Let’s Gather our Voices, Join our Prayers

Open Our Hearts Together We Will Break Through the Gates of Shemayim B’H

For your Refuah Shleimah, Brucha Elka Bat Zlata, I send you waves of Healin Blessings and Golden Light with love – Joy Krauthammer

May the happiness of this minyan be instilled in all aspects of life. May Hashem answer all our prayers for the good and may we realize that the answers are good, even if we don’t understand it yet. And may all the Jewish children be blessed with goodness and the sweetest and most understanding parents… May Hashen bring peace to the entire world and may no one be lonely again and only full of happiness. Peace and safety to Eretz Yisrael and to everywhere. Continued and growing success at Darko Learning Academy. Our prayers go out to everyone for gratitude in appreciating all of life, every moment with everyone we meet. May HaShem instill the spirit of achdus and love for every Jew in the hearts of all! May HaShem bring an end to hatred and intolerance across the world. May we each be able to seize the moment to reveal Hashem’s presence in the world. May our dreams for our children come to fruition, and may we find peace in ourselves and in our world.

A G’bencht, G’zunta Zisa Yor! Mazel ‘n’ Glik. We should have peace in the world! Rivka Bas Malka Mearl for a Refuah Shleimah (from Cancer) Zie G’bench Mit Gita Frantn Be able to go on trips. My building should be protected Bless me with good health - Pearl Lowenthal (Devashe Peril bas Devorah)

Health, happiness and prosperity and the inspiration to compose beautiful poems – Happy Minyan’s poet laureate, Leon (Aryeh ben Yetta)

May HaShem bring us Moshiach and Techiyat HaMeitim so we can all be happily reunited with our loved ones who have passed. A complete refuah shlema for my father, Alexander Ben Miriam. A complete refuah shlema for my mother, Yudit Bat Ester. A complete refuah shlema for our planet. May hashem bless the planet and all life on the planet so we can continue to praise Hashem l’dor vador for many many generations to come.

May Hashem bless Israel and protect her from her neighbors. May we see the time of Mashiach Ben David speedily in our days. Please bless Michal Bat Rinat with many beautiful healthy children. Please bless my friend, Benson with a hottie hot Jewish wife ASAP. Please bless my friend Chanie Kravitz with a complete refuah shlema.

Please pray for Refua Shlema to: Yuval Eliyahu Ben Susan, Harav Rephael Noam Meir Ben Chana, Eden Bat Osnat, Liad Ben Rinat, Eitan Ben , Shula Bat Sarah, Mazal Bat Mina, Azizi Ben Turkia, Shaul Meir Yitzhak Ben Devorah Yael, Rabbi Yisrael Shalom Yosef Ben Devorah Sarah. Easy birth to Dorit Bat Sima.

May HaShem give us all limitless clarity so that we may embark upon true journeys of soul transformation and may we move beyond all false prisons of illusion and unveil the unity of our Maker. May HaShem grant us all a hope in Mashiach that is a secure anchor for the soul. When we seek, may we find. When we ask, be answered; when we knock, the door may be opened. That we may possess our full inheritance – Judea, Samaria, and the land beyond the river. That HaShem would make even our enemies to be at peace with us; that we would be the nation of kings and priests and the goyim would desire to be joined in mazel to the commonwealth of Israel.

Full refuah shlemah and excellent mazel for Laurie, Joel, Jared, Alex, Jay, and other “houseless” sojourning Jews in WLA.

Refua shlema to Gyorah ben Malka. Thank you for bringing Moshav Band to us. Keep up being the happiest minyan in town! - Your Audience 

Please pray for peace in Israel, the Holy Land, in Yerushaylim Ir HaKodesh, for Jews all over the World, for One Love for the Human Race. True love. True faith. True Torah. Peace in the Home. Peace in the World. Moshiach Now!

Refuah Shleyma for Ed Orshan. May my davening at happy minyan rise higher and higher in shamayim - Ary Epstein. Please Hashem, with all Your goodness and benevolence, give me only what will allow me to grow and become my best self. Everything that You give is true and right. Please, first and foremost, I daven for the complete refuah of my father, Shraga Feivel ben Rochel. He has been through so much and endured so many of Your tests. Please, from the infinite depths of Your kindness and the overwhelming love that You possess for every one of Your people, please give him some ease of living, a glimmer of hope in his future, something that will eternally brighten his life, just as he brightens everyone he touches. And I know that I have my own tests and that I may not be doing my best, but I do try and I really do need a push, a helping hand, something to latch myself onto that will give me a meaning to live my life as. Bless me, please, too.

Refuah Shelemah for: Yosef Aaron Chaim ben Chana, Rachameil ben Chana, Reuven Rafael ben Chana. Nechama Basha bat Gittel Yenta. For all of HaShem’s love and support to Yosef ha Levi ben Tziporah Batyia. Natan David ha Levi ben Tziporah Batyia. Tziporah Batyia bat Nechama Basha, all of the Levi Family, Abrams Family.

Love and blessings to all my sweetest friends at the Happy Minyan here and in Israel. We love and miss you Rebbi Shlomo Katz and Rabbi Meir Sabo! Come visit LA with your families soon. Peace to Israel.

May we have a year of learning and inspiration, filled with health, friendship, blessings, love and happiness.

Refua Shlema for Rabbi Merle E Singer and Matthew Greenstein

That I find my bashert, and that I’ll be open enough to recognize him when he is beside me.

My name is Marlayne Cohen & on 7-22-15 my apartment went on fire , my sweet dog Khloe died from the smoke inhalation, everything was destroyed... I pray that my unit will be repaired soon & may this New Year bring much happiness & soothe my grieving, This is very hard for me, a very big loss.

We pray for the health of our family and friends. We pray those who want to meet their beshert will have their eyes open to see them and for children following in the ways of Torah. We pray the Happy Minyan will have the funds to spread the light of Torah and Judaism throughout the community and the world. We pray for peace within, between each other, in Israel, and throughout the world.

I pray that Jews around the world come together to love each other and that we stay united and connected despite our differences to bring the redemption sweetly and quickly.

Refuah Sheleima for Shulamis Leah bas Dina Malka and Dina Malka bas Chaya Matal. Refuah Sheleima for Duvid Lazar ben Cynthia Renee

For all my children and grandchildren to have full and wonderful lives, filled with health, great shiduchum, a safe world to live in. Everyday they should feel that they have done something important and worthwhile.

May HaShem bless me with lots of parnasah, health, inspiration and success in my work, and to find my real basherit. May I inspire all my kids and along beautifully with all of them.

May HaShem bless my children to grow up in the ways of Torah, Chupa, & Maasim Tovim with Yiras Shamayim, Chassidus & Simchas Nefesh: Laivy Yitzhak Bas Tahlia Rachel, Shalom Dovber ben Tahlia Rachel, Menachem Mendel ben Tahlia Rachel May HaShem bless me to marry a Zivug Hagun and have more children asap. May the Happy Minayn and all Jewish life in LA thrive abundantly. May HaShem help all of the Yidden in LA and all over with financial struggles, marital challenges, family difficulties and any other hardships to have a sweet blessed year. May we greet Moshaich speedily in our days. Tahlia Rachel Bas Miriam Roiza

May HaShem bless my children and I: Sarah Rivka bas Fruma, Shaina Bracha bas Sarah Rivka, Chaya Mushka bas Sarah Rivka, Reuven Moshe Tzvi ben Sarah Rivka, Menachem Mendel ben Sarah Rivka, son in law Yaacov Yehuda ben Chana Adle, with health, happiness, success, love and joy in Torah and mitzvas, chassidshe medos, peace, love and understanding of one and other. May we merit Moshiach’s imminent arrival in the most nearest moments, May all those who need their Beshert, who need Refua, who need Parnasa, who need Shalom, be blessed revealed and in abundance.

Dovid Yitzhak ben Sara Chaya, Hudis bas Basha, Moshe Chaim ben Hudis, Sara Chaya bas Hudis, Menachem Mendel ben Hudis, Talia Gittel bas Hudis – to really be alive for real this year. To be worthy of Hashem’s dreams for us and to be blessed with life, health, Torah, mitzvahs, parnosah tovah b’koved along with the whole Minyan, and all of Israel.

May this be the last year one human being raises their fist or any other limb in order to hurt another human being. May this be the year we learn to live at peace with one another – Duvid Swirsky

I am the luckiest person in the world to have the privilege to lead the davening with you here at Happy Minyan. You are all so amazing - I love you!!! May we continue to carry each other with the gift of love and prayer which our Rebbe, Reb Shlomo Carlebach gave us! May I continue to fall more and more in love with my soul mate. May my children only have peace between them. May we all achieve our highest potential and reap the fruit in the most revealed way this year! - Yehudah Solomon

Refuah Shleimah for Shlomo Zalman ben Gittel, Barbara bat Celia, Rochel bat Nettie, Rivka bat Sarah. Rivi, and all my friends, and all those in klal Yisrael, who need to find their true zivugim should do so this year with clarity and ease!! Those friends and others in klal Yisrael who want children should have happy and healthy children this year!!! Our family and our friends and those in our community who need parnassa should have abundant obvious blessings. May our son, Tuvia Moshe, continue with his Torah studies, his love of Hashem, and his holy connection to the Happy Minyan. And may we all greet Moshiach this year!! See you in Yerushalayim!!

Refuah Shlema for Azriel Yoel ben Batsheva. Refuah Shlema for Malka Goldie bat Saraleh.

Refuah Shlema/healing on all levels for Yonatan ben Malka (Jonathan Pollard). May HaShem bless him with freedom of body, mind and spirit in Eretz HaKodesh. Refuah Shlema, renewed strength and openings for Leah bat Alegre recovering from a traumatic accident. Please send shidduchim, children, prosperity, parnasah and abundance and health and healing to: Rivka Alma bat Sarah, Leah bat Alegre and all seeking these blessings in their lives. Please bless us all with growth in Torah, closeness to Borei Olam and elevated creativity, clarity and strength to all seeking to share their gifts with the world and fulfill their mission in this lifetime. May we dance together in the Happiest Minyan at the Beis HaMikdash this year with the coming of Moshiach!

May Hashem bless Elana Bracha Ahuvah bas Chaya Tzivia with good health and bring her closer to Hashem. Bless Sager to come closer to Hashem. Bless all of our children with good health, parnassa and much joy for Dovid Moshe ben Chaya Tzivia, Aviva bat Sheva bas Chaya Tzivia and Elana Bracha Ahuvah bas Chaya Tzivia, Seraha Mishka bas Aviva Bat Sheva and Eliyahu Dov Ber Jacov ben Devorah . Thank Hashem for a wonderful year and putting Chaya Tzivia and Hanoch Meyer together forever and bless us with good health, parnassa and joy. Bless Eliyahu Dov Ber Yaakov with a safe year in Israel, and bless Ari with happiness.

Bless me (Adam) this year to focus and concretize my thoughts into writing. Bless me with the gift of communicating with others on their level, concisely and with truth. Bless my wife, Ashira Tova bas Meyer Hersh with the perseverance to realize and succeed in her goals. And bless Nesya Dodi Leora to love learning Torah and math and science and going to school at Hillel. She should meet new friends that can appreciate her holy beautiful neshama. Bless Ezra Avraham Divri ben Chasha and Lea Batya bat Chana Sarah (Cookie Strauss) with complete healing. Bless Avraham Etz Chaim ben Devorah and Ashira Tovah bat Tzvia Bayla to merit the great privilege of partnering with Hashem, this year, in the creation of another healthy child to birth into this world, to care for, to teach Torah to, to sing with, to dance with, to appreciate all of Hashem’s glory with, for Nesya Dodi Leora to have a sibling to share her life with. - Silver Mishpuchah

Bless me with completion and freedom, and for my Imma to be at my graduation ceremony this coming spring in good health. Tizkeh L’mitzvot and Gmar Chatima Tova! Much Love - Reb Mimi

For Tzvi Chaim ben Label and family: Torah. Refuah. Parnassah. May we all be where we're really supposed to be. A building for the minyan. Lots more of David's podcasts.

Clarity and guidance from Above for Shifra bat Raizel and Gedaliah ben Tzivia. May our path be clear, and the journey easy and smooth, and may we all be blessed with peace.

Yonatan ben Ziskind: Strength & determination in creating meaningful, positive changes. Great health, shalom bayit, parnassah. Great blessings for my family. Yaffa Yocheved Freyda bat B’era Shifra: Success in achieving personal goals, shalom bayit, parnassah, opportunity, wisdom to make the right choices for my children and family. Ezra Shalom ben Yaffa Yocheved Freyda: May he be blessed with spiritual growth, an open heart and mind, love & gratitude. Mayim Emuna Sigal bat Yaffa Yocheved Freyda: Great health, success in achieving milestones, joy and contentment. Blessing by Mordechai / Martin Kempe: May this year be different than all the rest. May Hashem bless your hands that all your blessings for each person should give that person the special amazing bless gift of Hashem to accomplishing miracles with great success. All those wanting to find happiness with a satisfied complete life with a wife, husband and children who are not married should be blessed to overcome any obstacle standing in their way of going for it, jump in like Nachshon and do it and find that partner who will help them in every step of the way of life and Hashem will bless you that you will accomplish that blessing and complete it. May anyone sick be blessed to find the cure, the doctor or the complete recovery with the direction of Hashem every step of the way. May the person who is married and wants a child so bad - may Hashem direct that couple to find the right solution to become pregnant and have that child. May the person needing to pay his debts and make a living, be blessed that through his hands he will find the way to make a good living and Hashem will bless him every step of the way not to rely on others but only angels that direct him and support him or her in the right direction always. May the person who is depressed and anxious find Hashem’s light within himself or herself and then become strong, and his eyes or her eyes will open to see the blessing and miracles which will surround him or her. May the person who needs to find love and support and true pure heart friends be blessed to find the way to find those people that will only be positive inspirations around him or her. May all people around the world who are running to find freedom, find a life of abundant joy and happiness. May Hashem bless every nation and culture to learn how to respect each other and have good eyes to only see the good and positive ways by working together, which hopefully can solve the hunger and poverty problems around the world and cures for diseases. May Hashem protect Israel forever and bring the Mashiach soon in our days.

Healing, Good Health and Well-Being for: Arie ben Sara Tovya, Devora bas Maita, Elana Bashua bas Rahel Mira, Gai ben Shoshana, Kol ben Sara Tovya, Maita bas Chaya, Maya bas Shoshana, Morasha Ariela bas Rahel Mira, Rahel Mira bas Chaya, Sara bas Channa Beila, Sara Tovya bas Rahel Mira, Sholom Meir ben Bina, Shoshana bas Sara, Sofiyah bas Devora, Tzvi v' Sara Borenstayn, Ya'akov ben Bina

Miriam Bat Yetta For Refua Shleima and Hadas Avital bat Miriam for a .

Refuah shlemah to Grateful Ed Orshan and a big Yesher Koach to him for all he has done for the Minyan. The best Shidduch for Arielle bat Mirielle! May the Neshamot of Jeff Mann, Reb Yedidah Blanton, Sam Werthman, David Shapell, Sharon Asher, Chuck Vernoff, Eli Boyer… all our loved ones who have passed, and all our ancestors in Heaven, soar and act as intercessors on High for peace to Bnei Yisrael and Eretz HaKodesh! We must pray for Israel! Comfort and good health during this difficult time of loss for Fagel bas Rachel and family, and for Yaakov Yosef ben Reb Yedidyah. The perfect Shidduch for Noam ben Ruth! Thank you HaShem for everything! Please bless us with Parnassa tova and the right place to live near school and shul!

Chava Rina bas Adi for refuah shelemah, Adi bas Ilana for children, Nechama bas Tzviah for refuah shelemah.

Refuah Shleimah for: Gavriel Nissim ben Tali Ilana, Nosson Tzvi ben Sarah Rivkah Kashtia, Yosaif Dovid Eliezer ben Sarah, Elimelech ben Basya, Rachmeal Yosef Yerachameal ben Marashal Rachel, Yisroel Noach ben Leora Daniela, Shimma Brucha bas Malka.

We wish you all a Gmar Chatima Tova. I look forward to seeing you in the near future. Rav Shalom Brodt, Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo – כל טוב באהבה ובברכה Wishing you all the best b'ezrat Hashem

Miriam Itah bas Rivka and Chaim Peretz haLevi ben Miriam Devorah - We ask for tifilos for: Continued good health, growth, joy, and succes for our son, Yitzchak Eliezer Shalom; daughter, Gavriella; parents, Zev haLevi ben Enya and Miriam Devorah bas Raizy. Parnassa, Success, Shalom Bayis, Shalom and Briyut for Klal Yisroel, and a permanent home for the Happy Minyan!

Chaim Yosef ben Menachem Mendel and Tzipporah bat Aryeh: happiness, health, abundant parnassa, shalom bayis, nachas from their children, strong Torah learning and closeness to HaShem I pray that my children Yitzchak Daniel ben Chaim Yosef and Tzippora, Tova Yitte Gittel bat Chaim Yosef and Tzippora and Ariela Chana bat Chaim Yosef and Tzippora all find their true paths in the world in the easiest and safest way possible. And at the right time find their soulmates and live happy, healthy lives!

Bentzion Daivd Ben Chaim Yitzhak and Devorah – praying for the honor of inviting you all to my wedding and marriage to my true beshert this year!

Aidel Leah bas Chaya Sarah should find – and marry - her true beshert this year!

Shalom bayit, health, financial success for Etta Rachel bat Shmuel Lev and Chaim ben Boaz All my children should grow in mitzvot and Torah and find their soul mates and have wonderful children at the right time: Yael Gil, Leora Bat Sheva, Avital Devorah, and Pnina Keshet - Bnot Etta Rachel and Chaim

The Happy Minyan should continue to receive Hashem's blessings and everyone should dig deep and donate financially whatever they can to help our minyan grow and reach every single Jew in our community!

Yonat bat Sarah, Itzchak ben Odette, Leor ben Yonat, Shanee bat Yonat: complete spiritual and physical healing, parnassa & hatzlacha in all endeavors, clarity, wisdom, guidance, happiness, continued strength, closeness to Hashem and to each other, and love. Shanee bat Yonat: complete and speedy spiritual and physical healing; clarity and guidance, success with new life in Israel; happiness and gratitude; balance; self care; fun; renewed sense of discipline, persistence, and commitment, and less self criticism; clarity in relationships; to find her zivug this year; and strength in overcoming obstacles.

Sara Yiska bat Shaindl: zivugim for those seeking their life partner, parnassah for those seeking work that fulfills and rewards them, refuah shleimah for HaRav Simcha Leib Yosef Gad Ezra ben Shana Chana. Peace and forgiveness for all who are hurting, shalom bayit for all couples and spiritual and physical protection for all of the klal, especially our children. And of course, joy, love and expansion for every neshama!

Refuah Shleimah and much happiness for Shaul ben Sara

May HaShem bless Rachel Elana bas Gila Meira and Yehuda ben Shaindel Perel with peace in our home and our hearts, abundant parnassah, total health and healing, the vessels to receive Divine blessing, and the ability to inspire others and spread Torah and light to all we encounter. Send us continued blessings and success with doing and being all we need to best support and nurture: Yosef Yehoshua ben Rachel Elana, Refael Nechemia ben Rachel Elana and Shaul Mordechai ben Rachel Elana - may they give us much nachas, and may we only bring nachas to our family and community and really make a positive difference in the world. Yosef Yehoshua ben Rachel Elana: happiness, health and well-being on every level, Ahavas HaShem & Yiras HaShem, continued love of learning & success in learning in Eretz Yisroel, good friends, love of Shabbos & Torah, siyata d'shmaya in everything, peace of mind, marriage to his true beshert at the right time. Refael Nechemia ben Rachel Elana and Shaul Mordechai ben Rachel Elana: perfect health and growth and well-being, the ability to communicate and express themselves in a way that people understand and appreciate their beautiful minds and hearts, love of HaShem and Torah and mitzvos, and lots happiness! Aharon Zamir ben Gila Meira: health; parnassa; a holy Jewish wife; teshuva David Alexander ben Gila Meira: health; parnassa; a holy Jewish wife; teshuva Lisa bas Sofi: parnassa; shalom bayis, happiness & peace of mind Gila Meira bas Faiga Leah and Zev Zvi ben Baila: good health and complete healing; shalom bayis; teshuva; nachas from their children and grandchildren.

Bless Avraham ben Yaakov, Miriam bat Hensha Hinda, Ora bat Miram Aaron Simcha ben Miriam with Parnasa, good health, and holy righteous children. Also for all the people in the minyan that need their soulmates, let them be revealed this year! And good health for everyone and simcha every day! -Miriam and Jonathan Friedman

Bless Osnath-Chaya bath Pesia with health and parnassa – Asnata

Shmuel Tzvi ben Naftali Hertzka and Shoshana Shifra bas Chaya Rochel: good health, happiness, parnassa, happy marriage, success in all their creative endeavors, and fulfillment of all their heart’s desires for the best.

Aharon ben Tzvattal Gittel: health, parnassa, happiness, success, nachas from his children.

May Shana Yaffa bas Ahuva, Avraham ben Varda Bluma Roiza, Rya bas Devorah Leah, Devorah Leah bas Yocheved, Efrat Sara bas Ziporah, Shifra bas Raizel, Eliza Kochava bas Lida, Shira Chana bas Sara, and Yitzchok Aron ben Leah find their true soul mates!

Noach Ben Tzipah and Alexandra Bat Sarah Rivkah: health, parnassah, inner peace, insight, forgiveness, shalom bayis, deep connection to H”, nachas from our children - for us and our entire family.

Sarah Masha Bat Genesha and Natan ben Sonya: health, happiness, shalom bayit, nachat from their children, parnassah and success; good health and happiness and success and parnassah to Natan’s father Yisrael

Shalom bayit, parnasah, briut: Avigail bat Esther and Yitchak ben Miriam and Ariel bat Avigail

Our parents Chaya Reva bas Malka Eta, Shlomo Yosef ben Esther, Sara bat Chaya - should have nachas from their children and grandchildren, health, happiness and good mazal for 120 years. Chana bat Sara should have health, healing and happiness, shalom bayit, love and good mazal for 120 years. Our children - Ari Nachman Yehuda ben Chana, Tova Ahava Rivka bat Chana, Shira Malka Esther bat Chana - should continue to give us a lot of nachas, and we should give them a lot of nachas, they should grow in love of HaShem and Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael and have success in learning Torah and have many good friends. Our siblings - Avraham Chaim ben Chaya Riva, Sima Sara Golda bas Chaya Riva, Rut Simcha bat Sara, Avraham ben Sara - should have good health, happiness, success, shalom bayit and nachat from their children for 120 years. Yisroel ben Chaya Riva: good health, abundant parnassah, success in all his endeavors personally and for Klal Yisrael, shalom bayit, closeness to HaShem, happiness and good mazal for 120 years… and though we miss being with everyone in Los Angeles and would love to move back, may we all move together to Israel, with mashiach this year! – The Wax Family

R' ShlomoCarlebach ztz'l – The Future On Yom Kippur we are spending all day talking about the past. ‘I did this wrong, and I did this wrong', but you know something? It’s not true. The truth is that on Yom Kippur I’m telling G-d what I’m going to do better next year. I’m saying to G-d ‘Remember last year I did this wrong, watch out, this year I’m going to do it right’. I’m not talking about the past, I’m just telling G-d that this year He will be proud of me. Al Chet Shechatanu Lefanecha Belashon Hara. Last year I was talking Lashon Hara about somebody. Ribbono Shel Olam, this year You won’t believe it, You won’t recognize me.

R Shlomo Carlebach ztz'l -Awesome Days Rosh Hashonna and Yom Kippur are called Yamim Nora’im, the days of awe. It’s called 'Awesome Days' because it’s awesome to be close. It’s not awesome to love somebody but it’s awesome to be close. We are living in a world where a lot of people love each other, but close? No, because it’s awesome to be close, it is absolutely awesome.

There are many more good things to keep in mind & pray about now & always: Peace - Peace in Israel, World Peace, Inner Peace, Peace in our Homes Refuah Shelaimah: physical, emotional and spiritual healing for all people who are ill, for all the victims of terrorism (may HaShem save us), for all who have been hurt, estranged from or disillusioned by family or Judaism Parnassa: abundance for everyone, for families who struggle to send their children to Jewish day school, for the families of Israeli soldiers, for our Rabbis & Jewish community leaders & full time kollel students, our minyan Soulmates –those who haven’t found their soulmate should merit to find them, those who have found their soulmate should always be clear about their soulmates & in love Children: happy healthy holy children for all couples who yearn for them, children who are a source of joy and pride, Jewish children who love being Jews and strongly and proudly identify, love HaShem, study Torah and do mitzvos, and love Israel Shabbos: its sanctity should be respected, all Jews should experience it, the davening should be the highest, our Shabbos tables should be filled with lots guests, and the spirituality and inspiration we have should flow to others around us Yom Tov: we should all have the most beautiful sukkahs, lulav & esrog, dancing on Simchas Torah, menorahs, trees & fruits for Tu B’Shevat, Purim seudos, Pesach sedarim, matzah, Lag B’Omer bonfires, Shavuos learning… & Tisha B’Av should be a Yom Tov this year Torah Learning: those who are immersed in Torah study should be enlightened & bring merit to all of us, those who wish to learn Torah should have time & ability, the sincere baalei teshuva & righteous converts should learn with pleasantness all they need to know and be embraced with much love, teachers should be successful in conveying ideas & living them Israel: peace & safety for all our brothers & sisters in Israel, unity amongst all Jews Moshiach: we should merit our righteous redeemer who will lead us out of this exile (both exile on the individual level & the entire Jewish People as a whole) and we should return home to our Land, build the Bais HaMikdash & serve HaShem with the utmost joy! (Imagine the Happy Minyan singing & dancing in the Temple courtyard!)

May all our heartfelt prayers be answered for the good in a way we understand. May well all be written & sealed in the Book of Life, this year & always.