Apocalyptic Geographies GEOG 2N

Week 8 Lecture 2:M.O.N.E.Y. What do the items in this picture have in common? Last time in Apocalyptic Geography  Firms pursue profit at the expense of everything else because we require them to do so by law.  The profit cycle –firms invest and return a profit, then have to invest again—the economy has to grow to function  Downward pressure on wages closes gap between work and slavery

 --I will be coming back to all of these points, so don’t fret if they don’t make sense yet. Today  Money is fiction

 This is important, because if we are going to have economic collapse, this is the mechanism that will bring it on. What is Money anyway?

 With appreciation for NPR’s “Planet Money” program the source for much of what comes next. History of Money Part 0  The time before money History of Money Part I “Choose a Trinket” Yap

History of Money Part II—”Trinket Harmonization”  Everyone everywhere agrees on the same trinket.  They agree on .

Recap:  0. Barter  1. Trinket  II. Trinket Harmonization (Gold)  III. Paper backed by Gold. The Fireside chat  6102  It is illegal to have gold George F. Warren: Ag. Economist June 5th, 1933 Going off the gold standard meant….  The gold was still there…but you couldn’t have it.  The exchange rate between gold and the dollar could change.

 Money still not ‘fiction’ yet.  The U.S. had 70% of the world’s gold and was ready to use it to keep the value of the dollar up.  You couldn’t get the gold for your piece of paper, but the economic power of the U.S. meant that paper money was worth something. Recap:  0. Barter  1. Trinket  II. Trinket Harmonization (Gold)  III. Paper backed by Gold. (trust us, we have the gold)  IV. Paper backed by nothing (trust us) Bretton Woods and Money after WWII  The U.S. had the money dollars became the currency for virtually all international transactions.  What does this do for dollars?

 But it also means that, as the global economy grows, demand for dollars increases. The 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s  U.S. dollar remains the de facto international currency even after other currencies stabilize in the late 50’s.

 War expenditures, aid, and payments for imports mean there are LOTS of dollars outside the U.S.  The amount exceeded what was held within the U.S. by 1961  Fear of having assets frozen means that people start depositing dollars in banks outside of U.S.  “Eurodollars”  Then people start trading dollars held outside the U.S.  Not subject to direct control by the Treasury  They get lent out at higher interest rates… The Crisis  1971. 4.5 times as many dollars being traded outside the U.S. than held within.  People get nervous and start trading their Eurodollars in for gold.  Soon you need more Eurodollars for less gold  As this heats up, the doesn’t have the reserves to defend the value of the dollar. Nixon’s Gold Shock  Nixon to world, “There is no external basis for valuing the dollar and, by the way, it is worth less than you thought.” [rough paraphrase]

 Money is fiction.

Next time(s)…  Firms and the profit cycle.  A virtuous cycle leading to apocalypse in so many wonderful ways.