
למען ישמעו • תצוה תשע"ח • 450 Editor - SHIMON HELlINGER


A Potent Day interfere with this mighty potential. worsened as the days wore on, he sent a message .to the tzaddik, asking for a bracha )שפתי צדיק אות נ"ג( The Zohar notes that Purim is similar to Yom The tzaddik replied, “Now he knows that fever is HaKipurim. This means that what is accomplished Celebrating Purim really a sickness, and he needs to know that Purim on Yom Kippur by fasting can be accomplished is really a Yom-Tov.” on Purim by rejoicing. Furthermore, the very The Shulchan Aruch rules that one should wear fine name Kipurim (“like Purim”), implies that Purim clothes when going to hear the Megilla. In fact the The man suffered in sickness the entire year, until is the greater Yom-Tov, impacting a person holy talmid of the AriZal, Reb Chaim Vital, would the following Purim. )סיפו"ח זוין מועדים ע' 271, ובס' הצאצאים ע' 62 הביאו על אדה"ז( more powerfully. immerse in the mikveh and then put on Shabbos clothes in honor of Purim. Indeed, Chazal teach that when Moshiach comes, all the Yomim-Tovim will cease to exist; only the It is also written that after returning home from shul Limitless Zeal Yom-Tov of Purim will remain. Chassidus explains on Purim night, one should have the table set and We read in the Gemara that on Purim one must that the kedusha and joy of Purim are so great, candles lit, and partake of a seuda in honor of Purim. drink “until he cannot differentiate (“ad d’lo that even when we have the kedusha and joy of the yada”) between ‘cursed be Haman’ and ‘blessed )רמ"א סי' תרצ"ה ס"ב, כף החיים שם סקי"ג, רמ"א ס"א( geulah, Purim will still stand out. be Mordechai.’ ” )תיקוני זהר נ"ז ע"ב, מדרש משלי פ"ט, תו"מ חט"ז ע' 118 וש"נ( Consider The explains: The goal of ad d’lo yada The author of Chiddushei HaRim, the first Rebbe of (literally, “until he does not know…”) is that Ger, illustrated the powerful potential of Purim How can the merrymaking a person reach a level of utter subservience with a story: to HaShem, which is not limited by his own on Purim be both a source of understanding, and through this, all undesirable There was once a Yid who set out on a journey, brachos and a distraction from it? perspectives will be washed away. As a result, intending to commit a grievous sin, and took along one will have the strength to continue this avoda five hundred gold rubles that he had patiently If Purim is really a Yom-Tov why throughout the entire year. amassed over the years. On his way, he suddenly )מגילה ז,ב, לקו"ש ח"ד ע' is it permissible to do melacha? )1277 heard the heartfelt cries of a family in distress. They were being evicted for not paying their rent. On the first Purim after his chasuna, the Alter His pity aroused, he gave them all the money that Throughout the month of Adar, the conduct of, Rebbe gave a non-literal exposition of the avoda of he had intended to use for the aveira. Reb Shmuel Abba of Zichlin was very joyful, and on attaining the level of ad d’lo yada. On Purim, he said, His deed aroused such a great tumult in Shamayim Purim his avoda expressed extraordinary simcha. we must ensure that the lo – literally, “the No,” that that it was decided that whatever this man would He had harsh words for those who did not treat is, the things that are forbidden – should be yada decree, would materialize. However, to ensure the day properly, or who did not dress in their (“known”). What we are supposed to do is well that the privilege would not be misused, it was Shabbos clothes in honor of the Megillah reading. known, but one must also know what is forbidden, ordained that he become a drunkard. so that it can be treated with extra caution. One year, his beis midrash was filled with all the )סה"ש תש"ה ע' 72( Some time later, a terrible tzara descended upon townsmen who had come to hear the Megillah. the world. The Baal Shem Tov sent his talmidim to All were dressed in their Shabbos best, except The Megillah says that after the miracle of Purim, beg this drunken Yid to intercede and ask HaShem for one man, who wore his weekday garb. When the Yidden were blessed with simcha (“joy”), which for mercy. They repeatedly found him drunk, until some chassidim questioned his behavior, the man Chazal understand to mean that they were now able finally, catching him sober, they presented their responded (playing on a common Yiddish folk- to celebrate the Yomim-Tovim. The Rebbe explains request and he succeeded in abolishing the decree. expression), “Purim is not a Yom-Tov and fever that although other nations also have holidays, is not a sickness.” At that moment, the tzaddik The Chiddushei Harim would conclude: Purim they celebrate them with drinking and unbridled entered, gave this fellow a piercing look and said, is a day of eis ratzon, when every Yid – like that conduct. Yidden, by contrast, even when they “Purim is a Yom-Tov, and fever is a sickness.” drunkard – can accomplish great things, without rejoice and drink they become closer to HaShem, limitation. However, to allow this to happen, one As soon as he arrived home that night, this man and heighten their yiras Shamayim and holiness. )לקו"ש ח"ג ע' 920, ח"ד ע' 1274, וראה שוע"ר סי' רצ"ב ס"ג( must make sure that the merrymaking will not suddenly fell ill with a raging fever. When it only

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His in his minyan told him that they Around Purim, the custom is to give a “half coin” to tzedaka in great-grandfather the Alter Rebbe cannot daven so long, and every time remembrance of the half shekel that was donated during the was his sandak. He was very close to he would promise to keep it short, month of Adar in the times of the Beis Hamikdash.1 It is given his grandfather the Mitteler Rebbe, however once he started to daven he preferably on Taanis Esther before mincha, and so is the Chabad and would learn with him very often. would forget about the deal. Once he custom, but one who didn’t give it then may do so on Purim He was his father’s right-hand man, decided to tie himself to the omud as a morning before megilla.2 It is best to contribute this tzedaka to a as most of his father’s activities reminder to keep the davening short, shul or beis midrash, similar to the original machatzis hashekel that would go through him. He married but from such great fervor he started went to the Beis Hamikdash.3 the daughter of Reb Shlomo Friedes walking around and dragged the omud of Shklov, a great chossid of the Alter While some hold that one half coin is sufficient, the Rema quotes with him to the other side of shul. Rebbe. After his father the Tzemach )אוצר סיפורי חב"ד חי"ח( from Rishonim that one should contribute three half coins Tzedek passed away, he moved to the corresponding to the three times the word “terumah” (donation) city of and many chassidim appears in the pesukim regarding donations for the mishkan. The flocked to him. After a short time he Rebbe adds that this can also commemorate the three days that Queen Esther fasted.4 fell ill and passed away on 3 Cheshvan All of the Tzemach Tzedek’s sons 5627 (1866). had business partnerships with How much is a machatzis hashekel? The Rema writes that the coins various merchants. The Maharil had given should be half coins of the local currency (e.g. half dollar, half shekel). Poskim write that in countries where there is no a partnership with a merchant who “half coin,” a half coin of an internationally recognized currency Throughout the year after the dealt with horses. At one point, the (e.g. dollar or euro) may be used. A coin that is colloquially called Tzemach Tzedek’s passing, each of the Maharil made a calculation of the “half” by the Jewish population (e.g. fifty pence in England as sons davened in a minyan of his own. business. As the total he wrote, “leis “half a pound”) may be used.5 The Maharil’s manner of davening was asar ponui minei,” there is no place with a lot of excitement, sometimes empty of Hashem. Some sources mention fulfilling the custom in a more preferable )סה"ש תש"ה ע' walking from place to place and )14 way by contributing the actual value of one machatzis hashekel given in the time of the Beis Hamikdash (9.6 (or 8.5) grams of silver).6 Although not the custom as described by Rema, many communities follow this custom, and in addition to giving three half coins, they supplement the amount with additional money (presently the value is approx. $5.15). The above sources mention an additional advantage in giving actual silver, and therefore some endeavor to donate half coins that contain (in total) 9.6 grams of silver. (American half dollars The Rebbe’s Health prior to 1964 contained over 11 grams; until 1970, 4.6 gram; onward, they contain no silver.) At the famous farbrengen of Purim niggunim. One elder chossid worried 5718 (1958), the Rebbe spoke in direct for the Rebbe’s hand, and placed his The custom in many communities is to “buy” the three half coins terms to many of the assembled. own hand on the table to protect the from the gabbai. One should first place money in the plate and Several people were admonished for Rebbe from unnecessary pain. 7 then lift the coins. If buying silver coins, it is proper to pay their not sending their sons to Tomchei The Rebbe’s response was direct: value, or at least the value of 9.6 grams of silver, though there is Temimim, and one was even told 8 some basis to pay a mere $1.50. Yet, one can fulfill the custom “Don’t be swayed by me! Disregard “Those who are genuinely worried with three regular half dollars and one is not obligated to add what I have told you that you could about my health should get involved more to fulfill the additional custom. send to another yeshivah!” in Tomchei Temimim activities.” As the farbrengen progressed, the (Toras Menachem vol. 22, page 167; Otzar (Rebbe began banging his fist strongly Hachassidim NY, page 157 1. קשורה גם עם ביטול גזירת המן כדאיתא בגמ' וא"צ זכר(. תו"מ תשמ"ט ח"ב ע' 439; 460 )זכר לג' )מגילה יג, ב( "הקדים שקליהם לשקליו". ימי התענית(. on the table during the sichos and 2. רמ”א או”ח סי' תרצ"ד ס"א. מ"א שם סק"ב. ספר 5. ראה ס’ הליכות חנוך ע’ ע”ז. המנהגים – חב"ד ע' 37. לוח כולל חב"ד. וי"א גם 6. כף החיים סי’ תרצ”ד סק”כ. מפי )הגרמש"א ע"ה( מר"ח אדר - ראה מקדש ישראל פורים סי' נ"ב מזקני חסידים שמעתי שכך נהגו גם בין חסידי ובס' רוח חיים סי' תרצ"ד שכך נהגו באיזמיר. חב"ד אבל לענ"ד אין הוכחה שכך מנהג חב"ד. Phone 347.471.1770 3. ע”פ שיחת ש”פ שקלים תשכ”ד ותשמ”ב - הובא וראה מקדש ישראל – פורים סימן נ'. Email [email protected] באוצר מנהגי חב”ד חודש אדר, ע’ רנג. 7. ראה מקדש ישראל שם סי' נ"ה שכך לכתחילה. 4. רמ”א שם ע”פ מרדכי ריש פ”ק דיומא )ליתן ג'(. 8. ראה ביה"ל או"ח סי' תרצ"ד ד"ה ויש שנתן web www.MERKAZANASH.COM אבל ראה מטה יהודה, הובא בכף החיים סי' לימוד זכות לזה שהגבאים מוכרים בפחות, וראה תרצ"ד ס"ק כ"ג )ב' תרומות היו רק פ"א במדבר מקדש ישראל שם סי' נ"ה שדן בזה.

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