
City Trail City Trail map guar Explorer Trail St Davids City Centre Fish

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Voyages of S Quality Cottages Llanungar Caravan Penrhiw Priory Discovery & Camping meadow car park

SA62 6SA SA62 6SE SA62 6FG SA62 6PG SM 75374 25319 SM 75316 25307 SM 79211 24808 SM 74960 26102

Bug Brain Teaser Answer: Bug Brain Teaser Answer: Bug Brain Teaser Answer: Bug Brain Teaser Answer:

y d ande tige bu one bee ote fl ow b d h en r m iled mb H fo e on o d o a le - r v r t -t b y Key 16 m e a h 18 8 9 r b 17 d e i r G e m e e a fl

e o R y H Wild About St Davids C Daisybus Ramsey Island secret garden Accessible* Tourist Information Centre Perennial Nursery Gardens

SA62 6RF SA62 6RD SA62 6DB SA62 6NA SA62 6PY SM 75155 25286 SM 75160 25476 Purchase pollinator friendly plants here Parking SM 77562 29186 SM 83456 26867 SM 70665 23710

Bug Brain Teaser Answer: Bug Brain Teaser Answer: Bug Brain Teaser Answer: 18 Bonus Site** Public Toilets Bug Brain Teaser Answer: Bug Brain Teaser Answer: * The answer to the Bug Brain Teaser for any site without disabled access is not required in order to enter the prize draw. ** Boat crossing and landing fee applies for Ramsey Island. Therefore it is not essential to visit this site to complete the Trail. The answer to the Bug Brain Teaser for Ramsey Island is not required in order to enter the prize draw.

The Small Print The St Davids Pollinator Trail spotter guide has been The Pollinator Trail spotter guide and map are subject to copyright 2018. All rights reserved. Every designed by Charlotte Skeate in conjunction with The effort has been made to ensure that the information in The Pollinator Trails are accurate at the time Bug Farm. Scientific illustrations by Chris Shields. of printing. We cannot be held responsible for any unforeseen changes that interfere with finding the information boards and the Bug Brain Teasers. Helfa Have your sightings confirmed by an expert. Upload your photos to iRecord. Participants must accept full liability and are solely responsible for the safety of themselves and Beillwyr their party on The Pollinator Trails. We cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage to This helps support real scientific research. Thank you! property, or accident or injury to life or limb incurred whilst on either Trail.

@thebugfarmUK Example information board information Example @DrBeynonsBugFarm @thebugfarm pollinators! Make sure to put any rubbish in a bin or take it home with you. you. with home it take or bin a in rubbish any put to sure Make pollinators!

answer. Please respect the property and privacy of others, including the the including others, of privacy and property the respect Please answer.

road safely is more important than finding a board or a Bug Brain Teaser Teaser Brain Bug a or board a finding than important more is safely road

#StDPT #pollinatortrailart #StDPT You are responsible for the safety of yourself and your party. Crossing a a Crossing party. your and yourself of safety the for responsible are You

or the area in which it lives. Share them with us us with them Share lives. it which in area the or Take care Take

photographs or even draw a picture of your favourite pollinator pollinator favourite your of picture a draw even or photographs

Could you become an artist? Perhaps you could take your own own your take could you Perhaps artist? an become you Could

* The answer to the Bug Brain Teaser for any site without disabled access is not required to enter the prize draw. prize the enter to required not is access disabled without site any for Teaser Brain Bug the to answer The *

Farm, so they can verify your answers and enter you into the draw.* draw.* the into you enter and answers your verify can they so Farm, Artist (mixed media) (mixed Artist artist Glass

pollinator-trail for further details. Just return with your spotter guide to The Bug Bug The to guide spotter your with return Just details. further for pollinator-trail Carly Wilshere-Butler Wilshere-Butler Carly Boorman Melanie

and you can be entered into a prize draw. See www.thebugfarm.co.uk/ See draw. prize a into entered be can you and

Painter and photographer and Painter illustrator and Painter in this spotter guide. Collect all the answers for the City and/or Explorer Trails Trails Explorer and/or City the for answers the all Collect guide. spotter this in

Sarah Sharpe Sarah Evans Fran Make sure to find the answer the to Bug Brain Teaser at each site and record it it record and site each at Teaser Brain Bug to the answer the find to sure Make Life in the undergrowth can now be revealed! be now can undergrowth the in Life

But don’t give up, keep your eyes peeled eyes your keep up, give don’t But

Prize draw Prize

Painter artist Textile The boards may be hidden, the bugs even more even bugs the hidden, be may boards The

Pauline Beynon Pauline John Deborah The Pollinator Trail is a challenge for sure for challenge a is Trail Pollinator The


Find them all with the help of your maps! your of help the with all them Find

public opening hours - see The St Davids Pollinator Trail webpage: webpage: Trail Pollinator Davids St The see - hours opening public

Mosaic artist Mosaic Painter

simple ways in which you can help look after the wildlife that resides here. resides that wildlife the after look help can you which in ways simple

Paintings and pictures a sculpture perhaps sculpture a pictures and Paintings

it is completely up to you. Where applicable, please visit stations during during stations visit please applicable, Where you. to up completely is it

Maddie Janes Maddie Wimperis Clare

highlight some wonderful places to visit in St Davids and provide some some provide and Davids St in visit to places wonderful some highlight

Is a Welsh work of art, hip hip hooray! hip hip art, of work Welsh a Is the way! You can enjoy the Trails in a day, over a week or even a year, year, a even or week a over day, a in Trails the enjoy can You way! the

insect pollinators and to help you learn more about them. We hope to to hope We them. about more learn you help to and pollinators insect

The fourth thing to spot on the Trail today Trail the on spot to thing fourth The the beautiful sights of St Davids and keep an eye out for wildlife along along wildlife for out eye an keep and Davids St of sights beautiful the

Painter and illustrator and Painter sculptor and Painter The St Davids Pollinator Trail is here to celebrate the wonderful world of of world wonderful the celebrate to here is Trail Pollinator Davids St The

and no time limit in which to complete the Trails. Just make sure to enjoy enjoy to sure make Just Trails. the complete to which in limit time no and Jackie Morris Jackie Webster Catrin Homes can be a tussock, wall or hedgerow. or wall tussock, a be can Homes

can use a traditional paper Ordnance Survey map. There is no set route route set no is There map. Survey Ordnance paper traditional a use can

Flowers are a favourite for dinner on the go the on dinner for favourite a are Flowers provide them with food, shelter and safe places to live. live. to places safe and shelter food, with them provide

references download the free Ordnance Survey app. Alternatively you you Alternatively app. Survey Ordnance free the download references Sculptor (metal) Sculptor (wood) Sculptor

Pollinator habitat is often under your feet your under often is habitat Pollinator

species are now in danger of extinction and they need your help to to help your need they and extinction of danger in now are species

Myles Mansfield Myles Hindmarsh Carolyn Postcodes and grid references are provided for each site. To use the grid grid the use To site. each for provided are references grid and Postcodes So where do they live and what do they eat? they do what and live they do where So process. However, many insect pollinators are in trouble! Over 250 250 trouble! Over in are pollinators insect many However, process.

Plan your route your Plan plant to produce seed and fruit. Much of the food we eat relies on this this on relies eat we food the of Much fruit. and seed produce to plant

But show themselves best on a nice sunny day. sunny nice a on best themselves show But

Insect pollinators move pollen from one plant to another, enabling the the enabling another, to plant one from pollen move pollinators Insect Pollinator Trail webpage www.thebugfarm.co.uk/pollinator-trail webpage Trail Pollinator

Pollinators are everywhere, sometimes hiding away hiding sometimes everywhere, are Pollinators

For more information about these artists and their work please see the the see please work their and artists these about information more For

Maybe butterflies, beetles or even a bee? a even or beetles butterflies, Maybe

businesses are thousands of small, but very important little creatures... little important very but small, of thousands are businesses possible to walk too! Just make sure you are prepared. prepared. are you sure make Just too! walk to possible

Now open your eyes, what bugs can you see? you can bugs what eyes, your open Now

meets conservation! meets here! Buzzing and fluttering amongst gardens, meadows, homes and and homes meadows, gardens, amongst fluttering and Buzzing here! peninsula. Most people will need a car or bike to complete this route but it is is it but route this complete to bike or car a need will people Most peninsula.

Answer the Brain Teaser and learn something new… something learn and Teaser Brain the Answer and science can help to inspire a wide range of people. Here, creativity creativity Here, people. of range wide a inspire to help can science and smallest city in the UK. But St Davids is not the only small thing around around thing small only the not is Davids St But UK. the in city smallest on foot. The Explorer Trail extends a little further across the St Davids Davids St the across further little a extends Trail Explorer The foot. on

Brimming with facts and a figure or two or figure a and facts with Brimming and influenced by the pollinator showcased at the site. This linking of art art of linking This site. the at showcased pollinator the by influenced and

Nestled within the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park is St Davids - the the - Davids St is Park National Coast Pembrokeshire the within Nestled

The City Trail is based within the centre of St Davids and can be completed completed be can and Davids St of centre the within based is Trail City The

All about a pollinator that should be adored be should that pollinator a about All of Welsh artwork. Each piece has been created especially for the Trail Trail the for especially created been has piece Each artwork. Welsh of

Choose your Trail: City, Explorer or both! or Explorer City, Trail: your Choose Pollinator Trail Pollinator

At each site on The Pollinator Trail, we are delighted to display a piece piece a display to delighted are we Trail, Pollinator The on site each At The first thing to spot is an information board information an is spot to thing first The

What’s on the Trail? the on What’s The St Davids St The Trail guidelines Trail Welsh works of art of works Welsh

Help insect pollinators Pollinators in Britain The power of pollinators! 1. Plant a pot with flowering plants In Britain there are... Look out for the RHS ‘Plants for Pollinators’ stamp. 2. Leave a ‘weedy patch’ in your garden Many butterflies will only lay their eggs on stinging nettle. 1500 Helfa 3. Mow your lawn less often! species of insect 1 in 3 Beillwyr pollinator Butterflies lay eggs in long grass while dandelions and mouthfuls of food we eat relies on clovers provide food for lots of bees and hoverflies. insect pollinators 4. Reduce use of pesticides and herbicides Many chemicals can harm pollinators. 220+ 24 1 5. Create a bee or ‘bug’ hotel species of solitary species of species of Without pollinating insects we wouldn’t This will provide nest sites for bees and homes for beetles. bee bumblebee honey bee have food and drink such as … Spotter Guide strawberries, In May 2018 St Davids 59 275+ 100+ & Map became the first species of species of species of beetle chocolate & coffee Bee Friendly City in . butterfly hoverfly pollinators

Check out Wales’ Action Plan for Pollinators webpage to see if you could make your school or business Bee Friendly too! Sadly our pollinating insects are in decline because Insect pollination in Britain is This project has been coordinated by Dr Beynon’s Bug Farm. It is part funded via the Welsh they haven’t got enough food or safe places to live. valued at up to Government’s Tourism Product Innovation Fund which aims to encourage new innovative product ideas working in partnership which will have a greater impact and attract more visitors. The Pollinator Trail has also been supported by Biodiversity Solutions. 97% 76% 66% £600 million These spotter guides are also available in Welsh. Download your copy from the of British wildflower of British butterflies of larger moths Pollinator Trail webpage: www.thebugfarm.co.uk/pollinator-trail meadows have been have declined in the have declined in These guides are printed on recycled paper with lost since the 1930’s last 40 years the last 40 years biodegradable inks. Please recycle after use. (that’s an area 1.5 x the size of Wales) If humans had to pollinate our crops by hand, it would cost us 250 British pollinators are in danger of extinction. £1.8 billion