The Days of Vengeance An Exposition of the Book of Revelation By David Chilton


Foreword Author’s Preface Publisher’s Preface


Part One: Preamble: The Son of Man (Revelation 1) 1. King of Kings

Part Two: Historical Prologue: The Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3) 2. The Spirit Speaks to the Church: Overcome! 3. The Dominion Mandate

Part Three: Ethical Stipulations: The Seven Seals (Revelation 4-7) 4. The Throne Above the Sea 5. Christus Victor 6. In the Path of the White Horse 7. The True Israel

Part Four: Covenant Sanctions: The Seven Trumpets (Revelation 8-14) 8. Liturgy and History 9. All Hell Breaks Loose 10. The Faithful Witness 11. The End of the Beginning 12. The Holy War 13. Leviathan and Behemoth 14. The King on Mount Zion

Part Five: Covenant Succession and Continuity: The Seven Chalices (Revelation 15-22) 15. Seven Last Plagues 16. Judgment from the Sanctuary 17. False Bride 18. Babylon Is Fallen! 19. The Feasts of the Kingdom 20. The Millennium and the Judgment 21. The New Jerusalem 22. Come, Lord Jesus!

Conclusion: The Lessons of Revelation

Appendix A – The Levitical Symbolism in Revelation By Phillip Carrington

Appendix B – Christian Zionism and Messianic Judaism By James B. Jordan

Appendix C – Common Grace, Eschatology, and Biblical Law By Gary North

Selected Bibliography Scripture Index Author Index Subject Index Day of Vengeance is a six-issue comic book limited series written by Bill Willingham, with art by Justiniano and Walden Wong, published in 2005 by DC Comics. Day of Vengeance is one of four limited series leading up to DC Comics' Infinite Crisis event. It focuses on the Spectre and other magical beings of the DC Universe, especially a hastily-formed group known as the . The series has tie- ins to other ongoing DC Comics series, including JSA #73-75 and #77 and Blood of the Demon #6-7. It is a The Days of Vengeance is phenomenal. It is big (nearly 750 pages big, going where no commentary has dared to go before). It is brash (marshalling mountains of long forgotten evidence to the cause). It is a brazen bravura, a delight, a tour de force. If you have a "must read list," put this book at the top of that list. If you don't have such a list, start one. And start here, with The Days of Vengeance. -George Grant Keys the Book of Revelation From the very beginning, cranks and crackpots have attempted to use Revelation to advocate some new twist on the Chicken Little Doctrine Free DC Comic Download. Day of Vengeance #1 – 6 + Infinite Crisis Special Language : English | Year : 2005 | Size : 166 MB. Download Now. Mirror Download. Screenshots : Notes : If you have any difficulties to download the files, please refer to this how-to download page . All of the comic files are packed on .CBR and/or .CBZ file formats.