BIRTHDAYS - JANUARY and we will be only too pleased to include it. 8th Cliff Edwards 11th George Noad Naish’s notes 13th Abigail Smith 14th Rebecca Brain Firstly I must say thank you to 16th Fred Fenwick Margaret for putting the 26th Elijah Stowell magazine together each month 30th Mike Smith and promise to try this year to get my articles in before she has Typist’s Note to nag me, which is more often than not!!!! The days of this A warm thank you for the excellent magazine needing an Editor as bottle of wine and the kind words used to be have long since gone, about News and Views – this is your and I have very little to do with magazine and all contributions are this brilliant magazine each gratefully received. Keep them month now. coming!! We have come a long way since Margaret Kate Denmead and I used to handwrite the magazine, gradually progressed to typing Thoughts of the month it and then with the advent of

Richard Gaunt and his It is nice to be important but it’s more computer brought ourselves important to be nice into the 20th century. Margaret

Be careful with your thoughts they now manages all this alone and may become words at any moment! we are all very glad that she does! Thank you Margaret.

Christmas has been and gone Message from Us and having lost my Dad in September I found it all very A very happy New Year to all different and at times very our readers and thanks for the stressful and emotional, I support given in 2003, for all thought about all the people our new readers (and old) we like myself who had lost are always hoping for more someone they love and those news, info, funny stories and who missed those who had gone anything of general interest for before, I was truly heartened to the magazine, please don’t be receive a text message first shy, just give it a go!! Ring us, thing Christmas morning which Sheila Naish 01934 838357, or simply said, "Do not be sad Margaret Ball on 01275 874077 today, he would not have and we will collect if necessary, wanted you to be, he would or email Margaret direct on have wanted you to enjoy the [email protected] day." It was a big comfort to me. thank you for that. KENN NEWS & VIEWS

The Christmas Tree lights on I spoke to the Policeman at the the Village Green looked scene of the accident and told absolutely splendid this year, him of our concerns for the how lovely it is to drive through speed limit, he said that he the village and see them. agreed with us. Thanks to all concerned for this pleasure. I hope that you all have a very peaceful, healthy New Year. I have been contacted by a gentleman in who has Sheila very kindly done a Website for Kenn, so that we can be looked PARISH COUNCIL NOTES up, he would like someone to take on the maintaining of the Our next meeting will be held on site for him, including any news Monday 2nd February at 7.30 pm or information on it. If anyone at Kenn Village Hall – everyone has the knowledge and the time please contact me and I will put welcome to attend. you in touch. He says that our site has had many visitors and It’s January – and what must we do? many from abroad, so Kenn is now well and truly on the map!! F ind the flies!

L ook in the loft! Unfortunately there was a fatal I nspect the outhouse! accident on Sunday 28th E xamine the barn! December on Kenn Road, S uck ‘em up in the vacuum! outside Heather and John Saxby's house and this involved And the prize for finding them? – a motorbike and car. Tragically A ‘plague-free’ summer. the young man riding the bike was killed. We must extend our sympathies to all those involved. Justin works with a Dropping in Day guy who was 2 cars back and he is traumatised by it. John and Celia Andrews invite people from the As a Parish Council we have Team parishes to an Open been trying to have the speed House at their home, limit extended right through Cherry Tree House, Ham Kenn but to no avail, we shall Lane, Kingston Seymour at be pressing North Epiphany, Tuesday 6th Council once again about this January. issue. This is the second serious incident involving a People are asked to drop motorbike in a few months and in at any time between 11 it is unacceptable. am and 4 pm for a chat and coffee, soup or cake,

KENN NEWS & VIEWS depending on the time of Seymour and , but very few day. actual Kenn residents.

ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST, Over the Christmas season, at the KENN various services held, around 220 people attended Church at Kenn. St. John’s Altar Guild January Rota The Church had been beautifully Mrs M. Willcox and Mrs. J. Staples decorated for the Christmas Season, many thanks to all who helped in Many thanks to all the ladies who anyway to make it a great Christmas- arranged flowers at Kenn Church over tide. the Christmas Festival. After the Patronal Festival each The Church looked really lovely. member of the congregation was Thank you for all your hard work. invited to share glasses of sherry and mince pies, thanks to Julia Bush. Jean Naish Ray Naish

Christmas Services at Kenn Church January Services The Christmas Services at Kenn Church were, generally, well attended. There will be a special service of Holy The Service of Carols and Lessons on Communion for Epiphany at Kenn December 21st drew a large Church at 11 am on Tuesday, January congregation. It was very encouraging 6th that there was a choir of 20 people all from Kenn and Kingston Seymour and The Family Service on January 25th there were 10 lesson readers. will include the Annual Plough Service. This is always a very popular The Crib Service on 24th December service and well attended. Generally a was a great success, there is a report of great start to the New Year in the this service elsewhere in this Church at Kenn. magazine.

On Christmas Morning there was a fair Ray Naish congregation, many Kenn people had attended the midnight service the night before at Kingston Seymour. Seasons Greetings

On December 28th a Patronal Service Mrs Sally Whitehead would like to of Evensong was held, as most people send best wishes for a Very Happy know St. John the Evangelist is the New Year to all her friends. Patron Saint of Kenn Church. There was a very large congregation present Kenn Women’s Institute with people attending from Wrington, Cleeve, Claverham, Yatton, Kingston Report next time KENN NEWS & VIEWS people of Kenn for her great contribution to this village in her work

Christmas Tea Party for Kenn News and Views and the many other ways she contributes to life A Christmas Tea Party for guests from in this village all done unselfishly. the village and people who are associated with Kenn, was held in Ray Naish early December in the Village Hall. Thank You After enjoying a splendid tea provided by ladies from the village, including a On behalf of all those of us who were beautiful Christmas cake made by present at the “Seniors” Xmas tea Kathleen Bromfield, over 60 guests party, I’d like to say a sincere thank were entertained by live music, which you to all those helpers and organisers led community and carol singing. who made it so successful.

There was a free draw, which included Thanks are also due to the entertainer many prizes and each guest was for his music and patter, and to Kathy presented with a Christmas present Bromfield for the lovely Christmas before leaving. cake, which not only tasted good, but was so beautifully decorated. It was a wonderful afternoon, you couldn’t fail to notice how happy Thank you all. people looked as they chatted with one another and joined in the Cliff Edwards entertainment, especially the people who live alone and don’t have the Generosity in Kenn chance to meet people in the wintertime. At a time when everyone’s finances are stretched (over the run up to As I looked around at all those happy Christmas), Kennites proved faces, it was brought to mind how themselves generous in the extreme fortunate we are to be able to live in when asked to stump up for several such a beautiful area and community ‘Good Causes’ where people care for others. The happiness was extended to the many After the Christingle Service £58.60 helpers, who helped in any way with was collected for the Children’s preparing the food and waiting on the Society, with a further £80 for the guests. They greatly enjoy helping same charity after the Carol Singing on with this special afternoon. the Village Green. £167.11 was donated for Christian Aid. We were greatly honoured to have The Coffee Morning held by Jean Mrs. Gladys Griffin with us as she is Naish and Margaret Ford raised over living in her 102nd year, also Mrs Sally £130 towards the New Room Whitehead who was preparing for her 94th birthday the next day. Christmas Puddings sold throughout the Team raised over £250 for the New During the afternoon Margaret Ball Room. was presented with a gift from the KENN NEWS & VIEWS THANKS EVERYONE

Julia Bush

Crib Service at St. John’s

This year’s Crib Service was the first WHAT’S ON AT THE DRUM? one written and directed by Celia Andrews, and we old stagers were very New Year’s Eve Party grateful to her for taking the helm, as Large Buffet, Entertainment and we’d just about run out of ideas and Raffle puff. £5 per ticket (An ‘all ticket’ do) Celia put a lot of work into writing Fancy Dress Optional Entertaining Angels, and then honing it to suit the young actors who volunteered to perform. Village Luncheon - Drum & Monkey Supported by a core of experienced narrators, several new faces came to Compliments of Mike and Kelly the fore, taking on far more dialogue With best wishes for the New Year than ever before. th 12.30 p.m. Tuesday 6 January Picking out individuals for praise is a names to Mike before if possible dangerous sport but Archangel Uriel (Jack) deserves an honourable mention as he took on a mammoth part very Every Wednesday Night is calmly, and charmed us all on the day. QUIZ NIGHT th It’s fair to say that every child who First of 2004 – 7 January took part did themselves justice, Free Entry – Prizes behaving beautifully both at the rehearsals and on the day. Raffle for local charities

We were thrilled when three new shepherds appeared and learned their parts overnight. The heavenly host th was both charming and efficient, the Tuesday February 17 Wise Men were dignified, Mary and Be Entertained by the Joseph stole our hearts and the whole Everley Brothers performance rolled away without a (one of Britain’s Tribute Duo’s) hitch. Tickets £15 from the bar At the Drum Many thanks to Mary Holmes for To include a 3 course meal supporting us as ever. Proceeds to Kenn Village Hall See you all next year? Kitchen Fund

Julia Bush

KENN NEWS & VIEWS to everyone who helped to make this so. KENN NEWS - Snippets

Kenn Village Hall Each week the members of the Altar Guild clean our church, polish the A Coffee Morning will be held at Kenn brass and arrange fresh flowers. Thank st Court on Wednesday 21 January you to our clergy for their support and 10.30 – noon. to our organist.

Raffle, Bring & Buy. Come along Until December two of our senior meet your friends and neighbours and citizens always opened our church for support Kenn Village Hall new early services, we say thank you and kitchen. wish them every happiness in their flat in Clevedon. Thanks to the men who Litter in Kenn tidy the churchyard from time to time. Our Hall is always ready for Kennites During 2003, some Kennites and friends to use, thanks to the help volunteered to pick up rubbish that given by a small group of ladies who others had dumped on our grass give it an extra clean from time to time verges. May we ask that they continue and arrange Fund Raising events for their good work in 2004 and help to everyone to enjoy. We hope the make a really tidy village, free of all project on the new kitchen will start in litter. To those who live away from February – more funds are needed such untidiness, please come along and please – if any of our readers would volunteer to help with this worthwhile like to arrange an event don’t hesitate project. to set plans rolling!

Our Flag The Hall was beautifully decorated for the Christmas parties, thank you. We flew our flag on Christmas Day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. To those who plant the pots on the Green and pick up rubbish that others drop around the Village. Thank you. Ruth Dyer To those who visit older Kennites, take them shopping, to the doctors and Kenn 2003 hospitals thank you.

Kenn 2003 is gone and we welcome Finally and most important, to those 2004 when despite all the uncertainties who contribute to News and Views, and difficulties and wars where our print it and distribute it a warm thank servicemen and women are trying to you. bring peace in Iraq and other trouble spots, we look forward with hope. To our readers who, up to now, have not joined in, come along, join in, you Once again in Kenn we have been blest will be very welcome and you will and it is our privilege to say thank you have a warm feeling within.


Dates for your Diary Bird News I – November

A visit to Littlewood on Kenn Moor Tuesday 6th January – Epiphany produced a nice flock of Siskins with a 11.00 am Holy Communion at St. few Redpolls feeding on Alder seeds. John’s Kenn – also Drop In Day at the Further along a group of Goldfinches home of Celia and John Andrews, was exploiting this food source and Cherry Tree House, Kingston Seymour Goldcrests were busy taking insects 11.00 am – 4.00 pm from the Ivy.

Later the same day, a later afternoon Tuesday 6th January - 12.30 pm at visit to the sea wall, close to the old The Drum and Monkey, Kenn – River Kenn estuary, produced no less Mike and Kelly’s Annual Treat! than 5 Short Eared Owls. This is the most I can ever remember there and presumably there is a nearby abundant Wednesday 14th January - 7.30 pm food supply. These are very Kenn Women’s Institute meet at charismatic birds, that allow a Kenn Village Hall. The subject will reasonably close approach and watch be Thornton Chocolates. you from their fence post or ground perch. Non-members are always welcome. On the peat levels, the rain has now produced the desired (by the birds) shallow flooding and lots of ducks Clevedon Sale Rooms have returned. These and other visitors have in turn attracted some of our rare Auction dates birds of prey with Peregrine, Merlin, Thursday 15th January Marsh Harrier and Hen Harrier all Thursday 29th January being seen recently. Viewing on the Wednesday The number of Otter sightings is also increasing and from a couple of hides there is now a reasonable chance of a Kenn Court sighting – in fact a family of 3 otters Wednesday 21st January has been seen on several occasions. 10.30 – noon Trevor Riddle Coffee Morning for Kenn Village 01934 835208 Hall Funds Bird News II Monday 2nd February 7.30 pm In last month’s News and Views, I Parish Council Meeting at Kenn reported a male Tawny Owl calling Village Hall early in the morning and calling from the church roof during Evensong. I KENN NEWS & VIEWS have since heard a female calling in the Around 40 people joined together to orchard behind Stonehouse Farm. sing carols and partake of Mulled Wine and Hot Mince Pies. Thanks to A few weeks ago a flock of about 20 Mike at the Drum for the mince pies, wild geese flew over Kenn late in the and Grace Griffin for the sausage rolls, afternoon. They were flying so low especial thanks to Marianna and Robin that they had to fly around the Fir for the drinks and the electricity to Trees in the churchyard. Hartley power the lights. Staples also saw them, he thought they were Whitefronts. A collection for the Children’s Society made by the children realised over £81. Rowland Hazel has reported seeing another flock of about 20 flying over his bungalow on Moor Road. They were also flying very low, just over the hedgetops. He thinks they must have TWO DICKS landed in a field nearby. Warm, if belated welcomes to newish Miles and Sheila Naish get masses of residents of Kenn. birds feeding on their bird table behind their house. This is an ideal place for Richard Evans at Evans Gate, birds to feed. It is so quiet and Colehouse Lane and surrounded by trees. They get many Richard Hemmingsley at Laurel Blue Tits and Great Tits there. Last Cottage, Kenn Street. week Miles spotted a Marsh Tit feeding with the others at the table. They have both been spotted at the Drum and Monkey. I heard a flock of Teal fly over one evening recently, they were flying It was a joy to have sons Joe and Sam towards the moor. join Richard H at our Carol Singing on the Village Green. We look forward to Ray Naish welcoming them to other village events.

Margaret’s Mutterings CONGRATULATIONS Thanks Congratulations to Mike and Iris Our thanks go to Parish Councillors Callow on the safe arrival of Andrew Rob Treble, who ordered the who is their fifth grandchild early in Christmas Tree (financed by the Parish December. Council) and to John Griffin and Hartley Staples who erected it on the MORE CONGRATULATIONS Village Green. 19th December – Friday night at 11.20 Thanks also to John Ball who added Mike (at the Drum) became a the lights, and to local celebrity Mrs grandfather. Stefan and Laura had a Ruth Dyer for performing the baby daughter 5lbs. 1oz, all doing well. switching on ceremony. The baby’s name is Jade Lianne Beardshaw and she was home in time KENN NEWS & VIEWS for Christmas. Best wishes to them off the coast of Donegal N.W. Ireland, all. when in broad daylight and in good visibility, they collided, which resulted in Party Thanks and Plans for 2004 the cruiser sinking with great loss of life.

The Curacoa was an old ship, having The committee and helpers at the been in service since 1917, but pressed Christmas Tea Party would like to into service again for WWII and she had thank all the guests who came – thank been refitted as an Anti Aircraft you for smiling, for chatting and for Defence Vessel. She carried 27 officers singing – We feel that this party and 412 ratings. Her Captain was Capt. ‘starts’ Christmas for us. Also thanks Beutwood, who at 43 years old, was a to Keyboard Colin who entertained us full ‘four-ring’ captain and a very all so well. experienced officer.

This year’s Christmas Tea Party will The Queen Mary was a famous ship in be held on Wednesday 1st December the Cunard fleet, along with the new 2004, so keep the date free (Colin has Queen Elizabeth. She grossed 81237 already been booked) and the tones and was capable of speeds of up Children’s Party will be on Tuesday to 30 knots (which is over 35 m.p.h.) 21st December. Her Captain was Capt. Illingworth, also a very experienced mariner.

Thanks go to Father Christmas for The wartime duties of “The Queens” taking the time to visit the Children’s was as troopships and on the 27th Party on Monday 22nd December – the September 1942, the Q. M. left New children had a wonderful afternoon. York with amazingly, 10,000 U.S. troops and a crew of 900, a total of altogether These two parties are financed by the 11,137 souls. annual Jumble Sale which this year On these trips from America “The will be held at Kenn Village Hall on th Queens” were never escorted. They the Wednesday of half term – the 18 relied totally on their speed and a zigzag February at 2.00 p.m. course. However, as she neared the W. Coast of Ireland it was thought prudent to give her an A. A. Defence. Accordingly, HMS Curacoa left Belfast - H.M.S. CURACOA – to escort her, a job that the Curacoa had A tragedy done at least five times before.

In the long history of the Royal Navy, Compared to the Q. M., the cruiser was there are many stories to be told, stories fairly slow (22-25 knots max) and of great valour and heroism, stories of because of the extra weight of guns and seamanship, but also, stories of tragedy. equipment on her upper works, she hadn’t a lot of ‘freeboard’ (that being her One such tragedy occurred at precisely height, above the waterline), so in heavy 12 minutes past 2 o’clock on the weather she was low in the water and nd afternoon of the 2 October 1942. It the seas broke over her often causing concerned the light cruiser HMS damage Curacoa (4390 tons)and the Cunard Liner Queen Mary (81,237 tons). These two ships were, at that time, some miles KENN NEWS & VIEWS When the ships met, visibility was good and it was daylight (2 pm), but there was The Q. M. was now doing twenty eight a heavy sea swell. and a half knots (about 35 mph) and on a collision course.

The Captains decided on a parallel The cruiser ordered hard to starboard, course with the cruiser as near as and the Q. M. hard to port, but it was practical to the Q. M., so how could too late, especially as the huge liner they possibly collide? would take time to respond to the helm.

At sea, there was what’s called “the rules The Q. M. smashed into the Curacoa, of the road” a sort of Highway Code of just abaft of midships and sliced her the Sea. The Q. M. being the faster completely in two. Both halves quickly ship, would soon overtake the cruiser sank. and both Captains knew this, and they also knew that the overtaking ship, in The Captain of the Q. M. did not stop, this case the Q. M. should set a course which, considering the safety of 10,000 so as not to endanger the ship being troops was the correct decision. overtaken. The news of this was ruthlessly However, the Q. M., for her own safety suppressed (I was in the Navy at the was still zigzagging. The Captain of the time and only heard vague rumours). Q. M. had told his officer of the watch and the quartermaster (that is the On board the Q. M. the impact was helmsman) that it was the duty of the hardly felt at all, there was some damage escort to keep clear. to her bows, but she was still seaworthy.

The Captain of the Curacoa on the Of the cruiser, 338 men perished and other hand, thought that the Q. M. only 101 were rescued, this included 2 would keep to the rules of the road. officers, one of which was Capt. Boutwood. It was not until June 1945 Two other factors also came into play. that the collision and loss was made public, when a court of enquiry was Firstly, both ships were ‘yawing’ held. (YAWING happens when in a heavy swell, a ship may apparently be pushed After many hours of claim and counter off course by the heavy sea until the claim between the Admiralty and helmsman can correct it). Cunard, the court held that it was an accident that should never have Secondly, on the bridge of the Q. M. happened, and that both captains should they were changing the Watch Officers, carry blame. which probably resulted in a loss of continuity. Cunard did pay some compensation to the families of the victims. So ended When the Q. M. then altered course on this tragic episode. a zigzag, the officers on the cruiser, may have thought that she was ‘yawing’. p.s. Both captains survived the war and lived for many years afterwards, the At this point, the ships were less than captain of the Curacoa being 94 when two cables length apart (1 cable length he died. being 200 yards). KENN NEWS & VIEWS Cliff Edwards

YATTON MOOR SERVICES 4th Sunday 25th January

th 1st Sunday 4 January THE CONVERSION OF PAUL (Third Sunday of Epiphany) THE EPIPHANY (Second Sunday of Christmas) 8am Holy Communion Yatton 8am Holy Communion 8am Holy Communion Kenn Kingston Seymour 8am Holy Communion Claverham 9.30am Parish Communion Yatton 9.30 am Family Communion Yatton 9.30am Holy Communion Cleeve 9.30 am Holy Communion Cleeve 10am Family Service Claverham 11am Family Service 11am Family Service Kenn Kingston Seymour 6.30pm Ecumenical Service for 6pm Deanery Evensong The Week Of Prayer For Christian St. John’s Clevedon Unity at Yatton Methodist Church.

th 2nd Sunday 11 January WEEKDAY SERVICES

THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST Daily 8.30am Morning Prayer at (First Sunday of Epiphany) Yatton (except Holy Days)

8am Holy Communion Yatton Every Wednesday: 9.30am Parish Communion Yatton 10am: Holy Communion Yatton 9.30am Holy Communion Claverham 11am Family Service/Holy Baptism 1st Wednesday in month: Cleeve 7th January 11am Holy Communion Kenn 11am: Holy Communion 6pm Evensong Kingston Seymour Kingston Seymour 6.30pm Holy Communion Cleeve Epiphany Tuesday 6th January th 3rd Sunday 18 January 11 am Holy Communion at Kenn

SECOND SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY 3rd Wednesday in month: 21st January 8am Holy Communion Claverham 11am:Holy Communion Kenn 9.30am Parish Communion Yatton 9.30am Holy Communion Cleeve 4th Wednesday in month: 11am Holy Communion 28th January Kingston Seymour 11am: Holy 2.30pm Holy Baptism Yatton Communion Claverham 6pm Evensong Kenn Every Thursday: 9.30am: Holy Communion Cleeve KENN NEWS & VIEWS

7.30pm: Holy Communion Yatton