Register of CJC Members’ Interests as at 1st May 2019

Members Declared Interests

The Rt Hon Sir Terence Etherton Master of the Rolls.

Lord Justice Peter Coulson Deputy Head of Civil Justice.

Mr Justice Knowles CBE High Court Judge.

HHJ Barry Cotter County Court Judge.

DJ Judy Gibson District Judge.

Robert Wright MOJ.

Diane Astin Diane is a practitioner, acting for legally aided clients, particularly in housing and Judicial review cases. Diane’s work at the University of Westminster has Involved assisting litigants in person as well as teaching civil litigation. Diane has been a for more than 25 years both in private practice and in the voluntary sector and has experience of several different kinds of Civil dispute resolution.

Kay Carberry CBE Until her retirement in March 2016 Kay had been assistant general secretary of the TUC for twelve years. She is an expert in equality and employment matters, with long experience of leadership, policy development, strategic planning and delivery of complex work programmes. She has served on several government commissions and advisory bodies, including the Equality and Human Rights Commission. She was awarded the CBE in 2007 for services to employment relations. She is currently a commissioner of the Low Pay Commission, a member of the board of Transport for London, a trustee of the People’s History Museum, a board member of TU Financial Management Services and an honorary fellow of St Hugh’s College Oxford.

Nicola Critchley Nicola founded Horwich Farrelly’s specialist costs department in 2001 and has headed the team ever since. She has extensive experience of dealing with high value costs litigation, costs budgeting, appeals, fraud, technical challenges, MoJ dropouts, infant approvals, FRCS issues and bulk test litigation.

Jo Hickman Jo is employed by Public Law Project. Jo is treasurer of Legal Aid Practitioners Group and is a member of Law Society Access to Justice Committee

Ian Karet Ian joined in 1987 and became a partner in 1997. He specialises in intellectual property and technology and acts on a broad range of contentious and commercial matters. He has served on the board of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and is a Trustee of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Andrew Parker Andrew is a partner at DAC Beachcroft LLP specialising in insurance and health matters. Andrew was also past president of the Forum of Insurance Lawyers FOIL.

Matthew Smerdon Matthew is Chief Executive of the Legal Education Foundation.

William Wood William is an independent mediator practising as a member of Brick Court Chambers. William in the last seven years served as an elected member of the board of the Civil Mediation Council. Bill also sits as an ICC arbitrator, and mediates for the ICC as well as for the Kuala Lumpur (KLRCA) and Singapore (SIMC) panels.