Without Parish Council 13 Marsh Road, Seaton, Devon. EX12 2LQ. Phone: 01935 479975 E-mail: [email protected]

Notice of the Next Council Meeting


To all members of the Council,

You are hereby summoned to attend the following online Full Council meeting of Yeovil Without Parish Council via Zoom on Wednesday 17th March 2021 commencing at 7.00 pm.

The details to join the meeting are show below:

To join the Zoom Meeting click here - https://zoom.us/j/7655637928

Meeting ID: 765 563 7928

Councillors will be discussing all the items listed overleaf on the Agenda.

Yours Sincerely,

Clerk to the Council - 10th March 2021

7pm - Prior to the meeting commencing:

Welcome by Chair The Chair of the Council will welcome all those present

Public Open Session This provides an opportunity for members of the public to participate by asking questions, raising concerns or making comments on matters affecting Yeovil Without. Questions/comments must be emailed to the Parish Clerk ([email protected]), at least 24 hours before the meeting and these will be read by the Parish Clerk at the Meeting with a reply. Questions from the public may be asked on the day of the meeting but will not have the guarantee of reply.

Outside Reports Reports will be received by representatives from the Police, County and District Councillors & outside bodies, if present, on items relating to Yeovil Without Parish and the wider area.

1 Council Meeting Agenda | Virtual Full Council Meeting 17 March 2021 | 7pm

Yeovil Without Parish Council 13 Marsh Road, Seaton, Devon. EX12 2LQ. Phone: 01935 479975 E-mail: [email protected]

AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence Council to receive apologies for absence and consider the reasons given. (LGA 1972 s85(1)).

2. Declaration of interest Members to declare any interests, including Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct and to consider any prior requests from members for Dispensations that accord with Localism Act 2011 s33(b-e) (NB this does not preclude any later declarations)

3. Council Minutes To agree and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 17th February 2021. (LGA 1972 sch 12, para 41(1))

4. Staffing Committee Minutes To receive, and to note the decisions therein, of the Staffing Committee held on 18th February 2021. Recommendations to Council to be covered under staffing agenda item.

5. District Council Members It is formally noted that the participation of those Councillors who are also members of the South District Council in both the debate and the subsequent vote is on the basis that the views expressed are preliminary views taking account of the information presently made available to the Parish Council. The District Councillors reserve their final views on the application until they are in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against.

6. Planning To agree consultee responses to planning applications received by District Council (SSDC) – See Simple Search (southsomerset.gov.uk). Applications:

 20/03116/S73A

7. Planning Decisions & Appeals To note the planning decisions made by South Somerset District Council in the previous month.

8. Chair’s Report To receive a report from the Chair of the Council and note the content.

9. Parish Clerk’s Report To receive an update from the Clerk with items to note.

2 Council Meeting Agenda | Virtual Full Council Meeting 17 March 2021 | 7pm

Yeovil Without Parish Council 13 Marsh Road, Seaton, Devon. EX12 2LQ. Phone: 01935 479975 E-mail: [email protected]

10. Grants To receive an update from the Grant Panel and agree a response to St Peter’s community centre on their grant request.

11. Finance – Payments, Receipts & Invoices To consider and approve the payments, receipts & invoices. It is RECOMMENDED that members: 1. Approve the outstanding payments, receipts & invoices.

12. Adobe Acrobat DC Pro To consider the purchase of Adobe Acrobat DC Pro It is RECOMMENDED that Council approve the new subscription to Adobe’s Acrobat DC Pro

13. Microsoft 365 Business To consider the purchase of Microsoft 365 Business It is RECOMMENDED that Council approve the new subscription to Microsoft 365 Business

14. Orchard Close Working Party To agree a renewed working party for Orchard Close land acquisition

15. Standing Orders Working Party To agree a new working party to review and revise the Council’s standing orders

16. Parish/Town Briefing for Recycle More with Somerset Waste Partnership To agree the Council’s representatives to be sent to a briefing by SWP.

17. Annual Parish Meeting To agree the date and format of the Annual Parish Meeting

18. Unitary Consultation Response To agree response/actions to the unitary consultation

19. Forward Plan To note the forward plan and suggest any additions.

Item Meeting Decision Review Phone Box April Perimeter Fence Playpark April Playpark Equipment repair April Terms of Reference Grants April

3 Council Meeting Agenda | Virtual Full Council Meeting 17 March 2021 | 7pm

Yeovil Without Parish Council 13 Marsh Road, Seaton, Devon. EX12 2LQ. Phone: 01935 479975 E-mail: [email protected]

Terms of Reference Environment April Risk Review April May Recording and Broadcasting April Meetings Policy Code of Conduct Review Awaiting SSDC to Complete Review Social Media Presence May Financial Regs Review May Standing orders Review May Ashfords Monthly Full Policy Review May Environmental Parish Plan/ Green June Iniatives Double Yellow Lines Fairmead - - Summer 2021 Statement of Internal Controls May Retention of Documents May

Confidential Items Exclusion of the press and public The Council will be requested to pass a resolution excluding the press and public from the remainder of the meeting in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

20. Banking Arrangements To review and agree the Council’s banking arrangements

21. Staffing To receive a staffing report and agree action.

22. Lupin Way, Yeovil


Next meeting – Wednesday 21st April 2021 – Government guidance at the time of the meeting will determine where/how the meeting will take place and will be published on the agenda for the meeting.

4 Council Meeting Agenda | Virtual Full Council Meeting 17 March 2021 | 7pm

13 Marsh Road Seaton Devon EX12 2LQ Phone: 01935 479975 E-mail: [email protected]

MINUTES for the Meeting of YEOVIL WITHOUT PARISH COUNCIL held online on 17th February 2021 at 7.00pm – 8.38pm

Present – Cllrs Vyvyenne Burt, Iris Coton, Sharon Hackett, Charlotte Herbert, Michael Lock, Jamie Lock, Colin Rose, Royston Spinner, Rob Stickland & Margot Woodward.

Chair – Cllr Graham Oakes

County Councillor & Members of the Public – Cllr Tony Lock & Steve Saunders

Clerk – Dan Ledger

 Welcome by Chair The Chair welcomed all members present as well as the press and county councillor.

 Public Open Session There were no members of the public wishing to speak.

 County Councillor Reports Cllr Tony Lock updated members on the Full Council meeting of where the budget was agreed, this included making a donation to Citizens Advice Bureau of a one off £400,000 grant. St Michael’s Avenue works have now been completed with traffic speed easing measures installed. Funding of the Lyde Road/ Road Cycle & Walk way was now approved and will be completed in phases.

 District Councillors Reports District Cllr Rob Stickland informed Council that a new monitoring officer had taken post at South Somerset District Council. Council Tax Support was passed, it brings a new 0% band and brings this in line with universal credit. District Cllr Michael Lock stated that Mudford Road roundabout talks were still ongoing. The phosphate issues will be brought to the next SSDC full council meeting. There had been apparent drug use in the Yeovil Marsh telephone box that the Clerk will report to the police.

18/21. Apologies for absence Cllr Pauline Lock – personal Council RESOLVED to accept Cllr Pauline Lock’s apology.

(proposed from the Chair)

Not present – Cllrs Alf Hill, John Snell & Simon Hodder

Page 1 of 5

19/21. Minutes The minutes of meeting from 20th January 2021 were approved as a true record

20/21. Declaration of interest

Councillor Reason/Item Interest Cllr Graham Oakes South Somerset District Council Personal (SSDC) Cllr Rob Stickland South Somerset District Council Personal (SSDC) Cllr Michael Lock South Somerset District Council Personal (SSDC) Item 17 – Allotment Land Sale DPI Dispute Update Cllr Jamie Lock Item 17 – Allotment Land Sale Personal Dispute Update & prejudicial Cllr Royston Spinner Item 17 – Allotment Land Sale Personal Dispute Update & prejudicial

21/21. District Council Members It was formally noted that the participation of those Councillors who are also members of the South Somerset District Council in both the debate and the subsequent vote is on the basis that the views expressed are preliminary views taking account of the information presently made available to the Parish Council. The District Councillors reserve their final views on the application until they are in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against.

22/21. Planning  21/00248/HOU

Cllr Hackett spoke on this application and after viewing the property saw no reason for refusal. Cllr Stickland stated that due to the possibility of asbestos that mitigation and safety of neighbouring properties would need to be taken into consideration

Council RESOLVED to make no objection to the planning application subject to the relevant asbestos survey & measures taking place.

(proposed Cllr Sharon Hackett; seconded Cllr Rob Stickland)

 21/00040/FUL

Page 2 of 5

Cllr Rose spoke on this application, listing the benefits of the proposal and how there was no reason he could find for refusal.

Council RESOLVED to make no objection to the planning application.

(proposed Cllr Colin Rose; seconded Cllr Iris Coton)

 21/00041/FUL

No member present had viewed this application ahead of the meeting. Council RESOLVED to delegate to the Clerk in consultation with Lyde members to formulate and submit comments outside of the meeting.

(proposed from the Chair)

23/21. Planning Decisions & Appeals The Council formally noted the decisions & appeals from South Somerset District Council.

24/21. Chair’s Report In the absence of the Chair, there was no report to note.

25/29. Parish Clerk’s Report The Clerk highlighted the progress made since the last meeting. The Council noted the report.

26/21. Finance – Payments, Receipts & Invoices The Council RESOLVED to:  approve the payments, receipts, invoices;  approve the Clerk’s additional hours.

(proposed Cllr Sharon Hackett; seconded Cllr Colin Rose)

27/21. Logo Competition Council RESOLVED: 1) to declare logo numbered 12 in the agenda as the winner of the logo competition 2) that the Clerk have delegation to spend up to £75 to allow the logo to be created in a digital format which will then be used on all letterheads and digital media.

28/21. Allotment Committee Membership The Council RESOLVED to approve the names listed in the agenda report and co-opt them onto the allotment committee. These are as follows:

 Phillip Hobbs  Michaela Brown  Kevin Brown  John Orchard Page 3 of 5

 Ruth Foster  Polly Hutchinson  Daniella Brown  Martin Smith (proposed Cllr Colin Rose; seconded Cllr Iris Coton)

29/21. Johnson Playpark Discussion took place on:

 The need to gain further information and permissions from Yeovil Sports & Social Club  The need to invite a representative from Yeovil Sports & Social Club to work collaboratively on the project  That parents were currently lifting children over the large fence to access the park during lockdown  The benefits of having the large fence moved to the inside vs on the outside  The safety issues of children leaving the park and running into the road if a gate was erected on the outside

It was RESOLVED to speak with Yeovil Sports & Social Club outside of the meeting to gain their views on what would be agreeable to all parties, gain quotations for the works and invite a representative to a future Parish Council meeting

(proposed from the Chair)

30/21. Land Registry Fees for Assets of Community Value Council RESOLVED to agree the cost to gain the ownership information on all assets of community value being put forward.

(proposed from the Chair)

31/21. Questions and items arising after the preparation of this agenda, such matters are for noting or deferral to a future meeting Cllr Michael Lock brought up the request to set up the working party of Orchard Close again to hopefully speed up the acquisition of land. Cllr Hackett requested that more work be done in regards to social media presence and further pages to be set up. These would be brought to a future meeting.

32/21 Forward Plan Cllr Burt asked that the purchase of dog bins be added to the forward plan to come to the next available meeting Cllr Michael Lock stated that there was evident drug use at the phone box at Yeovil Marsh and that waiting until the next meeting would do nothing to curb this behaviour.

Page 4 of 5

Council RESOLVED that the Clerk should use delegations available to them, in conjunction with the Chair, to instruct the Parish Ranger to secure the phone box until plans for its usage were forthcoming. The forward plan was noted with the addition of the purchase of dog bins being added.

(proposed Cllr Michael Lock; seconded Cllr Rob Stickland)

33/21. Confidential Items Exclusion of the press and public The Chair moved and Council RESOLVED to exclude the press and public from the remainder of the meeting in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

34/21. NHS Tribute Benches Council RESOLVED that a more fitting tribute to the NHS should come forward and that the local councils working party would work with the neighbouring Councils to work up ideas and bring these back to Council in due course.

35/21. Allotment Land Sale Dispute Update The Clerk and Councillors highlighted the history of the dispute to new councillors present at their request. Updates were given on the previous resolutions made and the working party would continue to follow these up with the Council’s solicitors. Councillors noted the report.

The meeting was closed at 8:38pm

Chair’s Signature ………………………………………………………………….

Date ………………………………………………………………….

Page 5 of 5

MINUTES of the Staffing Committee meeting of Yeovil Without Parish Council, held virtually on zoom on Thursday 18th February 2021 (7pm – 8.01pm)


In the Chair: Cllr Colin Rose Councillors: Cllrs Graham Oakes, Iris Cotton Officers: Dan Ledger Members of the Public: None

Note: All attendees accessed the meeting remotely and could be either seen and/or heard

SC1/21 Apologies No apologies were received. Not present – Cllr Alfred Hill.

SC2/21 Declarations of Interest No declarations were made.

SC3/21 Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 20th September 2020 were approved as a true record subject to a minor amendment under item SC2/20 – Apologies, the wording used need amending for receiving apologies of members not on committee. This was agreed and the minutes approved.

The Chair moved and the Committee RESOLVED that in accordance with the Council’s Standing Order 3 (d) & pursuant to the Admission to Meetings Act 1960 Section 1(2) press and public would be excluded from the meeting during the discussions of item 4 on this agenda as there was likely to be disclosure of confidential information.

The Chair moved to suspend standing orders and reorder the agenda to make for a more constructive debate, members of the committee agreed. It was therefore RESOLVED to follow the agenda in the following item order 6,7,4,5.

SC4/21 Clerk/RFO’s Appraisal The Committee worked through the appraisal document with the Clerk. Section 1 had been filled in by the Clerk ahead of the meeting and circulated to all committee members. Section 2 was completed by all 3 appraisers before the meeting. Section 3 was a joint exercise between both parties at the meeting. The appraisers went through their rationale for their comments in section 2 and set objectives to the Clerk/RFO for the next 6 months. These were all agreed by the Clerk and the appraisal was signed by all parties.

Committee RESOLVED to RECOMMEND approval of the Clerk/RFO’s appraisal to Council. (proposed Cllr Graham Oakes; seconded Cllr Iris Coton)

SC5/21 Clerk/RFO Probation Period The Committee RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council that the Clerk had successful passed their probation period.

SC6/21 Mechanisms for the Approval of Employee Additional Hours In light of discussions arising from the appraisal, Committee RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council that:

1. the position of Clerk/RFO at Yeovil Without Parish Council be made into a salaried position. 2. The Clerk would increase their hours to 37 hours per week. 3. No additional hours would be claimed for by the Clerk/RFO from 1st April 2021. Time in lieu would be accepted for hours worked in addition to the standard 37 hours. No time in lieu could be carried over into the following year. 4. All changes to come in effect from 1st April 2021.

(proposed Cllr Graham Oakes; seconded Cllr Iris Coton)

SC7/21 Benchmarking of Clerk/RFO’s Role The Committee RESOLVED:

1. To use the delegations set out under the Staffing Committee’s Terms of Reference to accept the quotation received and to conduct a benchmarking exercise of the Clerk/RFO role. 2. That this benchmarking would not be conducted again in the next 10 years unless significant changes occurred to the job description or role of the Clerk/RFO.

(proposed Cllr Iris Coton; seconded Cllr Graham Oakes)

The meeting closed at 8.01pm.

Signed: ………………………………..……………………………..(Chair) Date: ………………………………..……………………………………

Planning Decisions & Appeals

Reference 20/03081/FUL

Alternative Reference PP-09161291

Application Validated Thu 17 Dec 2020

Address The Cake Box 76 Wessex Road Yeovil BA21 3LR

Proposal The siting of a portacabin to rear of premises (Retrospective).

Status Approved

Decision Application Permitted with Conditions

Decision Issued Date Tue 16 Feb 2021

Appeal Status Unknown

Appeal Decision

Clerk’s Report

Item Action/Information Diabetes Prevention To increase awareness and access to the NHS National Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP) for residents within the South Programme Somerset area. The South Somerset Diabetes Prevention programme is a free service for people who are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Local advertising of the programme can be added to our newsletter, notice boards, website and/or social media sites if you have them to spread the word that this programme is available, completely free of charge through the NHS. Normally, people access the programme through their GP however, due to the pandemic and the subsequent pressure that our GP practices are facing, for a limited time we have enabled a self-referral option via the Diabetes UK ‘Know Your Risk Score’ – a check list of questions that can determine a person’s risk factors - This has also enabled the programme to become more accessible to people within the area. The risk tool can be accessed via the link below: https://riskscore.diabetes.org.uk/start

Opportunities for The following email was received by this week additional services – “All, Meeting with other Following our Council meeting, it was discussed and agreed that we would wish to defer a meeting for the opportunities for local authorities additional services.

This is until more information has been received on the direction of travel of the Council.”

Schools Laptop Grant The Clerk is currently chasing for feedback from the remaining schools. The school’s that have replied thus far will be sent in a separate email. The press release will go out as soon as the remaining schools have come back to the Clerk

Johnson Park A meeting is arranged onsite between the Clerk and representatives from Yeovil Sports & Social Club on the 10th March to agree what would be permissible. Options will be brought back to the council as soon as possible.

Clerk’s Report

Grit Bins 6 x grit bins have been purchased and should be delivered to Wyndham Park by the Council’s meeting 17th March. Permission has been gained by Barrett Homes but there may need to be some changes once the roads are adopted by the county. Additional stickers showing ownership as well as padlocks will need to be purchased.

Logo The Logo has been complete, a press release has been written. The Council is currently awaiting the pupil returning to school before getting a photo taken with her prize and this being sent off to local press

Phone Box The Phone box door has been fixed and fully shuts now thanks to our Parish Ranger’s services. Due to the apparent drug use mentioned by Cllr Lock at the previous meeting, the Parish Ranger has secured the phone box until such time that plans of use come forward (Photos attached). Noticeboard at The location has been agreed with Wyatt Homes. We are now just waiting on final confirmation and once obtained, the Clerk Brimsmore will ask the Parish Ranger to erect the new noticeboard. Councillor Emails All have been distributed. There has only had one complaint that a councillor hasn’t been able to set their email up. If there are anymore please let the Clerk know as a matter of urgency. All emails will be changed to solely the new ones on the 20th March.

Councillor Training Councillor Training has been arranged for our new councillors Dog Bin – Combe St This has now been installed. Lane/Mudford Road Ashfords Further emails and calls sent with no response. UPDATE – received a call on 11th March, update to members at the meeting. Allotments There is still one vacant plot currently, the clerk will work with the allotment committee to fill the vacancy.

Agenda item form The Clerk has produced a new form for agenda items to be considered, it is attached beneath this report. In line with our standing orders, councillors need to fill in the form and submit it 10 days before a meeting if they wish for an item to be put onto the agenda.

Yeovil Without Parish Council

MEETING Date: ……………..

Agenda Item: Insert wording to appear on the agenda. Remember to make it clear what you are asking your fellow Councillors to do. "To consider..." " To note..." "To review..." "To resolve..."

Background Information: Insert as much information as possible so that councillors have the detail that they need in order to make an informed decisions

Background Documents: Insert names of documents to be sent out with the meeting papers.

Costs: Insert detail of any costs associated with the decision that you are asking the council to make

Recommendation Insert the resolution that you are seeking ie; “to resolve to…” “to note that …”

PLEASE NOTE Agenda item requests must be received by the Clerk at least 10 days before the meeting at which you’d like your item to be considered.



After a resolution at a previous meeting the small grants budget was increased to £13,650. There is currently £600 being held for the Good Fellowship club still waiting to be handed over before year end. We have committed spend of £10,850 currently, so the total budget remaining from the small grants budget this year is £2800.

St Peter’s Community Centre - Please see the attached grant form

The grants panel met with representatives from St Peter’s Community Centre to discuss the grant application at their last meeting.


It is the RECOMMENDED by the Grants Panel that St Peter’s Community Centre be awarded £2000 subject to planning being obtained. This money will be held and retained by YWPC until such time that the community centre gains planning approval.

Yeovil Without Parish Council Expenditure transactions - payments approval list Start of year 01/04/20

Tn no Cheque Gross Heading Invoice Details Cheque date Total

107 BACS2103 £174.90 09/09/20 SLCC Enterprises Ltd - Clerks Manual and Local £174.90 22SLCC Council Administration 1 £47.50 4060 The Clerk Manual 2 £119.00 4060 12th Edition Local Council Administration 3 £8.40 4060 Delivery

98 £423.38 4180 15/02/21 South Somerset District Council - Playground Inspections 3rd & 4th Quartyer

104 BACS2103 £10,047.00 4115 23/02/21 South Somerset District Council - Cemetery Deficit £10,329.00 22SSDC

102 BACS2103 £282.00 4205 24/02/21 South Somerset District Council - Supply & Install £10,329.00 22SSDC of new dog bin corner of marsh lane

108 BACS2103 09/03/21 Dan Ledger - Salary & Expenses £1,736.67 22DL

1 £14.39 4020 Zoom 2 £26.00 4020 Use of Office Sub Total £10,967.67

£1,849.98 Confidential

Total £12,817.65

Signature Signature Date

11/03/21 12:08 PM Vs: 8.54.02 Page 1 Paid Expenditure Transactions Start of year 01/04/20 paid between 16/02/21 and 11/03/21

Cheque Paid date Tn no Order Gross Vat Net Cttee Details Heading BACS210222 22/02/21 91 £47.21 £0.00 £47.21 Allot Water2Business Water Charge Allotments 4290 W2B 92/1 £1,609.23 £0.00 £1,609.23 Staff Dan Ledger Salary 4000 92/2 £14.39 £2.40 £11.99 Core Dan Ledger Zoom 4050 92/3 £26.00 £0.00 £26.00 Core Dan Ledger Use of Office 4020 BACS210221D 22/02/21 92 £1,649.62 £2.40 £1,647.22 Dan Ledger Salary & Expenses 4000 L BACS210222S 22/02/21 93 £657.12 £109.52 £547.60 Paris South Somerset District Parish Ranger Dec 4210 SDC Council 94/1 £164.28 £27.38 £136.90 Allot South Somerset District Darren Mowing Meadow in November 4290 Council (1days work) 94/2 £1,149.96 £191.66 £958.30 Paris South Somerset District Parish Ranger Jan 4210 Council BACS21022S 22/02/21 94 £1,314.24 £219.04 £1,095.20 South Somerset District Parish Ranger Jan - Allotment work in Nov 4290 SDC Council DD210225NES 25/02/21 105 £139.63 £0.00 £139.63 Staff Nest Pensions Pension 4001 T DD210226ON 26/02/21 96 £35.82 £5.97 £29.85 Core Onecom Limited Phone Line 4020 ECOM BACS210305 05/03/21 103 £75.00 £0.00 £75.00 Core Marcie Bower Logo Digitising 4020 MB BACS210305K 05/03/21 106 £630.36 £105.06 £525.30 Paris Kingfisher Direct Ltd Grit Bins 4230 DL Total £4,549.00 £441.99 £4,107.01

11/03/21 12:12 PM Vs: 8.54.02 Yeovil Without Parish Council Page 1 Received Income Transactions Start of year 01/04/20 received between 16/02/21 and 11/03/21 Paying Received Tn no Invoice Gross Vat Net Cttee Heading Details ref. date BACS210226N 26/02/21 47 £0.79 £0.00 £0.79 Core 125 Natwest Interest W Total £0.79 £0.00 £0.79

11/03/21 12:12 PM Vs: 8.54.02 Yeovil Without Parish Council Page 1 Financial Budget Comparison Comparison between 01/04/20 and 11/03/21 inclusive. including all commitments Excludes transactions with an invoice date prior to 01/04/20 Includes commitments with an order date in the current financial year. 2020/2021 Actual Net Commitments Balance

INCOME Core Costs 100 General Precept £70,328.00 £70,328.00 £0.00 £0.00 125 Interest £400.00 £59.72 £0.00 -£340.28 140 Other Income £0.00 -£912.00 £0.00 -£912.00 141 Petty Cash £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Total Core Costs £70,728.00 £69,475.72 £0.00 -£1,252.28 Staffing 4004 Overpayments £0.00 £13.60 £0.00 £13.60 Total Staffing £0.00 £13.60 £0.00 £13.60 Grants 135 Grants £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Total Grants £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Crematorium & Cemetery 105 Burial Precept £20,093.00 £20,093.00 £0.00 £0.00 110 Crematorium Funds £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 115 Crematorium Rent £12,100.00 £12,100.00 £0.00 £0.00 Total Crematorium & Cemetery £32,193.00 £32,193.00 £0.00 £0.00 Allotments 120 Allotments £432.00 £288.50 £0.00 -£143.50 Total Allotments £432.00 £288.50 £0.00 -£143.50 Total Income £103,353.00 £101,970.82 £0.00 -£1,382.18

11/03/21 12:14 PM Vs: 8.54. Yeovil Without Parish Council Page 1 Financial Budget Comparison Comparison between 01/04/20 and 11/03/21 inclusive. including all commitments Excludes transactions with an invoice date prior to 01/04/20 Includes commitments with an order date in the current financial year. 2020/2021 Actual Net Commitments Balance

EXPENDITURE Core Costs 4010 Advice/Legal Advice £1,000.00 £3,532.50 £0.00 -£2,532.50 4020 Office Expenses £950.00 £1,007.50 £0.00 -£57.50 4030 Meeting Room £150.00 £0.00 £0.00 £150.00 4040 Insurances £1,300.00 £1,874.75 £0.00 -£574.75 4050 Subscriptions £1,500.00 £1,788.37 £0.00 -£288.37 4060 Office Equipment £500.00 £1,703.70 £0.00 -£1,203.70 4070 Training/Conferences £1,000.00 £1,274.00 £0.00 -£274.00 4080 Bank Fees £0.00 £220.25 £0.00 -£220.25 4090 Audit Charges £1,000.00 £965.08 £0.00 £34.92 4100 Elections £5,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £5,500.00 4105 Finance System £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 4110 Website/Communication £1,000.00 £1,172.30 £0.00 -£172.30 4111 Contingencies £10,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £10,000.00 5000 Petty Cash £0.00 £0.50 £0.00 -£0.50 Total Core Costs £23,900.00 £13,538.95 £0.00 Staffing 4000 Salaries £31,123.00 £22,705.29 £0.00 £8,417.71 4001 Pension £0.00 £1,704.10 £0.00 -£1,704.10 4002 HMRC PAYE £0.00 £6,640.88 £0.00 -£6,640.88 4003 Clerk's Mileage £0.00 £281.54 £0.00 -£281.54 Total Staffing £31,123.00 £31,331.81 £0.00 Grants 4120 Grants - Small Projects £4,650.00 £10,250.00 £0.00 -£5,600.00 4130 Grants - Large Projects £2,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2,000.00 Total Grants £6,650.00 £10,250.00 £0.00 Parish Improvements & Development 4140 WP Community Hub £5,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £5,000.00 4150 Parish Improvements £63,032.00 £0.00 £0.00 £63,032.00 4180 Johnson Park (Inspections) £800.00 £244.98 £0.00 £555.02 4190 Johnson Park (Maintenance) £2,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £2,000.00 4200 Street Furniture (Maintenance) £1,000.00 £1,361.30 £0.00 -£361.30 4205 Street Furniture (Purchase) £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 4210 Parish Ranger (Less £12,100.00 £9,856.80 £0.00 £2,243.20 Management of Allotments) 4220 Westland Leisure Complex 17/18 £8,500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £8,500.00 4230 Highway Safety £800.00 £525.30 £0.00 £274.70 4240 Youth Services £8,000.00 £20.00 £0.00 £7,980.00 4250 Land at Orchard Close £5,000.00 £0.00 £0.00 £5,000.00 (Equipment) 4260 Art & Culture £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 4265 Roundabout Project £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00

11/03/21 12:15 PM Vs: 8.54. Yeovil Without Parish Council Page 2 Financial Budget Comparison Comparison between 01/04/20 and 11/03/21 inclusive. including all commitments Excludes transactions with an invoice date prior to 01/04/20 Includes commitments with an order date in the current financial year. 2020/2021 Actual Net Commitments Balance

4275 Community Building Fund £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 4280 Defibrilators £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Total Parish Improvements & Developmen £106,232.00 £12,008.38 £0.00 Events 4270 VE Celebrations £2,000.00 £1,760.00 £0.00 £240.00 4350 Celebrations £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Total Events £2,000.00 £1,760.00 £0.00 Climate Emergency 4400 Green Iniative Fund £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Total Climate Emergency £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Crematorium & Cemetery 4115 Cemetery Deficit £20,093.00 £10,047.00 £0.00 £10,046.00 Total Crematorium & Cemetery £20,093.00 £10,047.00 £0.00 Allotments 4290 Allotments (Water & Rubbish £1,236.00 £318.21 £0.00 £917.79 Removal) Total Allotments £1,236.00 £318.21 £0.00 Total Expenditure £191,234.00 £79,254.35 £0.00 £111,979.65 £103,353.00 £101,970.82 Total Income £191,234.00 £79,254.35 Total Expenditure -£87,881.00 £22,716.47 Total Net Balance

11/03/21 12:15 PM Vs: 8.54. Yeovil Without Parish Council Page 3 Bank Account Reconciled Statement Current A/C - Natwest 68798040 60-24-37 Statement Number 12 Bank Statement No. 12 Statement Opening Balance £500.00 Opening Date 01/02/21 Statement Closing Balance £500.00 Closing Date 28/02/21 True/ Cashbook Closing £500.00 Balance

Date Cheque/ Ref. Supplier/ Customer Debit (£) Credit (£) Balance (£)

03/02/21 BACS210203DL Dan Ledger 0.00 13.60 513.60

04/02/21 BACS210204BIRCH Birchfield Community 3,000.00 0.00 -2,486.40 Primary School

04/02/21 BACS210204MILIN Milford Infants School 1,500.00 0.00 -3,986.40

04/02/21 BACS210204MILJR Milford Junior School 1,500.00 0.00 -5,486.40

04/02/21 BACS210204PRIMR Primrose Hill Primary School 3,000.00 0.00 -8,486.40 OSE

05/02/21 BACS210205FOOD The Lords Larder 1,000.00 0.00 -9,486.40

08/02/21 DD210208NEST Nest Pensions 139.63 0.00 -9,626.03

15/02/21 BACS210215NAT Natwest 23.15 0.00 -9,649.18

15/02/21 DD210215EE EE 25.20 0.00 -9,674.38

15/02/21 DD210215NEST Nest Pensions 14.07 0.00 -9,688.45

22/02/21 BACS210221DL Dan Ledger 1,649.62 0.00 -11,338.07

22/02/21 BACS210222SSDC South Somerset District 657.12 0.00 -11,995.19 Council

22/02/21 BACS210222W2B Water2Business 47.21 0.00 -12,042.40

22/02/21 BACS21022SSDC South Somerset District 1,314.24 0.00 -13,356.64 Council

25/02/21 DD210225NEST Nest Pensions 139.63 0.00 -13,496.27

26/02/21 DD210226ONECOM Onecom Limited 35.82 0.00 -13,532.09

28/02/21 Transfer 13.60 14,045.69 500.00

Uncleared and unpresented effects


Reconciled by Dan Ledger


Clerk / Responsible Financial Officer Chair

01/03/21 09:18 AM Vs: 8.53.0 Yeovil Without Parish Council Page 1 Bankline Statement for account 60-24-37 70016275 from 29/01/2021 to 01/03/2021

Short name: SLA YPC YEOWTHOUT BR Currency: GBP


BIC: NWBKGB2L Bank name: National Westminster Bank

IBAN: GB35NWBK60243770016275 Bank branch: YEOVIL

Date Narrative Type Debit Credit Ledger balance

CLOSING BALANCE 97,489.72Cr 26/02/2021 TO 68798040 35.82 97,489.72Cr

26/02/2021 26FEB GRS 70016275 INT 0.79 97,525.54Cr

25/02/2021 TO 68798040 139.63 97,524.75Cr

22/02/2021 TO 68798040 3,668.19 97,664.38Cr

15/02/2021 TO 68798040 62.42 101,332.57Cr

08/02/2021 TO 68798040 139.63 101,394.99Cr

05/02/2021 TO 68798040 1,000.00 101,534.62Cr

04/02/2021 TO 68798040 9,000.00 102,534.62Cr

03/02/2021 FROM 68798040 13.60 111,534.62Cr

29/01/2021 TO 68798040 35.82 111,521.02Cr

29/01/2021 29JAN GRS 70016275 INT 0.93 111,556.84Cr


Totals 14,081.51 15.32

NB: Transactions with today's or next business day's date may still be subject to confirmation and may subsequently be reversed from your account. Printed on 01/03/2021 at 08:54 by user DANLEDGER1 Page 1 of 1 Bank Account Reconciled Statement Business Reserve - Natwest 70016275 60-24-37 Statement Number 12 Bank Statement No. 12 Statement Opening Balance £111,521.02 Opening Date 01/02/21 Statement Closing Balance £97,489.72 Closing Date 28/02/21 True/ Cashbook Closing £97,489.72 Balance

Date Cheque/ Ref. Supplier/ Customer Debit (£) Credit (£) Balance (£)

26/02/21 BACS210226NW Natwest 0.00 0.79 111,521.81

28/02/21 Transfer 14,045.69 13.60 97,489.72

Uncleared and unpresented effects


Reconciled by Dan Ledger


Clerk / Responsible Financial Officer Chair

01/03/21 09:19 AM Vs: 8.53.0 Yeovil Without Parish Council Page 1 Bankline Statement for account 60-24-37 70016275 from 01/02/2021 to 28/02/2021

Short name: SLA YPC YEOWTHOUT BR Currency: GBP


BIC: NWBKGB2L Bank name: National Westminster Bank

IBAN: GB35NWBK60243770016275 Bank branch: YEOVIL

Date Narrative Type Debit Credit Ledger balance

CLOSING BALANCE 97,489.72Cr 26/02/2021 TO 68798040 35.82 97,489.72Cr

26/02/2021 26FEB GRS 70016275 INT 0.79 97,525.54Cr

25/02/2021 TO 68798040 139.63 97,524.75Cr

22/02/2021 TO 68798040 3,668.19 97,664.38Cr

15/02/2021 TO 68798040 62.42 101,332.57Cr

08/02/2021 TO 68798040 139.63 101,394.99Cr

05/02/2021 TO 68798040 1,000.00 101,534.62Cr

04/02/2021 TO 68798040 9,000.00 102,534.62Cr

03/02/2021 FROM 68798040 13.60 111,534.62Cr


Totals 14,045.69 14.39

NB: Transactions with today's or next business day's date may still be subject to confirmation and may subsequently be reversed from your account. Printed on 01/03/2021 at 08:55 by user DANLEDGER1 Page 1 of 1 Adobe


Adobe Acrobat DC is a paid for service that lets you create, edit, share, adapt and merge pdf files. Currently the Council uses a free to use viewer service that is downloadable by all. Since the Clerk has taken post there have been a number of occasions where the paid for service would be highly beneficial to streamline work and aid in the production of council files. This is especially apparent when trying to formulate agendas and minutes and drawing multiple files together. The other benefit to the paid version is its accessibility functions. Through the regulation passed by government on accessibility in 2018 (Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.) the council has had to improve accessibility on all webpages. Whilst the main website is compliant, the pdf pages on our documents currently are not. This is an extremely onerous task when completed manually but one that is completed with a few clicks on the paid for service.

As the package is a bespoke software package it comes before members in line with our financial regulations requiring only a single quotation.

More information on all features Acrobat DC pro has can be found at the following link - What’s new in Acrobat | Adobe Acrobat DC


It is RECOMMENDED that members approve to the council undertaking a subscription with Adobe for its Acrobat DC Pro version at an annual cost of £181.10 per year.

Microsoft Business


Currently, the Council utilises a subscription from the previous Clerk for a Microsoft Personal edition. This comes to expire on the 18/03/2021 and is in need of renewal. In light of this, it is both prudent and better housekeeping to upgrade to a business version for the Parish Council. The options can be found here: Compare All Microsoft 365 Plans | Microsoft

It is worth noting that if the council were to purchase the premium module of £15.10 that this incorporates Microsoft Teams and there is then the ability to dispose of the use of Zoom, this would result in a cost saving of over £100 a year.


It is RECOMMENDED that Council approves the purchase of Microsoft 365 Business Premium.

Somerset Waste Partnership

Somerset Waste Partnership (SWP) would like to invite you to a briefing and question and answer session about its new Recycle More service. Successfully launched in Mendip last year, it is due to be rolled-out in South Somerset at the end of June.

This is an important and exciting change to the way we recycle. Most people in Somerset are recycling. This service will make it easier to recycle even more, helping protect your environment, tackle climate change and save taxpayers money.

As community leaders, parish and town councils can play an important role in its success in South Somerset by making sure residents are aware of Recycle More and what it means, and by sign- posting people to information and support.

We want to keep you well informed and give you the chance to ask us any questions that you may have. To that end we are arranging three repeat Zoom meetings where a brief presentation will be followed by a question and answer session.

Councils are encouraged to send up to 2 representatives if possible.

The dates are as follows.

Wednesday 14th April (6.30-7.30pm)

Thursday 15th April (6.30-7.30pm)

Monday 19th April (6.30-7.30pm)

If 2 people would like to attend, please reply to this email informing us of the name of the Councillor/s or staff member who will be attending which session and their email address so that we can send out the relevant Zoom details nearer the time.

Detailed briefing documents will be sent to you before the first of these meetings, but in summary Recycle More means:

 More materials collected weekly from the kerbside - importantly plastic pots, tubs and trays.  All households will be provided with a new recycling container – a Bright Blue Bag and need to put different things into different containers.  More recycling means less rubbish, so rubbish bins will be collected every three weeks instead of every two.

More information is available online at www.somersetwaste.gov.uk/recycle-more and this will soon be updated to reflect the forthcoming roll-out in South Somerset.


THURSDAY 22nd April 2021 at 7PM

Held virtually on ZOOM

This meeting provides a yearly opportunity for members of the public to hear from speakers and to ask questions and raise any issues.


1. Welcome and report from the Chair: Cllr. Pauline Lock

2. Presentation by (TO BE DECIDED)

3. Minutes of the Town Meeting 2019

4. Police Report

5. District Councillors’ Reports

6. County Councillor’s Report

7. Public Forum: Question and Answer Session

Unitary Consultation Response


Council will see below the correspondence sent by both the Stronger Somerset and One Somerset bids on Unitary Councils. Council is asked to look at the consultation (link below) and reply accordingly with its thoughts.

The Consultation can be found here - Somerset Unitarisation - Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Citizen Space - Citizen Space

The consultation finishes on the 19th April 2021


It is RECOMMENDED that council create a working party to formulate its response to the Secretary of State’s consultation and delegate the submission of the response to the Clerk in conjunction with the working party.

4 March 2021 TO: All Town and Parish Councils - South Somerset

Dear Town and Parish Council,

On Monday 22 February the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Robert Jenrick launched a consultation on proposals for the future of local government in Somerset. We have to say we are disappointed that while the consultation document names a number of consultees, parish, town and city councils are not among them. We know our towns and parishes, and the city of Wells, are the places where much of community life takes place. Our experience through the pandemic has shown this to be truer than ever. These places work to ensure that people are not lonely or isolated, but active and included, and harness the contribution of all the people who live there, their generosity, ingenuity and enterprise. We think your views should be valued and indeed we asked MHCLG to add the Somerset Association of Local Councils to the draft list with which we were presented in advance of the consultation launch. And we have asked again for an explanation as to why this request was not granted. Nevertheless, the Secretary of State has said that he welcomes the views of all those interested in the proposals and I am sure you will be keen to have your say. We are aware that many town and parish council have received a letter from Marcus Fysh, MP that contains a number of myths and instances of misinformation and asking for you to back the county council case. We therefore thought it would be helpful if we set out in outline the Stronger Somerset proposal, advanced by the four district councils working together. As we do that, we hope we will help you come to your own informed view on the most sensible way forward for our county. Background You will be aware that the district councils had been working with colleagues at Somerset County Council for around two years exploring ideas for the future of local government in Somerset that would best facilitate improvement in outcomes for the people of the county. Despite reaching agreement last year that a single unitary model was not the right choice for Somerset and agreeing to a collaborative solution instead, the county council walked away and launched its own proposal. This has forced this debate, while we are all faced the challenge of dealing with the pandemic. Hence, we find ourselves today with two alternative proposals before the Secretary

of State – one, for a single unitary and our Stronger Somerset proposal for two new unitary councils. Some key points

• A single unitary council for Somerset would be the second largest unitary council in the country. In 10 years, its population will be more than 600,000 people - as big as Luxembourg. • One single, monolithic council run from Taunton cannot be the sensible solution taking into account: − Somerset covers 1,331 square miles, which means our population is dispersed. − 48% of residents live in a rural area, compared with 18% for England at the last census. − The One Somerset proposal to reduce the total number of councillors by 63% from 269 to 100 that would leave an average representation of 5,630 per councillor compared with 3,150 in the rest of England. This is a significant threat to local democracy. • Somerset lags behind other parts of the UK in a number of areas and some local services, such as social care, are unsustainable. Their proposal fails to recognise that many of the services it currently runs need major improvement. • The county council is proposing bigger, not better government. • The consultation being run by the officials at the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government is inaccessible to most people – the questions and language are complex and off-putting, the list of named consultees is narrow and limited. • Given the Government is only looking at proposals for unitary councils, our proposal is for two – one for Eastern Somerset and one for Western Somerset. Our proposal for a Stronger Somerset We propose two unitary authorities, covering the east and west of Somerset, to replace the five current councils. We believe this is the best arrangement to reflect and serve the geographic, social and economic differences across the county. These new councils will be small enough, so they know you and you know them, but big enough to be effective and economic. They will meet the needs of their local communities and work together for the benefit of the whole county. These new councils would work closely with each other to coordinate policy and share back-office services where it makes sense. We also propose an ambitious programme of reform to local services to ensure they are responsive and efficient and can improve the places and quality of life in Somerset. Stronger communities Stronger Somerset sets out our vision and commitment to working with town and parish councils to create stronger communities. We want you to be able to choose if you want power and control devolved to your local communities, where that will help make sure that public services are delivered in ways that address local needs.

We will work with people at a local level to build this sense of community across all of Somerset and we will invest to make this work, including in a dedicated Localities and Devolution team, as they have in Cornwall. We want a place-led approach that truly reflects the ways that communities operate and interact. We are working with towns and parishes to develop a Charter that will help establish and articulate a strong collaborative relationship between town, parish and city councils and the new unitary councils. Our proposal includes an open-ended offer to work together to develop locality agreements as a mechanism for strengthening local capacity and devolving powers and responsibilities, based on local needs and aspirations. We want to work with clusters of parish and town councils who want to work together on the issues that matter the most to you and your communities. I hope this outline helps clarify a number of points about our position. Please do visit the Stronger Somerset website where you will find both an executive summary and our full proposal. You will, I am sure, also want to look at the county council’s proposal, One Somerset. And we would encourage you to respond to the Secretary of State’s consultation. Please do get in touch if you have questions, would like to discuss our ideas further, or want to work with us to take forward our proposal.

Yours sincerely,

Councillor Duncan McGinty Councillor Ros Wyke Sedgemoor District Council Mendip District Council

Councillor Federica Smith-Roberts Councillor Val Keitch Somerset West and Taunton Council South Somerset District Council

5 March 2021

Dear Colleague,


You will be aware that Somerset was one of three areas invited by Government to submit a proposal for local government reform in the county. This was done shortly before Christmas, when Somerset County Council tabled a comprehensive proposal, One Somerset, with the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government. You should have already received a copy of the full business case, but can be accessed on the One Somerset website: One Somerset | The Future of Local Government in Somerset

One Somerset seeks to establish a single tier of local government for Somerset and meets each of the Government’s criteria for reform: improve the area’s local government, command a good deal of local support across the area, and cover an area that provides a credible geography.

One Somerset would also provide the opportunity to enhance fundamentally local decision-making and move genuine power and responsibility to local communities and their representatives. We envisage the creation of between 15 and 20 Local Community Networks, reaching every part of the county, that would give local people genuine power and real influence over the decisions that affect them most.

We are also fortunate to have 278 parish, town and city councils in Somerset which, as you will appreciate, vary greatly in size in the range of activity they undertake. Establishing a new unitary authority would, we believe, be a huge opportunity to look at this relationship and to seek to devolve decision making, services and assets in a way that benefits our communities and both the unitary and local parish, town and city councils.

As you will see, the business case details examples of services and assets that could be devolved where this is appropriate to local circumstances. It is not exhaustive. Devolving assets will need to be broadly cost neutral to both the town, city or parish councils involved, and the unitary council, so as not to cause financial instability for

either partner. So, assets with income would need to be balanced with service responsibilities and costs. But we want to have these discussions with our town, city and parish councils, and creating the unitary authority allows us to do this.

This devolution of power and resources to the councils and organisations that are at the true heart of our communities, will provide a focus for local engagement and become the channel for local views, feedback, consultation and communication. Importantly this will have a huge value, not just within the unitary council; it will also create the opportunity to link up more closely with other local public services, notably the NHS, police, schools and the voluntary sector.

On 22 February 2021 the Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP, the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, launched a consultation on proposals for the reorganisation of local government in Somerset.

There are two proposals in the consultation process in Somerset.

The consultation document is available online at https://consult.communities.gov.uk/ and responses may also be made on the department’s online platform ‘Citizen Space’ or alternatively by email to [email protected] or in writing to Governance Reform and Democracy, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF. The consultation will run for eight weeks to Monday 19 April 2021.

We would welcome the opportunity to hear your views and to answer any questions that you may have. We would therefore like to invite you to a virtual briefing and Q&A session to discuss One Somerset.

There will be a choice of two meetings, one will be held on 15 March at 7pm or 18 March at 5pm, with myself, Cllr Faye Purbrick SCC Cabinet Member for Transformation, and senior officials who have been involved in putting together the detail of the One Somerset proposal. We hope that you will be able to join us, but we would also be happy to arrange a separate meeting for your council or a one-to-one meeting if it is more convenient.

If you can attend one of these meetings, please RSVP to the following address [email protected] indicating which event you’d like to attend and which Council you represent.

Finally, we believe that we have an opportunity with One Somerset to create a blueprint for the devolution of genuine power, responsibilities and better decision-

making and join us in embracing the opportunities offered by the One Somerset proposal.

I look forward to welcoming you at one of the sessions. Joining links via Microsoft Teams will be sent closer to the dates of the events.

Yours sincerely,

Cllr David Fothergill Leader, Somerset County Council

Yeovil Without Parish Council Forward Plan Item Meeting Decision Review Phone Box April Perimeter Fence Playpark April Playpark Equipment repair April Terms of Reference Grants April Terms of Reference Environment April Risk Review April May Recording and Broadcasting April Meetings Policy Retention of Documents May Social Media Presence May Financial Regs Review May Standing orders Review May Ashfords Monthly Full Policy Review May Environmental Parish Plan/ Green June Iniatives Double Yellow Lines Fairmead - - Summer 2021 Statement of Internal Controls May