Mastozoología Neotropical ISSN: 0327-9383 [email protected] Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos Argentina

Ojeda, Agustina A.; Ríos, Carolina A.; Gallardo, Milton H. Chromosomal characterization of tarsalis (Rodentia, Crisetidae, ) Mastozoología Neotropical, vol. 11, núm. 1, enero-junio, 2004, pp. 95-98 Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos Tucumán, Argentina

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Agustina A. Ojeda1, Carolina A. Ríos2, and Milton H. Gallardo2

1 Grupo de Investigaciones de la Biodiversidad, IADIZA, CRICYT, Casilla 507, 5500 Mendoza, Argentina.. 2 Instituto de Ecología y Evolución, Universidad Austral de Chile. Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile. Telephone: 56 (63) 221469.< [email protected]>,

ABSTRACT. The systematics of I. tarsalis is far from being understood. Morphological and molecular analyses have given contradictory results, pointing towards its inclusion or exclu- sion from the Phyllotini. The karyotype of Irenomys tarsalis, as well as its C-bands are reported for the first time. The has 2n = 64 (FN = 98) and a C-banding pattern characterized by small amounts of centromeric heterochromatin. Although the high diploid number and the C-bands of I. tarsalis support the notion of the species´ ancestral karyotypic condition, its affiliation within the sigmodontines cannot be discerned by the data.

RESUMEN. Caracterización cromosómica de Irenomys tarsalis (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae). Las relaciones sistemáticas de I. tarsalis están poco comprendidas. Los análisis morfológicos y moleculares han dado resultados contradictorios, que indican su pertenencia o exclusión de la tribu Phyllotini. Se describe por primera vez el cariotipo de Irenomys tarsalis, así como la distribución de la heterocromatina C-positiva. La especie tiene 2n = 64 cromosomas (FN = 98) y un patrón de bandas C pequeñas y centroméricas. Si bien el alto número diploide y la distribución de la heterocromatina apoyan la condición cariotípica ancestral de I. tarsalis, su afiliación dentro de los sigmodontinos no puede ser discernida solamente por estos datos.

Key words: Irenomys tarsalis, karyotype, Sigmodontinae, Phyllotini.

Palabras clave: Irenomys tarsalis, cariotipo, Sigmodontinae, Phyllotini.

INTRODUCTION the only representative of this monotypic ge- nus, mainly restricted to temperate forests of The Neotropical sigmodontine have South-western South America (Kelt, 1993). been extensively studied cytogenetically The phylogenetic relationships of Irenomys to (Gardner and Patton, 1976; Pearson and other sigmodontines are controversial. Patton, 1976; Spotorno et al., 2001). The Irenomys was excluded from the phyllotines Sigmodontinae is composed of eight tribes due to the lack of morphological characters (Akodontini, “Abrothricines”, Ichthyomyini, common to the group (Hershkovitz, 1962). Oryzomyini, Phyllotini, Sigmodontini, Nevertheless, it was included in such a tribe Thomasomyini, Wiedomyini) and several gen- in a later revision by Olds and Anderson (1989) era without clear phylogenetic relationships as well as by Braun (1993) and Steppan (1993, among them (Smith and Patton, 1999; D’Elía, 1995). Subsequent phylogenetic analyses of 2003). The Chilean tree mouse or “laucha mitochondrial sequences depicted Irenomys arbórea”, Irenomys tarsalis (Philippi, 1900) is outside the phyllotine but associated to

Recibido 4 abril 2004. Aceptación final 20 julio 2004. 96 Mastozoología Neotropical / J. Neotrop. Mammal.; 11(1):95-98 A.A. Ojeda et al.

a variety of divergent taxa depending on the C-bands in the centromeric region. The Y chro- algorithm used (Smith and Patton, 1999). mosome is totally heterochromatic (Fig 1B) Phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes depict Irenomys as an iso- DISCUSSION lated taxon outside the Phyllotini, close to juruaense and The systematics of Irenomys is far from being macconnelli (D’Elía, 2003). understood. The lack of diagnostic morpho- In the present paper, the karyotype and the logical characters have been the defining crite- C-bands of I. tarsalis are described for the first rium for excluding Irenomys from the Phyllotini time. This data set is compared with that of the (Hershkovitz, 1962). Nevertheless, phyllotines, aiming to shed some light into the phylogenetic analyses of morphological traits phylogenetic relationships of Irenomys. depict Irenomys as an independent and enig- matic stem clade of phyllotines (Braun, 1993). MATERIAL AND METHODS This affiliation to the phyllotines was further emphasized by Steppan (1995) although a close Four specimens of I. tarsalis (three males and one relationship to Andinomys edax and female) were collected from the San Martín woods, Chinchillula sahamae is implicated by the data. Valdivia province, Chile (39°38’S; 73°07’W). Chro- The extent and composition of the Phyllotini mosome preparations were obtained from bone (formed by Andalgalomys, Andinomys, marrow following the conventional colchicine-hy- , Calomys, Chinchillula, potonic solution technique (Lee and Elder, 1980; Baker et al., 1982). C-bands were induced by the , Galenomys, , barium hydroxide technique (Sumner, 1971). Ten Neotomys, and Salinomys) has been to fifteen metaphase spreads were counted for each recently studied by mitochondrial and nuclear specimen. Nomenclature for morphol- DNA markers (D’Elía, 2003). Mitochondrial ogy and fundamental arm number (FN) follows sequencing data excludes Irenomys from the Patton (1967). The specimens analysed were de- phyllotines and suggest a relationship with posited in the Collection of of Instituto Scolomys juruaense or Sigmodon hispidus de Ecología y Evolución, Universidad Austral de (Smith and Patton, 1999). Nevertheless, the Chile. position of Irenomys within the Sigmodontinae is uncertain and depends on the algorithm used RESULTS for phylogenetic inference. A recent revision Conventional analysis indicates 2n = 64, FN = based on nuclear and mitochondrial markers 98 for I. tarsalis. The autosomal complement coincides with Smith and Patton (1999) in consists of 5 pairs of metacentrics (2 large, 2 excluding Irenomys from the Phyllotini, and medium-sized and 1 small), 13 pairs of considers I. tarsalis as a Sigmodontinae subtelocentrics (medium to small-sized) and 13 (D’Elía, 2003). pairs of medium-sized acrocentrics (Fig. 1A). The karyotypic studies conducted on the The X chromosome is the largest acrocentric Neotropical sigmodontines have indicated ex- present in pairs in the female complement, tensive chromosomal multiformity and a chro- whereas only one element is observed in males. mosomal trend towards reduction in diploid The Y chromosome is a medium-sized number (Gardner and Patton, 1976; Pearson metacentric (Fig. 1A). and Patton, 1976). The phyllotines also dis- The C-bands of I. tarsalis are small, centro- play an exceedingly broad range of karyotypic meric and vary in size across the karyotype variation. In fact, diploid number ranges from (Fig. 1B). Discrete blocks of heterochromatin 22 to 70 chromosomes, and the fundamental including part of the arms are observed in pairs arm number, from 30 to 76 (Pearson and Patton, 7, 8, 19, 20, 22 and 26. The rest of the 1976). Assuming that chromosomal evolution autosomes show small centromeric C-bands within the phyllotines has proceeded through whereas no banding pattern is observed in pair Robertsonian fusions, the high diploid number 2 (Fig. 1B). The X chromosomes exhibit clear of Neotomys ebriosus (2n = 70, FN = 68) and IRENOMYS CHROMOSOMES 97

Fig. 1. A) Standard Giemsa-stained karyotype of Irenomys tarsalis (2n = 64, FN = 98). Biarmed chromosomes are arranged first, acrocentric chromosomes, last. Sex chromosomes (XY) are also indicated. B) C-banded karyotype of Irenomys tarsalis (2n = 64, FN = 98). Note the centromeric blocks of heterochromatin in most chromosomes, except pair 2. A) Cariotipo de Irenomys tarsalis con tinción estándar (2n = 64, FN = 98). Los cromosomas biarmadados se ubican al principio y los comosomas acrocentricos al final. También se indican los cromosomas sexuales (XY). B) Banda C de Irenomys tarsalis. Nótense los bloques de heterocromatina centromérica en la mayoría de los cromosomas, excepto en el par 2.

Phyllotis osilae (2n= 70; FN = 68) represent from a single locality) suggests an association karyotypic ancestrality whereas the totally- with the phyllotines, whereas its high FN is biarmed karyotypes of Phyllotis darwini and consistent with sequence-based cladograms that P. caprinus (2n = 38; FN = 72) represent the exclude it from such a group. These character- derived condition (Pearson and Patton, 1976). istics (2n and FN) show high variation within The diploid number of Irenomys´ (although the phyllotines to infer detailed relationships 98 Mastozoología Neotropical / J. Neotrop. Mammal.; 11(1):95-98 A.A. Ojeda et al.

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