GOLD W A T 8 S BRACELETS NEWEST AND BEST. Real Gold Self-fitting Bracelets OFTSST POSSIBLE PRICES. 1 with Jexcelled Lever Whtches FROM £ 3 EACH. Wm. Bruford&Son GUARANTEED. Wm. Bruford & Son, FASHIONABLE YISITO RECORD AND GUIDE 100,Terminus-rd., Sastbource

T k l b p h o n : at the Q.P.O. at a Newspaper. EASTBOURNE 'AT, FEBRUARY 14, 1914 Established 1856, PRICE ONE PENNY

THE EASTBOURNE k-up Compart OOL \ O F COMMER M ARY H . COOPER, A r t i s t i c C o u r t D r e s s m a k e r U. F1T1E81T SO AD. THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. T ree writ Firepioof Wi latest Creations in FETE and EVENING GOWN8 at Ht Moderate Pric Founded 1869. f Head Master l ------\ 17, Oarliale-road 7BL P r in c ip a l ...... 1 MISS DBS RUELLBS TEACHERS only are EMPLOYED. The HEV. 7. 8. WILLIAMS, K. (Suocetsor to the Mieses Deacon), Schools Visited. ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. ( Classes. Individual Tuition. Assisted by a large Staff of Resident and Visiting Telephone 70S, Is a FIRST-GRADE SCHOOL for the Sons GROCERIES, TEAS, COFFEES, FRENCH AND II Masters and Mistresses. Pupils preiprepared, If desired, for the Preliminary, Junior. IDE, ST. ANNE’S R 6, LI8M0RE ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Senior2?.nlSr .^and Higher CambridgeCambrldgt Local Examinations, also EASTBOURNE. | PROVISIONS. forlor Matrioulation, UiiUniversity and for the toeiety niratory School for Boys. of French Professors in London. Honours obtained during tost Eight Fears : IBS, M.A., F.R.G.S., Clifton Coll WISES, SPIRITS AND LIQUEUBS, BOTTLED AND CASK Ca“ ^ ^ a ' ^ , n&ry - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class Hononrs, liege, Cambridge. RECEIVES Bpeoialdistlno ions in Religions Knowledge, isnalish. prepared for the Pnblio Schoi JJAVyXUCjXW Ot B. ft F. SLOCJOMBE), FOREIGN MINERAL WATERS. . jERATED ueography xii^L‘»ry, Hi-b.ry, Amumeuc,Arituuieiio, iLucua.,Euclid, Alj/eora.Algebra, 0t;4 -r\. • 1.. -,i • D rill is oomi Freuph |and: Gorman. tements ter Day Pupils and the and 3rd Cla*s Honours. First GUdredge 1IGH-CLASS PROVISION MERCHANTS & GI BRUSHES, BROOMS, Ac. tn EjWland. Special distinctions in 11 1 OPPOSITE TOW*! WALL, EASTBOURNE. ' j I §^g6’ ^ n8 H8h, Geography. History $ ADDBEBSHSi iJ . island), French, German, Mathematics and 87, Seaside-road ; 17, Oarllele-road; 10, Grand ! ^ Botany* WINES, 8PIRIT8 a n d MINERAL WATER! Camb. 8 enlor.--l0t, 2nd and 3rd Class Hononrs. First ^ *» Hyland. Special distinctions to ild Glenlivet Whiskey, 3/6 ft 4/• per bottle. Fine Old Tawney Port, 36/- A 41 (Oompton-atreet W ert) a n d 6 4 , S e a s id e . Religions Knowledge (1st in England), English, NEW FAME. x Ask fob Pbiob List. BENCH GODIN SCHOOL BOTTLED FRUITS, . ! Tm JPS by a large! HeatStaff of Trained . English id Foreign Teachers. ^amonjpt^rnanr othwi^to^th. A living Method ter a Living Language, CICELEY CHENNEL md fad, Undsa^Hogx, tbelter! taros at all stageeU ry^^^gJta of the Town. (Late Madame Bernice, of ), 1 Master of Eastbourne College S b p L D ., F.B.O.8., end Mr». Prep, tor Army, Navy and all other Exams, •O.P., M.R.O.S., D.Ph. Cam.,and Noted Certificated Facial Masseuse, also Electrical Hair Tr■eatment, A ttends •D., Frank Gravely, Esq., M.D. A COLD BED-ROOM Lames at their own Residences, or by appointment at 8, CORNFIELD-ROAD. IS ATTENDED WITH A. BONEFANT. B. «s L. (Unlv. Terms Moderate. Special Terms for Course of Six Treatments. Advice Free. of the Society of French Proton GRAVE DANGER OBOROUGH SOHO ARUNDEL ROAD. EASTBOURNE. M nednalelf* &• GILBERT, B.A. (Lond.), SONS j. 1 THE AGED and ™ w‘p*“ i D. G. GILBERT, (Lond. Unlv.] DELICATE L A D IE S’ SCHOOL. THE GAS COMPANY SUPPLY rate Boarding and Day School fo r 1 House beautifully situated In Its own Grounds. ration tor London Matriculation and Oxfo MACHINE MADE BREAD Field for Hookey, Recreation Room (50-f b. long). ridge Local Exam*. Book-keeping, 8hor Special Advantages for Moslo and Modern Languages. Th e r e m e d y reenoropt-ellesm ere, writing, Chemistry and Physics are inoln Prospectus, references, Ac., on application to the G 1, S P E N C E R ROAD * School syllabus. RECOMMENDED BY MOST DOCTORS, (Late of 32, The Avenue). Principal, MRS. C. H . d e la MOTHE. } d . p e e 2 - l b - L o a f . Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. KISS LLOYDS has removed to more oommodion. GEORGE’S SCHOOL (UPPER' /^RANVTLLE ORESTVST. JOHN’S ROAD, AN EYER READY GAS FIRE premises and is prepared to recoive an Increased TO ALL PARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY. U jP EASTBOURNE. number of DAILY PUPILS. BOY8 INTENDED FOR BUSINESS I School for the Daughters of Gentlemen, 3nbJeota of Instm otlan include those tai 18 and 81, Church-street; 16, Peveneey-road and 176, Seaside, Thorough Modern Education with special facilities for There are atill about 60 riLAREMONT, BOLSOVER ROAD, M eads, Uo Secondary Schools ax iff In addition, 1 Music and Languages. Eastbourne S.’hool for the Daughters of Gentle­ n is paid to Commercial Subjects and 1 of the best type in stock men. Specially recommended by the Countess of j VaL ie e . Open Scholarship* obtained bt Pupils. at 10, Sussex Gardens. Carnarvon, Higholere Castle. Newbury; Mrs. Wrough- I* ton, WoolieyPark, Wantage; and present Parents, 8m For Pwspeotna apply Hbad Mabtxh. Individual supervision and’training. Happy home life f-„L?Lel7 .I? eJ,?0 S' ?'enrl1?LLawn8’ Hookey Field, Staff ot (SOLD). Certificated Kpallah and Foreign Mistresses and London phone U Orowborough. Masters. No failures ln the Oxford Locals R.A.M. and K.L.M., Roy il Drawing Society Exams. In 1907, The K HEATH HOUSE, CROWBOROUGH, !K°8iuon ln Eaatnoumo in the Senior Oxford In 1908. All exams. optional. Special home oare. SUSSEX. ' '• Frinolpals „■ THE MISSES DAWSON. PUPILS COACHED for the Universities. Professions, MR. E. W. MAXOVSKI, M.A. English Language and Literature, &c., at A SMALL CLASS FOR THE CHILDREN oroogh College, u d Trinity College. Cambridge, Member THE HOMESTEAD, St, CARBW ROAD, or PARK MARSHALL & DUNBAR, OF GENTLEPEOPLE ONLY latlons), and VIEW, 16, BLAOKWATER ROAD. COURT ROAD, LONDON, W, IS HELD AT 3, GRANGE ROAD. R . G . OOLVlLLE, M.A. Oxon. DON." Telephone: “ MAYFAIR 101.’ Pupils prepared, If desired,for the Cambridge Preliminary M(late Open Classical Scholar of hi. College & Honourman), Ladies’, Gentlemen s A Clerical Tailors. xixamlnation.) J Beginners received. Reoent8 uooessee: Pass Matriculation.LondonUniversity, , ■ ■ pared to reoeive, either as Boarders or otherwise, First Division, and in 8 npplementary Paper in Latin References from Parents of Pupils, ilsdeeiring speoial Tuition in any Bnhjeeta. Proee, Sept., 191L Previous Exam., Cambridge, First Apply, by letter, to MI3S E. CLEATHER. are prepared tot the Kstranoe or Matriou- Class, Part L, Second C.asa. Part II., October, 1912. HABIT AND BREECHES MAKERS. CxaminatiODB of Oxford, Cambridge. London or COUNTRY COTTAGES fDiversities; for Scholarship Examinations and SAVIOUR’ 8 CHOIR SCHOOL, issinn to Sandhurst and Woolwich. DIGLY AND INEXPENSIVELY FURNISHED. • SOUTH STREET. (late Pupil of Bignor Randegger), of the principal 1 TERMS ON APPLICATION. S NEW SPRING DESIGNS & MATERIALS London Concerts, and PRIMAL DONNA D’Oyly “ OUR COTTAGE” P03TFBEa BOYS ARE TAKEN FROM THE AGE OF EIGHT. Carte Operas, London, Fkks £ 6 per Annum. GIVES LESSONS in VOICE PRODUCTION PJNICIPAL SC H O O L O F Many Choral Scholarships, some of which cover and SINGING (Italian Method), L (Te c h n ic a l In st it u t e , Grove-b o a s ). the whole amount of the Fee.-. Shirt Mahers, Address: Craio-y-Don,D uke’s Dbivr,E astbourne .Y and EVENING GLASSES a n held PREPAID ORDERS CARRIAGE PAID TO ANT Training for Business Life. Many of her Pupils holding distinctive engagements inches of Art, Inolndlng Classes In Metal For Prospectus and other information apply in Opera and Concerts, Wood Carving ana Leather Work. THE WARDEN..- 1 BOLE ADDRESS : Telephone No. 996) JLWAY STATION IN ENGLAND OR FAXES. R A U JL EIN ME YEW Diplfimde Visitors can join for short periods, j (Highest References of Schools and Private A I R FREDERICK i n & 113, SOCIT EASTBOURNE ! F Familiee), nCIPAL SECONDARY DAY 8UHOOL I tJL (Pianoforte Bolo-PU ilomal.Dii FOR GIRLS the Royal Conservatoire of Hausen, Ge GIVES LESSONS IN; GERMAN GRAMMAR, LITERATURE, CONVERSATION. (Uppebtok-boad). Gives Ijessons in FIANOFOl Highly mcoeasfnl in preparing for all PubUo IICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL Conversation Classes for friends (if 4, oourse of 12), one BEFORE YOU LEAP!! Pupils prepared fort) I Musical Examinations. guinea eaoh. FOR BOYS Address:— Sohools visited. MUSIC, BINGING, PIANOFORTE. (Technical I nstitute, Gkovk-boad), B raxmab Lodgb, St. D MAnns Road, E abtbouens ; I, All Saints’ Cottage, Meads, Eastbourne. ipeetus and toll parttenlars of these Bchoois can 8, hobnbr H m Iabdsnb, L ondon, N . talned from THE SECRETARY, Education Com- re you buy any kind tif Furniture anywhere, it is worth your while to investigate ISS ALICE NORTON, L.B.A.M., A.R.C.M., s. Town Hall, Eastbourne valve we offer you—then compare it with what the other firms would offer you. IGNORINA VIANBLLI A.TJL Visits and Receives Pupils for GH will at once recognise that our Furniture is more than valve for money, and also S (Professoressa di Lingua Italians Laureate ; good 3K MODERN SCHOOL of LANGUAGES, nelT UnivereitA di Roma) Pianoforte, Harmony, Singing & Voice Production, ork; At JBoWp Oh’s Arcade. 40, TerminmroacL In EASTBOURNE on SATURDAYS. IK'.!.' i GIVES LESSONS IN ITALIAN Pupils Prepared for Metropolitan fcLocal Examinations INCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, SPANISH, In Sohools and Families. French Lessons also given. Upwards of 200 Successes. HUSH, RUSSIAN, CLASSICS, HEBREW, For terms, & a, apply HkaTherdene, jl, Meads-street, Address: Eastbourne. T] "",**• MILLER & 8ELMES, f »“ *“• 29, MAGDALEN TERRACE, ST. LEONARDS. iR Goods w1 % iTISS M . GRAHAM SCHOFIELD, DEPORTMENT AND BALLROOM DANCING. Principal—L. n s LAVALLAZ, Dr. Litt. J l Dipldmde, Paris luilders. Decorators. Finn you. We im (1st Glass Oertiflcate), - Every description of Building and House Repairs done at Moderate Charges. M 'ISS LUCY WAY begs to announce that R. A. E. 8TYLER, 1, Silvebdaum you to look a Gives LESSONS ln PRACTICAL DRKSSOUTTING Special attention to Drainage and Sanitary Work. ' « her CLA8 SKS have been RESUMED in the Medallist of 8ooiety of Arts. Long experiei and MAKING, FRENCH PATTERN MODELLING SAFFRONS BOOMS, on SATURDAYS, at 8 p.m. and MILLINERY. Boston, Double Boston, Tango, Maxixe, and Fanoy Miss Schofield has had 12 years’ experience with private Office and Works: 75, TIDESWEXL ROAD. EA8TBOU Danolng. Private Lessons can be given at any time on pupils and in olass teaching in sohools. application to— .] Blouse Patterns a Speciality. \ 2, WEST TERRACE, EASTBOURNE. 2, CORNFIELD TERRACE. PETERS & SONS DANCING AND DEPORTMENT. IS S ELEANOR RATOLIFFE, (jOACHING: English for Foreigners M 10 years Assistant to MRS; WORDSWORTH, ;g a n d p a in t in g c: OMPI 5 T E HOUSE FURN KB. J. TALIBART, B 63-L. Has RESUMED her CLASSES at the GRAND HOTEL. (who has had many Ft coachini SATURDAYS at 2.45; Juveniles, 11 o’olook. Foreign Pnpils ln Engl ig EngllBJ At DEVONSHIRE PARK. Wednesdays at 3,15 G to 10 d 24 to 27, Kensington Gardens, Brig! Candidates for various Special Baby Class, 11 o’olock. BTUDIO, BA' Adult Class for Tango, Maxixe, See., Mondays at 8.30. lutes’ walk from Central Station. Trams stop at Corner, KB. A. H. ABDBBHX&, B.A., LL.B., Cambridge ALLANDALK, COOMBS ROAD, .CROYDON. (late Open Historical Scholar of his College, Literature and Essay Prizeman, and Hononrman. 1909-13 Governing DANCING AND CALI8 THENICR Tel,: P.O., 218, National, W E CLOSE oh SATURDAY. FFEEi ANIr c A 8 ED ; Fox Tutor to sons of His Serene Highness the Ruling ISS HUTTON MOSS and MISS PAINE 1 Prince von Thum und Taxis) M, a* Have resnmed their lWING AND PAINTING. RECEIVE PUPILS wishing thoroughly to study the CLASSESM for Children at THE GYMNASIUM, YORK English Language, or requiring coaching ln History, TUmntU Washed in Rain Water, for the ettra/e of which large underground Concrete Tanks have been eorutrueted. ROAD, on SATURDAYS at 2.30. CATHLKEN SHAW, Exhibitor Royal A; Classics, Mathematics, Frenoh, German, &c. Special Class for Adults for Tango, Boston, &c., on PUPILS PREPARED for Oxford and Cambridge TUESDAY EVENINGS, at 8.30. !«. South Kensington, Cert. Royal Di 128, ST. JAMES’ STREET, BRIGHTON. cl08^ S v Entrance Examinations and History Scholarships, EASTBOURNE edMist, Atelier LndovioL GIVES LEI Diplomatlo and Consular Services, &o. Private Lessons arranged. rmtely or in Class. Figure, stfll Ufe, hlaj IO and SOIEHTIETO OPTICIANS; EXPERTS in DEFECTS of the EYES, . Apply to 39a, HABEEtOTON-EOAD, 8.W. Private Lessons. Lectures. Schools Visited. SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY CO., LIMITED Sw holds positiona of many years start BBS or OPTICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL, * AURAL and SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS. Highest References. ..j. FOB THE “ PATHSSCOPE” HOME CINEMATOGRAPH. Address: GORDON LODGE, ST. ANNE’S ROAD. ISS MINA HUDSON (Cert. Voc. T.C.L,, LATIMER ROAD, EASTBOURNE. „^ IS1£k?.r„0,.the Incorporated Society of Musicians), noea.—43, East Dean-road, Eastbourne. Sole Opticians to the Sussex Eye Hospital, 183*1311; Re appointed, 1913. MGIVES LESSONS in SIN8 ING, VOICE DEVELOP­ Krery convenience U provided for ensuring the Highest Olass of Work for Families, Lodging MENT AND PIANOFORTE PLAYING, ELSIE S. M. REED, Cert CONTRACTORS TO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS. gUSSEX HOTEL, OORNFIKLD TERRACE . Houses, or Hotels. j. Distinctive and successful method. Preparation for •need Grade Associated Board R.J SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING GROUND. : all Musical Examinations. Testimonials from well-known no and Organ (Honours), late Deputy Musical Critics. Ladies’ Choir,— Easter Term com­ (EW ’S B R IG H T O N L IV E R PILLS Grill Room and Restaurant. Letter, thould be addreeeed "M m Hill, Sanitary Steam laundry, latimer-road, Eastbourne." mences Third Week in January, LVNCHE0N8. TEAS. DINNERS. SUPPERS. i Particulars from Miss Mina Hudson, Willoughby House* ( Are a Certain, Safe and Effective Cure for all Stomach and Liver troubles. 1 Station-parade; or Clift’s (Studio, 4, Gildredge-road. ,AYING and in Open to Non-Residents. Moderate Prices. MONEY. Established 1879, MONEY. p te chMges. - Rl |H. Richai SAMPLE BOX FREE ON APPLICA1 Mbs. Bodlt, Proprietress. Pbioes: 1/1} AND 2/9. '— ...... ■ . NOAKES, Certificated in FOOTBALL, HOCKEY, LACROSSE, 7 1 . BAST STREET, BRIGHTON j j , f R . N . c o : TO MOTOR CYCLISTS. m 3, SOUTH roice Production, Singing, Pianoforte, M otor Cycles must be Sold; 3^-h.p 1895-4-5-0. 0 . -WINDHAM ROBINSON INGINE. ' VARIABLE GEARS. £37. 10a. WIGMORE STREET, twt.d h ^ stock. Secondhand Magneto Models from £10. . RTmunniV, 8 to BOW, jqK OF ACCESSORIES ON THE SOUTH COAST. NGINEERS MILLWRIGHTS 2£d. BUYS a TABLET of CCfVKr ORAN BOURNE _ STBEST, :S in 0 up Wthx Brighter MAKERS. i BOILER MAHERS, Is ot Machinery such as O L P H I N -= ;s|.|D/-'A ______Hydraulic Lifts,&c DONY HESITATE, GET IT. ASHFORD ROAD, EASTBpURNE. Engineering1 Works at Rear. SEE RESULTS AFTER USE AND ITS ECONOMY, ORNAMENTAL TREES, ONRY. MONEY. ROSES, TOR AND LEC] WEST £10 t<| any Amount. LB A, B. is So. (France), Emit Trees and Hardy Flowers, CITY PRICES. Cash Advances promptly made to Farmers, Dairymen and all responsible applicants. NURSERIES 1 1 3 ACRES D-HAND CABIN TRUNKS, BAGS, BASKETS, b - - from 4 2 /. Stbiotbbt Pbivaot Abbubks. No Foes oharged. IN SOLID LEATHER, FIBRE. CANE and BIDj CATALOGUES FREE. Advances oompleted on day of application. ry large variety of Travelling Requisites of e Personal Attention given. No Sureties required. QYMNAMA, CHEAL & SONS,! Ltd [OTOHING and TRAVELLING COATS. *Clothing to s Apply by letter, in confidence, to ■LIPS, 54-5, W est Street, Brighto YTE88RS. M. BARNARD ft 00., THE NORSERIES, . >r 1 2 ham 44, Lamaiot Road, Eastboubni, ■luasss aMmCs (soorollr error llootof. U ojb. to i pja ) PURCHASE FOR Ol9H, FASHJ OHA B L A TAILORS. i r i m m c use. CHRONICLE PRINTING WORKS, , coloured & oi!h e e pei PROMPT CASH ADVANCES, GENERAL PRINTING tore* on Ivory, and Old Needlework Pictures, 0OKE. QOKE. £10 upwards. Or Kvkky Description on Parcels sent or Call by appointment. HAKES THE HOTTEST VIBE. London ft Provinces Discount Company, Ltd. Executed in the Best Style at Reasonable Prices NEVER BLOCKS THE KITCHENER FLUES, 19, Lansdoume-road, Croydon. SHIP STREET, BRIGHTON. ^ i . NIXED WITH A LITTLE COAL KAKE8 SPLENDID ids. Privacy. Basy Terms and Straightforward VAJUrOOXB* to OO., Ltd. DININQ AND DBAWIND BOOM FIRES. CHRONICLE” KOKHS’. PRINTING WORKS, D I X E Y Sr Pan Chaldbon, Delivered...... 13/8 tSH advanced PRIVATELY, at Reasonable Sooth Steekc, Kastboobne. U. Branch ft Workshops i „ „ Meads HMie MMMII 18/6 said off ana increased. We are the ACTUAL Rates and on Simple Note o r Hand, in amounts of ROAD, J T UBI NO O^TI P eb Sack, 1/6; Meads, 1/6. BRS. and every Application will reoeire Imme­ £10 AND UPWARDS. THE EASTBOURNE AND DISTRICT: sent to all paris of the diate and personal attentian by our CaU or write, in confidence, . i ;r - U . OILL P08TING AND ADVERTII iatelognee Free by Post The above Prioee are eubjeet to Alteratio t without Notice. lent Manager, THOS. GRUNDY, MB. L. MjyGREEN, U COMPANY, Limited. Removed to 44, Cavendish-avenue Manages - . H W. FELLOW8. PAPER, Visiting Cards, &c„ to most Eastbourne Gas Company. (off Bourne-st.), Eastbourne (private house), Office—7, SUSANS BOAD. : .


ATHLETIC NOTES. >. (By Spectator.) CINEMATOGRAPH EXHIBITIONS. REPERTOIRE PLAYS. To-day's exhibitions of moving pictures in the The series of plays presented in the Pavilion ELLIOTT’S TAB WEEK’S FOOTBALL. letter from Jack Toeswlll, now Pavilion Inolude “ The Harper Mystery,” a power­ this week by Mr.Esme Percy and oompany inolnde playing in Southern League football for Coventry ful deteotlve drama In which Miss Florence Turner several well-known and popular pieces, which have City, maybe of interest:— the eminent klnema aotress) Is featured. Other met with the warm appreciation of good attdlenoes. STORES, SUSSEX CUP TIES. 160, Gulson-road, Coventry, Feb. 6. nteresttng Items are‘‘The Buried Crime” (drama), The company )s strong In all departments, and In LIM ITED Dear Spectator,—As an old Eastbourne player, born ^“ Sammy’s Dilemma” (oomio), “ Billy’s Career as a eaoh play there has been a wealth of talent and bred, I read with Interest your notes every week Butler” (comedy) and the “ Gaumont Graphic.” revealed, all the artists doing oomplete justice to (Opposite 8. Saviour's Church), anentthe doings of the local clubs. I could not help There are exhibitions at 3 and 8. TO-DAY’S being struck by your remark last week as to the their respective parts. One of the features of the feasibility of a professional club being floated in East­ Next week the “ sta r” film will be “ Kissing iroduotions has been the splendid aotlng of Mr. CHINA AND CLASS Cup,” a story of absorbing Interest. ’eroy, whose artistic work haa contributed In no The Sussex A.F.A. Cup tie betwi hi Eastbourne bourne. . ■ J ! . EASTBOURNE I myself have often pondotfed on the prospects of pro­ ■mau degree to the suooess Of the engagement. And at MEADS. At BATiGAIN PRICKS. and the United Banks on Saturdi panned out fessional footer In Eastbourm, given proper organisation LIFE TARGETS. The plays that have been presented are The Notori­ i | . a , ^ •* almost exaotly as predloted in thl oolumn last and astute management. With the hold the professional Many people oontlnue to take advantage of the ous Mrs. Ebbsmith, by Sir Arthur Pinero; Man We append a brief list for immediate disposal. Examples of week. That fa to say, toe Banks iva the Blue game has on the masses. It" is evident! it is, almost with­ exoellent shooting praotlce afforded by the life and Superman and Press Cuttings, by Bernard kept them out exception, the only gamo which people will pay to and Yellows a good hard see In any great numbers. When I think of towns and targets In the racquet court. The gallery Is open Shaw; Joy, by John Grlswortnyj and The Extraordinary Values. going all the way, hut were '» end by a dally, and the 6d. oharged for admission entitles Awakening Woman, by H. M, Riohardson. Telephone Number*: - _ Originally. NOW. superior side. The losers were but dle- districts, all more or less smaller than Eastbourne, within my own experience, where large crowds flock to one to six shots. The plays to be presented to day are Joy (this South Houbw, 227 and 27. ljjl doz Grog Glasses ...... 1/- doz. .. 6£d. doz. graoed, although the soore of to one see the paid players, it seems a great pity that the afternoon at 3) and Man and Superman (this even- 2/6 „ .. 1/4J- it may sound pretty heavy. laokadaisical interest which now obtains cannot be ROLLER SKATING. iog at 8), r . I Mxins Baxuoa, 207. ,, Gin and Bitter Glasses .. .. | revived to equal the old enthusiastic scenes which There will be a number of roller skating 6/6 „ . . 2/- ,, usually followed the visit of a good professional team to “ THE MOLLUSC.” Telegraphic Addreee: „ White Brush Vases ...... It was a miserable afternoon, oold, wet.oheerlese, the town. This view is endorsed by both old “ town” assemblies next week, of whioh an advertisement „ . . „ gives particulars. Mr. Arthur Hare, who Is to appear as “ Tom 2 ,, White 8oap TrayS 4/6 1/9* and there were very few people present to wltnees players of the “palmy’’days and present-day colleagues Kemp” In The Mollusc on Monday, Tuesday and “Eixiott’i Bhous, Eurneouaw.” 4/11 each.. 2/9 each the game. Of excitement there wee none and of of mine in flrst-olass football. Many now famous players 6 „ White China Comports .. have expressed to me the delight they dorived from HOCKEY MATCH. Wednesday next with a speolal matinee on Wed­ ... enthusiasm very little, although the Banks had a nesday, has lately bfen aoting in the successful 4 ,1 Pint 8oda Tumblers 4/6 doz. 2/3 doz. playing on turf like the Saffrons. There are very few A hockey match between Eastbourne and Bexhlll crowd of three noble-hearted supporters on the clubs in tho country with such a playing pitch, with Is to be played on the rink at Devonshire Park on lay, W ithin the Law, at the Haymarket. He has 6 „ Plain Glass 8weet Dishes . . 5/6 n > • 3/6 ,) touoh line who oheered on their men with sten­ everything conducive to good play. 1 venture to suggest Wednesday evening next. It la in connection with ieen on the stage some 16 years. He served in the 4/6 „ .. 2/9 „ torian advloe and enooursgement. Eastbourne, that membership of the South-Eastern League, in its South African War In Paget’s Horse A corps 2 ii . „ -»» ■ •> , . " i however, were so unquestionably the better side— present state of efficiency, along with the teams turned the contest for the Vinoett Cup. The bully-off Is lOJd.pair.. 6^d.pair out week by week, would keop unflagging interest at 8.45. , organised by hls cousin, Mr. George Paget. Mr. 1 ,, Langley Ware Sugars and Creams especially In the seoond half—that the result was Hare Is the nephew of the present Earl of Ltsto wel, 7 Jd. 1, .. 5d. n nothing short of a foregone oonoluston. locally in what to the average Briton Is the best, the TEA AND GOFEEE C ii ,, » >» >> best of all games—when properly played. Wishing the his younger brother—Capb. Haro—being the adju­ 2 „ Fireproof Green Breakfast Cap* ana Saucers. 12/6 doz. .. 8/- doz. • • • ! best of luck to the Saffronltes through the season, DEVONSHIRE PARK THEATRE. tant of .the Durham Light Infantry. 3 J( „ Tea Cups and Saucers 9/6 ,, • • 6/* ,, I t le very rarely that French ml a match, but I remain, yours very truly. The Mollusc Is an exoellent play, and the oom­ he was absent on Saturday, hie 1 at inside left J ack S. TobswhiL pany being strong throughout full j ustloe is oertaln EXPERTS. 5 „ Amber Hock Glasses ...... 11/6 „ .. 4/6 „ being taken by Stevens. With ita exoeptlon “ Spectator,” Eastbourne Chronicle. “DIPLOMACY.” to bs done to the pieoe. mb, whilst the 30 ft „| Plain Liquers .. . ’6 & 3/6 doz... 1/3*2/- Eastbourne had their regular side * # *• There are many flotlonal works which depict MR. C. HAYDEN COFFIN. Banks had also whipped together leir strongest I various diplomatic Intrigues and daring episodes 6L „ Plain Ports and Sherries 1/9 doz. lid. doz. sme reappear- A giod crowd at the Old Town ground on Satur­ team for the oceaaion. A, very well day braved the elements and saw EastbourneIn St.whioh men and women figure for the sake of “ ALICE IN WONDERLAND.” i „ Circle Sherries .. 2/11£ m •• 1/5 I, anoe In their ranks was that ot 01 es, who It | Mary’s beat Nowhaven In the third round of the one government's Insatiable appetite for Informa­ The management have provided a splendid was feared had praotloally given up the game, but Sussex Senior Cup by four goals to nothing. The tion concerning a rival's prospective movements, attraction for their patrons on Thursday, Friday Vases, Plant Pots, Bnlb Bowls, Carlsbad Cl ilia, &c., to Clear at who la far too good a man to be lost to football just oondltlon of the ground was dead agalost correct but few have presented the workings and the and Saturday next, when Mr. H. Bernhardt's full PURE CHINA TEAS. yet. Though he was obviously out oloondltlon and football, but the homesters grappled with the secret service In snoh vivid and dramatlo fashion company from the Comedy Theatre, London, will j j One Third the Original Pr ces. praotloe, he nevertheless showed muoh of hie well- difficulties better than, their opponents and fully aa the play entitled Diplomacy, which is being present the musical dream play, Alice in Wonder­ known skill In Intercepting passes and plaolng to presented at tbe Payk Theatre by Mr. Lionel land, eaoh afternoon and evening. The book, by bis forwards. deserved their handsome vlotory. * • • « .« • Rlgnold and Mr. Charles Macdona’s exceptionally Savlle Clarke, Is founded on Lewis Carroll’s delight­ SO MUOH RECOMMENDED BY THE ■ I EXAMPLE: ORIGINAL PRICE, 10/(5. NOW 3/6. strong oompany daring the present week. "The ful stories “ Alice In Wonderland” and “ Through To day the two teams meet again, this time at Although Eastbourne did a lot of attacking In pteoe Is an English version of a play in four aots by the Looking Glass,’’ while the charming mnslo is MEDICAL PROEESSION. the first half and had considerably the most of the Newhaven and in an Eabt Sussex League match. Vlotor Sardou, and at the beginning of this by Walter Slaughter. The talented members of they met with suoh a stubborn resistance The St. Mary’s team are leaving by thei 1 45 p.m. month was performed before the King and Queen the oompany Include Mr. 0. Hayden Coffin, who at they could make little Impression upon their train, and will be as follows :— at Windsor Castle. The story teems with lnoldent reoeats his olever and artlstlo reprete station of the EVENDENS Ltd,, Eastbourne. deter mined opponents. Irene at baok was great— T. Med hurst, goal; A. Teague and B. Bennett, and moves rapidly towards the ollmax, whioh is “ Mad H atter”; Miss Cora Goffln, who makes a imm- ose, in foot—and he repeatedly foiled the backs; E. Diplook, W. Stonham and A. H. reached In the third act, after an Intensely fasolnaMng “ Altoo ” ; Miss Annie Hughes, In her efforts ot the home forwards to get through. Now Arundel, halves ; F. Morley and G. Hollebon dramatic scene between Julian Beauoleroand his dnal role of the “ Queen of Hearts" and the and then the Banks did a bit of attaoklng them­ (right wing), H. Teague (centre), T. Collett and wife on the day of their wedding. Jullan has been “ White Qaeen” ; and Mr. Wilfred Stephens, Mr. selves, and It was In one of these onslaughts that S. G. Tugwell (left wing), forwards. given a diplomatic appointment In Madrid, and James Harcourt, Mr. Cleve Carrie and Miss Maud Ideal Teas for Dyspeptics* the ball came across from the left I to ' Brown- while at Monte Carlo he proposes to Dora, the Rolands, who were all! highly suooessful In the lng, 1who met It on the run and sent I 1 the net j daughter of tbe Marquise de Rlo-Zares, a voluble Comedy Theatre production. W. BRUFOR SON. w itha _____ shot_____ whioh Wale . made only a half-hearted In their Eistbourne League matoh against the Gas Company at Hampden Paik this afternoon St. widow with a plausible tongue, who Is suspeoted 2/-, 2/6, 8/. per 1L. attempt to atop. First blood for the Banks, and Mary's II. will be represented by :— of having oorrespondenoe with a secret agent. rlqhly deserved, too. Julian is entrusted with some valuable traolngs, Silver Plated Dish Stapd with hot pl for Table Use. • »■ »- ; || 11 G. Creasev; G. Rowsell, H. Baulcombe’, G. but on the day of his wedding these are stolen ROYAL HIPPODROME, Encouraged by this suooess, the Banks played up Cooper, A. Goldsmith, H. Haielden; C. Young, from his dispatch box, and, at first sight oiroam- harder than ever, but Eastbourne now began to G. Hilton, C. Goldsmith, F. Jerrard and R, stanoes point to his wife as being the guilty Wooller. Stranded by the abandonment of the Earl's assert themselves In earnest, and before half-time • • • person. In addition to her having had the keys of Court speotaole, “ The Romance of India,” a bad equalised through Garrard. In the seoond half the box In her possession, farther damning evidenoe number ot the unfortunate artistes aooepted an It was all Eastbourne, so far as soorlng went, that The Eastbourne Polloe Foroe on Wednesday Is found which to the dlstraoted husband proves ELLIOTTS SPECIAL BLEND* were engaged In a confllot with the forces of the engagement to appear; in an Indian speotaoular Is, and three more goals were added by Tudor, oonolusively that his wife has betrayed him. There piece, “ The Rajah and Hls Favourites.” The Stevens and Masked respectively. There was Law, tne Churoh, the Army and the Navy, Is a stormy soene In the third aot, in whioh Julian and in spite of ther avoirdupois superiority piece Is now In the fourth week of Its performance, I really a fourth, but the referee was [too far up the aoouscs Dora of the theft, but the latter, smarting and fully deserves support If only to aid the cause field to see the ball go over the Ine, and J ----- very they naturally oame off seoond best. [ It was a pouring wet afternoon and the Safftons was In nnder the Insult, Indignantly refuses to give an of the artists, many of whom, ft it were not for i, 2/2 per lb. t rightly gave the Banks the benefit i the doubt. explanation of an lnorlminatlng note. Finally the present production, would be practloally such a sloppy, slippery state that some very through the alertness of Julian's brother Henry oomloal football was seen. The Police were the destitute. The piece Is pleturesquely arranged, Thus the Banks were knooked onit of theoom- ohlef sufferers from the adverse conditions and the real thief is brought to light In the person of and Inoludes dances by Nautoh girls, some olever SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. etition, but they died fighting g llantly. They the Countess Zloka, a supposed friend of Dora's. work by a magloian, a live python helng charmed were so plastered with mud that their own The) “ Henry Beauolero” of Mr. Charles Maodona ad given a very good aocount of tt emselves, even mothers wouldn’t have known some of them at the by snake charmers—all performed to the aooom- to the extent ot having onoe given lie Eastbourne finish. Still they played very well against a team Is a quietly effeottve study of how to accomplish a panlment of weird muslo. The Krags Trio present supporters a. bit ot a fright. But! they were up whioh inolnded suoh men as Tudor (of the East­ maximum amount ot good work with a minimum a remarkably Bkilful gymnastic act, in which ainet a better side, ana the persistency of the amount of display, while at times his quaint several novel feats are Introduced, which oall for a bourne team), Rosser and other olever exponents humour comes as a dlstlnot relief. Mr. Clayton PRIORS, AS ILLUSTRATION istbourne attaok gradually wore them down and of the game and had nothing to be ashamed of in display of strength that is distinctly above the 861 led to their discomfiture. Vaughan was a splendid Greene’s representation of “ Julian Beauolero” Is average. The Sheverosky Bros, contribute an their defeat by six goals to one. the more commendable beoause of hls guarded £1. 5s. Od. I l l i by 8 13s. Od. partner to Irens at back, Mason covered himself • '—•* • excruolatlngly funny aot, entitled “ The Warder ELLIOTT’S with glory In goal, all tho halves played well, restraint at oertaln periods when there must be a and the Ccmvlot,” In whioh the eooentrlcltles and Two Lamps, extra large, '26 by 9 .. To-day the Congers and the Post Office meet In temptation to “ go” for effeot. Hls association i ' l l whilst Browning was the best and! Hamilton the the aggressive tactics of the former are only weakest ot the forwards. the semi-final of the Eastbourne Cup at 3.0, on St. with Miss Jane Savlle as “ Dora” provides some of equalled by the docility under punishment of the STORES. Mary’s ground, the first-named being represented the most Interesting lnridents in the play, Miss latter. An American buek danoe and a Russian LIMITED TOO, Terminus f Road, Eastbourne,■ and at Exeter. by— Savlle’s aotlng being characterised by a graceful Exoept In the first half the Eastbourne defenee dauoe on roller skates form features of a highly J. Davis, goal; L. W. Wheeldon and C. Aller- charm of manner, and in the more dramatio scenes entertaining aot. Swan and Vesta, who are (Opposite 8. Saviour’s Churrik), was not troubled to any serlons extent and Wale ton, baoks; H. Jenkins, A. C. Terry and F. by a foroefulness and power that reveals an aotress deputising for Jack Barley’s Company, appear in 'here Is hardly a village in Wales,Ilhowever had to indulge In several sprints along the tonoh Murrell, half-baoka: L. H. Elliott, H. Woodall, of great versatility. Other praiseworthy Imper­ an exhilarating sketoh, depleting a misunderstand­ Setters to the (Sbitor. all, In whlih the parent ohapel has not a line In;order to keep himself warm, i Muoh of the G. O. Elliott, H. G. Sutton and W. Hewitt, sonations are the “ Baron Stein” of Mr. Mark ing between a husband and wife and the subse­ 8 rebellious daughter. Both chapels remain of the vlotory was due to the halves, who were all three forwards. i j Patoo, the “ Countess Zloka ” of Miss Mabel Trevor, quent reconciliation, while Tom Lenner Is a droll EA8TBOURNK e partuas on (theology ?), the split: being too oleVer for the Banks' forwards.; Amongst the • • • the “ Marquise de Rlo-Zares” of Miss Jeanne dl oomedlan with a distinctive’style, and Florrle And at KXADS. WELSH DISESTABLISHMENT. Invariably the result of a family quarrel, using the forwards, Garrard put In some pretty short passes The Eastbourne Boys gained a couple cf points Kamo, the “ Lady Henry Fairfax” of Miss Mabel W right Is a charming ohorus vocalist whose songs (By a Welshman). wqrd family Ii Its wider sense. They not only and Tndor spoilt an otherwise good display by a In the Sussex Schools' Championship at the expense Rees and the “ Algernon Fairfax” of Mr. Soott meet with warm approval. a definite theology, but also sadly lack die terrible slowness and hesitancy In shooting. Alter of Worthing, whom they defeated at the Saffrons Melville. toe Interval Selmes changed places with Sooner some relnctanoe that I trouble you WT';S:f . S on Saturday morning last by one goal to nil. The I Those who have not seen this Intensely Interest­ N ^iT WEEK’S “ BILL." “ THROUGH FOLLY’S MILL.” t o ] omitted to add in my last letter whilst on the and at outside right was a distinct suooess—so game was a fast one, the local boys, upon the ing play are recommended to take advantage ot Instead of one “ top of the bill,” the management 1 In reply to Mr. George E. Quirk, muoh so that he might with advantage be kept direct replies to my questions, snbjeot of the Christian calendar that Qood Friday whole, having most of tbe play. The whole team tbe two remaining opportunities to-day at 2.30 have seoured for next week two attractions that is [the day we always plant our potatoes, yes there. He oentred admirably and intelligently and certainly showed improved form on their matoh and 8 0. bid fair to pack the popular hall at every perform­ A novel of exceptional olevetness and tense the least Intention ot going off at a In marked contrast to D. Wood on the other wing, Interest, “ Through Folly’s Mill,” by A. and O. J of reply to the 0 0 mm on stock eed. Tours truly, against Brighton, but there was still plenty of “ THE EVER OPEN DOOR.” ance, One attraction, “ Dream Girls,” is a phantasy whose centres were wild and erratic and without room for Improvement. The inside forwards were Askew (price 6j[) has just been published by Mr. Quirk makes use of, and A. BRIGSTOOKE. On Monday next and during the week The Ever of beauty and art. This being their first pro­ be found in the cheap and nasty judgment. slow. They looked the paoe and dash necessary in Open Door will be presented by Messrs. Brans- vincial appearanoe, lovers ot the beautiful In Messrs. Word, Look & Co., Warwick House, objectionable publications of the ilaenpant, 3 Eastbourne, 9th Feb. * T ” 1! a representative game. The left wing, however, grove and Slaughter s principal oompany. This art and natnre certainly should not miss this new Salisbury - square, E.O. The story, which le To-day Eastbourne are playing Oawhalton at 3.80 was very troublesome to the visiting defenoe, and departure In vaudeville enterprise. The perform­ strong in dramatlo feature, though free from com­ St t • I T ijWehad intt nded closing last week the somewhat for Southern Amateur League points, and though play, whioh caused a considerable stir in London, Clarke, on the right, made several nice runs. The has not failed to repeat Its suooess In the eountry. ance Is presented by Mr. P. [T. Selbit, a popular plexities of plot, relates to the obeckered oareer of iiu, If he wished to be enlightened, ptracted ooirespondence on this subject. We the visitors won the previous maton. I fanoy they wing halves, too, kloked muoh too hard and failed Launeelot Holt, the heir of a strong-minded, con­ trap which he Indulges in answered ke an excel itlon In the oaae of the above letter, It Is a smart move on the part of Messrs. Murray entertainer, who has already provided Eastbourne will find It more difficult to repeat their vlotory on to feed their forwards Intelligently. On the other with some capital turns ot a “ spooky ’’ nature. ventional oountry squire. The father wroiugly ‘ 1 could be possible for me by the elngin the nature of a reply.—Bd.J this oooaslon. A t the moment ot writing, toe King & Clark to have secured It so early In Its literature. I expect, however, hand, Harman, the oentre-half, gave a splendid first provincial tour. It Is doubtful If anyone Is The other feature of outstanding Interest is assumes from evidences that seem plausible andi Eastbourne team la not definitely decided upon, exhibition and was absolutely the best man on the Abomah, an amiably disposed young lady of sufficient that the ohlld is tbe produot of Its a t Is the last virtue, that Mr. but the following will probably play better acquainted with the various types that exist aspires to. However, for fear that I field. We ought to hear more of Harman. If he In London to-day, better able to portray the extra­ enormous stature. Abomah olaims to be the deoeased mother's Infidelity, and after the him an injustice l wouldVeoommend PRIES iT, SACRIFICE, ALTAR. S. D. Wale, goal: H. O. Wood and W. Grevett. keeps his head and goes on Improving at the ordinary mixtnre of tragedy and oomedy that Is tallest woman In the world. She stands eight feet hnsband’s seoond marriage and the family result­ • “ The Case Against Welsh '-backs; G. S. Selmes, S. Weakford and A. present rate he should develop into a flrst-olass part of the nnderllfe of our great city than Is Mr, high and weighs 24 stone. Another performance ing therefrom the parent's hostility becomes so ’ Under ordii inary ciroumstanoes I! should not Maskell, halves; A. N. Other and R. G. Tndor player. The defence V fts solid and rarely In of merit will be presented by Orphens, a musician muoh embittered that Launeelot Is socially a Nonconformist minister George R. Sims. All hls life he has made a study ; ley, Messrs. Pitman & " i troubled youju wwith ith any farther letter on this (right wing), F. W. Garrard (centre). A. N. trouble. of the slums and the life therein, and has always of great resource and a brilliant performer upon ostracised, and hls rightful preetlge and authority jeot, and nad decided not to do so, but on Other and D. Wood (left wing), forwards. * i • * every Instrument he handles. Orpheus has a great transferred to his half-brother. When In the Areall; been a big worker among those that live a life of oonrse of events the heir develops pronounced occupy Mr. _ “ R. S.’s” second letter • second time t m • • • I have received a copy of “ Wlsden’s Almanaok ’’ whioh most of us have no knowledge. The sup- reputation In many parts of the world, and this is ran Inter ra il oame to tho oonclusion that I I hear on good authority that J. Frenoh has for the ourrent year, and have been, as -usual, ort wbleh this play has received from the olergy hls first appearanoe also in Eastbourne. The Socialistic sympathies, and takes an lndlsoreet to say something more In the interest of fascinated by Its oontents. It Is, of oonrse, the i its own passport. remainder of the programme has been carefnlly part In a kind of village revolt, there are domestic not give a single inatanoo of any severed his oonneotlon with the Eastbourne F.O. authority on all matters pertaining to orleket, and E seenes which eventuate In tbe lad being sent to grievance against the Welsh i and atri ighiforward controversy. r Bad news if true. selected to provide an entertainment of excep­ tone can doubt that “R. a ,” In saying that the completeness of its records Is only equalled by PRODUCTION OF1 ANOTHER NEW tional strength. Abomah arrives at the railway London. So far from this taming the young man’s i none to give. He admits that prond spirit, the Isolation from friends only r nothing to do with Wales, and It “ euorlfloe” and “ altar” are all in the At the annual general meeting of toe Sussex the engrossing Interest attaohed to Its various PLAY. station on Sunday at 12.15 noon. Mr. Lloyd George’s reproof at ayori [ what Mr. Kenslt County Rugby Union, whioh was held on the 6th artloles by competent writers and judges. No accentuates his Independence, and after a turbulent say,” meant to gibbet Kenslt and to crioketer should be without his “ Wisden.” “ LOVE AND THE LAW.” Interview with an indignant household, he carries addressed to Sootchmen, but no Inst., Mr. W. H. Burt was elected president In Messrs. Murray King and Clark are in the happy hls pique to the point of marrying the first girl he _____would Include Manxmen at a pinch, has unoehls irguments and dons. I appeal to succession to Mr. A. O. Borlace, who has oooupled reader v ho Is capable position of announcing that another new play Is to THE PICTURE HALLS. meets. Thrilling events follow in rapid succession, been quite lost on Mr. Quirk. The reproof was to b position for several years. Snob an honour is be brought out at their popular theatre, prior to and both father and son are the victims of a fatal toBO theUW effectCUOOII thatbun It was great impertlnenoe and ‘ 'i whether “ B. a’a” way of pul ? th e riohly merited and the Sussex Rugby Union are to can be open to any other Interp AN EASTBOURNE RESIDENT IN Its production In London. The piece Is entitled aocldent. Before, however, this trliglo denouement the part of those who wrote and be congratulated upon the oholoe f hey have made- , Love and the Lave, In whioh Miss Ethel Dane and GALLERY KINEMA. the squire has realised hls terrible mistake in 7elsh questions w ith probably no these olroumstanoea I claim that my The present revival of Rngby fi Otball in East- Inferences (w itch seem to have angered “ B. S. ) CANADA. her London oompany are to appear on Monday, All those wbo had read Harrison Ainsworth’s regard to toe parentage of the heir, whose wife for the task than having bourne Is almost entirely due to efforts and the 23rd inst., and five following days, inoluding stirring novel “ Ovlngdean Grange” must have and ohlld duly oome Dy their own. The story ESZiclimbed! 1 daring a summer holiday. not only n it “ unwarranted,” bat that no other fostering care of Mr. Burt, and its election as nrenoee oot id reasonably have been drawn. two matinees. derived an added pleasure from witnessing “ King introdnoes one or two sooial and ethical questions, , who represents the thunder of president of the Union la a fitting toome of the WORDS OF ADVICE AND WARNING. The new play is by Mr. P. D. Hutton, and Miss Charles 1L,” a fine four-part drama, whioh whioh the authors have handled with marked the R y, and who is trotted out perlodl- R. S. ” eaiefnlly evades the main thread of my zeal and enthusiasm he has sho farthering { iment am flies off to say that evidently “ the Dane and her husband, Mr. Cyril Keightley, are oooupled the soreen during the first half of this delloaoy and eklll, and the hovel Is one that may oally depravlty of dukes and the the Interests of the handling oode Onr midst. To thx Editor. taking two of toe prinolpal parts. Among others week. Although ths story was sadly uuhlstorloal, be strongly recommended. great unwashed, can hardly be Book has not my approval.” On the itrary. It baa my most empnatio approval, and Sir: Having derided to make my home for the reornlted for the event are Mr. W. Somerset, who the audienoe never worried their heads about that, best friends as wanting In vigour of eonntv match will be will also aot as “ producer,” Mr. Julian Royoe, Mr. but expressed by their applause their appreciation ''. George B. Quirk rather gives Mr. the three reasons now in question, namely, An Important Rngby future in Canada, I felt It wise to oome over during It reooj nlaes (1) No saoerdoe or sacrificing played at the Saffrons next Wedi esdav, the 18th the winter and' visitvli soms of the prlnolpal oltles In George Monntford, Miss Cynthia Brooke and Miss of the sustained Interest of the plotnre and ot the ST. SAVIOUR’S AND THE HOSPITALS. ,y when he writes that strong between Sussex and 8urr vl Eastbourne were Margaret Chute. manner In whioh It was mounted, whioh was truly lly evidence of a weak case, (2) n< i sacrifice of the Mass alias Trana- Inst., I order to see for myself what the conditions were [bstantlatio l or “ Real Fresenoe” ; and, (3) No will be well represented In the ooi ty ranksand before fixing on a oloy in whioh to try my fortune. splendid. It,related how Clavering Maunsel, of bonnet bouebe” of Mr. Quirk’s crowd. ivlngdean Grange, shares the defeat of the The following appears In the February issue ot to-date edition of “ Who is [Who in 3ta r” for si,orifices by a saoerdoe. the fixture will probably attract ( I have visited Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, “ R. S ” dare to say that these are Edmonton and Calgary, have had Interviews with “ Merry Monarch and aids hls escape to Frame St. Saviour's Parish Magazine:— emmons.” THE KINEMATOGRA.PH, (James IL has got mixed np herel). The King's informs ns “ that the House of reasons ft r standing by the FZayer Bool The kiok-off Is at 8 n m., Si being repre-1 independent people, bank managers, ; lawyers. “ It has been frequently hinted that on Hospital responsible builders, arohlteots. plumbing and adventures are thrilling enough, not forgetting the Sunday we ought to give all the money we colleot not wholly composed. ot thieves, 71a P.S. a1 » u t Christmas and Mioh sented by the following XV. :— Boscobel oak Incident. At the Restoration the shooters.” We all hope, for the child 1 h, and Shows what hia wl Back: T. B. Wlthtngton (East! id Three- heating apariallste, “ real estate men, and of this In the ourrent Issue of the Journal of Education, to the hospitals, instead of a grant, aooordtng to that 1 e is no stranger to the teai quarters: K. N. Harding itbournenVnn and I lattertatter classolass tI have Interviewed some distinctly Mr. J. C. W right has an artlole on “ Tne Klnemato- King (really executed 15 years before 1), In response oar present praotloe. We should be glad enough i trovers Lai methods ot Ignatius Loyola. Harlequins), E. H. Muir Si (Eastbourne) irresponsible representatives. I have learned a graph,” whose Influence, he maintains, “ Is to Olaverlng’s sweetheart’s petition, releases hls to do this If we eould afford it, but It has to be Sgt. ■ I great deal from them all, and not least from toe frequently bad.” The writer observes :— old supporter from Puritan prison and gives him, remembered (1) that we have no endowment or gh the dally frees. . ■ Yonr obedient Servant, J. R. Eagleton (Eastbourne e) and H. M. after knighting him, into hls fiancee's arms. estates are being broken up Tullooh (Eastbourne). Halvi T. Guthrie | test. I feel I am only doing my duty to my late “ Ite hnmonr, ite pathos, Its passion are at the pew-rents, and (2) that we support numerous other GEORGE F. OHAMBBRS. townsmen In letting them know my opinion and In To-day the prlnolpal film is V Brothers at War." outside objeots besides hospitals, eaoh of whioh ___Isles, it certainly looks as if the Morgan (Eastbourne) and H. F. Maynard best not comparable to a good play, for toe hpman Exhibitions are continuous from 2.45 to 10.80. a considerable seotion pf the “House” {Sydenham, February 9. (Cambridge University). For| s : P. W. that hope I write yon these few lines, as It may be element Is absent. Indeed, there Is a lack of might make the same claim. Tbe Church Council by landowners with susplciouand a Johnson (Brighton), eapt., G. Middled Itch some of them are on toe point of arranging to reality abont the whole performance. The photo OLD TOWN CINEMA. has passed the following resolution about Hospital Sir: Aa in yonr last issue “A S. ” has referred W. Arml come out here. ' J graphs have been taken nnder oonditlons that leurfty. ■ 4,t ■ ; . (Christ’s Hospital, Horsham), I say, therefore, that every one of the above oltles Large audiences have witnessed the perform­ Quirk adds, with an unaffected me to Hebra rs IS ohap., 10 verse, as a Scriptural (Eastbourne), M. Brewer ton), R. cannot be considered normal or true to life. ances this week at the above comfortable Old The Council having fully considered toe TOM lority for the ate of toe term altar, may I be Keay (Brigh is more than supplied with olerks, shop assistants Farther unreality Is experienced from the faot that matter, In view of the present state of the jrthy of a better cause, ‘‘that the WoodhamB (Eastbourne), and artisans of every kind. If any person in Town ploture hall. On Monday and two following AngUoans,” and he aleo vouchee for red to say a few words on this quotation! ton), F, A. Evans (Brighton) L. V. Upward If the human voice (a employed at all It is days the chief film was one ot the famous ’ churoh flnanoes, re affirms the principle that ont • \ 'e must re nember toe Epistle to the Hebrews England says differently he does It In Ignorance of extraneous to the ploture; it Is something added of toe total oolleotlons of tbe day the snm ot £15 akllng of them being honest and (Eastbourne). ( ^ the foots or for purposes of private gain. ! Fantomas” dramas In three parts, “The Mr. Quirk la really great on the House written iq confirm the. Jewish Christians, by to the pantomime, and we know It. The greatest Mysterious. Finger Print,” whioh proved very (whioh Is considerably below both toe average ta' Judaism had oome to an end tbrougn League matoh I speak of the towns I saw and from what I saw asset of the drama, toe human voice, aotuated by weekly amount required for ohuroh expenses, As generally anticipated, the and heard I feel oertaln these oltles. are Indicative popular, During the tatter portion of the week a . Quirk wishes us to infer from h!« le fnlffimeo b by Christ of the whole purpose of between the Congers and the ' ime Counties’ real feeling, the expression of emotion, Is wanting. capital programme has been on View, the prinoipal and also the weekly amount usually received by lelaw. ;e Park was of the position all over Canada as oonoerns towns These things are sufficient to condemn the ptotnre the church) be retained by the church, and toe Ingenious use Of the word “ Angll- Engineers on Saturday In Glldn and dries. Any person of the above classes feature of whioh waa “ The Blaok Thirteen,” a C1 __ ’ that j Disendowment of the Church in In the 9 th verse of this ohaptor toe writer says : keenly contested, and the reBi . vVIn for the palaoe, ana to pla&Tt infinitely below the theatre. powerful drama In two parts. Other films worthy balanoe handed to the hospitals.” It la good t hat the heart be established,” that the [was perhaps a coming here, In toe absence of a definite guarantee I t Is olalmed by some that the klnematograph Is Wales la result of the deliberate wisdom end Engineers by the only goal scored- of falriy permanent employment, this year. Is In of mention are “ Tbe Delayed Letter” (drama), 1 l i e vote of a ority of Anglicans in the House of le be larneatand steadfast, bat this was not fair Indication of the run of the play. Unfortu- educative, or, at least, that It may be made “ Too Many Caseys” (oomio), “ The Paymaster” World,J be brongh; about by meats (whioh stands for the a very serious for a bad time and it he has a wife, especially If ednoative. Let us for a moment see whether this Commons. ‘ Nonconformists like to call them nately, the game was. marred ' there be ohlldren, she Is In for a ornel rime. I have (drama), and “ Riley and Schultz” (oomio), whilst weU and^good^but it Id Jewish r tnal), but by the graoe of God. Then aooldent to one of toe winne layers,. Driver can be admitted. Take an example. It has been “ The Venetian Estuary” Is an Interesting soenio. ie writer gi es on to say In the 10th verse what of tbe leg. I t a word of warning also for those who have money; stated that the growth of a plant oan be illustrated Novls, who sustained a bad fractal on no aooonnt buy any land unless yon see It for There Is a performance eaoh day at 3, whilst In the cay be oonsi rued In this way, “ We have an altar, was a pure accident and occurred ; ear the close of ty tbe klnematograph. ‘Here,’ says­ evening toe “ show” Is continuous from 7 till 10.30, intitia alto (ether different from toe np toe field yourself or have reason for absolnte faith In your master In the Manchester Guardian, ‘In the W i _ belonging to or oharoctertatlo of the the first half. Jesson had made a Next Monday an exclusive photo-drama In four ine; our al ar Is the Cross, our i — and centred aorosB the goal. The was missed twinkling ot an eye, yon have a plant grow, acts, “ The Tower of Terror,” & announced. This But o| lying Saviour. We do not, as the . outside left, 8^I cannot here give In detail my ireasons for the develop, and arrive at maturity. Yet In the B^ f D^n S o M g^ A ig llcah e, who la ft by the inside men, but Novls, above; the conclusions are all thatit nmatter and for is stated to be the most exalting seoret society The j isendows the GhurohTn Wales 1 iftt of a por Ion of the sacrifices for obtained possession, and, with D| comlDg one schoolrooms of oar progressive teachers yon have story ever 'filmed, and the enterprise of the J ust I it we feed on Christ by faith: we th— . — — Kennard, who what they are worth______I wanted my fellow-to wnSncImen the real plant grown in the germinating box. -ite of the Roman Catholic Nationalists of goal to meet him, he passed to know of them. . , management should be rewarded with full houses. W ith! \ h of the Free-thinking LabourSooIalist work and meditate on His words till tooy shot Into the empty net and thi s scored what The ohlld witnesses the slow development of the To I par of onr very being. This I take! to be matoh. Novls Having said this, In oase I may be misunderstood root and stem. The progress Is noted In tbe . this vote, and this vote only, that oved to be the only goal of toi by eareloss readers, I desire to point out I under­ EASTERN CINEMA. Offer disendowment ot the Welsh Church thought oonveyed In toe passage our friend has led to dodge and avoid Davis, bn{ In so doing he drawing lesson and dated. In the senior olasses “ Hard Cash” was the film of outstanding They j referred to, rat I see no authority for the use of slipped and fell heavllyr break!ng' is leg Just above lined the words,. “ this year,” and I desire to add the aotual growth is measured. With a time 1 It the Nonconformists are. not the Impression oreated on my mind by my Journey importance at the commenoement of this week. Tot | | ; of their base betrayal of the altars in ouif ohurohes. Yopra truly, the ankle. The lnjnry was at e seen to be reoord, and by the help of the metrlo ruler, draw The story, whlob Is presented by the Edison com­ In a eab and is one of great belief In the future ot Canada. _ d painting lessons, a real Idea of toe growth Of fad it leauae in England and Wales time will 8KNEX. serlons, and the sufferer was pla I feel oertaln that a single, man who does not pany, told how one Alfred, who Is engaged to the oonveyed to the Prinoess Aliceuiu. uuspltal,H| where, I of the plant Is arrived at. Sense of rime, and pro­ daughter of a Capt. Dodd, Is confronted with ruin, They] i am glad to say, he Is reportedirted to be going along mind roughing It, who Is good at hls trade, or portion Is presented to the child, but, In toe Thei imagine a set of 1 desirous to learn, and who Is sober, will get on owing to the shaky flnanolal position ot hls father. A < allowing s faVonrably. Everyone will wish h! a very speedy she ohlld knows it is not real—it Is only a ‘ Many adventures I coour, fparticularly to Capt" " hand over to County Councils (and TH E MR. DAVIES GILBERT. recovery. better and far qnloker than he will do In England, ,nd toe sense of the unreal turns toe c! And< im and be may oome this year, but later on the Dodo, who, ooming home la 1 possession of a big To gif vaguely described office Holden) 18s. fld. m conditions ore bound to be more favourable. The iit serves, as a .joke, . but it Is not . . .solenoe. . fortune, Is assailed by pirates and has a desperate out of r & of the Church’s property (held for The aooldent oreated a painful impression, bat by olass of senior scholars ot an Intelligent standard. fight. All Is straightened out In the end, however, Fo LOR > OF THE MANOR’S WILL. mutual consent both teams decided to play on, same, I believe, applies to the business man who, centuries] like myself, does not look for a fortune In two or They were required to desoribe a process wbtoh the necessary “ hard cash” being forthcoming. What although the Engineers were now [severely handi­ had been recently shown on a film at the plotnre Other especially good films were “ Borrowed The Mr. Oarev Davtoe'Gilbert, D.L., J.P., aged 61 capped. Still, with both wind add slope In their three years, and can afford to travel about a bit nothing and study oondlrions for a few months before show, and not one gave the proper sequences of Gold” (a Western snbjeot), “ Nature’s Mischief Peerless Bril faot that yean, of T rilssiok, Trnro, Cornwall, and of the favour In toe seoond half, they presented an the process.' ... - J • Makers,” a very interesting natural history film; Family. St. Leonards. Conti unbeaten front, Thomas playing finely at baok and settling down and bringing hls family out. quxm l Mmmr Hoi so, Eastbonrne, owner of. about one- Yours faithfully, According to a reoent olroular ‘young minds do and “ Master Flxtt” (oomio). Cho ta very 1 i numbers onr harvest festivals and on I Guy also shining at o*ntre-half-4a most unusual not learn, In any true sense of the word, by having To day a three-part detective drama engages Veno’s has saved endless Men’4 third of the land ta Bastbonrne, left estate of the H. J. MARTIN l occasions, filling toe chnrohes to the position for him, by the way. Tnjias they might— Information, unseleoted and heterogeneous, poured prlnolpal' attention. It Is entitled “ ___A Fight^ for a Itta r and goodness knows they tried hard enough— (of Abbotsford, Prideaux-road, fn upon them, bnt by assimilating what is given Fortune,” and keeps the audienoe thoroughly In doctors' bills In this family. £ n 3 t/h a s b rai swwraPat * ^ ^ neither side could again store, and though both Eastbourne), Oft l - * *” « IJ ' f . l L K - 1 - — a.—— I ffikn rintl them by an aotlve process analogous to physloal It* grip from start to finish. “ The Wltonlng ” Feno’« Lightnino Cough Cure has saved me To llj ____j sermons at each service as Is toe custom. The dutl is on too property at this valuation goals had narrow esoapes the Engineers ran out Care of Dominion Trust Co.. digestion, and, to ensure that this process is made 255,000. Testator bequeathed: H our” Is a very amuBlng coloured film and there endless doctors’ bills and cured coughs and colds By i ___ rare primitive and Illiterate, easily Influenced will amount to about £55, i winners by one goal to nil. Winnipeg, January 23rd. possible, great care mast be exercised, not only in Is a good store of other plotnres. Exhibitions are in every one of my children. It is a splendid n Toi by too apo ten word in the vernacular. They areas * ■ the choosing of tbe film*, bat in the times of their at 3,7 and 9 dally. household medicine for old. or young."—Mrs. In i as Innocent a i babies' of any theologtoal differences Peerless, 138, Bohemia-road, St. Lconard’s-on- £500 to tSe Princess'Alice’!Hospital,'Eastbourne. The result of this matoh neatly ireolates the exhibition.’ Every precaution, be It observed, is to A great attraction Is announced - for Monday i They I between tiemaelve* and the Church, and when £500 to B lng Edward’s Hospital Fond. > amplonshlp, CHRISTIAN SOCIAL UNIO be taken In the choosing of the films; ‘exoltlng Sea. Congers’ obanees of winning Jr. next and two following days In the really remark­ It is the power of Veno’s Lightning Cough O noif questioned by old friends the reasons i £200 to T Sangwta, hls farm bailiff In Cornwall. and every match In toe League nov will be watched scenes,’ we are told, ‘ are to be avoided,’ and so on. able four-part film, “ The House of Temperley.” are of the weirdest,; biut their simple beliefs are i ^ He empo vered hls trustees ta their discretion to with interest. As the fallowing able shows, the Evidently, danger Is admitted, and It is sought to Cure to strengthen all the organs of breathing halm and taeense when oompared to toe blatant •LOCAL v. CENTRAL GOVERNMENT.’ minimise the danger. But is the game worth toe Patrons have In this “ star "film a treat In store, that enables this wonderful medicine to cure As 1 oontlnne t ir the year following bis deoease his and we have no doubt what their verdlot will be. Wll and offensive tone of the disciples qfTh! Thomas Pains subecrlptlo as to oharitoble Institutions, &o., and oandlet The mental demands are small; there Is coughs, colde, and chest troubles so quickly and Robert Blatohford so oommon amongst no true perception which is toe result of observa­ The oomedy examples will Include a most laugh­ and so ..thoroughly, alike in old and young. Thei filstna rtf arttaan In T/ttlHftll- . also to -oortlnne toe payment of pensions which The seoond pf the speolal series of lectures able study, entitled “ Arohle and the Bell-Boy.” Veno’s Lightning Cough Cure promotes health Gre&| be had bee i ta toe habit of paying, and to payany arranged by the Christian Soolal Union was given tion ana comparison. The desire for thought- action gives plaoe to an Inclination to have the of the lungs, health of the bronchial tubers, SablT farther pei iSlons as they might see fit to elderly on Tuesday at toe GaUery Klnema, Terminus-road. .■ j.. ELECTRIC THEATRE. health of the mucous membrane, and so imp nrarily thrown ont of employment by ameson senses atrophied. The brain Is violently assailed Several oapltal dramas Byl EASTBOURNE JUNIOR ;LBAGUE The Rev. fi. G. J presided. through eye-gate -alone; thought has no rime to enables ~your system to throw off respiratory of t »e sue ot hls Cornish estates. The lecturer was Mrs. E. Pease, bon. secretary take tta * - - . the programme at tbe at ilotore "ball, daring troubles. The reason is that Veno’e contains LOVERS thk.r GARDEN'S of the non-political National Land and Home proper plaoe; the mind oannot work toe latter portion it week. “ Seoret But I m Plj-d. Won Dm. Lort FotiSstPt*. freely.” Service Sam ” la a rare curative principles not found in.ordinary Ele ..84*.. S — 14 League, and a Poor Law Guardian knd Rural .lng Item In two preparations. Gas Com] . 9 ... 6 ... 2 .. 1 Dlstrlot OouncUlor. Her aubject w m “ Local v. parte, which Is cleverly while the plot Is Rieh| ILLUSTRATED GUIDE for1 HOCKEY. let H.O. „ 10 ... 6 ... 1.. 9 ...99 ... 18 - 14 J , The. .. s ... 6 ... 0 .. 2... 98... 7 -t 19 Central Government, which she hriudM te a liNQUi P oets.—The Lord Wardenahip skllfaUydeveloped. “ The peror’s Message” ta­ Awarded Grand Prix and Gald Medal, JB GARDENERS', SPRING, 1914, .. . 8 ... 8 ... 8 ;. •i 18 im 10 “• -9 I practical manner. Mrs. Pease dealt chiefly with *l . u . „ rdenship another drama which rlveti ke attention of tbe International Health Exhibition, Paris, 1910. . No hi e I s TBOORNB v. SPi . 6 ... t ... 0 .. 1-8... « ... 1 0 - 8 thOhouslng problem. A dearth Of houses, she lh .hn ^ K <^ ° e8^ ^ K therS a l D n MKllenoe. while “ The Mysb . of the Silver Skull" is well vtorihy of the attention of all who a re1 ..Is;... 25'— 6 when the five ports, Sandwich, Dover, Hythe, toafllmln two parts, whio! F o p Coughs a n d Colds, ^ Eastbourne on Saturday went to .. [11 ... 8 ... 0 .. i'8 pointed out, leads to over-crowding anf Ul-bealth. ... evokes the warmest interested! ih Gardening, and buyers of Seeds, &o...... 1 ... 9 .. » .. 9 ... » - 4 Romney, and Hastings, constituted an essential *approvaL---- • ~One ot - the - funniest comlos seen for Bronchitis, Asthma, /> where toe f played toe Spartans on t Upperton., ..10 ... 1 ... 1 .. 8 .. 9 ... 50 — 8- which probably oost the rates eventually more part of thethe defenoe against Franoe.France. The Warden Wi I t contains 160-large quarto pages, over 290 Ground, v hloh was ta a very wet and than the small oharge on tbe rates by borrowing some rime ta “ The Riot,” In which a number of Influenza, Catarrh, « • • .‘11 I money at a very low rate of interest. The lecturer was a [highly important personage, who exerotsed lively soenes are followed bystem repression by the 9 ? d ’ and all Cheat and Lung 1 Brief haauriful! illustrations and complete price lists o f ! crate, and consequently the play was not of a I civil, military, and naval jurisdiction,, being at from | order. The visitor* could only muster ten men, There was dlsai explained toe difficulties of a looal authority In military polloe and fire brigade, the latter operating Par Bottle. Troubles In old or young. ! evsry description of V egetable dk Flow er Seeds, g bourne League on ■ tag laws Into foroe, and the need of greater onoe sheriff, custos rotulorum, lord lieutenant, and muoh to toe discomfort ot the rioters. Other cab but. they h ad nearly aa muoh of the game as their admiral. Winchester and Rye In later days were Largir S izes The surest and speediest remedy I this Fruit Trees, Roses, Shrubs, Plants, 4o.—in fact of opponents------;Who ultimately trlump had an inter-Leagne matoh er of the central authority to stimulate sluggl aooeptaUe features In an exceptionally enjoyable 1/H * a /s known. urgess HU), bnt on Wi lea to action. But In her opinion i t . wonla be a added;to the five towns, bnt toe name remained programme are “ Qrainlte Industry” and “ Sammy £80,0 lyfrY TjfflN G REQUIRED YOB telegram waa received staring change for the worse It tbe central authority took Cinque Porte aa of old. In the days of toe first as Postman.” I talne was under water and that over the work of tbe local oounoll, beoause the Edward these ports were bound to famish fifty- Exhibitions take plaoe daily at 3,7 and 9 o’olook. hah possible. The following v former has less knowledge of looal conditions. seven ships, fully equipped and mapned, at their E N O S ossrwfls smi by being chosen to play for Subsequently a number ot questions were pnt own oost, for fifteen days, In oostderatlon for whioh Naval they were breed from oertaln taxes and granted for a | G. Creasy (St, .Mi and replied to. . j ' ' • special privileges. The blessing of toe waters of the Neva is con­ (Fishmongers) and ____ The n e x t lecture of th e course wIU be given n ex t sidered one of toe most Important, as It ta one of the I A O. Terry Towner Tuesday at 5.15 by Mr. McOormao, bis subject Mohammedans do pot wear allk; as it ia the toe most picturesque ceremonies In Russia. The to (Poet Offloe) Anne’s), | being ,rLooal Government and Education.” product of a worm, they consider Is unclean. oooaslon ta observed largely as a civil holiday. troutl ■ P P i


dog, apparently because It would not follow m. An opponent of such wise end good reform The Clerk (Mr. E. O. Laugham)- Does Is imt|ie a must sorely be regarding profits, Individual and CHURCH CLUB. dog folio w yon by kl<...... *aad shaking it t personal, rather than national. Witness: No,ltUqnll the wfeng thing tolldo. M )nday.—Before the Mayor The parents of the children employed can also ;Counolllor 0. W. t, the witness said the have little grounds for oomplaint. The amended FIFTEENTH ANNUAL DINNER. toltonl, la the ohair, Mr. A. .yhewe and Major np Cavendish-place, 1. P. Molineux. puppy bowled all the waj by-laws do not prohibit employment, bnt will STOKES* By Inspector F inn: he saw the klo' the undoubtedly tend to humane the number of The Christ Church Men's Club held their SOLID GOLD EXPANDING BRACELET, l i m i t : NO OFF SIDE LIGHT. employed m so far as the individual work to iboratlve evidence, iand fifteenth annual dinner at the Mission Hall, Flrie- Fittsd with a Fully-Jewelled LEVER WATCH. Libert G, E. Meredith, of Willowfleld-road, was I •w s a s i™ lessened. said the defendant kli the dog with the nidi of In . hto book ‘‘ Emils,’’ Rousseau states road, on Tuesday evening. The Rev. Canon Allen l fj. BavioRr’i Chimb), su n maned tor driving aj motor ear without an (the Vlear) was in theohair, and wassnpported by the of side light in Terminus-road on January 31st. his foot “ like passing a lootball. (fallaciously no doubt): “ Tout eat bien, aortant 7.0. Archer stated that he saw a motor ohar-a- P.0. Skinner stated tl it he saw the defem ant des mains de 1 Auteur des choses tout ddudgdre Mayor (Councillor 0. W. Bblton), Dr. H. Habgood, lSTEOUBNS ba no at 9.46 p.m. There was no light on the front, at the Pier Hotel, whi he examined the ■OK, entire lea mains de rhomme” (Everything to good Councillor B. Bradford, Rsv. W. A. W. Leese, This ia one of our popular Patterns, which was very frlghtem and trembling. It when it comes from the bauds of Its Maker, every­ Rev. W. R. Buohanan Dunlop, Councillor G. B. ai d when Witness signalled to the driver the letter j own, argest tock of st >pped and lighted the lamps. sway from the defendant when he pnt It thing degenerates in the hands of man). But does but we hold the L S Inspector Finn, of theR.S,P.O.A.,0 ,A*, said theuu, pujjji not everything depend bn the i an and hto handling Soddy, Dr. W. G. Willoughby, Rev. MoOurrle, Defendant did not appear, bnt a letter was I Councillor A. J. Marshall, Councillor J. Duke, Mr. WATCH BRACELETS to ho seen received from his employer asking the Magistrates was about two months iold. He did not see ny of that whioh oomes under 1 oontrolf ta take the ease In his absenoe. larks, - . Education to, in the fi sense of the word, Mark Hookham, Mr. E. Gower, Mr. A. Lennardi outside London. Our Prices L fine of 1 0 s. was Imposed. Defendant said the pnppy got between his the influence of all grown-u on children . ______with a Mr. E. F. Bingham, and others. Mr. J. Ollett 227 and 27. and almost threw him. He denied kloking it. view to raising them to a higher plane morally, uniformly low and represent NO LICENSE. / The Chairman said the Magistrates were satlsl lntelleotnally and physically. aoted as master of ceremonies and a band of lady . William E. Fjrioe, Of Church-street, was snm- the defendant aoted brutally towards the dog, andi Gan the opponents of these mildly ameliorative helpers, under the command of Mrs. Allen, Brst P ossible V alue in all grades. m med for driving a motor oyole without a Uoenae he would be fined IOj, To Mrs. Sutton he sail | amendments say that their Influence is being attended to the wants of the gathering. After the i Terminus-roadon February 2nd. We think you aoted very well in taking notloe exerted to this end t ! Inner man had been satisfied and the loyal toasts Solid Gold, Hall-Marked, It will pay you to como to Brighton ! ?.0. Cockerell said about 12.10 p.m. he saw the this and yon deserve thanks for having brougl MULT® MANUS. drank, tbe Chairman called on the Mayor to speak. de Fendent riding near the station. Witness called the matter forward. The Mayor, who was heartily received, said be i, <£3. 3s. to Inspect our Stock. to him to stop end asked him whether he had I had been asked to propose “ Suooess to the Club.” re iswed his license, which had expired in August GOLF. He felt somewhat disposed to sav, as young ladles lk it. Defendant replied in the negative. COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL! did when proposed to, “ Oh! this is so sudden” Defendant said he was not aware that the lioense (laughter); but, although they auspeoted it was Pleats Mention this Advertisement. had expired. I v- : . ] 1 Royal Eastbourne Ladies’! Golf Club. not quite so sudden in the case of the young ladles A fine of 7a I‘4. inclusive was Imposed. CHURCH SOCIETY. as they made out, it was really so with him. One COFFEE reason why he had pleasure in coming there was 4* The monthly medal competition of the above OBSTRUCTION. MEETINGS AT TflE TOWN HALL. to support Canon Allen in his good work .!"!.■ y Dlement iey, of Vicaraigedrive, was sum- olub took plaoe on Tuesday and resulted as (applause). He had been foroed through Illness to 56, KING’S ROAD, moned for obstructing the“ ”Grand-parade * ide on Feb. The annual sermons in connection with this follows be absent from tbe St. Andrew’s Men's Olub dinner society were preaohed ait many of the Eastbournel Division I. ■Eitrs. Gro’S. Hep. Nett. and so he had been looking forward to that one. BRIGHTON. ’arade Inspector Dann stated that be saw i a churches last Sunday, the deputation being the! Miss Barton ...... 177 .. 4 — 74 He was glad to see from the report that the olub n is verness cart stand!Ling opposite Devon-I Right Rev. Btohop Robins, of Athabasoa, tbe Yen. Mrs. Peacock ...... :8« „ 9 — 77 was doing well. They would like to see more ide the fountain,1.1 Therehere was inoone Mig8Reid...... |8< .. 8 — 81 institutions of that sort in the town. With regard ■I: v w ■ i Arohdeaioon Perry, of iktario, the Rev. Canon G. Mrs Fox-Ruseell „ .. „ _ — atl ___ and the posit! of the vehlole O. Troop, of Montreal, 1 the Rev. W. L. Langley, 81 9 82 to tbe games tournaments at the headquarters,, cted the Miss Stanford______92 „ 10 — 82 the Rlslnge Sunne, the Mayor said he would be is parade to the of New Sooth Wales. Miss Rlmmington..„_ 96 ..1 0 — 88 MISS GRACE STEBBING AT MALTA, When i the defendant said, “ Oh, Miss Worters ...... [97 . . 1 2 — 85 pleased to present a cup, it it was acceptable to the HEWS IN BfilEF. nbnsense, it its " It remained there for 20 On Monday afterm [ithe Rev. W. C. Streat- committee (applause). He might say that, having IBIS A TEAS. field (vicar of Eastbo le) presided over a large Division H. 4 ./ no inntes after L. Ing oautioned spent thirty years in official life in India, through SOME INTERESTING IMPRESSIONS. ; 4 II, and was supported on Gross. Hop. Nett. ears a horister Defendant, w! not appear, was fined 1 0 s. | “ ee^atformthbyTOWn suob associations he! might claim to have a 63 Y C . . . _____ . Blsbo] Robins, the Rev. W. L. Mrs. Forman ...... j86 .. 18 — 78 broadened mind and he wished to do what he lr olnsive. Langley, the Rev. G. P. laeaett Kerry, the Rev, B. Miss Potter ...... 197 .. 18 — 79 ! For 63 years Mr. John Goodwin has officiated in )KD B Y IBM Lady Julian Parr ...... 197 16 — 81 might to assist his fellow-men (applause). He Miss Grace Stebbing, tor somi years a resident the Srneeth (Kent) Parish Ohuroh oholr. His “ SPORTS’’ “ MORE TIRED THAN DRUNK. | S. Woodward, the Rev. r. Sslwey and the Rev. C. Mrs Learoyd...... 103 .. 17 — 88 wished all possible 6uocess and prosperity to the of Eastbourne, whore she has mi ay friends, sends B. Cooper. In the and! ice we notleed Councillor father played the 'cello, which in olden days led p r o f e s s i o n . William Potter, of Dennto-road, was charged Miss Harries ...... 104 „ 18 — 88 olub, and with the toast he had much pleasure in us the following interesting aoi punt of a visit to the singing,: the two having been connected with w ith being i : and incapable in Lewes-:-road on G. B. Soddy, Mr. 0. A ktham, Miss Gregg, Mr. Miss L Rolls . a .j.... 101 ..14 — 87 associating the name of Canon Alien (applause). Malta J. Llebenraod and M r.' Miss Haynes-WilUams. 108 .. is — 87 the villago choir for over 100 years. SUIT February 0 th. W.;Bulman. The Chairman, lu response, said he was Bure ne The first impression of Malta! Is, that being so PC . Jai Miss Harris (07 20 — 87 I The. P rick of Religion. Jarman said he saw the prisoner with a rag The Ohaibkan „—said hfj supposed there were two Miss Nioholl...... 108 .. 20 — 88 might first, on their behalf, say how delighted they small, the,Rooumulated noises of Ithe whole island ai id bone Potter was drank andsj witness ] special problems that la; before the ohuroh In this MiBS Bailey-Johnson .. 108 .. 20 — 88 were to have the Mayor with them (applause). must be audible in eaob individual spot. It is “ Religion is so cheap nowadays that psople do took him stody. He went aU right until day. One was the pro of the open door of Miss Kvill...... 103 .. 16 — 92 4 They did not doubt that anything he eoula do for diffioult to Imagine that suoh a perpetual volume ot take muoh interest in it. Pay for it as they A strong, useful Snit tl iey got to ( road, where he fell down, countries that asked foi the gospel of Christ and Miss Waterfield...... Ill .. 18 — 93 the welfare of the town ha would do, and they felt of sound is being repeated in evi r neighbourhood, ihould doJ and their Interest will naturally for Boy’s wear, and _Prii Isoner said was more tired than drank. the other was the probli k of those oountries whioh Mrs. Chase ...... 113 ..20 — 93 it a great oompliment that he bad attended. That not to say every street. ncrease.” iSo writes the Reotor of Shepperton-on- for Dyspeptics. The Chief or Teale)_said there opened their arms to e best of the raoe to go Mrs. Elliott ...... Ill .. 17 — 94 The patter of the feet of the h 'hames (thje Rev, F. J; Salt) In this month’s issue having Two Pairs of Mrs. Gib...... 128 .. 20 — 108 was the sixteenth time he (the Viear) had ndreds of mlloh- nere 17; prevloi against Potter, who therer _ and______seektheir -tunes. Those who left responded for tbe club, and it was muoh the same goats mingling with the tinkle if their bells, the if his Parish Magazine. K nickers, constitutes wfas now fined 7a. 6 d these shores for suoh a inrpose might be divided he said every year. His work was to tell the old, oriee of the itinerant vegetable! and fruitiselie sellers, Boy Scout H onoured. . p » l b . into two olasses, those vi 1 0 were already attaohed Hillingdon (Eastbourne) Golf Club. old story over and orer again and that was what varied by an oooasional strong-throated roar, the 1 / 6 , the best possible value DRUNKENNESS. to the Ohuroh at home id must be kept in touoh shouts of the travelling haberdashers with their Patrol Leader A. Hislop, of the Bedfordshire Dongles Parsons (20), of Langney be had to do there that night. Speaking of the iKempston) Troop of Boy Scouts, has been in the Clothing Trade. with It, and those whoi to their shame be it said) officials, the speaker said they would never fdrget barrows or carts, the lnoessant jingle of the teut- presented, on [behalf of Sir Robert Baden Powell, they had never.held it. The Colonial and The medal competition on Saturday resulted as eovered carrozzas plying for hire, the not follows :— the devotion which was shown to tho olub by Mr. with a gold medal and certificate of merit for Continental Ohuroh Soolety were doing out there Sprinks, and in bis successor, Mr. Gower, they had Infrequent boom of guns, and thb screaming voices the work whioh had never been done at home, and , Division L of the women and innumerable children, make np jumping into the river iu his olothes and saving a SEND FOR Gross. Hep. Nett. a man to efficiently fill tbe place (applause). He girl from drowning. it was worthy of their most earnest prayer and always felt a fraud on these occasions, because be a “ oonfusion of tongues” thatlfor the first few F. BrickhlU______85 .. 5 - 80 (Fox with a Rabbit Trap. Catalogue To-Daj. when asked to go away became support. ' h: I C. M. Baker...... 92 „ 6 — 86 felt he ought to be more often In the olub than he days cause a new-comer to wonder whether stone SPECIAL 1 and swung b b arms about., The Right Rev. Bishop Robins said he knew that H. L. B ratton...... 95 .. 9 — 86 was, but be had a lot of work to do. He had deafness may not be a blessing on this island. Two fishermen who saw a fox swimming about ilty of 6 s. was Inflloted. ' In Eastbourne he would always have a sympathetic Eleven cards were taken out. listened with great interest to dlsousslons at the Anything short of the absolute thing must be ,n Barr,caster Harbour, Norfolk, resoued it from- bearing. The soolety was undertaking greater olub on sooial matters, warm debates on municipal useless 1 And the oessation durljng the 24 hours is the water, when it wa!s found to have a rabbit trap ALLEGED THEFT OF OVERCOATS, Division H. . woik than ever before, and the obligations of the Gross. Hep. Nett. matters (laughter) and warmer still on polltloal at most Infinitesimal. The oarrozzaB carrying on its foot] PEI home their fares from the numerous dances, j P olice Dogs. |. FrankFrank SlmiSimmons, of Sydney-road, was eharged society were increasing, bat the Income of tbe W. T. K. ln g e „ ...... 93 .. 12 - 81 matters (loud laughter), and be was afraid to join 4- vfHith steeling two overcoats, veined at £4. 6 s., the soolety had not increased as the Committee had W. H. Bacon ...... 97 .. 15 — 82 in In oase he got too warm (laughter). They did coneerts, plays and bridge parties have soarcely The Chijef Constable of Swansea, in his annual 3 Vary from 1 0 / 6 . . of Dongles Brown add another, on Jan. hoped It would. The, difficulties were largely E. R. L. Hollins...... 98 „ U - 84 not forget, however, that the first purpose of the ceased their jingling than the patter and tinkle of report, reoommends the purchase of dogs to assist ith., • ) ■' ■' ■ caused in Ca F. B. 8utton...... 100 „ 16 - 81 the goats on their renewed peregrinations, with ON J1J ’PLICATION- Canada by t t e tremendous increase, in C. W. M ayo.,___ .....109 ..18-93 olub was to uphold, the banner of their Lord Jesus in the deteotlon of orlme and in the arrest of Mr. R. A. Nil ermayer appeared on behalf of the thepopulaU.ion. Eli ‘ times the population of Christ. He was quite sure if the club kept to that the oalto of their owners, begin. So much for criminals. Many men In other forces, he says, owe THE defendant. Eastbourne centered _ kda every year. It might Eleven cards were taken ont. they would be a great power iu the parish for sounds; now for sights. their lives to suoh dof^B. Douglas be asked, W hat colls Well. Malta is very picturesque. No oue oan V- i, a pupil at Eastbourne College, im 1 He knew not, save good (applause). : F atal H unting Accident. * Ion House Clothing Skid the first i produced was his property. He the (Jesire for work—th need for a man to work In The Rev. Bdchanan Dcnlop, in a very deny that, in spite of the almost entire absenoe of COMPANY, LIMITED, missed It at 7.; on January 26th. He had pre- order to live. They di< not find that those who FOOTBALL. humorous speeoh, proposed “ The visitors.” He trees, and of almost any other visible greenery. It A t an inquest at Cuokfleld on Monday on Mr. VJ v lonely seen i in the new hall at 4.20 p.m. He really meant to suooe oame baok to England was put up as a ouriosity, he said, there was no boasts no mountains, but it is a mass of little hills Robert Austen Bevan, a member of the Crawley 80, WXSTX&V BOAS, BRIGHTO!V. next saw It in “ “ aide-road, where he grumbling. Those whi came baok were men who and Inequalities, which oompel buildings to look and Horsham Foxhounds, it nas stated that iu Closed on Thursdays at ONE o’clock. doubt about that (laughter). It was beeause he trying to leap a rail his horse fell and dug its knees TS Vfent with— ______, would not suceeed any where. How were they Sussex A.F.A. Cup. was going soon. Various suggestions had been well against blue skies, or olouds, or sunsets, how­ W i f ; Depotsl 81. *4.85, M. ff, 88.09. ALDQATli By Mr. N iedem ayer: From where it was hang- _ ; to spiritually . . __n for these people? They offered him as to why he was going. Some said. ever plain in themselves, from the mere circum­ Into him. A successful operation was performed. the ooat could not-be seen from the road. ^ might say that those countries should provide for stance of Irregularity. Tidiness and neatness are hut Complications arose later. A verdict cf iSTBOURNE v, UNITED BANKS, “ Suppose you’ve had a row with the boss? ” (loua “ Accidental death ’’ was returned. STOKES' ___ exander Beck, another pnpil at the College, their own needs. That |argument was not sound. laughter). No, ho hadn’t yet. “ Going to get eharmlng virtues, hut somehow one prefers their 1 lentlfled the qther ooat proanced ss belonging to Out there they had a most cosmopolitan people, S weather was distinctly adverse to a „good__ married?” Well, not yet (laughter). The third absenoe In a landscape. { W omen’s Ha t p in s . LIMIT! ID I Im. He last saw It at three p.m. on Jan. 26th, when but they were members of the British Empire, and Jast look np there, &s you approach in one of the suggestion was, “ The lady you were going to little ferry steamers, called looally “ puffers.” By twenty-three votes to six a by-law was passed -‘I ' 1 - I I was hanging! In the new buildings. He missed It it was the duty of the Ohuroh in whatever part of marry has chucked you” (laughter). No, it wasn’t by tho Cardiff City Council ou Monday enforcing i 8 . Savin r’sChurah), **""the folio' Tuesday. the world, she might be i to help the rest. He was Raise your eyes gradually from the lower houses that. But no one believed him and they were to others that seem resliag on their roofs, and the use oi a proper guard on women’s hatpins in lidney Thoi Savage, a wardrobe dealer, of glad to be able to tell them that the Colonial going to wait and see. He had hp-d nine years in public pieces. ' i Susans-road, SI ted that on Jahnary 26th prisoner Ohuroh was doing her duty. Fourteen per oent. of the parish, and he thought he would rnfes it. He mingled in and out with dwellings of all sizes, churohes, shops, sheds, halls, a most delightful, W orthing S cheme R ejected. EASTBOURNR 64—- «ntered hto sh; between sixc and seven p.m. and eigbt millions i n ! 'Canada belonged to the was going to Southwark, whioh was noted for ift I' ( ffered the ove ata for sale for 15s., as; g that Church, and in ten yd she had doubled her smells (laughter). Next door to where he was restful contusion, terminating here and there with B j a majority of 1,099 votes on Monday tho < ENVELOPES. Into brother, v ‘so was an actor from sent numbers. The problen before them was. Should rough walls, and many-windowed barraoks, Worthing eleotors rejeoted the Corporation scheme going to live there was a rabbit-skinning plaoe, situated on the extreme edges of little tongues of PLEASANT TO WRITE UPi them to him. ’risoner said they were of no nse to the Churoh be oonten with safeguarding the near by a jam factory and a little further away a to buy from Sir Edmund Loaor the Beaoh House, litmas they id not fit him. In consequence of spiritual welfare of tho_ s who belonged to her in tanyard. Ho had got to know the people in East­ laud, reminding one bow many times many estate of 18J acres for,a winter garden. ’rhat had between prisoner and himself this nefv land ? * They thought It was their duty to anoeror, for the matter; of that, good football bourne and had got to like them. Of oourse when suooes-sive owners had had to try to guard their m FOLD’S MILL” TO BE HAD OF ALL STATlfr i fitness made oare for all those who oame to them out there possession from many successive invaders. T h e V e n e r a b l e S t e e p l e j a c k . communication to the police, but urday afternoon, when Eastbourne met the one had to propose a toast one spoke of everything Archdeaoon Fletcher mounted tho new spiro ■■ i tt — 1 is bought the ats, for whioh he gave tho prisoner (applause), but the ChuToh at home would befall- ! Banks in the semi-final tie of tbe above Then for colour—all;pervading colour. Well, Or of the Sole Proprietorsi exoept the toast (laughter). They did, however, that is charmingly easy to tell you. Look at the ot Tarleton (Lancashire) Parish Churoh on Monday aeptlonal cleverness and tense I K i,, . Ing In her duty if sheileft it toi the young Ohuroh Sastbonrne were all Over their opponents weloome west end visitors assembled with them J O H N B E A L & S Detective Curtis gave evidence as to arresting |of Canada. ad it not been for the steady defence of the next sponge cake you nave, or if you have not one to place the last stone in position. A box arrange­ ‘ Folly's Mill," by A. and a on that oooaston, and thanked them for their ju s t take a walk down Terminus-road, or Grove- ment with a pulley was used for the Arohdeaoon's has Jui t been published by 55, EAST STREET, BRIGHTON, I he prisoner in Grove-road. The Btohop mentions 1 in conclusion that with goalie and Irens, tbe defeat would have sympathy and support. Detective - Inspector Parker said that when | Its entrusted to hint last time he was at East- lore deoislve. The Bankmen had the open, road, or South-street, and look at the sponge cakes ascent, j A ft (a, Warwick Hons* r j Simple* seat on Application. umehehad built tv Councillor Marshall, whose name was coupled in the oonfeotioners’ windows there. Then shut 6,800-lbs. of P rojectile. . RG. 7 he etory, which to i iharged the pi * ier said, " I oan’tssym anything,’’ > new ohnrohes. One was kl of the matob, Browning Boorlog the point with the toast, said the Mayor had said he had mt after a pai he said, “ All I can say to I don't led Holy-Trinity af( ir the Eastbourne churoh ter a mlsdlreotod shot of Mialls’ ju st topped your eyes and think you are looking at Malta. The new Australian battle orulser “ Australia," 9 feature, I bough free from oom- Swan, Waterman »•: “ Mr; Campbell’s to rn at Hot Springs, have been temporarily approved. j - opened «.ugly, bat they falle to stay, 972. Ooxhead, Margaret D. “ Mexioo” (Romance Defendant was ordered to pay Bs, and the wonderful artificial hatcheries FrvE tpnRs’ Speech. regard to the frevions line he was alloWi > from 6.80 scratch emerging easy vlotors six goals^to of History). Coloured plates. 1909. i later period, one. So! ctljvby the 1 there, make, to my mind, one of the In the Lower House of the Pinsslan Diet on Monday to pay the money, F iction. r ht wanders Of the world. It m ast be seen to be i the dleintereate of AI, O.3. F.F,‘ Simmons blmmi (< '“SIS -j" '■!'! | ■! y’f • Tuesday Herr Hoffman (Sooiallst) spoke for five CRUELTY TO. A DOG. | || Watch Birmingham, George A. “ The Major's Nicoe.” ------M------Ittee), tea was p) for the teams of “ Big Joe” and of Mr, Campbell hours in the debate on the estimates for the Patriok Reyan, of Seaside-road, was summoned to accept the report of the at the Polices Athletic Rooms. Chambers, R. W. “ The Common Law.” Ministry of the Interior. The Vice-President, Dr. Offieer, who found Garvioe, Charles. “ Sweet Gymbeline.” “ mesme ___ " an alligator are amongst the fllus- for cruelty to a dog on Jan. 29th. J I! Medical 1 Police.—P.Cj CJimpeon, goal; P.C. kes and P.C. t rations C the article. Porsoh, then rose and said: “ I am offlolally Mary Sutton, of Oaveadlsh-plaoe, that she workers ansemio and below Jaiman, baeka •-P.C. Luck, P.O. Dean i_ P.C. Braznell, Hooking, J. “ TheRomanoeof Miohael Trevail.” informed that the stenographs: s are unable to was In her sitting roommm when she heard a puppy nothing to ameliorate their half-backs; P.C. Jackson, D.S. Wells, P.O. Joy, P.C. Johnston, Mary. “ TherOld Dominion,” continue.” Tbe debate was therefore adjourned. rif i s Mankelow and P.C. Cockerell, forwards. crying. She went to the window and saw the J uvenile Literature. Leaf H omceopathic Cottage H ospital, Millionaires in the Jttpjl i defendant shaking a puppy. He also kicked It dispose of the still more Cm L., N., Ai. and R-Rev. C. H. Wes (Chnrch). g< e report of the Medioal K. Harding (Schools! and D. C. Rosser ( ’hurch),bac Ker, A. J.. and Cleaver, C. H. “ Heroes of Patients in the Hospital on Jan. 31st, 8| discharged “ On one oooseion I had the t nnmereifuUy, and as ii would not follow him he alarm ing__ Rev- W. N. Willis (Church), R. A. Ni- ayer am during the week, 3; died, 0; admitted during the week, ‘ deliberately kicked It against the wall. Officer tor Surrey, states that milk boys and Hickmott (Law), half-backs; R.G. Tudu remaining in Hoejrital on Feb. 7th, 9. Out Patient having two millionaires on a jury, * t Townsend, a baker, of Oavendish-plaoe, paper boys are In ] itor far below the average Mayo (Law), Hi K. Evans (Schools), Lieu! visits during the week, 10L—Alfred Tabor, Esq., Hon. at the Southwark Ooronrr’a Court defendant deliberately Uck the in unease of help ' weight ? R.N. (Navy) and Lieut. C. G. Fothergill, i.L.1. (Navy). 1 world. Treasurer, Sunnydene, Grasfington-road. tpeaking of the affluence of City jurors- •^ssjaasSississf " f f


EnXBLIEHZD 1832. Erablishd 1879. My BpnUl Appointment (hurt Tailor* U iktir Mtpu Bilk**** the Brand Duk* *md Duthsu *f BUtn. MB. JOHN 0. TOWNER, AKDEN & .CO., o AUCTIONEERS, B.&W BENNETT: GENT for all the PRINCIPAL p r i v a t e EASTBOURNE. DEVONSHIRE PARK. H. W. HASKINGS A SONS, J A RESIDENCES. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. Manager and Score tar ...... Mr. E. A. Brown. To be Sold, Let' (Famished or Unfarnlshed). SURVEYORS. VALUERS.; . ' , ' Telephone r'No. i Telegrams: “Concerts.” AUCTIONEER, HOUSE and ESTATE AGENT, Mortgage Brighton. tapestry and art carpets, a gentleman’s 4-ft. Satin walnut Sundays (Mixed Bathing), 7 to 9.30. | appointments, massive carved oak buffet, Sutherland, wood wardrobe, a brass fender suite, walnut wood writ­ WEDNESDAY, Feb. 18th, HOCKEY MATCH for the Pembroke and other tables in mahogany and walnut, ing table, occasional tables and chairs, Hepplewhite “ Vineett Cup " i Prices—Bathers, Sixponce. Spectators' Gallery, Shore Rooms imd Studio : 3 7 , TJPPERTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE. open bookcases, oak knee-hole writing table, inlaid rose­ style chair, a Louis XVL walnut fauteuil, tfft. 6-in. EASTBOURNE v. BEXHILL. Bully-off at 8.45. Twtwopence. MEMORIALS wood Davenport hat and umbrella stand, nail chairs In Chesterfield settee, curtains, French striking clock in Of Rvxi it Description ______Exkjutsd, and Inclusive DESIGNS AND S V m J S D . TELEPHONE 579. carved oak and mahogany, inlaid rosewood cabinet of ormolu case, ornamental china, pair of Empire bronze’ Estimatesimatea given for their__ ereoUonerection Inin «any part of the excellent make, cabinet coal purdonium, carpets and and ormolu candlesticks, 3-ft. 6-in. dark oak sideboard, iUNTRY. rugs, stair rods, Chcsterflold and other settees, over­ mahogany open bookcase, walnut wood davenport, mantels in oak and walnut, chimney glasses, carved mahogany kneehole writing table, dining table on OPEN BADMINTON TOURNAMENT ‘‘ ■ Indian screen, old lacquer table, ormolu 18-light hanging stained frame, Old English tea service, oouen, armchair TO-DAY (SATURDAY), FEBRUARY nth, commencing at 10 a.m. ra ted Catalogue Submitted Free. candelabra, musical box, oil paintings, old engravings, and six dining chairs in Morocco leather, hall table and ornamental items, pair of Sheffield entree dishes, other chairs, engravings, prints, kitchen tables and utensils, And it Bovx, Hastings, Obi, Bxxhill, Tunbridos plated goods, Moorish stand and brass tray, architect’s china, glass and miscellaneous effects. CHAMPIONSHIP AND HANDICAP FINALS. cabinet in oak with plan cases, garden tools, ladder, Wills and Chiohxstob. | warming stoves, kitchen utensils and effects. Sale to commence at TWO o’clock precisely. Admission, 1/- Day Tlokets, 1/6. Subscribers Free. Reserved 8eats around No. 1.2/- for the Day; Items on View Tuesday Next, February 17th, from Ten LAWGNEY j ROa d Sale to commence at Two o’olock. till Four o'clock. On View the Day previous and Morning of Sale. Catalogues may. be obtained at the Auctioneers’ f WORKS. Catalogues to bo had at the Offices of the Auctioneer, Offices Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. firtb ^(ftamagesanfc geatlw. The Auction Mart, 57, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. Telephone 1234 Eastbourne. PIER THEATRE, Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. EASTBOURNE. DEVONSHIRE PARK r BIRTHS1. The above premises, which have been occupied since 1850, EASTBOURNE. Manager ...... G. B ayes. MB. J. 0. TOWNEB 38, UPPERTON GARDENS. - in 5th inst., at 33, Leslie-road. East having been disposed of to the N e w K in e m a C o m pa ny , EASTBOURNE. TO-DAY (Saturday), at 3, JOY. • THEATRE. to Sell by Public Auction, ’e of Edwin Walter Holman Bartlett, [ Has received instructions TO NIGHT at 8, MAN AND SUPERMAN. L e ssees _ ...... M u r r a y K in o & C l a r k . at The Auction Mart, Eastbourne, on 9th March, OAKDEN f t OO. v m e w ’eb. 12th, at 8, Devonshiro-place, East- 1914, at Three o’clock, the Have received instructions from the Executors of the 6f Frank J.Nlcholls, M.B., B.C., of a late Mrs. Adams to Sell bt P ublic Auction, upon MONDAY, February 16th, Three Nights at 8. TO-DAY (SATURDAY) at 2 30 and & HARMING FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, the Premises, as above, on WEDNESDAY, February Matinee Wednesday at 3. PEERLESS DENNIS & CO., l t d . c KNOWN A* 25th, 1914, MR. ARTHUR HARE and COMPANY LIONEL RIGNOLD and MARRIAGES. “GRASMERE,” o u s e h o l d f u r n i t u r e , ! In the successful Comedy,! CHARLES MACDONA —Feb. 10, at St. Jamee's Church, Piooa-* Having frontages to F urness-road.Grassington-ro ad H comprising brass and other bedsteads and bedding, ev. Canon McCormick, D.D.. assisted by and Meads-road and overlooking the Saffrons. mahogany chests of drawers, dressing tables and wash- “ TT BBE 3 B XME O X i L l T S C , ’’ Present i iV. Thornton, M.A., Sir John C. Bell, | Particulars and Conditions of Sale to be had in due course stands, toilet ware, a 4-ft. mahogany hanging wardrobe, By Hubert Henry Davies, cwood, Stoke Pogea, to Ellen James, of satin walnut chest of drawers, wall mirror in carved and From the Criterion Theatre, London. ner.^Bncfa,||daughter of the late Mr. Have purchased more extensive works from Mr. Fowler of the Auctioneer, gilt Florentine frame, linen, 250-ozs. silver, fender sets, “DIPLOMACY.” two mahogany dining tables, oak dining table, twelve Telet S. — Feb. 5, at All Saints' Church, close to the Leaf Hall. These will in future he known as EASTBOURNE. mahogany dining chairs in,Utrecht velvet, armchairs in THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Feb ' From Wyndham's Theatre, London, . of Lewes, Bussell Foster Skinner, THE WILLOWFIELD WOBKS, and, with the leather and tapestry, a 5-ft. mahogany sideboard, a 19th. 20th and 21st. Three Nights at 8. . J late Mr. Rnssell Walter Skinner, MR. J. C. TOWNER Parisian striking clock, ornaments, Brussels carpets, a Matinees Daily at 2 46. Cambridge, and of Mrs. Brown, 35, Medina- new machinery recently fixed, will enable the firm to execute | Is instructed to Sell by Public Auction, at The 5-ft. 6-in. shaped walnut wood cheffonier, two shaped '0, toMarie Edith Wolsele: * daughtor * Auction Mart, 57, Terminus-road, Eastbourne, walnut card tables, pair of marqueterio jardinieres, MONDAY, F ebru a ry 16th , for Six Nights a t 8. iQt-Col. G. Hamilton Evans, and Mrs. on MONDAY, March 9th, 1914, at Three o’clock in rosewood music Canterbury, overstrung upright grand Mr. C. HAYDEN COFFIN 17, Medlna-villas, Hove. work with even greater dispatch than hitherto. the Afternoon, pianoforte by Neumeyer in inlaid rosewood case, gilt- Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday at 2.30. framed wall mirrors, pair of carved wood floral and gilt MISS ANNIE HUGHES A h e c o m p a c t d w e l l i n g - h o u s e , shaped girandoles, walnut wood drawing room suite, The Enormously Successful Drama of London DEATHS. known as Dresden style china frame girandole, carved oak hall .—Feb. 9, at The Cottage, Slaugham, Major- All offices have been centralized, and the only office of the T table, mahogany hall stand, china, glass, oil paintings by and LITTLE CORA GOFFIN Life, irt Brownlow Beatson, KlC.B., K.Ci9.L, 5, ST. AUBYN’S ROAD, J. Chivala, fl. Neumans, F. Moyer. F.Debret and others; 58. firm is at 56,JJR O V E H O A D , near the Town Hall, With possession on completion of purchase. engravings, books and miscellaneous effects. “THE EVER OPEN DOOR” inst, at 8, Elms-avenue, after a long whereGustpffierswill find extensive Decorative and Sanitary Particulars and Conditions of Sale to be had of Messrs. Sale to commence at Two o’clock precisely. ‘ ALICE IN WONDERLAND ’ Mary Ann Elisabeth, beloved wife Hart, Reade & Co., Solicitors, Eastbourne, and of the Items on View Tuesday, February 24th, 1914, from Ten With Entire London Company direct from the Comedy , of 21. Seaside-road. Funeral on | Auctioneer.______till Four o'clock. , at Ocklynge Cemetery. R.I.P. Showrooms provided for their convenience. Theatre, where it has played with Enormous Success. Catalogues may be obtained at the Auctioneers’ MONDAY, F e b r u a r y 23 r d , for Six Nlghta at 8. Feb., at Strathmore, Reigate, Alexander Offices: 10, Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. Seats 4s., 39., 2s., Is. 63., Is, and 63. ... )R SALE, — FREEHOLD p l o t o f T., F.ILS., late Colonel Royal kngineers, LAND, just off Seaside, with wide entrance there- Telephone 1234 Eastbourne. Seats from Is. 6d. upwards may be Reserved in advance Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday at 2.30. Reigate Cemetery, 2.15 on Monday, The firm trust, with their up-to-date methods of carrying on I from. Suitable for the erection of warehouses, motor- Telegrams Oakdens. Eastbourne. at the Pier Gates, or by Telephone No. 574. special request I houses, stores or workshops. Unrestricted. Price £400. FOR THE FIRST TIME ON ANV STAGE! —On the 8th Inst, at Eastbourne, Richard business, and with the greatly increased facilities, to retain —Apply, J. C. Towner, as above. ildest son of the late Rice Richard Clayton, of OPEN-AIE SKATING RINK °Pen Moniing, After- Park, Bucks, aged 80 years. the confidence hitherto reposed in them. MESSRS, KILLIOK ft DAVIES, Skatino, 4Babed78Yesis. including brass and iron bedsteads and bedding, Telephone Naa 801 sod ML TeL 440. MAPLE & CO. chestsH of drawers, dressing tables and washstands in ‘THE HOUSE OF TEMPERLEY” MONDAY, Feb. 16th, and during the Week. E. MORRIS & SONS, walnut, mahogany and grained woods, mahogany (Rodney Stonr). g Twice Nightly at 7 and 9. NE & BON, . l hanging wardrobe, toilet glasses, several pier glasses, kf k xtraordinary audeville BRANCH OFFICEt B y S i r A r t h u r C o n a n D o y l e : A W . o r E V . i Funeral Furnishers. SEASIDE BO AD, EASTBOURN^i and overmantels, Axmlnster, Brussels and tapestry Grand Double Attraction! carpets, rugs, slip mats, linoleum, lace and winter Splendid Drama In Four Parts (Exclusive to this S 6 u , 8 S 3 ’ CAVENDISH PLACE curtains, handsome 6 - ft. carved walnut sideboard Hall). ABOMAH, the African Rag-Time Singing Giantess. MS Ironmonj’ers, Cutlers, Electric and Qua Fitters, OPPOSITE THE STATION, mahogany dining tables, couches and easy chairs in The Tallest Lady in the World. Eight Feet in height. various coverings, Chesterfield settee with adjustable A rchie and th e B ell-B o y .” Comedy. Age, 32 years. Weight, 24 stones. 4 JTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. Hot Water and Sanitary Engineers. EASTBOURNE. end, several occasional tables, pianoforte in walnut case P. T. SELBIT’S DREAM GIRLS. A Fantasy of Ha (by Cramer), set of six oak dining chairs in leather, Pathe, Gazette and Singing Picture. Mystery and Art, Perfect Types of English Lovelines* Telephone No, 87. Drifting in Space and Realising the World’s Greatest T e l 788. 1. HAYLAMD, TeL 788, mahogany dinner wagon, well-made 4-ft. inlaid walnut 6d., id. and 3d.—All Tip-ups. cheffonier, oil paintings,” engravings, oleographs. Is. Seats, Speolal Reserved and Raised Seats. TeL 706. Masterpieces. 1 ornaments, timepieces, small quantity of plate and MADGE LESTER, Male Impersonator. & FUNERAL CARRIAGE H . C. BUTLER, linen, china and glass, Kent's 4-hole knife machine, TP™ PROPRIETOR 47, SILVERDALE ROAD, EASTBOURNE. capital mangle, refrigerator, kitchen tables, culinary JACK HEATH, Comedian. MACHINE BULEB. GUS ERN, Comedian. CARS, LASS OB CLOSED HEARSES, t BOOKBINDER. M A PLE ft OO., L im ited, utensils and numerous other effects. jj-ALLEBY KINEMA, Ea st b o u r n e OPEN On View the Day Previous to and Morning of Sale. H ippodrome Bioscope (Seleoted). [ Have received instructions to Sell bv Auction, on the Manager—Mr. Arthur Davis. Tel. M London Experience. SUSANS BOAD, EASTBOURNE. Catalogues of the Auctioneers, at their Offices, HOWE and ARDIE, Comedy Acrobats. 1A , Premises, as above, on THURSDAY, March 19th, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. The Drawing Room Kinema. ORPHEUS in his Musical Speciality. . : ARTIFICIAL IN GREAT VARIETY. I- . 1914, at Twelve o'olock, the whole of the superior NON-STOP PROGRAMME. BOOKS BOUGHT. f. ■ ■■ The Capital HOUSE TO BH LET. UNFURNI8HED. 45 to 10.30 Note the Prices: (Reserved Boxes, 12b. 6d. and 10s. Bd. t i u r n i T u r e -a n d e f f e c t s . NON-STOP PROGRAMME. 13, ROAD, EASTBOURNE. 1 NON-STOP PROGRAMME. J DAILY. (may bqbooked): Fauteuils, Is. 6d. (reserved, 2s.); Pit Preliminary Announcement. s J ------Grand Circle anaand promenade,Promenade, (early Further particulars will be duly announced. Is. 3d., reserved, ls. 6d.) ; Pit, 6d. (early doors, 9 DRAIN- Side Saddle and Cross. being largely attended by local, country and town Interrupted Game” and “Love and Courage” Horsburgh. I. ——J F,..., a , J ‘ j buyers. ■ ■ i > (Comics). KNIGHT, Goods purchased outright when desired. No expenses ALES TO BE CONDUCTED Plans a id Specifications may be seen and Form of evrmroTrro CARRIAGE GIG HARNESS. BY Thursday, Friday <£- Saturday, 19th, 10th & ilst Feb. Tender ol talnedattheBnlldingSurveyor’s Office,Town OUFKlvUJH Settlement of Aooounts_Every Thursday at Offloe s RITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY. LEGGINGS. STATION. PARADE, or forwarded by post. MESSRS. GUY ft SON. * “THB BOSE OF THEBES.”' B Voi. Aid Dkt., Sussex /12. 22 COLLARS. * Furniture Sales at Private Houses.—Property Also Exclusive to this Theatre. , ______to be delivered to* the under­ EASTBOURNE. and preliminary valuation and advice free. MONDAY, F e b r u a r y 23r d , at 1.30 p.m. A story of a great love and great sacrifice, full of tense Two Dramatic Entertainments signed not later than the 2nd day of March. 1914. TRUNKS and T r u n k R e pa ir s. Share Sales.—Best medium for disposal and highest MOUNT PLEASANT BRICKYARD, LANGNEY, and thrilling situations, revivifying Ancient Egypt. 'eet or any Tender will not necessarily be prioee always obtained. A Doll for a Baby,” Western Drama. “ The sp irit N e a r EASTBOURNE. -Will re given at SAFFBONS BOOMS, Valuations.—Moderate Fee only. >f Bmvy,” Drama. “ The SUly Sox,” Comedy. WM. CHAPMAN FIELD, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENCY.—Most careful and ALE BY AUCTION of a STACK of prime ‘Bloomer’a Accident” and “ The Constable’s FRIDAY, FEBRUARY tOth, at 3 and 8 p.m. i Architect and Building Surveyor. prompt personal attention given to this department. S (1913) MEADOW HAY (about 20 tons), Stump of Old D aughter,” Comics. SPECIAL PREPAID RATES. Hay (about two tons), quantity Trussed Hay and Litter, Prices, 4d. and 6d.; Balcony, Is. Tea served gratuitously A C r im e a n P l a y , INSURANCES of every description effected. about four tons Old Iron in lots, about five wagon-load at all Matinees to 6d. and Is. Seats. Capital service of ______SPECIAL. Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, Brick Bata, Rubble, Boulders and Clamp Burrs, quantity Motor 'Buses. Balcony Seats may be booked. TeL 1293. “ PENELOPE'S WOOING," W ANTS OF ALL KINDS, E . BARBATT TERRY, F.A.I. Firewood, about 250 yards Iron Fencing (4-ft. 9-ln. high, A n d a P a g e a n t , in 9-ft. lengths), 40 sheets Corrugated Iron, quantity I. T j O U R N E UNION. ARTICLES FOR SALS. (15 Years' Local Experience). Board and Matchingand Quartering, three New Panelled ELECTRIC THEATRE, “ THE ACCEPTED OFFERING," SERVANTS WANTED or SITUATIONS REQUIRED. and other Doors, 12 pieces Pitch Pine (250-ft. ran, 12-in. by OTAI^D’S BRANDY, SALE MONDAY NEXT. 6-in.), three pieces Pitch Pine (12-ft. by 15-in. by 3-in.). Largest Cinematograph Theatre in Eastbourne. Cast including Mifcs Parnell, Miss M. Thornton, M i* HOUSES or APARTMENTS O LET. 18 Glazed Sashes (8-ft. by 2-ft. 6-ln. each), four Tip Carts, Phillip, Mr. Ronald Cardwell. ny Homes and Guardians' Offices, with the SALE OF WELL-MADE SOLID FURNITURE. three 6-in. wheel Wagons, two Market Carts, Chaff Fitted with Up-to-Dato Ventilating Apparatus. Goods for the undermentioned periods from Are Advertised In the s of Tickets. 2s. 6d.; Reserved, 3s. At Messrs. Kenward’^ TERRY’S AUCTION ROOMS AND 8ALKYARD, Cutter, two Oil Cake Crackers, Turnip Cutter, Harness, Grove-road. BB 7A II r of April next:— 19, CORNFIELD ROAD, EASTBOURNE. two Carpenters’ Work Benches, about 26 Loads Manure, DAILY at 3, 7 and 9. Six-Months, . f : i, FIN E LIQUEUR COGNAC Fameombe ft Co/s (Ltd;) Sosse: FLOUR OROCERY. MEAT and UNDERTAKING, : f . .., t f ■ ■ At One Charge, Ttai II R . BARRATT TERRY, F .A .I. MONDAY, F i b . 16th, for Three Days Only. (95 Years' LocakExperience) t. 6-in. by 3-ft. by 4-ln.), Sundry Tools, four Sj-in. (Gui raateed over 90 yean old), 1 Im m snoif... (not over 90 Words) On* Shilling Iron Railwaytray Ralls (each 23-ft. long) and Sundry Effects, i "The Diamond Makers.” RUGBY FOOTBALL. DRAPERY, CLOTHING, DRUGS and CLOCK Is instructed to Sell on MONDAY NEXT, Feb! 16th, by order of thet Executors to the Will of the late Mr. 8 Insertions...... Two Shillings and Siranroi 1914, at Two ffflook, the Albert Gearing Bean. >• " ; Tiro Part Detectivetorama. L T P ” *- and ffects i t. mat be Printed Form to be had 7 Insertions -Mi.itt.MMI.MMMMtM.MH jlF B Shillings UPERIOR FURNITURE E , THURSDAY, F eb. 19th, for Three Days Only. including light oak office cabinet, mahogany book WEDNESDAY, February 25th, at Two p.m. SUSSES BOTTLE. i LnwstAdraitiieaenti at RroporHooat* Bates. ease,____S mahogany______sld< ie tabli ...... oak sideboard, y . SURREY. If Booked the usfcal rates will be eharged. i modern bow-front oak rol desk and another, THE BARLEY MOW INN, 8ELME8TON, Near “ Pearson’sWeeklyly” Missing Title Film. 2 pianofortes. 4-ft. 6-in. pol sideboard, grand- BERWICK STATION. Sensational1 Three Part Drama. To b e p la y e d ob. LIMITED QUANTITY. All snqh announoemente appear onoe In the) following: father clock in finely-inlaid well-made complete £100 FOR THE BEisT T it l e . dining __ room___ ^suite__ in _ polished_____ oak, com] uprising dmini ALE BY AUCTION of t h e V aluable THE SAFFRONS GROUND, 1 • ! S CONTRACTOR’S PLANT, comprising numerous In addition to a Special Programme of the Latest Eastbourne Chronicle I table,"overmantel, 6 chairs, carving chair and sldeboa items that were recently newly purchased and therefore East Sussex News burr walnut davenport, valuable books and pictures, In first-class order: Powerful grey cart mare, about eight ' Pictu mahogany dinner wagon, large gilt mirror, Indian brass tons 1912 meadow hay, 3-in. wheel threequarter wagon, j Hastings Independent placques and vases, 2 charming ebonised drawing room WEDNESDA Y NEXT > February Dith. lURNl cabinets, high-back chair, brass fenders and brass fire three capital tip carts (two by Wallis & 8tevens and one Telephone 123. Established 1888. YOUNG & RAWLEY, East Grinstead Observer implements, 2 old oak chests, circular gilt mirror, large by Stephenson) with lades, four strong Dobbin trucks In Taxi good order, four nearly-new heavy town cart harnesses P&OOTER ft ARNOLD, Kict-off at Three o'clock. Sussex and Surrey Courier [ vase, F.N. motor cycle, &e., in all about 250 Lots. and other harnesses, three horse rugs, awarth turners by .. at or On View To-day from 9.30 to 4 o’clock, and Sale Day. Ransome, two mowing machines, iron horse hayrake by A UCTIONEERS, VALUERS and ESTATE day of Head Office: Horsham Times A SALE EVERY MONDAY. —Bla ckstone • . & Co., newlrwo-horse Bwtwo-*-----*—J Iron plough — *-*— by ** ftenaome JA. AGENTS, ) Admission, Sixpence; Covered Stand, Sixpenoe extra. and whippons, two portable round galvanised Iron and ROAD M••••••«■ , at a tot anal an amount of ‘ Goods', can always be Included. oak feeding cribs, corn mill by Crowley & Co., corn 93, TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE, ■’’s V’- rid' ■ ■' out the unnorti tot of East crashing machine, oil cake crashing machine, rick cover H am pden P a r k , and a t 38, Conduit-street1, Branch Offices.'. ~ Sussex, among the most lnflnei Adtanta, lERRY’S AUCTION AND ESTAT (30-ft. by 21-ft.), hawker's small spring barrow, Tangyes London, w . TJ1ASTBOURNE CRICKET ft FOOTBALL OFFICES. chain block to lift 30-cwt. (Weston’s patent), 36-ln. horse -H i i CLUB. Hoad ...... Unequalled by any Other Medium, lawn mower by Ransome,24-in.lawn sweeper byRansome, House-Hunters' Guide free on application. Hotel Buildings GOOD PROPBBTY INVESTMENTS. new sand scry, galvanised iron bin, spades, grafts picks, THE SAFFRONS, MEADS ROAD. four-tine spuds, Iron carriage jack, sethorse boots, patent INCOME TAX ADJUSTMENT. To-day (Saturday), Feb. 14th, Wftd The Publishers guarantee a nod Sale COTTAGE PROPERTY, close to Station. treadle fretwork machine by Royal Hobbies, and sundry OLD TOWN. Messrs. WILSON ft CO., the I ncome T ax EASTBOURNE v. CARSHALTON (Southern Amateur ••••••••••••••••••••••ft VICTORIA DRIVE., effects, by order of the Administratrix to the Estate of the late Mr. Frank Lewis. . x pe r t s ccountants League). Kick-off 3-30. Admission 6d- and 9d. Terraoe, Meade • ••••••••• | HAMPDEN TERRACE. E and A , of Brighton, LONDC 15,000 COPIES ’EEKLY, MEADS, Freehold. Items of Stock and Implements, by permission, may attend at our Local Office every Tuesday, Safltens No. 2.-EASTBOURNE RUGBY F.C. v. DETAOHjn^ VILLA, Nioe Garden. be Inoluded in this Sale. from 10.30 to 5.30. : U EASTBOURNE COLLEGE. Kick-off 3.9. Admission 9d. Which m< i amum Catalogues may be obtained on the Premises and from — ------)------s------I------THE ABOi seen by about ItOA^Lovely Garden. the Auctioneers, Kirby Croft, Hailsham. Forms Completed and Claims for Repayment made' i tor Moderate Fees. ^ B. ft S. c; R. TIMES AS MANY 1X88. AD V IO B F.BBB E. CHATFIELD ft SON, B. W. H. HAMBLYN, QPECIAL CHEAP EXCURSION Established 1875. ^ 1 to LONDON, • ' WEST END AGENT, BUILDING SURVEYOR, Cowkeepers and Dairy Farmers, [ONEER and VALUER, BARTER, ft WBIGHT, j SUNDjAY, February 15th. 8, BUILDINGS, SEASIDE ROAD, ’DELIVER HIGH-CLASS , _ Di avem u c t io n e e r s and v a l u e r s , h o u s e , Return Faroe, 3rd Class. INTEREST Three T me* J Old C,------. — EASTBOURNE. Telephone 896. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, I road, £140. — Alfred Eaatj- A From wbenoe the i 1 bourne. Mr. H., having had over S3 yean' local experience 110, TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE TO TO to inspect oui (daring the fintlSot which he was oocupled in practical , (Adjoising tbs London and County Bank). LONDON. CROYDON. Conb “ USSSSPTiS YOU* BUSINESS PRINTING. work In the Building Trade), Is specially qualified tor Valuing and Managing House Property; or Supervising Valuations for Probate. Transfer and other purposes Tobeobti Park. ! is often] r that General ENT £80, Price £1,370. D elightful House Properties daring erection. 1 - PROPERTIES FOR SALE. 9.10 EASTBOURNE “Ch eofc on high ground. ] FURNISHED i*D UNFURNISHED RESIDENCES. 9.19 POLEGATE...... Tel^pbonefiB. RRent £95. Jevington-gardens. Apartment House. MESSRS. LLOYDS At a Reasonable Price. Residence. 11 rooms and large garden. 4 UOTIONEER8, VALUERS AND ESTATE BARN COMBE ft OO., Limited, Returning from Victoria 8.50 p.m., Clapham Junction Rent £110, Prioe £1,600. Southflelds-road. i V I AGENTS, etterpr ess a n d lithographic 8.55 p.m., and East Croydon; 9.10 p.m. See Bills. <30, ls.6d.}l " Low Price Freehold. Detached House with large PRINTBR8. 26,3*. 6d.; 50, | garden. 6, GILDREDGE ROAD, EASTBOURNE til newest i (Rood Facing the Railway Station). AllL kinds of Artistio and General Printing expeditiously Letterpress and . i Printing Local Homeflnder on application. TVIRECTION LABELS of all kinds manufao- 13.1. 64. Post | E dgabar Horn and Chartres, Cornfield - road. Estates Managed and Rente Collected Weekly and and carefully executed at Moderate Charges, ” tured at London Prices at Farnoombe ft Co.’s Ltd., PriaU o f all bourne. : Quarterly, Prompt Settlements. The “ Chronicle” Works, South-itreet, Eastbourne. (Limited) Printing Works, South-street, Eastbourne. # il

ij LB-


TniiMark: V I S BtfilUnd. the same. The Amalgamated Committee of | d Friendly Societies made a substantial grant to Jural |kto0. GS are P orous ISTO ELASTIC S' the infirmary from their annual public collec­ and Wabhabub. and 1 __ and effeotlye In rapport are highly recommend! the Medlaal Profee- tion, which points to the institution being TIMES o p HIGH WATER & LIGHTING-UP don for Strengthening Weak ' Swollen Limbs. genuinely appreciated by the working classes. High Water. Lighting Established Ykabs. Morn. After. Up Hr Prloe 6/- each; cheaper qualit 3/6. llUutncUd Liiti Fm. Saturday, Feb. 14 .. . 1.35 ... 1.56 ... 6.10 CQ1JET COTJBT BRA DIF ORD’S Special Depat for Ladies. ftaanal mib Social. Sunday, Feb. 15 ...... 2.17 ... 2.38 ... 6.12 i Comptojn-fltreet). * v * 7 A B M B, Monday, Feb. 16 .....,. 3. 0 ... 3.22 ... 6.13 Tuesday, Feb. 17...... 3.42 ... 4. 5 ... 6.15 [ 1J0, 3 till 6, and 7 M W. TRUSS, Stoop Cube Bi .on, | Supporting Belt Mr. T. KirbyStapley, of Eastbourne, has aooepted AND SUBOIOA ICE Wednesday, Feb. 18. .. 4.30 ... 5. 0 ... 6.17 ' NOVELTY, an invitation to beoome master of the East Sussex Thursday, Feb. 19 . .. 5.34 ... 6.16 ... 6.19 aison F loras 30, QUEEN’S ROAD, (BRIGHTON. Foxhounds. He has hitherto aoted jointly with Mr. R. H. Baskervfile, who is, however, retiring. Friday, Feb. 20...... 7. 3 ... 7.52 ... 6.21 r ! ik ' :: j TARGETS, i E s t a b l is h e d 1828. Ool. J. Clifton Brown, J.P., D.L., of Holmbush, iTOGIAPH SHOOTING ELECTION OF GUARDIANS, 1914. near Horsham, yesterday attained the age of 73 R oyal Society fob P revention op Cruelty p m n wmiRY* years. Ool. Clifton Brown, who has been m feeble t o A n im a l s , Eastbourne Branch. Hon. Sec, Minn „ which includes Sir Shota. TO THE BURGESSES OF THE UPPERTON health for some time, onoe unsuccessfully contested L o c k e P a d d o n , 1, Compton-i-treet. Subscriptions w a : the Eastbourne Division In the Liberal Interest. are urgently needed, and may be paid to the Hon. He was also for some years Chairman of the East­ Treasurer, H e n r y H o l v o a k e , Esq.. 30, Mill-road, P, .RK or at L> o t d '8 Ba n k , Ltd All complaints should be Exclusive Novelties L a d ie s a n d G e n t l e m e n ,— bourne Division Liberal Association. addressed to Inspector T. F i n n , 6,Willowflel(i-square, I have been asked by the Women's Local Government Eastbourne. ig b a t h . Association, and by several ratepayers to offer myself Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Inohbold, former residents for election as one of your representatives on the Board of Eastbourne, have been staying In the South of Old Gold and Silver Bought for cash or -M1W d Bathing, T to &»: /, 1 Ol,AwRnnn f FOR of Guardians. I Frauoe and are at present at Pprnlo, Loire exchanged for new goods. Watch, clock and jewellery I to 10.30: Lad as only. 10.15 to 18; QUALITY- MAY WE PRICES— Trained by the Charity Organisation Society, I was lnfdrleure, Mrs. Inohbold has written a new repairs promptly executed. Estimates for same given Mixed 1 lathing, 3.30 to UO. secretary in ~ Rugby ' for' four years. My work was to novel, “ Love in a Thirsty Land,” whioh is pub­ free of charge. Also re-plating, re-gilding, &c. -F. G. I Bathing. 7 to 0.30. investigate___ cases,____ to ___,_inate charity and__„ to lished by Messrs. Ohatto & WIndus. Clemencs, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 18. Cornfield- administer it as economically and efficiently as possible. road (Terminus-road end), Eastbourne. Phone 782. nee. S| lectators’ Gallery, T h e The Of the poor of this town and;of the social conditions I Early Spring. opence. QUOTE have an Intimate knowledge, having acted as friendly My goodness, what a price flowers a r e ! Yes ; visitor and adviser to many families, and as honorary but why not get a bowl of Tulips and Hyacinths secretary to the Tuberculosis! Caije Committee, and a LEAP HOSPITAL. instead, or let us.reflll those you have?"Quite reason- able prices.—J. C. H a s t in g s , 10, Pevensey-road, and B eat. Lowest. member of the Local Insurance Committee, lB, Compton-street. SRNAMENT My work in Eastbourne and in Rugby has also brought THE ENLARGEMENT SCHEME. YOU? me into close and friendly relations with the Guardians Make Your Home Look Nice by having at 10 a . m . and Poor Law officials. “ Attractive Well-Fitting Blinds,” and the best My chief oblect in offering myself for election is that I The oommlttea gratefully acknowledge the fol­ shop to proonre them is V in all & Sons, Ltd., 63 and New Sports Coats, Ladies’ Shirts, EINAJt8 . may be able to do more efficient work by linking up lowing subscriptions promised or reoelvea on behalf 63a, Terminus-road. Blinds can be made ana fitted i around No. 1 */-for the Day. some of the charities of this 1 town with the adminis­ of the extension fond, viz. the same day as ordered. Large stock of Hollands. II t tration of the Poor Law. My watchward will be £ 8. d. Rollers and Fittings always kept. Estimates given, Tailored Costumes, co-operation. Amounts previously acknowledged... 371 13 0 A great saving both to the rates and to the charitable His Grace the Duke of Devonshire... 25 0 0 Vinall & Sons, Ltd., 53 and 53a, Terminus- >ubUc would be effected by the prevention of over- HerGrace the Duchess of Devonshire 25 0 road. are now holding their Winter Stocktaking apping. Messrs. Bobby & Co., Ltd...... 5 0 Sale. In former years the custom of the firm has New Millinery and Lingerie, etc. As the majority of cases dealt with bv the Guardians General J. Nowell Young...... 3 0 been to take stock first, the Sale after. This year, PARK are those of women and children, I should endeavour to J. L. Pattison, Esq...... 2 0 owing to the very heavy stocks In aU departments, make myself sp lally useful iri their interests, Messrs. C. O’Hara & Sons, Ltd., this has been found impossible. Consequently very ShouldSho you aoo me the honour to elgctelget me as one of £10.10s., to be paid at the rate of large reductions will be found on all regular goods Original designs for Gowns. ®EtE. your representatives, I shall be able to devote most of £2. 2s. per annum (1st instalment),.. 2 2 0 in every department throughout the house. The C O ALS. my time to Poor Law work. Anonymous ...... 2 0 0 mild weather of 1913 has left a great bulk of Furs Murray Kino St Class. Messrs. H. W. Haskings & Sons 1 and Coats. These are greatly redueed to ensure a I am, Ladies and Gentlemen, I 1 0 y olearance. 8heetings, sheets, Blankets, Down Your obedient Servant, £436 18 0 s are also muoh reduced. Carpets, Linoleums, JAY) AT 230 AND 8. S are also on the bargain list. A great addition DOROTHY CHAMBERLAIN. to the Sale this year will be the plies of Travellers' Rocheberie, P i 1 ■ " Samples, bought' subject to 28 per cent, off, whioh AND Blaokwater-road, MR. HAMEL'S SENSATIONAL fLTING, advantage is entirely given to the Customers, CHARliEH MACDONA. Eastbourne., h Amongst this lot are Damask Cloths. 8ervlettea Head Office: 2, STATION PARADE Five o’clock Cloths, Cushion Covers, Tray Cloths, 59) 61, 63 & 63a, Grove Road, Present The return visit of Mr. Gustav Hamel has been Chair Baoks, Sideboard Cloths, Nightdress Cases, (Near Eastbourne Station). responsible for much further pleasurable excite­ ’ Pillow Cases. This Is undoubtedly a great ’oppor­ L O M A C Y. ment, the pluoky young airman having given tunity to buy cheap goods. Telephone 524. EASTBOURNE. Telephone No. 864. several exhibitions of looping the loop and fanoy Winter Sale of Reliable Footwear NoW is Theai re, London. flying from the Seaside aerodrome, The weather Proceeding.—Observe, J. J. Saunders. ioG, South- on two or three occasions was stormy, and street (between Devonshlre-plooe and St, Saviour's SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1914. although this had no terrors for the aviator, it Church). naturally thinned the “ gate,” and prevented the Notice. — All those who wish to Warehouse it 19th, fig Six Nights at 8. finanolal result being so satisfactory as could be their Furniture should not do so until they have lay and Saturday at 2.90. wished. Tuesday was beautifully fine, and a full inspected Messrs. G. E. Maynard’s, Limited, Ware­ Singing Competition.—A highly-suocessful A MOST ECONOMICAL SHOE s t r a y n o t e s moon made the evening perfeet. Mr. Hamel, houses, which are the finest in Eastbourne, Estimates Horticultural Lecture.—On Tuesday even­ free.—Note the address, G. E. Maynard. Limited, smoking concert was held at the Marine Hotel on ing next, in oonnsotlon with the Hortl jultural i Successful Drama of London taking advantage of the exceptionally light night, I Thursday evening by the membere of the Slate (FOR HOUSE OR Gl WEAR). decided to make an ascent. He accordingly went Removal and 8torage Contractors, Greystone- Society, Mr. G. F, Tinley (iHsIstant editor of the Guardians’ Su r pr ise . buildings. South-street, Eastbourne Club Whioh is held at that house. Mr. A. Bassett Gardener'8 Chronicle) is to give a publio leoture at m \ " u f ± 4 1 up at 9.30 and remained in the air for half an hour. ' was in the ohalr and was supported by a number the Technical Institute on “ The value of Ommloal Several Guardians of considerable length During the flight he looped the loop three times, The economical housewife makes her own of prominent east end tradesmen. During the Manures." 3B OPEN i DOOB.” of service heard apparently for the first time once over the sea and twice over the land. Marmalade, and she buys genuine 8evil!e Oranges at evening a singing competition was held. Consider­ Mr. Hamel gave his concluding exhibition on 8d., 9d., lOd. dozen from J. C. Hastings, 10, Peveneey P opulab Lecturb on Canada,—The illus­ on Friday that the namejof j“ Lowe” had once road, and 1b, Compton-street. able ability was shown by several of the com­ been associated . a oon- petitors, and the task of the judges (Messrs. trated lecture on Canada by Mr. E. E. Oarleton he left Billiards.—Billiard tables re-covered,cushions attracted a large and highly appreciative gathering by 23rd, fbr Six Nights at 8. prise was Moorton, Taylor and Lentchford) was no easy - roP' Ing oon- re-rubbered, cues, tips, Spinks’ ohalk, handlca matter. The (results were as follows t— to the Floral Hall on Thursday evening. The day and Saturday at 2.30. 5/11 listinguish the Infirmary wards by the names veved by the same train. Mr. Hamel Is to give an sheets, fee. Balls adjusted and Btjined.—Collins.! lecture, both descriptively and pictorlally, w s one 5/1 South-street, Eastbourne. Sentimental.—1st prize,'Mr. Loadsman, salad bowl; I ! i • .! of gentlemen prominently concerned with exhibition of looping the loop to-day at Wolver­ 2nd, Mr. Wilmott, 4-aoz. table knives; 3rd, Mr. Budden, of exceptional interest and praotical utility. The TIME 01r A N Y STAGE! poor law work in. Eastbourne. To Mr. hampton. Arctic Weather ameliorated by an ever- J-doz. dessert knives. audience was afforded a mass of valuable Informa­ Hamblyn (the late chairman), who had, as he ] ready gas fire. About 50 of the best type still In Comic.—1st prize, Mr. Burton, box of cigars; 2nd, Mr. tion on the geographical character of the Dominion, declared, interested himself from boyhood in atoek.—Gas Co., 10, Suasex-gardens. Beeny, safety razor; 3rd, Mr. Gausden, 5s. and also of the labour and economio Conditions. the Board’s doings, the fact that Canon Lowe HELEN HENSCHEL’S SONG RECITALS. Mr. Corleton pointed out that there wias no euoh South-street Church, Countess of Hunt­ Red Cross Society,—One of the Detachments (Stout Glaoe Kid, Leather Heels). had once presided over that body seemed thing as a Garden of Eden In the world, and If ►NDON ( QMpANY nt ingdon's Connexion.—On Sunday next, February of this sooiety, Sussex 12 (Wnmen), announces a people went over to Cane.da with the Idea that ik j l almost incredible. Well, the Lowe regime ' We understand that the advanoe booking is very dramatic entertainment for Friday next for the ■■m i 15, Rev. J. B. F/ggis, M.A, of Brighton, will was a Garden of Eden, they were doing the worst The Ladies’, i k 4, Greystone passed certainly a rather long time ago ; but heavy for Miss Hensohel’s song reottals at the preaoh both morning and evening. purpose of providing the necessary funds for possible thing. Canada was a strenuous oountry R D t :i E LAW.” there are surely many living residents able to Saffrons Rooms on Monday next at 8 and 8.30. hospital equipment. The Crimean play, Penelope's Boy Scouts’ Exhibition. —The 1st East- for a strenuous people, and was not at all friendly re-call it. The writer, forone, has nojdifflculty 816 J lad W ,th,lPk the daughter of Dr. . ^ ,®x Wooing, which contains scenes at Scutari, with to the weaklings, whether they were physically or >-Ac t Hay, b j P D. Hotton. and Children’s Buildings, in doing so, having regularly reportediorted the I Ge?.rKe “ enschel, the famous singer, is to be so | B P.” Boy Scouts are to hold an Miss Nightingale and her band of nurses at work mentally weak. It was a country bristling with well supported here, and deservedly so, for to hear exhibition of oarving, models and other interesting among the sick and wounded, should prove Board meetings during a considerable portion A L a m a I a a AI _ M . 1 J __- 3 __ _ J _ - V A_ v i vs s« . t I onto a V. C t Q n n i a ss m’ a O l t m «.a U - — - — — - It) _ J __ _ difficulties and suited only to the persons of tho P roduct) dh in L o n d o n . the eeleotlon of old and modern Frenoh and English objeots at St. Saviour's Church-Room on Wednes­ extremely interesting and Appeal to all. Under Bootmaker, Eastbourne of the late CanonLoweys —x*!“ V icar day and Thursday next. Amongst the models right type. — The illustrations comprised both songs which Miss Hensohel’s programme includes, Mies Farnell’s talented management, the play oan- lantern views and cinematograph films, and all j h ■ of WiUingdon.beingtheim m ediate predecessor I Rendered with her perfection of'style and inlmlt- will be one of a complete Soouts’ camp. There will not but meet with entire approval, and It Is to be 1 A {Opposite S. Saviour's Church). also be one or two novel side shows. The exhibition were very vivid and effective. BO Y A I -i • -f - 1;r of the present holder of the living, Canon | able oharm, should indeed be a treat. hoped that the hard-working Detaohment, Sussex Lowe was a tall, spare inan, whose natural Particulars as to prices, &o„ will be found In the will be opened on Wednesday at 4 0 by Mrs. 12, who have twloe won the County Cup for the The K ikuyu Communion. — By request the- kindliness and scrupulous impartiality en- advertisement oolumns. Barriugton Miller, and on Thursday at 6 0 by Mrs. Eastbourne Division, may b supported by a large Vioar of Holy Trinity (the Rev. G. P. Bassett ODR OME, deared him to the whole of his colleagues Horsburgh, It Is hoped the venture will be well and appreciative Eastbom e audienoe on this Kerry) has published his recent special sermon on supportedted Occasion. the above subject. Copies, 21. each, may be had Amongst the latter, there occur to us at the I of looal booksellers. | .!] - ? ! W. Wnn moment the names of Canon Pitman (Vicar of NEW TOWN CRIER. “The Creed of Rome.” —The inclement Daisies’ United Sla1 Club.—The ninth PftO M FT CYCLE AND MOTOR CYCLE REPAIRS. Eastbourne), Mr. Joseph Gorringe, Mr. George [ weather materially a footed the attendance at a annual meat tea and sooial if this club took place Twenty-One Years as Secretary.—During Raymond. public leoture entitled “ The Creed of Rome Tested •ill Homewood, Mr. R. Insoll, Mr. C. Bradford, The post of Town Crier, rendered vacant by the at the Leaf Hall on Wedm ay, when about 50 sat the proceedings on Tuesday of the Eastbourne Uie Week. $ by Scripture,” whioh was given at the Saffrons down to an excellent repalst, catered for by the Horticultural Society, who were bolding their •V GEOROE DOULL & CO. ’P hone 608. Mr. R. J. Graham, Mr. F. W. H. Cavendish, death of Mr. Charman, has been filled up by the Rooms last evening. Mr. W. M. Evans (pastor of Mr. Low ther H unter, Captain Taylor, Mr. J. S. appointment thereto of Mr. A R. Soarlett, of 160, proprietor, Mr. Kum. S. Foster aoted as annual meeting, opportunity was taken to make a AUDETILLK. (Proprietor, Gxorgz Doull), Whltley-road. The matter oame before a sub­ Cavendish-place Chapel) oocupled the ohalr. The chairman, Letters of aj ogy for unavoidable presentation to Mr. E. A. Newman, who had com­ Ade, Mr. C. Simmons and Mr. Tom Cooper, of leotnrer was the Rev. Alexander Roger (minister absenoe were received im Alderman C. F. pleted 21 years’ eervioe as secretary. In the t whom only the last named is now living. committee of the Wateh Committee on Thursday, of Emmanuel Church, Putney), whose views on the Giantess, 56 b GROVE ROAD. Garage and Workshop : 1, WE8T STREET* the former being given authority to make a definite Simmons, Mr. S. Simmons, Cowper Smith, Mr. absenoe of the President (Alderman O’Brien in height, appointment. There were eight applications, and subject were frequently applauded by the audienoe. F. Pike, Mr. H. H. Froud ai Mr. J. J. H. Wallace, Harding), the presentation, which consisted of a Songs were contributed b iss B. Sharp, Miss E, clock and an illuminated address, was made by es. Old B ut R easonable. four of the aspirants. In an interview with the B bitish and F oreign Sailors’ Society,— A Fantasy of Have you seen the Calthorpe Motor Cycle at £26. 5s. ? snb-oommittee, went through a oouree of exerolses, An opportunity of aiding the useful work of this Sharp, Messrs. J. Green, Burton, J. Willmott, Alderman C. F Simmons, who paid A warm Many old laws are so unsuited to modern vocal and otherwise. Mr. Soarlett, who beoame society ooonrs on Satnraay next, the 21st inst., on H. Graebe, W. Wallis, ^ Biggs, and J. Prloe. tribute to Mr. Newman’s ability and zeal during , The NUT of THE SEASON. conditions that, although left on the Statute the unanimous cnoioe of the aab-commlttee, was Messrs. Neal and Tee playi a pbono-flddle dnet, the long period of his secretaryship.— Mr. Newman, the afternoon of whioh day an important sale of and also a mandoline dnet. Mr. J. Price gave an from whom the intended gift bad been kept a secret, ACCESSORIES, PETROL, OILS, TYRES, Ere. Book, they have very properly been allowed formerly in the Royal Navy and le at present care­ arttoles (contributed by the Eastbourne Ladies’ Male; Impersonator. WIRELESS REQUISITES. to fall into desuetude. 1 Occasionally, how­ taker at St. Anne’s Chnroh. A man of good Gnild) will be held at the Westminster Hotel, 22, accordion solo, Mr. G. Col ell a euphonium solo relumed bis grateful thanks for this unexpected 4.TH, C (median. presenoe and smart bearing, he Is endowed with a Hyde-gardens. The sale will be opened by Mrs, and Mr. W. Brown a . mophone selection. Mr. and muoh - appreciated acknowledgment of his I ERN, Con edian. ever, an ancient and little kq^wn enactment F. Neal rendered “ The broken melody,” by request. services. He should always value the testimonial, retains the virtue of reasonableness and strong, resonant voloe, and will no doubt worthily Earp at three o’clock. That lady and Miss A. M. j ! T.1, 880. acquit himself in his new position. Gregory (the hon. secretary) wilwill explain a novel Mr. Tioehnrat was the companlst and Mr. C. knowing that it had been prompted by the kina »IK,( fly Acrobats. 21, CORNFIELD TERRACE, .pplicability, and suchr a character may, we Brown M.C, feeling of the members. Near Foot Devonshire Place. nink, be given of the provision under which |a scheme for raisingng funds, of whiohw__ the reoelpts I in his Mu 1 Speciality. from the Bale willIra— form ”the nnoleus. The Chaplain’s Treat! at the Wobkhouse Gallery K inema Sunday EveninoS! YICBB. . ML and 10s. H . A BONDOLFI, visitorto the Union Infirmary was prosecuted COASTAL ROAD SCHEME; was given on Wednesday last, i A special tea was —At to-morrow evening's service the spei er will for surreptitiously admihistering a mixture _ Natural H istory Society.—A meeting of lys a fresh Supply of high-class English a id Foreign Cakes and Confectionery the Eastbourne Natural History, Photographio irovided for all the Inmates] inoluding those in the be the Rev. J. G. Henderson. The pi togs- I and Pram'1 la. (early loon; of milk and spirit to one of the patients. The fnflrmary, and each reoeived a paoket of tobacoo, begin at 8 15 and last about an hour. ^ t . * U Loots, M.); Upper action of the defendant paay have been per­ CONFERENCE AT EASTBOURNE. and Literary Sooiety was held on Tuesday after­ a No. 336. OJHCOC noon, when Mr. T. J. Richards, M.A. (the hon. tea or sweets. After tea an excellent concert was aval and ilitary all fectly well-intentioned, ertainly there could A farther oonferenoe of representatives of the given in the dining hall, thq programme of which N M B ,—The tenth of B R E A D and ROLLS DELIVERED to ALL PARTS o f the TO W N — PROMPT, boronghs of Eastbourne, Bexhtll and Hastings and secretary), lectured on “ Cross fertilisation of these well-arraDged and enjoyable re-unions was have been no vicious in live; but conduct of Flowers." Mr. E, J. Bedford was in the ohair, and was arranged by Mr. Vernon Searle, the organist. brought off at the Town Hall on Tuesday night. the kind complained of ii not only subversive the Eastbourne Rural Dlstrlot Council was held at Songs were given by Mias i Edith Taylor, Mr. M. L.N s o c ia lr u n io n the Eastbourne Town Hall yesterday. Those said, in introducing the leoturer, that they all knew Matthews and Master Eric; Relf, and violin solos The oompany numbered nearly 200, and the event iBRY K1NEMA, * i ’ of discipline. It may e. lily conflict w ith the present Inolnded the following : — Eastbourne : and appreciated the work Mr. Rfohards had done by Mr. Francis Rivers. Mr. Harri Collins also was attended with all desirable soeoess. Influential iblic Meeting treatment which a patii _t is receiving from with regard to the flower stand.—The leoturer said patronage had been extended to the ball, and GilL AjFFRONS ROOMS, EASTBOURNE. The Mayor (Councillor O. W. Bolton), In the ohalr, It was not till the 16th century it was discovered delighted the audienoe by hts impersonations of a A, at 6.15 p.TR., TERMINUS ROAD. S' doctor and nurse, and ave physical con- Aldermen Keay and Sharp, with the Town Clerk postman and a railway inspector. Mr. Searle amongst those present were Col. A. A. O&kden, j i sequences the reverse 01 those desired. In that plants exhibited the phenomena of sex. Surgeon Turner, Major Mdse, Capt. W. A. Sparrow, 63c, Txrminus-road, and Borough Surveyor; Hastings: The Mayor aoted as aooompanist, and also contributed piano HELEN HENSCHEL. the present case, for ins’ .nee, we learn that, (Opnnoillor E. Atmitage Hooking), Alderman B. Fertilisation was by no means universally neces­ solos. The Rev. J. 0. Pyper (chaplain) expressed Capt. S. H. Bradford, Major J. H. MoDougaU, ! Govemmet t and Education, W. H. Tree and OounoUlor Fellowes; Bexhlll: sary, and many plants possessed the requisite Lieut. T. Sutton, Sub-Lienc. Crooks, Mrs. Astley A BEIGHT HOTJB’S SEEVICE after swallowing the decoction, the patient organs, but did not use them. The various his thanks to the subscribers who had helped him Roberts, Miss Astley Roberts, Counclllor-Horaeo Mr. 7 cCormac. . , was seized with a violent fit of coughing, and Councillor F. Bond, the Town Clerk, and Borough agenoies for transmission of pollen were wind, to provide the tea and presents, to the performers, Morgan, &c. There was a bright little oeremonlal Admission 6 L , j , j_____ . vill bb hbld TVyO SONG RECITALS, during the night it was feared she might die. Surveyor; Eastbourne Rural Distriot Council: and also to the Master and offioers for their most Messrs. F. J. Dann, O. J, Knight and 0. F. Russell, water, inseots, birds, and, in some eases, small willing and efficient help in carrying out all the opening. Trptr. Soarlett sounded the “ Assembly,'* EVERY SUNDAY EVENING Hence both tne impropriety and the unlawful­ with the Clerk. snails, &o. Mr. Riohards then described the arrangements. He also explained that the treat Petty Offloer Morris piped “ All hands on deck,” EbSO^HIC AL SOCIETY. MONDAY, February 16th. ness of the accused’s behaviour. Owing to methods of various plants, suoh as grass, nettles, the orchestra played the National Anthem and At 8.16 p.m. The Borongh Surveyor of Eastbourne (Mr. A. oomposltal (i.e., plants with flower heads with had been held on thaft day so that it might fit in then took up the opening valse. There was a At 3.0 and 8.30 p.m. the rarity of the offence and the evident Ernest Prescott) submitted a plan showing the with the visit of the Bishop to re open the chapel, tfQWlI WALT. ignorance of the defendant, the Bench imposed widening of the existing road In the rural distriot many florets), water-violet, purple loosestrife, &o. programme of 20 dances, besides three sap FEBRUARY 15th : In conclusion, four marvellous methods of oross- and said that he appreciated very highly all that selections and two “ extras,” the musio for: OAT, Febru vry 18th, at 3 p.m. Res jrved Seats, 4s. and 2e. 6d.; Unreserved, Is, Tickets no penalty. At the same time, they approved from the borongh boundary near the Aylesbury fertillsation were given, two being of orohlds, one the Master had done in connection with the build­ was efficiently provided by Mr. J. E. Pellgen’s Speaker REV. J. G. HENDERSON. of the prosecution, and their hope tnat the Dairy to Pevensey Bay and an extension thereof ing of the vestry and the adornment of the ohapel. can n >W be obtained from Miss J. M. Harvey (Business along the coast towards Norman’s Bay, with a new the yucoa plant, and lastly the fig tree. —The orohestra. The catering was entrusted to Mr. A.M- I w b )d g w o o d Mansger), 12, Grassington-road, Eastbourne. case may prove a warning will be generally Theobophioal Lecture. — On Wednesday Hammer, of the Grosvenor Restaurant. Onoe ALL ARE llE A R TILT WELCOME. road and bridge over the raUway to Joln np with the I eajd he again Q M.S. F. Billenness, B F.A., discharged the m L ip r u u ox - shared. existing road Ijy the Starlnn/at Sluice, | of afternoon next, at the Town Hall, Mr. J. L Wedg­ and a new road to the north of thekvenSsy railway adjoin­ fcpreffif iToto wood will give a publio leoture on “ PhychTo onerous duties or hon. secretary, whilst rendering, A Squeezable A uth ority, thanks, offered some very illuminating comments Powers, their Rationale and] Use.” useful assistance as M.Ct’s ana stewards may be RATIONALE ing the Cooden Golf Links, linking up with the on oross fertlllsatlon, and said that although it specially mentioned Petty Officer Hopkinson, OUNTY BOROUGH OF EASTBOURNE. Six or eight years ago the Local Govern­ Bexhlll road at the tramway terminus. Eastbourne Athletic Club.—This clnb will C' The length of the proposed road would be about was easy enough to make observations, the dlffi- R.N.V.R., Sergt. H. Dyer, R.E.,Oorpl. H. Maynard, LColle i made to assist la ment Board declared that the building of a new oulty was to know what it all meant. Not many be represented In the South of the Thames Cross R.F.A., and Trptr. O. Ml Taylor, S.Y. The very HOBTIOULTUBN.. Workhouse would brook no delay. Repeatedly six miles, of whioh over 3J miles would be In the people knew that the flowers of the violet whlon ~ ■ . . . - ■ 1 • ■ -■ Lda^atCobham, pleasurable entertainment oame to an end About „ : . ■ - u 1 Tie Education Committee beg to annoum that_ they since then they have “ insisted ” that- the | Ewtbourne rural distriot and the remainder In the we saw never bore seeds, but that the real seed- Gander, S. 3 am . — ; lave node arrangements with the Eastbourne Hoiirticui- borongh of Bexhlll, with a suggested width of 50 ______„ „ . White,E. Catt, sural Society for a LECTURE In the Lecture Theatre, Guardians shall take the necessary steps to feet, with 86 feet oarrlage way. , producing flowers were inconspicuous, and close Births and Deaths,—The official return for C R W. S. SOUIRE & CO. utilise (he land purchased! for this purpose at to the ground, and as they never opened coaid G. E. Martin, G. W. Lewis. A. H. Eldridge, W. E:r —f— Alter considerable dlsenaalon as to finance and never be fertilised. He also quoted some interest­ ~ ~ lour. Of the 28 January shows there were during that month 80 Troop •p.P.” Boy Sconto will ------——--; Dy J/aL„ __ _ Polegate. The Guardians have met these the Incidence of the Qoet, It was eventually deolded .ngers, ex-Irish births, viz., 52 males and 28 females. This repre­ iterated demands by diplomatic evasion and a ing remarks of a celebrated lady botanist, Dr. tin Sr. Si noun’sI’a Rooms, South- ‘Gardeners’ Chronicle”). Admission to provisionally approve the plan and that the four Marie Stokes, on the question.—The vote of thanks vin, while the sents a rate of 17‘61 per 1,000 of the popnlation per DAY. FK [RCAcaby 19th, at Four I General Furnishing Ironmon Ladles invited. certain show of independi ce, with the result authorities concerned shonld instruct their Sur­ was seconded by Mrs. Green, of Halleham, and Eastbourne Olnb are not Considered to have any annum. The deaths numbered 54 (30 males ana 24 IT, Fkbrud ^ry 19m, at Six p.m. that they have induced th< itehall authority veyors to prepare an approximate estimate of the oarrled with applause. ohanee at all by the London sporting newspapers, females), 22 being of persons 6a years of age and lbeOpenei GYPT EXPLORATION FUND. to permit improvements i the existing struc- oost In consultation, after whioh the Road Board but the olub has a much betterteam than used to be upwards. The death rate was 11 89, or. exoludlng. ______on Wednesday by Mrs. Eleotro Platers, Cutlers, shonld be asked to reoelve a depntatlon to disonss T rade P rotection Society.—There is, we the ease, and they will be greatly disappointed If the deaths of non residents, 1166. Five deaths t, and on T mreday by Mrs. C. W. E ture, and to defer the ligger questionque of occurred at the Princess Alice Hospital and five ak SAFFRONS ROOMS, Meads-r/dad. re-building. When, however, the Board the project. understand, a brisk demand for tickets foe the they do not . improve upon their sixth position of TUESDAY, February 11th, at S o’clock. A very cordial vote of thanks was passed to Mr. above society’s Annual dinner, whioh takes Mace last year. the Workhouse Infirmary, recently proposed to erect on the present site Presoott for preparing the plan and to the Mayor at the Grand Hotel on March 4th, Amongst LECTURE (Illustrated with Lantern Views), by League of Young L iberals Whist Drive. Eastbourne F oxhounds. — Tuesday's meet, BED C' to ss SOCIETY. T. Bi 8IO PRET, M.A. (one of the Chief Excavators a nurses* home, maternity wards, &c., they of Eastbourne for presiding. I entlemen who have promised to attend are Mr. , jtm Det., f tJBBKX /12. 22, TERMINUS ROAD. sought the sanction of the superior body with L S. Gwynne, M.P., the Mayor of Eastbourne —At the monthly whist drive in oonDection with whioh was at Hankham, where Mr. W. Elphlck of the Fund), on “Abtdos: A City or the Dead.” g the League of Young Liberals, held at Cave’s gave the field a cordial reception, yielded some Sea s, 2s. 6d. . and Is., at Kenward & Co.’s, natural trepidation, and were not surprised | (Councillor Bolton), the Mayor of Hastings (Goan- good sport. Ejected from Hankham gorse, Reynard 43, Gr jve-road, bourne. Workhouse Chapel.—Recent additions to oillor E. A. Hooking), Sir G. Pragnall, and repre­ Cafe on Wednesday, the attendance was a record itic Entertainments one. No fewer than 134 players were present and led the way in a fast, circuitous spin, whioh the ohapel at the Workhonse lnolnde a vestry, a sentatives from the Brighton and other aooietlee. eventuated in his finding “ sanctuary” in Mr. AT OhJn fBQHS BOOMS, re red os and a font, whilst the building Is now 33 tables were occupied. The large upstairs room A HOOD SELECTION OF SEASON’S HOODS. AFFRONS ROOMS, EASTBOURNE. L ifeboat P ractice.—The quarterly practice was found to be too small and the ground floor had Marden' barn at LaDgney. The barn Ming fall of V A R Y iOth, at 3 and 8 p,nu delay.” The Guardians felt that this stipula-1 }i8hted b? electriolty. The execution of these took place on Thursday In a rather choppy sea. to be requisitioned for some of the tables. The prize hay no attempt was mtee to dislodge him. The best run of the day followed a find at Dltton'a j* ■ • l •'* r WEDNESDAY, February 18th, at 8.16. tion put them in rath er a false position; th e y | Inmates{^mates themselves,Orems ’ ** aotlng 1*rge-y under the -® ^•ordirections ? of The full crew was present, with Coxswain T. winners w ere:—Gentlemen: 1, Mr, Davis, 189; 2, i Crimean Plat, ! accordingly wrote for ai) explanation of the Erridge in command. The practice, which oeonpied Mr. Maynard, 170, Ladlek: 1, Mrs. Fritz, 177; 2, gorse. Hounds were kept on the stretch the greater ■ |j i t'o I Mr. W. Prloe (master), who, ably baoked up by the part of an hour, when scent gave ont and pursuit OPES WOOING," > i. phrase “ without undue delay.” Strange to Matron (Mrs. Prloe), has made the undertaking a about two hours, was entirely satisfactory. Miss E. Betts, 173. Lady playing gentleman, Miss Xleotrio, Giul and Hot Water THE COMPTON DRAMATIC CLUB G. Betts, 189: oonsolation prizes (better luok next was abandoned In the neighbourhood of Hankham. | 'An> a Pag iirr, say, the subsequent reply re-affirmed the labour of love. The officers of the House provided The Guardians’ Election.—Miss Dorothy Few of the field remained to visit the osier bed at WO) present the Farcical Comedj in Three Acts, by Authority’s approval of the scheme, but | the materials for the font, and the House Com­ Chamberlain, of Boobeberle, Blaokwater-road, has time), Mr. Barrett, 139; Miss Sandy, 120. The VEPTED^ OFFERING," Hngineera. Arthur Law, enn rlzes were presented at the close to the winners Wlllingdon, but those who proceeded thither were wholly- ignored - the very!. significant ; ququestion mittee, as private individuals, supplied the neoea- Issued her address as an intended candidate for rewarded with a nice gallop, the fox being driven s ary articles for the erection of the re redos. At gy OounoUlor F. Carter. The catering was up to ijFhrneU, ffiss M. Tbomton, Mian “THE NEW BOY.” of the Guardians. Evidently the Local Giovem- the Upperton Ward at the ensuing election of Cave's nsual excellent standard and a very enjoy­ to Wannock Wood and thenoe to Folklngton, it Mr. Cardwell. ment Board’s bark is worse than its bite, shortened evensong on Thnraday the Bishop of Guardians. The members retiring by rotation are where he went to ground. Ohloheeter dedicated the reredos and font, many the Rev. H. von E. Scott and Councillor A. A. able evening was spent by aU present. At Messrs. Ken ward’s. ~ r i rrot eed# in Aid of the Funds of the Princess PAXES OE a v n l r sbsobiftioh Alice Hospital. of the Inmates being present as well as a number Chapman. Miss Chamberlain unsuccessfully con­ ,■ A Co-P artNe b sh ip . of visitors. tested the Old Town Ward last year, there having EZBOUTED WITH PROMPTITUDE. Reserved Scab 5e. and 2s. 6d. N ot the least interesting matter to come idlda 1 4’- 1 Unreserve Seats, Is.; may be obtained from Mils Steer,-, 2, Lans- before the ensuing meeting of the Gas _ _ iioulars for pnbllo undertakings, she has beoome mnon better 3?0 >TB A LL. lowne-terraoe; Mr. J. Paxton, 18, West-terrace;3; Mr. E. Company is the proposed co-partnership the Bifi TsuFEoin No. 1167- ’Be, Kingsmead, Meads-street; and Mr. C.M. Taylor, itary. known. She has come forward at the request of the South street. scheme, under which the employes will share Women’s Local Government Association and a in an annual distribution! of tne profits. Such The Younossi Child to F ly.—A letter from number of ratepayers; and her intimate know­ See Right Hand THIS DAY and SURREY an arrangement has, it appears, Deen adopted Mr. B. W. Lovely, of Cavendlsh-plaoe, Eastbourne, ledge of the Poor Law, as well as considerable O W N H A L L , EASTBOURNE, by the chief Gas Companies, and the directors “ . . . - yMterd>yi | n administrative experience, will no donbt commend Side Window. ALL NEXT WEEK. HITDBOH’B are convinced it will operate to the mutual her candidature to many of the eleotora. Miss 'H l’BSD AY, February 19th, tI91f, at 8.16 p.m, JJO U 8 E H O L D R E M O V SA FLS 1 advantage of stockholders and workmen. The Chamberlain is of opinion that In the distribution t e s GROUND, BEHABIdH EFFICIENT. i R h . BWOBBT aged five, la the youngest human beii . to fly. of pnblio charities there is a good deal of over­ proposal displays, we think, great considerate- lapping, and her objeet la to link up some of the (Pa ions: His Worship the Mayor and the Mayoress) nesa on the part of the directors, and it will, think that. - my _ ------little boy------Arthur------holds .is distinc­ tr o B O V ’i tion. He flew for about twenty minutes with charities with the administration of the Poor in A i tt-of the Funds of the Eastpoume Diocesan Shelter. of course, be much appreciated by the Lieut. Travers In one of Mr. Grahame-Whlte’e Law. Her full address appears in another oolumn. l Y NEXT, February 18th. p D R N I T U B E DEPOSITORIES. MISS ELIZABETH MUIRHKAD will give a employes, who may not have found the conven­ nspboxton nvited “ Farm an” machines on August 3rd, 1912, when Church Music Reform.—Mr. 8. Royle Shore, ■ > B a rr. I I . CHRIMES, tional vote of thanks a very marketable com­ he was 3 years 9 months 29 days old.” jck-off at Three o'clock. OQNOEBT OF CHAMBER MUSIC, member of the House of Laymen, and Birming­ 1 * U D B O V ’B Assisted by the following Artistes: modity. j i * Compton Dramatic Club.—The membere of ham Cathedral Leoturer in Ecclesiastical Musio, &o. TTJMIEB and FURRIER, ocalist: Miss J eanne l’Hommedieu (of Cincinnati, this oompany are giving a publio performance In (who Is visiting Eastbourne), Is to move the follow­ »; Cover (d Sund, Sixpeao* extra. BAN PASSENGER OFFICES. 8J,). ’Cello: Mrs. DarbvshireJ onbs (Nee Miss E a stbo u rn e E y B I n f ir m a r y . the Saffrons Booms on Wednesday evening next, ing resolutions at the sessions next week of the HC sm -w C/R n o a n - m Tktots lsraad tor aU lines aA Lowest Rates. Beanland). Viola: Miss Dorothy Jones. *M 3»M I]irU (S x t b'l.t’ V O * Mr. Charles J aoobt. Piano : Miss Elizabeth House of Laymen for the Provinoe of Canterbury :• HUDSON Muirhead. (1) “ That the demand for more and better con­ gregational einglng would best bqunet, as a branch NOTE the Original Price on Each G a r m e n t,a n d the EL, Reserved and Numbered Seats, be., or five for m eeting ed, Unnumbered Seats, 2s. 6d. Unreserv, >11 cases, involving of praotloal ohuroh musio reform, by standardising ■OOKE’^ ! be obtained from Mr. Ryder, 61, Sou) nesday. No fewer than Inoluding a list of those of whom tickets certain suitable music, ancient and modern, for ; f Special Price. K rex U>ani«o aet Ban, »rArrow, Kenward, 48, Grove-road, where Plan of 1,700 attendances, have been treated, the purohased. use by the people, with or without the help of a seen. patients not been confini to Eastbourne, but All Priced practically One Third the Ordinary Value. )£ U U 0 X QDIIO I VUUUJir, pUWpublishing UOUlUg IVIt AAAin na AACKAAIAJhandy IVUform, U j CRUUand organis-WSQUUtu Oflees and Depositories t The Laurbatr Porre.—One of the Public coming also from sham, Polegate, Library series of lectures was given at the singing of It,.diocese by diooesonnder the IgMSfSffW TTT in the neighbour- LONDON, BRIGHTON, PARIS, BB SH AND FOREIGN SAILORS’ Pevensey and other j>1 Teohnlcalioal Institute on WednesdayWednesdav «v«ninuevening, .when h .n I superintendencesuperintenuouuc of111 theliiornwiiAHUi Preoentor of thevuo Provlnoeitiumuuc ,; E RUGBY » .a Y. AHS hood. Considering, ini 'the extensive ’~i “ That the organisation of this work, with the k-off 3.0. Admission Bd. SOCIETY. Councillor J. O. Wright (chairman of the Educa­ 10/6 : 21/- : 29/6 THE ARCADE, GROVE ROAD, use made of the in by those for whom tion Committee) discoursed on “ The Laureate id of union which the provision of a common fert------. I 4-.I-N...... -V , .trons, Their Majesties the King and Queen. >f facilities of this song for every one Inin all oarour services would create,urea it exists, the provision Poster from Ben Jonson to Robert Bridges.” la’deserving of the moral and material support Comprising All Wool Sport Coats at 10/6, were 25/- L.B. & k c -R. invaluable character n tot profitably have Councillor J. Polsford presided over a fairly good Churchmen.” The resolutions (states the proposer) BrocadedSilk Evening Coats, lined white, £1. Is., were £ 3 .13s. 6d» Oele 5 rati on of the Anglo-American Peace been made at a much ier periodl As audienoe, the lnolement weather tending, no CHE. LP EXCURSION BRSTMONCEUX CASTLE doubt, to limit the attendance.—The lecturer went refer to a practical scheme of reform whioh Is Also Costumes, Dresses, Coats & Skirts, Full Length Coats, Sport Tailor Coats. TO LO (TOON, H (Oopvright). Centenary, 1814-1814. time goes on, and the p iblic come to know actually In operation, and was originally inspired A HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE by some pnblio oounsel given by the" Bishop of ' DAY, F» IRUART 15th. ■tT r ■ tages, a large increase in number of cases I - ■ - - “ . P’". Oxford. Also one or two Wonderful Value Fur Coats and Fur-lined ditto, and 1 or this 1 elusion he was heartily thanked for his leoture. ; |] v many Fur Stoles and Muffs* I Return Fares, 3kd Clara. INTERESTING and PICTURESQUE with the GRAND BAZAAS and Exhibition m ay be fully expected, ixtem accom- P rincess Alice Memorial H ospital, sup- 'at Thk Dome, Brighton, jto be opened, if Mr. and Mrs. Gold’s Goldin Wedding.— iv By the Rev. X. E. Crake, MA. modation will have to . ,—The following to ■le, an informal the infirmary is meetini iiably we! uv On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Gold, who resided In Muffs and Stoles from 21/- each. Fur-lined Coats from 49/6. ]} I ' Containing 0« Eastbourne for 45 years, and who left this town the weekly return of patients for weekek ended IT, l CONDON. CROYDOJC. ARTICLES (contributed by the Eastbourne demands made upon it, the hum' Feb. 11th: Number of patients Feb. 4th, 60; I —Id) will be opened by Mrs. Earp, President, for I J01 Wells about two yean ago, oele- Fur Coats, £2. 12. 6d. to £5. 5s. patients have nothing admitted during the week, 8; discharged dr To be WESTMINSTER HOTEL, 22, Hydk-gardens, it gratitude iur | thetrgolden wedding. The veteran oouple " a/-', benefits received. Great ancial subport reoeived numerous ■ * P SATURDAY, Feb. 21st, at Three p.m. TTX ESS 8 */-! \ is, however, urgently reqi if the ini event. is both to fulfil its pra object to _ visitors onSundays, Wedneadays and Bank Holidays i M , UNEMORIAL CAHna, StHGU£ W. , Dollo l, Curios, Fancy Articles and Dainty Wislryan Mission.—The mission in connec­ from 2 to 4 p.m. Additional annual subscribers Victoria M )unj, jClapham Junction M Caeda with Knv^op« toI initrfi; 1JJ U. I Teas. steer clear of debt. I M ilner Mi 8, 60,4s. 6y tmthe Sale i e nucleus) will that gentleman, who wil ily copies of the 93a 64. Pest free for cash with order.- Mrs. Earp and Miss A. M. Gregory which has been oondnoted the Bey. Isaac place. House visitors: Mr. G. H. Silverlobk and y - 2, Sussex-gardens, Terminus-road - l-A Ltd., Printers, South-street, Hast bourne. i report and other partici to any desiring hlmmln, has had very enooi ng results. I Mr. Laooste. : .4 - i


fet i . i f i f Ur*-- ^ I i l, I I; . < - •< mm i m 4-/ ■7- i I’ ...... "" . rc^i^y -■ ^ ‘ j _ ...

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T A lU fllilt O of sheep during 1913 of £1,500 Is that a loss up arms and fight rather than be separated from Deoanal Conference had “ departed this life ’’.and as V Franklin. che E. Williams, Miss Mary L. Wilson in so much interest taken as in former years, following directly on pressure ?—Yes, no doubt. the Empire. The speaker went on to say that the that was the first meeting of the newly-constituted \L -M rs. Pin 188 ,__ ,____ . united in a oomrnon bond of sympathy for one people of this country shonld bo consulted on the A—Mr. an' ad .Mr, Charles jox—to whose generosity the tether this was through the employers not whose family has always held a high place in the AFFAIRS. The loss on foroed sale by the Sheriff on the eve body, there were therefore no minutes to be read. Moody. ' l is deeply i idebted. The tablet also notes knowing the benefits their employes received and affeotions of the people. While the congregation of filing, £700; that is another loss following question of Home Rule. W hat had they done in Continuing, the Chairman said they would like to Squires. ginal foundi tion of the mission by the Bev. not disiribflting the hews, or whether the were assembling the organist j(Mr. Underwood) directly on pressure?—Yes. Eastbourne recently on the Devonshire Park express their deep sympathy with the Vioar of Mrs. Pol iillie. employes themselves were so taken up with, the played “ 0 rest in the Lord ” and ‘ I know that my SOME BAD SEASONS. Will you tell us the oiroumstances under whioh purchase question ? A large majority of the Town Hailsham in the great loss he had sustained. As- Mrs. Hu usemc nts of the present day that they had no you made such a heavy loss as £1,500 on the sale of Council were in favour of buying the Park, but lnoot of them knew, perhaps, the Rev. Clyde Cooke. it* the inclement weather there were many Redeemer liveth,” in addition to other appropriate they had to consult the ratepayers before that could King. M » from the parent church at Eastbourne ie for] cricket he oould not say. He thought music. The chief moumeis werje the Rev. F. Clyde sheep?—It is pretty well known I had a very bad Harvey's daughter, who was a hospital nurse and 11. —Mr. »n I at the ceremony of dedication, which was decli dng interest a matter for regret, because Harvey, Mrs. Clyde Harvey, Miss Clyde Harvey, Alleged Heavy Losses on Flock Sales. lambing season and I had very bad luck, I think. be done. . The town was polled, and a big majority had just been given charge of her ward, died very Miss Lan rmed by the Rev. J. G. Goold (minister of . mot ner club had done its best for the Miss Hilda Clydeyde Jttarvev,Harvey, Miss Marjory . . Clyde . | I had the woret stock of lambs I have ever known against the purchase was recorded. He considered suddenly from blood poisoning. Knowing aa he 12. -Mr. an ’■/arch). Amongst those present were the assistant i of this town who were able to pay the Harvey, Miss Dorothy Harvey,rvejj,1 the Rev. ClClyde j since I have been there. I had a lot of trouble and that a perfectly fair and just way to settle the (the speaker) did the inBlde of the vicarage and W e s t V ie A C. Gillie (a former minister), the Rev. lall an aual subscription of 5s. He hoped that, Harvey, Mr. Hollo Harvey, Mr, E. Harvey, there was an exceedingly short crop. That got question. The same thing applied to Home Rule. what a happy family they were, it would ba under­ Mrs. Whi the kindness of the Press, his remarks would FAMILY CLAIMS. The only way to avert civil war was by an appeal Pbincess iki (of Notting Hill), Mr. and Mrs. George Geoffrey Eden, Miss Heinemann, Mrs. Helnemann, about and people were afraid to come to the sale to stood that the loss was a very great one. He 43 VO NET £ wii, Mr. Charles Ookl Mr. and Mrs. W. C. „ I home to those concerned and that they would Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helnemann, Miss Foley, the buy.: to the oountry. Continuing, Mr. Canoellor said would like, In the name of the Council, to express Flaten. ' Mr. J. I. Saunders, Miss Williams, Mr. not forg it the good old English game of cricket Rev. S. F. Akroyd, the Rev. Canon Foster, Miss j Extraordinary Money-Lending Transactions. A Cloud of E xecutions. the Home Rule Bill was unfair from a financial their deep sympathy with Mr. Haryey and his Miss H __ Williams, Miss Wilson, Mrs. McKinnon, fox whu h such a fine ground was found. The Gillian Warner, MlssS weet-Escott and the Vicarage Examination continued, the debtor said the point of view. If Ireland wanted Home Rule why family. Swinbun and Mis. W. H. Kirkham, the Misses Kirk- ioket i eceipts were down by £12. Is. 2d. and servants. Amongst those also present in churcn Sheriff put in the first execution on the 24th not' let them flnanoe themselves ? If this Bill The members Of the Counoll signified their * ba View. Mr. T. E. Slooombe, Miss Watts, Mr. Dale, the recei its for football by £29. 15s. 9d. In every, The affairs of Mr. Allan Cooper, of Norton Farm, became law it would cost them 15s. Ud. per head West 8' rag “ Nothing succeeds like success.” They Were noticed the Rev. St. John [Macdonald (rector January last year. Since then he had paid out 22 per annum. Ireland would still send 42 Members assent by rising in: their places. Mr. and ~ an Mark Martin, Councillor B. Badford, of Heratmonceux), the Rev. O.jL. Tudor (vioar of Bishopstone—a well-known East Sussex agricul­ executions, and there were 11 others that were not The Rural Dean, who has power to nominate six Mr. and i Mrs. Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. P. Oaffyn, lad not been very successful at football of late, Willingdon), the Rev. A. T. Seville (Congregational paid at the date of the receiving order. The total to Parliament, and we should have to maintain Mr. A. W iv. J. Clennell, Miss Nellie Brown, Mr. ut it might be that now the difficulty had been turist and expert judge of sheep—came before the their police and pay for their Old Age Pensions ; members of the Counoil, said the following had ot over with the Football Association they would minister), the Rev. F. Welbourne (Wesleyan Bankruptcy Court at Lewes on Wednesday, yyhen paid to the Sheriff was £2,803. 8s., including £245. kindly consented to serve: Mr. Rupert S. Gwynne, Wilson. Brown, Mr. Forbes, the Rev. Dr. Black, minister), Mr. and Mrs. (Junliffe Smith, 19s. 8d. for costs. Since January 24th, 1913, he had in fact, we should have to pay the Bill. The Miss Rln iisa Galway, Miss Yelland, Mr. and Mrs. ave maiohes like they had before, and that they the debtor attended for bis public examination. speakej- also made reference to Trade Unionism, M.P., Mr. Roland Burke, Councillor C. W. Bolton Goloboif. ould have increased gates and increased and Mrs. Grant Duff Alu-dift, Mr. and never been out of the Sheriff s hands, except for (Mayor) and Mr. Trevelyan Adams. Thomas. gor, Mr. G. T. Cripps, Mr. Watkins and William Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. E. Strickland, Mir. Registrar Montague S. Blaker presided, and about a mouth. Since the 7th July the Sheriff had whioh, he said, had been captured by the Socialists. era. f pthusiasm. One thing they might say was that The Trade Unionists proteot themselves, but, Clerical H on. Sec. MissM- Mr. K. A. Bailey, Mr. J. M. GJ Coles, Mr. A. K. there was a considerable attendance, those present been in possession continuously. In the last three k a ib w o After the hymn, “ Let us with a gladsome e A.F.A. had shown that the game could be unfortunately, they do not protect their industry, The Rev; E. F. W. Eliot had been acting as O ilayed ■ ,-ithout tricks, without quarrel,’without Buitenshaw, Mr. J. StalnsbjL Mr. E. Banks, officially including tbe Offioial Receiver (Mr. months he paid the Sheriff £449, including £148 for which they should do by adopting a system of Soott. m ind’* had been sung, the Apostles’ Creed was linnoyanee and without the cries they used to Mr. C. F. Towler (churchwarden), Mr. G. A, Thomas Gourlay), Mr. J. C. Buck well and Mr. E. rent. clerical hon. sec,, and the Bishop expressed hie Rev. C. recited. The Rev. Rook then read a portion o ' __ _ Thornton, Mr. A. Thornton, u, R E. Hills, Col. Can you tell me th is: So far as you know, did tariffs. Some time ago he (the speaker) was at a pleasure at seeing the Vioar of All Souls' looking Shanks --Scripture, following which the Rev. J. G. Gooli iear round the field. Those cries niight be all Bedford (representing creditors), Mr. W. Phene Socialist meeting at the Fountain, Seaside, when a so well after his Illness. Gibson. ery we 1 for those who made them, but it was I C. W. Owen, C.M.G., O.IrE, H. A. James Neal, of London (who appeared for the bank­ any of these creditors who have recovered money Hill. Mis tied the building. ' Mr. W. Weller, Sooiallst told him he was one of the “ idle rich,” helpton hard for those. in[ authority to be told that | (Herstmonceux), Mr^ H. Whi rupt), &o. by execution during the last three months know of and had done no work In his time. Mr. Cancellor On the proposition of the Rev. H. U. W , Mr. J. R< The Rev. R. C. Gillie based pis address on the and-so had been ordered off the field. If the Mrs. H. J. Jackson, Dr. and M: i. Blaok, Dr. T. S. ; The Deficiency. what the Sheriff had been doing in other cases ?— seconded by Canon Bond, Mr. Eliot was elected to Mrs. and .es Green, Mr.. C. replied that he had earned more money in a week Mrs. and Words: “ Of whom the whole family in heaven ,.F.A, lad done nothing else it had produced Tayler, Dr. T. Burfleld, Mr. Jai Nob to my knowledge. than his accuser had in a fortnight, as he had the post. and earth is named ” (Ephesians iii. 15). Perhaps Green, Mr. J. R. Green, Mr. K. Vine, Mr. J. The statement of affairs filed by the debtor You didn’t tell them ?—No. L ay H on. Sec. Mra Boy d English play in our fields; and he did hope showed unsecured liabilities £6,096. 5s. 7d., there earned £7 a week for wool pressing in Australia. C a v e n u is i there was no subject, ho said, which might more hat wh itever might follow the renewed arrange­ Maogregor, Mr. C. U. Jenner, iss A. Banks, Miss Did you hold any communication with the Mr. Trevelyan Adams proposed the election of "7 oocupy their, alter tion when they came to «p Cross), Miss being 63 oredltors, 25 of whioh are for amountB In conclusion, the speaker made an earnest appeal Webster. ments good feeling would always exist. If they Sinnock, Mr. A. Goddard (. under £10. The free assets are estimated to pro­ creditors at all?—No. to those present to work hard to return Mr. Mr. T. R. R edfkrn as lay hon, aeo. P. Fenw ' * i a new building for the worship and rot incr ‘bsed gates the whole of theit difficulties Macgiegor, Mr. F. L. Marchan Mr. A. Hillman, Can you tell us whether in faot these creditors Berkeley of God than the great church idea. In duce £2,262. 15s. Id.; leaving as the defloienoy Rupert Gwynne to Parliament when the next Mr, H. W. F ovargue seoonded and it was with regard to the club would be gone. With Mrs. J. Burfleld, Mr. E. Olimps n, Mr.------A. E. Moon did know about the Sheriff bolding possession ?—I election came, not so much because he was Mr. oarried. Rev. and m ; ___ New Testament they had on the one hand regard t> the refreshment and pavilion accounts, and others. Tne officiating oLergy were the Rev, £3,833. 10s. 6d., which the debtor accounts for in don’t know. Cavana some great mystical expressions for the Church the following way :— Gwynne, but because he was the Unionist candi­ Standing Committee. Mrs. an these h id been kept separately, and the result G. H. Evgns (curate), the Kiev. H. J. Jackson Debtor and the Sh e r iff. date, who, he said, worked hard for all parties in of Christ, and on the other hand there were some Of the year’s working had been very satisfactory, (ourate in charge of Folegabe) and the Rev. S. F. £ i. d. With regard to tbe Standing Committee, it was Miss C- i descriptions which were more easy to grasp and Personal expenses of self, wife, two The debtor said he could not explain why any this constituency, and was always at his post when pointed out that this was to oonsist of an equal gomery showing a balance, taking credit for a small Akroyd (vioar ot Groombrldge end formerly ourate children and servants, since 7th sale by the Sheriff was persistently deferred. It Parliament was sitting (loud applause). apply to ordinary life. The metaphor which had amount brought forward, of £42. 12s. 8d. From in ebarge qf Polegate). The full choir was present, January, 1913 ...... 300 proportion of the clergy and laity, with the Rural Quexks hymnology was the idea of soldiery. that, however, must be deduoted the cost of the and reverently led the singing of the hymns, Losses on realisation of sheep during was not the result of negotiations on his (the At the close of the evening, a hearty vote pf Dean and the hon. secs, as ex officio members. The Miss He 1913 ...... 1500 debtor's) part. He tried to pay out the executions thanks was accorded Mr. Canoelior for his address, following were appointed : TheR-vs. Canon Allen, Mr. and license. Turning to the expenditure, Alderman “ Saints on earth and those above” and “ Saints of on'the proposition of Mr, ;H. R. L each. uroh in its definite sense, he thought- if Keay 6a id the cricket expenses amounted to £70. God from conflict passed.” T|be 31st Psalm was Loss on forced sale by Sheriff...... 700 as far as he could. He Was aware possession went Canon Bond, H. U. *Wbelpton, H. G, Jameson, J. the worship of Christ’s people, with 7s. 5d., against £56. 16s. fid. the previous year. also sung, and at the conclusion of the service the Loss on lambs and other live stock over the 21 days repeatedly, but he understood this A vote of thanks to the Chairman was proposed Salwey and G. P. Bassett Kerry aDd Messrs. J. L. through death and depreciation ..... 300 0 8 oould be done with the consent of tbe creditors. by Mr. J. H arrison, and after thanking the and M rites and powers; the idea of the Most o : the extra money went in travelling oboir chanted the Nunc Dimittis. The last rites Vincent, J. C. Trevelyan Adams, J. Easter, A. J. Mrs. 1l1 When they thought of God’s people Estimated cash paid on writs, sum­ He (debtor) did not get this consent, and did not artistes for their services, a very enjoyable even­ Hart, F. H. Stapley and A. F. Cox, expenses. They were getting rather a bad name, at the graveside in the Cemetery were carried out monses and executions ...... 350 0 0 know who did. He merely asked for the sale to ing was brought to a conclusion with the singing Waltemr .is soldiery the great cathedral appealed to him because it was said that when they had to play in the presence of a large and Bympathetio Interest paid to money-lenders...... 140 0 0 Bishop of Chichester's Diocesan F und. Mrs. web' with jits wide, open passage ways and ite away they did not always turn up. Therefore Interest on private loans ...... 243 10 6 be put off if it could be arranged. of the National Anthem. Master Be "ulity of processings. One felt the very gathering. The ooffln, of plain oak, which was Have you ever had aDy advice of any kind The Bubal Dean proposed the following resolu­ Guy Ach^s they wont away rather more than usual, most of lowered Into a grave lined with ever-greens, bore H istory of the F arm. tion : “ That the apportionment of eaoh parish be P • army bf Christ could te marshalled to set forth the plryers paying theiT own expenses, but in through the whole of these proceediugs. on the path through the world. But the inscription: “ Edith Cljyde Harvey, died Replying to the Offlolal Receiver, the bankrupt subject of the Sheriffs oharges?—No. arrived at by the same method aa in 1913, v!z.; Mr. and many rases they had to fake professionals, and February 6th, 1914, aged 31 years. (a) That the deanery apportionment be divided When they came1 to the family idea it was a build­ that caused extra expenses. There had been a admitted that the assets included, a tenant-right Did you ever exeroise any scrutiny of the charges CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Sheila Han ing such as they were in that met his demands There were many beautiful final tributes, of valuation of £1,000. That was, he said, Mr.Burten- on your own aocount?—I went through "them. I bet ween the urban and rural portions on the basis Mr. Clarke reducti m -in the football expenses, which were whioh the follbwing is a list shaw’s view of the value. He took over theNorton of rateable value; (b) That the Rural Dean Mrs. Morg most completely; the presentation of something brough; down fbom £200. 15s. 7d. to £147. 10s. 3d., think the only person who knew anything about It MEETINGS AT EASTBOURNE. Master Ca whioh was essentially homelike, which brought mostly through guarantees. So far as the Rugby From her Brother and Sisters. Farm from his father In 1886, his own oapltal being was my son. I have had no legal advice. summon at Polegate a meeting of tbe Inoumbenta Austin. the idea of the hearths tone and the gathering of With Auntie's best love and sympathy. only £300 or £400. The amount of the valuation, In the oase of the executions which were and wardens of the parishes in the rural portion to Miss Craw matches were concerned it was like everything In loving memory, from Jean, Gladys, Portis and M. H, £5,500, was allowed to remain at interest. His discuss and settle tbe apportionment of the rural those who’were brothers and sisters. This family else in Eastbourne. If there was something good From her Aunt Edith. unsatisfied at the date of the receiving order, and Two meetings in connection with the looal branch idea of the Church set before them so essentially people would go, and if there were jgoOd Rugby father died a year later (September 11th, 1887). In in respect of which the Sheriff ultimately sold, had of the Church Missionary Society have taken plaoe parishes on the f ame basis as last year; (o) That [ ' A In loving memory, from Florrie and Nell. 1889 the farm estate was divided In three shares, the figures for the apportionment of tbe urban Mr. and what the Church shop Id be. They rejected the matche ij they had good gates, but at the ordinary From Merne. |; _ the sale in those cases also been deferred ? I think | at the Town Hall during the week. On Wednesday Hitchcock. idea of the Church being simply an audience! Rugby matches there had not ‘been; good gates. With deepest sympathy, from Olive (East Grmstead). he (debtor) and his sisters (Miss Emily and Miss they were all cases where the possession had been evening, following a largely attended tea, a good parishes on the same baBis as last year be prepared Mrs. and gathered together to lii.ten and then going away,; With regard to horse hire the expenses had been From Auriol. Fanny Cooper) taking £1,800 eaoh. He gave hia held muoh longer than 21 days?—Some of them audience listened with appreciation to a lantern by tbe same sub-committee, and be submitted to a Miss Oppe and they equally,rejected the idea of the club or With deepest sympathy, from: Mr. and Mrs. Henry sisters promissory notes for their respeotlve shares meeting of incumbents and wardens summoned Mr. and s ' £44. 7s, 6d. and the expense of running the motor Ashworth James and Miss Helen James (Herstmoncedx). were, but not all. leoture given by the Rev. F. Baylis, secretary of tile coterie, where only people of the same social mowin! machine £11. 13s. 7d., a total cost of and agreed to pay them interest at 4 per cent. His Did you keep any books of acoount in the the C.M.S., illustrating the tour of the C.M.S. by the Rural Dean in Eastbourne for their approval Holt With deepest sympathy, from the Hailsham Branch of and amendment.” He stated that the proposals standing and' the sam i tastes met together. It £56. lsl Id., against £80. Is. 4d* in 1912. the Mothers; Union. t! _ brother and a married sister (Mrs. Cann) had business ?—I have rendered a cash aooount. I did delegation in the far East. Mr. Baylis gave a very T the family idea tiat represented fellowship Altogether^ they had expended £90. 14s. 7d. lpss With deepest sympathy, from Mr., Mrs. and Miss Grant similar shares out of the general estate, they being not keep any books. Interesting account of the tour, maDy of the lantern were exaotly the same as were found so satisfactory Miss Be one with another, people with different tastes: than 1; year. Anyone looking at the figures in Duff AinsUe (HeUingly). ; . , . paid ohiefly out of property In London. There was Beyond the causes you have indicated (lack of slldes-being of a very beautiful nature. lost year. The deanery apportionment for 1914 Matthews. and of very different social grades which actually j ^ sheet would see they had a fair busi From the Rev. and,nd Mrs. Colling Pyper, with sincere a sum of £100 still owing to Mrs. Cann, and this oapital, bad seasons ami low prices for stock sold) was £1,000, whereas last year It was £1,090, The Goodwin, existed—they should! never pretend they did noti [ sympathy. was a charge on his own estate. On some property Thursday afternoon’s meeting was presided over deanery had been reduced In size, and in conse­ and Mrs. ness edheem, with assets sufficient to meet their With___ .eepest dee sympathy, fromjH. E. Berry and her are there any other causes of your insolvency ?—No. by Dr. Shann, who was supported by the Right Miss Fern exist—all meeting together in unity of feelingj liabilit es and a little more. Of coarse there were the heavy oharges of money quence the apportionment had come down. The Matnrin. because they were sejns and daughters of |th< assistants at Polegate Infants’School. in addition, £102, making£1,904 altogether. He Rev. Bishop Luoas (Mackenzie River),'the Rev.“R. rateable, value of the County Borough of East­ Mr. f t Matthews seconded, and the balance With'sincere sympathy, from lMr. and Mrs. George lenders?—Oh, yes. Salisbury Woodward, the Rev. G. P. Bassett Kerry, Edwards. Great Father, brothers and sisters of the Lord.) sheet \fas adopted. Black. had never been able to pay off the principal to his bourne :was £448,834 and that of the rest of the What w«s the atmospheretmospl ie of the human family?;, ■■ ” ■ From Mrs. Gwynne (Folkingtoi two maiden sisters, nor the £100 to his married Question of a Guarantee. the Rev. J. Salwey, the Rev. O. B. Cooper, Mr. C. deanery £60,025. - P atrons Re -elected. A. Leatham, the’ Rev. J. P. Haythorn-Thwaite Dr. Va „=d great frank, less, there was the rebuke, With deepest sympathy, from the organist and members sister. Dealing with the claims of various members of The Rev. J. Salw ey, In Beoocdlng, said they The Chairman, in moving the re-election of the (principal of St. John's College, Agra) and others. Capt, and m •: there was criticism, an d in, the ideal family—and of the Parish Church Choir. Have yon ever had sufficient capital to work this the Cooper family, debtor said the £113 due to his were greatly Indebted to Mr. Holyoake for his Miss Haw *fg even t in the actua family—the wonderful; Duke of Devonshire as one of the patrons of the With affectionate remembrance and with much son was lent to him (debtor) in January, 1913. His The Chairman, in opening, said they had been sympathy, from the Misses Sutton. farm ?—I have never had any too muoh. asslstanoe and also to the various parochial col- and Mlsae1 atmosphere of love, w here criticism was spoken olub, said they knew what a very kind and In kind remembrance, from thq teachers of the Boys Can you tell us what kind of inoome your father son had assisted him in the business of the farm, thinking a good deal lately about the work of the s, who had done splendidly. There would be Miss Jon ■ in kindness and the rebuke given in tenderness. enerojs interest his Grace took in every part of Sunday School and R. E. Hills. I had been making from the farm?—I don’t know and bad saved the money. This £113 was part of Church in different parts of the Empire, and they a alterations from last year, but they would Barker, In a true church also t here must be criticism and fiastbeume,' but he thought there was no place With deepest sympathy, from the Vicarage servants. that I can now. a sum of £202 paid to the Sheriff on the following were to listen that afternoon to the Bishop -of not materially affeot the sobeme. de Whalley frankness with one an ither, and a firm tenacity to where the Duke was happier than on the pavilion In loving memory, from Mr. ana Mrs. Macgregor and He had not, of oourse, this £148 interest on these day. The bank over-draft of £577, obtained in Mackenzie River, who, before he was made Bishop, Miss Hep“ at the Saffrons when there was a good match oh The resolution was carried, and the following Mrs. F>fe. hold- together, with a determination not to give, family. - i shares to pay. I want to find out what real residue Maroh last, was given on the guarantee of afriend, was their own missionary for Sussex. One-third, sub-committee was elected The Rev. W. C. Charging' up this one or that one. There wa9 great power .and fine weather. j With deepest sympathy, from the Rev. G. H. Evans. was left to you ?—It would vary very much. You Mr. Hammond. He (debtor) went to Mr. Haihmond of his diocese was within the Arctlo circle, so far in unity for some defii ite aim. j m i The Rev. H.- R. Browne seconded the motion, With love, from Geoffrey M. Eden. removed from civilisation that when he was selected Streatfeild, Rev. J. Salwey, Messrs. A. J. Hart, H. A token of regard, from her Ward Sisters, St. Thomas s would have to strike an average of years. (a retired farmer) and explained his position, and Holyoake and F. H. Stapley. which was carried. Hospital. L Had yon father made all his money in tbe farm? asked him for help, and Mr. Hammond (who was for the Biehoprio in October, 1912, it was no. n >tu Col. Ch- Afte 1 i expressing regret at the death of Mr. The Diocesan Synod. Horn. Mr In remembrance and sympathy; from Miss Sinnock. —That I could not aay. He made some, certainly. an elderly gentleman) said he would help him, but the early part of the following year that he kuew Miss King Cox, Mr. George _ . ... Davies-Gilbert and sympathy with (Mrs. Davies- In affectionate memory of ouej who gave her life for From 1886,1 take It, you did fairly well up to a not other people, meaning people he did not know of his appointment. Gilber; and family, the Chairman moved the The B ishop then addressed the gathering with H. Boot* announced that the collection at the former others, Rear-Admiral and Mrs. Godfrey Mundy. , certain time ?—Yes, I did. I had two or three very about. There was a sale advertised at the time. The Rev. H aythorn-Thw a ite gave an interest­ regard to the General Dicoesan Synod, which is to Mrs, Slade, 'eting amounted to £25, and remarked t’ re-election of Col. Cardwell as patron. From Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Heinemann, London. ] and Miss 1 Mr. pTANBRiDGE seoonded,.and it was carried. With deepest sympathy and regard for one who died good years. The first bad‘ year was it was Did you tell him you eould get over your difficulties ing address on “ The new out-look in the Far meet at Brighton in May. He observed that he oflly about £96 was stf 1 required to meet the d« | at the post of duty, Mr. and MrsiWilliam Strickland. ver£ dry summer. Then another very bad one was if he did this?—Yes, I am sorry this happened. I East,’ and how to meet it.” They were all aware, had been to five or six Ruri-Decanal Councils,: and Simmons. The P resident. , Mrs. H. J. Jackson, with deepest sympathy. offered him no security. I did not say for how he said, that the missionary situation bad changed he was quite sure that these counoils as now con­ Mrs. and Alddrman Kbat, in moving the ire-election of With deepest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. Sigston Looking back, what do you regard as the long I should want the use of the money. Mr. since the beginning of the 20th century. It was stituted were on the right lines. When he oame Taylor. EASTBOURNE and DISTRICT Councillor Hollins as president, said; He is a I A token of sincere sympathy, from the Churchwardens, beginning of your trouble?—I think, oUcourse, Hammond asked how many tegs I had got at the very sad readlfcg,—the missionary contributions' into the diooese he found what was called a Ruri- Mrs. N man Mrs and interest. Apologies for absence were : From the Matron, sisters and nurses of St. Thomas s When was it you first had to go outside, the busi­ sheep to fetch anything like what he had expected the teaching, or on the Christian basis, which was believed in tho Church having parts, and that they from Mr. Rupert Cwynne, M.P., Mr. HL,.r. As a secretary Mr. Osborne was surpassed by Hospital, with loye and sympathy. ■ nqne ahd equalled by few (applause); he was ness itself for money, to the bank, or friends, or seemed to render his position hopeless. He had a a great blessing. Turning to India, he said that Were all the better for being high and low and m Fovargue (town cleirki and Councillors J. Hoadley In loving memory, from Mabel, Kathleen and Jock otherwise?—1 think I generally had an overdraft good flock and thought they would, make a fancy last Imbnth the Vieeroy opened a new St. John’s broad so long as they all worked together and had Ai.zxakdb known as the greatest begger in Eastbourne Heinemann. '"j. N !; and J. Duke. •'-> j T T T I (laughter). They had known the kind solicitude In memorlam; a tokdn of sympathy from the girls at the bank. price. He had on other occasions made 'some very CoUei '■ ...... - " " peace among one another (bear, hear). Not being H. Free In -' the course.. of . his remarks the lecturer and teachers ot the Sunday School. Has that been growing ?—Only in the ls ^ year or good prices, even when selling in the bulk. He had ftlreai a party man, he believed that no party absorbed and Mrs. with which he tried to empty their pockets, and was Serjeant, observed that plants may suffer owing to th: they hoped they would experience; it again. He In kind remembrance of Miss Harvey, from Mrs. two. made a speciality of sheep; everybody knew that. the whole of the trntb, and every party required Mr. and causes: (1) Climatic and similar causes (e.g., ' (the President) was sorry that Alderman J. C. Levett anana daughters. So that really, to that extent, for many years you When you say you thought you were solvent up that was Christian ednoatioh,. and for that end other parties In order to make np the complete Mrs. Ch of food, .water,■ ___ &c.)|;...... (2) animal » Paraparasites (r< Towner was not with them that evening (hear, have been a little bit short of money and had to to the autumn, you mean without reckoning your they must make suoh saorlfioe as would meet thing. The Bishop went on to explalu the consti­ Baddeley r, eel worm, m: tes, &o.);to.); (3) plant paripart hear) 1 They were pleased? to see him on the get accommodation from the bank?—Yes. family creditors ?—Quite so. what was to be accomplished. tution of the new Diocesan Synod, and remarked Miss Feld (dodder, fungi, bacteria). After giving a detdetail Bishop Lucas said the Mackenzie River diocese that he wanted an exeoutive body to have the Swindep Saffrons (applause). They knew the great assist­ During last year, I think, the pressure of one ! : £3,000 Sh eer W astage. descripti on' ' of “— theee various„ .... pestB and sho wing ance he had been to them, for without his EASTB0UKNE EYE INFIRMARY. kind and another was fairly continuous from was the largest in the world, in faot the North Pole power of discussing subjeots and voting upon numerous diagrams Rev. H. R. Browne proposed the election Hallidie severed his connection with the Infirmary as against you in the County Court?— direction?—I am afraid it is so. it. Ha was away for four months, and although 23.—Mr. a irregular outgrowths, which suggest a r< of Mr. E. Matheson and Dr. Heasman as joint honorary surgeon, but Dr. Matthews has carried on the If your figures are correct it amounts to some­ he wrote to his vftife teliing her where he was going, lance to pieces of cauliflower. Warte work very efficiently, and has attended there three times Under those, according to your cash aooount, thing like £3,000, sheer wastage ?—^Yes. EASTBOURNE RIFLE CLUB. appear at lirst in the eyes of the - captains. j owing to a chapge fn his plans, the letter went I6.-Micse8 Mi. E rnest Smith seconded the motion, which l a week. you have paid £154.16s. 2d., and you also paid a Replying to further questions, debtor said the back with him. “ W hat would many a man give,” and later several warts, by grow The circular issued to the public met'with fair support, Sheriff s man was allowed 10s. a week extra for ^ r , form a bro- m spongy scab, which fi: was aarried. and up to the end of the present year resulted in the writ out for £31.13s. ' Do you reoognise those ?— he said, “ to bje ftway for four months without his WAR OFFICE AND FREE AMMUNITION. F ootball Captain.: receipt of £41. 9s. 5d. from donations, and £44. 73. 6d. Yea. 5 lodgings. That was paid regularly to the man, wife knowing where he was?” (laughter). Cheshah and beoomes black. Tne occurrence o who lodged about a mile and a half away. V krnon On the proposition of the Rev. F. W. Wright, from subscriptions. According to your pass book alnd other sourees After a vote of thanks to the speaker had been m disease in affected districts is simil; This amount has, so far, proved sufficient for resent of information yon seem to have repaid during Pyuson, of the finger-an l-toe disease which, on J seoo; ided by Mr. Tabor, Mr. H.i C. Wood1 was The F amily Claims. passed, the meeting was closed by op Lucas. MR. GWYNNE’S 12-MONTHS OLD QUESTION. N orland re-el seted captain of the fpotball 'team until the necessities, but larger and moreft convenient premises are 1912 to names which 1 recognise aa being the names Edwards, and in some s( asons, caused serious i required, and mustmustbe De obtained;obtained, bet-ore the InfirmaryInt can of money-lenders £1,220. That;would be about Answering Mr. Bedford, debtor denied that he ips. Thougl in tne first instance end of the present season. • j ■; . - be said to> be a proper'------'properly equippi d Institution, had stated at the meeting of the oredltors some of and Mrs. The committeenmitteeoeg beg to thank those generous donors and right?—Yes. In their fourteenth annual report, whioh oomes and Mrs. plants may shot >■ the wdrt disease, it H on. Treasurer and Committee. the moneys due to his sisters had been paid off. before a general meeting of the membere on Wed­ H artinoto 4- • to spread and the disease must ' subscribers who have assisted tmem in this undertaking. And In 1913 " £601?-Yea. rishaU 1847. Chairman moyed, andi Col. H adow Thanks are also due to the Amalgamated Ami _ „ Friendly In addition, dtdyou pay to money-lenders throi The whole of the sum3, tor which proofs had been nesday evening next, the committee state that Ransom. a dangerous eneny. Societies (Hospital Committee)! to the Gallery Klnema, tendered, was owing at the present time. the past year “ has been marked by not ouly au Mr. and sriKfe.- 1 prevent the profitable culture of Jed -the re-eleotion of Mr. W. G, Osborne the Sheriff under execution something like £1,233? Master jo. treasurer.-rOamed. to Messrs. —No, I don’t think it was ao muoh as that. The Mr. Buokwell then examined tbe bankrupt at I Improvement in the- financial position of the club it occurs. land may be unfit fi iDr. considerable length on behalf of certain creditors. Pender g for as lone as six " committee were chosen aft follows: Col. figure may be rig h t I eould not say off hahdJ | but also by the efficiency of the shooting, whioh possibly^ for a much longer pel Archdale, Mr. B. T. Bartlett, Mr. S. Box, Hailsham, Polegate, Hankham There la still owing to money-lenders £280, so An Assumption. has been of a higher standard than ever before D evonsh 1- W. Canoellor, Mr. W. Elliott, Mr. F. H. number of | attained. Several centuries and over out bf a H u blin" is smread Hy manure, by the The ni ' * ' ----1— that, assuming the figure I gave you Is correct you Mr. W. P. Neal said Mr. Cooper had judged at | PLASTERS __ haulms, tu jers and runners-in . Col. R. 0. Hadow, Dr.' W. G. Heasman, cases 511. vidence have altogether paid or are owing to money {lenders osalble 105 have been made. The season began on and Mrs. Mr. p. W. Mayo, Alderman, T. I B. Rowe, Mr. of the great need of iume. £3,834?—I should not have thought It was so r all the large shows throughout the country, and ! Eaal* Mirk. faroh 12th and terminated on the 29th October, T horn bo it may even bn carried from one garc Amongst the cases Were following diseases : it might be supposed that his sheep i S Mra. G ,ber on implement^ and boots. Dis : E ra st Smith, Mr. A. Tabor and Councillor R. T. as th a t | comprising about 30 meetings, including matches. j Thopiton. v- I - • Errors oi refraction (spectacles] ; diseases oftof the eyelids, would be ot as high a charaoter as it was possible | Th’e committee wish to Impress on all members T h e H an ___should al vays -be burned aad conjunctivitis, lachrymal sac, uuseles (squints), cornea, Of oourse, a large portion ot that figure, if It is to get. Mark thrown on the main ire heap. I t is very im- ,rs. i Tinlings were re-ap ointed auditors; seiera, Iris, lens, choroid, retin i, optic nerve; glancoma correct, would be Interest and costs?—Yea. that, If the success of the past year is to bo main­ Mrs. voto of thanks to the Cn irman concluded and Various other ailments, Iterative measures wore What rate of interest were you paying In general ? The Registrar: That is an assumption,' tained, strenuous efforts are necessary on the part witz. '* ' " seed should be examined before pli the peeting. !•; seed should be rejected among required in some cases. Whei ecessary minor surgical —I oannot say really. j „ Mr. Neal: When it is well known in this neigh­ of all to gate new membere ; therefore it is hoped and frien procedures are made at the t ae, but most frequently bourhood that Mr. Cooper is an expert te sheep? I that more residents will support the olub to enable tubers aatje been found. patients require prescriptions id advice for home treat- Give us a1 sample ease?—I Bhould say you gave a Mr. Gough had suggested a numberj [of mentonly. This prescription Teatment (both for drugs bill for £140 and you got about £100. The question, explained Mr. Neal, had been raised the committee to 0 (.ntinue their work of encourag­ Park Hoc Repayable In what tim et—It depends; it might whether Mr. Cooper had not put too high a value' ing rifle shooting. Bkoomlie. entive and renedial measures to adop and spectacles) is a matter small expense to the Durham ited out that x nder the Destructive Ii patient. be three or four months. T Id on his sheep, and when he put the figures in the I “ The question of fres ammunition, which tbe Huston.— CANADA A perusal of the work done 1 rill show that in no other Do you say you would have to jiay £40 for aocom aeoount regarding them be was hardly justified in Membor of Parliament for the Division, Mr, Rupert s Acte* - 877 and 1907, wart d .ble to obtain such a Godby ium endo sioticnm) is scheduled TRAVEL WITH FRIENDS branch of medical aid is it modatlon of £100 for two or three months?—Three so doing. But, declared Mr. Neal, he was so well- Gwynne, kindly asked in the House last February, maximum of results from sucl minimum of cost. But known as an expert on sheep and as a judge at all is still under Consideration. In the ensuing year disease and occupiers of land m SPECIAL PARTY; the demands are rapidly ini ireing, and the present or four months. fJUENDON irt it to the Board of Agricultu system has become altogethi too diminutive and ill Yon realise that that works out at an enormous the large shows that he might well expeot people I there will be more opportunities for praotioe by Summers. -place, I k ndon, S.W., and it is desh F r o m EASTBOURNE D is t r ic t equipped. a percentage ?—Yes. to go to him and give him higher prloes than they the new agreement wltn the War Office, and better Holtrood. WILL LEAVE BY Furniture and other appl that served at first would to ordinary farmers. ^ I facilities for getting to the Crumbles ranges owing Kttington sh< uld be sent to tbe Be For three months It would be 160 per cent?—Yea Miss Bate s.s. “ A l a u n ia ” A p r il 9,1914 have now become primitive at unsuitable. i The Registrar (to debtor): Do you think things to the extended route of the Corporation motor . . r Neglect to report rendi The appointment of a nn was an indispensable Is that a fairly typical case ?—I should think so, ble to a p inalty not exceeding £10. * FROM SOUTHAMPTON necessity for the maintenance order and the applica- as near as I ean tell yon. . . have gone down te farming, taking it in reference |'buses. : i applies'» all growers, including BEST AND CHEAPEST , WAY tion of numerous detailed, hutj i portant, remedies, i I think we may take It, if that is correot, at least to snoh a farm as yours. “ The competitions have been keenly oontested, ■5,—Mieses 7 for private use only. Other pest as also been necessary, half of what you have been paying to 1 money­ Debtor: I don’t think they are any better, eir. and we-congratulate all the successful members, Mr. Blom Passengers granted Free Rail Tickets Some amount of home visit ’ South Lyn whioh attack the crops were then d Condon to Sonthamptjon In those simple but most imp. at cases of eye dressing lenders must have been interest ?—Not so much as To a further question by the Registrar, debtor A UNIVERSAL REMEDY especially Mr. A. M. Edwards, who won the Club Coe long which, were the crane fly, turnip ft For Particulars apply to of infants and the alged the ni has rendered excellent ' —, — ‘ ------Ink. . said he thought everyone would hold that they Ohampionshlpifor this year, and Mr. H. Thwaites, U.-Misa 1 •weevil, olub rust, cabbage-root fly, carrot f iy> service. On the other hand, ii e instances accidents In addition to that have you had three distraints bed very good years from 1880 to 1892, twelve good For Paint in the Back. who made a record at the 800, 900 and 1,000 yards, 15.—Mr. an to the eye and acute emergent have called for more ------.o ‘ " ------* ■ ■ r- . i ------j t,wejye indifferent years. onion fly, celery fly, onion mildew, fto CUNA&D LINE, serious measures with promt leal interference in for rent?—Only two. One was last spring and one I Fears Equally effect! for all sorts making 100 out ot a possible 105. Our best thanks H omelkiq "ally describing these various items and _ . 51, Biahopflgate, London, E.O.; or Local Agent. the patient's own home, or clean room close by this last autumn. |J ! ’ 1 Hr.eLhou^ht •*- th ey had hi a good many lean years, I are due to tbej donors of cups and prizes, to our F airhav of tiie same, .tbs- lecturer brought ;’s part has been able to B at within the last 12 monl you __ _ueki For want of Tariff Reform of aches and i the result ( lady vice-prealftents and vice-presidents, for their Fox -as a little expense on the pat Belbrave. to a close by strong! ’ ' " provide. ■“"Ml—Yes, tiie one the a (laughter), i | ■ of taking col over-exertion | great kindness and for the Interest shown by them. lies. Mrs to purchase a spraj Mention must be made of i kind services rendered a half a rent. The Registrar; You may allege that. “ The range’ as again visited by his Worship the Newcom ■ of enabling Ithe nkembers to check the by Dr. Sherwood in the t orary absence of Dr.- yment was made under legal Mr. Cooper said It was correct that he had acted or attain. Matthews in the month of At Mayor of Eastl lume and membere ot the Miniature Wheaton. pests should their crops be attacked by ijjouBLE P ay fob GuinhesI’8 ty*N.-Employfts Ided ?—Yea. as judge at almost every show te England. I Rifle Olub. them I at any time. p ; nesa’e Brewery, fn Dublin, have bean I am oorreot as to {the payments to The Registrar: Do you think that your absence Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion, etc V ft is with regret we record the death cf our A hearty vote of thanks was then •k-Miee Bro „ a bonus of a double week's pay in the ease An Irishman in Paris been challenged to money-lei [era through the Sheriff you have paid while acting as judge at these shows has aoted late President, Mr. C. Davies Gilbert and other N ebraska Gough, on the proposition ot the of t ae labourers and artisans, and ft doable month's to money-! iders (less the “ adversely to your farming business by taking you Brandrethls Pills members who' have been closely connected and- Glucks tei seoonded by Councillor J! P rior (vice-' a duftl. “ Surft," ho crldd; ?’ We ll folght wld away from home ? Mary Hoi lo the; case of the clerical staff, In recognition “(That won’t said his second, you have id on writs smd otherwise £235’and’ EtfflREirVEOETABLE. good Supporters of the olub. The committee are the same being si itably services during the recent) strike. shiillalahs.’ £154.16s. 2 and £31.13s.;-you'have paid under Debtor: I don’t think so. In the last few years pleased to announce that Major-General Sir Fredk. G rampian The lecture was illustrated by limelight “ As the challenged party ou have the right to distraints, my son has been with me, and he has looked after ALLCOCK MANUFACTURING CO., and Mrs. Strike in Walks.—A strike of scholars ohooi the arms, but chit demands that yoiou 3664; and in addition! yon have paid to Ibkouhtad, ENGLAND. W. Benson,jK.C.B., has kindly consented to ba tbe D unkelu.— the lantern being manipulated bv Mr. - the Sheriff apart from money-lenders, £9C* These ~ thebnsthess. president of this olub.” * - Garaido. jun. A number o 1 persons joined the is ft progress at Ponty a tes. a colliery village In MBP ^ ,____decideB . upon1 . 1 H a U ion with whioh the benshire. There are two schools in the Frenchmen are familiar.”fami ‘Is that so lndadef” figures tot ‘ £5,326.13s., the greater part if j whioh The examination was then oonelnded, there The balanjoe-sheet shows reoeipts amounting to the close of the meef _ has been d odder pressure of some klm I?-"Yes. being ftn adjournment pro forina only for the | | £112.11s. 4a., and expenditure £86 10i. 8d., there and the parents claim the right to seleot Said the Irishman. “Ther: we’ll feight It out wid These i signing of the transoript of the notes. 4.—Mrs. Po to which they shall send their children, g u i l l o t i n e s r,., . .. RiPPipi what I haye Identlfli There may be Obstinacy is k parasite, living either on a l being a balance in hand of £26. 0s. 84. B rentwood others. I] it It to you that Is tl minima to total Hodges. moreover, that both schools have Insuffi- Trade R ivalry.—Luts kins: “ So the butter- strong will or on great stupidity. Douche, W. G. 8< ymour (hon. ivislon. Forty children are now attending and: its almost entirely di th e ) year Darmstadt; Seymour, N. Vincent, J. Lower, . man told you bow yon could jell margarine? Thi which some- A N ew R eading.—" After all,” said Johnson, Busy lad; I; “ I had to let that new maid go. I Miss Panti sohool, and the parents flatly decline to C rotdon H mark, A. H. BowArs, G. Harris was very good of him.” Mrs. Lumklns: " W u to "the genuine “ it’s a true saying that ‘ he laughs best who laughs BUY YOUR 1 ■Y A WATCH. J | discovered Shat she was neglecting the children Kltoher (hon. sec «tary),i in * . , . it? He said that any time I saw another butt its?—Yi ; last.’ ” “ Not at all! ” replied Thomson. “ The | STURT'S t WATCHES are Reliable Timekeepers. Dale. Mr. 1

mmm ^^^STi^agM BH M W Milllilll n 'IftJWIH WI) — mim ;


rrs f is t . County Borough of Eastbourne. MINIATUBE RIFLE SHOOTING. ls t HOME COUNTIES (FIELD) Co. S.E. CHIDDINGLY. 8CAKAL (Territorial Force). IM HI 819 rgg and D istrict P rotestant Society.— TOenhort Hoe. {??,* g?2 S HotelI iBuildings 8SS THE WILD BIRDS PROTECTION ACTS, The deolsion of the moviL Headquarters, Ordnance Yard, Eastbourne. RV" To OKMRixo MOOIMT V1st ton are Invited to Mod Hi 1880 TO 1008. ing target competition A tfoeting under the auspices of this society was SW ,CHU ,CH BODY. Oonwtfaun, clout writ ton, otthac to lha PabliiUnt has been somewhat delayed>d Dy the necessity of COMPANY ORD(ERS (Easthourne Detachment) held in Little Dicker Chapel on Wednesday, when Soathetreet, or at either ot tha Libnpiee ot Pilnoipel New. shooting off ties, althougb ’Mr. E. L. Evans For week ending Feb. 21st, Mr, Lancelot. J. yinall (Lewes) gave an interesting succeeded in gaining the cup with a score of the address entitled “ Error in the Churches. How it the Oouioll of the Eastbourne Asaata. No oher|« 14U mademala tcfor t (For tka latter/read PROTECTION of WILD BIRDS. highest possible. By Lieut.-Colonel E. G. Hales; Commanding Company. til BRAM PTO ljf] Monday.—S. 15 pan.: Sappers, lectureon trestle bridging; got there, and our duty towards It." Councillor aery, a ni rw body whloh has oome Ttiia llat k not intended to include permanent Reddeots. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that' the following No less than four other competitors tied for drivers, marching, turning and saluting. A. E. Rugg (Lewes) presided. In plaoe o! theoold Rurl-Decanal Purveyor Purveyor ORDER, was on the 10th day of October, 1911, made by second and third plaoes, three of whom were ladies, „)^?4ne6day--8 P-m-: Parado at Ordnance Yard. Dross: viz., Miss C. Swettenbam, Miss D. Suhr and Miss Walking-out order. Band to attend. at I It Anne’a Parish Room By Appointment By Appointment the Right Hon. W inston Spencer Churchill, one of ROYAL PARADE. BUTCHER. Francis, the outsider, however (Mr. H. Burrell), Thursday.—8.15 p.m.: Sappers, lecture on siege works, Thi Bishop of Chichbstkr.!' ’.—Mrs. Corkery. Misses Corksry (1) His Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of State though a mere man, gained second place; while a sapping and mining; drivers, horsemasterahip. CROSS-iN-H&ND. Games Ooniest.—At the Men’s Reading the 1 trge gathering were the ioshvst.—Mrs. and Misses Broad. Mr. KeeL WILD BIRD (England). further re-shot for third place was necessary Orderly sergeant ...... J..... Sargt. Edwards v|ear of Eastbourne, and dey. Sir. and Mrs. Bryden. Mr. Slmi 52, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. The Wild Birds Protection (County Borough of East­ between Miss C. Swettenham and Miss Subr, „ corporal...... Lc.:Corpl. Britt Room on the 4th Inst, the members met toe team its. Mr. and Mrs. Oakden. Mr. and the Late To ' bourne) Order, 1911. resulting In the former lady being successful. „ bugler ...... Bugler Richardson from the Horeham Road Men’s Institute, and the Canon Bond, ~ nton. Mias Steven ton. Mr. j , i. ’ : ■ v. i games played resulted as follows :— or. Mr. and 1 re. FTankham. Mr. C Dated 10th October, 1911. Details Noxt for duty: Sergt Jesson, Lc.-Corpl. Luck Be*. B. F. W. Eliot,, K ih ii Edward VII., 11,Grand Hotel Buildings, Eastbourne. Kina Edward VH. Rurming. Disappearing. Total. - and Bugler Wren. C»obs-ih-Hand. ett Kerry, IRdv. W, P. Jay, Rev. H. ker. Mr. Parker, jun. air. Burton IDOL In pursuance of the powers conferred on me by the E. L. Evans ...... 8 8 — 18 F. Freeman, H. Smith ...... i. J. Salwe r, Rev. C. W. Horsburgh, Vmr.-HuBann. Mia Barry Wild Birds Proteption Acts. 1880 to 1908, and \ H. Burrell ...... 7 8 _ 15* Notices. , A. Luck, J. Ifurrant ...... Scott, R iv. 0. L. Tudor (vioar of Cnrrey. Min Brown '<•’ cation by the Council of the County Borouf Miss C. Swettenham ..... 7 8 — 15* Recruits.—Drivers and sappers arc required to com­ H. Durrant, G Humphries .. ■---- Mre.JBUlott. Mrs. Sydney Ridge bourne, I hereby make the following Order Hiss D. Suhr...... 7 8 _ 15* plete the establishment of this company. Smart, respect­ H French J Durrant ...... ev. R. S. Woodward, Rev. N. S. Miss Francis...... 7 8 ” _ 15* able young men are invited to jo(n any drill night. H. Dorraut, S. tlerring...... _l Rev. A. A. Evans (vioar of Bast. ARINE P EtlOB LIST FOB ENDING FEBBTJARY 21st, 1914. TITLE. Miss Y etts...... 7 7 _ 14 Engineer pay, varying from Id. to Is. 8d. daily, is paid to H. J. Jack ion (onrate-in-oharge of L This Order may be cited as the Wild Birds Protec­ A. Richardson...... 6 8 — 14 suitablo men, in addition to the ordinary soldiers’ emolu­ 13 r. G. H. E ans (ourateot Hallaham tion (County Borough of Eastbourne) Order, 1911. J. H. Strachan...... 6 8 _ 14 ments. Billiard*. AsoouglL Miss Cooper. BEEF. HUTTON. Miss Bailey Johnson. --- A. Luck ...... W. B%rlow . U, Rev. 0. E. Pratt, Rev. W. a acolL Mlasea Driscoll. BIRDS...... 7 6 13 Easter Camp. — A musketry camp will be held at H. Durrant ...... W. Famea .. up Mr. I ioland Burke, Oonnolllor i Fabian. _ Mt88 Summit i. d. , , BUt Eliot was elected to Mrs. and Miss Bedgwiok. Mrs. Flotoher. Mias King. “ Osprey. “ Golden-Crested Wren. many weary months been .lying ill with an incur­ Orders for week commencing Feb. 16th. Mrs. Boyd “ Water Pipit. “ Wryneck. able disease, and did not long survive. Indeed, the Tuesday.—Compass and deviation. | LAYHBN. SRC. Cavendish Hotel.-Col. and Mrs. G. Webster. M «“ Kentish Plover. shock of his wife’s death probably hastened the Thursday.—Wireless. LYan Adai s proposed the election of Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe. Mr. Dixon. Mr. N. SPECIAL NOTICE. The H ouse Sparrow Deprived of Protection. end, and he died on Friday night, in the presence Saturday.—No orders. HAJLSHAM. i us Is y hon.sec. I P. Fenwick. Mr. 8. P. Braun. Mrs. Arnold. Mr. “ IV. The whole of the County Borough of Eastbourne of his three daughters, just half an hour before his All Scouts to attend above classes at 8 p.m., sharp. Rural District Council.—Mr. A. Lemmon Berkeley Halle. Miss Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Harris. “ is hereby exempted from the operation of the Wild elder son, Dr. H. Crickitt, arrived home from a Fovarg jh seconded and It waa Rev. ana Mrs. Jameson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Mrs. HO M E - MADE PORK SAUSAGES, “ Birds Protection Act, 1880, so far as the House Sparrow Boys wanted for above, f ; * presided at the fortnightly meeting of the Hailshani Cavanagh. Miss dtaoey. Rev. and Mrs. Siovler. ; . '■ v • : “ is concerned. 1 voyage round the world. His younger son, Mr. A rthur Davis. Rural District Council, which took place at the _____ ■ Committee. > r " Mrs. and Misses Wlllan. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Taylor. jFr« j from Chemical Preservative, Albert Crickitt, who was at one time a choir boy Assist. District Commissioner. Board Hoorn of the Workhouse on Wednesday.— Min Crocker. Rev. and Miss Francis. Miss Mont­ PER 8 d . LB. Certain Birds Protected During tiie whole of St. Anne's, lies seriously ill at Ipswioh and The following motion appeared on the agenda 1 to the Standing Committee, it was MADE FRESH DAILY. of the Year. Lat this v us to consist of an equal gomery cannot be told of the death of his parents. Another under the name at Mr. P. Goring: " That there be Qoeensboboush Hotel (Grand Parade). "V. During that period of the year to which the (laughter died whilst resident at Wakefield, THE NAVAL VOLUNTEER CADETS. a Special Committee appointed to inquire into and d clergy and laity, With the Rural “ protection afforded by the Wild Birds Protection Act, report, the Couooil of the facts and rumours of , is ex oflicio members. The Henderson. Mr. Mrs. and Miss Wbltehans. “ 1880, as extended, so far as certain birds are concerned, Captain Criekitt oame to Lewes in 1878, on the Lieut. A J. Fellows, N.V.C., O.C., Eastbourne Company. to a appoint« 6 I:l; TheR*vs.______Canon Allen, Mr& Mxnet as Browne. Mr.. Mrs. and WILMINGTON TERRACE. “ by Clause II. of this Order, does not apply, the killini promotion ot Captain Helby to London, havinj tho office of the Board for the benefit of all con­ Arno'.d. Mr.L^km».^Mraand1 ndMr. Mrt Edwards, j; LECTURE MUSIC. Head Quarters: Colonnade-gardens, Eastbourne. cerned.”—Mr. Goring said he did not wish to with­ rS.. uT Wt Wl elpton, H. G. JaJameson, J. 1 —Mi^s Gaggs. Miss Blackett Mr. and Mrs. Nunn “ or taking of any of the following species of Will already had seven years’ experience of prison worl S Mr. Ith. _Mri Klpw^ “ Birds is prohibited throughout the County Borough of as Governor of Ipswioh Prison. He was formerly Orders for week ending21st Feb., 1914. draw the motion, but he thought it wise nob to . P. Basse: t Kerry and Meaere.“ J. L» MissCUiieiUss. Miss “ Eastbourne , TrevelyapTrevelyan Adams, J. Easter, A. J, Mrs. and „__ Mrs. and JEVINGTON ’ GARDENS. At a meeting of the Cllffe Branoh of the C.E.M.S., in the 62nd and 17ch Regiments, and at the time of Tuesday.—8 p.m.; Working party at headquarters. make any oomment upon It.—Tho motion failed to apley and IA. F. Cox. A __and Mrs. Toft. 7Mrs.and Miss t —Misses Tritton " Avocet. “ Osprey. : the Trent affair was ordered to Canada. He served Wednesday—3 p.m.: Working party on boat. 7 to9p.m.: find a seconder, and, on the suggestion of Mr. ebb, Mr. and Mrs. iittelL Mrs., Mr. s| Sunni lawn.—Mrs. Grant CoL and Mrs. AstelL MIbecs held In Cllffe Ohuroh Boom, Lewes, on Monday “ Blue-throat. “ Owl (all Species). some time at Halifax, Nova Sootia, during the time Drill and Instruction classes at headquarters. M. R. Holman, the next business was proceeded r Chichxs’ kr's Diocesan Fund. “ Chough. “ Grey-necked- Phalarope. Thursday.—7.30 to 9.30 p.m.: Club night. with. \ >■ Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Pool, Mrs., Miss and Masl Astei evening, Mr. 0. M. Hodges (organist of Cliffe and “ Spotted Crake. “ Red-necked Phaiarope. of the Fenian Rebellion, and it was there he met j Dban pro] osed the following reeolu- lay Acheeon 5.-Ml b Newbery hon. secretary ot the LeweB Musical Society) gave “ Crossbill. “ Water Pipit. his wife, who was a Canadian by birth. He was Saturday, 21st February.—No orders, The H arriers.—Saturday’s meet was a‘ tho Sandhurst. Monti ■obd. — Mr. and Mrs. Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. be apport onment of each parish be Sparks, f. an Interesting “ Short history lot Church music,' “ Stone Curlew (Great “ Ringed Plover. afterwards in Jamaica under the regime of Mipao. Station Hotel, Westhem, and the field had the the sami method in 1913, v!si t Mr. and Mrs. Creer. Dr. and Mrs. Hanna. Mils Maboi iwood.—Mrs. and Miss DanleL Mrs. Colburn. with illustrations. He referred to the mysterious “ Plover Thick-knee). “ Pratincole. Governor Eyre. He was a member of a well-known Intending ijccruita should apply at headquarters any disappointment of a gradually failing scent through­ deanery a iportionment be divided Sheila Hanna. MissSmythe. Mr. Parker. Miss Byrne. “ Common Bittern. “ Raven. Suffolk family, two of his uncles being the famous drill night, or at the Office, 7, Susans-road. Mr. Clarke. Madame Delamare. Dr. and Mrs. Steele. Miss Whalley influence which musio had ixerolsed in different “ Little Bittern. “Redpolo. out the day. Mr. Weston’s wheat yielded the first Jtban and i iral portions on the basis Mrs. Morgan Soott. Miss Robinson. Mr., Mrs. and Elton House.—Mr. and Mrs. Murray. Mrs. Whatoly. ageB, and divided his hlstorl lal survey Into three “ Common Buzzard. “ Dusky Redshank. Vice-Chanoellor Baoon, and General Sir Colin Signed. A. J. Fellows, Lieut. N.V.C., quarry, which went off to Mr. Gearing's gorse, and value; (b) That the Rural Deau Master Cave. Miss Smith. Mr. Weir. Mr. and Miss K. Salwey __ periods—from earliest times the birth of Christ “ Honey Buzzard. “ Spotted Sandpiper. Halkett, G.C.B., G.C.H., who fought at Waterloo. O.C. “ Inverclyde ” (Eastbourne) Co. then right handed to the railway, from whence he ‘ late a a setting of the Incumbents Austin. Mr. and Mrs. John Weir. Mrs. hoi 26.—Mr. and Mrs. Hextall, f. Miss Thompson. Miss the birth of Christ till the Reformation; am “ Golden-eyed Duck. “ Wood Sandpiper. As Governor of Lewes Prison, Captain Crickitt 12th Feb., 1914. returned to the marsh. Hounds could with he parts les in the rural portion to. Miss Crawford Matl hews “ Pied Flycatcher. “ Siskin. will be best remembered perhaps as the custodian difficulty keep the line now, but they managed to Morn nssidb.—Mrs. Edward Smith. Miss Smith. Mrs. from the Reformation to the present day. Dealing “ Goldfinch. “ Tree Sparrow. tie the a] porttonmeut of th Akaluen Hotel (Gkand Parade). Gordon. Miss Van Ordh Miss Gail I with the first period, he mentioned various refer­ “ Great Crested Grebe. "Spoonbill. of the murderer Lefroy, and it is a somewhat follow across the road to the Mountney level. i same bisls as last year; (i Mr. and Mrs. 8haw. Mr. G. H. Shaw. Mrs. and Mills as Dale.—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Still and son. Mrs. ences to musle In the Old Testament, speolally in “ Greenshank. “ Temminck’s Stint. strange coincidence that one of the other officers LEWES. Eventually the quarry was put up where she was . the app krtionment of the Fair lank, f. present at the execution of that notorious criminal found, and made away to Friday Street, and thenoe Hitchoock. Miss Clarence. Mils Alexander. the Psalms. With regard to the seoond period no­ “ Montagu’s Harrier. “ Common Tern. A L ew is Man’s Success. — At the recent > same baa s as last year Mrs. and Miss Wood. Mr. Bradford. Mr. L Nortc n Hocsa.—Mrs. Hartopp. Mr. Cecil Hartopp where in the New Testament did they And musio “ Heron. “ Bearded Tit. was Mr. William Box, whose death at Chelmsford to beneath! Mr. Gearing’s gorse, where she had to ’ ommlti ee, and be Miss Oppenhetm. Mr. Radeimulr. .Major Herlt Roam r a.—Miss McLean enjoined as a part of sacred worship; nor, on the “ Hoopoe. “ Dartford Warbler. was reoorded only a month ago. There are still London County Council (Permanent) Stuff exami be abandoned. Further draw s proved blank.—On ubents and ward, Mr. and Mis. Crosley. Mr. Hlndley. Miss Clark. . i! CARLISLE ROAD. other-hand, was It prohibited. They found that “ Glossy Ibis. “ Wheatear. several offloers at Lewes Prison who served nhder nation, held at the London University In Decembf r Monday the meet was at Wllllngdon. A stout _ i in Bai tbonrhefor their “ Kingfisher. “ Green Woodpecker. Captain Crickitt, and four of his clerical staff now last, Mr. Frederic J. Cripps, formerly of Lewes, was hare got upon Mr. Cooper’s farm and a protraoted The Lanbdowni :P A r . T ,: Hotel. Cobui a Houax.—Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Miles. Mr. and Christ sang a hymn with His disciples on the night "Common Kite. “ Great Spotted Wood- successful, obtaining fourth place on the list. _nt.” He itatedli that the Mrs. Blackett of His betrayal—the first hymn mentioned In the "Wood Lark. “ pecker. occupy responsible positions in the service, two as run at varying paoes ended in puss getting to f the same as were found so aa Hiss Benton. Mm. de B. de B. cute borouqHo-Mr. and Mrs. J. Richardson. Mrs. annals ot Christianity. St.Padleneonragedbellevers “ Nightjar (Goat Sucker). “ Lesser Spotted Wood- the Governors of Portsmouth and Dorchester P resentation.'—On Sunday morning, in the ground near Meads. Proceeding in the direction he deaner > apportionment Matthews. Bliss Morgan. Mis. and.Mlas MlUer. . Penl Ington. Miss BrlndL Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Porter. “ Oriolo. “ pecker. of Jevington the pack was soon on the traok of Goodwin. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders. Miss Sandora, Missf Agnes Gibbs. Miss F. Margary. Mrs. Beckley. to “ teaoh and admonish one another In psalms, respectively, and two others as Stewards of Worm­ absence of the Rector (the Rev. Dr. Belcher), the Iasi year It waa £1, andi Mrs. Terry. Mrs. and Master Campbell Murdook.Murd Ella Firth. Mrs. Horace Green and hymns and spiritual songs.” It was quite All Birds P rotected on Sundays. wood Scrubs and Lincoln Prisons. Curate of St. Michael’s (the Rev. F. A. Davis) another quarry, a kill being efUcted after half an reduk ed in gin, and Ink 2 S Miss Fernan. Mrs. and Miss Lloyd. OoL and Mrs. clear that music was praotlsed and held Id esteem “ VI. During that period of the year to which the Thirty years ago prison life was not exactly a presented Ernest Turner, one of the leading choir hour’s run. After this Bcent gave out and the ,._tlQninint had oome down.iwn. The Matnrin. Miss Steeds and friend. Miss Barker. Mrs. COMPTON STREET. by early Christians. When persecution ceased protection afforded by the Wild Birds Protection Act bed of roses, and although there were no Suffra­ boys, with a glltfedged hymn book, with his remainder of the day’s activities were uneventful. of the______( ounty______Borough of East- Edwards. Mrs. and Miss Winch ’ YaraItah.—Mrs. Johnson. MlssNewen. Miss Flanagan musio began to develop In connection with worship, “ of 1880, as extended, so far as certain Birds are con­ gettes or hunger strikers, the class of inmates, both iultials stamped on the cover. Thegiftwa3 sub­ —On Thursday there was a very successful meet at 8,834 aqd that of the net of the Mostym Private Hotel. 1 Iona Houax.—Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Mr. Allen. Misses and a controversy arose with reference to congre­ cerned, by Clause II. of this Order, does not apply, the male and female, was very muoh rougher than it Is scribed for bp the members of Ihe chon- on the Hankham Hall, where characteristic hospitality Ails» (j) killing or taking of Wild BirdB on Sundays is pro­ was dispensed by Mr. and Mrs. W. Elphlek. Dr. Vallanoe. Blr. Tilburn. Blr. and Mrs. Duncan. Sr. Ci ithbxbt’s.—Capt Davy. Mrs. Robertson, t Miss gational singing, with the result that the Council of hibited within the County Borough of Eastbourne. now. On several occasions Captain Crickitt had to occasion of the recipient leaving Lewes for Sal wxv, in seconding, said they CaptL and Mrs. Brace. Mrs. Freymuth. Bin. Armltag. Dan eL Mr. Williams Laodloeaaea presorlbedprescribed aboutshout A.p.1. 360 that only those deal with serious aots of violence, notably on an Worthing. Several capital runs were enjoyed, but at the later . Indebted — “ wkeeford. Mr. and Mrs. MoLintook, t duly appointed should sing In Christian Churches. EGGS. stage a number of crosses upnot calculations, added to Mr. Holyoake for hia oooasion when one prisoner tried to murder another P roperty in the Market.—At the White he various parochial col- ios bt. John bmlth. Blr. and Bliss Ki CORNFIELD TERRACE. He mentioned some of the ohlef musicians at this Certain Eoqs P rotected Throughout the whilst in chapel. He was a man of considerable to which the scent gave out considerably. d also to Jones. Mrs. Howard Johnson. Blr. and 8.-Misses Bell-Smith Hart Hotel cm Tuesday afternoon two property idldly. There would I r. Mr. and Mrs. Barry,If. Mrs. Collin. 1 early period and their methods, saying that organs County Borough. personal oourage, and when three prisoners made sales were hfld,. The first was by Messrs. J, R. year, but they j alley. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dudcslu. Mrs. 1 L-^M Sses'smMlpleoe. Mrs. and Miss Long priiuiLivoImltlve inm cunrauwrcharaoter uau,:uhad,; become common in “ VII. The taking or destroying of tho the their escape from the Brighton van outside the “ hornton & Co., who offered the freehold cottages, y affect Miss Heppenstall. Mr. and Mrs. H. Duncan. Blr. England In the ninth oenturyl One c xIn Winchester 1 following specieS of Wild Birds Is prohihl: * 4 h - main entrance, he pursued one of them (a vicious 1 out the County Borough of Eastbourne,5 os. 1 to 5, Queen-street, in one lot, which was JEYINGTOtfi and the folio? Mrs. Fyto. Mr*.t “ “ - - - - - HYDE GARDENS. Cathedral In the time of King Alfred had 400 pipespip counterfeit ooiner), and jumping over the wall Withdrawn at! £195; and a pair of freehold cottages, Charrington and__ __ 28___ bellows,______blown by 70 men. Carrying Avocet. ‘Oriole. leading from his bouse to the Brighton-road he ran O.M.S. Lecture on India. —The Lay workers The Rev. W. I.—Mis. Haines. COL and Mrs, Uppleby. Misses “ Common Bittern. “ Owl (all species). os. 3 and 4, York-etreet, for whloh there was no leesrs. A J. Hart, Hi West Rocks (Grand Parade). Uppleby (2) his hearers down to the Reformation, Mr. Hodges “ Bine-throat. “ Grey-necked Phalarope. him down in the ploughed field opposite, and with id. The solicitors concerned were Mr. A. W, Union (Eastbourne), gave a lecture at the School CoL Chamberlain. Mrs. Jones. Miss Mann. Mias Marl sorough House.—Miss F, Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. said for all “ Common Buzzard. “ Red-necked Phalarope. the aid of Mr. Matthew Hills, the engineer, brought rain, of Southampton, and Mr. H. J. Hillman.— Room on Wednesday evening, illustrated by some Horn. Mr. and Mre. Joy. Mr. and^M^Kbigham. Lau fence Phillips's L _ , j mnslo dated “ Honey Buzzard. “ Water Pipit. him back to the prison. remarkably fine views. In Introducing the Clabi ndon House.—Mr. BL J. Jarvis. Mrs. King. Mre. he seoond tale followed Immediately, aud was Synod. * "1 MlsaO. I wonderfnl development . “ Spotted Crake. “ Kentish Plover. On their departure from Lewes Captain and Mrs. lecturers the Rev. E. E. Crake spoke In warm terms • then addkeaaed the gathering with -H. Soot*” MadGeagh. Mrs. Ward. MissjBmallpieoe. Ant may. M(m Wilkinson. Miss Clarke. Mrs. RandelL mentioned the names of prominent composers and “ Crossbill. “ Ringed Plover. inducted by Messrs. Chapman & Martin, who of the missionary zeal which animated their young Mrs, Blade. ^Mr. G. Slade. Mrs. and Mitt Wans. ” Mr. tnd Mrs. Austin. Mrs. SOooombe “ Stone Curlew (Great “ Wood Sandpiper. Crickitt were the recipients of hanasome farewell bmitted for sale five freehold cottages and one i General I looesan Synod, which is to their work. For aboat300ontauuy years after the Reforma- gifts. The late Mr. Richard Turner, the Medloal friends; he heartily welcomed them to Jevington. .'and , Mr. Crockett Mrs. and “ Plover, Thick-knee). “ Red-backed Shrike. eehold villa* No. 3, Pelbam-terrace, was knocked Three addresses were given, and life in the Mission fhton In J lay. He observed that he lb Simmni Mias W. Leathern. Miss Westgate. Mr., GILDREDGE ROAD. tlon nearly all the English mroh musio was to “ Peregrine Falcon. “ Spoonbill. Officer, on behalf of the paatand present members ot own, sfter sbme brisk bidding, to Aldeman J. H, ive or six torl-Deoanal Councils, and I* Mrs. and - HalL Mr. %nd Mrs. Whlteley Highi iubt.—Mrs. Reeves. Misses Reeves. Mrs. Caswell be heard only in oathedi collegiate churches “ Goldfinch. “ Common Tern. the staff, presented the Governor with a silver Every for £280, and Nos. 11 and 12, New-st-reet. Field was vividly brought bs fore the audience, who I lore that ihue oounolls aa now oon- and the Royal Chapels, j progress of musio “ Great Crested Grebe. “ Bearded Tit. testified their interest bv frequent applanse. The ICauwYH (Cabt.p u j Road). salver, on which was Inscribed “ Presented to were purchased by Mr. T. Moorey for £265 Nos, i on the i ght lines. When he eame reoeived a rude oheek at i time of the rebellion “ Montagu’s Harrier. “ Dartford Warbler. Captain G. A. Crickitt, for 15 years Governor of wonderful progress of Christianity in India 8inoe Noakea. Mr. H. Noak as. Mr. and Mrs. A E. “ Heron. “ Wheatear. i nd 4, Foundry-lane, and No. 79, Sou’h-Btreet, were i he fou id what waa called a in the reign of Charles L, it the Puritan sway Prison, Lewes, by the officers of that prison, withdrawn, the former lot at £155 and the latter the days of Carey »nd Soh wart z was demonstrated, ence, b it when he came to exa Mr. D. Ann. Mr. J. Spenoe. Miss Spenoe. Mr. latest Jtrribals. then a new era of “ Hobby. “ Green Woodpecker. but the greatness of the task yet to be accomplished I, lasted for only 11 years "Hoopoe. “ Great Spotted Wood- as a mark ot their sincere regard on his transfer to at £145. Noe. 3 and 4, Foundry-lane, have since nd that Inlmost oases they wei musical compositions oon nioed, and there was “KestreL “ pecker. H.M. Prison, Wakefield—Nov. 1893.” At the same formed the chief theme ot the lecturers. Tho IiUOILLB H ousi (Lascxixxs Txrracx). 0 wards the end of the been sold by private treaty for £160. The solicitors meeting olosed with a unanimous vote of thanks ngs (jailed together by the BURLINGTON HOTEL soon a great development “ Kingfisher. “ Lesser Spotted Wood- time Mrs. Criekitt reoeived a case of silver coffee Concerned were Messrs. iBaae Vlcall & Sons. the new arrangement he kne? Os* HUL Mrs. Prlestland. Mr. and eighteenth century the Ch1 1 sank to a low level “ Common Kite. “ pecker, i SDOons at the hands of the Chaplain (the Rev. R. C. to tho visitors. Mrs. Dymond Field. Mrs. St C (Ths Sordoo HoMs. Umitodl. . musio showed the “ Wood Lark. “ Golden-crested Wren. F uneral pF M iss L. A. K. B aker,—The og those i ho wen responsible re in spiritual matters and li “ Wryneck. Kinohant). A few days later, at the Sussex Winter and bo filt they would attend _____ Miss Lawrenoe. Miss Brann. Lady! Rapier Mr. and Mrs. W. Bailey general deollne. Secular t were sometimes “ Nightingale. Assizes, Mr. W. W. Grantham, on behalf ot the funeral of Miss Lavinla A, K. B :ker, whose death r. Browning. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Count de Miremont Miss Bailey “ Nightjar (Goat Sucker). 1 ras reported! in our last Issue, took place at the ise the r knew then was 1 Lady I laubman -Major and Mrs. Gleadow used and barrel organs were In vogue, _ . each barrel Given under my hand, at Whitehall, this 10th day of Bar, presented Captain Criokitt with a set of silver PEYEN8EY. r body. If It waa to be a n O uR uow n (Burlington PlAox). ; playing eight tunes. With the nineteenth oentnry entrde dishes in recognition of his habitual courtesy. ('emetery on Saturday afternoon. The servico was Mr. 8: inbman Mr. a Alfred Woods October, 1911. N ew Stationmabteb.—In succession to Mr. ilve body It must be made upI Of< i Mr. W. 8. Keyte. Miss Ransoms. Misses Gndgen (2). Mr. ai d Mrs. F. Cnyler Mr. and Mrs. Somers here was an awakening apd there bad been a 1 (Signed) W. S. CHURCHILL, A fewvears later there were similar presentations ( onducled by'the Rev. A. 'S. Dendy (curate of t the laity, i ind he believed Miss ( uyler Mr. L. Westropp steady Improvement ever sli . Interest In music at Wakefield when Captain Criokitt retired. i lout-hover). The mourners were Mr. H. J. Baker Dalloway, who has been promoted to Wandsworth One of Hi« Majesty's Principal Secretaries Common, Mr. George Blackman, of the Trafflo, to appreokto that fast ,i£SfrcSa^ £ B'ffi’i ^ 1 5 S a . Mr. ai id Mrs. A. Hentsohel Mrs. Compton-Brown revived especially after thi accession of Qoeen of State. (nd Mr. A.W. Baker (brothers), Mrs.W. P. Walters M. MetsaUmaT Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bowers Masts r Hentsohel Major Gobbard j Viotorla. Mr. Hodges o| included with some .1 nd Miss E. Baker (sisters). Mr. and Mrs. B. Baker Superintendent’s Department at London Bridge, Mrs. I lobson Mrs. Brookes and party By Order of the Town Counoil, haa been appointed station master at Westhamana Kholwobth Court (W rumteron Squabs). Miss Hobson Mrs. Tribe Interesting remarks on dlffi t forms of modern l brother aud leist-er-in-lawi, Mr. A. Baker, Mrs. hnren waa to do its work Min Kendall. Miss Protheroe. Mrs. Hassell Tiltman. MlasKynock Mr. andMjfe. Jeflbon church musio and their ivelopment.—At the H. WEST FOVARGUE, SUSSEX COUNTY CRICKET. Cerley, Mr. H Baker and Mr. W. H. Hunt (cousins). Pevensey. ______' j it must he represented Mr. A. K. Hlngley. Mre. Barker. Mre. Moore. Mrs. close a hearty vote of tha: s to Mr. Hodges was > Town Clerk. The poffln bore the Inscription: “ Lavinla A. K. | laity. He did not want party gi •Grantham. Mr. and Mrs. H. T, Brittain. Miss Sadler. accorded, on the motion of e Rector (the Rev. C. Town Hall, Eastbourne, iaker, died 2nd Feb., 1914, aged 58 years.” Floral the government of the diooei Mr. and ■■ Mre. ------H.. Steeds.___■ ,___,r MacGregor,----'. Mrs. r i g h t o n g r a n d h o t i l . Clark £$nellV______7th February, 1914. Thq Duke of Devonshire, owing to his Parlia­ irlbutes were qent as follows :4- .___ ,j» 'Trott P 0 LEGATE, □p of everr part of the Church- Silvester. Mr* Bond. Mrs. mentary duties, was unable to keep his engage­ - Mrs. Potter. " li Finest position on Front. : ' ...1 l To the sweet and loving memory of dear Vinnie, from A Monthly Market—Messrs. F. J. To!man ’ i Chnnjh having parts, and that ______S P ™ B ment to preside at the meeting held at the Brigh­ ler sorrowing Bis tern. better orpr being high and low a MOSTYM TERRACE. Magnificent New Lounge and Terrace overlooking To our dear Aunt Vlnnle, from Bertie, Reggie and and Co., auctioneers, of Mayfield, Wadhnrst-, and LEWES LICENSING MEETING. HASTINGS. ton Pavilion on Thursday in connection with the jeslie. I i , ! Horeham Road, opened their proposed monthly [as they*all worked together and t A lleged A ttempted Suicide. A t the one an itherther (hear, 1hear). Not bel GARAGE COMMUNICATING WITH THI HOTEL. finances of the Sussex County Cricket Club. His In loving memory of our dear sister, from Arthur and market at Polegate on Tuesday. The venue Is a. Borough Police Court on Thursday, Elizabeth Grace wrote suggesting that the position of the 3eU( field a few minutes’ walk only from the railway , he bel eved that no party abeorfa PRIVATE BUTTES, WITH BATH ROOMS. The annual licensing meeting for the Lewes Bridge was charged with attempting to commit In loving mei . of dear VJnnie, from her sorrowing : the tn th, and every party -required SSRSSXIMr/ and Mrs. Whitlock. Mr. G. A. Thomas.l ...... Mr. and Petty Sessional Division -11 held at the County club might be improved by an extension of the ■ ousins, Clara, ,te, Bert and Liz: station. For this initial sale, which was conducted la or er to make np the oompieto Mrs. Chlllingham. Mrs. Tragett and party (61. Miss En Tension Terms from 4 Guineas per Week. Hall, Lewes, on Tnesdey mmlornlng. mug. Mr.w . W. G.u. suicide by jumping into a lake In the Alexandra With deepest sj mpathy, from her cousins at Brighton, by Mr. J. M. Thornloroft, a capital collection of Park on January 29th. — Charles Cox, a park area of -membership. Colonel W. H. Campion, With love, fret stock had been secured, and there being a good "ihop vent on to explain the coneti- Baddo and friends. CoL HilL Lfent_HUl. Ootesworth presided, and there were also present C.B., J.P., presided, and amongst those also pre­ little Babe, i 8w I loceean Synod, and remarked Miss F., Drake.~ ~Rev. ------W. Slater. Sir John Bromley, C.B^, Mr.iHarry Soarlett, Aider- constable, said he was near the summi r house in To dear Vinnie.. with much love, from Clara. attendance of farmers and batchers, the proceed­ at executive body to have the man J. H. Every, Dr. W. F. Crosskey and Mr. T. the lower park when he saw. the pris mer jump sent were the Bishop of Lewes, the Hon. F. W. To dear Vin, wi h love, from Ada and Lali (Alfriston). ings were of an animated character, the cattle, LANSDOWNE TERRACE. Into a pond. He ran and jumped In and pulled her Bampfylde, Sir A. P. Asrbumham-Clement, Bart., With deepest sy npathy, from Clara Baker. changing hands at good prices. | > silk subjects and voting upon N EWHAVEN BOWLING CLUB. Godfrey. Ice on the With much sym lathy and deep regret for the loss of a icr ring that the whole of the “J.—Mrs. de Hone’s f. Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lammlman The annnal report present l by Supt. Vine upon ont. There was about half an Inch of J.P., Colonel Sir Charles Boxall, K.C.B., Colonel dear friend, from Arch, Em and Beryl. 11.-Major Mid Mrs. Stnr^ls.^Mltt Btnrgia. Sir Augustus the number and manages lent of the lloensed water. Prisoner was about twelve fee ; from the E.. A. Bruce, Mr. Walter Bartlett, Mr. Roland Sincerest sympai ,hy and condolence, Kate and Will. two ild be invited, he observed that bank in about two or three feet ot wateier. Whilst In kind remembrance and deepest sympathy, from Mr. »i l the majority, Thi i annual meeting bf this dab was held at the houses in the division read i follows: There are Burke, the Dean of Ohiohester, Mr. H. P.- Chaplin SELMESTOl^j WT.MH AVENUE. ” ! Sheflleld Hotel on Wednesday evening. Mr. A. 88 folly licensed booses, 40 rhouses lloensed to witness was pulling her ont she said, ‘‘ Leave me (captain Sussex County XI.), Colonel Frewen, i .nd Mrs. Lennox A. Kerloy (Eastbourne). eonolaskn of his address the Bishop. : TS. —Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and son 5. alone, I wish to die. She was In a semi-conscious C.B., J.P., Mr. W. W. Grantham, Viecount Hythe, In remembrance).from Nurse Haydon (Winchester). L icense Tbanbfeb. — At Lewes Licensing I questions. \ Knic ht was voted to the, ohalr, and amongst sell for consumption on the emlses and 87 licenses condition and he took her to the cottage near.— In deep sympathy and affectionate remembrance of ' : \ CAVENDISH PLACE. [ranted to mooers and ot! |irs to sell spirits, &c., Mr. F. Hollins, Mr. C. O’Brien Harding, J.P., the gear Vinnie, from Mr. Green, Carrie and Annie. Sessions on Tuesday the license nf the Barley Mow, > meet: ng the clergy and laity p reren t othei b present were Messrs. H. G. Chapman (hon. P.C. Alexander said he conveyed prisoner to the Mayor of Brighton (Alderman J. L. Otter, J.P.), With love and sympathy, from Flo. held until his death by Mr. Frank Lewis, was •IS.—Dr. Bristow. Mr. and Mre. Morton. Miss Morton iy retail. (One licensed per on has been proceeded hospital, where she wm detained. — Mt.; Rolf iwlth Ight refreshments through tho IK—Mr. and Miss Dowaett secretary), H. Fowler (hon. treasurer), E. Baker, against during the year, for selling beer to a child the Mayor of Eastbourne (Mr. C. W. Bolton, Miss Adele Uridae, with deepest sympathy. transferred to Mrs. Lewis. f the pax sbkmera of S t Anne's. J. Baldwin, A. E. Muddle, J. Munro, W. O'Leary, nnder 14 years of age In aq{ unsealed vessel, and Creasy, M.R.O.S., assistant house surgeon at the C.S.I., J.P.), the Mayor of Worthing (Mr. R. With deepest sympathy, from Miss Suter. HL—Mr', and Mre. Howard East Sussex Hospital, said he attended the prisoner, Piper, J.P.), &c. In ever-loving memory of dear V innie, from Li and Will. P. S< nsler, B. Thompson, &c. oonvloted. There have bee: 44 ' persons proceeded who was suffering from shock. There was nothing In fond remembrance and with deep sympathy, from against daring the year drunkenness and During the meeting various proposals were sub­ jlr. and Mrs. W. J. Beall. SEAFORD. VICTORIA PLACE. Th i Hon. Sxcbetaby submitted the report and abnormal In her oonduot whilst she was at the RIFLE CLUB. - ,-Mlfses Reader (8). Mr. Reader. Miss Rosslngton drunken and disorderly oond it Twenty-fourwere mitted. One was for the formation of district In loving memory of a dear friend, from Mother, Edie 16 balance sheet, whloh showed that the dub had convloted and 20 discharged j his being an ini ase hospital, although she made a statement saying oommittees to work cricket weeks in their'respec­ and Carrie. , School Managers.—Mr, W. H. Pawson pre­ HABTINGTON PLACE. had a fairly auooessful season. The champion­ ot eight persons proceeded alnst during thihe year that she must have been mentally deranged when tive divisions, oo-operating with ladies in organis­ In loving memory and deepest sympathy, from Herbert sided over the monthly meeting Of the Sohool ICE . lND FREE AMMUNITION. OaxiHAM Maxhox.-Mt* GaUoww ship prizes were won by Mr. J. Monro (1st) and as compared with last yi Speaking geinerally she committed the aet.—The Chief Constable said ing the sooial side of the fixtures. It wae thought and Clara. I l l Managers on Wednesday, and there were also I “ ~ adow, f. Mr. an Mr.. L Knight (lad), and the handicap prizes b] the houses have been well duoted. j prisoner had been staying with friends in the town by this means to avoid the necessity of special With sympathy, im Mena’s chum, present Mrs. Jack, Sir John Bromley, C.B., Mr. T. Mr. I Jrosthwalte (1st) and Mr. O. E. Collins (2nd) and had been mentally depressed. Her trlends were appeals for funds. Another suggestion was to In affectionate re: embrance, from E. Goldsmith, Godfrey and Mr. J. W. Kerley, with the Corres­ In reply to a question by tb i Chairman, the Clerk —Mr. E. Slmmoi was the undertaker. 12-MONTHS OLD QUESTION. The: eoelpts were £19.7s. 2d. and toe expenditure to the Justices (Mr. F. La rson Lewis) said no endeavouring to get her Into a suitable institution. follow the example of Worcestershire and pondent (Mr. C. F. G. Latham).—It was stated £18. is. 94d„ leaving a balance in hand of 19s. 4Jd. UUJCU11UU 112/ OJUJT Wl WUU UUDUOUDs UODhas beenUOCU ICWiTOU.received. —The-TheC Chairman, in remanding prisoner for a week, Leicestershire by induoing a subscriber to Lewes and liBTRioi F ootball League.—A that Mr. C. J. Bravery had kindly given a bath Mr. Vine. objection to any of the lioen ed her to take a more obeei 'ul view of ohalr to the Girls’ School for the conveyance to the eenth annual report, whloh oomes Th > election of officers resulted as follows: Presi­ and there were applications for the renewal of all to guarantee £ 100, provided, nineteen other persons meeting of the Management, Committee of this and Mrs. dent Mr. Bnpert Owynne. M.P.: vloe-presldents, the existing licenses. issss—Cox was oommended for his t action. agreed to contribute the same amount each. This League was held pt the New Station Inn on Tues- sohool of a crippled girl, and the Managers accorded ’ m «ting of the giembero on Wed- _ra. K. Fox. it was urged Would clear off the present deficit their thanks to the donor.—A letter was read from ning n txt, the committee state that the I lev. A. 8. RankUor, Mr. W. B, Betenson, Mr. The Chairman: Are therelany objeotions to the The Sanatorium fob I nsured TINTS.—It day, when there i represent Messrs. H. G. Cpttrell ._Walml aley. R. Pi irkhnrst, Mr. H. J. Bannister, Mr. E. J. Coker, renewal of toeee licenses? j! was stated at the meeting of the To Council on and giv*> the club a fresh start. i In the chair), E. . Banks (Rlngmer), G. T. Davis Mr. E. Godden, senior assistant master ot the ha i been marked by not only an Miss Mordannt; Mrs. and Miss ' a conn­ The meeting took an unexpected turn when Mr. Boys' Sohool, resigning his appointment after nine , (n t(e dnanolal position of the club Mr.(L Fowler, Mr. W. E. James, Mr. A. Knight, Supt Vine: No, sir, I haven’t heard of any. [Friday that the-Town Clerk had Barcombe), F, . Cull (Lewes). F. Simmons ana a half years' service.—It was decided to aooepb DEVONSHIRE PLACE. 1 Mr.. f. W. Ryder, Mr. Smith and Mr. F. J. Tbyer The JusticesJustioesretl retired, * and ’ their return ‘ to Court 1 munication from tl)e Local Go verm ect Board W: E. S. Chessman proposed the appointment of 'ckfleld), F. Pettltt (Seaford Rovers), A. latency of tne shooting, which paid secretary, to be independent of the com­ the resignation and grant a testimonial, a sub­ her standard then ever before I House.—Mr. and Mrs. Walsh toe Chairmanairman said they wi [lad to say that the expressing approval of Blook D of the natorium Surton (Brlghto: Railway Athletic), F. Olllver committee being appointed to take steps to fill the centuries and over out ot a. i HOUSE. —Mrs. Page. Misses Pago W. Mr. report presented’wpresented-wasasatl toryone. They had for the treatment ot insured tuberouli patients mittee. This motion met with considerable and R. Harris i(E| st Side Swifts, Newhaven), F, Melbourne reoeivedsd a oommucommunication m the Home Office under Seotlon 16 (1) (a) of the Nation usuranoe criticism, as irrelevant to the object of the Mercer (Vernon Athletic, Brighton), and J. E. vacancy.—Complaints having been made as to the ave bhen made. The season began on ___ Aina. Mrs. Harper. meeting. frequency of the detention of girls at home ly terminated on the 29th October, pointing out that it was tat important that Act, 1911, for a farther period, on the 15th Bingham (hon. eoretary). — East Side, Swifts their mothers, thereby reducing the school attend­ 0 meetings, Including matches, Man ro, O’Leary, F. Footer and A. Edmund. lloensed victuallers should p proper books and July, 1914, subject to the Mowing conditions:- Viscount Hythe stated that he had been asked olaimed 14s. 6d. om Uckfield for non-fulfilment ance returns, it was decided that the School sh to impress on ell members Master Randolph Cary. Master ECfcry. Th i secretary was empowered to arrange matches accounts with regard to theibnsiness done on their That the Sanatorium will be open to Inspection at to i accept the office of president of the club, and of a league game in April of last year. After dis- Attendance Offioer should interview the parents of the past year is to be maln- it Co win. Fraufcin Barbara von Fritsei with Haywards Heath, Uokfleld, Eastbourne premises. All the licenses vould be renewed. any time by Any of the Board’s Offloers or Inspectors, if he agreed he was determined to make, an effort eussfon, it was - dealded that the claim be not and that suoh reoords will be kept la connection to put the finances on a proper footing. He allowed, as there! was not sufficient evidence to concerned.—Miss Parker, head mistress of the ____./forts ere ntoeeeary on the part j _ Miss Gibson. Miss Isabel Wilson. Mre.Mocatta Motcombe, Eastbourne Redon! !otd, Llnd- Rail jvay Booms. aot su Girls’ Sohool, made application for the grant of in) and Com- with the Sanatorium as the Board, after consulta­ thought the first step was to appoint'a paid seore- prove that the matoh had been arranged to take . .new nembere ; therefore It is hoped 1 friend BUBUNQT0K PLAOE. field, Lloensed Victuallers (Br Mr. Frank Hayward to Messrs, another teacher, owing to the inorease of scholars sldent i Will support the elnb to enable mer< lal Travellers (Brighton) clubs. tion with the Insurance Commissioners, may from tafy. )laoe in April—The Uckfleld Olub were fined 5s. and the contemplated addition of another class.— Park House.—Miss Beekley. Mrs. Hamilton Bertram, Ltd., applied for t certificate for time to time require; and intimating that the Eventually it was understood that the various lor failing tey play an away match with East Side ee too ntinue their work of enconrag- a reduced contribution to I compensation fund The letter is to he forwarded to the Education oting. Bsoomlik.—Miss Crompton Board's approval is given on the farther under­ schemes should be fully considered by the com­ Swifts, tne roles o ! the competition providing that Committee.—A letter was read from the Education Durham House.-Master Olive Gwinner in respect of toe railway reshment rooms' at standing that steps will be taken to remove toe mittee, with instructions to put. the internal home and away n atohes snail be played ’ *by each istion c l free ammunition, which -the Htlstoh.—Min ColL Miss Skelton. Mr. and Mrs. Lewes Station, Newhaven ,y, and Newiok and oases of tuberculosis from the blook in the event of Committee deellning to contribute £9 towards the E Parlian ent for the Division, Mr. Rnpert Godby > WALDEON. affairs of the club in proper order. club,—The ooiuml tee allowed Mr. O. Wynter, of cost of the second-hand piano obtained for the T il Flower Show.—At a meeting of the Ohalley Station. In reply the Benoh, applicant the accommodation being required for cases of Seaford Rovere, li u 5d,, being expenses incurred ss ted In the Honse last February, HOWARD SQUARE.’ f said the rooms were openei bona fide travellers, acute infectious disease. (Lewes on Christmas Day to take Girls’ School, bat Sir John Bromley thought the - eons! deration. In the enenlng yecw •QuaNDON Lome. —Dr. and Mre. Bummers. Miss oomi i It tee of the Waldron Flower Show the offioers difficulty would be got over, as a report had been The Chairman; How / you know they are Shops Act Suspension Order.—The Shops wes and Distriot League v, be mor opportunities for praotioe by Snmmera. Mrs. and Mise Peel. Mre. Hurt | for t he ensuing year were appointed as follows: travellers or not? NEWHAYEN. obtained from a local expert, who said the piano at with the War Office, and better Holtbood.-04rs.^Lyidh^ atenborough N Pres dent Mr. J. Luoae; vloe-president*, the Rev, Aot Committee reported to the Town Council on ot played.—The league matoh was only two years old, and worth the £15 pro­ W. J J Humble-Orofta, Blrs. Orossley, MleeOroesle; Mr. Hayward: Others not allowed o k th e Friday that they had considered the !quec tlon of N ewhaven U nionist and Conservative Rlngmer v. Barrcombe, postponed on January 31st, gettlm; to the Crumbles ranges owing station. was fixed for Maroh H’.h.—Permission was granted posed to be paid for lt.r-The County Committee ded r into of toe Corporation motor Miss J. Crossley, Mrs. Ripley, Oapt. Field, Mr. 2: the desirability of making an Order! 8usp|endlni Club.—There was a large gathering of members wrote direotlng that the disused school desks at M1* LAS0ELLB8 TERRACE. M. Freeman, Mr. F. L. W. Barker, Mr. E. G. The Chairman ‘J At Newii and Ohalley ? the obligation to dose all shops in at this Club on Monday evening, when a smoking for Vernon Athletic and Lewes Reserves to count Mr. Hayward: There 1 1 ieve there is a right of a match between them at Brighton on February Alfriston should be disposed of “to the highpst titlo* s have been keeaiy contested, i Goldie (2). Misses Martin (9). Mr. Rarngbotham, Mi. CL F. Franols, Right Hon. F. during the summer months and the three wl concert, arranged by the Special Sub-Committee bidder,” and the . s handed to the County Jaokson, Mr. W. Cowland, Llept-Col. Hassell, way over the railway brld previous to Christmas, and recommended tl lat the (Messrs. O. J. Horlock, J, G. Mainwood and B. 21st In the second round :ofi the Lewes and Distriot .atnle » all toe aneeesslnl members. Iltnk^DoL Roper. Miss Nadine Mullens. The Chairman: But ‘ shment rooms are Charity Cup as a league as well as a oup match.— Acoountant (laughter).—The Chairman : Are they , A. I [. Edwards, who Iron the Clob- ' E. Hassell Capt Co wie, Mr. J. Large, following Older be made: The Coanoll of the Strong), was held, and occasion was also taken-to going to have a sale by auction?—Mr. Godfrey: Mr. N. Ken ward, Mr. A W. Bankln not on the bridge? Borough of Hastings, in porenanoe of the powers present the cup and prizes won In the recent Side Swifts claimed two points against the ip for tnls year, and Mr. H. Tbwaltoa, Harrison. Mrs. Moree.^ Mr. Middleton Mr. Hayward: fchi bottom of the stairs. billiards handicap. Mr. J; A. Gray presided, and seerveeves for failing to play a Alfriston should send round its crier (laughter).— record at the 800,900 and 1,000 yards, -. and Mrs. Be- _ Mre. Verwey Mr. H. Hlllyer and Mr. W. S. Lockhart. conferred upon them by toe Shops Aot, 1912, do The sohool estimates for the ensuing half-year the Rev. W. J. Humble-Crofts, Mr. J. This monchi a new rule has >s in foroe by whloh hereby order as M ows: The Oblf to close was supported by Mr. G. F. Alcook, Mr. G. W. matoh at Brighton rday last. The claim 1 ont of i , possible 105. Our best thanks xish.—Mr. and __ people are allowed on toe si ition platforms by pay- Nightingale, Mr. O. W. Towner, &o.—During the was nob opposed by ;he etlc, and was allowed. were £9.14s. Id. from the Boys’ School and £22. 9a. > the doe ore of rape and prizes, to our ITEM;—Miss West MA land Mrs. Hall, f. Mrs. Band is ter,'Mr.roll UU« AM*AJOUVUiE. Beach, MUlMr. W^Bjokland, fffe* Mr.^. for a half-holiday on one week-day reek la from the Girls’ Sohool, the latter being an increase Fox illlns, Mr. W. lng a penny hereby suspend ed in respeot of i In the proceedings the Chairman made a telling speeeh on lent i and viee-preeidente, for their r Mr. & W. Burt, Mr. G. B. The Chairman: But that th em toe evils that will acorue if the Home Buie Bill ot over 50 per cent, on the last estimates. — The . and for the interest shown by them, IBeuuuve.—Misses Williams (Q. Mr. Hutchinson. Mr. well, Mr. O. Humphrey, Mr. B Jennings, Mr. said boroughrough daringd the periods toe 9th Correspondent said the estimate for the Infante’ ^ Mr. Roy, Mr. A Reid^M) H. E. Rogers, travellers. September, becomes law, and his remarks were followed with was i gain visited by bis Worship the K tstla.ia.isa; % J ^ S : S ’ H. K ;nt, Mr. uu,. uu. By the Clerk: In eaoh were flay of’ JniJane, 1914, to the 15th day deep Interest.—Mr. F. C. Nicholson presided at the WESTHAM. School was slightly less and that of Alfrlston .bournfe and member* ot the Miniature Wheaton. Mr.Butter j|- hon. treasurer, 1914, and tfrom thelstday of Deeembc ■, 1914, to the slightly heavier. Mr.’t *F.Francis; h^'seoretMT.Mij. W. HunnUett used solely u the railway r t rooms, 22nd day.. of December, 1914. The oomibittee’s piano, and Mr. C. Germaine (humorist) proved an Haileham and D istrict Teachers’ Associa­ WTLM1NGTON SQUARE Tt wsjs decided to hold the show on Wednesday, The Justl ie# granted the as usual. recommendation was adopted. admirable entertainer. The programme was tion.—The annual meeting of this association took we record the death of our Tuesday, March 10th, waa the day fixed for the further sustained by Mr. G. Flowers, Mr. E. Blllett, plaoe on Saturday ai ; Wrstham School, Mr. C, H. nt, Mrl C. Davies Gilbert end other I .ngi st 5th. adjourned i nnnal licensing (nesting. Delays on the Line. — A long • suffering Mr. E. A. Whlthouse, Mr. C. W. Towner, Mr. Bennett, president, In the ohalr. Mr. G. Loads traveller on a single traot railway ventured to com­ 'who have been closely connected end I Dowries for Brides.—Monday next is the •Allan Horlock, Mr. L. Hibling, Mr. W. A. Gav, Mr. hon. secretary and treasurer), presented a satis- of]the dub. The committee are Ai anonymous donor has offered to present to last day for applications to be sent in for th i bridal G. F. Alcook and Sir. G. Bartlett.—Sir. Alcook dis­ notary report and " riance sheet. A cordial vote plain to the guard of the exasperating un­ D announce that Major-General Sir Fredk. the i ianchester City Council the: house In PI; For savii ig the lives of l by giving punctuality ot the service. The guard remonstrated dowries given under the will of the lat* Mrs. tributed the “ Ellis” Challenge Cup and prizes to of thanks was pas: to the President and Hon. in indignation. “ I've been on this line now up­ , KO.BJhas kindly consented to be the Dunkxux-MIss Hind. Mr. Hillman. out h-grove, Manchester, in whloh Mre. Gaski5 E an alarm cf fire the Ni Canine Defence Waldo-Sibthorp, in the Sleaford district of I Incoln- the sucoessfnl competitors in the recent billiards Secretary for theli »ble services during the f this elnb.” Garslde. Mrs. Bnrn-Charlesworth » a ltnoress, lived. League has awarded its . to the shire. The dowries consist of two sums o t about hipdioap as follows: ’ ...... past year. The! foL officers, for 1914, were wards of eight years---- ” he began. “ Have you j-sheet shows reoetpts amounting to m dogWeto, heii . --(so n of Mr. £62 eaoh, and are given to poor girls! deal roue of elected: President, . J. Glover (Weetham); indeed ? ” Interrupted the passenger sympa­ WILMINGTON GARDENS. “ ’ rOu Dmobyi it.”—The Roy, J. E. Watts- ! The Square, Femhurst. Cuupp anda prize value thetically. “ At wnat station did you get In ? ” and a cpendltnre £80 10*. 8d„ there -A—Mrs. Fowls. Mre. Stubbs, f. ...» Ditol field, jioat appointed Bishop Chelmsford, Cunnlnghai a, O. becomingmine married as a bridal dowry,dowry. Hitherto (J(prize value...... 10s. 6d. . 3. M vice-president, Mr. ?enfold (Pevensey); hon. i in hi nd ot £20. Oe, 8d. ; I Brentwood.—Mr. Graham. Mr. W. M. Gornafi. Mr. has received of messages of congratulation Father: “ My son, it i » more the words “ poor” and “ girls” havebeeisome­ 7s. 6d.). The Hon. Airs. G Wynne’s enp for toe secretary and f Mr. G. Loads (Polegate); “ What is your boy’s favourite study?” “ I on h a promotion, Among them was one from a difficult to (pend money with discretion than it is what liberally Interpreted, bat the trpbtitees main member considered by the committee to nave done committee, Mi Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. asked him yesterday. He said anthropology.” v S s s J Z iE : tstja sn firti woman: “Mr. Ditch field,—I am glad to hear to make It.’ Son: “ Well, lather, let me takehalf diligent inquiries before giving their deolsion. the best work daring the past year in the loterest Stroud, Mrs. ■( Farr; delegates to the “ Why, they don’t teach that in hls school 17 ‘Ibid to let that new maid go. I "®3

pm*?? MAYNARD SEE THE NEW LIMITED I r | i : REMOVALS gress at Devonshire Park. It opei on Thurs- day, when the programme cortsisl of events restricted to members affiliated the Sussex 1 9 1 4 1 2 - h . p . County Badminton Association, d yesterday AND was commenced the first Opel Badminton STORAGE. Tournament ever held in Sussex, may easily (Mr. Owen Clegs’s • ate^t Production). EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN Oppoi be imagined, the event has aroused, considerable interest and the play in the Floral Hall has been are presented in all classes watched by a large number of spectators. The arrangements tor,the tournament have been made Complete with 4-seated Stream-line Torpedo I> *dy, Hood, Screen, Horn, C .A .V . D y u a JQ O mother anniversary Wednesday in the by Mr. C. W. Mayo, who has carried out the Goods Warehoused in Separate traditional English fashipn. The festive pro- HOUSE HOLD L IN E duties of hon. secretary with ability and courtesy, Lighting Equipment and 5 Lamps, Detachable Wheels, with Spare Wheel, and he has been well assisted by :a committee took plaoe at the Royal Hotel, Terminus- consisting of Miss Aoheson-Gray, Miss C. Andrew, | Cover and Tube. Lock-up Compartments. company of between fifty and sixty TO BE CLEARED AT ABSOLUTELY Mrs. Heiser, Mrs. SohieibeT, Miss Stead, Mies B. of the excellent dinner supplied by Mr. UNHEARD OF PRICES. Thomely, Mr. B. F. Bovill, the E»v. E. R. D. Ooombe, the experienced licensee. Mr. Litle, General H. Read, Col. F. W. Spring, Mr. Finest Fireproof Warehouses G. Stanley Taylor and Mr. Perceval Wehner. Col. .cheats, who presided! was supported by Arthur Hill (hon. secretary of the Badminton in Eastbourne. T. Callard, of Leicester (president of the GOODS ABJ! TOO NUMEROUS TO GIVE Association) is acting as referee, add the handi­ 1 Association), who 'wore his handsome caps were apportioned by Mr. Gi, A. Thomas of office. Councillor Q. B. Soddy, Mr; G. A. FULL DETAILS. (Southsea). Appended are the results of the Smart and Up-to-date Vans. an^ (hon. 1 secretary), Mr. King, Mr. Forfar games played on Thursday and yesterday bon), Mr. J. S. GarrarddT“ Mr. ‘ G. “ B. “ Hamilton " Mr. J. Watt, andi Messrs.l A. Leonard, SUSSEX EVENTS.' Experienced and Careful Men im, 0. Thomas, Burtenshaw, Gamham. An Immense Assortment of Manufacturer’s LADIES’ DOUBLES. Leicester, Wenham, Townsend, « t W , l arsons, Warman, Lower, Beeny, Ball, Samples in Fancy Linen, Lace Trimmed and (Championships of Sussex.) only Employed. Emmanuel , Buckner, Woodard, Bleach, G. F. Miss F. Drake and Miss D. Bramwell beat Miss under 16 i, Winchester, Winchester, jun., J. OUett, Hemstitched Five o’clocks, Duohesse Cloths K. J. Rice and Miss M. E. Rice, 15-9, 15-12. RN.C., Complete as Shown Complete as Shown S pedal i J. Soddy, Coppard, Oompagnoni, and Duohessle Sets, Sideboard Cloths, Tray GENTLEMEN’S DOUBLES. £310 ESTIMATES FREE. Cendell, Donelly, Miles (Croydon), Turner, Visitors. Glaze brook, Tfdbury, Franklin, Wallace, Cloths, Muus! in Cushion Covers and Table (Championships of SuseeX.) V First Round.—Ool. Arthur Hill and J.ieut. G. M. *, Galloway, Ac. Centres, DaD mask Cloths, Serviettes, &c., &c. FULL PAKTICULAKS and TRIAL RUNS from APPLY menu card and toast list, though Hill, R.N., beat C. W. Mayo and E. B. Milner, L IN‘ 15-8, 15-9; A. W. Andrews add G. Stanley Taylor, BOARI ad a rather marked Scottish sug a bye. ident compliment to the genial L t d .> •. Dinner over, the loyal Final.—A. W. Andrews and G. Stanley Taylor G. E. MAYNARD, lonoured. The po BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. beat Col. Hill and Lieut. Hill, 15-5,15-1. with vocal music of both a MIXED DOUBLES. ; Complete House Furnishers, ■ p i R E l humorous character, the artists (Championships of Sussex.) Evelyn Shirley, Mr. J. Turnbull, Mr. L. First Round.—G. Stanley Taylor and Miss D. Runny klin, Mr. Boy Galloway and Mr. Taylor, with Bramwell beet B. F. Bovill and Miss M. Stead, A | acting as accompanist Bargains also in Soft Furnishing, 15-4, 15-4. Reminder byes. Greystone Buildings, Classes I “Oor Association. ” Semi-Finals.—C. W. Mayo and Miss F. Drake Hamilton, in proposing the above toast, FANCY, MANTLE, 'UNDERCLOTHING beat G. Stanley Taylor and Miss D. Bramwell, Eastbourne. Stndente ] surprised that ____ there. should _ be any 15-10,15-8; A. W. Andrews and Miss B. Thornely Age I ive of the trade who was hot a member and Mil LINERY DEPARTMENTS. beat Lieut. G. M. Hill, R.N., and Miss Chauncy, Noexq Association. No doubt associations could 18-17, 15-9. Hetereno deal of good or a certain amount of Final.—C. W. Mayo and MiBs F. Drake beat A Men All depended on their , representative W. Andrews and Miss B. Thornely, 15-3, 15-8. ^ e rb a n ts Sc A ssistants SSantrb ir and the manner in which they were I MEN’S SINGLES, [j This Association had, he claimed, SEA ANGLERS AT DINNER. YRTLEHOLME EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 3*. R something to improve the conditions of (Championship of Sussex.! M Gildredge-road, Eastbourne. 'Phone 646. to say nothing of its social usefulness First Round.—A. W. Andrews beat G. Stanley COOK and BETWEENMAID; £30 and £12; family L <»PJ iuae). EASTBOURNE PIER AND BOAT ANGLING Taylor, 15-5, 15-0; Lieut. G. M. Hill, R.N., beat EASTBOURNE HOUSEPAKLOURMA1D for small Apartment House. E. B. Milner, 15-8, 10-15, 15-8; C. W; Mayo and B KJTCHENMAID, also BETWEEN ; £12 to £18 ; Private I Chairman, in responding, -expressed regret ASSOCIATION. Fieming. byes'. AND family 2. Prepar&tid > absence through indisposition of Mr. Semi-Finals.-2 U W. Andrews beat C. W. Mayo, THIRD HOUSEMAID for school; £18. Cambrldg ibell, whom he wished a speedy recovery - The sea angling fraternity spent a very enjoyable 15-10, 15-8; Limit. Hill beat B. Flei aing, 15-0, 15-7. SECOND DORMITORY MAID; £20 to £22. Type* Having then extended a h welcome to the Final.—A. W. Andrews beat Lieut. Hill, 15-9, COOK for St. Leonards; £26 ; small family. of the Nati< Association, and to evening bn Thursday at the Excelsior Restaurant, HEATHFIELD Qymn Terminus-road, the ocoaalon being the annus 12-15, 15-11. dvertisements must be replied to in writint, the visitors from Brightoj and Hastings,- he dinner of the above Association. Cne dinner was ' j J \ r J ' ' • ' ' ' " ' directed to the addresses given. Personal applica­ St one the proposer’s a] eal to non-members LADIE8 ’ DOUBLES (HANDICAP). Ations at our Publishing Offices, for particulars, are useless T . G l to them, pointing fl­.t the opportunities followed bv a smoking concert. Mr. A. W ilkes, First Round.—Miss A. M. Morrison and Miss elephone S' ed tot the friendly dii ussion of trade oues- J.P., presided, supported by Dr. Daly, Mir, J. A Grace Scott (pi. 12) beat Miss Thomely and Miss Show Booms: MEADS BOAD, EASTBOUBNE. T : 861. FREE TRAINING IN HOME MISSION WORK utuai interest. Only Piper and Mi; E G. Capon (chairman of the com­ is offered by the CHURCH ARMY to earnest FOR BO| tlOL and Uthpr matters of mittee). Abe at 40 members of the Association sat M. Stead, 13-15, 15-1, 15-6; Miss K. J. Rioe and AChristian Women willing to devote themselves to work mbination and showi . a united front could Miss M. E. RidO (-6) beat Miss F. Drake and Mise The Bub noe in official circles, down to an mjoy able repast, which was catered among the poor as Mission Sisters in the slums, Matron* -all Publio] Siei hope to exert any infl for by Host “ Tommy ” Riddles. D. Bramwell (owe. 10 and one hand), 15-12, 15-0; or Rescue Workers. Board, Lodging and Outdoor attention : her local or national. iHe trusted after that Mrs. Heiser and Miss Hurst (pi. 10) beat Miss C. Uniform provided Gratis during Training. Salaried who now stood aloof would fall Great amusement was caused by the menu, little Andrew and Mrs. S. J. Taylor (pi. 10), 15-6, 15-3; po6tsguaranteed to successful Candidates after training. into [line with the rest of the trade and would ohool baas A iblng i had the lettera “ E.P. and Mrs. Worley and Miss G. A. Harries (pi. 6), a bye. Age preferred 25 to 80.—Write to Miss Carlile, Hon. Sec., forward any grievances or proposals in a [ A.A.” on the y a skewer, Semi-Finals.—Mies K. J. Rice and Miss M. E. 61, Brvanrton-slreet, London, W. way, in order that they might be profit a opi ning it,” garnished Rioe beat Miss A. M. Morrison and Miss Graoe COOK-GENERAL in private family, where two are Telepho joonaiaered (applause). w'th the "Ac arm? ensign”—a ragworm. Scott, 15-12, 15-12; Mtb. Worley and Miss G. A. Articles for §nle. (Situations SHanteb. kept; wages £24-26; no basement; modern con­ Aveniences. — “ The Hedges,” 16, Southflelds-road, East­ g AF, and th* Municipal Body. Various to ists were honoured, that of “ The Harries beat Mrs. Heiser and Miss Hurst, 15-10, Association" being given by the Chairman tnd 9-,15, 15-9. bourne. Garrard, who submitted “ The Town and A T TACKY, Ltd., 22, NORTH ROAD (near Station), ' to by Mr. Capon, Final.—Miss K. J. Rice and Mise M. E. Rioe A and 97, ST. JAMES’S STREET, BRIGHTON.— GENTS REQUIRED on salary and commission— ,” drew an engaging picture of Eastbourne’s beat Mrs. Worley and Miss Harries, 15-7, 15-11. Singer Sewing Machine: All kinds less half price (from road, Eastbourne". Servants supplied for Private I A_ 1 Terms, apply City Life Assuranoe Company, 6, stive charms. He deprecated the tendency The musical programme, whloh afforded much £1). Typewriters: Every make from2gs. Trunks,Bags, Hotels, Schools, &c. Phone 843. Hours 10—1,2—7, Paul.ul-street, Finsbury, E.C. to iimate Eastbourne advantages and alleged pleasure, inol uded the following MEN’S DOUBLES (HANDICAP). &c. Prams. Pianos. 5,000 pairs sample Boots, half Wirlboron T'kISENGAGED. — Thoroughly experienced Cook- p p r e n t ic e s r e q u ir e d for the practical of tha C defio lies by the characteristics of rival resorts, Pianoforte sol(, “ Poet and peasant,” Mr. J. H. Saunders First Round.—Col. Hill and Lieut" Hill (pi. 6) price. Carpets, Lino, Rugs, Blankets, Sheets, Quilts, I f Housekeeper, one year’s reference, £35; excellent MILLINERY ; small wage from beginning. — that Eastbourne had no need to copy the Song, “------Little ] rish ’ h girl” ...... Mr. Ada. Kent beat G. Stanley Taylor and B. F. Bovill (pi. 2); Bicycles, Skates, Fireproof Safes, Musical and Scientific Cook, 35, 2i years’ character, £36; Housemaid, 23, two Apply,A Plummer Roddis, Ltd., Eastbourne. ar attractions of competing places. He Impersonation i ...... Mr. Will Gay Instruments, Cutlery and Plated Goods. Houses of Comic song, “ ] lallad on Socialism ” C. W. Mayo and G. B. Milner (-4), a bye. Furniture Purchased, &c. Exchanges made. years’ character; £22; I Houseparlourmaid, 35. 4J years’ PPRENTICE! (Female) WANTED to the TAILOR­ also laded for a propeT .appreciation of the Final.—Col. Hill and Lieut. Hill beat C. W character, prefers quiet place, £22; Housemaid, 24, four ING—Apply, Marshall & Dunbar, 111-3, South- Dulwich ( disinterested labours qf the ideal govern- ■F" • Mr. Hand Collins months' character, £20; Betwecnmaid, 16, four months' A Selections (ban jo and mandoline)...... j...... Hudson Bros. Mayo and E. B. Milner, 15-12, 15-4. OSTERS EAST GRINSTEAD LIMITED, street, Eastbourne. Arei oonld do Song, “ Englai d ” ...... j...Mr. E. J. White character, £12; [Under Hohsemaid, 17, £14: Kitchen- I come Humorous son r," I’ve never been courtin’ afore,” MIXED DOUBLES (HANDICAP). F ENGINEERS, maids, £14-£16 ; Kitchenmaild, 20, seven years character PPLY, OXFORD REGISTRY, Susans-road, East- as general, £18; (Nurse; 21 years’ character, £20; &c., See. A: bourne—Wanted : Cooks, Cook-Generals, Houee- rd and try themselves. R e was one of those Mr. Scott Kemp First Round.—B. F. Bovill and Miss M. Stead | 21, CHEQUER ROAD (Tele. 131), park ■5 Candidal 1 credited the Council with much valuable Song, “ Troope r Johnny Ludlow ” ...... Mr. J. C. Hastii (scratch)xbeat H. Dudley Dale and Mrs. Heiser —Apply as above iatian ! Cornet solo, ] favourneen ”...... L...... Mr. Hoi Always have FOR SALE a large quantity of NEW and other Unl| and with a conscientious desire to promote (10J). 15-14, 14-15, 15-11; B. Fleming and Mrs. R. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY. PPLY,H0Ni 8i ■ABt SOLDIERS’and SAILORS’ for ad Song, “ Chorus, gentlemen "...... j....Mr. A K. Kent h e Up SC _ and NATIONAL ASSOCIA the t’a best interests. Considering what was Comicsong, “I agtime yokel "(encored), Mr. Harri Collins Worley beat the Rev. E. R. D. Litle and Miss G B astbourne (facing They have at present the following for Disposal:— 4 UTCHERS-—WASTED, at once, smart LAD, about to be done to maintain a town of this Song, “ Marguerite ” ,...... Mr. G. Holly A. Harries (pi. 74), 15-13, 15-8; C. W. Mayo and 6, Sussex Gardens, Sussex Stores). N, 27, Upperton-r i, Eastbourne (Tel. No. 671), for 16.—Apply, 268, Seaside, Eastbourne. Mies F. Drake (-12) beat A. W. Andrews and Miss 1 BRADFORD 25 S&RT WASHING and Handy Men, Waitei Porters, V*nmen, Chair and B he thought the rates were remarkably low. Duet, “ Blaek i nd white," Messrs. Buchanan and Dewar WRINGING MACHINE. Invalid Attendants; inai Chair for Hire; Vacuum /CARETAKER.-VACANCY OCCURS for respectable they wanted at the Town Hall was an Musisal melan ]e “ B. Thomely (-9).. 12-15, 15-13, 15-13; G. Stanley Hours 9 till 7; Sots. 9 HU B. Later by Appointment 1 Secondhand Length SHAFTING, with Pulleys Cleaner Supplied or without men ; Gardens VJ person as above, able to do little cooking; mother exercise of statesmanship; it was no Song, “ The trum] Taylor and Miss D. Bramwell (-6) beat Lieu]. S C onsti solo.ouiu, kiiutfiipj ...... nuyiu and Bearings. Attended; Windows leaned; and any Casual Work and daughter or married couple might be entertained ; M ™ 1 for fads, Recently Eastbourne passed . G. M. Hill and Miss Chauncy, 15-10, 15-8. CONSULTATIONS FREE. I CORN CRUSHER. Insured under Wort ien’8 Compensation Act. Men of must have satisfactory references. — Apply. G. K. something of a crisis in the agitation Daringring the evening a letter of apology was read Semi-Finals.—B. Fleming and Mrs. Worley beat 1 18-h.p . MILL (Saunderson’s) Petrol TRACTOR, good character only it oni Maynard, 1, Collington-avenue, Bexhiil.______J DAY and for purchase of Devonshire Park.-- It had from Sir CGeorge Pragnall, regretting his inability B. F. Bovill and Mise Stead, 15-13, 15-8; C. W. with Truck and Three Furrow (Howard) Plough. THOROUGH PRj CTICAL GARDENER WANTS APABLE GENERAL SERVANT WANTED ; £18 to Erancheal no harm, and one effect might be to attend.tend. Sir George . .. is . „giving , _ a cup . to the Mayo and Miss Drake beat G. Stanley Taylor and 1 12-h.p . side E. MOTOR CAR. A JOBBING by Di y or Week, or Landscape Work. C £22; two in family; no children; no washing; no r f f itnate the general sense of civic respohsi- ilatlon 11 memory of the late Hr. Symington Miss D Bramwell, 15-10, 14-15, 15-U. 2 New Lengths SHAFTING, Pulley and Bearings. —Arber, Alpha-road,!rawley. r boot...... cleaning—Apply, Mrs.C. Griffin, •" Oat ~Barns, ~ Lingfield. *• ! VU . Without criticising the motives or the was an enthusiastic fisherman. A vote ol Final.—B. Fleming and Mrs. Worley beat C. W. 1 60-ft. WINDMILL PUMP and TOWER (nearly HAUFFEUR; 24; sin le, honest, sober, willing, (ONFECTIONERS—YOUNG GIRL WANTED to, nents of the opposing sides, they must agree condolence ai d sympathy was passed at the general Mayo and Miss Drake, 13-15, 15-14, 15-2. pew). ' j I • . careful driver, good m chanic and vnlcaniser; two c cHelp in Shop and Restaurant—Apply, Letheby and. MUNICH] th e ~ounoil were actuated in the course $hey to N is. Symington In her great loss. 1 3)-H.p. Stockport GAS ENGINE (SOL'D). Ccertificates—Mill Bouse, R imell, near Lewes. Christopher,Chri East Grin6tead, took! a sense ot public duty and honestly 1 1 200-h.p. NATIONAL GAS ENGINE and Suction After aver; > pleasantevenlng the gathering broke OPEN, TOURNAMENT. D eHTSTP./ Gas Plant (nearly hew). K—YOUNG LADY (age OOK - GENERAL and HOUSEPARLOURMAID scheme which they advocated: OP with a vc te of thanks to the artistes for their )d experience; disengaged WANTED, pr two Generalslerals might suit; two in the ___ of the town (hear, hear). In YESTERDAY’S PLAT 1 3-h.p . GAS ENGINE (excellent condition). :’s Head Hotel, St. Neot’B, family;C plainest cookingig: • every comfort; " good wages. MUNICl] ’ services, Mr. J. H. Saunders waq the aooom 1 8-a.P. GAS ENGINE (nearly new). lb, Mr. Garrard reoommended loyal sui LADIES’ DOUBLE! Hunts. —W. F.., 28, Friarsf-walk, Lewes. town and its claims, and showed We often have enquiries for Second-hand Machinery of First Round.—Miss L. C. Radeglia and Mies J o r or to % tt. and owners with such articles for disposal will do well to DESIRES APPOINTMENT In Eastbourne, OOK-GENERAL WANTED, another maid kept; (1 more likely Eastbourne was to progr. A. M. Gowenlock beat Miss I. D. Miller and Mrs. oommunicate with us. No charge is made unless a sale r it references; low salat V small family; no washing.- ■Mrs. Williams, 83, the authorities had the goodwill and Is effected. m. Huggett, 67, Prtnoes-ctesoent, Brighton. viaTcarage-road, Eastbourne. ion of the ratepayers generally, Cecil Bums, 15-4, 15-3; Miss D. Bramwell and be obtalne HAMPDEN PARK BOWLING CLUB Miss Benest beat Miss V. Goldney and Miss M. F SEA F R O N T . Prices on application to J. Dads well, Manager. a r r ie d m a n s e e ; b s it u a t io n as van or OOKS, Parlourmaids, Housemaids, Kitchenmaid* tnlttee, To| ___ _ of the landowners and Railway Hsrriss, 15-10, 15.11; Mrs. Tragett and Miss M Light Drayman or any place of tru st; goo,', refer- C and good General Servants Wanted for town and pan;r, than if the plaoe was given over to factional i ■ Ef» , I WANTED, SECOND-HAND MACHINERY for Cash ences—Belgin, 16, St. Mary’s-road, Eastbourne. oountry; good situations.—Central Registry, 182, High- b and i distrust of those in authority and The above dub held their seoond annual meral Hogarth beat Miss Frances Drake and Mrs. Pier, a st b o u r n e.—f u r n is h e d p r iv a t e h o u se, street, Lewes. rju iE meeting in the Hampden Park Hall on iday son, 18-17, 15-11. in the best position on the Front, with unrivalled or Exohange for New. HORTHAND TYPIST. — Young lady DESIRES ience. The speaker also referred to the local MIXED DOUBLES. E s: ENGAGEMENT______in— Eastbourne; three years’ AY GIRL WANTED, permanent place,—Mrs. Bell, and supported the contention that, so far attendam Mr. views; southern exposure; six or seven bedrooms, three O A A EA8TB0URNE HYDRO HOTEL SHARES experience in London Insurance Brokers' Office; salary D 1, Lansdowne-terrace, Eastbourne. ! sible, residents should make their pur- be presldentlwasin ohelr. First Round.—“U. N. Lapin” ajh'diMiss M. E. or four reception rooms. Rent, six guineas a week. FOR SALE, paying 7 per cent.; three months’ moderate—Address, Masha m, 78, Victoria-drive, East­ FRENCE bourne. INING ROOM MAID, with experiencein a Business in the town, where all that enlightened The Hon. (Mr. R. S. Webster) the Mayston beat H. J. H. Inglis and Mrs. Pierson, dividend accrued.—Edgar Horn & Chartres, 31, Corn­ House, REQUIRED.—Miss Chipping, 1, Hyde- ENGLIS! ent _ and uniform oourteay could do -was report for the ist year, whloh w deemed 15-2, 15-4; F. P. Pilkington and Miss L. C, Apply: OAKDENS, Estate Agents, Eastbourne. field-rood, Eastbourne. llTUATION REQUIRED as HANDY MAN, or any gardens,D Eastbourne. Radeglia beat Lieut, G. H. BradyjR.N., and Mrs I similar position of trust; excellent references— don merit publio patronage (applause). , thoroughly naf •story. Daring the the 1 e TONS GLOBE MANGOLDS; put on rail; 12s. ton. g OMESTIC SERVANTS.—Miss Grace E. Kenf.dt, olub played 19 matches, recording eight wins, eight Gerald Brady, 15-4, 15-5; F. B. Prust and Miss I t ) —Apply, G. Weaver, Little Dene, near Lewes. tiers to S. G., care of Smi ,1i'h Library, Torminus-road, Items Mo I A Warning Note. A FEW FREEHOLD BUILDING PLOTS, near Golf Eastbourne. D of Canada, will be Glad to Meet; Girls Desir­ losses and three unfinished games. The total C. M. Douglass beat F, Chesterton and, Mrs. l e x a n d r e h a r m q n iu m ; walnut, is stops, ing ing Information and Advice as to Service in Canada, funcillor, Soddy, in the course of his response, Links, will be JfiLD at bargain prices to start 44 Tragett, 18-15, 9-15, 17-14; G. Stanley Taylor and building operations’ M fTho Seaford Garden Suburb. rows of reeds, hand and foot blowers, percussion UPERIOR MAN SEE! S SITUATION; drive and Wages, &e., at the Offices of Messrs. E. Steer & Co., on the South 'Coast the ratepayers had risen Miss D. Bramwell beat Lieut. G.liM. Hill, R.N., Splendid opportunitjHKr builders, speculators, those action;A good condition.—On view at Mr. A. J. Cramp’s, take charges of horse ind van for tradesman ; suit Railway-approach, East Grinstead; on Thursday, 2fith iolt against the Councils in Oonneetipn with and Miss Benest; G. A. Thomas and Miss Hogarth 37, London-road, East Grinstead. wholesale grocer; 15 years’ sxperioncc; total'abstainer February. [ ] . I . ■i: t requiring week-end howfes, or for permanent residence. good references. — "Dr’^ ‘~ " “‘ Observer'’ Office, East" M R„. |mes involving pnblio expenditure. It was The result ol the tournament was: Mr. E? beat W. M. Swinden and Miss F. Drake, 15-12, Price from £L per foot frontage.—All particulars, Stuart ICYOLKS, 2s. fid. W EEKLY.-W hy wait longer: r a p e r y (Fancy r equipped far serious work laterv on. Thq Mayaton and Mrs. Woodcock (• one hand), tbourne. 2nd, 3rd and very! highly commended at the Nurse or Children’s MaidJ, 31, £26: Under-Nurse, 16 bye-laws would specially affect two or three EAFORD. tall, nice appearance; Waiter, also Waitress, dis­ OUSEMAID REQUIRED; wages £18, all founfl.— Preparatori 4-15, 15-5, 15-0; Miss K. J. Rioe Und Miss M. E. TO B® LET OR SOLD, well built large jhton and Lewes Shows; 4s. 6d. per sitting—Mr. S. engaged. Wanted: Coot-Generals, Parlourmaids, Apply, stating age and experience, to Manageress, and referen including their own; but hd implored Rice (pi. II) beat Mrs. Brady and Miss E. F. m BUNGALOW_ a i J i w l seven rooms, 'usual office, large Green, Falmer. Mro Hotel, Eastbourne. to 'look on this in a broad and ccra- Reynoldsevnolds (pi. 9),9). 15-10, 15-5. K<~ iainder byes, garden, close to sea; rent £40,or sell £650; cost £800.— Kitchenmaids and Betwe inmaids, Generals (to sleep — ...... i______1 L ■"'’“rate spirit, having regard primarily to the CUOKW ERE FISHERY DISTRICT. OaUf, Seaford. o r s a l e , TREADLE SEWING MACHINE in or out). No booking fe ss to Servants. ADS i LADS! LADS t—The happiest, healthiest lif* Seoond Round.—Miss V. Goli _ and Mias M. 3 neanearly ‘ new; £2. 10s.; also Lady Back Tandem; for British lads from 16 to 20 years is on big pros­ rests, physical ana educational; of the child, F. Harriss beat Miss D. K. Pidwell and Miss MALL BUNGALOW FOR SALE at Buxted, with inF splenisplendid condition; with Sturmey three-speed; Lperous Farms in New South Wales and Victoria,; wage* B. C.M. Pial . in a secondary degree only to the con­ Baddeley. 15-3,15-1; Miss K. J. Rioe and Miss M. two acres of ground and small garden; one mile £6.10s—Outten, Warrenside, Forest Row. of St. Peter fromS station.. .. L.jlgj,nail. -- —Wayside, -- -J* ’---- high; climate ideal; all industrious farm boys miy venience *'of tiie employer. At present, un- Conservators Meeting at Pol E. Rice beat Miss F. Drake and Mrs. Pierson -hill, Lewes. OR SALE, three-quarter size DINING-BILLIARD JRisaUaTuous. become substantial farmers; previous form experience Eastbourne doubtedlyi the child was employed at such times (owe one hand), 15-12, 15-0; Miss D. Bramweli and B P 'S . Week. —Cosy ROUSE TOILET. Furnished; JL TABLE; x n n um , uugclarge balle,_ua.uo, accessories; ai/uooouiico , view non muin, mornings, not necessary; reduced passages; £3lpayable here: meat a* . and tor such length of time that it was rendered Miss Benest (pi. 74) beat Miss |M. K. Bateman 4 0 sunny aspect; near sea: central;, n(n, , e rooms; no 10F to 1 o’clock; price £8.—Upperton Lodge, Ratton-road, wages to start from 10a. to 15s., free board and lodging; FORTE The annual meeting of the Conservators was H^.^!^LEAR^Y(iUlTwARDROBKS. - We jnick increases; work^_guaranteedjrk guaranh by . government—______less fit to benefit from the education given to it— and Miss E. G. Peterson (owe 5i and one hand), basement.—” Hatu,” "Chroniole " Office,n: ? ' JGj minute H er; south aspect: bath room; good cook- XT any make of Pianos on Deferred Payments or tor ladles', gentlemen's, children's purchasedd; good T111-3, South-street, Eastbourne. Mr. Oaixabd responded in a lengthy and ______Anchltel _ ._____ and Mies B. Thornely (pi 1-8, 1512; G. injEf 5 highly recommended! moderate winter terms.—91 Cash.—Coionnade-road, Eastbourne. . up-to-date Costume 1, Blouses, gentlemen'a s____ Suite, practical speech, covering much ground in Mr. Albert Bartenshaw, Mr. Bnpert S. Stanley Taylor and Miss I ell (pi. 94) nd postcard, Mrs. 1 lorgan’s, 6a, Ocklynge-road! ANTED, strong LAD for Smith’s Shop—Vincent beat B. F. Bovill and K. Knipe .1- 12), 15-13, KED POTATOES FOR SALE; about 40 Bushels of Eastbourne. Bankers, L. S.S.W, Y ISI explanation .of the objects and proceedings of the 1L P , Lieut-Col. R De Bray Hhiscll, Mr. IEW VISITORS RECEIVED, ap p reciate the com: Royal Kidney Potatoes; 2s. 6d. a busheL—Apply, W ______and Co., Junction-road, Eastboun e. National Association. He showed that the central t nee, J.P., Mr. a 0. Shooamlth, Mr. Jos. J5I1; R. B. Prust and C. M. ass (scratch), lalton,an, Glynde Vicarage, Lewes. ANTED, USEFUL HELP; also gbod General— IS o p b n J W.o., W. T. James and Mrs. irns (pi. 12 ), J . t0™ o* e refined home; advantages to foreigners; f^RESSMAKING. — Rei lOVfitiugj Tailoring, Ladies’ body wae able to deal with thingB that could not Gw rone, Mr. J. Grant Daff Alnslie, Mr. moderate inclusive terms.—51, Sllverdale-road, E ast I J Own Materials Made Up.-Mis3 J. Baker, 7, New Apply, Mrs. Bean, 53, Jevington-gardens, East­ Families: i treated effectively by purely local Associations, Mackey, Mr. Wm. Rankin, Mr. Arthur P. scratched; Lieut. G. M. Hill, i.; and Miss , CROSSES, Harps, Sprays, Hearts, bourne.W Mathcn Benest (pi. 94) beat F. J. H. Ingl; and Miss Bate- Bouquets, tastefully made from 5s„ 7s. 6d„ 10s. 6d., Uppoiton-road, Eeistbourm. ' be proceeded to ontiine in clear and forcible aTMt. Arthur W. Brodribb, M.A.. M.B., TNURNI8 HED APAR’ 1b, Ca man (owe 2 and one hand), 9, i 15-4; F. P. —NTS or Board-Residence, 15s. to 42s. — J. C. Hastings, 10, Pevensey-road, RESSMAKING ht Lac ies’ Houses; Blouses, Skirts, \\T ANTED, HOUSEPARL( 'URMa . D for small ob the 'measures taken to develop; the trade Win. 7. Smith and Mr. Otho a JP —20, St Anne's-orea nt, Lewes. Compton-street, Eastbourne. i &c.; by day or wee c—K., 49, Hurst road, East- fw fr family: , age about 22; wagi is, comfortable Address] ad defend its interests. The National Associa­ Mr. J. T. Simmons, of Wine mill Hill, Pilkington and Miss A. M. unlock (owe 10 bourne.D situation—Address, Mrs. R. 'Chrpnicle’’ Office, tion was, infer alia, recognised bjr tile Goverh- and one hand) beat “ U. NI. Lapin and Miss D. ARAGETOLET;------, r.—-- position; near High-street Eastbourne. was appo nted a water bailiff. Tha accounts for i " “JP tiwee or, four cars.—Apply, H. Cruse ... .TURE,(&c., _____. REGEIVED . — —rv.----- at anyly time for SALE ment Departments as the moutnpie :e of the .the past year and tho Water Bailiffs re wrts were K. Pidwell (owe 2 and one hand), 1513, 4-15, 1514; ler, &o., New-road, Lewes. aeteert spoons, forks, tea and egg spoons, 1st. 183L O. W. Mayo and Miss F. Drake (pi.>1. 8) beat Lieu-Lieut, IY AUCTION; or bought privately at fair prices ANTED, GENERAL 8ERVANT experienced; trade, and its considered opinion* wer- > accorded ------nd apfyjved, also the annnalxetnrns to mustard, salt espoons, tongs; 40 pieces; unsoiled ; accept wmwhen pre good wages and frequent outings small private the weight and deference due to a representative G. _H. Brady, R.N., and Mrs. dy (pi. 10), 1-15, MJURSERY GARDEN! near Eastbourne, with six- t preferred. — Hamblyn’s Sale Rooms, 8, Elms- W dtted to the Board of Agriculture sad i-1 roomed_____Cot.. Cottage, TO BE LET on lease.-AnDly 25s.'; approval.- Write, W., ‘‘Sussex and Surrey Courier ” buildings, Eastbourne. house; two in family,—Shirley,j92, Royal-parade, East­ YORK _ organisation. After defining the act: on of the 156, 157. ' ' J ; Ca, Estate ______Office Lewes. bourne. A| Association in regard to the Pure Foo 1 Bill and Bela and coarse fish were reported ae Seoond Round.—F. P. Pilkington, and Miss A. Lake fe Co., EstateAgents, Eastbourne. 1 AY WANTED: rick of Bccond quality; suitable the past season. for lieifers.—Pile, Hxzeldcn Farm, East Grinstead. ANTED, respectable Won an as LAUNDRESS; MUSIGfi commenting upon recent judicial pio M. Gowenlook beat “U. N. Lapin”.and Mias D. HOP and Seven-Roomed HOUSE TO LET (Hm h- H good washer and ironer. -7, Selvfyn-road, East- etc. jaltles were voted to the Qerk and K. Pidwell, 1513, 515, 1511; R.| D. Prast and C. ®™EET’ GRinstkad) ; private entrance; OST, on the Wish To; rer W the speaker concluded with a testimony to and out of the balanop Ip hand of JHisallatuotts. .February bourne. F kncin(J Value of the benevolent fund, whicli had, he M. Douglass beat G. Stanley Taylor and Miss D. £35- Turner’ S i LJLi 10th, FAIRPAIR of TINTTINTED ED SPECTACLES in shabby A Medical | said, keen of timely help to many ma iter bakers It wae resolved, on the Chairman’s Bramwell, 1514, 4-15, 154. case—Anyone bringing fame to Mrs. Lloyd, 13, Lans- ANTED (for Eastbounlc). BETWEENMAID ; base 300 trout for re-stocking, in downe-terrace; Eastbounje, will be well rewarded. wages £12, all fonnd biit beer—Write, or call, overtaken by misfortune. LADIES’ SINGLES (HANDICAP) large, comfortable ouse of PATRONISED BY ROYALTY 160 times—We have withW full particulars, age, i exper ence, religion, i U various parts of the river, nanency or otherwi Ml reoeived the above patronage from 10 different p U B L IO ANS (BIT BOOKS from ono shilling each, Full) The concluding toaet, “The Visitors/' was pro- ltuation; board and a dance; suit Invalid c Mrs. Wallroth, Longwood, ] iters dealt with First Ronn'd.—Mrs. Gerald Brady (pi. 64) beat lady.—E.," Chroniole ” members of toe British Royal Family.—Edmonds and tr the wholesale trade.—Famoombe A’ofiee.-Al by Mr. C. Thomas, and acknov lodged by , bat the chief Miss G. A. Harries (pl.9), U-8, 11-5. Ice, Eastbourne. -----, JO, Elma-buildlngs, Eastbourne. and Co., 1 . Lewes c nd BastAxmrne. ANTED (for Eastbourne),! K1TCHKNMAID, with 'ustbeenl Lbnnard. Altogether " assistance half day; must have lad experience evening paesed lution of the river by sewage Second Round.—Mrs. Gerald (Brady beat Miss fTIO LET.—HAMPI I PARK.—Four bed. two recem BOUGHT ai y condition; reliable prices; W idnslvel pleasantly. , which matter Is receiving the E, G. Peterson (pi. 64), 11-2, U- , garden; £32; March! In gentleman’s house—Write, of call, with full particu­ ear? App^AArat&yj ______m e .______. j ,, Bid. on vulcanite, platinum pinned; 2s. Sd. on lars, age, height, experience, religion. Airs. Wallroth, oarefali ! the Board. I GENTLEMEN’S SINGLES IANDUCAP). ; 3s, on gold; 6e. 6d. on platlnnm; oash at onoe.— Longwood, Eastbourne. ’W- It wi dved to support the memorial of the rT^O LET (near Wo.. i), nice old COUNTRY HOUSE; Locock, 201, Queen i-road, Hastings. [Copyrigbtl O e n n u u 'a r u a t r ______Man,— Wear! r Board to the Board I First Bound.—C. F. L. Pier (Pi- t11)) beat G. i six large rooms, i i offices, large walled-in garden, ANTED, a smart Youth as APPltNTICE to the Stanley Taylor (pi. U4), 151, Remainder lawns, greenhouse, s' 1ANARIES.—COCK CANARIES on full song, 7s. Bd., TERRY’S AUCTION : tOOMS and SALK YARD, 19, Grocery, Provision and Fruit Trade; good oppor­ m -H-y^Grimsby constat _le had a fight , t,. with___ aq i armed and .1 to lnltiata byes. Lewes. ! *. ;7j!; i_____ rent£4fi.'—Particulars, Firmin, , lte. and 21s. each; Hi to 8s. 55.;I large’ Cornfield-road, East pourne.-A Sale every Monday W tunity to learn toe business; wages fit m commence­ auneot early oa 8unday morning. He Vas on doty further r powers tc -Edmonds & ~ ' _Antique Fjirnithre, Shares and Property; ment—Ambridge’s Stores, East Grinstead. In Stirllng-streot. the sc'ne of eevetral recent restrain ] ____ . and powers to fix i Second Round_Lieut. G. H. Brady,,rady, R.N.R. (pi. 11) beat Lieut. G. M. Hill, R.N., pi. M 84), 12-15;----- “154, ‘ Kr'**r ^ H? y 8E in N884 Grinstead TO rnALKING AMAZON PARROTS, 36s. to 60s. Foreign YMTANTED, for______20th, COOK-GENE tAL (young); robberies, when be noticed a man loitering else of < 5 and other fish to be legally ^ ^ 1Dfet. road reception, five ■ Birds in great variety from 2s. 6d. pair. Pomeranian ILL KIND LADY or GENTLEMAN lend young ------.„_u. tw o jn f — Apply, Mspldonaly. Aftsr keeping him nod ir observe- 153; C. W. Mayo (pi. 114) b, ! W. M. Swinden uwuooms, garden; moderate terms for six or 12 months. T Y good wages; man ke] ' r of a suitable flm. i(soratch); C. F. L. Pierson | Llewellyn Davies,~ Three ”Bridi ” Copee.iear Crawley, th he throat Into the constable’s face. Vickers —Bert; “ Queer fellows those poet files and------Moths;------L ad W------H at Feathers J of all kinds; id np tiie weapoD, and, seizing the man’s lt a Portsmouth mental hos ,ita) a cinemato- many ThThousandsousandsjcsslectjrom—Edmonds __ ,____ Sc Edmonds, TED, a SUPPLY of SULK; 30 to 50 gallon YKTANTED, good GENERAL SERVf|ANT (25 to 30) e, for Instance, who speaks of ‘ an achf 20, Enns-bulldings, Eastbourne. ir' day; ’...... prompt oash or weekly cheque.- -Apply Y J for family of two—Apply,___ firs by lotter, to closed with blm. The pair fall to the w, how can a void ache?” Mab y pb theatre has been establish, i a permanent Sir Savile Crossley is organising wood!pis tlve Socle ty. Lewes. Mrs. Todd, 25,, Compton-avenue, Brightoi u______mtonnd, where they straggled and foogi it tor some s you never had a headache ?" titution for the recreation of j patients and shoots throughout Suffolk on March 5th and L stock at lowest :tm«. Finally the policeman diparmed and hand* the earliest dates practicable after duck Bhootlna and Aquariums— TED, a small FlAMIIjY’S PLAIN WASHING; rOUNG GENERAL WANTED, 16-n |'fonJ cliildreiT. itnffcd his antagonist. At the police station the ~~ Eastbourne. drying; gro i id—Address, X. Y. Z., "East Mrs. Prockter, The Gables, Lingflell, Surrey. , t ■us tees of the Lorc\g Mayor Trelc Halesworth Council, in Buffi has resolved j. “ Does Growler:do anything towards jrlsoner was found to have » pocketful of cart­ Hospital have received a donation to purohase an acre of lind I: la home —— ” ■■ • —...... ridges. " r. MacGarvey, of Vienna. r order to ereot hia borne happy!” ‘lYes." “ What?” “ Kee]» \J\I ANTED, TWO G DAT8 in full milk; April or Printed by tho Proprietors, Fa NOOMBE______t Cd.,__ _ Limited, ffl.o houses for working men. away from In some of .the Chicago publio schools boys are f ▼ May.—Mrs. Hop\ rood, ScovelTs, Barcombe, near and Published by them every S aturday, at their Offices, .1 taught sewing. Lewes* ■ South-street, Eastbourne. ■J-M

f. -
