September 25, 2020

Deanna Parisi, President, Business Association (OWBA) [email protected]

To: [email protected] Mayor Jim Watson Councillor George Darouze Councillor Councillor Eli El-Chantiry Premier Doug Ford MPP Goldie Ghamari

Subject: Osgoode Ward Business Association Public Input to the City of Ottawa Ward Boundary Review:

In an effort to increase awareness and understand the grassroots feedback on the six Boundary Review Options, the Osgoode Ward Business Association (OWBA) has reached out to our Business Members and Stakeholders to collect their important input through a survey that was delivered through Survey Monkey and open for input from September 16th through September 22nd, 2020.

We have compiled the survey results and are submitting our findings to the City for Phase 2 Public Consultation Input for September 25, 2020. Complete Survey Results as attached, will be published, along with our input to the City to our website

117 Participants completed the survey and 90.6% were opposed to the amalgamation of Osgoode Ward (20) with the majority of the Cumberland Ward 19.

Opposition was ranked by importance 1 through 8 as follows:

1. Budget Dilution: for staffing, community safety, organizations and events, support remains the same as it is now for Ward 20. 2. Rural Representation Decreased: +2 Urban Wards will be added to the City; -1 Rural Ward taken away as a result of amalgamation. 3. Councillor Accessibility & Responsiveness: will be decreased as one Councillor must address the concerns of a much larger constituency. 4. Geographic Size: new ward would be approximately 800 km2; 1 hour travel time from one end to the other – about the same size as the entire City of Calgary, responsibility for 68% more roads. 5. Inadequate Consultation: the impact of the decision will last 12 – 16 years and does not adequately reflect the voice of ward residents. 6. Cultural Differences & Ward Histories: these wards have distinct Anglophone/Francophone cultures in different communities of interest (e.g. Orleans & Cumberland community). 7. No Choice for Ward 19 & Ward 20 other than amalgamation: Options 1-6 ALL see Osgoode Ward 20 absorbing 90% of Cumberland Ward 19 – with a 46% population increase. 8. Rural Migration: Potential for larger population increases due to affordability and more people working remotely. This could skew distribution across wards. All 6 boundary options include the recommendation to combine Osgoode Ward 20 and 90% of the Cumberland Ward 20 into a single ward (increasing Urban/Suburban wards and decreasing Rural ward representation from 4 to 3 or even 2). This proposal will have a dramatic negative impact on our Businesses and Residents of the Osgoode Ward (20), in addition to those of the current Cumberland Ward (19) by losing effective representation and a strong, important rural voice at Council table. These 6 boundary options are in direct conflict with the stated cornerstones of effective representation, namely: • Geographic communities of interest; • Natural and physical boundaries • Ward history • Geographic size / shape of ward • Capacity to represent • Population growth • Voter parity

The City of Ottawa is in the process of considering significant changes to the existing Ward Boundaries that will have a significant impact on Osgoode Ward 20 boundaries, representation, and budget allocations. Re-aligned wards will be in effect for the 2022, 2026, 2030 municipal elections (and possibly 2034). Wards were last reviewed in 2003 – 2004 resulting in the current 23 wards: 8 Urban; 12 Suburban & 4 Rural. Phase 1 of Public Consultation was completed from March 4 – April 3, 2020 (unfortunately at the onset of Covid-19 with only 483 individuals or groups provided input for a population of greater than 1 million!). The City is in the final stages of a review process that includes 6 options with Phase 2 of Public Consultation currently underway, final Stakeholder input due by September 25, 2020.

OWBA feels very strongly that this process is being rushed through at a time when Covid-19 is nearing the RED Zone and creating great disruption and stress for all. We note that the Master Transportation Plan has been extended for public consultation by six months impacting the timing of the City’s Final New Official Plan. Why is the same public consultation extension option not afforded for the Ward Boundary Review Consultations, vote and decision at Council, which will have such profound and far-reaching impacts on the Businesses and Citizens of Ottawa for years to come?

OWBA urges you to: i) Grant an extension of the Public Consultation Process with broader public participation and awareness and; ii) Amend the boundary options for the current Osgoode and Cumberland Wards in light of the public opposition and concerns expressed, as well current Pandemic disruptions limiting participation.

The Osgoode Ward Business Association (OWBA) thanks you for the opportunity to participate in the Stakeholder Consultation Process for the City of Ottawa Ward Boundary Review.


Deanna Parisi

President, Osgoode Ward Business Association (OWBA)

Attachments (2)