Arizona State University Arizona State University COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NUMBE R OAA- A-14-00068 RI Fellowships Report/ASU GDR Program

The project titled ‘Achieving Sustainable Development Goal in Indonesia: Multi actor perspective on climate smart sustainable agricultural practices’ looks at the vulnerability of farm livelihoods in light of climate change and adaptations that are currently taking place to tackle the climate risks.

The main activities undertaken in the research include literature review and in-depth interviews followed by data analysis and report writing. Overall, 22 interviews are conducted with different stakeholders including (researchers/academics, NGOs, local official and local farmers). Interviews were conducted to understand drivers of climate change vulnerability and coping mechanisms. The analysis of the findings is underway. All the collected interview data needs to be collated to provide a comprehensive understanding of livelihood situation in the study region. Next step is to prepare the final report in lines with the objective of this proposed project and will be the main task for next month.

Research findings will be disseminated through conference, publication and social media. Academically speaking, the targeted journal for dissemination will be ‘Climate Risk Management’ or ‘World Development’. Similarly, Sustainability and Development Conference in Michigan will be another avenue to reach out to research and academic community. I had the opportunity to present the initial idea at Policy Seminar ‘Youth Required: Building Resilient Food Systems for a Sustainable World’ co-organized by The Hunger Project and IFPRI and hopefully will find similar avenues to disseminate my work.

Main outcomes include improved understanding of local livelihood vulnerability and shared learning facilitated across different stakeholder. The knowledge created will be shared in order to increase the use of scientific research for better development outcome, in line with the objectives of the primary stakeholder and USAID. Similarly, outcomes can also contribute towards knowledge base of the policy making and implementation unit of local regency.

The collaboration with the University of (the local partners) will continue as we move along towards dissemination and publication of the research study. Also, Global Institute of Sustainability from Arizona State University and North Regency share a Memorandum of Understanding to work on SDGs. This study fits into the larger landscape of this MoU. Within this larger scope of collaborations, this study also aims to build golden triangle with local community at the center and other stakeholders supporting local development.

All the inputs, associated activities, outputs and outcomes directly and indirectly impact various SDGs including SDG 2 (No Hunger), SDG 1 (End Poverty), SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals).