Kauai Buddhist Council Information Release Bodhi Day Celebration, Sunday, December 6, 2020 Virtual Broadcast on YouTube, 9:30 am


Bodhi Day commemorates the day that the Buddha, Siddartha Gautama, became enlightened after 7 days of meditation under a . A descendant of the original bodhi tree still stands tall in , India, within the temple walls of the .

Then, over 2,500 years ago, a young Prince Siddartha renounced his throne at age 29, leaving a wife and son to seek the meaning of life by determining the underlying cause of suffering and unhappiness. After six years of ascetic practice, he decided to sit under a bodhi tree and made a resolution: “Though my skin, my nerve, and my bones should waste away, and my lifeblood becomes dry, I will not leave this seat until I have attained enlightenment.”

After seven days and nights of meditation, on the eighth morning, he awoke, having an insight to human kind’s suffering - its nature, its cause, and its cessation. He became the Buddha “the Enlightened One” at the age of 35 years. Thus, the basic tenets of were established, The and the importance of living life by the Eightfold Path. The path to enlightenment was to find a , avoiding the extremes of self-denial and self-indulgence.

Event: Island-wide Bodhi Day Service Virtual Broadcast on YouTube

Date: Sunday, December 6, 2020, 9:30 am

Please join us on the Internet for this wondrous celebration! See the attached announcement flyer.

FYI: Kauai Buddhist Council list of temples and centers

Mahalo! KAUAI BUDDHIST COUNCIL ------For more information: Call 808-346-4650 or any of the neighborhood temples listed on the flyer

Full information will be posted on the website at kauaisotozen.org & other temples’ website

Facebook: “Kauai Buddhist Council” QR code:

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/zgOi5JqEQnc
