Annual Report Annual Report

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Annual Report Annual Report The Spastic Centre The Spastic Centre Annual ReportAnnual Report 2008 2008 Thank you The Spastic Centre gratefully acknowledges the support of all those who donated in many ways - from the smallest coin to the largest cheque. We appreciate the support we receive and extend our heartfelt thanks to all our many donors and sponsors. Listed on our website are those who donated and sponsored The Spastic Centre throughout 2007-2008. The Spastic Centre For people with cerebral palsy Building Futures Mission Statement THE SPASTIC CENTRE ● 2008 ANNUAL REPORT | 1 Contents Report by the President and CEO ..........................................3 Highlights of 2007-2008 .....................................................4 Directors’ Report ................................................................6 Lead Auditor’s Independence Declaration ..........................10 Directors’ Declaration .........................................................11 Declaration by Chief Executive Officer ...............................11 Independent Audit Report ...................................................13 Balance Sheets ..................................................................14 Income Statements ............................................................15 Statements of Changes in Equity .......................................16 Cash Flow Statements .......................................................17 Financial Notes ..................................................................18 THE SPASTIC CENTRE OF NEW SOUTH WALES ABN 45 000 062 288 The 61st Annual General Meeting of The Spastic Centre will be held at 4:30pm on Wednesday 19 November 2008 at The Spastic Centre Head Office Terrey Hills, 321 Mona Vale Road, Terrey Hills NSW. All members are entitled to attend and are cordially invited to do so. REGISTERED OFFICE CP HELPLINE BANKERS AUDITORS 321 Mona Vale Road T 1300 30 29 25 Commonwealth Bank of Australia KPMG Terrey Hills NSW 2084 E [email protected] 48 Martin Place, The KPMG Centre, PO Box 184, Brookvale Sydney NSW 2000 10 Shelley Street, NSW 2100 Sydney NSW 2000 T (02) 9479 7200 F (02) 9479 7291 E [email protected] W 2 | THE SPASTIC CENTRE ● 2008 ANNUAL REPORT THE SPASTIC CENTRE ● 2008 ANNUAL REPORT | 3 Report by the President and CEO This year our founder, Neil McLeod, would Quality of life for people with a disability can had a firm conviction that research would find have celebrated his 100th birthday. Such an be much enhanced through facilitating access solutions. We believe that he would have given anniversary gives us cause to reflect on what to mobility and communication equipment. his wholehearted endorsement to our efforts Neil McLeod and his wife Audrie would have The Macquarie Group Foundation and the to push the boundaries of our engagement thought of our focus and achievements today. NSW State Government together significantly in research through The Cerebral Palsy boosted our capacity to meet more of this Foundation and The Cerebral Palsy Institute. We hope that our members, government funders, need. The Macquarie Group Foundation’s We were honoured that The CP Institute corporate donors, supporters and volunteers annual 20/twenty Challenge, which raises was appointed custodian and manager of feel that we continue to honour the mission of funds for children’s equipment, boasted a the Australian CP Register, an important our pioneering founders. Ever mindful of the record number of competitors. repository of data for furthering international responsibility of our stewardship, we present the research. Our visionary corporate supporter, Further afield in our International Program, Annual Report of the activities of the organisation the Macquarie Group Foundation has invested we were delighted to be present for the first for the financial year 2007-2008. in a professorial position of a Macquarie Group graduation of Community Rehabilitation Foundation Chair of Cerebral Palsy. We look Our focus in this period has struck a balance Assistants in Fiji who have received practical forward to significant research advances between consolidation and strong growth. In and theoretical training from Spastic Centre coming from these initiatives. Our International December 2007, The Spastic Centre Head staff. In a partnership with AusAID, this ground CP Conference in early 2009 will spotlight Office was destroyed by a devastating fire. breaking initiative has successfully found local The Cerebral Palsy Institute as a centre of Whilst we were fortunate that there was only solutions to disability issues. In the future, the excellence in global cerebral palsy research. a limited impact on services to clients and Fiji School of Medicine will deliver the program families, our staff and our organisational to participants from across the Asia-Pacific A driving force behind these research initiatives infrastructure were significantly affected. Region, ensuring its sustainability. has been the collective engagement of the Governors of The Cerebral Palsy Foundation, Our sincere thanks go to the many loyal The confidence of our outward focus has been under the able chairmanship of Mr Bill supporters and staff who assisted us during underpinned by a solid financial performance, Bartlett. We thank Bill and his Council for their this challenging period. We are pleased to recording a surplus of just under $3 million. dedication and focused energy. report that all Head Office functions are now Total income for The Centre was almost $65 restored, operating from rented premises million, the highest yet in the history of The Special thanks also to our Goodwill Ambassador, in Terrey Hills. Meanwhile, plans for the Spastic Centre. Expenditure on direct services The Hon. John Dowd AO and to The Hon. redevelopment of the site at Allambie Heights for children, adults and their families was Margaret Reid AO, our ACT patron, for their are well advanced. $42.1 million compared to $38.9 million in the tireless encouragement and wisdom. previous period. While we put our house back in order, the We thank our individual and our corporate driving force of our Strategic Plan 2007-2010 Government funding increased by $4.5 supporters whose generosity continues to continued unabated. We were able to push million this year, largely due to annual strengthen our services and extend our reach forward with the upgrading of our facilities. indexation and the receipt of $3 million from and diversity. Increasingly our corporate We proudly opened the Mittiga Centre at the NSW Department of Ageing, Disability and donors enhance their engagement through Kingswood, the culmination of a partnership Home Care (DADHC) funding in advance. volunteering, extending the depth of their with the University of Western Sydney. Joey Additionally, the Cerebral Palsy Foundation partnership and their understanding. received $995,000 in donations for the year, Mittiga and his family are cherished, loyal To our clients, families and our staff who are at with a further $3,000,000 in pledges for future supporters of The Spastic Centre. Services for the core of The Spastic Centre community, we years. We salute our donors’ generosity and families in south east Sydney were enhanced express our appreciation for your loyal support for sharing our dream of a future without through the opening of our centre at Penshurst. on so many levels. The Hon. Kristina Keneally MP, Minister for cerebral palsy. We also thank our government funders, Ageing, Minister for Disability Services opened Fundraising again had a great year with notably, the Australian Federal Government’s our upgraded and extended Stuart Centre and the total income of $14.8 million being $1.5 Department of Families, Housing, Community also our Sargents Kids Quarters in Dubbo, million up on last year. Sargents Charitable Services and Indigenous Affairs, Department serving the Orana/Far West Region. We Foundation donated $1.35 million towards our of Education, Employment and Workplace thank Mr Ian Allen and the Board of Sargents rural programs. Income from bequests was Relations and the NSW State Government’s Charitable Foundation for their outstanding strong with $1.949 million being received. support for families in rural NSW. Department of Ageing, Disability and Home The Board has again agreed that $1.124 Care, Department of Health and Department Many of our new and upgraded facilities provide million from the surplus be applied to continue of Education and Training. an enhancement to our therapy services. to support the initiatives identified in the In particular, we express appreciation to the Balancing a therapeutic focus with the need to Strategic Plan. This includes refurbishment of address other life goals and interests, we were NSW Government for its Stronger Together Venee Burges House, increased adult therapy initiative which is bringing tangible benefits delighted to launch the Sportfitz Program, made services, increased respite and recreational possible through a generous donation from to people with a disability and their families programs. This $1.124 million is additional to across the state. Aristocrat. This exciting program strengthens the approved budget for 2008-2009. self-esteem and social connections, as well We also acknowledge the talented Executive as muscles. Sportfitz marks the beginning As part of CP Australia, The Spastic Centre Management team of The Centre and their of our expanded reach into sport, recreation commissioned
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