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Synthesis and Biosynthetic Trafficking of Membrane

Tomas Blom1, Pentti Somerharju2, and Elina Ikonen1

1Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Anatomy, University of Helsinki, FIN-00014 Finland 2Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Developmental Biology, University of Helsinki, FIN-00014 Finland Correspondence:

Eukaryotic cells can synthesize thousands of different molecules that are incorporated into their membranes. This involves the activity of hundreds of with the task of creating lipid diversity. In addition, there are several, typically redundant, mechanisms to transport lipids from their site of synthesis to other cellular membranes. Biosynthetic lipid transport helps to ensure that each cellular compartment will have its characteristic lipid composition that supports the functions of the associated . In this article, we provide an overview of the biosynthesis of the major lipid constituents of cell membranes, that is, glycerophospholipids, , and , and discuss the mechanisms by which these newly synthesized lipids are delivered to their target membranes.

he (ER) is the main transport that involves the budding of vesicles Tsite for lipid synthesis. Intracellular lipid or tubules from a donor membrane and sub- trafficking is necessary to maintain most other sequent fusion with an acceptor membrane membranes as they lack the capabili- (Fig. 1A). The acceptor membrane may contain ty to synthesize lipids de novo (van Meer et al. enzymes that modify the inserted lipids, help- 2008). In their target locations, lipids may be ing to generate a lipid composition that dif- present as structural compounds or they may fers from the donor membrane. In addition, undergo further biosynthetic modifications to cells use cytosolic carrier proteins for transfer- generate different lipid species, some of which ring lipids between compartments (Fig. 1B). may be transported further to new destinations. The hydrophobic lipid binding pockets of these Because of their hydrophobic nature, most proteins are selective, allowing only one—or lipids cannot be effectively transferred by free more often, a few closely related—lipid species diffusion from one compartment to another to bind. Carrier proteins may also contain pep- and must therefore rely on active mechanisms tide determinants that target to the donor and to facilitate intercompartmental transport. In acceptor membranes, providing compartmen- principle, three basic mechanisms can be de- tal specificity for transfer. Yet another possi- picted. A major form of trafficking is membrane bility is the bringing of donor and acceptor

Editor: Kai Simons Additional Perspectives on The Biology of Lipids available at Copyright # 2011 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a004713 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2011;3:a004713

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T. Blom et al.


Membrane transport


Carrier proteins


Membrane contact sites

Figure 1. Mechanisms of intermembrane lipid transport. (A) moves lipids together with proteins in vesicular and tubular carriers that bud off from a donor membrane, and are transported along cyto- skeletal tracks to the acceptor membrane, in which they fuse to deliver their cargo. (B) Cytosolic carrier proteins transfer lipids in hydrophobic pockets that show selectivity toward one or a few lipid types. Carrier proteins often contain domains that bind to the donor and/or acceptor membranes. (C) Lipid exchange may also occur between membranes that are in very close proximity. Transfer via such membrane contact sites may be facilitated by carrier proteins (combination of models B and C).

membranes into close proximity and transfer of has been the unequivocal identification of pro- lipids via membrane contact sites (Fig. 1C). In teins that are physiologically relevant mediators vivo, combinations of these three mechanisms of intermembrane lipid transfer. Most of the are likely to operate in parallel, but their dissec- proteins with lipid transfer activity in vitro tion is not simple. have been shown to affect in It was postulated already in the late 1960s vivo but apart from a few exceptions, it is at that lipid exchange can be facilitated by intracel- present unknown whether these effects are lular lipid transfer proteins (Wirtz and Zilver- because of actual lipid transfer activity (Wirtz smit 1969). Following the initial observations, et al. 2006, D’Angelo et al. 2008). several proteins with lipid transfer activity In addition to targeting lipids to specific cel- have been identified and cloned. Based on their lular compartments, the cell upholds a differen- lipid binding specificity they are broadly divided tial composition of lipids over the membrane into three classes, namely glycerophospholipid, bilayer leaflets. The ER membrane leaflets are, , and transfer proteins (Lev however, considered similar in lipid composi- 2010). Proteins that accelerate the exchange of tion because of a high degree of lipid “flip- lipids between donor and acceptor membranes flopping” between leaflets (Kol et al. 2004; in vitro have traditionally been regarded as Holthuis and Levine 2005). Because of this, lipid transfer proteins. However, the in vitro the decision whether a lipid will have its head lipid transfer may be a consequence of a general group oriented toward the or the extra- binding activity of a lipid sensing or chaperone cellular environment is largely made in post-ER domain of the , and is not necessarily membranes. Here, cells actively transport lipids indicative of a direct physiological role in lipid to enrich specific lipid types in the cytosolic transfer. Consequently, a long-standing problem leaflet, and others in the exoplasmic leaflet.

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Lipid Biosynthetic Trafficking

The compartmentalization of lipids is in- This reaction can take place both in the ER volved in regulating cellular functions. For in- and the . In the ER, the final stance, in polarized cells membrane proteins step of PC synthesis is mediated by a choline/ are differentially transported to the apical ethanolamine phosphotransferase of dual spe- versus basal plasma membrane. This protein cificity, whereas a choline specific phospho- targeting is partially dependent on lipid sorting transferase catalyzes this reaction in the Golgi in the Golgi complex (Simons and Ikonen 1997; (Henneberry and McMaster 1999; Henneberry Weisz and Rodriguez-Boulan 2009). Similarly, et al. 2000, 2002). In the ER, PC and other lipids localized sphingolipid metabolism is associated move readily over the bilayer, but in the Golgi, with membrane budding and the formation of such movement is more restricted (Buton exosomes in multivesicular bodies (Trajkovic et al. 1996; van Meer et al. 2008). Because PC et al. 2008). Lipids do not only modulate the is the major lipid in most organelle membranes, localization and function of constitutively it must be carried by membrane transport. membrane associated proteins but may also However, as PC is efficiently transferred from recruit soluble proteins to membranes, by serv- the ER to the plasma membrane when protein ing as temporally and spatially regulated tags for is inhibited, nonvesicular mechanisms lipid binding cytosolic proteins. also play an important role in this transfer (Fig. 5) (Kaplan and Simoni 1985). There are several possible mechanisms of nonvesicular BIOSYNTHETIC TRAFFICKING OF transport of (phospho)lipids, including spon- GLYCEROPHOSPHOLIPIDS taneous or protein-mediated diffusion and Glycerophospholipids represent the most abun- membrane contact-site dependent transloca- dant class of lipids in mammalian cells. The tion (Fig. 1), but the relative contributions of synthesis of glycerophospholipids takes place these are not known (Voelker 2009). Potentially in the ER and is initiated by acylation of glycerol important transfer proteins 3-phosphate (or acylation and subsequent re- include StARD2, StARD7, and StARD10, which duction of dihydroxyacetone-phosphate) to can bind a PC molecule in a hydrophobic form (Fig. 2), from which pocket of their steroidogenic acute regulatory all other glycerophospholipids are formed by protein related lipid transfer (START) domain the addition of a polar head group. The most and mediate intermembrane transfer of PC in common head group in mammalian cells is vitro. StARD2 and StARD7 bind PC only, choline and the respective phospholipid class, whereas StARD10 binds phosphatidylethanol- , makes up approximately amine (PE) as well (Olayioye et al. 2005; Wirtz half of the total cellular . Phos- 2006; Kanno et al. 2007; Horibata and Sugi- phatidylethanolamines, -serines and -inositols moto 2010; Kang et al. 2010). However, it is are other common mammalian glycerophos- unclear if these proteins play a relevant role in pholipid classes. Each of them consists of tens phospholipid trafficking in vivo. or hundreds of different molecular species varying in their alkyl chain composition (van Phosphatidylethanolamine Meer et al. 2008). Accordingly, a single cell may contain thousands of different phospho- Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is the second lipid molecules. The functional significance of most abundant phospholipid in mammalian this complexity is only starting to be unraveled. cells. PE is synthesized either by transfer of phos- phoethanolamine from CDP-ethanolamine to diacylglycerol or by decarboxylation of phos- phatidylserine (PS) (Vance 2008). The former Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is formed by the pathway takes place in the ER and the nuclear transfer of a phosphocholine group from envelope and is catalyzed either by ethanolamine CDP-choline to a diacylglycerol molecule. phosphotransferase or choline/ethanolamine

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T. Blom et al.


O OH OH OH O PO HO O POH OH O Dihydroxyacetone phosphate Glycerol-3-phosphate

Dihydroxyacetone phosphate Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase acyltransferase

O OH OH O R 1-acylglycerone phosphate reductase R O O POH

O OH O O O PO OH Lysophosphatidic acid Dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyl ester Lysophosphatidate acyltransferase

O O R Phosphatidate O O phosphatase OR RO O ROO OH Diacylglycerol O POH Diacylglycerol kinase OH

Phosphatidic acid Diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase Ethanolamine phosphotransferase


Phosphatidylcholine Phosphatidylethanolamine

Phosphatidylserine Phosphatidylserine Phosphatidylserine synthase 1 synthase 2 decarboxylase




Figure 2. See facing page for legend.

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Lipid Biosynthetic Trafficking

phosphotransferase (Henneberry and McMas- maintained by an ATP-driven PS translocation ter 1999; Henneberry et al. 2002; Horibata and (catalyzed by a yet unidentified protein) from Hirabayashi 2007). The decarboxylation reac- the outer to the inner leaflet (Daleke 2007; tion, on the other hand, takes place in the inner Smriti et al. 2007). PS interacts with and regu- mitochondrial membrane and much, if not all, lates several important enzymes, including pro- of the mitochondrial PE derives from this reac- tein kinase C in the cytoplasmic leaflet of the tion (Zborowski et al. 1983; Shiao et al. 1995; plasma membrane (Nishizuka 1992). In addi- Vance 2008). Elimination of the PS decarboxy- tion, loss of the transbilayer asymmetry of PS lase in mice is lethal, probably because (1) PE is is one of the hallmarks of apoptosis (Leventis essential for the proper structure and function and Grinstein 2010). of mitochondria and (2) the PE formed in the Interestingly, the transport of PS from the endoplasmic reticulum via the CDP-ethanol- ER to mitochondria is a relatively slow process amine pathway cannot be efficiently imported with a half-time of several hours (Voelker into mitochondria (Steenbergen et al. 2005). 1985; Heikinheimo and Somerharju 1998). Notably, not all of the PE formed by decarbox- The mechanism of this transfer process has ylation of PS remains in mitochondria, but is not been resolved. It has been proposed that transported to the ER and other . the close apposition of mitochondria and the The mechanism(s) of PE transport out of mito- ER membranes is important for the transfer, chondria remain to be established, but could and the transfer may be mediated by specific be similar to that of PS transport from the ER proteins located at the ER/mitochondria con- to mitochondria (Achleitner et al. 1995, 1999) tact sites (Vance 2008). However, the relatively (see below). In the plasma membrane, most of slow transfer of PS in general as well as faster the PE is found in the inner leaflet and this transfer of the less hydrophobic PS species asymmetrical distribution is maintained by from ER to mitochondria implies that sponta- P-type ATPases (Riekhof and Voelker 2009). neous diffusion of PS monomers via the cyto- plasm may also contribute to this process (Heikinheimo and Somerharju 2002). PS may Phosphatidylserine move by lateral diffusion via membrane contact sites from the outer to the inner mitochondrial In mammalian cells, PS is synthesized by membrane where PS decarboxylase resides exchanging the polar head group of a PC or a (Jasinska et al. 1993). PE molecule for serine. The PS synthases 1 and 2 responsible for this reaction are highly enriched in mitochondria-associated ER do- BIOSYNTHETIC SPHINGOLIPID mains (Fig. 5) (Stone and Vance 2000). From TRAFFICKING there, phosphatidylserine translocates to other organelles, such as the plasma membrane as well Numerous types of sphingolipid species exist in as to mitochondria where it is decarboxylated to eukaryotic cells and most of them are enriched PE. In the plasma membrane, PS is abundant in the plasma membrane. Sphingomyelin (SM) but resides almost exclusively in the cytoplasmic and glycosphingolipids (GSLs) are important leaflet. Such asymmetrical distribution of PS is structural lipids that, together with cholesterol,

Figure 2. An overview of the biosynthetic pathways of major glycerophospholipids. De novo synthesis of the glycerophospholipids begins in the ER by a series of reduction and acylation reactions leading to the formation of phosphatidic acid. Dephosphorylation of phosphatidic acid yields diacylglycerol, which can be turned into phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylethanolamine by the addition of a phosphocholine or a phosphoetha- nolamine head group, respectively. Phosphatidylserine is formed by exchanging the head group from either phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylethanolamine for serine. Mitochondrial phosphatidylethanolamine is synthesized on location by decarboxylation of phosphatidylserine.

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are thought to participate in the formation membrane behavior of the sphingolipid—is of membrane domains which can affect the achieved by linking acyl chains with varying distribution and function of membrane pro- length and degree of saturation to the sphingo- teins (Coskun and Simons 2010). On the other sine backbone. In addition to its impact on hand, some less abundant sphingolipids, such membrane fluidity, the variations in the acyl as sphingosine, sphingosine-1-phosphate, and chain moiety has functional implications, ceramide, are important modulators of cell sig- such as affecting, for example, endocytosis of naling (Hannun and Obeid 2008). The enzymes virus particles (Ewers et al. 2010) and the organ- that catalyze the different steps in the synthesis ization of sheaths (Ben-David and of the more complex sphingolipids (e.g., SM Futerman 2010). and GSLs) differ in their subcellular location and membrane sidedness. Thus, the synthesis Sphingomyelin of complex sphingolipids requires both inter- organelle and transbilayer lipid movement. The synthesis of SM, the major sphingolipid in The initial steps of sphingolipid synthesis the plasma membrane, takes place in the Golgi take place on the cytosolic face of the ER and requires transfer of the ceramide precursor (Fig. 3). First, 3-dehydrosphinganine is formed from the ER. Ceramide can be transferred from by condensation of serine and palmitoyl-CoA the ER either in transport vesicles or by soluble by the serine palmitoyl transferase transfer proteins. In mammalian cells the latter (SPT). The 3-dehydrosphinganine is then re- route dominates and is mediated by the cera- duced to sphinganine by 3-dehydrosphinganine mide transport protein (CERT) that takes cera- reductase (Futerman and Riezman 2005; Sabo- mide from the cytosolic leaflet of the ER and urdyet al. 2008). Sphinganine can be N-acylated transfers it to the trans-Golgi cisternae where by one of the several ceramide synthases to form it is converted to SM by sphingomyelin synthase dihydroceramide (Lahiri and Futerman 2007) 1 (SMS1) (Hanada et al. 2003, 2009; Yamaji with an acyl chain of varying length and degree et al. 2008). CERT is a cytosolic protein with of unsaturation. This provides diversity in the four domains that are needed for transfer of membrane behavior of the sphingolipids even- ceramide from the ER to the Golgi. The amino- tually formed (Ewers et al. 2010; Koivusalo terminal pleckstrin homology (PH) domain et al. 2007). Dihydroceramide is then converted specifically binds to phosphatidyl inositol-4- to ceramide by a desaturase residing in the phosphate, a phospholipid that is abundant in ER. Ceramide is the first lipid in the de novo Golgi membranes. The PH domain is crucial synthesis pathway that contains a sphingosine for targeting of CERT to the Golgi apparatus, backbone, and can therefore be considered a because mutations in the PH domain can central compound in sphingolipid metabolism. impair binding of CERT to the Golgi, thus Ceramide can be further metabolized to inhibiting the synthesis of SM (Hanada et al. other sphingolipids by the addition of a polar 2003). The START domain in the carboxyl ter- head group or by removal or exchange of the minus of CERT is responsible for extracting acyl chain in the recycling pathway. Most of ceramide from the cytosolic leaflet of the ER. the newly synthesized ceramide is used in the The START domain of CERT has a high speci- Golgi for the synthesis of SM and glycosphingo- ficity for ceramide as it does not transfer other lipids (Tafesse et al. 2006). In oligodendrocytes sphingolipids or cholesterol in vitro (Kumagai ceramide can be glycosylated in the ER to form et al. 2005). Molecular modeling studies have galactosylceramide which is an important con- shown that the START domain binds one stituent of the myelin sheath (Raff et al. 1978; ceramide in its hydrophobic pocket, suggesting Stoffel and Bosio 1997; Sprong et al. 2003). that CERT carries a single ceramide at a time In mammalian cells, the sphingoid backbone from the ER to the Golgi (Kudo et al. 2008, is almost invariably composed of 18 carbon 2010). CERT also contains a FFAT motif that units (C18). Diversity—and alterations in the mediates binding to the ER-resident protein

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Lipid Biosynthetic Trafficking

O OH O OH HO OH P OH OH O NH2 L-serine NH2 NH2 NH2 + O HO HO O S-CoA O

Sphingosine kinase Serine 3-dehydrosphinganine palmitoyltransferase reductase S1P phosphatase

3-dehydrosphinganine Sphinganine Sphinganine 1-phosphate Hexadecanal + Palmitoyl-CoA Ceramide synthase OH S1P lyase O P OH H N OH 2 O O P OH Phosphoethanolamine OH OH OH OH + NH Hexadecenal NH NH2 NH2 HO O HO O HO HO O R R

Ceramidase Sphingosine kinase

Dihydroceramide Ceramide synthase S1P phosphatase desaturase

Dihydroceramide Ceramide Sphingosine Sphingosine 1-phosphate Sphingomyelin synthase Glucosyl- ceramidase Sphingomyelinase

Ceramide glucosyltransferase HO HO + O N(CH3)3 HO HO HO HO O O O HO O O POH O HO O HO O HO HO NH NH NH HO O HO O HO O R R R Lactosylceramide synthase Complex glycosphingolipids β-galactosidase

Sphingomyelin Glucosylceramide Lactosylceramide

Figure 3. Overview of the biosynthetic pathways of sphingolipids. The sphingoid backbone is formed by the condensation of serine and palmitoyl-CoA. Three further synthetic steps are needed to produce ceramide, which the first compound with a bona fide sphingosine backbone. After its synthesis in the ER, ceramide can be metab- olized into sphingomyelin or glycosphingolipids in the lumenal leaflet of the Golgi. The postceramide metabolic steps are reversible and ceramide can also be formed by the sequential degradation of more complex sphingo- lipids. Deacylation of ceramide yields sphingosine that can be phosphorylated to sphingosine-1-phosphate. The irreversible degradation of the sphingoid backbone is catalyzed by a lyase that acts on either sphingosine-1- phosphate or sphinganine-1-phosphate.

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VAPand thus allows CERT to target to the ER. Sphingolipid recycling Next to the PH domain there is a serine repeat motif that regulates the activity of CERT.Hyper- Sphingolipids are actively metabolized and re- phosphorylation of the serines in this motif cycled via salvage pathways. Some of the meta- impairs binding of CERT to the ER and Golgi bolic steps can occur at the plasma membrane. membranes, thus inhibiting ceramide transfer For instance, SM can be degraded therein to from the ER to the Golgi (Yamaji et al. 2008; ceramide by sphingomyelinases, and ceramide Hanada et al. 2009; Voelker 2009). can be converted back to SM by the sphingo- myelin synthase 2 (SMS2) located at the plasma membrane (Milhas et al. 2010). However, most Glycosphingolipids of the sphingolipid metabolism takes place on The synthesis of glycosphingolipids from intracellular membranes. Some of the endocy- ceramide takes place mainly in the Golgi ap- tosed sphingolipids are transported back to paratus. Similarly to SM, efficient de novo the plasma membrane, whereas others are tar- synthesis of glycosphingolipids is dependent geted to for degradation. Whether on CERT (Hanada et al. 2003; Halter et al. an endocytosed sphingolipid is degraded or 2007). In contrast, the synthesis of glyco- recycled back to the plasma membrane is in sphingolipids from sphingosine is largely part dependent on its acyl chain length, with independent of CERT (D’Angelo et al. 2007; longer chain sphingolipids preferentially tar- Giussani et al. 2008), and thus probably relies geted for degradation (Koivusalo et al. 2007). on vesicular trafficking of ceramide from the Endocytosed sphingolipids reaching the ER to the Golgi. The synthesis of most glyco- late endosomal/lysosomal compartments are sphingolipids begins by the addition of a gluco- degraded to simpler sphingolipids in a stepwise syl moiety to a ceramide on the cytosolic side manner. This process is accomplished by the of Golgi membranes. Glucosylceramide then concerted action of sphingolipid activator needs to be translocated to the lumenal side proteins (SAPs) and hydrolytic enzymes. SAPs of the Golgi to be converted to more complex bind to and lift sphingolipids up from the glycosphingolipids. This process requires the membrane and then hand over to a hydrolase. involvement of the four-phosphate-adaptor However, the acid sphingomyelinase contains protein 2 (FAPP2). FAPP2 contains a carboxy- an internal saposin-homology domain and terminal domain that is homologous to the gly- can function without the assistance of saposins colipid transfer protein (GLTP) domain and proper (Linke et al. 2001; Kolter and Sandhoff binds glucosyl ceramide with high specificity. 2005). As mature into late endo- The amino-terminal region of FAPP2 contains somes/lysosomes, their lipid composition and a PH-domain that binds phosphatidyl inosi- structure changes and multivesicular bodies tol-4-phosphate and ARF1, which tether the are formed. The vesicles inside these bodies protein to the Golgi (D’Angelo et al. 2007; Hal- are enriched in an acidic lipid with an uncon- ter et al. 2007; Mattjus 2009). Glucosylceramide ventional stereochemistry, namely bis-(mono- is converted into lactosylceramide which can acylglycero)-phosphate (BMP) (Kobayashi then be further glycosylated to more complex et al. 1999; Mobius et al. 2003). SM and the glycosphingolipids in the lumenal side of trans- complex sphingolipids in the internal vesicles Golgi membranes. Because of their large and are oriented so that they face the lumen of the very polar head groups, glycosphingolipids do multivesicular bodies/lysosomes. They are thus not readily flip over the membrane and thus exposed to the SAPs and acid hydrolases, which remain on the lumenal side. Most of the SM allows for their facile degradation (Kolter and and GSLs synthesized move in transport vesicles Sandhoff 2010). from the trans-Golgi network to the plasma Eventually, GSLs and SM are degraded to membrane where they end up in the extracellu- their building blocks, (e.g., monosaccharides), lar leaflet (van Meer et al. 2008). fatty acids and sphingosine. Sphingosine can

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Lipid Biosynthetic Trafficking

then leave the lysosomes and is either degraded Of the individual sterol biosynthetic steps, or reused for building new sphingolipids via the rate-limiting enzyme, HMG CoA reductase salvage pathways (Kolter and Sandhoff 2005; (which is the target of the cholesterol lowering Schulze et al. 2009). Sphingosine can reenter statin drugs), has been extensively characterized. the salvage pathway by being acylated in the HMG CoA reductase is an ER integral membrane ER to form ceramide. The reutilization of protein and is stringently regulated both at the sphingosine for the synthesis of GSLs is largely transcriptional and posttranslational levels (see independent of CERT,suggesting that this path- Ye and DeBose-Boyd 2011). Based on enzyme way relies on vesicular trafficking of ceramide activity measurements, also the later steps of from the ER to the Golgi apparatus (D’Angelo sterol biosynthesis take place in the ER. Sterol et al. 2007; Giussani et al. 2008). Sphingosine synthesis by microsomal enzymes is highly effi- destined for degradation must first be phos- cient to the extent that organization via multien- phorylated to sphingosine-1-phosphate, which zyme complex(es) have been suggested (Gaylor is then hydrolyzed to phosphoethanolamine and Delwiche 1973). However, several of the and hexadecenal by a sphingosine-1-phosphate cholesterol biosynthetic enzymes are also found lyase in the ER (Ikeda et al. 2004). in other compartments, such as (presqualene steps [Kovacs et al. 2007]), nucleus (Wu et al. 2004), or (Zwerger BIOSYNTHETIC TRAFFICKING OF STEROLS et al. 2010) (sterol 24-reductase and lamin B Cholesterol is a major structural lipid in mam- receptor, respectively), lipid droplets (NAD(P)H malian cell membranes and is enriched in the steroid dehydrogenase like protein) (Ohashi et al. plasma membrane as well as intracellular mem- 2003), and the Golgi complex (Cotman et al. branes that actively communicate with the 2004) (lanosterol 14 a-demethylase). What func- plasma membrane, such as recycling endo- tions this compartmentalization of the enzymes somes and the trans-Golgi network (Ikonen might serve, is not known. 2008). Cholesterol has a rigid four-ring struc- Although the ER is the main site of choles- ture with 17 carbon atoms, to which two methyl terol synthesis, cholesterol concentration in groups and an iso-octyl side chain are attached the ER is low. This is because newly synthesized (Fig. 4). All nucleated cells are capable of syn- sterols are rapidly transported to other cellular thesizing cholesterol by using acetate as the membranes (Fig. 5). The fast transport of the sole carbon source. The rate-limiting enzyme intermediates may also explain the high effi- in the pathway, hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA ciency of sterol biosynthesis despite the diver- reductase, catalyzes the synthesis of mevalonate. gent localizations of the enzymes involved. Six enzyme reactions then convert mevalonate Many of the newly synthesized postlanosterol to squalene. The mevalonate pathway is also intermediates can rapidly reach the plasma used for the synthesis of other molecules, such membrane. They can also be secreted out of cells as isoprenoids, dolichol, and ubiquinone. The to physiological () or pharmacolog- first enzyme in the mevalonate pathway com- ical (e.g., cyclodextrin) acceptors, or return to mitted to cholesterol synthesis is squalene oxi- the ER for conversion into cholesterol (Johnson dase. This reaction requires molecular oxygen et al. 1995; Lusa et al. 2003). There is evidence and the product, lanosterol, is the first cyclic that the efflux of individual precursor sterols intermediate in the pathway. The steps post from cells to extracellular acceptors varies, lanosterol involve 20 enzymatic reactions with the more polar zymosterol being more and there are two alternative pathways depend- avidly effluxed than lathosterol and both ing on whether or not there is a double bond exceeding that of newly synthesized cholesterol between sterol carbons 24 and 25; the Bloch (Lange et al. 1991; Lusa et al. 2003). Indeed, cir- pathway is followed when the double bond is culating lathosterol levels can be used as a surro- present, whereas Kandutsch-Russell pathway is gate marker of cholesterol biosynthetic activity followed when it is absent (Fig. 4) (Bloch 1992). in humans (Gylling et al. 1989).

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T. Blom et al.

O O O +

H3C S-CoA H3C S-CoA Acetyl-CoA Acetoacetyl-CoA HMG-CoA synthase


HO S-CoA HMG-CoA HMG-CoA reductase


HO OH Mevalonate (6 steps)


CH3 CH3 H3C H3C Squalene (2 steps)

H CH3 CH3 H3C H3C H H H3C H3C CH CH 3 (~8 steps) 3 H3C H3C

CH3 H H HO H HO H H3C CH3 Lanosterol Lathosterol

(~9 steps) (2 steps)

H CH3 CH3 H3C H3C H H H3C H3C CH3 CH3 H3C H H3C H H H Δ24-sterol reductase HH

HO HO Desmosterol Cholesterol

Cytochrome P450scc Sterol 27-hydroxylase

H C H C 3 O 3 OH H H H3C H3C CH3 H3C H H3C H H H HH HO HO Pregnenolone 27-Hydroxycholesterol (steroid hormones) (oxysterols)

Figure 4. Overview of the biosynthetic pathways of sterols. The four-ring sterol backbone derives from reductive polymerizations of acetate to generate squalene, which is cyclized to form lanosterol, the first sterol in the path- way. The rate-limiting enzyme of cholesterol biosynthesis is HMG-CoA reductase. The postlanosterol pathway involves roughly 20 steps, with some of the enzymes capable of acting on multiple substrates. If the carbon-24 double bond is reduced early on, the pathway procedes via lathosterol (and 7-dehydrocholesterol, not shown) to cholesterol, whereas reduction of carbon-24 only in the last step results in the generation of desmosterol as the penultimate cholesterol cholesterol precursor. Cholesterol serves as a precursor for other bioactive sterols, such as steroid hormones and oxysterols.

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Lipid Biosynthetic Trafficking

Glycerophospholipids Sphingolipids Sterols

Sphinganine Squalene Diacylglycerol Sphingosine Ln Lanosterol Phosphatidic acid Dihydroceramide Lt Lathosterol Phosphatidylcholine Ceramide D Desmosterol S Phosphatidylserine Sphingomyelin C Cholesterol E Phosphatidylethanolamine Glucosylceramide E Cholesterylester Glycosphingolipids Pn Pregnenolone


Golgi ORPs

Mitochondria Pn


C D E C ER Ln Lt

Figure 5. Biosynthetic trafficking of major membrane lipids. (Left) Glycerophospholipids are synthesized in the ER, with phosphatidylserine synthases enriched in mitochondria associated membrane fractions. Glycerophos- pholipids are transported from the ER both along exocytic membrane transport and by nonvesicular, yet poorly characterized mechanisms. (Middle) De novo sphingolipid synthesis is initiated in the ER. The ER to Golgi transport of ceramide for the assembly of more complex sphingolipids is mediated by CERT, and to a lesser extent by membrane transport. The post-Golgi transport of complex sphingolipids is dependent on membrane transport. Sphingosine that stems from lysosomally degraded complex sphingolipids can be acylated to form ceramide in the ER and recycled to sphingomyelin and glycosphingolipids. (Right) Cholesterol biosynthetic enzymes reside in the ER, with some presqualene enzymes also localized in peroxisomes (Px). Sterols are trans- ported to the plasma membrane (PM) largely via Golgi bypass route(s) and the ORP proteins play a role in this process, as well as in the reverse transport from the plasma membrane to the ER. Sterols imported into mito- chondria by StAR can be used for steroid hormone synthesis. Excess cholesterol can be esterified in the ER by acyl-CoA cholesterol acyltransferase and stored in lipid droplets (LD). Arrows indicate the direction of lipid transport. Please note that arrows do not necessarily reflect the transport distance as membranes move con- stantly and lipid transfer may be facilitated by close apposition of membranes. Carrier proteins are indicated by black circles.

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The techniques available to study the mech- important in this process (Lavigne et al. 2010; anisms of biosynthetic sterol trafficking from Ridgway 2010). These proteins are encoded by the ER to the more sterol-enriched membranes 27 genes comprising almost 0.1% of the entire are indirect. Typically, cells are labeled with the human genome (Ngo et al. 2010). The START radioactive precursors acetate or mevalonate, and ORP proteins have verified sterol-binding chased, and the incorporation of the radiolabel domains (several of which have been crystal- into cholesterol is measured, after subcellular lized) and adjacent regulatory and membrane- fractionation, lipid extraction, and chromato- targeting motifs. graphic separation of the radiolabeled lipophilic The steroidogenic acute regulatory protein compounds. A simpler method for analyzing (StAR) is the prototype of the START family the plasma membrane arrival of sterols is rapid proteins. StAR regulates the rate-limiting step extraction of sterols to the efficient extracellular in steroid hormone biosynthesis, that is, the acceptor, methyl b cyclodextrin. This should be delivery of cholesterol into the mitochondrial performed at reduced temperature (Heino et al. inner membrane (Manna et al. 2009). This 2000), because at 37oC cyclodextrin is endocy- membrane harbors the P450 side chain cleavage tosed and no longer assesses only the plasma enzyme that catalyzes pregnenolone produc- membrane sterol pool (Rosenbaum et al. 2010). tion from cholesterol. StAR is a labile phospho- Most of the newly synthesized cholesterol protein whose synthesis correlates tightly with can reach the plasma membrane by route(s) steroid synthesis. Its amino-terminal mito- that bypass the Golgi complex as assessed by chondrial leader sequence is cleaved during or pharmacological disassembly of the Golgi com- after translocation into mitochondria, leaving plex by using Brefeldin A treatment (Urbani intact the START domain that is responsible and Simoni 1990; Heino et al. 2000) or by for inducing cholesterol transfer. However, the genetic perturbation of ER-Golgi membrane role of mitochondrial targeting and processing transport in (Baumann et al. 2005). Inter- of StAR on steroidogenesisis is controversial, estingly, in yeast steroids and sterols can be ace- as the START domain can function at the outer tylated by a sterol acetyltransferase bound to mitochondrial membrane (Arakane et al. 1996), the ER membrane. This acetylation controls and internalization of StAR into mitochondria the export of steroids and sterols from cells does not appear necessary for the sterol transfer via the secretory pathway, and acts as a lipid (Bose et al. 2002). detoxification mechanism (Tiwari et al. 2007). In yeast, ORP homologs (Osh proteins) Acetylation renders the lipid more hydropho- have been implicated in ER-plasma membrane bic, conferring higher affinity for membranes, sterol delivery. Moreover, recent data implicate and apparently therefore preferential delivery Osh and ORP proteins in bidirectional delivery via membrane transport. Instead, mammals of sterols between the plasma membrane and use a different strategy for sterol excretion: cho- the ER (Raychaudhuri et al. 2006; Jansen et al. lesterol is rendered increasingly hydrophilic via 2011). Several of the ORP proteins carry a oxidation to generate oxysterols (Fig. 4) (fol- FFAT (phenylalanine in an acidic tract) motif lowed by further oxidation to bile acids in the that interacts with the ER protein VAMP associ- liver) (Russell 2003) to increase water solubility ated (VAP) (Loewen et al. and excretion into the aqueous extracellular 2003). This may display a regulatory function milieu. in sterol transfer analogously to CERT, in which There is increasing evidence for the role of this motif regulates ER interaction and cera- soluble sterol carrier proteins in facilitating mide transfer activity (Kawano et al. 2006). sterol trafficking between cellular membranes. The plextrin homology (PH) domains present Particularly two sterol-binding protein families, in several ORPs may provide additional binding the START (steroidogenic acute regulatory pro- specifities between donor and acceptor mem- tein related lipid transfer) and ORP (oxysterol- branes. PIP interactions may also take place in binding protein related protein) families are the absence of a PH domain, as in Osh4, where

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a membrane-binding surface of the protein mutations in the mitochondrial cholesterol can generate a phosphoinositide binding site transporter StAR cause a severe impairment in (Schulz et al. 2009). In mammalian cells, ORP2 the synthesis of all adrenal and gonadal steroid was shown to enhance biosynthetic sterol traf- hormones, resulting in lipoid congenital adre- ficking from the ER to the plasma membrane nal hyperplasia (Lin et al. 1995), whereas muta- (Hynynen et al. 2005). It can also facilitate the tions in the keratinocyte lipid transporter delivery of sterols in the reverse direction, ABCA12 cause a skin disorder, harlequin ich- from the plasma membrane to the ER and lipid tyosis, that results from the loss of long-chain droplets (Jansen et al. 2011). ceramide esters in the skin and disruption of the epidermal permeability barrier (Zuo et al. 2008). Such examples with Mendelian inheri- CONCLUDING REMARKS AND FUTURE tance patterns represent the severe end of the PROSPECTS spectrum, the tip of the iceberg, in lipid synthe- The enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of sis and delivery problems in human disease. glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, and ster- With improved analytical technologies, the ols have been characterized, and there is ample number and variety of such disturbances is information on the regulation of the rate-limit- bound to increase. ing enzymes of the pathways. Instead, insight into the mechanisms of delivery of newly syn- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS thesized lipids to their target membranes in cells is less comprehensive. This study was supported by the Academy of Although the basic biophysical principles of Finland grant nos. 123261 (T.B.), 131429, and lipid mobility have been extensively studied in 218066 (E.I.). model membranes, the unequivocal identifica- tion of physiologically relevant mediators of REFERENCES lipid transfer has not been easy. A major chal- lenge is the redundancy of lipid trafficking sys- Achleitner G, Gaigg B, Krasser A, Kainersdorfer E, Kohlwein tems in cells. This calls for manipulations that SD, Perktold A, Zellnig G, Daum G. 1999. Association between the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria can target an entire protein family, for instance of yeast facilitates interorganelle transport of phospho- by pharmacologic compounds, or by genetic lipids through membrane contact. Eur J Biochem 264: strategies in multicellular , as has 545–553. been pioneered in yeast. Moreover, analytical Achleitner G, Zweytick D, Trotter PJ, Voelker DR, Daum G. 1995. Synthesis and intracellular transport of aminogly- tools need to be further developed. Mass spec- cerophospholipids in permeabilized cells of the yeast, trometry based lipidomics has only recently . J Biol Chem 270: 29836–29842. opened the possibility to obtain comprehensive Arakane F, Sugawara T, Nishino H, Liu Z, Holt JA, Pain D, Stocco DM, Miller WL, Strauss JF III. 1996. Steroido- and precise structural information on individ- genic acute regulatory protein (StAR) retains activity in ual lipid molecules. This technology should be the absence of its mitochondrial import sequence: Impli- extended and complemented with improved cations for the mechanism of StAR action. Proc Natl Acad imaging systems to visualizing lipids and Sci 93: 13731–13736. Baumann NA, Sullivan DP,Ohvo-Rekila H, Simonot C, Pot- lipid–protein interactions in cells and tissues, teka A, Klaassen Z, Beh CT, Menon AK. 2005. Transport to obtain improved spatial and temporal infor- of newly synthesized sterol to the sterol-enriched plasma mation on lipid delivery. membrane occurs via nonvesicular equilibration. Bio- chemistry 44: 5816–5826. Finally, it is important to acknowledge that Ben-David O, Futerman AH. 2010 The role of the ceramide despite the redundancy in lipid biosynthetic acyl chain length in neurodegeneration: Involvement of trafficking systems, not all delivery systems ceramide synthases. Neuromolecular Med 12: 341–350. are backed up in all cells. This is exemplified Bloch K. 1992. Sterol molecule: Structure, biosynthesis, and by human diseases because of defects in this function. Steroids 57: 378–383. Bose HS, Lingappa VR, Miller WL. 2002. Rapid regulation process that manifest as complex tissue level of steroidogenesis by mitochondrial protein import. malfunction. For instance, loss of function Nature 417: 87–91.

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Synthesis and Biosynthetic Trafficking of Membrane Lipids

Tomas Blom, Pentti Somerharju and Elina Ikonen

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2011; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a004713 originally published online April 11, 2011

Subject Collection The Biology of Lipids

Role of Lipids in Virus Replication Membrane Organization and Lipid Rafts Maier Lorizate and Hans-Georg Kräusslich Kai Simons and Julio L. Sampaio Model Answers to Lipid Membrane Questions Shotgun Lipidomics on High Resolution Mass Ole G. Mouritsen Spectrometers Dominik Schwudke, Kai Schuhmann, Ronny Herzog, et al. Glycosphingolipid Functions Glycosphingolipid Functions Clifford A. Lingwood Clifford A. Lingwood Regulation of Cholesterol and Fatty Acid Phosphoinositides in Cell Architecture Synthesis Annette Shewan, Dennis J. Eastburn and Keith Jin Ye and Russell A. DeBose-Boyd Mostov Lipid-Mediated Endocytosis Synthesis and Biosynthetic Trafficking of Helge Ewers and Ari Helenius Membrane Lipids Tomas Blom, Pentti Somerharju and Elina Ikonen Fluorescence Techniques to Study Lipid Lipid Polymorphisms and Membrane Shape Dynamics Vadim A. Frolov, Anna V. Shnyrova and Joshua Erdinc Sezgin and Petra Schwille Zimmerberg Lysosomal Lipid Storage Diseases Specificity of Intramembrane Protein−Lipid Heike Schulze and Konrad Sandhoff Interactions Francesc-Xabier Contreras, Andreas Max Ernst, Felix Wieland, et al. Distribution and Functions of Sterols and Dynamic Transbilayer Lipid Asymmetry Sphingolipids Gerrit van Meer J. Thomas Hannich, Kyohei Umebayashi and Howard Riezman

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