
■ • \: y SEmiMBER T, WW The Weather Average Daily Cireulatlon Forecaat ot t'. S. Heather Barren f o u r t e e it .» Manchester 'Evening Herald For the Month.ef Angmt, 1*44 / . j > « Fnir tonight and Sunday: alight- ly lower tempemturea tonight; moderntely warm Sunday. Member of the Audit HALE'S SELF SERVE Fashion Says Bnrenn of ClrcnlsUone Manchester—~A City of Village Charm The Original In New Engfand! MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1944 (CtaaaMed Adverttalng on Pag* 10)*' PRICE THREE CEI SATURDAY SPECIALS VOL. LXIIL, NO. 285 (TWELVE PAGES) tie’s. <)nslity _ Fur Scarfs \ Yanks See Another Statue of Liberty tftgAD Leaf 7c X- Armored Units Move if.--,' ^ ^ British, Break Nazis’ iLarge Coffee Rings or Are 4 “Must” to Gernnany; Immb Cakes E»r29c Purchased This Vaunted Gothic Line; I WIm M SoUtli** 100% ^hole Wheat Bread Special Ev^t -7 A llies to Lyon I>oaf 1 5 C Scattered Rains Hamper Third Army Units Now No Herald [.'Istfc* Bottle . g Eighth Army B r iii^ New Deal Hit Progress in Some Sec­ Speeding Over Lin« Domino Ale Gates to Po Valley; t nw* tors; Retreating Ger- Monday , Where War Stopped Only Matter of Time Y t^K t llCrS By Governors ans Feverishly Dig­ In 1918; Americani; _3Jottles^ ’ 25e Before Complete De- \ ging Rearguard Posi­ No issue of the Manchester * Pushing Toward Mo* strticfion of All Ger- 'T o Safety Behind Dewey tions in Attempt to Evening Herald will be selle River and Rac All Kinds of Beverages published on Monday, ing Germans to Sieg* Itian Forces in Italy . • SlffW Pursuers; Seek to. Sept. 4, Labor Day. Will Be Accomplished; Soil Provides '^ for Wiping Out Escape Trap Jaws. fried Line Near Bordet At Right Prices Americans Cross Arno, welcome Haven /or! Of ‘Pressure Groups Bulletin! A m o u r’s 1,126 Shot Down and Ai|d ‘Hate-Making and Rome, Sept, 2.—Ketchup time before complete destruction term a “name-calling, hate-making tions in an attempt to slow their Areal*^^* British thrust 15 mile* ------. . , A fleet of 38 Flying Fortreaaea and backward looking" New Deal. pursuers. On Three-Mile Featuring New Fall of all German forcea in Italy wm round trip from an air Rioters in Sofia Heavy Motor Movemento northeast of Arras to Douai be accompllahed. j ^ ,outhem Italy to Bucha- Governors *choeppeI, of Kan­ ■ HoMt sas, Martin, of Pennsylvania, and Lieut. Gen. Alexander M. Patch’s Of Wreckage; Trans­ pushed eight miles northwest Next to Laat Phaae j under arrangement made by Thye of Minnesota were the sec­ headquarters said heavy motor port Lines Targets. of Arras over historic Vinlj iar 1 9 C The Gothic line operation la the Ueut. Col. James A. Gunn, 3rd, ond group of three Republican 'movements continued on the Butter • - — As Sketched. next to the laat phase In the Ital­ Kelseyville, CsUf. roads north and northwest of the Ridge to CambigneuI, and The happy fl'.ers, who came state executives to participate in Clamor for War London, Sept. 2.—(0^—British thrust patrols to Lens an4 ian campaign. The .ortiflcatlons tlie "prelude" to Gov. Thomas E. city, as the Nazi command sought _Mj|bjJPkf. RAYON CREPE there repretent the next to the back after King Mihal of Romania to escape from the jawa of an Al­ Mosquitos hit the ’ northwestern Femes .within 18 miles of Ac> Prunes 33c proclaimed their liberation, repre­ Dewey’s opening address a t Phila­ laat prepared German poaition or delphia, Sept. 7,. lied trap closiog in from the north German port of Bremen last mentieres and Lille. . depth and Importance in Italy. sented. bne-thlrd o' the number and south. SwHweet You will do well •*« these dresaen and shot down since the start of 4**® Three other supporters of Dew­ Against Germany night, piling more destruction on pick one now. The problem ot securing a good While the British troops broke ey, Republican presidential nom­ An Allied headquarters- an­ Supreme Headquarters Al* Qt. 2 7 c Sable Blend through the bristling defenses offensiVS" against the now con­ nouncement said the count of three mile stretch of wreckage Prune Juice Bssortment Is as gi-eat as ever. We have them near the Adriatic to a depth of quered Ploesti oil regions in Au­ inee—Governors Green of Illinois. prisoners tsken since the lending In docks and the commercial cen­ lied Expeditionary Force, In wine, blue, green, red. fushis, brown, plum $8.98 M $12-98 .four miles, the American Fifth gust. 1943. Warren of California and Baldwin •in southc-in Erence exceeds 55;- ter of the city, it was announced Sept. 2.—(/P)—A m e r i c a B GEORGE BURNS and black — all with different trimming de­ Army crossed the Amo river from. Names Sent to Washington of Connecticut—previously had Bulgaria Reaches W eStCril AllicS disclosed they prepared their OOO.of which French troops esp- today. Thjrd Army armored uniti •bC tails. Fl^enre west .to the sea. As each flier checked ln-*t base ing Point as Red Army tured 35.000, including 15,000 at A force of‘less than 300 heavy hiadquarters his name and serial speeches along different lines from Marseille and 10,000 at Toulon. . bombers which hit Bremen Aug, spearing out from capturefi Russian Hekyy fighting raged along the . those suggested by the Natidnal Races Along Northern \ Verdun and St. Mihiel wer« GRACIE ALLEN front aif the Germans threw in re- {..Republican committee. ’The dls- May Be First On the eastern' edge of the in­ 25 devastated more than three inforcemehts. (Continued on Page Seven) Border; Nation Wails vasion front Allied troops have en­ fourths of the Atlaawerke ship­ speeding today over the lim WItti BILL OOODWIN 1 closures brought charges from the tered Contes, eight miles northeast yards and 20 warehouses in the where the shooting stoppi^ 1 ' * ■ Part' of the spectacular Ameri­ Democrats that the speakers were For Formation of,New of the caj lured Riviera resort Am Beak Oe 1. Fall ance and struck southeast to the Moscow, Sept. 2.—-6 ^inil 7 hill mass behind Pisa which has Governor Schoeppel, speaking , . , , • , . : could be made to bynaSs Lyon on weather until nightfall yeaterda; toward the Mooelie river, 35 mllet from Kansas City,>y Mo., criticised point today as rioters in Sofia Of Amateur Tactician* the east and get astride of routes east of Verdun and ibout 20 milM afforded the enemy excellent ob- j clamoried for war against along which the Nazis are trying to slashing at Nazi road, rail ■ervatlon over the entire west ■ Raids Felt the Political Action committee of On Surr*n4er -Plan*. canal traffic. from the German bord^ and Wort 9:00 P. M. Skin Arrangeinents coast sector. the CIO as a ‘’pressure ^ ia m s m y and the Red Army escape With what Is left of their Destroyed or dam age^ were racing the Germans to tbs Sleg* 0 At the same time American ; an item by Item chapter atlff’WSSnf raced along her northern bor­ batteftd 19th Army. more than 1.800 vehicles, 127 loco­ fried line hoping' to reach' it IS MKHENTKD BT troops of Japanese ancestry occu- j import of the fatal political doc- >, ,, By Lewis Hawkins The communique said only that strength. ^ MENDH, Nervously Warn Units der at a rate which in a few some American elements are ’’be­ motives, 987 railroad /qeirs, 42 The new Fall costs In sU ths pled the sonthwest slopes of the • trinea of Europ«*‘ London. Sepl. 2—(g’l - I l Is pos­ barges, nine tanks, U gtma, 12 - To the north and west 3 Cor ••••eeeoo* $23.80 - $34.75 - $40.80 new colors, including black, In Occupied Areas Al­ Governor Martin, speaking from days should bring it to the sible that American and British yond Voiron,” -which la 43 miles can First Army and British Pisano mass. mutbeaat of Lyon. gunsites and eight/horse-ic^rawn rust, fushis, grey, blue, grwn. Last Aland fiefqre Pass Harrieburg, Pa., a^oailed Senator spot where Yugoslavia, Ro­ ond Army troopa were moving U| t o lied Activity Against Truman, ' the Democratic vice mania and Bulgaria join. The |I troops- may stride into Germany Make Few Cbntarte . artlllety pieces / LARGEy and $48.65 brown. Chesterfields and Boy $19-95 A dispatch from the front said j ' as invadars before the Russians, The Ninth Air Force .Vhich flew within 20 milea of Belgium af key Coat styles. With ot without presidential candidate, for his country waited for the formation American columns on the east points along a 100-mllo front and. 3.^Cor e • e e o o • German prisonera quoted Field i Davao Is Menacing. but if they do it will not automati­ side of the Rhone river made a few more than aortlee in August 4 SWELL SOAPS IN 1 velvet collars. ' failure to repeat in a speech of a new government following and claimed ^ stru ctio n of more probably had reconnaissance units Marshal Albert Kesselrlng as de- i I Thursday at Lamar, Mo., Truman’s the resignation of Premier Ivan cally prove an old and favorite contiefs with enemy rearguards already acrosa the Belgian bordor- daring tlfat the Gothic line would Bagrianov who stepped out even yesterday betwten ’Tournon, 47 thaa 10,000/ transport units, in­ Bv The Associqled Pr?S8 earlier criticism of “red Upe and theme^f amateur tacticians. cluding railway cars, opened Sep­ The British in their new driv# LAKG1S - * — be the last stand before the Bren- | Tokyo reported today wide- ' bureaucratic waste.” Then, said while his peace delegates were This theme, is that once the Ger­ miles aou'ijf of Lvon, and Bourge toward Flanders captured Viaoy • ner pass, and that the line had to j / 1 J ' Martin, he (Truman) "was only a meeting with American and Brit­ man leadcrt have accepted defeat de Peage, but only patrol clashes tember /6y acco\inting for 607 be held for three weeks. • ispread air and sea raids through-, be„t winning the \yere reported. motor , Yranaport and 142 horse- ridge, the bloody battleground of New Fall Shade* Both American and British ish representatives in' Cairo. as iirevitable, they would "let the the First World Wac, -and wart out the Pacific, on the Bonlns, ^ ^ candidate British and Americana in because On the west side of the Rhone drawn vehicles destroyed or dam­ forces along the Italian front were Driving Across Plains French forces advancing rapidly age yesterday. within 20 milea of Armontieroa


Ge r a l d . M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., j v ^t u r u a y . ssEriEMBE* z. W ■ / MAM^nESrEK « V EXMIW G TWO Oo Yow Risk Yawr U fa A ttar Dark? Claims Water ______f.. Squires Plan Veu DO— if you tMurn* that jutt bacauM yeu Yank Pnsoner Captures 1,000 Nazis 1^0 Herald m w o g p aan aa* an onaominf ear, the drlter can aee Dept. Was ta x Rationing Data s -mr yeu. Net aneu(h tight ie reflected by a tepublican Coniinittee •eldier’a unHerm te raach the drivar’e eyet Monday For Cake Sale until toe lata. That’s how many a toldiar Furnished By, St. James'* Roman Catholic Salvation Army haa baan killad. WlAn yeu are on loot, taka it Office of Price Administration SUN. - MON. - TUES. Major and Mr*. J. H. Sweet Bev. .WUUam J. Ounn, Paejor HASM Sues Town for $300 for grantad t(iat avary drivar It atona blind. Regliinai Oepartment ot, Infornuatloa CONTINUOUS SHOW omeei* la Owrga Rev. Edmmid Barrett, Aaelstaat No issue of the Manchester T o 'B e Held at the K. of If he doesn’t aaa you, he might et wall be. Damages After Four 55 Tremont Street, Boctoo, 8, P' Chooses Its Candidates SUNDAY AND MONDAY Rev. Frederick McLeaa, Aaelstaat Evening Herald will be C. Carnival on Mon­ Saturday 7:30 Open-air aerv- Are Yew OuHty at Dangarout ActsP Heating Tanks Break. woman ever to aerve in thia cape* Sunday maaaes: onow In th* secood period for auO published on Monday, Ice. 0DD*arm driving 'of an automobik If an ai- Meota and Fnta lames W om an fo r Jus- city In the town of Mancheater. day Evening. WOMEN WITH WINGSI For adults, 5:80, 7, 8:80,. 9:45, allotments (August 1 through 06^ Sept. 4, Labor Day. Sunday— . ^ and 1 1 a. m. ampta; ao it walking around on atratta aftar Charles F Shaver, of 118 Prince­ Good Indefinitely— Red Stamps The committee went on record 9:80 Company meeting. Y. F. drinking quHa a bit. Running for a bua with- 8A through Z8 and A5 to D6 in tober 31). jilce of Peace; Endor- aa endoraing aeven candldatea for Children's mass at 8:80, down- ton street, late yesterday after- A cake sale by and for the ben­ 8. M, William Hall, home after ataira. out watching for oara haa rtauitad in daath. Book Four worth 10 points each. Shoes Seven for Select- the Board of Selectmen. Before efit of the Ckilumbian Squires will vacation wlU conduct thia achopi Soldiara hava burntd to doath in foroai firaa nooil, filed suit against th* Town Red tokens, worth one point each, the vote waa taken It wae an­ Good faideflnitely — AlT$daii* .be held at the Knights of Colum- aeaalon. cauaod by thair own earakaanott with of Manchester through hla attor­ used aa' change. Houaehidders Stomps No. 1 and No. 8 In W ar nounced by Judge Raymond lo w ­ S t RridgePa R. O. m ‘ ^ u en in the Primary- Dus carnival on the lot next to 11 HoUnesa meeting. Wh*n 01 J waiKisrs off Hi* matchaa* eigarattta. and eampfiraa. Thay ney, Jay E. Rublnow, for damages, are reminded that red stamps now Book Three good for on* pair ot ers that hla brother, Sherwood G. Manchester the home on Main street near Del- 7:15 Open-air aetvlce In Park Rev. James E. Tirnmlas, PdHer i>Nl h* run* inte civilian hai- havo boan dacapitatad by atkking thair haada become valid every 4 weeks In­ Rowera', who la now on the board, in the amount o f $300. He Is shoes each. mont street at the Labor Day on atone terrace, weather permit­ Rev. RronlBlaw GadarowsU ■rdt which last year cautad out of railroad ear windowa, and have kat stead of every 2 weeks. Thus " A t the meeting of the Republl- did not care for the endoraement claiming reimbursement for - the ' GaeoUue night session. The Ide^ for.the Assistant Pastor arma that way. too. | tha number of points is reduced to |Hih Town Committee laet night, of the Republican Town Commit­ Date Book ting. 60,000 aceidsnta. Ttalk si loss of four copper hot water tanka rale was suggested to CSilef Major Sweet will be hoifie from ulfty pamphtlt, “ Pvt. Drocp 15 for every 2 weeks instead of November 8—Last day for A-11 |j|lrs. rmurfe sauott w m nkmed aa tee. However, when the vote waa Masses on Sunday at 7:80, 9, 10 Oo Yow Drlva Whlla Daad Tlradt valued at $260. He claims the four coupons good for three galloBA*^ Tonight Squire John Donovan Thursday Old Ordiard and will conduct all MitMt the Warl” rtduesd fur­ 30. icmwJIdate for Jurtlce of the Peafce taken It waa found that, 14 mem­ and 1 1 a. m. Fatigue it almoet treachareut tanks were damaged beyond fur­ B3, B4, CS and C4 coupons good ' evening by Mrs. John F. Shea of aervleee on Sunday. lough mithafi* by 61 psreant. ther use between November, 1940 Processed Foods take the place o f William K. bers 6f the committee favored giv­ K. of C. Carnival at grounds. aa akehel in ita affect automo­ for five gallons each. 1 25 Benton street, rnother of two and August of this year and Qood Indefinitely —Blue Stamps slth, who haa how paaaed the age, ing him endoraement. Main street, opposite Cambridge New each 01 will gst a sepy. bile driver. That’a why teld)ara who members ot the new Catholic Oevenent-Ooiigregatlonal Chnroh Cmannel LnGieraa Church blames their loss on negligence ■* on A 8 through Z8 and A5 to F5 in Fuel Oil ■■ of 70 yeara. far m A t the iheetlng 24 members were street. H*r* ar* aomt of it* Italurtt. make theae TOO- and SOO-mttp non. Aa youth organisation. Mrs. Shea Churtdi Street, Opp. Myrtle . September 80— Last day for i Mr*, aailott win he the Hr*t present and David Cham ^ra WM Tuesday, Sept. 5 48 Spruce Street atop tripe home often navyr gat fbera.' the part of town water department Book Four, worth 10 points each. agreed to contact mothers of other Rev. Theodore E. Palmer, Pastor Oo Yaw period four and period five oou- , endorsed by 23. Louis M. Paper collection in Southeast Rijniold O. Joheean, Peetor Step, get eut of the ear and titrciaa, employees. ’ Blue tokens worth one point each, by 22 Jack M. Gordon by 19, Clar­ members of the organization and MHthhIka With Carat or pull off to the .Ida of th* road arms, Mr. Shaver’s claim seta forth used as change. Blue Stamps pons. AU coupons worth 10 section of Manchester. 10;80— English worship aervtee. ence Lupien by 24. John I. Olson with 39 boys In the organization Do yeu keep edging farther aleep for an hour dr two. that hls home Is situated on an G5, H5, JS. K5 and L5 become ions a unit. New 1944-45 fuM 10:45 a. m. Morning Worahlp. Topic: "The Impoealble Command­ by 23 and Joseph G. Trueman by Wedneaday, Sept. 6 It Is expected that more -than 30 and farther eut kite the elevation higher than others in hls oU coupons WiU become good for iHigh QnaHty Cleaning Of^ Sermon: "Children of the Father!" ment” Soloist Miss Dorothy Tra' good for 10 points on Sept. 1 and 21. Mr. Bowers was low mM of First Fall meeting, Dorcas So­ cakes will be displaced for sale highway hoping you wiU be section served by the town water gallons upon their receipt by The Scripture Leaaon le Matt. cy, soprano. Selection: ’ "Lord Oo You remain good indefinitely. 10 Heating Systems and the aeven candidates endorwa. ciety of Emanuel Lutheran church Monday evening. Several of tbe aean firatT h ia dangereua rystem. The water mains leading the consumer from local OPA 5:1-16. Lesson Text, M a tt Make Me Strong. O lioboy S ig n a h f ^ Sugar The chairman. Judge W. B. at 8. boys who were present at the car­ te atand In tha probable to hls home are consequently high­ Chimneys 5 ;4g.—g;4. Greta Neleon, eolo- Luther Leaguers and choir mem­ Good indefinitely — Sugar Boards. Hyde, wae authorized to name a Saturday, Sept. 9 nival Thursday and Friday eve­ path of aiitomebllea. H la Do you tre** on th* gr*«n er than those leading to other tat. Obmmunlon ' Service follow­ bers wlU meet at the church at undignifiad to be begging a f W ' and wait on th* r*d, ju*t Stamp.* 30, 31 and 32 in Book f u r n a c e REPAIRING committee of »re to plan the y,oik Burning of ~1nortgqge ceremony nings were directly contacted by ing Morning Worahlp hour. homeg In the Princeton stseet sec­ the chief squire, who 'thus waa 2:80 p. m. Sunday, and leave in a ride or anything alia, and K a* tfrivar* ^ 7 If n*t. you Four, each good for five pounds. Th* Local W ar iPrlo* aad Ro- A rnel Saving Inveetment of the primarj’.______.md installation of officers, Am er­ The Week body to' participate In the Hart­ la agabiat Army regulation, tion. ' Sugar Stamp 33 In Book Four be­ Convinced by Lieut. CTarence E. Cogglne (Inaetl, commander of an infantry company In the 45th able to relieve Mrs. Shea part ar* * dr*opr and *v«ry- tloning Board Is locateo la th* Lla* b Toar Patriotic Dnty. ican Legion Home. 7:30 p. m. Wedneeday,. Mid­ ford District chorus, which will re­ te hKehMke. thing you can think up to Tanks OoIIspeed comes good fo r five pounds on cola school, opposite th* post of* division, that they were surrounded by superior forces, hundred of Nazi soldiers are shown walking Into of her task. ^ The cla.m further states that Annual Outing of TkU Cedaes at week prayer service. Open house hearse at 3:30 p. m. at Emanuel Do Yow *ay in your own d*f*ii»* September 1 and remains good In­ flee. ' New office hours are aa foW Partisan Troops an Allied camp In south Franc*. Ueutenant Coggina. cairtur^ by the enemy while on patrol, per- Rain Chits Attendance when-the town’s water mains are For Fnll Information Call * Villa Louisa, Bolton. at the parsonage following the Lutheran church, Hartford. The Oriva Attat Drlnklngt will b* iu«t *o much bunk* definitely. Sugar sump 40 In suaded the German commander to permit him to return to hi* line* u d arnnge for th# surrender of Despite tbe slight showers and Oo Yow Go to opened or when the water in the lo «s : Monday, Sept. 11 prayer service from 8:30 to 10:80. chorus will sing at the mate meet NDbDdy k Immuik to tho of* Book Four, good for five poimds Monday, 10 a. m. to 4:80 p. m. the 214 men and 17 ofricers.— (Signal Ckirpe radio photo from NEA telephoto).______^______threatening weather a good rainy tJratrap RoodhowsesI [)■ mains is shut off In the vicinity of Capture Dubci Surgical dressings for Red Members and friends are welcome. ing o f the 48th annual convention foeto of okohDl. You got^ a for home canning through Feb. 28, Tuesday, closed all day. Van Camp Bros. night attendance was present last Th* t*mptation tD patronit* Mr. Shaver’s property, but at -a Cross, Center Church .House ' at LORETTA Labor Day Victory Conference of the Hartford District Luther , kkk from akohol bocauto' it 1945. Consumers m ay.be grant­ Wednesday, 2 to5:15 p. m. TELEPHONE .'>244 evening. While the cut in attend­ League at Emanuel Lutheran •ntora your bkodBtroam. . Vir*tr*p* i* gr**t wh«r« *n* lower level than hls residence the London, Sept. - ^ r — A broad­ ’ Children Born or Friday 7:30. ' at the Cromwell Conference ed up to 20 pounds per person Thursday, 10 a. nv. to 5:15 p. aa 2 Wednesday, Sept. IS ance affected the receipts consid­ YOUNG grounds, Cromwell, Conn., begin- church, Hartford, Sunday evening and travak at onca te your t*rt*inm*nt i* *c*rc«. R.g. result Is that the water In , the cast communique from Marshal To Mr. and Mrs. Friday Appeals Board for home canning by making ap­ Friday, 10 a. m. to 5:15 p. tn. Free Inspections! Rockville erably they were called satisfac­ nlng September 2 and continuing | at 7;30. brain. Your judgment is im* kt*r compliint* with your pipes of Ihe toivn system In and Tito’s Yugoslav headquarter* saia Surgical dressings, American PNIllIP TERRY commandtr who* by thrtaiton- plication on Form R-322 at local Saturtoy, 10 a. m. to 12:30 p. oi. tory by Chairman Corhellua Foley until Labor Day afternoon. Serv­ paired and to k your ability near the Shaver property drains — I* 2-0494. today partlaan troop* have 5»P* •Born— A son to Mr. and Legion Home, Leonard street, 10 JUNE VINCENT to manipulate your arm* irtg to d*clar* th* out of C P A Boarda. New England is The telephone number Calls Meeting of the Carnival committse. ices' Sunday at 11:00 a. m., 4:00 out of the pipes duo to the lower­ tured Dubd, northweat of uzlce Mrs--Robert J. Friday, o f 41 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. This afternoon at 1:30 q^clock Christian Sdenoe Services and kg*. Nobody i* a good bound** can fore* n*e«9sary ing of the water pressure. Thus a DIANA ■ARRYMORE p. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sunday, SepL S, 1944 on the Sarajevo-Nls railway, and Rockville Has Chestnut street." An ordinary | * • Friday, Sept. 15 the annual matinee s,eeslon\for driver after drinking. *af«gua?ecn *o great that The communique accused -the came into the world yesterday, i Sunday School, 11; Wednesday, 8; tanks are now of such light con* Manchester Woman Js of the committee. 'Jeaee OnvlB. DIreetor of Mosle Lafayette and Russ . When Peace Come«» We Must Watch for"^ . In November, 1940, he awerts, ter (department haa no record of Chetnlhs of sUrUng a n w wavt were born on F R ID A Y . I Waldo Neiwbnry, Organist structlon that they cannot stand Mrs. Maria Beletti of 320 Main Rockville Society, Sunday, 11; he Inatalind a copper tank capable there being such a shut-off in the OLD WORK of terror Klllinga In the Belgrade The Zoning Board of Appeals W ill H^ibble la Safety Modern ^iils Who S^k Profit the vacuum create when watav Hurt in One; Small S t ^ t wofi the set of dishes offered Sunday School, 11; Wednesday, ; Big Strides of 250 po'Jnds pressure. Shortly vicinity of the Shaver property. will give hearings at the Munici­ 8 arim. as a free door prise last night. 11:00 a. m— ^Morning worship. 94 Union street. afterward. In that same month, the In the October, 1942. break tbe leaves the mains. Mr. Parker doe* ♦ See . Boy Also Is Injured. San Francisco— i/P)— Aged Ed j d n not aee how that can be charged the services were held at an earlier pal building TTiursday evening, Another set will be awarded to : Union service at Center, church. B y WilllMn E. Gilroy, D.D. a and Saul stands Indicted as a weak claim states,* water was shut off town admitted reaponsibility and Night BUadneas hour. Rev. Alvin D. Johnson will Kennealley will hobble in safely night and Labor day night, which NALL- Rev. Paul Ross Lynn will preach In Politics near hla property to make a con­ the claim waa paid. The fourth 1 to negligence on the part of th* September 7 on six applications to get his . occasional glass of beer "M an" will be the subject of the W e heve seen how Saul, first character, yielding to the popular -The center of your, eye la blind Rockville. Sept. 2 —(Special) be In charge of the worship serv­ will be the last night of the car­ at thia final service of the South Lesson-Sermon for Sunday, Sept. demand of those who want to nection and when the pipes drain­ break is a matter of dispute. water department or Its em- for exceptions to the zoning rules. at Ma Pederson's taproom across King of Israel, beginning auspi­ William Kanehl at night, so avoid looking straight There were three acetdenta in ! ice and Rev. Frederick A. Dyck- nival. Admission to the carnival TODAY: “Bathing Beauty’ Methodist and this church. 3rd. make war an occasion o f loot. The ed a" vacuum was created knd the Mr. Parker states that auch I ployeea. '' John Mitchell of Ellington, Is the street from his vmter, front Plus: “GIBL IN TTlB CASE" Th* <3yp club win resume regu­ ^ By Joseph A* Loftus hot water tank collapsed. General Contractor at objects you wish to aee in Rockville on F '’f blackouta Look a little to *he Ing place about noon when Mrs. church, will preach the sermon. 65:1,4. "Praise walteth for thee, imous elements in his character, God., There "was no divine right of S19 Center 8L TeL 7778 He will have for his subject, "P e ­ street. wrote Mayor Roger D. Lapham day. September 10 at Six o’clock. In November, 1941, In October, right or left of auch object*. M ary H. Connelly. 32. o f 17 And­ (Sod, in Sion: , . . Blessed la the hundred and thirty-eight years nevertheless soon took the down­ kl:;gp there. WiUianT Bogner, o f Birch Mo\in- he had “ nearly been knocked for Center church school win re­ 1942, and in August' 1944, a like erson street, Manchester, lost con­ culiar People." . man whom thou chooseat and caus- ago, striking shoemakers in Phila­ ward steps that indicated the tri­ This is aa true today as in' that Mora Volunteers Wanted tain road is asking extension of a loop" several times while walk' open after the summer vacation situation occurred • and the same trol of her car as she was driving est to approach unto thee, that he umph of his weakness over his ancient day of gloody and ruthless 'The Rockville Chapter. Aiherican ing across the busy tnick approach on Sunday, September 17, delphia were prosecuted criminal­ thing happened. On all three of down the Incline on West Main the permit grantee him two years may .dwell bi thy courts.” strength. In this lesson we come tribal warfare.' Red Cross,'announced Friday ^ te r- agq to conduct a slaughter house to the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Miss Munson may be reached Selections from the 'Bible in- ly for a combination to raise to hls consequent rejection from It la impossible to read such ■ those occasions the tanks col­ street and collided with a public DANCE lapsed. * noph that 100 more yoluHteer and for permission to add an ad­ bridge. The mayor ordered by telephone___ , ____ at the church, 6568, d u d e the following: “ And they wages. his kingly posltiou, and we shall nai-"-tlve without having In mind GOOD FOOD IS OUR BUSINESS service pole. Blood Donors are wanted for th? dition to be uaed as a smoke traffic signal Installed at the The any forenodh from ten to twelve | that be wise' shall shine as the soon pass to his defeat In battle • some reference to the totalitarian Mr. Shaver claims that the town, Patrolman Alden Skinner In­ Seven weeks ago a combination ■rislt of the Mobile Blood Unit to house. crossing. o’clock except Monday*.' Ibrightnes* of the firmament; and and his suicide. ' war * today. Are we living In bet- ita servants, employees and ag­ vestigated and repbrted Mrs. Con­ MILLER'S HALL o f unions (A F L and C7IO) waa In­ ents, were negligent. He maintains You can do only one thing and do It right. That's why Rockville on Friday. Sept. 8. ■ Do­ Ora P. Ames of 17 Mather they that turn many to righteous- It Is necessary to discriminate | ter tim^s or not ? What la Ctod’s nelly sUted as she rounded th?^ Tolland Tumpik* nesa aa th e . atara forever and fluential enough reputedly to that the town water department ear alogan Is “No Wines— No Liquors— Just Good Food. nors are asked to calf the Red street wants to keep chickens. VnhMi Service in the details of a revolting pic- : will concerning defeated enemies? curve some bundles on the froht Cross office and legister between ever." (Daniel 12:3). squelch a vice presidential possi­ should have notified him of Its In­ Morris Fieratein, proprietor of the Mondieater Methodist Cfcurcb ture of the ruthlesaiess of war. | W hit are the demands of justice. seat fell to thi fioor against her Correlative passages from the bility (James F. Byrnes) because One might well ask, did a m ere! and in what w ay cart justice be tentions to shut off the water In 9:30 and 4 o'clock. Firestone Market. at* 383 East Sat. Ni|;ht, Sept. 2 and foot. She leaned over to ^push Advanced Sheridan Christian Science textbook, “Sci­ he did not share their view on ful and loving Clod, Auch as Jesus tempered With mercy? the mains, or a valve tp control Center street is asking to build an Secnod Congregational Charcb SUNDAY SPECIALS them aside and lost control/Ot'th* T h e W ar Department has an­ t to 1. ence and Health with Key to the wages and certain social isNues. has revealed to us, really command Tu'o things seem to me to stand the now, of water should have been addition to his store In the rear of (A t Methodist Church) auto. A t the Rockville City hos­ nounced that Kerwln Otto Liak, f r| I : H Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, Such has been the progress of the destruction of all the Amale- out very boldly, perhaps three. installed, or that some means of Modem and Old Fashioned. Rev. Earl H. Itorgeaon, Mlnlator prevention of the trouble should ROAST ROASt CHICKEN pital she was treated for/h lacera­ son of Mr. and Mr*. Benjamin Liak the present building to house a re­ Include the following (pp. 288, organized labor in the United kitea, and o f all that they had: First of all Is the Importance of tion of the thigh and a laceration frigerator and a compressor. Peter Mifler, Prompter. MfB. D. M. Bennett, Orgnnist 258): "Science reveals the glori­ States. In that Intorval, organiz­ “Now go and shiite Amalek and making sure that peacefully dis­ have been taken. of 90 Orchard street, has been pro­ TODAY AND SUNDAY He asks that he be reimbursed BAKED VIRGINIA HAM of the face. moted from Second to First Lleu-1 Peter Kosteck of Clark street, ous possibilities of immortal man, ed labor has had an exciting his­ utterly destroy all that they have, posed peoples and their welfare Restaurant 10:30— Organ prelude to wor­ for his expenses In connection with Second Accident tenant. Lieut. Lisk attended the Wapping. is asking for an auto­ JIL Good Tim* for Yoang m M OM forever unlimited by the mortal tory of piolitical upe and downs, and spare them not; but slay both Shan hot be'again subject to the AND i)OZENS OF OTHER GOOD THINGS! Raymond Berriault. 11. of 32 ship, anq period of meditation. senses. . . The human capacities but never before has It approach­ man and woman, infant and suck­ depredations of modern Amale- this trouble, with the, exception of O. C; Si at Miami. Florida, and re­ mobile repairers Ucens* at 288 a partial reimbursement made for Village street was taken to the Mrs. Bennett, will play: are enlarged and perfected in pro^ ed the national influence It wields ling, ox and sheep, ramel and kites. That inay call for measures mained as Instructor following Center street. the October 1942 break. , OPEN ALL DAY LABOR DAY. '^ckville City hosplUl Friday graduation. He haa been' trans­ EMmund F. Dwyer of Birch “ The Pilgrims’ Chorus"..Wagner portion aa humanity gains the today. ass." (I Samuel 15:3.) 'm at is too seem lrgly harsh, but that must be '•Chorus o f Angela” Clark true con cep u k o f .man and God. m easu j^ with cool justice. We The writ was served on the town afternoon after he fell while get­ ferred to the 'Transport Air Com ­ Mountain road la asking for an Labor’s experiments with an in­ much like the ruthless destruction OW’ •(Medley o f FamlUar Hymns” Mortals have a very Imperfect shall need Samuels who will not through "ro^ Clerk Samuel J. ting off an Ice truck on which mand recently and has been sta­ ixtenalon of time and permission dependent political party on the today. . "Largo” (From the New World sense-of the spiritual man and of We must look a little deeper. shrink from bringing upon crimi­ Turklngton 'late yesterday after-, he had been riding without the tioned at Mobile.. Alabama. tr continue to occupy as living r w 11 whole have been failures. Succesa- \Symphony) Dvorak the infinite range of his thought. We may note Samuel's justifica­ nals just judgment and retribu­ noon by ConstaWe James Duffy. > Labor Day Salutet driver's knowledge. At the hosr Guest Preacher quarters a building erected as a B ea have been only local and tem­ H ARTFO RD Now tkra Sm Oc !it*BS To him belongs eternal Life.” tion. There are wrongs^ that must Town’s Sloe of Story THE TEA ROOM pltal he was treated for lacera­ Dr. Donald Rice, medical mis­ garage. ^ : 45— Morning worahlp. tion o f hls sparing king, pem ie and Stan.:;' DICK POA'EIL porary. 'The most notable, per­ be faced, not compromised. Fred H. Parker, superintendent 883 M A IN STREET OPP. S'^. JAMES’S CHURCH tions at Vi* head, a badly bruised sionary to India, will preach at the Louis KUnkhamer of 131 Sum­ AntaMn. .Jamaican Choral Group cattle on grounds of mereyT When fo r nonest sweat our freemen get Linda DARNELL iac> OAKiE haps, was the Farmer-Labor par­ he is caught Hc records, Fredertck R. Man- gregatlonal church w ill be resum­ 6:30 p. m. N. Y. P. S. Miss Df I trolman Earl Beebe passed Ji. In the , dist church will be resuihed on Sun- pointed out In several ed September 17. Marion E. Janes, president. notable for an acknowledged con­ Ponders Breaking ■JI MOl It S K U V K 'K Keep on Ibteiiiiif to the end— your end! - police,jruljlser8er and took the boybo; to day at 9:30 o’clock with the pastor. ; ewes no revenue ^ p * «hovring 7:30 p! m. Evangelistic serv­ tribution of a half-mllllon 'dollars by the United Mine Workers to P H O M - : (l.'IJO BURE INSURANCE! thS'll^ltal. -’The driver of the Rev. Frederick A. DyCkman pre- j JU* Zkm liotheran Church ice. Pastor’s subject: "Our to the deeds aa recorded. This waa the candidacy Of President Roose­ truck When told of the accident siding, there will be no session of Cooper and High Streets Faith and Conduct.” German Relations I the Sunday school until Sunday, referred to the town clerk and to. velt. , D IA L S810 — 8SS M AIN ST. reported to the police he had no the town counsel., Rev. Paul G. Prokopy, Pastor The Week knowledge that the boys were on Sept. 10. . Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Praise Historicaliy, the major story of BOLAND Now In France' Judgfe Hyde stated that It was LI the 1944 Democratic national con­ the-truck. not the duty of the town'clerk to Sunday school sessions to be and Prayer meeting with the pas­ Stockholm. Sept. 2— OP)— The TriMik Damaged Sergt. Ernest B. Kloter, son of AND MONDAY NKHT tor in charge. Monthly meeting vention perhaps was labor’s In­ resumed September . Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kloter, of endorse this rule, but only to re- 19 fluence. The A F L and the CIO Finnish Parliament waa called In­ An auto truflk owned by Harry ' qord deeds as they came to his of- 10 'a. m. English service. o f the Church Board at close of OIL CO. West street, who has been diluted each other’s strength to to session today as reports hare Pfunder, parked on Union street * ' flee. . Ouegt speaker. Rev. Louis Martin. the service. tioned in London for the past eight some extent. Had they been unit­ was damaged Friday afternoon The Week said Finland la considering breakr months, is now stationed in France. ed. they might have named the when It was struck by a truck Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Ladles’ St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Ing relations with Germany aa a operated by HaroW O. Moore. .39. Marriage Announced vice presidential nominee. proilminary to negotiations for an RANGE AND FUEL ' Announcement is made of the Aid meeting. Rev. Alfred WIlHams, Rector Labor's real teat, competent ob­ of Kingston, N. Y. Birthday Party Rally Day will be celebrated armistice with Russia. marriage of Miss' Eleanor G. Mc­ Rev. Ellison F. Marvin, Curate servers believe,. WiU be the con­ Moore litas arrested on * charge September 10 by the Sunday Originally the Parliament had Carthy, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. gressional ' dictions. Meantime, •.CALL Of reckless driving and was re­ school, at which time attendance been scheduled to' meet next Wet Albert A. McCarthy, of Fitch­ Held by Kiddies Sept 3, the 13th Sunday after the CIO P A C already Is credited leased under bonds of $50 for ap- pins will be awarfed by Edward Trinity nesday. The official 'announce­ burg, Maas., and John F. Murphy, t - l publicly with more successes than oearanee In tl^e C ity Court on Sept. Rodger, Buperiltendent. 8 a. m.i--HoIy Commimlon (Low ment calling today’s meeting said JEANNE'S son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. It Is willing to claim. Whatever the cabinet would report on the 8. ' . Murphy, of Brighton. Mass., which Thomas R. Brown, Jr., son of | celebration). 8500 Union Ser\’lce 10':45 a. m.— Holy Communion the future holds, there is little" ’’^ litic a l altuation.” took place August 26. Both Mr. Mr. and M ra T. R Brown o f 29 Studio of Dance OIL- The Baptist and Methodist con jTalcottvIUe Oongregatlenal Church with full choir, and sermon by the Labor Leader— Sidney Hillman, doubt that the political chiefs to­ Roosevelt street, celebrated hla gregatlons will hold a Union serv- Rev. ntomas Street, Minister rector on "The Sacrament of prMident of the Gorinent Work­ day are beildlng an ear to labor. fourth birthday yastenlay after­ MORIARTY BROTHERS Ice on Sunday morning at 11' M** Unity.” This Is the last In a series er* .Union, i* tlie clialrmaa o f the Beats Letter Home lege and Mr. Mujrphy Is' a teacher noon with a party fo r about a Services Sunday, Sept. 3, 1944. re-opens “On the Level” At Center and Broad Streets o’clock. ■ During July and August of nine addresses given this sum­ d o** PoUGral AcMon Committee Gets Hla Teeth Bock High schoi dozen little folks, among whom 10:45 Morning worship. SSrmon mer on "The Meaning of Lhe loin'ing a wedding trip they udU which Is p l h ^ g on 'active part In Grand Islands Neb. — (J') — Mr. q^ere Ann Thrall, Kate iippincott.' by the pastor on ■ the subject— Church and Her Sacraments To­ New York—(JV-A war veteran and Mra. W illiam Scheffej were reside at 24 MUe Hill Road in thia the 1944 d ^ lo a campaign*. Judy Larson, Betty Stolnar,- MarA I “iWacea. and People.” The sacra­ day," . took a nap imder some poplar surprised when their son. Pfc. Rob- September 9 city .. . ______FLOOK LAYING tha Prsntlo*, Charlotte PhaU, ment of the Lord’s Supper will be Musical outline at 10:45 a. m.: ty. It* fibre was labor unions, but trees In a BrooUlj'n park and when trt W. Scheffel,arrived ’home on Eveleen Oeromiller, Mary Austin, observed. Processional — "Jerusalem the like so many earlier, attempts, it he awoke hla upper teeth were Saved Pane bi Neck furlough from Camp Atterbury, With a New Schedule of Classes for AND 8A' DING obby and Dicky Murphy, Nor­ Work on surgical dressiegs will Golden” , was tern by Internal dissension missing. He return to search the Ind. H e was aurpriaed that they Reflniahing and Waxing. man Hohenthal. ' ... resumed at the parsonage Sermon Hymn— ’The' King of Love and conflicting philosophies. next day and found the poplars were surprised. .A few minutes I BEGINNERS AND ADVANCED STUDENTS (Cleveland— (P) — Because side­ EAT THE BEST AT REYMANDER’S Estlnuitrs Olediv Olven. The- children played gamea out I Yuesdav evenings . arid , all day M y Shepherd la " walk repairmen had roped off their Labor made 'Its great 'national were missing too. However. later a' letter arrived — the one • in TED SOJ VOI D o f doors, • and enjoyed the good | rhursda'y. . , ' Cotppiuulon Hymn—^.‘ Let A|1 Moy- bid outside . the two major parr ps9k' department foreman found Robert had w'rttten from camp in­ ROAST BEEF AU JUS work and gone’ home fot' the eve­ things provided for theai by Mra. tfil Flesh'Keep Silence" TEI.EPHONK K254 ning sevcw Clevelanders were ties Ih 1924. That w*s tlw year the teeth while removing the trees forming hla family he was coming .Brown, who was aaslsted in aerv- Main and Dirlmont Street Recessional—"O Mother Dear, Js- NATIVE BROILERS saved a pane In the neck, A three- St. John’s polish Church o f' the .unsuccessful LaFollette- and returned them to the owner,' home. tng by Mra. WilUam Oienty and { niaalem "' T ap-T oe-Ballet-T detap DELICIOUS STEAKS by-four-foot office window acci­ Gohvay Street Wheelet ■ ticket. The American Mr*. Irving Prentice. ’ Bobby re­ Every Wednesday noon— Inter­ Federation of Labor ha* never dentally was dropped from the A Gran(| and Glorious Time, Rev. 8. J. Szczenkw^kl cessions for victory and peace. DINE AND DANCE ;1X)MGHT! 19th floor' of a downtown building. ceived a number tut adeeptaMe I Walter Grzyh. Organist slitee endorsed a political party a*, gift*. ■ I The church ia open daily'for pri­ Acrobatic ^ f O PEN A l l DAY LABOR DAY r a n c e '^a n d It landed In the center of the for Everyone. vate prayer and meditation. . such. roped-*off space and shattered 8:30— First mass. Even the CIO Political Action I Special Classes for Young Women in F U E L O IL .glaaa over a 15-foot area. N o one f Troubles P)sr 10:30— Second mass. Choir ye* Committee, while endersing Tap and Ballet. South. Methodist Church Reymander's RMtaurant OeaenU Tniekiag was injured. tearsals following each mass. ticket' for national officer main­ Salt Lake <31ty^ (m —K bun bur I BINGO FEllRlS WHEEL 9 to 11:30 a. m. — Wednesday, Mala Street aad Hartford Road tains It is non-partisan. All Welcome! Miss Jeanne Milligan t a p ------FOR------BOYS Fine Wines, Liquors and Beer > Rev. W. Ralph Ward, Jr„ Mlalator JAMES A. WOODS The practice of inhaling snuff glary suspect f o r t ^ his. way IntA rrlday and'Saturday — Vacation History shows that when a 35-37 OAK STREET TELEPHONE 3922 became common in England dur­ Cornelius'Johnson's home and was I ehooi for children to 14. 29 Pearl Street Dial 6566 (fHAIR-O-PLANE KIDDIE RIDES 6 Union Service with Center Con- labor party . did gain a , foothold ing the 17th century. cracked on the head by a pot I ^ e old party politician turned up BALLROOM CLASSES FOR TEEN*AGERS swung by Mra. Johnswi'. Then he I gregatlonal church held thia week Gospel Han a* the Trtend o f labor” and made went to Mra. Mary Walto'a resl- P O N Y RID ES at Center church, the R e v .. Paul UNION SEiBVICE -415 Center Street Lynn, preaching. one or more of the labor party’s BALLROOM CLASSES FOR ADULTS denca and fell through a glaes Regular aervice* w ill be resumed planks hla own- door In thd dining room. Finally, Labor made a succeasful effort REFR^HMENT AND SPECULTY BOOTHS 10:20 a. m.—^Breaking o f bread. I at the South Methodist Church, Miss Jeanne re-opehs her studio'for its second season after the completion of varl* he went to the Jeas.e M- Drury 12sl0 p. m.— Sunday sohool. ' Sunday, S ep t 10. In 1936 tbroujgfa Labor’s non- SOUTH METHODIST AND 0 0 8 advanced dance courses from prominent instructors of Hartford and New York. lAK GRILL' home but was caught by polica j 7 p, m.— CkMpet aervice. Partisan League. 'Riat year was called by Drury's daug:hter. Fern. Y:15 p. m., Tuesday — Prayer IKOM this “WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER” leetlng and Bible reading. CENTER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES ^ TO GIRLS 10 YEARS OLD AND OVER Woiks Sherf Hears COME ON OVER... jAuto Recovei*^^ If you take class or private lessons, the studio is forming the “Starlet Club” to DINE AND DANCE Hays, Kans.—(P)—^A housewifa I CoDeotdla Lotherao Held Ib AND BRING THE FAMILY! Baby StiU jksleep . . t • • • provide fun and entertainment. You can dance, have partito, and .hav# fnn at gather* To the Liltinf T rims of thoui^t the had engaged a maid W inter oad Gardeo Sta. Rev. K a il RMitsr, Faater KNOFLA lags or chosen spot of amusements. Ask about it, it's for you. THE OAK GRILL SWINGSTERS for the day. Finally, at 11 :M The nxesteae raetory-OeatceUed m„ the maid strolled In. Tha lady FREE DOOR PRIZE EVERY NIGHT a. ilM h o A MHuai- yoB Ugbeat qnalMy DELICIOUS FOOD — MODEST ^PRICESI of the house hurried to the kitch­ 10:00 m,—Worahlp. A ll serv* Woodatock. OnL, Sept. 2—(JPhr BROTHERS laaeKlals aad the flaeet vetkaaaAly en to prepare lunch. Eating ovar, a* win btgln at 10 a^ ai. Woedstock poUc* aald a stolen Center Church |by faetagy-tralaed aaperta. Ton gel ROAST BEEF CHOW MEIN tbe maid eagerly helped with the The Weak, automobile,(, in whieh I a a*v*a- General G>ntraetor8 REGISTRATION ■gar ■Osac^ gaataatsad qaaltty. Tuesday, 7:80 p. m.— Th* Ladl** I month-old baby waa aleaping on ROAST LAMB VEAL CUTLETS diabe*. It was 1 p. m: by then and Any Night of This and Next Week After 8: SO P. M. and Satnrddy Afternoons After STEAKS HALF BROILERS the girl calmly cxcuaed haraeU, TODAY: Id win meet After the buqlni the back aeat, waa recovered last Jobbing and SUNDAY, SEPT. 3, 10:45 A. M. HO unoHMO cmittn nooMH e x p ir in g eh* had an engagament / --'.In'r, Mra. Helene Thorner Day ntglit otr~tba outskirts of Strat- liS O P .B L At the Studio: I ; > Our.Kitehen Closes A i 11 P. M. . 1 present several monologues. fO ^ $8 rnUsa north of hwre, leaa at 1:15 p. m. aad asking tf the General Repairing Sermon, by Rev. Paul R. Lynn ROOMS — TINKER BUnJH NO ^ ABOVE BUSH HABDWASi^ CO. Open AH Dsjr Monday — Labor Day. boqsowtfa arould ptoaaa pay kar KIDDIE MATINEE .Wednea^. 8:00 p. m.—•Iha than two hoon after it waa talnn urch Board win hold tta month* trbm a local alsaat C a1 l4 S 8 6 80 OAK STREET T E U 8 8 9 4 meeting. . ’ The baby. Michael Cbrofaky, ' FOR FURTHpi INFORMATION PHONE 3228 . . « Fridey, 7:00 p m.—The tntarme- B9for«.6 P. H , 7aRiMNeweonili,*Orgaiil8tand Dlreefor. IR lA m BROTHERS Ptae Wlmas —> Llqaors War- Bond a& s to wwkei* In ALL RIDES REDUCED TO 6c. sen of Mr. and Mrs. David Gerof- [|jRKEL’M USNTW t AND BROAD STS. TEU SSae the automotive Industry pvsrags lata Lather League wlU'moaL aky, waa atUl'aalesp in the ear. 9-5 par cent of the inquetrys toU4 1 payroll- V PA (iK F Il

hospitals on Mulobock Save 1,500,000 Chinese Troops at the Front Lines

>Chineae Red Croaa Medical Relief ./ V .Primitive, in^equlpped SERVIC Corpa. ^ OMftlebeolK*' heve been tlie China haa no atanding Medical Mljr aouroe of madloel care for Cofpa organlted for medical aer- tMuMiMla ot Ohlneae in their vlce along the llnea of the U, Bi » lierolc light agalnet the Jape, Army Medical Corpa, General Um VICTORIA COLD WAVE llvered by mule, equipment for points out. Much of the reapon- Fall Oil Way; m a ll mobile operating unlU la aet alblllty for medical care of Oil- Good Printing Gibson’s Garage Prepared np ta peaaant huta juat back of neae aoldicra ia in the handa of m e ra a Bghtlnf llnea. This is ,the most popaiar permanent waYe^Jh oar stadio. Burfeona. ualng IhatrumenU tbouaanda of young medical offl To Check Your Car Wheels Be Prepares cera who aerve with the combat His Specialty e Your hair will be soft and nattfril without frlaiy ends. ;iBade of metal from dtacarded troopa and aet up medical inatal- automobllea, may remove a bullet ...... ■ ' ,. - \ lationa after receiving only three A particularly popular place for^cheater knowa, the Sign of the Big Get Your Hous^lnsn* ' y • r Mt a bone wtthln a mile or two montha of training. Wm. Schieldge Ready Manchester motorlsU U the Sign Jear that is so familar to all Be Sure to A$k Ahoutdtie Victoria!!I *«f the aoane of hoatllltles. Each In spite of handlcapa, the mor he Big Bsar which YOU see at denta^ of Manchester means that lated While the Warm '^•boapltal on muleback” haa equip­ 'tallty from dlaeaae among China'a To Give You Efitimates Mr. Gibson has a Big Bsar AUgn ment for 50 dreaelnga, 600 pre- Main street. Bert Gibson has ‘ Weather 5,000,000 active fighting men haa On All Types of Work. been working hard on the cars of ment machine. More and more ■ttiptlenB, and 100 operatlona. decreased from 80 percent to 10 people are relying on thla wonder­ tl^nTiiinirt by United China Relief people of Manchester and vicinity percent aa a result of the medical for a great many years and Ig, ful machine to tell Just what la We reaHy are heading Into the Weldon Studio ^Mcioa through the National and sanitary meaaures carried out Are you in need of stationery, iroud of the reputation for rella- throwing their car wheels out qf fall aeastm, even though the h e a t' WS' Fund. through the emergency-trained business or personal? If you are }lllty that he haa built up during alignment. Unfortunately by the of mi€^ay fools us and we are Dootore Are Soaree .medical personnel. Dr. Um esti­ time you youraelf realise your car Ooetora, nuraea and junior med- why not drive over to W. H. this time. • wsMerlng Juat what you have mated that these young aides are Schleldge’s Print Shop located at Wise people have learned that wheel! are out of alignment you ■raE CAR YOU OWN ' leal iddaa, lacking aufflclent mod­ largely responsible for the exis­ the beat insurance agalnet . car have )08t a consldrrbble amount o* ^one about Insulating your house. HIGH GRADE em equipment, muat Improvlm. tence today In China’s fighting 185 Spruce street? sYou will find tfouble la to depend upon Mr. Gib­ precioua rubber from your tlr"^ Were you fore-handed and had It . . It in nmnlng ordar, la a '■terlllaera and bed pane are ^ d e lines of a million and a hatt sol a supply of business or personal There la not a tingle thing tha8’Y®ti done the first part of the season real aaaet. Wa are atlO a lea| from old keroaene tina. Chop son and let him check your car be­ dlers, who without these services -aUtlonsry at this place and you fore eusplcioua notaes or squeaks can do to replace those rnRea of so that you enjoyed a much cooler araya from aew eara. Lat as PRINTIHG etlcka aerve aa dreaalng forcepa, aervlce your tires could bdve given summer? If not, you’d petter stop would have died. may have It printed Just ..as you become too apparent. By doing bdp keep your preeent ear la JOB AND COMMERCIAL end opium emokera’ Umpe <^en I>r. Um described China’s med­ desire at a moderate , coat. Also this they have many times avoid­ you if you had’ been wise and had In at Montgomery, Ward tk Com­ •iMh-hlt for mlcroburnera ical services for soldiers aa taking ed costly repair Jobs and been your wheels checketk'we Big Bear pany’s atore on Main atreet and In­ the beat possible meenaaleal PRINTING pRal ^mlture and operating Mr. Schieldge Is headquarters for ■Sv •place In villager and templM officii' supplies, such as mucilage, spared the Inconvenience of having way. ’This mWhlne instantly quiry In their Building Material ooBdinoB. Be eoaetateat about Prompt aad BSIelont Prtatlai Ublea of modem deafgn are made along an area of "defense In depth their car laid up for eeveral weeks its Just whepo the trouble la ao department about it now. When haviai* It ebocked aad aervtoed from bamboo, which la alao the stapling-machines, carbons, vari­ of Air Rinda often 100 miles wide In which all ous typeh'Of card Indexes and fil­ while Waiting for epare parts. Mr. it It can he fixed immediately. the cold winter wlnda and snows boro. It win pay. etulf from which moaqulto neu roads have been destroyed. Gibson has been In the repair busi­ If you haYe not had your car arrive you will be ever ao' grate­ may be faahkmed. Moat of the ing systemki- People have known ful that you did. The coat of thta COMMUNITY P r e s s ' American observers recently re­ for years that; Mr. Schleldge’s is ness for many years and his repu­ wheels oKecked the Big Bear way A. B. Holmee d. Mr Bara ♦lioapltala” have no floora and no turned from China report that dis­ tation Is a particularly fine one. recently) be wise and atop over to- Insulating material ia not Morbi- a popular placS^ have printing tant and it will pay dividends thla COOK’S SERVICE ST A. Oor. N a Mala and N a BcImoI ^ heating devlcea. ease la a gregter enemy to Oilna He is noted for his moderate prices moprow and have it done. No mat- Maacnester Green Phone 8896 Streeta — Tetophoaa STM Even more aerloua ia CTlna a done, but quite a number of peo­ pBV how good condition your car is winter. Fuel la going to be one of than Japan ever has been. Even ple do not know that you may and for the excellence of the work eriueal atiorUge of which ho turns o u t Hs is alwaw k , if youv tires giva out and you our scarcest commodities and any­ today there are more alck sol­ also purchase the above nientloned thing that we can do'to conserve teal men, aaya Oeijeml diers than wounded ones. willing to make an appotntmeiH/^ are unabW to replace them, your Kho-aheng t,im. director of the office supplies here. car Is not worth a nickel to you. It will certainly be appreciated When you want a club letter or look your car over and youBcan Got Yoor SappHoa Of phone him at 6012 and he/wll be Phone tomorrow and make an ap­ during the winter heating season. Landsccipihg tickets or cards printed most peo­ pointment with Mr. Oibaon. Roofing Msterials ple head for 186 Spruce street. glad to set aside Urns to B ^ k over Another reminder ia to- inquire your. car. Unless Vpor car re­ While you are having your and Ox-Line Paint You give the letter to . Mr wheels checked and aligned, why about roofing material that you Way Individujd Gets pair jOb la an emergency one. Mr. Now fo r H ioso ' Schieldge and he sets It up for you Gibson Would appr^iate your giv­ not have Mr. Gibson check your need to repair your'rOof with be­ and very, attractively, toa Mr. ing him as muj« time as possible, car for you. It wlU take him but a fore the fall rains set in. You will Tree Surgery Paintint Jobs. / Schieldge ha# been doing this few minutes to tell you If you are find all kinds here* at Montgomery for he likes te'plan his work In ad­ Ward A Company. Whether you W ar JQoods work for years and years and Is a vance as rodch as possible,, so as to In need df a few minor repairs, and Conn. State License Manchester paat master at the art of eye ap­ It certainly will pay you to have want an entire roof replaced or Insure piftlre satisfaction to all juat a portion of It, you will have Work Carefully^ and peal. You may dr may not realise of hlLdustomsrS. this done now. Remember the that h# wanted to buy truck. It, but the maitter of set-up Is par­ Sign of the Big Bear—it will pay your choice of all different types of Neatly Done. Hardware Co, a /''Has Alignment Machine r^fing materials here. If yop wish Peter OaUaeNo Jnaepb Barratt All Beliig Dhpoaed^ o t Maybe fifteen or a hundred other ticularly important when It comes /Aa most eveiy person In Man- dividends. dealers had given the Procure­ to prin^d matter—It really Is the to use fire resisting shingles, you rto M ■ Through Reguhir Prac­ will find a wide variety of differ­ 248 North Main Straet ment division the same kind of difference between euccess or fal' ent weight shingles here, or If you JOHN S. WOLCOTT ft SON tice* Followed by Bus- notification. ure In the matter of gainlngX' Former Wapping prefer roll roofing material you 117 Henister Bt. Fbons 8B»1 TeL 6265 Would Be Sold In Turn tention. If you are in the msfket North Coventry may have that. Theae different jness on Ite&i*. for this type of letter^Br an­ kinds of roofing materials are ah- The division would keep your, nouncement depend Mr. I s dealer on Ita Hat of applicants and Sailor Killed Prlvsite Ernest Davis haa been solutely aatlsfactory ahd will ^ e (BdMas*a NoWs Tkls la the Bchieldge’a judgm e^'' He will you years of good service. The when It came hit turn, would sell gladly advUe the s>dck beet fitted promoted to the rank of Private I J. R. Braifhwoite Johnson Bros. second of two atorlea on the him one of those 100 trucks de­ First 4?laae. He is stationed at prices are consistent with Mont> dlapoagl of aarphM w ar prop- for yoiir purpoelS'and see to It Seaman 1-c. Russell C. Stough­ gomery Ward’s policy of fair, clared surplus by the Army. He that the letl^ ls aet up In the Camp Devens and his Coventry Electrical Uontraetom In turn would sell It to you. ton a native of Wapping, stationed prices for quality merchandise. Key* Made, Locks Repaired atty)- most advanUB««us way. You will friends are happy to hear of his Line of Paints 5.T5 Main S tre e t if there were no standing re at the Willow Grove, Pa„ Naval ■gr daanaa Marlow flnrf him pdurttous and helpful In promotion. Montgomery Ward A Company Toole Ground TeL 6227 - 7606 quests, the Procurement'- division Air Station, waa found dead last On Bundaifi September S, Rev. WaahingtliB, ia p t 8.—(fV-*up- In Atlanta wpuld notify dealers in any of these matters. ate particularly enthuaiasUe about ;-W|ll CHi-S You PHcea Monday on a highway near Buck­ Leon H. Austin, paator Emeritus their paint*—they are fully time Lawn Mowers Sharpened poae you, aa an Individual, want to Us area that It had 100 trucks for rou need feel no hesitancy In of the Second Congregational tested and compare favorably with We WiO Glady Give You aale. ingham, Pa., apparently the vic­ Buy'aoma surplua war property. A ;lng for a quotation of prices on church will be the speaker at the any of paint now on the EiCctricnl Utilitlen E stim ntea. On itemi small In number such "jobs, you will find the prices are tim of a hit-and-run driver. Burial morning lyorahip service. Thla maricet You may have your choice rubber life raft, for InaUnoe. How hotlflcatton of sals probably wouli' in National ceme­ Re-Conditloned do you go about It? fair and the work tumed-out-^ service starts at eleven o’clock, of outside or Inside paints In all be by mall. If the number of I t ^ guaranteed to be satisfactory. -As and it is hoped that a large num­ different shades, enamels end' var- ■Tske an example: You live on was great, the regional sfllce tery yesterday. Gnnb Repaired Blaetilc Xdont IMand Bound. You have a sveryone knows, paper stock is The Naval airman waa the eon ber of Rev. Austin’s friends and niahea. Inquire, as to the prices probably would send out a^o ry to short and substitutions have to be neighbors will tw prea«ii to hear when you look at the color cherts •> aaMgetatom gallboat You read a government the newspapers. / of the late Sidney Franklin Stough­ > 52 Pearl St. Phone 4200 Bambuncemcnt that It will . sell made now and then aa to different ton and Alice Cheetham Stough­ him. During .ills'service the Com­ —you will have a pleaaant sur- dome rubber rafW no longer need- Trade Practk*t^ollowed weights, but the type of work Is ton. He formerly lived with hla munion service will be held and prioe in Store for you. , But the policy of4he division Is keirt at the same high standard it aunt, Mlsa E tta Stoughton of prior to thla a large number of Ask to see Montgomery Ward’s •d Iqr the Air Foroa which haa de­ Catalolgue while you are in this veloped better onea. to follow • trade/pcactlces In the has always been. Wapping, and was employed for young people, all memberi at the various ltems.,.d^or Instance: Hors­ where are finding difficulties ^ four yearn by a Hartford store. C.O.D. class will unite with the film atore—>lt Is niU of the most W« Have Been in the BILL'S TIRR Ia there any government agen- attractive things you can think of dy to which you,.aa an individual, es usually ^ e sold at auction. So turning out work quickly, short­ He attended high school locally church. Ret. Austin has' been an d ' V and at Upper Darby, Pa., later conducting a class prepSring theae -i-KCii many ot the items Hated PlumblnR and Heat* can write and explain that you’d tha dlvisHm woujd sell surplus ages have hit them, both as to theiy we thought were simply Im­ like to buy one of the rafta? No. horses jn public auction. material and as to man-power, working for some time aa a tree young peopla for church member surgeon. He entered the Navy, ship. possible to get—but not so—Mont­ ing Business fpr Many REPAIR SHOP I t would do you no good. In Borne line of goods perhaps but If you are willing to aUow a gomery Ward haa them, and priced You’d have to aMc your local th ^ ra d e usually dealt In .sealed little extra time on the ordinary March 22. During the Sunday school hour, Y e iM p .' Wm. H. Green. Prop. Beaidea hla aunt, he leaves his the last In the series of group Sun­ the Montgomery Ward way—Mod­ fporting goods or department btas. ’That's how the dlvUlon jobs, you win find your work more erate Coat—Quality Merchandise. 'would handle that situation. In than satisfactory. For your print­ wife, Mre. Annie Mayo Stoughton, day school will be' conducted, the Rely OB oar experience and I Columbia and Elk Bicycicn. itore—or whatever local merchant.- an employee of the Bureau of Beginner-Primary group will be ' Would be likely, to deal in soms other line it would negotiate. ing problems call 35BQ or *^*"^7* Has Praepeotive Buyer ser^ce for best resnlta. U. 8. Ylrea. If that was the practice In that over to 136 Spruce street and talk Mines In Washington. D. C., and In charge of Mlsa Loretta McKlp- rafta—to buy one for you ..And ncy and Mlsa Olanna MtHer. Thi^ then sell it to you. / particular field, with dealers. pefsonaliy with Mr. Schieldge. a 6-yeare-old eon, Russell W. Williamepori, Pa.—(PV—A local I Repnlra. Serrlcs. But under no circumstances Stoughton, both of Alexandria, Junior to C.O.D. elaaa group win ■ ‘The procedure wouldybe the Va.; two brothers, Dwight O, be. conducted by Mlsa Gertrude A. motorist has a market for hla game If you wanted to Buy an Ice would it sell to individual con­ automohlla any Uma he decides to I Johnson & Little ' Aecessorieo. ./ - Stoughton ofi Booneton. N. J., and Anderson. On Septsinber 10, Rally 145 MAIN STREET - box, some suits of wwlen under­ sumers. Richard W. Stoughton In the Day will be obaefved and further selL Dally for the paat faw weeks wear, or any a u rp ^ w a r gooda. Congress now is working out ,a Columbia a proapeeUvt buyar has laft hla P hone 5876 180 Sprue* St. Phon# 5460 plan for controlling surplus war Army: a alater, Mra. Martin Beat details will be announced at Win Not flall/to IndHidnal of Bridgeport; another aunt, Mrs. later date. name, address and this note tied to 1 The government Will not hell property. Nothing It does Is ex­ Harold O. 'Miller of Wethersfield, the auto: "I need a car Hke yours." pected to change very much the Mr. and Mrs. Silas Barrett Mra. W lH iam ^allard of H art­ y- * '/ gbch goods to an IndtvidusL All Hon River have received word and two uncles, Thomas and Ar^ ford Is visiting In Coventry for the Of it muat be sold through trade procedure for selling consumer thur Cheetham, both of Hartford. GIBSON’S goods outlined here. from their eon 8. Alfred Barrett week. She formerly Uved tn Cov­ KRAUSE'S eijiannels, either td manufacturera, who iat'ln England, that he has entry on thq place now occupied by Wholeaaleni or retallera. been advanced to the rank of Ber- SoHd Supporter of Pleas SM .Th* ' GARAGE t; ■ y " Hiere may be some variations Mr. and Mra. Barnsby. GREENHOUSES geant. ^ The R^ublican Caucus will be B. B. Olbeea. Prep, SSI Bartfae* Bead Maaelaely ■' tn the procedure but the varia-- Fairfield Crash Town achooia wl)l open Wednes­ Ttopeka, Kaa.—WV^Pleaa to mall held on Wednesday evening at ** "Wilis Doctor" ' Hons will be only in details, 'not In day morning September 6. ’Teach­ Christmas gifts early to the boys o’clock, Septem b^ 6. Bpeeianakig la Special Attoattoa principle. ers of the town will attend a teach- overseas nave a solid supporter In BEAU (Hvcfi Co Pbnae • For insUnce: Suppose you’re a Fatal to TVo ' • ' A t • ■ \ " cr’e meeUng at Andover Tuesday Capt. George M. Cahan, public re­ Wheel AUgamcal. Orttara Pea Ste*. Georgia peach fanner badly In afternoon. lations officer at the Topeka Army Specialtato ai pi* mobum : ■ t need of a truck. You know the gov- The Catholic Uidlee Society baa Air field. He haa Just-received a Brake aa* aaral aad Wed- . emment Is selling used Army Bridgeport, Sept. 2— — ’Two ^RED'S ^ changed the date for Its regular package, year’s Christmas gift I Carburetor dies Armaga- trucks. How can you get bna? men are dead and, Mlsa Hilda monthly whist from Wednesdaiy from his wife. It followed him to ownta. You’d go about it something like Maler, 23, of >216 West 89th street. Hervleat \ this: Get a certificate from your as previously planned to Tuesday, j New Guinea and back. Mildew R>^KAGE New York city, la in St. Vincent’s September 8. _. ^ had ruined the books--and the Oal Ftoweva. V ■ local ration board aaylng that you ho.>ipllal with a possible fracture need such a truck and are entitled The Republican Caucus wilh be chocolates were Juat a smudge of 185 Main SL Phone 5012 Palled riaato. of the skull and other hurts fol­ held at Yeoman’s Hall on Wednes­ their former selves. STORE tressEuiope**andhattering4owntheWehrmacht. be matched by a supreme financial effort here. to buy one. lowing an automobile accident In day evening, September 6 at 8 p. m. HIS teoms to b* doing oil right. Amount of l^roflt UmIteU----- Montauk ayenue. Fairfield, last FFFP yOUP CAR H7 SproM StrMt And hero am 5 morm roatons for buying You take that certificate to your ^Catti* and PonHry ' ./ ■ ' . ■ /■ ■ ■ That means every men and woman in this coun­ local -automobile, or truck dealer. night. .White Rata Unwanted ‘ Q U A LITY a t fiGHTIHGfAR Tbe peeper wlaee. properi There’s not mindi glory goes or^th our part of Extra War Bondt l . Ha’ll have to buy the truck for you Fairfield police Identified the _irvsi sritb Ibe rigbt toede, ee On June 6th, this young fellow tackled the try has got to put more money into Bonds— dead men as Max Vogel, 6.2, of P R 1 N T IN G ! Bny Your Hardware At* BrInffinB Cop prlcesl from the government when he can. .Spokane, Wash.—(ffl— Hardly add nMwb te yew cxinyraeat ef the job. Not mudbi pain or danger, either. Our I. War B^nda or* fhe be**' the aofeal Inveal- He’ll make a profit in re-selllng to 488 Brookline avenue. Bridgeport, I anyone wants 25 white rats. Dep­ The printing 1^ Raving ______At • meal. Fee Ibe beet la wines biggeBt, toughest, most audacious military ven­ oftener—than ever before m this whole conflict! you. The amount of profit is lim­ and Joseph Goldmont*. 59, of 40 uty Sheriff^ Mone Ulvln learned Job we do for BBRVlilB (er ((very ooanaliM, eoaae bem and Housewares FEED part is to i«y—to pay irith cash instead mehl inHie werldl East 38th street. New York city. ifter he arrested a man who used STA’nO N ture of all time—and he’s pulling it off. ited by OPA. , y o u will VAN'S and gel ow adviee, toe, Ngard- 2 , War Benda return you $4 for ovory $3 la Well, how does the truck dealer, Vogel was also Identified as presi- the rodents to test hla food be­ prove eatlii> ttl HaHferd B Id TeL 8886 lag dw eervtol ■< anme. Needs at MOON'S FEEDS blood.• Our »* , part is to bny War Bonds. , Make no mietoke—wo’vo gof to g*t that money V.or the V..C department...... store buyer,... —■ or thc Nova-Clog company fore dinner. Ulvln was ready factory, be- ro a BKST, REaUl.TSI . K) yoart. any other tradesman go about pur- *bf this city. to Join his captive In the psycho- ennae It will But hcfw’s our invotlon g o in g ? u p , now ! chasing surplus war property from The accident occurred when the i pathic ’ ward after vain attempts be prodooed onder the moat Bift if. you have the idea tiiat onr part isn’t 3* War Bondt holp kepp prko* down. the government? Here is a gen­ car' Vogel was driving left the to give the rata toi Several phy- modem, eflieieat metboda. Get CAMPBELL'S eral outline of the procedure; highway and crashed into a tree. ■iclana, Oonsaga university, the ear eatlinate. important—that the litt|e bit that you personal­ |f you want to know how the Invasion’^ going 4* War Bonda wM help win the Fooce by in- Will Clayton is . surplus prop­ county health officer and a medl- Dependable Qaeiltty •> Berrteel CHRYSLER, DE , . PLYMOUTH ' Hardware Store ^ LARSEN'S We’ve gqt one on oiuf hands—just aa much as croating purchasing powor after tho War. erty administrator. Under him _ , , . s A cal laboratory. He finally left ly can do—that'the Bonds you buy don’t really various government agencies hsn- FEEDSERVICB , any soldier. Don’t think for a minute that every —don’t expect to get the whole story from your 5 • War Boiiida moan oducertion for your children, U e a t h s L a S t l Y l g n t \Vntm a hospital with a note WILLIAM a. SCaiBLDGB Cor. 5laln and Middle rpfc- 8S bepet Bqaaiu Pbaae 8MS dle the disposal of surplus war ’ I saying; "Compllmenta of Dr. X." 185 Bpraee Btreel „ M 8IM SERVICE AND^GENUINE PARTS 'matter* very much—get it out of your head. property,, ranging from war plants ■w- ' oiie of us here hasn’t a personaljshare in the paper. Look at your own Bond buying—for a big ' security for you, funds for retiromont. I n and ships to consumer goods. - This story deals only with con­ Washington CoL Hentx,Mat- EXPERT AUTOMOBILE REPAIR WORK tremendous job of breaking into iffiUer’s **For- The supreme military effort of the war must part of the answer! > - sumer goods—thp ' Items to be son Waite, 75, veteran of the. Let a - T. P. Holloran bought ny the so-called general First World War in whith he serv A^Um public—and does not toudh-on sale cd a* a colonel of engineers, for­ ROOFING Griswold s FUNERAL HOME of big business ’property like merly chief engineer of the city of Asphalt Shingles DEPOT SQUARE GARAGE plants and ships. - Cincinnati and city nianager of SPENCER Atlontic Dayton, O. He was a native of The agency which handles dis- SUPPORT Flat or Built Up Enicst Roy, Prop. hosal of surplus consumer goods is Toledo, O. 241 NO. MAIN STREET TEL. ilW Sfrvico Stotion tha Procurement, division of the Chicago— William L. Sullivan, relieve that mui- tom. Olelknj«ve i M«« 61, Federal referee In bankruptcy cular backache T i n R o o f s |8 9 MaIb Strcol' U,-B. Treasury department. Before era Faeimtoa ~Um wgr this iHvislon was known as and a former diplomatic attache. and fatigue—give All Types Handled By tha Federal Property Utilisation U ttle Rock, Ark-—Bishop James you new energy. ' , branch. Its Job then waa to dis­ A. Bray, TO, of Chicago, president MABT r. { \|f .YOUR LOCAL'ROOFBBt Gonorol . AMRIILANUE SEKVICB pose of surplus government peace- of the Fraternal Coiujcll of Negro MoPARTlvANn WtIW _FOR_ 'tlme consumer goods. r Churches, the first president of ths 186 West Center i T f AutpmobilR^ DAYANDNIGin Several Bej^onaJ.Offices Miles Memorial college of Birm­ Street \l | 1 EDCOUGHI-IN, 7707 The procurement division has ingham, Ala., and a former eecre- Fbono 7884 | \ \ 390 Woodland Strret ^ Sarvico 176 en ter 8t. Phoee SOM re^onaJ offices in Boston. Wash- tary of education of tha Colored Dupont Point Pro^ett infton, Chicago. Kansas City, At- Methodist Episcopal church. * , — ^ ^ — - i 5*5^. : lattU, and Seattle. Chicago —Elmer' T. Howson, 60, L Those offlcea dispose of property editor <» railway magasinaii, vice ------— ------L_ ------LBCLBRC ‘ as it is declared surplus in their president and director of the Sim- - WALLPAPER CAPITOL ftapeativa ragions. mona-Boardmen Publlahlng eorp- - FUNERAL SERVILE SEE WARD'S FIRST Waltav H. U aM ni Oiiactoc. GRINDING CO. For axampe: ’Tha Army might aratioh. and a formar preudent of 88 Main St. Tcl 7958 I dt^de that lOO trucks which it tha Western Society of Engineers. \ -r /bad in Qaoigla and Alabama were FOR A COMPLETE LINE OF ROOFING, INSULA^ PICTURE FRAMING - ’*'WbMi nitnin Are DuU nq longer needed. ’Hie Army would Seek Hnnftway Bull TIO N , b u i l d i n g m a t e r i a l s , P L U M B IN G '' a n d aoUfy the Procurement dlvl s u 0 «r Bwtawi 1* Good” Ml'a odfice in Atlanta. PblllMburg, Pa., Sept. 2-w suppose you, as a Gaorgia Beveraf hundred farmers, arined .war, had gone through the pro- , 8S1 AND FILED with shotgun* and . riflea, are Band aad Powei . . X uva oalSinM dbova. You obtain- tramping a nearby state game your certificate from the preserve in search of a nmaway LBTWUBOwar a B hA rpeneF This la an official U, S. Troa^ry advarBaimlwt--pnpap^ auspicea'ol Traaaary Department arid War Advertidn^ Council on board, you toM your auto buU. The animal eacapad from a ontgomery Ward aad OffTbaaM lar you wanted a tmofc- local alanghterhouae and a 188 re­ JOHNSON CO. Jbpmtilaii UM. be wouM kave nbUfled the ward haa been posted for Its cip- 874-828 Main St. T*L 8161 M aochtst«r 699 MAIN BTREET THL.MIN • i N A lP n - It dlVliigR 1* turn. I I ...... I ■ V 1.. “V .

■ C ■ I /

X N. W A lv u n E S I EK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTIER. CONN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1944 IG E S I X Forts Bring New Deal Hit “ Yah, llnd Den I t Happened, DgI’ b All!” W TIC— 1080 WTHTt -1 *«0 E n g a g e m ^ t dcmc»i8tr«ite that he la m astc. -- W DBO— 1860 Today’s Radid 1410 Britisli Fliers Yanks Follow Dads ’ rootstep s Manchester the {iolatlonists In his own part>. Yank Fliers Connedticut 4 Eastern War Time ' 'X " By Governors Evening Herald to repudiate the record those iso­ Raid Bremen T o Safety lationists have written in Wn- 1:00—w n c — News; WDRC —♦7:00—WTIC — ’The^Call Joe Over World War Battlefields Behind Dewey PUBUHHCO mt TH* Eress; to demonstrate that he Is a Y ankee Grand Central Station; News; WDRC — "Lionel ‘ ‘ Barrymoht in During Night conetrucUve force and not merely WTHT — News; Music; WNBC Mayor of the Town; WTHT (CMttnued from Pago One) (OoBttanied tram Pags Ooa) a brilliant proeacutor. By A. H. 0. —Report from London. News; Music; WNBC — k Landmarks Are the Samei but This War’s Yanks Hold Vist Superi­ Correspondents Abroad. number were transmitted Immedi­ His campaign, to date, has oc- 1 :16— 1 ^ 0 —A gricultural (Oontlnited trem Page One) News; WTHT —-Greek Pro­ 7:16-i-W N B C — ^Leland Stow e. ately to Washington, op that tee ority Oyer Germans iii Men and W capons three days at conferences at which hit on such aoxind notea, The candidacy of tatxnm Fed­ gram; WNBC—News. 7:80—^wnC—Adventures of El­ operations during tee night by next of kin could be notified. In Hannegan called for campaign or­ 'y.an^ied fwy are the notes he must con- eral Judge Edwin B. Thomas for 1:80—w n c — Indiana Indigo; lery l^een; WDRC—Mrs. Mini* omblng Bremen with blockbus- many cases it meant that the de- ganisation work In every township the Republican nomination for the ver; WTHT — Arthur Hale; r of ’’missing” could be ex- and precinct The natloi^ dialr- S?*S«M*attoSieUr, Coon., as to stHke If he la to “ WDRC — Your Garden and You; tee wake of heavy’R. A ^ . AISNE MARNE Here Amer. House of Representatives In the WNBC — Swing Shift Frolics. WNBC—^Muslc America Loves on Aug. 26 that left a ged for the Joy of "safe.” _____ I man 'will begin a croa^oimtty SSBdCUSs MaU Matter. he Is to add to the ranks o f the icons end French smashed town of Columbia Is, by an ac-, 1:45 — w n c — John MaeVane; B e s t - I ewate of docks afM bus­ Romania capitulated and ’Greatest bottle ln _ . trip next week to hold similar dis­ regular Republicans, whom he wUl counts, attaining such proportions WDRC — Something; WTHT — 7:46—'WTHT — Lanl Mclntlre’s released tee fliers, reet Qermon eHsnshres of Amerken history.’’^ cussions with mldwestern and guBwanmoif **»»» iness afe^ in ruin, also s)Mmt after lev 27,1918, end July I15. f have anyway, a majority of those as to invalidate our perhaps pre­ Beyond Victory What? O rchestra. Gunn hdzriod to tee minister of S letween Sept. 26 and weSte'hi Democratic leaders. n il coDozbunlcstlons to tb* Bt. # Allied ceunteretteck at Oct. 3 L 1918. U. S. mature conclusion that the gentle­ 2:00— wnc — Muslcana; WDRC 8:00— w n c — ^Rudy V allee Show ; QuenUn and Glvet sectors and on War and M^lned permission' to independent voUrs who determine man's '‘poUUcal health" wasn’t Seissens end Chateau*Thierry, troops smeshsd four, And at Chicago, the G. O. P. —Of Men and Books; WNBC — WDRC—Kenny Baker ; WTHT— tea Katoertautem-;8aarbrucken try and 'establish communicaUons National Executive committee .00 elecUona The people will change. perfect. Frank Stagtoer; WNBC!—Early with'officials of the , 16th Air July 18, broke fee. Threat successive major Ger­ Weslera gtstee and a>0 News; Women In Blue. to Peris wos removed. wee celled into eeeelbn yesterday If they think the choice good Seemingly, it Is altogether 3:16—WDRC — Adventures In Amencan Dance Music. line. X Force in Italy fb^ repatriation of man defense lines. BpnqrBargea Wfte Backets Germans lost the initietive, From Nev. 1 to emlii- to study major campaign plana It "* im iIB 8R pv enough. They wUl be governed not perfect. Inquiry among the • Science. ' ^ 8:16— ^WTHT— M uslel Polish P ro- tee crewmen. townspeople of Columbia does Typhoons sprayed \canm and were forced on the defensive, stke, fee was driven is the first conference of tee com­ i-; WTHT — Navy BuUe- 11:00—News On All Stations. from the University of Connecti­ Tredted Well by Romantens RaiUr Into te e headltaee pop te e The full committee also decided : —w n c—John W. Vander-I on" flying against England last M back toward tee Bhln e. Connecticut headlines, would at' Un Board; 'WNBC — News; — 1 1 16 cu t in 1942. He,was a member of M

■" ...... ;>CF I . .’i'l p A o s k a i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONn ';. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBEK 2. 1»4« h e r a l d , MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMfeER 2/1944 MANCHESTER JCVENING a strafing attack on the Debrecen So. American Pavot Seeking north and northwest from captured airdrome In Hungary yesterday, He’s Sergeant Now Spirit Boosted Tops as Yankee Coach Browns’ Lead Dowi Arras, sending one tank spearhead List Chairmen . boosting Its total o f Nazi planes McNeill, Parker, Segura See Restful toward Doual, 14 miles' from Bel­ knocked out on the ground In the 7th Straight Engaged to Wed gium, and another toward; Dun­ p u t three' days to 218, It was an­ Visitor Here At Dartmouth kerque and Ita memorable evacua­ For New Group nounced today. To Two Games Holiday Here tion beaches of 1940. Led by Col. Bmeat H. Beverly. Now In Semi-Finals Capture of Vlmy ridge, where Laurlnburg, N. C„ the iM u s ^ g e Inspecting \pieney Unbeaten Juvenile Will I. Canadians Won a great victory In But Also « Decline in Local Rehabilitatibn caught a great number of Merae- Technical Schodlj Is v.issr^.>l Run This A ften^n in YesterdSy’a Scores Pitching Miseriffi Wot Even a Sports 1917 was disclosed In a message berg 323 alx-englned transports, Four of Seven Tennis j Skill as W ar Takes Ex- by Gen. Sir Miles C. Dempsey, Committee Names Its JU-52 transports, JU-88s, ME-410s. Touring New EnglfUid. 1 ^ ' Saratoga's “HopeliiI’’» T igen or Yimkff y' Lewi* to grain Arranged for British Second Army commander, H E -llls, and ME-108a, and shot peAenced Players. ^ Division Heads. Matches go the Limit Hertford 7, 8; Berantsn I J k i Non-TlUe Bat- to Lieut. Gen. H. D. Q. Crerar, up four locomotives. portunity to Takff < Next Monday. Canadian First Army commander. Airdrome Strafed Director John G. EJchmallan o l , New Lork, Sept. 2—(ffV-Jt has (T), 0 (8). Forest Hills; Miss (This is an article te a series on Elmira 4, 8; S i Hartford Sept. 14 Pvcplylng to Crerar’s message on The local Rehabilitation commit­ Another Mustang formation the local State Trade school, now been te existence rd and Manchester. . fade to two skimpy gsnse. season. ' The stay-st-homes, arid Amerlcaii "Last year when r took over mark. BoBton 8, 7; Philadelphia I Only seven St. Louis pttchsrif^ ; of contendere for the leath- man force. . committee. 'The sub-commlttac ro In support of the drive against Director Echmallan found his te deciding championships. they are in the majority by far. Allied troops were within two chairmen are in turn to name t)vo visitor most enthualaatlc and well.- W here for Tuss McLaughry, Dart­ Pavot also has been promised s (10). 4. wars able to go the route te the lasC! Kht crown. , • the Gothic line In that sector, while This became quite evident te the mouth’s Na'vy V-12 and- Marine will probably look forlornly at miles of Lc Havre, still without additional members to assist them. nghter bombers an d. flghtera Informed on all ,^.phaaea of his SL Loute ...... 7 1 long winter’s vacation by Trainer Pittsburgh 8, 8t. Louis 2. 28 games and tile 'S taff shawfidj^,.] j*bout Is on the booke tor 10 ’^‘ 1944 men’s and women’s singles training detachments provided Chicago 3, Cincinnati 2. ^ds Md win be an over-tte- their drought-stricken gardens, meeting much resistance. The nominating committee as smashed at qther targets In the work, gained largely In achoola li) championships yestwsday when New York ...... 8 9 Oscar Whits end W oolf has the serious signs of disintegrating, pick apples—or tjie way things The Canadians were pursuing a appointed by Chairman Waddell the U. S., where he had spent a Detroit ...... 68 some SO-odd seasoned products of conditioner's promise that he can with Bob Muncrlcf its only “stop­ ncht match and. therefore, with Adriatic sector. . ' John Scarchuk four of the seven marohes played 16 major college teams for a look In the naws. hang on the ra­ mass of Germrin stragglers hitch­ was: Arthur E. McCann, chairman; Shipping off the west coast of total of alx years. went to the limit and the outcome Boston ...... 69 ride the grandson of Men, O’ War per” still sidelined. '.( ;S S d f l c ^ e «0 far as the orown ■quad that lost only a one-potat Nelson Potter,»32-year-old vet- ' dio to hear the sound of running hiking back to Germany. Many of Fred Baker, secretary; Francis E. Italy and In the Adriatic waa at­ Plans are progressing for tha depended upon endurance aS much 'Cleveland ...... 61 in the 1948'Kentuck;' De.by. them Were without food or much John Scarchuk, son of Mrs game to Pennsylvania," Brown TPn other Juveniles have been sran, who was picked up te the. . *4Sat*S! It Nwill have no immedl- Miss Ruth Wheaton cierman feet. Miner, Jessie M. Reynolds and tacked, aa well aa communications dedlcaUon of the achool which has as skA. PhUadelphla ------•«* Twilight League transport, Uvjng ;off the land on Wilfred Clarke, Anna Scarchuk of 21 North School been operating for more than a Playing the tournament’s first 'Chicago ...... 58 explained. nsm ^ to oppose the JeFoede’ colt draft twro years ago when his ma-.‘ J u t x i n g on the championship, and gun positions In Yugoslavia. ’■We were choked with experi­ Major and Mrs. Sidney L. 1 ^ **- the stern road back. said, front re­ ThosS Approved Four enemy aircraft were de­ street, Manchester, has been pro quarter of a century under the five-set match, Lieut. Don McNflll Washington ...... 54’' t(xlay te s rase that has a gross Jor league days were supposed t o '- ut It can prove to be a fight that enced performers te every posi­ vein sof 161.060, df which $63,850 Balls and Strikes have ended, \fiui able to halt tks ,; 1 Anally deUrmlne ^ho shall ton of.l59 New Meadow ^ad. Allies Getting ports. „ The recommendatlona made and stroyed In the air, • and 12 Allied meted to the grade of Sergeaq^ name “ Manchester State Trade o f the Navy, 1940 .champion and 'Denotes night game.. Along the lines of German with­ at an AAF base In Italy where tion, but only a few of them man­ will go to the winner, Pavot pick­ 'last previous slump in Detroit • Pep’s challenger when Willie Barrington, R. L. formerly of this approved last night were aa fol­ aircraft are mlaalng. school.” On May 1 the name waa the second-seeded favorite^ had to National drawal from Nancy to the Saaf lows: he is serving as a laboratory tech­ changed to "Howell <3ieney Tech­ go all out to eliminate flft^aeeded W aged to display the same high de­ ed up checks totalling ITS.48S te week ago. Last night at Sport**^^; Bsa defend his UUe. town, announce the *"pK*m ent man's Park, Potter waa batted off?-; ^5us because Tommy Dio. Dew- Close to Lyon• f frontier and across Belgium and Selective Service, Judge W. S. nician with a photo technical nical achool” In honor o f HoweU Lieut. Seymour Greenberg of the St. Lduls ...... 9 1 gree o f enthualaam that Inspired his first six vlctoriea Bill George of the Hamilton of their daughter. Miss R u ^ f Luxembourg to Germany, Allied the hill and solidly spanked ^iSwiager, would not sIct for tte Hyd®. _ squadron of Mediterranean At Cheney of thla town, who waa a Army, twice nattbnal clay court# Pittsburgh ...... 72 • them as (dvilian collegians. The Qaril. ftexl tor Saraton’s Props leads the league ln_ batting- Ritchie Wheaton, to Second Ueu- flghter-bombera yesterday alone Re-ertiployment, USES, Jay E. •This season .our original squad sSssstf seven hits te two innings ns the^ ' pt 14 match hete until he had tenant Charles H. Evans, son of (Continued from Page One) About Town lied Photographic Reconnaissance prime mover in vocational educa­ champion, 6-3,»4-8. 3-6. fl-1. 8-6. Cincinnati ...... 67 __cond war-time meeting at Bel­ with an Inpresslve mark of .638 te I Been guaranteed that In event of destroyed or damqiged 1.400 motor Rand. ^ unit. A graduate of Manchestar tion In the State of Connecticut, In W4fmen’s Division Chicago ...... 55 of 150 Included only two who i: i ’ m ont also includes the famed cup Brownies fell before Detroit 6-3. , Ernest Evans of South Coventry. transport vehicles. 140 locomo­ 'M-X- eleven games. Tony Del (tonte, His S2nd Victory |x5^s*beaUng Pep. Lewis imd not Veterans dlv. USES, Henry R. High school and of the Unlvereffy and who for many years waa a In th^Women’s division defend­ New York ...... 57 played at other ’ colleges, but the rt.ee which haa a value of $25,000 Miss Wheaton U a graduate of area are 150 miles from where tives, and over 800, railway cars. spirit of all Is amazing. Moat of i’:’r 4 teammate of George la hot on his Hal Newhouser draped that, | « ^ l k y ” Wright would be the they_Jande4 17 days ago, while Malloryl _ of Connecticut, Sergeant Scarchuk member of the local Board of Ed­ ing champion Pauline Betz had to Boston ...... 52 added but which lured only four Manchester High School and of Hard-pressed Germans - were Red Cross, Jessie M. Reynolds. The Alplna Society will hold Its our boys are fresh from high starters. Two are from the barn of Browns over Uie ropes with a sUt^.i, |‘*Bllenger In the staging of the units beyond Grenoble are more was formerly Agricultural Aid for ucation. ^ . play there strenuous seta to defeat Philadelphia ...... 48 p m ’ heels with iq .483 average, te seven­ Mlddlebury College, where she turning to horses for transport, Veterans Administration, Fran- monthly meeting tomorrow afte^ Mrt. Virginia Wolfenden Kovacs, schools and are thrilled to have a William Ziegler, Jr., Walt A Bit hit Job for hFs 22nd victory, one WlMunplonship match. completed her studies F e^ thsn 160 miles from the beaches. and Allied airmen destroyed or noon at three o’clock at the Ital­ the ConnecUcut Agricultural Ex­ The school will open Wednesday Brooklyn ...... ?49 teen games with Mickey Katka- less than teammate Dizzy Trouts l^W knlng of the I.ewis-Pep ^ u t Activity In Passe# cla E. Miner. periment Station. Sergeant Scar­ morning, for the fall term. T h e 6-4, 6-8, 8-4, aa both players suf­ chance to Ynake a team that is go­ and Bounding Home. Others ere veck has tallied th e most runs, |4pgBie at the close of a fortnight of ruary. She U at present a claim damaged 250 horse-drawn vehicles Under the last nipned Veterans ian clubhouse on Eldrldge street. fered from leg cramps In the last ing to play Notre Dam^” Townsend Martin’s Bollngbroke whe grabbed the series opener l* ’_. adjuster In the Providence office In the Alpine passes crossing the yesterday. Pilots said the number chuk wears two battle participa­ personnel office will be open sixteen engagements . . . Kaka- relief. Even a St. Louis tiipli play "' ; negotiation. Administration sub - coihmlttw, seL Third-seeded Louise Brough, To Coatlnne “T " Offense and the Havahome stable’s Eura­ of Liberty Mutual Insurance com- French-IUlian frontier north of of tanks seen had dropped off Mr. Miner recommended that there tion stars for the Sicilian and, Tuesday, all day, for registration veck has tallied the most f uns, couldn’t halt the Tigers, who the Riviera "further activity has A son was bom last night at of pupils In the different depart­ runner-up to Miss Beta the past Brown Intend# to continue with sian. sharply. _ be three further sub-dlvlslons since Wesson Maternity Hospital, Italian campaigna. two years, outateadled the some, the “T” offense despite limited Pavot’s opposition IB expected to surged past New York Into second ' ^“ uw tensnt Eva;ns received hla been noted;” an Allied spokesman The Germans still were holding the work of that committee la so ments. come from the Mate (Jhance farm’s piqce. ioters in Sofia said, but its nature was mff dis­ Sprinrteld, Mass., to Mr. and Mrs. what smaller Mary Arnold to Win practice time. - wings and commission at out kt the Brittany ports of ^ s t , wide in scope. 8-6, 6-3, 8-6 ad MUs Arnold weak­ "If this was a normal year, r d War Jeep. (Jsorge D. Wldener’s Althoui(h the Bengals end closed. Richard H. Hofekatra of Henry Army Air Field. Carlsbad, New St. Nazaire, and Lorlent. Their DK'islon Heads street. Mra. Hoekstra was the for­ ened after leading 3-0 and holding say we had the makings of Plebiscite, William Hells’ Plndus Yanks were virtually tied for the Clamor for War So far German thrusU across runnerup spot. Detroit had s M r- MexlM In July. He is now •tatlw- forces at Brest were estimated at He suggested that these divi­ mer Miss Dorothy Hale, and the 3 Local Girls a.. 40-0 advantage on her oppon­ promising, freshman team, the and Ziegler’s Esteem. these passes ha^ been In the na­ 20 000 cbrhmanded by a- General sions with their committee chair­ Western Allies cefttage point edge, .540 to .538,' ed for advanced training at Avon ture of exploratory moves. baby has been named Richard ent’s service te the final ' set. youthful coach commented. Art Fletol)e^ Against Germany Ramcke. with 11.000 ®" men be aa follows: Chunky Dorothy May Bundy prov­ The only available transfers 4- and was only one game behind the Park, Florlda^^______slbly Intended also to cause Pat(^ Hale Hoekstra. Have Enlisted Browns on the losing side of thS’ at Lorlent, and nearly 10,000 at St. Education, Edson M. Bailey. ed too stron gin the long run for •sdth previous college experience One of the unsung heroes te thq World’k Series with the Glanta. to divert forces to that area from Nazaire. RehabllitaUon, Clyde Beckwith. May Be First By Frank Moran Never a heavy hitter but a smart Dolphins Defeat ledger. Boston kept within esiF . the Rhone Valley, ■ | ' Doris Hart, who has the strokes are Bob Hicks, a sub centor at New York Yankees drive to thetop (CoBtlnned fro,i* Page One) Hospitalization, Jessie M. Rey­ Rev. S. J. Szczepkowskl of St. but not the court covering sbility Fonner Heavywelglit Boxer performer with a keen baseball striking distance 2 1-2 games back.- The Naval command announced | John’s church, Golway street, an­ Tennessee te 1941 who Is Just back te the Major Leagues Is a jgrey- Ration Board nolds. ■ Sign Up for Various o f her rivals, and won 6-7, 8-fl, 8-4. Knocking cut Jinq Q0tley in our sense, he managed to stay te the reglsterln.g 21 . Del (Tonte has and could move to within s half; the work of opening ports—pre­ nounces confession at the church from the fleet, and Ted Youngling, halred coach by the name df Art Yale Team 7 to 2 ^.mtll a new government Is formed, This • recommendation of Mr. Inside Reich The day’s straight set victors first meeting te old Madison a 200-pound guard who played big show for 11 years asA player. driven home the most runs, 18 and game of the top te today’s and to­ i’ A Cairo report '^ d Bagnanov sumably Marseille and Toulon — Is Japs Report this evening from five to aeven Fletcher. He la one of Uys shrewd­ morrow’s games. Miner was approved. Services; Their Names were top-seeded Pancho Segura of Square Garden, Oct. 19, 191'5, gave bit at Cornell, last year. est coaches in the buateess today In 1922 he agreed to manage the leads Don Alorrell of the Hill knight form a leftist government progressing, whllu the debarkation Several matters that the -com ­ o’clock for youths returning to me a peculiar thrill. I had just re­ Billies by 2 . . . Del Conte also Missed Their Chance Office Closed of troops and unloading of supplies (Continued from Page One) Ecuador, Sergt. Frankie Parker, There also are five others who and piuch of the success enjoyed Philadelphia Phillies. In 1926 Mill ^ ad continue the conversations). mittee can dd to asalat the return­ school. 'The vacation school which And Training. turned from a European tour dur­ er Huggins the lata Yankee mana­ New Haven, Sept 2— (/P)— Capt. leads in total hits amassing s total Joe McCarthy’s Yanks blew a: Air and Sea always rated as a title threat but have played at Dartmouth Includ­ by the American ■'Leaguers Iq the Ed MschaJ closed his career as a Russian 'armored columns which is continuing smoothly. ing veterans such as obtaining the ^ t o r has been conducting never a winner, and th second- ing which I knocked out every' ger offered Fletcher a contract te of 28. chance to sneak up right behind The Navy said it evacuated throughout the summer closed this of the very highest Allied cots- ing Hy Clayton, last year’s 200- past 15 years can to contributed Yale pitcher yesterday by being the leaders when they bowed t* tihad secured the Moestl P*P*ti"* free legal service for them and aa- Three . Manchester Girls have te- seeded woman player, Margaret body I met except Jack Johnson, to the baBeball genius of the man 1926 with the New York team. He Leo Dadalt of the Wllllmsntic »tsnnlnus at Olurgiu were only IM Nol Open to Public nearly 900 prisoners from the cap­ week, and the tut session of the tnanders reminded newsmen ns- ppund halfback: Bill Bennett and touched for 12 safeties as the Coast the last-place Waahtegton Sena*' Raids Felt alating them In placements In jobs cently enlisted for service with the ceriUy" that we mlgHt hava^ to Osborne. They didn’t get much and found that Ooffey, former Art Young, third string linemen from New York, was offered the managers’ post Fliers has the most two baggers, ' Hillss northeast of Sofia and 150 tured Islands in Marseille harbor. Saturday morning religious class with the Browns,, White. Sox and Guard Dolphins of New London 6 . . . George heads the circuit te tors, 10-7, after muffing sevanit^': Until Friday of the moat suited to them were dis­ armed forces. They are ^ Miss pause _ some______time If for no other‘ competition from Major A. H. motorman, had become the rage under Brown; and Carl McKinnon Fletcher is the third base coach r*’miles east of Yugoslavia. (>rmana will be held next Saturday from Carver, Jr.. Charles W. Oliver and Tigers but he turned tliem down defeated the Blue, 7-2. triples with 3 . . . Six player# ere chances to win. Roge Wolff crack­ Already Inside Italy cussed. Gloria D. Specter of 281 Center reason than to "bring up gasoline. with New York fans. guard, and Charlie Holt, halfback, and haa been on the Job for the Machaj’s record for the season l-‘Rl southern Yugoslavia and Giming Week. (Continued From Page One) During the meeting Clyde Beck- nine to twelve. girls’ champion Shirley Fry, re­ For two heats and part of the to sign a coaches contract with the tied with one home run apiece . , ed an all-game losing streak at- ; New York, SepC, 2—(/S)—^Amer­ street, who haa algneJ up with We There Is not the slightest doubt mem'tora of McLaughry’s 1942 past 17 yean. A smart coach la shows 18 wins and 6 defeats. Jim Turner’s expense in a relief '' ?‘msrs declared In direct peril If ! withith and Frank Cervinl were add- spectively.' third Ooffey outboxed me and I more than, what an ordinary base­ Yankees. During the 1927 season, Bob Osboin of the Hill Billies has ^■Sulgaria capitulates. ican troops striking east of Nice Women's Army (Jorps, and has that'no matter where or when the aquad. Randy Gumpert held Yale to role, The local War Price and Ration­ which hit Chichi Thursday num- ; ^ ^ general committee, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Foster Germarii atop, the Allies wlU_ be feared the easy opposition I met ■ Outstanding .among the new­ ball fan thinks he la. He must have Fletcher assumed the third base stolen the' most bases, 12 . . . . (CoL Gen. Geaa Lakatos, newly- In southern France are already bered 40. The report saW three . Beckwith representing the YD ss-^ been transferred from Fort Ogle­ coaches Job and has been there five scattered hits during the first Boom Boom Krebs of the Props Boston had to go hard to top the 7 1-2 miles Inside Italy, and have have moved from 37 Ridgewood thorpe, Georgia, to Columbia, S. C. able to smash through them when abroad for a year following the comers are 17-year-old Ed Gin­ a keen . memory, study opposing ■even Innings, the Blues additional ; appointed premier of Naxi-occupled ing board office In the Lincoln were downed, and added that four j gociatlon and Mr. Cervinl the street to their recently purchased ever since. Today at 69, wearing troublaaome Athletlco, 4-3, wltli captured Ventimiglia, a Britl.ih ra­ Mias Elizabeth Machle, daughter they I are ready. It Is no • Johnson match had dulled my grich, a Winthrop. Mass., civilian pitchers so that he <»n tip the bat­ two safeties being gotten from Dee the help of Jim Tabor'a U th homer • Hungary, declared In a domestic school Will be closed all day Mon­ ivere shot down from th<;, 80 planes j xrm y and Navy Club. home at 358 Woodbrldge atreet, In edge. . ter aa to what the pitch will to, the same number aa when he start­ ''Htoadcast over the Budapest radio dio broadcast heard by CBS said of Mr. and Mra. Edward F. Machle question of being able to hold thw student, who ynis a consistent 66- ed with the Bronx’ Bombers, 31, he Sanders who pitched the final In­ as Joe Bowman earned hte l l t h ,’ day. Sept. 4, Labor Day. Thos® which struck in several waves 'at i ------the Greenway Park section. Mra. front or that front for the Ger­ Suddenly I saw an opening, let yard 'schoolboy putter, Dldk Bar­ ■a well as able to m ^ e a decision ning. ,rted by OWL that “evergthlng today. Iwo. Seven planes hit Haha, the I , i of Euckland, who haa a brother te is still one of the emarteat men te decision over Don Black. (Jhlcaga^B< having matters to bring before Foster was the former Miss Irene fie Marines and another With the mans. R Is only m question of how B y Hugh Fnllerton, Jr. go with my weight It landed on rett of Waltham, Masa., who waa te a spilt second whether to send Five Yale errors paved the way Joe Haynes won his own gam s 535* be done to use our forces to the runner to the next base or hold baseball. lailat Romanian attempts to re- dispatch hdded^r* Attacked ‘ McMullen. Navy, haa left her emplojfment long they can stave off disaster. New York. SepL 2.—(J'i — One (toffey'B chin and he went down ’ cited for bravery while serving for the Dolphins’ first four runs, with a 12th litelng single to anadn BritisH Brcak as if pole-axed. M j' eyes popped him up. Art is the Yankees’ No. 1 Fletcher simply wUl not manage Cain northern Transylvania. The T^eiSay^tuning. 8epL**5, after I Armored Units with the United Aircraft (Jorpora- .Eastern Front Reinforced lil‘ record the Cardinals won’t break with the Marines at Guadalcanal, a big league team a* he is content­ but Ernie Kish tbuhed Machaj for Cleveland's Al Smith, 1-4, In n "A large number of enemy The Whlton Ubrary will be It Is true that the eastern front out with delight as the referee and 'Walt Newman, q 9-7 sprinter coach and possesses all of the a threc-nin homer te Uie Seventh fcroianlan Army has begun such 7:30 o’clock. , \, planes which seem to have taken Gothic Line; tion. Plant J. HllUardvlUe. for duty U the Chicago Cubs’ 1906 mark of above-mentioned qualifications and ed to stay with the New York n l^ t .t U t 6M(atlona. the British radio said Due to the fact that next week closed Mbnd^ Labor Day. This with the “Waves.” After training has been reinforced recently from winning 100 games by Sept. 9 .., toUed 10. qt (tornell who is trying college team and carry on his |lresent du­ to make it real. Frits Ostermuellen aUowsd 11 Nearer .German) . off from an enemy task force raid- •fraume its. regular Norway and periiape even from I know old Mary Ann was stlU football for the first time. more. Many a gama that the Coast Guard 000 ISO 89—7 18 0| St Louis hits but scattered th*' te ffuotlng a Bucharest report). will be a short week and that the ed Ogarawara (in the Bonlns) the Ubrary wlU at the Bronx Naval I’rainteg Sta­ The Cards were a day ahead of the Yanks have won can be contribu­ ties. One of the unsung heroes of Vmnmj Quiet in Poland board and office staff have a con­ Battle Rages schedule Tuesday, September _ 5. tion. she wUl report for duty at the Low Countries, and that the Cube at Nq. 90 but after they did there. Yale ...... 000 000 02—2 7 5 and Rocky Luppncchlno of the blows for his llth win with th* day before yesterday,” , said a 5:30 ted to the expert coaching of the Yankees’ machine that haa ' Gumpert, Sanders and Astroth; Aa the fuse In the Balkan pow­ siderable amount of work to ^ (Continued From Page One) with opening hours 2:00 do Washington. D. C. Miss Machle la Germans have been fighting fleecy that on AUg. 28 there were too Wedding Ring Found been rolling over opponents te the PA’S have each notched four help of Babe Dahlgren’s two-ruR Tokvo broadcast to Japanese ly and with zom® zucceea In the ■Up Reveals Thief Fletcher. Machaj and Peacock. der keg sputtered threatening to processed the office will not be and 7:00 to 9:00 p. m., dally. a ^aduate of Manchester Wgh many blank spa®®* to t®® schedule Fletcher waa an outstanding American LeagnJ# during the pest straight victories to lead the pitch­ double and Ftnnkls Oustlns's ten- arecs. (Continued From Page One) East Prussia area, and that they Evanston, Jll., Sept 2—UP)— That game was called at the end gis te tbs sixth. Max Lantar fisilpd (ln liiij the Germans in a sudden open to the public on Wednesday apparently were preparing for a Japanese also reportad school. . . for them to add ton more by next shottatop during the John McGraw 17 years is the third.base coach, ers with •» 1.000 mark. The are holding the Rusalami before Portland. Me.—(IP)—When Pa­ That wedding ring Lieut. Billy of the eighth because of rain. Slinging SamnUege, Northamp­ II pl^-teg to a scribe’s querj/about Local Sport Chatter bare Chicago Bears today. A thief h'as chucked the moat innings its old associate of past victories, not been entirely due to Gemaa f* Mhmsaippi football proappeta steady a tnse of cigarettes on his, Ft. Bonning, Gau 70 1-3 . - Mike Marco of the Boston trimmed the PhilUa* ders for the most part reported these hours In mind. The office mixture of threats and pleading. ton. She Is the daughter of Mr. powers. Red Army troopa atlU are mads off with five complete foot­ the Desert Air Force.” and Mra. Lawrence Keama of 68 [ t Coach Harry Mehre wrots, "You shoulder. Norton found not one It was found nestled on the 50- Props has whiffed 68 betters twice te a twi-night doublebsadert • only reconnaiee'ance activity. will not be open next week, Mon­ Today the Luxembourg station, Ominous Paucity The British War Relief Society stabbing on „ the bordere of ,EMt yard line yesterday by Eck Erd- ball outfits, valued at $614 from 8-8 te 10 innings en Dnm?et and has a brother, have th j schedule OK. If you cs« but six dainty slips under the The Twilight League game a t ^ f the league going Into a playoff lead the pack . . . Don Ballou of 'The' Russian war bulletin said, day through- Thursday, and ap­ too, was silent and there were un­ Without naming any towns cap­ Prussia and elmoet certainly will ^man’s coat. Both slips and ctgar- lltz, new member of the North­ the West Side Oval between tha for the title la none too bright as a locker room st Amundsen High lips' stegls end 7-4. Ira HutcMns however, that Red Army forces pearances before the board may confirmed reports that the Nazis Of Allied Reports its workrooms te the Brluah- L»awrenc6, who ia itatlonod at fix us up with a few tackles, ends,^ school where the Bears now are the PA’S has allowed only four South' tured, the bulletlif said that In the grind acroiB when Stalin orders. guards, backs, etc., send . them ^ t s s were stolen. western University football staff. Oak GrUl Beer Barons and the | Cheneys srem to pack t^ many son end At Jsvsry wsro tha wto* oi^itured 'a dominating height be made Tuesday night after 7:30 General Headquarters, American Club’s building on Ma­ Sampson, N. Y. practicing. ■ free tlcko'cs te 46 1-3 frames . had evacuate Nancy. ,VP)—The center other Eighth Army troopa Strength In East ©renter 'night press collect.” ^ Willimantlc Fliers was rained out guns for the rest of the teams te ners over Al Gerheauser and Vem . hi a lightning Uirust against the The last of the Nazi 15th Army, west Pacific, Sept. 2. ple street The hours will be 11 German strength te the e w Is Kennedy. Brooklyn’s Art Herrtaff p. m. point of interest today In the war had made "very Important gates a. m. to 4 p. m. The robot bombing last night. This, gfame Will be ! the loop. Oermana near Praga, Warsaw's the guardian force o f the rocket American troops of the .Fifth Hospital Notes four or five times the strength te played off next Thursday evening. stoppsdTNsw York for the saeond p eastern subiurb. and held It against bomb coast, wa in open and out­ with Japan over vast stretches of In England by the Nazis has cre­ the west, but the front Is longer Fanning Bro the Pacific was the perhaps omi­ Army, who had been largely Idle Nothing Too Good for GI% and^ The Softball circuit hae carried straight time, 8-1. on a feurdilt* eeunter-attacks that cost the Ger- right flight from the Pas-de-Calais ated a demand for more used and the NazU’ enemy la stronger ■I After Armando and Rolando ter/beatteg Harry Feldman. nous paucity of Allied reports. except for patrol, actions since clothing. A large local ahlpment on in great style end chances of a laans two Infantry companies. coaat, abandoning sites of known in numbers there too. ____ • ■ Vega of Mexico barely skinned' Received a letter from Pets — For the first time since Aug. 19. they swept to ^-Ivomo (leghorn) llaa sent to New York this week Admitted yesterday: Buonflgllo Martello, an ardent West Side root­ bigger and better league next year When Pavot Faces Free for All No one In Moscow supposed Weddings and ydt unknown weapoits of ven­ If the Germans are womed through to win s doubles match at They Have Best in Football in Admiral C3iester W. Nlmltz at and the Arno river * weeka ago. for reshlpment, to Britain. /^ iM e Cartel, 362 Vernon street; Mrs. er. who pointed out that we mads are good. The loop was started that most of the eastern front geance to which HiUer turned jumped the stream at several Helen KeUoy, 2 Osk place. about occupation forces. It prob­ Forest Hills the other day. when this season after a lapM of several Notice would remain stagnant for long, Pearl Harbor let a day go by yes­ who plan to contribute smaU stuff­ ably will make little different Rolando ruefully admitted he an error the other evening during ThaFll Be the Big Racing Day; when hope o f victory failed. points west of Florence and plung­ ed toys for Etegllsh children, are Admitted today: Mra. Mary Dobbs ^ Second 'Air Force Team years and the teams got off to a hut It waa an obvious fact the terday without issuing either a whether the British end Am ^- | i eoiddn’t do anything right. Ar- the West Sldc-Hlll Billie game over Writes Finis To Fight communique or a press release.’ ed forward, menacing historic asked to turn them te this, nwnth Zikus, 64 Birch street the loud speaker. Elof "Swede” late start. The tesgue has pro- .Ruralans had crashed against a Gibson-Shorts Abandonment of the Pas-ije- Pisa near the coast. Discharged yesterday: M rs.^ - cans or the Russians Mtsr ^ 11 mando gave this explanation in and eight straight completions te ' vided entertainment for North Zoniiiff Board of Appefila Military leaders in hla theater for shipment by Oct 1. country first, becsOss there is Uta ■ rapid-fire Spanish. 'Tt waa like a By Hariy Grayson Solmonson, home on leave from BiaJor part of the German forces. The marriage of Miss Althea J. (jalals ares, aa dearly as ahy- The mate American drive, how­ ton von Oedarfield and son, Moo- the 1943 Sug;ar Bowl engagement. TT B A rrr,v left field fOr End fans ■■as wciiwell SB as crsaungcreating in-In- Fighting Don Sticks His Nose In T o w n o f MaijcheBter, Conn- O M ^ tted to a last ditch defense Shorts, daughter of Mr. and Mra. hqve made no secret of the fact Us doubt that the zones of occ^ baseball game where I waa the NEA Sports Editor thlng, wrote finis to the fight for ever, waa said to be toward high Oorge'Downing, son ofMall dus; Mrs. Marguerite Br^Ick. The professionals ' will make theS e Westw fat SidM.*^Sides. Usually when a i tsrtst among many of the new iss- ^ at the eastern limits of the Reich. Wesley J. Shorts of 83 Pleasant that Guam, where organized Jap­ pation already have been sgrssd pitcher ^ t h the bases full and New York—Nothing Is too goqjl foi the Hopeful, in which the fin- In conformity with the requlrs- '• France—for the Germans would anese resistance ceased last Aug. ground north of Florence which Carrier and Mrs. Albert XJwnteg, 22 North Elm street; Miss G IM ^ this remarkabla Oklahoman the player Is home on leave the fans identa te town. By Harry aroysoa An Intensive buildup 1# atreet. and Pfc. Bert H. Gibson, must be taken before thb sweep Tracy, 468 Parker street; WU- upon among the Wg three. none out. And the tost batter forlthe GI’s. and they wlli have most sought playti in the country menta of the Zoning RegulattenB have, held on there If any stand 9, is being mushroomed Into a gi­ who reside te Bolton, snd In addition; under Allied z g i ^ against me waa—Rolando.” give the lad a welcome hand when NEA Sporta Editor eat, outside of Free For All and as necessary before Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert H. was possible long enough to per of the Eighth and Fifth Armlea liam Johnston, RockvUle. T hen the war Is won. The Country (Hub haa been as of the Town of Manchester, tho Gibson, of 185 Main street, was gantic base for the next offensive J. Kahebl, son of. Mrs. UUian menta, there can be nothing but the best te football this fall in tpe he comes up to the batter's box. New Vork—Should Pavot and Fighting Don, will have it out at •team-roller can get moving mlt them, at least, to. get their can gate their final ohjectlvei. Discharged today: Reginald Backing up Dobbs te the chuck­ We mentioned Swede being In the busy as ever this year with' many Zoning Board of Appeals will hold * solemnized Aug. 31. The ceremony blow. ' . S. Kanehl. of 99 OiA str«*t .have IW render-to-one, surrei^der » ^ Shorta and Shells Second Army Air Fores teatej^ of the veteran golf players as well Frsa For All still be unbeaten 16 1-2 furlongs. " a public hearing te the MunlclpaL threatened giant V-2 rockets Into The Mediterranean Allied Air been graduated from the Army Tracy, South Coventry. ing department for the Supsr- armed forces and admit that we u waa performed at 7 o’clock In the Only Limited Air .Actions headed by the phenomenal L t Pavot’s best time for six fur­ Building on Thursday, Ssptsmbep i **The combined forces of the two action Force gave strong support to the Air Forces Flexible Gunnery Mel Hein, who "retired” two bombsrs are Billy Sewell, who led did not ask the fans to give a hand. aa many new fsesa playing tha when the Belmont futurity rolls evening at St. Mary’s Episcopal • I In theLUO L,vutUicaiixtcommand area vaof Nd>>.***Gen. course. We haven’t had an oppor­ longs around turn# is 1:11.4. When 7, 1944, at 8:00 p. m., on the fol- I tJltranlan Armies speared up the Following a nlghW®” * Eqwglas Mac Arthur, ,, busy with offensive. Last night bombers hit school at Tyndall Field, P ^ m a years ago, may turn up te a foot­ Olsnn Dobbs. the nation’s' collegian# te 1940 Howevsr, It was not because we around S ept 30, thst’U.be the day. George D. iWidcner’s Plebiscite i 'Danube valley, bound for a junc- church by the rector. Rev. Alfred railysu^ds at Bologna on the Bren­ ball Giants uniform again this fa’K with 87 corapleUons, and Ra; tunity to witness any of the club lowinti applications for an exesp- L. Williams, who used the double gunfire Iri which the Germans snot preparati0ns| for the next offen- City. Florida. They received atl-; Representing ,40 air bases te..>14 have no use for the West Sides, as Conflicting sssJgnmenU ere Won with Marshal 'nto’s offensive ner Pass line In northern Italy. .. .The St, lou la Browns already Bivana who topped them te 194 was hinted. The West Sides have matches but from reports from the ksaping the 2-ysar-old cracks ring service. 200 cross-channel shells from 1®®**' give thrust toward the Phlllp- ver wlnga upon gradua^n and states, the Superbombers are a other desk, the fsinyays ere busier ^rn\hree’'q:?artara’^ a ; In northeastern Serbia. _ blg Pas-de-CJala 3'coastal guns the jjj^g— last previous one w m ■The attack that’broke the back have helped establish season at­ with 101. received aa much publicity aa any the WiUener chute te 1:09.3. Application of John MltchsU M White gladiolus decorated the of thd Gothic Une was taunted on w now * combat HOLIDAY HOURS star-spangled 'squad with every apart now, but there is s®5?* i (A dispatch from Associated English cities of Folkestone and ! - . - 1 tendance records te New York, This gives you a rough Idea of than ever this season. chance^of their getting together in EUlhgton, Conn., for permission W altar, and the traditional I^hen- the July 30 landing at Sanaapor, a 20-mlle stretch west from PjpiZro. on an A AT nomoer. section of the land rspt;eseiUed. team In th# Twilight League and Free For All’s only whirl at six i Press (Correspondent Joseph Mor- CTin bridal march and Mendelssohn 1 Dover teemed with rumors tiiat Washington, Boston and Detroit. Twenty-six of the 29 have 'had the all-round and reserve strength there te no ill feeling against any the Cowdln Stakes at Aqueduct furlongs, the Washington Pari( have s license to sell cars st 86T Dutch New Guinea—today’s com­ Adriatic port The hsavlsst fight- « Brooks ion Mondoy, September 4t ...B efore the community-owned No sports locally during the next I ton In Bucharest said , a TT®®^ wAiSMoirtnoi ufRji nrfic«ded by 9L1 the G€rniani pulled out d&wn college sxperisnel. of the 2AAF outfit coached by of the players. Walter M. Jeffords’ Pavot goes Futurity distance, was made Oakland Street In a Resldencs A 1 demonstration occurred yesterday recessional, was preceded by a munique Hated drily limited air ac­ ing te that sre. begmi two of Sacramento Solons sold Pitcher three days but on Tuesday evening short recital by Organist John this morning from Boulogne and tions. The Superbombers prepared in MaJ. WUIism B. (Red) Reese. The In the Saratoga meeting’s Hopeful around the Washington Park turns Zone. ' ■ |. u the. Red Army ^r^ved w th Ro- Op0n 9 A. M. to’ 1 P. A (31em Dreisewerd to the Red Sox line matches the backs. the Twilight League iwUl swing at Belmont on Satutday, Pohn Application of William Bognst Cockerham as the gpieats ‘assem­ likely were planning to give up A single patrol plane pushed the FogUs Elver Crossed 112 Wopdlsnd ^ t . hM ^ ^ Colorado Springs, headquarters of Pete wishes to know how wa back Into action with three games In l:12. r ' mmnlan prisoners fron) Stalingrad they talked it over with the fans, Two yeans ago the team of the Marsch’s Free For All In the But the trainers throw time out o f Birch Mountain Road for an ^ The former prisoners parked be- bled. Calais 'as w.ell. bag of enemy ships at Dutch Cele­ In t^ Allied advance Polish end lectad ti> ^ tw d tte om c«* ^ who agrPed that Clem deserved a the 2AAF and center of planning would feel te his shoes, being a on tap. ' Mrs. Williaip C. Mason, sister of At the same time London eased bes to nearly two score te a and 6 P* M* to 9 P. A for the training of four-engine 2AAF, largest in \contInental servloeman and all and mors or Waahtegton Perk Futurity. the window. extension of perrateaion to oper­ 1' ■ fore great crowds in the heart of chance te Uie majors. . . . After It was thought that when Flood You’ll have the answer when ate a slaughter house on Birch, the bride,. waa matron of hoitor. . back cautiouily toward normal in ______month's time____ by _____sinking_ ____a mer- spending four weeks te (Chicago homier, crews. The team was or­ United States, was undefeated te less slighting Bolmonaon. - Being The Sdlcldes, a member of the ahd Mrs. Wesley J. Shorts, Jr., sis- ^ flying bomb lull'which suggested chantman and damaging a second 12 starts, went to topple Hard- ah sx-#srvlos man, If there te sny- Town went west he would prove Pavot and Free For All look one (MBfihtaln Road, te a Rural Zoniq (Jonriuslon of a formal arrais- ^ ieerst conesntrstion of Eighth is S coaching the College AU Stars, ganized on the direction (k$»Maj. local Softball Leame, have ' re­ ter-ln-law of the bride, was gm^ough the Akls might fire The Catalina 'also A!my forces te the Adriatic s ^ school wd has been stationed ^at Gen. Uzal G. Ent to provide high te-Slmmona’ Cowboys te El Paso’s thing'tiist rm ca n -d o'to help the too much for the colts and fillies another in the eye. and also for permission to erect Uca between Russia and Romania Henry FYnka went back to Tulsa ceived permission to add two. new In the Chicago area, but all the bridesmaid. Howard Gibson was ^ flurry, probably the, worst jq beached barges. tor lifo r e the puah began In r o u A Camp Polk, I * . - grade* football for the 2AAF. Bun b WI, fellows or to put mors color In rars, they being Lou D1 Faxlo an addition 12’ by 12’ to be used w u expected soon. with four all-star Chicago High son of Johnstown did was to prove best man for hla brother, Wesley was over, TTie Germans mlgnt Because of th purpose of the Back on the field following a ■porta te Manchester we will be and Dick Sylvia, They replaced as a smoke bouse. *' ' Romanian armistice delegates in J, Shorts. Jr., brother of the bride achool fdotballers. But Oklahoma Free For All a speed marvel. 1 move their robot bases back even 073 MAIN STREET U. Is coming up with an all-around team most of the 13. games sched­ year's absence, the Superbombers ,mon~than glad to do It. George Managgia who enter^ the Application of Ora F. Ames of- Moscow said their country had and^eorge (3. Jones of Arlington Chtneie Clear -— If there te a colt which figures 17 Mather Street fo r an sxtansion paid a tremendous price for their Into the Reich, but the accuracy star (end, wing and tall back) In uled will be played te ■mailer hit like B-$Bs. service, and Hook Brennan who with Pavot and Free For All, he road, Hartford, a cousin of thk of these weapons would suffer and W e talked with ttweds after the of permission to keep chickens at SlUance with Hitler, Vnth f Archie Bradley, who remained out ciUea adjacent to lA A F bases. was Injured end will be (rat for the easily could = be Gertrude . Dono­ bride, served as uahera. the longer run by the robots Tenchung Street ted The top Si^agemSnta are 'with game end he was enthused shout balance of the season. the above location, te a Realdene* of Army casualties pl^ed as high The bride, who' was escorted to Chungking, . Sept.' 2.—(/Pi— Ad­ of school last year to run a dairy. van's Fighting Don, which goes would make Allied .defensive meas­ H ete^ lteg- ssld that tha Eii^th I Bome placa ta tha iT h n t’s what you’d call getting the the loWa Seahawka In Unooln. his qslgnmsnt te tha Arnra. He te B Zone. •a the one-million mark. the altar and given te marriage by vancing against determined ene­ war operations. “10x6 ls tt« sgslnst the M anch star, and his ures more effective. transferred many dlvlslona, thopa-1 Mrsa of war L cream of the .crop.' ■. Oct. 7; the Amarillo Air Field te stationed te s tank outfit and la Application of Morris Felrsteii^ her faither, wore,# princeat style my realstanci the (Jhlnese cleared stsblemate, Errsrd.' and Icangetit Position .\long Arc anda of guna and vehlclea andtonaj iiraa written on Aug. 24 arid toua Colorado Springs, tisv. 4; Wash­ cOntantZd srith the Army routine and ptrhapa another one or two in [Proprietor, of Firestone Food gown of white aatjn, with awcet- and crossed the. street- leading “ aittimmlUon and equipment U pout hl/i taking J)srt to tiie ^ Bvvsds looked good end It was good vC sccha and Partisans l heart neckline. Teg o' . mutton This was the position along the Sendee Depsudment . . ington in Spokane, Nov. 1$; and a small Waalitaohlngton Parti Futurity Martlet at 383 East Center Street, 250-mlle battlefront arc: from the center of Tengchung to from central Italy to the A d ^ tic | hqb at the ^ the Fourth Air Force te Eienver, to aqs another by Pavot at Suffolk .powns. He Clark Street. Wapplng, CWqn, for; Presov te the Hemad valley and with 'S fitted bodice. Sweetheart'i hielVzcene of a great American compressed teto poritlOM poimdM relief of one of tlmlr tired dlvl-| - Tuesday : hqa the saftnarks ■cored other successes, a com­ against the Peru, Nab-, v-18 team BlUly Sewell and Johnny Holmea buoked hla shins badly. extension of permtsalon to have neckline and full skirt. She wore victory 26 years ago this month— by Mtllleiy and mortar nre, tt was of anot star attraction. AmericM i." ■ munique irqm Czech headquarters and then play against Colorado and Pvt. (Jolla Renfro of Wash­ Fighting Don hadn’t been post- an automobile repairer’s license stJ ' a hat to match her gown and car­ toward Nancy, Lorraine capital. announced, and the (Jhlneaa oc­ ***^^^lEven now the full atory o f the Carload o f Izsy Jannszale appears te the fea­ Washington at New York.. $88 Center Street, te s Buslneeii army’s migration—a movement College next Tuesday . . • Inci­ ington Itate, Pfc. Don Fambrough ward in flvs weeks when hs ran t “ i ried . an arm bouquet of - yellow Other columns pushed east to­ cupied several’ fortified positions dentally,. the word is that the Peru ture attraction with two Hartford Philadelphia at Boston, the Maine Chance Farm’s W ar t to m **T O e*^ta smashed a at Sungshan. a atrorighold deny­ far greater than that which pre­ Obituary - I of TZxM. Sgt. Bill Luongo of Zone. ■ i. gladiolus and gypsophlla. ward Germany frofn Commercy. (dub 1s really loaded. „ . . Aa a re- Pennsylvania and Cpl- Cfiiet fa v o r i^ , 'Bed Doty and Billy Detroit st St Louis (night). Jeep to b nose around the Bel' Application of Edmund P*,; motorized detachment near Zlata- The bridesmaid’s ' 'gown waa of ing the Allies the use of the Bur­ ceded the assault on O a a ^ Kearns appearing on the under- (Cleveland at (Chicago, (night). moravee and beat^ofl an attack by Btin others drove 18 miles south­ sul'i of their work te the Wichita Lanlewaki, a 16-ysar-oId, 190- mont turns te a race te which the I>wyar of Blroh Mountain Rosto old rose moire taffeta, fashioned east o f St. Dlzler to Jotevllls, 23 ma road lA st of the Salween. tha Gustav Una—cannot be to*®. iseml-pro bahebaU tourney, Short- card. Nntieniil lead changed banda no fewer than Hungarian armoted units, near Takao Harbor Target Heinerllng wrote, a d d i^ : ____ Memorial Mi pbund.tailbaok from AmbrldgSi for extension of psnnlsaloh t o ' ^ , on Identical lines to thst worn by miles above Chaumont, U, S. atop NeUi Thtenas and Second Boston at Philadelphia. five times end tiw alx furlongs cupy for living’querteta a buUd. Izicenec, but were hard pressed by "One day 11,000 ajshlcls# pass­ Pa., High, where he also compet­ Billy Brown who fights out of the matron of honor.' Her hat Army general headquzrt*** U. S. 14th Air Force Uberstors ;Basem:m Bill (tombs of Camp Nsw Yiirk at Brooklyn. dona In * roaring ^ teg erected to ns a garage, to a : 2iltea sector. ^ ' . matched her govm and she car­ struck Takao- harbor te south­ A m am ortafwi wm to sMd| Watermelons ed in basketball, baseball, track Hertford aa a middleweight Uvea ed over the roads. Tank ti*®***!! The handsome son of ^gh tln g "Reservists cohtteus to report 1918: Monday morning at TJO m Jot Ellia BIb., have been o ffs^ post- and. awlmmteg. St. Louis st Pittsburgh. V Rural Zone. . , V. ried Kteg WUllate gladiolus and On the northern fron t supreme western Formosa Thursday night, tors, .running ^ iwar contracts with the little Rock at the North Ibid and te ode of the (Chicago at Otectenatl. Fox (rame' again near the finish, tbs communique ssld. „ ^ gypaophlla. attacking a large concentration of through heat and dust travellro janMa'B church for Antoony Pa- Bob Hendrcn. a 80-year-old. six- leading belters In th# city. Brown but waa.a was Mt short, as Trainer AppUcaUOn qf The German - controlled Brati- headquarters sHlt had 'hO eM 1}lrPIC N .C . world’s record catch for its tivlty. He entered two paintings drop of- German Wopd room, which was tastefully ■ deco-1 west, another U. B: First Army igiecles. Is lesdlng its c lsssln the giant end, Lt. Nlok Susosff, who the opening of two new sp6rts for is Uksly to run Into unsxpsotsd riiould be granted. te Slovakia will lie avenged a rated with white gladioU. column pushed through . Montror- grass of the first day's battle from at the Utah Btots fair. !fourth annual New Jeraey 'Gov­ te playing opposlts ' young Hen' the sessou at the High s c l^ I when trouble to (SUesgo. « , ^ Mnnehest^ Zontoff > When leaving with the bride-1 net to Vervtes, 40 above Old Saw Not Bunk an observation post pear tbs Warrantsa Deeds uid-iold. Edward B. Prososl to WUUam F. m x tmz of^ aw^ ^ ^ ^ bizs - rsuns dren. ■ the football pnd cross country OS hte wlimtag effort „ Vienna radio, claimmg <3^ grooh) for a wedding trip of undis-1 Reims and 13 from Briglum. Mstauro river; __ ernor’s fishing tournament the mmrn Iptanat In Watk AppstoA ^ EvsnsvlUe, —(flV-The bid Army -council announced today. Dobbs and lusoeff taapied UP teem* filg put- their cleatir and FighUng Don. W ar Jeep hardly *rivUlans te Slovakia bad bsisa closed' destination, the bride wore I Strong Resistnnoe Crnshed Churchm saw tto JohnaoB. property on Avondate OAn' hm thMWB out. tout the im* saw about shells “hsvtag your g in for an aimed n it fish was caught stith clam ones before as t combination for spikes and bsgfte practice. The by pfurtlsans. aald "every blue crepe, blue and white sccss-1 Relatively strong OTemy roslst- rood. ‘I . ^ the' College AllrSUn against the football team won the O.C.I.L. >■1 wbo dares touch a Qsr* Bories and orchid corsagsJ lanes, was crushed by Americans number on them” te no bunk, says at tha rlchaet phrt e t Italy. Chaitas ■■ Bou^ «t.aL to Har- halt from a rowboat off Pierces Ueut. John E. Slaton, of Kenneth If. Ozanhom at al, property Bolnt by Herschel F. Layton WdShlngton Rsdsktes In 1848, Gbsmpionablp lbst year-while tbs p sy tor it dearly. Osr* Both bride end bridegroom are I whp mopped up the fp>*st of when the tall Tutesn fired ■ ntes harrtsrs'sopM the Itate titis. ' will be terrible.” grsdustea o f . Manchester schools. rCtomplegne—armistice sit# of two Square, Pa. He wrote. Bteanavllle OB Jarvis rpad.______„ (^pe Jfisjr I -Omdi governrornt te Loa* The bride will ntake her-home with I warsr-and reach ed th e city of relatives that hte Liberator bomber Mustangs Destroy - W, D. Star Market ' * these threats' by her parents end PfiiJ Gibson, who I Ctompiegne. ' Montdldler to the craw 'recently found a piece of 5 » Grounded P l ^ Automobiles buUt during the t all riersona Hght- recently returned after serving northwest was taken, fliak embedded te the ship after a first two years of the postwar raid. The flak had the number 508 Rome, Sept. 2.—

■ V- te . ^■...... V V

• I •> PAGE r, SEPrEMBER,2, 1944 vr-rMimi H^ttALdJ.^MAINCHKISTBiK, UUWN. MAiNi^nrinii t^tt r- cuaea ea to why we have not ful Civic Club President—He's a KV Lli iiti.sii; 'TEH, Wanted* to Buy, 5H Wanted to Rent 68 filled our tasks. member ut our VVa.vs end Mean.- Articles ft J h o im A Committee. ^iolorcycle»-Bicycles 111 l»rivate Instructions 2H WAN'I^D- 6-6 RUOM iiouscISC at JhiJClfaiif But rather help us to rmdera’tend Announremenls WANTED .GIRL’S bicycle, boys’ that the rewer 1 ELOi TJTION - FOREIGN accents SAVAGE WASHING machine, flat Permanent resiotnee t^ll C lashed copper tank. 22 Depot street, Junior bicycle and tricycle. Call Jhswsdjpm Is the power to ao another. Let us he’s* the right maiv-'in> the right WOULD UKE TO~HEAR from removed. <3ear speech. An es­ 2-1453. 2 - 10 01 . place. Why, that fellow probably, GIRL’S JUNIOR bicycle; 4 boys’ pecial advantage to c-iildren, Buckland. not, when wa sucebed aa workers, anyone living near Bolton, Cov­ reconditioned. 468 Hartfprd road. WANTED TO (tENT flat of 6 or Adver(iseineEt$ m iS a h .Labor Day! through political processes. The mathematicz tezqher. notic­ be overwhelmed by ^ J d e In oiir knows more ways qf being mean assified entry Road, who has children, tutoring in trill-meUc. language EISEMHOUEIi , , But It ts well to-remember that ed that one of her pupils was day- posesslons. than ell the other members put to­ and spelling. Gregg j.torU ^d. Rooms Without Board 59 more rooms or slhgle hbuse. Call Labor Day Is Mt apart as a holi­ dreaminig and was not following and ‘would be .Interested i^ e ™ ' Garden— Farm—Dairy 6846 before noon. First Biography of ARioric«*s Groat Gonoral the greatest gains of the American Help us to feel our reaponMbiUty gether.. ing them to Coventry Private Business Services Offered 13 White Studjp. 709 Main. Phone Bor ReuI For Sale Csyrikht, teS4> A— W.#4w»r< Mllteri Diwvibotte. JSBAJBqrriw, I day because the American people worker have not come throilgh the work on the blackboard. To tisemrats 8^ 00), Traneportatlon i* provid­ Frodnctu bO a t t r a c t iv e ROOM with light respect toU. We celebrate heceusk recall his attention, she said sharp­ toward our brother worker, 'Bytt 2-1392. housekeeping fscIllUes if desired. WAM7IBD TO RENT fouh» five or To Buy To Sell we know that the backbone of our unions or legislation. They have he may live end grow In tbe sun­ Labor Day ed. Call 5643. RANGE BURNj^RS Installed and ORDER BINDER TWINE now. six room apartment or hoitts. by come from the common-sense co­ ly: .All work ia the product of man’s \ f o r Rjent For Sale serviced with the old reliable. Continuous hot water, laundry Ike'e Invasion Tesm way to Air Chief Marshal. nation is to bo found In tbe great Teacher—Board, Junior, board! light, unafraid and strong in the brains, and he who would stifle Help Wanted—Female 85 Don’t wait, place your order for facilities and automatic refri^ two adtilta. Writs Box J. Herat^. The ceaseless air invasions over body of men and women who work operation of both enterprise end right.' Let ua never look with Jones Furniture and Heating, Ward’s Insect repellant free run­ labor, from application of science Junior (startled, looking up) — thosi brains paralyzes Industry ToSny' To Sell Automobiles for Sale 36-38 Oak street Call 8254. eration. Residential. Central. Call XXX Burope, preceding the land in- with hand and bratn to produce Yes, ma’am, very! ’bcornful eve upo»«««ur fellow man . . . If the spirit of business ad­ w a n t e d WOMEN and girls to ning twine, 60 pound bale $6.27. as goods end services. to production, and from the because he does not work, live, or Re-seed your lawn this fall with 3989 or 14 Arch street 72 Meat Iko’e “Invasion Team’’ ; vssions, were directed "“by Sir fusion of IntelUgent meneiement venture is Wiled, this country will 1941 CH EV R6lET SPECIAL de- ' FLOOR SANDING do bench work, sUady work, H on^ for Sals Housqs for Sale ' * 72 It directs the invasion of Europe i Trafford; _ On Labor Day we do not>bonor worship as we do ' luxe 4 door artto. heater, delime good pay. Apply Tober Baseball, Ward’s TesUr lawn seed. 8 FOR RENT—LARGE lighthouse and the skill of able workmen. A Labor Day Prayer cease to hold the foremost position Laying and Finishing FOR s a l e —0 ROOM house, 244 by air, sea, and land. _ Tha last man we meet on Eisen­ any minority, privileged or eub- Help us, O Lord, always to do in the world . . Reniember this equipped. goodxUr^ J. E. Jensen—Phone 6209 Elm street. | pound bag $1.06. Will , reseed 600 keeping room. 109 Foster street, ON ACCOUNT OF owner leaving General Sir Arthur Tedder. hower’s “Invasion Team" is a merged. We honor ourselves. We heve made ourselves e greet On thia day consecrated to the our best.' In tha name of Him who Aatmnobaw for Sale 4 square feet Montgomery Wards Phone 6388. town, a four room pre-war hotise, WoodlandT Just completed. Nice nation because we ere a greet peo­ workers of the nation, wc come be­ on Labor Day. , gray, guarantee<0 Price w a n t e d —WAITRESS. Apply’in locality, ilce loL apple trees, on Deputy Commander In Chief un­ typical Englishman in appearance, More then 5O,Oq0,OOO Americans called ua to tbe vineyard, we ask Get Brunner’s ^oposltlon. 80 Farm Store, 43 Purnell Place. with epace for two mova on aa®' der General Elsenhower, is a Sir Arthur T. Harris, 52 years now work for wages and salaries. ple. fore TTiee, O' Lord, with humble this. Amen. -r-Ruth Taylor. f iO R aAJbSi—1W» PLYMOUTO A-SHES AND RUBBISH removed. person at Garden Restaurant *40 Telephone 4748. FURNISHED FRONT bedroom, ous line. Very good terms. For hearts. Give us strength for Serv­ Hubby—Darling, I want to tell coupe, with nullo. Good condl- Oakland street. Tel 2-1688. W Schultx. ond floor, la offered for atf e at a Information caU 2-0927 or 257, Scot,' 54 years old, described as old, father of four children, and If we have e.leisure clesa It la e you how to wear your hair differ­ Main s tre e t' first floor, continuous hot water, very low price. House has hot “small and softspoken.” Son of I known as “Ginger” Harris. He We can t tell whether come girls ice to our fellow men. Let us not inoulre 48 MUl etreet. 1933 PON’HAC 1931 LOWEST PRICES of the year on 3 minutes walk from post office. Hilliard street very small one, end not necesserlly dresses ere too short, or if they're A youngster was making e play­ ently.. Call WASHER. VACUUl4«t-«iectrlc WAiTTED—GIRL OR woman to oir and greage In drum-lot qoan- water heat oil burner, fireplace, a nobleman, hee is18 Inin-uiixAi direct con-Lwts' commaiiuocommands theuic oiiLAoiiBritish Stijategic an idle one. feel that our task le too heavy for Wlfey That's nice of you. deer. Hudson sedan. Reasonable. Phone 8217. garage and large 100’ front lot In them too far. our abilities, and weight down our mate very uncomfortable: motors, stc., repaired. All parU assist with housework. Apply 29 tltles! Finest Penn, oil, 4Sc gat trast to Ike. He was graduated Air Forces. While he serves under America Is the lend where work- Fatheh—Why do you do that? I’m all ears. 8612. available. 24-hour sendee. Charg­ Priced $6,800 for quick eale. Call Legal Notices from Cambridge and for a time ^ xir Chief Marshal Leigh-Mallory, have made substantial galna in hearts end our splrlta with Mlf- Cottage street ___ Best Mid-Continent oil, 36c gal. FOR RENT—ROOM with twin A fool and bte-money are soon plty. Why don’t you ask him to go Hubby—Yes. that's why I went SPEXJIAL LOW . PRICES on carsi es C. O. D. Manchester 2-1439 In 56-gal., drums plus Federal beds. Kitchen for light house­ Stuart J* Waaley, 755 Main play^ professional Rugby. A does General Spaats, his Job living etandards. In legal rights, in you to wear your;.hslr differently! Make n u r s e m a id WANTED for boy street, Manchester. Conn. Tel. AT A COURT o r PROBATX K ^ D reteran ot World War I. a flyer Is' the destruction of Hitler’s war- opportunities. Workers organized petted. Let us not dodge the burden that home, end tell him you have to go 1937 .’’ackard converible cmipe, mornings or evenings. tax. 100 lb. Cup or H. P. grease. 7 keeping. 237 Centkr street Phone at Manchester within and for the Dla- ia ours, feellhg that were it but the Into the house? 1937 Graham sedan, 1936 1 1-2 years old. Mornings 9-12 or 2-1561, 6648—7146. trlct of Manchester, on the 1st day of in France and Egypt, he se^ed production centers. The bombing In unions have won pert of thia The .Samonan Iilends were once “He was doing all right till he ALL KINDS OF tractor work, afternoans 8-7. Call 5791. Mrs. l-2c lb. Limited time offer! Mont­ down for life with the RAF, where raids under Harris testify to his progress ty their collective effort She—I’m ell made up to kiss task of the other men. It would be Youngster—Did, that wouldn’t tried to' tip his hit to that msr» sedan, 1935 Chevrolet se^n. 1^5 gomery Wards Farm Store, 43 FOR 8A1®—6 ROOM SINGLE, Septamber, A. D.. 1944. What ere you walRnig for? be polite. known aa the Navigators’ islands. Your Home DeSoto sedan. 1933 Chevrol plowing, harrowing, grading and Shea. ______Preaant WILLIAM S. HTDB. B!aq., he became Air Chlsf Marshal, tenacity. •Workere not organized have much lighter. Let us not make ax- - maid!" potato digging. Also jord wood Purnell Place. Tel. 4748. steam heaL oil burner, garage His record In World War II $AS achieved equally, notable ^^rogresz He—For the paint to dry. town .sedan. 1»33 FOR REa«T— ROOM, opposite ^**&tate of Mary B. Keeney late of \ sawing. Alms LatuUlpe, 768 Vsr- Center Park. 26 Unden street In baaemenL B u n t In 1946. fnade him one of the greatest air­ As hours and days passed, with In The City Of 19^ Chrysler sedan, 1929 Model WANTED—WOMAN TO Do plain FOR SALE —WILD GRAPES, $5,900. Arthur A. Knofla, 876 Manchester. In said D istrict deceased. 1 A Ford. Cash or terms. Open ^oon street Telephone 6077. $1.26 a basket. Canning tomatoes tin motion of Burton R. Kaeney of men of aU times. It was under ceaseless bombing rising to a cres­ RED RYDER H it Big Moment. evenings ’Ull 9. Knol Motor Sales. Ironing. Good pay. Call 2-1077. .75 a basket Sweet com. Call PTJRNISHED ROOM In private Main StreeL Call 6440 or 5988. said Manchester, Administrate# him that the RAF gained com- cendo In its terrifying might, the FUNNY BUSINESS A ^EN TIO n I AVOID seasonal home In euburbs, near the golf ORDERED:—That alx months frOm T.and ovar the Mediterranean and “invasion Jitters” seized Europe. ______f a h o r e o Village Charm 568 Center street______- ru ^ period. Chimney cleaning Rockville, 563-4. the lityday of September, A. D.. 1M4 I'Ui^ Nazi armies were rushed vjta.imi-E deAiMW Help Wanted—Male 36 course, 1 mile from bus line. Call be and the saipe are limited and allow­ In the Middle feast. HERE COMES K LE?sP3‘^fROF\ HIS ^ 1939 BUICK , Convertible coupe, and repairing. Furnaces vacuum *5907. Legal Notices ed for the rredllora within which to The keen-eyed, strong-fealui ed to the fortified coast and stood .lENTW ' COR94ER AS r\0U5£ 7-Room House — w ir^ special model “40”, radio, heater, cleaned. ALso home Insulation at Honsehold Goods 61 bring In thelf claims against said ea- man beside him is 61-year-old behind th>ir embnttlements, wait­ PLAHT5 Hr\56Lf fOR WAITERS WAJTTED, experience 3 ROOMS FOR RENT, complete­ Ute. and the said Administrator U <11- 1 for an electric range. 2' i deluxe equipped, white wall tire^ low cost. Aetna Insulation and unnecessary. Tea Room. 883 Main AT A COURT o r PROBATK HELD Admiral Sir Bertram, H. Ramsey, ing for Eisenhower. The' people A roOL BLOVs) .' reconditioned and guaranteed. ChimneV Co.. 195 Collins street WINDOW SHADES—ihENETIAN ly furnished for light housekeep­ at Mancheater within and for the Dla- rected to give public noUea to tM commanding tha coftibined naval of France .Belgium, Holland, Den­ oeres of land—4 V2 tillable. Hartford^ Phone 5-4271; eve- street bUnda Owing to our vary low ing. C an 5823 after 5. trict of Mancheater, on tha lat day of creditors to bring In their claims with­ forces under General Elsenhower. mark, Norv/ay, with their under­ 2-car garage. Fruit trees. Price $895. Get Brunner’s propo­ September. A..D.. 1944. _ in aaM time allowed by posting a copy sition. 80 Oakland street Open nlngs 6 -91^8 WANTED—ROOFERS and help­ overhead, get our special low Present WILLIAM S. HTt)E, Esq.. of this order on the public sign post Son of s g^eral. married to ■ a ground leaders re«dy for upris­ ers. Steady work. Apply 99 • prices on high grade - window Judge. _ _ . . , nearest to the place where the deceM- colonel’s daughter, .his life has ings, counted the hours; waiting Mon., Tue., Wed., ’till 9 P- *n- shades and Venetian blinds com' Boarders Wanted 59A Estate of Tanaena P. Bose Iste of ed last dwelt within said town and by been devoted to the navy Since for liberation. WALNUT STREET— Franklin ivenue, Hartford. Manchester. In said District deceaa- puhllahlng the same In some news­ I 1941 DODGE DELUXE sedan, Flori8t»\=Nurs€rieB 15 pletely Installed. Samples furnish paper having a circulation In aald p ^ he was 15 years old. The trs- I Zero hour was approaching. "It 7.Room Single, very good ROOM IN PRIVATE home. Suit­ mendous responsibility falls upon la now about flve mihutek to 12 radio, heater, beautiful Bei*® WANTED —CONTRACTOR fa­ • ed. Capitol Window Shade Co., able for ,2 girls, married couple. 6n motion of William C. Bose, 17 liate district, within ten days from t ^ eondition. Comer lot, ofl tires, like new, guaranteed. 4 i ASTERS AT 40 CENTS a dosen, miliar with tobacco shed work, 241 North Main street Phone Lincoln Ava.. West Hartford. Co«n., date of this order, and return make to him to transport safely across the o’clock,” the announcement came Cheyrolet Master Deluxe 2 door, or 3 dozens for $1.00. Call at to erect a seven bent shed all 8819. Open evenings. Kitchen privileges. Board If de­ Executor. .... _ this court of the notice given.____ English Channel to the fortified from Allied Headquarters. Gen­ burner, near school and bus Fr,ed SchueU. 40 Kensington S t sired. Call 2-1625—2-0296. ORDERED:—That alx months from WILLIAM B. HTDB line. Priced for quick sale. radio, heater, good tifes, guaran­ framed. Call 7804.______the 1st day of September. A. P.. 1944 Judge. coasts of Europe the huge armies eral Eisenhower inspected his stb teed. Get Brunner’s proposition, DISHES, RUGS, kitchen wa^e, be and the same are limited and al­ H-9-1-44. engag»l in th e; invasion. Known pendous forces and issued the final Can be seen by appointment X bedroom suit dining room suit 80 Oakland streeL ___ _ 17 WANTED A FEW hustling young Apartmenta.'^ Flats, lowed for the creditors within which as “Dynamo" Ramsey, he brought ulamings. He was ready,-waiting only. Roofing men for our fruit department. ' and gas stove. Call 4522. to bring In their'claims against said Nottrb Of Sale Of Beal Eatate about the miracle of Dunkirk. only the psychological moment to 1938 CHEVROLET COAOT. 38 Good pay. Popular Market, RuW- Tenements 63 esUte. and the said Executor la di­ Hotlce la hereby glveh that purauwt When Eisenhower made his strike. ROOFING A RffiPVIR ' 0* ehlm: UNIVERSAL Ea^CTTUC ranges. rected to give public potlce to the to an order.of the Probate Court for 7-Rqom Single. Good Hudson sedan. '37 Chewolet neyi. valleys, flashings, and gut­ now Building. FOR RENT—OCT. 1. FIVE room creditors to hying Ih their claims wlth- the Dlatrict of* Mancheater. dated landings in North' Africa, it was "I have complete confidence in sedan, ’3T Chevrolet coach. 34 Variety of gas. electric and com­ Ih said time allowed by posting a copy January 22. 1944. I will sell at private Ramsey who helped plan the the final results,” he said. "It will Man and Boy BY EDGAR MARTIN neighborhood. All tile bathi ters. Done, expertly ant r***®"* bination ranges, parlor heatera. upper flat bus line. Middle aged of this order on the public sign post sale to May B. Warner on September BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Dodge sedan, ’35 Ford panel couple preferred. Write Box G, 9th. 1944, at nine o’clock (w. hi In the landings and shared in command be a hard and bloody struggle, tile kitchen, marbelized truck. Bruimer’s, 80 Oakland ably by your local roofer. E V. Help Wanted— pot burners, circulation neatera nearest to the place where the dece^ of the great armada of warships, but victory will eventually be A. ----- ^ breakfast nook. Fireplace, CoughMn, Tat 7707. 890 Wood­ and kerosene heatera. Chambers’ ■The Herald. ed last dwelt within said town and by forenoon, at the office of W llllara s. street. Phone 5191. Male or ^Female 87 publishing the same In aome news­ Hyde. Attorney. 923 MdV atrMt. In h He also was with Eisenhwer in ours. Tlie power of the United f fMsI OL.* T O B E f i Snn parlor. Garage, ^ ea r land. Warehouse. Manchester Green. THREE ROOM HEATED apArt- paper having s circulation In said* pro­ aald Manchester, any and all Interest the • Mediterranean when Sicljy Nations under the flag of freedom I FOR SALE—1936 3 TON Chevro- WANTED—MAN AND 2 women bate district, within ten days from the which Merle M. Warner, late of Man­ and Italy were Invaded. shall triumph." — • - PAW I bns line and stores. Prop­ 3 PIECE LIVING ROOM suite, ment 10 Depot Square,, North date onthla order, and return make to chester In aald Probate District -of {WLsi i let high lift coal truck, fair con­ to work In laundry. Good hours Manchester, $28. Inquire Mrs. Mancheater. had In and to cert^n r ^ Salute the stern, strong fade set -X------1 erty must be seen to be ap- dition, good tires. W. G. Glenneyj Moving—Trucking— \ occasional chairs, chair and otto­ this court oRthe notice.given. with determination—Lieut.-Gen. and pay. Apply Manchester man. Sleepy-Hollqw chairs, card Irish, 2nd floor. ^ W'ILLIAM 8. HTDE eatate situated In the Town of Ham­ The End I p t^ a te d . 336 North Main street Storage 2t Laundry. 52 Maple street Judge. den. County of New Haven. SUte of Carl A. Spaate, known as "Tooey” tables, end tables, pictures, FOR RENT—TO / OUL'fS, 8 H-9-2-44. Connecticut, and more fully described Spaatz, romrhanding the, AmCT- 12 TRUCKS FOR SALE. 1938 AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO.— ^ ^ lamps, table radio, cabinet radio, In the appllcatlop and order of sale on Beantiful 4-Robm Single room apartment on Main stresL file In the Probate Court for the Dis­ lc:an Strategic Air Forces on the Chevrolet 1934 G M. C. v e^ Trailer van service. Hemovala Situations Wanted—■ breakfast sets, maple bedroom All Improvementa- Call 5409. AT A CX5URT OF PROBATE HELD Western European invasion. Born with two unfinished rooms l^ood eondition. 136 Woodland SL from flbaat . > coaat, deluxe equip­ suites and ’ cedar chests. Tele- at Manchester, within and for the dla- trict of Manchester. Lupetairs. Fireplace. Show, Female 38 trict of Mancheater, on the let day of Dated at Manchester thia, lat day of In Pennsylvania 52 years ago. he ment, crating, packing and stor­ phdne 5187, Austin Chambers’. FOR RENT—2 ROOM fumlahed ^ptem ber, A D.. 1944. September, 1944, wss at West Point with Elsen­ Sand er. Beantifnlly finished. 11941 PONTIAC 2 DOOR, 1941 age. AGENT NORTH AMERI­ CAPABLE EIGHTH grader would Warehouse, Manchester Green. apartment. Private bath. 291 Preaent WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Baq.. ROBERT J. OGRMAN. hower, graduating in 2914. one Bulck aedan. 1941 Chevrolet 2 CAN VAN LINES INC Eatl- JudM. CommitieOa iu Inlaid Unoleum. Semi air- like Job caring for children after Open dally 8-5. Saturday 8-12. Spruce street. H-9>3>44. year bjfore Ike. “Tooey" com­ door, 1940 Biiick aedan. 1940 Pon­ matea all parta of O. 8. A Tw Evenings, Monday, Wednesday, Eatate of Maria J. Collin late of manded the Northwestern African ”1 guess it's a gang coming back from a fishing trip P conditioning. FHA terms tiac aedan. 1939 Plymouth aedan. school, West Side vicinity pre- Mancheater In aald dlatrict. daceaeed. Q—What is thallium, and ^hat 6’87. ferred.\Call 2-1970.______and Friday, 7:30-9.______■ FOR RENT—3 ROOM, upstairs Upon application of Caroline Krin' Air Force under Elsenhower. after small dpwn. paymenL ~}939 Pontiac 2 door. Cole Motora, tenemenL comer Charter Oak Jak. Admlntatratrlx. praying for au­ ^ His Job is to cover the Allied is Its use? SMALL SOFA, mahogany frame, thority to aell. certain real eatate par­ A^Thellium is a rare bluish- 4164. 23 and Spruce. To family of not II Forces on the Invasion. white metal; the salts of the metal SIlHi; GLANCES BY GALBRAITH ___ i a r d s t r e e t — Repairing Poultry and Supplies « newly upholst^ed, in good condl- more than three. Call Hartford ticularly deadribed In aald application The genlel. smiling co'.intenance ■ou-.'g.Nic’i.w Hi v » Uon. Call 4698 after *:30 p. m. on file. It la / WANTED! are used in the manufacture of 6-Room Single. Urge k>f, PIANO TUNING and repairing; 9-0636. ORDERED:—That the foregoing ap­ we now look' upon is a "devil ori certain optical glasses. plication be heard and determined at .wings"—MeJ.Gen. James H. Doo­ IS^ar garage, porch; coal Farms For Sale player piano apecialty.. John READY TO\LAY PULLETS. R. FOR SALE—MAPLE BEDS, with 3 ROOM APARTJifENT for |2 the Probate Oltlco In Mancheater In Cockerham, 28 Bigelow* atreet bureaus. Metal beds and oil little, age 48, born in Cellfornle, Q—In Greek mytholog>’. who Good Hunting BY V. T. HAMLIN I heat. A real bay with amall L Reds. 21* Oardner street quiet' adulU or a quiet Couple. aald Dlatrict. on the 9th day of Sep­ In command of the United States ALLEY OOP I dewB pairaumt. TeL 4219. heaters. 237 Center street. Tel. Call 2-0369^______tember. A. D.. 1944, at 9 o'clock LRtkDV 1 CAN TASre A 1 PINE STREET— eatate of the pendency of aald appli­ He was widely known as a racing SCAB OP .TM6M__------■n hnprovementa except fur­ FOR ^ENT minutes walk from bus. Available cation and the lime and place of hear­ Q—Where are the Alban hills, , 7«Room Single, newly nace. Barn, hencoops, shed, 1 Machinery and Tools 5’i ing thereon, by hubllahlng a copy of pilot and stunt flyer before we and how do they figure in the war NICB JUICV TO LET g-Room Single in -Buckland aee- September 15. Write Box C, Tbe Notch and entered the war. also as an aero­ PRUM- Z'ptn TSS reaovated; Urge rooms, ga- home, 1 cow. farming to<^ and Herald. thia order In aome newapaper having a news? aome fmlt. Price $9,000g tion. Steam heat, garage. Close CEMENT MIXERS, milk coolers, circulation In aald dlatrict. at leaat flve nautic engineeer. A—The Alban hills are the nat­ I gage, near schools and 9-Room Realdenoe on Proapect to bus line. Bent $66.00. bog harrows, water bowls, new daya before the day of aald he.arlng. Vicinity# With the outbreak of World ural defenses facing th e' Anzio I shopping center. OwneV Street. 8 bathrooma, oil heat, S Oliver mahure spreaders. Ford- to appear If they aee cauae at aald War n, he entered the etnaggle plains south 'of Rome, where the CXIVENTRY — 88 Acre*—«mie flreplaeea, 2-ear garage; nice ROBERT J, SMITH.- INC. Summer Homes for Rent 67 time and place and be heard relative beiiig transferred. Real Estate and Inauranee son parts. Dublin Tractor Com­ thereto, and make return to thIa court. as a major and in two jmars be­ Allies made their surprise' am­ woodland. 4-room honae with grounds. 963 Main St. Phone 8450 pany, Willlmantlc. 1 f o r r e n t —cotta ge:?, Coven­ WILLIAM 8. HYDE 58 Customers. came a brigadier general. Under phibious landing. . •li Unprovementa. Owner leav­ ‘ Immediate Oecnpaney. Judga. m P- STONE STREET— try Lake at reduced rental. Ap­ Elsenhower In Africa, he organ­ ing town. Priced for quick ply E. L. Hohenthal. Jr., 24 H-9-2-44: ised and led the 12th, Air Force. ' —In the Jargon of the armed lt*Rbom Single, Steam heat, mU»-F4A00. ROBERT J. SMTTH. INC. ■It R ^ Eatote and Insurance Roosevelt strM t Tel. 3269. . 1 j whose exploits are-almost legen­ services, what does "fubar” mean? I copper phmbing, porch, FOR RENT Apply dary. They Wasted the way for A—"Fouled up beyond all rec­ .963 5Iatn Street bm tlfnl shade trees, 2-car East Hartford—412-Ro«m Sin­ WANTED! FOR REINT— AT OOVEn’fTRY W’ooleu C^d Room Herald Office, the ground forces with their raids ognition.” I garage, comer lot. An ex- R. T. McCANN gle. All conveniences. Gas Lake, 4 room cottage, electric op Tunisia. Sicily, Italy, enu were range and refrigeration. Screens. Help Wanted the flret to bomb Rome. Q—li’hat is the highest couhtry ceptloiwl boy. Can be seen AGENCY heaL Call Intersprlng npattressea. com­ Manchester In the world ? by appointment oiily. ALLEN REALTY CO. pletely furnished, all Improve­ ^Present nnd po«t-w»r oppor­ Now meet the men who says, A— Tibet; its mean altitude 6 9 CENTER STREET 9SS Main Street Xel. 3301 Experienced ments. - Available from Labor tunity for n few steady wnrkers. NOTICE: "I’m from Missouri, show m*!’’ li^ve the sea level is about 16,000 6-Room Hoos^ 2 rooms Lieut.-Oen. Omar N. Bfadley, 51 feet. PHONES: 7700 or 8631 FOR RENT I ■— Day afternoon on. Fdr terms and .Aim Cone Winders swd Skein Glamor BYyMERRILL BLOSSES I partly finished upstairs, oil particulars cdU Jones Realty • Winders. . Until boy can be secured years old, leading ths American FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS I hmt, air conditioned, ga- 8254. Apply to cover the route, papers ground forces under Elsenhmer. Draftsman “nas "Missouri mule” in determ­ VeS . and when I BECOME You MAV FIND VOuaSELP ] rage. Urge comer lot. "Old Man will be available at Fred ination Is one of Ike’s old friends --A n d s o , r v o u m o s t k n o w , ' soTHATS IN AN AD THAT READS Wired for electric range. A 4'-Room Single Legal Notices i^don Spinning Mills 11 EXPECT MV PICTUUF To APPFAR WHAT 5 BEHINC A TOWERS MODEL , 1 ‘ Lewis’s Filling Station at and classmates at Wesi Point. An H ilda is' ja,, ALL THIS, EH 7 PROBABLY POSE FOR ’’SNIP those STU6B0M bMUtlfnl home. Can be ' ~ Appty TAixxyrmLiJB accomplished master of / ground HELP Winter Is AT A COURT OF PROBATE JIELJl Bolton Notch. The Stfuation: You stop by to CONVINCED CORNS WITM/"vou’re ■ ‘ eeen by appointment only. On Durant Street. _ •; at Mancheater within and P'*: warfare and infantry Uirlics, he t m a t ' if uer 'j5)‘ SNAPPY ------Just Around trict of ManchPBter. on the 2na any o» An Wring done In nccordnneo was Elsenhower’s Oel^ aide In call on friends and they mention PICTURE appears WANTED September. A. D.. 1944 _ with the nre» stnWUxntlon plan. North Africa and Uw4i commander Jttlkt they are expecting other IN SCISSORSVf I OAK S T ^ E T — GALL 4386 \ Cheney I^eaent WILLIAM 8. HYDE, Baq., of the American Second Corps. guests in an hour or so. 0A2E Paper Machine Tenders— The? Corner" Sipic and Span 6-Room Single, near Main I ^'Estate of Annie Walchen Iste of We need no introduction to the Wrong Way; Stay until after MAGAZINE I street.» Largp lot, 2-car ga­ Male. Mancheater. In aald wiry little man. wearing a beret the other guests arrive. She'u be w ell rage, frait trees, shpabs, oil Paper Machine Helpers— Brothers Qh motion of Joseph Walchen of Jauntily oh his head. He is Rigpt Way: Notice the time and ON TME road to Albert F. Knofla So Says JONES, ifd Mancheater. Administrator. “Monty," Gen. Sir Bernard L CAREER IN the 1 bamer. Ready for immedi­ Male. ORDERED:-That alx montlM ftom COTTACSE^i leave a few mmutea before the ‘‘ Employmcni Office the 2nd day of September A D., IW Montgomery, loved by every man other guests arrive, even though wovies _ ate ocenpaney. Can be seen THE -STOVE who ever fought under him. He FOR this , r i ' Dry Loft Workers—Male. be and the aame are your host and hostess say "Don't REASON SHF by appointment. ed for the credltora 'wil**'" For Rent A t commands the Rritlsh Invasion hurry away." (Your hosts prob­ eoA. i»»« BY wxvic*'. me. t. iCmc. u. a mr. orr. f-i MAN! bring In their claims agalnrt aald e^ Armies under Eisenhower “Monty BBUEVES SHF tate. and the aald Admlnlatrator is ably would not have mentioned SHOULD 6F ANDOVER— ROGERS of El Alamein" is 56 years old. a the oth?r4guests if they, hadn't “1 hope lie recognizes me when he gets home—since lie He alwajrs warns you In directed to give public "oUce to the Coventry l.ake mhiister’s son. His nillltary fame PReteBED---. 30-iAcre Farm, clear land. creditors to. bring Ui their claims with­ wanted to give you a hint to get went away I’ye changed from a southern to a Boston Paper Mfg. Co. advance. Buy early while in said time allowed by posting a copy was esta’jlished whep, in com­ out of the way.) ______17-rooro house, beautiful you can get your pick of BOILERS of this order on the public sign post Reduced Rates • mand of the British Eighth Army, accent!" Comer Oakland and Mill ‘ nearest to the place where the deoeas^ he outfoxed Rommel and chased 1 bam, milk room. 9 Guern- heating stoves and ranges and ed last dwelt within aald town and After SepL 9. • Thanks, AAFTAC! BY LESLIE TURNER I sey cows, 2 heifers and calf. Streets by publishing the same In some news­ him with his Afrlka Korps across BY FONTAINE FOX V^SH TUBBS of all kinds. ’ - paper having a circulation In ^ d pro­ the North African deserts, 1400 t o u n k r v il Lb f o l k s 700 chickens, tools, etc. LOOKS CREDIT P o b TO DAY’S doubt if the j a p s W tu r is k U SIN ^ Burners and Supplies FURNACES bate dlatrict, within ten daya from tha AfXEN RfeALTY CO. miles, from Egypl 1® Italy. ourri A contrast to recent THEIR TRiCK 60M B A6AIN.SUH... This place can be vacated in date of this order, and return make to The next man we meet looks RETURNS FROM MUSHUtO. COLONEL! UKE you toys Chore s e l o n o s -no of All Kinds. this court of the notice Realtors Kinoahitthc AAFTAC, COLONEL. THE? 1 ONLY WISH THOSE FELLAS ON THE AlP 1.10 days. Priced for quick HIGH POWER V ACUUM WILLIAM B. HYDE like the executive of a greet cor- T H A T o u p E l e p h a n t a t t h e T o o n e r v i l l e P m b e r C o . IflCES BOARD COULD HAVE BEEN J Judge. 953 Main SL TeL 3301 poration, tha banker-business vOuSAiOff! JACK POT nes DIDA0AN6 -UP JOB OF I sale. WE ^ E U S Drop down and see us at CLEANED OCCAStONALLY FtNPS A LOG WITH A BEES NEST IN IT, A«CORDlM4i .TO TIME! PLANNING OUR TACnC& there to s e e . th e fm sh h -9-2-44. caan-lawysr type. Sir Trafford L and W0RKIB40UT those Get an the best yoa ikiKMM fraa Laigh-M^ory, 65 yeata old. Com­ tmC0V4S RADIO, NO Walker Street. 5 and 5 For tit* ktst A4c6 your rmtioaed fuel this Winter. 10566$ ON THE MtS5tON„. <:-AP6ET5...Aa»«l>lCRA5 JONES. 45 mander In Chief of the Allied Atr- FOUOW INSTRUCTIONS Flat. Steam heat, large lot. . S. Buy fossiUc on your Let ns eondittoa year hestlBf ForceS. He gave up the study PtEHfYOFWTS IN THE A good investment. Terms plant BOW. OnO any tiniet ; TAI(6ETAaEA...AND Csrcr Sioiion FURNITURE Totvel Designs of law to Join and he.lp build tbe 9 ENEMY 60M6ER$ arranged. Britlah' Air , Force and won hla . . . Sell Wsgon. Anyt4tke 36-38 Oak SL TeL 8254 MANCHESTER 2-0185 D6STR0V6PJ .Cooper Hill Street. 6 and or Mod«t from I 6 Duplex. Good location, . . . Trade 1934*10 1942. ■INSURANSMITHS SINCE 1914' l/V , 1 near iM^pol. Small dowq / payment required. N O W A ITIN G Home owners sad buslaesa men'who are sm rt and I M BONDS REAL are buytag tBsaranm to proteet ^ i^ lv o a o g ^ J Hollywood Section, Beau-* WMEOIATE CASH domogea resoltlng from persom oUpptaft tHpptag or ” tiful 8-Room House, all im­ their property isnd In their atarga and b a a b ^ places Hare y « provements. Can be seen ever given this matter any thought? For Iw ESTATE you Goa hare one of our taanroaeo eomponlea taka tWa rtak fM ODR BOARDING HOUSE appointment. yon on your ooe-tamay dwelHnf. _____ . OUT OtJR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS Fire Insurance! — why of course wo eon Insure y w honss What Have You to BRUNNERS m the are dlstrlot na low na $L60 per ttwrennd dW taTBl^mwie^ OH. I, JUST'CAMT- A OUV UKE. 7 no3 5 JARVIS Offer? If It bos a Bon-4kMnbustible rood — nnd do you know whMj — foe THAT DOW’T \ \ ( Am x BD OAKLAND ST a soiaU odditloiial cost we wIB add tawmiM wtadatonao. WORK AW HE’D hurrlcaao, alrciuft damage, etc., to your m poO^I HaDta have REALTY CO. LISTEN! Do not drive on antomobOo without tasui TWENTY BABiES 26 Alexander Street ALEXANDER OPEN cost of ontomofalle InsnnkM iq reiy low now and you ------ip EAT A BACi Mon., Tuea., Wed. Until risk drlvfaig wlthont protoetlaa — neddeuta k»PP— Manchester JARVIS For good hwaronee servtoo, drop lu ntSW 9 P. M. Phones 4112 or 7275 Real Estate and Mortgages 'phone $450 or, as ^nol, stop-aa on tha streot. Wa try to pwaoA 26 Alexander Street Thurs,, Fri,, SuL, 6 P. M. Sundays Phone 2-0964 CloMd An Day Monday. ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. or 7275 Phone 4112* or 7275 Beal Eatate and " Tou Ilka to look nloo to house clothes—-and you will, m ic k e y FINN StartUngl ,.thla pretty apron with its tucked waistline. H-M6V AFRAID Pattern No. 8706 cornea in ^ f . H6 MAY ee etm » 34, $6, $8. ,40. 42. 44. 46 and lACOlOM. OtSCHMCGC!, 8iae $6 requirea 2 1-2 yards of inch material: 6 yards ot rlc-rac.J For thu pattern. »«nd a® =•"* By Mfu. Anna Cabot V '*"h«|i4sy gifta. Each dtetgn la about in Celna. your nkme, addreaa. ■tt FkadnetlBg doatgaa at vorteos oto toehea In ala*. . desired, and the Pattern Numbei] frnlto—red strawborrlao, goMon 7M ^ tata aevan -tranofara to The Marcheeter Evenln|l oraageo, soft yoUw poara, p ta ^ p - oigha 4>f Outitoo Btilch Fnute Herald Today*! Pattern Servlr';J -= s plsa, cherriea and grapoa In thalr (ftittarn No. 6780) cdor chart for 1160 Sixth Avoi.ue, New York 131 Ut/MtCmnnm luflcloua-looking -latural cotare are worklug. amounts of oolor^ N Ye ■ On toe alert tor enemy planes •mbrotdarod on tea Woa^ floMwa tiaailsili ten d 16 eente to 'W e new fan and winter iasua ' over American petifiont at A raj^ fast and »uncbaon doUw. f r o te ootaTphM 1 cant poataga, year "FaeWon" la # 01# readyH ^ Pfe. Edward HJnroyO, Burley. Ito- name, addreoa and **“^P*ii*'“ pages. It’s a oomnlete guide to ho,'at the gun, protects the beach­ are dona to dmpla oatttoa fiumlMr to Anno GsboL Tno Man­ and hlgh-Itghted with crota stitch. your fall' and wintoc wardrot head. Back.'em np with War Beads. M«>'m (1i( 8r«4icri*, Im. Start a set now for kitchen chester HeralA U60 Steth. avenue, gwA ic# gmir co«g. PM rel* 4 U, S, Tftumy DtfmimtKt JB or your ‘Tay-awai" plan of New Tork m , N. T.

■. I-