Play Proud is a Common Goal project for LGBTQ+ inclusion that engages football-based community organisations around the world.

VISION STRATEGY That grassroots football Create methodology and organisations, programmes, train coaches and other and communities around the sports pro­fessionals to world are inclusive for LGBTQ+ address discrimination and communities. create inclusive spaces for LGBTQ+ youth. PLAY PROUD COLLECTIVE PROJECTS 3



CANADA SCORES, ALTUS SPORT, GRASSROOT SOCCER , FÚTBOL MÁS, SOUTH AFRICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, HAITI & SACRED SPORTS FOUNDATION, ST. LUCIA Globally, LGBTQ+ people face discrimination both on and off the Create LGBTQ+ curricula Build capacity of grass- Roll out Play Proud STREET LEAGUE, and policies that can be roots organisations to be Playbook to guide orga- field of play. LGBTQ+ discrimination comes in many forms - SPORT4LIFE UK, AMERICA SCORES, used by coaches to make able to incorporate the nisations’ facilitation of SOUTH BRONX ranging from laws that criminalise LGBTQ+ identities to familial programmes, organisati- methodology into their open and safe football UNITED, SOCCER ons, and ultimately, com- programmes through trai- programmes, regardless GOALS HAITI, WITHOUT BORDERS, and social rejection. munities more inclusive. ning the first generation of gender identity or HAITI SOCCER IN THE STREETS, PURE of Play Proud Coaches. sexual orientation. GAME, STARFINDER SLUM SOCCER, YFC FOUNDATION, RURKA KALAN, In a worldwide survey conducted by the Human Rights Campaign, THE SANNEH INDIA 42% of all LGBTQ+ adolescent respondents felt that their community FOUNDATION, WHO IS PART OF PLAY PROUD PROJECT GOAL, RUMAH CEMARA, USA didn't accept them. INDONESIA GRASSROOT Due to a lack of mentorship and inclusivi- can provide LGBTQ+ youth with crucial BALON MUNDIAL, SOCCER ZIMBABWE, ty in society and sport, LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, mentorship during adolescence and ZIMBABWE Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, etc.) therefore works primarily with coaches as youth are growing up with a higher its target group. Play Proud seeks to equip THE DENIS LAW chance of experiencing assault, societal coaches with the skills and knowledge LEGACY TRUST, stigma, victimisation, and rejection. With- to become mentors that will create safe Coaches and Mentors will be trained through the project in the Football for Good sector, coaches and inclusive spaces for members of the and then offer LGBTQ+ inclusive programming to 1,000 have stated that they struggle to make LGBTQ+ community. beneficiaries from some of the most underserved commu- their programmes more welcoming and nities in Europe, Africa and Asia. inclusive for the LGBTQ+ community. The Play Proud pilot was implemented Every day, these coaches offer vulnerable across the North America and Caribbean children and adolescents a safe place on region in 2019, training 24 coaches from 6 the football pitch. countries. In 2020, Play Proud began ex- “Even small things like using inclusive words panding globally training an additional 23 However, organisations reported that coaches from 7 countries across Europe, can contribute to a more inviting and inclusive their coaches would benefit immensely Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. environment.” from a targeted programme that address- Impact International Inclusion Playbook is Common Goal is a pro- es topics surrounding the nuances and Due to Covid-19, the project pivoted online is a leadership develop- a civil rights advocacy athlete driven movement complexities of gender and sexuality. while successfully staying committed to ment expert that designs group with the goal of that promotes a 1% the original project outcomes. Play Proud customised experiential empowering social change contribution of all reve- Play Proud is a coach-centred, human participants were engaged through a learning experiences for agents to transform their nues generated by com- rights-based approach that looks to make model of asynchronous and synchronous organisations. communities. mercialising the game to PLAY PROUD COACH sports programmes more inclusive for the learning; asynchronous learning took place collectively advance the LGBTQ+ community. through the learning management system, Global Goals. Thinkific, while synchronous learning was The programme recognises that coaches delivered through live “huddles” on Zoom. PLAY PROUD COLLECTIVE PROJECTS 4


Deliver Play Proud methodology which Coaches and participating staff in Play Proud Increased capacity of organisations to be Increased access to safe and inclusive sports CHALLENGE SOLUTION gives participants the tools and knowledge become more competent as LGBTQ+ inclusion more LGBTQ+ inclusive. environments for LGBTQ+ identifying youth. to create safe spaces in their programmes sport leaders. and organisations. Lack of inclusive and safe spaces for young people to participate in football. 1. ENABLING COACHES TO CREATE MORE INCLUSIVE AND 2. TRAINING PLAY PROUD COACHES TO BECOME SAFER SPORTS ENVIRONMENTS FOR LGBTQ+ YOUTH COMMUNITY LEADERS

1. Using appropriate ter- 1. Coaches identify 2. Coaches learn 3. Coaches’ 4. Coaches become minology and avoiding gen- there is a problem more inclusive programmes become LGBTQ+ champions in dered terms shows respect and commit to language and more safe and their communities. Reduced participation in and acknowledges the team addressing it in their behaviour. inclusive. sports of young people from as a unit and as individual programmes. LGBTQ+ community. members.

5. Being informed and stay- 2. Amplifying allyship is a ing up-to-date on LGBTQ+ sign of support and respect inclusion topics that impact towards the LGBTQ+ com- • Coaches discuss behav- • More supportive coaches • Trained coaches create a your players, coaches, and munity and reinforces that ioural change and create welcome LGBTQ+ youth safe and attractive space community. anyone is welcome. action plan with other to sports. for participants. staff members. 4. Being proactive about 3. Being consistent in words • More LGBTQ+ youth take • Sport becomes more inclu- Young people feel stigmati- communicating commitment and actions: challenging • Direct/indirect LGBTQ+ part in sport. sive, safe and welcoming to sed, alienated and rejected to LGBTQ+ inclusion in a homophobic behaviour and discrimination is all young people. in sports spaces which can structured way. using inclusive language, on noticed and addressed. • LGBTQ+ youth feel safe. lead to poor academic per- and off the pitch. formance, higher levels of • Participants feel more depression, more exposure 3. IMPLEMENTATION MODEL safe and included at the to drugs and alcohol. programme site.

PHASE 1 >> Content Development PHASE 3 >> LGBTQ+ Inclusion Training PHASE 5 >> Production of a LGBTQ+ deliverable

PHASE 2 >> Leadership Training PHASE 4 >> Action Leadership Projects

LGBTQ+ youth are vulnerab- le and in need of supportive communities. SHORT TERM MID TERM LONG TERM

IMPACT The combined knowledge of experts in youth-focused sports A global network of grassroots sports and LGBTQ+ Young people from all backgrounds have equal access to programmes, LGBTQ+ advocacy, and professional sports, organisations that apply the Play Proud methodology reach sports programmes and are equipped with the skills to score, creates resources that organisations using sports to engage more coaches and young people every year. celebrate and succeed. young people can use to shape inclusive programmes. PLAY PROUD COLLECTIVE PROJECTS 5


E 1 >> 2019 >> Development of Resources 2020 >> Design of Online Programme AS PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION H ORGANISATIONS ORGANISATIONS P GOAL MAIN OUTCOME GOAL MAIN OUTCOME 10 22 Produce resources Creation of Adapt to COVID-19 Creation of a learn- Play Proud kicked off in January 2019 Content 23 COACHES 47 COACHES with the participation of 12 Football for Development for residencies. Play Proud implications and tran- ing management Good organisations in North America. Workbook and sition programme to system to facilitate In 2020/2021 the project expanded to 7 Playbook. online model. learning journey.

countries. Due to restrictions related to 2020 the coronavirus pandemic, both in-per- 100+ OVERALL 200+ son residencies were cancelled and the HOURS OF ONLINE HOURS OF INCLUSIVE programme moved online. 2019 >> 2020 >> << PH Residency in St. Lucia Online Programme Delivery AS E 2 TRAINING TRAINING The following graphic provides an GOAL MAIN OUTCOME GOAL MAIN OUTCOME overview of the different phases of Train coaches and 25 coaches trained. Train coaches and 25+ hours of online Leadership the project implementation over the explore their roles explore their roles engagement. Training course of 2020. The budget for the 2020 as leaders/mentors. as leaders/mentors. implementation was $66,486. The Out- OUTPUTS look 2021 provides an overview of the activities planned. Play Proud Workbook Play Proud Playbook created to support coach created to support Play 2019 >> Residency in Washington D.C 2020 >> Online Prog. Implementation leadership training. Proud implementation in E 3>> local communities. AS H GOAL MAIN OUTCOME GOAL MAIN OUTCOME P Train coaches on 25 coaches trained Train coaches on Coaches receive 25+ Programme LGBTQ+ inclusion in LGBTQ+ inclusion LGBTQ+ inclusion hours of training Implementation through sport. and formed a Play through sport. through webinars, cont. Proud Network. lectures and more. Content adapted for online platform.

2019 >> LGBTQ+ Inclusion Training 2020 >> Action Learning Projects << P H A S E

GOAL MAIN OUTCOME GOAL MAIN OUTCOME 4 100% of participants say they are more Train coaches on Coaches receive Participants define Coaches graduate Mentoring knowledgeable about problems LGBTQ+ LGBTQ+ inclusion training & develop deliverable to tackle with tangible evidence community face in and away from sport. through sport. action plans for their an LGBTQ+-related of their commitment­ local programmes. issue. to inclusion. 87% of participants say that they now have the skills 2019 >> Implementation on the Pitch 2020 >> Implementation on the Pitch OUTLOOK 2021 to deliver inclusive programmes or trainings. > 5 > E 2020 IMPACT S A GOAL MAIN OUTCOME GOAL MAIN OUTCOME 1. In 2021 and beyond, Play Proud 2. In 2021 and beyond, Play Proud H Organisations use Coaches carried Organisations use Participants imple- will expand globally to help will continue to advance its P Organisations Implement PP methodology out action plans PP methodology ment projects in create open and safe football methodology and training tools 93% Play Proud to make their to implement Play to make their their programmes, programmes for members of the through further collaboration with participants say that they are more confident to programmes more Proud in their programmes more organisations, or LGBTQ+ community. external partners. bring change in their organisation or community. inclusive. organisations­ . inclusive. communities. FOOTBALL IS A TEAM GAME, AND SO IS SOCIAL CHANGE.

Leaders Fast Company Most Innova- WeWork Creator UEFA Foundation for UN ECOSOC European UEFA Monaco Charity WEF Social Entrepreneur of Ashoka Fellowship Laureus Sport for FIFA Fair Play Award Sports Award (2019) tive Companies (2018) Award (2017) Children Award (2016) Consultative Status (2014) Citizen’s Prize (2013) Award (2011) the Year (2011) (2007) Good Award (2006) (2006)