Help Build the Memorial Honoring Commodore John Barry (1745 – 1803) at US Naval Academy

Commodore John Barry was an Irish born Revolutionary War hero and the first commissioned naval officer under the U. S. Constitution. Efforts are now underway to erect the Barry Gate and Barry Memorial at Barry Plaza at the pedestrian entrance to the Naval Academy in Annapolis.

Here is the new John Barry Gate and Memorial The Ancient Order of Hibernians, the largest Irish American organization, is now raising funds to erect the Commodore John Barry Memorial. The memorial will be completed in two parts.  The first, which is set for January 2011, is a arched sign over the Academy’s new pedestrian gate, officially designating it the “Commodore John Barry Gate.”  The second element is an eight-foot tall granite memorial honoring Barry that will be placed inside the Barry Gate. The adjoining area will be designated “Barry Plaza.”

Contact Information Jack O’Brien, Coordinator – (301) 336 – 5167, or John McInerney, Public Relations Director – (202) 213 – 2055. [email protected]

Today, we need your help to make this possible.

Hibernian Charity, c/o Frank Kearney, Secretary Post Office Box 391, Meriden, Connecticut 06450 (203) 235-2746 I am donating $______to help make the Commodore John Barry Memorial a reality at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Please make check payable to “Hibernian Charity Barry Project.” Please print neatly Name ______Address ______City ______State ______Zip ______e-mail address ______@ ______First Naval Commission the United States. With these actions, the under the Constitution was born. Captain Barry directed the construction and outfitting of the first frigate USS United States and trained many of the first officers of the Navy, including naval heroes of the Tripoli War and the . Barry later commanded a naval February 22, 1797 – Realizing the need squadron as Commodore, becoming the for strong naval leadership, President first recognized flag officer of the George , on his 52nd Navy. (Public Law 109-142) He served birthday, summoned his friend and as head of the American Navy under Revolutionary War naval hero, John Presidents , John Barry, to the Presidential Mansion in Adams, and Thomas Jefferson until his Philadelphia. death in September 1803. President Washington personally During the American Revolution, presented Barry with Commission John Barry served heroically in the Number One in the newly formed Continental Navy. He was appointed United States Navy under the US captain of the Lexington in 1776. He Constitution and entrusts him with its captured 20 British ships, was seriously command and leadership. wounded, and fought in the last naval Barry accepts the commission as battle of the Revolutionary War in 1783. a Captain, the highest rank authorized by Barry served his adopted country Congress at that time. It was backdated during the Revolution to help create a to June 7, 1794, the date of his original new nation. appointment. He was given command of

The time has come to publicly recognize Commodore Barry at the United States Naval Academy. Barry’s Patriotism Barry was fiercely loyal to his adopted country during the Revolution. A prime example of his fierce loyalty to the American cause was when Admiral Lord Howe offered Barry a bribe of 15,000 guineas in gold and a captain’s commission in the if he would desert the patriot cause. Barry quickly responded: "Not the value or command of the whole British fleet can lure me from the cause of my country which is liberty and freedom."

Inspire Future Leaders The life-long career of Commodore Barry will be an inspiration to the U.S. Naval Academy’s midshipmen, who are the future leaders of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. His life reflects the virtues of courage, commitment, patriotism, fidelity, duty, honor and loyalty.