
Miss BEETHA'iWOMEf "UrFCIalrrfed-tetters™— Cufflberlanfellutual ilat ot un-callert-Tor 1 otters in ' Hammonton Post Office on Wednesday, —Kre4nBuran()e Co. Com, of Deeds Sept 21, 1910: Qi•Dridgetbn, N. J. •ry-at Bixty- promptly attended to. Mrs H B Thompson Allin R Walsh five years standing inaurqp ail kinds of . Giberson Building, Hammonton. KranK Ana«tii8lNunzlo Mr William Colte property, not i-xtra hnzardous, against Independent Louis Lablun Mlsa K H Lewis loss or damage by-fire or lightning. The Fbone — No. 682 WF Button Mrs Phebe Ross' rates are lowor t.han others.' Ltosses are '-Persona-calling for any of-the-abov< idr—-Funds 43aiifomia-Brivet— land are ample to puy all probable losses. lettei-s will ploafio state that it ha From C inches to 3 feet been advertised. Wayland De£uy, Agt., VOL. HAMMONTON, N. J., OCTOBER 1, 19-1O KO. • in height. Hedges set and guaranteed, Tnos. 0. ELVINB. P.M Corner Second ana. Cherry Streets, ' - -I will bavo tliia Full a frnod ' Uamiiionton. -ft. J. A Vivisection Subject. Frnit aact.'Ornameutal Trees, Shrubbss' I S MIL For tBe Best Meals" Hammo^dn Trust The Peoples Bank Roses, and Bulbs. Extra large viues ' My master! Oh. my kind and lovlne master, GO TO Company If you could nee me now. OF of the best varieties (if Grapes. Tbe Winslow Dairy a year Would righteous anger make your licart • . Hammonton, N. J. i beat (nHleiJ Hammonton, N. J. W. H. FHENOII, IB furnishing its patrons with Cramer's Restaurant Would nnguleh cloud your brow T M . Capital, |100,QOO Nurseryman and Dealer, Hammonton milk produced under the most Spear Building New location If you could eeo mo now, beyond nil healing. Stoves-all kinds sanitary conditions. Every Subscribed Surplus, $10,000 Helpless nnd tortured here precaution is taken to insure Hammonton, ! By those who notice not my eyea appealing, Capital, . 8550,000 cleanliness. Two per cent interest paid on checking Who look, and shed no tear. Surplus and Undivided Harness, Blankets, Meals at All Hours. accounts averaging a dally balance Upon your grnve I would have died of Borrow; amfoone's • • ' f ' • Yl ' of $1000 or over. Ah, to have died so near! Profits, . $45,000 Robes, Whips, Full Meals 25 Cents Bnt wbeu Ibey found me tbero upon tbe A NEW BARN Three per cent, compounded Bemianuu- Trunks, etc. 'morrow, •. ally, paid on Time Accounts^, They brouebt me here. Three per :cent interest paid ...'.Hardware" . A.. - -?. • '. ' ' . A NEW HEED OP CATTLE Choice Oysters and Clams My "master's dead; No more Ills voice BO At L W. COGKLEY'S. r Served in all Btyles. Sale DejwBit Boxes for Rent. 7 cheery. on time Deposits. Dairy open for inspection. Trust and Real Estate Department. Calls: "Rover, want logo?" Two pr. ot. interest allowed on demand Philadelphia Pure Ice Creanj Those happy days! And I was never weary, V . Acts as Executor and Administrator For, Ob, I loved him no ! accounts Having daily balance of Use-Sanitary-Milk) and know you McGall's for October 35 dents a Quart. Agent for the Sale or It And wien his treasures all to guard ho cave $1000 or more. are getting tbe best. . • "*'me, --:-•-•- Plumbing, Gas Fitting Lakeview Tf*aninies"Sf!rvea~iyIlh OySters and Ice Cream . on short notice. .Both Phones Bold-wpuld-iave-been-nie-one-wbo-dared-to Safe-Deposit Boxes for Rent Bell.Phone 7-L McCall Pattern No. 3636 brave me — , JUNNING.LADIESLSVIT On me he could rely. OFFICERS BuTbark! I bear bis voice f'My nam"e" he's" ri. JACKSON. President. SlWlNG i. Skinner, President.- -._..-:______,______cnlllue! ______...... ; .... •WVJ. SMITH, Viee-Pres't. HOUSE Jos. R. Imhoff, Vice-Presiden^ • Master, you nro not (lend ! How conld I dream sucli dreams of things W. B. HILTON. Cashier. Insurance Agejat - - Sewfiag^Vlaettme-Store Wlt.h ynnrhnnd npoVi mv htmH. JDLLBS.OTORS _.C.,P.,Campanella..Aast, Setfy. ,-.J i MRS. ORVII.&E BABSETT;- -MrLrJackson——-Jrl Central Ave., Hammonton, N. J. 224 Federal_Street,,earndent tt. J Hammonton, Sept. 24th, 1910. \yb"y'8~en"d'biiti'6'f town foVcbeap'Si -Public Dean 8. Renwick, Attorney. 0. F. Osgood Oeorge Elvins Large assortment of Machines? WV have them. DIBECTOKS Wm. J. Smith J. C. Anderson Brand new-5-avawei--drop-bead maobin Pays -Acts- Gommissioner-of^Deeds, —QurrMetJiodist~brethreu~report-a: with-full^setu>£_attachmenta, , Imhoff J. Nflliinn Aka rousing day, last Suncfay, the occa- _Cnt Floyerg. Funeral l>esign _,_J per^cent^ ~ss~ -Office, i H.JKirkJ3pear Andrew Elhe.ride;e1 i i: > Wm. L. Black ihTFfesh" Fiowers, Wax, or Metal."" on Executor ThomarSkinner^^tWin^HrBernshonse aion b"eiug ''RKll5' Dayr' ~-In the Wheeler & Wilson Machines leased Time Deposits John A. Eoyle Dean S. Renwick morning, one hundred and fifty Osgood-Whiffen Tool Sharpening; at 50 cents per week. 14 days' notice Administrator Ham ni on ton.- J. 0. Bitler . John T. French WATKIS dfmCHOLStfN, Henry Measley Arthur Elliott dollars were raised. The attend- W. H. VEKNIER •will' 'sharpen and Buys and Sells . / . ' • Wohaye'several roaken. __ Trustee ance at Sunday School exceeded polish edge tools, scissors, knives, saws, - - -Florist8~and-Landscape- Gardeners. of Sewing Machines. ~ _JDaniel JLjJttllard :. JOB. 8. Mart_ Conservatory of Music Phone 1-W 2 per cent. . Guardian " William Col well P. 8. Nieplhyt the besrprevious record"" by ^eleven. 233 Bellevne Avenue^ etc; Gas stoves and^ranges^ repaired. Cows, Calves, HogsUflrl Pig? Wo rent machines by the week or montl •Subject to check and he wiU; re- DO YOU*NOT~KNOW7 -Joseph-Thompson-—-Wmr-H—Parkhurat Work promptly attended to. Leave Gqqdj ^may they~have~rnaijy more Hammonton, : New Jersey. .' " PI?aRnnt Mill's Road. Hammontoa Needles for all machines, 3 for 5 cts. ~arsight orraver— -alize the-value of-money.— Trustee • ITyou do not^ you_ carrflnd out b;y a very " 'GebfgjT*Jonas". work at Harness Shop, 312 B«llevue, or age balance of little investigatioirthat ~~:~^ such times. Term opens^Sept. 16tb. oor. Second §• Cherry 8ts., P;O. Box 62. Send po-tal, or Phone, Bell 49-Q A.H. Phillips Co. • Best Oil, 10 cents a bottle. Open a savings ac- for Belts, 10 and 15 cents. $200 and over •* count for him here. 3% ^Corporation —-The-Hammonton Paint— Safe Deposit Mortgages Will furnish parts for any machine. Boxes Our new safe-deposit vaults arc as . Is the very best paint • October 1st, 1910 If not in stock, will get them. «afe and complete aa modern metb- " that was ever used in Hammontoo. Bank~Bfot!lers Store to rent. $2 per ods and appliances can make them Wills kept . Bank Brothers Store Buy a Singer Stocking Darner annum and —absolutely fire- and burelar-proof. There are scorns of buildings that yoa MONEY— Come in and see them. without charge FOB at our store. upward 'see every day, painted with tbe _Bieycles-andJJacycle_Suiulries Hammontnii Paint eight to n»flve MoTtgage-toansr Repairing promptly done. ~ Capital . . • • ' . . $100.000.00 at ti'o i>re«ent time, ,,,^£-''' "•*>.. Give me a trial. Surplui and Undivided Profit* over $1,000,000.00 TJARGAINS---— Correspondence Solicited. Aiiett - • over $7,000,000.00 The Hnrunionton PninTts^'soIrl for 'ess' over $5,000,000.00 fiartlett BnildinR, Jas. Riibertone, Truit Fund* - - - than any otl er flrBt-claR» Paint. It boa A.J _. 242 Belley uejSLve., Hafflmontou. ALEXANDER C. WOOD, Pniidcnt JOSEPH LIPPINCOTT, Sec. and Troa*. DO equal, ns it wniks well, cnvi-rb well, > .! : J BENJAMIN C^RLEVE.:Vice Pretidont and Truit Officer and wears well. Sold by ' such as are seldom offered. — ~~ Atlantic EPHRAIM TOMUNSON. Aubtant Tnut Officer GEORGE J. BERGEN. Solicitor . Means True Economy: for Every Woman JOS. I. TAYL0K TJ.-iiv.r. '""V.li'.l C!'jii--ui1, The superior quality and low prices will help to • Rouco" Hlfn aicd Cnirinno 1'uiuter, -Trrc ^L*it;IIILI kJwIlU~Otlv I Corsets meet Attorneys at Law Seuond and L'luuBiint 8tn., . price that are stylish and comfortable, and yet will stand hard wear every day in the year. Remove them from our table quickly ; so be in time to reap full benefit. i- "87~" ~OVoT"Red~CFosHPharmacy Hammnnlon, K. J. It is TRU3 ECONOMY to pay $2. CO'for a corset that will outwear two 'ordinary $1.00 Hammonton, N. J. ccrscu r.:;d kue:> its shapo to t!;o end. Nemo "So'.id-ServicQ" Corsets WILL. $2 and $1.50 white Shirt Waists at 75 cts. Ofllce open daily, 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. ;'T\vo of i.:a "Solid-Service" 7110:".'.is arc made w;ih~ the Nemo "Unbreakable Hip" A special purchase,' which consists of a lot of 'cancelled —if "ths cc.-sot breaks over t!ie hi.) withi.i n rcaowable time, you get a new one. orders a manufacturer had on hand. Another style hr..> t!io nev/- "Apron Front"—a great Plain tailored, have laundered collars and cufis, 9—aid- the— no^t.1—crossed—.hoso. ccf-Jnad.nts -and-linea. _j ^>i^®W?S?-|iiiVjctii-.-' ' CV.fe'^^Ste^-fi-i'!':, _ ~X f f o farm you don't want— E.IBYITRY fifiurcti white coutil, sizca 18 to 20 * were made to sell at $7.50 and $8. and to Itnow tliat tlio dollarn—tlio dollars you do wnnt—Vfcro in the nav- 214 Market Street Namo No. 208-SOLID-SERVICR, witli "Apron 0 Sample suits in blue, gray, and black. inga bank cicJin-J to your account f licit" and croH.'iuil hofio supportcrr; for tall Philadelphia SHOES and medium (l^urenj white coutil or butisto.. Strout ocl|i farms—overywlierol „ Jin can nell yours. No advance fi.-e. a A moat excellent tisiuo tn Pure Milk Namo No. 210-SOLID-SERVICE, with Nemo Wrlto nearest olllco or agent (or booklet form, for cleaning |jl*««c«. "Unbroukublu Ilin," for tail and medium lig- free listing blanl-i. un^Hi whito coul.il, H|ZCH 10 to Sfi Ladies' Coat Sweaters A postal to Department "IT / / E. A. STROUT COMPANY Dairy Roninn, Nemo No. 211—SOLID-SERVICE, n model nlm- A7 W. 34lh St.. NPW YORK will brtntf you one. ilar to fjo. no, but with lower bunt, fomhort at a Sacrifice. tlo«lun I'lillflilclplila PllOburn liu i I road Avenue OI«"aUUId». SOLID-SERVICE May be too warm for one to-day, but you are apt to SHERIFFS SALE, Looiil Phono HMH want one any cool morning or evening, which will H..W, Miller, Agt, Hammonton, N.J, Nemo Corsets nt $2, #3, and $5. soon be here. Ovnr It«d (Iroxn rimriniiny. liox IIIX). Ily vlrlun of it vrrll of flerl fxi IIIF, In nio ill. rontotl, li>fltiiiil nut ni (ho N^w Jtirroy Oouit n| W. B. Corsets :it 45,0, 75 c, and 95 c. Buy now, and save money. W. J. n.l.lNOWOItTII Ohnuoory. nlll Im flolil nt jmhlln vflnil"n. on Holli'lH »oiir|»troimgo Ha(ur'd Himlh made by America's leading manufacturers, for slender, stout, tall, short, and Alno rpiiAlrlng mill Inttorlnf In Oonintory OftroMnn Avinung, In I ho CI v nr/Mlimllo "Ily, we have c-ver shown. $3 Coat Sweaters at $2.50— gray, white and red ncwlly >nil ••llBfuclonly iti>no. DOUIIIV nf Almitlo, Hlnlo n( Now ,1,-rmr, •> medium figures. Si/.es, 18 to 36. Egg Harbor Una I anil 1'ouoli HI root, All thiil Irnol or puiool of IIIIK! und prnmlflnn lUmiiintiiii, • N. .1. iornnniT |>nrimiur|Hiriliinlurly> ilnnillii»litriiinn, HuininlMnilo In he Toirn ol Mttiiinionion, In iho Ominly of It will pay you to look at them. tliilltlo mill Hlnln ol Nun .lorn-.v, hoiuiilcil At Fifteen Cents,— llxl (IflMorfluKl nn follovtH : A Iiiflt Of Special Bargains suitable for Needlework Guild donations. Ho Telephone?? cgln'ili'K ni u |iiiliit Ii, ilin nor'tininiorly Ladies' Silk and Leather Melts,—r50c quality Inn ol Flft llonil nt (tin nor'liwrninrlY onrnnr 1 if nun KVIry bpcc-iuls. f (hrnn llnuri'i'il lwn< \y il.loillni tTOfll Inrly Cllmnx or ,.„ Children's Hose, special at three for 25 cents Vour Iiii'ic when you lion It1 ii P'tllifl III "Hii PMII.'IIIOKI'B linn , v. ^ j Quickly laid, lurntilnalmniitvviiilriiitlnir. Boys' 25 cent Cap's at 19 cents. Boys' Blouses at,. 23 cents Bleached Table Linen, 20 c. yd., 58 inches wide. S&V6| S »»««l Ihi-'DooKir. mi (.'I) ."'Mill forty lU ili'iintim lurly niln nun win tuny rorrlim in III. nnrllu^Morly Boys' Knit Jackets at 19 cents and 45 cents / ' Bleached Table Linen, 30 c., 58 in., — 50 ct. value. Ilio of Klrfl Kom! Bfitrn-itlil I Ihrnon (4) iiilllii x f Onr Renair Department is A'l'l.ull Tor lv>« I linn ilin nnnt ill" I'lniia ol I'a^linilnir i i iiuinlnlii|f ji Boys"30 cent Knee Pants at 19 cents, all sixes < making friends every (lay. Prunella Suiting at 25 c,--all colors. diirvlon,' an fnirofl ot iMiil. lining lln> i>i«uif> pri'inl' nii rhlnli unlit Wlllluin W.iKiiur ni,.l (Jnrlroil. .1... Boys' $1.50 Suits at 95 cents,—very special. Si^e.s 8 to 15 Diagonal Suiting at 18 c, 25 c, and 48 c per yard lf (]nn j/au afford to bo uiifhout Uf wile, liy of nvun il torll "I'll riMMr'tnl, i(iitnlnil Good Apron Gingham at 5 cents a yard tiliiill wo Inntitll n |>lioi>n for you ? ml uoimij'nu unlK PMII! Wlllii'hiilnu JOSEPH R. Men's 45 cent Shirts at 29 cents,—blue chambry, with attached Toweling at 5 cents a yard n fon. A. J. IlIDlUR, of \VlllinliuliiD DJJAl.ltll IN I'liiHlilnil unit Miiniiuri, .<. • r iiitun nl tliu tlllt lUmiimntoM l'li inn (f 'r

1 / • < i I '!'' THE JWEADOW.' - SHERIFF'S SALE: THE BULE AHD THE-*EST. tils lifophe'cy against he'f faith", ""yoii WHEN BEST'IS BEviu£a.ts.t>. Notice of | CEOWN ABOVE THE HABP, will not stay away many months. And SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS- Ilr«olirtloii«-t:nii-ne lUscldlr Ad- y=-nvlll~ybu so, my deaf,' -I—h-m—nlways-yaTrr—frlelid, though""! r off Uncertain*}- About HOB* Hy virtue of a writ of florl facias, to hered to on All OceunloiiM. Will you follow the path with me— may have ta (ill your engagement for . tlncr \Vorl£ a Bare Sfarn. WHAT REAL POVEBTY MEANS TWO OFTUBNER'S CUSTOMERS me directed, luauod out of tho Now Joraoy On the Sunday School Lesson by "Twouty years ago," Mlsa Harriet The path that Icada ti'om the Now and "Wlieh people fall Into the habit of REGISTRY Court of Chanctiry. will bo auld at public An dinusliie anecdote Is related by this year with someone else." vmiduu, on Rev. Dr. j.lnscott For the In- observed, 'I made n rule from which . Hero ., wondering whether they have done rou- ('apt. B: S. Osbon, the author of "A When he had gone she went back to -and- JiAYHItiJA Y. THK KTOHTTT DAY OF tei national—Ncwapapef—Blbte- I Imvc imvur .dftvlntpfl — ninct». It IH Forth Into Arcacly? '•• fhf- hnnkH.fihd pa Jtlne tl)lnga It la lllh rlm.. NINETEEN Hnllor of Fortune." Cnptaln Oflbon'a •wnere always tho rqao Is red —-Wliili' t!XpUH'lllfe'"[lie city ot Uamaa- The greTit artist, Turner, is said te> T AND TEN. l&rgely to the observance of that rule and to consider the advisability of a rent," Study Club. ship was lying nt Quccnstown. Ue had swoet, they -were hot things that scorched riis on a gloomy evening, a young ut t\vo o'clock tn the uftcrnoon of Bald tliift T altrlbutc i my "freedoni frooi wrln- her fingers. sii Id n physician. "There Is no surer have been peculiar in his way of sell- ELECTION iluy, ut Kuehnle'H Hoiol. corner Atlantic (Copyright 1910 by Rev. T. S. Linicoll. D. D.) nuide many g(M)d frlends^Jind Tiad re- Where 'always tlie sides aife blue, ~\ American paused where two alleys met ing his pictures. At times- nothing;------tiiul South CiLrollna HVeiiut?B, tn the olty ot sign, to my mind, that the system IB « luToby glvon. fefi'wl very Filihdsoine. treatment, and Where thnro Is rest for'wandcrlng'fcet and chanced to observe a glow of light an Atlantic! Olty. eounly ot Atlantic and Mjss Harriet's hearers looked Inter- could induce him to .'part with one of. ry 'l Election State of Ne.w Jersey. > In the Meadow Where Dreams By sen. and racing across the east- becoming overtaxed than this feeling in tlie shadows; near by. I^urther ex-' .llslrlct in thu Oct. 2nd, 1910. ested ; one was very apt to look Inter- when St. Patrick's .day arrived deter- them, and at otjier times ho wouldj ,-ln And for ThoHe rive. irui-tN or lot of land and •••• Come True. - ^ ern States, watching the prairies roll of uncertainly. animation proved that It camo from premise* situate In ^lie TmvrV of Hummon- (Copyright, lOlll, l>y Kcv. T. S. Linscott, D.D.) cuteil when Mlsa Vlntou was talking. in Ined to show tils appreciation, and a nmemor with thu _ catcst~ TOWN OF HAMMONTON away from the window, -sta>inn ii friend fEe" iieating furnace of one of the baths The Wise and Foolish Virgins. Matt, "Wus It an Emersonian rule?" Con- unleruU a gorgeous Irlgirilag. At sun- Bid faro well, to ybur bitter grief, affability of voice and manner, and. .lu th* County oT Atliuillc, f New Ji'rs«-v, and described as rlso he bad the ship gaily dressed," the prophecy. She drew a long breatli other nlghtt spending the night wlhh of the city. Jn "(iolng Down, from whJ ;iu » I Tor the purj>ost» of making a xxv 143. stance uskcd, slyly. Jjtiugh at your haunting care; readily settle upon the sum to ba paidi of of relief that she was free from the him. In fact. HP'S a man whom I know Jerusalem" Norman Duncan tells the 'Tep;*t rat i*>n of voters on No. 1—HuKlnnliiK '" the middle -Golden-Text.— Be-ye-theroforo-ready- —"It—\va.a,"—Miss- Harriet—Tetnrned, jvhllo frpm.the malnroyalmaat-bead the Loose the fetters of unbelief— for one of his treasures. "Driver's Street nr the?"Kmrt-'rorTiPr "of-n~lot- banner and tho harp of Erin trailed Arcady's flowers are fair. •worW of the prophet and out In the pretty well, and I thought at dinner pathetic little history revealed by his "Tuesday, November ist, 1910 hour of .me tl J oYlock in the nf- Kast iiloiiK th>- middle of said street and an hour when ye think not. Luke xli: deal of unnecessary suffering- before I ed one thousand pounds apiece for- rcniftln In session until nino With never a sprig of rue, her Ireedom. Had she not surrendered nervousness In his conversation and The light Issued from the end of the •lernoon.. and IMI nil If I to Atalun I toad five chains: t nonce 40. The sight' gave vast Joy to the some old sketch-bonks, he turned thans» in the vnlnt; r«r the pur- arrived at my decision; mankind—and And we'll follow the path o'er the hap- lane, which terminated In an under- C9T o'cU-ok i -1 at, i'iKht antflt-s to said road and street townsjxxjple, who arrived In delega- all her things, -all her friends and as- iniinner, that things weren't all right PI- of rriu'ting the !*«-•« latt?rs Verse 1—What event, or events, In womankind—.spends a great py hills, over leaf by leaf before tho eyes of; :] Ot i tho names of all North sixty dt-Ki-et-s forty-live minutoa West sociates, her successes, with joyoue with him, but I wasn't absolutely con- ground • lainber, to which it fell by twenty rhalnt*. thence (3) Southwesterly the kingdom of heaven on earth does tions to congratulate me on oiy flag To the Mea,dow Where Dreams Coint the would-be purchaser, saying, "Well,, rntitU'd '•• tho ritiht of suffrage deal of life In ftndergolng unnecessary content In her strength? Was she not vinced till bedtime approached. We way of a broken stairway of broad •f.*i>»'t:tlvo. ck-nUtm districts at tho 'UruiHi'l t" said street five chains to land thla parable represent? display. But about ten o'clock In the True. ;r ! suffering,-and I was uo exception. But stones. would you really like to have them?" nrxi <•!« nion who shall ajipwir In person f John Miller; thence (4) along- said Mil- stronger than most women, and was were sitting upstnlrs in Ills study, his ler's Northeast line twenty chains to the What were the marriage customs of one~da7'my eyes wW opened/ Since morning n twelve-oared cutter from Then, just as the man proceeded} toi - tii-ni and establish lo the sntlsfac- We will dream our dreams as th< she not approaching" love with ' tri- family having retired, and he asked me Here was an old man, as instantly • tlon 01 i he majority of the board that plaet* of beKlniiini;. con lain ln« ten acres the .(ewa in^hat^day upon wjiich this tbeu j haye stern]y refugod to nccept the British guard-ship pulled-op along- take possession of the books. Turner,, they -*rt pntitlfil to vote In that election strict nicaaur*.-. hours go. umph of soul? to excuse him while he saw that the appeared from the quality of his voice, -district n' the m*xf i-lv< tion therein. or parable is based? side, a British middy with half a dozen with a tantalizing "1 dare say you* i! No. :.'—UrKJiinJnK In the middle of At- | any £jft exceptflower sfro m any friend Wo will fashion them fair and,, fine being lifted timidly to demand what who shall be shown by the writ tun affidavit slon HuaJ at the North corner of John Verse 2—Judging from what they bluejackets landed, and to my surprise She was vibrant as she sat there hoiise was locked up. It was a still -of a voter resldinc in the game election . I possess." And all of my dreams will be yours presence disturbed him; an old, old would!" suddenly thrust them into ». Miller's home-lot; thence at ri^ht angles to say, and how they act, what proportion ?ame »n board. The diminutive repre- and remembered how the struggle had night and I could follow his progress -disirJct 10 bo so entitled to vote therein, said road atoni: Miller's North cast lino Constance nnd Katharine- excha"tiged you know, first begun; on. board ship, when he man, lying outstretched on his belly drawer and turned the key in. the; . and aloo for tha purpose of erasiiiR thero- twenty chains; thone,e Northeasterly parallel of the members of the churches are sentative pf the qucon approached*, .and . And all of- your dreams be mine, around the various-rooms on tlie first upon a heap of chopped straw at the lock, leaving the customer dumb wltba . from The names uf any persons who after tn said ' road tlfty Unks; thence parallel to for the ; "voluntary glances; each- fac-o a 4ad touched her hand as It lay~pn the '•a fair opportunity to' bt- heard, shall bo ready for sudden death, or In a funny, pompous voice asked: floor. He seemed to me to be unneces- the tlrHt li'tie twenty chains to the middle of tllou h aluuscd bear, will you follow the path wiU little round mouth of the furnace, indignatio'n. •hou-n r,oi lo he entitled to vote therein by sudden coming of Christ? . ' i « > ^vealed a trifle of em- "Who Is the mnster of this ship?" . jne?" rail, w,hen they had looked into - the sarily long and, without heing inquisi- reason ••/ nonrwshience or otherwise. At sinn Kuad ; t hetice Sou 111 westerly ulOMff darkness *of the night over the dark- which was no more than a hole In the On another occasion' a rich, manu- And notices U here by further civnn that lie. middle of said road fifty links to th«- What do the lamp and the oil repre- '• barrnssment "I am," I acknowledged. "To -what Tm waiting-'for.you, for you! tive, I really became Interested to wall. (1 nlarc oi hi>{;innlnK, containing; one acre 7 | "Of course," Miss Harriet pursued, facturer of Birmingham managed ten f ho Unarms f Ke^lFtry und KU-etiom will Eent am I Indebted for this formal visit?" To take the path into Arcady, ness of- the sea. She had swayed to- lu;ow whether he wasn't making the. secure an ~Tnet-' at i hu following: doslKnatftl places. li li-t measure. Which is In the sorriest predicament, i "r don^eipect you to take my advice •To'tlip-Mendow-XVliero Dreams-Com .ward- lilni -and -kissed -him, and then' He..was- employed, it seemed, in j entrance into the artist's. "First. DJfirK-t in Town Hull; Second Uia- No. 3 —lU'Klnnlni? In the middle of Drive? Pointing to the "green flag'above lia rounds twice Finally I heard him go thrusting the straw through the aper- :-tr*?i. *n biisement of Union Hull. Strcci ai tl\r Northeasf corner of "John and why. the man who makes no pro- —I've given up expecting anybody to True. caught snatches of his Incoherent love houser after considerable parley with, ,. —— .-^ live acic lot; thencu (11 North HO said, "You will haul that down In- Into the parlor, a room I wns mire he ture, f handful at a time, so that It the disagreeable janitress. whom Tur- -.- ' ..;----*. vision for eternity, or the one who t"ke advice — that's another ernanclpa- —Success Magazine'. words. She was. a singer that had t.o/1 '.,«~l*--» ' -' * • " • .Notice te hereby further Riven that the next minutes Kasi Btautly, sir, or I will order my men to _____.^ ..f.eli,_3._^jntlnuous.--=st-reani,—upon -the ..uvo- fait3-ln-one~essentlal -particular?...... — ticn ;»I.-.aiu-monily- saylng-that-It-ls-a ner_ employ del — He-hurried up-stalr9 tc-i------— — ------— "-f ~7~ "GENERAL"TEKEGH (2) at riffht oVirfor'yoii;" TilT'cifme Tipstuirs I asked, laughingly, firn cjow. The old man was lying the gallery. In a moment Turuer •'•] '.• North sixty- Why cannot a man perform the du- I'lty to have such a pretty room as this fore the people of two continents. He 1 : For the purposes of electing candldats "Well, what's the matter with tho how many times he had seen" that each '' ' • alone in the (lark;_whic'hjYaaJiot two degrees fortv-tlve minutes \\'e«L by that atrocious vase and the Jcnewjthat,_and_had_asked-nothing of r dashed-out-upon him-witli anything^- rrrzrr-i^^^^^^^S •-to rill the following olllces: ties of to-day jinrfpctly who does not. flag?"-I-asked> windowWasT"fastened^ But he_wasn't ~~ ~""lusty and most foul to smell. •COVKKNOK OF TIIK STATE OF NEW UV-'ia'-l" i;l.Uiin3_:_l»»--.thc ilaat—ilne.. of. John_ H^heMMirage~onfie~PIaiai s her beyondjhe moment—It- would, not but a hospitable air. The visitor bow- " " JEKSET '— Milh-r's liind: thence f 3> nlnnn> -tin! East make provision Vor to-"niorrow? lady in the very extensive 'T"hat flaj;_lws jio crown .pver_:thei ln7A~IaugbIng~ mood at all. ' it is a wretched labor," said the .HKMIiKB OK TUB HOUSE OF BEI'HE- Ino nr said Miller's land South twenty-nln^ How much service is a form of re- frame.-" betignTTtTask her love, he had said. ed politely and introduced himself, say- harp," he snapped, "and my orders are ;• " 'It's a funny thing, old man,' he younger Miawaja. .SKNTATIVES i'KOM THE SECOND le^-rec-s fifteen minuU-s \Veat two chains llgion, and attendance at church, to "Would ypu mind telling us," ICatb- And the letters he had written from ing he had come to buy some €ONo you iin- ....„ vuc iciiei-s, lie naa written from j said, 'but fve been fool enough to look "Not so," answered the old man; tures. " - STATE ~SEXATOn forty-five in Invites Kast twenty one who does not become a true arliie Inquired, respectfully, "how~ you his field of duty asked nothing of her, at each. window two'or three__tjm£g, ASSE.MBLV.MAN beginning, con tain- derstand?" •'It is a labor for which I thank God, 7he next day, when she was. pack s-^ ;;i CpKONKK Christian? manag—rods—to—a—polnti—thenee—<*J->- sure. Being In there, I'd "Never heard of 'em," returned the I'lU'Xn KEEl'EIt stili along said Marcoll line Southwesterly What is the danger incurred by so But lt-g easy •now."~As soon as I^flnd ~words~he~Trad never asked her to come the reply. 1 and learn politeness." -ing- artist ; — ^ and apprcp hitlinis for said t.o TwTi Torr? tr>. a Tiofnt-;—Mteiiet —fo4-^-paFaUhe seem to make the impression on me faanlr-Tiotes-froni ~his~wal I ell .-and clnsinc at Sf\en o'clock in the evening. No. 5—Beginning at a nolnt In the raid unmistakably, and after a pasp of sur- over a haji)^ Thesej>yere_8ewed_on,Jind __ ! o_ pIay_at_pushingIIsLra,w--throTigh Hoad jtt__ distajicn of : _;uncer.tain-(. hallenge-in-her-voice;~"yes- that-one 'would "expect. This lack of "Mere paper," said Turner, con-i- .-Said election will b^ held in the following die of ~~the Atslo^ n .duty_a's_well as a grea"t prLvilege.zto _be^ had-irever-seen: SHeTwaitid for them the tdle; and they give me rest In the . pHicesr -First" District -In Tmvn Hallr-Second ' "from the middle c; i/eople~"takeTi"ienslbiy and real- within an hour the flag again went to I'm moving." always on the lookout for the mid- impatiently, and in thejnprnlng, when sureness isn't confined to locking wln- day, sometimes. __ __ temptuously. tUstrict in basement of Union Hall. of the Causeway Road said bolnt heing the comfort of It" the masthead^ * _ "I thought you Uk£d-these W. B. SB ELY, corner common to Ian4« of Miller and Mar- night cry to rneet^Chrlst? ; .she_:saw—thenWumfmwis~lirthe dawn, dows,r'eltheb-v—1~ flud~myself "at~"the cried theTihawaja. "You "To be^iartered for mere cativas,"' • ------— --- ' —Town^clork . coll as originally claimed under title from - Constance, sighed .wistfully." "It does In due time another mnn-o'-wnr boat He had an Insistent way of making Judging from the newspapers, about full of mystery, stretching away as office wondering whether I have given labor by night and _.a retorted the visitor, calmly, waving his; '.Bated Hammonton. N. J.. Ann. -S. 1310. J o«..ph Wharton; thence extending (1) at sound coinfortable,ll_she shld._ ^."But I appeared, a lieutenant In pominand. I - .ilitiit ii-hp-lfH with Ki'ii.1 Alsjoti nnad Kasti-rlvj what per cent if death8^arej.auddei!L? _j»n_JndlffeEejiLremark^U-the-momenl Jar—as-a—sea-stretchES7 she~~tay~quTeT such—and- '. Know I never coultl."" ""Truly,^RhawajaT with much thank- in The direction of some palnt- eighty rods to a point; thence. (12) parallel ordered the banner hauled down for his eye swept the view from the win c tlons that What reasons are there, If any, to In her bert—h —^ji-^^'V"and watched- th^"e ..^.v.iHicolorsS -- .— 1 1-—. "- ^* .-m-i- fulness to Cod for .the onpQrtunJty^-J4 Ings, NOTICE OP IlEGISTRY AND ELECTION with H.I Id Atsion Road Southerly forty rods .expect the evpnt la the_near futur e. 1: as the, girls .were. the second time and .spjejul ..It. .on the _ She^follotted—lite-glance—wltlrNprea:d-*t6Wa'r~a1~1ier from the horizon. L ... —j- -- -—-• •• "flu"Hv?worJc that I give theiii mecb.tn- must be diligent, lest trouble befall This ready wit and tone of cool de- Pursuant to law. notice is herelry siren cours^ "\Vcsterlv otic rod to a point: thence commonly callorl "Christ's Second Com- In" from a concert, they met deck, the great harp and the funny lit- ihers, but made no explanation. All day she watched the colors—they Icnlly and then forget them. Nine me." preciation had the effect of putting, •ihat the Board of Registry and Elections in (4) parallel with second course Northerly • . ,,., little Katie Barry Just leaving. Katie j tie crown nbovc. "If you will glance over the con .•nnd for every (-lection district In point: tlicnce f5) • lnK • made a song for her; they were full times out of ten I find everything Is "What trouble menaces?" asked the the erratic artist in a. good humor at, thirty-elKht rods V 7 _ if ) living in con- was a cripple, andMIss Harriet, In her j "My dear fellow." said 'the llnu ton- tract and sign it." he said, looking a) FOLSOM BOROUGH parallel with first rourai Westerly ae.venty- erse a man s of motion. She saw herself riding Oil right, but I'm not quite happy till khawaja. once. He changed his manner imme- 1 nine roils to the mUlill of Atslon Road slant readiness to meet Christ, how ««i*l breezy fashion, found many that crown Is all out of propor- her. "The plaoes and dates are here 'The keeper of the baths," was the will TU'i-r-t for the purpose of making a aforesaid; thence alonir the middle of horseback through the heliotrope haz« I do. I gueas I must be getting old- diately,'and not long after his visitor, • registration nf voiura on same Northerly t\vo ro,ls to the place much. If any. special preparation does things to do for her, and was repaid tlon. You couldn't distinguish It UVe .You are to open in the north this sea 'oward the distant, dim-lined moun- nialdlsh In my old age.' answer, "might turn me off." departed, having bought several fine Tuesday, November ist, 1910. tf hi'Kinnlnn, ctmtaininK within said limits lie need, on the eve of the meeting? !>/ an adoring devotion. To-day Katie's feet away." •'''ion." T ••,._• f ". • " ains. She saw purple smoke rising "Have you no sleep at all?" ,me_ji£re _jind thirty-eight rods of land. "It was my' turn to be serious then. paintings, and leaving the comfortable- ~";at~the~ hour— of— one— <-!-)—o!cloclc^}n~Uiii_uCtcrx 1 thliLJlttle face ^ya8 fairly radiant. I "Well. I iiiuy have made tliQ.' C The pa'llor that came to her rtlon," rsiil<17"but ~was~m>tlceaWe71iniriihfl put her^hand: •Ti'doek in the even UK for tin- purpose of tieinp a jinrt rk'8 nfflre of Atlantic County In hook S? thliig-ln-his business -or~hon)e"Hfe71Ait~ them and tHtabllsh to thu surlaractlnn of 134 of deedx' folio 35 &c. and" honlt isn of and why, to prepare to meet God? the library...... I t was even better than --wild; : "fjood-diiy, captain! •- I'll rotnrii rlnationT She pictured a morning ride 'have you lain here?" to a great number of his actions were Iti-nl Notvn frniii (lit* 1'iilleil Htateir ? ""'1' and mnki- my rejiort." to Iho camp, nnd the surprise of the "Since before I went blind of this ^ He 'I'rcuHurt-.l I'.pj •entitled to vote ii) that i-l- ISO. < Ill'lun Ihr f.mx—pr*-mlw»-t-l>aI ^VilT- gny.lng with an exprcBalon of grim dlH- man wlio hud lieefi so lonely. She He lieedl'il rout, "Down in the tropics we don't'get- ahown hv the written alllduvlt of a vot«r i he number erf these years?" 1 UamHcrnHlHiiiHc and wife, hy deed hearing What proportion long in-ayor- n,uy nt nn imitation bronze vnm> wltb.| PITY THE FAT MANP nraTlTiey, should be married In newspapers from home every day,"' xcftMlntt In UK- »auir election district to b« date the twenty-tlrnt day of Octoher. A. D.. It he would break down. >«teg LIMITATIONS dining room, and the sky .had .become, For tin- nnrpoH.. of nl.'ctlru; canilidil Sel/.ed IIH tile properly of I«al Mar- ri'duccd lo a sort of oily lava tn HUIU- 1 take to his heels" to^escape the agony l» i'H froiiihomn I Just Bkliiracroaa'tho'i followlnt; olllr..fl: thif religion? , llit'ii liiani'd forwaril, a look ol a purplo"curtain, sho hastened her o nil roll et al nnd taken In exectitlon at iiicr and an comliiK down upon tlw'lcii l,t*iiH'niiiM. Df gratltudo. first piiges to Hen what hits luipponoill k.Mill OK 'I'lli: HTATK Ot-' toilt of Til" WorUlMKinen'H Loan and It lld- Which Iri tin- more foolish, the ono oxullallon slilnliiK In hnr black ey.m dinner so that Him might sit out. of NKW .1KHS10Y if Importance. Just a caso of looking; hi); AttMoi'lallim and lo he nold hy who IB to [):IHH nn educntloicil exam- "Henri," nlie salil, "I am no" going to ThrNt pliyslclnns wore d . MKMIIK11 <)!•• T"|||.: IIOI1HK tlV HIOl'lllO IONOCII I. JOMNHON. There aro things. It IH a comfort to "'" armmpaulment of world-wide dooi-H and make for herso.lf a now U tho headlines for me. Thon 1 tuka .SIIN'I'ATIVIOH KlmM Till.; HKcnNU Hherlff, ination and puts olf all study until ox- "^u any contract thin yenr!" vision of the font on tho plains, tho matter of the length of dreaniH. ( •( INI i 1 1 KH,s n IN ,\ i , 1 1 1 KT u i <.:T Date it fieptenihei' 1, 1'Jlo. iinilnallou day, nr lli>' onn who |iuls off know, whleh even a nnin cannot do, »''" 'II"tiirlmm-eH. In plays ho In a "Onn afternoon," nald one of them, tho papers and put them In ordw oC .'iT.XTK HKNATiill w H r Me W.-IH n.-ied to hoslliitlon. "Well. JiiHt as tlin waller put a nalail lie- lOdwnrd (ilbbon. the historian, waa their date.s. l-'ltlONC'll ItlCIIAUDH. HollelhMH. hlH Hitlviillon In ii (It-nth lied? and a nmn IH supposed to IH- able to "y "'" '"W" " »I'M'»H''I< and mill wliy not?" fore her nhe henrd a voleo ontnli "I called In nee a pntlcnt, nnd, much ' I'r'n fi-e, »C'J 08 1 •w Hlphon, but « note of pity appeani -•- ...... •" """-••'""J LIItin" * | to my catlffiiL'tlou, I found him slee|r not one lo iinilerestlinato tho pleiisurcH "loach niornliig when I Hit down to, Wli- ilav. 'ciitiiiilfMclltK lU HM'llllMr, ^'Illlc till tllullKbl vv'hh I'lflllly dignified, hut I defy him lo put liln "Who l;i he?" he asked. illKconlnul. rliigliig belhi turned Into it do f,or the lain evening, loo. Thuiii'xC ioihlliu IIMil I'lcinlliu nl Hiiuiindered iiympathy! Wmiteil to her than thn munle of apjibiu.se or >f leiteni who eoiuplaln Unit limy have li-lliii-il In Illii uwii niliiil. iiml rniilil Vei-Ht! i:i U'hiit Is the (!h|(if iirl/.o hero'n lint nt n rowily angle over |I!H the Htrcrt, and IIH their llrst tonoH day I lake up Mm next date, ami uo on. Illl vi- lieeli |H'l'tci'l ly i'x|il'i-H.Mi-il In MlM team! The I'al limn, far from anklni; Hhe pnrrled, hei'mme hu WIIH cold nn Ilie iiniinil of mi ni'elienl ru. Thero WIIH renounced a milinlnnce for a nhadow, whleh Ilie offi'i-M iiiiil for which wo ear nt n eriielnl |inliit In hln cnreer Wo KOI about one mall u week. uo,I. i\N'ii lain;iiai;i', \\ hi'ii l(r \\'|M|II'<| in in- for them, cannot even midnrtitand not frantic. "It In all HO artlllcln; tho name power In II that nlie had foil reached IIH my patient opuiicd bin mil Hint their fame uffonlH lilioulil \viilrli Ilie iiiiint keenlv? «)'' (Ih The Achilles hc<>l nl' n nnin IH hlH 1 in for envy, censure and ; when the next one In due" the hicinl beiiiillful thing In nature - appreciation, for frnnh hnnorii. I vvnn To tho HUrprlHn of tho waller, (iho " 'Doctor, lie wild, 'I'm glad In nen lei'tieciillon. Sunday School Lesson UinlliilliiiiM of III* hi-ni'iTx, hy ihi-li lint, lie niUMl gnnril tbnt IIM he tlm-H HlH hearer, who bail li i In lh( Ilinlteil luiuwliMlKi' nmi I'V ilii-li Iliiillril the onn thing, Indeed, Hint convlnceii the mil life," Hlni'leil to rltin from tho table. Hut ynu nnd awfully glad Hint ynu woke hlH ri!|>utatlon, for It IH nt nm-e |I|H "My own experience .hn.-i taught me trnplcn himself, wan able in testify to I'livyefh (il' I'liiiliii'fhriiMliiii U \SIIM HU* him of HID cmienllal benignity of Iho "Ah!" there wan ronienipt, n volume HID wordrt iniielied her w'oribi of a me, for I hnv<> been tortured by n 1 KOI i n IryliU; hi li'ih'li n mini win. li.nl I i nlrcngtli niul \venknesn. It would hurt . very illlToroiil leiuion ; twenty Imppy I" " IhoroiiglDieHH wllli whleli the exllen PoMinli- proceiui In the fuel thai lie In *of II, In bin t i; "ronlltloH allrm: moHl illnlre.iiHlug (Ill-am Ilial niunt liurii lillinl wlinl culm In Mki- , liilmllliil<-» I «4-il In I'nrli tit lntl>, nn nrehlilHhop mill nn nreliblHbnp you?" 'enm hnve been anliunted liy the la- ' read the newnpnper:i. I'hl.'i liirl Iiml i.yi'h I'hiliH Illiiiin-ll fill. Tho fuller hit getn the happier on womun'H low love l;iiij;li. a laiiK'li \vllh |i;n'" laaleil for iieveral hniii'H. I Till; \VI.SK AN1> l''0(tl.lHll V1K- \iiMlrlu mill Itoiiiililiilu. iiereHHiirlly Htnnils I'nr nl| Iiml IH gnnd inrn nf my lilnlnry, and Itn nuceeiin : "Yon fnllnwii beat me," he nald. "f UINB. 1'iiulil mil lully in' ruiniii'i'hi'ii.'ilycly i'x- llaliril Iniivni oT lireiul ni'n priirllcal KrowH. With every Inereiiiin In liln "Veil." »he mild idinrply. hennnie o truth In II, of Hurpi'liied eontnnlnmni ilieniueil Hint 1 U'll: lilnln iiplrll iia I liulh (n nnin Mlimild In' niul gri-nl ICMH In Ilie r.vi'M of Hie pub HIM given me n name, n nuili, a i-har- ' Know wliemiver I c,i-l down In nun of V • iinluniwn In iminy pivrfn of Hiinlli diameter there' rumen an IICCOIM nf lilti wiri'iiMin, "I leiive I'o-niiirrow for and belief Him mltfhl havn ilouhleil Hint my liny cniue Inln I In Matt, ifi: 1-lH. liiiriii- In ^iilnil ithviiNii \\'lii'ii MluilytnK lie In eiiiiiiiilt n crime Ilinn In wenr n mil worlil. n plnre where love In •(.•for In the world to which 1 tihnuld i ili'il In M'i;iinl In tin- li-.n hint; uiln-r bid bill nil the liiirlv nf hh ,iiirl'i-il lii-iul iiml home nmi fr |l>m " lull linli) In II thai nlie eonlil nol i niul rung them In my rar.-i, Hn llm Him nf M»i' li'iiliuni-l illnl rlclii of Koiiinnnhi, the , . , , . tent iiieni. p'orceil by u kind mil lire In "D'Aleinhert relnlVftfllinl nn he wnn ilelnlln nf arlleleii III Ihe iimvtipiipnnt piirlM nl the llllil.' ! ll(l lf "Fer you." lie niiiuyeri'il. "||((lt ,.„.- illil. And nil file limr, I line when while I hniln't power In move nr npenk llnlu-r':< Weeltlv aa>ii. In Ille vlll»j;iM "' '""•'' " "" "*''"'" ' "" iKlve over violent phyiili'iil exerclue. l,» ,-alklm; In Ihe /;iirilrnii nf Kami Houcl Ihitt 1 haiillv ii'inl al Inline I ban you Allll V\lll'll \\ e 11II \ c Mlllllh-ll Dill' if Mm Oliei-hii'li'iiiurk, not iminy mlli-.i In |)|H llinl ri'HMi'.l illoei'He. lie ""'y. i devilled hlniHi'ir to poetry, piano pliij be enlV n mlni«e Yoiir rimlltloii He nlm WIIM try Ini; In IMI I her Hiiliul nlie In him. I iiuffnreil Inrlnren I'nr whnl l.uril't. il Iffi-i i-nl M,IV HiM'i "llh niuiiil l<> s|iavi> nil Ilie known vhlin-M ami In yoiir vn|,,e. lu y,i - p ,ir, In ynur ..'lib Ihe Kill); nf I'rumiln, Frederick ', would Illlllll iinnnlble llu' li I iii;ilniii nl lli-ii\i-n iiui-liill.s- \\ e loin Vienna, bi'eail lit Mnliln>:1i Menu, thu """>' i Ing, iniitlieniiitleii, phll(iMi|jiby nirfl (ilh m (W hud lo hem' liln video from behind Hie i|ipeni'eil In he mi Intel mlmihle lime an- Iliii-i- |iiiriili|i':i »( JllllKIII'-M •iiiiToiimllMITH Keep llu- ,>||,,,,. . „ ;enll,v moving rurlalm, iialil In him: 'On ynu ni-e Hull did "II I'. Ivr.'ia mall a prell y nl rong neiino in HM -.•:,! |, ,lin|>lei' nr Mulllii'W. Tln-y Illlllll |l|i>llllllly i null- I,, III'- i-iillilllllhiM ,l,ipli> luoil or lint pi)o|iln linlni; iilnv,, a yon nil iin-li lrr (,I,,VI,||,|K dlvnrllMeineiilii. lie In a fo| I'm iin lU'nl ynu wnKe me ' llllu Ibnl III- ilhl Iml .ilwayM u.-ii- lln- wiiiil-i vln|(iu, IH.VI Inly " wniiinn, n pnnr weeiler, nnleep nn Hint »l how iinli'l Ibe Ille muni be In muiKfe >v«-n i-vlil, nlly nliiilii'll iil-tlli' HHIII" Iml uf pni rhli;e niiiilii from i'rnniul I'Miinol wllli liii|iunll.v defy eon- lienrty nmi illnri linlhiil Ihi; 'crater nnd "The lllli;lm; of Ihnne ln-lln lor nne III I'MU'll.V (III- Mllllli Mrlllll-, ,'inllll'l Illll'-l •uiiinv hanli ? Him Is probably a mine "f Ibnne plni'i-ii I nhniili .illil ill Minn, il by ulii l. "" Mll|i|>l'<- , liiiiiin whirh In iiilinn al lin-nlifaiil vent Ion Mllll. II' be IM HO Inelliiril, him time lu malic hi'i|iinliiinncii wllli H)ie illil mil neeiil In henr him, ,m,| Fei). idle loolieil Inln bin even, a i|lieer nei'iiiiil had i-niiiieil nil nt' Hint ilremii ibliili Homo niriiiiiM i., nii-ii iiiln-i. 'rimy 111' .'I" I'lllli III llllVi- Ill-ell fl|n-ll UIIIK ill li|inlfe i|iilelily "You ,,ee. I . hap|iy brlni; Mian idther of nil.' (if (hit nevMipaperii \\oillil he \\oill out. 1 "Illll Wi- i iillllllulll'. iiill Mi'llVi'll Ml-e •vllli lii'nlh or I'rlnil In lui'il nmi wllli why iiliniilil mil ii Ki'eal Mini K"ml nnin nil llm mure nire ami i|i'lli;lilfill >-'.'" IIIIIM| m|| Illlllll look II wmi. Mint Imlleil. tin. i Id mill .hint nl Ihe walilni; imimeiil." clii-i-i- ihlTi-i i ill IIM.IK ul .-liiinirli'i' I" roniler nil Hint |n mine In ,;» im,, ,|,,. "Tile Illll/; and phllomiphcl Hi, nli Mull, i :M . H II iiiiil III I'.!. Lull.- n '.IH. nllli nr.aln nl Miipper. Thin nlrr/. In wenr bin bill nvi nl ii lilnililii i i-iillh fur ml In Cm v ni lila Mini In ninny piurln (Ion iiml cmivenllon IM Hie reil Inpc of him. I rmilinl IIVMII hike I hene bniilin ain?" ('iniHeH'ii Hatiirduy .Inurna! "II Inn'l Ihe men alone," nalil (he e\- h\ III'' anil pli-tiirc'i tfni I niu g|m| | ,,„ fllllinx Will) thin piiiiiiaf.e: "Wllh Ihe \» i- in i. u v "r. In mill'" "' if llm Tyi M| In ili,' nnrih or llnly Ihn Hix'litly, lillininlf In loniin ami-, MIIII'orlnlil" |:'i 0 •Ih iri Iron \<'l|rli|nir«. I'liiinul, "\\'hn \\nnt tn nee Hie papein. HIM li|i|MiClll lllll'.l I'll! IHTVll1 I!"., Mall, III mi came Inrniiipi'chciiiilhln npli'iiilnr. l(l leaniinlry live I'lilelly nn pnliinta, a Tint c-nut Iron lawn of fnnlilon, ulileb lilni; bin ivme I ennnol wull In .linn: Tn.lny I 'a,,, "I WIIIH th,. (ilohiijj" wrllnii Mrn. I,y- " """ '"»»»" »"ino folk a I n nee | |m .mil l.inl U vc liiilMl riillKlili'l II ''.!7. Illii hai'MlincHH nllpiieil away, nmi all 1 III!' hill); , l'iill(jjwjlhe:«i| Ihliuin nf Hie nhi world wniiii'ii iilinlyliiK up Ille aul umn anil ,, , nn nluiu Illll l»v " In ' 'I' >" lllll' II ion lilr.n iniiiln of liollnil llllll/,e, 'i'lin IH only iinnther iiiiinn I'm rmivrnllun. AiM'Inul Nn.Tlll.-en. 1 "'Miller .Inhll Altpleton, "to nilKRtxif lo li l l ai>- Inln IHclr i-nllliiii " Mhn iiolnli'il i,, n,,, liln inieoiilhiieiiH, hla i ul/;arll y, ll InVIIIH MCI \ III Illl I III' llM'lll ili, in i,l Iti'iixi'ii inli'iiln, liovvnver. IM mil nllowod In urn Hin'll llinl If HID Ki'i'iilexl man In The faiil llinl in-ill Inn-ill nl Many Itninnn and (Jrenk Iln I'.iiiil.H-i, tlmt (i,,,,, i,,,,,, „,, ,,,„ wlnlei Ml) lea ami illarunnliii-, the pli:- nlnl-TII nan-nllv mrniil mi I val I M,ill open JMIMHI iiml liiui;heil. Ilinn. IllM Impnl lelice, Illn •niinilaln, IIlie Meoli-h pon'lili;n, or Him MiiKliiml were lo walk wllli nil liln ae- Inn llm nnin nf built hi'iiui ii'i'iinlVl lahl •ere very funil of ,|,,dniKr u,,,,|||(,,,|,,. ||,,r,,vn "I'lrM "f linproveinniil around th«. IOH-II nf iiiiiih' fur piece nr a heavy rnnl. Ml nl Illr Illl,, |Mllilhh"l III'.!, :•:! III. II IV, l'.'.;;il Illn fni'i' u iri'iiwuil lu Hn Inli'hMlly hrliilliinliy wan irnenell >', bin illiiilnln, lie Aunll'lllll nlnl'/,, Illll III Illllloil Illlll eiiiiloiiied ill|;nlly from the miirble ai'i'li ii|iuli him, bill n nlrnlie nf I'uiiil'ler e.-ilnbllHlmd anmn, lioinie I linri-nweil a'nln|ilu,l,10i- of - \\llh a Ilii-riminirlri up III Ibe lilni'll.M I I M|I|M III ll Illl |H'I H'l 'Illil he l.aru h I the nllli I:,. Illlll II In In (lie bnllk wllli ir tl'lllllllK |...... ,'K'fi lain' An b|' I'lireii I In iiuivli llm wnrlil, "You me wllil a myalle \Yllh n le lianvi nil nynr.V Illlllll yeiir nlnely , . , , . , . ami mil nhnwliii; liny purlleiilur .'ilrji'i i Mnllil pinlillni',, wlili'h In mil up ami ^|||'ll nf her Uii!e,hboi rei'enllv, anil II WMII broken , - , iililiilll.V lilili'h II IIM I I I I ('lli-lnnn I.II^TH In liHllll. i,ul'l Inm-il mil wllli M nli'lni; II. In nil fenlln'r nlliielied to the bllinl nl' liln Im rnillnlliiK Jny Him mime Miiiilhlm- ,i,ia lillie (l(i|;n were HMerlflcei). '|n Hwinln'i, A. lni\, u lunwer I, bnrrnvyni, l. nf muilbei nf fiillliiM (If ciiiii mi, when II eniuen lo nil ml.,i pi i li il nn ll II i pl I il her Inve lirniir.lil In him nn iililillni; 1 ttonir nl Hie olil lawn nl' Nepal lo ninrnlnle nllli llnl Iln wnulil lie rolloweil nnlInn, hlu riinlnlepii me not il«>ji;'.'il by aa-1,1 I'lieh nlnlb ,|My nhiely./,!,,,, ,(„,.„ W0|l| he nmniilci Iblnr, ' Ihey iialnrally want .His li hi nl i 'In Inlhiii 'il enlil iia ol'len an II IM hnl, anil In In 1 iuil I,'li, \ynri III nurh |iner t'otldll Inn I rntililn'l din, were i ill IOIIM Klllllli; rnwit raiilieil "I V mil ^lav linn' IniiHer ' I Inn ilcnlrn.ved Mill later, nil ,!„,,„ „,„,,„ a nciiiii' of calinnenii, ilinlui'lly ir.nl/. il hv i'In Inl I.ul ivery Meniie Ilie llallnn I'leiniiinl'ii ilully by n mnli In two neromlM nmi by Mm iiialrbiiiiililni; iniiiniiiaii und ihniulrtpleii M()| u.'ii' II. anil tile wanhhnllor I borrowed (n l,im\N', heeaiiMe they have n eluiueo \vllli iiiniilei iia a inplliil ulfi'lln,' Till' lllj.l 'Hid mil llninlllly wan alioiij; in M| II pill M II niil nl tin i nn in \ il'eail. Tli" inoilein Kinnnniilanii urn lime lit' I'l'iielieil Vere nli'eet Mir mil of pei'liliillii'ln y|iilni;e» N^i one iiinm "'"iiitln »; I I'lioiiKli. nnd every nlnlh fl inn aiiulliei nelKhbni Ieafieil nn buil (n mnk in,,, of Ilione fnahlon lilnln, llhi ,l. IM hliui mi iilln i -i i n ''Voni lonlr vllli a dllfi'i'i'iil nl I.MI,-||I, Iniil'iiii'e I'ivni y r.li'l al hlilli wan ruiieil iniijl'iily of llm law woulil liilm him Inln illm III pm'lnni, NA olin \vuulO year ninety nine human, liehiKM vyen hnl (be lileu nf n I u r i-nal n fn\v il 1ll.ll ll.r.lil II IM'lllil Ii. il I'l In-Ill by ininiv ni'liolaiM lo bit ili'nronilinl Iml lonl, IIM niii'iir.Mi from MCI nlly. l.y II put nut Ibe fire '' m't Ihnne pen miirrleil wllb ('real ci'i-ennm V lo n Ililnli ul' Invltlnr, him In-Jill In n hum Hint urn iv Iniiuolnleil. Hie niinii (lf |j,(, r,i|,,,||M|. lUlllllll ll I Illll I I M ll I'l'oin a Itoninn rolnnv In nlhi,l In i | In In, eoinillin nf Ilia llnllMiiti, nlnl I'M Veler. I'Mlnimi'ii IMonllily. iiini-K nr rnw n bnnl lie I*, mil n ilami npi'iilri III nl Ihein? I lun'Kii'l inmle Tin n hull Ih. l.lmnl imrieil nlieal'll AM III, lair of Ille liiK nmn; he linen mil rxri-l nl lennln; you" he lonKi.d jliiiiii ih,, i, i, mi Hi ini-ed. 'My Ond! 'All on ho niiiun rlinmlv I'limii'h M VMi'lallnli nf Mm po i ..... iiii'eli inlKlit In, pro. 1 liny lull) Ibla nuiumi'l' liecaune mi h, UK I mil n W liil Cinlt \VIIM nni-eitaln, tin- Kill ^ MM nnp "llm tioliieii III Hie . • i n.i, llm applaud,) loiilinil * av' " And well he mli;bi exeliiliu, IIH mi I i Ilii- liinr.ilniii .il lelila, enlleil mil inn llc.a, In llm iialloiuil InilK Wiillui dnwn Inyer'n Inne fnlldUc \\ tlell > nil lioni'il nevnr In liei-iiini' 11 ulilovv. 'I'n t w»n eiioni;h In naloiiliib any man nlher lleli'.bllin 'n pi efi-n I III', kellle In aimme in \uiir mil 111 " hnl II' |,, H| linllril .nui/.ii. lull II IK lllllllln llm InKfil ia ml llu *. 'I'lmiiKli h> liilrnpliohln him h K U 1M lh'l|;lllnHM lhl|il nve " Ali bl..oii lilnhr \Yill In i;o In 11 olllili', IMIV lu llinl pillow mill ileparl In Nepal HIM ilnv In lililiUUtnil, iihhiii'aiiMn'(l1,''r)nil unwed, il Illlll eoilj'i slliln Illrltlll liy "Ith lillir.iluni r .lyiiur worlil; eiilov lainprd mil nl' III llaln, II ||{ ,,| ||| IdT.uy -I hnve a vory nhorl ...... ,,. ,'ininlili'i eil In ln-r,ln wlien II In ll|;hl In onn liiiporliinl rehpcet,. nn (tin |',rali'i'i l''i leinl How miiimiHrl VVnre they nlinul ynu'If ynu ilnii'l. illld llinl I" In Hlil'lt III' urn mil nllowi'il In inillle Inln a nnlld 1',1'nwlnr, I'aHer dny liy ilnV'u|t)d /(alhliil; four |n l ifii,, when, ynn ran PIIOI III Me|||imi>', wlli'l'e rvi-ry -ivllli || |l Mil i il'il n i i enoll|;ll tn'rillllll Ille Illm on Illll I oof inyl hln/t Illie Ihn Immlltn In llm npernT A haiuilinek III the wlnlcj; lime, <>r inniiii, bill urn liepl illiilliii't, urinr HIM Traveler Nn, Indeed; the /(HI;|I I liny III hiippliienn wllh "V"i V. on^ciy (inmiil ll^ii nyei, lonl Minlr live]' ?, Mid doi'.ii mill rain lu'lleh-d wllh I'l'l'.r.y Onn would nevnr think The man \vlm ir|,.M t(, |1|(v |(|('( "Illlli-lrililllil Illl' I Iniili'.lil •ii' illnlliinnliili Hie halm on n miin'ii 1 look i Inl In Ihe minimer, ran make ,\ t-1 yIllfr In i-Njil run Ih i-iu-li fiialilnn of oiilmeiil pni'i'lili'.iv iiiuil wnni all iiuw. lOxehnnire. nnd Inn. Thiiii he HvetiMiJjiJjjj^lJMik I "- nmi ).» ;;•,;:;;,!;;,,,, I Hie ilhii'iilie me ilcnlioyeil mn llm Mlorlcn you (,,|| Inln heiiyeu may i|fn,>,ivei' Inter (lint! h', linnil uralnnl flin nliy, IIIK In be envleil. iimbntnne nppenr i;ay niul choorlul by I'll in |ii'ii|n'i' In npi'iilv iiiupiii Initn, r.nve up money in an uimulliorlzed nm. li'iirlltntlvn, '_ _Itt—Ass^n- -iha-.u-ever—befor&r-tlie—price of the -i>y which' every niau can utakeHAe future- Your choice of stunning styles in Suits, tickets will remain the same,— on Thursday evening, next week : of his family as secure as possible. Coats, Skirts, Dresses and Capes, and Three-fourths of 1910 has passed RI'", Bank Bros. Hpcolnls for Needlework $i.5o for adults, $i for juniors. 268 fabrics. . ' James Rickards is on the local S Guild. Previous years, a canvasser has is the been employed to sell and deliver It is worth a great deal to any man to know We EavelFenfall oh sHow. sick list, * ' ^B~FrHenshaw lost his necktie to Black's— garpiontg will Vif> -mafte to yottf yesterday, between the railroads. the tickets ; but this year the com- that his family is thus protected: " M D. ..White is a Hammo In it was a star G. A. K. pin, val- miUetaiJeeitled- to ask the public to individual measure by the American • •• ton ___ ued as a gift. Please return to buy without being personally solic- Badies Tailoring Company, Chicago. Mrs. D. H. McAnney is very this qrffice. ited. As the money receive'd is all Sure They will' be made under the personal seriously ill. OTS For Sale. Three lots In D. B. Frnzler used for the benefit of the course, For Shirts. direction of their famous designer. L tract, between Railroads. Easy pay- it is hoped that all patrons will co- Mrs. Macaulay will spend the men In. Geo. A. Blake. operate to make this year's course The "M.,W. S." Shirt is a guaranteed Means We will take all the measurements, winter in Philadelphia. • All our teachers were invited td a success from the start by buying Shirt,—made to make a name. and see that you get all the man-tailored Many of our people took in the inspect the Packard Street dahlia tickets early. effects, Trenton Fair, this week. farm, one day last week. . Most of Watch for the booklets for a full Price, 50 cents. them accepted, and they enjoyed description of the course and the New style Fall Shirts—duett's We will ourselves guarantee the fit, the the treat. the winter ,in Philadelphia. announcement of reserved seat workmanship, and the "materials. M. F. BABHKT'S Dahlias nre getting ticket sales. $i to $1.50 1 W Into tbelr prime—about » thousand issues just the policy which will meet The Board of Education will varieties of i hem. Send a box to your friend, Pretty 'Flannel Shirts, $1.50, $1.69, #175, See this Exhibit... meet next Tuesday evening. up wuere they don't grow tbcm. your requirements. About7Typhoid Fever. and $2 Miss 'Bessie Hoyt is spending At the Inter-State Fair, Trenton, : T. W. Vare had on exhibition an Coat pattern and plain. The time to.take it out is NOW. : : -. ©0BKB., She Tail OP some time" at'her grandfather's. MR. : EPITOR : At the present The warm weather, received, a Ancona pullet and cockerel. The time there is considerable agitation decided chill, Wednesday night. cockerel was awarded first prize," among our citizens over what they . Ohas. Graziano the puflet.second; ' say is a"'typhoid epidemic." Being . J, WA.AS, . Valley Avenue Volunteer Fire Company, No. i, .IOK SALE,—20 shares Hnmmonton in a position to know the exact For Hats,— hadJa_drill lastJMpnday eyejiing. j_Trust Co; atook..-8. T._Godfrey. state-of the _pubh'c healthj I would New-style^soft and derbys "ftasteTFr and Cement Worker -TTA RT-Mchnffijer *.Mari Clpthea ready ot Hatnmonton, N.J. -DeDtist. '"Bank'BroUjertir like_to_say_th.at_jup...tp._date..CSepJ:i jubtiinvj iihd '. ontraoting.~ Miss-Della-HilMeft--on 2gth) seven cases of "typhoid have Building,, :' Hnramonton," N.J. Medium prices. Drop postal. Another- Fair next week Wed- I ' ' ' fntlRfucllon (junriinteed. Tuesday, with her brother and oeen reported. This, in a commu- Land. Thursday, at Mount rertn an automobile, enroute nity of the size of Hammonton, is Fruit Growers 1 Attention! Bfolly. for Atlantic City,— scheduled to a very good showing. . For Suits. Independent Fire Company's reach, her home, in Hammonton on Several of .these cases are now . Boys', li^oJo.H, aB» matt.er« tnirs lor eeting- uext ~V\^edTresday- OH SALE,—Mornlne Light hot nlrhenter. F No. 40, In good condition. Cheap. Inquire The cause of some- of them has SATURDAY," O( T. 1, IfllO Shade Trees, Frank C. Lobdell and family, of of A. J. Rider, Bellevue Ave. No trouble to show them. Cor. Main Road ., JPERSONALJi. JJXu^J W ii *ri,.UJUI YJ. wGONDUGTED J.' •**/ v w J. JLJ"-* 'rf-**.^* EXCURSION* ^-fc...... fcw—••>S* seen traced to the drinking water with any agent or dealer, Atlantic City, visited his father At the Baptist Church, to-mor- and ^Bellevue this week. • (wells, not town water), and- the The Special Meetings. get my prices on.your order, whether ^^^SE^L*!^:*^^ row1-RevT-J.-Allan-Spidellt-pastor,_ remainder-is-supposed-to have orig=- ' it is large or small, and let 'me Painters are^putting the finishing will preach upon the following nated from bad milk. Samples of Hammonton We desire to 'caH attention to ^fe^^&Sr^ac^^^^C^^^^^^^^^^^^l touchesJtoi JjrTlChas.Cuniiiflghaniis: topics j_motning, ^Tjie-bles tlie ; -residenee; : -Evening,- will begin meeting^oue week from" "My stock "forTBisTall is Edw. Bennett wielded the brush "Two confessions..' '""Reception of The Board of Health is trying torinorro w.night^_Thatlsucfe. mfeet- be grown.' Also, my prices will suit aUV ^to^ood;effectTon-his-Gentral Aver members,ianjd__cpmmunion ,_ at close every means to prevent the spread I am ufl'uriag a bargaiu iu~6hBrry"TreBai' Ings are needed, UoJLJliily by_^he- ~ of morning-service.— of this dread disease-; -but it is-up to introduce Bay stock. double house. people at large, but by professedT VJH RENT, —8-room Furnished Honse. to the people themselves to follow Christians as well, no oiie win" ——Murray—Bassett— made—a—bright- F—H earer~antt~tmttn~~fii qnlrB-or Write, phone or call, 1 H. L. Monfort. every rule oriiygiene~in~prep~ariug" iPurina food—and—the-proper—e are-of—milk- good attendance. brilliant dahlias. r 1. We are informed that the third' and drinking water.. -T._ ..„ which will be bound to suit yon, story of the Spear building, under Services will commence in the for quality of stock I handle. Mrs. J. Boden, of Philadelphia, C. CUNNINGHAMt M. E. Church, continuing a week ; is visiting Mrs. D. W. C. Russell, the mansard roof, will be floored, Sanitary Inspector. followed by one week each in the Place your orders.promptly. on,V alley Avenue. plastered, and_a, staircase added, to be 'used by the Rod and Gun Baptist and Presbyterian Churches, t, black morocco, containing : every evening except Saturday. ' A: PRIESTLEY, jj^vou'd '"'tup ' 'litwurd ifriMurnuil — lub as headquarters. Hammonton Motor Club. Cards of invitation have beeii left aoU Helall Dearer In' F. A'. LuR ISH, caro Bluck's store. >IANO for Sale,—square,—$10. M. Rubba. HI A GAB A FALLS —George^Rr~Greis~is-spending—a —The—members—completed—their -atnnany homes-by-local-Pastors-.—7 organization on Tuesday evening,- . Mr. E. Alonx-o .. Casselberry. ,v' a .October week with college friends at the Runnitu! Do not forget the well-known soloist and choir leader 'Belf, Sa-'R.' • ' ^LM.'NEW' JERSEY." University of Virginia. rubber social in the Parish. House, meeting in Trust Company parlor. Enjoy your Evenings -Wednesday r-Oci.—sth.—Bring-all _ o f-lihi 1 adelplt i a', -has -beeii_eirgaged7- —Jackson'STuarkerand posroffice lowing officers elected: and will,'with tho 'assistance.'of GEO. A. BLAKE • Speplal Tviiin of-Puliinnn Palncq Uivrir, Dining C,'ar, and D^y Coaches fronts are looking nice and clean the old rubber you can find, and AT HOME. ten cents. . A prize to the person President,—R. G.-Scudder our united clip'irs, please those who '.- .l>-iivbft Pblladblpliia following d.iy, running via the after the painter's visit. First Vice-Pres.,—A. J. Rider. love music, -He is an exception^ Carpenter aiid Builder Ito'utti bringing the most rubber. -W-ortr- a,*,> par The largest and handsomest Second V. i'.,—'Titos. Skinner ally able man,, and \vell worth Plans,' blue prints, nnd enti mates •• Tlokotc Rood RolDR on npeolal train and connectint; rr:t|nn, nnd ^ood roturning Secretary,—Dr. J. C. Bitler. HAVE A coining to hear. . ov^recruleir truins within nixtrien daya.. Htop-ciff within limit allowed at cranberries we ever saw came from • - furni»hpd. Jobbing attended to J Treasurer-,—William Golwell. ScratQh There Vvill'bc f "no"' cdlltctibiT TJa's-' pfpmptlyl Box* 6S2. Local Pbobe 800. * "BtUr.lto.'i-elurn'lnj;'. "'''lllius't'i-ixtod'b6okl«t'"6n'd'riilVlriforwoti'(in'iiiiiy'B6' "meadow's'...... ":"'...... " • • ' obuuuod from Ticket Agents. Regular meetingsxwill be held on kets parsed around, excepting on Cliorry tjtreut, Hammonton. } Wui. G. Hood and wife came Sunday evenings, but^-a^box; will '--S' S^O^'^.-V,.-..^^ j_-:^'.- ^.-1. ^ „ J .EQ w, HOYp ^ the .second. Wednesday Jn .each Yictor Talking Machine r Triifllo"iranig"er. * '.Giinorul Ptt»s~eiiiror AKO¥ " from- last Saturday htcuin ovi-ii, wnip H lu waxed pnper, imil nioilth. be placed at the door for voluntary for a visit with his parents. dtillvorlt 1.1 > yi'Ur Dome, for iho sumo price Now in thu tinie tfi you would p»y lor Ilia mnlcilnla If tniUKtil nl They carry a pretty pennant, let- OR AN contributions. The new train on tire Reading Iho Bloren. DIM-* If. piiy to ImlcS T tered "Hammonton.'' Pigeon These meetings can injure -no Kepair and Clean mniMiir|(y . l frpm tlif* Dr. Coniiteriiiine, pastor of the , — arriyiiig hcrejit6.i2. Presbyterian Church( \yill preacli, liopo-to -Kcc-a. . lar ge-attciidaiice.. ---- c Added to-Phono List :r~3&diBm^ ."""" :.'*Hpt" Water "arTdT"" lsrt J. ('. OWKN, Dri'bHiimKcr, linn return- to-morrow morning on The Benefits M ed, and IH nt lliu HIIIII» Idcullon,— 'il:l of regular Communion-." Commtt- The following have had phones Jlullnvuo Avonui'. nioit will be administered. His Pieces, #1-5, #17.50, $22, $25, $27,' #30,' '.' * Hot Air Heaters The cement sidewalks in front of 3ut in by the local company : subject in the evening will be'the 132—Mrs. It. J.. IJynu-H, rt'H. Twelfth #35, up to $200. Lot mo look af tor your limiting ayatom ' Jackson's market and Mon fort's 'Three Hebrew worthies entering (102—Doin. (Jniii|)Hiu'lln, run. Main before cold weutlior uotn In. > shoe store have been repaired. Come in and see them. Try it! the fiery furnace." (!85—Tony Oolammlo, ren. Colnintilu » Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Newcomb KNH Wuntwl, for wlntor InyliiK. Will 077—Oixpt. A. 10. Hooper, res. (.Irupo 5 CHAS. T. THURSTQN- mumma* H piiy nihti fur ^i uood on' «' Don't bo lullli pri'iluoKil iiuiliir tlio niont •>.••.'. .-' J^AljI* MtM-ohniullHo flllH ovory ">WMrH. A. G. Nk-pling, joined by 1 Klntt, It lanl«; Hccoiul, It HixtlMluHi to Out Plenty Hiuitlury oiiiiilitlnnn. Kvory I ill llniiK llnilluirn. ioi IH tuUnfi to liiHiiro - her 'sister and brother, has been Broilers and Thlril, It IH modern ; If t1ie loaf conies from this olounllniinn, i-njoylng the sighttuil Niagara Falls Have you seen the cup in Stwl'n 1 window, won nt Gibbsiboro Fair by V _ TlinotlHT nliuity nix reiiHoiiH you" Bakery. It is aiua/.in^ how llu; past wfi-k. >tir Ba«e Kail Club ? On Friday, Breeding Cockerels wlllllnd If you will «>xuniln« i» much of our Broad people; Small Stores Gain KDNAIII) I" Afl«r tliii Woinnn I who ilo Supt. i6th, tljuy defeated 1 1 addon- I'OU HA 1,1C liouHooftlilHldnd.orlfyoii A NEW BARN T j tln'11- own liuUliiK. Hi'o llin inly, tilnnwhurn Fly Pans will cat. 'Children eat. it like' on Ililn |>i>K». iefd, 14 to i ; the day following II O ML A H <; U 10 A I>1 10 It will cull on 111" candy, and thrive on it. .Won- A NJSW IIKIID OP, CATTLE rrciicliiing at the llnivursiiUBt won from CYilur Brook by 2 to-i, Business , iflur that club had beaten Mereh- UOI'OHAI, i Vnr $.ri(K)() Flvo par ocnt Dairy OJIOM for limpcotloi). Church to-^iViViow, al II.OOA. M. Will fix those last of the season derfully.- They oUtfht to. nnd 0.30 i>. M. Sunday School at tntvillt:, ti to 2. Well done. HdllOOl OlHlllot- MdlOH. Hammonton Concrete Co. We u.sc: the best of flour oirly by the brioljt elechic ligW for signs and,window«. NoW] PHouliul prii|Miimln will tin Itmolvuil l>y noon, ail UiUial. Oll'ltIC NI.I-IIIIK IIIKI Woll-Tllllt'i nluiiiiiilit. .III) Hiiiuil of lOiliiout-ldii or Ilici Town of Mies that Hock to the house when and bake it under conditions. Uno Hiuiltury Mlllc, nnd luiow you ihnt G.E. MA£DA lamps are avnilablo nothing is eauier Y otl UOIIM In llrlimln Ho — Thul.'H Nuturnl. Tlionilon I), lloopor lu»9 gon« to I'ou MMV I'*1 l>lrmiipnlnlo«U-Tlml'H I'tiKHililt*. llnliinioiiton, Alluiil.lo County, Now a9 cleanly a.s can be. nro gottlii|( tlio bunt. to obtain thon profitable lighting. Thcno hew incondc^l You Nccil rrii'mnloii Now— Tlnil'u Itivlili'iil iHuj, mull H.dO o'liloolc p.m., the air is a little frosty outside. SwcetwaliT, 'iVnn., for a iiiiu; f- 1 u n u HM v I HUH A orliuil | •foliool UlHtrlol, Nolon, puyuli^n til lino ID J. B (.SMALL. • )no liiiiliu Hinrln YIIII— .Thnt'n All. Ivi- ynurn. Two moiv caiii-tt of lyjihoid fover Funeral Director The tiixty-Hlxth annual Hesttiou Kmthor liif(iriiml.ion niny lut Imil >if Ten cents each. '•,;•;. More Electric Light, nn; ivporti'd in ftiwii,— Alld'rt King J, V. OHKOIX), I'vrnldonl ol t-li» llonnl of mill W^ifi' I.''lii1' 1,1'hiiniti. We un- if the Now JcrHcy Convcntiot^ of ICdiiunliiin, or of tlio DitiUlol. Ulnrk. nnd Embalmqr FQK THE HAIR cai^ now bo obtained for every dollar you pay for cut-i ' told (pjjfl all ate doing well. .InivtTnalinlH \yill meet in Ilnm- dilimui nil (iropimnlH, oixloincil uonloii Oct, jsth nnd i.^tlt, Rev. lOponiOa Tor Notoii," to lloiud of Twolltn tit., liiitwc'ni rullroudn. tent, than ever before. Tlio G.E, MAZDA, lamp* ffvo I'a'i^H-in-by w«'rc Inclined to enter ICiliiautlon. W. H. McGlaullin, t), »., General \V. U. HKICI.Y, Dim, (He rli, l,ocivl riioiin mil. Mull 47-1) ' nioro than twice the light you have ever before considered 0110 ol our mibuihan scliouh, latit peiintciident of the Univeritalitit Ilitmtiioiilon, f), ,1, 7 it possiblo to obtain for n given expense for current. Wo Monday, tlu^ »i|;nal of dlH- iurehcM, will attend thitt HCHHion, Din liourd ot Kilnoulloii rnnurvun llin fiamtnoiiton, N. .1. ore no\f ready to tell you how you can get Uio benefit of , upsiidt! down. uul addrev|M the people. Other right 1,0 iTJnnt nny or itll lililn. FOR THE SCALP niniiitiTii and frlendri, estpecially this great advance in electrical development. "\117AN ''I'l^lNi Mnn l>n Mary Ann. t''m I" . BTIIOUBM VV'. rloll luifl Kiiiiil-liiilllllIK, "ml nvin i ulin rom I'hilndelphia, will be jirericrnl, L. Jackson & Son or. it. K. m>VKnli'i Inntvi'iil lo'!''>iinr,irn Uull'lhul Iliiinmonloii Tottcu npent )iait (if thin week at . I'roinpt nltoiiMon pnld to Oollmiilonn. will uvnil tlu-niHelveit of the oppor- , Afluldont,, Aiitoinolillo, IMutn /Jlnnu (.(lion Illillln I IMIOIt. IH...... l; AT THE RED CIIOSS PHARMACY. Oelt^ubnrg, and wltiieiiMed the iin- Dhil (I ..... Mm liiD.IIII |i in. of tin; »f w inonuinent. unity of hearing Dr. McCliuihiu. Oilloo lit tipour ll I'm,i.o n:l1 I'llUIMl I''ll'lll)'«

t ! Ifl 1 IncludeB-nli -the-rest and that "this commlmdment heads tho Decaloiruo Mr. Ardlamont gave a start o; Al my cnambers." and It fulfillment, fulllls the " Doca Christian Endeavor Who's complaining of the woathei' logue. (error. "And the case of Jewels to be r*> these days? "Who are you that IT COLONIAL addresses me turned ,to Header's?" . ~ IL.A -1WONDEUFUL REVELATION TOPIC FOR OCTOBER 2, 1010. by that name?" ' OF THE ESSENCE OF Excursioultis seems to be moro "It Is in my bedroom." GOODSHORT • CHRIST AND THE LAWYER. "I am Sir John Dawson, and 'years OBEDIENCE. SELF-CENTRED_OK CHRIST-CEN- prevalent than ever. Sir John accompanied Fred back to Thoughts on Gospel for tha "Th^ni la in—ii -th. his chambers, but their worst fears Eighteenth Sunday ^fter .Trinity. God. bo then a man cannot abev Interesting Structures Will anybody ever use Esperanto In committed you for trial on a charge Phll '1:21; 3:7; 4; 11-13. were reallzed. Anthony Crisp was God at all except he loves O0<1 it (Consecra- Eastville, Vn., One of the an Inter-family fight over a back yard -Matt. 22 : 34-36. 1 tlon Meeting.) of jex.tensiye. forgeries "and embezzle- misteihgi -atMl-KO 'i— Hip 'fLJL? -?^" P"?slble_for u, man to fence? ment, and, if I remember rightly, you keep outwardly and formally any or Oldest Settlements. cupidity,'' however, proved his undo- St. Mark, as Is his wont, gives u'a a Do you know what consideration w.ere sentenced to llfteen years' penal fuller account of this conversation be- God a commandments without low means? It would seem' that about the only take nil this trouble, and with what ing. Had he been content with the In his heart for God: and if it were "Well, Fred, In three days you and servitude." It 'A.said, of _the^nuthor^of_a-recent -tween-JesuB -and~thcr lawyer than-floes possible, that would not be the obedi- "To you it hath been granted In the way for an aeroplane to get into print my niece will be man and wire, and | object?" proceeds onhe "burglary ficPTnlght XQlumo of biography that his verdict St. Matthew. From It we gather that behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Is to break in. "Hush! You are right; 1 admit It; have got clear away," but with such a ence God asks. No man has kept I'll waiter that von have thought it i 'Uur client, 1 understand, sir, is a on the great of his chosen period Is whatever may have -been the impure Gods law who la propelled therpm Him, but also to suiter In His behalf," GOUETHOUSE BUILT IN 1854, hut keen silent—not for mv n.-ikp hut start tho-polloo wore noon h •>» J'nul ivrnto to ,tnu PlilllpplaiiH: strange I have mentioned nothing HanFranciscan . gentleman, and EC linicirthal..or~a New Hampshire par- . ^f. -~- »i^u> v» compulsion. If you never fanned-before, now fMfc- for the happiness of my dear son.*] on the trail, and a few hours later who were his fellows, the man who put himself had suffered a great deal for about a wedding present yet." gives tbe name of Rupert Ardlamont. son at the highly approved funeral of this question to our Lord was actuated Lovo and love alone Is the fulfilling Christ's sake, and Instead of grumbling Evon the Chinese baseball enthusiasts "Your son! Then you are- he was arrested with all the evidences of the liiw. And this Is anid must are playing fan-tan. "Well, no, Sir John, to tell the truth "Kupert Ardlamont! My father!" a parishioner: "Brothren, we must, by a real aH,d genuine desire for in- and, rebelling, he esteemed It an honor "Yes; I ani Rupert Ardlamont. of his guilt In hJa possession. formation. He had heard the beauti- be a love without any reservation, First Edifice Cost 7,OOO Pounds of - 1 haven't. You have been so exception "So i understand, sir." agree that our deceased friend was with all the heart, with all the soul, and a privilege to suffer with served my sentence, and since then t He made a full oopfession after- ful and perfect reply which Christ Chnlst and for Christ. He could Tobacco—The. Taylor House New York has Its heroes. One man ally kind to me over since my molbe "Where is he now?" mean In some things—but let us tn with all the mind, with all the have worked hard to retrieve the wards, and Fred Ardlamont heard had Just, given to the sceptical •Sad- strength. So then the first question therefor- --. e_ quit.lu.ne. honestlm-MnroLiyy anad conllconn- killed himself rather than give up hla _ "He Jfi_at...nresent staying at the ducees, and It Is evident that It had \a ength„.,»• .i«r>-. S. o• "the- n the • tlrs• t questio. • - -n dently congratulate the Phlllpplans on and the Masonic Hall. pinochle winnings to his wife. died and so readily agreed- to m,y_mat -pttSt;"— r ~. ... ,..j .^IULKJII—I.U CTUW3 lnaT"TiIs~Tani(Ff"~ira3 fieeh fatally in- . fflTed him with holiest admiration of ,,t.nut:—Wha U..* IT*,--t Is. rny relation—tt>—goiis-ftrnr-fact that trrey—Jl3i. \\uil th...... f^n riage with Isabel that 1 do not look Hotej de Luxe. 1 am sending in my "Why have you come back! You meaner in others." law? but, What Is my relation to privilege. report to-night, and he will probably jured in the earthquake nt San Fran- the deep Wisdom of Jesus, and that he God Himself? Am I His child, Is He 'People who* buy their literature by for further favors." were better d.ead." cisco, and bpfore his .death he had A keen golfer, but middling player, was really anxious to know what Jesus "Blessed are ye when men shall re- the pound will never finish cracking be with you lirst thing in the morn- thought of a question which he and his ny Father, do I love Him oven as proach you and persecute you and say "Oh, tut, tut: Any little things "1 came back because I made a for- confided to Anthony'Crisp many facts who was paying his annual visit to a , He loves me? There Is no law of God There is a certain quiet charm and Jokes about Dr. Eliot's five- feet-of -. ing." follows had often, debated. And If he •oil-manner of evi.... J .l againsot," — irniTullglit"tti- Different until they are married, and then I will ess. "Aye," drawled the caddie; "Mc- near this place, on a grant from the not state how many men it has driven present to you and Isabel. chiseled. His thick, grey hair was WldthH In (he 1'nKvd StaicN. to drink. go away again for ever. Look at Gregor's deld." Ings Indian king of the Accomaeks, called "Well, my boy, as you are about to close-cropped, and he presented an ap- The American and _ _ _ them; you cannot cast a cloud over standard railroad the "laughing king." This grant in- become one of the family, perhaps pearance at once aristocratic and pa- A miller noted for his keenness in for He said to him: *..,.„ BeUig chauffeur to an aeroplane Is such joy as theirs." gauge of to-day was predetermined by money matters v^s In .a boat trying from the kingdom of God." not far h „ „.,„ .,-B,I,,JJUI ui —• •"••* «•" th"-«e atu*.-- cluded the present site of Eastville. exhilarating, but for a fat man' who IB J!pji_h.ave_a__rjgrht_to_kno\v. I metyour rician. For a moment they looked at 1 lst and w much of a auccess 1 r thejramwqys In the English^ coal^isjiciU^^get-^erfiHs-tlie-^trpairr-BrrrlGh^ Whon this this lawLVer__aalfl_tn_Tju;« Rome, and effected the Reformation. V-',"" '*' ', j!2 fond of his meals and his fireside e acli~oTifef"in. silencer f >-Jflsus^it--is-all--in---that^rar-aTiarvvTn^^ In the old clerk's oface,_erected ln_ r (_-J?3Pt]i JL.y_ears ago, when I _was_rattier] .|j.^QnaeilvflI.ory._JUs_ stern_.J!ace j:elaxea mines, which were m<"'° t"o -—co.nforg• i • - -..-J-Master^c^^^ c -flshing-is~bettei": — ; r -.._ ment mrnie-Ia-w:rriie^5ir_ -u_^ _ _ -^ouo-,««»«-inive 10—mis lawyer A —-W"e .ar"•«e "novt ciinecalleda on to suffer for 17-K^ there are records going back to Hith- and hjs eye's were mofst with emotion, to the~width - of""th"e e "Father!" flood and he was taken past the spot. : 1 A ff c a 1632;--and -unbroken—to—the erto my life hadV.been devoted to busi- "No, they must not suffer; l win wagons. ~ whicSh w.i^^*^^^s to him n very great and Ifn- ^ihis ]ife can be r|ghteous, a man must "" .^^/t ,V^. "'"H" "^ It may be true that the average Their hands met in a hearty clasp, at which he wanted to land, and the portant one. There were many lawlawss, i love God before he can obey God. c°^ .u^ Jln^t.ni,'?fe llke as. mucn as ft day, forming the oldest continuous rec- American eats 82 pounds 'of sugar a ness, politics, and municipal affairs. keep your secret." When George Stephenson chose a TheThey coucoulWd scarcelyv niall bhe onf equaon,,ml imim_- I _^ _nything .,o.>-- uo mucn as il | OraorJKs linn ttllfh)s countrf.n,,ntrv I was a wealthy man, a member ot ind Fred drew his father into the boa was upset. His wife ran along portance. In fact sometimes It seemed eost them to live a consecrated life. ! y- year, bat he does not act the part The dinner was quite an animated track for his first locomotives he nat- III. GRACIOUS OFFER -OF But they were willing to pay the, far when the umpire Parliament, and a magistrate, but_my oom. Tears streamed down the old the_8jd<3>. he yl n gj grjje!a. as If thoro wna a conflict between. rsft^rtfi'.-iii'h.'t^foT^' r "~ • them, as If one could not obey one law ' i; .occasion and to another" "co'urthousEPwas erected^ l)y7coL_ Wil- TieariTuad Tiev¥i yet beeii touiiifl Inches to when she was"brought up by her bus-- ing Christ,_a.nirs, an l not jnaniL»ttlLiia yVrd.t.-imQnt. 'Ha'ni-TValerlTnSmt a cosrof """" tolne(1 ln '^s^ii^M^^^^y^yy^s^rS^^ covered tlie defect wrth~ah~incessanrf ' — in--— --- . . *-- ... v^ t.*^~ i;L,uiHitrilLIVei> pounds ofTobacco. THe next, one was -If—attythin^j-oan—revive-the—Shakes- young, anoTvery beautiful; 1 was twice "To- think that 1 remained abroad Maggie, dunnot forget flour's gone up course to ursu e rame way Jesus IIi:lded- "Do this and pearean drama the rendering of "A3 flow of brilliant talk and interesting With the building of the first rail- P e' .Which was the thou gnalt ,lve ,. Y but who . can insignificant sacrifices which a really erected in 1688 by Joseph Godwin, her age; and while I was hesitating o long when, 1 had a son like you two shillings a sack." greatest? Accordlnir, to the original;, dao ,ltt? who who does ,0 the consecrated life would involve In our You Like It" in Esperanto wHl do it. anecdote, and when at last they all roads In America came the Importation •-,,--,-What kin; dj~~~ ofy a commandmen"•"" "j~ 'Vt was' ' ° Who can, who does' love the case. and In 1731 'it was rebuilt In brick by to ask her to share my lot, I had to j awaiting me in England!" James R. Keene, apropos of the> What kind of a commandment , was r^rd hls God wlth „ nlg ' heart and Even If it were dead it would rise up retired to the drawing-room Isabel of English locomotives, some of which reany great, vital, of supreme import- • , , li, Hnding "Know ye not that ye are a temple Capt. John Marshall at a cost of 50,000 and kick. "But how is it? Where have you, . . „ ,, , .. Jumping contests at the New York nnce? aou and m nd and strenfft «f r.,,,1 ..-J 1^.* ... - • - leave England very suddenly upon bou- were from Stephenson's s _ ____o -important—business: 11—was some been-uiese-many-yeawz; ..» J came^JVeo-stother_off_t ojie r__ -about-fojphirating; . ^ e _Li_lin—such—all-yielding—Jave"~th-e~ motive dwelleth In you. If any man destroy- pounds of tobacco. The old_building r l sB5rv lm ner cm (JanBefous^.,^^1 *u- _ ..." - - cheer- Don Jaime, the Spanish pretender, "I have been a wanderer, my boy, i^°! ° ^ w«W'"S P^s- question, for If Jesus .should^£]mS^^S et..h - - -.y-.the- ..^.T.-.t:emp_- --•^•-l .e _ ..o"^f —_ Gvjtjiodi 111,11—.h I m H n n i-i therefore,_a. long..and interesting months before I returned, and then l L v I.,,"develops - a race- - 'annWBcl's^hiir'Iir^ffTi^^ ;-•—-=-«-^~•-,- —•--v ---~i;:i'"- -jjr-~^".^-^ ''-"""^ and-fflvo")^ the preference ' Uod destroy; for the temple of God is history. of very savage, selfish nien. There It was Iale_jKhen they. left-Sir John's this country, particularly In NPW Implv .)> (1 uor. a: 16, violence for the-pt if tjecurihg "She was married?" ~was7~fofJnatancp. Jones, Jone3,_QD_a 1 JH nfA" LfaiL-lf-he-attempts—to—coax—Alfonso S^^lL^^l^;^^ that the question-wns^ really_meant to i Christ?" Or know ye not veuerable object of antiquity in the "to give it up. -lamont-and-gone-tOrlive-at— Liverpool jlS««^s,rB^ ] construction was financed by Boston brook, when^heipercelved=the-head of ensnare Him tha {--would be -Its force ls ... , amLIts commandment, -holy, ing for gold, i was taken prisoner fefusedT that jour body is a temple of the Holy midst of change and decay. In this I never saw your father. His affairs 'or New York capitalists. his dearest friend sticking dismally Hut .Christ did not make any such'! an.,„d rjus t and °good •, and "«,„,,.though. nthwe Spirit which is in you, which ye have "No, jny boy, 1 will come around 5 will |s- present with me, >>et how tc I quaint, and . unpretentious—structure- A St. Louis astronomer.has~dlseoy-- went wrong sooa after they were by a hostile tribe, and for two years mistnke. : H-Tve. did no./tv choos^»,V1,.-teT onOIIKe com-UOIII- is present with me. >»et how to from God? and ye are not ypur-own-" early in the morning and have break- Except in Texas the prevailing out of the Icy water. Did Jones go to c ered a sun spot 50,000 miles wide and l kept in confinement. Making hls nuindment In preference to any of the perform that which Is good Ifin dnot .for ye were bought with a price: glorii- wer"°'e "<«"hearda some 'o0f1 tnthe most note;notes! „ vlo,,0~T, »t ' —. " "•"" """* _married1 and_h_e j,vent abroad to try I ?J_ . trjg|yllg,,a§^stjinj^^eJ^it.:ui^ltu-ofU-; =ather3=±=Ht«=!rt ••--•---••••--••• Jr?S?=yjfi=KOflil==thafetewou 1 dnrt±33 retire -- Treacfied a civ-' feet. In the Middle States there was i 'Duck, you fool!' he-shouted, and there was ,...,^.- n;--- ut - auyui--".but the evil that I wuld not do that . ievertheless we expect, ilized station and wrote to your a happy day that I ^ish to be alone to n dm t C r Upor feet, one story high, with a loft "And my mother?" think it over." a confusion of gauges. At_ least seven jumped over him." 'liitive importanc^;eT!'?;" and excellenceS" .,- : -?, as: ! I ^- H is true of .me that I delight things to move along the earth about* mother. I waited anxiously for a re- that-there was only ono commandment in the law of God. after the Inner for the Jury. as usual. ' "Your father, although a compara-" So Fred, taking with him the case different widths of tracks could be Andrew Carnegie, in a Thanksgiving ply, and the answer came. My own MII^ that this. In Itn two divisions of man, but I see' another law—in—my —-Godwin's—tavern—existed— for- maiiy-*^ •— lively a poor man, was a very worthy of Jewels to lie returned to Reader's, found within the single State of Penn- address in Plttsburg, once told this, „„ liive of Odd, nn.3 to love nian...wafl_the members, warring against the law of — Epworth"League letter was returned, marked with the years, .'but In 1750 the Taylor house They are laughing at a man In east one. Before the marriage he settled sylvania, says Moody's Magazine, and story: "A self-made man I know was & -•~*tJtire law of God and Inspired all His my mindr and bringing me into cap- New York who, waking suddenly, single word, 'Dead.' After that, what drove away alone in a very happy and revptntlbn: to and demands of— men. yv'ty JO- the Jaw _ f 'sin. which is in was built to supersede the other, anu two hundred a year on his wife, and contented frame of mind. stx-of"these ranged"wf th~fraCtlonai va- talking to a minister. Tho topic was, , 0 ----- ~ snoshot offf his big toe thinking his foot mattered? I had no hope in life, l •.'. *<* ' Llko the hinges of a door which cause my, members:' O wrcched man that I TOPIC FOR OCTOBER 2, 1310. It still Is doing service as the town.; was tne face of a burglar. Chicago. refused to tou'ch a penny of It when riations between standard gauge and of course, his own success. 'Yes, doo--'"'- • jf- am! Wh. ____o ____shal. l deliver me. from this cared for nothing; 1 lived somehow, They had hardly sat down to break- It t;i swing open or shut so this com- hotel. Another quaint j>la^j>tjructure-_jjwhjch_braKS_of_lts-size-in-everythlnB— the trouble came. He left your mother I fast, lijweyer, J)efore_a_knock-came-uiV jOeeLJIQ-JnchCs. Hi e-sumo-condition tor.l-he-saldr^Ubcgan-life-a-barefpbted:—-— jiiarwline.nt—was—the—hinge—whereon _h_ody_ of flp!Lth? th at— Is— the—sad - -CHlUST-IA-N-S-TEWA-KDSHTPTrAinTr -anyhow,—and-then^after-many-years; •xperlcnce of every, man who knows -Is^the old^MasTmrcnillTrbutlTlustTirftor but feet, has the Incident already -jn—Liverpool;- and -you—were'—Just^Br the door, and one of Sir John's serv- existed in Ohio. - , newsboy. At twenty I was worth $8,- bung all the law of tho prophets. when I cared for nothing, fortune Chrlnt's great answer to which He his own heart, and I am sure Just the revolution and used by that or- noted for its comic almanac of next month old." Many 'of the_ most prominent-lines 000. I was n millionaire at thirty- 1 Cor. 16:2. ear came to me almost unasked." ants handed Fred a letter marked •Joined His own great question: \V"hat such thoughts as these-went through der for about a hundred years. In , y - "An4 he died?" "Private," the contents of which he were originally constructed wlth_othj-r two. 'And yet ewrj^bjo(ly_wns_againBt •_ thin k__ yo. of__TIjrjjit?__teaeh—somiv—vltal tbe mjmj_£if_ihj^ lawyer when hn_hmird- ( ea r 1 -r-rniB-roii U5Gl-a-body-of-northern-troops^ntered--np~^^=^^^ ^ ^ _.___l§i JHy_ J- - .. tlifln'staridarff'TracT^ The~Erle and ISe . I have achieved my. success, doc- "TTnndmnental lewsons. Wo note "(TnTT approved Christ's answer. But 1 w olve Prophets.—Continued.) : had "fatlieri but I am more glad at your reau-with-mu ctra'stonrsiiriienT Paul knew something else beside his 11 and was charged. I sailed -- mother beard nothing of him from tho tbe Albany and Susnuehanna had a tor, single-handed and by my own un- e: 1. Here Is a striking contrast to "Please come to me without delay the Uiiiis of- won,- 2,—IIere-l»-. n wonder-- .own._inipotencc;_ ho- knew—Christ—and- —Wlio-nmUu-'tis? day he. left Jingland, .. Two ..years opportune arrival. . I am to be marrlea tbo 171 and '""' hnfl nn Upon, a matter of urgent importance.! Kuuge of fi feet, as did the belaware, aided efforts.' Here tho proud sclf- ful -revolutio '••'- n of' wha' t really oonstltu- power of his redemption: and (Jod. '•* the debtor's prison some later she died a heart-broken woman, in two days, and—•—" t..M nt».|H..".- ' "~— '- - I'Ollld eoneliiilo \Vh., If your fatber IH wltii yOn_B[1 and—Westora. niruln man—Kwiwd-to rentemluT that; --- . ft**v~n~mtt .sviin . . . nfPve.i .ind—prott'l'ls UH umT .. —T^T-T—— ~ aKer-etttftfttg—for—t TFred, offer of redemption. the Joyful testimony: I 'thapltf; (lod Tris situated back from h,g open boft[ Tf]o hui Itibt Inuatli Him to him. Hring your mother's mar- lena nnd Chicago Union (now the Ohi-' In conversation with a minister, ho watches over. Us with loving solicitude asked me to take charge of you." and I will treble your Income. When tbrougli Je^us Christ my Lord.' all the lime, and provldus ull thu good tho street and contains many inter- , t|la(. lropH nn/,0 tnn riage certificate. w|t|),,you.."...,. ciigo jind...Nprtjxwe.stijrn), also.adopted ought to ado.pt. a Juiniblcr and ..moro l i. A STRIKING"CONTRAST TO THE .estins:.,articles,. the old.-clerlc's -desk;-' .. -''And nothing hait- been heard' of ray <>an.,I. BOG -her? ^- I have -an- iincon- •wrrAT TinNrc YR" OF"" IIiiiiKH .which we enjoj'? "" "'" " Strnngoiy perplexed .at this missive, the (i-fool gauge, but after forty miles religious tone, Ho said, lightly, after "l .«;; """"'" TPT:A'S"OF"MKN;' (!oU. 'proverbial" father?" trollable longing to see my future "- They lawyer'* question about tho the attorney's table nnd other furnl- Fred hastened to obey the summons. had been constructed' the track was a short pause; 'Of course, I don't de- And now we understand why JOHUS Who sent Ills only Son to Hiifl'er "Absolutely nothing; and, as it IB daughter-in-law.'' KreatOHt commandmont was ont quite followeil His great answer to tlrjs mnl to die that we might live und re- Hire of the old courthouse and the "Every time wo buy a now suit tho When Fred entered the library and relald and nt standard width. ny that Providence may, now and so Hlmple to him as It .night have been joice? _over_lwonty years. a.KQ-sUico_h "Now; Iqt IIH go at once,"' lawyer with Hl.s own great question. cases filled with old court papers, go- coat la too anort 1U1(, tne vost too found "Isabel and Sir' Joliiy awaiting Tho"Missouri Pacific hnd .1 gauge then, havo been of some slight serv- ,.| to ua. p,,r it .would KUfTK-est to tm ir.«rcorlutnly His rfcllnltlon-of the law _Uod. - :- --- penred, I do not think it pr.obahie "I am ready; but stop, would It not 1 ir.g back to the. year.a700-and-«arller. ionff "-e-om-|)rariVs"tho"'itchl8on'O"iobb"" him, their aspects bedokeiiod that of "i feot (5 Inches; tho Chesapeake and ice.' " iiiiturully only » iinoHtl,,,, referrln,- to H not one to make Its keeping ea.sler Who .sendH tlie Holy Spirit to dwell T p that we ever shall hear. Anyway, that he bot to prepare her llrst? And, tbe ten CnmnmndnientH of tile Deca- lo man In his natural state. Hone In our hearts and Incltu ua to right ac- Thes<> furnlshlngfl are of solid walnut , Tlu; obvious thing for tho editor of the besides, something unusual had happened. JHU- Ohio, G foot; the Cincinnati. Hamilton A teacher In a Birmingham school I IIIKIIC. Hut Him WIIH nut all the law He propoHOH as a consequence of th H...H.V and did service for ««»'<» '«"two- h,...-!-"." . i*i thy whole of the mystery. 1 loved to take her a - Olobp tn WIMUlllr •Wtttt—rmtcu'vm'lliK Id t'XIlllllll ftl"n~TPTnT~ lor blui-miil-hlM-f<.44Ttw.,.—'Phi'y- lunT-TT |ille«l—to-thn-rnilwny—- Iliey fouml Ii, n,,. MoMiile legislation. IH Ho? •«-«jii8Jnt-d«siprnr-bMt~wnil--mnit~niiT7~'l0i;K|Tion~pu~ t thiT vest. „l_lookcd_alter-_you 'TmiliViT.""w)iiU~'KTiH inijipened'; sir wrll proHorved. At the door Is the : • _ - Z^. - Isabel, was loft an orphan, 1 tooli lo Inivo; a diamond necklace, oh, fi',-j rlnolios, und the Pennsylvania, 1 Hyslom. "Now," ho was Haying, "ciin *'.m,. (bey Inveiiteil f,,,- tbemaelveH. The law cannot anvo us, tiioiiKn "What lia.HI Ihnn Ihnl thou illilst not John " \ml (bey bnil n very niecliaiili al un. 1 ret eive'/" Paul ankH, anil .lame.s replies: her to live In my house, and now my feet II Inches. any nf you tclt me the name of the Ike thin lawyer wo admire It and n, ensuring post ut which negro slavi-n j A dispatch from Honolulu aays that "Kit down, my imy; I wish lo talk ofllco nt which railway tickets are whut would appear lo nn very eli|l,]|Hh meeile UH Justlco and maJt'Hty mid "Mvery Komi Klft ami eyery porfool wore, stood and menmirod before bolng doclorw have succeeded In Isolating fondest hopo« ar« about to bo "fl IH kind of you, father; I It was once thought (hut railroads way of i-mmioratliiK nn,l e'ln.s.siryink' boon Is I ri m , . n ' il with you upon a very serious matter, Hold?" "TIio booking office," replied erfoctloii. Henco If tlio law IH to aiictlonoil. Tho debtors' prison adjoin* tho-Rorm of leprosy, that thoy are realized." TO.:"*)' •• »'•. —•• " — mire lHiiln-1 would like It." of a gaugo of ,'i feet, or of. I! feet «i (hem- IIIWH. They hn.l ileeliled lin their 'Ip IIH 'at all It miiat bo our Hrbuul- tbe Ii'ailu • of llMln.M, with whom ran and I am afraid one of tho lads. "lUght," reMpniidwl lotnl iinmber ,IH beln tii;i. thin belnh- lie no Mil'l llloll, llellber HlllldoW (lull IM tho criminal Jail and also Is queer now trying to develo- p a Horiim, and "Well, HCO here, l.'red, my boy; I sunl! cause you much itluiH, were iinrtlculai'Iy adapled to K nanter to lirltiK UH to Christ. For ."•HI by ti riilm;." , ., , ,. , AB Fred Ardlamont walked homo to pain." tlm teacher. At this moment hlH iiyo Ibe total nnniber of U-tterH In tbe Di>ea- 'brlnt ran nnd iloen fully reveal tho lookHiK. lu H HIOHO who worn iiimhlo that this mc-aim ultimately tho euro his bachelor apartments Mint evening inn u stranger here, but If wo can regions where const ruction rostrf urn li'Kiie. Of them' MS vvern alllrinatlv« \\'e ln-li ng lu l iiid berniiHe He ere- "Sir John, yon alarm me." fell nn a small boy at the end of the rent love of (!oil to u*. Ill.i Inear- to pay their dobts wore confined until for the dlsouHo. Unfortunately this Is ho felt that he had, Indeed, gri'iil get bnlf-ii-ilo/cn lor her to ehoo»e neei'Hiinrlly hravy and Irafllc light. (Ex- uml .Idii were negative, tbi'He inimberH niillon IH the moHt perfect and won- Ueil and redeemed UM, Illld U'e lire not tho firtit lime that wo have hpon from 1 will give I Hem a ch'-ck for Ihe "Tii ii fewWonlH I will toll you what perience norm di'iiioiiHlrated, however, clasiH who WIIH evidently paying vnry beliiK dotfi-iiilticil reH|ieel.lvely bv (h,, derful revelation of It, and Uiorofoni iib.solntrly ili-]ii'luli-nl upun (iml lor Ih they could make good with tholr credit- told wo aro on the nvo of the discovery cause for hiipplnoHH. Young and lumil- number of niembei-H In tbe human Hiipply el' onr iieedH, and lor healt OI-H. Thoy worn limited to certain .full ;iim>un! nn Hei-urlly." bun liuppi'iied VcHlerdiiy your father that (hoy are lucking In operating elll- Illlle attention to what he mild. "Did ^Iven UH the most potent reanon wby mid MIYIIJ;(|I and abllltv ami upiiortnn of a euro for leprosy. Hut It IH 40 somo and in u perfect glow of health, bi.ly and by Ibe innnber ,,f (]MyH |M a we Hboiibl love Him. And II,M the l.oii-idB, which wiiro doclarnd by tlm "No neeil for I bill, fulber; Mr. Homi- gave Imihol a valuable ncrkliico and cliuicy,, and thny are iiviM-ywIiern din- you hear that, Spry?" ho demanded. venr. Aural n lln.y hml very i|iieer no- Ity. yoars nlnco UUIIHIUI discovered tho a position Hudilenly thriiHt upon him Son of man, Ibe ri'Pri'Hentutlve of \\'llil( Illell'.' Justices. bacillus of lo|»rony. er IH u friend of mine niul will lei me lljini, Tlieiie pi-enenlM, wllh'a nuinbor iippi'iirlng. Within a few year.-t tbe "Wot, Hlr?" aiikod that youth, Inno- IbuiH i-oi]cernlnK (he refipcotlvi, iuv| r,,. probably without a parallel In ilir man, lie ban perfectly kept tho law, II fulloUH llml mil real ImulneHH II of oilier JewelH of great money value, cently, "An I thought, you worn not Inllve linportame of thin Kreat uiunH Of wlllrll mi utber man nulld or did world of commerce, about to bo innr n.uve anything I wiini on approbation." (Viitnil VeiinoiU hail relald Ihe Iraek Illl.M world I.H lu du (he will of liiiil. \V. f lorlied In a cabliict In lliitenlng. We will tiuppOHii your fa- iiininmnilmeiitli. Some (hnuulit that lieep, ami iiKiiln IIH Ihe reprcHentutlve Tin* rfiiviiliroU<.r n SlK'u. I The house fly IH rroiiuonlly expound- rled lo lualicl Thorn, the bcantiriil II WIIH nul ni'iil iluii lliey itboiilil have of olio of Ilii narrow Kuugn briinebeH, Ihe miiHl ImiMirlmil wan the one re- re Hti'\viiidH lor liml. not milv Ii ed ii|K)h as tlio monl dangcroiiH dbi- Iniibc'l H lioudolr. I man, lie pabl with Ills own holy llfn a I l IN, bin lii reKiiril i nleco of Hli- John DMWHOII, mid wlthoiil iniieb lo iiuy lo eiieli oilier, and l''reil Hocuroly and'I be Koulbern Purllle ban only re ther derided lo have a day'H holiday billiiK to frliiKiH ami phy|iiet,.r|e.H Ibe penaltv of men'H InuiKrenHlon of The Iliree golden ball.'i lined IIH the na.so purvoyor of Hiinnncrtlme, nayli loi-Keil, |IMi |h,. ,.„ kmi\\'li.|||;i'.-i, uin- lime, mir lulrul.- am )awiibrolier'H High appeared III KliK- a euro or trouiilo m mar hhi Joy, ir loleiilioni.il Ibe iiewn lo .sir John, and iliiclf wan not illy converleii Itn Oaltland.- Han .lomi and vlult Ilii' Hi'iudile, What would bo Some (bat Ibe OIII|HH|UH of ° iililuttiin Hie law. iiinldi!,^; a perfect atonenieiit mil1 Inllnellee. I'elei- liii;r.'i mi lo u Chicago .lournul I.el UH not forgot «IIH IIH bud an bomldile; ntbiM-H tlmt rl i and al a very early dale. II wa.i micil was no wondiii' thai lie raini' ID ili<' obliilneil hlti iierinbiiiloii lo nbtieiil MMnaiilt, mid hint night lino Inlo a Htamlard road. Inivn to do before Im i-onld liike bin I'm- Ihem. and liy the Klft of IIlH "^oiid Hteu'anhi ul Ibe manll'iilil KI-III-, that Ih'i rat IH abin a dmiK'emim mu- yi'rylliiK II I'onlalneil the varliiUH lawn of naerllleeH w*>i-<* the I Inly Hplrll, worliln^' In man,faith, re- >y llm Lombard merelianlti wbo eml- blinueir on eiAiillllon llml lliev illneil wan Miolen." Hlilppori* avoldiid HeildliiK Ibelr i;oi)il-i neat In (bo I ruin?" Without a mo- >rrea(ent. WIIN II a wonder (1ml they 1 ul' doil," nml 1'nul remlmln IIH llml "II ramlor, and a menace lo public health. coni'liiHlon that Hut world wan n bi'iin "Slnlfii! ||y whom',' K' neral Ion. eoiiverHliin, tin net I (lea tlon, IH reiiulred In nlewurdH that n mm iled to London from Italy Thcne wllb Sir .lobii In Ibe evening ' over roiittifi whcro they would liavti to nieiU'H thought, Ilio youiiKHlor "'ere perplexed (Hid (but Ibh. lawy,-r lie liiipmlH (o iiieii'piiwer not • meroly 1 1 I'll 1 placo lo live In. "Itnl who win; ho'.'" . really (lenlred (,, | in\v r,.,,,,, • u,,, found • 1'althlHI." abllnbeil Ihe llrtit pawnbrnklng p»- An hd imii'ti'il up HID Might of i,liilr:i l''nll of bitpplneHh at, (bin reunion, be reloaded, mnl Ibe procean nf tranii- lleil bin loaelim- by replying; "I'awil U lu I'iMK (u lie. lu ili-emn of belnK, to Money In mn by any meom< (be n. . ,„„„„, . ,, ,.,,, , Known «rmlo» "Oh, I'Yeil, dour, I no iion y! bin Inulii!" , |;|-Kiil Itulihl \vbnt wan the KTi'iit Irv (u be, but really mid I'ully power ulillalimrniu,'.-iml :i In generally held ( a| tlr IU1( UM leiullng to hlH clinnilii'ni a niiin v, mi Ibe pull' iipeiil llm iliiv, |||ie u eon|ile rlni; fri'l(;lil WIIH nxlreniely eoiitly lo linportant parl ul' our ttlewm-ibihlp, yel 1 immimiiulliiiiiil of them all. In he Himn ol' Ouil Ihnl l» lo brenine I Me ineaHiIre ul' mn lifUIX iilnenM i» h,(\l I bey adopleil Ihe Ihln. golden of tho IIOHIH polnonei] lu tho tiownrn. ol iielioolbovH Arm in unn tbey wem Ihe rallniiulii, abnorbhiK a lai'Ko iibiuo 1 ChlcnKO ahonld tnlin ineaMiiron to rid iilanillnk on the landlnK, und looluul ni my MKN Mllll/riPI.V COM- Ii men noil wumen to \vhmu (be Mlewm-iln will j;i iirrnII)' b/ Ailliiil In llu lulhi lu be borne on ,1.1m arum of Ibe iliiwn lo Koniler'H, Ihe riimoiiii Je\vel of tlio pi olll n. hiiino rotnpanlcH laid a Inw In tin longer (he Irlnioiiie, lerrl wiiy \\'e illnpuMe ul' uin- inuiiey. Mune\ hornolf of tbc nil phu-.ne, which not him Iniiulrlnicly. \ MtinliriMkiik l,f idumliuil i;nm',e. Otlliirn ahlfleil mmiitmenlii him alwayn been mid HiliifiM (i1f .l.liln UK' II we are AvIllliiK "Yrn; Hint In my iianic." York, pialni'il u lur)in.v'n mimhroom nml liuh' wlll/..r n Invlni; h'litlier, and (ii deny oliiHi'lve.-i In money iniillei'M vbli'b wan romipleiioiiM miionc, Ibn nnmln nf ilollani by HM nharp tooth and jibfe jeweln lo be (lent up on npprobii- Inmled rani b.y nirunu of craneii from •.Illl^ln tbe hllmlin lenileii,.)' MM|| !( "My 'liunii' In Kcxili, ;ilr, .Incoli Hook, Illn viilee ninili •iVimin fn.irt Die mbitalien 1.1,-u dial ll|.elll|.*i| Illi'.V dlllly CXperlenre l||n and lo ilrvul,. II mid llumchl lu llu. .ombmil mereluinl prim-en of Italy. Inonllnnle n|>|Mitl|o. Iluii, mnl Mr Homier, belli); nn lull lo u wbliipur, and a 1 love mnl do really love Him Ibelr de lieni im-umi ul miiiin inuiiey h,e II III • of lli'iullu'ii I'lU'iiln Doltifil v one mil of Inii'ka lo unolliiir, anil llm "Thi-iii iimiihi cioiiiM," he nilirlnded, lht..fiiore ymi beiliti, |n u ,„„,, w|(ll mull, nil-nil of sir .lolin'u, uml luiow leprihle i;r,i> ui'hM MpreiKl over bin faeo, Ilivhl In lu d<>' llln will" Kor Ihl" I lie, or mneh lu III'1 Mel'l Ire ul' liud. The hour In lulu, nil, lull I KliouliL Verinnnl I'eiilnil fninbibeil earn wllb "ri'inlml me of an Inrldeiu (hat oji-, luwli nnil iTKlilullunil the beller uhl.. Illi; Ibe ori'Mitloli for wbleli Ihey wei-e "II <-iin'l be I rue " von will In. I,, malte him „ mural (lie will of (lull. 'Ihm, wr keep. Ill Iheli II In probable llml ue nliiill I"' Him u few wurilii ullb you upon u ll'lll'llll wlllrll roulil be Illlllllllell III i-lllieil wblle I wan liiiiu.id In Ihn niH i iiimnmidmeiilM ami Mix rum,,mini Ii.mid li\lii); lu he l.iilliliil In u uevi'i -iln roiinlrcil. bail no beiilliillon in nlloWIni; "I believe II no fur lo bo I rile, l''reud Ml i- \VM iiln In muiiey mailer^, \* •• .'ml im i ,»-•' I llm ui,:il\, wolKliliiK «KI) pmindn, Nu.'ill lie liwlli'lli-il oil Illd IlKlH anil Ind Shu u iiioiiiiini, my boy. 1 have :i •line III'' Iraln IIIIIMI he iiloppril Well, i.'ov-ei-nlnn mnl e ullliui (h,, lulnu' IIIIIMI he,;ln ilr.'pu iliiwn Ihmi (hi' hul Mi'Vernl lliiH'u, nml illil Iiul iillein|il lo viir, In an atloiupt lo oulblil Whlliiey, I.-MI mjigUii or ii umn'ii |u,, ,,„, IrKlnli l,«»nlntf ;enl hn wan no- "lll'tol'l' I rcnn ' lo hiih|iii'lni; thai, I've IUMI leeled lo preMenl Ibe btinl ratio of llm Illlll II C|IH'H||(HI or l wi'i. Mr. Anllii iimneil Aiilliony I'rinp, who rerelved nir, run up uml ilown Ibe ruirhiK''" lo' 1 1 1 Iml, open [be I'linliel nnil lei Ililii ilenr road wan muleitulien llm ('milnil l.'u ln Ibbi iiolelv ebm-iirlerbille ,,r Koine i lure llu forelxn trade of Ihln V|K»I'<>UH 'Meeoi illnn lu Iheli |>ow<uei, ihi's New (>i-|i'ii n-i I'mi'." lo Ihe allenllon ol' a rum lull leu I Ilillll'Vo'.'" llln rllli; wiui iilm Iril wllh u li-fool (null, lieaeil 'l'lie> rmind, In u leiinmml nir- .-ildbuil, mill e lljvillll II In provnn 11 mle lor I'oiKcry ' ombe/,/,lemont 7 ol' Ibe llrlllsb. Now Ilicy nn> ilolim e ul Iheli own m d. beiieer h I n il roiiKi'i'iia line oT Ihe rmli;i IVIMIIII'II, "Thitl In no " Amlil I'M'liiniiil liiiiu uf ilrIli'lil limliel wlilln llm Union I'acllle. wan lier.nn an rlu|.',r nn nlil 1*01111111 leiinlnr, far mil of I Iiu/ I'MriiineM \\lll mei'l. Many i. \vlth mneh eulrenl\- In rrKiiid u ul ii pui'l li'lllnl'lv i rnel Ulnil I UiKeil 1 .y- Irleil on Ibe viirloini |ewi<|u, uml \\lih a iiliiinliiril mail, mm), di'Mll'Inii I'lirnenllv lo live i, mllv '-'il |>ei' ecnl. Tlio Ueriliaiiii urr 'lliln man nml (he lel|uvvMhl|i In Ih vlahliii; lu idiuvv |I|M wll and nareanin, "IM01 IKM it IIMIIM 1 Hut h, niith him ulih II yenlerday, mnl bo did mil Ibe window, \uivliiK In'i ariini Illlii hi'tf i luhl ,111'' bun lliiiiiMhl lii miiiin In lllllhdel III" lu Ihe nillnln '' And I In ! l.ef^iil 'I'.-iMlrr. 1 IIIIU II Illlllnlelli e IM I Al'llllllllolll Illlllle Tlm nil|;liiiil I'Hi'lllr. Hnllloml bill i r,,\villii|; Iliein .and (ho nullveii are he iiild Ihnl he had never neon a fall.nr ',, llnlllwi'irr Ilinbi elln exi-IH'illy. i inn I'uiie by iiiuMiu; f,,r hliin,,,|r n I'Milulmi I In- 110111 re ul' lllln ill ' l,'T,al I'-liil. I In nnv lilml ot imniey i < her elioone u nml'nl lleeiil )\. nlilrler Ibeli d,.MIUII,!„ A hleh mnv he ihi'f him I inlil < "in nil nun e\|iei'leil liiiiu'' nml when, iilli.i iiillm; ainJi liilnplnd thu iitmulun) "'You foobi.' iilm amiwi'ieil, '\fhy ,.t\l neemeil lu him bin up A rHItmcillritl l*rnu:rnHHl<>ii. /n ilollnra ami I'nlli'il Mlalea ln'iinniv imilm'd nlleiil. Iml bin .iilliui dlmilo re "1 only \vlnlinl 10 MIIIMly Illllll-ll M lolir, i Din''I "Ul lull, |i'rei| Illlll hiuln.| I luive imi llnliihi d yni I hn vi. looKeil 1 "You an* no popular," nlglin lln- lurled, "Thu rurpa old of reapeel In 1 r.iini;e Ililn't yon nluii berme? Wi<\»«.'Jiinl r.,"- '" '" nmii'n lilen llml lulea IIIK lrr.nl Irmli'l Tin' nllvel Illlll llml yon mi ilio Illllll I SMUll Olll 1 up llm reeorilM *>f libt rmte, nml I llml UM moM'il |O\MII'I||I llu roinierviiiloi y, l\l r pniinrd Iwu of llu1 Illleill II i ll/ftv)lnnm "nnil limnun temlenrv M\\ uln "You luivo NO many rmlloi'M." liil la i , 11 ii,11 lor iiul 1,11 ami ill me ai e lej;nl •Ulli'jeuii mid Ilieimlelvea have mini III I'Ci'lU'.v, 'nil , ri'ri'lvinl a IIMIIIi.hlllll |u llml lie **.ii,'i honliineud In Innmir), "Tlie bleat" umllni llm I'jilr yoiiui; „;'"'• '"' l"i"l, iroa, ,,;„„,„„. \rilliinionl i eiiiiilneil heliiml In llm I've nei'ii Ihln iniiny u .M ;•' HIVIOM iiii'r iiMr; 1 i eliiler up lo $ii maile In one pin men! Ihrlr repi i.aen i al I ven I lie unly mail HIM i- n |i'i cil..i |i' Aiilliinioiil Illllllltll I\M, '|'|i|. ''..'.'1..:,";.::r:;;;,,,;;;;v: IU,.Ui.-a iM'litn la. nun p.i.v lin'iil. lii>lil m hln liuilv aiiil_ lie iilll.y. 'ullnu'.. until... Will lull oil Ilio |oh Mli'l ibijn ,,| 1 liillllirl'. ..".I .\vliili.l wiiH.liliu,"— • - ••- AVlinn a .uti'onu, .hiuillhy mnn eel-* -tr ..III.. l,ulll'll. Illl.M |'l..|,ll lull -lit -(lOlt'lV '.III. ...! ulili:.. u ml .1111 Im , ' Vnu/.ll- lu..lmra" -•• 1 1 !•'" . ul vvhnl. (I..d ri'iilh Miiiin ,,r men inimt llbKiir " 1»"Nlr.'~Niiiii",';l''itrlli ; III" 'I'l I lira I en, allver rerl llh'iilea ami na wlm poaaeiliieil a romidule null ol' Ihi'i'iilrlcii I l MI [ Mm "Your \\bili ninili bn Ki'iinloil," nald M.voie |inlli. In I" mill be In iii'tiii'i ».»"«i 't, -';;,''"""«•""."«' «;;, Ai ilbnnoni lu i s n ni I nl ni' I lieni | lu ''I lie iliile of \'our mother n wi ildinc P'lii.l llu ileeliMen llml mi lh,,i,. |M "eeuml lliiK'er lii Mr llnliler. ami Ihr 1 rlol hi'ii " ilealll Ihnn Ihr Invnllil \ylio hmfi liiiml hauK nolea are mil leMul leiulei l.oniluN, nlii'ii', I lii'll 1', Mill' Illllll, Mir lolin enlereil wiui Illi' I llll liine, Ilill-l " I hi' Ki'lili', nnililrnly appriil Illi;, "Do yuu Iml one ,l',Mv|llver the I.MW !•, um, Ihlril llii|;ur Hie Ihlril linger of my lel'l ai'iiilinl Ihe nlld^ uf Hie HHin1 ruiilln I every; purl or II „( ,,,|in,| | . •.mi . "-- '=;„:;':;,;;:: \ man iloen mil have In arrnpl lln-ni mill now, nl'ii'i- n r.mnl lll'lll Of "III II I''UI llll lllMnlll III mi'iiii II V" m hnnil Ihe Ihlril llminenl of a ilebl niileaa he wlahua. "Illlll,., ymi MI . I llllVM I'lMIIMl \ nil, nil' ' "No, mi!" ri'lril llu. iniupi'i , Inuillly, imll.v. ' . ''"•. M ml Imvi* /Inluiii u .'ui h unn.i in nil' "Il im.mm, inv boy, llml Hie IIIIIM .1 en/,'.X bill' one riimimiuilmi-nl wlileh Ne.xl day bo jjol llm rlnjf for II. four hi.vliieiui ri'imi your father I" "Apil iiiny | liii|nlri' wlu> him h 1 ",|IIMI lrl inn '10 inr with bin iliimoy." ClileiiKo INint. I'm- llml Illllll ll|Mlll|. In nn IniiM'iiliii , nml nul your f.ilber A winiinii In not (ini'i. a mail \\i\cr\ |irr' 'm,mi,i Tlinro are alwa.yn lo(n of wolyoa nn "Nope; ilad'n ill III i\"l nil ho oVOL* rilllll I IIIMI/'.ll |o rillllllllllMlllll \IMI "Aiilliony t'rliip!" rilllailrlpliln I'n-M'i. n( nil. Wbi'i'O IM bo nowY" .Hill lie Iclln her be iloen mil. , til HID men I-UKIIIIK In a wolf biinl. limll" I il I '.'\ i -F- TWOMEY Town Council Meeting. Cumberland Mutual • An adjourned meeting was held Fire Insurance Oo. Mo tar y Public on Tuesday evening, Sept. ayth. estions Of BridgetoH, N. J. ' ' All-preseiiII— jji^o^i"*-t. : Company-ofTSIxty- ,'| iii tUeao linen properly aud Approved minutes of last regular five-years Biaudiug Insures all kinds of Ir promptly aUenoVrt to. and two adjourned meetings. property, not extra hi.zaidoue, against | The new fire district ordinance loss or dnimiRe by flro or lightning. The Independent Giberaon Building, Hammonton. for the Guild. rates are lower rhan others. 'Losses are Phono — No. 582 Terms, $1.25 per Year; $1 in Atlantic County. was-^eii-up-nwior-arnfindraeyts .prompt! ndiiiBtcd and paid made, and passed second reading California Privet after prolonged discussion. From 0 inches to 3 feet Mr. A. J. Rider, delegate to the Outing Flannel, Canton Flannel for garments Wayland DePuy* Corner Second nnd Oherry Streets, VOL. 48 HAMMONTON, N. J., OCTOBER 8, 191O Hnrlgns Bet and guaranteed. State Shade Tree Convention, held v at Trenton, made a veibu.._. l report) - Draw bodies, . tlammouton. N. .T; I will have this Fall a good stock of giving a number of good sugges- Underwear, Blankets, Frait and Ornamental freoa, Shrubs tions in regard to municipal regu- For the Best Meals Roses, and Bulbs. Extra larpre vme» lation of planting, choice of trees, Socks, Wash rags, Skirts, ,- GO TO and their care. WINTEB OPENIlfG-1910 -Bank Brothers Store at the best varieties of Grapes. Fire Chief, and Co. No. i report- Union Suits Infant's Socks, Cramer's Restaurant W. H. FBBNCH, ed that the ladder truck is satis- Spear Building— New location Narseryman and Dealer, Bammonton. factory, and LaFrance ^ompany's Sleeping Garments. • *We_pr_esent for your inspection a collection of the newest and best makes,—new creations made bj America's kading and best manufacturers. bill for same, $i'<95, was" ordered ——v Hammonton. — Good quality is always our first aim,-rrlow prices never tempt us to buy any goods unless they are~up to Bank Brotliers~standaTa^iii~quality. We paid by unanimous vote. This leaves $142.54 in the fire depart- Meals at AJ1 Hours, add the lowest margin of profit possible, and turn over to our customers high grade goods at a great saving in price,— never at the expense of the Harness, Blankets, s goods. Every dollar's worth of merchandise we place on sale is doubly guaranteed,—by the manufacturer and,by us,—thus assuring you of good I! •*•.• ment fund. At Zambones. Full Meals 25 Cents : Voted, to hold another^adjourned quality at all times. We invite criticism and j ust complaints. ,., Should any .purchase made here .prove a bad investment, your complaint will be Trunks, etc. meeting onThursday^eve, zgth. " ~ s.made nght^= • ' liTl:-. Mr. James V. Baker tendered . 'Served in all "Styles...... f At L W. OOGLEY'S. his resignation, which was laid on -Footwear. Our enlarged Shoe Department has helped to the table. Philadelphia Pure Ice Cream Correct Clotnes for Men, Young Menj antf . Adjourned at 10.43. New Fall and Winrer Sutts and Overcoats. . solve the shoe question. You no longer have to suffer if 35 cents a Quart. you wish to wear stylish shoes.- We offer you scores of ClothesThlit were All members present except Mr. Families Sfirvcd with Oyatera and Ice Cream newest j;tyles that ^embrace comfort, style, arirl"^urabrlity; -Biker? " on short notice. Both Plioppg Schafiher & Marx -tailoring organization^ acknowledged —The- new--dog ordinance- takeiL ag America's l^a^rng-aTid—best-manufact-urersr-are—herer up and passed third and final read- ready. . Evef^garment is rrTade~of^all^wdoT fabric, testedr ing,—to take effect immediately. before they are made. Quality and workmanship are ------Menrand Women. was instructed to procure biS We are authorized Men's Walk-Overs at $3.50, , and $5, Ordinance fixing the salaries of rgi ve satisfactory, wearr Comrrilmerj— was— referred— "Men's and Younoung Men'ens Suitsuts, $118 to $225 • Central Ave., Hamoonton, N. J. " ^ Finance Commitjge. Men's and"Youn g Me-ffs^OvercoatSj $16. 50 to $22 -Boys'- gun metal,—lace and button. - • Large assortment of A resolution defining boundaries Commissioner of Deeds, Palms,|Ferns, House Plants, of grading and drainage distirct Men's and Young Men's. Suits, $15, $12.50, $10^ Women's Walk-Overs at $3.50 and $4^ ntT'lowers.1^ Fnnerttl Hesifir ^ailOTS^ --new-styles^alUeath^rsy-lace-or-button^- in Kresb F|f"»«r«, War, or Metal*. mittee of the whole, amended" , and Men's Shoes_at_i$3^5p_andJ>3._^_Haye theiTadopT^ST ynn presentable— amongst good-dressers^- Here is what one wonian does in All the .newest weaves, in grays, browns, blacks, blues. proveii'inour six years of selling them. -J WATKIS-i-NICHQLSQN.- Chairman of the' Highway Com- Mil OTdpr-triatrher^mahogany-rnay^look-.- Florists and Landscape Uardeners. mittee was authorized—to-employ-a-j 'Byrconrparing quality- and- work-manship,— you-w-il-1-easily--- is_ike_best shoe 'made -for. given rjrice_ Phone 1-W competent surveyor to formulate; as nice as she thinks it ought to; 1 be convinced that we save you from two to nve dollars specifications for grading, drainage- If you do not, you can find out by and sewerage within district above "About once in two months, I • little inveatigation tbat onTa suit. • . Men's Shoes at $2.50"and $1.95. Goodyear's welt, "McKay" , -Ehillips-Co. "defined? Men's and Young Men's Suits at $7.50 and $5. sewed, ill all leathers, lace or button. Voted, to appropriate "irom tlie ~JMen!s.Jaho.es.. at &I.2O and $1.50,,—_of kangaroo^rid^gnn^ JFireJLnsurance. license fund sufficient money to all dust. Then," with warm Ivory Is the very best paint | that will stand good wear and is equal tp any suit that : . metal,—lace only. Soap suclsTarfd a piece~of~charnois^ —that-was ever used in Hammonton. j^ you will pay a few dollars more for. Twenty different styles and grades in MenVheavy-Work- It being stated that the dam at I begin rhy washing. After that, I There ore scores of buildings that yon Men's and Young Men's Suits at $3.50 4 ing shoes, made of the best wearing quality, $1.26 to $3.50. —MONEY-— the foot of the Lake is in an unsafe "see every day, painted wipe 'lightly with a piece of cheese Consisting of a few of each kind,— most of them higher _Boys' Sh^esJ_$i.95jo_$2.50) in all leathers, many styles. County Freeholders about making cloth, polishing with a chamois." years nj!", and looking well' priced goods. If your size is here, you willsave several Boys' 13hoes, $1.20 and $i 45 Mortgage Loans. at iiiu prenont time. needed repairs. - dollars. Little Boys' Shoes at 95 c, $1.20, $1.50 and $1-95) — patent Adjourned at ten o'clock. 4 The Hammouton Paint is sold for less Correspondence Solicited. Ivory Soap.. 99 ^Too Per CeatPure than any oti.or flrst-clnnn Paint. It boa Men's and Young Men's Light-weight Overcoats, colt, gun metal and vici kid. -no eqnalp-as-it-woikfrwellr-ocv _ _Ladies^lioes_ at $3J^ndJJ2.5crni c/ mu u>n hol) lamr , \Vo havo Hiivurul Miiikdx Local Phono 877 begins at 95 c, $1.25, $1.50, and up to $5. Guarantee with those from #2'iip. Rubber Footwear at a saving of ten per cent. Company." lowiuii^r. SHOES Itispolnponnjorcilhnnnthou*!.!..! Wo runt inuoliiiinH by thu woiik or month / dining the nexl twelve inunilis. Noodlnn for nil m;ioliiiu you don't want — ItoltH, Ul nud U> cnntH. .und to know tlint the t!ol'i.rr,— tin: approval, in fat and workmanship. We hold ourselves responsible, even when garment is in your service. We make Men's and Ladies' Suits and dolhus yon t1 > vint — \VIMC in t!io M^1- Coats to order, do all kinds repairing, cleaning and pressing. Second floor. ln(rn liank ciciViti.il to your accoin.t f Will furnlHli pin i h iiir any miicliliin. SHOES filry.t aclli furni:. — iiur •""i Men's Haberdashery, superior in quality, free )lMln|; bl.u.l.it. k l*'^ und ItH'.wlo SuixIrlcH Duiry Hats and Caps. I-., fl. RTROL'T riMPftNY b Ho)'iiliinn proii.ptly iliinii. lower iii price. liln |>lllnhur-i D (live \no n trliil. In our Hat Department you will find the newest Kclipse Shirts arc the best of America's product, at $r and CliU.ou;..I.IU|;. I.auJ Tltlcllldi; i'nl'.ull.il. I .• K Jas. E-ubertoiio, Locnl I'lioiiK JIMS and best grades. #1.50. We have them in scores of patterns, all styles. H. W. Miller, Agt., Hammonton, N. 'J.|'.! Iltillnviin Avo., lliuuinoiitim. Men's Shirts, 48 cents, full si/e, attached or detached cuffs. ,' (Win Itril Cronn I'liiiriiuiny. Iliu IIIN). The }. B. Stetson Company contribute to this depart- ment. The iii-w styles in'soft and derbys are here. Men's Shirts special at 19 cents, value 30 cents, attached W. J. IH,IN r^iuilrlMK noil loltnrlliK 111 Ornmtory lliiniiiioiilon, N. .1. ni>«tlj » nd BulUfiictvnlx . in. and derbys, equal in quality and looks to any #2.50 hat. IlkiiiiDiildn, . N. .1. , It will p.'iy you to look at them. l\ -. Men's Knit Jackets, 45 c, 950, #1.25, £1.50, and up to the Men',s Mats at 95 c, fti.ao and #1.50—many styles and colors very best at $5. Ho Telephone?? igKt Into Eycoignt" in soft felt and derbys. Men's fleece-lined underwear ;it 35 cents and 45 cents. Men's aud Hoys' Hats at 45 and 48 c. 25 c Caps at 19 c Men's woolen, Underwear, 75 criits, 95 cents, $1.25, and up Iln c,out In flhoo luaUxir. Shoes for Everybody! 50 cent Caps at 39 ets. Caps at 75 c and 95 c tola. Your |>ro|infty in oiino Your Eyca «ro ' I'olii-e Suspenders at 15 cents, value 25 cents. ( of llrp. Cllmnx or Verlbo.it RlooflnJ Your Moat Valimlilo PoMCMi'on Qulrlilf Ul<1, 1urnWnnlni<>'jt ) Your I,not rrhcn you mrk liul flr«-l>Tn.id pro'it, liwli Ladies' Tailor Made Suits. $1.50 Shirt Waists at 73 c. Plain tailored, in madras and 1 , Po You Value Tlicin ? S8.V6S ( "«"'' "'" Ooolor. I moUler •lulu, nlwuyu iillnhlu lllnilruiiJifiv, We exhibit the newest models in Ladies' Suits, men tailored, at a great saving. linen, laundered etifl's and collars. \ quliildy, Our Repaii'^Department i» I i«'M unilir iriMrnntM mi<\ it in.' lull «/»«-• nry uoodicnu lmr«turiKil«ii'U(.i>''HfY >•»• Ladies' Suits at $7.50, fliio, $12.50,'$15, ntul $18, in gray, blue and black. #1.25 and 95 c Shirt Waists at. 50 c, of fine lawn, lace and JVnil nil for !"»« limn Iho onnt of lino J. R, HUNTER i,nil«l. "' » 1)1^111 n ility, on notiiikl mini, of thn making friends every da}'. V Ladies' Suits, special at $5, value up to #8, in gray, blue and black. embroidery trimmed. I1IH VllMI. Eye Specialiot Mill. I) 1IY (fun J/KU ajfarit to lie without ilt 214 Market Street JOSEPH K. tViall W" Inntiill n phono fur you ? II 1C ^l. pi (N On the merits of our goods, and the honest business principles on which our business is conducted, A. .1. JlIDKll, 1 I'l I'Nlllnt.l HIHl Mil II Mill'I', ,wo invite your po.tr onag-o. HAIIIiiiiiiiliiii Tolopli inn (f Tnl»|(iii|ih ('u. booklet fiimi, for cl««uin|| £!•••«•. A rioul iu DupirtiiKnt '|"- MONFOKT'S SHOE STOKE OOAI. lilMl \VI» I will t>rlii|( you 0110. BANK IJ STOKE, Bellovue Avonuo, llammontoii, IN(w Jersey. I*aill .your subscription!' llilllllllOlllOII.

A . '