29 September, 2019

Sunday, September 29. World Day for Migrants and Refugees.

Domingo 29 de septiembre. Día Mundial de los Migrantes y Refugiados.

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigesimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

2941 Sam Nelson Road. Canton, GA 30114 770.479.8923 tel 770.479.6025 fax 2 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 29, 2019

WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Senior Connection! Saturday This Friday, October 4th 5:30 p.m. Sunday 9:30 a.m. in English Join your friends 5:30 p.m. en español and meet new ones. 11:00 a.m. Communion Service in Reconciliation the church; then come to the Parish By appointment Center for lunch with Fall in mind.

PASTORAL TEAM Pork will be main dish. So we are looking at side dishes that reflect Fall; think squash, Reverend Victor J. Reyes, Pastor pumpkin, Collard Greens, apples, grapes, German Potato Salad and so forth. [email protected] Deacon Charlie Carignan Board and card games will follow lunch. [email protected] Deacon John Stanley Any questions please call Marie McEntegart at 770-704-7759. [email protected]

Gustavo Arenas, Music [email protected] Taller de Preparación Pre-Matrimonial Jillian Guidry, Faith Formation Para parejas que planean celebrar su matrimonio en los próximos [email protected] meses. El sábado 5 de octubre en el centro parroquial. Maria Perez, Formación de Fe [email protected] Para más información o para confirmar su asistencia póngase en Ashley Díaz, Youth Ministry [email protected] contacto con María Perez al 404-667-4095, Avelina González al Lucia Martin, Parish Management 770-530-5702, o con la oficina parroquial al 770-479-8923. [email protected] Linda Gonzalez, Admin. Assistance [email protected] LIFE CHAIN CANTON. October 6, 2019 Bulletin/ Web Site Announcements 2:00 — 3:30 p.m. at 1750 Marietta Highway, Canton [email protected] (near Goodwill)

PROMISE TO PROTECT. Stand with others silently, prayerfully and peacefully PLEDGE TO HEAL. witnessing against the killing of unborn children. Bring your family and friends, a chair and water. Signs will be provided. Stand 25-30 feet apart. Do not park close to the front of an open business. Park closer to the street.

For information: Ellen Brown 404-934-8716 www.Lifechain.net or [email protected]

We pray for those who serve in the Armed Forces Matthew Dye, Alex Rodriguez, Oramos por los que sirven en las Fuerzas Armadas Carlos González, Jr., Anthony Aloe, Ben Ball, Brandon West, To report abuse in the Church Cameron Collins, Cody Bilodeau, Cory Shannon, Jeff Goodwin, John A. Minnich, Jullian Walk- call 888-437-0764 er, Kasey Mortilaro, James Deverteuil, Nelson Rivera, Randy Eaton, Rick Savage, Ryan Hal- 24 Hour Reporting Hotline loran, Sean Collins, Steve Canty, Terry Smith, Trey Rickert, Martin Lebron

YOU MATTER. ELECTRONIC GIVING: A convenient, consistent way YOU ARE FAMILY. to help our church grow. WE ARE HERE TO LISTEN Go to www.lasalettecanton.com to register and participate. AND TAKE ACTION.

DONACION ELECTRONICA: Una manera conveniente y consistente de ayudar a nuestra parroquia. Visite www.lasalettecanton.com para inscribirse y participar.

www.lasalettecanton.com Vigesimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 3

Stewardship of Prayer . We fulfill our obligation to unite with one another in prayer.

Prayers are powerful and important for those in our parish community who are ill or need our support. In an effort to ensure our prayer request list is up to date, at the end of each month we will remove anyone from the list for whom we do not have a current request. Thank you for your cooperation and your prayers for our parishioners in need.

Readings for the Week — Lecturas de la Semana Readings for… different states. He died in New Orleans on October 4, 1867 and was declared “Blessed” by Saint John Paul II on April 9, Sunday, September 29 — Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2000. Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146:7,8-9,9-10; 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31 Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Ps 69:33-35, 36-37; Lk 10:17-24 Amos condemns the complacency of the rich who seek only their own comfort. In his parable about the rich man and Lazarus, Jesus echoes Amos, exhorting Sunday, October 6 — Twenty-seventh Sunday those who have to share with those who have not. Self-sufficiency must never In Ordinary Time blind us to the needs of others. Only in this way do we keep God’s command- Hab 1:2-3; 2:2-4; Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9; 2Tm 1:6-8, 13-14; ments in integrity and in truth. Lk 17:5-10

Faith is a gracious gift from God. It can neither be earned Monday, September 30 – Memorial of Saint , Priest and Doctor nor bought, only responded to with works of love and ser- of the Church vice. A vibrant faith can make us strong, loving and wise, Jerome was born in Dalmatia (Croatia) and died in 420 at Bethlehem. He was a confident that God will guard us from all harm. God is the devoted monk and ascetic who wrote nmerous commentaries on and authored Rock of our salvation. Latin (“”) translation of the Bible. He was one of the four great doctors of the . He is patron of scripture scholars. His motto is ignoration Scrip- turarum ignoration Christi est (“Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.”) Mass Schedule and Intentions Zec 8:1-8; Ps 102:16-18, 19-21, 29 and 22-23; Lk 9:46-50 Horario de Misas e Intenciones Tuesday, October 1 – Memorial of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Thérèse Martin, the “Little Flower,” was born in Alençon and died of tuberculosis Saturday, September 28 in the Carmel of Lisieux on September 30, 1897. She was a contemplative who, 5:30 p.m. — Carlos E. González (L) in her autobigraphy, The Story of a Soul, urged all to follow “the little way”; pro- Sunday, September 29 claimed doctor of the Church by John Paul II on October 19, 1997. She is 9:30 a.m. — Frank and Jean Horton † patroness of the missions, of florists, and of . She is also secondary pa- 5:30 p.m. — Kenny Bohrman (L) troness of the Apostleship of Prayer. Tuesday, October 1 Zec 8:20-23; Ps 87:1b-3, 4-5, 6-7; Lk 9:51-56 9:00 a.m. — Communion Service Wednesday, October 2 – Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels Wednesday, October 2 This memorial was observed in Spain since the 16th century. 6:30 p.m. — Communion Service assigned this memorial to the first free day following Michaelmas Day in 1670. Thursday, October 3 Neh 2:1-8; Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6; Mt 18:1-5, 10 9:00 a.m. — Communion Service Thursday, October 3 – Weekday in Ordinary Time Friday, October 4 Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11; Lk 10:1-12 11:00 a.m. — Communion Service Friday, October 4 – Memorial of Saint Saturday, October 5 Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone (Francis) was born in Assisi in 1182. His transi- 5:30 p.m. — Dorothy and Lee Krecl † tus was on October 3, 1226 in Assisi. He was noted for his charismatic personali- Sunday, October 6 ty, deep compassion for all, and love for God’s creation. He renounced wealth to 9:30 a.m. — Pauline Johnson † follow “Lady Poverty.” He was a deacon and the founder of the Franciscan Fami- 5:30 p.m. — Howard Searcy † ly which is made up today of the Friars Minor (Capuchins [numbering about 10,600 religious], the Conventuals [numbering about 4,235 religious], and those For our sick and all in need of healing of the Leonine Union [numbering about 13,635 religious], the Poor Clares, the Third Order Religious, and the Secular Franciscan Order. He wrote the Canticle Por nuestros enfermos of the Sun. Francis received the stigmata on September 14, 1224. Francis was y todos los que necesitan sanación canonizaed only two years after his death. He is patron of ecologists and of Italy. Bar 1:15-22; Ps 79:1b-2, 3-5, 8, 9; Lk 10:13-16 Guillermo Villarreal, Richard Hilgemann, Cathy Nicotera, Saturday, October 5 – Weekday in Ordinary Time (Memorial of Blessed Francis Diane Crist, Jesse Crist, Carol Acito, Martha Johnston, Xavier Seelos, Priest) Aggie Warren, Irene Nowell, Jean Carreo, Veronica Seelos was born in Germany in 1819. He entered the Congrega- Gasko, Pat Miller, Carol Maddox, Judy Hopkins, Pat tion of the Most Holy Redeemer and was sent to North America. Ordained a Bembas, Mary Champagne, Patricia Lyons, Marian priest in 1844, he began his pastoral ministry in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as as- Schuetz, Nicholas Brandon, Mary Jo Iovino, Jackie sistant pastor of his confrère, Saint John Neumann ( 5 January). He also served Smith, Susan Buschur, Brian Lindner, Gloria Valdez, as Master of Novices and dedicated himself to preaching. He became a full-time Daniel Zurita, Mikaela Rose, Meg Ladner, Kolebi Baxter, itinerant missionary, preaching in both English and German in a number of James Deverteuil, Karen Smith

4 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 29, 2019

Praying for Migrant Children Orando por los Niños Migrantes

Dear friends, Queridos amigos y amigas, Today we celebrate the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. Hoy celebramos el Día Mundial de los Migrantes y Refugiados. La The Church has observed this day since 1914, this observance Iglesia ha celebrado este día desde 1914, esta celebración nos ha brin- has provided us an opportunity to express concern for many differ- dado la oportunidad para expresar preocupación por las diferentes cate- ent vulnerable people on the move; to pray for the challenges and gorías de personas vulnerables en movimiento; para rezar por los de- to increase awareness about the opportunities that migration of- safíos a los que se enfrentan y para sensibilizarnos sobre las oportuni- fers. dades que ofrecen las migraciones. in his message for this 105th World Day of Mi- El Papa Francisco en su mensaje para esta 105ª Jornada Mundial de grants and Refugees reminds us that the most economically ad- los Migrantes y Refugiados nos recuerda que las sociedades económica- vanced societies are witnessing a growing trend towards extreme mente más avanzadas desarrollan en su seno la tendencia a un marca- individualism which, combined with a utilitarian mentality and rein- do individualismo que, combinado con la mentalidad utilitarista y multi- forced by the media, is producing a “globalization of indifference.” plicado por la red mediática, produce la “globalización de la indiferencia”. In this scenario, migrants, refugees, displaced persons and victims En este escenario, las personas migrantes, refugiadas, desplazadas y of trafficking have become emblems of exclusion. They are often las víctimas de la trata, se han convertido en emblema de la exclusión. looked down upon and considered the source of all society’s ills. A menudo estas personas son objeto de juicios negativos, y considera- Pope Francis has chosen the theme “It is not just about mi- dos responsables de los males sociales. grants” to show up our blind-spots and our fears, and to make sure El Papa Francisco ha elegido el tema "No se trata solo de los mi- no one remains excluded from society, whether a long-time resi- grantes" para mostrar nuestros puntos ciegos y nuestros temores, y para dent or someone newly-arrived. It is not just about them, but about asegurarnos de que nadie quede excluido en la sociedad, ya sea un all of us, and about the present and future of the human family. residente de largo tiempo o alguien recién llegado. No se trata solo de The presence of migrants and refugees – and of vulnerable ellos, sino de todos nosotros, y del presente y del futuro de la familia people in general – invites us to recover some of those essential humana. dimensions of our Christian existence and our humanity that risk La presencia de migrantes y refugiados – y de personas vulnerables being overlooked in a prosperous society. That is why it is not just en general – invita a recuperar algunas dimensiones esenciales de nues- about migrants. When we show concern for them, we also show tra existencia cristiana y de nuestra humanidad que corren el riesgo de concern for ourselves, for everyone; in taking care of them, we all pasar desapercibidas en una sociedad próspera. Por eso no se trata solo grow; and in listening to them, we also give voice to a part of our- de migrantes; porque cuando mostramos preocupación por ellos, selves that we may keep hidden because it is not well regarded también mostramos preocupación por nosotros mismos, por todos; nowadays. porque cuidando de ellos, todos crecemos; porque escuchándolos, Migrants, especially those who are most vulnerable, help us to también damos voz a una parte de nosotros mismos que quizás man- read the “signs of the times.” Through them, the Lord is calling us tenemos escondida porque hoy en día no está bien vista. to conversion, to be set free from exclusivity, indifference and the Los migrantes, especialmente aquellos más vulnerables, nos ayudan throw-away culture. Through them, the Lord invites us to embrace a leer los “signos de los tiempos”. A través de ellos, el Señor nos llama a fully our Christian life and to contribute, each according to his or una conversión, a liberarnos de los exclusivismos, de la indiferencia y de her proper vocation, to the building up of a world that is more and la cultura del descarte. A través de ellos, el Señor nos invita a reapropi- more in accord with God’s plan. arnos de nuestra vida cristiana en su totalidad y a contribuir, cada uno Please join me in prayer for the most vulnerable: según su propia vocación, a la construcción de un mundo que responda Loving Father, cada vez más al plan de Dios. in your infinite compassion, we seek your divine protection Oremos juntos por los más vulnerables: for refugee children who are often alone and afraid. Padre amoroso, Provide solace to those who have been witnesses to violence en tu infinita compassion buscamos tu protección divina and destruction, who have lost parents, family, friends, home, para los niños refugiados que a menudo están solos y asustados. and all they cherish due to war or persecution. Brinda consuelo a quienes han sido testigos de violencia y destrucción, Comfort them in their sorrow, and bring help in their time of need. que han perdido padres, familiares, amigos, hogar y todo lo que aprecian Show mercy to unaccompanied migrant children, too, Lord. debido a la guerra o la persecución. Reunite them with their families and loved ones. Consuélalos en su dolor y ofréceles ayuda en sus momentos Guide those children who are strangers in a foreign land de necesidad. Muestra tu misericordia a los niños migrantes no acompa- to a place of peace and safety. Show us how we might reach out ñados, también, Señor. Reúnelos con sus familias y seres queridos. to these precious and vulnerable children. Guía a los niños que son desconocidos en un país extranjero a un lugar Open our hearts to migrant and refugee children in need, de paz y seguridad. Muéstranos cómo podemos asistir a estos niños so that we might see in them your own migrant Son. preciosos y vulnerables. Abre nuestros corazones a los niños migrantes Give us courage to stand up in their defense y refugiados necesitados, para que podamos ver en ellos a tu propio Hijo against those who would do them harm. migrante. Danos valor para defenderlos de aquellos quienes les harían We ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son, daño. Te lo pedimos por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, our Lord now and for ever. Amen. Nuestro Señor, ahora y siempre. Amén.

www.lasalettecanton.com Vigesimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 5 Catequésis Comunitaria y Familiar — Community and Family Catechesis Dios cuida del pobre y del oprimido, God cares for the poor and the oppressed, y nosotros debemos hacer lo mismo también. and we should too. Vigesimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Semana del 29 de septiembre del 2019 Week of September 29, 2019

Escucha la Palabra (Luke 16:19 – 31) Listen to the Word (Luke 16:19 – 31) Cuando escuchan la historia del hombre rico y Lázaro ¿qué les llama la When you hear the story of the rich man and Lazarus, what atención? ¿Qué palabras o frases les impactan? catches your ear in it? What word or phrase really strikes you?

Ve tu vida Look into your life Pregunta para los niños: Jesús nos enseña a compartir lo que tenemos Question for children: Jesus teaches us to share what we con los demás. ¿Qué tienen ustedes que pueden compartir? have with others. What do you have that you are able to share? Pregunta para los jóvenes: La historia del Evangelio nos dice que sere- Question for youth: The story tells us that we are mos juzgados por lo que hacemos o no hacemos por el pobre y el necesi- judged by what we do or don’t do for the poor and needy. How tado. ¿Cómo te estás acercando a los necesitados? ¿Compartes con are you currently reaching out to those in need? What more ellos lo que tienes? ¿Qué más podrías hacer? could you do? Pregunta para los adultos: ¿Qué opciones pueden tomar o han tomado Question for adults: What choices can you or have you made para equilibrar su propia vida con aquéllos que no tienen hogar, con los to balance your own life with those who are homeless, poor and pobres y con los que necesitan ayuda en su vida diaria? ¿Cómo les infor- in need of assistance for daily living? How does this Gospel ma el Evangelio acerca de esto? reading inform you about that?

Actividades para la semana Activities for the week Tomen estas actividades para reflexionar más: Take these activities to further reflect: En familia, hagan planes para hacer una actividad en las próximas As a family, make plans to do one activity in the coming semanas que muestren su responsabilidad hacia los pobres y necesita- weeks that shows your responsibility to the poor and needy. dos. Quizá pudieran ofrecer ayuda en un comedor de beneficencia — You might offer to help in a local soup kitchen or food pantry — recuerden que el comedor de nuestra parroquia está abierto los martes y remember our own soup kitchen is open on Tuesdays and los jueveso, y la despensa de San Vicente de Paul siempre tiene nece- Thursdays, and our Saint Vincent de Paul food pantry is always sidad de alimentos; también pueden ayudar en organizaciones de servicio in need of supplies; you can also assist service organizations comunitario como MUST Ministries or Habitat for Humanity. Otras posi- such as MUST Ministries or Habitat for Humanity. Other possi- bilidades son organizar una campaña para recolectar comida en su barrio, bilities include organizing a food drive at your neighborhood, trabajo o escuela, o dar tutoría a los niños pequeños de una escuela o en work or school, or offer your time and talent to mentor young un programa extraescolar en su comunidad. Después de terminar su pro- children at a school or after school program in your community. yecto o actividad, hablen de cómo su familia puede continuar ayudando a After you have completed your project or activity, talk about how los pobres y necesitados. you as a family can continue to care for the poor and needy on En la cena, pidan a los miembros de la familia que se turnen para dirigir an ongoing basis. una oración personal por los pobres y por todos aquéllos que trabajan por At the evening meal, have each member of the family take a los pobres. turn leading a personal prayer for the poor and for all of those Jueguen con sus hijos para ver cuántos de los dones de Dios él o ella who serve the poor. puede nombrar. En una hoja grande de papel, escriban en la parte de Play a game with your child to see how many of God’s gifts arriba: Los 25 Dones Principales de Dios. Pidan a sus hijos que empiecen he or she can name. On a large sheet of paper, write across the nombrando uno de los dones de Dios. Luego, ustedes nombran uno. top: Top 25 Gifts from God. Have your child start by naming one Túrnense con sus hijos hasta que puedan nombrar veinticinco dones. of God’s gifts. Then you name a gift. Alternate back and forth Digan una oración de agradecimiento a Dios por lo que ustedes han reci- with your child until you come up with twenty-five gifts. Say a bido. Pidan por la gracia para compartir sus dones con los demás. prayer of thanksgiving to God for what you have been given. Ask for the grace to share your gifts with others. Stewardship by the Bible — Corresponsabilidad de acuerdo a la Biblia

Vigesimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Twentysixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 29 de septiembre del 2019 29 September, 2019

El pecado del hombre rico en la parabola de hoy no era que fuera rico, The sin of the rich man in today’s parable was not that he was rich, sino que dejó de compartir su riqueza con el mendigo a su puerta. El but that he failed to share his wealth with the beggar at his gate. He conocía a Lázaro, tal vez le pasaba por el lado cada vez que entraba o knew Lazarus, perhaps walked by him every time he came in or out, salía, pero no hizo nada por aliviar su sufrimiento. Nosotros debemos but did nothing to relieve his suffering. We must ask ourselves: Is preguntarnos: ¿Hay un Lázaro en mi vida? ¿Que estoy haciendo para there a Lazarus in my life? What am I doing to help? ayudar?

6 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 29, 2019

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd — Catequésis del Buen Pastor

CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD CATEQUÉSIS DEL BUEN PASTOR The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an ap- La Catequésis del Buen Pastor es un enfoque a proach to the religious formation of children ages 3 la formación religiosa de niños de 3 a 5 años. to 5. En este contexto la escritura, la liturgia, la histo- In this context scripture, liturgy, salvation history, ria de salvación y los signos sacramentales apor- and sacramental signs provide the content of the tan el contenido de la catequesis. catechesis. Los niños entran en el misterio de la Eucaristía al Children enter the mystery of the Eucharist by learn- aprender los nombres de los artículos usados en ing the names of articles used on the altar and el altar y al aprender los gestos más importantes through their learning of the most important ges- de la Misa. Los niños se familiarizan con el ca- tures of the Mass. Children become acquaint-ted rácter histórico de la liturgia a través del aprendi- with the historical character of the liturgy through zaje de los eventos de la Última Cena, la muerte learning the events of the Last Supper, Christ’s de Cristo y su resurrección. death, and his resurrection. Register your child today Regístre a su niño hoy —Limited spaces available. —Los espacios disponibles son limitados.

Catechetical Corner: The Commandments — Rincón Catequético: Los Mandamientos El Noveno Mandamiento. The Ninth Commandment. “No codiciarás...” (CIC, 2514-2533) “You shall not covet...” (CCC, 2514-2533)

Experimentamos tensiones entre los deseos espirituales y físi- We experience tensions between spiritual and physical cos. Esta lucha pertenece a la herencia del pecado. Esto no quiere desires. This struggle belongs to the heritage of sin. This decir que tengamos que rechazar el cuerpo y las emociones que, does not mean that we are to despise the body and emo- junto con el alma, constituyen nuestra naturaleza. Pero sí hace que tions that, with the soul, constitute our nature. It does make nos demos cuenta de que afrontaremos una lucha espiritual diaria us realize that we will face a daily spiritual struggle to ac- para adquirir las virtudes que nos ayudan a obedecer la acción quire virtues that help us obey the saving action of the Holy salvadora del Espíritu Santo y a vencer los vicios que hacen que la Spirit and overcome vices that cause us to resist him. resistamos. The grace of Baptism purifies us from sins, but a certain La gracia del Bautismo nos purifica de los pecados, pero per- tendency to sin remains. We must struggle against disor- manece una cierta tendencia al pecado. Debemos luchar contra los dered desires by practicing purity of mind, heart, and body deseos desordenados practicando la pureza de mente, corazón y with daily vigilance. To do this, we need to examine our cuerpo con una vigilancia diaria. Para hacer esto, necesitamos motives as well as our deeds, so that we always seek God’s examinar nuestros motivos así como nuestras acciones, para que will. This will cause us to discipline our feelings and imagi- así siempre busquemos la voluntad de Dios. Esto hará que disci- nation. Finally, since purity is a gift of God, we need to pray plinemos nuestros sentimientos e imaginación. Finalmente, ya que for it, as St. Augustine did: la pureza es un don de Dios, necesitamos rezar por ella, como lo “I thought that continence arose from one’s own powers, hizo San Agustín: which I did not recognize in myself. I was foolish enough not “Pensé que la continencia surgía de nuestros propios poderes, to know . . . that no one can be continent unless you grant los cuales no reconocí en mí mismo. Era lo suficientemente necio it. For you surely would have granted it if my inner groaning como para no saber [...] que nadie puede ser continente salvo que had reached your ears and I with firm faith had cast my tú se lo concedas. Pues tú ciertamente me la habrías dado si mis cares on you.” (The Confessions, bk. 6, chap. 11, no. 20) gemidos interiores hubiesen alcanzado tus oídos y yo con fe firme te hubiese arrojado mis cuidados”. (Las Confesiones, lib.6, cap.11, 20) (v.d.t.)

“El corazón es la sede de la personalidad moral: ‘de dentro del co- “The heart is the seat of moral personality: ‘Out of the heart razón salen las intenciones malas, asesinatos, adulterios, fornica- come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication’ (Mt 15:19). ciones’ (Mt 15:19). La lucha contra la concupiscencia de la carne pasa The struggle against carnal covetousness entails purifying por la purificación del corazón.” (CIC, 2517) the heart and practicing temperance.” (CCC, 2517)

This article is an excerpt f rom the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults (Washington, DC: USCCB, Este artículo es un extracto del Catecismo Católico de los Estados Unidos para los Adultos (Washington, DC: USCCB, 2006) 375-377.Copyright © 2006, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington DC. All rights 2007) 397-399.Copyright © 2007, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington DC. Todos los derechos reserved. reservados. www.lasalettecanton.com Vigesimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 7

Saturday 5:30 p.m. Monday, September 30 Saturday 5:30 p.m. SASCARCISRTIASNTA N Bible Study on Thursdays Joan Rush 7:30 p.m. Práctica del Coro Carmen Young HOSPITALITY HOSPITALITY The Lectionary-based Bible Study is Thursday Tuesday, October 1 Bob Rush Christine Crosby morning at 9:30 a.m. and Thursday evening at 9:00 a.m. Communion Service Phil Ryzkiewicz BarryPhil YoungRyzkiewicz 7:00 p.m. in the Parish 9:30 a.m. Cursillo Group Barry Young ALTAR SERVER Center. 9:30 a.m. Women’s Book Group Joe6 October A GuidryLTAR SE R VER Caroline Ditty All are invited to come 7:30 p.m. RICA L ECTOR DonnaLECT OBryanR and explore the Sun- Wednesday, October 2 Y Wendell Henry WendellR Henry day Scripture and how T Joan Rush

10:00 a.m. Saint Vincent de Paul ES .M.H.C. E.M.H.C. they impact our daily 12:00 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Jesse Beal LeslieINI Heidi Beal Carignan lives.

6:30 p.m. Family Faith Formation M Barbara Helen Casey Crosson Communion Service S Karen Steinlight SS unday 9:30 a.m. RACHEL'S VINEYARD RETREAT. Oct.11-13. Family Meal A SASCRundayISTAN 9:30 a.m. This weekend retreat sponsored by Post Abor- Faith Formation LoreneM SACR BureshISTAN tion Treatment and Healing (PATH) helps wom- Thursday, October 3 HOJenniferSPITALI GronroosTY en and men who are struggling with the grief of WilliamHOSP ISchollianTALITY abortion find peace and inner healing. 9:00 a.m. Communion Service DeanMichael Sheldon Evenson If abortion has affected your life; if you have lost 9:30 a.m. Scripture Study AndyRandy Hatcher Johnson a child, grandchild, or sibling through abortion; if 7:00 p.m. ESOL JuanKeith Carlos Kahn Herrera RandyGreg JohnsonPaterson there is a deep sense of loss in your life be- 7:00 p.m. Scripture Study GregWilliam Paterson Schollian cause of abortion; please know that here is no 8:00 p.m. Renovación Carismática ALTDeanAR S SheldonERVER grief like that of unspoken grief. You are not AndrewALTAR Dyckowski SERVER Friday, October 4 David Dyckowski alone. Post Abortion Treatment and Healing Kevin Dixon (PATH) is here to help. 11:00 a.m. Senior Connection DiegoMirian Herrera Mendez Communion Service LECNeidyTOR Mendez For more information call 404-717-5557 or visit Keith Kahn LECTOR Lunch Jean McDonald www.healingafterabortion.org Carlos Gonzalez E.M.H.C. Games Gary Selden 7:00 p.m. Family Faith Formation Kevin Dixon HelenE.M Evenson.H.C. Mass Remembrances: Commemorate a 8:00 p.m. Renovación Carismática MaryLorene Fleckner Buresh birthday, special anniversary, or the anniversary Saturday, October 5 ShariSuzanne Garnsey Dixon of a loved one’s death on the date of your choice CarlosHelen Gonzalez Evenson 9:00 a.m. Taller de Preparation Pre-matrimonial Mary Fleckner (two weeks notice required to meet bulletin print- Matthew Halloran ing deadline). Includes a Mass card. Please call 10:30 a.m. Comm. Serv. at Lodge DavidLinda Krecl Gonzalez 770.479.8923. 11:00 a.m. Renovación Carismática David Krecl SundayPam Selden 5 : 30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Choir Practice SA CRISTAN Prayer Requests: Names of recently de- 5:30 p.m. Eucharist DavidSunday Ramirez 5 :30 p.m. ceased are listed for one week in the bulletin and SACRISTAN 7:00 p.m. Celebración de la Palabra HOSPITALITY the Universal Prayer at the celebration of the MiguelEleuteria Cana Bastida BertaHO SCoxPITA LITY Eucharist (The prayers of the faithful at Mass) Sunday, October 6 FranciscoCelso Calicio Lopez Please call the parish office at 770.479.8923 to SoniaAna MateoEscobar add a name to the list. Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time EmilioIsabel Vicente Garcia Vigesimoseptimo Domingo Ordinario ALTJavierAR S HerreraERVER Recordatorios en las Misas: AlexMiriam Escobar Xocop Conmemore un cumpleaños, aniversario espe- 9:30 a.m. Eucharist Ana Pedro ALTAR S ERVER cial, o el aniversario de la muerte de un ser 11:00 a.m. Family Faith Formation LECTOR Emily Herrera querido en la fecha de su preferencia (se 2:00 p.m. Life Chain Canton MacrinaLuik Pedro Delgado Fabiola Herrera requieren dos semanas de anticipación a la 5:30 p.m. Eucaristía LECTOR LucilaMacrina Kelson Delgado fecha de impresión del boletin). Incluye una Maria Simon 7:00 p.m. RELENTLESS —Youth Group Francisco Lopez Tarjeta de Misa. Por favor llame al M.E.S.C 7:30 p.m. Twelve-Step Group Meeting Edna Tercero 770.479.8923. Adriana y Aurelio Aragon

AbundiaElsa Tercero Castro M.E.S.C Macrina Delgado Peticiones de Oración: Los nombres de LucilaMaria Kelson Andrade los recién fallecidos se enumeran por una sema- RobertoAbundia y CastroBerta Mendez na en el boletín y en la Plegaria Universal en la Luis y Silvina Herrera Emelda Reyes celebración de la Eucaristía (Las oraciones de DESPEDIDAMario Herrera DE C ATECÚMENOS MaríaLucila Perez Kelson los fieles en la Misa) Por favor, llame a la oficina lasalettecanton.com SoliaRoberto Francisco y Berta Mendez parroquial al 770.479.8923 si quiere agregar un Esteban Tubac nombre a la lista.