50 Academic Policies appeals process ends here . remaining faculty members will serve . Step four: (ii) Two students to be selected from a standing pool • For procedural appeals and academic dishonesty of eight students elected by the student government . appeals, the recommendation from the Grievance The student filing the grievance will propose four Committee is forwarded to the SVPAA in written names from that panel, the faculty member will strike form, accompanied, if necessary, by any supporting two of those names, and the two remaining students data that formed the basis of the recommendation . will serve . Should the Grievance Committee conclude that a change of grade is warranted, the two faculty In the event that any faculty member or student select- members on the Grievance Committee will recom- ed through the foregoing process is unable to meet, mend an appropriate grade . In case of disagree- another elected member of the panel will serve as an ment between the two faculty members, the dean alternate . chairing the Grievance Committee will decide which The Grievance Committee will be chaired by a dean of the two recommended grades to accept . The (other than the dean of the school in which the course recommended grade change shall be included in the was offered) to be selected by the SVPAA . The dean report . so selected will have no vote except in the event of a • For quality of work appeals, if the final consensus of tie, and will be responsible for overseeing the selection the department committee is that the academic eval- of the Grievance Committee, convening and conducting uation that led to the course grade was prejudiced the committee meetings, and preparing the committee's or capricious, the department committee will recom- report(s) and other appropriate documentation . mend an alternative course grade . If the instructor of record agrees to change the grade to that rec- Due Process Procedure a . Both the student and the faculty member shall ommended by the committee, the appeals process have the right to be present and to be accompa- ends here . If the instructor of record declines to nied by a personal advisor or counsel throughout change the grade, the department committee shall The the hearing . prepare a written report, including the department committee’s recommended grade . The report will be b . Both the student and the faculty member shall forwarded to the SVPAA and the instructor of record, have the right to present and examine witnesses who may send the SVPAA a written response to the and to crossexamine witnesses . report . Curricula c . The administration shall make available to both Step five: the student and the faculty member such authority • For procedural appeals and academic dishonesty as it may possess to require the presence of wit- appeals, the SVPAA renders a final and binding nesses . judgment, notifying all involved parties . If such an appeal involves a dispute over a course grade given d . The Grievance Committee shall promptly and by a faculty member, the SVPAA is the only universi- forthrightly adjudicate the issues . ty official empowered to change that grade, and then e . The full text of the findings and conclusions of the only to the grade recommended by the Grievance Grievance Committee shall be made available in Committee . identical form and at the same time to both the • For quality of work appeals, if the SVPAA agrees student and the faculty member . The cost shall be with the department committee that the academic met by the university . evaluation that led to the course grade was preju- f . In the absence of a defect in procedure, recom- diced or capricious, she or he is authorized to mendations shall be made to the SVPAA by the change the course grade to the grade recommended Grievance Committee as to possible action in the in the department committee’s report . case . g . At any time should the basis for an informal hear- Structure of the Grievance Committee ing appear, the procedure may become informal The structure of the Grievance Committee will be as in nature . follows: (i) Two faculty members to be selected from the Student Academic Grievance Board . The faculty member against whom the grievance has been directed will propose four names from that panel, the student will strike two of those names, and the two 52 The Curricula The Curricula 53 engagement with the world as it is . Always ordered Choice of Curriculum Within the framework of these five areas, students THE CURRICULA to a new day, however, we not only mediate past and have a number of options so that fulfilling the require- present, but use this knowledge to freshly approach Descriptions of the various curricula will be found in ment can become a stimulating and enjoyable experi- enduring questions and take creative and accountable the college and school sections and, where appropri- ence while providing the breadth of knowledge neces- action in the world . ate, under the discipline heading . For students who sary for further studies and for life as a well-educated Introduction desire a curriculum involving an ordered sequence of human being . Creative and Aesthetic Engagement courses (natural sciences, accounting, mathematics, The various curricula at Fairfield University are Creativity is a process of transformation, of tak- engineering) the initial choice of program is important; Options within the Core Curriculum arranged into five general categories . The first three ing things, whether they are physical or intellectual, for other students, first-year and sophomore courses Area I: Mathematics and Natural Sciences categories - core curriculum, electives, and majors - and turning them into something new . Aesthetic provide a solid basis and background for any subse- represent coursework that all students are required to Engagement refers to the awareness, understand- quent decision to major in such areas as economics, • Two semesters of mathematics . At least one semes- complete . The remaining categories - second majors ing, and judgment of the aesthetic properties of art English, history, languages, and visual and performing ter must be a calculus course (MA 19, MA 121, and minors - designate optional coursework . In addi- and nature . Such appreciation promotes emotional arts . MA 122, MA 145, MA 146, MA 171, MA 172, tion, special features such as an honors program, development, refines ways of seeing, interpreting, and MA 225, MA 245, or MA 273) . interdisciplinary learning communities or clusters, makes life experiences more meaningful . Students fulfill the curriculum requirements that are independent studies, and internships are available to in place at the time the student matriculates . Once • Two semesters of a natural science . Any two students . new changes are in effect, students have the option of courses in any of the natural sciences, as well as Global Citizenship AY110 or PY 261, fulfill this requirement . Global citizenship encompasses identities and a sense remaining with the requirements in effect at the time of Pathways to Integration of self-realization and belonging at many levels of their matriculation . Note: Psychology majors cannot use PY 261 to fulfill In order to embody the university's goals of integrating participation and self-realization, from the individual, this core science requirement . to family, society, country, the world, and planet earth University Course Numbering the core, connecting living and learning, and practicing Area II: History, and the Social and Behavioral itself . Even as tensions arise among our arenas of Jesuit values and to carry this vision into daily work, System Sciences a set of pathways to integration offers a conceptual belonging, we navigate such obstacles to work con- structively through differences and make the most of Undergraduate • Two semesters of history . HI 10 plus one 200-level structure to organize efforts and aim at common out- 01-99 Introductory courses comes across the university . growing ethnic, cultural, racial, linguistic and religious course . CL 115-116 (Greek and Roman Civilization) diversity . The point is to reflect humbly on our privi- 100-199 Intermediate courses without may be used to fulfill this requirement . The pathways and their associated student learning leges, connect with others, not only know the world but prerequisites objectives assist in getting beyond fragmented learn- engage with the world, and work towards social justice 200-299 Intermediate courses with • Two semesters of anthropology (except for AY ing by constructing meaningful connections among by transforming society for the greater good . prerequisites 110), communication (CO 100 and CO 130 only), curricular and co-curricular experiences . For students 300-399 Advanced courses, normally economics, politics, psychology, or sociology . Both the pathways provide six frameworks to integrate Rhetoric and Reflection limited to juniors and seniors, courses may be in the same department or they learning across the core within their majors and minors As habits of mind, rhetorical action and reflection are and open to graduate students may be in two different departments . Also includes and throughout their living and learning experiences . key principles of Jesuit education . The focus of both with permission ED 241 for Certificate students only . Integration using these frameworks is facilitated is to use thought and language for specific academic, Graduate Area III: Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Applied through faculty, staff, and peer advising, through intellectual, and social purposes, and to develop the Ethics students' own periodic reflections on their progress, habit of mindful reflection . 400-499 Master’s and Certificate of Advanced and through guided living and learning programs . For Study courses, open to undergraduate • Two semesters of philosophy . PH 101 is required faculty and staff the pathways offer a variety of over- Quantitative Reasoning students with permission followed by a 200-level course . arching learning objectives that courses, co-curricular In order to perform effectively as professionals and 500-599 Master’s and Certificate of Advanced activities and learning communities can target as citizens, students must become competent in using, Study courses • Two semesters of religious studies . RS 101 is outcomes . Students conducting a science experiment, interpreting and presenting quantitative data; in under- 600-699 Doctoral courses, open to qualified required followed by a 200-level course . for instance, might demonstrate learning in how they standing the power and limitations of quantitative Master’s students • One additional course in philosophy, religious communicated with team members, used quantita- reasoning; and in applying basic quantitative skills to studies, or applied ethics . tive analysis, and took responsible action as citizens support arguments and solve real-life problems . based on their results, in addition to demonstrating Core Curriculum Area IV: English and Visual and Performing Arts their knowledge and skills in scientific reasoning -- all Scientific Reasoning This pathway evokes the power and importance of The goal of a Fairfield education is to develop the • Three semesters of English . EN 11 and EN 12 are as components of an integrated learning outcome . The whole person: an intellectual being who can think required, plus one semester of English literature goal of the pathways structure is to facilitate inte- scientific knowledge and analysis in daily life . The questions of science emerge from measured observa- clearly, accurately, dispassionately; a social being with a course number between EN 100-199 . Writing gration of recurring educational themes at Fairfield who cares about others and takes one's place in the courses (EN/W) do not fulfill the core literature University, and to guide students in identifying tion of patterns exhibited by the natural world . If the answers to a particular question do not agree with the world with them; a physical being who knows the laws, requirement . Selected courses offering literature these themes across their varied educational expe- limitations, and beauty of the natural world; a spiritual in translation may also fulfill this requirement - see riences. prevailing model, then the model or representation will change . This also involves taking responsibility for the being who seeks to make one's life express the truths listings under classical studies as well as modern Engaging Traditions role of science, and the technologies emergent from of religion and philosophy . languages and literatures . Liberal education in the Catholic and Jesuit tradition the science, in creating a better world for some people, Because Fairfield believes that a liberal education can • Two semesters of visual and performing arts . has always had, at its core, the act of retrieving the places, and species, but at the same time compromis- achieve this goal, the University has developed a core manifold traditions of human reflection - philosophical ing living standards and conditions for others . curriculum that all undergraduates must take to acquire • One semester must be in the area of art history; schools, religious traditions of faith and practice, his- a broad background in all academic areas . During their music history; theatre history; or new media film, torical accounts of peoples and cultures, and oral and years at Fairfield, students, regardless of major or field radio, television history . The other semester may be literary traditions . The ability to engage a tradition in of specialization, take from two to five courses in each selected from any of the three-credit course offer- its own context is central to a credible and responsible of five areas . ings in art history, music, new media, film, television and radio, studio art, and theatre . 54 The Curricula The Curricula 55 Area V: Modern and Classical Languages requirements for majors within the Charles F . Dolan society . Such courses will explore, in a systematic HI 232 Jefferson's America: 1760-1850 School of Business, the School of Nursing, and the manner, connections among race, class, and gender, HI 239 Twentieth-Century America Two semesters at the intermediate level of any lan- School of Engineering are found in those sections of and will examine issues of privilege and difference in HI 240 Women's Activism - 1960's guage listed among the offerings of the Department this catalog . In all cases, the selection of courses for U .S . society . Additional aspects of diversity - including HI 241 Examining the 60's of Modern Languages and Literatures or the Classical a particular major must be done in consultation with a religion, sexual orientation, and ethnicity - may also be HI 245 Feminism in America Studies Program . faculty advisor from one’s major department or school . considered . Approved courses will be designated by HI 246 Excellent Women/Deviant Women: The In each college or school, the proper work of the major a special symbol in each semester’s course schedule Female Experience Notes is concentrated in the junior and senior years; where booklet . This requirement will not add credit hours HI 247 Family and Sexuality in U .S . History • Most core courses are taken within the first two preparatory courses are needed, they are taken in the or an extra course to a student’s degree program; HI 257 Who Built America? Working People in years at Fairfield University . However, precisely freshman and/or sophomore year . Majors are usually students will be able to select a designated diversity American History when students should take various core courses selected at the end of the freshman year or during the course from among core requirement courses, major HI 260 American Indian History depends, in part, upon their major . The faculty advi- sophomore year . Students declare majors by going courses, or electives . HI 262 African-American History, 1619-1865 sor will assist students in selecting a schedule that to the office of the dean of the appropriate college HI 263 Inventing Themselves: African-American meets all core requirements . Normally, English (EN or school . When a major is declared, the student is A list of courses that currently satisfy the U .S . Diversity Women in U .S . History 11 and EN 12), mathematics, and foreign languages assigned a faculty advisor from the major area . To requirement follows . Please note that new courses are HI 264 African-American History from 1865 are included in the student's first-year schedule . change from one major to another in one's school added each year and not every course is offered every HI 292 Social and Cultural History of the African year . • Students with majors in the Charles F . Dolan School requires completion of a Change of Major form . The Diaspora of Business are required to take specific courses Change of Major form can be obtained from the office AC 345 Federal Income Taxation II HI 342 Immigration & Ethnicity as part of their core curriculum and may take two of the dean of the student's current school . The form AE 262 Ethics/Community HR 200 Challenges to West Tradition semesters of language at any level in fulfillment of must be signed by the chairperson/coordinator of the AE 265 Ethics in Education IS 220 Technology & Society the Area V language requirement . See the Dolan major in which the student is currently enrolled, the AE 291 Business Ethics (designated sections) IT 393 The Italian-American Experience School of Business core section for such course chairperson/coordinator of the major that the student AE 397 Seminar in Bioethics MG 320 Diversity in the Workplace details . desires, and the dean of the school . The form is then AH 165 Black Experience MU 101 The History of Jazz forwarded to the University Registrar . BL 101 Introduction to Black Studies MU 102 History & Development of Rock • School of Nursing students take specific courses BU 320 Employment Law & MU 112 Music of Black American as part of their core curriculum and are required to Option for Graduate Level Courses Discrimination in the Workplace MU 201 Critical Issues of American Popular Music complete either the visual and performing arts or the BU 325 Law, Women & Work NS 112 Healthcare Delivery Systems modern language requirement . Fairfield University undergraduates with permission CO 236 Gender, Sexuality, and Media NS 250 Professional Nursing from their faculty advisor and from the Dean of the NS 262 Health in Rural Appalachia • School of Engineering students are exempt from school in which the course is offered may take a CO 239 Consumer Culture the Area V language requirement and can take CD CO 240 Intercultural Communication PH 284 Critical Race Theory graduate course for undergraduate credit and as part PJ 125 Homelessness: Causes & 211 (Engineering Graphics I) as one of the courses of their undergraduate load . It would appear on their CO 246 Family Communication in fulfillment of the Area IV Visual and Performing EC 114 Economics of Race, Class & Consequences undergraduate transcript . A student could later peti- PO 119 Introduction to Feminist Thought Arts requirement . Engineering students also take tion to have those courses provide advanced standing Gender in the American Workplace EC 11 (Microeconomics) as one of their Area II EC 265 Distribution of Income & PO 152 Weapons of the Weak in their graduate program and it would be up to the PO 153 The Politics of Race, Class & Gender Social and Behavioral Science electives and AE 287 faculty to determine if the credits should apply to the Poverty in the (Engineering Ethics) for their Area III Applied Ethics ED 200 Explorations in Education: PO 165 Political Parties, Interest Groups & graduate program at that point . Student might receive Public Opinion elective . credit for these courses as part of a graduate program Introduction to Teaching, Learning and Schooling PO 220 Seminar on Feminist Theory if the student did not apply the credits to complete the PY 163 Developmental Psychology for Electives undergraduate degree . EN 11 Texts and Contexts I (designated sections) Non-Majors (designated sections) All students in B .A . and B .S . programs should have An undergraduate student who has advanced beyond EN 12 Texts and Contexts II PY 264 Developmental Psychology for a minimum number of free electives . These elec- degree requirements and also has permission from the (designated sections) Majors with Lab (designated sections) tives may be chosen in any area of study, presuming Dean of the school in which the course is offered may EN 125/TA 120 American Drama PY 291 Cognition, Race, Culture & Identity prerequisites are met, and cannot be determined or take a graduate level course for graduate credit as part EN 172 Literacy and Language PY 350 Seminar: Psychology of Race & Ethnicity required by any department or school . These electives of their regular undergraduate load . The number of EN 205 Writing the Self: Autobiography RS 213 Jews & Judaism in America may, of course, be part of a student’s minor or second graduate courses a full time undergraduate may take in America RS 235 Liberation Theology major . Students must check with their advisors for would be limited to two . The five year pre-structured EN 261 The African American RS 236 Christian Feminist Theology minimum numbers . programs would follow their own required sequence . Literary Tradition RS 275 Islam in America EN 262 The Harlem Renaissance SO 112 American Society Major Registration for graduate courses is on a space avail- EN 263 African American Women Writers SO 151 Sociology of Religion able basis, with preference given to graduate students . SO 161 American Class Structure The major is central to a student's program of study at EN 264 African American Fiction Undergraduates with permission to enroll in a graduate SO 162 Race, Gender & Ethnic Relations Fairfield University . It represents an area of specializa- 1940 to 1980 course may petition to register in late August for the SO 165 Race, Cities & Poverty tion consisting of a cluster of related courses drawn EN 265 Contemporary African fall and early January for the spring . SO 167 Race, Gender & Contemporary Media from a single department, more than one depart- American Fiction SO 169 Women: Work and Sport ment, or an interdisciplinary program . Normally, a EN 281 Native American Literature Diversity Requirements SO 181 Aids in the United States student must pursue a minimum of 30 credit hours of EN 282 Introduction to Latin@ Literature SP 359 Culture, Civilization & Literature in the coursework to complete a major . The course require- EN 283 Novels and Films in the U.S. Diversity Asian Diaspora Spanish-American Caribbean Region ments for each major offered by the College of Arts In order to help students develop a critical conscious- EN 284 American Women Writers of Color TA 120 American Drama and Sciences are set forth within each departmental ness of self and society, all undergraduates are EN 352 Introduction to Cultural Studies TA 123 American Women Playwrights section of this catalog; information on individually required to select one course that gives significant EN/W 339 Grant and Proposal Writing TA 241 Examining the 60's designed majors is also in this section . Likewise, the treatment to aspects of diversity and pluralism in U .S . 56 The Curricula The Curricula 57 World Diversity EN 354 Theories of/in Globalization PO 012 Introduction to Comparative Politics and Caribbean studies; peace and justice; Russian In addition to the U .S . diversity course, a world diversi- EN 375 Caribbean Women Writers PO 136/IL 151 Gender, War, and Peace and East European studies; and Women, Gender, and ty course is required of all undergraduates . This course EN 376 Global Women’s Fiction PO 141 African Politics Sexuality Studies . focuses on a non-Western culture or society, exclusive ETHN 101 Cultural Traditions of Asia PO 142 Latin American Politics ETHN 105 Social Transitions of Asian Society PO 143 Caribbean Politics Because the minor is considered to be a supplement of Europe and the United States, and their literary, to the student’s major program of study, its completion artistic, musical, religious, philosophical, political, eco- ETHN 215 Japanese Society and Cultures PO 144 Middle Eastern Politics FR 252 Francophone Culture & Literature PO 145 East Asian Politics in a given case may not have the same priority as that nomic, or scientific traditions . Though courses primarily of a major . In order to select a minor, students must emphasizing North American and European topics will FR 260 Introduction to Sub-Saharan PO 146 Three Giants in Asia African Culture PO 149 Third World: Common Fate? submit a request and gain approval by their school or not count toward this requirement, courses focusing on department that is placed on file with the University Native American, Russian, and pre-Columbian or Latin HI 220 Ancient African Civilizations Common Blood? HI 271 Introduction to Russian History, PO 246 Seminar on China Registrar . The completion of the minor is subject to the American cultures can meet the requirement . Core availability of the courses selected . language courses do not meet this requirement while Civilization and Culture PO 249 Seminar on Russia literature and culture courses may satisfy it . Moreover, HI 272 Russia 700-1700 History & Myth PO 346 Vietnam Seminar such a course will not emphasize international relations HI 275 Russia’s Road to Revolution RS 101 Exploring Religion: Asian Religions Cornerstone Courses or business relations vis-a-vis Europe or the United HI 276 St . Petersburg in Russian History RS 270 Introduction to Islam The Cornerstone Course program accelerates and States . A study abroad experience may satisfy this HI 277 : Cortes to NAFTA RS 280 Hinduism intensifies the academic engagement of undergraduate requirement if it meets with the spirit and letter of this HI 279 China to 1800 RS 285 Buddhism first year students into the living and learning commu- mission statement . HI 280 West & The Middle East RS 287 Buddhist Thought in India nity of Fairfield University . Through these foundational HI 281 Portrait of the Arabs RS 289 Tantrism core and major courses, students develop habits of A list of courses that currently satisfy the world diversity HI 282 Social & Cultural History of RS 290 Religions of China mind and heart that will carry them through to degree requirement follows . Please note that new courses are China & Japan RS 291 Religions of Japan completion and beyond . These residential courses also added each year and not every course is offered every HI 283 Modernization in China & Japan RS 292 North Pacific Tribal Religions contribute to the integration of the Core curriculum and year . HI 284 Twentieth Cent Russia RS 377 Sufism and Islamic Spirituality support mutual respect and co-responsibility within the AE 270 Ethical Dimensions of Global Violence, HI 285 Modern China RS 388 Buddhist Spirituality residence halls . War, Terrorism and HI 286 Modern Japan RS 399 Seminar on Tibetan Religion Humanitarian Intervention HI 287 Green History of Latin America SO 184 Population: Birth, Death & Migration Independent Studies AE 275 Ethics and the Global Environment HI 288 Colonial Latin America SO 185 Introduction International Migration The independent study option is available in most AE 276 Ethical Dimensions in Global HI 289 Modern Latin America SO 191 Social Change in Developing Nations departments to students who wish to examine a sub- Business Policy HI 291 Africans in the Americas SP 253 Spanish American Civilization ject in depth for which no course is available . Such AE 288 Ethical Dimensions in Global HI 292 African Diaspora SP 271 Hispanic Film guided studies are designed and pursued by students Human Policy HI 293 West Africa & Atlantic System SP 360 Dictatorships and Revolutionary under the tutelage of a faculty member . This option is AE 289 Health Care Policy HI 301 Ancient Greece, Rome and Africa Movements in Contemporary restricted to students in their junior and/or senior years AE 384 Reflections on the Environment: Focus on HI 363 China in Revolution Latin America of study . Latin America and the Caribbean HI 366 Women in China & Japan SP 371 Images of Latin American Indians HI 367 East Asia in 20th Century American Wars TA 122 Asian Theatre Students should apply to the professor under whose AH 012 Introduction to the Art History of Asia, direction they wish to study no later than the normal Africa & the Americas HI 370 Jews of Middle East & North Africa HI 371 Arab-Israeli Conflict registration period of the preceding semester . The AH 100 Arts of India, China & Japan Independent Study Application form, available from the AY 111 Cultural Anthropology HI 376 The Spanish Caribbean: Cuba, Santo Domingo, and Puerto Rico Second Major (Double Major) office of the college dean, must be completed and filed AY 130 Societies & Cultures of Latin America with the Registrar before the project may begin . & Africa from Columbus to Castro A student has the option of pursuing a second major AY 140 Marriage in Cross-Cultural Perspective HI 211 The History of Modern China at Fairfield University . The courses that constitute a For projects of less than a semester's equivalent AY 150 Societies & Cultures of Asia & the Pacific HI 212 Samurai to Citizen: History of second major must meet the stated requirements for a course work, one or two credit hours may be assigned . AY 152 Islamic Societies & Cultures Modern Japanese major program and must be approved by the depart- For projects of a semester's equivalent coursework, AY 168 Women & Men: The Anthropology HR 201 Non-Western Culture ment or interdisciplinary program in which the second three credit hours, or, with a laboratory component, of Gender IL 50 World Regions major is located . Students declare second majors by four credit hours may be assigned . AY 190 North African Society and Culture IL 150 International Operations of Non-Profits completing a Double Major form that is available in the If students undertake more than one independent BUS 301A Cross-Cultural Management IL 197 UN Security Council Crisis Simulation dean’s office of their school . A double major does NOT study project during their college careers, the total CI 250/EN 118 Modern China thru Fiction & Film IL 295 Seminar in International Studies constitute a double degree . credit hours for all projects may not exceed nine credit CI 251 New Chinese Cinema IS 350 International Information Systems hours toward the undergraduate degree . CI 252/EN 119 The City and Modern China LAC 300 Justice & the Developing World: Minor Nicaragua CO 241 Communication and Culture: In addition to carrying a major, a student may exer- East and West LAC 301 Latin America and the United States Student Internships LARS 300 World Religions cise the option of selecting a minor outside the area EC 120 Environmental Economics Students at Fairfield University have an opportunity to LSES 330 Global Environmental Policy of specialization . A minor is a cluster of thematically EC 230 Comparative Economic Systems earn academic credit and gain practical, on-site work MG 350 International Law related courses drawn from one or more departments, EC 235 Economic Development of experience by pursuing internships in their major fields MG 385 Managing People for Global Business usually in the range of 15 to 18 credits . Students elect- Third World Nations of study . Through placements in appropriate business- MG 390 Cross-Cultural Management ing a minor are still required to fulfill the core require- EN 101 Gateway to Literary and Cultural Studies es, corporations, laboratories, law firms, government MU 122 World Music History & Ensemble ment . In addition to department-based minors, many EN 102 Introduction to Contemporary World offices and agencies, nonprofit organizations, etc . stu- NUGA 230 International Nursing interdisciplinary minors are also available at Fairfield: Literature dents apply and test principles and theories they have PH 240 Introduction to Asian Philosophies American studies; applied ethics; Asian studies; Black EN 105 The African Diaspora: Literature & Culture acquired in their coursework . In a typical internship PH 241 Confucianism studies; classical studies; environment; international EN 114/FR 295 Caribbean Literature: History, studies; Irish studies; Italian studies; Latin American carrying three semester credits, students work 10 to Culture and Identity PH 242 Philosophical Daoism and Zen Buddhism 58 The Curricula Study Abroad 59 15 hours per week on site . Internships are coordinated Honor Societies Other National Honor Societies by Fairfield University faculty and on-site supervisors . Discipline-based national and international honor soci- STUDY ABROAD Through such experiences students can enhance their eties with chapters at Fairfield University include: learning and explore potential careers . Upon gradua- Alpha Sigma Nu, the national Jesuit , - sociology tion, students are frequently offered positions with cor- serves to reward and encourage scholarship, loyalty, porations and agencies sponsoring their internships . Delta - pre-medical An international experience has become an invaluable and service to the ideals of Jesuit higher education . To Alpha Kappa Delta - sociology part of a complete undergraduate education . Fairfield To be eligible for an internship, students must be in be nominated for membership, undergraduate students Alpha Mu Gamma - foreign languages University provides numerous opportunities for study good academic standing and must meet all prerequi- must have scholastic rank in the top 15 percent of their - adult higher education abroad and assistance in navigating the wide array of sites prescribed by the major department (e .g . GPA, class, demonstrate a proven concern for others through Chi Sigma Chi - counseling, academic and profes- international study choices . Students in EVERY major prior coursework) . To register for an internship, a stu- involvement in extracurricular activities and service to sional (international) have the opportunity to find a program that links major, dent must obtain prior approval from the faculty mem- the University, and manifest a true concern and com- - counseling, academic and profes- language, and destination to provide a life-changing ber who coordinates the internship program in his/her mitment to the values and goals of the society . The sional (international) experience . major department . Fairfield chapter was reactivated in 1981 and includes - communication Fairfield offers exceptional learning opportunities for outstanding seniors who are encouraged to reflect - economics A maximum of six academic credits can be earned for scholarship, promote service to the University, and students beyond the classroom including internships, internship experience . An internship will not substitute Phi Alpha Theta - history (international) community volunteer work, academic excursions, and provide greater understanding of the Jesuit ideals of Pi Delta Kappa - education (international) for any other stated course(s) in the student’s major education within the University community . events that make your abroad experience enjoyable field . Further information about specific internship Pi Mu Epsilon - mathematics and meaningful . Visit the Study Abroad website at www. opportunities can be obtained from the departmen- - politics fairfield.edu/studyabroad for more detailed information . Beta Gamma Sigma - psychology tal chair or the internship coordinator of the specific Beta Gamma Sigma is an international honor society Sigma Iota Rho - international studies More than 40 percent of Fairfield students participate department . recognizing the outstanding academic achievements - physics in some type of international program . With this strong of students enrolled in collegiate business programs Delta - English (international) interest in study abroad, the University needs to bal- accredited by AACSB International - The Association - nursing (international) ance its enrollments between fall and spring semester . to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business . With , The Scientific Research Society - scien- Therefore, students need to be flexible about when they more than 440,000 members worldwide, the Society’s tists and engineers (international) will study abroad . All requests will be considered, but membership comprises the brightest and best of the SCHOLASTIC HONORS - religious studies not all students will receive placement for their desired world’s business leaders . At Fairfield University, the top semester . Students planning to study abroad must 7 percent of juniors, the top 10 percent of seniors, and submit the Study Abroad application online no later the top 20 percent of graduate students are eligible for Honors Program than February 1 . Students are notified of their semester membership in the University’s Beta Gamma Sigma The College of Arts and Sciences participates in the placement on March 1 of that same year . University Honors Program . The program admits chapter, which was established in 1998 . Each spring, students, at the beginning of their first and second an induction ceremony is held at the Charles F . Dolan An overall GPA of 2 .8 is required to study abroad for all years, to a challenging series of seminars and courses School of Business to welcome new members into the programs including short-term and summer; exceptions (normally 23 credits) devoted to intellectual history, Society . are rarely granted . A student must be in good standing interdisciplinary studies, and advanced work in the stu- with the Dean of Students at the time of application . dent’s major field . Successful completion of the Honors Individual programs have their own criteria and may Program is recorded on the graduating student’s tran- Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest and most widely recog- require higher GPAs . Students studying in a non- script . nized national academic honor society in the United English speaking country must take one course in the States . Founded in 1776 at the College of William and language of the country . Dean's List Mary in Virginia, the society’s aim is to encourage aca- To qualify for the Dean's List at the conclusion of each demic excellence in the broad range of the liberal arts . As a general rule, federal and state financial aid can semester's work, a student must have completed a Membership is restricted to students who complete be used toward study abroad programs . Institutional minimum of 12 credit hours, have no outstanding or most of their coursework in the liberal studies cur- aid, scholarships, and monthly payment plan eligibility incomplete grades for that semester, and have attained riculum; typically those are students who pursue B A. . through Sallie Mae’s Tuition Pay plan will be applied a semester grade point average of 3 .50 or better . or B S. . degrees in the College of Arts and Sciences . ONLY to Fairfield University and affiliated programs . Fairfield’s Zeta Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa was estab- Neither athletic scholarships nor work-study monies Graduation with Honors lished in 1995 . Each spring it installs new members may be applied to study abroad programs . With the Honors at graduation are awarded for the following from among the most academically talented upper-class approval of the program director, Modern Language, weighted grade point averages computed for the four students . Election to this chapter is based on scholastic International Business, and International Studies majors years' work: standing and academic accomplishments and is limited may use Fairfield University grants/scholarships for two to seniors and a highly select group of juniors . semesters abroad . Summa cum laude 3 85. Magna cum laude 3 .70 Students participating in a program in which the fees Cum laude 3 50. are less than the corresponding Fairfield University fee (Florence, Italy; Managua, Nicaragua; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Aix-en-Provence, ; Brisbane, ; and Campos, ), will have their financial aid pack- age (including merit scholarships, grants, need-based aid, and other forms of financial support) reduced by a comparable percentage .