Nordic Testing Days 2017

Just Enough JavaScript to be Dangerous

Alan Richardson "a combination of demonstrations, hands on exercises, and challenges to interact with, test and automate simple web applications, all from the browser"

twitter: @ eviltester

@EvilTester | 1 Blurb ‑ Q: How much JavaScript can you learn in just 2 hours? And in such a small amount of time what could you use it to do?

A: You can learn just enough to be dangerous, and you can use it to do things you're not supposed to do. And because we're learning this to improve our testing, that will all be just fine.

@EvilTester | 2 Blurb ‑ A "Testing Game" is...

To make things fun, some of the things we will do are:

interact with simple example games using JavaScript cheat in 'real' browser based games, e.g. infinite lives etc.

And to justify this to your boss, we will:Use real JavaScript applications, written in frameworks such as React and Angular, and manipulate them, and their data, from the browser console.

By doing this you will add a powerful, and incredibly underused, set of capabilities to your testing skill set.

All in only 2 hours. Prepare to move fast.

@EvilTester | 3 Blurb ‑ Requirements To take part:

you WILL need a laptop you WILL need an updated browser installed e.g. MS Edge, , Chrome. I recommend Chrome and it will be used in all the demos in the workshop, the basic techniques will work in any browser but if you are new to using JavaScript and Web Developer tools then you will find it easier to follow the instructions if you have Chrome installed. we WILL need an internet connection to the outside world ‑ but you don't have to worry about that

@EvilTester | 4 Mix of Skills Supported

I assume no knowledge If the content is new to you then follow the demos and examples If you already know a section then use the 'games list' to experiment Please be considerate of others: in a demo/lecture/debrief section no talking to neighbour, do engage with the group if you know something, share it with the group if you learned something, share it with the group Questions? Ask ‑ someone else may want to know too

@EvilTester | 5 Content Overview

learn how to tactically automate from Dev Tools console with JavaScript learn how to observe, interrogate and manipulate the DOM learn basics of JavaScript learn basics of Dev Tools

@EvilTester | 6 Slides and Handouts and

Also on the bottom of every slide.

@EvilTester | 7 An Intro Demo


Z‑Type online A typing Game Bot is advanced but at the end of this workshop you should understand it you might need more practice to be able to write it

@EvilTester | 8 A Z‑Type Bot

var zTypeBotAlphaChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var zTypeBotCharToType = 0; ztypebot = setInterval(function() { zTypeBotAlphaChars.charAt(zTypeBotCharToType)); zTypeBotCharToType = (zTypeBotCharToType +1)%26; } , 100);

Above bot is very crude but can play the game.


@EvilTester | 9 A Quick Demo of a Real App

Because this isn't just games Demo to show how automating from the console supports us as a tactic for interactive and exploratory testing

@EvilTester | 10 Create Some Data in the App

for (x = 0; x < 100; x++) { app.todos.create({ title: "todo ".concat(x), order: app.todos.nextOrder(), completed: false }) }

@EvilTester | 11 Delete Them All

for (x = app.todos.models.length ‐ 1; x >= 0; x‐‐) { app.todos.models[x].destroy() }

@EvilTester | 12 Demo Section

Hands off keyboards

Slide based demo section to provide an overview Explanation and Demo of Basic Concepts

We will have a hands on section after this Do ask questions as we go through

@EvilTester | 13 You Will See

Use of Browser Dev Tools HTML & DOM Interaction JavaScript Console Interaction Basics of JavaScript

After this, we will have a hands on guided walkthrough where you follow along.

@EvilTester | 14 About the Demo App

The Evil Tester Sloganizer zer. Single Page App Generates Random "Evil Tester" Slogans Periodically shows an 'ad' for Book "Dear Evil Tester"

@EvilTester | 15 Every Browser Allows Us To

View HTML Source Manipulate DOM Execute JavaScript

@EvilTester | 16 View Source

Raw, Unformatted The code sent from the server Might have syntax highlighting Might show syntax errors

@EvilTester | 17 'Inspect' to View the DOM

View the DOM How the HTML is interpreted See Styling

@EvilTester | 18 'Inspect' to Amend the DOM

Anything in the browser can be amended e.g. Change button text Amend Applied CSS styles e.g. "display:none" Edit HTML Blocks e.g. amend the ad

@EvilTester | 19 Other Dev Tools

'Console' view JavaScript errors, debug statements and execute JavaScript 'Sources' view all pages and source files used set breakpoints for JavaScript debugger 'Network' view Network traffic etc. Cookies, local storage

@EvilTester | 20 JavaScript Console

Any JavaScript Errors shown here Debug Messages shown here Can also execute arbitrary JavaScript changeSlogan()

@EvilTester | 21 HTML and JavaScript

Inspect button


see also Event Listeners

see also