NOTICE OF POLL Council Election of Parish Councillors for Parish Council Notice is hereby given that: 1. A poll for the election of Parish Councillors for Clunbury Parish Council will be held on Thursday 6 May 2021, between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm. 2. The number of Parish Councillors to be elected is nine. 3. The names, home addresses and descriptions of the Candidates remaining validly nominated for election and the names of all persons signing the Candidates nomination paper are as follows: Names of Signatories Name of Candidate Home Address Description (if any) Proposers(+), Seconders(++) & Assentors BAILEY Three Ashes Grange, Ivor F. Dorricott (+) John T Owens (++) Karl Georges Twitchen, Clunbury, , Shropshire, SY7 0HN BRAMAH-TAYLOR (Address in Independent Nicola J Bramah-Taylor David C Bramah-Taylor Joseph Frederick Shropshire) (+) (++)

CROXTON 6 Clunton, Craven Patricia M. Harding (+) Alexander E Harding John Heber Arms, Shropshire, SY7 (++) 0HP DAVIES 2, Gunridge Cottage, Patricia M. Harding (+) Malcolm G Jones (++) Michael Ian Clunton, Craven Arms, Shropshire, SY7 0HX EVANS Lower House, Clunton, Maurice E Powell (+) Jill Whittaker (++) Harriet Jane Craven Arms, Shropshire, SY7 0HP HARDING The Orchard, Clunton, Michael I Davies (+) Lucy S E Lewis (++) Pat Craven Arms, Shropshire, SY7 0HZ HERN 24 Kempton, Lydbury Gisele S Wall (+) Thomas H Wall (++) Claire Angela North, Shropshire, SY7 0JG HUFFER (Address in Patricia M. Harding (+) Malcolm G Jones (++) John Edward Shropshire)

JONES Lyndale, Clunton, Local Farmer Patricia M. Harding (+) Lucy S E Lewis (++) Malcolm Gilbert Craven Arms, SY7 0HP LEWIS 31, Kempton, Lydbury Thomas H Wall (+) Gisele S Wall (++) Lucy Sally Elizabeth North, Shropshire, SY7 0JF MORGAN (Address in Patricia M. Harding (+) Alexander E Harding Nick Shropshire) (++)

4. The situation of Polling Stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:

Station Ranges of electoral register numbers of Situation of Polling Station Number persons entitled to vote thereat Clunbury Village Hall, Clunbury, Craven Arms L58 LKF-1 to LKF-450

5. Where contested this poll is taken together with the election of Councillors and the election of Police and Crime Commissioner.

Dated Tuesday 27 April 2021 Claire Porter Returning Officer

Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, , Shropshire, SY2 6ND