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The BG News November 3, 1992

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 3, 1992" (1992). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5444.

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't Opinion page two The BG News Tuesday, November 3, 1992


For those of you tired of being bom- state senator in Columbus. She has de- barded with election rhetoric via tailed plans for fixing what's broken in Election process practically radio, television, newspapers, bill- our state government and will continue boards, etc. etc. etc., we here at The to work hard to keep making the neces- News have some good news. The sary changes if re-elected. Her bipart- majority of all this is coming to an end. isan views and professional attitude are painless for pensive public Today. It's time to go to the polls and exactly what we need. choose your candidate - to put this hel- First, to clear up a few miscon- they dread the actual voting part. lish political election nightmare behind Glenn for U.S. Senator: John Glenn ceptions, Richard Nixon did not Electing officials is like getting a resign because of his upstanding Scott DeKatch tooth pulled. us for another four years. possesses commitment, clarity of character, but because he was Last year, right here in Bowl- In the last semester we have done our thought on the issues that matter and a facing prosecution and he knew ing Green, a huge number of stu- homework on the candidates for local, record to prove it. He has been a leader if he resigned he'd get a presi- dents registered and voted. I'm state and national elections. We have in the fight to cut waste out of national dential pardon from his succes- sure this is partially because stu- looked through records, we have inter- government and redirect the money sor. I know we'd all like to look at dents felt neglected and partially viewed candidates, and we have told toward programs such as education and the whole thing with rose-colored because students were running you, the voter, who we think will be the environmental causes. He has con- glasses, but history speaks for it- for the city council and mayor, best man/woman for the job. We've sistently voted in favor of student loan self. Want to break the law and but it was a good thing to witness. also researched the issues -- term limits and grant programs and is fighting to get away with it? Get to the It was the nearest thing to a true and label laws and what good (or bad) heal Ohio's educational wounds. A vote White House. Also, the Hitler grass-roots movement I have they would really do for Ohio. And just Youth was a group that blindly ever seen. Jerry Brown came for Glenn is a vote for the future of followed an insane leader, instill- close. Ross Perot is self- in case you haven't done your home- higher education. ing total faith in him, making him supported and therefore doesn't work, too, we have let you know what a messiah-like figure. Maybe Then a Glenn spot reciprocating count. we think and why, in an effort to help "College Gestapo" would have DeWine's slam. you today. Vote NO on Issues 2, 3 and 4: Recent been a more appropriate term. A lot of people follow the It took the six members of the edito- scandals have made Ohioans upset with Why can't candidates shake credo, "Think globally, act local- rial board a lot of time, a lot of hard their politicians, and with good reason. Now, down to the business of hands and fight like gentlemen? ly." This is a sweeping statement, work and a lot of bickering to reach But if limiting terms of office becomes the day. It's Election Day at long Why don't they just tell the truth but wouldn't it be nice if the these decisions. We hope they've helped a reality, voters will not have the choice last, so I guess I'm supposed to about themselves? Hell, why national political machine could you with yours. to re-elect a candidate who is doing a say something nice and flowery doesn't someone like Jesus or be made better by a total grass- about getting out and voting. Gandhi just up and run? I'd vote roots movement? good job, regardless of how long he or After all, what else would an for fasting guys wrapped up in So I really liked "The Little Brlchta for Sheriff: Matt Brichta has she has been in office. Instead they will opinionated person like myself cheap bedding. Engine That Could" when I was a the experience and the proven innova- be forced to decide between candidates write about on Election Day? child. So I would be happy to see tion to make our sheriff's department chosen by government. We already Well, it's been an interesting Governor Moonbeam take an- work. He has a stack of accomplish- have a way to limit terms -- it's called a campaign year from all angles. other shot in either four or eight ments -- installing the 911 phone vote. Use it, and Issues 2, 3 and 4 are George Bush is moving up in the "So we have quite a choice years (I could tell you for sure system, computerizing the record unnecessary. polls by complaining about Bill to make today. Do we elect four years from now). So I'd like system, staffing and running a new jus- Clinton raising the tax on beer in to see a student mayor, a big cut tice center, diversifying the depart- Arkansas (of course, Bush won't George the crabby whiner, in the salaries of overpaid Uni- ment with more women, utilizing alco- Vote NO on Issue 5: Instead of label- tell you he raised the tax on beer, Bill the Oxford studboy or versity presidents and the death hol offenders to clean up our roads and ing every single product to show it con- also). Bill Clinton is blowing a of Bruce Willis (well, not really, mean sax and grinnin' like a pup Ross the little big man?" but...). highways -- that should lead him into a tains certain chemicals, we may as well because his girlfriend is in new term. put a giant sign on every grocery store Penthouse. Ross Perot is wire- This election is certainly bound that says, "WARNING: The majority of tapping his own offices for fear to be one of history's most inter- Mayberry for Prosecuting Attorney: products in this store are hazardous to of a CIA conspiracy to turn him Yeah, I'll vote, but I'm not esting, what with the Perot factor With several important trials coming your health." This law would place a into a frog. gonna like it. and all. Could be the first time a up, it's experience that counts in this bigger burden on businesses than it's So we have quite a choice to Low voter turnout is no sur- Democrat wins since 1976. Could race. After 13 years in the prosecutor's worth. Products in the new law that make today. Do we elect George prise when the candidates are be the first time an independent office and successful prosecution of must be labeled under Issue S include the crabby whiner, Bill the Ox- taken into account. Sure, maybe wins. Could be the first time the thousands of felony cases, Alan peanut butter, baby food, shampoo, ford studboy or Ross the little big Watergate, Iran-Contra and Steelers go all the way since Mayberry's got experience and plenty health care products and even toilet man? And what do we base our Jerry Brown's turtleneck are 1979. It could even be the first of it. Richard Fox and Richard Geringer paper. The list of chemicals that would vote on? partially to blame. Still, there are time I get through a semester have been put behind bars with be used as a guideline is not even from a It's even harder voting in more no Lincoln.-, or (please don't say without a death threat. Mayberry at the helm. He's done a good national authority - but a group in Cali- local elections, where the muds it) Trumans (Ahhhh!) or Kenne- Anyway, you should vote. It linging makes the presidential dys (Ted doesn't count) out there, won't hurt, I promise — just a job so far and at the helm is where he fornia. We don't need it. We don't want candidates look like cute little or at least we don't know about little pinch. should stay. it. Vote no. bunnies. them. Take the John Glenn/Mike Scott DeKatch, a junior crea- DeWine senate race, for exam- A lot of voting Americans see tive writing major from Youngs- Perkins for Commissioner: A former ple. The first political adver- going to the polls the way they town, is voting for the younger Bowling Green city councilman, mayor Gov. Bill Clinton for President of the tisement I saw this year was a see going to the dentist. They Elvis and an 11:30 time slot for and commissioner, Alvie Perkins is the United States: It's time for a change. DeWine ad smearing Glenn. know they probably should, but David Letterman. best all-around choice for Wood County After 12 years of Republican rule and Commissioner. He has helped establish Reaganomics this country is in dire economic growth in the county and if straits. Clinton's plan of gradually re- re-elected will work harder than any ducing the deficit by chopping it in half Mayberry best choice for prosecuter other candidate to improve the county over four years is exactly what this for everyday people. country needs to get back on its eco- The BG News: Mayberry has always been in- program has helped numerous nomic feet again. In addition, he has volved with the students at rape victims. I am writing in support of Alan BGSU. A BGSU graduate, he has Warns for Commissioner: It's time plans for strengthening the country's Mayberry for prosecuting attor- been a guest lecturer for crimi- On Nov. 3, Mayberry is the for a change in the county commis- infrastructure, healing its health care ney. Mayberry has 13 years' nal justice and mass communica- only responsible choice for pros- sioner's office. By using more in-house system and placing more importance on worth of experience and has tions classes. In addition, from ecuting attorney. Over the years, people for work in the county, Tom higher education by guaranteeing the prosecuted thousands of felony 1983 to 1984 he represented stu- Mayberry has demonstrated his Warns wants to save taxpayers from right to borrow money for college. He dents as 1st Ward city council- compassion and concern for the spending needless extra dollars. Elect- wants to end tax breaks for corpora- man. Mayberry also provides students of BGSU and the citi- ing Warns wouldn't cause a transitional tions shipping jobs overseas and estab- Mayberry has been recognized many internships for students in zens of Wood County. On Nov. 3, upset in the office - he's been there be- lish trade agreements that are more by the Ohio Prosecuting Attor- the Prosecutor's Office. vote Mayberry for prosecuting favorable to this country. We can trust neys Association, the Victim's Mayberry is compassionate. In attorney. fore and already knows the system. It's Advocacy Program, the Ohio cooperation with The Link, time he was back again. Clinton politically even if questions Welfare Fraud Task Force and Mayberry established the Vic- Jason J. Maiher about his personal life have not been Who's Who in American Law for tim's Advocacy Program, a vic- Freshman Gardner for State Representative: answered as well as we would like them his outstanding service. tim's assistance program. This International Business State Rep. Randall Gardner has led the to be. We can trust only one man to re- fight for higher education in Ohio. Con- build our battered economy and ban- Dave David Miller trary to allegations made by University dage our dilapidated health care system College Democrats, he has been con- and limping educational programs. stant in voting for bills in favor of fund- That man is Bill Clinton. PAVE HAS AH OUT-OF -BODY expedience ing for universities like ours, his alma You may not agree with all of our mater. There's no need to make a suggestions and you may already know change where this office is concerned. you want to cast your ballot for candi- Voting for Gardner is like voting for dates other than these. It is your vote. It BGSU. is your choice. But there is one thing in this election we at The News hope you Montgomery for State Senator With agree with us on. You must VOTE. Be- incumbent candidate Betty Mont- cause if you don't, you don't have any gomery, we have an innovative, flexible choice at all. Tuesday, November 3, 1992 The BG News page three Perot will represent fellow citizens Clinton not the only chef The BG News: The economy is dwindling. Our of our country, only he has the On Nov. 3, we have a chance to national debt is $4 trillion and capability and, most importantly, take our government back. growing every hour. Unemploy- the desire to do something about We have an opportunity to ment is skyrocketing. Ross Perot it. With Perot as our president, at Bush's 'Waffle House' elect a president who will repre- is an educated, respected and we can hold our government ac- "No new taxes" ... HA! If you sent our best interests, not those It's here... Election Day. highly successful businessman countable. We, the American Today is the day when we have want a good example of distorted of special interest groups or of who made his fortune by building people, can have goals realized. Russell Kahler one or another political party. the chance to change the course policy, look at Mr. Bush's oppos- businesses and creating jobs. of our nation's future - today is tion to the Civil Rights Act of This election there is a candi- Who could be more qualified to There will always be other date who entered the presidential Democrats. There will always be the day when we can reclaim this 1964 while he was a Texas sena- restore our economy? Ross Perot tor ("Government has no place in race because he is as upset as we is a fellow citizen, not a politi- other Republicans. There might nation from the horrid daze it has are over how our government is never be another Ross Perot. stumbled through in the past 12 the matter"), and then compare cian. Who could better represent years. being run, not because he is a ca- that to his hailing the passage of our views in the White House? Yes, today is the day we can the 1991 civil rights bill - which reer politician. That candidate is Perot is one of us. He is as up- Amy Andrews *S send George Bush packing back he signed only after he was as- Ross Perot. set as we are over the condition Bowling Green, Ohio to whatever hotel room he calls sured by Democratic Con- home these days, and elect some gressional leaders that his veto real leadership ... the kind we ha- would be overridden. Bush's agenda is only one for our future ven't seen in a good long time. If Now this wouldn't be an exam- you care about this nation, then ple of taking both sides of the is- The BG News: today is the day to cast your bal- George Herbert Walker Bush sue, would it? Surely our presi- I am writing today as a sup- also calling for an increase in the by over 100 percent and has lot for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. If you thought "read my lips" dent couldn't be guilty of this porter of the Bush/Quayle ticket amount of guaranteed student signed legislation regarding The latest polls have shown a was a bad example of "waffling," Democratic malaise ... after all, and not as a negative, mud-sling- loans and making the payment of cleaning up our water and land. narrowing of the gap between the let go of that Eggo, 'cause you anyone who campaigns in 1988 on ing, guns blazin' combat soldier. those loans deductible from your But aside from these important two candidates; a result of the ain't seen nothing yet... the back of Willie Horton, and I am sick of the amount of federal income taxes. issues, Bush has been honest good economic news of late (the Let's talk about the George then cannot understand black tasteless bickering that has come with the American people. If he nation's economy growing by 2.7 Bush who existed in 1980 ... the anger after the 1992 Rodney about in this campaign. I would On the economy, you have seen made a mistake, he told us, and if percent last quarter) and, if you pro-choice politician who accept- King verdict seems to have a like to express my views as to recently that his plans for re- he saw that something wasn't in listen to the Republican spin doc- ed campaign contributions from pretty clear position on the race why I feel the Bush/Quayle covery are working as unem- our best interest, he acted appro- tors, by the American voter's ac- Planned Parenthood, lobbied vig- issue in my book- ticket is the ticket for America ployment is decreasing and eco- priately. ceptance of the Bush message orously for a woman's right to Trust, trust, trust ... He keeps On education, Bush plans to re- nomic growth is increasing. He is He has had plenty of experi- ..."Can you really trust Bill Clin- forcing an isiue he has no busi- invent our educational system also calling for a balanced budget ence in dealing with national and ton?" ness even talking about. After through America 2000. He has like we all must do. He has led us international situations, and he The economic news will soon "If anyone in the world is lying about Iran-Contra, Iraq- called for the largest increase for to become the world's largest ex- has shown the American people straighten itself out (these fig- Gate and his forced tax increase Head Start funding, and he porter and has created over 2.9 nothing but a good, hard- ures will be revised next month guilty of "waffling" upon the in 1990 (the Gramm-Rudman favors school choice, which million jobs since 1988. working, honest character. I re- anyway), and even if the GOP issues, OP lying about his Hollings Act would have cut $100 would enhance school competi- spect George Bush, not just for wanted to take credit for these involvement hi questionable million from the budget automat- tion and better the teaching and On the environment, Bush pro- his stands on the issues, but most latest figures and the "six con- ically. Bush didn't have to do learning conditions of our posed, negotiated and signed into importantly as a person and as a secutive quarters of economic affairs - it is George anything!!!!), he expects us to be- schools. law the landmark Clean Air Act. leader. growth" that go along with them, Herbert Watker Bush." lieve he is still the best man for On our level, he plans to in- He has increased federal land for the nation's economy has only the job. crease student Pell Grants by SO national parks and refuges by Jared Poff managed to pull itself even with So this It still not enough to percent, assisting over 3.4 mil- over l.S million acres. He has in- Sophomore the level it was at in 1990. sway you? Here are five more lion middle class students. He is creased spending for wetlands Finance Need more proof of our sorry choose and called the policy of reasons: state of affairs? Look no further "Reaganomics" by its proper 1) William Rehnquist than the new fast food restaurant name - Voodoo Economics. 2) Antonin Scalla at the corner of East Wooster and What was the reason for this 3) Byron White Show support for BGSU at meeting Mercer; there you will find yet man being in the Republican 4) Clarence Thomas another shining example of the Party? How could he show such a 5) The BG News: the statement contains a series of education in Ohio, this proposed 20-or-so million jobs created by degree of prudence and under- The fifth reason is for the re- On Thursday, Nov. S at 4:30 recommendations which pose centralization of control is not the Reagan/Bush economic standing of what the Reagan rev- placement of 84-year-old justice p.m., you will have an opportuni- threats to higher education in the solution. masterpiece of the last 12 years. olution truly stood for: greed, ig- Harry A. Blackmun. In his opin- ty to show your support for Ohio, including a recom- We urge staff and faculty to at- What the GOP spin doctors norance, misunderstanding and ion in the June Casey abortion higher education at a meeting at mendation to centralize control tend and to encourage their stu- again fail to tell you about those blind hatred? decision, Blackmun warned, "I the Driscoll Center Auditorium of Ohio education institutions dents to attend this open meeting. 20 million jobs is that a dispro- am 84 years old ... I cannot stay on the University of Toledo cam- with less focus on local needs and Ann Bowers, chairwoman portionate amount fall in the ca- Regardless of what he may on the Court forever..." I ask you pus. concerns. Administrative Staff Council tagory of fast food restaurants, have been back then, the George to consider carefully that fifth At this time a regional meeting The Task Force also recom- or other low-paying service jobs. Bush we all know and love (to and deciding vote on the court to address the Governor's Task mends that The Ohio State Uni- Allen White, chairman Sure, these are jobs, but they write about, that is) came to life before you pull that lever for Force on Managing for the Fu- versity and University of Cincin- Faculty Senate provide about as much opportu- at the 1980 Republican conven- George Bush today. ture will be held. nati be recognized as the State's Chris Stock, chairwoman nity of pulling the average Amer- tion. When he accepted the nomi- Along with BGSU the Universi- two comprehensive research Classified Staff Council ican out of poverty as I have of nation as Reagan's vice presi- I hope my point is clear; this ty of Toledo, the Medical College centers, which poses a threat to passing the Dan Quayle "family dent, Bush threw away what re- nation cannot survive another of Ohio, Northwest Technical BGSU's and others' programs. Ronald Stoner, chairman values" test. mained of his character and dig- four years of the hateful, Repub- College, Owens Technical Col- The regional hearings provide BGSU Faculty Association But the real Bush breakfast nity to become Ron's man-in- lican ignorance it has faced for lege and Terra Technical College an excellent forum for the facul- food is the "trust" issue ... Can waiting. With his transformation the past 12 years. We must representatives will have an op- ty, staff and students at Bowling Jason Jackson, president we trust Bill Clinton? I ask you ... into a Reagan puppet, Bush change - and today is the day to portunity to respond to the Task Green to let the governor, mem- Undergraduate Student can we afford not to? proved himself the essential po- do it. If you haven't already Force's report. bers of his task force, the Ohio Government If anyone in the world is guilty litical opportunist — a man who voted, you owe it to yourself and While there are many positive Board of Regents and the general Tony Fluellen, president of "waffling" upon the issues, or takes any position for a chance to to your country to make that aspects to the Task Force's re- public know that, while we may Graduate Student Senate and lying about his involvement in get ahead, or promise you the change and cast your ballot for port on Managing for the Future, have problems in funding higher University trustee questionable affairs - it is world to secure your vote. Bill Clinton and Al Gore. DON'T PROCRASTINATE ANY LONGER! Listen To The Expert! „"\ Patrick McCarthy Chief operating officer of Intergroup Marketing & Promotions, ! and a senior vice president of DMB&B. u o on the topic of: is Integrated Marketing o UG vs. BAOSTME Communications: The Key To Your Future. Make Plans NOW... November 4, 1992 - 3:30pm Lecture 112 BA 4:30 Reception 2nd Floor, BA Lounge AND GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY! Faculty and Students Welcome! Stop by the Memorial Hall Ticket Office. Sponsored by the BGSU Dept. of Marketing

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Deadline Tomorrow by 5:00 p.m. Campus page four The BG News Tuesday, November 3, 1992 Hartman, Young Alcohol Awareness Week begins Several events debate University ALCOHOL AWARENESS WEEK SCHEDULED EVENTS "Everybody hears about are scheduled Today drinking and driving Never Again Grim Reaper Day: 9 a.m. to5 p.m.. Union Oval accidents, but we are hoping by Jane Kllgore budget problems IFC/Panhel Talk Show IH: 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Lenhart Grand to give a visual impact with student life reporter Ballroom Wednesday, Nov. 4 Grim Reaper Day and make by Scott DeKatch Monday marked the kickoff to Cows on Campus: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 pin, Union Oval people think a little more diversions editor "Your tuition problems Alcohol Awareness Week, com- Student Legal Services Mock Trials: 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.. 114 about it" plete with a number of events BA aren't because of promoting better education per- IFC/Panhel/Gamma Euchre Tournament: 6 p.m.. Northeast Maria Tornabene, The rivalry between a local Voinovich, but because of taining to alcohol abuse. Commons president of Never Again politician and a local busi- The week is sponsored and co- IKC/Panhel Banner Contest: 6 p.m.. Northeast Commons nessman came out in the open the [University] ordinated by the Prevention Rec Center Poker Run/Walk: 11:30 am. to 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. to Monday night when John administration." Center. It involves campus or- 7 p.m., Indoor Track tribute to Alcohol Awareness Hartman, Democratic candi- ganizations such as BACCHUS, Thursday, Nov. S Week. Among the events spon- date I'or Brian Young, owner of Never Again, the Interfraternity PARTY Mocktail Contest and Karaoke: 9 p.m. to 12 ajn., sored by the council members state sen- Young's Newsstand and Panhellenic councils. Stu- Bowl-n-Greenery are a euchre tournament, a ban- ate, and dent Legal Services, GAMMA, Rodgcrs and Batchelder Give It Up, Live It Up Happy Hour: 6 ner contest and the hosting of Brian pjo. to 9 p.m.. Uptown guest speaker David Leschke. Hartman disagreed, stating the Student Recreation Center, Young, PARTY, STEP 1, the University STEP 1 Ice Cream Social: 12 p.m, Student Union "There are a lot of things going that Voinovich cut education owner of Activities Organization, The Well on this week," Varricchio said. Young's funding for personal gains. and several residence halls. Friday, Nov. 6 "The most important thing is to Newsstand, "He wanted more Republi- "We go out and try to get as UAO Movies: "Prince of Tides": 8 p.m. and 10 p.m., 210 Math go out and have fun, but to also cans in Columbus," Hartman 178 S. Main many different organizations in- Science Center learn about alcohol and its ef- St., debated said. "I suggest that you have volved as we can," said A.J. "Mommie Dearest": 12:30 am., 210 MSC fects." in the Busi- been made to pay more and Priesman, graduate assistant for Several activities took place on ness Ad- Hartman have been harmed for politi- the Prevention Center. Saturday, November 7 campus yesterday, including a ministration Annex. cal reasons." The groups participating in Al- UAO Movies: '•Prince of Tides": 8 and 10 p.m., 210 MSC Drink and Dye party in McDon- "This isn't about personali- "[College students] don't cohol Awareness Week each "Mommie Dearest": 12 JO a.m., 210 MSC ald North, and an event put on by ty. It's about issues," said vote and [Voinovich] wasn't sponsor different activities to UAO and WFAL titled "Taste of Hartman, stressing his popular with University ad- take place on given days Sunday, Nov. 8 the Town," which was a pizza friendship with Young. ministrators anyway," Hart- throughout the week. David Leschkc: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. IFC & Panhel tasting contest held in the Union. The idea for the debate man added. "When Voinovich Never Again, a campus organi- 7:30 p.m. to 9 pjn. Resident Advisers "Taste of the Town was great, came about when Hartman cut the budget, he hurt the zation that neither condemns nor 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. Harshman. Bacchus Board, STEP 1, Never and there was abig turnout," said and Young had a dis- economy of both the city and condones drinking, but promotes Again. PARTY Varricchio. The rest of the week agreement in Young's News- the University." responsible decisions about will provide a wide variety of stand regarding Gov. George Young pointed to misman- drinking and driving, will be Monday, Nov. 9 functions enabling students to Voinovich's responsibility for agement as the reason for any promoting Grim Reaper Day to- David Leschke: 1:40 p.m. to 2.30 p.m., Bowling Green High have a good time while learning statewide financial woes. budgetary woes the Universi- day. School how to use alcohol in a responsi- Hartman accepted Young's ty may have. He cited the Statistics show that one person Week-long Events ble manner. For those who want challenge to a debate. "Your diversification of his own dies every 20 minutes from a PARTY Green Bean Campaign to live it up while giving it up, tuition problems aren't be- business in trying economic drinking and driving accident, so PARTY letters from elementary school students there will be a PARTY Mocktail cause of Voinovich, but be- times as an example of proper during the hours of 9 am. to S The Well/scene shop tombstones along Ridge Street Contest and Karaoke at the cause of the [University] ad- management. p.m., respectively 24 people will STEP 1 posters and announcements Bowl-n-Greenery tomorrow ministration," Young said, "It's the spend, spend, die from the tragedy. night from 9 p.m. until midnight. mentioning the recent addi- spend philosophy," Young Today from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in There are special events for the tion of new University build- said. "You can't run a univer- the Union Oval, Never Again will for the remainder of the day. The it," said the president of Never more mellow crowd as well, such ings and University president sity like that." reiterate this point by presenting armband represents a victim of a Again, Maria Tornabene. as the UAO-sponsored movie, Paul Olscamp's paid sabbati- Although Young does not a Grim Reaper who will "kill" drinking and driving accident. Interfraternity and Panhel- "Prince of Tides," which will be cal last semster. currently hold political of- one person every 20 minutes. At "Everybody hears about drink- lenic cabinet members Steve shown at 8 p.m. and again at 10 "Olscamp enhances his ca- fice, he plans to run for each interval, an "Angel" will ing and driving accidents, but we Varricchio, Beth Seall and Marcy p.m. on Friday and Saturday reer at a cost to [students]," mayor of Bowling Green in ring a bell, and the dark guy will are hoping to give a visual impact Collins have been working with a "The purpose of Alcohol Young said. the future. choose and give his prey a black with Grim Reaper Day and make committee of 11 greek students Awareness Week is more educa- armband, which they will wear people think a little more about to plan several activities to con- tion," Priesman said. blotter Centralization tops senate's agenda O A man was found lying on the The women told police they were grass along East Wooster Street just planning a prank against one The BG News staff report Cincinnati, University officials have said. The re- port will be discussed in full with the Ohio Board behind the University police of their boyfriends, and they did station early Tuesday morning not take the signs for any politi- of Regents Thursday in Toledo. The Faculty Senate is expected to address cen- In other business, the senate is expected to dis- by city police. The man told cal reasons. No charges were tralization of higher education and summer salar- cuss summer salaries for faculty members. police he was leaving M.T. filed. Muggs, 1414 E. Wooster St., when ies at today's meeting. White said the Welfare Committee passed a reso- two or three males jumped from O Someone reported Wednes- Faculty Senate Chairman Allen White said Phil lution in 1988 on summer salaries using the l/30th the bushes and pulled off his day a "small amount" of bath- Mason, vice president of university relations, will formula based on pay per credit hour taught. pants. room tissue was set on fire in a explain to the senate how the University plans to Last summer, the formula was changed to O Joseph M. DiLeonardo, 22, bathroom in the Sigma Chi house, address the Ohio Board of Regents in response to l/36th of base pay per credit hour. 212 N. Enterprise St., was cited according to police. the Managing for the Future Task Force report. "The senate will come up with its own resolution for open container and posses- was stopped for having a non- The University is opposed to the report because recommending reaffirmation of the l/30th for- sion of marijuana, and Michael A. working headlight, according to □ Dawn M. Shafer, 19, 243 Ash- if approved, it would centralize education and mula," White said. Frey, 21, 455 S. Enterprise St., police. ley Hall, was cited for underage research at Ohio colleges and universities to only The meeting is scheduled to begin at 2:30 p.m. in was cited for open container consumption Friday on Eighth The Ohio State University and the University of the Assembly Room of McFall Center. Tuesday on Lehman Avenue. O Two females were observed Street, police reported. Both DiLeonardo and Frey were taking political signs from prop- passengers in a vehicle which erty on Clough Street Tuesday. A O Troy D. Myers, 18, 616 Flan- search of the women's vehicle ders Ave., was cited for disorder- AMERICAN revealed they had confiscated a ly conduct Sunday on East Court ¥ CANCER total of 29 signs during the night. Street, police said. fSOCIETY' ISCELLANY m a g a i n e|

Wood County Facts! Have you seen Without a vote of the people Elvis? * Your Commissioners voted to increase the sales tax 2-piece Produced once each semester by ornament * They raised the license plate fee sets make students for students, each your tree * They raised landfill fees Miscellany has a theme. come alive! * They proposed utility tap fees of up to $750,000 Come in soon and let us show you more. each as part of an economic development Check out the Folklore issue on program...This is economic development? November 9th. It's FREE! And they say Wood County is Broke! Don't miss We can't afford any more business as usual! our Elect TOM WARNS as OPEN your full time HOUSE commissioner Give. Nov. 14-15 HE WILL LISTEN TO PILLS N' PACKAGES YOU... another chance. 111 RAILROAD ST. 352-1693 P


Bill Al CLINTON GORE For President Of The United States For Vice President Of The United States

Working For The Forgotten Middle Class...

Working For Marcy John Wood KAPTUR GLENN County... For U.S. Congress-9th Dist. For U.S. Senate r - ■ " ■ ■ You may legally take this sample ballot Alvin L. Thomas O. PERKINS WARNS with you into the polls when you vote. For Commissioner For Commissioner PRESIDENT/VICE PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON/ALBERT GORE

U.S. SENATOR JOHN GLENN U.S. CONGRESS • 9th DISTRICT MARCY KAPTUR OHIO SENATE - 2nd DISTRICT JOHN K. "JACK" HARTMAN OHIO HOUSE - 4th DISTRICT m i JOHN W. SINN COUNTY COMMISSIONER Matthew C. Albert L. Sue BRICHTA POTTER KINDER ALVIN L. PERKINS For Sheriff For Prosecuting Attorney For Recorder COUNTY COMMISSIONER LH THOMAS 0. WARNS COUNTY SHERIFF m MATTHEW C. BRICHTA COUNTY PROSECUTOR m ALBERT L. POTTER Wood COUNTY RECORDER SUE KINDER m OHIO SUPREME COURT County CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERT H.GORMAN OHIO SUPREME COURT ASSOCIATE JUSTICE Democratic John K. John W. JOHN T. PATTON SINN OHIO SUPREME COURT HARTMAN ASSOCIATE JUSTICE For Ohio Senate For Ohio House Party FRANCIS E. SWEENEY STATE SCHOOL BOARD POLLS OPEN . JAMES BISHOP Pud lot oy tie TUES., NOV. 3, 1992 COURT OF APPEALS V Omocrattc Parry. AH Baldwin. Chair Dedicated to 6:30 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. CHARLES ABOOD "Integrity. Service and the Public Trust' 43402 *¥***¥^*********¥***¥¥¥****** page six The BG News Tuesday, November 3, 1992 Spring Courses...Here We Come City proposal askew «* .r^d&ea» would set limit ^j.V"-"" on towing fees |H^fw^ ^ by Chris Hawley local government reporter He added the city only tows ^^x vehicles from private property W after the property owner calls A proposed Bowling Green or- the police and files trespassing dinance would establish a cap for charges. However, if there is a charges by towing companies for sign on the property restricting removing vehicles from private parking, the owner may call a property. towing company and have vehi- r i The ordinance presented to cles towed without city interven- city council at its meeting Mon- tion. day night would give the munici- Marsh said the charge caps pal administrator the power to would apply in both cases. set the maximum charges for "This sets a maximum, and such services whether or not the that's to protect the citizens," towing is ordered by a city Municipal Administrator Colleen agency such as the police. Smith said. "What we're trying to do is co- In other business Monday dify what has already been prac- night, Public Utilities Director ticed," City Attorney Mike Daryl Stockburger reported the Marsh said. city has received $30,660 in fed- f A current informal cap on eral emergency relief funds to a. **' charges is $70, but most area help cover July storm damages. towing companies charge about The federal funds will meet 75 $40 to $45. percent of the damage costs, Marsh said the power to mod- Stockburger said. The city ex- The BG Newi/Tlm Nxniuui ify the maximum amount would pects the state to contribute an- Picking up his spring course book in the Administration Building 1 on a list. Off-campus students can pick up their spring course be given to the city administrator other $3,800 in aid. Monday afternoon, senior geography major Joe O'Brien waits books from 9 a.m. to S p.m. in the Administration Building. in order to prevent setting an Wood County was part of a de- while University clerical staff member Doris Hllie finds his name amount in the city ordinances, clared disaster area during the then having to modify it later. July storms. Philadelphia carjackings Steady Hand increasing in frequency •L by E. Martin Hulse w College Press Service "There were people walking, ner of Broad and Norris streets jogging and biking," he said. He when the three males approa- even saw the two robbers, but he ched him and started a conversa- PHILADELPHIA - As soon as wasn't paying attention to them. tion. Scarpello said one offered to his left eye started twitching, Philadelphia Police Depart- buy his 1984 Cadillac for $1,800. Peter Soontharothai knew some- ment Officer Robert A. Young When Scarpello, 26, told them thing bad was bound to happen. said there have been increased he did not want to sell his car, one The last time that eye started reports of carjacking. The inci- male reached into his pants as if twitching he was involved in an dents have been scattered reaching for a gun, and Scarpello automobile accident a day later. throughout the city and have not took off on foot, Young said. ' Xt \ This time the 21-year-old-pre- been strictly in one area, Young After Scarpello flagged offi- med student at Temple Universi- said. "There is a national trend cers down, they returned and ar- ty was the victim of a carjacking. regarding this crime," he said. rested Cunningham. The two His red 1984 Nissan 300ZX was According to Young, there other males had left the scene. r^HK -.- ^.gaafAaafl taken from him at gunpoint. have been 200 carjackings in Young had these suggestions Jaa^| On Oct. 6, Soontharothai and Philadelphia in the past year, in- for urban college students: ^H 1 'vjL his girlfriend, Trinh Nguyen, 20, cluding incidents involving 3 Keep aware of the surround- were planning to spend some armed robberies and use of ings and individuals who do not m If ■■■ quiet time feeding the ducks force, but not necessarily fit into the scene. * i along the west bank of the weapons. Young also said more O Travel with companions. H Schuykill River. carjackings have been reported O Do not travel in remote areas "We were about to get out of and brought to the police's atten- of the city at late hours. m the car, the windows were up and tion in the past two weeks to one O Leave word at home about the doors wre locked," he said. "I month. your whereabouts. heard the tapping at the window Davis Scarpello was hanging "I Keep windows up and doors and I saw the gun pointing at me. out in front of Temple's Johnson locked. The guy said, 'Get out of the car. and Hardwick Hall dormitory □ Report suspicious activity. The gun's loaded and leave the when a man identified as Temple O Know where you're going 111 The lie Ncwu/John I), I-.Kosa keys.'" basketball player William Cunni- and travel main routes. Working on her senior thesis project, painting major Dreamwalker touches up the face area of a sub- Soontharothai said there were ngham and two others approa- Young stressed the importance ject in her reproduction of the creation scene from the Sistine Chapel In the Fine Arts Building Mon- a few other people in the parking ched him shortly before 11 p.m. of communication during a rob- day afternoon. Dreamwalker's reproduction Includes gender and ethnic changes to Michelangelo's o- lot and he was parked only a few Oct. 10. bery. "Don't fend off robbers riglnal painting, making both predomlnent figures female and several background figures of ethnic car-lengths away from the Scarpello, who does not attend with force. Cooperate with origin. nearest car. Temple, was standing on the cor- them," he said.

t>ett* NORTHERN OHIO TEACHERS'AND PARENTS' CHOICE T\irn ideas fVaV The BG News into big deals BowngGt—n Oh-o Kinko's can instantly enlarge your artwork inlo signs, posters, and banners on a variety of colorful papers and card slocks. They're ideal for Mayberry beats Potter presentations, displays, event noticev and teaching tools. in tough ca$es handled Experience may not to everything, Friends of tlie Wood County Library but it is something. And tt Is thai and a former city councilman, I Enlarge your favorite photo something that MO Atm Mayberry Mayberry baa proven he cares about apart from his apparent, Albert Potter, the people whose rights he is charged or design as the best cessce far Weed County with protecting. prosecuting a«arney. Having a |iroosniHiig attorney who Albert Potter has run a solid cam- ft Create banners up to 18" x 48 knows tow tt handle criminal cases paign, A competent attorney with lsalwayscructaL But with several Im- strong support from local law enforce- portant end publicized trials coming up ment officers, he pushed Mayberry I Instant 18" x 24" posters - John Umbel eprings to mind - experi- hard for not getting more mvolved in ence is more important than ever. his office's cases and letting his budget JIM BISHOP Alan Mayberry has 13 years in the increase. prosecutor's office under hit belt, the STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 2ND DISTRICT last four as the county's prosecuting at- But as prosecuting attorney for torney. several area villages. Potter baa never ♦ Experienced •Dedicated* * Endorsed During that time, be has ■ooceefuUy tried s murder case. American, Toledo Federation ol Teachers, Administrators prosecuted thousands of felony cases. Hu views en plea-bargaining and Onto Education Association ladnding aaurders, rapes conviction rates are oversimplified snd N.W. Ohio Building 4 Construction Trades Council and sexual assaults naive, and anyone who remembers Pot- United Auto Workers | One FREE 18" x 24" poster Richard Pexand Richard Teamsters. Local 20 Oertnger are behind bars ter's ipjbewW of the greek drinking AFL-ClO Joint Council ■ Bring this coupon Inio the Kinko's listed and receive one free 18" x 24" thanks to the efforta of oases to Wesson two years ago knows he Toledo Port Council ■ poster, black toner on 60# paper. One coupon per customer. Not valid with , |C" Mayberry's office. ■eitbar handled plea bargaining correc- £M Impartial, non- tly nor get an adequate conviction rate • other offers. Valid through November 30,1992. MC partisan organ I rat la— hi nose cases Experience is what Pol- ".JXTREMELY WELL QUALIFIEDL" Jf ^M such as the Ohio Piee- aerlacto. ecuting AnorneyaA Excerpt from Toledo Blade Pages of Opinion. elation and the And experience is what Mayberry NovwnMr 3. 1988 *•»*•"» Association have alee provides in abundance. That, and an PAID FOR BY tMxop lor SCttOlBoaid Corrvmrm. AM. IrcdmU, PNM* Ztoumnaan co- honored Mayberry for hat scoseaBanea- admirable commitment to Wood Coun- "«"•», !*» Cwmm. ToWlo. On*. 43*14 KuntMn OMCK. Jm COM. Co-Ir*^.... Open 24 hours ments. ty's well-being, osaka Mayesery the But perhaps equaljr aaasraafestve as choice on Nov.*.. -•—; I 354-3977 his convictions in court Mlla/earr, s kinko's conviction to has* the caanaaassrly A Tomorrow. «■»■ issues 2,3 and 4 - member of the Weed Cooaty Historical term matt asay—ali for Ohio politi- I 115 Railroad St. Society, the Farm Bureau and the cians. | (Behind Myles Pizza) the copy center [All INI ms IP- Because Your Rights Are Worth Protecting - Can A CAB » UM*<> «. »"M- J'-) «»^, 41* ... f*M, •»<".. few 0"*0 41*01 OOTM M »*4t. 1 S F^^ IMI A SKID Tuesday, November 3, 1992 The BG News page seven




1 -A: Ridge Street School. 225 Ridge St. 2-A: South Main Street School, 427 S. Main St. 3-A: Presbyterian Church, 129 S. Church St. 4-A: Library, 251 N. Main St. 1 -B: Ridge Street School, 225 Ridge St. 2-8: South Main Street School, 427 S. Main St. 3-B: Kenwood School, 710 Kenwood Ave. 4-B: Library, 251 N. Main St. 1 -C: Northeast Commons. BGSU 2-C: Crim Street School, Crim St. 3-C: Red Cross, 150 Gorrell Ave. 4-C: Girl Scout BkJg., City Park 1-D: St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 315 S. College Drive 2-D: South Main Street School, 427 S. Main St. 3-D: Red Cross, 150 Gorrell Ave. 4-D: Senior High School. 530 W. Poe Road 1-E: St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 315 S. College Drive 2-E: Crim Street School, Crim St. 3-E: Peace Lutheran Church, 1028 Pearl St. 4-E: Senior High School, 530 W. Poe Road 1 -F: Crim Street School, Crim St. 2-F: Cedar Park Apt. Office, 1002 Third St. 3-F: Peace Lutheran Church, 1028 Pearl St. 4-F: Girl Scout Bldg., City Park 1 -G: Ridge Street School, 225 Ridge St. 2-G: Children's Resource Center, 1045 Klotz Road 3-G: Kenwood School, 710 Kenwood Ave. 4-G: Conneaut School, 542 Haskins Road 2-H: Stadium View Party Room, 1700 Juniper Drive 4-H: Conneaut School, 542 Haskins Road 4-I: Conneaut School, 542 Haskins Road 4-J: First Christian Church, 875 Haskins Road

On November 3rd Let's Vote To Keep


Working For Us

Paid lo« by KtfMui Ftit C<«yi*«Conwniii**. Haiti Kr**M r it MMy P O Bo. W* ToWo. OH 43697 page eight The BG News Tuesday, November 3, 1992 Major candidates U.S. Senate race tightening

by John Challant points. The poll surveyed 931 "Our own internal tracking have hit Ohio The Associated Press The results of the latest U.S. Sen- likely voters across Ohio from stuff shows me considerably bet- ate race poll, conducted by the Uni- Wednesday through Sunday. ter than that," he said. He did not versity of Cincinnati and The Cincin- A poll by The Columbus Dis- provide a figure. COLUMBUS - Democratic nati Post. patch published Monday said the DeWine said the polls showed battleground hard U.S. Sen. John Glenn and Repub- John Glenn: 53 percent race was a dead heat. the campaign was at the point lican challenger Mike DeWine Mike OeWlne: 47 percent The Dispatch Poll conducted where he thought it would be by staged an 11th hour blitz for by mail Monday through Thurs- Election Day. The visits to Ohio by President Bush, Vice President Quayle, votes as two polls on Monday Their scurrying about the state day among 1,980 registered Ohio "When we started nine months Bill Clinton and Al Gore since the June primary: showed the race could be a toss- came as results of two polls that voters showed Glenn and De- ago, we were 35 points down, and up. showed the race to be a dead heat Wine each with SO percent of the I think a lot of people didn't think BUSH: among those who responded to respondents' support. The poll, we could do it," DeWine said. July 24: BrookvUle. Both candidates began the last questions. which did not allow undecided "But we're right where we Aug. 27: Cincinnati, Findlay. day of their bitter campaign by In the Ohio M, Glenn was responses, had a margin error of need to be, and it's now down to Sept. 5: Palnesville. meeting workers during separate favored by 53 percent to 47 per-, three percentage points. the question of turnout," he said Sept. 26: Columbus, Marysville, Arlington, Bowling Green. stops at Honda of America plants cent over DeWine. The Universi- Glenn played down the results. during a stop at a phone bank Oct. 9: Cincinnati, Columbus. in Marysville and East Liberty. ty of Cincinnati and The Cincin- "I think probably the best ad- where he greeted volunteers. Then they were off by car and Oct. 27: Kettering, Lime. nati Post sponsored the survey vice we get on polls is throw out Glenn, who campaigned in Oct. 28: Lima, Toledo, Strongsville, Columbus. plane on trips to other cities, al- that rated the race too close to the top one, throw out the bottom Youngstown, Dayton and Toledo, though bad weather interfered Nov. 2: Akron. call. one and somewhere out in the was to end the day in Columbus with the travel plans of each can- The telephone survey had a middle is the truth," Glenn said with an 11 p.m. rally by support- didate on at least one occasion. margin of error of 3.2 percentage in Cleveland. ers at Port Columbus. QUAYLE: June 29: Middletown. July 27: Cincinnati. Aug. 6: Hanoverton, Wilmington. Aug. 7: Columbus, Mansfield. Presidential wanna-bes stump in Ohio Sept. 19: Ravenna. Oct. 10: Washington Court House, Circleville, Columbus. Dy John McCarthy The telephone survey of 931 likely voters Oct. 21: Findlay, Bowling Green. The Associated Press "This election is a race between hope contacted at random was conducted Nov. 1: Portsmouth, Cincinnati. Wednesday through Sunday for the universi- Nov. 2: Columbus. and tear, between division and ty and The Cincinnati Post. The major-party presidential candidates community, between responsibility An Ohio Poll conducted in mid-October and their running mates all made campaign showed Clinton favored over Bush 42 per- CLINTON: stops in Ohio Monday in a final effort to win and blame, between whether we have cent to 32 percent. Perot had the support of Sept. 29: Columbus. the state's 21 electoral votes in Tuesday's the courage to change... or whether 15 percent of the participants, the same as in Oct. 2: Toledo, Dayton. election. we start with the comfort of the the new poll. Oct. 24: Akron. Meanwhile, a poll released Monday said Quayle, at a rally at Port Columbus Inter- Oct. 29: Toledo President Bush and Bill Clinton were about status quo." national Airport, also spoke on the theme of Oct. 30: Springfield. even in support among likely voters across Bill Clinton courage. Nov. 1: Cincinnati. Ohio. The same poll said Democratic Sen. "My friends, tomorrow have the courage Nov. 2: Cleveland. John Glenn led Republican challenger Mike to do what is right for America. Have the DeWine by six percentage points, but the Later, Bush told a crowd of several courage to vote for George Bush," he said to pollster said the race was too close to call. thousand people at the Akron-Canton Re- about 500 people. CLINTON AND GORE: Clinton and Bush appeared in northeast gional Airport the race was far from over. Gore, accompanied by his wife, Tipper, July 19: Utica. Ohio, while Vice President Dan Quayle and "I got a kick out of this the other day - I and their four children, spoke to about 600 July 20: Columbus, Wilmington. Democrat Al Gore made quick stops in read in the paper that Gov. Clinton is already people at a late-afternoon rally at Port Aug. 21: Cleveland. Columbus. planning his inaugural parade," Bush said. Aug. 22: Parma, Boardman. Columbus. He criticized Bush for belittling In Cleveland, Clinton spoke to about 2,000 "Put it on hold. Bill. Put it on hold." Gore's environmental policies. Sept. 7: Cincinnati. people at a morning rally on the tarmac of He said the polls, the pundits and the "George Bush continues calling me Ozone Burke Lakefront Airport overlooking Washington media won't matter on Election Man," Gore said. "Ozone Man, yes. Toxic windswept Lake Erie. Day. Man, no." GORE: Hoarse from allergies and overuse of his "On Tuesday it is the voter - the American In the Senate race, the Ohio Poll said voice, he spoke for about 11 minutes, using Aug. 21: Toledo. people - that will matter," he said. Glenn was favored by 53 percent to 47 per- the theme of courage in asking voters to ac- Aug. 25: Columbus, Toledo. The closeness of the presidential race was cent over DeWine. Sept. 12: Columbus. cept his challenge for change. underscored by a new poll by the University A poll by The Columbus Dispatch pub- Sept. 16: Dayton. "This election is a race between hope and of Cincinnati. lished Monday said the race was a dead heat. Sept. 27: Akron. fear, between division and community, be- The university's Ohio Poll showed Bush tween responsibility and blame, between Sept. 30: Femald was favored by 43 percent of the partici- The Dispatch poll was conducted by mail Oct. 14: Cincinnati. whether we have the courage to change... or pants, compared with 41 percent for Clinton. Monday through Thursday among 1,980 reg- Nov. 2: Columbus. whether we start with the comfort of the Fifteen percent favored Ross Perot and one istered Ohio voters showed Glenn and De- status quo," Clinton said. percent supported other candidates. Wine each with 50 percent of the respond- "Tomorrow we will drown out the negative But because the poll had a sampling error ents' support. The poll, which did not allow voices that have held us back too long," he of 3.2 percentage points, the race was con- undecided responses, had a margin of error said. sidered about even. of three percentage points. COUPON RAPID RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS PRINTING 50 FULL SERVICE QUALITY PRIIYTERS. IF IT'S PRIIYTED FREE WE CAN DO rri 10% OFF TO STUDEIYTS! COPIES WHEN YOU ORDER 10O OR MORE POSTERS • BROCHURES Family Owned St TICKETS • TABLE TENTS Operated BOOKMARKS • PROGRAMS Celebrating Our FULL COLOR PRINTING 24th Year flf COPIES! EXP. 1 1-31-92 186 S. Main Jwl Downtown Knock-Out *Sj I BG the ^,**k w ^352-9J_18_ Competition! *^\

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Bouil-n-Greenery All You Can Eat GET MONEY FROM YOUR UNCLE INSTEAD. Your Uncle Sam. Every year Army fees. They even pay a flat rate for text- 11:30-1:30...$3.99 4:00-7:00...$4.75 ROTC awards scholarships to hundreds of books and supplies. You can also receive talented students. If you qualify, an allowance of up to $1000 each these merit-based scholarships can school year the scholarship is in help you pay tuition and educational effect. Find out today if you qualify.

The Pheasant Room 7 Oz. Ribeye steak Dinner * w/potato & side dish. ARMYR0TC Hours: Lunch 11:30 -1:30 M-F Qnlv $6 Q5 Dinner 4:30 - 7:00 M-R Umy gggg THE SMARTEST COLLEGE COURSE YOU CAN TAKE. Quantum ft cord acciplcd 4-7 Mia for •« eowipui studanU For more information Contact Captain Quantum 90 corrf accepted oil day rer •» compui ilud.nU Scot Ferguson at: 372-2476 Elsewhere Tuesday, November 3, 1992 The BG News page nine Today General Motors Continued from page One. predicted anew that a Clinton "I feel victory in the air," party ing to do it." in Columbus, Ohio, one of six administration would lead to the Chairman Ronald Brown enth- Perot held a final rally in Dal- states on his pre-election day high interest rates and high infla- used at Clinton's side in Ohio. las, where he poked fun at those itinerary. announces new tion of the last Democratic presi- The candidate's own optimism who have questioned his temper- Quayle's Democratic rival, dency under Jimmy Carter. "We shone through when he intro- ament for high office. On cue, he Sen. Al Gore, countered with simply cannot go back to those duced his wife, Hillary, as "the had the strains of Patsy Cline's eight stops. days." next first lady." hit record fill the auditorium: Clinton threw new final adver- administrators "And so in the final analysis, White House chief of staff "We're crazy, crazy for feeling tisements into the effort. A radio what it boils down to is who has James A. Baker III said there had so lonely, we're crazy, crazy for commercial running only in Cali- by Alan I.. Adler the experience and who has the been no talk of defeat in the for- feelin'soblue." fornia features former basket- The Associated Press character to lead the greatest, ward cabin of Air Force One. He "When you have tough times, ball star Magic Johnson. "Vote freest country on the face of the said Bush was upbeat and added, you want the very best," Vice for a new kind of leader, Bill earth," Bush said. "It's very doable, and we're go- President Dan Quayle told a rally Clinton. NEW YORK - General Motors Corp. announced sweeping changes at the top Monday, installing a new chairman and chief executive and pushing out four other senior officials linked to the leading auto- maker's growing financial trouble. President John F. "Jack" Smith Jr. was given the title of chief ex- ecutive officer while outside director John Smale became chairman. They In addition, outgoing chairman Robert Stempel, forced to resign a week ago, officially retired. Three of Stempel's associates also left - their posts. " The changes announced during a GM board meeting in New York also affected the company's highly successful Saturn carmaking sub- HEAR sidiary, which will no longer have autonomous marketing, engineer- ing and manufacturing operations. Smale, who has been the most aggressive force for major changes at the world's leading Industrial company, had been expected to take the job of chairman. The former Procter & Gamble Co. chairman led you. the board revolt that led to Stempel's departure last week. In a statement about the changes, Smale said Smith has the board's "enthusiastic and unqualified support. We are confident this new team is the right leadership to take the reigns at this critical junc- ture, and we are convinced GM is moving into a new era of excel- lence." GM's stock price rose 25 cents a share to $31 after the changes were announced. GM said the departures, besides Stempel, included the retirement of his one-time protege, vice president Lloyd Reuss; vice chairman Robert J. Schultz; and executive vice president F. Alan Smith. William Hoglund, GM's chief financial officer, was given a board seat. YOU ARE SAYING THAT YOU WANT: Lesbian marriage ..more employment in Wood County; brings controversy ..growth that is controlled; to Austin couple more bickering among local governments;

by Peggy Fikac The Associated Press efficient water and sewer system;

AUSTIN, Texas - When Sara Strandtman and Karen lira- minger planned their marriage, they went the traditional route. ..with rates that are fair to all; They booked a church and invited family and friends. At the wedding, they wore white and carried bouquets, had a flower girl and attendants and shared the first dance. ..a lid on taxes; They also bought a wedding announcement in the Austin American-Statesman, topped by their picture. That lifted their July ceremony out of the realm of personal celebration and into ..a two-party board of commissioners who will the public spotlight. The announcement was met with letters and telephone calls to the newspaper from people on both sides. The flap also resulted work full-time for you, and not the bureaucracy. in an appearance on Phil Donahue's television show. "It just felt surrealistic," said Strandtman, 37, who got word of the controversy from a friend. "He said, 'I just wanted to tell you that your wedding was beautiful, I am so glad that I participated in it, thank you, it was a great experience. And did you know that you were the lead sto- ry on the 6 o'clock news?'" she recalled. "So we watched, and there was our announcement picture as big as the whole television screen and I went - 'This isn't hap- pening.' " The ad was the first wedding announcement in the American- NOW, SAY IT AGAIN, Statesman by a same-sex couple, said publisher Roger Kintzel. The newspaper previously had run homosexual-oriented per- sonal ads and memorial notices, as well as an engagement notice by Strandtman and Umminger. "I think we did the right thing," Kintzel said. "We didn't do it to gain any notoriety. We did it because we thought, and still do think, we're honoring a part of the diversity of the community." WHERE IT COUNTS. Newspapers elsewhere around the country have run similar announcements. Umminger, 41, said she and Strandtman wanted their picture in the paper to contradict "whatever it is people think lesbians look like." Umminger attends the University of Texas, where she is pur- VOTE FOR suing a master's degree in social work. Strandtman, who has an anthropology degree, is a university administrator. "We wanted to make a statement about a celebration of life... to really support our rite of passage, our ceremony," Strandt- man said. "This is a big deal... and this is the way that our soci- ety provides to say, hey, this is a big deal. So we used it." Among critics of the announcement was Dick Mallory, a Re- publican running against Democratic state Rep. Glen Maxey of Austin, Texas' first openly gay legislator. Mallory took issue with the announcement's statement the women were married. Texas does not legally recognize same- sex marriages. "People might say, 'I must be wrong in my thinking. It must be OK... because the paper said so," " Mallory said. "What I'm try- AlvinL Thomas 0 ing to do is hold the line to what good standards are." J*****^****************** $ IHaiipQpy belated PERKINS. WARNS t maopathdiaiy to * Sandra J. * Kowalsky!!! Paid for by Citizens for Perkins and Warns, Al Newlove, Treasurer, 336 S. Main, Bowling Green, OH 43402 *********************** Sports page ten The BG News Tuesday, November 3. 1992 Men's cross countrynabs fifth by Andy Dugan sports writer ty, ranked seventh in the na- Sink mentioned that despite Sink noted Eddie Nicholson, tion, won the meet with 32 the disappointing finish, the Brad Schaser, and Shawn points. Ohio University caused team could have done worse. Howard had above average The men's cross country a major upset with a second "That's good compared to performances. Nicholson team returned from the Mid- place finish with 91 points, fol- how the season went. This one earned All MAC honors with American Conference Cham- lowed by Central Michigan meet was controlled and af- his 12th place finish, first for pionships Saturday in Mun- with 95 points. Miami was fected by how we ran through- BG, with a time of 25:35. cie.In with a fifth place finish. fourth with 106, BG was fifth out the whole season. Three of Other placers for the men "We didn't have a horrible with 142. Ball State placed the seven guys ran well, the were: Brad Schaser, 20th, with performance, but we didn't run sixth with 149 followed by sev- other four just didn't have it 25:52; Shawn Howard, 32nd, like we thought we could enth place Western Michigan today. Had we have been more with 26:11; Dane Schubert, have,"said men's coach Sid with 157 points. Kent was aggressive in season, we 37th, 26:24; Deric Kenne, 41st, Sink."We thought we could eighth with 171, Toledo placed could've been more aggressive with a time of 26:35; Todd shoot for second." ninth with 236, and Akron took at this meet, which would have Black, 42nd, with 26:40; and Eastern Michigan Universi- 10th with 282. placed us higher," Sink said. Scott Kelly, 44th, with 26:43. Triner earns All-MAC honors by Andy Dugan sports writer got to Cheri and the team this 10th with 251 points. 19:09; Jen Frahn, 47th, 19:18; Su- weekend." Miami's Julie Rhoda won the zanne Isco, 50th, with 19:23; Jen Ohio University won the meet meet, covering the 3.1 mile Wheeler, 62nd, with 20:32; and In a sport that deems one meet with 66 points, followed closely course in 17:33. Triner took a dis- Chris Winter, 63rd, with a time of to be the maker or breaker of a by Miami with 78 points. appointing seventh place with a 20:41. team's overall conference stand- "I think Miami did a tremen- time of 18:08. Triner and teammate Losi will ing, anything can happen. And dous job in coming so close to Price reflected on the expecta- travel to Bloomington.IN on Sat- anything did happen on Saturday, Miami. It was predicted that no tions of the team going into the urday, November 14 to compete when the women's cross country one would come that close,"said race. in the NCAA District Four Quali- team as well as their undefeated Price. "It just didn't happen. There's fier. Price feels that Triner will leader Cheri Triner, took seventh Western Michigan was third so much pressure at MAC'S. I redeem herself at this meet. place finishes in the MAC Cham- with 100 points, followed by think we ran well all season, but pionships in Muncie.IN. fourth place Eastern Michigan peaked too early. I was pleased "I think that Cheri suffered "We didn't do well at all,"said and Central Michigan with 103 with the season except for from a case of nerves this week- women's coach Steve Price."We points. Kent was sixth with 147, MAC's,"Pricesaid. end, but I feel she'll get back on just fell apart from all the pres- BG seventh with 170, Ball State Other placers for the women track at this meet. She has a good sure. Each week, the pressure eighth with 200 points, Akron were: Tracey Losi, 25th, with chance of qualifying for built up on the girls, and it finally ninth with 222, and Toledo took 18:50; Jill Strawser, 41st, with NCAA's,"Price said. Super Mario impresses Sharks

The Associated Press Terry Crisp said after Lemieux's Lemieux, the NHL's scoring enced players, and their defense two goals helped the Penguins leader, got what proved to be the is pretty solid," Pittsburgh coach beat the Lightning 5-4 Sunday winning goal on a power play at Scott Bowman said. TAMPA, Fla. - Mario Lemieux night. 14:43 of the second period when Tampa Bay (4-8-1) led 3-2 at the was impressed with his first look "If you don't watch him, he he beat former teammate Wen- first intermission, but goals by at the Tampa Bay Lightning. The kills you. If you pay attention to dell Young for a 5-3 lead. Lemieux, Kevin Stevens and feeling was more than mutual. him, he gets the puck to someone But the Lightning, which led Shawn McEachern in a four- "I think we played toe-to-toe else who kills you." 3-1 in the first period before minute span of the second period Freshman cross country runner Chad Brockschmidt strains dur- with them most of the game, but Lemieux has now scored at Pittsburgh rallied, gave the gave the Penguins the lead for ing the final stretches of a recent meet. with a player like Lemieux you're least once in each of the Peng- Penguins (9-1-2) a scare when good. damned if you do and damned if uins' 12 games this season. His Rob Ramage scored during a you don't," Tamra Bay coach streak is four games short of the 5-on-3 power play midway "I think we surprised them," NHL record of 16 set by Harry through the final period. said Tampa Bay defenseman Broadbent in 1921-22 and ties Cy "They're a lot better than a lot Peter Taglianetti, who was Denneny and Dave Lumley for of the teams that have been picked by the Lightning in the NOVEMBER 1 the fifth-longest in NHL history. around for a while," Lemieux expansion draft from the Peng- In Sunday's only other NHL said of the Lightning (4-8-1). uins. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday game, San Jose tied Chicago 4-4. "Tampa Bay has some experi- Three power-play goals on five 8 The\6 opportunities for the Penguins Monday 2 took a lot of the punch out of Ta- Night River BACK TrieJANGLE* Election '92 mpa Bay's upset hopes as the Football Men STREET Lightning lost its fourth straight open Election Night one-goal game. 10 11 121 131 14 Tuesday, November 3, 9 p.m. <£> 1992 Lemieux's 18 goals and 20 as- San Francisco sists for 38 points leads the NHL, at Atlanta mic Groovemaster TwistGhfs Tonight!!!! 8:00pm - Midnight and Stevens is right behind with Hi 17 19 201 21 14 goals and 18 assists for 32 National, State, & Local Election points. 9 p.m. night He-Dye Buffalo at Harvest updates simulcasted on: Sharks 4, Blackhawks 4 Miami RADICTNEWS Rock Solid WFAL m® A hi & Dean Evason's goal with 8:14 r remaining in regulation time S3 no 2«L^ W@©0 €sii)ll® ©h. D4 gave San Jose a tie in Chicago. 9 p.m. WBGU "The Shark-m.H FW I Washington at Evason picked up a loose puck New Orleans cover and beat Ed Belfour from five Listen m ana gel up-tome minute election results from around the nation, Ohio, Wood feet to give the Sharks a point SO County, and Bowling Green after they had blown a 3-1 lead. 9 p.m. San Jose pressed for the winner Denver at Every nour and every halt hour (rom 8-midnight on WPAL and WBGU there will be "Live" Spoohflootcri in overtime, outshooting Chicago Seattle reports from the Wood County Board of Elections along with reports and interviews from the 8-1, but was unable to beat Bel- 7 BGRN Newsroom in West Hall. All this will 0* Brought to you by The Bowling Green Radio - Rcclcliff r^ News Election -92 Team four. News Director J.T. Jaefeeon; Assignment Editor Jeeejuetlne ftentfer; Student Lite Reporter Merle Dunn: Campus/City Public Safety Reporter Dominie Qerome: Chicago overcame a 3-2 deficit CountynViunicipai Courts Reporter Beth Tlgue; and General Assignment Reporters Jeff entering the final period to take •Jaekeon. and Kelly Senfortf. the lead on Jeremy Roenick's shorthanded goal and a power- Don't forget to catch the BGRN Hour Updates every Monday-Friday at 7am, 8am, 9em. Noon, 3pm, 1 Spm on WBGU 88 1 FM and WFAL 680 AM/Wood Cable Ch.14HI play goal by Frantisek Kucera. Kelly Kisio and Larry De Pa- Howling ai««n ISnSH® W»w«... lma each had a goal and an assist V®JJT InrN tor nib* CO'eillllimiili'! for the Sharks.

Carl Wolf Studios, Inc. is back, for one last session of pre-scheduled senior portraits. If you haven't had your portrait taken, you have been pre-assigned a portrait session during the next few weeks. To keep your appointment, simply be at the KEY office on your day, 28 West Hall, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m., closed 1 -2 for lunch. It's that simple. Call 372-8086 if you need more information. Tuesday, November 3, 1992 The BG News page eleven Lakers' Magic Johnson Bo, Woody, and H. Ross

Athletes, just like actors, tremely evident in the play of ward:Faulk, who was ripped by retires from NBA - again should be rewarded for their BG's defensive unit. Smith, above, has had a great achievements or blunders. Who says Type A coaches year, but most of it has been The Associated Press Some awards are more dubious like Mike Ditka, "Woody- against paltry competition. affected," Johnson said in a statement. than others. Some go to entire Hayes and "Bo" Schembechler How many times has Faulk After talking it over with his wife, Cookie, and teams. Others go to individu- are dead? run up his stats against a team INGLEWOOD, Calif. - Because some people his family, Johnson said, "I decided I will retire als. The Louisville, oops I mean, either nicknamed the Gouchos didn't want to play against him, Magic Johnson from the Lakers." My first award goes to a de- Euclid Lip Award: "Who's to or the Nachos? won't play again after all. Dr. Michael Mellman, Johnson's personal physi- serving group close to home, as say they're better running The Ross Perot Award: Ear- Johnson retired again Monday, mainly because cian and the Lakers' team doctor, said Johnson was well as the heart. backs [than me]? If you ask vin "Magic" Johnson, in a writ- his return prompted several NBA players to say physically fit to play. The Are You for Real Award: me, I don't think there's a bet- ten statement yesterday, de- they felt at risk by competing against someone "This is not based on his doctor's advice," Dr. In the course of recording a 7-2 ter running back in the coun- cided to call it quits - for now. who has the AIDS virus. Mellman said. "It's his lifestyle decision." overall record and plowing try, plain and simple. I don't Like Perot, Johnson has "It has become obvious that the various con- Several NBA stars, including fellow Dream through the Mid-American think there's a better running changed his mind once again troversies surrounding my return are taking away Team member Karl Malone, said they were con- Conference for the second back in the country [than me]." and retired because "he does from both basketball as a sport and the larger is- cerned about playing with Johnson for health straight season, the Bowling - Nov. 1,1992, The (Toledo) not want to take away from the sue of living with HIV for me and the many people reasons. Green football team is finally Blade. sport." garnering some of the respect No, that's not a young Mu- it deserves. hammad Ali, it's sophomore I think with the emergence The BG News Sports The Falcons find themselves Ohio State running back of Mark Jackson of the Los County in 31st place in the USA To- Robert Smith referring to how Angles Clippers, there wasn't U.S. U.S. Prosecuting State Issue 5 day/CNN Top 25 coaches' poll. he compares with Heisman EDITORS' President enough room in LA. for two Senator Attorney Senator BG is slotted above such tra- Trophy candidates Marshall high-profile point guards and CHOICE ditional football powers as Faulk of San Diego State and "Magic" decided he couldn't Clemson, Oklahoma, Baylor Garrison Hearst of Georgia stand playing second fiddle to Glen Lubber! and Illinois. They're also five Though Smith's cumulative LA.'s newest and best trigger places in front of Fresno State, numbers would never be con- man. Ha ha ha! the team they vanquished in fused with those of Hearst or George John Albert Bcuy No the final California Raisin Faulk, Smith has averaged 6.0 Though Johnson did not take Bush Glenn Potter Montgomery Bowl. yards per carry his collegiate part in a press conference to Kudos to the entire Falcon career and this past Saturday announce his retirement, he's coaching staff for turning was no exception. been rumored to have said that around a perennial .500 MAC Smith ripped the Iowa Haw- even though he's out of basket- team. key e defense for 129 yards on ball, he'll still carry Alaska. Erik Pupillo Going Down the Big Hill of only 18 carries before leaving The Fallen Star Award: Goes the Magnum XL 200 Roller the game with 11 minutes to to the entire Big Ten Confer- '9 Coaster Award: Defensive co- play in the third quarter. You ence, with the exception of the ordinator Paul Ferraro can see, Smith was playing on a Bill John Alan Betty No University of Michigan, for its Clinton Glenn Maybcrry Montgomery scream with the best of them. sprained ankle. drop in football prowess. His animated opera of sorts If Smith could stay healthy during the course of a Falcon for the entire season next year I think ESPN analyst Lee football game can be heard by and get 25-30 carries a game, Corso said it best after Penn any BG fan lucky enough to sit he might have a seat waiting in State got killed by Brigham close to the press box. the New York Downtown Ath- Young this weekend, "It looks & Ferraro has brought a spe- letic Club as a Heisman fina- like Penn State already thinks Jeremy Stone Weber cial blend of intensity and en- list. it's in the Big Ten." thusiasm to the Falcon pro- The Carpet World Installa- Erik Pupillo is a junior jour- Ross John Alan Beuy Yes gram, which has been ex- tion and PADDING Is Free A- nalism major. Perot Glenn Maybcrry Montgomery 9 Women dominate field The BG women's swim team lay medley, in which both the "A" style, (7:44.70), the 300 butterfly, KMOOOM won 13 out of 14 events at the and "B" teams eclipsed the meet (2:57.55), and the 300 back stroke Tom Stubbs Relays, dominating record. (2:56.80). The BG News' Athlete of the Week its opponents and establishing Another impressive perform- The men had a tougher time them as the team to beat in the ance was put forth by the 1S00 with their competition, as they When you party One of the goals for any Falcon athlete is to earn All-Mid- Mid-American Conference. freestyle relay team, who carved could muster no victories, only American Conference honors. Cross countyr is no different. Against competition that in- away eight seconds from the two second place finishes, and remember to... This weekend, junior Eddie Nicholson realized that goal, placing cluded MAC foes Miami, Eastern previous record. The "A" team one third. 12th at the Conference Championships. For his All-MAC attack, Michigan, and Toledo, the Fal- came across in 15:26.08. Eddie has been named the BG News' Athlete of the Week. cons swam away with the Cham- Other meet records were set in The second places were scored The cross country squad finished fifth as a pionship, and set several meet the 400 medley, (4:02.77), the 400 by the 400 medley relay team and team in the meet, which was held at Ball records on route. freestyle, (3:35.54), the 200 free- the 800 freestyle squad. State's Cardinal Hills Golf Club. Eddie One of Bowling Green's style, (1:37.24), the 300 breast The lone third was credited to covered the eight kilometer course in 25:35, biggest highlights was the 200 re- stroke, (3:20.95), the 800 free- the 1500 freestyle relay. one of his best efforts of the year. Although distant from the winner's time of 24:12, he was in All-Conference contention throughout the race. The next big hurdle for Eddie to jump is the District meet, which will be held next week- end at Indiana University. Should he or any Nicholson 0,^,. Falcon runner finish in the top 20, he will qualify for the NCAA National Championships.

Wood County needs this man back as a County Commissioner.*

Questions: Had enough? Angry? Ripped off? Tired? Mad? ANnoycd? M Ready to THROW OUT a failed governor, an incumbent senator who has failed 10 help northwest Ohio, a failed state government?

>^ Answer: JOHN K. HARTMAN, Democrat, for State Senator

HARTMAN WILL FIGHT FOR NORTHWEST OHIO JOBS, FUNDS IN COLUMBUS HARTMAN WILL NOT ACCEPT SINGLE-ISSUE, SPECIAL-INTEREST MONEY HARTMAN WILL NOT RAISE TAXES WITHOUT A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE .2* *^ HARTMAN WILL NOT BORROW TO GET ELECTED (HIS FOE OWED $118,000) HARTMAN WILL NEVER VOTE FOR UNFAIR REDISTRICTING (HIS FOE DID) HARTMAN WILL OPEN AN 1N-DISTRICT OFFICE, SPEND MOST TIME HERE HARTMAN WILL HELP THE FORGOTTEN MIDDLE CLASS AND WORKING PEOPLE HARTMAN WILL BE AN INDEPENDENT DEMOCRAT, FREE OF LOBBY PRESSURE HARTMAN WILL STAND UP FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND STATE COLLEGES HARTMAN WILL SUPPORT TERM LIMITS AND OPEN MEETINGS IN COLUMBUS Who Is JOHN K. HARTMAN? The residents of the Bowling Green School District trust JOHN K. HARTMAN. The voters have elected HARTMAN 4 limes to the Bowling Green Board of Education. In addition to his 15 years on the BG Board of Education, HARTMAN served on the Pcnta Vocational Board for 6 years. He is a journalist, rriiiminr. entrepreneur and author of The USA TODAY Way. He has B.S., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Bowling Green Slate University. THE HARTMANS arc one of Bowling Green's leading families. They were chosen Family of the Year in 1981. "JACK" and his wife KAY, who holds 2 BGSU degrees and leaches at the university, celebrated their 25th ALVIN L. PERKINS wedding anniversary June 11. They have 3 daughters • KIMBERLY. a teacher and BGSU graduate: ALICIA, a sophomore in college; and JACKIE, a sophomore in high school. .BRINGS jobs to the county; ...HEARS all sides; In the Bowling Green School District, people know JOHN K. "JACK" HARTMAN as a leader who listens .GUARDS the county budget; ...RESOLVES differences; to all points of view before he makes up his mind. HARTMAN may be oulspcntas much as 50-IO-I by the powerful incumbent he opposes. This handbill may be ihc only message he can afford lo send you. Please .KNOWS voter concerns; ...ACTS openly; remember: • .SEES the "big picture;" and HARTMAN LEADS. HARTMAN LISTENS. DISTRICT 2 .DOES his homework; ...FOLLOWS Up. HARTMAN: LEADERSHIP THAT LISTENS. ERIE. LUCAS. OTTOWA, WOOD COUNTIES STATE SENATOR - DEMOCRAT Bowing GIN.. Saodwhy. Port Onion. Ofvoon. Eoiio'.a. Po'rytburg. Aottlord. Nonhwood. MawmM. SyK»ana. Tolodo

JOHN K. HARTMAN HAnTMAN (00 SENATE COMMITTEE LET'S NOTLETALVIE GETAWAY! John K. Haitman. 221 Curt* Av«. BoMifto QnMf. OH 43402 VOTE FOR PERKINS * Wood County Commissioner, 1983 to 1988. Bowling Green Mayor, 1976 to 1982. Bowling Green City Council, 1972 to 1975. Give another birthday Paid for by Citizens (or Perkins Committee. Dick Newlove. Treasurer. 336 So Mam St., Bowling Green. OH 43402 page twelve The BG News Tuesday, November 3, 1992 Eagles, Redskins, 49ers Please return the Rocket Canadians are more polite the Toronto Argonauts of the whether he would take advan- than Americans, but it has been relatively obscure CFL. tage of an escape clause in it to among sliding NFL elite a week now since the World join the Raiders. Series trophy was shipped Call it chauvinistic, but north of the border and no one Rocket doing the work of three "I definitely intend to fulfill The Associated Press up there has yet seen fit to re- the rest of my contract there," ago, lost for the second straight players at once - returning McMahon in the second half of he said. "The two years have time, 26-14 to the Jets at the ciprocate. kicks and punts, catching pass- On the day after the New York the 20-10 loss Sunday to Dallas, es and making the occasional gone by rather quickly, so I City Marathon, it's fitting to note has completed five of 23 passes Meadowlands. In the interest of maintaining guess the two years that re- - Buffalo, a 37-10 loser to the run from scrimmage - is like that some of the NFL leaders are for 26 yards in his last four quar- neighborly relations, we offer Cecil Fielder hitting all those main probably will do the "hitting the wall." ters. Dolphins a month ago, moved back to its accustomed place atop this suggestion: Return the home runs in Japan a few years same." Or as Dan Marino of Miami put - Washington, a winner of That might be a bit optimis- the AFC East (tied with Miami). Rocket. back. It was a tidy little ac- it after his team's second straight three straight, was solidly beaten Slap a postage stamp on tic. But the Bills are still in the dol- complishment there, but it loss, a 26-14 defeat by the New 24-7 by its old nemesis, the New Rocket Ismail's forehead, didn't mean much - even to York Jets: "You can't just throw York Giants (Must Ray Stay?). It drums. After two straight losses, mark it care of the National Last season, like his salad your helmet on the field and ex- kept the Giants alive as a wild- they barely beat the Jets last Football League, and let the days at Notre Dame, Ismail Monday and beat 0-8 New Eng- pect to beat someone." card contender and emphasized a lawyers work out the fine tore through the CFL. He In fact, except for the Dallas notable deficiency in the Red- land 16-7 Sunday. After averag- Guest Column scored 13 touchdowns in the ing 38 points in their first four print. Cowboys, whose 7-1 record is the skins, who are without an regular season and capped it games, the Bills have averaged NFL's best at the halfway mark, offensive touchdown in 11 quar- Right now, Ismail is a luxury off with an 87-yard TD return and the 0-8 New England ters. 13 in the last four. on a Canadian Football League in the Grey Cup game that won Patriots, parity is once again the "We played a good team that's - Cincinnati, a loser of five the Argos the championship straight after two victories to team that can't justify his huge Jim Litke rule. been taking a lot of heat the last salary. The Los Angeles and him MVP honors. open the season, rose up and beat Example: San Diego is 4-4 after few weeks," Washington quar- Raiders, who retain Rocket's This season, though, a knee four straight wins following four terback Mark Rypien said after Cleveland 30-10 just as the injury sidelined Rocket for Browns, 4-3 going in, were get- NFL rights, can, and they des- straight losses. In Sunday's 26-0 the Redskins heard the boos that perately need him. Cecil - until he did it here. three games and the Argos, victory over Indianapolis, the Ray Handley usually hears in the ting playoff illusions. stung by the loss of quarter- - Houston, the odds-on pre- Chargers allowed only 99 yards Meadowlands. "They just physi- Besides, letting Ismail go Ismail turned up briefly back Matt Dunigan to Win- from scrimmage - minus-5 in the cally beat us." season favorite to win the AFC wouldn't be nearly as trau- Sunday on "NFL Today" on nipeg, are 6-11 and out of the Central, fell behind Pittsburgh first half - and are now just a - San Francisco, cruising along matic as losing native son CBS and he was asked whether playoffs with one game re- with a 21-20 loss when Al Del game behind the Denver Broncos at 6-1, lost Steve Young early to Wayne Gretzky to LA, or even he felt a similar need to prove maining. Attendance at Sky- and even with the Kansas City the flu and lost 24-14 to Phoenix, Greco missed a 39-yard field goal rocker Neil Young. Much of himself. Dome, which was close to Chiefs in the AFC West. of all teams - that NFC East on the game's final play. The Canada doesn't know Rocket is 40,000 last year, is.closer to And some of the hot shots again. An omen? The last time Oilers, are now a game plus a tie- there and wouldn't miss him if "I don't feel that," Rocket 30,000 this year. And Ismail's aren't doing as well. that happened was 1988, and the breaker behind the Steelers, he weren't. Ismail doesn't play replied, "but I'm sure it would numbers are lower almost To wit: Niners went on to win seven of after losses in which they blew hockey and he can't sing. For probably make life a lot easier across the board as well. - The Eagles, 4-0 after beating eight and the Super Bowl. This leads of 14, 13 and six points in all his athletic prowess, even if I at least played there a year So what happens next? That the Cowboys 31-7 a month ago loss left San Francisco tied with the final quarter. "We're a very the Blue Jays can't use him; ... so people wouldn't keep apparently depends on Rocket. and on the verge of being given a New Orleans at 6-2 in the NFC talented team and it hurts to be Rocket doesn't play baseball, questioning me about whether Al LoCasale, executive assis- pass to Pasadena, have now lost West - those Saints just creep up 5-3 when we very easily could be either. I had the ability to play in the tant to Raiders boss Al Davis, three of four. And Randall Cun- on you, don't they? 8-0," says wide receiver Hay- NFL." said Friday that just talking wood Jeff ires. ningham, benched for Jim - Miami, 6-0 just eight days What the former Notre about Ismail could be con- Darner does do is play football Much of the rest of the seg- strued as tampering. "He's the like almost no one else on the ment, filmed in Toronto, property of another club. He's planet. And right now he is do- centered on Ismail's four-year, got a contract. That's all I can A.P. Indy blazes to win ing it in relative obscurity for $18.5 million contract and say right now."

The Associated Press Darrell Waltrip was third in a Chevrolet Lumina. Scoreboard Allison has 3,928 points, followed by Alan Kul-

HALLANDALE, Fla. - A.P. Indy staged a blazing wicki with 3.898 and Bill Elliott with 3,888. NY Giants 4 4 0 .500 Bowling Green 44, Miami 24 finale to the Breeders' Cup on Saturday with a POMONA, Calif. - Joe Amato clinched his fifth NHL Phoenix 2 6 0 .250 Toledo 32. Kent 17 2-length victory over Pleasant Tap in the $3 million Top Fuel series title Sunday by advancing to the Cental Army 57. Eastern Michigan 17 WALES CONFERENCE Minnesota 5 2 0 .714 Western Michigan 13, Northern Illinois 7 Patrick Division Classic. second round of the NHRA Winston Finals. Cory Chicago 4 3 0 .571 The 3-year-old colt, the Belmont winner who McClenathan won Sunday's final by covering the Team W L T Pis. Green Bay 3 5 0 .375 Die; WEST STANDINGS Pittsburgh 9 1 2 20 missed the because of injury, quarter-mile distance in 4.932 seconds at 289.76 Tampa Bay 3 5 0 .375 1. Nevada Rcnui-l ". 5 <> NY Ringers 7 4 1 15 Detroit 2 6 0 .250 2. San Jose Stale (2-1. 5-3) paid $6.20, $3.40 and $2.80 and earned $1,506,000 mph to defeat Hill, who was disqualified for a false New Jersey 7 5 0 14 West 3. Utah Stale (2-1, 3-5) NY Winders 6 5 1 13 New Orleans 6 2 0 .750 4. L'NLV (2-2, 4-4) for owner Tomonori Tsurumaki. He has eight vic- start. Philadelphia 3 7 3 9 San Francisco 6 2 0 .750 5. Pacific (1-2. 2-6) tories and $2,979,815 in earnings in 11 lifetime Washington 4 8 0 8 AUants 3 5 0 .375 6 New Mexico Slate (1-3. 4-5) Adams Division starts. RUNNING LA Rams 3 5 0 .375 7. Cal State Fullenon (0-3. 2-6) In the $1 million Mile, Lure beat Paradise Creek NEW YORK - Willie Mtolo - limited until this Montreal 7 3 2 16 Sunday's t.amrs Saturday's Results Boston 7 2 1 IS Green Bay 27 Detroit 13 UNLV 35. San Jose State 31 by a neck as 3-2 favorite faded to 11th in the year to racing in his native South Africa - won the Quebec 7 3 1 15 Pittsburgh 21, Houston 20 Utah State 26. Cal Stale Fullenon 7 Buffalo 6 3 2 14 14-horse field. Lure returned $12.80, $6.40, $4.60. New York City Marathon on Sunday, and two-time Atlanta 30,l-os Angeles Rams 28 Arizona 30. New Mexico State 0 Hartford 3 8 0 6 New York Jet 26, Miami 14 Weber Sutc 23. Nevada-Reno 21 , $30, edged Sky Classic by a nose in the $2 runner-up Lisa Ondieki of Australia took the wom- Ottawa 19 1 3 Buffalo 16, New England 7 Pacific, idle million Turf. en's division in record time. CAMBELL CONFERENCE Cincinnati 30, Cleveland 10 Norrls Division San Diego 26. Indianapolis 0 The 28-year-old Mtolo finished in 2 hours, 9 MAJOR SCORES Detroit 7 5 0 14 DaUas 20. Philadelphia 10 minutes, 29 seconds. Mexico's Andres Espinosa, East English Lester Piggott sustained multiple Toronto 6 4 2 14 Phconix 24, San Francisco 14 Army 57, E. Michigan 17 who held the lead until Mtolo surged past at the Minnesota 6 5 1 13 New York Giants 24. Washington 7 injuries, and the British-bred horse, Mr Brooks, Boston College 45. Temple 6 Chicago 4 S3 II Open Dale: Denver, Kansas City, Los An- was fatally injured in the $1 million Sprint. Pig- 23-mile mark, was second for the second consecu- Connecticut 30, Richmond 28 Si LOUIS 5 6 1 II geles Raiders. Seattle. gott, 56, was in stable condition at Hollywood Me- tive year in 2:10:52. Tampa Bay 4 8 1 9 Cornell 16, Brown 6 morial Hospital on Sunday. Thirty Slews, $39.40, The 32-year-old Ondieki, who finished third last Sim tin Division COLLEGE FOOTBALL Cartmouth 31, Harvard 7 Calgary 8 4 0 16 Delaware 57, Maine 13 won the race. year, finished in 2:24:40 to break the mark of Ui Angeles 7 4 1 15 Associated Press TOP 25 l-'ordham 21, Bucknell 0 In other $1 million races, Argentine-bred 2:25:29 set by Allison Roe of New Zealand in 1981. Vancouver 5 4 1 11 1. Washington (33 1/2) HOly Cross 28, Uhigh 25 2. Miami 07 1/2) Lafayette 37, Colgate 28 Paseana, $7.40, won the Distaff; Eliza, $4.40, won Olga Markova of Russia was second for the second Winnipeg 4 8 0 8 Edmonton 3 8 17 3. AUbama(l) Massachusetts 22, Northeastern 10 the Juvenile Fillies, and Gilded Time, $6, won the consecutive year in 2:26:28. San Jose 2 9 15 4. Michigan New Hampshire 43, Navy 7 Juvenile. Saturday's Games 5. Texas A4M Penn 13. Yale 10 Chicago 3, Boston 2 6. Fonda St. Pnnccton 34. Columbia 7 Eddie Delahoussaye rode both A.P. Indy and TENNIS Lot Angeles 7, Hartford 1 7. Nebraska Rutgers 50. Virginia Tech 49 Thirty Slews and was one of three jockeys with STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Fourth-seeded Goran Quebec 3. Winnipeg 2 8. Notre Dame Syracuse 41. Pittsburgh 10 9. Boston College two victories. Chris McCarron won on Paseana and Ivanisevic of Croatia beat Guy Forget of France New Jersey 5, New York Islanders 3 TOWNS St. 35, Indiana, PA 33 Edmonton 4, Washington 2 10. Syracuse Villanova 34. Rhode Island 3 11. Southern Cal Gilded Time and Pat Valenzuela won on Eliza and 7-6 (7-2), 4-6, 7-6 (7-5), 6-2 in the final of the Stock- Toronto 3. Detroit 1 South Fraise. holm Open on Sunday. Ivanisevic, who had 30 aces, Calgary 5. Minnesota 3 12. Arizona Alabama St. 14. Alabama A&M 11 13. Kaniai Appalachian St 37. In Chattanooga 17 advanced to No. 4 in the ATP Tour rankings. Montreal 4, New York Rangers 3 Buffalo 2. Ottawa 2. tic. 14. Florida Arkansas 24, Auburn 24, tie. AUTO RACING si ! .mi- 6, Philadelphia4 15. Georgia E. Kentucky 49. Tennessee St. 28 GUARUJA, Brazil - Fifth-seeded Carsten Ar- Sunday's Games 16. Colorado Florida 26, Georgia 24 Pittsburgh 5, Tampa Bay 4 17. N. Carolina Si Florida A&M 42, Morgan St. 32 riens of Germany beat fourth-seeded Alex Corre- 18. North Carolina PHOENIX - Davey Allison won the Pyroil 500 at San Jose 4. Chicago 4, lie. Florida St. 13, Virginia 3 Phoenix International Raceway on Sunday to take tja of Spain 7-6 (7-5), 6-3 in the final of the Alman- 19. Mississippi St. Furman 45, E. Tennessee Si 14 20. Texas Georgia Southern 13, Middle Tenn. 10 a 40-point lead in the Winston Cup standings with ara Cup on Sunday. 21. Sun.1 oid NFL Georgia Tech 20. Duke 17 only the Nov. 15 race at Atlanta remaining. 22. Ohio Sutc Howard U. 55. Bowie St 6 Allison averaged 103.885 mph in his Ford Thun- SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - Mary Pierce of AMERICAN CONFERENCE 23. Penn Stale Jacksonville St. 59, Alcom St. 45 East 24. Tennessee James Madison 21, William & Mary 14 derbird for his series-leading fifth victory and France defeated Gigi Fernandez of the United Team W L T PCT 25. Washington State Liberty 31, Central Florida 28 18th of his career. Mark Martin finished second in States 6-1, 7-5 in the final of the Puerto Rico Open Buffalo 6 2 0 .750 Others receiving votes: Hawaii 86, Virginia Louisiana Tech 23, Arkansas St. 0 on Sunday. Miami 6 2 0 .750 76, Georgia Tech 74, Mississippi 16, San Mephii St. 62, Tulane 20 a Thunderbird, 3.19 seconds behind Allison, and Indianapolis 4 4 0 .500 Diego Slate 14, Brigham Young 8, Mephis Miami 35, West Virginia 23 N.Y.Jeu 2 6 0 .250 Stale 6, Bowling Green 4, California 4, Miss. Valley St. 35, Prairie View 14 ■ Clip A Save- New England 0 8 0 .000 Wake Forest 4, West Virginia 4, Southern Mississippi 32. LSI! 0 Central Mississippi 3, Oregon 1. Mississippi St. 37. Kentucky 36 Pittsburgh 6 2 0 .750 Morehead St. 41. Austin Peay 34 Houston 5 3 0 .625 MAC STANDINGS N Carolina A&T 30, Bethune-Cookman 22 Geveland 4 4 0 .500 1. Bowling Green (6-0,7-2) NW Louisiana 20, SW Texas St. 17 Cincinnati 3 5 0 .375 Z Western Michigan (5-2, 6-2) Nicholls St 27, Southern U 24 West 3. Ball State (5-2,5-4) North Carolina 31. Maryland 24 Denver 5 3 0 .625 4. Akron (5-3,5-3) S. Carolina St 28. Delaware St 7 JLPOWARD'S 210 N. MAIN 419-352-9951 lli—tM. Kansas City 4 4 0 .500 5. Toledo (3-3,5-3) Samford 49, Ala-Birmingham 3 San Diego 4 4 0 .500 6. Miami (3-3, 4-4) South Carolina 24, Tennessee 23 NOVEMBER • Mon.-Sat. Noon 'til 2:30 am Sun. 2:00 pm 'til 2:30am • NOVEMBER LA Raiders 3 5 0 .375 7. Central Michigan (3-4,4-5) Tennessee Tech 35, Murray Si 10 Seattle 1 7 0 .125 8. Kent (2-5,2-75 W. Carolina 38, Marshall 30 NATIONAL CONFERENCE 9. Eastern Michigan (1-5,1-8) Wake Forest l8.Clemson 15 SUNDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY | FRIDAY | SATURDAY East 10. Ohio (1-7,14) Midwest Dallas 7 1 0 .875 Saturday') Results Akron 31, Central Michigan 28 4 Philadelphia 5 3 0 .625 Akron 31, Central Michigan 28 BaU State 24, Ohio U. 21 WBCilJ III FM Washington 5 3 0 .625 Ball State 24, Ohio 21 Bowling Green 44, Miami 24 t% MkdllUaH pmcni SSNWX^ UNSANE TIH2 sss Eddie Shaw and ml Vtmbo Marble Ey- m$ ^ the Wolf Gang § STUDENT I.D. The Arcade Mon. - Fri. Price $3.00 after 6 pm 12 131 14 401 Euclid Ave. 9:30-7:00 Starts Showing Suite 245 Sat. until 6:00 November 6 Claire 'Nard Black College Sweats «Caps, T-shirts, Sorority and Fraternity Shirts J

Morehouse Tuskegee Hampton Grambling Spelman Xavier Central State Fisk CINEMARK'S Wilberforce Howard Woodland Mall Cinema #5 1234 N. Main Street 1-216-344-9966 354-0558 Tuesday, November 3, 1992 The BG News page thirteen Smith honored OSU Rose Bowl trip unlikely The Associated Press The Associated Press meet the Southeastern Conference cham- Michigan is 5-0 in the Big Ten and 7-0-1 pionship game loser. The third-place team overall. Ohio State (6-2 overall), Indiana (5-3) rush for three scores in a COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- Whether he felt will most likely go to the Holiday Bowl to and Michigan State (3-5) are all 3-2 in the Big TOLEDO, Ohio - Bowling game. He is now tid for third it or not, Ohio State coach John Cooper re- meet the Western Athletic Conference Ten. Green tailback LeRoy Smith in careur touchdowns at BG fused to say Monday that his heart sank champion. In both cases, the bowl may over- In order to go to Pasadena, the Buckeyes and Akron free safety Chris with 25. when he heard that Michigan came back to look teams without eight wins. must have two things happen: they must win Owens have been named the beat Purdue last weekend. Cooper says he isn't following the bowl their last three games against Minnesota players of the week in the Owens, a junior from "I had other things to do," Cooper ex- picture. Yet. this week, at Indiana next week and then Mid-American Conference. Columbus, stopped a key Cen- plained. "Never," he said. Maybe "when the beat Michigan in their traditional season- tral Michigan drive in the With Michigan holding a two-game lead on season's over. I looked at the standings (Big ending game, Nov. 21 at Ohio Stadium; and Smith, a senior from fourth-quarter with an inter- the pack with three games remaining in the Ten) when I came over here today. I guess the Wolverines must lose at Northwestern Toledo, rushed for a season- ception in Akron's 31-28 vic- Big Ten Conference, 22nd-ranked Ohio State us, Michigan State and Indiana are tied for this weekend or at home against Illinois Nov. high 111 yards on 17 carries tory. He had eight tackles and needs help if it hopes to keep alive its dim- second, it looks like." 14. and scored three first-half scored a touchdown on a ming hopes of a trip to the Rose Bowl. Asked if he checked out potential bowl op- As the season sifts away, the Buckeyes are touchdowns in the Falcons' 73-yard punt return. He now When fourth-ranked Michigan roared back ponents, he said, "I haven't. I'm not telling haunted by their back-to-back losses to Wis- 44-24 victory over Miami of has five interceptions on the from a 17-7 halftime deficit to win 24-17 at you I won't before the season's over, but at consin (20-16) and Illinois (18-16) to open the Ohio. His touchdown runs of season, sixth best in the na- Purdue, Ohio State appeared more and more this point, I haven't. I know what's happen- Big Ten season. 1, 12 and 1 yards mark the tion and tied for second in the likely to be heading for either of the Big ing in college football. I vote in the coaches' "Would we like to go back and replay those first time since 1985 that the conference with teammate Ten's automatic bowl bids. poll, so obviously I know the results of those games? The obvious answer is yes," Cooper Falcons have had a player Vic Green. The second-place team most likely would games. And I go home Saturday night and said. "Particularly the Illinois game. I be- go to the Florida Citrus Bowl, where it would watch CNN's scoreboard." lieve that's a game we gave away." Classified Tuesday, November 3, 1992 The BG News page thirteen

CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS Did you know. . Sheriff Andy ol May berry learned (torn his Subleaser wanted Available 11-1. Own room. STUDENTS or ORGANIZATIONS PERSONALS tn Russia, a drunk driver's experience. Prosecuting Altomsy Maybsrry Cheap ront Call Linda 353 0317 Promote our Florida Spnng Break license is revoked lor life. has 13 years o' expe'ience Vole Maybsrry! packages EarnMONEY and FREE inps Paid for by Mayberry for Prosecuting Any . 415 Organize SMALL or LARGE groups "Environmental Action Group* *RushGroupfi2* Do you know what today is? Erie St. BG Charles M Bailey. Treat HELP WANTED Call Campus Marketing. 800-423-5264. Regular meeting on Tuesday, Nov 3 Reunion time with your Rho Cht's Carolyn A Alpha Lambda Dalian General Mealing STEVE MARTIN WEEK at 8:00pm in 300 Uni wr»ity Hall Katie Otlen East Lounge-630 pm. on 11/5' Tonight in 1007 BAA Buy any Video at regular once and receive any Open to all* B'inQ$1or piZ/iV See you at 8 lor ALD's Sieve Martin video Iree E«pires 11/6/92 $200 -$500 WEEKLY 1 ABORTION Mandatory General Meetmgi LATE NIGHT VIDEO DELIVERS Assemble products at home Easy No selling FOR SALE "02 Homecoming Committee* 1-600-367-2036 UOE.Woosier 354*5283 You're paid direct Fully Guaranteed. FREE In Hey1 If you haven't received your certificate ol formaton-24 Hour Hotline. 801-379-2900. Co Toledo Medical Services EDDY IS COMING thanks, pick it up in UAO Irom Joanne' Free pregnancy test. pynghi»QHl7iK0H liable transportation TOHARSHMAN THE BLOOOMOBILE IS COMING! '77 Buick Regal cheap. ■ Thanks Bunches'1' Special rates for students. $2 50 Call 352-7506. NOV 8. 7:30-9 PM THE BLOOOMOBILE IS COMING! ACTIVITIES DIRECTORS NEEDED NOV. 16-20 AT THE NORTHEAST COM- NOW INTERVIEWING for the summer o' A copy of Spanish 212 text In English Make ALPHA EPSILON DELTA 1993* ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA FEATURED DRAFTS Woodpecker Alconolic MONS your studying easier Call 353-3627 Pro-medical Society invites all pre-professional PRESENTS 10:30am -4:30pm Need a summer job' Don't wait til the last Cider and Whitbread Ale. CAR PHONE - USED ONLY 1 MONTH students to attend our next meeting on Tues . Dr. Nell Browne m our minute' BOTTLED ENGLISH ALES: Bass. Sam BRAND NEW. PAID $235.00, ASKING Nov. 3 at 6:30 pm in room 332 ISC Guest Last Lecture Series Our campgroud, Yogi Bear's Jeliystone Camp Smith's Pale Ale and Oatmeal Stout True spiral perms' $50 00 $125.00. CALL $534512 FOR MORE INFO. Speaker is Or Kertinger. M.D. Family Practice. Tomonow night. 8 30 p m Resort, is looking lor 2 creative, outgoing per- Campus Polryeyes, 440 E. Court St. Campus Headquarters Salon Any questions, call Jim at 353 1645 or Tern at sons to coordinate A direct activities for a fami- 220 Math Saence 425 E Wooster' 354*2244 353-6205 M ss this & miss the chance of a lifetimel ly cam ping resort CHEAP! FB1/U.3. SEIZED Find What You're Looking For Location. Aurora. Ohio 5 miles Irom Sea World 89 MERCEDES $200 ATTENTION COLLEGE DEMOCRATS VOTE Univertsty Red Cross Bloodmobile meeting of Oho and Geauga Lake Park 86 VW. $50 VICTORY PARTY TONIGHT! Alpha Phi'"Alpha Phi The BonoKians Thursday, Nov. 5 - BA 114,7:30 p.m. Experience preferred but not a mutt. 87 MERCEDES $100 Call CD Hotline, 2-4178 lor into. 1 Happy Birthday Mdeiie ALL WELCOME! Male or female. 65 MUSTANG $65 Love, your little DEREKWOLFGRAM Living facilities provided Choose from thousands starting $25. Folk Music originated in Europe when bards FREE lnformaDon-24 Hour Hotline. (the Greeks Outside My Window Guy) If interested, send resume to travelled around the countryside, bnngmg Jetty stone Camp Resort 801-379-2929 Copyright f OH 17KJC 11/4 on WFAL local show. 10-12 pm AOTT • LI I Callene - AOTT news in the form of a song 11/5 HSA Colteehouse Congratulations on your Initiation11 WANTED 3392 S Ft. 82 Mantua. OH 44255 in Kreischer Honors Center. 7:30 pm rm so exated for you!' Find out more about folk music In Miscel- Kawasaki '81 440 LTD. 11/7 Campus Pollyeyes. 9:30-12:30 lany Magazine on Nov. 9 Good condition $600 firm 11/11 Home AID at Howards Jeff. 353 5003 Alpha Love and Mine, 1 or 2 M/F subleasers wanted ALASKA SUMMER JOBS Your B»g. Kristin INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE: Coed Wally- to share apt dose to campus bail-Nov. 3. Mens Singles Racquetball-Nov. Students needed' Earn $600- Glamour! Glitz! Excitement! Heal ind.. $200vmo 3530922. James 10; Men's Wrestling Nov. 11:3 Player Basket per week m canneries or VELODYNE loudspeakers $125 Fashion Merchandising Association $$ 100CASH BONUS $$ Are you hungry? ball Men's and Women's Nov 19 ALL EN- $4000* per month on fishing boats NAD CD player w/remote $150 Monthly meeting Nov 4.1902.8:00 p.m. Have you tned TRIES DUE BY 4 00 P.M. ON DUE DATE IN No experience necessaty' Call 353-6522 Don't lorget "KEY" pictures at 7:451 LITTLE ITALY? lOSRECCFNTCn Dec Commencement Tickets Get a head start on summer' McFall Assembly Room IT'LL BE HERE SUN. NOV 8 Willing to pay' For program call: "GeiReadyi* IRISHCLUB Call Bill at 352-5147 (206) 545-4155 Ext A5544 1 II you are interested in scheduling a panel from " Get Ready)" Meeting Tonight FOR RENT the Lesbian And Gay Alliance to speak to •"Get Ready!'" 104 BA your group, call 352-5242 (LAGA) between 9:30 PM Desperately seeking a female subleaser for Arthur Victor Painting, Inc. is looking for branch 7-10 pm Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays. Spnng '93 to share F razee apt. $l50/mo. ♦ 11 managers for Summer '93. Experience helplul For rent - BG apl 2 bd, 1 ba Ig. kitchen, park- Please call at leasrtwo week* in advance and Brautwurst. Kraut, Potato Salad $3.75 electric; I will pay $50 subleaser fee' Please Karaoke I Mocktails but not necessary Complete training and field ing, laundry, heal A air cond No pets leave the name and number of a contact per- Spatan and Paulaner OKTOBERFEST CHI 3S2-9496M' Campus Polryeyes 440 E Court Sponsored by PARTY support. High income potential 800 775 4745 $360Vmo Avail ivi5*8/i5/93 Close to son. Female subleaser needed ASAP carrpus I'interested call Sandra. 353-4116 Thursday. Nov S Attention Business Students A Entreprenuers LEARN HOW TO ICE SKATE! 9pm -12 midnight Own room, close to campus. Campus Myth: Call 353-7407 Earn $700O-$800O next summer while building Need Subleasers in Dec BGSU SKATING CLUB Bowl-N-Greenery 2 B/B-NO May rent!' You get a 4.0 if your roommate dies. your resume and gaming crucial business ex- EVERYTUESDAY9 IS- 10 15PM penence. "TASP" International is looking for For more info, call 352-6128 Graphic Designer/Production Assistant Campus Myth: Mayberry RF.D. was a safe place to live. highly moovaied students to fill management Experience in process camera, darkroom. Listen to the Expert! Playboy listed BGSU as one of the top 10 Prosecuting Attorney Alan Mayberry wants to positions across Ohio, particularly in Maumee, Roommate needed Spring semester. paste up, layout and computer abilities in one Patnck McCarthy speaking about Integrand party schools in the nation. keep B G safe for you Vote Mayberry! Paid Perrysburg. Lima. Flndlay and all Cleveland Wash/dryer, dose to campus $150.00 per or all of the following: Pagemaker, Freehand or Markelng Nov 4 3 30pm. 112BA Campus Myth for by Mayberry for Prosecuting Any.. 415 Erie suburbs. Positions will fill quickly' For more in- month -electnc Call 353-4310 after 4 00 pm St.. B.G..Charles M Bailey. Troas. Illustrator. Send resume to Graphics Coor- format on ca'l 1-800 543-3792 Listen to the Expert! Kreischer and Ha/shman Quadrangles dinator. 1545 Holland Rd.. Suite 0. Maumee, Starting 1/8 - sublease until May. Close to Patnck McCarthy speaking about Integrated are shaped like swastikas OH 43537. EARN $1,500 WEEKLY mailing our circu- campus $335 * utility 2 bedroom 352-2979. Marketing Nov 4.3 30pm. 112 BA Order any Specially Pizza, get free order of lars! Begin NOW!... FREE packet! SEYS, Find out more about folklore on campus Garlic Bread w/ cheese, inside only. Help' Subleaser needed lor Spring 93 semes- Dept 235, Box 4000, Cordova, TN SOLD WORKSHOP and elsewhere In Miscellany Magazine Nov. Campus Polryeyes. 440 E. Court Si. ter. One block from campus. 1 bdrm. 2 person. 38018-4000. Wed, Nov. 4.1992. 7:00 pm 9. _ Furnished, relatively cheap. CINEMARK THEATRES Ohio Suite. 3rd Floor Union Desperate' Call 353-7803 HOLIDAY HELP "Stress A Time Management" CRAIG Pumpkins and Fall Decorations lor sale $8.25TO START with Sheila Kloefkorn HAPPY ANNIVERSARY CAMPUS POLLYEYES 440 E. Court Company expanding. Ft. - pt. positions avail. CINEMA "ZT I Male roommate. For reservations, call SAO at 372-2843. 3YEARSTOOAYIII Flexible schedule Only nice people may apply. Close to campus 4164.-mo Everyone welcome!!! I LOVE YOU. Call today 321-5365. RUSH GROUP (2: Call 354 7403

Student Wellness Center is looking for respon- Did you know... 2 nite's the night we reunite sible, energetic peer advisors for the 1993-94 43% of BGSU students drank 2 or Wear scummy clothes and bring a flashlight. Need one roommate Male Own room Air academic year Applications are available at lass times in the last week? (based 9'45-beattheoldmeetin' place you know. conditioned. Large apartment. Sublease lor residence halls' front desks, rec center office on a 1992 survey). And we'll paint the town because... Spnng Call 353-3627. Alcohol Awareness Week 1992 GROUP2ISRETTOGO!!! and The Well. If you have any questions please One female subleaser for Spnng semester call 372-8302. Applications due by Nov. 5.4pm November 1-7 Very cheap and dose to campus' at The Well. C U 2-nita - LJ. Linda* Mary Sharkie. Please call 352-4536, leave message 'Roses are red. We invite you to know Jesus Christl Violets are Nue. Join us in praise, singing, prayer. It's no secret. Back by Popular Demand leaching, fellowship and I LOVE YOU!" Meet new friends"1 Happy 1 yrMI Toledo ACTIVE CHRISTIANS TODAY •^ Towers Buffet Specials V Meets 7 00 p m TONIGHTI Medical Alumni Room, 3rd Floor Student Union For more info call 352 6486 Tuesdays Homecooking a* Services, Inc j CO E & x- Reproductive Health Care Thursdays - Pasta Bar P" for Women SERVICES OFFERED MISCELLANY z i n $4.99 Abortion to 17 Weeks K 8 3 JS 3 24 HR. PHONE SERVICE BABYSITTING College junior will babysit Did you know Q. Nov. 3-Dec. 10 your children. I have limited transportation O Excellent references Call Deb @353-69i 1 "Ring Around the Rosy" Q_ Free Pregnancy Tests Portuguese and Spanish lessons Experienced originated during >. The Towers Inn Special Student Rates teacher Call 353-1447. the Black Plague? -Q McDonald Dining Center Pregnanl? We can help Ml Services Strictly Confidential Free pregnancy tests A supportive services. u Monday - Friday Produced once each semester by CO 5164 Monroe St., Call 3544673. BG Pregnancy Center. CD 4-30-6:30 pm TYPING SERVICES students for students, each Toledo, Ohio *Cosh. Faculty/ Staff charges* •!> Reasonable Rates with Accuracy Miscellany has a theme. 1-800-367-2036 rn Call 352-3967 from 6am • 9pm Quantum 90/95. accounts accepted*!* Check out the Folklore issue on Back by Popular Demand 885-5700 Would you like to make up to $500 a week m November 9th. It's FREE! your own home? Send $1.00 and SASE to R. Moiiison. P.O. Box 201. Bowling Green, OH 43402 IN THE ARMY, NURSES AREN'T JUST IN DEMAND. MARK'S THEY'RE IN COMMAND. " Home of The Six Day Party" Any nurse who just wants a job can with your level of experience. As Tuesday Night is find one. But if you're a nu an Army officer, you'll command the ing student who wants to be in respect vou deserve. And with the added OftOtiNDS COUNTRY NIGHT command of your own career, consider benefits only the Army can offer—a $5000

the Army Nurse Corps You'll be treated as signing bonus, housing allowances and 4 TOR

a competent professional, given your own weeks paid vac at ion-you'll be well in com-

Remember: Wednesday patients and responsibilities commensurate mand of your life Call l-800-USAARMY 1HO&G8T •OWLING GHEEN, OHIO Night Karoke Night ARMY NWSE COOPS. BEAU TOUCAN BE. page fourteen Tuesday, November 3, 1992 It's Your Move! This party season, don't take chances, know the law and know your rights. PLAY IT SAFE! Start with GO (below) and see if you can

win at PARTYOPOLY This message brought to you by the following organizations and area businesses: Mayor Wes Hoffman Beta Theta Pi Sigma Chi Former Mayor and Commissioner Kappa Sigma Gamma Phi Beta Candidate Edwin Miller Lambda Chi Alpha Kappa Kappa Gamma Allen Mayberry Wood County Phi Kapppa Tau Pi Beta Phi Prosecuting Attorney Phi Sigma Kappa Zeta Phi Beta Mike Marsh City Attorney Pi Kappa Alpha IFC and Pan Hellanic Councils Marilyn Baker Sigma Alpha Epsilon Alpha Omicron Pi BG City Police Theta Chi Old Milwaukee NA Easystreet Cafe Alpha Phi Old Milwaukee & Sigma Phi Epsilon Delta Gamma Old Milwaukee Light

■aBpa|wou>j < o -• ■ n, saaBds ♦■ 5 2. 9 5- «= TJ UOIULUOO MOU £ PB3LJB 3A01AI > ujaiqojd jappeig stiff* •jajuao BujpAoaj punojB ||e dod o (o =; _ n jajioia u; sjeadde J3 pue ezzjd >|oeus Go to Jail aqj je >|jOM auiBN s}UB|d s.Ajp uiBag '6uu3)ij| 4 >pinb e JOJ dojs jaiBM o\ appaa joipaijQ "saAeai rrr D.U.I. "Z. z*z Do not pass Go. Pay !■ I jo and UJ ueo doja Q 30NVH0 $1000. Go to jail for 6 jaaq mm }ij6neo ^T T T T'T'T'T'.ir i , ■ i ■ i i t i W,T,v.v,y.T.V.I.V.T.T. months. » 2 ^ 5,

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= = SJ =3 S Z« o — -EL •- w 3 9 3 — B B a, oi o o a> <"< Q. FoR©EoA K -c >** c 0 J2 . (O CO QJ 3 Finding Responsible and Entertaining E S3S-B£ ES ■ sr f fi. Alternatives on Kampus O « DIC O November 2-9,1992 lllll ^ i e ° S 3^«5 8 31 B G S U o .= .= U 'f

TJ 3 O 5 S . o 0> 73 2 ^ n> Z TU "Down of a 9i&w Attitude" 8P-ooo> o.5>o) » =T3 - c c T3 tw

Prevention Cen er (or alcohol and other drue jbuse «IH — > 03 m I- H w 2: Prout Rodgers Arrive at Club SOP. Girl in front of line caught with Can't go out on an Friends come up GO a fake I.D. empty stomach. for the weekend. f* Treat friends to Decide to head To The Bars Hmm...Maybe I don't look like my "I can't hear you first-class meal in uptown to the roommate! over the train." dining hall - NOT! bars. Colored Ink