128 475 242 261 6 35 5 1 Narda 2 Gudladlhl 3 Karadamall 1 2 4 Garhbandhogoda 4 2 3 5 Bahugadla 6 Jarak 7 Patllo 8 Pahadpur 2 9 Kanpur 5 3 10 Bhaganal 5 17 6 11 Godlpatna 2 12 Madanpur 5 40 51 13 Hasanpur 14 Naukana 15 Machhalo 3 4 16 Rudranarayanpursasan 17 Bamphldl 2 2 18 Salnkul 19 15 6 35 3 19 Agarda 2 9 1 20 Khalana 3 13 89 8 2 21 Galnthagodl Unrnhablted 22 Nuagaon 6 9 7 23 Khadlkasulabahal. 3 56 21 1 24 Jenapada 1 1 8 3 25 Dantla 5 6 26 Mangalgadla 1 27 Kantabanla 11 28 Karnslan 29 Valuka 2 30 Suanlo 31 Bhandanpada 2 32 Alatl 4 2 15 5 2 33 Purunabandhogoda 5 2 4 4 34 Tlgrna 5 2 35 Bllabandha 36 Nandabar 37 Kolipal 2 261

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Ghasipura Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and TranspOlt, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII ) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

1,030 25 336 2,817 287 338 1,159 30,782 57,457 1,030 25 336 2,817 287 338 1,159 30,782 57,457

549 13 175 1,185 107 116 379 15,021 28,339 8 8 165 195 2 49 109 1 3 4 62 105 10 4 34 468 767 2 15 32 3 4 40 81 3 10 3 2 194 314 2 7 86 131 2 48 215 350 26 3 17 323 551 3 7 1 8 81 176 15 11 26 2 7 5 494 955 8 90 162 1 3 38 90 2 2 4 26 3 7 335 845 3 78 184 2 17 2 183 381 72 14 127 21 971 1,800 3 8 2 2 66 142 214 12 12 15 4 1 3 594 1,234 Uninhabited 5 7 16 354 856 13 5 171 317 2 2 14 79 167 1 2 10 18 175 299 26 47 7 2 143 239 2 5 110 170 6 4 29 154 234 15 2 169 286 2 2 29 56 24 2 61 3 2 503 951 6 2 40 5 171 368 2 2 18 4 3 7 180 311 3 2 1 85 166 2 5 20 247 421 4 122 245

Kjr-2 262

C.D. BLOCK - Ghasipura VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town/ Houses Warri "1

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

38 Nuhamalia 204.37 101 101 640 324 316 170 89 81 39 Baranga 358.55 162 162 989 498 491 233 112 121 40 Karadapal 143.86 98 106 597 824 273 103 63 40 41 Ganpur 63.54 6 6 33 16 17 9 3 6 42 Baunspal 5.26 Uninhabited 43 Angarua 78.91 225 225 1,353 683 670 221 99 122 44 Katenikantal 141.64 52 54 ;' 313 148 165 53 22 31 45 Belasundari 136.78 123 123 662 324 338 100 52 48 46 Janardanpurpatna 86.20 58 59 341 174 167 58 30 28 47 Padanpur 225.41 60 60 325 159 166 48 29 19 48 Raitola 139.62 118 118 743 374 369 115 69 46 49 Krushanpur 165.92 72 73 417 218 199 62 29 33 50 Haripur 92.67 40 40 260 120 140 37 16 21 51 Suanpada 150.54 76 76 448 238 210 91 45 46 52 Ramachandrapur 128.29 98 99 494 264 230 69 40 29 53 Nahangi 115.74 69 69 458 239 219 76 45 31 54 Beguniadihi 16.19 87 89 437 230 207 66 39 27 55 Guhaldihi 14.57 21 21 110 55 55 27 12 15 56 Jarda 108.86 78 79 446 231 215 49 25 24 Ji Badapanda 261.02 312 326 1,972 989 983 292 141 151 58 Sanapadana 139.21 35 35 242 109 133 31 12 19 59 Baniapasi 227.84 99 104 631 316 315 98 48 50 60 Ujuni 117.76 61 63 420 203 217 64 30 34 61 Taruan 183.32 177 179 1,081 547 534 168 75 93 62 Patasura 154.19 71 71 486 254 232 71 41 30 63 Lunahar 176.44 97 97 605 310 295 73 39 34 64 Gobargali 38.45 22 22 148 79 69 22 13 9 65 Malikatina 57.06 32 36 246 108 138 43 23 20 66 Dihakatina 134.76 17 17 112 56 56 20 10 10 67 Fatepur 67.99 12 12 80 38 42 10 2 8 68 Mirjapur 48.97 Uninhabited 69 Paramandpur 92.27 81 81 527 266 261 102 53 49 70 Panchara 218.53 127 131 782 372 410 143 70 73 71 Kothasahi 109.67 39 39 182 96 86 42 28 14 72 Pandua 358.15 283 310 1,906 976 930 309 167 142 74 Karadapal 189.80 146 146 966 495 471 128 72 56

75 Bato 65.5~ 231 231 1,324 662 662 197 98 99 76 Tampo 145.69 40 40 257 123 134 35 18 17 77 Anjira 110.88 39 42 262 122 140 44 22 22 78 Madhukesari 174.47 224 225 1,203 608 595 219 118 101 79 Atta 151.76 ,227 227 1,291 658 633 194 99 95 80 Uilol 192.63 '. 95 97 673 336 337 113 52 61 263


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tr .. ' Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M ~ M F M F M F F --~------12 13 14 1t.> 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

42 57 282 259 99 18 167 160 4 92 98 325 313 130 24 252 27 44 192 23 17 9 77 71 207 11 123 2 113 1 16 17 6 10 7 9 7 Uninhabited 220 240 4 548 403 363 7 175 124 85 Q5 61 67 1 39 13 41 36 29 177 157 4 80 31 1 9 7 89 102 66 91 21 29 45 17 103 111 95 38 94 28 45 2 47 21 39 32 ? 3 203 165 201 7 163 2 24 4 48 40 155 100 116 79 21 4 8 71 61 61 3 37 6 104 1 (11 11\ 12 132 77 119 6 25 61 5 33 28 11 6 177 109 119 3 28 7;) 71 154 103 105 74 17 86 76 125 60 125 120 55 55 17 9 28 28 10 10 182 129 107 1 54 8 159 154 30 621 410 540 3 242 160 83 68 50 35 112 110 206 124 158 8 60 86 8 152 112 89 44 28 157 166 18 19 380 195 255 144 73 103 86 165 104 123 63 41 23 19 10 9 2')9 187 145 111 21 62 44 44 39 5 61 65 58 18 36 30 24 25 13 9 27 23 19 18 Uninhabited 77 65 100 98 150 88 119 30 85 78 90 71 68 226 184 186 6 83 82 6 96 86 13 3 53 53 209 199 182 179 665 452 430 15 121 165 22 15 415 313 222 143 37 287 284 28 31 437 263 375 20 126 156 10 13 16 97 87 49 2 27 8 1 3 25 19 79 51 54 2 32 8 126 133 397 248 321 48 117 94 85 78 485 283 363 75 39 77 31 37 240 141 135 15 51 35

K)r-2 264

C.D BLOCK - Ghaslpura VILLAGE PRIMARY Industnal Category of Location NafTl{:J Of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufactunng, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processmg, Processing, Servlc- (VI) No and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and Ing and Repairs Or,l ards & allied Repairs In House- In other than House- actl"lt'es hold Industry hold Industry (III) (Va) (Vb) ----- M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

38 Nuhamalia 39 Baranga 2 2 2 40 Karadapal 2 41 Ganpur 42 Baunspal Uninhabited 43 Angarua 8 9 2 44 Katenlkanlal 2 45 Belasundan 1 10 46 Janardanpurpatna 2 2 2 2 47 Padanpur 5 48 Raltola 1 4 49 Krushanpur 5 50 Hanpur 2 9 51 Suanpada 4 52 Ramachandrapur 1 8 53 Nahangl 2 5 54 Begunladlhl 55 Guhaldlhl 56 Jarda 3 2 4 3 57 Badapanda 3 4 16 14 58 Sanapadana 3 59 Banlapasl 1 60 Ujunl 3 3 2 61 Taruan 3 62 Patasura 3 63 Lunahar 64 Gobargall 65 Mahkatma 66 Dlhakatlna 67 Fatepur 68 Mlrjapur Uninhabited 69 Paramandpur 70 Panchara 3 3 71 Kothasahl 72 Pandua 10 8 7 14 74 Karadapal 1 3 75 Balo 8 6 6 76 Tampo 1 77 AnJlra 3 6 1 2 78 Madhukesan 61 48 5 79 Alta 4 159 74 4 80 Ullol 2 27 13

"'I' 2 265

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Ghasipura Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII ) Communlt:.atlons (IX) (VIII )

----- M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

2 157 315 8 4 246 464 2 5 2 201 271 6 10 Uninhabited 3 42 7 320 663 1 9 1 81 163 10 2 23 2 167 334 7 3 5 80 141 1 11 65 127 2 2 3 173 362 2 1 7 102 198 2 5 2 7 57 130 3 5 20 119 203 31 9 40 3 18 127 227 4 134 218 4 105 207 27 55 8 7 17 124 213 68 18 15 449 980 3 4 5 59 132 2 8 158 307 9 114 216 11 3 19 292 533 1 14 131 232 2 9 165 295 35 69 4 50 138 3 31 55 1 19 41 Uninhabited 4 147 261 3 3 8 186 404 43 86 17 12 75 15 3 545 912 4 1 32 1 273 470 35 6 36 4 2 85 285 557 3 7 2 1 73 132 4 4 64 134 18 24 6 287 541 54 2 22 3 34 292 524 12 7 33 72 168 250

Kjr-2 266

C D. BLOCK - Ghaslpura VILLAGE PRIMAr,,"(

Location Name of Village Area of No of No of Total Populatlon(lnclud­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ Ing Institutional and In the age group Number In Hect­ Reslde- holds Houseless Population) (0 6) ares & ntlal of Town/ Houses Ward In Sq Kms

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

81 Belada 10320 42 50 285 141 144 57 25 32 82 Chandali 16024 48 48 336 181 155 40 20 20 Mahurl 15257 72 75 495 274 221 77 46 31 Kendukhunta 781 10 74 78 491 244 247 71 30 41 Allgaon 16592 37 39 212 102 110 40 19 21 86 Salnpal 5908 77 80 523 272 251 82 43 39 87 Padanpur 121 00 36 36 235 130 105 34 23 11 88 Bramhanda 16552 47 51 380 179 201 71 36 35 89 Napanga 14609 53 69 371 190 181 67 44 23 90 Saladel 30635 197 202 1,205 601 604 185 89 96 91 Odapada 32334 112 112 742 355 387 85 46 39 92 Kalthapatna 971 76 76 407 201 206 61 27 34 93 Balibaruan 931 62 62 353 174 179 48 28 20 0170 Ghaslpura PS 189.52 9,755 10,048 58,757 29,988 28,769 9,890 4,957 4,933 21 Blragovlndpur 64485 281 286 1,722 934 788 322 171 151 22 Jugalklshorepur 15621 90 90 508 256 252 106 51 55 23 Talagaon 54835 198 207 1,294 727 567 195 83 112 24 Palaspur 7568 7 7 27 14 13 6 3 3 25 Kumuma 25775 94 95 533 270 263 107 58 49 26 Indupura 10765 73 73 356 194 162 51 22 29 27 Gohlra 40104 279 285 1,482 741 741 304 153 151 28 Ostapura 26669 163 167 894 453 441 185 102 83 29 Panchugochhla 18858 72 72 402 212 190 69 38 31 30 Gopalpur 48522 123 126 759 369 390 162 80 82 31 Chamarpasl 32456 76 94 485 238 247 79 42 37 32 Samukanendl 71022 214 214 1,201 578 623 206 99 107 33 Jhlnklplta 93968 140 140 800 418 382 166 88 78 34 Toranlapal 33508 142 144 890 457 433 154 77 77 35 Asanbahali 891 93 142 142 688 340 348 166 77 89 36 Basantapura 83082 130 130 751 367 384 114 56 58 37 Nuabanpal 32780 33 33 164 76 88 34 18 16 38 Analapal 32456 125 125 672 328 344 157 78 79 39 Khallo 31323 290 294 1,103 565 538 245 119 126 40 Kendua 26709 179 180 1,175 606 569 235 120 115 41 Kansa 32820 178 179 1,046 533 513 175 87 88 42 Radh,kadelpur 14124 72 72 400 198 202 70 34 36 43 Kathapal 35977 94 94 509 251 258 123 71 52 44 Banpal 133749 361 361 2028 1,060 968 436 222 214 45 Santra 3926 16 16 85 39 46 21 7 14 46 Ralpur 3399 50 65 372 189 183 59 36 23 47 Narangapur 40469 262 264 1,526 785 741 264 133 131 48 Tulaslpur 6677 34 38 199 93 106 29 14 15

hJr-l 267


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural ( I - IX) ( I ) Labourers (II )

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23

59 58 87 23 66 1 22 40 5 140 83 i}3 3 61 14 5 2 149 93 124 109 5 84 82 154 102 115 47 48 65 48 57 49 7 8 10 195 102 129 124 3 96 65 51 51 27 26 105 80 91 87 131 117 78 59 86 75 262 263 403 241 321 2 114 171 34 35 228 202 182 3 125 33 34 40 166 109 116 91 2 65 51 130 99 78 57 4,943 4,714 8,616 8,276 16,762 9,813 15,398 1,596 8,840 176 3,652 1,170 154 129 455 402 423 145 495 134 192 9 201 108 255 252 48 19 139 103 91 41 102 101 99 448 290 506 151 304 19 224 35 17 12 12 7 3 6 3 1 270 263 61 6 149 24 42 102 24 71 52 14 14 98 29 119 2 52 1 60 1 679 680 331 88 409 34 243 9 106 21 3 2 374 378 135 39 249 12 • 234 8 8 4 20 15 172 156 49 16 130 51 55 72 51 14 14 343 364 79 16 223 169 51 60 69 116 130 106 25 124 49 78 10 27 39 11 9 504 543 188 32 300 33 143 2 143 27 418 382 15 184 170 14 155 133 182 178 283 159 253 74 228 72 2 340 348 31 159 45 100 29 58 16 79 78 132 145 184 115 199 6 131 49 4 76 88 5 41 12 30 11 12 17 22 260 272 102 47 184 150 12 159 150 187 180 171 187 221 71 297 8 164 119 8 88 72 150 157 263 115 288 26 202 16 51 5 176 153 63 63 310 198 269 18 171 58 16 13 20 43 38 80 48 119 13 82 22 12 192 209 55 43 77 18 125 13 48 74 12 56 66 827 764 338 104 548 273 326 8 172 262 39 46 11 20 2 8 9 2 109 102 105 57 97 4 46 46 4 217 219 135 119 486 275 444 6 317 72 2 8 5 50 58 51 44 49 14 31 268

C.D. BLOCK - Ghasipura VILLAGE PRIMARY Industrial Category of Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Processing, Servic- (VI) No. and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs in House- in other than House- activities hold Industry hold Industry (III) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

81 Belada 2 82 Chandali 2 83 Mahuri 84 Kendukhunta 85 Aligaon 86 Sainpal 87 Padanpur 88 Bramhanda 89 Napanga 90 Saladei 14 9 91 Odapada 2 3 92 Kaithapatna 3 9 93 Balibaruan 1 10 1 0170 Ghasipura PS 220 4 35 232 65 253 8 46 21 Biragovindpur 8 10 4 3 22 Jugalkishorepur 2 23 Talagaon 24 Pal as pur 25 Kumunia 2 26 fndupura 1 27 Gohira 9 2 3 2 2 28 Ostapura 29 Panchugochhia 30 Gopalpur 2 31 Chamarpasi 9 32 Samukanendi 4 4 3 33 Jhinkipita 34 Toraniapal 2 35 Asanbahali 1 36 Basantapura 3 2 37 Nuabaripal 38 Analapal 39 Khailo 4 40 Kendua 10 3 5 2 41 Kansa 5 42 Radhikadeipur 43 Kathapal 44 Baripal 5 8 3 45 Santra 2 46 Raipur 1 47 Narangapur 2 48 Tulasipur

Kjr-2 269

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Ghasipura Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII ) Communications (IX) (VIII )

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

6 18 69 125 "7 7 3 88 152 9 150 220 3 16 129 246 1 45 110 143 251 79 105 4 88 201 3 5 104 181 13 1 6 274 601 2 16 3 173 384 5 5 85 205 3 6 96 179 437 7 142 1,541 164 221 779 14,369 26,394 9 6 71 5 6 438 648 5 117 149 9 3 31 6 27 417 521 2 8 13 1 2 121 239 3 3 75 160 8 11 25 7 20 325 687 2 3 40 204 389 2 5 41 77 98 1 146 389 7 2 1 113 198 1 5 5 75 273 515 15 65 219 317 21 2 4 6 200 353 16 90 165 213 5 8 51 168 327 35 76 2 10 143 194 3 2 4 268 530 2 13 3 19 14 299 529 8 25 11 10 253 485 2 12 5 79 184 2 1 8 119 118 126 3 33 2 3 510 692 1 13 19 31 2 7 5 85 174 4 47 4 13 6 328 729 2 2 8 44 97 270


Location Name of Village Area of No of No of Total Populatlon(mclud­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ mg InstitutIOnal and 1'1 the age group Number In Hect­ Reslde- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntlal of Townl Houses Ward In Sq Kms

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

49 Kantarohl 12829 107 107 547 276 271 88 40 48 50 Narasmghapur 61 92 120 121 721 372 349 107 56 51 51 Bhandandlha 12626 201 201 1,257 636 621 193 99 94 52 Padanpur 23957 253 255 1,554 808 746 243 137 106 53 MlrIglmundl 8539 47 64 334 162 172 40 24 16 54 Nlpanlan 7285 42 49 241 115 126 33 18 15 55 Khaliamenta 71022 411 443 2,798 1,436 1,362 413 218 195 56 Bholanuagaon 14690 143 148 746 394 352 117 69 48 57 Jhadakhundl 24969 118 118 632 324 308 75 39 36 58 Chamuhln 20396 50 52 283 145 138 42 21 21 59 Kalnpura 26062 120 129 776 402 374 108 53 55 60 Salapada block2,3,4 55 55 444 225 219 87 45 42 61 Balarampur 26426 185 193 1,275 665 610 165 95 70 62 Mahulapasl 5059 36 38 212 105 107 30 11 19 63 Dhaundldlha 19668 124 142 789 396 393 113 63 50 64 Nuapada 29502 88 88 552 275 277 60 23 37 65 Tanmul 25091 274 276 1,667 846 821 217 102 115 66 Kesadurapal 21529 673 675 4,001 2,076 1,925 643 312 331 67 Bali pal 14002 173 173 1,223 648 575 168 83 85 68 Khalapal 56292 222 224 1,531 752 779 313 148 165 69 Champapal 111 29 75 75 392 195 197 83 49 34 70 Tavakud 1457 Unmhaolted 71 Slana 4290 22 22 133 68 65 25 13 12 72 Karanjlapal 6758 46 46 235 127 108 41 20 21 73 Kurumpal 8944 9 14 60 34 26 11 7 4 74 Khadlkud 12255 Uninhabited 75 Baramal 55078 214 214 1,159 574 585 195 100 95 76 Daradlpal 24038 184 184 1135 563 572 171 81 90 77 Haladlakundl 3399 20 20 98 48 50 17 8 9 78 Amarkola 4249 39 39 229 118 111 40 21 19 79 Dhallapasl 13840 Unmhablted 80 Jalasuan 7203 148 149 890 452 438 116 53 63 81 Aekulla 40469 213 213 1,313 670 643 222 104 118 82 Kochlanendl 11412 113 113 694 367 327 126 69 57 83 Aaghabpur 9105 55 55 389 206 183 47 24 23 84 Deogan 11534 356 365 2,157 1,086' 1,071 305 148 157 85 DlpapaJ 6475 34 43 261 132 129 40 21 19 86 Dhmkla 6354 58 59 354 188 166 57 34 23 87 Hatlslla 1..6592 144 168 1,087 533 554 178 71 107 88 Atasahlpatna 1578 74 78 502 242 260 86 43 43 89 Atasahl 18049 171 188 1,19B 595 603 200 BB 112 90 Naduan 23634 187 188 1,082 554 528 137 65 72

1<..,r-2 271


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I· IX) (I) Labourers (II )

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

17 15 5 198 145 132 1 71 34 57 44 268 181 201 2 156 6 71 62 9 3 411 278 324 14 210 13 180 173 38 34 500 298 426 2 310 59 47 43 121 72 82 56 13 7 13 3 2 81 43 57 37 11 196 209 208 206 952 648 727 27 405 125 15 111 101 21 20 217 138 175 11 76 57 9 67 65 96 84 186 127 169 58 74 145 138 103 62 75 2 45 18 25 28 71 61 302 214 222 6 153 27 2 59 58 121 121 92 62 146 13SJ 2 164 137 2 6 525 395 302 10 162 5 41 105 107 67 20 67 27 38 93 76 4 285 234 220 2 119 44 8 10 12 9 222 162 158 7 124 18 4 112 101 24 10 629 415 437 12 221 69 4 328 309 180 J57 1,376 824 1,156 56 628 174 3 79 59 4 415 301 335 11 198 38 84 93 338 336 317 203 375 178 170 134 172 119 104 70 91 61 22 100 7 66 24 6 Uninhabited 6 2 62 63 10 35 3 17 17 3 4 126 104 39 5 71 14 34 31 14 34 26 18 17 3 13 3 3 Unmhablted 271 285 75 87 196 107 296 221 66 62 65 8 11 396 280 297 2 197 32 32 27 1 2 11 4 24 13 11 116 108 29 9 57 11 43 Uninhabited 5 8 16 15 375 240 249 3 158 50 2 155 164 22 407 254 291 5 167 46 108 89 220 154 177 2 126 16 26 27 163 121 50 8 13 3 216 221 55 47 800 568 454 44 110 85 3 12 5 76 38 59 51 4 5 9 7 114 62 102 74 17 98 85 89 93 358 289 255 35 71 99 27 182 158 114 2 66 6 21 13 464 269 273 3 135 94 46 43 4 459 296 309 6 137 46

K ir.? 272

C D. BLOCK - Ghasipura VILLAGE PRIMARY Industnal Category of LocatIOn Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mmmgand Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting QuarrYing Processing, Processing, Servlc- (VI) No and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and Ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs In House- In other than House- aru/ltles hold Industry hold Industry (III) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

49 Kantarohl 1 2 50 Naraslnghapur 2 7 2 51 Bhandandlha 5 7 8 52 Padanpur 4 24 53 MlfIglmundl 5 54 Nlpanlan 1 55 Khaliamenta 13 10 18 6 56 Bholanuagaon 5 1 57 Jhadakhundl 1 6 2 58 Chamuhln 59 Kalnpura 5 10 60 Salapada block2,3,4 61 Balarampur 20 62 Mahuiapasl 63 Dhaundldlha 3 64 Nuapada 1 65 Tanmul 12 15 13 66 Kesadurapal 21 85 36 38 6 67 Balipal 1 30 1 2 68 Khalapal 2 4 32 2 69 Champapal 7 70 Tavakud Uninhabited 71 Slana 1 72 Karanjlapal 3 73 Kurumpal 74 Khadlkud Uninhabited 75 Baramal 1 76 Daradlpal 9 9 14 77 Haladlakundl 78 Amarkola 79 Dhahapasl Uninhabited 80 Jalasuan 2 81 Rekutla 12 1 82 Kochlanendl 3 3 83 Raghabpur 9 1 3 84 Deogan 11 3 18 6 21 3 85 Dlpapal 8 86 Dhlnkla 87 Hatlslla 10 6 8 i 3 88 Atasahlpatna 2 2 89 Atasahl 5 4 1 90 Naduan 9 2 6 6 3

K lr-2 273

NSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Ghaslpura In Workers Margmal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications ( IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

3 20 144 270 8 19 170 347 18 2 61 13 4 ;j08 606 9 1 19 1 1 381 744 7 80 171 8 58 126 21 6 122 12 7 11 702 1324 3 4 27 2 2 217 341 14 13 155 308 11 2 70 136 27 4 4 176 368 2 1 79 219 4 3 69 5 9 354 600 2 38 107 6 46 2 176 391 3 5 7 2 117 270 6 5 96 8 409 809 57 3 8 139 12 2 35 918 1,834 28 3 34 8 7 49 306 515 8 4 21 3 17 15 360 586 3 94 190 Uninhabited 33 62 56 94 17 23 Uninhabited 2 5 278 584 9 26 266 570 24 50 3 61 110 Uninhabited 21 2 15 3 14 200 421 6 7 51 5 10 29 369 609 11 2 16 2 2 14 188 311 2 21 5 156 175 55 11 137 34 8 5 624 1,022 4 69 127 1 10 1 86 165 8 4 45 8 278 519 10 2 24 1 2 126 258 4 3 27 2 15 307 599 18 27 55 5 244 522 274


Location Name of Village Area of No of No of Total Populatlon(lnclud- Total Population Code Village Occupied House- Ing InstitutIOnal and In the age group Number In Hert- Reslde- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntlal of Townl Houses Wardm Sq Kms

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

92 Sarel 23593 131 140 931 490 441 153 77 76 93 Satalra 36786 102 131 804 397 407 140 66 79 0181 Anadapur (Portion) PS 4.37 63 74 369 187 182 64 30 34 50 Gohlrabant 43706 63 74 369 187 182 64 30 34 0182 Anandapur (Potion) PS 1.39 83 115 671 356 315 111 63 48 101 Tarava 13881 83 115 671 356 315 111 63 48 0190 Nandipada PS 13.45 634 730 4,564 2,294 2,270 802 418 384 24 Antlra 11291 91 91 612 323 289 109 57 52 25 Ambo 37960 123 185 1,199 596 603 205 109 96 27 Karagola 34601 150 151 937 482 455 153 85 68 28 Lalchhanpur 10643 53 63 372 185 187 56 29 27 29 BegunJapadl 8579 35 41 275 133 142 61 23 38 31 Sarala 8441 46 49 232 113 119 42 24 18 32 Kolipadi 1255 14 14 113 54 59 24 13 11 47 Dhanaghar 9348 28 34 190 97 93 28 10 18 50 Sarkho 12010 94 102 634 311 323 124 68 56 60 Syamablndha 405 Uninhabited 275

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Ghasipura Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industria! Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I· IX) ( I ) Labourers (" )

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

7 9 65 51 327 204 253 120 77 67 62 144 155 197 90 206 112 87 179 173 57 13 106 52 49 179 173 57 13 106 52 49 77 55 262 173 162 4 87 34 1 77 55 262 173 162 4 87 34 1 978 973 120 112 1,383 867 1,176 38 563 436 12 156 134 223 133 144 76 55 1 201 208 335 255 306 7 130 110 2 215 196 303 172 255 11 134 84 6 101 96 109 65 110 90 13 63 77 89 57 76 2 46 22 113 119 73 44 54 2 48 16 21 30 25 21 13 5 39 39 18 16 61 36 61 26 31 175 179 160 80 149 16 46 68 2 Uninhabited 276

C.D. BLOCK - Ghasipura VILLAGE PRIMARY Industrial Category of Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Processing, Servic- (VI) No. and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs in House- in other than House- activities hold Industry hold Industry (III) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

92 Sarei 2 93 Sataira 1 0181 Anandapur (Portion) PS -- 4 50 Gohirabani 4 0182 Anandapur (Portion) PS 2 12 2 101 Tarava 2 12 2 0190 Nandipada PS 12 6 3 19 12 3 24 Antira 5 25 Ambo 4 2 4 4 2 27 Karagola 11 4 28 Laichhanpur 29 Beguniapadi 3 31 Sarala 32 Kolipadi 47 Dhanaghar 50 Sankho 2 6 2 60 Syamabindha Uninhabited 277

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Ghasipura Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII ) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

32 5 17 237 441 5 191 407 1 81 182 1 81 182 6 19 2 194 311 6 19 2 194 311 37 5 19 72 14 1 1 1,117 2,231 8 179 288 13 9 28 5 290 596 7 3 9 4 227 444 1 5 75 187 3 1 57 140 3 59 117 32 59 4 36 93 11 4 6 13 4 162 307 Uninhabited


4Km Kmb ? I



• • """'J,a,,,,. Of~r{e1, - C D. 8Iodc

~.;~.:~ .• VIIa!jo _ Iocollon co

Important 1oIet_ ~0a4 .-,_ .... othe' ~.od ..... GllllSlr.... "ott Oft" Poll' TeI'Wopll OfIK • .... kIIooI "_, -'" Centro, Dlo_or, .....,.. , Yillop Hat

...... ,... lIunt'J of india map willi IfIt. permlloloo ot !he Suryeyor General ot india. PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF CHAMPUA C.D. BLOCK - 0110

Joda P.S. - 0040 Champua P.S. (Portion) - 0061 Champua P.S. (Portion) - 0062 Baria P.S. - 0070

279 280



2 3 4 5 6

POLICE STATION - JODA - 0040 Kudapihi 19(03/0040/0014 i91314(i4 i 6f03l0040fooi 4 i6/3/4/i4 2 Kutariposi j 9/03/0040/0013 19/3/4/13 16/0310040/0013 16/3/4113 3 Nayakrushnapur 19/03/0040/0010 19/3/4/10 16/03/0040/0010 16/314/10 4 19/03/0040/0012 19/3/4/12 16/031004 010012 16/3/4/12

POLICE STATION - CHAMPUA (Portion) - 0061 5 Mirigisinga 19/03/0061/0028 19/3/6/28 16/0310060/0028 161316128

POLICE STATION - CHAMPUA (Portion) - 0062 6 Adhangapal 19/03/0062/0007 19/3/717 16/03/0070/0007 16/3/7/7 7 Anandpur alias Panchapokharia 19/03/006210012 19/3/7/12 16/03/007010012 16/3/7/12 8 Badanei 19/03/006210092 19/3/7/92 16/03/007010091 1613f7191 9 Balabhadrapur 19/03/006210107 19/3/7/107 16/03/0070/0106 16/3/7/106 10 19/03/006210109 19/3171109 16/03/0070/0108 16/3nt108 11 Banakia 19103/006210098 19/3/7/98 16/03/0070/0097 1613f7197 12 Bankia 19/031006210101 19/3/7/101 16/03/007010099 1613/7/99 13 Banko 19/03/006210025 19/3f7125 16/031007010025 161317125 14 Bansipasi 19/031006210055 19/3/7/55 16/03/0070/0055 1613/7/55 15 Basira 19/03/006210046 19/317146 16/03/0070/0046 161317146 16 Basudevpur 19/03/006210043 19/317143 16/0310070/0043 161317/43 17 Bidyadharpur 19/031006210116 1913/7/0116 1610310070/0115 1613171115 18 Biradhanu~aynarayanpur 19/03/006210017 19/317117 16/03/0070/0017 16/317117 19 Bishnupur 19/03/006210112 19/3171112 16103/007010111 16/3171111 20 Brahmapur 19/03/006210111 19/3171111 16/03/0070/0110 16/3171110 21 Champua 19/03/006210016 191317116 16/03/007010016 16/3f7116 22 Chandrasekharpur 19/031006210019 1913/7/19 1610310070/0019 161317119 23 Chilikaposi 19/03/006210104 19/3171104 16/031007010102 16/3f71102 24 Chimila 19/03/006210002 19/31712 16/0310070/0002 16131712 25 Dolita 19{03/006210048 191317148 16/03/0070/0048 161317148 26 Durkulia 19/03/006210106 19/3/7/106 16/03/0070/0105 16/3171105 27 Gamharia 19/03/006210060 19/317160 16/03/007010060 161317/60 28 Giridharipur 19/0310062/0044 191317144 16/03/0070/0044 161317/44 29 Godhuli 19/031006210015 1913/7/15 16/03/0070/0015 161317115 30 Gopapur 19/031006210003 19/31713 16/03/0070/0003 1613/7/3 31 Gopinathapur 19/03/006210123 19/3171123 16/03/0070/0122 16/3f71122 32 Hrudarampur 19/03/006210100 19/3171100 1610310070/0104 16/3171104 33 Hunjaposi 19/031006210065 191317165 1610310070/0065 1613f7165 34 Ichinda 19/03/006210091 191317191 16/0310070/0090 161317190 35 Indrapraslha 19/03/006210023 1913/7/23 1610310070/0023 161317123 36 Jadipada 19/031006210009 19/3.1719 16/031007010009 1613/7/9 37 Jagannathpur 19/03/006210014 19/317114 16/0310070/0014 1613l7!14 38 Jaintinapur 19/03/006210051 1913/7/51 16103/0070/0051 161317151 39 Jamuda!ak 19/031006210005 19/31715 16/031007010005 161317/5 40 Jamunpasi 19/031006210113 19/3/7/113 1610310070/0112 16/3/71112 41 Joda pokhari 19/03/006210042 19/3/7/42 16/0310070/0042 161317142

Kjr-2 281



2 3 4 5 6

42 Joyamangalpur 19/03/006210026 19/3/7/26 16103/0070/0026 1613n!26 43 Kainta 19/03/006210021 19/317/21 16/03/0070/0021 1613n!21 44 Kalikaprasad 19/03/006210063 19/3/7/63 161031007010063 16/3n!63 45 Kachanpur 19/03/0062/0050 191317150 16/03/007010050 1613n!50 46 Kanjiasula 19/03/00621011 0 191317/110 1610310070/0109 1613171109 47 Kankadapat 19/03/006210006 19/31716 16/03/0070/0"'16 1613m6 48 Karanjia 19/03/006210094 19/317/94 16/03/007010093 16I3rll93 49 Kasira 19/03/006210045 19/3/7/45 16103/007010045 1613/7/45 50 Katulikana 19/03/0052/0096 19/317196 16/03/0070/0095 1613/7/95 51 Kodagadia 19/03/006210027 19/3/7/27 16/03/007010027 1613/7/27 52 Krushnapur 19/03/006210062 19/317162 16103/007010062 161317162 53 Laxmiposi (Kha) 19/03/006210108 19/3/7/108 16/03/0070/0107 16/3171107 54 Macmillanpur 19/03/006210097 19/317197 16/03/007010096 1613m96 55 Maheswarpur 19/03/0062/0020 19/317/20 16/03/007010020 161317120 56 Mangalpur 19/03/006210008 19/3/7/8 16/03/0070/0008 1613/7/8 57 Mathurapur 19/03/006210010 191317110 16/03/0070/0010 1613/7/10 58 Mukundapur 19/03/006210001 19/31711 16/03/0070/0001 1613/7/1 59 Nayabandha 19/03/006210086 19/317186 16/03/007010085 161317/85 60 Palasa 19/031006210093 19/317/93 16/03/0070/0092 16/317192 61 Panposh 19/03/006210061 19/317/61 16/03/0070/0061 16/3n!61 62 Rarsala 19/03/006210088 19/317188 16/03/0070/0087 16/3/7/87 63 Patala 19/03/0062/0049 19/317/49 16/03/0070/0049 1613n!49 64 Pokharia 19/03/006210105 19/3171105 16/03/007010103 16/3171103 65 Pratapposi 19/03/006210064 191317/64 16/03/007010064 1613/7/64 66 Raigudi 19/03/006210095 19/317/95 16/03/007010094 1613/7/94 67 Rajia 19/03/006210047 191317/47 16103/007010047 16/3nJ47 68 Ramachandrapur 19/03/006210084 19/317/84 16/03/0070/0083 16/3n!83 69 Ramala 19/03/006210018 19/317/18 16/03/0070/0018 16/317118 70 Rangamatia 19/03/006210102 19/3/7/102 16103/0070/0100 16/3/7/100 71 Ranipur (Kha) 19/03/006210090 19/317190 16/03/0070/0089 161317189 72 Raruangoda 19/03/006210103 19/317/103 16103/007010101 16/3/7/101 73 19/031006210087 19/3,'7/87 16103/007010086 16/317186 74 Sananai (Kha) 19/03/006210058 19/317158 16103/0070/0058 16/317158 75 Sananai (Ka) 19/03/006210059 19/317159 16/03/007010059 161317159 76 Sankarpur 19/03/0062100 11 19/317111 16/03/007010011 161317111 77 Sarasposi 19/03/006210041 19/317/41 16/03/007010041 161317141 78 Sarei 19/031006210054 19/317154 16103/007010054 161317154 79 Sasanga 19/03/006210052 19/317152 16/03/0070/0052 16/317152 80 Sathalia 19/031006210004 19/3/7/4 16/03/0070/0004 1613/7/4 81 Sijukala 19/03/006210124 19/3/7/124 16103/0070/0123 1613171123 82 Sirapur 19/03/006210013 19/317/13 16/03/0070/0013 161317113 83 Sridharpur 19/03/006210022 19/3/7/22 16/0310070/0022 161317122 84 Sunaposi 19/0310062/0024 19/3/7/24 16/0310070/0024 16/317124 85 Taduabahal 19/031006210066 19/317166 16/03/007010066 16/317166 86 Tentala 19/031006210089 19/317189 16/0310070/0088 16/317188 87 Tiansiposi 19/03/006210099 19/3/7/99 16/0310070/0098 16/317198

Kjr-2 282



2 3 4 5 6

88 Tolaknanda 19/03/006210057 19/317/57 16103/0070/0057 161317/57 89 Tunutuna 19/03/006210053 191317/53 16/03/0070/0053 161317/53 90 Urti 19/03/006210056 19/3(1/56 16/03/0070/0056 161317/56

POLICE STATION - BARIA - 0070 91 Ankudi 19/03/0070/0101 19/3/8/101 16103/008010101 1613/8/101 92 Badapada 19/03/0070/0038 19/3/8138 16103/0080/0038 161318138 93 Badapasi 19/03/0070/0059 19/3/8159 1610310080/0059 1613/8159 94 Bala 19/03/0070/0099 19/3/8199 16/03/008010099 161318199 95 Baliposi 19/03/007010047 19/3/8147 16103/0080/0047 1613/8147 96 Banakati 19/03/0070/0040 19/3/8140 16103/0080/0040 1613/8140 97 Banguriposi 19/03/0070/0046 19/3/8146 16/03/0080/0046 1613/8146 98 Bardhana 19/03/0070/0042 19/3/8142 16/03/008010042 1613/8142 99 Basudevpur 19/03/0070/0027 19/3/8127 16103/0080/0027 1613/8127 100 Bautiapada 19/03/0070/0110 1913/81110 16/03/0080/0110 16/3/8/110 101 Bhanda 19/0310070/0024 19/3/8124 16/03/0080/0024 1613/8124 102 Bhimapur 19/03/0070/0050 19/318150 16/0310080/0050 1613/8150 103 Birakuan (Ka) 19/03/0070/0058 19/318158 16/0310080/0058 1613/8158 104 Birakuan (Kha) 19/03/0070/0049 19/3/8149 16/03/0080/0049 1613/8149 105 Budhimara 19/03i007010109 19/3181109 16103/0080/0109 1613/81109 106 Chandrasekharpur 19/03/0070/0017 19/3/8117 16/03/0080/0017 1613/8117 107 Ghuntagadia 19/03/0070/0022 19/3/8122 16/03/0080/0022 1613/8122 108 Gobindapur 19/03/0070/0107 1913181107 16/03/0080/0107 16/3/81107 109 Guladipasi 19/03/0070/0018 19/318118 16103/0080/0018 1613/8118 110 Jajapashi 19/03/0070/0100 1913181100 16/03/0080/0100 16/3/81100 111 Jaly 19/03/0070/0051 19/3/8151 16103/0080/0051 1613/8151 112 Jyotipur 19/03/0070/0039 19/3/8139 16103/0080/0039 1613/8139 113 Kamanda (Ka) 19/03/0070/0056 19/3/8156 16/03/0080/0056 1613/8156 114 Kamanda (Kha) 19/03/0070/0055 19/3/8155 16/03/0080/0055 1613/8155 115 Kankada 19/03/0070/0111 19/3/8/111 16/03/0080/0111 1613/81111 116 Kansara (Ka) 19/03/0070/0026 19/318126 16/03/0080/0026 161318126 117 Kansara (Kha) 19/03/0070/0025 19/3/8125 16/03/0080/0025 16/3/8125 118 KasipaJ 19/03/0070/0019 19/3/8119 16/03/0080/0019 1613/8119 119 Keeundia 19/03/0070/0030 19/3/8130 16/03/0080/0030 1613/8130 120 Khuntapada 19/03/007010104 1913/81104 16/03/008010104 16/3/81104 121 Kundapashi 19/03/0070/0029 19/3/8129 16103/0080/0029 1613/8129 122 Malipashi 19/03/0070/0036 19/3/8136 16/03/0080/0036 1613/8136 123 Mandapur 19/03/007010037 19/3/8137 16/03/0080/0037 1613/8137 124 Mangalpur 19/03/0070/0021 19/318121 16/03/0080/0021 1613/8121 125 Maudi 19/03/0070/0020 19/3/8120 16/03/0080/0020 1613/8120 126 Nakanlei 19/03/0070/0106 19/3/8/106 16103/0080/0106 1613/81106 127 Narayanpat 19/03/0070/0041 19/3/8141 16/03/0080/0041 1613/8141 128 Neundi 19/03/0070/0103 191318/103 16/03/0080/0103 1613181103 129 Nisagadia 19/03/0070/0015 19/3/8115 16103/0080/0015 1613/8115 130 Nischintapur 19/03/0070/0053 19/318153 16103/008010053 161318153 131 Nuagan 19/03/0070/0112 1913181112 16/03/0080/0112 1613/81112 283



132 Padmapur 19103':OD701oo35 191318135 1610310080/0035 1613/8135 133 Padua 19103/007010045 191318145 16103/0080/0045 1613/8145 134 Pahadbhanga 19r03ICT"QiOO34 19/318134 1610310080/0034 1613/8134 135 Parudiposi 19!O3!~O70/0043 191318143 16/0310080/0043 161318143 136 Phulkanlei 19/03/0070/0108 19/318/108 16/0310080/0108 1613181108 137 Rengaiagoda 19/03/007010032 19/318132 16/03/0080/0032 1613/8132 138 Rengalbeda 19/03/0070(0098 19/318198 161031008010098 161318198 139 Rupakunda 19/03/007010031 19/318131 161031008010031 161318131 140 Sadangi 19/03/007010105 19/318/105 1610310080/0105 1613/8/105 141 Silapunjl 19/03/0070/0016 19/3/8116 16/03/008010016 1613/8116 142 Sirikuan 19/031007010057 19/3/8157 16/03/0080/0057 16/318/57 143 Subhadradeipur 19/03/0070/0023 1913/8123 1610310080/0023 1613/8123 144 Sunapasi 19103/0070/0048 191318148 16103/0080/0048 16/318/48 145 Sunariposi 19/03/0070/0028 19/3/8128 16/031008010028 16/3/8128 146 Tangaranali 19103/0070/0044 19/318144 16/031008010044 1613/8/44 147 Tangarbantala 19103/007010078 19/318178 16/03/0080/0078 1613/8178 148 Tangarpada \ 19/03/0070/0102 19/318/102 16/03/0080/0102 161318/102 149 Uchabali 19/03/0070/0033 19/318/33 16/03/0080/0033 1613/8/33 284


Location Name ot Village Area of Nool No of Total Populatlon(lnclud­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ mg Institutional and In the age group Number In Hect­ Reslde- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntlal ofTownl Houses Ward In Sq Kms

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

11 Champua C. D. Block T 350.40 16,090 16,494 85,851 42,838 43,013 14,486 7,330 7,156 R 345.50 15,120 15,524 80,105 39,n6 40,329 13422 6,766 6,656 U 4.90 970 970 5,746 3,062 2,684 1,064 564 500 0040 JodaPS 5.46 250 259 1,399 663 736 229 108 121 10 Nayakrushnapur 8830 62 62 302 139 163 44 26 18 12 Prusotlampur 15805 66 69 350 168 182 47 22 25 13 I(utanposl 17910 86 91 528 246 282 95 41 54 14 Kudaplhl 12025 36 37 219 110 109 43 19 24 0061 Champua PS (Portion) 3.26 46 46 268 132 136 68 39 29 28 Mlfiglslnga 32648 46 46 268 132 136 68 39 29 0062 Champua PS (Portion) 212.52 9,491 9,757 49,655 24,713 24,942 8,259 4,196 4,063

1 Mukundapur 44000 85 85 431 21G 2~5 77 43 34 2 Chlmlla 23540 141 141 868 460 408 166 91 75 3 Gopapur 5156 28 29 159 77 82 20 8 12 4 Sathaha 24525 132 142 580 267 313 104 51 53 5 Jamudalak 38238 140 140 734 356 378 145 69 76 6 I(ankadapat 26507 135 139 702 336 366 171 94 77 7 Adhangapai 16959 58 58 305 155 150 32 15 17 8 Mangalpur 26079 114 114 572 281 291 105 46 59 9 Jadlpada 19318 100 100 459 229 240 94 49 45 10 Mathurapur 9730 46 46 262 134 128 38 19 19 11 Sankarpur 9369 13 13 76 38 38 23 12 11 12 Anandpur alias 32385 188 188 946 461 485 143 68 75 Panchapokhana

~3 Sirapur 7785 44 44 215 107 108 46 23 23 14 Jagannathpur 17321 81 83 414 228 186 72 38 34 15 Godhull 48143 229 229 1121 555 56G 203 102 101 16 Champua 49008 Uninhabited 17 BlradhanurJaynarayanpur 6808 60 60 342 181 161 45 28 17 18 RamaJa 56875 209 209 1218 611 C07 204 78 126 19 Chandrasekharpur 17414 61 61 307 152 155 72 34 38 20 Maheswarpur 27746 133 133 694 334 360 156 76 80 21 Kalnta 36117 174 181 895 440 455 188 80 108 22 Sndarpur 14398 87 87 492 246 246 109 49 60 23 indraprastha 41177 94 94 481 236 245 77 40 37 24 Sunaposl 31384 121 122 628 310 318 109 60 49 25 Banko 23745 163 163 833 420 413 120 65 55 26 JoyamangaJpur 6279 33 33 149 76 73 26 15 11 27 KodagadJa 64412 227 229 1,150 570 580 204 100 104 41 Sarasposl 29712 107 107 556 272 284 95 45 50 24 42 Jodapokhan 15065 42 42 237 1~8 119 42 18 43 Basudevpur 15049 47 47 255 12'3 132 43 20 23 285


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (1- IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

3,809 3,170 18,567 19,034 22,304 11,160 22,583 10,367 12,705 4043 4,749 5,698 3,601 3,593 18,137 18,656 20,165 9,753 21,186 10,202 12,625 4,036 4,643 5,637 208 177 430 378 2139 1407 1397 165 80 7 106 61 62 71 93 88 260 118 380 202 257 116 36 80 13 15 16 11 54 41 77 8 45 7 6 16 13 3 74 33 99 5 73 1 33 43 15 25 97 39 147 131 102 70 22 61 59 52 35 5 57 58 37 38 7 19 128 134 13 5 77 3 60 14 3 128 134 13 5 77 3 60 14 3 2,331 2,320 10,816 11,155 12,830 6,096 13,138 6,239 7,352 1,958 3,092 3,935 4 3 110 122 79 20 122 16 76 4 26 9 30 29 259 245 230 56 240 26 149 47 19 21 21 37 20 47 10 36 1 10 249 287 93 22 145 81 131 4 7 75 37 40 149 163 109 29 171 126 54 6 87 117 40 41 289 320 92 22 175 8 160 7 5 1 3 4 21 15 91 42 82 30 43 5 20 24 130 133 126 45 170 77 93 7 65 68 21 23 72 79 130 59 107 9 76 1 16 6 21 12 89 47 68 7 38 2 16 5 16 6 18 19 6 8 4 7 40 33 123 138 252 125 205 138 78 75 66 61

58 65 41 19 63 64 37 44 19 20 21 16 189 159 153 50 94 105 69 79 9 24 6 11 549 555 225 32 264 148 162 88 79 58 Uninhabited 59 41 124 96 97 43 29 6 23 32 31 27 443 466 297 92 286 128 102 6 117 119 127 131 57 12 86 93 48 15 27 76 196 241 121 58 163 32 85 4 44 26 219 246 270 92 233 242 70 92 119 148 34 36 69 70 126 37 137 133 86 43 130 25 30 68 62 126 67 136 49 70 2 53 45 2 3 64 56 171 92 166 8 122 3 27 4 111 111 155 140 227 105 237 26 178 14 22 9 1 18 18 23 16 36 31 59 58 236 241 278 119 321 114 208 73 51 34 2 42 38 138 73 154 14 129 10 2 26 27 63 28 58 3 43 2 98 100 37 6 75 62 42 4 32 58

Kjr-2 286

C.D. BLOCK - Champua VILLAGE PRIMARY Inaustnal Category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and RepaIrs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (111) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

11 Champua T 281 9 59 4 555 264 405 17 86 6 C. D. Block R 252 9 57 4 489 250 303 17 76 6 U 29 2 66 14 102 10 0040 JodaPS 3 3 9 3 5 3 10 Nayakrushnapur 12 Prusottampur 1 9 3 3 13 Kutariposi 1 2 2 2 14 Kudapihi 2 0061 Champua PS (Portion) 2 28 Mirigisinga 2 0062 Champua PS (Portion) 170 2 44 4 304 159 253 15 53 4 Mukundapur 6 3 3 3 2 Chimila 10 7 13 3 Gopapur 4 4 Sathalia 3 2 5 Jamudalak 2 1 7 6 Kankadapat 2 2 7 Adhangapal 2 2 8 Mangalpur 1 9 Jadipada 10 Mathurapur 11 Sankarpur 4 3 12 Anandpur alias 4 Panchapokharia

13 Sirapur 2 14 Jagannathpur 2 2 15 Godhuli 3 16 Champua Uninhabited 17 Biradhanurjaynarayanpur 9 18 Ramala 16 4 19 Chand' asekharpur 4 2 2 20 Maheswarpur 5 8 21 Kainta 2 8 ~ 22 Sridarpur 2 3 23 Indraprastha 3 2 7 24 Sunaposi 2 25 Banko 4 26 Joyamangalpur 2 27 Kodagadia 2 3 7 2 41 Sarasposi 3 4 3 42 Joda pokhari 4 4 43 Basudevpur

Kjr-2 287

CENSUS ABSTRACT C. D. BLOCK - Champua oJ Main Workers Marginal Non-workers VVorkers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VIi) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

1,025 50 338 3 2,380 273 392 5,813 19,863 26,833 627 41 255 3 1,859 199 390 5,795 18,200 24,332 398 9 83 521 74 2 18 1,663 2,501 3 5 56 5 171 278 363 3 23 5 71 57 84 10 99 69 78 2 13 99 150 10 53 51 55 133 55 133 431 26 217 2 1,222 134 186 2,651 11,389 16,052 3 1 4 3 83 91 116 3 6 10 220 382 4 3 21 27 51 3 5 77 117 155 9 2 9 2 185 252 1 2 3 13 200 148 158 2 5 6 73 120 7 2 111 213 3 9 2 122 230 2 10 66 121 1 2 19 19 3 5 49 2 256 347

4 1 43 43 2. 11 12 11 122 70 6 2 11 35 46 256 372 Uninhabited 5 4 27 5 84 118 15 5 25 2 9 116 316 363 2 2 66 62 2 4 14 5 15 166 313 2 3 24 2 5 206 208 5 109 113 2 100 196 12 1 19 144 291 32 3 183 387 2 2 41 38 32 13 2 7 27 5 249 466 3 4 11 1 132 118 138 2 2 2 49 60 67 48 70

Kjr-2 288

C.D. alO':::;,,' - Champua VILLAGE PRIMARY

Location ------~------.Area of Noot Noot Total Populatlon(lnckld- Total PopulatIOn Code Village Occupied House­ 109 Institutional and In t'le age group Number In Hect­ Reslde- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & nllal of Tow'1/ Houses VJardm Sq Vms

P M F P M 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

44 Glrldhartpur 199 01 71 71 392 188 204 62 25 37 45 Kaslra 10924 53 53 286 141 145 49 25 24 46 Baslra 33339 183 183 93.'3 463 470 117 57 60 47 RaIla 54834 335 335 1662 845 817 248 141 107 48 Dollta 18363 89 89 469 235 234 76 39 37 49 Patala 31977 160 169 868 416 452 179 91 88 50 Kanchanpur 27895 85 87 431 212 219 73 41 32 51 Jamtlnapur 13173 38 38 183 94 89 21 9 12 52 Sasanga 34883 140 140 701 345 356 107 52 55 53 Tunutuna 30167 133 133 666 323 343 127 58 69 54 Sarel 50464 274 276 1273 635 638 233 120 113 55 Banslpasl 34 71 Uninhabited 56 Urtl 13084 92 92 450 229 221 55 30 25 57 Tolaknanda 21916 119 120 573 269 304 87 37 50 58 Sananal (Kha) 33982 119 119 583 295 288 111 66 48 59 Sananal (Ka) 132 16 106 106 523 258 265 72 37 35 60 Gamhana 46028 133 153 843 429 414 161 86 75 61 Pan posh 4525 4 4 22 12 10 5 4 1 62 Krushnapur 10043 73 73 387 194 193 66 34 32 63 Kahkaprasad 55873 684 415 2180 1095 1085 323 158 165 64 PratapPosl 133 61 53 65 415 219 196 30 18 12 65 HunJaposl 41061 112 120 641 308 333 133 62 71 66 Taduabahal 44661 148 148 768 382 386 84 Ramachandrapur 19074 71 71 401 203 198 50 24 26 86 Nayabandha 10666 8 4 4 87 Rlmuh 87396 569 694 3,925 2,109 1,816 498 267 231 88 Parasala 22812 232 232 1,266 644 622 202 106 96 89 Tentala 12686 12 12 71 33 38 3 2 90 Ranlpur (Kha) 8046 82 94 425 216 209 8!5 45 40 9' Ichlnda 28961 112 112 627 314 313 100 55 45 92 Badanel 41133 235 237 1,115 543 572 195 102 93 93 Palasa 10166 76 76 397 185 212 89 44 45 94 KaranJla 41729 296 296 1,386 676 710 247 118 129 95 Ralgudl 14579 51 51 270 133 137 45 24 21 96 Katuhkana 27206 134 134 698 346 352 140 69 71 97 Macmlllanpur 20604 27 27 112 56 56 12 8 4 98 Banakla 30311 46 46 239 110 129 25 18 7 99 Tiansiposl 21687 142 142 648 312 336 115 59 56 100 Hrudarampur 12941 60 60 262 127 135 45 28 17 101 Bankla 23063 104 105 497 226 271 79 31 48 102 Rangamaba 24376 119 120 596 275 321 114 57 57 103 Raruangoda 39689 203 203 964 465 499 154 84 70 289


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

6 2 172 195 51 11 121 120 64 2 52 116 22 20 28 36 64 35 84 79 25 6 49 73 15 18 133 116 285 146 256 119 177 38 98 101 101 206 190 527 232 451 290 187 155 108 99 18 27 98 87 150 91 122 65 48 24 29 36 105 117 215 233 208 167 242 212 124 38 54 166 8 7 76 74 108 51 116 105 52 8 49 95 3 4 89 84 60 26 66 45 50 5 43 3 284 240 180 55 205 168 125 26 160 15 15 258 274 170 73 184 110 119 12 28 91 219 227 316 325 349 175 330 193 144 13 125 166 Uninhabited 24 19 90 92 105 38 138 63 64 13 54 49 18 24 89 99 134 64 169 90 94 8 59 80 9 7 131 107 110 56 185 204 137 2 43 202 48 40 143 77 138 33 88 15 35 18 82 71 119 117 220 94 226 104 156 75 40 26 12 10 1 7 5 7 5 30 42 48 36 113 50 107 107 56 55 38 49 255 229 291 289 655 409 539 207 133 21 191 137 13 14 13 15 179 91 88 29 47 8 6 4 1 213 226 144 50 163 174 95 118 44 45 288 286 182 88 201 178 159 27 177 80 78 122 46 128 118 96 88 24 29 3 2 3 2 472 419 609 611 1319 670 1038 382 324 171 188 164 138 136 54 48 445 251 330 131 191 76 46 52 28 20 19 9 13 9 203 196 81 38 123 4 59 54 4 4 5 25 19 172 70 203 142 182 131 10 11 37 45 196 201 265 146 309 62 178 10 87 49 185 212 65 9 101 107 72 9 28 98 48 46 163 199 401 244 310 29 91 14 94 12 12 13 74 58 64 48 2 2 93 102 171 85 182 139 15 28 27 23 11 35 1 29 2 15 13 60 75 49 28 53 3 48 3 37 55 194 211 135 58 177 104 91 43 54 46 . 7 11 111 115 68 33 73 3 51 9 13 11 29 34 113 78 131 4 75 24 26 249 295 123 73 152 15 118 4 14 5 45 59 274 304 231 92 227 89 192 36 23 50

Kjr-2 290

C.D. BLOCK - Champua VILLAGE PRIMARY lnaustnal Category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mmlngand Manufacturing, ManufactUring, Constructions Code F'shlng Hunting QuarrYing prOCeSSing, ServIcing Processrng, Servl- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs In cmg and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry r'l other than act.vltles (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

44 Gtndhanpur 2 45 Kaslra 3 46 Bas,ra 3 2 47 Rajra 3 80 35 9 48 Dollta 2 1 7 49 Patala 3 2 9 3 23 5 50 Kanchanpur 2 2 2 51 Jalntlnapur 3 2 52 Sasanga 22 2 8 3 6 2 2 53 Tunutuna 1 5 5 7 54 Sarel 8 11 2 55 Barslpasl Uninhabited 56 Urtl 3 2 2 57 Tolaknanda 58 Sananal (Kha) 59 sananal (Ka) 1 60 Gamhana 2 8 2 3 61 Pan posh 62 Krusllnapur 5 2 1 63 Kahkaprasad 7 28 30 8 8 64 Pratapposl 3 4 2 65 HunjaposJ 9 10 66 Taduabahal 4 84 Rarnachandrapur 2 86 Nayabandha 87 Rlmu'l 24 7 30 9 29 9 88 parasala 5 2 10 1 89 Tentala 90 Ranlpur (Kha) 2 91 Ichlnda 1 92 Badan8J 3 3 4 93 palasa 94 Karanjla 5 9 ,2 95 Ralgudl 6 96 I(atullkana 9 2 97 Macmlilanpur 98 Banakla 99 Tiansiposl 5 13 14 10~ Hrudarampur 2 1 101 Bank,a 4 2 102 Rangamatla 1 4 4 103 Raruangoda 2

KJr-2 291

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Champua of Main Workers Marginal Non·workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 3& 39 40 41 42 43

2 67 84 5 57 66 4 3 27 2 207 351 13 2 48 5 35 389 492 5 3 26 4 8 36 105 133 8 15 3 47 171 193 9 96 114 5 28 44 6 3 5 2 140 188 1 22 1 39 139 194 10 4 35 3 305 445 Uninhabited 3 9 91 158 14 2 100 214 5 110 84 6 7 7 53 113 179 3 5 9 16 104 187 206 5 5 6 87 86 55 4 7 101 15 50 555 828 4 15 2 18 1 131 167 2 5 6 8 145 151 2 6 181 208 3 75 79 4 109 87 231 35 • 6 81 1,065 1,353 23 6 45 3 3 3 311 488 2 4 14 29 2 6 95 92 110 4 5 111 171 5 2 26 3 235 233 275 1 84 105 42 5 51 3 37 22 329 659 2 5 12 69 125 15 163 164 189 4 29 21 26 5 83 57 43 2 11 2 107 133 125 8 2 80 52 52 4 22 2 2 162 93 105 3 11 2 123 306 2 6 2 238 410

Kjr-2 292


Location Name of VII'age Area of No of Noo! Total Populatlonllnclud­ Total PopulalJon Code Village Occupied House­ mg Institutional and In the age group ~Jumber In Hect­ Res'de- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & nllal olTownl Houses Ward In Sq Kms

p M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

104 Chlilkaposl 15941 23 23 112 55 57 13 9 4 105 Pokhana 38008 129 130 6,.'16 295 341 133 78 60 106 Durku1la 18768 35 35 161 80 81 32 15 17 107 Balabfoadrapur 14389 60 69 335 169 166 96 53 43 108 Laxmlposl (Kha) 13854 22 22 92 50 42 10 5 5 109 Balasore 6294 38 38 224 101 123 43 ?2 21 110 Kanllasula 28974 224 226 967 484 492 164 81 83 111 Brahmapur 9185 83 83 395 187 208 52 24 28 112 Bishnupur 14858 83 84 430 204 226 76 42 34 113 Jamunpasl 13780 23 23 137 70 67 18 12 6 116 Bldyadharpur 11669 37 37 179 93 86 33 23 10 123 Goplnathapur 14043 51 51 168 90 78 32 19 13 124 Sljukala 16951 115 115 563 282 281 86 45 41 0070 Bana PS 124.26 5,333 5,462 28,783 14.268 14,515 4,866 2,423 2,443 15 Nisagadia 44246 175 191 1,147 509 638 237 102 125 16 Sllapunjl 19749 86 88 433 225 208 57 35 22 17 Chandrasekharpur 22872 97 97 492 247 245 102 47 55 18 Guladlpasl 22326 114 114 487 249 238 72 2:7 35 19 Kaslpal 30410 154 154 945 467 478 165 86 79 20 Maudl 29011 122 122 712 342 370 121 56 71 21 Mangalpur 14492 55 57 284 139 145 45 23 22 22 Ghuntagadla 15941 96 97 522 258 264 136 73 63 23 Subhadradelpur 9149 52 52 258 136 122 46 24 22 24 Bhanda 36494 184 198 976 491 485 180 89 91 25 Kansara (Kha) 7292 70 75 380 209 171 58 33 25 26 Kansara (Ka) 134 71 84 89 418 215 203 61 40 21 27 Basudevpur 21298 140 140 720 349 371 146 65 81 28 Sunanposl 12513 51 53 299 144 155 34 14 20 29 Kundapasnl 10867 52 55 272 133 139 52 24 28 30 Keundla 19449 156 158 905 443 462 187 101 86 31 Rupakunda 17672 Uninhabited 32 Rengalagoda 19444 46 46 245 111 134 40 13 27 33 Uchabah 17572 110 112 566 281 285 74 45 29 34 Pahadbhanga 11712 53 54 292 142 150 55 19 36 35 Padmapur 32202 121 122 645 305 340 113 61 52 36 Mallpashl 12862 43 44 204 106 98 24 10 14 37 Mandapur 31768 118 118 882 452 430 120 69 51 38 Badapada 9866 28 28 159 79 80 14 7 7 39 Jyotlpur 52791 286 286 1,504 815 689 191 97 94 40 Bar,akatl 4488 53 53 215 116 99 33 17 16 41 Narayanpat 2556 Un''1hablted 42 Bardhana 22335 73 73 391 189 202 75 40 35

Kjr-2 293


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M----- F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

29 23 30 1 25 5 3 256 311 144 54 151 27 122 16 12 6 16 11 37 13 42 3 33 3 5 169 166 39 14 82 76 4 32 26 24 11 28 2 24 1 15 15 34 30 55 48 5 24 23 245 242 201 105 283 199 109 40 139 152 61 53 119 83 105 58 88 55 41 41 i 15 62 116 66 71 21 25 44 12 18 13 13 42 22 40 12 21 15 11 31 37 42 17 48 27 33 17 10 19 18 68 56 27 6 48 38 10 ,5 37 33 92 97 130 78 158 90 98 51 40 37 1208 1202 7,100 7,279 7,062 3,534 7,591 3,758 4,956 1,962 1,501 1,619 -I , 11 30 449 545 167 138 303 181 218 62 72 109 8 7 80 70 92 43 126 54 84 29 26 22 2 2 209 212 114 46 135 110 34 11 86 98 26 31 55 57 142 65 105 41 62 33 29 5 3 3 374 379 205 68 264 285 228 272 4 8 39 39 281 300 148 53 199 37 174 17 15 20 62 64 83 37 62 13 34 4 15 8 4 6 236 235 111 52 114 18 46 2 52 11 53 41 64 13 74 75 49 5 2.1 70 22 23 135 138 193 90 256 55 91 12 54 40 90 74 19 8 141 60 100 8 50 4 15 2 24 20 31 26 122 68 114 7 79 4 6 3 9 8 333 361 152 39 191 51 132 15 43 30 11 ~O 15 13 94 70 89 92 79 91 '2 10 9 70 73 62 41 67 53 59 51 1 12 10 428 448 51 8 258 269 43 16 214 253 Uninhabited 14 18 67 35 67 33 56 28 5 217 227 141 56 163 82 133 65 12 16 72 77 77 43 78 70 7 28 32 232 248 155 103 150 123 8 12 9 69 32 58 52 2 22 20 102 87 269 123 239 217 172 184 31 31 55 44 36 30 309 286 210 165 464 204 343 204 115 21 130 150 51 39 50 22 64 53 10 14 51 39 Uninhabited 118 127 88 34 96 87 &5 79 3 8

Kjr-2 294

C.D. BLOCK - Champua VILLAGE PRIMARY inaustnai Category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repaiis in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

104 Chilikaposi 105 Pokharia 7 3 3 106 Durkulia 2 107 Balabhadrapur 108 Laxmiposi (Kha) 109 Balasore 110 Kanjiasula 6 5 111 Brahmapur 2 112 Bishnupur 2 113 Jamunpasi 116 Bidyadharpur 8 2 3 123 Gopinathapur 1 124 Sijukala 2 2 0070 Baria PS 79 6 10 176 88 43 2 20 2 15 Nisagadia 7 4 16 Silapunji • 6 3 17 Chandrasekharpur 3 18 Guladipasi 2 3 19 Kaisipal 3 4 2 20 Maudi 1 3 21 Mangalpur 2 2 2 22 Ghuntagadia 4 2 4 23 Subhadradeipur 24 Bhanda 3 9 25 Kansara (Kha) 3 26 Kansara (Ka) 27 Basudevpur 5 4 28 Sunariposi 29 Kundapashi 30 Keundia 31 Rupakunda Uninhabited 32 Rengalagoda 33 Uchabali 34 Pahadbhanga 35 Padmapur 2 36 Malipashi 37 Mandapur 4 2 38 Badapada 39 Jyotipur 4 24 22 5 9 40 Banakati 41 Narayanpat Uninhabited 42 Bardhana 1

Kjr-2 295

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Champua of fiilarn Workers Marginal Non·workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

5 25 56 2 5 2 175 144 139 35 38 43 2 87 87 78 2 26 22 14 59 45 63 11 3 10 6 6 200 287 3 11 3 82 150 6 11 88 160 4 30 55 45 59 42 40 2 1 13 1 124 191 193 15 32 581 64 199 2,973 6,478 7,784 3 6 3 117 203 340 10 2 43 97 111 5 7 112 135 7 2 28 90 116 107 3 22 3 1 6 202 187 2 3 3 156 140 177 7 24 81 53 51 4 4 30 126 114 120 1 3 9 62 38 72 3 4 23 9 132 226 298 19 12 2 7 99 102 64 28 2 98 99 98 2 6 2 158 320 2 5 55 63 4 66 86 13 184 180 Uninhabited 10 41 44 60 4 12 95 117 108 73 64 77 4 2 11 199 154 140 4 62 48 36 6 23 213 213 6 41 43 39 9 3 44 11 2 12 470 473 2 51 46 Uninhabited 2 5 14 18 79 97

Kjr·2 296

::::: !) BLOCK - Champua VILLAGE PRIMARY

oeaton Name of Village Area of Noot Nool Total PopulatlOn{mclud­ Total Popula! or CG~.j Village Occupied House­ Ing Institutional and In the age ~rnuo Nl,rnLer In Hect­ Reside holds Houseles'l PopulatIOn) (0-6) M8S& ntlal of Townl Houses Ward In Sq KIT's

p M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

43 ParudlpoSI '30 130 731 351 380 137 60 77 44 Tangaranah 10338 60 61 272 127 145 96 21 75 45 Padua 17967 71 71 364 177 187 57 29 28 46 Bangunposl 14384 9" 96 454 229 225 89 47 42 47 Baliposl ~66 03 48 50 242 116 126 25 9 16 48 Sunapasl 12349 57 57 340 161 179 56 23 33 49 Blrakuan (Klla) 12371 51 54 270 135 135 33 17 16 50 Bhlmapur 62136 240 243 1,236 584 652 239 107 132 51 Jaly 30383 131 134 692 334 358 159 77 82 53 Nlsch,ntapur 14729 47 61 329 155 174 58 33 25 55 Kamanda (Kha) 9406 18 18 95 51 44 15 9 6 56 Kamanda (Ka) 26595 93 95 486 247 239 65 33 32 57 Sinkuan 36187 110 117 618 293 325 109 49 60 58 Blrakuan (Ka) 17677 68 73 351 175 176 51 27 24 59 Badapasl 36239 144 144 728 363 365 140 73 78 Tangarbantala 31759 103 103 583 294 289 82 43 39 98 Rengalbeda 25433 64 64 438 192 246 69 33 36 99 Bala 52048 166 168 954 488 466 149 93 56 100 JaJapashl 29778 105 105 643 326 317 100 47 53 101 A"kudl 231 16 75 75 407 206 201 58 26 32 102 Tangarpada 18674 6'5 65 356 17c) 177 69 39 30 103 Neundl 15682 73 73 358 195 163 55 37 18 104 Klluntapada 15884 46 46 290 143 147 48 20 2f 105 Sadangl 27449 194 213 1,131 574 557 176 92 84 106 Nakanlel 5672 Uninhabited 107 Goblndapur 14009 33 33 150 75 75 22 14 8 108 Phulkanlel 303 1 1 165 170 882 439 443 137 69 68 109 Blldhlmara 3787 11 11 71 34 37 8 4 4 110 Bautlapada 6392 39 40 1SB 101 97 18 9 9 111 Kankada 25713 80 85 424 217 207 46 28 i8 112 Nuagan 16727 61 61 337 155 182 56 34 22 Urban: 1060 Champua (CT) 490 970 970 5,746 3,062 2,684 1,064 564 500 297


Sooeduled Castes Scheduied Trihes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I- IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M ------F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

119 118 203 96 184 87 113 12 12 53 24 36 6 7 59 38 70 67 45 56 9 7 1 12 10 112 75 111 11 83 3 6 6 27 23 79 86 93 42 123 26 98 9 12 17 13 12 58 31 69 64 40 59 5 4 4 5 157 174 74 21 115 3 107 5 16 15 9 5 77 32 77 71 88 103 195 199 331 205 323 87 165 18 59 45 119 125 212 233 164 89 160 181 94 50 177 79 90 78 44 81 57 51 22 56 7 6 31 20 26 5 17 2 5 3 112 114 1 ~6 53 152 23 97 44 21 11 12 70 82 141 74 161 80 131 62 24 17 35 31 82 35 105 78 22 305 319 197 81 203 15 129 7 57 5 19 15 269 266 180 95 156 153 138 139 1 14 13 169 220 102 74 111 82 72 6 26 75 5 6 286 277 225 12~ 275 282 262 267 4 13 2 191 171 177 82 161 6 117 1 3 4 162 166 76 36 113 19 91 15 15 3 36 35 59 37 98 57 95 57 57 44 95 39 112 114 93 114 59 46 71 33 85 75 75 75 12 6 194 193 360 218 243 89 98 89 84 Uninhabited 63 66 12 9 54 21 30 26 2 2 27 24 107 91 206 212 242 144 254 108 107 31 81 69 14 17 15 12 18 2 17 2 35 43 28 23 45 17 54 9 40 5 8 4 17 15 87 83 109 45 92 2 64 it 76 81 60 37 72 58 4

208 430 378 2,139 1,407 1,397 165 80 7 106 61 298

C. D. BLOCK - Champua VILLAGE PRIMARY Inaustnal Category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

43 Parudiposi 54 20 44 Tangaranali 6 4 45 Padua 46 Banguriposi 2 47 Baliposi 2

48 Sunapasi 2 2 ~ 49 Birakuan (Kha) 2 1 50 Bhimapur 31 5 7 3 4 3 51 Jaly 3 3 53 Nischintapur 55 Kamanda (Kha) 56 Kamanda (Ka) 2 6 57 Sirikuan 1 58 Birakuan (Ka) 2 59 Badapasi 2 2 78 Tangarbantala 12 12 -- 98 RengaJbeda 6 99 BaJa 100 Jajapashi 2 3 101 Ankudi 3 102 Tangarpada 103 Neundi 104 Khuntapada 2 105 Sadangi 4 3 106 Nakanlei Uninhabited 107 Gobindapur 108 Phulkanlei 3 4 109 Budhimara 110 Bautiapada 2 111 Kankada 3 2 2 112 Nuagan 5 Urban: 1060 CHAMPUA (CT) 29 2 66 14 102 10 299

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Champua 01 ~aln WorKers Marginal Non-workers Workers Tradfland Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VI!) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

5 2 27 132 140 161 8 57 78 18 2 85 66 91 10 100 106 99 20 47 62 100 45 76 3 80 58 54 18 9 1 35 6 7 164 254 401 3 8 1 9 173 168 8 2 32 72 85 4 3 25 36 3 75 95 141 11 5 106 121 139 3 119 70 57 5 6 3 4 91 156 259 6 138 136 7 1 81 164 9 2 213 184 8 26 8 124 157 187 2 93 182 1 2 81 120 2 3 14 83 49 6 4 58 68 7 2 39 4 2 5 329 463 Uninhabited 3 7 42 42 8 2 2 46 6 185 335 16 35 3 4 15 43 73 12 3 120 122 85 4 3 91 80 90

398 9 83 521 74 2 18 1,663 2501

------~------,I ~ i 0 ! 0 II: -I c( .... ~ to ..,::z:: c :::::» on Q o < q Z (I) w (I) NI z_---t---- 0 ~ a:: -+j 0


~ .,. G 4. 0 i ::! 4- ~ " ~ I "I' I Q :!

~ (J ~ roo':, 'l; I '. JI! ! j (I ~ " .. " ~. ~o ." ...... "., ::I

\) ...... : ~ ", ...... Q i~ " ". i ...... ~. 0 I. .. , t...... '. .' ..,.:._--, > ' .. "

", (I lIC U I" o j i : i:' ~ (). ..I • ~I ~ (Q) .Ir;, 1:-: 'x ':: +

~ • 0- ~ . Q_ ~ Q. t '" " ~ PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF JHUMPURA C. D. BLOCK - 0120

Joda PS - 0040 Champua PS (Portion) - 0061 Champua PS (Portion) - 0062 Baria. PS - 0070

301 302



2 3 4 5 6

POLICE STATION - JODA-0040 Balabhadrapur alias Andharikhama 19/03/004010093 19/314/93 16103/004010089 16/314/89 2 Basantapur 19/03/004010089 19/3/4/89 16/03/0040/0085 16/3/4/85 3 Biringadihi 19/03/004010097 19/3/4/97 16/0310040/0093 16/314/93 4 Bramhanidihi 19/03/004010083 19/314/83 16/03/0040/0079 16/3/4n9 5 Bramhanijhari 19/03/0040/0080 19/314/80 16/03/004010076 16/314n6 6 Champadihi 19/03/0040/0060 19/314/60 16/03/0040/0051 16/3/4/51 7 Chipinda 19/03/0040/0063 19/314/63 16/0310040/0049 16/3/4/49 8 Deojhar 19/03/0040/0044 19/314/44 16/03/0040/0046 16/314/46 9 Dhakita 19/03/004010082 19/314/82 16/03/0040/0078 16/314n8 10 Dhanurjayapur 19/03/0040/0085 19/3/4/85 16/03/0040/0081 16/314/81 11 Godotopa 19/03/004010096 19/3/4/96 16/03/0040/0092 16/3/4/92 12 Gurudacamp 19/03/004010038 19/314/38 16/03/0040/0095 16/3/4/95 13 Hatidari 19/03/0040/0062 19/314/62 16/03/0040/0048 16/3/4/48 14 Jaipur 19/031004010061 19/3/4/61 16/03/004010050 1613/4/50 15 Jalapaposi 19/03/004010078 19/3/4n8 16/03/0040/0072 16/3/4n2 16 Jamiridihi 19/03/0040/0094 19/3/4/94 16/03/0040/0090 16/3/4/90 17 Joda 19/03/0040/0064 19/314/64 16/03/0040/0074 16/314n4 18 Kaijoda 19/03/004010088 19/3/4/88 16/03/0040/0084 16/314/84 19' Kaliapal 19/03/0040/0095 19/3/4/95 16/03/0040/0091 16/3/4/91 20 Kanakana 19/03/0040/0043 19/3/4/43 16/03/0040/0045 16/314/45 21 Kasia 19/03/0040/0092 19/314/92 16/03/0040/0088 16/314/88 22 Katupali 19/03/004010075 19/3/4n5 16/03/004010069 16/314/69 23 Kotagaon 19/03/004010079 19/3/4n9 16/0310040/0075 16/3/4nS 24 Malada 19/03/004010084 19/314/84 16/0310040/0080 16/3/4/80 25 Naibuga 19/03/0040/0086 191314/86 16/03/0040/0082 16/3/4/82 26 Naupani 19/03/004010045 19/314/45 16/0310040/0047 16/314/47 27 Nayagarh 19/03/0040/0077 19/3/4n7 16/03/0040/0071 16/3/4n1 28 Nungadia 19/03/004010091 19/314/91 16/03/0040/0087 161314/87 29 Patuakudar 19/03/0040/0090 19/314/90 16/03/0040/0086 16/3/4/86 30 Purunapani 19/03/004010065 191314/65 16103/004010073 161314n3 31 Sanakalimati 19/03/0040/0081 19/314/81 16/03/0040/00n 16/314m 32 Saradhapanka 19/03/0040/0076 19/314176 16/03/0040/0070 16/3/4nO

POLICE STATION - CHAMPUA (Portion) - 0061 33 Baghianasa 19/03/0061/0136 19/3161136 16/03/006010135 16/3161135 34 Balabhadrapur 19/03/0061/0073 19/3/6173 16/03/0060/0073 161316/73 35 8inodabeharipur 19/03/0061/0077 19/316/77 16/03/0060/0076 16/3/6n6 36 Binodabiharipur (Kha.) 19/03/0&>1/0076 19/316176 37 Dhaulipat 19/03/0061/0138 19/3/6/138 38 Fakirpur 19/03/0061/0140 19/316/140 16/03/0060/0137 16/316/137 39 Ghuntupasi 19/03/0061/0081 19/316/81 16103/0060/0080 161310/80 40 Goda 19/03/0061/0078 19/3/6nS 16/03/0060/oon 16/3/6/77 41 Gopinathpur 19/03/0061/0079 19/316179 16/031006010078 16/316/78 42 Haridajodi 19/03/0061/0075 19/3/6nS 16/03/006010075 1613/6n5 43 Hirapur 19/03/0061/0070 19/316/70 16/03/006010070 16/3/6nO

Kjr-2 303



2 3 4 5 6

44 Jagannathpur 19/03/0061/0039 19/316/39 16/03/006010039 16/3/6/39 45 Jamudapal 19/03/0061/0069 19/3/6/69 16/03/006010069 16/3/6/69 46 Kanjipani 19/03/0061/0133 19/3161133 16/03/006010132 16/316/132 47 Kankadajodi 19/03/0061/0135 19/316/135 16/0310060/0134 16/316/134 48 Manaharapur 19/03/0061/0071 19/3/6/71 16/03/0060/0071 16/3/6/71 49 Nahabeda 19/03/0061 /0141 19/3/6/141 16/03/0060/0138 16/3/6/138 50 Nichintapur 19/03/0061/0131 19/3/6/131 16/031006010130 16/3/6/130 51 Nuapadmakesharapur 19/03/0061/0137 19/316/137 52 Padamakesarpur naya 19/03/0061/0139 19/3/6/139 16/03/0060/0136 16/3/6/136 53 Pratapadhanurjayapur 19/03/0061/0072 19/3/6/72 16/03/0060/0072 16/3/6/72 54 Ramachandrapur/Balabhadrapur 19/03/0061/0142 19/3/6/142 16/03/0060/0133 16/3/6/133 55 Ramachandrapur (Kha.) 19/03/0061/0134 19/3/6/134 56 Sanahundula 19/03/0061/0132 19/3/6/132 16/03/0060/0131 16/3/6/131 57 Sarasapasi 19/03/0061/0082 19/3/6/82 16/03/0060/0081 16/3/6/81 58 Trilochanpur 19/03/0061/0080 19/3/6/80 16/03/0060/0079 16/3/6/79

POLICE STATION - CHAMPUA (Portion) - 0062 59 Andharikhaman 19/03/0062/0165 19/3/7/165 16/03/0070/0162 16/3/7/162 60 Angulia 19/03/0062/0068 19/3/7/68 16/03/0070/0068 16/317168 61 Arsala 19/03/0062/0163 19/317/163 16/031007010160 16/3/7/160 62 Asoki 19/03/006210164 19/317/164 16/03/0070/0150 16/3/7/150 63 Balabhadrapur 19/03/0062/0156 19/3/7/156 16/03/0070/0152 16/3/7/152 64 Balibandha 19/03/0062/0149 19/3/7/149 16/03/0070/0144 16/3/7/144 65 Barakhandia 19/03/0062/0154 19/3/7/154 16/03/0070/0149 16/317/149 66 Bhaluka 19/03/0062/0162 19/3/7/162 16/03/0070/0158 16/3/7/158 67 Bishnupur 19/03/0062/0159 19/3/7/159 16/03/0070/0156 16/3/7/156 68 Chaitanpur 19/03/0062/0118 19/317/118 16/03/007010117 16/3/7/117 69 19/03/0062/0119 19/3/7/119 16/03/0070/0118 16/3/7/118 70 Chingudiposi 19/03/0062/0148 19/3/7/148 16/03/0070/0143 16/317/143 71 DUdhakundi 19/03/0062/0127 19/3/7/127 16/031007010125 16/3/7/125 72 Durgapur 19/03/0062/0166 19/3/7/166 16/03/0070/0161 16/3/7/161 73 Ghuntaposi 19/03/0062/0144 19/3/7/144 16/03/007010140 16/3/7/140 74 Gumura 19/03/0062/0083 19/3nt83 16/03/007010082 16/3/7/82 75 Gundunia 19/03/0062/0114 19/3/7/114 16/03/007010113 16/3/7/113 76 Hastinapur 19/03/0062/0120 19/3/7/120 16/03/0070/0119 16/317/119 77 Hatianasa 19/03/006210117 19/3/7/117 16/03/007010116 16/3/7/116 78 Jamujodi 19/03/0062/0067 19/317167 16/03/007010067 16/317167 79 Jansonpur 19/03/0062/0145 19/3/7/145 16/03/007010139 16/317/139 80 Jhumpura 19/03/0062/0160 19/3/7/160 16/03/0070/0157 16/317/157 81 Jogannathpur 19/03/0062/0115 19/3/7/115 16/03/0070/0114 16/3/7/114 82 Kasipal 19/03/006210143 19/3/7/143 16/03/0070/0142 16/3/7/142 83 KataJposi 19/03/0062/0155 1-9/3/7/155 16/03/0070/0151 16/3/7/151 84 Khendra 19/03/006210146 19/3/7/146 16/03/0070/0154 16/3/7/154 85 Kulhadihi 19/03/0062/0129 19/3/7/129 16/03/0070/0127 16/3/7/127 86 Madhupur 19/03/0062/0121 19/3/7/121 16/03/0070/0120 16/3/7/120 87 Manada 19/03/0062/0122 19/3/7/122 16/03/0070/0121 16/3/7/121

Kjr-2 304



88 Manibandha 19/03/0062/0150 19/3/7/150 16/03/0070/0145 16/3/7/145 89 Mohadevpur 19/03/0062/0153 19/317/153 16/0310070/0148 16/3/7/148 90 Murusuan 19/03/0062/0126 19/3/7/126 16/03/007010124 16/317/124 91 Naradapur 19/03/006210040 19/3/7/40 16/03/0070/0040 16/3/7/40 92 Parbatipur 19/03/0062/0151 19/3/7/151 16/03/0070/0146 16/3/7/146 19 Patbila 19/03/0062/0147 19/3/7/147 16/03/0070/0141 16/3/7/141 94 RajaBasa 19/03/0062/0128 19/3171128 16/03/0070/0126 16/3171126 95 Sarupatala 19/03/0062/0085 19/317185 16/03/007010084 16/317184 96 Siriabahal 19/03/0062/0130 19/3/7/130 16/03/0070/0129 16/3171129 97 Solagoda 19/03/0062/0152 19/3/7/152 16/0310070/0147 16/3/7/147 98 Srirampur 19/03/0062/0161 19/3171161 16/03/007010159 16/317/159 99 Sundhimurusuan 19/03/0062/0157 19/3171157 16/03/007010153 16/3171153 100 Teliarsala 19/03/0062/0158 19/317/158 16/03/007010155 1613171155 101 Tolakabahal 19/03/0062/0125 19/3171125 16/03/0070/0128 16/3/7/128

POLICE STATION - BARIA - 0070 102 Asanapat 19/03/0070/0009 19/318/9 16/0310080/0009 16/318/9 103 Asuria 19/0310070/0006 19/3/8/6 16/03/0080/0006 16/3/8/6 104 8adadumuria 19/03/0070/0005 19/3/8/5 16/03/0080/0005 16/318/5 105 Badaneuli 19/031007010086 19/3/8/86 16/031008010086 16/318/86 106 Baikunthapur 19/03/007010063 19/318/63 16/031008010063 16/318/63 107 Baliposi 19/03/007010003 19/3/8/3 16/031008010003 16/318/3 108 Barhapashi 19/03/0070/0081 19/318/81 16/0310080/0081 16/3/8/81 109 Baria 19/0310070/0062 19/318/62 16/031008010062 16/3/8/62 110 Baruna 19/03/0070/0008 19/318/8 16/03/0080/0008 16/3/8/8 111 Bhodapasi 19/03/0070/0014 19/318/14 16/03/008010014 16/318/14 112 Bhubanapasi 19/03/0070/0061 19/318/61 16/031008010061 16/318/61 113 Bichitranandapur 19/03/0070/0054 19/318/54 16/0310080/0054 161318/54 114 Chakulia (Chakadiha) 19/03/007010069 19/318/69 16/03/0080/0069 16/3/8/69 115 Chhelianal 19/03/0070/0060 19/318/60 16/03/0080/0060 16/3/8/60 116 Chitrapur 19/03/0070fOO 10 19f3/8fl0 16/03/0080/0010 16/318/10 117 Dhatika 19/03/007010013 19/318/13 16/031008010013 16/318/13 118 Gandabarei 19/03/0070/0073 19/318/73 16/03/0080/0073 16/3/8/73 119 Gidhibas 19/03/0070/0011 19/3/8/11 16/03/008010011 16/318/11 120 Gobindapur 19/03/0070/0004 19/318/04 16/03/008010004 16/3/8/04 121 Gopiballabpur 19/03/0070f0075 19/3/S/75 16/031008010075 16/318/75 122 Haripasi 19/03/007010070 19/3/S/70 16/0310080/0070 16/3/S/70 123 Jamunapasi 19/03/0070/0079 19/3/S/79 16/03/00S0/0079 16/3/8/79 124 Kalinga 19/03/0070/0007 19/3/S/7 16/03/0080/0007 16/3/8/7 125 Kanchandumuria 19/03/007010076 19/3/S/76 16/03/00S0/0076 16/318/76 126 Kashipuf 19/03/0070/00S4 19/3/S/84 16/0310080/0084 16/31S/84 127 Katupasi 19/03/007010052 19/3/S/52 16/0310080/0052 16/3/8/52 128 Kaunrikala 19/03/007010096 19/3/S/96 16/03/00S010096 16/3/8/96 129 Kendua 19/03/0070/0064 19/3/8/64 16/03/0080/0064 16/3/8/64 130 Khudapasi 19/03/0070100S5 19/3/S/85 16/0310080/0085 16/318/85 131 Khuntapada 19/03/0070/0001 19/318/1 16/0310080/0001 161318/1

Kjr-2 305



2 3 4 5 6

132 Lakhaiposi (Ka) 19/03/0070/0002 19/3/8/2 16/03/0080/0002 16/3/8/2 133 Manaharpur 19/03/0070/0080 19/3/8/80 16/03/0080/0080 16/3/8/80 134 Mandama (Manima) 19/03/0070/0012 19/3/8/12 16/03/0080/0012 16/318/12 135 Nagarpal 19/03/0070/0071 19/318/71 16/03/0080/0071 16/318/71 136 Nayadhanurjaypur 19103/0070/0072 19/3/8/72 16/03/008010072 16/318/72 137 Pahadpur 19/03/0070/0091 19/3/8/91 16103/0080100!? 16/318/91 138 Panupashi 19/03/0070/0088 19/318/88 16/0310080/0088 16/318/88 139 Pichhilabeda 19/03/0070/0095 19/3/8/95 16/03/0080/0095 16/318/95 140 Podasimila 19/03/0070/0087 19/3/8/87 16/03/0080/0087 16/3/8/87 141 Radhikadeipur 19/03/0070/0077 19/3/8177 16/031008010077 16/318177 142 Ramachandrapur 19/03/0070/0068 19/3/8/68 16/031008010068 16/318/68 143 Ranipur(Ka) 19/03/0070/0066 19/3/S/66 16/03/00S0/0066 16/3/S/66 144 Rasabantala 19/03/0070/0097 19/3/S/97 16/03/0080/0097 16/3/8/97 145 Ratanpur 19/03/0070/0065 19/3/8/65 16/03/00S0/0065 16/318/65 146 Ratnapashi 19/03/007010090 19/3/8/90 16/03/00S0/0090 16/3/8/90 147 Sabakdhanurjaypur 19/03/0070/0093 19/3/8/93 16/03/00S0/0093 16/318/93 148 Sananeuli 1 9/03/007010089 19/3/8/89 16/03/008010089 16/3/8/89 149 Sarasinga 19/03/0070/0094 19/3/8/94 16/03/008010094 16/3/8/94 150 Silitia 19/03/0070/0092 19/3/8/92 16/03/0080/0092 16/318/92 151 Singamajuni 19/03/0070/0083 19/3/8/83 16/0310080/0083 16/318/83 152 Sitarampur 19/03/0070/0067 19/3/S/67 16/0310080/0067 16/3/S/67 153 Tukudhia 19/03/0070/0082 19/3/8/82 16/03/0080/0082 16/3/8/82 154 19/03/007010074 19/3/8/74 16/03/0080/0074 16/3/8/74 J06


Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 Jhumpura T 484.33 15,671 15,831 83,445 41,742 41,703 15,206 7,731 7,475 C.D. Block R 484.33 15,671 15,831 83,445 41,742 41,703 15,206 7,731 7,475 U 0040 Joda PS 179.86 2,377 2,408 12,427 6,345 6,082 2,590 1,343 1,247 38 Gurudacamp U.S. 19 19 40 27 13 9 4 5 43 Kanakana 1626.64 82 82 427 228 199 97 50 47 44 Deojhar 724.22 28 28 123 66 57 28 14 14 45 Naupani 471.93 23 23 140 71 69 39 20 19 60 Champadihi 173.99 17 17 75 38 37 12 9 3 61 Jaipur 80.33 22 22 120 60 60 35 18 17 62 Hatidari 348.92 58 58 300 151 149 63 30 33 63 'Chipinda 125.92 54 54 326 164 162 56 31 25 64 Joda 337.34 72 72 394 199 195 59 43 16 65 Purunapani 291.30 18 18 99 45 54 10 5 5 75 Katupali 168.80 60 74 367 119 174 69 41 28 76 Saradhapanka 128.38 38 38 242 129 113 63 37 26 77 Nayagarh 1688.54 212 212 995 501 494 184 101 83 78 Jalapaposi 255.88 35 35 243 115 128 55 29 26 79 Kotagaon 583.61 93 94 448 222 226 87 43 44 80 Bramhanijhari 944.75 85 85 445 222 223 119 58 61 81 Sanakalimati 336.12 21 23 118 57 61 22 11 11 82 Dhakita 305.72 44 49 215 111 104 40 22 18 83 Bramhanidihi 118.04 70 72 356 184 172 75 39 36 84 Malada 880.94 124 124 702 363 339 136 66 70 85 Dhanurjayapur 676.34 118 118 612 300 312 127 59 68 86 Naibuga 1546.14 307 307 1353 684 669 314 163 151 88 Kaijoda 365.68 51 51 268 131 137 50 23 27 89 Basantapur 1142.46 275 275 1596 918 678 330 182 148 90 Patuakudar 470.72 64 65 293 138 155 66 30 36 91 Nungadia 131.14 18 18 92 50 42 26 16 10 92 Kasia 1395.88 120 121 647 307 340 141 75 66 93 Balabhadrapur alias Andharikhama 834.24 80 81 449 209 240 92 46 46 94 Jamiridihi 167.74 42 42 221 97 124 46 18 28 95 Kaliapal 1099.42 41 45 247 123 124 52 21 31 96 Godotopa 537.32 86 86 474 242 232 88 39 49 97 Binngadihi 27.92 Uninhabited 0061 Champua PS (Portion) 59.15 1828 1858 9589 4767 4822 1775 887 888 39 Jagannathpur 298.26 88 88 509 255 254 109 60 49 69 Jamudapal 154.31 75 75 375 181 194 68 32 36 70 Hirapur 37.70 16 16 88 42 46 15 7 8 71 Manaharapur 86.24 27 28 150 65 85 34 16 18 72 Pratapadhanurjayapur 169.14 61 64 349 162 187 68 27 41

Kjr-2 307

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Jhumpura Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Mam Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

2,802 2,863 20,156 20,282 18,823 8,473 22,021 7,226 13,408 2,503 4,222 4,006 2,802 2,863 20,156 20,282 18,823 8,473 22,021 7,226 13,408 2,503 4,222 4,006

381 368 4,450 4,254 1,650 505 3,447 1,151 1,758 76 1,015 896 3 2 24 11 3 22 9 217 193 15 3 122 60 46 19 76 41 66 57 2 2 34 29 8 6 26 23 71 69 3 36 38 19 28 11 10 8 12 10 3 27 24 23 23 17 16 21 11 31 29 22 6 29 149 144 29 3 84 80 27 17 60 18 18 59 55 100 34 93 35 58 7 25 27 132 145 75 26 115 18 78 26 16 29 29 13 8 31 29 2 55 69 88 28 90 26 44 2 19 13 126 111 33 7 50 26 17 4 4 47 53 448 439 97 18 310 140 157 109 133 21 30 40 29 71 2 65 2 104 95 50 18 133 22 26 48 18 129 137 90 85 20 2 126 80 81 3 45 77 55 58 3 29 27 11 3 18 24 4 4 86 76 9 1 57 24 16 35 23 183 172 11 2 112 87 15 5 95 82 2 153 149 196 86 188 24 37 5 102 12 35 33 194 211 53 11 177 39 130 1 20 31 107 93 458 454 217 60 338 61 123 2 39 4 130 137 48 9 69 9 51 15 9 23 16 547 331 275 75 435 145 214 14 157 124 117 129 33 10 76 19 47 3 10 8 48 41 6 29 4 27 1 2 294 322 38 8 163 45 128 31 44 149 168 52 26 126 27 103 9 21 95 123 3 58 33 25 119 123 26 7 73 3 61 9 1 206 200 81 18 142 19 62 48 19 Uninhabited 221 234 2,783 2,780 1,793 761 2,373 1,037 1,383 365 611 586 13 15 172 181 66 27 137 85 113 24 17 56 98 100 62 24 97 26 56 7 27 18 3 29 13 15 6 4 52 64 22 13 4 4 20 25 129 152 54 20 23 2 15

Kjr-2 F '~I 308

C.D. BLOCK - Jhumpura VILLAGE PRIMARY Inaustnal Category Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufactunng, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household I~dustry In other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb) ------M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

12 Jhumpura T 319 32 423 136 605 148 404 20 69 2 C.D. Block R 319 32 423 136 605 148 404 20 69 2 U 0040 Joda PS 54 9 350 124 73 8 13 9 38 Gurudacamp 22 9 43 Kanakana 44 Deojhar 45 Naupani 17 10 60 Champadihi 3 61 Jaipur 62 Hatidari 38 19 63 Chiplnda 2 2 64 Joda 4 3 65 Purunapani 75 Katupali 18 9 2 76 Saradhapank 22 18 77 Nayagarh 28 S 5 78 Jalapapo$l 4 79 Kotagaon 8 1 44 80 Bramhanijhari 81 Sanakalimati 82 Dhakita 3 2 83 Bramhanidihi 84 Malada 2 2 85 DhanurJayapur 18 4 86 Naibuga 161 54 4 88 Kaijoda 89 Basantapur 11 4 4 90 Patuakudar 5 5 4 6 91 Nungadia 92 Kasia 93 Balabhadrapur alias Andhankhama-- 4 94 Jamiridihl 95 Kaliapal 1 96 Godotopa 11 12 2 97 Biringadihi Uninhabited 0061 Champua P.S. (Portion) 91 19 35 10 47 22 24 39 Jagannathpur 5 4 69 Jamudapal 6 2 70 Hirapur 71 Manaharapur 72 Pratapadhanurjayapur 2

Kjr-2 309

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Jhumpura of fVlaln Workers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

741 23 290 10 1,540 346 626 7,131 19,095 27,346 741 23 290 10 1,540 346 626 7,131 19,095 27,346

40 4 13 122 33 51 561 2,847 4,370 5 4 25 64 81 75 4 6 28 22 35 31 11 13 2 28 31 1 67 69 3 1 4 71 123 2 2 65 84 112 2 14 54 2 3 2 5 98 148 7 3 5 2 74 85 6 191 354 17 43 109 4 3 2 77 87 127 96 14'3 28 34 54 80 1 72 85 11 3 30 6 86 174 229 3 3 2 11 122 262 6 3 126 345 482 3 6 62 122 4 5 35 6 483 533 4 2 37 61 99 2 22 19 16 3 1 36 143 259 2 8 5 82 213 39 124 2 2 50 119 6 100 213 Uninhabited 35 5 19 2 127 28 227 757 2,167 3,028 2 118 169 6 6 12 78 156 4 6 21 45 30 31 85 2 5 71 3 68 182

Kjr-2 310

C.D. BLOCK - Jhumpura VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect- Reside- holds Houseless Population)" (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

73 Balabhadrapur 595.68 204 204 988 466 522 187 76 111 75 Haridajodi 583.39 46 47 236 132 104 56 37 19 76 Binodabiharipur (Kha) 69.54 Uninhabited 77 Binodabeharipur 95.76 39 42 226 119 107 41 22 19 78 Goda 390.23 166 166 861 450 411 167 95 72 79 Gopinathpur 176.00 29 35 157 86 71 25 16 9 80 .Trilochanpur 283.55 56 59 289 152 137 52 22 30 81 Ghuntupasi 98.84 43 43 217 108 109 36 22 14 82 Sarasapasi 100.84 50 50 249 123 126 39 15 24 131 Nichintapur 191.67 84 90 406 204 202 52 28 24 132 Sanahundula 111.09 164 167 857 418 439 154 77 77 133 Kanjipani 289.31 81 82 392 204 188 65 38 27 134 Ramachandrapur (Kha) 560.64 21 21 106 51 55 23 9 14 135 Kankadajodi 115.49 40 40 211 107 104 51 25 26 136 Baghianasa 74.06 18 18 113 61 52 18 10 8 137 Nuapadmakesharapur 43.92 12 12 51 21 30 7 3 4 138 Dhaulipat 119.04 8 8 55 22 33 13 5 8 139 Padamakesarpur naya 179.80 46 46 221 116 105 40 18 22 140 Fakirpur 224.75 64 64 313 142 171 56 27 29 141 Nahabeda 523.94 254 254 1331 664 667 240 116 124 142 Ramachandrapur/Balabhadrapur 341.53 136 139 839 416 423 159 84 75 0062 Champua P.S. (Portion) 102.83 5,644 5,687 30,442 15,360 15,082 5,592 2,811 2,781 40 Naradapur 361.97 177 177 954 493 461 291 132 159 67 Jamujodi 247.02 74 76 424 212 212 105 55 50 68 Angulia 269.61 141 141 724 362 362 132 60 72 83 Gumura 278.78 154 154 851 425 426 127 66 61 85 Sarupatala 128.99 68 69 381 188 193 66 36 30 114 Gundunia 685.62 307 307 1447 725 722 277 142 135 115 Jogannathpur 96.83 41 41 222 110 112 38 16 22 117 Hatianasa 106.61 33 33 200 99 101 41 25 16 118 Chaitanpur 56.11 18 18 94 46 48 9 4 5 119 Chauthia 298.06 145 145 789 404 385 155 80 75 120 Hastinapur 162.72 76 76 419 206 213 69 31 38 121 Madhupur 172.02 95 95 586 280 306 84 41 43 122 Manada 231.51 156 156 704 361 343 123 71 52 125 Tolakabahal 152.76 73 73 412 210 202 69 34 35 126 Murusuan 304.19 160 161 849 423 426 150 81 69 127 Dudhakundi 235.38 74 74 396 204 192 82 44 38 128 Rajabasa 185.36 74 74 472 247 225 94 46 48 129 Kulhadihi 85.25 24 24 118 60 58 23 12 11 130 Siriabahal 174.61- 49 49 231 116 115 54 32 22 143 Kasipal 335.48 174 174 854 437 417 150 77 73

Kjr-2 311

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Jhumpura Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (i - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

25 27 308 355 221 94 267 148 165 56 56 84 127 94 8 59 5 14 Uninhabited 7 12 58 49 49 14 47 9 28 3 77 68 244 204 171 83 229 77 143 3 69 67 32 36 53 11 35 4 29 5 2 100 87 73 20 84 39 59 28 15 8 4 3 23 17 27 28 55 24 31 6 24 18 3 3 54 57 41 18 59 22 29 2 22 20 43 42 123 45 67 27 20 8 22 9 375 382 87 21 210 90 150 54 27 28 11 8 79 75 105 41 112 97 78 61 20 30 43 47 7 2 29 8 19 8 8 3 2 98 96 5 3 75 21 37 28 8 21 14 33 13 29 20 7 21 30 12 2 15 15 3 12 14 22 33 7 4 13 18 12 18 2 6 109 95 52 9 69 30 19 3 48 27 107 123 36 14 80 94 8 5 69 89 53 65 235 207 324 178 337 181 174 102 89 75 232 240 126 63 226 14 177 4 14 4 1,004 1,064 5,918 5,969 7,689 3,704 7,958 2,320 4,368 858 1,453 1,199 5 2 302 283 143 49 258 119 98 16 77 147 157 145 38 9 88 24 64 5 22 19 24 17 218 221 115 35 180 1 165 3 14 11 236 243 229 103 187 39 100 5 46 29 74 78 103 103 71 45 91 5 46 1 10 1 61 67 210 222 348 130 388 113 266 76 68 33 36 26 38 21 56 55 83 9o. 33 8 43 40 8 10 30 13 21 1 17 6 8 76 70 207 95 206 39 114 6 54 23 2 5 102 112 108 43 123 3 76 37 47 60 169 96 165 3 135 22 8 2 178 158 124 55 207 8 95 104 7 87 92 104 38 121 26 82 8 12 12 16 10 313 321 211 74 212 47 155 14 22 28 4 171 160 81 21 110 101 90 76 13 22 69 68 131 31 144 117 138 116 60 58 22 5 28 7 19 94 87 25 12 53 19 13 40 18 56 61 173 168 207 83 201 5 136 2 44 2

Kjr-2 312

CD. BLOCK - Jhumpura VILLAGE PRIMARY inaustrial Category Location N:l'TIS c· Village Livestock, Forestry. Mining and Manufacturing. Manufacturing. Constructior:s Coue Fish;ng. Hunting Quarrying Processing. Servicing Processing. Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations. (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (1:1) (Vb) ----- M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

73 Barabhadrapur 17 2 4 3 75 Haridajodi 41 3 76 Binodabiharipur (Kha) Uninhabited 77 Binodabeharipur 17 3 78 Goda 6 4 79 Gopinathpur 80 Trirochanpur 81 Ghuntupasi 82 Sarasapasi 4 131 Nichintapul 6 5 132 Sanahundula 28 6 133 Kanjipani 5 5 134 Ramachandrapur (Kha) 2 135 Kankadajodi 2 7 7 6 136 Baghianasa 137 Nuapadmakesharapur 138 Dhaulipat 139 Padamakesarpur naya 1 140 Fakirpur 3 141 Nahabeda 3 1 8 10 142 RarnachandrapurlBalabhadrapur -- 5 1 5 1 0062 Champua P.S. (Portion) 113 2 29 142 68 272 18 39 40 Naradapur 2 2 15 29 9 67 Jamujodi 68 Anguiia 7 83 Gumura 4 4 3 85 Sarupatala 15 3 2 2 :3 114 Gundunia 3 3 115 Jogannathpur 117 Hatianasa 118 Chaitanpur 119 Chauthia 120 Hastinapur 121 Madhupur 122 Manada 125 Tolakabahal 3 126 Murusuan 3 4 127 Dudhakundi 3 2 128 Rajabasa 129 Kulhadihi 130 Siriabahal 143 Kasipal 5

Kir-2 313

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Jhumpura 01 Main Workers Marginal Non-work.ers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (Vii) Communlcat:ons (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F 1\11 F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

16 2 7 3 199 374 73 99 Uninhabited 3 72 98 3 7 3 2 219 334 15 45 36 22 2 8 2 66 97 4 24 49 61 1 1 2 9 36 55 68 3 2 13 4 46 83 91 92 3 2 11 60 197 289 3 6 1 7 91 84 22 22 25 32 82 32 52 7 6 8 2 9 13 1 37 46 38 7 19 55 58 6 3 43 4 7 11 9 320 219 5 1 17 4 9 205 181 204 523 9 212 8 807 157 153 1,569 7,249 11,193 10 14 6 26 41 234 227 2 124 188 4 182 361 2 26 5 13 45 225 342 2 6 2 2 31 95 154 5 3 39 4 5 155 332 454 54 112 56 99 3 25 47 1 3 32 10 4 ,97 342 2 6 3 125 83 85 2 6 3 190 115 113 8 1 145 154 190 5 17 6 40 89 136 8 18 4 57 211 322 4 94 90 1 3 103 108 2 32 58 63 96 15 236 412

Kjr-2 314

C D. BLOCK - Jhumpura VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No of No of Total Populatlon(lnclud­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ Il1g Institutional and In the age group Number In Hect­ Reslde- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntlal of Town/ Houses Ward In Sq Kms

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

144 Ghuntaposl 8640 65 65 331 165 166 56 28 28 145 Jansonpur 121 95 104 104 688 331 357 124 59 65 146 Khendra 57294 256 257 1360 675 685 242 110 132 147 PatJblla 30310 161 163 885 434 451 170 79 91 148 Chingudiposl 15736 76 76 399 211 188 83 43 40 149 8allbandha 41228 368 368 1800 910 890 314 156 158 150 Manlbandha 21 02 Uninhabited 151 Parbatlpur 151 41 59 59 310 152 158 77 30 47 152 Solagoda 31061 204 209 997 487 510 161 78 83 153 Mohadevpur 19769 72 72 424 225 199 77 42 35 154 Barakhandla 39292 187 187 984 499 485 145 80 65 155 Kataiposl 18624 49 49 266 136 130 46 27 19 156 Balabhadrapur 22942 63 63 333 159 174 57 24 33 157 Sundhlmurusuan 8135 19 20 110 53 57 18 7 11 158 Teilarsala 12633 43 46 279 140 139 44 15 29 159 Bishnupur 11229 88 88 463 245 218 77 45 32 160 Jhumpura 32656 800 805 4500 2329 2171 797 403 394 161 Snrampur 19144 45 45 299 150 149 76 44 32 162 Bhaluka 23429 168 180 917 473 444 131 76 55 163 Atsala 68669 400 410 2229 1141 1088 388 202 j86 164 Asokl 30619 139 139 869 404 465 209 19 116 165 Andhankhaman 18775 84 84 462 232 230 86 47 39 166 Durgapur 31690 81 81 410 201 209 75 38 37 0070 Baria PS 142.50 5,822 5,878 30,987 15,270 15,717 5,249 2,690 2,559 Khuntapada 40387 169 170 793 392 401 116 59 57 2 Lakhmiposl (Ka) 21682 48 48 226 107 119 60 27 33 3 Bahposl 14226 69 69 308 161 147 45 23 22 4 Goblndapur 12224 47 47 245 116 129 43 23 20 5 Badadumuna 36018 235 235 1146 578 568 119 105 88 6 Asuna 22006 77 89 511 260 251 99 54 45 7 Kahnga 46584 265 265 1341 671 670 216 102 114 8 Baruna 32499 133 133 621 296 325 96 51 45 9 Asanapat 92407 391 319 2015 1027 988 275 155 120 10 Chltrapur 21509 81 81 443 224 219 75 39 36 11 Gldhlbas 64921 15::1 155 804 377 427 135 68 67 12 Mandama (Mamma) 22339 79 79 341 170 171 48 25 23 13 Dhatlka 22808 39 139 758 367 391 134 64 70 14 Bhodapasl 30738 102 102 630 320 310 75 41 34 52 Katupasl 11339 59 59 309 146 163 63 25 38 54 Blchltranandapur 4043 12 12 64 31 33 10 7 3 60 Chhehanal 24021 107 107 623 300 323 107 55 52 61 Bhubanapasl 16609 61 61 320 161 159 49 27 22 315

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Jhumpura Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

9 6 98 39 19 10 70 5 4 1 3 270 303 177 62 186 11 151 3 12 6 158 164 83 82 380 160 282 96 113 3 73 68 14 23 196 190 208 68 216 8 177 6 27 1 5 57 59 117 39 112 17 53 5 -4 2 86 19 409 406 398 225 455 139 169 183 126 Uninhabited 68 72 52 15 84 58 24 15 17 183 171 248 117 262 246 132 137 113 108 16 16 107 44 128 2 115 7 43 50 157 151 252 160 307 127 160 4 103 117 39 44 63 40 66 52 56 43 8 6 11 43 35 80 42 97 78 69 19 11 55 38 47 19 3 30 25 24 20 4 15 17 125 122 76 20 92 86 81 82 3 242 217 116 37 145 129 129 123 5 205 198 400 460 1483 1003 1198 159 101 5 127 77 12 16 138 133 45 13 78 17 69 8 17 6 5 109 107 302 189 184 57 91 9 35 47 99 103 92 75 686 334 617 243 261 56 110 162 52 69 343 384 131 41 212 44 186 12 8 25 4 4 36 45 121 52 120 109 1 11 15. 151 152 96 35 112 27 102 8 26 1,196 1,197 7,005 7,280 7,691 3,503 8,243 2,718 5._ 1,204 1,143 1,325 130 127 103 96 241 137 174 67 105 20 63 9 5 19 112 32 9 55 68 26 25 67 9 8 24 16 100 40 19 87 6() 20 82 18 23 70 35 61 70 51 8 69 163 167 184 181 294 171 272 31 201 13 37 10 23 31 128 50 138 37 103 6 26 28 38 41 285 302 243 19 391 162 300 86 56 73 7 5 54 67 152 72 162 49 134 2 2 40 34 29 197 908 533 268 587 116 507 48 29 45 202 197 117 38 139 28 122 25 4 368 421 181 82 194 8 154 5 28 28 25 81 45 92 5 73 15 2 45 35 263 283 171 67 209 2 129 __ f. 40 8 6 170 162 180 82 161 6 123 7 7 13 13 99 40 84 41 59 18 40 12 9 15 7 14 3 4 1 2 219 319 161 86 158 5 147 4 2 11 12 44 45 92 48 19 29 56 31 27

Kjr-2 fir .,,~ 316

C.D. BLOCK - Jhumpura VILLAGE PRIMARY Inaustnal ~ategory Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

144 Ghuntaposi 3 4 145 Jansonpur 2 3 6 146 Khendra 7 3 20 20 12 147 Patibila 1 4 148 Chingudiposi 2 8 5 8 7 149 Balibandha 8 3 8 10 1 150 Manibandha Uninhabited 151 Parbatipur 152 Solagoda 4 153 Mohadevpur 4 154 Barakhandia 3 155 Katalposi 2 156 Balabhadrapur 4 157 Sundhimurusuan 158 Teliarsala 159 Bishnupur 1 4 160 Jhumpura 25 6 16 2 148 5 15 161 Srirampur 162 Bhaluka 2 1 7 2 163 Arsala 32 6 47 14 8 4 164 Asoki 6 3 165 Andharikhaman 3 166 Durgapur 0070 Baria P.S. 61 2 9 2 343 50 95 2 20 Khuntapada 10 2 Lakhmiposi (Ka) 1 3 Baliposi 6 4 Gobindapur 5 Badadumuria 5 4 4 6 Asuria 2 4 7 Kalinga 2 7 8 Baruna 6 5 9 Asanapat 1 -- j 18 16 4 10 Chitrapur 6 11 Gidhibas 2 12 Mandama (Manima) 1 13 Dhatika 20 5 14 Bhodapasi 7 5 52 Katupasi 54 Bichitranandapur 60 Chhelianal 61 Bhubanapasi 317

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Jhumpura 01 fV1aln WorKers Marginal Non-worKers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

2 9 4 72 152 4 7 156 145 190, 13 5 35 5 64 9 329 580 1 5 2 1 243 217 200 2 1 11 16 4 2 99 169 24 2 1 48 9 4 40 451 711 Uninhabited 1 68 157 2 10 21 63 204 201 2 97 197 10 2 29 6 8 192 350 5 3 1 14 70 64 4 7 3 1 62 95 5 3 23 29 4 3 1 48 53 2 8 1 100 89 318 5 129 313 63 14 5 1117 1957 72 132 21 24 289 387 67 18 64 9 18 39 506 806 2 10 4 7 86 185 335 5 1 112 229 2 1 2 11 B7 171 143 5 46 484 128 195 4,244 6,832 8,755 19 19 4 3 65 215 269 1 1 52 51 6 2 68 60 1 55 59 6 2 16 4 4 275 302 262 3 3 104 122 110 2 22 3 4 260 276 248 19 2 134 276 3 4 21 6 15 334 425 538 2 5 2 104 85 87 3 6 3 50 252 133 167 3 2 12 103 66 63 4 7 2 215 158 174 4 26 172 159 132 4 2 2 53 60 69 1 11 16 15 6 170 142 148 3 3 2 67 68 63 318

C.D. BLOCK - Jhumpura VILLAGE PRIMARY Location Name of Village Area of No.of N().of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of T()wn! Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

62 Baria 396.96 122 131 682 332 350 116 62 54 63 Baikunthapur 125.47 60 60 309 150 159 68 33 35 64 Kendua 347.61 184 187 964 477 487 167 88 78 65 Ratanpur 127.75 56 59 318 154 164 51 28 23 66 Ranipur (Ka) 107.71 58 58 335 168 167 60 29 31 67 Sitarampur 210.03 110 110 555 263 292 106 53 53 68 Ramachandt'apur 84.27 25 25 152 75 77 31 20 11 69 Chakulill (Chakadiha) 338.68 126 126 748 371 377 134 65 69 70 Haripasi 197.76 78 78 406 196 210 65 33 32 71 Nagarpal 167.35 81 83 419 196 223 72 28 44 72 Nayadhanu~aypur 298.46 151 151 865 430 435 192 19 99 73 Gandabarei 363.18 202 203 1056 505 551 134 65 69 74 Ukhunda 583.75 360 360 1948 993 955 357 196 161 75 Gopiballabpur 102.02 33 33 232 114 118 42 22 20 76 Kanchandumuria 322.86 158 158 877 425 452 138 64 74 77 . Radhikadeipur 85.18 33 33 181 88 93 28 17 11 79 Jamunapasi 19.55 41 41 230 116 114 39 22 17 80 Manaharpur 77.70 12 12 79 37 42 18 9 9 81 Barhapashi 269.46 82 82 512 265 247 79 42 37 82 Tukudhia 589.59 253 253 1343 674 669 298 166 132 83 Singamajuni 153.53 33 33 186 88 98 25 18 7 84 Kashipur 181.84 66 66 323 159 164 64 37 27 85 Khudapasi 179.00 76 76 371 185 186 59 33 26 86 Badaneuli 336.47 164 164 876 410 466 165 79 86 87 Podasirtlila 429.15 134 134 740 376 364 82 45 37 88 Panupashi 262.57 19 19 419 212 207 73 37 36 89 SananeuJi 237.44 54 54 319 148 171 65 31 34 90 Ratnapashi 105.11 27 27 146 71 75 20 13 7 91 Pahadpur 279.60 98 98 533 263 270 19 44 49 92 Sil!tla 183.69 51 51 302 139 163 55 24 31 19 Sabakdhanuqaypur 220.81 69 70 339 165 174 56 24 32 94 Saraslnga 342.18 131 139 703 347 356 124 61 63 95 Pichhilabeda 320.99 87 Q7 504 243 261 19 46 47 96 Kaunrikala 369.83 157 167 829 388 441 139 59 80 97 Rasabantala 394.15 128 132 688 343 345 102 54 48 319

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Jhumpura Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Toral Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

89 80 185 103 179 11 131 13 8 65 75 67 33 89 4 76 2 3 21 21 175 171 243 105 271 3 217 1 41 37 40 79 45 83 80 71 74 5 6 42 48 83 35 89 79 67 67 15 11 5 6 111 140 130 49 133 44 95 16 20 25 75 77 24 4 42 45 41 45 13 10 146 149 204 79 191 133 167 123 3 2 18 23 68 81 73 23 103 55 73 15 25 35 61 64 84 45 109 56 82 34 16 21 5 2 408 418 140 27 221 130 170 70 43 55 34 23 219 363 280 121 298 57 250 37 8 15 174 170 283 267 542 247 522 175 318 127 34 28 3 62 26 68 14 34 16 12 16 21 267 281 269 134 221 116 138 12 46 91 23 22 13 9 52 34 43 2 4{) 2 6 4 59 27 63 57 5 19 13 20 17 4 2 11 5 165 81 124 52 101 44 8 3 7 11 175 171 273 91 366 44 182 27 34 9 11 10 52 31 43 1 39 80 86 80 34 80 2 69 23 24 120 122 106 48 95 3 79 4 36 34 175 220 205 87 214 276 61 95 127 176 6 7 159 141 194 87 208 42 148 13 48 26 4 3 22 24 111 41 123 107 13 6 110 99 7 5 134 157 65 23 19 97 17 19 73 78 9 7 5 1 44 29 37 10 15 7 9 2 33 39 197 198 129 57 134 108 , 7 28 31 3 6 74 54 67 25 38 18 11 7 72 73 83 90 94 32 96 30 73 28 2 18 11 181 179 156 87 197 89 108 48 26 35 2 3 2 118 50 120 98 99 86 5 10 119 143 122 127 173 74 236 16 184 22 13 17 27 320 310 170 75 187 3 157 320

C.D. BLGCK - Jhumpura VILLAGE PRIMARY Inaustnal ~ategory Location Ni' ;>". ni Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repairs in cing and Repairs C)rchards & allied Household Industry in other than 1r.il \-'iHcS (Va) Household Industry (II!) (Vb) ---_- M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

62 Baria 2 63 Baikunthapur 3 64 Kendua 2 65 Ratanpur 4 66 Ranipur (Ka) 1 67 Sitarampur 3 2 4 68 Ramachandrapur 69 Chakuiia (Chakadiha) 4 2 2 7 70 Haripasi 2 71 Nagarpal 2 3 72 Nayadhanurjaypur 3 3 2 73 Gandabarei 1 20 3 4 74 Ukhunda 10 39 3 5 5 75 Gopiballabpur 11 76 Kanchandumuria 2 5 4 77 Radhikadeipur 79 Jamunapasi 80 Manaharpur 81 Barhapashi 4 2 82 Tukudhia 122 5 8 83 Singamajuni 84 Kashipur 2 2 85 Khudapasi 86 Badaneuli 9 87 Podasimila 2 88 Panupashi 89 Sananeuli 90 Ratnapashi 3 91 Pahadpur 9 92 Silitia 19 Sabakdhanurjaypur 4 8 3 94 Sarasinga 3 3 4 13 2 95 Pichhilabeda 2 2 96 Kaunrikala 12 97 Rasabantala 12 4 321

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Jhumpura 01 fiilaln WorKers Marginal Non-workers Workers Trade and Transport, Other Commerce Storage & Services (VII) CommunicatIOns (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

8 3 21 3 17 197 136 142 6 81 61 74 9 2 295 206 189 2 71 83 1 5 79 87 2 9 10 120 120 128 33 32 7 5 2 180 242 3 5 9 44 84 111 3 2 1 2 66 85 101 2 3 30 209 275 4 1 10 2 55 207 439 24 9 78 17 2 388 469 392 3 4 1 29 45 75 5 4 20 8 17 78 187 258 54 44 37 73 52 41 22 16 20 2 6 5 141 195 3 3 12 3 22 308 603 2 1 26 44 71 3 4 2 79 162 4 6 3 90 183 2 14 5 8 31 188 159 7 3 168 322 2 89 100 3 55 74 8 2 37 32 28 7 6 80 123 189 2 15 9 72 63 66 2 2 4 54 69 90 21 2 15 5 5 129 145 138 3 9 2 13 53 110 110 2 14 3 19 152 406 11 3 156 342


\ <4

Boundar,., SlolO Dlstrlcf CD Block P()lice Slohon

Vl\\a'i;t with 1(10;:0\101'. c(lll~ mnnb~r ~ __ ~! _ _j

Fore~I-Reselved with !l

Uo,nhob'ted VI~Q9t1 with 10coJlon code nU!Jlb'rL __ ~ 3~ Urban oreo .... lIh loco lion code number

• Important Melohd Rood Unrnetolled cnd cl!)er ri)QO .. '=""""RS-- - ROllwily line Witt- SIO',on, BrOlJd Goulle River ond stream I CO Sled bo~,dQq Utl~lIIs slgt~tory Town, Post Office / Post ond TelellraJ)h Offtce PO / PTO ? The y,lloQe LeN!' 98 til Jodo P S II nlar ---- L C ~~ 35 !Illlh 5cnool 1 1/~11<1~~ L C Itll 38 SbO"A In JOdo P S {Portl II part or Jh~mpuro CD Siock Hospllol, Primary Health Centre, DlspensQ(Y, Ee @ + Maternoty ond Chtld Welfbre Centre .A Important ~olloge Hot 6.

© Government 01 Indrcl CopYfKj'lI, t99.7 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OF JODA CD BLOCK - 0130

Joda P. S - 0040 Barbil P.S - 0050 Champua P.S (Portion) - 0061





2 3 4 5 6

POLICE STATION - JODA - 0040 Anseikala 19/03/0040/0016 19/314/16 16/03/0040/0016 16/314/16 2 Badahundula 19/03/004010022 19/314/22 16/03/0040/0022 1613/4/22 3 Badakalimati 19/03/004010071 19/314171 16/031004010065 1613/4/65 4 Balda 19103/0040/0067 191314/67 16/0310040/0060 1613/4/60 5 Bandhuabeda 19103/0040/0048 19/314/48 16/03/0040/0042 1613/4/42 6 Beida 19103/0040/0058 19/3/4/58 16/03/004010054 16/3/4/54 7 Beleipada 19/03/0040/0021 19/3/4/21 16/0310040/0021 16/3/4/21 B Bhagalpur 19/0310040/0025 19/3/4/25 16/0310040/0025 16'314/25 9 Bhandaridihi 19/03/0040/0056 19/3/4/56 16/03/0040/0055 16/3/4/55 10 Bholabeda 19/03/0040/0032 19/314/32 16/03/004010031 16/314/31 11 BirikaJa 19103/004010028 19/314/28 16/03/0040/0028 1613/4/28 12 Chhatabar 19103/0040/0036 19/3/4/36 16/03/0040/0034 16/314134 13 Dabuna 19/03/0040/0072 19/3/4172 16/03/0040/0066 16/3/4/66 14 Daduan 19103/0040/0030 19/314/30 16/03/0040/0030 16/3/4/30 15 Dampur 1910310040/0019 19/314/19 16/03/0040/0019 1613/4/19 16 Deojhar 19/03/0040/0001 19/3/4/1 16/03/0040/0001 16131411 17 Gobardhanpur 19/03/0040/0024 19/314/24 16/03/0040/0024 16/3/4/24 18 Gobindapur 19/03/004010029 19/314/29 16/031004010029 16/3/4/29 19 Guruda 19103/004010050 19/314/50 16/0310040/0037 1613/4/37 20 Gurutuan 19/03/004010047 19/314/47 16/0310040/0043 16/314/43 21 handibhanga 19/03/0040/0069 19/314/69 16/0310040/0063 16/3/4/63 22 Jadibahala 19/03/004010049 19/314/49 16/03/0040/0040 16/314/40 23 Jaganathpur 19/03/0040/0057 19/3/4/57 16/031004010057 16/3/4/57 24 Jajanga 19/03/0040/0041 19/314/41 16/0310040/0041 16/314/41 25 Jalahari 19/03/004010034 19/314/34 16/03/0040/0033 16/3/4/33 26 Jamirita 19/03/0040/0046 19/314/46 16/0310040/0052 16/3/4/52 27 Jamjupani 19/03/004010070 19/314170 16/0310040/0064 16/314/64 28 Jamukundia 19/03/0040/0006 19/3/4/6 16/03/0040/0006 16/3/4/6 29 Jamunaposi 19/03/0040/0059 19/3/4/59 16/03/0040/0053 16/314/53 30 Jaroli 19/(\'V0040/0040 19/3/4/40 16/03/0040/0032 16/3/4/32 31 Jugudidar 19/uJ/0040/0018 19/314/18 16/031004010018 161314/18 32 Kadalibari 19/03/0040/0098 19/3/4/98 33 Kahnupur 19/03/004010017 19/3/4/17 16/03/0040/0017 16/3/4/17 34 Kamalpur 19/03/0040/0042 19/3/4/42 16/03/0040/0044 16/3/4/44 35 Kandra 19/0310040/0020 19/314/20 16/0310040/0020 16/314/20 36 Khajuridihi 19/03/004010074 19/3/4174 16/03/0040/0068 16/3/4/68 37 Khanda 19/03/004010037 19/314/37 16/03/0040/0094 16/3/4/94 38 Khandabandha 19/03/0040/0039 19/3/4/39 16/0310040/0036 16/314/36 39 Kitabeda 19/0310040/0002 191314/2 16/03/0040/0002 16/3/4/2 40 Kulum 19/03/0040/0004 19/314/4 16/0310040/0004 16/3/4/4 41 Kunaposi Kundaposi 19/03/0040/0053 19/314/53 16/0310040/0059 16/314/59 42 Lahanda 18/03/004010026 191314/26 16/03/004010026 16/3/4126 43 Mahadevnasa 19/03/004010003 19/314/3 16/031004010003 16/314/3 44 Mutuda 19/03/004010027 19/314/27 16/031004010027 16/314/27 45 Namira 19/03/0040/0055 19/314/55 16/031004010056 16/3/4/56

Kjr2 326



2 3 4 5 6

46 Narayanpur 19/03/0040/0009 19/314/9 16/0310040/0009 1613/4/9 47 Palasa(Ka) 19/03/0040/0054 19/3/4/54 16/03/0040/0039 1613/4/39 48 Palasa(Kha) 19/03/0040/0052 19/3/4/52 16/03/0040/0038 1613/4/38 49 Panehananpur 19/03/0040/0008 19/3/4/8 16/03/0040/0008 1613/4/8 50 Pidhapokhari 19/03/0040/0087 19/3/4/87 16/0310040/0069 1613/4/69 51 Purunadihi 19/03/0040/0073 19/3/4173 i 6/03/0040/0067 1613/4/67 52 Purunakrushnapur 19103/004010011 19/3/4/11 16/03/0040/0011 16/3/4/11 53 Putugaon 19/03/0040/0015 19/3/4/15 16/03/0040/0015 16/3/4/15 54 Sanahundula 19/03/0040/0005 19/3/4/5 16/03/0040/0005 1613/4/5 55 Sanbarbil 19/03/0040/0007 19/3/417 16/03/0040/0007 1613/417 56 Sialijoda 19/03/0040/0023 19/3/4/23 16/03/0040/0023 1613/4/23 57 Sreejoda 19/03/0040/0068 19/3/4/68 16/03/0040/0062 1613/4/62 58 Tadapani 19/03/0040/0051 19/3/4/51 16/03/0040/0061 16/3/4/61 59 Tilapur 19/03/0040/0035 19/3/4/35 16/03/0040/0035 16/3/4/35 60 Unehabalt 19/03/0040/0066 19/3/4/66 16/0310040/0058 1613/4/58

POLICE STATION - BARBIL - 0050 61 Balita 19/03/0050/0032 19/315/32 16/0310050/0007 16131517 62 Barapada 19/03/0050/0045 19/3/5/45 16/03/0050/0042 161315/42 63 Bhadrasahi 19/03/0050/0031 19/315/31 16/03/0050/0027 1613/5/27 64 Bhusugaon 19/03/005010015 19/3/5/15 16/03/0050/0011 161315/11 65 Bhuyanralda 19/03/0050/0034 19/3/5/34 16/03/0050/0029 1613/5/29 66 Bhuyanarudakala 19/03/005010039 19/3/5/39 16/03/0050/0040 1613/5/40 67 Bolanl 19/03/0050/0010 19/3/5/10 16/03/0050/0016 1613/5/16 68 Camp of B.K. Mohanty 19/03/0050/0004 19/3/5/4 16/03/0050/0047 1613/5/47 69 Camp of Balan! 19/03/0050/0007 19/3/517 16/03/0050/0045 1613/5/45 70 Camp of Tiseo 19/03/0050/0036 19/3/5/36 16/0310050/0046 1613/5/46 71 Choramalada 19/03/0050/0047 19/3/5/47 16/03/0050/0044 161315/44 72 Dhanurjayapur 19/03/0050/0009 19/3/5/9 16/03/0050/0018 1613/5/18 73 Fulabari 19/03/005010030 19/3/5/30 16/0310050/0026 1613/5/26 74 Gadadharpur 19/03/0050/0025 19/3/5/25 16/03/0050/0019 1613/5/19 75 GamaJei 19/03/0050/0024 19/3/5/24 16/03/0050/0021 16/3/5/21 76 Gandhalpada 19/03/0050/0044 19/3/5/44 16/03/0050/0036 1613/5/36 77 Guali 19/03/0050/0042 19/3/5/42 16/03/0050/0037 1613/5/37 78 Hayarpur 19/0310050/0002 19131512 16103/005010003 16131513 79 Jhadagaon 19/0310050/0017 19/3/5/17 16/03/0050/0025 16/3/5/25 80 Kanarada 19/03/005010023 19/315/23 16/03/0050/0020 16/3/5/20 81 Karakhendara 19/03/0050/0005 19/3/5/5 16/03/0050/0005 1613/5/5 82 Kasia(Ka) 19/03/0050/0019 19/3/5/19 16/03/0050/0014 16/3/5/14 83 Kasia (Kha) 19/03/0050/0018 19/3/5/18 16/03/0050/0013 16/3/5/13 84 Kateshi ;19/03/0050/0046 19/3/5/46 16/03/0050/0043 16/3/5/43 85 Kendudihi 19/03/0050/0027 19/3/5/27 16/0310050/0033 16/3/5/33 86 Kiriburu 19/03/005010008 19/3/5/8 16/03/0050/0017 16/3/5/17 87 Kolhabarapada 19/03/0050/0020 19/3/5120 16/03/0050/0015 16/3/5/15 88 Kolhapanduli 19/03/0050/0026 19/3/5/26 16/03/0050/0032 16/3/5/32 89 Kolharaida 19/03/0050/0033 19/3/5/33 16/03/0050/0028 16/315/28

Kjr2 327



2 3 4 5 6

90 Kollarudakala 19/03/0050/004Q 19/3/5/40 16/03/0050/0041 16/3/5/41 91 Kundurupani 19/0310050/0035 19/3/5/35 16/03/0050/0030 16/3/5/30 92 Laidapada 19/0310050/0038 19/315/38 16/0310050/0039 16/315/39 93 Lotapanj 19/03/0050/0021 19/315/21 16103/0050/0023 161315/23 94 Matiapasi 19/03/0050/0016 19/315/16 16103/0050/0012 161315/12 95 Murgabeda camp 19/03/0050/0011 19/315/11 16103/0050/0048 161315/48 96 Nasarda 19/03/005010022 19/315/22 16/03/0050/0022 16/315/22 97 Nimaturu 19)03)0050/0001 19/315/1 16/03/0050/0002 1613/5/2 98 Nuagaon 19/03/0050/0043 19/315/43 16/0310050/0035 1613/5/35 99 Panduliposi 19/03/005010028 19/3/5/28 16/0310050/0034 1613/5/34 100 Raeka 19103/0050/0013 19/3/5/13 16/0310050/008 16/315/8 101 Ragudihi 19103/0050/0037 19/3/5/37 16/0310050/0031 16/315/31 102 Sayabahal 19103/0050/0012 19/3/5/12 ,6/0310050/009 16/3/5/9 103 Sarenda 19/03/0050/0014 19/3/5/14 16/03/0050/0010 16/3/5/10 104 Tanto 19/0310050/0029 19/315/29 16/031005010024 16/315/24 105 Thakurani 19/03/005010006 19/315/6 16/0310050/0006 16/315/6 106 Topadihi 19/03/0050/0041 19/315/41 16/0310050/0038 16/315/38 107 Uliburu 19103/0050/0003 19/315/3 16/031005010004 1613/5/4

POLICE STATION - CHAMPUA (Portion) - 0061 108 Basudevpur 19103/0061/0030 19/316130 16103/006010030 161316130 109 Chamakapur 19/03/0061/0033 19/3/6/33 16/03/0060/0033 1613/6/33 110 Dhobakuchuda 19/03/0061/0037 19/3/6/37 16/0310060/0037 1'>13/6137 111 Gugudari 19/03/0061/0074 19/3/6174 16/03/0060/0074 16/316174 112 Hariharpur 19/03/0061/0036 19/3/6136 16/03/0060/0036 161316/36 113 Mursuan 19/03/0061/0032 19/316/32 16/0310060/0032 161316/32 114 Ramachandrapur 19/03/0061/0029 19/316129 16/03/0060/0029 1613/6/29 115 Ravenashapur (Ktoa) 19/03/0061/0035 19/316/35 16/0310060/0035 16/3/6/35 116 Revenshapur (Ka) 19/03/0061/0031 19/316/31 16/0310060/0031 1613/6/31 117 Rugudi 19/03/0061/0034 19/316134 16/03/0060/0034 16/316134 118 Sankarpur 19/03/0061/0038 19/316/38 16/0310060/0038 16/316/38 328 c.c 8~_::::·C;K - Joda VILLAGE PRIMARY Locatio" !\lame of Village Area of Noot Nool Total Populatlon(lnclud­ Totai Population Code Village Occupied House­ mg Institutional and m the age group Nurrber m Hect­ Reside- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntlal of Townl Houses Wardm Sq Kms

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

13 Joda CD. Block T 438.69 18,480 18,752 86,040 44,109 41,931 17,655 8,823 8,832 R 427.27 15,920 16,192 74,670 37,794 36,876 15,845 7,876 7,969 U 11.42 2,560 2,560 11,370 6,315 5,055 1,810 947 863 0040Joda PS 253.52 8,914 8,987 40,767 20,659 20,108 8,614 4,301 4,313 1 Deojhar 84930 243 251 1,206 608 598 274 134 140 2 Kltabeda 12820 31 31 212 111 101 45 21 24 3 Mahadevnasa 21586 102 102 531 247 284 92 48 44 4 Kulum 34815 68 69 350 168 182 79 37 42 5 Sanahundula 40155 239 240 1,083 539 544 236 128 108 6 Jamukundla 56630 123 126 634 312 322 173 76 97 7 Sanbarbll 27145 102 102 487 236 251 111 59 52 8 Panchananpur 23770 68 68 377 182 195 88 46 42 9 Narayanpur 17555 98 100 564 276 288 129 61 68 11 Puruanakrushnapur 6750 Uninhabited 15 Putugaon 61600 108 109 538 253 285 133 63 70 16 Anselkala 52880 170 170 937 463 474 178 83 95 17 Kahnupur 23170 66 66 342 163 179 103 51 52 18 Jugudldar 60515 133 133 766 369 397 195 96 99 19 Dampur 234 75 71 71 366 177 189 80 41 39 20 Kandra 57830 229 229 1,152 556 596 219 109 110 21 Belelpada 46100 268 290 1,166 654 512 226 108 118 22 Badahundula 16005 61 61 331 162 169 74 38 36 23 Sialijoda 36015 179 179 833 441 392 221 122 99 24 Gobardhanpur 29410 110 114 554 267 287 105 51 54 25 Bhagalpur 19320 98 98 471 222 249 110 60 50 26 Lahanda 47160 173 173 834 455 379 198 118 80 27 Mutuda 20080 52 52 282 145 137 47 25 22 28 Blnkala 40720 143 143 741 359 382 186 98 88 29 Goblndapur 38390 155 155 789 393 396 162 88 74 30 Daduan 56410 250 251 1154 604 550 221 115 106 32 Bholabeda 1,19310 134 134 616 306 310 149 68 81 34 Jalahan 42850 639 639 2,603 1,342 1,261 529 263 266 35 Tllapur NA 26 26 81 42 39 5 2 3 36 Chhatabar 1450 91 91 362 208 154 47 23 24 37 Khanda NA 27 27 118 64 54 20 11 9 39 Khandabandha 1,78095 222 222 953 497 456 221 102 119 40 Jaroll 12332 216 216 806 426 380 126 61 65 41 Jajanga 1,071 04 862 864 3,447 1,819 1,628 739 387 352 42 Kamalpur 65786 129 129 643 318 325 104 47 57 46 Jamlnta 56615 42 42 216 120 96 53 34 19 329


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Mam Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (" )

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

4,225 4,056 26,106 26,320 17,170 6,534 22,585 7,818 4,557 713 1,235 821 3,480 3,438 24,720 25,086 13,176 4,449 19,628 7494 4,478 ,,205 789 745 618 1,386 1,234 3,994 2.085 , 2,957 324 79 5 30 32 1,860 1,811 13,291 13,545 6,840 2,162 11,046 4,590 2,507 .60 598 428 40 40 463 482 191 53 343 73 70 36 3 7 7 13 16 54 19 60 38 18 29 176 190 107 32 74 21 2 2 1 10 13 72 74 48 11 98 14 3 20 5 73 63 445 465 109 17 304 181 , ( 72 6 6 ~93 219 83 11 i72 29 6 23 7 9 9 100 109 109 50 113 12 35 3 4 2 155 163 63 17 94 16 57 4 12 7 28 29 208 221 108 26 122 50 55 1 15 36 Uninhabited 20 14 220 259 44 13 138 54 55 4 51 41 155 164 195 75 231 7 71 1 22 5 163 179 22 2 80 23 46 4 13 14 7 16 354 365 71 14 192 7 128 2 40 5 3 99 111 44 12 104 43 56 5 30 34 27 20 455 494 221 76 2f11 60 184 14 24 27 21 226 230 420 159 415 105 25 16 2 4 79 76 76 27 44 44 13 27 23 358 322 168 38 28 86 11 8 8 17 21 167 166 123 39 157 4 125 4 1 11 14 194 213 58 ;2 106 22 66 20 20 32 18 316 283 130 28 230 31 80 2 13 11 12 12 63 59 65 27 86 32 42 4 33 27 10 14 314 325 121 43 178 59 83 2 32 45 2 3 376 384 173 201 58 129 14 16 12 42 38 304 287 'JO 324 83 108 2 7 3 1 293 304 2 177 101 15 301 332 723 677 179 772 447 6 11 9 14 12 28 27 25 24 96 57 88 73 30 9 118 63 17 17 21 15 :1 19 27 2 50 44 348 356 40 287 134 4 8 23 28 83 77 18 75 243 100 1

305 283 1,233 1,147 6"­LI 205 941 570 30 10 21 18 148 159 94 41 98 24 '14 95 5 44 25

Kjr2 33C

C.D. BLOCK - Joda VILLAGE .PRIMARY Industrial Category of Location Name of Village Lives 1Qrk. Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunllng Quarrying Processing, Processing, Servic- (VI) No. and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs in House- in other than House- activities hold Industry hold Industry (III) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

13Joda CD. Block T 224 36 12063 5394 347 89 1183 1n 364 76 R 213 31 10,313 5,300 316 69 998 175 219 52 U 11 5 1,750 94 31 20 185 2 145 24 0040Joda PS 66 10 5,881 3,438 250 31 650 93 96 33 1 Deojhar 161 59 40 2 Kltabeda 12 5 3 Mahadevnasa 53 15 3 2 4 Kulum 3 25 1 3 4 2 5 Sanahundula 195 102 9 1 6 Jamukundla 68 10 5 8 7 Sanbarbil 4 45 6 20 8 Panchananpur 7 3 9 5 3 9 Narayanpur 19 6 7 5 10 11 Puruanakrushnapur Uninhabited 15 Putugaon 17 7 2 16 Anseikala 2 114 2 17 Kahnupur 17 3 2 18 Jugudidar 14 5 19 Dampur 1 2 3 5 3 20 Kandra 9 6 1 12 6 16 14 21 Beleipada 6 38 25 6 8 222 25 23 7 22 Badahundula 16 6 2 2 23 Sialijoda 12 2 3 6 2 24 Gobardhanpur 3 5 7 3 25 Bhagalpur 3 9 26 Lahanda 3 24 5 4 60 11 27 Mutuda 8 28 Birikala 23 7 22 2 29 Gobindapur 34 26 5 3 7 2 30 Dac;luan 180 75 13 32 Bholaoeda 145 101 34 Jalahari 669 408 2 49 17 35 TIlapur 25 24 36 Chhatabar 115 63 37 Khanda 26 2 39 Khandabandha 264 134 40 Jaroli 163 92 5 25 41 Jajanga 831 559 11 9 1 2 42 Kamalpur 83 22 2 2 46 Jamirita 44 25

Kjr2 331

CENSUS ABSTRACT C. D. BLOCK - Joda Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and TranspO{t. Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

744 81 539 67 1,329 364 420 2,719 21,104 31,394 478 65 339 30 1,069 285 381 2,427 17,785 26,955 266 16 200 37 260 79 39 292 3,319 4,439 285 40 237 29 476 128 238 1,738 9,375 13,780 6 2 5 5 24 2 5 5 260 520 2 3 20 51 81 3 2 7 3 47 105 126 158 9 3 8 80 62 88 2 4 4 1 235 363 4 5 18 5 21 134 119 159 2 3 5 9 118 230 1 88 179 3 11 2 2 12 152 226 Uninhabited 2 10 10 136 105 95 2 3 15 232 467 1 2 22 83 134 4 191 177 199 5 1 26 73 120 4 33 10 13 4 13 94 252 442 44 4 45 19 8 21 231 386 1 1 72 124 10 2 82 2 28 1 3 185 203 179 4 5 2 96 110 187 1 1 5 28 125 88 102 12 3 31 2 80 225 268 1 2 59 105 2 15 3 3 181 320 2 7 192 338 2 3 9 3 17 277 450 12 4 129 209 10 5 19 11 19 7 551 807 17 15 3 90 91 1 37 52 3 2 6 210 322 24 3 21 7 183 280 21 6 21 8 878 1058 3 2 5 220 301 76 71

k'"ir.> r: L La 332


Location Name ot Village Area ot No of Noot Total PopulatJon(Jnclud­ T()~ ... I P0pulltl')!l Code Village Occupied House­ mg In"tu!1onal and ,n the age group Number m Hect­ Reslde- holds Hous~ess Populatl( (0-6) ares & ntlal ofTownl Houses Ward In Sq Kms

p M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

47 Gurutuan 47722 83 83 416 200 216 74 37 37 48 Bandhuabeda 52088 68 68 382 194 188 76 37 39 49 Jadlbahala 46204 167 167 644 342 302 136 72 64 50 Guruda 64161 367 37b 1,549 784 765 237 107 130 51 Tadapanl 27160 125 127 514 251 263 111 57 54 52 Palasa (Kha) 32700 174 174 748 371 377 149 79 70 53 Kunaposl kundaposl 24758 74 85 404 214 190 110 59 51 54 Palasa(Ka) 40646 367 369 1,695 857 838 336 160 176 55 Namlra 18506 86 86 443 224 219 92 43 49 56 Bhandandlhl 15244 55 55 265 136 129 52 28 24 57 Jaganathpur 17969 69 69 378 198 180 63 33 30 58 Beida 50046 139 139 712 358 133 133 64 69 59 Jamunaposl 21906 31 31 145 74 71 34 17 17 66 Unchabah 68848 166 166 845 414 431 209 93 116 67 8alda 89308 289 289 1 191 567 624 252 112 140 68 SreeJOda 63240 359 363 1,333 666 667 296 136 160 69 Handlbhanga 37370 54 54 260 131 129 58 32 26 70 JamJupanl 28514 22 22 109 46 63 25 9 16 71 Badakallmatl 29542 139 139 502 259 241 117 55 62 72 Dabuna 24302 157 157 721 376 345 150 83 67 73 Purunadlhl 22836 86 86 402 212 190 66 35 31 74 Khajundlhl 2496 23 23 117 56 61 27 11 16 87 Pldhapokhan 170848 86 87 447 225 222 133 68 65 98 Kadahban NA Uninhabited 0050 Barbil PS 131.07 5,722 5,920 27,470 14,058 13,412 6,075 3,005 3,070 1 Nlmaturu 30910 21 21 104 53 51 24 11 13 2 Hayarpur 16565 38 40 210 108 102 59 30 29 3 Uhburu 37505 123 134 620 310 310 161 72 89 4 Camp ot B K Mohanty NA 4 4 13 5 8 2 1 5 Karakhendara 53660 154 156 826 398 428 189 86 103 6 ThakuranJ 11875 52 52 265 133 132 66 31 35 7 Camp of Balanl NA 203 209 1,018 590 428 198 99 99 8 Klnburu NA 398 402 1,741 921 820 330 154 176 9 OhanurJayapur 67130 254 257 1,223 618 605 253 121 132 10 Bolanl 97070 303 323 1,608 840 768 342 179 163 11 Murgabeda camp NA 16 16 66 33 33 17 8 9 12 Sayabahal 19370 108 109 578 275 303 139 63 7f. 13 Raeka 15605 69 69 280 144 136 61 32 29 14 Serenda 23620 250 270 1,128 579 549 265 141 124 15 Bhusugaon 22295 296 317 1.386 742 644 294 154 140 333


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II )

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 21 173 194 81 19 121 72 85 64 187 185 90 26 111 44 64 29 14 19 260 241 55 15 211 82 2 132 139 433 462 227 91 396 197 15 43 49 170 179 52 16 143 122 14 17 175 184 67 21 209 122 28 5 172 171 41 12 89 56 6 125 119 429 479 425 189 485 185 104 2 9 11 84 88 95 45 101 17 14 13 3 3 70 68 46 19 78 19 15 12 8 197 179 51 15 100 23 52 206 211 116 62 200 117 52 31 30 33 19 25 27 8 46 22 23 15 5 3 238 245 114 22 193 134 38 8 33 36 471 531 171 20 332 255 61 8 17 62 60 416 466 197 40 387 274 5 2 114 115 19 76 35 18 20 8 42 49 7 28 29 4 1 4 28 23 178 183 66 6 151 88 6 6 1 111 104 151 158 125 18 174 83 22 5 5 31 31 120 112 78 15 120 30 66 7 7 3 48 54 9 9 38 10 9 4 191 180 18 2 87 28 21 23 6 Uninhabited 1,282 1,250 9,548 9,442 4,924 1,627 6,886 2,434 1,112 266 373 167 52 51 8 2 33 7 8 16 7 11 9 97 93 17 8 51 19 15 17 13 46 51 214 211 91 26 170 114 47 63 7 24 2 5 2 1 2 2 22 26 324 347 145 22 227 18 80 110 111 19 5 71 45 16 17 26 22 286 273 332 140 334 12 187 190 230 216 628 378 413 55 39 37 409 408 235 98 234 53 23 1 46 8 59 59 700 649 255 75 377 42 82 20 142 15 5 5 26 25 10 3 17 4 2 1 10 8 210 242 79 27 119 35 3 20 25 105 97 33 14 74 45 2 29 32 473 459 170 53 270 98 37 4 19 6 90 81 179 169 373 162 353 89 8 4 334

C.D. BLOCK - Joda VILLAGE PRIMARY Industnal Category of Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufactunng, Manufactunng, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting QuarrYing Processing, Processing, Servlc- (VI) No and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and Ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs In House- In other than House- activIties hold Industry hold Industry (III) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

47 Gurutuan 25 5 5 48 Bandhuabeda 36 12 7 49 Jadlbahala 207 82 50 Guruda 362 184 10 10 51 Tadapanl 118 110 14 6 52 Palasa (Kha) 156 119 10 53 Kunaposl kundaposl 61 51 5 54 Palasa (Ka) 2 264 163 2 27 9 55 Namlra 67 15 56 Bhandandlhl 38 8 2 2 7 57 Jaganathpur 1 39 20 58 Beida 18 4 65 45 5 3 59 Jamunaposl 4 11 4 4 3 66 Unchaball 146 120 1 67 Balda 259 222 2 68 Sreejoda 2 351 260 2 69 Handlbhanga 34 27 70 Jamjupam 22 25 71 Badakallmatl 103 70 72 Dabuna 128 74 2 5 73 Purunadlhl 43 19 74 Khajundihl 23 2 87 Pldhapokhan 40 21 98 Kadallban Uninhabited 0050 Barbil PS 82 20 4,100 1,736 41 13 326 82 117 19 1 Nlmaturu 6 2 2 Hayarpur 2 8 5 8 3 Uhburu 7 4 53 8 30 4 3 4 4 Camp of B K Mohanty 2 2 5 Karakhendara 5 122 15 8 6 Thakuranl 52 28 7 Camp of Balam 2 164 7 8 Klrlburu 14 8 200 16 10 71 10 9 DhanurJayapur 9 71 33 7 37 2 8 2 10 Bolanl 120 5 2 13 6 11 Murgabeda camp 15 2 12 Sayabahal 112 31 13 Raeka 72 43 14 Serenda 5 2 165 69 23 3 15 Bhusugaon 5 248 73 8 6 335

CENSUS ABSTRACT C. D. BLOCK - Joda Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage II. Services (VII) Communlc;'ltlons (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 4') 41 42 43

3 2 79 144 2 7 82 137 2 131 220 2 3 3 3 388 568 2 7 6 1 35 107 106 1 2 12 3 162 255 3 2 4 10 2 125 134 43 4 6 35 7 14 371 639 1 2 3 1 123 202 2 58 110 8 2 97 157 5 2 20 2 8 12 150 225 28 49 2 3 6 7 99 214 198 3 3 6 5 1 234 368 12 8 7 8 3 3 2 276 391 2 55 94 18 34 32 15 2 2 108 155 4 7 4 201 262 3 6 85 86 75 3 3 2 25 18 26 2 36 89 102 105 Uninhabited 157 16 1J0 492 114 114 367 7,058 10,611 20 44 57 83 9 6 11 4 15 136 181 3 6 2 5 3 2 171 410 2 3 60 84 167 5 256 416 40 9 67 20 508 765 !; 7 18 6 11 1 373 551 4 3 5 10 131 453 595 8 15 21 2 3 156 268 2 1 69 90 2 3 4 14 11 12 48 297 403 29 10 35 13 10 15 379 540

I Kjr2 336

C.D. BLOCK - Joda VILLAGE PRIMARY location Name of Village Area of Noot Noot Total PopulatlOn(mclud­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ mg Institutional and In the age group Number In Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward In Sq Kms

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

16 Matlapasl 1470 Uninhabited 17 Jhadagaon 22980 339 349 1469 757 712 340 172 168 18 Kasla(Kha) 9305 82 91 393 211 182 70 32 38 19 Kasla(Ka) 29900 117 128 605 303 302 127 57 70 20 Kolhabarapada 66290 251 252 1,102 549 553 284 120 164 21 Lotapanl 28326 26 26 109 55 54 20 9 11 22 Nasarda 35050 102 102 530 254 276 107 55 52 23 Kanarada 25640 58 58 277 137 140 57 27 30 24 Gamalel 22070 27 28 152 78 74 40 12 28 25 Gadadharpur 4265 27 27 136 74 62 30 17 13 26 Kolhapanduh 19780 28 29 185 93 92 35 22 13 27 Kendudlhl 65728 93 93 462 222 240 84 40 44 28 Panduhposl 27874 69 69 355 181 174 77 43 34 29 Tanto 217 50 103 103 452 218 234 120 63 57 30 Fulaban 5370 9 9 42 24 18 12 9 3 31 Bhadrasahl 11510 172 214 891 453 438 196 109 87 32 Bahta 45135 130 130 654 336 318 135 75 60 33 Kolharalda 60065 687 698 3,011 1,504 1,507 741 345 396 34 Bhuyanralda 21026 135 135 676 337 339 151 65 86 35 Kundurupanl 41880 64 64 291 143 148 78 39 39 36 Camp of Tlsco NA UninhabIted 37 Ragudlhl 46732 74 74 353 173 180 63 32 31 38 Lrudapada 18120 77 86 419 230 189 126 64 62 39 Bhuyanrudakala 22595 51 51 253 123 130 35 22 13 40 Kollarudakala 21456 56 59 315 163 152 56 34 22 41 Topadlhl 30430 62 63 322 165 157 63 34 29 42 Guah 40730 120 127 662 357 305 111 60 51 43 Nuagaon 27450 112 112 526 272 254 79 47 32 44 Gandhaipada 37648 69 69 382 196 186 100 43 57 45 8arapada 42258 72 72 386 196 190 85 48 37 46 Kateshl 40320 85 85 392 188 204 97 51 46 47 Choramaiada. 21916 136 138 602 317 285 156 77 79 0061 Champua PS (Portion) 42.68 1,284 1,285 6,433 3,077 3,356 1,156 570 586 29 Ramachandrapur 39378 108 108 595 292 303 125 65 60 30 Basudevpur 46552 161 161 787 323 464 117 53 64 31 Revenshapur (Ka) 19071 93 93 499 263 236 86 44 42 32 Mursuan 11016 96 96 468 231 237 79 41 38 33 Chamakapur 1,27128 289 289 1,341 647 694 222 115 107 34 Rugudl 61734 118 118 554 280 274 94 42 52 35 Ravenashapur (Kha) 15529 55 56 298 139 159 56 26 30 337


Scheduled Castes :'cheuuleJ IIIPt.5 Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II)

1\1 F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 1-+ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Uninhabited 105 101 572 531 208 35 392 173 50 5 2 11 9 99 88 94 24 103 23 3 25 25 196 201 93 18 157 68 16 11 1 35 39 400 412 177 44 233 43 53 5 10 6 53 53 2 30 2 30 2 3 152 163 65 24 96 8 45 22 3 3 129 131 21 12 70 15 64 14 76 71 46 32 45 30 1 2 69 56 12 42 30 37 29 3 2 78 78 15 4 46 28 15 20 9 8 163 212 40 5 121 59 19 2 2 2 141 134 85 20 94 56 15 10 10 207 222 18 8 108 55 11 6 24 18 1 12 8 65 62 240 267 169 52 251 142 11 13 4 7 7 306 290 109 16 187 89 153 38 26 50 218 229 1,115 1,157 498 122 756 378 6 3 44 34 216 216 120 26 154 55 12 9 2 13 12 114 120 30 6 66 25 3 2 Uninhabited 7 8 109 107 36 6 81 23 16 4 13 13 127 98 97 26 111 35 33 12 13 106 114 55 15 64 15 37 2 162 150 13 :3 69 57 2 2 3 162 154 49 14 103 52 18 90 81 135 98 214 58 161 33 13 14 2 24 20 207 195 82 30 140 72 23 186 175 20 i:l 86 42 10 3 2 195 190 35 11 113 4G 26 4 2 145 165 47 9 109 74 21 2 32 16 227 220 122 16 140 58 3 4 3 338 377 1,881 2,099 1,412 660 1,696 470 859 72 234 194 179 190 101 18 146 7 97 30 3 44 59 168 306 181 232 185 133 81 15 12 92 2 135 118 116 36 158 64 79 22 39 37 37 31 79 76 120 45 108 30 64 20 10 4 157 184 437 457 280 127 351 83 109 7 57 7 38 32 98 96 107 46 140 6 46 16 66 65 75 42 71 3 38 5

Kjr2 388

C.D. BLOCK - Joda VILLAGE PRIMARY Industnal Category of Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, MIning and ManufactUring, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Processing, ServlC- (VI) No and Plantations, (IV) ServIcing and Ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs In House- In other than House- activities hold Industry hold Industry (III) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

16 Mallapasl Uninhabited 17 Jhadagaon 308 165 6 2 5 18 Kasla(Kha) 94 20 19 Kasla (Ka) 105 46 9 2 4 20 Kolhabarapada 92 22 63 4 21 Lotapanl 22 Nasarda 7 23 Kanarada 2 2 24 Gamalel 25 Gadadharpur 1 26 Kolhapanduh 20 5 3 2 27 Kendudlhl 96 55 28 Panduhposl 75 52 29 Tanto 69 35 7 7 20 7 30 Fulaban 11 8 31 Bhadrasahl 113 82 70 54 4 32 BahIa 2 33 Kolharalda 723 371 2 4 2 34 Bhuyanralda 122 51 35 Kundurupanl 59 22 36 Campoftlsco Uninhabited 37 Ragudlhl 2 54 21 38 Laldapada 2 49 30 6 39 Bhuyan rudakala 26 14 40 Kollarudakala 64 57 2 41 Topadlhl 68 50 2 42 GUdl1 4 89 28 43 Nuagaon 105 70 44 Gandhalpada 71 36 45 Barapada 84 46 46 Kateshl 81 71 47 Choramalada 130 52 0061 Champua PS (Portion) 65 332 126 25 25 22 6 29 Ramachandrapur 4 30 Basudevpur 47 6 5 5 31 Revenshapur (Ka) 17 2 2 32 Mursuan 2 22 4 2 3'3 Chamakapur 9 131 45 15 17 34 Rugudl 68 6 1 35 RavE'nashapur (Kha) 16 3 6 339

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Joda Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

'In,r-,I]a!jlted 3 2 11 2 3 365 536 1 1 2 2 3 3 105 156 8 6 3 12 2 1 145 233 2 12 5 8 3 308 507 25 52 21 4 3 1 155 267 4 66 121 8 32 34 3 32 29 6 2 2 47 62 3 2 4 30 97 151 4 3 3 5 84 113 110 179 12 10 11 11 17 202 295 1 3 1 14 55 135 174 7 2 8 4 2 746 1,129 8 2 3 182 281 2 77 123 Uninhabited 5 2 8 7 84 150 6 4 11 4 119 154 1 59 115 94 95 2 12 2 62 105 12 7 19 "2 9 9 187 263 2 4 5 2 132 182 3 1 5 105 144 2 83 144 2 3 79 130 2 2 1 7 179 220 36 9 16 101 43 29 322 1,352 2,564 4 2 5 5 2 87 146 209 5 29 21 1 138 330 4 3 3 12 13 105 159 5 i 3 1 22 123 101 84 10 3 4 16 3 6 96 290 515 3 3 2 139 266 2 2 68 156 340


Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ- Total Population Code Village Occupied House- ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect- Reside- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town! Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

36 Hariharpur 38.22 19 19 92 42 50 18 10 8 37 Dhobakuchuda 58.05 186 186 963 447 516 210 95 115 38 Sankarpur 408.00 126 126 669 327 342 110 55 55 74 Gugudari 559.75 33 33 167 86 81 39 24 15 Urban: 1040 Balagada (Bolani) (CT) 11.42 2,560 2,560 11,370 6,315 5,055 1,810 947 863 341

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Joda Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural (I - IX) (I) Labourers (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

42 50 15 3 25 8 20 41 56 361 411 254 62 253 43 142 48 2 19 15 230 249 153 47 209 61 163 5 14 39 86 81 10 2 50 32 20 2 3 10

745 618 1,386 1,234 3,994 2,085 2,957 324 79 15 30 32 342

C. D. BLOCK - Joda VILLAGE PRIMARY Industrial Category of Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Processing, Servic- (VI) No. and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs in House- in other than House- activities hold Industry hold Industry (III) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

36 Hariharpur 5 7 37 Dhobakuchuda 1 37 37 5 3 38 Sankarpur 2 10 5 74 Gugudari 26 19 Urban: 1040 Balagada (Bolani ) (CT) 11 5 1,750 94 31 20 185 2 145 24 343

CENSUS ABSTRACT C.D. BLOCK - Joda Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII ) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

17 42 2 2 13 4 194 473 17 11 118 281 36 49

266 16 200 37 260 79 39 292 3,319 4,439


Daitari P.S.- 0150 Ghasipura P. S.- 170 Anandapur P.S. (Portion) - 0181 Soso P. S.- 0200



ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES Not included in any C.D. Block (Forest Villages) - 9999


2 3 4 5 6

POLICE STATION - DAITARI - 0150 1 Chandakahan 19/03/015010046 19/3116/46 2 Gunduripasi 19/03/015010049 19/3116/49 3 Hatikhunta 19/03/015010050 19/3116/50 4 Kumbhitangar 19/03/015010048 19/3116/48 5 Mankadamunda 19/03/'015010044 19/3/16/44 6 Nuabeda 19/03/015010047 19/3116/47 7 Turing 19/03/015010045 19/3116/45

POLICE STATION - GHASIPURA - 0170 8 Billa (R.F.) 19/03/017010114 19/3118/114 9 Khadibahali 19/03/017010115 19/3118/115 10 Nagasahi 19/03/017010113 19/3118/113

POLICE STATION - ANANDAPUR (Portion) - 0181 11 Gendabasa 19/0310181/0104 19/3/19/104 12 Hatochapal 19/03/0181/0103 19/3/19/103 13 Kontala 19/03/0181/0105 19/3/19/105

POLICE STATION - SOSO - 0200 14 Phuljhar 19/03/0200/0079 19/3/22/79 • 15 Pitanauri 19/03/0200/0075 19/3/22/75 16 Raighai (R.F.) 19/03/0200/0076 19/3/22/76 17 Ratanamara 19/03/020010077 19/3/22/77 18 Sajanpal (R.F.) 19/03/020010078 19/3122/78 348

Not in any C. D. Block (Forest villages) VILLAGE PRIMARY

Location Name of Village Area of No. of No. of Total Population (Inclu- Total Population Code village Occupied House- ding Institutional and in the age group Number in Hectares Reside- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) & of Town! ntial Ward in Houses Sq. Kms.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

0150 Daitari PS 134 134 615 302 313 171 71 100 44 Mankadamunda 7 7 42 19 23 11 3 8 45 Turing 17 17 89 35 54 27 6 21 46 Chandakahan 11 11 62 35 27 22 11 11 47 Nuabeda 18 18 54 27 27 12 3 9 48 Kumbhitangar 24 24 110 56 54 39 21 18 49 Gunduripasi 43 43 199 97 102 45 20 25 50 Hatikhunta 14 14 59 33 26 15 7 8 0170 Ghasipura PS 63 63 328 156 172 63 27 36 113 Nagasahi 24 24 103 44 59 21 8 13 114 Billa (R.F.) 22 22 135 65 70 25 12 13 115 Khadibahali 17 17 90 47 43 17 7 10 0181 Anandapur PS (Portion) 108 108 619 326 293 143 74 69 103 Hatochapal 26 26 138 68 70 35 19 16 104 Gendabasa 13 13 85 46 39 15 10 5 105 Kontala 69 69 396 212 184 93 45 48 0200 Soso PS 121 124 677 343 334 115 56 59 75 Pitanauri 92 94 542 276 266 95 44 51 76 Raighai (R.F.) Uninhabited 77 Ratanamara 29 30 135 67 68 20 12 8 78 Sajanpal (R.F.) Uninhabited 79 Phuljhar Uninhabited

Total of 18 Forest villages 426 429 2,239 1,127 1,112 492 228 264 349

CENSUS ABSTRACT Not in any C. D. Block (Forest villages)

Industrial Category of Main Workers

Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Total Main Workers Cultlvat(xs Agricultural (I-IX) (I) Labourers (II)

----- ,- M F M F M F M F M M F

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

2 279 294 27 5 164 53 107 30 35 2:: 19 23 12 7 10 7 29 45 25 19 20 19 35 27 15 15 2 26 25 5 17 4 56 54 10 3 29 26 8 3 21 23 97 102 11 2 57 44 13 17 18 9 6 1 156 172 12 100 72 30 8 66 64 44 59 34 31 5 29 31 65 70 6 36 19 9 25 19 47 43 6 30 22 16 8 12 14 4 5 312 175 72 14 172 26 137 7 30 19 58 57 8 2 34 2 4 25 2 46 39 10 26 25 4 5 208 79 54 12 112 24 108 7 4 17 316 311 89 4 189 39 130 10 6 258 252 77 3 152 39 101 7 6 Uninhabited 58 59 12 37 29 3 Uninhabited Uninhabited

5 7 1,063 952 200 23 625 190 404 46 141 112 350

Not in any C. D. Block VILLAGE PRIMARY

Industrial Category

Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Servicing Processing, Servi- (VI) Number and Plantations, (IV) and Repa;rs in cing and Repairs Orchards & allied Household Industry in other than activities (Va) Household Industry (III) (V b)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

0150 Oaitari PS 8 13 44 Mankadamunda 2 45 Turing 5 46 Chandakahan 47 Nuabeda 13 48 Kumbhitangar 49 Gunduripasi 50 Hatikhunta 0170 Ghasipura PS 2 113 Nagasahi 114 Billa (R.F.) 115 Khadibahali 2 0181 Anandapur P.S. (Portion) 5 103 Hatochapal 5 104 Gendabasa 105 Kontala 0200Sos0 PS 40 31 7 1 75 Pilanauri 40 31 2 76 Raighai (R.F.) Uninhabited 77 Ratanamara 5 78 Sajanpal (R.F.) Uninhabited 79 Phuljhar Uninhabited

Total of 18 Forest villages 14 53 31 7 2 2 351

CENSUS ABSTRACT Not in any C. D. Block of Main Workers Trade and Transport, Other Marginal Non-workers Commerce Storage & Services Workers (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

13 73 125 187 7 16 10 35 3 20 24 10 27 27 28 54 39 47 12 16 12 10 56 100 10 28 29 51 17 21 33 153 234 33 33 35 20 39 100 160 154 295 124 227 Uninhabited 30 68 Uninhabited Uninhabited

14 106 488 816


353 354


Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (O-6) ares & ntial of Townl Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

p M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1000 Barbil (M) 41.44 9,091 9,287 42,032 22,705 19,327 7,961 4,039 3,922 1 Ward - 1 613 626 2,848 1,457 1,391 526 274 252 2 Ward - 2 632 632 2,825 1,541 1,284 605 314 291 3 Ward - 3 747 749 3,152 1,658 1,494 677 355 322 4 Ward - 4 884 899 3,902 2,065 1,837 760 362 398 5 Ward - 5 680 704 3,692 2,046 1,646 647 331 316 6 Ward - 6 596 656 3,477 1,870 1,607 557 281 276 7 Ward -7 667 679 3,424 1,801 1,623 645 320 325 B Ward - 8 1,082 1,096 5,180 2,666 2,514 993 512 481 9 Ward - 9 1,064 1,080 4,641 2,526 2,115 930 464 466 10 Ward - 10 972 979 3,937 2,187 1,750 768 385 383 11 Ward - 11 1,154 1,187 4,954 2,888 2.066 853 441 412 1010 Joda (NAC) 26.42 6,651 6,782 31,069 16,280 14,789 5,456 2,819 2,637 1 Ward - 1 584 597 3,178 1,656 1,522 619 314 305 2 Ward - 2 697 700 3,567 1,910 1,657 539 272 267 3 Ward - 3 529 539 2,559 1,335 1,224 540 290 250 4 Ward - 4 732 732 3,126 1,694 1,432 421 239 182 5 Ward - 5 693 753 3,487 1,779 1,708 598 299 299 6 Ward - 6 918 948 4,410 2,321 2,089 729 358 371 7 Ward - 7 374 381 1,892 1,017 875 285 161 124 8 Ward - 8 585 593 2,439 1,223 1,216 459 206 253 9 Ward - 9 742 742 3,017 1,564 1,453 650 360 290 10 Ward - 10 324 324 1,245 668 577 220 112 108 11 Ward - 11 473 473 2,149 1,113 1,036 396 208 188 1020 Kendujhar (M) 26.40 7,827 8,049 41,945 22,742 19,203 6,009 3,042 2,967 1 Ward - 1 306 306 1,720 900 820 209 115 94 2 Ward - 2 436 437 2,442 1,260 1,182 315 159 156 3 Ward - 3 551 578 2,708 1,415 1,293 446 222 224 4 Ward - 4 529 576 3,094 1,576 1,518 511 265 246 5 Ward - 5 464 465 2,694 1,424 1,270 423 213 210 6 Ward - 6 377 380 2,366 1,439 927 279 137 142 7 Ward-7 490 510 2,644 1,453 1,191 371 195 176 B Ward - 8 443 445 2,434 1,305 1,129 287 136 151 9 Ward - 9 559 576 2,819 1,532 1,287 474 239 235 10 Ward - 10 780 836 4,277 2,462 1,815 552 276 276 11 Ward - 11 618 643 2,896 1,627 1,269 405 218 187 12 Ward - 12 781 788 3,771 2,014 1,757 584 268 316 13 Ward - 13 230 230 1,426 859 567 210 103 107 14 Sidhamatha Ward-14 13 13 45 24 21 12 6 6 15 Suleikhamar Ward-15 44 44 195 102 93 44 26 18 16 Badadera Ward - 16 283 284 1,393 684 709 176 93 83 17 Kuladera Ward - 17 47 47 190 119 71 26 13 13 355


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural ( I - IX ) (I) Labourers (" )

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

2,863 2,667 6,158 5r746 12,434 6,186 11,529 1,535 175 48 87 21 127 127 416 425 768 468 716 100 12 2 2 127 123 817 729 555 215 703 53 6 15 387 378 564 526 742 290 808 207 471 499 506 478 994 442 1,090 163 11 4 161 142 142 162 1,404 793 1,054 105 2 2 212 181 213 191 1,185 744 943 57 8 4 235 206 478 489 897 464 885 81 32 54 17 342 354 671 703 1,261 680 1,310 232 320 266 948 892 1,330 603 1,297 208 9 5 229 204 774 720 1,227 475 1,160 157 34 4 252 187 629 431 2,071 1,012 1,563 172 60 41 2 2,752 2,680 5,440 5,177 9,267 4,940 7,999 1,917 182 14 117 70 241 253 520 504 973 459 830 178 43 11 11 339 324 338 306 1,347 847 966 154 2 39 14 228 234 446 420 636 286 640 160 8 2 27 25 '"348 312 474 393 1,175 692 846 109 252 271 645 666 1,125 631 858 131 31 21 6 502 483 596 572 1,468 828 1,139 212 6 4 156 136 263 214 782 500 416 68 210 223 504 526 388 151 668 131 34 19 10 135 136 833 774 488 143 804 450 53 4 63 49 268 277 251 92 391 111 8 278 259 553 525 634 311 441 213 2 2,963 2,727 5,510 4,972 16,297 10,106 10,453 1,480 830 90 1,585 529 179 197 252 212 689 456 376 71 14 121 23 76 61 356 346 860 590 614 168 17 3 164 111 409 386 232 242 912 593 651 205 34 6 128 79 247 254 493 501 954 625 754 105 37 1 287 49 241 241 339 332 1,006 616 693 108 23 4 72 51 74 _ 25 418 202 1,040 562 664 38 94 68 2 168 132 73 61 1,142 764 676 50 8 7 116 136 172 170 1,064 770 580 74 13 16 3 379 327 253 200 1,116 683 619 65 35 65 16 159 10 1 360 264 2,058 1,265 1033 133 15 7 52 36 117 97 340 320 1,223 770 865 94 51 2 23 12 142 136 927 842 1,336 728 885 170 106 60 175 44 309 3(16 155 147 631 194 266 2 49 49 4 5 20 16 3 16 12 2 102 93 10 73 69 73 1 65 30 43 282 310 462 363 367 41 37 3 45 9 7 13 104 51 65 6 2

Kjr2 356

TOWN PRIMARY Industnal Category of Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, MIning and Manufactunng, Manufactunng, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrymg Processing, Processing, Servic­ (VI) No and PlantatIOns, (IV) Servicing and Ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs In House­ 111 other than House­ activities hold Industry hold Industry (III ) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

1000 Barbil (M) 198 55 2,560 486 127 39 3,392 258 327 39 1 Ward - 1 18 7 141 43 11 3 95 24 2 Ward - 2 2 1 584 39 31 4 3 Ward - 3 6 6 728 184 11 9 4 Ward - 4 54 23 185 44 10 2 99 4 78 7 5 Ward - 5 8 106 16 4 7 127 5 20 6 Ward - 6 21 3 83 3 5 214 3 25 7 Ward - 7 24 2 145 25 36 173 2 26 1 8 Ward - 8 34 10 88 18 42 11 297 49 58 5 9 Ward - 9 16 250 37 9 4 433 40 67 21 10 Ward - 10 9 195 63 7 11 619 61 10 1 11 Ward - i 1 6 1 55 14 3 1293 93 6 1010 Joda (NAC) 168 46 1,328 460 94 46 1,606 180 294 82 Ward -, 22 7 103 76 10 2 134 8 15 2 Ward - 2 27 3 206 27 10 9 171 4 78 38 3 Ward - 3 27 10 60 13 5 3 85 5 43 23 4 Ward - 4 23 7 41 6 304 11 30 5 Ward - 5 19 10 122 27 18 3 149 14 33 3 6 Ward - 6 15 4 76 39 35 14 366 23 47 7 7 Ward - 7 1 8 2 1 152 17 6 8 Ward - 8 25 3 165 38 5 74 13 21 9 Ward - 9 128 64 6 13 10 2 3 10 Ward - 10 6 203 88 32 2 2 11 Ward - 11 3 216 80 4 2 129 81 16 9 1020 Kendujhar eM) 575 23 107 1 330 115 743 13 294 6 Ward - 1 15 2 3 15 3 2 Ward - 2 23 1 29 3 28 12 3 Ward - 3 17 3 122 91 28 11 4 Ward - 4 20 7 4 52 5 27 12 5 Ward - 5 14 8 33 62 15 6 Ward - 6 34 1 16 7 2 38 15 2 7 Ward - 7 19 2 2 17 3 84 2 10 8 Ward - 8 73 3 8 51 13 2 9 Ward - 9 53 11 9 2 71 1 33 10 Ward - 10 60 3 23 9 86 2 67 11 Ward - 11 39 3 11 11 2 69 6 47 12 Ward - 12 53 4 13 2 43 15 13 Ward· 13 16 10 12 11 14 Sldhamatha Ward·14 2 15 Sulelkhamar Ward·15 3 16 Badadera Ward - 16 80 3 39 10 17 Kuladera Ward· 17 9 5 357

CENSUS ABSTRACT Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Othe, Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

1,566 95 1,223 49 1,874 445 26 2S 11,150 17,767 75 9 78 260 34 741 1,291 17 28 3 16 9 7 5 831 1,226 10 5 12 31 12 850 1,287 162 12 165 5 326 61 9 6 966 1,668 439 29 148 11 198 34 992 1,541 289 5 '151 143 41 11 926 1,539 130 6 148 4 117 23 916 1,542 244 19 254 19 293 101 1 1,355 2,281 78 5 127 2 303 98 3 1,226 1,907 76 4 103 3 103 14 4 1,023 1,593 46 1 9 84 18 1 2 1,324 1,892 1,034 78 914 248 2,262 693 75 199 8,206 12,673 231 6 35 3 226 63 14 28 812 1,316 80 9 39 314 50 7 2 937 1,501 148 8 43 6 194 65 2 694 1,062 123 10 110 34 215 40 5 848 1,318 123 9 103 7 ?39 52 9 2 912 1,575 178 8 117 17 304 90 31 8 1,151 1,869 10 2 16 222 47 601 807 61 10 185 43 79 14 11 43 544 1,042 32 11 212 105 360 249 2 109 758 894 38 5 34 6 68 9 277 466 10 20 27 41 14 672 823 1,808 80 713 7 3,468 616 63 256 12,226 17,467 42 9 154 44 524 749 100 25 31 209 25 3 2 643 1,012 84 57 167 28 11 35 753 1,053 74 7 31 210 36 9 813 1,413 106 90 270 53 731 1,162 134 67 191 30 2 773 889 279 3 44 2 206 36 2 776 1,139 59 27 317 68 725 1,055 96 78 240 45 841 1,221 249 9 71 401 73 9 114 1,420 1,568 217 4 71 3 326 62 3 57 759 1,118 162 27 59 255 34 24 1,105 1,586 17 7 94 593 565 13 8 8 29 24 27 24 104 25 29 317 639 25 5 19 6 54 65 358


Location Name of Village Area of No.of No.of Total Population(includ­ Total Population Code Village Occupied House­ ing Institutional and in the age group Number in Hect­ Reside­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) ares & ntial of Town/ Houses Ward in Sq. Kms.

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

18 Jamuhata Ward - 18 144 145 893 481 412 105 58 47 19 Badahala Ward - 19 227 227 1,138 611 527 139 74 65 20 Mochigaon Ward - 20 38 41 226 125 101 36 18 18 21 Dhrupada Ward - 21 211 211 1,017 534 483 138 66 72 22 Tulasipur Ward - ~ 19 19 81 39 42 22 10 12 23 Kabitra Ward'! 23 237 248 1,476 757 719 245 132 113 1030 Anandapur (NAC) 72.87 4,868 5,174 3,0278 15,883 14,395 4,519 2,278 2,241 Ward - 1 310 320 1,999 1,058 941 371 192 179 2 Ward - 2 329 358 2,125 1,085 1,040 373 183 190 3 Ward - 3 294 295 1,896 1,041 855 245 110 135 4 Ward - 4 285 293 1,809 920 889 223 118 105 5 Ward - 5 281 289 1,794 928 866 248 127 121 6 Ward - 6 255 303 1,771 914 857 212 106 106 7 Ward - 7 282 333 2,124 1,206 918 263 128 135 8 Ward - 8 334 356 2,303 1,224 1,079 358 183 175 9 Ward - 9 189 204 1,207 597 610 198 103 95 10 Ward - 10 352 377 1,986 1,016 970 292 139 153 11 Ward - 11 275 316 1,908 1,004 904 310 184 126 12 Ward - 12 344 388 1,966 1,010 956 251 135 116 13 Ward - 13 404 406 2,128 1,134 994 358 174 184 14 Ward - 14 260 260 1,600 855 745 258 139 119 15 Ward - 15 359 359 1,856 967 889 272 135 137 16 Ward-16 315 317 1,806 924 882 287 122 165 1040 Bolagada (Bolanl) (CT) 11.42 2,560 2,560 11,370 6,315 5,055 1,810 947 863 1 8alagoda (Bolani) 2,560 2,560 11,370 6,315 5,055 1,810 947 863 0050 Daitari (CT) N.A. 1,056 1,057 4,434 2,364 2,070 732 336 396 1 Barabati & office 96 96 415 222 193 50 19 31 2 8achabr Barrack 196 197 822 425 397 137 70 67 Guest.house Paresh hating hill top 3 Market hating with 233 233 868 491 377 91 42 49 Qr. Hatman 4 Dam Guest house 389 389 1,648 859 789 331 146 185 5 Mardh 142 142 681 367 314 123 59 64 1060 Champua (CT) 4.90 970 970 5,746 3,062 2,684 1,064 564 500 Ward - 1 970 970 5,746 3,062 2,684 1,064 564 500 359


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural ( I - IX ) (r) Labourers (II )

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

13 15 33 21 416 331 205 24 66 57 27 20 523 416 274 13 17 2 3 4 15 13 99 68 57 6 6 27 25 433 411 221 59 254 16 51 132 13 36 41 8 18 9 4 8 9 197 158 180 195 420 201 376 13 138 163 5 2,655 2,498 1,345 1,209 10,838 7,039 7,288 529 2,104 34 932 125 32 23 308 304 502 293 557 25 270 197 21 7 13 100 94 658 396 531 29 324 22 40 2 161 148 90 64 826 512 418 36 53 2 45 9 185 173 6 8 728 608 427 32 21 2 12 79 77 1 750 578 428 31 13 7 1 215 190 2 3 699 504 394 26 155 7 2 102 99 67 56 909 606 420 63 20 35 18 386 389 3 1 770 357 515 19 215 78 61 64 15 8 374 211 281 18 53 24 355 321 542 335 510 30 132 117 3 173 156 88 77 588 375 446 13 258 2 25 182 173 69 54 760 598 467 62 34 96 19 346 323 97 92 757 484 537 47 192 2 38 9 97 86 36 20 666 441 441 15 81 32 63 47 291 273 726 534 480 62 69 92 24 211 216 172 154 583 207 436 21 164 87 17 745 618 1,386 1,234 3,994 2,085 2,957 324 79 15 30 32 745 618 1,386 1,234 3,994 2,085 2,957 324 79 15 30 32 281 262 826 740 1,672 932 1,136 127 26 44 2 15 17 14 14 196 154 106 7 3 106 99 137 143 269 154 189 27 10 2 2

53 44 88 75 400 211 278 29 5 5

80 71 394 346 587 308 404 41 34 27 31 193 162 220 105 159 23 10 208 177 430 378 2,139 1,407 1,397 165 80 7 106 61 208 177 430 378 2,139 1,407 1,397 165 80 7 106 61 360

TOWN PRIMARY Industrial Category 01 Location Name of Village Livestock, Forestry, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Constructions Code Fishing, Hunting Quarrying Processing, Processing, Servic- (VI) No. and Plantations, (IV) Servicing and ing and Repairs Orchards & allied Repairs in House- in other than House- activities hold Industry hold Industry (III) (Va) (Vb)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

18 Jamuhata Ward - 18 22 2 25 8 19 Badahala Ward - 19 22 12 4 22 11 20 Mochigaon Ward - 20 3 7 21 Dhrupada Ward - 21 4 21 22 Tulasipur Ward - 22 1 23 Kabitra Ward - 23 1 9 1 1030 Anandapur (NAC) 248 12 17 359 18 199 3 162 2 1 Ward - 1 6 1 12 5 2 Ward - 2 2 2 3 Ward - 3 9 20 13 8 4 Ward - 4 17 19 17 5 Ward - 5 20 5 42 19 17 6 Ward - 6 9 2 4 14 8 7 Ward -7 7 5 7 2 9 13 8 Ward - 8 8 73 8 4 9 Ward - 9 127 10 3 2 5 10 Ward - 10 14 49 16 3 11 Ward - 11 12 6 2 12 Ward - 12 35 3 7 7 22 13 Ward - 13 17 6 18 12 14 Ward - 14 16 2 4 5 25 31 15 Ward - 15 55 3 5 13 17 16 Ward - 16 21 4 24 2 1040 Bolagacla (Boiani) (CT) 11 5 1,750 94 31 20 185 2 145 24 1 Balagoda (Bolani) 11 5 1,750 94 31 20 185 2' 145 24 0050 Daitari (CT) 19 10 819 56 7 4 2 14 1 Barabati & office 88 3 2 Bachabr Barrack 7 9 142 11 2 2 Guest.house Paresh hating hill top 3 Market hating with 5 154 7 2 2 6 Qr. Hatman 4 Dam Guest house 5 330 27 3 5 Mardh 105 8 3 1 4 1060 Champua (CT) 29 2 66 14 102 10 Ward - 1 29 2 66 14 102 10 361

CENSUS ABSTRACT Main Workers Marginal Non-workers Trade and Transport, Other Workers Commerce Storage & Services (VII ) Communications (IX) (VIII)

M F M F M F M F M F 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

68 7 72 ' 23 276 388 52 16 116 12 337 514 3 37 6 68 95 3 13 28 2 279 466 2 1 21 33 10 3 51 7 1 381 705 1,264 15 212 1,791 320 60 252 8,535 13,614 36 28 4 56 500 860 50 2 61 5 2 552 1,Q10 97 4 23 150 20 5 15 618 804 165 2 11 164 28 493 857 184 1 2 124 24 500 835 51 2 12 132 21 6 514 B30 80 32 212 41 2 784 855 27 6 96 19 1 10 708 1,050 26 4 39 5 7 130 309 462 85 9 85 27 3 503 940 79 3 1 63 7 6 10 552 881 39 20 204 40 3 543 891 108 18 127 35 19 24 578 923 109 36 102 12 414 730 71 21 141 28 8 2 479 825 57 14 63 4 488 861 266 16 200 37 260 79 39 292 3,319 4,439 266 16 200 37 260 79 39 292 3,319 4,439 91 21 11 1 101 35 15 17 1,213 1,926 6 8 4 116 186 6 2 15 5 4 4 232 366

55 9 4 42 10 213 347

5 3 5 20 10 3 2 452 746 19 9 16 6 8 10 200 281 398 9 83 521 74 2 18 1,663 2,501 398 9 83 521 74 2 18 1,663 2,501


363 364


SI Name of District! Total Number of Total Scheduled Caste Total Scheduled Caste Literates No. C.D. Block/UAI Rural Households Population Population in the age group City/Town Urban With S.C. 0-6 Members

p M F P M F P M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

3 KENDUJHAR T 30,097 153,639 77,705 75,934 27,283 13,819 13,464 55,178 39,154 16,024 DISTRICT R 25,106 129,543 65,238 64,305 22,948 11,609 11,339 45,622 32,525 13,097 U 4,991 24,096 12,467 11,629 4,335 2,210 2,125 9,556 6,629 2,927 Kendujhargarh CD Block R 2,248 11,306 5,739 5,567 1,883 985 898 4,821 3,429 1,392 2 Harichandanpur CD Block T 1,665 7,707 3,876 3,831 1,474 765 709 2,460 1,789 671 R 1,537 7,164 3,595 3,569 1,379 721 658 2,215 1,614 601 U 128 543 281 262 95 44 51 245 175 70 • Daitari Town (CT) U 128 543 281 262 95 44 51 245 175 70 3 Patana C.D. Block R 1,200 5,791 2,849 2,942 1,059 529 530 2,058 1.399 659 4 Ghatgaon C.D. Block R 598 5,021 2,528 2,493 1,017 522 495 1,712 1,259 453 5 Saharapada C. D. Block R 1,231 6,033 3,004 3,029 1,066 538 528 2,414 1,609 805 6 Telkoi C.D. Block R 1,650 7,947 4,027 3,920 1,370 699 671 2,345 1,771 574 7 Banspal C.D. Block R 666 3,003 1,488 1,515 519 262 257 983 732 251 8 Anandapur C.D. Block R 2,087 10,954 5,571 5,383 2,005 1,019 986 3,272 2,380 892 9 Hatadihi C.D. Block R 5,212 28,956 14,542 14,414 4,710 2,306 2,404 10,591 7,547 3,044 10 Ghasipura C.D. Block R 4,403 23,579 12,007 11,572 4,261 2,185 2,076 8,170 5,809 2,361 11 Champua C. D. Block T 1,581 7,579 3,809 3,770 1,354 749 605 3,167 2,175 991 R 1,491 7,194 3,601 3,593 1,276 705 571 3,019 2,066 953 U 90 385 208 177 78 44 34 148 110 38 Champua Town (C.T.) U 90 385 208 177 78 44 34 148 110 38 12 Jhumpura C.D. Block R 1,195 5,665 2,802 2,863 .1,057 532 525 1,965 1,382 583 13 Joda C.D. Block T 1,917 8,281 4,225 4,056 1,594 751 843 2,585 1,899 686 R 1,585 6,918 3,480 3,438 1,344 606 738 2,056 1,527 529 157 U 332 1,363 745 618 250 145 105 529 372 157 • Balagoda (Bolani) U 332 1,363 745 618 250 145 105 529 372 Town (C.T.) Total of villages not R 3 12 5 7 2 2 included in any C. D. Block (like forest villages etc.) Urban Components T 4,991 24,096 12,467 11,629 4,335 2,210 2,125 9,556 6,629 2,927 Barbil Town (M) U 1,293 5,530 2,863 2,667 1,124 547 577 1,717 1,283 434 Joda Town (NAC) U 1,166 5,432 2,752 2,680 1,015 525 490 2,122 1,483 639 Kendujhar Town (M) U 1,130 5,690 2,963 2,727 990 518 472 2,809 1,868 941 Anandapur Town (NAG) U 852 5,153 2,655 2,498 783 387 396 1,986 1,338 648 372 157 • Balagada (Bolani) U 332 1,363 745 618 250 145 105 529 Town (C.T.) 175 70 • Daitari Town (C.T.) U 128 543 281 262 95 44 51 245 110 38 Champua Town (C.T.) U 90 385 208 177 78 44 34 148 365


Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural Labourers Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Mining and Quarrying (I-IX) (I) (II) Hunting and Plantations, (IV) Orchards & allied activities (III)

P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

48,440 40,288 8,152 16,028 14,949 1,079 15,392 12,044 3,348 716 722 54 4,051 2,811 1,240 41,399 34,370 7,029 15,323 14,249 1,074 14,550 11,338 3,212 614 579 35 2,957 1,956 1,001 7,041 5,918 1,123 705 700 5 842 706 136 162 143 19 1,094 855 239 3,704 2,885 819 1,194 1,029 165 1,208 745 463 73 73 12 10 2 2,414 1,959 455 921 842 79 705 489 216 39 36 3 112 99 13 2,263 1,832 431 918 839 79 692 478 214 35 34 30 27 3 151 127 24 3 3 13 11 2 4 2 2 82 72 10 151 127 24 3 3 13 11 2 4 2 2 82 72 10 1,905 1,427 478 728 630 98 459 249 210 17 17 7 6 1,683 1,331 352 563 488 75 383 282 101 20 20 24 24 2,105 1,514 591 925 797 128 584 275 309 37 31 6 1 3,049 2,267 782 1,167 1,031 136 1,263 812 451 42 38 4 990 764 226 506 411 95 132 86 46 39 33 6 98 80 18 3,165 2,950 215 1,409 1,391 18 1,374 1,214 160 41 39 2 4 4 8,825 8,098 727 3,682 3,656 26 3,325 3,091 234 184 180 4 975 611 364 6,725 6,445 280 2,463 2,455 8 3,523 3,358 165 66 59 7 14 14 2,804 1,874 930 884 732 152 1,063 474 589 26 26 17 15 2 2,672 1,767 905 881 729 152 1,053 472 581 25 25 17 15 2 132 107 25 3 3 10 2 8 132 107 25 3 3 10 2 8 1,824 1,369 455 705 624 81 460 222 238 9 8 63 47 16 2,882 2,050 832 182 169 13 102 59 43 26 22 4 1,955 1,334 621 2,486 1,718 768 180 167 13 94 54 40 26 22 4 1,711 1,116 595 396 332 64 2 2 8 5 3 244 218 26 396 332 64 2 2 8 5 3 244 218 26

3 3 2 2

7,041 5,918 1,123 705 700 5 842 706 136 162 143 19 1,094 855 239 1,755 1,443 312 14 14 12 9 3 21 14 7 461 359 102 1,602 1,237 365 13 12 56 39 17 32 27 5 302 201 101 1,607 1,345 262 109 108 422 337 85 44 44 3 3 1,398 1,327 71 561 558 3 321 303 18 60 55 5 2 2 396 332 64 2 2 8 5 3 244 218 26

151 127 24 3 3 13 11 2 4 2 2 82 72 10 132 107 25 3 3 10 2 8 366


(V) Industrial Category SI Name of District! Total Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Aepairs in Constructions No. C.D. Block/UAI Aural Household Industry Other than (VI) City/Town Urban (a) Household Industry (b)

p M F P M F P M F

2 3 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

3 KENDUJHAR T 3,370 2,128 1,242 1,540 1,318 222 640 590 50 DISTRICT R 3,037 1,920 1,117 683 587 96 327 311 16 U 333 208 125 857 731 126 313 279 34 Kendujhargarh C.D. Block A 322 204 118 127 116 11 75 73 2 2 Harichandanpur T 267 188 79 65 55 10 15 13 2 C.D. Block A 265 186 79 63 53 10 11 9 2 U 2 2 2 2 4 4 • Daitari Town (CT) U 2 2 2 2 4 4 3 Patana C.D. Block A 372 230 142 29 22 7 64 63 4 Ghatgaon C.D. Block A 400 260 140 30 29 1 36 36 5 Saharapada C.D. Block A 216 127 89 68 44 24 24 23 6 Telkoi C.D. Block A 316 181 135 22 18 4 7 7 7 Banspal C.D. Block A 43 28 15 8 6 2 2 2 8 Anandapur C.D. Block A 102 81 21 16 15 12 11 9 Hatadihi C.D. Block A 134 81 53 37 30 7 16 14 2 10 Ghasipura C.D. Block A 167 113 54 91 88 3 6 6 11 Champua C.D. Block T 339 190 149 50 46 4 26 26 A 308 165 143 40 36 4 26 26 U 31 25 6 10 10 Champua Town :C.T.) U 31 25 6 10 10 12 Jhumpura C.D. Block A 282 198 84 45 39 6 8 8 13 Joda C.D. Block T 119 74 45 117 101 16 56 47 9 A 110 66 44 107 91 16 40 33 7 U 9 8 10 10 16 14 2 • Balagoda (Bolani) U 9 8 10 10 16 14 2 Town (C.T.) Total of villages not A included in any C. D. Block (like forest villages etc.) Urban Components T 333 208 125 857 731 126 313 279 34 Barbil Town (M) U 26 20 6 454 385 69 99 94 5 Joda Town (NAC) U 41 24 17 302 246 56 124 100 24 Kendujhar 'wn (M) U 220 125 95 63 63 50 47 3 Anandapur Town (NAC) U 4 4 16 15 20 20 • Balagada (Bolani) U 9 8 10 10 16 14 2 Town (C.T.) • Dailari Town (C.T.) U 2 2 2 2 4 4 Champua Town (C.T.) U 31 25 6 10 10 367


Of Main Workers Trade and Transport Storagre Other seNices Marginal Non Workers Commerce and Communications (IX) Workers (VII) (VIII)

p M F p M F p M F p M F p M F

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

1,324 1,231 93 968 935 33 4,351 3,560 791 5,607 536 5,071 99,592 36,881 62,711 781 742 39 484 482 2 2,643 2,206 437 5,444 493 4,951 82,700 30,375 52,325 543 489 54 484 453 31 1,708 1,354 354 163 43 120 16,892 6,506 10,386 99 94 5 95 95 499 446 53 482 35 447 7,120 2,819 4,301 66 59 7 ~8 27 196 151 45 525 65 460 4,768 1,852 2,916 48 45 3 26 26 175 135 40 518 63 455 4,383 1,700 2,683 18 14 4 2 21 16 5 7 2 5 385 152 233 18 14 4 2 21 16 5 7 2 5 385 152 233 65 64 10 10 154 136 18 591 42 549 3,295 1,380 1,915 48 47 35 35 144 110 34 519 25 494 2,819 1,172 1,647 48 43 5 8 8 194 165 29 536 29 507 3,392 1,461 1,931 37 35 2 18 18 177 127 50 623 44 579 4,275 1,716 2,559 21 18 3 5 4 136 96 40 164 14 150 1,849 710 1,139 39 36 3 47 47 121 112 9 231 54 177 7,558 2,567 4,991 95 92 3 93 93 284 250 34 244 26 218 19,887 6,418 13,469 47 44 3 67 67 281 241 40 516 78 438 16,338 5,484 10,854 94 93 40 40 265 232 33 363 23 340 4,412 1,912 2,500 90 90 37 37 195 172 23 353 23 330 4,169 1,811 2,358 4 3 3 3 70 60 10 10 10 243 101 142 4 3 1 3 3 70 60 10 10 10 243 101 142 83 81 2 26 26 143 116 27 495 34 461 3,346 1,399 1,947 91 75 16 39 31 8 195 138 57 206 27 179 5,193 2,148 3,045 61 53 8 17 16 1 140 100 40 172 26 146 4,260 1,736 2,524 30 22 8 22 15 7 55 38 17 34 33 933 412 521 30 22 8 22 15 7 55 38 17 34 33 933 412 521

9 2 7

543 489 54 484 453 31 1,708 1,354 354 163 43 120 16,892 6,506 10,386 136 118 18 118 117 414 313 101 11 6 5 3,764 1,414 2,350 127 112 15 147 126 21 458 350 108 32 17 15 3,798 1,498 2,300 120 115 5 119 118 457 385 72 51 10 41 4,032 1,608 2,424 108 105 3 73 73 233 192 41 18 7 11 3,737 1,321 2,416 30 22 8 22 15 7 55 38 17 34 1 33 933 412 521

18 14 4 2 1 21 16 5 7 2 5 385 152 233 4 3 3 3 70 60 10 10 10 243 101 142


369 370


SI Name of District! Total Number of Total Scheduled Caste Total Scheduled Caste Literates No. C.D. Block/UA/ Rural Households Population Population in the age group City/Town Urban With S.C. 0-6 Members


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

3 KENDUJHAR T 115,925 595,184 297,951 297,233 120,172 60,218 59,954 118,216 90,362 27,854 DISTRICT R 106,717 554,633 276,856 277,777 112,465 56,336 56,129 107,404 82,447 24,957 U 9,208 40,551 21,095 19,456 7,707 3,882 3,825 10,812 7,915 2,897 Kendujhargarh C.D. Block R 11,183 58,036 29,017 29,019 11,531 5,843 5,688 12,475 9,642 2,833 2 Harichandanpur T 10,658 55,333 27,945 27,388 11,676 5,898 5,778 10,892 8,596 2,296 C.D. Block R 10,298 53,767 27,119 26,648 11,365 5,753 5,612 10,326 8,163 2,163 , U 360 1,566 826 740 311 145 166 566 433 133 Daitari Town (CT) U 360 1,566 826 740 311 145 166 566 433 133 3 Patana C.D. Block R 7,941 41,972 20,772 21,200 8,058 4,081 3,977 10,512 7,614 2,898 4 Ghatgaon C.D. Block R 10,385 55,122 27,464 27,658 10,881 5,537 5,344 13,987 10,514 3,473 5 Saharapada C.D. Block R 7,461 39,732 19,521 20,211 8,074 4,063 4,011 8,439 6,278 2,161 6 Telkoi C.D. Biock R 7,137 37,915 19,178 18,737 7,670 3,851 3,819 7,540 5,935 1,605 7 Banspal C.D. Block R 11,563 56,013 27,743 28,270 11,250 5,501 5,749 5,236 4,464 772 8 Anandapur C.D. Block R 7,795 38,658 19,387 19,271 7,688 3,814 3,874 6,779 5,287 1,492 9 Hatadihi C.D. Block R 3,944 20,673 10,513 10,160 4,209 1,961 2,248 3,492 2,957 535 10 Gtlasipura C.D. Block R 4,347 23,693 12,066 11,627 4,792 2,393 2,399 4,048 3,371 677 11 Champua C. D. Block T 7,522 37,601 18,567 19,034 7,378 3,726 3,652 8,673 6,379 2,294 R 7,347 36,793 18,137 18,656 7,202 3,636 3,566 8,340 6,142 2,198 U 175 808 430 378 176 90 86 333 237 96 Champua Town (C.T.) U 175 808 430 378 176 90 86 333 237 96 12 Jhumpura C.D. Block R 7,847 40,438 20,156 20,282 8,229 4,136 4,093 8,345 5,897 2,448 13 Joda C.D. Block T 9,662 52,426 26,106 26,320 11,566 5,797 5,769 8,403 6,543 1,860 R 9,063 49,806 24,720 25,086 11,072 5,562 5,510 7,680 5,999 1,681 U 599 2,620 1,386 1,234 494 235 259 723 544 179 Balagoda U 599 2,620 1,386 1,234 494 235 259 723 544 179 (Bolan;) Town (C.T.) Total of villages not R 406 2,015 1,063 952 444 205 239 205 184 21 included in any C. D. Block (like forest villages etc.) Urban Components T 9,208 40,551 21,095 19,456 7,707 3,882 3,825 10,812 7,915 2,897 Barbil Town (M) U 2,856 11,9046,158 5,746 2,491 1,276 1,215 2,496 1,829 667 Joda Town (NAC) U 2,542 10,617 5,440 5,177 2,007 1,032 975 2,889 2,091 798 Kendujhar Town (M) U 2,170 10,482 5,510 4,972 1,793 868 925 3,189 2,341 848 Anandapur Town (NAC) U 506 2,554 1,345 1,209 435 236 199 616 440 176 Balagada U 599 2,620 1,386 1,234 494 235 259 723 544 179 (Bolani) Town (C.T.) Daitari Town (C.T.)U 360 1,566 826 740 311 145 166 566 433 133 Champua Town (C.T.) U 175 808 430 378 176 90 86 333 237 96 371


Industrial Category of Main Workers

Total Main Workers Cultivators Agricultural Labourers Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Mining and Quarrying (I-IX) (I) (II) Hunting and Plantations, (IV) Orchards & allied activities (III)

P M F P M F p M F p M F p M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

214,899 158,167 56,732 104,685 88,108 16,577 72,176 42,080 30,096 2,645 2,183 462 18,094 11,861 6,233 201,721 147,865 53,856 103,639 87,208 16,431 69,846 40,388 29,458 2,338 1,961 377 15,133 9,534 5,599 13,178 10,302 2,876 1,046 900 146 2,330 1,692 638 307 222 85 2,961 2,327 634 23,137 15,503 7,634 10,001 7,832 2,169 10,643 5,582 5,061 335 288 47 133 86 47 18,563 14,541 4,022 10,463 9,361 1,102 6,506 3,937 2,569 208 160 48 423 358 65 18,122 14,160 3,962 10,444 9,342 1,102 6,481 3,912 2,569 188 147 41 126 93 33 441 381 60 19 19 25 25 20 13 7 297 265 32 441 381 60 19 19 25 25 20 13 7 297 265 32 15,679 11,072 4,607 9,336 7,323 2,013 5,206 2,779 2,427 135 117 18 10 9 1 19,009 14,886 4,123 12,225 10,448 1,777 5,470 3,320 2,150 261 243 18 7 7 15,328 10,592 4,736 9,468 7,502 1,966 5,040 2,512 2,528 155 96 59 2 2 13,268 10,204 3,064 7,151 6,203 948 5,470 3,422 2,048 160 141 19 8 6 2 19,623 14,703 4,920 13,363 11,056 2,307 4,959 2,691 2,268 391 298 93 450 305 145 11,918 10,398 1,520 6,844 6.548 296 4,632 3,463 1,169 78 69 9 30 19 11 7,445 5,614 1,831 1,935 1,841 94 2,612 1,969 643 153 136 17 2,530 1,482 1,048 7,974 6,431 1,543 3,432 3,205 227 4,114 2,919 1,195 32 25 7 13 12 16,076 10,225 5,851 7,408 5,677 1,731 7,569 3,584 3,985 146 138 8 13 12 15,801 10,031 5,770 7,386 5,659 1,727 7,459 3,520 3,939 142 134 8 13 12 275 194 81 22 18 4 110 64 46 4 4- 275 194 81 22 18 4 110 64 46 4 4 15;070 10,866 4,204 7,748 6,565 1,183 5,939 3,216 2,723 175 156 19 394 284 110 19,353 13,456 5,897 3,939 3,355 584 1,602 950 652 135 108 27 11,669 7,464 4,205 18,568 12,814 5,754 3,867 3,291 576 1,570 944 626 127 105 22 11,338 7,168 4,170 785 642 143 72 64 8 32 6 26 8 3 5 331 296 35 785 642 143 72 64 8 32 6 26 8 3 5 331 296 35

779 591 188 439 393 46 251 139 112 6 6 79 49 30

13,178 10,302 2,876 1,046 900 146 2,330 1,692 638 307 222 85 2,961 2,327 634 3.777 3,037 740 128 86 42 73 57 16 107 73 34 1,336 1,068 268 3,682 2,640 1,042 125 124 1 92 58 34 68 41 27 986 687 299 3,361 2,684 677 493 419 74 1,503 1,081 422 79 68 11 11 11 857 724 133 187 170 17 495 401 94 21 20 785 642 143 72 64 8 32 6 26 8 3 5 331 296 35

441 381 60 19 19 25 25 20 13 7 297 265 32 275 194 81 22 18 4 110 64 46 4 4 372


(V) Industrial Category 51 Name of DistrictJ Total Manufacturing. Processing, Servicing and Repairs in Constructions No. C.D. Block/UN Rural Household Industry Other than (VI) CitylTown Urban (a) Household Industry (b)


2 3 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

3 KENDUJHAR DISTRICT T 1,485 875 610 3,304 2,780 524 1,130 872 258 R 1,318 780 538 1,789 1,459 330 725 558 167 U 167 95 72 1,515 1,321 194 405 314 91 1 Kendujhargarh CD Block R 191 111 80 427 359 68 168 109 59 2 Harichandanpur CD Block T 134 69 65 216 156 60 76 68 8 R 134 69 65 214 155 59 70 62 8 U 2 6 6 Daitari Town (CT) U 2 6 6 3 Patana C.D. Block R 142 94 48 57 43 14 49 48 1 4 Ghatgaon C.D. Block R 143 107 36 B8 84 4 81 61 20 5 Saharapada C.D. Block R 143 67 76 79 64 15 14 13 6 Telkoi C.D. Block R 87 70 17 50 49 8 8 7 Banspal C.D. Block R 51 29 22 17 16 1 46 28 18 8 Anandapur C.D. Block R 57 42 15 26 22 4 23 22 1 9 Hatadihi C.D. Block R 23 19 4 19 16 3 25 17 8 10 Ghasipura C.D. Block R 125 29 96 41 36 5 11 8 3 11 Champua C.D. Block T 80 50 30 96 84 12 45 40 5 R 77 48 29 93 81 12 45 40 5 U 3 2 3 3 Champua Town (C.T.) U 3 2 1 3 3 12 Jhumpura C.D. Block R 71 38 33 85 75 10 18 18 13 Joda C.D. Block T 92 60 32 652 517 135 244 183 61 R 74 57 17 592 458 134 165 122 43 U 18 3 15 60 59 79 61 18 Balagoda (Bolan i) U 18 3 15 60 59 79 61 18 Town (C.T.) Total of villages not includ-R 2 2 ed in any C. D. Block (like forest villages etc.) Urban Components T 167 95 72 1,515 1,321 194 405 314 91 Barbil Town (M) U 52 29 23 819 720 99 136 109 27 Joda Town (NAC) U 44 24 20 526 441 85 128 86 42 Kendujhar Town (M) U 43 35 8 91 84 7 50 47 3 Anandapur Town (NAC) U 7 2 5 14 13 6 5 Balagada (Bolanl) U 18 3 15 60 59 79 61 18 Town (C.T.) Dait~n Town (C.T.) U 2 1 6 6 Champua Town (C.T.) U 3 2 3 3 373


Of Main Workers

Trade and Transport Storagre Other services Marginal Non Workers Commerce and Communications (IX) Workers (VII) (VIII)

p M F p M F p M F p M F p M F

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

1,845 1,647 198 2,212 1,913 299 7,323 5,848 1,475 46,013 3,721 42,292 334,272136,063198,209 1,341 1,237 104 918 860 58 4,674 3,880 794 45,558 3,643 41,915 307,354125,348182,006 504 410 94 1,294 1,053 241 2,649 1,968 681 455 78 377 26,918 10,715 16,203 238 225 13 154 150 4 847 761 86 2,989 276 2,713 31,910 13,238 18,672 119 106 13 61 59 2 357 267 90 3,553 337 3,216 33,217 13,067 20,150 91 89 2 59 57 2 315 234 81 3,535 329 3,206 32,110 12,630 19,480 28 17 11 2 2 42 33 9 18 8 10 1,107 437 670 28 17 11 2 2 42 33 9 18 8 10 1,107 437 670 172 160 12 78 68 10 494 431 63 5,068 396 4,672 21,225 9,304 11,921 176 170 6 85 85 473 361 112 7,892 323 7,569 28,221 12,255 15,966 79 77 2 27 26 321 233 88 3,724 236 3,488 20,680 8,693 11,987 82 74 8 27 27 225 204 21 4,025 346 3,679 20,622 8,628 11,994 54 54 19 18 273 208 65 5,468 592 4,876 30,922 12,448 18,474 40 38 2 27 27 161 148 13 3,068 291 2,777 23,672 8,698 14,974 16 15 28 27 1 104 92 12 551 37 514 12,677 4,862 7,815 34 33 23 20 3 149 144 5 490 58 432 15,229 5,577 9,652 123 101 22 100 99 496 440 56 2,924 190 2,734 18,601 8,152 10,449 101 83 18 88 87 397 367 30 2,921 190 2,731 18,071 7,916 10,155 22 18 4 12 12 99 73 26 3 3 530 236 294 22 18 4 12 12 99 73 26 3 3 530 236 294 111 100 11 76 68 8 453 346 107 3,713 314 3,399 21,655 8,976 12,679 168 136 32 331 284 47 521 399 122 2,082 260 1,822 30,991 12,390 18,601 147 119 28 226 199 27 462 351 111 2,011 245 1,766 29,227 11,661 17,566 21 17 4 105 65 20 59 46 11 71 15 56 1,764 729 1,035 21 17 4 105 65 20 59 46 11 71 15 56 1,764 729 1,035

103 10 93 1,133 462 671

504 410 94 1,294 1,053 241 2,649 1,968 681 455 78 377 26,918 10,715 16,203 138 104 34 356 324 32 632 467 165 12 5 7 8,115 3,116 4,999 121 82 39 595 407 188 997 690 307 160 25 135 6,775 2,775 4,000 153 151 2 213 212 725 576 149 100 11 89 7,021 2,815 4,206 21 21 11 11 95 81 14 91 14 77 1,606 607 999 21 17 4 105 85 20 59 48 11 71 15 56 1,764 729 1,035

28 17 11 2 2 42 33 9 18 8 10 1,107 437 670 22 18 4 12 12 99 73 26 3 3 530 236 294






SI.No. Tahasil/PS Name and SI.No. Tahasil/PS Name and Code No. of C.D. Block Code No. of C.D. Block

2 3 2 3

Telkoi Tahasil Telkoi 6 12 Kendujhar Town PS -12 Kendujhargarh (P) 1 8anspal 7 8anspal (P) 7 1 Telkoi PS 1 Telkoi (P) 6 5 Ghatgaon Tahasil Harichandanpur 2 2 Kanjipani PS 2 Telkoi (P) 6 ..lana {PI 3 Banspal (P) 7 Ghatgaon 4 3 Nayakote PS 3 Banspal (P) 7 Telkoi {PI 6 Banspal (P) 7 2 Barbif Tahasil Banspal (P) 7 13 Pandapara PS -13 Harichandanpur (PI 2 Champua (P) 11 Ghatgaon (P) 4 Jhumpura (P) 12 Banspal (P) 7 Joda 13 14 Ghatgaon PS -14 Patana (P) 3 4 Joda PS 4 Banspal (P) 7 Ghatgaon (P) 4 Champua (P) 11 15 Harichandanpur PS -15 Telkoi (P) 6 Jhumpura (P) 12 Harichandanpur (P) 2 Joda (P) 13 16 Daitari PS -16 Harichandanpur (P) 2 5 Barbil PS - 5 Joda (P) 13 6 Champua PS (Portion) - 6 Champua (P) 11 6 Anandapur Tahasil Anandapur (P) 8 Jhumpura (P) 12 Hatadihi (P) 9 Joda (P) 13 Ghasipura (P) 10 17 Sainkul P.S. -17 Anandapur (P) 8 3 Champua Tahasil Champua (P) 11 Ghasipura (P) 10 Jhumpura (P) 12 18 Ghasipura PS -18 Anandapur (P) 8 7 Champua PS (Portion) - 7 Champua (P) 11 Ghasipura (P) 10 Jhumpura (P) 12 19 Anandapur PS (Portion) -19 Anandapur (P) 8 8 Baria P.S. -8 Champua {PI 11 Hatadihi (P) 9 Jhumpura (P) 12 Ghasipura (P) 10

4 Kendujhar Tahasil Kendujhargarh 7 Hatadihi Tahasil Anandapur (P) 8 Patana (P) 3 Hatadihi (P) 9 Saharapada 5 Ghasipura (P) 10 Banspal (P) 7 20 Anandapur PS (Portion) - 20 Anandapur (P) 8 9 Turumunga P.S. -9 Patana (P) 3 Hatadihi (P) 9 Saharapada (P) 5 Ghasipura (P) 10 10 Patana PS -10 Patana (P) 3 21 Nandipada PS -21 Anandapur (P) 8 Saharapada (P) 5 Hatadihi (P) 9 11 Kendujhar Sadar PS -11 Kendujhargarh (P) Ghasipura (P) 10 Banspal (P) 7 22 Soso PS -22 Hatadihi (P) 9 378

APPENDIX Tahasilwise p.e.A. Totals Showing Total, Rural

Location Name of Total Area In No of No of Total Populallon (Includ­ Total Populalton Scheduled Castes Code Dlstnct! Rural Sq Kms' Occu­ House­ Ing Institutional and In the age group Number Tahasil/PS I Urban pied Re­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) Part PS / Sidential U A/Cltyl Houses Town

P M F P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

3. KENDUJHAR T 8,303.00244,099252,885 1,337,026677,480 659,546239,445120,878 118,567 153,63977,70575,934 DISTRICT R 8,119.55211,076219,006 1,170,152588,129 582,023211,894106,853 105,041 129,543 65,238 64,305 U 183.45 33,023 33,879 166,874 89,351 77,523 27,551 14,025 13,526 24,09612,46711,629 1 Telkol Tahasll T 1,63100 22,295 23,724 121,084 60,987 60,097 23,182 11,595 11,587 10,134 5,095 5039 R 1,63100 22,295 23,724 121,084 60,987 60,097 23,182 11,595 11,587 10,134 5095 5,039 U 1 Telko! PS T 82460 12,583 13,927 73,624 37,313 36,311 13,733 6,922 6,811 7,947 4027 3920 R 8246012,583 13,927 73,62437,313 36,31113,733 6,922 6,811 7,947 4,027 3,920 U 2 Kanjlpanl P S T 25650 3,135 3,162 15,026 7,631 7,395 3,245 1,598 1,647 438 232 206 R 25650 3,135 3,162 15,026 7,631 7,395 3,245 1,598 1,647 438 232 206 U 3 Nayakota P S T 549 90 6,577 6,635 32,434 16,043 16,391 6,204 3,075 3,129 1,749 836 913 R 549 90 6,577 6,635 32,434 16,043 16,391 6,204 3,075 3,129 1,749 836 913 U 2 Barbll Tahasil T 88488 38,773 39,442 182,988 95,088 87,900 35,778 18,076 17,702 20,584 10,508 10,076 R 80560 20471 20,813 98,517 49,788 48,729 20,551 10,271 10,280 8,259 4,148 4,111 U 79 28 18,302 18,629 84,471 45,300 39,171 15,227 7,805 7,422 12,325 6,360 5,965 1 Joda PS T 436 22 18,242 18,486 85826 44,034 41,792 16,933 8,589 8,344 9,989 5,059 4,930 R 409 80 11,591 11,704 54,757 27,754 27,003 11,477 5,770 5,707 4,557 2,307 2,250 U 2642 6651 6,782 31,069 16,280 14,789 5,456 2,819 2,637 5,432 2,752 2,68C' Joda Town (NAC) U 2642 6651 6,782 31,069 16,280 14,789 5,456 2,819 2,637 5,432 2,752 2,680 2 Barbll PS T 27076 17,373 17,767 80,872 43,078 37,794 15,846 7,991 7,855 9,425 4,890 4,535 R 21790 5,722 5,920 27,470 14,058 13,412 6,075 3,005 3,070 2,532 1,282 1,250 U 5286 11,651 11,847 53,402 29,020 24,382 9,771 4,986 4,785 6,893 3,608 3,285 Barbll Town (M) U 41 44 9,091 9,287 42,032 22,705 19,327 7,961 4,039 3922 5,530 2,863 2 667 Balagoda (Boldnl) U 11 42 2560 2560 11,370 6,315 5,055 1,810 947 863 1,363 745 618 Town (CT) 3 Champua PS (Portlon)T 17790 3,158 3,189 16,290 7,976 8,314 2,999 1,496 1,503 1,170 559 611 R 17790 3,158 3,189 16,290 7,976 8,314 2,999 1,496 1,503 1,170 559 611 U 3 Champua Tahasll T 70060 27,260 27,754 145,613 72,673 72,940 25,030 12,684 12,346 11,907 5,947 5,960 R 69570 26,290 26,784 139,867 69,611 70,256 23,960 12,120 11,846 11,522 5,739 5,783 U 490 970 970 5,746 3,062 2,684 1,064 564 500 385 208 177 Champua P S (Portion) T 39650 16,105 16,414 85,843 43,135 42,708 14,915 7,571 7,344 7,104 3,543 3561 R 39160 15,135 15,444 80,097 40,073 40,024 13,851 7,007 6,844 6,719 3,335 3,384 U 490 970 970 5,746 3,062 2,684 1,064 564 500 385 208 177 Champua Town (C T) U 490 970 970 5,746 3,062 2,684 1,064 564 500 385 208 177 2 Bana PS T 30410 11,155 11,340 59,770 29,538 30,232 10,115 5,113 5,002 4,803 2,404 2,399 R 30410 11,155 11,340 59,770 29,538 30,232 10,115 5,113 5,002 4,803 2,404 2,399 U 379

- II and Urban Population in the District

Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Workers (I) Labourers IHX) (II)

p M ------F P M p M F P M F p M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

595,184297,951297,233 490,962 328,629 162,333 439,953 351,769 88,184 209,789 182,35627,433 107,879 66,793 41,086 554,633 276,856277,177 401,626 271,988 129,63fl 391,117 309,010 82,107 206,105 178,88027225 104,138 63,892 40,246 40,551 21,095 19,456 89,336 56,641 32,695 48,836 42,759 6,017 3,684 3,476 208 3,741 2,901 840 74,890 37,544 37,346 28,586 21,321 7,265 42,415 33,133 9,282 25,577 21,914 3,663 12,058 7,124 4,934 74,890 37,544 37,346 28,586 21,321 7,265 42,415 33,133 9,282 25,577 21,914 3,663 12,058 7,124 4,934

37,347 18,901 18,446 22,000 15,837 6,163 25,592 20,311 5,281 13,651 12,062 1,589 8,711 5,404 3,307 37,347 18,901 18,446 22,000 15,837 6,163 25,592 20,311 5,281 13,651 12,062 1,589 8,711 5,404 3,307

12,905 6,511 6,394 1,853 1,611 242 4,747 3,850 897 3,477 3,103 374 902 428 474 12,905 6,511 6,394 1,853 1,611 242 4,747 3,850 897 3,477 3,103 374 902 428 474

24,638 12,132 12,506 4,733 3,873 860 12,076 8,972 3,104 8,449 6,749 1,700 2,445 1,292 1,153 24,638 12,132 12,506 4,733 3,873 860 12,076 8,972 3,104 8,449 6,749 1,700 2,445 1,292 1,153

89.789 45,225 44,564 61,643 42,594 19,049 62,150 48,449 13,701 9,704 8,372 1,332 5,592 3,115 2,477 64,648 32,241 32,407 22,737 16,899 5,838 35,889 25,964 9,925 9,191 7,936 1,255 5,235 2,881 2,354 25,141 12,984 12,157 38,906 25,695 13,211 28,261 22,485 3,776 513 436 77 357 234 123 46,470 23,341 23,129 25,749 18,024 7,725 30,829 22,931 7,898 5,270 4,704 566 3,240 1,766 1,474 35,853 17,901 17,952 11,542 8,757 2,785 20,913 14,932 5,981 5,074 4,522 552 3,053 1,649 1,404 10,617 5,440 5,177 14,207 9,267 4,940 9,916 7,999 1,917 196 182 14 187 117 70 10,617 5,440 5,177 14,207 9,267 4,940 9,916 7,999 1,917 196 182 14 187 117 70 33,514 17,092 16,422 31.250 21,352 9,898 25,665 21,372 4,293 1,695 1,366 329 710 490 220 18,990 9,548 9,442 6,551 4,924 1,627 9,320 6,886 2,434 1,37a 1,112 266 540 373 167 14,524 7,544 6,980 24,699 16,428 8,271 16,345 14,486 1,859 317 254 63 170 117 53 11,904 6,158 5,746 18,620 12,434 6,186 13,064 11 ,529 1,535 223 175 48 108 87 21 2,620 1,386 1,234 6.079 3,994 2,085 3,281 2,957 324 94 79 15 62 30 32

9,805 4,792 5,013 4,644 3,218 1,426 5,656 4,146 1,510 2,739 2,302 437 1,642 859 783 9,805 4,792 5,013 4,644 3,218 1,426 5,656 4,146 1,510 2,739 2,302 437 1,642 859 783

63,329 31,269 32,060 55,655 37,411 18,244 53,527 38,327 15,200 28,644 22,655 5,989 15,434 7,295 8,139 62,521 30,839 31,682 52,109 35,272 16,837 51,965 36,930 15,035 28,557 22,575 5,982 15,267 7,189 8,078 808 430 378 3,546 2,139 1,407 1,562 1,397 165 87 80 7 167 106 61 34,645 17,164 17,481 33,865 22,658 11,207 31,217 22,493 8,724 14,623 11,800 2,823 9,846 4,651 5,195 33,837 16,734 17,103 30,319 20,519 9,800 29,655 21,096 8,559 14,536 11,720 2,816 9,679 4,545 5,134 808 430 378 3,546 2,139 1,407 1,562 1,397 165 87 80 7 167 106 61 808 430 378 3,546 2,139 1,407 1,562 1,397 165 87 80 7 167 106 61 28,684 14,105 14,579 21,790 14,753 7,037 22,310 15,834 6,476 14,021 10,855 3,166 5,588 2,644 2,944 28,684 14,105 14,579 21,790 14,753 7,037 22,310 15,834 6,476 14,021 10,855 3,166 5,588 2,644 2,944 380

APPENDIX Tahasilwise p.e.A. Totals Showing Total, Rural Location Name of District! Total Industrial category of Code TahasiI/P.S.I Rural Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Number Part P.S.lU.A.I Urban Forestery, Fishing, Quarrying Processing, Processing, City/Town. Hunting and Planta­ (IV) Servicing and Servicing and tions, Orchards & Repairs in Repairs other allied activities Household than Household (III) Industry Industry (Va) (Vb) P M F p M F p M F P M F 2 3 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3a 39 40 41 42

3. KENDUJHAR T 7,063 6,355 708 30,708 22,198 8,510 10,208 7,671 2,537 12,397 11 ,412 985 DISTRICT R 5,664 5,107 557 23,028 15,615 7,413 8,942 6,657 2,285 5,708 5,181 527 U 1,399 1,248 151 7,680 6,583 1,097 1,266 1,014 252 6,689 6,231 458 Telkoi Tahasil T 852 703 149 49 40 9 817 610 207 235 220 15 R 852 703 149 49 40 9 817 610 207 235 220 15 U Telkoi P.S. T 352 324 28 19 17 2 678 497 181 188 177 11 R 352 324 28 19 17 2 678 497 181 188 177 11 U 2 Kanjipani P.S. T 82 76 6 18 12 6 25 18 7 6 6 R 82 76 6 18 12 6 25 18 7 6 6 U 3 Nayakota P.S. T 418 303 115 12 11 114 95 19 41 37 4 R 418 303 115 12 11 114 95 19 41 37 4 U 2 Barbil Tahasil T 904 738 166 22,910 16,398 6,512 904 697 207 6,840 6,225 615 R 421 361 60 16,232 10,760 5,472 547 445 102 1,217 1,042 175 U 483 377 106 6,678 5,638 1,040 357 252 105 5,623 5,183 440 JodaP.S. T 357 291 66 11,681 7,621 4,060 514 426 88 2,547 2,274 273 R 143 123 20 9,893 6,293 3,600 374 332 42 761 668 93 U 214 168 46 1,788 1,32B 460 140 94 46 1,786 1,606 180 Joda Town (NAG) U 214 168 46 1,788 1,328 460 140 94 46 1,786 1,606 180 2 Barbil P.S. T 371 291 80 10,726 8,410 2,316 271 199 72 4,245 3,903 342 R 102 82 20 5,836 4,100 1,736 54 41 13 408 326 82 U 269 209 60 4,890 4,310 580 217 158 59 3,837 3,577 260 Barbil Town (M) U 253 198 55 3,046 2,560 486 166 127 39 3,650 3,392 258 Balagoda (Bolani) U 16 11 5 1.844 1,750 94 51 31 20 187 185 2 Town (CT) 47 48 48 3 Champua P.S. (Portion) T 176 156 20 503 367 136 119 72 R 176 156 20 503 367 136 119 72 47 48 48 U 379 802 765 37 3 Champua Tahasil T 464 452 12 100 94 6 1,410 1,031 R 435 423 12 98 92 6 1,330 965 365 700 663 37 U 29 29 2 2 BO 66 14 102 102 241 660 627 33 3 Champua P.S. (Portion) T 316 312 4 79 75 4 753 512 33 R 287 283 4 77 73 4 673 446 227 558 525 14 102 102 U 29 29 2 2 BO 66 14 102 102 Champua Town (C.T.) U 29 29 2 2 BO 66 657 519 138 142 138 4 2 Baria P.S. T 148 140 8 21 19 2 4 R 148 140 8 21 19 2 657 519 138 142 138 U 381

- II and Urban Population in the District Main workers Constructions Trade and Transport, Other Marginal Non-workers (VI) Commerce Storage & Services Workers (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

3,155 2,803 35215,47414,823 651 6,955 6,543 41236,325 30,815 5,510 79,073 6,628 72,445 818,000 319,083 498,917 1,756 1,557 199 8,733 8,396 337 3,257 3,187 7023,786 20,538 3,248 77,734 6,34871,386 701,301 272,711 428,530 1,399 1,246 153 6,741 6,427 314 3,698 3,35634212,539 10,277 2,262 1,339 280 1,059 116,699 46,312 70,387 106 87 19 669 647 22 178 176 2 1,874 1,612 262 11,910 922 10,988 66,759 26,932 39,827 106 87 19 669 647 22 178 176 2 1,874 1,612 262 11,910 922 10,988 66,759 26,932 39,827

49 48 516 498 18 141 141 -- 1,287 1,143 144 6,692 534 6,158 41,340 16,468 24,872 49 48 516 498 18 141 141 -- 1,287 1,143 144 6,692 534 6,158 41,340 16,468 24,872

19 19 53 52 10 8 2 155 128 27 1,377 121 1,256 8,902 3,660 5,242 19 19 53 52 10 8 2 155 128 27 1,377 121 1,256 8,902 3,660 5,242

38 20 18 100 97 3 27 27 -- 432 341 91 3,841 267 3,574 16,517 6,804 9,713 38 20 18 100 97 3 27 27 -- 432 341 91 3,841 267 3,574 16,517 6,804 9,713

1,196 998 198 3,685 3,422 263 3,081 2,714 367 7,334 5,770 1,564 5,236 804 4,432 115,602 45,835 69,767 285 232 53 630 556 74 410 377 33 1,721 1,374 347 4,580 664 3,916 58,048 23,160 34,888 911 766 145 3,055 2,866 189 2,671 2,337 334 5,613 4,396 1,217 656 140 516 57,554 22,675 34,879 518 402 116 1,484 1,362 122 1,447 1,169278 3,771 2,916 855 3,038 369 2,669 51,959 20,734 31,225 142 108 34 372 328 44 285 255 30 816 654 162 2,764 294 2,470 31,080 12,528 18,552 376 294 82 1,112 1,034 78 1,162 914 248 2,955 2,262 693 274 75 199 20,879 8,206 12,673 376 294 82 1,112 1,034 78 1,162 914248 2,955 2,262 693 274 75 199 20,879 8,206 12,673 671 589 82 2,116 1,989 127 1,596 1,509 87 3,264 2,626 638 863 179 684 54,344 21,527 32,817 136 117 19 173 157 16 87 86 1 606 492 114 481 114 367 17,669 7,058 10,611 535 472 63 1,943 1,832 111 1,509 1,423 86 2,658 2,134 524 382 65 317 36,675 14,469 22,206 366 327 39 1,661 1,566 95 1,272 1,223 49 2,319 1,874 445 51 26 25 28,917 11,150 17,767 169 145 24 282 266 16 237 200 37 339 260 79 331 39 292 7,758 3,319 4,439

7 7 85 71 14 38 36 2 299 228 71 1,335 256 1,079 9,299 3,574 5,725 7 7 85 71 14 38 36 2 299 228 71 1,335 256 1,079 9,299 3,574 5,725

149 142 7 1,752 1,688 64 600 590 10 4,172 3,615 557 12,190 735 11,455 79,896 33,611 46,285 139 132 7 1,345 1,290 55 517 507 10 3,577 3,094 483 12,170 733 11,437 75,732 31,948 43,784 10 10 407 398 9 83 83 -- 595 521 74 20 2 18 4,164 1,663 2,501 107 102 5 1,396 1,352 44 522 512 10 2,915 2,550 365 4,579 341 4,238 50,047 20,301 29,746 97 92 5 989 954 35 439 429 10 2,320 2,029 291 4,559 339 4,220 45,883 18,638 27,245 10 10 407 398 9 83 83 -- 595 521 74 20 2 18 4,164 1,663 2,501 10 10 407 398 9 83 83 -- 595 521 74 20 2 18 4,164 1,663 2,501 42 40 2 356 336 20 78 78 -- 1,257 1,065 192 7,661 394 7,217 29,849 13,310 16,539 42 40 2 356 336 20 78 78 -- 1,257 1,065 192 7,661 394 7,217 29,849 13,310 16,539 382

APPE~DIX Tahasilwise P.C.A. Totals Showing Total, Rural

Location Name of Total Area In No of No of Total Populatton (Includ­ Total Populalton Schejuled Castes Code Dlstnctl Aural Sq Kms· Occu­ House­ Ing Instltuttonal and In the age group Number Tahasll/PS I Urban pied Ae­ holds Houseless Population) (0-6) Part PS I sldentlal U A ICllyl Houses Town

P M F P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

4 Kendujhar Tahasil T 1,46440 58833 60,329 320,211 161,349 158,862 55,637 28,027 27,610 29,233 14,755 14,478 A 1,43800 51,006 52,280 278,266138,607 139,659 49,628 24,985 24643 23,543 11,792 11,751 U 2640 7,827 8,049 41,945 22,742 19,203 6,009 3,042 2,967 5,690 2,963 2,727 1 Turumunga PS T 29930 10,355 10,683 56,402 27,694 28,708 9,559 4,876 4,683 4,830 2,359 2,471 A 29930 10,355 10,683 56,402 27,694 28,708 9,559 4,876 4,683 4,830 2,359 2,471 U 2 Patana PS T 34350 15,074 15,512 82,996 41,185 41,811 15,298 7,737 7,561 6,595 3,278 3,317 A 34350 15,074 15,512 82,996 41,185 41,811 15,298 7,737 7,561 6,595 3,278 3,317 U 3 KendujharSadarPS T 7385020,95021,270 113,43356,755 56,67820,22610,113 10,113 7,249 3,655 3,594 A 7385020,950 21,270 113,43356,755 56,678 20,226 10,113 10,113 7,249 3,655 3,594 U 4 KenduJharTown PS T 8310 12,454 12,864 67,380 35,715 31,665 10,554 5,301 5,253 10,559 5,463 5,096 A 5670 4,627 4,815 25,435 12,973 12,462 4,545 2,259 2,286 4,869 2,500 2,369 U 2640 7,827 8,049 41,945 22,742 19,203 6,009 3,042 2,967 5,690 2,963 2,727 KenduJhar Town (M) U 2640 7,827 8,049 41,945 22,742 19,203 6,009 3,042 2,967 5,690 2,963 2,727 5 Ghatgaon Tahasll T 2,25480 38,290 39,608 206,013103,923 102,090 39,838 20,124 19,714 13,130 6,621 6,509 A 2,25480 37,234 38,551 201,579101,559 100,020 39,106 19,788 19,318 12,587 6,340 6,247 UNA 1,056 1,057 4,434 2,364 2,070 732 336 396 543 281 262 Pandapara P S T 27320 9,260 9,328 47,993 23,986 24,007 8,825 4,495 4,330 2,627 1,320 1,307 A 27320 9,260 9,328 47,993 23,986 24,007 8,825 4,495 4,330 2,627 1,320 1,307 U 2 Ghatgaon P S T 52730 14081 14811 79,162 39,830 39,332 15,121 7,613 7,508 4,337 2,198 2,139 A 52730 14081 14811 79,162 39,830 39,332 15,121 7,613 7,508 4,337 2,198 2,139 U 3 Hanchandanpur PST 1,403 70 10,787 11,222 58,951 29,715 29,236 11,651 5,904 5,747 4,961 2,463 2,498 A 1,403 70 10,787 11,222 58,951 29,715 29,236 11,651 5,904 5,747 4,961 2,463 2,498 U 4 Daltan PS T 5060 4,162 4,247 19,907 10,392 9,515 4,241 2,112 2,129 1,205 640 565 A 5060 3,106 3,190 15,473 8,028 7,445 3,509 1,776 1,733 662 359 303 U N A 1,056 1,057 4,434 2,364 2,070 732 336 396 543 281 262 Daltan Town (C T) UNA 1,056 1,057 4,434 2,364 2,070 732 336 396 543 281 262 6 Anandapur Tahasll T 96377 37,277 39,425 228,148116,033 112,115 38,577 19,481 19,096 36,742 18,750 17,992 R 89090 32,409 34,251 197,870100,150 97,720 34,058 17,203 16,855 31,589 16,095 15,494 U 7287,4,868 5,174 30,278 15,883 14,395 4,519 2,278 2,241 5,153 2,655 2,498 Satnkul PS T 29900 9,588 10,108 60,107 30,284 29,823 9,675 4,958 4,717 11,852 6,015 5,837 R 299 00 9,588 10,108 60,107 30,284 29,823 9,675 4,958 4,717 11,852 6,015 5,837 U 2 Ghaslpura P S T 277 20 15,394 15,991 93,273 47,539 45,734 16,126 8,124 8,002 16,407 8,367 8,040 R 277 20 15,394 15,991 93,273 47,539 45,734 16,126 8,124 8,002 16,407 8,367 8,040 U 383

II and Urban Population in the District

Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers lOla: Main Cultlvat0 5 --A-=-g-r-Ic-u;"-Itur Workers (Il Labc r (I-IX) 'J

p M F p M ------F P M F P M r F' M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30

159,411 79,149 80,062 118,077 79,277 38,800 111,297 83,077 28,220 54,0(>1 44,03610,025 31,928 16,851 15 071 148,929 7'3,839 75,090 91,674 62,980 28,694 99,364 72,624 26,740 53,141 43,206 9,935 29,814 15,266 14 ::,48 10,482 5,510 4,972 26,403 16,297 10,106 11,933 10 453 1,480 9?0 830 90 2,114 1,585 52 c ? C'Q4 13,764 14,230 20,857 13,893 6,964 18,578 14,44' 4,137 11,101 9,541 1.560 4,?65 2,C~13 ?,172

27,:394 13,764 14,230 20,85713,893 6,96418,57814.441 4.137 ~1,101 9,5411,560 4,26::> ?OJ.) <..,

45,275 22,377 22,898 25,762 17,547 8,215 30,789 21,746 9,043 18,737 14,611 4,126 8,252 4,083 4,169 45,275 22,377 22,898 25,762 17.547 8,215 30,7E9 21,746 9,043 18,737 14,611 4,126 8,252 4,083 4,169

63,081 31,40831,673 36,220 25,391 10,829 41,837 29,889 11.948 20,393 164493,944 11,226 7,144 7,082

63,081 31,408 31,673 36,220 25,391 10,829 41,837 29,889 11948 20,391 16,449 3,9J~ 14 ,226 7,144 7,082

23,061 11,800 11,261 35,238 22,446 12,792 20,093 17,001 3,09;> 3,830 ...>,+35 395 5,185 3,531 1,654 12,579 6,290 6,289 8,835 6,149 2,686 8,160 6,548 1,612 2,910 2,605 305 3,071 1,946 1,125 10,482 5,510 4,972 26,403 16,297 10,106 11,933 10,453 1,480 920 830 90 2,114 1,585 529 10,482 5,510 4,972 26,403 16,297 10,106 11,933 10,453 1,480 920 830 90 2,114 1,585 529 120,745 60,469 60,276 63,748 45,292 18,456 68450 55,099 13,351 40,380 34,817 5,563 16,933 10,606 6,327 119,179 59,643 59,536 61,144 43,620 17,524 67,187 53,963 13,224 40,354 34,791 5,563 16,887 10,562 6,325 1,566 826 740 2,604 1,672 932 1,263 1,136 127 26 26 46 44 2 30,319 15,072 15,247 14,411 10,623 3,78R 16,897 12,750 4,147 10,568 8,783 1,785 4,604 2,518 2086 30,319 15,072 15,247 14,411 10,623 3,788 16,897 12,750 4,147 10,568 8,783 1,785 4,604 2,518 2,086

48,075 23,948 24,127 25,762 17,975 7,7P7 26,197 21,337 4,860 16,096 13,746 2,350 5,645 3,639 2,006 48,075 23,948 24,127 25,762 17,975 7,787 26,197 21,337 4,860 16,096 13,746 2,350 5,645 3,639 2006

29,096 14,658 14,438 17,410 12,344 5,066 18,543 15,590 2,953 10,651 9,584 1,067 5,323 3,808 1,515 29,096 14,658 14,438 17,410 12,344 5,066 18,543 15,590 2,953 10,651 9,584 1,067 5,323 3,808 1,515

13,255 6,791 6,464 6,165 4,350 1,815 6,813 5,422 1,391 3,065 2,704 361 1,361 1)41 720

11,689 5,965 5,724 3,561 2,678 883 5,550 4,286 1,264 3,039 2,671'1 361 1 '1' ') 597 718 1,566 826 740 2,604 1,672 932 1,263 1,136 127 26 26 46 44 2 1,566 826 740 2,604 1,672 932 1,263 1,136 127 26 26 46 44 2 63,524 32,152 31,372 100,116 63,150 36,966 63,360 58,522 4,838 32,112 31,474 638 17,325 14,362 2,963 60,970 30,807 30,163 82,239 52,312 29,927 55,543 51,234 4,309 29,974 29,370 604 16,268 13,430 2,838 2,554 1,345 1,209 17,877 10,838 7,039 7,817 7,288 529 2,138 2,104 34 1,057 932 125 6,369 3,231 3,138 30,782 18,716 12,066 15,694 14,963 731 7,829 7,743 86 4,496 4,233 263 6,369 3,231 3,138 30,782 18,716 12,066 15,694 14,963 731 7,825' 7,743 86 4,496 4,233 263

26,957 13,701 13,256 40,107 25,540 14,567 26,745 24,603 2,142 14,946 14,694 252 7,129 5,568 1,561 26,957 13,701 13,256 40,107 25,540 14,567 26,745 24,603 2,142 14,946 14,694 252 7,129 5,568 1,561

Kjr2 384

APPENDIX Tahasilwise p.e.A. Totals Showing Total, Rural

Location N3me Of District' Total Industrial category of Code 'ahasil/P.S.I Aural Livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Number Part P.S.lU.A.! Urban Forestery, Fishing, Quarrying Processing, Processing, City/Tow!1' Hunting and Planta­ (IV) Servicing and Servicing and tions, Orchards & Aepairs in Aepairs other allied activities Household than Household (III) Industry Industry (Va) (Vb) P M F p M F P M F P M F 2 3 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

4 Kendujhar Tahasil T 2,065 1,823 242 923 715 208 2,700 1,932 768 2,371 2,186 185 R 1,467 1,?4P 219 815 608 207 2,255 1,602 653 1,615 1,443 172 U 59R :75 23 108 107 1 445 330 115 756 743 13 Turumunga P.S. T 2f~ 235 27 10 9 612 449 163 186 165 21 R ?62 235 27 10 9 612 449 163 186 165 21

2 Patana P.S. T 390 259 131 23 21 2 694 452 242 259 200 59 A 390 259 131 23 21 2 694 452 242 259 200 59 U 3 Kendujhar Sade. P.S. T 619 567 52 728 53-' 191 859 629 230 966 901 65 R 61:; 567 52 728 537 191 859 629 230 966 901 65 U 4 Kend\ljhaf Town P.S. T 794 762 32 162 148 14 535 402 133 960 920 40 A 196 187 9 54 41 13 90 72 18 204 177 27 U 598 575 23 108 107 445 330 115756743 13 Kendujhar TC'wn (Ml U 598 575 23 108 107 445 330 115 756 743 13 5 Ghatgaon Tahasil T 1,113 1,039 74 1,163 1,065 98 1,936 1,516 420 885 794 91 A 1,084 1,020 64 288 246 42 1 ,929 1 ,509 420 879 790 89 U 29 18 10 875 819 56 7 7 6 4 2 P'mdapara P.S. T 121 114 7 3 3 493 377 116 64 59 5 R 121 114 7 3 3 493 377 t16 64 59 5 U 2 Ghatgaon PS. T 491 477 14 16 16 899 727 172 196 189 7 R 491 477 14 16 16 899 727 172 196 189 7 U 3 Harichandanpur P.S T 346 337 9 59 55 4 482 365 117 162 148 14 R 346 337 9 59 55 4 482 365 117 162 148 14 U 4 Daitari P.S. T 155 111 44 1,085 991 94 62 47 15 463 398 65 A 126 92 34 210 172 38 55 40 15 457 394 63 U 29 19 10 875 819 56 7 7 6 4 2 Deitari Town (C.T.) U 29 19 10 875 819 56 7 7 6 4 2 6 Anandapur Tahasil T 958 928 30 194 193 1 1,888 1,452 436 896 874 22 A 698 680 18 177 176 1,511 1,093 418 694 675 19 U 260 248 12 17 17 377 359 18 202 199 3 Sainkul P.S. T 178 170 8 128 128 718 476 242 267 261 6 R 178 170 8 128 128 718 476 242 267 261 6 U 2 Ghasipura P.S. T 390 385 5 42 41 463 386 77 368 356 12 R 390 385 5 42 41 463 386 77 368 356 12 U 385

- II and Urban Population in the District Maih workers Constructions Trade and Transport, Other Marginal Non-workers (VI) Commerce Storage & Services Workers (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F p M F 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

879 805 74 4,020 3,866 154 1,572 1,545 2710,778 9,318 1,460 22,939 1,95820,981 1''':;,975 76,314 109,661 579 511 68 2,132 2,058 74 852 832 20 6,694 5,850 844 22,620 1,895 20,725 156,282 64,088 92,194 300 294 6 1,888 1,808 80 720 713 7 4,084 3,468 616 319 63 256 29,693 12,226 17,467 119 119 491 469 22 144 132 12 1,388 1,229 159 7,822 604 7,218 30,002 12,649 17,353 119 119 491 469 22 144 132 12 1,388 1,229 159 7,822 604 7,218 30,002 12,649 17,353

99 97 2 457 437 20 135 133 2 1,743 1,453 290 7,214 514 6,700 44,993 18,925 26,068 99 97 2 457 437 20 135 133 2 1,743 1,453 290 7,214 514 6,700 44,993 18,925 26,068

246 195 51 833 812 21 379 376 3 2,588 2,279 309 6,720 734 5,986 64,876 26,132 38,744 246 195 51 833 812 21 379 376 3 2,588 2,279 309 6,720 734 5,986 64,876 26,132 38,744

415 394 21 2,239 2,148 91 914 904 10 5,059 4,357 702 1,183 106 1,077 46,104 18,608 27,496 115 100 15 351 340 11 194 191 3 975 889 86 864 43 821 16,411 6,382 10,029 300 294 6 1,888 1,808 80 720 713 7 4,084 3,468 616 319 63 256 29,693 12,226 17,467 300 294 6 1,888 1,808 80 720 713 7 4,084 3,468 616 319 63 256 29,693 12,226 17,467 338 306 32 1,527 1 ,462 65 514 510 4 3,661 2,984 677 ;9,411 1,198 18,213 118,152 47,626 70,526 324 292 32 1,415 1,371 44 502 499 3 3,525 2,883 642 19,379 1,18318,196 115,013 46,413 68,600 14 14 112 91 21 12 11 136 101 35 32 15 17 3,139 1,213 1,926 41 40 225 215 10 33 32 745 609 136 3,865 296 3,569 27,231 10,940 16,291 41 40 225 215 10 33 32 745 609 136 3,865 296 3,569 27,231 10,940 16,291

159 139 20 717 698 19 240 240 -- 1,738 1,466 272 11,124 44710,677 41,841 18,046 23,795 159 139 20 717 698 19 240 240 -- 1,738 1,466 272 11,124 447 10,677 41,841 18,046 23,795

102 97 5 413 400 13 92 92 913 704 209 3,248 381 2,867 37,160 13,744 23,416 102 97 5 413 400 13 92 92 -- 913 704 209 3,248 381 2,867 37,160 13,744 23,416

36 30 6 172 149 23 149 146 3 265 205 60 1,174 74 1,100 11,920 4,896 7,024 22 16 6 60 58 2 137 135 2 129 104 25 1,142 59 1,083 8,781 3,683 5,098 14 14 112 91 21 12 11 136 101 35 32 15 17 3,139 1,213 1,926 14 14 112 91 21 12 11 136 101 35 32 15 17 3,139 1,213 1,926 345 336 9 2,788 2,740 48 708 708 -- 6,146 5,455 691 5,782 828 4,954 159,006 56,683 102,323 181 174 7 1,509 1,476 33 496 496 -- 4,035 3,664 371 5,470 768 4,702 136,857 48,148 88,709 164 162 2 1,279 1,264 15 212 212 -- 2,111 1,791 320 312 60 252 22,149 8,535 13,614 40 35 5 562 549 13 175 75 -- 1,301 1,193 108 495 116 379 43,918 15,205 28,713 40 35 5 562 549 13 175 75 -- 1,301 1,193 108 495 116 379 43,918 15,205 28,713

102 100 2 722 709 13 277 277 -- 2,306 2,087 219 2,560 342 2,218 63,968 22,594 41,374 102 100 2 722 709 13 277 277 -- 2,306 2,087 219 2,560 342 2,218 63,968 22,594 41,374

Kir2 386

APPENDIX Tahasilwise p.e.A. TOlals Showing Total, Rural

Location Name of Total Area In No of No of Total Populatton (Includ- Total Populalton Scheduled Castes Code District! Rural Sq Kms· Occu- House- Ing Institutional and 'f! the age group Number Tahasll/P S I Urban pled Re- holds Houseless Population) (0-6) Part PS I sldentlal U A IClty! Houses Town

P M t= P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

3 Anandapur P S T 38757 12,295 13,326 74,768 Cl& 210 36,558 12,776 6,399 6,377 8,483 4,368 4,115 R 314.70 7,427 8,152 44490 22,327 22,163 8,257 4,121 4,136 3,330 1,713 1,617 U 7287 4,868 5,174 30,2/8 15,883 14,395 4,519 2,278 2,241 5,153 2,655 2,498 Anandapur Town (NAC) U 7287 4,868 5,174 20,278 15,883 14,395 4,519 2,278 2,241 5,153 2,655 2,498 7 Hatadlhl Tahasll T 43140 21,371 22,603 132,969 67,427 65,542 21,403 10,891 10,512 31,909 16,029 15,880 R 43140 21,371 22,603 132,969 67,427 65,542 21,403 10,891 10,512 31,909 16,029 15,880 U Anandapur PS (Portlon)T 383O 3,n7 3,390 19,483 9,946 9,537 3,248 1,687 1,561 4,917 2,500 2,417 R 383O 3,277 3,390 19,483 9,946 9,537 3,248 1,687 1,561 4,917 2,500 2,417 U 2 Nandlpada P S. T 17570 9,440 10,297 63,367 31,923 31,444 9,635 4,937 4,698 18,501 9,271 9,230 R 175.70 9,440 10,297 63,367 31,923 31,444 9,635 4,937 4,698 18,501 9,271 9,230 U 3 Soso PS T 21740 8,654 8,916 50,119 25,558 24,561 8,520 4,267 4,253 8,491 4,258 4,233 R 21740 8,654 8,916 50,119 25,558 24,561 8,520 4,267 4,253 8,491 4,258 4,233 U 387

- II and Urban Population in the District

Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial Category of Main Workers Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Workers (I) Labourers (I-IX) (II)

P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

30,198 15,220 14,978 29,227 18,894 10,333 20,921 18,956 1,965 9,337 9,037 300 5,700 4,561 1,139 27,644 13,875 13,769 11,350 8,056 3,294 13,104 11,668 1,436 7,199 6,933 266 4,643 3,629 1,014 2,554 1,345 1,209 17,877 10,838 7,039 7,817 7,288 529 2,138 2,104 34 1,057 932 125 2,554 1,345 1,209 17,877 10,838 7,039 7,817 7,288 529 2,138 2,104 34 1,057 932 125 23,496 11,943 11,553 63,137 39,584 23,553 38,754 35,162 3,592 19,311 19,088 223 8,609 7,440 1,169 23,496 11,943 11,553 63,137 39,584 23,553 38,754 35,162 3,592 19,311 19,088 223 8,609 7,440 1,169

2,784 1,419 1,365 9,005 5,741 3,264 5,410 5,074 336 2,992 2,916 76 1,399 1,204 195 2,784 1,419 1,365 9,005 5,741 3,264 5,410 5,074 336 2,992 2,916 76 1,399 1,204 195

2,976 1,541 1,435 34,173 20,634 13,539 17,174 16,578 596 10,542 10,507 35 4,015 3,701 314 2,976 1,541 1,435 34,173 20,634 13,539 17,174 16,578 596 10,542 10,507 35 4,015 3,701 314

17,736 8,983 8,753 19,959 13,209 6,750 16,170 13,510 2,660 5,777 5,665 112 3,195 2,535 660 17,736 8,983 8,753 19,959 13,209 6,750 16,170 13,510 2,660 5,777 5,665 112 3,195 2,535 660 388

APPENDIX Tahasilwise p.e.A. Totals Showing Total, Rural Location Name of District! Total Industrial category of Code Tahasil/P.S.! Rural livestock, Mining and Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Number Part P.S.lU.AJ Urban Forestery, Fishing, Quarrying Processing, Processing, City/Town. Hunting and Planta- (IV) Servicing and Servicing and tions, Orchards & Repairs in Repairs other allied activities Household than Household (III) Industry Industry (Va) (Vb) p M F P M F P M F P M F 2 3 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40' 41 42

3 Anandapur P.S. T 390 373 17 24 24 707 590 117 261 257 4 R 130 125 5 7 7 330 231 99 59 58 1 U 260 248 12 17 17 377 359 18 202 199 3 Anandapur Town (NAC) U 260 248 12 17 17 377 359 18 202 199 3 7 Hatadihi Tahasil T 707 672 35 5,369 3,693 1,676 553 433 120 368 348 20 R 707 672 35 5,369 3,693 1,676 553 433 120 368 348 20 U Anandapur P.S. (Portion) T 99 93 6 42 32 10 101 93 8 93 92 R 99 93 6 42 32 10 101 93 8 93 92 U 2 Nandipada P.S. T 216 209 7 31 31 326 246 80 178 168 10 R 216 209 7 31 31 326 246 80 178 168 10 U 3 SosoP.S. 370 T '" 392 22 5,296 3,630 1,666 126 94 32 97 88 9 R 392 370 22 5,296 3,630 1,666 126 94 32 9'7 88 9 U

• These represent "Geographical area" figures supplied by the Surveyor General, India. Figures for Urban Areas have been supplied by the local bodies. Area figures for Rural Areas are derived by subtracting the urban area from the total area of the District. The total of the area figures of the Tahasils will not tally with that of the District figures, because the former represent "Land use" area and derived from the figures supplied by the local revenue authorities. 389

- I( and Urban Population in the District Main workers COnstructions Trade and Transport, Other Marginal Non-workers (VI) Commerce . Storage & Services Workers (VII) Communications (IX) (VIII)

P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 __ 203 201 2 1,504 1,482 22 256 256 2,539 2,175 364 2,727 370 2,357 51,120 18,884 32,236 39 39 225 218 7 44 44 _- 428 384 44 2,41:5 310 2,105 28,971 10,349 18,622 164 162 2 1,279 1,264 15 212 212 -- 2,111 1,791 320 312 60 252 22,149 8,535 13,614 164 162 2 1,279 1,264 15 212 212 _. 2,111 1,791 320 312 60 252 22,149 8,535 13,614 142 129 13 1,033 998 35 302 300 2 2,360 2,061 299 1,605 183 1,422 92,610 32,082 60,528 142 129 13 1,033 .998 35 302 300 2 2,360 2,061 299 1,605 183 1,422 92,610 32,082 60,528

17 16 243 238 5 38 38 .. 386 352 34 295 31 264 13,778 4,841 8,937 17 16 243 238 5 38 38 .- 386 352 34 295 31 264 13,778 4,841 8,937

50 43 7 443 421 22 167 166 1,206 1,086 120 576 89 487 45,617 15,256 30,361 50 43 7 443 .421 22 167 166 1,206 1,086 120 576 89 487 45,617 15,256 30,361

75 70 5 347 339 8 97 96 768 623 145 734 63 671 33,215 11,985 21,230 75 70 5 347 339 8 97 96 768 623 145 734 63 671 33,215 11,985 21,230 .. 390


Total, Secheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Population urban blockwise

L.C. Name of the Total Scheduled Scheduled L.C. Name of the Total Scheduled Scheduled No. TownlWard/ Population Castes Tribes No. TownlWardl Population Castes Tribes Urban Block Urban Block 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

BARBIL (M) 42,032 5,530 11,904 Block - 37 399 2 57 Ward NO.1 2,848 254 841 - 38 663 36 118 Block - 1 393 47 116 - 39 453 59 281 -2 407 53 42 - 40 507 157 191 -3 638 5 18 - 41 436 56 226 -4 816 56 439 - 42 497 130 88 -5 594 93 226 Ward No. - 8 5,180 696 1,374 Ward No.2 2,825 250 1,546 Block - 43 594 81 236 Block - 6 463 6 267 -44 492 107 132 -7 680 507 - 45 502 3 226 -8 617 32 443 - 46 573 65 80 -9 615 146 272 - 47 600 39 72 - 10 450 66 57 - 48 372 73 147 Ward No.3 3,152 765 1,090 - 49 572 149 121 Block - 11 638 126 145 - 50 432 87 80 -12 573 170 282 - 51 460 • 38 73 -13 363 99 63 - 52 583 54 207 -14 400 94 159 Ward No. - 9 4,641 586 1,840 - 15 474 135 158 Block - 53 477 29 78 - 16 704 141 283 - 54 468 96 287 Ward No.4 3,902 970 984 • 55 563 119 311 Block - 17 735 207 261 - 56 448 33 122 - 18 396 74 58 - 57 610 26 337 -19 439 29 51 - 58 753 68 406 - 20 695 233 143 - 59 643 111 188 - 21 671 99 207 - 60 679 104 131 - 22 438 269 76 Ward No. - 10 3,937 433 1,494 528 59 188 Block - 61 626 148 164 Ward No. - 5 3,692 303 304 ·62 410 32 179 Block - 24 820 31 4 - 63 548 31 300 - 25 706 6 2 -64 508 27 87 -26 369 10 29 - 65 287 27 26 - 27 625 47 157 - 66 671 72 357 - 28 744 106 97 - 67 499 54 198 - 29 428 103 15 - 68 388 42 183 Ward No. - 6 3,477 393 404 Ward No. - 11 4,954 439 1,060 Block - 30 531 80 88 Block - 69 641 16 199 - 31 463 34 42 -70 370 16 63 - 32 703 154 80 - 71 534 55 43 - 33 548 68 100 -72 717 54 47 -34 447 55 27 -73 519 13 8 - 35 785 2 67 -74 634 140 81 Ward No.-7 3,424 441 967 -75 641 102 250 Block - 36 469 1 6 - 76 898 43 369

Kjr2 391


Total, Secheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Population urban blockwise

LC. Name of the Total Scheduled Scheou:ed LG. ~!3me of the Total Scheduled Scheduled No. TownlWardl Population Castes Tribes No. TONnl\Vardl Population Castes Tribes Urban Block U,ban Block 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

" JODA (NAC) 31,069 5,432 10,617 Ward No. - 8 2,439 433 1,030 Ward No.-1 3,178 494 1,024 81')ck - 37 411 43 254 Block - 1 740 17 83 - 38 666 21 456 -2 853 277 164 - 39 581 218 2 -3 749 186 175 - 40 781 151 318 -4 836 14 G02 Ward r!o. - 9 3,017 271 1,607 Ward No. - 2 3,567 663 C4~ 8!osk - 41 550 44 358 Block - 5 907 11b 68 - 42 537 100 202

-6 409 74 5~ - 43 852 79 423 -7 80S 115 113 - 44 538 29 243 - 8 788 183 257 - 45 540 19 381 - 9 655 166 152 Ward No. - 10 1.245 112 545 Ward No. - 3 2,559 462 8136 Block - 46 551 4 157 Block - 10 570 158 204 - 47 694 108 388 - 11 675 135 408 Ward No. - 11 2,149 537 1,078 - 12 774 126 164 Block - 48 490 120 201 -13 540 43 90 - 49 556 159 218 Ward No. - 4 3,126 660 867 - 50 599 111 382 Block - 14 553 241 183 - 51 504 147 277 -15 5

Kjr2 392

APPENDIX - III .... lbt· r;' "-istes Tribes No. TownlWardl Population Castes Tribes Urban Block Urban Block ----=-.:..::..::..:'-'--=-~'------2 3 ,~ 5 2 3 4 5

- 22 573 179 - 68 490 20 301 - 23 571 323 43 - 69 597 165 345 Ward No. - 6 2,366 99 -70 428 22 123 Block - 25 740 70 227 Ward No. - 13 1,426 615 302 - 26 352 8 158 Block - 73 566 63 66 - 27 505 6 52 -74 698 496 159 - 28 769 15 183 -75 162 56 77 Ward No. - 7 2,644 300 134 Ward No. - 14 45 9 36 Block - 29 564 53 54 Block - 4 45 9 36 - 30 642 130 60 Ward No. - 15 195 195 - 31 431 94 11 Block - 5 195 195 - 32 513 22 9 Ward No. - 16 1,393 73 592 - 33 494 Block - 43 511 44 45 Ward No. - 8 2,434 252 342 -44 495 29 193 Block - 34 577 81 50 - 45 387 354 - 35 541 71 189 Ward No - 17 190 8 25 - 36 634 31 59 Block - 46 190 8 25 - 37 682 69 44 Ward No. - 18 893 28 54 Ward No - 9 2,819 706 453 Block - 55 571 28 54 Block - 38 464 2S 47 - 56 322 - 39 473 20 10 Ward No. - 19 1,138 123 47 - 40 539 318 26 Block - 57 510 10 14 - 41 424 5 128 - 58 628 113 33 - 42 919 340 242 Ward No. - 20 226 7 28 Ward No. 10 4,277 280 624 Block - 24 226 7 28 Block - 47 520 89 196 Ward No. - 21 1,017 52 844 - 48 486 18 20 Block - 71 674 52 562 - 49 658 33 82 -72 343 282 - 50 460 62 151 Ward No. - 22 81 77 - 51 573 12 27 Block - 76 81 77 - 52 464 11 8 Ward No. - 23 1,476 355 375 - 53 549 24 48 Block - 77 704 32 130 - 54 567 31 92 -78 772 323 245 Ward No. - 11 2,896 214 660 IV ANANDAPUR 30,278 5,153 2,554 Block - 59 898 42 326 (NAC) - 60 159 58 236 Ward No. - 1 1,999 55 612 - 61 545 4 17 Block - 1 726 114 - 62 694 110 81 -2 467 263 Ward No. 12 3,771 278 1,769 -3 806 55 235 - 63 468 31 64 Ward No. - 2 2,125 20 194 -64 329 13 16 Block - 4 603 20 6 - 65 501 10 225 - 5 546 29 - 66 464 14 243 -6 331 97 - 67 494 3 452 -7 645 62

Kjr2 393


Total, Secheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Population urban blockwise

L.C. Name of the Total Scheduled Scheduled L.C. Name of the Total Scheduled Scheduled No. TownlWardl Population Gastes Tribes No. TownlWardl Population Castes Tribes Urban Block Urban Block 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

Ward No. - 3 1,896 309 154 - 42 150 2 5 Block - 8 575 20 Ward No. - 13 2,128 669 189 -9 484 174 50 Block - 43 691 413 28 - 10 420 66 91 -44 562 19 90 - 11 417 49 13 - 45 315 22 45 Ward No. - 4 1,809 358 14 - 46 560 215 26 Block - 12 729 183 5 Ward No. - 14 1,600 183 56 - 13 550 5 Block - 47 478 169 - 14 530 175 4 - 48 430 13 16 Ward No. - 5 1,794 156 2 - 49 692 1 40 Block - 15 690 58 Ward No. - 15 1,856 110 564 - 16 639 97 2 Block - 50 554 6 23 - 17 465 1 - 51 620 35 58 Ward No. - 6 1,771 405 5 - 52 682 69 483 Block - 18 586 4 Ward No. - 16 1,806 427 326 -19 627 Block - 53 819 296 13 - 20 558 405 - 54 266 29 49 Ward No.-7 2,124 201 123 - 55 721 102 264 Block - 21 530 108 21 - 22 662 72 18 V BOLAGODA 11,370 1,363 2,620 - 23 191 15 (BOLANI) (C.T.) - 24 741 6 84 Ward No. -1 11,370 1,363 2,620 Ward No. - 8 2,303 775 4 Block - 1 402 9 31 Block - 25 506 311 1 -2 433 21 50 - 26 536 126 3 -3 754 11 105 - 27 573 165 -4 598 118 228 - 28 688 173 -5 631 78 85 Ward No. - 9 1,207 125 23 -6 550 103 77 Block - 29 785 -7 511 48 46 - 30 422 125 23 -8 579 13 232 Ward No. - 10 1,986 676 -9 484 98 191 Block - 31 523 51 -10 539 33 214 - 32 521 475 - 11 392 26 138 - 33 529 103 -12 376 37 114 -34 413 47 -13 793 143 278 Ward No. - 11 1,908 329 165 - 14 662 123 38 Block - 35 322 122 11 -15 424 76 238 - 36 674 132 8 - 16 228 51 89 - 37 564 39 21 - 17 654 206 172 - 38 348 36 125 -18 325 61 41 Ward No. - 12 1,966 355 123 -19 416 16 56 Block - 39 641 160 102 - 20 802 66 140 - 40 513 182 4 - 21 415 11 35 - 41 662 11 12 - 22 402 15 22

Kjr2 394


Total, Secheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Population urban blockwise

L.C. Name of the Total Scheduled Scheduled L.C. Name of the Total Scheduled Scheduled No. Town/Ward! Population Castes Tribes No. Town/Ward! Population Castes Tribes Urban Block Urban Block 2 3 4 5 2 2 4 5

VI DAITARI (C.T.) 4,434 543 1,566 VII CHAMPUA 5,746 385 808 Ward No. - 1 415 32 28 (C.T.) Block - 1 415 32 28 Ward No. - 1 5,746 385 808 Ward No. - 2 822 205 280 Block - 1 518 2 58 Block - 2 465 148 237 - 2 596 -3 357 57 43 -3 445 59 48 Ward No. - 3 868 97 163 -4 526 Block - 5 263 66 65 -5 409 - 6 605 31 98 - 6 508 21 66 Ward No. - 4 1,648 151 740 -7 319 27 31 Block - 7 587 37 279 - 8 204 27 23 - 8 502 45 205 - 9 867 152 264 - 9 559 "'-9 256 - 10 704 35 193 Ward No. - 5 681 58 355 - 11 288 21 74 Block - 4 681 58 355 - 12 362 41 51 ORISSA TELKOI TAHASIL DISTRICT KENDUJHAR Km2E=~~===t==~====~6==~8Km 0 2 4 N

TELKOI TAHASIL CHAN~ IN JURISDICTJON 1981-91 b=t 0 T IrK'" \ ; r-"-{...... F, (./ 'Jr 'oJ ( _,. <- r \ I ....? / Boundary,Dlstrict --- .., \." TohO$II- - - ~s TELKO' TAHASIL- / ~ --"'''''''''''. ( , "\ \.. \ " r ...... ,)./- ~Areo lo.t to ~ ereat:::...... -. "otgoon Tahost ....

., , .". BOLndory, District Tohosil

Pol(l""~ S4a110tl DJorrundoRF f- orest-Reserved with nome \ 1-ieodquorfers: fohasll. Pol c. OC?;to'l' on @@ KQr~dongl T Vllla~es hovlno 2000 &. obo\,e population WI1h \lotloool tilohwo~ norne NH 6

nporfont Metalled ~ood Jnmefolled o'ld otl-ael ROOde: g:lver 01"10 <::;t"eam Pos. Offlcf' P0 C:;chooi s Primary Health Centre, Olo;pensory @+ Important village Hot 6

Bosed upon survey of Indio mop with 'he permission of the S url/eyor Genera) of Indkr © Government of fndlQ CopyrlQht, 1997 ORISSA BARBIL TAHASIL DISTRICT KENDUJHAR

.. -.._.. --...... , .. _ / ...... r '-.. ( .. _.. f ( /_.. \ \ /' TII

!"O. Karo RF' ./ / / /i i j 41i / , r~l ( \ i ( / -- .-,­ \,c HAM P U A P.s. -~ -.. ,'""'- ..., «PORTIO .. , \

"'_""-' ( / i P.8. r- ~. ,. r . '-.J ('. \ \, (

.... i ... i I For'" _."'_' .,A., .'. \ ." ...._ ...... '-. o ,



Importlmt Mllfo!led ROod UnmetallO!d and other Roos. ~ -W--- RQ((way /roe with Sta...... , GQU



• • A .....


• n /'"'_._. i ,I / ,. I .... (i .. ,

BOWIdort. Stat. Ol,"lct T ...... Pf;Jlc. Sfotton R ...rvect For ••t RF @@ ~ ~ 2000 t abo~ papukrfton wHit name AaGft~ IXIHIn ....., WIttIi location code number. ~ SH II 1Inporton, M.tal.. d Road Un ...... _. .-d otl'l.r Road. Rtv.r DftdS,.,... Po.. OHlc./ PMt _. T.I.V"GPIt Offkl. ttlVh Schoof

Pri~y ...... Centr•• Oisptln-.:r)',MoternttrOfaod Child W.lfar. Centra Important vll~ Mcark.t.1 Hot

BONd upon SLlr~J' .f IndIQ mop _itb 'h. p.r""'- of the Suryeyor Genaral of Indio. g> g_ o TAHAS, ~ L ... ~ J.~':. 1 /:,5 __._._., .r--·-...... U> ~ iO , /... '( !; %i ----._ -_. : ( .: ~ " ~ r:{ Dr'-' ;;- ~ ~ .c:~.... _.,\ ,...../'-' 3 .".i 4il ~ \...·l E Pi' ~ i ~'" I. i os i- f r ...... 'P a '--...... i '-. i ~ ." (/) .. _ r·...... - I !; ~ ."_ -..; g- c: 3' , i '''_. ~ r'~ ,.. ~ It. [ i ~ I 1 ,- ~ . '_-' ;. I ",0',10 !" o • o\~o9>

! I

CI m en '"z -I c ::III c: o -n c.. -I ::J: o '" » :D ~m :a en z en CI ,. c: ;! c.. ::I:,. ::J:» ::III til r- ORISSA GHATGAON TAHASIL DISTRICT KENDUJHAR Km2 0 2 4 6 8 Km

N t .,.

RF z

p z RF

__ RF ,-V- / I ./ /-


> Jojapur Rood ~


CD. Block Soundilry excludes St.. tutory Town.

BoundorYt Dlstrlcf .,. ~ A S Taha,.' C I( \ Police Station 0 Forest-Reserved, wIth nome. AfeiRF Head!':!uorters: Tahosll. Police StatIon @© VUlooes haYing 2 000 , above population with name Hoo~da ( ...... --1. Urban areG wlfh locaflon cade number W~ ; State Highway $Nfl .(.., Important Metalled Rood , , UnmetoUed and other Roads ;, Railway hne .ith Stohon,Brood Guage __, Rivet and S'ream 1...... Po., Ollie. (Po.' & Televroph Ornee Hlob Schoof, De9ree Colleoe Hospital, Primary Health Centre, Dispensary

Important village Market j Hot

~ Area voined from Kendujhor ToW-asli. ~Ar.o gained from T.lkoi Tohosil. d u1)On Sun.y of Indio map with th.,.rrnission of the Surveyor G.nerol of "'diQ, © Government at Indio copyrIQht.1997. ·(..L

~ DISTRICT KENDU.JHAR ...... _ ~ '/; ...... JI" ...... N I " i ...... , ANANDAPUR P.S. "'? \ (PORTION) "

S"mosl!pur RF

\ \ .I

z .-' "? """"'--' • ---- I / o ,:



1. Polic. Statlon Headqu~rters of Ghasipuril P.S. is locahd at Anilndapur Town of Anandapur '.S, 2. Portion of An~nd~pur P.S. t~ls unclor H.'.dlhl Tahasil. ______

ANANDAPUR TAHASIL CHANGE IN JURISDICTION 1981-91 .' 8 0 8 16 Kin Boundary, District ;..._' , I TahasU ( ...... Police Slolion \ .\ Forest-Reserved with nome. SontoshpurRF ( :; Boundary District _._._ 1-teadquarter.: Taho.n, PoRc. station @@ Kontipol VllIaoes haying 2 000 " aboye population wifh name • Urban area wllh locotton code number 'C-:,J / I.~'--- State Highway wllh numb... Important M.,aII.d Road Unm.tolled ...d other Roads >NANlAPUR ~:~B'~~'; RIver and Str.am L /,,,'.7 . ~~ Post Office (Post & TeleQl'apI\ Office POJPTO i ._. (/ ~ School, 0_•• CoRege sel Hospital. Primary Heatt" Ceotr., 010_... ,.. (.(-."".--.~ Materlilt)' and Child W ..If .... C.ntr. Important village Marlle1, Hat i ~ Area loa' to newl), cr... '.d H,,'odlhl Tahasll.

...... " _ S ..r...., of IncIlo _,. w"" _ p.rm...... n ofo III. Sur".yor General at India. @ Government of In.... C04>lfrlOht, 1997. ORISSA HATADIHI TAHASIL DISTRICT KENDUJHAR Km 2 0 2 4 6 8 K ~b-3~==EI==~It====I~==~1 ==~I m


~ ~

..---=~rn'ftiUi~U"A'C;'..----C-"-l\---Q)- HATADIKf'tAHASIL - CHANGE IN JURISDICTION 1981-91 Boundary. District /8 0 8 16Km ,kbs' I ! Tahasil ./ ...... Police Station < ...... " " ) \ Boundary,District _._._ Forest-Reserved with name. Dolki RF i ./" Tahosil-·_·- Headquarters: Tohasll, Police Station @@ ) / ~ Ballcho S~.S / .~'~/ VlUalles having 2 000 , above population with nome ( \.,..,..,,/~ Important Metalled Road )ANANDAPUR TAHASIL )HAT JH . Unmetalled and other Roods River and Stream _j ~~ Canol .~.-.~~-;? ~~~.~.' Post Office / Post &. Telegraph Office PO I PTO \ .,.r." ..... ~ High School • '.4 . Dispensary + ~ Newly created Hatadihi Tahasil from Important village Hat .6. ~ Anandapur Tahasil.

Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor ® Government of indio Copyright. 1997. General of Indio. ORISSA TELKOI P.S. (SHEET No. I ) DISTRICT KENDUJHAR T G t/ , ..

...... , • ...


Boundery, a'slnel

P(ll~e Stahon CD Block VlUaoe with location code numbCl L=-_3~ Forut-Reserved Fl' HtaoqIJor1crs PolitI!' S'tjflon , o vlnOQes With populctlon %.Ize Below 20Q'j o ••• 200-499,500 999 S. tOOO-499~ Uninhabited vllioges with locallon code nu""cc-, )'.42 Important MeloUed RoaJ .. Unmetoll" J ond other Roods R,.,er ano ')ireom Po,.t Offlc(' I Po:;.1 & Tele9roph Office HJgh School HOSPltOl, h "10ry Ht"oHh Centre', Dispensary.

Materlll'Y D"td Ch,ld Welfare Centr"

Important \(! 'lgl! Hoi ft"i(C PSIS a pOri of Telk~1 CO Block o

BO'it'rJ U~':l'1 .I' ev f I\J 0 ",oj) with the p~rrt' .. !II",) of th'l! Sur .... eyor GereftM of InOlo © Goyctnrnen' of .t'\dlQ cCopy' , 1~97 , , 0 J:) r-l 1 ~ , I I :1 1 • I : Ell "0 ~ I> Ul 'X, :;) ~l 0 .., :} , I i @ ~'1/ 1"'1 . :J u. '11 , I i

(> ...______._...... ii 11.::0 ...... ii .....U' •• ~.w'_"~.,",,:-,

ORISSA I KANJIPANI P.S. , o DISTRICT KENDUJHARI Km! 0 J 2 :3 4 "'.,., t="~~==*=--=:_-=E_=?,cL ---J N

.,. ()

BounCory I pistrict

Police S~Qtion " K!:.!\,J'F'l)'t\if P.S. CD Alock Vllloge wllh loeolion code number r.:: ~ Il~ ~~-:J " Foresf- Reserved _... R,F HeOQ4UOr1ers: Police stotlon ;j VlIlJges wilh populolion size: Below 200,1_ 0 ••• 200-499, 500-999 A iOOO-4999 J" X,I} B 0 8 /6 '(m Notional Highway NH 6 ~==J.:::.--:::l ilmportonf Melolled Rood Un-metalled and other Roods River and Stream

Boundary. Distnct _. \-" \ / Post OfflC~ C.D. BLOCKS __ Police Station H!l.Jh Srhoo! '\ (- A-BANSPAL iKANJIPANI P S \. Dlc;pensmy /- -, B-TELKOI ,...... {'- ) Important village Hat ~ Area lost 10 newly crea1ed Nayar-ote P.S .... l:'.J


Based upon Survey of Indio mop with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. © Government of Jndla copyrj9nt.J~ -_, , ,

I I' I I



I I ;; I,) • : ~ + I I ::.;, 1<@ • 1(1 &' '" ~


.g ~"1 _ VI~ :::::~::" g~ '& ~ ______~~~ ____~~~N~s~~~r~~~ onS 8 I ORISSA JODA P. S. ~.•• DISTRICT KENDUJHAR



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BoundQly lo!,. flo;rct (Ion ,,0 B'"",y + Ill.:).... "I ('iiI:" III 8><1 f- orcst R" ( ~F'''; HeadQum' .. r" Po t:t' S '1'1 I)

V lIoql's .... Ilh pop 1101 (,II'> It!.

)O~ 1 """! £"[ ~<:t ~ rn ... 4Y~)

Unlnhllb ,,.1 !1('I{jI'! 'I I (\)1" "Ill' nutl"lober

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Important Melalled Rood

Urll lC tolled and other Roods

(..J ~ ()C l Rlller and Stream V j gP If 1 I (..ollvn code number [-- 33 Post ()fhce PO ~op::e!i! Rpt:,erved RF S

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V Iloqes with popll-lion SlH Below lOO, ) Mc·e!f'\·, J i Chlo 'II Ifare CPf1re ~ ( 1 ~ "( \I "" ro,> 4ggg r C ••• Ir fJortcm" v lrage Hof

h l- PU V Q~l?' N \ rot on co jf' r X 3t

OOSf"d ro ~ py-of nd a map WI! 1 re ~crrnrss on of t 1e Sl f Ie/or General of IndIo © Coverrment of ndJQ cODynqh 1991 , r'" " I I I " I :'N i i ::g:O' :\ I :1 I i i :LJ

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Based upon .3Urvey ot lndlo map w)th tne perm,:.siofl of the Surv,yol General of Indio ORISSA KENDUJHAR SADAR P. S. (ItlUTa•• 11 DISTRICT KENDUJHAR

2 ~ 4 Km K"'b Y I -=±=;-l



KENnUJHAR SADAR ? S CHANGE IN JURISDICTION f9Bf-9f Krntl 0 16Km ES=c::J'=:==!:=:::I1 o

~ Area tost to ne .... '... created Kendulhor Town P S

a...... ",.p_ Siollo" CO Block VIJtoge With locotlon code number := ==- ~_-_=-_J Forest-Reserved With name RF VIIage. with pOIJYlation size £h;low 200. (I ••• 200-"99,500 99') t 10['0 4999 } C.D.81.... ., UnlnhabUH vltooes With loeohon code '1umOer A- KENDUJIfARGARH Nobonol Hlqhwoy Stat~ h!Qhwoy 8-BANSPAL Unmetolled and other Roods River and stream ~ Post Office IPost & T~h'groPh Office 1 The v!luge l eNos 214 & 215 are n()t sho'W'n PO{PfU on the map High Srhool S 2 lhe Police Station Heidquart.rs of Kendu/har Primary ~ollh Centre, D'5peosory, Maternity Saciir,r f's. IS ~o(ate.d .t "':~!'IdI.lJhar T()lff\- I 3 Some vtll~qes iire s-howo 'WIthout boundaries .5 tM and ChIld Welfare Cenf·e same- IS flot available Importont vIllage HoI ORISSA KENDUJHAR SADAR P. S" t SIIIET ... II) DISRICT KENDUJHAR KmlM: 0 N

SouncM'y, Pole. Siotioft •• co Block •• VI",,~ with 10 __ .aU _

VIIoq •• w,", poplJldllon liz.: Solow 200. } 0 ••• m-499.000-Hi '1000-..999 NIH ~~ SHII $falt ,..",.. "1' lIIftjoI... d and 01 .... Rood • ..... oniSlr."", """ Olfie, t:Irjh Soho.'

...... ,..MirterIllt1__ Hal ond CIIIoI-' c.Itt


Baled upon Survey of india mop with tl'l. permission of the Surveyor G.nerd of Indto. ORISSA KENDUJHAR TOWN P. s. DISTRICT KENDUJHAR

2 3 4 KIll 4ed j N

38 Kodlposa ./PO I

Boundl1!l.1olice Stalian _._._ C.Q, Block ,.. "" .. "." .. ,,, KENDUJHA.R TOWN P.S, VIIIOjB with loco lion code number [_5I=~~ CHANGE IN JURISDICTION 1981-91 l) Forest-Reserved RF Kme 0 B IUrn Headquarters: District/Police Station ' "@ .. " S bd I Villages With population SIZe: Below 200,/ D 200-499 , 500-999! 1000-4999 I r------,0." Uninhabited villoges wilh location code numberl..._~] - -4 Urban area wllh local Ion ~ode-number i%fli.wm Nalional Highway It!. 6 I. C,D, Block Boundary exckide! stalutory Town. Slate Hlghwav §~II 2, Some villages are snown wlthoul boundaries as the same Important Metalled Rood --- IS not available, VrllTletaited and other BO®3 ===--=-= I. The headquarters ot Kendujhar Sodar P.S IS also located River and Stream ~ at Kendujbar Town, fOlf Offl~elPost , Telegraph Offlc_e ~O/PTO C.D. BLOCKS HIgh School S A-KENDUJHARGARH HDlPllal,.DisPInIOfY $ + B-BANSPAL tle!~ cmt'yHu:~.tum Importont Village Ha!' t:. ftndu.ll1~ Sadpr ~ r 2" " en l>



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I 1 0 'i1 , i - ~ '.:. "t H ! ORISSA • l GHATGAON P.'. .. " T " DISTRICT KENDUJHAR

o I I 1 4111 LsI LsI I • r·..... •• I ;...... '14/ .... '{ I • i I lit I 11 f, \ I K~/\I ( I • II' 1 • I " Ie ) I-'~ " !J,mUiob'd. I V \_ : / ~/ l I ~-J.'_-l ~ II I Pa/'iI9h"1 I ) • j , I .... '" s / 1,,-'1 r"'" A,' ( ... 1 1\' 0 I I '''', / ,/ 68 { ' .... _ ). : \ • I \ ... ___ ...I ...... \! 69 j ".."" \ I • /~ I I \ I .1/ /70/ :....1.... ( c:" ( " \ \ \...... j \.., I ~ RF ;t ,!It " ., ..... 4 •

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