August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) and : $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed

Common name Latin name Description

Very hardy, medium to large with small and very showy mass Bursaria incana of white . Grow in full sun. (Pittosporaceae)

Tall shrub with bright green leaves. Good screen. Very hardy (form of Melaleuca bracteata "Green Melaleuca bracteata) () Form"

Medium sized shrub with clusters of fragrant white tubular flowers in late Phaleria octandra spring. (Thymelaeaceae)

Very rare tree from Cape York Peninsula. Very hardy. Brownish red new Syzygium macilwraithianum growth and mass of white flowers. (Myrtaceae)

A low growing to 0.5m. Can grow very wide. It has beautiful long "Cooroora Cascade" Grevillea "Cooroora golden toothbrush flowers that are very bird attracting. Likes a well-drained Cascade"* position in full sun. () Large fast growing shrub. Masses of crimson flowers for most of the year. "Long John" * Needs a well drained, sunny position. (Proteaceae)

A small bushy shrub bearing an abundance of large yellow and pink flowers, "Peaches & Cream" Grevillea "Peaches & Cream"* which attract honeyeaters. A cross between G. banksii and G. bipinnatifida. (Proteaceae) Hardy vine with perfumed flowers. Delicious . Food of 4 Bar Acid Drop Fruit Melodorum leichhardtii Swordtail, Green Spotted Triangle and Pale Blue Triangle. (Annonaceae)

(Myrtaceae) Allyn Magic Acmena "Allyn Magic"*

Shrub or small tree with strong aniseed smell to crushed leaves. Attractive Aniseed Aspen Melicope melanophloia white flowers. (Rutaceae)

Medium sized shrub. Strong aniseed smell to crushed leaves, which are Aniseed Myrtle Syzygium anisatum used as a bushfood spice, as well as a source of essential oil. Prune to thicken up. Very hardy. (Myrtaceae) Medium tree with beautiful large lobed juvenile leaves, racemes of Atherton Oak diversifolia cream/white flowers, and blue fruit containing an edible nut. Superb foliage plant. Requires a humid protected position. (Proteaceae) A small compact form of Syzygium australe. Excellent screen. (Myrtaceae) Aussie Compact Syzygium "Aussie Compact"

A hardy shrub bearing masses of bright purple to pink pea flowers. Australian Indigo Indigofera australis Adaptable and frost tolerant. Prune to thicken. Full sun or semi-shade. (Fabaceae) Large shrub with beautiful apricot flowers from weeping branches. Must be Babinda Satinash Syzygium boonjee grown in the shade. Suitable for use as a tub plant. (Myrtaceae)

Used in traditional Indian medicine for over 3000 years and recent studies Bacopa monniera Brahmi suggest it may improve memory and learning. Eat fresh or dry and make tea. Very easy to grow; best in damp conditions. (Scrophulariaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 1 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Medium to large tree with large glossy leaves. Very fast growing. Hardy. Bamaga Satinash Syzygium bamagense Large white fruit. (Myrtaceae)

Prostrate ground-cover plant to about 20 cm high. Small spikes of Beach Vitex Vitex ovata purple/mauve flowers. Very hardy. Best in full sun - grows naturally on sandy beaches. (Lamiaceae) Medium tree from southern Queensland with a neat crown. Good small Bennett's Ash Flindersia bennettiana shade tree. Masses of white flowers. (Rutaceae)

Hardy large shrub to small tree with extremely beautiful bright red to purple Bernie's Cleistanthus Cleistanthus hylandii new growth. From Cape York Peninsula. A great screen. (Euphorbiaceae)

Small slender palm shaped tree with huge bright green compound leaves Bernie's Tamarind Diploglottis bernieana and large, furry brown edible fruit. Decorative foliage. (Sapindaceae)

Clumping plant to 2m tall with upright architectural leaves and attractive Bird of Paradise Strelitzia reginae* nectar filled flowers. Plant in full sun to semi-shade. (Strelitziaceae)

Classic 'birdnest' fern with a ring of undivided bright green fronds up to 70 cm Bird's Nest Fern Asplenium australasicum long. Grows on tree trunks in rainforest. (Aspleniaceae)

Medium spreading tree renowned for its lovely timber. Masses of yellow Black Bean Castanospermum australe flowers along the branches. Large decorative woody seed pods. Often slow growing for first few years. Benefits from protection when young. (Fabaceae) Large shrub or small tree, naturally occurring in monsoon forest and drier Black Olive Plum Cassine melanocarpa rainforest. Small white flowers followed by a black fleshy fruit. (Celastraceae)

Tree with large glossy leaves, bronze on the underside. Quite hardy. Black Tulip Oak Argyrodendron polyandrum (Malvaceae)

Dense shrub with large heads of fluffy cream-white flowers. A very attractive Bloomfield Penda Xanthostemon verticillatus plant. Excellent in the garden or as a tub plant. (Myrtaceae)

Small clumping ornamental grass, forming dense bluey grey tufts. Bears Blue Fescue Festuca glauca* attractive wheat-like seed heads. Full sun. (Poaceae)

Small clumping plant with broad upright leaves. Blue flowers on long stalks. Blue Flax Lily Dianella caerulea Best in semi-shade. (Hemerocallidaceae)

Tropical clumping ginger like plant to 1.5m tall, bearing eye-catching purple Blue Ginger Dichorisandra thyrsiflora* spikes over Summer and Autumn. Likes a moist, shady position. (Commelinaceae) Tall, fast growing rainforest tree with straight bole and tiered branches. Blue Quandong Elaeocarpus grandis Edible blue fruit followed bell shaped flowers. Grown for hardwood timber. Very hardy. (Elaeocarpaceae) An open shrub with leaves like an umbrella tree, with large clusters of blue- Blue Umbrella Mackinlaya macrosciadea grey fruit. Great for shady spot or tub plant. (Araliaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 2 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Bushy small tree with white flowers, showy white fruit and pink/brown new Blush Satinash Syzygium hemilamprum growth. Excellent screen plant. Hardy. (Myrtaceae)

An evergreen shrub with pink star shaped flowers appearing in early spring. Boronia Boronia keysii Prefers light, well drained soil in a protected position. Is drought resistant but frost tender. (Rutaceae) Large fast growing vine with large pink flowers in bunches. (Bignoniaceae) Bower of Beauty Pandorea jasminoides

Fast, hardy very bushy tree. Excellent windbreak. Bright red new growth. Can Brown Birch Scolopia braunii be pruned heavily into a shrub. Food plant of Australian Rustic Butterfly. (Flacourticeae) Excellent shade tree with spreading habit. Deciduous and quite hardy. Brown Damson Terminalia arenicola Suitable for beach plantings. (Combretaceae)

Medium to large shrub with large stiff dark green leaves and attractive white Brown Gardenia Atractocarpus fitzalanii perfumed flowers. (Rubiaceae)

Small hardy, bushy tree with small white flowers and black fruit which attracts Brown Laurel Cryptocarya triplinervis birds. Food plant of Blue Triangle Butterfly. (Lauraceae)

Fast growing tree with attractive lobed leaves. Large spikes of white flowers. Brown Silky Oak darlingiana Fairly hardy. (Proteaceae)

Very attractive tree with lovely serrated compound leaves, soft pink new Brown Tuckeroo Cupaniopsis flagelliformis growth and showy orange-yellow fruit. (Sapindaceae)

Well shaped medium to tall tree. Hardy and adaptable for most soils. Large, Brush Box Lophostemon confertus glossy leaves with white flowers in summer. (Myrtaceae)

Beautiful densely conical tree with upward pointing branches, small leaves. Buff Carabeen Aceratium doggrellii (Elaeocarpaceae)

Medium tree with large cream fluffy flowers on the trunk and branches, Bumpy Satinash Syzygium cormiflorum followed by large white fruit. Attractive purple new growth. A terrific shade tree. (Myrtaceae) Rare tree from Cape York Peninsula. Very hardy. Spectacular orange, Bungadinnia Satinash Syzygium bungadinnia papery bark & white flowers. (Myrtaceae)

One of Australia's tallest and most distinctive , with its domed crown Bunya Pine Araucaria bidwillii of numerous radiating branches. It has been growing in Australia since the Jurassic - the Age of Dinosaurs. (Araucariaceae) Very hardy tree with edible fruit. Makes a good shade tree in dry areas. Burdekin Plum Pleiogynium timorense (Anacardiaceae)

A clumping grassy leafed plant to 80cm high, bearing very attractive white, Butterfly Iris Dietes iridioides purple and yellow flowers throughout the year. Very hardy and low maintenance. Suitable for sun or part shade. (Iridaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 3 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Medium to large bushy shrub. Very fast growing and hardy, with showy Caboolture Grevillea "Caboolture"* salmon flowers for most of the year. Requires good drainage and full sun. Attracts birds. (Proteaceae) Medium to large bushy shrub with deeply divided foliage. Very fast growing Caloundra Gem Grevillea "Caloundra Gem"* and hardy, with showy salmon flowers for most of the year. Requires good drainage and full sun. Attracts birds. (Proteaceae) Medium shrub with attractive rose pink flowers. Does best in full sun. Usually Cameo Pink Callistemon "Cameo Pink" frost resistant. (Myrtaceae)

Small dainty shrub with masses of tiny white flowers. Best in full sun Camphor Bush Baeckea camphorata (Myrtaceae)

Spreading, medium sized shrub. Upright spiky foliage, bright pink spidery Canberra Gem Grevillea "Canberra Gem"* flowers. Full sun, well drained position. Prune after flowering. Tolerates frost and cold winters. Good for Herberton to Ravenshoe. (Proteaceae) Dense medium shrub with spectacular masses of small white flowers. Very Cape Ironwood floribunda hardy. Sun or part shade. (Myrtaceae)

Medium shrub with large bright green almost succulent stiff leaves in pairs, Cape Jitta Fagraea berteriana and huge cream flowers with beautiful perfume. Quite hardy. (Loganiaceae)

Rare and spectacular tree. Heads of crimson fluffy flowers. Hardy. Cape Laceflower Archidendron hirsutum (Fabaceae)

Large, dense, bushy shrub with brilliant red new growth and compact Cape Plum Flacourtia sp. Shiptons Flat rounded shape. Edible plum-like fruit. A very ornamental plant. Plants may be male or female. Male plants will not bear fruit. (Flacourtiaceae) Medium-sized tree with attractive foliage and pinkish/brown new growth. Cape Tamarind Toechima daemelianum Bright orange fruit. Quite hardy. (Sapindaceae)

Large shrub to small tree. Large serrated leaves and yellow flowers. Cape York Banksia Banksia dentata (Proteaceae)

A tussock forming plant found in North Queensland. Large panicles of small Cape York Lomandra Lomandra banksii cream flowers in summer. Can be grown in full sun or semi-shade. (Xanthorrhoeaceae) Shrub to small tree from Cape York Peninsula. Attractive tiny scale-like Cape York Melaleuca Melaleuca foliolosa leaves. Interesting 'bonsai' form. Small white bottlebrush flowers. (Myrtaceae)

Large shrub or small tree with unusual spherical, deep red flowers along the Cape York Tea Tree Asteromyrtus brassii branches. Hardy. Flowers all year. (Myrtaceae)

Compact, well shaped small shrub. Showy red bottlebrush flowers. Suitable Captain Cook Callistemon "Captain Cook" as a screen. (Myrtaceae)

Beautiful, graceful weeping shrub with masses of small white flowers in Cardwell Leptospermum "Cardwell" spring. Best in a full sun position. (Myrtaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 4 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Small shrub with dark green, stiff foliage and small white flowers on arching Carmona Carmona retusa twigs. Very hardy. Full sun or part shade. (Boraginaceae)

Highly ornamental small tree with very spectacular, cascading pink new Cascading Bean Maniltoa lenticellata growth. Fluffy white balls of flowers. Quite hardy. Protect from wind. (Fabaceae) Bushy, herbaceous plant. Spikes of showy purple flowers. Sun or semi- Cat's Whiskers - mauve Orthosiphon aristatus "Mauve" shade. Prune to shape. (Labiatae)

Bushy, herbaceous plant. Spikes of showy white flowers. Sun or semi-shade. Cat's Whiskers - white Orthosiphon aristatus "White" Prune to shape. (Labiatae)

Small spreading tree with glossy foliage. Small white flowers. Strong smelling Cheese Fruit Morinda citrifolia var citrifolia large white fruit. Suitable for beach planting. (Rubiaceae)

A lush foliage plant, great as a filler in tropical gardens, indoors or as a patio Chocolate Queen Cordyline "Chocolate Queen" plant. Leaves are wide, with streaks of cream, purple, red, green and chocolate; they look as though they have been painted! Best in part shade. (Asparagaceae) An attractive medium shrub, suitable for screening, with lush green foliage Cinderella Magnolia hybrid and creamy white perfumed flowers. Best in full sun. Grows 2-3m high. (Magnoliaceae) Hardy vine with cream flowers and attractive foliage. Does best in a large Claret Hoya Hoya pottsii* hanging basket where it will flower regularly. (Asclepiadaceae)

Small to medium shrub. Attractive flushes of copper/red new growth. Small Claret Tops Melaleuca "Claret Tops" white flowers. Best in full sun. Suitable for most areas. (Myrtaceae)

Fast growing hardy tree with layered growth. Fruit attracts birds. From Cape Claudie Damson Terminalia complanata York Peninsula. (Combretaceae)

Australia's only climbing fig. Grow in a hanging basket or over a stump. Does Climbing Fig Ficus pantoniana best in semi-shade. Water regularly. (Moraceae)

Very hardy climber or cascading plant with huge buttercup flowers spring to Climbing Guinea Flower Hibbertia scandens summer. Full to filtered sun, suitable for most positions including the coast. (Dilleniaceae) Large shrub or small tree with stiff leaves and cream brushes. Very hardy. Coast Banksia * Plant in full sun in a well drained spot. (Proteaceae)

Very hardy, fast growing, bushy, small to medium tree. Makes a good shade Coast Cottonwood Hibiscus tiliaceus tree when lower branches removed. Especially suitable for inland and coastal areas. Yellow hibiscus flowers. (Malvaceae) Clumping foliage plant. Leaves undersides a striking deep maroon colour. Common Ginger Alpinia caerulea "Red" Small white flowers. Attractive fruit. Full sun or part shade. Not suitable for dry inland areas. (Zingiberaceae) A pretty maidenhair type fern with large fronds. Suitable for shady moist Common Maidenhair Fern Adiantum aethiopicum positions. (Adiantaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 5 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Fast growing hardy tree fern. Slender trunk with crown of bright green fronds Common or Lacy Treefern Cyathea cooperi to 2 metres long. Takes full sun in moist areas. (Cyatheaceae)

Graceful compact clumping grass with many sprays of white/tan flowers. Compact Foxtail Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides Sun/semi-shade. Hardy. (Poaceae) "Nafray"*

Small to medium tree with spreading habit. Very showy orange fruit from the Cooktown Tulipwood Harpullia arborea branches. (Sapindaceae)

Very rare plant from Cooper Creek near Cape Tribulation in the Daintree Cooper Creek Lilly-Pilly Syzygium glenum area. Very large, leathery, rusty brown fruit. (Authorised Propagators Qld.No. APQF198/000050) (Myrtaceae) Medium to tall shrub with beautiful coppery tinge to the foliage. Can be Copper Glow Leptospermum "Copper Glow" formed into a lovely rounded shape with regular light pruning. Best in full sun. (Myrtaceae) Fast growing spreading tree suitable for shade. Attractive foliage and bright Coralwood Adenanthera pavonina red shiny seeds that can be used to make jewellery. Does well near the beach. (Fabaceae) Fast growing tree with beautiful pink flowers along the branches. Food plant Corkwood Melicope elleryana of the spectacular Ulysses Butterfly. (Rutaceae)

Small shrub. Dense rounded shape with bright pink feathery flowers. Full Cotton Candy Melaleuca "Cotton Candy" sun. Great rockery plant. (Myrtaceae)

A dense groundcover casuarina, spreading up to 2.5m wide. An unusual and Cousin It Casuarina glauca "Cousin It"* attractive feature plant. Very hardy and a good weed suppressant, because it is so thick. Best in full sun. (Casuarinaceae) Large shrub to small tree. Bushy and hardy. Ideal as a screen plant. Masses Creek Satinash Syzygium australe of white flowers followed by edible pink fruit. (Myrtaceae)

Bushy shrub with masses of white, fluffy flowers followed by edible pink fruit. Creek Satinash (NQ Syzygium australe "N. Qld Ideal for use as a screen plant. Suitable for most areas. (Myrtaceae) Bushy Form) Bushy Form"

Medium to large, dense shrub with masses of white, fluffy flowers followed by Creek Satinash SQ Form Syzygium australe Sth. QLD edible pink fruit. Ideal for use as a small screen plant. Suitable for most form areas. (Myrtaceae) A colourful tropical foliage plant, which comes in more varieties than you can Croton Croton variegatum assorted* poke a stick at! Can be grown in full sun or light shade. (Euphorbiaceae)

Medium to tall tree with dark glossy green foliage. Sprays of white flowers Crows Ash Flindersia australis are followed by ornamental woody fruit used widely for floral decoration. Excellent timber. (Rutaceae) Small to medium pine tree with dark green foliage. Very hardy but fairly slow Cypress Pine Callitris intratropica growing. Plant in full sun. Good for dry areas. (Cupressaceae)

Rainforest large shrub to small tree with eye-catching mauve new flushes of Daintree Penda Lindsayomyrtus racemoides leaves. (Myrtaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 6 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Medium sized rainforest tree with paired, stem-clasping leaves. New flushes Daintree Satinash Syzygium monospermum are mauve. (Myrtaceae)

Small slender tree with large lobed leaves and masses of large purple plum- Davidson's Plum Davidsonia pruriens like fruit. Makes good jam, salted plums or wine. Best in high rainfall areas. (Davidsoniaceae) Tall weeping shrub with red flowers. Attractive to birds. Very hardy. Will Dawson River Callistemon "Dawson River" tolerate both wet and dry conditions. Can be pruned to act as a screening plant. (Myrtaceae) A small, compact shrub to 1m tall with glossy round leaves and white, Desert Star Carissa grandiflora sweetly scented, star shaped flowers. A hardy, and drought tolerant plant. Great for coastal areas as it can handly salty winds. (Apocynaceae) Extremely rare plant from Cape York Peninsula. Medium to large shrub with Dissiliaria Dissiliaria surculosa very attractive, dense foliage. Pyramid form. Quite hardy. Sun or shade. (Euphorbiaceae) Ideal for rockeries, this dwarf form of Baeckea spreads to form a small, Dwarf Baeckea Baeckea virgata "Miniature" mounded shrub. Masses of white flowers. Prune lightly after flowering to keep compact. (Myrtaceae) A compact, dwarf cultivar of the popular Golden Penda making a rounded Dwarf Golden Penda Xanthostemon chrysanthus bush, rarely more than 1 metre high, with narrow dark green leaves about 8 "Little Goldie" cm long. New growth bronzy pink. (Myrtaceae) A compact, neat shrub to 45cm tall, which will tolerate sun or shade, and dry Dwarf Sacred Bamboo Nandina domestica nana* conditions. Decorative autumnal orange foliage and lime green new growth. Not a bamboo at all! (Berberidaceae) Compact form of white flowering Mandevilla, perfect for hanging baskets. Dwarf White Mandevilla Mandevilla hybrid "White" Best in part sun. (Apocynaceae)

Medium shrub growing with dense compact foliage and pink new growth. Emerald Beauty Callistemon "Emerald Beauty" Showy red bottlebrush flowers with yellow tips. Hardy and suitable for most areas. (Myrtaceae) Dense screening/ hedging plant with glossy leaves and pinky bronze new Emerald Lustre Viburnum odoratissimum growth. Fast growing to 3-4m tall. Responds well to pruning. Fragrant white flowers over Summer. Tolerates wind well. Best in full sun. (Adoxaceae) Very hardy, small shrub with thick bushy habit. Bright red fuchsia type Emu Creek Fuchsia Graptophyllum "Red Emu" flowers. (Acanthaceae)

Medium upright shrub. Well shaped and hardy. Large bright red bottlebrush Endeavour Callistemon "Endeavour" flowers. Open sunny position. (Myrtaceae)

Tall upright shrub with brilliant purple flowers in profusion in spring. Showy Eureka Callistemon "Eureka" pink new growth. Suitable for screening. (Myrtaceae)

Medium to large shrub with large stiff dark green leaves and masses of False Gardenia Atractocarpus sessilis beautiful white flowers with gardenia-like perfume. Very hardy. (Rubiaceae)

Small shrub. Dainty form with weeping, feathery branches. May be pruned Feather Tips Baeckea "Feather Tips" heavily into a dense bush if required. (Myrtaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 7 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

A small shrub commonly only growing to 1m high with beautiful yellow-green Fern Leaved Banksia * banksia flowers. Plant in full sun. (Proteaceae)

Large shrub or small tree with beautiful fern-like foliage and delicate soft pink Fern-Leafed Tamarind Sarcotoechia serrata new growth. Requires semi-shade and regular watering. A beautiful ornamental plant. (Sapindaceae) Small, weeping shrub with very attractive ferny foliage. Suitable for full sun or Ferny Phyllanthus Phyllanthus lamprophyllus semi-shade. Benefits from regular pruning. (Phyllanthaceae)

Large shrub to small tree with purple new growth. Large white fluffy flowers Fibrous Satinash Syzygium fibrosum and delicious red fruit. Very hardy. Makes tasty jam. (Myrtaceae)

A hardy shrub to 3m tall, bearing eye-catching fluffy orange-red flowers, Fiji Metrosideros "Fiji"* which birds love. Great for coastal plantings and windbreaks, as it is wind and salt tolerant. Also useful as a privacy screen. (Myrtaceae) Fast growing, hardy small tree. Beautiful foliage - underside brilliant bronze. Findlay's Silky Oak Spectacular white flowers. (Proteaceae)

Small, dense, bushy shrub with sausage-like lime-flavoured fruit. Very hardy, Finger Lime Citrus australasica* but slow growing. Suitable for making drinks. Not suitable for dry inland areas. (Rutaceae) Small to medium shrub with bright red flowers that attract nectar feeding Firesprite Grevillea "Firesprite"* birds. (Proteaceae)

Hardy tree with papery bark. Excellent for coastal plantings. White flowers & Flaky-Barked Satinash Syzygium forte subsp. edible fruit. Differs from Syzygium forte in having narrower leaves. potamophilum (Myrtaceae) Produces masses of brilliant red flowers. Deciduous when flowering. Hardy Flame Tree Brachychiton acerifolius and fast growing. Food plant of Common Aeroplane and Penciled Blue Butterflies. (Authorised Propagators Qld.No. APQF198/000050) (Malvaceae) A dense, compact form of Ficus hillii, that is used for screening as a clipped Flash Ficus hillii "Flash" hedge, and topiary. Lends a formal, manicured look to the garden. Fast growing and can be grown in sun or part shade. It is a fig though, so don't plant close to pipes or drains! (Moraceae) Small clu mping plant with showy blue flowers and fruit. Suitable for sun or Flax Lily Dianella brevipedunculata shade. Rosella Parrots eat the fruit. (Hemerocallidaceae)

Rare, medium-sized evergreen rainforest tree with alternate leaves and Flecker's Hard Alder Neostrearia fleckeri pendent spikes of white flowers in winter (May to July). Needs high rainfall and shelter. (Hamamelidaceae) A groundcover grevillea which produces a profusion of attractive spider-like Forest Rambler Grevillea "Forest Rambler"* flowers that are coloured a shell pink. Flowers from later winter to early spring. Best in cooler climates. (Proteaceae) Large shrub or small tree with pendulous branches. Large, white, perfumed Fragrant Boxwood Xanthophyllum fragrans flowers. Frost tender. Water well. (Xanthophyllaceae)

Spectacular and vigorous vine with dark green leaves and sprays of bright Fraser Island Creeper Tecomanthe hillii* pink, bell-shaped flowers. Frost tender. A stunning ornamental vine. Great over a pergola. (Bignoniaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 8 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

A perfect compact shade tree for a small garden, growing to 5m tall with a Fried Egg Plant Gordonia axilaris* bushy, dome shaped canopy. Blooms prolifically with large white and yellow flowers over Autumn and Spring, hence the common name! Sun or part shade. (Theaceae) A classic, glossy leaved shrub, growing 1.5 - 2m tall, great for hedging. Gardenia "Magnifica" Gardenia augusta Deliciously scented, large, white flowers. Can grow in sun or part shade, but leaves may scorch in full-on afternoon sun. (Rubiaceae) Small, slow growing vine with very large, spectacular, deep maroon, Giant Flowered Wax Vine Hoya macgillivrayi perfumed flowers. Makes a wonderful hanging basket specimen. Best in semi-shade. (Asclepiadaceae) A tall shrub with bottlebrush flowers. The foliage is stiff and sharply pointed Glasshouse Country Callistemon "Glasshouse with pale young growth. The main flowering periods are spring and autumn. Country" (Myrtaceae) A very hardy native gardenia with prostrate habit. Large, stiff leaves and Glennie River Gardenia Gardenia sp. Glennie River white flowers. Does best in dappled shade. (Rubiaceae)

Bushy shrub/small tree with shiny green foliage, pale green new growth and Glossy Laurel Cryptocarya laevigata bright red fruit. Food plant of the Blue Triangle Butterfly. Excellent for understorey or shade. (Lauraceae) Small tree with dark green leaves. Mass of small white flowers. Quite hardy. Glossy Tamarind Guioa acutifolia A useful screen plant. (Sapindaceae)

A spectacular small shrub, this hybrid grevillea has green/yellow brush Golden Lyre Grevillea "Golden Lyre"* flowers occurring over a long period in summer and autumn. Can grow very wide. Very bird attracting. Likes a well-drained position in full sun. (Proteaceae) A shallow rooted succulent plant with yellow-green foliage and bright yellow Golden Moss Sedum acre flowers. Spreads and roots along the ground so can be used as a groundcover, in rock walls, wall gardens, and "green rooves", as it does not require much soil to grow. Full to part sun. (Crassulaceae) Small to medium tree with dense foliage. Spectacular heads of bright yellow Golden Myrtle Metrosideros queenslandica flowers. Requires regular watering. Suitable only for high rainfall areas. (Myrtaceae) A hardy small tree with upright habit and golden foliage. Excellent for a wet Golden Paperbark Melaleuca leucadendra "Gold" spot. (Myrtaceae)

Large shrub or small tree with spectacular, large heads of bright yellow Golden Penda Xanthostemon chrysanthus flowers. Tip prune when young to create bushy form and promote mass flowering. Hardy. (Myrtaceae) Small tree with glossy dark green foliage, spectacular racemes of bright Golden Shower Cassia sp. Paluma Range yellow flowers, and beautiful brown papery bark. A beautiful native cassia. Very hardy. (Fabaceae) Tall bushy shrub with attractive golden foliage and dense habit. A very hardy Golden Tea Tree Melaleuca bracteata "Gold plant which is an excellent screen. (Myrtaceae) Form"

Lush, sprawling shrub with vibrant green glossy foliage. Great as a low Green Island Fig Ficus microcarpa "Green maintenance ground cover for sun or shade. Also recommended for Bonsai. Island" (Moraceae) Medium to large shrub with attractive lobed leaves. Unusual yellow and Grevillea venusta* green flowers. Very hardy, plant in full sun. (Proteaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 9 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Large dense shrub or small tree with masses of white fluffy flowers. Very Grey Myrtle Backhousia myrtifolia hardy. (Myrtaceae)

Small bushy tree with large glossy leaves and weeping branches. Attractive Gully Satinash Syzygium hedraiophyllum red/brown new growth. (Myrtaceae)

Small shrub. Dense habit with spectacular large gold Banksia flowers. Best Hairpin Banksia * in full sun. Suitable for most areas. (Proteaceae)

Small shrub with hairy young growth and yellow to orange pea flowers. Hairy Bush-Pea Pultenaea villosa Hardy. For sun or part shade. (Fabaceae)

Prostrate spreading native gardenia with white flowers. Excellent ground Hann Gardenia Gardenia psidioides cover. (Rubiaceae)

Hardy medium to large shrub. Soft new growth. Weeping form. Bright red Hannah Ray Callistemon "Hannah Ray" flowers. Makes a good screen. (Myrtaceae)

Medium shrub with weeping form, fine foliage and dainty white flowers. Heath Myrtle Baeckea virgata Tolerates part shade and heavy pruning. (Myrtaceae)

A very attractive medium to large sized tree with glossy foliage, often used Hill's Weeping Fig Ficus microcarpa var. hillii* as a street tree. Can be heavily pruned and used for topiary. Sun or shade. (Moraceae) A dense, fast growing bushy shrub, great for tight or narrow spaces as it Hinterland Gold Syzygium "Hinterland Gold" grows to 4m tall by only 1.5m wide. Atrractive coppery new growth. A hardy plant once established. Best in full sun but will grow in part shade. (Myrtaceae) Small shrub. Stiff, holly-like leaves and deep purple/red flowers. Very hardy. Holly Fuchsia Graptophyllum ilicifolium For full sun or semi-shade. (Acanthaceae)

Large spreading shrub with deeply divided, mid green leaves. Nectar-laden Honey Gem Grevillea "Honey Gem" orange flowers are produced throughout the year. Attracts birds. Fast growing, hardy. Excellent screen. Full sun. (Proteaceae) Erect shrub naturally bushy with dense foliage to the ground. Cream flowers Honeycomb Grevillea "Honeycomb"* prolific in early spring attracting birds. Good screen plant for most areas except in areas with cold winters. (Proteaceae) Spreading shrub. Tiered branches with grey-green foliage and red flowers Hooker's Toothbrush * which attract birds. For well-drained, sunny position. Hardy, best in cooler Grevillea climates. (Proteaceae) Fast growing, large dark green with branches in whorls and rough Hoop Pine Araucaria cunninghamii bark which has circular hoops. Makes an excellent tub specimen. (Araucariaceae) (Araucariaceae) Small bushy slender-leafed shrub with masses of small pale pink flowers Hybrid midyim x followed by edible fruit. (Myrtaceae) tenuifolia

Medium spreading tree with large dark green leaves. Racemes of pale Indian Beech Millettia pinnata purple/white flowers. Suitable for beach planting. Seeds may be used as a source of biodiesel. (Fabaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 10 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

A very slender tree with dark green glossy foliage, great for tight spots. Sun Indian Mast Tree Polyalthia longifolia* or part shade. Can grow to 10m tall. Roots are not particularly invasive. (Annonaceae) A very pretty, weeping plant with dainty soft grey foliage and lovely pale pink Injune Callistemon "Injune" bottlebrush flowers (Myrtaceae)

Small to medium shrub in the Hibiscus family. Pale pink flowers. Very hardy. Iron Range Hibiscus Hibiscus tozerensis Full sun or semi-shade. Benefits from pruning. (Malvaceae)

Very attractive,hardy shrub. Leaves green, silver beneath with bronze new Irvinebank Grevillea Grevillea glossadenia* growth. Orange flowers amongst foliage. (Proteaceae)

Large bushy shrub or small tree with extremely spectacular display of cream Ivory Curl Tree celsissima flowers. Very hardy. (Proteaceae)

Attractive tree with large glossy leaves and deep red new growth. Mass of Johnstone River Backhousia bancroftii fragrant white flowers in terminal bunches. Good timber. (Myrtaceae) Hardwood

Large dense bushy shrub or small tree. White flowers and purple fruit. Hardy Joseph's Satinash Syzygium banksii & tolerates salty winds. (Myrtaceae)

Extremely fast growing tall tree with large leaves. Attractive yellow and white Kadam Anthocephalus chinensis ball-like flowers. Deciduous. (Rubiaceae)

Fast growing, bushy shrub. Masses of large pale orange/peach flowers for Kay Williams Grevillea "Kay Williams"* most of the year. Needs a well drained, sunny position. (Proteaceae)

A robust, medium to large shrub with deep red flowers in profusion. Prune to Kings Park Callistemon "Kings Park shape. Remove old flowers to keep tidy. Suitable for screening. (Myrtaceae) Special"

Native clumping sedge. Flower heads are compact rusty brown balls near the Knobby Club Rush Isolepis nodosa* top of the stem. Drought tolerant once established but prefers moist soil. Can be grown in full sun or semi-shade. (Cyperaceae) A small, dense, rounded shrub, that is useful for small formal hedges and Korean Box Buxus microphylla* edges, topiary and bonsai. Fairly drought hardy and can be grown in semi shade or full sun. Height to 1.5m. (Buxaceae) An excellent, tough indoor plant with attractive fan like leaves. Slow growing. Lady Palm Rhapis excelsa* Can also be grown in a shady spot in the garden, where it will eventually form a clump up to 4m high by 2m wide. (Arecaceae) A beautiful fern with flushes of rose coloured new growth. Can be grown Large Maidenhair Adiantum macrophyllum indoors or in filtered light in the garden. Likes to be kept moist, and humid. Native to the American Tropics. Height and width to 60cm. (Pteridaceae) Fine blue/green tussock grass with lacy flower heads in summer. Plant in an Large Tussock Grass Poa labillardieri* open position. Tolerates moist/wet soils. (Poaceae)

Small shrub. Beautiful lavender flowers for most of the year. Does best in full Lavender Shower Callistemon "Lavender sun. Best in cooler climates. (Myrtaceae) Shower"

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 11 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Large handsome stately tree. Very large leaves and unusual spherical Leichhardt Tree Nauclea orientalis flowers. Excellent for a damp spot. (Rubiaceae)

A fast growing, hardy conifer, great for windbreaks and screening. Forms a Leighton's Green Cupressocyparis leylandii* very thick, tight hedge with regular pruning. Best in full sun. (Cupressaceae)

Small tree with large glossy leaves and large white flowers. Fruit suitable for Lemon Aspen Acronychia acidula jam making. (Rutaceae)

Medium shrub. Very hardy. White flowers and beautiful lemon scent to the Lemon Frost Leptospermum "Lemon Frost" leaves. (Myrtaceae)

Large shrub or small bushy tree with masses of fluffy cream flowers. Lemon Myrtle Backhousia citriodora Crushed leaves have a fantastic lemon scent. Quite hardy. (Myrtaceae)

Very attractive medium shrub. Foliage has lemon scent. Benefits from Lemon Scented Tea Tree Leptospermum petersonii ssp pruning. (Myrtaceae) petersonii

An attractive shade tree with a broad, dense crown and smooth, mottled grey Leopard Tree Caesalpinia ferrea and white bark. Blooms with bright yellow flowers. Height to 15m. Dense, high quality timber. (Fabaceae) Dense shrub with white flowers and red/brown new growth. Pink to purple Lilly Pilly Syzygium smithii fruit. Very hardy. Can be pruned to shape and used as a hedge. (Myrtaceae)

Multi-stemmed palm with a beautiful bright red trunk that can grow up to 15m Lipstick Palm Cyrtostachys renda* tall (eventually)! Slow growing. A statement tropical plant. Not suitable for cooler tableland areas. Best in coastal areas. (Arecaceae) Medium to large shrub with masses of dark pink flowers along the branches. Little Euodia Melicope rubra Quite hardy. Food plant of the spectacular Ulysses Butterfly. (Rutaceae)

Small shrub with dense blue/green foliage and bright red flowers. Very hardy, Little John Callistemon "Little John" but slow growing. Must have full sun. Suitable for most areas. (Myrtaceae)

Large shrub to small tree with very attractive compound leaves. Large spikes Silky Oak Lomatia fraxinifolia of white flowers and fantastic foliage. Beautiful tub plant. Must have protection from strong wind and dry air. (Proteaceae) Small to medium shrub with narrow, upright form, and large, attractive, Lunasia Lunasia amara glossy leaves. An unusual plants which makes a terrific filler in a shady spot. (Rutaceae) An attractive climber with glossy leaves and large, pure white flowers that Madagascar Jasmine Stephanotis floribunda have a delicious scent. They are often used in bridal bouquets. Great for screening off an unsightly area, or growing on archways. Full sun or part shade. (Asclepiadaceae) Lush understorey plant with showy pink flowers followed by vibrant purple Malaysian Orchid Medinilla myriantha berries. Attractive glossy foliage. Can be grown indoors. (Melastomataceae)

Very handsome tree with large leaves and huge racemes of fluffy white Mango Pine Barringtonia calyptrata flowers that attract birds. (Lecythidaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 12 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Large lily with very showy, perfumed flowers. Very hardy and suitable for wet Mangrove Lily Crinum pedunculatum* sites. (Liliaceae)

Attractive cl umping plant with stiff, dark green foliage. Does very well in Mat-Rush Lomandra hystrix semi-shade. Very hardy with perfumed flowers. (Asparagaceae)

Small to medium shrub with beautiful mauve bottlebrush flowers. Best in Mauve Mist Callistemon "Mauve Mist" cooler climates (Mrytaceae)

Small, very hardy rainforest shrub with beautiful tiny lilac flowers. (Myrtaceae) Memecylon

A perfect specimen for bonsai or indoors. Dark leaved form of weeping fig. Midnight Beauty Ficus benjamina "Midnight Will grow to a large shady tree if planted in the garden. Hardy and adaptable. Beauty"* Full sun to well lit indoors. (Moraceae) Small shrub with small pink flowers and edible fruit. Very hardy. Plant in full Midyim Austromyrtus dulcis sun or semi-shade. (Myrtaceae)

A very dense, dwarf form of Mock Orange, great for edging. Can be pruned Min-a-Min Murraya paniculata dwarf* into all kinds of shapes, or left alone as a bushy blob. Best in full sun, but will grow in part shade. Scented white flowers. (Rutaceae) Neat, clumping grass to 75mm tall, useful as a border plant or between Mini Mondo Grass Ophiopogon japonicus "nana" pavers or stepping stones, to create a softer look. Looks best in part to full shade. Quite hardy. (Asparagaceae) Very compact shrub. Dark narrow leaves with small mauve flowers, blooming Mint Bush Prostanthera phylicifolia over long periods in spring. Doesn't like overwatering. (Lamiaceae)

Very dense medium shrub with glossy leaves and showy, fragrant white Mock Orange Murraya paniculata flowers. Perfect for screening off your neighbours! Sun or part shade. Hardy. (Rutaceae) Tall shrub with cream flowers all year. Attracts birds. Hardy with good Moonlight Grevillea "Moonlight"* drainage and full sun. (Proteaceae)

A very bushy dwarf conifer, perfect for tight spaces. Attractive lime green Morgan Thuja orientalis "Morgan"* new growth. Slow growing to 80cm high. (Cupressaceae)

Hardy medium to large dense shrub. Red new growth. Large, bright red Mr Foster Callistemon "Mr. Foster" flowers that are very showy. Tolerates coastal conditions. (Myrtaceae)

Medium shrub. Bears masses of very showy cream pom-pom flowers twice a Mt Garnet Tea Tree Melaleuca sp. Mt. Garnet year. Hardy. Full sun. (Myrtaceae)

Fast growing large shrub with silvery phyllodes and yellow flowers. Also Mt Morgan Wattle Acacia podalyriifolia known as Queensland Silver Wattle. (Fabaceae)

A rare plant. A large shrub or small tree with lovely dense bushy foliage and Mt Mulligan Satinash Syzygium sp. Mt Mulligan dainty pink new growth. (Myrtaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 13 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Very rare tree. Quite hardy. Beautiful fern-like foliage remains even when Mt Spurgeon Pine Prumnopitys ladei* fully grown. ()

Small dense shrub with dainty white flowers and lime green foliage. Quite Mt Tozer Myrtle Babingtonia tozerensis hardy. (Myrtaceae)

Finger lime from Cape York. Good bush tucker. Small, dense, bushy shrub Mt White Lime Citrus garrawayae* with sausage-like lime-flavoured fruit suitable for making drinks. (Rutaceae)

Small, spreading shrub with silvery foliage and bright yellow flowers. Mt. Brockman Grevillea Grevillea formosa* Requires well drained position in full sun. (Proteaceae)

Large shrub or small tree with rusty brown new growth. Mass of cream Mt. Tozer Penda Xanthostemon sp. Mt. Tozer flowers. Very hardy (Myrtaceae)

A popular variety of banana that produces very sizeable bunches of large Musa acuminata Banana "Cavendish" fruit. This is the most common variety in the supermarket. A tropical clumping plant growing up to 4m high. Plant in a sunny spot away from wind. (Musaceae) Small, attractive, very hardy shrub with tiny, serrated leaves. Prune to Native Acalypha Acalypha lyonsii thicken up for the first year. Ideal fill in plant. (Euphorbiaceae)

Rhizomatous plant. Leaves held in a spiral round the stems. Flowers white Native Crepe Ginger Costus potierae with yellow markings, in heads on the stem tips. Needs shade, ample moisture and well manured soil. (Zingiberaceae) Tall shrub with long rambling canes, white flowers and orange berries. An Native Draceana Pleomele angustifolia interesting alternative to the exotic dracaenas. (Dracaenaceae)

Beautiful fern with long dainty weeping fronds. A rare plant from NT. Looks Native Fern Asplenium sp. N.T. spectacular in a hanging basket. (Aspleniaceae)

A lovely native fern. Plant in a shady moist spot. (Blechnaceae) Native Fern Doodia media

Small, slender tree with very showy yellow and cream, perfumed flowers. Native Frangipani Hymenosporum flavum Hardy and fast growing. (Pittosporaceae)

Small shrub. Attractive glossy foliage and small white flowers. For sun or Native Fuchsia Graptophyllum spinigerum shade. Very hardy. (Acanthaceae)

A tall, fast growing hibiscus. Very large yellow flowers. Very hardy. Native Hibiscus Hibiscus heterophyllus (Malvaceae)

Medium vine. Very hardy and fast growing. White, perfumed flowers over a Native Jasmine Jasminum aemulum long period. Ideal over a trellis or fence. Tolerates sea winds well. (Oleaceae)

A vigorous, woody twining vine found in most types of rainforest. Yellow to Native Jasmine Jasminum simplicifolium var. green leaves. Fragrant white flowers are from August to November or at australiense other times after rain. (Oleaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 14 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Small to medium shrub. Large, bright pink to mauve flowers. Does best in full Native Lasiandra Melastoma malabathricum sun. Needs plenty of water in the dry season. (Melastomataceae)

Large, spreading shade tree with fluffy, white flowers. Fast growing, very Native Rain Tree Albizia lebbeck hardy. Excellent for rural and coastal plantings. (Fabaceae)

Small shrub with bright red flowers. Requires sheltered, moist position. Native Rhododendron Rhododendron lochiae* Makes good tub plant. (Ericaceae)

Hardy compact shrub with blue grey leaves. White flowers produced most of Native Rosemary Westringia fruticosa the year. Full sun. Tolerates a wide range of soils and conditions. Prune to shape. (Lamiaceae) Attractive spreading plant with blue and white flowers. Can be grown in the Native Violet Viola hederacea sun if permanently moist. Requires a moist sheltered position. Not suitable for inland areas. (Violaceae) Medium, dense bushy shrub. Showy orange/red flowers for most of the year. Ned Kelly Grevillea "Ned Kelly"* Tip prune while young to promote a good shape. Plant in full sun in well drained position. (Proteaceae) Excellent dense, low groundcover with soft, fine foliage. Great for around No Mow Grass Zoysia tenuifolia rocks, trees or pavers. Full sun to part shade. Spreads 20cm/ year. (Poaceae) An elegant long-leaf tropical rainforest conifer (Podocarpaceae) Northern Brown Pine grayae

Medium upright shrub with long narrow leaves. Very hardy. White flowers. Northern Myrtle Backhousia angustifolia (Myrtaceae)

Small tree with large attractive leaves, and fruit which makes good jam or Northern Tamarind Diploglottis diphyllostegia drinks. (Sapindaceae)

Medium to large shrub. Lovely fresh foliage and small white flowers. Can be Northern Tea Tree Leptospermum amboinense pruned to shape. (Myrtaceae)

Medium tree with very glossy leaves. Does best in moist areas. Timber tree Nthn Sassafras Doryphora aromatica for moist areas. (Atherospermataceae)

Bushy tree with dark green leaves, glossy above and paler beneath. Brown Nutmeg Myristica insipida oblong fruit with lattice-like red aril (nutmeg) that birds like. Scented flowers. (Myristicaceae) Medium shrub. Attractive foliage with tiny leaves. Quite hardy and fast Oaky Creek Tea Tree Melaleuca sylvana growing. White flowers. (Myrtaceae)

This banksia can range in height from a medium shrub to small tree. It has Old Man Banksia * beautiful large yellow flowers. Plant in full sun. (Proteaceae)

Bushy shrub. Attractive orange spider flower. Very hardy and vigorous. Full Orange Marmalade Grevillea "Orange sun, open position. (Proteaceae) Marmalade"*

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 15 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Small shrub with masses of white flowers on weeping branches. Quite hardy. Pacific Beauty Leptospermum "Pacific Grow in full sun. (Myrtaceae) Beauty"

Small, slender-stemmed rainforest palm-lily. Panicles of small mauve Palm-Lilly Cordyline murchisoniae flowers. Good foliage tub plant. Best in shade or semi-shade. (Asparagaceae)

A popular easy care houseplant, bearing attractive, long lasting flowers, held Peace Lilly Spathiphyllum wallisii above the foliage. Can also be grown in a shady spot in the garden. "Stephanie" (Araceae) An intensely flavoured herb that is mainly used in Asian dishes, such as Persicaria odorata Vietnamese Coriander Laksa. Plants will grow best in warm, damp conditions. (Polygonaceae)

Medium to large shrub with attractive semi-weeping habit. Red flowers. Very Pindi Pindi Callistemon "Pindi Pindi" hardy. Does best in full sun. Suitable for most areas. (Myrtaceae)

Large shrub with bright pink flowers. Attractive pink new growth. Sun or part Pink Alma Callistemon "Pink Alma" shade. Usually frost resistant. (Myrtaceae)

Small shrub. Masses of pink flowers. Plant in full sun. Very hardy. Pink Cascade Leptospermum "Pink (Myrtaceae) Cascade"

Medium shrub with attractive dainty blue/green foliage. Large bottlebrush Pink Champagne Callistemon "Pink flowers which are champagne pink. Benefits from regular pruning. Does best Champagne" in full sun. (Myrtaceae) Tiny shrub with fluffy pink flowers. Ideal as an edge plant for rockeries. Must Pink Lace Melaleuca "Pink Lace" be grown in full sun. (Myrtaceae)

Bushy shrub to 1m with glossy leaves and hot pink flowers which attract Pink Malay Ixora "Pink Malay"* butterflies. Full sun or part shade. (Rubiaceae)

Large, dense, very attractive bushy shrub with beautiful foliage. Masses of Pink Phyllanthus Phyllanthus cuscutiflorus small pink flowers. Ideal screen plant. Very fast growing. (Phyllanthaceae)

Very fast growing, hardy, small tree with white flowers. Ideal screen plant. Pink Satinash Syzygium sayeri Plant in full sun for best results. (Myrtaceae)

An evergreen medium sized shrub with fine fern like folidge. During Autum it Pink Surprise Grevillea "Pink Surprise"* bears large pink flowers. Useful for hedging & screening. (Proteaceae)

Small tree with compound leaves and large leaflets. Large apricot-coloured Pink Tamarind Toechima erythrocarpum fleshy fruit. (Sapindaceae)

Small to medium tree from north Western Australia with dark green, very Pittosporum Pittosporum moluccanum glossy foliage. Small white flowers in clusters. (Pittosporaceae)

Dense shrub with spectacular bright pink pendulous new growth. Fluffy white Plum Satinash Syzygium cryptophlebium flowers are followed by iridescent bright purple fruit. Best in a humid, moist position protected from strong or dry winds. (Myrtaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 16 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Spreading, tall shrub with pink-tipped new growth and reddish-purple Poorinda Peter Grevillea "Poorinda Peter"* toothbrush flowers. Does best in full sun. Usually tolerates frost. (Proteaceae)

A bushy lush green shrub which bears strongly scented purple and cream Port Wine Magnolia Michelia figo* flowers. Some people say they smell like bubblegum. Great for screening. (Magnoliaceae) Large vigorous vine with large white flowers followed by large white fruit Potato Vine Faradaya splendida which resemble potatos. Fruit eaten by Cassowaries and other rainforest animals. (Lamiaceae) Very attractive weeping shrub with bright pink new growth and large red Powder-Puff Lilly-Pilly Syzygium wilsonii pompom flowers. Should be planted in semi-shade. Highly ornamental. (Myrtaceae) Small spreading fern with colourful new growth. Can grow in shade or sun, Prickly Rasp Fern Doodia aspera as long as it is kept quite moist. (Blechnaceae)

A beautiful tree bearing masses of delicate pink fringed flowers in Spring, Prima Donna Elaeocarpus reticulatus* which are followed by blue which attract seed eating birds. Fast growing. An excellent feature tree. (Elaeocarpaceae) Large shrub with dense foliage. Ideal for use as a screen plant. Large red Prolific Callistemon "Prolific" flowers for most of the year. Suitable for most areas. (Myrtaceae)

Small, dainty ground orchid with pleated leaves and purple flowers held Purple Ground Orchid Spathoglottis plicata* above the foliage. (Orchidaceae)

An eye-catching tropical foliage plant with vivid purple tinted leaves. Best in Purple Prince Cordyline "Purple Prince"* part shade. (Asparagaceae)

Open shrub. Display of showy mauve-pink flowers. Benefits from regular Purple Splendour Callistemon "Purple pruning. Bird attracting. Best in cooler climates. (Myrtaceae) Splendour"

Bushy shrub. Purple new growth, smooth, twisted purplish stem. Prune to Purple Stemmed Turkey Leptospermum purpurascens shape. (Myrtaceae) Bush

Very attractive ground orchid with bright pink flowers. Plant in a very moist Purple Swamp Orchid Spathoglottis paulinae area of the garden or keep in a pot. A rare plant. (Authorised Propagators Qld.No. APQF198/000050) (Orchidaceae) Evergreen creeper which gets covered in bunches of voilet flowers during Queen's Wreath Petrea volubilis* Spring and Summer. Very spectacular. Perfect for a pergola or archway. (Verbenaceae) A giant, slow growing, tropical conifer from Queensland's coastal ranges with Queensland Kauri Agathis robusta broad, thick-textured, dark green leaves. An ancient Gondwanan relic with iconic status in Queensland. (Araucariaceae) Tree for coastal areas, particularly poorly drained spots. Trunk has beautiful Red Beech Dillenia alata flaky coppery bark. Bright yellow flowers. (Dilleniaceae)

Attractive dwarf crinum with vibrant dark red foliage and pink flowers. Great Red Bog Lilly Crinum menehune* for a wet spot. Sun or shade. Height to 1m. (Amaryllidaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 17 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Fast growing, hardy tree which develops a spreading shady crown. Famous Red Cedar Toona ciliata (australis) for its beautiful timber. (Meliaceae)

Shrub with red new growth and masses of small red berries. Food plant of Red Coffee-Bush Breynia sp. Iron Range Common Grass Yellow Butterfly. (Phyllanthaceae)

Medium shrub with showy red flowers. Does best in full sun. Usually frost Red Devil Callistemon "Red Devil" resistant. (Myrtaceae)

Clumping grass with bungundy foliage and feathery seed heads. Best in full Red Fountain Grass Pennisetum advena "Rubrum" sun. A great way to add year long colour to the garden. (Poaceae)

Bushy, compact shrub bearing large clusters of bright red flowers which Red Ixora Ixora "Red Malay" attract butterflies. Great as a tropical looking hedge or border. (Rubiaceae)

A vigorous bushy vine with glossy leaves and huge bright red flowers. Best in Red Mandevilla Mandevilla hybrid "Red" part sun. Quite hardy. Perfect for training up a trellis or archway. (Apocynaceae) Shrub with brilliant red flowers in large heads. Often difficult to grow except in Red Penda Xanthostemon youngii* sandy soil. Does best in full sun and well drained sandy soil. A very rare plant. (Myrtaceae) Very unusual fern-like plant with bright red stems and undersides of leaves. Red Selaginella Selaginella erythopus Grows to 30cm tall. Likes shade and moisture. Good indoor plant and popular in terrariums. (Selaginellaceae) Beautiful large shrub or small tree with unusual compound leaves. Fantastic Red Silky Oak montana foliage with very showy rusty brown new growth. Ideal tub plant. (Proteaceae)

Attractive, prostrate plant. White flowers. Full sun only. Suitable for most Red Silky-Oak prostrate "Prostrate areas. (Proteaceae) white form White"*

Small to medium shrub with attractive red spider flowers. Does best in full Red Sunset Grevillea "Red Sunset"* sun and well drained position. Best in cooler climates. Usually frost resistant. (Proteaceae) Dense, medium shrub. Compact shape. Bright, lolly pink bottlebrush flowers Reeves Pink Callistemon "Reeves Pink" in profusion. A hardy and very showy plant. (Myrtaceae)

A psyllid resistant plant that grows approximately 3m high x 2m wide. Resilience Syzygium australe Beautiful orange new growth with white flowers and red berries. A great "Resilience" screening plant. Plant in full sun or part shade. (Myrtaceae) Beautiful foliage with spectacular deep red, purple or pink new growth. Small Rex Satinash Syzygium apodophyllum white flowers are followed by bright red fruit. Requires a humid protected position. A lovely tub or courtyard plant. (Myrtaceae) Very rare plant with beautiful pink/orange/red new growth. Large shrub or Ristantia Ristantia waterhousei small tree. Quite hardy. Does best in full sun. (Myrtaceae)

Medium spreading tree with masses of fluffy cream flowers and white or red River Cherry Syzygium tierneyanum fruit. Dense foliage. Very hardy. Excellent screen. (Myrtaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 18 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

An attractive native reedy plant with bluey green foliage that grows well on River Club Rush Schoenoplectus validus the waters edge, or at a depth of up to 1m. Suitable for ponds, dams and creekside plantings. Full sun to part shade. Height up to 1.5m. (Cyperaceae) Rare and spectacular North Queensland vine. Bears large clusters of very Roaring Meg Tecomanthe sp. Roaring Meg showy pink tubular flowers. Excellent for trellis or pergola. (Bignoniaceae)

Handsome, compact low shrub with clusters of narrow dark green glossy Roaring Meg Ebony Diospyros sp. Baird Logging leaves and conspicuous salmon new flushes. Slow growing. Best in part Area shade and damp soil. (Ebenaceae) Small fast growing tree with bright green foliage. Loads of bright orange fruit Robertson's Tuckeroo Rhysotoechia robertsonii which are relished by birds. (Sapindaceae)

Very hardy tree with small leaves and small rounded fruit. Attracts birds Rock Cracker Fig Ficus platypoda (Moraceae)

Rare umbrella tree from the Cape York Peninsula. Thick bright green leaflets Rock Umbrella Tree Schefflera bracteata (S. held in a circle round the leaf-stalk. Brown scales on the leaf stalks and versteegii) shoot tip. Huge panicles of pinkish flowers. (Araliaceae) Highly ornamental large shrub with brilliant pink/red weeping foliage, white Rocky River Lilly-Pilly Syzygium luehmannii Rocky flowers and red fruit. Water regularly. (Myrtaceae) River

Small to medium shrub in the Hibiscus family. White flowers. Very hardy. Rocky River Macrostelia Hibiscus macilwraithensis Does best in part shade. Benefits from pruning. (Malvaceae)

Medium to large shrub with blue/green foliage and bright red flowers. Does Rocky River Red Callistemon viminalis "Rocky best in full sun but will flower in part shade. (Myrtaceae) River Red"

Small bushy tree with flushes of brilliant red new growth. Highly ornamental. Roly-Poly Satinash Syzygium unipunctatum Will tolerate moderate frosts. Best in high rainfall areas. (Myrtaceae)

Tree with shiny leaves and red new growth. Flowers followed by woody Rose Butternut Blepharocarya involucrigera umbrella shaped structures. Good timber. (Anacardiaceae)

Small shrub. Deep red brushes which age to rose coloured. Plant in full sun Rose Opal Callistemon "Rose Opal" for best results. Makes a good screen. (Myrtaceae)

Small to medium tree with red/purple new growth. Fluffy white flowers and Rose Satinash Syzygium johnsonii purple fruit. (Myrtaceae)

Small tree with large spectacular leaves. Pink new growth. Pink flowers. Rose Silky Oak coriaceum Beautiful cabinet timber. (Proteaceae)

Small shrub with two toned red and yellow spider flowers. Must be in full sun Rosemary Leaf Grevillea * and well drained position. Best in cooler climates. (Proteaceae)

Shrubby tree with glossy leaves and spines on twigs. Edible oblong lime fruit Russell River Lime Citrus inodora* up to 6.5 cm long and 3 cm diameter. Lowland rainforest plant, must be in shade with plenty of moisture. (Rutaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 19 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Medium weeping shrub with pink new growth. Hardy. A great screen. Rusty Cleistanthus Cleistanthus semiopacus (Euphorbiaceae)

Tree with large stiff leaves and brilliant red drooping new growth. Fruit Rusty Laurel Cryptocarya mackinnoniana attracts birds. Food plant of Blue Triangle Butterfly. (Lauraceae)

Small tree with brownish leaves and clusters of cream flowers. Fruit yellow, Rusty Pittosporum Pittosporum ferrugineum which split to reveal bright orange seed. Very hardy. (Pittosporaceae)

An attractive fig with glossy, long, thin leaves, lending an oriental look to the Sabre Leaf Fig Ficus longifolia binnendijkii garden. Great an an indoor or patio plant. Sun or shade. (Moraceae)

A popular, hardy cycad which grows a crown of shiny, dark green leaves Sago Palm Cycas revoluta* atop a short, stout trunk, which develops after a number of years. Very architectural foliage. Native to Japan. The most common cycad in cultivation. Sun or part shade. (Cycadaceae) Semi-climbing shrub with beautifully scented, white, rose like flowers which Sambac Jasmine Jasminum sambac* are used for perfumes and teas. Sun or shade. (Oleaceae)

Tall open shrub with masses of bright yellow flowers. Requires a well Sandra Gordon Grevillea "Sandra Gordon"* drained, open, sunny position. (Proteaceae)

Extremely rare plant from the Julatten area of Far North Queensland. Sankowskya Sankowskya stipularis Spectacular red new growth. Does best in semi-shade. (Authorised Propagators Qld.No. APQF198/000050) (Euphorbiaceae) Small vine with attractive bright purple flowers ideal for hanging basket or Sarsaparilla Vine Hardenbergia violacea rockery. (Fabaceae)

Large, handsome spreading tree with large dark green leaves. Pretty white Satin Touriga Calophyllum inophyllum flowers and round green fruit. An excellent shade tree for beach areas. (Clusiaceae) Bushy tree with large leaves like those of a mango. Small black fruit are very Satinwood Buchanania arborescens good to eat. Hardy. (Anacardiaceae)

Small tree with large leaves and open habit. Beautiful fluffy white perfumed Scarlet Bean Archidendron lucyi flowers borne on the branches. Extremely decorative orange seed pods. (Fabaceae) Very hardy, small shrub with thick bushy habit. Masses of bright red flowers Scarlet Fuchsia Graptophyllum excelsum several times each year. (Acanthaceae)

Attractive spreading tree with layered form and large leaves which assume Sea Almond Terminalia catappa autumn colour before shedding. Large fruit contain edible nuts. Ideal for beach plantings. (Combretaceae) Very slow growing shrub to small tree with glossy green leaves. Grows Sea Ebony Diospyros littorea naturally on the coast, close to mangrove stands. Orange-yellow fruit attracts birds. Wood is very hard and beautiful. (Ebenaceae) Large shrub or small spreading tree with clusters of fluffy cream flowers. Shady Penda Xanthostemon umbrosus Very hardy, but quite slow growing. (Mrytaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 20 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Dense, hardy groundcover that forms a carpet of green. Also used for Shore Juniper Juniperus conferta bonsai. Full sun or part shade. (Cupressaceae)

Hardy tree with open habit and mass of orange flowers which attract birds. Silky Oak Excellent timber species. (Proteaceae)

Large shrub or small tree with small compound leaves and flushes of pink Silky Tamarind Guioa lasioneura new growth. Pink/purple decorative seed capsules. (Sapindaceae)

Large shrub/small tree from Cape York with attractive foliage and dense Silver Dollar Melaleuca "Silver Dollar" habit. Very hardy plant with cream/yellow flowers. Good for a wet spot. (Myrtaceae) A clumping grass grown mainly for it's graceful foliage and beautiful silver Silver Feather Grass Miscanthus sinensis* plumes of flowers. Can be used as a low screen or barrier. Height to 2m. Full sun. (Poaceae) Tall shrub to small tree with silvery new growth. The old bark peels off to Silver Leafed Tea Tree Leptospermum brachyandrum reveal an attractive pink-purple trunk. (Myrtaceae)

Extremely rare plant from Cape York. Small tree with red new growth. Silver Satinash Syzygium argyropedicum Masses of white flowers followed by purple berries. Slow growing. Hardy. (Myrtaceae) North QLD small compact rainforest ginger. Narrow dark green leafs. Great Small Ginger Alpinia modesta* for a shady spot. (Zingiberaceae)

Small hardy tree with beautiful foliage and silvery new growth. Large Smith's Tamarind Diploglottis smithii decorative fruit with acid, edible flesh. Good for drinks. (Sapindaceae)

A variegated form of Westringia fruiticosa, with soft grey green and white Smokey Westringia "Smokey" foliage, and white flowers which attract butterflies and native bees. Adaptable to a range of soil types and tolerates salt well, so good for coastal areas. Best in full sun. (Lamiaceae) A show stopping small feature tree to 5m with large clusters of bright red Smouldering Red Corymbia ptychocarpa x flowers during summer, and attractive weeping foliage. Attracts birds. ficifolia* (Myrtaceae) Small vine with pure white flowers and delicate reddish foliage. Snow Bells Pandorea nervosa (Bignoniaceae)

Small shrub. Thick and bushy with showy red new growth. Masses of white Snowfire Melaleuca "Snowfire" bottlebrush flowers in spring. Very hardy. (Myrtaceae)

A bushy little shrub to 60cm high with variegated foliage and masses of small Snowflake Serissa foetida "Snowflake" white flowers. Very neat, bun shaped plant, suitable for edging. Full sun to part shade. Also a great bonsai plant. (Rubiaceae) Compact, small to medium shrub with lovely light green foliage. Masses of Snowstorm Melaleuca "Snowstorm" small white bottlebrush flowers in spring. Tip prune regularly to promote a good shape. (Myrtaceae) Low maintenance, drought tolerant plant with attractive unusual Soft Leaved Yucca Yucca desmetiana* purple/pink/bluey foliage. Will form a clump once established. Height to 1.5m. Sun or part shade. (Asparagaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 21 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Densely tufted rush with fine arching stems. Adapted for waterlogged soil, Soft Rush Juncus usitatus but also fairly drought tolerant. Thrives on dam margins. Also as architectural element in courtyard gardens. (Juncaceae) Tall slender palm with large, dark green fronds. Quite hardy. (Arecaceae) Solitaire Palm Ptychosperma elegans*

A bushy shrub which blooms prolificallly with light pink, fragrant flowers. Springtime Hawthorn Rhaphiolepis "Springtime"* Great as a hedge or a stand alone specimen. Height to 2m. Full sun or part shade. (Rosaceae) Small, compact shrub from Cape York with stiff glossy leaves. Large white Star Flower Gardenia scabrella flowers all year round. Very hardy. Sun or semi-shade. (Rubiaceae)

A hardy, small shrub. It bears masses of scarlet red fuchsia type flowers. It Stumpy Dave Graptophyllum "Stumpy Dave" looks great in a tub, on a patio or in mass plantings on a garden edge. (Acanthaceae) Fast growing, hardy tree with spectacular reddish brown new growth. Showy Sumac Rhus taitensis white flowers. (Anacardiaceae)

Small to medium, dense, compact shrub. A small leafed shrub with masses Supreme Syzygium "Supreme" of fluffy white flowers followed by red berries. A great hedging plant. Prefers sun, but will grow well in a little shade. Hardy. (Myrtaceae) Medium shrub with large stiff serrated leaves and green, changing to cream, Swamp Banksia * flowers. Will tolerate damp situations. (Proteaceae)

Small wide-branching tree with large glossy leaves, particularly in juvenile Swamp Bloodwood Corymbia ptychocarpa* stage. Clusters of large white, pink or red flowers. Can flower when 3 to 4 years old. (Myrtaceae) Extremely rare ground-orchid with large spikes of spectacular flowers. Best Swamp Orchid Phaius tancarvilleae planted in a damp, fairly sunny spot in the garden, however can be kept in a large container in a bush house. Authorised Propagator Qld. No. APQF198/000050. (Orchidaceae) Slender small tree with purple new growth. Glossy serrated leaves. Fairly Swamp Tamarind Dictyoneura obtusa hardy. Thrives in a damp spot. (Sapindaceae)

Medium shrub in the tomato family, bearing clusters of red egg-shaped fruit Tamarillo Solanum betaceum with orange flesh, tasting a bit like a mix of passionfruit and tomato (it's nicer than it sounds!). Can be eaten fresh, stewed or used in desserts. (Solanaceae) Medium bushy shrub bearing masses of small white flowers in spring. Hardy Tantoon Leptospermum polygalifolium and adaptable to most situations. (Myrtaceae)

Medium shrub with dense foliage. Pink bottlebrush flowers fade to salmon, The Bluff Callistemon "The Bluff" then cream. (Myrtaceae)

Very attractive fern with large leaves to 1m long. Small plantlets develop Tick Fern Callipteris prolifera along the leaf and look like ticks. Cold sensitive. (Athyriaceae)

Medium weeping shrub with small leaves and bright red flowers. Very hardy. Tinaroo Dazzler Callistemon recurvus "Tinaroo (Myrtaceae) Dazzler"

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 22 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

A beautiful bushy plant with lovely foliage and winged twigs. Exquisite pale Tinkling Satinash Syzygium alatoramulum purple new growth. Small white flowers and small purple fruit. Requires a humid, protected position. A lovely tub or courtyard plant. (Myrtaceae) Beautiful little ground cover plant growing about 20cm high and spreading Tolga Range Hibbertia Hibbertia sp. Tolga Range about 1m across. Lovely foliage and yellow flowers. Sun or part shade. (Dilleniaceae) A super-dense, compact form of Gossia floribunda growing to only 1m tall. Tractor Tyre Gossia "Tractor Tyre" Beautiful white fluffy flowers. Grow in full sun to part shade. (Myrtaceae)

Small to medium tree with bright red new growth. Showy display of orange Tuckeroo Cupaniopsis anacardioides fruit. Excellent shade tree. Very hardy. (Sapindaceae)

Small, slender tree with large hairy leaves. Unusual brown and red flowers. Tulip Sterculia Sterculia shillinglawii Bright orange pods with black seeds. Hardy. (Malvaceae)

Small tree with attractive orange fruit. Suitable as a small shade tree. Quite Tulip Wood Harpullia pendula hardy. (Sapindaceae)

Large shrub with attractive weeping habit. Small glossy leaves. Does well in Tully River Myrtle Backhousia enata the shade. Small white flowers. (Myrtaceae) (Myrtaceae)

A dense, clumping strappy leaved plant with dark green foliage, bearing Turf Lilly Liriope gigantuem spikes of purple flowers in Summer, followed by bright purple berries. Great for borders or mass planted as a ground cover. Plant in shade or sun. (Asparagaceae) Compact clumping lilly-like plant with attractive variegated foliage and spikes Variegated Liriope Liriope muscari variegata of bright purple flowers. Useful for difficult shady spots, such as under trees, however can tolerate sun as well. (Asparagaceae) Shrub with attractive red new growth and thick glossy leaves. Masses of Variegated Red Myrsine subsessilis variegated small white flowers cover the branches. Purple fruit, attracts birds. Does best Muttonwood in semi-shade. (Myrsinaceae) Easy to grow ginger with attractive variegated leaves and white pendulous Variegated Shell Ginger Alpinia zerumbet variegata clusters of flowers. Great "filler" for a shady spot. Height to 1.5m. (Zingiberaceae) Small herbaceus shrub with flowers that are attractive to native bees. Soft Velvet Plectranthus Plectranthus sp. foliage is strongly scented. Does best in full sun or dappled light in well drained soil. (Lamiacea) A beautiful shrub growing 2-5m, with large compound leaves and stunning Velvet Tamarind Cupaniopsis diploglottoides pink new growth. A little touchy to establish, needing extra water and protection at first, but well worth the effort. Shade or semi-shade. Sapindaceae. (Sapindaceae) Northern Territory clumping plant. Bearing sliver seed heads in winter. Vetiveria Vetiveria elongata* Excellent for erosion conditions. Drought resistant. Full sun. (Poaceae)

This banksia is a small to large shrub with beautiful large yellow-green Wallum Banksia * flowers. Plant in full sun. (Proteaceae)

This is the very rare variety of native water cherry from Cape York Peninsula. Water Cherry Syzygium aqueum Medium to large shrub, showy white flowers and highly decorative red fruit. (Myrtaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 23 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Dense native floating lilly with small white fringed flowers. Once of the Water Snowflake Nymphoides indica* easiest "water lillies" to grow. Will only grow in water shallower than 2m. (Menyanthaceae) A small weeping shrub to 1m tall, with fern like foliage and a spreading habit. Waterfall Plant Phyllanthus multiflorus* Great as a low hedge, or to cascade down rockeries or over retaining walls. Full sun to part shade. (Phyllanthaceae) Extremely hardy, large shrub with sand-papery leaves. Small red fruit are Watery Fig Ficus fraseri very attractive to birds. Suitable for full sun or semi-shade (Moraceae)

Medium weeping shrub with beautiful pink new growth. Hardy. A great Weeping Cleistanthus Cleistanthus apodus screen. (Euphorbiaceae)

Large spreading tree suitable as a shade tree. Small red fruit which are very Weeping Fig Ficus benjamina attractive to birds. Ideal tub plant. (Moraceae)

Small to medium tree with dense, weeping foliage. Small white flowers. Fairly Weeping Lilly-Pilly Syzygium floribundum hardy. (Myrtaceae)

Large shrub with extremely attractive weeping form. Beautiful lime green Weeping Tea Tree Leptospermum madidum* foliage and a stunning smooth white trunk. Best in warm, wet climates. Must have lots of water. (Myrtaceae) A short, stout herbaceous plant with a lily-like or palm-like appearance. Weevil Lily Curculigo recurvata* Broad strap-like leaves. Flowers on erect heads. (Hypoxidaceae)

Medium to large shrub with large, perfumed, white flowers. Very hardy. Sun Wenlock Gardenia Gardenia macgillivraei or semi-shade (Rubiaceae)

A medium upright shrub with dark red-mauve bottlebrush flowers. Must be Western Glory Callistemon "Western Glory" grown in full sun. A hardy shrub, but flowers best in cool climates. (Myrtaceae) Tree with large stiff lobed leaves and bright red flowers. Very hardy and fairly Wheel Of Fire sinuatus fast growing. A highly ornamental tree. (Proteaceae)

Small shrub. Bright green foliage with white flowers that attract birds. White Anzac Callistemon "White Anzac" (Myrtaceae)

Hardy tree with bronze papery bark and dense, dark green crown. Large White Apple Syzygium forte subsp. forte white flowers and edible white fruit. An excellent medium-sized shade tree. (Myrtaceae) Tropical plant with architectural foliage, forming a large clump up to 6m tall. White Bird of Paradise Strelitzia nicolai* Bears very big, white, nectar rich flowers, which attract honey eaters. (Strelitziaceae) Bushy small tree. Furry pink new growth. Fruit attracts birds. Food plant of White Bollygum Neolitsea dealbata Blue Triangle Butterfly. (Lauraceae)

Tiny shrub with fluffy white flowers. Ideal as an edge plant for rockeries. Must White Lace Melaleuca "White Lace" be grown in full sun. (Myrtaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 24 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Large shrub to small tree with dense habit and slightly weeping foliage. A Whyanbeelia Whyanbeelia terrae-reginae very rare plant. Fast growing, but requires plenty of moisture. Best suited to high rainfall areas. (Euphorbiaceae) This Caper is a large shrub, slow growing, with weeping habit. Very showy Wild Orange Capparis umbonata white flowers in terminal clusters. Best in full sun. (Capparaceae)

Dense shrub. Lovely fresh green foliage and red flowers. Plant in open sunny Wild River Callistemon "Wild River" spot. Good screen. (Myrtaceae)

Medium shrub with attractive pale green foliage. Large spikes of creamy Wilderness White Callistemon "Wilderness white flowers for most of the year. For full sun or part shade. Suitable for White" most areas. (Myrtaceae) A very rare shrub from very high altitude NQ rainforests. Unusual greyish Wilkie's Eucryphia Eucryphia wilkiei* foliage and large, white, rose-like flowers with an unusual fragrance that are very attractive to birds. Suited to high rainfall areas. $15.00 (Cunoniaceae) Small shrub. Red spider flowers. Must be in full sun and well drained Winparra Gem Grevillea "Winparra Gem"* position. Tolerates frost and cold winters. Best in cooler climates. Ideal for Herberton to Ravenshoe. (Proteaceae) Plant from top of Mt Bellenden Ker. Medium compact shrub in cultivation with Wooroonooran Tea Tree Leptospermum wooroonooran attractive foliage. Best in high rainfall areas. (Myrtaceae)

Fast growing dense shrub. Grey leaves and purple flowers. Plant in full sun Wynyabbie Gem Westringia "Wynyabbie Gem" in well drained soil. Prune to shape. (Lamiaceae)

Very popular tropical plant with lobed, fleshy leaves. Looks very effective Xanadu Philodendron "Xanadu"* planted en masse, or as a patio plant. Full sun or semi-shade. (Araceae)

Hardy, fast growing medium tree with bushy habit. Masses of white flowers Yarrabah Satinash Syzygium angophoroides and tiny purple fruit. Can be grown in a wet spot. An excellent plant for fruit- eating birds. (Myrtaceae) Medium tree with dense spreading crown and masses of yellow flowers. Very Yellow Flame Tree Peltophorum pterocarpum hardy. Shade tree. (Fabaceae)

Small shrub. Attractive, large yellow flowers. Beautiful pink to red new Yellow Flowered Tea-Tree Neofabricia myrtifolia growth. Quite hardy. (Myrtaceae)

A beautiful yellow clumping Kangaroo Paw that groes well in North QLD. Yellow Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos "Yellow" Grows up to 2m. (Haemodoraceae)

This Yellow Mahogany produces beautiful creamy-brown flowers on the trunk Yellow Mahogany Dysoxylum parasiticum right to the ground. Unless planted in high rainfall area it will remain a size of a large shrub. (Meliaceae) Bushy shrub to 1.5m tall, bearing large clusters of yellow flowers throughout Yellow Malay Ixora "Yellow Malay"* the year, which butterflies love to feed on. Best in full sun. Hardy and easy to grow. (Rubiaceae) Rare tree with long, soft leaves which are pinkish/brown in the new growth. Yellow Penda Ristantia pachysperma Fairly hardy. (Myrtaceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 25 of 26 August 2017 140mm Pots (Common name order) Standard Price: $10 each (incl. GST) Grevilleas and Banksias: $12 Yellow Pots: $12 Red Pots: $15 Save 10% for 20 standard price mixed plants

Common name Latin name Description

Beautiful tree with brilliant red new growth. Small, bright red fruit and white Yellow Satinash Syzygium canicortex flowers. (Myrtaceae)

Small tree with spectacular racemes of bright golden cassia flowers. Hardy. Yellow Shower Cassia queenslandica (Fabaceae)

Bushy shrub with sweetly scented purple flowers that fade to white over a Yesterday, Today and Brunfelsia latifolia* number of days, so that you have all different shades of colour on the bush Tomorrow at the one time. Great as a fragrant hedge. Full sun to part shade. (Solanaceae) Fast growing tree with heavily perfumed yellow flowers. Frost tender. Ylang-ylang Cananga odorata (Annonaceae)

Large shrub with dense foliage. Ideal for use as a screen plant. Large red Yuruga Red Callistemon "Yuruga Red" flowers for most of the year. Suitable for most areas. (Myrtaceae)

Attractive and very low maintenance indoor or patio plant. Copes well with Zanzibar Gem Zamioculcas zamiifolia* low light levels and doesn't need much water. Originates from tropical Africa. (Araceae)

Visit our Nursery! We're at 5970 Kennedy Highway, Walkamin (between Mareeba and Atherton) on the Atherton Tablelands, north Queensland. Business hours: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 9am to 2pm; closed public holidays. Page 26 of 26