APP 04

Application Number: 15/01025/REM Major

Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 13/02382/OUTEIS for access and layout - first phase infrastructure works comprising roads, attenuation ponds, foul and surface water drainage including ditch diversions and associated earthworks

AT Land At Glebe Farm, South of A421, Newport Road

FOR Gallagher Estates

Target: 5th August 2015

Ward: Danesborough And Walton Parish: Parish Council

Report Author/Case Officer: Sarah Hine Contact Details: 01908 252283 [email protected]

Team Leader:Nicola Wheatcroft Joint Team Leader Strategic Applications Team Contact Details: 01908 252274 [email protected]

1.0 INTRODUCTION (A brief explanation of what the application is about)

1.1 The main section of the report set out below draws together the core issues in relation to the application including policy and other key material considerations. This is supplemented by an appendix which brings together planning history, additional matters and summaries of consultees’ responses and public representations. Full details of the application including plans, supplementary documents, consultee responses and public representations are available on the Council’s Public Access System www.milton- . All matters have been taken into account in writing this report and recommendation.

1.2 The Site The application site, measures approximately 65.66 hectares, and consists of two areas to the north and south of Newport Road. The site is located within the Strategic Land Allocation Area and falls within the area covered by the Strategic Land Allocation Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document as appropriate for up to 2,900 residential dwellings.

1.3 The larger of these two areas, is situated immediately to the south of the A421 and Lower End Road forms the southern boundary of the site. The eastern boundary of this area adjoins land within third party control (Mereton College, University of Oxford and Wavendon Residential Properties LLP), which also forms part of the Strategic Land Allocation, and is the subject of a separate outline planning consent 14/00350/OUTEIS. The smaller area, which lies to the south of Newport Road, is located to the north of Wavendon Village and immediately east of Stockwell Lane. The application site excludes ‘The Gables’ which is occupied by the Sibley Haulage depot and adjoins the site north of Lower End Road.

1.4 The topography of the application site slopes gradually from south to north with an approximate gradient of 1:60. Details of the location of the site and its relationship to surrounding properties can be seen in the plans attached to this report.

1.5 The Proposal Reserved matters planning permission is now sought pursuant to outline planning permission 13/02382/OUTEIS for the first phase of infrastructure provision on the site including principle road infrastructure, attenuation ponds, foul and surface water drainage which includes a ditch diversion and associated earth works.

1.6 This application does not include the detailed design of dwellings or features within the site; a Design Code for this site is currently under consideration, which will establish the design principles. The code will set parameters for the development including appearance of dwellings and local infrastructure.

1.7 Details of the proposal as described above can be seen in the plans appended to this report.

2.0 RELEVANT POLICIES (The most important policy considerations relating to this application)

2.1 National Policy National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 11, 12, 13, 14 The Presumption in favour of sustainable development 35 Promoting sustainable transport 99 and 103 Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change 109, 111 and 112. Conserving and enhancing the natural environment

2.2 Local Policy Core Strategy CS1 ( Development Strategy) CS5 (Strategic Reserve Areas) CS13 (Ensuring High Quality, Well Designed Places) CS14 (Sustainable Construction) CS19 (Healthier and Safer Communities) CS20 (The Historic and Natural Environment)

2.3 Adopted Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011 S3 (City Expansion Areas) S4 (Phasing of the City Expansion Areas) D1 (Impact of Development Proposals on Locality) T1 (The Transport User Hierarchy) T2 (Access for those with Impaired Mobility) T3 (Pedestrians and Cyclists) T10 (Traffic) T15 (Parking Provision) EA2 (Expansion Area)

2.4 Supplementary Planning Guidance Parking Standards for Milton Keynes (2009) Strategic Land Allocation Development Framework Milton Keynes Drainage Strategy, Development and Flood Risk (2004)

3.0 MAIN ISSUES (The issues which have the greatest bearing on the decision)

3.1 Principle of development The principle of the development of this site was established in the outline consent therefore this application only considers the proposed road, attenuation and surface water drainage infrastructure.

3.2 Highways Matters The application proposes the principal roads within the site, which are the first phase of highways infrastructure. The proposed highways are in accordance with the outline consent and Strategic Land Allocation Development Framework and are therefore considered acceptable.

3.3 Attenuation ponds The application proposes the development of five attenuation basins to deal with surface water drainage within the site. The site is within the jurisdiction of the Bedford Internal Drainage Board, representations confirm that the drainage proposals are in accordance within the agreed drainage strategy and discharge rates and are therefore acceptable a condition is proposed to secure the discharge rates.

3.4 Foul and surface water drainage including ditch diversions and associated earthworks The application proposes the development of the surface water and foul water drainage system within the site. The drainage scheme will include the diversion of ditches within the site and associated earthworks which are considered to be acceptable.

4.0 RECOMMENDATION (The decision that officers recommend to the Committee)

4.1 It is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of this report.

5.0 CONSIDERATIONS (An explanation of the main issues that have lead to the officer Recommendation)

5.1 Principle of development The principle of a residential development on this site was established within the outline application 13/02382/OUTEIS which was approved on the 2nd April 2015. The application proposals are in accordance with the Strategic Land Allocation Development Framework.

5.2 Highways Matters The proposed highways included within this application are in considered to be in conformity with development framework and principles established within the outline planning application. The Highways Officer has confirmed no objection to the technical details of the road layout subject to the conditions proposed within Section 6 of this report.

5.3 Future proofing grid road In accordance with SLA Development Framework and outline planning permission the current infrastructure application proposes the safeguarding of land required for the future dualing of the grid road and safeguarding for the provision of an underpass and is therefore considered acceptable.

5.4 Newport road traffic signals Representations from Town Council have commented on the proposed installation of traffic lights on Newport Road (A5130). The principle of an access from the site onto Newport Road was established at outline however, the traffic management of this access is outside of this application and will be subject a separate consent.

5.5 Attenuation Ponds The application proposes 5 detention basins located at the sites northern boundary which is in accordance with the locations identified in the approved master plan and parameters land use plan. The attenuation ponds are considered to be in accordance with drainage principles set out within the adopted drainage strategy SPD and are therefore considered in principle to be acceptable.

5.6 The Parks Trust has commented on the landscaping treatments and ecological functions of the attenuation basins in accordance with design principles included within the outline applications Design and Access Statement. This application seeks approval for the technical details of the attenuation and drainage strategy. It is therefore considered that information in relation to the landscaping strategy including planting schemes and species is secured within the outline planning permission condition requiring full landscaping details and principles will be established within the Design Code.

5.7 Foul and surface water drainage including ditch diversions and associated earthworks The application proposes the use of a new drainage ditch systems which will link into the existing ditches and the attenuation system. The drainage ditch systems will benefit from a 5 metre maintenance easement. The proposed ditch system is in accordance with drainage solutions which are set out as acceptable within the adopted drainage strategy and SLA framework.

5.8 The proposals require ground raising to the north west area of the site in order to facilitate gravity drainage. The raising is required in three locations within the site to mitigate the level change between the east and west and ranges from 0- 2.0 metres. Given that this work is required to maintain the drainage system and minimum ground cover levels this element of the proposals is considered to be acceptable.

5.9 The application proposes a site wide storm water drainage system. The Internal Drainage Board have commented that on the basis that the proposal follow the agreed strategy of restricting all surface water discharge to the equivalent of 3 litres per second per hectare and the applicant obtains all the necessary land drainage consents there are no further comments. On this basis it is considered that the technical details of the drainage system within the site are acceptable.

6.0 CONDITIONS (The conditions that need to be imposed on any planning permission for this development to ensure that the development is satisfactory. To meet legal requirements all conditions must be Necessary, Relevant, Enforceable, Precise and Reasonable )

1. Application for approval of all the reserved matters in respect of all phases or parts of the development shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the 2nd April 2025.

Reason: To comply with Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2. No development shall take place until a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for this phase of development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The CEMP shall set out site procedures to be adopted during the course of construction, including inter alia construction traffic routing, how dust and other emission will be controlled and construction noise and vibrations from the development in each case so as to cause minimum disturbance. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed CEMP.

Reason: To protect the amenity of the surrounding residential areas and to comply with policy D1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

3. No development shall take place until construction vehicle wheel cleansing facilities have been provided to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. Such facilities shall be used by all construction vehicles leaving the site and shall be permanently maintained in working order throughout the construction period.

Reason: To ensure the safe and efficient use of the highway and protect the amenity of the surrounding residential areas and to comply with policy D1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

4. Prior to the commencement of the development details of the estate roads and footways shall be submitted to and be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No dwelling shall be occupied until the estate roads and footways which provide access to it from the existing highway have been laid out and constructed in accordance with the approved details. The estate road and footways so laid out shall be retained thereafter.

Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and of the development.

5. There shall be no other means of vehicular and pedestrian access to the development other than shown in the approved drawings.

Reason: To minimise danger and inconvenience to highway users.

6. Development shall not commence until such time as details of the visibility splays have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No development shall take place until the visibility splays have been laid out and constructed in accordance with the approved details. The splays shall be kept free of any obstruction in excess of 1.05m in height.

Reason: To provide adequate visibility and to ensure the safety and convenience of users of the highway.

7. Prior to the commencement of the development, details of the disposal of surface water from the highway shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and no dwelling shall be occupied until the works for the disposal of surface water have been constructed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To minimise danger and inconvenience to highway users. Appendix to 15/01025/REM

A1.0 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY (A brief outline of previous planning decisions affecting the site – this may not include every planning application relating to this site, only those that have a bearing on this particular case)

A1.1 13/02382/OUTEIS The development of Glebe Farm as part of a mixed-use sustainable urban extension comprising: up to 1,140 dwellings; land for one primary school (for children between the ages of 2 - 11) and one secondary school (for children between the ages of 12 and 18); a mixed use neighbourhood centre comprising of a retail food store of approximately 350 square metres (gross floor space area), additional non-food retail, a GP health centre; multi- functional green infrastructure (totalling approximately 18.5 hectares.) including parkland, sports pitches, children's play areas, informal open space, allotments, woodland, landscaping and surface water attenuation; new multi- functional community building; vehicular access points from the A421 via the Fen Farm roundabout, Newport Road and a future connection to the adjoining development land to the east; and internal streets, footpaths and cycleways. PERMITTED 02.04.2015

A2.0 ADDITIONAL MATTERS (Matters which were also considered in producing the Recommendation)

A2.1 S.106 This application is covered by the Section 106 agreement which was made at outline stage and therefore this application does not trigger the requirement for another agreement.

A3.0 CONSULTATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS (Who has been consulted on the application and the responses received. The following are a brief description of the comments made. The full comments can be read via the Council’s web site)

Comments Officer Response

A3.1 Cranfield Airport No response received

A3.2 Councils Archaelogists Noted Any significant archaeological remains within the site should be dealt with under the programmes of evaluation and mitigation set out under the relevant planning condition on the outline application.

In relation to this application I would note that field evaluation of this area required under the outline condition has not yet been completed and reported on or mitigation in relation to any areas of archaeological significance agreed.

A3.3 British Waterways No response received

A3.4 British Pipeline Agency Noted Not in zone of interest

A3.5 Footpath Officer No response received

A3.6 RAMBLE Ramblers Association No response received A3.7 Parish – Wavendon No response received

A3.8 Ward - Danesborough And Walton - Cllr D Hopkins Discussed in paragraph 5. 3 Comments made following the consultation session on 9th July 2015: I am concerned about the future proofing of the grid roads and the estate road crossing the grid roads. Whilst I appreciate the design deals with the here and now and fulfils the obligation to reserve a grid road corridor the design does not allow for satisfactory estate road crossing points, especially public transport crossing points. I would also seek reassurance that cycle/redway and or footway crossing on dual carriageway points will have reserved land for underpasses to be constructed at some stage in the future. Otherwise, I will be keen to see the evidence (traffic Discussed in paragraph 5.4 modelling) work that has been produced to support the erection of three sets of traffic lights along Newport Road in terms of flow of traffic. There are very natural concerns in Wavendon that drivers may choose to rat run through the village via Walton Road.

A3.9 Ward - Danesborough And Walton - Cllr Bramall No response received

A3.10 Ward - Danesborough And Walton - Cllr V Hopkins No response received

A3.11 Highways Development Control Discussed in paragraph 5. 2 This planning application is a reserved matters application for access and layout - first phase infrastructure works comprising roads, attenuation ponds, foul and surface water drainage including ditch diversions and associated earthworks.

This planning application is in conformity with the development framework and outline application.

However, it should be noted the radius provided as a traffic calming feature on the bend shown on drawing No. 14057 – C203 is unacceptable. In accordance with this authority’s highway design table 4.0, road type 5 should have a minimum C.L radius of 60m. The centre line radius shown is only half that value. I would only be willing to accept a lesser radius if tracking can be provided showing a car and a bus are able to pass each other without encroachment into each other’s lanes. Should some form of widening be required on the bend then in this instance we would only accept widening on the inside of the bend.

With regards to the visibility splays in accordance with MK guidance for 30mph road a forward visibility distance of 43m needs to be provided with no obstruction of height greater than 1.05m to be located within the visibility splay.


I have no highways objection subject to conditions.

A3.12 Landscape Architect Noted No comment

A3.13 Councils Countryside Officer No response received

A3.14 Landscape Services Manager – Trees No response received

A3.15 Environment Agency Noted No comment

A3.16 Anglian Water No response received

A3.17 Internal Drainage Board Discussed in paragraph 5. 9 On the basis that the proposed development is following the agreed strategy of restricting all surface water discharges to the equivalent of 3 litres per second per hectare and all Land Drainage Consents are obtained, the board has no further comments to make.

A3.18 Bucks And MK Environmental Records Centre No response received

A3.19 Central Beds Council Noted, Eagle Farm South and the subject land is outside of No objections however, please note that the proposed this application site. development should safeguard the future dualling of the A421 at the Eagle Farm end of the site.

A3.20 Canals and Rivers Trust Noted No comment

A3.21 Passenger Transport Officer Noted- This application site is part of the Tariff arrangement I note that bus stop locations are shown with the note "Bus and therefore the funding for the bus stop provision is Stop Locations and Dimensions to be Confirmed" secured through the tariff.

Can it also be confirmed that bus stops will be built as part of these works and will not have to be retro-fitted at the Councils expense at a later date?

A3.22 Parish - Woburn Sands Noted and discussed in paragraph 5.4 Woburn Sands Town Council has asked that I raise in advance of the Gallagher’s consultation in the Memorial Hall in Woburn Sands on Wednesday 2-6pm, on future planning detail issues relating to the SLA.

In particular, the connection onto the A5130 and any plans for a series of traffic lights- possibly two sets- one at the crossroads and one at the junction with Lower End Road as well as the ones at the Kingston Roundabout. The detailed evidence needs to be presented that guarantees that the installation of traffic lights will not impact negatively upon congestion and will not result in traffic rat running through Walton Road in Wavendon in particular. Officers need to be content that there will be adequate footpath and cycle access from Woburn Sands to allow safe and secure access to the new Primary and Secondary Schools at Glebe Farm.

Woburn Sands Town Council objects to the proposal for a traffic light junction at the Glebe Farm access onto Newport Road.

We object because there will already be traffic lights at the Kingston roundabout slightly north of this new junction and the hold up to traffic on the Newport Road will be unacceptable. The modelling undertaken for the Kingston Roundabout works demonstrated the lengthy queuing on Newport Road and the Kingston works were designed to help alleviate the problem. This proposal will simply reinstate the problem a little to the south.

The outline permission for Glebe Farm makes no mention of the form this access to the Newport Road should be.

If traffic is discouraged by additional lights on the Newport Road, it will result in increased rat running through Walton Road, Wavendon, and will encourage residents of Woburn Sands, Aspley Heath and Aspley Guise to all attempt to access Milton Keynes via Hardwick Road, The Leys and instead. These roads simply cannot cope.

We are extremely disappointed, that after a long discussion not much over a year ago with David Hill, Chief Executive of MKC and Andy Swannell, responsible for Highways Planning applications in which the Town Council was promised we would be fully consulted on any highways matters affecting our community in future, this is still not happening. Instead we have Highways, with no consultation whatsoever, suggesting possibly two further sets of traffic lights on Newport Road, the one which is the subject of this application and a further one at Lower End Road.

There is no reason why this minor access road from Glebe Farm should not access Newport Road by a simple t- junction. Nor is there any reason why a slip road access cannot be made onto the A421 alongside one of the redway access points. This would give residents of the estate three possible exits onto the main highways instead of two.

We would sincerely hope that no decision is made on this reserve matters application until Woburn Sands Town Council has had a meeting with the interim head of Highways and Andy Swanell in order that the whole matter of access points onto Newport Road can be discussed. We are urgently seeking this meeting with the relevant persons.

A3.23 Parks Trust Noted and discussed in paragraph 5.6 The Parks Trust is concerned that the layout of the The principles for the aesthetics and ecological value of detention basins 3, 3a and 3b does not accord and is these elements of the site will be established within the incompatible with the description of the ‘Northern Wetland Design Code. Park’ given in the Design and Access Statement (DAS) submitted with Planning Application 13/02382/OUTEIS. In paragraphs 17.3 & 17.4 of the DAS, the Northern Wetland Park (NWP) is described as ‘harnessing’ the attenuation features “to provide ecologically and aesthetically valuable wetlands, aquatic planting, and water entering Glebe Farm and Eagle Farm South. Residents pass over the bodies of water on causeways creating a distinct entrance feel. To the southern edge of the attenuation features is an attractive boulevard that overlooks the water and links into the wider Milton Keynes network of Redways”. This description is illustrated by Figure 17.2 which is a landscape vignette showing features such as bands of reed planting and photograph images showing strong landscape character links between built environment and water features. In contrast to this description, the General Arrangement drawing submitted with application 15/01025/REM shows most of the NWP space taken up by uniform, utilitarian- shaped attenuation basins that do not appear to lend themselves to meeting the description cited above, either ecologically or aesthetically. The NWP has been badged as a major strategic multi-functional feature in this development and further demonstration is needed at this stage that the ecological, aesthetic and access functions and objectives for the space will be met by the proposed drainage design. Whilst we do not wish to object to this application per se, we are concerned that the drainage infrastructure design as submitted lacks sufficient consideration of the other objectives and functions vaunted for this space and we urge the planning authority to request that further design information be provided for assessment at this stage to demonstrate how the design of the drainage system is consistent and compatible with the multifunctional objectives and description of the NWP cited in the Design and Access Statement for 13/02382/OUTEIS.

A3.24 Parish - Bow Brickhill Noted No comment

A3.25 Aspley Guise Parish Council No response received

A3.26 Local Residents The occupiers of the following properties were notified of the application: 1-9 St Marys Close Wavendon Glebe Farm Newport Road Wavendon Wavendon Golf Centre Lower End Road Wavendon Warehouse At The Gables 1 Lower End Road The Gables 1 Lower End Road Wavendon 4, 2A, 2, 1 Cross End Wavendon Drive Car Hire And Van Rental, Wavendon Service Area, Newport Road Ground Floor Office The Gables 1 Lower End Road First Floor The Gables 1 Lower End Road Solus Drive Ltd, Wavendon Service Area, Newport Road John Lewis Distribution Centre, Fen Street, Magna Park Wavendon Service Area, Newport Road, Wavendon In N Out Services Ltd, Wavendon Service Area, Newport Road Grafton Motorcycle, Wavendon Service Area, Newport Road Bp Filling Station, Wavendon Service Area, Newport Road The Wavendon Arms, 2 Newport Road, Wavendon 27- 35 (odd), 23, 21, 9-17 (odd) Walton Road Wavendon 4-10 (even) The Grove Newport Road Wavendon 12-36 (even) Newport Road, Wavendon 1-7 (odd) Walton Road, Wavendon 48-52 (even) Walton Road, Wavendon 5 Phoebe Lane Wavendon Milton Keynes The Chapel, Walton Road, Wavendon The Barn, Walton Road, Wavendon Stables Cottage, Walton Road, Wavendon Little Oak Community Nursery, Walton Road, Wavendon St Marys Wavendon C E Primary School, Walton Road, Wavendon Church Farm, Walton Road, Wavendon 70-80 Walton Road, Wavendon 54- 66 (even) Walton Road, Wavendon 37-43 (odd) Walton Road Wavendon Stockwell House 1 Stockwell Lane Wavendon 1- 10 Phoebe Lane Wavendon 1-20 Church End Wavendon Wavendon Community Centre Walton Road Wavendon 1-18 Wavendon Fields Wavendon Milton Keynes Frosts Landscape Construction Newport Road Wavendon Asquith Nurseries Newport Road Wavendon 1-45 (odd) Newport Road Wavendon South Lodge 33 Cross End Wavendon South Lodge Boutique South Lodge 33 Cross End Storage Land And Premises Newport Road Wavendon 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10A, 12, 14, 18 Cross End Wavendon Park Farm Lower End Road Wavendon Park Farm House Lower End Road Wavendon Park Farm Cottage Lower End Road Wavendon Unit B Xi Centre Kingston Gateway Whitehall Avenue Former Office World Harding Road Brinklow 1-40 Wavendon House Drive Wavendon Milton Keynes The Wavendon Swim Centre Lodge Farm Lower End Road 6 Schumann Close Browns Wood Milton Keynes River Island Distribution Centre Fen Street Magna Park Wavendon Rectory Walton Road Wavendon St Marys Church Walton Road Wavendon 2-6 (even) Walton Road Wavendon The Stables Stockwell Lane Wavendon Schubert House 4 Stockwell Lane Wavendon The Old Rectory Cottage 3B Stockwell Lane Wavendon The Old Rectory 3 Stockwell Lane Wavendon Seven Gables 2 Stockwell Lane Wavendon 10-15 St Marys Close Wavendon Milton Keynes On Behalf of Merton College,University of Oxford And Wavendon Residential Properties LLP Denton UKMEA LLP Pavilion 1300 Silbury Boulevard Campbell Park Milton Keynes By E-mail Only By E-mail Only By Email Only On Behalf of Wavendon Residential Properties LLP And Merton College David Lock Associates By Email Only Edwardofeltham C/o Terence O'Rourke 3 Whitcomb Street London

A3.27 10 third party responses have been received which raised the following:

A3.28 Concerns that the proposals do not adequately future proof Discussed in paragraph 5.3 the grid roads for future expansion, the 64 metre reserve corridor is supported but it is unclear how east-west crossing of the dualled grid road will work. Vehicle and pedestrian crossings should be considered now so all parties understand the options. Crossings should not be at grade.

A3.29 The application shows a redway crossing at grade to the Noted north of the site near to the A421 there is no detail of how this will be future proofed.

A3.30 The geometry of the local distributor road does not allow for Noted the grid road’s possible extension to Lower End Road. There is no detail as to how the distributor road crossing would be made by vehicles or cyclists/pedestrians. The plan does not include underpasses or bridges, whilst a fully designed scheme is not expected it is in all parties interest to understand that a fully dualled grid road can be put in place.

A3.31 It is unclear if Fen Farm roundabout is future proofed for Noted dualling.

A3.32 Newport Road cannot handle a vehicle access for a The principle of the access onto Newport Road was agreed development of this size. The vehicle access for this site within the outline application. should be on the A421. The road through Wavendon is already a rat run and is unsuitable for additional traffic.

A3.33 I understood that MKC had returned to the original MK Noted this application does not propose the remove of the Development Corporation vision of installing screening hedgerow on Lower End Road. between key roads and developments that would prevent the development being seen from the road. Under no circumstances should frontage development be allowed as in Broughton. Retention of hedgerows and boundaries to the site is important both so that the aesthetic of the new development fits in with the ethos of Milton Keynes and also to help keep the greenery around existing villages. I would strongly object to existing trees and hedgerows being cut down.

A3.34 There must be no access onto Lower End Road this would This application does not propose an access onto Lower be hazardous for cycle route 51. End Road.