Comm. Assignment: Movie Review Movie: Revolutions Directed/Writer: The Wachowski Brothers Submitted by: Abhimanyu Jain Asati

The Matrix Revolutions The first part of The Matrix trilogy was released in the year 1999, the main idea behind the movie being a dystopian future in which the reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality called “The Matrix”. The first part was a perfect start for a completely new series featuring a completely new concept supported by top notch special effects which were exceptionally good for their time. The Wachowski’s sci-fi trilogy jumped the shark in its second instalment but still could be called a watchable hokum however the third part of this world famous sci-fi trilogy became a benchmark for failure. It fails so horribly in comparison to its previous parts that it has been enlisted in the worst sequels of all times closely following world famous failures like Oceans 12 and Highlanders 2. As a result it was no surprise that the last part of this franchise was not received so well among the viewers. The issue wasn’t that sucked, the issue was that it was pale in comparison to its earlier part, however the main problem with the last sequel was that it transformed from being a novel concept to some philosophical, spiritualistic concept which wasn’t easy to understand in itself. After the release of the third part one could see hot debates all over the internet over what the movie really portrayed the kind you would see in a Nolan movie except that his movies have a unique intelligent concept with possibly multiple explanations whereas The Matrix was “just confusing” In the end although the franchise earned quite a lot from this trilogy The Matrix Revolutions was a big let down the kind which wouldn’t be forgotten for years to come. It is a very good example that shows a franchise should know when to stop, leaving the audience on a positive note else it ends up being an unwanted desperate attempt to keep the franchise alive which no one wished for.