Wall of Sound 2021 Student Handbook & Information

Apollo: To the Moon

Music Arranged by Greg Tsalikis Percussion by Derrick Shannon

Two Steps to Enroll:

Enroll in the Germantown School District Summer School GHS Summer Marching Registration Information https://www.gsdwi.org/district/summer-school.cfm

Complete the Wall of Sound Commitment Form by Friday, May 21. http://bit.ly/WoSSignUp2021 1 Wall of Sound 2021 - Handbook Lessons Learned in Marching Band Marching band is a musical endeavor that on the surface teaches music and movement. In reality, it teaches its members many lessons that are valuable for a successful life.

Lois Herbine is a professional flute player in Philadelphia. She is a solo artist on Crystal Records and has performed on many television soundtracks and was recently a backup artist for John Legend. She is also an accomplished writer, contributing articles to Flute Talk and American Musics Center’s New Music Box Magazine. In her article, Life Lessons I learned in Marching Band, she highlights the skills that lead to her playing success.

She lists her Life Lessons as Camaraderie - Some of my best friends through life were my teammates in the marching band and members of the flute section. Looking out for others - Close order drill in sweltering heat made us mindful, not only for our own needs but also for the needs of others. One of my best friends in the section used to faint from heat exhaustion. After the first time, I learned to run behind her and catch her on cue. Competition - We worked collectively as one unit to the benefit of the ensemble while seeking the first place prize. Students will create their own competition on the individual level within the organization, but in marching band, individual competition is secondary to taking an active role to support the cohesiveness of the ensemble, helping it become the best it can be. Losing and winning gracefully - I learned that you won’t always win in competition and that it is okay. Sometimes it’s your very best shot that loses and sometimes it’s what you consider to be a weaker performance that wins. Politely congratulating the winning band is a must as well as consoling with the competition that lost. Responsibility - The absence or tardiness of one affects a number of players, who are liable to miss their marks or musical cues without your guide. This can also cause added work for your section leader if he or she needs to spend time re-teaching the drill or music that you missed.

2 Self-Esteem - A core group of friends sharing interests and experiences as well as disappointments and elations gives each member a support system from which to grow and develop. Performing in front of judges and packed stadiums helps overcome performance anxieties. Leadership - There are many leadership opportunities with the band. As section leader, I was responsible to lead rehearsals and to teach my section their drill. I learned to instruct in an entertaining way to keep them motivated and attentive. This was a great start to my career. Performance Skills - Playing in the marching band helped make me a better musician. Rehearsing every day after school fostered a routine of daily playing and practicing. Marching band competitions fostered accuracy, memorization, endurance, coordination, and projection to the top row of the football stadium.

In addition to teaching music and movement, the Wall of Sound will also focus on the many positive aspects of marching band. Including those listed above, there are the many other life lessons to be learned while having fun on the marching field.

The Wall of Sound Staff Jonathan Bell, Band Director 262-502-7158 [email protected] Andy Stone, Band Director 262-502-7159 [email protected] Alex Stone, Front Line Instructor Chad Quamme, Drill Designer

The music for this year is Apollo: To the Moon, arranged by Greg Tsalikis. The percussion music is written by Derrick Shannon. The music opens with Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Richard Srauss. Many of us know this as the theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey. https://youtu.be/c8r_pZoaZf0 Jupiter, from The Planets by Gustav Holst is next. https://youtu.be/BUM_zT3YKHs The slow section is Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy. https://youtu.be/FoD_AxKoJDs The final section is The Adventurer’s Hymn by Michael Patti. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQkcUOQ2M5M

Chad Quamme is writing the drill again this year. He has been an active instructor of marching band for the last twenty years. He writes the drill for UW-Whitewater, Waukesha West, as well as schools in Michigan and Texas. He adjudicates all over the country, including for DCI. He is also a history teacher at Beloit Memorial High School.

3 Responsibilities and Expectations Respect The foundation to any successful group is respect. The three areas of respect, that if followed, will lead our group in the right direction. If you show respect in all three areas, the Wall of Sound will run very smoothly, there will be very few problems, and most importantly, we WILL have a great season. The three areas of respect are: Respect for Yourself- This involves living a healthy lifestyle and taking care of yourself. This also includes practicing your music, having your materials, knowing your drill, and maintaining your instrument. Respect Your Peers- Performing in a music ensemble is the ultimate team building activity. We have no "bench." How you prepare yourself for the show GREATLY affects the success of everyone in the band. By working together, we will have a great season. Respect the school- This involves the equipment, the building facilities, and the faculty. Everything in the school is there for the success of the students (you). Showing respect for what is here will help ensure that it will be here for years to come. Etiquette A rule of conduct and manners will be expected from each member of the Wall of Sound. This includes following the guidelines for Respect listed above. More specifically, it includes Being on time- If a rehearsal starts at 6:30 pm, then the full band rehearsal starts at 6:30 pm. Members need to plan their arrival 10-15 minutes early in order to be ready for the start. Rehearsals that start on time and will end on time. Participating - Know your part, be prepared for rehearsal, and have everything you need for the rehearsal. Courtesy - There will be many people helping make this season a success. Everyone from the band staff, school staff, parent volunteers, alumni, siblings, and interested community members want to help you succeed. “Please” and “Thank you” are great ways to show your appreciation for their assistance. Discipline and Pride Knowing what to do and actually doing it are two separate things. As we work together through the season, your ability to do what is right will help us to stay on the path to a successful season. Hard work and discipline will lead to great pride in what we do. Pride is something that shows in a group through their behavior and performance. The Calendar and Attendance As Lois Herbine wrote in her marching band lessons, “the absence or tardiness of one affects a number of players, who are liable to miss their marks or musical cues without your guide.” This does not understate the importance of attendance. In the application packet there was a calendar for the summer and fall. Most people list no known conflicts or listed a specific rehearsal. Please make sure your employers know your rehearsal schedule. Attendance forms will be available both online and in the band room. If you must miss a rehearsal, please complete the form. Chronic unexcused absences will not be tolerated and will be cause for dismissal from the group.

4 Uniform Requirements and Care While you are in uniform, you are constantly being observed. Your personal appearance and your actions represent not only you, but also your band, school, community and country. The uniform assigned to you is a valuable asset to the band. It helps define our identity as the Germantown Wall of Sound. The manner in which the band presents itself can leave either a positive or negative impression on its audience. The care of the uniform, and the band member’s behavior while wearing it, goes far toward creating pride and continuing tradition. As you know, the uniforms are only in their fifth year of use. Their care and maintenance will be extremely important. If something needs to be fixed or adjusted on your uniform, simply report it to one of the Uniform Parents. There is a marker board on the uniform room door for this. Only gym shorts, a sleeved t-shirt, Thermal underwear, Under Armour or spandex will be worn under the uniform in cold weather. Jeans, sweatshirts and sweatpants are too bulky and do not work with the uniform. You are expected to return the uniform in the same condition it was issued. Student leaders will teach uniform care to new members. DO NOT leave any part of the uniform balled up on the floor of the band room, restroom, or bus! The Shako (hat) - should always be worn squarely on your head, not tilted back or to one side. The visual judges partially base our visual score on whether or not your plume is sitting up straight. When you are not wearing your Shako, it should be carried the proper way. It should be held squarely in the left hand, with the index and middle fingers and thumb clasped gently on the brim. ALWAYS carry the Shako in this fashion when not wearing it and NEVER WEAR YOUR HAT BACKWARDS!! Hats- Are stored in the Hat box only ... not in garment bags. Gloves- Keep these gloves in your hat box or garment bag, as not to lose them. Do not wait until the last minute to buy your gloves. You will be able to order gloves with this packet. Socks- The band wears black socks only. The socks must be knee high in length. Keep an extra pair in your garment bag. Hair/Jewelry- Hair may not cover the collar. All hair (male or female) must be pulled into a bun to be able to fit under the hat. Bring extra hair bands and allow extra time before each performance. Earrings and other jewelry may not be worn, as they distract from the uniform. Food/Drink/Gum - When in uniform, there is no eating or drinking, other than water, in uniform. Gum is also not allowed. Sitting - Do not sit on the ground when in uniform. When sitting on bleachers, check to make sure that they are clean. Full uniform only-When in uniform, you must be wearing the complete uniform. Do not wear them in various stages of undress, or un-zippered. Gloves and Shoes: White no longer sells band gloves and we are moving away from providing marching shoes. Shoes can be purchased or you may buy used from our current stock. In this packet there will be a place to order both. Members should look as good from one foot away as from 100 feet away. How you look is the first indication of the commitment, pride, discipline, and talent that the audience will see and hear.

5 Instrument Care Instruments that have been cared for and are in good working order will play better and increase the tone and sound quality of the band. Between personal and school owned instruments, there is more than $200,000 invested. To properly maintain your instrument, follow these guidelines. 1. Oil your valves and use your cork grease. Most repairs can be solved by doing this. 2. Proper supplies, such as two or more reeds, valve oil, slide or cork grease, cleaning cloth, cleaning swab. 3. Never leave your instrument unattended. This is especially true when in the stands for a football game. There will be times when we will “ground” the instruments. This involves carefully placing the instruments on the sideline for safety while we learn drill on the field. When we do this, instruments will be grounded by sections. 4. Do not play another student’s instrument or use their color guard equipment. This is for health, safety and care of the player and instrument. 5. Always keep your things together and make sure your name is clearly printed. 6. If your instrument malfunctions during a rehearsal, see one of the directors. If there is a quick fix, they will take care of that. Otherwise, it may need to go to the repair shop. Student Leadership The Wall of Sound succeeds with a system of student leadership and parent volunteers. For the system to work, everyone needs to strive for the same goal in a positive manner. The student leaders will be trained on how to work in a group and will be following directions from the adult staff. The parent volunteers also give of their time to donate their talents for the success of the band. The student leaders and parent volunteers have earned respect for taking on these responsibilities. Cooperation with all the leaders and volunteers is critical. If problems do arise, then it should be reported to the directors at the earliest possible opportunity. What to Have at Rehearsals For rehearsals to be most effective, everyone must have the proper equipment. This includes, loose fitting clothes and tennis shoes. No sandals are allowed. Shirts must be worn by all members. Sunglasses, sunscreen and bug spray are also recommended. We will take water breaks, but you are also encouraged to have a water bottle, with your name on it. Equipment to Have 1. Flip folder and lyre. These can be purchased at any music store. Take your instrument with you to ensure a proper fit. You will need 15-20 pages in the flip folder. Put your name on the flip folder. 2. Three Ring Binder-no bigger than 1 inch. You will receive information, music, instructions, and more that won’t fit in a flip folder. This will keep you organized. 3. Music. Stands music, show music, warm up music will be played at each rehearsal. 4. Coordinate Sheets/drill information. These tell you exactly where to go on the field. Without them you will not know where you need to be on the field. 5. Black Socks, white gloves and black shoes. This is a part of the uniform that you must provide. The socks must be long and can be purchased at any department/clothing store. Gloves and shoes can be purchased with the form at the end.

6 Lost Items There is a lost and found box in the band room. If you lose something, that is the first place to check. If you have lost music or coordinate sheets, then see one of the directors for replacement. Putting your name on your items will help in getting lost items returned.

Code of Conduct The Wall of Sound is a co-curricular activity at Germantown High School. As such, its members are subject to the co-curricular code of conduct. The entire Co-Curricular Handbook is available on the Germantown High School Website (http://www.germantownschools.org/schools/high/athleticforms.cfm) Highlights of the code of conduct include: 1. Academic Standards: Students in all co-curricular activities must either pass all courses they are enrolled in, or have a 2.00 grade point average during every marking period. 2. School Attendance: Regular attendance is an important factor in academic achievement. A student must be in attendance in at least half of his/her scheduled classes in order to be eligible to participate in a practice, contest, or performance that day. 3. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs: (A.O.D.A.)The use or possession of alcohol, any tobacco product or E cigarettes, illegal drugs, mood altering substance (as defined in school board policy) or performance enhancing substances is prohibited for any Germantown High School co-curricular participants. 4. Assault, Hazing, and Bullying: The physical or verbal assault of any adult or student will not be tolerated, in or out of school. 5. All participants must follow the General School Rules and Regulations. Any suspensions, or other disciplinary action imposed by the school will disqualify that individual from practice, competition or performance for any period of time determined by the school administration. Failure to follow the school code of conduct can result in removal from the Wall of Sound.

Summer School The summer portion of the Wall of Sound is a part of the school district’s summer school program. All members do need to register for summer school. On-line registration for Summer School 2021 is open and families can register for summer school courses through Skyward Family Access. More information is at the GSD Dept. of Teaching and Learning website: https://www.gsdwi.org/district/summer-school.cfm

Photos We have a couple of very good photographers who are at nearly every Wall of Sound function. They will post their pictures on the band booster website, where they can be downloaded. On the final page, please sign and give your consent for your pictures to be on the website (warhawkbands.org) and the Warhawk Bands Facebook page, Warhawk Bands.

7 Communication The Wall of Sound uses several different ways to get information out to its members and families. The primary forms are listed below. Please work to make sure you have them bookmarked, enrolled, and/or updated.

Charms: This is how most of the emails will be sent. Each student needs to log into Charms and update your information. The information in Charms will also be shared with the Warhawk Band Boosters to help keep parents informed on ways to help their kids. Directions for setting up your charms account are attached to this packet. Charms has a calendar, ways to volunteer for different activities, keep track of your student account, and much more.

Remind: This one way texting and email is a great way to get the fastest update of information. With Remind, all personal information remains completely confidential. Teachers will never see your phone number, not will you ever see theirs. Remind will be used for rehearsal reminders, sudden cancellations, and competitions results and return times. To receive messages, students should text “@ghswal” to 81010. Parents should text “@ghswosfan” to 81010 To receive messages via email, send an email to “[email protected]” or “@[email protected]” You can leave the subject blank. warhawkbands.org This is the band booster website. It has sections for each band offered at GHS, as well as the Germantown Community Band. Pictures from band events are posted. There are links to Charms and the Wall of Sound Absence Form (in the Wall of Sound Section)

Warhawk Band Boosters This support group is vital to the success of the band program. Through fundraising efforts, the Wall of Sound has the budget to put a great show on the field. More importantly, the Warhawk Band Boosters provides countless hours of volunteer support to the band program. A membership form for the 2021-21 Warhawk Band Boosters is attached. It is our hope that every family will become members.

Volunteering/Parent Help The Warhawk Band Boosters help arrange for the necessary parent volunteers for the Wall of Sound. Lori Knapp is the parent liaison for the boosters. Please see and complete the attached volunteer need checklist. She will also be sending emails with other items that will be needed throughout the season. Any and all help parents can provide go into making the Wall of Sound a success.

Camp Lunch and Football Game Meals In the fall for Friday night football games and camp lunches, the Warhawk Band Boosters will be cooking meals for band members who sign up. The meals may range from Texas Roadhouse, Mac N Cheese, to Cousins subs. The meals are $5.00 each. If you are interested in being on the meal committee, please check that on the volunteer list.

8 Fundraising Within the band program, there are three primary forms of fundraising. Band Fundraisers support the general band program, including the Wall of Sound. Warhawk Band Booster Fundraisers support the boosters and their efforts for the band program. Student Account fundraisers benefit students as they work toward the next band trip. Student account balances can be viewed in your Charms Account. The majority of Wall of Sound costs are paid for with the assistance of the Warhawk Band Boosters. Any additional donations are greatly appreciated. Ear plugs Hearing is a very important sense and one we want everyone to keep for a lifetime. Loud sounds are damaging to the ears and the Wall of Sound makes loud music. Ear plugs are encouraged for all members and especially the drum line. The ear plugs offered in the packet are designed for musicians, as they reduce all frequencies the same amount. Ear plugs you buy in local stores reduce only certain frequencies. If you have questions about these ear plugs or their necessity, please contact Mr. Bell at [email protected]. Co-Curricular Fee Since the Wall of Sound is a co-curricular activity, participants will be charged the $85.00 fee at registration. Do not pay this now, but wait until registration in the fall when families will be invoiced.

Wall of Sound T Shirt/Bus Upgrade During Wall of Sound camp an invoice will come home for $30 to cover the cost of the Wall of Sound shirt, coach bus upgrade for the State Marching Band Championships at UW-Whitewater on October 15 and other supplies for Wall of Sound. These two items are a part of the fall Wall of Sound session.

Commitment Form/Sign-up - The linked Google Form is the commitment/sign-up for the group. There are many places to sign and options of things to purchase. Please review everything carefully. Checks for all payments at this time should be made payable to the Warhawk Band Boosters. The form needs to be completed and submitted by Friday, May 21. If you have any questions about anything in this packet, please contact Mr. Bell at [email protected] or Mr. Stone at [email protected]

Thank you for reading through all of this and I am looking forward to a great season.

9 Charms Office Assistant Charms Office Assistant is a web based management system for music teachers to organize student contact information, inventory, uniforms, trips, fundraisers, forms, etc... It allows directors to access student information, send emails, manage the details of a band program from anywhere. For the parent and student, Charms has •Full student records with parent and student information that you can update. •An easy to read calendar of band and school events, including volunteer needs. •Easy access to fundraiser information. •Email the teacher options. •Links to the band website: www.warhawkbands.org •Easy way to insure we have the correct contact information. •Great way to insure your name is spelled correctly on the program. What do we need you to do? 1. Go to the charms website. www.charmsoffice.com 2. Click on Enter in the upper right hand corner, select Parent/Student Members. 3. Our school code is GermantownHSBand (click “Enter”) 4. Your first student area password is your Germantown School ID. a. -see below for how to get that information. 5. Once you log in, you will be directed to change your password to something you will remember. 6. The directors do not have the ability to look up your password, only to reset to the original student ID password. 7. Complete the Personal Information, including a. Correct name spelling, address, phone, email, birth date, t-shirt size. b. Parent information-We do not need a driver's license number or parent birth date. c. If you have an occupation and/or skills that you think would benefit the band, such as carpentry, medical training, or sewing, please list them. Charms Login ID and Password The initial student password is the student’s Germantown school ID number. This allows us to take advantage of more of Charms features. If you do not know your student ID number, follow these instructions. 1] Log into your Skyward account. 2] Click on student information from the column on the left. 3] Your student ID is listed on this page as “Other ID”. The email address you list in Charms will be used by the GHS band staff to send information on upcoming rehearsals, performances, fundraisers, and other band events. If you have problems logging into Charms, then please contact Mr. Bell at [email protected]

10 How to access parent/student information in Charms Provided by Charms Office Assistant

*Log on to www.charmsoffice.com, and click the “ENTER” link at upper right. *Locate the “PARENT/STUDENT/MEMBERS LOGIN” section of the web page. *Login to your child’s program account using the following School Code:GermantownHSBand

This will bring up the main parent page. This will allow you to look at the “public” calendar for your organization, event list, handouts and other files.

Clicking on an event on the calendar brings up the details for that event, such as times, attendance requirements and equipment/uniform necessities. Clicking on “event list” puts all of the calendar information in a list form for easy printing. Note that if a calendar event is specifically assigned to your child, it may NOT show up on this calendar – check the “Student” calendar after entering the student’s ID number (see below).

When you enter your child’s ID NUMBER (listed in Skyward as Other ID) as a Student Area Password, another more detailed screen appears with even more options to view your student’s uniform assignments, music assignments, financial records, forms and inventory. Once you have first entered this ID number, you may create your own, unique password by clicking on the “keyhole” (Change Password) button.

The main area in which you can help the director maintain his/her records: Update Personal Information – if the director has allowed it, you may help make changes to your child’s student information page (such as updating phone numbers and email addresses if they change) to help the teacher communicate with you more effectively. Click the Personal Info button. You will also see links to enter Calendar, Event List, and use the . The recording studio lets you record yourself, use an online metronome and tuner.

Most importantly, the parent page assists both you and the teacher to communicate with each other. Stay up to date on what’s going on with your student!!!

This page was provided by Charms Office Assistant

11 General Wall of Sound Volunteer Opportunities The Wall of Sound relies heavily on parent volunteers. There are a number of ways that parents can help out and support the band. Some of these options include being a chaperone, helping with uniforms, being on the parent road crew, prop building, donating food/water, helping to set up/serve food, and helping to run larger events like the Pre-Season Picnic and Marching Band Madness. Anything you are able and willing to assist with can be marked in the Google sign-up form. This does not necessarily commit you to these volunteer opportunities, but allows us to create a list of who to contact when the time is near. If you have any questions regarding any of the above items, please contact Lori Knapp, Wall of Sound parent liaison at: [email protected] or a GHS Band Director.

This band runs on parent support. Thank you for all the volunteer hours that everyone gives!!!!

12 Wall of Sound 2021 Calendar This version of the calendar was done on 3/25/21 All calendar dates are subject to change based COVID guidelines for the health and safety of all involved. Date Day Event Time 4/8/2021 Thursday WoS Info Meeting 7:00-8:00 4/19/2021 Monday CG/ Percussion Open Practice 6:00-8:00 pm 4/21/2021 Wednesday WoS Full Open Rehearsals 6:00-8:30 pm 4/26/2021 Monday CG/ Percussion Open Practice 6:00-8:00 pm 4/28/2021 Wednesday WoS Full Open Rehearsals 6:00-8:30 pm 5/3/2021 Monday CG/ Percussion Open Practice 6:00-8:00 pm 5/12/2021 Wednesday WoS Full Open Rehearsals 6:00-8:30 pm 5/21/2021 Friday WoS Commitment Friday 6/2/2021 Wednesday WoS Full Rehearsal 6:00-8:30 pm 6/2/2021 Wednesday Parent 101/Camp 101 Meeting 6:00pm 6/14/2021 Monday **WoS Full Rehearsal** 6:00-9:00 pm 6/16/2021 Wednesday WoS Leadership Training All Day 6/21/2021 Monday CG/Percussion Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 6/23/2021 Wednesday WoS Full Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 6/28/2021 Monday CG/Percussion Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 6/30/2021 Wednesday WoS Full Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 7/4/2021 Sunday Germantown 4th of July Parade Noon Report - 3:00 Parade 7/7/2021 Wednesday WoS Full Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 7/12/2021 Monday CG/Percussion Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 7/14/2021 Wednesday WoS Full Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 7/19/2021 Monday CG/Percussion Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 7/21/2021 Wednesday WoS Full Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 7/22/2021 Thursday Taste of Germantown 5:00-6:30 pm 7/26/2021 Monday WoS Camp 8:00 am-5:00 pm 7/27/2021 Tuesday WoS Camp 8:00 am-5:00 pm 7/28/2021 Wednesday WoS Camp 8:00 am-5:00 pm 7/29/2021 Thursday WoS Camp 8:00 am-5:00pm 7/30/2021 Friday WoS Camp 12:00-5:00 pm 7/30/2021 Friday PreSeason Performance 5:00-8:00 pm 8/2/2021 Monday CG/Percussion Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 8/4/2021 Wednesday WoS Full Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 8/9/2021 Monday CG/Percussion Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 8/11/2021 Wednesday WoS Full Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 8/16/2021 Monday CG/Percussion Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 8/18/2021 Wednesday WoS Full Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 8/22/2021 Sunday Richfield Days Parade 8:00 am-2:00 pm

13 8/23/2021 Monday CG/Percussion Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 8/25/2021 Wednesday WoS Full Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 8/27/2021 Friday Full WoS Rehearsal 3:00-5:00 pm 8/27/2021 Friday GHS Football Game 5:00-10:00 pm 8/30/2021 Monday CG/Percussion Rehearsal 6:00-9:00 pm 9/3/2021 Friday Full WoS Rehearsal 3:00-5:00 pm 9/8/2021 Wednesday Full WoS Rehearsal 6:30-9:00 pm 9/10/2021 Friday Full WoS Rehearsal 2:45-5:30 pm 9/10/2021 Friday GHS Football Game 5:00-10:00 pm 9/11/2021 Saturday Marching Band Madness All Day 9/13/2021 Monday CG/Percussion Rehearsal 6:30-9:00 pm 9/15/2021 Wednesday Full WoS Rehearsal 2:45-5:30 pm 9/17/2021 Friday Full WoS Rehearsal 2:45-5:30 pm 9/18/2021 Saturday Franklin Marching Event 1:00-10:00 pm 9/20/2021 Monday CG/Percussion Rehearsal 6:30-9:00 pm 9/22/2021 Wednesday Full WoS Rehearsal 6:30-9:00 pm 9/24/2021 Friday GHS Football Game 7:00 Kickoff 9/24/2021 Friday Full WoS Rehearsal 2:45-5:30 pm 9/25/2021 Saturday Waukesha South Marchfest 1:00-11:00 9/26/2021 Sunday Waukesha West Marching Comp. 9:00-5:00 9/27/2021 Monday CG/Percussion Rehearsal 6:30-9:00 pm 9/29/2021 Wednesday Full WoS Rehearsal 2:45-5:00 pm 10/1/2021 Friday Full WoS Rehearsal 2:45-5:30 pm 10/2/2021 Saturday Greendale Marching Competition 1:00-11:00 pm 10/4/2021 Monday CG/Percussion Rehearsal 6:30-9:00 pm 10/6/2021 Wednesday Full WoS Rehearsal 6:30-9:00 pm 10/8/2021 Friday GHS Football Game 7:00 Kickoff 10/8/2021 Friday Full WoS Rehearsal 2:45-5:30 pm 10/10/2021 Sunday Mukwonago Marching Show 9:00-4:00 10/11/2021 Monday Full WoS Rehearsal 6:30-9:00 pm 10/13/2021 Wednesday Full WoS Rehearsal 6:30-9:00 pm 10/15/2021 Friday Full WoS Rehearsal 2:45-5:30 pm 10/16/2021 Saturday WSMA State Marching Band Competition 10:00am-1:00am 10/29/2021 Friday WoS Indoor Showcase Practice 2:45-5:00 pm 10/29/2021 Friday WoS Indoor Showcase Performance 7:00 pm 11/13/2021 Saturday Gtown Christmas Parade 10am Report - 1:30 Parade 11/23/2021 Tuesday KMS WoS Performance During School

14 EAR PLUG ORDER FORM Ear plugs are encouraged for all drumline members. The ear plugs offered here are designed for musicians, as they reduce all frequencies the same amount. Ear plugs you buy in local stores reduce only certain frequencies. If you have questions about these ear plugs or their necessity, please contact Mr. Bell at [email protected] or 502-7158.

As part of Etymotic Research’s Adopt a band program This allows us to reduce the cost of the ear plugs to $12.00, from $18.00. We thank her for her continued support of the Germantown Band Program.

Etymotic Research ETY high fidelity Earplugs Ready-Fit Earplugs • Low cost • Ready-fit • Replicates the ear's natural response • Sound quality is preserved • Speech is clear, not muffled • Reduces sound approximately 20 dB at all frequencies ETY•Plugs™ were developed to provide low-cost, one-size-fits-most high fidelity earplugs that can be used in a variety of noisy environments. System Includes: High Fidelity Earplugs, Carrying Case, Black Neck Cord and Instructions WISE EARS!® Tips: Hearing Matters--Protect It • Noise-induced hearing loss is preventable. • There are three things to consider about noise: How loud. How long. How close. • Be aware of damaging noise. • Be prepared to protect your hearing. Carry earplugs or other protection. • If you are wearing a personal stereo headphones or earbuds… and the person next to you can hear the lyrics to the song… damage. • Riddle: What is painless, odorless, tasteless, invisible, and toxic? Noise-induced hearing loss. Protected ears are WISE EARS!® and WISE EARS!® last a lifetime. More information about protecting your ears can be found at these web sites. Noisy Planet - http://www.noisyplanet.nidcd.nih.gov Hearnet.com - http://www.hearnet.com

Please print. Name: ______Parent:______Phone:______

Number of Blue Pairs ______X $12.00 = ______

Number of Frost Pairs ______X $12.00 = ______

Total: (Checks payable to Warhawk Band Boosters) ______15 Shoes and Gloves

Shoes This year we are changing how we handle our marching shoes. There are two options: -Purchase your own new shoes through the band boosters. Your pair can be used for all of your years in the Wall of Sound. They will be DSI Viper shoes and cost $37/each. It is specifically designed for marching and is a very durable shoe. -You may also purchase one pair of our current marching shoes for $5.00/pair. If you outgrow your shoes, you can exchange to one of our current shoes at no charge. Shoes are needed for Brass, Woodwind and Percussion.

Gloves White House of Music has decided to stop selling band gloves. To help everyone get white gloves, we will do one big order at the beginning of the season. They are white cotton marching gloves with long wrists. The option is a plain glove or with a sure grip that features a rubber dot pattern on the palm and fingers, providing extra grip. Many students have difficulty keeping one pair of gloves for an entire season. We recommend purchasing two or more pairs. Gloves are for Brass and Woodwinds Only.

Shoe Information: Mens or Womens Size: ______

Item Quantity Cost Total

New Shoes _____ x $37.00 = ______

Used Shoes _____ x $5.00 = ______

Basic Gloves _____ x $2.50 = ______

Grip Gloves _____ x $3.00 = ______

Shoe and Glove Total ______

16 Optional Items to Buy/Order at this Time

The total cost of the items can be paid with one check, payable to the Warhawk Band Boosters. Use the form below to determine the total amount.

***Do not pay the $85 Germantown School CoCurricular fee. That will be added to your school registration in the fall.***

If you would like to donate additional funds to help someone else, that would be greatly appreciated.

If you are unable to pay at this time, please contact Mr. Bell. The directors, Germantown Schools, and Warhawk Band Boosters want to make sure all can participate and will work to ensure that happens.

Shoes, gloves, earplugs, food, shirts, and the bus upgrade will not be purchased until the full fall schedule is finalized.

Ear Plugs ($12.00/set). Include separate order form ______

Shoe and glove total. Include separate order form ______

WBB Membership (varies. Include separate form ______

Football Game Meals (11 meals X $5.00=$55.00) ______

-(4 camp lunches, 1 picnic, 4 football meals, 1 showcase meal, 1 state meal)

Shirt and Coach Bus Upgrade ($30.00) ___$30.00__

Donation to WBB for another student. ______

Total (Checks payable to Warhawk Band Boosters) ______

Payments are due at the first practice. If you prefer, payment can be mailed to

Germantown H.S- Warhawk Band Boosters ℅ Jonathan Bell W180N11501 River Lane Germantown WI 53022

An electronic version of this form is available here: http://bit.ly/WoSHandbook2021

The Commitment Form http://bit.ly/WoSSignUp2021